Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Audible vs inaudible

2008-12-21 Thread gbruzzo

opaqueice;373808 Wrote: 
> You can't prove anything ever (except in pure math).  "All" you can do
> is gather evidence about things, and use that to construct a theory
> about the world.  You can gather evidence about one individual, and
> become very confident that they cannot hear the difference.  
> But you can also gather evidence about human perception, and become
> very confident that -no one- can hear the difference.

I partially disagree (possibly out of context):

Theories are not built by accumulation of evidence - this is an
inductive fallacy. They are built via imagination and then tested
against evidence. Theories are formalised "explanations" - of course
there are better explanations than others (more concise, more general
etc etc.)
Of course, this does not mean that observation of the outside world is
what our triggers our desire to provide explanations for the repeated
observation of empirical facts. So if you will observation -> curiosity
-> attempt at generalization -> theoretical construct -> testing (in an
attempt to falsify) ->  addition of adhoc hypotheses to explain
theory's inability to explain etc etc etc 



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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Am I imagining this? Squeezecentre 7.3 sounds worse than 7.2.1?

2008-12-19 Thread gbruzzo

As in 

having observed only white swans during a lifetime does not exclude the
possibility that there actually is a black one...


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Am I imagining this? Squeezecentre 7.3 sounds worse than 7.2.1?

2008-12-19 Thread gbruzzo

observing white swans for a lifetime does not allow us to imply that no
black swan exists - you may indeed be right.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Am I imagining this? Squeezecentre 7.3 sounds worse than 7.2.1?

2008-12-19 Thread gbruzzo

Gazjam;373317 Wrote: 
> Did I make a funny?
> :-)
> Its not just me you know.
> I trust my ears above forum opinion, much like yourself I suspect?
> Technically I cant explain it. Go figure huh?

Was this a black swan?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Am I imagining this? Squeezecentre 7.3 sounds worse than 7.2.1?

2008-12-19 Thread gbruzzo

wireless200;372905 Wrote: 
> It funny I ran across this thread today.  I just upgraded to 7.3 last
> night and I thought my Tranporter sounded *better* than before.  I have
> it for a while over several SC upgrades and never had that thought
> before.  I briefly thought about starting a thread asking the question:
> do the software/firmware upgrades ever inprove sound quality?  I'm not
> talking about the glitchy stuff but the actual sound quality.  This
> latest release seemed to make mine sound better - more air, tighter
> bass.

I had exactly the same impression when upgrading from 7.2.1 to 7.3 and
updating the firmware. 

"more air, tighter bass" - my thoughts exactly

I wondered...




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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] 1000 Posts and Counting...

2008-01-31 Thread gbruzzo


Excellent products, in depth knowledge, relentless tinkering,  sharp
minds, extremely helpful tech compadres.

A most excellent community. 
Long live the Transporter, who made me fall in love with music again.




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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] DRM lessons from the Squeezebox

2007-05-08 Thread gbruzzo

adamslim;200611 Wrote: 
> On a related point, it's worth looking at the resistance to Windows
> Vista - Dell are now offering XP.  
> Adam

that software needs to be patched up bad.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] DRM lessons from the Squeezebox

2007-05-08 Thread gbruzzo

Mark Lanctot;200580 Wrote: 
> DRM is an aberration in the free market economy system.  The only reason
> it hasn't been completely abandoned yet is that it doesn't inconvenience
> the -majority- of the consumers the -majority- of the time.  Everyone
> here knows better and is rightfully against such draconian measures,
> but the unfortunate fact is, if you were to ask the average person on
> the street if they were concerned about DRM, 80% wouldn't even know
> what it is.  The technology goes above their head.  Their iTunes "CD
> quality" tracks play in their iPod, what's the problem?
> The public hasn't really seen the face of DRM yet due to their embrace
> of the Apple juggernaut.  Want to play iTunes music in your car?  Plug
> your iPod into your car dock.  Want to play iTunes music on your
> computer?  Fire up iTunes itself.  On your stereo?  Get one of the 100
> 000 stereo docks available for it.
> They haven't truly experienced what a lot of us face: lock out of
> playback methods we want to use to play music we (thought) we obtained
> legally.
> If any of these companies ever slip up and Joe Six-Pack can't play a
> certain song on his iPod because of out!  The record
> companies are weathering the storm now, but in the end, the consumer
> always wins.  It just takes time.  The record companies are using their
> vast resources to maintain their archaic business models and practices
> artificially longer than the market will tolerate it.  It's coming. 
> The end is nigh.  Consumer frustration is growing and one day even the
> mighty big 4 will either conform or die.
> Now, we do have to do something to ensure artists get paid. 
> Unfortunately people do take any advantage they can - give them an inch
> and they'll take a mile.  But encoding information in a digital medium
> brings new problems, as it's so easy to make a perfect copy it's
> hopeless to try to prevent it.  Putting technological restrictions in
> place just challenges people to break it and with free sharing of
> information, makes it easy for others to break it as well.  I don't
> propose solutions, but in the end the free market economy will win out.
> If we value music and musicians, we will gladly pay a fair price for
> music on offer.  If the music is crap, it legitimately deserves to die.
> If, as opaquepiece suggests, the free market economy values music at
> $0, then other things will happen - the mass-market crap that takes
> millions to produce and promote will die off and live music that people
> will pay to attend will prosper.  I would hope there is some middle
> ground, kind of a survival of the fittest thing, where bands that
> strike a chord with audiences could make a decent living, and those
> that really break new ground and revolutionize the scene make a
> killing.  Those that aren't good enough or whose time hasn't come,
> well, unfortunately, they'll fail.
> This "survival of the fittest" has been perverted by record companies,
> who look at a packageable product like Britney Spears and the
> demographics - "ooh, she'll appeal to tweens and teens, plus wannabe
> bad grrls and horny 17-year old boys" and foist it upon the world,
> accompanied by the false success that millions of marketing dollars
> will buy.  It's as fake as anything about her, and it does seem that
> people are slowly realizing that.  It won't last.  The free market
> economy will not let you do this forever.

I agree with your position. The fish stinks from the head. DRM are only
a way to force downstream market segmentation of goods, which by their
very economic nature (their infinite reproducibility) encourage the
very opposite. 

There are a number of interesting articles that have appeared on - go there and do a search insitu of DRM. 

as an appetizer:

Cheers to all, 

I hope we can continue this discussion, it is truly interesting.



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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] DRM lessons from the Squeezebox

2007-05-08 Thread gbruzzo

Pat Farrell;200460 Wrote: 
> While you write in support of the RIAA's claim that money goes to poor
> artists, which consumers think means musicians, in practice most of the
> money goes to the big four record labels, and 8 cents per song goes to
> the writer of the song (per ASCAP and BMI rules). Most artists get 
> nothing from CD sales. 60 minutes did a piece on the Dixie Chicks a 
> while back, they sell millions and get nothing from the CD sales.
> Do not feed the trolls

Yes! This is the crux of the digital rights problem. 
All the DRM fandango is just downstream noise created to deflect the
attention from the real problem. The rise of the netlabel is one of the
answers to the bargaining asymmetry in the music market. 

Protect the artists, when they start bargaining with the producers...




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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] DRM lessons from the Squeezebox

2007-05-08 Thread gbruzzo

nicketynick;200445 Wrote: 
> Please, Mr. Hoops, could you explain in very simple terms how your DRM
> is going to be an advantage to the artists and labels who are selling
> more music than ever at & (Artists who aren't
> trying to become millionaires have more options than ever for
> generating income from their art!)
> Wait, I take that back - they will probably do better than ever, once
> the big labels have priced themselves out of the market! That's an
> interesting insight.. the industry is beginning to realize that
> huge revenues are only going to be generated via volume (large number
> of artists), rather than depending on a small number of artists to
> generate collossal revenues. It's a structural shift brought on by the
> digital era (similar to what the newspaper business has struggled with)
> that is going to be difficult for the multinational corporations to
> handle, companies that size just aren't very nimble, too bad for their
> shareholders, but at least EMI has recognized it and has begun the
> process.
> As long as your arguments tend to lean toward greater profitability for
> these large corporations, I'm not going to see any sense in what you
> propose.

I agree entirely. The market distortion happens at the level of the
business model of the music companies (particularly the very skewed
contractual arrangements they have with young up and coming artists).
The attempt to enforce this distortion downstream is leading to bizarre
and illogical choices and posturing when these same companies deal with
their final customers. I must say I find it ridiculous when music
corporations ask for an extension of the copyright, when this has
nothing to do with providing the artist with a rightful income stream,
but only brings cashflows to the company owning the copyright. This is
an abuse of dominant position wrapped up in a moral cocoon. I find this
attitude repulsive.

What is very interesting is how the economic good being traded
(particularly the "replicability" of the digital product) is having
effects upstream on large corporations, who will have to bend or wane.
All of your concerns (quality particularly) will be addressed by the
market once the initial distortion is addressed. 

Who said that music quality has to decrease as the business model
changes? The only thing I can assure you is that less money will be
spent on low quality marketing-driven music. As far as I am concerned
that is a good thing. 




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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] DRM lessons from the Squeezebox

2007-05-08 Thread gbruzzo


The tug of war between consumers and music companies is quite simple

Music companies (because of their excessive overheads) try to apply
downstream price-discrimination. DRM is a way to apply price
discrimination and segment the market. The problem is, the good that is
being sold, the digital song/piece of music, is inherently replicable ad
infinitum. As simple as that. There is no way, given the technology
available, to enforce the desired market segmentation by forcing the
consumer to have only 1 copy of their music. This was attempted, and in
its worst form, lead to the SONY rootkit scandal. 

As an example of the difficulty to enforce the current pricing model,
consider the following. You can subscribe to Napster for about 15
dollars a month (Napster To Go), and download as much DRM music (in wma
format) as you want. You then download a re-recording software, such as
MuvAudio (, which makes bit per bit copies of your
original music (at up to 10x the speed, you can easily leave a machine
on overnight). You now have a perfectly legal copy of your original
DRM'd piece, but in another format of your choice. The question at this
point is quality. 

I think there is a good rationale for companies to charge the consumer
on the margin for his choice of quality. So if you want lossless, you
will have to pay a little more. You have to price music by size
(, for all of its illegality, used this pricing
scheme).  I have no issues with THIS kind of price discrimination. 

But this is a kind of "local" price discrimination which is acceptable.
"Global" price discrimination, that is, to treat (or better, to FORCE
the users to accept) each copy of their music as an unicum - i.e. more
copies more money, is simply a fallacious attempt by the music industry
to muddle the issue and buy more time, until they agree on a new and
more correct pricing strategy. 

The gates are open now, because DRM, as a tool of global price
discrimination, is dead, and starting to smell.



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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] DRM lessons from the Squeezebox

2007-05-08 Thread gbruzzo


I am with you point by point. 

Let us never forget, that most of the DRM-related discussion is skewed.

Record companies "defend" the rights of their artists (their artists'
right to a stream of income). 

But in most cases, these streams of income have been signed away by the
artists to these very same companies (when the first record contract was

The whole DRM debate seems to me to depend on two levels:

1) the relationship between the artist and the recording company, as
described by their record contracts. Artists don't often have any
control on the pricing/marketing of their music, they mostly receive
some (smaller) cash stream from the recording company in exchange for
giving up the rights to cash streams from future sales. 

2) the relationship between the recording companies and the final music
consumer, who rightly would like to be able to download music freely (eg
no expiry, no limitation in changing the format, no limitation in the
choice of hardware one uses to stream/play this music) and priced
according to quality of the recording. 

One should try to keep these two aspects of the discussion as separate
as possible. One issue is contractual, the other has to  do with
logistics and distribution.
Record companies demagogically try to mix these two issues, as
described above. They are unable to innovate at the level of 1),
therefore try to force the distortion upon us by acting on 2). 

There is no reason why this should happen.



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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Speaker recommendations

2007-04-13 Thread gbruzzo

shadowboxer;194648 Wrote: 
> I agree -- the Bose's are all hype, poor sound.
> The Aego's have gotten good reviews on this fourm.  The AudioEngine 5's
> are another with built in amp, look great, are small, and sound great. 
> I have one set and am getting a second.
> (Also, they are available in white or black)

Have to agree about the Bose. I used to like them a lot - and still use
them (in complete ignorance must be said). Then I was introduced to a
couple of comparatives...oh my they have no midrange and the point of
origin of the sound wanders around all the time. Oh Well. A couple of
small B&W (minitheatre)?



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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] McIntosh MS300

2007-04-13 Thread gbruzzo

Thank you all for your kind and precise comments and directions. 



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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] McIntosh MS300

2007-04-12 Thread gbruzzo

Mr_Sukebe;194402 Wrote: 
> Speakers are probably the most personal choice within a stereo system. 
> Whilst I love what I own, you might hate them, so it's fairly pointless
> me recommending them or similar.  Additionally, I really really don't
> like B&W speakers.  Simply never heard a pair that did anything but put
> me off.
> You really need to go out a listen to a whole bunch of different types
> to see which you prefer.
> When I've heard Mac gear, it's been with their own speakers, which are
> also very weird looking.  I'd suggest you find something you like.
> With regards to kit you could put in your lounge, a couple of other
> options come to mind:
> - A laptop with an external hard drive attached.  I intended to use my
> own SB+ this way as we have an old laptop kicking around.  Unfortunately
> the laptop in question was so old that it's simply got too little RAM to
> be effective (128MB).  The benefits of a laptop would be size and
> relatively cool running.
> - A NAS such as a QNAP unit e.g.
> NAS units can run the slimserver software, meaning that as long as you
> have another PC which can upload to the NAS, this can be run
> independantly.  It won't have video capability, but should be quiet and
> cool, also cheaper than a full server.


thanks for your answer. I will have to start doing the rounds audioroom
by audioroom then. Hehe, my missus will not like that. 
I guess I have a long way to go, but I am looking forward to it. 
What are your criticisms of B&W speakers (just very curious - no intent
at provocation)? Are they too cold? What are your favourite speakers? 




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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] McIntosh MS300

2007-04-12 Thread gbruzzo

Mr_Sukebe;194380 Wrote: 
> Most of the AV servers that I've seen details of do appear to almost
> always have some kind of odd drawback or design flaw.  My personal
> preference is a big PC case hidden out of sight, connected via RF to
> the SB.  That allows plenty of HD storage and cheap upgrades.
> Ref Mac kit, I've heard their gear at shows and have come away
> impressed everytime.  The looks are rather marmite (you either love or
> hate them), but their build quality and sound is unquestionably
> awesome.
> What about your Transporter running into a Mac based system?  Wouldn't
> be cheap, but would blow the doors off most systems.

About MacIntosh system
Thanks, I kind of like their design. What speakers are usually
associated with them? I've had B&W before, and love them dearly. Still,
I have never heard them paired to a McIntosh amp. Any ideas?

About AV servers:
I do agree with you on that, but I am still looking for something I can
keep in my living room without it making the noise of a powerplant,
which might in future be used for serving video files aswell. Hence my
interest for the MS300, which sports high quality transport AND
hard-drive (does it have an embedded operating system of sorts? If so
what? Will have to find out...)




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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] McIntosh MS300

2007-04-12 Thread gbruzzo


thanks for the swift answer. 
I am currently using a Transporter, which I adore. I came to McIntosh
on the wave of a long search for a network media storage server which
should be fanless, Raid 5, and high end. It would need to be something
along the lines of the Infrant Repertoire but with way more processing
power, ram and hackability, in order to run Slimserver off it. In this
search I came across a number of interesting devices, for example the
Silverstone DS351
and the Niveus Storage Server
but they all seem to have processors geared towards the distribution of
files and not the running of a media server proper. On top of that, they
are not that CHEAP...I have also thought of setting up a cheapo but
efficient fanless htpc, but have not yet come around to thinking about
it in detail. 

Have you come across any such devices (eg like
Repertoire/Silverstone/Niveus) that may fit the bill? 

(I confess that I dream about a Slimdevices product that looks like a
Transporter, maybe without the clever knob, and acts as a network
storage computer - something akin to an htpc with Transporter looks and
fluorescent tube display for harddrive temperature monitoring, fan speed
regulation etc - see the Silverstone front panel above). 

You mention, that there are cheaper and equally satisfactory amp/preamp
combinations in the UK: what do you suggest, bearing in mind they ought
to be paired with the Transporter? I had a look at NAD, Naim and Arcam,
but given my lack of experience in the high end sector, I would love to
receive some comments on the matter. 

Thank you in advance,



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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] McIntosh MS300

2007-04-12 Thread gbruzzo

Hello all, 

does anyone have any direct/indirect experience with the McIntosh MS300
network music server

and more generally some comments about McIntosh Amps/Preamps/Integrated

Thank you all very much in advance,



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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Buying Transporters in the UK

2007-04-10 Thread gbruzzo

ModelCitizen;193882 Wrote: 
> Couldn't you get a demo and a good price in Amsterdam? I hear they have
> good drugs there. The beer is pretty decent too.
> MC

Man I have to use this one with my wife...Hehehehe... "Darling, I have
to take a day trip to Amsterdam for a special testing session. "


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Buying Transporters in the UK

2007-04-10 Thread gbruzzo

willyhoops;193904 Wrote: 
> i built a program for editing the flac tags in excel so i can edit tags
> to get their output just the way i like it.

I have used Helium music manager for managing my music database: Not
sure it covers FLAC, but it should. It has to be bought, but it is
quite a remarkable product (for automation purposes). 

as far as ripping is concerned: can one not rent out a serial cd ripper
,so as to mechanize the procedure to the max?




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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Buying Transporters in the UK

2007-04-10 Thread gbruzzo

willyhoops;193904 Wrote: 
> thanks thats really great feedback. are you happy now with your
> transporter? any complaints at all? i read the threads it looks like
> the transporter is prone to breaking down. i already had a broken SB3
> (returned it after digital output jumpy but other SB3s in house OK).
> why can't sony / quad etc innovate so we don't have to buy downmarket
> cheap consumer brands like logitech. 
> also did you use the ripcaster cd scanning service or do you know about
> it? i am totally fed up scanning cds in the buggy nightmare which is
> dbpoweramp and the slow as hell eac. i built a program for editing the
> flac tags in excel so i can edit tags to get their output just the way
> i like it.

Very happy with the Transporter, agree with you with the brand issue
(why did they not keep "Slimdevices" - it was innovative and
interesting - this will come back and bite them hard). 
I did not use the cd ripping facility of Ripcaster. My suggestion  is
for you to call them directly (I found speaking with Jon Nelson very
useful) - he might be able to help you with some of your concerns
(quality and all). You can find the number on the webpage 

Hope all of this is of help, 




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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Buying Transporters in the UK

2007-04-10 Thread gbruzzo

willyhoops;193897 Wrote: 
> I just found this web site:
> They have the Transporter at £1299 inc vat & delivery to uk address and
> in stock this week. And the squeezebox is £200. Now I know it would be a
> bit cheaper in the USA delivered in an unmarked box that did not get the
> attention of customs but what's £300 between friends? 
> I am thinking of the transporter plus the 400GB QNAP TS-101 with
> SlimServer installed. Anyone know a better place in the UK than this
> ripcaster place? 
> No need for me to hear it - I take it on trust it's a decent product.
> Would be hard to test without having a real relaxed enviroment, lots of
> time and good equipment to compare.
> I did have the Olive Opus on order and after a four month wait and
> still no sign I am giving up. The Opus has a real small screen and I
> realize that even the small screen size of the Squeezebox/Transporter
> is enough of a pain. I know in about two years this kit will be a total
> write off with much better screens showing album art and more than 35
> characters at a time, and built by a proper audio company like quad at
> half the price - but such is life.
> Cheers

I bought a Transporter from Ripcaster. It had problems (see the threads
on "Transporter is dead"). The (owner?) of Ripcaster, Jon Nelson
responded really quickly and got me a brand new one, whilst arranging
for the old one to be picked up. So kudos to him. 
All in all a very good experience, and I don't live 500 miles away,




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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Blown away by Transporter

2007-02-21 Thread gbruzzo

Ahh, the beauty of rediscovering ones' music...


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Blown away by Transporter

2007-02-21 Thread gbruzzo

I completely agree with you.


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