Re: PaceOptionalSummary

2005-05-09 Thread Sam Ruby
Antone Roundy wrote:
...oh, and the wording I just suggested for part of 
PaceTextShouldBeProvided would depend on this also being accepted.
With deep regret, I'm going to express my -1 on PaceOptionalSummary.
Not because I object to the text expressed in the proposal section.
In fact, I clearly do not as I lifted large sections of it to be placed 
into PaceTextShouldBeProvided.

No, it is because the author of PaceOptionalSummary has made it clear
that he interprets the two paces to be incompatible, so each and every
+1 for PaceOptionalSummary is a vote against
PaceTextShouldNotBeProvided.  Despite wording that accompanied several
of these +1's, like the wording describe above.
I also feel the need to express deep dismay at the way that author of
PaceOptionalSummary has been pursuing a scorched earth approach whereby
everybody who expresses an opinion to the contrary is viciously attacked
for doing so.  I believe that this has significantly hampered the 
ability of the work group to hold a reasonable discourse on the subject.

Despite this, I have attempted to see if there was some common ground to
be found.  I drafted up a Pace, and offered a few suggestions.  It has
since become clear to me that PaceOptionalSummary is being pursued in a 
winner take all manner.

As such, I see no other path than to offer my -1 on the Pace.  Face
down, arms and legs outstretched, in the middle of the road.
One thing I would like those who advocate PaceOptionalSummary to the
exclusion of all other Paces on the subject to consider... what happens
if the chairs determine that consensus can't be found on either of these
paces?  Look at the current wording of draft-08.  Is that what you
really want?
We can do better.
- Sam Ruby

Re: PaceOptionalSummary

2005-05-09 Thread Graham

On 9 May 2005, at 1:19 pm, Sam Ruby wrote:
I also feel the need to express deep dismay at the way that author of
PaceOptionalSummary has been pursuing a scorched earth approach  
everybody who expresses an opinion to the contrary is viciously  
for doing so.  I believe that this has significantly hampered the  
ability of the work group to hold a reasonable discourse on the  
Plus fucking one.
As such, I see no other path than to offer my -1 on the Pace.  Face
down, arms and legs outstretched, in the middle of the road.
-1 also.

Re: Last Call: 'The Atom Syndication Format' to Proposed Standard

2005-05-09 Thread Thomas Broyer
A. Pagaltzis wrote:
* Thomas Broyer [EMAIL PROTECTED] [2005-05-03 19:35]:
This means type=text content is a single paragraph of text.
If you need paragraphs, lists or any other structural
formatting, you have to use type=html or type=xhtml with
the appropriate content.

Or type=text/plain, Id assume?
If you're talking about atom:content, not for Text Constructs.
Thomas Broyer


2005-05-09 Thread Bill de hÓra
== Abstract ==
Allow publishers to indicate when they have no alternate link for a feed.
Author: BillDehora
== Status ==
Incept: 2005-05-09
Written against:

== Rationale ==
Not all publishers have a suitable alternate link for a feed. Example 
cases include subversion repositories [1], and mail archives [2].

== Proposal ==
In section 4.1.1 change the tenth bullet point
 o atom:feed elements MUST contain at least one atom:link element
  with a relation of alternate.
 o atom:feed elements MUST contain either and cannot contain both
 - one or more atom:link elements with a relation of alternate.
 - one and only one atom:link element with a relation of 

== Impacts ==
 * PaceFeedIdOrAlternate: none, that pace is withdrawn.
 * PaceFeedIdOrSelf: that pace suggests pointing to self in the absence 
of an atom:[EMAIL PROTECTED]'alternate'] or an atom:id. This pace suggests 
allowing the publisher to state there is no alternate.

== Notes ==
Fragment example derived from 1.1 example 2 in draft-08
feed xmlns=;
 title type=textdive into mark/title
 subtitle type=html
   A lt;emgt;lotlt;/emgt; of effort
   went into making this effortless
 link rel=no-alternate /
 copyrightCopyright (c) 2003, Mark Pilgrim/copyright
 * The author is not attached to the token 'no-alternate'. Any other 
token is fine once we agree that it states the publisher is saying there 
is no alternate link for this feed.

 * The author is fine with a SHOULD provide rather than MUST provide.
 * Whether atom:feed/atom:id MUST be present in the absence of an 
alternate be present can be argued about separately from whether there 
is no alternate. see PaceFeedIdOrSelf.



2005-05-09 Thread Antone Roundy
The pace adds this under atom:feed:
atom:feed elements that contain no child atom:id element
MUST contain an atom:link element with a relation of self.
That could just as well be:
atom:feed elements that contain no child atom:link element
with a relation of self MUST contain an atom:id element.
Each subtly implies a preference for one or the other.  I prefer the 
second--a preference for an element that can't be spoofed (or where 
spoofing can easily be detected).  If that's missing (as in cases like 
SMTP delivery that have been noted, where the feed isn't retrievable 
from a specific URI), then atom:id must be added to provide a way to 
identify the feed.

I didn't change the Pace, since such a change could conceivably change 
the opinions of people who've expressed an opinion on it already.  But 
I would be interested to know whether people think this would be an 
improvement, make it worse, or if either is just as well.

As for 'atom:feed elements SHOULD contain at least one atom:link 
element with a relation of alternate.', I don't care particularly 
whether this is SHOULD or MAY, just not MUST.  So if another Pace makes 
this a MAY, I as the author of PaceFeedIdOrSelf, would not consider it 
to conflict (on that point, at least) with PaceFeedIdOrSelf.

Re: PaceNoAlternateForFeed

2005-05-09 Thread Julian Reschke
Bill de hÓra wrote:
 o atom:feed elements MUST contain either and cannot contain both
 - one or more atom:link elements with a relation of alternate.
 - one and only one atom:link element with a relation of 
 link rel=no-alternate /
Is this meant to be a serious proposal? Why can't ve just leave a 
protocol element out if we don't have information for it???

Best regards,

Re: PaceNoAlternateForFeed

2005-05-09 Thread Julian Reschke
Bill de hÓra wrote:
Currently you MUST provide an alternate feed link. People are saying 
they don't  always have one to provide, which encourages garbage out. 
That satisfying a spec constraint for its own sake. This addition allows 
someone to say there is no alternate for this link. It's less ambiguous 
than not providing an alternate and more useful than providing junk 
links. Not present is not the same as not the case.
How is it less ambiguous if the spec states that the absence of the 
link means that there is no alternate information?

Best regards, Julian

Re: PaceTextShouldBeProvided

2005-05-09 Thread Robert Sayre

On 5/6/05, Bill de hÓra [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I agree with Robert; it conflicts with PaceOptionalSummary and I doubt
 it would exist if PaceOptionalSummary had not make the cut. 

-1 as well. Doesn't solve a technical problem. It's just gamesmanship.

Robert Sayre

Which is the preferred feed?

2005-05-09 Thread Bob Wyman

Some sites are beginning to serve
their feeds via intermediaries like FeedBurner. They are doing this, in part,
to make it easier for them to get better statistics on their use of the feeds,
to off-load bandwidth requirements, or to take advantage of the advertising insertion
and management programs of the intermediaries.

However, many of todays
intermediaries require that program participants manage a base
feed on their own sites that is later copied to the intermediary. This is the
approach taken by FeedBurner among others. Whether or not the intermediaries
require that a feed be maintained on the site, this is usually required if only
because there will be people who are reading the feed and there is no means to
notify them, within the feed, that a new preferred source of the
feeds is available.

For instance, the Typepad site has two feeds generated by Typepad:

and it has a feed generated by

Now, my assumption is that the owner
of probably would prefer that people read his FeedBurner feed
rather than the TypePad feeds. Evidence of this can be seen in that the
autodiscovery links on the page point to the FeedBurner feeds. However, while
the links currently point to FeedBurner, they have not always pointed there
At some point in the past, the owner of this blog decided to prefer the
FeedBurner service over Typepad for feed services. At some point in the future,
the same owner might wish to drop the FeedBurner service in favor of some other
service  or perhaps just go back to Typepad normal feeds.

The problem, of course, is that
there is no existing mechanism by which these changes in preferred feeds can be
indicated in either an Atom or RSS file. The result is that any software system
that started reading the Atom or RDF feeds provided by Typepad before this blog
started using FeedBurner will continue to read the Typepad feeds in the future.
Similarly, any system currently reading the FeedBurner feeds is likely to
continue reading those feeds in the future.

One could argue that feed reading software
should, on some regular schedule, re-scan the alternate site for
a feed to see if the autodiscovery links have changed. However, this is a pretty
crude solution It would be much, much better to allow a feed to contain
data that explicitly identifies a preferred alternative source.

Supporting a means to identify a preferred
alternative source would greatly improve the mobility of feeds across the
network and would avoid the current problem of potentially pinning someone down
to a feed delivery service simply because of historical accident. If I want to
move my feeds from Typepad to FeedBurner, I should be able to without having to
worry about leaving behind everyone who had ever started reading my Typepad
feeds. Similarly, if I later decide that I want to move off FeedBurner, there
should be a way to point people to the location of my preferred feeds.

bob wyman

Re: Which is the preferred feed?

2005-05-09 Thread Anne van Kesteren
Bob Wyman wrote:
Some sites are beginning to serve their feeds via intermediaries like
FeedBurner. They are doing this, in part, to make it easier for them to get
better statistics on their use of the feeds, to off-load bandwidth
requirements, or to take advantage of the advertising insertion and
management programs of the intermediaries.
Sites could also use a HTTP 302 link on their own site that points to 
FeedBurner in the end. When FeedBurner dies or when they no longer have 
desire to use the service, they switch the location of the temporary 
redirect and all is fine.

 Anne van Kesteren

Re: PaceOptionalFeedLink

2005-05-09 Thread Robert Sayre

On 5/6/05, Martin Duerst [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 At 11:50 05/05/06, Sam Ruby wrote:
  Tim Bray wrote:
   There are people who want to publish feeds without rel=alternate
 links.  I'm against telling people they can't do something they want to do
 without strong reasons, as in loss of interoperability.  I don't see the
 reasons here as strong enough.  -Tim

+1  as well. In this case, the problems faced by producers seem to
outweigh those faced by consumers. The link doesn't seem to be helpful
as an identifier, so that's orthogonal.

Robert Sayre

Re: Which is the preferred feed?

2005-05-09 Thread Antone Roundy
On Monday, May 9, 2005, at 10:27  AM, Anne van Kesteren wrote:
Bob Wyman wrote:
Some sites are beginning to serve their feeds via intermediaries like
FeedBurner. They are doing this, in part, to make it easier for them 
to get
better statistics on their use of the feeds, to off-load bandwidth
requirements, or to take advantage of the advertising insertion and
management programs of the intermediaries.
Sites could also use a HTTP 302 link on their own site that points to 
FeedBurner in the end. When FeedBurner dies or when they no longer 
have desire to use the service, they switch the location of the 
temporary redirect and all is fine.
This method would have a few weaknesses:
1) From
10.3.3 302 Found
The requested resource resides temporarily under a different URI. Since 
the redirection might be altered on occasion, the client SHOULD 
continue to use the Request-URI for future requests.

302 would result in feed readers (that follow the HTTP spec) continuing 
to hit the publisher's site every time they checked the feed, and then 
going to FeedBurner.

2) Not everyone is going to be able to send a 302.
A 301 would solve the first problem, but replace it with a worse 
one--there would be no way to indicate a new location to people once 
they were subscribed to the FeedBurner feed if it were to move again.

One solution that might work would be to set the self link to the 
preferred address.  That wouldn't provide a way to indicate a preferred 
format though, if that's part of what's desired.  If all formats are 
being served from the same address using content negotiation, then that 
doesn't matter.  And if they're being served from different addresses, 
then each feed can point it's self link to the preferred address for 
that format.

Are there any issues that couldn't be solved by that method?

Re: Which is the preferred feed?

2005-05-09 Thread Anne van Kesteren
Antone Roundy wrote:
302 would result in feed readers (that follow the HTTP spec) continuing 
to hit the publisher's site every time they checked the feed, and then 
going to FeedBurner.
As it would not be a very large hit of say, 25 to 50 KiB; I guess people 
can live with that.

2) Not everyone is going to be able to send a 302.
Not everyone is going to be able to send 410 either. Not everyone is 
going to be able to say that the MIME type is application/atom+xml (yes, 
I'm aware about the deal with Apache and Microsoft). Et cetera.

 Anne van Kesteren

Re: PaceNoAlternateForFeed

2005-05-09 Thread Tim Bray
On May 9, 2005, at 8:13 AM, Bill de hÓra wrote:
Why can't ve just leave a protocol element out if we don't have 
information for it???
Because it allows someone to assert there is no alternate link for 
their feed. That's different from leaving an alternate link out.
What observable difference in the behavior of software would be 
affected by this difference?  It's not obvious to me that there's a 
meaningful difference.   -Tim

RE: Which is the preferred feed?

2005-05-09 Thread Bob Wyman

Anne van Kesteren wrote:
 Sites could also use a HTTP 302 link on their own site that points
 to FeedBurner in the end. When FeedBurner dies or when they no longer
 have desire to use the service, they switch the location of the 
 temporary redirect and all is fine.
While 302 is an obvious technical solution, it just doesn't do the
job. HTTP's 302 is just a bit too absolute...
For instance, if I'm trying to push people from my Atom 0.3 feed to
my Atom V1.0 feed, it is likely that there will be many readers who don't
know how to process Atom V1.0 correctly -- at least initially. They should
be free to fallback to the Atom 0.3 feed until they learn the new format.
Similarly, if I have readers who use one of the MAC based readers that only
read RSS, it becomes problematic to force them to read my Atom V1.0 feeds...
It should also be noted that the ability to change HTTP response
codes is not something which is typically provided to many bloggers today.
I'm aware of no blog hosting services that allow for customer-requested
302 status values. Even on the one-user systems, I think its pretty hard
for normal folk to figure out how to make the modifications needed to return
a 302 for some files.
We should also realize that business issues are likely to make it
difficult for people to use 302-based solutions. For instance, a site that
provided intermediary feed serving might not wish to make it easy for people
to migrate their feeds away from their service. They might *like* the idea
that switching costs are very high... Thus, they might simply refuse (on
some technical grounds) to allow users who are moving to a new service to
get 302-forwarding on their feeds. On the other hand, if the Atom format
itself contained a means of redirecting to preferred feeds, and if the spec
said that such data MUST NOT be removed when a feed is copied, etc., then
one could essentially force vendors to support feed mobility. (Yes, there
would be loop-holes)
Normally, I wouldn't argue for replicating an HTTP feature inside
the feeds, however, I think that what I'm talking about here is not really
what 302 was intended to provide. In any case, this may be looked at as a
layering issue. 302 provides hard redirection at the HTTP level, a
preferred feed indicator provides soft-redirection at the application
level. Implementation of similar services in multiple layers of the stack is
a reasonable thing to do as long as the semantics vary at least slightly
between the layers and the reasons for the variances are related to the
nature of the layers.

bob wyman


2005-05-09 Thread Robert Sayre

Off-list, I've been told some it would help to explain my view that
PaceTextShouldBeProvided and PaceOptionalSummary are incompatible.


First, remember that PaceOptionalSummary does one thing--make
content/summary optional. This means that Atom Processors MUST be
prepared to interoperate with title-only feeds. It doesn't mean an
_application_ has to accept them. It does mean that application
authors can't claim it breaks their Atom machinery. We don't care what
applications do after something is parsed. They can turn everything
purple and display it with polar coordinates.

Let's start with the current draft's requirements:

1 of atom:content or atom:summary MUST be present.

That's clear. It means that say, Jakarta FeedParser, could halt and
catch fire if it encountered an atom:entry missing both elements.

PaceOptionalSummary dismissed the requirement entirely, as its only
action. Jakarta FeedParser would have to be prepared to deal with
title-only feeds.


Here's where SHOULD comes in. We're lucky that we have an example of
what happens when a SHOULD is violated. I'm sure most of you saw the
nasty arguments, accusations, and all-around busted software that
happen this week with Google Web Accelerator and Ruby On Rails.[0]
Ugly, right? This WG should be proud that we've kept the SHOULDs to a

PaceTextShouldBeProvided proposes a number of (IMO) misguided a
requirements in effort to reverse the effect of PaceOptionalSummary.
It proposes that summary/summary is threat to interop while
summary /summary is not. It makes similar claims for a number of
other situations. It does reasonably propose that application-specific
atom:content SHOULD have an accompanying summary.

Lastly, it makes this requirement:
1 of atom:content or atom:summary SHOULD be present.

It means that say, Jakarta FeedParser, could halt and catch fire if it
encountered an atom:entry missing both elements and remain conformant.
It does allow for the possibility of a parser that can handle it.

That's not what PaceOptionalSummary proposed. The discussion has heard
from application authors and publishers who value the ability to
choose title-only feeds. That choice *does not* cause breakage, as
every existing format and processor demonstrate.
PaceTextShouldBeProvided loses the running code argument by an even
wider margin than it loses elsewhere.

Robert Sayre


Re: PaceNoAlternateForFeed

2005-05-09 Thread Bill de hÓra
Tim Bray wrote:
On May 9, 2005, at 8:13 AM, Bill de hÓra wrote:
Why can't ve just leave a protocol element out if we don't have 
information for it???

Because it allows someone to assert there is no alternate link for 
their feed. That's different from leaving an alternate link out.

What observable difference in the behavior of software would be affected 
by this difference?  It's not obvious to me that there's a meaningful 
difference.   -Tim
The difference is in what can be concluded from the data, ie it's a 
3-valued logic problem.  Does the absence mean there's no alternate? 
Does it mean don't unknown? Do we need to care?

I think this exercise is *critical* for any piece of markup that is 
going to move from mandatory to optional. Either way, we should pin down 
spec language around the optionality of alternate feed links, or 
consciously decide we're not going to pin it down.


Re: PaceFeedIdOrSelf

2005-05-09 Thread Eric Scheid

On 10/5/05 12:50 AM, Antone Roundy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I didn't change the Pace, since such a change could conceivably change
 the opinions of people who've expressed an opinion on it already.  But
 I would be interested to know whether people think this would be an
 improvement, make it worse, or if either is just as well.

+1, an improvement


Re: PaceRenameImageToLogo

2005-05-09 Thread Eric Scheid

On 10/5/05 1:14 AM, Antone Roundy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


Fwd: PaceOptionalSummary

2005-05-09 Thread Robert Sayre

Hi Guys!

Did you see this email? Did you notice all the questions about the
technical basis of your position? Maybe you should answer them.

Also, I'm having trouble reconciling your road lying with the
assertion that the two proposals are compatible. How can they be if
their outcomes are so different?

Robert Sayre

On 5/9/05, Bill de hÓra [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I think, more or less, that PaceTextShouldBeProvided only exists because
 PaceOptionalSummary has not been successfully dismissed. I have no idea
 why title-only feeds are unfortunate, are an interoperability problem,
 or an accessibility problem. In fact I felt we had put the accessibility
 issue to bed weeks ago, but it popped up again in the
 PaceTextShouldBeProvided's rationale.
  One thing I would like those who advocate PaceOptionalSummary to the
  exclusion of all other Paces on the subject to consider... what happens
  if the chairs determine that consensus can't be found on either of these
  paces?  Look at the current wording of draft-08.  Is that what you
  really want?
 If the chairs count it up, I think they could find consensus. I think
 they could have done that a fortnight ago. Or last week. I agree with
 Robert's paraphrasing, that we are drowning in +1s. And I fail to
 understand why this has been dragged out so long. There are a few
 strongly voiced objections, but is that sufficient reason to grind this
 one out?
  We can do better.
 I started out 0 and moved to +1 based on the arguments I saw presented
 for and against PaceOptionalSummary and my own thinking. I'm -1 on
 PaceTextShouldBeProvided, and have explained why.  I honestly don't know
 how I can do any better on this.

Re: Last Call: 'The Atom Syndication Format' to Proposed Standard

2005-05-09 Thread Robert Sayre

On 5/9/05, Sam Hartman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 At least based on the discussion the IESG has been copied on, it
 doesn't sound like the working group has fully considered this issue.
 The responses have more of the character of those found from people
 trying to brush aside an issue than of people who have carefully
 considered something and concluded there is nothing to be done.
 Moreover, thisn issue cannot be unique to atom: it must effect many
 XML based protocols both within the IETF and within other standards


I agree with Sam on both points. Can you give us an example of an XML
format that successfully deals with your issue?

Does XHTML differ from Atom?

Robert Sayre

Re: the atom:copyright element

2005-05-09 Thread Thomas Broyer
Antone Roundy wrote:
On Sunday, May 8, 2005, at 10:08  AM, Tim Bray wrote:
On May 7, 2005, at 3:29 PM, Robin Cover wrote:
The publication of a new Implementation Guideline by the
Open Archives Initiative (OAI) compels me to suggest once
again [1], as Norm Walsh [2], Bob Wyman [3], and others have
done before, that the name 'atom:rights' would be better
than the (current) element name 'atom:copyright'.


+1 from me too.
+1 as well.
Thomas Broyer

Re: PaceOptionalSummary

2005-05-09 Thread Antone Roundy
On Monday, May 9, 2005, at 02:43  PM, Robert Sayre wrote:
Did you see this email? Did you notice all the questions about the
technical basis of your position? Maybe you should answer them.
Also, I'm having trouble reconciling your road lying with the
assertion that the two proposals are compatible. How can they be if
their outcomes are so different?
The change to the spec text proposed by PaceOptionalSummary would also 
be made by PaceTextShouldBeProvided.  In that way, they are compatible. 
 The intents of the authors in writing them was different.  In that 
way, they are incompatible.

The intents of people who gave them +1 are not 100% clear.  My 
interpretation is that if someone gave PaceOptionalSummary a +1, but 
not PaceTextShouldBeProvided, then their intent is close to the author 
of PaceOptionalSummary.  If they gave both a +1, then either they could 
live with either MAY or SHOULD in the proposed change to section 4.1.2, 
or their intent is close to the author of PaceTextShouldBeProvided (and 
they consider the two basically compatible for the reason noted 
above--ie. looking at the proposed changes to the spec, and not 
worrying about the authors' intents). I'm in the former group--okay 
with either MAY or SHOULD.  I'd lean more toward SHOULD if we were to 
come up with a good way to say if there's content, but it's not in 
atom:content in one of our three special formats, then there SHOULD be 
a summary--in other words, if one of the following applies:

* atom:content/@type is a MIME type rather than text, html or 
* there is no atom:content, and some extension element holds the core 
content of the entry

Note that I don't list no atom:content and no extension element 
holding the content...that's where I lean towards MAY, because to me, 
the biggest reason for strongly encouraging the use of atom:summary is 
accessibility.  If there's no atom:content or substitute element, then 
nobody is less able to access the content of the entry than anyone 
else, because there is no content outside of the metadata elements.

The problem with the above is that bullet point #2 isn't checkable 
without agreement on what constitutes a 
core-content-holding-extension-element.  I don't even want to try to 
come up with language to describe that--I've participated in this group 
too long to be that foolish.

On 5/9/05, Bill de hÓra [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I think, more or less, that PaceTextShouldBeProvided only exists 
PaceOptionalSummary has not been successfully dismissed. I have no 
why title-only feeds are unfortunate, are an interoperability problem,
or an accessibility problem. In fact I felt we had put the 
issue to bed weeks ago, but it popped up again in the
PaceTextShouldBeProvided's rationale.
I have no problem with title only feeds.  I myself would be far less 
likely to subscribe to them--or at least they'd have to have 
extraordinarily well-written, informative titles for me to subscribe to 
them in just about all cases--but there are certainly valid uses for 

Re: PaceOptionalSummary

2005-05-09 Thread Roger B.

 I have no problem with title only feeds.

I'm -1 on POS, although I wouldn't describe myself as being positioned
in the path of oncoming traffic.

Title-only feeds have valid uses, but they're really out of scope for
a feed format that only exists because it provides a clearer, cleaner
way to deliver content.

Roger Benningfield

Re: PaceOptionalSummary

2005-05-09 Thread Robert Sayre

On 5/9/05, Antone Roundy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have no problem with title only feeds.  I myself would be far less
 likely to subscribe to them--or at least they'd have to have
 extraordinarily well-written, informative titles for me to subscribe to
 them in just about all cases--but there are certainly valid uses for

Do you expect a conformant Atom Processor, such as Jakarta FeedParser,
to successfully process title-only feeds?

Robert Sayre

Re: PaceOptionalSummary

2005-05-09 Thread Robert Sayre

On 5/9/05, Roger B. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I have no problem with title only feeds.
 I'm -1 on POS, although I wouldn't describe myself as being positioned
 in the path of oncoming traffic.
 Title-only feeds have valid uses, but they're really out of scope for
 a feed format that only exists because it provides a clearer, cleaner
 way to deliver content.

Roger, please don't see this as an attack.

Here's our charter:

The format must be able to represent:
* a feed or channel of entries, with or without enclosed

I don't think there's a scope argument here. 

Robert Sayre

Re: Last Call: 'The Atom Syndication Format' to Proposed Standard

2005-05-09 Thread Paul Hoffman
At 9:33 AM -0400 5/9/05, Sam Hartman wrote:
My personal opinion as someone who is very shortly going to have to
evaluate the atom specification is that you've identified an issue
(space and line breaking) for some languages that should be
considered.  Your proposed solution seems highly undesirable in that
it requires us to understand the language of the text being displayed.
In the past we've had all sorts of problems doing that.  Your proposed
solution also seems quite complicated.
Fully agree. Please note the text in the spec we are working from:
   If the value is text, the content of the Text construct MUST NOT
   contain child elements.  Such text is intended to be presented to
   humans in a readable fashion.  Thus, Atom Processors MAY collapse
   white-space (including line-breaks), and display the text using
   typographic techniques such as justification and proportional fonts.
FWIW, this appears twice, identically, in the spec.
Martin Dürst brought up CJK (well, actually CJT), saying that they 
don't use inter-word spacing. That's fine, but it is irrelevant to 
the text in the draft. If some text comes through with no spaces, 
there is no white space to collapse. His argument that some XML 
editors make long lines of text difficult to edit is clearly *way* 
out of scope for Atom, or any other XML-using protocol for that 

It may well be that the solutions to this problem are worse than the
problem itself.  However I think it is important to specifically
understand that is the case rather than failing to solve the problem
because we failed to understand it.
The case is that text that is supposed to be read by humans comes 
in many forms, with different line lengths, and so on. The paragraph 
from the spec says that Atom processors may alter these so that they 
can be presented better for the reader. Of course, they may also 
alter it to make it less readable, as many mail user agents do 
(sigh). Regardless, this says that the Atom processor is free to 
present things in text constructs in any fashion it deems suitable. 
This is particularly important for making Atom content accessible; 
for example, the Atom processor can use this rule to present text 
content by reading it aloud, by putting it on a screen greatly 
magnified one character at a time, and so on.

At least based on the discussion the IESG has been copied on, it
doesn't sound like the working group has fully considered this issue.
The responses have more of the character of those found from people
trying to brush aside an issue than of people who have carefully
considered something and concluded there is nothing to be done.
Sorry, but that's unfair. Alexy asked Ok, maybe it is just me, but 
what does it mean to collapse white-space? Does this mean to 
replace FWS (in RFC 2822 sense) with a single space? Martin's 
response was orthogonal: Making this more precise is definitely 
desirable. But there is also an i18n issue: This works fine for 
languages that use spaces between words. The rest of the thread 
wandered into the weeds because it was hard to figure out what was 
being discussed.

Moreover, thisn issue cannot be unique to atom: it must effect many
XML based protocols both within the IETF and within other standards
Any protocol that has XML that includes human-readable text has this 
issue. Well, the processors of that XML does; the protocols 
themselves do not.

Anyway as someone evaluating atompub's output it would be very useful
if the working group responded to this last call comment.  IN my mind
a response would start with a researched description of the issue:
either confirm that Chinese and Japanese and Thai tools work as
described or explain how they actually work.  Then describe what other
standards have done about this problem.  Finally describe what atompub
has done about the problem and why. 

I'm not asking for a lot of text; probably something about as long as
this message.
I believe that it can be a lot shorter: given the rationale above, 
it's not a problem for Atompub or any other XML-using protocol. For 
that matter, it's not really and XML problem at all: it affects text 
formats like HTML and RFC 2822 as well.

--Paul Hoffman, Director
--Internet Mail Consortium

Re: Last Call: 'The Atom Syndication Format' to Proposed Standard

2005-05-09 Thread fantasai
Henri Sivonen wrote:
On May 8, 2005, at 06:30, Walter Underwood wrote:
White space is not particularly meaningful in some of these languages,
so we cannot expect them to suddenly pay attention to that just so
they can use Atom.
Why not? We expect them not no insert other random characters there. 
What do the same producers do with XHTML? Opera 7.53 and Safari 1.3 
render a space between the second and third Kanji in
See also Ishida's tests:
Special handling of white-space in CJK context is accounted for in the
CSS2.1 spec (and will be described in more detail in CSS3 Text).
There will be plenty of content from other formats
with this linguistically meaningless white space.
Why not just get rid of it in the producer end like you have to get rid 
of form feeds?
Because form feeds are normally not used in source code files whereas
line breaks and indendation often are?

Re: PaceNoAlternateForFeed

2005-05-09 Thread Bill de hÓra
Graham wrote:
On 9 May 2005, at 6:48 pm, Bill de hÓra wrote:
I think this exercise is *critical* for any piece of markup that is  
going to move from mandatory to optional. Either way, we should pin  
down spec language around the optionality of alternate feed links,  or 
consciously decide we're not going to pin it down.

So you wouldn't support a proposal that removed a required element  
without explaining what it's absence meant (eg PaceAtomSummary),  
because you'd prefer one that leaves it much less ambiguous (eg  
PaceTextShouldBeProvided, which strongly encourages publishers to  only 
omit atom:summary when none exists)?
I'm not surprised at this line of thought since there is also another 
dicussion going on around optional summaries. You're jumping the gun 
though and/or possibly trying to pin me into some kind of non-existent 
corner - fair enough. What I would like is that we at least discuss the 
consequences of making non-optional things optional on the data beynd 
some people can't supply meaningful alternates - I happen to be one of 
those people btw, if I haven't said it already. And some consistency of 
debate around loosening constraints is good I think. Finally, there is 
an important distinction between the two cases (optional alternates and 
optional summaries).

The difference is in what can be concluded from the data, ie it's a  
3-valued logic problem.  Does the absence mean there's no  alternate? 
Does it mean don't unknown? Do we need to care?

Answer Tim's question: What observable difference in the behavior of  
software would be affected by this difference?
I can have nullable columns in my database depending on what we decide 
to do here. That affects the behaviour of my SQL queries and depending.

I can can constrain the search for alternates in a nypertext graph if I 
know the author is saying there is no alternate. That affects (massively 
in some cases) the behaviour of an RDF query backend among other things. 
similar arguments can be made for search systems that are working off 
raw  indexes.

I can send the message there is no alternate for this feed or no 
alternate was provided for this feed or no alternate was found for 
this feed depending on what we decide to do here.

Is that enough? Do you see that the point of this pace is to shine some 
light on what we're doing here? Btw, I'm 0 on PaceNoAlternateForFeed - 
like I said, I have feeds that have no real alternates.


Re: PaceNoAlternateForFeed

2005-05-09 Thread Robert Sayre

On 5/9/05, Graham [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 9 May 2005, at 6:48 pm, Bill de hÓra wrote:
  I think this exercise is *critical* for any piece of markup that is
  going to move from mandatory to optional. Either way, we should pin
  down spec language around the optionality of alternate feed links,
  or consciously decide we're not going to pin it down.
 So you wouldn't support a proposal that removed a required element
 without explaining what it's absence meant (eg PaceAtomSummary),

No, he consciously decided it wasn't worth pinning down, because
there's no interop to be gained. Party foul for bringing this issue up
in yet another thread, BTW.

 because you'd prefer one that leaves it much less ambiguous (eg
 PaceTextShouldBeProvided, which strongly encourages publishers to
 only omit atom:summary when none exists)?

I've read PaceTextShouldBeProvided, and I don't understand its
rationale, but I can tell you there is absolutely nothing in the
proposal section which strongly encourages publishers to only omit
atom:summary when none exists. All it says is that things might break
if you don't include a summary or include empty text constructs.

Robert Sayre

Re: PaceFeedIdOrSelf

2005-05-09 Thread Antone Roundy
On Monday, May 9, 2005, at 05:05  PM, Graham wrote:
On 4 Apr 2005, at 6:59 pm, Antone Roundy wrote:
And add this bullet point:
* atom:feed elements that contain no child atom:id element MUST 
contain an atom:link element with a relation of self.
rel=self is in no way a substitute for an identifier
Why not?  Unless you can explain how multiple different feeds can be 
obtained via one URI (other than content negotiation to determine the 
format of the feed or some ridiculous abuse of standards), I disagree 
completely.  @rel=self does precisely identify a feed--the feed 
pointed to by @href--and while it may be less permanent than atom:id in 
some cases, it should be sufficiently stable in most cases, and is less 
spoofable than atom:id, which in my book makes it a better identifier.

Re: PaceFeedIdOrSelf

2005-05-09 Thread David Nesting

On Tue, May 10, 2005 at 12:05:22AM +0100, Graham wrote:
 rel=self is in no way a substitute for an identifier and shouldn't  

Has anyone considered merging these into one (required) element?  The ID
can be a URI.  The URI need not be resolvable.  If the URI is a URL,
it SHOULD (MUST?) point to the feed's location.


 == David Nesting WL7RO Fastolfe [EMAIL PROTECTED] == A054 47B1 6D4C E97A D882  C41F 3065 57D9 832F AB01

Re: Which is the preferred feed?

2005-05-09 Thread David Nesting

On Mon, May 09, 2005 at 10:53:14AM -0600, Antone Roundy wrote:
 302 would result in feed readers (that follow the HTTP spec) continuing 
 to hit the publisher's site every time they checked the feed, and then 
 going to FeedBurner.

I'm not sure how user agents would handle it, but one could always
attach some caching headers to that 302 response to indicate that the
302 is semi-permanent.  In theory, user agents could hold on to that
302 response for a little while and follow the cached redirection.


 == David Nesting WL7RO Fastolfe [EMAIL PROTECTED] == A054 47B1 6D4C E97A D882  C41F 3065 57D9 832F AB01

Re: PaceFeedIdOrSelf

2005-05-09 Thread Eric Scheid

On 10/5/05 11:12 AM, Antone Roundy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 rel=self is in no way a substitute for an identifier
 Why not?  

the uri can change.


extensions -- Atom NS and unprefixed attributes

2005-05-09 Thread Robert Sayre

I think we should be clearer that new elements in the Atom namespace
and unprefixed attributes with parent elements in the Atom namespace
can only be added by IETF consensus. Thoughts?

Robert Sayre

Re: PaceFeedIdOrSelf

2005-05-09 Thread David Nesting

On Tue, May 10, 2005 at 11:52:55AM +1000, Eric Scheid wrote:
  Why not?  
 the uri can change.

URIs don't change; People change them.[1]

But yah, things are never that simple.  Consequently, ignore my other
e-mail in this thread.  (And sorry if this is all a re-hash.)



 == David Nesting WL7RO Fastolfe [EMAIL PROTECTED] == A054 47B1 6D4C E97A D882  C41F 3065 57D9 832F AB01

Re: PaceFeedIdOrSelf

2005-05-09 Thread Eric Scheid

On 10/5/05 11:36 AM, David Nesting [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 rel=self is in no way a substitute for an identifier and shouldn't
 Has anyone considered merging these into one (required) element?  The ID
 can be a URI.  The URI need not be resolvable.  If the URI is a URL,
 it SHOULD (MUST?) point to the feed's location.

in the spec the atom:id *is* a URI.

introducing SHOULD/MUST point to the feed's location would put pressure on
the value of atom:id being changed if the feed is re-located (eg. to

Not a good thing.


Re: extensions -- Atom NS and unprefixed attributes

2005-05-09 Thread Tim Bray

On May 9, 2005, at 6:52 PM, Robert Sayre wrote:
I think we should be clearer that new elements in the Atom namespace
and unprefixed attributes with parent elements in the Atom namespace
can only be added by IETF consensus. Thoughts?
I wonder if there's some standard IETF practice when you define a 
language as regards future change control?

Generally -1.  This spec defines what Atom 1.0 is, why try to 
micro-manage the future? -Tim

Atom 1.0?

2005-05-09 Thread Tim Bray
Question: how do we refer to the product of this WG once it has an RFC 

We definitely need some quick, snappy label to refer to that version to 
distinguish it from Atom 0.3, which is widely enough deployed that 
it'll be with us for a while.  Per WG consensus, an Atom doc has no 
version stamp.  So there'll be no actual spec-based reason to call our 
product Atom 1.0.  But, we could just go ahead and do it anyhow.

Anyone have a better idea? --Tim

Re: extensions -- Atom NS and unprefixed attributes

2005-05-09 Thread Paul Hoffman
At 7:22 PM -0700 5/9/05, Tim Bray wrote:
On May 9, 2005, at 6:52 PM, Robert Sayre wrote:
I think we should be clearer that new elements in the Atom namespace
and unprefixed attributes with parent elements in the Atom namespace
can only be added by IETF consensus. Thoughts?
I wonder if there's some standard IETF practice when you define a 
language as regards future change control?
No. Nearly every protocol tries to go its own way. It's a mess.
Generally -1.  This spec defines what Atom 1.0 is, why try to 
micro-manage the future? -Tim
Agree on the -1.
At 10:34 PM -0400 5/9/05, Robert Sayre wrote:
Fair enough. But can just anyone add stuff to the Atom namespace?
If the IESG lets them, yes.
We gotta trust the IESG after the WG shuts down. Fortunately, they 
have earned that trust over time.

--Paul Hoffman, Director
--Internet Mail Consortium

Re: Atom 1.0?

2005-05-09 Thread Jeff Rodenburg

Tim Bray wrote:
Question: how do we refer to the product of this WG once it has an RFC 

We definitely need some quick, snappy label to refer to that version 
to distinguish it from Atom 0.3, which is widely enough deployed that 
it'll be with us for a while.  Per WG consensus, an Atom doc has no 
version stamp.  So there'll be no actual spec-based reason to call our 
product Atom 1.0.  But, we could just go ahead and do it anyhow.

Anyone have a better idea? --Tim
First time commenting on the list, be gentle.  :-)
+1 on Tim's suggestion to use Atom 1.0.  Atom 0.3 more or less 
dictates that future version numbers will be referenced in practical 
usage, so the 1.0 name seems natural.  Additionally, it would be 
unfortunate to be lumped in with RSS in terms of selecting terminology 
related to versions of the specification (2.0 before 1.0?)

These are superficial reasons, but my belief is that this specification 
will introduce a lot of publishers to the world of syndication.  A good 
name will go a long way to pushing adoption of the specification.

Jeff Rodenburg

Re: extensions -- Atom NS and unprefixed attributes

2005-05-09 Thread Robert Sayre

On 5/9/05, Paul Hoffman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Fair enough. But can just anyone add stuff to the Atom namespace?
 If the IESG lets them, yes.
 We gotta trust the IESG after the WG shuts down. Fortunately, they
 have earned that trust over time.

I am fine with that. I am concerned that the current draft fails to
differentiate between foreign markup and markup that requires IESG

Robert Sayre

Re: Atom 1.0?

2005-05-09 Thread Antone Roundy
Tim Bray wrote:
Question: how do we refer to the product of this WG once it has an RFC 

We definitely need some quick, snappy label to refer to that version 
to distinguish it from Atom 0.3, which is widely enough deployed that 
it'll be with us for a while.  Per WG consensus, an Atom doc has no 
version stamp.  So there'll be no actual spec-based reason to call our 
product Atom 1.0.  But, we could just go ahead and do it anyhow.

Anyone have a better idea? --Tim
non:serious response=joke
Let's see: Atom NT, Atom ME, Atom XP, Atom 05...  Just kidding. 
 How about AtomRSS X 1.0 Lynx or iAtom?  Yeah, yeah, ha ha.  
Atom++?  Atom Ion?  an electrically charged particle...fits the tone 
of the discussion here.  Atom Isotope would avoid that connotation.  
Atom H (H = hydrogen, this first element in the periodic table).  
Atom Xe might work if it were only for archives (Xe = xenon, an 
inert gas).  Atom Ra might be good for referring back to some of the 
earlier drafts (Ra = radium...unstable).  Atom Cs (Cs = 
Caesium...we've finally caesed arguing and finalized the spec).  
Atom Ba (Ba = barium...we can't bear to continue working on the 
spec...nor to read anymore such jokes?  Okay, I'll quit.)

Seriously though, if we just call it Atom, no one will know whether 
we're talking about 0.3 or 
the-format-formerly-known-as-Atom-0.3-before-it-was-finalized, so I 
think we've got to tack something on to it.  It can either be a number, 
a descriptive name, or a non-descriptive name.  A non-descriptive name 
might require too much explanation, even if it sounded cool.  A 
descriptive name?  Might be hard to come up with and/or be too long: 
Atom: first standardized edition?  Atom 1.0 is certainly the 
easiest way to get the point across.  But yeah, it's an odd choice in a 

Re: Atom 1.0?

2005-05-09 Thread Robert Sayre

On 5/9/05, Antone Roundy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Tim Bray wrote:
  Question: how do we refer to the product of this WG once it has an RFC
  We definitely need some quick, snappy label to refer to that version
  to distinguish it from Atom 0.3, which is widely enough deployed that
  it'll be with us for a while.  Per WG consensus, an Atom doc has no
  version stamp.  So there'll be no actual spec-based reason to call our
  product Atom 1.0.  But, we could just go ahead and do it anyhow.
  Anyone have a better idea? --Tim

I like Atom.

 non:serious response=joke

Atom 2005 MX Killer Whale?


Re: Atom 1.0?

2005-05-09 Thread Walter Underwood

--On May 9, 2005 7:29:58 PM -0700 Tim Bray [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Anyone have a better idea? --Tim

Hey, let's vote on a *new* name. I'm +1 on Naked News, because
it delivers the news without chrome and crap. Or maybe that is what
you get when Atom (Adam?) goes public. Or because sex sells.

Seriously, I don't mind Atom 1.0 as long as the next version is
Atom 2.0. Please don't increment the right-of-the-dot part forever,
because I just had to fix some software that made the (reasonable)
assumption that 5.10==5.1, even though 5.10 is really Solaris 10.

Walter Underwood
Principal Architect, Verity