Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

2017-02-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : tabutcu via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

you want to action game, play a Redspot, you want to strategy game, play a Survive the Wild, you want to fps game, play a swamp, you want to mud game, play a alter ion, it's a my openion.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

2017-02-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Caccio72 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

Thanks, I read several other people recommending Entombed to me, I just downloaded it, and about trying it out!I just looove non-linear, creative, and unpredictable games, and also fond of the FRP genre, so I am hoping for the best...


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

2017-02-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : grryfindore via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

Caccio72, its a dungeon crawler audio  rpg Entombed. and I think it fits all your criterias as long as you are willing to stretch them to a point.You gotta survive being thrown in a dungeon, have a party that you manage and the like.Just survival though, without any partys or the like is a game for IOS A dark room.Turn based strategy brings the smugglers 3 4 5 or the whole smugglers series so you might want to give that a try,although you'd need to be a bit more proficient with the screenreader of your choice before you give them a go, or at least that's what I'd suggest.hthgrryf


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

2017-02-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Caccio72 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

Aprone wrote:I still need to sit down and look at those Paw Prints bugs.  I thought I was going to have time today, but no luck yet.  The weekend might cooperate and give me time to get that solved, but we'll see.  Haha.No problem Aprone, just take your time, I am "busy" trying out other games now, meaning mostly those suggested by people in this forum.Hoping I will find an even more suitable game for my expectations...Yeah, and I also started a separate forum topic, asking for Paw Prints-like game suggestions/recommendations.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

2017-02-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Caccio72 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

People, do you happen to know of an audio-game similar to Paw Prints???To those who haven't played it, its a totally turn-based, "leading a group/team/party into safety" type strategy, where you give orders to your group-members every turn, trying to make them survive untill brought into safety, meaning reaching their final destination.The game I search for must not obligatory have sheer survival as primary goal, it can be a fantasy-theme adventure game, like the HOMM series, (or like Wizardry 8, if anyone of you remembers it), sci-fi based like Ufo-Xcom, combat-based like the Jagged Alliance games, or even crime-planning like in Gangsters 1-2.So the main genre, along with the final goal is irrelevant, as long there is a froup, team, or party for me to lead, to give commands to each its member each turn...since yeah, it sure has to be turn-based, and I mean truely turn-based, granting infinite time to plan your next move, meanind your actions, o
 rders, options, settings, etc.Ok, I know I am a bit of an old-fashioned gamer, and such totally turn-based strategies are getting obsolete, so I would even welcome similar games with movement-phase inreal time, BUT at least battles or encounters MUST be TRUELY turn based in it, no excuse, LOL!!!Since the above described game genre and type was always my leading favorite one, I am eagerly and inpatiently waiting for your recommendations/suggestions!!!Cacciofrom Hungary


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

2017-02-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Caccio72 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

Aprone wrote:I still need to sit down and look at those Paw Prints bugs.  I thought I was going to have time today, but no luck yet.  The weekend might cooperate and give me time to get that solved, but we'll see.  Haha.No problem Aprone, I am "busy" trying out other games now, meaning mostly those suggested by people in this forum.Hoping I will find an even more suitable game for my expectations...


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

2017-02-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Aprone via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

I still need to sit down and look at those Paw Prints bugs.  I thought I was going to have time today, but no luck yet.  The weekend might cooperate and give me time to get that solved, but we'll see.  Haha.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

2017-02-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Caccio72 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

People,do you happen to know of an audio-game similar to Paw Prints???To those who haven't played it, its a totally turn-based, "leading a group/team into safety" type strategy, where ypu give orders to your group-members every turn, trying to make them survive untill brought into safety, meaning reaching their final destination.The game I search for must not obligatory have sheer survival as primary goal, it can be a fantasy-theme adventure game, like the HOMM series, (or like Wizardry 8, if anyone of you remembers it), sci-fi based like Ufo-Xcom, combat-based like the Jagged Alliance games, or even crime-planning like in Gangsters 1-2 games.So the main genre, aling the final goal is irrelevant, as long there is a froup, or team for me to lead, to give commands to each its mtmber each turn...sonce yeah, it sure has to be turn-based, and I mean truely turn-based, granting infinite time to plan your next move, meanind your actions, orders, option
 s, settings, etc.Ok, I know I am a bit of an old-fashioned gamer, and such totally turn-based strategies are getting obsolete, so I would even welcome similar games with "regular" play inreal time, BUT at least battles or encounters MUST be TRUELY turn based in it, no excuse, LOL!!!Since the above described game genre and type was always my leading favorite one, I am suggestions!!!Cacciofrom Hungaryeagerly, and impatiently waiting for your recommendations


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

2017-02-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Caccio72 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

Errr...Aprone...I really hate to say this, but it might still be better yto look into the Paw Prints game once again!(sorry, I probably start to sound like a "complainer" character from the game)Namely, I restarted the game 10 times in a row, by changing the settings almost every single time, (including even the difficulty level), just to make sure it is running perfectly now.Here are 3 extremely strange things I experienced, which I highly doubt can be sheer randomness or coincidence:1. Once, all 6 out of my survivors, (impossible difficulty level), were female adults!(ok, I admit, this still may be a very rare coincidence)2. With the "so fuzzy" perk selected, (6 times out of 10), I started twice with only 1, and once with no blankets at all.So there was a 50% "success" of that perk, meaning I haf 3 or 4 blankets only 3 times out of 6.(ok, this can eventually interpreted as "punishment of the tr
 ue God for selecting a false one, so I could still live with it too)3. The most annoying thing: Too many initial injuries.I remember when starting the game for the very 1st time, also at "impossible" difficulty level, only 1 of my 6 survivors had a single injury, which wasn't even a broken leg or arm, but a bleeding cut-wound. (meaning all my people were able to work, complete tasks that is)Now, whenever I start at "impossible" level, at least 3, but often 4 survivors have initial injuries, and I mean the kind of them which prevents them from working.So I am allowed to assign tasks only to  or 3 members, of which some are often children or seniors...once even happened that I had only 1 single man capable of work...and round the half of the injured have multiple, (2, or even 3) this really supposed to be so???Or it is possible, that injuries still have a similar "multiplying" bug to what building materi
 als used to have???Tried even after totally shutting down both my firewall and antivirus program, but this issue still prevailed.How am I supposed to survive even 2 weeks with only 2-3 wirking survivors??Btw how are open, bleeding wounds supposed to be treated?I never found any 1st aid-kits or bandages, which are required for theirtreatment according the game(all I found were 2 splints for fixing broken bones so far)Note:If my survivors get injured during doing their tasks, fine, that's a totally acceptable risk, maybe even the result of my own fault, (for making the wrong choices), or the "game-God's will/punishment", but initially starting with only 2 or 3 people capable of work, who are often children or elderly...and on hardest difficulty level even...that's something I highly doubt could be originally planned and implemented into the game!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

2017-02-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Caccio72 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

Errr...Aprone...I really hate to say this, but it might still be better yto look into the Paw Prints game once again!(sorry, I probably start to start like a "complainer" character from the game)Namely, I restarted the game 10 times in a row, by changing the settings almost every single time, (including even the difficulty level), just to make sure it is running perfectly now.Here are 3 extremely strange things I experienced, which I highly doubt can be sheer randomness or coincidence:1. Once, all 6 out of my survivors, (impossible difficulty level), were female adults!(ok, I admit, this still may be a very rare coincidence)2. With the "so fuzzy" perk selected, (6 times out of 10), I started twice with only 1, and once with no blankets at all.So there was a 50% "success" of that perk, meaning I haf 3 or 4 blankets only 3 times out of 6.(ok, this can eventually interpreted as "punishment of the tr
 ue God for selecting a false one, so I could still live with it too)3. The most annoying thing: Too many initial injuries.I remember when starting the game for the very 1st time, also at "impossible" difficulty level, only 1 of my 6 survivors had a single injury, which wasn't even a broken leg or arm, but a bleeding cut-wound. (meaning all my people were able to work, complete tasks that is)Now, whenever I start at "impossible" level, at least 3, but often 4 survivors have initial injuries, and I mean the kind of them which prevents them from working.So I am allowed to assign tasks only to  or 3 members, of which some are often children or seniors...once even happened that I had only 1 single man capable of work...and round the half of the injured have multiple, (2, or even 3) this really supposed to be so???Or it is possible, that injuries still have a similar "multiplying" bug to what building materi
 als used to have???Tried even after totally shutting down both my firewall and antivirus program, but this issue still prevailed.How am I supposed to survive even 2 weeks with only 2-3 wirking survivors??Btw how are open, bleeding wounds supposed to be treated?I never found any 1st aid-kits or bandages, which are required for theirtreatment according the game(all I found were 2 splints for fixing broken bones so far)Note:If my survivors get injured during doing their tasks, fine, that's a totally acceptable risk, maybe even the result of my own fault, (for making the wrong choices), or the "game-God's will/punishment", but initially starting with only 2 or 3 people capable of work, who are often children or elderly...and on hardest difficulty level even...that's something I highly doubt could be originally planned and implemented into the game!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

2017-02-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Caccio72 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

Errr...Aprone...I really hate to say this, but it might still be better yto look into the Paw Prints game once again!(sorry, I probably start to start like a "complainer" character from the game)Namely, I restarted the game 10 times in a row, by changing the settings almost every single time, (including even the difficulty level), just to make sure it is running perfectly now.Here are 3 extremely strange things I experienced, which I highly doubt can be sheer randomness or coincidence:1. Once, all 6 out of my survivors, (impossible difficulty level), were female adults!(ok, I admit, this still may be a very rare coincidence)2. With the "so fuzzy" perk selected, (6 times out of 10), I started twice with only 1, and once with no blankets at all.So there was a 50% "success" of that perk, meaning I haf 3 or 4 blankets only 3 times out of 6.(ok, this can eventually interpreted as "punishment of the tr
 ue God for selecting a false one, so I could still live with it too)3. The most annoying thing: Too many initial injuries.I remember when starting the game for the very 1st time, also at "impossible" difficulty level, only 1 of my 6 survivors had a single injury, which wasn't even a broken leg or arm, but a bleeding cut-wound. (meaning all my people were able to work, complete tasks that is)Now, whenever I start at "impossible" level, at least 3, but often 4 survivors have initial injuries, and I mean the kind of them which prevents them from working.So I am allowed to assign tasks only to  or 3 members, of which some are often children or seniors...once even happened that I had only 1 single man capable of work...and round the half of the injured have multiple, (2, or even 3) this really supposed to be so???Or it is possible, that injuries still have a similar "multiplying" bug to what building materi
 als used to have???How am I supposed to suwvive even 2 weeks with inly 2-3 wirking survivors??Btw how are open, bleeding wounds supposed to be treated?I never found any 1st aid-kits or bandages, which are required for theirtreatment according the game(all I found were stripes for fixing broken bones with)Note:If my survivors get injured during doing their tasks, fine, that's a totally acceptable risk, maybe even the result of my own fault, (for making the wrong choices), or the "game-God's will/punishment", but initially starting with only 2 or 3 people capable of work, who are often children or elderly...and on hardest difficulty level even...that's something I highly doubt could be originally planned and implemented into the game!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

2017-02-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Caccio72 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

Errr...Aprone...I really hate to say this, but it might still be better yto look into the Paw Prints game once again!(sorry, I probably start to start like a "complainer" character from the game)Namely, I restarted the game 10 times in a row, by changing the settings almost every single time, (including even the difficulty level), just to make sure it is running perfectly now.Here are 3 extremely strange things I experienced, which I highly doubt can be sheer randomness or coincidence:1. Once, all 6 out of my survivors, (impossible difficulty level), were female adults!(ok, I admit, this still may be a very rare coincidence)2. With the "so fuzzy" perk selected, (6 times out of 10), I started twice with only 1, and once with no blankets at all.So there was a 50% "success" of that perk, meaning I haf 3 or 4 blankets only 3 times out of 6.(ok, this can eventually interpreted as "punishment of the tr
 ue God for selecting a false one, so I could still live with it too)3. The most annoying thing: Too many initial injuries.I remember when starting the game for the very 1st time, also at "impossible" difficulty level, only 1 of my 6 survivors had a single injury, which wasn't even a broken leg or arm, but a bleeding cut-wound. (meaning all my people were able to work, complete tasks that is)Now, whenever I start at "impossible" level, at least 3, but often 4 survivors have initial injuries, and I mean the kind of them which prevents them from working.So I am allowed to assign tasks only to  or 3 members, of which some are often children or seniors...once even happened that I had only 1 single man capable of work...and round the half of the injured have multiple, (2, or even 3) this really supposed to be so???Or it is possible, that injuries still have a similar "multiplying" bug to what building materi
 als used to have???How am I supposed to suwvive even 2 weeks with inly 2-3 wirking survivors??Btw how are open, bleeding wounds supposed to be treated?I never found any 1st aid-kits or bandages, which are required for theirtreatment according the game(all I found were stripes for fixing broken bones with)Note:If my survivors get injured during doing their tasks, fine, that's a totally acceptable risk, maybe even the result of my own fault, (for making the wrong choices), or the "game-God's will/punishment", but initially starting with only 2 or 3 people capable of work...and on hardest difficulty level even...that's something I highly doubt could be originally planned and implemented into the game!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

2017-02-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Caccio72 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

Well, exitting the game was working fine before you fixed the bugs,  meaning the previous game version had no such issue.So I guess it's somehow related with the modifications you made yesterday...Now whenever I try to "normally exit the game, (regardless if with "enter" or "shift+enter", I can hear the clicking sound, but without any efffect, the game still keeps running.Just hoping to provide you a clue...Btw I also wonder why my Avast antivirus program didn't protest against any application by the previous Paw Prints version???(I had Avast already installed then)


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

2017-02-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Caccio72 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

Wait Aprone, hold everything, I take almost everything written in my previous post back!Namely, I managed to determine and solve all the reported problems, except the game refusing to exit properly.The error by loading saved games was happening, because the game "remembers" to automatically add the ".sav" extension to saved game names ONLY after the very 1st saving, after that it just "forgets" adding it by all future savings, so I have to add it manually.That is normally nothing serious enough for you to bother with, so no need for intervention.The game ignoring starting perk was a result of its total ignorance of ALL new game settings, in matter fact no new games were started at all, even after changing the settings, after starting, and the "good luck!" audio-message, my éast played game got continued. (realized that by checking the current gane-day, and the names/number of my characters.That issue was caused by my antivirus program, it was blocking aan application of the game, (probably the one responsible for starting a new game), I noticed its warning only half an hour later, due it running in so calld "silent" mode, being adopted to passionate gamers like myself, in order to avoid being disturbed while playing. (recently my friend replaced ESET with Avast, due to that problem I mentioned here about the Paypal page round 10 days agoNormally I fixed this issue easily, by commanding Avast to always allow that Paw Prints-related application, but even if it keeps "revolting" about other game files in the future, I can just temporarily shut it down. (while playing that particular game)So the only remaining unsolved bug is the one with the proper game-exitting, which I guess I will let you decide about...meaning if it's important enough for  your another effort spent on this game...


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Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

2017-02-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Aprone via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

Thanks Caccio.  I won't have time until tomorrow, but I'll try to take a look and see why the game won't shut itself down.  I hadn't run into that myself, and it has me curious.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

2017-02-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Caccio72 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

Wait Aprone, hold everything, I take almost everything written in my previous post back!Namely, I managed to determine and solve all the reported problems, except the game refusing to exit properly.The error by loading saved games was happening, because the game "remembers" to automatically add the ".sav" extension to saved same names ONLY after the very 1st saving, after that it just "forgets" adding them by all future savings, so I have to add it manually.That is normally nothing serious enough for you to bother with, so no need for intervention.The game ignoring strting perk was a result of its total ignorance of ALL new game settings, in matter fact no new games were started at all, even after changing the settings, after starting, and the "good luck!" audio-message, my éast played game got contnued. (realized that by checking the current gane-day, and the names/number of my characters.That issue was caused by my antivirus program, it was blocking a part of the game, I niticed its warning only half an hour later, due it running in so calld "silent" mode, iadopted to passionate gamers like myself, in order to avoid being disturbed while playing. (recently my friend replaced ESET with Avast, due to that problem I mentioned herehere about the Paypal page round a week agoNormally I fixed this issue easily, by commanding Avast to always allow that Paw Prints-related application, but even if it keeps "revolting" about other game files, I can just temporarily shut it diwn. (while playing that particular game)So the only remaining unsolved bug remaining is the one with the proper game-exitting, which I guess I will let you decide about...meaning if it's uimportant enough for  your another effort soent on this game...


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

2017-02-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Caccio72 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

Well Aprone, I have a good and a bad news to report:The good one is, that you indeed managed to fix both the "increasing building materials" and the "multiplying resources" problem, my congratulations for that!Unfortunately the "loading saved game" issue still remained, itusually happens when trying to load the last saved game with the same settings, and announces the following error message:"project 1 error when loading saved game"Even more unfortunately, a 2nd bug appeared now too:Namely, starting advantage perk got totally ignored.Example for this is, when starting with "so fuzzy" at impossible level, instead of the 3 blankets granted by this perk, there was only 1...tried this out twice btw, and normally checked resources both lying on the ground, and carried by characters, along with the cummulated report when pressing the "a" key.And evan another additional problem appea
 red, luckily it is a minor one, gut is sure permanent, it happens each single time: the game just keeps refusing to eyit the normal way, meaning with the "exit game" audio option, so I have to exit "manually" from it every single time, by using the "close window" command on the game's taskbar-application.Hope I haven't disappointed, or discouraged you too much with this unplwasent report, I am just trying my best to be of help...(as much I can)Oh yeah, and I haven't forgot to run that "checkup" file for adding missing directx components either. (before you ask me this)


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

2017-02-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Caccio72 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

Well Aprone, I have a good and a bad news to report:The good one is, that you indeed managed to fix both the "increasing building materials" and the "multiplying resources" problem, my congratulations for that!Unfortunately the "loading saved game" issue still remained, itusually happens when trying to load the last saved game with the same settings, and announces the following error message:"project 1 error when loading saved game"Even more unfortunately, a 2nd bug appeared now too:Namely, starting advantage perk got totally ignored.Example for this is, when starting with "so fuzzy" at impossible level, instead of the 3 blankets granted by this perk, there was only 1...tried this out twice btw, and normally checked resources both lying on the ground, and carried by characters, along with the cummulated report when pressing the "a" key.And evan another additional problem appear
 ed, luckily it is a minor one, gut is sure permanent, it happens each single time: the game just keeps refusing to eyit the normal way, meaning with the "exit game" audio option, so I have to exit "manually" from it every single time, by using the "close window" command on the game's taskbar-application.Hope I haven't disappointed, or discouraged you too much with this unplwasent report, I am just trying my best to be of help...


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

2017-02-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Caccio72 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

Wowww Aprone, this was a faster intervention than I even hoped, I can only wish other game developers would have reacted the same way to my bug-reports in the pasd!Thanks a lot!!!And yes, unlike me, who normally likes games to get as hard as possible, without any undeserved and unfair advantages, the vast majority of gamers like them easy, in order to achieve successes and victories as soon and fast as I an actually not surprised, that they usually avoid to report "player-benefitial" bugs, LOL!Just an example to demonstrate the difference of the 2 above mentioned gamer-attitudes:By football manager games, the most players usually choose to manage 1st class teams, like Barcelona, AC Milan, or Manchester United, or eventually some other 1st division-club, while I always tried to find and pick the weakest possible existing club in the game, from the lowest featured divisions by it.As for the game-save bug, it's quite poss
 ible it was also somehow related to the issue you said you have fixed, meaning as a kind of consequence of the multiplying effect, which has "confuse/disrupted" the saved file along with the game itself...anyway, I am gonna download and try out the game now again, and if that error still appears, I shall report it to you here again soon.I jist LOOOVE that game, and feel real happy for you having it (hopefully) fixed this fast, so THX again!!!EDIT:Oh, I just remembered, the "loading saved game" bug indeed appeared when loading such bugged, "multiplied-resources" games, so hopefully it has been corrected as well.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

2017-02-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Caccio72 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

Wowww Aprone, this was a faster intervention than I even hoped, I can only wish other game developers would have reacted the same way to my bug-reports in the pasd!Thanks a lot!!!And yes, unlike me, who normally likes games to get as hard as possible, without any undeserved and unfair advantages, the vast majority of gamers like them easy, in order to achieve successes and victories as soon and fast as I an actually not surprised, that they usually avoid to report "player-benefitial" bugs, LOL!Just an example to demonstrate the difference of the 2 above mentioned gamer-attitudes:By football manager games, the most players usually choose to manage 1st class teams, like Barcelona, AC Milan, or Manchester United, or eventually some other 1st division-club, while I always try to find and pick the weakest possible existing club in the game, from the lowest featured divisions by it.As for the game-save bug, it's quite possib
 le it was also somehow related to the issue you said you have fixed, meaning as a kind of consequence of the multiplying effect, which has "confuse/disrupted" the saved file along with the game itself...anyway, I am gonna download and try out the game now again, and if that error still appears, I shall report it to you here again soon.I jist LOOOVE that game, and feel real happy for you having it (hopefully) fixed this fast, so THX again!!!EDIT:Oh, I just remembered, the "loading saved game" bug indeed appeared when loading such bugged, "multiplied-resources" games, so hopefully it has been corrected as well.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

2017-02-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Caccio72 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

Wowww Aprone, this was a faster intervention than I even hoped, I can only wish other game developers would have reacted the same way to my bug-reports in the pasd!Thanks a lot!!!And yes, unlike me, who normally likes games to get as hard as possible, without any undeserved and unfair advantages, the vast majority of gamers like them easy, in order to achieve successes and victories as soon and fast as I an actually not surprised, that they usually avoid to report "player-benefitial" bugs, LOL!As for the game-save bug, it's quite possible it was also somehow related to the issue you said you have fixed, meaning as a kind of consequence of the multiplying effect, which has "confuse/disrupted" the saved file along with the game itself...anyway, I am gonna download and try out the game now again, and if that error still appears, I shall report it to you here again soon.I jist LOOOVE that game, and feel real happ
 y for you having it (hopefully) fixed this fast, so THX again!!!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

2017-02-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Caccio72 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

Wowww Aprone, this was a faster intervention than I even hoped, I can onlyy wish other game developers would have reacted the same way to my bug-reports in the pasd!Thanks a lot!!!And yes, unlike me, who normally likes games to get as hard as possible, without any undeserved and unfair advantages, the vast majority of gamers like them easy, in order to achieve successes and victories as soon and fast as I an actually not surprised, that they usually avoid to report "player-benefitial" bugs, LOL!As for the game-save bug, it's quite possible it was also somehow related to the issue you said you have fixed, meaning as a kind of consequence of the multiplying effect, which has "confused" the saved file along with the game itself...anyway, I am gonna download and try out the game now again, and if that error still appears, I shall report it to you here again soon.I jist LOOOVE that game, and feel real happy for yo
 u having it (hopefully) fixed this fast, so THX again!!!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

2017-02-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Aprone via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

Caccio I've uploaded a new version of Paw prints, so feel free to download it again.I have fixed the building materials bug, and also fixed those wildly random numbers of items you were starting with.  As it turns out, if you had saved a game and then started up a new one, a bug was carrying over items from the last game and mixing them into the new starting equipment.  That is why you started seeing starts with double, triple, or more items even with the same settings.I wasn't able to reproduce the lighter bug.  Any time I didn't have a lighter around, I wasn't able to start a fire.  For now I'm going to just assume it was somehow linked to that items bug, and that it was solved along with it.  I also couldn't reproduce the errors when loading saved games, so next time that happens see if you're able to email or otherwise send me the file.  I'll try to open it myself in the game, and if it errors 
 it will allow me to run tests and determine why.Haha, it is still crazy that no one else noticed that materials bug!    Well it might be that people did notice, but didn't want me to fix it.  That happens from time to time on my games, haha!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

2017-02-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Caccio72 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

I sincerely hope fixing that bug won'tbe a too difficult and demanding taskfor you, after all I guess all you'll have to do is setting/adjusting building materials to function like all other resources, for example food and firewood do.However, , as long you will be at it, I have some other issues to report as well, probably also bugs, so they should be checked up/looked into again too. (at least that's my suggestion)1. As I already mentioned, despite possessing no lighter at all at a location, (checked that up an hour ago again, ), I am still able to light the fire.The very same happens after the fire goes out.So, with no lighter, neither carried by a character, nor lying on the ground, (impossible difficulty level), the fire can still be started.2. An annoying loading-bug happens sometimes, meaning certain files og my saved games just keep failing to load-in, followed by some error report about thr "progress.ini" file, des
 pite experiencing no problems when saving those files.So I guess some incorrectly defined configuration-settings are causing this problem.3. While I am aware of the great influence and importance of random events in this game, as well of their quite common occurance, I highly doubt certain strange differences can be ccoused merely by them, since the difference is too huge for that to be believable or possible even.Some examples of this issue:At "insane" difficulty level, I normally start with extremely limited supplies, like round 15 food, 1nd round 10 firewood/building materials.Still, last time I started, with the very same settings as before, (perk, fault, religion), my group had over 50 food, over 40 firewood, and over 30 building materials.(normally with ground and carried supplies cummulated in both cases)As for the "normal" difficulty level, last time each songle one of my initial 8 survivors started with a lighte
 r, despite of a totally different perk from "pyromaniac" being selected.Next time, after selecting the "so fuzzy" perk, instead of 3, (according to the perk), they started literarily with tons of blankets, their number was close to 100 even, each member carried over 10 of them initially. (with this same perk, had 12 blankets at the start of the "impossible" level, I wonder if that could have been the sheer result of pure randomness or a strange coincidence again...)As for the "normal" difficulty level, I admit, such starting-advantages" may already be plannrd and provided by the game's default settings, but in that casr, nrther of the above mentioned starting-perks makes no difference on that difficulty level and lower, so in so it is totally pointless in such cases.In the meantime, off to download, and try out some of the other suggested/recommended games by members of this friendly community here!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

2017-02-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Caccio72 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

Well, as long you will be at it, I have some other issues to report as well, probably also bugs, so they should be checked up/looked into again too. (at least that's my suggestion)1. As I already mentioned, despite possessing no lighter at all at a location, (checked that up an hour ago again, ), I am still able to light the fire.The very same happens after the fire goes out.So, with no lighter, neither carried by a character, nor lying on the ground, (impossible difficulty level), the fire can still be started.2. An annoying loading-bug happens sometimes, meaning certain files og my saved games just keep failing to load-in, followed by some error report about thr "progress.ini" file, despite experiencing no problems when saving those files.So I guess some incorrectly defined configuration-settings are causing this problem.3. While I am aware of the great influence and importance of random events in this game, as well of their 
 quite common occurance, I highly doubt certain strange differences can be ccoused merely by them, since the difference is too huge for that to be believable or possible even.Some examples of this issue:At "insane" difficulty level, I normally start with extremely limited supplies, like round 15 food, 1nd round 10 firewood/building materials.Still, last time I started, with the very same settings as before, (perk, fault, religion), my group had over 50 food, over 40 firewood, and over 30 building materials.(normally with ground and carried supplies cummulated in both cases)As for the "normal" difficulty level, last time each songle one of my initial 8 survivors started with a lighter, despite of a totally different perk from "pyromaniac" being selected.Next time, after selecting the "so fuzzy" perk, instead of 3, (according to the perk), they started literarily with tons of blankets, their number was close to
  100 even, each member carried over 10 of them initially. (with this same perk, had 12 blankets at the start of the "impossible" level, I wonder if that could have been the sheer result of pure randomness or a strange coincidence again...)As for the "normal" difficulty level, I admit, such starting-advantages" may already be plannrd and provided by the game's default settings, but in that casr, nrther of the above mentioned starting-perks makes no difference on that difficulty level and lower, so in so it is totally pointless in such cases.In the meantime, off to download, and try out some of the other suggested/recommended games by this friendly community here!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

2017-02-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Caccio72 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

Well, as long you will be at it, I have some other issues to report as well, probably also bugs, so they should be checked up/looked into again too. (at least that's my suggestion)1. As I already mentioned, despite possessing no lighter at all at a location, (checked that up an hour ago again, ), I am still able to light the fire.The very same happens after the fire goes out.So, with no lighter, neither carried by a character, nor lying on the ground, (impossible difficulty level), the fire can still be started.2. An annoying loading-bug happens sometimes, meaning certain files og my saved games just keep failing to load-in, followed by some error report about thr "progress.ini" file, despite experiencing no problems when saving those files.So I guess some incorrectly defined configuration-settings are causing this problem.3. While I am aware of the great influence and importance of random events in this game, as well of their 
 quite common occurance, I highly doubt certain strange differences can be ccoused merely by them, since the difference is too huge for that to be believable or possible even.Some examples of this issue:At "insane" difficulty level, I normally start with extremely limited supplies, like round 15 food, 1nd round 10 firewood/building materials.Still, last time I started, with the very same settings as before, (perk, fault, religion), my group had over 50 food, over 40 firewood, and over 30 building materials.(normally with ground and carried supplies cummulated in both cases)As for the "normal" difficulty level, last time each songle one of my initial 8 survivors started with a lighter, despite of a totally different perk from "pyromaniac" being selected.Next time, after selecting the "so fuzzy" perk, instead of 3, (according to the perk), they started literarily with tons of blankets, their number was close to
  100 even, each member carried over 10 of them initially. (with this same perk, had 12 blankets at the start of the "impossible" level, I wonder if that could have been the sheer result of pure randomness or a strange coincidence again...)As for the "normal" difficulty level, I admit, such starting-advantages" may already be plannrd and provided by the game's default settings, but in that casr, nrther of the above mentioned starting-perks makes no difference on that difficulty level and lower, so in so it is totally pointless in such cases.In the meantime, off to download, and try out some of the other suggested games by this friendly community!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

2017-02-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Caccio72 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

Well, as long you will be at it, I have some other issues to report as well, probably also bugs, so they should be checked up/looked into again too. (at least that's my suggestion)1. As I already mentioned, despite possessing no lighter at all at a location, (checked that up an hour ago again, ), I am still able to light the fire.The very same happens after the fire goes out.So, with no lighter, neither carried by a character, nor lying on the ground, (impossible difficulty level), the fire can still be started.2. An annoying loading-bug happens sometimes, meaning certain files og my saved games just keep failing to load-in, followed by some error report about thr "progress.ini" file, despite experiencing no problems when saving those files.So I guess some incorrectly defined configuration-settings are causing this problem.3. While I am aware of the great influence and importance of random events in this game, as well of their 
 quite common occurance, I highly doubt certain strange differences can be ccoused merely by them, since the difference is too huge for that to be believable or possible even.Some examples of this issue:At "insane" difficulty level, I normally start with extremely limited supplies, like round 15 food, 1nd round 10 firewood/building materials.Still, last time I started, with the very same settings as before, (perk, fault, religion), my group had over 50 food, over 40 firewood, and over 30 building materials.(normally with ground and carried supplies cummulated in both cases)As for the "normal" difficulty level, last time each songle one of my initial 8 survivors started with a lighter, despite of a totally different perk from "pyromaniac" being selected.Next time, after selecting the "so fuzzy" perk, instead of 3, (according to the perk), they started literarily with tons of blankets, their number was close to
  100 even, each member carried over 10 of them initially. (with this same perk, had 12 blankets at the start of the "impossible" level, I wonder if that could have been the sheer result of pure randomness or a strange coincidence again...)As for the "normal" difficulty level, I admit, such starting-advantages" may already be plannrd and provided by the game's default settings, but in that casr, nrther of the above mentioned starting-perks makes no difference on that difficulty level and lower, so in so it is totally pointless in such cases.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

2017-02-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Aprone via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

Good catch, and I'm very surprised no one else ever caught that bug back when the game was first released!I am going to open up the old Paw prints code tomorrow and try to patch up that bug for you.  The lighter should be required to start up new fires after one has gone completely out or you've entered a new area.  As long as 1 person in the area has a lighter, or the lighter is generically "at" the location, the fire can be started.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

2017-02-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Caccio72 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

LOLLL Aprone, I don't wish to disappoint you man, but Paw Prints is quite seriously buggy!!!Namely, whenever my people improve/upgrade the camp, instead of using, they are actually adding building materials, I checked and counted that, there is no doubt, no matter at which level, anf with which settings I restart, those -4 building materials used for improvement all turn into plis, and insteas of being reduced from, they keep being added to thr available stock!!!This suits mr just finr, mraning I don't havr to wasteproplr on searching for/collecting them, but this kind of makes me a bit uncomfortable...mraning due playing the game with an unplanned, unwanted, unfair advantage, caused by its developer's omission...Cone on, I would really wish you could still fix/correct this (positively) unjust bugm or is that not possible to be done anymore???(I just wibder how come non of Paw Print players, nor even its beta-testers noticed and reported this quit
 e important issue...I am pretty sure I could/would do much better than that though, if/when I would be given the chance...)Btw what are lighters actually used for in that game?Just asking, because they are obviously playing an important role, (meaning especially the "chain-smokers perk), which I failed to discover so far, since they are not used neither for lighting, nor increasing the size of the camp fire, that can without them...=(or at least I was never required one for those actions, and mostly, at impossible level, I had none of them in the starting period anyway...or is that another important bug for me to report, in order to prove you my game-testing skills???)


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

2017-02-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Caccio72 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

LOLLL Aprone, I don't wish to disappoint you man, but Paw Prints is quite seriously buggy!!!Namely, whenever my people improve/upgrade the camp, instead of using, they are actually adding building materials, I checked and counted that, there is no doubt, no matter at which level, anf with which settings I restart, those -4 building materials used for improvement all turn into plis, and insteas of being reduced from, they keep being added to thr available stock!!!This suits mr just finr, mraning I don't havr to wasteproplr on searching for/collecting them, but this kind of makes me a bit uncomfortable...mraning due playing the game with an unplanned, unwanted, unfair advantage, caused by its developer's omission...Cone on, I would really wish you could still fix/correct this (positively) unjust bugm or is that not possible to be done anymore???(I just wibder how come non of Paw Print players, nor even its beta-testers noticed and reported this quit
 e important issue...I am pretty sure I could/would do much better than that though, if/when I would be given the chance...)Btw what are lighters actually used for in that game?Just asking, because they are obviously playing an important role, (meaning especially the "chain-smokers perk), which I failed to discover so far, since they are not used neither for lighting, nor increasing the camp fire, that can without them...=(or at least I was never required one for those actions, and mostly, at impossible level, I had none of them in the starting period anyway...or is that another important bug for me to report, in order to prove you my game-testing skills???)


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

2017-02-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Caccio72 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

LOLLL Aprone, I don't wish to disappoint you man, but Paw Prints is quite seriously buggy!!!Namely, whenever my people improve/upgrade the camp, instead of using, they are actually adding building materials, I checked and counted that, there is no doubt, no matter at which level, anf with which settings I restart, those -4 building materials used for improvement all turn into plis, and insteas of being reduced from, they keep being added to thr available stock!!!This suits mr just finr, mraning I don't havr to wasteproplr on searching for/collecting them, but this kind of makes me a bit uncomfortable...mraning due playing the game with an unplanned, unwanted, unfair advantage, caused by its developer's omission...Cone on, I would really wish you could still fix/correct this (positively) unjust bugm or is that not possible to be done anymore???(I just wibder how come non of Paw Print players, nor even its beta-testers noticed and reported this quit
 e important issue...I am pretty sure I could/would do much better than that though, if/when I would be given the chance...)Btw what are lighters actually used for in that game?Just asking, because they are obviously playing an important role, which I failed to discover so far, since they are not used neither for lighting, nor increasing the camp fire, that can without them...=(or at least I was never required one for those actions, and mostly, at impossible level, I had none of them in the starting period anyway...or is that another important bug for me to report, in order to prove you my game-testing skills???)


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

2017-02-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Caccio72 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

LOLLL Aprone, I don't wish to disappoint you man, but Paw Prints is quite seriously buggy!!!Namely, whenever my people improve/upgrade the camp, instead of using, they are actually adding building materials, I checked and counted that, there is no doubt, no matter at which level, anf with which settings I restart, those -4 building materials used for improvement all turn into plis, and insteas of being reduced from, they keep being added to thr available stock!!!This suits mr just finr, mraning I don't havr to wasteproplr on searching for/collecting them, but this kind of makes me a bit uncomfortable...mraning due playing the game with an unplanned, unwanted, unfair advantage, caused by its developer's omission...Cone on, I would really wish you could still fix/correct this (positively) unjust bugm or is that not possible to be done anymore???(I just wibder how come non of Paw Print players, nor even its beta-testers noticed and reported this quit
 e important issue...I am pretty sure I could/would do much better than that though, if/when I would be given the chance...)Btw what are lighters actually used for in that game?Just asking, because they are obviously playing an important role, which I failed to discover so far, since they are not used neither for lighting, nor increasing the camp fire, that can without them...=(or at least I was never required one for those actions, and mostly, at impossible level, I had none of them in the starting period anyway...or is that another important bug to report, in order to prove my game-testing skills???)


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

2017-02-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Caccio72 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

LOLLL Aprone, I don't wish to disappoint you man, but Paw Prints is quite seriously buggy!!!Namely, whenever my people improve/upgrade the camp, instead of using, they are actually adding building materials, I checked and counted that, there is no doubt, no matter at which level, anf with which settings I restart, those -4 building materials used for improvement all turn into plis, and insteas of being reduced from, they keep being added to thr available stock!!!This suits mr just finr, mraning I don't havr to wasteproplr on searching for/collecting them, but this kind of makes me a bit uncomfortable...mraning due playing the game with an unplanned, unwanted, unfair advantage, caused by its developer's omission...Cone on, I would really wish you could still fix/correct this (positively) unjust bugm or is that not possible to be done anymore???(I just wibder how come non of Paw Print players, nor even its beta-testers noticed and reported this quit
 e important issue...I am pretty sure I could/would do much better than that though, if/when I would be given the chance...)Btw what are lighters actually used for in that game?Just asking, because they are obviously playing an important role, which I failed to discover so far, since they are not used neither for lighting, nor increasing the camp fire, that can without them...=(or at least I was never required one for those actions, and mostly, at impossible level, I had none of them in the starting period anyway...or is that another important bug to report, in order to prove my beta-tester skills???)


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

2017-02-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Caccio72 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

LOLLL Aprone, I don't wish to disappoint you man, but Paw Prints is quite seriously buggy!!!Namely, whenever my people improve/upgrade the camp, instead of using, they are actually adding building materials, I checked and counted that, there is no doubt, no matter at which level, anf with which settings I restart, those -4 building materials used for improvement all turn into plis, and insteas of being reduced from, they keep being added to thr available stock!!!This suits mr just finr, mraning I don't havr to wasteproplr on searching for/collecting them, but this kind of makes me a bit uncomfortable...mraning due playing the game with an unplanned, unwanted, unfair advantage, caused by its developer's omission...Cone on, I would really wish you could still fix/correct this (positively) unjust bugm or is that not possible to be done anymore???(I just wibder how come non of Paw Print players, nor even its beta-testers noticed and reported this quit
 e important issue...I am pretty sure I could/would do much better than that though, if/when I would be given the chance...)Btw what are lighters actually used for in that game?Just asking, because they are obviously playing an important role, which I failed to discover so far, since they are not used neither for lighting, nor increasing the camp fire, that can without them...=(or at least I was never required one for those actions, and mostly, at impossible level, I had none of them in the starting period anyway...or is that another important bug to tell you to report, in order to prove my beta-tester skills???)


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

2017-02-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Caccio72 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

LOLLL Aprone, I don't wish to disappoint you man, but Paw Prints is quite seriously buggy!!!Namely, whenever my people improve/upgrade the camp, instead of using, they are actually adding building materials, I checked and counted that, there is no doubt, no matter at which level, anf with which settings I restart, those -4 building materials used for improvement all turn into plis, and insteas of being reduced from, they keep being added to thr available stock!!!This suits mr just finr, mraning I don't havr to wasteproplr on searching for/collecting them, but this kind of makes me a bit uncomfortable...mraning due playing the game with an unplanned, unwanted, unfair advantage, caused by its developer's omission...Cone on, I would really wish you could still fix/correct this (positively) unjust bugm or is that not possible to be done anymore???(I just wibder how come non of Paw Print players, nor even its beta-testers noticed and reported this quit
 e important issue...I am pretty sure I could/would do much better than that though, if/when I would be given the chance...)Btw what are lighters actually used for in that game?Just asking, because they are obviously playing an important role, which I failed to discover so far, since they are not used neither for lighting, nor increasing the camp fire, that can without them...=(or at least I was never required one for those actions, and mostly, at impossible level, I had none of them in the starting period anyway...or is that another important bug to tell you to try to fix???)


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

2017-02-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Aprone via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

Enough people know this secret that I don't feel I'm spoiling anything here... if you win the game with a specific type of character surviving until the end, you are treated to the true ending story.  If not, then you are given an ending but it is a short watered-down version of the ending.  So yeah, win, but then also try to unlock that true ending if you can.  


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

2017-02-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Caccio72 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

LOL, a quite unbelievable coincidence has happened in Jeremy's case then...Anyway, I have no more questions left regarding Paw Prints.Thx for all the answers, they were important to me in order to decide, how many characters to add to, or delete from that starting-name list!Now off to the game, just have to keep trying to save at least 1 survivor at impossible difficulty level!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

2017-02-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Caccio72 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

Aprone wrote:When you start up a new game, the team's composition is randomly generated.  The number of children verses adults verses elderly, and the number of male verses female characters is randomly selected.  The names are then randomly picked from over 1000 possible names, unless there is a names.txt file in which case it will pull names from that first.  Character stats, such as starting morale, are then randomly assigned.  Once the team is set, random starting equipment is handed out depending on the difficulty level you have chosen.  There is some randomness to the starting equipment, but in general the difficulty level will determine what items are handed out and how many.Sorry, there is still 1 thing I cannot grasp, namely the general character description containing personality, and important behaviour attributes.Jeremy for example keeps starting with the very s
 ame description.Now, if I delete him from the name-list, then even if he appears in the team again, he will have a different description, right?So it means ONLY characters added to the name list will always have the very same general description I guess...But what about the names I add to that list then?How, in which way will thEir general descriptions be decided and assigned to???


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

2017-02-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Aprone via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

Those behavioral attributes should be totally random each time a character is created by the game.  If it seems to be the same from game to game, it should only be by coincidence.  Even if you keep names in the name-list, characters created and given those names should still have completely random attributes.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

2017-02-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Caccio72 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

Aprone wrote:When you start up a new game, the team's composition is randomly generated.  The number of children verses adults verses elderly, and the number of male verses female characters is randomly selected.  The names are then randomly picked from over 1000 possible names, unless there is a names.txt file in which case it will pull names from that first.  Character stats, such as starting morale, are then randomly assigned.  Once the team is set, random starting equipment is handed out depending on the difficulty level you have chosen.  There is some randomness to the starting equipment, but in general the difficulty level will determine what items are handed out and how many.Sorry, there is still 1 thing I cannot grasp, namely the general character description containing important behaviour attributes.Jeremy for example keeps starting with the very same description.<
 br />Now, if I delete him from the name-list, then even if he appears in the team again, he will have a different description, right?So it means ONLY characters added to the name list will always have the very same general description I guess...But what about the names I add to that list then?How, in which way will thEir general descriptions be decided and assigned to???


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

2017-02-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Caccio72 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

Wait, you've got me a bit confused about those starting names in Paw Prints Aprone...There is a names.txt file I can put names into, or delete names from, I already noticed that.I also realized those are supposed to be characters automatically added by the start...although thr mail-child called Jack doesn't appear in my starting team, probably due plaíing at "impossible" difficulty. (U guess)Those "premade" characters even have thr veery same description and attributes.What I don't get is, what actually happens if I delete them all, and add let's say one character called Ishtar (female adult) instead?Namelym will Ishtar always have the same description and attributes by each start, like the ex-constant characters used to have?And will ALL the rest of the gamr-characters have totally random names AND descriptions/attributes by each new start, or there is still a limited database of possible game-characters, with fixed names and attributes?Summarized: Are all of the non-predefined names totally random then, along with the attributes assigned to them?And will predefined characters always have the very same description and attributes?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

2017-02-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Aprone via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

When you start up a new game, the team's composition is randomly generated.  The number of children verses adults verses elderly, and the number of male verses female characters is randomly selected.  The names are then randomly picked from over 1000 possible names, unless there is a names.txt file in which case it will pull names from that first.  Character stats, such as starting morale, are then randomly assigned.  Once the team is set, random starting equipment is handed out depending on the difficulty level you have chosen.  There is some randomness to the starting equipment, but in general the difficulty level will determine what items are handed out and how many.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

2017-02-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Caccio72 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

Wait, you've got me a bit confused about those starting names in Paw Prints Aprone...There is a names.txt file I can put names into, or delete names from, I already noticed that.I also realized those are supposed to be characters automatically added by the start...although thr mail-child called Jack doesn't appear in my starting team, probably due plaíing at "impossible" difficulty. (U guess)Those "premade" characters even have thr veery same description and attributes.What I don't get is, what actually happens if I delete them all, and add let's say one character called Ishtar (female adult) instead?Namelym will Ishtar always have the same description and attributes by each start, like the ex-constant characters used to have?And will ALL the rest of the gamr-characters have totally random names AND descriptions/attributes by each new start, or there is still a limited database of possible game-characters, with fixed names and attributes?Summarized: Are all of the non-predefined names totally random then, along with the attributes assigned to them?And will predefined characters always get the very same description and attributes?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

2017-02-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Caccio72 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

Hey Aprone, I downloaded and tried out ALL of your games, meaning those present on the Kaldowski (your) webpage.There are 3 games which I found interesting.Although I am generally not found of crafting/combining based games, I must admit Revelion is quite a good one of that genre, especially for not being rushed by time, (like by many recent, "modern" survival games in real time, but have all the time to think,, asnd try to figure out your next combination try.Tripple Triad is a very intelligently planned/designed board/card-battle type game, it also requests clever planning and much thinking, and it's luckily turn-based as well.I just wonder why you didn't include the possibility of playing multiplayer-online into it,mucj more fun would be provided that way...meaning playing against real people instead of dumb and naive AIs!However, the very most pleasent surprise for me was Paw that is definitely my type of game!
 !!It happened very long time ago when I was playing similar, creative turn-based survival-planning games, usually all of those are made with real-time gameplay in this last it brought back my nostalgy for those good-old games like Aliens 8 for c64, or Lost Patrol for Amiga...if you happen to remember such games...if not, then let's just say they were of this very same genre and type, which was/is one og my all-time favorites.Oh btw, the character of Jeremy in that game... -is the reflection og your real-life personality, right?LOL, due knowing that, I won't have to start begginf you to reveal me the so called "true God" in the game...Furthermore, I persume the rest of the protagonist-characters are avatars of people you know, and/or are even related with in your real-life, is that correct?EDIT:As usual, I started the game at the hardest, a.k.a. "impossible" level, since I like games as hard as possible:
  The harder the challenge, the sweeter the success or reward!Normally I failed completing it right at the 1st try, but I shall keep trying at this same level, since in case I successfully finish it at some lower level, I fear I won't be willing to start it over "from the very scratches" again, due already knowing the game's ending and final outcome, and I do intend to play this game for a longer time. (at least that's how I usually feel abut non-sandbox-type games, and despite all the random events, making the game less predictable, Paw Prints is still a game with a clearly defined end-goal))Surprisingly, by my 1st try, the old Lady called Debbie turned out to be the most survivable of the group, (this also gave me a clue about the identity of the "true God", despite her advanced age, limited task-possibilities due it and all her wounds/injuries, she managed to last for 31 days even, and reach the 7th from 15 featured game locations. (a
 ccording the game-manual in "readme.txt)LOL!!!


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Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

2017-02-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Caccio72 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

Hey Aprone, I downloaded and tried out ALL of your games, meaning those present on the Kaldowski (your) webpage.There are 3 games which I found interesting.Although I am generally not found of crafting/combining based games, I must admit Revelion is quite a good one of that genre, especially for not being rushed by time, (like by many recent, "modern" survival games in real time, but have all the time to think,, asnd try to figure out your next combination try.Tripple Triad is a very intelligently planned/designed board/card-battle type game, it also requests clever planning and much thinking, and it's luckily turn-based as well.I just wonder why you didn't include the possibility of playing multiplayer-online into it,mucj more fun would be provided that way...meaning playing against real people instead of dumb and naive AIs!However, the very most pleasent surprise for me was Paw that is definitely my type of game!
 !!It happened very long time ago when I was playing similar, creative turn-based survival-planning games, usually all of those are made with real-time gameplay in this last it brought back my nostalgy for those good-old games like Aliens 8 for c64, or Lost Patrol for Amiga...if you happen to remember such games...if not, then let's just say they were of this very same genre and type, which was/is one og my all-time favorites.Oh btw, the character of Jeremy in that game... -is the reflection og your real-life personality, right?LOL, due knowing that, I won't have to start begginf you to reveal me the so called "true God" in the game...Furthermore, I persume the rest of the protagonist-characters are avatars of people you know, and/or are even related with in your real-life, is that correct?EDIT:As usual, I started the game at the hardest, a.k.a. "impossible" level, since I like games as hard as possible:
  The harder the challenge, the sweeter the success or reward!Normally I failed completing it right at the 1st try, but I shall keep trying at this same level, since in case I successfully finish it at some lower level, I fear I won't be willing to start it over "from the very scratches" again, since I already know the game's ending and final outcome, and I do intend to play this game for a longer time. (at least that's how I usually feel abut non-sandbox-type games, and despite all the random events, making the game less predictable, Paw Prints is still a game with a clearly defined end-goal))Surprisingly, by my 1st try, the old Lady called Debbie turned out to be the most survivable of the group, (this also gave me a clue about the identity of the "true God", despite her advanced age, limited task-possibilities due it and all her wounds/injuries, she managed to last for 31 days even, and reach the 7th from 15 featured game locations.LOL!!!


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Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

2017-02-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Aprone via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

Caccio,    When it comes to Triple triad, I want to start out by saying that the actual game mechanics were not my own design.  Someone here on the audiogames community asked me to build an accessible version of this game.  Triple triad is a sort of mini-game that has shown up in many mainstream titles such as Final fantasy, and also has its own stand along game on phones.  The reason I wanted start out with that is that Triple Triad is the only games (that I can remember) where I literally took someone else's game remade it to be blind accessible.  I just don't want anyone to misunderstand and give me undo credit for the game's mechanics.So with that being said, I have had a plan in place (for a long time) to build a large game-room service.  It would be populated with many small multiplayer games, with this Triple triad game being one of them.  Because it is waiting around for me to finally get that whole syste
 m up and running, there is no multiplayer feature at the moment.Paw prints is one I enjoy as well.  I love it's brutal nature where you're forced to make tough life and death choices for your people.  The "Jeremy" name was just an example I threw into the "names.txt" file which you can find in the Paw prints folder.  The names.txt file allows you to set up preferred names for your team, which will be chosen from before the game resorts to random names.  You can alter that file to fill in your own names, or just delete the names and let the game pick random names for you each time.The people from the game are chosen randomly, so they aren't based on specific people I know.    It also means any conclusions you had made about the game's "true god" aren't accurate if you were basing th
 em on that assumption.The story line of Paw prints is tied in with multiple other games.  I also apologize in advance for some of my older games, since I was still trying to get the hang of making accessible games.  The quality of some of them is a bit on the low side (Yes Daytona, I'm looking at you!).  ROFL!Since I brought up the Daytona game, that's actually one of the games tied into the Paw prints story line.  Daytona, Castaways, Castaways 2 (which was released as a beta and not on the website yet), and Paw prints all take place in the same universe.Separately from Castaways...  Lunimals, Preludamals, Triple triad, Dog who hates toast, and Dark ruse all take place in the same universe.I'm sure I'm forgetting some other game tie-ins.  I've also started and stopped on a handful of other games that fit into the Castaways story line, and I hope to revisit some of those eventually.  Basically I h
 ave loads of project ideas but not enough time to work on them all.  


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Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

2017-02-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Shadowlink via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

Hello,I don't know which games the others allready called, so I'll give you a short list of the games I like:Manamon (RPG)The Road to Rage (Shooter)Deathmatch Project Alpha (Sidescroller)Lords & Knights (For mobile Devices - MMO strategy)Paladin of the Sky (very cool RPG and very cool story)These are the games I like. I'm shure that i forgot hundred of games. Best regards,Shadowlink


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

2017-02-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Caccio72 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

Hey Aprone, I downloaded and tried out ALL of your games, meaning those present on the Kaldowski (your) webpage.There are 3 games which I found interesting.Although I am generally not found of crafting/combining based games, I must admit Revelion is quite a good one of that genre, especially for not being rushed by time, (like by many recent, "modern" survival games in real time, but have all the time to think,, asnd try to figure out your next combination try.Tripple Triad is a very intelligently planned/designed board/card-battle type game, it also requests clever planning and much thinking, and it's luckily turn-based as well.I just wonder why you didn't include the possibility of playing multiplayer-online into it,mucj more fun would be provided that way...meaning playing against real people instead of dumb and naive AIs!However, the very most pleasent surprise for me was Paw that is definitely my type of game!
 !!It happened very long time ago when I was playing similar, creative turn-based survival-planning games, usually all of those are made with real-time gameplay in this last it brought back my nostalgy for those good-old games like Aliens 8 for c64, or Lost Patrol for Amiga...if you happen to remember such games...if not, then let's just say they were of this very same genre and type, which was/is one og my all-time favorites.Oh btw, the character of Jeremy in that game... -is the reflection og your real-life personality, right?LOL, due knowing that, I won't have to start begginf you to reveal me the so called "true God" in the game...Furthermore, I persume the rest of the protagonist-characters are avatars of people you know, and/or are even related with in your real-life, is that correct?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

2017-02-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Caccio72 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

Hey Aprone, I downloaded and tried out ALL of your games, meaning those present on the Kaldowski (your) webpage.There are 3 games which I found interesting.Although I am generally not found of crafting/combining based games, I must admit Revelion is quite a good one of that genre, especially for not being rushed by time, (like by many recent, "modern" survival games in real time, but have all the time to think,, asnd try to figure out your next combination try.Tripple Triad is a very intelligently planned/designed board/card-battle type game, it also requests clever planning and much thinking, and it's luckily turn-based as well.I just wonder why you didn't include the possibility of playing multiplayer-online into it,mucj more fun would be provided that way...meaning playing against real people instead of dumb and naive AIs!However, the very most pleasent surprise for me was Paw that is definitely my type of game!
 !!It happened very long time ago when I was playing such creative turn-based survival-planning games, usually all of those are made with real-time gameplay in this last it brought back my nostalgy for those good-old games like Aliens 8 for c64, or Lost Patrol for Amiga...if you happen to remember such games...if not, then let's just say they were of this very same genre and type, which was/is one og my all-time favorites.Oh btw, the character of Jeremy in that game... -is the reflection og your real-life personality, right?LOL, due knowing that, I won't have to start begginf you to reveal me the so called "true God" in the game...Furthermore, I persume the rest of the protagonist-characters are avatars of people you know, and/or are even related with in your real-life, is that correct?


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Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

2017-02-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : zakc93 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

Try using the mobile facebook site,


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Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

2017-02-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Caccio72 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Asking For Game Suggestions



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Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

2017-02-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Caccio72 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Asking For Game Suggestions



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Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

2017-02-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Caccio72 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

Actually what I wanted to now was, if every 30-31 days in a row count as a full month, (for example from 15th  of january to 15th of february), or mounts count only according the calendar, (for example january, meant from 1st to 31st), but now I finally know the correct answer.This information was important to me due all that time I have to spend lying in hospital.(there still exists a glimmer of hope to regain at least a small percent of my vision in the near future)THANX, now I really have no more questions left.Hope to meet some of you guys in Swamp, Altereon, or any other game in the future!If that happens, please let me know it is you, by announcing it in the game-chat!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

2017-02-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Caccio72 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

Actually what I wanted to now was, if every 30-31 days in a row count as a full month, (for example from 15th  of january to 15th of february), or mounts count only according the calendar, (for example january, meant from 1st to 31st), but now I finally know the correct answer.This information was important to me due all that time I have to spend lying in hospital.(there still exists a glimmer of hope to regain at least a small percent of my vision once in the future)THANX, now I really have no more questions left.Hope to meet some of you guys in Swamp, Altereon, or any other game in the future!If that happens, please let me know it is you, by announcing it in the game-chat!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

2017-02-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Caccio72 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

Actually what I wanted to now was, if every 30-31 days in a row count as a full month, (for example from 15th  of january to 15th of february), or mounts count only according the calendar, (for example january, meant from 1st to 31st), but now I finally know the correct answer.This information was important to me due all that time I have to spend lying in hospital.THANX, now I really have no more questions left.Hope to meet some of you guys in Swamp, Altereon, or any other game in the future!If that happens, please let me know it is you, by announcing it in the game-chat!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

2017-02-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Caccio72 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

Actually what I wanted to now was, if every 30-31 days in a row count as


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Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

2017-02-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : grryfindore via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

Hi,If you play any game that requires you to login in a month,even once, that counts towards a month. so if you were to play swamp whole of this month, or even a day on this month,a whole month would be counted. If you don't login in march at all,that month won't count,however if you even login say on the 30th of ap even if you hadn't played in that month at all besides that 1 day,that would take in count the month of ap in those 12 months.So in breaf, play the most you can in a month,and don't login unless you know you will play in that month.To answer your Rep XP questions,The Rep is used for buying stuff from SZ, as well as doing missions,nothing else. Along with Rep you also get XP while killing zombies and a greater amount while doing missions. XP is used to raise your levels.Hope that answers your questions.grryf


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Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

2017-02-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Caccio72 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

Yea, this explains about everythin about account functioning/expiry of gamer-accounts, and skill resetting/relocating in Swamp, thanx Aprone!So basically only online play counts as account-timt-use, since only then the Kaldowski-login is requested.As for swamp, does this mean that reputation is merely replacing the game-currency, while leveling up, meaning completing the requirements for leveling up nerely depends on the number of zombies killed, and completing quests/missions?If so, there is no "experience" category in Swanp at all, right?


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Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

2017-02-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Aprone via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

The Kaldobsky gamer account counts a month as being "used" if you have logged in using the account at least once.  If you go an entire month without actually logging in to play, that month is not used up.  There have been some people asking me to handle it on a day by day basis, but setting things up by months worked out better for me.Don't worry about saving up reputation points, they are not used to help you level.  The part about leveling up quickly was about resetting skill points.  Each time you level up you are granted 1 additional skill point, which you can assign to different player skills.  Perhaps you want to increase your maximum health or run a bit faster... that sort of thing.  As time passes you may wish you had spent your points on different skills, so what you're able to do is reset them once every 24 hours, or once after leveling up.  Once they have been reset, you can go through and assign them to the 
 different skills in a new combination.Higher level players who like to switch their skills around often, usually have to wait 24 hours each time.  It may take them much more than 1 day to level up to the next level, so waiting 24 hours is the best way they can once again reset their skills.  Newer players level up much more often, so they rarely have to wait a full 24 hours to reset their skills.  You may try a combination, find you are unhappy with it, and within a few hours you may level up your character while killing Zombies.  Once that happens you can type /RESET and choose a new way to divide up your skill points.  This approach allows newer players to try out more combinations while they figure out what skills they like and which ones they don't.


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Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

2017-02-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Caccio72 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

Well, Altereon is a pretty fine FRP game, especially for blind players.True, it is a bit linear for my taste, but luckily only partly, and it is still one of the best games of this genre developers could come up with.So I am generally satisfied with it, and willprobably play it for a longer time.But now, back to the Kaldowski gamer account, and Swamp, for I have one more question regarding each.1. The way Kaldowski gamer account monitors the 1 year account time is still not totally clear to me.Namely I wish to know, if it actually counts only the time while playing their games, or counts each day when I play one of them for a full one?For example, if I play a Kaldowski game, meaning only one of them, let's say for only an hour time today, will it be counted as a full day, or reduce only that 1 hour from my remaining time?This is quite important, in order to plan and use up my 12 months account time as efficiently as possible.
 2. As for Swamp itself, Aprone's reply about that fast levelling up in starting period wasn't clear enough to me either.Does it mean I am not supposed to waste my reputation on buying weapons and equipment in the safe zone, but cummulate reputation instead, and then use it for rapidly jump more levels up?Does leveling up depend on reputation at all, or it has a different requirement, like experience for example, while reputation is simply a replacement for game currency? (like gold or credits)


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

2017-02-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Caccio72 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

Well, Altereon is a pretty fine FRP game, especially for blind players.True, it is a bit linear for my taste, but luckily only partly, and it is still one of the best games of this genre developers could come up with.So I am generally satisfied with it, and willprobably play it for a longer time.But now, back to the Kaldowski gamer account, and Swamp, for I have one more question regarding each.1. The way Kaldowski gamer account monitors the 1 year account time is still not totally clear to me.Namely I wish to know, if it actually counts only time while playing their games, or counts each day when I play one of them for a full one?For example, if I play a Kaldowski game, meaning only one of them, let's say for only an hour time today, will it be counted as a full day, or reduce only that 1 hour from my remaining time?This is quite important, in order to use up my 12 months account time as efficiently as possible.2. As for Swa
 mp itself, Aprone's reply about that fast levelling up in starting period wasn't clear enough to me either.Does it mean I am not supposed to waste my reputation on buying weapons and equipment in the safe zone, but cummulate reputation instead, and then use it for rapidly jump more levels up?Does leveling up depend on reputation at all, or it has a different requirement, like experience for example, while reputation is simply a replacement for game currency? (like gold or credits)


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

2017-02-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Caccio72 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

Well, Altereon is a pretty fine frp game, especially for blind players.True, it is a bit linear for my taste, but luckily only partly, and it is still one of the best games of this genre developers could come up with.So I am generally satisfied with it, and willprobably play it for a longer time.But now, back to the Kaldowski gamer account, and Swamp, for I have one more question regarding each.1. The way Kaldowski gamer account monitors the 1 year account time is still not totally clear to me.Namely I wish to know, if it actually counts only time while playing their games, or counts each day when I play one of them for a full one?For example, if I play a Kaldowski game, meaning only one of them, let's say for only an hour time today, will it be counted as a full day, or reduce only that 1 hour from my remaining time?This is quite important, in order to use up my 12 months account time as efficiently as possible.2. As for Swa
 mp itself, Aprone's reply about that fast levelling up in starting period wasn't clear enough to me either.Does it mean I am not supposed to waste my reputation on buying weapons and equipment in the safe zone, but cummulate reputation instead, and then use it for rapidly jump more levels up?Does leveling up depend on reputation at all, or it has a different requirement, like experience for example, while reputation is simply a replacement for game currency? (like gold or credits)


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Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

2017-02-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : grryfindore via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

Hi,@Caccio72 that paypal balance isn't showing your account or Visa card balance,but the actual paypal balance. so since you haven't recieved money from anyone into your paypal, it shows that as 0.Good luck with both swamp and altar, they both are fantastic games.grryf


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Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

2017-02-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Caccio72 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

Good news again!My friend has just fixed both the paypal-ESET and the Altereon problem, so I am off to try out the 2nd "serious" game since my vision loss.Will be back with my impressions about it soon!Oh btw, why does that dumb paypal show that I (accordingly) have 0 (zero) HUF (hungarian forints) on my account, while in reality I have round 2500 forints on my Visa bank-card???(I even checked that out with my bank today)


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

2017-02-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Caccio72 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

Good news again!My friend has just fixed both the paypal-ESET and the Altereon problem, so I am off to try out the 2nd "serious" game since my vision loss.Will be back with my impressions about it soon!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

2017-02-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Caccio72 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

Sorry for getting a bit off topic now, but as I already mentioned in one of my previous posts, I like chatting online with people of similar interests to mine, which in my case are primarolly computer games.During my sighted period of life, sometimes I spent more hours dailychatting with fellow gamers, especially about games we shared interest in.Now as blind, I guess it's timr for me to find a more suitable famer community to chat with, meaning mostly in time I don't actively play, since chatting inside games isially draws away ny attention, distrging my concentrationn,So I nostly prefer chatting with ganers on a separate sight/page, in separate chatrooms, game-integrated chatroom.Do you people happen to now a chatroom for blind gamers like myself. an "alive and kicking" one if possible?Note:So please don't recimmend me the so callef "normal" vhat-sites for sighted people, since I will not be able to find 
 common topics with those anymore, due playing totally different games now.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

2017-02-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Caccio72 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

Sorry for getting a bit off topic now, but as I already mentioned in one of my previous posts, I like chatting online with proplr of similar interests to mine.During my sighted period of life, sometimes I spent more hours dailychatting with fellow gamers, especially about games we shared interest in.Now as blind, I guess it's timr for me to find a more suitable famer community to chat with, meaning mostly in time I don't actively play, since chatting inside games isially draws away ny attention, distrging my concentrationn,So I nostly prefer chatting with ganers on a separate sight/page, in separate chatrooms, game-integrated chatroom.Do you people happen to now a chatroom for blind gamers like myself. an "alive and kicking" one if possible?Note:So please don't recimmend me the so callef "normal" vhat-sites for sighted people, since I will not be able to find common topics with those anymore, due playing to
 tally different games now.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

2017-02-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Caccio72 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

Sorry for getting a bit off topic now, but as I already mentioned in one of my previous posts, I like chatting online with proplr of similar interests to mine.During my sighted period of life, sometimes I spent more hours dailychatting with fellow gamers, especially about games we shared interest in.Now as blind, I guess it's timr for me to find a more suitable famer community to chat with, meaning mostly in time I don't actively play, since chatting inside games isially draws away ny attention, distrging my concentrationn,So I nostly prefer chatting with ganers on a separate sight/page, in separate chatrooms, game-integrated chatroom.Do you people happen to now a chatroom for blind gamers like myself. an "alive and kicking" one if possible?Note:So please don't recimmend me the so callef "normal" vhat-sites for sighted people, since I will nit be able ti find common topics with those anymore, due playing ti
 tally different gamrs now.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

2017-02-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Caccio72 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

Sorry for getting a bit off topic now, but as I already mentioned in one of my previous posts, I like chatting online with proplr of similar interests to mine.During my sighted period of life, sometimes I spent more hours dailychatting with fellow gamers, especially about games we shared interest in.Now as blind, I guess it's timr for me to find a more suitable famer community to chat with, meaning mostly in time I don't actively play, since chatting inside games isially draws away ny attention, distrging my concentrationn,So I nostly prefer chatting with ganers on a separate sight/page, in separate chatroons, dame-integrated chateoom.Do you people happen to now a chatroom for blind gamers like myself. an "alive and kicking" one if possible?Note:So please don't recimmend me the so callef "normal" vhat-sites for sighted people, since I will nit be able ti find cimmon topics with those anymore, due playing ti
 tally different gamrs now.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

2017-02-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Caccio72 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

Sorry for getting a bit off topic now, but as I already mentioned in one of my previous posts, I like chatting online with proplr of similar interests to mine.During my sighted period of life, sometimes I spent more hours dailychatting with fellow gamers, especially about games we shared interest in.Now as blind, I guess it's timr for me to find a more suitable famer community to chat with, meaning mostly in time I don't actively play, since chatting inside games isially draws away ny attention, distrging my concentrationn,So I nostly prefer chatting with ganers on a separate sight/page, in separate chatroons, dame-integrated chateoom.Do you people happen to now a chatroom for blind gamers like myself. an "alive and kicking" one if possible?


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Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

2017-02-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Caccio72 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

Nope, it doesn't say a single word, acts as if everything works just fine.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

2017-02-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Caccio72 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

Damn...sorry to keep bothering you Aprone, but it looks like the load campaign option doesn't work properly for me either.The saved game does load in and start, (meaning continue), but runs with the most of the sounds missing.(just tried this out btw)EDIT:And yes. I do have sound boost off. and tried all 3 of my detected sound devices out, normally after restarting the game each time.(before you ask me this, lol)


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

2017-02-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Caccio72 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

Wowww, now this was a detailed enough answer Aprone, which improved my opinion about the game even more'THANX MAN!!!Now just a last question:Is it worth ro create and olay with more than 1 characters:I mean. why would someone slow down his/her advance in a game, by splitting it between more than 1 character?(that worked fine in gta 5 online for example, but that game had an extremely sophisticated character editor, and many ways/oportunities to modify/upgrade character's appearence during the ganeplay as well...)


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

2017-02-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Aprone via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

Hmm, does it give you a specific error message when you try to load campaigns?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

2017-02-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Caccio72 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

Damn...sorry to keep bothering you Aprone, but it looks like the load campaign option doesn't work properly for me either.The saved game does load in and start, (meaning continue), but runs with the most of the sounds missing.(just tried this out btw)EDIT:And yes. I do have sound boost off. and tried all 3 of my detected sound devices out.(before you ask me this, lol)


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

2017-02-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Caccio72 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

Damn...sirry to keep bothering you Aprone, but it looks like the load campaogn option diesn't work properly for me either.The saved game does oad in and start, (meaning continue), but rins with the most of the sounds missing.(just tried this out btw)


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

2017-02-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Aprone via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

That's a very good question.  Most players only use 1 or 2 characters, but may keep a third around to store equipment on.  Officially it's a cheap trick to store items on a "storage character", but I'm sure you've seen that same thing done in countless games.  I'm not a fool, haha, I know players do that on Swamp too.  There are no rules against doing it, so this may be something you'll find yourself doing in the future with one of your 5 character slots.The normal verses hardcore modes are the main reason for a person to have at least 2 characters they play.  Once you convert a character to HC, the game plays quite differently than when on normal.  Having one of each type lets you decide how you want to play that day.Oh, Swamp's patched together nature does mean there is a bit of a learning curve.  The game has many features and commands that are accessed by typing into the chat.  I
  apologize for that since chat commands are somewhat lazy in my opinion, haha.  One of the commands allows you to reset your stat points (which are earned through leveling up) once every 24 hours.  You also unlock another reset each time you level up, so at first you'll level up so quickly you won't need to be waiting for the 24 hour resets.  If memory serves me, the command is /Reset, though I'd recommend you ask other players in chat.When you tried chatting and had no response, it's possible players were too busy to reply or maybe no one was in the channel at the time.  Hopefully you have better luck with that next time, because players who chat and get to know each other in the game tend to have more fun.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

2017-02-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Aprone via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

Caccio, I'm glad to hear you've gotten that Paypal craziness figured out.    I'm sure that wasn't fun.Multiplayer can indeed seem easier (at first) than single player, for a variety of reasons.  The main reasons are that other players are also killing them alongside you, and that the zombies themselves have more targets to go after.  When you are in single player, you are the only thing they have to focus on, but when online some of the zombies will be trying to eat other players and less are left over to be going after you specifically.The main maps average around 120,000 total tiles in size, so that works out to around 350 by 350 though the actual width and height are different from map to map.  There are 5 main maps and 3 sub maps which are all interconnected.  Once you get into missions, there are I think 7 or 8 more 
 maps dedicated to specific mission types.When you are ready to venture out into the next map, the south west corner of the map has a destroyed building.  A sewer tunnel is exposed and after walking into it you press Enter to head down into map 2.  Each map boosts the difficulty a bit, so level requirements have been placed on them, but I have a feeling you'll be leveling up at a good pace.  The reason for level requirements is to hopefully encourage players to spend enough time on each map that they get comfortable with its layout before moving on.  It is also meant to help keep brand new players from wandering onto maps that are too difficult for them at the moment.There are ways for players to harm and kill each other, but it is in specific situations.  The first way you're likely to encounter is a mission type called Last man Standing (LMS).  When someone leads that type of mission, anyone can go to their nearest Safe zone and
  add themselves to it.  The leader chooses to launch once he/she is satisfied with the number of participants and instantly everyone is transported into a small neighborhood map with only the most basic of equipment.  It is a slaughter at first, with zombies able to quickly pick off the weaker players trying to defend themselves with only pistols.  Grab loot, fight back, and probably find yourself a little spot where you can hold back the undead.  Once a certain number of minutes has passed, PVP (player vs player) is enabled and announces it to the survivors.  From this point forward, you have to worry about other humans in addition to the zombies.  The last human alive is declared the winner!The other way players experience PVP is when they have converted themselves into "hardcore" (HC) characters, and battle other HC players over forts.  Embarrassingly I can't remember the level requirement off-hand, but after reaching a cer
 tain level you can choose to convert yourself into a level 1 hardcore character.  You will lose all current progress and are then thrown into a much deadlier version of Swamp.  Loot only appears one third as often, you are unable to purchase any items from Safe zones (meaning you must find literally everything you need), and you must collect a resource called "food" to keep going.  As you run around, your food resource is slowly used up.  If at any time your food actually hits zero, your character is frozen in place like a car that is out of gas.  If you are lucky another HC player will choose to help you and give you some of theirs, or you'll be frozen in place fighting back zombies until you finally run out of ammo and are killed.To help HC players level up, each map has 1 or more locations called forts.  For normal players those are just little buildings that don't really do anything special, but if you are an HC player you
  can interact with the fort in much the same way players can interact with the Safe zone.  HC players form clans and can actually own a fort, allowing them to deposit weapons and armor, stock it with food, and even grow food with small farms.  They can "enter" a fort and be taken to a small dedicated map, where they can hang out and slowly gain XP over time.Rival HC players can launch attacks against forts they do not own, entering them and slowly chipping away at the fort's "health" just by spending time on that fort map.  Computer controlled guards can help force them out, but the main way is for the owners to enter the map themselves and fight it out.  These player vs player fort battles are probably the most intense battles Swamp sees, depending on the particular players in each battle and size of each clan.I'm not really sure where to find other campaigns made by other players.  I'm sure they are around s
 omewhere, but I've never heard of a single place that has gathered them up.  I think as each person created campaigns, they hosted them in all sorts of different places.  It might not be easy to track them down with.I'm not sure about the random disconnects you had.  It is not supposed to happen, obviously haha, but I'll look i

Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

2017-02-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Aprone via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

Caccio, I'm glad to hear you've gotten that Paypal craziness figured out.    I'm sure that wasn't fun.Multiplayer can indeed seem easier (at first) than single player, for a variety of reasons.  The main reasons are that other players are also killing them alongside you, and that the zombies themselves have more targets to go after.  When you are in single player, you are the only thing they have to focus on, but when online some of the zombies will be trying to eat other players and less are left over to be going after you specifically.The main maps average around 120,000 total tiles in size, so that works out to around 350 by 350 though the actual width and height are different from map to map.  There are 5 main maps and 3 sub maps which are all interconnected.  Once you get into missions, there are I think 7 or 8 more 
 maps dedicated to specific mission types.When you are ready to venture out into the next map, the south west corner of the map has a destroyed building.  A sewer tunnel is exposed and after walking into it you press Enter to head down into map 2.  Each map boosts the difficulty a bit, so level requirements have been placed on them, but I have a feeling you'll be leveling up at a good pace.  The reason for level requirements is to hopefully encourage players to spend enough time on each map that they get comfortable with its layout before moving on.  It is also meant to help keep brand new players from wandering onto maps that are too difficult for them at the moment.There are ways for players to harm and kill each other, but it is in specific situations.  The first way you're likely to encounter is a mission type called Last man Standing (LMS).  When someone leads that type of mission, anyone can go to their nearest Safe zone and
  add themselves to it.  The leader chooses to launch once he/she is satisfied with the number of participants and instantly everyone is transported into a small neighborhood map with only the most basic of equipment.  It is a slaughter at first, with zombies able to quickly pick off the weaker players trying to defend themselves with only pistols.  Grab loot, fight back, and probably find yourself a little spot where you can hold back the undead.  Once a certain number of minutes has passed, PVP (player vs player) is enabled and announces it to the survivors.  From this point forward, you have to worry about other humans in addition to the zombies.  The last human alive is declared the winner!The other way players experience PVP is when they have converted themselves into "hardcore" (HC) characters, and battle other HC players over forts.  Embarrassingly I can't remember the level requirement off-hand, but after reaching a cer
 tain level you can choose to convert yourself into a level 1 hardcore character.  You will lose all current progress and are then thrown into a much deadlier version of Swamp.  Loot only appears one third as often, you are unable to purchase any items from Safe zones (meaning you must find literally everything you need), and you must collect a resource called "food" to keep going.  As you run around, your food resource is slowly used up.  If at any time your food actually hits zero, your character is frozen in place like a car that is out of gas.  If you are lucky another HC player will choose to help you and give you some of theirs, or you'll be frozen in place fighting back zombies until you finally run out of ammo and are killed.To help HC players level up, each map has 1 or more locations called forts.  For normal players those are just little buildings that don't really do anything special, but if you are an HC player you
  can interact with the fort in much the same way players can interact with the Safe zone.  HC players form clans and can actually own a fort, allowing them to deposit weapons and armor, stock it with food, and even grow food with small farms.  They can "enter" a fort and be taken to a small dedicated map, where they can hang out and slowly gain XP over time.Rival HC players can launch attacks against forts they do not own, entering them and slowly chipping away at the fort's "health" just by spending time on that fort map.  Computer controlled guards can help force them out, but the main way is for the owners to enter the map themselves and fight it out.  These player vs player fort battles are probably the most intense battles Swamp sees, depending on the particular players in each battle and size of each clan.I'm not really sure where to find other campaigns made by other players.  I'm sure they are around s
 omewhere, but I've never heard of a single place that has gathered them up.  I think as each person created campaigns, they hosted them in all sorts of different places.  It might not be easy to track them down with.I'm not sure about the random disconnects you had.  It is not supposed to happen, obviously haha, but I'll look i

Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

2017-02-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Caccio72 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

Wowww, now this was a detailed enough answer Aprone, which improved my opinion about the game even more'THANX MAN!!!Now just a last question:Is it worth ro create and olay with more than 1 characters:I mean. why would someone slow down his/her advance in a game, by splitting it between more than 1 character?(that worked fine in gta 5 online for example, but that game had an extremely sophisticated character editor, amd many ways/oportunities to modify/upgrade character's appearence during the ganeplay as well...)


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

2017-02-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Aprone via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

Caccio, I'm glad to hear you've gotten that Paypal craziness figured out.    I'm sure that wasn't fun.Multiplayer can indeed seem easier (at first) than single player, for a variety of reasons.  The main reasons are that other players are also killing them alongside you, and that the zombies themselves have more targets to go after.  When you are in single player, you are the only thing they have to focus on, but when online some of the zombies will be trying to eat other players and less are left over to be going after you specifically.The main maps average around 120,000 total tiles in size, so that works out to around 350 by 350 though the actual width and height are different from map to map.  There are 5 main maps and 3 sub maps which are all interconnected.  Once you get into missions, there are I think 7 or 8 more 
 maps dedicated to specific mission types.When you are ready to venture out into the next map, the south west corner of the map has a destroyed building.  A sewer tunnel is exposed and after walking into it you press Enter to head down into map 2.  Each map boosts the difficulty a bit, so level requirements have been placed on them, but I have a feeling you'll be leveling up at a good pace.  The reason for level requirements is to hopefully encourage players to spend enough time on each map that they get comfortable with its layout before moving on.  It is also mean to help keep brand new players from wandering onto maps that are too difficult for them at the moment.There are ways for players to harm and kill each other, but it is in specific situations.  The first way you're likely to encounter is a mission type called Last man Standing (LMS).  When someone leads that type of mission, anyone can go to their nearest Safe zone and 
 add themselves to it.  The leader chooses to launch once he/she is satisfied with the number of participants and instantly everyone is transported into a small neighborhood map with only the most basic of equipment.  It is a slaughter at first, with zombies able to quickly pick off the weaker players trying to defend themselves with only pistols.  Grab loot, fight back, and probably find yourself a little spot where you can hold back the undead.  Once a certain number of minutes has passed, PVP (player vs player) is enabled and announces it to the survivors.  From this point forward, you have to worry about other humans in addition to the zombies.  The last human alive is declared the winner!The other way players experience PVP is when they have converted themselves into "hardcore" (HC) characters, and battle other HC players over forts.  Embarrassingly I can't remember the level requirement off-hand, but after reaching a cert
 ain level you can choose to convert yourself into a level 1 hardcore character.  You will lose all current progress and are then thrown into a much deadlier version of Swamp.  Loot only appears one third as often, you are unable to purchase any items from Safe zones (meaning you must find literally everything you need), and you must collect a resource called "food" to keep going.  As you run around, your food resource is slowly used up.  If at any time your food actually hits zero, your character is frozen in place like a car that is out of gas.  If you are lucky another HC player will choose to help you and give you some of theirs, or you'll be frozen in place fighting back zombies until you finally run out of ammo and are killed.To help HC players level up, each map has 1 or more locations called forts.  For normal players those are just little buildings that don't really do anything special, but if you are an HC player you 
 can interact with the fort in much the same way players can interact with the Safe zone.  HC players form clans and can actually own a fort, allowing them to deposit weapons and armor, stock it with food, and even grow food with small farms.  They can "enter" a fort and be taken to a small dedicated map, where they can hang out and slowly gain XP over time.Rival HC players can launch attacks against forts they do not own, entering them and slowly chipping away at the fort's "health" just by spending time on that fort map.  Computer controlled guards can help force them out, but the main way is for the owners to enter the map themselves and fight it out.  These player vs player fort battles are probably the most intense battles Swamp sees, depending on the particular players in each battle and size of each clan.I'm not really sure where to find other campaigns made by other players.  I'm sure they are around so
 mewhere, but I've never heard of a single place that has gathered them up.  I think as each person created campaigns, they hosted them in all sorts of different places.  It might not be easy to track them down with.I'm not sure about the random disconnects you had.  It is not supposed to happen, obviously haha, but I'll look i

Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

2017-02-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Caccio72 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

Good news guys!My friend is coming to fix the paypal-ESET page problem tomorrow, but clicking the "paypal" button on Kaldowski himepage still did take me directly to my paypal account, and it seems it still got verified successfully, since I did finally mange to biy the gamer account, which I activated then right away. (using the link in the emaol I got from them)Nirmallv the very 1st thing I tried out was the "real thing", neaning playing Swamp miltiplayer online.So here are my 1st impressions about it,followed by a few...actually quite a few wuestions regarding thr nultiplayer game:As usual, playing online, along/surrounded with real people is a much more thrilling and exciting fun, than simply massacring thr zeds, by competing only with my own self.It also seems significantly easie, probably either die smaller number of zombies set, or due larger map size...or eventially di thr assistance of ither players present...anyway, eve
 n as a blind newbie, I last for much longer than in single player practice, lol!Ok, I know I can set the number of zeds on single-player practice map, but I never bithrtrf with it, due being afraid to make the game-difficulty too easy or too hard. (I guess the degault settings are adjusted to make the game as balanced as possible)The only setting I changed was to make me start on a random location, which makes the game start more interesting and unpredictable. improving gamediversity.Now here come the questions:1. Is it possible to players to hurt each-other in the multiplayer game at all?2. Is there only one map in miltplayer game, meaning the one I am always dropped to, without any selection possibility?3. If so, hiw large is that map actually? Judging by the number of players present, and how sparse/rare zeds appear, it has to be a wuite laege one)4. Where are the other canpaign maps players created? (I can still hear only thr "
 sinple" and the "tutorial" named ones in the game)5. Why the server keeps disconnecting each time aftrt saving my progress, bit thr game itself still keeps running in single player mode?6. I once sinply lost my Glock pistol without evrn dying. How could that happen, I definitely modders maybe?didn't just give it to another player, that's for sure! Cheaters7. I tried to chat, saying hello ti ither players present on the map, but no one of them even irploed so far...I womder why???8. Why do I always hear the man's death-scream when dying, even when having a female voice selected? (counts for single player practice games too) I don't think implementing a single death-scream for female characters would not be a too demanding feature to implement9. What are sea-monkey and sound boost actually for? While sea monkey cannot be found in the game, even after installing it from the Swamp directory, sound boost causes the
  lack of certain game-sounds..Regardless oh all these questions, have no worries Apron, the game is simply AWESOME, especially when playing it online!!!Oh yeah, and thr last question:Is the graphic on in thr miltiplayer game?I sincerely hope it's not, since I would hate to play with such a notable disadvantage compared to some other, probably more or less "seeinh" players...


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

2017-02-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Caccio72 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

Good news guys!My friend is coming to fix the paypal-ESET page problem tomorrow, but clicking the "paypal" button on Kaldowski himepage still did take me directly to my paypal account, and it seems it still got verified successfully, since I did finally mange to biy the gamer account, which I activated then right away. (using the link in the emaol I got from them)Nirmallv the very 1st thing I tried out was the "real thing", neaning playing Swamp miltiplayer online.So here are my 1st impressions about it,followed by a few...actually quite a few wuestions regarding thr nultiplayer game:As usual, playing online, along/surrounded with real people is a much more thrilling and exciting fun, than simply massacring thr zeds, by competing only with my own self.It also seems significantly easie, probably either die smaller number of zombies set, or due larger map size...or eventially di thr assistance of ither players present...anyway, eve
 n as a blind newbie, I last for much longer than in single player practice, lol!Ok, I know I can set the number of zeds on single-player practice map, but I never bithrtrf with it, due being afraid to make the game-difficulty too easy or too hard. (I guess the degault settings are adjusted to make the game as balanced as possible)The only setting I changed was to make me start on a random location, which makes the game start more interesting and unpredictable. improving gamediversity.Now here come the questions:1. Is it possible to players to hurt each-other in the multiplayer game at all?2. Is there only one map in miltplayer game, meaning the one I am always dropped to, without any selection possibility?3. If so, hiw large is that map actually? Judging by the number of players present, and how sparse/rare zeds appear, it has to be a wuite laege one)4. Where are the other canpaign maps players created? (I can still hear only thr "
 sinple" and the "tutorial" named ones in the game)5. Why the server keeps disconnecting each time aftrt saving my progress, bit thr game itself still keeps running in single player mode?6. I once sinply lost my Glock pistol without evrn dying. How could that happen, I definitely modders maybe?didn't just give it to another player, that's for sure! Cheaters7. I tried to chat, saying hello ti ither players present on the map, but no one of them even irploed so far...I womder why???8. Why do I always hear the man's death-scream when dying, even when having a female voice selected? (counts for single player practice games too) I don't think implementing a single death-scream for female characters would not be a too demanding feature to implement9. What are sea-monkey and sound boost actually for? While sea monkey cannot be found in the game, even after installing it from the Swamp directory, sound boost causes the
  game to crash sonetimes..Regardless oh all these questions, have no worries Apron, the game is simply AWESOME, especially when playing it online!!!Oh yeah, and thr last question:Is the graphic on in thr miltiplayer game?I sincerely hope it's not, since I would hate to play so seriously handicapped compared to some other, probably more or less "seeinh" players...


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

2017-02-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Caccio72 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

Good news guys!My friend is coming to fix the paypal-ESET page problem tomorrow, but clicking the "paypal" button on Kaldowski himepage still did take me directly to my paypal account, and it seems it still got verified successfully, since I did finally mange to biy the gamer account, which I activated then right away. (using the link in the emaol I got from them)Nirmallv the very 1st thing I tried out was the "real thing", neaning playing Swamp miltiplayer online.So here are my 1st impressions about it,followed by a few...actually quite a few wuestions regarding thr nultiplayer game:As usual, playing online, along/surrounded with real people is a much more thrilling and exciting fun, than simply massacring thr zeds, by competing only with my own self.It also seems significantly easie, probably either die smaller number of zombies set, or due larger map size...or eventially di thr assistance of ither players present...anyway, eve
 n as a blind newbie, I last for much longer than in single player practice, lol!Ok, I know I can set the number of zeds on single-player practice map, but I never bithrtrf with it, due being afraid to make the game-difficulty too easy or too hard. (I guess the degault settings are adjusted to make the game as balanced as possible)The only setting I changed was to make me start on a random location, which makes the game start more interesting and unpredictable. improving gamediversity.Now here come the questions:1. Is it possible to players to hurt each-other in the multiplayer game at all?2. Is there only one map in miltplayer game, meaning the one I am always dropped to, without any selection possibility?3. If so, hiw large is that map actually? Judging by the number of players present, and how sparse/rare zeds appear, it has to be a wuite laege one)4. Where are the other canpaign maps players created? (I can still hear only thr "
 sinple" and the "tutorial" named ones in the game)5. Why the server keeps disconnecting each time aftrt saving my progress, bit thr game itself still keeps running in single player mode?6. I once sinply lost my Glock pistol without evrn dying. How could that happen, I definitely modders maybe?didn't just give it to another player, that's for sure! Cheaters7. I tried to chat, saying hello ti ither players present on the map, but no one of them even irploed so far...I womder why???8. Why do I always hear the man's death-scream when dying, even when having a female voice selected? (counts for single player practice games too) I don't think implementing a single death-scream for female characters would not be a too demanding feature to implement.Regardless oh all these questions, have no worries Apron, the game is simply AWESOME, especially when playing it online!!!Oh yeah, and thr last question:Is th
 e graphic on in thr miltiplayer game?I sincerely hope it's not, since I would hate to play so seriously handicapped compared to some other, probably more or less "seeinh" players...


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

2017-02-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Caccio72 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

Good news guys!My friend is coming to fix the paypal-ESET page problem tomorrow, but clicking the "paypal" button on Kaldowski himepage still did take me directly to my paypal account, and it seems it still got verified successfully, since I did finally mange to biy the gamer account, which I activated then right away. (using the link in the emaol I got from them)Nirmallv the very 1st thing I tried out was the "real thing", neaning playing Swamp miltiplayer online.So here are my 1st impressions about it,followed by a few...actually quite a few wuestions regarding thr nultiplayer game:As usual, playing online, along/surrounded with real people is a much more thrilling and exciting fun, than simply massacring thr zeds, by competing only with my own self.It also seems significantly easie, probably either die smaller number of zombies set, or due larger map size...or eventially di thr assistance of ither players present...anyway, eve
 n as a blind newbie, I last for much longer than in single player practice, lol!Ok, I know I can set the number of zeds on single-player practice map, but I never bithrtrf with it, due being afraid to make the game-difficulty too easy or too hard. (I guess the degault settings are adjusted to make the game as balanced as possible)The only setting I changed was to make me start on a random location, which makes the game start more interesting and unpredictable. improving gamediversity.Now here come the questions:1. Is it possible to players to hurt each-other in the multiplayer game at all?2. Is there only one map in miltplayer game, meaning the one I am always dropped to, without any selection possibility?3. If so, hiw large is that map actually? Judging by the number of players present, and how sparse/rare zeds appear, it has to be a wuite laege one)4. Where are the other canpaign maps players created? (I can still hear only thr "
 sinple" and the "tutorial" named ones in the game)5. Why the server keeps disconnecting each time aftrt saving my progress, bit thr game itself still keeps running in single player mode?6. I once sinply lost my Glock pistol without evrn dying. How could that happen, I definitely modders maybe?didn't just give it to another player, that's for sure! Cheaters7. I tried to chat, saying hello ti ither players present on the map, but no one of them even irploed so far...I womder why???8. Why do I always hear the man's death-scream when dying, even when having a female voice selected? (counts for single player practice games too) I don't think implementing a single death-scream for female characters would not be a too demanding feature to implement.Regardless oh all these questions, have no worries Apron, the game is simply AWESOME, especially when playing it online!!!Oh yeah, and thr last question:Is th
 e graphic on in thr miltiplayer game?I sincerely hioe it's not, since I would hate to play so seriously handicapped compared to some other, probably more or less "seeinh" players...


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Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

2017-02-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Caccio72 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

Good news guys!My friend is coming to fix the paypal-ESET page problem tomorrow, but clicking the "paypal" button on Kaldowski himepage still did take me directly to my paypal account, and it seems it still got verified successfully, since I did finally mange to biy the gamer account, which I activated then right away. (using the link in the emaol I got from them)Nirmallv the very 1st thing I tried out was the "real thing", neaning playing Swamp miltiplayer online.So here are my 1st impressions about it,followed by a few...actually quite a few wuestions regarding thr nultiplayer game:As usual, playing online, along/surrounded with real people is a much more thrilling and exciting fun, than simply massacring thr zeds, by competing only with my own self.It also seems significantly easie, probably either die smaller number of zombies set, or due larger map size...or eventially di thr assistance of ither players present...anyway, eve
 n as a blind newbie, I last for much longer than in single player practice, lol!Ok, I know I can set the number of zeds on single-player practice map, but I never bithrtrf with it, due being afraid to make the game-difficulty too easy or too hard. (I guess the degault settings are adjusted to make the game as balanced as possible)The only setting I changed was to make me start on a random location, which makes the game start more interesting and unpredictable. improving gamediversity.Now here come the questions:1. Is it possible to players to hurt each-other in the multiplayer game at all?2. Is there only one map in miltplayer game, meaning the one I am always dropped to, without any selection possibility?3. If so, hiw large is that map actually? Judging by the number of players present, and how sparse/rare zeds appear, it has to be a wuite laege one)4. Where are the other canpaign maps players created? (I can still hear only thr "
 sinple" and the "tutorial" named ones in the game)5. Why the server keeps disconnecting each time aftrt saving my progress, bit thr game itself still keeps running in single player mode?6. I once sinply lost my Glock pistol without evrn dying. How could that happen, I definitely modders maybe?didn't just give it to another player, that's for sure! Cheaters7. I tried to chat, saying hello ti ither players present on the map, but no one of them even irploed so far...I womder why???8. Why do I always hear the man's death-scream whrn dying, even when having a female voice selected? (counts for single player practice games too) I don't think implementing a single death-scream for female characters would not be a too demanding feature to implement.Regardless oh all these questions, have no worries Apron, the game is simply AWESOME, especially when playing it online!!!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

2017-02-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Caccio72 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

Good news guys!My friend is coming to fix the paypal-ESET page problem tomorrow, but clicking the "paypal" button on Kaldowski himepage still did take me directly to my paypal account, and it seems it still got verified successfully, since I did finally mange to biy the gamer account, which I activated then right away. (using the link in the emaol I got from them)Nirmallv the very 1st thing I tried out was the "real thing", neaning playing Swamp miltiplayer online.So here are my 1st impressions about it,followed by a few...actually quite a few wuestions regarding thr nultiplayer game:As usual, playing online, along/surrounded with real people is a much more thrilling and exciting fun, than simply massacring thr zeds, by competing only with my own self.It also seems significantly easie, probably either die smaller number of zombies set, or due larger map size...or eventially di thr assistance of ither players present...anyway, eve
 n as a blind newbie, I last for much longer than in single player practice, lol!Ok, I know I can set the number of zeds on single-player practice map, but I never bithrtrf with it, due being afraid to make the game-difficulty too easy or too hard. (I guess the degault settings are adjusted to make the game as balanced as possible)The only setting I changed was to make me start on a random location, which makes the game start more interesting and unpredictable. improving gamediversity.Now here come the questions:1. Is it possible to players to hurt each-other in the multiplayer game at all?2. Is there only one map in miltplayer game, meaning the one I am always dropped to, without any selection possibility?3. If so, hiw large is that map actually? Judging by the number of players present, and how sparse/rare zeds appear, it has to be a wuite laege one)4. Where are the other canpaign maps players created? (I can still hear only thr "
 sinple" and the "tutorial" named ones in the game)5. Why the server keeps disconnecting each time aftrt saving my progress, bit thr game itself still keeps running in single player mode?6. I once sinply lost my Glock pistol without evrn dying. How could that happen, I definitely modders maybe?didn't just give it to another player, that's for sure! Cheaters7. I tried to chat, saying hello ti ither players present on the map, but no one of them even irploed so far...I womder why???8. Why do I hrar I always man's death-scream whrn dying, even when having a female voice selected? (counts for single player practice gamrs too) I don't think implementing a single death-scream for female characters would not be a too demanding feature to implement.


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Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

2017-02-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Caccio72 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

Or some. ANY sport-manager game perhaps? (thosr were my all time favorites)Eventually somr fishing or hunting game?


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Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

2017-02-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Caccio72 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

Hey, is there by any chance a game like elite or eve gor us blind?Meaning one which contains nor omly pew-pew, bit some space-exploration, trading, mining, pirating, bounty-hunting, diplomacy,more ships to buy, outfit, upgrade, other races, materials to gather, crew to hire, nissions to accept/complete, etc...or at least some og these geatures?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

2017-02-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Caccio72 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

Hey, is there by any chance a game like elite or eve gor us blind?Meaning one which contains nor omly pew-pew, bit some space-exploration, trading, mining, pirating, bounty-hunting, diplomacy,more ships to buy, outfit, upgrade, other races, materials to gather, crew to gire, nissions to accept/complete, etc...or at least some og these geatures?


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Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

2017-02-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Aprone via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

With Castaways, it is sort of a mix between real time and turn based.  Pressing space pauses time, allowing you to issue orders and decide what to do next.  Space again unpauses time.  It is handled in much the same way a turn based game lets you plan things out before allowing the game to advance further.


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Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

2017-02-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Caccio72 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

Yeah, I guess you people are right about that paypal-ESET issue...I already calle a friend of mine to fix it tomorrow, probably the way you suggested it.I would probably manafe to get it done if only I could see again...but it seems it is the high time for me to axxept the fact, that I just cannot handle/operate woth sogtware anymore at the levfel I used to before!As for that Castaway or however called game, afrer dearing its description and commrnts here...I actually ain't sure I will like it.except if it is by any chance turn based.Mamely. there are only 3 computer-game genres I generally dislike: 1. real time strategies, especially with many unirs and troops to wotty about in a time-rush2. building based games. especially when in real time3. crafting based games, meaning thosr which include crafting tons if items, tools, materials, weapons, etc, in a mere order to survive For my old-timer taste, cleverly plannin and organizi
 ng a successful enough strategy takes time, and should by no mrans be rushed by time ticking away,So I better try to somehow make altereon work, since it seems to be a much more suitable game for my taste.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

2017-02-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Caccio72 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

Yeah, I guess you people are right about that paypal-ESET issue...I already calle a friend of mine to fix it tomorrow, probably the way you suggested it.I would probably manafe to get it done if only I could see again...but it seems it is the high time for me to axxept the fact, that I just cannot handle/operate woth sogtware anymore at the levfel I used to before!As for that Castaway or however called game, afrer dearing its description and commrnts here...I actually ain't sure I will like it.except if it is by any chance turn based.Mamely. there are only 3 computer-game genres I generally dislike: 1. real time strategies, especially with many unirs and troops to wotty about in a time-rush2. building based games. especially when in real time3. crafting based games, meaning thosr which include crafting tons if items, tools, materials, weapons, etc, in a mere order to survive For my old-timer taste, cleverly plannin and organizi
 ng a successful enough strategy takes time, and should by no mrans be rushed by time ticking away,


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Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

2017-02-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Aprone via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

Caccio, I've never heard of those particular paypal problems before.  I'm with grryfindore in thinking it's probably some sort of web extension issue, or something that tampered with your "hosts" file.


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Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

2017-02-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : grryfindore via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

Hi,@Caccio72, its probably some web extention of the antivirus that's interfering with paypal,although I wonder why the hell.Perhaps fiddle about in your antivirus settings, or just get rid of it all together and stick with MSE if you are on win7 and below and a bit of common sense,or the default antivirus in 8.1 and above.Try uninstalling the antivirus from add and remove program files, although if that doesn't work because some antiviruses have custom uninstallation UI's which are more often than not inaccessable,so you might need help of someone who can see.If uninstallation doesn't help at all,or you'd rather not uninstall the antivirus in the firstplace,try using a browser with addons disabled or have a addware scanner do a check.hthgrryf


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Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

2017-02-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Caccio72 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

Sorry to spam this forum thread guys, but I realized I was wrong about my paypal account, the situation is even worst than I suspected.Namely, I haven't even managed to actually finish my paypal account creation yet.What I succeeded to verify and finish was ny paypal BUSINESS account, which I guess I son't even need for purchasing fames, or gamer accounts.As for my simple, meankng personal paypal account, it isn't even verified yet, and I read that some more settings will have to be adjusted, and informations given, in order to finally make it to start working properly.And the only paypal page I am able ti reach now, even manually, clicking on thr google results found, is that paypal business account, whilr absolutely NO link to my mormal paypal works at all, including thr "click here" in thr account-verification email, ALL of them take me to the ESET homepage I became totally unablr to contnue with my "normal
 uot; paypal account creation!!!For heaven sake, someone help me out, PLEASE!!


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Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

2017-01-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Caccio72 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

Oh, and unfortinately I am quite sure, that this will happen whrn I will want to buy a Kaldowski gamer-account...the pay eith paypaloption/command will take me to thr ESET page instead of paypal again!So I ust won't be able to make ANY paypal purchases in the future due this problem, since all paypal page/account related links/commands will lead me to that god-damn ESET page instead, instead of my paypal account!!!(still haven't tried that out however, since I haven't put any money to my credot card yet, namely I always take all of it out from it in cash, soon after incoming money transfer...probably due being an old-fashioned guy, wgo prefers his money to have as cash in hands, instead of on some card or virtual account)


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Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

2017-01-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Caccio72 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

Hey people, PLEASE help me, here is what happened:In order to create a paypal account, I navigated to the paypal homepage.Then I selected to create a new account, filled all the required informations, and everything seemed to work jist fine, I was told the creation of ny paypal account was successful.Then, since I knoq, that after such cases, a confirming emaol is usually sent to the user, and it often containes a verification request, I checked my emails and indeed, there ir was!Normally it contained the verification request as well, pffering 2 ways to det it done.The 1st one was the usual, easier one with "click here", the 2nd one was the "copy-pastr verification code" method.And then...all my troubles started.NOTE:I am using mozilla firefox, and ESET smart security dor srcurity and protection.Howener, my ESS got waaay outdated by now. I was really in no physical and mental cindition to keep it up to da
 te for almost a whole year.So, after I choose the easier way to verify/confirm my paypal account. adter clicking "here", instead if the paypal page, the ESET homepage was loaded, containing infos about the newest ESS program version 10, (normally I still have v9), so it had absolutely nothind to do with paypal anymore,And ever since then, whenever I try to start the paypal homepage, ESET page keeps appearing instead of it!!!Currently the only way for me to reach the paypal site is to google fir "paypal login", and start one of the top resilts.Then I luckily still get to the real paypal site, and after ligging in, I at least managed to complete my account-verification by usong thr 2nd, meaning the "copy-paste" method, bit the problem still remained the same, I jusft vannot get directly to the paypal homepage anymore, the ESET page keeps appearing instead of it, even after I bookmark the real paypal page, (once finally inside it)
 , nect time when I start the page(named paypal) from my bookmarks, that god damn ESET site loads in instead of it!!!Since I got used to bookmarks very muc, and they make my internet navigation much much easie and faster, (esoecially adter mytotaleyesight-loss), solving this extrenely annoying problem would be of GREAT importance to me!So someone, please HELP!!!P.S.:It looks as if ESET homepage simply keeps replacing (or overwriting) paypal omrpage, just likr as it wasd a malware itself, (and onr of thosr aggressive types even), but strangely it replaces/overwrites ONLY thr paypal homepage, while ALL other pages and bookmarks are still working, meaning starting just finr!


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Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

2017-01-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

Hmmm, it's rather odd that musclient isn't starting. The mushZ webpage is here which has direct links for  reading the readme and help files. It does mention something about having trouble starting and some updates needed to install, also in the help files you should find contact details for the principle maintainer of the client, Oriol Gomez who's a very nice chap and should be able to help get you up and running. Swamp is a great game in terms of the tactics and zombie slaughter and I'd highly recommend castaways as probably the best building style game we have thus far, however I'd still recommend seeing if you can get mushZ up since Alteraeon I think is definitely something you'd like, being probably the closest we have to a full scale online rpg. Btw, I myself grew up with the Amigar and then a snes. I still own my snes along with a sega mega drive since 16 bit style games far more oft
 en have graphics I can see with my level of vision (for me, 32 bit era and the introduction of 3D games was largely the end of my mainstream gaming experience). A personal favourite of mine was the Turrican series (I also enjoyed Metroid and the Mega man games). If you can still see 16 bit style graphics there have been a couple of great pc remakes of the Turrican games with levels that are huge, though they aren't fully accessible if you don't have any working vision.


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Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

2017-01-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : mastodont via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

hi caccio and welcome to the forum.I guess that you've just started on swamp and are in the safe zone. In that case the gun shots you are hearing are fired by the guards to protect the area from zombies. The goal of the game is not to fight other players but to kill zombies, though later on you can fight players too if you join the hardcore mode. I highly suggest that you read the help file since the game has a rather extensive list of keys that you will need in order to play the game. Also be sure to check what navigational aids you have available since those will be very usefull when you will begin exploring the game.


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