Re: Jump Force (new fighting game) discussion thread

2019-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : hanif via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Jump Force (new fighting game) discussion thread

About the story mode, is it similar with the dragon ball xenoverse series where you can walk around and completing story missions and side missions?


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Re: Need help for a conference

2019-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : siria via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Need help for a conference

Hi!18: Yes, d for me goes under the umbrella of tabletop games, but, unfortunately, I don't think I've time for that. However, I'll consider also what the kids are interested in... And that may be difficult, since at the conference there will be only their parents ahahah. And actually, I was thinking about braillemon too, but it is not finished yet, and in Crazy Party there is the card mode that's pretty similar to pokemon concept, so I'll go with that one.I've also discovered that Feer can be played in Italian, so, for the iPhone, I'll propose Feer and the 2048 game from Blindfold Games, so to demonstrate an action game and a simple puzzle that they can easily understand.Going to work now.Have a nice day.


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Re: What do You Guys Want to See in an Independence Training Center

2019-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : simba via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What do You Guys Want to See in an Independence Training Center question in advance, as someone not living in the US and not knowing many things about the NFB, what is that NFB way of doing things which they hammer into peoples heads as some in this thread have stated? What are they trying to do there?Now, the situation in Germany is that there are no specific training centers for the blind, most of the things like O, household skils and the like are taught in blind schools, next to the regular school stuff. When you are not in school anymore and you need help with orientation in a new city for example you can ask for o training by going to your eye doctor, telling them that you need help, a peace of assistive technology or what ever related to your blindness. You get a paper from the doctor which you then have to send to your health insurance partner who then set up your training and the like.This is also the way to go when getting things like screen readers, braille displays for example.Greetings Moritz.


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Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy

2019-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : aryamansingh via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy

could someone give me shortcut keys to play this game? I would be realy greatful. for example when I launch the game it launches perfectly but then what can  I do to go into the main game. any assistance would be of great significance to me. and please reply it is urgent.


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Re: The things that go crash while gaming

2019-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : simba via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The things that go crash while gaming

Hi.Oh yeah, rock band was also an interesting experience, it was some dragon force song in which I broke the kick pedal of the drum set, they seam to be quite flimsy when you check for similar experiences on the web.Greetings Moritz.


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Re: Scramble request

2019-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : simba via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Scramble request

Come on guys, take a chill pill for a change.The game will be out when the dev thinks it's the right time to release the product to the market and the targeted audience.Also, for those who can't pay, well, ask your parrents, relatives or whom ever you have around.Greetings Moritz.


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Re: Let's play right or not right

2019-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : katil2008 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Let's play right or not right

Not BGT, but I wish to learn Python. But as you said I'm lazy. At least for now.The next poster likes to play minigames in crazy party at hardcore mode.


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Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy

2019-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Niklas via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy

One Thing wich I experienced while playing is that at the beginning of each throne room Encounter, the Screen Reader reads the year and my men and such. But those stats I don't Need each time. Could there be an Option to configure when and how often the stats Show up? Some throne room visitors should get more than one reaction on your Actions as well. And can there be an Option to configure the volume of sounds and Music?


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Re: Scramble request

2019-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Scramble request

Moderation:Mahdi-Abedi, this is an official caution. Post 2 mentions that Scramble is an unreleased beta of a game from the creater of Oh Shit. In post 3, you nevertheless posted a link to something else entirely, which had nothing to do with the request in post 1. This is not a horrible thing on its own, but it's not very nice, either. If you don't know an answer or don't want to help, it's totally to not do so. But please don't deliberately give misinformation when you have every reason to know it's false. There were at least two or three minutes between posts, so it can be assumed that you probably saw the post before yours prior to writing what you did and finding a link.I say this next as a forum user, not as a mod.For someone who wants to improve themselves, I'm afraid there's definitely been a lack of evidence there. I do not mean to be harsh in that regard, but I was hoping you meant what you said, and it appears my faith may have been a touch hasty.


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Re: TramSim: A new simulation game

2019-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : florianionascu7 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: TramSim: A new simulation game

Taurus Fan wrote:florianionascu7 wrote:Hello Maximilian, I can't download the game from the link you've sent here. Can you send it to me as a zip archive attachment? One of my e-mail addresses is displayed below in the signature.I‘m gonna do so.Thanks a lot man!


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Re: facebook assistance

2019-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: facebook assistance

Hi.I use for private messages, because that's much easier to navigate in my opinion. The standard Facebook site acts weird when trying to send private messages.On the mobile site, you just choose Messages, you get a list of conversations and when you click on one of the conversations, you have the edit field at the bottom of the screen. You also have a new conversation button.I don't think you can hide the list of people you might know.Regarding the settings screen: You open up the menu, scroll down to settings and there you have it. The settings screen can be difficult to navigate, but it's doable.I find it easier to navigate Facebook on my iPhone than on the computer. Feel free to ask if you have more questions.


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Re: game engine page need update

2019-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: game engine page need update

Moderation:Mahdi, please consider this an official warning. This single act would not have been enough on its own, but this, alongside various other things you've been up to (misinformation in the Scramble topic, for instance) have forced our hand.Mahdi-Abedi wrote:hello, this guy is posting crappy shitty off topical things in my posts, tf is game engine? what the hell is this, is it my answer or new drama buy alireza nosrati and pranam or what!This was submitted as a report in response to post #2, which is a pretty straightforward question. This is not a personal attack against you. It is not drama. And abusing players via the report system is almost as bad as abusing them publicly. Please stop. A more appropriate response would have been to ask publicly what this poster meant with their post, rather than labelling the post as "crappy shitty off-topical things", and then talking about drama against you.To everyone else, please take note of this. We are happy to receive your legitimate reports, even if we decide not to take action. We are not going to start issuing warnings for reports we don't follow through on. But this was particularly egregious, and combines with other issues to add up to an official warning, as I see it. If you do wish to submit a report, please state the facts instead of abusing or insulting whosoever you're reporting on.


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Re: why bgt dont continus

2019-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: why bgt dont continus

It's true that the internet makes working together over long distances more possible than ever. From what I can tell, though, having everyone in the same building still makes a huge difference, so long as they're not getting in each other's way (etc, distracting or stressful combinations of people and office layout).Some of the grumbling coming out of game studios recently has me wondering about the idea of someone with an idea hiring people to do most of the work. See: the thing where someone (at Tale-Tale, I think?) got complaints for trying to control the contents of a game. It made it sound like everyone was expecting a collaboration, rather than something more like a movie, where the actors are there to act, and the director/producer don't have to let them ad lib or do anything creative if they don't like it. Granted, compare the Star Wars prequels to the first Pirates of the Caribbean to see what difference allowing actors to try their own ideas can make. Or, heck, just compare Attack of the Clones to The Empire Strikes Back. How do you know where the line should be for a particular project?


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Re: facebook assistance

2019-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: facebook assistance

I use Jaws and IE/Chrome, usually IE, and I prefer, as it allows me to get at everything I want, except for posting reviews of games which I can't figure out at all.I think the paranoia re: datamining is a little on the extreme side, myself, given how easily virtually any online presence can get you tracked. Every cell phone call you make can be tracked, just as one example. There comes a point where you have to ask yourself just how much isolation is reasonable for you, and I daresay if you're posting online to a forum that's easily accessible on Google, then...yeah. Not much else to say there.


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Re: Dreamlands: Official announcements and discussion topic

2019-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : assault_freak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Dreamlands: Official announcements and discussion topic

Already said. You won't have to join qq to actually get the game. But you probably will need it if you want to participate in the game's community. You will probably also need to know Chinese.Though to be honest, even though I'm translating the game, from the one gameplay recording we have, I'm not that enthused. It doesn't sound like very advanced or complex combat, more about who can get their spells off the fastest. But it's too early to say just yet.


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Re: E acute?

2019-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: E acute?

Doesn't it copy the symbol to the clipboard?


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Re: The things that go crash while gaming

2019-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The things that go crash while gaming

Hahahaha. Funny topic for sure.I haven't broken something yet in frustration while gaming, but it has been close a few times. However, I have played Rockband so much that one of the guitars broke, sending the batteries and a few buttons across the room. I played Playstation so much that one of the controllers broke, but that was not in frustration.


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Re: DT in BGT

2019-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: DT in BGT

You don't need to worry about clock::update. I'm not sure when it would ever be needed, but it seemed possible that it might be useful at the time, so I included it just to be safe.Not using a constant dt will result in the same problems from the beginning. The point is to keep the time passing between frames as close to constant as possible, such that the errors mostly cancel each other out before you get the scale of seconds.


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Re: Scramble request

2019-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ogomez92 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Scramble request

I should start charging a Beatstar subscription fee of 10 dollars a week just to shut you up. MwahahahahahaNo, I won't, don't worry.


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Re: Epitaph Online

2019-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Valmorian via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Epitaph Online

well, I'm currently trying to get in touch with the admin who made the game and see if he is willing to fix some of this problem is I don't no what to suggest, because you actually need those numbers they constantly go down in combat and can dramatically effect how combat goes  any help would be great


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Re: DT in BGT

2019-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: DT in BGT

You don't need to worry about clock::update. It's hard to think of a good reason someone would need it, but it didn't seem impossible, so I included it just to be safe.If you use the amount of realtime that elapses for dt, you'd probably get more accurate physics on one machine, but you would be right back where you started with multiplayer being a mess. In theory, you could do it that way, but it's much easier to sync frames than realtime. You're going to get inconsistent delays, no matter what, due to the differences in computers, delays over the network, etc. The slight differences in realtime that pass between calls to move will add up, and you'd basically have to have the server control everything and send that constantly.Using a constant frame delay for dt has it so that, even if there is some lag, you know that in 100 frames after the ball was hit, it will be in the same place for both players, which you could not say for 1.7s. The players won't be in the same frame at the same time, but outside of extreme situations, they'll be close enough that you can account for the difference without relying on the server to do everything.The thing about realtime calculations is that you would need to track every force and when it was applied to remain deterministic. You'd basically be calculating everything that happened since the last input, and then you'd still need to worry about overpenetration, etc. Frames allow you to calculate what happened in the past frame, without there being as much room for error. It's basically a tradeoff between millisecond accuracy and determinism, due to never being able to predict for sure what millisecond the calculations will be performed in. The purpose of the clock is to keep dt as close to constant as possible, and the errors should mostly average out on the scale of seconds.


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Re: DT in BGT

2019-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : JLove via Audiogames-reflector


Re: DT in BGT

In order to use the clock correctly, how exactly is the update method meant to be used?  I assume it basically returns true if a single frame has passed, right?  Just trying to figure out where to use that, or what it would be used for, since when I actually called update in the code in the past, it basically cut the amount of FPS I was getting in half.  After doing further research on using DT, apparently I need a way to keep track of the amount of time between frames, and I'm supposed to use that as DT?  I'm a little confused.  I wonder if the clock update function would be where that's used.  Something like:double T = RealTime.elapsed;bool update(){if (time.elapsed>=delay) {double frametime = RealTime.elapsed-T;time.restart();time.resume();return true;}return false;}Or something close to that.


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Re: facebook assistance

2019-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : kool_turk via Audiogames-reflector


Re: facebook assistance

I agree with post 4, I use a combination of all the versions of the site, depending on what I want to do.If I want to sort my news feed by most recent, then I have no choice but to use the main site.If I want to read a bunch of comments, I'll use, because I find it easier to read nested replies when they load in the one page, rather than opening a new tab or window.If there's a video I want to save to my computer, then I'll use because it'll let you save to your computer, dunno why it lets you do that, stil, I'll use it while it works.


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Re: any help for my sql accisibility with nvda ?

2019-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : prajwal via Audiogames-reflector


Re: any help for my sql accisibility with nvda ?

thanks so much Munawar sir! i wil try to instal msi setup then  wil ask my douts  nice to have  expurts like u on audiogames  .


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Re: facebook assistance

2019-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: facebook assistance

I'm done with it no matter what, but if you use firefox, try, for chrome, try Those mobile sites will sort of make things a bit cleaner and faster.


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does anyone know any free and accessible drumm players?

2019-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : saqib mir via Audiogames-reflector


does anyone know any free and accessible drumm players?

hello friends.i need any good and accessible drum playing software, through which, i can play drum with my laptop keyboard.i have heard about the software called, drummer, but i am not able to find it.if any one knows about it please post that link regardssaaqib


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Re: facebook assistance

2019-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: facebook assistance

The problem unfortunately, is that basically my lady and I are pretty much stuck in a town where we don't know anyone and are desperately trying to find some role playing, theatrical  opportunities, people who actually have brains, , yet whenever we try to ask we're told "look on facebook" or "ask on facebook" This happened with two separate places I contacted today about tabletop gaming. Likewise, the music school where my lady and I met shut down, but still maintains a facebook group so it seems the only bloody way to actually find anything out.I am no fan of facebook, I've actually had an account for a while but never used it since I find the interface cluttered and annoying, especially all of the "do you know Jo Blogs" and "jane has just eaten her breakfast" sort of messages, but it seems a necessary evil at this point in time.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: DT in BGT

2019-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : JLove via Audiogames-reflector


Re: DT in BGT

In order to use the clock correctly, how exactly is the update method meant to be used?  I assume it basically returns true if a single frame has passed, right?  Just trying to figure out where to use that, or what it would be used for, since when I actually called update in the code in the past, it basically cut the amount of FPS I was getting in half.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: DT in BGT

2019-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : JLove via Audiogames-reflector


Re: DT in BGT

In order to use the clock correctly, how exactly is the update method meant to be used?  I assume it basically returns true if a single frame has passed, right?  Just trying to figure out where to use that, or what it would be used for.


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Re: Why I like old music discussion

2019-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Why I like old music  discussion

oh god yeah I hate modern music, it's a travesty. You get good equipment, good turntable and keep your LP's pristine and you have an awesome warm, rich sound you will never find again if you never experience it. Digital can sound good, but not ever match that level of warmth and vivaciousness.Now they are producing tracks that intentionally clip, you kidding me lol.


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Re: shadow rine full voice version released

2019-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : The Imaginatrix via Audiogames-reflector


Re: shadow rine full voice version released

Wish I could get all the items... 


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Re: facebook assistance

2019-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: facebook assistance

the best advice I can give RE: facebook is delete your account promptly. I'm serious, I know everyone is doing the whole datamining thing, but these guys are absurd about it, and take it to a ridiculous level that just isn't kosher at all with me. I put up with a lot from them, but delete your account now before you get sucked into it, and remember all the apps like insta and whatsapp all owned by facebook too, just get yourself out of the FB ecosystem ASAP if you value your privacy even a shred.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Scramble request

2019-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Scramble request

I think on one of his coding streams he does.


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facebook assistance

2019-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


facebook assistance

Okay I am finally taking the plunge and actually creating a facebook account (partly I admit because I want to add textspaced to the db), I read a guide on NvdA and facebook and have tried the mobile site and the main site, but there are a couple of things which are odd. Firstly the guide I found mentioned shortcut keys, that you could go into browse mode, but in neither the main facebook site, nor in the mobile version do I see these. Secondly I keep getting the "do you know so and so" and a hole list of random people, I was wondering if there was a way to hide that. Thirdly, when I checked the standard facebook, there seemed to be a lot of options I couldn't find on the mobile version. I see why the mobile version is more advised  for screen readers, but at the same time how do you find various bits, EG account settings for email etc. Lastly, facebook messenger, there doesn't seem to be any ways of accessing facebook messenger through standard facebook which is strange. Also, when I was playing textspaced, sometimes the last message read correctly, sometimes not. I am using Chrome and NVdA so any tips, addons etc much appreciated.


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Re: E acute?

2019-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : kool_turk via Audiogames-reflector


Re: E acute?

NVDA has an addon called incert symbols, but it hasn't worked for quite some time now.It goes through the motions, but you don't get the results at the end.In other words, you can pick the symbol you want, but pressing enter to incert the symbol does nothing.


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Re: Core mud, futuristic crafting and mining game

2019-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Core mud, futuristic crafting and mining game

okay when I dropped in on Coremud recently I saw a couple of other people on, including an honest to goodness coder, so hopefully the game is less dead than it might appear.


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Re: Scramble request

2019-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : audiogame via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Scramble request

also ironcross, where'd you hear about that one mode with platforms. I've never heard of this...


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Re: Why I like old music discussion

2019-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : an idiot via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Why I like old music  discussion

Agree with just about every thing you just said @2. But at about that time, sinths and electric instruments were becoming a thing. Thing is, they new how to make it sound good back then. They use a lot of it in some of the music I've been getting in to, but it's really good, not bland.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Why I like old music discussion

2019-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : an idiot via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Why I like old music  discussion

Agree with just about every thing you just said @2. But at about that time, sinths and electric instruments were becoming a thing. Thing is, they new how to make it sound good. They use a lot of it in some of the music I've been getting in to, but it's really good, not bland.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Need help for a conference

2019-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : magurp244 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Need help for a conference

Well since were talking about kids here, games like Manamon or Braillemon might be good choices, since Pokemon is still pretty popular. I know Braillemon has a basic graphical front end, though its largely utilitarian. I'd also recommend all the Somethin' Else games like NightJar and Papa Sangre, but alas they're hard to find these days... Would Pen & Paper games like D fall under the umbrella term of "table top games" the same way board games would?


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Re: Scramble request

2019-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Scramble request

The entitlement drives me nuts.


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Re: why bgt dont continus

2019-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: why bgt dont continus

Heh. If I ever do manage to get going in a dev sense, I'm definitely going to have to outsource bits, as I simply don't have the time to learn to code and then actually bloody well do it. Ditto sound design. I'll be a concept person.


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Re: Dreamlands: Official announcements and discussion topic

2019-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : 拓海 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Dreamlands: Official announcements and discussion topic

Participating in the game does not need to join qq.But if you want to communicate with developers, it is really necessary to join qq.harrylst wrote:at least any testing means we are one step closer to release.  I'll be curious actually how easy the game will be obtainable outside of china (for foreign players).  I mean... will one have to join qq to play? (i'm assuming not, but one never knows)


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Re: Jump Force (new fighting game) discussion thread

2019-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : BlindNinja via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Jump Force (new fighting game) discussion thread

From all I'm hearing, you wouldn't pick this game up for story anyway... bland as hell apparently. So language would only apply if you really, really cared about character intros, or had a specific preference for specific dub actors.


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Re: Numbers Stations, Phreaking and other oddities?

2019-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : harrylst via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Numbers Stations, Phreaking and other oddities?

if anyone wantss to read a (fiction) story about how scary numbers stations can be: … 1-fkmrnullThe legacy by yrsa sigurdurdottir


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Dreamlands: Official announcements and discussion topic

2019-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : harrylst via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Dreamlands: Official announcements and discussion topic

at least any testing means we are one step closer to release.  I'll be curious actually how easy the game will be obtainable outside of china (for foreign players).  I mean... will one have to join qq to play? (i'm assuming not, but one never knows)


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Why I like old music discussion

2019-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : afrim via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Why I like old music  discussion

Do you want me to make a rant about today's music? I could do it very well.What I personally like about the Old music from 70s and 80s is the variety of styles within styles. What I mean is that you had a pop track by a famous artist and then another pop track but you could see various different elements when comparing those two. Even the basic beats didn't sound the same.Another thing I like about old music is that each artist was a profile, or an icon. So for instance you had a Michael Bolton and that one and only was immediately distinguishable from others. You couldn't see another artist composing songs in the style of Michael Bolton or singing like Michael Bolton. Note in today's music: an artist may sometimes sing a balad, next make a song featuring a well-known DJ who produces rough house beats plus a random mix of oriental melodies, then you see that artist publishing a new track where he/she makes desperate efforts to sing rap.One other thing, among many others I like is the originality of instruments in 70s-80s, particularly guitars and strings. I may be wrong at this point, but to me they sound really genuine instruments, not synthesised, not too loud or too clear as I can notice in some songs of today.


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Re: Blind Sparrow Interactive's first project

2019-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : harrylst via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Blind Sparrow Interactive's first project

well good luck. hoping it comes out sometime this week (I have submitted an app to the app store before and I've noticed it usually doesn't take longer than a day).  And I think $1.99 is more than fair for an app like this: at least it's not an in-app subscription model (can't stand those).


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Re: New moon mud

2019-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : zub0 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New moon mud

I saw that mudrammer was mentioned on here. I got it for my phone. I was just curious if others use it besides the one user and what others think about it. I can't seem to figure out how to make a trigger and if its better with a bluetooth keyboard.


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Re: Jump Force (new fighting game) discussion thread

2019-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : stirlock via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Jump Force (new fighting game) discussion thread

Yeah, I'll definitely wait for a sale. If english dubbing was an option I might get it, but yeah. lol


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Re: Need help for a conference

2019-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ianhamilton_ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Need help for a conference

Ouch, there are some really wildly inappropriate suggestions here. Please remember this is 6-7 year olds that we are talking about. There are games being suggested that are rated teen or adult.


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Re: eliyo,a pet breeding and battle game

2019-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : bookrage via Audiogames-reflector


Re: eliyo,a pet breeding and battle game

also, I'm surprised at the "sighted assistance thing" because I've been playing and interacting with the woman that runs animal acres (she also runs that as well as Elyo) and sh was pretty good about it. That is quite disappointing and very surprising.


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Re: why bgt dont continus

2019-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : JLove via Audiogames-reflector


Re: why bgt dont continus

Thing is, with all of the filesharing, storage, and videoconferencing tools available nowadays, having one centralized location isn't a must.  Teams can work together even if they live thousands of miles apart.


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Re: Sharing My Music and Sound Effects - Over 1500 Tracks

2019-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Eric Matyas via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sharing My Music and Sound Effects - Over 1500 Tracks

Greetings,Here are this week’s new free tracks:On my Action 3 page:“The Pixeltown Grand Prix” (Standard and Looping) my Chiptunes 3 page:“Coin-Op Chaos” (Standard and Looping) my Funny 6 page:“More Arcade Madness” (Standard and Looping) my Sci-Fi 7 page:“Cyberpunk Outlaws” (Standard and Looping) on my Sports page:“Hangin’ Ten” (Standard and Looping)!


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Re: Code 7 VI Mode Is Out Now And Has A Charity Sale

2019-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Jonnyboy1991 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Code 7 VI Mode Is Out Now And Has A Charity Sale

Well, I have my default voice set to Sappi 5 eloquence and it's not changing to that. So, I don't know what's going on here.


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Why I like old music discussion

2019-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : an idiot via Audiogames-reflector


Why I like old music  discussion

Recently I’ve been getting back into old music recordings from the 70s and 60s. I’ve come to notice how much more I really enjoy them than most music from today. It’s not just because I like the content better.  although that is one of the biggest reasons. One thing I also think about a lot is the type of recording technology they had back then. To hear the difference and variation  of studio set ups as time goes on, the good and the bad. Today, everything sounds bland to me. Not just the music itself, but the way it’s recorded, all sounding much the same, with little  variation to me. Yes, that may seem kind of stupid to think about, But I  One individual  who has an ear for detail.I hope no one perceives this as a rant against today’s music. That’s not the intention,  just my completely honest thoughts.There’s also a lot of history to be found in old recordings, Through out the entire world,  from Latin America to Africa and everywhere beyond, And that’s something I’ve always appreciated.  There are some true treasures to be found in the music of countries from around the world, because it tells parts of their histories.By the way, if anyone could  enlighten  me on what techniques they used back in the 70s and around that time for things like getting vocals and stereo sound, I’d be interested to hear about it.


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Re: The BrailleNote Touch is Getting a Much Deserved Upgrade

2019-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : jack via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The BrailleNote Touch is Getting a Much Deserved Upgrade

Oriol, Humanware is keeping their eye out for cheaper braille technology such as what was exhibited in the orbit 20, but has decided to wait till that technology actually matures. Meanwhile they have to stick to some decade-old, expensive to maintain yet tried and true, mature braille cells for the time being.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: What do You Guys Want to See in an Independence Training Center

2019-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : turtlepower17 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What do You Guys Want to See in an Independence Training Center

I wonder if there are any podcasts, Youtube videos, even explainers that break this stuff down in an idiot-proof manner? I remember that NBP used to carry a book series, it was called something like, "The Real You Guides". There was one for opening a bank account, one for apartment hunting, I think, and I can't remember if there were more. I do recall that they weren't specifically written for blind high school or college students, but that the NBP had someone go in and add more relevant tips into the mix. It's possible that I still have them, having bought the digital bundle when it got discounted, but I'm not sure, and anyway, they were written at least 10 or 15 years ago, so I'm not sure how relevant such information would be. Also, I really don't recall it having to do with taxes or anything like that, but that sort of straightforward breakdown is what I would be after.


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Re: Scrolling Battles Pro (SBP) Final Online Version 1.96 with server

2019-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : AlirezaNosrati via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Scrolling Battles Pro (SBP) Final Online Version 1.96 with server

@49 being banned for no reason in his games, is common.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Scramble request

2019-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : audiogame via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Scramble request

yeah, by depending on someone to do a give away. Rofl yeah.


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Re: Jump Force (new fighting game) discussion thread

2019-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : BlindNinja via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Jump Force (new fighting game) discussion thread

Can confirm, offline battle becomes available as soon as the first tutorial is done. But... you don't unlock all 40 characters until after you join a team. And to join a team, you have to talk to all 3 team leaders.OCR actually works quite well with this game, which is cool. But yeah... if you don't have sighted help or don't have a lot of patience for wandering around mashing circle, do not pick this game up unless it's like 20 bucks at the most.


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Re: your favorite sound chip?

2019-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dekyo-NEC2608 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: your favorite sound chip?

Yeah, and they manofactured the already mentioned "D1867G" used in the Casio VL-1.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: your favorite sound chip?

2019-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dekyo-NEC2608 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: your favorite sound chip?

Yeah, and they developed the already mentioned "D1867G" used in the Casio VL-1.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: problems with nvda theams

2019-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : st . mc via Audiogames-reflector


Re: problems with nvda theams

audio themes 3D produces laggy sounds on both my laptop and PC, both on windows 10; while NTM works just fine. I wish there was a workaround for this, as audio themes works much better.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: your favorite sound chip?

2019-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ammericandad2005 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: your favorite sound chip?

they also made the chip on the Casio pv1000. It's a 3 channel psg very similar to the ay8910, though it doesn't support volume envelopes.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

issue with gold wave and direct x plugins

2019-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : techmaster20 via Audiogames-reflector


issue with gold wave and direct x plugins

So I got some direct x plugins but I can't use them. There are no presets, and all the parameters won't let me type in the text fields. I've tried both NVDA and Jaws. Never have had this issue with vsts and I know the direct x plugin is installed.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Dreamlands: Official announcements and discussion topic

2019-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : assault_freak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Dreamlands: Official announcements and discussion topic

No word on how many people are working on this game. But it's a company, if a small one... though in China a small company still probably has more people than some mid-sized ones here in North America. And the testing isn't exactly closed... anyone can join it if they get the tokens needed. They are just hard to get, or at the very least require a lot more work than needs to be, just to limit the amount of testers.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Scramble request

2019-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : aaron via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Scramble request

If this game is paid, you can absolutely bet I am going to buy this. As to those who can't use PayPal, I think there could be a way that you won't have to miss out either, so don't give up hope.


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Re: Restricted/new users: introduce yourself!

2019-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Introduce Yourself to Gain Access : aaron via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Restricted/new users: introduce yourself!

Hi,@Princess Gogo you are now unrestricted, welcome to the forum.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: The BrailleNote Touch is Getting a Much Deserved Upgrade

2019-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : braille0109 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The BrailleNote Touch is Getting a Much Deserved Upgrade

55, Thanks for the clarification, that actually sounds pretty neat. Again, though, I'm probably stuck with this wonderful polaris for a while.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Need help for a conference

2019-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : magurp244 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Need help for a conference

Well since were talking about kids here, games like Manamon or Braillemon might be good choices, since Pokemon is still pretty popular with children around that age. I know Braillemon has a basic graphical front end, though its largely utilitarian. I'd also recommend all the Somethin' Else games like NightJar and Papa Sangre, but alas they're hard to find these days... Would Pen & Paper games like D fall under the umbrella term of "table top games" the same way board games would?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: The things that go crash while gaming

2019-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Arkandias via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The things that go crash while gaming

And they say castrating mother is a legend, a simple _expression_...


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: E acute?

2019-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: E acute?

I don't need no screen reader addon nor no screen reader to put my symbols in for me ébam, bask in the glory of it.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Dreamlands: Official announcements and discussion topic

2019-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : cj89 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Dreamlands: Official announcements and discussion topic

Curious, do we know roughly how many people are actually working on this game?Also for the people commenting about closed testing, it makes a lot more sense to test it this way at first. Once you start throwing different locales into the mix I'm sure that could present a whole other set of issues, potentially detracting from the intended goals of the testing.


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2019-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector





Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: The things that go crash while gaming

2019-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The things that go crash while gaming

I've broken a lot of shit, gamepads, I snapped one in half one time where the two pieces came apart separately in each hand. I've broken multiple keyboards by chucking them across the room, then getting up and stomping on them. Never a laptop, though I've smacked them and flung them back before. I once punched my flat panel monitor because someone overtook me on TDU (test drive unlimited). The monitor traveled probably 6 inches and slammed into the wall behind it.Not related to gaming, I bought a new phone back in like 2006 or so. It was a refurbished phone of the same type I did have, but they screwed it up somehow with the software which was buggy. It was being stupid one day and I flung it across the room where it hit a dresser and snapped apart. There were 3 pieces, the keypad, the screen, and the battery pack came off the back.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: DT in BGT

2019-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: DT in BGT

The deal with the dynamic menu is just because it's a blocking function, so all the time you spend on the menu counts. You can safely ignore it for the most part.I'm not sure where the extra ms are coming from. I don't see how they could be bugs in the clock itself, but it's not impossible. A couple of milliseconds seems like it might just be within BGT's margin of error, but if I find anything else wrong with the clock, I'll be sure to report it.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Blind Sparrow Interactive's first project

2019-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Blind Sparrow Interactive via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Blind Sparrow Interactive's first project

@harrylst We should be putting the app in for submission to Apple today. As soon as we know that it's passed, we'll announce a release date. Given that Apple's pricing is tiered, which means you only have set options, we are pricing the app at $1.99 USD. We are also looking at giving away 50 to 100 codes around launch to help encourage more blind people to try out tabletop role play gaming and to foster that community. Below is a link to a tweet asking for people's thoughts on how we might do that best. … 8632175616


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: The things that go crash while gaming

2019-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : karate25 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The things that go crash while gaming

Hmm. Should I go here? ah well, what the hek, this sounds like a humorous thread anyway, so here goes, my funny but somewhat painful crash experience while gaming with my beloved mom who is absolutely not a gammer at all accept for small games like word games and the like. We were playing theme hospital on the playstation original, and I was trying to walk her through how to make the correct selections of staff members to put into the hospital and she just kept on selecting the first person that popped up rather than allowing me to explain to her to press the r1 and l1 buttons to move through the possible staff member choices. Finally, in frustration, after saying to her, "no mom, here's the way to do it," for what seemed like the hundredth time, she finally exclaimed, "what danny! and flung the controller down on the bed unfortunately right at croach and testicle level and the handle caught me right in the left hand member of my family and mom had absolutely no idea of my agony because she was already walking rapidly out of the room and was absolutely broken hearted and apologized very sincerely later after I had shared the occurrence with her. While she doesn't really understand all of what goes on in modern gaming today, she is however happy for me that games are beginning to speak now and have accessibility built into them. And before you all right me letters of sympathy, I'd like for you all to know that my mom loves me with all of her heart and would give her life for me if it meant saving mine and she would do anything in the world for me and noone had better say anything bad about mom within arms length of me or there'll be trouble. Anyway, that's my experience, and it was actually my mom and late Aunt who helped me find my passion for gaming.


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Re: Restricted/new users: introduce yourself!

2019-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Introduce Yourself to Gain Access : princess gogo via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Restricted/new users: introduce yourself!

Hi all. My name is Hagar. i'm totally blind. I like games overall, but i tend to adventure games. I've been following this website for about 2 years, and i wish to register my account.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Scramble request

2019-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Scramble request

Scramble is a game developed by Stevo, creator of Oh Shit. The mode I know best about because I've seen it on streams is the normal mode, where you are in a 3D grid and need to dodge rocks and pick up items. Given certain circumstances which I'm not sure about, platforms will spawn and ladders under them. You climb the ladder and get the special stuff at the top while avoiding the cannon which is dead set to blow you up. Do this all while the field is closing in on you, thus reducing your play area. There is a platformer mode which I've only seen briefly, but you have to hop from platform to platform, basically that's all I know about that mode.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: DT in BGT

2019-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : JLove via Audiogames-reflector


Re: DT in BGT

After adding the line, the tick appears to be called more uniformly, anywhere from  14-20 MS, and at 0.998, 59 frames passed.  I don't understand why it's ever waiting past 0.016, though, since that's what delay should be  since I've got FPS set to 60.  Not sure whether you saw what I wrote about dynamic menu and movement, but I'll post here for convenience, because I do not understand what the hell is causing this.What, the, fuck?  So this time I decided to see what would happen in terms of frame rate if I just walked my player back and forth on the court.  Frame rate dropped a little, to 590.  But there's the question.  Looking at my profile, I see:Total execution time: 58413 msNumber of functions called: 11void clock::tick(): 39733 ms (68.02%)int dynamic_menu::run_extended(string, bool, int, bool): 14689 ms (25.15%)The fuck?  What does moving my player have to do with the dynamic menu?  I do not call dynamic menu when I move.  When I don't move, profile looks like this:Total execution time: 53878 msNumber of functions called: 8void clock::tick(): 50429 ms (93.6%)void StartMatch(bool = true): 1480 ms (2.75%)int dynamic_menu::run_extended(string, bool, int, bool): 1172 ms (2.18%)So what the fuck?  Player::move looks like this:void move(int direction){if(pm.elapsedreturn;switch(direction){case forward:if(y>=net)return;y++;break;case back:if(y<=UserBaseline-5)return;y--;break;case left:if(x<=LeftSideline-5)return;x--;break;case right:if(x>=RightSideline+5)return;x++;break;}if(!OMoving){env.update_listener_2d(user.x, user.y);env.play_stationary("sounds/step.ogg", false);}if(OMoving)env.play_2d("sounds/step.ogg", user.x, user.y, opponent.x, opponent.y, false);Server.send_unreliable(0, (RightSideline-user.x)+"__"+(OpponentBaseline-user.y), Player);pm.restart();}As you can see, simple, and no calls to dynamic menu.  What the hell?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: DT in BGT

2019-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : JLove via Audiogames-reflector


Re: DT in BGT

After adding the line, the tick appears to be called more uniformly, anywhere from  14-20 MS, and at 0.998, 59 frames passed.  Not sure whether you saw what I wrote about dynamic menu and movement, but I'll post here for convenience, because I do not understand what the hell is causing this.What, the, fuck?  So this time I decided to see what would happen in terms of frame rate if I just walked my player back and forth on the court.  Frame rate dropped a little, to 590.  But there's the question.  Looking at my profile, I see:Total execution time: 58413 msNumber of functions called: 11void clock::tick(): 39733 ms (68.02%)int dynamic_menu::run_extended(string, bool, int, bool): 14689 ms (25.15%)The fuck?  What does moving my player have to do with the dynamic menu?  I do not call dynamic menu when I move.  When I don't move, profile looks like this:Total execution time: 53878 msNumber of functions called: 8void clock::tick(): 50429 ms (93.6%)void StartMatch(bool = true): 1480 ms (2.75%)int dynamic_menu::run_extended(string, bool, int, bool): 1172 ms (2.18%)So what the fuck?  Player::move looks like this:void move(int direction){if(pm.elapsedreturn;switch(direction){case forward:if(y>=net)return;y++;break;case back:if(y<=UserBaseline-5)return;y--;break;case left:if(x<=LeftSideline-5)return;x--;break;case right:if(x>=RightSideline+5)return;x++;break;}if(!OMoving){env.update_listener_2d(user.x, user.y);env.play_stationary("sounds/step.ogg", false);}if(OMoving)env.play_2d("sounds/step.ogg", user.x, user.y, opponent.x, opponent.y, false);Server.send_unreliable(0, (RightSideline-user.x)+"__"+(OpponentBaseline-user.y), Player);pm.restart();}As you can see, simple, and no calls to dynamic menu.  What the hell?


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2019-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : hurstseth405 via Audiogames-reflector



There a very locked down system so even getting jaws is a pain because of HIPA laws.


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Re: DT in BGT

2019-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : JLove via Audiogames-reflector


Re: DT in BGT

Almost working now.  So close, but then on the final test...Lot of info here.  It appears that tick() was called approximately 43 times in a one-second period, but there are differences in the amount of time between iteration.  For example:Tick called.  Elapsed real time is 0 seconds.Tick called.  Elapsed real time is 0.046 seconds.Then, it almost immediately gets called again:Tick called.  Elapsed real time is 0.054 seconds.But the next iteration doesn't happen until 0.092.  Then 0.101, 0.139, 0.148.  The pattern appears to be one call at longer intervals, followed by a very close call after, then a longer time, then a call close:  So after 0.148, the longer call at 0.185, then the close at 0.195, then the longer time at 0.231, then close at 245, then long at 277...not sure what this means.  Keep in mind that for purposes of this test, I am doing nothing but sitting.  No player movement, no movement of the ball.  I removed the wait(5).  The pattern still appears to hold with tick calls:Tick called.  Elapsed real time is 0 seconds.Tick called.  Elapsed real time is 0.042 seconds.Tick called.  Elapsed real time is 0.046 seconds.Tick called.  Elapsed real time is 0.084 seconds.Tick called.  Elapsed real time is 0.086 seconds.Tick called.  Elapsed real time is 0.124 seconds.Tick called.  Elapsed real time is 0.127 seconds.Tick called.  Elapsed real time is 0.166 seconds.As you can see, one longer iteration, then a very short one, then a longer one.  Next, I added the wait(1000) prior to restarting the timers.  I set frame rate to 60.  This means that after each 0.016 seconds, a frame should pass.  That means that at 0.096 seconds, six frames should have passed.  Log shows:Tick called.  Elapsed real time is 0 seconds.  Number of frames is 0.Tick called.  Elapsed real time is 0.034 seconds.  Number of frames is 1.Tick called.  Elapsed real time is 0.038 seconds.  Number of frames is 2.Tick called.  Elapsed real time is 0.068 seconds.  Number of frames is 3.Tick called.  Elapsed real time is 0.072 seconds.  Number of frames is 4.Tick called.  Elapsed real time is 0.103 seconds.  Number of frames is 5.The pattern still appears to hold.  Not sure why the calls to tick aren't more uniform, instead it gets called back to back virtually, then waits, then back to back, then waits.  So far, loss of one frame at 0.1 seconds.  Log at the bottom shows:Amount of real time that has passed is 10.003seconds.  DT is 0.016.  Number of frames that have passed is 590.  So, it appears that I lose one frame every second.  What I don't understand is why the tick method basically gets called that way instead of uniformly across the board.  Is there a way to improve that?  And why now all of a sudden is this appearing to work correctly?  Even if there was initial lag after the sounds, wouldn't the first 10 seconds have shown that, say 50 FPS instead of 60, but then the next ten seconds would have shown correctly, since the lag should have been gone by then?  In other words, I can see the first ten seconds being affected by the lag, but after the sounds are loaded, the lag goes away and everything after should work correctly, right?  Besides, how the hell would loading sounds eat that much of 16 GB of ram that it lags to the point that you lose that much performance?  And after sounds are loaded, why doesn't lag go away after the first ten seconds?  It seems like Philip really, really must have screwed something up when he made BGT, or Windows has got some serious, serious issues.  NOTE:  Retesting shows the following:Amount of real time that has passed is 10.003seconds.  DT is 0.016.  Number of frames that have passed is 604.Amount of real time that has passed is 10.005seconds.  DT is 0.016.  Number of frames that have passed is 608.Amount of real time that has passed is 10.009seconds.  DT is 0.016.  Number of frames that have passed is 608.How I'm getting extra frames I don't know.  Is there a way to prevent that?  Extra frames could be an issue across machines.  Could cause the initial problem I had, ball landing differently on different cords.  Really don't want that.  NOTE 2:  This has also changed my profile results.  StartMatch now went down considerably.  Not sure why that is, since I actually added a wait there, but look:Total execution time: 53671 msNumber of functions called: 9void clock::tick(): 50275 ms (93.67%)void StartMatch(bool = true): 1482 ms (2.76%)int dynamic_menu::run_extended(string, bool, int, bool): 1033 ms (1.92%)void main(): 863 ms (1.61%)bool logger::write(string, bool): 6 ms (0.01%)void MainMenu(): 5 ms (0.01%)void CheckEvents(): 3 ms (0.01%)void Voice::speak(string): 2 ms (0%)I don't understand that.  I would have thought the wait call would have lengthened StartMatch.  NOTE 3:  What, the, fuck?  So this time I decided to see what would happen in terms of frame rate if I just walked my player back and forth on the court.  Frame rate 

Re: Scramble request

2019-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Xoren via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Scramble request

All the posts in this topic about how they need this game released *right now* baffle me. What's with all the instant gratification and impatience? Would it hurt you guys to learn to keep your panties on for a bit longer? The developer will release the game when he's good and ready.The topic's opening itself is a bit silly, since if he listened to the stream of the game, he should've heard that the game isn't released yet, and that Liam was playing a pre-release alpha version of the game.Come on guys. Get it together.Kai


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Re: Scramble request

2019-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Scramble request

@keithwipf1, ah, so your saying that people who are suffering the under 15 age money limits or the pay pal incompatible countries or currency conversion things, as you put it, should get the games for free, but those who don't suffer these issues shouldn't and should be required to pay. I'm sorry, that's not how the world works. You want something, you gotta pay for it. Your location or what your suffering, or whether you have PayPal or not, or whether you have a debit card or not, is completely irrelevant. Still gotta pay! There are those who are willing to pay for something for you, and then your getting it for free... but in essence your still paying for it, just through someone or something else.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: DT in BGT

2019-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: DT in BGT

The pattern makes sense if something's delaying it, since the shorter delays would be the clock trying to compensate for the apparent lag. But I'm not sure that that's what's happening, given those numbers. The long frames are suspiciously close to twice as long as they should be.Can OK, I went and tried testing the clock by itself, and it turns out that there is a bug if the first tick happens less than delay ms after the clock was last reset. I completely failed to account for the possibility of a delay that was shorter than expected. This caused a double negative to show up in the first frame, and the oscillation you found is the result of the clock compensating without a way to prevent the problem from repeating for short frames.I fixed it by adding this line before the call to wait in clock.bgt:if(elapsed<0) elapsed=0;So yeah, you found a bug in the clock. I'm not sure if this will fix the problem, since tiny variations were still happening after I fixed it, with some frames getting random extra ms even though they weren't doing anything, but it was on the order of 22ms instead of 20ms at worst, and the clock compensates for it correctly. Now, if it turns out those 1-2ms are also from a bug in the clock, I'll let you know, but it should never wait longer than delay, with that fix, so I'm assuming the noise is from my computer.


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Re: DT in BGT

2019-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : JLove via Audiogames-reflector


Re: DT in BGT

Almost working now.  So close, but then on the final test...Lot of info here.  It appears that tick() was called approximately 43 times in a one-second period, but there are differences in the amount of time between iteration.  For example:Tick called.  Elapsed real time is 0 seconds.Tick called.  Elapsed real time is 0.046 seconds.Then, it almost immediately gets called again:Tick called.  Elapsed real time is 0.054 seconds.But the next iteration doesn't happen until 0.092.  Then 0.101, 0.139, 0.148.  The pattern appears to be one call at longer intervals, followed by a very close call after, then a longer time, then a call close:  So after 0.148, the longer call at 0.185, then the close at 0.195, then the longer time at 0.231, then close at 245, then long at 277...not sure what this means.  Keep in mind that for purposes of this test, I am doing nothing but sitting.  No player movement, no movement of the ball.  I removed the wait(5).  The pattern still appears to hold with tick calls:Tick called.  Elapsed real time is 0 seconds.Tick called.  Elapsed real time is 0.042 seconds.Tick called.  Elapsed real time is 0.046 seconds.Tick called.  Elapsed real time is 0.084 seconds.Tick called.  Elapsed real time is 0.086 seconds.Tick called.  Elapsed real time is 0.124 seconds.Tick called.  Elapsed real time is 0.127 seconds.Tick called.  Elapsed real time is 0.166 seconds.As you can see, one longer iteration, then a very short one, then a longer one.  Next, I added the wait(1000) prior to restarting the timers.  I set frame rate to 60.  This means that after each 0.016 seconds, a frame should pass.  That means that at 0.096 seconds, six frames should have passed.  Log shows:Tick called.  Elapsed real time is 0 seconds.  Number of frames is 0.Tick called.  Elapsed real time is 0.034 seconds.  Number of frames is 1.Tick called.  Elapsed real time is 0.038 seconds.  Number of frames is 2.Tick called.  Elapsed real time is 0.068 seconds.  Number of frames is 3.Tick called.  Elapsed real time is 0.072 seconds.  Number of frames is 4.Tick called.  Elapsed real time is 0.103 seconds.  Number of frames is 5.The pattern still appears to hold.  Not sure why the calls to tick aren't more uniform, instead it gets called back to back virtually, then waits, then back to back, then waits.  So far, loss of one frame at 0.1 seconds.  Log at the bottom shows:Amount of real time that has passed is 10.003seconds.  DT is 0.016.  Number of frames that have passed is 590.  So, it appears that I lose one frame every second.  What I don't understand is why the tick method basically gets called that way instead of uniformly across the board.  Is there a way to improve that?  And why now all of a sudden is this appearing to work correctly?  Even if there was initial lag after the sounds, wouldn't the first 10 seconds have shown that, say 50 FPS instead of 60, but then the next ten seconds would have shown correctly, since the lag should have been gone by then?  In other words, I can see the first ten seconds being affected by the lag, but after the sounds are loaded, the lag goes away and everything after should work correctly, right?  Besides, how the hell would loading sounds eat that much of 16 GB of ram that it lags to the point that you lose that much performance?  And after sounds are loaded, why doesn't lag go away after the first ten seconds?  It seems like Philip really, really must have screwed something up when he made BGT, or Windows has got some serious, serious issues.  NOTE:  Retesting shows the following:Amount of real time that has passed is 10.003seconds.  DT is 0.016.  Number of frames that have passed is 604.Amount of real time that has passed is 10.005seconds.  DT is 0.016.  Number of frames that have passed is 608.Amount of real time that has passed is 10.009seconds.  DT is 0.016.  Number of frames that have passed is 608.How I'm getting extra frames I don't know.  Is there a way to prevent that?  Extra frames could be an issue across machines.  Could cause the initial problem I had, ball landing differently on different cords.  Really don't want that.  NOTE 2:  This has also changed my profile results.  StartMatch now went down considerably.  Not sure why that is, since I actually added a wait there, but look:Total execution time: 53671 msNumber of functions called: 9void clock::tick(): 50275 ms (93.67%)void StartMatch(bool = true): 1482 ms (2.76%)int dynamic_menu::run_extended(string, bool, int, bool): 1033 ms (1.92%)void main(): 863 ms (1.61%)bool logger::write(string, bool): 6 ms (0.01%)void MainMenu(): 5 ms (0.01%)void CheckEvents(): 3 ms (0.01%)void Voice::speak(string): 2 ms (0%)I don't understand that.  I would have thought the wait call would have lengthened StartMatch.  NOTE 3:  What, the, fuck?  So this time I decided to see what would happen in terms of frame rate if I just walked my player back and forth on the court.  Frame rate 

Re: DT in BGT

2019-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : JLove via Audiogames-reflector


Re: DT in BGT

It appears that tick() was called approximately 43 times in a one-second period, but there are differences in the amount of time between iteration.  For example:Tick called.  Elapsed real time is 0 seconds.Tick called.  Elapsed real time is 0.046 seconds.Then, it almost immediately gets called again:Tick called.  Elapsed real time is 0.054 seconds.But the next iteration doesn't happen until 0.092.  Then 0.101, 0.139, 0.148.  The pattern appears to be one call at longer intervals, followed by a very close call after, then a longer time, then a call close:  So after 0.148, the longer call at 0.185, then the close at 0.195, then the longer time at 0.231, then close at 245, then long at 277...not sure what this means.  Keep in mind that for purposes of this test, I am doing nothing but sitting.  No player movement, no movement of the ball.  I removed the wait(5).  The pattern still appears to hold with tick calls:Tick called.  Elapsed real time is 0 seconds.Tick called.  Elapsed real time is 0.042 seconds.Tick called.  Elapsed real time is 0.046 seconds.Tick called.  Elapsed real time is 0.084 seconds.Tick called.  Elapsed real time is 0.086 seconds.Tick called.  Elapsed real time is 0.124 seconds.Tick called.  Elapsed real time is 0.127 seconds.Tick called.  Elapsed real time is 0.166 seconds.As you can see, one longer iteration, then a very short one, then a longer one.  Next, I added the wait(1000) prior to restarting the timers.  I set frame rate to 60.  This means that after each 0.016 seconds, a frame should pass.  That means that at 0.096 seconds, six frames should have passed.  Log shows:Tick called.  Elapsed real time is 0 seconds.  Number of frames is 0.Tick called.  Elapsed real time is 0.034 seconds.  Number of frames is 1.Tick called.  Elapsed real time is 0.038 seconds.  Number of frames is 2.Tick called.  Elapsed real time is 0.068 seconds.  Number of frames is 3.Tick called.  Elapsed real time is 0.072 seconds.  Number of frames is 4.Tick called.  Elapsed real time is 0.103 seconds.  Number of frames is 5.The pattern still appears to hold.  Not sure why the calls to tick aren't more uniform, instead it gets called back to back virtually, then waits, then back to back, then waits.  So far, loss of one frame at 0.1 seconds.  Log at the bottom shows:Amount of real time that has passed is 10.003seconds.  DT is 0.016.  Number of frames that have passed is 590.  So, it appears that I lose one frame every second.  What I don't understand is why the tick method basically gets called that way instead of uniformly across the board.  Is there a way to improve that?  And why now all of a sudden is this appearing to work correctly?  Even if there was initial lag after the sounds, wouldn't the first 10 seconds have shown that, say 50 FPS instead of 60, but then the next ten seconds would have shown correctly, since the lag should have been gone by then?  In other words, I can see the first ten seconds being affected by the lag, but after the sounds are loaded, the lag goes away and everything after should work correctly, right?  Besides, how the hell would loading sounds eat that much of 16 GB of ram that it lags to the point that you lose that much performance?  And after sounds are loaded, why doesn't lag go away after the first ten seconds?  It seems like Philip really, really must have screwed something up when he made BGT, or Windows has got some serious, serious issues.  NOTE:  Retesting shows the following:Amount of real time that has passed is 10.003seconds.  DT is 0.016.  Number of frames that have passed is 604.Amount of real time that has passed is 10.005seconds.  DT is 0.016.  Number of frames that have passed is 608.Amount of real time that has passed is 10.009seconds.  DT is 0.016.  Number of frames that have passed is 608.How I'm getting extra frames I don't know.  Is there a way to prevent that?  Extra frames could be an issue across machines.  Could cause the initial problem I had, ball landing differently on different cords.  Really don't want that.  NOTE 2:  This has also changed my profile results.  StartMatch now went down considerably.  Not sure why that is, since I actually added a wait there, but look:Total execution time: 53671 msNumber of functions called: 9void clock::tick(): 50275 ms (93.67%)void StartMatch(bool = true): 1482 ms (2.76%)int dynamic_menu::run_extended(string, bool, int, bool): 1033 ms (1.92%)void main(): 863 ms (1.61%)bool logger::write(string, bool): 6 ms (0.01%)void MainMenu(): 5 ms (0.01%)void CheckEvents(): 3 ms (0.01%)void Voice::speak(string): 2 ms (0%)I don't understand that.  I would have thought the wait call would have lengthened StartMatch.  NOTE 3:  What, the, fuck?  So this time I decided to see what would happen in terms of frame rate if I just walked my player back and forth on the court.  Frame rate dropped a little, to 590.  But there's the question.  Looking at my profile, I 

Re: The things that go crash while gaming

2019-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : omer via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The things that go crash while gaming

lol those motherf***king motherships, yeah i sure know them they are pease of shits to kill


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: TramSim: A new simulation game

2019-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Taurus Fan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: TramSim: A new simulation game

florianionascu7 wrote:Hello Maximilian, I can't download the game from the link you've sent here. Can you send it to me as a zip archive attachment? One of my e-mail addresses is displayed below in the signature.I‘m gonna do so.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: DT in BGT

2019-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : JLove via Audiogames-reflector


Re: DT in BGT

It appears that tick() was called approximately 43 times in a one-second period, but there are differences in the amount of time between iteration.  For example:Tick called.  Elapsed real time is 0 seconds.Tick called.  Elapsed real time is 0.046 seconds.Then, it almost immediately gets called again:Tick called.  Elapsed real time is 0.054 seconds.But the next iteration doesn't happen until 0.092.  Then 0.101, 0.139, 0.148.  The pattern appears to be one call at longer intervals, followed by a very close call after, then a longer time, then a call close:  So after 0.148, the longer call at 0.185, then the close at 0.195, then the longer time at 0.231, then close at 245, then long at 277...not sure what this means.  Keep in mind that for purposes of this test, I am doing nothing but sitting.  No player movement, no movement of the ball.  I removed the wait(5).  The pattern still appears to hold with tick calls:Tick called.  Elapsed real time is 0 seconds.Tick called.  Elapsed real time is 0.042 seconds.Tick called.  Elapsed real time is 0.046 seconds.Tick called.  Elapsed real time is 0.084 seconds.Tick called.  Elapsed real time is 0.086 seconds.Tick called.  Elapsed real time is 0.124 seconds.Tick called.  Elapsed real time is 0.127 seconds.Tick called.  Elapsed real time is 0.166 seconds.As you can see, one longer iteration, then a very short one, then a longer one.  Next, I added the wait(1000) prior to restarting the timers.  I set frame rate to 60.  This means that after each 0.016 seconds, a frame should pass.  That means that at 0.096 seconds, six frames should have passed.  Log shows:Tick called.  Elapsed real time is 0 seconds.  Number of frames is 0.Tick called.  Elapsed real time is 0.034 seconds.  Number of frames is 1.Tick called.  Elapsed real time is 0.038 seconds.  Number of frames is 2.Tick called.  Elapsed real time is 0.068 seconds.  Number of frames is 3.Tick called.  Elapsed real time is 0.072 seconds.  Number of frames is 4.Tick called.  Elapsed real time is 0.103 seconds.  Number of frames is 5.The pattern still appears to hold.  Not sure why the calls to tick aren't more uniform, instead it gets called back to back virtually, then waits, then back to back, then waits.  So far, loss of one frame at 0.1 seconds.  Log at the bottom shows:Amount of real time that has passed is 10.003seconds.  DT is 0.016.  Number of frames that have passed is 590.  So, it appears that I lose one frame every second.  What I don't understand is why the tick method basically gets called that way instead of uniformly across the board.  Is there a way to improve that?  And why now all of a sudden is this appearing to work correctly?  Even if there was initial lag after the sounds, wouldn't the first 10 seconds have shown that, say 50 FPS instead of 60, but then the next ten seconds would have shown correctly, since the lag should have been gone by then?  In other words, I can see the first ten seconds being affected by the lag, but after the sounds are loaded, the lag goes away and everything after should work correctly, right?  Besides, how the hell would loading sounds eat that much of 16 GB of ram that it lags to the point that you lose that much performance?  And after sounds are loaded, why doesn't lag go away after the first ten seconds?  It seems like Philip really, really must have screwed something up when he made BGT, or Windows has got some serious, serious issues.  NOTE:  Retesting shows the following:Amount of real time that has passed is 10.003seconds.  DT is 0.016.  Number of frames that have passed is 604.Amount of real time that has passed is 10.005seconds.  DT is 0.016.  Number of frames that have passed is 608.Amount of real time that has passed is 10.009seconds.  DT is 0.016.  Number of frames that have passed is 608.How I'm getting extra frames I don't know.  Is there a way to prevent that?  Extra frames could be an issue across machines.  Could cause the initial problem I had, ball landing differently on different cords.  Really don't want that.  NOTE 2:  This has also changed my profile results.  StartMatch now went down considerably.  Not sure why that is, since I actually added a wait there, but look:Total execution time: 53671 msNumber of functions called: 9void clock::tick(): 50275 ms (93.67%)void StartMatch(bool = true): 1482 ms (2.76%)int dynamic_menu::run_extended(string, bool, int, bool): 1033 ms (1.92%)void main(): 863 ms (1.61%)bool logger::write(string, bool): 6 ms (0.01%)void MainMenu(): 5 ms (0.01%)void CheckEvents(): 3 ms (0.01%)void Voice::speak(string): 2 ms (0%)I don't understand that.  I would have thought the wait call would have lengthened StartMatch.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: DT in BGT

2019-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : JLove via Audiogames-reflector


Re: DT in BGT

It appears that tick() was called approximately 43 times in a one-second period, but there are differences in the amount of time between iteration.  For example:Tick called.  Elapsed real time is 0 seconds.Tick called.  Elapsed real time is 0.046 seconds.Then, it almost immediately gets called again:Tick called.  Elapsed real time is 0.054 seconds.But the next iteration doesn't happen until 0.092.  Then 0.101, 0.139, 0.148.  The pattern appears to be one call at longer intervals, followed by a very close call after, then a longer time, then a call close:  So after 0.148, the longer call at 0.185, then the close at 0.195, then the longer time at 0.231, then close at 245, then long at 277...not sure what this means.  Keep in mind that for purposes of this test, I am doing nothing but sitting.  No player movement, no movement of the ball.  I removed the wait(5).  The pattern still appears to hold with tick calls:Tick called.  Elapsed real time is 0 seconds.Tick called.  Elapsed real time is 0.042 seconds.Tick called.  Elapsed real time is 0.046 seconds.Tick called.  Elapsed real time is 0.084 seconds.Tick called.  Elapsed real time is 0.086 seconds.Tick called.  Elapsed real time is 0.124 seconds.Tick called.  Elapsed real time is 0.127 seconds.Tick called.  Elapsed real time is 0.166 seconds.As you can see, one longer iteration, then a very short one, then a longer one.  Next, I added the wait(1000) prior to restarting the timers.  I set frame rate to 60.  This means that after each 0.016 seconds, a frame should pass.  That means that at 0.096 seconds, six frames should have passed.  Log shows:Tick called.  Elapsed real time is 0 seconds.  Number of frames is 0.Tick called.  Elapsed real time is 0.034 seconds.  Number of frames is 1.Tick called.  Elapsed real time is 0.038 seconds.  Number of frames is 2.Tick called.  Elapsed real time is 0.068 seconds.  Number of frames is 3.Tick called.  Elapsed real time is 0.072 seconds.  Number of frames is 4.Tick called.  Elapsed real time is 0.103 seconds.  Number of frames is 5.The pattern still appears to hold.  Not sure why the calls to tick aren't more uniform, instead it gets called back to back virtually, then waits, then back to back, then waits.  So far, loss of one frame at 0.1 seconds.  Log at the bottom shows:Amount of real time that has passed is 10.003seconds.  DT is 0.016.  Number of frames that have passed is 590.  So, it appears that I lose one frame every second.  What I don't understand is why the tick method basically gets called that way instead of uniformly across the board.  Is there a way to improve that?  And why now all of a sudden is this appearing to work correctly?  Even if there was initial lag after the sounds, wouldn't the first 10 seconds have shown that, say 50 FPS instead of 60, but then the next ten seconds would have shown correctly, since the lag should have been gone by then?  In other words, I can see the first ten seconds being affected by the lag, but after the sounds are loaded, the lag goes away and everything after should work correctly, right?  Besides, how the hell would loading sounds eat that much of 16 GB of ram that it lags to the point that you lose that much performance?  And after sounds are loaded, why doesn't lag go away after the first ten seconds?  It seems like Philip really, really must have screwed something up when he made BGT, or Windows has got some serious, serious issues.  NOTE:  Retesting shows the following:Amount of real time that has passed is 10.003seconds.  DT is 0.016.  Number of frames that have passed is 604.Amount of real time that has passed is 10.005seconds.  DT is 0.016.  Number of frames that have passed is 608.Amount of real time that has passed is 10.009seconds.  DT is 0.016.  Number of frames that have passed is 608.How I'm getting extra frames I don't know.  Is there a way to prevent that?  Extra frames could be an issue across machines.  Could cause the initial problem I had, ball landing differently on different cords.  Really don't want that.  NOTE 2:  This has also changed my profile results.  StartMatch now went down considerably.  Not sure why that is, since I actually added a wait there, but look:Total execution time: 53671 msNumber of functions called: 9void clock::tick(): 50275 ms (93.67%)void StartMatch(bool = true): 1482 ms (2.76%)int dynamic_menu::run_extended(string, bool, int, bool): 1033 ms (1.92%)void main(): 863 ms (1.61%)bool logger::write(string, bool): 6 ms (0.01%)void MainMenu(): 5 ms (0.01%)void CheckEvents(): 3 ms (0.01%)void Voice::speak(string): 2 ms (0%)I don't understand that.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: TramSim: A new simulation game

2019-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Taurus Fan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: TramSim: A new simulation game

connor142 wrote:Hi, after trying this out myself, there's a few things I have to say. First off, I think it would be much easier if you just zipped up the game's assets into one file and put that on one drive, so people don't have to download three seperat files.Now to the program itself. I could see a lot of potential here, but right now all this does is make noise and unfortunately, it really doesn't hold any entertainment value past the 10 or so minutes you need to try out all the vehicles. I could have totally invisioned a tubesim like game in which you drive around the viennah U-bahn, tram, and buss lines transporting people. As a fellow austrian I would have loved this thing to do something like that.So what would you exactly like to see?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: DT in BGT

2019-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : JLove via Audiogames-reflector


Re: DT in BGT

It appears that tick() was called approximately 43 times in a one-second period, but there are differences in the amount of time between iteration.  For example:Tick called.  Elapsed real time is 0 seconds.Tick called.  Elapsed real time is 0.046 seconds.Then, it almost immediately gets called again:Tick called.  Elapsed real time is 0.054 seconds.But the next iteration doesn't happen until 0.092.  Then 0.101, 0.139, 0.148.  The pattern appears to be one call at longer intervals, followed by a very close call after, then a longer time, then a call close:  So after 0.148, the longer call at 0.185, then the close at 0.195, then the longer time at 0.231, then close at 245, then long at 277...not sure what this means.  Keep in mind that for purposes of this test, I am doing nothing but sitting.  No player movement, no movement of the ball.  I removed the wait(5).  The pattern still appears to hold with tick calls:Tick called.  Elapsed real time is 0 seconds.Tick called.  Elapsed real time is 0.042 seconds.Tick called.  Elapsed real time is 0.046 seconds.Tick called.  Elapsed real time is 0.084 seconds.Tick called.  Elapsed real time is 0.086 seconds.Tick called.  Elapsed real time is 0.124 seconds.Tick called.  Elapsed real time is 0.127 seconds.Tick called.  Elapsed real time is 0.166 seconds.As you can see, one longer iteration, then a very short one, then a longer one.  Next, I added the wait(1000) prior to restarting the timers.  I set frame rate to 60.  This means that after each 0.016 seconds, a frame should pass.  That means that at 0.096 seconds, six frames should have passed.  Log shows:Tick called.  Elapsed real time is 0 seconds.  Number of frames is 0.Tick called.  Elapsed real time is 0.034 seconds.  Number of frames is 1.Tick called.  Elapsed real time is 0.038 seconds.  Number of frames is 2.Tick called.  Elapsed real time is 0.068 seconds.  Number of frames is 3.Tick called.  Elapsed real time is 0.072 seconds.  Number of frames is 4.Tick called.  Elapsed real time is 0.103 seconds.  Number of frames is 5.The pattern still appears to hold.  Not sure why the calls to tick aren't more uniform, instead it gets called back to back virtually, then waits, then back to back, then waits.  So far, loss of one frame at 0.1 seconds.  Log at the bottom shows:Amount of real time that has passed is 10.003seconds.  DT is 0.016.  Number of frames that have passed is 590.  So, it appears that I lose one frame every second.  What I don't understand is why the tick method basically gets called that way instead of uniformly across the board.  Is there a way to improve that?  And why now all of a sudden is this appearing to work correctly?  Even if there was initial lag after the sounds, wouldn't the first 10 seconds have shown that, say 50 FPS instead of 60, but then the next ten seconds would have shown correctly, since the lag should have been gone by then?  In other words, I can see the first ten seconds being affected by the lag, but after the sounds are loaded, the lag goes away and everything after should work correctly, right?  Besides, how the hell would loading sounds eat that much of 16 GB of ram that it lags to the point that you lose that much performance?  And after sounds are loaded, why doesn't lag go away after the first ten seconds?  It seems like Philip really, really must have screwed something up when he made BGT, or Windows has got some serious, serious issues.  NOTE:  Retesting shows the following:Amount of real time that has passed is 10.003seconds.  DT is 0.016.  Number of frames that have passed is 604.Amount of real time that has passed is 10.005seconds.  DT is 0.016.  Number of frames that have passed is 608.Amount of real time that has passed is 10.009seconds.  DT is 0.016.  Number of frames that have passed is 608.How I'm getting extra frames I don't know.  Is there a way to prevent that?  Extra frames could be an issue across machines.  Could cause the initial problem I had, ball landing differently on different cords.  Really don't want that.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: DT in BGT

2019-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : JLove via Audiogames-reflector


Re: DT in BGT

It appears that tick() was called approximately 43 times in a one-second period, but there are differences in the amount of time between iteration.  For example:Tick called.  Elapsed real time is 0 seconds.Tick called.  Elapsed real time is 0.046 seconds.Then, it almost immediately gets called again:Tick called.  Elapsed real time is 0.054 seconds.But the next iteration doesn't happen until 0.092.  Then 0.101, 0.139, 0.148.  The pattern appears to be one call at longer intervals, followed by a very close call after, then a longer time, then a call close:  So after 0.148, the longer call at 0.185, then the close at 0.195, then the longer time at 0.231, then close at 245, then long at 277...not sure what this means.  Keep in mind that for purposes of this test, I am doing nothing but sitting.  No player movement, no movement of the ball.  I removed the wait(5).  The pattern still appears to hold with tick calls:Tick called.  Elapsed real time is 0 seconds.Tick called.  Elapsed real time is 0.042 seconds.Tick called.  Elapsed real time is 0.046 seconds.Tick called.  Elapsed real time is 0.084 seconds.Tick called.  Elapsed real time is 0.086 seconds.Tick called.  Elapsed real time is 0.124 seconds.Tick called.  Elapsed real time is 0.127 seconds.Tick called.  Elapsed real time is 0.166 seconds.As you can see, one longer iteration, then a very short one, then a longer one.  Next, I added the wait(1000) prior to restarting the timers.  I set frame rate to 60.  This means that after each 0.016 seconds, a frame should pass.  That means that at 0.096 seconds, six frames should have passed.  Log shows:Tick called.  Elapsed real time is 0 seconds.  Number of frames is 0.Tick called.  Elapsed real time is 0.034 seconds.  Number of frames is 1.Tick called.  Elapsed real time is 0.038 seconds.  Number of frames is 2.Tick called.  Elapsed real time is 0.068 seconds.  Number of frames is 3.Tick called.  Elapsed real time is 0.072 seconds.  Number of frames is 4.Tick called.  Elapsed real time is 0.103 seconds.  Number of frames is 5.The pattern still appears to hold.  Not sure why the calls to tick aren't more uniform, instead it gets called back to back virtually, then waits, then back to back, then waits.  So far, loss of one frame at 0.1 seconds.  Log at the bottom shows:Amount of real time that has passed is 10.003seconds.  DT is 0.016.  Number of frames that have passed is 590.  So, it appears that I lose one frame every second.  What I don't understand is why the tick method basically gets called that way instead of uniformly across the board.  Is there a way to improve that?  And why now all of a sudden is this appearing to work correctly?  Even if there was initial lag after the sounds, wouldn't the first 10 seconds have shown that, say 50 FPS instead of 60, but then the next ten seconds would have shown correctly, since the lag should have been gone by then?  In other words, I can see the first ten seconds being affected by the lag, but after the sounds are loaded, the lag goes away and everything after should work correctly, right?  Besides, how the hell would loading sounds eat that much of 16 GB of ram that it lags to the point that you lose that much performance?  And after sounds are loaded, why doesn't lag go away after the first ten seconds?  It seems like Philip really, really must have screwed something up when he made BGT.  NOTE:  Retesting shows the following:Amount of real time that has passed is 10.003seconds.  DT is 0.016.  Number of frames that have passed is 604.Amount of real time that has passed is 10.005seconds.  DT is 0.016.  Number of frames that have passed is 608.Amount of real time that has passed is 10.009seconds.  DT is 0.016.  Number of frames that have passed is 608.How I'm getting extra frames I don't know.  Is there a way to prevent that?  Extra frames could be an issue across machines.  Could cause the initial problem I had, ball landing differently on different cords.  Really don't want that.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Scramble request

2019-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Xoren via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Scramble request

All the posts in this topic about how they need this game released *right now* baffle me. What's with all the instant gratification and impatience? Would it hurt you guys to learn to keep your panties on for a bit longer? The developer will release the game when he's good and ready.The topic's opening itself is a bit silly, since if he listened to the stream of the game, he should've mentioned that the game isn't released yet, and that Liam was playing a pre-release alpha version of the game.Come on guys. Get it together.Kai


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: TramSim: A new simulation game

2019-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : connor142 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: TramSim: A new simulation game

Hi, after trying this out myself, there's a few things I have to say. First off, I think it would be much easier if you just zipped up the game's assets into one file and put that on one drive, so people don't have to download three seperat files.Now to the program itself. I could see a lot of potential here, but right now all this does is make noise and unfortunately, it really doesn't hold any entertainment value past the 10 or so minutes you need to try out all the vehicles. I could have totally invisioned a tubesim like game in which you drive around the viennah U-bahn, tram, and buss lines transporting people. As a fellow austrian I would have loved this thing to do something like that.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: DT in BGT

2019-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : JLove via Audiogames-reflector


Re: DT in BGT

It appears that tick() was called approximately 43 times in a one-second period, but there are differences in the amount of time between iteration.  For example:Tick called.  Elapsed real time is 0 seconds.Tick called.  Elapsed real time is 0.046 seconds.Then, it almost immediately gets called again:Tick called.  Elapsed real time is 0.054 seconds.But the next iteration doesn't happen until 0.092.  Then 0.101, 0.139, 0.148.  The pattern appears to be one call at longer intervals, followed by a very close call after, then a longer time, then a call close:  So after 0.148, the longer call at 0.185, then the close at 0.195, then the longer time at 0.231, then close at 245, then long at 277...not sure what this means.  Keep in mind that for purposes of this test, I am doing nothing but sitting.  No player movement, no movement of the ball.  I removed the wait(5).  The pattern still appears to hold with tick calls:Tick called.  Elapsed real time is 0 seconds.Tick called.  Elapsed real time is 0.042 seconds.Tick called.  Elapsed real time is 0.046 seconds.Tick called.  Elapsed real time is 0.084 seconds.Tick called.  Elapsed real time is 0.086 seconds.Tick called.  Elapsed real time is 0.124 seconds.Tick called.  Elapsed real time is 0.127 seconds.Tick called.  Elapsed real time is 0.166 seconds.As you can see, one longer iteration, then a very short one, then a longer one.  Next, I added the wait(1000) prior to restarting the timers.  I set frame rate to 60.  This means that after each 0.016 seconds, a frame should pass.  That means that at 0.096 seconds, six frames should have passed.  Log shows:Tick called.  Elapsed real time is 0 seconds.  Number of frames is 0.Tick called.  Elapsed real time is 0.034 seconds.  Number of frames is 1.Tick called.  Elapsed real time is 0.038 seconds.  Number of frames is 2.Tick called.  Elapsed real time is 0.068 seconds.  Number of frames is 3.Tick called.  Elapsed real time is 0.072 seconds.  Number of frames is 4.Tick called.  Elapsed real time is 0.103 seconds.  Number of frames is 5.The pattern still appears to hold.  Not sure why the calls to tick aren't more uniform, instead it gets called back to back virtually, then waits, then back to back, then waits.  So far, loss of one frame at 0.1 seconds.  Log at the bottom shows:Amount of real time that has passed is 10.003seconds.  DT is 0.016.  Number of frames that have passed is 590.  So, it appears that I lose one frame every second.  What I don't understand is why the tick method basically gets called that way instead of uniformly across the board.  Is there a way to improve that?  And why now all of a sudden is this appearing to work correctly?  Even if there was initial lag after the sounds, wouldn't the first 10 seconds have shown that, say 50 FPS instead of 60, but then the next ten seconds would have shown correctly, since the lag should have been gone by then?  In other words, I can see the first ten seconds being affected by the lag, but after the sounds are loaded, the lag goes away and everything after should work correctly, right?  Besides, how the hell would loading sounds eat that much of 16 GB of ram that it lags to the point that you lose that much performance?  And after sounds are loaded, why doesn't lag go away after the first ten seconds?  It seems like Philip really, really must have screwed something up when he made BGT.  NOTE:  Retesting shows the following:Amount of real time that has passed is 10.003seconds.  DT is 0.016.  Number of frames that have passed is 604.Amount of real time that has passed is 10.005seconds.  DT is 0.016.  Number of frames that have passed is 608.Amount of real time that has passed is 10.009seconds.  DT is 0.016.  Number of frames that have passed is 608.How I'm getting extra frames I don't know.  Is there a way to prevent that?


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