Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] FUD, intellectual honesty, digital facts, and the TAS articles...

2012-02-11 Thread Phil Leigh

TheOctavist;690004 Wrote: 
 mr phil...
 here are two of my earliest recordings, as an apprentice rec/balance
 engineer in germany.the haydn..
 just blumlein. akg 426. dav(drsigned by ex decca engineer mick hinton)
 mic preamps into zaxxcom deva


Phil Leigh

You want to see the signal path BEFORE it gets onto a CD/
ain't what you'd call minimal...
Touch(wired/W7)+Teddy Pardo PSU - Audiolense 3.3/2.0+INGUZ DRC - MF M1
DAC - Linn 5103 - full Aktiv 5.1 system (6x LK140's,
ESPEK/TRIKAN/KATAN/SEIZMIK 10.5), Pekin Tuner, Townsend
Supertweeters,VdH Toslink,Kimber 8TC Speaker  Chord Signature Plus
Interconnect cables
Stax4070+SRM7/II phones
Kitchen Boom, Outdoors: SB Radio, Harmony One remote for everything.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] FUD, intellectual honesty, digital facts, and the TAS articles...

2012-02-11 Thread Phil Leigh

ralphpnj;690007 Wrote: 
 First I'm honored that one of my many endless rants helped to inspire
 this thread. Second perhaps we should get going over in the music
 section on the best covers of Bob Dylan songs. The new Chimes of
 Freedom collection gets a high vote just on volume alone.
 I'm beginning to think that it is the marketing departments of several
 manufactures behind all this nonsense. There two factors in play here.
 First there the shrinking CD player market as more and more people move
 to computer based audio front ends. And then there is the new, and as
 yet untapped, market of providing an interface between the
 computer/digital part and the stereo/analog part. Plus there is also
 the high end certified computer market, we just haven't gotten to
 that part yet.
 The new front end is quickly becoming some type of computer and in
 extreme cases even involves a $300 piece of plastic! I'm referring to
 the Touch of course. Just remember that little piece of plastic scares
 the hell out of the high end audio world so they need to tear it down.
 In addition they are building up some new myths help sell their $
 version of the Touch.
 The Touch can handle up to 24 bit/96 kHz so therefore make 32bit/192kHz
 the new high end high resolution standard. The Touch doesn't output USB
 so make asynchronous USB the new high end digital connection standard.
 So the manufactures push these new standards and the high end magazines
 follow along like good little sheep. As their reward they get more
 advertising and special treatment from the manufacturers. The well
 heeled audiophile gets to all kinds of new toys to play with. Everyone
 Excellent analogy.
 I don't quite agree since I've heard it said by several musicians over
 the years that they sometimes wish that they could unlearn their
 musical training so that they could experience just the music without
 knowing all of the technical details behind it. In other words, hearing
 the repeated motif in a symphony as a melody instead of as a series of
 notes offset by one octave from the main motif. In any event your
 viewpoint is quite valid as well.
This didn't quite come out as I intended... I didn't mean the musical
elements such as melody, orchestration etc... I meant the sound/timbre
of the performance. 
Anyone can appreciate both aspects... But making judgements Bout the
accuracy of the sound reproduction requires more experience than just
listening to lots of stuff.. I think you need some real hands on
experience creating / capturing sounds and THEN listening to them. I'm
only talking about accuracy/fidelity here, not anything else... Nothing
to do with enjoyment or pleasure.

Phil Leigh

You want to see the signal path BEFORE it gets onto a CD/
ain't what you'd call minimal...
Touch(wired/W7)+Teddy Pardo PSU - Audiolense 3.3/2.0+INGUZ DRC - MF M1
DAC - Linn 5103 - full Aktiv 5.1 system (6x LK140's,
ESPEK/TRIKAN/KATAN/SEIZMIK 10.5), Pekin Tuner, Townsend
Supertweeters,VdH Toslink,Kimber 8TC Speaker  Chord Signature Plus
Interconnect cables
Stax4070+SRM7/II phones
Kitchen Boom, Outdoors: SB Radio, Harmony One remote for everything.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Beatles, Pink Floyd Engineer Alan Parsons Rips Audiophiles

2012-02-11 Thread firedog

Let's see: 1) audiophiles over pay for equipment (often based on looks)
and forget that a proper acoustic environment is probably more
important to getting good sound. 

IMO, that's about as true as something can be. How many audiophiles
will spend thousands upgrading hardware, yet won't buy a pair of bass
traps for $300, when the traps would improve the sound they hear much
more than the equipment upgrade? Lots of them.

2) Cheap surround systems from places like Costco arent' bad:

Again, how is this wrong? Yes, for a few hundred to a thousand dollars
you can get a pretty good sounding system that will give you about 90%
of the sound quality you get from an audiophile system costing several
times more. Nothing surprising here. Audiophillea is all about spending
lots of money for relatively small sonic returns. It's the basic
economics of diminishing returns. Each added bit of sonic improvement
gets more expensive the closer you get to perfection. Audiophiles think
that's worth the money, other people think it isn't, and what they have
is good enough.


GIK Acoustics Room Treatments. Tranquil PC fanless server running
Vortexbox OS; SB Touch slaved to Empirical Audio Pace Car; MF X-DAC-V3,
MF X-150 as pre-amp, Grant Fidelity B-283MKII bufferClassDaudio SDS-470
amp; Devore Gibbon Super 8 Speakers; Dual 506 + Ortofon M20 (occasional
use); sometimes use PC with M-Audio 192 as digital source. SB Boom in
second room. Arcam CD82 which I don't use anymore, even though it's a
very good player.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] FUD, intellectual honesty, digital facts, and the TAS articles...

2012-02-11 Thread Mnyb

Phil Leigh;690081 Wrote: 
 This didn't quite come out as I intended... I didn't mean the musical
 elements such as melody, orchestration etc... I meant the sound/timbre
 of the performance. 
 Anyone can appreciate both aspects... But making judgements Bout the
 accuracy of the sound reproduction requires more experience than just
 listening to lots of stuff.. I think you need some real hands on
 experience creating / capturing sounds and THEN listening to them. I'm
 only talking about accuracy/fidelity here, not anything else... Nothing
 to do with enjoyment or pleasure.

I think you quite close here, I would also add that you are in practice
listening to the performance not the equipment modern well designed hifi
working inside it's design parameters do very little and the little it
does is not wanted ? Who want's slightly more noise and a bit more thd

So when I as a person forms an opinion about soundstage and midrange
warmth it is really a review of the recording as I experience it in
that moment with all bias on :)

And this can be misleading as I as you say does not hang around mixing
studios a lot and don't have intimate knowledge on what's been done.

A clever way around is to realise this, and pay attention to hifi that
presents different recordings differently.
As it should be and realise the limits of hifi Diana Krall is not going
to be sitting in your lap with a finger behind your ear even if you buy
all class A stereophile stuff there is :)

Electronics is very one dimensional 1 input and 1 output and both can
be compared and nulled out what is the sound of nothing ?
To oversimplify this statement if a electronic device has 0.001%
distortion it also has 99.999% signal.
If you then pin emotions and musical parameters tomthis machine that
only passes or convert a signal what are you thinking.

Speakers on the other hand has one input and infinite outputs , imagine
the polar plot as a suffle like 3D wave interacting with you and your
room and the thd and other nonlinearities is always there.
There is one feature almost all home speakers suffers, dynamic range is
frequency dependent so bass spl is always restricted but midrange and
above not, this alters the sound dramatically as you crank up the
volume ! People suffers such massive flaws in thier hig end mini
monitor while searching for the perfect dac ?


Main hifi: Touch + CIA PS +MeridianG68J MeridianHD621 MeridianG98DH 2 x
MeridianDSP5200 MeridianDSP5200HC 2 xMeridianDSP3100 +Rel Stadium 3
Bedroom/Office: Boom
Kitchen: Touch + powered Fostex PM0.4
Misc use: Radio (with battery)
iPad 64gB wifi +3g with iPengHD  SqueezePad
(in storage SB3, reciever ,controller )

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audiophiles mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] FUD, intellectual honesty, digital facts, and the TAS articles...

2012-02-11 Thread Mnyb

TheOctavist;690004 Wrote: 
 mr phil...
 here are two of my earliest recordings, as an apprentice rec/balance
 engineer in germany.the haydn..
 just blumlein. akg 426. dav(drsigned by ex decca engineer mick hinton)
 mic preamps into zaxxcom deva

Is this a part of  a commercially available recording ? I don't have
much of this kind of music  singin with a small band of other
musicians or
what it's called :)

Drives home another point 128k mp3 sounds better than many pop
recordings in 24/96 in quality and overall balance some slight dullness
and lack air migth be mp3 but that's a tiny tiny niggle very pleasant
presentation the sound comes of really nice in my hifi in my room, so
well chosen balance or what you call it ? It sound quite natural to me


Main hifi: Touch + CIA PS +MeridianG68J MeridianHD621 MeridianG98DH 2 x
MeridianDSP5200 MeridianDSP5200HC 2 xMeridianDSP3100 +Rel Stadium 3
Bedroom/Office: Boom
Kitchen: Touch + powered Fostex PM0.4
Misc use: Radio (with battery)
iPad 64gB wifi +3g with iPengHD  SqueezePad
(in storage SB3, reciever ,controller )

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Beatles, Pink Floyd Engineer Alan Parsons Rips Audiophiles

2012-02-11 Thread Mnyb

Interesting article .

I'm partly as surprised as him about why multichannel music has not
gone anywhere .

If you remove the voodoo overhead on the hifi and replace it with stuff
that makes a sq difference but contains no voodoo, you can have good
multichannel and save some .

A guess it is the speaker clutter and the fact hat people are listening
while doing other stuff or on the move with earplugs


Main hifi: Touch + CIA PS +MeridianG68J MeridianHD621 MeridianG98DH 2 x
MeridianDSP5200 MeridianDSP5200HC 2 xMeridianDSP3100 +Rel Stadium 3
Bedroom/Office: Boom
Kitchen: Touch + powered Fostex PM0.4
Misc use: Radio (with battery)
iPad 64gB wifi +3g with iPengHD  SqueezePad
(in storage SB3, reciever ,controller )

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] FUD, intellectual honesty, digital facts, and the TAS articles...

2012-02-11 Thread cunobelinus

On 10 Feb 2012, at 22:42, TheOctavist wrote:

 mr phil...
 here are two of my earliest recordings, as an apprentice rec/balance
 engineer in germany.the haydn..
 just blumlein. akg 426. dav(drsigned by ex decca engineer mick hinton)
 mic preamps into zaxxcom deva

Mr Phil will by no means be the only one who appreciates it. Beautiful. Many 
thanks for posting it.

You say two recordings, though. The Haydn's obviously one, but what's the other?
audiophiles mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Beatles, Pink Floyd Engineer Alan Parsons Rips Audiophiles

2012-02-11 Thread TheOctavist

I agree with him.


VortexboxSBT(stock(TT failed dbt)Forssell MDAC-2Klein and Hummell

Sota Sapphire/Lyra KleosBespoke Valve Phono StageMastersound Due
VentiLink Audio K100

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Designing by listening= failure.

2012-02-11 Thread TheOctavist

Mnyb;690070 Wrote: 
 Then add all kind of euphonics as software filters that could be turned
 on or off or mixed .
 And also variable output impedance of the power amp and adaptable
 current limits that could be applied in some arbitrary impedance points
 to emulate inability to drive complex loads .
 Then have a open source forum for filter development .
 Then you could have a QuadII emulator or triode amp emulator or any
 kind of hybrid. And if you think your speakers are to dry and boringt
 to your taste you could have more output impedance on the amp and bingo
 now the damping is lower and you get some boom and a mild peak in the
 bass .

like this.


VortexboxSBT(stock(TT failed dbt)Forssell MDAC-2Klein and Hummell

Sota Sapphire/Lyra KleosBespoke Valve Phono StageMastersound Due
VentiLink Audio K100

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] FUD, intellectual honesty, digital facts, and the TAS articles...

2012-02-11 Thread TheOctavist

ah, i meant the two haydn excerpts. :)

the others on her page werent recorded by me.!

I do have this recording in 24/88.2. 

If I can get permission from them, ill gladly send out a DVDA or two..

or a DATA disc with the files to do with what you want.


VortexboxSBT(stock(TT failed dbt)Forssell MDAC-2Klein and Hummell

Sota Sapphire/Lyra KleosBespoke Valve Phono StageMastersound Due
VentiLink Audio K100

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] FUD, intellectual honesty, digital facts, and the TAS articles...

2012-02-11 Thread Mnyb

TheOctavist;690108 Wrote: 
 ah, i meant the two haydn excerpts. :)
 the others on her page werent recorded by me.!
 I do have this recording in 24/88.2. 
 If I can get permission from them, ill gladly send out a DVDA or two..
 or a DATA disc with the files to do with what you want.

You could convince miss  aronowski to publish on bandcamp :) it's not
only for indie pop, the right venue for a small scale sale or
downloadable demo .
You can set price yourself.


Main hifi: Touch + CIA PS +MeridianG68J MeridianHD621 MeridianG98DH 2 x
MeridianDSP5200 MeridianDSP5200HC 2 xMeridianDSP3100 +Rel Stadium 3
Bedroom/Office: Boom
Kitchen: Touch + powered Fostex PM0.4
Misc use: Radio (with battery)
iPad 64gB wifi +3g with iPengHD  SqueezePad
(in storage SB3, reciever ,controller )

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Theoretical benefits to hi-res if only max 20kHz signal?

2012-02-11 Thread TheOctavist

adamdea;689865 Wrote: 
 Hi TR, did you get any further reply from your pals?
 My it has gone quiet all of a sudden on this forum.

Not yet..but I will soon! if not, ill phone em. :)

btw, Adam, if you have any specific in depth questions...let me know,
ill send em up the chain...and for that matter, the legendary engineer
Tony Faulkner helps me a lot too, so if you have any recording
engineering questions...


VortexboxSBT(stock(TT failed dbt)Forssell MDAC-2Klein and Hummell

Sota Sapphire/Lyra KleosBespoke Valve Phono StageMastersound Due
VentiLink Audio K100

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] FUD, intellectual honesty, digital facts, and the TAS articles...

2012-02-11 Thread Phil Leigh

cunobelinus;690103 Wrote: 
 On 10 Feb 2012, at 22:42, TheOctavist wrote:
  mr phil...
  here are two of my earliest recordings, as an apprentice rec/balance
  engineer in germany.the haydn..
  just blumlein. akg 426. dav(drsigned by ex decca engineer mick
  mic preamps into zaxxcom deva
 Mr Phil will by no means be the only one who appreciates it. Beautiful.
 Many thanks for posting it.
 You say two recordings, though. The Haydn's obviously one, but what's
 the other?

Indeed - I have no special ears!
I'd like to hear it if possible.

Phil Leigh

You want to see the signal path BEFORE it gets onto a CD/
ain't what you'd call minimal...
Touch(wired/W7)+Teddy Pardo PSU - Audiolense 3.3/2.0+INGUZ DRC - MF M1
DAC - Linn 5103 - full Aktiv 5.1 system (6x LK140's,
ESPEK/TRIKAN/KATAN/SEIZMIK 10.5), Pekin Tuner, Townsend
Supertweeters,VdH Toslink,Kimber 8TC Speaker  Chord Signature Plus
Interconnect cables
Stax4070+SRM7/II phones
Kitchen Boom, Outdoors: SB Radio, Harmony One remote for everything.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] FUD, intellectual honesty, digital facts, and the TAS articles...

2012-02-11 Thread TheOctavist

Mnyb;690110 Wrote: 
 You could convince miss  aronowski to publish on bandcamp :) it's not
 only for indie pop, the right venue for a small scale sale or
 downloadable demo .
 You can set price yourself.

Ah but they didn't charge for this, it was for entertainment only, well
specifically to debut a new orchestra. 

i emailed her, if she and Frank(Frank is the Orchestra master and Her
husband) say it is cool, ill digitally send the high res files. :)


VortexboxSBT(stock(TT failed dbt)Forssell MDAC-2Klein and Hummell

Sota Sapphire/Lyra KleosBespoke Valve Phono StageMastersound Due
VentiLink Audio K100

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Finished with Pandora?

2012-02-11 Thread TheOctavist

garym;689872 Wrote: 
 I should note that I still use the free pandora. And I would have
 switched to MOG (or spotify or rhapsody, etc.) even if Pandora high bit
 rate streaming worked on SB.  Pandora is great for random mixes. But I
 often want to play specific albums.

i dont get too bugged about it as I use pandora , spotify, etc for

if i like the band, i buy the download or whatever.


VortexboxSBT(stock(TT failed dbt)Forssell MDAC-2Klein and Hummell

Sota Sapphire/Lyra KleosBespoke Valve Phono StageMastersound Due
VentiLink Audio K100

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] FUD, intellectual honesty, digital facts, and the TAS articles...

2012-02-11 Thread ralphpnj

TheOctavist;690113 Wrote: 
 Ah but they didn't charge for this, it was for entertainment only, well
 specifically to debut a new orchestra. 
 i emailed her, if she and Frank(Frank is the Orchestra master and Her
 husband) say it is cool, ill digitally send the high res files. :)

Just don't send the files using a files locker service, oh wait you
gentlemen are mostly located in Europe and not in the USA like me. Oh
well, I guess I'll just have to do my patriotic duty and report the
whole lot of you file sharing criminals to the Homeland Security and
that includes Theresia and her husband Frank as well. ;)


Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels - Snatch - The Transporter -
Transporter 2 (oops) - Touch

'' (

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] FUD, intellectual honesty, digital facts, and the TAS articles...

2012-02-11 Thread TheOctavist

ralphpnj;690119 Wrote: 
 Just don't send the files using a files locker service, oh wait you
 gentlemen are mostly located in Europe and not in the USA like me. Oh
 well, I guess I'll just have to do my patriotic duty and report the
 whole lot of you file sharing criminals to the Homeland Security and
 that includes Theresia and her husband Frank as well. ;)

I am American, buddy! and more than that, a damn southern country boy
from North Cackalack...where I live right now! 


I lived in Germany for 6 years tho..


VortexboxSBT(stock(TT failed dbt)Forssell MDAC-2Klein and Hummell

Sota Sapphire/Lyra KleosBespoke Valve Phono StageMastersound Due
VentiLink Audio K100

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] FUD, intellectual honesty, digital facts, and the TAS articles...

2012-02-11 Thread ralphpnj

TheOctavist;690120 Wrote: 
 I am American, the NSA knows already! ! and more than that, a
 damn southern country boy from North Cackalack...where I live right now!
 I lived in Germany for 6 years tho..

Keep on posting about wanting to file share on public forums and you'll
soon be a guest of the state ;)


Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels - Snatch - The Transporter -
Transporter 2 (oops) - Touch

'' (

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Theoretical benefits to hi-res if only max 20kHz signal?

2012-02-11 Thread finnbrodersen

my old ears stop at about 12-13kHz


Some version of SBServer running on a HP EX490 home server
SBReceiver -- NAD C162+C272 -- DALI IKON 6 (let's call it MidFi)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Designing by listening= failure.

2012-02-11 Thread TheOctavist

eeyep'An Interview with Andrew Jones of Pioneer/TAD'

Positive Feedback
What about audiophile type parts?
Any advantage?
Wire, caps, etc.

Andrew Jones
We have high quality parts certainly, mostly manufactured by ourselves
or to our specification.
If you mean name brands of audiophile parts, then no.
We do not put in such parts as a means for listeners to think Oh, it
contains brand X capacitors, it must be good for example.
We select our parts based on engineering, not marketing.

Positive Feedback
So then, is it all about engineering?

Andrew Jones

Positive Feedback
What role is listening involved in with respect to the
design/measurements …or does the actual design/measurements take
precedent over what you hear… that is, if I can hear it, who cares how
it measures?

Andrew Jones
First comes the measurement.
There are a lot of parameters in speakers that can be measured that are
known to correlate well with listening.
The problem that I see so often from those who doubt such correlation
exists is that they don't know how to measure accurately!
I see their curves and I see the artifacts in the curves that are the
result of measurement errors and nothing to do with the behaviour of
the speaker itself!
Accurate measurements and a sufficient set of measurements go a long
way to revealing the performance, and allow us to get towards the final
result very much quicker than with just listening alone.
My approach is to set a design goal for the measured performance, meet
this as close as possible, then evaluate the result by listening, but
ONLY once I believe I have met the initial design objective.
Then I try and honestly evaluate the result, and if (when……) I hear
something wrong I go back and see if I can correlate this to the
Maybe I was too enthusiastic in my evaluation of having met my target.
Maybe my target is just wrong.
I go back and make changes based on the re-evaluation, then re-listen.
But I am always cross referring to the measurements.

Positive Feedback
What shortcomings or limitations are there as to what one can measure
versus what can hear?

Andrew Jones
I am not implying that we can measure everything that we hear.
But we can measure a lot so we can shorten the design process.
We can also however hear a lot of what isn't actually there!
We can be easily misled in our hearing evaluation and attribute things
that don't really exist.
With too many variables during the design process we can also become
So we have to be as careful in our listening as we have to be in our


''Audio Amateur' interviews Peter Walker at the Quad Factory in 1978'

The Audio Amateur
What do you consider to be the important goals of a good audio
reproduction system - what ought a good audio reproduction system do?

Peter Walker
Well, perhaps this reflects my age (62 at the time of the interview),
but I am still in favour of documentary type reproduction - an
orchestra plays on a stage or in some auditorium and we try to get a
real, believable picture of it.
This is becoming out of date, of course.
It's now thought that a completely new type of sound should be
I can't argue against this.
I can't say there's anything wrong with this.
Perhaps if Bach were around now he'd do the same thing, hit you on the
head and do all sorts of things to produce an effect.
But my own personal preference, my own goal, is to create a true sound
picture of some acoustic event which is taking place somewhere else.
The argument against that is that it had to be produced in a concert
hall at one time, because there was no other means.
But why should one stick to the concert hall? I stick to that, but
that's just personal prejudice.

You don 't like to sit in the middle of the orchestra, then?

I sit in the middle of the orchestra twice a week, in the local group,
playing the flute with the trombones and French horns behind me.
And very nice it is too, but, no, I don't like sitting in the middle of
the orchestra.
I don' t think one likes sounds from behind one particularly, I think
you want to turn and face it.
An alarm calls from behind.

Well, does that mean you're not taken with some forms of four channel?
With quadrophony or whatever?

I think there are two faults with it.
One is that in a concert hall you have the reverberation all around
you, but all the reverberation from the back comes from a whole lot of
sources that are not coherent with one another; if you sat in the
Albert Hall and all the back reverberation was brought into two
coherent channels, from two points, you wouldn't like it at all.
All four channel must do this.
This is one failure.
The second thing, I think the listener has a cone of concentration in
listening, which is located in some 60 degree or arguable angle in
front, and one's main concentration is on that.
The back sounds 

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Designing by listening= failure.

2012-02-11 Thread Mnyb

Trying to find one of my old favs in the genre , but searching for
anti-riaa gets to many hits .

There once was an idiotic device that reduced the output of a CD player
and applied anti-riaa filter so that you could use your phono preamp
with your CD to get better sound :)

God old mr Walker from Quad the old users manuals for the ESL 63 claim
that no special speaker wire is needed


Main hifi: Touch + CIA PS +MeridianG68J MeridianHD621 MeridianG98DH 2 x
MeridianDSP5200 MeridianDSP5200HC 2 xMeridianDSP3100 +Rel Stadium 3
Bedroom/Office: Boom
Kitchen: Touch + powered Fostex PM0.4
Misc use: Radio (with battery)
iPad 64gB wifi +3g with iPengHD  SqueezePad
(in storage SB3, reciever ,controller )

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] FUD, intellectual honesty, digital facts, and the TAS articles...

2012-02-11 Thread cunobelinus

On 11 Feb 2012, at 12:22, TheOctavist wrote:

 ah, i meant the two haydn excerpts. :)
 the others on her page werent recorded by me.!
 I do have this recording in 24/88.2. 
 If I can get permission from them, ill gladly send out a DVDA or two..
 or a DATA disc with the files to do with what you want.

Glad to hear it - well, at least of the Faure. Is that effect of distance (in 
the Pie Jesu) the result of distance from the mic, or balancing, do you know? 
It sounds like the former, and I can't say I terribly care for it. It came as 
quite a shock after your lovely Haydn sound.

It would be grand if you could get permission to share hi res files. A very 
kind thought. Rather than physical media, though, would Dropbox be a 
possibility? It would save the postage to Europe!
audiophiles mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 3.0

2012-02-11 Thread Munroe

I have no idea where this thread is going.  From the average joe
perspective, I perhaps mistakenly assumed after stumbling onto a post
about the TT3.0 tweaks, the SBT may give me an option to bypass the
need for an expensive DAC like Benchmark etc.  Assumption compounded by
the audiophile advertising for the Touch.  Perhaps there should be a
disclaimer stating audio improvements only realized after throwing
$1000 at a separate DAC and/or hardware upgrades.

Apparently, no one purchasing the Touch uses the unit self contained, 
so most conversations turn to arguing results in conjunction with this
DAC or that DAC, which is hard to filter through any information of
value regarding the analog outs (which would be of some value as you
have a constant to go up against)..  If TT3.0 eliminates most of the
interference or whatever makes digital sound so digital, why the need
for a DAC that does essentially the same thing?  Or vice versa, if
sinking a grand into a DAC works so well, why bother tweaking?   167
pages and not a consensus yet.  At some point one is just splitting

Perhaps I am going at this from a different perspective.  I entertain
tweaking to have the best sound and save money, while it appears others
are still searching for El Dorado.

Not judging, just saying people have different priorities.  ;)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] FUD, intellectual honesty, digital facts, and the TAS articles...

2012-02-11 Thread Archimago

Phil Leigh;690076 Wrote: 
 most photo mags call this out as nonsense... It's the manufacturers who
 know the mass market is driven by impressive numbers...pixels sell
 cameras! The pros are clamouring for dynamic range...
 The nice thing about optical stuff is that it is quite easy  to measure
 and there is broad agreement on which measurements matter.

Yup, I think the pixel wars is waning and serious photogs and forums
all know this...

Octavist: Hope you get the permission!

I haven't seen the new TAS article yet, but check out this question
from Audio Asylum:

Using a transformer across the ground wire, eh?  I wonder what kind of
score that got? Anyone see this issue?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] FUD, intellectual honesty, digital facts, and the TAS articles...

2012-02-11 Thread Phil Leigh

Archimago;690161 Wrote: 
 Yup, I think the pixel wars is waning and serious photogs and forums all
 know this...
 Octavist: Hope you get the permission!
 I haven't seen the new TAS article yet, but check out this question
 from Audio Asylum:
 Using a transformer across the ground wire, eh?  I wonder what kind of
 score that got? Anyone see this issue?

The transformer is across both signal and ground=galvanic isolation...
Or you could just use TOSLINK. these pulse transformers need to be
carefully selected and the circuit around them needs to be optimised,
it's not just a plug n play thing... Well not if you want it to be
optimised it isn't. Many DACs already have pulse transformers on their

Phil Leigh

You want to see the signal path BEFORE it gets onto a CD/
ain't what you'd call minimal...
Touch(wired/W7)+Teddy Pardo PSU - Audiolense 3.3/2.0+INGUZ DRC - MF M1
DAC - Linn 5103 - full Aktiv 5.1 system (6x LK140's,
ESPEK/TRIKAN/KATAN/SEIZMIK 10.5), Pekin Tuner, Townsend
Supertweeters,VdH Toslink,Kimber 8TC Speaker  Chord Signature Plus
Interconnect cables
Stax4070+SRM7/II phones
Kitchen Boom, Outdoors: SB Radio, Harmony One remote for everything.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] FUD, intellectual honesty, digital facts, and the TAS articles...

2012-02-11 Thread mlsstl

Mnyb;690110 Wrote: 
 You could convince miss  aronowski to publish on bandcamp :) it's not
 only for indie pop, the right venue for a small scale sale or
 downloadable demo .
 You can set price yourself.

Second the motion on Great site. The artist can give away
their music for free or set whatever price they like. They also support
file formats all the way to FLAC. 

Anyone who loves old-style New Orleans jazz with vocals, check out Tuba
Skinny. Great recordings.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 3.0

2012-02-11 Thread mlsstl

Munroe;690155 Wrote: 
 Apparently, no one purchasing the Touch uses the unit self contained, 
 so many conversations turn to arguing results in conjunction with this
 DAC or that DAC...

Not true. There are a few of us that use the analog outs of the Touch
and are very pleased. I sold my Lavry DA-10 after a few weeks of
level-matched, synced, back-to-back comparison almost 2 years ago.
Haven't looked back since.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 3.0

2012-02-11 Thread Soulkeeper

Same here. No outboard DAC. 

I also tend to tweak my stuff, to save money and to get better sound,
and for the sheer joy of it. But I still haven't seen a TT mod that
makes me crave trying it out. ;) There are probably plenty TT mods that
affect the sound, and some of them perhaps for the better. But I don't
feel the need to tweak and tweak on this one component, considering
that I would probably get better value for my time by tweaking my amp
and/or speakers. (I did remove the Touch's output caps, though.)

And tweaking the server for the purpose of improving the sound? That's
just silly. You won't see me waste time on that. (Now Inguz and other
server-side processing tools actully -have the capacity- to affect the
sound, so that's a different story.)


'Bug 17797: Updating'

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 3.0

2012-02-11 Thread Mnyb

Also if you are using a hometheater processor or a modern AV receiver or
digital speakers .
Or have a dac for your other digital sources.
Then the analog outs is just redundant .

I have one Touch for digital only use in my hifi/ht and one using
analog to a pair of powered speakers in my kitchen.
It would say it's ok for analog but my kitchen setup is not that
sensitive speakers and their placement is not the best.


Main hifi: Touch + CIA PS +MeridianG68J MeridianHD621 MeridianG98DH 2 x
MeridianDSP5200 MeridianDSP5200HC 2 xMeridianDSP3100 +Rel Stadium 3
Bedroom/Office: Boom
Kitchen: Touch + powered Fostex PM0.4
Misc use: Radio (with battery)
iPad 64gB wifi +3g with iPengHD  SqueezePad
(in storage SB3, reciever ,controller )

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Designing by listening= failure.

2012-02-11 Thread Soulkeeper

Mnyb;690070 Wrote: 
 Then add all kind of euphonics as software filters that could be turned
 on or off or mixed .

Or hardware. If there had been a reasonably priced hardware unit on the
market in 1999, that could color the sound to make my CD player sound
more like my turntable, I would probably have bought it.

Nowadays, software is probably the way to go, though.

Today you can buy a guitar amp simulator that can simulate hundreds of
different guitar amps. Just plug in your guitar and a pair of
headphones, and virtually hook up to everything. Same with bass guitar
amps. So why not do the same in a stereo system? ;)

(I know, I know. It wouldn't be -audiophile- enough.)


'Bug 17797: Updating'

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 3.0

2012-02-11 Thread aubuti

Munroe;690155 Wrote: 
 Apparently, no one purchasing the Touch uses the unit self contained, 
 so many conversations turn to arguing results in conjunction with this
 DAC or that DAC, which is hard to filter through any information of
 value regarding the analog outs (which would be of some value as you
 have a constant to go up against).. 
I think the only way one could conclude that one purchasing the
Touch uses the unit self contained... would be by reading a very very
small and unrepresentative subset of the threads on this forum. A _lot_
of people use the Touch's analog outs, albeit that percentage is a lot
smaller in the audiophile forum. Look outside this thread and you'll
see a lot of discussion of the analog outs on the Touch.

I don't have an external DAC -- I've been toying with the idea but I
think upgrading speakers and amp may make more sense for my next
upgrade. I've tried the TT 2.0 mods and concluded that just maybe they
made some difference to the sound. But it was so inconclusive that when
the next Touch firmware upgrade wiped out the TT mods I frankly couldn't
be bothered to do them again. And yes, I understand it's only a simple
10-15 minute operation.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 3.0

2012-02-11 Thread Munroe

Soulkeeper;690179 Wrote: 
 Same here. No outboard DAC. 
 I also tend to tweak my stuff, to save money and to get better sound,
 and for the sheer joy of it. But I still haven't seen a TT mod that
 makes me crave trying it out. ;) There are probably plenty TT mods that
 affect the sound on the analog outputs, and some of them perhaps for the
 better. But I don't feel the need to tweak and tweak on this one
 component, considering that I would probably get better value for my
 time by tweaking my amp and/or speakers. (I did remove the Touch's
 output caps, though.)
 And tweaking the server for the purpose of improving the sound? That's
 just silly. You won't see me wasting time on that. (Now Inguz and other
 server-side processing tools actully -have the capacity- to affect the
 sound, so that's a different story.)

That's great to hear!  I was beginning to think I was the only one.  I
think it sounds pretty good too. 

Unless you take some measurements from the listening position and
adjusting errant frequencies due to peaks, I think the Inguz or
something like a behringer feedback destroyer would do more than
modding the Touch too much..  Or as you stated upgrade speakers, etc.

My home theater has flattened frequencies this way (BFD) and the
listening experience is much more balanced and enjoyable.  My stereo
setup that includes the SBT, is a floor above and although the
components are superior, I find I may need some acoustic treatment or
room eq to make it on the same level (as if my wife would go for that
twice in one house..ha).  Difference comparing a large family room with
bare walls and hardwood floors, to a medium sized home theater,
carpeted, acoustic panels, and a BFD is quite something.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Hey folks, please help me with getting Inguz/DRC/ setup on my SBT!!

2012-02-11 Thread TheOctavist

I have audiolense now..

I also have downloaded DRC.

trid to use DRC, but I cant run impulse prep?? the .exe file, once
clicked just flashes a DOS screen for a second, and nothing..

tried using the impulse prep .msi, but it said my LMS wasnt up to date
and couldnt install(im using the latest!)



VortexboxSBT(stock(TT failed dbt)Forssell MDAC-2Klein and Hummell

Sota Sapphire/Lyra KleosBespoke Valve Phono StageMastersound Due
VentiLink Audio K100

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 3.0

2012-02-11 Thread guidof

Munroe;690155 Wrote: 
 Not judging, just saying people have different priorities.  ;)


Sometimes the same person has different priorities in different parts
of the same house. See my sig. One system with, one system without
external DAC. Both with TT3.0.

Each system delivers very satisfying, though different, sound.

Guido F.


Marantz TT 15S1 Turntable, Virtuoso Wood Cartridge-Conrad Johnson
Motif preamp
Oppo BDP-83 Universal Player-Cambridge Azur 840C DAC
Vortexbox Appliance-WiFi Bridge-Squeezebox Touch-Toslink-Cambridge
Azur 840C DAC-Adcom GFP-750 preamp-Music Reference RM-200 Mk II amp
- Martin Logan SL3s
DSpeaker Antimode 8033-REL T1 Sub
Squeezebox Touch (analog out)-Little Dot Mk III amp-AKG K701
Squeezebox Touch-Grado SR125 headphones

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] What Amp and Speakers Are You Using?

2012-02-11 Thread akremer

Jadis DPL2 - Jadis JA 30


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Hey folks, please help me with getting Inguz/DRC/ setup on my SBT!!

2012-02-11 Thread totoro

TheOctavist;690198 Wrote: 
 I have audiolense now..
 I also have downloaded DRC.
 trid to use DRC, but I cant run impulse prep?? the .exe file, once
 clicked just flashes a DOS screen for a second, and nothing..
 tried using the impulse prep .msi, but it said my LMS wasnt up to date
 and couldnt install(im using the latest!)

You might want to try running it from the command line, and seeing what
it prints to the screen.


sb3 - mccormack dna .5 - audio physic tempo 4 + rel storm 3

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Beatles, Pink Floyd Engineer Alan Parsons Rips Audiophiles

2012-02-11 Thread totoro

Mnyb;690092 Wrote: 
 Interesting article .
 I'm partly as surprised as him about why multichannel music has not
 gone anywhere .
 If you remove the voodoo overhead on the hifi and replace it with stuff
 that makes a sq difference but contains no voodoo, you can have good
 multichannel and save some .
 A guess it is the speaker clutter and the fact hat people are listening
 while doing other stuff or on the move with earplugs

For me, the limiting factor ha been the cost of 5 good, well matched
speakers combined with a lack of space and a dearth of multichannel
recordings. If more music were available in 5.1, I would probably
switch to it,


sb3 - mccormack dna .5 - audio physic tempo 4 + rel storm 3

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Beatles, Pink Floyd Engineer Alan Parsons Rips Audiophiles

2012-02-11 Thread Mnyb

totoro;690204 Wrote: 
 For me, the limiting factor ha been the cost of 5 good, well matched
 speakers combined with a lack of space and a dearth of multichannel
 recordings. If more music were available in 5.1, I would probably
 switch to it,

Yep a downward spiral no content no sale and then even less content .

And then a format war DVDA/sacd that no one needed.

..and paranoid record companies so at the beginning the players where
analog out only ? exactly what do you do with 6 analog channels ?

And now we actually have some 5.1 hirez downloads but no network music
players with hdmi out to use them properly .

But yea it's dead .

In practice you get away with a very well matched center the rears are
not that critical not many recordings have sub bass at full tilt in the
rear, these are ambient sounds mostly, in fact try in any home theater
it's fun :)

On topic , reminded me that don't have that much Allan Parson at all ?
must get some of the stuff


Main hifi: Touch + CIA PS +MeridianG68J MeridianHD621 MeridianG98DH 2 x
MeridianDSP5200 MeridianDSP5200HC 2 xMeridianDSP3100 +Rel Stadium 3
Bedroom/Office: Boom
Kitchen: Touch + powered Fostex PM0.4
Misc use: Radio (with battery)
iPad 64gB wifi +3g with iPengHD  SqueezePad
(in storage SB3, reciever ,controller )

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] google enters the multi room streaming market..

2012-02-11 Thread TheOctavist

step it up, Logitech!


VortexboxSBT(stock(TT failed dbt)Forssell MDAC-2Klein and Hummell

Sota Sapphire/Lyra KleosBespoke Valve Phono StageMastersound Due
VentiLink Audio K100

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Hey folks, please help me with getting Inguz/DRC/ setup on my SBT!!

2012-02-11 Thread TheOctavist

totoro;690202 Wrote: 
 You might want to try running it from the command line, and seeing what
 it prints to the screen.

im not a command line type guy...

can you tell me how to do that?


VortexboxSBT(stock(TT failed dbt)Forssell MDAC-2Klein and Hummell

Sota Sapphire/Lyra KleosBespoke Valve Phono StageMastersound Due
VentiLink Audio K100

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Hey folks, please help me with getting Inguz/DRC/ setup on my SBT!!

2012-02-11 Thread Phil Leigh

If you now have Audiolense, have you been able to do your room
measurements and create the convolver (Inguz in this case) input file?
It's been over a year since I last had to play with this stuff so I'm a
bit rusty on the whole process. It will take me a while to get back up
to speed. 
Hopefully Adam or someone can get you up and running if I can't.

Phil Leigh

You want to see the signal path BEFORE it gets onto a CD/
ain't what you'd call minimal...
Touch(wired/W7)+Teddy Pardo PSU - Audiolense 3.3/2.0+INGUZ DRC - MF M1
DAC - Linn 5103 - full Aktiv 5.1 system (6x LK140's,
ESPEK/TRIKAN/KATAN/SEIZMIK 10.5), Pekin Tuner, Townsend
Supertweeters,VdH Toslink,Kimber 8TC Speaker  Chord Signature Plus
Interconnect cables
Stax4070+SRM7/II phones
Kitchen Boom, Outdoors: SB Radio, Harmony One remote for everything.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] google enters the multi room streaming market..

2012-02-11 Thread Jeff Flowerday

Already posted elsewhere.

Jeff Flowerday

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Hey folks, please help me with getting Inguz/DRC/ setup on my SBT!!

2012-02-11 Thread evdplancke

Tried inguz tonight with drc. Managed to get a room correction filter
using normal.drc profile.

Had to  change mplowerwindow to 32768 in normal.drc since default value
44100 was to high... don't know the impact.

Learned two things:
- first my measured room frequency response is all but flat
- second the sound was awfull when correction filter was applied

Went back to correction off! Don't how to get something correct out of
this stuff... I am really disappointed :(


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Crackling only through server?

2012-02-11 Thread mashley

Extended listening most of the day today - LMS through laptop
(wirelessly) no crackling whatsoever, have been pushing my speakers
pretty hard this evening, everything is fine.
The only time I'm hearing this crackling is through the desktop. I'd
like to try and fix/troubleshoot it but I don't know where to start?

Other than that I'll have to sell it (it works fine except for this)
and buy another.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Designing by listening= failure.

2012-02-11 Thread mashley

Actually some engineers design their audio equipment to produce great
specs on paper and they don't even bother to listen to their designs
because the figures tell them what they believe to be correct.

Certain people at Audio Note find this highly amusing especially
considering those engineers have produced equipment that looks good on
paper but just sound wrong.
Audio Note produce some of the most highly respected (for the sound)
equipment today, they are unusual in this regard that they specifically
make a point of touting their design by listening philosophy.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Designing by listening= failure.

2012-02-11 Thread konut

Mnyb;690070 Wrote: 
 Their amps get rave reviews everywhere :( such is the state 
 engineering  in high end audio . 

You are assuming the same people that design the DACs are also the same
people that design the amps. That would be an incorrect assumption.


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