Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Worm, a parahumans web serial

2013-11-17 Thread ForumOff-topic room: bladestorm360

Re: Worm, a parahumans web serial

I may have to check this out once I get done with the Shannara series, it definitely sounds interesting.As to the racist issue, whatever anyone's viewpoint might be, it does not reflect badly on the author. Fiction is just that, fiction. In general, it has nothing to do with anyone's moral code, real world views or anything even remotely involving them. It's based on the characters, not the author. And while I could see an author possibly using some of his or her own views to influence a character's development, it does not make the author an immoral person for having written it. That would be like saying that Terry Goodkind is a terrible person, just because he talks about a child's brain, heart, lungs and testicles being used in a ritual. Does the author condone these actions? Almost certainly not. Does it make the villain seem a lot more evil to do something that sick? absolutely.However, at the end of the day, it's also the choice of
  the reader, whether or not they want to continue with the story. Stating your own opinion is fine, but telling everyone else their opinions are wrong, immoral and misguided is just a baby step away from the prejudice claimed to be so evil.Sorry to resurrect a pretty harsh topic, but I like to put in my two cents on these kinds of things, and it really didn't look like anyone was trying to start a flame war to me.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Worm, a parahumans web serial

2013-11-17 Thread ForumOff-topic room: bladestorm360

Re: Worm, a parahumans web serial

I may have to check this out once I get done with the Shannara series, it definitely sounds interesting, though it certainly has a very strange name.As to the racist issue, whatever anyone's viewpoint might be, it does not reflect badly on the author. Fiction is just that, fiction. In general, it has nothing to do with anyone's moral code, real world views or anything even remotely involving them. It's based on the characters, not the author. And while I could see an author possibly using some of his or her own views to influence a character's development, it does not make the author an immoral person for having written it. That would be like saying that Terry Goodkind is a terrible person, just because he talks about a child's brain, heart, lungs and testicles being used in a ritual. Does the author condone these actions? Almost certainly not. Does it make the villain seem a lot more evil to do something that sick? absolutely.However, at the
  end of the day, it's also the choice of the reader, whether or not they want to continue with the story. Stating your own opinion is fine, but telling everyone else their opinions are wrong, immoral and misguided is just a baby step away from the prejudice claimed to be so evil.Sorry to resurrect a pretty harsh topic, but I like to put in my two cents on these kinds of things, and it really didn't look like anyone was trying to start a flame war to me.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Worm, a parahumans web serial

2013-11-17 Thread ForumOff-topic room: bladestorm360

Re: Worm, a parahumans web serial

I may have to check this out once I get done with the Shannara series, it definitely sounds interesting, though it certainly has a very strange name.As to the racist issue, whatever anyone's viewpoint might be, it does not reflect badly on the author. Fiction is just that, fiction. In general, it has nothing to do with anyone's moral code, real world views or anything even remotely involving them. It's based on the characters, not the author. And while I could see an author possibly using some of his or her own views to influence a character's development, it does not make the author an immoral person for having written it. That would be like saying that Terry Goodkind is a terrible person, just because he talks about a child's brain, heart, lungs and testicles being used in a ritual. Does the author condone these actions? Almost certainly not. Does it make the villain seem a lot more evil to do something that sick? absolutely.However, at the
  end of the day, it's also the choice of the reader, whether or not they want to continue with the story. Stating your own opinion is fine, but telling everyone else their opinions are wrong, immoral and misguided is just a baby step away from the prejudice claimed to be so evil. Talk does not always lead to action either. I tell racist or prejudice jokes all the time because they're funny, including blind jokes about my own disability. But I'm not about to go out and beat a black person to death, or start exterminating mexicans. Some people just take life way, way too seriously...Sorry to resurrect a pretty harsh topic, but I like to put in my two cents on these kinds of things, and it really didn't look like anyone was trying to start a flame war to me.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Worm, a parahumans web serial

2013-11-19 Thread ForumOff-topic room: bladestorm360

Re: Worm, a parahumans web serial

I've noticed that to be the case in a lot of stories though, especially if it's the first one you've published for others to read. From personal experience, it seems to take some time to really start getting things in order and off the ground unless you lay everything out before hand, which I am terrible at.How is the action writing anyway? I assume there's a fair amount of combat since it's a superhero story and there's usually some in those. It seems like some people are just better at writing certain things than others, which is why I was co-opping my story with someone when I was writing.Either way, if nothing else, the concept sounds cool and I've always liked superhero stuff, but it seems like there's a lot of mixed opinions here.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Computer hardware upgrades and tinkering question

2013-11-19 Thread ForumOff-topic room: bladestorm360

Re: Computer hardware upgrades and tinkering question

Don't know if you'd be interested, but there's an entire class on this that Cavi teaches called I T Essentials, that basically teaches you how to build and repair your own computer and learn how to do tech support for other people. It's only 150 dollars for a 20 week course if I remember right, and you can make the payments in 50 dollar incriments each month. You can find more information about the class at:www.cucat.orgURL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Computer hardware upgrades and tinkering question

2013-11-19 Thread ForumOff-topic room: bladestorm360

Re: Computer hardware upgrades and tinkering question

It's definitely possible. I know several blind people who have built entire computer systems from scratch. It's not something I've ever tried because I'm not all that much into technology, but it is one of the things we can do. The thing I've always been curious about is how to tell the different connecters apart and where they go. My dad says that it's a lot of color matching, but there must be something more to it than that if blind people can do it.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Saga of Soul: an enjoyable web serial

2013-11-24 Thread ForumOff-topic room: bladestorm360

Re: Saga of Soul: an enjoyable web serial

So I'm a little confused about how these work. According to wiki, they're a series of scripted videos. So does that mean that what you guys are reading is just the script, and there's videos that you can watch to go along with these web serials? That could be kind of cool actually, reading the script of something and then watching it in video form so you'd know exactly what was going on. I suppose I could just check it out for myself, but that would involve not being lazy.URL:

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[Audiogames-reflector] The Shannara Series by Terry Brooks

2013-11-24 Thread ForumOff-topic room: bladestorm360

The Shannara Series by Terry Brooks

I was just wondering how many people have read these? It's one of the longest series I've found so far by a single author that hasn't gone to ghost writers, and it all ties together really well. I tried them a long while back and never got into them for some reason, but then picked them up again fairly recently and am finding that I really like them. The universe is perfect for me, a blend of science, magic and fantasy that really does justice to the mixed-genre style.For those that have read them, how did you start? The author recommends reading the original Shannara Trilogy first, then going back to fill in some gaps before advancing. But if you read them in chronological order, which is how I'm doing it, they actually start with the Word and the Void series, which is a prequel to the entire series of books. According to the author, you ruin your trip through the Shannara world if you read them that way, but I find that I'm rather enjoying it and 
 haven't lost anything so far. In fact, things seem to make a lot more sense this way.I think these are a really good set of fantasy series, and based on a unique concept that I haven't seen before in any other series. They cross just about every genre and do it well. I highly recommend these to anyone who likes medieval fantasy or mixed genre books.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Saga of Soul: an enjoyable web serial

2013-11-24 Thread ForumOff-topic room: bladestorm360

Re: Saga of Soul: an enjoyable web serial

Sorry for the confusion. I meant the definition of web serial according to wikipedia. It says that a web serial is a series of scripted videos. But I've heard some rather unappealing things about wikipedia as of late, so who knows.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] The Shannara Series by Terry Brooks

2013-11-24 Thread ForumOff-topic room: bladestorm360

Re: The Shannara Series by Terry Brooks

I haven't read any of that series as of yet, not sure it'll be my thing either. I do agree his writing isn't absolutely stellar, nothing compared to the Kingkiller Chronicle or A Song of Ice and Fire, but with the Shannara series at least, the character development seems rather nice so far. Not sure how you compare him to Piers Anthony though, that guy is just strange. His Battle Circle series was kind of interesting though.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] The Shannara Series by Terry Brooks

2013-11-24 Thread ForumOff-topic room: bladestorm360

Re: The Shannara Series by Terry Brooks

[[wow]] dark, what a glowing review of the shannara series, hahaha.Interesting opinions though. I'm not sure why I don't find the writing that bad, especially not after reading some of the other books I have. I do know this though, I pretty much never read anything in audiobook form unless it's graphic audio, and I've even dropped off on that. I prefer to read in text with a Sapi Voice.However, I can tell you this. And this is something that very much impresses me about the series. There will be mild spoilers in the next paragraph, which I don't think Dark will care much about, but anyone else planning on reading the series should stop here.I don't know if he had this all planned out from the start, but the series actually starts in present day Illinois, in the Word and the Void series. I found I was able to relate to some of the characters, and it explains a lot of why there's references to science in the Shannara books, and
  why some of the names aren't exactly typical fantasy, like Par and Flick, and why there are more modern names in the books like Jeff and Morgan. I think it's funny that you compare these books to the Lord of the Rings though, because I've tried reading the Lord of the Rings several times and have stopped every time, whereas I've been stuck into this series for months and am still enjoying it. I must be one of the only fantasy buff that isn't into LOTR. I even tried watching the movie once and fell asleep, lol.I admit the books don't stack up to some of the other fantasy books around, as I said, but I don't quite think they're worth the absolute verbal shredding they were just given either. But I suppose it's all just a matter of opinion, as in all things. BTW after you mensioned that George R R Martin was influenced by Tad Williams, I picked up all of his books I could find and definitely plan to read them at some point in the fut
 ure.Fastfinge, well, I'll give you that, Piers Anthony certainly is strange. I've read a couple of his Xanth books, Battle Circle and I think a couple in the Apprentice Adept series, but can't really get into his work much lately. Battle Circle was probably his most down to earth work, though even it had it's strange points.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] The Shannara Series by Terry Brooks

2013-11-24 Thread ForumOff-topic room: bladestorm360

Re: The Shannara Series by Terry Brooks

[[wow]] dark, what a glowing review of the shannara series, hahaha.Interesting opinions though. I'm not sure why I don't find the writing that bad, especially not after reading some of the other books I have. I do know this though, I pretty much never read anything in audiobook form unless it's graphic audio, and I've even dropped off on that. I prefer to read in text with a Sapi Voice.However, I can tell you this. And this is something that very much impresses me about the series. There will be mild spoilers in the next paragraph, which I don't think Dark will care much about, but anyone else planning on reading the series should stop here.I don't know if he had this all planned out from the start, but the series actually starts in present day Illinois, in the Word and the Void series. I found I was able to relate to some of the characters, and it explains a lot of why there's references to science in the Shannara books, and
  why some of the names aren't exactly typical fantasy, like Par and Flick, and why there are more modern names in the books like Jeff and Morgan. I think it's funny that you compare these books to the Lord of the Rings though, because I've tried reading the Lord of the Rings several times and have stopped every time, whereas I've been stuck into this series for months and am still enjoying it. I must be one of the only fantasy buff that isn't into LOTR. I even tried watching the movie once and fell asleep, lol.I think even the first book has a lot of unique points. For one thing, the main character isn't even a warrior. He travels with a lot of warriors, but he himself doesn't really even know how to use much more than a knife it seems, same with his brother. I also like how even though the main weapon of the series was a sword, and a really well-forged sword at that, it's power wasn't just slinging around magic that could slay the
  warlock lord, but instead just simple truth, which I've certainly never seen anywhere else. The guy writes combat a lot better than I've seen a lot of other authors as well, which is a big sticking point for me.I'm curious where you got blatant sexism though, because there are woman in these books that are just as good at combat, if not better, than the men, and some much more cold-hearted than any of the other characters.I admit the books don't stack up to some of the other fantasy books around, as I said, but I don't quite think they're worth the absolute verbal shredding they were just given either. But I suppose it's all just a matter of opinion, as in all things. BTW after you mensioned that George R R Martin was influenced by Tad Williams, I picked up all of his books I could find and definitely plan to read them at some point in the future.Fastfinge, well, I'll give you that, Piers Anthony certainly is strange. I&#
 039;ve read a couple of his Xanth books, Battle Circle and I think a couple in the Apprentice Adept series, but can't really get into his work much lately. Battle Circle was probably his most down to earth work, though even it had it's strange points.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Saga of Soul: an enjoyable web serial

2013-11-24 Thread ForumOff-topic room: bladestorm360

Re: Saga of Soul: an enjoyable web serial

Yeah, then it sounds to me like a poorly written article on wiki that either hasn't been caught yet, or is one of the supposed opinionated articles written by an editor or staff member that just get rewritten if someone tries to fix them. It does mension that the first use of the web serial term likely originated in 1995 as you said, but I couldn't say how accurate the rest of it is.I have to agree, screen play format isn't very expressive. But then, it's not really meant to be. It's meant to describe what's happening, and it's left up to the actors to make that expressive and emotional. I've been running into the same thing reading Futurama scripts. I keep thinking how some of my favorite scenes wouldn't be nearly as funny, or not funny at all, if I had read them in text first, until I saw the actual episode. But that's hwy I think it could be cool though, because you could read the script, and then watch the video and as a
  blind person, know exactly what was going on.Also, shadow unit is a cool name for a series.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] a question about the demon wars saga

2013-11-24 Thread ForumOff-topic room: bladestorm360

Re: a question about the demon wars saga

Dark, if you didn't like Shannara, I don't think Salvatore would be much your cup of tea either. His books focus extremely heavily on, well, D&D archetypes, though he does introduce some uniqueness like a drow who ends up turning out good, and in the case of demon wars, rangers that ... um, have very little to do with woodcraft and are more like warriors, lol. His books have an extremely heavy focus on combat and the character development is very light to nonexistant, much worse than in the shannara books.Having said that, I did enjoy the Icewind Dale series and all the other books related to Drizzt Du'Urden, and I did like the Demon Wars Saga produced by Graphic Audio, though they could have done a little better casting the actors, I think. I'd recommend starting with the Dark Elf Trilogy if you're going to try anything though. It's kind of cool to see how a person from a supposedly all evil race has to deal with a lot of stereotyping and 
 how he gets by. BTW this isn't really spoiling anything, since it's not like anything happens to make him turn good, he just, is good, and I"m pretty sure it mensions that in the books cinopsis.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] a question about the demon wars saga

2013-11-24 Thread ForumOff-topic room: bladestorm360

Re: a question about the demon wars saga

Dark, if you didn't like Shannara, I don't think Salvatore would be much your cup of tea either. His books focus extremely heavily on, well, D&D archetypes, though he does introduce some uniqueness like a drow who ends up turning out good, and in the case of demon wars, rangers that ... um, have very little to do with woodcraft and are more like warriors, lol. His books have an extremely heavy focus on combat and the character development is very light to nonexistent, much worse than in the shannara books.Having said that, I did enjoy the Icewind Dale series and all the other books related to Drizzt Du'Urden, and I did like the Demon Wars Saga produced by Graphic Audio, though they could have done a little better casting the actors, I think. I'd recommend starting with the Dark Elf Trilogy if you're going to try anything though. It's kind of cool to see how a person from a supposedly all evil race has to deal with a lot of stereotyping and 
 how he gets by. BTW this isn't really spoiling anything, since it's not like anything happens to make him turn good, he just, is good, and I"m pretty sure it mensions that in the books cinopsis.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] The Shannara Series by Terry Brooks

2013-11-24 Thread ForumOff-topic room: bladestorm360

Re: The Shannara Series by Terry Brooks

As I recall, that book was about a weird princess who liked to climb around and was either afraid that people could see up her dress, or liked to show it off, I can't remember. But yeah, that's the kind of oddness you can expect to see in his books. Not necessarily bad in my opinion, just a little too strange for me in most cases. Which is weird because I"m a very strange person.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] The Shannara Series by Terry Brooks

2013-11-25 Thread ForumOff-topic room: bladestorm360

Re: The Shannara Series by Terry Brooks

Yeah, that was my problem too. I tried reading the hobbit and found the writing style to be too childish, though supposedly it was meant as a sort of late children's book anyway. Then I tried the first LOTR book and got about to the same point and just got bored. I can't for the life of me figure out why that's supposed to be the hallmark of medieval fantasy.Dark, yeah, that's basically what I was trying to say. Brooks is OK at combat, though definitely not the best. A lot better than some though. I'm looking at you, Simon R. Green. Gah. It at least seems like brooks puts a little bit of research into writing his combat, or has enough imagination to make it believable rather than just writing a paragraph about someone randomly hacking away with a sword till everyone's dead.I actually have read all the Sword of Truth books up to 12, not sure if there are anymore out. No idea why I forgot about that series since it's one of my favorit
 e fantasy series, though you're absolutely right about one thing. Book 12 just felt like a cheap tack-on to the end of the series to keep fans of the series appeased. He was originally supposed to be done at 11, which would have made sense, since one of the cool points of the series was that there was a new wizards rule revealed every book, and now that can't happen from 12 onward. 12 was decent, but nothing compared to the others, and indeed by comparison I actually have forgotten most of the major details of it.Fastfinge, lol, that almost sounds like some weird spinoff of Flexible Survival. Though of course, if anything were a spinoff, it'd be FS, since Piers Anthony was around long before that game ever existed. But that's what it reminded me of.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] The Complete Manual of Suicide?

2013-11-25 Thread ForumOff-topic room: bladestorm360

Re: The Complete Manual of Suicide?

There's one big assumption about suicide, and that is that it's always because the person is depressed. Some people just want to die, whether just out of curiosity or because the feel like it at the time. I myself am very curious about death. Not enough to take my own life, but definitely enough that I have no fear of it either. Suicide isn't always for those that have nothing left to live for, some people just want to know what's on the other side, the ultimate unknown.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] The Complete Manual of Suicide?

2013-11-27 Thread ForumOff-topic room: bladestorm360

Re: The Complete Manual of Suicide?

Really? There's a branch of philosophy that thinks everyone has a fear of death? As my favorite comedy, Futurama once said, that's a complete and utter load. At least that's what i think it said. Ah well, close  enough.I certainly do not fear death, and it sounds like you don't either. I have contemplated suicide, but for one reason or another, have decided not to do it. Usually because I've decided there's a known living for, rather than an unknown. But one of these days, who knows. 2013 was a pretty weak year for games, if 2014 is any worse...And no I am not joking about that. Not even in the slightest. Call me sick if you want, I don't care.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] We're alive - SPOILERS!

2013-11-27 Thread ForumOff-topic room: bladestorm360

Re: We're alive - SPOILERS!

OK, a couple things to keep in mind here.1. Batteries decay. It's been almost a year since the outbreak. Stagnant batteries, especially larger batteries, go to shit after that long.2. There is nothing to indiciate that the upgrade to ink is natural. Nothing at all. I don't have any idea where you're getting that, but you might as well explain it. Because there's nothing even indicating that he should be the leader of the zombies, unless you suddenly think that tattoos have power. Please, do explain your logic here.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] We're alive - SPOILERS!

2013-11-27 Thread ForumOff-topic room: bladestorm360

Re: We're alive - SPOILERS!

OK, a couple things to keep in mind here.1. Batteries decay. It's been almost a year since the outbreak. Stagnant batteries, especially larger batteries, go to shit after that long.2. There is nothing to indicate that the upgrade to ink is natural. Nothing at all. I don't have any idea where you're getting that, but you might as well explain it. Because there's nothing even indicating that he should be the leader of the zombies, unless you suddenly think that tattoos have power. Please, do explain your logic here.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] We're alive - SPOILERS!

2013-11-27 Thread ForumOff-topic room: bladestorm360

Re: We're alive - SPOILERS!

OK, a couple things to keep in mind here.1. Batteries decay. It's been almost a year since the outbreak. Stagnant batteries, especially larger batteries, go to shit after that long. I would know. I have a ziplock bag of double A and Triple A batteries, and they barely work after this long. A car battery, on a larger scale, would be even worse. Don't assume that just because it's  easy to find batteries now, that it would be to find one a year after no more batteries are being produced.2. There is nothing to indicate that the upgrade to ink is natural. Nothing at all. I don't have any idea where you're getting that, but you might as well explain it. Because there's nothing even indicating that he should be the leader of the zombies, unless you suddenly think that tattoos have power. Please, do explain your logic here.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Rate the Song Above You

2013-11-27 Thread ForumOff-topic room: bladestorm360

Re: Rate the Song Above You

Sorry, but I have to give that song a low personal rating, just because the singer is aweful. I'm going to go with 4 of 10. The instrumentation was good, but it's just not my type of music, and the singer was aweful.Yeah, I'm not very good at unbiased ratings. I don't expect my song to get a better rating, but who knows. I think it's pretty cool, and it's definitely all kinds of crazy. This is a remake of house of the rising sun, by Five Finger Death Punch. Not sure how many of you are into rock, but I'm taking the thread away from video game music a bid. Here you go.

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Rate the Song Above You

2013-11-27 Thread ForumOff-topic room: bladestorm360

Re: Rate the Song Above You

Sorry, but I have to give the song above me a low rating. The singer is absolutely terrible. I'm going to go with 4 of 10. For that reason, I don't expect much of a rating on my song, but I"m going to post it anyway.This is the craziest song I've ever heard. It's a folk song, turned into a rock song by the Animals, turned into a metal song by this band. I hope yall like it. This is, House of the Rising Sun. … %20Sun.mp3URL:
Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] We're alive - SPOILERS!

2013-12-03 Thread ForumOff-topic room: bladestorm360

Re: We're alive - SPOILERS!

He definitely got bitten, and both Glen and the soldier with them are dead. So hopefully they find a zombie cure soon. My question is, why did they bite Datu and then just run off? That made me wonder a bit.Would anyone mind refreshing my memory on exactly what Victor did wrong? I can't remember any major mistakes on his part for some reason, so his conversation with Michael was just confusing. I know CJ booted him and Saul out of the colony, but Michael was acting like he screwed up out in the field. If anyone screwed up, it was Michael for damn near abandoning Puck trying to chase that zombie down.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] We're alive - SPOILERS!

2013-12-04 Thread ForumOff-topic room: bladestorm360

Re: We're alive - SPOILERS!

If there's speculation on whether or not Datu got bitten, how do you explain the ending then? Datu was saying, no, please, no, the zombie grabbed him and started dragging him, then growls and there's this huge, bloody crunch and Datu sounds pained. I'm not sure what else that could have been unless you guys think he hit the zombie with something. I'm 100% sure Datu's going to be a turner, unless he's got the same immunity as Saul and Tonya. I admit I'm not sure how to explain why he suddenly started screaming for no reason though after the bite, just before the zombie ran off though. That was kind of odd.Yeah, I think violinist is right, pretty sure the pump shut down at the end. No idea why they would have had that rigged up to an alarm though, noone from the colony would hear it unless it sends some kind of other warning to the colony.Also, did I miss something here? I thought the soldier was just some nameless guy, where are peop
 le getting Jay from? He sounds like the same actor that plays Robins just using a higher voice to me.Lol, that's funny Kyle. Damn you horrible voice actor, just die already and get out of my awesome podcast!URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] We're alive - SPOILERS!

2013-12-04 Thread ForumOff-topic room: bladestorm360

Re: We're alive - SPOILERS!

If there's speculation on whether or not Datu got bitten, how do you explain the ending then? Datu was saying, no, please, no, the zombie grabbed him and started dragging him, then growls and there's this huge, bloody crunch and Datu sounds pained. I'm not sure what else that could have been unless you guys think he hit the zombie with something. I'm 100% sure Datu's going to be a turner, unless he's got the same immunity as Saul and Tonya. I admit I'm not sure how to explain why he suddenly started screaming for no reason though after the bite, just before the zombie ran off though. That was kind of odd.Yeah, I think violinist is right, pretty sure the pump shut down at the end. No idea why they would have had that rigged up to an alarm though, noone from the colony would hear it unless it sends some kind of other warning to the colony.Also, did I miss something here? I thought the soldier was just some nameless guy, where are peop
 le getting Jay from? He sounds like the same actor that plays Robins just using a higher voice to me.Lol, that's funny Kyle. Damn you horrible voice actor, just die already and get out of my awesome podcast!Edit: Hmm. On further speculation, I just remembered something. There was the part where one of the zombies attacked the other, the one labelled 7 I think it was, that Victor and Tonya saw. That would explain why there was that bloody crunch, and then why Datu started screaming afterwords before a zombie ran off. So maybe I'm wrong about this and he got saved by a zombie. Interesting.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] need windows eyes

2013-07-30 Thread ForumOff-topic room: bladestorm360

Re: need windows eyes

One of my favorite features of NVDA is it's AddOns. I don't know of any other screen reader that has complete plugin functionality like NVDA. And there really are some impressive ones. Within weeks of JFW's OCR feature, NVDA already had an AddOn for it. And of course, the one I use most often, the InstantTranslate AddOn. I'm sure there are others I would find useful, but since NVDA isn't my primary screen reader I haven't really looked into them much yet. I can definitely say I'm very impressed though, especially for a free product.I use Jaws as my primary reader, and I only have two real problems with it, Freedom Scientific support and all that crap aside because I really don't care about or use any of that. I have the Firefox crashing problem, and I have a problem where if I load JFW up after I've loaded a page in Internet Explorer, it crashes about 90% of the time. Oddly enough it doesn't completely close the program, jus
 t causes a webpage error that claims one of the IE addons caused the error, and I can return to the exact page of the website I was on, so *shrug* at that one. Other than that I've had no real problems with Jaws, it works with pretty much all applications I need it to, and even works on my netbook.I tried Window Eyes 6.1 and wasn't that impressed. It worked with far less applications than Jaws, had a cursor navigation system I really didn't like and could only speak at a certain rate for elloquence. I've heard they've fixed a lot of those problems in 7.0 and up, but I haven't tried them and probably never will, since I won't pay for something I don't intend to use.I think I had a demo copy of Hal on my system at one point, but I never really used it, so I have no idea how that one works at all.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] What the fuck? Is wrong with me.

2013-07-31 Thread ForumOff-topic room: bladestorm360

Re: What the fuck? Is wrong with me.

Thetruegamer, I find myself going through a lot of boredom, and often times do not handle it well. I think perhaps I am feeling some of the same apathy as you are in a lot of cases, because even gaming of any kind is starting to lose it's entertainment value. I can say that alcohol does make everything more fun for a while, but I wouldn't recommend that unless you want to lose all control instead of just some and end up like I have in the past. I've been banned from the audyssey list at least once that I can remember, and from here once, as I'm sure everyone knows, for going on drunken rants. I've had a couple other run-ins with people off of forums both sober and drunk and well, it's not really worth it, but at least it's something to do at the time. If anyone does decide to drink, I'd definitely say don't do it while you know you're emotionally unstable, wait until things have at least calmed down somewhat and do it for fun. Just
  remember, you have to take responsibility for everything you do. You can't go shifting the blame to others, and if you do take the alcohol route, you can absolutely not use it as an excuse. If you make the choice to drink, you know what the consequences could be and have to accept them. Also, if you're going to take this route, try to find people to drink socially with and hang out. You're far more likely to get in trouble, even if you think it's fun at the time, if you're just sitting at your computer drinking. At least that's been my experience.I would just like to point out though that I do not advocate underage drinking. So if you're not old enough in your country, don't mess with this stuff until you're old enough and only then, if you actively want to. Even then, don't try to use it as an escape, and don't get addicted to it. As my cousin said, "it's ok to drink, it's ok to drink a lot. It's not
  ok to drink a lot all the time." Use it for fun, and only for fun, and as I said, always accept responsibility for what you do during periods of drunkenness. If you can't handle that, leave it alone. It is not a medication.Having said all that, I would personally not recommend seeing any kind of a psychologist, or taking any permanent mind-altering medications. Many people go those routes, but I would not like having anyone poke around in my head, or having me take drugs where the side effects are both not fun and hoften times, not worth what's being cured.What I would recommend for when you're not drinking, or for if you don't take up alcohol at all, is to find a hobby away from the computer. Something like martial arts, physical labor of some kind, or even just playing music somewhere other than your house. I've started doing volunteer work for the National Park Service around here, and I find that that helps with the boredom a lot and 
 acts as a nice destraction. I've been in your situation before, the only difference being that I was actively rejected, and I know that it can really mess you up for a while. I went through a period before I even started drinking where I was trolling just like you are, and causing some rather nasty problems for people. I'm not proud of those times, but they did teach me a lot and made me who I am today.I'm sure my advice, especially about drinking, will be shot down from multiple angles. I'm also sure that someone will probably tell me that I am self-medicating, haha. I both know and expect this, so it won't surprise me and I won't blow up at anyone for pointing it out, it's all been said before. I personally don't think i'm depressed. I just got married to an awesome girl, I've cut my drinking back pretty hard from where I was 2 years ago, I've even stopped drinking entirely for up to 6 months in some cases. I do often w
 ish I had more to do around here as a hobby, it really sucks that my martial arts class closed down. There are things that I've always wanted to do and as of now, haven't been able to do, and sometimes that can cause me to become a bit unstable. But for the most part these days, I'd say I'm doing pretty well. Thetruegamer, I hope you come out of this phase faster than I did, and that you don't lose as many friends in the process of doing so.I'm actually surprised I've written all this up. I never thought I'd be the type to post something like this publically, but oddly enough, it doesn't really bother me. Hopefully this post gives some useful advice somewhere and isn't just taken as an annoying drunk advocating drinking and getting into trouble, haha. Drinking can be very enjoyable, but it does come with consequences sometimes and I will say it again, should not be used as an escape or a medication. So on that note, I hope eve
 ryone enjoys their day, and for those of you that do drink, enjoy one for me next time you're in the cups.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] What the fuck? Is wrong with me.

2013-07-31 Thread ForumOff-topic room: bladestorm360

Re: What the fuck? Is wrong with me.

Thetruegamer, I find myself going through a lot of boredom, and often times in the past I have not handled it well. I think perhaps I am feeling some of the same apathy as you are in a lot of cases, because even gaming of any kind is starting to lose it's entertainment value. I can say that alcohol does make everything more fun for a while, but I wouldn't recommend that unless you want to lose all control instead of just some and end up like I have in the past. I've been banned from the audyssey list at least once that I can remember, and from here once, as I'm sure everyone knows, for going on drunken rants. I've had a couple other run-ins with people off of forums both sober and drunk and well, it's not really worth it, but at least it's something to do at the time. If anyone does decide to drink, I'd definitely say don't do it while you know you're emotionally unstable, wait until things have at least calmed down somewhat and do
  it for fun. Just remember, you have to take responsibility for everything you do. You can't go shifting the blame to others, and if you do take the alcohol route, you can absolutely not use it as an excuse. If you make the choice to drink, you know what the consequences could be and have to accept them. Also, if you're going to take this route, try to find people to drink socially with and hang out. You're far more likely to get in trouble, even if you think it's fun at the time, if you're just sitting at your computer drinking. At least that's been my experience.I would just like to point out though that I do not advocate underage drinking. So if you're not old enough in your country, don't mess with this stuff until you're old enough and only then, if you actively want to. Even then, don't try to use it as an escape, and don't get addicted to it. As my cousin said, "it's ok to drink, it's ok to drink a l
 ot. It's not ok to drink a lot all the time." Use it for fun, and only for fun, and as I said, always accept responsibility for what you do during periods of drunkenness. If you can't handle that, leave it alone. It is not a medication.Having said all that, I would personally not recommend seeing any kind of a psychologist, or taking any permanent mind-altering medications. Many people go those routes, but I would not like having anyone poke around in my head, or having me take drugs where the side effects are both not fun and hoften times, not worth what's being cured.What I would recommend for when you're not drinking, or for if you don't take up alcohol at all, is to find a hobby away from the computer. Something like martial arts, physical labor of some kind, or even just playing music somewhere other than your house. I've started doing volunteer work for the National Park Service around here, and I find that that helps with the b
 oredom a lot and acts as a nice destraction. I've been in your situation before, the only difference being that I was actively rejected, and I know that it can really mess you up for a while. I went through a period before I even started drinking where I was trolling just like you are, and causing some rather nasty problems for people. I'm not proud of those times, but they did teach me a lot and made me who I am today.I'm sure my advice, especially about drinking, will be shot down from multiple angles. I'm also sure that someone will probably tell me that I am self-medicating, haha. I both know and expect this, so it won't surprise me and I won't blow up at anyone for pointing it out, it's all been said before. I personally don't think i'm depressed. I just got married to an awesome girl, I've cut my drinking back pretty hard from where I was 2 years ago, I've even stopped drinking entirely for up to 6 months in some ca
 ses. I do often wish I had more to do around here as a hobby, it really sucks that my martial arts class closed down. There are things that I've always wanted to do and as of now, haven't been able to do, and sometimes that can cause me to become a bit unstable. But for the most part these days, I'd say I'm doing pretty well. Thetruegamer, I hope you come out of this phase faster than I did, and that you don't lose as many friends in the process of doing so.I'm actually surprised I've written all this up. I never thought I'd be the type to post something like this publically, but oddly enough, it doesn't really bother me. Hopefully this post gives some useful advice somewhere and isn't just taken as an annoying drunk advocating drinking and getting into trouble, haha. Drinking can be very enjoyable, but it does come with consequences sometimes and I will say it again, should not be used as an escape or a medication. So on that
  note, I hope everyone enjoys their day, and for those of you that do drink, enjoy one for me next time you're in the cups.URL:

Audiogames-reflector ma

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] What the fuck? Is wrong with me.

2013-07-31 Thread ForumOff-topic room: bladestorm360

Re: What the fuck? Is wrong with me.

Thetruegamer, I find myself going through a lot of boredom, and often times in the past I have not handled it well. I think perhaps I am feeling some of the same apathy as you are in a lot of cases, because even gaming of any kind is starting to lose it's entertainment value. I can say that alcohol does make everything more fun for a while, but I wouldn't recommend that unless you want to lose all control instead of just some and end up like I have in the past. I've been banned from the audyssey list at least once that I can remember, and from here once, as I'm sure everyone knows, for going on drunken rants. I've had a couple other run-ins with people off of forums both sober and drunk and well, it's not really worth it, but at least it's something to do at the time. If anyone does decide to drink, I'd definitely say don't do it while you know you're emotionally unstable, wait until things have at least calmed down somewhat and do
  it for fun. Just remember, you have to take responsibility for everything you do. You can't go shifting the blame to others, and if you do take the alcohol route, you can absolutely not use it as an excuse. If you make the choice to drink, you know what the consequences could be and have to accept them. Also, if you're going to take this route, try to find people to drink socially with and hang out. You're far more likely to get in trouble, even if you think it's fun at the time, if you're just sitting at your computer drinking. At least that's been my experience. Social drinking is much more fun and most of the time, is a lot more worth doing.I would just like to point out though that I do not advocate underage drinking. So if you're not old enough in your country, don't mess with this stuff until you're old enough and only then, if you actively want to. Even then, don't try to use it as an escape, and don't get addicte
 d to it. As my cousin said, "it's ok to drink, it's ok to drink a lot. It's not ok to drink a lot all the time." Use it for fun, and only for fun, and as I said, always accept responsibility for what you do during periods of drunkenness. If you can't handle that, leave it alone. It is not a medication.Having said all that, I would personally not recommend seeing any kind of a psychologist, or taking any permanent mind-altering medications. Many people go those routes, but I would not like having anyone poke around in my head, or having me take drugs where the side effects are both not fun and hoften times, not worth what's being cured.What I would recommend for when you're not drinking, or for if you don't take up alcohol at all, is to find a hobby away from the computer. Something like martial arts, physical labor of some kind, or even just playing music somewhere other than your house. I've started doing volunteer wor
 k for the National Park Service around here, and I find that that helps with the boredom a lot and acts as a nice destraction. I've been in your situation before, the only difference being that I was actively rejected, and I know that it can really mess you up for a while. I went through a period before I even started drinking where I was trolling just like you are, and causing some rather nasty problems for people. I'm not proud of those times, but they did teach me a lot and made me who I am today.I'm sure my advice, especially about drinking, will be shot down from multiple angles. I'm also sure that someone will probably tell me that I am self-medicating, haha. I both know and expect this, so it won't surprise me and I won't blow up at anyone for pointing it out, it's all been said before. I personally don't think i'm depressed. I just got married to an awesome girl, I've cut my drinking back pretty hard from where I was 2
  years ago, I've even stopped drinking entirely for up to 6 months in some cases. I do often wish I had more to do around here as a hobby, it really sucks that my martial arts class closed down. There are things that I've always wanted to do and as of now, haven't been able to do, and sometimes that can cause me to become a bit unstable. But for the most part these days, I'd say I'm doing pretty well. Thetruegamer, I hope you come out of this phase faster than I did, and that you don't lose as many friends in the process of doing so.I'm actually surprised I've written all this up. I never thought I'd be the type to post something like this publically, but oddly enough, it doesn't really bother me. Hopefully this post gives some useful advice somewhere and isn't just taken as an annoying drunk advocating drinking and getting into trouble, haha. Drinking can be very enjoyable, but it does come with consequences sometimes an
 d I will say it again, should not be used as an escape or a medication. So on that note, I hope everyone enjoys their day, and for those of you that do drink, enjoy one for me next time you're in the cups.URL:

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] What the fuck? Is wrong with me.

2013-07-31 Thread ForumOff-topic room: bladestorm360

Re: What the fuck? Is wrong with me.

Thetruegamer, I find myself going through a lot of boredom, and often times in the past I have not handled it well. I think perhaps I am feeling some of the same apathy as you are in a lot of cases, because even gaming of any kind is starting to lose it's entertainment value in some cases. I can say that alcohol does make everything more fun for a while, but I wouldn't recommend that unless you want to lose all control instead of just some and end up like I have in the past. I've been banned from the audyssey list at least once that I can remember, and from here once, as I'm sure everyone knows, for going on drunken rants. I've had a couple other run-ins with people off of forums both sober and drunk and well, it wasn't really worth it at the time, but at least it was something to do. If anyone does decide to drink, I'd definitely say don't do it while you know you're emotionally unstable, wait until things have at least calmed down som
 ewhat and do it for fun. The part that wasn't worth it all about the drinking was when I was actually using it as an escape sometimes. Always remember though, you have to take responsibility for everything you do. You can't go shifting the blame to others, and if you do take the alcohol route, you can absolutely not use it as an excuse. If you make the choice to drink, you know what the consequences could be and have to accept them. Also, if you're going to take this route, try to find people to drink socially with and hang out. You're far more likely to get in trouble, even if you think it's fun at the time, if you're just sitting at your computer drinking. At least that's been my experience. Social drinking is much more fun and most of the time, is a lot more worth doing.I would just like to point out though that I do not advocate underage drinking. So if you're not old enough in your country, don't mess with this stuff un
 til you're old enough and only then, if you actively want to. Even then, don't try to use it as an escape, and don't get addicted to it. As my cousin said, "it's ok to drink, it's ok to drink a lot. It's not ok to drink a lot all the time." Use it for fun, and only for fun, and as I said, always accept responsibility for what you do during periods of drunkenness. If you can't handle that, leave it alone. It is not a medication.Having said all that, I would personally not recommend seeing any kind of a psychologist, or taking any permanent mind-altering medications. Many people go those routes, but I would not like having anyone poke around in my head, or having me take drugs where the side effects are both not fun and hoften times, not worth what's being cured.What I would recommend for when you're not drinking, or for if you don't take up alcohol at all, is to find a hobby away from the computer. Something li
 ke martial arts, physical labor of some kind, or even just playing music somewhere other than your house. I've started doing volunteer work for the National Park Service around here, and I find that that helps with the boredom a lot and acts as a nice destraction. I've been in your situation before, the only difference being that I was actively rejected, and I know that it can really mess you up for a while. I went through a period before I even started drinking where I was trolling just like you are, and causing some rather nasty problems for people. I'm not proud of those times, but they did teach me a lot and made me who I am today.I'm sure my advice, especially about drinking, will be shot down from multiple angles. I'm also sure that someone will probably tell me that I am self-medicating, haha. I both know and expect this, so it won't surprise me and I won't blow up at anyone for pointing it out, it's all been said before. I perso
 nally don't think i'm depressed. I just got married to an awesome girl, I've cut my drinking back pretty hard from where I was 2 years ago, I've even stopped drinking entirely for up to 6 months in some cases. I do often wish I had more to do around here as a hobby, it really sucks that my martial arts class closed down. There are things that I've always wanted to do and as of now, haven't been able to do, and sometimes that can cause me to become a bit unstable. But for the most part these days, I'd say I'm doing pretty well. Thetruegamer, I hope you come out of this phase faster than I did, and that you don't lose as many friends in the process of doing so.I'm actually surprised I've written all this up. I never thought I'd be the type to post something like this publically, but oddly enough, it doesn't really bother me. Hopefully this post gives some useful advice somewhere and isn't just taken as an ann
 oying drunk advocating drinking and getting into trouble, haha. Drinking can be very enjoyable, but it does come with consequences sometimes and I will say it again, should not be used as an escape or a medication. I also realize that the tone of this message kind of 

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] What the fuck? Is wrong with me.

2013-08-01 Thread ForumOff-topic room: bladestorm360

Re: What the fuck? Is wrong with me.

Alcohol is definitely a mind altering drug, and a strong one at that, which is why a lot of people use it as an escape method for things like this. But there are definitely stronger prescription drugs out there, drugs that will change your entire personality. Can't point to any sources here without compromising anyone elses personal information, but I wouldn't go for any of that.As for councelling, I have been to one, sort of. Back in 2009 when I was basically drinking a half gallon of vodka every day, my mom all but forced me to go see a guidance councellor. It was kind of funny, because he isn't really supposed to do that sort of thing, he was actually the guidance councellor for the middle school where she works. He recommended I get professional councelling, and so did Vocrehab when they saw the results of my Psyche Evaluation. But given how both of those sessions went, I never have, and never will. A lot of councelling referals come into play when you do
 n't fit into the happy little box that someone tries to put you in. Oh, well, you're blind. You must love being isolated most of the time and doing only this little list of activities. Whaat? You like martial arts, physical labor, socializing and ... *gasp* ... drinking? And you're usually bored because you can't do some of those things around here? Oh my god, you need councelling now!It gets especially bad when you tell someone you aren't interested in a full time job just for the purposes of making money. If I'm going to find a job, it's going to be something I absolutely want to do, or I'm not interested, hence why I started doing volunteer work. And yeah CAE, heh, I hate it when people whip out the suicide card. Back when I was in college, they thought I was suicidal because I was actually at that point, going through a phase where I wanted to be introverted and just play on my computer all day. so I wasn't intereste
 d much in socializing at that point, was spending most of my time in my dorm room eating pizza, and playing computer games. Oh, and sleeping all day. So that somehow makes me suicidal. *shrug.* I think there are just some goofy things we end up having to deal with as a blind person, and you can either let them get you down, or roll with them and laugh.BTW, I definitely agree with the Dresden Files and Iron Druid recommendations. Also, Codex Alera by Jim Butcher is awesome as well, and A Song of Ice and Fire is easily the best fantasy series to date, in my opinion. That one is for hardcore readers though because many people find it hard to keep up with.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] What the fuck? Is wrong with me.

2013-08-01 Thread ForumOff-topic room: bladestorm360

Re: What the fuck? Is wrong with me.

Alcohol is definitely a mind altering drug, and a strong one at that, which is why a lot of people use it as an escape method for things like this. But there are definitely stronger prescription drugs out there, drugs that will change your entire personality. Can't point to any sources here without compromising anyone elses personal information, but I wouldn't go for any of that.By the way Dark, on the alcohol front, yes it is definitely your responsibility to make sure you're in a stable state before you start drinking, but I can say from experience that some people just don't care if they are or not. I've had days where the boredom has gotten so bad I didn't care what I did or who I ended up hurting, as long as it was entertaining at the time. I have always taken responsibility for my actions afterwords and never tried to use alcohol as an excuse though, if that's worth anything.As for councelling, I have been to one, sort of. Bac
 k in 2009 when I was basically drinking a half gallon of vodka every day, my mom all but forced me to go see a guidance councellor. It was kind of funny, because he isn't really supposed to do that sort of thing, he was actually the guidance councellor for the middle school where she works. He recommended I get professional councelling, and so did Vocrehab when they saw the results of my Psyche Evaluation. But given how both of those sessions went, I never have, and never will. A lot of councelling referals come into play when you don't fit into the happy little box that someone tries to put you in. Oh, well, you're blind. You must love being isolated most of the time and doing only this little list of activities. Whaat? You like martial arts, physical labor, socializing and ... *gasp* ... drinking? And you're usually bored because you can't do some of those things around here? Oh my god, you need councelling now!It gets especially bad when
  you tell someone you aren't interested in a full time job just for the purposes of making money. If I'm going to find a job, it's going to be something I absolutely want to do, or I'm not interested, hence why I started doing volunteer work. And yeah CAE, heh, I hate it when people whip out the suicide card. Back when I was in college, they thought I was suicidal because I was actually at that point, going through a phase where I wanted to be introverted and just play on my computer all day. so I wasn't interested much in socializing at that point, was spending most of my time in my dorm room eating pizza, and playing computer games. Oh, and sleeping all day. So that somehow makes me suicidal. *shrug.* I think there are just some goofy things we end up having to deal with as a blind person, and you can either let them get you down, or roll with them and laugh.BTW, I definitely agree with the Dresden Files and Iron Druid recommendations. Also, Codex A
 lera by Jim Butcher is awesome as well, and A Song of Ice and Fire is easily the best fantasy series to date, in my opinion. That one is for hardcore readers though because many people find it hard to keep up with.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] What the fuck? Is wrong with me.

2013-08-01 Thread ForumOff-topic room: bladestorm360

Re: What the fuck? Is wrong with me.

Honestly Tward, I don't care how fair or unfair I'm being towards a given profession. If I don't want someone poking around in my head, regardless of how good or bad they are, it's just not going to happen. And that's pretty much the end of that story.Dark, I actually think that's a pretty valid point about the difference between boredom and apathy. That being the case, I'd say I have apathy towards a lot of things, and just get bored with others. For example, doing something productive just for the sake of doing it when I'm feeling bored, does not work for me. I'm lazy at the best of times, and when I get bored, doing chores sounds like about as much fun as pulling out my pubic hair with a pair of needle nosed pliers. Sometimes I'll go back to older games I've played, or go find someone to hang out with since pretty much everything there is to do in this town is within walking distance. But these days I mostly just sit
  around, get drunk on the weekends, do my volunteer work and wait for the next playable game to come out. That's just the phase of life I'm in at the moment, and while I may not be absolutely thrilled about it, that's how it goes.As for writing poetry, I think that's actually more of a personalized thing. While I do enjoy writing now and again, my forte lies in combat scenes and descriptions of characters and scennarios. I usually don't have the patience for it, but now and again the urge takes me. So I'd broaden it a little more and say writing can help.As for the Dresden Files, how many have you read? The books all link together in a single, ongoing plot, and the character development really starts to pick up in the later books, especially as crazier and crazier things start happening. I'd rate it far, far above Harry Potter, I always call it Harry Potter for real men, haha. Yes, I know someone is going to smack me for that. But I e
 specially like how it's written in a first person view and you really get a look at the characters thoughts and personal ideals. It's another one I'm waiting for the next book to come out.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] What the fuck? Is wrong with me.

2013-08-01 Thread ForumOff-topic room: bladestorm360

Re: What the fuck? Is wrong with me.

Well, I do the bare minimum to keep our house looking nice. I live with just my wife and our 3 cats, so we kind of split the workload. As for keeping the place tidy, well, I just do that naturally. If I take something, I always put it back in the same place, and I'm just in general not a messy person, so there's nothing to clean up. I rarely lose anything, so I must be doing something right, haha.You want to see a book where the character is invinsible, try the Mack Bolan series. Or the Deathlands series. Or Outlanders. Haha. Those authors don't even try to have their characters get hurt, they're just complete bad asses that take names no matter how bad the situation is, and never really lose. For example, in Deathlands, and I can't remember which book it is, the main character, Ryan Cawdor, has his one remaining eye blinded by the muzzle flash of a gun, and is blind for pretty much the entire book. Yet the climax of the book involved him basically 
 getting bored, wandering off to go for a walk because he felt confined despite having no idea where he was going or how to navigate as a blind person, and somehow stumbling into the den of a gigantic mutant aligator. He then proceeded to, completely blind, kick this thing's ass without getting anything bitten off or even injured, with just his bare hands and the wooden stick he was using for navigation. Lol. You want to see unrealistically invinsible, there you go. At least Butcher tries to have his characters get hurt, injured or even lose some of their power at certain points, which makes things slightly more believable in my opinion. Having never read anything by Robert Jordan I can't speak for the trait that was apparently picked up though. I will say this though, one thing I absolutely love about the Ice and Fire series, is that noone, and I do mean noone, is invinsible. You can just be going along, thinking your favorite main character is safe, and bam, next thing yo
 u know, he's decorating some lord's castle somewhere, haha. That gives the world a harsh, gritty  feel that I don't think any other writer I've ever read has captured, simply because they get too attached to their characters or they're worried about the reader getting too attached.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Discrimination in a theme park

2013-08-02 Thread ForumOff-topic room: bladestorm360

Re: Discrimination in a theme park

great America. That's a laugh.Anyway, I had an experience similar to this where the park manager himself tried to refuse me the right to go down a water slide. All it really takes, most of the time, is standing up to these people. I was walking with my brother, and the manager walks out and goes, "Is he blind?" My brother said yes of course, and the manager said, "Well then, he isn't going on this ride."Well, I spoke up at that point and took the conversation over. I asked him why I couldn't go on the ride, and he said that it was too dangerous. I made a couple of arguments, but ironically, the one that worked was, well, I went on it yestereday, and I did just fine. Lol he kind of freaked out at that point, but all he asked me was, does your dad know you're going on this ride? I said yes, and he backed off. I twas prety awesome, and one of the few times I've had to stand up for my disability. I rather enjoyed that.U

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Discrimination in a theme park

2013-08-05 Thread ForumOff-topic room: bladestorm360

Re: Discrimination in a theme park

Yeah, the guy was at least honest with me, even if he didn't start out talking to me, but instead to my brother, lol. Once I stepped in though he didn't try to make some stupid excuse or tell me about a website or anything. I was trying to go on a water slide that had a lot of turns, and he was afraid that since I couldn't see where the turns were, that I couldn't prepare for them and I'd smack my head, and then my dad would sue his park. I'm not sure how things would have turned out if I hadn't been on the slide the day before, but I can tell you this. The same guy was watching the slide that day, and when I told the manager I was on it yesterday, my brother said he gave the ride operator something resembling the glare of death, haha.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Sound fonts?

2013-08-05 Thread ForumOff-topic room: bladestorm360

Re: Sound fonts?

I'm interested in finding some high quality sound fonts. I have a software synthesizer called CoolSoft Midi Synth that lets me add any sound font I can find into it's sound font chain. I've found some sort of decent ones, but I've heard much higher quality samples from mp3 conversions of other people's midis. A lot of the japanese games I play use midi for their music, and I've heard some of them converted into mp3 using a really high quality SF, they sound awesome. I'd like to hear more, so if anyone knows where I can find some awesome quality sound fonts, I'd appreciate the information.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Meanings of your usernames?

2014-02-19 Thread ForumOff-topic room: bladestorm360

Re: Meanings of your usernames?

KG4RDF, I was actually wondering if you were into ham radio when I first saw your name. I have a friend who's into Ham as well, and I forgot his callsign, so I was wondering if you were him, but then I saw your location and definitely not, lol.Dark, I would very likely read that novel if you wrote it. It's got a lot of things I like. Assassin, knives, post apocalyptic, yeah, what's not to like?As for my username, I don't really know where it came from, same as most of the other crap I've made up. Usually I just decided it sounded cool and so I started using it as a user name. In this case, blade and storm just seemed to go well together, and I went through a trend where all my friends were using names and numbers so I decided to as well. These days I tend to avoid the numbers thing wherever possible because I prefer to be a little more unique and not just follow what everyone else is doing, but instead of just changing to bladestorm, the name
  just doesn't seem complete without the 360 anymore so I still use it. The number also doesn't have any major significance other than that it can signify a full circle around you or a complete turn, so bladestorm360 could mean a 360 degree storm of blades. But I never really put that much thought into it. And bladestorm1961 or bladestorm53 just doesn't quite have the same ring to it.URL:

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