Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Not impressed with the Transporter

2008-04-14 Thread iPhone

george_k;291525 Wrote: 
> Specs aside, if you haven't heard the 703's in person you'd be surprised
> to hear how much bass they produce. At moderately loud volume (not at or
> near rock concert levels) they rattle my entire apartment as well as the
> adjacent apartments around me. Of course the Mac probably has something
> to do with that as well, if definitely supplies the power they require
> to really sing.

Hi George,
Glad to see you did not take my post as a put down or a flame. The Mac
6900 is probably one of the best I-Amps around. I have heard the entire
800 & 700 B&W line recently and the 703s do make plenty of upper and mid
bass. More importantly they do it very well with accurate quick bass
which is something I need as well as liked about them. I guess its the
music lover in me but for me all music is built on a foundation of
bass. Not just bass for the sake of bass, but tight, accurate, quick,
and realistic bass. A 6.5 inch mid-woofer is just out of its element
for anything below 100Hz.

By the way, how big of a room do you have the 703s in? Could you have
to much speaker for the size room they are in or not enough
furniture/rugs/wall treatments to control excess upper and mid-bass

Last thoughts on the Tranporter, could you take it and an SB3 to your
local HiFi shop with a laptop? If so, you could compare the two on some
over the top equipment that you and I will probably never own and see if
you hear a difference. If no difference then, I would send it back. My
local dealer loves to see me with my Macbook Pro because he knows I am
shopping for something. I even take my Transporter and Macbook Pro when
I go to a dealer that does not carry the Transporter.




Media Room:
Transporter, Vandersteen Quatro Signature, Ayre MX-R Mono Blocks, VTL
TL-6.5 Signature Pre-Amp, VCC-5 Reference Center Channel, four VSM-1
Signatures, Runco 710, RAM Oppo DV970HD, VeraStarr 6.4SE  

Living Room:
SqueezeBox Duet, Vandersteen Model 3A Signature, Two 2Wq subs, VCC-2,
Two VSM-1, ADCOM GTP-870HD, Cinepro 3K6SE III Gold 

Squeezebox 3, Thiel 2.3, NAD C370

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Burning amp in with dummy load

2008-04-14 Thread iPhone

GuyDebord;291483 Wrote: 
> Iphone, how long do your tubes last? I treat my beloved Valvo's E188CC's
> from my preamp stage like jewels, If I forget to turn them off one
> night, the next day I feel bad

Off the subject, but they last until they need replaced (which is my
personal inside joke). I look at tubes like most people look at gas for
their cars in that new tubes are part of the operating expense of my
pre-amp and audio hobby. I change them at 70 percent of their rated
life or sooner if need be. Most of my tube friends look at it in one of
two ways again with a car analogy. They either think their tubes are
like a F-150 Ferrari to only be driven on special occasions (read
turned on rarely) or treat their tubes like the tires on an old beater
changing them only after the cord is showing or one blows. 

I guess the tubes are being used an average of 12 hours a day doing
actual amplification work and the other half of the day at idle (heater
voltage). So I am of the opinion that heating them and cooling them
everyday would be about the same wear and tear on them as just leaving
them on all the time. Besides it saves me from having to wait for them
to warm to the sweet spot every morning.




Media Room:
Transporter, Vandersteen Quatro Signature, Ayre MX-R Mono Blocks, VTL
TL-6.5 Signature Pre-Amp, VCC-5 Reference Center Channel, four VSM-1
Signatures, Runco 710, RAM Oppo DV970HD, VeraStarr 6.4SE  

Living Room:
SqueezeBox Duet, Vandersteen Model 3A Signature, Two 2Wq subs, VCC-2,
Two VSM-1, ADCOM GTP-870HD, Cinepro 3K6SE III Gold 

Squeezebox 3, Thiel 2.3, NAD C370

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Burning amp in with dummy load

2008-04-14 Thread agentsmith

JJZolx;291542 Wrote: 
> Does your wife not like music?  Turn the system on, tune into her
> favorite radio station, tell her to adjust the volume as she likes.

Unfortunately, wife is allergic to music.


System 1: SB2 and a mostly Naim system
System 2: SB2 connected digitally to a Meridian F80

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Burning amp in with dummy load

2008-04-14 Thread JJZolx

Does your wife not like music?  Turn the system on, tune into her
favorite radio station, tell her to adjust the volume as she likes.



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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Burning amp in with dummy load

2008-04-14 Thread agentsmith

Thanks all.  These advices sound quite sensible.  I think I will just
let the amp settle in by itself in its intended environment.

I also was sceptical in burning in amplifiers, but this Naim pair does
sound very hard edged in the first couple of days and is improving.


System 1: SB2 and a mostly Naim system
System 2: SB2 connected digitally to a Meridian F80

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Question re 24/96 Rez Files & Transporter

2008-04-14 Thread ted_b

lstern;291295 Wrote: 
> Thanks for your feedback.
> I have checked the files on the TP and they are shown as 88.2 files. 
> Thanks again.

I assume the file info is static; i.e what it was ripped at, not what
it is being streamed or processed at.  I asked Sean about this (in
reference to being able to see what an external data source plays
through the DAC at...resolution and bit length) and he said it was
possible but not currently available, so I put it in as a feature
request months ago.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Not impressed with the Transporter

2008-04-14 Thread george_k

iPhone;291493 Wrote: 
> f the 703 have a weakness, it is the mini monitor size 6.5 inch woofer
> trying to get down to the 703s 30Hz rating. Yes there are two which
> equals a little more then an 8 inch woofer while doubling unnecessary
> driver interaction (they only did it so they could claim a 90dB
> efficiency). The 703 really start to roll off fast below 50Hz, which is
> not going to make the Transporter shine in the bass department.

Specs aside, if you haven't heard the 703's in person you'd be
surprised to hear how much bass they produce. At moderately loud volume
(not at or near rock concert levels) they rattle my entire apartment as
well as the adjacent apartments around me


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Linn Klimax DS - Network Music Player

2008-04-14 Thread Kris

I do, really sick at the moment.. will post some thoughts later


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] I want it bit-perfect

2008-04-14 Thread NewBuyer

Phil Leigh;291331 Wrote: 
> Really? - how does that work...
> surely at any volume the output is always sent as 24-bits?

seanadams;75489 Wrote: 
> ...You will get 16 bits of output:
> - When you are playing 16-bit WAV/FLAC files at 100% volume
> You will get more than 16 bits:
> - When playing MP3 or WMA files (which are represented in the frequency
> domain). Squeebox takes advantage of the higher resolution output during
> the final PCM systhesis step of the decoding process.
> - When playing any format at less than 100% volume (additional bits
> used for more resolution in the volume function).

Just to be technical: I don't know if this means that at full digital
volume, the extra 8 bits are still output but are just simply all zeros
- or if literally only 16 bit signal is output in that case - nor if any
of it matters! :)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] I want it bit-perfect

2008-04-14 Thread Timothy Stockman

NewBuyer;291108 Wrote: 
> Except at full digital volume (e.g. 100 on the SB3), at which it outputs
> at 16 bit - is that correct?
Remember that the most significant bits don't change position in the
S/PDIF stream, regardless of whether its 16 bits, 20 bits or 24 bits. 
Depending on how one reads the S/PDIF standard, audio is always
transmitted at 20 (or 24 bit) resolution, although the receiving device
may only pay attention to only the upper 16-bits, upper 20-bits or all
24-bits, depending on what it understands.  If the source is 16 bits,
the lower 8 bits of the S/PDIF stream are likely "0".  If the source is
16 bits and the digital volume is less than 100, the lower 8 bits are
likely the "residue" of the numerical calculations.

It's sort of pointless, for the most part, to worry about exactly what
these low bits are, because the noise floor of most popular CDs comes
nowhere close to using the 16-bits resolution the CD provides.  IMHO
what is important is that the digital volume calculations are done in
greater than 16-bit, 24-bit should suffice, and that the residue of the
calculations not truncated to 16-bits.

Timothy Stockman

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Not impressed with the Transporter

2008-04-14 Thread iPhone

george_k;291077 Wrote: 
> I ordered a transporter and spent the better part of the weekend
> listening and comparing it to my SB3. For most of my music I could hear
> no real difference. With other, better recorded, music the transporter
> sounded a little more resolved and clear.
> I really like the additional hardware features but it lacks the musical
> impact I was expecting to hear. 
> At this point I'm thinking of returning it. Anybody share any similar
> experience? The rest of my system consists of a McIntosh 6900 and a
> pair of B&W 703. My music collection is all FLAC based.

One way to see if it is your ears or the Transporter is to return the
Transporter and buy a $2500 DAC (Bel Canto e.One DAC3 D/A processor
comes to mind) and drive it with an SB3. I own a VERY expensive DAC and
I own a Transporter. Do I think I can hear a difference between the
Transporter and my Dodson DA-217 MkII-D with an SB3? I can on several
all digital Jazz and Classical tracks. Could it be the over and up
sampling of the Dodson just clearing and cleaning up the final product?
I think that is exactly what it is. But lets look at Apples for a
moment. Does the Transporter cost $5500 like a Dodson plus an SB3, no
it does not, not even half. So that speaks pretty highly of the
Transporter in and of itself. Would I like it to up sample and over
sample as high as the Dodson? I would love that, but I would also
expect the price of the Transporter to double (that I would not love).

Can I hear a difference between any of my SB3s and the Transporter? I
can pick the Transporter every time. Is it a wow, “I can never listen
to an SB3 again”? No it is not, because the SB3 is pretty good for the
money. The Transporter takes everything to a higher level i.e. better
power supply, better DAC, better parts, metal enclosure, balanced
analog outputs, etc. Which I hear in the form of a larger more defined
soundstage, deeper quicker fuller bass, and precise crystal highs for
just a start that let me know it is the Transporter not the SB3.

It is not my intention to put you or your equipment down, but it is my
opinion that it could be your ears, your equipment, even how you have
your equipment setup or a combination of the above. With properly setup
audio gear, the Transporter seems to make everything clearer and bigger
in a good way compared to an SB3. Noting again, that the SB3 sounds
pretty good in its own right. Several people have also remarked on the
subject of gear to which I have to agree. The main audio equipment has
to be up to the task of taking advantage of an upgrade in an audio
source component. This becomes even more important IMO when upgrading a
Digital Source. If the 703 have a weakness, it is the mini monitor size
6.5 inch woofer trying to get down to the 703s 30Hz rating. Yes there
are two which equals a little more then an 8 inch woofer while doubling
unnecessary driver interaction (they only did it so they could claim a
90dB efficiency). The 703 really start to roll off fast below 50Hz,
which is not going to make the Transporter shine in the bass




Media Room:
Transporter, Vandersteen Quatro Signature, Ayre MX-R Mono Blocks, VTL
TL-6.5 Signature Pre-Amp, VCC-5 Reference Center Channel, four VSM-1
Signatures, Runco 710, RAM Oppo DV970HD, VeraStarr 6.4SE  

Living Room:
SqueezeBox Duet, Vandersteen Model 3A Signature, Two 2Wq subs, VCC-2,
Two VSM-1, ADCOM GTP-870HD, Cinepro 3K6SE III Gold 

Squeezebox 3, Thiel 2.3, NAD C370

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Burning amp in with dummy load

2008-04-14 Thread GuyDebord

iPhone;291405 Wrote: 
>  My amps do not have an Off switch and since I listen to over 10 hours
> of music a day, I never shut my tube pre-amp off.

Iphone, how long do your tubes last? I treat my beloved Valvo's
E188CC's from my preamp stage like jewels, If I forget to turn them off
one night, the next day I feel bad


Reference3A RoyalMaster monitors biwired with v/d Hul Inspiration, REL
Strata5. AMPS: Pathos Classic One MKIII's in mono config. ANALOGUE:
Clearaudio Ambient CMB, Satisfy Carbon & Lyra Helikon SL, Nagra VPS
phono preamp, link: AcousticZen Silver Reference2 XLR’s. DIGITAL:
SlimDevices Transporter, link: WireWorld SilverEclipse 5.2.  POWER:
Isotek MiniSub GII, Isotek Elite cables (MiniSub, Rel), Siltech SPX30
MKII (Nagra), v/d Hul Mainstream (Pathos) & v/d Hul Mainserver

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Not impressed with the Transporter

2008-04-14 Thread Robin Bowes
opaqueice wrote:
> Robin Bowes;291429 Wrote: 
>> Just because *you* don't hear any difference doesn't mean that
>> *everyone 
>> else* can't hear any difference too.
>> Remember, everyones' ears are different. What you hear is not the same
>> as what I or anyone else hears.
> Calm down!  I didn't say anything like that.  The OP asked whether
> anyone else had had a similar experience, and I answered.

I'm perfectly calm - don't worry!

> By the way, in the test described in that link there were three of us
> listening.

Yes, I know.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Not impressed with the Transporter

2008-04-14 Thread opaqueice

Robin Bowes;291429 Wrote: 
> Just because *you* don't hear any difference doesn't mean that
> *everyone 
> else* can't hear any difference too.
> Remember, everyones' ears are different. What you hear is not the same
> as what I or anyone else hears.

Calm down!  I didn't say anything like that.  The OP asked whether
anyone else had had a similar experience, and I answered.

By the way, in the test described in that link there were three of us


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Not impressed with the Transporter

2008-04-14 Thread Robin Bowes
gharris999 wrote:

> I'll take the ability to enjoy the joie de vivre of a
> performance over the ability to identify where the 2nd oboe goes flat
> in the 3rd measure any day.

+1 !!!

I used to play guitar in a variety of bands and work as a Sound Engineer.

I *still* find it hard to be a "punter", i.e. go and enjoy a gig and 
listen to the music not the sound.

I have a friend who is totally happy listening to the music not the 
sound - he has an ipod with low bitrate mp3s, was completely happy 
playing back through one of those crappy fm transmitters, and equally 
listening to a cheap clock radio. He's listening to the music not the sound.


audiophiles mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Not impressed with the Transporter

2008-04-14 Thread gharris999

george_k;291404 Wrote: 
> I guess my ears aren't trained enough.
What's the emoti-icon for barely concealed, gentle scarcasam? ;-)

It sounds like the transporter just isn't doing it for you.  There's no
shame in that, and that's what the return policy is for.  It is a lot of
money for a product if you aren't "transported" by it.

I wasn't trying to denigrate your listening skills, just trying to
burnish my own.  I guess I was making the case of my having some
listening credentials beyond the ability to pretend I hear something
that lets me rationalize the money I've spent.

Like I said, your ears are your ears and you hear what you hear and
that's all you can go by.  Ultimately, listening to music is a
subjective experience.  

There is plenty of ear training that may help a musician who leads an
ensemble to elicit a better performance.  That same training is capable
of absolutely killing the individual's chance of actually enjoying a
recording. I'll take the ability to enjoy the joie de vivre of a
performance over the ability to identify where the 2nd oboe goes flat
in the 3rd measure any day.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Duet + DAC versus Transporter

2008-04-14 Thread HectorHughMunro

I would suggest the Duet.  I would wonder whether there is an hardware
update in the pipeline that will make the Squeezeboxes 'N' compliant
and when I bought mine, I avoided the Transporter for that reason.

The Duet Receiver is cheap and if they do go 'N' compliant, swapping it
out or upgrading to the next iteration of the Transporter from there
would be less painful from a cost point of view.

I use a Duet through a Cambridge 840c which is used as a DAC.  Very
good sound indeed.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Not impressed with the Transporter

2008-04-14 Thread Robin Bowes
opaqueice wrote:
> george_k;291077 Wrote: 
>>  Anybody share any similar experience? 

Just because *you* don't hear any difference doesn't mean that *everyone 
else* can't hear any difference too.

Remember, everyones' ears are different. What you hear is not the same 
as what I or anyone else hears.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Question re 24/96 Rez Files & Transporter

2008-04-14 Thread amcluesent

>TP firmware version shown as 36.<

IIRC, 88.2Khz will be resampled using a basic decimation algorithm.
FW40 is required to play 88.2Khz unmolested.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Not impressed with the Transporter

2008-04-14 Thread opaqueice

george_k;291077 Wrote: 
>  Anybody share any similar experience?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Burning amp in with dummy load

2008-04-14 Thread iPhone

agentsmith;291339 Wrote: 
> 1. Is this an effective way? 
> 2. Will it hurt my equipment?
> 3. What volume should I feed it, if I crank it to max volume will it
> burn out the amp? Or will it cause a fire hazard?
> 4. How long can I do it continuously without hurting the amp?
> This seems like an attrative way to do it as it means stressing the amp
> without waking up the neighbour and the wife.

Patience is the road to audio nirvana. Never connect anything but a
proper speaker system to your Amp! Can other test equipment be
connected, yes, in a lab or repair center. Answers to your questions:

1. No
2. Probably (and maybe burn down your home)
3. Do not even try this
4. Again, do not attempt

Your Nice equipment was probably already burnt-in and tested at the
factory. Additionally, you leave your equipment on as I do. The amp
needs turned on for about 2 hours to be in the so-called sweet spot.
All you need to do after that is enjoy the music. Cranking up the
volume to max under a load does nothing but make heat and a possible
fire/shorted amp in the case of 20W 8ohm resisters (and all for

After being on for a week and playing 20 or 30 albums at normal volume,
the Naim will be all settled in. Modern IC electronics need little more
then to be warmed up to their operating temperature to be in the Zone.
My amps do not have an Off switch and since I listen to over 10 hours
of music a day, I never shut my tube pre-amp off.

Lastly, there are all kinds of opinions on the subject of Burn-In. In
my opinion only speakers need anything more then 10 hours to be at
factory reference levels.




Media Room:
Transporter, Vandersteen Quatro Signature, Ayre MX-R Mono Blocks, VTL
TL-6.5 Signature Pre-Amp, VCC-5 Reference Center Channel, four VSM-1
Signatures, Runco 710, RAM Oppo DV970HD, VeraStarr 6.4SE  

Living Room:
SqueezeBox Duet, Vandersteen Model 3A Signature, Two 2Wq subs, VCC-2,
Two VSM-1, ADCOM GTP-870HD, Cinepro 3K6SE III Gold 

Squeezebox 3, Thiel 2.3, NAD C370

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Burning amp in with dummy load

2008-04-14 Thread tomjtx

twylie;291399 Wrote: 
> wire one of the speakers out of phase, set them facing each other about
> a foot apart and play mono white noise through the system.  If you need
> to, you can throw a blanket or quilt over the speakers to help deaden
> the noise, but if the drivers are well matched, they should come close
> to canceling out each other.

But if you do that, the quantum particles inside the amp's electrons
will be confused and out of phase, grumpy, and will not sound right
when you re wire. The amp will be burned in to excell with out of phase
music quarks.
Just ask any quantum scientist like Jack Bybee.
Or ask Opaqueice, I am sure he will concur with my assesment.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Not impressed with the Transporter

2008-04-14 Thread george_k

I plugged in my headphones last night and did another comparison. I
figured that if I cut the room and speakers out of the equation it
would be easier to hear a difference. I spent about 15-20 minutes
listening some of the same songs as a few nights before. Again, I
couldn't really hear a difference, I guess my ears aren't trained

If anybody is wondering, my headphones are a pair of Grado SR-60's.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Burning amp in with dummy load

2008-04-14 Thread twylie

wire one of the speakers out of phase, set them facing each other about
a foot apart and play mono white noise through the system.  If you need
to, you can throw a blanket or quilt over the speakers to help deaden
the noise, but if the drivers are well matched, they should come close
to canceling out each other.


Thecus N5200 -> transporter -> Krell KRC2 -> 4 x nuforce 8b -> Von
Schweikert VR-4 Gen III

Thecus N5200 -> SB3 -> Monarchy DIP -> Monarchy Super DIP -> Monarchy
18b -> AES 845 monos -> Sonus Faber Concertos / Audio Physic Sparks

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Linn Klimax DS - Network Music Player

2008-04-14 Thread mr_bill

Any updates to share?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Lavry DA10 DAC: Subjective Impressions and Listening Tests (Long)

2008-04-14 Thread COOLGUY

I agree absolutely with the comparison of Lavry and BM...
As per the main topic:
I did the same comparison, lavry vs. SB3 analog out, and I find the
difference quite significant in favour of the lavry. 
I also suggest one thing: the Lavry is a preamp as well, with no way to
bypass the preamp, no fixed outputs. 

I suggest trying to connect the lavry direct to power amp. 
It should sound better. Comparing the Lavry direct to amp. vs SB analog
to Preamp to Power amp should give a clearer victory in favour of the
Lavry, thats what happened in my case anyway


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Burning amp in with dummy load

2008-04-14 Thread GuyDebord

agentsmith;291356 Wrote: 
> LOL how true (re buyer's remorse)
> Unfortunately wife doesnt work and just stays home and bosses me around
> lol.

you could send her to your in-laws?
Just enjoy the "burning" its part of the process, why accelerate it?


Reference3A RoyalMaster monitors biwired with v/d Hul Inspiration, REL
Strata5. AMPS: Pathos Classic One MKIII's in mono config. ANALOGUE:
Clearaudio Ambient CMB, Satisfy Carbon & Lyra Helikon SL, Nagra VPS
phono preamp, link: AcousticZen Silver Reference2 XLR’s. DIGITAL:
SlimDevices Transporter, link: WireWorld SilverEclipse 5.2.  POWER:
Isotek MiniSub GII, Isotek Elite cables (MiniSub, Rel), Siltech SPX30
MKII (Nagra), v/d Hul Mainstream (Pathos) & v/d Hul Mainserver

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Burning amp in with dummy load

2008-04-14 Thread agentsmith

pfarrell;291354 Wrote: 
> agentsmith wrote:
> > Trying to burn in my Naim 202/200, but wife would kill me if I blast
> it
> > 24/7.
> So turn it up when you both go to work.
> Not sure that burn in is real, but it does help get past buyer's
> remorse.
> Pat
> -- 
> Pat Farrell

LOL how true (re buyer's remorse)

Unfortunately wife doesnt work and just stays home and bosses me around


System 1: SB2 and a mostly Naim system
System 2: SB2 connected digitally to a Meridian F80

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Burning amp in with dummy load

2008-04-14 Thread Pat Farrell
agentsmith wrote:
> Trying to burn in my Naim 202/200, but wife would kill me if I blast it
> 24/7.

So turn it up when you both go to work.

Not sure that burn in is real, but it does help get past buyer's remorse.


Pat Farrell

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Burning amp in with dummy load

2008-04-14 Thread agentsmith

adamslim;291344 Wrote: 
> I've never been a great believer in burn-in, although my speakers are
> sounding much better now than when I first got them - unless it's just
> me getting accustomed to them...
> Anyway, it sounds like you have a nice system so why not just use it as
> normal (maybe leave the amps on 24/7) and enjoy it?  The downsides of
> wiring up resistors incorrectly - especially with Naim amps, which
> usually need some inductance to keep them stable IIRC - are
> considerable.  From your other thread it sounds like this is a big
> step-up already, so relax and enjoy the music :)

Thanks I have always used Naim amps and they never get turned off

I did not believe much in burning in either, but the 202/200 were
incredibly hard when first arriving and is already improving a lot
after a couple of days.

I think I would take your adivce and keep it slow, instead of risk
buring out $5000 worth of equipment.  Thanks by the way.


System 1: SB2 and a mostly Naim system
System 2: SB2 connected digitally to a Meridian F80

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Burning amp in with dummy load

2008-04-14 Thread adamslim

I've never been a great believer in burn-in, although my speakers are
sounding much better now than when I first got them - unless it's just
me getting accustomed to them...

Anyway, it sounds like you have a nice system so why not just use it as
normal (maybe leave the amps on 24/7) and enjoy it?  The downsides of
wiring up resistors incorrectly - especially with Naim amps, which
usually need some inductance to keep them stable IIRC - are
considerable.  From your other thread it sounds like this is a big
step-up already, so relax and enjoy the music :)


Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have

SB+, EAR V20, Living Voice OBX-R2s plus some other stuff
SB3, Charlize, Harbeth HL-P3ES

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Burning amp in with dummy load

2008-04-14 Thread agentsmith

Trying to burn in my Naim 202/200, but wife would kill me if I blast it

Some Naim head who seems to be in the know told me to buy a pair 20W/8
Ohm resister and connect the two ends to the +ve and -ve of both the
left and right channel and play music on it 24/7

1. Is this an effective way? 
2. Will it hurt my equipment?
3. What volume should I feed it, if I crank it to max volume will it
burn out the amp? Or will it cause a fire hazard?
4. How long can I do it continuously without hurting the amp?

This seems like an attrative way to do it as it means stressing the amp
without waking up the neighbour and the wife.


System 1: SB2 and a mostly Naim system
System 2: SB2 connected digitally to a Meridian F80

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] I want it bit-perfect

2008-04-14 Thread Anne

Its an immense task to keep things simple.


Squeezebox 3 > Stereovox XV2 > Bryston B100-DA SST > Carlsson OA50.2 >
Sennheiser HD580 Precision

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Not impressed with the Transporter

2008-04-14 Thread gharris999

No argument with that statement.  Least-worst tempering (for Liszt and
later) is equal temperament.  Well-temperament variants (all keys
playable) are good for Bach & Rameau.  Meantone is good for anything
15th through 17th century.  All are fun to tune and to listen to in
context.  And then there's Harry Partch who, I think, liked his octave
divided into 43rds, or some such.

But instrumentalists, unless their accompanying instrument is the piano
or other keyboard, will always be flexible in their intonation when
playing in ensemble.  Equal tempered major thirds really are shockingly
out of tune from just intonation.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Not impressed with the Transporter

2008-04-14 Thread agentsmith

darrenyeats;291307 Wrote: 
> I'm not saying you have to agree with anyone...I'm just querying that
> you agree with Robin. :)
> I tend more toward the latter view (YMMV etc).
> Darren

Like your said, YMMV.  In my case, I went from not being able to tell
between an SB2 nude to a SB2-Benchmark DAC1-Naim Nait5i.  Now that I
have upgraded my amps to Naim 202/200 , the difference between an SB2
and a mere half decent Pioneer Universal player is quite big to the CD
player's favour.

Apparently the 202/200 are differentiating the sources much more than
the Nait 5i.  Then again the amps may not be properly burned in yet. 
Not sure if they will get more or less revealing.

But of course anyone could tell between analog sources.


System 1: SB2 and a mostly Naim system
System 2: SB2 connected digitally to a Meridian F80

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] I want it bit-perfect

2008-04-14 Thread Phil Leigh

NewBuyer;291108 Wrote: 
> Except at full digital volume (e.g. 100 on the SB3), at which it outputs
> at 16 bit - is that correct?

Really? - how does that work...
surely at any volume the output is always sent as 24-bits?

Phil Leigh

You want to see the signal path BEFORE it gets onto a CD/
ain't what you'd call minimal...SB3+Stontronics PSU - Altmann
JISCO/UPCI - TACT RCS 2.2X with Good Vibrations S/W - MF X-DAC
V3/X-PSU/X-10 buffer (Audiocomm full mods)- Linn 5103 - Linn Aktiv 5.1
system (6x LK140's, ESPEK/TRIKAN/KATAN/SEIZMIK 10.5), Townsend
Supertweeters, Kimber & Chord cables

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Not impressed with the Transporter

2008-04-14 Thread Robin Bowes
darrenyeats wrote:
> agentsmith;291301 Wrote: 
>> I agree with the previous poster.
> I'm not saying you have to agree with anyone...I'm just querying that
> you agree with Robin. :)
> agentsmith;291301 Wrote: 
>> the differences between sources went from almost non-existent to
>> glaringly obvious.  The SB3 by itself really shows its rough
>> edges when driving a higher end, more revealing system.
> Robin Bowes;291195 Wrote: 
>> I have found that you won't find many/any obvious differences between
>> pretty much any digital sources in direct comparison tests. But, the
>> better source(s) will become apparent in extended listening.
>> Differences between digital sources really are minimal.
>> R.
> I tend more toward the latter view (YMMV etc).

That's not to say there aren't differences. Just that they're not as 
blindingly obvious as, say, the difference between a good pair of 
bookshelf speakers and a pair of full-range single-drive floor-standers.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] You can tune a piano but you can't tune a fish

2008-04-14 Thread Robin Bowes
Pat Farrell wrote:
> gharris999 wrote:
>> seanadams;291122 Wrote: 
>>> I've never tuned a piano but... doesn't it rely on lower frequency
>>> hearing - the beat tone between the fork and the instrument?
>>  This is where the black-art stuff  comes in, and it's a matter of taste 
> I don't do it, but every since Well-Tempered Clavier, folks argue over 
> proper tuning of pianos.
> I know its not a matter of setting up a frequency meter and dialing up 
> the proper numbers for each string.

Arguably, it should be called the "Least-Worst-Tempered Clavier" as it's 
generally out of tune in most/all keys :)


audiophiles mailing list

[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] You can tune a piano but you can't tune a fish

2008-04-14 Thread Pat Farrell
gharris999 wrote:
> seanadams;291122 Wrote: 
>> I've never tuned a piano but... doesn't it rely on lower frequency
>> hearing - the beat tone between the fork and the instrument?
>  This is where the black-art stuff  comes in, and it's a matter of taste 

I don't do it, but every since Well-Tempered Clavier, folks argue over 
proper tuning of pianos.

I know its not a matter of setting up a frequency meter and dialing up 
the proper numbers for each string.

audiophiles mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Not impressed with the Transporter

2008-04-14 Thread darrenyeats

agentsmith;291301 Wrote: 
> I agree with the previous poster.
I'm not saying you have to agree with anyone...I'm just querying that
you agree with Robin. :)
agentsmith;291301 Wrote: 
> the differences between sources went from almost non-existent to
> glaringly obvious.  The SB3 by itself really shows its rough
> edges when driving a higher end, more revealing system.
Robin Bowes;291195 Wrote: 
> I have found that you won't find many/any obvious differences between
> pretty much any digital sources in direct comparison tests. But, the
> better source(s) will become apparent in extended listening.
> Differences between digital sources really are minimal.
> R.
I tend more toward the latter view (YMMV etc).


SB3 / Inguz -> Krell KAV-300i (pre bypass) -> PMC AB-1
Dell laptop -> JVC UX-C30 mini system

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Not impressed with the Transporter

2008-04-14 Thread gharris999

seanadams;291122 Wrote: 
> OT:
> I've never tuned a piano but... doesn't it rely on lower frequency
> hearing - the beat tone between the fork and the instrument?

Yep.  Except sometimes you listen for beats between upper partials
rather than the fundamentals.  Typically, you'll be listening to beats
between fundamentals only while setting the initial bearing octave. A
more acute test of hearing comes with the "stretching" that one does of
the upper and lower octaves which one has to do to account for the
enharmonicity of the lower strings.  This is where the black-art stuff
comes in, and it's a matter of taste (and hearing) as to how flat to
make the bass and how sharp to make the treble.  In that case, you can
be listening way up the list of partials to find a match or, more
often, a compromise.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Not impressed with the Transporter

2008-04-14 Thread agentsmith

I agree with the previous poster.  It very much depend on what the rest
of your system is.  I just upgraded from Naim integrated to Naim
seperates, and the differences between sources went from almost
non-existant to glaringly obvious.  Now that I have sold my Benchmark
DAC1 I really miss it.  The SB3 by itself really show its rough edges
when driving a higher end, more revealing system.


System 1: SB2 and a mostly Naim system
System 2: SB2 connected digitally to a Meridian F80

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Question re 24/96 Rez Files & Transporter

2008-04-14 Thread lstern

Thanks for your feedback.

With regard to 24/88.2 files, I have downloaded 88.2 Linn Mozart files
that play without problem. I have checked the files on the TP and they
are shown as 88.2 files. I should mention that I am running SC 7(build
March 13)on an Infrant NAS. In SC, TP firmware version shown as 36.

Thanks again.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] I want it bit-perfect

2008-04-14 Thread opaqueice

Patrick Dixon;291177 Wrote: 
>  So I guess when a horn and an oboe play together, you can't hear the
> oboe 'cos the horn is louder? 

What an odd thing to say.

>  Plus, of course, that noise is cumulative, so even if the noise was the
> same character, you would have more of it.

You're aware of the fact that dB is a logarithmic measure, I hope? 

> LOL!


seanadams; 164681 Wrote: 
> The "you still have all the bits" concept is completely flawed.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Not impressed with the Transporter

2008-04-14 Thread Robin Bowes
darrenyeats wrote:
> Robin Bowes;291195 Wrote: 
>> Perhaps you were expecting too much? Difference between digital sources
>> really are minimal.
>> If you're happy with the SB3 then rejoice - you've saved yourself a 
>> shed-load of cash, so you can buy more music!
>> R.
> Robin,
> I've not compared an SB3 and Transporter yet - and probably it depends
> on the other components - but yours is a very sensible view IMO.

It certainly does depend on the other components.

Some time ago, myself and ModelCitizen compared SB1 analogue out to SB1 
+ a variety of DACs (modified Art DI/O, Arcam Black Box, Perpetual 
Technologies P-something + P-something else - a very expensive 
combination). On the system I had at the time neither of us could hear 
any difference.

I then modified my amp (a Rotel RA820A), disconnecting the tone control 
circuitry completely, replacing capacitors, upgrading op-amps, etc. Wow, 
what a difference. Even though the amp had a tone control on/off switch, 
it was not completely disconnecting it from the audio path. Fixing it 
that *completely* changed the sound of the amp - it made it so much more 
musical. I believe "lifting a veil" is an oft-used audiophile 
expression; well, in this case, "lifting a carpet" would be more 
appropriate! With the modified amp, it became easier to distinguish 
between sources.

But, even with an appropriately revealing/accurate system, source 
differences are not massive. They tend to be subtle, textural effects 
that are difficult to describe, and are only discernible on extending 

Anyway, I'm happy with my Transporter.


audiophiles mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Not impressed with the Transporter

2008-04-14 Thread darrenyeats

Robin Bowes;291195 Wrote: 
> Perhaps you were expecting too much? Difference between digital sources
> really are minimal.
> If you're happy with the SB3 then rejoice - you've saved yourself a 
> shed-load of cash, so you can buy more music!
> R.
I've not compared an SB3 and Transporter yet - and probably it depends
on the other components - but yours is a very sensible view IMO.


SB3 / Inguz -> Krell KAV-300i (pre bypass) -> PMC AB-1
Dell laptop -> JVC UX-C30 mini system

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] audio insanity

2008-04-14 Thread funkstar

he's a loony!

I have no idea about high end audio like that, it's wy above
anything I could imagine ever being able to afford or appreciate.

However, it does all _look_ amazing. I love the Electron Luv stuff,
whatever it is.

It's all verging on Steampunk (
or something out of Brazil


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Question re 24/96 Rez Files & Transporter

2008-04-14 Thread Teus de Jong

lstern;290941 Wrote: 
> I have a new Transporter (firmware v36 & SC 7.0) and have downloades
> some high resolution Linn files. I have my TP connected to my AV Pro
> Preamp via both balanced analogue and digital RCA. The 24/96 files play
> thru both the balanced TP analogue output and the digital output. My
> question is: does the TP down rez the files when output through the
> analogue outputs??. My confusion stems from the stated TP specs that
> suggest 24/96 is available only over the digital outputs. BTW, 88.2 rez
> files play fine both over the analogue and digital outputs.
> I would appreciate any feedback and clarification.

The transporter plays 24/96 just fine (analog and digital out). But
24/88.2 is only played correctly when firmware 40 is used; FW40 however
has other -- quite serious -- problems. So, unless you are using FW40,
your statement about 24/88.2 can't be correct.


Teus de Jong

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Not impressed with the Transporter

2008-04-14 Thread Robin Bowes
george_k wrote:
> I ordered a transporter and spent the better part of the weekend
> listening and comparing it to my SB3. For most of my music I could hear
> no real difference. With other, better recorded, music the transporter
> sounded a little more resolved and clear.

What source material are you using?

Personally, I have found that you won't find many/any obvious 
differences between pretty much any digital sources in direct comparison 
tests. But, the better source(s) will become apparent in extended listening.

> I really like the additional hardware features but it lacks the musical
> impact I was expecting to hear. 

Perhaps you were expecting too much? Difference between digital sources 
really are minimal.

> At this point I'm thinking of returning it. Anybody share any similar
> experience? The rest of my system consists of a McIntosh 6900 and a
> pair of B&W 703. My music collection is all FLAC based.

If you're happy with the SB3 then rejoice - you've saved yourself a 
shed-load of cash, so you can buy more music!


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] audio insanity

2008-04-14 Thread morris_minor

opaqueice;291074 Wrote: 
> I've seen my share of ansurd audio systems, but this one takes the cake.
> No, that's too mild: it utterly obliterates them all.
Couldn't see a Squeezebox in amongst the kit :0)

But I sure hope he's happy!


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] I want it bit-perfect

2008-04-14 Thread Patrick Dixon

opaqueice;291029 Wrote: 
> The reason is that the noise level of the DAC is well above the rounding
> errors.

So all 'noise' is the same then?  (Remember that one man's music is
another man's noise).  So I guess when a horn and an oboe play
together, you can't hear the oboe 'cos the horn is louder?  Plus, of
course, that noise is cumulative, so even if the noise was the same
character, you would have more of it.

opaqueice;291029 Wrote: 
> You were wrong about that and you're simply not big enough to admit it
> (or your business interests won't let you).LOL!

Patrick Dixon

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] audio insanity

2008-04-14 Thread harmonic

Have a look  at jean yves system


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