Re: [Audiogames-reflector] We're alive - SPOILERS!

2014-03-03 Thread ForumOff-topic room: Spiraling Wyvern

Re: We're alive - SPOILERS!

Well Spoilers as usual for those that haven't watched it yet.      You know, I'm starting to question what exactly is the infection consisting of.  I really eally doubt a purely biological weapon is able to program something as knowing a new writing style.  Also it serves as a great way to convey commands among the zombie hordes via using mail like that can be mistakened for random markings.  Not only that, doesn't this mean those tattoos mean something?  Are the giant ones walking instruction manuals?  cackle.  It really unique of an affect as I  really doubt the zombies can communicate effectively with grunts and yells.  Well other then verbal commands like Ink did before.      Just what I thought from the ending of the episodes.  that and also this means Tonia and Sol are far from turning as they also thought all those markings from the raydon labs and the like were gibberish
  too. But again I'm assuming too much from the ending.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] We're alive - SPOILERS!

2014-03-17 Thread ForumOff-topic room: Spiraling Wyvern

Re: We're alive - SPOILERS!

I'm leaning towards the Ink is not the creater of this epidemic.  First, he kind only has a limited communication range for zombies that we currently know.  Unless there is another way down in that nest that says otherwise, there is no way ink could of spread whatever is forcing the change to other countries that fast.  As well, note that the last action before getting arrested and the outbreak was him  murdering his entire family.  Anyone think Ink may of saw something like this coming, knew no one would believe and thought it was better to kill his family then let them see the outbreak.  And then the tattoos.  Again, if he found something out was was involved in something unintentionally and knew the zombies would react to the symbols, wellI'm probably thinking too hard.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] frustrated with companies that Provide products for the blind

2014-03-24 Thread ForumOff-topic room: Spiraling Wyvern

Re: frustrated with companies that Provide products for the blind

I don't know, 2 and a half years is a long time considering how most items, even mainstream ones, last these days.  The term "They didn't built them as they used to" come to mind as most people do not know the proper ways of handling products and avoiding them from self-destructing:  exampling being the many headphones I've gone through, and two laptops this past 2 years from hardware issues.      As well, your all expecting for these companies main-stream quality products when a.  Everyone tries to actively avoid paying these companies:  See the popularity of NVDA and people cracking Jaws and other paid readers, one source of income gone:  Preferring mainstream items over their products, deleting more income, and then not buying their products as their small group and funding cannot keep up with all the big companies.  As someone posted before:  You can only solve some problems by throwing money at 
 it.  These guys are losing money with us moving on to newer, freer stuff while the remaining group complains and decides to drop supporting, further crippling the company.      But I guess there is no more need for independent accessibility companies.  From people being able to code and make many of the products they sold for cheap, all the stuff that most of the mainstream company include, and the fact we do not want to be separate from the mainstream:  we do not need these companies anymore.  People can argue we do but alas, the only advantages these companies have are slowly vanishing.URL:

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[Audiogames-reflector] Using R Statistical Software with NVDA

2014-04-03 Thread ForumOff-topic room: Spiraling Wyvern

Using R Statistical Software with NVDA

So in our research methods class, we've reach the point where we need to work with data more directly.  Our school stats program seems to hate screen readers with a pashion, but my professor introduced something to me known as R.     I was messing around earlier with it and was working in terminal mode, reading everything and executing commands such as the help menu accessibily.  And I now you can do a lot of things to customize it to do many nique things, such as making an on-line html page the output and make it work with braile displays extremely well.      However, when speaking with my professor to work on something...NVDA nor the braile display would interact with.  First it wouldn't even let me type.  After uninstalling it and reinstalling as I kind of messed with something earlier, it let me type but not read anything.    Sad part is tmy professor downloaded NVDA and R and was able t
 o use it just fine.  The irony.    So does anyone have any idea what is going on and if anyone is well versed with R, some advice?      Also I found this:    Was an interesting read to be honest as I keep defaulting to using excel for stats stuff and would be interested in a full-fledged stats program.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Using R Statistical Software with NVDA

2014-04-10 Thread ForumOff-topic room: Spiraling Wyvern

Re: Using R Statistical Software with NVDA

Well the issue now is that NVDA does not want to interact with the terminal window at all.  None of my commands are going through to the program when NVDA is active.  And again, my professor's copy of NVDA and R is working just fine.  I'm completely lost at this point as NVDA will not autoread output, nor let anything go through into the program.  Anyone know why as it was working fine when I tried it the first time and now I'm just lost.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] new-look 100 dollar bill with features for the visually impaired

2013-10-13 Thread ForumOff-topic room: Spiraling Wyvern

Re: new-look 100 dollar bill with features for the visually impaired

Kind of happy the nearby banks and atms at stores seem to get all their machines from the same company or something as all of them seem to have a headphone jack on them that completely changes the machine from touch screen to button menus using the keyboard and it telling you what did what.  I can easily go in, put my card in, and withdraw what I needed with no problems.  Not sure why they have all this setup as I remember these things not existing when I was sighted, nor was there a blind individual at my town until later (and then after that was me and a few others).     FOr wallets, I tend to fold the bills to the point the creases are feelable on the bill even when straightened out via inserting them in a wallet.  I also implement sudtle bends on some corners that would mark some bills as one type to save on space when I was too lazy to fold the bills the standard way.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Just tried an Iphone, my thoughts

2013-10-21 Thread ForumOff-topic room: Spiraling Wyvern

Re: Just tried an Iphone, my thoughts

Getting an I-phone in November as my current phone plan is about to expire.  That and this phone is having battery malfunction...and the chargerand the port for the charger...and yeah let's get a new phone.  URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] An insulting Message from facebook to All Blind Members

2013-11-01 Thread ForumOff-topic room: Spiraling Wyvern

Re: An insulting Message from facebook to All Blind Members

Going to just say this:  Don't feed the trolls.  It's like don't feed the bears at the zoo, they're fun to watch and observe but once you start feeding them you'll just have problems down the road.  just ignore the nitwit, don't even laugh and reply with something like that, even offering retorts is feeding the troll.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] An insulting Message from facebook to All Blind Members

2013-11-07 Thread ForumOff-topic room: Spiraling Wyvern

Re: An insulting Message from facebook to All Blind Members

Again, don't feed the trolls people.  Just let that comment die and completely ignore the troll.  Especially if it's a bot as responding to the message towards the person is probably what the maker of that bot might want.  Which goes from trollin to an advanced form of cyber bulleying.     Also, because I can't resist:     MODERATION!   @Dark:  You do realize making a spectical of the troll will fuel it with the energy of a thousand suns.  It will become the super troll, and it will take the combined mights of the 5 kingdoms and the order of the 12 mages to take it down.  Don't doom us all with that idea!URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] The Complete Manual of Suicide?

2013-11-08 Thread ForumOff-topic room: Spiraling Wyvern

Re: The Complete Manual of Suicide?

I'm a very religious person but sometimes I have to facepalm at the tone some people take on many issues that to be honest, religion has no right to be in. Though in this case there is a mention on taking your own life  and how bad it is but:  1.  Not everyone follows the Bible as Stated and   2.  If someone already has no faith towards something, trying to ram it it down their throats is kind of bringing back practices of the Dark Ages, where we rather not return to thank you very much.  (Unless there's actually dragons and magic and knights didn't smell, then bring it on).    @Alex:  I see you mentioned the bit about God loving us all but throwing us down to Hell if things were not met.  Your parents can love you, but they cannot do much if you manage to get your sent to death due to a strin gof murders.  It's kind of the same way, there's nothing God can do if you fill your 
 soul with sin to the degree your corrupted/unfit to enter.  And do you really want to enter a heaven with a convicted rapist behind you, and a KKK member in front?    Well at the end of the day, people have their own views on a lot of stuff, whether that can be based off life experience, religion, determination and luck.  If Tomato sees nothing wrong with killing himself and cannot find an alternative, then sadly this is the path he'll choose.  Though replying to him with distain and disgust kind of looks bad for the people using religious reasoning to tell him to stop as it seems you cannot follow your own belief correctly.  (And that God is the true word of law to a person that doesn't believe in it is kind of coming out that way).  Maybe its that love that was missing that may cause this person to end it all (I don't know, he just wanted the manual).     On another note, this ranting is coming rom some
 one who couldn't sleep and maybe dreaming this entire rant up.  It's my point of view and I'm not forcing it upon anyone.  Discuss away...preferably with less demon summoning and curse casting.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] An insulting Message from facebook to All Blind Members

2013-11-08 Thread ForumOff-topic room: Spiraling Wyvern

Re: An insulting Message from facebook to All Blind Members

Errr, Fly, I think we moved away from that general discussion and moved to trolls in general.     @Dark:  Yeah I  generally avoid trying to copy stuff like that, though as you said, it was understood (that and I gave prior warning that it wasn't real).     I actually feel bad with some troll attempts, as someone did mention the possibility of a hacked account with a bot.  There's been instances of that and people lashing out at an unsuspecting person who has no idea way  "Lck my KONtt you B1tc8" on their walls or whatever is used to write on people's profiles with comments these days.  And it's really hard to get out of as many people are hell bent in doing all the wrong things of how to handle a troll.  Not even this could withstand the combined might of just ignoring the comment.URL: http://forum.aud

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] The Complete Manual of Suicide?

2013-11-08 Thread ForumOff-topic room: Spiraling Wyvern

Re: The Complete Manual of Suicide?

...Going to just meep in to say that this person already made him/herself obviously against a religion with one of the outbursts and all the stuff Andy was saying kind of bounce off no matter how much preaching could be done.  "For those who  follow God..."  ...and this person does not so this lin eof thinking and reasoning will have either rno effect, or cause more problems as Dark stated.  I sometimes wonder if most Christians pay attention to what thy say and are actually aware of the llife around them if they can get themselves out of thinking everything can be solved with the grace of God.  Even one of the Saints admitted that there's certain stuff that's governed more by man then God  (I believe Thomas Aquinas was the Saint I was trying to remember).      So establishing that above, we can move onto the issue that we have no idea what Tomato was going through.  All the comforting words in the world 
 won't help if the main problem of this person is ignored/unknown.      Though, it brings up the question f that idea:  Even if one person cares about you...especially if unkown, can it be enough to support a person through this?  The way it looks like, none of us know.  If none of us know, there might be a chance a person considering ending it will have a difficult time believing us.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] The Complete Manual of Suicide?

2013-11-08 Thread ForumOff-topic room: Spiraling Wyvern

Re: The Complete Manual of Suicide?

...Going to just meep in to say that this person already made him/herself obviously against a religion with one of the outbursts and all the stuff Andy was saying kind of bounce off no matter how much preaching could be done.  "For those who  follow God..."  ...and this person does not so this lin eof thinking and reasoning will have either rno effect, or cause more problems as Dark stated.  I sometimes wonder if most Christians pay attention to what thy say and are actually aware of the llife around them if they can get themselves out of thinking everything can be solved with the grace of God.  Even one of the Saints admitted that there's certain stuff that's governed more by man then God  (I believe Thomas Aquinas was the Saint I was trying to remember).      So establishing that above, we can move onto the issue that we have no idea what Tomato was going through.  All the comforting words in the world 
 won't help if the main problem of this person is ignored/unknown.      Though, it brings up the question f that idea:  Even if one person cares about you...especially if unkown, can it be enough to support a person through this?  The way it looks like, none of us know.  If none of us know, there might be a chance a person considering ending it will have a difficult time believing us.URL:

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[Audiogames-reflector] Odd Computer Issue

2013-11-25 Thread ForumOff-topic room: Spiraling Wyvern

Odd Computer Issue

Well, for the past two weeks, I've been dealing with a strange popup thingy that keeps asking to update my media player.  I know this is not an actual update as I already have the latest update and this does not look like an official website.  I've tried sarching with a bunc hof virus scanners, malware scanners, and the like, and ran a junkware tool to get rid of it, which I thought it did as it uninstalled something called roaming mediaplayer.      But again, it has returned, and is causing my computer to get distracted from wher eI am going and sometimes can cause NVDA to stutter and crash.  This is getting highly annoying and I rather not resort to a system restore again just to have it reappear as I tried.  As well, my website addresses are appearing at the very bottom of the screen for some reason, it never did that before.   So, anyone know what's going on and how to fix it?URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Odd Computer Issue

2013-11-26 Thread ForumOff-topic room: Spiraling Wyvern

Re: Odd Computer Issue

Well, I kind of did something what you all suggested.  I noticed that all the popups that were appearing came from better surf and hunted my compute rin the main directories and other lcoations for some suggested programs and folders that I found on-line to delete.    Next, I downloaded an adware removal tool to obliterate more crap.  It...uhh, obliterated more then what I wanted as it got rid of a lot of useless crap I wasn't expecting to go.  Neat however.    Third,  Reset internet explorer and don't let it reload personal settings and delete it all to remove the rest of the adware that's clinging on for life.   Lastly, reset compute rto let reset kick in.     Now, I just need to look for  a way to protect my computer from adware.  malware bytes looks interesting, but I can't find a download that seems to actually activae/has it's download page a bit mo
 re accessible.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Odd Computer Issue

2013-11-26 Thread ForumOff-topic room: Spiraling Wyvern

Re: Odd Computer Issue

Well then, ran adware Cleaner (thanks for that Enes), and received a text file after the reboot with a list of removed programs and the like...   I ttook me 10 minutes to read through the list of removed stuff, even some of the better surf crap that was hidden quite well (not well enough to avoid the cleaner but I somehow missed it).  My computer seems to be running also a bit faster so there's that plus, and minus the startup lag, everything goes pretty fast.    Now aain, to find something to protect my computer...*attempts to download malware bytes again*URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] We're alive - SPOILERS!

2013-12-02 Thread ForumOff-topic room: Spiraling Wyvern

Re: We're alive - SPOILERS!

Arg, I knew I should of wrote my paper before watching the newest episode.  Now I'm just completely bummed out and no longer motivated to write.      Also, mind putting up a spoilers before you guys post what happens.  That kind of ruins the episode for those who have not watched yet but wanted to doublecheck on posts from before.  Though to be honest, you usually would of watched the episode before coming soo...erm...      Well, there is no explaination about Ink's sort of feared/alpha status with most of the LA zombies, but we've already observed a ranking system (crudely) of some  type with the zombies.  Everyone steers clear of the giant ones, the little ones follow Ink, the biters go in as scout/suicide troops, and everyone seems to have their place in the loosely organized masses.  Would it be possible that zombies can sense different things with other zombies.  As if they knew what
  was different with each other just be looking/smelling and work off that.  Ink just looks exetremely weird to someone that does not know better, but we know he's gifted with supernatural speed and dexterity, along with hyperawareness, being able to dodge rifle fire from far away, knowing where the shot comes from and dodging something that fast.  So he's obviously different.  Now, this assumes he was able to pull off these feets when he was first transformed.  (THough considering he can still speak, intellect may have a role in if you are looked at as one of the masses or someone special, a general perhaps).  Ink would probably no be able to speak and think the way he does if he went down to as smart as the average biter, so he probably was able to come out of that van smart and ready.  either those two zombies were just confused, afraid, able to sense what he was in relation to them, or a combination of the above, we don't know.  A
 ll we are sure of is that the virus obviously did not affect him the same way, and we all know zombies have some sort of ranking system in their troops.      Okay, I dribbled on long enough, and probably did not make sense.  Back to trying to stop feelin  horrible about today's episode's ending and finish my paper.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] I'm really missing a notetaker right now (and so are you*)

2013-12-08 Thread ForumOff-topic room: Spiraling Wyvern

Re: I'm really missing a notetaker right now (and so are you*)

It's funny how some people here are not reading what the OP  posted.  He wants those specific set of things onto a device to maintain concentration on certain tasks.  So, no, an Iphone or android won't work because there's a crapton of distractions in the way, braile displays off phones looks funny, so he'd be using headphones, and word processing on those things are annoying as hell.      To be honest, I don't know of many braile notes that would fit your specific requirements.  To be honest, the few braile notes I've tried can lead to a proble with loading 75 interactive iction games to spend all day on.  Hehe.  Though the Braile Sense as someone posted seems to be a really nice braile note, still will have distractions but I can always hire a frien dof mine to hold a gun up to your head and make sure your focused URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] We're alive - SPOILERS!

2013-12-08 Thread ForumOff-topic room: Spiraling Wyvern

Re: We're alive - SPOILERS!

Anyone noticing the zombies are now adopting a strategy of intercepting people from escape paths.  I.E:  those zombies that leaped out at the end of pt3, and that little one that leaped out out and grabbed that zombie from the truck before that.  This shows more of these guys abilities to learn and find more effective ways to hunt down targets, though we knew they were smart anyway.  I'm just wondering who's going to gt surprised/chomped next with this sneak attack tactic.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] An interesting article about Public Education

2014-01-14 Thread ForumOff-topic room: Spiraling Wyvern

Re: An interesting article about Public Education

Something tells me this person may have been a gifted student when in high school.  gifted students end up doing exceptionally well in school...most of the time.  The problem lies that thi sperson was not challenged enough in school and found the assignments useless and boring, even though he or she does not realize that not everyone around him is as smart.  Gifted students are sometimes found to get bored in class, and begin to disrupt it or just skip all together.  This is usually why most schools have programs for gifted students to learn outside of school on trips, to keep them educated and entertain as school is something that will turn useless to them real fast.  And this person sounds like this is what happened to them.  However, I question his mental capability with the way he refered to students with learning challenges as idiots.  And generalized that all disruptive students as stupid.  In my experience, all the disruptive s
 tudents in my class were the most intelligent and experienced students there were.  They  had knowledge in advanced concepts and flew through tests when they decided to take them.  yet, they happily disrupt the class for others to entertain themselves, not caring that these classes actually do have an impact on students.     As well, he lacks any evidence of his findings, and doesn't seem to link to anything.  As well as generalizing way too much, which opens huge flaws in his argument.  My group of "robots" as he would refer to us can easily destroy everything he said and watch as all the things he tries to hide behind either does not exist or can be turned against him (Or her, ack, need to stop assuming people are always male).    I kind of also have a thing against gifted people or those who exhibit this type of attitude to the school system and people they blame that hold back people's education,
  mainly the special needs student.  I had an incident wheee this 12 year old protogy bumped into my older brother who was a monster and began belittling him as he knew my older brother was a special needs student.  His mother was nearby and was about to make a move to shut him up, but I probably did something that would kind of have gotten me arrested.  My older brother has a lot of neurological and emotional illnesses, and can easily get distressed and began crying.  I quickly ran up to the kid before his mother did, raised him up into the air, and most likely scared him to death.  I reminded him that he was probably being the biggest dumbass in this entire room, trying to mess with someone who could easily destroy him and most likely not suffer harsh consequences.  I also remind him that as smart as he was, he's an idiot in the true world, lacking any real skills that would get him through the world as he was one of those students that thought sc
 hool was useless and began to slack off.  I also reminded him that special needs students are not retarded or stupid, they were just not as lucky as this so called gift to the world, who began peaing himself most likely, and needed special ays to let them not feel different, as well as not be discriminized. I lastly told him the reason the school was treating him so well in that gifted program thing was that if it was not for the school's attempt to satisfy his learning, he would be a useless piece of shit, even worse then the one he was yelling at as he would have the ability, just be too fucking lazy.  This ended with me dropping the kid, him turning to his mom and getting the beating of a life time from her.    Again, many people who complain about the school system and the students are really out of touch with what's actually going on.  They ignore many other factors that could be causing difficulties, and over generalizing.  They a
 ssume everyone has the ability to be as smart as  them, and those who are not are who are running the schools and holding everyone else back.  This is wrong, cruel, and makes them look like egotistical ass holes.  honestly, if these people ran the state, they would approve such practices of ewegenics, and be highly prone to being racist and discriminatory. (well basing this on how the author of that article was referring to people)  Again, this is obvious from this writer as they referred to students who disrupt classes as idiots.  Those that should not be allowed to go to school.     My advice, if you have a problem with the school system, strive to try to promote change for the better as honestly there is a lot of improvement that needs to be done.  but don't be like the robots who find life too difficult or too easy and just fall on poking fun at the system everyone else uses.  do something revolutionary, or is that to
 o hard for this person to do.     In short, get a fucking life.  People strive to get one, that is why they use the tools provided by life to achieve these goals.  Fine you honestly did not need to use it, but others do.  Again,