Re: [board-discuss] Board of Directors Meeting 2023-03-20

2023-03-31 Thread Cor Nouws

Hi Andreas, all,

Andreas Mantke wrote on 30/03/2023 14:28:

Am 29.03.23 um 15:58 schrieb Cor Nouws:

A personal interest is not a conflict of interest which in general is
not a reason to abstain from discussing topics.

sorry to be very clear here: I've never read or heard such nonsense
inside other communities, I'm active in.

Apart from the validity of your statement: as we all know, TDF is not 
the average organization.

I think the documents, linked by Paolo in his email on this list, should
show, that all members with a personal interest had to keep out of any
discussion (and decision) of the corresponding topics.

So you and Paolo forget TDF rules? Let's take a detailed look then.

= TDF Statues =
= = = = = = = =

== § 8 Duties of the Board of directors ==

	(3) The board of directors is obliged, via explicit publication in a 
generally used communication medium, to notify the public about:

a.) (about statues, rules etc)
b.) (about composition of the bodies)
c.) (about procedings, discussions, decisions)
d.) conflict of interest lasting longer than a month;
e.) (decision on a complaint)

- - - -
   Note: How to read the 'conflict of interest'? What more do the
   statues tell about 'conflicts of interest'. The only, _only_, mention
   is to be found in 8.4:
- - - -

	(4) The board of directors prevents conflicts of interest within the 
Foundation. The board of directors is therefore obliged to ensure, that 
the board of directors itself, the membership committee, and the 
advisory board, at maximum have one third of their members being 
employed by a single company, organisation, entity or their respective 
affiliates of the aforementioned. The board of directors can expel one 
member per month from each of the foundations bodies, until the conflict 
of interest situation is either settled, or a re-election of the entity 
has been initiated. The board of directors can to resolve the conflict 
of interest by expelling the necessary number of members from other 
committee at once, and/or replace member by other members of such committee.

- - - -
   Conclusion: § 8.3. deals with § 8.4, i.e. the composition of the
   foundations bodies.
- - - -

Do the statues provide more support for this reading? Let us look at § 9.6:

== § 9 Resolutions of the Board of directors ==
	(6) A board of directors member is barred from voting, if the vote 
contains any of the following subject matters:

* self-dealing with the member,
* the initiation or cessation of a lawsuit between the Foundation and 
the member, or
* grants from Foundation means towards the member, or an entity the 
member is a board member or a member of the executive body of another 

- - - -
   So this § 9.6 mentions the topics where directors may not vote. That
   are all typical conflict of interest situations, and all linked to
   voting/resolutions; situations limited in time per definition and not
   'permanent'. So 'conflict of interest lasting longer that a month',
   is also in § 9.6 not related to specific topics/proposals.
- - - -


= From the older Community Bylaws =
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

It is interesting to look at the older Community Bylaws, that were the 
base for the current statues.

These mention three rules to prevent the most-obvious potential cases of 
such conflicts in our Community: max 3 BoD members of one entity; max 
30% of members in MC; and max 30% of members of the ESC from one entity.

= CoI policy =
= = = = = = = =
What does the CoI policy learn?

From 4.1 and 4.2 it is clear that a person with a CoI may not vote on 
topics/items causing or bordering with the conflict.. but may 
participate in discussions:

" … a conflicted person
	4\.1  shall at a minimum always be excluded from any vote and any 
activity regarding any topics or items causing or bordering with the 
conflict for as long as the conflict is not certain to have vanished. 
The person *may participate in discussions, unless it suspended its 
disclosure duties (see 4.2*). ...

	4\.2  according to below rules has a duty to disclose. As an 
exceptional procedure an obliged person may *suspend their disclosure 
duties* only if they* fully and completely refrain from influencing a 
discussion,* thread, topic or topical area in all direct or indirect 
means, directly or via third parties. This requires complete and full 
abstention e.g. from any proposal, vote, decision, contract or 
transaction, until the topic is fully settled.


= Conclusion =
= = = = = = = =

- - - -
   * The statutes do not say that persons in a (potential) CoI situation
   should abstain from discussions around the topics; and the statutes
   dó -implicitly- e

Re: [board-discuss] Board of Directors Meeting 2023-03-20

2023-03-29 Thread Cor Nouws

Hi Andreas,

Andreas Mantke wrote on 29/03/2023 12:04:

7. Status Report, Discuss: TDF 2023 Budget Planning (tdf-board, 5 mins)

Thorsten and Gabor declared a personal interest on the above topics (see
above). I ask if they both attended the call and the discussion during
this three topics of the private part of the meeting. Who lead the
meeting as chair during this three topics?

A personal interest is not a conflict of interest which in general is 
not a reason to abstain from discussing topics.

Further question: why didn't declare Cor also a personal interest about
this three topics?

Sorry if it is not there. IIRC I said the same applied for me - as is 
usually the case - so my name should be there in the minutes too.


Cor Nouws, member Board of Directors
The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin
Gemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts
Legal details:

GPD key ID: 0xB13480A6 - 591A 30A7 36A0 CE3C 3D28  A038 E49D 7365 B134 80A6
mobile  : +31 (0)6 25 20 7001
skype   : cornouws
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Re: [board-discuss] [DECISION] Budget request for marketing, community and events

2023-03-16 Thread Cor Nouws

Hi Andreas,

Andreas Mantke wrote on 16/03/2023 11:18:

It is always known at the end of the previous year that there are
recurring costs for infra and other tasks in the upcoming year. Thus it
is necessary to make a decision about those budget items at the end of
the previous year to pay the bills from TDF money.

You may have noticed in the years 2012-2018, when you were deputy, that 
it is rather common that the decision for the budget for a certain year 
is made in that same year.


Cor Nouws, member Board of Directors
The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin
Gemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts
Legal details:

GPD key ID: 0xB13480A6 - 591A 30A7 36A0 CE3C 3D28  A038 E49D 7365 B134 80A6
mobile  : +31 (0)6 25 20 7001
skype   : cornouws
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Re: [board-discuss] [DECISION] Budget request for marketing, community and events

2023-03-15 Thread Cor Nouws

Hi Andreas,

Andreas Mantke wrote on 15/03/2023 15:01:

would be interesting to know for which FOSDEM the budget item is decided
on, for the one:
- in 2023?
- in 2024?

This is for the 2023 budget,



Cor Nouws, member Board of Directors
The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin
Gemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts
Legal details:

GPD key ID: 0xB13480A6 - 591A 30A7 36A0 CE3C 3D28  A038 E49D 7365 B134 80A6
mobile  : +31 (0)6 25 20 7001
skype   : cornouws
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Re: [board-discuss] [VOTE] Start audio-recording TDF board calls again, for better minuting

2023-03-02 Thread Cor Nouws

Hi all,

Thorsten Behrens wrote on 02/03/2023 21:08:

Motion: ask Infra to setup a Jitsi recording facility for the TDF
board room as soon as possible. Recordings should be made available
only to the board, in particular when private or sensitive topics are



Cor Nouws, member Board of Directors
The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin
Gemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts
Legal details:

GPD key ID: 0xB13480A6 - 591A 30A7 36A0 CE3C 3D28  A038 E49D 7365 B134 80A6
mobile  : +31 (0)6 25 20 7001
skype   : cornouws
jabber  :

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Re: [board-discuss] Propose And Not Deliver (was: Re: Some Questions On Decision Making)

2023-02-08 Thread Cor Nouws

Hi Andreas,

Andreas Mantke wrote on 08/02/2023 20:22:

the BoD chair proposed that Cor will deliver / publish further details
on the topic 'hiring external communication expert' and answer my 

But although I waited for a longer time yet neither Cor nor the BoD
chair replied and submitted further information and answered questions.

Hmm, sorry, apologies to that. When I saw you at the community diner in 
Brussels, I didn't think of giving a short update - so let me do now.
We've asked few people for feedback before publishing. The busy days 
before FOSDEM, that was not completed I think.
Will check this and expect the answer will follow this week on 
tdf-internal. I'll let you know if somehow that turn out to be not possible.


Cor Nouws, member Board of Directors
The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin
Gemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts
Legal details:

GPD key ID: 0xB13480A6 - 591A 30A7 36A0 CE3C 3D28  A038 E49D 7365 B134 80A6
mobile  : +31 (0)6 25 20 7001
skype   : cornouws
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Re: Some Questions On Decision Making (was: Re: [board-discuss] [DECISION] Re: [Vote] hiring external communication expert)

2023-01-21 Thread Cor Nouws

Hi Andreas,

I'll ask the board to share the decision, on which the hiring of the 
external expert is based, public.

And for the rest you're asking too much details on board work IMO.


Andreas Mantke wrote on 20/01/2023 21:56:

Hi Cor,

if there is a clear description of the task it shouldn't be an issue to
make that public at least to the TDF members.

And it would also be of interest which consultancy firms you have 

Why have you only contacted those firms, although there are a lot of
providers of such offerings on the market?

What were the detailed criteria to choose only those firms?


Am 20.01.23 um 21:47 schrieb Cor Nouws:

Hi Andreas,

Good questions.
Yes, we had a clear description of the ask. We had contacted 4
consultancy firms with a summary, of which two seemed best matching.
We got offerings from them based on the precise description. Finally
we've chosen the one which we expect to be most helpful with checking
the process as described and taking (a first) look at the wider
communication. The price of the offerings did not differ much.


PS. For me it is not needed to use 'I think the TDF members want to
know'. It is OK if you are interested.

Andreas Mantke wrote on 20/01/2023 20:23:

Hi all,

if I look at the price tag of this decision, I' curious if there had
been a complete task description done in writing before the decision.
And I also think the community and especially the TDF members want to
know if there had been a tender with the task description in front of
the decision.

Had there been done a market analysis / a comparison of cost before the
decision? I'd like to note that TDF is a tax-exempt charity, running on
donation money.


Am 20.01.23 um 19:00 schrieb Florian Effenberger:


the following decision, which was taken in private on 2022-12-22, is
now made public in accordance with our statutes.

Cor Nouws wrote on 17/12/2022 11:59:

Hello all,

Another topic on which we need to make progress urgently IMO. Not
only to check the handling, impartiality and objectivity of the CoC
case against Paolo, but also get (a first?) external advise on our
communication etc.

 From the comments on the topic - thanks! - there is a clear
preference to go with the offering from Central Consultancy &

And since we're voting anyway, please cast your vote (+1/-1/0) for
this one too by **Monday, 17:00 UTC / 18:00 Berlin time**.


The board resolves:

* Accept the offering from Central Consultancy & Training to execute
'Review handling CoC complaint against board member' as decided on
October 17 2022

* As can be found here [redacted, internal link]

* The cost for TDF are approx. 14.000 €

 The vote runs 54h from now.

The Board of Directors at the time of voting consists of 7 seat
holders (not including deputies). In order to be quorate, the vote
needs to have 1/2 or more of the Board of Directors members, which
gives 4.

A total of 7 Board of Directors members have participated in the vote.
The vote is quorate.
A quorum could be reached with a simple majority of 4 votes.
Result of vote: 5 approvals, 0 abstains, 2 disapprovals.
Also one deputy supports the motion.

## Free Software Advocate
## Plone add-on developer
## My blog:

## Free Software Advocate
## Plone add-on developer
## My blog:

Cor Nouws, member Board of Directors
The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin
Gemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts
Legal details:

GPD key ID: 0xB13480A6 - 591A 30A7 36A0 CE3C 3D28  A038 E49D 7365 B134 80A6
mobile  : +31 (0)6 25 20 7001
skype   : cornouws
jabber  :

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Re: Some Questions On Decision Making (was: Re: [board-discuss] [DECISION] Re: [Vote] hiring external communication expert)

2023-01-20 Thread Cor Nouws

Hi Andreas,

Good questions.
Yes, we had a clear description of the ask. We had contacted 4 
consultancy firms with a summary, of which two seemed best matching. We 
got offerings from them based on the precise description. Finally we've 
chosen the one which we expect to be most helpful with checking the 
process as described and taking (a first) look at the wider 
communication. The price of the offerings did not differ much.


PS. For me it is not needed to use 'I think the TDF members want to 
know'. It is OK if you are interested.

Andreas Mantke wrote on 20/01/2023 20:23:

Hi all,

if I look at the price tag of this decision, I' curious if there had
been a complete task description done in writing before the decision.
And I also think the community and especially the TDF members want to
know if there had been a tender with the task description in front of
the decision.

Had there been done a market analysis / a comparison of cost before the
decision? I'd like to note that TDF is a tax-exempt charity, running on
donation money.


Am 20.01.23 um 19:00 schrieb Florian Effenberger:


the following decision, which was taken in private on 2022-12-22, is
now made public in accordance with our statutes.

Cor Nouws wrote on 17/12/2022 11:59:

Hello all,

Another topic on which we need to make progress urgently IMO. Not
only to check the handling, impartiality and objectivity of the CoC
case against Paolo, but also get (a first?) external advise on our
communication etc.

 From the comments on the topic - thanks! - there is a clear
preference to go with the offering from Central Consultancy & Training.

And since we're voting anyway, please cast your vote (+1/-1/0) for
this one too by **Monday, 17:00 UTC / 18:00 Berlin time**.


The board resolves:

* Accept the offering from Central Consultancy & Training to execute
'Review handling CoC complaint against board member' as decided on
October 17 2022

* As can be found here [redacted, internal link]

* The cost for TDF are approx. 14.000 €

 The vote runs 54h from now.

The Board of Directors at the time of voting consists of 7 seat
holders (not including deputies). In order to be quorate, the vote
needs to have 1/2 or more of the Board of Directors members, which
gives 4.

A total of 7 Board of Directors members have participated in the vote.
The vote is quorate.
A quorum could be reached with a simple majority of 4 votes.
Result of vote: 5 approvals, 0 abstains, 2 disapprovals.
Also one deputy supports the motion.

## Free Software Advocate
## Plone add-on developer
## My blog:

Cor Nouws, member Board of Directors
The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin
Gemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts
Legal details:

GPD key ID: 0xB13480A6 - 591A 30A7 36A0 CE3C 3D28  A038 E49D 7365 B134 80A6
mobile  : +31 (0)6 25 20 7001
skype   : cornouws
jabber  :

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[board-discuss] [DECISION] [VOTE] New proposal for hiring in-house developers.

2022-12-05 Thread Cor Nouws

The Board of Directors at the time of voting consists of 7 seat
holders (not including deputies). In order to be quorate, the vote
needs to have 1/2 or more of the Board of Directors members, which
gives 4.

A total of 7 Board of Directors members have participated in the vote.

The vote is quorate.

A quorum could be reached with a simple majority of 4 votes.

Result of vote: 5 approvals, 2 abstains, 0 disapprovals.
Decision: The proposal has been accepted.

One deputy supports the motion.

[NB: Rest assured, I would say, that we took notice of the discussion.]

Cor Nouws wrote on 02/12/2022 09:24:

Dear people,

Thanks for the constructive feedback on the proposal.
Various changes applied, I now call a vote for the resolution below.

Your response within 72 hours from now is much appreciated.



## TDF Developer Hiring Resolution 2022


- with TDF stewarding, among other things, a well-working symbiosis of
   various companies and volunteer developers inside of the LibreOffice

- given that in the current situation, there are certain areas where
   extra developers can add value with additional activities, that
   complement the existing contributions;

- with this being an ongoing need;

Therefore the board resolves that:

- TDF will seek to hire a developer(s);

- who will report to the ED as a regular team member, and consult weekly
   with the ESC, which will oversee the technical direction of the work;

- who will work in such a way, that both volunteer and ecosystem peers
   regard them as helpful, supportive and complementing their own work;

- for whom as the initial areas of work, the board identifies
   improving RTL/CTL writing support and accessibility for LibreOffice;
   as well as mentoring new volunteers in these specific areas.
   After that, depending on skills available, Writer tables, Base,
   general regression fixing, Draw, and Math are the next focus areas;

- thus, there will be two job postings, with requirements matching the
   initial focus areas listed above, and one or two developers will be
   hired initially;

- after 6, and after 9 months following the developers starting their
   work, the board will do an assessment of the situation and results.

Requirements for the candidates:

* Very good C++ development skills;
* Proven experience with Accessibility and/or RTL/CTL, additional CJK
   experience is a strong plus;
* Love for open source;
* Team players;
* Experience with LibreOffice development is a plus.

Footnote: for a requirements analysis on the need for hiring
developers, please refer to information on the pages 3-8 of the
abandoned dev proposal: "


Cor Nouws wrote on 28/11/2022 10:58:

Hi all,

As promised. After the previous draft text ended up in a dead-end, 
with apparently no compromise possible, it is time for a fresh start 
to get developers hired.

The initial discussion was valuable and also informing this proposal.

With the following, we suggest a new proposal, brief and positive, 
that makes clear where we stand, building on trust in the community, 
and leaves it to the board to pragmatically act, based on their task 
and responsibility to try to do the best thing for the foundation.

Your feedback is much appreciated.



## TDF Developer Hiring Resolution 2022


- with TDF stewarding, among other things, a well-working symbiosis of
   various companies and volunteer developers inside of the LibreOffice

- given that in the current situation, there are certain areas where
   extra developers can add value with additional activities, that
   complement the existing contributions;

- with this being an ongoing need;

Therefore the board resolves that:

- TDF will seek to hire a developer(s) reporting to the ESC;

- who will work in such a way, that both volunteer and ecosystem peers
   regard them as helpful, supportive and complementing their own work;

- for whom as the initial areas of work, the board identifies
   improving RTL/CTL writing support and accessibility for LibreOffice
   core; as well as mentoring new volunteers in these specific
   areas. After that, depending on skills available, Writer tables,
   Base, general regression fixing, Draw, and Math are the next focus

- thus, there will be two job postings, with requirements matching the
   initial focus areas listed above, and one or two developers will be
   hired initially;

- after 6, and after 9 months following the developers starting their
   work, the board will do an assessment of the situation and results.

Requirements for the candidates:

* Very good C++ development skills;
* Proven exper

[board-discuss] Fwd: [VOTE] New proposal for hiring in-house developers.

2022-12-05 Thread Cor Nouws

[  forwarding Gábors mail to this list as well, for clarity ]

 Forwarded Message 
Subject: Re: [VOTE] New proposal for hiring in-house developers.
Date: Sun, 4 Dec 2022 23:59:36 +0100
From: Gábor Kelemen 

Hi all



2022. 12. 02. 9:24 keltezéssel, Cor Nouws írta:

Dear people,

Thanks for the constructive feedback on the proposal.
Various changes applied, I now call a vote for the resolution below.

Your response within 72 hours from now is much appreciated.



## TDF Developer Hiring Resolution 2022


- with TDF stewarding, among other things, a well-working symbiosis of
  various companies and volunteer developers inside of the LibreOffice

- given that in the current situation, there are certain areas where
  extra developers can add value with additional activities, that
  complement the existing contributions;

- with this being an ongoing need;

Therefore the board resolves that:

- TDF will seek to hire a developer(s);

- who will report to the ED as a regular team member, and consult weekly
  with the ESC, which will oversee the technical direction of the work;

- who will work in such a way, that both volunteer and ecosystem peers
  regard them as helpful, supportive and complementing their own work;

- for whom as the initial areas of work, the board identifies
  improving RTL/CTL writing support and accessibility for LibreOffice;
  as well as mentoring new volunteers in these specific areas.
  After that, depending on skills available, Writer tables, Base,
  general regression fixing, Draw, and Math are the next focus areas;

- thus, there will be two job postings, with requirements matching the
  initial focus areas listed above, and one or two developers willbe
  hired initially;

- after 6, and after 9 months following the developers starting their
  work, the board will do an assessment of the situation and results.

Requirements for the candidates:

* Very good C++ development skills;
* Proven experience with Accessibility and/or RTL/CTL, additional CJK
  experience is a strong plus;
* Love for open source;
* Team players;
* Experience with LibreOffice development is a plus.

Footnote: for a requirements analysis on the need for hiring
developers, please refer to information on the pages 3-8 of the
abandoned dev proposal: "


Cor Nouws wrote on 28/11/2022 10:58:

Hi all,

As promised. After the previous draft text ended up in a dead-end, 
with apparently no compromise possible, it is time for a fresh start 
to get developers hired.

The initial discussion was valuable and also informing this proposal.

With the following, we suggest a new proposal, brief and positive, 
that makes clear where we stand, building on trust in the community, 
and leaves it to the board to pragmatically act, based on their task 
and responsibility to try to do the best thing for the foundation.

Your feedback is much appreciated.



## TDF Developer Hiring Resolution 2022


- with TDF stewarding, among other things, a well-working symbiosis of
   various companies and volunteer developers inside of the LibreOffice

- given that in the current situation, there are certain areas where
   extra developers can add value with additional activities, that
   complement the existing contributions;

- with this being an ongoing need;

Therefore the board resolves that:

- TDF will seek to hire a developer(s) reporting to the ESC;

- who will work in such a way, that both volunteer and ecosystem peers
   regard them as helpful, supportive and complementing their own work;

- for whom as the initial areas of work, the board identifies
   improving RTL/CTL writing support and accessibility for LibreOffice
   core; as well as mentoring new volunteers in these specific
   areas. After that, depending on skills available, Writer tables,
   Base, general regression fixing, Draw, and Math are the next focus

- thus, there will be two job postings, with requirements matching the
   initial focus areas listed above, and one or two developers will be
   hired initially;

- after 6, and after 9 months following the developers starting their
   work, the board will do an assessment of the situation and results.

Requirements for the candidates:

* Very good C++ development skills;
* Proven experience with Accessibility and/or RTL/CTL, additional CJK
   experience is a strong plus;
* Love for open source;
* Team players;
* Experience with LibreOffice development is a plus.

Footnote: for a requirements analysis on the need for hiring
developers, please refer to information on the pa

Re: [board-discuss] Re: [VOTE] New proposal for hiring in-house developers.

2022-12-03 Thread Cor Nouws


I've brought this to the list tdf-internal for further discussion.


Paolo Vecchi wrote on 03/12/2022 01:32:

Hi all,

On 02/12/2022 23:42, Cor Nouws wrote:


Until someone can explain me that it is beneficial to TDF to compete 
with contributing members of the ecosystem, I see this attempt from 
Andreas as not at all interesting.

Nobody can explain to you "that it is beneficial to TDF to compete with 
contributing members of the ecosystem" because it isn't and TDF doesn't 
do it.

Now that that is sorted.

Does Article 8 of our statutes sound more interesting to you?

Isn't your and Thorsten's behaviour leading to think that there is a 
potential conflict of interests?




Andreas Mantke wrote on 02/12/2022 23:38:

Hi all,

Am 02.12.22 um 13:52 schrieb Thorsten Behrens:


(thanks a lot for all the good feedback, feels great to get this

this vote was done by an owner and executive director of a software
company who /which have an declared interest to influence the direction
of the LibreOffice development by the in-house developers. The in-house
developers will remove a lot of advantage from the tendering budget and
could work on parts of the code, that otherwise could be a tender in the
future, on which his company might bid. Thus the voter has a non
arguable Conflict of Interest on the topic of this vote. Because of this
he has to abstain from this vote. His vote is null.

Because of his Conflict of Interest on this topic he cannot vote and
should not unduly influence the decision. The comments on this list and
the attacks are very problematic.


## Free Software Advocate
## Plone add-on developer
## My blog:

Cor Nouws, member Board of Directors
The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin
Gemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts
Legal details:

GPD key ID: 0xB13480A6 - 591A 30A7 36A0 CE3C 3D28  A038 E49D 7365 B134 80A6
mobile  : +31 (0)6 25 20 7001
skype   : cornouws
jabber  :

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Re: [board-discuss] [VOTE] New proposal for hiring in-house developers.

2022-12-03 Thread Cor Nouws

Hi Paolo, all,

Paolo Vecchi wrote on 02/12/2022 16:17:

OTOH in a few lines it manages to put together what I agreed with Jan 
that should NOT be there and what also the legal consultation advised 

In the below you put together various quotes to prove 'your right'.

I think that is useless, since it is _literally_ a different proposal, 
without the potential trouble from the initial approach.

Discussion and explanation here and on other places does show that.

You are quoting parts from a process, willing to make others believe 
that these apply somehow. But then when Kendy was outspoken and clear 
finally: I am not OK, you start fighting that statement. (Again with 
your selection of quotes).
While if look look at the process around the abandoned proposal from 
some distance, you see that at many steps compromises were accepted in 
the hope to come to a balanced result, but that an essential element - 
let TDF not compete with companies contributing in the ecosystem, was 
pushed to a new procedure, making the result not acceptable.

That is what reads from Kendy's statements.

And that is what I saw happening in the last phase and had let to my - 
still standing - questions and remarks.

Most important of the quotes: you are violating rules about internal 
information, breaching confidentially. Stop that.
(And to other readers, I hope you can understand that a 'please' is not 
at it's place there.)

Apart from rules, it is problematic from multiple perspectives, also 
making the board not a safe place to work.
And when you asked on the boards mailing list to publish all the 
correspondence around the topic. I made clear that will only add noise, 
loads off horror on the list. Or do you think that complaints, piling 
up, on the tone, volume and style of mails are not for you?

We work on a _literally_ different proposal.

Because of my bad habit of pointing out issues and trying to fix them 

You have for years denied to declare your personal and business interest 
in LibreOffice online. And seem to be on a crusade against some 
companies in the ecosystem. Maybe you can fix that?

I'm being put in a condition of not being able to perform my role of 
director in these matters so I have little hope that those issues will 
be solved.

This is factual not true.


Cor Nouws, member Board of Directors
The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin
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Re: [board-discuss] Re: [VOTE] New proposal for hiring in-house developers.

2022-12-02 Thread Cor Nouws


Until someone can explain me that it is beneficial to TDF to compete 
with contributing members of the ecosystem, I see this attempt from 
Andreas as not at all interesting.


Andreas Mantke wrote on 02/12/2022 23:38:

Hi all,

Am 02.12.22 um 13:52 schrieb Thorsten Behrens:


(thanks a lot for all the good feedback, feels great to get this

this vote was done by an owner and executive director of a software
company who /which have an declared interest to influence the direction
of the LibreOffice development by the in-house developers. The in-house
developers will remove a lot of advantage from the tendering budget and
could work on parts of the code, that otherwise could be a tender in the
future, on which his company might bid. Thus the voter has a non
arguable Conflict of Interest on the topic of this vote. Because of this
he has to abstain from this vote. His vote is null.

Because of his Conflict of Interest on this topic he cannot vote and
should not unduly influence the decision. The comments on this list and
the attacks are very problematic.


## Free Software Advocate
## Plone add-on developer
## My blog:

Cor Nouws, member Board of Directors
The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin
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Re: [board-discuss] [VOTE] New proposal for hiring in-house developers.

2022-12-02 Thread Cor Nouws

+ 1 :)

Cor Nouws wrote on 02/12/2022 09:24:


## TDF Developer Hiring Resolution 2022


- with TDF stewarding, among other things, a well-working symbiosis of
   various companies and volunteer developers inside of the LibreOffice

- given that in the current situation, there are certain areas where
   extra developers can add value with additional activities, that
   complement the existing contributions;

- with this being an ongoing need;

Therefore the board resolves that:

- TDF will seek to hire a developer(s);

- who will report to the ED as a regular team member, and consult weekly
   with the ESC, which will oversee the technical direction of the work;

- who will work in such a way, that both volunteer and ecosystem peers
   regard them as helpful, supportive and complementing their own work;

- for whom as the initial areas of work, the board identifies
   improving RTL/CTL writing support and accessibility for LibreOffice;
   as well as mentoring new volunteers in these specific areas.
   After that, depending on skills available, Writer tables, Base,
   general regression fixing, Draw, and Math are the next focus areas;

- thus, there will be two job postings, with requirements matching the
   initial focus areas listed above, and one or two developers will be
   hired initially;

- after 6, and after 9 months following the developers starting their
   work, the board will do an assessment of the situation and results.

Requirements for the candidates:

* Very good C++ development skills;
* Proven experience with Accessibility and/or RTL/CTL, additional CJK
   experience is a strong plus;
* Love for open source;
* Team players;
* Experience with LibreOffice development is a plus.

Footnote: for a requirements analysis on the need for hiring
developers, please refer to information on the pages 3-8 of the
abandoned dev proposal: "


Cor Nouws wrote on 28/11/2022 10:58:

Hi all,

As promised. After the previous draft text ended up in a dead-end, 
with apparently no compromise possible, it is time for a fresh start 
to get developers hired.

The initial discussion was valuable and also informing this proposal.

With the following, we suggest a new proposal, brief and positive, 
that makes clear where we stand, building on trust in the community, 
and leaves it to the board to pragmatically act, based on their task 
and responsibility to try to do the best thing for the foundation.

Your feedback is much appreciated.



## TDF Developer Hiring Resolution 2022


- with TDF stewarding, among other things, a well-working symbiosis of
   various companies and volunteer developers inside of the LibreOffice

- given that in the current situation, there are certain areas where
   extra developers can add value with additional activities, that
   complement the existing contributions;

- with this being an ongoing need;

Therefore the board resolves that:

- TDF will seek to hire a developer(s) reporting to the ESC;

- who will work in such a way, that both volunteer and ecosystem peers
   regard them as helpful, supportive and complementing their own work;

- for whom as the initial areas of work, the board identifies
   improving RTL/CTL writing support and accessibility for LibreOffice
   core; as well as mentoring new volunteers in these specific
   areas. After that, depending on skills available, Writer tables,
   Base, general regression fixing, Draw, and Math are the next focus

- thus, there will be two job postings, with requirements matching the
   initial focus areas listed above, and one or two developers will be
   hired initially;

- after 6, and after 9 months following the developers starting their
   work, the board will do an assessment of the situation and results.

Requirements for the candidates:

* Very good C++ development skills;
* Proven experience with Accessibility and/or RTL/CTL, additional CJK
   experience is a strong plus;
* Love for open source;
* Team players;
* Experience with LibreOffice development is a plus.

Footnote: for a requirements analysis on the need for hiring
developers, please refer to information on the pages 3-8 of the
abandoned dev proposal: "


Cor Nouws, member Board of Directors
The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin
Gemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts
Legal details:

GPD key ID: 0xB13480A6 - 591A 30A7 36A0 CE3C 3D28  A038 E49D 7365 B134 80A6

[board-discuss] [VOTE] New proposal for hiring in-house developers.

2022-12-02 Thread Cor Nouws

Dear people,

Thanks for the constructive feedback on the proposal.
Various changes applied, I now call a vote for the resolution below.

Your response within 72 hours from now is much appreciated.



## TDF Developer Hiring Resolution 2022


- with TDF stewarding, among other things, a well-working symbiosis of
  various companies and volunteer developers inside of the LibreOffice

- given that in the current situation, there are certain areas where
  extra developers can add value with additional activities, that
  complement the existing contributions;

- with this being an ongoing need;

Therefore the board resolves that:

- TDF will seek to hire a developer(s);

- who will report to the ED as a regular team member, and consult weekly
  with the ESC, which will oversee the technical direction of the work;

- who will work in such a way, that both volunteer and ecosystem peers
  regard them as helpful, supportive and complementing their own work;

- for whom as the initial areas of work, the board identifies
  improving RTL/CTL writing support and accessibility for LibreOffice;
  as well as mentoring new volunteers in these specific areas.
  After that, depending on skills available, Writer tables, Base,
  general regression fixing, Draw, and Math are the next focus areas;

- thus, there will be two job postings, with requirements matching the
  initial focus areas listed above, and one or two developers will be
  hired initially;

- after 6, and after 9 months following the developers starting their
  work, the board will do an assessment of the situation and results.

Requirements for the candidates:

* Very good C++ development skills;
* Proven experience with Accessibility and/or RTL/CTL, additional CJK
  experience is a strong plus;
* Love for open source;
* Team players;
* Experience with LibreOffice development is a plus.

Footnote: for a requirements analysis on the need for hiring
developers, please refer to information on the pages 3-8 of the
abandoned dev proposal: "


Cor Nouws wrote on 28/11/2022 10:58:

Hi all,

As promised. After the previous draft text ended up in a dead-end, with 
apparently no compromise possible, it is time for a fresh start to get 
developers hired.

The initial discussion was valuable and also informing this proposal.

With the following, we suggest a new proposal, brief and positive, that 
makes clear where we stand, building on trust in the community, and 
leaves it to the board to pragmatically act, based on their task and 
responsibility to try to do the best thing for the foundation.

Your feedback is much appreciated.



## TDF Developer Hiring Resolution 2022


- with TDF stewarding, among other things, a well-working symbiosis of
   various companies and volunteer developers inside of the LibreOffice

- given that in the current situation, there are certain areas where
   extra developers can add value with additional activities, that
   complement the existing contributions;

- with this being an ongoing need;

Therefore the board resolves that:

- TDF will seek to hire a developer(s) reporting to the ESC;

- who will work in such a way, that both volunteer and ecosystem peers
   regard them as helpful, supportive and complementing their own work;

- for whom as the initial areas of work, the board identifies
   improving RTL/CTL writing support and accessibility for LibreOffice
   core; as well as mentoring new volunteers in these specific
   areas. After that, depending on skills available, Writer tables,
   Base, general regression fixing, Draw, and Math are the next focus

- thus, there will be two job postings, with requirements matching the
   initial focus areas listed above, and one or two developers will be
   hired initially;

- after 6, and after 9 months following the developers starting their
   work, the board will do an assessment of the situation and results.

Requirements for the candidates:

* Very good C++ development skills;
* Proven experience with Accessibility and/or RTL/CTL, additional CJK
   experience is a strong plus;
* Love for open source;
* Team players;
* Experience with LibreOffice development is a plus.

Footnote: for a requirements analysis on the need for hiring
developers, please refer to information on the pages 3-8 of the
abandoned dev proposal: "


Cor Nouws, member Board of Directors
The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin
Gemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerl

Re: [board-discuss] fast ahead soon... Re: [VOTE] Approve in-house developers proposal v.3.1

2022-12-01 Thread Cor Nouws

Hi Marina,


Marina Latini wrote on 01/12/2022 10:12:

I'm still struggling to understand why there was the need to trash 9 
months of work for presenting a new text that sounds more like just the 
"abstract" of the previous document with some changes that are even 
bringing more controversial problems on the table (like for example how 
many positions will be opened for hiring the in-house developers - one, 
two, many).

I read 'there will be two job postings'..
For the rest I've really done my best to explain my reasons to conclude 
that the old proposal was not fit for purpose.

Sorry if I failed to bring my rationale across in a understandable manner.

In parallel with this, I'm still not buying the explanation given to the 
exclusion of one elected board member from the work on this new 
"proposal". During the call you replied to me in a contradictory way, 
first saying that Paolo and Kendy have been excluded, than stating that 
the new "proposal" have been worked on when Kendy was already out of the 
board...that brings back again to "just Paolo being excluded".

All fine with that. Let's say that we struggle in the board to create a 
safe working environment. So far it has been harmful and not productive 
otherwise. By the enormous volume and negativity, actually excluding 
directors that have busy day job and need to be concentrated, have then 
the evenings left to dig through loads of... By taking part of the work 
in a separate environment, it is just more inclusive.



Cor Nouws, member Board of Directors
The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin
Gemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts
Legal details:

GPD key ID: 0xB13480A6 - 591A 30A7 36A0 CE3C 3D28  A038 E49D 7365 B134 80A6
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Re: [board-discuss] the importance of shepherding this list & TDF

2022-12-01 Thread Cor Nouws

Hi all,

FYI: The mail below contains parts of confidential communication. Of 
course selective, causing an unfair unbalanced picture of reality.
I make a strong call for an end to this show. Please let's move this to 
a board meeting. Failing, to protect TDF, we'll consider moderating this 
list again..?

At this stage, a significant board majority considers it very wise that 
TDF will not pay people to compete with contributing ecosystem parties. 
And there is no need for it: TDF's goals provide an huge amount of 
opportunities in multiple directions that are far from realized and all 
need time and attention.
It's a sane thing, that obviously may evolve, as everything changes over 
time. But trying to put such a policy in a proposal, easily leads to 
legal, communication and personal struggles - as we've seen. So the 
proposal up now is simple and positive: a strong need; a whole load of 
clear tasks; hiring makes sense; and lets execute.
As with all hiring proposals we had so far, legal advice seems simply 


Paolo Vecchi wrote on 30/11/2022 22:42:

Hi Michael and all,

On 30/11/2022 11:55, Michael Meeks wrote:

Hi there,

On 29/11/2022 23:38, Franklin Weng wrote:
> Believe me or not.

Let me try to provide a quick counter-balance in this thread.

Cor Nouws, member Board of Directors
The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin
Gemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts
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GPD key ID: 0xB13480A6 - 591A 30A7 36A0 CE3C 3D28  A038 E49D 7365 B134 80A6
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Re: [board-discuss] fast ahead soon... Re: [VOTE] Approve in-house developers proposal v.3.1

2022-12-01 Thread Cor Nouws

Hi Andreas,

Andreas Mantke wrote on 30/11/2022 19:56:

Am 30.11.22 um 14:20 schrieb Cor Nouws:

is that she read things at another location. Thus I've mentioned the
minutes where I do not point at people, but reflect on the content.
(Note the difference with what she describes).

I quote your statements from the board-meeting at 14.11.2022:

No problem for me that you give that some extra attention ;)

 Begin quote --

   * really looks as if Paolo's behavior shows a lack of understanding
     * fundamental principle of TDF being a community
     * also the balance of cooperating companies
     * shared interests, statutes restricting influence
   * Paolo's comments show no understanding
   * one of the board's major responsibilities to maintain a modus
operandi that best serves TDF's goals
     * respecting, understanding and supporting synergy vital
   * Paolo’s personal and business situation ignored so far
     * failed to establish a business relation with Collabora and CIB
     * interested in other ways to get online solutions?
     * a one sided, negative, attitude towards ecosystem companies?
     * now telling TDF/Directors what they should do?
   * all this has lead to a bad proposal?
   * the board should look into this issue first

   End quote --

Noticing now that's not the end of the story though..
But this is clearly showing the facts about Paolo, whom is telling 
others for a long time in a strong no-compromise-style manner what to 
do, but who himself appears to be in a very interesting position.

That's really a reflect on the content only?

Only? Don't think so. But your frame is not correct:
This is not what I brought in for information on the content to answer 
Oh, Let me not ask your thoughts on the fact that he denied for a year + 
to declare his personal/business interest ;)

You blunt attack another board member during a board meeting and the
chair of the meeting is not stopping you and give you advise about the

Apparently I gave a word to a mutually felt frustration in a way that 
was not too bad?

But everyone who subscribe not to your view get an advise from the chair
/ moderator.

Again your frame is not correct. It is character assassination.

What an unbalanced environment had TDF become since some years.
What an unbalanced environment had TDF become since some years.

It shows no respect face to face with the members. If this is your
understanding of the communication with the members you needn't think
about the strategy for the future of TDF, but about an advanced training
to improve your skills.

So I think with my explanation those words are not in place, Andreas?

See above. Your words speaks volumes.

Again your frame is not correct.
You accused me of willingly misleading/not replying to Sophie. My 
response showed that your characterization is false.

AFAIC: Enough said. But feel free to call to talk over it more/again.


Cor Nouws, member Board of Directors
The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin
Gemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts
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Re: [board-discuss] fast ahead soon... Re: [VOTE] Approve in-house developers proposal v.3.1

2022-11-30 Thread Cor Nouws

Hi Sophie,

sophi wrote on 30/11/2022 14:37:

My reading of Sophie's mail:
 >>> I was not in the board meeting, but what I read was to point at
 >>> people and not to the background of the document.

is that she read things at another location. Thus I've mentioned the 
minutes where I do not point at people, but reflect on the content. 
(Note the difference with what she describes).
Apart from that: I think Sophie is very well capable to write me if I 
misunderstood her mail.

So yes, you misunderstood my mail, I repeat: what I read in those 
minutes is pointing at people and not to the substance of the document, 
mail for which..

from the minutes: "
* I'm still missing information (Cor)
* asked comments from Mike
* what he wrote on relations between TDF and companies
* looks very limited in the light of TDF
 * and I had expected a negative advice on the text on page 1
 * properly created agreement on such limitations nightmare
 * from legal aspects and organizational wise
* very different from contract on properly tendered project

In my understanding that is on the content of the proposal.

And sorry that I misunderstood your question. I would have appreciated 
if you would have let me know.

mail for which I still miss part of the answers:
- who are the _others_ you talked about?

As mentioned in most recent board meeting: all apart from Kendy and Paolo.

- will this new proposal be reviewed by the community?

Is ongoing I think.

- will this new proposal be reviewed by TDF lawyers?

That is not needed for a simple proposal to hire people for the team.

- what is wrong in the substance of the first proposal on a line by line 

You can't seriously mean you want me to respond to this, do you?
I've seen also others already explaining that the length and nature of 
the old proposal is a problem on it's own.
Besides that, as explained: the new proposal does what is needed: make 
possible that developers are hired, and needs, areas of interest that 
have been discussed for the old proposal, are included.

It seems now I've some answers:
- all but Paolo -> which is unacceptable for me

See my reply to Emiliano explaining the need and that the idea that 
Paolo is excluded from the process is false:

- only by part of the members -> which is unacceptable for me when the 
whole discussion was public and you even inform here on a public list 
that it won't be public

I don't consider the list tdf-internal as a second class place to 
cooperate. It's only to be expected that members engage there.
Besides that, as explained: the new proposal does what is needed: make 
possible that developers are hired, and needs, areas of interest that 
have been discussed for the old proposal, are included.

- no answer

see above.

- no answer

See above.

It shows no respect face to face with the members. If this is your
understanding of the communication with the members you needn't think
about the strategy for the future of TDF, but about an advanced training
to improve your skills.

So I think with my explanation those words are not in place, Andreas?

I didn't replied you because I found you mail offensive to me and I 
didn't want to escalate.

Sad that you did not try to let me know somehow etc.
That left the stage for someone who is pouring a lot of negativity on 
top of my head :(

I can live with you thinking that I'm stupid 
enough, no problem, but please, don't try to turn what I said.

I'm not aware that I tried to turn what you said. Sorry if I gave that 
And happy to look into this, other details, more closely. Either here, 
in private mail (with others you prefer in CC) or in a call (with others 
you prefer present as well).


Cor Nouws, member Board of Directors
The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin
Gemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts
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Re: [board-discuss] fast ahead soon... Re: [VOTE] Approve in-house developers proposal v.3.1

2022-11-30 Thread Cor Nouws

Hi Andreas,

Andreas Mantke wrote on 28/11/2022 17:19:

if a community member points on the last board meeting minutes and tell
you that it could not read any objective reasons (from you) why the
inhouse-dev proposal 3.1 not fit the purpose, it is really inappropriate
and impertinent to point in the answer only on this meeting minutes. It

My reading of Sophie's mail:
>>> I was not in the board meeting, but what I read was to point at
>>> people and not to the background of the document.

is that she read things at another location. Thus I've mentioned the 
minutes where I do not point at people, but reflect on the content. 
(Note the difference with what she describes).
Apart from that: I think Sophie is very well capable to write me if I 
misunderstood her mail.

It shows no respect face to face with the members. If this is your
understanding of the communication with the members you needn't think
about the strategy for the future of TDF, but about an advanced training
to improve your skills.

So I think with my explanation those words are not in place, Andreas?


Cor Nouws, member Board of Directors
The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin
Gemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts
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Re: [board-discuss] fast ahead soon... Re: [VOTE] Approve in-house developers proposal v.3.1

2022-11-30 Thread Cor Nouws

Hi Emiliano, *

Although we agreed to discuss the below separately, I think it is good 
to give some counter-balance right now as well.

Emiliano Vavassori wrote on 28/11/2022 22:55:

Willfully and actively excluding *just one single* legally elected 
director without *any whatsoever valid reason* for this exclusion is 

Various people are writing on this list and tdf-internal that they do 
not appreciate amount/style of discussion.
Now, you and me do know the directors mailing list. What shall we say: a 
factor 10, 15.. times what happens here?
And then, as director having a day job that asks your attention and 
concentration.. You open the mail in the evening, and..  An hour or so 
later: most mail read and energy lost.

So we're trying various concepts that allow all people to join (more) in 
various stages.

IMHO, at the very least, highly debatable and, for sure, it does not fit 
my general approach on making everyone, even with different opinions 
than mine, engaged over non-consensual items and endeavors. In fact, I 

No director is excluded from rights nor possibilities to give input or 
to vote.

find it disgusting in a democratic setup and added I was not engaging 
furthermore on the topic as I was appalled by the whole behavior.

Why this dislike? You do not understand or see the need of trying to 
create a positive, workable and safe working environment?

I was even asked to reconsider and be part of the group working on that 
proposal, basically ignoring my previous words whatsoever.

Before you replied to the mail with the draft, the idea of the approach, 
with an invite to respond with your thoughts, was already sent twice.
The when you did reply, I tried to explain the need for that approach in 
different words. And since consider your input generally very useful and 
important, I asked you to think about it again. Why is this something to 
be angry about?

I am deeply saddened, frustrated and nauseated on being constantly 
ignored, abused, mistold and misrepresented in so many different and 
articulated ways, even when I'm trying to stay balanced and try hard to 
fulfill my role as vice-chairman by giving voice to everyone.

Really, if you feel treated badly in board discussions etc., do speak 
up, or in private, or try to have a call.. it should not be that way :(


Cor Nouws, member Board of Directors
The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin
Gemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts
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GPD key ID: 0xB13480A6 - 591A 30A7 36A0 CE3C 3D28  A038 E49D 7365 B134 80A6
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Re: [board-discuss] fast ahead soon... Re: [VOTE] Approve in-house developers proposal v.3.1

2022-11-28 Thread Cor Nouws

Hi Emiliano,

Emiliano Vavassori wrote on 28/11/2022 22:55:

Il 27/11/22 17:41, Cor Nouws ha scritto:

Let me clarify that I did NOT take any part on the drafting of such 
proposal, nor I do approve or support it or even part of it.

I clearly wrote to the other directors involved to IMMEDIATELY STOP that 
process and that I didn't want to be involved with it.

Yes, you replied that you chose not to take part. True.

For the rest: topic has been mentioned and briefly touched in today's 
board meeting. We agreed to have discuss that in a (separate) meeting.


Cor Nouws, member Board of Directors
The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin
Gemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts
Legal details:

GPD key ID: 0xB13480A6 - 591A 30A7 36A0 CE3C 3D28  A038 E49D 7365 B134 80A6
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Re: [board-discuss] fast ahead soon... Re: [VOTE] Approve in-house developers proposal v.3.1

2022-11-28 Thread Cor Nouws

Dear people,

Cor Nouws wrote on 27/11/2022 17:41:

I promise that will be posted soon - ultimately tomorrow - allowing us 
to start the process of hiring by the end of the week, I hope.

In the mean time, there is a mail 'New proposal for hiring in-house 
developers' on the list tdf-internal.
Members that want to have a look for possible feedback, but are not 
subscribed to that list, can file a request to be added there. See:


Cor Nouws, member Board of Directors
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Re: [board-discuss] fast ahead soon... Re: [VOTE] Approve in-house developers proposal v.3.1

2022-11-27 Thread Cor Nouws

Hi Sophie,

Thanks for expressing your concerns on the matter. Given the situation, 
I can only understand that. Although I think it is not needed to expect 
something weird or bad to happen.

Wrt my comments: see the minutes of the meeting at 2022-11-14:

It's a nice coincidence by the way that Uwe mentioned KISS, earlier this 
evening. The new proposal indeed will be simple and understandable.

Then again: whatever others may tell you, I was never against in house 

So clearly the idea is not to deny the work of you and other team 
members and so on. Maybe we only make sure that it actually comes to work?


sophi wrote on 27/11/2022 21:50:

Hi Cor, all,
Le 27/11/2022 à 17:41, Cor Nouws a écrit :

Hi all,

I could not join this vote. As all that read my mails and hear my 
spoken contributions can know, I've always supported the idea for 
hiring developers. The proposal brought to vote by Paolo however, was 
IMO not fit for purpose - I've mentioned that on this list and 
explained it before in e.g. the recent board meeting.

I was not in the board meeting, but what I read was to point at people 
and not to the background of the document.
I'm still waiting for an explanation of what in this document after the 
feedback from the community, the team, and the 9 months work of the 
board plus the legal review should still be problematic.

Then, I've been busy recently, among others working on another 
proposal of course with great support from others.

I'm really surprised to learn about another proposal worked by _others_ 
supported by _others_. Who in the Board are those _others_? New Board 
members, community members?

I promise that will be posted soon - ultimately tomorrow - allowing us 
to start the process of hiring by the end of the week, I hope.

With a review by the community and the lawyers too? And who will wrote 
the hiring proposal? Why is this a different process than the one in 
place currently with the team involved at all stage?

Also I expect that this mail is sufficient answer to all questions 
(and more ..) brought to me on this list. But if there's anything 
essential I missed, please let me know and I'll try to answer.

I don't understand this last paragraph, which questions?

I really don't understand what is going on with this proposal to have 
in-house developers. First you were against, now you're not against but 
deny all the work done on the past months with input from the community, 
the team, the board and the lawyers.

We have all read this document, line by line, I know a bunch of people 
who were really happy with it and it has the support of the team (who 
will be the one working with those two developers on a daily basis).

Please explain what is wrong with the background of this document (not 
the people behind it - I really don't care who wrote it) but please cite 
line by line what is wrong and doesn't fit with TDF mission, doesn't 
pursue TDF vision, and doesn't help the community at large. Thanks.


Cor Nouws, member Board of Directors
The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin
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[board-discuss] fast ahead soon... Re: [VOTE] Approve in-house developers proposal v.3.1

2022-11-27 Thread Cor Nouws

Hi all,

I could not join this vote. As all that read my mails and hear my spoken 
contributions can know, I've always supported the idea for hiring 
developers. The proposal brought to vote by Paolo however, was IMO not 
fit for purpose - I've mentioned that on this list and explained it 
before in e.g. the recent board meeting.

Then, I've been busy recently, among others working on another proposal 
of course with great support from others.
I promise that will be posted soon - ultimately tomorrow - allowing us 
to start the process of hiring by the end of the week, I hope.

Also I expect that this mail is sufficient answer to all questions (and 
more ..) brought to me on this list. But if there's anything essential I 
missed, please let me know and I'll try to answer.


Paolo Vecchi wrote on 24/11/2022 17:35:

Dear board and all,

during LibOCon it has been agreed that we would iron out the divergences 
about the last few sentences, we would have the proposal discussed with 
our legal counsel and then proceed with the vote.

As we went through all these stages I'm proposing the following vote:


- Approve the In-House Developer Proposal v3.1
- Instruct the members of our staff led by our ED to draft the job 
description for 2 developers

- Publish the job description
- Task the members of our staff led by our ED to proceed with the 
interviews and selection of the best candidates
- Task our ED to propose to the board the best candidates for 
confirmation of contracts

- Task our ED to prepare and sign the relevant contracts


The vote runs 72h from now. If all full board members voted before, the 
vote can be concluded earlier.



Cor Nouws, member Board of Directors
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Re: [board-discuss] [DISCUSS] Approve in-house developers proposal v.3.1

2022-11-26 Thread Cor Nouws


Paolo Vecchi wrote on 25/11/2022 14:57:

All directors also expressed their support for the proposal which, as 

I'm sure I did not. I mentioned items that make it questionable and 
definitely not fit to help our community with developers.


Cor Nouws, member Board of Directors
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Re: [board-discuss] Agenda for TDF board meeting on Monday, October 31st at 1800 Berlin time (UTC+1)

2022-10-30 Thread Cor Nouws


Andreas Mantke wrote on 29/10/2022 22:07:

7. Status Report, Discuss: Atticization of Online (tdf-board, 10 mins)

because there are four board members with a direct link to the product
Collabora Online (staff of Collabora Productivity or staff/owner of
Allotropia, which has a contract for the distribution of Collabora
Online), there are only three board members without CoI on this topic.

It is interesting that this topic pops up again...
At the time of the decision I've already explained that this topic, the 
process, is about sanity of the code available at TDF (see attic policy 
*). It has nothing to do with presumed blocking of development on LOOL:

no one is blocking anyone on developing anywhere.
Andreas, Paolo (and others) showed great enthusiasm and confidence in 
working on the code base of LOOL. With a little tweak on the proverb, I 
would like to encourage people: "put your energy where the mouth is".

Then, some details really deserve attention on tdf-internal@, that is 
open to all members. I'll continue there.



Cor Nouws, member Board of Directors
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Re: [board-discuss] Nuisance With Private Emails

2022-10-23 Thread Cor Nouws

Hi Andreas,

Andreas Mantke wrote on 23/10/2022 20:11:

Hi all,

I want to inform you that I get on a regularly basis emails in private,
with 'friendly' instructions what I'm not allowed to address on mailing

I suggest you write the persons directly that you don't like that.
I assume it is something that could be written to the mailing list as well?

I find this form of cautionary private emails pestering and not
appropriate for an open Free Software project.

I think it is inappropriate to post this sort of vague accusations on 
the list.


Cor Nouws, member Board of Directors
The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin
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Re: [board-discuss] Agenda for TDF board meeting on Monday, October 17th at 1800 Berlin time (UTC+2)

2022-10-17 Thread Cor Nouws


Paolo Vecchi wrote on 17/10/2022 10:13:

I'm the one being accused of something so I believe it's my right to 
have that session in public.

We're still talking about an investigation.
Of course there is and will be all room for you to give your input. And 
IIRC you defended yourself at the previous meeting. IMO not at all as 
quick and clear as you promised, but..

You wrote your explanation on the investigation. There will be a reply 
and then it's good to talk again.


Cor Nouws, member Board of Directors
The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin
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Re: [board-discuss] Updated Code of Conduct - blind-sided

2022-10-07 Thread Cor Nouws

Hi Michael,

The process around the new CoC has been, for various reasons, under some 
I apologize for the moments that I could have asked about your 
involvement - or the lacking of - in this process, as member of the 

Not mentioned in the announcement, is that due to the short notice, some 
topics hadn't been fully discussed in the board etc.. So we'll further 
pick that up, together with the Committee. Giving opportunities to 
improve on short notice too, I expect.


Michael Meeks wrote on 07/10/2022 15:32:

has a large volume of novel text and lots of quirks - eg. being based on 
an obsolete version of the Contributor Covenant for no obvious reason 
(the newer 2.1 is unsurprisingly better).

That information is new to me. I'll check that. (*)

     This is a particularly wasted opportunity - because a new CoC (with 
which I have no problem in principle[1]) can give a useful point to 
reset our discourse as a community and to draw a line under some of the 
past unhelpful behavior. 

I always find it interesting to hear people talking about unhelpful 
behavior: it makes me wonder what happened (finding out might take some 
work..) and - indeed - what to learn on how to possibly improve etc.

a quick skim some details look quite problematic.

Happy to learn your thoughts there.

 In general there is substantial scope for mis-use (or even just the 
damaging appearance of it) around CoC enforcement ..

Similar here.



Cor Nouws, member Board of Directors
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Re: [board-discuss] Agenda for TDF board meeting on Monday, September 19th at 1800 Berlin time (UTC+2)

2022-09-17 Thread Cor Nouws

Hi Sophie,

sophi wrote on 17/09/2022 20:12:

5. Discuss: Updating CoC policy (Cor Nouws, 5 mins)

    Apparently we have a proposal for a new CoC policy

So I'm a bit surprised to see this item here, I've added it to a private 
meeting agenda between the Board, the Membership Committee and the team 

Apologies for how this happened.
When at location, and pinged by Thorsten, I remembered I had promised to 
direct an item to the board.
Not being at the laptop, I thought to remember it was this one. So I 
mentioned that, to start looking on how to proceed with working on the 
CoC. Thorsten hadn't seen it yet, so I think that lead to "apparently .."

Sorry for this :)

to explain my approach first and why I feel extremely uncomfortable with 
our actual Code of Conduct. I can expose it to the public, but I thought 
to get some support and direction from the board, which apparently is 
not the case.

Hoh - happy to help with finding direction of course. Hence I mentioned 
it for the agenda. But indeed, you shared it to look at it in the 
meeting with MC and Board (and team). I had forgotten that.

No problem for me to do it there first, if you prefer.


Cor Nouws, member Board of Directors
The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin
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Re: [board-discuss] [NO DECISION] TDF to change composition of legal oversight group

2022-09-13 Thread Cor Nouws

Hi Heiko,

Heiko Tietze wrote on 13/09/2022 15:55:

I wonder what it means when only two directors vote on a proposal. Is 
the topic not relevant, do people abstain because of conflicts, is there 
silent disagreement...

Fair question.
Abstain would have been mentioned. And IMO the topic is relevant. Very 
relevant. We'll working on having a board meeting asap to discuss the topic.


Cor Nouws, member Board of Directors
The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin
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Re: [board-discuss] Lets sort out the patch review before continuing here (was: Merging Of Contributions)

2022-09-06 Thread Cor Nouws

Hi Andreas,

Did you already ask on the developer list for explanation etc. on what 
happened (and looks unfortunate indeed). If so, what did that learn you? 
If not, can you please ask the relevant questions there?


Andreas Mantke wrote on 05/09/2022 17:50:

As you already know I submitted on August, 26 a patch to LibreOffice
core which fixes a name change. This name change was done about five
month before and changes the naming from 'lool' to 'cool'. This name
change breaked the connection from the LibreOffice Online repository and
its downstream consumers. It also changed the naming from a vendor
neutral to the naming of a commercial OSS company.

The patch was tested by Jenkins without any issues. Then a developer
with review permissions gave a +2 and marked the patch ready for

Because nobody with ther permission to merge the patch took care of the
patch and submitted it to the core repo I asked about the procedure with
volunteer patches some days later here (and on the developer list too).

I got the message then that the commit message is not okay, because it
didn't reflect the code change. I amended the commit message as requested.

Then after some more comments on Gerrit one developer edited my patch.
This patch reverted my changes and added totally different lines of code
to the patch set. The commit message wasn't changed. This totally new
patch set was reviewed by the author of the new patch set, marked ready
for integration and merged.

This developer didn't asked me, if I'm fine with the new patch.

Nevertheless the merged patch is marked as signed by me. The new patch
didn't revert the naming change, done about five month ago. The changed
naming to 'cool' stayed in the LibreOffice core repository and it is not
yet clear, if and when this line will be removed ever.

In addition the new patch breaks the connection to two downstream
consumer projects and to the LibreOffice online repository too.

This new patch was merged as signed by me. I wasn't asked if I was fine
with the new patch and I never signed this new patch (and are not fine
with it).

I see this as a violation and ask TDF to de-merge the patch.

In addition: in my opinion there is much space for improving the
interaction with volunteer developers inside the LibreOffice community.
But maybe this only my opinion and everyone else is fine with the
current process.


## Free Software Advocate
## Plone add-on developer
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Cor Nouws, member Board of Directors
The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin
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Re: [board-discuss] Moderation And Elections

2022-08-19 Thread Cor Nouws

Hi Andreas,

Andreas Mantke wrote on 19/08/2022 17:34:

I'd not bet on it.

It's your (the board) duty to create a clean process without any
obstruction and equality of choice for everyone.

Everyone must and will have a fair change to (be) nominate(d).
The deadline is clear.
Another part from the announcement:
" Please send nominations and self-nominations via e-mail to (which reaches the Board of Directors 
in private) and *at the same time (!)* to (which is a public mailing list)."

So of there is any delay in moderation, then there is
- the mail to elections@
- the mail in moderation queue
that make clear beyond doubt that/if a nomination is before Wednesday, 
2022-08-24, 24:00

"(00:00 is beginning of the day, 24:00 is end of the day)
All times in CEST/UTC+2"

With the elections starting a week after end nomination, I really fail 
to see how a possible delay in moderation can break the process.

..  If you fail, you have
to take the full responsibility and draw the obvious conclusion.

Thanks :)


Am 19.08.22 um 17:10 schrieb Cor Nouws:

Hi Andreas,

Andreas Mantke wrote on 19/08/2022 16:13:

The time it takes to moderate a candidacy email through the moderation
queue is the proof that this is an obstruction of the election process.

As we know, the nomination phase ends on Wednesday, 2022-08-24, 24:00.
So if five days before that moment there is a delay in moderation, I
don't think you can seriously argue that there is any obstruction of
the election process.

Having said that: it definitely is good to make sure that delay is not
the norm, and that we do not miss any last minute nominations. Thanks
for reminding us.


Quote from the announcement,
Subject: [board-discuss] [ANN] Announcing the election for the next
TDF Membership Committee
Date: Fri, 15 Jul 2022 13:02:11 +0200
From: Thorsten Behrens 
To: TDF Board Discussion 

" 2. Wednesday, 2022-08-24, 24:00: end of the nomination phase (one
week before the election starts, as per § 12 II)

3. Thursday, 2022-09-01, 00:00: official start of the elections (at
least 45 days after announcement of the election, as per § 12 II) "

## Free Software Advocate
## Plone add-on developer
## My blog:

Cor Nouws, member Board of Directors
The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin
Gemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts
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GPD key ID: 0xB13480A6 - 591A 30A7 36A0 CE3C 3D28  A038 E49D 7365 B134 80A6
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Re: [board-discuss] Moderation And Elections

2022-08-19 Thread Cor Nouws

Hi Andreas,

Andreas Mantke wrote on 19/08/2022 16:13:

The time it takes to moderate a candidacy email through the moderation
queue is the proof that this is an obstruction of the election process.

As we know, the nomination phase ends on Wednesday, 2022-08-24, 24:00.
So if five days before that moment there is a delay in moderation, I 
don't think you can seriously argue that there is any obstruction of the 
election process.

Having said that: it definitely is good to make sure that delay is not 
the norm, and that we do not miss any last minute nominations. Thanks 
for reminding us.


Quote from the announcement,
Subject: [board-discuss] [ANN] Announcing the election for the next TDF 
Membership Committee

Date: Fri, 15 Jul 2022 13:02:11 +0200
From: Thorsten Behrens 
To: TDF Board Discussion 

" 2. Wednesday, 2022-08-24, 24:00: end of the nomination phase (one week 
before the election starts, as per § 12 II)

3. Thursday, 2022-09-01, 00:00: official start of the elections (at 
least 45 days after announcement of the election, as per § 12 II) "

Cor Nouws, member Board of Directors
The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin
Gemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts
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Re: [board-discuss] [VOTE] TDF to change composition of legal oversight group

2022-07-21 Thread Cor Nouws


This vote was brought in discussion on the directors@ few hours before 
posting here, without any discussion taking place there. So I think it's 
best if I go back to that list to learn something more first.


Caolán McNamara wrote on 21/07/2022 15:22:


the special working group of the legal oversight group hereby makes
available the draft of an amendment to the Rules of Procedure [1] of
the Board of Directors.

The amendment is to change the internal delegation of responsibilities
(“areas of oversight”) in § 3 only regarding “contracts, legal
compliance, GDPR, trademarks”.

The former members of the legal oversight group regarding “contracts,
legal compliance, GDPR, trademarks” shall be replaced by the new
members Caolán McNamara, Emiliano Vavassori and Paolo Vecchi. (All
other oversight groups remain unchanged.)

We hereby call for the following VOTE, which will start Friday,
2022-07-29 00:00 UTC+2/CEST and will then run for 72h.

This vote is proposed by all members of the special working group of
the legal oversight group: Caolán, Emiliano, Paolo. Members of the
board who are in conflict shall explicitly declare their abstention.


Cor Nouws, member Board of Directors
The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin
Gemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts
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Re: [board-discuss] no obvious double-standards (was: List Moderation - Apply Double Standards?)

2022-07-19 Thread Cor Nouws


Paolo Vecchi wrote on 15/07/2022 13:24:

I believe his assumptions come from the following statements:

"Therefore I really think that it is needed that this type of mail is 
not moderated through."


"So again, I regret that it has been moderated through in this form. I 
will further discuss this in the board internally."

These statements from a member of the board do give the impression that 
he wants to censor the opinions of another member of the board.

Ah yes, cut only part of a text, and you can 'prove' about anything, I 
would say. Let me add the reference here for full text.
So far that wasn't provided in this thread..

The content of the email is highly controversial, disregards the right 
of expressing one's opinion and instigates censorship but it has gone 

Not at all. Reading my mail, makes clear that the worrisome parts are
_not_ the fact that there is a different opinion on the App stores.
The mail explains that the communication of a board member is 
disrespecting board procedures, that it contains a passive accusation to 
other board members, and that is spreads misinformation about what the 
CoI policy is for.

If that is still below the level required for moderation then, looking 
at board-discuss mailing list, the moderation put in place is of no use 
and it should just be removed to stop giving the impression that some 
members of the board don't want uncomfortable, but sometimes needed, 
discussions in public.

As stated in the mail, I have no problem with a different opinion on the 
boards decision. I also gave a hint of a possible way that could be used 
to express that opinion in a helpful way, not with all rest, that really 
is not needed to express a fair opinion.



Cor Nouws, member Board of Directors
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Gemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts
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Re: [board-discuss] [DECISION] Offer AppStore LibreOffice for a fee

2022-07-13 Thread Cor Nouws


Paolo Vecchi wrote on 13/07/2022 16:12:

Hi all,

just to let you know that this time I'm the one that voted -1 for quite 
a few reasons.

As for the LOOL archival vote, for which I refused to vote, I see 
similar issues:

Indeed. Recently you already tried to reopen the vote on LOOL. You got a 
reply to that here: 
You didn't reply / take notice /* it seems.

Instead you're doing the same here with another board decision..

     - discussion period of 24h too short as it covers one working day 
where people are busy with their day job
     - Objection and comments disregarded by the proponent during the 
discussion period
     - Objection and comments disregarded by the proponent also in the 
vote process

If the majority of the board votes in favor, the board agrees. It is 
known that you are not happy here. Try to live with it and not 
repeatedly spoil precious time and good will by starting debates on 
closed votes.
I've tried to explain you this before. Even several times. Sadly you 
didn't respond to that or just ignore and do the same again..

     - Most push backs from objections coming from representatives of 
publishers of their own products based on LibreOffice

Lacking any reasonable relation between the one and the other, the 
decision for TDF starting to publish in the app stores is just passed, 
this seems to be one of the infamous passive accusations.

     - No evaluation or statements of potential CoIs have been made so 
not clear if publishers should have voted abstain

To start with, this is not in line with the CoI policy.
Then it is again an statement showing that we really need to look at 
that topic. I already asked for doing so at our LibOCon in Milan.

     - IMHO the chairman, as director of a company publishing its own 
products based on LibreOffice, should have declared a potential CoI and 

Lacking any reasonable ground for that, in as well the CoI policy as 
well as in practice, this looks as a false accusation and abuse of the 
policy again..

let the vice-chairman deal with the evaluation and inclusions of 
comments to make sure the process is seen by all as fully impartial 
regardless of actual CoIs being present or not.

Here we have also the additional issue that it is not clear what we have 
voted for as there hasn't been a proper discussion on the implications 
of the vote.

If the majority of the board votes in favor, the majority of the board 
is fine with content, discussion, information available.. (Before 
repeating myself: see above for the rest.)


Seeing that we are in a position where we need to get together, grow 
understanding, find common grounds, I think a mail with passive 
accusation, insinuation, disrespect for board procedures, ... does not 
belong on this list.

Therefore I really think that it is needed that this type of mail is not 
moderated through.

If you would write something as
   "I voted against because I consider this or that more or less 
important, or .." other reason related to the content of the decision,

that would be perfectly fine to me.
I suggest there's been more then enough explanations, also in careful, 
friendly, winsome ways, about your dominant style of communication?

So again, I regret that it has been moderated through in this form. I 
will further discuss this in the board internally.


Cor Nouws, member Board of Directors
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[board-discuss] Re: [tdf-internal] Open letter for revive LOOL, add your +1 if you agree

2022-07-11 Thread Cor Nouws

Hi all,

I think it is justified to spent some more words on this open letter. 
And do so already now.

Daniel A. Rodriguez wrote on 10/07/2022 22:42:
We, the undersigned, would like to express our great concern regarding 
the definitive closure of the repository of what was LibreOffice Online.


This statement, on which people have been encouraged to vote on, is false.
There is no decision nor proposal for the "definitive closure of the 
repository of what was LibreOffice Online". And people that worked on 
this statement/open letter should know that (1).

It has been explained more than once, also on this list, that no one is 
blocking anyone on working on the code and project.
More in detail: there are clear conditions for atticization for projects 
and also for de-atticization of projects. These normally applies to this 
the repository as well.

All has been agreed upon by the active LibreOffice contributors in the ESC.
And the reason is to prevent ghost-repositories to hang actively on 
TDF's infra. The reason is not to stop anyone to work on the code he/she 
loves. How beautiful and simple it that.

[  For reference:
1) (lazy looking at my own mail, but there are more around with even 
better info I guess) see e.g.: 

As a foundation committed to eliminating the digital divide in society 
by giving everyone free access to office productivity tools, the most 
important thing is to demonstrate that we are committed to offering 
alternatives to all those individuals and organizations that lack the 
resources to hire corporate services.

No doubt about foundations objectives, I refer to a workshop/discussion 
that will be held at the LibOCOn in Milan.
Something that - as far as I've noticed - has only been receiving 
support (2).

and replies to that!

To avoid the process of atticization, as the clock is already ticking, 
and, at the same time, emphasize the global nature of the foundation we 
urge full consideration of the two proposals that have been made so far.


And finally wrt these proposals: no one is blocking anyone to work on these.


Cor Nouws, member Board of Directors
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Re: [board-discuss] Open letter for revive LOOL, add your +1 if you agree

2022-07-11 Thread Cor Nouws

Hi all,

Thanks for sharing your opinions, but the statement here is factual 

Daniel A. Rodriguez wrote on 10/07/2022 22:42:
We, the undersigned, would like to express our great concern regarding 
the definitive closure of the repository of what was LibreOffice Online. 
People interested can find lots of discussion in the archives as well as 
information on what they and others can do to create the software they 
like, also under TDF.


Cor Nouws, member Board of Directors
The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin
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Re: [board-discuss] Whether technical moderation of this list is needed

2022-07-08 Thread Cor Nouws

Paolo Vecchi wrote on 08/07/2022 16:29:

my short answer is: no.

I consider it a wise decision. Let's discuss it (first) in the board.


Cor Nouws, member Board of Directors
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Re: [board-discuss] [DECISION] Delayed atticization for LibreOffice Online

2022-07-07 Thread Cor Nouws

Hi Paolo,

Paolo Vecchi wrote on 06/07/2022 22:46:

It's odd you say that as IIRC Mr Meeks said that since they move the 

What is the use of writing "Mr Meeks" please?
It looks a bit odd to me, in a community where we simply say e.g. 
"Paolo". Or of course in case people possibly may not understand who 
Paolo is, "Paolo Vecchi".

project to Microsoft GitHub they had more contributors.

Why do you explicitly say "Microsoft GitHub"? Are there other GitHub's 
around that we may get confused with?

As stated in my answer to the "decision", it just needs to be re-run 
with a text that would allow the community a chance to do something.

I refer to my comments made on this list on July the 4th (and earlier on 
another one): no one is blocking anyone on working on the code and 
project they love.
If the conditions in the decisions are not met in three months, the 
project will be atticizised.
If conditions for de-atticizations (and those are similar) are met in 
four months, the repository will be de-atticizised.

How beautiful and simple it that.


Cor Nouws, member Board of Directors
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Re: [board-discuss] [DECISION] Delayed atticization for LibreOffice Online

2022-07-07 Thread Cor Nouws

Hi Andreas,

Andreas Mantke wrote on 06/07/2022 20:08:


it is very interesting to read this criteria and compare it with the git
log of COOL. It seemed even this Github repo (project) didn't  attract
the number of volunteers, which are requested in the decision proposal.

Where in the deatticization requirements do you read the word 
"volunteer"? This is a very interesting and obvious misreading of the rules.

And as we are saying in Germany: Der Fisch stinkt vom Kopfe her.

Looks so. Why are you doing this?


Cor Nouws, member Board of Directors
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Re: [board-discuss] re-discovering the Foundation roots?

2022-07-05 Thread Cor Nouws


Daniel A. Rodriguez wrote on 05/07/2022 21:37:

Marina has a point here, those who can't attend the conference and would like 
to participate in this meeting would be banned if it only has a face to face 

Sorry if I missed the question on participating remotely. Obviously no 
objections. It's just not as practical, and asks for other preparations 
and handling.

Maybe, at least, a pad with questions could be enabled.

Yep, sure.


Cor Nouws, member Board of Directors
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Re: [board-discuss] re-discovering the Foundation roots?

2022-07-05 Thread Cor Nouws

Hi Marina,

Marina Latini wrote on 05/07/2022 18:03:

On 05.07.2022 14:45, Cor Nouws wrote:

I see three :)
It would definitely be worth I think to have a meeting where not only
the Board of Directors but also the Board of Trustees (TDF members)
_participates_. And that would need preparations, is my first feeling.

Unless I'm missing something, the Board of Trustees includes already all 
the informally called "members" (AKA Board of Directors + Membership 
Committee + Members).

Yes, that is what I meant to say. Board of Trustees is the official name 
for TDF members. And obviously members of the BoD are TDF members too.

If your proposal Cor is to allow the participation of the full Board of 
Trustees and not only the Board of Directors I think it will be also 
important to consider the possibility to have this workshop in its 
hybrid version, giving to the whole Board of Trustees a chance to 
participate (not only in person but also from remote).

It is important to have broad input, from basically anyone. However when 
the board discusses an items, that may have a dynamic that is different 
from when the 'general community' talks about the same. If only because 
of the number of people involved.
So I think it just makes sense to prepare these meetings. Get e.g. a 
(broad) sense of questions that live, think about a sensible order to 
discuss, possibly invite (not force) people to share questions and ideas 
in advance, share some background info.. Such things. I think there is 
no blue print that fits every topic. So starting preparing early enough 
with 2, 3 people and gradually broadening that, could be useful.

Then others joining, in the sense of being present more than actively
involved, could be considered too.

...this sounds to me that community members not part of the Board of 
Trustees can't really participate but only "listen" but as I wrote 
before I'm probably missing the full picture here.

I don't want to exclude anyone, but it does not seem unnatural that 
members are a bit more involved somehow?

I would say, we're on our way finding out what works best in this case.
Does that make sense to you?


Cor Nouws, member Board of Directors
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Re: [board-discuss] re-discovering the Foundation roots?

2022-07-05 Thread Cor Nouws


Uwe Altmann wrote on 05/07/2022 14:30:

Am 05.07.22 um 14:18 schrieb sophi:
Is this meeting reserved to the board members or the whole community 
(not only TDF members) is also invited?

Basically yes ;-)

To be honest: I didn't think of this - both variants have their pros and 

I see three :)
It would definitely be worth I think to have a meeting where not only 
the Board of Directors but also the Board of Trustees (TDF members) 
_participates_. And that would need preparations, is my first feeling. 
Then others joining, in the sense of being present more than actively 
involved, could be considered too.

Let's look what interest evolves and then decide.

Makes sense.


Cor Nouws, member Board of Directors
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Re: [board-discuss] re-discovering the Foundation roots?

2022-07-05 Thread Cor Nouws

Hi all,

Paolo Vecchi wrote on 04/07/2022 18:54:

Hi Uwe,

On 04/07/2022 18:22, Uwe Altmann wrote:

I'm willing to prepare and moderate a session (similar to the one in 
Brno) If there is some interest within the community because it 
doesn't make sense to do this with three to five Persons new at the 
project as we had in Rome.

Very kind and helpful, Uwe. Thanks!

I believe it's important even if only the board is present as I have the 
impression that there are different views that are sometimes the cause 
of conflicts in the interpretation of what TDF should or should not do.

We're in the very lucky position that our statues and our "Next Decade 
Manifesto"* give us inspiration and work for much more than just one 
decade. Then obviously this comes with a responsibility for the board to 
decide on what to do when.


Then it would be great to have the sessions that I proposed for the 
board meeting in Berlin to explain a few things:

- the reasons why we have a CoI Policy and how it intersects with board 
decisions and charitable status

The CoI policy is a subject that IMO deserves a meeting on its own. 
Various interesting examples of interpretations show that having time to 
look at background, effect and use should be very helpful.

- the duty of the member of the board to take decisions for the benefit 
of TDF and not third parties
- what fiduciary duties are and how they affect board members from a 
point of view procedures, tasks and legal liabilities
- the duty of the member of the board to take informed decisions not 
just sending a +1 without checking potential issues related to a proposal

When we start talking about normal directors tasks and functioning, I 
suggest to add training on normal practice in governance wrt a normal 
and effective work-flow. For example abstaining from reopening debates 
too fast once decisions are made.

- maybe also a link to the announcement of the creation of TDF may 
provide a hint about the ideas behind the Foundation and its ethos 

Being here for a long time (2004.. and luckily not alone & some longer 
too) its a delight to read the key values that we filled in with TDF:

  ".. for the community, and an entity independent from any single vendor.
  ".. guarantee .. strong rights to active contributors."
  ".. the ideal grounds for a free office ecosystem, including users, 
developers, marketeers, adopters, service providers and many, many more”
  ".. vendor-neutral, that provides safety, builds trust, and that 
sends out a strong sign of stability to all stakeholders."

That could help new members of the board in understanding what they have 
to take in consideration while performing their duties.

For sure we should all try to be the living example of conscientious 
behavior, understanding, with self-reflection, direct and respectful 
communication, avoiding accusations and more good habits, that inspires 
the whole board :)


Cor Nouws, member Board of Directors
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Re: [board-discuss] [DECISION] Delayed atticization for LibreOffice Online

2022-07-04 Thread Cor Nouws

Hi Paolo,

Paolo Vecchi wrote on 04/07/2022 11:39:

Dear community,

for the record my rejection of the proposal as formulated has not been 

You did not participate in the vote. Full stop.

I repeatedly asked for various elements to be considered and to amend 
the text before being able to vote on it but that unfortunately hasn't 

Indeed, you've spent a lot of time to reopen the debate on the decision 
that was taken in the board meeting (the extended public part) last 
Monday. There was discussion about your ideas and that did not lead to 
any change.

My opinion is that the text doesn't take in consideration feedback and 
other issues which include:
     - discussion period of 24h too short as it covers one working day 
where people are busy with their day job

It didn't appear to me that you had not enough time available to share 
your thoughts.

     - vote started after less than 21h at 18:53 when people coming back 
from work could have had time to rush in a comment

24 hours after the meeting maybe, But hé, who cares ;)

     - comments made during the meeting and in the mailing lists were 
not considered for inclusion in an actual compromise text

We extensively discussed and a compromise was accepted in the meeting.

     - attempts to have an evaluation of the concerns expressed in time 
met no considerations

I think all your more then 10 mails received replies.

     - some managed to provide their opinion only in the vote reply but 
still no corrective actions have been taken

We extensively discussed and a compromise was accepted in the meeting.
I have huge respect for the board members spending again time to discuss 
a decision already taken that you do not agree with.

     - IMHO the chairman, as director of a company reselling COOL[0], 
should have declared a potential CoI and let the vice-chairman deal with 
the evaluation and inclusions of comments to make sure the process is 
seen by all as fully impartial regardless of actual CoIs.

Three remarks:
 1. I hold strong (did mail this before) that this topic/vote is about 
having sane development projects under TDF umbrella. To prevent hosting 
zombi-projects, which will harm our reputation.

It is not about allowing or blocking people to work on what they love.
And it is not about a choice for TDF to publish a online version of 
 2. It is without ground in our rules nor precedent that a potential 
CoI should exclude anyone from her/his role in our work.
 3. Declaring people having a indirect CoI is becoming popular, it 
seems. It is clear from various examples, that the current CoI policy 
leads to lack of clarity and discussions. I think it makes sense to have 
a well prepared and organized discussion on this at LibOCon.

I could have simply voted against and found ourselves once again in the 
same split situation we had in the original vote and that's what I 
wanted to avoid.

You could have brought in that elegant thought on the board list ;)

The main issues and missing elements I see in this proposal are:
... > Without the above IMHO the proposal will lead only to one outcome.

I refer to my comment above: no one is blocking anyone on working on the 
code and project they love.
If the conditions in the decisions are not met in three monts, the 
project will be atticizised.
If conditions for de-atticizations are met in four months (and those are 
the same..) the repository will be de-atticizised.

How beautiful and simple it that.

You could consider to stop spending time from yourself and others on 
this useless debate and instead do some constructive work on what you 
want to see happen in the future?
And - apart from what László explained earlier on this list about 
projects-dynamics - making sure that your place looks a fun one to be 
in, would probably be wise too.

Having said the above I ask to reconsider the decision and add it to the 
public part of the agenda for the next board meeting.



Cor Nouws, member Board of Directors
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Re: [board-discuss] Work On Update LOOL (was Re: LOOL is about to be archived)

2022-07-01 Thread Cor Nouws


Paolo Vecchi wrote on 01/07/2022 13:54:

On 29/06/2022 22:29, Marco Marinello wrote:

I want to put it in black and white: being the most committing
contributor does not allow anyone to pick the source and move it away,
while have previously agreed to develop under a non profitable
foundation umbrella.

Apparently some things changed there?
I think I tried to explain earlier in this thread how delicate it is to 
have a balance.

I don't think TDF should get into services provision, we promote our 
members of the ecosystem to do that, but I did propose at the time to 

Did you ever realize that your proposals are mostly very interesting for 
hosting companies and negative for ecosystem companies doing 
development, in this case Collabora?


Cor Nouws, member Board of Directors
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Re: [board-discuss] TDF, the online version, and its missions

2022-06-28 Thread Cor Nouws

Hi Daniel, *,

Daniel A. Rodriguez wrote on 28/06/2022 01:08:

El 27/6/22 a las 19:28, Cor Nouws escribió:

Win-win is a situation to which we all aspire. However, one of the key 
pieces in this mutant puzzle is to broaden the ecosystem rather than 
narrow it. And, in this sense, clear rules and boundaries are necessary.

Sure. Therefore I wrote ideas on broadening the ecosystem. And I'm sure 
we only can agree that TDF deliberately competing with one of the few 
ecosystem contributors, would not be a particularly smart thing to do 
there ;) And the good thing is that that can be avoided, also when we 
are encouraging more businesses to help our ecosystem grow.

TDF cannot force the entire mass of LibreOffice users to consume a 
particular product. It can, however, improve it's work to raise 
awareness about the importance of contributing (which is not reduced to 
code) to the community that embraces the project.

Fully agree here. I guess we all hope that we can return to work on that 
soon - obviously the time that we can spend here is limited for the most 
of us. And choosing to put that energy in areas where we really can make 
growth, seems wise.
We are in a wonderful open source project with work that we hope many 
people will enjoy to use, in all freedom, and that they find encouraging 
to contribute to.

Yes. Finding balance between ecosystem members and TDF is not easy. In 
the Autumn of 2020 we learned the hard way that it can be easily 
broken. So indeed we have to be respectful and considerate.

Community can ask the very same. Suffice it to recall that the door was 
slammed when the foundation was working on the required marketing plan.

If that is part of how the situation is experienced, it only shows how 
delicate these processes are.
And then still, apart from all things that happened then: looking back 
I'm sure that not all that I do/did is/was perfect. And please allow me 
to take the liberty to assume that is similar for others ;)

I still don't understand why people resort to self-flagellation by 
arguing that TDF is trying to compete with the ecosystem. I think Sophi 

I think I missed seeing that happening. In any case, for me 
self-flagellation is not the category under which one would expect to 
find a normal 'clear and reliable relation'.

has put it very well by saying that there are spaces for everyone and 
that worldwide not all users are able to pay a subscription to access a 
product. In Latin America, for example, there are countless social 
organizations or organizations linked to indigenous peoples whose main 
role is to narrow the gap in access to technology. Sound familiar?

We see these things everywhere. And it will not surprise you that I 
regret to see that. Hence my love to be in open source development and 
open source projects.
And of course no country or region is excluded - people from anywhere 
should feel encouraged to contribute. I firmly believe that we can 
provide software for free and do such in a smart way not hurting our 
very own ecosystem, that we so desperately need. Everyday we are ready 
to welcome people from everywhere around the world contributing and are 
we educating them to get them started.

I believe that neither TDF nor the community can be blamed for not 
satisfying the whims of a company.

Very true. And honestly I hope that I should not understand that you 
mean that we have company's whims, demanding the community to satisfy 
whatever their needs are...

Looking forward, on the side of solutions that are not crushing our open 
source development: I think I made a careful hint already in my response 
to Sophie.. I hope it is not too hidden ;) and that it encourages people 
to think about real solutions.
I look forward to listen to and talk about all ideas, e.g./especially in 
Milan. In the mean time encouraging and helping people to do what they 
believe in: work on open source!


Cor Nouws, member Board of Directors
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Re: [board-discuss] TDF, the online version, and its missions

2022-06-27 Thread Cor Nouws

Hi Sophie, all,

sophi wrote on 27/06/2022 22:09:

I'm opening a new thread because I would like to clarify a bit my 
position on why this is necessary for TDF to have an online version and 
why I think it's possible if we all take a balanced position and listen 
to each others.

I believe delivering LibreOffice on centralized online services in 
resource-constrained environments and on Android powered tablets and 
phones is explicitly part of our mission.

It is a fair choice to believe that. I think not the only valid one.

So for me the topic is not do we want to compete each other, but do we 
want to complete each other. And if we brainstorm on that common goal, 

We see a clear winn-winn currently with Collabora Online.. Not only it 
is promoting LibreOffice (since clearly based on LibreOffice 
Technology), of course open source code to the best standards (anyone 
can join, study, build, contribute, share, fork), with non limited free 
versions available, and with an open community with many we know.. but 
it is also allowing the ecosystem to have it's role, as we thought out 
it would be wonderful when setting up the foundation, to contribute 
significant to TDF and LibreOffice as a result of the companies 
investments and risk taking and capabilities to deal with the commercial 

I'm sure we will find ways to be beneficial for both the ecosystem and 
the foundation and that should even broaden the ecosystem.

Yes. Finding balance between ecosystem members and TDF is not easy. In 
the Autumn of 2020 we learned the hard way that it can be easily broken. 
So indeed we have to be respectful and considerate.
I cannot believe that there is a clear and conscientious will in TDF to 
compete with it's own ecosystem. And I agree with you that, also when 
there is an online under TDF infrastructure (which no one can nor want 
to forbid, since we have a meritocratic community. And for which we know 
what is reasonable and asked for to have a sensible fair project) we 
must have ways to simply not compete with the ecosystem.

And for growing the ecosystem: both mentoring and projects to find new 
markets/parties that understand the opportunities and want to do some 
investment are needed. Let's (again) try to focus on work like that, 
would be my suggestion.

TDF has to  take care of those left over users anyway.

Not sure what you mean with that.

Some may reply that it doesn't fulfill the technical part, but to my 
eyes, if we get room for everyone, community will show up to help 
filling the gap.

It is encouraging to see, apart from some problems as pointed out by 
others, enthusiasm. But hmmm..., with all history, discussions and 
careful working on proposals, I think it is not unfair if I notify that 
it is somehow late. Then of course: better late then not at all ;)


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Re: [board-discuss] Re: In-house developers proposal v 2.1

2022-06-07 Thread Cor Nouws

Hi Paolo,

Paolo Vecchi wrote on 08/06/2022 00:31:

On 07/06/2022 21:40, Simon Phipps wrote:

Kendy made a merged version and shared it with us all...

No, once again he took my document and copy/pasted bits of Michael Meeks 
proposal on it to completely change the logic of the proposal.

I assume if the 'logic changed', that is to reflect contributions in the 
discussion that were not added in your file.

That proposal doesn't really fit with the budget planned, senior 

I think there is room to look to the budget for next year again, if needed.

developers mostly focused on mentoring are very difficult to find and 
very expensive, and anyone with basic HR skills would never let 
employees be managed by a committee in which third party companies have 
can have so much influence as seen in recent minutes.

This is unhelpful framing. Influence is (apart from statutory 
limitations to participation from entities) from participating, which is 
done in the best traditions of open source development, which in the 
case of LibreOffice is broadened deliberately - I was at the discussion 
- to more than 'just' coding.

The "legacy document" has actual contributions from many people of the 
community and TDf's team, the document on which Kendy pasted some text 
has only contributions from Michael Meeks and you

Kendy made efforts to include comments and ideas from all sides. Very 
useful to come to a proposal with the broadest possible support 
respecting as much ideas as possible.


Cor Nouws, member Board of Directors
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Re: [board-discuss] Drafting job posting for "part-time web technology expert"

2022-06-03 Thread Cor Nouws

Hi Florian,

Florian Effenberger wrote on 03/06/2022 11:23: 

the last link doesn't seem to point to a file, so I'm not sure if what 

(I already had a bit fishy feeling with the file, hence I pasted all my 
changes in the mail ;) )

... so I'm not sure if what 
you write below is already in the document from the first link.

For sure not. ("On May 9 I added some suggestions to the Nextcloud 
version that apparently have gone lost:")

* Maintain and improve the user-facing (frontend) part of our (custom) 
web applications and (internal and external focused) websites

That's quite a mouthful. ;-) I'd rephrase it as

* Maintain and improve the user-facing (frontend) part of our web 
applications. This includes external and internal applications, and some 
custom projects.


We then need to update also the next line, "...fixes to the applications 
we use".

* Collaborate with volunteer contributors around the globe.
   => Collaboration is not a task as such, but a way in which the 
tasks are achieved..

Yes, but I think it's nice to mention that. We can add it to the section 
title as "As our future Web Technology Export, you work with a great 
team of currently twelve, and collaborate with volunteers around the 
globe to:"

Yes, adding it to a different section makes sense indeed.

* Take care of tools we use for localisation and of accessibility 

The tools are already covered by the "web applications" term. What is 
meant here, IMHO, is that for all our tools we should ensure proper 
accessibility as well as localization options, that having a focus on 
that is a part of the role.

Ah :) So "Take care of...  our tools"?

* Make our tools usable both with desktop and mobile devices
   => No idea if that is far reaching, in the sense that it can be 
very complicated? So maybe add 'as far as reasonable achievable'

We had issues in the past e.g. with the LibOCon website that was not 
usable from a mobile, so I think this is a key competence the person 

Yes, I agree.

These days, with devices ranging from desktop to tablet to 
mobile, at least where sensible we should ask for that. How about "Make 
as many of our tools usable ... as possible"?

Yes, something like that. Just to recognize maybe something falls off 
the plate.

* Follow web technologies and trends and bring them to TDF web 
services with suggesting, discussing and implementation.

In the current document there is "Suggest, discuss and follow..." - I 
think that is easier to read thatn "with suggesting, discussing and 
implementation". We could make it even easier and say "Evaluate web 
technologies and bring them...".

That's indeed clearer.

I propose that Ilmari and me finish the tender based on the latest 
edits, and aim to publish it early next week.

Looks good - thanks!


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Re: [board-discuss] Merged proposal for in-house developers at TDF

2022-06-03 Thread Cor Nouws

Hi Paolo,

Paolo Vecchi wrote on 03/06/2022 11:53:

Another reason why I did not want to share my proposal open for editing 
to anyone is that it might happen that someone writes something that 
should not be written in a public document.

We want a public discussion (of course not when it does not fit) but 
prevent people to write in a document because they may write something 
odd... after all there is this mailing list where * can write * 
¯\_(ツ)_/¯  :D

We will publish public tenders open to all ensuring that there will be a 
level playing field so that any organisation will be able to participate.

You may have missed something, but that is standing policy.


Cor Nouws, member Board of Directors
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Re: [board-discuss] Merged proposal for in-house developers at TDF

2022-06-02 Thread Cor Nouws

Hi Paolo,

Paolo Vecchi wrote on 02/06/2022 22:59:

thanks for your extensive explanation which I really appreciate as I 
appreciate your contributions both during your working hours and as a 

We surely are all working with passion to reach the same goal and we 
have specialisations that allow us to view things from different but 
complementary perspectives.

I know it is difficult to follow long threads where I provided further 

You need help? :)

clarifications about my proposal but what you are saying has already 
been taken in consideration.

IMO only partly. It is useful explanation to set realistic expectations.

Young and passionate developers with the will to learn and adapt will 
not replace the tenders, they will start with focusing on areas that 
haven't been covered by others as much as we wished.

It is indeed an important outcome of the discussion that there are ways 
to complement, and not to compete with the commercial ecosystem.

Finding senior C++ or experienced LibreOffice developers willing to 
mentor is very difficult and/or very expensive as they already have a 
good and very well paid position so even if they have a huge passion for 
LibreOffice and our community is unlikely we'll be able to match what 
some large corporations can offer.

As from my proposal: "The developers will not need to have a narrow 
specialisation in the proposed areas but a good understanding of them, 
willingness to learn and to adapt will be necessary characteristics of 
the candidates.

Their general role will be to fix bugs and features in full, fixing bugs 
that are blockers for community contributors and to help evaluating 
which complex tasks should be tackled by external specialists."

Thanks to the mentors that we already have in our team, if they have the 
passion and the right attitude, they will grow to become excellent 
developers and if they wish even join the ranks of mentors in the long 

I love your optimism (well, not always), but as you can read in Lászlo's 
mail: there's huge uncertainty.

run. Not all developers want to become mentors or do presentation in 
public, some just prefer to focus on the development side and we should 
enable our team to express their best skills the way they are most 
comfortable with.

That is true. However more mentoring power is needed to. So if we can 
combine the two, it's better I would say.

There are surely risks in doing that but I believe there are even bigger 
risks in not doing it. The biggest risk that we have in doing it is that 
we invest in forming developers that then might go back on the market 

You are thinking about a contract that forbids people to switch? ;)

and anyway contribute. That's one of our goals anyway. If we get it 
right we'll have developers that start working on things that other 
volunteers may want to take on again as they see that things are moving 
in the right direction.

Let me not take that too negative, but I assume developers are driven by 
the wish to make cool stuff. And there are enough opportunities for that 
in the source/product.

What is clear is that the process I started with my proposal allowed to 
bring to light areas that did not receive enough attention and now 
commercial contributors, volunteers and in-house developers will start 
working together to fix those areas.

IMO there is clearly room for that. See my mail from 23:17 CET

I'm sure there will be a lot of fun to be had for everyone ;-)

Could well be - let's hope it works out fine.


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Re: [board-discuss] Merged proposal for in-house developers at TDF

2022-06-02 Thread Cor Nouws

Hi Andreas,

Thanks for your answer,

Andreas Mantke wrote on 01/06/2022 20:13:

Am 01.06.22 um 11:48 schrieb Cor Nouws:

Andreas Mantke wrote on 31/05/2022 19:49:

I only could see the difference that in one case TDF has full control

I do not understand what you mean. What is full control over open
source code?

it means control not over the source code per se, but over the direction
of the development from a TDF point of view and the modules etc. TDF
think are useful or needed by the community (and the user of the program
and the donor).

TDF now chooses the projects for the tenders, so already does have that 

And this means TDF need to decide and operate independent from any
commercial company. 

I think it is fair to include also the organizations that use 
LibreOffice (and make use of services of commercial organizations for 
support/improving) as part of our wide community.

And also: TDF is founded thanks to (also, among others) the massive help 
of our commercial ecosystem.

 TDF with in-house developer could avoid a situation
like the one with LOOL (I'm not sure that this opinion is common ground
inside the current board).

I'm not sure.
LOOL started thanks to tedious hard work with great risk, pushed by the 
need to make it an success in the market. For me (having seen commercial 
and idealistic activities in many areas) it's hard to imagine that a 
voluntary driven foundation can have the same understanding of and 
interaction with a business market. But we're diverging a bit too much, 
if we redo all the previous discussions on that matter here, I think. 
(covering some highlights at a beer, looks better to me ;) )

and has not to pay for the benefit of a commercial company. And thus in
the first case could get reach more targets / tickets done than in the
latter case from my point of view.

It is indeed an interesting question to look at effectiveness of
TDF-spendings. In case it is clear that in house development would
result better work for the foundations goals, that is something we
cannot easily ignore. (I would not be able to set some data there ;) )
But of course other aspects to consider there are: how can TDF be
growing the ecosystem, which I think is one of the most important
challenges of the LibreOffice project, and not compete with the
(Different subject, that as far as I am concerned will be at the table
to work on soon.)

I stated already in another email that tendering produces a lot of
overhead and consumes a lot of TDF/community resources (and also extra

I think you underestimate the costs/overhead of having in house 
developers. And for their work too, it is necessary to plan the 
activity, evaluate milestones and check the results of in-house developers.
I think you also underestimate the advantages commercially driven 
organizations have. (Mind that I'm not at all suggesting that commercial 
organizations are the best choice for everything ;) ).

But please read the mail from László: explanation by real life examples.

This is all not to say that there is no room for in house development 
(as I repeatedly stated). During this discussion (and in fact quite 
early) various areas are noted that are (for obviously market reasons, I 
would say) badly covered by commercial ecosystem. So focus on that, 
definitely helps, without competing with our commercial ecosystem.

But then still: learning managing in house development, cannot be 
underestimated. Also many will try to get their most important features, 
pet-bugs fixed etc.. Needs to be handled in a acceptable way too...

money). Tendering also preclude TDF (and its staff / developers etc.)
from gaining more knowledge about working on the source code etc.

That does not have to be the case. Anyone is free to study the source 
etc. And help is all around.

So the positive and interesting aspect in this subject is to find the
areas where that is the case. And it's clear that those have been
defined. And combining development and mentoring is also good for
growing at least the developer base.

Then the only discussion is: what is a sensible way to effectively
manage in house developers/mentors. And, brushing in my opinion here:
the combined knowledge of code, development, and existing needs, is
best found in our ESC, with its broad composition, open meetings etc.

It should be very clear that only TDF (board, ED) are managing the
in-house developer. They are HR manager and the functional manager
(maybe including some senior staff member). The ESC has no mandate to

I respect your opinion, but I do not agree with it.
The ESC is the place where deep knowledge of the product and development 
is combined. No better place to manage development, I would say.

And in case there is a lot to choose from that is evenly easy/good to 
develop, I think board and ESC are well capable to come up with a 
mechanism to get input from the wider community. (Anyway, that would be 

Re: [board-discuss] Merged proposal for in-house developers at TDF

2022-06-01 Thread Cor Nouws

Hi Andreas,

Andreas Mantke wrote on 31/05/2022 19:49:

I'd be curious to know what would be (from the point of TDF's mission /
statutes) the difference between working on the source code by in-house
developers and by tendering and paying a commercial company for doing
this work?

I only could see the difference that in one case TDF has full control

I do not understand what you mean. What is full control over open source 

and has not to pay for the benefit of a commercial company. And thus in
the first case could get reach more targets / tickets done than in the
latter case from my point of view.

It is indeed an interesting question to look at effectiveness of 
TDF-spendings. In case it is clear that in house development would 
result better work for the foundations goals, that is something we 
cannot easily ignore. (I would not be able to set some data there ;) )
But of course other aspects to consider there are: how can TDF be 
growing the ecosystem, which I think is one of the most important 
challenges of the LibreOffice project, and not compete with the ecosystem.
(Different subject, that as far as I am concerned will be at the table 
to work on soon.)

So the positive and interesting aspect in this subject is to find the 
areas where that is the case. And it's clear that those have been 
defined. And combining development and mentoring is also good for 
growing at least the developer base.

Then the only discussion is: what is a sensible way to effectively 
manage in house developers/mentors. And, brushing in my opinion here: 
the combined knowledge of code, development, and existing needs, is best 
found in our ESC, with its broad composition, open meetings etc.


Cor Nouws, member Board of Directors
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Re: [board-discuss] Merged proposal for in-house developers at TDF

2022-06-01 Thread Cor Nouws

Hi Paolo,

Paolo Vecchi wrote on 28/05/2022 11:25:

The intention here (and I would very much like to support that idea),
is to come up with a merged proposal, which then gets broad support.

Broad support by whom?

Up until Collabora Productivity's general manager came out with his own 
proposal there wasn't much effort being put in it by others in the board.

This is an insinuation and specific framing, not fitting in "Please be 
helpful, considerate, friendly and respectful towards all other 

There has been input from all sides over the past months, and you 
choosing the ones that are 'constructive' and not working with the ones 
you find not 'constructive'. We had that discussion before.

You've been asked recently on this list to try to behave and respect the 
CoC. Please do try.

If there's changes you believe are problematic, please interact with
As above the changes makes it a completely different proposal, just 
rename it.

Process-wise, my call to work out a proposal how to come to a joint
text (in a small circle) is still open.

I've asked many times but still no answer. Will you one day explain why 
you keep wanting to have this process behind closed doors?

The proposal was not to have any process behind close doors (again an 
insinuation..) but to work with Kendy (iirc) to merge all ideas brought 
in the discussion so that there is one proposal to discuss.

For 3 months there were no sides. The community contributed to the 
project and once it was ready the representative of a commercial 
contributor decided to propose a new document.

Similar as above: an insinuation, negative framing and not true.


Cor Nouws, member Board of Directors
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[board-discuss] Re: Drafting Tender "Improve the accessibility checker for PDF/UA"

2022-05-23 Thread Cor Nouws

Hi Olivier,

Olivier Hallot wrote on 17/05/2022 18:03:

I have updated the tender document with the valuable inputs received.

My gratitude to C. Strobbe, S. Mohn and T. Vajngerl for their comments.

The tender document file is now

for more comments and advise.

Thanks for driving this so far and sorry for being late.
In general accessibility check can result in errors, warnings, tips 
and/or more info. It would be great if this can be included somehow in 
already mentioned UI improvements.

In the description of the tender, I would appreciate some more nuance.
While it is true that there is clear room for improving the current 
checker, it is not unreliable for (most) implemented checks and also 
after the work foreseen, there will be topics for which the check does 
not give a full reliable outcome. There's so many nuances in a11y.
So "improve to a state where it is useful for preferably all of the 
situations/documents to check' or something in that direction, would be 
my suggestion.


Cor Nouws, member Board of Directors
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Re: [board-discuss] Drafting job posting for "QA analyst"

2022-05-23 Thread Cor Nouws

Hi Xisco,

Xisco Fauli wrote on 11/05/2022 16:50:

The board would like to work together in public with all of you on this 
job posting before it gets officially published. The current draft is 
therefore shared at

Thanks for that.
I've added some remarks, suggestions and applied few changes.


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Re: [board-discuss] Drafting job posting for "part-time web technology expert"

2022-05-23 Thread Cor Nouws

Hi all,

Florian Effenberger wrote on 23/05/2022 10:38:

Florian Effenberger wrote on 23.05.22 at 10:37:

thanks a lot for your feedback, everyone, and thanks a lot Ilmari for 
driving this!

The latest version is available at

For any last comments and edits, please send them in by Friday this 
week. We then will finalize the job posting and aim for a publication 
possibly next week.

correction: the correct URL is

On May 9 I added some suggestions to the Nextcloud version that 
apparently have gone lost:

* Maintain and improve the user-facing (frontend) part of our (custom) 
web applications and (internal and external focused) websites

* Collaborate with volunteer contributors around the globe.
  => Collaboration is not a task as such, but a way in which the tasks 
are achieved..

* Take care of tools we use for localisation and of accessibility 

* Make our tools usable both with desktop and mobile devices
  => No idea if that is far reaching, in the sense that it can be very 
complicated? So maybe add 'as far as reasonable achievable'

* Follow web technologies and trends and bring them to TDF web services 
with suggesting, discussing and implementation.


Cor Nouws, member Board of Directors
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Re: [board-discuss] Proposal for in-house developers at TDF

2022-05-23 Thread Cor Nouws

Hi Paolo,

Paolo Vecchi wrote on 23/05/2022 13:07:

On 23/05/2022 12:57, Cor Nouws wrote:

It is not the responsibility of the board to micromanage the team.

To evaluate the quality of your proposal.

It would have been the responsibility of other fellow members of the 
board to contribute to a proposal but you may have noticed that the 
community did such a good job that only a few actual proposal from the 
board were deemed necessary.

It looks as if you are thinking in circles ;)

You do not response to the idea to have a trial period etc. 

I believe you missed some of the interactions on board-discuss as the 
answer has been already provided:

Thanks. Mark is making a valuable point there. The trial as mentioned 
there is however based on the persons performing and not on TDF's 


Cor Nouws, member Board of Directors
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Re: [board-discuss] Proposal for in-house developers at TDF

2022-05-23 Thread Cor Nouws

Paolo Vecchi wrote on 23/05/2022 12:49:

Hi Cor,

On 23/05/2022 12:37, Cor Nouws wrote:

It is the boards responsibility to evaluate that.

It is not the responsibility of the board to micromanage the team.

To evaluate the quality of your proposal.

The board has an employees oversight group which already conducts 
appraisals which, when conducted in a fair and objective way, help the 
team in achieving the best outcomes for themselves, TDF and the 
community. During those appraisals we can provide feedback if we think 
that things can be improved.

Hence my proposal for another approach, that can well result in a 
similar situation, but that you sadly didn't respond to for the third 
or fourth time.

You stated that I should have answered questions, that in my opinion are 
answered in page 10 and 11 of the proposal, but I haven't seen from you 
any actual proposal for improvements. Could you point me to your 
proposals in board-discuss just in case I missed them?

You do not response to the idea to have a trial period etc.


Cor Nouws, member Board of Directors
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Re: [board-discuss] Proposal for in-house developers at TDF

2022-05-23 Thread Cor Nouws

Hi Paolo,

Paolo Vecchi wrote on 23/05/2022 11:39:

part of the process of providing constructive feedback is to evaluate 
objectively the information available and then propose improvements.

Then who says what is objective evaluation and what is not?

As described in the document I'm sure that our team, our mentors and our 
ED will do an excellent job in managing the in-house developers and will 
implement corrective actions if they feel that the way they are managing 
their new colleagues needs to be improved.

It is the boards responsibility to evaluate that.
Hence my proposal for another approach, that can well result in a 
similar situation, but that you sadly didn't respond to for the third or 
fourth time.


Cor Nouws, member Board of Directors
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Re: [board-discuss] Proposal for in-house developers at TDF

2022-05-22 Thread Cor Nouws

Hi Paolo,

Cor Nouws wrote on 14/05/2022 00:11:


Paolo Vecchi wrote on 13/05/2022 11:15:

I haven't received any constructive feedback for a while so I presumed 

This puzzles me, Paolo. What do you consider as "constructive feedback"?

I think clarifying this is useful. From what I have read, I could easily 
conclude that mails that give ideas on where developers could work on, 
are considered to be 'constructive feedback', and that mails with 
questions about how we the work of and processes around developers hired 
by TDF should be managed, are considered _not_ to be 'constructive 

(Again - short - I'm a proponent of a clear trial period to learn about 
the questions we've seen and find out if/how that can be handled in a 
way that hiring developers indeed is a reasonable approach to improve on 
the shortcomings in the development, as discussed in the early phase of 
your proposal.)


Cor Nouws, member Board of Directors
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Re: [board-discuss] Proposal for in-house developers at TDF

2022-05-13 Thread Cor Nouws


Paolo Vecchi wrote on 13/05/2022 11:15:

I haven't received any constructive feedback for a while so I presumed 

This puzzles me, Paolo. What do you consider as "constructive feedback"?


Cor Nouws, member Board of Directors
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Re: [board-discuss] [VOTE] ratify board communication best practices document

2022-04-14 Thread Cor Nouws

Hi all,

Thorsten Behrens wrote on 12/04/2022 18:44:

* ratify attached best practices as current board communication
   (verbatim copy from as of 2022-04-12
   1600 UTC)

I failed to follow up on my wish to include text about how we handle 
communication about private board meetings in public. For later..

Vote runs the usual 72 hours, please answer with +1/-1/abstain to this

For now: really glad with this guide line.


Cor Nouws, member Board of Directors
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Re: [board-discuss] Dividing & excluding ...

2022-04-11 Thread Cor Nouws

Hi Paolo,

More than happy - as always - to discus ways to improve. Naturally we 
will then have to distinct between assumptions, anxiety, facts and framing.

Since wisdom in discussions in not a given per see, and confusion may 
settle all too easy, let's at least start in the board.


Paolo Vecchi wrote on 10/04/2022 23:39:

Hi all,

On 10/04/2022 15:01, Cor Nouws wrote:

And while not always perfect, I'm convinced that we are doing a great 
job in working in a fair, compliant, and transparent way.

The system is clearly not perfect and it has been said that changes are 
necessary for a long time so the fact that your are convinced that we 
have been doing a great job seems to indicate that warnings are still 
being ignored.

This is of major importance to help that people and companies feel 

Commercial contributors are surely welcome especially those that work 
out business models that do not base their profitability on tenders or 
in weakening TDF's brands to become monopolies.

Actions that may give the impression that companies are seen as 
threat, are not.

Nobody sees companies as a threat but some representative of the 
commercial contributors in the past wanted to push projects and 
narratives that would have damaged TDF and the wider community, those 
threats have been neutralised after long battles but we must remain 
vigilant as they may be pushed forward again in future.



Cor Nouws, member Board of Directors
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Re: [board-discuss] Dividing & excluding ...

2022-04-10 Thread Cor Nouws

Hi Andreas,

Andreas Mantke wrote on 09/04/2022 14:17:

In an ideal world we would have volunteers with 20 years knowledge and
100% spare time. Unfortunately bills need to be paid and we need to
care about the ecosystem. At least not to work against them.

Yes, TDF needs to care about the ecosystem, but that ecosystem should be
divers and not dominated by only one or two companies.

Of course it is good when there are more companies and more paid 
developers involved. And I think, looking from where we came 
( with one company having ~all the saying and control) I 
understand your concerns about a balance.
Also I think we did a wonderful job by how we set up TDF: it brings 
together all sort of stakeholders, people with all sorts of interest in 
the software we develop and makes sure that it is impossible that any 
single entity has a power that comes only close to what was in the past: 
representation in ESC, Board, MC from one single entity is max 33%.

And how much we as TDF can work to make the community an attractive 
place to be and to invest, so little influence we have on how the 
software market will develop. As is the case for our ecosystem partners 
too. But business people look to the world with different eyes, 
searching for or creating opportunities, which is an art on its own.
No doubt, it is pretty hard for a community, foundation, as TDF, to have 
influence on the powers in the market, other then what we do by our open 
development, efforts in mentoring, and the possibilities and demands of 
the software license.
And of course by tendering parts of development that are good for the 
whole project, but apparently are not picked up y community/ecosystem 
developers. And probably there is even a place for in house development 
to help areas that mostly left orphaned.

Our tenders also bring in a possibility for (relative) new-comers to 
find a place in the community. Tenders have a clear description, people 
around that can give more info, a number of expected number of days 
involved (as set by the ESC and/or developer providing info on the 
wiki). Getting more involved in the development of the software, for 
sure is one thing that may help growing a position in the market around 

And while not always perfect, I'm convinced that we are doing a great 
job in working in a fair, compliant, and transparent way. This is of 
major importance to help that people and companies feel welcome. Actions 
that may give the impression that companies are seen as threat, are not.

Thus TDF needs to
work on a strategy to solve this issue and attract more supplier (small,
mid sized or big). One strategy to get ahead on this topic could it be
to contract full-time developer (by TDF).

Indeed, I really look forward to spent my time for TDF/the BoD on the 
real needs of our community:  how do we get more people in, more 
developers, more companies that put trust in us.


Cor Nouws, member Board of Directors
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Re: [board-discuss] Dividing & excluding ...

2022-04-07 Thread Cor Nouws

Daniel A. Rodriguez wrote on 07/04/2022 13:17:

Are you, the same one who said 'non coders can't talk', ..

I think I explained before, but happy to repeat, that the idea that 
Michael said that, is at least a huge misinterpretation.


Cor Nouws, member Board of Directors
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Re: [board-discuss] [VOTE] Approve the attic proposal

2022-03-24 Thread Cor Nouws


Thorsten Behrens wrote on 24/03/2022 00:20:

calling for an email VOTE on the below final version of the Attic
Proposal. The vote runs for 72 hours, starting now.

Thanks to all involved in the discussion ..

and +1 from me,


Cor Nouws, member Board of Directors
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Re: [board-discuss] Draft text: an "attic" proposal - version 2.0

2022-03-14 Thread Cor Nouws


Thorsten Behrens wrote on 14/03/2022 21:20:

Caolán McNamara wrote:

I tend to agree. I don't think making it trivial to deattic something
by applying a set of superficial commits to a very large code base
which don't achieve meaningful change while f.e. unaddressed security
issues mount up, creating a sort of zombie would be a good idea.

Indeed, the proposal had a large project (like core or online) in

wrt the proposals exact number of devs and commits, I could imagine
that on getting atticed a project is categorized into small, medium,
large with 1, 3, 6 devs required to de-attic if there is genuine
concern about the proposed bar being too high vs a new from scratch

I like this idea. It nicely addresses the problem.

Ah you already made an nice proposal on this matter, Caolán.
Sorry I missed that early in the evening :)


Cor Nouws, member Board of Directors
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Re: [board-discuss] Draft text: an "attic" proposal - version 2.0

2022-03-14 Thread Cor Nouws


Andreas Mantke wrote on 14/03/2022 18:36:

and with the proposal the Android Viewer had to be put the attic and
wouldn't currently get the chance to get out of this state (because only
one developer looking for it).

Fair point. One could think of a way that the activity/nr of devs asked, 
has a relation with the initial project/project from the past.

Emiliano, Thorsten, what do you think?

I created two projects for TDF infra in 2011 (and two further in 2012
and 2013). If you'd ask for the same commitment to start / run this

so that's not the aim, as I explained.

projects as for de-attic a project, this projects wouldn't have been
supported / used by TDF.


Cor Nouws, member Board of Directors
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Re: [board-discuss] Draft text: an "attic" proposal - version 2.0

2022-03-14 Thread Cor Nouws

Cor Nouws wrote on 14/03/2022 17:34:

Hi Andras,

Andreas Mantke wrote on 13/03/2022 16:12:

the quintessence of he proposal would be that a project will at 99,9% or
more wouldn't get out of the attic state inside the TDF resources. The
barriers to de-attic a project and make it an active project inside TDF
are much higher than setting up / starting a new project.

That is true. On the other hand: is it reasonable to compare a new 
project with one that is in attic state?
For a new project - and I think TDF will adopt projects all too swift - 

  will _not_  - that should read of course.

you create a stage so that there is a place to grow, prove oneself.
When a project has been paused at some moment, that will not have been 
done without thinking, consideration, extra efforts to avoid etc. as well.
So based on this, one not make conclusions on the current proposal by 
'comparing' the cases.
For me the clear demands in the proposal are to prevent a situation 
where projects restart without a good change on success, which is IMO 
quite relevant for TDF's good name.


Cor Nouws, member Board of Directors
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Re: [board-discuss] Draft text: an "attic" proposal - version 2.0

2022-03-14 Thread Cor Nouws

Hi Andras,

Andreas Mantke wrote on 13/03/2022 16:12:

the quintessence of he proposal would be that a project will at 99,9% or
more wouldn't get out of the attic state inside the TDF resources. The
barriers to de-attic a project and make it an active project inside TDF
are much higher than setting up / starting a new project.

That is true. On the other hand: is it reasonable to compare a new 
project with one that is in attic state?
For a new project - and I think TDF will adopt projects all too swift - 
you create a stage so that there is a place to grow, prove oneself.
When a project has been paused at some moment, that will not have been 
done without thinking, consideration, extra efforts to avoid etc. as well.
So based on this, one not make conclusions on the current proposal by 
'comparing' the cases.
For me the clear demands in the proposal are to prevent a situation 
where projects restart without a good change on success, which is IMO 
quite relevant for TDF's good name.


Cor Nouws, member Board of Directors
The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin
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Re: [board-discuss] [DECISION] award text layout tender to Collabora

2022-03-09 Thread Cor Nouws

Hi Andras,

Thanks for your mail and interest.

Andreas Mantke wrote on 08/03/2022 18:34:

two questions:
a) who has participated in the voting?
b) who has participated in the decision about the budget item and its

I think this information is important according to the CoI rules of TDF.

As BoD we are always focused on working conform the rules, including 
CoI, and in a respectful way. You know that in the board we are pretty 
keen on that.
Sharing details on how we complied to a subset of the rules, for in this 
case tenders, is odd IMO. And also adding extra layers of administration 
etc. of which I'm not a great fan.

I hope you can understand this,


Cor Nouws, member Board of Directors
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Re: [board-discuss] [VOTE] Approve version 1.3.2 of the CoI policy

2022-03-05 Thread Cor Nouws

Florian Effenberger wrote on 04/03/2022 13:30:

Dear board,

as discussed in 
and in the last board call, the following VOTE is proposed on the 
recently published draft update to the CoI policy [1], to modify our 
Rules of Procedure [2] - such that we reference version 1.3.2 of the CoI 


Cor Nouws, member Board of Directors
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[board-discuss] Representation statement

2022-02-28 Thread Cor Nouws

Hi *,

I, Cor Nouws elected member of the Board of Directors of The Document 
Foundation, hereby and until further notice, nominate the following 
deputies to represent me during board calls and meetings, in the order 
set forth below:

1.1. Ayhan Yalçınsoy
1.2. Gabriel Masei
1.3. Gábor Kelemen



Cor Nouws, member Board of Directors
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[board-discuss] Re: Draft document for TDF in-house developers proposal

2022-02-26 Thread Cor Nouws

Hi Paolo, all,

Paolo Vecchi wrote on 23/02/2022 17:01:

You can find the draft which starts outlining various concepts and lists 
some of the issues we have to address here:

Thanks for sharing that!

From the various quotes/texts under ‘Rationale’, there are some that I 
consider real arguments to consider hiring developers and others 
expressing random support, but no arguments.
To me, most pressing is improving the work in areas that are badly 
covered now, so bugs, accessibility issues and maybe some features.
Another option, though it is to be seen of that can be realistically 
combined with the first, is areas like mentoring and new contributors 
Various things I read are a sort of: we need in house developers because 
we need them. It’s an argument too, but not the type I’m looking for.

Then taking – as example – this one: “This drop in contributions, taking 
the Commercial group back to the 2018 levels, clearly indicates that we 
need to work to foster new contributors with the help of new in-house 
developers and mentors.” On what grounds is the statement that this 
‘clearly indicates that..’ made? Of course, it could be a possible way 
to achieve that goal, yes, could be.
A goal that “internal developers which will both increase the speed of 
development and will help with the on-boarding of new external 
commercial, corporate and volunteer contributors” also will come with 
some requirements and/or circumstances to make that work, I guess. And 
also that hiring by TDF is (likely to be) a very/the most effective way 
to achieve those.
I struggle to understand “The additional positive side of creating a 
team of in-house developers is that TDF will be able to accumulate and 
share knowledge and become the neutral forum where all contributors can 
exchange information and learn how to contribute better and more to 
LibreOffice.” I think this is not meant to say that the current 
LibreOffice development/team is not providing that?

Among the various concerns that have been shared, and not only by 
commercial contributors.., for me the most problematic are having a good 
and realistic process to steer the work, and without possibly 
introducing in-house fighting left and right, as well as effectiveness 
of the spending, knowing the challenges for larger/complex code work.

As expressed before, I’m willing to support a clearly defined trial 
since I consider that a good way to learn what is realistic and what is 
just wishful thinking.


Cor Nouws, member Board of Directors
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Re: [board-discuss] Advisory Board Membership of Rubitech-Astra

2022-02-26 Thread Cor Nouws

Hi all,

It is of course good and necessary that we take action here.
What Putin is doing is clearly wrong. Of course one could have 
discussions on the international political situation that plays a 
certain role, but that doesn't change my opinion on this act of 
violence. Also for me it is encouraging that many people in Russia speak 
up against this war. Doing that is known to be risky and thus brave and 
I - at a safe distance - would not dare to expect from anyone to follow 
the example. Then the fact the people work in military/defense industry, 
doesn't necessarily make them in favor of what is happening now. I know 
people that work there because they consider it wise to prepare to 
defense in case one is being attacked. Further more, we know from recent 
wars (Yugoslavia, Syria, etc. ) that very good friends became enemies 
after the powers in that country (the word 'leader' is misplaced there 
IMO) started a war. Therefore, whatever the TDF statement will be, I 
find in valuable to (try to) interact with the people involved that are 
with us in the AB.
Furthermore for me the discussion deserves that awareness of the 
limitations of 'moral right choices'. There are many topics which have 
important moral aspects (I love them) that can lead to very lengthy and 
interesting discussions with 'only' arbitrary decisions in the end. And 
still the talking and listening is valuable, because it helps us to 
learn; maybe even to learn peace.

Thanks for all input - much appreciated!
& greetings,


Cor Nouws, member Board of Directors
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Re: [board-discuss] Advisory Board Membership of Rubitech-Astra

2022-02-26 Thread Cor Nouws

Hi Simon,

Simon Phipps wrote on 26/02/2022 12:23:

Thanks to the Board for this prompt action. Lothar's proposal for 
further steps was a good one. Will TDF be following his proposal?

I appreciate Lothars proposal in many aspects.
No doubt the board will discuss the situation and next steps (early) 
next week.


Cor Nouws, member Board of Directors
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Re: [board-discuss] [DISCUSS] Proposed update for the CoI Policy: version 1.3.2

2022-02-24 Thread Cor Nouws

Hi all,

Paolo Vecchi wrote on 24/02/2022 09:06:

On 24/02/2022 03:19, Thorsten Behrens wrote:

How do you suggest we move this forward then? The current state of the
policy is still considered not ok for some.
All of us read and accepted to be bound by the current version of the 
CoI Policy by being a member of the Board of Directors.
I believe no one in the current board has any problem with it or 
wouldn't have ran for a board position.

Life can be so complicated at times ;)

I do not see a reason not to support the small improvements that are in.


Cor Nouws, member Board of Directors
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Re: [board-discuss] Enable TDF to contribute more code to LibreOffice with in-house developers to address our donors specific needs

2022-02-15 Thread Cor Nouws

Ah - my mail crossed Simons one.
Killing this part of the thread now ;)

Cor Nouws wrote on 15/02/2022 17:05:

Hi Mike, *,

Mike Saunders wrote on 15/02/2022 16:01:

So some kind of bounty system may help to create a more direct link 
between users (especially donors) and developers. But then Ilmari has 
written about issues with FOSS bounty platforms before: 

Indeed, it is not all that easy.

So I don't know what the solution is, but as someone who's monitoring 
our social media channels, Reddit and other things every day, I see a 
huge number of feature requests. Many end up on Bugzilla as 
enhancement requests too, of course.

While working on the TDC plan, one of the elements was a channel to 
bring users, bounties, BugZilla issues and freelance developers 
together, also with the idea to grow the pool of LibreOffice developers.


Cor Nouws, member Board of Directors
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Re: [board-discuss] Bounty Programme/Fund

2022-02-15 Thread Cor Nouws

Hi Simon, *,

Simon Phipps wrote on 15/02/2022 16:39:

Back in the day, one proposal for handling this was to have a seperate 
tendering programme for community-initiated feature requests, funded 
with the income from putting LibreOffice in the Mac & Windows App stores.

The features to be implemented would be community-sourced, converted 
from request to proper proposal by a staff member (possibly also funded 
from the app revenue), validated by ESC and then voted by users The user 
voting would require sufficient "karma", e.g. from answering on user 
forums or by virtue of being a Trustee, or possibly by donating to the 
fund. We had hoped to prefer "new" contributors in the tendering 
process, and also make it agile enough to not require a specialist 
sales-person to participate.

That's the undetailed synopsis; I think I have a longer description 
somewhere in a haunted folder if the new Board is interested.

Yes that what I just wrote in the old thread :) : a channel to bring 
users, bounties, BugZilla issues and freelance developers together, also 
with the idea to grow the pool of LibreOffice developers.


Cor Nouws, member Board of Directors
The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin
Gemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts
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Re: [board-discuss] Enable TDF to contribute more code to LibreOffice with in-house developers to address our donors specific needs

2022-02-15 Thread Cor Nouws

Hi Mike, *,

Mike Saunders wrote on 15/02/2022 16:01:

So some kind of bounty system may help to create a more direct link 
between users (especially donors) and developers. But then Ilmari has 
written about issues with FOSS bounty platforms before:

Indeed, it is not all that easy.

So I don't know what the solution is, but as someone who's monitoring 
our social media channels, Reddit and other things every day, I see a 
huge number of feature requests. Many end up on Bugzilla as enhancement 
requests too, of course.

While working on the TDC plan, one of the elements was a channel to 
bring users, bounties, BugZilla issues and freelance developers 
together, also with the idea to grow the pool of LibreOffice developers.


Cor Nouws, member Board of Directors
The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin
Gemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts
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Re: [board-discuss] Enable TDF to contribute more code to LibreOffice with in-house developers to address our donors specific needs

2022-02-15 Thread Cor Nouws

Michael Meeks wrote on 10/02/2022 19:08:

On 10/02/2022 14:53, Daniel A. Rodriguez wrote:

This reminds me of a comment by MMeeks where he made reference to the 
fact that those who do not code have no say. Which is a total absurdity.

 That has slipped my memory.

Mine too ;)

Then I imagine what Daniel thought to remind, is a (irresponsible) 
simplification of a complex situation.
Black-white: "users only use and developers do everything so they 
decide." Reality: "there is a huge variety of users and developers and 
the process of developing is more than (the fine and complex art of) 
TDF as community is set up around meritocracy: people that do the work 
have a saying. And it is up to us to make all work smoothly :)

Also: at the moment, there is no mechanism in place run bounties by e.g. 
bundling of donations of users. Would we have that, then it could be a 
way to allow donations to steer (a tiny bit of) development. Lacking 
that, it is the competence of the board to take care for good spending 
of the donations.



Cor Nouws, member Board of Directors
The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin
Gemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts
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GPD key ID: 0xB13480A6 - 591A 30A7 36A0 CE3C 3D28  A038 E49D 7365 B134 80A6
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Re: [board-discuss] Re: Enable TDF to contribute more code to LibreOffice with in-house developers to address our donors specific needs

2022-02-15 Thread Cor Nouws

Paolo Vecchi wrote on 15/02/2022 12:47:

Now that we know we want in-house developers, the team and the 

It is recognized that in-house developers (...) may be a (partial) 
solution some of the issues we face.
So I really look forward to the proposal you are working on that will 
address all the ideas and questions we saw in the discussion so far.


Cor Nouws, member Board of Directors
The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin
Gemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts
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GPD key ID: 0xB13480A6 - 591A 30A7 36A0 CE3C 3D28  A038 E49D 7365 B134 80A6
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Re: [board-discuss] Enable TDF to contribute more code to LibreOffice with in-house developers to address our donors specific needs

2022-02-09 Thread Cor Nouws

Thorsten Behrens wrote on 09/02/2022 18:11:

sophi wrote:

Do you have any insight into why the community has not chosen to fix the
issue please?

Reading through the bug (which was only an example) and other contributions,
I don't think we can say that the community has not chosen to fix their

Wasn't that meant to be tendered?


Cor Nouws, member Board of Directors
The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin
Gemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts
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Re: [board-discuss] Enable TDF to contribute more code to LibreOffice with in-house developers to address our donors specific needs

2022-02-08 Thread Cor Nouws

Hi Andras,

Andreas Mantke wrote on 08/02/2022 18:58:

The best person that can teach you how to fish is an experienced

My example would be fruit grower and fruit picker (after all, the apple 
came before the fisherman ;) ) but apart from that:

but it wouldn't improve the situation, if - like today - the experienced
fisherman / fishermen take every new talented fisher immediately from
the free software developer (volunteer) market.

Could be. After all it is one of the ideas behind for example GSoC.
On the other hand, in case it works out like that, it is good news on 
two fronts: apparently the commercial ecosystem party has enough income 
to hire someone extra; and also there still will be budget for us to 
hire mentors.
We also know that developers from commercial ecosystem parties are 
involved in getting mentors up to speed. So the whole picture does not 
have to look that bad, I think.

So spending that are intended to further grow the possibility of 
(relative new) developers to contribute (by mentoring, tooling, events), 
are a strong impulse to grow that side of the developer community and 
enabling more working people to help with code they think is useful.

Thus there is now chance for a divers market with a lot of small and
local businesses around the LibreOffice project. Thus the (business)

I remember we discussed possibilities in the past, that would enable 
relative independent new developers to get funded for work on 
LibreOffice. I think that is a good idea to grow the commercial ecosystem.

user of LibreOffice will not get the opportunity to choose between
different service provider.

Compared to various other open source projects, TDF/LibreOffice isn't 
doing that bad.
On the other hand, we can't blame projects for how they work as long as 
people are free to study, change, share, fork, ..

If this situation will not change immediately the LibreOffice
certification program will not give a competitive edge.

I love TDF for its work: being the place where all stakeholders meet and 
try to bring the best in the shared projects.
Then with my experience in a broad variety of commercial, volunteer and 
public entities, I'm far from convinced that it leads to anything good 
when a foundation tries to bend the forces that drive a commercial market.


Cor Nouws, member Board of Directors
The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin
Gemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts
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Re: [board-discuss] Counterproposal to the "actization" of LibreOffice Online

2022-01-17 Thread Cor Nouws
Paolo Vecchi wrote on 15/01/2022 20:56:

> Maybe you missed the point here.
> Some of us actually worked hard to prepare the ground to help others
> trying to act in a fair and balanced way but after months of work and
> negotiations someone decided that solidarity wasn't a priority.

Another perspective on that: "You rushed into the board with proposals
that would allow non-contributors to start competing with one of the
major contributors, by making use of the LibreOffice brand."
And .. then you were surprised that it wasn't welcomed with applause :)


Cor Nouws
Business Development
Collabora Productivity Ltd.
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Re: [board-discuss] Counterproposal to the "actization" of LibreOffice Online

2022-01-17 Thread Cor Nouws
Paolo Vecchi wrote on 15/01/2022 20:56:

> Maybe you missed the point here.
> Some of us actually worked hard to prepare the ground to help others
> trying to act in a fair and balanced way but after months of work and
> negotiations someone decided that solidarity wasn't a priority.

Another perspective on that: "You rushed into the board with proposals
that would allow non-contributors to start competing with one of the
major contributors, by making use of the LibreOffice brand."
And .. then you were surprised that it wasn't welcomed with applause :)


Cor Nouws, member Board of Directors
The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin
Gemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts
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GPD key ID: 0xB13480A6 - 591A 30A7 36A0 CE3C 3D28  A038 E49D 7365 B134 80A6
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Re: [board-discuss] Draft text: an "attic" proposal

2022-01-07 Thread Cor Nouws
Hi Andreas,

Andreas Mantke wrote on 07/01/2022 20:28:

> Am 07.01.22 um 18:11 schrieb Cor Nouws:
>> (...)
>> I'd like to mention that one of TDF's main goal is to foster a
>> sustainable developers community. (...)
> I'd recommend to read through paragraph 2 of the statutes. The goals of
> TDF are written down there.

Sorry for my rough summary, Andreas. I realized myself later, and
corrected it in the other mail.


Cor Nouws, member Board of Directors
The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin
Gemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts
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GPD key ID: 0xB13480A6 - 591A 30A7 36A0 CE3C 3D28  A038 E49D 7365 B134 80A6
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Re: [board-discuss] Draft text: an "attic" proposal

2022-01-07 Thread Cor Nouws
Paolo Vecchi wrote on 07/01/2022 19:47:
> Thank you for your valuable contribution Cor.
> On 07/01/2022 18:11, Cor Nouws wrote:
>> To add to that: in the meeting where you proposed to change the
>> situation, you expressed a clear conviction that other open source
>> projects show that it is perfectly possible to have a similar paid
>> product and a free product side by side, without breaking the economics.
>> After it was suggested (among others by me) to come with good examples,
>> solid plans, before breaking anything, you said you would do that.
>> I'd like to mention that one of TDF's main goal is to foster a
>> sustainable developers community. So any proposed change in the way of
>> working, can of course only be considered if it comes with solid report
>> on that subject.
>> Still waiting...
> I'm not sure why you say you are still waiting.

It's easy to spend a lot of words that do not give a single insight on
the question if your proposed changes are respecting the boards duty to
foster a sustainable meritocratic community.


Cor Nouws, member Board of Directors
The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin
Gemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts
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GPD key ID: 0xB13480A6 - 591A 30A7 36A0 CE3C 3D28  A038 E49D 7365 B134 80A6
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Re: [board-discuss] Draft text: an "attic" proposal

2022-01-07 Thread Cor Nouws
Paolo Vecchi wrote on 07/01/2022 17:08:

> Very brief summary of the events:
> Back in March 2020, other new board members and I, started making
> enquiries in regards to why we weren't making available an up to date
> LOOL to the community. We were clearly "advertising" LOOL on the website
> ...

To add to that: in the meeting where you proposed to change the
situation, you expressed a clear conviction that other open source
projects show that it is perfectly possible to have a similar paid
product and a free product side by side, without breaking the economics.
After it was suggested (among others by me) to come with good examples,
solid plans, before breaking anything, you said you would do that.
I'd like to mention that one of TDF's main goal is to foster a
sustainable developers community. So any proposed change in the way of
working, can of course only be considered if it comes with solid report
on that subject.

Still waiting...


(Possibly others may have time or interest to rebut other 'single side
framed' details of your mail)

Cor Nouws, member Board of Directors
The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin
Gemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts
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GPD key ID: 0xB13480A6 - 591A 30A7 36A0 CE3C 3D28  A038 E49D 7365 B134 80A6
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[board-discuss] Re: Acceptance of role in the Board of Directors

2022-01-07 Thread Cor Nouws
I, Cor Nouws, elected director of the board of The Document Foundation,
hereby accept this position within the Stiftung bürgerlichen Rechts. My
term will start February 18, 2022.

Signed: Cor Nouws

Ich, Cor Nouws, gewähltes Mitglied des Vorstands der The Document
Foundation, nehme mein Amt innerhalb der Stiftung bürgerlichen Rechts
an. Meine Amtszeit beginnt am 18. Februar 2022.

Unterzeichnet: Cor Nouws

Marina Latini wrote on 07/01/2022 00:10:
> Dear Cor Nouws,
> let me first take this opportunity to personally congratulate you for
> having been elected as member of the board. Then I kindly invite you to
> officially accept your position in the board by answering to this
> message with a "Reply to all".
> On behalf of the Membership Committee,
> Marina Latini

Cor Nouws, member Board of Directors
The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin
Gemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts
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Re: [board-discuss] Candidacy to the BoD elections: Cor Nouws

2021-11-25 Thread Cor Nouws
Ah well, there should of course be only one Cor standing for the Board ;)

Cor Nouws wrote on 25/11/2021 22:45:
> Dear people, dear members,

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[board-discuss] Candidacy to the BoD elections: Cor Nouws

2021-11-25 Thread Cor Nouws
Dear people, dear members,

All good things come in threes: for the third time I would love to stand
for the elections of the Board of Directors.

Often I tell people about my enthusiasm and gratitude for our community.
What we have set up in 2010 with The Document Foundation, turned out to
be marvelous: a wonderful combination of all sorts of stakeholders.
Because we took advantage of the lessons learned in the years before,
diversity and inclusion of multiple vendors is anchored in our statues.
So we bring together people and organizations with all sorts of
backgrounds, with interest in free office software and open document
standards, in a community that respects the principles of meritocracy.

I love to continue working on further growth by again serving in a team
of board members. To that extend, I bring with me a wide experience in
all sorts of societies, foundations and representing bodies, helping
judging the balance in all situations. And not less important: a long
history in our community.
After having worked in the community, involved in a nice
mix of volunteering in QA, marketing, local activities, I had the honor
to be one of TDF's founders. Spending less time for QA etc - alas - but
having served many years in the MC and now two terms in the BoD. The
work for my small Dutch open source office service provider Nou
evolved as well. Still helping a rich set of small to large customers
around LibreOffice, most of my work is now for Collabora Productivity.

All good things come in threes: TDF Lives, that we are Free People, and
together we Pursuit Improving!

Full name: Cor Nouws
Corporate affiliation: Nou, Collabora Productivity

<75 words statement:

It would love to continue continuing contribute to the Board and the
wider community for the third time. Using my long experience in the
LibreOffice community and using my broad background in other
foundations, groups etc. With an open mind for what our world of today
and tomorrow is asking for, respecting the foundations unique position,
great variety of interests, meritocratic nature and its principles of
freedom and inclusiveness.

warm greetings,


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[board-discuss] Candidacy to the BoD elections: Cor Nouws

2021-11-25 Thread Cor Nouws
Dear people, dear members,

All good things come in threes: for the third time I would love to stand
for the elections of the Board of Directors.

Often I tell people about my enthusiasm and gratitude for our community.
What we have set up in 2010 with The Document Foundation, turned out to
be marvelous: a wonderful combination of all sorts of stakeholders.
Because we took advantage of the lessons learned in the years before,
diversity and inclusion of multiple vendors is anchored in our statues.
So we bring together people and organizations with all sorts of
backgrounds, with interest in free office software and open document
standards, in a community that respects the principles of meritocracy.

I love to continue working on further growth by again serving in a team
of board members. To that extend, I bring with me a wide experience in
all sorts of societies, foundations and representing bodies, helping
judging the balance in all situations. And not less important: a long
history in our community.
After having worked in the community, involved in a nice
mix of volunteering in QA, marketing, local activities, I had the honor
to be one of TDF's founders. Spending less time for QA etc - alas - but
having served many years in the MC and now two terms in the BoD. The
work for my small Dutch open source office service provider Nou
evolved as well. Still helping a rich set of small to large customers
around LibreOffice, most of my work is now for Collabora Productivity.

All good things come in threes: TDF Lives, that we are Free People, and
together we Pursuit Improving!

Full name: Cor Nouws
Corporate affiliation: Nou, Collabora Productivity

<75 words statement:

It would love to continue continuing contribute to the Board and the
wider community for the third time. Using my long experience in the
LibreOffice community and using my broad background in other
foundations, groups etc. With an open mind for what our world of today
and tomorrow is asking for, respecting the foundations unique position,
great variety of interests, meritocratic nature and its principles of
freedom and inclusiveness.

warm greetings,


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Re: [board-discuss] [VOTE] Approve version 1.3.1 of the CoI policy

2021-11-23 Thread Cor Nouws
Thorsten Behrens wrote on 24/11/2021 00:41:
> Dear directors, all,
> calling for a VOTE on the just-published draft update to the CoI
> policy [1], to modify our Rules of Procedure [2] - such that we
> reference version 1.3.1 of the CoI policy:
> ---
> Preamble
> In addition to § 7, (5) of the statutes, the Board of Directors hereby
> agrees on the following rules of procedure. Notwithstanding any
> regulations in the statutes, this document defines board processes,
> decision making, as well as sharing and delegation of board tasks.
> Binding part of these Rules of Procedure is the Board’s Conflict of 
> Interest Policy: 
> Should elements of the Rules of Procedure be in collision with the
> Conflict of Interest Policy, the rules of the Conflict of Interest
> Policy always shall prevail.
> ---
> According to § 1, 2. of said Rules of Procedure, this vote runs for
> one week, until December 1st, 2021. After approval, the amended Rules
> of Procedure will be published and enter into immediate effect.
> [1] 
> [2]



Cor Nouws, member Board of Directors
The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin
Gemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts
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GPD key ID: 0xB13480A6 - 591A 30A7 36A0 CE3C 3D28  A038 E49D 7365 B134 80A6
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Re: [board-discuss] Conflict of Interest Policy

2021-10-11 Thread Cor Nouws
Hi Emiliano, all,

Emiliano Vavassori wrote on 08/10/2021 11:37:

> The proposed amendments were known to the full Board before publishing
> and the proposed policy has been in discussion for over a month. Since
> there was no unanimous consensus about it, but a fully shared
> understanding that a written CoI policy is needed, I proposed the vote.

More then the length of a discussion, I would suggest to look at if
there is the understanding in the board that all topics have more or
less been discussed so that there are ~no questions left, only maybe
that members have a different opinion on the facts.

(Apart from that, I'm not convinced - as explained before - that a
written policy will help to improve the work of the board; at least it
is not the fact that something is on paper, that will make possible
problems disappear.)

> So we have to start somewhere. A similar policy has been prepared by
> fellow members drawing from years of experience in various bodies,
> reviewed directly by our legal consultant (mandated by the Board itself)
> and then voted by the MC with a large majority. We then asked our legal

What I asked myself recently: when the MC worked on this, clearly also
with the intention to prepare it for the board, would it not have been a
good strategy, and a sign of transparency, to discus it/parts with the
board right away?

> I really appreciate your activity in the project and the Foundation. I
> will welcome very thankfully your involvement (and by extension, of any
> other volunteer) for the future versions of a CoI Policy. We already
> discussed how to make changes in a future version, but as said, we need
> to make a start with an initial version.

Various members have expressed their concern earlier that with the
proposed version, members of the BoD with interest in how the policy
reads, may be excluded from voting about future versions, simply, if the
majority of the board decides they are in a CoI situation.

> For myself, I am eager to start discussing it right after the vote.

The world upside down ;)

Cor Nouws, member Board of Directors
The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin
Gemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts
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GPD key ID: 0xB13480A6 - 591A 30A7 36A0 CE3C 3D28  A038 E49D 7365 B134 80A6
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