Re: Farewell Nocturnus

2014-10-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — AG-News room : brad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Farewell Nocturnus

Hi nocturuns. remember that? I do. it was funny. People were joking about your name on here. I think I spelt it write, I hope so. Oh not the name Nocturnus but Nocturun. Remember, try your best to be happy, live life to the best and... eat pizza. What, what do you mean, eat pizza isnt a good message, pizza my friend, is awesome!Oh and keep being you, no matter what anyone says youre awesome! From what Im reading of your posts, it would be great to no you and even though Ive not read much from you I feel like i do no you and am always happy after reading your posts.Keep smiling,brad.


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Re: Farewell Nocturnus

2014-10-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — AG-News room : bigdog via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Farewell Nocturnus

sorry to learn your going off the mod list, indeed i dont know what i would do without my hearing as i am completely blind myself. I remember about a year ago i had a blockage in one of my ears and i had to go to the doctor to have it unblocked and i couldnt hear almost anything in that ear until doing so. It was like listening inside my head and that was no fun. Hope all goes well for you and will continue to look forward to your future posts.


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Re: Farewell Nocturnus

2014-10-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — AG-News room : aaron via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Farewell Nocturnus

Hi,I remember on my 21st birthday I had a sort of blockage, where by the left ear just sounded, well, I dont even know how to describe it. Luckily it must have just been water or something, as a few hours later it stopped and I enjoyed one of the best parties of my life, although I didnt have an alcoholic drink because well, honestly Im not interested in that sort of thing. I just stuck to fruit juices.I would hate to have hearing loss, but Im glad to see that you are improvising and finding ways through it.All the best,Aaron


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Re: Farewell Nocturnus

2014-10-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — AG-News room : raygrote via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Farewell Nocturnus

Nocturnus,I completely understand your reasoning for leaving the mod community here, though I am sorry to see you go. I hope all is well with you. Hearing your story makes me feel a bit selfish. Im 21, and am worried about the simple high frequency hearing loss that happens as one gets older, since studies show that after the age of 17 or 18, most adults lose the ability to hear the highest of frequencies in the normal human hearing range. So Ive been checking myself every few months to see where Im at, and so far I seem to be pretty good, though I know some people who are audiophiles like me who have already lost these high frequencies. They dont interfere with normal life but it can be a little disconcerting to think about. However Ive never had the misfortune that you have, of having my hearing compromised to the point of not being able to hear things like speech, or sounds of nature, or any other normal sounds we hear. That would be truly aw
 ful, as I rely on my hearing not just for normal life, but as someone who wants to get into audio engineering, I have trained my hearing to pick up on details which I feel normally go unnoticed. This passion keeps me going when nothing else does.Sometimes I do get to hear the ultrasonic squealing of a car break, that only a few people around me can hear, or the awful clashing of two notes which are just a little bit out of tune but not enough to affect a casual listener. so I guess in that respect, having a hearing loss can be a good thing; you miss out on hearing sounds you really wish you couldnt hear. Just like having no vision means that you are kept from seeing more disturbing sights. But I believe that on the whole, a vision or hearing loss is still a great loss, even if it does have its benefits at times. I hope everything works out well for you. Like many others, reading your posts was always an enjoyable experience for me, and although I didnt read a lot o
 f topics with your posts in them, when your posts did come up, I always felt it was a thoughtful and professionally written response. I appreciate your desire to remain objective in what you say and keeping your cool in a hot situation, though mods are supposed to cool such things down anyway, so I guess you were just doing your job! Lol I think I know better by now...


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Re: Farewell Nocturnus

2014-10-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — AG-News room : Sebby via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Farewell Nocturnus

@Nocturnus, its a susceptibility to tonsil infections which plagued me when I was younger, but could just as well have been related to my inherited condition that is also ultimately responsible for my blindness. The effect, as it stands and has for a while now, is a 10 DB shift in my hearing balance, with the right ear being the lesser. I like to thing that Ive accommodated it, or that maybe it really isnt all that noticeable, but in fact there are situations where it absolutely makes a difference, whether its being able to hear the ticking of a clock based on what direction Im facing, or discern background sound from people speaking to me directly. This latter in particular is sufficiently commonplace that I worry about what else I might be missing in daily life, with the usual anxiety that brings. So I *completely* understand if youve got better things to be worried about that moderating this board. Although, as I said, you must remain hopeful


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Re: Farewell Nocturnus

2014-10-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — AG-News room : Sebby via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Farewell Nocturnus

@Nocturnus, its a susceptibility to tonsil infections which plagued me when I was younger, but could just as well have been related to my inherited condition that is also ultimately responsible for my blindness. The effect, as it stands and has for a while now, is a 10 DB shift in my hearing balance, with the right ear being the lesser. I like to thing that Ive accommodated it, or that maybe it really isnt all that noticeable, but in fact there are situations where it absolutely makes a difference, whether its being able to hear the ticking of a clock based on what direction Im facing, or discern background sound from people speaking to me directly. This latter in particular is sufficiently commonplace that I worry about what else I might be missing in daily life, with the usual anxiety that brings. So I *completely* understand if youve got better things to be worried about that moderating this board. Although, as I said, you must remain hopeful
 . Edit: having recently had my ears pumped again, it did occur to me to wonder: have you eliminated the simple causes? Im sure you have, just checking, but having blocked ears is a sure way to test your patience, as well as your ability to improvise. And thats in a person whose hearing loss is not usually noticeable. I was proud of myself then, and still am. Youll manage, Im sure of it.


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Re: Farewell Nocturnus

2014-10-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — AG-News room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Farewell Nocturnus

Actually, that was one of the few things I wanted to get accomplished soon. I planned on visiting an ear, nose and throat specialist sometime in the coming days to get his take on the matter, given that an audiologist and an ENT probably have different areas of expertise and focuses. Since Ive always had a slight issue with my nasal passages, poor drainage or a blockage of some sort may, at the very least, be part of the issue. Its never been enough to cause me any physical discomfort and I always manage to put it out of my mind, but perhaps its doing more damage than I realize.


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Re: Farewell Nocturnus

2014-10-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — AG-News room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Farewell Nocturnus

Well Nocturnus, a fascinating post Ill say. However bare in mind nobody has a right to any information about you, whether youve been a moderator or not. Any facts about your life are as much yours to share on the forum as they are off it. There is a modern tendency Ive noticed for people to believe that you should share everything about yourself online and that your face is an open book (pun definitely intended), however this is not true. There are things about myself I have not shared here, and do not intend to. This isnt because, like the security agencies, I believe that it is against the public interest for the public to know or that I want to hid something Im ashamed of, its simply that there are things which i prefer to keep private for my own comfort.So, while I appreciate your honesty here, dont feel its a requirement, heck, even if youd just said I want to stop moderating because I want
  to stop that wouldve been fine! it is a voluntary position after all, vital and important though it is.


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Re: Farewell Nocturnus

2014-10-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — AG-News room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Farewell Nocturnus

Nothing like that at all, Dark. I dont keep my life an open book because I feel an obligation to do so; I keep it an open book because for me, at least, it is easier to live without secrets than it is to live with them. Besides, how else will anyone know who or what I am and what I stand for if I dont feel the freedom to express myself? :dStill, to each their own and I can honestly respect your stance on the matter. I just didnt feel any need to keep it all in other than perhaps being seen as feeling sorry for myself by the way I worded it all. IN the end, I chose to err on the side of transparency and figured that if I had to do some damage control later I would do just that. I doubted it would come to that though.


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Re: Farewell Nocturnus

2014-10-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — AG-News room : arqmeister via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Farewell Nocturnus

At nocturnus: I had a lot of ear work done when i was young, resulting in no permanint damage. According to my mother, i was lucky to have some amazing ear specialists who took care of me for about the first five years of my life. As i said, im glad it was taking care of so early. My point is, seek the oppinions of more than one doctor or specialist, as im sure that you could find people, dare i say, even more qualifyed than the person you saw. And also, you might find a specialist who can make your life a lot easyer. As was said previously, get your ears pumped or cleaned for any accessive wax. Personally, there was a period of time about a year back where i had to get this done, because i noticed a decrease in hearing in my left ear. Naturally, i kind of freeked out, but i got it done. While it may not be the end all fix, you may notice a difference.


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Re: Farewell Nocturnus

2014-10-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — AG-News room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Farewell Nocturnus

@Nocturnus, generally I would certainly agree with you on openness and honesty being better than risking being misunderstood or misjudged, and I appreciate your reasons, albeit I cant share them completely myself. However, equally Ive known people who felt obligated to share things about themselves with others, which is not a good state of affairs and just wanted to check that wasnt the case, especially with you being a moderator, sinse Id rather you didnt think you owed! anyone anything because of that position, quite the oposite in fact. I have known people admit facts about themselves at the wrong time and in the wrong way, and it be a less than good experience for them, which indeed was why I asked you when you first told me the reason over e-mail you were deciding to stop moderating, exactly what you wanted shared, sinse confidence is a precious thing and not something to be squandered.


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Re: Farewell Nocturnus

2014-10-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — AG-News room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Farewell Nocturnus

Once again Dark, your stance on the issue is much appreciated and one I truly admire. It may just be my perception but methinks its hard to find people that keep confidences entirely nowadays. As I told you in my second message however, I honestly wouldnt have minded you sharing the first with everyone whatsoever, given that it was entirely truthful and wasnt much different from the one posted above, the exception probably being a slightly more personal tone or choice of words. Its nothing that would have upset me though, and yet I honestly am glad you decided to check with me first on the matter; I couldnt have done it better myself.


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Re: Farewell Nocturnus

2014-09-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — AG-News room : Sebby via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Farewell Nocturnus

[[wow]], Nocturnus, sorry to hear that. You were a great mod, Nocturnus. If it were me, Id sod everything and do what you must do. If that means not being a mod, then so be it. Im sure what you do next will be the right thing. As someone with a very slight hearing condition myself, I can certainly understand why that must surely take priority. Good luck with it.Cheers!


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Re: Farewell Nocturnus

2014-09-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — AG-News room : Sebby via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Farewell Nocturnus

[[wow]], sorry to hear that. You were a great mod, Nocturnus. If it were me, Id sod everything and do what you must do. If that means not being a mod, then so be it. Im sure what you do next will be the right thing. As someone with a very slight hearing condition myself, I can certainly understand why that must surely take priority. Good luck with it, and whatever happens, Im sure youll be welcome here. Stay positive.Cheers!


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Re: Farewell Nocturnus

2014-09-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — AG-News room : daigonite via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Farewell Nocturnus

This makes me really sad. I was never close but reading your stuff really hurts. I hope youre okay, and take care of yourself.


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Re: Farewell Nocturnus

2014-09-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — AG-News room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Farewell Nocturnus

@daigonite,I appreciate the simple and yet sincere nature of your message. for what its worth, my name is Andrew, age 26. Life has been a series of obstacles, from family hardships to unbelief from teachers and the let down of school board administrators, to the harsh realities I am having to confront now. Ive done my best not to complain, tried to not lock myself into what people might vew as a pitty party routine, which is why I wont go into further detail when it comes to my problems in a public setting. People never asked, however, which is why most of my life has remained a mystery. IN truth, I am no mysterious entity hiding secrets like the various security and intelligence agencies that exist around the world; my life is an open book and one need only peruse the pages. Throughout my life, perhaps my most sincere desire has been to help out any community I have been a part of wherever I can, from the streets of the 
 cities I live around, to this website you now post on with its diverse members located in various parts of the world. Working with the other moderators was an experience Ill not soon forget, and opportunity I willingly accepted and a responsibility I took upon because of that same desire. When I am not helping other people, I am a writer, a thinker, a researcher of sorts in any field that interests me, a music lover with no personal preference, preferring to give every song and every band or artist at least one try, and if Im hungry and Im at your house, Ill empty your fridge, though youd never be able to tell by simply looking at me. Besides these I love thrills and chills, rollercosters and all manner of amusement park rides, have always fantasized and told every single one of my friends about being sighted and owning and racing through the streets on a motorcycle even though the closest Ive ever been to that was riding m
 y bike, and Im sure that if I knew someone with experience, Id probably skydive too. I appreciate technology, but I love the outdoors. I can sit and read for hours or walk and experience nature for hours to the best of my abilities given the scope of my limitations. Sitting still for longer than a minute at a time is not an option unless I am reflecting on something I find to be profound. I dont watch TV anymore because the market is so saturated with materialism and neuroses and psychoses; its all stuff I honestly dont need. The world is a negative enough place without the message being pumped at me out of a box I can just as easily avoid. That having been said, I dont mind sitting down to a movie or even classic shows with friends from time to time. I have a short attention span and... Oh look, its partly cloudy outside; wonder if itll rain today as it has been for the past few weeks. I
  need to get some food in my system. Pizza, anyone? :d@Sebby,Thank you for the kind words. At the risk of being seen as nosy which is not my intention, what has caused your hearing deterioration, and is it enough to where youve considered doing something about it? I found myself surprised to find that there were more people than I once thought there might have been who face similar situations to my own. While it does not provide me true comfort, as it were, I do at least know that they seem to be coping with life, which gives me no excuse to stop coping with my own. Ive improvised up until this point; even my audiologist congratulates me for it. Ill continue to do so if necessary.


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Re: Farewell Nocturnus

2014-09-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — AG-News room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Farewell Nocturnus

Thank you all for the support and well wishes. I have no idea where life goes from here, no idea how to work out any of its kinks or even if I can at this point. As I said to Dark some time ago, its a loss I cannot even begin to express in words, a loss too many. My whole life has revolved around audio in some way or another, what with performing music for the masses, broadcasting, production, simple sound design on the side, but even more importantly, its been a way to see the world, a way to be aware, a way to stay in touch with everything going on around me. For the time being I can still use hearing ades and the like; indeed for awhile I was actually improvising with an mp3player because I couldnt afford anything else and my medical insurance wouldnt cover it. Its not the same though; it never has been. Its an experience I would never wish on anyone, anyone at know that my work and my insight 
 was appreciated is wonderful. To know that I even so much as made a difference in one life is a privelage. As God wills I shall continue to pop in on occasion here, partaking in the conversations that take place on this forum that has served as home to many of my thoughts over the past few years and which has brought me unforgettable moments of happiness that have always managed to eclipse the negativity. for now, this is Nocturnus, signing off.


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Re: Farewell Nocturnus

2014-09-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — AG-News room : Phil via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Farewell Nocturnus

Nocturnus,Sorry to read about you leaving as moderator.Your problem of hearing has me interested in starting a page of games that can be played by mono hearing or by the deaf blind.In the old DOS days, many games sent text to the screen and could be read with a Braille output device.My Monopoly Any Night Football, and Harry Hollingsworths Baseball game comes to mind.Today I think Interactive Fiction text adventures can still be played with Braille. Games like Grail to the Thief could be played if the text was also sent to the screen instead of just audio. Good luck,Phil Vlasak


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Re: Farewell Nocturnus

2014-09-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — AG-News room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Farewell Nocturnus

I agree with the sentiments Nocturnus, and just because your no longer able to moderate that doesnt mean any thoughts arent extremely welcome on the forum. Ill also add further to Phils post, there are browser games, older dos titles and games like Eamon deluxe that are written in a similar style. Plus, on the Iphone there are games such as star traders, King of Dragon pass, dark room and The Ensign. This isnt to make light of your loss, its not one I could imagine myself due to my own interests in music and audio, its just to point out that this forum is as much about accessible! games as it is about audio ones, for example you can search the database by games playable via text, ie games that have some on screen text rather than using the audio, so even aside from your own considerable contributions and thoughts, if the absolute worst happens, you will still not only be extremely welcome on the forum, but find th
 at there are things going on in the community in which you can participate equally, ie, youll still have games to play.I hope this doesnt sound patronizing or an attempt to minimize your situation, sinse Its not intended to be either.


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Re: Farewell Nocturnus

2014-09-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — AG-News room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Farewell Nocturnus

@Dark and everyone else,For some people, there comes a point in time when nothing anyone says will comfort them, and anything said almost seems like the wrong thing to say. Interestingly enough, Im not one of those people, preferring to look at the intent behind the words which makes all the difference, all the difference in the world. I peer behind every word searching for the reason, hoping to extract something out of all that is written and spoken as a love for words has given me the want to do. You need not fear that you have said or written something insensitive to me if it comes from the heart; I truly appreciate such things and do my best never to forget.


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