Re: raw meat bones question

2002-12-31 Thread BernerFolk
In a message dated 12/30/2002 6:13:03 PM Eastern Standard Time, 

> i was wondering which raw meat bones from the supermarket i could buy and 
> safely leave my 8 month old puppy alone with?

About the only bones I'll leave my dogs alone with are good sized marrow 
bones (cow femur), at least 6" long.  Mine are fine with the marrow but some 
dogs don't tolerate it well so you can scoop some out. 

I love the knuckle bones but have found my guys purposely knaw off the chunks 
held on by ligaments.  Those are real chokers so I don't give knuckles unless 
I come across one that's cut on one side of the joint so doesn't have any 
'component' parts.

-Sherri Venditti  

'Tis better to have loved and lost . . .

2002-12-31 Thread Marion Brown
'Tis better to have loved and lost, than never loved at all

A time to remember with love all those who have gone to the Rainbow Bridge
during this year, and to celebrate those who are still with us.

May 2003 be a truly wonderful year for you all, your families and your Big

Marion Brown
Teversal Bernese Mountain Dogs
South Africa
Dogs Never Lie About Love (Jeffrey Masson)


2002-12-31 Thread Rhona Vantine

I can’t believe how beautiful my Berner boy looks
today!  He smells so sweet and is S cudley! 
Definitely looks show material to me!  It was a spur
of the moment decision, but I gave him his first bath
yesterday.  Someone had recently said on the list that
they bath their dogs about every 3 weeks (I think it
was Vilma).  I felt dreadful, Louis is 2 years old in
February  I’m not a novice to bathing dogs.  My
two aged Lhasa Apsos have been bathed almost weekly
for 16 years.  Big difference though between giving
one of them a wash and washing a Berner!  
We’d been for our usual walk through the woods, he’d
been up to his elbows in mud and on the way home my
car smelt like swamp. It’s been raining for days but
this is just the sort of weather he loves.  Anyway, 
to entice him into the bath I ‘stuck’ some pieces of
good ol’ American cheese slices around the edges. 
Once hisfront feet were in I hoisted in the back end! 
turned on the hose.  So far so good, but then he was
still eating!   I did the undercarriage first, worried
that I might not get a chance to do much else but he
stood there and let me give him a very thorough wash. 
I was just thinking it wasn’t so bad when he decided
to make a sudden exit!  I attempted to block him and
was drenched from the thighs down.  I managed to put
his two front legs back in the bath and rinse him
thoroughly.   No sooner was the water turned off than
he started to shake himself!  I’ll be better prepared
next time!  My goodness these dogs hold a lot of
water!  The bathroom was now a complete mess.  The
plug hole was blocked with a mountain of hair which no
sooner did I remove than another lot blocked it again.
 I then let Louis out of the bathroom thinking I’d
toweled off the worst.  WRONG!!!  The hallway very
quickly resembled the bathroom!  By now Louis is
loving all this rubbing with the towel and quite
enjoying himself.  I wondered how he’d react to the
hairdryer, but within minutes he was belly up and not
moving an inch!   I’d thought that most of the loose
hair was still plastered around the wet bathroom but
more continued to float away in little black ‘clouds’
as I ran the hairdryer over him and rubbed my hand
through his coat.   By now I was feeling pretty
pleased with myself, the dog looked gorgeous!I’d
thoroughly enjoyed myself.  The question was, do I
take him for a walk in the woods ever again  At
that moment I thought briefly of litter training him
and keeping him in for a few days so I could enjoy
this wonderful smelling and oh so fluffy Berner boy!  
I would never be so cruel of course!  A filthy boy is
a happy boy!
So how did I do Vilma?  Is this what you go through
every 3 weeks??:)   
Rhona and Louis
in The Netherlands

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Re: bathing

2002-12-31 Thread Judith Johnson
Lol, I really enjoyed myself with this story, it reminds me of me living in
the netherlands, having a berner, and it rains just about all the time, so
every time you go out, your dog smells horrible and he really needs a bath.
I gave Boris a bath like every other week, cause with that muddy weather
he'd get S dirty! But that wasn't easy in one of those small standard
dutch bathrooms:) Luckily here in GA it's a lot dryer:)


Re: bathing--ahhh...fresh, fluffy, clean puppies!

2002-12-31 Thread Brnrmom
In a message dated 12/31/2002 8:49:06 AM Eastern Standard Time, 

> So how did I do Vilma?  Is this what you go through
>  every 3 weeks??:)   

Yeah, that's pretty much it! I think you got it all down, including the most 
essential ingredient, a sense of humor! :-) 

It's addictive, I just LOVE the way my freshly bathed Berner babies look and 
smell.and the Corgi has to go along too, much to his dismay (ever seen a 
Corgi w/ "sideways ears?" This is not a happy Corgi!)   I bathe them all 
about every 3 weeks, their coats are always very healthy and shiny. I figure 
my champion, Bean, should LOOK like a Champion and my others also need to 
look -- and most importantly, smell -- their very best. After all, being a 
"snuggle quality" dog is even more important than being "show quality." 

I try to comb/brush them out about every other day (easier to do in the 
summer when the hair can fly free outside) and that helps keep down the 
amount of loose hair flying around at least a bit. Ya just know you are going 
to end up at least as wet as the dogs, so old clothing is key to bathing 
them. If he is too uncooperative, try to find a way to tether himattach 
his leash to something or even just hold it. Laugh and smile and talk to him, 
dont get mad. And feed him treats frequently thru the bathing so he has a 
good attitude about your silly insistance that he not smell like anal glands, 
deer poop, and swamp water. 

Then cuddle your sweet smelling, fluffy baby endlessly!! :-)

Vilma Briggs
Mt. Gilead, OH
U-UD Mocha Java Slurp, UDX, HIC, TT
Ch. Brighteye Expresso Bean, UD, NDD, TT
U-CDX Our Little Buddy, UD, NA, TT
Thirdtym's A Charm, CGC
and Ted

Re: bathing--ahhh...fresh, fluffy, clean puppies!

2002-12-31 Thread Dr. William B. Neff
I have a few hints for bathing your Berners in your bathtub.

First, Get yourself a rubber mat so your Berner feels secure in the tub. 
There's nothing worse than a sliding Berner who is then leary of the whole 
process.   Winston loves to get a bath and jumps right into the bathtub 
onto the rubber mat.   It also helps a great deal to have something like a 
Shower Pic attachment so you can use the gentle spray to wet your Berner 
down and rinse them thoroughly.

Second, Get one of those drain filters that catches the fur before it goes 
down the drain.  That way it won't collect in the drain until it can stop 
up the water flow some day.

Third, It makes life a lot easier if you get a plastic bottle (a pop bottle 
with a sipper top on it is great) - that way you can dilute the shampoo in 
it and squirt it where you want it.

Fourth, Teach your Berner the command, "Shake!"   After Winston is done 
with his bath and thoroughly rinsed, I close the shower curtain on both 
ends and say, "Shake!"and he does.   I repeat it at lease three or four 
times and then open the curtain and towel dry him before he gets out of the 

Fifth, Don't open the bathroom door until you have used at least three 
towels on him.

Sixth, Put towels all over your bed!!!   I just know that the place Winston 
is going to end up on is our bed, so I've learned to put towels on the 
entire bed.  Otherwise, he lies on the few inches that do not have a towel 
on them.

Seventh, Enjoy the process.   I usually end up just as wet as Winston is, 
but we both have fun.

Eighth, Snuggle with your nice clean Berner!!!

Ninth, DON'T even try to get the fur off the walls in the bathroom until it 
is dry.   Then you can just use a soft broom and slide the Berner fur onto 
the floor and into your dust pan.   You can use the shower attachment when 
the bath is finished to wash the fur off the shower stall walls, collecting 
it in the drain filter.

Hug those berners - they are so very precious!
Joye Neff and Winston (Samantha and Ben)
Mt. Lebanon, Pittsburgh, PA

Re: bathing--more tips

2002-12-31 Thread Pat Long

More bath tips! Set aside certain towels that you won't be using for humans, 
getting a towel full of Berner fur when you just get out of the shower is 
quite, um interesting! And I never did find a way to get all the fur out of 
a towel after using it on a Berner!

I like using nylon screening for covering the drain, it does a great job of 
trapping hair. You can get it at the hardware store in rolls, and it's 
always good to have around for screen door repairs.

J&B Wholesale pet supply sells plastic bottles that squirt without having to 
turn them upside down. Very handy for grabbing and squeezing.

Find a shampoo that rinses out easily. I always like to use J&B's Golden 
Almond concentrate. It's cheap, does a great job, doesn't have a heavy 
scent, and rinses easily and thoroughly. Of course, some dogs will still 
want to get rid of the icky shampoo smell by rolling in Eau de Dead Stuff...

And a helper is nice. I would stay in the tub doing the dogs assembly line 
style, then Paul would towel them dry. They loved his towelling techniques, 
the butt-rub, the under-the-belly-buff and under-the-chest-buff, he's an 
expert toweller!

Pat Long (& Luther)
Berwyn PA

Add photos to your e-mail with MSN 8. Get 3 months FREE*.

re: Daisy tips

2002-12-31 Thread Sheila Dolan
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RE: Cabana crates & Travel -- caution

2002-12-31 Thread Nancy Melone
Just a note on crate travel safety -- cabanas are great once you get to your
destination, but for the safety of your dogs and your human passengers, the
wire crates that are securely bungee corded down in your vehicle are still
best for the travel portion of your trip.  Last year in rural PA, my dogs
and I experienced a "rollover" down a snowy embankment after hitting black
ice in my FORD Explorer SUV. We walked away unhurt -- thanks to seat belts
(in use) and secured wire crates (in use).  The SUV was not so
lucky...$9,000 in damage.

Nancy Melone
Mars, PA

traveling safely w/ dogs

2002-12-31 Thread Brnrmom
In a message dated 12/31/2002 11:05:30 AM Eastern Standard Time, 

> wire crates that are securely bungee corded down in your vehicle are still
>  best for the travel portion of your trip. 

Good advice, thanks for reminding us. The guys at the oil change place always 
ask me what the 4 large wire "cages" in the back of my Suburban are for I 
always want to tell him lions or something!


lump question

2002-12-31 Thread K.Jacobs
Hi All.
I have a Berner boy who is almost two.  He has severe hip and elbow
dysplasia.  Elbow dysplasia started showing signs at 5 months, he was
operated on at 10 months, and hips started showing signs at 13 months.  He
is very happy and seems to have a good quality of life on
Chondroitin/Glucosamine, Dismutase, ester-C, and Rimadyl as needed (we are
monitoring liver enzymes-no problems).  I was petting him this am and
noticed a pea sized lump, freely movable in the skin over the rib cage.  It
is firm and smooth and does not appear to be painful.  He also vomited in
the am last week, nothing but some pale yellow slimy stuff and did the same
thing this am.  He does not seem to be ill and wants to eat.  I am holding
off until the pm, which is what I did last week and he was starving when I
fed him.  He ate his food (California Natural) and was fine.  Does this
scenario sound like something that needs to be investigated?
Karen in MI with Zeus and Titan

Re: Seventh Birthday

2002-12-31 Thread Carole Kaye
January 1st is our gorgeous Pebbles' seventh birthday.  She is our 
first(adopted)Berner and has made an invaluable contribution to the 
happiness and sanity of our family.  Guinness, our shepherd mix loves 
her like a sister and  with the snow outside and the warmth inside, its 
just a perfect time of year for a berner to celebrate.  HAPPY BIRDAY 
Love Carole, Tony Ginny and the boys.

Bernese Mountain Dog Mailing List wrote:

			BERNER-L Digest 4199

Topics covered in this issue include:

 1) Re: dremel question
	by "Ray & Pat Burgett" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 2) puppy mills
	by "Mark Mohapp" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 3) Re: puppy
 4) Re: age to x-ray and chrondotoin supplement
 5) Happy 6th Birthday Ari
 6) Re: BERNER-L digest 4198
	by "fredbites" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 7) Sue and Vicky
	by Jeannie Schoen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 8) Re: Cabana Crate Sizing...great crates!
 9) Re: dremel question
	by "Dave or Stephanie" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
10) littermates
	by "Hicks, Jackie" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
11) Re: Rawhide
	by "Marion Brown" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
12) Re: Rawhide
13) Re: virus attachment from BernerFolk
	by "Liz Steinweg & Crew" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
14) Health question on tests
15) puppy in CT pet shop
16) Re: Counter ad
	by Liz Caldwell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
17) RE: 2003 Specialty
	by Rose Tierney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
18) RE: raw hide bones or Chew-ezee
	by Rose Tierney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
19) RE: low lying pillows, newspapers, and magazines are in danger!
	by Rose Tierney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
20) Young studs
	by Rose Tierney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
21) RE: Swollen Eye
	by Rose Tierney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
22) RE: Shedding and vacuum cleaners
	by "Jennifer Burgess" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
23) swollen elbow
	by "Terri Chapman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
24) Re: swollen elbow
25) Lost Berner-Happy Ending-Repost
26) Hygroma -- elbow cyst
27) what's the best blow dryer?
28) Re: Lost Berner - Happy Ending!
	by "Rita Reining" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
29) raw meat bones question
30) Re: BERNER-L digest 4198
	by "Sharon Greenberg" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
31) Re: Health question on tests (long)


Re: dremel question

Ray & Pat Burgett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sun, 29 Dec 2002 22:19:51 -0800


We use the round sanding disk, works great and the dogs do not mind it at
all, well maybe a wee bit at first. :-)

Ray & Pat Burgett Eaglecap Bernese
Talee,Lexi,,Bell, Shadow & Max
Draminski Ovulation Detector Rep


puppy mills

"Mark Mohapp" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Mon, 30 Dec 2002 01:29:49 -0600

"Bernese Mountain Dog Mailing List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

In the enthusiasm of hunting down puppy mills, has anyone on this list ever
been at the unfortunate end of being the victim of the witch-hunt and
wrongfully accused?  This would include horrible things being said with no
basis in fact.

I have.  It is not a good feeling.  I hate puppy mills but in dealing with
fanatics -  I honestly am having a difficult time telling which is worse.



Re: puppy


Mon, 30 Dec 2002 05:58:57 EST


In a message dated 12/29/2002 6:32:44 PM Eastern Standard Time, 

is there any way that you could let me know if there is a good breeder 
anywhere around the new england area?

Hi Sharon,

There are many *responsible* breeders in the New England areaand several 
ways to find them.

The first resource is the regional BMD club, the BMDCNV.  The club is a mix 
of breeders, pet owners, some who show, some who do draft and obedience, many 
who simply enjoy their Bernesea nice group of people.  Membership will 
bring you a monthly newsletter with a wide variety of articles from health to 
training to upcoming events.

You'll find the contacts for membership and the Puppy Chair (breeder 
referral) on the website,

Dec & Jan are pretty quiet but things start picking up in Feb.  

The annual Winter Walk will be Sunday, Febuary 23rd from 11am - 2pm at 
Wompatuck State Park in Hingham MA.  This is a family event, totally 
informal, just a romp in the park with lots of Berners and lots of Berner 
lovers.  Here is a URL for the park that has information and directions but 
more specifics should go up on the bmdcnv website in the near future.  

Re: bathing--ahhh...fresh, fluffy, clean puppies!

2002-12-31 Thread jane heggen
Great advice, Joyeous!  Why is it they always head for the bed?  To wildly
wiggle and madly grin like they've lost their minds?  The only thing better
is for you to join them.  It is a great time if you are willing to get
messy.  I wouldn't miss it for the world.

Today the Dixie Chicks and I have been singing and dancing with the boys.
Hidden camera in my house and I'm in the looney bin fast.  Oh-oh, our
favorite song, Long Time Gone, is playing.  Gotta go!

Happy and Safe celebrations tonite!

jane & the boys of iowa  (Go Cyclones, GO HAWKEYES!!!)  that should start
some trouble, "the boys" are from California 

- Original Message -
From: "Dr. William B. Neff" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, December 31, 2002 8:46 AM
Subject: Re: bathing--ahhh...fresh, fluffy, clean puppies!

> I have a few hints for bathing your Berners in your bathtub.
> Hug those berners - they are so very precious!
> Joye Neff and Winston (Samantha and Ben)
> Mt. Lebanon, Pittsburgh, PA


2002-12-31 Thread Martha Hoverson

Has anyone had any issues with side effects using Rimadyl in the short term, 
in this case after tpo surgery?  Molly woke up this morning with diarrhea; 
we've called the vet and are waiting for a callback, so I just thought I 
would post the question here.  After a week of deracoxib, she had no other 
meds to take beyond the aspirin that was part of her pre-surgery regimen.  
When we saw the local vet last Thursday to have the staples out, we 
explained that Molly had been whimpering, yelping and whining a lot, and the 
vet gave us Rimadyl to try.  She has had one 75 mg Rimadyl each day since 
then and seemed to be feeling much better.  It would be helpful to know if 
anyone else using Rimadyl has dealt with G-I symptoms in their precious 

Thanks, Martha and Molly

MSN 8 helps eliminate e-mail viruses. Get 3 months FREE*.

Re: bathing--more tips

2002-12-31 Thread Laurie Montoya
* You have a HELPER  Cheater ... Laurie Montoya  (bath
time is a lonely place)  S. Central PA  ***

>And a helper is nice. I would stay in the tub doing the dogs assembly line
>style, then Paul would towel them dry. They loved his towelling techniques,
>the butt-rub, the under-the-belly-buff and under-the-chest-buff, he's an
>expert toweller!
>Pat Long (& Luther)
>Berwyn PA
>Add photos to your e-mail with MSN 8. Get 3 months FREE*.

RE: raw meat bones question

2002-12-31 Thread Rose Tierney
It is not a good idea to feed frozen bones of any type. The temperature can
cause micro fissures in the enamel surface of the tooth.

If one considers that an adult Berner can exert 800-900lb pressure per
square inch one needs a yielding bone ie a crushable one. Solid centre cut
marrow or shin bones are not generally going to break and the tooth is
smaller than the bone and more likely to crack or break off with the equal
and opposite force. (Been there done that and paid the dentist bills) Fine
if you have a gentle nibbler but the majority of my dogs go at a bone like
its their last meal on earth, chewing sets off the endorphines and the dog
can become somewhat entranched and will not stop chewing even if discomfort
were to happen. Some dogs can become quite exhausted and then want to drink
a huge volume of water, so supervision is required for these types of

Rose Tierney

RE: Daisy's Tips: Bait and Switch

2002-12-31 Thread Rose Tierney
Maria Maria,

Its bad enough you go out dressed like a flag but what on earth possesses
you to wear an enlarged slobber cloth!! Had you fallen you might have
shocked the neighbourhood showing your undies!! We dog ladies wear
trousers, sweat suits or jeans never dresses to walk the dogs. These
feminine rags are for attempting to appear alluring to the silly ole fart
whose judging your dog in the show ring!


RE: swollen elbow

2002-12-31 Thread Rose Tierney
Hi Terri,
These are hygromas and benign. They are caused by pressure on the joint
perhaps caused by flopping down on a hard surface or vigorous play. They
resolve themselves in time and do not need to be drained. She will fill up
again on the elbow in all likliehood but I would just provide her with a
soft surface to lie on and curb her play for a while and stay with several
short leash walks for a while. Your vet may be suspecting elbow dysplasia
and while there is a possibility for this you would normally be aware of
her limping if unilateral and/or short picky strides if bi-lateral. If this
is the case you need to seek the opinion of a board certified orthopedic
Your vet may want to insert a drain but this is not advisable for a joint
capsule as it would introduce infection.

Rose Tierney

Re: lump question

2002-12-31 Thread Brnrmom
I would take him to see the vet and have it looked at and see what your vet 
recommendsand if it doesnt go away in a few weeks, then definitely have 
him/her biospy or aspirate it.  My dogs have had lots of lumps and bumps 
biopsied. Once I took Java in for a pimple. The vet popped his zit and we 
went on our merry way. Then 2 1/2 yrs ago what I thought was nothing turned 
out to be his mast cell cancer. (He had surgery and radiation treatments and 
is fine today.)

Vilma Briggs
Mt. Gilead, OH
U-UD Mocha Java Slurp, UDX, HIC, TT
Ch. Brighteye Expresso Bean, UD, NDD, TT
U-CDX Our Little Buddy, UD, NA, TT
Thirdtym's A Charm, CGC
and Ted

Re: Rimadyl

2002-12-31 Thread Liz Steinweg & Crew
We had been given Rimadyl for our Baloo after his neutering surgery - for
pain. He had a terrible reaction to it - he was restless, panting,
couldn't/wouldn't stay still anywhere... always wandering around like he was

We couldn't stand it! We took him off it after a few days, and he was fine.
Guess dogs have varied reactions to meds just like people do!

Liz Steinweg & The Crew
Blue Moon's Baloo Berry Torte "Baloo" - our rescue Berner-boy!
Bobby Sox (husky-x), Figaro (20+ lb Forest Cat)
Rio & Sahara (the "Rat Cats")
and in loving memory of my 1st BMD - Toby (6/29/97 - 6/30/00)
Colorado Springs CO

- Original Message - 
Has anyone had any issues with side effects using Rimadyl in the short term,
in this case after tpo surgery?

MSN 8 helps eliminate e-mail viruses. Get 3 months FREE*.

Re: virus attachment from BernerFolk

2002-12-31 Thread Jordan S. Dill
On Mon, 30 Dec 2002, JEvans wrote:

> Just a clarification or two.
>   Pat has let me know that nowadays, a virus can look like it came from 
> someone,
> but it really didn't!
And, the way to determine where it actually came from is by
examining the header:

See .

 Jordan S. Dill SoVerNet: Vermont's Sovereign Internet Connection
 National Mobile Communications Corp. 
 SoVerNetPO Box 495, 5 Rockingham St.276 East Allen Suite 2
 Vmx. #146   Bellows Falls,  VT  05101   Winooski, VT 05404
 v - 802 463-2111 vmx.#146   Toll Free (877)877-2120
f - 802-463-2110f - 802-655-7291
 PGP public key sent upon request

Puppy Books

2002-12-31 Thread BernerFolk
It's that time of year...when all accounts have to be balanced .  So, I've 
been tallying up the Puppy Book proceeds

The total sent to the AKC/CHF- BMD Donor Advised Fund for 2002 will be 

***THANK YOU*** breeders who send the Puppy Books home with your pups... for 
not only helping your new owners, but also helping to fund research into 
diseases affecting our dogs.

Wishing everyone a wonderful New Year,
Sherri Venditti

Unannounced Removal from the List???

2002-12-31 Thread Arski658
Someone was telling me that for no good reason they were removed from the Berner l 
Could this be true or a mistake.  If not a mistake it would rude!  Especially without 

Re: raw meat bones question

2002-12-31 Thread BernerFolk
In a message dated 12/31/2002 1:04:45 PM Eastern Standard Time, 

> Some dogs can become quite exhausted and then want to drink
>  a huge volume of water, so supervision is required for these types of
>  chewers.

Which reminded me of the potential for overheating.  An active chewer can 
build up a lot of body heat due to the activity and lack of panting.  Beware 
of even moderate temperature days if the humidity's up.  Been there...done 

-Sherri V.

Re: Unannounced Removal from the List???

2002-12-31 Thread Sylvia Katvala
on 12/31/02 12:22 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Someone was telling me that for no good reason they were removed from the
> Berner l mailings??
> Could this be true or a mistake.  If not a mistake it would rude!  Especially
> without notice! 


If people don't sign their emails, they get a private notice about listrules
and etiquette. If they do it again, they will get deleted from the Berner-l.
I have a log where I note things like this.

We also have error people who work behind the scene. If we receive errors
from an account and cannot reach the people, depending on the error, they
get postponed or deleted.

Hope this clears some things up

Wish you all a Happy New Year

Sylvia Katvala
Tucson, AZ

Re: Unannounced Removal from the List???

2002-12-31 Thread Sylvia Katvala
One other reason that I forgot to mention.
We had almost 300 people on the L who were postponed. Middle of December
send everyone a notice and asked if they wanted to receive the Berner-l
again or if they wanted to be deleted form the list. Some email bounced,
which meant their email addresses were not longer good and were deleted. If
they didn't respond within a week, they were also deleted.

Sylvia Katvala

RE: Unannounced Removal from the List???

2002-12-31 Thread Pat Long & Paul Dangel
Dear Arski658,

Sylvia has done a good job of describing some of the reasons that people
will get removed from the Berner-L. Often when their ISP's are
generating errors, we are unable to get in touch with the person to let
them know they are being either postponed or deleted (it depends on the
error that we see). 

In addition, people can be deleted for flagrant violation of the rules.
I can't find the web page with the list of rules just now, but I will be
sure to post it as soon as I find it! We're in the midst of revamping
the website, so please be patient! Just so you know, when someone is
deleted for cause (and that's at my sole discretion), they are made
aware of it well in advance. 

So anyone who says that they were removed for no good reason is either
not being honest with themselves, or are not aware of some problems that
they've had with their ISP.

If you have any questions about this, please feel free to contact me.

Pat Long (& Luther)
Berner-L co-owner
Berwyn PA

scented shampoos, etc.

2002-12-31 Thread Susan Berlin
Pat's mention of a shampoo 'without a heavy scent' reminded me of the
arrival of my rescue boy, Riley. The wonderful ladies who rescued him
treated him to a day at a dog spa before turning him over to me -- and this
LARGE mixed breed, very male dog arrived smelling like a cheap perfume
counter at Woolworths.

Speaking of Riley, the only bit left of his anxiety is in response to strong
winds: he pants, paces, scratches at the window. Unfortunately, we have
strong winds around here fairly frequently. Any suggestions about how to
calm him down?

...and while we're on the subject, when Riley sleeps, his hind-quarters make
spasmodic, seizure-like movements -- not at all like a dog who's dreaming
and running in his sleep. Has anyone seen a similar activity, and does it
indicate possible neurological problems?

That's all my questions for today! And Djinn, my just-turned two Bernese,
has had MOST of her brains delivered. Now if I could just teach her to go to
the door and bark when she wants to go out -- instead of barking at me, in
exactly the same way she indicates a desire for food, play, a treat, etc. --
she'd be perfect. Ideas?



Berner-L Rules and One other important note!

2002-12-31 Thread Pat Long & Paul Dangel

Do take time to make sure you are familiar with the rules, if you
haven't read them, please do! And if you haven't read them for 7 years,
take a minute to reread them. Matt did an excellent job with them, and
I've never felt the need to tinker!

When you have problems with the List, PLEASE, do not send emails to the
List Processor. They don't do anything with them, and when they get the
chance they just pass them along to me. They don't need the extra work,
and I hate to see the answers to your frustration take extra time
getting to the right place.

If you have problems or questions, please contact me, or one of the
Berner-L error crew (without whom my life would be truly miserable!):

Maria Crifasi   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sylvia Katvala  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Laurie Montoya  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Rita Ehrnfeldt  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Julia Richert   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

As a matter of fact, this would be an excellent email to save!

Pat Long (& Luther)
Berwyn PA

New years, and new command

2002-12-31 Thread Sweattees
Happy New Years to all, wishing you all a healthy and happy year, with many 
more to come.  
I have by mistake learned a new command for my guys.  With 3 boys all having 
their individual health and personality issues, some more than others, 
sometimes one boy at times need special "hugs and kisses" attention without 
having to compete with his brothers.  I have learned to teach "Only _insert 
dog name here -" with a hand signal (with us it is a palms forward as in the 
"stop" command.)  This means that the other dogs have to keep their distance 
while the individual dog gets the needed personal attention. Even if this 
means the attention-getting dog gets his leash put on and we leave the 
premises for whatever reason.  All boys get some attention when the 
"personal" time is over.  They all have readily learned to accept this.  Why 
was this easier to teach than other group commands?  Not that I am 

Help on a partially torn cruciate ligament!

2002-12-31 Thread Cindy Buhner
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berners life expectancy: breeding versus spayed

2002-12-31 Thread Terry & Cathy Bering
I have been warned by my vet that my female pup would face a higher rate
of health problems if we decide not to spayed her just prior to her
reaching six months, before her first heat. I am not familiar with the
research she is talking about however I have read that  berners are, in
general, at a higher risk of some cancers than other breeds, one in five
berners developing cancer during their life.
Based on her excellent health history, her father's awards and beautiful
markings, we were considering showing/breeding her but our main interest
is having her live a long healthy life.
Obviously, procreation is important for the survival of the breed. Are
female dogs really at risk of shorter life spans if they are not spayed?

Terry Bering, Chicago