[Assam] Unique Medical tie-up - Indian Caribean Univ for US doctoring

2007-10-10 Thread umesh sharma

AIM: to provide doctors to US - 
given that India's renowned  Manipal Univ is tying up with a remote Antigua (in 
West Indies) univ -- it seems Manipal might have started the Antigua univ.

Someone told me that even in US there are many tech univs which have Indian 
"shadow CEOs or controllers" since it seems a Western name or face makes the 
univ more marketable. As per info those from Andhra Pradesh are esp skilled in 
this - not far from Manipal  (near Bangalore)

any comments on what is possible in globalized world?


Umesh Sharma

Washington D.C. 

1-202-215-4328 [Cell]

Ed.M. - International Education Policy
Harvard Graduate School of Education,
Harvard University,
Class of 2005

http://www.uknow.gse.harvard.edu/index.html (Edu info)

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www.gse.harvard.edu/iep  (where the above 2 are used )

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[Assam] UN poll

2007-10-10 Thread chittaranjan pathak
**That should pretty much place those who are for Assam's continued 
servitude in a huge majority and thus pave the way for a plebiscite to put an 
end to the speculations, wouldn't it?*
  *IF you are for an end to the conflict, and ULFA agrees to abide by the 
verdict of the people, why do you invent excuses like that to avoid the 
plebiscite, unless you really do not believe what you profess, that the people 
don't want sovereignty?
  Mahanta da
  Just a small query based on your above two statements! You have been saying 
that plebiscite is a good idea and you claim (I hope I have the usage right 
this time) that ULFA will also abide by the results. I am not sure whether the 
plebiscite card being waved here-is it a genuine desire to know peoples mood or 
a ploy to dub Assam as a disputed territory before the world (as Ram da has 
indicated now and before)?
  Let us assume that the Indians grant your wish of UN supervised poll. Now 
tell us, will you as an Assamese allow another UN supervised poll in the north 
bank for NDFB’s Bodoland? In addition, some mini UN franchised polls in south 
bank, Barak valley, Hill district to give them an opportunity to decide whether 
they want to stay subservient to an independent nation ruled by Goswami, Gogoi 
and Gafoor. Some more micro-polls within the Bodoland for fulfilling the 
aspirations for Rajbonghis and within Assam for the Aadivasis? 
  Now you might say that I am racing ahead to muddle the situation. But is not 
the situation precisely going to be like that given what we have seen in last 
few decades:
  An Asom Sahita Sabha for greater Assamese society becomes one amongst some 20 
ethnic Sahitya Sabhas of Assam.
  An all-powerful Assamese AASU leads the way for numerous student 
organizations in the state.
  Similarly, Bodo/Dimasa/Karbi/Naga secessionists join an independent Asom 
seeker ULFA for the same piece of land.
  Now tell me if it is UN sponsored poll for your ULFA then why not more polls 
for the other mates? And where will it end?
  Have you not visualized this situation? Or is this UN plebiscite call is not 
for the actual results but is a strategy to use it as a stepping stone for some 
more turmoil.
  If this plebiscite business is a genuine effort on ULFA’s part to gauge the 
mood of people then why do you need to wait for an UN sponsored exercise? Why 
don't you ask an Assamese organization to conduct the exercise people’s mood? 
Or Why ULFA along with all the team mates (with whom aligns opportunistically 
to carry out the cleansing operations) or it’s over ground supporters do not 
conduct a “scientific” poll again assuming earlier poll with 5% “yes” never 
happened? Why do you people end up questioning the credibility of Assamese 
poll-sters? However, surprisingly you mention the organization in all humility 
will accept the results of a poll supervised UN in coordination with Deshi 
government. Is not it strange the organization and the supporters don’t have 
faith on the very people whose sovereignty aspirations they claim to espouse?
  Just to remind you again Mahanta da, the question was:
  Will you as an Assamese allow another UN supervised poll in the north bank 
for NDFB’s Bodoland, some mini UN franchised polls in south bank, Barak valley, 
Hill district, some more micro-polls within the Bodoland, Assam, Dimaraji, 
Nagalim, Kamatapur for the discontented lot within these sovereign territories?
  Chittaranjan Pathak

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Re: [Assam] Assam's Income and Expenditure

2007-10-10 Thread umesh sharma
for comparison "poor Country" Mexico's Per capita GDP is 8,000 per year and 
Saudi Arabia's is $12,000


mc mahant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:.hmmessage P { margin:0px; padding:0px 
} body.hmmessage { FONT-SIZE: 10pt; FONT-FAMILY:Tahoma }   Dilip,
 Best is to quote THE EXPERT- this time Chidambaram. 
 Ram forwarded to me  Chid's USA TV Show talk--where he said India's per-person 
 Some Minister claimed that Assamese are a pampered lot-live better "than the 
rest of us".
 Assuming the Assamese live as poor as "the rest"-- Assam's GDP is:
 @40/-x~3 Crores(within State ASSAM)=annual expenditure of Rs120,000 Crores or 
Rs 1.2 Trillion.
 As Assam produces nothing(Planning process precluded that-"-Not Viable") which 
Assam Consumes--all of Rs 1.2 Trillion is EXPENDITURE(99% IMPORTED from INDIA) 
@ 12+% interest daily Compounded!
 Got it?
 The rest is Elaboration by average school kids and excited assamnetters.
 Date: Wed, 10 Oct 2007 18:37:29 -0700
To: assam@assamnet.org
Subject: [Assam] Assam's Income and Expenditure

 Does anyone in this net know Assam's net money for a year to spend (local 
revenue to the state for the year and center's flowdown for the year including 
five year plan and grants) and how much gets spent? I couldn't get the numbers 
from the internet.
 Dilip Deka

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Umesh Sharma

Washington D.C. 

1-202-215-4328 [Cell]

Ed.M. - International Education Policy
Harvard Graduate School of Education,
Harvard University,
Class of 2005

http://www.uknow.gse.harvard.edu/index.html (Edu info)

http://hbswk.hbs.edu/ (Management Info)

www.gse.harvard.edu/iep  (where the above 2 are used )

 For ideas on reducing your carbon footprint visit Yahoo! For Good this month.___
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[Assam] The Manjunath Shanmugam Trust : Integrity Award

2007-10-10 Thread umesh sharma

Rajib-da Das, Utpal-da Brahma , Vivek-da Khemka (now at Harvard Ed School ) and 
other  IIM alumni among others might be interested.


Bhaskar Barua <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
From: "Bhaskar Barua" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Wed, 10 Oct 2007 06:07:16 -
Subject: [asom] The Manjunath Shanmugam Trust : Integrity Award

   Dear Sir/Madam,  
 I write to you on behalf of The Manjunath Shanmugam Trust (MST).
 The Manjunath Shanmugam Trust (MST) is an initiative of IIM alumni  
 across the world, who have joined hands to improve governance in 
 Indian public life. Manjunath Shanmugam was an IIML alumnus and an 
 IOCL Sales Manager, who was murdered on 19 November 2005 at 
 Lakhimpur Khiri, UP. Manjunath refused bribes and ignored threats to 
 fight oil adulteration. 
 On 19 November, 2006 - Manju's death anniversary, the trust 
 announced the Manjunath Shanmugam Integrity Award to honor and 
 encourage person/s or institutions who are working to uphold the 
 values of truth and honesty in Indian public life. The first 
 Integrity Award was presented by Mr. Narayana Murthy on 24th March 
 2007 to Prof. R.P. Singh, Vice Chancellor, Lucknow University.
 We invite nominations for the second Integrity Award to be presented 
 in February 2008.
 The award carries a cash prize of Rs 1 lakh and a citation.
 MST is looking at deserving candidates who have worked to rectify 
 corrupt practices in government,  public or corporate life.  
 The nominees are evaluated on the basis of 
 •The gravity of the situation - impact on society, 
 •The corrective action undertaken and 
 •The extent of difficulty faced by nominee in correcting the 
 The valid entries will be assessed by a panel of distinguished 
 jurors, drawn from the corporate sector as well as public life. 
 Nominations are being accepted now, with details and form available 
 on the MST's website www.manjunathshanmugamtrust.org 
 Indian Express Report: 
 The forms can be filled up by the nominee him/herself or by a third 
 party nominating the person.
 The Last date for receiving nominations is Nov 30, 2007
 I would be grateful if you can kindly help us get some nominations 
 Bhaskar Barua
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Umesh Sharma

Washington D.C. 

1-202-215-4328 [Cell]

Ed.M. - International Education Policy
Harvard Graduate School of Education,
Harvard University,
Class of 2005

http://www.uknow.gse.harvard.edu/index.html (Edu info)

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www.gse.harvard.edu/iep  (where the above 2 are used )


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Re: [Assam] reply to C Da who thinks i lost my voice.

2007-10-10 Thread Mridul Bhuyan
That's a good point of view and well said too.
  Mridul Bhuyan

biswajeet saikia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I am extremely sorry that out of my frustration, I have written such an 
abusive language to these gentlemen after hearing their point of argument for 
demanding freedom from Indian state. My point is very simple. We are not living 
in 1979, a closed under development cold war ridden economy. Presently we are a 
state where everything is opening up. The rationality of demand for 
independence becomes diluted over the time. In fact it is diluted across the 
world where globalisation reducing the concept of border and nationalism.
  In that very sense, if those member of PCG still arrogant over the one word 
issue, many have objection.
  i told in several times, I always emphasizes smaller state principles. if 
every community in north east receive a state within their respective majority 
areas, in my opinion it will definitely help to provide better economic 
development if economic issues control under a union.
   We have to think many alternate principles. As my information while many 
meetings in NSA of GOI, these PCG members not able to comprehend their 
arguments properly.
  So I would like to request them to do proper home work before presently their 
demand to elsewhere.

muktikam phukan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Very aptly put forth. In fact, I think Er M Mahanta introduced low cost 
hollow concrete structure houses in assam after coming back from USA.Late Shri 
Parag Das's residence is made with that tech.
  M. Phukan

Mridul Bhuyan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I thought this net is a gentlemen's forum. During my stint with this 
'Assamnet' for the last 7/8 years, hardly I have found the use of such 
languages. Those who are in the technical field, having some links with Assam, 
know Sri Mukul Mahanta is regarded in the technical faternity. I have known him 
personally for atleast 2/3 years. I have never seen a more practical Assamese 
Engineer like him. He is professionally a father figure in the engineering 
history of Assam. Political view points differ from person to person. Even if 
he is nobody, using such abusive language doesn't show one in good light.
  Mridul Bhuyan

biswajeet saikia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Yesterday, Utpal borpujari told me about these two figures( cda amd Mda!). 
In my wild dream i never thought ULFA appointed such a ruscal as PCG member to 
negotiate future freedom of Assam.
  after knowing their background, i am bit confused whether shoudl I further 
discuss over these topics. I decided why not I should invite them for a open 
meeting in any place in Delhi which is their desire with full security 
assurance to speak about their point of argument infromt of media, academician 
and other people.
  If they agree to come I will arrange everything. Atleast I want to hear fools 
desire before coming to conclusion.
  Let see  and wait how these figures response!

Nayanjyoti Medhi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

  On 10/10/07, SANDIP DUTTA <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Ok, got the 
meaning now.
  So are you Assamese (I know you are writing Phukan but...)

  - Original Message 
From: muktikam phukan < [EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: A Mailing list for people interested in Assam from around the world 

  Sent: Wednesday, October 10, 2007 10:31:32 AM
Subject: Re: [Assam] reply to C Da who thinks i lost my voice.

  Whats personal here -
  An Assamese eats "Khar"   So he is a kharkhowa
  A Bengali eats "Xukan fish"    So he is a drie dfish khowa

  I dont know you enough to get into personal attacks like you have done. 
If that was an attempt to make me mad, it was stupid to say the least. 
  But now its clear what culture YOU are coming from. Why not give up your plum 
PSU job and join the ranks of the shrill screaming mafia we have here? 

  - Original Message 
From: muktikam phukan < [EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: A Mailing list for people interested in Assam from around the world 

Sent: Wednesday, October 10, 2007 9:45:02 AM
Subject: Re: [Assam] reply to C Da who thinks i lost my voice.

Why do people talk to this person SD as "kharkhowa". He is a "Dried fish Khowa" 

SANDIP DUTTA <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:   >>>And is it good or bad for  
Kharkhowas  speaking  like that? 
  Does it matter whether its good or bad? Why should a new dialect be bad? And 
yes, it is the language of the young crowd spoken by many across India. 

  - Original Message 
From: Chan Mahanta < [EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: A Mailing list for people interested in Assam from around the world 

Sent: Wednesday, October 10, 2007 3:13:54 AM
Subject: Re: [Assam] reply to C Da who thinks i lost my voice.

  I still don't get it though. Does it mean  'they say '?


Re: [Assam] Autonomy

2007-10-10 Thread Ram Sarangapani

 >*** Best for WHAT?

Are we skipping around?. I said that  because I feel that IT MAY Be *a
to the present day instability in Assam and Assam not being able to take
full advantage of the many opportunities.

Unfotunately, the instability (real or imagined) does no good for investment
from outside, and companies like  Infosys are not eager to even hedge their
bets vis-a-vis Assam.

If greater autonomy can bring peace and stability, then its probably well
worth it.


On 10/10/07, Chan Mahanta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  >I like autonomy, because it is probably the best solution for Assam.
> *** Best for WHAT?
> At 6:46 PM -0500 10/10/07, Ram Sarangapani wrote:
> C'da,
> We seem to be going around in circles.
> >You and many others have  never admitted there is any problem, and
> implied that its disaffections are figments of some anti_Indian minds.
> I have* never* said Assam has NO PROBLEMS. In fact, its just the opposite,
> I have always said Assam is daunted by a number of problems.
> I have always been keen on autonomy for states, and not just Assam. I
> believe all states could benefit.
> The essence of all these years of debating with you and some others is
> that you seem to believe that problems in Assam are such
> that they can be solved only through complete independence, and that Assam
> will be better off than being with India.
> Further, all the problems in Assam somehow have their roots in Delhi.
> > implied that its disaffections are figments of some anti_Indian minds
> The other argument put forth (when deemed necessary) and which  I often
> hear is what I call the "instrinsic" argument.
> This basically states, that Assam is/was never a part of India, we are not
> Indians - no roots etc exists that may tie the two - and hence separation.
> But for all the clamor, we have yet to hear of a coherent and viable
> proposal of how Assam could exist outside the Union,
> what Assam's territorial area would be and more importantly why
> sovereignty is a MUST.
> I like autonomy, because it is probably the best solution for Assam. It is
> both practical and viable, and New Delhi may actually be willing to listen.
> Sovereignty, on the other hand seems like an illusion, a wishlist for
> some, a 'Xonor Oxom', and next to impossible to attain, IMHO.
> In any case, that is what I feel, and am not sure if there are any takers,
> but there you have it.
> --Ram
> On 10/10/07,* Chan Mahanta* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I asked the question Ram, to see WHAT, in your mind is the problem with
> Assam, for which AUTONOMY is the solution.
> You and many others have  never admitted there is any problem, and implied
> that its disaffections are figments of some anti_Indian minds.  Are you
> suggesting there is something the matter ? If it is, what is it as far as
> you can see it?  Once you articulate that, then we can examine if the
> solution you propose has any merit.
> At 4:01 PM -0600 10/10/07, Ram Sarangapani wrote:
> C'da,
> I remember, several years ago, you were also interested in autonomy. But
> in any case, thats only my suggestion,
> it is entirely up to the people in Assam to decide from a myraid of
> suggestions.
> To me, autonomy would mean Assam having more control over its resources,
> and a greater say so in a number of different areas. A few aspects like
> national defense,
> monetary/fiscal policy, international issues could be with the center.
> >Why would the people of Assam , dedicated to Indian rule as you guys are
> so sure of,
> >want AUTONOMY Ram?
> Ok, I have given some reasons and I think this kind of scenario would also
> be viable.
> But your scenario, a complete separation from India would in actuality
> mean the end of Assam as we know it.
> With little or no resources to defend itself militarily or otherwise, the
> survival chances would be minimal.
> And it is NOT out of the realm that Bangladeshis would actually rule Assam
> (no Assamese).
> Could you tell us if you have a MORE vialble solution, instead of just
> your 'wishes':)
> --Ram
> On 10/10/07,* Chan Mahanta* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Why would the people of Assam , dedicated to Indian rule as you guys are
> so sure of, want AUTONOMY Ram?
> What for ?
> And if they should do with autonomy, then autonomy of WHAT?
assam mailing list

[Assam] Krishnendu's Logic

2007-10-10 Thread Chan Mahanta

K wrote:"

BTW, while it is fair to assume that visitors of assamtimes.org (or 
even those who responded to PCG)

are not a fair representation of Assam,

And  then asked:

 ">>can someone explain WHO forms a fair representation of Assam  ---"

*** Look at the quandary he faces!

And then he goes on to demand  to know who represents Assam polity by 
guiding us with his  wisdoms :

 >the villagers who lynch ULFA every now and then, the School 
teachers who are killed by ULFA, the >traders whose business get 
impacted because of regular bombblast,  the journalists who are 
threatened byULFA,  the intellectuals (including AXX) who 
discardthe idea

of Sovereignty,the NRAs ??

He covered EVERYONE he could imagine.  Or did he?

If that was ALL his imagination could reach, what  should we think of 
his imaginative abilities? Was he playing with a full deck, or was he 
being patently disingenuous?

 >And when I asked  him:   How about trying it yourself? Is it that hard
a  task?  

How did he respond?

This is how: 

 Good that you answered it, in your own way of course :-)  Utpal 
should now be aware of quality of >responses he can expect from you.

*** Go figure that!


He demanded to know  if I would use the same kind of harsh, 
judgmental words  as I used on assamtimes for the premise of the poll 
it is conducting  on the alleged  PCG poll on similar  lines.

I replied: " I might if someone present it here as a proof of 
anything.  Did they?"

So what was K's response?

This was what:

How can they?  It would have opened a can of worms for them   
they preferred to shut it but

some journalist (you know the spy of GOI ) unlocked it .. so sad for you.
But hey ,  did assamnet presented the poll as a "proof of anything"? 
Sure I missed it. But then, with all >your intelligence why don't 
you show it to us.

He tells us PCG can't present it as proof of anything. But he still 
wants demands that I tell him whether

I would use the same harsh and judgemental words IF they did?

Is that powerful logic or what?

I will let netters decide.



At 2:54 PM -0700 10/10/07, Krishnendu Chakraborty wrote:

 >  >However,  the question I have for you ...  will

use the same strong words (uneducated, immature,
uninformed etc)  against PCG?  If not,  WHY?

 >> I might if someone present it here as a proof
of anything.  Did they?

 How can they?  It would have opened a can of
worms for them   they preferred to shut it but
some journalist (you know the spy of GOI ) unlocked it
.. so sad for you.
But hey ,  did assamnet presented the poll as a "proof
of anything"? Sure I missed it. But then, with all
your intelligence why don't you show it to us.

  >* ALLEGEDLY   If PCG did not conduct one


can readily file a defamation suite against the news

papers.  Did they ???

 The responsibility to provide proof of an
allegation is the
accuser's, not the defendant's. Don't you have that
simple knowledge?

How would you react if I asked you a question
like: "Hey, when did
you stop beating your wife" and you protested ,
could I get away with
asking for proof that you had never beaten your

wife, or suggesting

you go sue to clear your name?


At the very least,  I will pass on a statement that
what you are saying is false.  Did PCG pass any such

With your logic,  any one can go around saying
anything against anybody.  May be that is your version
 of Free Speech !!

If  this is not an utterly sd  question, what


*** Actually,  there are many from you -- both
questions and answers just search the forum and
you will get excellent examples.

***  Good that you answered it, in your own way of

course :-)  Utpal

should now be aware of quality of >responses he can

expect from you.

 I did not answer the question, again, because

it was another

utterly sd question for someone like you to ask.

 I did not wish

to use this harsh words to characterize your
questions and comments,
but you asked for it.

 Cool down ...  you got so agitated when I pointed
to PCG ... looks like I touched a raw nerve. But then
again,  your level of answers are well known to
BTW,  looks like your style of answering is very
similar to those whom you are trying to defend. Not
sure if you trained them :-)

I did not wish
to use this harsh words to characterize your
questions and comments,

  You know, I have been in this forum for quite
sometime and learnt a lot from you. So don't take it
personally if many of my questions and comments
resembles your ones very closely.

I like to think that Utpal's intellect  is several
cuts above what
you displ

Re: [Assam] Assam's Income and Expenditure

2007-10-10 Thread mc mahant

Best is to quote THE EXPERT- this time Chidambaram. 
Ram forwarded to me  Chid's USA TV Show talk--where he said India's per-person 
Some Minister claimed that Assamese are a pampered lot-live better "than the 
rest of us".
Assuming the Assamese live as poor as "the rest"-- Assam's GDP is:
@40/-x~3 Crores(within State ASSAM)=annual expenditure of Rs120,000 Crores or 
Rs 1.2 Trillion.
As Assam produces nothing(Planning process precluded that-"-Not Viable") which 
Assam Consumes--all of Rs 1.2 Trillion is EXPENDITURE(99% IMPORTED from INDIA) 
@ 12+% interest daily Compounded!
Got it?
The rest is Elaboration by average school kids and excited assamnetters.

Date: Wed, 10 Oct 2007 18:37:29 -0700From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: [EMAIL 
PROTECTED]: [Assam] Assam's Income and Expenditure
Does anyone in this net know Assam's net money for a year to spend (local 
revenue to the state for the year and center's flowdown for the year including 
five year plan and grants) and how much gets spent? I couldn't get the numbers 
from the internet.
Dilip Deka
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Re: [Assam] Autonomy

2007-10-10 Thread Chan Mahanta

I like autonomy, because it is probably the best solution for Assam.

*** Best for WHAT?

At 6:46 PM -0500 10/10/07, Ram Sarangapani wrote:


We seem to be going around in circles.

 >You and many others have  never admitted there is any problem, and 
implied that its disaffections are figments of some anti_Indian 

I have never said Assam has NO PROBLEMS. In fact, its just the 
opposite, I have always said Assam is daunted by a number of 
I have always been keen on autonomy for states, and not just Assam. 
I believe all states could benefit.

The essence of all these years of debating with you and some others 
is that you seem to believe that problems in Assam are such
that they can be solved only through complete independence, and that 
Assam will be better off than being with India.

Further, all the problems in Assam somehow have their roots in Delhi.

 > implied that its disaffections are figments of some anti_Indian minds

The other argument put forth (when deemed necessary) and which  I 
often hear is what I call the "instrinsic" argument.
This basically states, that Assam is/was never a part of India, we 
are not Indians - no roots etc exists that may tie the two - and 
hence separation.

But for all the clamor, we have yet to hear of a coherent and viable 
proposal of how Assam could exist outside the Union,
what Assam's territorial area would be and more importantly why 
sovereignty is a MUST.

I like autonomy, because it is probably the best solution for Assam. 
It is both practical and viable, and New Delhi may actually be 
willing to listen.
Sovereignty, on the other hand seems like an illusion, a wishlist 
for some, a 'Xonor Oxom', and next to impossible to attain, IMHO.

In any case, that is what I feel, and am not sure if there are any 
takers, but there you have it.


On 10/10/07, Chan Mahanta 

I asked the question Ram, to see WHAT, in your mind is the problem 
with Assam, for which AUTONOMY is the solution.

You and many others have  never admitted there is any problem, and 
implied that its disaffections are figments of some anti_Indian 
minds.  Are you suggesting there is something the matter ? If it is, 
what is it as far as you can see it?  Once you articulate that, then 
we can examine if the solution you propose has any merit.

At 4:01 PM -0600 10/10/07, Ram Sarangapani wrote:


I remember, several years ago, you were also interested in autonomy. 
But in any case, thats only my suggestion,

it is entirely up to the people in Assam to decide from a myraid of 

To me, autonomy would mean Assam having more control over its resources,

and a greater say so in a number of different areas. A few aspects 
like national defense,

monetary/fiscal policy, international issues could be with the center.

 >Why would the people of Assam , dedicated to Indian rule as you 
guys are so sure of,

 >want AUTONOMY Ram?

Ok, I have given some reasons and I think this kind of scenario 
would also be viable.

But your scenario, a complete separation from India would in 
actuality mean the end of Assam as we know it.

With little or no resources to defend itself militarily or 
otherwise, the survival chances would be minimal.

And it is NOT out of the realm that Bangladeshis would actually rule 
Assam (no Assamese).

Could you tell us if you have a MORE vialble solution, instead of 
just your 'wishes':)


On 10/10/07, Chan Mahanta 

Why would the people of Assam , dedicated to Indian rule as you guys 
are so sure of, want AUTONOMY Ram?

What for ?

And if they should do with autonomy, then autonomy of WHAT?

assam mailing list

Re: [Assam] [WaterWatch] Urgent: PR on No irrigation benefits after spending 100 000 crores over twe

2007-10-10 Thread mc mahant

Dilip Thanks--that is what the English say-"Give him the long rope. He can(with 
the rope) either come out of the well or hang himself".Everybody should be 
given the Long Rope!
Let every social group create the very best with Talent ,Science,Technology  
going begging and piling up every passing minute-yet nobody allowed to do one 
bit--because some Babu in Delhi or Dispur is not daring to sign papers because 
his brilliant boss like Pranab Mukheji or Bijoy Krishna Handique has not winked 
- who in turn are waiting for MMS to wink--who in turn is waiting for Madam to 
wink-- who in turn is waiting for the future boss to wink---.In between 
little blips like policemen(NSA) getting stomach problem checked in Houston!.
That's why I said "Without Oxomiya Toka-you could as well be dead"

Date: Wed, 10 Oct 2007 18:30:16 -0700From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: 
assam@assamnet.org; [EMAIL PROTECTED]; [EMAIL PROTECTED]: Re: [Assam] 
[WaterWatch] Urgent: PR on No irrigation benefits after spending 100 000 crores 
over twelve year
I have one suggestion.
Let the citizens give them the proposals and suggestions. They have to address 
them. Use RTI. The process will keep them busy and they may understand that 
they have something to produce as result.
If they do not produce anything or if they produce something ridiculous, let's 
expose them in the media.
Dilipmc mahant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Serious discussions are needed-- How Else to make do- with what annual surface 
water can be had-and distributedequitably to all LIFE living and farming in 
that particular watershed.Civil Engineering  should be all about  
that.NGO's/Panchayati Raj should be all about that.GIS/AgroTechnics/Dry-area 
farming techniques/Drought-Resistance-hybrids/GMcrops with such desireable 
Traits---is all about that.Must we leave it all to Delhi -based DA and TA 
collectors whose only handbook are airlines timetables?Get rid of these 
parasites-and start all over again.MM

To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: Tue, 9 Oct 2007 19:57:21 
+0530Subject: Re: [WaterWatch] Urgent: PR on No irrigation benefits after 
spending 100 000 crores over twelve years

Thanks, Sreekumar, my responses to your respective questions given below in the 
same sequence:
1. There is some project specific information, where due to silting of dams and 
canals, the area irrigated by existing canals has been reducing. More 
importantly, there is state specific information. We have given graphs for six 
major states: AP, TN, Rajasthan, MP (including Chhattisgrh), J&K and Karnataka. 
We are collecting infomation for other states. 
2. The data in our PR shows that inspite of spending so much money, net areas 
irrigated by canals has been reducing. Indeed, we were, in stead to spend money 
in proper up keep, repair and maintenance of existing infrastructure and also 
in trying to reduce siltation, the benefit per investment would be much larger 
and without the additional social and env impacts. But I cannot off hand 
remember any study on those lines. 
3. The figure of 17000 crores is from a World Bank study in 2005. It does not 
give details. The total amount we have spent on big irrigation projects after 
independence is above Rs 200 000 crores. So Rs 17000 would be 8.5% of it. 
Considering about 17.8 m ha net canal irrigated areas at peak, it would mean 
about Rs 10 000/- per ha, which also includes cost of maintaining the dam 
infrastructure. It seems to be a reasonable figure, but there could be 
variation between different scales of systems/ states. 
Hope this gives some indicative answers to your question.
On 10/6/07, Sreekumar N <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 

HimanshuThis is indeed a revelation! Good that you have raised an important 
point. Few doubts/clarifications please.1. The area irrigated by existing 
canals must have been reducing, and this reduction would be more than the 
capacity added by new canals. Is there any info on reduction of irrigated area 
by existing canals? 2. Is it economical to put in money to existing canals to 
increase irrigation? (In power sector, renovation & modernisation is carried 
out on old power plants to improve efficiency, after a cost benefit assesment). 
Have any studies been done for canals? 3. You mention that 17,000 Cr should be 
spent on O&M, but only about 1700 Cr is actually being spent. Is 17,000 Cr an 
Ok figure for O&M? What % of the capital cost would that work out to be?Regards 
sreekumarprayas energy groupHimanshu Thakkar wrote:

Dear All,
I am copying below the main text of the Press Release we are issuing today, 
without the figures. The PDF file of the PR is also available on our website 
The word file of the PR (size: 1040 KB) can also be sent on request. 
We hope you will find this useful. We would be happy to get any questions, 
comments you may have on this

Re: [Assam] New GU PG course on Peace & Conflict Studies - A

2007-10-10 Thread mc mahant

Thanks Ram-for your sensitivity.
About Bamboo-please visit our- 
www.assambambooworld.com-- being launched in a few days. the site is 
constructing--may need a month more to get fully loaded.
This is a follow-on  from Chandan&Sudhakar's first attempt in1968 to rediscover 
Bamboo as THE FUTURE FIRST Choice for human Habitat.
And too, of  my feelings published BY Parag Das RIP-  in 1991 about future 
goals for Assam-SAAH,BAANH.MAANH,GHANH(and prime steak/ready dinners  by daily 
air-export to Krasnoyarsk)
Priyankoo-are you listening?
Could we have  jpg versions of the 4 Meghalay Bamboo pics you sent in FlickR 
early this year? Could we publish them in the above site.
We at Gau are still reeling from Monday's 1 hour downpour.4000 Crores wasted on 
Guwahati alone in last 15 years. Delhi is Happiest--getting every penny back in 
compound interest+total mortgage.
Good Night

Date: Wed, 10 Oct 2007 18:52:46 -0600From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: [EMAIL 
PROTECTED]: Re: [Assam] New GU PG course on Peace & Conflict Studies - A
Mukul da,
>Dear Netters. >Peace through M.A. ,Ph.D  degrees?   Very interesting 
>>proposition! >I thought you folk are all worked up
And why not? Its seems that almost everybody else has had a go at it. :)
BTW: Those bamboo engineering structures were excellent. Really loved them. Do 
you have any photos that you could share with us? 
What would be an estimated cost for one or two rooms? The village scenes shown 
still exist and I was fortunate enough to visit a few in spartan, village 
surroundings last year. Great stuff, wouldn't miss it for the world. 
On 10/10/07, mc mahant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 

In the meantime, selection of candidates for the course has started and 
syllabus has also been prepared, said Prof Sandhya Goswami, the Head of the 
Political Science Department, in a statement here. The course is expected to 
foster research activities on the prevailing situation in the NE region, 
besides opening up new avenues for employment by creating experts on the 
subject. Dr Nanigopal Mahanta, a Reader of the department, who received higher 
education in the area in the Barkley University, USA, will act as the 
coordinator of the course. It needs mention here that peace studies could 
secure recognition as an academic activity in 1959 even though scholars like 
Imanual Kant and Frederick Nitze advocated the relevance of the academic 
importance of peace much before . Dear Netters.Peace through M.A. ,Ph.D  
degrees?Very interesting proposition!I thought you folk are all worked 
up.How about a break.Some friends at CR4- a worldwide Engineers' blogsite 
composed this gem :   Immanuel Kant was a real pissant who was very rarely 
stable. Heidegger, Heidegger was a boozy beggar who could think you under the 
table. David Hume could out-consume Schopenhauer and Hegel. And Wittgenstein 
was a beery swine who was just as schloshed as Schlegel. There's nothing 
Nietzsche couldn't teacha 'bout the raising of the wrist. Socrates, himself, 
was permanently pissed. John Stuart Mill, of his own free will, On a half a 
pint of schandy was particularly ill. Plato, they say, could stick it away, 
Half a crate of whiskey every day. Aristotle, Aristotle was a bugger for the 
bottle. And Hobbes was fond of his dram. And Rene Descartes was a drunken fart, 
``I drink, therefore I am.''So?Del The Cat strarted it all:So, Rene Descarte 
goes up to the cash machine thinking...'shall I get ze 30 or 40 quid?' What 
will he decide and why?(This thread is complete lunacy based on a conversation 
I overheard! Hopefully it will result in a 'humour' tag)  
*Enjoy .Relax. Let GOI give up. Best for the 

Date: Wed, 10 Oct 2007 12:40:18 -0600From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: [EMAIL 
PROTECTED]: [Assam] New GU PG course on Peace & Conflict Studies - AT
This should be very interesting. This is encourging, but it all depends upon 
how it is structured. Whether the course emphasizes on conflict resolution 
techniques or not will be the key. Hopefully, the course will focus on the 
situation in Assam as a starting point, and try and find soultions that will 
help Assam. 

New GU PG course on Peace & Conflict StudiesBy A Staff Reporter GUWAHATI, Oct 9 
– A UGC-sponsored two-year Post-Graduate (PG) course on Peace and Conflict 
Studies will be launched by the Gauhati University (GU) Political Science 
Department from November next. In the meantime, selection of candidates for the 
course has started and syllabus has also been prepared, said Prof Sandhya 
Goswami, the Head of the Political Science Department, in a statement here.The 
course is expected to foster research activities on the prevailing situation in 
the NE region, besides opening up new avenues for employment by creating 
experts on the subject. Dr Nanigopal Mahanta, a Reader of the department, who 
received highe

[Assam] Assam's Income and Expenditure

2007-10-10 Thread Dilip/Dil Deka
Does anyone in this net know Assam's net money for a year to spend (local 
revenue to the state for the year and center's flowdown for the year including 
five year plan and grants) and how much gets spent? I couldn't get the numbers 
from the internet.
  Dilip Deka
assam mailing list

Re: [Assam] [WaterWatch] Urgent: PR on No irrigation benefits after spending 100 000 crores over twelve year

2007-10-10 Thread Dilip/Dil Deka
  I have one suggestion.
  Let the citizens give them the proposals and suggestions. They have to 
address them. Use RTI. The process will keep them busy and they may understand 
that they have something to produce as result.
  If they do not produce anything or if they produce something ridiculous, 
let's expose them in the media.

mc mahant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  .hmmessage P  {  margin:0px;  padding:0px  }  body.hmmessage  {  
FONT-SIZE: 10pt;  FONT-FAMILY:Tahoma  }
Serious discussions are needed--
 How Else to make do- with what annual surface water can be had-and distributed
equitably to all LIFE living and farming in that particular watershed.
Civil Engineering  should be all about  that.
NGO's/Panchayati Raj should be all about that.
GIS/AgroTechnics/Dry-area farming techniques/Drought-Resistance-hybrids/GMcrops 
with such desireable Traits---is all about that.
Must we leave it all to Delhi -based DA and TA collectors whose only handbook 
are airlines timetables?
Get rid of these parasites-and start all over again.

Date: Tue, 9 Oct 2007 19:57:21 +0530
Subject: Re: [WaterWatch] Urgent: PR on No irrigation benefits after spending 
100 000 crores over twelve years

  Thanks, Sreekumar, my responses to your respective questions given 
below in the same sequence:
  1. There is some project specific information, where due to silting of dams 
and canals, the area irrigated by existing canals has been reducing. More 
importantly, there is state specific information. We have given graphs for six 
major states: AP, TN, Rajasthan, MP (including Chhattisgrh), J&K and Karnataka. 
We are collecting infomation for other states. 
  2. The data in our PR shows that inspite of spending so much money, net areas 
irrigated by canals has been reducing. Indeed, we were, in stead to spend money 
in proper up keep, repair and maintenance of existing infrastructure and also 
in trying to reduce siltation, the benefit per investment would be much larger 
and without the additional social and env impacts. But I cannot off hand 
remember any study on those lines. 
  3. The figure of 17000 crores is from a World Bank study in 2005. It does not 
give details. The total amount we have spent on big irrigation projects after 
independence is above Rs 200 000 crores. So Rs 17000 would be 8.5% of it. 
Considering about 17.8 m ha net canal irrigated areas at peak, it would mean 
about Rs 10 000/- per ha, which also includes cost of maintaining the dam 
infrastructure. It seems to be a reasonable figure, but there could be 
variation between different scales of systems/ states. 
  Hope this gives some indicative answers to your question.
  On 10/6/07, Sreekumar N <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Himanshu

This is indeed a revelation! Good that you have raised an important point. Few 
doubts/clarifications please.

1. The area irrigated by existing canals must have been reducing, and this 
reduction would be more than the capacity added by new canals. Is there any 
info on reduction of irrigated area by existing canals? 

2. Is it economical to put in money to existing canals to increase irrigation? 
(In power sector, renovation & modernisation is carried out on old power plants 
to improve efficiency, after a cost benefit assesment). Have any studies been 
done for canals? 

3. You mention that 17,000 Cr should be spent on O&M, but only about 1700 Cr is 
actually being spent. Is 17,000 Cr an Ok figure for O&M? What % of the capital 
cost would that work out to be?

prayas energy group

Himanshu Thakkar wrote:
  Dear All,
  I am copying below the main text of the Press Release we are issuing today, 
without the figures. The PDF file of the PR is also available on our website 

  The word file of the PR (size: 1040 KB) can also be sent on request. 
  We hope you will find this useful. We would be happy to get any questions, 
comments you may have on this. 
  Thanking you,
  With best wishes,
  Himanshu Thakkar


Himanshu Thakkar

South Asia Network on Dams, Rivers & People
Delhi, India



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Re: [Assam] [WaterWatch] Urgent: PR on No irrigation benefits after spending 100 000 crores over twelve year

2007-10-10 Thread mc mahant

Serious discussions are needed--
 How Else to make do- with what annual surface water can be had-and distributed
equitably to all LIFE living and farming in that particular watershed.
Civil Engineering  should be all about  that.
NGO's/Panchayati Raj should be all about that.
GIS/AgroTechnics/Dry-area farming techniques/Drought-Resistance-hybrids/GMcrops 
with such desireable Traits---is all about that.
Must we leave it all to Delhi -based DA and TA collectors whose only handbook 
are airlines timetables?
Get rid of these parasites-and start all over again.

To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: Tue, 9 Oct 2007 19:57:21 
+0530Subject: Re: [WaterWatch] Urgent: PR on No irrigation benefits after 
spending 100 000 crores over twelve years

Thanks, Sreekumar, my responses to your respective questions given below in the 
same sequence:
1. There is some project specific information, where due to silting of dams and 
canals, the area irrigated by existing canals has been reducing. More 
importantly, there is state specific information. We have given graphs for six 
major states: AP, TN, Rajasthan, MP (including Chhattisgrh), J&K and Karnataka. 
We are collecting infomation for other states. 
2. The data in our PR shows that inspite of spending so much money, net areas 
irrigated by canals has been reducing. Indeed, we were, in stead to spend money 
in proper up keep, repair and maintenance of existing infrastructure and also 
in trying to reduce siltation, the benefit per investment would be much larger 
and without the additional social and env impacts. But I cannot off hand 
remember any study on those lines. 
3. The figure of 17000 crores is from a World Bank study in 2005. It does not 
give details. The total amount we have spent on big irrigation projects after 
independence is above Rs 200 000 crores. So Rs 17000 would be 8.5% of it. 
Considering about 17.8 m ha net canal irrigated areas at peak, it would mean 
about Rs 10 000/- per ha, which also includes cost of maintaining the dam 
infrastructure. It seems to be a reasonable figure, but there could be 
variation between different scales of systems/ states. 
Hope this gives some indicative answers to your question.
On 10/6/07, Sreekumar N <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 

HimanshuThis is indeed a revelation! Good that you have raised an important 
point. Few doubts/clarifications please.1. The area irrigated by existing 
canals must have been reducing, and this reduction would be more than the 
capacity added by new canals. Is there any info on reduction of irrigated area 
by existing canals? 2. Is it economical to put in money to existing canals to 
increase irrigation? (In power sector, renovation & modernisation is carried 
out on old power plants to improve efficiency, after a cost benefit assesment). 
Have any studies been done for canals? 3. You mention that 17,000 Cr should be 
spent on O&M, but only about 1700 Cr is actually being spent. Is 17,000 Cr an 
Ok figure for O&M? What % of the capital cost would that work out to be?Regards 
sreekumarprayas energy groupHimanshu Thakkar wrote:

Dear All,
I am copying below the main text of the Press Release we are issuing today, 
without the figures. The PDF file of the PR is also available on our website 
The word file of the PR (size: 1040 KB) can also be sent on request. 
We hope you will find this useful. We would be happy to get any questions, 
comments you may have on this. 
Thanking you,
With best wishes,
Himanshu Thakkar

-- Himanshu ThakkarSouth Asia Network on Dams, Rivers & PeopleDelhi, [EMAIL 
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assam mailing list

Re: [Assam] New GU PG course on Peace & Conflict Studies - A

2007-10-10 Thread Ram Sarangapani
Mukul da,

>Dear Netters.
>Peace through M.A. ,Ph.D  degrees?   Very interesting >proposition!
>I thought you folk are all worked up

And why not? Its seems that almost everybody else has had a go at it. :)

BTW: Those bamboo engineering structures were excellent. Really loved them.
Do you have any photos that you could share with us?

What would be an estimated cost for one or two rooms? The village scenes
shown still exist and I was fortunate enough to visit a few in spartan,
village surroundings last year. Great stuff, wouldn't miss it for the world.


On 10/10/07, mc mahant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> In the meantime, selection of candidates for the course has started and
> syllabus has also been prepared, said Prof Sandhya Goswami, the Head of the
> Political Science Department, in a statement here.
> The course is expected to foster research activities on the prevailing
> situation in the NE region, besides opening up new avenues for employment by
> creating experts on the subject.
> Dr Nanigopal Mahanta, a Reader of the department, who received higher
> education in the area in the Barkley University, USA, will act as the
> coordinator of the course.
> It needs mention here that peace studies could secure recognition as an
> academic activity in 1959 even though scholars like Imanual Kant and
> Frederick Nitze advocated the relevance of the academic importance of peace
> much before.
> Dear Netters.
> Peace through M.A. ,Ph.D  degrees?   Very interesting proposition!
> I thought you folk are all worked up.
> How about a break.
> Some friends at CR4- a worldwide Engineers' blogsite composed this gem :
>  Immanuel Kant was a real pissant who was very rarely stable.
> Heidegger, Heidegger was a boozy beggar
> who could think you under the table.
> David Hume could out-consume Schopenhauer and Hegel.
> And Wittgenstein was a beery swine
> who was just as schloshed as Schlegel.
> There's nothing Nietzsche couldn't teacha
> 'bout the raising of the wrist.
> Socrates, himself, was permanently pissed.
> John Stuart Mill, of his own free will,
> On a half a pint of schandy was particularly ill.
> Plato, they say, could stick it away,
> Half a crate of whiskey every day.
> Aristotle, Aristotle was a bugger for the bottle.
> And Hobbes was fond of his dram.
> And Rene Descartes was a drunken fart,
> ``I drink, therefore I am.''
> So?
> Del The Cat strarted it all:
> So, Rene Descarte goes up to the cash machine thinking...'shall I get ze
> 30 or 40 quid?'
> What will he decide and why?
> (This thread is complete lunacy based on a conversation I overheard!
> Hopefully it will result in a 'humour' tag)
> *
> Enjoy .Relax. Let GOI give up. Best for the 1.1+Billion.
> MM
>  --
> Date: Wed, 10 Oct 2007 12:40:18 -0600
> To: assam@assamnet.org
> Subject: [Assam] New GU PG course on Peace & Conflict Studies - AT
> This should be very interesting. This is encourging, but it all depends
> upon how it is structured. Whether the course emphasizes on conflict
> resolution techniques or not will be the key. Hopefully, the course will
> focus on the situation in Assam as a starting point, and try and find
> soultions that will help Assam.
> --Ram
> http://www.assamtribune.com/scripts/details.asp?id=oct1007\City3
> *New GU PG course on Peace & Conflict Studies
> *By A Staff Reporter
>  GUWAHATI, Oct 9 – A UGC-sponsored two-year Post-Graduate (PG) course on
> Peace and Conflict Studies will be launched by the Gauhati University (GU)
> Political Science Department from November next.
> In the meantime, selection of candidates for the course has started and
> syllabus has also been prepared, said Prof Sandhya Goswami, the Head of the
> Political Science Department, in a statement here.
> The course is expected to foster research activities on the prevailing
> situation in the NE region, besides opening up new avenues for employment by
> creating experts on the subject.
> Dr Nanigopal Mahanta, a Reader of the department, who received higher
> education in the area in the Barkley University, USA, will act as the
> coordinator of the course.
> It needs mention here that peace studies could secure recognition as an
> academic activity in 1959 even though scholars like Imanual Kant and
> Frederick Nitze advocated the relevance of the academic importance of peace
> much before.
> At present peace studies has acquired an important place in the academic
> activities of the universities of many countries for its link with the
> day-to-day life of the people.
> The first semester course of the GU programme will introduce students to
> peace and conflict studies, provide the theory and practice of non-violence
> and also of violence. The second semester course will include lessons on
> peace and conflict management, political economy and sustai

Re: [Assam] [WaterWatch] Question: availability of district-level groundwater data

2007-10-10 Thread mc mahant

The CGWB or AP govt data is Statistics--no good for man or beast.
Remember GBS?

To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: Tue, 9 Oct 2007 10:50:49 
+0100Subject: Re: [WaterWatch] Question: availability of district-level 
groundwater data

The State Ground Water Department, Government of AP has brought out a 
publication on the groundwater status recently. The volume is fairly recent. It 
is priced Rs. 500/- but they will accept only a DD. No cash. That is the govt 
Best regards,
Dr. C. Ramachandraiah
Nikhil Desai <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Can someone help me identify source of district-level groundwater statistics, 
in particular Andhra Pradesh from 1990 on? I see spotty data in CWGB 
publications, but my hunch is that raw data should be available at sub-district 
level ( i.e., by monitoring station) for every two weeks or so. Thanks in 
advance,  Nikhil Desai  

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assam mailing list

Re: [Assam] New GU PG course on Peace & Conflict Studies - AT

2007-10-10 Thread mc mahant

In the meantime, selection of candidates for the course has started and 
syllabus has also been prepared, said Prof Sandhya Goswami, the Head of the 
Political Science Department, in a statement here.The course is expected to 
foster research activities on the prevailing situation in the NE region, 
besides opening up new avenues for employment by creating experts on the 
subject. Dr Nanigopal Mahanta, a Reader of the department, who received higher 
education in the area in the Barkley University, USA, will act as the 
coordinator of the course.It needs mention here that peace studies could secure 
recognition as an academic activity in 1959 even though scholars like Imanual 
Kant and Frederick Nitze advocated the relevance of the academic importance of 
peace much before.
Dear Netters.
Peace through M.A. ,Ph.D  degrees?   Very interesting proposition!
I thought you folk are all worked up.
How about a break.
Some friends at CR4- a worldwide Engineers’ blogsite composed this gem :
 Immanuel Kant was a real pissant who was very rarely stable. Heidegger, 
Heidegger was a boozy beggar who could think you under the table. 
David Hume could out-consume Schopenhauer and Hegel. And Wittgenstein was a 
beery swine who was just as schloshed as Schlegel. 
There's nothing Nietzsche couldn't teacha 'bout the raising of the wrist. 
Socrates, himself, was permanently pissed. 
John Stuart Mill, of his own free will, On a half a pint of schandy was 
particularly ill. Plato, they say, could stick it away, Half a crate of whiskey 
every day. 
Aristotle, Aristotle was a bugger for the bottle. And Hobbes was fond of his 
dram. And Rene Descartes was a drunken fart, ``I drink, therefore I am.''
Del The Cat strarted it all:
So, Rene Descarte goes up to the cash machine thinking...'shall I get ze 30 or 
40 quid?'
What will he decide and why?
(This thread is complete lunacy based on a conversation I overheard! Hopefully 
it will result in a 'humour' tag)
Enjoy .Relax. Let GOI give up. Best for the 1.1+Billion.

Date: Wed, 10 Oct 2007 12:40:18 -0600From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: [EMAIL 
PROTECTED]: [Assam] New GU PG course on Peace & Conflict Studies - AT
This should be very interesting. This is encourging, but it all depends upon 
how it is structured. Whether the course emphasizes on conflict resolution 
techniques or not will be the key. Hopefully, the course will focus on the 
situation in Assam as a starting point, and try and find soultions that will 
help Assam. 

New GU PG course on Peace & Conflict StudiesBy A Staff Reporter GUWAHATI, Oct 9 
– A UGC-sponsored two-year Post-Graduate (PG) course on Peace and Conflict 
Studies will be launched by the Gauhati University (GU) Political Science 
Department from November next. In the meantime, selection of candidates for the 
course has started and syllabus has also been prepared, said Prof Sandhya 
Goswami, the Head of the Political Science Department, in a statement here.The 
course is expected to foster research activities on the prevailing situation in 
the NE region, besides opening up new avenues for employment by creating 
experts on the subject. Dr Nanigopal Mahanta, a Reader of the department, who 
received higher education in the area in the Barkley University, USA, will act 
as the coordinator of the course.It needs mention here that peace studies could 
secure recognition as an academic activity in 1959 even though scholars like 
Imanual Kant and Frederick Nitze advocated the relevance of the academic 
importance of peace much before. At present peace studies has acquired an 
important place in the academic activities of the universities of many 
countries for its link with the day-to-day life of the people.The first 
semester course of the GU programme will introduce students to peace and 
conflict studies, provide the theory and practice of non-violence and also of 
violence. The second semester course will include lessons on peace and conflict 
management, political economy and sustainability of development in South Asia. 
The third semester course will include lessons on globalisation and democracy 
in India, on issues of governance and human security, on South and South-East 
Asia and on issues concerning women, peace and security.The fourth semester 
course of the programme has been designed to enlighten the students on research 
methodology and filed exposure, said Prof Goswami, adding several experts in 
the field have already been invited to take part in the programme.  
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[Assam] Autonomy

2007-10-10 Thread Ram Sarangapani

We seem to be going around in circles.

>You and many others have  never admitted there is any problem, and implied
that its disaffections are figments of some anti_Indian minds.

I have *never *said Assam has NO PROBLEMS. In fact, its just the opposite, I
have always said Assam is daunted by a number of problems.
I have always been keen on autonomy for states, and not just Assam. I
believe all states could benefit.

The essence of all these years of debating with you and some others is that
you seem to believe that problems in Assam are such
that they can be solved only through complete independence, and that Assam
will be better off than being with India.
Further, all the problems in Assam somehow have their roots in Delhi.

> implied that its disaffections are figments of some anti_Indian minds

The other argument put forth (when deemed necessary) and which  I often hear
is what I call the "instrinsic" argument.
This basically states, that Assam is/was never a part of India, we are not
Indians - no roots etc exists that may tie the two - and hence separation.

But for all the clamor, we have yet to hear of a coherent and viable
proposal of how Assam could exist outside the Union,
what Assam's territorial area would be and more importantly why sovereignty
is a MUST.

I like autonomy, because it is probably the best solution for Assam. It is
both practical and viable, and New Delhi may actually be willing to listen.
Sovereignty, on the other hand seems like an illusion, a wishlist for some,
a 'Xonor Oxom', and next to impossible to attain, IMHO.

In any case, that is what I feel, and am not sure if there are any takers,
but there you have it.


On 10/10/07, Chan Mahanta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  I asked the question Ram, to see WHAT, in your mind is the problem with
> Assam, for which AUTONOMY is the solution.
> You and many others have  never admitted there is any problem, and implied
> that its disaffections are figments of some anti_Indian minds.  Are you
> suggesting there is something the matter ? If it is, what is it as far as
> you can see it?  Once you articulate that, then we can examine if the
> solution you propose has any merit.
> At 4:01 PM -0600 10/10/07, Ram Sarangapani wrote:
> C'da,
> I remember, several years ago, you were also interested in autonomy. But
> in any case, thats only my suggestion,
> it is entirely up to the people in Assam to decide from a myraid of
> suggestions.
> To me, autonomy would mean Assam having more control over its resources,
> and a greater say so in a number of different areas. A few aspects like
> national defense,
> monetary/fiscal policy, international issues could be with the center.
> >Why would the people of Assam , dedicated to Indian rule as you guys are
> so sure of,
> >want AUTONOMY Ram?
> Ok, I have given some reasons and I think this kind of scenario would also
> be viable.
> But your scenario, a complete separation from India would in actuality
> mean the end of Assam as we know it.
> With little or no resources to defend itself militarily or otherwise, the
> survival chances would be minimal.
> And it is NOT out of the realm that Bangladeshis would actually rule Assam
> (no Assamese).
> Could you tell us if you have a MORE vialble solution, instead of just
> your 'wishes':)
> --Ram
> On 10/10/07,* Chan Mahanta* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Why would the people of Assam , dedicated to Indian rule as you guys are
> so sure of, want AUTONOMY Ram?
> What for ?
> And if they should do with autonomy, then autonomy of WHAT?
assam mailing list

Re: [Assam] Please take part in the opinion poll

2007-10-10 Thread Chan Mahanta
I asked the question Ram, to see WHAT, in your mind is the problem 
with Assam, for which AUTONOMY is the solution.

You and many others have  never admitted there is any problem, and 
implied that its disaffections are figments of some anti_Indian 
minds.  Are you suggesting there is something the matter ? If it is, 
what is it as far as you can see it?  Once you articulate that, then 
we can examine if the solution you propose has any merit.

At 4:01 PM -0600 10/10/07, Ram Sarangapani wrote:


I remember, several years ago, you were also interested in autonomy. 
But in any case, thats only my suggestion,
it is entirely up to the people in Assam to decide from a myraid of 

To me, autonomy would mean Assam having more control over its resources,
and a greater say so in a number of different areas. A few aspects 
like national defense,

monetary/fiscal policy, international issues could be with the center.

 >Why would the people of Assam , dedicated to Indian rule as you 
guys are so sure of,

 >want AUTONOMY Ram?

Ok, I have given some reasons and I think this kind of scenario 
would also be viable.

But your scenario, a complete separation from India would in 
actuality mean the end of Assam as we know it.
With little or no resources to defend itself militarily or 
otherwise, the survival chances would be minimal.
And it is NOT out of the realm that Bangladeshis would actually rule 
Assam (no Assamese).

Could you tell us if you have a MORE vialble solution, instead of 
just your 'wishes':)


On 10/10/07, Chan Mahanta 

Why would the people of Assam , dedicated to Indian rule as you guys 
are so sure of, want AUTONOMY Ram?

What for ?

And if they should do with autonomy, then autonomy of WHAT?

At 3:05 PM -0600 10/10/07, Ram Sarangapani wrote:


 >IF you are for an end to the conflict

We are all for a peaceful end to the conflict. Who doesn't want 
peace (well maybe, I guess except for the ones profiting from it). 
Unfortunately, it hasn't yet been hammered out properly what the 
best course is.

The solution, to me, the sovereignty issue should be off the table, 
and talks are held with the Center for a constitutionally mandated 
atonomous state for Assam. I had long ago even suggested that a 
number of states join forces to force the Center to such a plan. 
Alternatively, the NE states could form an alliance of sorts with 

For some it may be an all or nothing solution.


On 10/10/07, Chan Mahanta 

 >Now, what I am not sure of is being on ULFa's side is 
synonymous with seeking Assam's interests? :)

 That is a pathetic spin Ram.

IF you are for an end to the conflict, and ULFA agrees to abide by 
the verdict of the people, why do you invent excuses like that to 
avoid the plebiscite, unless you really do not believe what you 
profess, that the people don't want sovereignty?

At 2:26 PM -0600 10/10/07, Ram Sarangapani wrote:


You know me well enough to know that I don't carry water for anybody 
- GOI included.

And does it really matter where I stand?

Well, if you must, I don't like a plebicite. I seriously think its a 
red-herring for anyone interested in the well-being of Assam (both 
the pro/against sovereignty people).

I think the results of a plebicite will not be helpful to anyone. It 
will lead to a much bigger, and unmanageable mess from which Assam 
will never get out of.Each side will bicker and moan about fraud, 
etc and a toothless UN can't do a lick.

 >Dilli has a billion people behind it.  The people of Assam need 
yOU far more than Dilli does.

Thanks, C'da. But, you misunderstand, I am on Assam's side as 
opposed to being on Dilli's side.

Now, what I am not sure of is being on ULFa's side is 
synonymous with seeking Assam's interests? :)

And, C'da, Assam needs you more than they will ever need me.



On 10/10/07, Chan Mahanta 


Instead of carrying water for Dilli, why don't you tell us where YOU 
stand?   For crying out loud , Dilli has a billion people behind it. 
The people of Assam need yOU far more than Dilli does.

But will you? That is the question.

At 1:51 PM -0600 10/10/07, Ram Sarangapani wrote:


I am not sure I understand, but what is is a 'non-governmental 
plebicite'? I don't think the GOI will let that slide by either.

But if you mean an informal one? Well, those, I would think, are the 
opinion polls already conducted by the PCG and APW.

But a 'formal plebicite' like what C' da is suggesting under the 
control of the UN, is just next to impossible.

I agree with you that the voices of the people of Assam must be 
heard by D

Re: [Assam] Please take part in the opinion poll

2007-10-10 Thread Ram Sarangapani

I remember, several years ago, you were also interested in autonomy. But in
any case, thats only my suggestion,
it is entirely up to the people in Assam to decide from a myraid of

To me, autonomy would mean Assam having more control over its resources,
and a greater say so in a number of different areas. A few aspects like
national defense,
monetary/fiscal policy, international issues could be with the center.

 >Why would the people of Assam , dedicated to Indian rule as you guys are
so sure of,
>want AUTONOMY Ram?

Ok, I have given some reasons and I think this kind of scenario would also
be viable.

But your scenario, a complete separation from India would in actuality mean
the end of Assam as we know it.
With little or no resources to defend itself militarily or otherwise, the
survival chances would be minimal.
And it is NOT out of the realm that Bangladeshis would actually rule Assam
(no Assamese).

Could you tell us if you have a MORE vialble solution, instead of just your


On 10/10/07, Chan Mahanta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  Why would the people of Assam , dedicated to Indian rule as you guys are
> so sure of, want AUTONOMY Ram?
> What for ?
> And if they should do with autonomy, then autonomy of WHAT?
> At 3:05 PM -0600 10/10/07, Ram Sarangapani wrote:
> C'da,
> >IF you are for an end to the conflict
> We are all for a peaceful end to the conflict. Who doesn't want peace
> (well maybe, I guess except for the ones profiting from it). Unfortunately,
> it hasn't yet been hammered out properly what the best course is.
> The solution, to me, the sovereignty issue should be off the table, and
> talks are held with the Center for a constitutionally mandated atonomous
> state for Assam. I had long ago even suggested that a number of states join
> forces to force the Center to such a plan. Alternatively, the NE states
> could form an alliance of sorts with autonomy.
> For some it may be an all or nothing solution.
> --Ram
> On 10/10/07,* Chan Mahanta* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >Now, what I am not sure of is being on ULFa's side is synonymous with
> seeking Assam's interests? :)
>  That is a pathetic spin Ram.
> IF you are for an end to the conflict, and ULFA agrees to abide by the
> verdict of the people, why do you invent excuses like that to avoid the
> plebiscite, unless you really do not believe what you profess, that the
> people don't want sovereignty?
> At 2:26 PM -0600 10/10/07, Ram Sarangapani wrote:
> C'da,
> You know me well enough to know that I don't carry water for anybody - GOI
> included.
> And does it really matter where I stand?
> Well, if you must, I don't like a plebicite. I seriously think its a
> red-herring for anyone interested in the well-being of Assam (both the
> pro/against sovereignty people).
> I think the results of a plebicite will not be helpful to anyone. It will
> lead to a much bigger, and unmanageable mess from which Assam will never get
> out of.Each side will bicker and moan about fraud, etc and a toothless UN
> can't do a lick.
> >Dilli has a billion people behind it.  The people of Assam need yOU far
> more than Dilli does.
> Thanks, C'da. But, you misunderstand,* I am on Assam's side* as opposed to
> being on Dilli's side.
> Now, what I am not sure of is being on ULFa's side is synonymous with
> seeking Assam's interests? :)
> And, C'da, Assam needs you more than they will ever need me.
> --Ram
> --Ram
> On 10/10/07,* Chan Mahanta* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Ram:
> Instead of carrying water for Dilli, why don't you tell us where YOU
> stand?   For crying out loud , Dilli has a billion people behind it.  The
> people of Assam need yOU far more than Dilli does.
> But will you? That is the question.
> At 1:51 PM -0600 10/10/07, Ram Sarangapani wrote:
> Nayan,
> I am not sure I understand, but what is is a 'non-governmental plebicite'?
> I don't think the GOI will let that slide by either.
> But if you mean an informal one? Well, those, I would think, are the
> opinion polls already conducted by the PCG and APW.
> But a 'formal plebicite' like what C' da is suggesting under the control
> of the UN, is just next to impossible.
> I agree with you that the voices of the people of Assam must be heard by
> Dilli, but we must realize, even the most amiable dilliwalla will stop
> listening and harden their stance once a plebicite is mentioned.
> But, I come back to the original point, that Assam or any other place
> cannot be just given away by the PM or the GOI. It is NOT theirs to give
> away in the first place. That is why Nehru's 

[Assam] Please take part in the opinion poll

2007-10-10 Thread Krishnendu Chakraborty
>  >However,  the question I have for you ...  will
>use the same strong words (uneducated, immature,
>uninformed etc)  against PCG?  If not,  WHY?

>> I might if someone present it here as a proof
of anything.  Did they?

 How can they?  It would have opened a can of
worms for them   they preferred to shut it but
some journalist (you know the spy of GOI ) unlocked it
.. so sad for you.
But hey ,  did assamnet presented the poll as a "proof
of anything"? Sure I missed it. But then, with all
your intelligence why don't you show it to us.

>  >* ALLEGEDLY   If PCG did not conduct one
>>can readily file a defamation suite against the news
>papers.  Did they ???

>> The responsibility to provide proof of an
>>allegation is the 
>>accuser's, not the defendant's. Don't you have that
>>simple knowledge?

>>How would you react if I asked you a question
>>like: "Hey, when did 
>>you stop beating your wife" and you protested ,
>>could I get away with 
>>asking for proof that you had never beaten your
wife, or suggesting 
>>you go sue to clear your name?


At the very least,  I will pass on a statement that
what you are saying is false.  Did PCG pass any such

With your logic,  any one can go around saying
anything against anybody.  May be that is your version
 of Free Speech !!

>>If  this is not an utterly sd  question, what

*** Actually,  there are many from you -- both
questions and answers just search the forum and
you will get excellent examples.

>***  Good that you answered it, in your own way of
course :-)  Utpal 
>should now be aware of quality of >responses he can
expect from you.

>>> I did not answer the question, again, because
it was another 
>>utterly sd question for someone like you to ask.
 I did not wish 
>>to use this harsh words to characterize your
>>questions and comments, 
>>but you asked for it.

 Cool down ...  you got so agitated when I pointed
to PCG ... looks like I touched a raw nerve. But then
again,  your level of answers are well known to
BTW,  looks like your style of answering is very
similar to those whom you are trying to defend. Not
sure if you trained them :-)

>>I did not wish 
>>to use this harsh words to characterize your
>>questions and comments, 

  You know, I have been in this forum for quite
sometime and learnt a lot from you. So don't take it
personally if many of my questions and comments
resembles your ones very closely.

>>I like to think that Utpal's intellect  is several
>>cuts above what 
>>you display here.

  Definitely ... until he catches you on the wrong

At 1:32 PM -0700 10/10/07, Krishnendu Chakraborty
>  >> So does that therefore make assamtimes poll
>>representative and objective one?
>C'da ,  as usual,  you could not come out of your
>habit of putting words in ones mouth.  I NEVER said
>that because PCG did one, assamtimes poll is
>However,  the question I have for you ...  will you
>use the same strong words (uneducated, immature,
>uninformed etc)  against PCG?  If not,  WHY?
>>>If it does , because PCG too allegedly conducted
>>one, then  should we
>>NOT surmise that everyone
>>else ought to heed what PCG does or advise? Wouldn't
>>that be the
>>logical conclusion?
>* ALLEGEDLY   If PCG did not conduct one they
>can readily file a defamation suite against the news
>papers.  Did they ??? 
>If PCG first adhere to the verdict of people as per
>the poll which they conducted,  we should have no
>reason not to heed to their advise. 
>But the million dollar question is  is PCG
>to hear the voice of people or are they moving with a
>pre-determined notion (and that seems to be the
>why they did not want to share results of poll).
>>can someone explain WHO forms a fair representation
>of Assam  ---
>>> How about trying it yourself? Is it that hard
>  task?
>***  Good that you answered it, in your own way of
>course :-)  Utpal should now be aware of quality of
>responses he can expect from you.  Utpal, you can
>check the thread "slept like a baby" to have the
>gamut of response you can expect from C'da !
>>>*** Is that the best list of who consist of the
>>>people of Assam  you
>>>could come up with?
>***  Well,  I guess I missed one .   the
>Bangladeshis.  In fact,  I think it is best if the
>poll is conducted in Bangladesh ... you know, where
>our future leaders are breeding what do you say
>At 10:15 AM -0700 10/10/07, Krishnendu Chakraborty
>>Check the last para of this ---
>>Looks like PCG too tried similar polls   not
>>if the pollsters were uneducated and  "IMMATURE,
>>UNINFORMED and UNREALISTIC to the core".
>>> So does that therefore make assamtimes poll a
>representative and object

Re: [Assam] Please take part in the opinion poll

2007-10-10 Thread Chan Mahanta
Why would the people of Assam , dedicated to Indian rule as you guys 
are so sure of, want AUTONOMY Ram?

What for ?

And if they should do with autonomy, then autonomy of WHAT?

At 3:05 PM -0600 10/10/07, Ram Sarangapani wrote:


 >IF you are for an end to the conflict

We are all for a peaceful end to the conflict. Who doesn't want 
peace (well maybe, I guess except for the ones profiting from it). 
Unfortunately, it hasn't yet been hammered out properly what the 
best course is.

The solution, to me, the sovereignty issue should be off the table, 
and talks are held with the Center for a constitutionally mandated 
atonomous state for Assam. I had long ago even suggested that a 
number of states join forces to force the Center to such a plan. 
Alternatively, the NE states could form an alliance of sorts with 

For some it may be an all or nothing solution.


On 10/10/07, Chan Mahanta 

 >Now, what I am not sure of is being on ULFa's side is 
synonymous with seeking Assam's interests? :)

 That is a pathetic spin Ram.

IF you are for an end to the conflict, and ULFA agrees to abide by 
the verdict of the people, why do you invent excuses like that to 
avoid the plebiscite, unless you really do not believe what you 
profess, that the people don't want sovereignty?

At 2:26 PM -0600 10/10/07, Ram Sarangapani wrote:


You know me well enough to know that I don't carry water for anybody 
- GOI included.

And does it really matter where I stand?

Well, if you must, I don't like a plebicite. I seriously think its a 
red-herring for anyone interested in the well-being of Assam (both 
the pro/against sovereignty people).

I think the results of a plebicite will not be helpful to anyone. It 
will lead to a much bigger, and unmanageable mess from which Assam 
will never get out of.Each side will bicker and moan about fraud, 
etc and a toothless UN can't do a lick.

 >Dilli has a billion people behind it.  The people of Assam need 
yOU far more than Dilli does.

Thanks, C'da. But, you misunderstand, I am on Assam's side as 
opposed to being on Dilli's side.

Now, what I am not sure of is being on ULFa's side is 
synonymous with seeking Assam's interests? :)

And, C'da, Assam needs you more than they will ever need me.



On 10/10/07, Chan Mahanta 


Instead of carrying water for Dilli, why don't you tell us where YOU 
stand?   For crying out loud , Dilli has a billion people behind it. 
The people of Assam need yOU far more than Dilli does.

But will you? That is the question.

At 1:51 PM -0600 10/10/07, Ram Sarangapani wrote:


I am not sure I understand, but what is is a 'non-governmental 
plebicite'? I don't think the GOI will let that slide by either.

But if you mean an informal one? Well, those, I would think, are the 
opinion polls already conducted by the PCG and APW.

But a 'formal plebicite' like what C' da is suggesting under the 
control of the UN, is just next to impossible.

I agree with you that the voices of the people of Assam must be 
heard by Dilli, but we must realize, even the most amiable 
dilliwalla will stop listening and harden their stance once a 
plebicite is mentioned.

But, I come back to the original point, that Assam or any other 
place cannot be just given away by the PM or the GOI. It is NOT 
theirs to give away in the first place. That is why Nehru's "my 
heart goes to the people of Assam" speech in 1962 still hurts.

 >Yes, you are quite right about one thing though. who will be 
allowed to take part.

 >You? Me ? People like Sandip Dutta or Utpal Borpujari. Nah we won't be :)

Oh! I think the problem will be the reverse. Everyone and his uncle 
will be allowed to vote - and that would include Bangladeshis.

The reason why Pakistan insists on a plebicite in Kashmir (and India 
is against it) is because, over the years, the Kashnir valley has 
been flooded by Pakistanis who have forcefully driven away the 
indigenous people out of Kashmir.

The solution for Assam, I think is to seek autonomous status. That 
way, the state has more power to control its destnity and does not 
have to depend on Dilli for each and everything. It also helps, 
because no one know Assam, her problems, and her convictions better 
than her own people.

There are many states within the Indian union which are actually 
amenable to such an idea - specially the NE states and the Southern 
states. They could all form a coallition of sorts and force the 
Center to agree to more power to individual states.

--Ram da

On 10/10/07, Nayanjyoti Medhi 

Ram da,

I know some people won't accept the results. And I do not see any 
role of the Government in

Re: [Assam] Please take part in the opinion poll

2007-10-10 Thread Chan Mahanta
>  >However,  the question I have for you ...  will you
>use the same strong words (uneducated, immature,
>uninformed etc)  against PCG?  If not,  WHY?

 I might if someone present it here as a proof of anything.  Did they?

>  >* ALLEGEDLY   If PCG did not conduct one they
>>can readily file a defamation suite against the news
>papers.  Did they ???

 The responsibility to provide proof of an allegation is the 
accuser's, not the defendant's. Don't you have that simple knowledge?

How would you react if I asked you a question like: "Hey, when did 
you stop beating your wife" and you protested , could I get away with 
asking for proof that you had never beaten your wife, or suggesting 
you go sue to clear your name?

If  this is not an utterly sd  question, what is?

>***  Good that you answered it, in your own way of course :-)  Utpal 
>should now be aware of quality of >responses he can expect from you.

 I did not answer the question, again, because it was another 
utterly sd question for someone like you to ask.  I did not wish 
to use this harsh words to characterize your questions and comments, 
but you asked for it.

I like to think that Utpal's intellect  is several cuts above what 
you display here.

At 1:32 PM -0700 10/10/07, Krishnendu Chakraborty wrote:
>  >> So does that therefore make assamtimes poll a
>>representative and objective one?
>C'da ,  as usual,  you could not come out of your
>habit of putting words in ones mouth.  I NEVER said
>that because PCG did one, assamtimes poll is
>However,  the question I have for you ...  will you
>use the same strong words (uneducated, immature,
>uninformed etc)  against PCG?  If not,  WHY?
>>>If it does , because PCG too allegedly conducted
>>one, then  should we
>>NOT surmise that everyone
>>else ought to heed what PCG does or advise? Wouldn't
>>that be the
>>logical conclusion?
>* ALLEGEDLY   If PCG did not conduct one they
>can readily file a defamation suite against the news
>papers.  Did they ??? 
>If PCG first adhere to the verdict of people as per
>the poll which they conducted,  we should have no
>reason not to heed to their advise. 
>But the million dollar question is  is PCG willing
>to hear the voice of people or are they moving with a
>pre-determined notion (and that seems to be the reason
>why they did not want to share results of poll).
>>can someone explain WHO forms a fair representation
>of Assam  ---
>>> How about trying it yourself? Is it that hard a
>  task?
>***  Good that you answered it, in your own way of
>course :-)  Utpal should now be aware of quality of
>responses he can expect from you.  Utpal, you can also
>check the thread "slept like a baby" to have the whole
>gamut of response you can expect from C'da !
>>>*** Is that the best list of who consist of the
>>>people of Assam  you
>>>could come up with?
>***  Well,  I guess I missed one .   the
>Bangladeshis.  In fact,  I think it is best if the
>poll is conducted in Bangladesh ... you know, where
>our future leaders are breeding what do you say
>At 10:15 AM -0700 10/10/07, Krishnendu Chakraborty
>>Check the last para of this ---
>>Looks like PCG too tried similar polls   not sure
>>if the pollsters were uneducated and  "IMMATURE,
>>UNINFORMED and UNREALISTIC to the core".
>>> So does that therefore make assamtimes poll a
>representative and objective one?
>>>If it does , because PCG too allegedly conducted
>>one, then  should we
>>NOT surmise that everyone
>>else ought to heed what PCG does or advise? Wouldn't
>>that be the
>>logical conclusion?
>>   >BTW, while it is fair to assume that visitors of
>>(or even those who responded to PCG)
>>are not a fair representation of Assam,
> Do I need to explain that? If I do, it will
>certainly  mean that
>it will be an entirely wasted effort.
>>can someone explain WHO forms a fair representation
>of Assam  ---
> How about trying it yourself? Is it that hard a
>>   >the villagers who lynch ULFA every now and then,
>the School
>>teachers who are killed by ULFA, the >traders whose
>business get
>>impacted because of regular
>>bombblast,  the journalists who are threatened
>byULFA,  the
>>intellectuals (including AXX) who >discardthe idea of
>>the NRAs ??
>*** Is that the best list of who consist of the people
>of Assam  you
>could come up with?
>We can  see now why you ask the questions you do.
>>PCG was too shy to publish the results :-)
>>BTW, while it is fair to assume that visitors of
>>assamtimes.org (or even those who responded to PCG)
>>are not a fair representation of Assam, can someone
>>explain WHO forms a fair representation of Assam  ---
>>the villagers who lynch

Re: [Assam] Please take part in the opinion poll

2007-10-10 Thread Ram Sarangapani
  >IF you are for an end to the conflict

We are all for a peaceful end to the conflict. Who doesn't want peace (well
maybe, I guess except for the ones profiting from it). Unfortunately, it
hasn't yet been hammered out properly what the best course is.

The solution, to me, the sovereignty issue should be off the table, and
talks are held with the Center for a constitutionally mandated atonomous
state for Assam. I had long ago even suggested that a number of states join
forces to force the Center to such a plan. Alternatively, the NE states
could form an alliance of sorts with autonomy.

For some it may be an all or nothing solution.


On 10/10/07, Chan Mahanta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  >Now, what I am not sure of is being on ULFa's side is synonymous with
> seeking Assam's interests? :)
>  That is a pathetic spin Ram.
> IF you are for an end to the conflict, and ULFA agrees to abide by the
> verdict of the people, why do you invent excuses like that to avoid the
> plebiscite, unless you really do not believe what you profess, that the
> people don't want sovereignty?
> At 2:26 PM -0600 10/10/07, Ram Sarangapani wrote:
> C'da,
> You know me well enough to know that I don't carry water for anybody - GOI
> included.
> And does it really matter where I stand?
> Well, if you must, I don't like a plebicite. I seriously think its a
> red-herring for anyone interested in the well-being of Assam (both the
> pro/against sovereignty people).
> I think the results of a plebicite will not be helpful to anyone. It will
> lead to a much bigger, and unmanageable mess from which Assam will never get
> out of.Each side will bicker and moan about fraud, etc and a toothless UN
> can't do a lick.
> >Dilli has a billion people behind it.  The people of Assam need yOU far
> more than Dilli does.
> Thanks, C'da. But, you misunderstand,* I am on Assam's side* as opposed to
> being on Dilli's side.
> Now, what I am not sure of is being on ULFa's side is synonymous with
> seeking Assam's interests? :)
> And, C'da, Assam needs you more than they will ever need me.
> --Ram
> --Ram
> On 10/10/07,* Chan Mahanta* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Ram:
> Instead of carrying water for Dilli, why don't you tell us where YOU
> stand?   For crying out loud , Dilli has a billion people behind it.  The
> people of Assam need yOU far more than Dilli does.
> But will you? That is the question.
> At 1:51 PM -0600 10/10/07, Ram Sarangapani wrote:
> Nayan,
> I am not sure I understand, but what is is a 'non-governmental plebicite'?
> I don't think the GOI will let that slide by either.
> But if you mean an informal one? Well, those, I would think, are the
> opinion polls already conducted by the PCG and APW.
> But a 'formal plebicite' like what C' da is suggesting under the control
> of the UN, is just next to impossible.
> I agree with you that the voices of the people of Assam must be heard by
> Dilli, but we must realize, even the most amiable dilliwalla will stop
> listening and harden their stance once a plebicite is mentioned.
> But, I come back to the original point, that Assam or any other place
> cannot be just given away by the PM or the GOI. It is NOT theirs to give
> away in the first place. That is why Nehru's "my heart goes to the people of
> Assam" speech in 1962 still hurts.
> >Yes, you are quite right about one thing though. who will be allowed to
> take part.
> >You? Me ? People like Sandip Dutta or Utpal Borpujari. Nah we won't be :)
> Oh! I think the problem will be the reverse. Everyone and his uncle will
> be allowed to vote - and that would include Bangladeshis.
> The reason why Pakistan insists on a plebicite in Kashmir (and India is
> against it) is because, over the years, the Kashnir valley has been flooded
> by Pakistanis who have forcefully driven away the indigenous people out of
> Kashmir.
> The solution for Assam, I think is to seek* autonomous status*. That way,
> the state has more power to control its destnity and does not have to depend
> on Dilli for each and everything. It also helps, because no one know Assam,
> her problems, and her convictions better than her own people.
> There are many states within the Indian union which are actually amenable
> to such an idea - specially the NE states and the Southern states. They
> could all form a coallition of sorts and force the Center to agree to more
> power to individual states.
> --Ram da
> On 10/10/07,* Nayanjyoti Medhi* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Ram da,
> I know some people won't accept the results. And I do not see any role of
> the Government in this Plebiscite. The government cant and won't do this but
> since the PCG has tried. Let them try again. M

[Assam] What noooo is it India ?

2007-10-10 Thread xourov pathok
+  Check this ---
+  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Homeless_in_LA.jpg

+  I am almost convinced this is a picture of India
+  wrongly labelled.

+  Afterall,  when Citizens of US  are more busy
+  discussing  issues of India, I am sure all issues of
+  US have already been resolved :) 

homelessness is widespread in the us.  not because 
people are cruel, but because of scant social security.
people from countries like canada, and especially from
the scandinavian countries, are often aghast at some
of these situations they see in the us.  i think i can
understand your reasons for pointing your fingers at
the us. 

nevertheless, people react in a very different way to 
poverty and homelessness in the usa than they do in 
india.  here is a story.
many elements in the story would appear very
strange from an indian point of view.  

here is the homeless man caught by google maps.



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assam mailing list

Re: [Assam] Please take part in the opinion poll

2007-10-10 Thread Ram Sarangapani
 >GoI is NOT a party . Then why has its military  been in occupation of all
the region?

*Not *what I said. There can be many polls as one wants, but for a
plebicite, the GOI (unfortunately or fortunately) will be a party.

This is the exchange between you and Nayan:

Nayan: >Maybe an non Governmental Plebiscite funded by the ULFA.

C'da:  That won't work.. Both parties to the conflict must agree to
abide by the results. ULFA has declared time and again that it will.

To which I wrote:
>Curious. *Who is the other "party" and how and whom does it
represent?* *Since,
the GOI is not a party, as per definitions here*, the ULFA is one, then who
is the >other?

So, you seem amenable to a *"non-governmental*" Plebicite. So the question
again stands, in such a scenario, who is the OTHER party, if it is NOT the


> That won't work.. Both parties to the conflict must agree to abide by
the results.
>ULFA has declared time and again that it will.

Curious. Who is the other "party" and how and whom does it represent? Since,
the GOI is not a party, as per definitions here, the ULFA is one, then who
is the other?

*>>*And when you talk of threat and fear, well.. we have been living
with it.*

> Again, very well said.

Huh! What kind of plebicite is this? We hold a plebicite in spite of
possible threats?

On 10/10/07, Chan Mahanta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  GoI is NOT a party . Then why has its military  been in occupation of all
> the region?
> What happened to that overwhelming support of the people of Assam  for
> continued Indian servitude
> that you all were gloating over less than an hour ago Ram?  Has it
> evaporated from a perceived threat of three thousand ULFA cadres ,
> ostensibly hiding in B'desh, coming to defeat the will  of the 5 million
> Assamese?
> Are you serious Ram?
> At 2:04 PM -0600 10/10/07, Ram Sarangapani wrote:
> C'da,
> > That won't work.. Both parties to the conflict must agree to abide
> by the results.
> >ULFA has declared time and again that it will.
> Curious. Who is the other "party" and how and whom does it represent?
> Since, the GOI is not a party, as per definitions here, the ULFA is one,
> then who is the other?
> *>>*And when you talk of threat and fear, well.. we have been living
> with it.
> > Again, very well said.
> Huh! What kind of plebicite is this? We hold a plebicite in spite of
> possible threats?
> --Ram
> On 10/10/07,* Chan Mahanta* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> *
> *
> *
> *
> *
> *
> *> The issue is that people of Assam should be heard and there should be a
> guarantee that the people's >choice will be respected. Thats all I or for
> that matter any sensible Assamese would want.*
> *** Very well said.
> >Maybe an non Governmental Plebiscite funded by the ULFA.
>  That won't work.. Both parties to the conflict must agree to abide by
> the results. ULFA has declared time and again that it will.
> GoI naturally would oppose it, because it claims a divine right over
> Assam, aided and abetted by those to whom GoI s interests are more important
> than the those of the people of Assam.
> That is why those whose intents are honorable, sincere and are for  the
> best interests of the people of Assam, will need to generate a massive
> public opinion in support of the plebiscite. to force GoI to agree.
> *>The issue is that people of Assam should be heard and there should be a
> guarantee that the people's >choice will be respected.*
> *
> *
> *** Exactly.
> *
> *
> *
> *
> *
> *
> *>*And when you talk of threat and fear, well.. we have been living
> with it.
> *
> *
>  Again, very well said.
> *
> *
> *
> *
> *>*Yes, you are quite right about one thing though. who will be allowed to
> take part.
> *
> *
> * GoI supporters and apologists should have no objection to the GoI
> approved voter-lists. Or don't they have any faith in it?*
> *
> *
> *
> *
> >You? Me ? People like Sandip Dutta or Utpal Borpujari. Nah we won't be
>  Too bad, Nayan that having come up with a constructive and wise idea,
> you crumble under the weight of infantile burdens.
> Finally, I am still awaiting to learn about what I failed to answer in
> your inquest.  I won't press for answers to the --- question, or answers
> to those other questions from months ago which you must still be working on
> :-).
> At 12:51 AM +0530 10/11/07, Nayanjyoti Medhi wrote:
> Ram da,
>  I know some people won't accept the results. And I do not see any role of
> the Government in this Plebiscite. The government cant and won't do this but
> since the PCG has tried. Let them try again. Maybe an non Governmental
> Plebiscite funded by the ULFA. It does not have 

Re: [Assam] Please take part in the opinion poll

2007-10-10 Thread Chan Mahanta
Now, what I am not sure of is being on ULFa's side is 
synonymous with seeking Assam's interests? :)

 That is a pathetic spin Ram.

IF you are for an end to the conflict, and ULFA agrees to abide by 
the verdict of the people, why do you invent excuses like that to 
avoid the plebiscite, unless you really do not believe what you 
profess, that the people don't want sovereignty?

At 2:26 PM -0600 10/10/07, Ram Sarangapani wrote:


You know me well enough to know that I don't carry water for anybody 
- GOI included.

And does it really matter where I stand?

Well, if you must, I don't like a plebicite. I seriously think its a 
red-herring for anyone interested in the well-being of Assam (both 
the pro/against sovereignty people).

I think the results of a plebicite will not be helpful to anyone. It 
will lead to a much bigger, and unmanageable mess from which Assam 
will never get out of.Each side will bicker and moan about fraud, 
etc and a toothless UN can't do a lick.

 >Dilli has a billion people behind it.  The people of Assam need 
yOU far more than Dilli does.

Thanks, C'da. But, you misunderstand, I am on Assam's side as 
opposed to being on Dilli's side.
Now, what I am not sure of is being on ULFa's side is 
synonymous with seeking Assam's interests? :)

And, C'da, Assam needs you more than they will ever need me.



On 10/10/07, Chan Mahanta 


Instead of carrying water for Dilli, why don't you tell us where YOU 
stand?   For crying out loud , Dilli has a billion people behind it. 
The people of Assam need yOU far more than Dilli does.

But will you? That is the question.

At 1:51 PM -0600 10/10/07, Ram Sarangapani wrote:


I am not sure I understand, but what is is a 'non-governmental 
plebicite'? I don't think the GOI will let that slide by either.

But if you mean an informal one? Well, those, I would think, are the 
opinion polls already conducted by the PCG and APW.

But a 'formal plebicite' like what C' da is suggesting under the 
control of the UN, is just next to impossible.

I agree with you that the voices of the people of Assam must be 
heard by Dilli, but we must realize, even the most amiable 
dilliwalla will stop listening and harden their stance once a 
plebicite is mentioned.

But, I come back to the original point, that Assam or any other 
place cannot be just given away by the PM or the GOI. It is NOT 
theirs to give away in the first place. That is why Nehru's "my 
heart goes to the people of Assam" speech in 1962 still hurts.

 >Yes, you are quite right about one thing though. who will be 
allowed to take part.

 >You? Me ? People like Sandip Dutta or Utpal Borpujari. Nah we won't be :)

Oh! I think the problem will be the reverse. Everyone and his uncle 
will be allowed to vote - and that would include Bangladeshis.

The reason why Pakistan insists on a plebicite in Kashmir (and India 
is against it) is because, over the years, the Kashnir valley has 
been flooded by Pakistanis who have forcefully driven away the 
indigenous people out of Kashmir.

The solution for Assam, I think is to seek autonomous status. That 
way, the state has more power to control its destnity and does not 
have to depend on Dilli for each and everything. It also helps, 
because no one know Assam, her problems, and her convictions better 
than her own people.

There are many states within the Indian union which are actually 
amenable to such an idea - specially the NE states and the Southern 
states. They could all form a coallition of sorts and force the 
Center to agree to more power to individual states.

--Ram da

On 10/10/07, Nayanjyoti Medhi 

Ram da,

I know some people won't accept the results. And I do not see any 
role of the Government in this Plebiscite. The government cant and 
won't do this but since the PCG has tried. Let them try again. Maybe 
an non Governmental Plebiscite funded by the ULFA. It does not have 
to be a Government sponsored one naa. The issue is that people of 
Assam should be heard and there should be a guarantee that the 
people's choice will be respected. Thats all I or for that matter 
any sensible Assamese would want. And when you talk of threat and 
fear, well.. we have been living with it. nothing new about it. 
Yes, you are quite right about one thing though. who will be allowed 
to take part. You? Me ? People like Sandip Dutta or Utpal Borpujari. 
Nah we won't be :)

On 10/11/07, Ram Sarangapani 

 >maybe a plebiscite is not a bad idea at all. atleast

Hehehe! Not so fast. Here are some potential problems I see in the 
way it is conducted, and who will be allowed to take part in it.

It would be a bad idea if illegal Bangladeshi's or ISI types are 
also given a chance to voice

Re: [Assam] Please take part in the opinion poll

2007-10-10 Thread Chan Mahanta
GoI is NOT a party . Then why has its military  been in occupation of 
all the region?

What happened to that overwhelming support of the people of Assam 
for continued Indian servitude
that you all were gloating over less than an hour ago Ram?  Has it 
evaporated from a perceived threat of three thousand ULFA cadres , 
ostensibly hiding in B'desh, coming to defeat the will  of the 5 
million Assamese?

Are you serious Ram?

At 2:04 PM -0600 10/10/07, Ram Sarangapani wrote:


 > That won't work.. Both parties to the conflict must agree to 
abide by the results.

 >ULFA has declared time and again that it will.

Curious. Who is the other "party" and how and whom does it 
represent? Since, the GOI is not a party, as per definitions here, 
the ULFA is one, then who is the other?

 >>And when you talk of threat and fear, well.. we have been 
living with it.

 > Again, very well said.

Huh! What kind of plebicite is this? We hold a plebicite in spite of 
possible threats?


On 10/10/07, Chan Mahanta 

 > The issue is that people of Assam should be heard and there 
should be a guarantee that the people's >choice will be respected. 
Thats all I or for that matter any sensible Assamese would want.

*** Very well said.

 >Maybe an non Governmental Plebiscite funded by the ULFA.

 That won't work.. Both parties to the conflict must agree to 
abide by the results. ULFA has declared time and again that it will.

GoI naturally would oppose it, because it claims a divine right over 
Assam, aided and abetted by those to whom GoI s interests are more 
important than the those of the people of Assam.

That is why those whose intents are honorable, sincere and are for 
the best interests of the people of Assam, will need to generate a 
massive public opinion in support of the plebiscite. to force GoI to 

 >The issue is that people of Assam should be heard and there should 
be a guarantee that the people's >choice will be respected.

*** Exactly.

 >And when you talk of threat and fear, well.. we have been 
living with it.

 Again, very well said.

 >Yes, you are quite right about one thing though. who will be 
allowed to take part.

 GoI supporters and apologists should have no objection to the 
GoI approved voter-lists. Or don't they have any faith in it?

 >You? Me ? People like Sandip Dutta or Utpal Borpujari. Nah we won't be

 Too bad, Nayan that having come up with a constructive and wise 
idea, you crumble under the weight of infantile burdens.

Finally, I am still awaiting to learn about what I failed to answer 
in your inquest.  I won't press for answers to the --- question, 
or answers to those other questions from months ago which you must 
still be working on :-).

At 12:51 AM +0530 10/11/07, Nayanjyoti Medhi wrote:

Ram da,

I know some people won't accept the results. And I do not see any 
role of the Government in this Plebiscite. The government cant and 
won't do this but since the PCG has tried. Let them try again. Maybe 
an non Governmental Plebiscite funded by the ULFA. It does not have 
to be a Government sponsored one naa. The issue is that people of 
Assam should be heard and there should be a guarantee that the 
people's choice will be respected. Thats all I or for that matter 
any sensible Assamese would want. And when you talk of threat and 
fear, well.. we have been living with it. nothing new about it. 
Yes, you are quite right about one thing though. who will be allowed 
to take part. You? Me ? People like Sandip Dutta or Utpal Borpujari. 
Nah we won't be :)

On 10/11/07, Ram Sarangapani 

 >maybe a plebiscite is not a bad idea at all. atleast

Hehehe! Not so fast. Here are some potential problems I see in the 
way it is conducted, and who will be allowed to take part in it.

It would be a bad idea if illegal Bangladeshi's or ISI types are 
also given a chance to voice their opinion.

And how will this be conducted? Even today, when there is a call for 
Assam bondho, there is no one to challenge it. Will the plebicite be 
conducted under the threat of violence?

And lastly, Nayan, we have seen in even this microscopic sample 
(Assam net), we are not able to even accept the results of a poll 
nor come to a consensus, and you think, C'da and others will accept 
something as serious as a plebicite if it goes against their wishes?

Lastly, I seriously doubt if the Indian Govt. will accept to hold a 
plebicite. Agreeing to hold a plebicite would be tantamount to 
declaring (for the Govt,) that maybe, just maybe Assam could be 
sovereign, and the Govts. points are not that strong.

Furthermore, the Govt. of India is just a CARETAKER of the country 
and her people. It does not have any rights to give away portions of 
the country when it pleases, or e

[Assam] Please take part in the opinion poll

2007-10-10 Thread Krishnendu Chakraborty
>> So does that therefore make assamtimes poll a
>representative and objective one?

C'da ,  as usual,  you could not come out of your
habit of putting words in ones mouth.  I NEVER said
that because PCG did one, assamtimes poll is

However,  the question I have for you ...  will you
use the same strong words (uneducated, immature,
uninformed etc)  against PCG?  If not,  WHY?

>>If it does , because PCG too allegedly conducted
>one, then  should we 
>NOT surmise that everyone
>else ought to heed what PCG does or advise? Wouldn't
>that be the 
>logical conclusion?

* ALLEGEDLY   If PCG did not conduct one they
can readily file a defamation suite against the news
papers.  Did they ???  
If PCG first adhere to the verdict of people as per
the poll which they conducted,  we should have no
reason not to heed to their advise.  
But the million dollar question is  is PCG willing
to hear the voice of people or are they moving with a
pre-determined notion (and that seems to be the reason
why they did not want to share results of poll).

>can someone explain WHO forms a fair representation
of Assam  ---

>> How about trying it yourself? Is it that hard a

***  Good that you answered it, in your own way of
course :-)  Utpal should now be aware of quality of
responses he can expect from you.  Utpal, you can also
check the thread "slept like a baby" to have the whole
gamut of response you can expect from C'da !

>>*** Is that the best list of who consist of the
>>people of Assam  you 
>>could come up with?

***  Well,  I guess I missed one .   the
Bangladeshis.  In fact,  I think it is best if the
poll is conducted in Bangladesh ... you know, where
our future leaders are breeding what do you say

At 10:15 AM -0700 10/10/07, Krishnendu Chakraborty
>Check the last para of this ---
>Looks like PCG too tried similar polls   not sure
>if the pollsters were uneducated and  "IMMATURE,

>> So does that therefore make assamtimes poll a
representative and objective one?

>>If it does , because PCG too allegedly conducted
>one, then  should we 
>NOT surmise that everyone
>else ought to heed what PCG does or advise? Wouldn't
>that be the 
>logical conclusion?

>  >BTW, while it is fair to assume that visitors of
>(or even those who responded to PCG)
>are not a fair representation of Assam,

 Do I need to explain that? If I do, it will
certainly  mean that 
it will be an entirely wasted effort.

>can someone explain WHO forms a fair representation
of Assam  ---

 How about trying it yourself? Is it that hard a 

>  >the villagers who lynch ULFA every now and then, 
the School 
>teachers who are killed by ULFA, the >traders whose
business get 
>impacted because of regular
>bombblast,  the journalists who are threatened
byULFA,  the 
>intellectuals (including AXX) who >discardthe idea of
>the NRAs ??

*** Is that the best list of who consist of the people
of Assam  you 
could come up with?

We can  see now why you ask the questions you do.

>PCG was too shy to publish the results :-)
>BTW, while it is fair to assume that visitors of
>assamtimes.org (or even those who responded to PCG)
>are not a fair representation of Assam, can someone
>explain WHO forms a fair representation of Assam  ---
>the villagers who lynch ULFA every now and then,  the
>School teachers who are killed by ULFA, the traders
>whose business get impacted because of regular
>bombblast,  the journalists who are threatened by
>ULFA,  the intellectuals (including AXX) who discard
>the idea of Sovereignty,  the NRAs ??
>>>Entirely faulty premise for the poll.
>>>WHO visits assamtimes.org ? Are they a fair
>representation of Assam's polity?
>>>If the pollsters are as uneducated about as simple
>an issue as this,
>what will anybody learn from it?
>At 12:47 AM +0530 10/10/07, Nayanjyoti Medhi wrote:
>>please take part in the opinion poll going on in
>>Nayanjyoti Medhi
>>Gauhati High Court
>>Satya Bora Lane, Dighalipukhuri East
>>Guwahati-781001, Assam
>>+91 361 2416960
>>+91 94350 43007
>>gmail.com>nayanjyoti.medhi at gmail.com


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assam mailing list

Re: [Assam] Please take part in the opinion poll

2007-10-10 Thread Ram Sarangapani

You know me well enough to know that I don't carry water for anybody - GOI
And does it really matter where I stand?

Well, if you must, I don't like a plebicite. I seriously think its a
red-herring for anyone interested in the well-being of Assam (both the
pro/against sovereignty people).

I think the results of a plebicite will not be helpful to anyone. It will
lead to a much bigger, and unmanageable mess from which Assam will never get
out of.Each side will bicker and moan about fraud, etc and a toothless UN
can't do a lick.

>Dilli has a billion people behind it.  The people of Assam need yOU far
more than Dilli does.

Thanks, C'da. But, you misunderstand, *I am on Assam's side* as opposed to
being on Dilli's side.
Now, what I am not sure of is being on ULFa's side is synonymous with
seeking Assam's interests? :)
And, C'da, Assam needs you more than they will ever need me.



On 10/10/07, Chan Mahanta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  Ram:
> Instead of carrying water for Dilli, why don't you tell us where YOU
> stand?   For crying out loud , Dilli has a billion people behind it.  The
> people of Assam need yOU far more than Dilli does.
> But will you? That is the question.
> At 1:51 PM -0600 10/10/07, Ram Sarangapani wrote:
> Nayan,
> I am not sure I understand, but what is is a 'non-governmental plebicite'?
> I don't think the GOI will let that slide by either.
> But if you mean an informal one? Well, those, I would think, are the
> opinion polls already conducted by the PCG and APW.
> But a 'formal plebicite' like what C' da is suggesting under the control
> of the UN, is just next to impossible.
> I agree with you that the voices of the people of Assam must be heard by
> Dilli, but we must realize, even the most amiable dilliwalla will stop
> listening and harden their stance once a plebicite is mentioned.
> But, I come back to the original point, that Assam or any other place
> cannot be just given away by the PM or the GOI. It is NOT theirs to give
> away in the first place. That is why Nehru's "my heart goes to the people of
> Assam" speech in 1962 still hurts.
> >Yes, you are quite right about one thing though. who will be allowed to
> take part.
> >You? Me ? People like Sandip Dutta or Utpal Borpujari. Nah we won't be :)
> Oh! I think the problem will be the reverse. Everyone and his uncle will
> be allowed to vote - and that would include Bangladeshis.
> The reason why Pakistan insists on a plebicite in Kashmir (and India is
> against it) is because, over the years, the Kashnir valley has been flooded
> by Pakistanis who have forcefully driven away the indigenous people out of
> Kashmir.
> The solution for Assam, I think is to seek* autonomous status*. That way,
> the state has more power to control its destnity and does not have to depend
> on Dilli for each and everything. It also helps, because no one know Assam,
> her problems, and her convictions better than her own people.
> There are many states within the Indian union which are actually amenable
> to such an idea - specially the NE states and the Southern states. They
> could all form a coallition of sorts and force the Center to agree to more
> power to individual states.
> --Ram da
> On 10/10/07,* Nayanjyoti Medhi* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Ram da,
> I know some people won't accept the results. And I do not see any role of
> the Government in this Plebiscite. The government cant and won't do this but
> since the PCG has tried. Let them try again. Maybe an non Governmental
> Plebiscite funded by the ULFA. It does not have to be a Government sponsored
> one naa. The issue is that people of Assam should be heard and there should
> be a guarantee that the people's choice will be respected. Thats all I or
> for that matter any sensible Assamese would want. And when you talk of
> threat and fear, well.. we have been living with it. nothing new about
> it. Yes, you are quite right about one thing though. who will be allowed to
> take part. You? Me ? People like Sandip Dutta or Utpal Borpujari. Nah we
> won't be :)
> On 10/11/07,* Ram Sarangapani* <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:
> >maybe a plebiscite is not a bad idea at all. atleast
> Hehehe! Not so fast. Here are some potential problems I see in the way it
> is conducted, and who will be allowed to take part in it.
> It would be a bad idea if illegal Bangladeshi's or ISI types are
> also given a chance to voice their opinion.
> And how will this be conducted? Even today, when there is a call for Assam
> bondho, there is no one to challenge it. Will the plebicite be conducted
> under the threat of violence?
> And lastly, Nayan, we have seen in even this microscopic sample (Assam
> net), we are not able to even accept the results of a poll nor come to a
> consensus, and you think, C'da and othe

Re: [Assam] Please take part in the opinion poll

2007-10-10 Thread Ram Sarangapani

> That won't work.. Both parties to the conflict must agree to abide by
the results.
>ULFA has declared time and again that it will.

Curious. Who is the other "party" and how and whom does it represent? Since,
the GOI is not a party, as per definitions here, the ULFA is one, then who
is the other?

*>>*And when you talk of threat and fear, well.. we have been living
with it.*

> Again, very well said.

Huh! What kind of plebicite is this? We hold a plebicite in spite of
possible threats?


On 10/10/07, Chan Mahanta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  *
> *
> *
> *
> *
> *
> *> The issue is that people of Assam should be heard and there should be a
> guarantee that the people's >choice will be respected. Thats all I or for
> that matter any sensible Assamese would want.*
> *** Very well said.
> >Maybe an non Governmental Plebiscite funded by the ULFA.
>  That won't work.. Both parties to the conflict must agree to abide by
> the results. ULFA has declared time and again that it will.
> GoI naturally would oppose it, because it claims a divine right over
> Assam, aided and abetted by those to whom GoI s interests are more important
> than the those of the people of Assam.
> That is why those whose intents are honorable, sincere and are for  the
> best interests of the people of Assam, will need to generate a massive
> public opinion in support of the plebiscite. to force GoI to agree.
> *>The issue is that people of Assam should be heard and there should be a
> guarantee that the people's >choice will be respected.*
> *
> *
> *** Exactly.
> *
> *
> *
> *
> *
> *
> *>*And when you talk of threat and fear, well.. we have been living
> with it.
> *
> *
>  Again, very well said.
> *
> *
> *
> *
> *>*Yes, you are quite right about one thing though. who will be allowed to
> take part.
> *
> *
> * GoI supporters and apologists should have no objection to the GoI
> approved voter-lists. Or don't they have any faith in it?*
> *
> *
> *
> *
> >You? Me ? People like Sandip Dutta or Utpal Borpujari. Nah we won't be
>  Too bad, Nayan that having come up with a constructive and wise idea,
> you crumble under the weight of infantile burdens.
> Finally, I am still awaiting to learn about what I failed to answer in
> your inquest.  I won't press for answers to the --- question, or answers
> to those other questions from months ago which you must still be working on
> :-).
> At 12:51 AM +0530 10/11/07, Nayanjyoti Medhi wrote:
> Ram da,
> I know some people won't accept the results. And I do not see any role of
> the Government in this Plebiscite. The government cant and won't do this but
> since the PCG has tried. Let them try again. Maybe an non Governmental
> Plebiscite funded by the ULFA. It does not have to be a Government sponsored
> one naa. The issue is that people of Assam should be heard and there should
> be a guarantee that the people's choice will be respected. Thats all I or
> for that matter any sensible Assamese would want. And when you talk of
> threat and fear, well.. we have been living with it. nothing new about
> it. Yes, you are quite right about one thing though. who will be allowed to
> take part. You? Me ? People like Sandip Dutta or Utpal Borpujari. Nah we
> won't be :)
> On 10/11/07,* Ram Sarangapani* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >maybe a plebiscite is not a bad idea at all. atleast
> Hehehe! Not so fast. Here are some potential problems I see in the way it
> is conducted, and who will be allowed to take part in it.
> It would be a bad idea if illegal Bangladeshi's or ISI types are
> also given a chance to voice their opinion.
> And how will this be conducted? Even today, when there is a call for Assam
> bondho, there is no one to challenge it. Will the plebicite be conducted
> under the threat of violence?
> And lastly, Nayan, we have seen in even this microscopic sample (Assam
> net), we are not able to even accept the results of a poll nor come to a
> consensus, and you think, C'da and others will accept something as serious
> as a plebicite if it goes against their wishes?
> Lastly, I seriously doubt if the Indian Govt. will accept to hold a
> plebicite. Agreeing to hold a plebicite would be tantamount to declaring
> (for the Govt,) that maybe, just maybe Assam could be sovereign, and the
> Govts. points are not that strong.
> Furthermore, the Govt. of India is just a CARETAKER of the country and her
> people. It does not have* any rights* to give away portions of the country
> when it pleases, or even hold plebicites* that could well cast doubts in
> the territorial integrity of the country* . Well, thats the way I
> understand the essence of the Indian Constitution. That I think is a big
> reason why Kashmir couldn't have a plebicite either.
> In any case, IMHO, like Kashmir, the role for a plebicite is too la

Re: [Assam] Please take part in the opinion poll

2007-10-10 Thread Chan Mahanta


Instead of carrying water for Dilli, why don't you tell us where YOU 
stand?   For crying out loud , Dilli has a billion people behind it. 
The people of Assam need yOU far more than Dilli does.

But will you? That is the question.

At 1:51 PM -0600 10/10/07, Ram Sarangapani wrote:


I am not sure I understand, but what is is a 'non-governmental 
plebicite'? I don't think the GOI will let that slide by either.

But if you mean an informal one? Well, those, I would think, are the 
opinion polls already conducted by the PCG and APW.

But a 'formal plebicite' like what C' da is suggesting under the 
control of the UN, is just next to impossible.

I agree with you that the voices of the people of Assam must be 
heard by Dilli, but we must realize, even the most amiable 
dilliwalla will stop listening and harden their stance once a 
plebicite is mentioned.

But, I come back to the original point, that Assam or any other 
place cannot be just given away by the PM or the GOI. It is NOT 
theirs to give away in the first place. That is why Nehru's "my 
heart goes to the people of Assam" speech in 1962 still hurts.

 >Yes, you are quite right about one thing though. who will be 
allowed to take part.

 >You? Me ? People like Sandip Dutta or Utpal Borpujari. Nah we won't be :)

Oh! I think the problem will be the reverse. Everyone and his uncle 
will be allowed to vote - and that would include Bangladeshis.
The reason why Pakistan insists on a plebicite in Kashmir (and India 
is against it) is because, over the years, the Kashnir valley has 
been flooded by Pakistanis who have forcefully driven away the 
indigenous people out of Kashmir.

The solution for Assam, I think is to seek autonomous status. That 
way, the state has more power to control its destnity and does not 
have to depend on Dilli for each and everything. It also helps, 
because no one know Assam, her problems, and her convictions better 
than her own people.

There are many states within the Indian union which are actually 
amenable to such an idea - specially the NE states and the Southern 
states. They could all form a coallition of sorts and force the 
Center to agree to more power to individual states.

--Ram da

On 10/10/07, Nayanjyoti Medhi 

Ram da,
I know some people won't accept the results. And I do not see any 
role of the Government in this Plebiscite. The government cant and 
won't do this but since the PCG has tried. Let them try again. Maybe 
an non Governmental Plebiscite funded by the ULFA. It does not have 
to be a Government sponsored one naa. The issue is that people of 
Assam should be heard and there should be a guarantee that the 
people's choice will be respected. Thats all I or for that matter 
any sensible Assamese would want. And when you talk of threat and 
fear, well.. we have been living with it. nothing new about it. 
Yes, you are quite right about one thing though. who will be allowed 
to take part. You? Me ? People like Sandip Dutta or Utpal Borpujari. 
Nah we won't be :)

On 10/11/07, Ram Sarangapani 

 >maybe a plebiscite is not a bad idea at all. atleast

Hehehe! Not so fast. Here are some potential problems I see in the 
way it is conducted, and who will be allowed to take part in it.

It would be a bad idea if illegal Bangladeshi's or ISI types are 
also given a chance to voice their opinion.
And how will this be conducted? Even today, when there is a call for 
Assam bondho, there is no one to challenge it. Will the plebicite be 
conducted under the threat of violence?

And lastly, Nayan, we have seen in even this microscopic sample 
(Assam net), we are not able to even accept the results of a poll 
nor come to a consensus, and you think, C'da and others will accept 
something as serious as a plebicite if it goes against their wishes?

Lastly, I seriously doubt if the Indian Govt. will accept to hold a 
plebicite. Agreeing to hold a plebicite would be tantamount to 
declaring (for the Govt,) that maybe, just maybe Assam could be 
sovereign, and the Govts. points are not that strong.

Furthermore, the Govt. of India is just a CARETAKER of the country 
and her people. It does not have any rights to give away portions of 
the country when it pleases, or even hold plebicites that could well 
cast doubts in the territorial integrity of the country . Well, 
thats the way I understand the essence of the Indian Constitution. 
That I think is a big reason why Kashmir couldn't have a plebicite 

In any case, IMHO, like Kashmir, the role for a plebicite is too 
late for Assam


On 10/10/07, Nayanjyoti Medhi < 

see i told you C Da will barge in. anyway, maybe a plebiscite is not 
a bad idea at all. atleast let the whole world know what people 
really want in assam. assamese people who stay in assam, wo

Re: [Assam] Please take part in the opinion poll

2007-10-10 Thread Chan Mahanta

At 1:00 AM +0530 10/11/07, Nayanjyoti Medhi wrote:
 That it be preceded by a reasonable period of free and 
unfettered discussion and
debate among the people of Assam about the whys and of the 
pros and cons of

sovereignty for Assam, so that  people can make an informed judgement.

 Reasonable period means? would you be more specific? Should 
I presume that 29 years are not reasonable enough for you? And 
people of Assam have not discussed and debated about the pros and 
cons? C Da, I am, what do you say?  Sorry, could not find 
the proper word. maybe you could find one for me and substitute.

 How about YOU giving it a try?  How long do you think is 
reasonable? A week, five, three months, a year ?  Surely Indian 
intelligentsia know nothing about our troubles and care less . And 
Assam intelligentsia , steeped in that culture of dependency is 
clueless, more afraid of their xaandoh-khowa-baali-tol-jwa than give 
two hoots about trying to find an honorable, just and sustainable 
solution  for what it cries itself hoarse but would not  lift a 
finger to do something constructive.

So , show YOUR mettle Nayan. Can you put your money where your mouth 
is, with the courage of your convictions ?

 That it be conducted under UN supervision.

###  UN supervision is quite acceptable. I mean to me and I 
presume to all. Can't say anything about the Government though. Not 
really concerned about the government as they have failed to provide 
the necessary security and peace for the development of the region.

 If the government  is representative of the people and is 
accountable to it, it must abide by the popular wish. So challenge 
it, or blow its cover exposing it for what it is.

But can you? Will you?

Or would you too succumb to excuses like Ram recounted?

On 10/11/07, Chan Mahanta 

At 12:01 AM +0530 10/11/07, Nayanjyoti Medhi wrote:

see i told you C Da will barge in. anyway,

 You seem to have a serious misconception about who can and who 
can't or when one can participate here in a discussion or debate. I 
don't need an invitation to join in on one. I can barge in on it any 
time I choose to. Just as you too can.

You need to remember Nayan, that I also  have another 
responsibility, albeit a self-imposed one, here: Of serving as a 
logic detector. With the preponderance of absurd and illogical 
arguments here presented by people who could be expected to  know 
better, day-in and day-out , someone needs to point them out.

 maybe a plebiscite is not a bad idea at all. atleast let the whole 
world know what people really want in assam. assamese people who 
stay in assam, work in assam, have their families in assam, live 
here and die here. they should be the ones to decide what they 
want. i fully agree with C da. let there be a plebiscite. but 
before that it should be gauranteed by all concerned that people's 
wishes will be respected.

 I agree wholeheartedly, with all of the above. But in addition 
to that we need a couple of other conditions attached:

 That it be preceded by a reasonable period of free and 
unfettered discussion and
debate among the people of Assam about the whys and of the 
pros and cons of

sovereignty for Assam, so that  people can make an informed judgement.

 That it be conducted under UN supervision.

 It will be an effective way to  bring the nearly thirty year 
long conflict to an end, which I like to think all sincere and 
honorable people want and aim for. Since ULFA has declared more than 
once, that it will abide by it; to find excuses for not doing it 
will be a most insincere and dishonorable pursuit, designed to 
promote interests of India over Assam's.

So, will you lead the effort in Assam to generate public opinion for 
it? I will back you up any way I can.

On 10/10/07, Chan Mahanta 

That should pretty much place those who are for Assam's continued 
servitude in a huge majority and thus pave the way for a plebiscite 
to put an end to the speculations, wouldn't it?

Why even bother about Assam Public Works' house to house interrogation poll?

At 11:55 AM -0600 10/10/07, Ram Sarangapani wrote:

Jeeez.. only 5% support sovereignty and this movement? Thats bad 
even from a poll that one doesn't trust.

It is encouraging to note that that some 43% sent in their votes 
thru surface mail.

Any reasons why the PCG did not publish the results?  Also, does 
this result in any way match up with those conducted by the Assam 
Public Works (or Service) group?


On 10/10/07, Nayanjyoti Medhi 

yes, i read the report. but now that you have 

Re: [Assam] Please take part in the opinion poll

2007-10-10 Thread Ram Sarangapani

I am not sure I understand, but what is is a 'non-governmental plebicite'? I
don't think the GOI will let that slide by either.

But if you mean an informal one? Well, those, I would think, are the opinion
polls already conducted by the PCG and APW.

But a 'formal plebicite' like what C' da is suggesting under the control of
the UN, is just next to impossible.

I agree with you that the voices of the people of Assam must be heard by
Dilli, but we must realize, even the most amiable dilliwalla will stop
listening and harden their stance once a plebicite is mentioned.

But, I come back to the original point, that Assam or any other place cannot
be just given away by the PM or the GOI. It is NOT theirs to give away in
the first place. That is why Nehru's "my heart goes to the people of Assam"
speech in 1962 still hurts.

>Yes, you are quite right about one thing though. who will be allowed to
take part.
>You? Me ? People like Sandip Dutta or Utpal Borpujari. Nah we won't be :)

Oh! I think the problem will be the reverse. Everyone and his uncle will be
allowed to vote - and that would include Bangladeshis.
The reason why Pakistan insists on a plebicite in Kashmir (and India is
against it) is because, over the years, the Kashnir valley has been flooded
by Pakistanis who have forcefully driven away the indigenous people out of

The solution for Assam, I think is to seek *autonomous status*. That way,
the state has more power to control its destnity and does not have to depend
on Dilli for each and everything. It also helps, because no one know Assam,
her problems, and her convictions better than her own people.

There are many states within the Indian union which are actually amenable to
such an idea - specially the NE states and the Southern states. They could
all form a coallition of sorts and force the Center to agree to more power
to individual states.

--Ram da

On 10/10/07, Nayanjyoti Medhi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Ram da,
> I know some people won't accept the results. And I do not see any role of
> the Government in this Plebiscite. The government cant and won't do this but
> since the PCG has tried. Let them try again. Maybe an non Governmental
> Plebiscite funded by the ULFA. It does not have to be a Government sponsored
> one naa. The issue is that people of Assam should be heard and there should
> be a guarantee that the people's choice will be respected. Thats all I or
> for that matter any sensible Assamese would want. And when you talk of
> threat and fear, well.. we have been living with it. nothing new about
> it. Yes, you are quite right about one thing though. who will be allowed to
> take part. You? Me ? People like Sandip Dutta or Utpal Borpujari. Nah we
> won't be :)
>  On 10/11/07, Ram Sarangapani <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > >maybe a plebiscite is not a bad idea at all. atleast
> >
> > Hehehe! Not so fast. Here are some potential problems I see in the way
> > it is conducted, and who will be allowed to take part in it.
> >
> > It would be a bad idea if illegal Bangladeshi's or ISI types are
> > also given a chance to voice their opinion.
> > And how will this be conducted? Even today, when there is a call for
> > Assam bondho, there is no one to challenge it. Will the plebicite be
> > conducted under the threat of violence?
> >
> > And lastly, Nayan, we have seen in even this microscopic sample (Assam
> > net), we are not able to even accept the results of a poll nor come to a
> > consensus, and you think, C'da and others will accept something as serious
> > as a plebicite if it goes against their wishes?
> >
> > Lastly, I seriously doubt if the Indian Govt. will accept to hold a
> > plebicite. Agreeing to hold a plebicite would be tantamount to declaring
> > (for the Govt,) that maybe, just maybe Assam could be sovereign, and the
> > Govts. points are not that strong.
> >
> > Furthermore, the Govt. of India is just a CARETAKER of the country and
> > her people. It does not have *any rights* to give away portions of the
> > country when it pleases, or even hold plebicites *that could well cast
> > doubts in the territorial integrity of the country *. Well, thats the
> > way I understand the essence of the Indian Constitution. That I think is a
> > big reason why Kashmir couldn't have a plebicite either.
> >
> > In any case, IMHO, like Kashmir, the role for a plebicite is too late
> > for Assam
> >
> > --Ram
> >
> >  On 10/10/07, Nayanjyoti Medhi < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > > see i told you C Da will barge in. anyway, maybe a plebiscite is not a
> > > bad idea at all. atleast let the whole world know what people really want 
> > > in
> > > assam. assamese people who stay in assam, work in assam, have their 
> > > families
> > > in assam, live here and die here. they should be the ones to decide what
> > > they want. i fully agree with C da. let there be a plebiscite. but before
> > > that it should be gauranteed by all concerned that people's w

Re: [Assam] Please take part in the opinion poll

2007-10-10 Thread Chan Mahanta

 The issue is that people of Assam should be heard and there should 
be a guarantee that the people's >choice will be respected. Thats 
all I or for that matter any sensible Assamese would want.

*** Very well said.

Maybe an non Governmental Plebiscite funded by the ULFA.

 That won't work.. Both parties to the conflict must agree to 
abide by the results. ULFA has declared time and again that it will.

GoI naturally would oppose it, because it claims a divine right over 
Assam, aided and abetted by those to whom GoI s interests are more 
important than the those of the people of Assam.

That is why those whose intents are honorable, sincere and are for 
the best interests of the people of Assam, will need to generate a 
massive public opinion in support of the plebiscite. to force GoI to 

The issue is that people of Assam should be heard and there should 
be a guarantee that the people's >choice will be respected.

*** Exactly.

And when you talk of threat and fear, well.. we have been living with it.

 Again, very well said.

Yes, you are quite right about one thing though. who will be allowed 
to take part.

 GoI supporters and apologists should have no objection to the 
GoI approved voter-lists. Or don't they have any faith in it?

You? Me ? People like Sandip Dutta or Utpal Borpujari. Nah we won't be

 Too bad, Nayan that having come up with a constructive and wise 
idea, you crumble under the weight of infantile burdens.

Finally, I am still awaiting to learn about what I failed to answer 
in your inquest.  I won't press for answers to the --- question, 
or answers to those other questions from months ago which you must 
still be working on :-).

At 12:51 AM +0530 10/11/07, Nayanjyoti Medhi wrote:

Ram da,
I know some people won't accept the results. And I do not see any 
role of the Government in this Plebiscite. The government cant and 
won't do this but since the PCG has tried. Let them try again. Maybe 
an non Governmental Plebiscite funded by the ULFA. It does not have 
to be a Government sponsored one naa. The issue is that people of 
Assam should be heard and there should be a guarantee that the 
people's choice will be respected. Thats all I or for that matter 
any sensible Assamese would want. And when you talk of threat and 
fear, well.. we have been living with it. nothing new about it. 
Yes, you are quite right about one thing though. who will be allowed 
to take part. You? Me ? People like Sandip Dutta or Utpal Borpujari. 
Nah we won't be :)

On 10/11/07, Ram Sarangapani 

 >maybe a plebiscite is not a bad idea at all. atleast

Hehehe! Not so fast. Here are some potential problems I see in the 
way it is conducted, and who will be allowed to take part in it.

It would be a bad idea if illegal Bangladeshi's or ISI types are 
also given a chance to voice their opinion.
And how will this be conducted? Even today, when there is a call for 
Assam bondho, there is no one to challenge it. Will the plebicite be 
conducted under the threat of violence?

And lastly, Nayan, we have seen in even this microscopic sample 
(Assam net), we are not able to even accept the results of a poll 
nor come to a consensus, and you think, C'da and others will accept 
something as serious as a plebicite if it goes against their wishes?

Lastly, I seriously doubt if the Indian Govt. will accept to hold a 
plebicite. Agreeing to hold a plebicite would be tantamount to 
declaring (for the Govt,) that maybe, just maybe Assam could be 
sovereign, and the Govts. points are not that strong.

Furthermore, the Govt. of India is just a CARETAKER of the country 
and her people. It does not have any rights to give away portions of 
the country when it pleases, or even hold plebicites that could well 
cast doubts in the territorial integrity of the country . Well, 
thats the way I understand the essence of the Indian Constitution. 
That I think is a big reason why Kashmir couldn't have a plebicite 

In any case, IMHO, like Kashmir, the role for a plebicite is too 
late for Assam


On 10/10/07, Nayanjyoti Medhi < 

see i told you C Da will barge in. anyway, maybe a plebiscite is not 
a bad idea at all. atleast let the whole world know what people 
really want in assam. assamese people who stay in assam, work in 
assam, have their families in assam, live here and die here. they 
should be the ones to decide what they want. i fully agree with C 
da. let there be a plebiscite. but before that it should be 
gauranteed by all concerned that people's wishes will be respected.

On 10/10/07, Chan Mahanta 

That should pretty much place those who are for Assam's continued 
servitude in a huge majority and thus pave the way for a plebiscite 
to put an end to the speculations, wouldn't

Re: [Assam] Please take part in the opinion poll

2007-10-10 Thread Nayanjyoti Medhi
 That it be preceded by a reasonable period of free and unfettered
discussion and debate among the people of Assam about the whys and
of the pros and cons of
sovereignty for Assam, so that  people can make an informed

 Reasonable period means? would you be more specific? Should I
presume that 29 years are not reasonable enough for you? And people of Assam
have not discussed and debated about the pros and cons? C Da, I am, what do
you say?  Sorry, could not find the proper word. maybe you could
find one for me and substitute.

 That it be conducted under UN supervision.

###  UN supervision is quite acceptable. I mean to me and I presume to
all. Can't say anything about the Government though. Not really concerned
about the government as they have failed to provide the necessary security
and peace for the development of the region.
On 10/11/07, Chan Mahanta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  At 12:01 AM +0530 10/11/07, Nayanjyoti Medhi wrote:
> see i told you C Da will barge in. anyway,
>  You seem to have a serious misconception about who can and who can't
> or when one can participate here in a discussion or debate. I don't need an
> invitation to join in on one. I can* barge in* on it any time I choose to.
> * Just as you too can.*
> You need to remember Nayan, that I also  have another responsibility,
> albeit a self-imposed one, here: Of serving as a logic detector. With the
> preponderance of absurd and illogical arguments here presented by people who
> could be expected to  know better, day-in and day-out , someone needs to
> point them out.
>  maybe a plebiscite is not a bad idea at all. atleast let the whole world
> know what people really want in assam. assamese people who stay in assam,
> work in assam, have their families in assam, live here and die here. they
> should be the ones to decide what they want. i fully agree with C da. let
> there be a plebiscite. but before that it should be gauranteed by all
> concerned that people's wishes will be respected.
>  I agree wholeheartedly, with all of the above. But in addition to
> that we need a couple of other conditions attached:
>  That it be preceded by a reasonable period of free and
> unfettered discussion and
> debate among the people of Assam about the whys and of the pros
> and cons of
> sovereignty for Assam, so that  people can make an informed
> judgement.
>  That it be conducted under UN supervision.
>  It will be an effective way to  bring the nearly thirty year long
> conflict to an end, which I like to think all sincere and honorable people
> want and aim for. Since ULFA has declared more than once, that it will abide
> by it; to find excuses for not doing it will be a most insincere and
> dishonorable pursuit, designed to promote interests of India over Assam's.
> *So, will you lead the effort in Assam to generate public opinion for it?*I 
> will back you up any way I can.
> On 10/10/07,* Chan Mahanta* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> That should pretty much place those who are for Assam's continued
> servitude in a huge majority and thus pave the way for a plebiscite to put
> an end to the speculations, wouldn't it?
> Why even bother about Assam Public Works' house to house interrogation
> poll?
> At 11:55 AM -0600 10/10/07, Ram Sarangapani wrote:
> Jeeez.. only 5% support sovereignty and this movement? Thats bad even
> from a poll that one doesn't trust.
> It is encouraging to note that that some 43% sent in their votes thru
> surface mail.
> Any reasons why the PCG did not publish the results?  Also, does this
> result in any way match up with those conducted by the Assam Public Works
> (or Service) group?
> _
> On 10/10/07,* Nayanjyoti Medhi* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> yes, i read the report. but now that you have pointed it out, you can be
> rest assured that somebody (C Da) will deny the authenticity of that report.
> i am reproducing the relevant paragraph below for easy access. you can also
> see the editorial in assamtimes.org  and comment. i wrote that on request
> of the webmaster.
> *Assam journalists condemn ULFA threat to 
> editors*
> June 15, 2006 | Newswatch Desk | Newswatch
> LAST TWO PARAGRAPHS OF THE ARTICLE --->"The nine-member PCG, formed on
> September 8, 2005, includes engineer Mukul Mahanta, journalists Ajit Bhuyan,
> Haider Hussain and Diganta Konwar, medic Brajen Gogoi, advocate Arup
> Borbora, advisor to the Asom Jatiyatabadi Yuba Chatra Parishad Dilip
> Patgiri, advisor to the Manab Adhikar Sangram Samiti Lachit Bordoloi, and
> sports organiser Hiranya Saikia. Lit

Re: [Assam] Please take part in the opinion poll

2007-10-10 Thread Nayanjyoti Medhi
Ram da,
I know some people won't accept the results. And I do not see any role of
the Government in this Plebiscite. The government cant and won't do this but
since the PCG has tried. Let them try again. Maybe an non Governmental
Plebiscite funded by the ULFA. It does not have to be a Government sponsored
one naa. The issue is that people of Assam should be heard and there should
be a guarantee that the people's choice will be respected. Thats all I or
for that matter any sensible Assamese would want. And when you talk of
threat and fear, well.. we have been living with it. nothing new about
it. Yes, you are quite right about one thing though. who will be allowed to
take part. You? Me ? People like Sandip Dutta or Utpal Borpujari. Nah we
won't be :)

On 10/11/07, Ram Sarangapani <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >maybe a plebiscite is not a bad idea at all. atleast
> Hehehe! Not so fast. Here are some potential problems I see in the way it
> is conducted, and who will be allowed to take part in it.
> It would be a bad idea if illegal Bangladeshi's or ISI types are
> also given a chance to voice their opinion.
> And how will this be conducted? Even today, when there is a call for Assam
> bondho, there is no one to challenge it. Will the plebicite be conducted
> under the threat of violence?
> And lastly, Nayan, we have seen in even this microscopic sample (Assam
> net), we are not able to even accept the results of a poll nor come to a
> consensus, and you think, C'da and others will accept something as serious
> as a plebicite if it goes against their wishes?
> Lastly, I seriously doubt if the Indian Govt. will accept to hold a
> plebicite. Agreeing to hold a plebicite would be tantamount to declaring
> (for the Govt,) that maybe, just maybe Assam could be sovereign, and the
> Govts. points are not that strong.
> Furthermore, the Govt. of India is just a CARETAKER of the country and her
> people. It does not have *any rights* to give away portions of the country
> when it pleases, or even hold plebicites *that could well cast doubts in
> the territorial integrity of the country *. Well, thats the way I
> understand the essence of the Indian Constitution. That I think is a big
> reason why Kashmir couldn't have a plebicite either.
> In any case, IMHO, like Kashmir, the role for a plebicite is too late for
> Assam
> --Ram
>  On 10/10/07, Nayanjyoti Medhi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > see i told you C Da will barge in. anyway, maybe a plebiscite is not a
> > bad idea at all. atleast let the whole world know what people really want in
> > assam. assamese people who stay in assam, work in assam, have their families
> > in assam, live here and die here. they should be the ones to decide what
> > they want. i fully agree with C da. let there be a plebiscite. but before
> > that it should be gauranteed by all concerned that people's wishes will be
> > respected.
> >
> > On 10/10/07, Chan Mahanta <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:
> > >
> > >  That should pretty much place those who are for Assam's continued
> > > servitude in a huge majority and thus pave the way for a plebiscite to put
> > > an end to the speculations, wouldn't it?
> > >
> > >
> > > Why even bother about Assam Public Works' house to house interrogation
> > > poll?
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > At 11:55 AM -0600 10/10/07, Ram Sarangapani wrote:
> > >
> > > Jeeez.. only 5% support sovereignty and this movement? Thats bad even
> > > from a poll that one doesn't trust.
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > It is encouraging to note that that some 43% sent in their votes thru
> > > surface mail.
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > Any reasons why the PCG did not publish the results?  Also, does this
> > > result in any way match up with those conducted by the Assam Public Works
> > > (or Service) group?
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > _
> > >
> > > On 10/10/07,* Nayanjyoti Medhi* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > >
> > > yes, i read the report. but now that you have pointed it out, you can
> > > be rest assured that somebody (C Da) will deny the authenticity of that
> > > report. i am reproducing the relevant paragraph below for easy access. you
> > > can also see the editorial in assamtimes.org  and comment. i wrote
> > > that on request of the webmaster.
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > *Assam journalists condemn ULFA threat to editors 
> > > *
> > > **
> > >
> > > June 15, 2006 | Newswatch Desk | Newswatch
> > >
> > > LAST TWO PARAGRAPHS OF THE ARTICLE --->"The nine-member PCG,
> > > formed on September 8, 2005, includes engineer Mukul Mahanta, journalists
> > > Ajit Bhuyan, Haider Hussain and Diganta Konwar, medic Brajen Gogoi, 
> > > advocate
> > > Arup Borbora, advisor to the Asom Jatiyatabadi Yuba Chatra Parishad Dilip
> > > Patgiri, advisor to the

Re: [Assam] Please take part in the opinion poll

2007-10-10 Thread Chan Mahanta

At 12:01 AM +0530 10/11/07, Nayanjyoti Medhi wrote:

see i told you C Da will barge in. anyway,

 You seem to have a serious misconception about who can and who 
can't or when one can participate here in a discussion or debate. I 
don't need an invitation to join in on one. I can barge in on it any 
time I choose to. Just as you too can.

You need to remember Nayan, that I also  have another responsibility, 
albeit a self-imposed one, here: Of serving as a logic detector. With 
the preponderance of absurd and illogical arguments here presented by 
people who could be expected to  know better, day-in and day-out , 
someone needs to point them out.

 maybe a plebiscite is not a bad idea at all. atleast let the whole 
world know what people really want in assam. assamese people who 
stay in assam, work in assam, have their families in assam, live 
here and die here. they should be the ones to decide what they want. 
i fully agree with C da. let there be a plebiscite. but before that 
it should be gauranteed by all concerned that people's wishes will 
be respected.

 I agree wholeheartedly, with all of the above. But in addition 
to that we need a couple of other conditions attached:

	 That it be preceded by a reasonable period of free and 
unfettered discussion and
	 debate among the people of Assam about the whys and of the 
pros and cons of

sovereignty for Assam, so that  people can make an informed judgement.

 That it be conducted under UN supervision.

 It will be an effective way to  bring the nearly thirty year 
long conflict to an end, which I like to think all sincere and 
honorable people want and aim for. Since ULFA has declared more than 
once, that it will abide by it; to find excuses for not doing it will 
be a most insincere and dishonorable pursuit, designed to promote 
interests of India over Assam's.

So, will you lead the effort in Assam to generate public opinion for 
it? I will back you up any way I can.

On 10/10/07, Chan Mahanta 

That should pretty much place those who are for Assam's continued 
servitude in a huge majority and thus pave the way for a plebiscite 
to put an end to the speculations, wouldn't it?

Why even bother about Assam Public Works' house to house interrogation poll?

At 11:55 AM -0600 10/10/07, Ram Sarangapani wrote:

Jeeez.. only 5% support sovereignty and this movement? Thats bad 
even from a poll that one doesn't trust.

It is encouraging to note that that some 43% sent in their votes 
thru surface mail.

Any reasons why the PCG did not publish the results?  Also, does 
this result in any way match up with those conducted by the Assam 
Public Works (or Service) group?


On 10/10/07, Nayanjyoti Medhi 

yes, i read the report. but now that you have pointed it out, you 
can be rest assured that somebody (C Da) will deny the authenticity 
of that report. i am reproducing the relevant paragraph below for 
easy access. you can also see the editorial in 
assamtimes.org  and comment. i wrote that on 
request of the webmaster.

journalists condemn ULFA threat to editors

June 15, 2006 | Newswatch Desk | Newswatch

formed on September 8, 2005, includes engineer Mukul Mahanta, 
journalists Ajit Bhuyan, Haider Hussain and Diganta Konwar, medic 
Brajen Gogoi, advocate Arup Borbora, advisor to the Asom 
Jatiyatabadi Yuba Chatra Parishad Dilip Patgiri, advisor to the 
Manab Adhikar Sangram Samiti Lachit Bordoloi, and sports organiser 
Hiranya Saikia. Litterateur Indira Raisom Goswami and former 
footballer player Rebati Phukan act as facilitators, and maintain 
links between the government and the consultative group.

Shortly after it was formed, the group asked people of the state to 
express their opinion about the peace process. About 5,670 people 
responded to that survey of which 1,500 odd were through SMS, 
another 1,700 through e-mails, and rest through land mail. The 
results of the survey were not announced Amar Asom exposed it. The 
result, according to the newspaper, only 300 or so people supported 
ULFA and its cause, while the rest voiced their opinion in the 

On 10/10/07, Krishnendu Chakraborty 

Check the last para of this ---

Looks like PCG too tried similar polls   not sure
if the pollsters were uneducated and  "IMMATURE,

PCG was too shy to publish the results :-)

BTW, while it is fair to assume that visitors of

Re: [Assam] Please take part in the opinion poll

2007-10-10 Thread Ram Sarangapani
>maybe a plebiscite is not a bad idea at all. atleast

Hehehe! Not so fast. Here are some potential problems I see in the way it is
conducted, and who will be allowed to take part in it.

It would be a bad idea if illegal Bangladeshi's or ISI types are also given
a chance to voice their opinion.
And how will this be conducted? Even today, when there is a call for Assam
bondho, there is no one to challenge it. Will the plebicite be conducted
under the threat of violence?

And lastly, Nayan, we have seen in even this microscopic sample (Assam net),
we are not able to even accept the results of a poll nor come to a
consensus, and you think, C'da and others will accept something as serious
as a plebicite if it goes against their wishes?

Lastly, I seriously doubt if the Indian Govt. will accept to hold a
plebicite. Agreeing to hold a plebicite would be tantamount to declaring
(for the Govt,) that maybe, just maybe Assam could be sovereign, and the
Govts. points are not that strong.

Furthermore, the Govt. of India is just a CARETAKER of the country and her
people. It does not have *any rights* to give away portions of the country
when it pleases, or even hold plebicites *that could well cast doubts in the
territorial integrity of the country*. Well, thats the way I understand the
essence of the Indian Constitution. That I think is a big reason why Kashmir
couldn't have a plebicite either.

In any case, IMHO, like Kashmir, the role for a plebicite is too late for


On 10/10/07, Nayanjyoti Medhi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> see i told you C Da will barge in. anyway, maybe a plebiscite is not a bad
> idea at all. atleast let the whole world know what people really want in
> assam. assamese people who stay in assam, work in assam, have their families
> in assam, live here and die here. they should be the ones to decide what
> they want. i fully agree with C da. let there be a plebiscite. but before
> that it should be gauranteed by all concerned that people's wishes will be
> respected.
> On 10/10/07, Chan Mahanta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >  That should pretty much place those who are for Assam's continued
> > servitude in a huge majority and thus pave the way for a plebiscite to put
> > an end to the speculations, wouldn't it?
> >
> >
> > Why even bother about Assam Public Works' house to house interrogation
> > poll?
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > At 11:55 AM -0600 10/10/07, Ram Sarangapani wrote:
> >
> > Jeeez.. only 5% support sovereignty and this movement? Thats bad even
> > from a poll that one doesn't trust.
> >
> >
> >
> > It is encouraging to note that that some 43% sent in their votes thru
> > surface mail.
> >
> >
> >
> > Any reasons why the PCG did not publish the results?  Also, does this
> > result in any way match up with those conducted by the Assam Public Works
> > (or Service) group?
> >
> >
> >
> > _
> >
> > On 10/10/07,* Nayanjyoti Medhi* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > yes, i read the report. but now that you have pointed it out, you can be
> > rest assured that somebody (C Da) will deny the authenticity of that report.
> > i am reproducing the relevant paragraph below for easy access. you can also
> > see the editorial in assamtimes.org  and comment. i wrote that on
> > request of the webmaster.
> >
> >
> >
> > *Assam journalists condemn ULFA threat to editors 
> > *
> > **
> >
> > June 15, 2006 | Newswatch Desk | Newswatch
> >
> > LAST TWO PARAGRAPHS OF THE ARTICLE --->"The nine-member PCG, formed
> > on September 8, 2005, includes engineer Mukul Mahanta, journalists Ajit
> > Bhuyan, Haider Hussain and Diganta Konwar, medic Brajen Gogoi, advocate Arup
> > Borbora, advisor to the Asom Jatiyatabadi Yuba Chatra Parishad Dilip
> > Patgiri, advisor to the Manab Adhikar Sangram Samiti Lachit Bordoloi, and
> > sports organiser Hiranya Saikia. Litterateur Indira Raisom Goswami and
> > former footballer player Rebati Phukan act as facilitators, and maintain
> > links between the government and the consultative group.
> >
> > Shortly after it was formed, the group asked people of the state to
> > express their opinion about the peace process. About 5,670 people responded
> > to that survey of which 1,500 odd were through SMS, another 1,700 through
> > e-mails, and rest through land mail. The results of the survey were not
> > announced Amar Asom exposed it. The result, according to the newspaper, only
> > 300 or so people supported ULFA and its cause, while the rest voiced their
> > opinion in the negative."
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > On 10/10/07,* Krishnendu Chakraborty* <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:
> >
> > Check the last para of this ---
> > http://www.newswatch.in/news-analyses/attacks-on-scribes/5060.html
> >
> > Looks like PCG too tried similar polls   not sure
> > if the pollsters were uneducated an

[Assam] New GU PG course on Peace & Conflict Studies - AT

2007-10-10 Thread Ram Sarangapani
This should be very interesting. This is encourging, but it all depends upon
how it is structured. Whether the course emphasizes on conflict resolution
techniques or not will be the key. Hopefully, the course will focus on the
situation in Assam as a starting point, and try and find soultions that will
help Assam.


*New GU PG course on Peace & Conflict Studies
*By A Staff Reporter
 GUWAHATI, Oct 9 – A UGC-sponsored two-year Post-Graduate (PG) course on
Peace and Conflict Studies will be launched by the Gauhati University (GU)
Political Science Department from November next.

In the meantime, selection of candidates for the course has started and
syllabus has also been prepared, said Prof Sandhya Goswami, the Head of the
Political Science Department, in a statement here.

The course is expected to foster research activities on the prevailing
situation in the NE region, besides opening up new avenues for employment by
creating experts on the subject.

Dr Nanigopal Mahanta, a Reader of the department, who received higher
education in the area in the Barkley University, USA, will act as the
coordinator of the course.

It needs mention here that peace studies could secure recognition as an
academic activity in 1959 even though scholars like Imanual Kant and
Frederick Nitze advocated the relevance of the academic importance of peace
much before.

At present peace studies has acquired an important place in the academic
activities of the universities of many countries for its link with the
day-to-day life of the people.

The first semester course of the GU programme will introduce students to
peace and conflict studies, provide the theory and practice of non-violence
and also of violence. The second semester course will include lessons on
peace and conflict management, political economy and sustainability of
development in South Asia.

The third semester course will include lessons on globalisation and
democracy in India, on issues of governance and human security, on South and
South-East Asia and on issues concerning women, peace and security.

The fourth semester course of the programme has been designed to enlighten
the students on research methodology and filed exposure, said Prof Goswami,
adding several experts in the field have already been invited to take part
in the programme.
assam mailing list

Re: [Assam] Please take part in the opinion poll

2007-10-10 Thread Nayanjyoti Medhi
see i told you C Da will barge in. anyway, maybe a plebiscite is not a bad
idea at all. atleast let the whole world know what people really want in
assam. assamese people who stay in assam, work in assam, have their families
in assam, live here and die here. they should be the ones to decide what
they want. i fully agree with C da. let there be a plebiscite. but before
that it should be gauranteed by all concerned that people's wishes will be

On 10/10/07, Chan Mahanta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  That should pretty much place those who are for Assam's continued
> servitude in a huge majority and thus pave the way for a plebiscite to put
> an end to the speculations, wouldn't it?
> Why even bother about Assam Public Works' house to house interrogation
> poll?
> At 11:55 AM -0600 10/10/07, Ram Sarangapani wrote:
> Jeeez.. only 5% support sovereignty and this movement? Thats bad even
> from a poll that one doesn't trust.
> It is encouraging to note that that some 43% sent in their votes thru
> surface mail.
> Any reasons why the PCG did not publish the results?  Also, does this
> result in any way match up with those conducted by the Assam Public Works
> (or Service) group?
> _
> On 10/10/07,* Nayanjyoti Medhi* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> yes, i read the report. but now that you have pointed it out, you can be
> rest assured that somebody (C Da) will deny the authenticity of that report.
> i am reproducing the relevant paragraph below for easy access. you can also
> see the editorial in assamtimes.org  and comment. i wrote that on request
> of the webmaster.
> *Assam journalists condemn ULFA threat to 
> editors*
> **
> June 15, 2006 | Newswatch Desk | Newswatch
> LAST TWO PARAGRAPHS OF THE ARTICLE --->"The nine-member PCG, formed on
> September 8, 2005, includes engineer Mukul Mahanta, journalists Ajit Bhuyan,
> Haider Hussain and Diganta Konwar, medic Brajen Gogoi, advocate Arup
> Borbora, advisor to the Asom Jatiyatabadi Yuba Chatra Parishad Dilip
> Patgiri, advisor to the Manab Adhikar Sangram Samiti Lachit Bordoloi, and
> sports organiser Hiranya Saikia. Litterateur Indira Raisom Goswami and
> former footballer player Rebati Phukan act as facilitators, and maintain
> links between the government and the consultative group.
> Shortly after it was formed, the group asked people of the state to
> express their opinion about the peace process. About 5,670 people responded
> to that survey of which 1,500 odd were through SMS, another 1,700 through
> e-mails, and rest through land mail. The results of the survey were not
> announced Amar Asom exposed it. The result, according to the newspaper, only
> 300 or so people supported ULFA and its cause, while the rest voiced their
> opinion in the negative."
> On 10/10/07,* Krishnendu Chakraborty* <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:
> Check the last para of this ---
> http://www.newswatch.in/news-analyses/attacks-on-scribes/5060.html
> Looks like PCG too tried similar polls   not sure
> if the pollsters were uneducated and  "IMMATURE,
> UNINFORMED and UNREALISTIC to the core".
> PCG was too shy to publish the results :-)
> BTW, while it is fair to assume that visitors of
> assamtimes.org (or even those who responded to PCG)
> are not a fair representation of Assam, can someone
> explain WHO forms a fair representation of Assam  ---
> the villagers who lynch ULFA every now and then,  the
> School teachers who are killed by ULFA, the traders
> whose business get impacted because of regular
> bombblast,  the journalists who are threatened by
> ULFA,  the intellectuals (including AXX) who discard
> the idea of Sovereignty,  the NRAs ??
> >>Entirely faulty premise for the poll.
> >>WHO visits assamtimes.org ? Are they a fair
> representation of Assam's polity?
> >>If the pollsters are as uneducated about as simple
> an issue as this,
> what will anybody learn from it?
> At 12:47 AM +0530 10/10/07, Nayanjyoti Medhi wrote:
> >please take part in the opinion poll going on in
> >< http://www.assamtimes.org> www.assamtimes.org
> >
> >--
> >Nayanjyoti Medhi
> >Advocate
> >Gauhati High Court
> >
> >Chamber:
> >Satya Bora Lane, Dighalipukhuri East
> >Guwahati-781001, Assam
> >
> >Phone:
> >+91 361 2416960
> >+91 94350 43007
> >
> >Email:
> > gmail.com>nayanjyoti.medhi at gmail.com
> >
>  _
> ___
> Don't let your dream ride pass you by. Make it a reality with Yahoo!
> Autos.
> http://autos.yahoo.com/index.html
> ___
> assam mailing list
> assam@assamnet.org
> http://assamnet.org/mailman/listinfo/assam_assamnet.org
> --
> Nayanjyoti M

Re: [Assam] Please take part in the opinion poll

2007-10-10 Thread Chan Mahanta
At 10:15 AM -0700 10/10/07, Krishnendu Chakraborty wrote:
>Check the last para of this ---
>Looks like PCG too tried similar polls   not sure
>if the pollsters were uneducated and  "IMMATURE,

 So does that therefore make assamtimes poll a scientific, 
representative and objective one?

If it does , because PCG too allegedly conducted one, then  should we 
NOT surmise that everyone
else ought to heed what PCG does or advise? Wouldn't that be the 
logical conclusion?

>  >BTW, while it is fair to assume that visitors of assamtimes.org 
>(or even those who responded to PCG)
>are not a fair representation of Assam,

 Do I need to explain that? If I do, it will certainly  mean that 
it will be an entirely wasted effort.

>can someone explain WHO forms a fair representation of Assam  ---

 How about trying it yourself? Is it that hard a  task?

>  >the villagers who lynch ULFA every now and then,  the School 
>teachers who are killed by ULFA, the >traders whose business get 
>impacted because of regular
>bombblast,  the journalists who are threatened byULFA,  the 
>intellectuals (including AXX) who >discardthe idea of Sovereignty, 
>the NRAs ??

*** Is that the best list of who consist of the people of Assam  you 
could come up with?

We can  see now why you ask the questions you do.

>PCG was too shy to publish the results :-)
>BTW, while it is fair to assume that visitors of
>assamtimes.org (or even those who responded to PCG)
>are not a fair representation of Assam, can someone
>explain WHO forms a fair representation of Assam  ---
>the villagers who lynch ULFA every now and then,  the
>School teachers who are killed by ULFA, the traders
>whose business get impacted because of regular
>bombblast,  the journalists who are threatened by
>ULFA,  the intellectuals (including AXX) who discard
>the idea of Sovereignty,  the NRAs ??
>>>Entirely faulty premise for the poll.
>>>WHO visits assamtimes.org ? Are they a fair
>representation of Assam's polity?
>>>If the pollsters are as uneducated about as simple
>an issue as this,
>what will anybody learn from it?
>At 12:47 AM +0530 10/10/07, Nayanjyoti Medhi wrote:
>>please take part in the opinion poll going on in
>>Nayanjyoti Medhi
>>Gauhati High Court
>>Satya Bora Lane, Dighalipukhuri East
>>Guwahati-781001, Assam
>>+91 361 2416960
>>+91 94350 43007
>>gmail.com>nayanjyoti.medhi at gmail.com
>Don't let your dream ride pass you by. Make it a reality with Yahoo! Autos.
>assam mailing list

assam mailing list

Re: [Assam] Please take part in the opinion poll

2007-10-10 Thread Chan Mahanta
That should pretty much place those who are for Assam's continued 
servitude in a huge majority and thus pave the way for a plebiscite 
to put an end to the speculations, wouldn't it?

Why even bother about Assam Public Works' house to house interrogation poll?

At 11:55 AM -0600 10/10/07, Ram Sarangapani wrote:
Jeeez.. only 5% support sovereignty and this movement? Thats bad 
even from a poll that one doesn't trust.

It is encouraging to note that that some 43% sent in their votes 
thru surface mail.

Any reasons why the PCG did not publish the results?  Also, does 
this result in any way match up with those conducted by the Assam 
Public Works (or Service) group?

On 10/10/07, Nayanjyoti Medhi 

yes, i read the report. but now that you have pointed it out, you 
can be rest assured that somebody (C Da) will deny the authenticity 
of that report. i am reproducing the relevant paragraph below for 
easy access. you can also see the editorial in 
assamtimes.org  and comment. i wrote that on 
request of the webmaster.

Assam journalists condemn ULFA threat to editors

June 15, 2006 | Newswatch Desk | Newswatch

formed on September 8, 2005, includes engineer Mukul Mahanta, 
journalists Ajit Bhuyan, Haider Hussain and Diganta Konwar, medic 
Brajen Gogoi, advocate Arup Borbora, advisor to the Asom 
Jatiyatabadi Yuba Chatra Parishad Dilip Patgiri, advisor to the 
Manab Adhikar Sangram Samiti Lachit Bordoloi, and sports organiser 
Hiranya Saikia. Litterateur Indira Raisom Goswami and former 
footballer player Rebati Phukan act as facilitators, and maintain 
links between the government and the consultative group.

Shortly after it was formed, the group asked people of the state to 
express their opinion about the peace process. About 5,670 people 
responded to that survey of which 1,500 odd were through SMS, 
another 1,700 through e-mails, and rest through land mail. The 
results of the survey were not announced Amar Asom exposed it. The 
result, according to the newspaper, only 300 or so people supported 
ULFA and its cause, while the rest voiced their opinion in the 

On 10/10/07, Krishnendu Chakraborty 

Check the last para of this ---

Looks like PCG too tried similar polls   not sure
if the pollsters were uneducated and  "IMMATURE,

PCG was too shy to publish the results :-)

BTW, while it is fair to assume that visitors of
assamtimes.org (or even those who responded to PCG)
are not a fair representation of Assam, can someone
explain WHO forms a fair representation of Assam  ---
the villagers who lynch ULFA every now and then,  the
School teachers who are killed by ULFA, the traders
whose business get impacted because of regular
bombblast,  the journalists who are threatened by
ULFA,  the intellectuals (including AXX) who discard
the idea of Sovereignty,  the NRAs ??

Entirely faulty premise for the poll.

WHO visits assamtimes.org ? Are they a fair

representation of Assam's polity?

If the pollsters are as uneducated about as simple

an issue as this,
what will anybody learn from it?


At 12:47 AM +0530 10/10/07, Nayanjyoti Medhi wrote:

please take part in the opinion poll going on in

Nayanjyoti Medhi


Gauhati High Court

Satya Bora Lane, Dighalipukhuri East
Guwahati-781001, Assam

+91 361 2416960
+91 94350 43007

mailto:nayanjyoti.medhi> nayanjyoti.medhi at

 gmail.com>nayanjyoti.medhi at gmail.com

Don't let your dream ride pass you by. Make it a reality with Yahoo! Autos.

assam mailing list


Nayanjyoti Medhi
Gauhati High Court

Satya Bora Lane, Dighalipukhuri East
Guwahati-781001, Assam

+91 361 2416960
+91 94350 43007


assam mailing list

Re: [Assam] Please take part in the opinion poll

2007-10-10 Thread Ram Sarangapani
Jeeez.. only 5% support sovereignty and this movement? Thats bad even from a
poll that one doesn't trust.

It is encouraging to note that that some 43% sent in their votes thru
surface mail.

Any reasons why the PCG did not publish the results?  Also, does this result
in any way match up with those conducted by the Assam Public Works (or
Service) group?

On 10/10/07, Nayanjyoti Medhi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> yes, i read the report. but now that you have pointed it out, you can be
> rest assured that somebody (C Da) will deny the authenticity of that report.
> i am reproducing the relevant paragraph below for easy access. you can also
> see the editorial in assamtimes.org  and comment. i wrote that on request
> of the webmaster.
>  Assam journalists condemn ULFA threat to editors
>  June
> 15, 2006 | Newswatch Desk | Newswatch
> LAST TWO PARAGRAPHS OF THE ARTICLE --->"The nine-member PCG, formed on
> September 8, 2005, includes engineer Mukul Mahanta, journalists Ajit Bhuyan,
> Haider Hussain and Diganta Konwar, medic Brajen Gogoi, advocate Arup
> Borbora, advisor to the Asom Jatiyatabadi Yuba Chatra Parishad Dilip
> Patgiri, advisor to the Manab Adhikar Sangram Samiti Lachit Bordoloi, and
> sports organiser Hiranya Saikia. Litterateur Indira Raisom Goswami and
> former footballer player Rebati Phukan act as facilitators, and maintain
> links between the government and the consultative group.
> Shortly after it was formed, the group asked people of the state to
> express their opinion about the peace process. About 5,670 people responded
> to that survey of which 1,500 odd were through SMS, another 1,700 through
> e-mails, and rest through land mail. The results of the survey were not
> announced Amar Asom exposed it. The result, according to the newspaper, only
> 300 or so people supported ULFA and its cause, while the rest voiced their
> opinion in the negative."
>  On 10/10/07, Krishnendu Chakraborty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Check the last para of this ---
> > http://www.newswatch.in/news-analyses/attacks-on-scribes/5060.html
> >
> > Looks like PCG too tried similar polls   not sure
> > if the pollsters were uneducated and  "IMMATURE,
> > UNINFORMED and UNREALISTIC to the core".
> >
> > PCG was too shy to publish the results :-)
> >
> > BTW, while it is fair to assume that visitors of
> > assamtimes.org (or even those who responded to PCG)
> > are not a fair representation of Assam, can someone
> > explain WHO forms a fair representation of Assam  ---
> > the villagers who lynch ULFA every now and then,  the
> > School teachers who are killed by ULFA, the traders
> > whose business get impacted because of regular
> > bombblast,  the journalists who are threatened by
> > ULFA,  the intellectuals (including AXX) who discard
> > the idea of Sovereignty,  the NRAs ??
> >
> >
> > >>Entirely faulty premise for the poll.
> >
> > >>WHO visits assamtimes.org ? Are they a fair
> > representation of Assam's polity?
> >
> > >>If the pollsters are as uneducated about as simple
> > an issue as this,
> > what will anybody learn from it?
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > At 12:47 AM +0530 10/10/07, Nayanjyoti Medhi wrote:
> > >please take part in the opinion poll going on in
> > >< http://www.assamtimes.org>www.assamtimes.org
> > >
> > >--
> > >Nayanjyoti Medhi
> > >Advocate
> > >Gauhati High Court
> > >
> > >Chamber:
> > >Satya Bora Lane, Dighalipukhuri East
> > >Guwahati-781001, Assam
> > >
> > >Phone:
> > >+91 361 2416960
> > >+91 94350 43007
> > >
> > >Email:
> > > > gmail.com>nayanjyoti.medhi at gmail.com
> > >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > 
> >
> > Don't let your dream ride pass you by. Make it a reality with Yahoo!
> > Autos.
> > http://autos.yahoo.com/index.html
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > ___
> > assam mailing list
> > assam@assamnet.org
> > http://assamnet.org/mailman/listinfo/assam_assamnet.org
> >
> --
> Nayanjyoti Medhi
> Advocate
> Gauhati High Court
> Chamber:
> Satya Bora Lane, Dighalipukhuri East
> Guwahati-781001, Assam
> Phone:
> +91 361 2416960
> +91 94350 43007
> Email:
> ___
> assam mailing list
> assam@assamnet.org
> http://assamnet.org/mailman/listinfo/assam_assamnet.org
assam mailing list

Re: [Assam] Please take part in the opinion poll

2007-10-10 Thread Nayanjyoti Medhi
yes, i read the report. but now that you have pointed it out, you can be
rest assured that somebody (C Da) will deny the authenticity of that report.
i am reproducing the relevant paragraph below for easy access. you can also
see the editorial in assamtimes.org  and comment. i wrote that on request of
the webmaster.

 Assam journalists condemn ULFA threat to
15, 2006 | Newswatch Desk | Newswatch

LAST TWO PARAGRAPHS OF THE ARTICLE --->"The nine-member PCG, formed on
September 8, 2005, includes engineer Mukul Mahanta, journalists Ajit Bhuyan,
Haider Hussain and Diganta Konwar, medic Brajen Gogoi, advocate Arup
Borbora, advisor to the Asom Jatiyatabadi Yuba Chatra Parishad Dilip
Patgiri, advisor to the Manab Adhikar Sangram Samiti Lachit Bordoloi, and
sports organiser Hiranya Saikia. Litterateur Indira Raisom Goswami and
former footballer player Rebati Phukan act as facilitators, and maintain
links between the government and the consultative group.

Shortly after it was formed, the group asked people of the state to express
their opinion about the peace process. About 5,670 people responded to that
survey of which 1,500 odd were through SMS, another 1,700 through e-mails,
and rest through land mail. The results of the survey were not announced
Amar Asom exposed it. The result, according to the newspaper, only 300 or so
people supported ULFA and its cause, while the rest voiced their opinion in
the negative."

On 10/10/07, Krishnendu Chakraborty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Check the last para of this ---
> http://www.newswatch.in/news-analyses/attacks-on-scribes/5060.html
> Looks like PCG too tried similar polls   not sure
> if the pollsters were uneducated and  "IMMATURE,
> UNINFORMED and UNREALISTIC to the core".
> PCG was too shy to publish the results :-)
> BTW, while it is fair to assume that visitors of
> assamtimes.org (or even those who responded to PCG)
> are not a fair representation of Assam, can someone
> explain WHO forms a fair representation of Assam  ---
> the villagers who lynch ULFA every now and then,  the
> School teachers who are killed by ULFA, the traders
> whose business get impacted because of regular
> bombblast,  the journalists who are threatened by
> ULFA,  the intellectuals (including AXX) who discard
> the idea of Sovereignty,  the NRAs ??
> >>Entirely faulty premise for the poll.
> >>WHO visits assamtimes.org ? Are they a fair
> representation of Assam's polity?
> >>If the pollsters are as uneducated about as simple
> an issue as this,
> what will anybody learn from it?
> At 12:47 AM +0530 10/10/07, Nayanjyoti Medhi wrote:
> >please take part in the opinion poll going on in
> >www.assamtimes.org
> >
> >--
> >Nayanjyoti Medhi
> >Advocate
> >Gauhati High Court
> >
> >Chamber:
> >Satya Bora Lane, Dighalipukhuri East
> >Guwahati-781001, Assam
> >
> >Phone:
> >+91 361 2416960
> >+91 94350 43007
> >
> >Email:
> > gmail.com>nayanjyoti.medhi at gmail.com
> >
> Don't let your dream ride pass you by. Make it a reality with Yahoo!
> Autos.
> http://autos.yahoo.com/index.html
> ___
> assam mailing list
> assam@assamnet.org
> http://assamnet.org/mailman/listinfo/assam_assamnet.org

Nayanjyoti Medhi
Gauhati High Court

Satya Bora Lane, Dighalipukhuri East
Guwahati-781001, Assam

+91 361 2416960
+91 94350 43007

assam mailing list

[Assam] Please take part in the opinion poll

2007-10-10 Thread Krishnendu Chakraborty
Check the last para of this --- 

Looks like PCG too tried similar polls   not sure
if the pollsters were uneducated and  "IMMATURE,

PCG was too shy to publish the results :-)

BTW, while it is fair to assume that visitors of
assamtimes.org (or even those who responded to PCG)
are not a fair representation of Assam, can someone
explain WHO forms a fair representation of Assam  --- 
the villagers who lynch ULFA every now and then,  the
School teachers who are killed by ULFA, the traders
whose business get impacted because of regular
bombblast,  the journalists who are threatened by
ULFA,  the intellectuals (including AXX) who discard
the idea of Sovereignty,  the NRAs ??

>>Entirely faulty premise for the poll.

>>WHO visits assamtimes.org ? Are they a fair
representation of Assam's polity?

>>If the pollsters are as uneducated about as simple
an issue as this, 
what will anybody learn from it?


At 12:47 AM +0530 10/10/07, Nayanjyoti Medhi wrote:
>please take part in the opinion poll going on in 
>Nayanjyoti Medhi
>Gauhati High Court
>Satya Bora Lane, Dighalipukhuri East
>Guwahati-781001, Assam
>+91 361 2416960
>+91 94350 43007
>nayanjyoti.medhi at gmail.com


Don't let your dream ride pass you by. Make it a reality with Yahoo! Autos.

assam mailing list

[Assam] What Did I Fail to Answer

2007-10-10 Thread Chan Mahanta
>I had posted some questions to C Da and he has miseably failed to answer them.

 Which parts did I fail to answer , miserably or otherwise, Nayan?

Would you please point out?

At 10:23 AM +0530 10/10/07, Nayanjyoti Medhi wrote:
>I think we need to get back to the main topic.
>I had posted some questions to C Da and he has miseably failed to 
>answer them. In my whole post nobody has debated on anything other 
>than this single line which i deliberately put to show assamnetters 
>as to how C Da will spin a web to avoid directly answering the 
>questions. I think it is clear to everyone now how he has guided 
>everyone away from the main topic. This line I put had almost 
>nothing to do with the questions put and was in deep contrast with 
>everything else.
>So, can i request everyone to not get personal and please ignore 
>that line as my deliberate and intentional mistake.

assam mailing list

Re: [Assam] reply to C Da who thinks i lost my voice.

2007-10-10 Thread SANDIP DUTTA
No sir I dont know. Just blabbering wildly :-)

Maybe you can explain to all and lay down the exact points of what you think 
can and cannot be regarded as spin. Then we can go by your own standards. Maybe 
that will make you happy.


- Original Message 
From: Chan Mahanta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: A Mailing list for people interested in Assam from around the world 

Sent: Wednesday, October 10, 2007 11:34:05 PM
Subject: Re: [Assam] reply to C Da who thinks i lost my voice.

>There was no reason to get into that spin regarding whether its good or bad, 
>what culture it represents etc. - totally irrelevant and unceccesary to the 
>issues being discussed here.

 Yes it is irrelevant to the ORIGINAL thread . But it is an issue, separate 
as it is, because YOU made an issue of it.

So why can't you explain your stand and instead want us to drop it? Getting to 
be be  too hot of a potato perhaps?

And what exactly is MY spin here? Can you point it out? I presume you know the 
meaning of 'spin' .

At 9:21 PM -0700 10/9/07, SANDIP DUTTA wrote:
Fine - you didnt. So you asked and we told you.
There was no reason to get into that spin regarding whether its good or bad, 
what culture it represents etc. - totally irrelevant and unceccesary to the 
issues being discussed here.

- Original Message 
From: Chan Mahanta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: A Mailing list for people interested in Assam from around the world 

Sent: Wednesday, October 10, 2007 1:14:05 AM
Subject: Re: [Assam] reply to C Da who thinks i lost my voice.

At 11:13 PM +0530 10/9/07, Nayanjyoti Medhi wrote:

C Da,

I think language is a medium for communication. What if I mix  2 or 3 or 4 
lanuages? You should be happy as long as you understand  what i wanted to say.

*** Did I ?

the only thing language does is to carry the message across.

 My point likewise.

or should i have taken a Phd in language and grammer to make you understand?

  I don't know. Should you?


On 10/9/07, Chan Mahanta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Does it matter whether its good or bad?


 Because of the  implications embedded in the opinion:



.you would have recognized it if

>you were familiar with the fact that now many Assamese speak it too.




>And yes, it is the language of the young crowd spoken by many across India.



 Oxomiyas starting with US ( aami) an English word, bole to ( say)  a Hindi 
phrase,  like Indians all over, is a good thing for WHAT?


The Oxomiya language?


Hindi Language?


English language  ?


World amity?


Oxomiya culture?


Bollywood culture?







At 10:20 AM -0700 10/9/07, SANDIP DUTTA wrote:

>>>And is it good or bad for  Kharkhowas  speaking  like that?


Does it matter whether its good or bad? Why should a new dialect be bad? And 
yes, it is the language of the young crowd spoken by many across India.




- Original Message 
From: Chan Mahanta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: A Mailing list for people interested in Assam from around the world < 
Sent: Wednesday, October 10, 2007 3:13:54 AM
Subject: Re: [Assam] reply to C Da who thinks i lost my voice.

I still don't get it though. Does it mean  'they say '?

BTW, what is 'munnabhai hindi', is it some kind of cool talk,
practised by the desi in-crowd ?

And is it good or bad for  Kharkhowas  speaking  like that? Does it
signify an upward mobility, fitting in with those who matter?

At 10:05 AM -0700 10/9/07, SANDIP DUTTA wrote:

>US BOLE TO...thats munnabhai hindi..you would have recognized it if

>you were familiar with the fact that now many Assamese speak it too.

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assam mailing list

Nayanjyoti Medhi
Gauhati High Court

Satya Bora Lane, Dighalipukhuri East
Guwahati-781001, Assam

8, Chandan Nagar Bye Lane-2
Basistha Road, Guwahati-28

+91 361 2416960
+91 94350 43007


assam mailing list

Moody friends. Drama queens. Your life? Nope! - their life, your story.
Play Sims Stories at Yahoo! Games.

assam mailing list

[Assam] A Correction about Er M Mahanta

2007-10-10 Thread Chan Mahanta
Mukul Mahanta , has studied many different fields of engineering, in 
addition to what he did his B.Tech, M.Tech and Post Grad studies in 
Britain--that was in Instrumentation. He also studied building 
sciences very extensively, and undertook the pre-fabrication  of 
hollow concrete assemblies  both for insulated and light-weight walls 
as well as floor slabs; all on his own.

What differentiates MM's engineering from most is his HANDS on 
involvement and the desire and ability to produce/build  what he 
designs, so very critical  in a developing society.

I am the one trained as an architect and in private practice in the 
USA, I did not return to Assam  and had nothing to do with MM's 
enterprises and efforts.

MM not only built Parag Das' house but also was his collaborator in 
developing the intellectual basis and technical foundations for a 
sovereign Assam. While Prag Das was the public face, MM provided the 
research and the technical back-up.

MM also provided the technical expertise and pre-fabricated 
components for many  extremely low cost structures around the region.

A few of his very low cost but ergonomically perfect bamboo furniture 
can be seen at:


They can also be seen at many places all over Assam.

At 12:56 PM +0100 10/10/07, muktikam phukan wrote:
Very aptly put forth. In fact, I think Er M Mahanta introduced low 
cost hollow concrete structure houses in assam after coming back 
from USA.Late Shri Parag Das's residence is made with that tech.


M. Phukan

Mridul Bhuyan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I thought this net is a gentlemen's forum. During my stint with this 
'Assamnet' for the last 7/8 years, hardly I have found the use of 
such languages. Those who are in the technical field, having some 
links with Assam, know Sri Mukul Mahanta is regarded in the 
technical faternity. I have known him personally for atleast 2/3 
years. I have never seen a more practical Assamese Engineer like 
him. He is professionally a father figure in the engineering history 
of Assam. Political view points differ from person to person. Even 
if he is nobody, using such abusive language doesn't show one in 
good light.


Mridul Bhuyan

biswajeet saikia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Yesterday, Utpal borpujari told me about these two figures( cda amd 
Mda!). In my wild dream i never thought ULFA appointed such a ruscal 
as PCG member to negotiate future freedom of Assam.
after knowing their background, i am bit confused whether shoudl I 
further discuss over these topics. I decided why not I should invite 
them for a open meeting in any place in Delhi which is their desire 
with full security assurance to speak about their point of argument 
infromt of media, academician and other people.
If they agree to come I will arrange everything. Atleast I want to 
hear fools desire before coming to conclusion.

Let see  and wait how these figures response!

Nayanjyoti Medhi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


On 10/10/07, SANDIP DUTTA <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Ok, got the meaning now.

So are you Assamese (I know you are writing Phukan but...)


- Original Message 
From: muktikam phukan < [EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: A Mailing list for people interested in Assam from around the 
world <assam@assamnet.org >

Sent: Wednesday, October 10, 2007 10:31:32 AM
Subject: Re: [Assam] reply to C Da who thinks i lost my voice.

Whats personal here -

An Assamese eats "Khar"   So he is a kharkhowa
A Bengali eats "Xukan fish"    So he is a drie dfish khowa


I dont know you enough to get into personal attacks like you have 
done. If that was an attempt to make me mad, it was stupid to say 
the least.

But now its clear what culture YOU are coming from. Why not give up 
your plum PSU job and join the ranks of the shrill screaming mafia 
we have here?


- Original Message 
From: muktikam phukan < [EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: A Mailing list for people interested in Assam from around the 
world <assam@assamnet.org >

Sent: Wednesday, October 10, 2007 9:45:02 AM
Subject: Re: [Assam] reply to C Da who thinks i lost my voice.

Why do people talk to this person SD as "kharkhowa". He is a "Dried 
fish Khowa"


 >>>And is it good or bad for  Kharkhowas  speaking  like that?

Does it matter whether its good or bad? Why should a new dialect be 
bad? And yes, it is the language of the young crowd spoken by many 
across India.


- Original Message 
From: Chan Mahanta < [EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: A Mailing list for people interested in Assam from around the 
world <assam@assamnet.org >


Re: [Assam] reply to C Da who thinks i lost my voice.

2007-10-10 Thread Chan Mahanta
 >There was no reason to get into that spin regarding whether its 
good or bad, what culture it represents etc. - totally irrelevant 
and unceccesary to the issues being discussed here.

 Yes it is irrelevant to the ORIGINAL thread . But it is an 
issue, separate as it is, because YOU made an issue of it.

So why can't you explain your stand and instead want us to drop it? 
Getting to be be  too hot of a potato perhaps?

And what exactly is MY spin here? Can you point it out? I presume you 
know the meaning of 'spin' .

At 9:21 PM -0700 10/9/07, SANDIP DUTTA wrote:

Fine - you didnt. So you asked and we told you.

There was no reason to get into that spin regarding whether its good 
or bad, what culture it represents etc. - totally irrelevant and 
unceccesary to the issues being discussed here.


- Original Message 
From: Chan Mahanta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: A Mailing list for people interested in Assam from around the 

Sent: Wednesday, October 10, 2007 1:14:05 AM
Subject: Re: [Assam] reply to C Da who thinks i lost my voice.

At 11:13 PM +0530 10/9/07, Nayanjyoti Medhi wrote:

C Da,

I think language is a medium for communication. What if I mix  2 or 
3 or 4 lanuages? You should be happy as long as you understand 
what i wanted to say.

*** Did I ?

the only thing language does is to carry the message across.

 My point likewise.

or should i have taken a Phd in language and grammer to make you understand?

  I don't know. Should you?

On 10/9/07, Chan Mahanta 

 >Does it matter whether its good or bad?

 Because of the  implications embedded in the opinion:

.you would have recognized it if

 >you were familiar with the fact that now many Assamese speak it too.

 >And yes, it is the language of the young crowd spoken by many across India.

 Oxomiyas starting with US ( aami) an English word, bole to ( 
say)  a Hindi phrase,  like Indians all over, is a good thing for 

The Oxomiya language?

Hindi Language?

English language  ?

World amity?

Oxomiya culture?

Bollywood culture?

At 10:20 AM -0700 10/9/07, SANDIP DUTTA wrote:

 >>>And is it good or bad for  Kharkhowas  speaking  like that?

Does it matter whether its good or bad? Why should a new dialect be 
bad? And yes, it is the language of the young crowd spoken by many 
across India.



- Original Message 
From: Chan Mahanta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: A Mailing list for people interested in Assam from around the 
world < assam@assamnet.org>

Sent: Wednesday, October 10, 2007 3:13:54 AM
Subject: Re: [Assam] reply to C Da who thinks i lost my voice.

I still don't get it though. Does it mean  'they say '?

BTW, what is 'munnabhai hindi', is it some kind of cool talk,
practised by the desi in-crowd ?

And is it good or bad for  Kharkhowas  speaking  like that? Does it
signify an upward mobility, fitting in with those who matter?

At 10:05 AM -0700 10/9/07, SANDIP DUTTA wrote:

 >US BOLE TO...thats munnabhai hindi..you would have recognized it if

 >you were familiar with the fact that now many Assamese speak it too.


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Re: [Assam] reply to C Da who thinks i lost my voice.

2007-10-10 Thread Chan Mahanta

Hello BS:

I was quite amused by your outburst in your previous post.

While this one shows contrition for your abusive behavior and 
personal attacks on people you have never met or know nothing about 
and not even read the material in the context, demonstrates one thing 
loud and clear: That you render verdicts and opinions regardless of 
whether you know anything about the subject matter or not.

Personally I have no need for your apology. If I may speak for my 
elder brother Mukul Mahanta, he does not either.

But we will let that pass.

I would however like you to inviter you to participate in the 
discussions/debates we have had in this forum pursuant to the 
Esomonline inquisition of Rubi Bhuyan that many of you participated 
in. Why I say YOU, is that I also saw your name in the respondents.

With that in mind, allow me to ask you a few things about the 
'points' you make here:

We are not living in 1979, a closed under development cold war ridden economy.

 What does that have to do with what had happened to Assam and 
continues unabated?  What had the cold war to do with it? Why did the 
economy remain closed and how is it open now? If it is open, what has 
poured in to change Assam's conditions?

Presently we are a state where everything is opening up.

 Can you tell us a little more about it and show us how it has impacted:

	The quality of Assam's people's lives? Has education 
improved, do people get
	better healthcare or even any healthcare, do all eat, have a 
halfway decent shelter to
	call home, are there roads and bridges to population centers, 
have flooding been dealt
	with,  can someone start a small industrial venture and there 
will be electricity available
	for it, can people depend on and trust their public servants 
not to steal and get away with it,
	can they approach their civil servants seeking service and 
get it without getting the

run-around? I can go on and on, but I hope you get the idea.

 The rationality of demand for independence becomes diluted over the time.

 Will you enlighten us on what they were then, and how it is now 
that is different?

In that very sense, if those member of PCG still arrogant over the 
one word issue, many have >objection.

BTW,  I am not a PCG member, Mukul Mahanta is. Do you have any 
idea what the PCG stands for, their purpose? Why I ask is that your 
comment does not indicate that you do.

Talking about purpose, what was your purpose , your AIM , in that 
"hola gosot baagi kuthar mora" enterprise where you all ganged up on 
Rubi Bhuyan  ?  I asked that of Utpal too. Let us take a good look at 
that and see how you all fare in your humility or conceit and in 
substance or hot-air.

i told in several times, I always emphasizes smaller state principles.

 And? Did they not listen to you? Pray, can you tell us why?

if every community in north east receive a state within their 
respective majority areas, in my opinion it >will definitely help to 
provide better economic development if economic issues control under 
a union.

 Those must be words of great wisdom.  And I am sure you arrived 
at the conclusion after much deliberation.  So let us examine that in 
a little more detail so we , the ranks of the know-nothing, could 
digest them:

	What is the meaning of  "-if economic issues control 
under a union." ? How exactly would

that provide 'better economic development' ?

	Recently a central minister  commented that GOI's largesse 
amounts to nearly
	Rs. 10,000 per each man woman and child that inhabit Assam 
and the contiguous
	region, per year. What has that produced so far? Can you pint 
to something
	that  you see that we don't? The same minister also lamented 
that, he thought it would be
	probably far more beneficial to just hand over the CASH to 
FAMILIES in need.

Obviously you know differently.  Will you tell us why?

	From the sounds of your pronouncements, you sound like an 
economics expert, in
	addition to your profession of 'journalism'. Can you explain 
how little states like those you
	propose would sustain themselves economically if they have 
little or no base to tax
	and generate incomes on their own to promote and support 
development activities?

Can an independent Bodo state survive, without GoI  handouts?

	And if that state has to continually beg from a remote master 
controlling the purse-strings
	for its survival , what are the chances of its prosperity and 
preservation of its ethnic identity?

 We have to think many alternate principles. As my information while 
many meetings in NSA of GOI, >these PCG members not able to 
comprehend their arguments properly.

 How about doing your public duty and explaining it to the 
idiots?  This is about as good a forum as any to start putting your 
money where your mouth is. Shall we? I hope you won't run and go 
silent, like so many others have in the past, when challeng

Re: [Assam] Muslim Relief Camp in Selabela, Bongaigaon district

2007-10-10 Thread mc mahant

Dear Babul,
While browsing-I touched "Unsubscribe"-by mistake.
Please DO NOT take that seriously
I think 'assamnet' is great and I do not wish to be cut out.
Have been busy of late meeting orders and datelines for an" Handicrafts" export 
fair at greater NOIDA 16th till 19th Oct.
Try to enter on 19th-they allow public (not foreign Buyers) on last day.
All Kharkhowas /assamnetters please  come.Our stall is marked LVIT(LUIT)
Manoj will tell you how to get there.
All the Best

Date: Tue, 9 Oct 2007 22:49:56 +0530From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: 
[Assam] Muslim Relief Camp in Selabela, Bongaigaon district
Featured News

Muslim Relief Camp in Selabela

Karuna Brahma on 09 October, 2007 22:43:10 
 Selabela falls in Bongaigaon district, Assam, in the area under Manikpur 
Thana. The relief camp in Selabela accommodates Muslim who were displaces in 
the conflict between the Muslims and the Bodos in 1993. They originally 
belonged to the villages called Amteka, Amguri, Malivitha, Koila Moila. The 
reason for this conflict was that they were migrants form Bangladesh who came 
to ... [Full story] 
Windows Live Spaces is here! It’s easy to create your own personal Web site.
assam mailing list

Re: [Assam] reply to C Da who thinks i lost my voice.

2007-10-10 Thread Ram Sarangapani
>I thought this net is a gentlemen's forum. During my stint with this
'Assamnet' >for the last 7/8 years, hardly I have found the use of such

I absolutely agree. Chandan da is probably the most active netter and has
probably singlehandedly kept this net going when it seems in its 'last

There are only a few issues that I could have agreed upon with him or Mukul
da, but I also have an utmost amount of respect for them. They are both
great people, and it does hurt when sometimes we resort to unnecessary means
to make a point.

IMHO: If we feel it difficult say something to say to someone's face (mukhor
agot), then its probably not a good idea to do so on the net. Its probably
worse, because, what you write on the net, stays on the net - forever. :).

Cheers everyone, lets have nice healthy debates, without resorting to
mudslinging each other :)


On 10/10/07, Mridul Bhuyan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I thought this net is a gentlemen's forum. During my stint with this
> 'Assamnet' for the last 7/8 years, hardly I have found the use of such
> languages. Those who are in the technical field, having some links with
> Assam, know Sri Mukul Mahanta is regarded in the technical faternity. I have
> known him personally for atleast 2/3 years. I have never seen a more
> practical Assamese Engineer like him. He is professionally a father figure
> in the engineering history of Assam. Political view points differ from
> person to person. Even if he is nobody, using such abusive language doesn't
> show one in good light.
> Regards
> Mridul Bhuyan
> *biswajeet saikia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>* wrote:
> Yesterday, Utpal borpujari told me about these two figures( cda amd Mda!).
> In my wild dream i never thought ULFA appointed such a ruscal as PCG member
> to negotiate future freedom of Assam.
> after knowing their background, i am bit confused whether shoudl I further
> discuss over these topics. I decided why not I should invite them for a open
> meeting in any place in Delhi which is their desire with full security
> assurance to speak about their point of argument infromt of media,
> academician and other people.
> If they agree to come I will arrange everything. Atleast I want to hear
> fools desire before coming to conclusion.
> Let see  and wait how these figures response!
> *Nayanjyoti Medhi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>* wrote:
> hahahahahahahaha
> On 10/10/07, SANDIP DUTTA <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >  Ok, got the meaning now.
> >
> > So are you Assamese (I know you are writing Phukan but...)
> >
> > Rgds,
> > sD
> >
> >
> > - Original Message 
> > From: muktikam phukan < [EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > To: A Mailing list for people interested in Assam from around the world
> > 
> > Sent: Wednesday, October 10, 2007 10:31:32 AM
> > Subject: Re: [Assam] reply to C Da who thinks i lost my voice.
> >
> > Whats personal here -
> >
> > An Assamese eats "Khar"   So he is a kharkhowa
> > A Bengali eats "Xukan fish"    So he is a drie dfish khowa
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >  I dont know you enough to get into personal attacks like you have done.
> > If that was an attempt to make me mad, it was stupid to say the least.
> >
> > But now its clear what culture YOU are coming from. Why not give up your
> > plum PSU job and join the ranks of the shrill screaming mafia we have here?
> >
> > Rgds,
> > SD
> >
> >
> > - Original Message 
> > From: muktikam phukan < [EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > To: A Mailing list for people interested in Assam from around the world
> > 
> > Sent: Wednesday, October 10, 2007 9:45:02 AM
> > Subject: Re: [Assam] reply to C Da who thinks i lost my voice.
> >
> > Why do people talk to this person SD as "kharkhowa". He is a "Dried fish
> > Khowa"
> >
> >
> >  >>>And is it good or bad for  Kharkhowas  speaking  like that?
> >
> > Does it matter whether its good or bad? Why should a new dialect be bad?
> > And yes, it is the language of the young crowd spoken by many across India.
> >
> > Rgds,
> > SD
> >
> >
> > - Original Message 
> > From: Chan Mahanta < [EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > To: A Mailing list for people interested in Assam from around the world
> > 
> > Sent: Wednesday, October 10, 2007 3:13:54 AM
> > Subject: Re: [Assam] reply to C Da who thinks i lost my voice.
> >
> > I still don't get it though. Does it mean  'they say '?
> >
> >
> >
> > BTW, what is 'munnabhai hindi', is it some kind of cool talk,
> > practised by the desi in-crowd ?
> >
> > And is it good or bad for  Kharkhowas  speaking  like that? Does it
> > signify an upward mobility, fitting in with those who matter?
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > At 10:05 AM -0700 10/9/07, SANDIP DUTTA wrote:
> > >US BOLE TO...thats munnabhai hindi..you would have recognized it if
> > >you were familiar with the fact that now many Assamese speak it too.
> > >
> > >Rgds,
> > >Sandip
> > >
> >
> > __

[Assam] ‘Chinese army in Bhutan’ READ all ab out it!

2007-10-10 Thread Bartta Bistar
  Chinese intrusion in Bhutan


After the Indian army refuted reports of incursions by China into Indian
territory, sources indicate that China is forcing its way into Bhutan. With
senior UPA leaders scheduled to visit China later this year, the controversy
couldn't have been more ill timed for the government. It's a territorial
intrusion by the dragon that finally has compelled the Indian government to
sit up and take notice.

The intrusion in to Bhutan, on India's border have huge security
implications. Government sources have told TIMEs now that the government is
extremely worried about these intrusions.

The Indian government will now take up the matter with the Bhutanese
authorities and with the Chinese government as well. The latest reports of
intrusion in Bhutan come after the government denied earlier reports of
similar intrusions into the Indian territory. According to media reports,
Chinese troops also intruded into the Indian part of Pangong.

China is still holding onto the Aksaichin area in Ladakh, since 1962 and
claims all of Arunachal Pradesh as its own. Reports also suggest that there
may be thousands of Chinese troops gathering at the Tawng border area.   The
government has steadfastly denied all reports of intrusions in to India. Off
the record, all that the government officials are willing to talk about is a
difference in perception about the border on both sides.

General Deepak Kapoor, army chief says, Our perceptions of what the border
is are different. According to our perceptions they have crossed into India
often, that is because the old MacMahon line was drawn on a one inch to ten
mile map.

The Chinese had also objected to an Indian  bunker in the east but it was
sorted out after a flag meeting between army officers of both countries but
the latest reports about intrusions into Bhutan are hugely worrying
particularly with the Prime Minister expected to visit China later this
assam mailing list

Re: [Assam] reply to C Da who thinks i lost my voice.

2007-10-10 Thread biswajeet saikia
I am extremely sorry that out of my frustration, I have written such an abusive 
language to these gentlemen after hearing their point of argument for demanding 
freedom from Indian state. My point is very simple. We are not living in 1979, 
a closed under development cold war ridden economy. Presently we are a state 
where everything is opening up. The rationality of demand for independence 
becomes diluted over the time. In fact it is diluted across the world where 
globalisation reducing the concept of border and nationalism.
  In that very sense, if those member of PCG still arrogant over the one word 
issue, many have objection.
  i told in several times, I always emphasizes smaller state principles. if 
every community in north east receive a state within their respective majority 
areas, in my opinion it will definitely help to provide better economic 
development if economic issues control under a union.
   We have to think many alternate principles. As my information while many 
meetings in NSA of GOI, these PCG members not able to comprehend their 
arguments properly.
  So I would like to request them to do proper home work before presently their 
demand to elsewhere.

muktikam phukan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Very aptly put forth. In fact, I think Er M Mahanta introduced low cost 
hollow concrete structure houses in assam after coming back from USA.Late Shri 
Parag Das's residence is made with that tech.
  M. Phukan

Mridul Bhuyan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I thought this net is a gentlemen's forum. During my stint with this 
'Assamnet' for the last 7/8 years, hardly I have found the use of such 
languages. Those who are in the technical field, having some links with Assam, 
know Sri Mukul Mahanta is regarded in the technical faternity. I have known him 
personally for atleast 2/3 years. I have never seen a more practical Assamese 
Engineer like him. He is professionally a father figure in the engineering 
history of Assam. Political view points differ from person to person. Even if 
he is nobody, using such abusive language doesn't show one in good light.
  Mridul Bhuyan

biswajeet saikia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Yesterday, Utpal borpujari told me about these two figures( cda amd Mda!). 
In my wild dream i never thought ULFA appointed such a ruscal as PCG member to 
negotiate future freedom of Assam.
  after knowing their background, i am bit confused whether shoudl I further 
discuss over these topics. I decided why not I should invite them for a open 
meeting in any place in Delhi which is their desire with full security 
assurance to speak about their point of argument infromt of media, academician 
and other people.
  If they agree to come I will arrange everything. Atleast I want to hear fools 
desire before coming to conclusion.
  Let see  and wait how these figures response!

Nayanjyoti Medhi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

  On 10/10/07, SANDIP DUTTA <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Ok, got the 
meaning now.
  So are you Assamese (I know you are writing Phukan but...)

  - Original Message 
From: muktikam phukan < [EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: A Mailing list for people interested in Assam from around the world 

  Sent: Wednesday, October 10, 2007 10:31:32 AM
Subject: Re: [Assam] reply to C Da who thinks i lost my voice.

  Whats personal here -
  An Assamese eats "Khar"   So he is a kharkhowa
  A Bengali eats "Xukan fish"    So he is a drie dfish khowa

  I dont know you enough to get into personal attacks like you have done. 
If that was an attempt to make me mad, it was stupid to say the least. 
  But now its clear what culture YOU are coming from. Why not give up your plum 
PSU job and join the ranks of the shrill screaming mafia we have here? 

  - Original Message 
From: muktikam phukan < [EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: A Mailing list for people interested in Assam from around the world 

Sent: Wednesday, October 10, 2007 9:45:02 AM
Subject: Re: [Assam] reply to C Da who thinks i lost my voice.

Why do people talk to this person SD as "kharkhowa". He is a "Dried fish Khowa" 

SANDIP DUTTA <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:   >>>And is it good or bad for  
Kharkhowas  speaking  like that? 
  Does it matter whether its good or bad? Why should a new dialect be bad? And 
yes, it is the language of the young crowd spoken by many across India. 

  - Original Message 
From: Chan Mahanta < [EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: A Mailing list for people interested in Assam from around the world 

Sent: Wednesday, October 10, 2007 3:13:54 AM
Subject: Re: [Assam] reply to C Da who thinks i lost my voice.

  I still don't get it though. Does it mean  'they say '?

BTW, what is 'munnabhai hindi', is it some kind of cool talk, 
practised by the desi in-crowd ?

And is it good or bad for  Khark

Re: [Assam] reply to C Da who thinks i lost my voice.

2007-10-10 Thread muktikam phukan
Very aptly put forth. In fact, I think Er M Mahanta introduced low cost hollow 
concrete structure houses in assam after coming back from USA.Late Shri Parag 
Das's residence is made with that tech.
  M. Phukan

Mridul Bhuyan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I thought this net is a gentlemen's forum. During my stint with this 
'Assamnet' for the last 7/8 years, hardly I have found the use of such 
languages. Those who are in the technical field, having some links with Assam, 
know Sri Mukul Mahanta is regarded in the technical faternity. I have known him 
personally for atleast 2/3 years. I have never seen a more practical Assamese 
Engineer like him. He is professionally a father figure in the engineering 
history of Assam. Political view points differ from person to person. Even if 
he is nobody, using such abusive language doesn't show one in good light.
  Mridul Bhuyan

biswajeet saikia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Yesterday, Utpal borpujari told me about these two figures( cda amd Mda!). 
In my wild dream i never thought ULFA appointed such a ruscal as PCG member to 
negotiate future freedom of Assam.
  after knowing their background, i am bit confused whether shoudl I further 
discuss over these topics. I decided why not I should invite them for a open 
meeting in any place in Delhi which is their desire with full security 
assurance to speak about their point of argument infromt of media, academician 
and other people.
  If they agree to come I will arrange everything. Atleast I want to hear fools 
desire before coming to conclusion.
  Let see  and wait how these figures response!

Nayanjyoti Medhi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

  On 10/10/07, SANDIP DUTTA <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Ok, got the 
meaning now.
  So are you Assamese (I know you are writing Phukan but...)

  - Original Message 
From: muktikam phukan < [EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: A Mailing list for people interested in Assam from around the world 

  Sent: Wednesday, October 10, 2007 10:31:32 AM
Subject: Re: [Assam] reply to C Da who thinks i lost my voice.

  Whats personal here -
  An Assamese eats "Khar"   So he is a kharkhowa
  A Bengali eats "Xukan fish"    So he is a drie dfish khowa

  I dont know you enough to get into personal attacks like you have done. 
If that was an attempt to make me mad, it was stupid to say the least. 
  But now its clear what culture YOU are coming from. Why not give up your plum 
PSU job and join the ranks of the shrill screaming mafia we have here? 

  - Original Message 
From: muktikam phukan < [EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: A Mailing list for people interested in Assam from around the world 

Sent: Wednesday, October 10, 2007 9:45:02 AM
Subject: Re: [Assam] reply to C Da who thinks i lost my voice.

Why do people talk to this person SD as "kharkhowa". He is a "Dried fish Khowa" 

SANDIP DUTTA <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:   >>>And is it good or bad for  
Kharkhowas  speaking  like that? 
  Does it matter whether its good or bad? Why should a new dialect be bad? And 
yes, it is the language of the young crowd spoken by many across India. 

  - Original Message 
From: Chan Mahanta < [EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: A Mailing list for people interested in Assam from around the world 

Sent: Wednesday, October 10, 2007 3:13:54 AM
Subject: Re: [Assam] reply to C Da who thinks i lost my voice.

  I still don't get it though. Does it mean  'they say '?

BTW, what is 'munnabhai hindi', is it some kind of cool talk, 
practised by the desi in-crowd ?

And is it good or bad for  Kharkhowas  speaking  like that? Does it 
signify an upward mobility, fitting in with those who matter?

At 10:05 AM -0700 10/9/07, SANDIP DUTTA wrote:
>US BOLE TO...thats munnabhai hindi..you would have recognized it if 
>you were familiar with the fact that now many Assamese speak it too. 

assam mailing list


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  Deputy Director (NR)
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2007-10-10 Thread Bartta Bistar
Indian RAW-sponsored upheaval that rocked Bangladesh


Tuesday October 09 2007 20:03:12 PM BDT


Mohammad Zainal Abedin, Bangladesh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

The tempest that rocked Dhaka from August 20 to 22, under the cover of
student-protest, was masterminded by Indian intelligence agency — RAW
(Research and Analysis Wing), media reports and knowledgeable sources
confined that oversee RAW activities and its notoriority in Bangladesh.

It is learnt that RAW was behind the recent planted upheaval in Dhaka
University (DU) and other educational institutions of Bangladesh whose
students went on rampage against vehicles and business installations. The
situation was so worst that the government had no other alternative but to
impose curfew in Dhaka and five other divisional headquarters to deter
further escalation of anarchy and loss of property created outwardly by a
section students belonging to pro-India camp. Besides, there were
non-student hired hooligans and activists belonging to different political
parties and their front organizations that enjoy RAW blessings.

We have ample information that the row erupted out of a trifling matter over
seeing a football match at DU playground was fuelled and successfully
manipulated and managed by RAW. RAW was waiting for a chance and it availed
of the 'excuse' to teach a "good lesson" to the incumbent caretaker
government and undermine the image of Bangladesh Armed Forces. The tempest
was created in such a time when the country was recovering from scars of
India-created devastating and disastrous flood. This was a danger signal and
challenge not only to the authority and survival of the government but also
a threat to the existence of the Armed Forces and the country as well.

This could be treated as a spontaneous and instant reaction of the students,
if it were short-lived and limited to DU campus. Rather it erupted and
spread in many other universities and even colleges, which had no relation
with the incident of DU playground incident. It proves that a strong network
set by an integrated circle with large amount of financial support occurred
this situation. Disbursement of money was so open and enormous that the Army
Chief Lt. Gen. Moeen U Ahmed publicly alleged that evil power "poured crores
of taka to instigate vandalism in the streets."

Observing the rapidity of violence British High Commissioner in Bangladesh
Mr. Anwar Chowdhury could appropriately sense involvement of many vested
interests with the tempest. He rightly calculated, though the demonstration
was initially spontaneous it later took a sinister dimension due to
involvement of huge money. "Our assessment from what we have heard is that
it was initially spontaneous and then it was not. It became much more than
the incident. It became soon something much bigger something much sinister,"
the British envoy informed the journalists in Dhaka after attending a
meeting of all the foreign envoys at the foreign ministry on August 26
(2006). "A lot of money and coordination came into the equation," the

British diplomat informed and added, "We understand that it was a serious
disturbance which has strategic consequences. Most neutral people could not
understand why the escalation went into that dimension and that has caused a
lot of question marks among the people." He also mentioned, "Britain's
assessment that the incidents were coordinated, stemmed from the fact that
the demonstrations continued even after the government had issued an
apology, and met the students' initial demands by withdrawing the army camp
from the Dhaka University campus." It means British government did not find
any logic in continuing the protest and turning and escalating it to
devastating street violence that caused Bangladesh economically and
undermined its image internationally. Continuation and escalation of the
violence uncover the fact it was preplanned with some specific goals of
ruining Bangladesh in all sectors,

It known to all, Indian intelligence agency is engaged in disruptive
activities in Bangladesh since it came into to being in 1971. No other
country in this region and beyond is inimical to Bangladesh and no other
intelligence agency maintains so many tentacles and toadies in Bangladesh
other than RAW. RAW is engaged in causing the economic interest of
Bangladesh so that it remains poor and shaky, so that it remains submissive
to India. The rapidity of escalating the panic and vandalism even in remote
colleges of the rural areas uncover the fact that it was a most calculated
and well-knitted game.

Directly pointing to RAW's involvement in the recent (August 20-22, 2007)
upheaval the Rajshahi Burear of a Bengali daily 'Naya Diganta' of Dhaka in a
report on August 26, 2006 said, the Indian diplomats based in Rajshahi
launched hetic efforts to release three teachers of Rajshahi University
(RU). These teachers were former Vice Chancellor of RU

Re: [Assam] reply to C Da who thinks i lost my voice.

2007-10-10 Thread Mridul Bhuyan
I thought this net is a gentlemen's forum. During my stint with this 'Assamnet' 
for the last 7/8 years, hardly I have found the use of such languages. Those 
who are in the technical field, having some links with Assam, know Sri Mukul 
Mahanta is regarded in the technical faternity. I have known him personally for 
atleast 2/3 years. I have never seen a more practical Assamese Engineer like 
him. He is professionally a father figure in the engineering history of Assam. 
Political view points differ from person to person. Even if he is nobody, using 
such abusive language doesn't show one in good light.
  Mridul Bhuyan

biswajeet saikia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Yesterday, Utpal borpujari told me about these two figures( cda amd Mda!). 
In my wild dream i never thought ULFA appointed such a ruscal as PCG member to 
negotiate future freedom of Assam.
  after knowing their background, i am bit confused whether shoudl I further 
discuss over these topics. I decided why not I should invite them for a open 
meeting in any place in Delhi which is their desire with full security 
assurance to speak about their point of argument infromt of media, academician 
and other people.
  If they agree to come I will arrange everything. Atleast I want to hear fools 
desire before coming to conclusion.
  Let see  and wait how these figures response!

Nayanjyoti Medhi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

  On 10/10/07, SANDIP DUTTA <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Ok, got the 
meaning now.
  So are you Assamese (I know you are writing Phukan but...)

  - Original Message 
From: muktikam phukan < [EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: A Mailing list for people interested in Assam from around the world 

  Sent: Wednesday, October 10, 2007 10:31:32 AM
Subject: Re: [Assam] reply to C Da who thinks i lost my voice.

  Whats personal here -
  An Assamese eats "Khar"   So he is a kharkhowa
  A Bengali eats "Xukan fish"    So he is a drie dfish khowa

  I dont know you enough to get into personal attacks like you have done. 
If that was an attempt to make me mad, it was stupid to say the least. 
  But now its clear what culture YOU are coming from. Why not give up your plum 
PSU job and join the ranks of the shrill screaming mafia we have here? 

  - Original Message 
From: muktikam phukan < [EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: A Mailing list for people interested in Assam from around the world 

Sent: Wednesday, October 10, 2007 9:45:02 AM
Subject: Re: [Assam] reply to C Da who thinks i lost my voice.

Why do people talk to this person SD as "kharkhowa". He is a "Dried fish Khowa" 

SANDIP DUTTA <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:   >>>And is it good or bad for  
Kharkhowas  speaking  like that? 
  Does it matter whether its good or bad? Why should a new dialect be bad? And 
yes, it is the language of the young crowd spoken by many across India. 

  - Original Message 
From: Chan Mahanta < [EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: A Mailing list for people interested in Assam from around the world 

Sent: Wednesday, October 10, 2007 3:13:54 AM
Subject: Re: [Assam] reply to C Da who thinks i lost my voice.

  I still don't get it though. Does it mean  'they say '?

BTW, what is 'munnabhai hindi', is it some kind of cool talk, 
practised by the desi in-crowd ?

And is it good or bad for  Kharkhowas  speaking  like that? Does it 
signify an upward mobility, fitting in with those who matter?

At 10:05 AM -0700 10/9/07, SANDIP DUTTA wrote:
>US BOLE TO...thats munnabhai hindi..you would have recognized it if 
>you were familiar with the fact that now many Assamese speak it too. 

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  Muktikam Phukan 
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[Assam] Antara, since you wrote this piece, the NEW S is that the Chinese Army has already set foot on Bhuta nese soil ! Why not admit that ‘a spade is a spa de’ & that the Indian democracy just an ‘

2007-10-10 Thread Bartta Bistar
Cracking the Burma shell Antara Dev Sen | Tuesday, 09 October , 2007, 18:43


 It is so easy for us to turn away, shrug dispassionately and say, �But what
can we do? It�s their own business, really!� We have done it with Bhutan,
and are doing it with Burma. All they need to do is harbour our insurgents
from the Northeast and periodically whisper �China� in an unkind fashion. We
ignore their human rights violations, run to gather their rebels by the
scruff of the neck, help the regimes in flushing out their pro-democracy
activists and get into generous arms and trade deals. That seems to have
been our neighbourhood policy in the Northeast since the early 1990s.

What a shame for the world�s largest democracy, the emerging economic power
desperate to be the regional superpower, the cool dude big brother of South
Asia that jumps and shrieks the moment any little neighbour says, �Boo!
China!� What a shame that we have � mostly through systematic neglect and
corruption � allowed our own people to grow so out of hand that instead of
being able to contain our rebel groups through constructive interventions,
development measures, proper delivery of justice, honest dialogue and
rooting out corruption, we need to side against democracy and human rights.
What a pity that we now believe our sovereignty can be preserved only by
abandoning moral principles, by purging our international policy of ethics,
by routinely prioritising expediency over conscience.

Read more hard-hitting

It wasn�t always like this. India�s foreign policy was largely guided by
conscience earlier. We were the first and warmest supporters of Burma�s
pro-democracy movement 20 years ago and never lost an opportunity to
felicitate and honour Aung San Suu Kyi till the mid-1990s. Then we lost our
way. We distanced ourselves from those fighting for democracy and actively
supported the military regime in Burma. We engaged in trade, invested in
their industries, opened up our markets to them, gave them arms and
helicopters to fight rebels � our rebels, we said, the violent extremists
who take shelter in Burma, crossing the long, porous border with our
north-eastern states. But it is believed that these arms are used instead
against Burmese activists demanding democracy.

At the same time, we were refusing to lend support to the Bhutanese
pro-democracy activists as well. Even the refugees driven out of Bhutan were
packed off to Nepal � since they were ethnic Nepalese. Activists attempting
to re-enter Bhutan were stopped at the Indian border. Even now, more than
103,000 Bhutanese refugees are squatting in make-shift camps in Nepal. We
still keep off. Talk to each other and sort it out, pals, we say to Bhutan
and Nepal, knowing that such bilateral dialogue has led nowhere in the last
two decades.

Not that Bhutan and Burma are comparable, really. Bhutan�s king Jigme Singye
Wangchuk has finally stepped down to pave the way for a parliamentary
democracy, while Burma�s military junta still clings to the throne it
usurped by brushing aside the parliamentary elections that voted Aung San
Suu Kyi to power in 1990, and by putting the charismatic leader under house
arrest and crushing every pro-democracy movement with unnerving brutality.

The democracy movements in Bhutan and Nepal are comparable only in three
ways. One, both started in the late eighties and looked for support to their
close neighbour India, the biggest democracy in the world and a nation that
is eternally chattering on about the virtues of ethics, democracy, equality
and human rights. Second, they were initially encouraged by the big brother,
then let down as India abandoned the activists. Third, both movements have
an ethnic edge � in Bhutan the ethnic Nepalese rebelled against unfair royal
rules and demanded democracy, and in Burma those fighting for democratic
freedoms and Burmese self-determination are largely ethnic minorities. By
turning a blind eye, India � the land of ethnic diversity and pluralism � is
aiding the ethnic cleansing in its immediate neighbourhood.

As it is, we are in a danger zone. States are crumbling all around us, and
it would be difficult to keep standing as a towering democracy while dodging
the rubble flying all around from the crash of failed and failing States.
Pakistan and Bangladesh, very uncomfortable with democracy, seem to be
increasingly under the influence of fundamentalists. Nepal is struggling to
balance a fierce Maoist version of people�s power with a democracy freshly
wrangled from a monarchy. Sri Lanka�s violent insurgents are creating
fault-lines in governance and chipping away at its democracy. Bhutan is in a
crossover phase. Tibet has lost its identity to China. And Burma casts
decency to the winds as it brutally crushes every uprising, like the latest
massacre of Buddhist monks protesting peacefully against the repressive
regime. All the

[Assam] New FM channel ‘Gup Shup’ launched ( The Assam Tribune, 10.10.2007)

2007-10-10 Thread Buljit Buragohain
New FM channel ‘Gup Shup’ launched
By Our Correspondent
 GUWAHATI, Oct 9 – With an aim to cash in on the FM craze that is currently 
sweeping the music buffs across the country, a new radio station — ‘Gup Shup’, 
the first 24-hour FM channel of the North East region, was launched by Purvy 
Broadcasts Pvt Ltd on Monday. The new FM channel could be tuned at 94.3 MHz. 

Purvy Broadcasts Pvt Ltd chief executive officer Jitendra Chutia, during a 
media interaction programme, that the channel is aimed to meet the changing 
needs of urban youth in an exclusively entertaining and interpersonal style. 

It is a 24-hour channel and the timings for various progamme to be aired have 
been kept bearing in mind the target audience for the respective programme. The 
reach of the FM transmitter will be more than 60 km. radius.

“We have decided to keep out focus primarily on Assamese music for which we 
have already signed up with as many as 80 music directors in the State. At 
least 60 per cent of our programme would be in local language. Besides, we will 
also ensure that each and every song aired by us gives credit to the respective 
composer and singer,” Chutia said.

“We will also air folk music like Bargeet and Lokogeet in the morning hours,” 
he divulged.

“We have also struck a deal with ‘Radio Mirchi’, one of the biggest players in 
the FM field, who will help our company in national sales. One of our USP would 
be our sound quality, on which we have laid special impetus,” informed SM 
Aminuallah of the radio station. 

Moreover, the radio station has also entered into a deal with leading music 
makers–T Series–by virtue of which it would get the first-hand right to play 
new music produced by the company.
(The Assam Tribune, 10.10.2007)

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[Assam] Thailand company likely to invest $10m in State (The Assam Tribune, 10.10.2007)

2007-10-10 Thread Buljit Buragohain
Thailand company likely to invest $10m in State
By A Staff Reporter
 GUWAHATI, Oct 9 – In what is likely to be the first case of foreign direct 
investment (FDI) in the State, a major business concern of Thailand has shown 
keen interest in investing $ 10 million in Assam in the aquaculture and fishery 
sector. This apart, 25 companies of the State have entered into MoUs with 
business houses of Thailand for facilitating joint ventures in diverse areas 
such as infrastructure development, construction, food processing, handloom and 
handicrafts, tourism, etc. 

The State Government, too, had an agreement with the Thai Contractors’ 
Association — a conglomerate of 120 Thai companies — for enhancing bilateral 
cooperation in trade and commerce.

Revealing this to the media today, State Commerce and Industries Minister 
Pradyut Bardoloi said that the Thai company, CP Aquaculture Pvt Ltd, was keen 
to invest to the tune of $ 10 million in sea food (fish) processing, fishery, 
etc., in the North-East, mostly in Assam. 

“The Thai company is also in favour of joint ventures and we can benefit by way 
of transfer of technology and expertise. It is also likely to start fish 
production in the State and also construct cold storages,” he said. 

Bardoloi said that the Thai company’s eagerness to invest in Assam stemmed from 
the fact that Assam had a huge demand for fish and fish products.

Meanwhile, following the investment summit in Thailand last week, 25 companies 
of the State have signed MoUs with Thai business concerns. “As per the MoUs, 
there will be joint ventures in infrastructure, construction, tourism, food 
processing, handloom and handicrafts, etc., and both sides stand to benefit 
from this,” he said.

Some of the companies that have entered into agreements are RAG Group (with 
Inmode Trading Co of Thailand), ARTFED (with Thai Silk Association), Williamson 
Magor (with Personal management Co and Inmode Trading Co), Manmohan Bricks and 
Tiles, Prihvi Diary, Purvanchal Banijya Bikash, Orient Processing Pvt Ltd, 
Welcome India Pvt Ltd, Super Infra-Tech Pvt Ltd, NK Constructions, etc.

According to Bardoloi, the developments augured well for the State’s trade and 
industry, as under the agreement, the TCA would initiate steps for transfer of 
world-class construction technology and management practices to the Assam-based 
companies. “Moreover, they will also take steps for development and upgradation 
of skills for local manpower. The State Government will play the role of a 
facilitator in the process,” he said. 

Terming the Thailand summit as a success, the Minister said that the meet 
witnessed direct one-to-one interaction between traders and industrialists from 
the two regions, and the joint ventures were the immediate result of that 
interaction. He was particularly hopeful about the effects the business 
ventures would have on the infrastructure of Assam and the North-East. 

Bardoloi said that of late the DoNER Ministry, Union Minister Mani Sankar Aiyar 
in particular, was taking a lot of initiatives for linking the North-East with 
its South East Asian neighbours.
 (The Assam Tribune, 10.10.2007)

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Re: [Assam] reply to C Da who thinks i lost my voice.

2007-10-10 Thread utpal borpujari
Hi. With reference to Biswajeet's mail - before anyone makes any presumptions - 
let me just tell everyone that Biswajeet called me up to ask who was Chandan 
Mahanta. I told him he is the younger brother of Mukul Mahanta, who has been a 
member of the PCG set up by ULFA, and that while he is based in the US, MM as 
far as I know is currently based in Assam. We also discussed the "Operation 
Strong Arm", which Chandan-da has said was developed by his brother, and also 
about what could be its contents (on which either of the brothers can throw 
light on).
  Meanwhile, chandan-da, I am a bit tied down with my professional work, and 
hence has not been able to respond to your 'offer'. Will do that within the 
next couple of days. Hopefully, you will wait.
  Utpal Borpujari 
  Message: 14
Date: Tue, 9 Oct 2007 22:42:29 -0700 (PDT)
From: biswajeet saikia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Assam] reply to C Da who thinks i lost my voice.
To: A Mailing list for people interested in Assam from around the
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

Yesterday, Utpal borpujari told me about these two figures( cda amd
 Mda!). In my wild dream i never thought ULFA appointed such a ruscal as
 PCG member to negotiate future freedom of Assam.
  after knowing their background, i am bit confused whether shoudl I
 further discuss over these topics. I decided why not I should invite them
 for a open meeting in any place in Delhi which is their desire with
 full security assurance to speak about their point of argument infromt of
 media, academician and other people.
  If they agree to come I will arrange everything. Atleast I want to
 hear fools desire before coming to conclusion.
  Let see  and wait how these figures response!

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Re: [Assam] reply to C Da who thinks i lost my voice.

2007-10-10 Thread SANDIP DUTTA

Love the way you write the messages :-)) .They probably didnt bargain for an 
advocate in this forum..haha.


- Original Message 
From: Nayanjyoti Medhi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: A Mailing list for people interested in Assam from around the world 

Sent: Wednesday, October 10, 2007 12:15:56 PM
Subject: Re: [Assam] reply to C Da who thinks i lost my voice.

Dilip Da,
why do you get the notion that i am going to lose my mind? and I did not say i 
lost my voice, if you go through C Da's posts, you will find that it was he who 
said that i have lost my voice.

On 10/10/07, Dilip/Dil Deka <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
Huh? Come again.
You may think you lost your voice but you will get it back. But if you lose 
your mind, it will be hard to get it back. 
It still doesn't make any sense. "Us bole to" = ? in English or Assamese.
Dilip Deka

Nayanjyoti Medhi <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:
us = aami
soory to have used hindi. that too cut copy paste from a hindi movie. but 
nevertheless, i meant to say that aami (us) xei bilak akhomiya june liberation 
nibisare aaru jun bilak akhomiyai prasna khudhile, xihotor verification 
koribologia hoi   :) 

On 10/9/07, Chan Mahanta <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote: 
I still don't get it though. Does it mean  'they say '?

BTW, what is 'munnabhai hindi', is it some kind of cool talk, 
practised by the desi in-crowd ?

And is it good or bad for  Kharkhowas  speaking  like that? Does it
signify an upward mobility, fitting in with those who matter?

At 10:05 AM -0700 10/9/07, SANDIP DUTTA wrote: 
>US BOLE TO...thats munnabhai hindi..you would have recognized it if
>you were familiar with the fact that now many Assamese speak it too.

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Nayanjyoti Medhi
Gauhati High Court

Satya Bora Lane, Dighalipukhuri East
Guwahati-781001, Assam

8, Chandan Nagar Bye Lane-2
Basistha Road, Guwahati-28

+91 361 2416960
+91 94350 43007


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Nayanjyoti Medhi
Gauhati High Court

Satya Bora Lane, Dighalipukhuri East
Guwahati-781001, Assam

+91 361 2416960
+91 94350 43007



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