[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Interesting Transporter review at Soundstage AV

2006-12-12 Thread Sleestack

jhm731;161692 Wrote: 
 My TacT 2150s are used as power DACs and don't need any preamps or
 volume controls.
 Yes, I believe the Transporter would be a better value, if it was
 exclusively dependent on a remote control with a display, but if  you
 and George like playing with the knob and buttons, it's your money.
 The $25. remote for my TacT gear, DL and transports works just fine,
 would a more expensive one make my system sound better?
 Are you saying the Transporter isn't revolutionary?

I don't think the Transporter is revolutionary.  Its core functionality
is hardly new.

I don't think a $25 remote would make things sound better, but if you
are completely dependent on a remote, it could improve your
versatility.  You could create macros and separate visual pages for
each component.  I use the Philips TSU7500 and find it very useful for
my myriad of components.  Nevertheless, i don't like having to carry my
remote when I walk up to my components to change things such as CDs or

It isn't a matter of liking to play with buttons.  It is simply about
having choices.  The Transporter isn't meant to be the best value. 
If you want that, stick to the SB3's digital outs.

Unless you are using the integrated Tact amps, aren't you driving it
with some sort of preamp, whether that be your source or a true preamp?
The only reason the S2150 doesn't need a   volume dial is b/c it can't
act as a standalone integrated.  All of Tact's other gear which can,
have an enormous dial.  The one on my TCS MKII is the mother of all


*headphone:* singlepower sds-xlr at, esoteric d-03/p-03, hd650, k701 
sony qualia  
*2 channel:* tact rcs 2.2.xp w/ full aberdeen mods, bel canto oneref.
1000 monoblocks x 4, aberdeen northstar transport, epiphany 12-12s
(waiting for my 20-21s), tact w210 corner load subs
*5.1 channel:* tact tcs mkii w/ aberdeen power supply, tact boz
216/2200 (x5) w/ aberdeen power supply, tact adc6 w/ full aberdeen
mods, denon 5910, bel canto pl-1a, eggleston andra ii (x5), velodyne
dd-15, panaonic th-65pf9uk

Sleestack's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=6598
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=30243

audiophiles mailing list

[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Interesting Transporter review at Soundstage AV

2006-12-11 Thread Sleestack

jhm731;161065 Wrote: 
 I haven't seen any volume knobs on DVD players, most power amp don't
 have any volume controls and my TacT S2150 amp's volume is controlled
 by a remote. I've also got a Genesis Digital Lens that has no buttons
 or knobs, it's totally controlled by a remote. I've got all my gear
 controlled by a single universal Sony remote($25. at Wallmart).
 IMO, the revolutionary Transporter should have been packaged in a
 plain 1U case with no knobs or buttons controlled by a programmable
 remote with a display like the Sonus and offered in a basic digital
 only version, with expansion slots to add daughter cards for a DAC,
 ADC, etc...

I was obviously referring to the various controls on different types of
components. No, a DVD player has no volume knob, but it also doesn't
function a a preamp and has many other buttons.

I have many TACT pieces.  Unless you are using them as amps, they most
certainly have a voume dial.  Amps don't need controls,  tht's what
preamps are for.

So you believe being exclusively dependent on a remote control would be
better for the Transporter?  So that everyone is forced to use a remote?
You think that being forced to use a remote is required for something to
be revolutionary?  Why not just give both options as they have.  Not
everyone wants to be tied to a $25 universal remote.  By the way, if
you love remotes so much, why not get a better one?

And why do you keep calling the Transporter revolutionary?  Does SD use
that in their marketing somewhere?


*headphone:* singlepower sds-xlr at, esoteric d-03/p-03, hd650, k701 
sony qualia  
*2 channel:* tact rcs 2.2.xp w/ full aberdeen mods, bel canto oneref.
1000 monoblocks x 4, aberdeen northstar transport, epiphany 12-12s
(waiting for my 20-21s), tact w210 corner load subs
*5.1 channel:* tact tcs mkii w/ aberdeen power supply, tact boz
216/2200 (x5) w/ aberdeen power supply, tact adc6 w/ full aberdeen
mods, denon 5910, bel canto pl-1a, eggleston andra ii (x5), velodyne
dd-15, panaonic th-65pf9uk

Sleestack's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=6598
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=30243

audiophiles mailing list

[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Interesting Transporter review at Soundstage AV

2006-12-09 Thread Sleestack

jhm731;160897 Wrote: 
 Good point. Makes you wonder why SD put that fancy knob and all those
 buttons on their revolutionary Transporter, when everything can be
 control by a remote.

Do you also wonder why they put buttons and/or volume knobs on DVD
player, amplifiers, etc.?


*headphone:* singlepower sds-xlr at, esoteric d-03/p-03, hd650, k701 
sony qualia  
*2 channel:* tact rcs 2.2.xp w/ full aberdeen mods, bel canto oneref.
1000 monoblocks x 4, aberdeen northstar transport, epiphany 12-12s
(waiting for my 20-21s), tact w210 corner load subs
*5.1 channel:* tact tcs mkii w/ aberdeen power supply, tact boz
216/2200 (x5) w/ aberdeen power supply, tact adc6 w/ full aberdeen
mods, denon 5910, bel canto pl-1a, eggleston andra ii (x5), velodyne
dd-15, panaonic th-65pf9uk

Sleestack's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=6598
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=30243

audiophiles mailing list

[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Interesting Transporter review at Soundstage AV

2006-12-07 Thread Sleestack

jhm731;160591 Wrote: 
 You said:
 Ever since I got my Transporters, they are the only transports that
 have been used with my TACT based systems.
 Hence, I thought you were no longer using the Aberdeen Northstar.
 The fact that you plan to keep your Northstar and Esoteric transports,
 IMO, proves the reviewer's commments:
 The Slim Devices Transporter marks a shift in the way we audiophiles
 play music, and I believe it signals the death of the CD transport. In
 fact, I think someone would be foolish to spend much money on a CD
 transport today.
 are wrong. 
 Audiophiles will continue buy and use CD transports.
 I don't run home and rip every new CD I buy. I can't imagine being
 without a transport.

I don't think I spent much on the Aberdeen North Star and the Esoteric
is a SACD player.

I think some people who are diligent enough to burn their CDs right
away won't need a CD player.  That's just not me.


*headphone:* singlepower sds-xlr at, esoteric d-03/p-03, hd650, k701 
sony qualia  
*2 channel:* tact rcs 2.2.xp w/ full aberdeen mods, bel canto oneref.
1000 monoblocks x 4, aberdeen northstar transport, epiphany 12-12s
(waiting for my 20-21s), tact w210 corner load subs
*5.1 channel:* tact tcs mkii w/ aberdeen power supply, tact boz
216/2200 (x5) w/ aberdeen power supply, tact adc6 w/ full aberdeen
mods, denon 5910, bel canto pl-1a, eggleston andra ii (x5), velodyne
dd-15, panaonic th-65pf9uk

Sleestack's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=6598
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=30243

audiophiles mailing list

[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Room correction products

2006-12-06 Thread Sleestack

You should also check out GIK acoustics.  Effective and fairly cheap.  I
use a combination of their panels and 
Echo Busters, which are much more expensive.

GIK's new corner traps are fantastic (not pictured).

|Filename: DSC01162r.jpg|
|Download: http://forums.slimdevices.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=2102|


*headphone:* singlepower sds-xlr at, esoteric d-03/p-03, hd650, k701 
sony qualia  
*2 channel:* tact rcs 2.2.xp w/ full aberdeen mods, bel canto oneref.
1000 monoblocks x 4, aberdeen northstar transport, epiphany 12-12s
(waiting for my 20-21s), tact w210 corner load subs
*5.1 channel:* tact tcs mkii w/ aberdeen power supply, tact boz
216/2200 (x5) w/ aberdeen power supply, tact adc6 w/ full aberdeen
mods, denon 5910, bel canto pl-1a, eggleston andra ii (x5), velodyne
dd-15, panaonic th-65pf9uk

Sleestack's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=6598
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=30350

audiophiles mailing list

[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Interesting Transporter review at Soundstage AV

2006-12-06 Thread Sleestack

jhm731;159831 Wrote: 
 Thought you already posted that the Aberdeen NorthStar transport sounds
 better than the stock Transporter.
 If you now think your Aberdeen Transporter is better, you should post
 the Aberdeen NorthStar for sale. There are lots of TacT users waiting
 to get one.

Nothing I said would contradict that.  Nevertheless, I also said I
thought it might be because the North Star upsamples.  North Star isn't
going anywhere, b/c I do continue to want a CD transport in my 2.2.
system.  I'm too lazy to promptly burn my CDs when I get new one.  I
only have 500 CDs in FLAC right now.  I have 500 more CDs (and growing)
to go.


*headphone:* singlepower sds-xlr at, esoteric d-03/p-03, hd650, k701 
sony qualia  
*2 channel:* tact rcs 2.2.xp w/ full aberdeen mods, bel canto oneref.
1000 monoblocks x 4, aberdeen northstar transport, epiphany 12-12s
(waiting for my 20-21s), tact w210 corner load subs
*5.1 channel:* tact tcs mkii w/ aberdeen power supply, tact boz
216/2200 (x5) w/ aberdeen power supply, tact adc6 w/ full aberdeen
mods, denon 5910, bel canto pl-1a, eggleston andra ii (x5), velodyne
dd-15, panaonic th-65pf9uk

Sleestack's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=6598
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=30243

audiophiles mailing list

[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Interesting Transporter review at Soundstage AV

2006-12-04 Thread Sleestack

I have and Esoteric D-03/P-03 combo and modified Northstar transport in
some of my own high end setups.  Ever since I got my Transporters, they
are the only transports that have been used.  Transparency is all we can
ask for and I think the Transporter delivers that to the T.

If I had time, I would love to check out the open house, but I don't
need confirmation that the Transporter belongs in high end setups b/c I
know they work beautifully in my own.


*headphone:* singlepower sds-xlr at, classe sacd2, hd650  
*2 channel:* tact rcs 2.2.xp w/ full aberdeen mods, bel canto oneref.
1000 monoblocks x 4,teac esoteric p-03/d-03, epiphany 12-12s (waiting
for my 20-21s), tact w210 corner load subs
*5.1 channel:* tact tcs mkii w/ aberdeen power supply, tact boz
216/2200 (x5) w/ aberdeen power supply, tact adc6 w/ full aberdeen
mods, denon 5910, bel canto pl-1a, eggleston andra ii (x5), velodyne
dd-15, pioneer elite pro 1130hd

Sleestack's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=6598
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=30243

audiophiles mailing list

[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Room Correction/EQ available for mac users NOW

2006-12-03 Thread Sleestack

totoro;159490 Wrote: 
 I'm actually using the inguz drc right now. 
 I don't have a lot of knowledge, but I got the behavior to change a lot
 by reading the drc docs and fiddling the config files, and the sound
 right now is _way_ better than without it.
 I've been wondering whether or not to learn how to use acourate instead
 of using the inguz impulseprep utility, but, as I said, the learning
 curve for acourate looks a little steep to me.
 I agree with you: drc is pretty amazing.

If you are happy with that solution, no reason to make things more
complicated right now.  I think it is great that the Inguz solution is
available to the community.  Every audio lover deserves the technology.


*headphone:* singlepower sds-xlr at, classe sacd2, hd650  
*2 channel:* tact rcs 2.2.xp w/ full aberdeen mods, bel canto oneref.
1000 monoblocks x 4,teac esoteric p-03/d-03, epiphany 12-12s (waiting
for my 20-21s), tact w210 corner load subs
*5.1 channel:* tact tcs mkii w/ aberdeen power supply, tact boz
216/2200 (x5) w/ aberdeen power supply, tact adc6 w/ full aberdeen
mods, denon 5910, bel canto pl-1a, eggleston andra ii (x5), velodyne
dd-15, pioneer elite pro 1130hd

Sleestack's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=6598
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=30255

audiophiles mailing list

[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Transporter review

2006-11-29 Thread Sleestack

I have a fully modded and stock Transporter.  I haven't done any
critical A/Bing, nor do I really intend to, but, for what its worth,
they both sound fantastic as transports.

Living in Los Altos, I'd be happy to bring them by SD if someone over
there wants to compare them.


*headphone:* singlepower sds-xlr at, classe sacd2, hd650  
*2 channel:* tact rcs 2.2.xp w/ full aberdeen mods, bel canto oneref.
1000 monoblocks x 4,teac esoteric p-03/d-03, epiphany 12-12s (waiting
for my 20-21s), tact w210 corner load subs
*5.1 channel:* tact tcs mkii w/ aberdeen power supply, tact boz
216/2200 (x5) w/ aberdeen power supply, tact adc6 w/ full aberdeen
mods, denon 5910, bel canto pl-1a, eggleston andra ii (x5), velodyne
dd-15, pioneer elite pro 1130hd

Sleestack's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=6598
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=29450

audiophiles mailing list

[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Transporter review

2006-11-29 Thread Sleestack

jhm731;158555 Wrote: 
 The mods to Sleestack's TP were done by Aberdeen(mauimods.com).
 If you're interested, I suggest you contact him directly for more
 PS- Sean, glad to hear you're off the pills. Send the leftovers to

Yes it was.  Anthony does all of my TACT ger and sources.  I had him do
full mods on one piece for my reference headphone system, whatever that
may include.  I have much trust in him and his work.  He never goes
overboard and provides and measurements whenever possible.


*headphone:* singlepower sds-xlr at, classe sacd2, hd650  
*2 channel:* tact rcs 2.2.xp w/ full aberdeen mods, bel canto oneref.
1000 monoblocks x 4,teac esoteric p-03/d-03, epiphany 12-12s (waiting
for my 20-21s), tact w210 corner load subs
*5.1 channel:* tact tcs mkii w/ aberdeen power supply, tact boz
216/2200 (x5) w/ aberdeen power supply, tact adc6 w/ full aberdeen
mods, denon 5910, bel canto pl-1a, eggleston andra ii (x5), velodyne
dd-15, pioneer elite pro 1130hd

Sleestack's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=6598
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=29450

audiophiles mailing list

[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: About Amps (Nuforce/Bel Canto), for a change

2006-11-15 Thread Sleestack

I use 4 BC Ref.1000sin my 2.2 setup.  I had been using Meridian amps.  

I never had a chance to use the nuforce amps, but I did buy the BCs
from someone who is a dealer for both amps.  His opinion was that they
sounded similar, but that the form factor and the build quality of the
Nuforce amps are not so great.


*headphone:* singlepower sds-xlr at, classe sacd2, hd650  
*2 channel:* tact rcs 2.2.xp w/ full aberdeen mods, bel canto oneref.
1000 monoblocks x 4,teac esoteric p-03/d-03, epiphany 12-12s (waiting
for my 20-21s), tact w210 corner load subs
*5.1 channel:* tact tcs mkii w/ aberdeen power supply, tact boz
216/2200 (x5) w/ aberdeen power supply, tact adc6 w/ full aberdeen
mods, denon 5910, bel canto pl-1a, eggleston andra ii (x5), velodyne
dd-15, pioneer elite pro 1130hd

Sleestack's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=6598
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=29704

audiophiles mailing list

[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: About Amps (Nuforce/Bel Canto), for a change

2006-11-15 Thread Sleestack

mp006ltk;155064 Wrote: 
 The new ref. amps are literally ICE modules in a box.  The module is
 good, and I'm told solves some of the problems with their previous
 technology, but at the expense of the clarity they use to have.

I'd disagree with that. I'm pretty demanding of my setups and if
anything, hear more clarity with the Ref.1000s than i did with any of
the SS amps I have used.  I think that lack of clarity som epeople
hear is simply the Ref. 1000s and the slight high end rolloff they
exhibit.  The lower power modules do not have the same rolloff. 
Nverthless, IMO, most sytems benefit from slight rolloff, especially at
louder volumes.


*headphone:* singlepower sds-xlr at, classe sacd2, hd650  
*2 channel:* tact rcs 2.2.xp w/ full aberdeen mods, bel canto oneref.
1000 monoblocks x 4,teac esoteric p-03/d-03, epiphany 12-12s (waiting
for my 20-21s), tact w210 corner load subs
*5.1 channel:* tact tcs mkii w/ aberdeen power supply, tact boz
216/2200 (x5) w/ aberdeen power supply, tact adc6 w/ full aberdeen
mods, denon 5910, bel canto pl-1a, eggleston andra ii (x5), velodyne
dd-15, pioneer elite pro 1130hd

Sleestack's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=6598
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=29704

audiophiles mailing list

[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Any fellows SB3er using Icepower class D w/ BW speakers ?

2006-11-10 Thread Sleestack

i shed all my SS amps (Parasound and Meridian) for 4 Bel canto Ref1000s
and TACT BOZ 216/2200s.  Couldn't be happier.  The BelCantos never


*headphone:* singlepower sds-xlr at, classe sacd2, hd650  
*2 channel:* tact rcs 2.2.xp w/ full aberdeen mods, bel canto oneref.
1000 monoblocks x 4,teac esoteric p-03/d-03, epiphany 12-12s (waiting
for my 20-21s), tact w210 corner load subs
*5.1 channel:* tact tcs mkii w/ aberdeen power supply, tact boz
216/2200 (x5) w/ aberdeen power supply, tact adc6 w/ full aberdeen
mods, denon 5910, bel canto pl-1a, eggleston andra ii (x5), velodyne
dd-15, pioneer elite pro 1130hd

Sleestack's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=6598
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=29446

audiophiles mailing list

[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Transporter review

2006-11-06 Thread Sleestack

ezkcdude;153082 Wrote: 
 What would be the purpose of this?

My thought exactly.  Digital source selector?


*headphone:* singlepower sds-xlr at, classe sacd2, hd650  
*2 channel:* tact rcs 2.2.xp w/ full aberdeen mods, bel canto oneref.
1000 monoblocks x 4,teac esoteric p-03/d-03, epiphany 12-12s (waiting
for my 20-21s), tact w210 corner load subs
*5.1 channel:* tact tcs mkii w/ aberdeen power supply, tact boz
216/2200 (x5) w/ aberdeen power supply, tact adc6 w/ full aberdeen
mods, denon 5910, bel canto pl-1a, eggleston andra ii (x5), velodyne
dd-15, pioneer elite pro 1130hd

Sleestack's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=6598
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=29450

audiophiles mailing list

[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Transporter review

2006-11-06 Thread Sleestack

kbelinski;153096 Wrote: 
 Yes. It could be use as a digital source selector. But more importantly,
 many audio enthusiasts prefer outboard DAC. I think digital-out only
 transporter will have its market.

Sorry. I misread your statement. I'm just coming of 5 days in the ER
with multiple shots of morphine, lorazipan and promethezine still in my
system, so I'm easily confused right now.

I'm not using the Tranporter DAC in either of my Tranporter setups.  I
use one out to a TACT 2.2.XP and the other to an Esoteric D-03.   I
like the versatilty of having the DAC, but I don't know that I'll ever
use it.


*headphone:* singlepower sds-xlr at, classe sacd2, hd650  
*2 channel:* tact rcs 2.2.xp w/ full aberdeen mods, bel canto oneref.
1000 monoblocks x 4,teac esoteric p-03/d-03, epiphany 12-12s (waiting
for my 20-21s), tact w210 corner load subs
*5.1 channel:* tact tcs mkii w/ aberdeen power supply, tact boz
216/2200 (x5) w/ aberdeen power supply, tact adc6 w/ full aberdeen
mods, denon 5910, bel canto pl-1a, eggleston andra ii (x5), velodyne
dd-15, pioneer elite pro 1130hd

Sleestack's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=6598
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=29450

audiophiles mailing list

[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: SB3 into TacT - how good can it get?

2006-10-29 Thread Sleestack

I use an Aberdeen modified TACT TCSMKII, RCS2.2.XP and BOZ 216/2220s in
my HT and 2.2 setups. I use an Aberdeen modified North Star transport
and Transporter in my 2.2 setup.  Personally, I feel that the North
Star transport is the best redbook transport for the TACT units.  I
moved my Esoteric D-03/P-03 to my headphone setup after hearing the
North Star in my TACT system.  While I feel that the Transporter is an
excellent piece that I happily use for 90% of my listening, the North
Star via AES and w/ upsampling on, achieves perfect transparency and
adds a smoothness to the TACT setup that I have yet to hear w/ any
other transport.

|Filename: TP1.JPG  |
|Download: http://forums.slimdevices.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=1913|


*headphone:* singlepower sds-xlr at, classe sacd2, hd650  
*2 channel:* tact rcs 2.2.xp w/ full aberdeen mods, bel canto oneref.
1000 monoblocks x 4,teac esoteric p-03/d-03, epiphany 12-12s (waiting
for my 20-21s), tact w210 corner load subs
*5.1 channel:* tact tcs mkii w/ aberdeen power supply, tact boz
216/2200 (x5) w/ aberdeen power supply, tact adc6 w/ full aberdeen
mods, denon 5910, bel canto pl-1a, eggleston andra ii (x5), velodyne
dd-15, pioneer elite pro 1130hd

Sleestack's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=6598
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=28307

audiophiles mailing list

[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: SB3 into TacT - how good can it get?

2006-10-29 Thread Sleestack

Are you the other Korean Kim that loves his TACT gear?

I haven't tried that.  I should take the time to try that with the
Esoteric P-03 as well, as I can output that signal at multiples of 48
or 44.1.  

krochat;150789 Wrote: 
 I and other Tact owners think the sample rate converter in the TacT
 equipment has audible problems with non-integral conversions.
 The TacT gear works internally at 96kHz, so feeding it 48kHz, 96kHz, or
 192kHz sounds better than feeding it 44.1kHz.
 Have you tried using Adobe Audition (30-day free trial if you don't
 have it already) and using it to upsample a CD track to say 96kHz/24
 bit (the maximum the Transporter will handle) and then comparing that
 track played through the Transporter with playback through the North
 I have used Audition to upsample all my 44.1kHz files to 48kHz for
 playback through the SB3 to my RCS 2.2X. Granted, it's not as
 convenient to upsample with Audition as it is in the North Star, but it
 only needs to be done once.


*headphone:* singlepower sds-xlr at, classe sacd2, hd650  
*2 channel:* tact rcs 2.2.xp w/ full aberdeen mods, bel canto oneref.
1000 monoblocks x 4,teac esoteric p-03/d-03, epiphany 12-12s (waiting
for my 20-21s), tact w210 corner load subs
*5.1 channel:* tact tcs mkii w/ aberdeen power supply, tact boz
216/2200 (x5) w/ aberdeen power supply, tact adc6 w/ full aberdeen
mods, denon 5910, bel canto pl-1a, eggleston andra ii (x5), velodyne
dd-15, pioneer elite pro 1130hd

Sleestack's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=6598
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=28307

audiophiles mailing list

[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: SB3 into TacT - how good can it get?

2006-10-29 Thread Sleestack

krochat;150798 Wrote: 
 I'd characterize my relationship with my TacT gear as more of a
 love/hate relationship!

That goes w/o saying.  I think all experienced TACT users share your
sentiments there.


*headphone:* singlepower sds-xlr at, classe sacd2, hd650  
*2 channel:* tact rcs 2.2.xp w/ full aberdeen mods, bel canto oneref.
1000 monoblocks x 4,teac esoteric p-03/d-03, epiphany 12-12s (waiting
for my 20-21s), tact w210 corner load subs
*5.1 channel:* tact tcs mkii w/ aberdeen power supply, tact boz
216/2200 (x5) w/ aberdeen power supply, tact adc6 w/ full aberdeen
mods, denon 5910, bel canto pl-1a, eggleston andra ii (x5), velodyne
dd-15, pioneer elite pro 1130hd

Sleestack's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=6598
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=28307

audiophiles mailing list

[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: A photo of your Squeezebox setup (please)

2006-10-22 Thread Sleestack

A poll associated with this post was created, to vote and see the
results, please visit http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=19817

Question: Should there be a new forum for photos?

- yes
- no
- maybe

[image: http://i68.photobucket.com/albums/i24/sleestack666/DSC01001.jpg]


*headphone:* singlepower sds-xlr at, classe sacd2, hd650  
*2 channel:* tact rcs 2.2.xp w/ full aberdeen mods, bel canto oneref.
1000 monoblocks x 4,teac esoteric p-03/d-03, epiphany 12-12s (waiting
for my 20-21s), tact w210 corner load subs
*5.1 channel:* tact tcs mkii w/ aberdeen power supply, tact boz
216/2200 (x5) w/ aberdeen power supply, tact adc6 w/ full aberdeen
mods, denon 5910, bel canto pl-1a, eggleston andra ii (x5), velodyne
dd-15, pioneer elite pro 1130hd

Sleestack's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=6598
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=19817

audiophiles mailing list

[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Transporters have arrived!

2006-09-25 Thread Sleestack

WSLam;139621 Wrote: 
 The ANALOG output of the Transporter is amazingly good! Even when
 compared to the Digital output feeding into a SOTA EMM Labs DCC2 SE!
 The difference is really not as significant as you may think. For those
 getting a Transporter, you have to think HARD before you decide to
 actually use an external DAC. If the DCC2 SE can only edge so little
 ahead (if at all) of the Transporter, what other DAC can you use to
 pair it with the Transporter?

I'm awaiting delivery of my pair of Transporters and am happy to hear
your report thus far.  I'll be running one of them in a balanced
headphone setup with my Esoteric D-03.  
I'm definitely interested to hear how the XLR out of the Transporter
will compare.  I'll be able to A/B them directly in the headphone

Great pics. and impressions.


*headphone:* singlepower sds-xlr at, classe sacd2, hd650  
*2 channel:* tact rcs 2.2.xp w/ full aberdeen mods, bel canto oneref.
1000 monoblocks x 4,teac esoteric p-03/d-03, epiphany 12-12s (waiting
for my 20-21s), tact w210 corner load subs
*5.1 channel:* tact tcs mkii w/ aberdeen power supply, tact boz
216/2200 (x5) w/ aberdeen power supply, tact adc6 w/ full aberdeen
mods, denon 5910, bel canto pl-1a, eggleston andra ii (x5), velodyne
dd-15, pioneer elite pro 1130hd

Sleestack's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=6598
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=27857

audiophiles mailing list

[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: word clock output

2006-09-22 Thread Sleestack

Wait, so the Transporter doens't have WC input so it can be slaved to
the clock of an external DAC?  What if one doesn't want to use the
Tranporter's DAC and want's to clock the Transporter to an external


*headphone:* singlepower sds-xlr at, classe sacd2, hd650  
*2 channel:* tact rcs 2.2.xp w/ full aberdeen mods, bel canto oneref.
1000 monoblocks x 4,teac esoteric p-03/d-03, epiphany 12-12s (waiting
for my 20-21s), tact w210 corner load subs
*5.1 channel:* tact tcs mkii w/ aberdeen power supply, tact boz
216/2200 (x5) w/ aberdeen power supply, tact adc6 w/ full aberdeen
mods, denon 5910, bel canto pl-1a, eggleston andra ii (x5), velodyne
dd-15, pioneer elite pro 1130hd

Sleestack's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=6598
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=26202

audiophiles mailing list

[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: word clock output

2006-09-22 Thread Sleestack

radish;138489 Wrote: 
 Yes, it does have a WC input. See the specsheet

That's what I thought.  Thanks.


*headphone:* singlepower sds-xlr at, classe sacd2, hd650  
*2 channel:* tact rcs 2.2.xp w/ full aberdeen mods, bel canto oneref.
1000 monoblocks x 4,teac esoteric p-03/d-03, epiphany 12-12s (waiting
for my 20-21s), tact w210 corner load subs
*5.1 channel:* tact tcs mkii w/ aberdeen power supply, tact boz
216/2200 (x5) w/ aberdeen power supply, tact adc6 w/ full aberdeen
mods, denon 5910, bel canto pl-1a, eggleston andra ii (x5), velodyne
dd-15, pioneer elite pro 1130hd

Sleestack's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=6598
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=26202

audiophiles mailing list

[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Digital only version of Transporter?

2006-09-16 Thread Sleestack

highdudgeon;136659 Wrote: 
 Word clock: who cares?  If you have a DAC that properly re-clocks and
 does away with jitter, like the Lavry Blue or DA10, then you don't need
 or care about a word clock.  These things are the darlings of mastering
 studio types.  They know something about audio.  Think about it.
 AES/EBU?  Silly and pointless if you're running a two foot cable, as I
 am, into a re-clocking DAC.  Not necessary.  Yes necessary for really
 long studio runs.
 I can see buying the Transporter.  Everything in one box, it looks
 cool, and I am sure it will sound terrific.  But a high end digital
 box?  That's silly.  Throw your money at a proper DAC and, more
 importantly, better speakers.  However, a $300 SB3 and a $855 Lavry
 DA10 (Bayview Pro Audio, check it out!) is bound to be the sonic equal
 or superior to the Transporter, although aesthetically and in terms of
 convenience nowhere close.  Cheaper, though, and cheaper buys you more
 CDs or a speaker upgrade.

Why would I buy any of that gear with the gear I have?  I think you are
missing the point.  The Transporter isn't for you and understandably
seems silly to you.  For other people with setups and priorities
different than yours, it makes perfect sense and is a much welcomed
component.  You also make a big assumption, as the DAC and analog outs
on the Transporter may be excellent.

As for word clock, imagine an all digital TACT based system like the
one I use in my 5.1 setup.  You can clock the amps directly to the same
clock as the Transporter.  With the development of other Class D amps
that accept digital inputs, the benefit of having word synch is fairly
clear, especially when you are using bi-amping or tri-amping with those
digital amps as I am.

Why is AES silly when it will allow people more flexibility in where
they put their Transporter?  Someone might want to incorporate the
Transporter into a system where the Transporter serves as a remote
display.  It really isn't that difficult to imagine.


*headphone:* singlepower sds-xlr at, classe sacd2, hd650  
*2 channel:* tact rcs 2.2.xp w/ full aberdeen mods, bel canto oneref.
1000 monoblocks x 4,teac esoteric p-03/d-03, epiphany 12-12s (waiting
for my 20-21s), tact w210 corner load subs
*5.1 channel:* tact tcs mkii w/ aberdeen power supply, tact boz
216/2200 (x5) w/ aberdeen power supply, tact adc6 w/ full aberdeen
mods, denon 5910, bel canto pl-1a, eggleston andra ii (x5), velodyne
dd-15, pioneer elite pro 1130hd

Sleestack's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=6598
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=27458

audiophiles mailing list

[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: 1K Balanced impedance

2006-09-16 Thread Sleestack

seanadams;136662 Wrote: 
 Yes - the boards have already been made so we will rework them.

Will that cause any delays?


*headphone:* singlepower sds-xlr at, classe sacd2, hd650  
*2 channel:* tact rcs 2.2.xp w/ full aberdeen mods, bel canto oneref.
1000 monoblocks x 4,teac esoteric p-03/d-03, epiphany 12-12s (waiting
for my 20-21s), tact w210 corner load subs
*5.1 channel:* tact tcs mkii w/ aberdeen power supply, tact boz
216/2200 (x5) w/ aberdeen power supply, tact adc6 w/ full aberdeen
mods, denon 5910, bel canto pl-1a, eggleston andra ii (x5), velodyne
dd-15, pioneer elite pro 1130hd

Sleestack's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=6598
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=27445

audiophiles mailing list

[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Digital only version of Transporter?

2006-09-16 Thread Sleestack

mauidan;136771 Wrote: 
 As for word clock, imagine an all digital TACT based system like the
 one I use in my 5.1 setup.  You can clock the amps directly to the same
 clock as the Transporter.  With the development of other Class D amps
 that accept digital inputs, the benefit of having word synch is fairly
 clear, especially when you are using bi-amping or tri-amping with those
 digital amps as I am.
 Since you're running the digital signal through a TacT TCS or 2.2XP
 which don't have word clock inputs, having the Transporter and amps
 connected to the same word clock will produce very little if any
 improvement. You'll need to have word clock inputs installed on your
 TCS  2.2XP and sync the whole thing to an iClock or something like it
 to get the full benefit.

This isn't in the 2.2. system.  This is in the 5.1 system where I use
BOZ 216/2200s (where each amp has word synch input) to bi-amp and
externally crossover each of my Eggleston Andra IIS.


*headphone:* singlepower sds-xlr at, classe sacd2, hd650  
*2 channel:* tact rcs 2.2.xp w/ full aberdeen mods, bel canto oneref.
1000 monoblocks x 4,teac esoteric p-03/d-03, epiphany 12-12s (waiting
for my 20-21s), tact w210 corner load subs
*5.1 channel:* tact tcs mkii w/ aberdeen power supply, tact boz
216/2200 (x5) w/ aberdeen power supply, tact adc6 w/ full aberdeen
mods, denon 5910, bel canto pl-1a, eggleston andra ii (x5), velodyne
dd-15, pioneer elite pro 1130hd

Sleestack's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=6598
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=27458

audiophiles mailing list

[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Digital only version of Transporter?

2006-09-16 Thread Sleestack

highdudgeon;136741 Wrote: 
 I don't think it's that silly.  I have an order for a Transporter set!
 ;)   I think it's a great all in one solution.
 My only point was to say that a stand-alone version, assuming you have
 a great, re-clocking DAC, is more or less irrelevant.  AES/EBU is nice,
 I suppose, if you have reason to place your digital source more than
 twelve feet from your system.  Word-clock, again, is not necessary,
 assuming a re-clocking DAC.

I see.  Yes, even I will not utilize most of the functionality of the
Transporter as I will be using external DACs and probaly not use the
anlog outs.  Again, while word synch might not matter for reclocking
DACs, I think the future of digital amps (and the availble TACT digital
amps)will benefit from digital devices with word clock.


*headphone:* singlepower sds-xlr at, classe sacd2, hd650  
*2 channel:* tact rcs 2.2.xp w/ full aberdeen mods, bel canto oneref.
1000 monoblocks x 4,teac esoteric p-03/d-03, epiphany 12-12s (waiting
for my 20-21s), tact w210 corner load subs
*5.1 channel:* tact tcs mkii w/ aberdeen power supply, tact boz
216/2200 (x5) w/ aberdeen power supply, tact adc6 w/ full aberdeen
mods, denon 5910, bel canto pl-1a, eggleston andra ii (x5), velodyne
dd-15, pioneer elite pro 1130hd

Sleestack's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=6598
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=27458

audiophiles mailing list

[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: 1K Balanced impedance

2006-09-16 Thread Sleestack

seanadams;136793 Wrote: 
 No it's not a big deal. The boards are done - just waiting for all the
 machined parts to arrive.

Great.  I ordered mine when the announcement came out, so I'm hoping to
see my pair of black Tranporters within the next week or so.  The SB3
has been great, by my systems beg for Transporters.


*headphone:* singlepower sds-xlr at, classe sacd2, hd650  
*2 channel:* tact rcs 2.2.xp w/ full aberdeen mods, bel canto oneref.
1000 monoblocks x 4,teac esoteric p-03/d-03, epiphany 12-12s (waiting
for my 20-21s), tact w210 corner load subs
*5.1 channel:* tact tcs mkii w/ aberdeen power supply, tact boz
216/2200 (x5) w/ aberdeen power supply, tact adc6 w/ full aberdeen
mods, denon 5910, bel canto pl-1a, eggleston andra ii (x5), velodyne
dd-15, pioneer elite pro 1130hd

Sleestack's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=6598
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=27445

audiophiles mailing list

[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: 1K Balanced impedance

2006-09-15 Thread Sleestack

Patrick Dixon;136573 Wrote: 
 But isn't the point of balanced to drive long cable lengths?  Unbalanced
 is just fine for normal 0.8m stuff.  Pro audio and domestic hi-fi are
 just not the same thing!

Almost all of my gear is set up using balanced connections from source
all the way to amps.  In some case those are for setups where I need
long runs, but not always.


*headphone:* singlepower sds-xlr at, classe sacd2, hd650  
*2 channel:* tact rcs 2.2.xp w/ full aberdeen mods, bel canto oneref.
1000 monoblocks x 4,teac esoteric p-03/d-03, epiphany 12-12s (waiting
for my 20-21s), tact w210 corner load subs
*5.1 channel:* tact tcs mkii w/ aberdeen power supply, tact boz
216/2200 (x5) w/ aberdeen power supply, tact adc6 w/ full aberdeen
mods, denon 5910, bel canto pl-1a, eggleston andra ii (x5), velodyne
dd-15, pioneer elite pro 1130hd

Sleestack's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=6598
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=27445

audiophiles mailing list

[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: 1K Balanced impedance

2006-09-15 Thread Sleestack

Patrick Dixon;136583 Wrote: 
 Balanced really only makes sense in a domestic environment if you have
 active speakers and a long run between the pre and power amps.

Perhaps in you setups, but I can think is quite a few other situations
where they are necessary.  In one of my audio rooms, my speaker setup
sits at one of the room.  The Transporter will be in that setup.  20 ft
across the room, I have a headphone setup that accepts and outputs
balanced signals.  I can run an analog signal directly from the
Transporter to that headphone setup rather than having to get another
Transporter for that setup. right now I use the SB3 coax out into my
Esoteric D-03, and use XLR outs that run across the room to the
headphone setup.


*headphone:* singlepower sds-xlr at, classe sacd2, hd650  
*2 channel:* tact rcs 2.2.xp w/ full aberdeen mods, bel canto oneref.
1000 monoblocks x 4,teac esoteric p-03/d-03, epiphany 12-12s (waiting
for my 20-21s), tact w210 corner load subs
*5.1 channel:* tact tcs mkii w/ aberdeen power supply, tact boz
216/2200 (x5) w/ aberdeen power supply, tact adc6 w/ full aberdeen
mods, denon 5910, bel canto pl-1a, eggleston andra ii (x5), velodyne
dd-15, pioneer elite pro 1130hd

Sleestack's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=6598
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=27445

audiophiles mailing list

[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Squeezebox Class D!

2006-09-15 Thread Sleestack

joncourage;136621 Wrote: 
 What I don't really understand is a Class D award after JA saying that
 he could barely tell the difference from a component that (I'm
 guessing) got a Class A or B.
 I honestly think it's based on a reluctance to assing a more glowing
 rating to a device that a) is less expensive by an order of magnitude
 than other devices in higher classes; b) is techie in nature, and
 doesn't have any tubes.  A shame, really.  Stereophile should take a
 more courageous stance. To heck with whether they piss off their
 high-end advertisers.
 But as said, at least it's a start.  For that we should be appreciative
 of JA's efforts.

Wasn't the favorable comparison with respect to the SB3s digital
output?  I think the original post points out that the Class D rating
was attributable to the analog outs.   Knowing some of the products
that get a B or C rating, I don't think the Class D rating should be
viewed as negative unless one relates it to a school grading system.


*headphone:* singlepower sds-xlr at, classe sacd2, hd650  
*2 channel:* tact rcs 2.2.xp w/ full aberdeen mods, bel canto oneref.
1000 monoblocks x 4,teac esoteric p-03/d-03, epiphany 12-12s (waiting
for my 20-21s), tact w210 corner load subs
*5.1 channel:* tact tcs mkii w/ aberdeen power supply, tact boz
216/2200 (x5) w/ aberdeen power supply, tact adc6 w/ full aberdeen
mods, denon 5910, bel canto pl-1a, eggleston andra ii (x5), velodyne
dd-15, pioneer elite pro 1130hd

Sleestack's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=6598
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=27452

audiophiles mailing list

[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Digital only version of Transporter?

2006-09-15 Thread Sleestack

krochat;136646 Wrote: 
 Well, not quite - the Transporter supports higher resolution files
 (96/24) than the Squeezebox (48/24), and also has AES/EBU digital
 outputs. I, for one, would be very interested in a digital-output-only
 Transporter for (say) $795.

+ word synch.


*headphone:* singlepower sds-xlr at, classe sacd2, hd650  
*2 channel:* tact rcs 2.2.xp w/ full aberdeen mods, bel canto oneref.
1000 monoblocks x 4,teac esoteric p-03/d-03, epiphany 12-12s (waiting
for my 20-21s), tact w210 corner load subs
*5.1 channel:* tact tcs mkii w/ aberdeen power supply, tact boz
216/2200 (x5) w/ aberdeen power supply, tact adc6 w/ full aberdeen
mods, denon 5910, bel canto pl-1a, eggleston andra ii (x5), velodyne
dd-15, pioneer elite pro 1130hd

Sleestack's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=6598
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=27458

audiophiles mailing list

[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Stereophile review

2006-09-07 Thread Sleestack

highdudgeon;134309 Wrote: 
 So, tell us about how your corner-loaded woofers are working out?  I've
 been entranced by this idea and it is one reason why I keep thinking
 hard about TacT/Lyngdorf solutions.  That with great monitor could be,
 in theory, a fantastic system.

Corner loads are amazing when coupled with TACT's room correction and
its time alignment.  It is unlike any other speaker setup I have heard.
The impact you feel in the lower frequencies is uncanny in that it is
completely controlled, yet has amazing power. I have tried dual
Velodynes in the same setup and they simply can't compare for music. 
In addition, I use a 220Hz crossover for the corner loads, which really
frees the line source speakers to focus on those frequencies it handles
best. With the TACT room correction and crossovers, the subs and mains
are seamlessly integrated into one perfect sounding speaker.


*headphone:* singlepower sds-xlr at, classe sacd2, hd650  
*2 channel:* tact rcs 2.2.xp w/ full aberdeen mods, bel canto oneref.
1000 monoblocks x 4,teac esoteric p-03/d-03, epiphany 12-12s (waiting
for my 20-21s), tact w210 corner load subs
*5.1 channel:* tact tcs mkii w/ aberdeen power supply, tact boz
216/2200 (x5) w/ aberdeen power supply, tact adc6 w/ full aberdeen
mods, denon 5910, bel canto pl-1a, eggleston andra ii (x5), velodyne
dd-15, pioneer elite pro 1130hd

Sleestack's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=6598
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=26306

audiophiles mailing list

[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Stereophile review

2006-09-07 Thread Sleestack

Unfortunately without the time alignment provided by advanced room
correction corner loads can just sound overloaded and muddy.  I
couldn't imagine using them w/o some sort of time alignment.

Pat Farrell;134331 Wrote: 
 Sleestack wrote:
  Corner loads are amazing when coupled with TACT's room correction
  its time alignment.  It is unlike any other speaker setup I have
 There is a reason that the original corner loaded Klipshorns were 
 popular. They sounded good, not just good for their era. But you have
 have the right room shape and size to make them work.
 their high end is not what we expect now.


*headphone:* singlepower sds-xlr at, classe sacd2, hd650  
*2 channel:* tact rcs 2.2.xp w/ full aberdeen mods, bel canto oneref.
1000 monoblocks x 4,teac esoteric p-03/d-03, epiphany 12-12s (waiting
for my 20-21s), tact w210 corner load subs
*5.1 channel:* tact tcs mkii w/ aberdeen power supply, tact boz
216/2200 (x5) w/ aberdeen power supply, tact adc6 w/ full aberdeen
mods, denon 5910, bel canto pl-1a, eggleston andra ii (x5), velodyne
dd-15, pioneer elite pro 1130hd

Sleestack's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=6598
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=26306

audiophiles mailing list

[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: A photo of your Squeezebox setup (please)

2006-09-07 Thread Sleestack

A poll associated with this post was created, to vote and see the
results, please visit http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=19817

Question: Should there be a new forum for photos?

- yes
- no
- maybe

Loftprojection;134202 Wrote: 
 Here is my transportable around the house setup.  A modded battery
 powered RedWineAudio SB2 feeding a RaySamuelsAudio XP7 amplifier to
 AudioTechnica W1000 headphones.  Music nirvana in every room of the
 house!  (exterior of the rack still need a finishing layer!)

Hey, Ray Samuels you can't go wrong with his stuff.  Great guy and
great builder.  I used to own his SR-71 and XR-10B.


*headphone:* singlepower sds-xlr at, classe sacd2, hd650  
*2 channel:* tact rcs 2.2.xp w/ full aberdeen mods, bel canto oneref.
1000 monoblocks x 4,teac esoteric p-03/d-03, epiphany 12-12s (waiting
for my 20-21s), tact w210 corner load subs
*5.1 channel:* tact tcs mkii w/ aberdeen power supply, tact boz
216/2200 (x5) w/ aberdeen power supply, tact adc6 w/ full aberdeen
mods, denon 5910, bel canto pl-1a, eggleston andra ii (x5), velodyne
dd-15, pioneer elite pro 1130hd

Sleestack's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=6598
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=19817

audiophiles mailing list

[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Who's getting a Transformer soon?

2006-09-07 Thread Sleestack

Kyle;134391 Wrote: 
 Will you then have an SB2 or SB3 you don't need?  I'm looking to pick up
 a used unit.  E-mail: jhk3rd (at) nc (dot) rr (dot) com.  Then when your
 Transformer comes and your significant other says, You paid $2,000 for
 that??!!!, you can say, Relax, honey, I've already recouped a
 significant part of my investment by selling this extra unit to some
 goofball on the Slim Devices forum.

Not me.  My kid can't wait for the new Transformer, but personally, I
think it has too many little pieces.  I spend far too much time looking
for missing parts when I could be listening to music on an SB3 or the
upcoming Transporter.


*headphone:* singlepower sds-xlr at, classe sacd2, hd650  
*2 channel:* tact rcs 2.2.xp w/ full aberdeen mods, bel canto oneref.
1000 monoblocks x 4,teac esoteric p-03/d-03, epiphany 12-12s (waiting
for my 20-21s), tact w210 corner load subs
*5.1 channel:* tact tcs mkii w/ aberdeen power supply, tact boz
216/2200 (x5) w/ aberdeen power supply, tact adc6 w/ full aberdeen
mods, denon 5910, bel canto pl-1a, eggleston andra ii (x5), velodyne
dd-15, pioneer elite pro 1130hd

Sleestack's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=6598
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=27146

audiophiles mailing list

[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Stereophile review

2006-09-06 Thread Sleestack

krzys;134044 Wrote: 
 Robin I understand that, but I'm questioning the sense of doing it this
 way. As SD users we already use the PC for music. Then why somebody
 would want to use an expensive(not the DEQ) DSP based device (DEQ,
 Tact, name it) if the PC can do exactly the same processing? Ok some
 folks are computer disabled ;-) but they must be a vanishing minority.
 I admit that there is a place for standalone devices but the mainstream
 is going in the PC DRC, isn't it?
 BTW all the problems of looping the Transporter disappear with the pc
 DRC. , easy and cost effective.
 Cheers, Chris

Because the TACT based system is easier to use and has very well
developed software and hardware.  I've seen PC based solutions.  In one
case I did see a very robust setup, but in most cases, people are using
software that just isn't that great.  They use auto EQing software that
primarily deals with frequency respinse issues using a simple sweep
tone, rather than addressing time, level, freq. resp. and phase issues
using an impulse response.  also, i'm not sure of any other software
out there that does dynamic room correction using fletcher-munson
curves to make volume dependent corrections.  Furthermore, the TACT
gear allows yo to easily manipulate external crossovers and siwtch
setups on the fly.

I'm sure some people have implemented advanced room correction trhough
their PCs, however I have yet to see a setup (especially a multichannel
setup) that actually does what the standalone systems can do right now. 

Personally, I'll be going from Transporter via AES out to the TACT in
my main rig.  I really don't see a need to use the Transporter DAC when
i am using the TACT DACs.


*headphone:* singlepower sds-xlr at, classe sacd2, hd650  
*2 channel:* tact rcs 2.2.xp w/ full aberdeen mods, bel canto oneref.
1000 monoblocks x 4,teac esoteric p-03/d-03, epiphany 12-12s (waiting
for my 20-21s), tact w210 corner load subs
*5.1 channel:* tact tcs mkii w/ aberdeen power supply, tact boz
216/2200 (x5) w/ aberdeen power supply, tact adc6 w/ full aberdeen
mods, denon 5910, bel canto pl-1a, eggleston andra ii (x5), velodyne
dd-15, pioneer elite pro 1130hd

Sleestack's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=6598
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=26306

audiophiles mailing list

[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Stereophile review

2006-09-06 Thread Sleestack

I know Uli from the TACT forums.  He has done some great work for the
audio community and his software did furher refine some issues in the
old software.  That being said, TACT is on a new generation of software
and hardware and DEQx has been coming out with some great pieces as

Hiroyuki Hamada;134053 Wrote: 
 Some people have been having great success with a software called  
 Acourate ( http://www.acourate.com/ ).  The developer, Uli  
 Brueggemann, is a former TacT RCS user who has come up with the  
 software after having good deal of experience with the TacT system.   
 According to him the software overcomes some of the drawbacks of TacT 
 RCS.  Many of the Acourate users are also former TacT RCS users (many 
 of them still use the TacT amps which are great if you know what to  
 do with them) and they seem to be very happy with the results with  
 the Acourate.  One of the former TacT RCS users I know has a digital  
 multichannel system with it.  He is very happy with the results.


*headphone:* singlepower sds-xlr at, classe sacd2, hd650  
*2 channel:* tact rcs 2.2.xp w/ full aberdeen mods, bel canto oneref.
1000 monoblocks x 4,teac esoteric p-03/d-03, epiphany 12-12s (waiting
for my 20-21s), tact w210 corner load subs
*5.1 channel:* tact tcs mkii w/ aberdeen power supply, tact boz
216/2200 (x5) w/ aberdeen power supply, tact adc6 w/ full aberdeen
mods, denon 5910, bel canto pl-1a, eggleston andra ii (x5), velodyne
dd-15, pioneer elite pro 1130hd

Sleestack's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=6598
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=26306

audiophiles mailing list

[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Stereophile review

2006-09-06 Thread Sleestack

Phil Leigh;134079 Wrote: 
 Not wishing to disagree violently and noting your subjective
 point...I've yet to hear any physical room treatments applied to a
 domestic setting that comes close to the TACT solution in terms of
 end-result...and believe me I've spent 25 years trying!
 I'm not saying it is perfect (what is?) - but if possible it should at
 least be tried/heard.

You also don't need to use the TACT amps.  In my 5.1 setup I have my
TACT TCS MKII feeding a digital signal to my TACt BOZ 216/2200 amps and
in my 2.2. setup, I use the analog outs of the RCS2.2.XP into Bel Canto

I, like you have tried many things and having lived with TACT gear for
the past 2 years, could never do w/o them again.  In my 5.1 setup, I
can't even imagine the headaches of trying to achieve what I do with
the TC MKII with any other setup.

Every single audiophile that I have had listen to my TACT setups, has
walked away stunned by the audible difference.  I think it is something
one needs to experience to fully appreciate.


*headphone:* singlepower sds-xlr at, classe sacd2, hd650  
*2 channel:* tact rcs 2.2.xp w/ full aberdeen mods, bel canto oneref.
1000 monoblocks x 4,teac esoteric p-03/d-03, epiphany 12-12s (waiting
for my 20-21s), tact w210 corner load subs
*5.1 channel:* tact tcs mkii w/ aberdeen power supply, tact boz
216/2200 (x5) w/ aberdeen power supply, tact adc6 w/ full aberdeen
mods, denon 5910, bel canto pl-1a, eggleston andra ii (x5), velodyne
dd-15, pioneer elite pro 1130hd

Sleestack's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=6598
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=26306

audiophiles mailing list

[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: A photo of your Squeezebox setup (please)

2006-09-04 Thread Sleestack

A poll associated with this post was created, to vote and see the
results, please visit http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=19817

Question: Should there be a new forum for photos?

- yes
- no
- maybe

mr_bill;133160 Wrote: 
 How much was the power suppply for the SB3 you have and did you get it
 from mauimods?

Yes, it is from Anthony.  I  bought it with several other things, so I
don't know the exact price.  $400 - $600. 

Another pic in the 2.2 rig:

|Filename: Squeze.jpg   |
|Download: http://forums.slimdevices.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=1636|


*headphone:* singlepower sds-xlr at, classe sacd2, hd650  
*2 channel:* tact rcs 2.2.xp w/ full aberdeen mods, bel canto oneref.
1000 monoblocks x 4,teac esoteric p-03/d-03, epiphany 20-21s, tact w210
corner load subs
*5.1 channel:* tact tcs mkii w/ aberdeen power supply, tact boz
216/2200 (x5) w/ aberdeen power supply, tact adc6 w/ full aberdeen
mods, denon 5910, bel canto pl-1a, eggleston andra ii (x5), velodyne
dd-15, pioneer elite pro 1130hd

Sleestack's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=6598
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=19817

audiophiles mailing list

[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: A photo of your Squeezebox setup (please)

2006-09-04 Thread Sleestack

A poll associated with this post was created, to vote and see the
results, please visit http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=19817

Question: Should there be a new forum for photos?

- yes
- no
- maybe

opaqueice;133430 Wrote: 
 I think you win, Slee :-).
 Naive question - why do you need 4 monoblocks?  Do you have a simple
 crossover in each speaker, with an amp for each?
 It always seemed to me the ultimate in that direction would be to have
 the crossover be digital (say in some sort of super TacT) and
 customized to the speaker, with a dedicated channel for each cone
 (tweeter, woofer, etc.), and with a seperate amp on each channel.  Of
 course for you that would mean 24 monoblocks if I count correctly...

The TACT systems allow you to use an external digital crossover (up to
24th order Butterworth or Butterworth Squared).  In my 2 channel rig,
this means that I use the TACT to set a crossover at 220Hz to separate
the mains from the TACT corner load subs.

What you are talking about can be done already with the TACT BOZ
216/2200.  I use that system in my 5.1 setup with the TACT TCS MKII. 
While I don't have 3 amps for each of my 5 Eggleston Andra IIs, I do
use 2, separating the lower driver (at 135hz) from the upper drivers on
each of my Andra IIs.  I use a total of 10 amps in that system (not
including the sub) and set the crossovers via the TACT BOZ 216.  

Here is a pic of the 3 front Andra IIs in my 5.1 audio setup. Each one
is bi-amped and uses external crossovers.  I had Eggleston build them
with the lower crossover disconnected.

|Filename: andra.jpg|
|Download: http://forums.slimdevices.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=1639|


*headphone:* singlepower sds-xlr at, classe sacd2, hd650  
*2 channel:* tact rcs 2.2.xp w/ full aberdeen mods, bel canto oneref.
1000 monoblocks x 4,teac esoteric p-03/d-03, epiphany 12-12s (waiting
for my 20-21s), tact w210 corner load subs
*5.1 channel:* tact tcs mkii w/ aberdeen power supply, tact boz
216/2200 (x5) w/ aberdeen power supply, tact adc6 w/ full aberdeen
mods, denon 5910, bel canto pl-1a, eggleston andra ii (x5), velodyne
dd-15, pioneer elite pro 1130hd

Sleestack's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=6598
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=19817

audiophiles mailing list

[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: A photo of your Squeezebox setup (please)

2006-09-02 Thread Sleestack

A poll associated with this post was created, to vote and see the
results, please visit http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=19817

Question: Should there be a new forum for photos?

- yes
- no
- maybe

Waiting for the  Transporter...

|Filename: DSC00939.jpg |
|Download: http://forums.slimdevices.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=1622|


*headphone:* singlepower sds-xlr at, classe sacd2, hd650  
*2 channel:* tact rcs 2.2.xp w/ full aberdeen mods, bel canto oneref.
1000 monoblocks x 4,teac esoteric p-03/d-03, epiphany 20-21s, tact w210
corner load subs
*5.1 channel:* tact tcs mkii w/ aberdeen power supply, tact boz
216/2200 (x5) w/ aberdeen power supply, tact adc6 w/ full aberdeen
mods, denon 5910, bel canto pl-1a, eggleston andra ii (x5), velodyne
dd-15, pioneer elite pro 1130hd

Sleestack's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=6598
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=19817

audiophiles mailing list

[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Stereophile review

2006-09-01 Thread Sleestack

I finally tried the SB3 with a Mauimods linear power supply within the
last 2 months.  I got it while I was waiting for my 2 Transporters. 
Until then, I was definitely a high end source fiend.  I ripped my
collection in FLAC and can say that it has been a fantastic addition to
my system.  I'm not crazy about the SB3 form factor and definitely look
forward to getting my Transporters.  Neverthless, I was happy enough
with the performance to get rid of my Bel Canto PL-1A, Classe Omega
SACD2 and Meridian G08.  I kept my reference source, the Esoteric
P093/D-03 combo and my Denon 5910ci, but the rest of my audio sources
will be replaced with Transporters.


*headphone:* singlepower sds-xlr at, classe sacd2, hd650  
*2 channel:* tact rcs 2.2.xp w/ full aberdeen mods, bel canto oneref.
1000 monoblocks x 4,teac esoteric p-03/d-03, epiphany 20-21s, tact w210
corner load subs
*5.1 channel:* tact tcs mkii w/ aberdeen power supply, tact boz
216/2200 (x5) w/ aberdeen power supply, tact adc6 w/ full aberdeen
mods, denon 5910, bel canto pl-1a, eggleston andra ii (x5), velodyne
dd-15, pioneer elite pro 1130hd

Sleestack's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=6598
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=26306

audiophiles mailing list

[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Ethernet or wireless; is there a difference in quality?

2006-09-01 Thread Sleestack

Pat Farrell;132913 Wrote: 
 LikeButtah wrote:[color=blue]
 But true audiophiles drag Ethernet cable from a high speed switch.

How does this impact sound quality? Is there any data/evidnce of the
differences?  I really would like to know.


*headphone:* singlepower sds-xlr at, classe sacd2, hd650  
*2 channel:* tact rcs 2.2.xp w/ full aberdeen mods, bel canto oneref.
1000 monoblocks x 4,teac esoteric p-03/d-03, epiphany 20-21s, tact w210
corner load subs
*5.1 channel:* tact tcs mkii w/ aberdeen power supply, tact boz
216/2200 (x5) w/ aberdeen power supply, tact adc6 w/ full aberdeen
mods, denon 5910, bel canto pl-1a, eggleston andra ii (x5), velodyne
dd-15, pioneer elite pro 1130hd

Sleestack's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=6598
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=26949

audiophiles mailing list

[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Ethernet or wireless; is there a difference in quality?

2006-09-01 Thread Sleestack

Thanks.  Haven't had any problems with dropouts thus far, so I'll stick
to wireless unless it becomes an issue.


*headphone:* singlepower sds-xlr at, classe sacd2, hd650  
*2 channel:* tact rcs 2.2.xp w/ full aberdeen mods, bel canto oneref.
1000 monoblocks x 4,teac esoteric p-03/d-03, epiphany 20-21s, tact w210
corner load subs
*5.1 channel:* tact tcs mkii w/ aberdeen power supply, tact boz
216/2200 (x5) w/ aberdeen power supply, tact adc6 w/ full aberdeen
mods, denon 5910, bel canto pl-1a, eggleston andra ii (x5), velodyne
dd-15, pioneer elite pro 1130hd

Sleestack's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=6598
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=26949

audiophiles mailing list

[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Help: Headphones The Choices!

2006-08-15 Thread Sleestack

Kobe Wrote: 
 Really annoyed as I can't locate (via the web) that will stock high end
 headphones in London. I'd know where to look but that means heading to
 the streets. Probably wait till next weekend for that then since im
 busy during the day.
 The AKG K1000 look mad, like straping speakers to your head. I like the
 look of Grado's real retro vibe but I dont like how they sit on the ear
 to be honest, I've read that when broken in they'd be a bit more
 comfortable but I have a big head so that may take some time!
 I've had cheap Sony In-Ear buds before so they wouldnt bother me too
 much. And I've only ever used cans at college not sure what their like
 to live with (to carry around).

Do you need isolation? Are you primarily oging to be on foot or sitting
on atrain, bus, etc.?


*headphone:* singlepower sds-xlr at, classe sacd2, hd650  
*2 channel:* tact rcs 2.2.xp w/ full aberdeen mods, bel canto oneref.
1000 monoblocks x 4,teac esoteric p-03/d-03, epiphany 20-21s, tact w210
corner load subs
*5.1 channel:* tact tcs mkii w/ aberdeen power supply, tact boz
216/2200 (x5) w/ aberdeen power supply, tact adc6 w/ full aberdeen
mods, denon 5910, bel canto pl-1a, eggleston andra ii (x5), velodyne
dd-15, pioneer elite pro 1130hd

Sleestack's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=6598
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=26363

audiophiles mailing list

[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Help: Headphones The Choices!

2006-08-15 Thread Sleestack

TomDac Wrote: 
 Can't believe nobody mentioned Stax Electrostatic earspeakers..  Uber
 expensive, but well worth it IMHO.  

Nice, but more of a specialty item and not really a bass monster... and
not really all that expensive, but certianly not cheap.


*headphone:* singlepower sds-xlr at, classe sacd2, hd650  
*2 channel:* tact rcs 2.2.xp w/ full aberdeen mods, bel canto oneref.
1000 monoblocks x 4,teac esoteric p-03/d-03, epiphany 20-21s, tact w210
corner load subs
*5.1 channel:* tact tcs mkii w/ aberdeen power supply, tact boz
216/2200 (x5) w/ aberdeen power supply, tact adc6 w/ full aberdeen
mods, denon 5910, bel canto pl-1a, eggleston andra ii (x5), velodyne
dd-15, pioneer elite pro 1130hd

Sleestack's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=6598
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=26363

audiophiles mailing list

[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: S/PDIF sounds poor

2006-08-13 Thread Sleestack

I use several TACT pieces, including the fully modified 2.2.xp in the
picture linked below.  I'm waiting on a couple of Tranporters, but I
recently picked up a SB3 with a linear power supply to hold me over.  I
have ripped 200 of my CDs thus far in Flac. I really can't complain
about the sound quality, although I look forward to the Transporter. 
You might want to try picking up a linear power supply and drawing some
curves with slighlty more rolled off high end.



*headphone:* singlepower sds-xlr at, teac esoteric p-03/d-03, hd650  
*2 channel:* tact rcs 2.2.xp w/ full aberdeen mods, bel canto oneref.
1000 monoblocks x 4, classe sacd2, epiphany 20-21s, tact w210 corner
load subs
*5.1 channel:* tact tcs mkii w/ aberdeen power supply, tact boz
216/2200 (x5) w/ aberdeen power supply, tact adc6 w/ full aberdeen
mods, denon 5910, bel canto pl-1a, eggleston andra ii (x5), velodyne
dd-15, pioneer elite pro 1130hd

Sleestack's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=6598
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=26332

audiophiles mailing list

[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: S/PDIF sounds poor

2006-08-13 Thread Sleestack

mauidan Wrote: 
 FYI- the TacT units don't have word clock out. 

The only TACT pieces with word synch are the BOZ 216/2200 amps.  They
have  inputs which would allow you to externally clock the Transporter
with the TACT amps via a clock like the G-01 or iClock.


*headphone:* singlepower sds-xlr at, teac esoteric p-03/d-03, hd650  
*2 channel:* tact rcs 2.2.xp w/ full aberdeen mods, bel canto oneref.
1000 monoblocks x 4, classe sacd2, epiphany 20-21s, tact w210 corner
load subs
*5.1 channel:* tact tcs mkii w/ aberdeen power supply, tact boz
216/2200 (x5) w/ aberdeen power supply, tact adc6 w/ full aberdeen
mods, denon 5910, bel canto pl-1a, eggleston andra ii (x5), velodyne
dd-15, pioneer elite pro 1130hd

Sleestack's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=6598
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=26332

audiophiles mailing list

[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: S/PDIF sounds poor

2006-08-13 Thread Sleestack

mauidan Wrote: 
 Mauimods.com and db-systems can install word clock inputs on any TacT
 product you like. Mauimods.com can also give you word clock
 out if you like, but no stock TacT unit has word clock out.
 I doubt you will hear any difference between the Transporter's digital
 output and your SB3's, but I look forward to your report. For less than
 $2K, you can buy a very nice music server and eliminate the need for a
 PC and SB.

Anthony has modded all of my TACT gear.  Don't think I want  word clock
output from the TACT pieces, but it would be nice if you could slave the
DACs in the RCS and TCS to an external clock. For now, I'll just clock
the BOZ216/2200 setup and the Transporter to a master clock.

I like the Transporter b/c it has the perfect combination of
functionality, connectivity and aesthetics.  I have a PC running in
another room 24/7 anyway and don't really want to have to keep a server
and monitor in my audio room to do what I can do with the Transporter. 
At a cost of under $4K for 2, it is relatively cost effective solution
for me.


*headphone:* singlepower sds-xlr at, teac esoteric p-03/d-03, hd650  
*2 channel:* tact rcs 2.2.xp w/ full aberdeen mods, bel canto oneref.
1000 monoblocks x 4, classe sacd2, epiphany 20-21s, tact w210 corner
load subs
*5.1 channel:* tact tcs mkii w/ aberdeen power supply, tact boz
216/2200 (x5) w/ aberdeen power supply, tact adc6 w/ full aberdeen
mods, denon 5910, bel canto pl-1a, eggleston andra ii (x5), velodyne
dd-15, pioneer elite pro 1130hd

Sleestack's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=6598
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=26332

audiophiles mailing list

[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: S/PDIF sounds poor

2006-08-13 Thread Sleestack

PhilNYC Wrote: 
 It's not a question of absolute range as much as it is about resolution.
 If you've ever listened to a state of the art vinyl rig compared to a
 start of the art digital rig, there's no comparison which has more
 nuance and sophistication in the sound, even though vinyl doesn't
 actually legitimately achieve the same dynamic range as digital.  I
 know this is going to sound cliche and like some audiophile BS, but it
 is completely dependent on the recording, the acoustic environment of
 the audio system, the quality of the system, and the listener's hearing
 ability (in that order, IMHO) as to whether (1) there is a significant
 audible difference, and (2) whether its worth the dollars paid to get
 On a tangent, it does knock me out when someone buys really expensive
 gear and then does nothing with regards to acoustic treatments etc. 
 Room acoustics is 50% of the equation *at least*...

I'm going to have to disagree on the vinyl v. digital... of course just
my opinion.  Given quality recordings, I feel a digital rig achieves
just as much detail (if not more) and sophistication as a vinyl rig,
without the sacrifice to dynamic range and inevitable surface noise.  I
had a very solid vinyl rig (VPI Super Scoutmaster w/ Grado Statement and
Ray Samuels XR-10B) and a wide range of audiophile vinyl, but simply
didn't think it compared to my digital setup.  I do think vinyl can be
excellent and envy the library, but the sonic benfits didn't weigh out
for me.

Totally agree on the acoustics. What further surprises me is that given
that making a room with perfect acoustics is almost impossible, that
more audiophiles haven't opened their ears to the benefits of advanced
room correction.


*headphone:* singlepower sds-xlr at, classe sacd2, hd650  
*2 channel:* tact rcs 2.2.xp w/ full aberdeen mods, bel canto oneref.
1000 monoblocks x 4,teac esoteric p-03/d-03, epiphany 20-21s, tact w210
corner load subs
*5.1 channel:* tact tcs mkii w/ aberdeen power supply, tact boz
216/2200 (x5) w/ aberdeen power supply, tact adc6 w/ full aberdeen
mods, denon 5910, bel canto pl-1a, eggleston andra ii (x5), velodyne
dd-15, pioneer elite pro 1130hd

Sleestack's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=6598
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=26332

audiophiles mailing list

[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Help: Headphones The Choices!

2006-08-13 Thread Sleestack

What kind of music do you generally like?  How do you like your bass? 
You can get some good ideas and fairly accurate descritions here:



*headphone:* singlepower sds-xlr at, classe sacd2, hd650  
*2 channel:* tact rcs 2.2.xp w/ full aberdeen mods, bel canto oneref.
1000 monoblocks x 4,teac esoteric p-03/d-03, epiphany 20-21s, tact w210
corner load subs
*5.1 channel:* tact tcs mkii w/ aberdeen power supply, tact boz
216/2200 (x5) w/ aberdeen power supply, tact adc6 w/ full aberdeen
mods, denon 5910, bel canto pl-1a, eggleston andra ii (x5), velodyne
dd-15, pioneer elite pro 1130hd

Sleestack's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=6598
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=26363

audiophiles mailing list

[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Help: Headphones The Choices!

2006-08-13 Thread Sleestack

ezkcdude Wrote: 
 I know you can get some good advice here, but you may also want to go
 over to head-fi.org. There's some real sicko...I mean totally devoted
 headphone gurus over at that place.

I proably qualify as one of those sickos...



*headphone:* singlepower sds-xlr at, classe sacd2, hd650  
*2 channel:* tact rcs 2.2.xp w/ full aberdeen mods, bel canto oneref.
1000 monoblocks x 4,teac esoteric p-03/d-03, epiphany 20-21s, tact w210
corner load subs
*5.1 channel:* tact tcs mkii w/ aberdeen power supply, tact boz
216/2200 (x5) w/ aberdeen power supply, tact adc6 w/ full aberdeen
mods, denon 5910, bel canto pl-1a, eggleston andra ii (x5), velodyne
dd-15, pioneer elite pro 1130hd

Sleestack's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=6598
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=26363

audiophiles mailing list

[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: digital room correction

2006-08-01 Thread Sleestack

vdorta Wrote: 
 Inguz, the future of audio is here thanks to you. I don't know if it's
 possible or not, but I hope you can add a fourth type of equalizer with
 several filters in the 20Hz-100Hz bass range.

Hmmm.. its been around for quite some time.  He, however, seems to be
making some headway into making it available to the masses.


*headphone:* singlepower sds-xlr at, teac esoteric p-03/d-03, hd650  
*2 channel:* tact rcs 2.2.xp w/ full aberdeen mods, bel canto oneref.
1000 monoblocks x 4, classe sacd2, epiphany 20-21s, tact w210 corner
load subs
*5.1 channel:* tact tcs mkii w/ aberdeen power supply, tact boz
216/2200 (x5) w/ aberdeen power supply, tact adc6 w/ full aberdeen
mods, denon 5910, bel canto pl-1a, eggleston andra ii (x5), velodyne
dd-15, pioneer elite pro 1130hd

Sleestack's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=6598
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=24519

audiophiles mailing list

[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: digital room correction

2006-07-30 Thread Sleestack

What would you like to know? As you can see in my sig, I'm quite an avid
TACT user.  Keep in mind TACT gear makes correction for time, level and
freq. responses, in addition to allowing you to design fletcher munson
curve for volume dependent corrections.


*headphone:* singlepower sds-xlr at, teac esoteric p-03/d-03, hd650  
*2 channel:* tact rcs 2.2.xp w/ full aberdeen mods, bel canto oneref.
1000 monoblocks x 4, classe sacd2, epiphany 20-21s, tact w210 corner
load subs
*5.1 channel:* tact tcs mkii w/ aberdeen power supply, tact boz
216/2200 (x5) w/ aberdeen power supply, tact adc6 w/ full aberdeen
mods, denon 5910, bel canto pl-1a, eggleston andra ii (x5), velodyne
dd-15, pioneer elite pro 1130hd

Sleestack's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=6598
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=24519

audiophiles mailing list

[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Any way to improve sound quality ?

2006-07-30 Thread Sleestack

Patrick Dixon Wrote: 
 You need a better CDP.

Or better CDs.

I had a very robust TT setup.  VPI SuperScoutmaster w/ Grado Statement
and Ray Samuel XR-10B.  It sounded fantastic, except for the inevitable
surface noise.

In the end, i gave it up because I built rigs focused on digital.  I
found that properly mastered CDs and SACDs sound better than vinyl,
however, finding them is a different story.


*headphone:* singlepower sds-xlr at, teac esoteric p-03/d-03, hd650  
*2 channel:* tact rcs 2.2.xp w/ full aberdeen mods, bel canto oneref.
1000 monoblocks x 4, classe sacd2, epiphany 20-21s, tact w210 corner
load subs
*5.1 channel:* tact tcs mkii w/ aberdeen power supply, tact boz
216/2200 (x5) w/ aberdeen power supply, tact adc6 w/ full aberdeen
mods, denon 5910, bel canto pl-1a, eggleston andra ii (x5), velodyne
dd-15, pioneer elite pro 1130hd

Sleestack's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=6598
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=25957

audiophiles mailing list

[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: digital room correction

2006-07-30 Thread Sleestack

Mike Anderson Wrote: 
 I mean the signal processing that does the room correction is all done
 in the digital domain.  Nothing analog is generated until after the EQ
 is done and the signal is sent out of the DAC1.

Do the amps from Nuforce an Flying Mole even accept digital inputs? 
Don't they accept analog input like most digital amps.
The new TACT amps accept digital inputs only.


*headphone:* singlepower sds-xlr at, teac esoteric p-03/d-03, hd650  
*2 channel:* tact rcs 2.2.xp w/ full aberdeen mods, bel canto oneref.
1000 monoblocks x 4, classe sacd2, epiphany 20-21s, tact w210 corner
load subs
*5.1 channel:* tact tcs mkii w/ aberdeen power supply, tact boz
216/2200 (x5) w/ aberdeen power supply, tact adc6 w/ full aberdeen
mods, denon 5910, bel canto pl-1a, eggleston andra ii (x5), velodyne
dd-15, pioneer elite pro 1130hd

Sleestack's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=6598
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=24519

audiophiles mailing list

[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Transporter missing the boat.

2006-07-25 Thread Sleestack

If the Transporter is aimed at adding a whole new group of audiophiles
to their customer base, they have far from missed the boat. The SB3 is
something I would put in my office, but not my main racks. It lacked
the connectivity I desired and looked a bit like a bedside clock. 
Finally, a product that has enough aesthetic appeal to sit front and
center and all the conectivity to integrate into even the most
demanding setups.  Add to that, an upgraded DAC that can be shared by
multiple components, the Transporter is not too far from being an
audiophile bargain in my book.  In any case, I'm glad it's here.


*headphone:* singlepower sds-xlr at, teac esoteric p-03/d-03, hd650  
*2 channel:* tact rcs 2.2.xp w/ full aberdeen mods, bel canto oneref.
1000 monoblocks x 4, classe sacd2, epiphany 20-21s, tact w210 corner
load subs
*5.1 channel:* tact tcs mkii w/ aberdeen power supply, tact boz
216/2200 (x5) w/ aberdeen power supply, tact adc6 w/ full aberdeen
mods, denon 5910, bel canto pl-1a, eggleston andra ii (x5), velodyne
dd-15, pioneer elite pro 1130hd

Sleestack's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=6598
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=25800

audiophiles mailing list