Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Girls at school harder 2 get than ones Outside of School?

2014-01-27 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: BryanP

Re: Girls at school harder 2 get than ones Outside of School?

I've been attracted to far more sighted women than blind ones, though I'lladmit that may have ad more to do wit the attitudes of the various blind womenI've attempted to date than with the fact of their blindness itself. Of the two blind women I know in my local area oneis a few years younger than me and believes she's entitled to everything based onher blindness and seems constantly annoyed by the fact that I don't hold a similar belief and will therefore not attempt to take, say a business owner to court unless absolutely necessary. THe other woman is fifteen or so years my senior, which in itself isn't a problem. But she seems to think nothing at all is worthwhile. I'll freely admit to being a synic with little or no respect for the government or voc rehab agencies for the blind, but evenI thought she was unnecessarily heavy-handed in her criticism. Needless to say neither of those two friendships lasted long simply because we had nothing to b
 uild on. Of course it goes without saying that neither of them wouldhave been a good romantic partner even if either of them had ever been interested in me in that way which I doubt.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Girls at school harder 2 get than ones Outside of School?

2014-01-25 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: bashue

Re: Girls at school harder 2 get than ones Outside of School?

Greetings themadviolinist.Ah my apologies for the misunderstanding. I thought it was about sensory deprivation which gives one a temporary but fun experience when in a relationship with someone you trust. In this new light, I looked up the term but I must admit I have no understanding of such a 'fetish'?. I myself have been attracted to both blind and sighted alike; even to those who're def and are in wheelchairs. I see the disability as simply part of a person's life but I've only experienced a sexual attraction to those people not because they were disabled but in that sensory deprivation state that is temporary and I'd be in a relationship with someone I trust. Sure the disabilities are permanent but it isn't the be all and end all; it does interest me academicly in that the blind favors audio games; the motor impaired would favor speech recognission etc.My apologies once again for I have no emotional understanding of this partic
 ular fetish.Kind regards, Amin Abdullah.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Girls at school harder 2 get than ones Outside of School?

2014-01-24 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: themadviolinist

Re: Girls at school harder 2 get than ones Outside of School?

Amin, there is a distinction between sensory deprivation, which can be kinky and fun, and a full-on obsession about the disability itself rather than the person who carries it, which may float someone else's boat, but leaves me about as turned on as a wet noodle.  I have had partners who wanted to engage in the former to gain an understanding of my experiences.  While of course it didn't convey my actual perspective, it was fun and definitely allows for kinds of play that, given a trusting relationship and a trustworthy partner are extremely enjoyable as a spice.  I'm not talking about that when I speak of devotees.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Girls at school harder 2 get than ones Outside of School?

2014-01-23 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: bashue

Re: Girls at school harder 2 get than ones Outside of School?

Greetings all.Okay let me attempt to make the devotee issue less creepy. When roleplaying with blindfolds, the loss of one of your senses heightens the others making you hiper aware of your surroundings and in particular the person or people near you. It also adds a 'forbidden' quolity to the roleplay enhancing the experience further. As for those like me who perminantly cannot see, such activities are also perminantly heightened because my other senses are compensating for the loss of my sight. It isn't so much that I have a disability that would turn people on but rather that in such situations, I cannot see what's going on giving the other a sense of for want of a better word 'naughtyness'. Of course, everything in moderation or else it could turn into an obsession and obsessions are creepy.Kind regards, Amin Abdullah.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Girls at school harder 2 get than ones Outside of School?

2014-01-23 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: thetruegamer

Re: Girls at school harder 2 get than ones Outside of School?

I have a neutral relationship with Girls. We will talk, and we will .. um ... well "Hang out"I don't care about most of them, as far as "love" is concerned.And for those I do care about, I am too shy and I have a negative perspective of my chances to get a girl.That's rather interesting, considering that's it's only recently I've started to feel again. As I said Before, things last year kicked something up in me again. When I first entered my teens, I was a weird and creepy, and mean guy. I didn't really care if I fit in or not, so I did what best suited me, and well ... there are a lot of things to say.Of course when you're like that, Girls tend to stay away, however, I wanted them so badly.So my arrogant self, this'll be easy, I thought. All horney girls out there just waiting to 
 through themselves on top of me. So, I tried to hit up a few Girls from what I've seen in Movies. It Went ... not so well ... Then, I died, but was reborn again with new hope, and new surroundings, and no one there to judge me from the passed --- well one of them but we get along nice, and people change.But I just know that, well, why me? "blindness" is such a bad tag on you, and I agree, if someone would get "turned on" by that it'd be a bit creepy.Well I am waiting for a special feeling, where I feel "this is it", but ... I'm trying to get some currage to ask this girl if she wants to work more on the school Project we're doing together, outside of school. But ... ahh well. Having one there would make my Life feel meaningful again, til I just can't take no more and I commit suicide and higher a hitman to 
 kill her ... isn't that how every relationship ends? URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Girls at school harder 2 get than ones Outside of School?

2014-01-22 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: Ethin

Re: Girls at school harder 2 get than ones Outside of School?

Hi,I've gotten a few girls to date me, but I never forced them. I wasn't mean or rude; I was happy and funny. I'm not sure, but at my school, girls love me. I am not saying that any school is bad, its just odd. When I'm around girls, the mood changes. Its quite weird. I hope to figure out why.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Girls at school harder 2 get than ones Outside of School?

2014-01-22 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: BryanP

Re: Girls at school harder 2 get than ones Outside of School?

LOL I bet. I don't expect a girl to find my blindness sexy. In fact that creeps me out just a bit LOL.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Girls at school harder 2 get than ones Outside of School?

2014-01-22 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: themadviolinist

Re: Girls at school harder 2 get than ones Outside of School?

Aw Goddess wept, *never* lead with the disability.  That's saying that the most important thing about you is that you can't see.  There is a species of girl/woman who will get off on that.  The extreme version of this is called being a devotee.  Go ahead and look that up and be creeped out by it if you like, but the short version is people who find disability sexually arousing in and of itself.  I dated a devotee once, though I did not know it at the time; it ended poorly.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Girls at school harder 2 get than ones Outside of School?

2014-01-22 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: BryanP

Re: Girls at school harder 2 get than ones Outside of School?

Not necessarily. A lot of girls aren't open to being educated. Womenthese days want guys with a nice car and a good paying job and will often rule out a guy for lacking even just one of those. That automatically rules out most of us blind folks. True I have had a few sighted girlfriends but they weren't withme because they wanted to be with me so much as they wanted to get out of their other situations and saw me as the most convenient way to get there.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Girls at school harder 2 get than ones Outside of School?

2014-01-22 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: Ethin

Re: Girls at school harder 2 get than ones Outside of School?

Hi ultradude306.Indeed, girls are hard to get in high school. As Thomas said, there in for clothes, dating the most popular boys, etc. However, if you explain your disability to the girl you know, you might get that girl. If you open the dialog, you can initiate the conversation on how your disability works.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Girls at school harder 2 get than ones Outside of School?

2014-01-21 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: BryanP

Re: Girls at school harder 2 get than ones Outside of School?

That's definitely true, if you can afford the cost of the dorm. I certainly couldn't and financial aid didn't pay for all of it. So I only stayed there two terms.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Girls at school harder 2 get than ones Outside of School?

2014-01-21 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: tward

Re: Girls at school harder 2 get than ones Outside of School?

Themadviolinist, living on campus is way different than living off of campus. The main difference is there are a lot more ways to socially interact with other college students living in the dorms. There are the public lounges where you can sit and hang out, watch T.V. together, or start up a card game or something with other students in the public lounge. There are usually social groups to join such as clubs where you and others can go and hang out and play games or do things together that you like. I also remember there were occasionally dances and other activities going on too that helped break the ice. Basically, like I said lots of opportunities to meet other people that doesn't generally happen if you live off campus in an apartment.For example, one of my male friends I met in a public men's room in my dorm. I happened to be in their the same time he was. I was washing my hands at the sink and struck up a casual conversation with him.  Before I knew it w
 e spent 15 minutes talking, and he invited me over to his room that afternoon. That's just an example of how easy it is to meet people in college, and how living on campus does offer opportunities to meet friends without trying too hard.When it came to girls again that was pretty simple. Since most dorms now days are coed all I had to do was walk next door to one of the girls' rooms, knock on the door and introduce myself. Sometimes the conversations went somewhere, and sometimes the girl was purely uninterested in me. Either way, finding female friends and girlfriends were usually easier than in high school because they often were right across the hall in my dorm or standing around sitting on benches outside my dorm where I could strike up a friendly conversation and see if it went somewhere.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Girls at school harder 2 get than ones Outside of School?

2014-01-21 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: BryanP

Re: Girls at school harder 2 get than ones Outside of School?

It's for the best. I have no time for people with no sense of humor, nor do I need someone constantly telling me I'm going to hell for enoying sex or reading Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings. It's probably a good thing we never sat down to watch Monty Python and the Holy Grail or Monty Python's the Meaning of Life. She probably would have had a stroke. LOL.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Girls at school harder 2 get than ones Outside of School?

2014-01-20 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: ultradude306

Re: Girls at school harder 2 get than ones Outside of School?

BryanP wrote:Which is why I've been trying to not look for the past year ad more. It also doesn't really help that ilive ina small town where there really aren't all that many options for meeting people. There's also no public transit system here so that doesn't help either. But I never really dated in Junior and High School. My first girlfriend was someone I met at a school for the blind when I was nineteen. We dated three times, for about a year and a half non consecutively. We didn't work out because our personalities were woefully incompatible. Tward in particular knows who I'm speaking of because they're friends on Facebook. But she's religious and I'm not, whic was a major sore point for her. She's also extremely sheltered and has no desire to step out of her comfort zone, and I don't just mean that in regards to matters in the bedroom. Her philosophy is the more restri
 ctions she places on her life and those who are a part of it the more free she is. I wasn't even interested in a girlfriend at the time she asked me out and I'm not sure why I said yes. Well to be fair she didn't seem quite so stuffy when we first met. It was only as I got to really know her that I learned the truth. But even fifteen years after the fact she's still trying to win me back and/or convert me to her conservative Christian faith. Needless to say I cut her out of my life in a hurry.That sucks man.. Sorry to hear about hat URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Girls at school harder 2 get than ones Outside of School?

2014-01-20 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: BryanP

Re: Girls at school harder 2 get than ones Outside of School?

Which is why I've been trying to not look for the past year ad more. It also doesn't really help that ilive ina small town where there really aren't all that many options for meeting people. There's also no public transit system here so that doesn't help either. But I never really dated in Junior and High School. My first girlfriend was someone I met at a school for the blind when I was nineteen. We dated three times, for about a year and a half non consecutively. We didn't work out because our personalities were woefully incompatible. Tward in particular knows who I'm speaking of because they're friends on Facebook. But she's religious and I'm not, whic was a major sore point for her. She's also extremely sheltered and has no desire to step out of her comfort zone, and I don't just mean that in regards to matters in the bedroom. Her philosophy is the more restrictions she places on her life and those who are a part of it
  the more free she is. I wasn't even interested in a girlfriend at the time she asked me out and I'm not sure why I said yes. Well to be fair she didn't seem quite so stuffy when we first met. It was only as I got to really know her that I learned the truth. But even fifteen years after the fact she's still trying to win me back and/or convert me to her conservative Christian faith. Needless to say I cut her out of my life in a hurry.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Girls at school harder 2 get than ones Outside of School?

2014-01-20 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: arqmeister

Re: Girls at school harder 2 get than ones Outside of School?

I think it's a very personal experience. I never lived in a dorm in college and met my current girlfriend at a very unrelated event. I will say this though, you find the best women when your not trying to hard.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Girls at school harder 2 get than ones Outside of School?

2014-01-20 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: themadviolinist

Re: Girls at school harder 2 get than ones Outside of School?

Hmmm, I suppose if you live on campus it's different.  I never did live in a dorm, so I missed that particular social experience.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Girls at school harder 2 get than ones Outside of School?

2014-01-20 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: ogomez92

Re: Girls at school harder 2 get than ones Outside of School?

Hi,You're wrong, college isn't harder than highschool and I tell you form a college experience.In college/university, you get to talk to a lot of different people. You get to associate. You make friends in your student residence. You go to places and get to know girls.The more you associate with your peers, the more girls you'll get to know. You'll get to know people who study different things as well. I'm in Germany and have been for 3 months now, and I have met many many people who aren't blind and who are good friends.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Girls at school harder 2 get than ones Outside of School?

2014-01-19 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: ghost rider

Re: Girls at school harder 2 get than ones Outside of School?

and violinist, I agree with you. Like I say, you should be in love with the girl, not her make up and curves.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Girls at school harder 2 get than ones Outside of School?

2014-01-19 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: ghost rider

Re: Girls at school harder 2 get than ones Outside of School?

let me put it this way. If she seems interested, don't go grabbing in. Wait for her to approach you, or watch for signs. And DONT seem to desperate, I learned that the hard way. My whole 7th grade year sucked because of that. Now, I'm in 8th grade and its better than last year. Mostly I try to be nice to girls, but not to clingy. So take my advice, and yeah, adult life seems to be easier in terms of relationships. Now money on the other hand...URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Girls at school harder 2 get than ones Outside of School?

2014-01-19 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: themadviolinist

Re: Girls at school harder 2 get than ones Outside of School?

Oh college is harder than high school in the sense that in high school you're all in one place for long periods of time, whereas in college the group of people you associate with changes every term and for every class.  There's a lot less opportunity for casual chatting in and between classes; you have to actually invite her for coffee or be part of a regular study group or whatever.  The girl friends I had in college i met through other arenas, such as the Ann Arbor Medieval Festival, where i was part of the troop of itinerant entertainers who kept people near the stage while the real plays were setting up.  The girl in question sprained her ankle that summer, so she and I set up an alliance, i'd help her up and down the hill and she'd guide me while we were at it.  That relationship lasted eight years and is the second best in my life, behind that with my wife whom i met at a friend's birthday party when she came with another man and 
 left with me.  yeah, it was kind of like that and I don't recommend this manner of meeting women to anyone, but I'm not regretting the results, even the two children.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Girls at school harder 2 get than ones Outside of School?

2014-01-19 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: nin

Re: Girls at school harder 2 get than ones Outside of School? highschool I had many girlfriends and I managed to be quite popular.but now in college I don't know why but I'm unable to make friends. I think the problem might be that I'm not adapted yet to the atmosphere of the college. also the fact that I am in a completely new place and I don't know the people might count. and the fact that I'm the only boy in my group could count too. URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Girls at school harder 2 get than ones Outside of School?

2014-01-19 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: nin

Re: Girls at school harder 2 get than ones Outside of School? highschool I had many girlfriends and I managed to be quite popular.but now in college I don't know why but I'm unable to make friends. I think the problem might be that I'm not adapted yet to the atmosphere of the college. also the fact that I am in a completely new place and I don't know the people might count. and the fact that I'm the only boy in my group could count too. URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Girls at school harder 2 get than ones Outside of School?

2014-01-19 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: nin

Re: Girls at school harder 2 get than ones Outside of School? highschool I had many girlfriends and I managed to be quite popular.but now in college I don't know why but I'm unable to make friends. I think the problem might be that I'm not adapted yet to the atmosphere of the college. also the fact that I am in a completely new place and I don't know the people might count. and the fact that I'm the only boy in my group could count too. URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Girls at school harder 2 get than ones Outside of School?

2014-01-19 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: nin

Re: Girls at school harder 2 get than ones Outside of School? highschool I had many girlfriends and I managed to be quite popular.but now in college I don't know why but I'm unable to make friends. I think the problem might be that I'm not adapted yet to the atmosphere of the college. also the fact that I am in a completely new place and I don't know the people might count. and the fact that I'm the only boy in my group could count too. URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Girls at school harder 2 get than ones Outside of School?

2014-01-19 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: nin

Re: Girls at school harder 2 get than ones Outside of School? highschool I had many girlfriends and I managed to be quite popular.but now in college I don't know why but I'm unable to make friends. I think the problem might be that I'm not adapted yet to the atmosphere of the college. also the fact that I am in a completely new place and I don't know the people might count. and the fact that I'm the only boy in my group could count too. URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Girls at school harder 2 get than ones Outside of School?

2014-01-19 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: nin

Re: Girls at school harder 2 get than ones Outside of School? highschool I had many girlfriends and I managed to be quite popular.but now in college I don't know why but I'm unable to make friends. I think the problem might be that I'm not adapted yet to the atmosphere of the college. also the fact that I am in a completely new place and I don't know the people might count. and the fact that I'm the only boy in my group could count too. URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Girls at school harder 2 get than ones Outside of School?

2014-01-18 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: Mord-Sith

Re: Girls at school harder 2 get than ones Outside of School?

Themadviolinist, I'd have to say that's some of the best advice.A bit of my experiences: senior year of highschool, I figured why the hell not and had a girlfriend for 7 months, she ended it because I asked her too many questions and frustrated her and she felt guilty, so, that sucked. That's when I really started playing mandolin and just, enjoying my time, made several new friends, talked to lots of people and I wasn't really looking for a relationship. I'm now in a relationship that is just, amazing. The girl I'm dating is smart, funny, kind and loves me just as much as I love her. Girls are just normal people, talk to them, treat them with respect. Dirty jokes can be cool, but, make sure the girl is comfortible with it, too. Just, don't look for them too hard, and see what happens.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Girls at school harder 2 get than ones Outside of School?

2014-01-18 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: ultradude306

Re: Girls at school harder 2 get than ones Outside of School?

themadviolinist wrote:Lessons from someone who, despite being oddly shy in high school was only single for about six months out of the four years:1.  Don't look for a girl friend.  Make friends, some of whom are girls.  Do this long enough and well enough and one of them will strike a spark.2.  No matter whether your objective in having a girl friend is, whether to exchange bad love poetry, to hold hands while walking down the hall, or to get laid early and often, do not push for this.  I cannot tell you how many women get exasperated about men/boys whose only thoughts are getting some.  It's not that girls/women aren't just as horny as you are, but between the screwed up culture of the virgin whore and the very real risks associated with having sex for a woman/girl, do not assume that acting like a male dog around a female dog in heat is going to be attractive.3.  R
 emember, high school age girls are just as insane as high school age boys.  They don't know what they're doing any more than you do.  Some portion of the girls who aren't talking to you are just as afraid as you are of looking bad, screwing up or otherwise humiliating themselves.4.  And, because it should go without saying, no means goddam no!  I'm tired of my gender being undercut by assholes who forget that women/girls get to own their bodies just as much as men/boys do.  I'm looking at you Steubenville!5.  Relax!  I know this is hard.  I know that between having to fight through the social morass of a blind person in a sighted world, and raging hormones and that feeling that people don't take you seriously, it feels very lonely and hard.  But here's the actual secret.  Women/girls want someone to treat them with respect, to laugh at their jokes, to comfort them when they're sad
 , to treat them as human beings not Barbie dolls, to listen to their ideas, to assume that they have something of value to contribute, to feel that you recognize their true worth.  In other words, they just want you to treat them like humans and friends.  Some of them will want you to do other things with them and in these areas the same secret applies, listen, ask, value, give of yourself and ye shall receive.It's really not as hard as people make it.Thanx 4 the advice man awesome 2 hear ya had so much success in HS!URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Girls at school harder 2 get than ones Outside of School?

2014-01-18 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: themadviolinist

Re: Girls at school harder 2 get than ones Outside of School?

Lessons from someone who, despite being oddly shy in high school was only single for about six months out of the four years:1.  Don't look for a girl friend.  Make friends, some of whom are girls.  Do this long enough and well enough and one of them will strike a spark.2.  No matter whether your objective in having a girl friend is, whether to exchange bad love poetry, to hold hands while walking down the hall, or to get laid early and often, do not push for this.  I cannot tell you how many women get exasperated about men/boys whose only thoughts are getting some.  It's not that girls/women aren't just as horny as you are, but between the screwed up culture of the virgin whore and the very real risks associated with having sex for a woman/girl, do not assume that acting like a male dog around a female dog in heat is going to be attractive.3.  Remember, high school age girls are just as insane as high school age 
 boys.  They don't know what they're doing any more than you do.  Some portion of the girls who aren't talking to you are just as afraid as you are of looking bad, screwing up or otherwise humiliating themselves.4.  And, because it should go without saying, no means goddam no!  I'm tired of my gender being undercut by assholes who forget that women/girls get to own their bodies just as much as men/boys do.  I'm looking at you Steubenville!5.  Relax!  I know this is hard.  I know that between having to fight through the social morass of a blind person in a sighted world, and raging hormones and that feeling that people don't take you seriously, it feels very lonely and hard.  But here's the actual secret.  Women/girls want someone to treat them with respect, to laugh at their jokes, to comfort them when they're sad, to treat them as human beings not Barbie dolls, to listen to their 
 ideas, to assume that they have something of value to contribute, to feel that you recognize their true worth.  In other words, they just want you to treat them like humans and friends.  Some of them will want you to do other things with them and in these areas the same secret applies, listen, ask, value, give of yourself and ye shall receive.It's really not as hard as people make it.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Girls at school harder 2 get than ones Outside of School?

2014-01-18 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: ultradude306

Re: Girls at school harder 2 get than ones Outside of School?

tward wrote:Ultradude306, I think a lot of your problem has to do with age. What I mean by that is the girls at the high school age, even a few college age, are quite young and immature. At that age all they can think about is clothes, the latest fashions, and dating the most popular boys in school. Therefore it can be hard to get a girl interested in you if you aren't popular and doubly so when you have a disability.I wasn't a Romeo by any means in school, but I did have female friends and even a few girlfriends at that age. One way I managed to meet girls in school is I'd ask some of my male friends to help introduce me to girls at lunch or during a free period when everyone was just hanging. Sometimes I would open a conversation with the girl across from me in study hall or in the seat next to me before a class started.In short, my advice to you is if you want girls to notice you then you will have to t
 ake the initiative. The reason they don't speak to you is often times they expect the guys to open the dialog and if you sit their expecting them to talk to you then you will be waiting forever. The other reason is no how matter well educated the girls in your school may be most sighted people are completely absolutely ignorant about blindness issues and are afraid to talk to you, afraid of hurting your feelings, or assume you aren't altogether there mentally.The way to resolve those issues is to insert yourself into their life, to demonstrate to them you are a real person, and just be yourself. Maybe they will respond, and maybe not. However, nothing ventured nothing gained.Ya, that seems to make a lot of sense.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Girls at school harder 2 get than ones Outside of School?

2014-01-18 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: Locutus

Re: Girls at school harder 2 get than ones Outside of School?

I don't know if I necessarily agree. During high-school I did indeed have trouble with girls, but that was as much because I was such a socially awkward kid as it was about the girls I liked being jerks. That's not to say I didn't have friends though, I had quite a few friends that were girls within the music department, (I play violin, so I was in there a lot.) Later, in college, I became a lot more comfortable with myself and who I was. I also became a little less opinionated and more of a listener. As a result, making friends became even easier, and by the end of college I'd ganed a group of about nine or ten girls that I was friends with. So I guess what I'm trying to say is, relax. Be comfortable with yourself. Work on your charm. And don't worry too much about high-school, everyone there is usually trying to figure out who the hell they are, and girls at that age tend to think they're better than everyone. College is better.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Girls at school harder 2 get than ones Outside of School?

2014-01-18 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: tward

Re: Girls at school harder 2 get than ones Outside of School?

Ultradude306, I think a lot of your problem has to do with age. What I mean by that is the girls at the high school age, even a few college age, are quite young and immature. At that age all they can think about is clothes, the latest fashions, and dating the most popular boys in school. Therefore it can be hard to get a girl interested in you if you aren't popular and doubly so when you have a disability.I wasn't a Romeo by any means in school, but I did have female friends and even a few girlfriends at that age. One way I managed to meet girls in school is I'd ask some of my male friends to help introduce me to girls at lunch or during a free period when everyone was just hanging. Sometimes I would open a conversation with the girl across from me in study hall or in the seat next to me before a class started.In short, my advice to you is if you want girls to notice you then you will have to take the initiative. The reason they don't speak to you
  is often times they expect the guys to open the dialog and if you sit their expecting them to talk to you then you will be waiting forever. The other reason is no how matter well educated the girls in your school may be most sighted people are completely absolutely ignorant about blindness issues and are afraid to talk to you, afraid of hurting your feelings, or assume you aren't altogether there mentally.The way to resolve those issues is to insert yourself into their life, to demonstrate to them you are a real person, and just be yourself. Maybe they will respond, and maybe not. However, nothing ventured nothing gained.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Girls at school harder 2 get than ones Outside of School?

2014-01-18 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: bashue

Re: Girls at school harder 2 get than ones Outside of School?

Greetings again.Although the institution of learning may be the best doesn't mean that the people themselves are educated or good. Not all you understand but many. There are bound to be those who sign up just to get an easy grade or if the work is too hard then drop out. In truth, I've found through experience that the men I've encountered as well as the women tutors make better friends and if you catch one who's single then a good catch after your education is done. Unfortunately I've never had any luck with female students; they all seem quite wooly unfortunately. Generally those outside the learning institution have more life experience therefore they are more understanding and make good friends/partners. I wouldn't even try at School and I'd still be careful at College and University or even the workplace if you decide to do that.Kind regards, Amin Abdullah.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Girls at school harder 2 get than ones Outside of School?

2014-01-17 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: ultradude306

Re: Girls at school harder 2 get than ones Outside of School?

bashue wrote:Greetings Ultradude306.Well, I'm going to be a little sinical here and say that even those who seem interested are only being pelight; not all but many of them. If not then you may be living in an area where women are simply better educated and just plane nicer so they're bound to be genuinly interested. In that case, be yourself and have a laugh and you may well find yourself gravitating to someone and they you. So far, I haven't been able to find even one to strike up a true friendship with let alone fall in love with. Sure there are oppertunities to fall in love and not have it returned and the women in my area are only interested in how someone looks and the latest fations so no go yet. As for those who have a well rounded personality; they're not looking for anyone so and they never stay long either.Kind regards, Amin Abdullah.That's the other thing I f
 ind strange.  The school I go to is one of the best in the city, so obviously, most of the people there would be quite well educated... Yet, it seems to be the absolute hardest place to talk with/meet girls.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Girls at school harder 2 get than ones Outside of School?

2014-01-17 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: bashue

Re: Girls at school harder 2 get than ones Outside of School?

Greetings Ultradude306.Well, I'm going to be a little sinical here and say that even those who seem interested are only being pelight; not all but many of them. If not then you may be living in an area where women are simply better educated and just plane nicer so they're bound to be genuinly interested. In that case, be yourself and have a laugh and you may well find yourself gravitating to someone and they you. So far, I haven't been able to find even one to strike up a true friendship with let alone fall in love with. Sure there are oppertunities to fall in love and not have it returned and the women in my area are only interested in how someone looks and the latest fations so no go yet. As for those who have a well rounded personality; they're not looking for anyone so and they never stay long either.Kind regards, Amin Abdullah.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

[Audiogames-reflector] Girls at school harder 2 get than ones Outside of School?

2014-01-17 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: ultradude306

Girls at school harder 2 get than ones Outside of School?

Was just talking with another visually impaired friend the other day and noticed that all the girls at our local high schools seemed to completely ignore us, or think, or not wanna really have a serious relationship cause of our vision... as one person on this forum cleaverly  put it, we got "caneblocked" lol.  Even new girls, who didn't know us before, and were looking forward 2 meeting new people, were a bit hesitant.However, outside our school, it was a completely different story.   Pretty much anywhere outside of school it goes  fine.  Lots of them were even seemed interested in how my vision worked & all that.   My friend noticed the same thing. Anyone else have the same experience?... and any tips for during school hours?ThanxURL:

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