RE: Can't locate loadable object for module ...

2001-05-30 Thread King, Jason

Margit Brunder wrote ..

I've written a cgi script and when Apache (version 1.3.6) tries to call
it, I get the error message can't locate loadable object for module
HTML::Parser in @INC at ./HTML/ line 79 although the
module IS in the same directory as The path where is located is included in @INC !!

because the module name is HTML::Parser then the module has to be
in the HTML subdirectory of one of the @INC directories

so if you're 'use'ing the HTML::Parser module from within
'/some/directory/HTML/' then the directory '/some/directory'
would have to be in @INC

you say that '/some/directory/HTML' is in @INC .. in that case when you type

  use HTML::Parser;

then Perl is looking for '/some/directory/HTML/HTML/' and will
obviously not find it

hope that's clear - it can be a little confusing at first


  perldoc perlmod
  perldoc -f require
  perldoc -f use

  jason king

  In Spearfish, South Dakota, if three or more Indians are walking down
  the street together, they can be considered a war party and fired
  upon. -

RE: doubt about do/until

2001-05-30 Thread King, Jason


( Is it a number? ), Tom Christiansen writes:
If you do care about getting 0's, then do this: 
  do { 
   print Number, please: ;
   $answer = STDIN;
   if ($answer == 0  $answer ne '0') {
 print Bad number\n;
 } until $answer;

I tried this with ActiveState perl version 5.005_03. I entered 0 and
got a bad number. After thinking awhile, I chomped the $answer. This
works for 0, ( i.e. No Bad number message and the loop repeats ). I
think we need a chomp there ( so instead of '0\n' ne '0', it is '0' ne
'0' ). Is it so or am I missing something?

you haven't missed anything .. the code should definitely have a chomp in

I notice that the copyright notice is 1996 .. so perhaps my memory is
failing me and that there was a version of Perl where STDIN did NOT grab
the line-ending character as well .. otherwise Tom really is human and has
made a mistake :)

basically any of the samples where a string comparison is done should be
chomping STDIN before the comparison because while the numeric comparison
will ditch the trailing garbage (which in this case is LF) the string
comparison obviously will not

  jason king

  In Spearfish, South Dakota, if three or more Indians are walking down
  the street together, they can be considered a war party and fired
  upon. -

RE: Perl script not running

2001-05-30 Thread King, Jason

David Olbersen wrote ..

On Thu, 31 May 2001, Henk Klos wrote:

 I have just downloaded and installed the latest version of Perl for
 WinNT. Followed all the instructions, associated .pl with perl.exe,
 etc etc. However, not one sample htm file from the eg directory is
 working. What did I forget???

Did you forget that .htm files are HTML and not Perl files?

there are a number of HTML examples included with Perl

  perl/eg/IEExamples client-side PerlScript examples
  perl/eg/aspSamples server-side Perl/ASP examples
  perl/eg/Core/cgi   server-side standard CGI examples

the two server-side sets of examples require a web server to be running on
the machine and for the user to run them via a http:// URL .. the
client-side samples can be run straight from Windows Explorer

  jason king

  In Spearfish, South Dakota, if three or more Indians are walking down
  the street together, they can be considered a war party and fired
  upon. -

RE: Perl Certifications and some help

2001-05-29 Thread King, Jason

Elaine -HFB- Ashton wrote ..

King, Jason [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] quoth:
*Sanchit Bhatnagar writes ..
* Is there something like a Perl Certified Professional or 
*does there exists some other credible certification you can 
*get for perl. 

Yes, well, how does one judge who is competent when one is not
competent in what one is judging? Unfortunately, in most Perl circles,
mentioning the C-word is almost as enjoyable and as worthwhile as an
emacs v. vi war.

because Perl people understand that 'certification' ne 'competency'

Much of the arguments against certification stem from the seeming
uselessness of the MS* certifications and the like. However, there are
a few linux certification programs that have cropped up recently that, 
after taking the on-line test quiz, may have merit and be a model for 
others such as Perl to emulate. 

my argument against certification stems from the fact that any monkey can
learn how to pass a test .. but that is not necessarily an indication of
their competency in a field

third parties reliance on certification as an indication of competency is
often mislaid

I suggested a while back that there should be a few on-line tests for
people to take, especially students, that would help judge their own
progress with learning Perl or for pointing out 
weaknesses...but it would
seem the popular misconception and ill will towards the C-word still 

self-tests are usually very valuable .. and I don't think anyone would argue
that testing yourself is a worthwhile exercise that can improve learning ..
because there's no motivation to cheat the test

but when another party relies on your results then there will always be
people who learn how to pass the test - rather than how to program the

  jason king

  In Nevada, it is still legal for a person to hang another for killing
  their dog on their own property. -

RE: Fileposting

2001-05-28 Thread King, Jason

Bernhard writes ..

Hi! I'm using a html form, where you can enter a file (a 
picture) and upload it, but when i send the form the Perl 
script only gets the local Adress of the file, but not the 
Data (so the picture) of the file. How can i save the picture 
in a new file on my Disk?
I have programmed it so that the new file will be saved in a 
new Folder.

if you use the standard CGI module that's shipped with the later versions of
Perl then that parameter is both the filename and a filehandle to the file

as well since version 2.47 of there's an additional method called
'upload' which explicitly retrieves the filehandle

see the CGI documentation for an example of the file-upload mechanism


  perldoc CGI

  jason king

  In Denmark, if a horse carriage is trying to pass a car and the horse
  gets uneasy, the car is required to pull over and stop. If necessary
  to ease the horse down, you are required to cover the car up. -

RE: Perl Certifications and some help

2001-05-28 Thread King, Jason

Sanchit Bhatnagar writes ..

 Is there something like a Perl Certified Professional or 
does there exists some other credible certification you can 
get for perl. 


Also can someone please provide me help and/or links which 
have tutorials (maybe a single para) on the perl's function 
map and grep. 

a single para we can do - Perl has that itself .. perldoc is installed when
you install Perl on most operating systems .. type the following at a
command prompt to see the help

  perldoc -f map
  perldoc -f grep

  jason king

  In Denmark, if a horse carriage is trying to pass a car and the horse
  gets uneasy, the car is required to pull over and stop. If necessary
  to ease the horse down, you are required to cover the car up. -

RE: Connecting to NT Servers

2001-05-27 Thread King, Jason

Steven Riley writes ..

I'm new to the list and usually like to lurk for a while before asking
questions but I've been faced with a problem which I'm struggling to
find an answer.

Can someone supply help or a URL to help me connecting to an NT server?
Basically I want to connect to several servers over the internal
LAN and find a file... if the file exists then I want to delete it.
Not sure about the best way to do this... any help would be greatly

Perl understands UNC paths and will invisibly open directories on remote
machines if you use the path .. so to find a file I'd recommend using the
File::Find module in conjunction with the an array of UNC paths that you
want searched .. eg.

  #!perl -w
  use strict;

  use File::Find;

  find( \wanted, $_) for ( '\\\server1\share1', '\\\server2\share2');

  sub wanted {

  lc $_ eq 'some_file_name' # case insensitive for Windoze
   print(Deleting: $File::Find::name\n)
   unlink $File::Find::name;



  perldoc File::Find
  perldoc -f unlink

  jason king

  In Spearfish, South Dakota, if three or more Indians are walking down
  the street together, they can be considered a war party and fired
  upon. -

RE: cgi-bin

2001-05-24 Thread King, Jason

justin todd writes ..

Can anyone tell me if with IIS on NT4.0 you need to create a cgi-bin or
if you set the file permissions through the IIS Manager?

there are two things that you need to do

1. in the IIS admin the directory that you're using as your scripting
directory needs to have 'Script' access (on the properties sheet for that
directory) .. the common wisdom is to have it as a separate virtual

2. the directory itself needs to have RX (Read, Execute) permissions for the
account that IIS is using to access the files (usually something beginning
with IUSR_)

  jason king

  In Norway, you may not spay your female dog or cat.  However, you may
  neuter the males of the species. -

RE: Broken Argument passing after downgrade

2001-05-23 Thread King, Jason

Murray Webster writes ..

--- ok ---
C:\PERL561perl  a123 b432
@ARGV contains: a123 b432
Received a123, b432

--- ok - haven't created association yet  8-( ---
C:\ a321 g554
The system cannot execute the specified program.
--- create association for .pl -- c:\perl561\bin\perl.exe

--- NOT ok, arguments don't get into script!
C:\ a998 b009
@ARGV contains:
Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at
.PL line 6.
Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at
.PL line 6.
Received ,

the association should be like this

  c:\perl561\bin\perl.exe %1 %*

%1 maps to the first argument .. ie. the filename .. so it's in quotes to
enable the execution of perl programs with spaces in the filename

then %* maps to all the remaining arguments .. without the %* the arguments
are not passed to perl.exe

check your file association to see if it has the above format .. the earlier
versions of Perl (earlier than about 5.005_01) didn't do the mapping

I'm guessing that the reason the install broke it is because 5.004 will have
written its own file association in there .. then 5.6.1 more politely will
check to see if there's an association and only put one in if one doesn't
already exist

in case you don't know .. the file associations are got to in Windows from
Windows Explorer .. the Tools menu - select Options or Folder Options ..
then click on the File Types tab

  jason king

  By South Carolina state law, if a man promises to marry an unmarried
  woman, the marriage must take place. -

RE: autonumbered data fields in ODBC database.

2001-05-22 Thread King, Jason

Kris Cook wrote ..

I'm writing a form that inserts into a database table (a header
record) with an autonumbered field (system assigned). Ordinarily, the
value of the serial field assignment in an SQL database is stored
in sqlca.sqlerrd[2], but I can't find any way to reference this in
the documentation I have for Win32::ODBC. Does anyone have any ideas
how I can get at this value? I need it as part of the foreign key
relationship for detail records.

different databases have different ways of getting the last inserted
autonumber .. if you're using MSSQL it should be stored in the built-in
variable @@IDENTITY (that's an SQL variable - not a Perl array) .. so once
you've done your insert you should be able to immediately do a


and then grab it from the rowset of that command

  jason king

  By South Carolina state law, if a man promises to marry an unmarried
  woman, the marriage must take place. -

RE: useful scripts

2001-05-21 Thread King, Jason

Richard KHOO Guan Chen wrote ..

Just wondering if there is a site which have useful simple perl
scripts for totally clueless people like me to look at? I am actually
interested in trimming mail headers (save subject, from etc) for

  jason king

  In Georgia, you have the right to commit simple battery if provoked
  by fighting words. -

RE: Upgrading perl problems ?

2001-05-16 Thread King, Jason

Anshu Anshu writes ..

 I have one small doubts and I want to share with you to make sure.

I was using old version of perl5 and couple of scripts were using
DBD, DBI, Time modules. Recently I did upgrade the perl5 version
5.005_03 (with Sun package ). Will upgarding the perl version will
break something ? Because I found that the scripts are not running
properly. Its not able to pull data from Oracle server. I did also try
upgrating DBD and DBI with latest version, It didn't help.
Have you come with such issues ?
Any guess ?

better than a guess .. packages that rely on binary or compiled components
(like DBI) must be compiled specifically for the version of Perl that
they're to work with

so .. once you've upgraded your version of Perl you will need to reinstall
your binary packages .. you can see the Perl packages that are installed
with the perllocal file


  perldoc perllocal

  jason king

  It is illegal to annoy a bird in any city park of Honolulu, Hawaii.

RE: passing part of an array to a function

2001-05-16 Thread King, Jason

Gary writes ..

The whole point of using references was so that I didn't want to keep  
copying array slices. This script will be handling nearly 1500 program 
source files totalling almost 750k lines of code.  

Any further help would be appreciated.

so here's the thing .. Perl doesn't have pointers .. only references .. so
you can't have a 1500 element array and grab a reference to the 700th
element .. because references don't work that way .. pointers work that way
- but there aint no pointers in Perl

so .. you have two choices

1. copy the elements that you want into a new memory location and send a
reference to that memory location into your subroutine (clearly non-ideal)

2. send the reference to the entire array into your subroutine and just work
with it .. you would also probably want to pass in the start index and end
index (or length if that's more helpful) .. eg.

  sub file_control
my( $line, $start, $end) = @_;

for my $index ( $start..$end)   # process each line in array section
  # assign line to a localised $_ for convenience
  local $_ = $line-[$index];

  next if (/^  [\/\*]/);

  # ... etc.


  jason king

  It is illegal to annoy a bird in any city park of Honolulu, Hawaii.

RE: passing part of an array to a function

2001-05-16 Thread King, Jason

Peter Scott writes ..

At 10:44 AM 5/17/01 +1000, King, Jason wrote:
so here's the thing .. Perl doesn't have pointers .. only references
.. so you can't have a 1500 element array and grab a reference to the
700th element

Oh yes you can:

my @foo = qw(three blind mice);
my $elemref = \$foo[2];

yes .. sorry - I phrased that badly .. I meant that you couldn't grab a
reference to an array starting at the 700th element

  jason king

  It is illegal to annoy a bird in any city park of Honolulu, Hawaii.

RE: :Cookie not setting cookie with Internet Explorer

2001-05-16 Thread King, Jason

Fernando Munoz writes ..

You are probably right, but it works!.. the fact of the problem
however, is that the cookie is not set on Internet Explorer, and I can
not figure it out.

so .. you say that I'm probably right .. so it's probably correct that
Netscape is executing a different program to IE .. then how is it a mystery
that one program works in Netscape and another different program does not
work in IE ??

not sure what was lost here in the communication .. but you MUST change the
line of code that I indicated previously .. that code you had will not
retrieve the value of the cookie

  jason king

  It is illegal to annoy a bird in any city park of Honolulu, Hawaii.

RE: Using SSL and Perl to Gather Process Information

2001-05-16 Thread King, Jason

Ken Hammer writes ..

 I need to write a perl script that will gather system information
from remote machines. I must communicate to the remote machines
using SSL.  I'm thinking I can use the Socket method to accomplish
this, but I have had little luck in figuring it out.

 Can anyone point me in the right direction?

CPAN has a number of SSL modules .. you should just search for SSL on the
seach page

  jason king

  It is illegal to annoy a bird in any city park of Honolulu, Hawaii.

RE: Beginners Database Question

2001-05-15 Thread King, Jason

Eric B. Leslie wrote ..

I'm experimenting with putting a db backend on everything.  What I've
 learned I am able to make a perl script that can access it and
 manipulate data for it but there's one key item I'm stumped on.  What
 I'm trying to do is have the main content of the website be pulled off
 my database because there are tables with links leading to other pages
 that are visible on every page.  See  It would be a drag to have to
 update the links on every single page in my website.
Without making a script that generates every single page, is there a
 way to call a script from inside an html document to place the content
 there. This may be way out of my league, but I can't find any
 documentations about this.  Is there some other route I must take, like
 using PHP or javascript?  Thanks

everyone else seems to be overlooking the obvious and/or getting ahead of
themselves .. from what you're saying you're looking for a way to include
the output of a Perl program inside a web page

what I think you're after are called Server Side Includes (or SSIs for
short) .. they're available for most web servers .. and the syntax is
generally the same (or similar) for all web servers

at least under IIS and Apache the following will embed the output of the
Perl program from the /cgi-bin directory in the body of the
web page

  htmlheadtitleSSI Example/title/head


!--#include virtual=/cgi-bin/ --


  jason king

  In South Carolina, merchandise may not be sold within a half mile of
  a church unless fruit is being sold. -

RE: CR LF with UNIX and Windows (DOSish?)

2001-05-14 Thread King, Jason

David Falck writes ..

I tested something similar to your suggestion. I created the customer
record on my laptop's Windows98 OS, and also on my web site's UNIX OS.
Then I read one record and without chomp-ing (removing the input record
separator), got the length for the record. On both operating systems,
the length was 304. (No idea!) But I had to assign 2 to the $newline
variable when on Windows for the seek to work -- seeking the record
with an offset from the beginning of the file.

I still haven't figured that one out. My record is 303 and length of
record returns 304. Why... I just don't know.

on Win32 - when you read the file in using a text filehandle (ie. you have
not 'binmode'd it by using the binmode function) then Perl converts the OS's
native line-ending sequence to \n internally in Perl for everyone's

so .. once you've read it in - all the CRLFs have been converted to LFs ..
hence the match between UNIX and Win32 byte counts

HOWEVER .. within the file itself - there are still CRLFs in Win32 and plain
LFs in UNIX .. so the seek needs to take this into account .. because it's
acting directly on the file buffer


  perldoc -f binmode
  perldoc -f seek

  jason king

  In South Carolina, merchandise may not be sold within a half mile of
  a church unless fruit is being sold. -

RE: DBI and MS Access????

2001-05-14 Thread King, Jason

Mark Martin writes ..

I'm looking for the quick and painless (idiots guide) instructions to
connect to an MS Access database running on NT from a Digital 
UNIX machine.

Need to knows:

What DBD::  ?? needs installing

How should the database handle look seeing as how there is no 
instance for
an Access DB :

$dbh1 = DBI-connect( dbi:??:??, username, password ) . Do I need
some software for this?

you must need some other software .. MS Access is not a database server ..
so you can't connect to it remotely like you can to other databases .. it
requires an engine on the local machine to be running so that the data can
be served

on Microsoft OSs this will be the JET engine or ADO or something like that
.. on UNIX you will need an engine to basically act as the database server
with the MS Access database file as it's data store

I don't know whether such a thing exists - but hopefully you can find it now
if it does exist

  jason king

  In South Carolina, merchandise may not be sold within a half mile of
  a church unless fruit is being sold. -

RE: flock

2001-05-14 Thread King, Jason

Jeff Pinyan writes ..

On May 14, Brian Shoemaker said:

The Perl 5 book I have says flock function doesn't work in 
Windows systems.

I don't want to create a lock file each time someone accesses 
a file and
then have to delete that lock.

A rather clever way to emulate locking is to use mkdir() and rmdir().

Although it requires you to create a lock file, it's atomic and safe.

are you sure ? .. just because it constitutes one Perl statement doesn't
mean that it's atomic .. I suspect mkdir has several steps internally

if you're sure then can you please provide references to the atomicity of
mkdir .. because it's a great find if it's truly atomic - many peopl believe
there to be no atomic file locking operation on Win9x machines

  jason king

  In South Carolina, merchandise may not be sold within a half mile of
  a church unless fruit is being sold. -

RE: flock

2001-05-14 Thread King, Jason

Jeff .. you wrote ..

On May 15, King, Jason said:

A rather clever way to emulate locking is to use mkdir() and rmdir().

Although it requires you to create a lock file, it's atomic and safe.

are you sure ? .. just because it constitutes one Perl 
statement doesn't
mean that it's atomic .. I suspect mkdir has several steps internally

if you're sure then can you please provide references to the 
atomicity of
mkdir .. because it's a great find if it's truly atomic - 
many peopl believe
there to be no atomic file locking operation on Win9x machines

Here are some references:

none of those references deal with whether mkdir on Win32 is atomic or not
.. certainly I agree that it's atomic under BSD and GNU based systems .. but
the only mention of Win32 in those references leaves the hanging question

  Of course, then the question is... is mkdir() atomic on Win32 Perl..

They say that mkdir() is atomic ON A SERVER -- if you're on an NFS, all
bets are off.

The Perl Cookbook mentions the mkdir+rmdir locking scheme.  I 
think that's a pretty safe bet.

actually .. the references (and specifically the Cookbook example) are
talking specifically about locking over NFS (where flock often does not
work) .. hence the name of the Cookbook section Program: netlock

but nothing conclusively answers the question about Win32 mkdir .. and even
more damning .. nothing mentions the Win(Me|98|95) flavours of Win32 where
flock is not atomic and therefore I would hazard a guess that mkdir is non
atomic (especially with the whole long-filename issue)

on Win32 the mkdir() function is implemented with a call to _wmkdir .. you'd
have to show me some references to this function and whether it was an
atomic operation before I'd trust it on Win32

  jason king

  In South Carolina, merchandise may not be sold within a half mile of
  a church unless fruit is being sold. -

RE: Can you print directly to the default printer?

2001-05-14 Thread King, Jason

Amarnath Honnavalli Anantharamaiah writes ..

It is quite interesting. I am curious to know how do you print to a
network printer ? Please excuse me if I am asking a dumb question.

never had to .. if I had to I'd probably want to format the printed output a
little better than ASCII can do .. so I'd probably use OLE to setup a Word
document and print from Word (I'm assuming - of course - that we're still
talking Win32 as per the original query)

there's a Net::Printer module available on CPAN for UNIX line printers ..
talks to port 515 on the network printer .. this might work for Win32
printers .. but I doubt it .. and even if it did - then it's unlikely to be

if I were you - I'd use Word (or some other printer enabled program) to
print .. notepad for example has a /p option .. so you can write a temporary
file and print it using notepad (which will use the default printer)

none of the solutions are very tidy

  jason king

  In South Carolina, merchandise may not be sold within a half mile of
  a church unless fruit is being sold. -

RE: CR LF with UNIX and Windows (DOSish?)

2001-05-13 Thread King, Jason

David Falck writes ..

Is there a programmatic way to tell if I'm on Windows or UNIX? I know
that $^0 returns the name of the operating system, but can I count on
matching /MS/i or /Win/i to determine if it's Windows? If Windows,
I'll assign 2 to $newline below, else I'll assign 1.

it completely depends on the build process of that version of Perl .. I
think that Cygwin has a different string than the standard (ActiveState)

for ActiveState's Perl build it is guranteed to literally match 'MSWin32' on
all Microsoft Win32 platforms .. these are currently

  WindowsNT 3.51
  WindowsNT 4.0

and will soon include


hence your code (assuming ActiveState Perl) would be

  my $newline = ( $^O eq 'MSWin32' ? 2 : 1 );

but check to see what the Cygwin build produces (using perl -V and looking
at the osname value)


  perldoc perlvar | grep -A10 $OSNAME
  perl -V | grep osname

  jason king

  By South Carolina state law, if a man promises to marry an unmarried
  woman, the marriage must take place. -

RE: how to stamp the date onto a log file name.

2001-05-10 Thread King, Jason

Peter Lemus writes ..

Please provide an example on how I can create the log
file of a perl script, something like MMDD.log.
I'll like to use the current Month, Day, and Year.

well .. assuming that your program is only run once (ie. two copies can't be
running at the same time - so there are no locking issues) .. the following
will open a log file

  my($day,$month,$year) = (localtime)[3..5];

  open LOG, ''. sprintf( '%02d%02d%4d' = $month+1, $day, $year+1900)
or die Bad open: $!;

  # then you would just print to the LOG filehandle

  print LOG Here's a log message\n;

  jason king

  In Fort Madison, Iowa, the fire department is required to practice
  fire fighting for fifteen minutes before attending a fire. -

RE: newbie: CPAN module usage.

2001-05-09 Thread King, Jason

SS HK writes ..

I would like to install some of the CPAN modules. How
can I do that. I am using ActivePerl on Windows.

Any pointers would be greatly helpful. 

while others have mentioned 'ppm' which should be your first port of call ..
there are only a limited number of modules (albeit the commonly used ones)
that have been made available via ppm

so .. if you need to grab a module from CPAN then you will need nmake.exe
for building the modules .. in some instances you will also need a C

nmake comes with Microsoft Visual C++ .. which also has nmake .. so if you
have access to that then install it

otherwise .. you can get a free version of nmake from Microsoft .. which
will mean that you will not be able to install any modules that require
compilation .. but you can install pure Perl modules (which accounts for a
fairly high proportion)

I'm not going to tell you where the free nmake is because you'll learn a lot
more than I'm telling you here by reading the ActivePerl documentation -
which also tells you where to find nmake

get to the ActivePerl documentation on your Start  Programs menu .. read
the section of the ActivePerl FAQ entitled Modules  Samples .. and then
read all the rest of the FAQ .. it has all the information you need (one
hint: where it talks about gzip and tar - you can use WinZip for both
untarring and ungzipping the archives)

  jason king

  In Denmark, if a horse carriage is trying to pass a car and the horse
  gets uneasy, the car is required to pull over and stop. If necessary
  to ease the horse down, you are required to cover the car up. -

RE: Very beginner question

2001-05-09 Thread King, Jason


(name = john)
if I am trying to just extract john for the value $b, why would the
following script not work.  I thought it would take bothIt returns the
full (name=john)

#!user/local/bin/perl -w

open TRY , try.txt;

while (TRY) {
   (my $b=$_) =~ s/^(\() (\w+)/$2/;
   print $b;

in the name of TMTOWTDI

chop( my $name = substr $_, rindex( $_, ' ')+1);
print $name, \n;

but I suspect (from the statement about the output being '(name=john)') that
those spaces might not always be there .. in which case

/=\s*(.*)\)/  print $1, \n;

  jason king

  In Denmark, if a horse carriage is trying to pass a car and the horse
  gets uneasy, the car is required to pull over and stop. If necessary
  to ease the horse down, you are required to cover the car up. -


2001-05-09 Thread King, Jason

Stephen E. Hargrove writes ..

On Thu, 10 May 2001, King, Jason wrote:

 Stephen E. Hargrove writes ..

 how do i add new directories to @INC?  i've managed to 
bungle one of my
 debian systems, and apt-get relies pretty heavily on some .pm's that
 aren't in the stock @INC locations.

 there's a hand module called 'lib' that's part of the CORE 
distribution ..
 it basically just unshifts your list onto the @INC array in 
a BEGIN block

   use lib qw'/dirs/for /inclusion /in/INC';

doesn't this just make the adjustment at compile time?  what i'm really
needing is something that will modify @INC for all time.  can that be

you need to recompile Perl then .. the directories included in the @INC
array are stored in the perl binary when Perl was originally built .. you
can't change them without rebuilding Perl

if you wanted to avoid hardcoding the @INC directories in every script you
write you could put your own module into one of the @INC directories to be
called by all your programs - and it would - in turn - load the other @INC
directories .. ie. your module might be as follows

  package my_lib;
  use lib qw'/dirs/for /inclusion /in/INC';

then in all your programs you'd have

  #!perl -w
  use strict;
  use my_lib;

  # .. code ..


  jason king

  In Denmark, if a horse carriage is trying to pass a car and the horse
  gets uneasy, the car is required to pull over and stop. If necessary
  to ease the horse down, you are required to cover the car up. -

RE: Refresh Button

2001-05-08 Thread King, Jason

Helio S. Junior writes ..

I would like to know if it's possible to do the

When the user clicks on the Refresh Button of
Internet Explorer and my WebPage refreshes, i
also have to 'insert' some information on the
TABLES inside the Page. Is it possible to do
If so, how?
Any Sample code?

everytime someone refreshes your page your script will be executed again -
so you can insert whatever you want .. here's an example that outputs the
time on the server in a table...

  #!perl -w
  use strict;

  use CGI;
  $CGI::POST_MAX = 0;

  my $q = new CGI;

  print $q-header,
$q-start_html('My test table page'),
$q-start_table( { -border = 0 } ),
$q-Tr( $q-td( scalar localtime )),


  jason king

  In Nevada, it is still legal for a person to hang another for killing
  their dog on their own property. -

RE: what's wrong in systax

2001-05-08 Thread King, Jason

either that or the if (/$TYPETAG/i) is not matching - so the block isn't
even being entered .. this would be most likely because even if the match on
line 29 doesn't match .. line 30 should still initialise $jobtype to (at the
very least) '::'

so my guess is that $TYPETAG doesn't appear on the line .. taking a look at
its contents - and using my Psi::ESP module .. I'm guessing that it's
because its value is


where it should be


but that's just a guess

  jason king

  In Hibbing, Minnesota, it shall be the duty of all policemen to kill
  all cats running at large. -

-Original Message-
From: Jos I Boumans [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wed 9 May 2001 09:05
To: Anshu Anshu; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: what's wrong in systax

from the error msg i conclude that line 29 is not producing a 
match. You
might want to add some print statements to see whats going on there.
if it holds meta chars like japhy said, you might also want to try
quotemeta $_; so you can be sure all 'special characters' 
are escaped for
the regex.


Jos Bouamns

- Original Message -
From: Anshu Anshu [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, May 08, 2001 11:36 PM
Subject: Re: what's wrong in systax

 Thanks for reply. below is the varibales as defined -

 $LOCTAG = !--location--;
 $TYPETAG = !-ategory--;

 and error message was

 Name main::JOBDATA used only once: possible typo at line 14.
 Name main::CP used only once: possible typo at line 13.
 Use of uninitialized value in substitution (s///) at line 35.

 - Original Message -
 From: Jeff Pinyan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Anshu Anshu [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, May 08, 2001 5:28 PM
 Subject: Re: what's wrong in systax

  On May 8, Anshu Anshu said:
   22  while (IF) {
  23  if (/$LOCTAG/i) {
  24  ($curloc) = /VALUE=([^]+)\s*\w*/i;
  25  $location .= ${curloc}::;
  26  }
  28  if (/$TYPETAG/i) {
  29  ($curtype) = /VALUE=([^]+)/i;
  30  $jobtype .= ${curtype}::;
  31  }
  32  }
  33  close(IF);
  34  $location =~ s/::$//;
  35  $jobtype =~ s/::$//;
  It would be much appreciated if you gave us an error 
message.  My guess
  that there are characters in $LOCTAG and $TYPETAG that 
Perl is using as
  regex characters.  Try:
if (/\Q$LOCTAG\E/i) { ... }
if (/\Q$TYPETAG\E/i) { ... }
  instead.  Or, consider using index() instead:
if (index(lc, lc($LOCTAG))  -1) { ... }
  Jeff japhy Pinyan  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Are you a Monk?
  Perl Programmer at RiskMetrics Group, Inc.
  Acacia Fraternity, Rensselaer Chapter. Brother #734

RE: Perl and WindowsNT

2001-05-08 Thread King, Jason

Carl Rogers writes ..

I used the opendir() function in my Perl script to point to a folder
with 200+ text files for the purpose of extracting data from each file.

If I run the script with opendir/readdir pointing to a directory on a
shared drive, I'll get to a point where Perl tells me Can't open file-
no such file or directory

possibly - this is because of network instability .. ie. the network is not
available for that file .. you could try putting the open attempt in a loop
so that it tries a few times before giving up

  my $attempts = 100;

  until( open FILE, $filename)
die qq(Could not open $filename: $!) unless $attempts--;

If I copy the bad file to my home directory, run the same script with
opendir/readdir pointing to my home directory now- it can be opened and

smells of something caused by the share

The weird part: If I go back and opendir/readdir to the shared
directory, the bad file is all of a sudden working and another
file later in the directory becomes the bad file. As the steps are
repeated, more files in the shared directory are able to be read.

can't explain that other than by saying Windows is weird

Question: Is there a feature in WindowsNT that would cause Perl to
behave this way? I've tried by changing the properties on the files,
and that doesn't seem to help. (BTW: I'm using Perl 5.001running on NT
4.0 SP 6)

have you tried upgrading your Perl .. 5.001 - are you sure ??? .. the above
code snippet might not work in 5.001 - I don't know when they introduced the
post-conditional syntax

in any case you should not be running such an old version of Perl .. it is a
possible cause of this weird problem

you should upgrade to at least 5.005_03 .. but why not 5.6.0 or 5.6.1 .. get
the latest version from ActiveState

  jason king

  In Hibbing, Minnesota, it shall be the duty of all policemen to kill
  all cats running at large. -

RE: Regex ([^]*)

2001-05-06 Thread King, Jason

Clinton writes ..

I'm tring to extract some values delimited by quotes
I can extract the first set using ([^]*) but not the second set using
([^]*),([^]*). Could I have a clue please?

a) you're forgetting the closing quote


b) the while(STUFF) processes one line at a time .. and so assuming that
your TEST.TXT is split over a number of lines as you have shown it below -
even the first match shouldn't work

but I suspect that your data representation below is not accurate .. in
which case you really need to provide it accurately for this sort of

use strict;
my $file = test.txt;

#extract from file
my $stuff=e:/$file;
open STUFF, $stuff or die Cannot open $stuff for read :$!;

while (STUFF) {
if (/new Array\\\(\\\);\\nkeyComp\[.+\] = ([^]*)/g){
print $1 \n;

print END OF FILE;

you should probably slurp the whole file into one scalar to do the regex on
.. so after the open you'd have something like this

  my $file_contents = do { local $/; STUFF };

then you'd process $file_contents something like this

  $file_contents =~ /([^]*),([^]*)/;
  print [$1] [$2]\n;

  jason king

  You must pay a fine of $600 in Thailand if you're caught throwing
  away chewed bubblegum on the sidewalk. If you do not pay the fine,
  you are jailed. -

RE: Simple HTML Page

2001-05-03 Thread King, Jason

Helio S. Junior writes ..

I have a HTML Page in our Intranet. This page contains
some tables which i have to update from time to time.

The information i have to add to the tables on this
page comes from OutLook e-mails.

I would like to add a button on this Page in order to 
read OutLook e-mails and update this page.
Is it possible to do it with Perl?

Any sample code?

I've never done it personally and can't point you to any samples of what you
want to do specifically .. but it's certainly possible using the OLE
interface available to Perl

there's a bit of doco on it in the ActivePerl FAQ which is installed by
default along with ActiveState's Perl on Win32 .. open the HTML
documentation from the Windows Start  Programs menu

read about how to talk to OLE .. and for a specific Outlook example - in the
menu on the left hand side choose Using OLE with Perl and then click the
link to the section called How do I create a new folder in Outlook?

that will at least get you talking to Outlook .. from there it ceases to be
a Perl issue - and becomes an Outlook object model one .. and here I can't
help you :) .. I'm not familiar with the object model for Outlook - sorry

  jason king

  In Norway, you may not spay your female dog or cat.  However, you may
  neuter the males of the species. -

RE: I am a real begginer to perl......

2001-05-03 Thread King, Jason

David Monarres writes ..

I am alos fairly new with perl and completely new with perl one liners.
I see how you can use regex's on the cmd line to edit a file (sort of
sed ish). I tried this

$ perl -pe 's/hello/reverse($1)/' -i test

all it print's is reverse. I was wondering if you knew of a way to read
in a word and reverse it's contents. Not critical but it has intrigued

  perl -pe 's/hello/reverse $/e' -i test

perldoc references (type any of the following on the command line):

  perldoc perlre
  perldoc perlvar
  perldoc perlrun

  jason king

  In Norway, you may not spay your female dog or cat.  However, you may
  neuter the males of the species. -

RE: Can't figure out find()

2001-05-02 Thread King, Jason

Ask Bjoern Hansen writes ..

On Mon, 30 Apr 2001, Meije Oppenhuizen wrote:

 I am probably doing something very wrong here, but can 
someone tell me
 #!/usr/bin/perl -w
 use File::Find;
 print $arg;
 open(LISTFILE,  /home/meyeo/testfile) or die Can't open the ffin
 print LISTFILE \n;
 find (\wanted, $arg);
 sub wanted
 #  this should print all the files in the serving directory 
 open(LISTFILE,  /home/meyeo/testfile) or die Can't open the ffin
 print LISTFILE $_\n;

I can't see why it works differently in different places, but
something like this would be MUCH more efficient:

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use File::Find;

my $arg = shift @ARGV;

my @files;

find (sub { push @files, $_ }, $arg);

open LISTFILE, outputfile or die Could not open
outputfile: $!;
print LISTFILE join \n, @files;

 of course, that will have to keep a list in memory of all the
files it has read so far. If that's a problem, then you can change
it so it will call a flush_list function every 5000 file or
something and clear the @files array.

or you could just open the filehandle before the call to find - then print
to it within the find .. eg.

  #!/usr/bin/perl -w
  use strict;

  use File::Find 'find';

  my $arg = shift;# shifts @ARGV by default

  open LISTFILE, 'outputfile' or die Bad open: $!;

  find( sub { print LISTFILE $_\n }, $arg);

  close LISTFILE or die Bad close: $!;  # check closes on write handles


NB: I didn't test the above code .. so excuse any typo syntax errors

  jason king

  In Norway, you may not spay your female dog or cat.  However, you may
  neuter the males of the species. -

RE: execute at win2k system command with options.

2001-05-02 Thread King, Jason

Casey West writes ..

On Wed, May 02, 2001 at 05:37:27PM -0400, Casey West wrote:
: On Wed, May 02, 2001 at 03:16:41PM -0700, Peter Lemus wrote:
: : Hi, 
: : I'm having some trouble trying to execute the followin
: : command from a perl script.
: : rmdir /s /q username #this works from the command line
: : in win2k.
: : I tried:   
: : system 'rmdir /s /q $user' # no luck.  Any
: : suggestions?
: My first suggestion is to look at the '$?' variable, it holds the
: error code for system() calls.
:   system( romdir /s /q $user ) || dir $?;

dir??? Casey, that's supposed to be die(), dummy.

and 'romdir' is surely meant to be 'rmdir' .. someone needs some sleep ;)

still the question remains - why call out to the system when the same thing
can be done in Perl

  perldoc File::Path

  jason king

  In Norway, you may not spay your female dog or cat.  However, you may
  neuter the males of the species. -

RE: Question on optimizing this sub (help!)

2001-05-01 Thread King, Jason

Shawn writes ..

Can someone look at a subroutine for me? Specifically, after
this (at bottom of email) subroutine runs, it increases my
RSS by 6 megs, and shouldn't do that. (here it has indexed
133798 files)

this is normal Perl behaviour - welcome to an interpreted language .. check
out the Perl FAQ .. it will have been installed on your system with perl ..
type the following at the command prompt

  perldoc -q free.*array

  jason king

  In New York, a fine of $25 can be levied for flirting. This old law
  specifically prohibits men from turning around on any city street and
  looking at a woman in that way. A second conviction for a crime of
  this magnitude calls for the violating male to be forced to wear a
  pair of horse-blinders wherever and whenever he goes outside for a
  stroll. -

RE: finding common records between two files

2001-05-01 Thread King, Jason

Mike Stussie writes ..

I'm a newbie to perl and trying to solve a problem.. Here is what I'm 
trying to do:

read thru flat file 'A' that looks something like this:(fields 
delimited by
BCSNDTJN::Joe User::1 N.
Main::Anytown::MO::None::None::None::Unknown::[EMAIL PROTECTED]

and find any duplicates based on the email address that might be in
flat file 'B'. I want to take the duplicates and output it to another
file so that I can administer it later.

I found something in the camel book relating to hashes that might do
the trick but how do I get the flat file into a hash.

excuse me if I've misunderstood - but you seem to be having fun working
through things yourself and seem to be just looking for a solution to the
how do I read a file into a hash question .. rather than a solution to the
whole thing

so I'll just provide that - in case solving it all will be wrecking your fun
(let me know if I've guessed wrong .. because it's a very simple program to
show you)

also .. your description is unclear .. but I'm assuming that flat file 'B'
contains just email addresses .. eg.


so .. here's the trick .. you use the map function to create a new list
where the lines from 'B' are the keys and you just give them a true value
(we're using 1 here)

  open IN, 'B' or die Bad open: $!;
  my %check = map { chomp; $_ = 1 } IN;

so .. if the above example email addresses were in 'B' then now you'd have
the following hash

  $check = ( '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' = 1,

so hopefully your camel example will now enable you to look through 'A'
checking whether the email address is a duplicate

  jason king

  In New York, a fine of $25 can be levied for flirting. This old law
  specifically prohibits men from turning around on any city street and
  looking at a woman in that way. A second conviction for a crime of
  this magnitude calls for the violating male to be forced to wear a
  pair of horse-blinders wherever and whenever he goes outside for a
  stroll. -

RE: Perl and NT

2001-05-01 Thread King, Jason

Matt Blatchley writes ..

Does anyone know of a way to use perl and CGI to have the following:

html page w/ form to get stdin from the user for username and

pass the variables to the perl script which then modifies permissions
for a specific folder on NT and allows the user to then have access to
a particular folder after having the password emailed to the user...

yes you can do it .. but the CGI program (be it Perl or ASP/vbscript) will
only have the security privileges of whatever account the web server is
configured to access the CGI directory as

this is usually a builtin account called something like


and it's usually only a Guest .. because Guests can't change permissions on
directories then you'll run into problems

once you've changed that account then you have to be REALLY careful with the
programs that you write and the web server in general (especially with
WebDAV now in IIS5) because users will have higher privileges on your system

to actually change the permissions you can use a Perl module called


which ships with the standard distribution of Win32 Perl .. or you can just
call cacls.exe with the system command  .. it's a WinNT utility for change
the ACL (permissions)

  jason king

  In New York, a fine of $25 can be levied for flirting. This old law
  specifically prohibits men from turning around on any city street and
  looking at a woman in that way. A second conviction for a crime of
  this magnitude calls for the violating male to be forced to wear a
  pair of horse-blinders wherever and whenever he goes outside for a
  stroll. -

RE: cookies and web

2001-05-01 Thread King, Jason

Jeff K.V. Bhavnanie writes ..

How do i go about accepting a cookie from a web login site?

in a cookie jar

I use LWP to do a POST, but i can't login as the server
sends a cookie. Is there a generic Login perl script lines?

Login to a web site, send username password, accept cookie
then the rest of the POST forms send that cookie back?

nope .. no generic one .. but it's pretty simple .. if you're not already -
then you'll need to start using LWP::UserAgent (rather than LWP::Simple)

then check out the documentation

  perldoc LWP::UserAgent

search for cookie and you'll see the cookie_jar method .. and a reference to
HTTP::Cookies .. check the documentation for that too

  perldoc HTTP::Cookies

it's pretty simple

Hint: test cookie scripts first on the command line - it's MUCH easier to
see and debug the output

  jason king

  In New York, a fine of $25 can be levied for flirting. This old law
  specifically prohibits men from turning around on any city street and
  looking at a woman in that way. A second conviction for a crime of
  this magnitude calls for the violating male to be forced to wear a
  pair of horse-blinders wherever and whenever he goes outside for a
  stroll. -

RE: running gzip with the system function

2001-04-30 Thread King, Jason

lance turner writes ..

I'm trying to use the system function to run the gzip program with 
the following line of code:

   $status = system(gzip $filename);

   where $filename is the file that is to be compressed

It isn't working and a status of 65280 is being returned.

return codes from system are left shifted by 8 (so that other codes can be
included in the mask) .. so to get the real return code you have to shift

  perldoc -f system

65280  8 is 255 .. depending on your system - this return code could mean

my guess is that it means that the system couldn't find the 'gzip' program
.. try putting an explicit path to gzip in your program .. get the explicit
path in what I guess is a *nix system with

  which gzip

on the command line

alternatively there's an Archive::Zip module on CPAN that will allow you to
do the zipping in Perl

  jason king

  A Canadian law states that citizens may not publicly remove bandages.

RE: Win32 Configuration - Basic Question

2001-04-30 Thread King, Jason

Helio S. Junior writes ..

Does anyone know how to configure a Win2k Web Server?
What do i have to do in the Web Server and on my
machine in order to be able to write CGI Applications?

I have got the Win32 port of Perl from ActivePerl.

when you install ActiveState's Perl .. if there's a Default Web Site in
IIS (which there is unless you've deleted it) then the installation will do
everything you need so that any file with extension .pl in the /scripts
directory will run as a CGI

for more information - see the ActiveState HTML documentation (there'll be a
link to it on your Programs menu) .. assuming that you're installing the
latest release from ActiveState there's an excellent section on configuring
an IIS 4.0 server .. the same holds true for IIS5 on Win2k

here's a test CGI application for you (it just prints out all the HTTP

  #!perl -w
  use strict;

  print Content-type: text/html\n\n;

  print $_ = $ENV{$_}br\n for sort keys %ENV;


  jason king

  A Canadian law states that citizens may not publicly remove bandages.

RE: Subroutine and Functions

2001-04-30 Thread King, Jason

Phillip Bruce writes ..

  I like to know if subroutines and Function should be placed
  in any particular order in perl. What is commonly practiced?
  Can anyone give me some examples.

generally subroutines are placed after the main body of code being run .. I
usually put them in the order that I wrote them (for what I hope are obvious

there are examples in all the standard libraries included with perl .. check
out the two directories




  jason king

  A Canadian law states that citizens may not publicly remove bandages.

RE: Maps and Perl

2001-04-30 Thread King, Jason

Alex Stanciu writes ..

I`ve got a question for you all. I`m trying to make an online 
map using Perl and PerlMagick, but as I found, it`s too slow 
for my machine, so I`m looking for another solution. Anyone 
here tried this? I saw a nice online map at , and 
I`d really like to know how to make the centering and the 
zooming faster then this one, with PerlMagick.

allow me to suggest that this is not a 'beginners' question and that you
will find better and more numerous responses to your question in the
comp.lang.perl.misc newsgroup

  jason king

  A Canadian law states that citizens may not publicly remove bandages.


2001-04-29 Thread King, Jason

Alberto Manuel Brandao Simoes writes ..

   I've donwloaded a module from CPAN (CORBA::ORBit) but it 
requires Error ('require Error') and there is any
in the system. Can anybody explain what can I do to put it
working? I think removing the line will do the trick, but
I would like to know what's this require Error purpose.

the best idea in situations like this is to read the file that comes with
the module distribution called README

that file is called README to encourage people to read it because it often
contains important or vital information about using or installing the module

in this case - your question is answered in that README file .. check it out

  jason king

  In Georgia, you have the right to commit simple battery if provoked
  by fighting words. -

RE: CPAN Question

2001-04-27 Thread King, Jason

Phillip Bruce writes ..

  Sometime back some one gave me the path to a config file in
  which told cpan where and what compilers that my systems uses.
  Does anyone have any ideas to this.


  jason king

  A Canadian law states that citizens may not publicly remove bandages.

RE: Error opening file?

2001-04-26 Thread King, Jason

Billy Joedono writes ..

Below is a piece of code central to my problem. I've used this a lot
of time without problem, but on this occasion, it fails me. Whenever I
run the script, it ends with the error bash: ./ No such file
or directory. The funny thing is, if I activate the debug option (use
#!/usr/bin/perl -d) and step through the code, it does what I want, no
errors given there.

can you run it manually by passing it to the interpreter



the permissions should be (at least) 755 .. ie.

  chmod 755

but you're right .. the fact that it works in the debugger should mean
that's not the problem

I assume that you aren't doing anything crazy like having a blank line
before the shebang line .. because obviously that'll also create problems
(but you'd have to be really crazy to delete the blank line when adding the
'-d' option)

other than ensuring that the shebang line is correct (again - you'd have to
be crazy to be changing it without realising when you add the '-d' option)
there doesn't seem to be anything obvious

  jason king

  A Canadian law states that citizens may not publicly remove bandages.

RE: Another regular expression question?

2001-04-25 Thread King, Jason

Part 1

the [] are just enclosing paired delimiters .. the substitution operator is
commonly used like this


but those '/' delimiters are just convention .. it can also be


or in fact any matching characters (that don't appear unescaped within the
regex or substitution)

  s qfooqbarq

bracketing constructs are treated a little differently .. in that instead of
matching the same character - they match the enclosing pair .. eg.


and those can be nested .. eg.


this will turn this string

  blah foo(foo)foo blah

into this string

  blah bar blah

you usually use the same brackets for the regex part of the substitution as
for the replacement part .. but you don't have to .. you can mix brackets


or as bbking wrote


Part 2

perl parses the operator s/// whenever it sees it in context .. so the
following will make a substitution

  $_ = 'blah foo blah';

  s qfooqbarq;

but the following will not

  $_ = 'blah foo blah';

  @x = qw/s qfooqbarq/;

as with any piece of Perl code - it depends on the context as to what perl
does with it

  jason king

  In Hibbing, Minnesota, it shall be the duty of all policemen to kill
  all cats running at large. -

-Original Message-
From: Amarnath Honnavalli Anantharamaiah
Sent: Tue 24 Apr 2001 21:06
Subject: RE: Another regular expression question?

I still have two question about the regexp used
1. What is [] at the end of the regexp
2. As you said perl lets us to chose any other thing other 
than slashes in
s///. But do we have to specify in particular what is the 
delimiter Or does
it take by default any charecter next to =~ s  as delimiter


-Original Message-
Sent:  Friday, April 20, 2001 5:39 PM
Subject:   RE: Another regular expression question?

 I don't know how this works, But I have seen this regexp 
comparison it in
 perlop man pages. It has been very good regexp.
 Can anyone explain this for me.

I'll add some comments that may help explain some of what was left out:

#! /usr/bin/perl

# open the file
open(fileHandle, Cfile) || die can't open the file ;

# read the file in scalar
while(fileHandle) { # This is the Perl idiom for while there
  # are still lines left in the file...

 $program .= $_;  # This adds the current line (including
  # the newline at the end) to the variable
  # called $program. At the end of this loop,
  # $program contains the entire file living
  # named 'Cfile'.

# Delete (most) C comments.
   $program =~ s {
   /\* # Match the opening delimiter.
   .*? # Match a minimal number of characters.
   \*/ # Match the closing delimiter.
} []gsx;

# This is a variation on the s///; operator, which replaces
# the thing between the first two slashes with the thing between
# the last two slashes. Perl lets you choose something other than
# a slash, if you want. This regex matches C comments, by looking
# for /* (the '*' is a wildcard, so you have to 'escape' it by
# putting a backslash in front of it) -- followed by as few characters
# as possible (.* means anything, zero or more times, '?' means
# do this only until the next thing comes up). The next thing in
# this regex is */ - the closing delimiter of C comments. Again, you
# have to escape the splat, so that Perl doesn't treat it specially.
# after the [], the 'g' means match globally, that is, look
# for as many matches as you can.
# the 's' means treat the input as a single line. That is, don't
# stop looking for a match when you hit a newline.
# the 'x' means let me have comments in my regex.

print $program

RE: Perl documentation

2001-04-24 Thread King, Jason

Amarnath Honnavalli Anantharamaiah asks ..

How do I get help on some modules like what are services available in
particular module say NET::FTP etc etc

all command-line distributions of Perl ship with a utility called perldoc ..
for modules like Net::FTP you should be able to type the following at a
command prompt

RE: Perl documentation

2001-04-24 Thread King, Jason

Amarnath Honnavalli Anantharamaiah asks ..

How do I get help on some modules like what are services available in
particular module say NET::FTP etc etc

all command-line distributions of Perl ship with a utility called perldoc ..
for modules like Net::FTP you should be able to type the following at a
command prompt

-oops- .. damn send button

you should be able to type the following

  perldoc Net::FTP

for more information on perldoc type

  perldoc perldoc

  jason king

  No children may attend school with their breath smelling of wild
  onions in West Virginia. -

RE: Header files dilemma!

2001-04-23 Thread King, Jason

from my experience in c.l.p.misc some people take those bibliographies as a
disguised RTFMs .. I'd love to see it for all posts - but am afraid at how
some beginners might interpret it

  jason king

  No children may attend school with their breath smelling of wild
  onions in West Virginia. -

-Original Message-
From: Nutter, Mark [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Mon 23 Apr 2001 22:51
Subject: RE: Header files dilemma!

 I hope this helps, and don't forget to read:
 perldoc perlmod
 perldoc perlmodlib
 perldoc constant
 perldoc Exporter

Ooo, a bibliography at the end of the specific advice -- 
that's a *great*
idea for a beginners list.  We should make that a convention :)

RE: print with = ??

2001-04-23 Thread King, Jason

David Gilden writes ..

Sorry to ask this, as I am quite new at this.
And the online class that I am just now finishing has
lots of bad code for examples!

From this list: 

 print '$file' = '$newfile'\n;
What does this line mean, this a renaming convention?

there's no renaming happening .. it's a print statement .. basically it's of
the form

  print some text;

see the double-quotes in the original statement .. they tell Perl to print
everything in between the quotes and perform variable interpolation on the
way .. so both $file and $newfile will have their values substituted for
them in the string

the single quotes are within the double quotes - so they're just part of the
print output

and the = is just a sequence of two characters that will also be printed
(although it means other things in other contexts)

this is all because there are double-quotes around everything .. so as far
as Perl is concerned - it's just a string to be printed

  jason king

  No children may attend school with their breath smelling of wild
  onions in West Virginia. -

RE: quick PERL question

2001-04-23 Thread King, Jason

M.W. Koskamp writes ..

The special  variable $| sets the autoflush. See PERLVAR documentation.
Whats this person does is a dirty way of setting $| to a true 
value (not 0 or undef).
Default = 0.

why do you say 'dirty' ? .. do you just mean 'less readable' ? .. or are you
implying some other problem with $|++ ?

  jason king

  No children may attend school with their breath smelling of wild
  onions in West Virginia. -

RE: print statment

2001-04-23 Thread King, Jason

David Gilden writes ..

Original from the class:

print input type=\checkbox\ name=\delete\ value=\yes\ checked\n;

Is this bad style?

yep .. avoid backwhacks at all costs - that's my opinion

print 'input type=checkbox name=delete value=yes checked',\n;


yep .. much better

print 'input type=checkbox name=delete value=yes checked'. \n;

also good - but generally accepted as inferior to the second snippet

I do believe that these 3 statements are all equivalent. 

nope .. but the differences are subtle .. the first one is essentially
equivalent to the last one .. but the one with the comma is different in
that it passes two parameters as a list to the print function and can be
affected by the built-in variable $,

to see the difference try this code snippet

  $, = '_wow_';

  print 'foo', 'bar', \n;

  print 'foo'. 'bar'. \n;

but - use of $, is pretty rare and usually discouraged and the second
snippet that you showed is the best of the three

even better is to realise that double-quotes are operators .. specifically
they're shorthand for the qq// operator .. in other words the following two
are EXACTLY equivalent to Perl

  print foobar\n;
  print qq/foobar\n/;

so .. when you want to include double-quotes AND have the string
interpolated you can do this

  print qq/input type=checkbox name=delete value=yes checked\n/;

also note that the '/' character is not the only delimiter that you can use
.. you can use anything .. so the following are all equivalent to the above

  print qq#input type=checkbox name=delete value=yes checked\n#;
  print qq*input type=checkbox name=delete value=yes checked\n*;
  print qq|input type=checkbox name=delete value=yes checked\n|;

even the rather obfuscated

  print qq qinput type=checkbox name=delete value=yes checked\nq;

you can even use bracketing constructs and Perl will pair them up .. so the
following works a treat

  print qq(some more parens () in here - perl isn't fooled\n);

Manual Refereces:

  Quote and Quote-like Operators section of perlop manual

  jason king

  No children may attend school with their breath smelling of wild
  onions in West Virginia. -

RE: BerkeleyDB

2001-04-22 Thread King, Jason

Jeffrey wrote ..

new to the list and will likely see plenty that will help; but here's
something specific to my explorations now.

I'm doing some development and testing for production and have pretty
well decided Perl-Perl/Tk and Berkeley DB will best serve my purpose.
This after exploring the DBI with DB2 (DBI is fine, but DB2 is overkill
for many reasons), and other 'SQL'-like DBs/interfaces. Here's the
difficulty: finding Perl-specific info/guide (ie more than Perl's
BerkeleyDB mod papers) to help me under- stand the techniques and
functions I'll need to write (or crib from CPAN) for the several kinds
of record updates I need to perform. Sleepycat docs repeatedly mention
BDB's ability to handle 'insert, delete, update recs' but I can't find
a darn thing that explicitly and broadly says anything about updating
recs, which is my main concern. The Perl/DBI book touches on using
Berkeley DB to a minor degree but with using DB_File for 1.85. It's a
start but I'm running out of places to look to find more info. Anybody
know of anything? I've been through all the links at the Perl sites I
know about. I'd be grateful for any steerage. Thank

I think you're underestimating your abilities :)

I mean this in the nicest way - I wouldn't consider what you're talking
about to be a beginner's topic .. so you might not find that you'll receive
the best answer here (I certainly have no idea)

it seems like a perfect question for the comp.lang.perl.misc newsgroup ..
I'm sure you'll find people there who can steer you correctly

take a look at the sorts of topics that this list deals with .. it's much
more basic than how to deal with the Perl/BDB interface

  jason king

  In Spearfish, South Dakota, if three or more Indians are walking down
  the street together, they can be considered a war party and fired
  upon. -

RE: cat a file

2001-04-19 Thread King, Jason

Frank ..

my answer has nothing to do with Perl .. but you can also use the standard
Windows copy command to do this

  copy foo.txt + bar.txt c:\temp\baz.txt

that having been said - I don't think that you can combine two PST files by
just concatenating them .. I suspect that they have headers and such - being
a binary file

you will probably have to use Outlook to combine them

  jason king

  In Norway, you may not spay your female dog or cat.  However, you may
  neuter the males of the species. -

-Original Message-
From: blowther [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Fri 20 Apr 2001 09:12
To: 'Peter Scott'; Drain, Frank; Beginners (E-mail)
Subject: RE: cat a file

Something like this will work.

perl -pe "" foo.txt bar.txt  c:\temp\baz.txt

It's disappointing that

perl -p foo.txt bar.txt  c:\temp\baz.txt

doesn't work.  It thinks foo.txt is the perl script to execute.

-Original Message-
From: Peter Scott [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, April 19, 2001 2:34 PM
To: Drain, Frank; Beginners (E-mail)
Subject: Re: cat a file

At 04:27 PM 4/19/01 -0400, Drain, Frank wrote:

I am very new to perl.  I have two pst (personal folder 
files) that I want
to combine into one.

I know how to use cat in Linux. How do do this
same operation in perl under windows?

# cat.  Usage, e.g.  perl cat .pl file1 file2 file3

while () { print }

Peter Scott
Pacific Systems Design Technologies