RE: running interactively

2005-10-12 Thread Bob Showalter
Adriano Allora wrote:
 ha to all,

Ha back!

 I need to use a a shell-program but I cannot pass all the arguments to
 this program via system() function. In other words: the program
 doesn't accept all the arguments via command line: I need to open it
 and write interactively some instructions.

If you just need to feed input via stdin, you can to a pipe open:

   open F, |/path/to/some_program or die $!;
   print F command\n;
   close F or die $!;

If the program expects to work with a terminal (tty), you can use the Expect
module to set up a pseudo-tty (pty) and interact with the program that way.

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RE: XML [AntiVir checked]

2005-10-11 Thread Bob Showalter
Naji, Khalid wrote:
 Which Module  could you recommend for the use of the XML (XML::Simple,
 XML::Parser and XML::Writer, XML::DOM, XML::PATH...) ?

To add to what Wiggins said, I would also take a look at the XML::LibXML
family of modules, and look at SAX parsing. These are newer than some of the
modules you listed.

Also, be sure to go to and read the FAQ

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RE: Forcing a save as' dialogue box to come up on left click

2005-09-20 Thread Bob Showalter
Tony Frasketi wrote:
 Hello Listers
 I'm trying to find a way to force a download dialogue box to come up
 when the user clicks on a link on a web page (the link will primarily
 be for htm, .txt files on the server).

Short answer is that you cannot *force* the client to do anything.

The HTTP standard addresses this in sec. 19.5.1 of RFC 2616, so you should
read that over. Unfortunately, not all clients follow the standard here.

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Re: cookies as hidden files

2005-09-16 Thread Bob Showalter

Denzil Kruse wrote:

Well, this is what I witnessed.  I'm using a windows
computer at home.  It is configured to display hidden
files.  I have a red hat linux server off who knows
where that hosts my site.

I set up a perl script to set and fetch cookies, and
it does so correctly on my computer.  But, I went over
to a friend's windows computer, and when it tried to
bring up the site, the browser(IE) hung.  Part of the
web site is a flash presentation with music, but the
flash was hanging as well, and there was no music.

Whatever problem this is, it isn't a Perl problem. Your CGI script neither 
reads nor writes files on the client PC; the browser handles all that. 
Sounds like your friend's browser is broken? Or perhaps he has cookies 
disabled, in which case any cookies sent by your script are simply discarded 
and you won't see them come back. 

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Re: Yet another package problem

2005-09-16 Thread Bob Showalter

Luinrandir wrote:

### #

package Inn;


#   GameTime(.1);
#   SendOff();
   print qq|Well afraid I do all my own work Try another business|;

Did you forget sub keywords on each of these?

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RE: Perl DBI / SQL Question

2005-09-14 Thread Bob Showalter
Vance M. Allen wrote:
 I need to know how to retrieve through Perl DBI a listing of possible
 ENUM elements from a field for processing under a CGI script.

Need to know what database you're talking about. This will probably involve
querying data dictionary views or tables. Some DBI drivers also have
specific methods for this kind of thing.

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RE: Force a file download for link

2005-08-30 Thread Bob Showalter
Denzil Kruse wrote:
 I want my users to download a csv file.  When they
 left click on the link, it brings the file up within
 the browswer.  They can of course do a right click and
 Save Target As depending on the browser.
 But I don't want to fuss with instructions and
 confused users.  I would just like the same thing to
 happen as a Save Target As on a left click.

Very difficult to force the browser to do anything. The best you can do is

The most foolproof way is to use Content-Type: application/octet-stream (cf
RFC 2616, sec. 7.2.1). But that seems distasteful to me. Why lie about the
content type just because users are morons? Anyway...

Content-disposition is not part of the HTTP standard, so you'll get
inconsistent results.

Also, IE can think it's smarter than you are and inspect the URL for file
extensions instead of respecting your Content-Type header. Ain't life fun?

 So I made something up, but it isn't working.  I get
 an internal server error from the browser.  When I run
 it at a command prompt, it seems to work fine.
 Here is the code:
 print content-type: multipart/mixed\n;
 print content-disposition: attachment;
 open (FILE,
 $ABS_PATH/httpdocs/SampleListingUpload.csv) or
 die Unable to load the sample listing
 template. Reason: $!;
 my $text = join , FILE;
 close FILE;
 print $text;
 And here is the output from a prompt:
 -bash-2.05b$ ./sample_listing.cgi
 content-type: multipart/mixed
 content-disposition: attachment;
 Keywords,Bid Amount,Title,Url,Description
 home mortgage,0.10,ABC Home
 Mortage,,Instant Quotes
 tax attorney,0.75,ACME Tax
 Attorneys,,Let us
 represent you

multipart/mixed is incorrect. text/csv is the proper MIME type for your
response. Also, your MIME header lines techincally need to end with \r\n,
and you must have emit blank line after the header.

This is why we always recommend using the CGI module. It gets this stuff

   use CGI qw(:standard);

   open FILE, ...blah blah...
   print header('application/octet-stream');
   print while FILE;

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RE: Easy question

2005-07-19 Thread Bob Showalter
Neville Hodder wrote:
 The following code creates two Input types - a file select and a
 text input. The text input data is returned as expected whilst
 the file select data is ignored. I have not found any references
 for a CGI file select form tag in my documentation so I guess it is
 not a recognised tag.

It is a recognised tag. See

 How can I achieve a returned selected filename within a simple CGI

Your form encoding type must be multipart/form-data

I recommend you use the CGI module. Look in the document under the section
'CREATING A FILE UPLOAD FIELD'. There are several things you need to do to
get file uploading working.

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RE: quote problem and mysql

2005-07-15 Thread Bob Showalter
Andrew Kennard wrote:
 Hi all
 Done lots of googling but this simple thing still has me stumped
 The perl code to insert stuff into an mysql table is this
 my $Vals;
 for ( my $i=1;$i=32;$i++ ) {

Hmm, that seems like it would give you an extra comma at the end. BTW, you
could shorten that loop to:

   $Vals .= '?,' for 1..32;

I would use something like this to get placeholders for each value in

   my $Vals = join ',', ('?') x @TheRecord;

(obviously that would need to go after the line that populates @TheRecord).

 chop $Vals;

Oh, I see where the extra comma is being removed. Clunky code, use my cool
stuff instead :~)

 my @TheRecord=GenMainRecData();
 my $sth = $dbh-prepare(INSERT INTO mytable VALUES($Vals));
 This works fine until I have single quores (') in the data eg
 O'Connor etc 
 The data saved in the field ends up being OConnor
 I've tried putting \\\' in the string but this gives me O\Connor

What you're doing should be working. The execute method should properly
quote your parameters.

You might try setting DBI-trace(2) prior to the call to execute() to get
some debugging output. Maybe that will help to pinpoint the problem.

 I've also tried
 foreach $fld (@TheRecord){
 push (@Processed,$dbh-quote($fld));

No, you shouldn't have to do that. Your first approach is correct, so we
need to find out what's going wrong there...

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RE: internals question

2005-07-14 Thread Bob Showalter
Scott R. Godin wrote:
 So if I were to say, override it thusly:
 package CGI;
 sub STORE {
  my $self = shift;
  my $tag  = shift;
  my $vals = shift;
  #my @vals = index($vals,\0)!=-1 ? split(\0,$vals) : $vals;
  my @vals = @{$vals};
  $self-param(-name=$tag,-value=[EMAIL PROTECTED]);
 It wouldn't affect the webserver's ability to insert params from the
 query, correct?

If I understand the question correctly, the answer is no, this method has no
effect on parsing the query parameters.

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RE: internals question

2005-07-13 Thread Bob Showalter
Scott R. Godin wrote:
 under what circumstances is the's STORE autoloaded method
 is it used only when you assign values to the object, or is it only
 used when receiving values (or multi-values) from the webserver query?

It is part of the tied hash interface returned by the $q-Vars method. It is
only invoked if you assign parameters through the tied hash.

All it does is call $q-param to assign the parameter value.

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RE: A scope question

2005-07-05 Thread Bob Showalter
Andrew Kennard wrote:
 Hi all
 I've got the basic hang of scope of vars in Perl which is a bit
 different to other languages I've used.
 Having split a large program into packages I would like to use a
 global var across multiple packages. Perl does not seem to have a 'C'
 type 'extern' command to say a var is declared in another package.
 Perhaps it does not need one ? Would I be correct in thinking that
 the %DataFromHTMLPage in the following example would always be
 pointing to the same bit of memory across the packages ?

Yes, because you've used the Export module, which works in conjunction with
use to provide sharing of global variables.

All package (aka global, or symbol table) variables have a
fully-qualified name, of the format PackageName::SymbolName. So the full
name of your hash is:


You can unambiguously reference that hash from any package by using its
fully qualified name. If you leave off the package name and just write
%DataFromHTMLPage, then the *current* package is used.

Because of the 3 lines beginning with require Exporter, when you use
myglob from another package, Exporter creates an alias to the variable
back in package myglob.

So, if you have the following:

   package Foo;
   use strict;
   use myglob;
   print keys %DataFromHTMLPage;

The last line is referencing the hash %Foo::DataFromHTMLPage. However,
because of the Exporter stuff within, %Foo::DataFromHTMLPage is
actually an alias to %myglob::DataFromHTMLPage. So the two packages are now
sharing the same hash.
 package myglob;
 use strict;
 use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser);
 our @ISA = qw(Exporter);
 our @EXPORT  = qw(%DataFromHTMLPage);
 our %DataFromHTMLPage;
 use strict;
 use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser);
 use myglob;
 use mypkg1;
 use mypkg2;
 # load data into %DataFromHTMLPage and do stuff with it
 package mypkg1;
 use strict;
 use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser);
 use myglob;
 #Do stuff here with %DataFromHTMLPage using functions etc
 package mypkg2;
 use strict;
 use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser);
 use myglob;
 #Do stuff here with %DataFromHTMLPage using functions etc
 If I don't use myglob in the package files then strict causes an
 error to say that %DataFromHTMLPage is undefined.

Yes, because variables imported (via Exporter) get a free pass from use

 My main question is if you define a var with 'our' if there is a
 2nd/3rd occurance of the definition of it what happens ?

Nothing really. our is just a declaration that says let me use this
variable name without the full package qualifier from here to the end of the
enclosing block or file.

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RE: Active Perl Script to delete 4 hours old files on Windows

2005-06-13 Thread Bob Showalter
Asad wrote:
 I need to write a script to delete 4 hours old files and
 directories on Windows. I am planning to use Perl to accomplish
 this. I understand the -M would delete at least a day old files,
 but is there a way to delete 4 hours old files and directories. Thank

The -M operator returns a floating point value, so you can compute 4 hours

  $hours = (-M $somefile) * 24;
  if ($hours  4) {
 ...file is more than 4 hours old

You need to be careful using -M in a daemon because the age is base on the
script start time and not the current time. If that's a concern, you can
make -M use current time by doing this:

  $hours = do { local $^T = time; (-M $somefile) * 24 };

or you can use stat() insteamd of -M like this:

  $hours = (time - (stat $somefile)[9]) / 3600;

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RE: How to output in HTML?

2005-05-11 Thread Bob Showalter
Roger Grosswiler wrote:
 i just wrote a very small perl-file, which opens a file, reads the
 content, adds a 1 and closes it. It's a veery simple
 hitcounter. (, code see below) 
 I would like now to print this in an existing html-sheet, say, when
 opening index.html, this program should be executed and the content
 of my counter-file (counter.cnt) should be printed in a visitors
 browser. Index.html is already existing. 
 Can you please help me?

Generally, you would do this using a technique called Server Side
Includes. If you're using Apache, you can find a good explanation at:

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Re: cgi form generates a cronjob

2005-03-25 Thread Bob Showalter
I hope this is the right forum to ask this question:
Is it possible to generate a crontab file from a perl driven CGI
If so, what are the key steps?
I've been thinking about how to develop this but for some reason I
cannot rectify, in my head, how to edit a crontab file as www when www
is not really a user in the /home dir...
Typically you would use the crontab(1) program to submit a new crontab. If 
you need to get the current crontab first, use crontab -l. Obviously you 
can't use crontab -e from a script.

  # read current crontab
  my @lines = `crontab -l`;
  ... change @lines as necessary ...
  # submit updated crontab
  open F, |crontab or die $!;
  print F @lines;
  close F;

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RE: removing dupes from fetchrow_array()?

2005-03-23 Thread Bob Showalter
Sara wrote:
 Following is the code used in my CGI script.
 my $query = $dbh - prepare(SELECT * FROM invoices WHERE ID =
 '$ID'); $query - execute();
 while (my @row = $query - fetchrow_array()){
 print $row[1] - $row[2] - $row[3]br;
 What If I want to remove dupes from @row? like if $row[2] is similar
 in multiple records, only one entry should be showed, the duplicates
 should not appear in the print.  

Like Chris said, typically you want to use SELECT DISTINT or GROUP BY in
your query. The rule of thumb is to avoid sending unecessary data from the
server to the client.

But the general Perl construct I would use to filter dups is something like:

   my %found;
   while (...more data...) {
  $key = ...some expression...
  next if $found{$key}++;
  ...process the data for the first occurence...

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RE: Premature end of script headers

2005-02-08 Thread Bob Showalter
vishwas bhakit wrote:
 I am getting following error.
 Premature end of script headers
 Can anybody plz tell me
 what is the cause of this.

When the webserver runs your CGI script, it parses the output, looking for
the MIME headers, followed by a blank line, followed by the response body.
It will then add some headers of its own and send the complete response back
to the client.

This error occurs when your script terminates before the end of the headers
is seen. Either your script isn't outputting headers correctly, or it's
dying for some reason before the headers have been fully output.

Here's a more detailed treatment:

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RE: Addendum: Content_Length.

2005-02-03 Thread Bob Showalter
Sara wrote:
 Why the length is not coming out? Any ideas?
 my @aho = (fgfgfgf, fgfgfgfgf, fgfgfgfg);
 my $length += length($_) for @aho;

A perl gotcha. The 'for' modifier creates a loop, and the 'my' is scoped
to the body of that loop (I think; I may not be exactly correct here). You
need to write it like this:

   my $length;
   $length += length($_) for @aho;

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RE: embedding dynamic images in html output

2005-01-21 Thread Bob Showalter
Chad Gard wrote:
 and I really don't want to write images to files on disk.

I think you should reconsider. This is really your best bet. Web clients and
servers are really optimized for this kind of thing. You should write all
the images out to disk files accessible through URL's and then emit IMG tags
with those URL's. The server will keep the connection open so the client can
pull down the data.

You do have to manage cleaning up the leftover disk files after some period
of time.

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RE: Browser times out

2004-12-30 Thread Bob Showalter
Denzil Kruse wrote:
 Hi all,
 I think I'm having a problem with my browser timing
 out because my cgi script is taking too long.  The
 script processes some database records.  When it does
 250 of them, it takes about a minute or so, and the
 browser has no problem.  But when I do more, the
 script takes about 2 or 3 minutes, and the browser
 gets an incomplete response.

It's probably the server timing out and not the browser.

 Is there a way to tell the browser to hang around a
 bit longer to wait for a response?  Or is there
 another way to keep the browser's attention so it
 knows it has a live connection and to wait?

One way is to have the CGI script output some data periodically.

For a more sophisticated approach, see

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RE: Setting a Cookie...

2004-12-08 Thread Bob Showalter
Bill Stephenson wrote:
 How can I set a cookie when someone visits my home page?
 I've tried using a server side include like so
 # code #
 #!/usr/bin/perl -w
 # This is in my html page:
 # !--#exec cgi=/cgi-bin/ezInvoice2/ssi.cgi--

[snip cgi ]

Your code to set the cookie is OK, but I don't think you can do this from
SSI; only the body of the response is used, not the headers (where the
cookie is set).

Googling for set cookie from ssi turns up lots of discussion of this

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RE: How to avoid accidental re-sending of POST data

2004-12-02 Thread Bob Showalter
Ingo Weiss wrote:
 this must be a common problem and I was wondering what commonly used
 strategies to solve it are:
 How can I avoid that a user re-sends a POST form when hitting the
 reload button on a result page?

You can't. If the transaction is not repeatable, you need to have some way
on the server side to detect that the transaction has been previously
submitted and reject it on subsequent submissions.

Assigning a unique transaction ID number to each transaction is one way of
doing it.

 The browser typically warns you when you want to do that but I was
 wondering whether there is an easy way to make it impossible.

Nope. You have to deal with it on the server side.

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RE: Killing a Process

2004-11-22 Thread Bob Showalter
Kevin Bass wrote:
 I have a slight problem that I am attemping to solve. I am using
 CGI/Perl (DBD Oracle) on Linux AS 2.1 to access to the database. When
 users encounter problems on the web, they cancel (or press stop) in
 their browsers. This will stop there browser interaction and also
 cause the database connection to not disconnect which causes a
 runaway process. Is there an article that I can read or a
 procedure/module or process that someone has written within CGI or
 DBI (or sometimes else) that will allow me to kill my database
 connection when a users stops an execute within his/her browser? 

When the user presses the Stop button on their browser, the only thing
that happens is the connection back to the server is closed. The only way
for your script to detect this is to try to send data back to the client. If
the connection is closed, you'll receive SIGPIPE (which by default will
terminate your process). 

You can catch the SIGPIPE and do a graceful shutdown on the db connection.

If you're in the middle of a query, you won't be able to detect the
connection being closed until the DBI call returns.

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RE: question about doing it right in CGI

2004-11-19 Thread Bob Showalter
Lewick, Taylor wrote:
 Hi all, I have been using perl for sometime for CGI scripts, but have
 always used the print content-type:html version of doing things.
 I would like to learn a better way with the CGI module, but when I
 read the docs I find it pretty easy to get confused as to whether I
 should use the object oriented method, or the functional method.

Either is fine IMO. The function method requires you to import the correct
symbols, which can be a bit tricky.

 Also, because my script is a cgi form that gets some of the select
 fields from a mysql database, I am not sure how to convert that over.
 I don't know how I would make the select field work the same.
 I am not asking for someone to rewrite my project, merely provide me
 with some examples of how they would write the same code using the cgi
 module so I can figure this out a bit better...
 On my form, I am querying a database for a list of names and loading
 them into a select box.  But I found out people want to enter more
 than one name at a time, so I loop through 15 times, and they can
 select up to 15 names...  They select a name, but I store the name's
 id, so it acts as a lookup field...
 Here is how I do this now..
  #Connect to database
  print table\n;
  for (1..15) {
  print td nowrap\n;
  $query_teams=(select id, name from teams);
  $sth = $dbh-prepare($query_teams);
  $sth-bind_columns(\$id, \$name);
  print select name='away_team$_'; #$_ traps which pass of the loop
 we are in i.e., 3rd pass, 4th pass, etc
  print option value='0'/option\n;
  while($sth-fetch()) {
  print option value='$id'$name/option\n;
  print /select\n;
  print /td\n;
 } #end for loop
 print /table\n;
 #disconnect from database
 How would I start to convert this with the CGI module.  My problems
 thus far are on a popup menu, how do I specify the field variable
 that I grab is the ID, while the displayed value is another, and how
 can I say the first value should be 0, in case they do not enter

You're querying the database 15 times; I definitely wouldn't do that.

I ususally grab all the rows into an arrayref using something like this:

   my $rows = $dbh-selectall_arrayref('select id, name from teams');

This handles all the DBI calls one one swoop.

For the CGI module's popup_menu, you need two things:

1) a list of values for the option elements, and
2) a hash of value = description pairs for the labels

Here's how to get the labels hash from the rows fetched above:

   my %labels = ( 0 = '', map @$_, @$rows );

You can extract the value list from the hash keys:

   my @values = sort { $a = $b } keys %labels;

Now you can generate the table by using CGI's routines like this (OO style):

   print $q-start_table,
 $q-td({ -nowrap = 'nowrap' }, [ map $q-popup_menu(
-name = away_team$_,
-labels = \%labels,
-values = [EMAIL PROTECTED],
-default = '0',
 ), 1 .. 15 ]),

CGI let's you use start_xxx and end_xxx methods to generate just a start or
end tag.

If you pass an arrayref to a method like td(), CGI will generate multiple
elements, one for each entry in the array. This lets us generate all 15 td
elements in one call. Look in the CGI docs under THE DISTRIBUTIVE PROPERTY

The map() function generates a list of select objects.


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RE: untainting data

2004-11-10 Thread Bob Showalter
Sara wrote:
bad guys can always create their own form
 I can't say how others do it but almost my every script starts with:
 if ($ENV{'HTTP_REFREER'} !~ / {
 it helps eliminating of Bad Guys forms  shoving of data (no remote
 postings allowed).

You do know that the Referer header can be trivially spoofed?

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RE: Address bar redirects

2004-11-04 Thread Bob Showalter
Jonathan Mangin wrote:
 Why doesn't my IE address bar reflect successful redirects?

Perhaps an internal redirect is being used? Show us the script that's
issuing the redirect.

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RE: how to auto expire session when not active for 10 mins?

2004-10-20 Thread Bob Showalter
Jim Goh wrote:
 If I have web site and all the pages are under directory called Assume this directory test is access by
 username and password. After user enter the directory and view all
 the pages. However if user not touch the pages under this directory
 for more than 10 mins, then I want auto expire the session, then ask
 user to log in again from begin. If there any way to set this up with
 PERL? Thanks for your help.

If you're using Basic Authentication (i.e. .htaccess file), you can't do it.

If you're managing the sessions yourself, you have to keep track of the last
request time per session. When a new request comes in, if it's been longer
than 10 minutes, you need to clear the session and redirect them to the
login page.

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RE: Capturing PID of Shell Calls

2004-10-11 Thread Bob Showalter
Jamie Bridges wrote:
 I am attempting to collect the PIDs of system/backtick calls ( up to
 40 of them ) and revisit them to ensure that they completed.

Both system() and backticks call wait() internally, so they don't return
until the child process terminates.

If you want to start a process and let it run without waiting for it, you
need to use fork() and exec(). fork() returns the PID of the created

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RE: undefined value error

2004-10-04 Thread Bob Showalter
Xiangli Zhang wrote:
 Here is my updated code with errorHTTP 500 that did not happened for
 the old code, and the modules I am using. 

n.b. that Error 500 is just a catch-all error from the web server. If
other error messages from your script were output, you will find them in the
web server's error log. So go look there.

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RE: Apache vs Boa error LFLF

2004-09-10 Thread Bob Showalter
Shawn Sharp wrote:
 I am working on some perl cgi code that works on an apache webserver
 but I get the following error when I run it on a boa webserver
 [08/Sep/2004:23:41:09 +] cgi_header: unable to find LFLF.
 I have tried the following change
 print content-type: text/html\n\n;
 changed to:
  print content-type: text/html\r\n\r\n;
 any ideas.

I don't know what Boa is, but the controlling standard is RFC2616
(, which calls for CRLF as the line
terminator in the message header section. But see also section 19.3,
Tolerant Applications. Apache follows the tolerant applications

This kind of thing is why we recommend you use the CGI module instead of
rolling your own code.

   use CGI ':standard';
   print header;

For kicks, have a look at the source code (perldoc -m CGI) and
search for the string Define the CRLF sequence.

It may be possible that Boa is not RFC-compliant. If you use the CGI
module's header() method and it still doesn't work, I would take it up with
the Boa folks...

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RE: table with variables

2004-09-10 Thread Bob Showalter
Sean Davis wrote:
 Just print 'table' and '/table' separately. 

Note that CGI has start_table and end_table methods. If you use function
style, you need to import them:

   use CGI qw(:standard start_table);

   print start_table;
   print end_table;

Actually, you can do this with any tag, not just table. Also note that
importing start_sometag also imports the corresponding end_sometag.

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RE: table with variables

2004-09-10 Thread Bob Showalter
Ing. Branislav Gerzo wrote:
   print table(
   caption('Choose your favourite brand:'),
   td($items[0], $items[1], $items[2]),
   td($items[3], $items[4], $items[5])
 I want print all items into table, table should have 3 columns.
 I don't know how to do it.

What you have prints one row with two columns. It looks like perhaps you
want two rows with three columns in each row.

To simplify, here's what you have:

   print Tr(td(0, 1, 2), td(3, 4, 5))

Which emits:

  trtd0 1 2/td td3 4 5/td/tr

What you should do is pass an array reference to both Tr() and td(), which
causes them to emit separate elements for each entry in the array:

   print Tr([ td([ 0, 1, 2 ]), td([ 3, 4, 5 ]) ])

Which emits:

   trtd0/td td1/td td2/td/tr 
   trtd3/td td4/td td5/td/tr

Note how each element is now inside it's own cell.

Now, if the number of entries in @items is variable, you need to print
enough rows of three elements each in order to display the entire array.

Here's a little script to illustrate:

   use strict;
   use CGI ':standard';
   my @items = map value $_, 1..10;
   my $ncol = 3;
   print Tr([ map td([ @items[ $ncol * $_ .. $ncol * $_ + $ncol - 1 ] ]),
   0 .. @items / $ncol]);

That last line is a bit complex, so let me break it down:

   print Tr([ ...some rows... ]);

The square brackets indicates an array reference. This causes CGI to output
a tr element for each entry in some stuff. So some rows is a list of
rows in the table.

The rows are formed by:

   map ...a row... , 0 .. @items / $ncol

Perl's map() function returns a list, by iterating over the list 0 .. @items
/ $ncol and evaluating a row for each value in that list. @items / $ncol
is 10 / 3, which is 3., so the range is 0 .. 3., which perl treats
as 0 .. 3, or 0, 1, 2, 3. These are basically the row numbers in the table.
Since we have ten elements to display in three columns, it will take four
rows to display them (0 .. 3).

The map() call then needs to output a string of HTML representing the
contents of a single row (whose row number is in $_). That's what a row
needs to do.

The code to output the HTML for a single row is:

   td([ @items[ $ncol * $_ .. $ncol * $_ + $ncol - 1 ] ])

Again, the outermost set of square brackets supplies an anonymous array to
td(), which causes CGI to output a separate td element for each entry in
the array. The array is a slice from @items consisting of the elements for
the row number in $_. If the row number is 0, we want elements 0, 1, and 2.
If the row number is 2, we want elements 6, 7, and 8. The starting element
is always $ncol * $_, and the ending element is ($ncol - 1) beyond that.

If you can get all the maths down right, this kind of thing is extremely
powerful for generating dynamic tables, forms, etc. Take a look at perldoc

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RE: Month-Year Links....

2004-09-08 Thread Bob Showalter
Greg Schiedler wrote:
 Perl v5.6.1
 Trying to easily create some variable based on the current month and
 links to the two previous months.  The filename(s) are based on two
 digit months MM--Filename.  I have the filename part working but
 I need some guidancd on creating the MM-.  I have seen many perl
 modules that I could install to implement a solution but I think that
 is an overkill just to make create a current month, previous month
 and two months ago variables.  

Modules? We don't need no stinking modules! :~)

 my ($m, $y) = (localtime)[4, 5];
 for (0 .. 2) {
 printf %02d-%04d\n, $m + 1, $y + 1900;
 $m = 11, $y-- if $m  0;



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RE: Partial interpolation over pattern sustitution

2004-08-17 Thread Bob Showalter
J. Alejandro Ceballos Z. wrote:
 How may I avoid partial interpolation over a pattern sustitution?
 My code looks like:
  # searching for all matches for later use
  @matches = $htmlpage =~ m/pre(.*?)\/pre/gs;
  for ($i=0; $i$#matches; $i++)
{ $htmlpage =~ s/pre$matches[$i]\/pre/predefined:$i\//; }
 The problem comes when the matches contains regex characters, and
 they try to be evaluated (ex. '|+--..' must be interpeted like

You can use the following prior to entering the for loop.

   $_ = quotemeta($_) for @matches;

You could also combine the capturing and substitution something like this:

   my @matches;
   $htmlpage =~ s/pre(.*?)\/pre/push(@matches, $1) 

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RE: stuck at TRUE/FALSE, pls help

2004-08-16 Thread Bob Showalter
 I am very very new to perl. And after lots of work I did script a perl
 file to handle a online form (products order form). However, I am
 stuck at a point. I tried my best but could not get thru.
 The form is located at:
 When I select a different shipping adrress, it DOESNOT work!

Please define DOESNOT work. This is a common beginner mistake. It's
obvious to you what you expect to happen and what is actually happening, but
you've failed to communicate that to us, so we have to guess.

 I gave a RADIO button for :
 Shipping_Address: TRUE=SAME AS ABOVE (i.e. send to adove address)
 Shipping ADdress: FALSE = send to Floowing address

[ snip ]

 if ($query - param (Shipping_Preference) == TRUE){

Is it Shipping_Address or Shipping_Preference?

This is a numeric comparison, not a string comparison. A very common
beginner mistake, so don't feel bad. To test strings for equality use eq,
not ==

Enabling warnings would catch this. So get in the habit of enabling

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RE: BACK button in CGI

2004-08-13 Thread Bob Showalter
[redirected to beginners-cgi list]

Shah, Urmil wrote:
 This is a very basic question but still confusing me and so trying to
 get help.
 I have 3 CGI FORMS that display HTML output. One form leads to second
 and second leads to third. On 3rd page If I want to redirect the user
 to page 1 how do I do that.

To redirect to another page, you need to generate an HTTP redirect response.
This is easily done with the CGI module's redirect() method.

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RE: Filtering CGI Variables

2004-08-09 Thread Bob Showalter
Bill Stephenson wrote:
 Hi all,
 I need some help. I have name/value parameters coming in from a web
 form that look something like this (blank lines added for clarity):
   d1=something 1
   d2=something 2
   d4=something 3
   d6=something 4
 I want to remove the groups of data that look like q3-p3 and q5-p5
 (where q,d, and p are all empty, t will always have data) then
 re-number the groups that contain data in in at least one of the
 q,d, or p variables, then save them to a file that looks
 something like this:
   d1=something 1
   d2=something 2
   d3=something 3
   d4=something 4
 I'm having trouble with the logic that will accomplish this. It
 doesn't seem like it should be very hard to do, but I just can't seem
 to say it in perl.

[snip code]

Here's the approach I would take (not tested!)

  my %data;
  for (param()) {   # loop through all parameters
  if (/^([qtdp])(\d+)$/) {
  my $prefix = $1;
  my $num = $2;
  $data{$num}{prefix} = param($_);

Basically, this inverts the data so you have a hash like:

 '1' = { q = 1, t = 1, d = 'something 1', p = 3.45 },
 '2' = { q = '', t = 2, d = 'something 2', p = 1.90 },
 ... and so on

Now, let's find the groups that have something in q, d, or p:

  my @groups = grep @data{$_}{qw/q d p/} =~ /\S/, sort { $a = $b } keys

Now you can write those groups out, renumbering as you go:

  my $n = 0;
  for my $g (@groups) {
  print $_$n $g-{$_}\n for qw/q t d p/;

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RE: Help needed in extracting html over HTTTPS protocol.

2004-08-04 Thread Bob Showalter
Anas Perwez wrote:
 Hi All,
 My requirement is to extract html from any site ( HTTPS) and then
 parse it for selective contents
 I am able to connect to HTTP sites but when it comes to HTTPS , it is
 throwing errors.

[ snip LWP code ]

Have you read ?

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RE: using HTTP authentication

2004-08-04 Thread Bob Showalter
Andrew Gaffney wrote:
 I want to use HTTP authentication with Apache 2.x for a project I'm
 working on. I only need 1 user to be able to access the whole site
 (similar to a consumer router's web interface). 


 What do I need to do to setup it up in Apache 

This is found in the Apache documentation. See e.g.,

 and how do I access the login information
 from my Perl scripts? 

This is explained in the LWP::UserAgent documentation.

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RE: File upload question

2004-07-27 Thread Bob Showalter
Sean Davis wrote:
 I am trying to write a toy script that will ask for an upload file and
 then echo that file back to the user on the browser.  However, if I do
 this all in one script like the following, I get no echoed file.
 However, if I instead use a separate HTML form and submit to my
 script, it works fine.  Here is the script and the HTML submission
 form.  I would like to use just the script.  Can anyone tell me why
 the script does not work by itself?
 print $q-start_form();

This needs to be $q-start_multipart_form, as per the CGI docs.

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RE: why do i get a file download prompt?

2004-07-27 Thread Bob Showalter
Gary Jennings wrote:
 I get a file download prompt when I run the following script. Can
 anyone let me know why? I am simply trying to print the contents of 
 a file. Thanks. 

Displaying a download box is behavior of your browser. Your Content-Type
header is botched, so maybe that has something to do with it. Or, your
server may not be running the CGI script at all. Do you know that your
server is properly configured?

 print content type: text/html\n\n;

Missing a dash, and not RFC-compliant.

   print Content-Type: text/html\r\n\r\n;

or, better:

   use CGI ':standard';
   print header;

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RE: Reading a file

2004-07-09 Thread Bob Showalter
Octavian Rasnita wrote:
 Hi all,
 Does anyone know how can I read a file from a UNC path?
 Is perl able to read files this way?

Just pass the UNC to open(). The underlying OS takes care of it; it's not a
Perl issue.

   open(F, '\\server\share\dir\file.ext') or die $!;

Or am I misunderstanding the question?

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RE: How to host CGI scripts ?

2004-06-18 Thread Bob Showalter
Sunil Kumar wrote:
 I am new to CGI, i just wanted to know if  I can host CGi scripts on
 my machine.
 OS Details : Win2k Professional with IIS installed, ActivePerl

Yes, you can. You need to configure IIS appropriately, which I can't help
you with.

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RE: Checkbox_group

2004-06-16 Thread Bob Showalter
Werner Otto wrote:
 What I'm trying to do:
 print checkbox_group(-name='hdel',-values=[$hostname,$hostip]),;
 But I don't want $hostip's value to appear on the form, it should be
 available when I request the param though.

Are to trying to show a check box with only the name, but be able to
retrieve the name and IP when the check box is marked?

I would suggest joining the hostname and ip together using some character to
make a single value; then split the value retrieved from param() back into
two parts. Use the -labels option of checkbox_group() to control the label
displayed on the form.

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RE: Can't INSERT INTO for one column

2004-06-15 Thread Bob Showalter
Chris Charley wrote:
 The error messages I'm getting from the attempted insert are:
 DBD::SQLite::db do failed: no such column: cash at line 17,
 DATA line 1.
 DBD::SQLite::db do failed: no such column: cash at line 17,
 DATA line 2.
 DBD::SQLite::db do failed: no such column: credit at line 17,
 DATA line 3
 DBD::SQLite::db do failed: no such column: cash at line 17,
 DATA line 4.
 DBD::SQLite::db do failed: no such column: credit at line 17,
 DATA line 5
 DBD::SQLite::db do failed: no such column: credit at line 17,
 DATA line 6
 The code and the input data are:
 use strict;
 use warnings;
 use DBI;
 my $dbh = DBI-connect(dbi:SQLite:dbname=mydb.txt,,);
 die $! unless $dbh;
 # customer vendor transType productCode appNumber resultCode
 $dbh-do(qq{ CREATE TABLE sales
 (customer int, vendor int, type  char(10),
product int, app  int, result int)
 my $sql_fmt = INSERT INTO sales VALUES(%d, %d, %s, %d, %d, %d);

You need to put single quotes aroung the %s, like this:

  my $sql_fmt = INSERT INTO sales VALUES(%d, %d, '%s', %d, %d, %d);

 while(DATA) {
  my $sql = sprintf $sql_fmt, split;
 10112 6768 cash 01020 00780 1
 10112 6768 cash 01020 00780 0
 10112 6768 credit 00040 01010 1
 10112 3650 cash 01840 01200 0
 14100 2410 credit 02840 00910 0
 14100 5220 credit 01020 00780 1
 I don't know why I can't insert for the type field.

Without the quotes the sql statement looks like:

  INSERT INTO sales VALUES(10112, 6768, cash, 01020, 00780, 1)

which looks like you want to use the value of the column named cash as the
3rd value, instead of the literal string 'cash'.

Does the DBD::SQLite driver support placeholders? That's really the
preferred way to do this kind of thing...

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RE: POST method with perl module

2004-06-04 Thread Bob Showalter
Tobias Fink wrote:
 Good morning,
 im trying to set up a tools module for my modperl environment.
 My function get_vars should get all passed variables with the
 following snipplet:
   $my_data = $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'};
  else {
   $data_length = $ENV{'CONTENT_LENGTH'};
   $bytes_read = read(STDIN, $my_data, $data_length); (*)
 This works great in a function of a script.
 If i put the code into a seperate module (which i use in my script),
 only the GET method works, so i think there is a problem in the (*)
 So, my question: How do i capture the POST variables from within a

Short answer: use the CGI module. Or at the very least use the Apache
request object methods for this.

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RE: foreach problem

2004-05-21 Thread Bob Showalter
Ron B wrote:
 My problem is how to print the next line after the line that
 includes BLAH. So I want to print lines including BLAH keyword and
 when BLAH is found the next line after it. 
 # print lines wich include BLAH keyword
 print Content-type: text/html\n\n;
 print html\n;
 print head\n;
 print titleav/title/headBODY\n;
 open(HTMLOLD, /.../.../pohja.html);
 $count = 0;
 foreach $line (@lines) {
  if ($line =~ /BLAH */) {
  print $line;
  if ($count eq 50){
 print /body\n;
 print /html\n;

You could solve this by setting some kind of indicator when you find a BLAH,
so the next pass through the loop would print the following line.

But don't do that. Instead of reading the lines into an array, process the
lines directly in a while loop like this:

  while (HTMLOLD) {
  if (/BLAH */) {
  print;  # print this line
  $_ = HTMLOLD; # read following line
  print;  # and print it
  last if $. = 50;

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RE: Deleting a dir

2004-05-12 Thread Bob Showalter
Octavian Rasnita wrote:
 Hi all,
 If the user Apache which runs the cgi scripts on my server want to
 delete a file that has restrictive priviledges and is owned by
 another user, how can I make a cgi program to be able to delete those

Deleting a file requires write privilege in the *directory* containing the
file; your permissions with respect to the file itself don't matter.

If the apache user doesn't have write privilege in the directory, you can
create a setuid script that can delete the files. There are several issues
with this; please read the information in perldoc perlsec carefully.

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RE: Running a Perl module

2004-04-05 Thread Bob Showalter
Octavian Rasnita wrote:
 Hi all

 I want to run a certain perl module by getting the name of the perl
 module from a scalar variable like:

 $module =Test;
 require $module;

 I have read in the POD documentation that I need to use:

 eval {require $module};
 eval require $module;

You need to use the latter. The former won't do what you want. And you need
to check for errors.

 But the problem is that I cannot get a value returned by that module.

 The Test module returns a value named $value.

 If I use:

 require Test;
 print $value;

 The var $value is printed without problems, but if I call require for
 the $module, the var $value is not exported and I cannot use it.

require() does not do exporting, so I'm not sure what you're saying here.

The following are equivalent:

   require MyModule;

   $mod = MyModule;
   eval require $mod;

 Is Perl able to run a certain module if getting the name of the
 module from a variable, and able to access a value returned by that

Not sure what you mean by returned by that module. Modules are required to
return a true value to indicate that they were successfully initialized. If
you want that specific value, just assign the results of the require() or

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RE: Hash Assignment

2004-03-19 Thread Bob Showalter
stuart meacham wrote:
 If I have 2 arrays that I want to assign to the keys and values of a
 hash respectively, what would be easiest way to do that? 

   @[EMAIL PROTECTED] = @valuesarray

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RE: running CGI locally??

2004-03-05 Thread Bob Showalter
Freimuth,Robert wrote:
 ...  I would like to build a simple
 browser-based UI ...

That's good. You'll need a web server of some sort, since that's what
browsers talk to.
 Since I'm trying to generate dynamic HTML pages, I thought CGI would
 be the way to go.  However, from what I understand of CGI, it
 requires a web server and can't be run locally.  Since all of my code
 is in perl, I would prefer to stick with it, if possible.

Your CGI scripts need to be run by the web server; however, the web server
can be run on your local PC. Your browser would just talk to

You can construct a poor-man's web server without too much trouble with
the HTTP::Daemon module available on CPAN. Or, you can run a more
full-featured web server like Apache or thttpd locally.

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RE: running CGI locally??

2004-03-05 Thread Bob Showalter
Freimuth,Robert wrote:
   ...  I would like to build a simple
   browser-based UI ...
  That's good. You'll need a web server of some sort, since that's
  what browsers talk to. 
   Since I'm trying to generate dynamic HTML pages, I thought CGI
   would be the way to go.  However, from what I understand of CGI,
   it requires a web server and can't be run locally.  Since all of
   my code is in perl, I would prefer to stick with it, if possible.
  Your CGI scripts need to be run by the web server; however,
  the web server
  can be run on your local PC. Your browser would just talk to
  You can construct a poor-man's web server without too much
  trouble with
  the HTTP::Daemon module available on CPAN. Or, you can run a more
  full-featured web server like Apache or thttpd locally.
 This sounds promising.  Could you please direct me to a resource that
 explains how to set this up?  I took a look at the docs for
 HTTP::Daemon but I couldn't understand how to use it. looks interesting.

But if you don't want to fool with HTTP::Daemon, give thttpd a look:

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RE: Execute an external script

2004-03-02 Thread Bob Showalter
 Hi! I've written a perl cgi script to create a web page. Now what I'd
 like to do is to execute an Octave script from the Perl one and get
 its output inside my perl script. I'm working on a Windows XP machine.
 I tried $result = `C:/Program\ Files/GNU\ Octave\ 2.1.50/bin -q
 my_script.m`; but $result is still null.

Is bin really the name of the execuatble, or is it a directory name?
Something seems to be missing.

Also, those backslashes aren't doing anything for you, AFAIK.

You might want to write that as:

   `C:/Program Files/GNU/Octave 2.1.50/bin/ -q my_script.m`

program name here

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RE: Newbie question

2004-03-01 Thread Bob Showalter
Shalabh wrote:
 hi all,

Hi. Use a better subject line.

i am searching from a tab delimited text file and it is
 returning the line with tabs which contains the search string into an
 array named @found_array, now i want to display it on an html page in
 a predefined format and for that i have to split it with tab as the
 delimiting character. any idea for doing this as i have tried split
 function but i think it doesnt work on arrays. any help is
 appreciated. Thanks in advance the code is as follows
 #!/usr/bin/perl -w

Always 'use strict;'

 use CGI;
 use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser warningsToBrowser);
 $query = new CGI;
 print Content-type: text/html\r\n\r\n;
 print $query-start_html(-title=  new,


 $keyword =~ s/([~;\*\|`\$!#\(\)\[\]\{\}:'\.\/])//g;

Don't need the capturing parens. Also, lots of those chars don't need to be
escaped inside a character class.

 open (IN,  pdata) or die (Cannot open database!);
 @found_array = ();
 while ($parray=IN)
 @found_array = (@found_array,grep (/$keyword/i , $parray));

grep is unecessary here, since you're only operating on one line at a time.

This can be simplified to:

   push @found_array, $parray if $parray =~ /$keyword/oi;

(/o can be added since keyword doesn't change once it's been assigned)

 print font size=4 color=bluebYou Queried for $keyword/b/font\n; 
 print @found_array;

If you want to output the @found_array as an HTML table, you can do
something like this:

   print $query-table(
   map $query-td([split /\t/]), @found_array

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RE: What are you really trying to do? - document type = applicat ion/

2004-02-26 Thread Bob Showalter
Moon, John wrote:
 What I'm trying to do is make my new boss happy! They like everything
 in Excel. 
 I have a BUNCH of CGI scripts on a SUN Unix generating tons of very
 nice HTML pages from data in an Oracle database I need to
 alternately be able to generate the same pages in an Excel
 Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated...

Here's an extract from a CGI script of mine that produces an Excel file from
some database info. Before the sub is called, @data is filled with rows of
data. $q is my CGI object. I'm using the CGI, Spreadsheet::WriteExcel and
File::Temp modules.

Basically, I'm writing the Excel worksheet to a temp file and then sending
the contents of that file back to the client (you can also write directly to
the client; see the Spreadsheet::WriteExcel docs; I use the temp file so I
can send a Content-length header.)

(I use multiple write_xxx methods because some of my data looks like
numbers, but I want it treated as text strings.)

  sub do_current_stock_status_excel {
  # open the worksheet
  my ($fh, $fname) = tempfile(undef, UNLINK = 1);
  my $xls = new Spreadsheet::WriteExcel($fname);
  my $wks = $xls-addworksheet;
  # create formats
  my $ftext = $xls-addformat(num_format = '@');
  my $fdate = $xls-addformat(num_format = 'mm/dd/yy');
  my $fquan = $xls-addformat(num_format = '#,##0_);(#,##0)');
  my $fcost = $xls-addformat(num_format =
  my $famnt = $xls-addformat(num_format = '#,##0.00_);(#,##0.00)');
  # set column info
  # each aref contains:
  # [0] = Heading
  # [1] = Column width
  # [2] = format
  # [3] = method to use to write the cell
  # [4] = data source (coderef, $_ = current row)
  my @col = (
  [ 'Account', 12, $ftext, 'string', sub { $_-[10] } ],
  [ 'Item Group', 6, $ftext, 'string', sub { $_-[6] } ],
  [ 'Whse', 5, $ftext, 'string', sub { $_-[0] } ],
  [ 'Item Code', 16, $ftext, 'string', sub { $_-[1] } ],
  [ 'Description', 40, $ftext, 'string', sub { $_-[4] } ],
  [ 'Comm Code', 8, $ftext, 'string', sub { $_-[7] } ],
  [ 'Std Matl', 16, $fcost, 'number', sub { $_-[8] } ],
  [ 'Std Oper', 16, $fcost, 'number', sub { $_-[9] } ],
  [ 'On Hand', 16, $fquan, 'number', sub { $_-[3] } ],
  [ 'Ext Matl', 16, $famnt, 'number', sub { $_-[8] * $_-[3] } ],
  [ 'Ext Oper', 16, $famnt, 'number', sub { $_-[9] * $_-[3] } ],
  [ 'Total', 16, $famnt, 'number', sub { ($_-[8] + $_-[9]) *
$_-[3] } ],
  my $row = 0;
  my $col = 0;
  # set worksheet headings
  $wks-write_string($row++, 0, Current Stock Status);
  $wks-write_string($row++, 0, Company: $p{comp}  $compname);
  $wks-write_string($row++, 0, As of Date:  .
$mcscgi-format_date($p{date}, '%b %d, %Y'));
  # set column headings, width, and format
  for (@col) {
  $wks-set_column($col, $col, $_-[1], $_-[2]);
  $wks-write_string($row, $col, $_-[0]);
  # add the raw data
  for (@rows) {
  $col = 0;
  for my $c (@col) {
  my ($method, $data) = @{$c}[3, 4];
  $method = write_$method;
  $wks-$method($row, $col, $data);
  # emit the response
  print $q-header(
  -type = 'application/', 
  -Content_length = -s $fh);
  print $_ while $fh;

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RE: unsecure / dangerous ?

2004-02-24 Thread Bob Showalter
David Gilden wrote:
 I just had blow up with a sys. adm. who said my script (see below)
 is potentialy unsecure and dangerous and  therefor unacceptable.
 Is there away some could hijack my script, if so how, or is this
 sys. adm. not living in the real world?

You are passing form parameters directly to sendmail without examining them
at all. Not good.

I could stuff a Cc: line and my own message body into one of the name
paramters for instance, and thus use your script to send any email to

Your subject is misleading. There's nothing particularly insecure or
dangerous about It's your implementation that's problematic.

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RE: Email text encoding

2004-02-11 Thread Bob Showalter
Camilo Gonzalez wrote:
 Eek! I've been told by my ISP that my Perl script to email myself and
 the user of my form the contents on my contact form has been hijacked
 by a spammer. My ISP has been deluged by recipients with complaints.
 Where have I gone wrong? Please be kind, this is a beginners' list
 after all. 

 my $email = $cgiobj-param('email');
 print SENDMAIL To: $email, $reply\n;

Hint: $email could contain more than just an email address. Think about

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RE: LWP get with no cache

2004-01-22 Thread Bob Showalter
J. Alejandro Ceballos Z. wrote:
   I created a cron job that gets a page using LWP::Simple, but
 everytime it runs via cron, it sends me the results generated when I
 called directly; like if the page was called from memory or from a
 cache, not from the actual one.
   Is there any way to specify not to store the page results in a
 cache? Like a pragma no-cache or similar?

LWP doesn't do any caching, AFAIK. I think something else is going on. Can
you post your code?

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RE: Storing Form Data without submitting it.

2003-11-26 Thread Bob Showalter
Andrew Gaffney wrote:
 I believe there is an HTTP status code that tells the browser that
 the form was successfully submitted, but not to go anywhere. I don't
 know what it is off the top of my head, but I think it would work in
 this case. 

Would that be 204 No Content?

I've never used that before. I wonder if the various browsers behave
properly when they get that?

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2003-11-12 Thread Bob Showalter
Colin Johnstone wrote:
 Gidday All,
 We are running AIX on an IBM HTTP server with IHS.
 We are serving static HTML pages. Some of these pages are to
 be protected.

OK. That's the job of the web server, so you need to configure it to protect
those pages. With Apache, you use .htaccess files and/or entries in
httpd.conf. I assume IHS has something similar.

 I assume I place the restricted pages in a particular
 directory and then
 protect that directory.
 Once authenticated a user should be able to view protected
 pages without
 logging in again for the duration of the session.

Right. Under basic authentication, the browser caches the credentials and
supplies them automatically for any 401 responses.

What does this have to do with Perl?

 I understand that once a user is authenticated their (userId) email
 address will be stored in the environment variable
 REMOTE_USER for access
 by cgi-scripts.

The environment variables are set by the web server prior to invoking the
CGI script.

 Now what I don't understand is how from a static HTML page
 can I check
 this REMOTE_USER variable automatically. Of course the first
 time they
 visit a page in the protected directory they will be prompted
 for their
 username and password, but then what?

You don't check it from static pages. The web server checks the
authentication credentials (from the HTTP request, not the environment), and
either serves or doesn't serve the static page.

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RE: SQL question // date_format

2003-09-29 Thread Bob Showalter
David Gilden wrote:
 Good evening,
 The following mySQL query works fine, but the server is in
 California. I would like add 2 hours to %l,
 because the client is in Texas. I could just go to time in GMT and
 forget about it :) But I'm wondering if there is a simple solution
 SELECT id, DATE_FORMAT(datecreated, '%c/%e/%y at: %l:%i
 %p'), email, name, comments FROM $table_name order by id limit

I don't use MySQL, but PostgreSQL has a SET TIME ZONE statement you can
issue to define the local time zone for a session. Perhaps MySQL has a
similar thing?

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Re: remote host name

2003-09-14 Thread Bob Showalter
Alexander Blüm wrote:

 as my subject indicates, I'm looking for a way of resolving the remote
 any system command will do too...

perldoc -f gethostbyaddr

 I'm planning to write a small script that simply tells the connecting
 user, which DNS name he has, since my localnet is equipped with a dhcp
 server the clients usually get a new address each time.. their new
 address usually looks like this dhcp184.bluemix (bluemix is the

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RE: allow CGI to write on my HDD

2003-09-12 Thread Bob Showalter
Jean-Baptiste.Claude wrote:
 My cgi script has been written in order to collect some parameters
 (with the POST method) but actually if I want to record them, I can
 just put them in a pre-existent file. I am unable to create a new
 file, even with a 'chmod 777' on my directory...
 I would have a result like this:
 if ( ! -f ./$name){
   open (OUT,$name);
 foreach $i (@DATA){
 print OUT $i\n;
 close OUT;

1. You should not make any assumptions about the current working directory
in a script like this. Always specify a full path to files.

2. You say the file is preexisting, but you're using $$ in the filename,
which is your process ID number. How is the file preexisting?

3. You need to open the file whether or not it exists. If you want to append
to the existing contents, then open in append mode.

4. Always check the return value from open().

5. Where is $var coming from? If it's coming from the client's request, you
need to be careful. Be sure to use taint mode in your script and read the
perldoc perlsec page for issues related to using tainted data.

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RE: accessing a hash map...

2003-09-09 Thread Bob Showalter
Hanson, Rob wrote:
 You have it slightly wrong...
 print $hashref{'disks'}-{'io'};

Nope. That references a member of the %hashref hash. He wants

   print $hashref-{disks}{io};

 ...And the quotes are optional (usually)...
 print $hashref{disks}-{io};
  Is there a more generic mailing list
  for the different perl modules?
 Thare are other lists/newsgroups, but most are geared to specific port
 (ActiveState), or modules (Tk).  This is a good list for any
 beginner(ish) question, no matter the subject... just as long as it
 is a 
 Perl question.
 -Original Message-
 From: Li, Kit-Wing [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, September 09, 2003 2:40 PM
 To: cgi cgi-list
 Subject: accessing a hash map...
 This may not be the right thread but I'd like to see if
 someone could point
 me to the right direction.  I'm writing a CGI script to show current
 performance of the Apache server and I'm using Linux::stat to
 get the disk
 IO for example.  I can seem to access the value of the hash
 reference(see below).  Does anybody have any thoughts?  Is there a
 generic mailing
 list for the different perl modules?  I know there's the
 mod_perl thread but
 its more for Apache.  Any help will be greatly appreciated.  Thanks!
 use Data::VarPrint;
 use Linux::stat;
 my $stat = Linux::stat-new( [ stat = path to /proc/stat ] );
 my $hashref = $stat-stat();
 print $hashref{'disks'}={'io'};

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RE: Perl on the web?

2003-09-05 Thread Bob Showalter
Dawn Bradshaw wrote:
 Does anyone have experience with making a perl script run on the web?
 Specifically, I'm having trouble collecting the answers the users give
 on the web page and incorporating them into the script.  The script
 itself runs fine on the web server.
   Any suggestions, advice or help would be greatly appreciated!

1. Use the beginners-cgi list for this.

2. Supply more details. What environment are you running in? What is the
trouble you're having. Error messages, unexpected behavior, don't know how
to configure the  web server to run your script?

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RE: perl script as binary

2003-08-14 Thread Bob Showalter
Sven Bentlage wrote:
 Hi everyone!
 I`m looking for a way to compile a perl script into an executable
 binary for a WIN2000 system (no(!) perl installed).
 Is there a way to get this working?

I use ActiveState's PerlApp for this. It's really very nice.
It bundles everything into a single self-contained .exe file 
you can deploy to PC's. No need for Perl to be installed on

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RE: Urgent Question (Deployed code gone wrong!)

2003-08-14 Thread Bob Showalter
Greenhalgh David wrote:
 A quick question about a while loop.
 I have a simple code that searches database for all entries and puts
 one of the fields into a select box on the output page. However, due
 to a mistake in my untaint routine (which I've fixed) if a visitor
 entered their name in Japanese characters, the entry into the data
 base is blank. That means that my simple while loop:
 while ($name=$sth-fetchrow_array()) {

You have a subtle bug here. It should be:

   while (($name)=$sth-fetchrow_array()) {

This forces the assignment to be in list context. That way, the while()
condtion will be true if fetchrow_array returned any values, or false if it
returned an empty list. That would make the blank value not terminate your

 print option$name/option;
 stops when it hits the blank name. I can also select the ID number..
 while (($name, $ID)=$sth-fetchrow_array()) {
 print .option$name/option;
 Since this is deployed code, I would like to know if this will work
 before I try it. Will the loop stop when $name is blank, or will it
 keep running because $ID is NOT blank and stop only when both are

The loop will keep running as long as fetchrow_array returns a row, even if
both columns are blank.

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Re: Flock and Sleep

2003-08-07 Thread Bob Showalter
Sara wrote:
 (sub get_number {
 flock (NUMBER, 2);

Use the constants from the Fcntl module.

 Do blah blah blah

 close (NUMBER);

 closing a file automatically removes the lock??


 or should I have to
 unlock it by placing

 flock (NUMBER, 8);
 close (NUMBER);

No, you don't need to do that. In fact, it used to be dangerous, because of
buffering. If you unlocked the file, buffered data could be written after
the lock was released. Perl now automatically flushes the file before
unlocking to avoid this. Bottom line: if you're going to close the file,
don't worry about explicitly unlocking. You only need to unlock if you want
to allow another process to gain the lock while you still hold the file open
(i.e. coordinating changes to the file among multiple processes).

 My second question is how I can delay the execution of a script (If
 two users trying to execute the same script) for 30 sec by using sleep
 function? and If I implement sleep function in my script . Do I
 really need to use 'flock' in my script or there is no need then.

If you want to make sure the two programs aren't changing the file
simultaneously, you should use flock. If you dont' want to block forever if
another process has the file locked, you need to use the LOCK_NB parameter
and then sleep() or whatever until you want to retry the lock.

Note that if multiple processes need to append to the file and each writes
its data with individual calls to syswrite(), you don't need to use locking
(although it doesn't really hurt anything). The kernel will perform
individual writes atomically.

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RE: New to list...needing help

2003-07-29 Thread Bob Showalter
Bruce Whealton, Jr. wrote:
 Hi all,
 I've been frustrated with my initial efforts to run perl scripts
 on my server, or rather the server I use.  I have tried a few
 simple form mailers, each of them
 failing with internal 500 error.  

1. Post these issues to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

2. Whenever you get the 500 repsonse code, go look at the server's error log
file for additional error messages. There can be any number of problems that
cause the 500 error.

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RE: cookie expiration time problem

2003-07-11 Thread Bob Showalter
Sawsan Sarandah wrote:
 I have a small problem. When I create a cookie using, the
 expiration date is always three hours behind the actual time. In
 other words, the following code snipet: 
 # Time on my local machine: 10:00 pm
 # Rhat Linux server using date command: Fri Jul 11 21:59:44 IDT 2003
 # hwclock command: Fri 11 Jul 2003 09:59:48 PM IDT  0.611152 seconds
   $cookie = $cgi-cookie
  -name= $cookiename,
  -value= $uname,
  -expires= +4h,
 The above code produced a cookie with an expiration time as follows:
 Expires:  Fri, Jul 11 2003 22:58:33
 Notice that the cookie expires in one hour, not in four hours (+4h).
 What could possibly be the problem? Where is PERL reading the
 incorrect time from?

It should say Fri, Jul-11-2003 22:58:33 GMT, per the cookie specification

The time must be in GMT.

Try this:

$ perl -MCGI -le print
CGI::cookie(-name='foo',-value='foo',-expires='now'); print scalar
foo=foo; path=/; expires=Fri, 11-Jul-2003 19:36:23 GMT
Fri Jul 11 19:36:23 2003

The two dates should match.

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RE: Working with DBI

2003-07-08 Thread Bob Showalter
Greenhalgh David wrote:
 On Tuesday, July 8, 2003, at 01:19  pm, Bob Showalter wrote:
  Greenhalgh David wrote:
   In other words, my SELECT block is returning the value of available as
   it was before the UPDATE, even though I have AutoCommit set to 1, the
   UPDATE is called before the SELECT and manual investigation of the
   table clearly shows that the UPDATE was successful. This suggests to
   me that even though AutoCommit is on, the commit does not actually
   happen until the $dbh is released and the connection to the database
  The setting of AutoCommit shouldn't matter. Your session should see all
  updates immediately. Commits only affect the visisbility of updates to
  sessions. Something else is going on.
  Start by constructing a very simple, stripped down example that updates
  row and then selects that row again so we can make sure the database is
  behaving properly. Verify that that example works regardless of the
  AutoCommit setting. 
  I suspect something is amiss in the logic of your program that you just
  aren't seeing. Try stripping it down to the minimum code that still
  the problem and post the complete code.
 OK, as requested, I have stripped out most of the script and produced
 the bare minimum. The effect is the same, $before gives today's date,
 not a date 8 days in the future. However, when the DB is interogated
 after the script has run the available field is correct and really does
 give a date 8 days in the future. (Note - the available column is set
 to todays date in another script that is called before this one runs.
 In the full version of the code, the first script is re-called after
 this one runs and correctly displays the expected result. It is only
 when calling the SELECT inside the same script as the update that i get
 #!/usr/local/bin/perl -wT
 use strict;
 use CGI ':standard';
 use DBI;
 use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser);
 # Simulate a param call in CGI
 my $player=HarryPotter;
 # Connect to the database
 my $dbh = DBI-connect(DBI:mysql:ladderDB, , xx);
 # Make an update that is representative of the full script
 my $offset=8;
 my $updatehandle1 = $dbh-do(UPDATE league SET status = 1, available =
 DATE_ADD(NOW(), INTERVAL '$offset' DAY) WHERE user_name = '$player');
 # Try to select the new value of available
 my $availquery = SELECT available FROM league WHERE user_name=$player;

The fact that you don't have single quotes around $player is highly
suspicious. I don't see any error checking. Make sure you have RaiseError
turned on.

I strongly suggest you use placeholders rather than interpolating values
directly into the query.

Have you done what I suggested and constructed a minimal example to make
sure the database is working correctly?

 my $availhandle=$dbh-prepare($availquery);
 my($before) = $availhandle-fetchrow_array; # Full version selects
 email addresses etc in this block
 # See what came out into $before
 print Content-Type: text/html\n\n;
 print Query return is $before;# Always prints todays date. Expected
 return is today + 8

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RE: Working with DBI

2003-07-08 Thread Bob Showalter
Bob Showalter wrote:
 ... Make sure you have RaiseError turned on.

and PrintError

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Re: question on global variable / scope

2003-07-05 Thread Bob Showalter
David Granas wrote:

 Im just learning Perl and was a little confused with why I couldnt
 prevent my subroutines from reading variables from the main program.
 Here is an example:

 use strict;

 my $var = 1;


 sub test
   print $var;

 I had thought that a my variable would not be able to be read by the
 subroutine, but it can still see it.  So my question is how can I
 prevent subroutines from having access to variables in the main

Perl's behavior here is not different from that of other languages like C.

If you want, you can create a sub main (a la C) and put your main program
and its variables there. You need a call to main() to start off the program:

   use strict;


   sub main {
  my $var = 1;

   sub test {
  print $var;  # doesn't see the $var from above

Since my variables are visible only from the point of declaration to the
end of the enclosing block or file, you can acheive the same result by
putting your main program and it's variable declarations at the bottom of
the file:

   use strict;

   sub test {
   print $var;  # doesn't see the $var from below

   my $var = 1;  # only visible from here to end of file

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RE: Using # in the url string

2003-06-20 Thread Bob Showalter
michael watson (IAH-C) wrote:
 Hi guys
 Hope someone can help.
 My file is called lame#19.gpr
 I am trying to send this to my cgi script, so my url looks like:
 But of course # is a special character for a URL, so my
 filename parameter gets cut short to lame
 Does anyone know of a nice, elegant or simply workable way of
 getting round this, saving renaming the file?

You should *always* properly escape parameter values. You can use
URI::Escape module for escaping parameter values individually, or you can
use the URI module to construct a properly escaped URI.

URI module example:

use URI;
my $uri = URI-new('');
$uri-query_form(filename = 'lame#19.gpr');
print $uri\n;


If you're using the CGI module and constructing a self-referencing URL, the
url() method automatically escapes the parameter values (which you set with

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RE: Premature end of Script header

2003-06-16 Thread Bob Showalter
Kristofer Hoch wrote:
 print Content-Type: text/html\n\n; # Inaccurate
 print Content-type: text/html\n\n; # Accurate
 The difference is in case sensitivity.  Notice the word '-type:'

Actually, Content-Type is correct per the RFC (see RFC 2616, sec. 14.17).
But these fields are not case-sensitive, so either form will work.

The OP's problem lies elsewhere.

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RE: DBI indexing question

2003-06-04 Thread Bob Showalter
Greenhalgh David wrote:
 Second question. If I use the following:
 my $query=CURDATE();
 my $sth-prepare($query);
 I understand that $sth now just contains the reference to the result
 of the query. Where is the value of the query (which should be today's
 date.) It doesn't seem to be in $_.

I don't know MySQL, but that doesn't appear to be a valid query. Queries
start with SELECT.

Anyway, on a query that returns rows, you fetch the rows with one of the
fetch methods of the statement handle.  Something like:

   my ($result) = $sth-fetchrow_array;

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RE: Calling a perl script from another perl script

2003-06-03 Thread Bob Showalter
Paul Kraus wrote:
 List correct me if I am wrong but you can use single quotes here
 because your not using any variables. You are passing exactly what
 you see. In fact this is the preferred way to write strings that do
 not contain variables or special characters. Correct?
 -Original Message-
 zentara Sent: Monday, June 02, 2003 3:20 PM
 Subject: Re: Calling a perl script from another perl script
 On Mon, 2 Jun 2003 14:21:37 +0100 (WEST), [EMAIL PROTECTED] (João
 luís bonina) wrote: 
  Well, I've tried the system function, but it isn't executing the
  which is located in the same directory...
  I'm using it this way :
  system(' ons4jlb');
 If you havn't found an answer yet, it looks to me like
 you have an error with single quotes around ' ons4jlb'
 It should be like this:
 system('' , 'ons4jlb')  the (command , @args)

The two are equivalent given the data supplied.

from perldoc -f system:

   system LIST
   system PROGRAM LIST
   Does exactly the same thing as exec LIST, except that a
   is done first, and the parent process waits for the child
   cess to complete.  Note that argument processing varies
   ing on the number of arguments.  If there is more than one
   argument in LIST, or if LIST is an array with more than one
   value, starts the program given by the first element of the
   list with arguments given by the rest of the list.  If there
   only one scalar argument, the argument is checked for shell
   metacharacters, and if there are any, the entire argument is
   passed to the system's command shell for parsing (this is
   /bin/sh -c on Unix platforms, but varies on other
   If there are no shell metacharacters in the argument, it is
   split into words and passed directly to execvp, which is

Since system(' ons4jlb') has only one scalar argument, it is
checked for shell metacharacters. There aren't any, so the argument is split
on words and passed to execvp.

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RE: Need your help regarding CGI

2003-05-28 Thread Bob Showalter
Soumyadeep nandi wrote:
 Hi Everybody,
 As a naive cgi programmer, I want to get rid of a
 problem, for that, I am keen, awaiting your
 suggestions. I doubt, I could not present my case in
 front of you properly. Anyway, my problem spins around the following.
 I am running a CGI script in which I am running a
 system command. The scripts is as follows:
 #!/usr/bin/perl -w
 use strict;
 use CGI;
 print Content-type:text/html\n\n;
 my $query = new CGI;
 my $seq1 = $query-param(seq1);
 my $seq2 = $query-param(seq2);
 print FH_seq1 $seq1\n;
 print FH_seq2 $seq2\n;
 /var/www/cgi-bin/emboss/water2.seq -gapopen 10
 -gapextend 5 -outfile

In addition to what zentara said, I would suggest you close the FH_seq1 and
FH_seq2 handles before calling the external script. This will make sure any
buffered data is written to disk.

 Above I am using the system command to run the program
 water which should write the output into file
 water.out, which is not writing anything to this
 I've given all permission to these files as:
 -rwxr-xr-x 1  soumya  soumya  2978221 Jun 15 10:26
 -rwxr-xr-x 1  soumya  soumya  4912 Jun 13 08:25 water
 -rwxrwxrwx 1  apache  apache  36 Jun 16 05:18
 -rwxrwxrwx 1  apache  apache  36 Jun 16 05:03
 -rwxrwxrwx 1  soumya  soumya  48 Jun 16 05:18
 But if I use the first file in the directory i.e.
 blastall in the script as
 my $out = `./blastall`;
 print $out;
 I get the proper output.

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RE: Forcing a refresh from within a CGI script

2003-04-02 Thread Bob Showalter
Rob Dixon wrote:
 Hi all.
 I'm in the process of modifying an existing CGI script. There is a
 page of HTML which has an anchor to the script which, when run,
 modifies the HTML file which linked to it and redisplays it. At
 present this is done by returning just the header line
 to the client after modifying the file.
 Firstly, I'm not at all sure if this is the preferred way to force a
 refresh, and secondly it doesn't always work as the client browser
 believes it has a valid cached copy of the page and refuses to reload
 Can someone help me towards a better solution?

To prevent the client from using its cached copy, you'll need to have the
server send an Expires header with the .html page. This can be accomplished
by adding

   meta http-equiv=Expires content=0

in the head section of the .html file. (RFC 2616 specifies that clients
must treat an expires value of 0 as already expired.)

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RE: self refreshing web page question

2003-04-02 Thread Bob Showalter
Luinrandir Hernsen wrote:
 I want to create a web page that calls on another web page and
 automatically refresh the other webpage every minute. can I do this
 in JS alone? Perl alone? or do I have to use both?
 Thanks for the help, I just need to be pointed in a direction...

You can have a page refresh itself by emitting a Refresh response header.

To have one page refreshing another you'll need to have the pages in
separate frames or windows and use JavaScript to trigger the refreshing.

I find the following site helpful for little JavaScript snippets for this
kind of thing:

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RE: safe system()?

2003-03-28 Thread Bob Showalter
drieux wrote:
 think about the case of
   $file = '/path/to/file ; ( find / -print | xargs rm -r -f )';
 system(md5 $file); 


   system('md5', $file);

Be safer, since the list form of system() bypasses the shell? Consider:

  $ perl -e system('md5 /etc/passwd; echo Hello')
  MD5 (/etc/passwd) = 232522a1340d0956071c7b8b005a627b


  $ perl -e system('md5','/etc/passwd; echo Hello')
  md5: /etc/passwd; echo Hello: No such file or directory

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RE: Replacing/deleting text in a text file, part deux

2003-03-28 Thread Bob Showalter
Scot Robnett wrote:
 Anything I can do to make this an easier question? No
 responses...maybe I didn't ask the question the right way or made it
 confusing as to what I am trying to do? Would it help to split it up?
 Thanks for any advice... 
 foreach $record(sort(@records)) {
  ($comp,$addr) = split(/\|/, $record);
   @emails = split /:/, $addr;
 # Right here, I want to see if any of the addresses
 # in @addresses match an address in @emails for this # particular

Turn @addresses into a hash (do this ouside the loop of course):

   my %addresses = map ($_, 1), @addresses;

Then, to remove entries in @emails that exist in @addresses:

   @emails = grep !exists($addresses{$_}), @emails;

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RE: Replacing/deleting line in a text file

2003-03-26 Thread Bob Showalter
Scot Robnett wrote:
 I have a delimited file that is formatted like this:
   Altech|[EMAIL PROTECTED]:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Specialties Steel Corp.
   |[EMAIL PROTECTED] Specialty Steel Corp.
   Authentic Fitness Corp.|[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Basically that's one continuous line; there are no line breaks. Don't
 ask me, I just inherited the file. The records are delimited by * and
 then each individual record is split as company/email by a pipe |
 character. If more than one person wants to track a particular
 company, their e-mail address is appended to the first with a colon
 and split on same for processing.

Here's a simple example that splits each record out, removes an address, and
spits the file back out

   use strict;

   $/='*';  # input lines delimited by '*'
   while () {
   chomp;   # strip the trailing '*'
   my ($comp, $addr) = split /\|/;
   my @addr = split /:/, $addr;

# now you can adjust the @addr list to add or remove addresses
   # for example, remove addresses containing ''
   @addr = grep !/mrbill\.com/, @addr;

   # put everything back together and print it out
   print join('|', $comp, join(':', @addr)), $/;

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RE: htmlTAGS

2003-03-25 Thread Bob Showalter
David Gilden wrote:
 Good afternoon,
 a few quick questions pertaining to
 How can I get to return lower case html tags.
 print end_html; # prints Upper Case /BODY/HTML

probably need to upgrade I get lower case:

$ perl -MCGI=:standard -le 'print $CGI::VERSION; print end_html'

 is there something I can add locally to my script or do I have to
  send a request to my ISP? How would tell what version I have running
 at my account?

output $CGI::VERSION in one of your scripts. 

 This is what I am using at top of my scripts:
 #!/usr/bin/perl -w
 use CGI qw/:standard/;
 Can the param() method take strings with spaces in them like:
 param('my name')   # is this bad practice or inefficient?

This is legal. Don't know if it's considered bad practice.

 and is calling:
 param('my name')
 param('My Name')
 going to look for different form fields-- i.e. is param() case

Yes, parameter names are case-sensitive.

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RE: Help using %Hashes

2003-03-25 Thread Bob Showalter
Horace Franklin Jr. wrote:
 I need help using %hashes to receive input from the form below.
 What changes would I make to the syntax of the commented lines below
 to do this?. 

Well, none. That code creates the form, which is a different matter from
receiving input from the form. When the form is submitted, the inputs will
be encoded within the request body. It's up to your script to parse those
into whatever data structures you see fit.

If you're using the CGI module (and you should), you can suck all the
parameters into an array with the Vars method:

   use CGI;

   my $q = new CGI;
   my %params = $q-Vars;

Now you can access individual params as:


and the like. Is that what you want? Read the CGI docs for additional info
on using Vars (you can get a tied hash for instance that lets you change

my $form = E_FORM;
 form action=$url method=post
  #  pbMy name is/b: input type=text name=name//p
  #  pbMy E-mail is/b: input type=text name=email//p
  #  ptextarea cols=30 rows=6 wrap=virtual
  pType your message here.
  input type=submit/p

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RE: simple query

2003-03-20 Thread Bob Showalter
mark sony wrote:
 Can anyone tell me what does $. in perl mean ?
 And also anyplace I will get references about these in quick time ie.
 a handbook type ? 

All the special variables are documented in

   perldoc perlvar

$. keeps track of the input line number, similar to awk's NR

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RE: html table limit

2003-03-12 Thread Bob Showalter
Rob Benton wrote:
 Is there a limit to how many rows you can put in an html table?  I
 can't find anything wrong with my script but when I get over 1000
 rows or so in my tables they start drawing weird borders.

That would be a function of the browser, so see if your browser has any
limits. Try viewing the page with different browsers. Also, make sure your
all your tags are balanced (tr with /tr, td with /td, etc.)

You can run your HTML through a validator such as

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RE: html table limit

2003-03-12 Thread Bob Showalter
Rob Benton wrote:
 Mozilla, Konqueror, Opera, and IE all act the same way. Check out this
 page to see what I mean.  The top, bottom, and right side of the
 table borders act funky:

Hmm, this page displays fine for me in IE6.

 I tried the validator but it keeps timing out. :)  I guess the file
 is too big. 

I was able to run the validator. The only problem is you're missing a
head/head section and some complaints about the junk yahoo adds on. No
problem with the table.

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RE: cgi security aspects

2003-03-11 Thread Bob Showalter
Skorpion wrote:
 can you give me a pice of advice of security aspects creating cgi
 scripts working with apache server on linux running 2.2.19 kernel -
 any backdoors i should be aware of ?

See the security resources on the CGI Meta-FAQ:

 is there any chance to get a root password via badly writen cgi
 script - i used mysql and psql dbd pure perl modules with dbi 1.16
 while somebody hack my machine - maybe it wasn't via cgi but i am not
 so sure thanks for help or any links greg

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RE: Database connection trouble

2003-02-21 Thread Bob Showalter
Van Andel, Robbert wrote:
 A coworker and I have been working on connecting to a MySQL database
 running on the webserver.  We are using the following command to
 my $dsn = 'DBI:$driver:database=$database;host=$hostname';

  my $dsn = DBI:$driver:database=$database;host=$hostname';

 my $dbh = DBI=connect($dsn, $user, $password) or die errstr

  my $dbh = DBI-connect($dsn, $user, $password) or die $DBI::errstr;

 This works when run from an ordinary shell based perl program but when
 we try to put it on the website into the cgi-bin it will not connect.
 What are we doing wrong? 

Does MySQL need one or more environment variables set? If it connects via a
UNIX domain socket, is that socket writeable by the web server user? These
are just guesses; the $DBI::errstr should give you more info on the specific

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RE: Database connection trouble

2003-02-21 Thread Bob Showalter
Bob Showalter wrote:
   my $dsn = DBI:$driver:database=$database;host=$hostname';

Oy vey! One more try:

my $dsn = DBI:$driver:database=$database;host=$hostname;

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RE: Perl question

2003-02-13 Thread Bob Showalter
Stephen Spalding wrote:
 Hello all,
 I have a question about perl. I'm trying to pass an
 array into a subroutine, but I don't know what the
 proper way to receive it in the subroutine is. Below
 is an example of what I'm trying to do. The ???
 represents what I do not know what to put in.
 @sample_array = ('hi', 'there', 'steve');

   use strict;
   my @sample_array = qw(hi there steve);


Don't use the quotes. Those interpolate the array into a single long string.
Also, lose the ampersand:


 exit 0;
  @local_array = ???

Perl passes all arguments in a single array, @_

   my @local_array = @_;

  foreach $string (@local_array)
   print string = $string\n;

You could also just use @_ directly and simplify the sub to

   print string = $_\n for @_;

It's also common to shift elements one at a time off of @_:

   print string = , shift, \n while @_;

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RE: Data Validation Issues

2003-02-07 Thread Bob Showalter
Will wrote:
 Greets Folks,
 I am developing a registration area for a members site
 that will interface with a MySQL DB users table, and I
 ran into a problem or two.  Note that I am using DBI as my DB Driver.

 Second, suppose they try a username that has already
 been taken.  I need a way to kick back an error
 to them.  I tried setting the username field in the
 usrs table to UNIQUE, so that might help if someone
 tried to insert something already taken... I was
 thinking that if MySQL kicks back an error message,
 then DBI might be able to recongize it in such a way
 that I could use the return value... I dont know if
 that is completely feasible though...  there may be
 other, better ways anyway... so I'm all ears...

$DBI::err will have the database engine error code from the last call.
You'll have to figure out which value MySQL uses for unique constraint
violation. You can then test for that in your script.

   $dbh-{RaiseError} = 0;   # don't die on error
   $dbh-do('insert into user (name) values ?', undef, $username);
   if ($DBI::err == 999) {   # replace 999 with the correct error
  print Duplicate user\n;
   elsif ($DBI::err) {
  print Unexpected error: $DBI::errstr\n;

See perldoc DBI under the heading METHODS COMMON TO ALL HANDLES

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RE: Premature end of script headers

2003-02-06 Thread Bob Showalter
[redirected to beginners-cgi list]

zegdatwel wrote:
 Premature end of script headers
 what can this's in the error log. When does this
 happen? I got error 500 when executing script.

It means your script ended (normally or abnormally) before emitting a proper
MIME header. The web server needs to find your response headers so it can
add some of its own before sending the full response back to the client. For
some reason, the server isn't finding the headers.

This can be caused by:

1. Your script died for some reason. If an error message was output by perl
or by your script, it should be in the web server's error log, so look

2. Your script is not emitting a proper MIME header.

Lots of good information can be found at

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Re: Date Range

2003-01-29 Thread Bob Showalter
Melissa Stranzl wrote:
 Hi all,

 This is part of a perl program I wrote that doesn't
 compile.  I am trying to get my database to search by
 date- to have current and past events come up.
 Anyway, based on the following code, I get an error
 message that reads:

 can't locate object method new via package

 package Date::Range;

This should be use Date::Range. (I'm assuming you've also installed
Date::Range from CPAN. If you haven't, do that too).

The package statement is used when you're creating a module, not when
you're using a prewritten one.

 my $range = Date::Range - new ($date1, $date2);

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RE: add new piece of html code in perl not success:internal serve r error

2002-12-19 Thread Bob Showalter
 -Original Message-
 From: eric [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Thursday, December 12, 2002 4:04 AM
 Subject: add new piece of html code in perl not 
 success:internal server
 Dear perl users:
   I want to copy a piece of html code to my site,
 src=; border=0
 name=submit alt=Make payments with PayPal - it's fast, 
 free and secure!
 tthen it just show nothing( a piece of white) then I tried to 
 put \ before
 then it have errror,
 Internal Server ERror

Internal Server Error means: go check your web server error log. That's
where the real error message will be.

Also, make sure your script compiles:

   $ perl -c yourscript.cgi

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RE: including perl in html

2002-12-11 Thread Bob Showalter
(reply redirected to [EMAIL PROTECTED])

 -Original Message-
 From: Adam Wilson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Tuesday, December 10, 2002 11:30 AM
 Subject: including perl in html
 can anyone help me, i want to include the ouput of a perl 
 file within an
 html file, without using a seperate frame. I am familiar with 
 php, is there
 a way to include like there is in php? Or do i have to output 
 the HTML from
 the perl script?

You can use Apache's mod_ssi for a rudimentary capability:

For more powerful solutions comparable to PHP, see 


Of these, I have personally used only HTML::Mason. Very slick.

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RE: Writeing a HTTP server with perl

2002-12-02 Thread Bob Showalter
[reply redirected to [EMAIL PROTECTED]]

 -Original Message-
 From: LRMK [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Monday, December 02, 2002 11:57 AM
 Subject: Writeing a HTTP server with perl
 I wrote a http server in perl to handle 
 GET request from browser
 but browsers only send 
 GET folder\filename HTTP X.Y 
 request to the server
 how do i find which domain name that the user typed in the 
 Address field. to implement hosts.

The host name is sent as a Host: request header by HTTP 1.1 browsers

You might also look at the HTTP::Daemon module, part of the libwww-perl
distribution, which implements an HTTP server.

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RE: fetchrow_hashref

2002-11-14 Thread Bob Showalter
 -Original Message-
 From: T. Murlidharan Nair [mailto:nair;]
 Sent: Thursday, November 14, 2002 2:22 PM
 Subject: fetchrow_hashref
 I am retriving data in a while loop using fetchrow_hashref
 How do I assign it to another hash.  I am trying the following
 while (my %hashRef =$sth-fetchrow_hashref()){

fetchrow_hasref returns a hash reference, which is a scalar.
You need to assign it to a scalar and dereference it.

Using -w would have generated a warning about this.

 foreach $keys (keys %hashRef){
 print $keys;
 print $hashRef{$keys}\t;
 print \n;
 Its  does not return me anything. Please let me know if there 
 is a  better
 way to handle it.

Try something like this:

   while (my $h = $sth-fetchrow_hashref) {
   for my $key (keys %$h) {
  print $key, '=', $h-{$key}, \n;

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RE: DBI / loop

2002-11-14 Thread Bob Showalter
 -Original Message-
 From: Sven Bentlage [mailto:root;]
 Sent: Thursday, November 14, 2002 2:43 PM
 Subject: DBI / loop
 Hi everyone!
 I have a small problem which should be very easy to solve, but right 
 now I just do not understand where the mistake is:
 I`m using a small loop to fetch several hundred ids from a MySQL 
 database, all of the ids are pushed into @id. After that the script 
 fetches 1-3 email addresses for each id from another table. Directly 
 after fetching the address it should send an email to each id (using 
 only one of the max. 3 email addresses.
 The script works not completely. It fetches all ids, but 
 sends only 50% 
 of the mails... and I do not understand why.(The code is 
 posted below.)
 If anyone could give me a tip what to change in ma script, I would be 
 really grateful.
 @Wiggins: Thank you very much  for your fast help! As soon as 
 I have a 
 working DBI Version i`ll post it.
 foreach $id(@id)
   my $dbh2 = DBI-connect( $dsn, $db_user, $db_pass ) || 
 die danger 
 $DBI::errstr\n ;
   my $sth2 = $dbh2-prepare( select etpa_cont_e, 
 cemail, pemail from 
 memberscopy where id='$id'  );
   while ( ($cont_e, $cemail, $pemail) = 
   unless ($ETPA_cont_e eq ) { 
 $recipient = $ETPA_cont_e }
   else {
   if ($pemail ne ) { $recipient 
 = $pemail }
   elsif ($cemail ne ) { 
 $recipient = $cemail }
   elsif (($pemail eq ) and 
 ($cemail eq )) {$recipient = 
   my $smtp = Net::SMTP-new($SMTP_Server);
   die could not connect to $SMTP_Server 
 using $smtp\n unless $smtp;
   MIME::Lite-send('smtp', SMTP_Server, 
This looks suspicious. Perhaps that should be $SMTP_Server?
Also, why are you creating a Net::SMTP object that never gets

   my $msg = MIME::Lite-new(
   #To  = $recipient, 
   To  ='[EMAIL PROTECTED]',   
 #change to recipient
   From ='$sender,
   ReplyTo = $reply_to,
   Subject = $subject,
   Encoding = '8bit'
   $msg-attach(Type = 'text/html',
 Data = qq{ $mailtext }
   if ($k == 828) {die();} 
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