Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Someone tell me I am crazy!

2007-09-30 Thread Dyak

Hey All,

I have a feeling that I may alienate myself a bit with my first post
herebut here goes...  I don’t belive Don tried the Carbon Fiber as
a shot-in-the-dark kind of whim.  I've been reading-up on Carbon Fiber
(CF) for audio applications for a short time.  What I've found seems
quite interesting to me.   I'll pontificate for a bit and then paste
some quotes/info that caught my eye, but what I’m posting here is by no
means the end-all-be-all on the subject.  So please take all that I post
with a grain of salt.  Also note that most of what I'm posting is NOT
in direct reference to SB3 or Transporter, though it is totally on
topic with the thread started by Don.

1: DeafCat, check this out:   
If you do a web-search for RFI/EMI fabrics, mesh, screen etc... a TON
of options come-up, many are coated or metalized “fabrics” that pass
air in/out.Good Luck!  

2:  I recently purchased some CF sleeves and a small sheet to test.  I
did this before reading Don’s post(s).   I do not know if the CF will
have any audible impact in my system, but I’ll report back to the group
on my impressions, if anyone’s interested that is.

3:  Here’s a bit of my thought process behind my decision to spend ~$60
and some DIY-time on some CF sleeves and fabric to test in my system:  
I think most of us can agree that RFI can/will degrade a system’s sound
quality to some degree or another.  Also, depending on where one is
living (near industry, in a big city, radio transmitter/relay towers,
etc... vs. miles from anything) also affect the relative amounts of
transmitted and airborne RFI pollution one’s system may have to
overcome.  We all know that certain gear (sources, amps, pre, cables,
etc) rejects or limits the intrusion/transmission/radiation of RFI/EMI
better than others.  So, that means the potential audible benefits of
RFI attenuation will be both system and locale dependant.  Consider
that someone owning a high-end system where there’s no RFI will likely
not benefit much from RFI shielding/attenuation.  The converse is also
very true.  I know all of you posting here already know this stuff; the
above is primarily for those who’re reading and not posting.  

Knowing that CF absorbs RFI (think original Stealth Technology) then,
theoretically speaking, if each individual piece of audio gear (cables
and all) were completely encased in carbon, then externally radiated
RFI would be attenuated and internally generated radiated RFI generated
in each component would also be limited in its ability to escape and
impact other parts of the audio system.   

Interesting enough, but this CF application does nothing for the RFI
transmitted via cables and connectorsor does it?  I've read but I
don't claim to understand the discourse between a pair of electrical
engineers discussing the benefits of CF in their own audio DIY
projects.  One of them suggests that CF can, when placed at the ends of
cables, limit harmonic-ringing and standing waveswhich in some cases
can have audible benefits.  This may account for some of the success of
Furutech and Oyaide have had with using carbon fiber in outlet covers
and certain manufacturers have had with creating the IEC and plug ends
out of CF  (Acrolink maybe, can’t recall, sorry?).  This sounds
ridiculous to me, especially at the prices being asked for these
things, but the number of people (well respected and otherwise) that
have reported positive audible benefits that these products supposedly
provide can not (at least not by me) be dismissed out-of-hand

So, that and the below quotes were the foundation of my reasoning for
thinking that I should get some of this carbon fiber and try it out for
myeslf….$60, heh, if it doesn’t work no biggie, at least my system won’t
be picked-up on radar!

4:  OK, here are those quotes I promised.  All credit goes to the
original posters'.

Begin Quote:
“The carbon damps RF resonances on the power cords. - Al Sekela
16:43:28 05/30/07 (0) In Reply to: RE: Add some carbon fiber to the
face plate. posted by Soundripples on May 30, 2007 at 11:00:39 

It is essentially the same technique used to make stealth aircraft. 

Electromagnetic waves are reflected by good conductors, such as the
aluminum plate in your project or aircraft skin. If the waves encounter
a resistive surface, such as the carbon fiber or the secret materials
used on stealth aircraft (hint: see Stillpoints ERS cloth), they are
converted to heat and little of their energy is reflected. If the
resistance is too high, they pass through until they hit the underlying
metal, and then they are reflected. There is some optimum value of
surface resistivity that will totally absorb the waves. I don't know
what it is, but typical carbon fiber material seems to be reasonably
close. Lucky for us that carbon fiber is also used to make golf club
shafts and the like, and the materials are available at non-audio

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Someone tell me I am crazy!

2007-09-30 Thread tyler_durden

Dyak;231488 Wrote: 
 the number of people (well respected and otherwise) that have reported
 positive audible benefits that these products supposedly provide can
 not (at least not by me) be dismissed out-of-hand

You're making a common logic error.  Just because a large number of
people say something is true does not actually make that thing true,
especially when a lot of those people earn their living selling the
thing they are talking-up.  For example, look at astrology.  There are
many millions of people who believe their lives are controlled by such
silliness as where the stars and planets are in relation to each other
and the earth.  Are they right?  What about psychics?  Do you think any
of them really can see the future?  A lot of women who live in trailers
do.  How about Naziism?  A lot of people were convinced that there was
an ultimate solution to all of mankind's problems.  Were they right? 
Look how many people voted for W, not once, but twice!  That alone
should tell you about the wisdom of crowds.

All of this still ignores the dangers of handling CF and especially the
danger of CF fiber fragments getting into your audio equipment and
wrecking it.  You can make all the arguments you want about stealth
technology and whatever crap you read on some internet forum populated
by religious fanatics disguised as audiophiles, or in marketing
literature from companies trying to sell expensive stuff to
audiophiles.  In the end, if you wrap your equipment in CF cloth it is
unlikely to keep working for very long.

If you are lucky, no one including you, your children, spouse, guests,
or pets will have the mind-bending experience of inhaling any of those
flying fiber fragments.

What makes more sense, listening to a salesman whose next boat payment
depends on your believing what he says or believing what the MSDS says,
and what people who have handled the material say?

I think the public school system in this country needs to put a lot
more effort into teaching critical thinking skills...



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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Someone tell me I am crazy!

2007-09-30 Thread opaqueice

Godwin's Law +1.

Seriously though, everyone should be very skeptical about these claims
for CF.  If you want to shield a component from ambient RFI, you want
to make a Faraday cage out of the best conductor you can find - NOT
something resistive.  I don't know how good a conductor CF is for RFs,
but I doubt it's very good - which means that yes, some of the energy
will be absorbed and converted into heat, but much of the rest will
simply pass through and affect the equipment inside.  Aluminum foil is
probably better.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Someone tell me I am crazy!

2007-09-30 Thread Skunk

opaqueice;231502 Wrote: 
 Godwin's Law +1.

Did I miss the Nazi reference, or do you mean Darwin?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Someone tell me I am crazy!

2007-09-30 Thread Deaf Cat

Dyak;231488 Wrote: 
 1: DeafCat, check this out:   
 If you do a web-search for RFI/EMI fabrics, mesh, screen etc... a TON
 of options come-up, many are coated or metalized #8220;fabrics#8221;
 that pass air in/out.  
 Good Luck!  

Cheers :)

Interesting stuff

Deaf Cat

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Someone tell me I am crazy!

2007-09-30 Thread opaqueice

Skunk;231523 Wrote: 
 Did I miss the Nazi reference, or do you mean Darwin?

I meant Godwin.  It's in Tyler's post.

But Darwin may be at work here as well - an audiophile that dies by
inhalation of CF particles from a very ineffective Faraday cage would
be a pretty strong candidate for his eponymous award


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Someone tell me I am crazy!

2007-09-30 Thread Dyak


I don't feel I have made a logic error, as I was voicing my opinion,
not making a blanket statement of Truth.  Sorry if I did not make it
clear… it seems my writing style (or lack thereof?) can be an

Regardless, the convincing factors, for me, was of some individuals
whose opinions I've come to respect over the past few years...and I was
merely linking that to why I ventured to put my $$ down to test and
evaluate their claims.  Did you also happen to catch the phrase
immediately preceding the portion of my post that you (selectively?)
copied, where I qualify this entire statement with, This sounds
ridiculous to me, but the number I am skeptical of their
claims and will test and evaluate them for myself.  I was skeptical of
the audible benefits of component vibration control.  I was skeptical
of the purported benefits of certain types of power conditioning.  I
was skeptical of the effects of speaker placement and room tuning. 
So, instead of my going and claiming to the world that these things
Could Not, Would Not, and Never Will make any audible benefits to any
individual's system; I went out, gathered what info I could, acquired
materials, asked questions, and then tested and personally evaluated
each of these to my own satisfaction in my system.  Granted, what and
how I've tested would not survive a Peer-Review and could not be
taken by anyone else as anything other than this is
Audio we're discussing, which its perception is a completely subjective
and individual experience.  But I've researched, tested, and then
evaluated, which is the very foundation of critical thinking which you
just bashed in your post. As defined on Wikipedia:  Critical
thinking consists of mental processes of discernment, analyzing and
evaluating. So, have you tested CF yet, and can you tell me, with
completely unbiased objectivity that CF CAN NOT have an audible impact
or are you simply making an assumption and stating it as fact?  In
light of your response, please lay-off the derision and name calling,
you're a senior member here  Thank you for the kind welcome.

Overall, I can understand a lack of open minds, this is not a forum
dedicated to discussing experimentation with largely theoretical ideas,
though I can say that as I read one or two posts in this thread, I
recall reading of certain individuals claiming that it was an absolute
physical impossibility for the Wright Bros. to fly.  

Let me back-up. A bit... I'm not trying to convince you, me, or anyone
else that this CF stuff truly does work; I'm merely trying to show to
those that are interested in the subject that there was enough
interesting info out there to convince me (and others before me) to
experiment with it.  I did not quote or refer to even the
tip-of-the-iceberg on the subject.  

You're right I did not address safety issues, but I do electrical
wiring too; I work with chemicals daily; I drive a truck; and I even go
swimming!  All of these require proper preparation before engaging in
the activity and can be quite deadly to those who play with them in
an unprepared and childish manner.  Thank you for the warning and for
the MSDS, but I will pay-the-piper should I fail to prepare and act in
a properly disciplined manner.

Hey Opaqueice,

Yeah, you're probably right on both fronts.  Everyone should be
skeptical of the claims….test and evaluate for oneself!  And I think
you’re totally correct about the Faraday Cage statement too.  I’m not
certain about the aluminum foil statement though, as I’ve tested it a
bit, and found that the foil, grounded or ungrounded, wrapped around
cables, components, or the entire rack seemed to have more negatives or
no-impacts than benefits that I was able to perceive, in my system, at
that time… 

Maybe incorrectly, I have hypothesized that:
1)  A combination of the shield (metal body of most components = a
Faraday Cage) with a CF absorber may potentially add a bit of audible
2)  That plastic bodied components may benefit more than the metal
cased ones due to a lack of shield (and CF is cheaper, quicker, and
easier for me to cover an existing component than using a metal project
box, or sheet-metal).
3)  That unshielded cables (PCs and ICs), specifically, may benefit
from CF.  

Of course I could be totally wrong with all of the above, but for $60 I
get to test/experiment and determine perceived effectiveness in my own
system, first-hand as opposed to relying on others' reports or
theories.  So, likely I've wasted $60, but on the off-chance that I did
nothm, that will make me quite happy.  

I live less than 300-meters from the beginning of a transmitter array I
suffer from EMI/RFI related issuesaarrghh.  Thank goodness I'm a
hopeless Tweaker, and I keep repeating to my significant other
something that I read recently when she comments on the amount of time
I spend experimenting, building, and re-arranging….I tell her, At
least its 

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Someone tell me I am crazy!

2007-09-30 Thread tyler_durden

Dyak;231539 Wrote: 
 I am skeptical of their claims and will test and evaluate them for
 myself.  I was skeptical of the audible benefits of component vibration
 control.  I was skeptical ... snip  
 But I've researched, tested, and then evaluated, which is the very
 foundation of critical thinking which you just bashed in your post.
 As defined on Wikipedia:  Critical thinking consists of mental
 processes of discernment, analyzing and evaluating.  

Its a matter of degrees, I guess.  When I see statements I know or
suspect to be ridiculous, I make a decision NOT to spend money/time to
test them.  THAT is the essence of critical thinking.  If you have to
go out and test everything for yourself you're NOT applying critical

If I tell you that shooting yourself in the head will make your system
sound better, will you test it?  Of course not.  No one would,
therefore everyone is capable of applying critical thinking to some
situations.  Critical thinking is about applying your knowledge and
experience.  Knowing the effect of a gun is enough to know that it
can't possibly improve the sound of your audio system.  

Granted some folks have less knowledge and experience than others and
therefore will need to perform more experiments, but another place to
apply critical thinking is in knowing whose opinions to trust and in
the design and analysis of the experiments.

The first sign of someone being less than trustworthy is when their
income depends on your believing what they have to say.  There are
other factors as well, such as the person's statements about other
topics, etc.  Some people are just misled and repeat what they have
heard elsewhere and others are just pathological liars and will make up
whatever pleases them for whatever reasons they have.

Surely we can agree that there is a huge change, detectable by anyone
with functioning ears, when one plays music with the amp switched off
and then switched on.  The experimenter's expectations are unlikely to
influence the result of such a test.  However, when the likely (or
unlikely) effect of a tweak is small, the effect of the experimenter's
expectations must be considered.  

Someone wraps equipment in CF and by golly, they hear a difference. 
Can it be a huge difference?  maybe, if they live next to a TV
broadcast antenna or similar high power RF source.  If not, which is
the majority of locations in the world, it will be at most a slight
difference.  This requires proper experiment design to test with any
significance.  Proper design includes double blind testing. 
Instrumentation would be better than a human listener because it has
fewer biases, but then you open the whole measurable vs. audible can of
worms and the whole thing, like this thread, quickly becomes

No one has denied that there may be an effect when wrapping equipment
with CF cloth.  It is conductive.  Conductive shields are used in
electronics everywhere.  The difference is that those conductive
shields are part of an overall system design to improve or maintain
performance.  What has been pointed out is that using CF cloth as a
shield is likely to end up wrecking the very equipment that the CF
wrapper is trying to improve.  It has also been pointed out by
experienced people (well, me, anyway) that handling CF cloth in a
living space is not a good idea because the same flying fibers that
will short electrical circuits are easily inhaled and caught in the
eyes and skin and the reaction is definitely unpleasant to say the

I'm going to apply some critical thinking here and state that using
aluminum foil instead of CF cloth is likely to provide the same audible
benefit as CF, but it doesn't have the associated risks (or cost). 
However, having been schooled in electrical engineering and worked as
an RFIC designer and applications support engineer for about 15 years
of my past career, I can also tell you that the haphazard method of
randomly placing sheets of aluminum or CF cloth on objects without
actually designing the system as a shield is just as likely to cause
as many problems as it fixes.  Ungrounded pieces of metal wrapped
around signal leads are as likely to acts as antennas as they are
shields and capacitively couple noise into the circuits they are
intended to protect.

I know a lot of people like the way CF cloth looks. It is pretty stuff,
in an industrial sort of way.  If they use it in cars, motorcycles,
aircraft, and even bicycles, it's gotta be good for audio, too, right? 
Wrong.  Advertisers have worked for years to train people to think that
by showing pictures of high performance cars you'll think that the
computer is faster; that because some athlete wears a particular brand
of shoes, you'll be able to do what they do if you wear the same shoes;
smoking is sexy and enhances athletic performance.  The list goes on and
on.  CF is a material that all sort of magical properties have been
assigned to simply by the nature of the things 

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Someone tell me I am crazy!

2007-09-30 Thread darrenyeats

tyler_durden;231555 Wrote: 
 If I tell you that shooting yourself in the head will make your system
 sound better, will you test it?

What kind of bullet, silver or gold tipped? And will I still hear
digital glare afterwards?


SB3 / Inguz - Sony DAS-703ES DAC - Krell KAV-300i - PMC AB-1
Dell laptop - JVC UX-C30 mini system

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Someone tell me I am crazy!

2007-09-30 Thread tomjtx

I would opt for a platinum bullet.

Then the eulogy could state that, although excedingly stupid, i was
also excedingly 

and still unable to spell


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Someone tell me I am crazy!

2007-09-29 Thread Phil Leigh

So exactly why did you put the CF on in the first place? Was it a random
shot in the dark experiment or were you trying to achieve something in
particular? Did you have the CF lying around or did you get it

Phil Leigh

You want to see the signal path BEFORE it gets onto a CD/
ain't what you'd call minimal...

...SB3+TACT+Altmann+MF DACXV3/Linn tri-amped Aktiv 5.1 system and some
very expensive cables ;o)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Someone tell me I am crazy!

2007-09-29 Thread Deaf Cat

Phil Leigh;231046 Wrote: 
 Faraday cage does exactly that.

Ah ha, I was thinking a screen like steel, but I see a fine ally/steel
mesh or two (Or even CF ;-) ) will do the same thing, and allow
ventilation for cooling :)

Deaf Cat

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Someone tell me I am crazy!

2007-09-29 Thread darrenyeats

donwalker;231054 Wrote: 
 Good thinking - resort to name calling and ganging up.  I know more
 than you do about everything Lets chase this guy off.
 You have a narrow mind or are an employee of SB with an agenda.
 This was fun!  Giving you kids something to whack.
 Oh yes I just put the carbon fiber on to impress my friends.  LOL

This thread does exactly what it says on the tin.


SB3 / Inguz - Sony DAS-703ES DAC - Krell KAV-300i - PMC AB-1
Dell laptop - JVC UX-C30 mini system

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Someone tell me I am crazy!

2007-09-29 Thread pablolie

I think it's a good (and very light) isolation medium. I don't think it
magically absorbs anything, what would it magically turn the heat
energy into? 

I use carbon fiber all over my motorcycle. Looks good, is light, and
isolates heat. Not sure about the advnatages those traits would deliver
in an audio environment, but then again, I do not argue with
psychoacoustics. If it works for you, don't question it!


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Someone tell me I am crazy!

2007-09-29 Thread tyler_durden

The big problem with ignorance is that it limits your ability to sort
out what you know and what you don't.  Those who don't know about a
particular thing are inclined to think that they know more than they

There is an interesting paper on the subject of self-knowledge (or the
lack thereof) here:

Read, enjoy and learn!



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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Someone tell me I am crazy!

2007-09-28 Thread tyler_durden

I like to see DBT results for shielding equipment and cables.  You
wrap your stuff up and expect to hear a difference, therefore you hear
a difference.  Try is when you don't know if the stuff is wrapped or



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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Someone tell me I am crazy!

2007-09-28 Thread Phil Leigh

Deaf Cat;230852 Wrote: 
 So would putting something producing/affected by rf/emi in a simple
 metal box and earthing it do the same thing?
 ie. protect the item from outside rf/emi and, or stop it from radiating

erm...Yeah! (but watch out for the cables...)

Phil Leigh

You want to see the signal path BEFORE it gets onto a CD/
ain't what you'd call minimal...

...SB3+TACT+Altmann+MF DACXV3/Linn tri-amped Aktiv 5.1 system and some
very expensive cables ;o)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Someone tell me I am crazy!

2007-09-28 Thread Deaf Cat

So would putting something producing/affected by rf/emi in a simple
metal box and earthing it do the same thing?
ie. protect the item from outside rf/emi and, or stop it from radiating

Deaf Cat

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Someone tell me I am crazy!

2007-09-28 Thread donwalker

The thread has gotten off the point of my post:  RF is distorting the
sound of the SB3.

How can any sort of comparison or recommendation be made when something
so prevalent as RF effects the sound? 

Perhaps my SB3 with shielding sounds as good as a Transporter?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Someone tell me I am crazy!

2007-09-28 Thread Pat Farrell
Deaf Cat wrote:
 So would putting something producing/affected by rf/emi in a simple
 metal box and earthing it do the same thing?
 ie. protect the item from outside rf/emi and, or stop it from radiating

Yes, its called a Faraday cage.
Usually made of screen for ventilation

Pat Farrell

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Someone tell me I am crazy!

2007-09-28 Thread Phil Leigh

As far as I can ascertain, the EMI shielding capabilities of Carbon
Fibre are similar to those of aluminium foil. It's principle benefit is
that it is non-metallic which makes it ideal for certain critical
applications (eg avionics).

However, as far as I can tell it is not magic. Wrapping anything in
either carbon fibre or aluminium will effectvely shield it from EMI/RFI
- and conversely will also stop it radiating RFI/EMI.

IF you have nearby equipment that is very susceptible to RFI/EMI they
MIGHT be affected by the SB3's display (in which case - turn it off) or
the stock PSU which CAN be a rich source of RF (in which case - replace

Phil Leigh

You want to see the signal path BEFORE it gets onto a CD/
ain't what you'd call minimal...

...SB3+TACT+Altmann+MF DACXV3/Linn tri-amped Aktiv 5.1 system and some
very expensive cables ;o)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Someone tell me I am crazy!

2007-09-28 Thread adamslim

I'd go with the tin foil, but you might find it has more effect wrapped
round your head.  Gotta be worth a try!



Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have
' group: people who don't listen to any of's top

SB+, EAR 859, Heybrook Sextets plus some other stuff
SB3, Shek d2, Ming-Da MC84-C, Harbeth HL-P3ES

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Someone tell me I am crazy!

2007-09-28 Thread donwalker

Again:  It is my understanding that CF absorbs and changes to heat.

The others reflect.

Although a steal or copper box may help.  They also change electro
magnetic fields.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Someone tell me I am crazy!

2007-09-28 Thread Phil Leigh

donwalker;230926 Wrote: 
 Again:  It is my understanding that CF absorbs and changes to heat.
 The others reflect.
 Although a steal or copper box may help.  They also change electro
 magnetic fields.

And your point is what exactly? If you surround your sb in foil and it
reflects then nothing will get out...likewise with your CF - regardless
of what happens to the RF.

I'm still not clear on what you believe is happening. If you think the
SB is generating RFI then - yes it is. Regardless of what you wrap the
SB in, that will stop the RF getting out. As the paper I pointed you at
early makes clear, the screning effect of either (regardless of the
mechanism at play) is the same.

Phil Leigh

You want to see the signal path BEFORE it gets onto a CD/
ain't what you'd call minimal...

...SB3+TACT+Altmann+MF DACXV3/Linn tri-amped Aktiv 5.1 system and some
very expensive cables ;o)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Someone tell me I am crazy!

2007-09-28 Thread donwalker

Phil the tin foil will reflect the waves created by the sb.  So the tin
foil will create a little mircowave oven that will cook the sb and
create more distortion.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Someone tell me I am crazy!

2007-09-28 Thread Phil Leigh

donwalker;231005 Wrote: 
 Phil the tin foil will reflect the waves created by the sb.  So the tin
 foil will create a little mircowave oven that will cook the sb and
 create more distortion.

No it won't. Where do you think these waves are coming from? The VFD,
the wireless card? Something else? There is so little energy in those
items they won't cook anything. 

Every single item of electrical equipment you possess creates RFI. 

Instead of wrapping the SB in anything, why not focus on the thing(s)
you think are being affected by this RFI?

Phil Leigh

You want to see the signal path BEFORE it gets onto a CD/
ain't what you'd call minimal...

...SB3+TACT+Altmann+MF DACXV3/Linn tri-amped Aktiv 5.1 system and some
very expensive cables ;o)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Someone tell me I am crazy!

2007-09-28 Thread Deaf Cat

donwalker;231005 Wrote: 
 Phil the tin foil will reflect the waves created by the sb.  So the tin
 foil will create a little mircowave oven that will cook the sb and
 create more distortion.

But if you earth the foil casing, won't all the rays be pulled to
ground ?

Deaf Cat

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Someone tell me I am crazy!

2007-09-28 Thread Deaf Cat

Phil Leigh;230853 Wrote: 
 erm...Yeah! (but watch out for the cables...)
Cheers Phil,
IC's are screened, ( what ever that means.. :0 )
Mains cable has an earthed shield :) 

Pat Farrell;230856 Wrote: 
 Yes, its called a Faraday cage.
 Usually made of screen for ventilation
 Pat Farrell

Cheers Pat, do you know what material allows ventilation but stops the
rf/emi ?   or does one have to use heat sinks/fins on the Faraday


Deaf Cat

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Someone tell me I am crazy!

2007-09-28 Thread Phil Leigh

Faraday cage does exactly that.
I can't help thinking this thread is getting confused between light and

Phil Leigh

You want to see the signal path BEFORE it gets onto a CD/
ain't what you'd call minimal...

...SB3+TACT+Altmann+MF DACXV3/Linn tri-amped Aktiv 5.1 system and some
very expensive cables ;o)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Someone tell me I am crazy!

2007-09-28 Thread tyler_durden

donwalker;231005 Wrote: 
 Phil the tin foil will reflect the waves created by the sb.  So the tin
 foil will create a little mircowave oven that will cook the sb and
 create more distortion.

You seriously need to study something other than high-end audio
marketing propaganda.



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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Someone tell me I am crazy!

2007-09-28 Thread Phil Leigh

tyler_durden;231047 Wrote: 
 You seriously need to study something other than high-end audio
 marketing propaganda.

:o) - nicely put!

Phil Leigh

You want to see the signal path BEFORE it gets onto a CD/
ain't what you'd call minimal...

...SB3+TACT+Altmann+MF DACXV3/Linn tri-amped Aktiv 5.1 system and some
very expensive cables ;o)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Someone tell me I am crazy!

2007-09-28 Thread donwalker

Good thinking - resort to name calling and ganging up.  I know more
than you do about everything Lets chase this guy off.

You have a narrow mind or are an employee of SB with an agenda.

This was fun!  Giving you kids something to whack.

Oh yes I just put the carbon fiber on to impress my friends.  LOL


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Someone tell me I am crazy!

2007-09-27 Thread zanash

I'll second the fiber itch etc.

There are a number of products that will do similar stuff ...I've not
used any so can't comment on its effectiveness.


Acoustician and builder of interesting cables

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Someone tell me I am crazy!

2007-09-26 Thread *Isaac*

I believe that the hazards of carbon fibres have been greatly
understated. These materials have been developed to have properties
very different from those of gross carbon; yet the hazard analysis
seems to have been carried out as if it has the same properties. You
can't have it both ways. Some research carried out trying to quantify
the inhalation hazard of carbon nanotubes by comparing silica dust
exposure (the gold standard for hazardous particulates) and carbon
nanotube dust exposure in rats, found that exposure at a level that
caused rats exposed to silica dust to die after days or weeks, killed
ALL the test rats in about half an hour (sorry can't cite paper
exactly). Your carbon fibre cloth probably isn't as bad as that, but I
wouldn't be handling it in my house. If the fibres are bound in a
matrix, totally benign.
I think I'll put on my foil hat now; major league baseball is stealing
my thoughts


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Someone tell me I am crazy!

2007-09-26 Thread donwalker

Yes I have heard the same about nano CF, but I thought this was a
different material.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Someone tell me I am crazy!

2007-09-26 Thread donwalker  regular cf.

Nano tube cf (the really really bad stuff) -

Diesel cars and trucks are more harmful than cf.  The particles from
diesel engines are very small and get stuck in the lungs.  CF particles
do not get stuck in the lungs.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Someone tell me I am crazy!

2007-09-26 Thread tyler_durden

donwalker;229950 Wrote: 
 Please see:
 I believe the people in AA not as closed minded as this group.

David Aiken's post looks pretty much like what I said.  If by close
minded you mean experienced in handling CF cloth, then you are right.

donwalker;229950 Wrote: 
 I hear solid improvements with the application of the CF.
 Tin foil will not work as well it only changes the RF - CF absorbs the
 RF and turns them into heat.
 I think the real question is what are the health affect of RF.

Why does aluminum foil merely change the RF while CF turns it into
heat?  What sort of change occurs?  Why is that less desireable than
turning it into heat?  How does either of the effects improve the audio
when the material of choice is wrapped around a power cord?

What are the health effects of RF? is certainly an interesting
question.  When you know the answer please share it with us.



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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Someone tell me I am crazy!

2007-09-26 Thread tyler_durden

donwalker;230236 Wrote:  regular cf.
 Nano tube cf (the really really bad stuff) -
 Diesel cars and trucks are more harmful than cf.  The particles from
 diesel engines are very small and get stuck in the lungs.  CF particles
 do not get stuck in the lungs.

Dust and particles are not the same thing a small, straight,
needle-like pieces of fiber.  I don't think they get stuck in the lungs
because they make you cough until you gag trying to expel them from your

I don't recommend it, but it's easy enough to test.  Get yourself a
piece of CF cloth- any size will do.  Flex it a few times, cut it with
scissors, etc. without using any protective mask, gloves, or goggles. 
You will experience the joy for yourself.



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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Someone tell me I am crazy!

2007-09-25 Thread donwalker

Please see:

I believe the people in AA not as closed minded as this group.

I hear solid improvements with the application of the CF.

Tin foil will not work as well it only changes the RF - CF absorbs the
RF and turns them into heat.

I think the real question is what are the health affect of RF.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Someone tell me I am crazy!

2007-09-24 Thread Deaf Cat

If you have not earthed it, try earthing it, things may well improve. 
Your just using it as shielding from rf etc. are you not :)

Deaf Cat

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Someone tell me I am crazy!

2007-09-24 Thread donwalker

yes - RF thats the intended shielding.

The shield on the IC made a big difference.

I am VERY concerned that there might be health hazards.  I have been
doing some searches, but have not found anything earth shaking.  Does
anyone have any links to the health effects of using carbon fiber
without a matrix?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Someone tell me I am crazy!

2007-09-24 Thread tyler_durden

donwalker;229475 Wrote: 
 I am VERY concerned that there might be health hazards.  I have been
 doing some searches, but have not found anything earth shaking.  Does
 anyone have any links to the health effects of using carbon fiber
 without a matrix?

The MSDS would lead you to believe that it's pretty harmless stuff, but
I have experienced the itch and the coughing associated with airborne
fibers when I was building my bicycle.  The itch is comparable to that
from handling glass fiber insulation, but the cough is unbelievable.  I
have never coughed so hard in my life.  It may not be carcinogenic, but
it is most definitely nasty stuff.

The most obvious and undeniable (read the MSDS) issue is the electrical
conductivity of the loose fibers.  Wrapping CF cloth around
electrical/electronic equipment is begging for problems.

Good luck!



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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Someone tell me I am crazy!

2007-09-24 Thread bpa

There is some documentation:


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Someone tell me I am crazy!

2007-09-23 Thread haunyack

SuperQ;229364 Wrote: 
 I take no shame in saying this.. you're batty!

Have you tried it?
Or just a cheap reference to snake oil?



Transporter - BK R200.2 - Vandersteen 3A Signature. (Listening room)
SB3 (RWA analog) - Rotel RB1070 - BW Matrix 805. (Bedroom)
Fridgidare - Mirror Pond pale ale - easy chair w/remote - irritated

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Someone tell me I am crazy!

2007-09-23 Thread SuperQ

I take no shame in saying this.. you're batty!


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Someone tell me I am crazy!

2007-09-23 Thread Pat Farrell
donwalker wrote:
 I am using carbon fiber.  Please see pictures.
 Yes I can hear the difference with the blanket in place.

Are they blankets, or batts?
If so, you are batty.

Is the carbon fiber grounded? Is it better with a digital cable as ground?

If you use a proper resin, does it have to be autoclaved?
Does the temperature in the autoclave impact sound?
audiophiles mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Someone tell me I am crazy!

2007-09-23 Thread haunyack

Pat Farrell;229368 Wrote: 
 donwalker wrote:
  I am using carbon fiber.  Please see pictures.
  Yes I can hear the difference with the blanket in place.
 Are they blankets, or batts?
 If so, you are batty.
 Is the carbon fiber grounded? Is it better with a digital cable as
 If you use a proper resin, does it have to be autoclaved?
 Does the temperature in the autoclave impact sound?


I love your stuff.
Ever done (or thought about doing) an audiophile stand-up routine?
I mean it, you give me some good yuks.



Transporter - BK R200.2 - Vandersteen 3A Signature. (Listening room)
SB3 (RWA analog) - Rotel RB1070 - BW Matrix 805. (Bedroom)
Fridgidare - Mirror Pond pale ale - easy chair w/remote - irritated

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Someone tell me I am crazy!

2007-09-23 Thread tyler_durden

I say this from experience: you ARE crazy.  

Carbon fiber cloth is made up of tows that have typically 3,000
much-finer-than-hair fibers.  Handling the cloth invariably causes some
of the fibers to break and they are so light they will waft into the air
and easily get into your eyes, stick into your skin, and be inhaled.  I
have had the itch from getting them on my skin and the coughing fits
associated with inhaling the flying fragments.  I thought I was going
to cough up a lung.

Oh yeah, CF is electrically conductive.  Those little flying fiber
fragments will land on your circuit boards and get into connectors and
switches and short things out.  You will be lucky if your equipment
continues to work at all.

If you have ANY sense at all, you will put on some gloves, safety
goggles and a face mask, carry that equipment with the CF out of doors,
take all that CF off the stuff and vacuum the equipment thoroughly
before taking it back into your home.  I'd do a lot of vacuuming in the
house where you were handling the stuff, too.

CF is not to be played with around electrical equipment.



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