[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Preamp needed?

2006-12-21 Thread PaulB

PhilNYC;163185 Wrote: 
 ...much of it is personal preference.  However, you may also want to
 note the input sensitivity of the amp you are using.  In my experience,
 running direct to an amp with a high input sensitivity will have better
 results than one with lower one.
 ...my personal preference is strongly in the camp of using a
 preamp...and adding a good preamp really improved the sound in a lot of
 ways IMHO...better tone, more meat to the sound, deeper soundstage,

Ditto!  I wanted to keep it as simple [pure] as possible but couldn't
really enjoy the SOUND.  Adding a good preamp (SinglePower MPX3 SE with
preamp out), I was able to max out the SB digital level yet didn't
detect any transparency loss.  In fact, everything improved.  Finally,
adding a good DAC (Altmann) really makes the system SING.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Preamp needed?

2006-12-21 Thread tomjtx

wdrazek;163833 Wrote: 
 Ben, if the TP is that good, I should consider it. Can you or anyone
 else comment on its superiority to a Bolder modded (that is, PS and
 Analog mods) SB3?
 Jeff, I think my SB3 will go into an integrated rather than a power amp
 for the reasons stated above - mainly, the loss of resolution at lower
 listening levels.

I wrote a small review of the modded SB V TP on a thread here. You can
do a search.

In short, the 2 are quite comparable but the Bolder route would cost
you more.
My personal preference was for the TP. But they are close enough that
it boils down to personal taste IMHO

I will be auditioning an Aberdeen modded TP soon and will post


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Preamp needed?

2006-12-20 Thread Ben Diss

wdrazek;163360 Wrote: 
 Ben, do you think you would be tempted to go with an outboard DAC even
 with the Transporter? Surely it can be bettered that way.

I would not.  I think the Transporter alone is slightly better than my
SB3/Lavry combo.


Ben Diss

SB3 - Lavry DA10 - BAT VK-31SE - Halo A21 - BW 803D

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Preamp needed?

2006-12-20 Thread Jeff G

Remember that the Bolder modified SB3 drops the output voltage to a bit
over 1 volt. You might consider the input voltage to drive the amp you
select to full/functional volume. Have fun!

Jeff G

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Preamp needed?

2006-12-20 Thread wdrazek

Ben, if the TP is that good, I should consider it. Can you or anyone
else comment on its superiority to a Bolder modded (that is, PS and
Analog mods) SB3?

Jeff, I think my SB3 will go into an integrated rather than a power amp
for the reasons stated above - mainly, the loss of resolution at lower
listening levels.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Preamp needed?

2006-12-19 Thread SteveC

I recently started running a Transporter without preamp into a pair of
valve monoblocks - PrimaLuna Prologue Sevens - with success. 

* The output impedance of the Tp is 100R, vs the amps' input of
approaching 100kR, which is a ratio of 1000, against rules of thumb
saying anything above from x10 to x250, so there should be no problem
of treble roll-off due to impedance mismatch.

* The max output of the Tp is 3Vrms and the amps require as little as
1Vrms for maximum output so there is no prob hitting maximum volume

I didn't expect any electrical problems or gain problems, and there
aren't any :) The sound is excellent. There are two drawbacks so far:

* I have no feed for a sub. This could be added either by RCA
Y-adapters on the Tp RCA output, or by drilling and mounting an extra
RCA pass-through socket on each amp. Note that the balanced outputs are
fixed level so I can't used these :(

* Other digital sources such as laptop can be connected in, but to use
other analogue sources one must use an ADC into the Tp, such as the
Behringer SRC2496


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Preamp needed?

2006-12-19 Thread tomjtx

SteveC;163393 Wrote: 
 I recently started running a Transporter without preamp into a pair of
 valve monoblocks - PrimaLuna Prologue Sevens - with success. 
 * The output impedance of the Tp is 100R, vs the amps' input of
 approaching 100kR, which is a ratio of 1000, against rules of thumb
 saying anything above from x10 to x250, so there should be no problem
 of treble roll-off due to impedance mismatch.
 * The max output of the Tp is 3Vrms and the amps require as little as
 1Vrms for maximum output so there is no prob hitting maximum volume
 I didn't expect any electrical problems or gain problems, and there
 aren't any :) The sound is excellent. There are two drawbacks so far:
 * I have no feed for a sub. This could be added either by RCA
 Y-adapters on the Tp RCA output, or by drilling and mounting an extra
 RCA pass-through socket on each amp. Note that the balanced outputs are
 fixed level so I can't used these :(
 * Other digital sources such as laptop can be connected in, but to use
 other analogue sources one must use an ADC into the Tp, such as the
 Behringer SRC2496

Steve, Have you looked into the endler balanced attenuaters?
There is a thread on them. That might solve your sub prob.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Preamp needed?

2006-12-19 Thread chinablues

Let me preface my comments by saying that I live in the 26th floor of an
apartment block and cannot really play music loud enough to warrant the
system I brought here from the US  have been expanding since.  But I
won't always live here!

I also enjoy video in 5:1 and don't have the luxury of two separate
rooms (or 4 ears).  Thus the pre-amp is an essential part of my system.
Actually a Denon 3805 AVR.  Through the AVR I also drive a sub-woofer
(Velodyne DD15).  The sub's set up routine lets me adjust the response
of the sub and blend it in with the bass of the main speakers (BW
804s).  The AVR allows the low frequencies, below cut off frequency of
80Hz to be sent to the sub.  Thus the 'receiver' or 'preamp' part of
the AVR deals with the 'speakers' (mains and sub).  How could I do that
with no 'receiver/preamp'?  Sometimes too, it's a nice effect to listen
to 'stereo' in 5:1 surround.  The AVR also has a 'direct stereo' mode
where the artifacts of the 'receiver' are minimized and you get as
close as you can to the Transporter direct to the amp. I recently (it's
Christmas after all) replaced the 'amplifier' of the AVR with a Rotel 5
channel RMB 1095.  Bottom line to me, I need the 'receiver/preamp' part
of the system.  Going direct from Transporter (or SB) to RMB 1095 would
give me no flexibility for movies, remove both my surround sound option
and the Velodyne sub.  Maybe if your system is dedicated for music only,
and you'll never feel you need a sub (need, did I say, I meant want),
then you can forgo the preamp.  But for me it's essential.



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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Preamp needed?

2006-12-19 Thread Skunk

SteveC;163393 Wrote: 
 * I have no feed for a sub. This could be added either by RCA
 Y-adapters on the Tp RCA output, or by drilling and mounting an extra
 RCA pass-through socket on each amp. Note that the balanced outputs are
 fixed level so I can't used these :(

Isn't adding the extra RCA pass through in essence the same as the y
adaptors, only inside the amp? I always wanted to make a sub-out for my
sonic impact but thought a buffer stage would be required. (?)

Re: the balanced outs, couldn't they be used (with xlrrca cables) by
adjusting the level control of the sub? Note that I'm asking, not
suggesting- I wouldn't want to break anyones Transporter!


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Preamp needed?

2006-12-18 Thread robsob

Interested in this thread as i am also trying to use the SB3 straight to
poweramp to kep things simple/clean.
Also tempted by a DAC as a sound improvement and noticed the Benchmark
DAC has a analogue volume control which could double as attenuator?
Anyone using SB3-DAC1-Poweramp-Speakers? Work well?


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Preamp needed?

2006-12-18 Thread PhilNYC

As Ben says, much of it is personal preference.  However, you may also
want to note the input sensitivity of the amp you are using.  In my
experience, running direct to an amp with a high input sensitivity will
have better results than one with lower one.

But like Ben, my personal preference is strongly in the camp of using a
preamp.  You mentioned Bryston...my one experience with Bryston involved
running a Wadia cdp direct into a Bryston 4B ST driving Vandersteen 3A
speakers...and adding a good preamp really improved the sound in a lot
of ways IMHO...better tone, more meat to the sound, deeper
soundstage, etc.


Sonic Spirits Inc.

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Preamp needed?

2006-12-18 Thread USAudio

wdrazek, you and I are on the exact same paths.  At my house, my
surround system is monopolized by the wife and kids so I too decided to
build a dedicated 2-channel system in the living room for myself.

I also wanted to keep it simple and clean with the SqueezeBox3 as the
only source.  It not only looks good, it sounds good as well.
SB3 - PS Audio Trio A-100 - BW DM603 S3s.

I see some folks find using a preamp as the volume control improves the
sound. In the short term I'll probably stick with the system as-is, but
long-term I've been considering the Lavry DA10 DAC as it's gotten great
reviews for it's sound (I see Ben Diss in this thread has one, comments
Ben?) and the volume control is analog but unfortunately, there's no
remote available for it ... yet.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Preamp needed?

2006-12-18 Thread wdrazek

Phil and Ben: Based on what I've read I think I agree with you on the
preamp part. 

US: Ithink we are on the same track. From reading the posts here I am
coming to the conclusion that an integrated amp is the way for me to

As I understand it, the volume control in the SB3 happens prior to the
digital stage which reduces resolution as you decrease the volume
setting from the maximum point. Two options to counter this are a
passive preamp (another box and set of wires) and an attenuator on the
power amp which is kind of kludgy for the parlor.

In my price range Naim, Creek and Bryston all make good options and are
likely to win domestic approval for the living room due to their compact
size. Next step is finding the amp/speaker combination that I want for
the longer term. Here in Chicago I know one Bryston and one Naim dealer
which limits the range of speakers I can hear them with. I'm a firm
believer in the importance of the amp/speaker combination and in the
end will probably buy the amp I like and find a speaker to match it.
Most people do it the other way I think.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Preamp needed?

2006-12-18 Thread Ben Diss

The SB3/Lavry is a really good combo.  The only thing I would point out
is that you really should consider the Transporter.  It could
effectively replace the SB3/Lavry/preamp combo.  Before plunking down
money for a Lavry I'd demo a Transporter.


Ben Diss

SB3 - Lavry DA10 - BAT VK-31SE - Halo A21 - BW 803D

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Preamp needed?

2006-12-18 Thread wdrazek

Ben, do you think you would be tempted to go with an outboard DAC even
with the Transporter? Surely it can be bettered that way.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Preamp needed?

2006-12-18 Thread tomjtx

wdrazek;163360 Wrote: 
 Ben, do you think you would be tempted to go with an outboard DAC even
 with the Transporter? Surely it can be bettered that way.


IMHO the TP would likely NOT be bettered with an out board DAC.
I have compared my TP with a TPlavryDAC10, Benchmark, SFDMARK2D2 and
an AYRE . I sold my Lavry.
To my ears in my system(RowlandWatt/Puppies) the TP was superior to
the Lavry or Benchmark or SFD. I thought it was comparable to the Ayre
in a brief comparison. (one evening...5 hours or so) I will have more
time to compare it with the Ayre soon.

Your aural experience may be different. That's the great thing about
the 30 day trial, you can decide for yourself.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Preamp needed?

2006-12-16 Thread ezkcdude

They're are a lot of people who have this type of setup. I run my
SqueezeBox into a DAC and then directly into an amp. In order to
optimize this type of direct setup, you want to be able to keep the
digital volume control close to the max setting. This may mean you
will need some passive attenuation in between the SB3 and your amp.
There are at least a few threads that have covered this topic, if you
do a search for volume control and attenuator. Good luck!


DIY projects page:

SB3-EZDAC-MIT Terminator 2 interconnects-Endler Audio 24-step
Attenuators (RCA-direct)-Parasound Halo A23 125W/ch amplifier-Speltz
anti-cables-DIY 2-ways + Dayton Titanic 10 subwoofer

He's not hi-fi, he's my stereo.

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Preamp needed?

2006-12-16 Thread Ben Diss

Do you need a preamp?  Nope, you don't need one.  

You might want one though.  Depends.  I used to run without my BAT
VK-31SE until I heard Phil's system with and without the preamp.  Now
you couldn't pry it from my cold dead fingers.

I'd say to start with, but your money in the speakers and build from


Ben Diss

SB3 - Lavry DA10 - BAT VK-31SE - Halo A21 - BW 803D

Ben Diss's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=4289
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