Re: Synthizer Reverb Editor

2020-12-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Synthizer Reverb Editor

Yeah, granular is as good a word for it as any.  I think the literature phrases it as "the late reflections will be perceived as distinct echoes", but let's not call it that and say we did.  Glad to have knocked the ball out of the park on this one.  At least seemingly anyway, but given that the Libaudioverse reverb pretty universally got feedback of "this sucks, when are you fixing it" I'll take it even if it turns out in the end that your opinion is in a minority.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: My immigration. Reasons, plans and thoughts

2020-12-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: My immigration. Reasons, plans and thoughts

@45You're on a forum primarily composed of people in the US, Canada, and the UK, saying you know more about the countries we live in than us.For one thing, are you aware that both Canada and the UK aren't governed by their queens?  They have them, but it's just an honorary position with no real power at all.  They can't change laws.  They can't control the justice system.  They're basically just a celebrity.You really should stop and think about the people saying you're wrong.  You're saying that "yeah, so I don't live there and I don't even speak entirely fluent English, but I know more than everyone who does because I'm super smart and informed". You're not.  The first step of immigrating is learning about the places you want to live.  For real, not based off whatever mythical world you've got in your head.  Find some textbooks for a high school social studies classes and read them, for instance.  That'd probably be a good start, because you clearly don't know anything about the wider world at all.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Accessible texting from laptop

2020-12-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Lucas1853 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Accessible texting from laptop

This is pretty much impossible and the reason boils down to Apple being Apple. God I do wish though...


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

2020-12-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

Honestly though the story and tutorial needs reworking at the very least, so I can't agree that the game is just fine by it's self.  A good dev can pick and choose which player suggestions they think would fit with their main idea anyway.As long as people aren't forcing the issue I think it's totally fine to suggest things as long as people consider how well it would fit into the game and how much work it would be before posting (as always).


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: World Of Three Kingdoms Is anyone playing?

2020-12-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : toto via Audiogames-reflector


Re: World Of Three Kingdoms Is anyone playing?

yes but maybe you can upload game?thanks


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Pokémon access

2020-12-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : nuive via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pokémon access

pika-san wrote:Hello, here are some more hacks i've tested:Pokemon chrismas, i can't find the HM surfPokemon gold sinnoh, i don't get the storyI wanted to try pokemon orange (the crystal hack) but the game isn't supported.Pokemon yellow plus, i don't know what's the difference between the original yellow one.Pokemon coral, again, game not supported.Remember that with last update you can add support even if the script says game not supported... or did you find any problem even with this update?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: wxPython ListCtrl and CalendarCtrl accessibility

2020-12-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : magurp244 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: wxPython ListCtrl and CalendarCtrl accessibility

WxPython is known for these little quirks in its accessibility. In some cases its the help text with things like certain buttons or functions that catch with screen readers, but it doesn't seem like there may be much for that with columns. You could try experimenting with a few functions or trying to cobble something from a few other functions, but it can be hit or miss. As for reminders, you could try shunting them to the status bar, which is a pretty quick overall access point.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Restricted/new users: introduce yourself!

2020-12-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Introduce Yourself to Gain Access : techboy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Restricted/new users: introduce yourself!

hi i am alan most of the time called tech  boy but i don't know if i am restricked, but i just want to say hi and how do i make a new post on audio games forem


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Restricted/new users: introduce yourself!

2020-12-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Introduce Yourself to Gain Access : techboy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Restricted/new users: introduce yourself!

and still i am not able to edit the post. but, how do i change my signature and my thing that's in the list with the online thing with like kitchen golfer or something?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: My immigration. Reasons, plans and thoughts

2020-12-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: My immigration. Reasons, plans and thoughts

Rashid, you make a good point. Getting full citizenship can sometimes take one fuck of a long time. I was talking about just emigrating at all. Getting to Canada with a visa is not murderously difficult, and staying on as a resident is not insanely difficult either. Citizenship, though, can be a fight. I agree with you there.Jonikster, if you're as smart as you say you are, give me a couple of examples since 1982 where the queen of England has interfered directly and meaningfully in Canadian politics.Go on. I'll wait.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: World Of Three Kingdoms Is anyone playing?

2020-12-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : 拓海 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: World Of Three Kingdoms Is anyone playing?

The conditions of this game are a bit harsh.You must have a Chinese game forum, otherwise many functions will not be available.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: problem with VG storm games

2020-12-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : heidicruiz via Audiogames-reflector


Re: problem with VG storm games

Hi,At post 2, where can I get that add on? I checked on the NVDA add on website and was unable to find it? At post 5 I tried that with jaws and I was still not able to play manamon finally at post 6, I thought so too but I still get that error message which I find strange since I was able to to play those gmaes earlier in the month. thanks


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: wxPython ListCtrl and CalendarCtrl accessibility

2020-12-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: wxPython ListCtrl and CalendarCtrl accessibility

Quickly looking at the docs, you may need to set the style to wx.LC_REPORT.  It's been too long since I've done this for me to remember how.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: dovecot help.

2020-12-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : thetechguy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: dovecot help.

hi. @4. here is the entire file.#default_process_limit = 100#default_client_limit = 1000# Default VSZ (virtual memory size) limit for service processes. This is mainly# intended to catch and kill processes that leak memory before they eat up# everything.#default_vsz_limit = 256M# Login user is internally used by login processes. This is the most untrusted# user in Dovecot system. It shouldn't have access to anything at all.#default_login_user = dovenull# Internal user is used by unprivileged processes. It should be separate from# login user, so that login processes can't disturb other processes.#default_internal_user = dovecotservice imap-login {  inet_listener imap {    #port = 143  }  inet_listener imaps {    #port = 993    #ssl = yes  }  # Number of connections to handle before starting a new process. Typically  # the only useful values are 0 (unlimited) or 1. 1 is more secure, but 0  # is faster.   #service_count = 1  # Number of processes to always keep waiting for more connections.  #process_min_avail = 0  # If you set service_count=0, you probably need to grow this.  #vsz_limit = $default_vsz_limit}service pop3-login {  inet_listener pop3 {    #port = 110  }  inet_listener pop3s {    #port = 995    #ssl = yes  }}service submission-login {  inet_listener submission {    #port = 587  }}service lmtp {  unix_listener lmtp {    #mode = 0666  }  # Create inet listener only if you can't use the above UNIX socket  #inet_listener lmtp {    # Avoid making LMTP visible for the entire internet    #address =    #port =   #}}service imap {  # Most of the memory goes to mmap()ing files. You may need to increase this  # limit if you have huge mailboxes.  #vsz_limit = $default_vsz_limit  # Max. number of IMAP processes (connections)  #process_limit = 1024}service pop3 {  # Max. number of POP3 processes (connections)  #process_limit = 1024}service submission {  # Max. number of SMTP Submission processes (connections)  #process_limit = 1024}service auth {  unix_listener /var/spool/postfix/private/auth {    mode = 0660    user = postfix    group = postfix    }}  # Postfix smtp-auth  #unix_listener /var/spool/postfix/private/auth {  #  mode = 0666  #}  # Auth process is run as this user.  #user = $default_internal_user}service auth-worker {  # Auth worker process is run as root by default, so that it can access  # /etc/shadow. If this isn't necessary, the user should be changed to  # $default_internal_user.  #user = root}service dict {  # If dict proxy is used, mail processes should have access to its socket.  # For example: mode=0660, group=vmail and global mail_access_groups=vmail  unix_listener dict {    #mode = 0600    #user =     #group =   }}


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Santa Monica FC singleplayer Football manager

2020-12-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Caccio72 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Santa Monica FC singleplayer Football manager

This game looks great, finally I can play a football mamager the way I like on my PC, without experimenting with android emulators.The good news is, I have absolutely no technical problems with it, so it is perfectly playable with NVDA.I have 2 things to ask about though:1.No matter which game difficulty I select, the game always starts in easy mode.(it sucks for me, for I wish to play it at the hardest available level, it's how I always played single player football managers)So I wonder if it is some sort of bug, or is it a restriction, limitation to those without premium access perhaps?2.Unfortunately I noticed, that the end match result is shown instantly, and I can read the full match commentary only after it.This also sucks, for it spoils the fun, the thrill actually, normally it would be much more interesting to be able to read the full match commentary BEFORE we find out the final result, so an option should be added to keep it hidden until we confirm that we wish it to be shown.This way we could check, reveal the final result at our will, with or without reading the match commentary.If you manage to contact the game developers, please do forward this suggestion to them, and also enquire why we can play only at easy difficulty level.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Santa Monica FC singleplayer Football manager

2020-12-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Caccio72 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Santa Monica FC singleplayer Football manager

This game looks great, finally I can play a single player football manager the way I like on my PC, without experimenting with android emulators.The good news is, I have absolutely no technical problems with it, so it is perfectly playable with NVDA.I have 2 things to ask about though:1.No matter which game difficulty I select, the game always starts in easy mode.(it sucks for me, for I wish to play it at the hardest available level, it's how I always played single player football managers)So I wonder if it is some sort of bug, or is it a restriction, limitation to those without premium access perhaps?2.Unfortunately I noticed, that the end match result is shown instantly, and I can read the full match commentary only after it.This also sucks, for it spoils the fun, the thrill actually, normally it would be much more interesting to be able to read the full match commentary BEFORE we find out the final result, so an option should be added to keep it hidden until we confirm that we wish it to be shown.This way we could check, reveal the final result at our will, with or without reading the match commentary.If you manage to contact the game developers, please do forward this suggestion to them, and also enquire why we can play only at easy difficulty level.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: My immigration. Reasons, plans and thoughts

2020-12-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : brad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: My immigration. Reasons, plans and thoughts

As far as I know; the queen is just a statis simble here in the UK now, but i did here that hse helped in World War 2, in some way, i'm not sure how though.Why bash the OP, perhaps he knows what he wants and is willing to get it, what's wrong with following your draems? If we did a bit more of that, perhaps there'd be a bit less unemployment rate among the blind. Yes lifes tough but if we just sit on our arses and do nothing, nothing will be done.@jonikster, go for it.Perhaps he knows what he's talking about, then again perhaps not, the only way to find out will be through him imagrating which I'm sure he'll do with a bit of hard work and if not; at least he had that dream, sounds to me like he wants something and has a way to achieve it, go and try your best OP.I have a dream job, I'd want to work on the waterways, clearing up the rivers from all the crap but guess what? I'm 1. to lazy to get off my arse to actually try. 2. about 99 percent sure the trainers or whoever it is would see my blindness and say nope, sorry we can't train you, even though there's meant to be laws against that kind of thing.I'm glad OP has a dream and is actually doing something about it.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: My immigration. Reasons, plans and thoughts

2020-12-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: My immigration. Reasons, plans and thoughts

I can answer what was supposed to be a rhetorical question.The problem with following your dreams as a blind person is that 99% of the time the person saying "well just follow your dreams" has an unrealistic dream as well and is encouraging other people with unrealistic dreams to go for it.  But here's the thing.  When you chase an unrealistic dream, you don't get shit done and you don't get the dream either.  Rule 1 of blindness?  Coming to terms with it.  Do the chase your dreams thing and one day you'll wake up and realize that you're exactly where you were 5 years ago when you started, and that as long as you keep doing what you're doing you'll still be there in 5 years, and that's when you wake up and realize "well shit, so actually I'm blind" which you should have done in the first place, only you're doing it 5 years too late.  Also, for some reason, blind people seem to have the sorts of dreams all the sighted people gave up on when they were 10 because you're not going to be an astronaut scientist pirate or whatever, only they're 30.  SO there's that as well.I don't think immigrating is an impossible dream, merely an incredibly difficult thing that's unlikely to happen.  But if you want to be a happy, well-adjusted blind person with the job and whatever else, step one is coming to terms with the fact that you're blind, figuring out what blind people can feasibly do, and then adjusting your dream to be in those parameters.  It is important to find a realistic and healthy source of hope and/or happiness, rather than clinging to ideals because blindness sucks.  The only way out is through.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Santa Monica FC singleplayer Football manager

2020-12-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Caccio72 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Santa Monica FC singleplayer Football manager

This game looks great, finally I can play a single player football manager the way I like on my PC, without experimenting with android emulators.And it is running just perfectly with NVDA, I have absolutely no technical issues with it!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Fury Driver - Moonwalks: the full version is finally here!

2020-12-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : wp85 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Fury Driver - Moonwalks: the full version is finally here!

I bought the game a few days ago. For my Mac. After I figured out how to bypass the security warnings I got not letting me open the app, it is really awesome! I’m gonna play it a little bit tomorrow and once I get the hang of everything I’m going to do a podcast episode on it. I checked it out a little bit the other day, but I was tired so I went to bed. Also I have a western drama which I believe if I’m not mistaken, is also developed by this company. You guys make really great games!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: slay the spire now accessible!

2020-12-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : necrozma via Audiogames-reflector


Re: slay the spire now accessible!

maybe no, because I played the game about 20 minutes ago with text the spire.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Adrozek, A Malware Program Affecting Common Browsers we use

2020-12-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : star fire via Audiogames-reflector


Adrozek, A Malware Program Affecting Common Browsers we use

Hi Folks!This was reported by Microsoft 2 days ago I think.Some of us here may know about it already, but there may be a lot of users who may not know about it yet.Google Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge and Yandex have become the latest targets of an ongoing malware campaign, dubbed Adrozek, as revealed by Microsoft. The malware injects ads into search results and adds malicious browser extensions. The company claims that this virus has been at scale since at least May, with the attacks peaking in August, with the threat being noticed on more than 30,000 devices every day.The main goal for Adrozek is to lead people to affiliate pages. It is doing so by silently adding malicious browser extensions and changing the browser settings to insert ads into webpages. It is also modifying the Dynamic Link Library (DLL) files per target browser, for example, it is turning of MsEdge.dll on Microsoft Edge, which is basically turning off the security controls of the browser.Microsoft 365 Defender Research team in a blog post stated that this is a unique campaign as it affects multiple browsers and also exfiltrates website credentials that may bring additional risks to users.Adrozek installs into a device via a “though drive-by download,” which basically carries a generic file name and a standard format of setup_.exe. When a user runs the programme, the installer puts a random .exe file into a temporary folder, which, in turn, drops the main payload in the Program Files folder. The payload holds names like Audiolava.exe, QuickAudio.exe or converter.exe, thus making people believe that it’s a legitimate audio-related software. The malware then installs just like a usual program, which shows up inside of the Apps & features settings. It is also registered as a Windows service. These tricks thus help it from getting detected by antivirus software.On Google Chrome, Adrozek modifies the default “Chrome Media Router” extension, whereas, on Microsoft Edge and Yandex, it uses IDs of legitimate extensions, such as “Radioplayer.”Even though, it targets different extensions on each browser, it still uses the same malicious scripts to infect these extensions. These then help the attackers connect the browser to their server and then inject advertisements into search results. Apart from injecting ads, Adrozek can also prevent browsers from being updated with the latest versions by adding a policy to turn off updates.Microsoft claims, Adrozek is in high concentration in Europe, South Asia and Southeast Asia, as of now. It also added that, due to the campaign still being active, it could soon expand to other geographies soon.The company recommends that users should use an antivirus solution like Microsoft Defender, which has endpoint protection and can block malware families.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: dovecot help.

2020-12-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: dovecot help.

I imagine that trailing } is the cause of your problem. You have a } with no opening {. Look below line 86 -- you'll notice it.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: slay the spire now accessible!

2020-12-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : arnold18 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: slay the spire now accessible!

hmm, shoulda check it out then, i heard that communication mod's broken or what, not sure exactly.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Accessible texting from laptop

2020-12-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : rashad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Accessible texting from laptop

I mean, clearly it is if Dell managed to pull it off. Their solution is to connect to the phone by bluetooth, and the limitation is that you can only see texts that you get while your phone and laptop are connected, but still.I'm wondering if it'd be possible to write a script to make it workable, even with the jaws curser I can't get it to read incoming messages or specific contact names in any way. The contacts thing is fixable because there's a search bar you can use. I don't know anything about programming though, so no clue if it's possible.Honestly though, just being able to use the laptop as a bluetooth keyboard for texting has already been a pretty decent middle ground fix. I just leave my phone unlocked near me and it'll read out incoming texts, I respond through the app. It's pretty useful for conversations with single people, it gets problematic when you try having more than one conversation at a time.The laptop also intercepts incoming calls now, which also isn't too bad of a feature. Shame I can't rout facetime video through my webcam, although I guess that'd be pushing it.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Request a name change version 2

2020-12-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : rashad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Request a name change version 2

Any chance I could get my name capitalized?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: My immigration. Reasons, plans and thoughts

2020-12-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : JayJay via Audiogames-reflector


Re: My immigration. Reasons, plans and thoughts

Uh, my pdude, Canada hasn't been properly British since at least 1931 with the statute of West Minster, which gave all the Settler colonies, then the later black collonies such as British Trinidad and Tobago, British Guiana etc dominion status, which for all purposes made Britain powerless in their dominions. Yeah, the queen has a significant amount of power, hoowever, that power is vested in the Governour General, which, if I remember correctly is appointed by the parliment of that specific country. And Brad, yes, Canada contributed significantly to the World War 2 and World War 1 efforts, canada being one the countries that sent men to ffight oon D-day. BTW, the aboove stuff about Canada wasn't gooogled, so Jayde feel free to correct me on anything there. Now to a domain I have more knowledge about, Jonikster, if you think Canada is apart of Britain, then wwhy do you want to recreate the empire? Yeah yeah, anglofillia and all that, rule Britannia, God Saved the Queen, yadadada. But it, by your logic isn't over. I mean, there are like 16 countries in this world with the Queen as the head, such as Belize, Jamaica, Australia, New Zealand, Grenada, St Kitts, I believe Fiji and lastly Little Britain herself, Barba-... Oh wait...


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Actions speak louder than words... or do they?

2020-12-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : JayJay via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Actions speak louder than words... or do they?

@Brad and others, aside from the platform they use, did you not see the bit about the staff having timezone differences, and something called, personal, lives?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Community failure clause

2020-12-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : JayJay via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Community failure clause

Yup, full agreement. Its called, "Community", failure, so the community should have some formm of input. Maybe in order foor it to be initiated, foorum user says x  user shoould be dealt the watch, then provide at least a pargraph detailing why, then if possible, links/evidence of where the user demonstrated such behaviour, then the motion be taken to the staf team. Possibly 1/2 admins shoould agree, and a majority of moderators should also. Lastly it be taken publically, where a poll be taken. A minimum amount of users should agree, and if it passes, then the clause is inacted. However I feel like the last bit should be omitted.Just my 2 cents.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: My immigration. Reasons, plans and thoughts

2020-12-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : brad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: My immigration. Reasons, plans and thoughts

@jayjay, I think the queen helped in world war 2, at least that's what my grandad said.@camlorn. Well with that mindset you're not going to get much done.IF people didn't step out of their comfort zones nothing would be done.You're basicly saying find a job a blind person can do, in other words, blind people have done before you and stick with that because blindness sucks. I don't think blindness sucks, I was born this way and am aware things could be much worse and as for sticking to what blind people have done before me, screwe that. i'm going to get government money but I'm also going to be very happy and live my life.If I ever get the chance at doing what I like on the rivers i'll grab it but if not, so be it. As for sticking to a dream for 10 or so years, if they keep trying and trying then good on them, at least they have a goal they want to achieve.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: BK3 Gamepad support

2020-12-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : aaron77 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: BK3 Gamepad support

You can absolutely play bk3 with joy2key and shouldn't have any issues.Just configure your gamepad however you want it and you should be good to go.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: slay the spire now accessible!

2020-12-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Jabberwocky via Audiogames-reflector


Re: slay the spire now accessible!

Both communication mod and text the spire are fixed to work with the latest version of the game.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: My immigration. Reasons, plans and thoughts

2020-12-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : JayJay via Audiogames-reflector


Re: My immigration. Reasons, plans and thoughts

@52, uh, during WW2 the Queen wasn't even the Queen. She wwas still a princess. However, if I remember correctly, she drove the ambulance or something like that, but I'm not sure hoow that relates to this discussion. Also, also, I seriously hate the yeah, yoou do whatever, ignore the constraints of reality, mineset. There's nothing wrong with setting goals for yourself, having ambician is good, but this dude whose english isn't great, thinks Canada is apart of Britain, thinks Germany is a small country, and expects to start a million dollar company in a foreign country selling accessability products inspires very limitted hope. In the end, that mineset only leaves you open to heart break, and long term depression, which in alot of cases can set you off from doing more achievable things, and leaving you to be just like the other lazy blinks who ca't be bothered to go work. Why? because they thought they coould d what people with much moore advantages couldn't do in their oown country. You know my cousin was right,Pescism is good, it keeps you in check and grounded.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Victor Reader Trek, your thoughts?

2020-12-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : haily_merry via Audiogames-reflector


Victor Reader Trek, your thoughts?

Hey all,So I recently obtained a Victor Reader Trek. Well, to be more exact, it arrived at my parent's house earlier today, but I won't be able to actually try it until Wednesday as that's when I'll return from Worcester. While I wait, though, I'm curious to hear from those of you who have tried / evaluated the device already. Did it meet your expectations? What are your general thoughts? What could it have done / how could it do better? How up to date are your experiences? Feel free to include as much detail as possible. I have a fair amount of time on my hands at the moment, and I want to know exactly what I'll be getting here.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Santa Monica FC singleplayer Football manager

2020-12-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Caccio72 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Santa Monica FC singleplayer Football manager

This game looks great, finally I can play a single player football manager the way I like on my PC, without experimenting with android emulators.And it is running just perfectly with NVDA, I have absolutely no technical issues with it!I actually have a single issue which looks like a bug:I set to start the game with realistic skills, in order to make it as realistic as possible.(the more realistic the more I like it)The game even confirms I am playing with that setting, right after the start.However, when I log out, and then log back in, it then says how I am playing with that other option, which makes player's skill independent from their country.I wonder if this has something to do with not having a so called "premium account", which I have no idea how I can get, for I found no reference to it so far.Btw I hope confirming my registration was not necessary, since the email notifying me of it got auto-thrown into the spam box, what (accordingly) auto-deleted all its links instantly, so I could find none after I made it "no spam", and moved into my inbox.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Accessible texting from laptop

2020-12-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Lucas1853 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Accessible texting from laptop

I can't find much information about this online, but it's possible if Apple lets you do it. They probably came to a deal with Dell or something.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Erion MUD December Updates!

2020-12-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : bookrage via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Erion MUD December Updates!

I didn't know of the archer ability that has been added as that hasn't been mentioned on the site.What is this I hear about achievements? I haven't heard of that.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Erion MUD December Updates!

2020-12-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : bookrage via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Erion MUD December Updates!

I didn't know of the archer ability that has been added as that hasn't been mentioned on the site.What is this I hear about achievements? I haven't heard of that.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Community failure clause

2020-12-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : haily_merry via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Community failure clause

Agreed here too.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: dovecot help.

2020-12-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : thetechguy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: dovecot help.

@6. I have a { on line 86. So I would close it with a }. That is why there is two } at the end.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: anyone found a solution for ogg files on windows yet?

2020-12-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Zarvox via Audiogames-reflector


Re: anyone found a solution for ogg files on windows yet?

So awhile back I brought back this topic and ended up deleting my post. Well here I have confirmed it is the same issue, so rewriting it. Sometimes when I browse ogg files in goldwave,, the program crashes. I don't even have to preview. I just load a folder of ogg files, and it will crash. For no reason! I thought at first it was keybase, but nope. I copied a folder over from keybase to my C drive just to make sure. Same thing happens. So did k-lite screw up the explorer dialogue in goldwave? Somehow, goldwave is the only program I have found that does this.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: anyone found a solution for ogg files on windows yet?

2020-12-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Zarvox via Audiogames-reflector


Re: anyone found a solution for ogg files on windows yet?

So awhile back I brought back this topic and ended up deleting my post. Well here I have confirmed it is the same issue, so rewriting it. Sometimes when I browse ogg files in goldwave,, the program crashes. I don't even have to preview. I just load a folder of ogg files, and it will crash. For no reason! I thought at first it was keybase, but nope. I copied a folder over from keybase to my C drive just to make sure. Same thing happens. So did k-lite screw up the explorer dialogue in goldwave? Somehow, goldwave is the only program I have found that does this. And this is well, super annoying because the whole lectronic game library, is in ogg format. Along with other sound folders, and music. In fact, most the files I work with are ogg.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: anyone found a solution for ogg files on windows yet?

2020-12-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Zarvox via Audiogames-reflector


Re: anyone found a solution for ogg files on windows yet?

So awhile back I brought back this topic and ended up deleting my post. Well here I have confirmed it is the same issue, so rewriting it. Sometimes when I browse ogg files in goldwave,, the program crashes. I don't even have to preview. I just load a folder of ogg files, and it will crash. For no reason! I thought at first it was keybase, but nope. I copied a folder over from keybase to my C drive just to make sure. Same thing happens. So did k-lite screw up the explorer dialogue in goldwave? Somehow, goldwave is the only program I have found that does this. And this is well, super annoying because the whole electronic game library, is in ogg format. Along with other sound folders, and music. In fact, most the files I work with are ogg.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Say the Spire, a Slay the Spire Accessibility Mod

2020-12-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : liseo via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Say the Spire, a Slay the Spire Accessibility Mod

an update to my problem i have ensured the mods are enabled  and i am still having his woant read problem does anyone have any idea?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: anyone found a solution for ogg files on windows yet?

2020-12-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Zarvox via Audiogames-reflector


Re: anyone found a solution for ogg files on windows yet?

So awhile back I brought back this topic and ended up deleting my post. Well here I have confirmed it is the same issue, so rewriting it. Sometimes when I browse ogg files in goldwave,, the program crashes. I don't even have to preview. I just load a folder of ogg files, and it will crash. For no reason! I thought at first it was keybase, but nope. I copied a folder over from keybase to my C drive just to make sure. Same thing happens. So did k-lite screw up the explorer dialogue in goldwave? Somehow, goldwave is the only program I have found that does this. And this is well, super annoying because the whole electronic game library, is in ogg format. Along with other sound folders, and music. In fact, most the files I work with are ogg. The size and number of items in the folder is completely irrelevant. It fails to load folders of 3 mono ogg files. SO that gives you an idea of how bad this is. I literally have to task kill the program.It looks to me like the folders it has visited in the temporary cache, it doesn't freeze on, but of course, that means each time I go into a new folder after restarting my computer, it freezes. Obviously, this is not acceptable.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: anyone found a solution for ogg files on windows yet?

2020-12-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : TheGreatCarver via Audiogames-reflector


Re: anyone found a solution for ogg files on windows yet?

I have the same problem on my Boot Camped MacBook Pro, but not on my Dell XPS 15. I'll have to test this when I reinstall Windows on here.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: anyone found a solution for ogg files on windows yet?

2020-12-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Zarvox via Audiogames-reflector


Re: anyone found a solution for ogg files on windows yet?

I just reinstalled goldwave and now it seems to be gone. So lesson learned, install k-lite first, then goldwave. Or, just redownload and install goldwave again. Hope this fixes it permanently.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: anyone found a solution for ogg files on windows yet?

2020-12-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Zarvox via Audiogames-reflector


Re: anyone found a solution for ogg files on windows yet?

Edit, reinstalling goldwave didn't solve my issue damn it.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Adrozek, A Malware Program Affecting Common Browsers we use

2020-12-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Arthur via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Adrozek, A Malware Program Affecting Common Browsers we use

With 'Microsoft Defender' it meant 'Windows Defender', correct?Because if there's any antivirus with this name I still didn't know.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Adrozek, A Malware Program Affecting Common Browsers we use

2020-12-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : JayJay via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Adrozek, A Malware Program Affecting Common Browsers we use

@2, are you really gonna bitch for that reason? Its still excellent information none the less.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Request a name change version 2

2020-12-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : star fire via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Request a name change version 2

@Gym, I have corrected the spelling of your name to Jim. Happy weightlifting! Or something.hahaha Weight lifting. But it's still the same...


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: anyone found a solution for ogg files on windows yet?

2020-12-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Zarvox via Audiogames-reflector


Re: anyone found a solution for ogg files on windows yet?

reinstalling goldwave didn't solve my issue damn it. What exactly from k-lite fixes the ogg issue? I would only like that on my system and no other part of k-lite.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Adrozek, A Malware Program Affecting Common Browsers we use

2020-12-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Arthur via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Adrozek, A Malware Program Affecting Common Browsers we use

@3, nope.By the way, +1 for post 1.If you wanna be misunderstanding, I don't care.I just want to confirm this 'Microsoft Defender' thing.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Adrozek, A Malware Program Affecting Common Browsers we use

2020-12-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : star fire via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Adrozek, A Malware Program Affecting Common Browsers we use

Yeah, Microsoft Defender and Windows Defender are same, since Windows is made by Microsoft, and the defender is an inbuilt software, 


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Adrozek, A Malware Program Affecting Common Browsers we use

2020-12-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Arthur via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Adrozek, A Malware Program Affecting Common Browsers we use

oh yes, fine then.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Adrozek, A Malware Program Affecting Common Browsers we use

2020-12-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : star fire via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Adrozek, A Malware Program Affecting Common Browsers we use

Yeah, Microsoft Defender and Windows Defender are same, since Windows is made by Microsoft, and the defender is an inbuilt software, EDITIn Windows 10, Microsoft has been working on Defender, and it looks strong to me now than the older versions. Now it is being called as Windows Security.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Say the Spire, a Slay the Spire Accessibility Mod

2020-12-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : stewie via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Say the Spire, a Slay the Spire Accessibility Mod

@liseo Can you please tell me which mods you have enabled exactly? Also when you hit playin Mod the Spire you should see a window with a log of text output, can you paste it here?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: My immigration. Reasons, plans and thoughts

2020-12-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : brad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: My immigration. Reasons, plans and thoughts

@jayjay, it was something like that, I think. Something to do with carages. I'm not sure.Well if he manages to get out there and do what he wants, I say go for it.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: choosing between android phones

2020-12-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : brad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: choosing between android phones

that's interesting about the 1 plus phones.I figured if they were part of the Opppo company they'd have the same design.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Adrozek, A Malware Program Affecting Common Browsers we use

2020-12-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Boo15mario via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Adrozek, A Malware Program Affecting Common Browsers we use

I saw this info on my google feed the other day


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: slay the spire now accessible!

2020-12-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : necrozma via Audiogames-reflector


Re: slay the spire now accessible!

by the way, is there anyway to play slay the spire custom mode?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Accessible texting from laptop

2020-12-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Boo15mario via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Accessible texting from laptop

I can text from any computer just as long as I have it configured in the web broser to connect ot my phone with android messages.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Adrozek, A Malware Program Affecting Common Browsers we use

2020-12-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : mazen via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Adrozek, A Malware Program Affecting Common Browsers we use

@3 that was so rude


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Adrozek, A Malware Program Affecting Common Browsers we use

2020-12-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : mazen via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Adrozek, A Malware Program Affecting Common Browsers we use

@3 that was so rude. He simply just asked a question


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Manamon 2: Impressions Thread

2020-12-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : GeminiLancer via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Manamon 2: Impressions Thread

SPOILERSSo did you guys find the Item Finder? totally bad ass! I seen this Estrella chick's walkthroughs on youtube and it showed her using it, so I was like damn! Either she coded it or it exists in the game, and I'll be damned, it's in the game! Love finding little secrets where you never thought something would just be chillin.Also the Dive suit is pretty neat, haven't fought that Hyper yet though, wonder what its gimmic is gunna be.Lastly, I enjoyed the game greatly, but I have one concern. I'm not against grinding, trust me, I can grind with the best of em. But, I mean how the hell can I experiment with all the different types in the game, when it literally takes hours to gain 10 levels? Right now I'm using that spot in the Desert with the manalyth machine and the stream for hydration but, man, once you hit level 30, shit slows down considerably. Anyone have any good grind spots or strats? I use EXP Pals too until they can hold their own, and I remove it when they are about to level to ensure they get the Train Points. But man, when it takes 10 friggin training points to raise 1 in a particular stat, seems kinda shit. Holla if you got any tips for me, and thanks for hours of fun @Aaron, love the game bro.Hado #90! Kurohitsugi


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: slay the spire now accessible!

2020-12-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Wensber via Audiogames-reflector


Re: slay the spire now accessible!

@necrozmaCustom mode is supported. After unlocking it in game, you can find custom mode in the play menu. Custom mode options and how to toggle them should appear in the Event and Choices windows.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Erion MUD December Updates!

2020-12-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Erion MUD December Updates!

@Bookrage, I believe the archer ability lets you make your own arrows, though don't quote me as my character is a monk so obviously I've not tried it yet.Achievements are exactly as you might think, you get rewarded for doing things like completing so many quests, crafting so many items, playing for so long, catching so many fish, finishing the monster colosseum on different difficulties etc. They do add a fun aspect to the game and something to aim at.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Shadow Rine Full Voice version Guide to temple basement

2020-12-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Articles Room : kavya via Audiogames-reflector


Shadow Rine Full Voice version Guide to temple basement

Shadow rine guide of the temple basement.Note this guide contains spoilers read at your own risk.this dungeon is very hard and the first time I played it, I spent quite a few hours going in circles and I only managed to get through because I was following a Youtube playthrough.So, I decided to make this guide in the hope that someone would find it useful. It is very hard to follow what a person is doing by just watching a video, so I decided to make a text guide where I can exactly describe what I was doing.first flooryou start out in a room in which you can either go north or south.go north from are now in a room in which there is a chest surrounded by a wall. I will call this the main room for the first floor.this room has 4 exits. go east from here.there are 3 exits from this roomgo south from here into a room which has a chest in itinside the chest there is the flame key.Pick it up an go back into the main room.from here go westgo north from this room through the flame door into a room where you will find the water keyto get the water key you have to go west, north and east and jump over the pit.note that since the pit is right on a drop off you will not get the edge warning.go back to the main room and go eastthis time go north through the water doorthen go east down the stairs to the second floorsecond floorthis is the second floor and is a lot harder.go west into a room which has a checkpoint. I will call this the main room for the second floor.from here go south.go south again.go east into a room with the wind key. this room is tricky because you have to do some platforming to get to this chest.go south from where you came in then go east all the way, go north all the waygo east all the way. then go south until you can go east. go east then go north and jump over the pit and go east then go north until you see a drop off to the east and the west. go west and get the key.go back to the room south of the main room and this time go west through the wind door.this room has 4 chests.the bottom left chest steals 50 curin. the bottom right chest explodes and hurts you a lot.the top left chest contains the earth keyand the top right chest teliports you back to the temple.take the key and go all the way back to the main room of the first floor and go north through the earth this room you will find the thunder go all the way back to the main room of the second floor and go through the thunder will find the ice key.go back to the main room of the second floor and go west through the ice door.go west down to the third floor.third floorgo south into a room with a go east into a room with teliporters. warp east into a room with 3 exits to the north. I will call this the main room of the third floor.this room is very confusing because the 3 exits are very close to each other and look identical.go north right as you this room there is a chest with the tree key inside it.take it and go back into the main room  and go through the right most exitfollow this room north, east and this room there are 3 exits to the south.take the right one and go through the tree this room you will find the rock key. take it and go back to the main room.go through the middle exit and go north, east and south into a room with the rock door.go through it into a room with the light key.take it and go back into the room with the rock key and go north, west and south into a room with the light door.go through it and flip the switch.go back to the room with 3 exits to the south. go through the right northern exit and get the empty key.go back to the west entrance of the teleporting room and warp south.go south through the empty door and up the stairs.there are 2 chests here one of them contains the darkness key and the other contains 50 curin. open both and go all the way to the main room of the first floor.go through the west door and then south through the darkness door.fall off all the drop offs and then go through the north door.go north again and then go through the east door and flip the go all the way back to the main room of the first floor and the wall surrounding the chest will disappear. note you sometimes have to walk around the wall a little before it this chest there is the boss that you have the boss key you have to go back to the main room of the third floor.go west into the teleporting room. warp west once then go north into the boss room.the dark orbas you have heard in the story you can not attack the dark orb.the dark orb can not attack you directly but will generate to defeat the dark orbto defeat the dark orb you have to knock it into the ever you have to hit it when it is not about to generate monsters and when there are no monsters on the do I know when it is about to generate monsters, you ask?when the battle starts you

Re: Community failure clause

2020-12-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : redfox via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Community failure clause

Wait, @4... Why even outline the last bit if you then think it should be omitted???Anyway, I wholeheartedly agree. Maybe the system could look something like the following:User sees something they don't like:Reviews rules thurroughly to make sure there isn't any easy rule breach to site,If no, carefully weighs the potential backlash and drama the situation may cause, and if it would be better to simply try and reason with the offender,If the user finally decides that it is in the community's best interest, he creates a post in Site and Forum Feedback, or wherever we decide it should go, detailing specific events and posts that prompt the idea, as well as detailed, rational reasonings as to why action should be taken against this user.Other users add to the thread with detailed, rational reasonings as to why action should or should not be taken against this user. This is why I don't suggest we do a poll, because answers should have actual reasons.We give the user a small amount of time, maybe a day or two, to respond and defend themselves, or whatever they choose to do. As the user is already being watched, any drama stirring or general rule breaking during times of inquiry, particularly on the topic in questino, should be dealt with in an even stricter manner.Staff reviews the topic on there own, compares notes and points they've gathered and reaches a verdict.I can't stress enough that the user making the topic against someone else should be beyond sure that they wish to do so, knowing full well the consequences to all parties involved. People who post against the offender make take a huge hit to reputation if the offender is deemed inocent. Likewise, it may not be the best feeling to have gotten someone banned from a comunity for technically doing nothing wrong. Just food for thought,. I'd love to have a good conversatino about this.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Community failure clause

2020-12-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : redfox via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Community failure clause

Wait, @4... Why even outline the last bit if you then think it should be omitted???Anyway, I wholeheartedly agree. Maybe the system could look something like the following:User sees something they don't like:Reviews rules thurroughly to make sure there isn't any easy rule breach to site,If no, carefully weighs the potential backlash and drama the situation may cause, and if it would be better to simply try and reason with the offender,If the user finally decides that it is in the community's best interest, he creates a post in Site and Forum Feedback, or wherever we decide it should go, detailing specific events and posts that prompt the idea, as well as detailed, rational reasonings as to why action should be taken against this user.Other users add to the thread with detailed, rational reasonings as to why action should or should not be taken against this user. This is why I don't suggest we do a poll, because answers should have actual reasons.We give the user a small amount of time, maybe a day or two, to respond and defend themselves, or whatever they choose to do. As the user is already being watched, any drama stirring or general rule breaking during times of inquiry, particularly on the topic in question, should be dealt with in an even stricter manner.Staff reviews the topic on there own, compares notes and points they've gathered and reaches a verdict.I can't stress enough that the user making the topic against someone else should be beyond sure that they wish to do so, knowing full well the consequences to all parties involved. People who post against the offender may take a huge hit to reputation if the offender is deemed inocent. Likewise, it may not be the best feeling to have gotten someone banned from a comunity for technically doing nothing wrong. Just food for thought,. I'd love to have a good conversation about this.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: My immigration. Reasons, plans and thoughts

2020-12-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : gym via Audiogames-reflector


Re: My immigration. Reasons, plans and thoughts

First of all Brad practice what you preach. Secondly, he literally cannot do it. That is the entire point. You were being nothing more then an enabler right now. I hope you realize how destructive your behavior can be


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Shadow Rine Full Voice version Guide to temple basement

2020-12-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Articles Room : kavya via Audiogames-reflector


Shadow Rine Full Voice version Guide to temple basement

Shadow rine guide of the temple basement.Note this guide contains spoilers, read at your own risk.This dungeon is very hard and the first time I played it, I spent quite a few hours going in circles and I only managed to get through because I was following a Youtube playthrough.So, I decided to make this guide in the hope that someone would find it useful. It is very hard to follow what a person is doing by just watching a video, so I decided to make a text guide where I can exactly describe what I was doing.first flooryou start out in a room in which you can either go north or south.go north from are now in a room, in which there is a chest surrounded by a wall. I will call this the main room for the first floor.this room has 4 exits. go east from here.there are 3 exits from this roomgo south from here into a room which has a chest in itinside the chest there is the flame key.Pick it up an go back into the main room.from here go westgo north from this room through the flame door into a room where you will find the water keyto get the water key you have to go west, north and east and jump over the pit.note that since the pit is right on a drop off you will not get the edge warning.go back to the main room and go eastthis time go north through the water doorthen go east down the stairs to the second flooryou start out in a room in which you can either go north or south.go north from are now in a room in which there is a chest surrounded by a wall. I will call this the main room for the first floor.this room has 4 exits. go east from here.there are 3 exits from this roomgo south from here into a room which has a chest in itinside the chest there is the flame key.Pick it up an go back into the main room.from here go westgo north from this room through the flame door into a room where you will find the water keyto get the water key you have to go west, north and east and jump over the pit.note that since the pit is right on a drop off you will not get the edge warning.go back to the main room and go eastthis time go north through the water doorthen go east down the stairs to the second floorsecond floorthis is the second floor and is a lot harder.go west into a room which has a checkpoint. I will call this the main room for the second floor.from here go south.go south again.go east into a room with the wind key. this room is tricky because you have to do some platforming to get to this chest.go south from where you came in then go east all the way, go north all the waygo east all the way. then go south until you can go east. go east then go north and jump over the pit and go east then go north until you see a drop off to the east and the west. go west and get the key.go back to the room south of the main room and this time go west through the wind door.this room has 4 chests.the bottom left chest steals 50 curin. the bottom right chest explodes and hurts you a lot.the top left chest contains the earth keyand the top right chest teliports you back to the temple.take the key and go all the way back to the main room of the first floor and go north through the earth this room you will find the thunder go all the way back to the main room of the second floor and go through the thunder will find the ice key.go back to the main room of the second floor and go west through the ice door.go west down to the third floor.third floorgo south into a room with a go east into a room with teleporters. warp east into a room with 3 exits to the north. I will call this the main room of the third floor.this room is very confusing because the 3 exits are very close to each other and look identical.go north right as you this room there is a chest with the tree key inside it.take it and go back into the main room  and go through the right most exitfollow this room north, east and this room there are 3 exits to the south.take the right one and go through the tree this room you will find the rock key. take it and go back to the main room.go through the middle exit and go north, east and south into a room with the rock door.go through it into a room with the light key.take it and go back into the room with the rock key and go north, west and south into a room with the light door.go through it and flip the switch.go back to the room with 3 exits to the south. go through the right northern exit and get the empty key.go back to the west entrance of the teleporting room and warp south.go south through the empty door and up the stairs.there are 2 chests here one of them contains the darkness key and the other contains 50 curin. open both and go all the way to the main room of the first floor.go through the west door and then south through the darkness door.fall off all the drop offs and then go through the north door.go north again and then go through the east door and flip the go all 

Re: Say the Spire, a Slay the Spire Accessibility Mod

2020-12-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : liseo via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Say the Spire, a Slay the Spire Accessibility Mod

i have no log i have say the spire bass mod and com mod  and that other mod i think you need but it just reads a list and i cant read the list naems in mod the spire?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: My immigration. Reasons, plans and thoughts

2020-12-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : TheGreatCarver via Audiogames-reflector


Re: My immigration. Reasons, plans and thoughts

connor142 wrote:Well, at least he isn't insisting he's the leader of a magical country and he's the head mage anymore... does anyone else remember that? Priceless.jonikster wrote:@connor142I'm still planning it, but now I'm discussing the revival of the British Empire with the British royal family and the revival of the French monarchy with Jean d'Orléans.And that's when a few occasional giggles turned into a ten-minute-long laughing fit.In all seriousness, @jonikster, I'd suggest you research the hundreds of atrocities committed under the watchful eye of autocratic monarchs throughout history. Monarchy may be considered a viable form of government if the ruler at the thrown is benevolent. However, history has shown this is an exceedingly rare occurrence. Truly atrocious acts can and have been sanctioned by rulers acting in the pursuit of power, wealth, fame, or piety. Look, for example, at King Leopold II of Belgium's treatment of Congo, Queen Ranavalona I of Madagascar's policies requiring forced labor, and the horrific treatment of Indigenous Peoples by the Spanish under the direction of the Crown.There are many more examples of heinous action's committed by emperors and rulers, and I'd suggest you set aside some time to research them. That research should give you some insight into why I hold the prevailing belief that monarchy--or any form of autocratic rule for that matter--is a terrible system of government which has left lasting negative effects on the world as a whole.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: My immigration. Reasons, plans and thoughts

2020-12-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : TheGreatCarver via Audiogames-reflector


Re: My immigration. Reasons, plans and thoughts

connor142 wrote:Well, at least he isn't insisting he's the leader of a magical country and he's the head mage anymore... does anyone else remember that? Priceless.jonikster wrote:@connor142I'm still planning it, but now I'm discussing the revival of the British Empire with the British royal family and the revival of the French monarchy with Jean d'Orléans.And that's when a few occasional giggles turned into a ten-minute-long laughing fit.In all seriousness, @jonikster, I'd suggest you research the hundreds of atrocities committed under the watchful eye of monarchs throughout history. Monarchy may be considered a viable form of government if the ruler at the thrown is benevolent. However, history has shown this is an exceedingly rare occurrence. Truly atrocious acts can and have been sanctioned by rulers acting in the pursuit of power, wealth, fame, or piety. Look, for example, at King Leopold II of Belgium's treatment of Congo, Queen Ranavalona I of Madagascar's policies requiring forced labor, and the horrific treatment of Indigenous Peoples by the Spanish under the direction of the Crown.There are many more examples of heinous action's committed by emperors and rulers, and I'd suggest you set aside some time to research them. That research should give you some insight into why I hold the prevailing belief that monarchy--or any form of autocratic rule for that matter--is a terrible system of government which has left lasting negative effects on the world as a whole.


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Re: My immigration. Reasons, plans and thoughts

2020-12-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : jonikster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: My immigration. Reasons, plans and thoughts

@GrannyCheeseWheel, @camlornAll those people from Canada and the UK who are here, have they learned English or Canadian law?Has anyone ever opened any act?I learned English law. Moreover, I talked to solicitors. And I can say that becoming a solicitor is not that easy. Rather, it's not very easy.You are wrong. See the Spanish royal family, the Danish royal family, the Swedish royal family. Your words are correct about them. They don't run the state.The British royal family doesn't rule the UK either, but! Unlike other royal families, they are empowered to do so.The British monarch has the right to dissolve parliament, declare war, and more. He has as many rights as none of the constitutional monarchies.And here you should understand that there is what actually happens, and what is possible formally, in theory. If the British monarch doesn't use his power, it doesn't mean that the British monarch doesn't have this power.And to say that you are from Canada, the UK, and you know better, is stupid. Show me, no. Show everyone the legal acts of your country confirming that I'm wrong. Otherwise, it's just words.@JaydeShow me my message where I talked about the British royal family actually running Canada? I say that the British Queen is also the Queen of Canada, and formally, in theory, by law, she has the right to rule. But she doesn't use it.Moreover. Did you know that the Governor General of Canada doesn't act by written law, but by unwritten rules? He approves of the prime minister, although he has the right to refuse.I'm trying to convey to you that if the Queen of Canada doesn't interfere in Canadian politics, it doesn't mean that she cannot.@bradIn fact, much doesn't happen in the UK without the knowledge and signature of the monarch. And the monarch follows this by tradition, unwritten rules, but if you take the law, the British monarch can do more than a British citizen, who don't know  English law thinks.But alas. All these people tell me that I'm wrong. And their main argument is that they are from their country! Sounds funny, doesn't it?No, they definitely know more. I don't argue. But if I live in one house, and you, in another, this doesn't mean that I cannot know how the second house lives or built. I'm from Ukraine, but I know Russian law better than many Russian citizens. I have read the constitutional acts of Canada, the Westminster Statute of 1931, and I'm sure that many here have never even opened these documents.camlornUnrealistic dreams? Okay.I want to immigrate.What have I already done for this?1. I learn English;2. I'm getting higher education, yes, for immigration I do it;3. I work to save up for an expensive life in other countries.Now. I take any visa. For example, E-2 in the USA. I'm going to the USA to open a company. And what, the officer will refuse me because of my blindness if I qualify for this visa?Even if it does, and I will appeal it to USCIS. Oh yes, I'm already imagine this official response from USCIS, where they write that I'm blind and cannot get a US visa!Bro. If a deaf-blind person who cannot see, practically doesn't hear, travels and gets visas to the USA, Canada, why would they not approve of a blind guy who is going to open a business in America?You speak like a Russian person who is sure that the laws don't work.Okay. About unrealistic dreams. Yes, I have similar ones.Build my castle. With forest and garden. Okay, is it an unrealistic dream? Why?Maybe You don't know this, because you don't need it, but luxury real estate can be taken on a mortgage.Why am I planning my business? Not only because I want to help people. But also because it will help in my immigration and other dreams.@JayJayLook what's going on. What America and the European Union are doing.For example, they accuse Russia of Russia attacking Ukraine.I'm from Ukraine. And I claim that it's not true. But the USA and the EU are forcing the whole world to recognize this!An alternative is needed for American power and American influence. Can you think of better than reviving the British Empire? If this fails, I will create a virtual state, the main task of which is to popularize the monarchy.@bradThink about it. Why does someone obey someone. People work for the boss. Why aren't they doing their business?The main reason, they think, hm, I'm not sure if that saying exists in English, but in Russian we say, "You can't jump over your head". And it's wrong.If you stick to these stereotypes, nothing will happen!I can achieve my goals in Ukraine, in Russia. In my homeland. But! By the end of my life, how much will I do here, and how much will I do in a developed country? I think it's a big difference.@JayJayTo be honest, I didn't finish reading your last post.Dude, did you read my first post carefully? I need a million pounds for one of the visas, or rather a profit of one million pounds, but did I say that I would do it?The maximum investment I need to immi

Re: Say the Spire, a Slay the Spire Accessibility Mod

2020-12-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : stewie via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Say the Spire, a Slay the Spire Accessibility Mod

There should be a log, once you hit play alt tab until you get back to the Mod the spire window, that's where the log appears. Please copy paste that here?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: an introduction to haelrahv mud, a mud that has a lot of potential

2020-12-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Reya via Audiogames-reflector


Re: an introduction to haelrahv mud, a mud that has a lot of potential

I am here because  Haelrahv deserves all the players and the love.I joined this game recently and I totally love it. whoever needs it, players update this daily with game activities, professtons, screen reader friendly journeys.House prices have been lowered too.And here are screen reader tips. … eader_TipsTrevor, the admin of the game is so nice, I never trusted an admin to really listen and care the way he does.If you have questions or issues I will try to help the best i can.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Community failure clause

2020-12-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Community failure clause

I can see this turning into bullying people off the forum... I don't agree.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: My immigration. Reasons, plans and thoughts

2020-12-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : brad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: My immigration. Reasons, plans and thoughts

I know I as a person from the UK haven't looked into the laws of my country.@jonikster, if you can do it; go for it and I wish you the best.


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