Re: Let's Roll

2006-01-13 Thread Dan Minette

- Original Message - 
From: "Doug Pensinger" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Killer Bs Discussion" 
Sent: Saturday, January 07, 2006 7:49 PM
Subject: Re: Let's Roll

> Dan wrote:
> > So, is your argument that the first step in the plan was to facilitate
> > major terrorist attack on the US, like 9-11?
> Via negligence, yes.  But I'm not saying Bush knew anything about it.
> Hell he was on vacation most of the time and he's as dumb as a shirt
> anyway.  Cheney, Rumsfeld are the puppeteers.  All they had to do was
> pretend that they didn't think they had to worry about Bin Laden et all
> and pooh-pooh a few reports that the terrorists were stirring.  Its an
> easy conspiracy to contain because all you have to do is have a few
> in key positions act dumb and fail to act.  And that's pretty much what
> happened.

So, your view is that Cheney and Rumsfeld wanted a massive terrorist attack
on the US in order to drastically reorder United States and to impose their
view of the New World Order?  Is that the claim?
I'd also like to note, this theory is immunized from
falsification...because it survives independent of evidence.

Dan M.


Re: Let's Roll

2006-01-07 Thread Doug Pensinger

Dan wrote:

So, is your argument that the first step in the plan was to facilitate a
major terrorist attack on the US, like 9-11?

Via negligence, yes.  But I'm not saying Bush knew anything about it.  
Hell he was on vacation most of the time and he's as dumb as a shirt 
anyway.  Cheney, Rumsfeld are the puppeteers.  All they had to do was 
pretend that they didn't think they had to worry about Bin Laden et all 
and pooh-pooh a few reports that the terrorists were stirring.  Its an 
easy conspiracy to contain because all you have to do is have a few people 
in key positions act dumb and fail to act.  And that's pretty much what 

Other terrorist attacks  came and went without much stir, (the Cole, the 
embassy bombings, etc.), so it

would have to be a big one.

None of those attacks came while the PNACs were running the show.  And 
Clinton couldn't have acted if he wanted to anyway because of the 
Republican congress and blowjobgate. I don't think they anticipated the 
scale of 911, but its scale empowered them that much more than they would 
have been otherwise.

Maybe this Abrahms thing will blow the whole thing open.  I just heard 
that Delay has given up any attempt to retain his leadership.  I think the 
next few years will be dominated by stories about Republicans being 
indicted and jailed.

Surprise, surprise.


Re: Let's Roll

2006-01-07 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Original Message:
From: Doug Pensinger [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Fri, 06 Jan 2006 21:33:10 -0800
Subject: Re: "Let's Roll"

> OK, let me accept that he was more interested in Iraq than AQ.  The 
> number of public statements he made on the dangers of appeasing North 
> Korea were
> significantly greater than the number of public statements made about 
> Iraq. Yet, I saw no indication that he was preparing the nation for an 
> invasion
> of North Korea.

>Know when to hold 'em and when to fold 'em, Dan.  Private statements as 
>reveiled by administration insiders are much more compelling than public 

Both would be needed for an massive invasion.  Quit planning and a fait
accompli might work for a small clandesent effort.  But, something as big
as the invasion of Iraq could not happen quietly and quickly.  Bush I, even
after UN approval, had to get Congressional approval for Gulf War I.  Bush
got Congressional approval for Gulf War II, even after the omnibus
resolution. One way or another, he would have to prepare the nation for
such an action.

You can see such a preparation after 9-11.  You could even see the start of
it with Bill Clinton's early '98 speach.  But, I don't recall, and I'm
pretty sure there wasn't, a comparable speech by Bush before 9-11.

Thus, 9 months or so into his presidency, there was no indication of the
first steps needed to prepare the nation for war with Iraq.  

Second, the private conversations you quote don't include statements akin
to "you know that invading Iraq may be necessary"  or "we need to make a
case that will convince Congress to invade Iraq."  If there were plans to
invade Iraq, which requires Congressional approval, then the first steps in
planning would need to include such actions.

> How is this inconsistent with him _knowing_ that there must have been a
> connection?  Why is this evidence that he planned on invading Iraq before
> 9-11.  Why couldn't it just be the perspective that it takes the 
> resources of a country to mount such an attackand knowing that 
> Hussein has
> supported other terrorists with cash, him believing that it must have
> happened again.

>Because it follow that if the projectionn of power into the middle east 
>and regime change in Iraq were administration priorities (as illustrated 
>in points 1, 2 and 4), then the administration would be anxious to find an 
>excuse to invade Iraq.

Both were priorities for Bush I, and he deliberately stopped Gulf War I
before invading.  James Baker made a very convincing case why invading Iraq
would have been a mistake.  Projecting power in Asia and regiem change in
North Korea were defense priorities of Clinton.  He did not plan an
invasion of North Korea.

> Well, it was a goal of the Clinton administration to remove Kim from 
> power. They thought that this would provide an opportunity to defuse the 
> Korean
> crisis.  This was after Clinton decided not to bomb the nuclear 
> facilities. But, he had no plans to invade.
> I know that Bush I had the removal of Hussein as a goal of his policy.
> Clinton certainly rattled the saber more in 1998 than Bush did pre-9-11.

>So if there had been an incident and Clinton had invaded and then it 
>turned out that the incident had absolutely nothing to do with N. Korea 
>then Clintons proclivity to unseat Kim would have nothing to do with why 
>he invaded???

OK, let me give a parallel.  Lets assume that Clinton, mistakenly, was
conviced that North Korea was working with/behind the terrorists.  These
terrorists attacked the US, and he then says "we have to invade North

That's a totally consistent scenario.  All that is required is the belief
that Iraq/Hussein was connected to terrorism and, in the post 9-11 world,
that Hussein needed to be removed for the security of the US.

We know that Bush believes in creationism.  I think that, given that, it is
reasonable to assume that he actually believed that Hussein was the most
significant risk to the US and had strong ties to AQ.  All this conjecture
assumes is that Bush's reasoning is faulty. 

>> For example, Powell stated that the sanctions were working with Iraq 
>> early in 2001 and that no military action was needed.

>Why is it you think that Powell is a good indicator of what the 
>administration was thinking?  Whatever he said had only coincidental 
>importance to what the ral Bush insiders were thinking.

Because that statement wouldn't have stood by itself if it contradicted
plans.  It would hurt the plans to invade Iraq.

> You quote Richards stating that Bush was more interested in Iraq than AQ.
> He also stated that Bush wasn't very interested in AQdidn't consider
> them to be a ser

Re: Let's Roll

2006-01-07 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Original Message:
From: Doug Pensinger [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Fri, 06 Jan 2006 21:33:10 -0800
Subject: Re: "Let's Roll"

>> Bush wasn't interested in nation buildingboth his statements and his
>> actions indicated that he thought it was a do-gooder waster of
>> effort.before 9-11.

>The article seems to be based on statements made by Secretary Powell who, 
>in retrospect, had about as much influence on the Bush White House as Dan 
>Rather.  Were there any statements by Bush or Rumsfeld or Cheney?

I'll answer this one quickly because it is a point that can easily be
adressed with a few quotes.  With all due respect, Doug, I think you are
getting old like I am and forgot who was on which side in the debate over
withrawing from the Balkins. :-) The following website states the two
positions quote well:

Some foreign policy experts argue that peacekeeping and peace enforcement
missions are an appropriate use of American military power in pursuit of
U.S. interests abroad. Resources unique to the military should be harnessed
in support of international efforts to resolve humanitarian crises and in
UN or alliance peace operations. They emphasize that the U.S. should
provide international leadership in preventing and or ending violence,
using military power as necessary to do so.

Other national security experts assert that peacekeeping operations
distract the military from its principal mission, which is to defend U.S.
territory and the physical security of its citizens, and to promote
American interests abroad. They point out that the use of military forces
must be limited in order for the military to remain prepared for strategic
combat missions and major regional conflicts. It is also critical for the
U.S. military to be active in collective defense arrangements with
important allies in areas such as Europe and Asia. The unique demands of
peacekeeping erode the military's war-fighting capacity and leave it
unprepared to defend security interests.

The first position, working with our allies in Europe was the position
advocated by Powell.  The second position, was Rumsfeld's and Cheney's.  

We can see that from other websites.  For Powell's position, we have:

Stay with your words. I was impressed with the very clear message Colin
Powell conveyed to other ministers and me both in Skopje and Budapest: the
United States will maintain its presence in southeast Europe. It?s a very
good message, with certain political weight. Such a message has put an end
to all gossiping.

Joe Biden, nicely summarized Rumsfeld's position in a Senate speech against
it, given at:;

Mr. BIDEN. Mr. President, I rise today to take strong issue with remarks by
Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld as summarized in the Washington Post
on May 18 and subsequently reproduced in their entirety on the paper's
website, that he is ``pushing'' to pull U.S. troops out of Bosnia.
According to Secretary Rumsfeld, ``the military job [in Bosnia] was done
three or four years ago.'' 

In addition, Powell actually was winning this arguement.  He lost most of
the arguements with Rumsfeld and Cheney, but did win some. 

Dan M. 

mail2web - Check your email from the web at .


Re: "Let's Roll"

2006-01-06 Thread Doug Pensinger

Dan wrote:

No, I made it based on his actions and statements concerning the Balkans
immediately after he was elected.  A summation of the administrations
attitude is at

Bush wasn't interested in nation buildingboth his statements and his
actions indicated that he thought it was a do-gooder waster of
effort.before 9-11.

The article seems to be based on statements made by Secretary Powell who, 
in retrospect, had about as much influence on the Bush White House as Dan 
Rather.  Were there any statements by Bush or Rumsfeld or Cheney?

Second, if you dig deeper into the Clarke statements as well as
allegations made by Paul O'Niel, you _will_ find a greater interest in
Iraq than in Al Quaeda/Bin Laden prior to 911.

OK, let me accept that he was more interested in Iraq than AQ.  The 
number of public statements he made on the dangers of appeasing North 
Korea were
significantly greater than the number of public statements made about 
Iraq. Yet, I saw no indication that he was preparing the nation for an 

of North Korea.

Know when to hold 'em and when to fold 'em, Dan.  Private statements as 
reveiled by administration insiders are much more compelling than public 

Third, immediately after 911 you not only have Bush telling Clarke to
find an Iraq connection you have Rumsfeld asking aids to come up with 

to strike Iraq _despite_ being told that the terrorists were probably Al
Qaeda and not Iraqi.

How is this inconsistent with him _knowing_ that there must have been a
connection?  Why is this evidence that he planned on invading Iraq before
9-11.  Why couldn't it just be the perspective that it takes the 
resources of a country to mount such an attackand knowing that 
Hussein has

supported other terrorists with cash, him believing that it must have
happened again.

Because it follow that if the projectionn of power into the middle east 
and regime change in Iraq were administration priorities (as illustrated 
in points 1, 2 and 4), then the administration would be anxious to find an 
excuse to invade Iraq.

Well, it was a goal of the Clinton administration to remove Kim from 
power. They thought that this would provide an opportunity to defuse the 
crisis.  This was after Clinton decided not to bomb the nuclear 
facilities. But, he had no plans to invade.

I know that Bush I had the removal of Hussein as a goal of his policy.
Clinton certainly rattled the saber more in 1998 than Bush did pre-9-11.

So if there had been an incident and Clinton had invaded and then it 
turned out that the incident had absolutely nothing to do with N. Korea 
then Clintons proclivity to unseat Kim would have nothing to do with why 
he invaded???

And finally you have the build up to invasion during which intelligence
was manipulated in a manner that promoted the justification for 

Which does not address what was planned before 9-11.

No, but it is a further indicator of the administrations anxiousness to 
invade Iraq.

There were four points that you considered suggesting that the invasion 
of Iraq was a priority before 9-11.  I didn't consider them thus.  I'd be

willing to try to formalize my I also considered negative evidence.

For example, Powell stated that the sanctions were working with Iraq 
early in 2001 and that no military action was needed.

Why is it you think that Powell is a good indicator of what the 
administration was thinking?  Whatever he said had only coincidental 
importance to what the ral Bush insiders were thinking.

You quote Richards stating that Bush was more interested in Iraq than AQ.
He also stated that Bush wasn't very interested in AQdidn't consider
them to be a serious threat.   If the Bush administration had Iraq as a
priority, wouldn't Richards, or Wilkerson, or someone have gotten wind of
that pre 9-11?

I assume you mean Richard Clarke?  This is from a meeting in April of 2001:

"Clarke relates, "I began saying, 'We have to deal with bin Laden; we have 
to deal with al Qaeda.' Paul Wolfowitz, the Deputy Secretary of Defense, 
said, 'No, no, no. We don't have to deal with al Qaeda. Why are we talking 
about that little guy? We have to talk about Iraqi terrorism against the 
United States.'

"And I said, 'Paul, there hasn't been any Iraqi terrorism against the 
United States in eight years!' And I turned to the deputy director of the 
CIA and said, 'Isn't that right?' And he said, 'Yeah, that's right. There 
is no Iraqi terrorism against the United States."

Clarke went on to add, "There's absolutely no evidence that Iraq was 
supporting al Qaeda, ever."

And this is Paul O'Niell, the Secretary of the Treasury and a member of 
the security council:

“From the very beginning, there was a conviction, that Saddam Hussein was 
a bad person and that he needed to go,” says O’Neill, who adds that going 
after Saddam was topic "A" 10 days after the inauguration - eigh

Re: "Let's Roll"

2006-01-06 Thread Dan Minette

- Original Message - 
From: "Robert Seeberger" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Killer Bs Discussion" 
Sent: Friday, January 06, 2006 7:37 PM
Subject: Re: "Let's Roll"

> Dan Minette wrote:
> >> My concern WRT the conspiracy theories is in the way 3 WTC
> >> buildings
> >> collapsed fairly squarely into thier footprints. It is quite
> >> difficult to *make* this occur (in the sense that work must be done
> >> to garuantee it), yet 3 WTC buildings did just that on their own
> >> and
> >> one was not even hit by a plane. If I have any doubts about the
> >> "rational" explanation it lies there.
> >
> > At the Scientific American site we have this explaination:
> >
> > 
> > Kausel addressed the oft-asked question of why the towers did not
> > tip
> > over like a falling tree. "A tree is solid, whereas building is
> > mostly air or empty space; only about 10 percent is solid material.
> > Since there is no solid stump underneath to force it to the side,
> > the
> > building cannot tip over. It could only collapse upon itself."
> > Robert
> > McNamara said his failure mechanism theory "focuses on the
> > connections that hold the structure together," but he cautioned that
> > "we really need to wait for a detailed investigation, before we
> > decide if we have to up the code ratings for these connections in
> > signature structures 
> >
> > To make it tilt, one side of the building would have to hold for a
> > significantly longer time than the other.  If you watch the video of
> > the south tower (I think it is the south tower), you will see some
> > tilting at the beginning.  After that, its more like a wave in a
> > structure.
> >
> > In essence, by the time the wave got down 20 floors, the forces
> > involved in stopping it were much greater than the design strength
> > of
> > the connections. They broke very that even a 50%
> > variation in breaking speed would not cause tilt.
> >
> > I think part of the problem in intuiting this is that our gut level
> > experience is not with this type of collapse with this type of
> > structure.
> >
> > Now, if the bottom collapsed, then we would expect tilt, but not the
> > top.
> >
> One of the towers was hit distinctly off center, yet it collapsed
> almost exactly as its twin.

Most of the civil engineering sites I looked at indicated that the fire was
hot enough to eventually weaken the remaining steel to 10%-20% of its full

> And what collapsed WTC8?


we have:

WTC 7 Collapse
CLAIM: Seven hours after the two towers fell, the 47-story WTC 7 collapsed.
According to "The video clearly shows that it was not a
collapse subsequent to a fire, but rather a controlled demolition: amongst
the Internet investigators, the jury is in on this one."

FACT: Many conspiracy theorists point to FEMA's preliminary report, which
said there was relatively light damage to WTC 7 prior to its collapse. With
the benefit of more time and resources, NIST researchers now support the
working hypothesis that WTC 7 was far more compromised by falling debris
than the FEMA report indicated. "The most important thing we found was that
there was, in fact, physical damage to the south face of building 7,"
NIST's Sunder tells PM. "On about a third of the face to the center and to
the bottom--approximately 10 stories--about 25 percent of the depth of the
building was scooped out." NIST also discovered previously undocumented
damage to WTC 7's upper stories and its southwest corner.

NIST investigators believe a combination of intense fire and severe
structural damage contributed to the collapse, though assigning the exact
proportion requires more research. But NIST's analysis suggests the fall of
WTC 7 was an example of "progressive collapse," a process in which the
failure of parts of a structure ultimately creates strains that cause the
entire building to come down. Videos of the fall of WTC 7 show cracks, or
"kinks," in the building's facade just before the two penthouses
disappeared into the structure, one after the other. The entire building
fell in on itself, with the slumping east side of the structure pulling
down the west side in a diagonal collapse.

According to NIST, there was one primary reason for the building's failure:
In an unusual design, the columns near the visible kinks were carrying
exceptionally large loads, roughly 2000 sq. ft. of floor area for each
floor. "What our preliminary analysis has shown

Re: "Let's Roll"

2006-01-06 Thread Robert Seeberger
Dan Minette wrote:
>> My concern WRT the conspiracy theories is in the way 3 WTC 
>> buildings
>> collapsed fairly squarely into thier footprints. It is quite
>> difficult to *make* this occur (in the sense that work must be done
>> to garuantee it), yet 3 WTC buildings did just that on their own 
>> and
>> one was not even hit by a plane. If I have any doubts about the
>> "rational" explanation it lies there.
> At the Scientific American site we have this explaination:
> Kausel addressed the oft-asked question of why the towers did not 
> tip
> over like a falling tree. "A tree is solid, whereas building is
> mostly air or empty space; only about 10 percent is solid material.
> Since there is no solid stump underneath to force it to the side, 
> the
> building cannot tip over. It could only collapse upon itself." 
> Robert
> McNamara said his failure mechanism theory "focuses on the
> connections that hold the structure together," but he cautioned that
> "we really need to wait for a detailed investigation, before we
> decide if we have to up the code ratings for these connections in
> signature structures 
> To make it tilt, one side of the building would have to hold for a
> significantly longer time than the other.  If you watch the video of
> the south tower (I think it is the south tower), you will see some
> tilting at the beginning.  After that, its more like a wave in a
> structure.
> In essence, by the time the wave got down 20 floors, the forces
> involved in stopping it were much greater than the design strength 
> of
> the connections. They broke very that even a 50%
> variation in breaking speed would not cause tilt.
> I think part of the problem in intuiting this is that our gut level
> experience is not with this type of collapse with this type of
> structure.
> Now, if the bottom collapsed, then we would expect tilt, but not the
> top.
One of the towers was hit distinctly off center, yet it collapsed 
almost exactly as its twin.
And what collapsed WTC8?

(This is a good bit of fun)

Conspiracy Points And Blunts Maru


Re: "Let's Roll"

2006-01-06 Thread Dan Minette

- Original Message - 
From: "Robert Seeberger" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Killer Bs Discussion" 
Sent: Friday, January 06, 2006 7:26 PM
Subject: Re: "Let's Roll"

> Dan Minette wrote:
> > Looking at the contention that the nature of the collapse was
> > consistent with demolition instead of desctruction by a shock wave
> > going downwards, we can look at:
> >
> >
> >
> > The composit ABC vidio shows pretty clearly that the bottom parts of
> > the building do not start to fall until the wave of destruction
> > reaches them. If multiple charges went off, then the collapse would
> > take place near simultaneously.
> >
> > After spending time looking at this, I still cannot see where the
> > alledged holes in the explaination provided by civil engineers is.
> > I'd appreciate a description of why the professional explaination
> > cannot be right.
> >
> Dan, I don't deny it, I question it.
> I would have an easier time with the way it collapsed if the buildings
> had toppled onto their neighbors (as awful as that sounds). It is the
> 3 buildings collapsing straight down that boggles my imagination.

I cannot see, given the mechanism of failure, how they would topple.  What
would hold one side of the building up for a significant length of time?
Once I started doing the physics of it in my head, it seemed obvious to
megiven the structure of the building and the nature of the collapse.

And I appreciate that you are not denying it, but simply stating
contradictions with earlier experience.  However,  it did seem to me that
David Land stated that the commonly accepted explanation is just as full of
holes as the conspiracy theoriesand that's what I was addressing with
my comment.

Dan M.


Re: "Let's Roll"

2006-01-06 Thread Robert Seeberger
Dan Minette wrote:
> Looking at the contention that the nature of the collapse was
> consistent with demolition instead of desctruction by a shock wave
> going downwards, we can look at:
> The composit ABC vidio shows pretty clearly that the bottom parts of
> the building do not start to fall until the wave of destruction
> reaches them. If multiple charges went off, then the collapse would
> take place near simultaneously.
> After spending time looking at this, I still cannot see where the
> alledged holes in the explaination provided by civil engineers is.
> I'd appreciate a description of why the professional explaination
> cannot be right.

Dan, I don't deny it, I question it.
I would have an easier time with the way it collapsed if the buildings 
had toppled onto their neighbors (as awful as that sounds). It is the 
3 buildings collapsing straight down that boggles my imagination.

As it were..building demolition experts *do* *not* explode all 
their charges simultaneously in any case, but rather explode the 
charges so that the collapse is "guided" downward. (And that factoid 
is from watching a documentary on building demolition I saw back in 
the 90s).

As thing stand, I don't believe in the conspiracy theories, but some 
aspects of them remain open questions until sufficient answers appear. 
I just have not seen sufficient evidnce for my particular bugaboo.

Splashes Maru


Re: "Let's Roll"

2006-01-06 Thread Dan Minette

> My concern WRT the conspiracy theories is in the way 3 WTC buildings
> collapsed fairly squarely into thier footprints. It is quite difficult
> to *make* this occur (in the sense that work must be done to garuantee
> it), yet 3 WTC buildings did just that on their own and one was not
> even hit by a plane. If I have any doubts about the "rational"
> explanation it lies there.

At the Scientific American site we have this explaination:

Kausel addressed the oft-asked question of why the towers did not tip over
like a falling tree. "A tree is solid, whereas building is mostly air or
empty space; only about 10 percent is solid material. Since there is no
solid stump underneath to force it to the side, the building cannot tip
over. It could only collapse upon itself." Robert McNamara said his failure
mechanism theory "focuses on the connections that hold the structure
together," but he cautioned that "we really need to wait for a detailed
investigation, before we decide if we have to up the code ratings for these
connections in signature structures

To make it tilt, one side of the building would have to hold for a
significantly longer time than the other.  If you watch the video of the
south tower (I think it is the south tower), you will see some tilting at
the beginning.  After that, its more like a wave in a structure.

In essence, by the time the wave got down 20 floors, the forces involved in
stopping it were much greater than the design strength of the connections.
They broke very that even a 50% variation in breaking speed
would not cause tilt.

I think part of the problem in intuiting this is that our gut level
experience is not with this type of collapse with this type of structure.

Now, if the bottom collapsed, then we would expect tilt, but not the top.

Dan M.


Re: "Let's Roll"

2006-01-06 Thread Dan Minette
Looking at the contention that the nature of the collapse was consistent
with demolition instead of desctruction by a shock wave going downwards, we
can look at:

The composit ABC vidio shows pretty clearly that the bottom parts of the
building do not start to fall until the wave of destruction reaches them.
If multiple charges went off, then the collapse would take place near

After spending time looking at this, I still cannot see where the alledged
holes in the explaination provided by civil engineers is.  I'd appreciate a
description of why the professional explaination cannot be right.

Dan M.

Dan M.


Re: "Let's Roll"

2006-01-06 Thread Robert Seeberger
Horn, John wrote:
>> On Behalf Of Dave Land
>> And it's not just that people described the plane hitting the
>> tower as "an explosion", it's the reports -- many of them at
>> the time they happened -- of "there goes another explosion".
>> There are radio recordings of lots of firefighters reported
>> "secondary explosions"
>> throughout the building at various times, and footage of
>> reporters reacting to explosions way after the both planes had hit.
> I don't think I was clear enough earlier.  I was actually referring
> to these reports of secondary explosions not the initial explosion
> from the airplane hit.
> Again, there probably were lots of things happening that could be
> described in the chaos of the moment as explosions.  But that
> doesn't mean they were caused by bombs preset in the building.  I'm
> not sure that I buy the argument that the average firefighter is
> trained to know the difference between an explosion caused by a bomb
> and by other things.  I'm sure they are trained to know about the
> "normal" fire-related explosions and such.  But nothing about the
> WTC attacks was normal.  It was all outside of their experiences and
> training.  The scale of the damage and the chaos was beyond anything
> I'm sure most, if not all, of them had ever seen.  I don't put a lot
> of creedence in the words someone blurted out over a radio in that
> situation.  As I said in another post, I could imagine someone
> blurting out the first thing that came to mind ("that sounded like a
> bomb") but then internalizing the next part ("no, probably 'caused
> by blah-blah-blah").
If you ever had the opportunity to hear 250MCM cables go phase to 
phase, something that certainly if only similarly happened in the WTC 
any number of times, then you would know just how easy it is to hear 
"explosions" during disasterous occurences.

How many battery powered devices would there be in a building like the 
WTC. Ever heard a battery explode? I have. It was 30 feet away and 
sounded like a shotgun going off next to my head. How many little UPS 
units in such an office space? How many exploded due to fire?

I'm sure some of the brighter minds here can think of other mundane 
reasons for explosions and similar sounding events.

My concern WRT the conspiracy theories is in the way 3 WTC buildings 
collapsed fairly squarely into thier footprints. It is quite difficult 
to *make* this occur (in the sense that work must be done to garuantee 
it), yet 3 WTC buildings did just that on their own and one was not 
even hit by a plane. If I have any doubts about the "rational" 
explanation it lies there.

Pancake Maru


Re: "Let's Roll"

2006-01-06 Thread Dan Minette

- Original Message - 
From: "Horn, John" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Killer Bs Discussion" 
Sent: Friday, January 06, 2006 9:25 AM
Subject: RE: "Let's Roll"

> On Behalf Of Dave Land

> And it's not just that people described the plane hitting the
> tower as "an explosion", it's the reports -- many of them at
> the time they happened -- of "there goes another explosion".
> There are radio recordings of lots of firefighters reported
> "secondary explosions"
> throughout the building at various times, and footage of
> reporters reacting to explosions way after the both planes had

I don't think I was clear enough earlier.  I was actually referring
to these reports of secondary explosions not the initial explosion
from the airplane hit.

>Again, there probably were lots of things happening that could be
>described in the chaos of the moment as explosions.  But that
>doesn't mean they were caused by bombs preset in the building.  I'm
>not sure that I buy the argument that the average firefighter is
>trained to know the difference between an explosion caused by a bomb
>and by other things.  I'm sure they are trained to know about the
>"normal" fire-related explosions and such.  But nothing about the
>WTC attacks was normal.  It was all outside of their experiences and
>training.  The scale of the damage and the chaos was beyond anything
>I'm sure most, if not all, of them had ever seen.

To add to this argument, I'll quote from one of ( the scientific American
site) the technical web sites I listed:

Others have pointed out the possibility that the aviation fuel fires burned
sufficiently hot to melt and ignite the airliners' aluminum airframe
structures. Aluminum, a pyrophoric metal, could have added to the
conflagrations. Hot molten aluminum, suggests one well-informed
correspondent, could have seeped down into the floor systems, doing
significant damage. "Aluminum melts into burning 'goblet puddles' that
would pool around depressions, [such as] beam joints, service openings in
the floor, stair wells and so forth...The goblets are white hot, burning at
an estimated 1800 degrees Celsius. At this temperature, the water of
hydration in the concrete is vaporized and consumed by the aluminum. This
evolves hydrogen gas that burns. Aluminum burning in concrete produces a
calcium oxide/silicate slag covered by a white aluminum oxide ash, all of
which serve to insulate and contain the aluminum puddle.

Such a scenario is consistent with multiple explosions.  Indeed, since
aluminum, iron, and oxygen are the prime components in thermite...and I
know from trying to find cast aluminum blocks that the melting and the
flash point of aluminum are close, one has the potential for lots of
explosions with the hot materials at hand.

Second, the amount of kinetic energy produced by each collapse was truly
amazing: a trillion joules.  To put it in perspective, using the specific
heat of stainless steel at 25C, this is enough to heat 2000 metric tons of
steel from 0C to 1000C.

Dan M.


RE: "Let's Roll"

2006-01-06 Thread Horn, John
> On Behalf Of Dave Land

> And it's not just that people described the plane hitting the 
> tower as "an explosion", it's the reports -- many of them at 
> the time they happened -- of "there goes another explosion". 
> There are radio recordings of lots of firefighters reported 
> "secondary explosions"  
> throughout the building at various times, and footage of 
> reporters reacting to explosions way after the both planes had

I don't think I was clear enough earlier.  I was actually referring
to these reports of secondary explosions not the initial explosion
from the airplane hit.

Again, there probably were lots of things happening that could be
described in the chaos of the moment as explosions.  But that
doesn't mean they were caused by bombs preset in the building.  I'm
not sure that I buy the argument that the average firefighter is
trained to know the difference between an explosion caused by a bomb
and by other things.  I'm sure they are trained to know about the
"normal" fire-related explosions and such.  But nothing about the
WTC attacks was normal.  It was all outside of their experiences and
training.  The scale of the damage and the chaos was beyond anything
I'm sure most, if not all, of them had ever seen.  I don't put a lot
of creedence in the words someone blurted out over a radio in that
situation.  As I said in another post, I could imagine someone
blurting out the first thing that came to mind ("that sounded like a
bomb") but then internalizing the next part ("no, probably 'caused
by blah-blah-blah").

 - jmh

RE: "Let's Roll"

2006-01-06 Thread Horn, John
> n Behalf Of Julia Thompson

> And then there's the question, is it a firecracker or a gun?  
> If you hear enough of both, you learn to tell the difference 
> in sound.  Or so I've been told by someone who lived on a 
> really bad street in DC for a year.

But could that person tell the difference after several hours of
dealing with the worst terrorist incident on US soil?  If they
happened to have a radio with them, is it quite possible they might
say "that sounded like a gunshot" outloud and then think later to
themselves, "no, more likely a firecracker".

  - jmh

Re: "Let's Roll"

2006-01-05 Thread Dan Minette

- Original Message - 
From: "Doug Pensinger" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Killer Bs Discussion" 
Sent: Thursday, January 05, 2006 9:50 PM
Subject: Re: "Let's Roll"

> Dan  wrote:
> > The reason I bring these examples up is that they help illustrate the
> > main points that I hope we can agree upon before considering the issue.
> >
> > The first is that we should accept the same technique to evaluate
> > arguments supporting positions that we tend to favor as we do those
> > positions we tend to oppose.  We've discussed the bias we all have
> > before on this list.  I
> > have found, both professionally and personally, that reliance on
> > technique is one of the best ways to counter this tendency.  Feynman's
> > comment that
> > "science is one of the best ways we have of not fooling ourselves"
> > relates to this.  Many times I have used technique to arrive at
> > conclusions, and
> > then said "oh shit" after I arrived at my conclusions.  The rigorous
> > of technique was my guard against lying to myself.  After 25 years of
> > success using these techniques, they are fairly well ingrained in me.
> Then why don't you use technique when examining The Bush administration's
> motivation for the invasion of Iraq?  I have provided several data points
> that suggest that Bush and/or members of his administration were inclined
> to invade Iraq prior to 911 and more data points that suggest that they
> were inclined to blame Iraq for 911 without supporting evidence.  You
> provided one (1) data point suggesting otherwise, a campaign promise to
> avoid nation building.

> I might also add that you failed to respond to the post in which I
> provided these data points leading me to believe that either you have no
> adequate response or that you would rather not admit that you're wrong.
> Or perhaps, more charitably, you missed the post or I missed your reply?

I didn't reply in detail because I got distracted with family business at
the time.  Here it is.  As far as technique, I will be happy to accept that
someone's viewpoint after a life changing event, like 9-11 was for Bush,
can be quite different from what it was before.  I'll be happy to agree
that arguing for something in 2002 doesn't mean you held that view early in
2001.  I'll be happy to agree that thinking country A is a worse risk than
county or group B doesn't mean one plans to invade country A.  And, as the
below shows, I don't think that having a goal of eliminating a government
means that one is planning an invasion.

> Dan wrote:
> > I did this out of order because I think this exchange fits perfectly
> > with my hypothesis: GWB "knew" Hussein was behind the attack; just as
> > "knew" that Hussein's WMD program was well advanced.  I am not
> > his judgment; I think that his judgment in this case was horrible.  If
> > he were pushing Clark to find evidence of links between Hussein and the
> > attacks of AQ before 9-11, then I think that there would be an argument
> > for a pre-set plan to find enough evidence to stage a war against
> > Hussein. But, if it only happened after 9-11, and Bush's other rhetoric
> > indicated a massive change in attitude, then I think that it is
> > reasonable to accept
> > his statement that 9-11 changed everything.  For him, it certainly
> > to.
> First, you're basing your "massive change in attitude" on statements made
> about nation building in the heat of a political campaign and as we all
> know, the sincerity of campaign utterances is by definition, suspect.

No, I made it based on his actions and statements concerning the Balkans
immediately after he was elected.  A summation of the administrations
attitude is at

Bush wasn't interested in nation buildingboth his statements and his
actions indicated that he thought it was a do-gooder waster of
effort.before 9-11.

> Second, if you dig deeper into the Clarke statements as well as
> allegations made by Paul O'Niel, you _will_ find a greater interest in
> Iraq than in Al Quaeda/Bin Laden prior to 911.

OK, let me accept that he was more interested in Iraq than AQ.  The number
of public statements he made on the dangers of appeasing North Korea were
significantly greater than the number of public statements made about Iraq.
Yet, I saw no indication that he was preparing the nation for an invasion
of North Korea.

> Third, immediately after 911 you not only have Bush telling Clarke to
> an Iraq connection you have Rumsfeld asking aids to come up with plans t

Re: "Let's Roll"

2006-01-05 Thread Doug Pensinger

Dan  wrote:

The reason I bring these examples up is that they help illustrate the 
main points that I hope we can agree upon before considering the issue.

The first is that we should accept the same technique to evaluate 
arguments supporting positions that we tend to favor as we do those 
positions we tend to oppose.  We've discussed the bias we all have 
before on this list.  I
have found, both professionally and personally, that reliance on 
technique is one of the best ways to counter this tendency.  Feynman's 
comment that
"science is one of the best ways we have of not fooling ourselves" 
relates to this.  Many times I have used technique to arrive at 
conclusions, and
then said "oh shit" after I arrived at my conclusions.  The rigorous use 
of technique was my guard against lying to myself.  After 25 years of 
success using these techniques, they are fairly well ingrained in me.

Then why don't you use technique when examining The Bush administration's 
motivation for the invasion of Iraq?  I have provided several data points 
that suggest that Bush and/or members of his administration were inclined 
to invade Iraq prior to 911 and more data points that suggest that they 
were inclined to blame Iraq for 911 without supporting evidence.  You 
provided one (1) data point suggesting otherwise, a campaign promise to 
avoid nation building.

I might also add that you failed to respond to the post in which I 
provided these data points leading me to believe that either you have no 
adequate response or that you would rather not admit that you're wrong.  
Or perhaps, more charitably, you missed the post or I missed your reply?

Here's the relevent post:


Re: "Let's Roll"

2006-01-05 Thread Dan Minette
I'm about to go out, so I thought I'd add one more thing to my list of
rules of thumb that directly affects the WTC question.  I went to a number
of "conspiracy" web sites and found a consistent theme that the collapse
was inconsistent with the explanation by the government.

I thought that such a major event would be studied by civil engineers.  And
I was right.  I was able to google a number of sites.  A sample is given

In addition, there is a list of abstracts that includes a number on the WTC
collapse at:

>From this sample, I have determined that the professional civil engineering
community believes that the collapse is consistant with damage done by
airplanes.  There are differences of opinion, of course, but they are
mostly about the relative importance of various factors.

If the collapse was inconsistent with being caused by airplanes, I would
think that all these professionals would not have stated that it was
consistent.  They would, instead, write papers on not all the factors being
yet understood because the collapse was not consistent with the specs. of
the WTC and the damage done by planes.  There would be a number of
non-conspiricy based factors that they could consider.  Since this is a
high profile question, the people who did figure this out would gain
significant recognitiona main goal of many accademics.

This leads to another principal: when a professional community (such as
biologist, physicsts, or engineers) states that data are consistant with
established theories and facts and amature websites state they are not,
there is a tremendous burdon of proof on the amature, since historically
the professionals are right many many more times than creationists,
alternate thinkers, conspiricy advocates, etc.

Dan M.


Re: "Let's Roll"

2006-01-05 Thread Dan Minette

- Original Message - 
From: "Dave Land" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Killer Bs Discussion" 
Sent: Wednesday, January 04, 2006 3:55 PM
Subject: Re: "Let's Roll"

> > 1) Commercial planes were not really hijacked on 9-11
> > 2) Commercial planes did not hit the twin towers
> > 3) Commercial planes did not hit the Pentagon.
> > 4) AQ did not hijack the planes?
> > 5) People high in the US government knew about the hijackings
> > beforehand?
> > 6) Bombs were planted in the WTC and went off after the planes hit?
> However, since you asked, the answer to all six questions is,
> quite possibly.
> Of course, I don't know what actually happened in New York,
> Washington and Pennsylvania on 9/11, but as I said in my
> original post, I am increasingly convinced that it is not
> according to the version presented by the administration.
> I realize that all of the conspiracy theories are full of
> holes, but that makes them no different than the government
> version.

I'm not quite sure where to start because you have, as far as I can tell
said "you are pretty sure the government is lying, but you are not sure
about what."  This leaves me in the position, should I wish to argue
against it, of trying to falsify every conceivable possibility.

I think you might have recognized this when you mentioned your uncle's
obsession with the Kennedy assassination. I've listened to the arguments
on this for years.  They theories range from ones that only require a small
unseen non-governmental conspiracy (i.e. a single mob boss setting up
Oswald), to ones that absolutely strain credibility (i.e. the Zapruder film
of the Kennedy assassination being a government plant that was staged with
actors to hide what really happened.)

Of the two theories, the first has a much smaller hurdle to overcome than
the second.  I don't see any real evidence for the first, but one does not
have to argue for an undetected Byzantine conspiracy for it to occur.  I
believe a reasonable person would require a very high burden of proof for
the latter theory, and a more modest one for the former.

The reason for this, I hope, is obvious.  The planting of Zapruder as an
ordinary citizen, but really a secret government agent, strains credibility
in a way that secret mob connections do not. I hope we can agree on such a
principal...because I think it is essential in analyzing most sets of data
to arrive at a conclusion.  If we do not, then I'd take the time to go
through the types of arguments that one opens oneself up to.

Speaking of which, I'd like to refer to other arenas where the "big holes"
arguments have been used.  One was an "alternate thinker" cosmology website
that Doug asked questions about.  Another is the creationist argument.  In
each case, there  a list of holes in the standard theory are given.  Many
of these "holes" don't really exist, they result from apparent common sense
but inaccurate arguments (e.g. the entropy argument of creationists.) Some
holes do, but they are minor anomalies that can be expected in any complex
set of data.  I'd argue that these folks "strain at gnats and swallow
camels."  Particularly with evolution, there are certainly large holes in
the data set tracing evolution from it's beginnings, but that is to be
expected when one needs a bit of luck to have any given specimen both
preserved and found.

The reason I bring these examples up is that they help illustrate the main
points that I hope we can agree upon before considering the issue.

The first is that we should accept the same technique to evaluate arguments
supporting positions that we tend to favor as we do those positions we tend
to oppose.  We've discussed the bias we all have before on this list.  I
have found, both professionally and personally, that reliance on technique
is one of the best ways to counter this tendency.  Feynman's comment that
"science is one of the best ways we have of not fooling ourselves" relates
to this.  Many times I have used technique to arrive at conclusions, and
then said "oh shit" after I arrived at my conclusions.  The rigorous use of
technique was my guard against lying to myself.  After 25 years of success
using these techniques, they are fairly well ingrained in me.

Now, when we turn from science to politics and economics, things are not
quite as simple.  Nonetheless, scholarship is still valuable in this area.
I say scholarship, because the reliance on technique is a hallmark of
scholarship.  When I read books on how to do historical research I see a
parallel to my own scientific work.  It's a bit softer, since history is
not a science, but good technique still have a very high correlation with

The second point is that virtually every complex dat

Re: "Let's Roll"

2006-01-04 Thread Ronn!Blankenship

At 09:44 PM Wednesday 1/4/2006, Julia Thompson wrote:

Ronn!Blankenship wrote:

At 06:21 PM Wednesday 1/4/2006, Robert Seeberger wrote:

- Original Message -
From: "Julia Thompson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Killer Bs Discussion" 
Sent: Wednesday, January 04, 2006 2:31 PM
Subject: Re: "Let's Roll"

> Robert Seeberger wrote:
>> - Original Message -
>> From: "Robert Seeberger" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> To: "Killer Bs Discussion" 
>> Sent: Wednesday, January 04, 2006 1:23 PM
>> Subject: Re: "Let's Roll"
>>>Just stumbled on this this morning. It is an "Unreal" (the game)
>>>stabilized version of the Zapruder film.
>> URK!
>> Wrongo!
>> Its a quicktime stabilized clip.
>> I'm on some medication today and really really reading things
>> badly.
>> xponent
>> MyBadMeaCulpa Maru
>> rob
> Is that any worse than my initial inclination to say "I hope you get
> over your medication soon"?  :)
Gak! Me too!
It has been a bad last two days.
First thing at work yesterday morning I had to run up 2 flights of
stairs on a jobsite (work is slow at the hospital so I am helping to
build TSU's new science building) and by the time I got to our lockbox
I couldn't breathe. I could take a deep breath, but it felt like I
wasn't getting any oxygen *in*. I felt too weak to work.
There was no reason I could think of to be feeling undue anxiety so
I'm thinking seriously that I was having a heart attack. After an hour
and a half of not getting better I left work and went home. I tried to
get a doctors appointment but couldn't get one til 4.
Breathing got a little easier at home and became tolerable enough to
take a nap after a couple of hours.
When I finally saw the doctor he gives me a prescription for
amoxicillin and hydoxyzine, an antibiotic for a lower respiratory
infection and an antihistimine to also take care of a rash on my arms.
I'm going to try to get back to work tomorrow but I'm still feeling
crappy right now.

Hope you feel better soon.
Unfortunately, I have that problem all too 
often, to the point where a doctor called it 
"chronic bronchitis."  Given that that is often 
the diagnosis given to long-time smokers who 
have developed a chronic cough as a result of 
the damage to their lungs, and that was 
certainly not the cause of mine, I have to say 
that I got stuck with the illness without 
having any of the fun getting it . . .
(At Thanksgiving of 1981, I had some sort of 
flu-like illness which a doctor diagnosed as 
"bronchitis" and prescribed antibiotics which 
did relieve the congestion and cough.  However, 
the rest of the symptoms never got any better, 
and whenever I "overdo"—IOW, try to do even 
half as much as normal—the cough and congestion 
all come back.  So I now get to enjoy having 
"chronic fatigue syndrome" combined with "chronic bronchitis.")

The Crud Maru

Today someone brought up

... so to speak ...

(on another mailing list I'm on) symptoms of 
"silent reflux".  They include hoarseness and chronic cough.

One of the reasons it came up was that someone 
just had her congestion and other unpleasant 
symptoms diagnosed as being due to reflux and 
asthma, neither of which she thought she 
had.  (So she's going to be treating those, and 
hoping she starts feeling a lot better.)

I'm pretty sure what I have is what the above 
diagnosis says.  OTOH, it would be nice to have something treatable . . .

--Ronn!  :)

"Since I was a small boy, two states have been 
added to our country and two words have been 
added to the pledge of Allegiance... UNDER 
GOD.  Wouldn't it be a pity if someone said that 
is a prayer and that would be eliminated from schools too?"

   -- Red Skelton

(Someone asked me to change my .sig quote back, so I did.)


Re: "Let's Roll"

2006-01-04 Thread Julia Thompson

Ronn!Blankenship wrote:

At 06:21 PM Wednesday 1/4/2006, Robert Seeberger wrote:

- Original Message -
From: "Julia Thompson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Killer Bs Discussion" 
Sent: Wednesday, January 04, 2006 2:31 PM
Subject: Re: "Let's Roll"

> Robert Seeberger wrote:
>> - Original Message -
>> From: "Robert Seeberger" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> To: "Killer Bs Discussion" 
>> Sent: Wednesday, January 04, 2006 1:23 PM
>> Subject: Re: "Let's Roll"
>>>Just stumbled on this this morning. It is an "Unreal" (the game)
>>>stabilized version of the Zapruder film.
>> URK!
>> Wrongo!
>> Its a quicktime stabilized clip.
>> I'm on some medication today and really really reading things
>> badly.
>> xponent
>> MyBadMeaCulpa Maru
>> rob
> Is that any worse than my initial inclination to say "I hope you get
> over your medication soon"?  :)
Gak! Me too!
It has been a bad last two days.
First thing at work yesterday morning I had to run up 2 flights of
stairs on a jobsite (work is slow at the hospital so I am helping to
build TSU's new science building) and by the time I got to our lockbox
I couldn't breathe. I could take a deep breath, but it felt like I
wasn't getting any oxygen *in*. I felt too weak to work.
There was no reason I could think of to be feeling undue anxiety so
I'm thinking seriously that I was having a heart attack. After an hour
and a half of not getting better I left work and went home. I tried to
get a doctors appointment but couldn't get one til 4.
Breathing got a little easier at home and became tolerable enough to
take a nap after a couple of hours.
When I finally saw the doctor he gives me a prescription for
amoxicillin and hydoxyzine, an antibiotic for a lower respiratory
infection and an antihistimine to also take care of a rash on my arms.
I'm going to try to get back to work tomorrow but I'm still feeling
crappy right now.

Hope you feel better soon.

Unfortunately, I have that problem all too often, to the point where a 
doctor called it "chronic bronchitis."  Given that that is often the 
diagnosis given to long-time smokers who have developed a chronic cough 
as a result of the damage to their lungs, and that was certainly not the 
cause of mine, I have to say that I got stuck with the illness without 
having any of the fun getting it . . .

(At Thanksgiving of 1981, I had some sort of flu-like illness which a 
doctor diagnosed as "bronchitis" and prescribed antibiotics which did 
relieve the congestion and cough.  However, the rest of the symptoms 
never got any better, and whenever I "overdo"—IOW, try to do even half 
as much as normal—the cough and congestion all come back.  So I now get 
to enjoy having "chronic fatigue syndrome" combined with "chronic 

The Crud Maru

Today someone brought up (on another mailing list I'm on) symptoms of 
"silent reflux".  They include hoarseness and chronic cough.

One of the reasons it came up was that someone just had her congestion 
and other unpleasant symptoms diagnosed as being due to reflux and 
asthma, neither of which she thought she had.  (So she's going to be 
treating those, and hoping she starts feeling a lot better.)

Me, I just scheduled a physical for later this month, and I hope NOBODY 
from this household has to go to the doctor before then.


Re: "Let's Roll"

2006-01-04 Thread Julia Thompson

Ronn!Blankenship wrote:

At 02:31 PM Wednesday 1/4/2006, Julia Thompson wrote:

Robert Seeberger wrote:

- Original Message - From: "Robert Seeberger" 

To: "Killer Bs Discussion" 
Sent: Wednesday, January 04, 2006 1:23 PM
Subject: Re: "Let's Roll"

Just stumbled on this this morning. It is an "Unreal" (the game) 
stabilized version of the Zapruder film.

Its a quicktime stabilized clip.
I'm on some medication today and really really reading things badly.

MyBadMeaCulpa Maru

Is that any worse than my initial inclination to say "I hope you get 
over your medication soon"?  :)

If a spoonful of sugar makes the medicine go down, does a spoonful of 
medicine make the sugar come up?

Non-Commutative Operations Maru

Not in my (admittedly limited) experience.

Unless it's syrup of ipecac, which should only be administered when you 
know someone has to be made to throw up.  (We haven't had that happen. 
Neither have we had to administer the activated charcoal.  Forcing 
hydrogen peroxide into a dog, on the other hand, has been done enough 
times that the older baster has been permanently relocated to be with 
the "dog stuff".)


Re: "Let's Roll"

2006-01-04 Thread Ronn!Blankenship

At 06:21 PM Wednesday 1/4/2006, Robert Seeberger wrote:

- Original Message -
From: "Julia Thompson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Killer Bs Discussion" 
Sent: Wednesday, January 04, 2006 2:31 PM
Subject: Re: "Let's Roll"

> Robert Seeberger wrote:
>> - Original Message -
>> From: "Robert Seeberger" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> To: "Killer Bs Discussion" 
>> Sent: Wednesday, January 04, 2006 1:23 PM
>> Subject: Re: "Let's Roll"
>>>Just stumbled on this this morning. It is an "Unreal" (the game)
>>>stabilized version of the Zapruder film.
>> URK!
>> Wrongo!
>> Its a quicktime stabilized clip.
>> I'm on some medication today and really really reading things
>> badly.
>> xponent
>> MyBadMeaCulpa Maru
>> rob
> Is that any worse than my initial inclination to say "I hope you get
> over your medication soon"?  :)
Gak! Me too!
It has been a bad last two days.
First thing at work yesterday morning I had to run up 2 flights of
stairs on a jobsite (work is slow at the hospital so I am helping to
build TSU's new science building) and by the time I got to our lockbox
I couldn't breathe. I could take a deep breath, but it felt like I
wasn't getting any oxygen *in*. I felt too weak to work.
There was no reason I could think of to be feeling undue anxiety so
I'm thinking seriously that I was having a heart attack. After an hour
and a half of not getting better I left work and went home. I tried to
get a doctors appointment but couldn't get one til 4.
Breathing got a little easier at home and became tolerable enough to
take a nap after a couple of hours.
When I finally saw the doctor he gives me a prescription for
amoxicillin and hydoxyzine, an antibiotic for a lower respiratory
infection and an antihistimine to also take care of a rash on my arms.
I'm going to try to get back to work tomorrow but I'm still feeling
crappy right now.

Hope you feel better soon.

Unfortunately, I have that problem all too often, 
to the point where a doctor called it "chronic 
bronchitis."  Given that that is often the 
diagnosis given to long-time smokers who have 
developed a chronic cough as a result of the 
damage to their lungs, and that was certainly not 
the cause of mine, I have to say that I got stuck 
with the illness without having any of the fun getting it . . .

(At Thanksgiving of 1981, I had some sort of 
flu-like illness which a doctor diagnosed as 
"bronchitis" and prescribed antibiotics which did 
relieve the congestion and cough.  However, the 
rest of the symptoms never got any better, and 
whenever I "overdo"—IOW, try to do even half as 
much as normal—the cough and congestion all come 
back.  So I now get to enjoy having "chronic 
fatigue syndrome" combined with "chronic bronchitis.")

The Crud Maru

--Ronn!  :)

"Since I was a small boy, two states have been 
added to our country and two words have been 
added to the pledge of Allegiance... UNDER 
GOD.  Wouldn't it be a pity if someone said that 
is a prayer and that would be eliminated from schools too?"

   -- Red Skelton

(Someone asked me to change my .sig quote back, so I did.)


Re: "Let's Roll"

2006-01-04 Thread Robert Seeberger

- Original Message - 
From: "Julia Thompson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Killer Bs Discussion" 
Sent: Wednesday, January 04, 2006 2:31 PM
Subject: Re: "Let's Roll"

> Robert Seeberger wrote:
>> - Original Message - 
>> From: "Robert Seeberger" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> To: "Killer Bs Discussion" 
>> Sent: Wednesday, January 04, 2006 1:23 PM
>> Subject: Re: "Let's Roll"
>>>Just stumbled on this this morning. It is an "Unreal" (the game) 
>>>stabilized version of the Zapruder film.
>> URK!
>> Wrongo!
>> Its a quicktime stabilized clip.
>> I'm on some medication today and really really reading things 
>> badly.
>> xponent
>> MyBadMeaCulpa Maru
>> rob
> Is that any worse than my initial inclination to say "I hope you get 
> over your medication soon"?  :)
Gak! Me too!
It has been a bad last two days.
First thing at work yesterday morning I had to run up 2 flights of 
stairs on a jobsite (work is slow at the hospital so I am helping to 
build TSU's new science building) and by the time I got to our lockbox 
I couldn't breathe. I could take a deep breath, but it felt like I 
wasn't getting any oxygen *in*. I felt too weak to work.
There was no reason I could think of to be feeling undue anxiety so 
I'm thinking seriously that I was having a heart attack. After an hour 
and a half of not getting better I left work and went home. I tried to 
get a doctors appointment but couldn't get one til 4.
Breathing got a little easier at home and became tolerable enough to 
take a nap after a couple of hours.
When I finally saw the doctor he gives me a prescription for 
amoxicillin and hydoxyzine, an antibiotic for a lower respiratory 
infection and an antihistimine to also take care of a rash on my arms.
I'm going to try to get back to work tomorrow but I'm still feeling 
crappy right now.

On Drugs Maru


Re: "Let's Roll"

2006-01-04 Thread Ronn!Blankenship

At 02:48 PM Wednesday 1/4/2006, Deborah Harrell wrote:

When I lived in one of many "DMZ"s in Dallas, I
learned the difference between 'happy-it's-the-weekend
gunfire' vs. drug-deal-gone-bad gunfire.  It was the
rapidity of fire marking the latter, and sometimes
higher caliber weapons.

The former, however, can still hurt you if you happen to be standing 
or sleeping where it comes down.  Locally, several innocent people 
started the New Year with new holes in the roof of their houses or 
cars.  Last year (I believe it was), one woman was standing up 
singing in church when a stray round from so-called "celebratory 
gunfire" punched a hole through the window of the church and then her 
(she did survive) . . .

Gravity For Dummies Maru

--Ronn!  :)

"Since I was a small boy, two states have been added to our country 
and two words have been added to the pledge of Allegiance... UNDER 
GOD.  Wouldn't it be a pity if someone said that is a prayer and that 
would be eliminated from schools too?"

   -- Red Skelton

(Someone asked me to change my .sig quote back, so I did.)


Re: "Let's Roll"

2006-01-04 Thread Ronn!Blankenship

At 02:31 PM Wednesday 1/4/2006, Julia Thompson wrote:

Robert Seeberger wrote:
- Original Message - From: "Robert Seeberger" 

To: "Killer Bs Discussion" 
Sent: Wednesday, January 04, 2006 1:23 PM
Subject: Re: "Let's Roll"

Just stumbled on this this morning. It is an "Unreal" (the game) 
stabilized version of the Zapruder film.

Its a quicktime stabilized clip.
I'm on some medication today and really really reading things badly.

MyBadMeaCulpa Maru

Is that any worse than my initial inclination to say "I hope you get 
over your medication soon"?  :)

If a spoonful of sugar makes the medicine go down, does a spoonful of 
medicine make the sugar come up?

Non-Commutative Operations Maru

--Ronn!  :)

"Since I was a small boy, two states have been added to our country 
and two words have been added to the pledge of Allegiance... UNDER 
GOD.  Wouldn't it be a pity if someone said that is a prayer and that 
would be eliminated from schools too?"

   -- Red Skelton

(Someone asked me to change my .sig quote back, so I did.)


Re: Let's Roll"

2006-01-04 Thread Ronn!Blankenship

At 09:13 AM Wednesday 1/4/2006, Robert J. Chassell wrote:

Dave Land <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote

I know that other 9/11 analyses have been posted to this list, but
I came across a one-hour documentary that concludes that "it is
more likely than not that the government was actually behind the
attacks" ...

Yes, that is worth checking.

As I say below ` ... the simplest hypothesis is that a Moslem group
did the job ...'

The reason it is worth checking was stated by a friend of mine:

The isolation of the cells that undertook the hijacking and
attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon meant that the
people in those groups could have been directed by someone who is
not Moslem.  The hijackers could have been fooled as to who their
sponsors were.

And of course that means we know who the sponsors must have been 
without having to read any more.

--Ronn!  :)

"Since I was a small boy, two states have been added to our country 
and two words have been added to the pledge of Allegiance... UNDER 
GOD.  Wouldn't it be a pity if someone said that is a prayer and that 
would be eliminated from schools too?"

   -- Red Skelton

(Someone asked me to change my .sig quote back, so I did.)


Re: "Let's Roll"

2006-01-04 Thread Dave Land

On Jan 4, 2006, at 11:44 AM, Dan Minette wrote:

From: "Dave Land" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Something happened on 9/11 other than the official version, and the
price has been the real security of the USA.

Before I respond, I'd like to ask a question of you and Nick.  Are you

1) Commercial planes were not really hijacked on 9-11
2) Commercial planes did not hit the twin towers
3) Commercial planes did not hit the Pentagon.
4) AQ did not hijack the planes?
5) People high in the US government knew about the hijackings  

6) Bombs were planted in the WTC and went off after the planes hit?

To be quite accurate (or, if you prefer, pedantic), *I* am
not arguing any of the above, Dylan Avery is. I am, however,
open to explanations of the events of 9/11 other than the
official story, which has more holes in it than swiss cheese.

However, since you asked, the answer to all six questions is,
quite possibly.

Of course, I don't know what actually happened in New York,
Washington and Pennsylvania on 9/11, but as I said in my
original post, I am increasingly convinced that it is not
according to the version presented by the administration.

I realize that all of the conspiracy theories are full of
holes, but that makes them no different than the government

I look forward to your response to Mr. Avery's assertions.



Re: "Let's Roll"

2006-01-04 Thread Deborah Harrell
> Julia Thompson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Horn, John wrote:

> > So, some firefighters said over the radio that
> something sounded
> > like a bomb.  So what?  That's probably what it
> did sound like.
> > That doesn't make it a bomb.
> And then there's the question, is it a firecracker
> or a gun?  If you 
> hear enough of both, you learn to tell the
> difference in sound.  Or so 
> I've been told by someone who lived on a really bad
> street in DC for a year.

When I lived in one of many "DMZ"s in Dallas, I
learned the difference between 'happy-it's-the-weekend
gunfire' vs. drug-deal-gone-bad gunfire.  It was the
rapidity of fire marking the latter, and sometimes
higher caliber weapons.

Roll The Bones Maru

Yahoo! DSL – Something to write home about. 
Just $16.99/mo. or less. 


Re: Let's Roll"

2006-01-04 Thread Robert J. Chassell
Dave Land <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote

I know that other 9/11 analyses have been posted to this list, but
I came across a one-hour documentary that concludes that "it is
more likely than not that the government was actually behind the
attacks" ...

Yes, that is worth checking.

As I say below ` ... the simplest hypothesis is that a Moslem group
did the job ...'

The reason it is worth checking was stated by a friend of mine:

The isolation of the cells that undertook the hijacking and
attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon meant that the
people in those groups could have been directed by someone who is
not Moslem.  The hijackers could have been fooled as to who their
sponsors were.

(The friend is a former paratrooper who tried to enter the burning
Trade Center buildings because he had training in helping burn
victims.  He was prevented by a cop -- which saved his life.)

Before Al Qaeda claimed responsibility, back on 23 September 2001,
less than two weeks after the attacks, as a result of my friend's
comments, I wrote to myself

To find out who sponsored the attacks, one can use Lenin's method and
ask `who benefits?' from these attacks.

  * Clearly, the fundamentalist, anti-US Moslems do.  This fits
with the usual theory, that Bin Laden, or someone else of that
ilk, is behind the attacks.

  * US `patriot' groups -- `militias'.

These groups are against the US military, for being on the
side of the UN, against financiers, especially Jewish
financiers working in the World Trade Center, and Arabs.

This attack was against all of them.

Against this possibility is the argument that the effort
required too much money and sophistication for the US groups
to handle; and it will likely lead to fewer US civil

  * US military or intelligence

The attacks will lead to a sharp increase in funding and power
for the CIA or other such groups.

However, are there any organizations in the US government who
have successfully infiltrated those group who could have done
the job?  And would it have been possible for a large enough
number of people in a conspiracy inside the US government to
have carried off the attack without someone telling others of
the plan?

I doubt it.

  * Israel

It is widely believed that the Mossad has the capability
necessary to sponsor the attack.  It is thought that they have
infiltrated various terrorist groups.

The purpose of the attack would be to change US opinion so
that the Israeli government would gain more support against
Palistinians and would continue to receive support if the
Israeli military were to undertake a major operation to occupy
all of `Greater Israel', perhaps even driving Palistinians out
of those territories.

The makings of the plan could have been set in motion years

The argument against this possibility is that the success of
the operation may be to encourage more attacks against the US,
and that the US might retreat into isolation.  Or if the US
does not retreat, the US might reduce support for Israel and
transfer its support to Arab countries helping the US; as a
reward for helping the US, the Arab countries might ask the US
to push Israel towards more of an accomodation with the

  * Russia

Many think the bombs in Moscow that killed many people and
enabled the Russian government to rekindle its attacks against
Chechnya were `black' operations.  This would be similar.  The
purpose would be to gain use help in the war against Chechnya
and against Islamic insurgents in the central Asian countries.

The argument against this possibility is that the US might not
only overthrow the Taliban in Afghanistan but start building
roads and pipelines to carry oil and gas out of central Asia
to ports in Pakistan.  The project would provide jobs to
Afghanis and Pakistanis so they are less likely to go to
Taliban schools.  Also, it would provide easier access for
ground troops not only to Afghanistan but to the central Asian

Also, the US will increase its military spending and power,
which diminishes that of Russia.

Now, none of these items discuss the Bush Administration directly.
But to succeed, the Bush Administration would have had to conspire.  I
continue to doubt they would have been able to carry `off the attack
without someone telling others of the plan'.

On 30 October 2001, I added China and Iran to the equation, and
introduced a different argument for Russia:

Another thought: if China, Iran, and Russia can prevent the US
from bu

Re: "Let's Roll"

2006-01-04 Thread Julia Thompson

Robert Seeberger wrote:
- Original Message - 
From: "Robert Seeberger" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

To: "Killer Bs Discussion" 
Sent: Wednesday, January 04, 2006 1:23 PM
Subject: Re: "Let's Roll"

Just stumbled on this this morning. It is an "Unreal" (the game) 
stabilized version of the Zapruder film.

Its a quicktime stabilized clip.
I'm on some medication today and really really reading things badly.

MyBadMeaCulpa Maru

Is that any worse than my initial inclination to say "I hope you get 
over your medication soon"?  :)


Re: "Let's Roll"

2006-01-04 Thread Dan Minette

- Original Message - 
From: "Dave Land" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Killer Bs Discussion" 
Sent: Tuesday, January 03, 2006 10:02 PM
Subject: Re: "Let's Roll"

> Something happened on 9/11 other than the official version, and the
> price has been the real security of the USA.

Before I respond, I'd like to ask a question of you and Nick.  Are you

1) Commercial planes were not really hijacked on 9-11
2) Commercial planes did not hit the twin towers
3) Commercial planes did not hit the Pentagon.
4) AQ did not hijack the planes?
5) People high in the US government knew about the hijackings beforehand?
6) Bombs were planted in the WTC and went off after the planes hit?

I'm rather confused as to what is being argued.  I'm not trying to push
anyone into a corner, I'm just trying to see what the proposed scenario is.

Dan M.


Re: "Let's Roll"

2006-01-04 Thread Robert Seeberger

- Original Message - 
From: "Robert Seeberger" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Killer Bs Discussion" 
Sent: Wednesday, January 04, 2006 1:23 PM
Subject: Re: "Let's Roll"

> Just stumbled on this this morning. It is an "Unreal" (the game) 
> stabilized version of the Zapruder film.
Its a quicktime stabilized clip.
I'm on some medication today and really really reading things badly.

MyBadMeaCulpa Maru


Re: "Let's Roll"

2006-01-04 Thread Robert Seeberger

- Original Message - 
From: "Dave Land" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Killer Bs Discussion" 
Sent: Tuesday, January 03, 2006 2:11 AM
Subject: "Let's Roll"

> I can't help but think that I'm turning into a relative in my family 
> who has always been a JFK-assassination conspiracy freak as I become 
> more and more interested in uncovering the truth of 9/11.

Just stumbled on this this morning. It is an "Unreal" (the game) 
stabilized version of the Zapruder film.


I've never seen this footage at this level of detail.
It makes me sad that an American President would be subject to this 
kind of violence. And before seeing this clip I was never impressed 
with the actual violence of the act.
I suppose we have been protected from knowing.

Sad Memories Maru


Re: "Let's Roll"

2006-01-04 Thread Max Battcher

Doug Pensinger wrote:
The one possible conspiracy that would require few people to commit and 
would thus be more easily contained; willful negligence.

I believe the FBI were at the PA crash site quicker than any response to 
the Radar Operators' queries about military action against the rogue 
flights.  The 9/11 Commission Timeline shows so many points of potential 
criminal negligence...

--Max Battcher--
"History bleeds for tomorrow / for us to realize and never more follow 
blind" --Machinae Supremacy, Deus Ex Machinae, Title Track


Re: "Let's Roll"

2006-01-03 Thread Doug Pensinger

Michael wrote:

As utterly despicable and hateable as Bush, Cheyney, and Rumsfeld are, 
there is nothing here to prove anything other than what was said in the 
official story occurred.  I can understand why people love conspiracies, 
I used to be a Roswell Aliens, crop circle, JFK assassination, etc. 
believer.  The problem with conspiracies is that, largely, they are 
doomed to failure.  People hate keeping secrets.  Especially secrets 
that would have such earth-shaking impact.  The number of people that 
would have to be involved in such a conspiracy could not possibly keep 
it a secret for long.  All the leaks in the White house on genuine 
scandals and the leaks about torture of prisoners in Iraq are 
representative of this.  A secret this big simply could not be kept.  
Beyond all that, Bush is too stupid to think up something like this, 
Cheyney's health is too precarious to handle the stress of such a 
conspiracy, and Rumsfeld being the mastermind of such a plot strains 
credibility as he doesn't stand to gain enough from committing such a 
despicable act.

The one possible conspiracy that would require few people to commit and 
would thus be more easily contained; willful negligence.  De-emphasize the 
importance of vigilance against terrorism, ignore reports of terrorist 
activity, basically pretend to be totally incompetent and assume that the 
terrorists will hit eventually and give you your justification for...


Re: "Let's Roll"

2006-01-03 Thread Michael Harney

Dave Land wrote:

On Jan 3, 2006, at 1:23 PM, Nick Arnett wrote:

The most significant accounts of multiple explosions came from  
inside the WTC.  Those are people who know what explosions sound  
like.  And
unless they thought they were truly significant and not just the  
sort of

popping and snapping that accompanies any hot fire, they wouldn't have
reported them on the radio, especially when all hell was breaking  
Firefighters reporting multiple explosions inside the WTC, many  
floors away

from the impact, seems very strange.

True, and the fact that huge slabs of marble were blown off the walls  
and virtually all of the lobby windows were blown out of the building  
-- I realize that an airplane entering a building will create a huge  
overpressure, but even the FDNY captain on scene couldn't explain the  
lobby damage.

Possible explanation:  A plane traveling at a couple hundred miles per 
hour has a lot of kinetic force behind it.  Such an impact can cause 
powerful vibrations down the building, blowing out windows and causing 
other damage, especially on the ground floor where the vibrations would 
then hit the foundation, having nowhere else to go.

And the huge pools of steel, still molten weeks after the building  
came down. What the hell kept it so hot, hotter than any kerosene  
fire can possibly get?

Possible explanation:  When metal is bent, it gets hot, *very* hot.  If 
the metal were turned molten by the collapse of the building, then was 
buried under tons of rubble and debris, the pressure and insulating 
properties of the rubble could easily keep the metal molten by simple 
virtue of the fact that there is no way for the heat to escape.

And it's not just that people described the plane hitting the tower  
as "an explosion", it's the reports -- many of them at the time they  
happened -- of "there goes another explosion". There are radio  
recordings of lots of firefighters reported "secondary explosions"  
throughout the building at various times, and footage of reporters  
reacting to explosions way after the both planes had hit.

Possible explanation: Serious structural damage to a building can cause 
secondary explosions to occur, particularly if there are natural gas 
lines running through the structure.

Something happened on 9/11 other than the official version, and the  
price has been the real security of the USA.


As utterly despicable and hateable as Bush, Cheyney, and Rumsfeld are, 
there is nothing here to prove anything other than what was said in the 
official story occurred.  I can understand why people love conspiracies, 
I used to be a Roswell Aliens, crop circle, JFK assassination, etc. 
believer.  The problem with conspiracies is that, largely, they are 
doomed to failure.  People hate keeping secrets.  Especially secrets 
that would have such earth-shaking impact.  The number of people that 
would have to be involved in such a conspiracy could not possibly keep 
it a secret for long.  All the leaks in the White house on genuine 
scandals and the leaks about torture of prisoners in Iraq are 
representative of this.  A secret this big simply could not be kept.  
Beyond all that, Bush is too stupid to think up something like this, 
Cheyney's health is too precarious to handle the stress of such a 
conspiracy, and Rumsfeld being the mastermind of such a plot strains 
credibility as he doesn't stand to gain enough from committing such a 
despicable act.

There was a documentary on the Discovery Channel once that explained the 
mechanisms of how and why the WTC buildings colapsed because of the 
airplanes hitting them.  From what I understood, the method chosen for 
building the buildings gave them a structural Achilles heel that made it 
so that if two or more floors were to become structurally unsound, the 
floors below would not be able to survive the impact of the floors above 
it crushing down on them, and basically each floor would fail in turn 
like a row of dominoes.  This description matches the videos of the 
buildings collapsing.  Now I just wish I had watched the whole thing and 
paid closer attention so I could share more details.

Michael Harney

Re: "Let's Roll"

2006-01-03 Thread Dave Land

On Jan 3, 2006, at 1:23 PM, Nick Arnett wrote:

On 1/3/06, Julia Thompson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

And then there's the question, is it a firecracker or a gun?  If you
hear enough of both, you learn to tell the difference in sound.   
Or so
I've been told by someone who lived on a really bad street in DC  
for a


A bomb is just a particular sort of explosion.  If something  

there's a decent chance it'll sound like a bomb.

The most significant accounts of multiple explosions came from  
inside the WTC.  Those are people who know what explosions sound  
like.  And
unless they thought they were truly significant and not just the  
sort of

popping and snapping that accompanies any hot fire, they wouldn't have
reported them on the radio, especially when all hell was breaking  
Firefighters reporting multiple explosions inside the WTC, many  
floors away

from the impact, seems very strange.

True, and the fact that huge slabs of marble were blown off the walls  
and virtually all of the lobby windows were blown out of the building  
-- I realize that an airplane entering a building will create a huge  
overpressure, but even the FDNY captain on scene couldn't explain the  
lobby damage.

And the huge pools of steel, still molten weeks after the building  
came down. What the hell kept it so hot, hotter than any kerosene  
fire can possibly get?

And it's not just that people described the plane hitting the tower  
as "an explosion", it's the reports -- many of them at the time they  
happened -- of "there goes another explosion". There are radio  
recordings of lots of firefighters reported "secondary explosions"  
throughout the building at various times, and footage of reporters  
reacting to explosions way after the both planes had hit.

Something happened on 9/11 other than the official version, and the  
price has been the real security of the USA.



Re: "Let's Roll"

2006-01-03 Thread Nick Arnett
On 1/3/06, Julia Thompson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> And then there's the question, is it a firecracker or a gun?  If you
> hear enough of both, you learn to tell the difference in sound.  Or so
> I've been told by someone who lived on a really bad street in DC for a
> year.
> A bomb is just a particular sort of explosion.  If something explodes,
> there's a decent chance it'll sound like a bomb.

The most significant accounts of multiple explosions came from firefighters
inside the WTC.  Those are people who know what explosions sound like.  And
unless they thought they were truly significant and not just the sort of
popping and snapping that accompanies any hot fire, they wouldn't have
reported them on the radio, especially when all hell was breaking loose.
Firefighters reporting multiple explosions inside the WTC, many floors away
from the impact, seems very strange.

Those reports were disturbing... as were the photos of airplane parts at the
Pentagon which couldn't have come from a 757... and the side of the hole in
the Pentagon.

It seems impossible that this could have been pulled off as a conspiracy
without some kind of real leak... but there's plenty in the report to worry

Nick Arnett
Messages: 408-904-7198

Re: "Let's Roll"

2006-01-03 Thread Dave Land

On Jan 3, 2006, at 10:45 AM, Richard Baker wrote:

Dave said:

But I'm not really that concerned about being that freaky  
relative: If a group of men with last names like Bush and Cheney  
and Rove in fact murdered 3000 of my fellow Americans to further  
their political aims, then I owe my son and his generation nothing  

Don't you think that if Bush and co had been behind it, their  
reaction would have been less slow, confused and downright  

This is probably the strongest argument against a conspiracy on 9/11  
-- it gives the bunch that sent truckloads of ice to *Maine* in  
response to a hurricane in Louisiana and Mississippi way too much  

Also, I am very leery of conspiracy theorists for some of the same  
reasons that John Horn cited: they give far too much creedance to  
statements of amateurs under stress (as well as professional  
firefighters and the like).

Also, in this particular case, one of the web sites connected with  
this video goes on and on about a supposed laser targeting spot that  
appears on the second tower just as the plane goes in... The spot  
moves slowly to the right and off the building, across the smoke that  
emerges from the side of the building, and onto another building that  
is obviously much closer to the camera than the twin towers. They  
assume that the fact that it moves across the frame of the video and  
intersects with the target building and another building a mile and a  
half away is proof that it is a laser -- what else could move that  
fast, they ask. Well, some piece of floating paper or a bird or just  
about anything else between the Manhattan skyline and the camera. In  
fact, it could only have been a targeting laser if the laser just  
happened to be coincident with the camera.

Anyway, after a good night's sleep, I've decided not to become the  
freaky relative, but I'm going to keep an open mind to the idea that  
we may have been led into a costly and pointless war for reasons that  
have more to do with the desire for a particular group to maintain  
control over this country than the desire for another group to bring  
it down.



Re: "Let's Roll"

2006-01-03 Thread Richard Baker

Dave said:

But I'm not really that concerned about being that freaky relative:  
If a group of men with last names like Bush and Cheney and Rove in  
fact murdered 3000 of my fellow Americans to further their  
political aims, then I owe my son and his generation nothing less.

Don't you think that if Bush and co had been behind it, their  
reaction would have been less slow, confused and downright incompetent?



Re: "Let's Roll"

2006-01-03 Thread Julia Thompson

Horn, John wrote:

[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Dave Land

I know that other 9/11 analyses have been posted to this 
list, but I came across a one-hour documentary that concludes 
that "it is more likely than not that the government was 
actually behind the attacks" 

I have not had a chance to look at this video yet but I have looked
a several websites that claim the same thing.  They all seem to
hinge on the same thing: comments made under stress at the time of
the attacks.  Things like firefighters saying "it sounded like a
bomb going off" or something like that.  I have two major problems
with this line of reasoning.  One is that eyewitness accounts
especially under times of extreme stress are notoriously unreliable.
Also, people are always making comparisons like the above.  How many
times have you heard someone say a tornado "sounded like a freight
train".  Does that mean that tornados don't exist and it really
*was* a freight train that destroyed their house...?  Or someone
saying that the aftermath of a hurricane looked like a war zone.
Does that mean that it really wasn't a hurricane but a super-secret
battle that happened during that rain storm?  

It's not tornados that don't exist -- freight trains are just carefully 
harnessed tornadoes, is what it is.  :)

(Yes, that's silly.  But that's what occurred to me when I read that.)

So, some firefighters said over the radio that something sounded
like a bomb.  So what?  That's probably what it did sound like.
That doesn't make it a bomb.

And then there's the question, is it a firecracker or a gun?  If you 
hear enough of both, you learn to tell the difference in sound.  Or so 
I've been told by someone who lived on a really bad street in DC for a year.

A bomb is just a particular sort of explosion.  If something explodes, 
there's a decent chance it'll sound like a bomb.


RE: "Let's Roll"

2006-01-03 Thread Horn, John
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Dave Land
> I know that other 9/11 analyses have been posted to this 
> list, but I came across a one-hour documentary that concludes 
> that "it is more likely than not that the government was 
> actually behind the attacks" 

I have not had a chance to look at this video yet but I have looked
a several websites that claim the same thing.  They all seem to
hinge on the same thing: comments made under stress at the time of
the attacks.  Things like firefighters saying "it sounded like a
bomb going off" or something like that.  I have two major problems
with this line of reasoning.  One is that eyewitness accounts
especially under times of extreme stress are notoriously unreliable.
Also, people are always making comparisons like the above.  How many
times have you heard someone say a tornado "sounded like a freight
train".  Does that mean that tornados don't exist and it really
*was* a freight train that destroyed their house...?  Or someone
saying that the aftermath of a hurricane looked like a war zone.
Does that mean that it really wasn't a hurricane but a super-secret
battle that happened during that rain storm?  

So, some firefighters said over the radio that something sounded
like a bomb.  So what?  That's probably what it did sound like.
That doesn't make it a bomb.

I was a huge JFK conspiracy nut when I was younger.  I was
absolutely positive that Lee Harvey Oswald was a patsy and that he
had nothing to do with the assassination.  Now, I think he did.
Could there have been another gunman?  Maybe.  But probably not.

 - jmh

RE: Let's Roll

2006-01-03 Thread Jim Sharkey

Dave Land wrote:
>I can't help but think that I'm turning into a relative in my 
>family who has always been a JFK-assassination conspiracy freak as I 
>become more and more interested in uncovering the truth of 9/11.

It depends.  Have you invested heavily in tinfoil yet?  :)

On a more serious note:  The problem with such a theory is that no
one will take it seriously.  Even with the most concrete proof, with
the barrel of the smoking gun still hot from the discharge, one would
be hard-pressed to convince people of the truth.  Some people won't
believe that anyone would try a lie that big, and others are far too
blinded by partisanship to see it.

Hell, what's the percentage of folks who still think Iraq had 
something to do with 9/11?  More than 40%, even after years of news 
that there's not one shred of credible evidence, I think?  So even if
you had proof, you're going to be a lonely voice in the wilderness.  

I'm not saying you should give up.  You just have to be prepared for 
that is all.


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Re: "Let's Roll"

2006-01-03 Thread Max Battcher

Dave Land wrote:
I can't help but think that I'm turning into a relative in my family who 
has always been a JFK-assassination conspiracy freak as I become more 
and more interested in uncovering the truth of 9/11.

I love conspiracies for entertainment value alone.  (My interests lie in 
virtual/synthetic world creation and conspiracies are ripe elements for 
emotional story telling.)  As an apprentice fiction writer, I felt 
played on 9/11.  I didn't have to the words to describe it then, but now 
I think I could list a few things.

But, this is one Conspiracy I'm actually afraid of examining too deeply. 
 Look into the abyss and, well...

--Max Battcher--
"History bleeds for tomorrow / for us to realize and never more follow 
blind" --Machinae Supremacy, Deus Ex Machinae, Title Track
