Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Best server solution for sound quality?

2021-05-31 Thread atrocity

philchillbill wrote: 
> Are your Word documents any different if you load them from a Samsung
> SSD vs a SanDisk USB Stick? :rolleyes:

I don't care enough to find it right now, but somewhere out there is A
Very Serious Article wherein someone claims audible differences
depending on the brand name of the hard drive storing the bits.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Hahahahahahahahaha

2018-07-03 Thread atrocity

Apesbrain wrote: 
> If you've seen the inside of the NAD, you'd know it's more than a RPi in
> a box.

For some reason, I find that weirdly comforting. I guess I'm happy that
that they aren't quite THAT dishonest.

Apesbrain wrote: 
> What they were thinking offering -any- gear at that price point is
> beyond me, but it seems they know that now.

It probably bugs me more than normal people because I like DTS and AC-3.
So I'd just be using the plain old digital out, completely bypassing any
of the alleged super wonderful improvements.

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Hahahahahahahahaha

2018-06-30 Thread atrocity

"The hardware of the M50.2 includes the latest generation of low power,
super high performance ARM processors. These have more computing power
than a PC from just a few years ago, yet rthey un cool and do not
require noisy fans."

Would I be completely nuts to be suspicious that someone may have put a
Pi in $3900 case?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Our Music Listening... in 10 years.

2017-02-09 Thread atrocity

Mnyb wrote: 
> That's solvable for RG tags simply don't have them in these files that
> fixes it for LMS where you can turn of this completely.

Yes, in LMS it's not a problem at all. I use RG on PCM and not on DTS or
AC-3 and life is good. I was just commenting that I'd be irked if Roon
calculated RG on that material with no ability to turn it off.

Maybe this is another one of those audiophile things where No Serious
Listener Would Ever Want More Than Two Speakers. :)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Our Music Listening... in 10 years.

2017-02-09 Thread atrocity

Julf wrote: 
> Considering DSD might have been a good idea in the 90's, we might now
> let it rest in peace...

I don't really care one way or the other about DSD, I just like discrete
surround music and much of that is only available as DSD. It's on my
mind more at the moment because I'm ripping my SACDs via one of the
naughty methods that technically isn't supposed to exist. Since LMS can
convert it to PCM on the fly, I'm leaving it as DSD. LMS can't deal with
the surround DSD, of course, but Foobar2000 can convert even the 5.1 to
PCM on the fly.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Our Music Listening... in 10 years.

2017-02-09 Thread atrocity

ralphpnj wrote: 
> 1) is the replaygain defeatable since I don't use it nor do I intend to
> use it any time soon.

It would be a disaster for those of us with lots of DTS and AC-3 in our
libraries, too.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Our Music Listening... in 10 years.

2017-02-09 Thread atrocity

pablolie wrote: 
> ... Let me also state, I would so hope that, over the next years,
> someone picks up a next gen SB development... In my dreams, I envision
> an SB OLED Touch v2 that offers... 
> - HDMI output to send liner notes to TV

And HDMI to output gapless 5.1 FLAC and DSD!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] MUSINGS: Meditations on the limitations of hearing & listening.

2015-10-05 Thread atrocity

ralphpnj wrote: 
> About the worst effect that audiophile silliness has had in the consumer
> audio marketplace is the sales of Monster cables (all the other high end
> audio cable manufacturers have no presence in the consumer audio
> marketplace) and surge protectors.

I used to have my doubts about surge protectors...until I had a surge. 
It's been 20 years or more now, so I'm not sure I remember everything
that got cooked:'

2-Shortwave radios
1-Clothes dryer
1-Coffee maker
1-CD player
?-Cheap clocks

It was weird and confusing...I came home from work to find that some
things worked, some didn't.  I thought I had some bizarre power failure
before something finally tipped me might have been the visible
scorching inside the receiver.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] generating free energy by using chrystal

2015-09-02 Thread atrocity

ralphpnj wrote: 
> If I sound overly pessimistic it's because the history mankind has shown
> mankind to be really, really good at two things:
> 1) killing each other
> 2) turning abundance into scarcity

3) Making babies at a rate that provides fuel for 1) and exacerbates 2).

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] I need a new turntable. Suggestions.

2015-07-29 Thread atrocity

Archimago wrote: 
> The Sony PS-X series with Biotracer arms are nice machines! I was
> looking for one locally last year but couldn't find any in good shape
> :(.

I was a KID when I bought that's got to be 35 years ago now. 
It spent significant time in the shop after a few years but has been
wonderful since (fingers crossed).  I worry that no one will be able to
work on it when the inevitable need eventually arises.  I've also got a
small, cheap linear tracking Technics SL-Q6 that sounds surprisingly
good.  I'd love to have a PS-X800, but they seem to go for $1,000 or
more and would have the same service issues.

Archimago wrote: 
> Yes, check out a USB ADC if you can / curious. Noise level extremely low
> these days although your Roland R-05 I assume is already excellent. Also
> the Roland's price is great for a 24/96 ADC already!

It probably is the price that makes me wonder if I can do better.  I'm
falling victim to the "It cost less than my car, it can't possibly be
any good!" syndrome. :)

One thing I'm really having shoved in my face lately is how frustrating
analog could be.  I just transferred a nice 7-1/2 IPS reel from near the
end of the pre-recorded days when they really sounded good.  The
underlying sound quality is very nice indeed...but apparently something
went wrong during the duplication and it's full of obvious wow.  And now
I've come to realize that my cassette deck is apparently running
slow...or, more accurately, is now running slower than it used to.  I
don't know if it's wrong now or was wrong prior to its last trip to the
shop...for all I know, the shop corrected a long-running problem, but
now I can't play back decades of tapes accurately.  I've experimented
with digital speed correction and found it OK on what was a pretty bad
recording to begin with, I don't know if it will still sound good on
something more demanding.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] I need a new turntable. Suggestions.

2015-07-29 Thread atrocity

d6jg wrote: 
> I must have started in about 2009. The initial results were indeed iffy.
> Largely due to the PCs onboard soundcard. When I moved to USB soundcard
> the results improved massively.

I've noticed noise at the analog output even on a relatively new
computer.  I solved that with a cheap USB to S/PDIF device, though it
resamples everything to 48k.

d6jg wrote: 
> That said a lot has to do with TT setup and the condition of cartridge,
> styli and the records themselves.

Ancient Sony PS-X75 with a brand new Audio-Technica AT440MLa. :)

Maybe I should take a look at external USB stuff again just for fun.

Thanks to everyone for the responses!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] I need a new turntable. Suggestions.

2015-07-29 Thread atrocity

Pascal Hibon wrote: 
> I can only say that my "vinyl rips" (recorded with my TC interface and
> Ableton) sound exactly the same as the vinyl. That is, as long as I
> didn't run it through 'clickrepair' (, which
> I only use when the record has a lot of pops and clicks. But I have no
> drop outs or anything. 
> Everything is computer based these days. Ableton, Pro Tools, and many
> other software based solutions are very popular and are taking over the
> hardware mixers and recorders.

I should have been clear that I really just use the Roland for the
initial capture.  The more or less cassette deck like interface and ease
of connecting to any arbitrary component makes it easy to use.  But I
digitize vinyl (three turntables including one just for 78s), cassettes
and reels, so it's much easier for me to move the little recorder around
than the playback components.

Once the initial capture has been made, I immediately copy the WAV to
the computer to make it pretty.  I'm also a fan of ClickRepair, though
I've learned the hard way that you have to listen very closely to what
it's doing.  Sometimes it's so perfect it's almost like black magic,
other times it wipes out as much useful signal as noise.

I can't tell the difference between my captures and the records either
(well, thanks to cleanup, sometimes the captures are better!) but I was
curious if anyone with better ears than mine has any complaints with the
standalone devices.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] I need a new turntable. Suggestions.

2015-07-29 Thread atrocity

I'm curious if anyone has compared recordings made via their computers
with something along the lines of a Roland R-05.  My first attempts at
digitizing were done in 1998 using a computer and were disastrous...too
many dropped samples.  I know that things have improved dramatically
since then, but I've never tried again, finding it easier first to use a
standalone CD recorder and later the Zoom H2 and now Roland R-05.  I've
heard lots of complaints about computers generating noise, yet it seems
like the computer route is how the "serious" people do their

I've found the little standalone recorders very easy to use and, to my
ears, they sound good.  I capture and post-process at 24/96, then use
SoX to downsample the finalized versions to 16/44.1.  I also keep the
raw files archived to Blu-ray in case I need to go back and fix
something (which has definitely happened).

Am I going to wake up some day and suddenly hate all my captures when I
finally hear whatever sonic disaster I've apparently been missing all
this time?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Bootleg Recordings: Soundboard versus Audience

2015-07-12 Thread atrocity

ralphpnj wrote: 
> Gary I believe that you are correct and that is my understanding of the
> label "pre-FM" in that it was a live recording made for FM broadcast but
> the "pre-FM" version is one that is taken from the broadcast source
> (either a direct soundboard feed or a tape made from the soundboard)
> rather one that was recorded from the actual FM broadcast.

I have a couple of original King Biscuit Flower Hour reels and consider
them "pre-FM" for exactly the reason you state.

ralphpnj wrote: 
> I also have heard several very good sounding matrix recordings.

There are some interesting multichannel ones out there that place one
source in the front and other in the rear.

One thing that fascinates me about some audience recordings is that they
may not be all that great in a standard objective sense but what they
lack in technical quality they make up for in ambience.  I'm in the
middle of Pink Floyd's 1970 show at Pepperland in San's
certainly not a bad recording by any means, but no one will rush to
officially release it.  I just love the sound of it, though...well,
maybe not when some genius' baby starts shrieking during "Atom Heart

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] CD's vs. vinyl

2015-03-12 Thread atrocity

Gandhi wrote: 
> dBpoweramp

CueTools can also detect pre-emphasis.

Just to make it more confusing, the flag can be (IIRC) in either the TOC
or subcode.  dBpoweramp and EAC detect one but not the other.

I've got a Japanese black label pressing of "The Dark Side of the Moon"
(one of the first CDs I ever bought, circa January 1985).  dBpoweramp
says there's no pre-emphasis, but CueTools says there is.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] CD's vs. vinyl

2015-02-13 Thread atrocity

pablolie wrote: 
> i wonder if it's legal to start a public library of art cover and
> booklets, or if music companies would come after it. - just covers and no booklets, though.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Moved to Squeezebox way of things... best strategy for my Hires/ DSD/ ISO files?

2015-02-13 Thread atrocity

Wombat wrote: 
> Unfortunately using higher compression adds slightly more stress on the
> Transporter that was imho false advertised. On a PC the small increase
> in decoding is hardly measurable but for the CPU and its decoder code
> with the Transporter it is on the edge.

This was also an issue in the early days of the Touch.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Multichannel Playback - ideas and music?

2015-01-26 Thread atrocity

ralphpnj wrote: 
> Look I'm not trying to start some kind of flame war but I really, really
> think that you should actually read my entire post before you reply.

It was not and is not my intent to single you out.  I'm simply
expressing consternation that a relatively straightforward question
already has no fewer than four variations on "What you want is
pointless."  If I appear to be picking on you, I apologize.

The subject is important to me because I have lots of surround
recordings that I enjoy and have wished for years now that the lossless
ones could be integrated into the Squeeze universe.  With a small but
steady trickle of both new 5.1 mixes and old 4.0 mixes getting released
in various formats, my desire to see a solution more flexible than
Windows + Foobar2000 is only increasing.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Multichannel Playback - ideas and music?

2015-01-26 Thread atrocity

ralphpnj wrote: 
> I believe that in my previous post (#10 above) I outlined why I don't
> think that multi-channel audio (and to a lesser extent, video) is at the
> present time basically useless.

And that's fine, you don't have to like multichannel music (or anything
else, for that matter).  But when someone asks "How can I..?" it seems
pointless to respond with a version of "Who cares?"  To me, it's no
different from responding to "I have one Beethoven FLAC that won't play,
any ideas?" with "Beethoven sucks!"

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Multichannel Playback - ideas and music?

2015-01-26 Thread atrocity

I've got a dedicated computer in the living room that I turn on when I
want to play multichannel DVD-A rips.  Since I'm running Windows, I also
have to keep the monitor on.  Definitely not optimal, but I have yet to
hear of any other way to do it that works as reliably.

As for encapsulating DTS and AC-3 in a FLAC container, the script + DVD Decrypter used to work perfectly for me but
at some point I started getting gaps when using it for AC-3.  I've since
started using AudioMuxer (free!) which is easier to work with and (so
far, anyway) hasn't given me any gaps.

I'm not sure why people feel the need to answer this question with "I
don't like it" though I suppose I'm just as guilty for whining about

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Last words on PONO...

2015-01-23 Thread atrocity

Mnyb wrote: 
> I really loved the underestimated feature of discrete 6ch uncompressed
> music . That was the real deal with SACD or DVDA 2ch of the same master
> would sound exactly the same as 16/44.1 or 24/192 but the multichannel
> was something else .

Totally agree.  It's the only feature I think is missing from the
Squeeze universe.

By the way, there's been an interesting trickle of old quadraphonic
mixes making it to DVD-A and (especially) SACD lately.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Remastered Music, to buy or not to buy (Dumb question)

2014-11-04 Thread atrocity

pablolie wrote: 
> Integrity is relative. There are always corner cases where checksums
> will not be able to ensure it entirely (sorry to worry you). best
> practice, as always - early backups, ongoing integrity checks. ripping
> is such a brutal process... never ever want to do it again.

Yes, there's a tiny, tiny chance that you'll hit a case where the
checksum doesn't help.  Buy it's something, as opposed to lossy formats
which, as far as I know, have nothing.

And I agree about the took me a year and a half!  I have
onsite and offsite backups and now that I know how to automate the
integrity checks, I just need to figure out how often I want to schedule
them.  I tested with a 40,724 track subset and it still took around 36

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Remastered Music, to buy or not to buy (Dumb question)

2014-11-03 Thread atrocity

pablolie wrote: 
> example: waltz for debby by bill evans. brilliant. one of favorite
> albums of all time. no way i can tell the difference between my original
> CD, which i ripped to both 320k MP3 and FLAC (and both sound the same),
> and the new remastered 24bit 192k version, which is just a bit louder,
> but provides no additional resolution. waste of money.

There's one technical advantage to FLAC, though: Because each FLAC file
has a built-in checksum, it's possible to validate the integrity of a
FLAC library fairly easily.

(Yeah, I was just playing around learning shell scripts and hit on that

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] MEASUREMENTS: iPhone 4 and 6...

2014-10-14 Thread atrocity

probedb wrote: 
> For example, try and get any 'audiophile' to accept that a FiiO D03K
> could possibly be any good because it's so cheap :) They'd rather pay
> >£1k on something that does the same job.

I just learned about that a couple weeks ago!  Have built a Wandboard
player/LMS for a friend with an old receiver with no digital inputs.  As
has been previously mentioned, the analog output of the Wandboard is
nothing great, so I was looking for something better without going
full-blown USB DAC and stumbled across the FiiO D03K.  What a bargain!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] What Would You Replace a Transporter With?

2014-08-14 Thread atrocity

desertrat58 wrote: 
> $1049. Logitech has balls. After what they did with SD, I will never buy
> another Logitech product. Although I hope the ones I currently own last
> forever...
> Actually, with an extra 10% off offer, the SE would be about $945. Still
> about 2x too much for consideration...

But isn't the silver lining that continuing the sell the hardware--no
matter how few units at however crazy a price--obligates them to keep
going with the software and

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] New 24bit/192kHz Squeezebox Product

2011-06-23 Thread atrocity

JohnSwenson;636378 Wrote: 
> Of course there are no standards for any of this so one would have to be
> devised and then software and hardware written to support it. 
> It COULD work but would take a lot of effort and would probably need
> some very enthusiastic group of people to push it through and probably
> provide the funds to implement things. 
> Any of you that want this so much willing to take it on?

In my case it's less a question of whether or not I'd be willing than
whether or not I'd be able.  It would be completely over my head.

Really, I'm just dreaming about what (if anything) Logitech releases
for its next generation product.  It would be nice to have support for
anything we're able to rip from a disc.

I can currently play 5.1 DVD back from my computer into my receiver via
HDMI, but it seems that sometimes it works and sometimes it stutters. 
Something as rock-solid as a Squeezebox would be most welcome, partly
for the reliability and partly for the ability to maintain a single
library with both standard and multichannel music.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] New 24bit/192kHz Squeezebox Product

2011-06-13 Thread atrocity

Am I the only one more interested in the ability to play multichannel
FLAC than in high bitrates?  Granted, the two more or less go hand in

It would rock my world if the next generation player had HDMI output
through which I could play FLACs copied from DVD-A.  And, while I'm
dreaming, would respect the channel mapping tag so 4.0 and 4.1 material
would output properly.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Multi Channel Flac Streamer

2009-12-06 Thread atrocity

vortecjr;492263 Wrote: 
> The file was a download from and there DTS 5.1 played great
> into my processor. I don't have a multi track flac file to test, but it
> should/could work.

Remember that DTS just looks like a standard 2-channel file to the
hardware.  It's not attempting to decode anything, that's being done by
your processor.  A multichannel FLAC will require more "thought" on the
part of the HDX-1000.  Still, you've got me curious...


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] The end of the CD player :-)

2009-12-03 Thread atrocity

DaveWr;491135 Wrote: 
> I have a third problem with this model - I do not intend to re-purchase
> the music I already have, and no service provider is going to provide it
> free.

I have a fourth problem: I don't want something to disappear because a
lawyer or revisionist decided to forbid it.  (Currently thinking of
"Zanz Kant Dance" and tons of censored Disney material.)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] ALAC or FLAC

2009-11-29 Thread atrocity

andynormancx;489671 Wrote: 
> The data size will pretty much the same, the SB3s will already be having
> FLAC delivered to them

The amount of streaming data will be the same, but ALAC takes up a bit
more disk space for stereo files and a *lot* more disk space for mono
material.  FLAC seems to do a better job of compressing data that's the
same in both channels.

Or at least this was true when I was doing some quick 'n' dirty tests a
year or so back.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] 24/192kHz capability for Transporter

2009-10-20 Thread atrocity

pfarrell;473359 Wrote: 
> There is nothing close to a 50kHz signal
> on any vinyl record

You're forgetting about CD-4 quadraphonic and its
way-up-there-somewhere-or-other carrier.

I suppose mega-crazy sampling rates would be useful for archiving
those, though I don't know of any demodulators that would decode the
quad from a line-level input.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Am I imagining this? Squeezecentre 7.3 sounds worse than 7.2.1?

2009-01-27 Thread atrocity

darthkringle;389650 Wrote: 
> In reading through this thread, I "think" that most of the perceived
> differences come down to settings; however, being an audio purist and
> being quite happy with 7.2.1, I am hesitant to move to 7.3.2 in fear of
> compromising audio quality in ANY way.  Am I being paranoid?

7.3.2 plays DTS and AC-3 files without trouble in my setup, which tells
me it's serving up the bits accurately and unchanged.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Am I imagining this? Squeezecentre 7.3 sounds worse than 7.2.1?

2008-12-16 Thread atrocity

andyg;371666 Wrote: 
> Absolutely, if you can play AC3 or DTS files then nothing has changed.

Real-world example: I recently had to buy a new computer and sprung for
one with on-board S/PDIF jacks, assuming that would allow me to break up
some single-track DTS albums into proper tracks.

I connected everything up to the receiver and got what I thought was
perfectly good sound from normal stereo sources.  So I played a DTS
track and got...white noise.  No matter what I did...white noise.

After Googling around, I finally installed ASIO drivers and spent a
bunch of time configuring everything.  Seems like it took me half the
day, but I finally got DTS working properly by jumping through hoops to
get bit-perfect output.

This and other past experiences lead me to believe that the DTS signal,
crammed as it is with data and, I'm guessing, little error-correction,
is ridiculously fragile.  This was in fact one big reason I bought a
Squeezebox in the first place--I wanted to use robust CD extraction
software to get clean reads of some of my iffy DTS discs and play them
back using something theoretically less prone to spurious errors.  So
far, my experience has been fantastic.  In fact, it was the Squeezebox
playing DTS files that alerted me to problems with my CD drive, as I
whined about a while back in a different thread.

I guess I'm just taking a very long road here to thanking you for
confirming my assumption that if the Squeezebox is successfully passing
a clean DTS signal, it's not doing *anything* to the sound.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Am I imagining this? Squeezecentre 7.3 sounds worse than 7.2.1?

2008-12-16 Thread atrocity

OK, maybe this is a dumb question, but wouldn't attempting to play back
a DTS track be a pretty good test of whether or not the signal is being
degraded or fussed with somewhere along the line?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Does the Transporter outperform SACD (2ch)?

2008-06-12 Thread atrocity

pfarrell;311021 Wrote: 
> I have never seen a serious attempt to compare high-wide PCM with DSD.
> Lots of comparisons of redbook to SACD, but that's not fair, its apples
> to oranges.

It's too bad most (all?) of the hybrid SACDs from old analog masters
(Rolling Stones, Bob Dylan, Pink Floyd) contain DSD to PCM conversions
on their redbook CD layer.  It might have been useful/instructive to
master each layer in its respective realm.

Confession: I love SACD because I love surround sound.  But for normal
stereo, I've never been particularly blown away by SACD.  I remember
getting several of the Rolling Stones titles when they first
appeared...I popped in "Let it Bleed" and was amazed at how great it
sounded...then switched to the redbook layer and thought it sounded
just as good.  Even fully *expecting* the SACD to sound dramatically
better, it just didn't to my ears.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Does computer influence Sound from Transporter?

2008-05-29 Thread atrocity

tyler_durden;306396 Wrote: 
> If you want a system that works reliably with minimal maintenance, get a
> Mac or run a PC with linux.  The performance of SqueezeCenter will be
> better (faster serving of web pages, etc.) and you won't have to do
> nearly as much maintenance as with a windows machine.

Indeed.  I started out running SqueezeCenter on an XP Home machine with
less than wonderful results.  After a few weeks, I moved everything over
to a less powerful box running the latest Ubuntu.  Big difference!

To be fair to Windows, I was running a lot of stuff on that machine. 
SqueezeCenter was just one of several things I [re]moved.  The Windows
box is happier, SqueezeCenter (and the two Squeezeboxes) are happier,
and I'm happier.


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