Re: looking for online games

2018-01-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : mohammed via Audiogames-reflector


Re: looking for online games

o good thanks


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screen reader friendly software for sound settings

2018-01-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Niklas via Audiogames-reflector


screen reader friendly software for sound settings

Hello, I have an USB Headset but the Software wich Comes with it is not accessible from what I discovered. I am interested in programms wich can emulate 7.1 Sound and such and were I can alter other Sound Settings as well, even with the USB Headset. Are there programs or Equalizers available wich are Screen Reader friendly except the Windows Standard Drivers? Eventually, it should work under Windows 7 as well.


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Re: The Road of Life

2018-01-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Road of Life

That's okay for you Jason, however bare in mind not everyone is quite as adaptable or ready to experiment in this case, especially people who are generally worried about computer use. My mum is a perfect example, since she has used supernova for years and has enough trouble remembering key combos and working out the difference between a file and a folder, let alone having to use something else. This is where Sapi support helps since then the game will run straight out of the box.Heck, despite using Nvda as my main screen reader for the last year  I still occasionally have  to check things in the Nvda user guide if there is something particularly obscure which I would know how to do in Supernova but needed to check in Nvda.


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Re: Humble Bundle no better than spammers

2018-01-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Lirin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Humble Bundle no better than spammers

Besides criticising great service with loads of great stuff did you tried contacting them? I am pretty sure they will help you if you REALLY need it that hard. I remember unsuscribe worked so this must be an issue worth reporting.


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Re: Will you be one of Seven heros? Answer the call!

2018-01-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : dash via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Will you be one of Seven heros?  Answer the call!

OK. My gues is 4625I'm livin in Poland and i can't buy this game because i dont have acces to my bank accound.


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Re: Easter eggs in A Hero's Call

2018-01-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Luel via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Easter eggs in A Hero's Call

@Post 17.I just found a version of this dialogue for female characters with Simeon as a travelling companion.Now what I really want to know is if a version with Matthias exists.I am going to check this.


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Re: audio life

2018-01-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: audio life

Weirdly enough, I think accessible Second Life might be easier than accessible Dwarf Fortress, since SL is sort of like Minecraft light, where you have your physics and building and the players do the rest, while DF has all of that plus the wonderful AI of the dwarves, resources, disasters, etc.


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Re: A question about PS4 accessibillity

2018-01-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : pelantas via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A question about PS4 accessibillity

Hi,yeah, definately go with xbox if you want accessibility features. What i have heard about sony access, was that it was limited to north america only, please guys, correct me if i am wrong, but the rest of the world was excluded, wich is dissapointing if you ask me.But as SLJ stated, two years back accessibility development stopped, wich was rather unsatisfieing, cause at that time i was researching if i wanted a ps4 or a xbox one.When i was sighted i was used to use a xbox, but i was willing toe  give the ps4 a go if it's access was more improved then xbox.All other points wich i can add, are already mentioned, so i won't repeat them.But i agree with SLJ, the best what you probably can do is asking your money back, and get a xbox one, if accessibility is of high value to you.Greetz Mike


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Re: Learn Reaper and More with my Blog's New Tutorials

2018-01-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : G-Rad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Learn Reaper and More with my Blog's New Tutorials

Yeah.  I have specific demands from Reaper, being a realtime drummer and  what not,   I don't even have the SWS extension installed, but I guess I will snatch it up just incase.


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Re: miriani, anyone still play?

2018-01-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Holden via Audiogames-reflector


Re: miriani, anyone still play?

Ah, Miriani ... it's been years, well, actually a little over two, since I last played there. At one time I had quite a lot of things, however I found out in February of 16 that I hadn't logged in enough times so I got purged and I'm lazy, so the idea of completely rebuilding just didn't interest me. I had a lot of fun there, but what someone else said here is true--the player base is not the friendliest and I almost feel like you have a better time if you already know someone there--preferrably one of the top dogs so you can grind a little bit then join their group or whatever so you aren't just dog meat for everyone else.


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Dungeon crawls--how sad we don't have more of them

2018-01-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Holden via Audiogames-reflector


Dungeon crawls--how sad we don't have more of them

Playing A Hero's Call over the past month and having so much fun with it--thanks a lot Out of Sight Games, you are officially the bomb in my book, has put me in a fantasy sort of mood. Therefore, when I temporarily needed a break from AHC I attempted to find another fantasy type game similar to AHC but with less complexity so I could just have a little fun and not have to actually concentrate a whole lot on what I was doing. I came across an old audiogame treasure, Entombed. I've played this game a bit, and I have to say the mechanics are interesting, but why did the developer of that game release it and not update it? The bugs in that game are particularly annoying and if you just want to have a fun time wandering a dungeon and relax for a couple of hours, forget it. The game crashes for no apparent reason and it just gets very annoying after a little while to beat into submission. I'd love to see a game similar to that be made, but with less bugs and possibly some other tweeks. I've toyed with doing something like this myself--I have a very steep learning curve and there's no better time then now to figure out how to write code--after all the BGT engine is very easy to get and there is extensive documentation. I guess I'm just writing this as a rant/discussion starter, do you all think another dungeon crawler would be a great idea or do you think we need more games with an actual storyline etc?


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farming simulation game?

2018-01-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : JasonBlaze via Audiogames-reflector


farming simulation game?

hello there guys,is there any accessibel farming simmulator out there? I know there is one from Leasey, but I have no idea how to purchase/get the game without buying the full Leasey.harvest moon is one of my favorite series, but of course, that's not playable also I think castaway 2 have a bit of farming, but not so sure.thanks before yeah, yeah, I know, farming sim sounds so borring, but take a look at stardew vally and rune factory, those are  simmular with harvest moon but with rpg element 


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Re: Dungeon crawls--how sad we don't have more of them

2018-01-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : JasonBlaze via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Dungeon crawls--how sad we don't have more of them

hmm, dungeon crawller will be fun indeed...


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Re: Stay the hell away from EmpireMud (appology to Athlon enclosed)

2018-01-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : icemaster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Stay the hell away from EmpireMud (appology to Athlon enclosed)

You can reat your own server if you so desire. But the original places have lots of land still remaining. There just are a lot of ruins everywhere, since a lot of players come in and quit after some time. I've been there from the start. Khufu possibly doesn't like nagging, but that's a thing. I've started my empire countless of times over and over again, because I end up quitting for months and everything just falls into abandonment, but never have I had any problems with finding that piece of land to build and found cities. Can't we all just get along?


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Re: Humble Bundle no better than spammers

2018-01-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Orko via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Humble Bundle no better than spammers

Yes I have, several times,  and to date have never received a reply, and the unwanted emails keep showing up in my inbox.I don't consider a service where every page is so overloaded with ads that you have to search to find the content you want buried among the ads a good service. Not only do they spam you via your inbox, every visit to their web site is one big get spammed to death session.


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Re: Stay the hell away from EmpireMud (appology to Athlon enclosed)

2018-01-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : icemaster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Stay the hell away from EmpireMud (appology to Athlon enclosed)

I should get an answer from khufu to this, because he was willing to comment on this acually. I'll post it here.


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Re: screen reader friendly software for sound settings

2018-01-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Draq via Audiogames-reflector


Re: screen reader friendly software for sound settings

Hmm. Which reader are you using? I wonder if you can use OCR to see the controls at all.


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Re: miriani, anyone still play?

2018-01-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Draq via Audiogames-reflector


Re: miriani, anyone still play?

things aren't as hostile as they once were these days. People can still be somewhat irritating, but stranding and ship destruction/theft are kind of rare right now. Ground combat got some nice changes quite recently in that you're no longer able to be stunned in certain locations and there are now group options to allow/disallow people from grabbing or joining you. If they're not on one of your allowed lists, you have to be stunned or idle for them to do so.


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Re: looking for online games

2018-01-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : 拓海 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: looking for online games

hi, if you want to play return of the king, you can go to this link download the game. … 1ce04ac3c9


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Re: loreaon link seems to be dead

2018-01-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: loreaon link seems to be dead

Hmmm, this is a little odd, I checked the game semi recently and it seemed to be up,  the main link I had in my favourites also still seems dead too. Since however this was recently active I'd suggest waiting before sticking an unknown license type on it and removing the links in case it comes back.


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Re: screen reader friendly software for sound settings

2018-01-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Niklas via Audiogames-reflector


Re: screen reader friendly software for sound settings

I am using mainly JAWS and NVDA. Hmm, haven't thought to try the OCR. That could work. I tryed Jaws Cursor, the object Navigation in NVDA and the arrow keys as well as tab and shift tab to navigate, but the Reader said nothing so as if the Screen would be completely empty. Even the command to read the Screen brought no result. But OCR is something I could try.


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Re: Stay the hell away from EmpireMud (appology to Athlon enclosed)

2018-01-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Stay the hell away from EmpireMud (appology to Athlon enclosed)

Ultimate proof of YMMV:The zombie island is perhaps my least favourite area on all the islands. It feels too jokey and weird, considering it's, y'know, infested with zombies.But on the other side, there's a new area that just got released on Archais, and I quite like that place. Very grim, fairly difficult. Not a whole lot of gear and rewards, but plenty of killing and decent exp.


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Re: Dungeon crawls--how sad we don't have more of them

2018-01-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Dungeon crawls--how sad we don't have more of them

A dungeon crawl isn't bad, but if you're going to do it, please, please consider doing some variation in classes/skills/spells, maybe even races. Entombed did this fairly well, though it's unbalanced as hell.If it's just "random adventurer with random skills, random spells, random stats and random gear goes into a random procedurally-generated dungeon of randomness, fighting random monsters for random gear until they die randomly", I will personally give it a pass. I don't need a novel's worth of back story, I don't mind exploring, and some randomness is okay...but if the whole thing is just to see how deep you can get, and most of it's full of wild cards, it's not my thing, and I'd personally rather see you do something with a little more...substance, I guess.But this is just my own two cents' worth. Others may feel differently.


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Re: SoundRTS

2018-01-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : 拓海 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: SoundRTS

This is a very annoying point., so I'm still playing with the old version 1.2a9


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Re: a review of the acer Aspire E5-576G

2018-01-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Omar Alvarado via Audiogames-reflector


Re: a review of the acer Aspire E5-576G

It's honestly not a bad machine, however I don't particularly think it would handle rough environments all that well. The construction doesn't seem to flex or anything, however if you lightly tap some areas, you can tell it's construction is nowhere near a thinkpad.Oh, and the ethernet port is semi-protected by a downward bendable flap, it's partly exposed so honestly I don't know why that flap is there.


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Re: What apps you use on android?

2018-01-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Socheat via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What apps you use on android?

@Arcadia, you should give Music folder player ago. Maybe it helps you play music in the sub directory. Plus, it is very accessible too.


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Re: miriani, anyone still play?

2018-01-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : igggggoreha via Audiogames-reflector


Re: miriani, anyone still play?

hello! how possible play miriani with sound effects?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: farming simulation game?

2018-01-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : bookrage via Audiogames-reflector


Re: farming simulation game?

There is one game called "Gates of Survival" which has farming as a recently-added skill you can work on related to it. You'll have to train other stuff to get to it, like thievery and some other junk, but you should be able to do it. You have to be  able to do captia, but it has pretty good captia audio for what version the guy is using and I have no trouble unlike in many other places and the guy is very interested in accessability.I do have an issue with the game though. When I am at home, a lot of times I get a funny message with the Captia about something with my server that keeps me from accessing the captia, but I think that is just me.It's a time sink game but still pretty fun. Because of some challenges I'm somehow having with the server I don't play currently but it had nothing to do with having fun.


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Re: miriani, anyone still play?

2018-01-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : nightshade via Audiogames-reflector


Re: miriani, anyone still play?

Their is an in game command called @soundpacks that lists packs for vipmud, mush, tintin and such. I think you can find it on the website as well. I personally use the vipmud pack as it is the most extensive of the lot.


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Re: Dungeon crawls--how sad we don't have more of them

2018-01-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Honk via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Dungeon crawls--how sad we don't have more of them

Hi Holden,consider this:A game is roughly as good as the sum of its key components. There are great story driven games with average game play, extremely fun games with no story at all but interessting or challenging game mechanics or not to deep games with great art design (grafics/sound).So if you manage to make a game with that kind of greatness in one of its components it will be worth to play. But you probably won't unless you are a kind of genious.So this is what I would do:I would concentrate on one distinct feature and try to make it as good as possible. If it is the genre of dungeon crawlers I'd research all the characteristics of them carefully and really put some weeks into just inventing the core mechanics before actually writing code.Dungeon crawlers are really easy to write but awfully hard to make them fun to play. Thats because their game play needs to be really well developed. Entombed is quite nice but a bad example for game play nevertheless. It is unbalanced as already said, it is repetetive and it is to random in most cases.But if you want to be sure that your game won't be a waste of time you should also consider to make it unique in some way. Write a good story for it, try an interessting twist in your art design or come with an idea I don't have  That won't just make it a better game in general but also might broaden the niche of possible players.Don't feel discouraged by this though. I'd love to play another dungeon crawler like entombed. And I think I am not alone.


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Re: Sharing My Music and Sound Effects - Over 1000 Tracks

2018-01-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Eric Matyas via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sharing My Music and Sound Effects - Over 1000 Tracks

Another hectic week...but managed to get some new tracks done: On the Epic/Battle page:"Battle of the Ancients" (Looping) the Funny 4 page:"Soda Pop Factory" (Looping)"The Happy Lush" (Looping) on the Positive/Upbeat page:"Better Days Ahead" (Looping)!


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Re: Audio Game Survey

2018-01-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : aaron via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Audio Game Survey

I am also finding the survey confusing and haven't answered as a result.


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my sapi5 seems to be broken. please help!

2018-01-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Chandu via Audiogames-reflector


my sapi5 seems to be broken. please help!

whenever I open the speech properties in the control panel, it shows the error "Windows Shell Common Dll has stopped working". I can't change the system voice, or find any installed voices in the speech properties list. however, the sapi voices work alright when used with JAWS or NVDA. by the way, I'm using win7 32 bit. so, how do I fix this?


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Re: Easter eggs in A Hero's Call

2018-01-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Easter eggs in A Hero's Call

rofl The idea that Simeon would have such a dialogue with a female char doesn't surprise me in the slightest.  Honestly, when I heard him I was almost expecting appearances from the joker or some such.


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Re: help with finding the trap door and water reservware in a heros call

2018-01-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : aaron via Audiogames-reflector


Re: help with finding the trap door and water reservware in a heros call

Hi,spoilersWhen I went into the campsight nothing seemed to happen even though simion was in the party.


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Re: Will you be one of Seven heros? Answer the call!

2018-01-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Will you be one of Seven heros?  Answer the call!

To post 39, put it to you this way; perhaps the most celebrated building regarding religious institutions in Turkey is the Sultan Ahmed Mosque, also known as the Blue Mosque.  If you're born in Turkey and your parents are not knowingly affiliated with any other known religion you are automatically registered under Islam, which holds most of the Turkish poppulation as of this writing, and there is no way to change that unless you can obtain documentation through a government recognized church.  Officially, turkey is, as you say, a secular country with no recognized religion and has been so since the 1920's, but all children in the public school system must attend Sunni Islam oriented courses early on, as these are mandatory.


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Re: Dungeon crawls--how sad we don't have more of them

2018-01-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Holden via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Dungeon crawls--how sad we don't have more of them

I appreciate all of the feedback. I'm carefully watching this topic to see what comes of it. I am very aware of at least some of Entombed's flaws. It's extremely random with no real back story, and I'd like to see what kind of back story I could come up with for a game of my own.


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Re: Forza Motorsport 7!

2018-01-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : smoothgunner via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Forza Motorsport 7!

this I gotta see.I played the older versions, and they were not to playable, but the controller did vibrate when you were off road, that was the good thing


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Re: audio life

2018-01-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : BlakeT via Audiogames-reflector


Re: audio life

I agree. I'll start small, I have no clue what this dwarf fortress is...But karati, You can't link prims using radegast, but you can make prims, define their shape with the labeled options, and more if you can figure out what the unlabeled but still usable options are with the prim builder plugin. I have also made prims that can do things, so you can put scripts and other things inside prims if you know the trick. it's just a matter of experimenting with what you can and cannot do, getting yourself into embarrassing situations a time or two, then laughing them off later. (Buying a house that was called a lounge so I thought it was a sofa, taking it into my apartment and sitting on it...) I'll post any games I make on audiogames, if I make anything worth posting, and the better I become, the closer I'll be. You may need more than one developer interested though. I don't even think I'll ever have access to the servers required, or all the resources just to name one thing.


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Re: farming simulation game?

2018-01-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : JasonBlaze via Audiogames-reflector


Re: farming simulation game?

wo thanks!, gonna try that 


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Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

2018-01-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Nick via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

I found the mysterys of deepwood but I don't know the combination to get pass the massive tree.I would like a list of the riddles for the mysterys of deepwood as well as the answers.


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the garbage collector in bgt

2018-01-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : 2maidi via Audiogames-reflector


the garbage collector in bgt

hi alli have a problem with the garbage collector, actuely i don't know if it is a problem. exampels are the best way to explain, so take this one:Total execution time: 144403 msWARNING: On 2863 occasions during the execution of your script, the garbage collector had accumulated so much contentso that it was forced to run a complete cycle to prevent an overflow. When this happens, severe lag two questions are:is this a big number at small time?how to avoid that?thanks.


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Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

2018-01-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : flame_elchemist via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

If you read the mysterys of deepwood it tells you how to unlock the door.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Will you be one of Seven heros? Answer the call!

2018-01-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Will you be one of Seven heros?  Answer the call!

Oh, and I'm an idiot!  I forgot the real reason I came into this topic after getting distracted by post 39.UPDATE:We're increasing the number yet again!  Yes, there are now, 9 chances for you to win!  The moderation panel keeps on showing its generosity, and you, my friends, should keep those guesses coming!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

2018-01-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : phoenix1991 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

I noticed a possible bug. After completing the quest Trouble Sleeping, two priests appear in the temple. When you return, only one is present. Is this a bug, or are there supposed to be two priests present?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

2018-01-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

For anyone who doesn't know, the ag net staff is holding a contest giving you 9 chances to win!  You too can be one of 9 heros entering this out of sight realm.  No money?  No parents willing to give you money?  No Paypal?  No country willing to let you use it?  No friends willing to help you buy it?No problem! Happy gaming!


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A heroes contest!

2018-01-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — AudioGames - News room : nightshade via Audiogames-reflector


A heroes contest!

hear ye, hear ye!  All nonmembers of heroism and adventure wishing to be members of heroism and adventure, we come bearing great tidings and wonderful news for you all.  Nine of you , yes, 9, of our valuable forumites are getting ready to be selected.  If you will allow it, the ag net community will allow you to enter into this world of heroism and adventure we speak of.  Normally, it costs a sum of some 20 dollars, and we understand that not everyone is capable of delivering, but the city of Fairhaven is in such trouble that we sincerely want you to rescue it and so, have decided to pay you to do it.There is, a slight catch, however.  Yes yes, we know, you're inwardly sighing because you thought this would be easy, but you know we can only have the most devoted nonmembers be members, and because we have no way of honestly knowing what your level of devotion is as a nonmember, we must test you first.  The test is simple and only requires that you guess a number between 1 and 5.  if you're not interested, just stop reading; we won't be offended.  If you're interested, continue reading or head on over here to submit your guess. Let us establish a few rules you must follow with the simplicity of this guessing game of ours for your sake:1.  Please post at the above link in order for your guess to be legit.  any guesses here or elsewhere will not be recorded nor considered, even if they are the exact number.2.  Only one guess per person will be granted.3.  Be kind and generous if you can aford to, that is, if you know you can actually get the game, give others who are less fortunate the chance to enter and win it.  While we are willing to give it to anyone regardless, our main purpose for this contest is to get it into as many people's hands who otherwise wouldn't have it.  Please search your self and be as honest as possible when entering.  by no means are we trying to discourage anyone from entering, but we do want this game to succeed and for as many people as possible to enjoy it.4.  Same number guesses are allowed, but we encourage as much originality as possible.5.  the exact number is not needed.  The five who are picked will be picked by being the closest to the 9 numbers we have chosen.6.  while not required, might we kindly ask you to tell us a little bit about yourself and your circumstances?  Are you living in an under developed country?  Are you under the age of 18 and living with your parents?  Are they mean to you?  Do they not have money?  Perhaps there's a lack of credit cards of paypal?  Or maybe, just maybe, you don't know if you should honestly be paying for the game even though you want to play it!  While we're not exactly rewarding honesty in this contest, your honesty may be rewarded in future.We of want to thank you for being a part of our community.  Feel free to tell your friends about this contest and let them know they are more than welcome to subscribe, first to the forum where we'll gladly welcome them to audiogaming and to our site, and also, to the contest.  If you're reading this because you've arrived here from google, FB, Twitter or some other random link randomly floating around because of random friends you randomly have in all of your random dealings, we also want you to know that random rambling of this kind happens rather often and randomly.  We hope this giveaway will encourage you to stay with us; please check our site out and brows the various topics of discussion all open to you.  thank you once again for your time and attention, and as always, we wish you happy gaming!*edited to include new number of prize winners owing to donations.


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Re: SoniFight v1.0 now available

2018-01-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : r3dux via Audiogames-reflector


Re: SoniFight v1.0 now available

@SirBadger - That alt+tilda doesn't work?! Here's a version I've just modified to use alt and the plus slash equals key. So along the top row of numbers (not the keypad), it goes 7 8 9 0 minus plus. THAT plus key is the one you want to hold alt and push to swap active windows within Cheat Engine.Here's the link to the modified lua script: … s.lua?dl=0You're right that there may be issues between fullscreen and windowed modes in games changing memory addresses - for example, I've had to find equivalent pointer trails for the menus in Day of the Tentacle for full and windowed - they just aren't the same otherwise (although the matching criteria is obviously the same to announce the options).In terms of finding pointers, there could be so much going on that I just even guess what the issue is - but, if we could catch up on some kind of screen-sharing thing I could help you to find a few pointers and we could record the entire process - I don't know, would that be helpful? It's genuinely not rocket-science, I just think the tools are a bit of a nuisance at the moment and a little more guidance on how to approach the entire process would help a lot.Thoughts always welcome.


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Re: Forza Motorsport 7!

2018-01-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : sanslash332 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Forza Motorsport 7!

well waiting patiently for news about this.


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Re: A heroes contest!

2018-01-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — AudioGames - News room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A heroes contest!

thanks to donations, the number of copies being contested is now 9!  Happy gaming!


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Addictive Drums 2 and Golden Cursor working enough

2018-01-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : G-Rad via Audiogames-reflector


Addictive Drums 2 and Golden Cursor working enough

The past few days, I've had some help with a friend over Facetime.We spent some time making Addictive Drums 2 Golden Cursor locations inside of Reaper.This process was done in 1920x1080 resolution.  The FX window was fully maximized with Addictive Drums 2 selected.  This is the only way it would work properly.There is no speech, but you can use OCR to help identify stuff like your preset, and the selected instrument's currently loaded drum/cymbal.Included functions are:Cycle Presets back and forthKit buttonEdit ButtonHelp Button (Labeled with a question mark)Open Map window (Click Help first)In Edit WindowSample selected InstrumentChange Instrument Variation up or downSelect Instrument with respected buttons (Kick, Snare, Hi-Hat, Tom 1 through Tom 4, Flex 1 through Flex 3, Cymbal 1 through Cymbal 6, Ride 1 and Ride 2).Notes: You can select presets here, too, so this is going to most likely be your go to window  for just about everything, unless you are using an E-drum kit or want to change some midi mapping values, explained below.In the map window:Select cymbals 1 through 6Learn ButtonLearn Cymbal Choke/Open Snare Hit ButtonLearn Snare Sidestick buttonLearn Snare Rim Shallow Rim Shot buttonLearn Snare Open Rim Shot buttonMap Preset Button (Use OCR to select your preset, sub menus apply)Save as default buttonOK ButtonCancel ButtonBe sure and use OCR to determine the window you are in, before making any changes, just to avoid corruption of project.If anyone wants the file, which also has some smaller things like Reaper control surface input and output locations mapped, hit me up here, and I will gladly send it to you.  If anyone knows how to use autohotkey and can make this an autohotkey setup,  please help!  I'm trying to learn how to use this app for this very reason.This will keep me up and going until SIBIAC is fixed, then all the above, plus some will be available with speech.Additionally, you can change a lot of parameter values labeled, in the parameter window.Peas


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: SoundRTS

2018-01-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : sanslash332 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: SoundRTS

@milos nop, this is the wrong place to check that.At the main soundRTS branch, the creator only work at engine features, like more options to manage your army, like the suggestions of @拓海 and @zakc93, more options to have more programmatically posibilities to the campaigns, rules or maps, more features for the terrain, improve the UI, etc.The content itself, is labor of some content creator, like pragma, the developer of blitzcrieg, or you.@拓海 respect to your point, yep, is a interesting option. In other RTS, when you have a unit in offensive mode, the unit if have a enemy in your sight rank, but not fire rank, it automatically moves to get fire rank to try fire to the target. And if the target moves, automatically again try to reach the fire rank. Because that, the units have a mode called "fix mode" that is for units defending points. The units don't move to reach fire rank. only fires if a enemy enter to their fire rank, but not move to try catch it. The ofensive mode is the default behavior.because that, fasts unit are good to catch enemies, because they can't scape of them. But for example, a slow unit, can follow faster attackers. The only think that i can't remember, if when a unit abandon it's point to follow a enemy, after loss or neutralise the enemy, the unit keep at the last point that it moved, or return to the previous asigned point.Of course you have to have on mind, that with this behabior, the units can be traped. A enemi come to the sight rank of a unit, and get to the enemi move to its possision and next, move to put the enemi on a posission that various of your unit can destroi the enemy that follow your trap.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: SoniFight v1.0 now available

2018-01-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : r3dux via Audiogames-reflector


Re: SoniFight v1.0 now available

@SirBadger - That alt+tilda doesn't work?! Here's a version I've just modified to use alt and the plus slash equals key. So along the top row of numbers (not the keypad), it goes 7 8 9 0 minus plus. THAT plus key is the one you want to hold alt and push to swap active windows within Cheat Engine.Here's the link to the modified lua script - right click and save rather than just clicking (as it opened the lua text in the browser when I tried): … s.lua?dl=0Oh, and probably remove the original one - both might work or it might get confused, I don't know. Probably easier to remove the original script.You're right that there may be issues between fullscreen and windowed modes in games changing memory addresses - for example, I've had to find equivalent pointer trails for the menus in Day of the Tentacle for full and windowed - they just aren't the same otherwise (although the matching criteria is obviously the same to announce the options).In terms of finding pointers, there could be so much going on that I just even guess what the issue is - but, if we could catch up on some kind of screen-sharing thing I could help you to find a few pointers and we could record the entire process - I don't know, would that be helpful? It's genuinely not rocket-science, I just think the tools are a bit of a nuisance at the moment and a little more guidance on how to approach the entire process would help a lot.Thoughts always welcome.


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making new soundpacks

2018-01-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : BlakeT via Audiogames-reflector


making new soundpacks

Hi all,I wanted to try tackling making a soundpack on VipMud. Just not sure how to go about it. Is a soundpack nothing more than a handful of triggers? but then, triggers can only play one at a time. Does anyone know how to get around that or how you're really supposed to do it? I sure have enough sounds and know where to get them.if you have to credit someone for a sound, do you just make a txt in the zip with the triggers and say sounds curtesy of blablabla? any advice would be appreciated.


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Addictive Drums 2 and Golden Cursor working enough

2018-01-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : G-Rad via Audiogames-reflector


Addictive Drums 2 and Golden Cursor working enough

The past few days, I've had some help with a friend over Facetime.We spent some time making Addictive Drums 2 Golden Cursor locations inside of Reaper.This process was done in 1920x1080 resolution.  The FX window was fully maximized with Addictive Drums 2 selected. Plugin is loaded  in default mode, not bridged or anything.   This is the only way it would work properly.There is no speech, but you can use OCR to help identify stuff like your preset, and the selected instrument's currently loaded drum/cymbal.Included functions are:Cycle Presets back and forth.Kit button.Edit Button.Help Button (Labeled with a question mark)Open Map window (Click Help first)In Edit WindowSample selected Instrument.Change Instrument Variation up or down.Select Instrument with respected buttons (Kick, Snare, Hi-Hat, Tom 1 through Tom 4, Flex 1 through Flex 3, Cymbal 1 through Cymbal 6, Ride 1 and Ride 2).Note: You can select presets here, too, so this is going to most likely be your go to window  for just about everything, unless you are using an E-drum kit or want to change some midi mapping values, explained below.In the map window:Select cymbals 1 through 6.Learn Button.Learn Cymbal Choke/Open Snare Hit Button.Learn Snare Sidestick button.Learn Snare Rim Shallow Rim Shot button.Learn Snare Open Rim Shot button.Map Preset Button (Use OCR to select your preset, sub menus apply).Save as default button.OK Button.Cancel Button.Note: The selected drum on the edit page will be selected in the map window automatically, so if you  have kick selected in the edit page, the kick drum will be your selected drum for mapping.Be sure and use OCR to determine the window you are in, before making any changes, just to avoid corruption of project.If anyone wants the file, which also has some smaller things like Reaper control surface input and output locations mapped, hit me up here, and I will gladly send it to you.  If anyone knows how to use autohotkey and can make this an autohotkey setup,  please help!  I'm trying to learn how to use this app for this very reason.This will keep me up and going until SIBIAC is fixed, then all the above, plus some will be available with speech.Additionally, you can change a lot of parameter values labeled, in the parameter window.Peas


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Addictive Drums 2 and Golden Cursor working enough

2018-01-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : G-Rad via Audiogames-reflector


Addictive Drums 2 and Golden Cursor working enough

The past few days, I've had some help with a friend over Facetime.We spent some time making Addictive Drums 2 Golden Cursor locations inside of Reaper.This process was done in 1920x1080 resolution.  The FX window was fully maximized with Addictive Drums 2 selected. Plugin is loaded  in default mode, not bridged or anything.   This is the only way it would work properly.There is no speech, but you can use OCR to help identify stuff like your preset, and the selected instrument's currently loaded drum/cymbal.Included functions are:Cycle Presets back and forth.Kit button.Edit Button.Help Button (Labeled with a question mark)Open Map window (Click Help first)In Edit WindowSample selected Instrument.Change Instrument Variation up or down.Select Instrument with respected buttons (Kick, Snare, Hi-Hat, Tom 1 through Tom 4, Flex 1 through Flex 3, Cymbal 1 through Cymbal 6, Ride 1 and Ride 2).Note: You can select presets here, too, so this is going to most likely be your go to window  for just about everything, unless you are using an E-drum kit or want to change some midi mapping values, explained below.In the map window:Select cymbals 1 through 6.Learn Button.Learn Cymbal Choke/Open Snare Hit Button.Learn Snare Sidestick button.Learn Snare Rim Shallow Rim Shot button.Learn Snare Open Rim Shot button.Map Preset Button (Use OCR to select your preset, sub menus apply).Save as default button.OK Button.Cancel Button.Note: The selected drum on the edit page will be selected in the map window automatically, so if you  have kick selected in the edit page, the kick drum will be your selected drum for mapping.Be sure and use OCR to determine the window you are in, before making any changes, just to avoid corruption of project.If anyone wants the file, which also has some smaller things like Reaper control surface input and output locations mapped, hit me up here, and I will gladly send it to you.  If anyone knows how to use autohotkey and can make this an autohotkey setup,  please help!  I'm trying to learn how to use this app for this very reason.This will keep me up and going until SIBIAC is fixed, then all the above, plus some will be available with speech.Additionally, you can change a lot of parameter values labeled, in the OSARA parameter window.Peas


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Strange NVDA Crash

2018-01-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : TheGreatCarver via Audiogames-reflector


Strange NVDA Crash

Hi All, So, this has been going on for a while, but especially happens when using BGT games. Somehow, NVDA goes wacky. I can't invoke any NVDA keystrokes, and the speech does not interrupt properly. Link to log is below. … h.log?dl=1


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Re: Will you be one of 9 heros? Answer the call!

2018-01-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : TheGreatCarver via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Will you be one of 9 heros?  Answer the call!

Hmmm... my guess:12905


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Mushclient and Soundpack Development

2018-01-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Mushclient and Soundpack Development

here's an issue I haven't yet been able to resolve; how the blazes do you get more than one sound to play in mush?  I can never seem to get this to happen and so I end up with sounds never playing because mush just plays the last sound triggered.  What am I missing!


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Re: the garbage collector in bgt

2018-01-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: the garbage collector in bgt

I don't know anything about that as my knowledge of coding is very limited, but wat I can say is that's abou two and  half minutes time it seems like, unless my math is wrong, which is highly possible, because I suck at that as well, but yeah, in two minutes, it doesn't seem conceptually likely that you should be accumulating that much garbage that it needs to do that. You probably have serious problems with the way your thing is coded.


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Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

2018-01-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

Nick,If you have Mysteries of Deepwood, read it. Pay attention to what the riddles say. Work out the clues. it took me maybe ninety seconds once I realized what I was playing with. They're actually pretty clear. Giving you a list of the riddles and answers kind of defeats the purpose of you, y'know, doing it for yourself. But aren't you the guy who wants the entire game spoon-fed to you in a walkthrough? I wouldn't look for that any time soon.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

2018-01-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Nick via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

I want the answers from the mysterys of deepwood.the riddles are hard for me to solve even though I've tryed various carvings from the massive tree that I've found and there are only 5 of them.I've tryed pressing random pictures and I kept getting it rong.and do not tell me that it defeats the purpose.if I can't get it right in the first place I'll just have to focus on the mines or the graveyard.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

2018-01-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : JasonBlaze via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

that puzzle isn't so hard really, sit back, think carefully 


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Will you be one of 9 heros? Answer the call!

2018-01-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : harison91 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Will you be one of 9 heros?  Answer the call!



Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: my sapi5 seems to be broken. please help!

2018-01-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: my sapi5 seems to be broken. please help!

about the only thing I can think of, and his is probably a longshot, open a command prompt as admin and type sfc /scannow, see if it finds anything, if it does, it will replace any files lost or corrupt.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Strange NVDA Crash

2018-01-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Strange NVDA Crash

hmm, I don't really see anything, there was one warning that looks a bit odd, but it looks to have continued past that point. I didn't go all the way back, way too much in there to read all of it.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: screen reader friendly software for sound settings

2018-01-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: screen reader friendly software for sound settings

I know my G930s have completely inaccessible software. OCR only shows remaining battery time, which is useful, but not to adjust the EQ and stuff of that nature. Having been given a download to some older software for it, which is accessible, it broke the hell out of my profiles, and everything turned to mute the mic. The volume wheel muted the mic, the three G keys muted the mic, and the mute muted the mic, it was odd, also the surround sound quit working as well.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Will you be one of 9 heros? Answer the call!

2018-01-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Will you be one of 9 heros?  Answer the call!

its cool you guys are doing this thing lol. If I had money, well I shouldn't say if I had money, because I have money, its just marked out for other uses right now, but I'd donate. As it stands, I need a new lappy, as mine has gone the way of the dodo.


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Re: Share your names

2018-01-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : BigGun via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Share your names

So, on most games I am Eather BigGun, or DrasticSupertastica. Only acception that I know of is Alter, where I Go on as Aleksandar, And RS Games, where I am MRMagenta, though I wil most likely change it in the near future.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Will you be one of 9 heros? Answer the call!

2018-01-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : electro via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Will you be one of 9 heros?  Answer the call!

OK, as I have the game but anyways, second guest, I better slam the door again!3


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

2018-01-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

Nick5 pages, 5 carvings, you already know the book gives you the clues you need.I'm not good at riddles either and I still got it pretty fast.If you want to give up and go to another area than fine, but you'll never finish the main quest if you don't do this.I wouldn't give you the answers even if I remembered, because you keep asking for everything.Thankfully, even if we wanted to, we can't give you the answers for the dials in the graveyard later on, because they are randomly generated.I'll happily tell you how to find the answers, though.So you may as well get used to it nowAlmost all adventure games do this because without it their would be much less of a feeling of accomplishment, and puzzles go with turn based fighting like bread goes with butter.This game doesn't even have super hard puzzles, your quest log gives you quite a few hints, and you get beacons pretty easily too.Lets just say that if you have the book and you still can't figure it out, than your not going to get far in this game without a ton of help. And if you don't learn how to try first and stop asking for people to give you everything at once on a silver platter out of their own time, you probably won't get it, either.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

2018-01-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

Nick5 pages, 5 carvings, you already know the book gives you the clues you need.I'm not good at riddles either and I still got it pretty fast.If you want to give up and go to another area than fine, but you'll never finish the main quest if you don't do this.I wouldn't give you the answers even if I remembered, because you keep asking for everything.Thankfully, even if we wanted to, we can't give you the answers for the dials in the graveyard later on, because they are randomly generated.I'll happily tell you how to find the answers, though.So you may as well get used to it nowAlmost all adventure games do this because without it their would be much less of a feeling of accomplishment, and puzzles go with turn based fighting like bread goes with butter.This game doesn't even have super hard puzzles, your quest log gives you quite a few hints, and you get beacons pretty easily too.Lets just say that if you have the book and you still can't figure it out, than your not going to get far in this game without a ton of help. And if you don't learn how to try first and stop asking for people to give you everything at once on a silver platter out of their own time, you probably won't get it, either.And yeah, guides do defeat the purpose, at least allot of it, though it depends on the game and how much you read/how much the guide gives away.


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Re: 2D Framework released

2018-01-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : 2maidi via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 2D Framework released

at the tile class i think that there is no need for inheritance, i think it is better to write:class tile {string file;bool passable;int risc;tile(string file, bool passable, int risc = 0) {this.file = file;this.passable = passable;this.risc = risc;}}it is sweet to write:tile grass("grass.wav", true);of corce inless inheritance is for other future use.just an oppinion, anyway i'm ready to help this project at anytime.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: the garbage collector in bgt

2018-01-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : 2maidi via Audiogames-reflector


Re: the garbage collector in bgt

i remove some funcions  and include them with others but the problem still exist,what i need to know really is the average per minute.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: has someone a menu guide for killer instinct?

2018-01-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : blindndangerous via Audiogames-reflector


Re: has someone a menu guide for killer instinct?

Did anything ever come of this?  I found one, but it seems different from my copy of the game. I see single player, but if I go into that, I think I 3 different options. I know the first one is continue, but I can't tell what the rest are. Then their's the guardians...thing, and the shop, and I don't know what everything else is. I kind of just have to guess my way through it, and go into fights with no guardian equipped, so pretty sure I'm getting crushed because of this.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Strange NVDA Crash

2018-01-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : blindndangerous via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Strange NVDA Crash

I'll post this here because I don't think it's really needed to make a whole new thread. Does anyone know where to get the OCR things for NVDA? Somehow mine has disappeared, and I have no idea how. If I try to ocr something, I get the following in my log file.  I've set it to debug for the purpose of this post.IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (13:38:52.766):Input: kb(laptop):NVDA+rERROR - scriptHandler.executeScript (13:38:52.789):error executing script: > with gesture u'NVDA+r'Traceback (most recent call last):  File "scriptHandler.pyc", line 187, in executeScript  File "globalCommands.pyc", line 2095, in script_recognizeWithUwpOcr  File "contentRecog\uwpOcr.pyc", line 86, in __init__  File "contentRecog\uwpOcr.pyc", line 66, in getConfigLanguage  File "contentRecog\uwpOcr.pyc", line 38, in getInitialLanguage  File "contentRecog\uwpOcr.pyc", line 56, in _getInitialLanguageLookupError: No UWP OCR languages installedTheir are no OCR languages in the OCR dialog. If anyone knows where those are supposed to be, if they're a folder, could you send me what I'd need to fix this? Or, would I just have to do a whole re-install?


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Re: screen reader friendly software for sound settings

2018-01-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Niklas via Audiogames-reflector


Re: screen reader friendly software for sound settings

I tryed it with the OCR, but there was nothing usefull to get out of the software. So if anyone knows programs for sound settings in general, wich aren't bount to a specific headset and wich are screen reader friendly, I would appreciate it. Maybe even an EQ wich can simulate surround sound virtually. It should be an alternative to the windows standard, maybe with more settings as well.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: the garbage collector in bgt

2018-01-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : kianoosh via Audiogames-reflector


Re: the garbage collector in bgt

Hi there. It's good to know that if you use garbage collecter where is not needed, You will enoucnter a bad lag you've never seen! Some people say you need to use it when you remove an object for example but in case of bullets, When they hit the player quickly their speed  goes down if you use the garbage collector before you remove the object or probably even after it.I recommend use it when a dialog is beeing shown, a scene is beeing played or player is in process of changing their map because these cases are you best friends if you want to hide the lag from the player and meanwhile get a better performence.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Mushclient and Soundpack Development

2018-01-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Mushclient and Soundpack Development

You need to use lua audio. you need the plugin ID for it, and then you do ppi.load(blablablablablabla), all your triggers will then take the form of"path", 0, vol, pan) where that first 0 is the sound slot, you get ten. Forgive me if the syntax is a bit off, I haven't done it in a while. Also, you want to make regex triggers wherever possible, because that way your triggers will not interfere or get crossed up with one another. A lot of packs use wildcard triggers, which is something like [* chat * which works just fine until someone says to you, I wanted to have a chat with Billy. Then your chat sound goes off.You could of course clean this up a bit without using regular _expression_ triggers by just including more of the string, for instance, if your mud puts brackets around its chat channel, supposing it even has one, you could do [chat] *. You don't need that forward star in front of the chat, that's causing issues for people. Learning regex is a %*#$ing pain in the 4$$ so if you go that route, be prepared for it, but it does give you a lot of power and flexibility.Let's say I wanted to buffer all chat messages using the chanelhistory.xml plugin. I didn't want to include the chat string, just the relevant bits, name, and message. You can format this however you'd like, I'll give an example. First, let's say our output from the mud when the chat channel is used takes the following form: [chat] Nocturnus says, "message"Now we have some pieces of information needed to make a regular _expression_. Go in to your triggers list and hit add, then hit alt X to check that box so you don't forget, then alt T again to get back into the trigger, then type in the following^\[chat\] (.*) says, "(.*)"$Alright, so that seems crazy, right? but its not, let me break it down for you. The caret thing which looks like an inverted V means basically beginning of line, in other words, were asserting that this is the beginning of the matching line. Now, you may be asking yourself why are their backslashes in front of the brackets enclosing the chat. Well, that's because brackets are used in regular expressions to create a set. like this: p[aeiou]tter. Now, that regular _expression_ would match patter, petter, pitter, potter, and putter, not all of which are words, but you get the idea. So we need to escape those brackets, which just tells the thing, hey, we're not doing a set, we literally mean brackets, so don't interpret it as a set.Also, why are there parentheses around parts of this _expression_? Parentheses have several meanings, part of which is to start a branch, so you could have (thing1|thing2|thing3), which means either this one, that one, or finally *that* one, not both, not all, but only one. That symbol in the middle there is the pipe symbol, commonly used in unix like operating systems to pipe things into and out of stdin and stdout. Anyway, for our purposes, the parens do another thing, they mark out what's inside them as things we can refer to as wildcards.Now, let's move onto that dot star or dot asterisk syntax. The dot, or full stop means literally any character, remember that example with patter pitter, etc? it could also be written like this: p.tter In this case, it means literally any character can fill the place of that dot, not just vowels, and it will still match. The asterisk is a quantifier, it just means zero or more, and now that I think about it, since we want both those fields to be filled in, it would be more appropriate to change the asterisk to a plus sign, which is also a quantifier meaning one or more.That covers everything for this example except for the dollar sign, which simply means end of line. SO, the caret is beginning of line, and the dollar is end of line. Notice how we included the quotes in the regex rather than just encapsulating them in the .*? I did it that way so the quotes would be left out of that second wildcard to give you flexibility to format it however you wish.Now that that regular _expression_ is finished, you will want to go into the send box and do something like this, then you will go down two and change that combo box to script. Going back up in to the send, do the following:history_add chat=(%1, %2)The %1 and %2 are how you refer to those wildcards in the order they appear inside your regex. You can also format that however you wish, or if you don't want to format it, leave off the parens and delete everything inside them and change it to chat=%0. %0 is the entire matching line.Now, one more thing, you will probably want to create a .lua file for your world which is part of our pack. This is where you link the external file to and is where you put the ppi.load method call. In this file you will want to do something like the following: global path=Getinfo(56) + "/worlds/aardwolf/sounds/"; But what is that Getinfo(56)? All that is saying is give me the path of mushclient's executable. After that we do what i

Re: the garbage collector in bgt

2018-01-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : kianoosh via Audiogames-reflector


Re: the garbage collector in bgt

Hi there. It's good to know that if you use garbage collector where is not needed, You will encounter a bad lag you've never seen! Some people say you need to use it when you remove an object for example but in case of bullets, When they hit the player quickly their speed  goes down if you use the garbage collector before you remove the object or probably even after it.I recommend use it when a dialog is beeing shown, a scene is beeing played or player is in process of changing their map because these cases are your best friends if you want to hide the lag from the player and meanwhile get a better performence.


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Re: Dungeon crawls--how sad we don't have more of them

2018-01-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : blindncool via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Dungeon crawls--how sad we don't have more of them

There's Kirkirkruip, a text-based dungeon crawl with tons of unlockable enemies, weapons, items, etc.  You can download here.I do agree we need more dungeon crawl games, and RPG games in general. I still have not got a copy of AHC, so I don't know how good it is (or isn't.)


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Re: Will you be one of 9 heros? Answer the call!

2018-01-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : electro via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Will you be one of 9 heros?  Answer the call!

OK, as I have the game but anyways, second guest, I better slam the door again! "guess deleted by administrator"


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Re: Will you be one of 9 heros? Answer the call!

2018-01-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Will you be one of 9 heros?  Answer the call!

Moderation! Electro, as proved by post 14 in the A hero's call topic you do indeed have the game as you admit yourself. Your first comment in post 35 of this topic was I believe intended as a joke, however admitting you have the game then making a guess anyway with some silly comments is in very poor taste.All the funds for this competition are being given freely  by Nocturnus, Nightshade and other Agnet staff to help people who can't afford, or can't obtain A hero's call.To make fun of this, is childish enough and to waste someone's gesture  good will for no reason is nothing short of vandalism.Your guess has therefore been deleted and you have earned yourself an official warning.


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Re: has someone a menu guide for killer instinct?

2018-01-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Sightless Kombat via Audiogames-reflector


Re: has someone a menu guide for killer instinct?

@122I know your exact problem and it's one that's easily fixed.  You're actually entering the Shadow Lords menu, a (currently) inaccessible portion of the game due to the RPG/Crafting+text nature of the mode in addition to the main fighting mechanics.The devs are aware of the issues with the mode, though at present it's unknown as to what will happen regarding accessibility of this particular area.To get to the actual single player menu, go down one in the main menu and press A.  You should be good to go from there.  If you get lost, going down one when you're put into the main menu (say after exiting the multiplayer men) might not always put you back on single player, just be aware of that as you go.Hope that helps.


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Re: Strange NVDA Crash

2018-01-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : BigGun via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Strange NVDA Crash

I also got a similar problem as well. It most likely happends because a lot of commands are sent to the screan reader, so it stops responding and... you know what happends. Not sure though. The only way to fix this is to force restart it with ctrl_alt+n if you have the desktop shortcut, or running it again. BTW, is that just me or does those things happen more if you use eloquence then any other sinth?


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Re: Code 7 VI Mode Is Out Now And Has A Charity Sale

2018-01-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : voyager2264 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Code 7 VI Mode Is Out Now And Has A Charity Sale

Hi guys.I am stuck at opening the safe. I already got the security card written and searched all of the computers, but I can't find a way to open the safe. What am I missing? Thanks for any and all help.


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Re: Addictive Drums 2 and Golden Cursor working enough

2018-01-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : flackers via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Addictive Drums 2 and Golden Cursor working enough

Awesome. I'll definitely be getting addictive at some point when things settle down enough that I have time to devote to it. Though I'mm not sure my screen res will go up that high without uninstalling the graphics driver and reverting to the standard one. But I'm sure there's a workaround. I was wondering if you could bundle your golden cursor stuff together with the plugin you're using to get rid of after touch messages? That'd be great.


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Re: Eurofly Version 2.0 now available

2018-01-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : voyager2264 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Eurofly Version 2.0 now available

Ah, I forgot to check there. Thanks. I will post a copy of the error logs the next time I play.


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Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

2018-01-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Nick via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

hey defender I finaly figured out the diles to unlock the ulcano took me several trys but if I start a new adventure I cannot use the same combination for the door to the ulcano mausoleum because it is random.I'll just have to deal with getting this massive tree puzle solved no matter if I give up or not.if I can't then I'll just do the side quests.


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Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

2018-01-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

You should be able to do it. Each page of the book gives you a clue to the puzzle. Think of what the clue is trying to describe.I will give one example, because I'm feeling generous.slightspoilersOf the clues given, which one do you think is referring to a small worker? Is it a river? Are rivers workers or small? Usually not, right? So let's cross that off. Do seeds work? Not traditionally, no. Do trees work? Again, not so much. Does the sun work? Again, not so much. So you're left with a bee. Worker bee. This should be fairly apparent.The other clues I will not explain straight out, but try and use the words given to picture what it is that's being described. One of the clues talks about lift from above, so that should be obvious. One talks about reaching toward the sky. One talks about constant movement. Another talks about being tiny and growing.I really can't give you more without flat-out telling you which clue pertains to which carving. You really should be able to figure this out on your own from here.That being said, Nick, I'm going to take a small step back and ask a question I hope does not offend you. A two-part question, actually. First, is English your first language? Second, do you have learning difficulties? If either or both is the case, then I still don't want to just feed you the answers but I have a great deal more sympathy for your plight. Riddles require thinking around corners, or so I was told, and while these aren't particularly hard ones, they are still beyond some people.


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Re: Mushclient and Soundpack Development

2018-01-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Mushclient and Soundpack Development

slow?  Bwuh?  whaaat?  Wait!rofl I'm used to dorking around with VIP, which I suppose is the lame mans' way of doing things, so this, this is gonna take some doing/getting used to.  Hopefully I can convince you to chat with myself and my better half at some point when you are available/have free time on your hands, as I do want to get serious with SP's and the like.  I have a vague suspicion once I get a hang of Mush and the way things work as far as triggers and such go I'll have more flexibility and power to do as I wish, but as I said up until now VIP has been the end all/be all, given I'm a sound designer/audio producer first, everything else after, and programmer?  Yeah right; my HTML and PHP scripting knowledge is very basic, I got as far as if and block if statements with VB, and then I metaphorically began banging my head against every metaphorical wall you can think of and throwing temper tantrums that didn't help much of anything, at which point I said I'd come back to it later but never did because I never could get anyone to give me a kick in the pants and a push in the right direction, I suppose.  I'm a man of many talents, a master of none, and where programming is concerned, I doubt I'll ever get there.


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Re: Code 7 VI Mode Is Out Now And Has A Charity Sale

2018-01-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : stewie via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Code 7 VI Mode Is Out Now And Has A Charity Sale

Regarding the realism aspect, horrible passwords are extremely common. Although in the 22nd century you'd think that they'd have moved to other means of identification. Regarding the memory loss I think it may be possible given who Alex is.I mainly wish that you had descriptions of events that happened if the game skipped over minny games. Its especially a problem in episode 0 when you don't really know what happened between one room and the escape pod. I also wish that visual content had descriptions, for example when you could see someone on the map or when you were examining images on the open the safe (spoilers):The item you need is in one of the nearby labs.end spoilres


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problem with rumola under crome, could need some help

2018-01-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : simba via Audiogames-reflector


problem with rumola under crome, could need some help

Hey everyone.So I was looking for a method on solving captchas and came about two different programs, captcha be gone and rumola.First one doesnt work for me because I don't have any credit card and apparently, paypal isn't available for purchasing, so, i wanted to see if Rumola would be an option, but I am running into problems there.First, when I go to the options tab in the crome extensions erria, I have a login erria, where I apparently can sign up, but I don't have an idea where I could register for Rumola, I also haven't found anything about that on their website.Also, I visited pages with captchas and when I read this right, Rumola should be able to identify captchas on it's own when you start typing, or when you tell it to search for captchas, but well, nothing works, I don't get any solutions, no matter what I am doing there.Does someone know what I should do about it, or does someone have a better captcha solution method?Thanks in advance.Greetings Moritz.


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Re: Will you be one of 9 heros? Answer the call!

2018-01-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Muhammad Hajjar via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Will you be one of 9 heros?  Answer the call!

HiAs a person who lives in Saudi Arabia and has visited Turkey before, I should say that post 39 is right. However, the fact that Saudi Arabia has strict religious laws doesn't come to Paypal at all, for me having already a credit card and a Paypal account. Anyone here (sighted or blind) could get a credit card easily as well as being Paypal available despite how strict our laws are, other than Turkey. So expect other reasons for why paypal isn't available in there.


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If you could have a soundpack?

2018-01-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : nightshade via Audiogames-reflector


If you could have a soundpack?

So, if you could have a soundpack for any mud/moo/etc. What game? This will be made in Vipmud.  Please list the game title, the connection info, and a few great things about the game. We'll try them out, and based on number of votes and our experiences we'll pick one. Games with existing packs can be submitted as well if you'd like an improved pack. If this is the case, please tell us where the current pack can be downloaded and what you'd like to see improved. If we get enough votes for a game, and if we can play it and like it, we'll work on a soundpack. No promises on its greatness, but we'll try.


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Re: help with finding the trap door and water reservware in a heros call

2018-01-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : stewie via Audiogames-reflector


Re: help with finding the trap door and water reservware in a heros call

After you reach the lake and defeat the boss there take the first northern exit and follow the linear winding path. Eventually Simian will say that you reached the secondary ore vein beyond the blockage. At that point the beacon to the goblin trapdoor will be added. It might be past the goblin encampment you find along the way.The water reservoir is in the second ring of the tree. You probably just missed the side it was on.


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Re: help with finding the trap door and water reservware in a heros call

2018-01-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : karate25 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: help with finding the trap door and water reservware in a heros call

[[wow]], thank you guys ever so much for all of your help, I did manage to eventually find the trap door, and I even listened for Simeon to speak which he did. And thanks a lot for the reservoir guidance. Spoiler alert comeing up for anyone who hasn't completed this part of the goblin quest. I've found 3 keys to 3 different gates on the great bridge and have unlocked them, but I'm guessing there's a 4th key somewhere that I missed. I've visited the echoing cavern incampment, the stalagtite incampment, and the sunken pit incampment and killed all of the goblins and chiefs inside of each. Where do I find the 4th key? I'm having lots of fun with the game by the way. Between you me and the lord, sister alexia, guenn and hope the vampire slayer are all kinda hot lol.


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Re: Mushclient and Soundpack Development

2018-01-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Mushclient and Soundpack Development

yeah no problem, you can add me on skype with bscross32, also I have a teamtalk server which I can fire up, I have more memory on my server now so there's no concern of letting it run 24/7 now, or face time something like that, whatever works for you I'm fine with.


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Re: audio life

2018-01-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : karate25 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: audio life

aha. I was always wondering about building with prims, so it's sounding like I'll still need sighted help, which I don't mind getting honestly, especially with the scripts and things like that, I'll have to figure out how to give the unfinished prims to people so they can work on them for me. If I can swing this, I'd love to open up some sort of business in second life and earn myself some money. Quite frankly though now that we're on the topic of virtual worlds, I would so love to play planet calypso. If you haven't watched any youtube videos on this game, I would highly encourage all of us science fiction fans and futuristic fans to do so. It too has a working cash economy, and you can turn the ped, or project intropia dollars into real money. It would take you awhile to get there, but it is possible to make money in the world without putting any money into it. As I said though, it would take you awhile to do it. But I'd be just the type of ideot who's willing to try it. Lol. You would most likely sweat creatures and then sell that vibrant sweat to other players for ped. Have a wonderful day to you all.


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Re: the garbage collector in bgt

2018-01-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: the garbage collector in bgt

This happens if you have an enormous Infant Mortality Rate, which is to say, way too many variables being destroyed in a frequently used function. An example that happened to me: I tried to base my geometry objects on a super-simplified version of Java2d, and Java is notorious for using objects for absolutely everything, even when methods would make much more sense. So, if I needed to do a test with a flipped or translated version of a shape, I'd have to make a new shape every time. At worst, this meant that a single frame of AI could result in hundreds of shapes being rapidly created and destroyed, just for one enemy to make one choice. Just 10 active objects could cause a garbage collector warning, if I let it play too long.In my case, I became more willing to make shapes easily change from the interface, and tried to reuse a small set of them. This brought it down to double digits for the average scene, only getting into the hundreds when lots of projectiles were active at once. (I might also have used some not-entirely-thread-safe tricks in AI at one point. Not looking forward to porting that to a threaded language.  )So, if you are, say, creating a massive 3d array every frame, or something like that, that'd be the problem. Look for ways to accomplish the same things without creating so many variables, or so big arrays, etc. If you're having trouble finding where these variable graveyards are happening, maybe keep a global variable to count how many objects have been destroyed, and give your classes destructors that increment it? Ex, in an enemy class, you might do something like:~enemy() { deadenemies++; }Then set a key or command to report the value of deadenemies, or copy it to the clipboard every frame, or whatever works best for you.At its worst, I was logging before and after all suspect bits of code, to try and hunt down exactly what was happening. I emphasize the value of backing up your code often, but especially in a situation like this, where it's easy to make so many changes while reducing the IMR that you accidentally break something and can't unravel how.TLDR: look for places where you create too many temporary variables and objects on a frequent basis, and find a way to reduce that number.


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