Re: [Audiogames-reflector] childhood scares?

2013-12-03 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: kamochek

Re: childhood scares?

hi, i think about ower subject i have to open a new topic. it will be better for me, because we can't talk on skype, on phone, and you don't have a teamvewer. so i will open a new topic.kamochek.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] childhood scares?

2013-12-03 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: AlexN94

Re: childhood scares?

Lol, TTG... Guess you're right, But still...URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] childhood scares?

2013-12-03 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: thetruegamer

Re: childhood scares?

Really Shryth? If you think that's weird, you want me posting the conversation from scandchan? URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] childhood scares?

2013-12-03 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: AlexN94

Re: childhood scares?

SLJ, not sure I'd call this interesting... Well, I don't mind people having ... special interests, but sharing them like this... Kinda creeps me outAt least when it's in a topic where it doesn't really belong... Anyways. Do I have anything I'm afraid of? Probably. Let's see.Everything that comes from the ocean, especially squids.Horses, at least a bit.Besides from those two Things I can't thing of anything right now...URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] childhood scares?

2013-12-03 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: SLJ

Re: childhood scares?

[[wow]], this topic is getting damn interesting. URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] childhood scares?

2013-12-03 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: brad

Re: childhood scares?

hi.It's not in English.and I think we should leave this alone and get back to the main topic of this thread.Oh and sorry no,  I don't have teemviewer and your phone would cost us both lodes of money.Sorry about that.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] childhood scares?

2013-12-02 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: kamochek

Re: childhood scares?

hi is in english, i know because of the accent. and about adding you on skype or talking to you:we can talk from teamvewer. or in my phone, but i don't know if you can talk to me when you in other country.kamochek.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] childhood scares?

2013-12-02 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: brad

Re: childhood scares?

Hi.No i didn't understand the words, as far as  I know, they were not in English.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] childhood scares?

2013-12-02 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: kamochek

Re: childhood scares?

hi brad.i don't know the words the woman said. did you understood her?because also english is not my first language. i have high word vocabulary, but i think not enough.what did you hared?i think in this words there was only one word which i maybe understood but not sure: if you understood all the words, tell me.kamochek.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] childhood scares?

2013-12-02 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: kamochek

Re: childhood scares? i want to tell anothe thing i was scared of. anasthesia. i have passed over atleast 30 surgeryes, including 8 to open my nose. only in this year i can to breth from the nose. all the life only over a mouth. not only that, but i'm not blind only, but i am have a dezeez which it's name ectodermal displasia. i don't have tees, i have a littlebit of hare, blind, and problem with my skin that it is more of the time dry, and i don't feel that, but saying to me that i having a problems in the hands and legs bones, the fingers on the hand (i don't how describe it), but my father telling that they are not correctly placed. mutation.but i am going to standart school, and have a happy life.i dreaming some times also about anasthetia over a mask. when i geting anasthetia to my hand and to the blood, it's ok. but when i geting an anasthetia over a mask, you feeling a discusting smell, and your head spinns. there was one time also,
  when all my skin (if i understood well) has disapeared, only the meat left. it was when i was a baby.but we with my grandma beliving, that the lord will do something and i'll have a tees, eyes and etc.but the thing i wanted to say is that i am scare of anasthetia.also, maybe you know, there is a game which could (time of reaction.) you puting a card with a question on that inside somekind of clock, and turning it on. it starting to make sound like "tr..." and makes a lowd boom. it is scary. i shouting and runing away from that.also a littlebit i am afraid of my father. he is good, "soft", but the thing is that he is a traditional jew, but i am a messianic jew who beliving in jesus christ. he saw that i looking at christian websites, and took the y fy. also i have the new testament in my computer, and every time when my father sits next to my computer, i am afraid that he will not discover the new testament and
  some sermons. he doesn't know that i am beliving in jesus.about snakes: i am not afrid of them, but they are soft when touching them. also i am afraid of speed. i was twice one roller coaster, but didn't liked it. roller coaster for children. it was a scary speed, and i of the i am afrid (i was with my father on roller coaster) during the slide down, i gave my father some punches. sometimes in dreams hapens almost the same thing. in one dream i was on my spinning chair and it started to spinn realy fast, that i am almost fleu from it. i am also afraid of small things like rice, gravel and etc. and because of that, i am not playing almost side scrollers, or games with pits. i am afraid that when the player is falling, i'll heare a sound of gravel. i am afraid also to listen to gravel sounds. but if you tell me that there are not gravel in tous pits, i maybe will play that game:battle zone,adventure at c,scrolling that list plea
 se tell me if there are gravel in the pit or not.and final question of topic:if someone downloaded the trance which i uploaded, tell me it's name if you know.thanks.kamochek.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] childhood scares?

2013-12-02 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: brad

Re: childhood scares?

Hi.I've taken a listen to the file, but sorry I don't know it.Hmm if you know what the words are saying, you could try typing the words into google or into youtube to find the music.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] childhood scares?

2013-12-02 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: brad

Re: childhood scares?

Hi kamochek.No, it's okay, you don't ahve to make a topic about it.ahh, well sorry about you not being able to talk or write on skype.but like I said this is off topic so we should talk about scary fears we have to bring this topic back around to what it was meant to be about.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] childhood scares?

2013-12-02 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: kamochek

Re: childhood scares? is the trance. if someone knows it, tell me it's name. … 552997.WMAURL:
Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] childhood scares?

2013-12-02 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: kamochek

Re: childhood scares?

hi brad.i'm not going to uploade the noices, but one trance which remineds me of that noices. if somebody will know that trance, will tell me it's name and i'll search it on youtube. because in that recording i deleted some fragments of the music, and on youtube i'll find the full version.and about adding you on skype brad, no. my father doesn't think that is a good idea, and i never using skype only my mobile phone, and my mother doesn't like the subject about the stomach and heartbeat sounds listening. she stoppes me every time when i try to do it to somebody.if you want, i can create a new topic where will be a talking about that.what do you think?and another topic, where you can talk of about what you want. one day about games, another day about that noices, another day about music and etc.whwhat do you think of that?i have did topic if you found it "searching for audio adventures" in general gam
 e discusion, but i got no reaction of that. it was created in may 2013. so the same thing about the 2 topics.kamochek.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] childhood scares?

2013-12-02 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: brad

Re: childhood scares?

hi kamochek.I think we are getting way way off topic hear.if you want to talk more about this, I don't mind, but for those that don't like it and don't want this kind of stuff in this  topic I totally understand and actually kamochek if you want to talk more about this, add me on skype.My Skype name is, brad1647@thetruegameraw man, I'm sorry to hear about what happen to you when you were young, that's for more things I'm scared of, lets see. Injections I'm nervous about them. Dogs because they can jump and scratch. bees because, well they're bees lol. Oh and you know those electric shock toys? Yeah I'll not play with them or use for childhood scares. Hmm I think I covered that in another post I made on this topic, I think it's on the first page.back to kamochek.If you want to upload things to dropbox, do the following:1. copy the
  files you want.2. open the Drop box folder3. open the public folder4. paste your files in there.5. wait for them to upload.6. once all the files have been uploaded, and you are still in the folder, press your applications key, and arrow down to copy public link, press enter on that and paste the link where ever you want to.I don't think you should post them here though since this isn't a topic about that kind of stuff.Hope that helpedURL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] childhood scares?

2013-12-02 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: enes

Re: childhood scares?

hi,ok time for my rantuntil recently, I was scared of snakes, which was the only thing I was scared of.  Now i'm not scared of anything that I know of, with one exception. The nightmare I used to have about awake surgerry. This nightmare recurred in many forms. But the course of events usually goes like this.I am in need of some operation or another, usually a stomach operation.  I'm wheeled into the operating room and moved onto the operating table.  And the anesthetic drugs are started. After a while the muscle relaxant drugs are started and i'm hooked up to a ventalator.after a while the surgeon comes in, and a nurse says, the patient is asleep doctor, you may begin the operation.after that I try to move or draw atention to the fact that i'm alert. Usually the terror   of this dream wakes me up before the  surgeon can begin the operation in some varients of this dream however I don'
 t wake up and I can see the surgeon pick up a surgical knife from a table next to the operating table  and sometimes the surgeon begins to cut me open which gives me physical pain. This dream was the only dream that I could feel actual physical painanother thing to note: usually in my nightmares, all my senses are magnified and I can see all events going around methis is the only thing that scares methis dream might have been caused by the fact that I had  stomach surgerry many years ago.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] childhood scares?

2013-12-02 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: thetruegamer

Re: childhood scares?

Oh god this topic seems to have gotten a bit fucked up, just saying.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] childhood scares?

2013-12-02 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: kamochek

Re: childhood scares?

hi.can you please tell me how to uploade files of dropbox?kamochek.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] childhood scares?

2013-12-02 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: thetruegamer

Re: childhood scares?

I've only read the first couple of replies or so, and well ...I'm 17 now, and I gradually lost my sight since birth til I was two, where I ended up from where I am now, which is kinda navigational vision but not enough to recognize people and read.Well as you know, my childhood was kinda fucked up. My dad would sometimes lock me up and leave me in a small room for quite some time. Now I was fine with that, until I read a book at around 6, where they were inside a building producing explosives, a fire went off and they almost died because they couldn't find the right keys for a solid steel gate. Since then, and just til maybe five years ago, I've been terrified of steel doors, in particular, but also being in small spaces or not always having a way out.My second one is kinda strange, and I still have it today. I'm terrified of touching dead bodies, or plants, or rotten carcuses (the last one should be obvious). This sucks when I have to p
 repare sallad and I have to sort out the bad parts of it but I just shrug and do it because, well, what else?My third one has developed recently, but is probably related to my dad. It comes and goes from time to time, but it'd be really paranoia sometimes. The thing I'm talking about is people. Also since my stepfather can freak out sometimes, and we almost went into fist fights, sometimes I prepare and think out possible tactics. It could be from setting an alarm system of some kind into my room so that I'd know if someone opened the door while I was sleeping. Or it could be me planning how I would defend myself of a taxi driver who would probably kidnap me and drive me to his child spam focility. Lol riddiculous, but there you go.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] childhood scares?

2013-12-02 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: thetruegamer

Re: childhood scares?

I've only read the first couple of replies or so, and well ...I'm 17 now, and I gradually lost my sight since birth til I was two, where I ended up from where I am now, which is kinda navigational vision but not enough to recognize people and read.Well as you know, my childhood was kinda fucked up. My dad would sometimes lock me up and leave me in a small room for quite some time. Now I was fine with that, until I read a book at around 6, where they were inside a building producing explosives, a fire went off and they almost died because they couldn't find the right keys for a solid steel gate. Since then, and just til maybe five years ago, I've been terrified of steel doors, in particular, but also being in small spaces or not always having a way out.My second one is kinda strange, and I still have it today. I'm terrified of touching dead bodies, or plants, or rotten carcuses (the last one should be obvious). This sucks when I have to p
 repare sallad and I have to sort out the bad parts of it but I just shrug and do it because, well, what else?My third one has developed recently, but is probably related to my dad. It comes and goes from time to time, but it'd be really paranoia sometimes. The thing I'm talking about is people. Also since my stepfather can freak out sometimes, and we almost went into fist fights, sometimes I prepare and think out possible tactics. It could be from setting an alarm system of some kind into my room so that I'd know if someone opened the door while I was sleeping. Or it could be me planning how I would defend myself of a taxi driver who would probably kidnap me and drive me to his child spam focility. Lol riddiculous, but there you go.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] childhood scares?

2013-12-02 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: thetruegamer

Re: childhood scares?

I've only read the first couple of replies or so, and well ...I'm 17 now, and I gradually lost my sight since birth til I was two, where I ended up from where I am now, which is kinda navigational vision but not enough to recognize people and read.Well as you know, my childhood was kinda fucked up. My dad would sometimes lock me up and leave me in a small room for quite some time. Now I was fine with that, until I read a book at around 6, where they were inside a building producing explosives, a fire went off and they almost died because they couldn't find the right keys for a solid steel gate. Since then, and just til maybe five years ago, I've been terrified of steel doors, in particular, but also being in small spaces or not always having a way out.My second one is kinda strange, and I still have it today. I'm terrified of touching dead bodies, or plants, or rotten carcuses (the last one should be obvious). This sucks when I have to p
 repare sallad and I have to sort out the bad parts of it but I just shrug and do it because, well, what else?My third one has developed recently, but is probably related to my dad. It comes and goes from time to time, but it'd be really paranoia sometimes. The thing I'm talking about is people. Also since my stepfather can freak out sometimes, and we almost went into fist fights, sometimes I prepare and think out possible tactics. It could be from setting an alarm system of some kind into my room so that I'd know if someone opened the door while I was sleeping. Or it could be me planning how I would defend myself of a taxi driver who would probably kidnap me and drive me to his child spam focility. Lol riddiculous, but there you go.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] childhood scares?

2013-12-02 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: thetruegamer

Re: childhood scares?

I've only read the first couple of replies or so, and well ...I'm 17 now, and I gradually lost my sight since birth til I was two, where I ended up from where I am now, which is kinda navigational vision but not enough to recognize people and read.Well as you know, my childhood was kinda fucked up. My dad would sometimes lock me up and leave me in a small room for quite some time. Now I was fine with that, until I read a book at around 6, where they were inside a building producing explosives, a fire went off and they almost died because they couldn't find the right keys for a solid steel gate. Since then, and just til maybe five years ago, I've been terrified of steel doors, in particular, but also being in small spaces or not always having a way out.My second one is kinda strange, and I still have it today. I'm terrified of touching dead bodies, or plants, or rotten carcuses (the last one should be obvious). This sucks when I have to p
 repare sallad and I have to sort out the bad parts of it but I just shrug and do it because, well, what else?My third one has developed recently, but is probably related to my dad. It comes and goes from time to time, but it'd be really paranoia sometimes. The thing I'm talking about is people. Also since my stepfather can freak out sometimes, and we almost went into fist fights, sometimes I prepare and think out possible tactics. It could be from setting an alarm system of some kind into my room so that I'd know if someone opened the door while I was sleeping. Or it could be me planning how I would defend myself of a taxi driver who would probably kidnap me and drive me to his child spam focility. Lol riddiculous, but there you go.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] childhood scares?

2013-12-02 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: thetruegamer

Re: childhood scares?

I've only read the first couple of replies or so, and well ...I'm 17 now, and I gradually lost my sight since birth til I was two, where I ended up from where I am now, which is kinda navigational vision but not enough to recognize people and read.Well as you know, my childhood was kinda fucked up. My dad would sometimes lock me up and leave me in a small room for quite some time. Now I was fine with that, until I read a book at around 6, where they were inside a building producing explosives, a fire went off and they almost died because they couldn't find the right keys for a solid steel gate. Since then, and just til maybe five years ago, I've been terrified of steel doors, in particular, but also being in small spaces or not always having a way out.My second one is kinda strange, and I still have it today. I'm terrified of touching dead bodies, or plants, or rotten carcuses (the last one should be obvious). This sucks when I have to p
 repare sallad and I have to sort out the bad parts of it but I just shrug and do it because, well, what else?My third one has developed recently, but is probably related to my dad. It comes and goes from time to time, but it'd be really paranoia sometimes. The thing I'm talking about is people. Also since my stepfather can freak out sometimes, and we almost went into fist fights, sometimes I prepare and think out possible tactics. It could be from setting an alarm system of some kind into my room so that I'd know if someone opened the door while I was sleeping. Or it could be me planning how I would defend myself of a taxi driver who would probably kidnap me and drive me to his child spam focility. Lol riddiculous, but there you go.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] childhood scares?

2013-12-02 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: thetruegamer

Re: childhood scares?

I've only read the first couple of replies or so, and well ...I'm 17 now, and I gradually lost my sight since birth til I was two, where I ended up from where I am now, which is kinda navigational vision but not enough to recognize people and read.Well as you know, my childhood was kinda fucked up. My dad would sometimes lock me up and leave me in a small room for quite some time. Now I was fine with that, until I read a book at around 6, where they were inside a building producing explosives, a fire went off and they almost died because they couldn't find the right keys for a solid steel gate. Since then, and just til maybe five years ago, I've been terrified of steel doors, in particular, but also being in small spaces or not always having a way out.My second one is kinda strange, and I still have it today. I'm terrified of touching dead bodies, or plants, or rotten carcuses (the last one should be obvious). This sucks when I have to p
 repare sallad and I have to sort out the bad parts of it but I just shrug and do it because, well, what else?My third one has developed recently, but is probably related to my dad. It comes and goes from time to time, but it'd be really paranoia sometimes. The thing I'm talking about is people. Also since my stepfather can freak out sometimes, and we almost went into fist fights, sometimes I prepare and think out possible tactics. It could be from setting an alarm system of some kind into my room so that I'd know if someone opened the door while I was sleeping. Or it could be me planning how I would defend myself of a taxi driver who would probably kidnap me and drive me to his child spam focility. Lol riddiculous, but there you go.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] childhood scares?

2013-12-02 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: thetruegamer

Re: childhood scares?

I've only read the first couple of replies or so, and well ...I'm 17 now, and I gradually lost my sight since birth til I was two, where I ended up from where I am now, which is kinda navigational vision but not enough to recognize people and read.Well as you know, my childhood was kinda fucked up. My dad would sometimes lock me up and leave me in a small room for quite some time. Now I was fine with that, until I read a book at around 6, where they were inside a building producing explosives, a fire went off and they almost died because they couldn't find the right keys for a solid steel gate. Since then, and just til maybe five years ago, I've been terrified of steel doors, in particular, but also being in small spaces or not always having a way out.My second one is kinda strange, and I still have it today. I'm terrified of touching dead bodies, or plants, or rotten carcuses (the last one should be obvious). This sucks when I have to p
 repare sallad and I have to sort out the bad parts of it but I just shrug and do it because, well, what else?My third one has developed recently, but is probably related to my dad. It comes and goes from time to time, but it'd be really paranoia sometimes. The thing I'm talking about is people. Also since my stepfather can freak out sometimes, and we almost went into fist fights, sometimes I prepare and think out possible tactics. It could be from setting an alarm system of some kind into my room so that I'd know if someone opened the door while I was sleeping. Or it could be me planning how I would defend myself of a taxi driver who would probably kidnap me and drive me to his child spam focility. Lol riddiculous, but there you go.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] childhood scares?

2013-12-02 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: thetruegamer

Re: childhood scares?

I've only read the first couple of replies or so, and well ...I'm 17 now, and I gradually lost my sight since birth til I was two, where I ended up from where I am now, which is kinda navigational vision but not enough to recognize people and read.Well as you know, my childhood was kinda fucked up. My dad would sometimes lock me up and leave me in a small room for quite some time. Now I was fine with that, until I read a book at around 6, where they were inside a building producing explosives, a fire went off and they almost died because they couldn't find the right keys for a solid steel gate. Since then, and just til maybe five years ago, I've been terrified of steel doors, in particular, but also being in small spaces or not always having a way out.My second one is kinda strange, and I still have it today. I'm terrified of touching dead bodies, or plants, or rotten carcuses (the last one should be obvious). This sucks when I have to p
 repare sallad and I have to sort out the bad parts of it but I just shrug and do it because, well, what else?My third one has developed recently, but is probably related to my dad. It comes and goes from time to time, but it'd be really paranoia sometimes. The thing I'm talking about is people. Also since my stepfather can freak out sometimes, and we almost went into fist fights, sometimes I prepare and think out possible tactics. It could be from setting an alarm system of some kind into my room so that I'd know if someone opened the door while I was sleeping. Or it could be me planning how I would defend myself of a taxi driver who would probably kidnap me and drive me to his child spam focility. Lol riddiculous, but there you go.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] childhood scares?

2013-12-02 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: thetruegamer

Re: childhood scares?

I've only read the first couple of replies or so, and well ...I'm 17 now, and I gradually lost my sight since birth til I was two, where I ended up from where I am now, which is kinda navigational vision but not enough to recognize people and read.Well as you know, my childhood was kinda fucked up. My dad would sometimes lock me up and leave me in a small room for quite some time. Now I was fine with that, until I read a book at around 6, where they were inside a building producing explosives, a fire went off and they almost died because they couldn't find the right keys for a solid steel gate. Since then, and just til maybe five years ago, I've been terrified of steel doors, in particular, but also being in small spaces or not always having a way out.My second one is kinda strange, and I still have it today. I'm terrified of touching dead bodies, or plants, or rotten carcuses (the last one should be obvious). This sucks when I have to p
 repare sallad and I have to sort out the bad parts of it but I just shrug and do it because, well, what else?My third one has developed recently, but is probably related to my dad. It comes and goes from time to time, but it'd be really paranoia sometimes. The thing I'm talking about is people. Also since my stepfather can freak out sometimes, and we almost went into fist fights, sometimes I prepare and think out possible tactics. It could be from setting an alarm system of some kind into my room so that I'd know if someone opened the door while I was sleeping. Or it could be me planning how I would defend myself of a taxi driver who would probably kidnap me and drive me to his child spam focility. Lol riddiculous, but there you go.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] childhood scares?

2013-12-02 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: Haramir

Re: childhood scares?

Hey all! Kamochek, I'm not christian at all. I'm not telling that christian prayers are bad, but they really disturbs me. Maybe because most of them give me the impression that we must feel sorry for being alive.Best regards, Haramir.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] childhood scares?

2013-12-01 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: kamochek

Re: childhood scares?

hi brad.thanks! i found a lot stomach sound efects on youtube. one of them was crazy. tell the women to which you listen to ther stomach do the following thing:swollow 2 alka-seltzer tablets and drink some water. you'll get a grate result when you listen to ther stomach after they did that.kamochek.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] childhood scares?

2013-12-01 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: kamochek

Re: childhood scares?

hi brad.i want to tell you another thing.i don't know, but maybe you know the israelly singer (woman) rony duani?one song was translated to english: superstar. i also thinking: she have a beutiful voice, so she have maybe a good noices in her stomach. so i wanting to listen to her stomach also.and note brad:  the hebrew version of superstar song is the origenal one.and a question: how is my english? i think i have a lot of spelling errors. sorry about that.and tell me how uploading files on dropbox.kamochek.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] childhood scares?

2013-12-01 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: kamochek

Re: childhood scares?

hi herami and brad.herami: you told that you was scare of church, prayers. who you are? i meen which kind of christian you: protestant evangelist, or a baptist, or a lutheran, or an orthordox, or catholic? because the evangelist church is the wright church. i mean about that church where beliving that the holy spearet or ruach ha kodesh can give to us a present like talk in other languages: i mean the language of the angels when praying, or other. when we are baptising we are baptising by the holy spearet. but this is oftopic, i only wanted to know which knid of christian you are.brad: what did you mean to look on youtube? someone recorded somone's stomach and uploaded it on youtube?and i want to uploade a trance here. i have one trance, where a woman talks there 4 times (i can understand what) and then coming a pause for some seconds, and then hearing for half a minute or only 10 second a sound, and i think it is like the stomach noices. first tell me how t
 o uploade thing, i want to uploade it on dropbox. and secondly: it is only a fragments of the trance. i recorded it and cuted a some other fragments. so, i'll uploade that and you, or anybody els who maybe hared that trance will tell me it's name and the name of the publisher and i'll find the full version on youtube. so i want to uploade it, so if you can brad help me with that, thanks. and also you can listen to it and tell me if it is like the stomach noices.but, why not to create a topic for discuss about that noices? for the people on the fourum who like to listen to stomach noices and the heartbeat can rite about how they liking to do that thing. i like the heartbeat because of that:the stomach noices, they like the electronic things which added to the trance. the heartbeat is like the drumms of this trance. and when mixing this, it turning into music. also the sounds when someone swollowing something. sometimes, when i puting a head on some woman or
  girl, i asking her to swollow the air. it also makes a noice.there are atleast 100 women and girls in the list of the women which i want to listen to there stomachs. and brad, you also feeling that feel: when you meat someone which didn't knows you (woman), you starting to feel that you want so much to listen to her stomach?i'm not doing it at the first meating, but waiting for some time, it can be a half year or a year. rotem my girlfriend, at first did me to listen for her stomach a moment, and then said "enough." but now, she leting to test her stomach for that time i want. so i thinking about going one night to go to sleep in her house (like friends sleeping in friends houses) and all the night be with my head on her stomach and fall a sleep, but i'll sleep all the night on her stomach. it is the thing to be a long time. maybe also you brad, they (that women) leting you for a short time, because also they must to do another things. and and a
 lso they are moments when the woman which you want to test her stomach is busy. very very busy and she doesn't have a time to sit or lay next to you.if you coling me kamochek, ok. i also do that.shalva, is my father's name. kamochek, is a name which father invented for me and it means something in russian. i know russian well, but i don't know how to translate kamochek to english. it is also my computer's user name.jacob is my real name which mother gave to me. but grandma's mother also culd to me yasha. and others culing me yaakov.but here what i am? i can't deside how to cul myself here at the fourum. kamochek is ok. i also like that name, hearing it from my father everyday. also he culs me "jj".kamochek.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] childhood scares?

2013-12-01 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: Haramir

Re: childhood scares?

Hey folks. Well, I'm a quite odd guy too and this post is going to be long. If for some reason you want me to throw it away just ask and I'll understand.I was able to see untill I was five years old. Can't remember being afraid of the dark or such, but my sudden fascinations really scares me. I always had a strange joy with things regarding the color red. Yes, fruits, and almost all sorts of red things. Even the smell of some weird things like blood.For the fear of the dark, well I guess I could feel it when I was 3 or so. But I wonder if it happens only with me. My blindness didn't turn all to black. Instead its a kind of blinding blank screen right infront of my face all the time.About the slimy things, I'm not exactly afraid of them, but just to be in touch with this kind of stuff makes my body automatically stay away.Well, one thing I was really afraid of were churches, prayers and music boxes. I still feel a deep sadness when 
 I hear this kind of thing now a days.One thing that keeps me blaming myself in a non sense way is when I interrupt other people's speech. It all beguns when I accidentally teared a book about cooking my mom was reading out loud. I was about 3 years when it happened, but I can not forget it for some odd reason.Well, its getting too long. It was nice to share my oddness.Best regards, Haramir.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] childhood scares?

2013-12-01 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: brad

Re: childhood scares?

Hi kamochek.Well if I'm being honest, for some reason it does turn me on, stomach and heartbeat, no idea why though when it's just sounds.And why a woman's stomach over a mans?Simple, for one thing I like women and not men and for another a womans stomach is a lot softer than a man's and no I've never put my head on a man's stomach, always a woman's.and it's okay, you don't knead to upload the files.As for who's stomach I've put my head on, hmm not many, there was a woman in school who was pregnant, that was a nice feeling.Another pregnant woman who is a friend of my unclesMy auntie when she was having a baby.and a woman who I met yestorday, for where to find things to listen to, honestly mostly I use youtube, type something in there and you'll 99 times out of 100 get results.sorry to everyone else who doesn't like reading about this kind of
  stuff and sorry for going off topic.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] childhood scares?

2013-12-01 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: jjgeek

Re: childhood scares?

Forgot to mention that I was also scared of the fire alarm at one of the elementary schools I attended back in Pennsylvania. Apparently I was so scared of it that some of the staff--including an itinerant teacher of mine--saw fit to record several instances of the alarm on cassette and send me home with it. I had to basically sit right in front of the tape thing and listen to it uninterrupted, so that I could be de-sensitized. Then as I got older, we used to scare a sister of mine to death with that thing. We actually did it as a prank, but we did get busted for it one time by an au pair who was working for my folks. @Kamochek, I can't remember much about the spinning bed dream, other than the slow motion.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] childhood scares?

2013-12-01 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: jjgeek

Re: childhood scares?

Forgot to mention that I was also scared of the fire alarm at one of the elementary schools I attended back in Pennsylvania. Apparently I was so scared of it that some of the staff--including an itinerant teacher of mine--saw fit to record several instances of the alarm on cassette and send me home with it. I had to basically sit right in front of the tape thing and listen to it uninterrupted, so that I could be de-sensitized. @Kamochek, I can't remember much about the spinning bed dream, other than the slow motion.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] childhood scares?

2013-12-01 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: kamochek

Re: childhood scares?

hi. thanks for the "shalom."and now for questions and one dream also which scared me.did you jjeegk in your dream with the bed spinning around slowly, did it made a scary noices? sometimes it making more times some peece of music. for example the oh suzana song: it spinning around and sang more times "oh suzana, suzana, suzana, suzana, suzana, suzana..." and stoppes only when the bed stoppes. did your bed in the dream did also that thing? sometimes it wisteling or buzzing. i dreamed about spinning bed a 100 times from 2006 to 2013. did you djjegk dreamed about slides which making sounds?about the sirens: i also like to heare sirens. not the ambulans or a police, but an alarm. because in israel the arabs throwing rockets on israel. and in the school there are sometimes practises. sometimes a country practise, where the whole country is practising. also in the 2 sad days: one the day of the remembering of halocosts. and the second day 
 is for the tsahal soljers which died in all the wors for israel from 1947 to 2008. in that days they are turning of the "tsfirah" which from hebrew it means an alarm, which is one or 2 minutes. the people must stand and do nothing, also stop there cars and come out to remember the 600 jews which was killed in world wor 2, and the tsahal soljers. i'm recording this thing also on my recording device.and now a august 21, 2009 i dreamed a dream. at first i met with luna lovegud from harry poter books, and she hirted me. after that i was in my house near the entrens and saw my mom and dad. then i went to moti's (my brother) room, and there were things which changed there form. i saw there my organ. i not mean organ like in the church, but an electronic piano. i have also a toy piano, where there are 4 animals: bear on swing, hipo on a stick which he spinning on it on his stomach, and 2 animals on swings and one of them is on a swing like horse
 . ofcorse the electronic piano and the toy piano making a diferent noices. but in the dream, suddenly the toy piano insted of doing it's sounds, started to make the electronic piano's sound. and the electronic piano was in the dream also in moti's room. when i touched it, it started to change it's form and turned into my grandma's tape. but it is not only my grandma, but i am also still using tape. i have a draur full of casets, and i can listen to them. but it not the subject now. the thing is that the objects or made other things insted of there things they must do, or changing form of other objects. also that thing was in other dream, but it was a good dream. there my science teacher from my priveous school was lyded on my grandma's sofa, and then she turned into my father. it simular like in the fantum mantion in disneyland: some woman on the sofa turning to a tiger. it is wright? i never was in disneyland, because i was in israel allmost all my lif
 e, only 2 years i was in philadelphia because i was born there.and i have a question of all the readers of this post:1. did you had a dream, where you traveled back in time and met the past version of yourself?2. how is my english?shalva/kamochek/jacob.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] childhood scares?

2013-12-01 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: kamochek

Re: childhood scares?

hi. thanks for the "shalom."and now for questions and one dream also which scared me.did you jjeegk in your dream with the bed spinning around slowly, did it made a scary noices? sometimes it making more times some peece of music. for example the oh suzana song: it spinning around and sang more times "oh suzana, suzana, suzana, suzana, suzana, suzana..." and stoppes only when the bed stoppes. did your bed in the dream did also that thing? sometimes it wisteling or buzzing. i dreamed about spinning bed a 100 times from 2006 to 2013. did you djjegk dreamed about slides which making sounds?about the sirens: i also like to heare sirens. not the ambulans or a police, but an alarm. because in israel the arabs throwing rockets on israel. and in the school there are sometimes practises. sometimes a country practise, where the whole country is practising. also in the 2 sad days: one the day of the remembering of halocosts. and the second day 
 is for the tsahal soljers which died in all the wors for israel from 1947 to 2008. in that days they are turning of the "tsfirah" which from hebrew it means an alarm, which is one or 2 minutes. the people must stand and do nothing, also stop there cars and come out to remember the 600 jews which was killed in world wor 2, and the tsahal soljers. i'm recording this thing also on my recording device.and now a august 21, 2009 i dreamed a dream. at first i met with luna lovegud from harry poter books, and she hirted me. after that i was in my house near the entrens and saw my mom and dad. then i went to moti's (my brother) room, and there were things which changed there form. i saw there my organ. i not mean organ like in the church, but an electronic piano. i have also a toy piano, where there are 4 animals: bear on swing, hipo on a stick which he spinning on it on his stomach, and 2 animals on swings and one of them is on a swing like horse
 . ofcorse the electronic piano and the toy piano making a diferent noices. but in the dream, suddenly the toy piano insted of doing it's sounds, started to make the electronic piano's sound. and the electronic piano was in the dream also in moti's room. when i touched it, it started to change it's form and turned into my grandma's tape. but it is not only my grandma, but i am also still using tape. i have a draur full of casets, and i can listen to them. but it not the subject now. the thing is that the objects or made other things insted of there things they must do, or changing form of other objects. also that thing was in other dream, but it was a good dream. there my science teacher from my priveous school was lyded on my grandma's sofa, and then she turned into my father. it simular like in the fantum mantion in disneyland: some woman on the sofa turning to a tiger. it is wright? i never was in disneyland, because i was in israel allmost all my lif
 e, only 2 years i was in philadelphia because i was born there.and i have a question of all the readers of this post:1. did you had a dream, where you traveled back in time and met the past version of yourself?2. how is my english?shalva/kamochek/jacob.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] childhood scares?

2013-12-01 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: kamochek

Re: childhood scares?

hi. thanks for the "shalom."and now for questions and one dream also which scared me.did you jjeegk in your dream with the bed spinning around slowly, did it made a scary noices? sometimes it making more times some peece of music. for example the oh suzana song: it spinning around and sang more times "oh suzana, suzana, suzana, suzana, suzana, suzana..." and stoppes only when the bed stoppes. did your bed in the dream did also that thing? sometimes it wisteling or buzzing. i dreamed about spinning bed a 100 times from 2006 to 2013. did you djjegk dreamed about slides which making sounds?about the sirens: i also like to heare sirens. not the ambulans or a police, but an alarm. because in israel the arabs throwing rockets on israel. and in the school there are sometimes practises. sometimes a country practise, where the whole country is practising. also in the 2 sad days: one the day of the remembering of halocosts. and the second day 
 is for the tsahal soljers which died in all the wors for israel from 1947 to 2008. in that days they are turning of the "tsfirah" which from hebrew it means an alarm, which is one or 2 minutes. the people must stand and do nothing, also stop there cars and come out to remember the 600 jews which was killed in world wor 2, and the tsahal soljers. i'm recording this thing also on my recording device.and now a august 21, 2009 i dreamed a dream. at first i met with luna lovegud from harry poter books, and she hirted me. after that i was in my house near the entrens and saw my mom and dad. then i went to moti's (my brother) room, and there were things which changed there form. i saw there my organ. i not mean organ like in the church, but an electronic piano. i have also a toy piano, where there are 4 animals: bear on swing, hipo on a stick which he spinning on it on his stomach, and 2 animals on swings and one of them is on a swing like horse
 . ofcorse the electronic piano and the toy piano making a diferent noices. but in the dream, suddenly the toy piano insted of doing it's sounds, started to make the electronic piano's sound. and the electronic piano was in the dream also in moti's room. when i touched it, it started to change it's form and turned into my grandma's tape. but it is not only my grandma, but i am also still using tape. i have a draur full of casets, and i can listen to them. but it not the subject now. the thing is that the objects or made other things insted of there things they must do, or changing form of other objects. also that thing was in other dream, but it was a good dream. there my science teacher from my priveous school was lyded on my grandma's sofa, and then she turned into my father. it simular like in the fantum mantion in disneyland: some woman on the sofa turning to a tiger. it is wright? i never was in disneyland, because i was in israel allmost all my lif
 e, only 2 years i was in philadelphia because i was born there.and i have a question of all the readers of this post:1. did you had a dream, where you traveled back in time and met the past version of yourself?2. how is my english?shalva/kamochek/jacob.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] childhood scares?

2013-12-01 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: kamochek

Re: childhood scares?

hi. thanks for the "shalom."and now for questions and one dream also which scared me.did you jjeegk in your dream with the bed spinning around slowly, did it made a scary noices? sometimes it making more times some peece of music. for example the oh suzana song: it spinning around and sang more times "oh suzana, suzana, suzana, suzana, suzana, suzana..." and stoppes only when the bed stoppes. did your bed in the dream did also that thing? sometimes it wisteling or buzzing. i dreamed about spinning bed a 100 times from 2006 to 2013. did you djjegk dreamed about slides which making sounds?about the sirens: i also like to heare sirens. not the ambulans or a police, but an alarm. because in israel the arabs throwing rockets on israel. and in the school there are sometimes practises. sometimes a country practise, where the whole country is practising. also in the 2 sad days: one the day of the remembering of halocosts. and the second day 
 is for the tsahal soljers which died in all the wors for israel from 1947 to 2008. in that days they are turning of the "tsfirah" which from hebrew it means an alarm, which is one or 2 minutes. the people must stand and do nothing, also stop there cars and come out to remember the 600 jews which was killed in world wor 2, and the tsahal soljers. i'm recording this thing also on my recording device.and now a august 21, 2009 i dreamed a dream. at first i met with luna lovegud from harry poter books, and she hirted me. after that i was in my house near the entrens and saw my mom and dad. then i went to moti's (my brother) room, and there were things which changed there form. i saw there my organ. i not mean organ like in the church, but an electronic piano. i have also a toy piano, where there are 4 animals: bear on swing, hipo on a stick which he spinning on it on his stomach, and 2 animals on swings and one of them is on a swing like horse
 . ofcorse the electronic piano and the toy piano making a diferent noices. but in the dream, suddenly the toy piano insted of doing it's sounds, started to make the electronic piano's sound. and the electronic piano was in the dream also in moti's room. when i touched it, it started to change it's form and turned into my grandma's tape. but it is not only my grandma, but i am also still using tape. i have a draur full of casets, and i can listen to them. but it not the subject now. the thing is that the objects or made other things insted of there things they must do, or changing form of other objects. also that thing was in other dream, but it was a good dream. there my science teacher from my priveous school was lyded on my grandma's sofa, and then she turned into my father. it simular like in the fantum mantion in disneyland: some woman on the sofa turning to a tiger. it is wright? i never was in disneyland, because i was in israel allmost all my lif
 e, only 2 years i was in philadelphia because i was born there.and i have a question of all the readers of this post:1. did you had a dream, where you traveled back in time and met the past version of yourself?2. how is my english?shalva/kamochek/jacob.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] childhood scares?

2013-12-01 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: kamochek

Re: childhood scares?

hi. thanks for the "shalom."and now for questions and one dream also which scared me.did you jjeegk in your dream with the bed spinning around slowly, did it made a scary noices? sometimes it making more times some peece of music. for example the oh suzana song: it spinning around and sang more times "oh suzana, suzana, suzana, suzana, suzana, suzana..." and stoppes only when the bed stoppes. did your bed in the dream did also that thing? sometimes it wisteling or buzzing. i dreamed about spinning bed a 100 times from 2006 to 2013. did you djjegk dreamed about slides which making sounds?about the sirens: i also like to heare sirens. not the ambulans or a police, but an alarm. because in israel the arabs throwing rockets on israel. and in the school there are sometimes practises. sometimes a country practise, where the whole country is practising. also in the 2 sad days: one the day of the remembering of halocosts. and the second day 
 is for the tsahal soljers which died in all the wors for israel from 1947 to 2008. in that days they are turning of the "tsfirah" which from hebrew it means an alarm, which is one or 2 minutes. the people must stand and do nothing, also stop there cars and come out to remember the 600 jews which was killed in world wor 2, and the tsahal soljers. i'm recording this thing also on my recording device.and now a august 21, 2009 i dreamed a dream. at first i met with luna lovegud from harry poter books, and she hirted me. after that i was in my house near the entrens and saw my mom and dad. then i went to moti's (my brother) room, and there were things which changed there form. i saw there my organ. i not mean organ like in the church, but an electronic piano. i have also a toy piano, where there are 4 animals: bear on swing, hipo on a stick which he spinning on it on his stomach, and 2 animals on swings and one of them is on a swing like horse
 . ofcorse the electronic piano and the toy piano making a diferent noices. but in the dream, suddenly the toy piano insted of doing it's sounds, started to make the electronic piano's sound. and the electronic piano was in the dream also in moti's room. when i touched it, it started to change it's form and turned into my grandma's tape. but it is not only my grandma, but i am also still using tape. i have a draur full of casets, and i can listen to them. but it not the subject now. the thing is that the objects or made other things insted of there things they must do, or changing form of other objects. also that thing was in other dream, but it was a good dream. there my science teacher from my priveous school was lyded on my grandma's sofa, and then she turned into my father. it simular like in the fantum mantion in disneyland: some woman on the sofa turning to a tiger. it is wright? i never was in disneyland, because i was in israel allmost all my lif
 e, only 2 years i was in philadelphia because i was born there.and i have a question of all the readers of this post:1. did you had a dream, where you traveled back in time and met the past version of yourself?2. how is my english?shalva/kamochek/jacob.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] childhood scares?

2013-12-01 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: kamochek

Re: childhood scares?

hi. thanks for the "shalom."and now for questions and one dream also which scared me.did you jjeegk in your dream with the bed spinning around slowly, did it made a scary noices? sometimes it making more times some peece of music. for example the oh suzana song: it spinning around and sang more times "oh suzana, suzana, suzana, suzana, suzana, suzana..." and stoppes only when the bed stoppes. did your bed in the dream did also that thing? sometimes it wisteling or buzzing. i dreamed about spinning bed a 100 times from 2006 to 2013. did you djjegk dreamed about slides which making sounds?about the sirens: i also like to heare sirens. not the ambulans or a police, but an alarm. because in israel the arabs throwing rockets on israel. and in the school there are sometimes practises. sometimes a country practise, where the whole country is practising. also in the 2 sad days: one the day of the remembering of halocosts. and the second day 
 is for the tsahal soljers which died in all the wors for israel from 1947 to 2008. in that days they are turning of the "tsfirah" which from hebrew it means an alarm, which is one or 2 minutes. the people must stand and do nothing, also stop there cars and come out to remember the 600 jews which was killed in world wor 2, and the tsahal soljers. i'm recording this thing also on my recording device.and now a august 21, 2009 i dreamed a dream. at first i met with luna lovegud from harry poter books, and she hirted me. after that i was in my house near the entrens and saw my mom and dad. then i went to moti's (my brother) room, and there were things which changed there form. i saw there my organ. i not mean organ like in the church, but an electronic piano. i have also a toy piano, where there are 4 animals: bear on swing, hipo on a stick which he spinning on it on his stomach, and 2 animals on swings and one of them is on a swing like horse
 . ofcorse the electronic piano and the toy piano making a diferent noices. but in the dream, suddenly the toy piano insted of doing it's sounds, started to make the electronic piano's sound. and the electronic piano was in the dream also in moti's room. when i touched it, it started to change it's form and turned into my grandma's tape. but it is not only my grandma, but i am also still using tape. i have a draur full of casets, and i can listen to them. but it not the subject now. the thing is that the objects or made other things insted of there things they must do, or changing form of other objects. also that thing was in other dream, but it was a good dream. there my science teacher from my priveous school was lyded on my grandma's sofa, and then she turned into my father. it simular like in the fantum mantion in disneyland: some woman on the sofa turning to a tiger. it is wright? i never was in disneyland, because i was in israel allmost all my lif
 e, only 2 years i was in philadelphia because i was born there.and i have a question of all the readers of this post:1. did you had a dream, where you traveled back in time and met the past version of yourself?2. how is my english?shalva/kamochek/jacob.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] childhood scares?

2013-12-01 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: jjgeek

Re: childhood scares?

So glad this topic came up, because I have been wanting to tell about 2 certain recurring dreams that I used to have. If my tutor comes in a few minutes I'll edit this post. But anyway, first to answer your question. I used to be particularly frightened of the sounds made by the Speak 'n Spell and the Speak 'n Math at my parents' house, when the batteries needed replacing. I honestly thought for some odd reason, that the voice inside the Speak 'n Spell would come out of there and bite me. I remember the pitch of the thing went continuously up, and then eventually it made a sort of spitting and scratching sound. The Speak 'n Math got all fuzzy when his batteries went, and he sounded as though he was in the shower talking to himself. It was very weird I admit, but there you go. Now to the dreams that I mentioned. One was of my bed spinning around slowly in midair. The other was of this plastic lion that stood guard at my shut bedroom door at night, but 
 he was actually really friendly. I've never been able to see anything but light and dark, so I therefore can't tell you any other stories of being afraid. Regarding thunder, I have always found it to be rather peaceful. I love storms, not snowstorms but the other kind. Another sound I always liked was sirens, such as those of ambulances. Not that people getting burned is a good thing, but I always really liked the sound and still do.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] childhood scares?

2013-12-01 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: kamochek

Re: childhood scares?

hi brad. so i have something more to say.1. how old are you brad? you also a teanager or a man? 2. you told that you also like the sounds of the heartbeat and stomach. you also puting your ear on woman's stomach? and a question: why we like specifick a woman's stomach and not a man's stomach? but when i doing that, i'm not thinking about something erotic or about doing a sex. because in my mesianic jewish beling: doing a sex before you maryed is a sim. sometimes i talking about sex, but it just to joke.if you want brad, i'll upload the sounds of my stomach and heartbeat, and also my grandma's. but first, i'm must to know how to uploade. i want to do that on dropbox. but warning: the name of it will be in russian but english leters.but also a people which don't want me to put my ear, i using statuscope. but what you using and you listening or only liking?but the stomach noices remindes me of the dark psy trance. 
 the noices in there, sometimes simular to the stomach noices. just test it and tell if you can heare a diferent between the 2 things. so there are women which i only dreaming to listen to there noices, but they are not leting me. in the school there also some teachers (women) which i want to do that. the science teacher, ower priveus hebrew teacher, my private literature teacher at the past, my literature teacher for all the class which she also a helper to the headmaster, which she also a woman the headmaster. sorry if my english is bad.and also ower previouse math teacher which was the yungest teacher in the school at the last year. her name is naamah, an israely name. she didn't knew about that, and i didn't tested her stomach noices, but dreamed about brad, also can give me a list of which stomach you listened to. shalva/kamochek/jacob.URL: http://forum.audiogames.n

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] childhood scares?

2013-12-01 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: brad

Re: childhood scares?

Hi kamochek.I also like the sounds of heartbeat and a woman's stomach. Oh and think hiccups are cute. you may be asking, why exactly do you like these sounds, and I shall tel you, yep that's right, I'm going to tell you exactly why I like them, and the answer is... I have no idea what so ever. Hmm maybe it's a blindy thing  Or maybe I'm just crazy, hmm yes I'm definitely crazy.Oh as for fears, this isn't a childhood one but, well I'm a little nervous about injections.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] childhood scares?

2013-12-01 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: kamochek

Re: childhood scares?

hi.i am also scare of sounds, and also some objects. i'm not afrade of dark, but i'm althow scare of it if the dark mixed with water. i mean a place with water where is a dark in there. i'm very afrade of gravel. if i touching a little stone, i running away. i had also a nightmares with scary sounds. the scary sounds are in the end of the dream. sometimes someone begines to talk in hebrew or russian, because is the only 2 languages which i dreaming, and this person sometimes begins to make a scary noices like "u! fu! ohohohohohoniuhiuhiuhuhiuhiuhiuhiuhiuhiuh! bzzz!" and etc. when i was a child and now i'm 15 years old, i have dreamed a nightmares which the end of them was that i was on a slide like the slides for children in parks, and this slide made a scary noices because it had a electronic motor and i sled on the slide with my ass. after that when i was 7 years old, it became (turned into) a nightmare with the
  bed turning around. i was liing on my bed, and it turned around like a carusel. sometimes in the nightmares there are a standart objects like a tape, statue, a television made a scary noices. but in this year 2013, i had only 3 or 4 nightmares. but there also a sounds which i like to hear, but no more people i think will be interested to heare that sounds. i like to listen to darkpsy music. tipe of trance. it is grate! maybe it is offtopick, but there is no topick about favourite sounds. also i like to listen to the following sounds, maybe you not belive in that guys.i like to listen of the noices of the heart and the stommeck. sorry about the spelling error guys, but i hope you understood that. so, maybe your question is how i doing that. i puting my ear on someone's stomeck (more of this people are girls and women) and listening to the noices inside the stomeck. also i listening to the stomeck of myself. i puting my recording device on the stomeck, and recording that, 
 and listening after that. if someone want that i'll uploade it, ok. but first teach me how to uploade on dropbox. i listening to the stomeck noices of my grandma, also to my girlfriend rotem revivo, some boys also including my grandpa. i thing noone thought to listen to this sounds. if someone interested in my poste, can if he/she want to listen of the noices of his/her friends and family members. but it only if you want that.also i like squeaking noices. when i hearing somewhat squeaking, i laughing.i like also the sounds of church bells, and sounds of the arabs singinng "allah waqbar..." but i'm a messianic jew. a jew who belives in jesus christ, but keaping the jewish holydays and traditions. not all, but only which are including in the torah, the 5 books of moses.ok, that is the end here.shalva/kamochek/jacobURL:

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