Re: [SlimDevices: Beta] 7.9 Problems/Bugs

2016-05-14 Thread get.amped

DJanGo wrote: 
> Hi try to do the same without the wlan sync device.
> I dont know if your issue is a "bug" or a lms "Problem" - but i think
> its not (other user would wrote some similar issues).
> Wlan Signal strength is always difficult to say something - if one of
> your neighbours use the same channel even 100% signal strength would
> cause issue on both networks.

I use WiFi Analyzer regularly to make sure my channel is not getting
stepped on by a neighbor but it's a good idea to test that. 

I'm leaning towards a disk issue. I checked my Windows System Event log
and found some warnings related to paging errors on the USB drive.

I agree that it's not likely not an inherent LMS bug, but it's a problem
that I was having some difficulty track down the cause of and getting
some fresh perspective here is generally helpful.

Thanks everyone for the assistance.

Home: Win7Pro(x64)[3.3Ghz i5, 8GB RAM, 120GB SSD system, 15TB storage],
LMS 7.9.0 -> Logitech Squeezebox Classic V.3 -> Cambridge Audio DacMagic
-> NAD C160 -> 2 x NAD C272 -> Quad 22L2
Portable: FreeNAS 9.3 [HP Microserver Gen8, 10GB RAM, 16GB flash boot,
120GB SSD for LMS 7.9.0 in FreeBSD jail, 5 x 4TB WD Red HD ZFS RAIDZ1]
-> Logitech Squeezebox Classic V.3 -> Cambridge Audio DacMagic: XLR out
-> Soundmaster Diamond 12-2 mixing board -> P.A.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Beta] 7.9 Problems/Bugs

2016-05-14 Thread get.amped

It's the Win7 computer that has the issue. It never sleeps. The internal
disks (SSD and 3 x 3TB HDs) SMART stats all look good. I can do a chkdsk
on the external USB3 drive to see if it has a problem but I would expect
other, more serious problems to show up, particularly when copying files
to and from that drive. I'll try to make note about what drive a file is
on when it happens the next few times to see if there is any

Not sure that it matters but I do sync a SB3 and a Boom. the SB3 is
ethernet and the Boom wireless (93% signal strength) on the same subnet.
Other than my phone, it's the only thing on the wireless. There's never
been an issue syncing.

Thanks for comments and suggestions.

Home: Win7Pro(x64)[3.3Ghz i5, 8GB RAM, 120GB SSD system, 15TB storage],
LMS 7.9.0 -> Logitech Squeezebox Classic V.3 -> Cambridge Audio DacMagic
-> NAD C160 -> 2 x NAD C272 -> Quad 22L2
Portable: FreeNAS 9.3 [HP Microserver Gen8, 10GB RAM, 16GB flash boot,
120GB SSD for LMS 7.9.0 in FreeBSD jail, 5 x 4TB WD Red HD ZFS RAIDZ1]
-> Logitech Squeezebox Classic V.3 -> Cambridge Audio DacMagic: XLR out
-> Soundmaster Diamond 12-2 mixing board -> P.A.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Beta] 7.9 Problems/Bugs

2016-05-13 Thread get.amped

mherger wrote: 
> > This has been happening for a while and I can't pinpoint why. I'll
> queue
> > up a couple of hundred songs (maybe 20 albums) and without any
> apparent
> Songs from your local collection or some music service? What file format
> (if local), what service? Did you check the server.log file for any 
> hint? Is this reproducible with those tracks, eg. would the same track 
> always not play to the end?
> I doubt it's the age of your build, but I'd update anyway.
> -- 
> Michael

Local collection, all FLAC, nothing unusual in server log (not sure what
logging should be escalated), not reproducible for any particular track
but happens with some irregular frequency. If I play the track again it
will play to the end and subsequent tracks will play but eventually it
will happen with another track. Build is Logitech Media Server Version:
7.9.0 - 1463044970 @ Thu May 12 09:33:04 CUT 2016

Home: Win7Pro(x64)[3.3Ghz i5, 8GB RAM, 120GB SSD system, 15TB storage],
LMS 7.9.0 -> Logitech Squeezebox Classic V.3 -> Cambridge Audio DacMagic
-> NAD C160 -> 2 x NAD C272 -> Quad 22L2
Portable: FreeNAS 9.3 [HP Microserver Gen8, 10GB RAM, 16GB flash boot,
120GB SSD for LMS 7.9.0 in FreeBSD jail, 5 x 4TB WD Red HD ZFS RAIDZ1]
-> Logitech Squeezebox Classic V.3 -> Cambridge Audio DacMagic: XLR out
-> Soundmaster Diamond 12-2 mixing board -> P.A.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Beta] 7.9 Problems/Bugs

2016-05-12 Thread get.amped

This has been happening for a while and I can't pinpoint why. I'll queue
up a couple of hundred songs (maybe 20 albums) and without any apparent
pattern, a song will not play to the end and the next song will start
playing. It's fairly jarring as the one song ends abruptly and the next
one starts up. Might not happen at all for quite a few songs and then
happens again. I can go back to the song that skipped and it will play
through without any issues. Then it won't happen for another 10 or 20 or
X files and will happen again.

I thought it might be because I was running an older build (I think from
last Sept) so I installed the latest nightly and it just happened about
8 songs after the playlist started up again. I don't see anything
unusual in the logs but I don't know what to look for or which options I
should set to get more detail.

Any thoughts on how to track this down?

Home: Win7Pro(x64)[3.3Ghz i5, 8GB RAM, 120GB SSD system, 15TB storage],
LMS 7.9.0 -> Logitech Squeezebox Classic V.3 -> Cambridge Audio DacMagic
-> NAD C160 -> 2 x NAD C272 -> Quad 22L2
Portable: FreeNAS 9.3 [HP Microserver Gen8, 10GB RAM, 16GB flash boot,
120GB SSD for LMS 7.9.0 in FreeBSD jail, 5 x 4TB WD Red HD ZFS RAIDZ1]
-> Logitech Squeezebox Classic V.3 -> Cambridge Audio DacMagic: XLR out
-> Soundmaster Diamond 12-2 mixing board -> P.A.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Beta] Scanner not progressing past "Building full text index (Albums)"

2016-05-04 Thread get.amped

I decided to remove the full text search plugin and doing so allowed a
scan for changed and new to complete without any issues.

I suppose now I will try re-enabling the plugin and see if that part of
the scan will work now that the other pieces have completed
successfully. Everything else including the sub-library demo with my
custom Smart Mix query and Smart Mix itself using that sub-library
appears to be working just fine.

Home: Win7Pro(x64)[3.3Ghz i5, 8GB RAM, 120GB SSD system, 15TB storage],
LMS 7.9.0 -> Logitech Squeezebox Classic V.3 -> Cambridge Audio DacMagic
-> NAD C160 -> 2 x NAD C272 -> Quad 22L2
Portable: FreeNAS 9.3 [HP Microserver Gen8, 10GB RAM, 16GB flash boot,
120GB SSD for LMS 7.9.0 in FreeBSD jail, 5 x 4TB WD Red HD ZFS RAIDZ1]
-> Logitech Squeezebox Classic V.3 -> Cambridge Audio DacMagic: XLR out
-> Soundmaster Diamond 12-2 mixing board -> P.A.

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[SlimDevices: Beta] Scanner not progressing past "Building full text index (Albums)"

2016-05-02 Thread get.amped

This weekend I updated a friend's LMS server to the nightly build from
Sat Apr 30 (1461959934 running on Windows Server 2012 Standard).

All seemed well until the scanner stopped progressing at "Building full
text index" as shown here:


The "Abort scan" button wouldn't actually stop the scan. I was able to
set the scanner logging options to debug, stop and restart the server
and I get this occurring repeatedly at the end of the system log:

[16-05-02 05:56:28.0351] Slim::Schema::Storage::throw_exception (122)
Error: Carp::Clan::__ANON__(): DBI Exception: DBD::SQLite::st execute
failed: database is locked [for Statement "UPDATE metainformation SET
value = ? WHERE ( name = ? )"] at
/Slim/Schema/ line
[16-05-02 05:56:28.0355] Slim::Schema::Storage::throw_exception (122)

frame 0: Slim::Utils::Log::logBacktrace
(/Slim/Schema/ line
frame 1: Slim::Schema::Storage::throw_exception
line 598)
frame 2: DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::dbh_do
line 1297)
frame 3: DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::_execute
line 1419)
frame 4: DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::update
(/DBIx/Class/ line 490)
frame 5: DBIx::Class::Row::update
line 35)
frame 6: DBIx::Class::Relationship::CascadeActions::update
(/Slim/Schema/ line 32)
frame 7: Slim::Schema::DBI::update
(/Slim/Music/ line
frame 8: Slim::Music::Import::setIsScanning
(/Slim/Music/ line
frame 9: Slim::Music::Import::abortScan
line 29)
frame 10: Slim::Web::Settings::Server::Status::handler
(/Slim/Web/ line 1087)
frame 11: Slim::Web::HTTP::generateHTTPResponse
(/Slim/Web/ line 879)
frame 12: Slim::Web::HTTP::processURL
(/Slim/Web/ line 683)
frame 13: Slim::Web::HTTP::processHTTP
line 123)
frame 14: (eval)
line 119)
frame 15: Slim::Networking::IO::Select::__ANON__
line 168)
frame 16: (eval)
line 168)
frame 17: Slim::Networking::IO::Select::loop ( line
frame 18: main::idle ( line 674)
frame 19: main::main ( line 130)
frame 20: PerlSvc::Interactive
(/ line 99)
frame 21: PerlSvc::_interactive ( line 0)
frame 22: (eval) ( line 0)

[16-05-02 05:56:28.0360] Slim::Networking::IO::Select::__ANON__ (131)
Error: Select task failed calling Slim::Web::HTTP::processHTTP:
Carp::Clan::__ANON__(): Carp::Clan::__ANON__(): DBI Exception:
DBD::SQLite::st execute failed: database is locked [for Statement
"UPDATE metainformation SET value = ? WHERE ( name = ? )"] at
/Slim/Schema/ line
; fh=Slim::Web::HTTP::ClientConn=GLOB(0xbb62ad4)

Then I killed the scanner process using the task manager since it was
using about 39% of the CPU and not progressing.

|Filename: full text.JPG|

Home: Win7Pro(x64)[3.3Ghz i5, 8GB RAM, 120GB SSD system, 15TB storage],
LMS 7.9.0 -> Logitech Squeezebox Classic V.3 -> Cambridge Audio DacMagic
-> NAD C160 -> 2 x NAD C272 -> Quad 22L2
Portable: FreeNAS 9.3 [HP Microserver Gen8, 10GB RAM, 16GB flash boot,
120GB SSD for LMS 7.9.0 in FreeBSD jail, 5 x 4TB WD Red HD ZFS RAIDZ1]
-> Logitech Squeezebox Classic V.3 -> Cambridge Audio DacMagic: XLR out
-> Soundmaster Diamond 12-2 mixing board -> P.A.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Beta] 7.9 Problems/Bugs

2015-11-22 Thread get.amped

I just installed today's nightly and did a full rescan of my library.
Songs play fine, but the player in the upper right of the web interface
doesn't update. The playlist "note" indicator moves to the currently
playing track. Tested with IE 11.0.9600.17914 and Chrome 46.0.2490.86 m
on Windows 7 Pro 64bit.


|Filename: LMSdisplayerror.JPG  |

Home: Win7Pro(x64)[3.3Ghz i5, 8GB RAM, 120GB SSD system, 15TB storage],
LMS 7.9.0 -> Logitech Squeezebox Classic V.3 -> Cambridge Audio DacMagic
-> NAD C160 -> 2 x NAD C272 -> Quad 22L2
Portable: FreeNAS 9.3 [HP Microserver Gen8, 10GB RAM, 16GB flash boot,
120GB SSD for LMS 7.9.0 in FreeBSD jail, 5 x 4TB WD Red HD ZFS RAIDZ1]
-> Logitech Squeezebox Classic V.3 -> Cambridge Audio DacMagic: XLR out
-> Soundmaster Diamond 12-2 mixing board -> P.A.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Beta] 7.9 Problems/Bugs

2015-05-19 Thread get.amped

PasTim wrote: 
> Good to hear that's all sorted.  It may be that manually editing the
> playlist (I juts put an invalid folder name in on 1 file) will have a
> similar effect to removing and adding the whole thing back in, but at
> least you now have plan that works for you - never mind that there may
> be other ways of organising things.  I know many may think I'm daft the
> way I do stuff, but what matters is that it suits my way of thinking. 
> :)

Now that I know a specific path to my goal, I can do some additional
experimenting to determine the minimum required to achieve it. More than
anything else I determined that I didn't need to change the version of
LMS I'm using as it currently meets my needs. As for organizational
issues, I do a considerable amount of hardcopy and electronic records
management and the issues related to maintaining them, particularly
alpha based record series that grow without bound (like our music
libraries) are not easily solved. For myriad reasons, the "ideal"
solution is rarely the one that is implemented due to financial and, in
the case of government entities, political or statutory constraints. I
really do have well thought out reasons for my JBOD approach to
implementing LMS with the pros significantly outweighing the cons. I
just don't necessarily want to have an in depth discussion of those
reasons on an open forum with unknown screen avatars.

Thanks again!

Win7Pro(x64)[3.3Ghz i5, 8GB RAM, 120GB SSD system, 15TB storage], LMS
7.9.0 -> Logitech Squeezebox Classic V.3 -> Cambridge Audio DacMagic ->
NAD C160 -> 2 x NAD C272 -> Quad 22L2

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Re: [SlimDevices: Beta] 7.9 Problems/Bugs

2015-05-19 Thread get.amped

Some combination of my last test worked! After resetting the logging to
defaults, I decided that I would not only remove the file from the
playlists directory, but also delete the playlist from the LMS
interface. After rescanning for playlists only, I also edited the file
to change it's time and date stamp and add a known (extra) invalid item.
I copied the file back into the playlists directory and did another scan
for playlists only. The warnings now appear in the scanner.log as before
and I have a relatively easy, known process to detect invalid entries in
the future.

Thanks for the assistance.

Win7Pro(x64)[3.3Ghz i5, 8GB RAM, 120GB SSD system, 15TB storage], LMS
7.9.0 -> Logitech Squeezebox Classic V.3 -> Cambridge Audio DacMagic ->
NAD C160 -> 2 x NAD C272 -> Quad 22L2

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Re: [SlimDevices: Beta] 7.9 Problems/Bugs

2015-05-19 Thread get.amped

PasTim wrote: 
> I also just tried a 'only rescan playlists' and the scanner log contains
> an entry as above.  I notice, however, that it has spotted that the
> playlist has changed (because I edited it).  Can I suggest you make a
> very minor edit to a playlist and see if you get a scan entry then?  My
> scan log settings are below.

An excellent idea. I was thinking that by removing the list and
rescanning, references to it would no longer be in the database and
after putting it back in and scanning, LMS should treat it as a new
playlist with invalid entries that should generate the warning entries.
And that seems to be the case as it's no longer listed in the interface
after removing it and rescanning. But, what the hell, if you are still
interested in solving this little mystery I guess I should continue to

Win7Pro(x64)[3.3Ghz i5, 8GB RAM, 120GB SSD system, 15TB storage], LMS
7.9.0 -> Logitech Squeezebox Classic V.3 -> Cambridge Audio DacMagic ->
NAD C160 -> 2 x NAD C272 -> Quad 22L2

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Re: [SlimDevices: Beta] 7.9 Problems/Bugs

2015-05-19 Thread get.amped

mherger wrote: 
> > i just deleted my server.prefs (for another reason) so i am sure my
> > settings from the logging are the std.
> Which is wrong: the log settings are not stored in server.prefs, but 
> log.conf.
> For those who prefer a GUI there's a "reset to defaults" choice in the 
> drop-down box at the top of the logging settings.
> -- 
> Michael

I'll try resetting them to defaults, remove one of the playlists, scan
playlists only, put it back in and scan again and see if anything

Win7Pro(x64)[3.3Ghz i5, 8GB RAM, 120GB SSD system, 15TB storage], LMS
7.9.0 -> Logitech Squeezebox Classic V.3 -> Cambridge Audio DacMagic ->
NAD C160 -> 2 x NAD C272 -> Quad 22L2

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Re: [SlimDevices: Beta] 7.9 Problems/Bugs

2015-05-19 Thread get.amped

mherger wrote: 
> > The *problem* (see the thread title) I'm experiencing has to do with
> > logging missing playlist entries. It's not about disk management or
> how
> > I choose to organize my files. It's about whether an item missing
> from
> > the playlist is logged properly. On my system I have not found a
> > combination of log settings/scan methods that result in the log
> entries
> > being written.
> Did you check both server.log and scanner.log? Depending on your 
> configuration only "wipe & rescan" type scans would be logged to 
> scanner.log, the others would be in server.log.
> -- 
> Michael

Yes, I checked both logs. None of the "Warning" log entries I would
expect to see.

Win7Pro(x64)[3.3Ghz i5, 8GB RAM, 120GB SSD system, 15TB storage], LMS
7.9.0 -> Logitech Squeezebox Classic V.3 -> Cambridge Audio DacMagic ->
NAD C160 -> 2 x NAD C272 -> Quad 22L2

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Re: [SlimDevices: Beta] 7.9 Problems/Bugs

2015-05-18 Thread get.amped

PasTim wrote: 
> Can I suggest you try it anyway?  It's the only obvious difference I
> could see in your scanner log settings from mine.  And no, I don't know
> what they all do :)
> I also edited my previous post, too late, to suggest you take a quick
> look at the server log.  I've a funny feeling I've seen playlist errors
> there.

Thanks for your suggestions and for not being an on-line douchebag. I've
spent the last thirty years providing tech support in one form or
another and no one likes that guy that tries to make you feel bad.

I changed all the scan log settings to debug and ran it both as a new
and changed and playlists only. No log entries for the missing playlist
items in either the scanner.log or server.log

So at this point I give up. I've already spent more than a reasonable
amount of time looking for the source of the problem and, unless someone
that actually knows how the logging code works has some insight, I'm
just going to have to go through the playlists and verify each item.
Fortunately I'm not going to do any more major file moves soon and next
time I do I know that I have to do a search for those artists in my

Win7Pro(x64)[3.3Ghz i5, 8GB RAM, 120GB SSD system, 15TB storage], LMS
7.9.0 -> Logitech Squeezebox Classic V.3 -> Cambridge Audio DacMagic ->
NAD C160 -> 2 x NAD C272 -> Quad 22L2

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Re: [SlimDevices: Beta] 7.9 Problems/Bugs

2015-05-18 Thread get.amped

DJanGo wrote: 
> checked its not a bug from LMS beta anything, its a bug in your
> management.
> -
> Please - open a new thread somewhere (beginners) and i may help, but
> here i just would help you cause of no one else with a similar disk /
> playlist management would read here in the beta/bug Thread.
> sorry this is bullsh1t - a computer is a tool that can handle all tasks
> that a human beeing want it to do. -if it dont fit dont use a bigger
> hammer check the processes-

Arrogance and condescension are not helpful. I get that you think you're
the smartest guy in the room and are looking for every opportunity to
show that. But very little of what you post is actually helpful because
you are too busy trying to be clever.

The *problem* (see the thread title) I'm experiencing has to do with
logging missing playlist entries. It's not about disk management or how
I choose to organize my files. It's about whether an item missing from
the playlist is logged properly. On my system I have not found a
combination of log settings/scan methods that result in the log entries
being written. If you have something *useful* to impart with respect to
that issue, I would welcome the information (for example, what are the
scan.### settings on the system which you tested your minimalist case?)
Keep in mind, just because you can demonstrate a way that LMS does what
we expect does not rule out the possibility of a configuration which
misbehaves in some fashion.

Win7Pro(x64)[3.3Ghz i5, 8GB RAM, 120GB SSD system, 15TB storage], LMS
7.9.0 -> Logitech Squeezebox Classic V.3 -> Cambridge Audio DacMagic ->
NAD C160 -> 2 x NAD C272 -> Quad 22L2

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Re: [SlimDevices: Beta] 7.9 Problems/Bugs

2015-05-18 Thread get.amped

PasTim wrote: 
> I had a look at my log settings.  I note that my setting is
> DEBUG.  I have no recollection of ever setting that myself, but my
> memory is, how can I put this, 'not good'.  Try it and see...

I think that particular setting is for the Auto scan plugin for
scheduled scanning, which I'm not using. What are the other scan logs
set for?

Win7Pro(x64)[3.3Ghz i5, 8GB RAM, 120GB SSD system, 15TB storage], LMS
7.9.0 -> Logitech Squeezebox Classic V.3 -> Cambridge Audio DacMagic ->
NAD C160 -> 2 x NAD C272 -> Quad 22L2

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Re: [SlimDevices: Beta] 7.9 Problems/Bugs

2015-05-18 Thread get.amped

JJZolx wrote: 
> And -then- what? How do you take that information and then fix all of
> your playlists? I must be missing something obvious, because that sounds
> like a lot of manual work.

I appreciate that you are trying to help, I really do. At the heart of
the issue is the sheer number of artists and tracks in the library. It's
very big. There are 10 or so playlists of anywhere between 300 - 500
tracks each. Any bulk moves I might do will likely only affect a small
number of tracks in those playlists (or none at all). But I can't
remember every single artist and track in each list, so I would have to
go through every list and review every track, somewhat tedious but
doable (which is what I'm going to do now if I can't get the log entries
to appear). But with the logging, I can easily what is typically the
small number of tracks which need to be corrected and which playlists
they are in. In practice, it's quite effective compared to anything else
I've attempted.

> What I'm suggesting would be to organize your library something like:
> D:\a\Al Green
> D:\b\B.B. King
> ...
> D:\f\Funkadelic
> E:\g\Genesis
> E:\h\Henry Butler
> ...
> E:\l\Lyle Lovett
> F:\m\Max Roach
> F:\n\Nirvana
> ...
> F:\p\Pixies
> G:\q\Queen
> G:\r\Radiohead
> ...
> G:\s\Santana
> H:\t\Thelonius Monk
> H:\u\U2
> ...
> H:\z\ZZ Top
> Then if you need to move, say, "s" from the G: drive to the H: drive,
> it's a simple search and replace within all of your playlists. Something
> that you could easily script.

Apart from the incredible amount of work that would go into such a
reorganization, it would still be more work than finding the few
exceptions in the log file. I know right now that there are about 60
tracks that need to be corrected in one of those playlists by comparing
an older LMS install with the one I'm working with now. But I don't know
which of the over 500 tracks are in that playlist, although I can guess
at many of them based on the artist moves I've made. And yes, I used to
do a search and replace based on the entries in the log file, so it was
fairly quick.

Win7Pro(x64)[3.3Ghz i5, 8GB RAM, 120GB SSD system, 15TB storage], LMS
7.9.0 -> Logitech Squeezebox Classic V.3 -> Cambridge Audio DacMagic ->
NAD C160 -> 2 x NAD C272 -> Quad 22L2

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Re: [SlimDevices: Beta] 7.9 Problems/Bugs

2015-05-18 Thread get.amped

JJZolx wrote: 
> When you move files like this, why don't you just modify your playlists
> before dealing with any issues of missing playlist references? Relying
> on LMS' logs to fix your playlists is like chasing your tail. You should
> be doing it (moving files between drives) in some way that makes editing
> all of your playlists fairly simple.
> You may also want to look into storage pooling software, so that you
> don't have to worry about the physical location of files. Storage
> pooling software can consolidate drives so they appear to the computer
> as a single drive or folder.

The short answer is that I didn't need to; If I'm moving hundreds of
artist directories around, it was much easier to just let the scanner
highlight them for me. And, as much as possible for reasons I don't want
to get into here, I don't want (or need) to obfuscate the physical drive

> When I have had a playlist error like this during scanning it has always
> showed in the log, repeatedly, with enough information for me to track
> it down, until I fixed it. I haven't got any special log settings, just
> inspected the standard log. 
> Have you tried just doing a playlist scan?

Exactly. That's what I was accustomed to seeing as well. I am doing just
a playlist scan.

> thats the "test" from yesterday to unprove your statement.

Except that I don't get the same behavior on my system.

Log settings tab:


I removed one of the affected playlists, rescanned playlist only and it
no longer appears in LMS. Copy back into the playlists directory and do
another rescan for playlists only and I get the following scanner.log:


  [15-05-18 12:41:41.7135] main::main (203) Starting Logitech Media Server 
scanner (v7.9.0, 1421748407, Wed Jan 21 04:05:20 CUT 2015) perl 5.014001
  [15-05-18 12:41:42.1789] Slim::Schema::forceCommit (2149) Warning: Trying to 
commit transactions before DB is initialized!
  [15-05-18 12:41:43.6590] Slim::Music::Import::runImporter (485) Starting 
Slim::Music::PlaylistFolderScan scan
  [15-05-18 12:41:43.6594] Slim::Utils::Scanner::Local::rescan (177) 
Discovering audio files in M:\Playlists
  [15-05-18 12:41:44.4378] Slim::Utils::Scanner::Local::__ANON__ (188) Start 
processing found tracks
  [15-05-18 12:41:44.4381] Slim::Utils::Scanner::Local::__ANON__ (196) Connect 
do DB
  [15-05-18 12:41:44.4384] Slim::Utils::Scanner::Local::__ANON__ (199) Get 
latest ID
  [15-05-18 12:41:44.4391] Slim::Utils::Scanner::Local::__ANON__ (221) Delete 
temporary table if exists
  [15-05-18 12:41:44.4394] Slim::Utils::Scanner::Local::__ANON__ (224) Re-build 
temporary table
  [15-05-18 12:41:48.3702] Slim::Utils::Scanner::Local::__ANON__ (259) Get 
deleted tracks count
  [15-05-18 12:41:48.3705] Slim::Utils::Scanner::Local::__ANON__ (266) Get new 
tracks count
  [15-05-18 12:41:48.3710] Slim::Utils::Scanner::Local::__ANON__ (271) Get 
changed tracks count
  [15-05-18 12:41:51.8334] Slim::Utils::Scanner::Local::__ANON__ (277) Removing 
deleted audio files (0)
  [15-05-18 12:41:51.8338] Slim::Utils::Scanner::Local::__ANON__ (355) Scanning 
new audio files (0)
  [15-05-18 12:41:51.8341] Slim::Utils::Scanner::Local::__ANON__ (435) 
Rescanning changed audio files (0)
  [15-05-18 12:41:51.8345] Slim::Music::Import::endImporter (617) Completed 
Slim::Music::PlaylistFolderScan Scan in 8 seconds.
  [15-05-18 12:41:51.8415] Slim::Music::Import::runImporter (485) Starting 
Plugins::SmartMix::Importer scan
  [15-05-18 12:41:51.8425] Slim::Music::Import::endImporter (617) Completed 
Plugins::SmartMix::Importer Scan in 0 seconds.
  [15-05-18 12:41:51.8471] Slim::Music::Import::runImporter (485) Starting 
Slim::Plugin::FullTextSearch::Plugin scan
  [15-05-18 12:41:51.8478] Slim::Plugin::FullTextSearch::Plugin::_rebuildIndex 
(329) Starting fulltext index build
  [15-05-18 12:41:51.8479] Slim::Plugin::FullTextSearch::Plugin::_rebuildIndex 
(333) Initialize fulltext table
  [15-05-18 12:41:54.2202] Slim::Plugin::FullTextSearch::Plugin::_rebuildIndex 
(339) Create fulltext index for tracks
  [15-05-18 12:42:53.8435] Slim::Plugin::FullTextSearch::Plugin::_rebuildIndex 
(349) Create fulltext index for albums
  [15-05-18 12:43:11.3935] Slim::Plugin::FullTextSearch::Plugin::_rebuildIndex 
(358) Create fulltext index for contributors
  [15-05-18 12:43:12.5167] Slim::Plugin::FullTextSearch::Plugin::_rebuildIndex 
(368) Create fulltext index for playlists
  [15-05-18 12:43:31.6423] Slim::Plugin::FullTextSearch::Plugin::_rebuildIndex 
(403) Optimize fulltext index
  [15-05-18 12:43:36.9237] Slim::Plugin::FullTextSearch::Plugin::_rebuildIndex 
(418) Fulltext index build done!
  [15-05-18 12:43:36.9241] Slim::Music::Import::endImporter (617) Completed 
Slim::Plugin::FullTextSearch::Plugin Scan in 105 seconds.
  [15-05-18 12:43:36.9244] Slim::Music::Import::runImporter (485) Starting 
Slim::Music::VirtualLibraries scan
  [15-05-18 12:43:46.4028] Slim::Music::Import::endImporter (617) Completed 

Re: [SlimDevices: Beta] 7.9 Problems/Bugs

2015-05-17 Thread get.amped

DJanGo wrote: 
> Hi Amped,
> its a pebkac:(
> I just copy#d a playlist changed all o to 0 and did a rescan for the
> playlists.
> The m3u isnt touched by lms you know one of the major features of
> slimserver was and is in lms also dont touch anything!
> Just take a look to your m3u and you will delete your bug post.
> Take a beer before complain and cheers. :o

Okay, I have recovered from my initial little panic attack. All entries
are still in the playlist file, but I still have the logging issue to
deal with. 

Any thoughts on which of the multiple logging settings will let me know
that an item was not found during scanning? I've tried setting the file
and playlist scanning items to debug, info, warn and error. Debug is way
too verbose (and may not even have the info I'm seeking) but none of the
others seem to provide that specific info. Right now my only option
seems to be to manually go through every one of hundreds of playlist
entries and compare each to the physical file directories to find
mismatches, something that humans don't do that well compared to

Win7Pro(x64)[3.3Ghz i5, 8GB RAM, 120GB SSD system, 15TB storage], LMS
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Re: [SlimDevices: Beta] 7.9 Problems/Bugs

2015-05-16 Thread get.amped

For as long as I can remember, when I moved music files around on my LMS
server, usually to rebalance the amount of used/free space across a
number of HDs, if one of my playlists referred to one of the moved
files, I would see an entry in the server/scanner log that the file
couldn't be found but the playlist would not be modified so I could
manually edit it and correct the item to use the new file location.

It now appears that if an item in a playlist is not found, it is deleted
from the playlist. I don't know if there is an entry written to the log
because it also appears that the scanner log is overwritten every time
so I can't scroll back through previous scans to see what might have

I am strongly opposed to deleting items from playlists! It takes a lot
of thought and time to create them and I don't want them to be modified
without my specific instructions/actions to do so. I'm hoping that I
have an older copy of a couple of the key party playlists that will
still have the entries that were removed. And yes, I realize that I
should back them up, not just replicate them, but I really didn't expect
LMS to be changed in such a way that it would modify them without my

My requests would be to restore the previous behavior, write a log entry
that the file cannot be found but leave the playlist unmodified, and to
append scans to the scanner log, not overwrite it each time. I (and
anyone else) can easily choose to periodically reset/delete the log if
necessary, but it's considerably more effort to remember to archive the
old log before running another scan to avoid losing it.

Win7Pro(x64)[3.3Ghz i5, 8GB RAM, 120GB SSD system, 15TB storage], LMS
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Re: [SlimDevices: Beta] 'Love is in the air' Library View

2015-03-18 Thread get.amped

You can easily tweak existing library views or add your own by editing
the that comes with the demo. Fairly simple SQL statements can
be used to generate them although the comments imply that it's possible
to do considerably more complex processing.

My own goal is to use my existing Smart Mix library view and be able to
eliminate duplicate Artist + Song Title entries so that I don't have 96
versions of Aqualung by Jethro Tull using 95 entries of the 100,000 TEN
will process. I haven't given it a lot of thought yet but so far it's a
fairly simple concept that is not obvious (to me) how to code.

Win7Pro(x64)[3.3Ghz i5, 8GB RAM, 120GB SSD system, 15TB storage], LMS
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Re: [SlimDevices: Beta] 7.9 Problems/Bugs

2015-02-25 Thread get.amped

I'm guessing this is a long-standing web UI bug posted in this thread:

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Re: [SlimDevices: Beta] LMS 7.9 Search Functionality Enhancements

2014-09-24 Thread get.amped

Would it be possible to add something to search to help organize the
results? I've had to do about 400 searches in the past day or so as I
look for whether I have specific songs used for an event. I needed
"Fever" by Sarah Vaughan. Searching for fever alone brings back a
ridiculous number of results, sorted by no discernible order. Searching
for Sarah Vaughan does the same. Combining them in advanced search was
better but I can see scenarios when what I really want is all
occurrences of a song and it would be nice to be able to sort in a
meaningful way.

The other thing I'd like is an exact match option. If I'm looking for
the song "Get Ready" I get over 100 matches as shown below, organized in
no specific order. There's no way to see all the different versions of
the song in one place without making my number of items to display
setting uncomfortably high.


|Filename: search.jpg   |

Win7Pro(x64)[3.3Ghz i5, 8GB RAM, 120GB SSD system, 15TB storage], LMS
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Re: [SlimDevices: Beta] LMS 7.9 tuning questions

2014-09-05 Thread get.amped

DJanGo wrote: 
> That was your question or not?
> Btw did you (if you carefully read your google find) see the fact that
> lms is single thread or does it use multihreads?
> In a shortversion " what is older days" ?

That question was in the context of the discussion about memory usage.

Yes, LMS is single threaded but it certainly runs better on a multicore
system so it doesn't need to compete (as much) with other processes on
the system. I've been using HP microserver G7 boxes (AMD Turion II CPU)
and they work quite well for this purpose.

"Older Days" as in pre-Xeon CPU architecture: Pentium, Pentium II,
Pentium III. I still have a dual Pentium III box running from the late
'90s although it is slated to be decommissioned soon and its
functionality replaced by a VM.

Win7Pro(x64)[3.3Ghz i5, 8GB RAM, 120GB SSD system, 15TB storage], LMS
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Re: [SlimDevices: Beta] LMS 7.9 tuning questions

2014-09-05 Thread get.amped

DJanGo wrote: 
> Thats One of Many Features That Makes the difference between a Client
> and a Server Österreich

That choice has been available on server and workstation versions of
Windows since NT and is specifically related to processor resource
allocation. It defaults to background services for  server OS versions
and to user programs for desktop OS versions. It mattered a lot more in
the days of single core, single processor architecture. Ticking it one
way or the other does not necessarily mean that a particular program
will use dramatically more RAM running as a service or as a user

Win7Pro(x64)[3.3Ghz i5, 8GB RAM, 120GB SSD system, 15TB storage], LMS
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Re: [SlimDevices: Beta] LMS 7.9 tuning questions

2014-09-04 Thread get.amped

DJanGo wrote: 
> well depends on your system setup.
> You wrote about W2k8r2 as a Server and when using a Server (a 500 €
> license) you should know how you set your Server up.
> So yes it really does matter.

For someone who obviously thinks he know *everything* about computers,
you certainly post a lot of negative comments and rarely anything
actually helpful.

As it turns out, I don't necessarily know whether a particular program
will use more or less RAM when loaded as a service or in a user context.
I can determine it empirically by trying it both ways, but I have yet to
do so and would be willing to gain that knowledge from someone else who
has done so.

Your comments provide nothing of value to this discussion and are
clearly intended to be antagonistic and condescending.

Win7Pro(x64)[3.3Ghz i5, 8GB RAM, 120GB SSD system, 15TB storage], LMS
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Re: [SlimDevices: Beta] LMS 7.9 tuning questions

2014-09-04 Thread get.amped

I just checked and the SB process on my system is using 371MB. 

library.db is 519MB for 329K tracks.

Does it matter if LMS is configured to load as a service vs. a program
in a user session?

Win7Pro(x64)[3.3Ghz i5, 8GB RAM, 120GB SSD system, 15TB storage], LMS
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Re: [SlimDevices: Beta] 7.9 Problems/Bugs

2014-08-13 Thread get.amped

verypsb wrote: 
> Well, I always have the same problem, that's why I avoid to use a 'Look
> for new and changed media files'. It doesn't do the job. If I change
> album titles, but don't change the filenames, I get multiple entries of
> the same album with different album titles. I believe it only deletes
> the original entry wen I rename the folder or move the files to another
> folder. However there is a difference in my setup, I DON'T change
> timestamps. that's catastrophic for the 'New Music' list.
> For this reason alone I have a daily scheduled 'Clear library & rescan
> everything'. This cleans up the multiple entries of the same album.
> Windows 8.1/Logitech Media Server. Has been an issue since I use
> Squeezebox Server, version 7.0 and up, on Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8 & 8.1.

Prior to 7.9 if I was just changing just the tags on an album but not
file names, I would remove the re-tagged album sub-directory from the
music library hierarchy, rescan for changed and new to remove it from
the database, move it back into the music library and rescan for changed
and new again. That almost always produced the desired results and takes
a small fraction of the time of a full rescan and I can continue to
listen to other music while it's happening. But recently I've found that
I can re-tag, bump the timestamp +5 seconds (so it gets identified as
changed by the scanner but keeps the album in the correct place in New
Music) and rescan for changed and new without any problems. I've done
lots of clean-up of artist names, genres and years and it's worked well.
But this may be the first time since using 7.9 I only changed the album
name and specifically, one letter in the name from lower to upper case.

Win7Pro(x64)[3.3Ghz i5, 8GB RAM, 120GB SSD system, 15TB storage], LMS
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Re: [SlimDevices: Beta] 7.9 Problems/Bugs

2014-08-12 Thread get.amped

JohnB wrote: 
> Not directly relevant to the reported problem but was this rescan done
> using the Look for New and Changed or the Clear Library and Rescan
> options?
> (If I was doing such a major change I would either clear the cache,
> which would trigger a full rescan, or run the Clear Library and Rescan.)

It was a new and changed scan. I do periodically clear the cache and do
a full rescan (at least twice a year due to the daylight savings
"issue"). But a moving a few thousand tracks is not in the "major
change" category for my library. But it's good to know that, with the
currently installed version, I might as well do so if I were to move
around 12 thousand or so tracks since then a full rescan is likely to be
the same, if not shorter.

Win7Pro(x64)[3.3Ghz i5, 8GB RAM, 120GB SSD system, 15TB storage], LMS
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Re: [SlimDevices: Beta] 7.9 Problems/Bugs

2014-08-12 Thread get.amped

mherger wrote: 
> > Deleting the database records took over an hour. Adding them again
> took
> > 17 seconds (which included another 237 new files). Looks like the
> delete
> > processing is much slower than the inserts or updates.
> I optimized a few queries, which should save you a few minutes deleting
> those items. But the remaining bulk of the time spent I won't be able to
> optimize without a lot of work and potential to break things. Feel free
> to submit a bug report. There definitely have been more optimizations 
> for the scan process than for the deletion. But that makes sense.
> Please give it a good test ride. Thanks!
> -- 
> Michael

Normally I wouldn't do another free space rebalancing for a while, but
it won't hurt to do another one and get ahead of it. So, probably later
this week, I'll get the latest nightly, move another few thousand files,
rescan and post the results. 

I did find something else that might be worth reporting as a bug but I
want to verify reproducibility first. I added an album (Fenci's Blues),
but didn't notice that the "B" was actually a "b" until after scanning.
So I used MP3tag to fix the tag, and BulkFileChanger to bump the
timestamp 5 seconds and then rescanned. I ended up with both "Fenci's
blues" and "Fenci's Blues" showing up in New Music, both with the full
album listed.

Win7Pro(x64)[3.3Ghz i5, 8GB RAM, 120GB SSD system, 15TB storage], LMS
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Re: [SlimDevices: Beta] 7.9 Problems/Bugs

2014-08-09 Thread get.amped

I think this falls into the FYI category.

I very occasionally have to move music library directories from one disc
to another to balance the amount of free space I have available. I did
so today, moving ~ 2800 music files + associated artwork, logs, etc.
from M:\FLAC-1 to O:\FLAC-3 and then did a rescan with the following

> Logitech Media Server Version: 7.9.0 - 1403985527 @ Mon Jun 30 04:04:47
> CUT 2014
> Operating system: Windows 7 - EN - cp1252 
> Platform Architecture: 8664
> Perl Version: 5.14.1 - MSWin32-x86-multi-thread
> Audio::Scan: 0.94
> Database Version: DBD::SQLite 1.34_01 (sqlite
> Total Players Recognized: 2
> Media Scan Details
> Discovering files/directories: M:\Music(1 of 1)   Complete  00:00:00
> Discovering files/directories: M:\FLAC-1(108811 of 108811)  
> Complete  00:02:15 
> Removing deleted files: M:\FLAC-1(2838 of 2838)   Complete  01:07:58
> Scanning new music files: M:\FLAC-1(190 of 190)   Complete  00:00:04
> Discovering files/directories: N:\FLAC-2(105986 of 105986)  
> Complete  00:02:29 
> Scanning new music files: N:\FLAC-2(136 of 136)   Complete  00:00:03
> Discovering files/directories: O:\FLAC-3(54082 of 54082)   Complete 
> 00:01:00 
> Scanning new music files: O:\FLAC-3(3075 of 3075)   Complete 
> 00:00:17 
> Discovering files/directories: O:\Lossy(84286 of 84286)   Complete 
> 00:01:09 
> Removing deleted files: O:\Lossy(5 of 5)   Complete  00:00:13 
> Discovering playlists: M:\Playlists(10 of 10)   Complete  00:00:00 
> Create library views(4 of 4)   Complete  00:00:19 
> Find updated coverart files(24194 of 24194)   Complete  00:00:15 
> Pre-caching Artwork(312 of 312)   Complete  00:00:12 
> Database Optimize(2 of 2)   Complete  00:01:31 
> The server has finished scanning your media library.
> Total Time: 01:17:45 (Sat, Aug 9, 2014 / 4:41 PM)

Deleting the database records took over an hour. Adding them again took
17 seconds (which included another 237 new files). Looks like the delete
processing is much slower than the inserts or updates.

Win7Pro(x64)[3.3Ghz i5, 8GB RAM, 120GB SSD system, 15TB storage], LMS
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Re: [SlimDevices: Beta] 7.9 Problems/Bugs

2014-06-25 Thread get.amped

mherger wrote: 
> > small issue the option to have "Additional Playlist Buttons" seems to
> > get unticked after some upgrades or do you always have to set in the
> > browser after an upgrade ?
> > 
> > Was it not possible to use ?moreThanThis=1 on the shortcut to not
> have
> > to set it all the time ?
> I changed that option in 7.9. Before 7.9 this was a browser setting
> (stored in a cookie). Now I made it a real pref, stored in the prefs
> file as all the other prefs. Therefore there could be some migration
> issues. Hopefully for the last time.
> Michael

That's good to know. Makes so much sense to have it be a real pref.

Win7Pro(x64)[3.3Ghz i5, 8GB RAM, 120GB SSD system, 15TB storage], LMS
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Re: [SlimDevices: Beta] Scanner/LMS display of the same album by the same artist, different releases

2014-06-24 Thread get.amped

Just in case my initial post was too confusing, it boils down to this:

Should the scanner always treat files in different subdirectories as
different albums, even if the artist and album title are the same?

Win7Pro(x64)[3.3Ghz i5, 8GB RAM, 120GB SSD system, 15TB storage], LMS
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[SlimDevices: Beta] Scanner/LMS display of the same album by the same artist, different releases

2014-06-23 Thread get.amped

I have a lot of albums with multiple releases. I put them in different
directories with "[remastered]" or "[reissue]" or similar after the
album name to distinguish them from the original release.

If I also tag an album with that additional suffix, the scanner clearly
treats it as a different album and it shows up separately in LMS.

If I have two different versions, one MP3 in the O:\Lossy hierarchy and
one FLAC in the M:\FLAC-1 hierarchy, they can have the same album tag
and they show up as separate albums in LMS.

But if I have two FLAC versions, both in the M:\FLAC-1 hierarchy with
the same album tag, but in different sub-directories as above, they get
grouped together in LMS as a single album.

Is this the expected/desired behavior?

I will probably retag a number of albums that are exhibiting this issue
since there is some value in knowing which release is which at a glance,
but I would still like to know whether this is as designed or should be
reported as a bug.

Win7Pro(x64)[3.3Ghz i5, 8GB RAM, 120GB SSD system, 15TB storage], LMS
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Re: [SlimDevices: Beta] Seperate menus for Album Artist in 7.9

2014-06-20 Thread get.amped

mherger wrote: 
> > If you want to break a playlist, just get Ed Sheeran's album "+" and
> > only put + in the tag for the album name. Add that album to an
> existing
> > Now playing list and save it. Now try to display the playlist by
> > clicking on it in Playlists. The page containing "+" will have no
> data,
> > just an empty pane with the greenish background and the top and
> bottom
> > rounded corner images. That album is now tagged as "Plus" and works
> just
> > fine.
> Feel free to file a bug report on
> -- 
> Michael

Report filed.

Win7Pro(x64)[3.3Ghz i5, 8GB RAM, 120GB SSD system, 15TB storage], LMS
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Re: [SlimDevices: Beta] Seperate menus for Album Artist in 7.9

2014-06-20 Thread get.amped

I'm guessing that the list of genres that appears below the Additional
Browse Modes settings is to make it easier to fill in those text boxes.
Any chance that list can be alpha sorted? It appears fairly random right

Win7Pro(x64)[3.3Ghz i5, 8GB RAM, 120GB SSD system, 15TB storage], LMS
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Re: [SlimDevices: Beta] Seperate menus for Album Artist in 7.9

2014-06-20 Thread get.amped

mherger wrote: 
> > If you want to break a playlist, just get Ed Sheeran's album "+" and
> > only put + in the tag for the album name. Add that album to an
> existing
> > Now playing list and save it. Now try to display the playlist by
> > clicking on it in Playlists. The page containing "+" will have no
> data,
> > just an empty pane with the greenish background and the top and
> bottom
> > rounded corner images. That album is now tagged as "Plus" and works
> just
> > fine.
> Feel free to file a bug report on
> -- 
> Michael

I'll do a specific test with the latest build and report it if it's
still an issue.

Win7Pro(x64)[3.3Ghz i5, 8GB RAM, 120GB SSD system, 15TB storage], LMS
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Re: [SlimDevices: Beta] 7.9 Problems/Bugs

2014-06-20 Thread get.amped

mherger wrote: 
> > Yes, of course. Is it LogitechMediaServer-7.9.0-1403261343 or should
> I
> > wait for the next one?
> That would be the latest already. Get it while it's hot!
> -- 
> Michael

As far as testing it goes, I can do a quick verification that a scan for
new and changed will pick up an album with a more recent time stamp from
each of the 3 FLAC directories (Lossy never gets added to, only replaced
by FLAC as available). I'm just going to use mp3tag to save one album
from each of those directories so they have the current time. Later
today I'll be able to add new albums. In each case, I should see the
changed albums appear as the first entries in New Music.

Anything else I should check or does that cover it?

Win7Pro(x64)[3.3Ghz i5, 8GB RAM, 120GB SSD system, 15TB storage], LMS
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Re: [SlimDevices: Beta] 7.9 Problems/Bugs

2014-06-20 Thread get.amped

mherger wrote: 
> > I tried using multiple folders defined in LMS when I first went to
> > 7.7.3, but the scanner would go off in the weeds and never finish. So
> I
> > went back to this method which has been a stable work around for a
> > multi-disc library since 7.6.5.
> Interesting. The scanner code would handle shortcuts the same way as 
> multiple folder entries. Well, somewhere hidden deeply in there there 
> must be a difference. But it explains why I was seeing that issue which
> I only expected to arise with multiple folders.
> I'm currently building a new release. Could you please give it another
> try?
> -- 
> Michael

Yes, of course. Is it LogitechMediaServer-7.9.0-1403261343 or should I
wait for the next one?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Beta] Seperate menus for Album Artist in 7.9

2014-06-20 Thread get.amped

Mnyb wrote: 
> I have an album named > 

  >   > ( ) 

> > by Sigur Rós for example

Yes, I have that one as well.

If you want to break a playlist, just get Ed Sheeran's album "+" and
only put + in the tag for the album name. Add that album to an existing
Now playing list and save it. Now try to display the playlist by
clicking on it in Playlists. The page containing "+" will have no data,
just an empty pane with the greenish background and the top and bottom
rounded corner images. That album is now tagged as "Plus" and works just

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Re: [SlimDevices: Beta] 7.9 Problems/Bugs

2014-06-20 Thread get.amped

mherger wrote: 
> > views. It was the same each time. None of the albums added after the
> > last full rescan (two separate scans for changed and new, about 20
> new
> > albums total) showed up in New Music, but were all available in
> Artists,
> > Albums and through Search.
> Ok, I think I've figured that one out. Are you using more than one music
> folder entry?
> The cache was only exposing the real issue which was that the 
> lastScanTime timestamp did not get updated under certain circumstances.
> As many of the caches rely on that timestamp to invalidate data, they 
> would return stale content.
> Should be fixed in tomorrow's build.
> -- 
> Michael

I only have one music folder entry: 


but it just has four shortcuts to the real music folders:


I tried using multiple folders defined in LMS when I first went to
7.7.3, but the scanner would go off in the weeds and never finish. So I
went back to this method which has been a stable work around for a
multi-disc library since 7.6.5.

|Filename: shortcuts.jpg|

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Re: [SlimDevices: Beta] 7.9 Problems/Bugs

2014-06-19 Thread get.amped

Mnyb wrote: 
> Whats the time stamps on those files ,new music is sorted by changed
> time in the file not when you add stuff ?
> So if you only have 100 items in your new music list it may not show at
> all , or if you like me have unlimeted new music folder it can be way
> back if its tagged in 2011

I have the New Music Limit set to 5000. The time stamps on the new
albums are definitely later than the most recent one displayed. I use
mp3tag after I rip the FLACs to save all the files for an album so their
time stamps are within a few seconds of each other. I've been doing it
this way for years and this is the first time newly added albums haven't
shown up in New Music.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Beta] Seperate menus for Album Artist in 7.9

2014-06-19 Thread get.amped

JJZolx wrote: 
> It shouldn't. There are several settings on that page that do trigger an
> automatic rescan, though. The articles to ignore, the separator for
> multiple items and the group discs option will all kick off a rescan.
> Are you sure you didn't change one of those at the same time? I've
> switched back and forth between the two settings for Browse Artists many
> times.

I want to say that I only changed the Browse Artist setting because I
specifically wanted to see the difference between the new setting and
the old setting. I was kind of surprised when the rescan started. So
maybe I did something else? If I did, it wasn't intentional.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Beta] 7.9 Problems/Bugs

2014-06-19 Thread get.amped

mherger wrote: 
> > Logitech Media Server Version: 7.9.0 - 1402991900 @ Tue Jun 17
> 10:25:39
> > CUT 2014
> Please always run the latest and greatest before reporting issues.
> > There is something going on with "New Music". Yesterday I triggered a
> > full scan when I changed the "Browse Artists" setting back to "Use
> > single, configurable list of all artists." Today I added some new
> albums
> > and just did a scan for new and changed files. It proceeded as
> expected
> > and added the albums to the library, but they don't show up in "New
> > Music." I can find them by searching or browsing by artist or album.
> I
> > used several different browsers on different machines to make sure it
> > wasn't a caching issue.
> >
> > Anything I should be looking for?
> Did the latest scan finish successfully? Please check scanner.log and 
> server.log files for scanner related entries. As jjzolx mentioned 
> there's a lot of caching going on in 7.9. But those caches should be 
> wiped whenever a scan finishes or the library changes otherwise (eg. 
> using Browse Music Folder).
> Do you have the LibraryDemo plugin enabled? Are you using any of its 
> library views? Would New Music be ok again after a server restart?
> -- 
> Michael

I'll get the latest build tomorrow and run some specific tests. I had
already started a clear cache and full rescan tonight which should be
done in another 1 1/2 hours. It seems to take about 1 hour per 100K
tracks. The last couple of scans for changed and new completed
successfully and there weren't any scanner errors in either of the logs.
I tried looking at New Music with the Library Demo plugin enabled and
disabled (which involved server restarts), with and without library
views. It was the same each time. None of the albums added after the
last full rescan (two separate scans for changed and new, about 20 new
albums total) showed up in New Music, but were all available in Artists,
Albums and through Search.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Beta] Seperate menus for Album Artist in 7.9

2014-06-19 Thread get.amped

JJZolx wrote: 
> But changing this particular option (Browse Artists) does not require,
> nor does it trigger a rescan. Unless I missed something.

It didn't trigger one to go to from the old setting to the new one; it
did to go from the new option to the old one.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Beta] 7.9 Problems/Bugs

2014-06-19 Thread get.amped

JJZolx wrote: 
> That sounds like a caching problem. There have been a lot of caching
> issues as Michael has been trying to use caching to get better
> performance, but most have been fixed.

Browser caching or database caching? I testing using a browser that I
never used with LMS before so probably not browser caching. Not sure
what I can do about any other caching.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Beta] 7.9 Problems/Bugs

2014-06-19 Thread get.amped

Logitech Media Server Version: 7.9.0 - 1402991900 @ Tue Jun 17 10:25:39
CUT 2014

There is something going on with "New Music". Yesterday I triggered a
full scan when I changed the "Browse Artists" setting back to "Use
single, configurable list of all artists." Today I added some new albums
and just did a scan for new and changed files. It proceeded as expected
and added the albums to the library, but they don't show up in "New
Music." I can find them by searching or browsing by artist or album. I
used several different browsers on different machines to make sure it
wasn't a caching issue.

Anything I should be looking for?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Beta] Home > Playlists > Empty in webgui

2014-06-19 Thread get.amped

I can confirm that my playlists disappear from My Music -> Playlists if
I have selected "FLAC files only" in "Switch Library View." They are
visible again when I return to "All Library."

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Re: [SlimDevices: Beta] Seperate menus for Album Artist in 7.9

2014-06-19 Thread get.amped

frank1969 wrote: 
> Thanks to both of You, now I get the idea behind the browsing feature
> and it was obviously ME, who expected the wrong way it would work...
> ;-)
> One question: Those optioons "List compilation albums under each artist"
> or "Group compilation albums together" are gone in 7.9 or am I too blind
> to see them?

Those options only appear when you select "Single, configurable list of
artists" in My Music settings. Doing so will kick off a full rescan.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Beta] Multi Library support in LMS 7.9

2014-06-18 Thread get.amped

Mnyb wrote: 
> find that browse mode but not where to setup your own modes where did
> this flac only being configured

First make sure "Switch library view is check in the per player


Then go to "Switch library view" in My Music:


Then select "FLAC files only"


When you go back to "Home" you will see the change in the status line:


|Filename: librarystatus.jpg|

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Re: [SlimDevices: Beta] 7.9 Problems/Bugs

2014-06-17 Thread get.amped

mherger wrote: 
> > I'm not sure what I should be seeing in the browse list when "Album
> > Artists", "Artists" and "All Artists" are checked in the Additional
> > Browse settings. Does the "Artists" option actually do anything? I
> only
> > see "Album Artists" and "All Artists" listed. If I uncheck "Album
> > Artists" I only have "All Artists" listed. I don't actually have any
> > ALBUMARTIST tags in any of the files.
> The "Artists" view is what you'd see if you chose to not have separate 
> Album Artists and All Artists menus. You won't have all three of them at
> the same time.
> -- 
> Michael

Okay, so it depends on the Browse Artists setting in My Music. I see
now. The single, configurable list is the old functionality with the 3
Compilations options. Apparently that's what I'm going to use now since
it kicks off a rescan and I'm not going to do that again soon :D

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Re: [SlimDevices: Beta] 7.9 Problems/Bugs

2014-06-17 Thread get.amped

I'm not sure what I should be seeing in the browse list when "Album
Artists", "Artists" and "All Artists" are checked in the Additional
Browse settings. Does the "Artists" option actually do anything? I only
see "Album Artists" and "All Artists" listed. If I uncheck "Album
Artists" I only have "All Artists" listed. I don't actually have any
ALBUMARTIST tags in any of the files.


|Filename: browse.jpg   |

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Re: [SlimDevices: Beta] Multi Library support in LMS 7.9

2014-06-17 Thread get.amped

The multi-library demo is quite nice. I may actually use the "FLAC files
only" quite a bit.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Beta] LMS 7.9 Search Functionality Enhancements

2014-06-17 Thread get.amped

JJZolx wrote: 
> A simple workaround just occurred to me: The current playlist is
> per-player. If you can install a software player such as SqueezePlay on
> a PC, then you can use it as a dummy player. Play what you like on one
> or more players, and use the software player as a target for a playlist
> while you work on it.

That would be a relatively easy way to build a new playlist with a
single system and not interfere with what's playing now. Nice!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Beta] LMS 7.9 Search Functionality Enhancements

2014-06-17 Thread get.amped

JJZolx wrote: 
> The only real difficulty I can see is if you wanted to listen to
> something else while working on building or editing a playlist.
This is a significant part of the issue. When I'm building new
playlists, I often do so on my secondary system by adding songs into the
Now playing list. Probably not realistic for many (most?) LMS users to
have a complete second system to work on what they will be listening to
at some other time while the primary one is playing what they want to
hear right now.

> That's because designing and perfecting a user interface is many times
> more work and difficulty.

This is true in almost all programming endeavors. I'm teaching some kids
in the robotics program I mentor how to deal with web forms and it's
challenging for them to say the least.  

> There _are_ desktop applications available that let you build standard
> m3u playlists.

I should probably see if any of them are actually easier than what I do
now when manually editing the .m3u files in Wordpad. The big
disadvantage I can forsee with a desktop app is that it won't have
access to the LMS database to search for tracks. My guess is that it
will still be a matter of identifying tracks of interest in LMS and then
manually finding that track in the file system to add it to the
playlist. I do that now using Windows Explorer, shift-right click on the
file I want and select "copy as path" from the context menu, then paste
into the .m3u file in Wordpad.

If I had any competency at all in Perl I would load a Linux build of LMS
in a VM and see what I could do about creating a playlist editor plugin.
It's got to be one of the easiest file structures to deal with since you
can throw away pretty much everything except the initial #CURTRACK and
#EXTM3U comments and just work with the list of fully qualified file
names, one per line. The Javascript for the drag and drop behavior can
probably be cribbed from the existing Now playing code. The most
interesting part would be integrating search functionality within the
editing to be able to indicate that you want to add a track at a point
in the list and have one of the ways to add it is to select from a list
of results returned by search.

And after typing all this it occurs to me that it's almost completely
off topic for this thread. :o

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Re: [SlimDevices: Beta] LMS 7.9 Search Functionality Enhancements

2014-06-17 Thread get.amped

DJanGo wrote: 
> Sounds like its a real "unique" wish...
> There are thousand ways to rome...
> > 

  >   > 
  > $ sqlite3 /var/lib/squeezeboxserver/cache/library.db
  > sqlite> select playlist from  playlist_track where track like '%oloko%';
  > 61801
  > 61801
  > 61801
  > 61801
  > select url from  tracks where id like '61801';
  > file:///home/jan/[playlist]/molokodemo.m3u

> > 
> I am pretty shure there is one plugin from a user (edit its erland
> /edit) that sells some enhanced sql plugins that do the same...

It may be unique to my use of LMS, I don't really know. It's certainly
of more use than the current functionality of returning a matching
playlist name; I've never been interested in that particular search
result. Does anyone have so many playlists that they would need to
search for one by name instead of just opening the Playlist view under
My Music? 

Arguably, the way I currently do this (right click on playlist .m3u
file, Send to Wordpad, Ctrl-H, type string, enter) is faster than
opening SQLite and entering a couple of queries.

Overall there's fairly limited playlist functionality in LMS. Basically
you can save the Now playing list and... that's about it other than
selecting it to play it again. You can't reorder items in the saved list
or easily add new items, although there is a plugin (which I use) to let
you add the currently playing song to a list using the remote. It's
somewhat interesting that there are way more tools to generate playlists
based on some general criteria than to deliberately craft one with
specifically selected and ordered tracks.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Beta] 7.9 Problems/Bugs

2014-06-17 Thread get.amped

mherger wrote: 
> > Should things like this be entered in
> Yes please. No need for the shuffled playlist any more though: I just 
> committed a change. Should be in the next nightly build. Thanks!
> -- 
> Michael

That seems to take care of it. Thanks!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Beta] LMS 7.9 Search Functionality Enhancements

2014-06-17 Thread get.amped

Mnyb wrote: 
> I would like fuzzy search mostly for misspeling and tracks and artists
> in non native languages .

Current search already seems to deal well with artists with "special"
characters and is case insensitive. Is there a specific example of a
search of an artist with characters in the string that does not produce
the expected/desired results?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Beta] LMS 7.9 Search Functionality Enhancements

2014-06-17 Thread get.amped

I would think the "fuzzy search" would only be a specific advanced
search option to avoid taking a performance hit on regular searching. I
would only use it when I didn't get any hits on the specific search. How
much value it has may depend on how "spelling challenged" you are.

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[SlimDevices: Beta] LMS 7.9 Search Functionality Enhancements

2014-06-16 Thread get.amped

As requested, here is a thread to discuss ways that the Search function
could be improved.

My personal favorite enhancement is to have a way to determine whether a
track (or artist or album, etc.) is included in a saved playlist. As I
build lists that grow into hundreds of tracks, there's no good way
within LMS to know if I already added a particular track. Right now, I
have to open the list in another program (like Wordpad) and use its
Search function.

Ideally a matching track (say for "Cities On Flame") would appear under
the Playlist results as something like:

Cities On Flame by Blue Öyster Cult in "Top Rock Songs"

and clicking on it would take you to the location within the playlist.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Beta] 7.9 Problems/Bugs

2014-06-16 Thread get.amped

mherger wrote: 
> > Should things like this be entered in
> Yes please. No need for the shuffled playlist any more though: I just 
> committed a change. Should be in the next nightly build. Thanks!
> -- 
> Michael

Ok. Next time :)

I'll download the next nightly and give it a try.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Beta] 7.9 Problems/Bugs

2014-06-16 Thread get.amped

get.amped wrote: 
> Logitech Media Server Version: 7.9.0 - 1401966987 @ Fri Jun 6 04:04:44
> CUT 2014
> Shuffle is not displayed correctly in the web UI. I have a playlist of
> 506 tracks created by adding albums to the currently playing list and
> saving as a playlist. If I clear the currently playing list, click the
> shuffle icon to shuffle by song, and click + in the list of Playlists to
> add the whole list to Currently playing, it gets added, the songs are
> shuffled, but the list displayed is the original order. In the attached
> image you can see the first album I added was Vienna Teng (original
> playlist order), but India.Arie is playing:
> 16047
> If I click >> to go to the next track, it will go to Haim, but the track
> indicator in the list is on the second Vienna Teng track:
> 16048
> I've tried it with both of "Save shuffled playlist" options and the
> display is the same.
> Edit: FWIW, the track list display in Orange Squeeze is correctly
> shuffled.

Should things like this be entered in

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Re: [SlimDevices: Beta] Seperate menus for Album Artist in 7.9

2014-06-15 Thread get.amped

I disliked the whole "Various Artists" designation very early on and got
in the habit of renaming the heading displayed when grouping compilation
albums together to "000 - Compilations" so they would be listed first
instead of under "V" meaning that I might even take a browse through
there from time to time.

I think tomorrow I'll go ahead and remove the last few "Various" and
"Various Artists" instances in my library. They annoy the hell out of me
and, once I do that, I can blissfully skip over any further posts
related to the issue. In my case, they all actually represent unknown or
uncredited artists. I just have to decide on one specific term I can be
happy with. Probably something like [unlisted] since that is typically
why a specific artist isn't entered.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Beta] 7.9 Problems/Bugs

2014-06-15 Thread get.amped

Logitech Media Server Version: 7.9.0 - 1401966987 @ Fri Jun 6 04:04:44
CUT 2014

Shuffle is not displayed correctly in the web UI. I have a playlist of
506 tracks created by adding albums to the currently playing list and
saving as a playlist. If I clear the currently playing list, click the
shuffle icon to shuffle by song, and click + in the list of Playlists to
add the whole list to Currently playing, it gets added, the songs are
shuffled, but the list displayed is the original order. In the attached
image you can see the first album I added was Vienna Teng (original
playlist order), but India.Arie is playing:


If I click >> to go to the next track, it will go to Haim, but the track
indicator in the list is on the second Vienna Teng track:


I've tried it with both of "Save shuffled playlist" options and the
display is the same.

|Filename: shufflednotdisplayed2.jpg|

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Re: [SlimDevices: Beta] What should be included in 7.9 ?

2014-06-14 Thread get.amped

mherger wrote: 
> > Yes, I see that. And none of them will let you determine if a
> particular
> > song is included in a playlist. Unless I'm missing something. I
> tried:
> Oh, that's a different feature. The search only works on items' names.
> It would find a playlist "bust", but no playlist with a track "bust".

Yes, that's why I posted it here :)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Beta] What should be included in 7.9 ?

2014-06-14 Thread get.amped

Mnyb wrote: 
> My 0.02$ make the searc(hes) smarter , it does not cope well with
> misspelled terms etc ?

So, some kind of "fuzzy" search? Based on what though? Not sure how well
something like soundex () works in practice. You would probably want to
build a table of soundex () values at scan time to check against since
it probably be a hefty query to run ad hoc each time. I know there are
some other techniques for finding near matches but I don't know which
are available in SQLite.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Beta] What should be included in 7.9 ?

2014-06-13 Thread get.amped

mherger wrote: 
> >> the web UI alone offers about four of them :-).
> >
> > Sorry for being ambiguous. I was specifically referring to search in
> the
> > web UI.
> Oh well... as I said: there are four ways or more to search in the web
> UI.
> -- 
> Michael

Yes, I see that. And none of them will let you determine if a particular
song is included in a playlist. Unless I'm missing something. I tried:

The Search text input at the top of the left pane

The Advanced Search form

The text input when you hover over "Search" under My Music

Each of the search text inputs if you click on "Search" under My Music

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Re: [SlimDevices: Beta] What should be included in 7.9 ?

2014-06-13 Thread get.amped

mherger wrote: 
> > Should Search also display items in Playlists?
> Which search?... there unfortunately are too many ways to search in LMS:
> the web UI alone offers about four of them :-). Let alone the players, 
> 3rd party UIs and mobile apps... And yes, some of them do search for 
> saved playlists, while most don't.
> -- 
> Michael

Sorry for being ambiguous. I was specifically referring to search in the
web UI. The only app I use is Orange Squeeze and its search produces the
same result. The only 3rd party GUI I have is the extGUI4LMS plugin,
which has no playlist search option. AFAICT, none of the search options
in the web UI have any way to determine if a particular song is included
in a playlist.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Beta] What should be included in 7.9 ?

2014-06-13 Thread get.amped

Should Search also display items in Playlists? There's a heading for it
but it never displays any results. It would be a nice convenience. I was
listening to the WFUV radio stream and the The Chambers Brothers - Time
Has Come Today came on and I thought, "That should be in my Top Rock
Songs playlist" but, maybe I already added it. Search doesn't show it in
the playlist but it turns out I had already added it some time ago.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Beta] Multi Library support in LMS 7.9

2014-06-12 Thread get.amped

mherger wrote: 
> > AND   ge.namesearch IN ('ALTERNATIVE ROCK','ART ROCK','BLUES
> > AND IN (SELECT from genres x where x.namesearch IN
> Did you time the duration these two need? In my limited testing with a 
> much smaller collection the second version seemed to be a tiny little 
> bit faster.
> -- 
> Michael

First one executes in 277 ms.

Second one in 225 ms.

This is running against a copy of a slightly older version of my

select count (id) from tracks

returns 311,530 rows.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Beta] Multi Library support in LMS 7.9

2014-06-12 Thread get.amped

mherger wrote: 
> > I've been using SQLite Expert to chase down some tagging consistency
> > issues. OCD enabler?
> OCD enabler? ?
> > I'll put together some queries that would result in only FLAC,
> > non-Classical, non-Pop + whatever else it takes to pare things down
> to
> > less than 100K tracks. Even though the filtering is based on tracks,
> > joining with the genres table should not be an issue?
> The problem is that the track -> genre mapping is based on a genre_id 
> which changes during scan. You'll therefore have to have some sub-select
> to get the ids based on the genre names you provide. It's probably not 
> an issue if you speak SQL fluently :-).
> -- 
> Michael

Well I did a couple of queries to get some idea just what would fit in
100K tracks. This one just gives me a count of tracks by genre for
lossless (FLAC) only:

ge.namesearch, count (
tracks tr,
genre_track gt,
genres ge
WHERE tr.content_type = 'flc'
AND = gt.track
AND   gt.genre =
GROUP BY ge.namesearch
ORDER BY ge.namesearch

Unfortunately, ROLLUP is not supported by SQLite, so I can't get a grand
total in the same query.

But I put the results (134 rows) into Excel and played with different
combinations of genres until I got one that pares the 233,143 tracks
down to less than 100,000.

This query returns those rows:

tracks tr,
genre_track gt,
genres ge
WHERE tr.content_type = 'flc'
AND = gt.track
AND   gt.genre =

It's not clear to me whether the query would have to be structured like
this to deal with the changing genre ids:

tracks tr,
genre_track gt,
genres ge
WHERE tr.content_type = 'flc'
AND = gt.track
AND   gt.genre =
AND IN (SELECT from genres x where x.namesearch IN

Or if there is any substantive difference between the two.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Beta] Multi Library support in LMS 7.9

2014-06-12 Thread get.amped

mherger wrote: 
> > Agreed. I have no issues writing SQL (assuming I understand the
> schema),
> > but that will definitely not be the case for most users.
> Get some sqlite client and start playing around with library.db: the 
> library filtering is based on the tracks table. Genres will be tricky, 
> as the IDs can change during scans. But its feasible with an additional
> relation to the genres table. Once you've got a good query, please feel
> free to send it to me and I'll be playing with it.
> Please note that the query is run at scan time. Thus even if the query 
> does take a few seconds to complete that shouldn't hurt usability in 
> daily use.
> -- 
> Michael

I've been using SQLite Expert to chase down some tagging consistency
issues. OCD enabler?

I'll put together some queries that would result in only FLAC,
non-Classical, non-Pop + whatever else it takes to pare things down to
less than 100K tracks. Even though the filtering is based on tracks,
joining with the genres table should not be an issue?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Beta] Multi Library support in LMS 7.9

2014-06-11 Thread get.amped

mherger wrote: 
> >>> Will this potentially be a way to circumvent the 100K track
> >> limitation
> >>> with the Smart Mix plugin? Seems like I should be able to create a
> >>> filtered library that would contain most of the "good" stuff based
> on
> >>> bitrate, genre, year range, etc.
> >>
> >> Yes, that's definitely a use case I was thinking about today myself.
> But
> >> first things first.
> >
> > Oh, no rush for me, to be sure. Just curious. I'll just be lurking
> over
> > here until there's something to play with on my secondary system...
> I think the toughest part will be to provide the end user a flexible UI
> to define the virtual libraries. If you were fluent in SQL, then this 
> would probably be an easy job to achieve. But to provide a good UI to 
> allow for filtering by all the attributes you mention will be the 
> challenge... for me and other plugin developers.
> -- 
> Michael

Agreed. I have no issues writing SQL (assuming I understand the schema),
but that will definitely not be the case for most users.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Beta] Multi Library support in LMS 7.9

2014-06-11 Thread get.amped

mherger wrote: 
> > Will this potentially be a way to circumvent the 100K track
> limitation
> > with the Smart Mix plugin? Seems like I should be able to create a
> > filtered library that would contain most of the "good" stuff based on
> > bitrate, genre, year range, etc.
> Yes, that's definitely a use case I was thinking about today myself. But
> first things first.

Oh, no rush for me, to be sure. Just curious. I'll just be lurking over
here until there's something to play with on my secondary system...

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Re: [SlimDevices: Beta] Multi Library support in LMS 7.9

2014-06-11 Thread get.amped

Will this potentially be a way to circumvent the 100K track limitation
with the Smart Mix plugin? Seems like I should be able to create a
filtered library that would contain most of the "good" stuff based on
bitrate, genre, year range, etc.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Beta] Now Playing - Total Time in WebUI

2014-06-07 Thread get.amped

I don't generally shrink the playlist pane to its minimum size, so not
issue for me. But, just so you can see, here's what it looks like using
Chrome Version 35.0.1916.114 m:


Isn't it great how different browsers implement the "standards"

Considering that there is no way to predict how long the string will be
for the playlist name, I'm not sure what a good solution for displaying
it would be.

|Filename: totaltime.jpg|

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Re: [SlimDevices: Beta] Now Playing - Total Time in WebUI

2014-06-06 Thread get.amped

I can't tell you how happy this makes me! :D

No issues at all installing over 7.8.0 on Windows 7 Pro. I did my
secondary system first and it seems quite stable and fast (using the
"max" performance setting).

Thanks Michael!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Beta] Now Playing - Total Time in WebUI

2014-06-06 Thread get.amped

That change is in the 7.8.1 nightly or 7.9?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Beta] What should be included in 7.9 ?

2014-06-04 Thread get.amped

mherger wrote: 
> > Maybe in this area:
> Ah, in the web UI. I'll add it to my list...
> -- 
> Michael

Thanks Michael!

> Michael Herger 2014-06-04 12:26:55 UTC Comment 5 [reply] [-] 
> Should be feasible in the web UI. Let's see what I can come up with.
> Michael Herger 2014-06-04 15:46:46 UTC Comment 6 [reply] [-] 
> Commit a886b428f2ab6459a8b090c5b5bb80185b9e72ea - added the playtime to
> the Default skin.
> It's been a while since I've fixed three digit bugs :-)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Beta] What should be included in 7.9 ?

2014-06-04 Thread get.amped

mherger wrote: 
> > Turns out there's a feature request from 2004 for "Display total
> > duration of a playlist" which is exactly what I'd like to see added
> to
> > the UI:
> Where exactly would you like to see it?
> -- 
> Michael

Maybe in this area:


|Filename: statusline.jpg   |

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Re: [SlimDevices: Beta] What should be included in 7.9 ?

2014-06-04 Thread get.amped

Turns out there's a feature request from 2004 for "Display total
duration of a playlist" which is exactly what I'd like to see added to
the UI:

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Re: [SlimDevices: Beta] Separate browse menus for album artists in 7.8.1 ?

2014-06-03 Thread get.amped

mherger wrote: 
> If you were happy with your setup and the way LMS listed artists before,
> just stick with it. The new modes are entirely optional, though I 
> defaulted them to On for now, to get some feedback. Just select the 
> "Unified list" option in Settings/My Music.
> And then you could add other custom browse modes using the "Additional 
> Browse Modes" plugin if needed.
> -- 
> Michael

Thanks for the clarification. I suppose that's all I'm really concerned
about at this point. To be honest, I rarely browse the artist or album
lists. It's generally faster/easier to do a quick search for either and
access what I'm looking for in the search results pane. But occasionally
it's interesting to browse through the lists just to rediscover some
gems that have been neglected.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Beta] Separate browse menus for album artists in 7.8.1 ?

2014-06-03 Thread get.amped

Trying to follow this thread makes my head hurt :confused:

At some point I suppose I will have to figure out how this will work for
my library. I found that "Group compilation albums together." "List
albums by all artists for that album" and "Treat TPE2 MP3 tag as Band"
gave me the cleanest browse by artist listing and I was still able to
find main artists that appeared on compilation albums.

I decided way back when that either an album is a compilation or it's
not. If it is, I don't care what kind of crazy artist names go in the
ARTIST tag because they aren't going to fill my browse by artist list
with one-off entries. Compilations have the COMPILATIONS=1 tag set. If
it's not a compilation, there is one ARTIST for all tracks. Which can
lead to single name artists teaming up to make a new artist (Stills &
Nash, Page & Plant, Plant & Krauss, etc.) and I'm fine with that.
There's no ALBUMARTIST. There's no BAND. There's no COMPOSER.

For albums with guest artists who are featured on a particular track, I
append [featuring ...] or [with ...] to the track name. That way they
show up in global searches under songs, but not in albums by artist.

For classical albums, I prepend the name (often just the last name) of
the composer to the track name. So I can find works by Beethoven or
Mozart easily enough. The artist for those albums is the name of the
musician or group of musicians playing the work. Generally, for
orchestral works, I will append [conducted by ...] or [directed by ...]
to the name of the symphony or orchestra.

My approach is maybe somewhat simplistic, but it has worked well for me.
Now if I could just get my genres cleaned up...

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Re: [SlimDevices: Beta] 7.9 - accent characters in file paths causeproblems

2014-05-28 Thread get.amped

DJanGo wrote: 
> Hi,
> Did you notice that the first path is in "*ux" notation *"/"* and the
> 2ns in "*blows" notation *"\"*
> Where did they come from and under which os runs your lms?
> seems pretty well a *blows LMS - but why is the *ux notation path in the
> m3u`?

The playlist .m3u file contains both: the first as the http
representation of the data for #EXTURL: and the second as the physical
path after the #EXTINF line for each playlist entry. Those are both
appropriate for a Windows system.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Beta] 7.9 - accent characters in file paths causeproblems

2014-05-24 Thread get.amped

Not the exact same characters (ö and ä) but on 7.8.0 - 1395409907 and
7.7.3 - 1375965195 I have no problems playing either of these songs:

M:\FLAC-1\John Coltrane\John Coltrane-Olé Coltrane\01 - Olé.flac

M:\FLAC-1\Blue Öyster Cult\Blue Öyster Cult-Agents Of Fortune\01 - This
Ain't The Summer Of Love.flac

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Re: [SlimDevices: Beta] Lms 7.9 1400223154

2014-05-20 Thread get.amped

The plain HTML web sites I used to create when Mosaic was the only
option were blissfully simplistic. Not so much anymore...

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Re: [SlimDevices: Beta] Lms 7.9 1400223154

2014-05-20 Thread get.amped

Blue Fishey wrote: 
> ie10+ not supported on Vista :(
> So may need a look at 
> Blue

Or just use Chrome or Firefox. Both are more standards compliant than
any version of IE.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Beta] 7.9 scanner problem - not removing redundantitems?

2014-05-11 Thread get.amped

Probably more accurately referred to as orphan control. A fairly common
maintenance item in SQL compliant DBs.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Beta] What should be included in 7.9 ?

2014-05-09 Thread get.amped

mherger wrote: 
> > Supporting IE8 and later should definitely be fine, if we want we can
> > probably also go higher than that and just ask people who have
> problem
> > to install newer IE versions to install Chrome or Firefox or stay on
> > 7.8.
> Just checked with IE9: there are visual glitches (no CSS rounded 
> corners, some odd margins), but it's mostly working. XP is dead. Vista 
> never was really alive. And on Windows 7+ you can get IE10. Or one of 
> the alternatives anyway, as you say. I'd probably just stick with IE10+,
> as this is so much more standards compliant.
> > However, I guess the general issue is that any changes in the web UI
> > needs to be tested on a lot of different web browser versions, we can
> > limit the scope a bit but it's still going to be a lot of testing
> work.
> Yep.
> -- 
> Michael

XP is dead but Server 2003 lingers. IE8 is latest version available on
that platform. Probably not a real issue considering other browsers work

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Re: [SlimDevices: Beta] What should be included in 7.9 ?

2014-05-07 Thread get.amped

I'm actually quite satisfied with the overall performance, both scanning
and browsing/playing, with 7.8.0. but I'm probably not in the mainstream
use case. I never use BMF (that I know of, not sure how Orange Squeeze
queries the DB) and routinely throw 5,000 tracks into my playlist using
the Playlist Generator plugin (so awesome!). I use the web UI for almost
all browsing/music selection and whatever is most convenient at the time
for player control (mostly pause or skip). I generally have a wired SB3
and wireless Boom synced playing FLACs. Library is fairly large: 300K+
2/3 of which are FLAC.

So many interesting ideas in this thread. I'm always encouraged by the
level of activity in this forum and the prospects that the SB ecosystem
will continue to thrive long past the neglectful custodianship provided
by Logitech.


There's one fairly important piece of information I'd love to see in the
web UI: the total duration of the current playlist.

Often I just throw way more than we will listen to in the course of an
evening, but it would be nice to tailor a list to a specific time frame,
like a party that will last 4-6 hours, with music appropriate to the
"phase" (something acoustic during drinks/arrival, switching to more
upbeat to dance to before dinner, softer through dinner and then into
full party mode before winding down). I've created such lists by adding
up track times in Excel as I put them together, but it would be so much
easier to see the total playing time get updated as I added songs.

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