[beagleboard] latest machinekit image isn't loading uio dtb

2021-02-26 Thread doog
Using image:


while starting machinekit it just hangs in a wait loop for /sys/class/uio 
and listing it there is nothing created.

I checked uEnv.txt and it shows uncommented:

Xylotex board config Xylotex4Axis.ini has this and the pru_generic..bin was 
#PRUCODE=/usr/lib/linuxcnc/rt-preempt/pru_generic.bin pru=1 
pru_period=25000 halname=hpg num_stepgens=4 num
CONFIG=pru=1 halname=hpg num_stepgens=4 num_pwmgens=1

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[beagleboard] Re: What? Linux development on windows... and arm support

2016-04-24 Thread doog
IIRC this is line Wine but for running commandline Ubuntu on Windows.  Any 
developer with half a brain wouldn't want to mess with that when it costs 
them nothing to run full Linux on the PC.  One would really have to be a 
diehard Windows fanatic to want to stay caged up in Microsoft code to do 
Linux development.

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[beagleboard] Re: Read voltage from ADC using an external power supply

2016-02-12 Thread doog
Chelsea,  As was mentioned, the BBB input pins can't be more than 1.8V so 
you will need a voltage divider to take your power supply voltage down 
between 0 and 1.8V.
This page might help you: http://www.alfonsomartone.itb.it/hclbmf.html

And it is possible you have already damaged that pin if you connected up 
anything more than 1.8V so when you make your resistor divider circuit and 
try it, if it doesn't work, try another ADC input pin.  Also test the 
divider circuit with a volt meter first to be sure the max voltage of your 
power supply presents a max of 1.8V on the voltage divider circuit.


On Wednesday, February 10, 
2016 at 1:54:54 PM UTC-8, Chelsea Orefice wrote:
> Hi All,
> I have a new BBB. I'm trying to read voltages from a DC power supply. I'm 
> having trouble doing so. I connected the output from the power supply to 
> AIN0, and the ground from the power supply to the ADC_GND, and tried to run 
> the code, but the voltages that I'm reading doesn't make sense.
> So I went back to the basic, and just ran the code without plugging 
> anything in, and yet the voltage value I'm printing says 1.6 instead of 0. 
> Below shows the code, which I got from adafruit. I'm aware that I'm not 
> supposed to connect BBB ADC to anything above 1.8V or below 0V, which I 
> don't believe I have.
> import Adafruit_BBIO.ADC as ADC
>> ADC.setup()
>> value = ADC.read("P9_40")
>> voltage = value * 1.8 
>> print (voltage)
> https://learn.adafruit.com/setting-up-io-python-library-on-beaglebone-black/adc
> I've also been reading somewhere that I may have to enable the ADC before 
> I can read it??
> Help?
> Thanks.

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Re: [beagleboard] Re: Ubuntu snappy 15.04 image does not boot from SD card

2016-01-02 Thread doog
FWIW, that elinux link I pointed to does boot and boots rather fast too. 
Also has apache pre-installed.

Downloaded the tar.xz, extracted it, ran "sudo ./setup_sdcard.sh --mmc 
/dev/mmcblk0 --dtb beaglebone" to build and image the uSD card.

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[beagleboard] Re: Python OpenCV code runnig on BBB interacting with the PRUs

2016-01-02 Thread doog
IIRC, the PRU's are memory mapped so you could "talk" to the PRU using that 
memory. If none of that makes sense to you then you have a learning curve 
ahead of you before you'll be even close to ready to write software for the 
PRU to control your servos.

Might I suggest you write your software to control the servo(s) in Python 
first and see how well it reacts with your OpenCV program. If that's not 
_fast_ enough then port the servo software to C++ and if that is not fast 
enough you would then have enough understanding of your project, software 
development in C and the BBB to start porting your servo code to the PRU(s).

On Saturday, January 2, 2016 at 5:04:22 AM UTC-8, Tinashe Mudavanhu wrote:
> Hi,
> I recently bought a BBB to run an eye tracking opencv code. I am a novice 
> in this area so please dont get frustrated if the question seems silly. How 
> do i make the opencv code interact with the PRUs on the BBB? The motive is 
> to use PRU controlled servo motors to move the camera (for faster realtime 
> operations), but since PRUs are just mere microcontrollers that cannot run 
> opencv (opencv running on the Debian OS on BBB), how do i link the code 
> running on the OS and the PRUs?
> I intend to use python for the opencv code. I'm open to further 
> clarification on my question just thought that this might be a starting 
> point.
> Kind Regards,
> Tinashe

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Re: [beagleboard] Re: Ubuntu snappy 15.04 image does not boot from SD card

2016-01-01 Thread doog
On Friday, January 1, 2016 at 10:01:50 PM UTC-8, Hilmar Lapp wrote:
> Thanks much for your efforts. For one, your results were the final nudge I 
> needed to buy a USB to TTL serial debug cable. It’s possible that I didn’t 
> have enough patience with LEDs all dark and not being able to see any 
> indications of it actually booting. From booting the BeagleBoard Debian 
> Wheezy images from uSD I was used to seeing the LEDs come on very quickly, 
> so I was apparently mistaken to assume this would be the same for the 
> Snappy Core image.
> I'm guessing that the boot loader does some of that early LED flashing and 
since Snappy has its own boot loader on the uSD there's not initial flashy 


> Second, the fact that booting the image flashed your eMMC is not cool. I 
> was in fact wondering whether it would or not. The documentation is silent 
> about this question, and the file name of the image contains no suggestion 
> that it flashes the eMMC. On AskUbuntu, someone actually asked whether 
> there is a flasher image:
> http://askubuntu.com/questions/713604/snappy-on-beaglebone-black-or-green

It could be I held the button too long or not long enough. I've not seen it 
try to flash now even though the eMMC doesn't have a boot able image now. 
I'm thinking that was cockpit error.

> The answer basically repeats the documentation from developer.ubuntu.com 
> (which does not say anything about flashing versus not), and upon being 
> specifically asked in the comments by people for whom the image failed to 
> flash the eMMC, the poster admits they don’t know about that part. I also 
> tried to glean the answer from the snappy-boot.txt file that it uses 
> instead of the uEnv.txt, but there’s nothing in there that obviously 
> indicates that the eMMC will be flashed. 
> To me, whether booting the image will or will not flash your eMMC is a 
> rather important distinction, so to me this is a red flag. On top of that, 
> based on what I can find 15.04 is *only* available as Snappy Core for armhf 
> systems, which means that even just basic things such as installing apache 
> become a huge hassle:
> http://askubuntu.com/questions/694397/how-to-install-apache-on-a-raspberry-pi-2-ubuntu-snappy-core
> Based on this experience, while they have nice looking websites, I’m 
> afraid the Ubuntu folks don’t have their act together for Ubuntu on BBB, 
> and as a consequence I’ll stay away from them and their images for now.

I would think Debian and/or standard Ubuntu are still the best go-to OS's 
for these devices(BBB, rPi, etc). For me at least for now.

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Re: [beagleboard] Re: Ubuntu snappy 15.04 image does not boot from SD card

2016-01-01 Thread doog
On Friday, January 1, 2016 at 10:16:22 PM UTC-8, William Hermans wrote:
> Quite honestly, I have no interest in Ubuntu on this platform. For me, 
> this is a true embedded platform, unlike many other boards out there. With 
> that said, 99% of use cases that I can think of do not require a UI running 
> on the board it's self, per se. Which is the only place I feel Ubuntu 
> belongs( mostly in the context of desktops )
> Anyway, headless, and perhaps a minimal webserver( etc ) for remote access 
> / management is what I prefer, and for that role Ubuntu is not the right 
> distro.

That is your choice but let it be stated that Ubuntu is quite commonly used 
for headless server systems and there has long been an installation 
mechanism for such server based systems.

And Robert Nelson has done some great work at keeping kernels and other 
parts updated for ARM devices( 4.x kernel too ):

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Re: [beagleboard] Re: Ubuntu snappy 15.04 image does not boot from SD card

2016-01-01 Thread doog
On Friday, January 1, 2016 at 9:43:53 PM UTC-8, William Hermans wrote:
> Ug, it uses a 3.19.x kernel . . . Now, I'm not even interested in booting 
> it.

ok so I re-imaged the 32G Samsung EVO+ card and it works. Not sure why it 
didn't earlier but oh well.

So what kernel were you looking for? 4.x?  If so it would seem Snappy Core 
for Banana Pi has kernel 4.x so it should be doable for BBB. Just not yet 

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[beagleboard] Re: Ubuntu snappy 15.04 image does not boot from SD card

2016-01-01 Thread doog
well, it should be a snap according to these 
instructions: https://developer.ubuntu.com/en/snappy/start/#try-beaglebone

If found that by googling "ubuntu core beaglebone black" and picking the 
"Getting Started / Developer" link. I like the developer links because they 
generally explain things and describe the why part of operations. On the 
link I provided you will see where they answer your question about zero'ing 
out the boot loader, or not and why.

Given those instructions it's tough to say where your failure originates.

I suppose I can run through the steps and see what I get. Stay tuned.

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[beagleboard] Re: Ubuntu snappy 15.04 image does not boot from SD card

2016-01-01 Thread doog
for whatever reason I could not get it to boot back into the uSD and it 
started to go back to flashing(cylon eyes). I looked at the partitions and 
there were only 2. After re-imaging the uSD card, I saw 4 partitions. And 
while I was re-imaging I tried to boot from eMMC and it would not, the 
failed flashing left the eMMC goofed up.

But the good news is, once I finished re-imaging, I booted and got back 
into Ubuntu Snappy Core.  Another thing of interest is that while I held 
down the S2/User/Boot button I didn't get any LEDs lit but it started 
booting into the uSD card so I let go of the button. It took a minute of 
booting/testing before it went to town and started loading from uSD(ie LEDs 

I don't know why the 32G Samsung didn't work but I may have forgot what's 
the max uSD size for BBB is.

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Re: [beagleboard] Re: Ubuntu snappy 15.04 image does not boot from SD card

2016-01-01 Thread doog
I forgot to note, I'm using an FTDI cable to monitor the boot process since 
I'm going headless right now.

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Re: [beagleboard] Re: Fickle HDMI issue with Beaglebone Black

2016-01-01 Thread doog
ok, then maybe some of the things I used to do as a tech will help. I used 
to use the ole finger on critical parts in the area of question and see 
what/if something changes. This was easier to see on/with analog systems 
but digital streaming or debug looping could be used for digital circuits. 
And done leave out capacitors but I would address components in a logical 
fashion to help isolate was was just added capacitance to the circuit and 
what was solder joint issues.

I also used a spray can to freeze/cool areas to see if components were 
susceptible to temp changes and out of spec or on edge of failure.


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Re: [beagleboard] Re: Ubuntu snappy 15.04 image does not boot from SD card

2016-01-01 Thread doog

On Friday, January 1, 2016 at 8:23:00 PM UTC-8, William Hermans wrote:

> *wget http://releases.ubuntu.com/15.04/ubuntu-15.04-snappy-armhf-bbb.img.xz 
> unxz -c ubuntu-15.04-snappy-armhf-bbb.img.xz | sudo dd of=/dev/sdX bs=32M
> sync*
> block size of 32M does not even seem reasonable. . . .

I agree and most of the time I use 1M  but stuck with what was stated and 
it did work. 

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[beagleboard] Re: Ubuntu snappy 15.04 image does not boot from SD card

2016-01-01 Thread doog
well, it booted fine off the 8GB uSD card and I shelled into it using "ssh 

here's some initial login capture:
To run a command as administrator (user "root"), use "sudo ". See 
"man sudo_root" for details. (BeagleBoneBlack)ubuntu@localhost:~$ ls 
(BeagleBoneBlack)ubuntu@localhost:~$ ll total 28 drwxr-xr-x 4 ubuntu ubuntu 
4096 Jan 2 04:17 ./ drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 Nov 12 18:11 ../ -rw-r--r-- 
1 ubuntu ubuntu 220 Nov 12 18:11 .bash_logout -rw-r--r-- 1 ubuntu ubuntu 
3760 Nov 12 18:11 .bashrc drwx-- 2 ubuntu ubuntu 4096 Jan 2 04:17 
.cache/ -rw-r--r-- 1 ubuntu ubuntu 675 Nov 12 18:11 .profile drwx-- 2 
ubuntu ubuntu 4096 Nov 13 09:36 .ssh/ (BeagleBoneBlack)ubuntu@localhost:~$ 
ls (BeagleBoneBlack)ubuntu@localhost:~$ df -h Filesystem Size Used Avail 
Use% Mounted on udev 239M 0 239M 0% /dev tmpfs 50M 8.6M 41M 18% /run 
/dev/disk/by-label/system-a 976M 500M 410M 55% / /dev/mmcblk0p4 5.2G 51M 
4.9G 2% /writable tmpfs 246M 4.0K 246M 1% /etc/fstab tmpfs 246M 0 246M 0% 
/dev/shm tmpfs 5.0M 0 5.0M 0% /run/lock tmpfs 246M 0 246M 0% /sys/fs/cgroup 
tmpfs 246M 0 246M 0% /mnt tmpfs 246M 0 246M 0% /tmp tmpfs 246M 0 246M 0% 
/var/lib/sudo /dev/mmcblk0p3 976M 500M 410M 55% /writable/cache/system 
/dev/mmcblk0p1 127M 40M 87M 31% /boot/uboot cgmfs 100K 0 100K 0% 
/run/cgmanager/fs tmpfs 50M 0 50M 0% /run/user/1000 

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[beagleboard] Re: Ubuntu snappy 15.04 image does not boot from SD card

2016-01-01 Thread doog
if this is the first time running from the uSD card then how about using a 
known good image just to verify you've got things booting correctly? Then 
you'll know it's your image and not something else.

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[beagleboard] Re: Fickle HDMI issue with Beaglebone Black

2016-01-01 Thread doog
is there any chance the TV interface is not recognizing the BBB has 
disconnected and is not providing EDID information? Maybe just moving the 
TV to another input and then back again will reset the TV HDMI input? 
 Shouldn't the EDID output be showing more than one supported mode? That's 
what's leading me to believe the TV is stuck or something.

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[beagleboard] Active or passive USB hub while having a 2.5 A power supply for BBB

2015-12-12 Thread doog
The USB specification says a max of 500mA per USB socket so you can not power a 
USB hub and all those peripherals from one BBB USB socket.

I think USB v3 specs 2A per socket so maybe you can get a USB v3 powered hub 
and a!so power your BBB from it so you only use one power supply. You may want 
to check on how much power can be sourced by the power supply shipped with the 

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[beagleboard] Re: RTL8188EUS driver for BBB

2015-05-11 Thread doog
I have 2 different 8188 based microUSB WiFi dongles and using the 8192cu 
driver along with setting up WPA Supplicant worked perfectly on BBB, Odroid 
c1 and on a Ubuntu 14.04 laptop.

YMMV but if not it's easy peasy.


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Re: [beagleboard] BeagleBone Black connect to ultrasonic sensor Hcsr04

2015-05-07 Thread doog

On Thursday, May 7, 2015 at 1:44:57 AM UTC-7, claudiu clip wrote:

 For the sensor's VCC im using the VDD_5V from BBB. 

and you do know that the BBB is a 3.3v device so level shifting is probable?


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[beagleboard] Re: Cross compiling for Debian on BBB from Ubuntu PC

2015-05-06 Thread doog
if you do run into any problems cross compiling on the Debian PC then might 
I suggest looking into distcc and compiling on your BBB but let the PC 
workhorse do the actual compile.

Over on the Machinekit forum I've setup Machinekit to compile on my BBB but 
it took over an hour. After setting up the cross compiler on my laptop and 
putting distcc on both PC and BBB, I cut compile time down to 34 minutes. 
 And the nice part is, I keep the BBB with the build packages and my PC 
just pounds on the compiled files sent over the network to it.


On Saturday, May 2, 2015 at 5:44:04 PM UTC-7, Tom Olenik wrote:

 So if seems like Debian is the more popular choice for distributions on 
 the BBB, but it seems like I might like Ubuntu better on the PC.  I want to 
 set up Linux for dual boot on my Windows 7 machine for purposes of 
 developing for the BBB.  My question is will I run into many problems 
 developing for Debian on the BBB if I install Ubuntu on the PC? Any good or 
 bad experiences one way or the other?

 Thanks in advance.

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Re: [beagleboard] Re: debian: release candidate: 2014-12-11

2015-03-02 Thread doog
FWIW, I grabbed the SD image(not console 
version)( bone-debian-7.8-machinekit-armhf-2015-02-22-4gb.img ) yesterday 
and just tested USB networking and seems to work fine without modifications 
with a Ubuntu 13.04 laptop. Well, I did have to add -b CRAMPS to the end 
of the hal_temp_bbb line in CRAMPS.hal before my temperature thermistors 
were working.


On Friday, January 30, 2015 at 10:46:34 AM UTC-8, RobertCNelson wrote:

 On Fri, Jan 30, 2015 at 12:40 PM, RFA ruialv...@gmail.com javascript: 
  Hi Robert, 
  Thank you for your work in all these images. 
  I just flashed my BBB with the image: 
  My first problem is that usb0 is not detected, so I can't set up USB 
  networking. I thought this was an issue only with the recent kernels and 
  with any of the 3.8.13x. 
  Can you suggest some way to solve this issue, should stick with the 
  official image from beagleboard.org, or should I try to build the image 
  The main reason I avoid the official image is because I want a system 
  just the console and a basic set of installed packages, so I install 
  what is really necessary for my applications. 

 So i just fixed this about an hour ago, g_ether wasn't working the 
 way i wanted vs how g_multi had been working in the dual partition 


 Since git isn't installed, you need to manually: 

 cd /opt/scripts/boot/ 
 rm am335x_evm.sh 

 The console image still doesn't have udhcpd installed, so you'll 
 still have to manually add that.. 


 Robert Nelson 

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Re: [beagleboard] Full HD video out will cause $45 to ???

2014-08-07 Thread doog
On Thursday, August 7, 2014 7:11:47 AM UTC-7, lisarden wrote:

 as far as I know am447x does not support HW decoders like H264, so what's 
 the point in chasing to the new chip? I'd prefer imx6q as it supports 4 
 simultaneous displays connection as well as HW encoders/decoders. Even the 
 solo version costs less than am3358  with all that HW encoding/decoding 

Hello, McFly, the imx6q is not a TI part.

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[beagleboard] Re: RIP Never Used BBB

2014-07-30 Thread doog

On Wednesday, July 30, 2014 12:50:09 PM UTC-7, Brian wrote:

 I think I would of paid 10 - 12 extra bux for a BBB that had some 
 protection. Feels like at any moment my BBB might suddenly spontaneously 
 contract magic smoke disease and all it's electrons fall out. 

How much does the compatible 5V power supply cost? It stuns me anyone would 
plug in power without verifying the polarity is correct.  The way I see it, 
it's kinda like the Darwin Awards.

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Re: [beagleboard] Connecting a 5050 RGB LED

2014-07-28 Thread doog
no, it will not work connected directly to the BBB as Gerald stated. He 
said it will only provide 6mA of current and you have 3 LEDs which, if you 
read the specifications, will require more than that for each LED to light. 
Voltage is not current but it is related along with resistance via Ohm's 


you will need to understand this at the very least if you plan on 
connecting things to the BBB beyond things others have build specifically 
for connecting to it.

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[beagleboard] Re: NTSC/PAL video input

2014-07-18 Thread doog
I'd hate to send you down the wrong path but what about some of those video 
input device converters to USB? I've seen Pinnacle Movie mentioned a 
lot and there is some Linux USB support for 
it( http://sourceforge.net/projects/pinnaclembusb/ ).  This will allow a 
number of video input technologies converted to a USB stream.

I've not tried any of these yet on even a PC but have an interest since my 
only computer to xfer video from my handycam(firewire) is a 10+ year old 
laptop and my new laptop has no 1394 ports(just USB 3 and 2).


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Re: [beagleboard] industrial project

2014-03-18 Thread doog
but maybe he should spend some time reading this to understand what 
implications in an industrial project has with regards to using the BBB 
as produced and sold through the distribution channels.


and who they should talk to about production runs( hint Gerald is a good 
start ). :-)


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Re: [beagleboard] Re: QNX on BBB

2014-03-14 Thread doog
RIM has lots of money they need to keep coming in and cutting prices means 
less income so don't hold your breath or you'll never get the project done 
but you also won't be around to worry about it neither. ;-)

FYI, they paid around $200M for QNX and their other businesses are not 
doing well...


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2014-03-14 Thread doog

On Friday, March 14, 2014 4:42:42 AM UTC-7, Agung Triwicaksono Pamungkas 

 I using LG 505G monitor. Is there monitor type for compatible?

my first link on the specs for that state it is a VGA monitor so you are 
using some HDMI to VGA converter and there lies the problem. 

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[beagleboard] Re: QNX on BBB

2014-03-09 Thread doog

On Saturday, March 8, 2014 11:29:49 PM UTC-8, Thorsten Gonschior wrote:

 hey doug, thanks for reply. 
 yes I lready did and also found that, lets say ... claim ;)

 QNX support did not respond yet and the links on their pages on that topic 
 all end dead on foundry 27.
 first glance it looks that there is something going on but nothing to find 
 after some digging.

I had only clicked through a couple of those links when I found I needed to 
register with them. So I guess you were able to register and get an account 
but you're saying those links are server 404 errors?
That should probably be brought up with their webmaster and/or posted to 
another forum regarding the forum support and not technical support as in 
QNX tech support. It would be quite strange that they would link to 
download images and not have functioning images available.

 regarding QNX I wonder in what situation they are at all currently. After 
 being sold to RIM ist there still interest in other embedded market, than 
 automotive and mobile communication?

This may be the only thing they will have left of value as their 
phone/communicator business faulters. IIRC I saw an automotive control 
system vendor state they were going to QNX. It does have a market.

 Several emails to sales for quotes and services for technical issues are 
 not been responded.

if the question was if they support the BeagleBone and they don't know 
their links and support pages are non-functional then they might be swamped 
with other technical issues instead of thinking they just need to point 
out they have pages stating the support is there. As you stated your 
question in this forum and how quickly I found that they state specifically 
supporting Beaglebone I wondered what 'work' you really did to find the 
answer. It looked pretty obvious there was support.


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Re: [beagleboard] Watching boot without HDMI

2014-03-08 Thread doog

On Saturday, March 8, 2014 8:03:15 AM UTC-8, Steve G wrote:

 I can recommend the USB to TTL serial cable from adafruit:


 It's inexpensive and I'm using it with my BBB.  I know it says it's for 
 Raspberry Pi but it's actually universal and works with both.

at $10 it's a good one for sure. Just to share, I have and use this 
one($20) which provides all 6 lines on a single 1x6 header and plugs 
directly into J1(black wire to J1-1) and it's used for Arduino(DC 

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[beagleboard] Re: QNX on BBB

2014-03-08 Thread doog
Have you searched QNX for what they support? If not this page pretty much 
spells it out for you:

hint: the page title is QNX Support for TI AM335x


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Re: [beagleboard] Powering the BBB

2014-03-05 Thread doog

 in hopes of explaining what is being talked around is this. You want 5V 
 from 11V so there's 6V difference. Those linear regulators will give you 
 the 5V at some current level(let's say 1A for simplicity). So you get 5V at 
 1A and that's 5Watts(5V*1A) but that 1A of current is also involved in that 
 6V drop from 11V to get you 5V. The energy/power wasted in that 6V drop is 
 calculated by the current of your load( 1A ) times the drop( 6V ) which is 
 6Watts in the example.

This is why Gerald is correct in his statement that the linear regulator is 
wasteful since in the example you only need 5W and have 6W of waste so have 
a total energy cost of 11W. A better solution would be a DC-DC converter 
and you can get those on amazon with free shipping from china(if you can 
wait) for less than $10. The take the input power turn it into a AC signal 
which can then be chopped and reassembled into a lower voltage with little 
energy loss. 

for example:


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[beagleboard] Re: Beaglebone Using MySQL

2014-02-22 Thread doog
This sounds like an Eclipse configuration issue and while you might find 
someone here who has run Eclipse cross compiling to gcc-arm, it is likely 
that you'll find far more familiar with setting up Eclipse for cross 
compiling in an Eclipse or gcc forum. Or better yet a MySQL forum.  A first 
step might be to verify your Eclipse configuration can compile MySQL to 
your Ubuntu x86 platform( ie no cross compiling ). That will also give 
experience with the Eclipse build and make system and give you a working 
configuration to compare your cross compiling build environment against.


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[beagleboard] Re: BBB USB WiFi and LiPo batteries

2014-02-21 Thread doog
BTW, maybe it would be best to create a new topic/post the the forum 
instead of hijacking this thread on LiPo battery usage/charging.


On Friday, February 21, 2014 5:50:28 AM UTC-8, wing chwan wrote:

 hi i am using beagle bone black 
 it is powering usb cam and gpios can u help me
 how many mah battry must i use

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Re: [beagleboard] Re: Availability - how come nobody has any BeagleBone Black to sell?

2014-02-21 Thread doog

On Friday, February 21, 2014 8:02:46 AM UTC-8, Gerald wrote:

 I just oversee the manufacturing and support of beagleboard.org. Any 
 other issues are theirs.


And you are doing one heck of a good job! I sure hope you don't let the few 
who keep complaining make you feel like you're not. So please keep up the 
good work and brush off the digs that you're not doing enough and try to 
enjoy what you're doing. Some of us appreciate your efforts bringing such 
an awesome board to us individuals so we can enjoy your efforts and do 
great things with it.


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[beagleboard] Re: Mono problem on Angstrom

2014-02-15 Thread doog
opkg install gtk-sharp-2.0

To get the libs you'll need for the gtk example.


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[beagleboard] Re: BBB ttyUSB not mounted

2014-02-12 Thread doog
knowing nothing about this weather station or the software I would first 
get it working on a PC running Ubuntu either native(installed) or booted 
from a liveCD or liveDVD. Once you figure out the various modules required 
and if udev rules need to be defined( /etc/udev/rules.d/*.rules) only then 
would I attempt to get it working on Ubuntu on BBB.

it appears you needs some specific rules specified to load drivers needed.


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[beagleboard] Re: Windows 8 (or 7): do not show USB drive

2014-02-12 Thread doog
for what it's worth, I just booted a Ubuntu 13.10 liveDVD iso and after 
plugging in the BBB saw both the flash media device and the usb network. I 
was also greated with the BBB web server pages after entering 
into Firefox.

What this means is that you can download the Ubuntu ISO file to your 
Windows box and use VMWare player to boot it inside of Windows and should 
see all of the BBB stuff.
if you install the free VMWare player on your Windows box, you'll need to 
setup a fake virtual machine and for the CDROM device set it to the Ubuntu 
ISO file.

I know it's a bit to go through but it also leaves you with a platform to 
verify things and if you want you can install that Ubuntu into the Virtual 
Machine and have a development platform without Windows getting in the way.

Or not.


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[beagleboard] Re: Frustrated trying to do basic things...

2014-02-10 Thread doog
I just check and BONE_D64.exe linked on the Getting Started page was 
working and downloaded a 1.1MB file. Gotta love how fast BB.org folks fix 

Because you didn't say anything about a USB network device which should 
load up along with the flash memory device I would say reflash to the 
latest Angstrom image and then see what happens. If you've got a Linux 
distro running in a Virtual Machine you could try that as even the old 
images worked fine on 2 computers running old(12.04) and new(13.10) 
versions of Ubuntu.


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[beagleboard] Re: OneWire (w1) Stopped Detecting Sensors

2014-02-08 Thread doog
I see Linux kernel 3.8.13 shown above and thought I read that not all the 
cape firmware has been ported to 3.8.13 from 3.8.2.

Did you do a kernel update? Do you still have the 3.8.2 kernel around to 
boot to see if that's it?


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[beagleboard] Re: using beaglebone black to control an valve

2014-02-07 Thread doog
you might search for Machinekit with LinuxCNC since it's already got those 
two realtime engines(Linux and BBB PRU's) installed on it and built for the 
It's been designed to run RepRap style 3D printers and both home and 
industrial CNC machines. Heck, I'll find the link and post it


The PRU's are setup to control stepper motors but it could give insight as 
to their use for valve on/off control.


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[beagleboard] Re: How to setup ethernet over USB with Debian

2014-02-06 Thread doog

On Thursday, February 6, 2014 7:35:38 AM UTC-8, Chris Frankowski wrote:

 But It was working before I flashed over the Angstrom image with Debian.
 I'll try undoing and redoing the commands on my PC when I get home.

if you changed the OS on the BBB then wouldn't it look like a different 
device to your host and possible use different firewall rules? I've heard 
that sometimes Windows tries too hard to help.


 I guess I just wanted to make sure that what I was trying to do 

 it would seem you already did that by getting the Angstrom OS to work. 
Once you changed out that OS it's just a matter of persuading the other 
OS(s) to do the same. Not really BBB related it would seem.


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[beagleboard] Re: BBB version A6 issues

2014-02-06 Thread doog
Since you tried flashing the eMMC and it's unknown where or what happened, 
you probably should solve your problems there and get a valid/complete 
flashing done so you know you have a starting place.  I think the 
instructions are here: http://beagleboard.org/Getting%20Started#update

it's also a big deal how/when you hold down the button on the BBB. Once 
that is done, then it would be time to figure out if you have a cable 
problem, connector problem, or a Windows problem regarding the USB side. At 
the very least your computer should be seeing some kind of USB device 
connecting to it and given you used many different computers it could 
possibly be a hardware issue. That is if the system wasn't currupted 
somehow in failed attempts.


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[beagleboard] Re: BBB version A6 issues

2014-02-06 Thread doog
addressing just the flashing of the eMMC, it does take a very long time to 
flash and might be 40+ minutes IIRC the last time I did it and the speed of 
your SD card will effect this.
Since you held the button on boot to trigger flashing and had the flashing 
image on the SD and it blinked 'for ever' before lighting all LEDs( this is 
what is supposed to happen). What was the result when you ejected the SD 
card and cycled power? Did you list the serial output of booting after the 


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[beagleboard] Re: BBB version A6 issues

2014-02-06 Thread doog
I just booted my BBB from eMMC with the serial console on it and checked 
close to line my line with what you posted above and it looks like it's all 
Do you have a display connected to the HDMI port and do you see Angstrom 
has booted? you should see the beaglebone logo for short period during 
boot, then some text booting log stuff and then the Angstrom desktop.

Back to your host computer not seeing the USB widgets:
I see my host showing up with both the USB network widget and USB Mass 
Storage device, that shows up right around when the word Angstrom is 
displayed on the console in ASCII font and pretty much the end of the boot 


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Re: [beagleboard] Re: How to setup ethernet over USB with Debian

2014-02-06 Thread doog

On Thursday, February 6, 2014 12:18:29 PM UTC-8, William Hermans wrote:

 Its not, or shouldnt be a firewall issue. This would be related to ICS ( 
 internet connection sharing ) if anything, on the windows PC side.

 So the important thing to test at this moment would be to make sure the 
 BBB and the PC can communicate between themselves. 

there has to be communication or else how could the route and nameserver be 
set on the BBB? Surely if this was the case it wouldn't be an internet over 
USB issue because well, without the USB ethernet there can not be any 
Internet access.

I've pretty much given up on Windows years ago so what ever it's called, 
something is probably not working on the Windows side because what was 
setup for Angstroms USB ethernet widget is probably not going to be also 
setup for the widget Debian would setup. I learned the pain of Windows long 
ago and know you can not assume anything with that platform involved.


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[beagleboard] Re: BBB version A6 issues

2014-02-06 Thread doog
I'm happy to hear you got it working but so very strange how you had to go 
about it. And still it seems there is something wrong with flashing. If 
it were me, I would want to figure out what is up with that because if 
anything borks your system, that is how you restore. That and you do want 
the ability to boot from mSD too and I guess that was a problem also.


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Re: [beagleboard] BBB and internet

2014-02-05 Thread doog
On Wednesday, February 5, 2014 8:37:08 AM UTC-8, Robert P. J. Day wrote: 

   try this and see what happens: 



that worked on my BBB running the latest Angstrom from eMMC. But for the 
'server' side you need to run those two commands with root privs.


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[beagleboard] Re: BBB booting from SD card but with same contents as SD card into eMMC board is not booting.Why?

2014-02-05 Thread doog
there is a special flash/eMMC image of the Angstrom BBB releases so I would 
venture to guess there's something other than copying over a couple of 
Unless someone who knows the ins/outs of the eMMC boot flashing process 
chimes in, you might research what the flashing images do so to found out 
what you might have to tweak to get your Ubuntu system booting from eMMC.


On Wednesday, February 5, 2014 3:37:25 AM UTC-8, Kishor Dhanawade wrote:

I am using BBB with ubuntu-12.04.3-LTS(3.8.13-kernel). I was 
 working with micro-SD card. Now I copied both boot and rootfs partition 
 into eMMc.  I checked all the permissions so permission is not issue. 
 Exactely same copy of SD-card image is in eMMC. Still board is not booting 
 from eMMC. What can be the issue??? Thank you.


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[beagleboard] Re: How to setup ethernet over USB with Debian

2014-02-05 Thread doog
so maybe your Windows system is blocking ip forwarding.
pinging and google.com say the same thing because is a name 
server out in the wild wild Internet and google.com is a server out in the 
same space.
Your route table looks like mine so what's left is your host computer so I 
think you'll find the answer searching for how or why Windows does ip 


On Tuesday, February 4, 2014 11:31:03 PM UTC-8, Chris Frankowski wrote:

 I'm using this image:


 I was able to get this working with Angstrom following these instructions:

 route add default gw 
 echo nameserver  /etc/resolv.conf

 But it's not working for me with Debian.

 ping works
 ping does not
 ping google.com does not

 Other details, not sure if useful:

 root@arm:/var/log# ifconfig
 eth0  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 90:59:af:61:6d:6a
   RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
   TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
   collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
   RX bytes:0 (0.0 B)  TX bytes:0 (0.0 B)

 loLink encap:Local Loopback
   inet addr:  Mask:
   inet6 addr: ::1/128 Scope:Host
   UP LOOPBACK RUNNING  MTU:65536  Metric:1
   RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
   TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
   collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
   RX bytes:0 (0.0 B)  TX bytes:0 (0.0 B)

 usb0  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr d6:4d:8d:1f:46:e4
   inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
   inet6 addr: fe80::d44d:8dff:fe1f:46e4/64 Scope:Link
   RX packets:14476 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
   TX packets:7382 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
   collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
   RX bytes:2317191 (2.2 MiB)  TX bytes:2633478 (2.5 MiB)

 root@arm:/var/log# route
 Kernel IP routing table
 Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric RefUse Iface
 default UG0  00 usb0 * U 0  00 usb0

 Thanks for your help group

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Re: [beagleboard] BBB and internet

2014-02-05 Thread doog
I thought this a handy thing to do so I put the BBB side commands in an 
executable script and then created another script for the host side. The 
host side copies(via scp) the BBB script to the BBB and then executes 
it(via ssh) and then sets up the host(Linux). Run the host side with sudo 
or as root.


--BBB side: file name: setup-bbb-ipforwarding-onBBB


# enables networking of the BBB over the usb network if
# this along with a few commands on the host/server side enable 
ipforwarding over the usb networking

echo route add default gw
/sbin/route add default gw
echo echo nameserver  /etc/resolv.conf 
echo nameserver  /etc/resolv.conf 

--HOST side: file name: setup-bbb-ipforwarding


# this will enable a BBB connected over usb network to gain internet access 
through this host computer.
# there is a similarly named file which must be copied to the BBB and run 
as the first 2 commands will attempt to do.

scp setup-bbb-ipforwarding-onBBB root@beaglebone.local:/tmp/
ssh root@beaglebone.local /tmp/setup-bbb-ipforwarding-onBBB

echo 1  /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward 
iptables -A POSTROUTING -t nat -j MASQUERADE

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Re: [beagleboard] machinekit on BBB - how to force enabled HDMI hardware from cmdline

2014-02-04 Thread doog
great to hear it works


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[beagleboard] Re: BBB and HDMI to VGA adapter: the monitor goes in standby after few seconds.

2014-02-03 Thread doog
have you ssh'ed into the BBB and check the X.log.0 file to determine what 
resolution it might be running at?
Just a guess but maybe there's a mismatch between what the BBB is driving 
and what the VGA display can show. If that's the case, then you might try 
setting the video mode on the kernel options line in xInit.txt.


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[beagleboard] Re: BeBoPr+ vs Replicape

2014-01-31 Thread doog
speaking of BeBoPr, does anyone know if/when there will be pre-orders for 
the new ++ model in the USA?


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[beagleboard] machinekit on BBB - how to force enabled HDMI hardware from cmdline

2014-01-28 Thread doog
I'm getting going with LinuxCNC Machinekit on BBB but my first hiccup is 
that I can't get HDMI hardware enabled. I have an HDMI-DVI cable and for 
whatever reason the hardware has to be told to turn on. With Angstrom I 
pass video=HDMI-A-1:e on optargs in uEnv.txt but default Debian in 
Machinekit doesn't do it.

is there something I can do to force it on/enabled from the command line? 
 I've tried shelling in with ssh -X then doing xrandr :0.0 --output HDMI1 
--auto but it didn't work.
I'm checking /sys/class/drm/card0-HDMI-A-1/enabled and when booting 
Angstrom without a display connected it states enabled as it should. 
Booting Machinekit it states disabled.

any ideas?  Thanks.


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Re: [beagleboard] machinekit on BBB - how to force enabled HDMI hardware from cmdline

2014-01-28 Thread doog
I had looked at it and overlooked what was the problem but you asking and 
my copy/paste made me realize I'd cat'ed it onto the capemgr.disable 
mesg with a comma instead of separating it. It now works. Thanks for slap 
in the back of the head.


On Tuesday, January 28, 2014 5:29:22 PM UTC-8, Charles Steinkuehler wrote:

 On 1/28/2014 6:57 PM, doog wrote: 
  I'm getting going with LinuxCNC Machinekit on BBB but my first hiccup is 
  that I can't get HDMI hardware enabled. I have an HDMI-DVI cable and for 
  whatever reason the hardware has to be told to turn on. With Angstrom I 
  pass video=HDMI-A-1:e on optargs in uEnv.txt but default Debian in 
  Machinekit doesn't do it. 
  is there something I can do to force it on/enabled from the command 
   I've tried shelling in with ssh -X then doing xrandr :0.0 --output 
  --auto but it didn't work. 
  I'm checking /sys/class/drm/card0-HDMI-A-1/enabled and when booting 
  Angstrom without a display connected it states enabled as it should. 
  Booting Machinekit it states disabled. 

 First, are you sure the option is being passed to the kernel?  What does 
 cat /proc/cmdline return? 

 Second, have you tried the 'e' flag while also specifying a resolution? 
  Try something like: 


 ...in /boot/uboot/uEnv.txt. 

 Charles Steinkuehler 
 cha...@steinkuehler.net javascript: 

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Re: [beagleboard] Re: Availability - how come nobody has any BeagleBone Black to sell?

2014-01-27 Thread doog

On Monday, January 27, 2014 12:22:42 PM UTC-8, David Anders wrote:


 that part number exists only for accounting purposes to receive shipments 
 and to do cross shipment between distributors


Thanks Dave, now where the 'like'/'+' button.


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[beagleboard] Re: How to increase appearance time of penguin logo..?

2014-01-26 Thread doog
that would probably be part of the init scripts. Since it's not beagle 
related and is instead a GNU/Linux thing, you should be able to google what 
manages the spash screen and switching to the log console.  Once you find 
this you'll likely have to do the changes in the initramfs structure and 
rebuild/compress it.


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Re: [beagleboard] Re: Availability - how come nobody has any BeagleBone Black to sell?

2014-01-23 Thread doog
I just noticed that Digikey has a 100pack part number( BB-BBLK-100-ND ) so 
wouldn't that almost by default be in violation of the 'don't use it in a 
product' clause? Just the fact that they have a PN for a 100 qty order 
instead of say a 30 pack or 10 pack should raise some eyebrows. No?


On Thursday, January 23, 2014 10:24:11 AM UTC-8, Gerald wrote:

 Yes, it is a big warning. Then again, it will take me five minutes to 
 change that to shall we say, a violation of the terms of use. There 
 are avenues available to prevent companies from wiping out inventories as I 
 clearly state.

 There are in the terms and conditions for each distributor about selling 
 to people that use them in products. We are reviewing this and may end 
 up removing distributors that violate their terms and conditions.


 On Thu, Jan 23, 2014 at 11:32 AM, Giuseppe Iellamo 

 It doesn't seem that using BBC on a commercial project is an infringement 
 to the term of use. There is only a warning...

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[beagleboard] Re: BeBoPr boards now available

2014-01-22 Thread doog
The BeBoPr++ layout and specs look nice. I too am searching for purchase 

I'm building a small XY laser engraver before building a Delta possibly a 
Kossel like Brandon Heller with the modified sled to ride on the rails 
combined with Spectra Line drive or a 3DR(again wanting rail sleds and 
Spectra line drive). I'm picking up a RAMPS/Ardruino/Polulo/LCD kit to 
eventually move to the engraver with the BBB/BeBoPr++ to the delta system. 
No doubt when shown at the local 3D Printer Meetup there will be lots of 
interest in BBB/BeBoPr++ from the locals.


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