Re: [board-discuss] Privacy Mission Statement

2018-06-18 Thread Norbert Thiebaud
On Mon, Jun 18, 2018 at 5:22 PM, Thorsten Behrens
> Florian Effenberger wrote:
>> the Board of Directors has discussed and approved a Privacy Mission
>> Statement [..]
> Thx Florian & team for tirelessly working on this rather substantial
> document!
> In this day and age, I'm glad we're taking a stand for privacy and
> freedom not only with the software we publish, but also on how we run
> our websites & services.

2.3 Private hardware and software may only be used within the scope of
the operating procedures for telecommuting/home office for the
processing of personal data.

'may only be used' means that anything that does not match the
specified conditions is verboten.

"within the scope of the operating procedures for telecommuting/home
office for the processing of personal data."
is not something comprehensible to me.


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Re: [board-discuss] [DISCUSS] change of travel policy wrt. kilometers driven

2016-03-23 Thread Norbert Thiebaud
On Wed, Mar 23, 2016 at 1:34 PM, Thorsten Behrens

> Perhaps even a bit more explicit: "When cheaper public transportation
> is available, it should be preferred. Transporting event materials or
> excessive transfer times might be reasons for exemption. If in any
> doubt, please get confirmation before travel."

Getting confirmation _before_ travel should be the rule not the
exception, to get travel assistance funds.


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Re: [board-discuss] Re: [tdf-members] Preliminary results 2015 Elections TDF Board of Directors

2015-12-13 Thread Norbert Thiebaud
On Sun, Dec 13, 2015 at 10:38 AM, Thorsten Behrens
> Cor Nouws wrote:
>> The proper results should read:
>> Directors are the candidates, in this order: Marina Latini, Michael
>> Meeks, Thorsten Behrens, Jan Holesovsky, Osvaldo Gervasi, Simon Phipps,
>> Eike Rathke.
>> And as deputies: Norbert Thiebaud, Bjoern Michaelsen, Andreas Mantke.
>> My apologies for the initial announcement and thanks to all people that
>> responded.
> As someone affected by this change: I accept the new ranking, and
> trust the MC is doing the right thing here.

As someone affected too, I concur with Thorsten.


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Re: [board-discuss] Questions for the candidates to the board of directors of the Document Foundation

2015-11-27 Thread Norbert Thiebaud
On Mon, Nov 2, 2015 at 4:38 PM, Charles-H. Schulz
> Dear candidates to the board of directors of the Document Foundation,
> 1. Do you commit yourself to have enough time and the necessary
> technological tools in order to participate to the regularly scheduled board
> calls?
I have made the time in the past five years for the ESC, for the
Membership Committee, for which I wrote the 'technological tools', and
for the BoD.

> 2. Do you commit yourself to follow up and work on (at least) the main items
> and actions you have volunteered to oversee or that have been attributed to
> you by the board?

Yes, by 'volunteering' to do a task, by definition I commit myself to
doing it... No I do not commit myself to be designated volunteer and
be 'attributed' task without my consent. In practice I have a very
good attendance record, and I tend to deliver what I promise and try
not to over-promise.

> 3. What are your views on the foundation's budget? How should the money be
> spent, besides our fixed costs?

There is no reason to exclude our 'fixed' cost of the analysis.
In fact, rampant increase of fixed/recurring cost is a concern to me,
as such can make it painful to adjust our expense level to a
fluctuating income stream.
as for how the money should be spent: as I said in my earlier statement:

+ Favor spending directed directly to support the community of
volunteer to have the tools needed to work, to be able to communicate
and interact with each other.
+ Favor project driven by volunteer committed to bring them to
fruition. In other work, helping those that are helping themselves

In other words: if you need resource to support your volunteer
efforts, you'll find a sympathetic hear.
If you just want money to be thrown at a problem, but are not willing
to actually do anything about it yourself... then I'm much, much more

> 4. Should we work towards broadening our pool of contributors, both
> technical and non-technical?
Why the artificial divide ? and why the focus on this particular axe.
Of course the more _contributors_ the better. There are plenty of
activities that can benefit from even more contributors, all of them
are 'technical' in their own right, from Documentation to Coding, from
QA to l10n, from Infra to RelEng, each of these activities and plenty
others, need skills and hard work, each require the mastery of some

In any case it is misunderstanding the role and power of the board, to
reduce the growing of the community to the Board's will.

> 5. Should the Foundation -as an entity distinct from the LibreOffice project
> or the Document Liberation project- engage into growing its influence and
> promoting and defending Free Software and Digital Freedom? It is, after all,
> an integral part of its mission per its very Statutes.

It is a bit troubling when you answer your own questions.

Of course what the statues actually say is:
"spreading the philosophical and cultural ideals of FLOSS"

I certainly agree with that.

> 6. How do you view your (potential) role as a member of the board of
> directors, given that this position does not give you any specific
> functional role inside the LibreOffice or Document Liberation projects?

I view my role in the BoD as a steward. My goal is to make sure that
the 10's of thousand of 10 euros donations entrusted to us by
individuals all over the world are spent wisely and fairly -- within
the legal constraints imposed on the foundation -- on things that
support the community that make these projects exists and thrive.
The board is not a group of exalted visionaries. The board is an
administrative body whose function is to insure and orderly
functioning of the Foundation itself -- work which mostly consist in
administrative trivia.
The foundation's purpose is to provide a home to the community of
volunteers.. the volunteers are the one that bring visions and
direction by they collective work.
The BoD is not a 'leader' it is a 'Shepard'

> 7. What is the biggest problem of the foundation in your opinion? What is
> its biggest opportunity?

Both boils down to the same topic.
On one hand the foundation benefit from a wide support by the public,
providing it with substantial financial support, on the other hand,
as a foundation we have some difficulties to 'execute'. We are a
volunteer and meritocratic organization. that means, to me, that we,
as a board, should support the volunteer that show up to work, and
discourage the make-a-whish attitude.


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Re: [tdf-core] [board-discuss] Marketing Budget Approval for FUEL GILT 2015

2015-10-25 Thread Norbert Thiebaud
On Sun, Oct 25, 2015 at 2:02 PM, Charles-H. Schulz
> Le 25 octobre 2015 16:40:31 GMT+01:00, Italo Vignoli  
> a écrit :
>>FUEL GILT is one of the largest conferences focused on localization
>>issues, and is organized by a number of TDF community members in India
>>(those who have attended the conference in Aarhus). They have invited
>>Sophie and myself to attend the conference, and the idea is the I
>>2015 and Sophie attends 2016, to foster the connection with the Indian
>>NLP and promote LibreOffice and ODF in the Indian market.
>>The conference happens in Chennai (Madras) on November 20-22, and I
>>present a paper on LibreOffice localization (edited with Sophie's
>>precious help) and one on the ODF document standard (and associated
>>issues, such as free fonts for interoperability).
>>Travel expenses will be lower than 1,000 Euro (flight is around 600
>>Euro, hotel is less than 75 Euro per night, and other expenses are low
>>in comparison with Europe).
>>For more information on FUEL:
>>I ask Charles to approve the expense from the marketing budget.
> Excellent idea. Approved.

Guys, do you actually keep track of 'the marketing budget' ? or is it
just assumed to be bottomless ?


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[board-discuss] Candidacy

2015-10-22 Thread Norbert Thiebaud
Dear members,

I'll be seeking another term in the upcoming BoD election.

I've been a volunteer in the project since its creation five years
ago. These days, aside from my duties on the Board, I mostly work on
Infra, particularly the tools and systems used by the developers (
gerrit, continuous integration, automated testing, ). I also do
the Releases for the MacOSX platform and some coding, mostly low key
clean-up and other fairly easy hacking.

I am unaffiliated, that is, I do not work for a company doing business
on or around libreoffice, nor do I have any other  professional or
financial interest in any of TDF endeavors.

I intend to continue to further the policies consistent with my vision
of the role of the Board:

+ Foster an environment designed to help people willing to volunteer,
to do good and productive work.

+ Be financially conservative, with the long term financial
sustainability of TDF in mind.

+ Favor spending directed directly to support the community of
volunteer to have the tools needed to work, to be able to communicate
and interact with each other.

+ Favor project driven by volunteer committed to bring them to
fruition. In other work, helping those that are helping themselves.

Norbert Thiébaud aka shm_get

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Re: [board-discuss] Design team leads

2014-06-19 Thread Norbert Thiebaud
On Thu, Jun 19, 2014 at 10:56 AM, Mirek M.  wrote:
> Hi,
> Astron told me that the idea to have positions within the design team was
> not well-received and that I should discuss it with you. What do you find
> problematic about having positions within the team?
> To be clear, leads would be there to make sure that things get done, that
> the process by which they get done produces the best results, and to resolve
> controversial issues if they arise.

Just to pile up on what has already said:
'lead' has a loaded history in the project
so is the bestowing of 'title'.

That being said, as a team, the notion of coordinator is not offensive
per se, and as long as it is a de facto acknowledgement of a actual
function and not a de jure title it is perfectly fine imo.
But one is such coordinator because he/she is actually 'coordinating'
with the approval and agreement of the people being coordinated (no,
no need for an election or such.. if you need a formal election it is
already a 'fail')
This is a natural extension of the meritocratic principle at the core of TDF.


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Re: [board-discuss] vote on travel policy changes

2014-04-10 Thread Norbert Thiebaud
On Thu, Apr 10, 2014 at 5:00 AM, Florian Effenberger
> Hello,
> as a follow-up to the previous discussion, I'd like to ask the board to vote
> on changes to our travel policy. I actually have two requests, and ask to
> vote on them together.



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[board-discuss] Re: [VOTE] Rules of Procedure changes

2014-02-21 Thread Norbert Thiebaud
On Fri, Feb 21, 2014 at 9:18 AM, Thorsten Behrens
> The draft text was not fully ready during our board call on Wednesday,
> I'd therefore ask the new board plus deputies to vote via email on
> this list:



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[board-discuss] Re: Accepting my position in the Board

2014-01-01 Thread Norbert Thiebaud
I, Norbert Thiébaud, elected [Deputy] Director of the Board of The
Document Foundation, hereby accept this position within the Stiftung
bürgerlichen Rechts "The Document Foundation". My term will start
on the 18th of February 2014.

 Signed: Norbert Thiébaud


 Ich, Norbert Thiébaud, gewähltes [Ersatz-]Vorstandsmitglied der The
 Document Foundation, nehme mein Amt innerhalb der Stiftung bürgerlichen
 Rechts "The Document Foundation" an. Meine Amtszeit beginnt am 18.
 Februar 2014.

 Signed: Norbert Thiébaud

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[board-discuss] Re: Nominating Norbert Thiebaud for the Board of Directors

2013-11-05 Thread Norbert Thiebaud
On Mon, Nov 4, 2013 at 5:28 PM, Thorsten Behrens
> Hi,
> I'd very much like to nominate Norbert for the upcoming board of
> directors election.

I gladly accept the nomination, and would be honored to be elected to
serve on the Board.


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[board-discuss] Nominate Lionel Mamane

2013-10-27 Thread Norbert Thiebaud
I'd like to nominate Lionel Mamane for the upcoming Board of Directors election.

Lionel as been an active volunteer contributor to the project for 3
years, becoming our de-facto Base maintainer.
He is very smart, patient, considerate and has demonstrated a capacity
to work well with others.
I believe that these qualities will make him a very good Borad member.


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Re: [board-discuss] asking permission to use name / logo

2013-09-06 Thread Norbert Thiebaud
On Thu, Sep 5, 2013 at 4:36 AM, Cor Nouws  wrote:
> 5. Enclosed you find a document with three possibilities for a 'logo' at the
> header of the website of the trainingcenter.
>   A is the one that a designer drafted after my initial info.
>   B is extended mentioning OO
>   C is a different approach.

For Info:
In the attached document, C looks bad on mac with lo4.0... the Text
LibreOffice -  has blank zone around it that 'erase the underlying
'Door Nou&Off'

in B the color of 'en OpenOffice' is not quite the same than the one
of 'Trainincenter and the fact that the later is a bitmap and the
former a text also shows in the sharpness of the edges of the

A looks ok, modulo the grainy font edge due, I suspect to the logo
being a png and not a svg


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Re: [board-discuss] new BoD call time due to daylight saving time

2013-03-31 Thread Norbert Thiebaud
On Sun, Mar 31, 2013 at 8:07 AM, Olivier Hallot

> UTC is very handy, believe me.

Sure I find the whole DST mess stupid to start with...

but... _practically_ the meeting time is adjusted so that it always
occurs at the same CET time. so the announce could be made using UTC
for convenience, but in fact that UTC time has changed and will change
according to the DST setting of CET... so instead of figuring out how
many hours behind 3,4,5 you are from CET, you have to pay attention to
the specific UTC time of the meeting, which will vary up to 2 hours
depending on the specific date of the meeting.

1/ I re-iterate that the reference time can be a certain CET time, and
yet the announce can contain UTC time for convenience
2/ And the end of the day that was just a suggestion... that I made
because we were running into the same problem with ESC meeting... I
have no strong feeling about it... especially for a meeting that I
rarely attend to start with :-)


Re: [board-discuss] new BoD call time due to daylight saving time

2013-03-30 Thread Norbert Thiebaud
On Sat, Mar 30, 2013 at 3:32 AM, Florian Effenberger
> Hi,
> Norbert Thiebaud wrote on 2013-03-29 18:09:
>> may I suggest, to avoid that twice-yearly dance, to set the time based
>> on CET once and for all.. rather than UTC with 2 adjustment a yer when
>> CET switch in and out of DST.
> I specifically went for UTC, as I have received many complaints in the past
> from people who did not clearly know what CET is (particularly from Northern
> America). CET 

> I think UTC as reference time fits best, since it's an
> international standard.
Well, the issue here is that UTC, of course, does not have that funky
'daylight-saving' thing... so if you pick UTC then you will have to
ask for a vote like this 2twice a year for the foreseable future...
Note: you can announce the time in UTC but still have an agreement
that the time is _based_ on a CET time... so that you won;t have to do
a vote for a 'change' twice a year.


Re: [board-discuss] new BoD call time due to daylight saving time

2013-03-29 Thread Norbert Thiebaud
may I suggest, to avoid that twice-yearly dance, to set the time based
on CET once and for all.. rather than UTC with 2 adjustment a yer when
CET switch in and out of DST.


On Fri, Mar 29, 2013 at 7:55 AM, Florian Effenberger
> +1 from my side, of course
> Florian Effenberger wrote on 2013-03-29 13:53:
>> Hello,
>> in many countries, this Sunday daylight saving time will start again. In
>> order to keep the effective time of the board calls constant, I'd hereby
>> like to have a quick vote. My request is to change the call time from
>> 1600 UTC to 1500 UTC.
>> The complete request:
>> The TDF BoD calls will take place every 2nd Wednesday at 1500 UTC,
>> starting on April 3rd, 2013, and are scheduled to run for one hour.
>> Florian

Re: [board-discuss] FTP space for LibreOffice Server Install GUI

2013-03-16 Thread Norbert Thiebaud
On Sat, Mar 16, 2013 at 2:54 AM, Florian Reisinger  wrote:
> I am really sorry, but I don't have the slightest idea how to do that.

It would be usefull to investigate... surely there is a way to do
unattended build, even on windows.

> It
> might be helpful for you to know what I do to release a new version: Open
> Visual Studio 2012 for Windows Desktop | Build --> Publish  |
> (A wizard opens. I enter the FTP Url I want it to be published -> I enter
> the download URL -> I agree, that the software should be available online +
> offline -> Finish
> Build starts --> Prompt opens, asking me for FTP username + password -->
> Waiting a second (till everything is uploaded --> A webpage opens when
> everything is finished. Everyone using the program get a Update prompt and
> are able to download it...

There is 2 separate task: building the porduct... and uploading it.
scipting the upload is not too much of a problem...
scripting the build... well it is windows, so who knows...

> IMHO a daily would be non-sense as everyone would be forced to use a
> daily... (See above)

a daily build does not really mean _daily_ first a buildbot only build
if there is something 'new' and will only upload if it build...
and we can make the buildbot monitor the master branch to do just
plain build (for verification purpose)
and a 'release' branch that will only see new commit when you are
ready to release a new version... which will then be built + uploaded.

The only way to scale, is to automate. so anything that require
someone to sit in front of a screen and click-wait-click-wait-click is
not good.
It may sound not to bad when you have just one small project, with one
platform supported and little change rate... but now imagine dozen of
these, and lo itself that see 50+ commit a day with 4-5 platforms and
typically 2 release branches + master...


Re: [board-discuss] FTP space for LibreOffice Server Install GUI

2013-03-15 Thread Norbert Thiebaud
On Fri, Mar 15, 2013 at 4:32 PM, Florian Effenberger
> Hi,
> Florian Reisinger wrote on 2013-03-15 20:57:
>> I continue to work at gerrit. I just wanted to ask, when I am able to
>> re-publish my program? (In other words: When I am able to publish @TDF
>> FTP?)
> if I understood Norbert right, the plan is to host it inside our git
> repository?

Sure, but the build artifact need to be uploaded... most likely in
gimli somewhere...

Florain (Reisinger)
what does it take to build your project ? can out make a cygwin-based
shell scrip to run a build  ? (ideally stored in the porject itself)
in that case I could have one of the tinderbox to build the project on
occasion and upload the binary artefact somewhere... the 'same' way we
do daily build of lo.

It may be possible to set-up something so that you could trigger that
from gerrit itself...  or even maybe using jenkins and a windows (VM)
slave... david may have an idea about that, since he is developing
gerrit buildbot-plugin that way... (well, except for the windows part)


Re: [board-discuss] FTP space for LibreOffice Server Install GUI

2013-03-08 Thread Norbert Thiebaud
On Fri, Mar 8, 2013 at 8:04 AM, Florian Reisinger  wrote:
> Am 05.03.2013 09:45, schrieb Florian Reisinger:
>> Hi,
>> [...]
>> "SI-GUI" maybe??
> Do I have the rights to do "git push" IMHO not...

4 days ago I asked you:
1/ I need you to register to and send me the
email you used to register (so I can give you proper ACL on the new

I have no received such information, so I can not possibly assign
'rights' until I know which user to assign it too.


Re: [board-discuss] FTP space for LibreOffice Server Install GUI

2013-03-05 Thread Norbert Thiebaud
On Mon, Mar 4, 2013 at 6:06 PM, Thorsten Behrens
> Florian Reisinger wrote:
>> So I am asking for TDF webspace as a place for releasing the
>> program. As the current size is extreamly low, I wouldn't need more
>> than 50 -70 M to keep ~30-50 version of the program itself + some
>> auto-generated files by VisualStudio.
> Hi Florian,
> appears folks are generally happy with that - though we would like to
> ask you to move the git repo over to our gerrit (with some more added
> benefits ;)).
> Also, please add proper license headers to all source files (if you
> are the sole author, you are free to do so). The preferred
> LibreOffice license is this:
> /* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- 
> */
> /*
>  * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
>  *
>  * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
>  * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
>  * file, You can obtain one at
>  */
> /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */
> (adjust comment style to file type in question, of course).

Adding headers etc. is fine... but the project is already licensed
under LGPLv3 which is fine for the purpose.
So I don't think there should be a requirement of re-licensing here.


Re: [board-discuss] FTP space for LibreOffice Server Install GUI

2013-03-04 Thread Norbert Thiebaud
On Mon, Mar 4, 2013 at 6:06 PM, Thorsten Behrens
> Florian Reisinger wrote:
>> So I am asking for TDF webspace as a place for releasing the
>> program. As the current size is extreamly low, I wouldn't need more
>> than 50 -70 M to keep ~30-50 version of the program itself + some
>> auto-generated files by VisualStudio.
> Hi Florian,
> appears folks are generally happy with that - though we would like to
> ask you to move the git repo over to our gerrit (with some more added
> benefits ;)).


1/ I need you to register to and send me the
email you used to register (so I can give you proper ACL on the new
2/ Can you pick a repo name that is not insanely long..
LibreOffice_Server_Installation_GUI  is really too long for confort.
losig.git maybe ?

to give you an idea here are the kind of repo names we have so far



Re: [board-discuss] FTP space for LibreOffice Server Install GUI

2013-03-04 Thread Norbert Thiebaud
On Mon, Mar 4, 2013 at 8:08 AM, Florian Effenberger
> Hi,
> However, someone has to check Florian's product and see if it fits into TDF.

So, I have not looked into deep details (and I won't since it is in
C#). but on principle it seems to address a useful problem: helping
people do QA more easily on windows
by helping them having multiple version concurrently... iow allowing
them to test a new version without messing with the stable version
they rely upon.

I would not mind hosting the source repo on gerrit... and then we
could poly host the binary on gimli... neither of them are big.
This is not unprecedented, we are doing that for few 'satellite'
pieces already like cppunit and others...
The difference being mostly hosting 'binaries'... which incurs an
extra layer of 'trust'...

So, my personal opinion is, we should encourage and support such
satellite project, whose main aim is to make thing easier for QA
people on windows... and QA is a very important thing, anything we can
do to get more people involved and productive there is a 'good thing'


Re: [board-discuss] FTP space for LibreOffice Server Install GUI

2013-03-02 Thread Norbert Thiebaud
On Sat, Mar 2, 2013 at 3:49 AM, Florian Reisinger  wrote:
> Thanks for helping out. If you have any question, don't hesitate and ask as
> I am subscribed to this ML..

The first question would be: what is the license ? I looked in the
repo on github but did not see any information regarding any licensing


Re: [board-discuss] Development Budget Request

2013-02-12 Thread Norbert Thiebaud
On Tue, Feb 12, 2013 at 6:30 AM, Florian Effenberger
> Hello,
> Thorsten Behrens wrote on 2013-01-29 18:25:
>> In total, the request would be, for 2013, a budget of
>>   ** 8.000,00 € **
>> for this setup (plan is to start with one EX4 and then ramp it up,
>> thus we don't incur the full cost in the first months).
> because installing your own Windows with Hetzner is a tedious if not
> impossible task, or you have to rent expensive licenses, we are evaluating
> various options right now. Norbert is currently working on a donated machine
> to see if we can virtualize everything and if that particular machine can be
> used. There's also another sponsor offer available that might work out.
> Therefore, I propose we hold off from this for the moment, and request a new
> budget when required. Given we have approx. 30.000 € unallocated for the
> 2013 planning, this should work out.

Well, in the request above there was also
1/ a couple of these EX2 to be use for linux gerrit buildboxing
2/ budget to get a Mac to do release on a TDF owned and controlled
box, which will also help for builbot when not doing release build.
(on top of the 2 I already provide)

These two should still move along...
Beside, I would ask that the above budget be 'reserved' until the
situation clarify. if we find way to do it cheaper great... but I
would not want to be stuck until next year because everything has been
spent already, nor would I like for us to have to dig in the reserve
for that predictable and anticipated need.


Re: [board-discuss] Development Budget Request

2013-02-09 Thread Norbert Thiebaud
On Sat, Feb 9, 2013 at 4:33 AM, Florian Effenberger
> Hi,
> I'll check with my admin colleagues if there's a solution, otherwise we need
> to find another hoster for those boxes. (Although I am really scared of
> having a Windows 7 box directly connected to the Internet, but that's a
> different story...)

Actually that later point is indeed scary... so maybe so solution to
both is to run W7 in a vm on a minimalist host OS, with ~all ressource
allocated to that one vm.
I could not find clear and convincing pages about the impact of vm vs
native... but I think we can at least give it a shoot on one box to
see what kind of build perf we get.


Re: [board-discuss] Development Budget Request

2013-02-08 Thread Norbert Thiebaud
On Fri, Feb 8, 2013 at 11:38 AM, Florian Effenberger
> Hi,
> Thorsten Behrens wrote on 2013-01-29 18:25:
>> We looked into some offers, and it seems e.g. Hetzner's EX4 is
>> economical in terms of spec/price ratio
>> , and goes for 49.00 € / month including VAT.
> [..]
>> In total, the request would be, for 2013, a budget of
>>   ** 8.000,00 € **
>> for this setup (plan is to start with one EX4 and then ramp it up,
>> thus we don't incur the full cost in the first months).
> Is a Gigabit connection required for the machines? I doubt, but wanted to
> clarify, since that would add 39 € per month per machine.


> Plus, dues the above sum take into account the fee of a Windows Server
> license for those machines? Since we cannot bootstrap this on our own (i.e.
> cannot install a separatedly bought Windows license), and virtualization is
> not desired, we need to take Hetzner's offer here, which costs 15 € per
> month for web edition and 25 € per month for standard edition.

Then we need to find another provider.


Re: [board-discuss] 2013 budget as of today

2013-01-29 Thread Norbert Thiebaud
Note : the budget above does not include yet a line for builbot


Re: [board-discuss] Splashscreen & Startscreen proposals for the 4.0

2013-01-28 Thread Norbert Thiebaud
On Mon, Jan 28, 2013 at 8:34 AM, Italo Vignoli  wrote:
> So, votes should happen only on mailing lists. We can decide to get the
> random opinion of users on Google+, but it should be clear that this is
> not going to have the same value as the same concept expressed on the
> mailing lists.

If I may suggest: wile I favor 'poll' to get input about what the
mebership at large thinks of different proposal... as _one kind_ of
input to the decision process.
I would rather not such poll to be 'binding' votes

Unfortunately 'logo' and other design element are prone to
bikesheeding... everybody has an opinion, everybody is an expert... so
using 'us' the membership as guinea pig to get some feed-back is one
thing.. but delegating that decision to a 'general' vote seems not
that great to me.


Re: [board-discuss] Format of the BoD votes announcement

2013-01-02 Thread Norbert Thiebaud
On Wed, Jan 2, 2013 at 11:00 AM, Joel Madero  wrote:
> I'm wondering if this would cause a "group think" mentality within the BoD.
> I know that if a name is public, being the only dissenter might dissuade a
> current or future BoD from dissenting.

Dissenting are usually not expressed at the vote level, but usually
during the discussion prior to the vote.
more often than not the vote reflect the consensus...

> Ultimately I'm wondering how much
> adding names helps the project move forward.

As I said earlier. in a representative system the 'representee' need
to have a way to make an educated decision to choose the ones
representing them.
The voting record of an incumbent candidate is an important piece of
information with that regard.

> I know that we adhere to a very
> open policy but with voting, sometimes anonymous really encourages the best
> deliberation.

Not withstanding the fact that our statute call for public BoD
meeting, except for limited cases, in any case voting _is_ public.
The information is already mostly there... just not in a form that is
easy for the membership to process.
Some vote occurs online, some other occurs on public conference
call... on rare occasion there can be vote during in-person meeting of
the BoD
in any case the result of such vote are posted on the ML. The only
proposed difference is that these 'result' be a bit more complete as
to allow the membership
to get a better picture of what their representatives are doing... and
since they do vote for individual and not a 'group', the voting record
of each BoD member is important.

Beside adding the name would also provide a easier, less error prone,
for each BoD member and interested observer, to make sure that the
'minutes' are correct, at least wrt the voting record. (it is easier
to detect that your name is in the wrong column, rather than deduce
that based on the Yeah/Nay count)

And yes... the vast majority of votes are unanimous... that is
expected since most of the votes are not controversial in nature, and
a well functioning BoD would search for a consensus before getting to
a vote... iow function primarily as a consensus based entity not a
'majority rule' entity.
But if that good pattern where to be disrupted in the future, the
Board of Trustee (the members) will have to try to remedy things at
the following election, and again, the voting record in this scenario
would be a useful tool to make an educated decision.

It is better/easier to establish 'good practice' and 'precedent' while
we have well functioning institutions.


Re: [board-discuss] Format of the BoD votes announcement

2013-01-02 Thread Norbert Thiebaud
On Wed, Jan 2, 2013 at 4:23 AM, Tom Davies  wrote:
> Hi :)
> but there are times
> when a vote needs to be taken anonymously.

Can you give a concrete example of such time ? I mean for a BoD vote.
note: there is a distinction between private deliberation, temporarily
non-public and 'anonymous' BoD vote.
I can think of cases where the 2 former are justified or necessary,
for privacy concern or legal reasons... but I can't think of a case
where the later would be justified.


[board-discuss] Format of the BoD votes announcement

2012-12-21 Thread Norbert Thiebaud
I'd like to suggest that the summary of the BoD vote as exemplified
below be slightly changed to included nominative informations relative
the the vote.

In a representative democratic system, like it is the case here, where
the BoD represent the Board of Trustee, It is important that the
represented body can evaluate how it is being represented by each
candidate it designated to do so, in order to be able to make and
educated decision during the following election.

Certainly today such information is mostly available in the ML by
parsing the individual +1, or by listeneing to the recording of the
Bod meeting and again extracting the vote from there... but that is
quite a time consuming an error prone process, and surely we want the
acces to information to the Board of Trustee to be as low as possible,
so that the Board of Trustee can make the most informed decision as

So I would recommend that future summary recorded Vote by the BoD
include the name associated with the vote. I edited the example below
with fictional names as an example.
This is just an example, and I'll be satisfied with any variations one
may prefer that fulfill the goal : nominative voting record :-)

On Fri, Dec 21, 2012 at 7:03 AM, Florian Effenberger
> Hello,
> The Board of Directors at the time of voting consists of 7 seat holders
> without deputies. In order to be quorate, the vote needs to have 1/2 of the
> Board of Directors members, which gives 4.
The Following Board of directors member have participated in the vote:

John, Phillip, Robert (representing Jean) and Caroline.

For a total of 4 member: The vote is Quorate

> A quorum could be reached with a simple majority of 3 votes.
> Result of vote:
 3 approvals: John, Robert, Caroline
 0 neutral
 1 disapprovals. Phillip

> Decision: The request has been accepted.

Note: if the decision is unanimous one can have

Result of the vote: unanimous approval/disapprovals

To avoid re-naming everyone participating in the vote.


PS: 'private decisions', if any, should be the object of the same
summary vote and posted in the BoD private list as the decision is
made, and forwarded to the BoD-disucss list as soon as the rational
for the 'private' status become moot.

Re: [board-discuss] Incoming call: LibO at nonprofit

2012-10-25 Thread Norbert Thiebaud
On Thu, Oct 25, 2012 at 10:38 AM, Florian Effenberger
> Florian Effenberger wrote on 2012-10-25 10:36:
>> Volunteers?
> From the board, MC and their deputies, that is; otherwise I cannot share the
> call details, since it was directly to TDF and therefore should not be
> shared with third parties

Hummm, every member of the Board of Trustee would qualify no ?


Re: [board-discuss] Fwd: Conference Moderator

2012-10-14 Thread Norbert Thiebaud
On Sun, Oct 14, 2012 at 7:58 AM, Simon Phipps  wrote:
> Dear Board,
> This proposal has been discussed on the Conference list and is unopposed.
> Please will you consider selecting a person to act as LibreOffice Conference
> Moderator as described below?

If they agree, I would suggest the Thorstens (both of them) for the job...


[board-discuss] Re: [tdf-core] change in membership confirmed by authorities

2012-07-18 Thread Norbert Thiebaud
Now that TDF is fully established, It is time to perform the final step of the
bootstrap process and to have a membership-elected MC.
I that spirit, I hereby resign from the Membership Committee.
I will continue to carry on my MC duty until such time as a duly
elected  Membership Committee is in place.


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Re: [board-discuss] Travel Expenses Reimbursement Policy

2012-06-19 Thread Norbert Thiebaud
On Tue, Jun 19, 2012 at 4:31 PM, Jean Weber  wrote:
> The Travel Expenses Reimbursement Policy
> ( appears to
> say that if one chooses not to fly the cheapest way, or chooses to
> stay at an expensive hotel, then no reimbursement at all will be
> allowed.
> I would think that the policy should say something like "only the cost
> of low-cost economy airfare will be reimbursed;

That open the doors to 'what _is_ the cheapest fare' ? what degree of
reasonableness should be applied ( the 'cheapest' fare could entail 3
stop and an overnight lay-over...
and cheapest _when_ ?... on a typical flight there are more fare than
there are seat on the plane...)

I think the trick is to get approval _before_ the fact with a
'budgeted cost'... and reimbursement would be 'up-to' and approved


Re: [board-discuss] membership application/language and supporters

2012-05-31 Thread Norbert Thiebaud
On Thu, May 31, 2012 at 7:55 AM, David Emmerich Jourdain
> If the MC need help to translation, I think I can help, 'cause I have
> knowledge in some languages. I already had offered my help in another
> situation and I offer again, if the MC wishes.

As I said earlier, that should not emanate from the MC

What you are welcomed to do is to work within the community to let
them know that you can help them interact in English with the MC if
they need it.
Doing so will help the MC and also that means that you would probably
have a better understanding of who the candidate are and what they
did, so the MC can ping you for clarification if need be.

The other thing, which is not MC-related, is to make sure that the
statues are translated and available... on the Wiki I supposed would
be a nice place for them...


Re: [board-discuss] membership application/language and supporters

2012-05-30 Thread Norbert Thiebaud
On Wed, May 30, 2012 at 9:41 AM, Florian Effenberger
> Hello,
> However, most of us is not all of us, and indeed it is one of our strenghts
> that we have a wide, open and diverse community, active in many countries
> and on many languages. I really feel uncomfortable excluding people who
> contribute to the success of LibreOffice and the foundation, "just" because
> they don't speak English.

Just to be clear: It is not my position that we should be
"excluding people who contribute to the success of LibreOffice and the
foundation, "just" because they don't speak English."

But, as far as communication with the MC, for membership purpose, I do
not want to put the burden on the MC to find translator to be able to
handle request in any languages.
Presumably someone, who does not speak English, must be active and
interacting with other local people, and surely at least one of them
must speak enough English to help them fill the form properly, and
decode the answer they receive from the MC.

> While of course the main language of the MC should be English, finding ways
> of having "proxies", people helping to translate, would be very much
> welcome.
I would suggest that the burden to find such proxy is on the
applicant... and that is actually an exhibit of proper interaction
with the community.

> I think practically, we can do it similar to the statutes. The "official"
> form and rules are in English, but for convenience, we can provide localized
> versions, given we find volunteers to translate them. The "binding"
> variants, however, should solely be the English ones then (except for legal
> texts, but that's another topic I don't want to touch here...).

Agreed, but without exception :-)


Re: [board-discuss] membership application/language and supporters

2012-05-23 Thread Norbert Thiebaud
On Wed, May 23, 2012 at 5:59 AM, drew jensen  wrote:
> On Tue, 2012-05-22 at 08:25 -0500, Norbert Thiebaud wrote:
>> On Tue, May 22, 2012 at 5:36 AM, sophie  wrote:
>> > This is what language communities are supposed to do : give those who don't
>> > speak English a chance to be part of the project. We can't rely only on
>> > English speaking people to grow the community and represent it every where
>> > in the world. This is why settling each of our actions on an i18n point of
>> > view first is very important.
>> That conjure to me the following quote (from a brazillian TDF member
>> on the aooo-dev ML)
>> "4 - Suddenly, TDF was requesting that every person who wanted to be called
>> a "contributor" should fill a agreement request in order to be
>> "recognized". So we became to be concerned about that huge amount of people
>> who contributed and didn't want to fill a formal agreement to a foreign
>> organization that don't speak their language and has a lot of "channels",
>> many of them obscured.
>> 5 - In addition, people who we were fighting bacame key persons in TDF. One
>> of them became a "brazilian" member of the BoD, with 70 votes, when
>> brazilian accepted members in Brazil were less than 15 and most of them
>> didn't vote for him."
>> Which, to me, indicate that the language barrier is being use and
>> abuse to mislead (*), and the underlying 'nationalism' is disturbing
>> to me. the notion the TDF should be the UN with 'national
>> representative' is pretty scary (**) :-(
> Hi Norbert
> I think you make too much of the statement from one person. Some people
> will leave in a huff, no matter what policies are in place.


I quoted the statement above not for the specific of the case but for
its illustration value:

> I also think that what you refer to as a problem with Nationalism is
> not,

let me narrow the quote:
"One of them became a "brazilian" member of the BoD, with 70 votes, when
brazilian accepted members in Brazil were less than 15 and most of them
didn't vote for him.""

isn't the author arguing that a BoD candidat that happen to have
nationality X must have the majority support of the members that also
share that irrelevant trait.
and reciprocally, isn't the author complaining that the artificial (in
our context) subgroup defined by that irrelevant criteria is not
properly represented as such ?

Considering that the irrelevant criteria in question is 'National
Origin', how is Nationalism not an accurate description ? Maybe
'Chauvinism' ?

To go back to the original issue:

1/ I have no problem with TDF developing alternative way to
'recognize' people. But that is more a Internal Marketing/Community
Management topic than a MC topic.
2/ Volunteer can translate and help people that do not know any
English, including our Statue/Bylaw and other Foundation related
document, actually I'd encourage that, as it would help avoid some
confusion, apparently.
3/ I have a practical problem receiving Application/Renewal request in
anything but English. English is _not_ my native language, but that is
a practical, and relatively simple(*), working language. And as much
as I would like to, I cannot be expected to speak all the language of
the planet, nor is any MC member. So, official/formal communication,
like membership application and renewal, must practically be en
English. I'm very open to review and correction so that we avoid
Idioms and other complex formulation is such documents, but it shall
still be in English nonetheless.

(*)I've dabbled with few languages, by curiosity... I took German and
Latin in  middle school, I did a short stint of Spanish.. I even
glanced at Russian, Japanese and Chinese...
English, as it turns out if a pretty simple language. Very little
grammar, almost no conjugation, no declination, fairly limited
vocabulary... as a consequence it is fairly easy - compared to other
languages -  to reach a level that allow written communication.


Re: [board-discuss] membership application/language and supporters

2012-05-22 Thread Norbert Thiebaud
On Tue, May 22, 2012 at 3:57 AM, Cor Nouws  wrote:
> Hi all,
> When inviting people in the Dutch language community to consider membership
> of TDF, two items showed up.
> 1. Not all active people are familiar enough with the beautiful English
> language to feel comfortable to use the application page (& related info).
>  > has partial translation been considered, and if not, can it be?

>From a practical stand-point, the only actual prerogative of members
is their ability to vote for BoD and MC.
How could one make an educated decision as to whom to vote for without
basic understanding of who the candidates are and what they stand for,
hence, in most case, without understanding of basic English ?

> 2. Not all supporters are active in a way that they feel like applying form
> membership.
>  > the idea 'supportive membership' has been mentioned before.
>  Has it been discussed too?

I'm not sure what that means... can you elaborate ?


PS: I do think that current member should 'invite' people they know to
be active to become member (and drop a heads-up/recommendation email
to the membership committee).
PS2: the main problem with non-conventional 'activity' is the ability
of the MC to objectively measure it... having existing member vouching
for such activities would go a long way, I think, in making that

Re: [board-discuss] next BoD call on Wednesday

2012-03-05 Thread Norbert Thiebaud
On Mon, Mar 5, 2012 at 11:39 AM, Norbert Thiebaud  wrote:
> At the very least, one could, once and for all, until revoked, make a

actually one _should_ , since missing a call is not always a planned event :-)


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Re: [board-discuss] next BoD call on Wednesday

2012-03-05 Thread Norbert Thiebaud
At the very least, one could, once and for all, until revoked, make a
'standing deputy list statement' for the record.

The internet, 

In case I cannot attend a meeting:
I designate X to be my deputy
if X is not available or already represent someone else, I designate Y
if Y is not available or already represent someone else, I designate Z

This list is valid until the end of my term, or until I revoke it.


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Re: [board-discuss] AB-Member and ESC-Member on TDF-Website

2012-02-28 Thread Norbert Thiebaud
On Tue, Feb 28, 2012 at 1:58 PM, drew jensen  wrote:
> In the case of individuals a meeting of the AB in their capacity as
> members of the ESC,

no, no you are conflating two distinct issues.
disclosure requirement for AB members and disclosure requirement for
ESC member...


PS: just being invited to speak at an AB meeting does not make one an AB member.

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Re: [board-discuss] Rules of Procedure

2012-02-27 Thread Norbert Thiebaud
On Mon, Feb 27, 2012 at 3:26 PM, Florian Effenberger
> Hi Norbert,
> Norbert Thiebaud wrote on 2012-02-27 20:35:
>> but please point me to the law that said that a Stifung cannot enter
>> into any binding contract, have any internal procedures, that are not
>> written in german...
> Those Rules of Procedure and the Community Bylaws are both
> included/referenced via the legally binding statutes of a German entity.
> While these two documents itself are not subject to approval by the
> authorities as the statutes have been, of course the authorities need to
> have a chance to read them, otherwise we could write totally contradictory
> things inside. Like, in the German statutes we write that objective criteria
> must be met, and in the Aramaic addendum we write "We only add members if we
> they pay at least 1.000 € in donations".
> Therefore a quick shot, although that might be the wrong quote:
> § 23 VwVfG, Verwaltungsverfahrensgesetz: "Die Amtssprache ist deutsch." =
> "The official langage is German."

Section 1 Scope

(1) This Act shall apply to the administrative activities under public
law of the official bodies:

1. of the Federal Government and public law entities, institutions and
foundations operated directly by the Federal Government,

2. of the Länder and local authorities and other public law entities
subject to the supervision of the Länder where these execute federal
legislation on behalf of the federal authorities,

where no federal law or regulation contains similar or conflicting provisions.

(2) This Act shall also apply to the administrative activities under
public law of the authorities referred to in paragraph 1, no. 2 when
the Länder of their own authority execute federal legislation within
the exclusive or concurrent powers of the Federal Government, where no
federal law or regulation contains similar or conflicting provisions.
This shall apply to the execution of federal legislation enacted after
this Act comes into force only to the extent that the federal
legislation, with the agreement of the Bundesrat, declares this Act to
be applicable.

(3) This Act shall not apply to the execution of federal law by the
Länder where the administrative activity of the authorities under
public law is regulated by a law on administrative procedure of the

(4) For the purposes of this Act "authorities" shall comprise any body
which performs tasks of public administration.

But even if it was applicable

Section 23 Official language

(1) The official language shall be German.

(2) If applications are made to an authority in a foreign language, or
petitions, evidence, documents and the like are filed in a foreign
language, the authority shall immediately require that a translation
be provided. Where necessary the authority may require that the
translation provided be made by a certified or publicly authorised and
sworn translator or interpreter. If the required translation is not
furnished without delay, the authority may, at the expense of the
participant, itself arrange for a translation. Where the authority
employs interpreters or translators, they shall receive remuneration
in accordance with the appropriate provisions of the Judicial
Remuneration and Compensation Act (Justizvergütungs- und
–entschädingungsgesetz, JVEG).

(3) If a notice, application or statement of intent fixes a period
within which the authority is to act in a certain manner and such
notifications are received in a foreign language, the period shall
commence only at the moment that a translation is available to the

(4) If a notice, application or statement of intent received in a
foreign language fixes a period for a participant vis-à-vis the
authority, enforces a claim under public law or requires the
fulfilment of an action, the said notice, application or statement of
intent shall be considered as being received by the authority on the
actual date of receipt where at the authority's request a translation
is provided within the period fixed by the authority. Otherwise the
moment of receipt of the translation shall be deemed definitive,
unless international agreements provide otherwise. This fact should be
made known when a period is fixed.

only means that if we wanted to enter the bylaws as evidence, we would
need to provide the german authority a translated version, not that
that translated version has to be our official 'master' version.


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Re: [board-discuss] Rules of Procedure

2012-02-27 Thread Norbert Thiebaud
On Mon, Feb 27, 2012 at 3:29 PM, Florian Effenberger
> Hi,
> Norbert Thiebaud wrote on 2012-02-27 20:35:
>> Our bylaws are an internal non-german-legal document that we use as
>> _our_  constitution. it is not meant to be used in court.
> wrong.
> I recall one rule where the board is not allowed to change the bylaws in
> case of a dispute, until that dispute is settled. (Don't nail me down on the
> exact wording here...) If the worst case happens, someone could claim that
> in court.

Yes but what would be disputed in court if anything would be the fact
that the BoD did not honor the block, which should be a statute side
thing, and not the object of the block (i.e the actual change of the
bylaw. iow the things being blocked could be a logo (no language), and
the rational still apply. the court does not need to understand the
content of the change to rule on whether the change was procedurally

In my mind the court should be involved only to rule on the form of
the decision process, not on the content of the bylaws.

furthermore, isn't there already a wordage to indicate that the bylaws
cannot overrule the statue. iow we could have a bylaws that says: in
order to be a member you need to pay a $1000 fee.
Such rule would be valid as long as it does not contradict the statues...

My argument is not that the bylaws have precedence over the statute,
but that the English version of the bylaws is the reference version:
if there is a doubt in what the bylaws means, the English version
govern, since that is the one that _has_ been approved by the
membership and not the version translated in German or any other


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Re: [board-discuss] Rules of Procedure

2012-02-27 Thread Norbert Thiebaud
On Mon, Feb 27, 2012 at 12:45 PM, Florian Effenberger
> I told you how the legal system works. You can either believe it or not.
> However, it makes sense you trust the local guy, which is me. ;-)

I'm not a trusting guy, and that kind of answer is exactly what I want to avoid.
The 'because I said so' argument did not work for me in Sunday's
school when I was a kid, it is still not working for me now.
but please point me to the law that said that a Stifung cannot enter
into any binding contract, have any internal procedures, that are not
written in german...

(note: this has nothing to do with 'Florian'. these are precedent
setting decisions... and who knows who will be the one in the future
that will hold the 'because I said so' pulpit )

> Nobody said running an international entity is an easy task, but I think
> we're doing good. As long as we have proper translations, everything is
> allright.

No it is not, we already had some 'oops what the German version
_really_ means is' moments.

So how do you expect me and other members to vote on something when I
do not know what I am voting on ?

My understanding is that the German legal system is there to enforce
the statute: that is the part that explain how we select the board,
how we kick a board member out, how we alter the statute.

Our bylaws are an internal non-german-legal document that we use as
_our_ constitution. it is not meant to be used in court. it is meant
so that members can have an informed opinion about what can be done,
how it is done, and decide if the executive branch (BoD) is within the
bound of the spirit of these bylaws or is going astray... at which
point the membership has the ability to ultimately kick the BoD out
and _that_ process is legally described in German, so that it can get
enforced by the German court.
No German court (or any other court for that matter) should be
involved in 'deciding' what our bylaws means. that is a reserved right
of the membership as a whole.
If the membership disagree with the interpretation of our bylaws by
the BoD it has the ability to preempt that decision and/or to 'recall'
a BoD member and/or to amend the Bylaws.
no external entity involved.


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Re: [board-discuss] Rules of Procedure

2012-02-27 Thread Norbert Thiebaud
On Mon, Feb 27, 2012 at 12:23 PM, Florian Effenberger
> Hi,
> Norbert Thiebaud wrote on 2012-02-27 19:14:
>> May i ask that the official languages for anything but the official
>> statute be English(*).
>> iow. the binding version of the rule of procedure, bylaws etc..
>> (everything but the official berlin state approved statues) be the
>> English one.
>> There is nothing more frustrating than 'oh, but the German version
>> does not quite say that, it really does not translate quite well, what
>> it_really_  means is...'
> unfortunately, the documents referenced by the statutes of our German entity
> need to be German in their main, legally binding version.

Why ? these are extra-internal documents not subject to Berlin state
review right?
So they can be in Sanskrit  if we choose to.

You cannot ask our membership to vote to approve a text they cannot
read. the community bylaw that will be vote upon _have_ to be the
english one. that is the only version that is voted-upon and agreed to
by the membership, hence it _is_ the binding version.


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Re: [board-discuss] Rules of Procedure

2012-02-27 Thread Norbert Thiebaud
On Mon, Feb 27, 2012 at 5:40 AM, Florian Effenberger
> I have the version the German association uses here. It will not fit 1:1,
> but it might serve as a starter. I'm sending it to you via private mail,
> Charles, as well as all other German BoD members. Maybe someone can help
> with translating, since it's in German only. Otherwise, Google translate
> might be a starter for a (very) rough overview. ;-)

May i ask that the official languages for anything but the official
statute be English(*).

iow. the binding version of the rule of procedure, bylaws etc..
(everything but the official berlin state approved statues) be the
English one.

There is nothing more frustrating than 'oh, but the German version
does not quite say that, it really does not translate quite well, what
it _really_ means is...'


(*) common English, not legalese English. that is the meaning of the
words must be the commonly understood meaning, not a special
legal-context meaning, even if that require more words to express.
These documents are our own, they should not require a law degree to
interpret, nor should it be acceptable to have argument like 'you're
not a lawyer... trust me this _really_ mean:...)

Ce qui se conçoit bien s'énonce clairement - Et les mots pour le dire
arrivent aisément.
[whatever is well conceived is clearly said... and the words to say it
flow with ease. ]
L'Art poétique (1674)
Citations de Nicolas Boileau-Despréaux

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Re: [board-discuss] AB-Member and ESC-Member on TDF-Website

2012-02-27 Thread Norbert Thiebaud
On Mon, Feb 27, 2012 at 4:36 AM, Florian Effenberger
> So, while I agree this is also theoretical, the more we can make public, the
> better it will be, the more it will serve our matter of transparency.

I understand and agree with your argument and the scenario described.

My main concern is this case (only wrt to the ESC.):

John Doe is employed by Microsoft-Luxemburg as a pre-sale support for
IIS (I'm making that up)
during is leisure time he like to contribute to open source, and doing
a great job at doing so in LibreOffice,
he is offered to seat on the ESC.
Since his work on FLOSS is not sponsored by Microsoft nor necessarily
approved by it, he does not want to/ is not allowed to
involve the name of his employer into the process.
What should his 'affiliation' then be ?

iow. Should we rely solely on self-described affiliation ?
In which case, the take over scenario described earlier can only be
dwarfed if observers manage to independently determine 'real'
affiliation based on name to detect a conflict
otherwise ill-intended committee stuffing would certainly avoid
dissimulating one's affiliation, and the 'official' affiliation list
would not be useful for the purpose of detecting such situation.

Let me put it that way:
I would expect that
+ for most sponsored people we do have an affiliation (most sponsor
want to advertise that they do)
+ ESC member can choose to be classified publicly as 'Independent',
with the understanding that other ESC members are privately confident
that such ESC nomination is not jeopardizing the ESC balance, wrt the
30% rule.
+ such implicit affiliation can be shared with the BoD.

(pretty much how it works today)

For the AB:
I honestly do not care that much either way... I'll leave that in the
capable hand of the BoD :-)


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Re: [board-discuss] AB-Member and ESC-Member on TDF-Website

2012-02-25 Thread Norbert Thiebaud
On Sat, Feb 25, 2012 at 3:38 AM, Florian Effenberger
> Helllo,
> Norbert Thiebaud wrote on 2012-02-25 00:59:
>> ESC member are there in an 'individual' capacity. Their company
>> affiliation is only relevant to the extent that we try to avoid one
>> company having too much weight...
> the way I read § 8 IV of our statues (,
> there is no legally binding requirement per se to have only a limited number
> of affiliated people in the ESC,

The ESC is intentionally _not_ a 'legal entity' of TDF, that does not
prevent us from adopting sane rules to safeguard the integrity of the
ESC purpose :-)
Furthermore the guiding document here is our bylaws, which explicitly
set a 30% limit
"At any time, no more than thirty per cent (30%) of the members of the
ESC may work for the same company, organization or entity (or any of
its subsidiaries) as employees or affiliates. "

> although it is highly suggested to have
> similar rules as for foundation bodies there as well. Plus "The board of
> directors can to resolve the conflict of interest by expelling the necessary
> number of members from other committee at once, and/or replace member by
> other members of such committee.", so I propose that we enforce comparable
> rules.
We (the ESC) already do enforce it, in accordance with our bylaws.

> This, of course, requires disclosure of the ESC members' affiliation,
> if it affects his role there (but only then).

Yes, Then again, since we know each other and when new people are
suggested for the ESC, they also are usually well known of the dev
community (including their affiliation)
that is not really a problem... but certainly we can/should mention
the affiliation internally when informing the BoD of the composition
of the ESC.
The question was should that be published/advertised... I have no
strong objection to it... I just mentioned that it was not essential.
I suspect that people that are sponsored by their employer to
contribute would want their affiliation known... but I can imagine
case of people that _do_ contribute, but do not want or cannot have
their employer name associated with it.

>> For the AB, that is exactly the oposite. people are there representing
>> company, so the affiliation is the mandatory information... the name
>> of the individual representing that company is less important and
>> susceptible to change at the discretion of the AB-member. so trying to
>> keep that public list up-to-date with individuals name is an
>> unnecessary burden IMO.
> Thinking about it a second time: The same paragraph as cited above foresees
> that only 1/3 of the AB has the same affiliation. Therefore, I think knowing
> the seat holders by name in public is important, so everyone can verify that
> (remember our rule of transparency).

I'm confused... how would 'everyone' verify if John Doe is an employee
of entity X... or for that matter a contractor for entity X (the
representative of entity X does not necessary has to be an employee of
that company)
Beside by definition of the AB there should be 1 company = 1 seat no ?
how can you have more than 1/3 unless the AB is reduce to 2 or less
member ?
Or are you considering the affiliation of the AB representative of
entity X to be the actual employer. so for instance if SPI send John
Doe as their representative and John Doe happen to work for ATT for a
living, would you consider his affiliation to be SPI or ATT ? if it is
the former then the 1/3 rule is moot for AB. if it is the latter then
that can be an issue, since AB member would be restricted in whom they
choose to represent them based on other AB member respective choice...
choice that can change at any time at their discretion...

iow: I think the balance in the AB composition should be achieve by
the BoD when they _accept_/_renew_  entities on the AB, considering
that a given representative is affiliated to the entity he represent,
irrespective of other affiliations he may have. This is especially
harmless since the AB is purely an 'advisory' entity and cannot make
binding decisions on behalf of TDF.

> Without knowing who is member of the ESC and/or AB, nobody could, so to say,
> "challenge" their composition.

Well: if you can infer/verify the company from a name in the case of
the AB, then surely you can do the reciprocal for ESC... and if you
can't, knowing the 'declared' affiliation will not help you to
verify/challenge the composition.


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Re: [board-discuss] AB-Member and ESC-Member on TDF-Website

2012-02-24 Thread Norbert Thiebaud
On Fri, Feb 24, 2012 at 9:53 AM, Andreas Mantke  wrote:
> Hi all,
> I looked on the TDF-Website and found out that there is no entry about the 
> member of
> the AB and of the ESC. Although they are no organs of the TDF (like BoD, MC 
> or Board
> of Trustees) they are very important for TDF and the development of 
> LibreOffice. I
> think we should create special sections on the TDF-Website for them and 
> publish the
> AB-Member and ESC-Member (the information is currently a bit difficult to 
> find only
> in the wiki or blog) on the website.
> But before we create such sections on the TDF-Website, we should ask the 
> AB-Member
> and the ESC-Member, if we should publish only the companies / institutions or 
> also
> the representatives and what information they want to chare about themselfes 
> / their
> company (in relation to TDF/Free Software) with the public.

ESC member are there in an 'individual' capacity. Their company
affiliation is only relevant to the extent that we try to avoid one
company having too much weight...
As for disclosure. The minimum is the Name (one cannot be an
'anonymous' ESC member) I guess that public disclosure of the
affiliation, if any, could be optional (someone may work for a company
but do not what the company name mentioned because his participation
to the ESC is not a company sanctioned/sponsored activity)

We will bring that topic-up on the next ESC call and provide a list
with the appropriate/agreed-to details to this ML.

For the AB, that is exactly the oposite. people are there representing
company, so the affiliation is the mandatory information... the name
of the individual representing that company is less important and
susceptible to change at the discretion of the AB-member. so trying to
keep that public list up-to-date with individuals name is an
unnecessary burden IMO.


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Re: [board-discuss] General questions

2012-02-23 Thread Norbert Thiebaud
On Thu, Feb 23, 2012 at 5:07 PM, drew  wrote:
> Hi,
> A few questions:
> The Advisory Board
> 1 - Where would I find a rooster of what corporations constitute the
> board and who their representatives on the board are?

I think the list has been advertised... but I not sure the actual
names of the people delegated to represent such companies are
An AB seat is bound to the sponsoring entity, and they get to
designate whom-ever they want at any time to represent them.
AB is the only entity where people are not there as individual but as
representative of some other entity.
So I agree that the list of entity should be public, but the
individual's name of the representative... not so sure it is required.

> 2 - Minutes from AB meetings, where would I find those?

I don't think that such minutes are published, nor should they.
If you want honest and frank advices/opinions  from big corporation,
you can't have these advice being published publicly.

Similarly in order to get advice from these actors, I expect our
representatives to present to them ideas, line of inquiry, nascent
projects that are being considered... most of them in a state of
development that would render them premature for public disclosure at
that time...
So once you remove all that meat from the minutes, you would be left
with nothing substantive... I don't see the point.

> Current Budget (expenses paid primarily)
> 1 - Where, or when will financial statements become public, either for
> general availability (my preference but I know that cuts across the
> grain form many), or restricted to TDF membership?

Since we are collection money from the public, under charitable
status, I think we should publish publicly  at least a top-level
'Income Statement' and Balance Sheet.

Members on the other hand should have the ability to audit the full
detailed accounting ledger, provided some confidentiality requirement
(every member is entitled to see the books, but not to publish or
disclose to non-member information contained herein that has not
otherwise been made public. the idea is to empower the membership to
trust-but-verify, not to allow competing entity to gain inside

Otoh the stifung was just created... up to now the accounting were
somehow mixed with frodev... so I would no expect to have anything
published for a while. Realistically public disclosure of some
accounting would prolly be an end-of-fiscal-year event... since the
work needed is already done for tax purpose it would not be an extra
burden on our volunteers.


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Re: [board-discuss] call recordings or only minutes?

2012-01-16 Thread Norbert Thiebaud
On Mon, Jan 16, 2012 at 9:18 AM, Florian Effenberger
> Hello,
> I was wondering whether we should upload call recordings as we did in the
> past, or only keep them internally until the minutes are done, and then
> upload them to the wiki.
> I seriously doubt anyone listens to the recordings, as the minutes provide a
> much easier way to keep up to date.

actually, I do, when I'm not on the call itself...


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Re: [board-discuss] A New LibreOffice Bounty!

2012-01-11 Thread Norbert Thiebaud
On Wed, Jan 11, 2012 at 5:48 PM, Rich Jones  wrote:
> Hello, Document Foundation!
> Somebody has posted a bounty to fund some development of LibreOffice on
> I'm not sure if this was by you or a member or your community or
> not, but I thought perhaps you'd be interested in either donating to it,
> publicizing it, or working on it yourselves!

"Unfortunately, payments can only be made to US residents for the time being."

That is kind of a turn off...


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Re: [board-discuss] PostgreSQL project <-> Document Foundation liaison

2011-12-13 Thread Norbert Thiebaud
On Tue, Dec 13, 2011 at 3:17 AM, Lionel Elie Mamane  wrote:
> Hi,
> As main maintainer of PostgreSQL-SDBC, the native driver for
> LibreOffice to connect to a PostgreSQL database server which is going
> to be bundled with LibreOffice 3.5, I'm putting myself as "manager" of
> the "The Document Foundation" organisation on the
> website and related resources.

sure... go for it :-)


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Re: [board-discuss] [RESULT] New Membership Committee voted by the board

2011-11-09 Thread Norbert Thiebaud
On Wed, Nov 9, 2011 at 7:28 AM, Andre Schnabel  wrote:
> Hi Thorsten, *
>> Datum: Wed, 9 Nov 2011 14:08:21 +0100
>> Von: Thorsten Behrens 
>> We would like to ask all successful candidates to formally accept
>> their vote, by replying to this email.
> I do accept that vote and am looking forward to working with the other
> established and new memers of the MC.



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Re: [board-discuss] Membership Committee

2011-11-06 Thread Norbert Thiebaud
On Sun, Nov 6, 2011 at 12:03 PM, Dennis E. Hamilton
> I am not questioning the prerogatives of the TDF to govern itself in any
> manner. Norbert is correct that I have no standing in the matter.

I don't think that was the meaning of my reply, if that is what you
take out of it, allow me to apologize for my failure to communicate.
I did not meant to imply that _you_ are 'questionning the prerogative of TDF',
and even less challenge question of your standing.

> Norbert, you can make my note mean whatever you want. I stand by it as
> written.

I'm not following... you must have read in my message something more
personal than it was intended.

> One more thing.  I have found folks on ooo-dev who are cynical about the
> honesty and character of TDF members, too, but nothing so blatantly virulent
> as was just inserted here.

I'm sorry, since you are top-posting, it is hard to known which part
exactly you are objecting to. Are there any facts in dispute ?


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Re: [board-discuss] Membership Committee

2011-11-06 Thread Norbert Thiebaud
On Sun, Nov 6, 2011 at 1:01 AM, Dennis E. Hamilton
> First about the ASF.
This is not about ASF. ASF is just a mean to an IBM goal in that story.

> Now, some individuals
This is not so much about individuals either... AOOo owe its existence
to Corporate politics and interest. It was by no stretch of the
imagination a grass root movement.

> in the public interest.
Can you spare us the marketing line. Every similar 'Foundation'
operate under the same 'public interest' banner, which is a very broad
one, and does not means, contrary to what one would expect, 'in the
interest of the public'. (1)

> There are no recriminations, there is no litmus test,
You mean except signing an iCLA ?

> Drew will always be welcome to contribute in any manner he chooses.
Sure, but If Drew ask to be named V.P. of Community Development at
Apache, will he automatically get the job ? oh wait, no; I suppose he
has to, at least, become ASF member first...
wait, how one does become member at Apache ? humm... seems pretty
vague one cannot 'apply', one need to have buddies in the place
already to be 'proposed' for membership more like a Guild...

In the mean time Drew _is_ a member of TDF and as such is entitled to
run for BoD or MC, and of course to 'contribute in any manner he
chooses'... actually that later one does not even require membership,
or even signing up open ended liability agreement.

The question at hand is -- to avoid running BoD and MC election
concurrently, which would be a bad idea due to the necessary oversight
of each body on the election of the other -- how best organize the
transition to an elected MC. One proposition, that seems to be
favored, is to postpone the MC election to the middle of next year and
to re-conduct the current MC in the interim.
The problem is that the current MC does not have enough member to
conform to the foundation statute, as amended to fit the Host State
requirement. So we need to fill 1 MC member position and 3 MC deputy

Out current Bylaw provide that it is the prerogative of the BoD to
make such appointments. The only restriction established in the ByLaw
is that such appointees must be TDF members.
So every TDF member is eligible to such position, but none have any
'right' to it.

>Just the same, I thought it strange that there was a question of any conflict 
>seen in Drew Jensen's participation on Apache projects.

Since it is BoD's members prerogative to make such appointment, it
does not seems strange at all that they'd ask questions, publicly or
privately, to prospective candidate and other interested party to make
that decision.
And surely, when seeking a position of representation of the
membership  -- which is the case of the MC, which represent the
membership in the process of evaluating the somewhat subjective
criteria of 'substantive contribution' -- it is expected that a higher
scrutiny be applied to questions of allegiance and purpose.

Of course all that will become moot in few months, when the membership
at large will be called-upon to make that decision. Still I would not
be surprised if that sort of questions -- if still of relevance --
were to pop-up during the election cycle.


(1) One could create an 'Charitable Association' whose purpose is to
help anyone prepare and fill software patents. That would most likely
fit the tax requirement to get a 'Charitable' tax-exempt status, which
is a 'public-interest' Association... It is nevertheless very arguable
whether that Association would be 'in the interest of the public'.

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Re: [steering-discuss] Preparing elections for the membership committee

2011-11-01 Thread Norbert Thiebaud
On Tue, Nov 1, 2011 at 9:37 AM, Tom Davies  wrote:
> Hi :)
> I have assumed that Thorsten has not stepped down from MC or something.  
> Whatever he was stepping down from was in order for him to be able to do some 
> work that he is being blocked from doing anyway right?  So until the job 
> needs to be started i think Thorsten is still on whatever it was he was going 
> to step down from.
> Sorry, i just got a bit muddled.

The MC is in charge of supervising the BoD election so clearly someone
running for a BoD possition cannot be member of the MC
The MC is in charge of supervising "Solemn Address and Impeachment of
the Board of Directors". again that create a conflict of interest if
one is allowed to be BoD member and MC member.

So, MC membership and BoD membership and candidacy are mutually exclusive.
This has been overlooked during this election cycle. Thorsthen should
have resigned of his MC position as soon as he declared his intention
to run for a BoD position.
I don;t think that there is any suspicion that this 'irregularity' had
any impact on the election, and clearly Thorsten election and behavior
are beyond reproach.
Still, The forms do matter, and even the impression of impropriety can
create un-welcomed drama/suspiction/FUD etc...
Hence the necessity to rectify the situation, hence Thorsten stepping
down from his MC responsibilities.

Does that clarifies it  ?


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Re: [steering-discuss] freezing membership applications

2011-10-30 Thread Norbert Thiebaud
On Sun, Oct 30, 2011 at 10:32 AM, Florian Effenberger
> Hello,
> sorry for this much spam today. ;-)
> Duty of the newly elected BoD is to decide whether we should freeze
> membership applications, or whether we should simply not allow members new
> during the MC election period to vote.
> From my POV, it is much "cleaner" to not accept new members during the
> election period, and freeze applications until the new MC is in place This
> will prevent confusion who is eligible to vote and who isn't, and will also
> prevent any possible conflict of interest, since it would be the existing
> MC, from which some members might run for elections, to decide on these
> applications.

I do not see the conflict.
Either way these MC members running for re-election can approve new
member before the freeze-date
Either way these MC members cannot benefit from approving membership
after the freeze (they cannot stuff the ballot since anyone approved
post freeze would not be eligible for that election)

The confusion is minimal since any membership approval is timestamped:
The date of the MC session that validated the membership. The only
confusion would be if the MC were to hold a session on the date of the
freeze, otherwise it is clear an un-arguable.

On the other hand, freezing completely the membership process during
election is not very nice for new potential members, as it would mean
extending by 1 to 2 month the 'waiting period' of the one that picked
a bad date to start contributing :-)


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Re: [steering-discuss] appointing Thorsten as election officer for MC

2011-10-30 Thread Norbert Thiebaud
On Sun, Oct 30, 2011 at 10:51 AM, Simon Phipps  wrote:
> On 30 Oct 2011, at 15:34, Florian Effenberger wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Charles-H. Schulz wrote on 2011-10-30 16:34:
>>> +1 from my side... do we only need one?
>> IMHO one is enough, as we had it for the BoD elections.
> Note that, for the BoD elections, Thorsten operated the election software 
> under my supervision and with the MC observing (I actually asked multiple 
> members of the MC to validate the results).  I recommend that the BoD 
> continue this approach, with all Election actions conducted in sight of the 
> full BoD.

I agree: the BoD election should be supervised by the MC and
vice-versa. The 'Election Officer' is just the point man, the
'executive officer'. He can be any member designated by the body
having oversight of the election.


PS: although I have no direct standing, +1 for Thorsten as Election
officer for this MC election.
PPS: To complement my previous message regarding a delay between MC
and BoD election:
Let's say the foundation is effective January 1st 2012. the new Bod
would be in place until January 1st 2013 right ?
We can designate the current MC as the 'initial MC' until June 1st,
and have the soon to be elected MC enter in function June 1st 2012 to
June 1st 2013

If the view is that the current BoD mandate expire End of October
2012, then the same reasoning apply except that the new MC become
'active' April 1st.

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Re: [steering-discuss] Preparing elections for the membership committee

2011-10-30 Thread Norbert Thiebaud
On Sun, Oct 30, 2011 at 10:28 AM, David Emmerich Jourdain
> IMHO, I don't see why can we not adopt this option. The current MC proved
> that was (and is) impartial and deeply focused on meritocracy, essential
> factors for an MC.
> For me, the current MC proved that's fully deserving of this gentlemen's
> agreement.

With the caveat that Thorsten must resign as MC-deputy, since one
cannot be BoD and MC member at once.

On Sun, Oct 30, 2011 at 10:33 AM, Florian Effenberger
>I have full trust in the current MC, no doubts about that. The issue that 
>makes me favor the other option (wait until the new MC is in place) is that it 
>would avoid having elections very soon after the legal set-up, which is rather 
>time consuming.

Maybe we can do with the current MC as 'initially designated' for the
first 6 month of the foundation and organize a MC election then, since
it would be a good idea to have BoD election and MC election somewhat
separated to avoid 'oversight'/'membership' issues.


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Re: [steering-discuss] Preparing elections for the membership committee

2011-10-26 Thread Norbert Thiebaud
2011/10/26 André Schnabel :
> We had some discussion, if we should freeze again the membership process.
> BoD should decide on that (I personally would not like to have again some
> weeks where we do not accept new members, at the other hand it might be easy
> to challenge the vote, if we don't freeze.)

'Freezing' the membership does not necessarily means stop processing
applications, but just that the list of eligible member for the
election is 'frozen' at that date.
The list of member can still grow, but people that get membershp after
the freeze date are not eligible to vote in that election.


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Re: [steering-discuss] renaming this list

2011-10-26 Thread Norbert Thiebaud
On Wed, Oct 26, 2011 at 9:17 AM, Friedrich Strohmaier
> Hi Florian, *,
> Am 26.10.2011 15:32 schrieb Florian Effenberger:
>> since the Steering Committee will soon cease its existence, and the
>> newly elected BoD will be officially in charge, I would like to rename
>> this list.
>> My proposal would either be:
>> 1. core-discuss@tdf
>> 2. board-discuss@tdf
> 3. bod-discuss
> "bod" has kind of brand at least in my perception and is less generic
> than board.
>> I am in favor of #2. Thoughts?
> # 3  :o))

Not #1 ('core' is being used and abused in many way and does not
convey clearly enough, I think, the purpose of the list).
But #2 or #3 are fine with me :-)


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Re: [steering-discuss] Candidacy for Board

2011-10-09 Thread Norbert Thiebaud
On Sun, Oct 9, 2011 at 4:22 AM, David Nelson  wrote:
> Hello Norbert,
>> No amount of documentation will turn a 'non-geek' into a core dev.
>> Clean, well written code, with the least amount of 'trick' is the best
>> documentation: It is by definition accurate, complete and
>> authoritative. Quality that no Documentation ever equaled no matter
>> how much effort you put into it.
> No, the very best is clean, well-written code accompanied by
> good-quality documentation. Sorry, you will not convince me that
> design documentation is unnecessary.

I'm not trying to convince you of anything. I'm merely giving you my
opinion, grounded on having been in the trenches, designing software
and writing code for a living for the past for 20 years...
Anyway, I am apparently in good company:

"A "spec" is close to useless. I have _never_ seen a spec that was both big
enough to be useful _and_ accurate." Linus Torvalds

I'd also refer you to :

> [..] code base is *not* fully
> implementing the best principles of an Open Source project. Ask the
> FSF for an opinion about this.

I've been hacking gnu make recently... please do point me to such
documentation (no, not the _user_ documentation, the supposedly
indispensable 'design spec' )
so... I don't know about their opinion, but I do know about their practice...

> No, I am not going to s*d off and reverse engineer the code base
> myself. I am asking three of our leading devs whether they would be
> willing to collaborate with me on this perfectly-justifiable
> initiative.

We must have a different definition of 'collaboration' than me.
If you you are "not going to s*d off (what-ever that means) and
reverse engineer the code base" yourself, it sound that you conception
of collaboration is 'do as I said... I'm watching', or as we say in
french 'Armons-nous et partez"

>> What do you expect the BoD to do ? issue an Edict ? Give you a
>> size-able budget to hire technical writer ? If your proposal attract
>> people from the community (our even better attract new people to it)
>> then your proposal will become reality, regardless of the BoD opinion.
>> That is how it is supposed to work.
> I put my question to three of our leading devs, and I will wait for
> them to reply to the original posts.

Then this is the wrong list... if you want to ask devs, you should do
that on the dev mailing list.

> Sorry, Norbert, but your responses do not change my views in any way.

I have no such hope. I merely re-stated to you the reality of a
volunteer based effort. If you want something to happen, you need to
roll-up your sleeves and _make_ it happen.
Trying to extract election promises out of some people, on ground
completely unrelated to the office they seek, is not going to get you

> Your arguments resound with the sideways logic and suave patter of a
> dishonest used car salesman combined with the moral values of a
> larcenous banker. :-D
> (Above to be read tongue in cheek with a smile.)

You can add all the smiles you want to an insult it is still one.


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Re: [steering-discuss] Candidacy for Board

2011-10-09 Thread Norbert Thiebaud
On Sat, Oct 8, 2011 at 9:38 PM, David Nelson  wrote:
> Hi, :-)
> Minor addition after a few hours sleep and before starting work:
> This kind of design documentation is really essential for various reasons.
> What would happen if there was some kind of disaster and we were to
> lose the essential core of our lead devs for some horrible reason?

Seriously ? for a distributed open source software, _that_ is your
doomsday scenario ?
If that were to happen, it would probably means that your immediate
problem would be survival: finding food and shelter. Computer software
will be the least of our problem for few generations...

> We'd be scuppered. Among the other members of the LibreOffice project,
> is there anyone who knows how the thing works? Is there any record,
> useable by a non-geek

No amount of documentation will turn a 'non-geek' into a core dev.
Clean, well written code, with the least amount of 'trick' is the best
documentation: It is by definition accurate, complete and
authoritative. Quality that no Documentation ever equaled no matter
how much effort you put into it.

>, of the state of evolution of the code base?
> We say that people are free to take the source and do what they want
> with it, but - at the moment - they'd have to reverse engineer the
> whole code base. How "open" is that?

Reading source code is not 'reverse engineering'... That is what any
software engineer do on a daily basis to maintain existing code.
It is 'open' because anyone have access to the source code and
therefore _can_ read it and figure out how it works (or doesn't).

> No, I apologise for insisting, and I realise that this initiative will
> take some initial footwork, and will require on-going maintenance, but
> it really should be considered to be essential work.
> But I firmly believe there will be a pay-off in quite a few ways.
> In any case, I'll be at the next couple of SC/BoD meetings to follow
> up and discuss the idea.

There is no need for that. You can find volunteers and start working
on that without the blessing of anyone. It _is_ free software, and
_this_ is a meritocracy.
If you _do_ something in that line -- the wiki is a perfect place for
you to make that work available and gather with like minded volunteers
-- no-one will get in the way.

What do you expect the BoD to do ? issue an Edict ? Give you a
size-able budget to hire technical writer ? If your proposal attract
people from the community (our even better attract new people to it)
then your proposal will become reality, regardless of the BoD opinion.
That is how it is supposed to work.


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Re: [steering-discuss] Candidacy for Board

2011-10-08 Thread Norbert Thiebaud
On Sat, Oct 8, 2011 at 10:39 AM, David Nelson  wrote:
> Hi Italo,
> On Sat, Oct 8, 2011 at 6:33 PM, Italo Vignoli  wrote:
>> I do not think that this discussion should happen during the election
>> time, as it might have an influence on the election outcome based on
>> parametres which are not relevant for being a director (based on bylaws).
> I regret that I don't really agree. People are standing as candidates
> for the BoD and TDF members have a right to ask questions and learn
> what candidate's policies and attitudes are with regard to issues of
> concrete importance to the community...

But here you are taking advantage of the fact that these candidates
happen to also be core developer to corner them.
Their candidacy to the Board and the task they propose to tackle is
completely orthogonal to your proposal, the best proof is that you did
not ask such commitment from Italo.


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Re: [steering-discuss] Re: [tdf-announce] BoD Election Candidates

2011-10-04 Thread Norbert Thiebaud
On Tue, Oct 4, 2011 at 3:01 AM, John Rose
> I applied to be a candidate 5 days ago. Please advise me as to why I am not
> on the list below.

You did inded and Simon answered to you

>John:  Are you a TDF Member as per the election rules[1] please? I can't find 
>you on the list[2].
>Simon Phipps
>Election Officer, TDF 2011 Elections

One pre-requisite to be a candidat for the BoD of the Foundation is to
be a Member of the said Foundation, as you can see in our ByLaws.

Another, implicit this time, prerequisite to hold a position of Board
Member of the Foundation is to be familiar with its ByLaws, which one
would be tasked to enforced.


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Re: [steering-discuss] [tdf-discuss] Seat at the BoD

2011-09-23 Thread Norbert Thiebaud
On Fri, Sep 23, 2011 at 9:23 AM, Jim Jagielski  wrote:
> If people feel that it would be helpful to TDF to have a board member
> who has a tight "relationship" with Apache, I would accept a
> nomination if it would be useful.
"Candidates must be either Members of any of the Foundation's Projects
or Contributors to the Foundation"


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Re: [steering-discuss] Base - a new mailing list?

2011-09-13 Thread Norbert Thiebaud
On Tue, Sep 13, 2011 at 2:05 AM, David Nelson  wrote:
> Hi,
> On Tue, Sep 13, 2011 at 9:47 AM, Jonathan Aquilina
>  wrote:
>> Why not find a way to integrate connectivity to all the major databases such
>> as mysql and MsSQL servers?
> Yes, that would be great indeed.
> I can hear Michael Meeks thinking, "Well start developing the code then."
> Anyway, I think it would be a great pity to give up on Base, because
> it has the potential to be an enormous power feature of the
> LibreOffice suite.
> As a general thing in the LibreOffice project, I think we need to
> think seriously about a determined recruitment drive, for Base and for
> various other areas of the project. Just waiting for people to
> volunteer does not seem to be enough to cater to our needs for
> contributors.
> Marketing guys, can you give this consideration?

yes but not _here_ 


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Re: [steering-discuss] Base - a new mailing list?

2011-09-11 Thread Norbert Thiebaud
On Sun, Sep 11, 2011 at 12:41 PM, Tom Davies  wrote:
> HI :)
> Base needs to have some documentation to help devs understand what it's 
> trying to do.
> With the other apps it's much easier to have an overview even without having 
> any documentation but Base is a lot more complex.  Also there needs to be 
> some discussion between devs and other people to decide what to use instead 
> of java, and the direction to take generally.  Apparently the default HqSql 
> back-end is fairly troublesome but there is a new project "MariaDb" that is a 
> drop-in replacement for MySql that might be much better as a back-end.  
> MariaDb is basically almost the entire community that worked on MySql 
> including some of the original people plus a load of new people that joined 
> since the project broke free from Sun/Oracle.

MariaDB is like MySql, so it is a nice and powerful database, but too
heavy weight(*) for a 'default' back-end. SQLite sound like a much
better match for the task.

(*) by too heavy weight, I'm referring to installation, configuration,
need for started-task/daemon, need for periodic maintenance etc...

> Anyway it needs a small team of people to try out different back-ends to see 
> which are viable as back-ends and which might be easiest to have as the 
> default one.  Perhaps bringing their recommendation back to steering-discuss 
> to make an informed vote.

That's not how it works... voting is not the answer... doing is. I'm
pretty sure that if somebody step up to make a viable support for a
self-contained back-end, it will fidn its way into the code by
consensus, without the need for a 'vote', or getting the steering
commity or future BoD involved in any ways.
BTW this is already listed as an 'Easy Hack' :
So clearly this is not a technical/political disagreement, but just a
matter of  someone stepping up to do the work...

> As i understand it the current infra-structure is leading to Base gently 
> crumbling away through neglect.

It is not an infrastructure problem. it is a lack of interest problem.

>  Experienced devs steer well away from Base.  New ones need to learn more 
>understanding about coding or about Base or about both.  Every time an 
>individual joins and is keen to work on some aspect of Base they realise it's 
>a completely tangled mess and they would be the only person working on it so 
>they get discouraged and give-up.

That is true for every part of the product. the effort needed to find
your way in the code is high, and base is not special in that regard.
I seriously doubt that it is easier to find your way around writer
than it is to find your way around base.

> Yes it would be great to have input from the entire devs list but
> 1.  They are not interested in Base
That is indeed a problem, but I fail to see how starting to section
the community vertically ( vs horizontally like the ml are now) will

> 2.  The non-coders that want to do non-coding work on Base (eg Documentation, 
> perhaps marketing, perhaps design of aspects of the UI that only appear in 
> Base, the wizards and so on) would be unable to understand.

I don't understand what you mean with that paragraph...


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Re: [steering-discuss] SPI BoD meeting

2011-09-08 Thread Norbert Thiebaud
On Thu, Sep 8, 2011 at 4:30 PM, Sophie Gautier  wrote:
> Hi all,
> The Board of Directors of Software in the Public Interest, Inc., will
> hold a public board of directors meeting on Wednesday, 14th September
> 2011 at 20:30 UTC.
> The agenda for the meeting is open for additions and is available at
> I'll attend the meeting.

sophi. I've been to the 'donation' page...

and the credit-card based page linked from there

does not allow for a donation earmarked to libreoffice.


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Re: [steering-discuss] LinuxCon Europe

2011-08-26 Thread Norbert Thiebaud
On Fri, Aug 26, 2011 at 4:45 AM, Simon Phipps  wrote:
> On 26 Aug 2011, at 10:32, Florian Effenberger wrote:
>> Hi Italo,
>> thanks for your engagement!
>> Italo Vignoli wrote on 2011-08-26 11:04:
>>> Including food, I will spend a maximum of 300 Euro. I am asking the
>>> Steering Committee to approve this reimbursement.
>> Given that we can pay this from SPI (paying from FrODeV is a bit problematic 
>> when it comes to travel costs and foreign countries, due to tax regulations) 
>> - +1 from my side.
>> The only point we should talk about is "food" - as a general rule, normally 
>> reimbursements should only contain hotel and transportation, but no food. 
>> TDF has no rules yet on this, but maybe we should limit it to that?
> That's an odd rule. A reimbursement for a guest or for an emissary should 
> include Travel, Accommodation and Living. The only place in recent memory 
> that has told me it does not pay for Living is TDF.

Indeed, even the Tax-Man acknowledge that 'reasonable' meal
re-reimbursement - during a remote mission - are tax-deductible (i.e.
are not a 'compensation in kind').
Surely it is more a matter of 'reasonableness'  and 'frugality' rather
than a question of principle.


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Re: [steering-discuss] decision on screenshots

2011-08-12 Thread Norbert Thiebaud
On Fri, Aug 12, 2011 at 6:34 AM, Tom Davies  wrote:
> Hi :)
> +1
> Possibly omit the middle paragraph.

I agree with that. The second paragraph serve no practical purpose.


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Re: [steering-discuss] decision on screenshots

2011-08-10 Thread Norbert Thiebaud
On Wed, Aug 10, 2011 at 7:25 AM, Simon Phipps  wrote:
> I think it is a mistake to state that the SC acknowledges a risk. It is a 
> hostage to fortune in the event of litigation, and it's not necessary to 
> state.

Unfortunately that ship has sailed... too late now, the harm is
already done but sure, keeping it as a standing policy is worse.


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Re: [steering-discuss] decision on screenshots

2011-08-08 Thread Norbert Thiebaud
On Mon, Aug 8, 2011 at 8:43 AM, Tom Davies  wrote:
> Hi :)
> I think that unnecessarily exposing TDF (or people doing work for it) to a 
> risk
> in a way that could NOT be fix easily & quickly would be really dumb.  It is 
> an
> easily avoidable risk.

I think it is unnecessary to worry about fabricated convoluted legal
scenario without precedent.

> The fact that one person is ignorant of the risk (or chooses to ignore it) 
> does
> not mean the rest of the Steering Committee are.

Did you pool the steering committee member individually ? what basis
do you have to claim that just _one person_ think that this legal
angle to force a POV is a strawman ?

>  Indeed, there was a meeting
> that came up with the rough draft of the 2 paragraphs prepared by Florian.
> There is still no mention of where the responsibility would lay if the 
> perceived
> risk did happen but as the meeting wrote it, the potential threat should be
> avoided by using Gnu&Linux if easily possible.

using Linux and/or Gnu does not avoid the alleged risk. Neither own
the copyright on icons that would be displayed in a screen-shoot.

> With Gnu&Linux screen-shots there is NO risk.  It also means the Documentation
> Team can keep doing what they are already doing = aiming towards 
> professionally
> consistent documentation.
Yes the 'consistent' argument is indeed valid... but the so-called
legal risk is a straw man

>  The licensing of Gnu&Linux tends to be copy-left
> allowing people to copy and adapt anything they like.  By contrast the Windows
> Eula is very restrictive

The Eula could demand that you give away your first born child, that
would still not make that the Law.
actually the French version of the EULA for Windows 7 Basic, Section
27, spell out clearly that Eula does not trump the Law of the Land.

> and people in the discussion even highlighted
> paragraphs that showed that any editing of screen-shots in a way that would 
> make
> them useful for documentation would be a violation.
> There was a suggestion earlier in the discussion that if TDF did get clobbered
> by MS for using screen-shots on their OSes then it could
> 1.  Let MS target individuals that produced the screen-shots or
> 2.  TDF could counter-sue the individuals themselves

Apparently we don't even need Microsoft to conduct FUD campaign, we do
just fine on our own :-(

> The post also suggested that TDF should reject any documentation that was
> produced using non-Windows screen-shots.
> In the MS vs TomTom case. TomTom were forced to pay substantial damages to MS
> for saving data.

What patent do screen-shoots infringe ?
And how did you get access to confidential settlement terms ? :
"Specific financial terms were not disclosed. "

[snip irrelevant US-patent non-sens ]

> Yes, everyone is exposed to a large number of unknown risks of a variety of
> types but this is a known risk that is easy to avoid.  Why ask people to beat
> their head against a wall when they could just walk around the corner?

Or just easily not enocurage those that manufacture brick wall in their path.


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Re: [steering-discuss] funding for system operations meeting

2011-07-29 Thread Norbert Thiebaud
On Fri, Jul 29, 2011 at 10:46 AM, Florian Effenberger
> Hi,
> Norbert Thiebaud wrote on 2011-07-29 17:35:
>> Now you are getting me really confused.
>> Who decided what, and who is paying what ?
> the board of directors of the German association, which will stay an
> independent entity also after TDF has been funded, but in the meantime is
> the legal entity behind TDF, decided that in their board of director's
> meeting.
> So, a decision by the German association, *not* by the TDF SC.
> However, since more money then offered by the German association is needed,
> and the weekend was for the TDF admins, I'd like to ask if the SC is
> agreeing to spending some of the TDF money for it.
Ahh, so you're asking TDF to cover the 600 euro budget overrun. Now I get it :-)
Thanks for the clarification


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Re: [steering-discuss] funding for system operations meeting

2011-07-29 Thread Norbert Thiebaud
On Fri, Jul 29, 2011 at 2:43 AM, Florian Effenberger
> Hi David,
> David Nelson wrote on 2011-07-28 15:09:
>> *Some*  being the operative word... I never heard about this... Was it
>> publicized at all on the website mailing list and I missed it?
> no, it was in first place a board decision of the German association, so it
> was published in their meeting minutes (in German). However, since it
> affects TDF, I wanted to raise the topic here.

Now you are getting me really confused.

Who decided what, and who is paying what ?


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Re: [steering-discuss] Re: screen-shots Documentation Team

2011-07-12 Thread Norbert Thiebaud
On Tue, Jul 12, 2011 at 5:57 PM, Bernhard Dippold
> Hi David, all,
> David Nelson schrieb:
[snip internal documentation team feud that is best solved on the
documentation ML]

> I didn't comment on the legal aspects on Windows and Mac, as Alex pointed
> possible problems out.
> (And even if the SC would recommend Windows screenshots, each contributor
> would have to decide for him/herself if s/he would like to take the legal
> responsibility on his/her own).

That is the part of the argument that is loosing me...

1/ I did not see so far any idea that the SC would 'recommend Windows
or something else'. All I saw was claim that using Windows should be
'forbidden' for allege legal reason and a request that the SC endorse
that POV.

2/ "each contributor would have to decide for him/herself if s/he
would like to take the legal responsibility on his/her own"
What legal responsibility ? except the general hand-waving fact of
life that lawyers can imagine that anyone can be sued by anyone for
just about anything... but that is true for any developer that write 2
lines of code or for any artist that create a new icon etc... what is
so special with windows screenshoot ? It seems to me that the
consistency, and modernity arguments developed earlier should be able
to stand on their own (and in my view they do), without involving some
lawyery scare tactics.

(PS: bear in mind that if the copyright holder of a given GUI, like
microsoft, could sue you for incidental infringement in a
documentation screenshoot, then so can any copyright holder having a
stake in any GUI in any screen-shoot you publish - which in itself , I
think, is evidence enough that such interpretation of Copyright Law is
completely impractical and far fetched. Sure some lawyers are likely
to come up with such non-sens complaint... but the different justice
systems, by large, rarely hand-out such a dumb rulings
And, with all its flaws, Microsoft is very unlikely to waste money
litigating such a case which, no matter the outcome in court, would
result in a PR loss.


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Re: [steering-discuss] Re: screen-shots Documentation Team

2011-07-12 Thread Norbert Thiebaud
I think I need a reset:

When and where did Microsoft ever sued a community driven
documentation effort for using picture of a the community's own
software running on Windows ?
Did that really ever happened ?
if so, did Microsoft ever actually win such ludicrous case ?  (I'm not
asking if by some convoluted legal rambling it is perceived as being
_possible_ in some obscure jurisdiction)
Note that if the concern is that 'it could happen' then it can happen
with _any_ gui, including Linux-based GUI.

And quite frankly if that were to happen, it would be a PR bonanza for
us. 'Hiding' the offending 'gui' item under a black dot with 'Censured
by Microsoft' on top... that will get us quite a bit a coverage, most
of them sympathetic I bet. well worth the aggravation... Heck I'll
even volunteer to add the 'Censured by Microsoft' sticker :-)

IOW: let the documentation team use what-ever platform they want for
their screenshoots, and stop muddying the water with
Otherwise we are going to have to revise the release schedule to take
into account December 21st 2012. :-)

There are enough real problems to deal with without inventing imaginary one.


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Re: [steering-discuss] wording on TDF website

2011-07-12 Thread Norbert Thiebaud
On Tue, Jul 12, 2011 at 3:50 AM, Florian Effenberger
> Hi,
> David Nelson wrote on 2011-07-12 03.59:
>> My suggestion would be to replace the words "meritocratic Foundation,
>> created by" with "meritocratic organization created by". Maybe that
> that would still create the impression that TDF is already an
> organization by itself, which it legally isn't.

it may not be a 'F'oundation (as in German Stiftung) yet but it
certainly _is_ an 'organization' by all reasonable definition of the

That being said... it has been 'inaccurate' for 10 month... it can
certainly remain so for the few weeks left before it become finally


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Re: [steering-discuss] Re: screen-shots Documentation Team

2011-07-10 Thread Norbert Thiebaud
On Sun, Jul 10, 2011 at 6:30 AM, Alexander Thurgood
> Le 09/07/11 23:26, Bernhard Dippold a écrit :
> Hi all,
> Someone suggested I sling in some caselaw or other references on whether
> copyright protection is available for UIs :
> US
> Just one caselaw review :
> Europe
> In European Union Court of Justice Case C-393/09 :
> involving the BSA against the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic
> relating tp television broadcasting of user interface.
> What the latter ruling states is that copyright is not available under
> the Computer Program Copyright Directive 91/250/EEC, as that is intended
> to protect code per se. However, copyright is available for UIs under
> the more general Copyright Directive 2001/29/EC, providing that they
> meet the criteria for awarding copyright, i.e. originality, author's own
> work, etc.
What the ruling also say is:
"In a second question, the ECJ was asked whether television
broadcasting of a GUI “constitutes communication to the public of a
work protected by copyright within the meaning of Article 3(1) of
Directive 2001/29”. The ECJ answers that if a GUI is displayed in the
context of television broadcasting of a programme, television viewers
receive a communication of that GUI in a passive manner, without
having the possibility to interact with the program. According to the
ECJ, as individuals do not have access to the essential element
characterising the interface, that is to say, interaction with the
user, “there is no communication to the public of the graphic user
interface within the meaning of Article 3(1) of Directive 2001/29”."

That same rational apply to screen shoot in a documentation.
iow common sens still prevail despite BSA's effort.

> So to all those naysayers who think that no-one sues anyone else over UI
> elements - wake up, and take stock. Am I paranoid ? No, but people do
> get sued. Do I represent the BSA ? No, but I know "peers" that do, and
> believe me, love it or hate it, the BSA do sue people.
I'm sure that people sue, and some jurisdiction are indeed very prone
to frivolous law suit... but does that means that we have to abdicate
basic freedom and right ?

If you are that concerned about liabilities, make sure that TDF itself
does not author nor 'publish' any documentation... and have a
money-less French loi-1901 association to do the publishing... The
fact that TDF 'endorse' the content of a book does not make it liable
for real or imaginary infringements in that book.


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Re: [steering-discuss] Re: screen-shots Documentation Team

2011-07-08 Thread Norbert Thiebaud
2011/7/8 André Schnabel :
> Hi Norbert, *
> Am 08.07.2011 15:15, schrieb Norbert Thiebaud:
>> On Fri, Jul 8, 2011 at 7:19 AM, Simon Phipps  wrote:
>>> On 8 Jul 2011, at 13:09, Tom Davies wrote:
>>>> Hi :)
>>>> Except screen-shots in Windows can't have any useful arrows or circles to 
>>>> point
>>>> out the exact thing being talked about in the documentation.
>>> Only screenshots of /Microsoft/ products.
>> Isn't that exactly what 'Fair Use' is all about ?
> Absolutely. Unfortunately "Fair use" is not a term in each and every
> juristications of this world. E.g. German law does not know about "fair
> use" - but has other ways to prevent misuse of copyright.
> But: no matter what the real legal situation might be - Microsoft's
> position is that all screen shots taken on a windows system need to
> follow Microsoft's rules (what is quite exactly what Tom wrote).

I don't really care about Microsoft's position (and it is doubtful
that most of the EULA conditions actually would hold in face of real
law - in most european jurisdiction private contract - especially the
one not entered into freely and not negotiated on equal footing - do
not trump common law), but:
Use it and if Microsoft actually has legal standing, let's put
'censured by Microsoft' sticker on the screen-shoot in place of the
'offending' icons.
and see how long it will take Microsoft PR department to weight to
pros and cons of the situation.


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Re: [steering-discuss] Re: screen-shots Documentation Team

2011-07-08 Thread Norbert Thiebaud
On Fri, Jul 8, 2011 at 7:19 AM, Simon Phipps  wrote:
> On 8 Jul 2011, at 13:09, Tom Davies wrote:
>> Hi :)
>> Except screen-shots in Windows can't have any useful arrows or circles to 
>> point
>> out the exact thing being talked about in the documentation.
> Only screenshots of /Microsoft/ products.

Isn't that exactly what 'Fair Use' is all about ?


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Re: [steering-discuss] Bootstrap BoD campaign (was: Joining the OASIS Consortium)

2011-06-18 Thread Norbert Thiebaud
On Sat, Jun 18, 2011 at 5:13 AM, Florian Effenberger
> Hi Norbert,
> Ideally, the future BoD can also cooperate with the existing SC,
> so they get to "know how it works". That's better than a "hard cut".
I would imagine that there will be some overlap between the
composition of the SC and the future BoD :-)
so that should not be too much of a trouble :-)


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[steering-discuss] Bootstrap BoD campaign (was: Joining the OASIS Consortium)

2011-06-18 Thread Norbert Thiebaud
On Sat, Jun 18, 2011 at 1:58 AM, Florian Effenberger
> Hi,
> this is indeed a good point... what do the others think? We can give our +1
> as recommendation to the new BoD, but I guess it will indeed be hard to bind
> them on decisions they have not taken.

Talking about BoD,

Maybe the SC could bootstrap the BoD campaign, by calling for
candidate, so that the day the Foundation papers are finally
completed, we could have an election and be fully operational ?
I means, it is expected that potential candidates be given enough time
to trow their hat in, and some time to communicate to the membership
what they stand for and what they aim to achieve, iow
'campaigning' there is no reason not to start that in advance of
the actual filing of the paperwork of the foundation.

Maybe wait for the next MC meeting and freeze the eligible membership
pool at that point(1). (the bylaws call for a 45 days notice minimum,
and we must have the election done before Sep 28th (the one year
anniversary of the 'public' launch)).


(1) The freeze is not explicitly stated for general elections in the
bylaws, but the rationale for that freeze is latent in the Impeachment
section. This is needed, I think, to avoid even the appearance of
conflict of interest between a role in the MC and being a candidate
for a BoD position. Note the freeze is with regard to the member
eligible to vote, but does not need to apply to eligibility to be a
candidate (iow a member should be able to be candidate even if is not
eligible to vote as long as he is a member by the time he propose his
candidacy and that that candidacy is proposed in a timely manner.
Deadline are not specified in the bylaws (which is fine bylaws don't
have to be that detailed). I would suggest a 2 weeks period for people
to declare themselves candidate, followed by a 3 weeks period of
'campaigning' and a 2 weeks period of 'voting' (that is 49 days,
consistent with the mandated 45 days notice). I would also suggest
that deadline be based on Wednesday 00:00 UTC
And while I am on a roll, may I suggest that a election@ ML be setup
so that the campaign related stuff be accessible easily and only if
one is interested.

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Re: [steering-discuss] MC-meeting minutes 2011-06-16

2011-06-16 Thread Norbert Thiebaud
2011/6/16 André Schnabel :
> Hi,
> meeting minutes are at the wiki:
> (Cor, Fridrich - please edit the wiki, if I forgot something important.)
> I'll inform the approved members (and rejected applicants) within the next
> few hours and update the website after that.
is there a reason not to announce new member on a mailing list ?
(It is not that easy to scrub the web-site page to see what has changed...)

and preferably with some indication on what these new fellow members work on ?


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Re: [steering-discuss] FYI: Apache Incubator is now voting

2011-06-11 Thread Norbert Thiebaud
On Sat, Jun 11, 2011 at 2:06 AM, David Nelson  wrote:
> Hi,
> On Fri, Jun 10, 2011 at 23:09, Greg Stein  wrote:
>> * "non-binding" votes are from other participants in the conversation.
>> Their "votes" are allowed as a measure and gauge over the broader
>> community opinion, even though they will not actually be tallied in
>> the final ballot.
> It's true that this could be a good way to "take the temperature" in
> the community about issues being voted on... Maybe our LibreOffice SC
> could think about this before the bylaws are fully stabilized?

This is not a matter of bylaws.
Such non-binding voting is 'already', if you want, in the bylaws in
the sens that such 'non-biding vote' are an expression
of free speech but are not counted toward the final tally. In that
regard that is fully compatible
with the current bylaws.

Furthermore the bylaws are 'fully stabilized', and substantially have
been so for few months now.
changing/adding anything substantial at this point would mean doing
the whole English-German translation dance with
legal review... iow delay that much more the paperwork for the
official legal registration of the Foundation.

And if it wasn't for all that I would still suggest that bylaws should
codify the 'minimum' required to maintain a functioning
Foundation in case of discord... It should not be an attempt to codify
_everything_ we do.

Such 'tradition' (like the non-biding vote at Apache for example), is
a matter of collective culture, something that evolve organically
by tacit consensus... over time.

You may have noticed that there is no 'biding -'1 in the current vote
so far (unless I missed one)
my understanding, is that they function a bit like a standard organization:
such a -1 is required to be accompanied with precise objections... and
in that case an attempt will be made to resolve such objections..
that is the 'consensus' model. So member with biding-vote that don't
actively support the proposal, but don't want to delay the proceedings
because their objections have already been expressed and cannot be
'resolved' tend to vote 0
(that is my perception of things.. I only have had few days to observe
the Apache process... so I could be wrong).
So you should not see such vote as a 'survey of the force in presence'
but as a 'search where the consensus lies'


PS: I don't think it is a good way to 'take the temperature' in the
community. it is just, maybe, a good way to take the temperature among
the people that follow a particular thread in a particular mailing
PS2: you can check the Apache bylaws, you'll see that there is nothing
in there about biding/non-biding votes.

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Re: [steering-discuss] FYI: Apache Incubator is now voting

2011-06-10 Thread Norbert Thiebaud
On Fri, Jun 10, 2011 at 3:09 PM, Greg Stein  wrote:
> Hi all,
> I just wanted to bring an "FYI" that the Apache Incubator has begun
> its voting process on accepting the OO.o proposal to become a
> "podling" within the Incubator.

Thanks for the update
> If you wish to make your voice heard, then I would encourage you to
> respond to the [VOTE] thread on (I would
> think gmane[2] is your best way to respond to the thread without
> having to actually subscribe).

I think I had the opportunities, as a guest fof he incubator mailing
list to expression my opinions and sometimes more ;-)
At this point, I feel it would be over-staying my welcome to interject
myself in an Apache procedural vote.

Have fun and Good luck with your brand new 'massive' baby :-)


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Re: [steering-discuss] About elections

2011-06-10 Thread Norbert Thiebaud
On Fri, Jun 10, 2011 at 7:30 AM, Dave Neary  wrote:
> Hi,
Thanks for the explanations...
> Then we communicate the anonymous token to the voter, and tell him to
> write it down somewhere so that he can check his vote later.

how does one figure out what information is in the token ?
iow. given my token, or any token for that matter can I independently
verify what voe is encoded in it ?

> Funny - I *just* realised that you meant "tamper" - I honestly thoughht
> you wanted to "temper" (ie harden) the process. Sorry - that just amused
> me - not picking on your grammar or anything.


I'm painfully aware of my weak spelling/grammar, even in my native
language I do a lot of these :-)
It is not helped by my fingers inability to keep up with my
thoughts... and my notorious laziness in proof-reading :)


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Re: [steering-discuss] About elections

2011-06-10 Thread Norbert Thiebaud
On Fri, Jun 10, 2011 at 4:07 AM, Michael Meeks  wrote:
> On Wed, 2011-06-08 at 07:02 +0300, David Nelson wrote:

>        I strongly suggest we simply copy the GNOME process here; this
> generates a unique random key per person which is mailed out, and used
> instead of a name when voting; thus the voting record can be published,
> and independently analysed while keeping it anonymous (outside of the MC
> that is).

Just to make sure I understand it correctly:
it is 'anonymous' but each voter know _his_ anonymous token and
therefore can verify that his vote has been recorded accurately, by
cross-checking the published details-values right?
and that is the basis of the temper proof mechanism.
It is incumbent on each member to make sure that he received his token
and that is vote is correctly counted. (that his make sure that his
email didn't get intercepted somehow, or that the MC did not received
a spoofed email).
I think that pgp/gpg-signing these email would remove some possibility
to interfere with the process.
(note that if you add encryption of the vote-email then you can even
achieve end-to-end anonymous(1) voting as long as the group that
verify the signatures is not the group that decode the encrypted vote)

>        To analyse the results, OpenSTV is used I think, and the results
> published:

OpenSTV is GPL, but only available for download for a fee.
It would be nice to find a way for anyone, or at the very least for
Members, to be able to use the raw result and re-calculate the result
for themselves...
( to temper proof the last step )


PS: Not that I am overly concerned about election tempering... but as
the saying goes: Trust but Verify :-) and I'd like to avoid, as much
as possible, any room for controversy on that topic.

(1) Although we want to be open and transparent, open voting on issue
is good, but when we vote on 'person, candidate', it is indeed
probably better, to avoid 'poison', to keep that anonymous... but the
worse is a partial anonymous, where things are anonymous except for
the ones 'in the know'. And again this is not a concern about any
individual.. processes we put in place should be design to to provide
lasting stability, not relying on _everybody_ involved doing the right
things at all time..

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Re: [steering-discuss] About elections

2011-06-07 Thread Norbert Thiebaud
On Tue, Jun 7, 2011 at 11:50 PM, sophie  wrote:
> We were used to LimeSurvey, from what I remember it can be used on
> invitation only and password protected generated by the survey admin. For me
> it has several advantages, among them a simple UI that you can customize and
> localize. UX could you use it also for their surveys.
> But I'm open to other tools of course, this is just because I'm pretty used
> to this one and we have already use it for voting campaigns

Oh, then it's all good I was just wondering about the logistic...
looks like the MC has things under control... very good :-) carry on


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Re: [steering-discuss] About elections

2011-06-07 Thread Norbert Thiebaud
On Tue, Jun 7, 2011 at 5:08 PM, Florian Effenberger
> Hi,
> FYI: We asked the Membership Committee to follow-up with some information on
> membership status and elections soon, so stay tuned. :-)

Practical question:

Shouldn't the MC start collecting ssh public-key ?
People having commit access to git or login to any infra box already
have one available... but some member may not have one already on file
and collecting them with some level of chain of trust may not be
completely trivial, and more importantly, may induce some significant

I suppose the the election won't be conducted in-person, but
presumably on-line... some level of temper-proof seems necessary, if
for no other reason than to avoid FUD and smear campaign about the
legitimacy of our process (there have been enough of that already in
the blog of a notorious Big Blue employee)


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Re: [steering-discuss] About elections

2011-06-06 Thread Norbert Thiebaud
On Mon, Jun 6, 2011 at 7:25 AM, Tom Davies  wrote:
> - Original Message 
>> From: sophie 
>> To:
>> Sent: Mon, 6 June, 2011 12:35:04
>> Subject: Re: [steering-discuss] About elections
>> Hi Tom,
>> On 06/06/2011 14:20, Tom Davies wrote:
>> [...]
>> >
>> > Hi  :)
>> > Agreed.  But the founders have shown good strategic planning and  good
>> > for the future as shown by the way things have played out  in the last few
>> > weeks.  I think it would take time for newly  elected people to have such
>> > commitment to the long-term  vision.
>> Thanks for the flowers as we also say in French :)
>> >
>> > I  have to point out that i am not a founder and not even a regular member.
>> > had disagreements and arguments with founders but  have always  had good
>> > to respect even the ones i disagree with.
>> Even if no  more a member of the SC, I will still consider me as a founder. 
>> But
>>it's not  what is important to my eyes. The importance for me reside in the 
>>that even  if I'm not a SC member, I'll still have a say because I'm a member 
>>the  Foundation, and though can express my feeling and my wills for the 
>>or  the future of the foundation and it's community.
>> And I'm sure that the new  formed SC will take them into account, we're not 
>> new
>>and have always shared our  knowledge and experience.
>> Kind regards
>> Sophie
> Hi :)
> True.  Weirdly i hadn't thought of that point lol :)
> I think the important issue to vote on is the Apache issue.

Vote on what exactly ?

>  I was wondering if
> it might be possible to collaborate with them to put a wiki-page together on 
> the
> TDF wiki so that the different lists can vote

I don't think we have a say and even less a vote on what Apache
Foundation is going to do.

First we have to see what they decide and if they are indeed going
forward with their plan to fork, (granted there is not much suspense
Then we have to see _how_ they're going to do it
Then we have to see _when_/_if_ the poddle graduate
Then we have to see _what_ they end-up doing.
Until then it is pretty much vaporware and there is not much to do,
even less to vote about.


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Re: [steering-discuss] Re: Apache Incubator Proposal: Splitting^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^HREUNITING the Community?

2011-06-04 Thread Norbert Thiebaud
On Sat, Jun 4, 2011 at 6:36 AM, Robert Burrell Donkin
> On Sat, Jun 4, 2011 at 11:13 AM, Florian Effenberger
>  wrote:
>> Hi Robert,
> Hi Florian
> (Copying in Charles since he asked a similar question off list)
>> I'm still reading a few messages and trying to reply to them, but wanted to
>> join in here:
> Just like the rest of us :-)
> Noisy and open - everyone with an opinion is welcome :-)
>> Robert Burrell Donkin wrote on 2011-06-04 09.14:
>>> The TDF is in no position to accept a major donation of either
>>> copyright or code today. Apache is.
>> Why?
> AIUI [1] the TDF is not a legal entity today and is still in the
> process of building it's legal, organisational and process
> infrastructure.

So it was urgent as in a matter of weeks ?

> I accept it has strong legal backing but today no
> (related) US non-profit corporation exists which could accept the
> donation.

How is 'US' relevant here ?

> The Apache Software Foundation provides a suitable legal no-profit
> organisation and in place today a suitable process to accept large
> donations of code from major organisations safely through the
> Incubator. It has considerable experience of opening close source
> projects and in working with rich downstream ecologies.

Opening close source ? how is it relevant here ?
The proposal is to relicense an open-source project... unless I missed
something the proposal concern not Symphony right ?

>> Can you elaborate?
> IMHO LibreOffice community finds itself in a similar position to the
> Apache group in the mid-90s. Great community. Fantastic momentum. Cool
> product.
> But establishing code provenance and the Apache Software Foundation
> (ASF) took a(n unexpectedly) large amount of time and energy.
> Establishing suitable licenses and agreements took time and energy
> over several iterations. Establishing a sound Incubation process took
> time and energy over many iterations. It took time for us to learn and
> evolve secure processes which don't completely suck.

That is all good, but irrelevant. we already have a license and we
would not need to incubate anything: the code base you
are trying to digest is our daily chore... It has already graduated as
a top level project
even better as THE top level project.

> The TDF is at the start of a journey that the ASF started a decade ago
> and is yet to reach the end.
As far as is concerned, it is the other way around.

> The TDF may wish to consider whether an
> alternative path might achieve their aims faster...
Well, take a look:
I'm pretty sure that we've got nice head start...


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Re: [steering-discuss] Re: [Libreoffice] Hello! ... and lurking :-)

2011-06-04 Thread Norbert Thiebaud
On Sat, Jun 4, 2011 at 6:01 AM, Sam Ruby  wrote:
> Let me start with a request.  If we are going to have a productive
> discussion, it would be best if it were done using respectful terms. If,
> however, as described below it is the intent of TDF [...]

we can start by working under the predicat that, unless specified otherwise,
any comments are the author's own and not representing anybody else?

> is not uniformly licensed. [..]
> If is licensed to many under one license, and LibreOffice has continued with
> that license.  It is licensed to others under a different license.

I thought we were talking about FLOSS here... not about what
proprietary forks may or may not have done.

> I believe that the key phrase in that comment is "objections to contributing
> code to be used in proprietary apps".  A fundamental goal of the Apache
> license is to satisfy the needs of those that wish to include the code in
> Free and proprietary software alike.

Yes, I am aware of that 'feature'. I just happen to consider it a bug.

> I believe that if we want to attract everyone alike to contributing to a
> common code base -- wherever it resides -- then we need to establish this as
> a common goal.

How exactly encouraging proprietary fork will attract contribution ?
you are relying on the ethic and moral sens of corporation ?
If only we had real life examples to give us clues on how realistic
that is... humm...

> If we do this, clearly there is much work that would need to be done. It
> will involve getting the consent of those that participate in this
> foundation and LibreOffice to relicense their work.  It won't be easy, but I
> will be a part of making it happen.

The very reason I decided to show-up was because 1/ the license was
copy-left and 2/ TDF dropped the copyright assignment.
(of course I found many other reasons to stay... but that's another topic :-) )
So I'd say... yes it won't be easy indeed, but I guess it won't be
harder than to convince AF not to cater to proprietary sink-hole...

But there is another solution, one that has happened in the past:
convince the company with a proprietary fork that if they are truly
interested in community
support and contributions, they should join that community under terms
that protect both our interest, not just its interests.


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[steering-discuss] Re: [Libreoffice] Hello! ... and lurking :-)

2011-06-03 Thread Norbert Thiebaud
On Fri, Jun 3, 2011 at 7:15 PM, Greg Stein  wrote:
> Hi all,
> If you have any comments, questions, or concerns, then please feel
> free to direct them my way (on whatever list). I'm here to listen and
> understand, and to offer up answers where I can.

I have a question:
Why would Apache contemplate helping IBM pull a Jenkins/Hudson on us,
fragmenting the license of a project that has been with a uniform
licensing so far ?
(Oracle could merge our changes... they elected _not_ to do so because they
wanted a Copyright assignment on top of the code, but that was not
a licensing incompatibility)

You (Apache) are lending your good name to a nasty endeavor, for the
benefit of a company
that has an history of screwing you over (Harmony ?)

Ironically what seems to be happening at Apache is very reminiscent to
me to the ISO/MSXML debacle...
Some corporation exploiting the letter of your governance to better
abuse the spirit of it.
(that is _if_ I understand what Apache stand for... but maybe I'm misguided)


PS: I strongly encourage you to read:
That shed a very illuminating light on IBM's involvement in OOo, and
why it is hard to take seriously their grandiose promises... that
would by far not been the first time, and there is no reason to
believe that the outcome will be any different this time around...
except that both the OpenOffice brand and the Apache reputation will
be tarnished in the process...

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Re: [steering-discuss] Recent incomplete or non-existent records of SC meetings

2011-06-01 Thread Norbert Thiebaud
On Wed, Jun 1, 2011 at 3:19 PM, David Nelson  wrote:
> Hi Norbert, :-)
> On Wed, Jun 1, 2011 at 23:12, Norbert Thiebaud  wrote:
>> That must have been a recent glitch, because I do recall having listen
>> to these recording in their entirety a the time...
>> actually I think that is a problem on your side. I just re-listen to
>> and it is fine and complete
> I have an excellent Internet connection, and looking at some of the
> file sizes tells me that they really are incomplete...

And I just actually _listen_ to one of the one you said was
incomplete... and the last seconds of the record is 'ok then..this is
all.. goodbye... goodbye... goodbye... ' (i'm paraphrasing)
so it sounded to me that it was the complete call., furthermore I
_did_ listen to every-one of these recording available on the wiki,
and, at the time at least, none of them felt like they were truncated
in anyway.
So... I'm not disputing that your experience may have varied, but I
provided a data point that tend to suggest that any problem would be
on your side of the connection (and bandwidth is not the only thing
involved, the OS, the browser, the plug-ins and any number of factor
may be involved)

>But, even
> putting that aside, the lack of notes at some meetings and the falling
> attendance are both indisputable...

_I_ have not commented on that at all, hence I have not disputed your
position on that either...

but since you mentioned it. I would note that the lack of attendance
seems to be correlated with whether the meeting was held on a week-end
or on week-day.
iow the usual conflict between volunteers schedules and full-staff schedule :-)


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Re: [steering-discuss] Recent incomplete or non-existent records of SC meetings

2011-06-01 Thread Norbert Thiebaud
On Wed, Jun 1, 2011 at 3:00 PM, David Nelson  wrote:
> Hi, :-)
> In addition to the recording of the SC meeting of 2011-05-12 [1] being
> incomplete (which is a pity since it contained some *interesting*
> discussion about the Brazilian community and about the MC), the same
> also applies to:
> * 2011-05-06 [2]
> * 2011-04-30 [3]
> * 2011-04-21 [4]
> * 2011-04-06 [5]
> * 2011-03-26 (no recording at all)
> * 2011-03-16 [6]
That must have been a recent glitch, because I do recall having listen
to these recording in their entirety a the time...
actually I think that is a problem on your side. I just re-listen to
and it is fine and complete


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[steering-discuss] Announcing the ESC?

2011-04-28 Thread Norbert Thiebaud
not to nit-pick, but I've just re-read the ByLaws, and nothing in
there require member of the ESC to be Member of the Foundation.

"The Engineering Steering Committee [ESC] is composed of developers
who are appointed: they are not required to be elected, and the ESC
can be staffed by as many members as necessary. "

here is is 'members' as in member of the ESC, not Member as in Member of TDF.

"The ESC is neither an elective body nor an elected committee: it
provides technical guidance. It can be placed under administration by
the BoD; in this case, the BoD will have the power to appoint a new
ESC, in whatever manner it deems appropriate."

e.g. the BoD could appoint Linus Thorvald if it wants, regardless of
whether or not Linus filled a TDF membership request... or even is

Granted that, since "The Engineering Steering Committee provides
technological guidance on strategic matters and, hypothetically, will
be composed of the Community's best engineers.", one could argue that
ESC member are expected to be eligible (modulo the 3 month waiting
period, and the 6 month 'moral' commitment :-) ) to TDF membership,
but they don't have to be effectively Member in good standing.

iow: the ESC composition could be announced independently of the
advancement of the work of the Membership Comity.


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