Re: Sloth Mud

2015-03-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sloth Mud

I tried this game for a bit. If you play your cards right its quite easy to get to level 8-9 or so. Then you hit a brick wall.The pawns on the chessboard drop 400 gold apiece, so levelling isnt too bad if you farm the living hell out of them. There are also a lot more quests than I thought there were at first glance.However, I hated the rent system, I intensely disliked running out of movement quickly, and I found that levelling became rather painful rather quickly.Alter Aeon is remotely rom/diku-based. Its customized now, but way back when, it started with rom/diku stuff and still holds little throwbacks to it. I agree that one shouldnt judge a mud by its language, although having said that I do find most LP muds have a ban on qinfo and/or awful syntax issues, both of which I loathe. By all means limit qinfo on public channels, but thats about as far as it ought to go.


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Re: Sloth Mud

2015-03-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dentin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sloth Mud

Actually, Alter Aeon isnt based at all on rom, diku, LPC, or any other codebase - its all original, and was written from scratch.


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Re: Sloth Mud

2015-03-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : parnooson1234 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sloth Mud

how to Set color off and turn mxp off?


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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Sloth Mud

2014-02-15 Thread Forum — New releases room: stirlock

Re: Sloth Mud

Yeah, Ive gotten to the point where I basically wont touch most things that are remotely diku based. If you want a worthwhile codebase, LP is where its at, either that or custom, which is kinda rare.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Sloth Mud

2014-02-15 Thread Forum — New releases room: camlorn

Re: Sloth Mud

The idea of gold to level isnt so absurd as all that in terms of realism: youre getting better, you have to get better somehow, and so pay for someone to teach you with money. Sort of. I mean, on Alter Aeon, we might as well picture it as beams of light coming down from heaven, striking your character with divine power. That said, beams of light from heaven instead of gold does make for a more fun game, at least if it is level-only for the most part. Gold can serve as an important check in games based on only skill progression, so Im not going to rule it out there.I dont remember spellbooks being so bad. No need to make it take time, but its not too terrible unless Im misremembering.LP isnt where its at anymore, I think. The newer bases like Evenia are probably where were headed. LP is this strange scripting language from long ago, and people have lost or not yeet managed to
  write half the docs. The currently existing LP muds can be good, but a lot of them fall into the share qinfo and die category while also falling into the guess the syntax category, and mud admins do not seem to realize that this is *not* a fun combo. For new muds, youre probably going to end up having to read the driver source at some point, too (but not early on).Also, this probably belongs in general game discussion, seeing how sloths been out for 10 years at least. Or Im misunderstanding new releases, which is quite possible.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Sloth Mud

2014-02-15 Thread Forum — New releases room: bladestorm360

Re: Sloth Mud

The way I understand it is that new releases is for both actual new releases and new discoveries. So basically if it hasnt been posted about, its ok to throw up a topic here.On the diku subject, that is not true at all. There are a few good diku muds out there. Yes a lot of them are just clones, but there are some like otherworld and 4Dimensions that have a lot of modifications and some great mechanics. You cant judge a book by its cover, and you cant judge a mud strictly by its codebase.As for realism, yes sloth mud has more realism than some muds, even paying for a room at an inn is realistic. But as one of the muds I used to play once quoted, If I wanted realism, Id go outside.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Sloth Mud

2014-02-15 Thread Forum — New releases room: camlorn

Re: Sloth Mud

Im completely agreeing. I am simply stating that the feature makes sense, not that Sloth mud does a good job with it (and its been too long for me to say if they do or not). Realism in muds-well, once you introduce dragons, spaceships, or dragons on spaceships, you need a telescope to see realism anyway.URL:

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[Audiogames-reflector] Sloth Mud

2014-02-14 Thread Forum — New releases room: Victorious

Sloth Mud

This has been on my radar for a while now and I just got to trying it. Sloth mud has a multiclass system where you can level 8 classes - bard, cleric, druid, mage, monk, necromancer, thief, and warrior. The order that you gain levels in the classes does matter - you cant choose to reorder your classes once chosen. For instance, someone that has level 40 necromancer as the first class (necromancer prime) will have stronger minions and less minion ordering lag than someone with lvl 40 necromancer as their 8th class and some spells and skills are only available for primes of a class. Youll be able to unlock the avatar class that has the most powerful abilities in the game as you level your first 8 classes. There is a huge array of spells and skills available and because most of it Is accessible to all, it opens up options for different strategies. Some abilities are also pretty unique; druids can shapeshift into a ferret (one of many forms) that most mobs dont
  aggro for a corpse retrieval, thieves can steal active spell effects from mobs and bards can sing the song of wealth and glory to triangulate item location by getting mobs to reveal information about items which gets more specific the closer you are to the item.Theres a large game world to explore; over 30k rooms according to live stats. You start in the newbie continent, 1 of 5 continents in the game that has areas for players till level 20. The areas that Ive seen are pretty well-written. At level 1, you can playtest (help ptest) high level play of different classes - when playtesting, your char temporarily has lvl 40 in 4 classes, has high level eq and is transported to the main continent where you can experiment with all your class spells/skills. As an added bonus, you also get to keep some exp and gold gained from playtesting to jumpstart your level 1 character. Ive not seen something like the playtesting feature on any other mud before, and as a newbi
 e, really appreciated the risk-free environment to experiment with high level abilities. There are quests, ranging from the simple assassination kinds to more complex puzzles, but I havent done many of these yet as Im only level 4. Other interesting features include customizing your eq by attaching items with stats to existing items, socketing runes to eq and astrology that has important game-world effects. There is a small playerbase (average of over a dozen chars on at any time) but players are active and happy to answer my newbie questions. It is actively being developed; msdp is currently being implemented, which will appeal to scripters.If anyone wants to check it out, the main website is or if you want to jump right in, 6101. Set color off and turn mxp off for best results with a screen reader.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Sloth Mud

2014-02-14 Thread Forum — New releases room: bladestorm360

Re: Sloth Mud

I am utterly stunned that you like this mud, especially since its one of the ones where rent is charged for keeping your equipment, and not just a one time fee but a daily one. Its possible to log even as soon as a month later and be missing all of your equipment. Unless I missed a camping system or something, thats usually your biggest complaint about muds.Having said that, I couldnt get into this mud much. It just seems like theres a huge lack of direction and it didnt look like there were that many quests. Also, the melee classes I generally like to play seemed not to have very many skills and such, or if they did, it was the typical kick bash hulk smash crap Ive come to hate in warriors, and even somewhat in the monks in this game. Think Ill give it a pass, at least for now.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Sloth Mud

2014-02-14 Thread Forum — New releases room: camlorn

Re: Sloth Mud

Its okay. Its got some unique stuff, but the insane rate at which one loses movement got to me; you cant explore quickly, and that was the death of my enjoyment. I think that the idea of movement point needs to be killed, but Sloths cost was way too high. Other than that, its all right, possibly great if youre a certain kind of person.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Sloth Mud

2014-02-14 Thread Forum — New releases room: keyIsFull

Re: Sloth Mud

Im not a fan of the rent system. Im also not cool with the excruciating long length of time it takes to learn spells from books and manuals. Also, theres no convenient way to return to where you started, unless you shell out gold on recall scrolls. Speaking of which, the gold I find on kills is fairly scarce. You also need gold to level, which is kind of dumb too.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Sloth Mud

2014-02-14 Thread Forum — New releases room: Victorious

Re: Sloth Mud

The mv thing did get to me, and some mobs do give a fair amount of gold like the adventurers at the newbie school. I dont like the rent system, but I forgot to mention that you can not pay anything by just losing link, itll log you out after a while with your eq.The length of learning skills and spells is based on int, so unfortunately we start off with 12 int till level 8 when your actual stats are rolled. You want to get it to 18 when learning stuff.You can either buy recall scrolls or get cleric to 11/mage to 30 to learn word of recall.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Sloth Mud

2014-02-14 Thread Forum — New releases room: keyIsFull

Re: Sloth Mud

if demand is high, I might work on a soundpack for it too.URL:

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