RE: [AZORES-Genealogy] Furtado and George from Faial

2013-03-04 Thread Besotes
Hello, when you have time, let's connect. J


From: [] On Behalf Of
Bill  Eadie Kothlow
Sent: Wednesday, July 13, 2011 8:47 PM
Subject: Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] Furtado and George from Faial


Frank or JoElayne


I have Furtado in my family from Faial...and lots of information - from the
sounds of your note, we are talking the same family


my cousin, Mary - her mother was a Furtado, lives in California and has done
a lot of research on this family


Here is a sample of the info I have - 6 of the Furtado's listed in this
attachment immigrated to America - either Rhode Island or California




- Original Message - 

From: Frank or JoElayne Johnson  


Sent: Wednesday, June 22, 2011 9:22 PM

Subject: Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] Furtado and George from Faial


There are quite a few of us from the west coast. Maybe we don't post as
often??? In the Bay Area there is a bunch of us! Hopefully, you can connect
with a cousin through this group. That has been one of the benefits of this
group for me. The other is learning about the unique research skills and
resources needed to research the Azores genealogy. So far all of my
knowledge of our ancestors has come through cousins researching the same
families. Don't forget to check all the neighbors in the census. The
immigrants tended to migrate together and settle near each other. Good Luck!


JoElayne Ferre' Johnson




From: Cheri Mello
To: Azores Genealogy
Sent: Wednesday, June 22, 2011 7:17 PM
Subject: [AZORES-Genealogy] Furtado and George from Faial

Repost for Judy G, 

gaarde at


I am searching Furtado and George line from Faial, Azores and am very new at

Is there a active Portuguese club of some sort for the Northwest states as
most all posting I read are coming from east coast area and I do not hear
Ellis Island or Northwest mentioned much?? 

If not this is what I know about my grandparents and great grandparents. I
believe his birth records there have been destroyed by fire as I read the
church in Saoal burned to the ground???

Grandfather: Antonio Rosa Furtado (possibly a Jr.?) born 1892 Island of
Faial (maybe little town of Saoal), Azores I read the church ( in Saoal)
that his records were in burnt down and they lost a lot of informtion. 

Immigration - 1910 via Ellis Island (Ellis Island has write up and picture
on wall of him) to Turner, Calif. Died 1971 Santa Cruz, Ca. His father
possibly named Antonio R Furtado also. His Mother is unknown to me. 

Antonio has a brother named Joseph (S or R?)Furtado who settled in San
Francisco Bay area, California prior to Antonio's arrival. There may be a
2nd brother Manuel Furtado who came over later. Such a common name and
nothing to connect it too. 

1918 Antonio married Mary Elizabeth George - 1893 to 1986. Their
children Dorothy Rose, Edward A, and Geraldine May (my mother) . My
Grandmother Mary's parents are - Father - Antone F. George 1863 to 1949

Immigrated in 1887 from Azores (island ?),. 

Mother is Mary J Martin 1872 to ? Maybe born here in Bay area.?.

Married - 1893 in San Francisco area and settled in Half Moon Bay,
California.- their children were: Mary Elizabeth, Joseph F, Rose , Minnia
(Minnie), Antone Jr. and Clara. 

I show Antonio and Mary made a trip to Lisbon in 1952.

Both Mary and Antonio are buried in Santa Cruz, California where he had
retired. I have hit a wall.

I am still searching for distant cousins possibly in bay area???

Judy G

Morganti, Furtado, George, Martin- Faial Azores

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RE: [AZORES-Genealogy] Furtado and George from Faial

2011-07-21 Thread Rick Judy Gaarde
Thank you Emil - it was worth a try  ..Judy G


From: [] On Behalf Of
Sent: Tuesday, July 19, 2011 2:36 PM
Subject: RE: [AZORES-Genealogy] Furtado and George from Faial


Hi Rick  Judy,

I have checked my files for Antonio da Rosa Furtado born Dec 09, 1892 and do
not have him listed. If you are positive this birth date is correct then it
would seem that you need to research marriage records for this couple in
Oakland for 1917. Her father's last name would have been spelled Jorge.
George is of course Anglicized here. 

As for Orta, that is how it sounds to us and said by our people. The
confusion often is in the lack of understanding that Horta, pronounced
Orta is often used for where they came from, but since the whole Island of
Faial is in the district or county of Horta, they often leave out that they
are also from a town, like Salao in the county of Horta. It is then similar
to being from New York City, New York State, but only saying your from New
York. On Faial we also have the city of Horta, in the district/county of
Horta, Faial. It can easily throw off even the best researchers if they
don't know or forget or assume to quickly. 

Sorry I don't have more for you, but you have to little for me to go on
right now.



Emil Silveira

Currently Researching:

Names and Places;

Avila,  Horta, Angustias, Faial

Silveira, Horta, Sao Salvador, Faial

Leal, Horta, Angustias, Faial

Vargas, Horta, Almoxarife, Faial


- Original Message -
From: Rick  Judy Gaarde
Sent: Tue, 19 Jul 2011 17:28:00 - (UTC)
Subject: RE: [AZORES-Genealogy] Furtado and George from Faial

Hello Emil

Your cousin Donna said to check with you regarding my Furtado line.  My
grandfather is from Faial (family said Orta I think they meant Horta.which I
think is not right, I found some information about Salao??)

He is Antonio Rosa Furtado (could have a Rosa line?) b. 12-9-1892 m. in
Oakland 1917 to Mary E. George , she born Half Moon Bay area California,
but her parents Antonio  George and Mary Martin born in Azores (have not
started that line yet!).  Grandpa died of cancer 1-17-1971 Santa Cruz, Ca.
where he retired. Thought some relatives to be in that area.  He had
relatives in San Francisco area and Vallejo, California.

He I believe had a brother Joseph S Furtado and Grandpa  sponsored  his
nephew Manuel R Furtado (in his late 70's now) to come to Americas not sure
if Joseph is Manuel's father or not ??  He settled in Oakdale Ca. and
married a Marie Camboia?. I have tried to get information from him but
nothing yet (5 Months now.)

Somewhere I remember maybe another  brother possibly named Manuel Furtado
(think younger) I do not have any more from his side than that and
everywhere I look it is a dead end..  I am beginning to wonder if he had
changed part of his name or dropped some but his relatives all have
Furtado.??  I have checked out some Furtado's from Faial and the only clue
maybe is the  Rosa in his name. Most all the relatives who would remember
history are passed on  except for one and her memory is short, my mother
Geraldine, youngest in the family had lots of knowledge of family but she
died of Alzheimer's .  I also checked and the earthquake destroyed records
during his  birth recording  for that area so that's out.


Can you help me?? Are there any clues  from what little I have provided that
maybe connects to  your records that might direct me to my next step??


Anything would help


Judy G 


From: [] On Behalf Of
Sent: Saturday, July 16, 2011 5:12 AM
Subject: RE: [AZORES-Genealogy] Furtado and George from Faial



I am related to the Furtados of Faial and the names on your list are mostly
in my file. 



Emil Silveira

Currently Researching:

Names and Places;

Avila,  Horta, Angustias, Faial

Silveira, Horta, Sao Salvador, Faial

Leal, Horta, Angustias, Faial

Vargas, Horta, Almoxarife, Faial


- Original Message -
From: Jacki G.
Sent: Fri, 15 Jul 2011 19:25:12 - (UTC)
Subject: RE: [AZORES-Genealogy] Furtado and George from Faial

I too have Furtado's in my line from Faial. Although, mine are further back
than the 1800's. 


Attached, is some basic information. If anyone thinks they have connections
to any of these people, please let me know.  As far as I know, they are all
from Cedros, Faial.



Jacki Gentry 


Pittsburg, CA 

Surnames: Medeiros, Fernandes, Pereira, Pacheco, Machado, Furtado 

Islands: Cedros, Faial and Faja de Cima, Sao Miguel




From: [] On Behalf Of
Bill  Eadie Kothlow
Sent: Wednesday, July 13, 2011 8:47 PM

RE: [AZORES-Genealogy] Furtado and George from Faial

2011-07-19 Thread Jacki G.
I haven't forgotten you Donna. Or anyone else in the Furtado/Dutra
connection. I just haven't had time yet to look up all my info. I've been
working 70+ hrs a week and am only able to grab 5 or 10 minutes here and
there. Like now. It's 1:10AM, and I have to get up at 5:30.


I promise I will get it all together in the next couple of days.




From: [] On Behalf Of
Sent: Monday, July 18, 2011 4:15 PM
Subject: Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] Furtado and George from Faial



Good to hear from you again, cousin.  Yes, I sent Emil the updated info I
had on my Furtado/Dutra family awhile ago.  He is so great to help everyone
with looking up their lost connections.  I am so grateful to you and Emil
for all the help you have given me in connecting the missing links. He has
so much info.  

I had responsed to this thread earlier, thinking it was Jacki G. who sent
the post out, but never heard back from Jacki.  MaryAnn feel free to contact
me directly also, as I have ongoing info on Rose Woodson and her family, she
is my 3rd cousin, twice removed.  I actually work for her granddaughter here
in Jamestown, Rhode Island.   The Jose Furtado Dutra 4-25-1899 is my third
cousin, twice removed, so it appears we are related also.  I'd love to share
info with you.

In case you don't have it - I posted the following on 7/16:
Upon searching your list I find that the Manuel Furtado born 11/5/1697,
married on 02/25/1715 and died on 10/29/1730 is my 7th great grandfather.

I have many of the other names on my tree but don't have dates associated
with them.  Maybe we (and others who are related) could connect directly to
share info and update the group.  My email is  I have been
searching for my California relatives for awhile but can't seem to locate
them as I'm not sure what town they settled in.  They are Frank Furtado born
about 1897, Manuel Furtado born about 1926 and Joseph Furtado born about
1897 in Cedros.  They are the children of Francisco Furtado (1870) and Maria
da Conceicao Rosario (1878).  


I posted the following as a response on 7/16
Yes, my grandfather was Manuel Furtado Dutra 12/25/1903, his father
Francisco Furtado Dutra 4/21/1870, his father Antonio Furtado Dutra Valim
11/12/1836, his father 

Joao Furtado Dutra 02/16/1796, his father Antonio Furtado Dutra 1/3/1756,
his father Joao Furtado Dutra  (who married Catarina Maria Furtado born
2/4/1725) and his father was Joao Furtado also.  I actually have Furtado
relatives on both sides of my grandparents tree.  There are also Rose and
Garcia's in my tree.

Donna Dutra Wood


-Original Message-
From: Patricia Butcher
To: azores
Sent: Mon, Jul 18, 2011 5:33 pm
Subject: Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] Furtado and George from Faial

 Emil  Donna,

Wow, more cousins  more missing links to our Furtado Dutra line from Faial.
Donna  I grew up with these families in Jamestown, RI. I was aware that
some had gone on to California. Emil, you have everything current in your
files. I am still plugging along slowly entering Donna's information to my
PAF. Thanks for your continued research  additions to our numerous cousin
lines. And Donna, thank you for pursuing the Jamestown family lines that
connect us. So glad you have the passion to do this. 


At 10:27 AM 7/18/2011, you wrote:

The Jose Furtado Dutra born April 25, 1899 was my uncle by marriage.  He
came to the US in 1920 and married my aunt, Mary Elizabeth Lewis (Luis).
They had no children, but my widowed mother and I lived with them.  They
also helped raise some other children as well.  
His sister Rose also came to the US, not sure when.  She lived near New
Port, RI and in her later years wintered in Florida where here daughters and
son live.  Rose married a man named Woodson.  
My uncle's other brother Antonio came to the US in the 60's as an older man
to be with his daughters.  His daughter Rose had come to the US in the 50's
with her husband, Antonio Souza and two sons and they lived in California
near us.  His daughter Maria came when he did and she never married.
Antonio came first to the East and then came to California.  
Another brother, Joao was a half brother.  My Uncle Joe sent for Joao's two
sons, Manuel and Frank during the time of the volcano in the late 50's.
Their sister Maria came to the US later with her husband and two children
and eventually Joao and his wife Maria also came to the US and lived here in
Ca near us.
I am very close to this family and am in contact with them regularly.  We
consider ourselves related even though we are not blood related.  My Uncle
Jose Furtado Dutra had two cousins, Jose Garcia and Joao Da Rosa (later
americanized to Rose).  I have early pictures of them together, but I am not
sure if the pictures where taken here or in the Azores.  They may have even
come to the US together

RE: [AZORES-Genealogy] Furtado and George from Faial

2011-07-19 Thread Rick Judy Gaarde
Hello Emil

Your cousin Donna said to check with you regarding my Furtado line.  My
grandfather is from Faial (family said Orta I think they meant Horta.which I
think is not right, I found some information about Salao??)

He is Antonio Rosa Furtado (could have a Rosa line?) b. 12-9-1892 m. in
Oakland 1917 to Mary E. George , she born Half Moon Bay area California,
but her parents Antonio  George and Mary Martin born in Azores (have not
started that line yet!).  Grandpa died of cancer 1-17-1971 Santa Cruz, Ca.
where he retired. Thought some relatives to be in that area.  He had
relatives in San Francisco area and Vallejo, California.

He I believe had a brother Joseph S Furtado and Grandpa  sponsored  his
nephew Manuel R Furtado (in his late 70's now) to come to Americas not sure
if Joseph is Manuel's father or not ??  He settled in Oakdale Ca. and
married a Marie Camboia?. I have tried to get information from him but
nothing yet (5 Months now.)

Somewhere I remember maybe another  brother possibly named Manuel Furtado
(think younger) I do not have any more from his side than that and
everywhere I look it is a dead end..  I am beginning to wonder if he had
changed part of his name or dropped some but his relatives all have
Furtado.??  I have checked out some Furtado's from Faial and the only clue
maybe is the  Rosa in his name. Most all the relatives who would remember
history are passed on  except for one and her memory is short, my mother
Geraldine, youngest in the family had lots of knowledge of family but she
died of Alzheimer's .  I also checked and the earthquake destroyed records
during his  birth recording  for that area so that's out.


Can you help me?? Are there any clues  from what little I have provided that
maybe connects to  your records that might direct me to my next step??


Anything would help


Judy G 


From: [] On Behalf Of
Sent: Saturday, July 16, 2011 5:12 AM
Subject: RE: [AZORES-Genealogy] Furtado and George from Faial



I am related to the Furtados of Faial and the names on your list are mostly
in my file. 



Emil Silveira

Currently Researching:

Names and Places;

Avila,  Horta, Angustias, Faial

Silveira, Horta, Sao Salvador, Faial

Leal, Horta, Angustias, Faial

Vargas, Horta, Almoxarife, Faial


- Original Message -
From: Jacki G.
Sent: Fri, 15 Jul 2011 19:25:12 - (UTC)
Subject: RE: [AZORES-Genealogy] Furtado and George from Faial

I too have Furtado's in my line from Faial. Although, mine are further back
than the 1800's. 


Attached, is some basic information. If anyone thinks they have connections
to any of these people, please let me know.  As far as I know, they are all
from Cedros, Faial.



Jacki Gentry 


Pittsburg, CA 

Surnames: Medeiros, Fernandes, Pereira, Pacheco, Machado, Furtado 

Islands: Cedros, Faial and Faja de Cima, Sao Miguel




From: [] On Behalf Of
Bill  Eadie Kothlow
Sent: Wednesday, July 13, 2011 8:47 PM
Subject: Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] Furtado and George from Faial


Frank or JoElayne


I have Furtado in my family from Faial...and lots of information - from the
sounds of your note, we are talking the same family


my cousin, Mary - her mother was a Furtado, lives in California and has done
a lot of research on this family


Here is a sample of the info I have - 6 of the Furtado's listed in this
attachment immigrated to America - either Rhode Island or California




- Original Message - 

From:Frank or JoElayne Johnson

Sent: Wednesday, June 22, 2011 9:22 PM

Subject: Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] Furtado and George from Faial


There are quite a few of us from the west coast. Maybe we don't post as
often??? In the Bay Area there is a bunch of us! Hopefully, you can connect
with a cousin through this group. That has been one of the benefits of this
group for me. The other is learning about the unique research skills and
resources needed to research the Azores genealogy. So far all of my
knowledge of our ancestors has come through cousins researching the same
families. Don't forget to check all the neighbors in the census. The
immigrants tended to migrate together and settle near each other. Good Luck!


JoElayne Ferre' Johnson




From: Cheri Mello
To: Azores Genealogy
Sent: Wednesday, June 22, 2011 7:17 PM
Subject: [AZORES-Genealogy] Furtado and George from Faial

Repost for Judy G, 

gaarde at


I am searching Furtado and George line from Faial, Azores and am very new at

Is there a active Portuguese club of some sort for the Northwest states as
most all posting I

RE: [AZORES-Genealogy] Furtado and George from Faial

2011-07-19 Thread EHsilveira

Hi Rick  Judy,I have checked my files for Antonio da Rosa Furtado born Dec
09, 1892 and do not have him listed. If you are positive this birth date is
correct then it would seem that you need to research marriage records for this
couple in Oakland for 1917. Her father’s last name would have been spelled
Jorge. George is of course Anglicized here. 

As for “Orta”, that is how it sounds to us and said by our
people. The confusion often is in the lack of understanding that Horta,
pronounced “Orta” is often used for where they came from, but since the whole
Island of Faial is in the district or county of Horta, they often leave out
that they are also from a town, like Salao in the county of Horta. It is then
similar to being from New York City, New York State, but only saying your from
New York. On Faial we also have the city of Horta, in the district/county of
Horta, Faial. It can easily throw off even the best researchers if they don’t
know or forget or assume to quickly. 

Sorry I don’t have more for you, but you have to little for
me to go on right now.



Emil Silveira

Currently Researching:

Names and Places;

Avila,  Horta, Angustias, Faial

Silveira, Horta, Sao Salvador, Faial

Leal, Horta, Angustias, Faial

Vargas, Horta, Almoxarife, Faial


- Original Message -
From: Rick  Judy Gaarde
Sent: Tue, 19 Jul 2011 17:28:00 - (UTC)
Subject: RE: [AZORES-Genealogy] Furtado and George from Faial

Hello EmilYour cousin Donna said to check with you regarding my Furtado line.  
My grandfather is from Faial (family said Orta I think they meant Horta…which I 
think is not right, I found some information about Salao??)He is Antonio Rosa 
Furtado (could have a Rosa line?) b. 12-9-1892 m. in Oakland 1917 to Mary E. 
George , she born ”Half Moon Bay area” California, but her parents Antonio  
George and Mary Martin born in Azores (have not started that line yet!).  
Grandpa died of cancer 1-17-1971 Santa Cruz, Ca. where he retired. Thought some 
relatives to be in that area.  He had relatives in San Francisco area and 
Vallejo, California.He I believe had a brother Joseph S Furtado and Grandpa  
sponsored  his  nephew Manuel R Furtado (in his late 70’s now) to come to 
Americas not sure if Joseph is Manuel’s father or not ??  He settled in Oakdale 
Ca. and married a Marie Camboia?. I have tried to get information from him but 
nothing yet (5 Months now.)Somewhere I remember maybe another  brother possibly 
named Manuel Furtado (think younger) I do not have any more from his side than 
that and everywhere I look it is a dead end..  I am beginning to wonder if he 
had changed part of his name or dropped some but his relatives all have 
Furtado.??  I have checked out some Furtado’s from Faial and the only clue 
maybe is the  Rosa in his name. Most all the relatives who would remember 
history are passed on  except for one and her memory is short, my mother 
Geraldine, youngest in the family had lots of knowledge of family but she died 
of Alzheimer’s .  I also checked and the earthquake destroyed records during 
his  birth recording  for that area so that’s out. Can you help me?? Are there 
any clues  from what little I have provided that maybe connects to  your 
records that might direct me to my next step?? Anything would help Judy G  From: 
[] On Behalf Of
Sent: Saturday, July 16, 2011 5:12 AM
Subject: RE: [AZORES-Genealogy] Furtado and George from Faial Hi,

I am related to the Furtados of Faial and the names on your list are mostly in 
my file. 



Emil Silveira

Currently Researching:

Names and Places;

Avila,  Horta, Angustias, Faial

Silveira, Horta, Sao Salvador, Faial

Leal, Horta, Angustias, Faial

Vargas, Horta, Almoxarife, Faial


- Original Message -
From: Jacki G.
Sent: Fri, 15 Jul 2011 19:25:12 - (UTC)
Subject: RE: [AZORES-Genealogy] Furtado and George from Faial

I too have Furtado’s in my line from Faial. Although, mine are further back 
than the 1800’s.  Attached, is some basic information. If anyone thinks they 
have connections to any of these people, please let me know.  As far as I know, 
they are all from Cedros, Faial.  Jacki Gentry   Pittsburg, CA Surnames: 
Medeiros, Fernandes, Pereira, Pacheco, Machado, Furtado Islands: Cedros, Faial 
and Faja de Cima, Sao Miguel   From: 
[] On Behalf Of Bill  Eadie Kothlow
Sent: Wednesday, July 13, 2011 8:47 PM
Subject: Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] Furtado and George from Faial Frank or JoElayne 
I have Furtado in my family from Faial...and lots of information - from the 
sounds of your note, we are talking the same family my cousin, Mary - her 
mother was a Furtado, lives in California and has done

Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] Furtado and George from Faial

2011-07-18 Thread EHsilveira
Hi to all,

I do have an uncle Jose Dutra who was born Dec 01, 1899 in Ribeira Funda, 
Cedros, Faial. I don't know who he married, but I have six children listed for 
him. Three each girls and boys. I have Jose Furtado Dutra a 3rd cousin 2x 
removed who was born Nov 04, 1900 in Santa Barbara, Cedros, Faial, and Jose 
Furtado Dutra born Apr 25, 1899 Santa Barbara, Cedros, Faial. I have them but 
no marriage or children recorded for either as of now. My mother's father was 
Antonio Dutra Junior and her mother was Inacia Emilia da Conceicao Moitoso. 


Emil Silveira

Currently Researching:

Names and Places;

Avila,  Horta, Angustias, Faial

Silveira, Horta, Sao Salvador, Faial

Leal, Horta, Angustias, Faial

Vargas, Horta, Almoxarife, Faial


- Original Message -
Sent: Sat, 16 Jul 2011 17:01:26 - (UTC)
Subject: Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] Furtado and George from Faial

Did any of these Furtados marry into the Dutra line?  My uncle by 
marriage was Jose Furtado  Dutra, born in Cedros in about 1899.  In 
his line, he had cousins named Rose and Garcia. Mary Ann In a message dated 
7/15/2011 6:33:43 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time, writes:Sorry, 
  didn’t attach the file. From: [] On Behalf Of 
  Jacki G.
Sent: Friday, July 15, 2011 12:25 PM
Subject: RE: [AZORES-Genealogy] Furtado and 
  George from Faial I 
  too have Furtado’s in my line from Faial. Although, mine are further back 
  the 1800’s.  Attached, 
  is some basic information. If anyone thinks they have connections to any of 
  these people, please let me know.  As far as I know, they are all from 
  Cedros, Faial.  Jacki 
  Gentry   Pittsburg, 
  CA Surnames: 
  Medeiros, Fernandes, Pereira, Pacheco, Machado, Furtado Islands: 
  Cedros, Faial and Faja de Cima, Sao Miguel   From: [] On Behalf Of 
  Bill  Eadie Kothlow
Sent: Wednesday, July 13, 2011 8:47 
Subject: Re: 
  [AZORES-Genealogy] Furtado and George from 
  Faial Frank or 
  JoElayne I have Furtado in 
  my family from Faial...and lots of information - from the sounds of your 
  we are talking the same family my cousin, Mary - 
  her mother was a Furtado, lives in California and has done a lot of research 
  on this family Here is a sample of 
  the info I have - 6 of the Furtado's listed in this attachment immigrated to 
  America - either Rhode Island or California   - Original 
Message - From:Frank or 
JoElayne JohnsonTo:azores@googlegroups.comSent: Wednesday, June 
22, 2011 9:22 PMSubject: Re: 
[AZORES-Genealogy] Furtado and George from Faial There are quite a few of 
us from the 
west coast. Maybe we don't post as often??? In the Bay Area there is a 
of us! Hopefully, you can connect with a cousin through this group. That 
been one of the benefits of this group for me. The other is learning about 
the unique research skills and resources needed to research the Azores 
genealogy. So far all of my knowledge of our ancestors has come through 
cousins researching the same families. Don't forget to check all the 
neighbors in the census. The immigrants tended to migrate together and 
settle near each other. Good Luck! JoElayne Ferre' 
Johnson  From: 
Cheri Mello
To: Azores Genealogy
Sent: Wednesday, June 22, 2011 
7:17 PM
Subject: [AZORES-Genealogy] Furtado and George from 
FaialRepost for Judy G, gaarde at I am 
searching Furtado and George line from Faial, Azores and am very new 
there a active Portuguese club of some sort for the Northwest states 
most all posting I read are coming from east coast area and I do not 
Ellis Island or Northwest mentioned much?? 
not this is what I know about my grandparents and great grandparents. 
believe his birth records there have been destroyed by fire as I read 
church in Saoal burned to the ground???Grandfather: Antonio Rosa Furtado 
(possibly a Jr.?) 
born 1892 Island of
Faial (maybe little town of Saoal), Azores I read the 
church ( in Saoal)
that his records were in burnt down and they lost a 
lot of informtion. Immigration - 1910 via Ellis Island (Ellis Island has 
write up and picture
on wall of him) to Turner, Calif. Died 1971 Santa 
Cruz, Ca. His father
possibly named Antonio R Furtado also. His Mother is 
unknown to me. Antonio has a brother named Joseph (S or R?)Furtado who 
settled in San
Francisco Bay area, California prior to Antonio's arrival. 
There may be a
2nd brother Manuel Furtado who came over later. Such a 
common name and
nothing to connect it too. 1918 
Antonio married Mary Elizabeth George - 1893

Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] Furtado and George from Faial

2011-07-18 Thread Cakemom102
The Jose Furtado Dutra born April 25, 1899 was my uncle by marriage.   He 
came to the US in 1920 and married my aunt, Mary Elizabeth Lewis  (Luis).  
They had no children, but my widowed mother and I lived with  them.  They also 
helped raise some other children as well.  
His sister Rose also came to the US, not sure when.  She lived near  New 
Port, RI and in her later years wintered in Florida where here daughters and  
son live.  Rose married a man named Woodson.  
My uncle's other brother Antonio came to the US in the 60's as an older man 
 to be with his daughters.  His daughter Rose had come to the US in the 
50's  with her husband, Antonio Souza and two sons and they lived in  
California near us.  His daughter Maria came when he did and she never  
Antonio came first to the East and then came to California.  
Another brother, Joao was a half brother.  My Uncle Joe sent for  Joao's 
two sons, Manuel and Frank during the time of the volcano in the late  50's.  
Their sister Maria came to the US later with her husband and two  children 
and eventually Joao and his wife Maria also came to the US and lived  here in 
Ca near us.
I am very close to this family and am in contact with them regularly.   We 
consider ourselves related even though we are not blood related.  My  Uncle 
Jose Furtado Dutra had two cousins, Jose Garcia and Joao Da Rosa (later  
americanized to Rose).  I have early pictures of them together, but I am  not 
sure if the pictures where taken here or in the Azores.  They may have  even 
come to the US together.  There was also a Moitoso family that would  visit 
us the were related to my Uncle Joe.  I don't remember the husband's  name, 
but the wife was Maria, of course and sons were Frank and Manuel.   The 
whole family came from the Faial in the 60's also.
Oh and by the way, I also have Vargas relatives from Almoxarife.
Mary Ann
In a message dated 7/18/2011 9:16:44 A.M. Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

Hi to  all,

I do have an uncle Jose Dutra who was born Dec 01, 1899 in  Ribeira Funda, 
Cedros, Faial. I don't know who he married, but I have six  children listed 
for him. Three each girls and boys. I have Jose Furtado Dutra  a 3rd cousin 
2x removed who was born Nov 04, 1900 in Santa Barbara, Cedros,  Faial, and 
Jose Furtado Dutra born Apr 25, 1899 Santa Barbara, Cedros, Faial.  I have 
them but no marriage or children recorded for either as of now. My  mother's 
father was Antonio Dutra Junior and her mother was Inacia Emilia da  
Conceicao Moitoso. 


Emil  Silveira

Currently Researching:

Names and Places;

Avila,  Horta, Angustias,  Faial

Silveira, Horta, Sao Salvador, Faial

Leal, Horta,  Angustias, Faial

Vargas, Horta, Almoxarife, Faial

-  Original Message -
Sent: Sat, 16 Jul 2011 17:01:26 -  (UTC)
Subject: Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] Furtado and George from  Faial

Did any of these Furtados marry into the Dutra line?  My uncle by  
marriage was Jose Furtado  Dutra, born in Cedros in about 1899.   In 
his line, he had cousins named Rose and Garcia.  
Mary Ann  
In a message dated 7/15/2011 6:33:43 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time, writes:  
didn’t attach the file. 
From: []  On Behalf Of 
Jacki  G.
Sent: Friday, July 15, 2011 12:25  PM
Subject: RE:  [AZORES-Genealogy] Furtado and 
George from Faial 
too have Furtado’s in my line from Faial. Although, mine are  further back 
the 1800’s.  
is some basic information. If anyone thinks they have  connections to any 
these people, please let me  know.  As far as I know, they are all from 
Cedros,  Faial. 
Medeiros, Fernandes, Pereira, Pacheco, Machado, Furtado   
Cedros, Faial and Faja de Cima, Sao Miguel 
From: []  On Behalf Of 
Bill  Eadie  Kothlow
Sent: Wednesday, July 13, 2011 8:47  
Subject: Re:  
[AZORES-Genealogy] Furtado and George from  
Frank or  
I have Furtado in  
my family from Faial...and lots of information - from the  sounds of your 
we are talking the same  family 
my cousin, Mary -  
her mother was a Furtado, lives in California and has done a  lot of 
on this family 
Here is a sample  of 
the info I have - 6 of the Furtado's listed in this  attachment immigrated 
America - either Rhode Island or  California 

- Original  
Message -  
From:_Frank or 
JoElayne  Johnson_ (  
To:_azores@googlegroups.com_ (  
Sent: Wednesday,  June 
22, 2011 9:22 PM 
Subject: Re:  
[AZORES-Genealogy] Furtado and George from  Faial 
There are quite a few

Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] Furtado and George from Faial

2011-07-18 Thread EHsilveira

Hi Mary Ann,


 Do you have more
information on your mother’s Lewis line? Was your aunt Mary born in Faial? If
so do you have any dates?


 I have Jose’s
sister Rosa Gloria Dutra born Oct 25, 1895 in Santa Barbara, Cedros, Faial. She
married Emmet Sydney Woodson born Jan 28, 1897 in Virginia. Rose lived in
Jamestown, RI. She had four children with Emmet. He was in the US Army
stationed at Fort Adams in Newport, RI in the 1920s. She died Jan 19, 1992 in
Jamestown, RI. I’ll send more to you privately.



Emil Silveira

Currently Researching:

Names and Places;

Avila,  Horta, Angustias, Faial

Silveira, Horta, Sao Salvador, Faial

Leal, Horta, Angustias, Faial

Vargas, Horta, Almoxarife, Faial


- Original Message -
Sent: Mon, 18 Jul 2011 17:27:49 - (UTC)
Subject: Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] Furtado and George from Faial

Emil, The Jose Furtado Dutra born April 25, 1899 was my uncle by marriage.  
He came to the US in 1920 and married my aunt, Mary Elizabeth Lewis 
(Luis).  They had no children, but my widowed mother and I lived with 
them.  They also helped raise some other children as well.   His sister Rose 
also came to the US, not sure when.  She lived near 
New Port, RI and in her later years wintered in Florida where here daughters 
son live.  Rose married a man named Woodson.   My uncle's other brother Antonio 
came to the US in the 60's as an older man 
to be with his daughters.  His daughter Rose had come to the US in the 50's 
with her husband, Antonio Souza and two sons and they lived in 
California near us.  His daughter Maria came when he did and she never 
married.  Antonio came first to the East and then came to California.  
 Another brother, Joao was a half brother.  My Uncle Joe sent for 
Joao's two sons, Manuel and Frank during the time of the volcano in the late 
50's.  Their sister Maria came to the US later with her husband and two 
children and eventually Joao and his wife Maria also came to the US and lived 
here in Ca near us. I am very close to this family and am in contact with them 
We consider ourselves related even though we are not blood related.  My 
Uncle Jose Furtado Dutra had two cousins, Jose Garcia and Joao Da Rosa (later 
americanized to Rose).  I have early pictures of them together, but I am 
not sure if the pictures where taken here or in the Azores.  They may have 
even come to the US together.  There was also a Moitoso family that would 
visit us the were related to my Uncle Joe.  I don't remember the husband's 
name, but the wife was Maria, of course and sons were Frank and Manuel.  
The whole family came from the Faial in the 60's also. Oh and by the way, I 
also have Vargas relatives from Almoxarife. Mary Ann In a message dated 
7/18/2011 9:16:44 A.M. Pacific Daylight Time, writes:Hi to 

I do have an uncle Jose Dutra who was born Dec 01, 1899 in 
  Ribeira Funda, Cedros, Faial. I don't know who he married, but I have six 
  children listed for him. Three each girls and boys. I have Jose Furtado Dutra 
  a 3rd cousin 2x removed who was born Nov 04, 1900 in Santa Barbara, Cedros, 
  Faial, and Jose Furtado Dutra born Apr 25, 1899 Santa Barbara, Cedros, Faial. 
  I have them but no marriage or children recorded for either as of now. My 
  mother's father was Antonio Dutra Junior and her mother was Inacia Emilia da 
  Conceicao Moitoso. 



Currently Researching:

Names and Places;

Avila,  Horta, Angustias, 

Silveira, Horta, Sao Salvador, Faial

Leal, Horta, 
  Angustias, Faial

Vargas, Horta, Almoxarife, Faial


  Original Message -
Sent: Sat, 16 Jul 2011 17:01:26 - 
Subject: Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] Furtado and George from 

Did any of these Furtados marry into the Dutra line?  My uncle by 
marriage was Jose Furtado  Dutra, born in Cedros in about 1899.  
his line, he had cousins named Rose and Garcia. 

  Mary Ann 

  In a message dated 7/15/2011 6:33:43 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time, writes: 

  didn’t attach the file. From: [] 
On Behalf Of 
Sent: Friday, July 15, 2011 12:25 
Subject: RE: 
[AZORES-Genealogy] Furtado and 
  George from Faial I 

  too have Furtado’s in my line from Faial. Although, mine are 
further back than 
  the 1800’s.  Attached, 

  is some basic information. If anyone thinks they have 
connections to any of 
  these people, please let me 
know.  As far as I know, they are all from 
Faial.  Jacki 

  Gentry   Pittsburg, 

  CA Surnames: 

  Medeiros, Fernandes, Pereira, Pacheco, Machado, Furtado 


Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] Furtado and George from Faial

2011-07-18 Thread Patricia Butcher

 Emil  Donna,

Wow, more cousins  more missing links to our Furtado Dutra line from 
Faial. Donna  I grew up with these families in Jamestown, RI. I was 
aware that some had gone on to California. Emil, you have everything 
current in your files. I am still plugging along slowly entering 
Donna's information to my PAF. Thanks for your continued research  
additions to our numerous cousin lines. And Donna, thank you for 
pursuing the Jamestown family lines that connect us. So glad you have 
the passion to do this.


At 10:27 AM 7/18/2011, you wrote:


The Jose Furtado Dutra born April 25, 1899 was my uncle by 
marriage.  He came to the US in 1920 and married my aunt, Mary 
Elizabeth Lewis (Luis).  They had no children, but my widowed mother 
and I lived with them.  They also helped raise some other children as well.

His sister Rose also came to the US, not sure when.  She lived near 
New Port, RI and in her later years wintered in Florida where here 
daughters and son live.  Rose married a man named Woodson.

My uncle's other brother Antonio came to the US in the 60's as an 
older man to be with his daughters.  His daughter Rose had come to 
the US in the 50's with her husband, Antonio Souza and two sons and 
they lived in California near us.  His daughter Maria came when he 
did and she never married.  Antonio came first to the East and then 
came to California.

Another brother, Joao was a half brother.  My Uncle Joe sent for 
Joao's two sons, Manuel and Frank during the time of the volcano in 
the late 50's.  Their sister Maria came to the US later with her 
husband and two children and eventually Joao and his wife Maria also 
came to the US and lived here in Ca near us.

I am very close to this family and am in contact with them 
regularly.  We consider ourselves related even though we are not 
blood related.  My Uncle Jose Furtado Dutra had two cousins, Jose 
Garcia and Joao Da Rosa (later americanized to Rose).  I have early 
pictures of them together, but I am not sure if the pictures where 
taken here or in the Azores.  They may have even come to the US 
together.  There was also a Moitoso family that would visit us the 
were related to my Uncle Joe.  I don't remember the husband's name, 
but the wife was Maria, of course and sons were Frank and 
Manuel.  The whole family came from the Faial in the 60's also.

Oh and by the way, I also have Vargas relatives from Almoxarife.

Mary Ann

In a message dated 7/18/2011 9:16:44 A.M. Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

Hi to all,
I do have an uncle Jose Dutra who was born Dec 01, 1899 in Ribeira 
Funda, Cedros, Faial. I don't know who he married, but I have six 
children listed for him. Three each girls and boys. I have Jose 
Furtado Dutra a 3rd cousin 2x removed who was born Nov 04, 1900 in 
Santa Barbara, Cedros, Faial, and Jose Furtado Dutra born Apr 25, 
1899 Santa Barbara, Cedros, Faial. I have them but no marriage or 
children recorded for either as of now. My mother's father was 
Antonio Dutra Junior and her mother was Inacia Emilia da Conceicao Moitoso.

Emil Silveira
Currently Researching:
Names and Places;
Avila,  Horta, Angustias, Faial
Silveira, Horta, Sao Salvador, Faial

Leal, Horta, Angustias, Faial
Vargas, Horta, Almoxarife, Faial

- Original Message -
Sent: Sat, 16 Jul 2011 17:01:26 - (UTC)
Subject: Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] Furtado and George from Faial

Did any of these Furtados marry into the Dutra line?  My uncle by
marriage was Jose Furtado  Dutra, born in Cedros in about 1899.  In
his line, he had cousins named Rose and Garcia.

Mary Ann

To unsubscribe from this group, send email to  Follow the confirmation directions when 
they arrive.
For more options, such as changing to List, Digest, Abridged, or No Mail (vacation) mode, log into 
your Google account and visit this group at  Click in the 
blue area on the right that says Join this group and it will take you to Edit my 

Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] Furtado and George from Faial

2011-07-18 Thread dwoodtax

Good to hear from you again, cousin.  Yes, I sent Emil the updated info I had 
on my Furtado/Dutra family awhile ago.  He is so great to help everyone with 
looking up their lost connections.  I am so grateful to you and Emil for all 
the help you have given me in connecting the missing links. He has so much 
I had responsed to this thread earlier, thinking it was Jacki G. who sent the 
post out, but never heard back from Jacki.  MaryAnn feel free to contact me 
directly also, as I have ongoing info on Rose Woodson and her family, she is my 
3rd cousin, twice removed.  I actually work for her granddaughter here in 
Jamestown, Rhode Island.   The Jose Furtado Dutra 4-25-1899 is my third cousin, 
twice removed, so it appears we are related also.  I'd love to share info with 

In case you don't have it - I posted the following on 7/16:
Upon searching your list I find that the Manuel Furtado born 11/5/1697, married 
on 02/25/1715 and died on 10/29/1730 is my 7th great grandfather.
I have many of the other names on my tree but don't have dates associated with 
them.  Maybe we (and others who are related) could connect directly to share 
info and update the group.  My email is  I have been 
searching for my California relatives for awhile but can't seem to locate them 
as I'm not sure what town they settled in.  They are Frank Furtado born about 
1897, Manuel Furtado born about 1926 and Joseph Furtado born about 1897 in 
Cedros.  They are the children of Francisco Furtado (1870) and Maria da 
Conceicao Rosario (1878).  

I posted the following as a response on 7/16
Yes, my grandfather was Manuel Furtado Dutra 12/25/1903, his father Francisco 
Furtado Dutra 4/21/1870, his father Antonio Furtado Dutra Valim 11/12/1836, his 

Joao Furtado Dutra 02/16/1796, his father Antonio Furtado Dutra 1/3/1756, his 
father Joao Furtado Dutra  (who married Catarina Maria Furtado born 2/4/1725) 
and his father was Joao Furtado also.  I actually have Furtado relatives on 
both sides of my grandparents tree.  There are also Rose and Garcia's in my 
Donna Dutra Wood

-Original Message-
From: Patricia Butcher
To: azores
Sent: Mon, Jul 18, 2011 5:33 pm
Subject: Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] Furtado and George from Faial

 Emil  Donna,

Wow, more cousins  more missing links to our Furtado Dutra line from Faial. 
Donna  I grew up with these families in Jamestown, RI. I was aware that some 
had gone on to California. Emil, you have everything current in your files. I 
am still plugging along slowly entering Donna's information to my PAF. Thanks 
for your continued research  additions to our numerous cousin lines. And 
Donna, thank you for pursuing the Jamestown family lines that connect us. So 
glad you have the passion to do this. 


At 10:27 AM 7/18/2011, you wrote:

The Jose Furtado Dutra born April 25, 1899 was my uncle by marriage.  He came 
to the US in 1920 and married my aunt, Mary Elizabeth Lewis (Luis).  They had 
no children, but my widowed mother and I lived with them.  They also helped 
raise some other children as well.  
His sister Rose also came to the US, not sure when.  She lived near New Port, 
RI and in her later years wintered in Florida where here daughters and son 
live.  Rose married a man named Woodson.  
My uncle's other brother Antonio came to the US in the 60's as an older man to 
be with his daughters.  His daughter Rose had come to the US in the 50's with 
her husband, Antonio Souza and two sons and they lived in California near us.  
His daughter Maria came when he did and she never married.  Antonio came first 
to the East and then came to California.  
Another brother, Joao was a half brother.  My Uncle Joe sent for Joao's two 
sons, Manuel and Frank during the time of the volcano in the late 50's.  Their 
sister Maria came to the US later with her husband and two children and 
eventually Joao and his wife Maria also came to the US and lived here in Ca 
near us.
I am very close to this family and am in contact with them regularly.  We 
consider ourselves related even though we are not blood related.  My Uncle Jose 
Furtado Dutra had two cousins, Jose Garcia and Joao Da Rosa (later americanized 
to Rose).  I have early pictures of them together, but I am not sure if the 
pictures where taken here or in the Azores.  They may have even come to the US 
together.  There was also a Moitoso family that would visit us the were related 
to my Uncle Joe.  I don't remember the husband's name, but the wife was Maria, 
of course and sons were Frank and Manuel.  The whole family came from the Faial 
in the 60's also.
Oh and by the way, I also have Vargas relatives from Almoxarife.
Mary Ann
In a message dated 7/18/2011 9:16:44 A.M. Pacific Daylight Time, writes: 
Hi to all,

I do have an uncle Jose Dutra who was born Dec 01, 1899 in Ribeira Funda, 
Cedros, Faial. I

RE: [AZORES-Genealogy] Furtado and George from Faial

2011-07-16 Thread EHsilveira

I am related to the Furtados of Faial and the names on your list are mostly in 
my file. 



Emil Silveira

Currently Researching:

Names and Places;

Avila,  Horta, Angustias, Faial

Silveira, Horta, Sao Salvador, Faial

Leal, Horta, Angustias, Faial

Vargas, Horta, Almoxarife, Faial


- Original Message -
From: Jacki G.
Sent: Fri, 15 Jul 2011 19:25:12 - (UTC)
Subject: RE: [AZORES-Genealogy] Furtado and George from Faial

I too have Furtado’s in my line from Faial. Although, mine are further back 
than the 1800’s.  Attached, is some basic information. If anyone thinks they 
have connections to any of these people, please let me know.  As far as I know, 
they are all from Cedros, Faial.  Jacki Gentry   Pittsburg, CA Surnames: 
Medeiros, Fernandes, Pereira, Pacheco, Machado, Furtado Islands: Cedros, Faial 
and Faja de Cima, Sao Miguel   From: 
[] On Behalf Of Bill  Eadie Kothlow
Sent: Wednesday, July 13, 2011 8:47 PM
Subject: Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] Furtado and George from Faial Frank or JoElayne 
I have Furtado in my family from Faial...and lots of information - from the 
sounds of your note, we are talking the same family my cousin, Mary - her 
mother was a Furtado, lives in California and has done a lot of research on 
this family Here is a sample of the info I have - 6 of the Furtado's listed in 
this attachment immigrated to America - either Rhode Island or California   
- Original Message - From:Frank or JoElayne 
JohnsonTo:azores@googlegroups.comSent: Wednesday, June 22, 2011 9:22 PMSubject: 
Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] Furtado and George from Faial There are quite a few of 
us from the west coast. Maybe we don't post as often??? In the Bay Area there 
is a bunch of us! Hopefully, you can connect with a cousin through this group. 
That has been one of the benefits of this group for me. The other is learning 
about the unique research skills and resources needed to research the Azores 
genealogy. So far all of my knowledge of our ancestors has come through cousins 
researching the same families. Don't forget to check all the neighbors in the 
census. The immigrants tended to migrate together and settle near each other. 
Good Luck! JoElayne Ferre' Johnson  From: Cheri Mello
To: Azores Genealogy
Sent: Wednesday, June 22, 2011 7:17 PM
Subject: [AZORES-Genealogy] Furtado and George from FaialRepost for Judy G, 
gaarde at I am searching Furtado and George line from Faial, 
Azores and am very new at
this.Is there a active Portuguese club of some sort for the Northwest states as
most all posting I read are coming from east coast area and I do not hear
Ellis Island or Northwest mentioned much?? If not this is what I know about 
my grandparents and great grandparents. I
believe his birth records there have been destroyed by fire as I read the
church in Saoal burned to the ground???Grandfather: Antonio Rosa Furtado 
(possibly a Jr.?) born 1892 Island of
Faial (maybe little town of Saoal), Azores I read the church ( in Saoal)
that his records were in burnt down and they lost a lot of informtion. 
Immigration - 1910 via Ellis Island (Ellis Island has write up and picture
on wall of him) to Turner, Calif. Died 1971 Santa Cruz, Ca. His father
possibly named Antonio R Furtado also. His Mother is unknown to me. Antonio has 
a brother named Joseph (S or R?)Furtado who settled in San
Francisco Bay area, California prior to Antonio's arrival. There may be a
2nd brother Manuel Furtado who came over later. Such a common name and
nothing to connect it too. 1918 Antonio married Mary Elizabeth George - 1893 to 
1986. Their
children Dorothy Rose, Edward A, and Geraldine May (my mother) . My
Grandmother Mary's parents are - Father - Antone F. George 1863 to 1949
, Immigrated in 1887 from Azores (island ?),. Mother is Mary J Martin 1872 to ? 
Maybe born here in Bay area.?.Married - 1893 in San Francisco area and settled 
in Half Moon Bay,
California.- their children were: Mary Elizabeth, Joseph F, Rose , Minnia
(Minnie), Antone Jr. and Clara. I show Antonio and Mary made a trip to Lisbon 
in 1952.Both Mary and Antonio are buried in Santa Cruz, California where he had
retired. I have hit a wall.I am still searching for distant cousins possibly in 
bay area???Judy GMorganti, Furtado, George, Martin- Faial Azores-- 
To unsubscribe from this group, send email to Follow the confirmation directions when 
they arrive.
For more options, such as changing to List, Digest, Abridged, or No Mail 
(vacation) mode, log into your Google account and visit this group at Click in the blue area on the right that 
says Join this group and it will take you to Edit my membership. -- 
To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 

Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] Furtado and George from Faial

2011-07-16 Thread dwoodtax

Jacki, Judy, Frank  JoElayne,

Upon searching your list I find that the Manuel Furtado born 11/5/1697, married 
on 02/25/1715 and died on 10/29/1730 is my 7th great grandfather.
I have many of the other names on my tree but don't have dates associated with 
them.  Maybe we (and others who are related) could connect directly to share 
info and update the group.  My email is  I have been 
searching for my California relatives for awhile but can't seem to locate them 
as I'm not sure what town they settled in.  They are Frank Furtado born about 
1897, Manuel Furtado born about 1926 and Joseph Furtado born about 1897 in 
Cedros.  They are the children of Francisco Furtado (1870) and Maria da 
Conceicao Rosario (1878).  

-Original Message-
From: Jacki G.
To: azores
Sent: Fri, Jul 15, 2011 9:33 pm
Subject: RE: [AZORES-Genealogy] Furtado and George from Faial

Sorry, didn’t attach the file.

From: [] On Behalf Of 
Jacki G.
Sent: Friday, July 15, 2011 12:25 PM
Subject: RE: [AZORES-Genealogy] Furtado and George from Faial

I too have Furtado’s in my line from Faial. Although, mine are further back 
than the 1800’s. 
Attached, is some basic information. If anyone thinks they have connections to 
any of these people, please let me know.  As far as I know, they are all from 
Cedros, Faial.
Jacki Gentry 
Pittsburg, CA 
Surnames: Medeiros, Fernandes, Pereira, Pacheco, Machado, Furtado 
Islands: Cedros, Faial and Faja de Cima, Sao Miguel

From: [] On Behalf Of 
Bill  Eadie Kothlow
Sent: Wednesday, July 13, 2011 8:47 PM
Subject: Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] Furtado and George from Faial


Frank or JoElayne


I have Furtado in my family from Faial...and lots of information - from the 
sounds of your note, we are talking the same family


my cousin, Mary - her mother was a Furtado, lives in California and has done a 
lot of research on this family


Here is a sample of the info I have - 6 of the Furtado's listed in this 
attachment immigrated to America - either Rhode Island or California




- Original Message - 

From: Frank or JoElayne Johnson 


Sent: Wednesday, June 22, 2011 9:22 PM

Subject: Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] Furtado and George from Faial


There are quite a few of us from the west coast. Maybe we don't post as 
often??? In the Bay Area there is a bunch of us! Hopefully, you can connect 
with a cousin through this group. That has been one of the benefits of this 
group for me. The other is learning about the unique research skills and 
resources needed to research the Azores genealogy. So far all of my knowledge 
of our ancestors has come through cousins researching the same families. Don't 
forget to check all the neighbors in the census. The immigrants tended to 
migrate together and settle near each other. Good Luck!


JoElayne Ferre' Johnson



From: Cheri Mello
To: Azores Genealogy
Sent: Wednesday, June 22, 2011 7:17 PM
Subject: [AZORES-Genealogy] Furtado and George from Faial

Repost for Judy G, 

gaarde at


I am searching Furtado and George line from Faial, Azores and am very new at

Is there a active Portuguese club of some sort for the Northwest states as
most all posting I read are coming from east coast area and I do not hear
Ellis Island or Northwest mentioned much?? 

If not this is what I know about my grandparents and great grandparents. I
believe his birth records there have been destroyed by fire as I read the
church in Saoal burned to the ground???

Grandfather: Antonio Rosa Furtado (possibly a Jr.?) born 1892 Island of
Faial (maybe little town of Saoal), Azores I read the church ( in Saoal)
that his records were in burnt down and they lost a lot of informtion. 

Immigration - 1910 via Ellis Island (Ellis Island has write up and picture
on wall of him) to Turner, Calif. Died 1971 Santa Cruz, Ca. His father
possibly named Antonio R Furtado also. His Mother is unknown to me. 

Antonio has a brother named Joseph (S or R?)Furtado who settled in San
Francisco Bay area, California prior to Antonio's arrival. There may be a
2nd brother Manuel Furtado who came over later. Such a common name and
nothing to connect it too. 

1918 Antonio married Mary Elizabeth George - 1893 to 1986. Their
children Dorothy Rose, Edward A, and Geraldine May (my mother) . My
Grandmother Mary's parents are - Father - Antone F. George 1863 to 1949

Immigrated in 1887 from Azores (island ?),. 

Mother is Mary J Martin 1872 to ? Maybe born here in Bay area.?.

Married - 1893 in San Francisco area and settled in Half Moon Bay,
California.- their children were: Mary Elizabeth, Joseph F, Rose , Minnia
(Minnie), Antone Jr. and Clara. 

I show

Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] Furtado and George from Faial

2011-07-16 Thread Cakemom102
Did any of these Furtados marry into the Dutra line?  My uncle by  marriage 
was Jose Furtado  Dutra, born in Cedros in about 1899.  In  his line, he 
had cousins named Rose and Garcia.
Mary Ann
In a message dated 7/15/2011 6:33:43 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

Sorry,  didn’t attach the file. 
From: [] On Behalf 
Of  Jacki G.
Sent: Friday, July 15, 2011 12:25 PM
Subject: RE: [AZORES-Genealogy] Furtado and  George from Faial

I  too have Furtado’s in my line from Faial. Although, mine are further 
back than  the 1800’s.  
Attached,  is some basic information. If anyone thinks they have 
connections to any of  these people, please let me know.  As far as I know, 
they are 
all from  Cedros, Faial. 
Jacki  Gentry  
Pittsburg,  CA  
Surnames:  Medeiros, Fernandes, Pereira, Pacheco, Machado, Furtado  
Islands:  Cedros, Faial and Faja de Cima, Sao Miguel 
From: [] On Behalf 
Of  Bill  Eadie Kothlow
Sent: Wednesday, July 13, 2011 8:47  PM
Subject: Re:  [AZORES-Genealogy] Furtado and George from  Faial

Frank or  JoElayne

I have Furtado in  my family from Faial...and lots of information - from 
the sounds of your note,  we are talking the same family

my cousin, Mary -  her mother was a Furtado, lives in California and has 
done a lot of research  on this family

Here is a sample of  the info I have - 6 of the Furtado's listed in this 
attachment immigrated to  America - either Rhode Island or California



- Original  Message - 
From: _Frank or  JoElayne Johnson_ (  
To: _azores@googlegroups.com_ (   
Sent: Wednesday, June  22, 2011 9:22 PM
Subject: Re:  [AZORES-Genealogy] Furtado and George from Faial

There are quite a few of us from the  west coast. Maybe we don't post as 
often??? In the Bay Area there is a bunch  of us! Hopefully, you can connect 
with a cousin through this group. That has  been one of the benefits of this 
group for me. The other is learning about  the unique research skills and 
resources needed to research the Azores  genealogy. So far all of my knowledge 
of our ancestors has come through  cousins researching the same families. 
Don't forget to check all the  neighbors in the census. The immigrants tended 
to migrate together and  settle near each other. Good Luck!

JoElayne Ferre'  Johnson


From:  Cheri Mello
To: Azores Genealogy
Sent: Wednesday, June 22, 2011  7:17 PM
Subject: [AZORES-Genealogy] Furtado and George from  Faial 
Repost for Judy G,   
gaarde at _frontier.com_ ( 

I am  searching Furtado and George line from Faial, Azores and am very new  
Is  there a active Portuguese club of some sort for the Northwest states  as
most all posting I read are coming from east coast area and I do not  hear
Ellis Island or Northwest mentioned much??  
If  not this is what I know about my grandparents and great grandparents.  I
believe his birth records there have been destroyed by fire as I read  the
church in Saoal burned to the ground???
Grandfather: Antonio Rosa Furtado (possibly a Jr.?)  born 1892 Island of
Faial (maybe little town of Saoal), Azores I read the  church ( in Saoal)
that his records were in burnt down and they lost a  lot of informtion. 
Immigration - 1910 via Ellis Island (Ellis Island has  write up and picture
on wall of him) to Turner, Calif. Died 1971 Santa  Cruz, Ca. His father
possibly named Antonio R Furtado also. His Mother is  unknown to me. 
Antonio has a brother named Joseph (S or R?)Furtado who  settled in San
Francisco Bay area, California prior to Antonio's arrival.  There may be a
2nd brother Manuel Furtado who came over later. Such a  common name and
nothing to connect it too. 
1918  Antonio married Mary Elizabeth George - 1893 to 1986. Their
children  Dorothy Rose, Edward A, and Geraldine May (my mother) . My
Grandmother  Mary's parents are - Father - Antone F. George 1863 to 1949
Immigrated in 1887 from Azores (island ?),.  
Mother is Mary J Martin 1872 to ? Maybe born here in  Bay area.?.
Married - 1893 in San Francisco area and settled in  Half Moon Bay,
California.- their children were: Mary Elizabeth, Joseph  F, Rose , Minnia
(Minnie), Antone Jr. and Clara.  
I  show Antonio and Mary made a trip to Lisbon in  1952.
Both  Mary and Antonio are buried in Santa Cruz, California where he  had
retired. I have hit a wall.
I am  still searching for distant cousins possibly in bay  area???
Judy  G
Morganti, Furtado, George, Martin- Faial  Azores
To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 

Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] Furtado and George from Faial

2011-07-16 Thread dwoodtax
Yes, my grandfather was Manuel Furtado Dutra 12/25/1903, his father Francisco 
Furtado Dutra 4/21/1870, his father Antonio Furtado Dutra Valim 11/12/1836, his 

Joao Furtado Dutra 02/16/1796, his father Antonio Furtado Dutra 1/3/1756, his 
father Joao Furtado Dutra  (who married Catarina Maria Furtado born 2/4/1725) 
and his father was Joao Furtado also.  I actually have Furtado relatives on 
both sides of my grandparents tree.  There are also Rose and Garcia's in my 
Donna Wood

-Original Message-
From: Cakemom102
To: azores
Sent: Sat, Jul 16, 2011 1:01 pm
Subject: Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] Furtado and George from Faial

Did any of these Furtados marry into the Dutra line?  My uncle by marriage was 
Jose Furtado  Dutra, born in Cedros in about 1899.  In his line, he had cousins 
named Rose and Garcia.
Mary Ann

In a message dated 7/15/2011 6:33:43 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

Sorry, didn’t attach the file.

From: [] On Behalf Of 
Jacki G.
Sent: Friday, July 15, 2011 12:25 PM
Subject: RE: [AZORES-Genealogy] Furtado and George from Faial

I too have Furtado’s in my line from Faial. Although, mine are further back 
than the 1800’s. 
Attached, is some basic information. If anyone thinks they have connections to 
any of these people, please let me know.  As far as I know, they are all from 
Cedros, Faial.
Jacki Gentry 
Pittsburg, CA 
Surnames: Medeiros, Fernandes, Pereira, Pacheco, Machado, Furtado 
Islands: Cedros, Faial and Faja de Cima, Sao Miguel

From: [] On Behalf Of 
Bill  Eadie Kothlow
Sent: Wednesday, July 13, 2011 8:47 PM
Subject: Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] Furtado and George from Faial


Frank or JoElayne


I have Furtado in my family from Faial...and lots of information - from the 
sounds of your note, we are talking the same family


my cousin, Mary - her mother was a Furtado, lives in California and has done a 
lot of research on this family


Here is a sample of the info I have - 6 of the Furtado's listed in this 
attachment immigrated to America - either Rhode Island or California




- Original Message - 

From: Frank or JoElayne Johnson 


Sent: Wednesday, June 22, 2011 9:22 PM

Subject: Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] Furtado and George from Faial


There are quite a few of us from the west coast. Maybe we don't post as 
often??? In the Bay Area there is a bunch of us! Hopefully, you can connect 
with a cousin through this group. That has been one of the benefits of this 
group for me. The other is learning about the unique research skills and 
resources needed to research the Azores genealogy. So far all of my knowledge 
of our ancestors has come through cousins researching the same families. Don't 
forget to check all the neighbors in the census. The immigrants tended to 
migrate together and settle near each other. Good Luck!


JoElayne Ferre' Johnson



From: Cheri Mello
To: Azores Genealogy
Sent: Wednesday, June 22, 2011 7:17 PM
Subject: [AZORES-Genealogy] Furtado and George from Faial

Repost for Judy G, 

gaarde at


I am searching Furtado and George line from Faial, Azores and am very new at

Is there a active Portuguese club of some sort for the Northwest states as
most all posting I read are coming from east coast area and I do not hear
Ellis Island or Northwest mentioned much?? 

If not this is what I know about my grandparents and great grandparents. I
believe his birth records there have been destroyed by fire as I read the
church in Saoal burned to the ground???

Grandfather: Antonio Rosa Furtado (possibly a Jr.?) born 1892 Island of
Faial (maybe little town of Saoal), Azores I read the church ( in Saoal)
that his records were in burnt down and they lost a lot of informtion. 

Immigration - 1910 via Ellis Island (Ellis Island has write up and picture
on wall of him) to Turner, Calif. Died 1971 Santa Cruz, Ca. His father
possibly named Antonio R Furtado also. His Mother is unknown to me. 

Antonio has a brother named Joseph (S or R?)Furtado who settled in San
Francisco Bay area, California prior to Antonio's arrival. There may be a
2nd brother Manuel Furtado who came over later. Such a common name and
nothing to connect it too. 

1918 Antonio married Mary Elizabeth George - 1893 to 1986. Their
children Dorothy Rose, Edward A, and Geraldine May (my mother) . My
Grandmother Mary's parents are - Father - Antone F. George 1863 to 1949

Immigrated in 1887 from Azores (island ?),. 

Mother is Mary J Martin 1872 to ? Maybe born here in Bay area.?.

Married - 1893 in San Francisco area and settled in Half Moon Bay,
California.- their children were: Mary Elizabeth, Joseph F, Rose , Minnia

RE: [AZORES-Genealogy] Furtado and George from Faial

2011-07-15 Thread Linda Norton
So frustrating when you see and read about the same names, Anthony Furtado
(my ggrandfather), but born in different islands and immigrated to the
states, especially the same year, 1892. We have Morgado not Morganti though
and on the east coast, MA, not RI or CA.


Linda Borges Furtado (Norton)




From: [] On Behalf Of
Bill  Eadie Kothlow
Sent: Wednesday, July 13, 2011 11:47 PM
Subject: Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] Furtado and George from Faial


Frank or JoElayne


I have Furtado in my family from Faial...and lots of information - from the
sounds of your note, we are talking the same family


my cousin, Mary - her mother was a Furtado, lives in California and has done
a lot of research on this family


Here is a sample of the info I have - 6 of the Furtado's listed in this
attachment immigrated to America - either Rhode Island or California




- Original Message - 

From: Frank or JoElayne  Johnson 


Sent: Wednesday, June 22, 2011 9:22 PM

Subject: Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] Furtado and George from Faial


There are quite a few of us from the west coast. Maybe we don't post as
often??? In the Bay Area there is a bunch of us! Hopefully, you can connect
with a cousin through this group. That has been one of the benefits of this
group for me. The other is learning about the unique research skills and
resources needed to research the Azores genealogy. So far all of my
knowledge of our ancestors has come through cousins researching the same
families. Don't forget to check all the neighbors in the census. The
immigrants tended to migrate together and settle near each other. Good Luck!


JoElayne Ferre' Johnson




From: Cheri Mello
To: Azores Genealogy
Sent: Wednesday, June 22, 2011 7:17 PM
Subject: [AZORES-Genealogy] Furtado and George from Faial

Repost for Judy G, 


gaarde at


I am searching Furtado and George line from Faial, Azores and am very new at

Is there a active Portuguese club of some sort for the Northwest states as
most all posting I read are coming from east coast area and I do not hear
Ellis Island or Northwest mentioned much?? 

If not this is what I know about my grandparents and great grandparents. I
believe his birth records there have been destroyed by fire as I read the
church in Saoal burned to the ground???

Grandfather: Antonio Rosa Furtado (possibly a Jr.?) born 1892 Island of
Faial (maybe little town of Saoal), Azores I read the church ( in Saoal)
that his records were in burnt down and they lost a lot of informtion. 

Immigration - 1910 via Ellis Island (Ellis Island has write up and picture
on wall of him) to Turner, Calif. Died 1971 Santa Cruz, Ca. His father
possibly named Antonio R Furtado also. His Mother is unknown to me. 

Antonio has a brother named Joseph (S or R?)Furtado who settled in San
Francisco Bay area, California prior to Antonio's arrival. There may be a
2nd brother Manuel Furtado who came over later. Such a common name and
nothing to connect it too. 

1918 Antonio married Mary Elizabeth George - 1893 to 1986. Their
children Dorothy Rose, Edward A, and Geraldine May (my mother) . My
Grandmother Mary's parents are - Father - Antone F. George 1863 to 1949

Immigrated in 1887 from Azores (island ?),. 

Mother is Mary J Martin 1872 to ? Maybe born here in Bay area.?.

Married - 1893 in San Francisco area and settled in Half Moon Bay,
California.- their children were: Mary Elizabeth, Joseph F, Rose , Minnia
(Minnie), Antone Jr. and Clara. 

I show Antonio and Mary made a trip to Lisbon in 1952.

Both Mary and Antonio are buried in Santa Cruz, California where he had
retired. I have hit a wall.

I am still searching for distant cousins possibly in bay area???

Judy G

Morganti, Furtado, George, Martin- Faial Azores

To unsubscribe from this group, send email to Follow the confirmation directions when
they arrive.
For more options, such as changing to List, Digest, Abridged, or No Mail
(vacation) mode, log into your Google account and visit this group at Click in the blue area on the right
that says Join this group and it will take you to Edit my membership.


To unsubscribe from this group, send email to Follow the confirmation directions when
they arrive.
For more options, such as changing to List, Digest, Abridged, or No Mail
(vacation) mode, log into your Google account and visit this group at Click in the blue area on the right
that says Join this group and it will take you to Edit my membership.

To unsubscribe from this group, send email to Follow the confirmation directions when
they arrive.
For more options

RE: [AZORES-Genealogy] Furtado and George from Faial

2011-07-15 Thread Jacki G.
I too have Furtado's in my line from Faial. Although, mine are further back
than the 1800's. 


Attached, is some basic information. If anyone thinks they have connections
to any of these people, please let me know.  As far as I know, they are all
from Cedros, Faial.



Jacki Gentry 


Pittsburg, CA 

Surnames: Medeiros, Fernandes, Pereira, Pacheco, Machado, Furtado 

Islands: Cedros, Faial and Faja de Cima, Sao Miguel




From: [] On Behalf Of
Bill  Eadie Kothlow
Sent: Wednesday, July 13, 2011 8:47 PM
Subject: Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] Furtado and George from Faial


Frank or JoElayne


I have Furtado in my family from Faial...and lots of information - from the
sounds of your note, we are talking the same family


my cousin, Mary - her mother was a Furtado, lives in California and has done
a lot of research on this family


Here is a sample of the info I have - 6 of the Furtado's listed in this
attachment immigrated to America - either Rhode Island or California




- Original Message - 

From: Frank or JoElayne Johnson  


Sent: Wednesday, June 22, 2011 9:22 PM

Subject: Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] Furtado and George from Faial


There are quite a few of us from the west coast. Maybe we don't post as
often??? In the Bay Area there is a bunch of us! Hopefully, you can connect
with a cousin through this group. That has been one of the benefits of this
group for me. The other is learning about the unique research skills and
resources needed to research the Azores genealogy. So far all of my
knowledge of our ancestors has come through cousins researching the same
families. Don't forget to check all the neighbors in the census. The
immigrants tended to migrate together and settle near each other. Good Luck!


JoElayne Ferre' Johnson




From: Cheri Mello
To: Azores Genealogy
Sent: Wednesday, June 22, 2011 7:17 PM
Subject: [AZORES-Genealogy] Furtado and George from Faial

Repost for Judy G, 

gaarde at


I am searching Furtado and George line from Faial, Azores and am very new at

Is there a active Portuguese club of some sort for the Northwest states as
most all posting I read are coming from east coast area and I do not hear
Ellis Island or Northwest mentioned much?? 

If not this is what I know about my grandparents and great grandparents. I
believe his birth records there have been destroyed by fire as I read the
church in Saoal burned to the ground???

Grandfather: Antonio Rosa Furtado (possibly a Jr.?) born 1892 Island of
Faial (maybe little town of Saoal), Azores I read the church ( in Saoal)
that his records were in burnt down and they lost a lot of informtion. 

Immigration - 1910 via Ellis Island (Ellis Island has write up and picture
on wall of him) to Turner, Calif. Died 1971 Santa Cruz, Ca. His father
possibly named Antonio R Furtado also. His Mother is unknown to me. 

Antonio has a brother named Joseph (S or R?)Furtado who settled in San
Francisco Bay area, California prior to Antonio's arrival. There may be a
2nd brother Manuel Furtado who came over later. Such a common name and
nothing to connect it too. 

1918 Antonio married Mary Elizabeth George - 1893 to 1986. Their
children Dorothy Rose, Edward A, and Geraldine May (my mother) . My
Grandmother Mary's parents are - Father - Antone F. George 1863 to 1949

Immigrated in 1887 from Azores (island ?),. 

Mother is Mary J Martin 1872 to ? Maybe born here in Bay area.?.

Married - 1893 in San Francisco area and settled in Half Moon Bay,
California.- their children were: Mary Elizabeth, Joseph F, Rose , Minnia
(Minnie), Antone Jr. and Clara. 

I show Antonio and Mary made a trip to Lisbon in 1952.

Both Mary and Antonio are buried in Santa Cruz, California where he had
retired. I have hit a wall.

I am still searching for distant cousins possibly in bay area???

Judy G

Morganti, Furtado, George, Martin- Faial Azores

To unsubscribe from this group, send email to Follow the confirmation directions when
they arrive.
For more options, such as changing to List, Digest, Abridged, or No Mail
(vacation) mode, log into your Google account and visit this group at Click in the blue area on the right
that says Join this group and it will take you to Edit my membership.


To unsubscribe from this group, send email to Follow the confirmation directions when
they arrive.
For more options, such as changing to List, Digest, Abridged, or No Mail
(vacation) mode, log into your Google account and visit this group at Click in the blue area on the right
that says Join this group and it will take you to Edit my membership.

To unsubscribe from

RE: [AZORES-Genealogy] Furtado and George from Faial

2011-07-15 Thread Jacki G.
Sorry, didn't attach the file.


From: [] On Behalf Of
Jacki G.
Sent: Friday, July 15, 2011 12:25 PM
Subject: RE: [AZORES-Genealogy] Furtado and George from Faial


I too have Furtado's in my line from Faial. Although, mine are further back
than the 1800's. 


Attached, is some basic information. If anyone thinks they have connections
to any of these people, please let me know.  As far as I know, they are all
from Cedros, Faial.



Jacki Gentry 


Pittsburg, CA 

Surnames: Medeiros, Fernandes, Pereira, Pacheco, Machado, Furtado 

Islands: Cedros, Faial and Faja de Cima, Sao Miguel




From: [] On Behalf Of
Bill  Eadie Kothlow
Sent: Wednesday, July 13, 2011 8:47 PM
Subject: Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] Furtado and George from Faial


Frank or JoElayne


I have Furtado in my family from Faial...and lots of information - from the
sounds of your note, we are talking the same family


my cousin, Mary - her mother was a Furtado, lives in California and has done
a lot of research on this family


Here is a sample of the info I have - 6 of the Furtado's listed in this
attachment immigrated to America - either Rhode Island or California




- Original Message - 

From: Frank or JoElayne Johnson  


Sent: Wednesday, June 22, 2011 9:22 PM

Subject: Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] Furtado and George from Faial


There are quite a few of us from the west coast. Maybe we don't post as
often??? In the Bay Area there is a bunch of us! Hopefully, you can connect
with a cousin through this group. That has been one of the benefits of this
group for me. The other is learning about the unique research skills and
resources needed to research the Azores genealogy. So far all of my
knowledge of our ancestors has come through cousins researching the same
families. Don't forget to check all the neighbors in the census. The
immigrants tended to migrate together and settle near each other. Good Luck!


JoElayne Ferre' Johnson




From: Cheri Mello
To: Azores Genealogy
Sent: Wednesday, June 22, 2011 7:17 PM
Subject: [AZORES-Genealogy] Furtado and George from Faial

Repost for Judy G, 

gaarde at


I am searching Furtado and George line from Faial, Azores and am very new at

Is there a active Portuguese club of some sort for the Northwest states as
most all posting I read are coming from east coast area and I do not hear
Ellis Island or Northwest mentioned much?? 

If not this is what I know about my grandparents and great grandparents. I
believe his birth records there have been destroyed by fire as I read the
church in Saoal burned to the ground???

Grandfather: Antonio Rosa Furtado (possibly a Jr.?) born 1892 Island of
Faial (maybe little town of Saoal), Azores I read the church ( in Saoal)
that his records were in burnt down and they lost a lot of informtion. 

Immigration - 1910 via Ellis Island (Ellis Island has write up and picture
on wall of him) to Turner, Calif. Died 1971 Santa Cruz, Ca. His father
possibly named Antonio R Furtado also. His Mother is unknown to me. 

Antonio has a brother named Joseph (S or R?)Furtado who settled in San
Francisco Bay area, California prior to Antonio's arrival. There may be a
2nd brother Manuel Furtado who came over later. Such a common name and
nothing to connect it too. 

1918 Antonio married Mary Elizabeth George - 1893 to 1986. Their
children Dorothy Rose, Edward A, and Geraldine May (my mother) . My
Grandmother Mary's parents are - Father - Antone F. George 1863 to 1949

Immigrated in 1887 from Azores (island ?),. 

Mother is Mary J Martin 1872 to ? Maybe born here in Bay area.?.

Married - 1893 in San Francisco area and settled in Half Moon Bay,
California.- their children were: Mary Elizabeth, Joseph F, Rose , Minnia
(Minnie), Antone Jr. and Clara. 

I show Antonio and Mary made a trip to Lisbon in 1952.

Both Mary and Antonio are buried in Santa Cruz, California where he had
retired. I have hit a wall.

I am still searching for distant cousins possibly in bay area???

Judy G

Morganti, Furtado, George, Martin- Faial Azores

To unsubscribe from this group, send email to Follow the confirmation directions when
they arrive.
For more options, such as changing to List, Digest, Abridged, or No Mail
(vacation) mode, log into your Google account and visit this group at Click in the blue area on the right
that says Join this group and it will take you to Edit my membership.


To unsubscribe from this group, send email to Follow the confirmation directions when
they arrive.
For more options, such as changing to List, Digest, Abridged

RE: [AZORES-Genealogy] Furtado and George from Faial

2011-06-23 Thread Rick Judy Gaarde
Thank you Jacki ,


It’s nice to know someone on this side of the states and especially  a
distant  possible connection with the name Furtado.   NEPS - I have 9 years
to wait before maybe something would be brought up on him .  I would have to
get someone to translate for me I do not speak Portuguese at all…you see at
home if Mom and Dad did not want us to know what they were saying she spoke
Portuguese to Dad and he answered her in Swiss/Italian so we were not taught
the language unfortunately….. and I can’t repeat the other words I picked up
while living on the ranch and around my Dad while he was working on his
tractors outside! (Mother would roll in her grave!) .

Cedros is actually 7 miles away north of Salao (which is the village I am
referring to…. and I am sorry I don’t know how to put the squiggly above the
”a”.  Like I told everyone I am new  at this, my first year and not too many
years on computer . I know my granddad came over when he was 17 (5-1910)
by himself and went to his brother Joseph’s in Bay area, according to the
information when he came into country..  He was so quiet about his side of
the family I have no clues  other than he worked as a milkman delivery
person  in Bay Area. I do not believe his parents ever came to the US.  I do
remember there was a  cousins first name  “Norma Ray” and a Tony Alves both
possibly from Tracy, Ca. area. I believe I remember a surname of  “Nunes”
also.  This is pulling from a child’s mind,  13yrs old at the time and being
introduced to strangers.

Thank you again for contacting me and as I dig I may have to contact you

and I extend the invitation if you wished to contact me on my home email.

thank you again,

Judy G

Furtado, George, Martin, Morganti


From: [] On Behalf Of
Jacki G.
Sent: Wednesday, June 22, 2011 9:50 PM
Subject: RE: [AZORES-Genealogy] Furtado and George from Faial




You can try searching the NEPS websiteçores.html . You’re probably not going to
find him there because of the 100 year mark. (They don’t list information
about people until it’s been over 100 years because of privacy) However,
when you identify his parents, you will probably find them there.  They show
a village calledão.html Salão. I don’t
know if that’s the same village you mentioned or not though.


If you have any questions about how to navigate the site, you just have to
ask for help. Myself and I’m sure everyone else in the group will be happy
to help you.


I am in the SF Bay Area in California and I do have the Furtado name from
Faial in my line. In fact, I have an Antonio Furtado who was one of 8
children born to Manuel Furtado (1637-1698) My grandfather’s family is from
Cedros though.  I don’t know how far apart Cedros and your village are, but
it’s possible that there is a connection. My grandfather and his parents
arrived in the US via Boston on Aug 6, 1906 and then traveled by train to
Martinez, CA in Contra Costa County.


There are lots of us in the group located on the West Coast and several of
us are in the SF Bay Area. If there’s anything I can do to help you, you can
send an email  to me privately. 



Jacki Gentry 


Pittsburg, CA 

Main Surnames: Medeiros, Fernandes, Pereira, Pacheco, Machado, Azevedo 

Islands: Cedros, Faial and Faja de Cima, Sao Miguel




From: [] On Behalf Of
Cheri Mello
Sent: Wednesday, June 22, 2011 7:18 PM
To: Azores Genealogy
Subject: [AZORES-Genealogy] Furtado and George from Faial


Repost for Judy G, 

gaarde at


I am searching Furtado and George line from Faial, Azores and am very new at

Is there a active Portuguese club of some sort for the Northwest states as
most all posting I read are coming from east coast area and I do not hear
Ellis Island or Northwest mentioned much?? 

If not this is what I know about my grandparents and great grandparents. I
believe his birth records there have been destroyed by fire as I read the
church in Saoal burned to the ground???

Grandfather: Antonio Rosa Furtado (possibly a Jr.?) born 1892 Island of
Faial (maybe little town of Saoal), Azores I read the church ( in Saoal)
that his records were in burnt down and they lost a lot of informtion. 

Immigration - 1910 via Ellis Island (Ellis Island has write up and picture
on wall of him) to Turner, Calif. Died 1971 Santa Cruz, Ca. His father
possibly named Antonio R Furtado also. His Mother is unknown to me. 

Antonio has a brother named Joseph (S or R?)Furtado who settled in San
Francisco Bay area, California prior to Antonio's arrival. There may be a
2nd brother Manuel Furtado who came over later. Such a common name and
nothing to connect it too. 

1918 Antonio married Mary Elizabeth George - 1893 to 1986. Their
children Dorothy Rose, Edward

Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] Furtado and George from Faial

2011-06-23 Thread Cheri Mello
Judy G,

There are people on this list that have learned to read by looking at some
sample documents and then picking a few words out here and there and asking
for help on this list.  The sample documents on the Azores GenWeb are here:  (Scroll down to Part 3 to learn to read).

If you don't want to learn to read, you can hire someone to do it for you.
A list of researchers can be found on the Azores GenWeb.  All are on this
list too.

The squiggly a - those are diacritics.  If you want to use them, you can
check to see how to make your computer keyboard do it - you'd somehow
activate it and then you press a certain key (function or Ctrl or Alt on a
PC) and then you would cycle through the letter a until you get ã.  You
can also use Character Map (on a PC running XP: Start  All Programs 
Accessories  System Tools  Character Map.  You would then click the letter
you want, click select, then click copy, then paste it into your document.
Or you can look up codes and memorize them.  Hold the Alt key on a PC and
type 0227 on the NUMBER keypad and you get the a with the tilde: ã.  But
I'm kind of weird and like to memorize numbers (that's the math teacher in
me).  And this is different for a Mac.

Cheri Mello
Listowner, Azores-Gen
Researching: Vila Franca, Ponta Garca, Ribeira Quente, Ribeira das Tainhas,

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Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] Furtado and George from Faial

2011-06-22 Thread Frank or JoElayne Johnson
There are quite a few of us from the west coast. Maybe we don't post as 
often??? In the Bay Area there is a bunch of us! Hopefully, you can connect 
with a cousin through this group. That has been one of the benefits of this 
group for me. The other is learning about the unique research skills and 
resources needed to research the Azores genealogy. So far all of my knowledge 
of our ancestors has come through cousins researching the same families. Don't 
forget to check all the neighbors in the census. The immigrants tended to 
migrate together and settle near each other. Good Luck!
JoElayne Ferre' Johnson

From: Cheri Mello
To: Azores Genealogy
Sent: Wednesday, June 22, 2011 7:17 PM
Subject: [AZORES-Genealogy] Furtado and George from Faial

Repost for Judy G, 
 gaarde at 
I am searching Furtado and George line from Faial, Azores and am very new at
Is there a active Portuguese club of some sort for the Northwest states as
most all posting I read are coming from east coast area and I do not hear
Ellis Island or Northwest mentioned much?? 
If not this is what I know about my grandparents and great grandparents. I
believe his birth records there have been destroyed by fire as I read the
church in Saoal burned to the ground???
Grandfather: Antonio Rosa Furtado (possibly a Jr.?) born 1892 Island of
Faial (maybe little town of Saoal), Azores I read the church ( in Saoal)
that his records were in burnt down and they lost a lot of informtion. 
Immigration - 1910 via Ellis Island (Ellis Island has write up and picture
on wall of him) to Turner, Calif. Died 1971 Santa Cruz, Ca. His father
possibly named Antonio R Furtado also. His Mother is unknown to me. 
Antonio has a brother named Joseph (S or R?)Furtado who settled in San
Francisco Bay area, California prior to Antonio's arrival. There may be a
2nd brother Manuel Furtado who came over later. Such a common name and
nothing to connect it too. 
1918 Antonio married Mary Elizabeth George - 1893 to 1986. Their
children Dorothy Rose, Edward A, and Geraldine May (my mother) . My
Grandmother Mary's parents are - Father - Antone F. George 1863 to 1949
Immigrated in 1887 from Azores (island ?),. 
Mother is Mary J Martin 1872 to ? Maybe born here in Bay area.?.
Married - 1893 in San Francisco area and settled in Half Moon Bay,
California.- their children were: Mary Elizabeth, Joseph F, Rose , Minnia
(Minnie), Antone Jr. and Clara. 
I show Antonio and Mary made a trip to Lisbon in 1952.
Both Mary and Antonio are buried in Santa Cruz, California where he had
retired. I have hit a wall.
I am still searching for distant cousins possibly in bay area???
Judy G
Morganti, Furtado, George, Martin- Faial Azores
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RE: [AZORES-Genealogy] Furtado and George from Faial

2011-06-22 Thread Jacki G.


You can try searching the NEPS websiteçores.html . You’re probably not going to
find him there because of the 100 year mark. (They don’t list information
about people until it’s been over 100 years because of privacy) However,
when you identify his parents, you will probably find them there.  They show
a village calledão.html Salão. I don’t
know if that’s the same village you mentioned or not though.


If you have any questions about how to navigate the site, you just have to
ask for help. Myself and I’m sure everyone else in the group will be happy
to help you.


I am in the SF Bay Area in California and I do have the Furtado name from
Faial in my line. In fact, I have an Antonio Furtado who was one of 8
children born to Manuel Furtado (1637-1698) My grandfather’s family is from
Cedros though.  I don’t know how far apart Cedros and your village are, but
it’s possible that there is a connection. My grandfather and his parents
arrived in the US via Boston on Aug 6, 1906 and then traveled by train to
Martinez, CA in Contra Costa County.


There are lots of us in the group located on the West Coast and several of
us are in the SF Bay Area. If there’s anything I can do to help you, you can
send an email  to me privately. 



Jacki Gentry 


Pittsburg, CA 

Main Surnames: Medeiros, Fernandes, Pereira, Pacheco, Machado, Azevedo 

Islands: Cedros, Faial and Faja de Cima, Sao Miguel




From: [] On Behalf Of
Cheri Mello
Sent: Wednesday, June 22, 2011 7:18 PM
To: Azores Genealogy
Subject: [AZORES-Genealogy] Furtado and George from Faial


Repost for Judy G, 

gaarde at


I am searching Furtado and George line from Faial, Azores and am very new at

Is there a active Portuguese club of some sort for the Northwest states as
most all posting I read are coming from east coast area and I do not hear
Ellis Island or Northwest mentioned much?? 

If not this is what I know about my grandparents and great grandparents. I
believe his birth records there have been destroyed by fire as I read the
church in Saoal burned to the ground???

Grandfather: Antonio Rosa Furtado (possibly a Jr.?) born 1892 Island of
Faial (maybe little town of Saoal), Azores I read the church ( in Saoal)
that his records were in burnt down and they lost a lot of informtion. 

Immigration - 1910 via Ellis Island (Ellis Island has write up and picture
on wall of him) to Turner, Calif. Died 1971 Santa Cruz, Ca. His father
possibly named Antonio R Furtado also. His Mother is unknown to me. 

Antonio has a brother named Joseph (S or R?)Furtado who settled in San
Francisco Bay area, California prior to Antonio's arrival. There may be a
2nd brother Manuel Furtado who came over later. Such a common name and
nothing to connect it too. 

1918 Antonio married Mary Elizabeth George - 1893 to 1986. Their
children Dorothy Rose, Edward A, and Geraldine May (my mother) . My
Grandmother Mary's parents are - Father - Antone F. George 1863 to 1949

Immigrated in 1887 from Azores (island ?),. 

Mother is Mary J Martin 1872 to ? Maybe born here in Bay area.?.

Married - 1893 in San Francisco area and settled in Half Moon Bay,
California.- their children were: Mary Elizabeth, Joseph F, Rose , Minnia
(Minnie), Antone Jr. and Clara. 

I show Antonio and Mary made a trip to Lisbon in 1952.

Both Mary and Antonio are buried in Santa Cruz, California where he had
retired. I have hit a wall.

I am still searching for distant cousins possibly in bay area???

Judy G

Morganti, Furtado, George, Martin- Faial Azores

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