Re: Alterar o URL padrão

2007-09-01 Thread hostdesigner

Não funcionou :D

Mas, resolvi utilizando um método bem interessante, alterei o nome da
controller e da classe para o nome que quero usar, funcionou


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Re: Alterar o URL padrão

2007-09-01 Thread TSassara

Mas vc sempre pode usar nomes em portugues para seus Modelos e
Controles, eu, particularmente, sempre uso...

Caso de algum problema com a pluralização, basta alterar o arquivo
inflections.php dentro da pasta Config.

Já deu uma olhada naquele código fonte que o Tulio disponibilizou no
site dele?
Ele fez tudo aportuguesado.

On 1 Set, 09:11, hostdesigner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Não funcionou :D

 Mas, resolvi utilizando um método bem interessante, alterei o nome da
 controller e da classe para o nome que quero usar, funcionou


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Re: Aplicação Cake

2007-09-01 Thread Marcio Trindade


Bom vamos começar com o sguinte conselho. Aprender a utilizar um
framwork é uma ótima idéia e vai te ajudar muito. Porém se você tem
este projeto que é pra ontem não tem nem porque arriscar seu projeto,
aconselho você deixar o seu aprendizado de cakePHP para um próximo
projeto onde o prazo não seja tão curto e você possa estudar
principalmente nas horas extras.

Agora falando sobre como iniciar.

Uma boa dica é você gastar um tempinho assistindo os videos tutoriais
do, o mesmo posta sempre aqui no grupo ajudando quem
precisa. Depois de assistir recomendo ler o manual inteiro do e ai sim pegue um projeto pequeno para testar o que
Faça uns cadastros simples e procure utilizar todos os relacionamentos
para aprender como trabalhar legal com o cake, quando pintar dúvidas,
o que concerteza vai ocorrer você recorre primeiro ao manual e ou API
do, não encontrando procure aqui no grupo que pode ser que
sua dúvida ja esta respondida em algum grupo, caso não encontre então
basta postar sua dúvida que vamos lhe ajudar no que conseguirmos.

abraços man e bem vindo ao mundo cake. (esse mundo val muito a pena)

Marcio Trindade

On 30 ago, 19:27, Fernando Aires [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Boa Noite Galera,

 Gostaria de saber como faço para transformar essa aplicação para cake.

 Para entender quando faço um site em PHP, ainda não uso OO ou Framework.
 Quero começar mais estou com receio pois este site e para amanhã. Já dei
 uma olhada no bake e acho que resolve pois os cadastros são simples.

 Faço a seguinte divisão:

 Raiz (Coloco todos arquivos do site)
 Obs: na raiz tem o login na index.php que valida o login em um arquivo
 dentro de admin. E se for valido redireciona para index do admin ou inválido
 redireciona para index.php do site.

 - Admin
 - Noticia(crud)
 - Link (crud)
 - etc.
 - geral
 - css (estilos
 - js (javascript)
 - inc ( arquivos includes)
 - img (imagens)

 Gostaria que me ajudasse como colocar a mesma pasta admin no cake com os
 cadastros? E o mais importante: tenho dois layouts um para site e outro para
 administração como configuro?


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Re: Aplicação Cake

2007-09-01 Thread Geovane Silva

peguei um projeto, não muito grande, mas busquei varias ferramentas para
agilizar o desenvolvimento e cheguei no cakephp. Foi desafio e um risco,
sendo que conseguir desenvolver o sistema através do cake e entrei o sistema
no prazo.
Na verdade, calculei a curva de aprendizagem e verifiquei que conseguiria
entregar no prazo. O importante que o resultado foi excelente!!! Tanto pra
mim, tanto para o cliente, incluise já estamos negociando um outro sistema.

Agora a decisão é sua. Eu não me arrependi!


On 9/1/07, Marcio Trindade [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 Bom vamos começar com o sguinte conselho. Aprender a utilizar um
 framwork é uma ótima idéia e vai te ajudar muito. Porém se você tem
 este projeto que é pra ontem não tem nem porque arriscar seu projeto,
 aconselho você deixar o seu aprendizado de cakePHP para um próximo
 projeto onde o prazo não seja tão curto e você possa estudar
 principalmente nas horas extras.

 Agora falando sobre como iniciar.

 Uma boa dica é você gastar um tempinho assistindo os videos tutoriais
 do, o mesmo posta sempre aqui no grupo ajudando quem
 precisa. Depois de assistir recomendo ler o manual inteiro do e ai sim pegue um projeto pequeno para testar o que
 Faça uns cadastros simples e procure utilizar todos os relacionamentos
 para aprender como trabalhar legal com o cake, quando pintar dúvidas,
 o que concerteza vai ocorrer você recorre primeiro ao manual e ou API
 do, não encontrando procure aqui no grupo que pode ser que
 sua dúvida ja esta respondida em algum grupo, caso não encontre então
 basta postar sua dúvida que vamos lhe ajudar no que conseguirmos.

 abraços man e bem vindo ao mundo cake. (esse mundo val muito a pena)

 Marcio Trindade

 On 30 ago, 19:27, Fernando Aires [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Boa Noite Galera,
  Gostaria de saber como faço para transformar essa aplicação para cake.
  Para entender quando faço um site em PHP, ainda não uso OO ou Framework.
  Quero começar mais estou com receio pois este site e para amanhã. Já dei
  uma olhada no bake e acho que resolve pois os cadastros são simples.
  Faço a seguinte divisão:
  Raiz (Coloco todos arquivos do site)
  Obs: na raiz tem o login na index.php que valida o login em um arquivo
  dentro de admin. E se for valido redireciona para index do admin ou
  redireciona para index.php do site.
  - Admin
  - Noticia(crud)
  - Link (crud)
  - etc.
  - geral
  - css (estilos
  - js (javascript)
  - inc ( arquivos includes)
  - img (imagens)
  Gostaria que me ajudasse como colocar a mesma pasta admin no cake com os
  cadastros? E o mais importante: tenho dois layouts um para site e outro
  administração como configuro?


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 Para anular a inscrição neste grupo, envie um email para [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Para mais opções, visite este grupo em

Country - State combo box Ajax problem

2007-09-01 Thread Ghanshyam Rathod

Hi friends,

As i have one form having Country and State combo box. Depend on
country selected it will
Fill up States automatically.

Here is my Code :
// file :  edit.thtml

//calling ajax functions
function getstates(st)
country = $('country_name').value;
$('mystatelist').innerHTML = 'select id=state_name
name=data[User][state_name] disabledoptionSelect/option/
url = root+'admin/users/update_select/?country='+country
$('mystatelist').innerHTML = 'select id=state_name
},onFailure:function(){alert('Failed to get 

Country and State Code :


 //pr($this-data); die;
 //pr($countries); die;
 foreach($countries as $key=$value)

 $countri =  

// $selected = mystate;

td colspan=2
?php echo 
$html-selectTag('User/country_name', $countri ,
array('id'='country_name','onchange'='getstates()'), array(),
false);?   /td
  td valign=topstrongState/Province/strong/td
  td colspan=2 span id=mystatelist
select id=state_name 
name=data[User][state_name] disabled

Now please tell me what is the problem ??
Country is filled up from database table countries
but after selecting country  STATE combo is not filled up.

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Country - State combo box Ajax problem

2007-09-01 Thread Ghanshyam Rathod

Hi friends,

As i have one form having Country and State combo box. Depend on
country selected it will
Fill up States automatically.

Here is my Code :
// file :  edit.thtml

//calling ajax functions
function getstates(st)
country = $('country_name').value;
$('mystatelist').innerHTML = 'select id=state_name
name=data[User][state_name] disabledoptionSelect/option/
url = root+'admin/users/update_select/?country='+country
$('mystatelist').innerHTML = 'select id=state_name
},onFailure:function(){alert('Failed to get 

Country and State Code :


 //pr($this-data); die;
 //pr($countries); die;
 foreach($countries as $key=$value)

 $countri =  

// $selected = mystate;

td colspan=2
?php echo 
$html-selectTag('User/country_name', $countri ,
array('id'='country_name','onchange'='getstates()'), array(),
false);?   /td
  td valign=topstrongState/Province/strong/td
  td colspan=2 span id=mystatelist
select id=state_name 
name=data[User][state_name] disabled

Now please tell me what is the problem ??
Country is filled up from database table countries
but after selecting country  STATE combo is not filled up.

Please solve my problem

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Re: Weird slowness problem.

2007-09-01 Thread Paolo Gabrielli

I would like to recommend to just try
- download
- compile (the module)
- make php.ini to load it
- look what is that take so much time
- profit?!?!?! :)

Paolo Gabrielli

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Re: Adding disabled property to option tags in select

2007-09-01 Thread Mike Green

And one day, it might get looked at ;)


On 01/09/07, Chris Hartjes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On 8/31/07, Daniel Ellis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I patched my version of cake to add the ability to make select options
  disabled. I assume this would be a useful feature for some, is there
  somewhere I should check it in?

 Go to and submit your patch as a ticket under

 Chris Hartjes
 Senior Developer
 Cake Development Corporation

 My motto for 2007:  Just build it, damnit!

 @TheBallpark -
 @TheKeyboard -



Mike Green

Find yourself some misspelled ebay bargains!

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Re: DBDesigner to CakePHP Scaffold Tool Release Candidate.

2007-09-01 Thread Grzegorz Pawlik

I think bake.php is amazing, but this is even better (faster and more
comfortable) in use. Great job!

On Aug 30, 7:14 pm, Dérico Filho [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi All,

 I released the dbdesigner2cake 1.0.0RC1, it's available for download


 Soon I shall make a tutorial for it which shall approach from the
 database modelling up to source code generation.

 I hope you all use it and enjoy it as a complementary tool for
 bake.php. I aim for a more complete integration between them.

 Dérico Filho

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Re: back functionality

2007-09-01 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Technically the referrer header is an optional part of the http spec,
so cannot always be relied upon (though most browsers do behave, you
may get issues with odd proxies misbehaving). The only really reliable
way to do this is to tag the previous page in your session (best in a
beforeFilter / afterRender) and use that. But yeah, for the majority
of circumstances Chris's method would work fine.


On Sep 1, 2:27 am, Chris Hartjes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 8/31/07, rtanz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  hi i would like to make a back button on some pages, how can i know
  the url of the previous page? thanks

 If you're in the controller, you can get the previous page via
 $this-referer().  I use it all the time to send people back to the
 page they were on before


 Chris Hartjes
 Senior Developer
 Cake Development Corporation

 My motto for 2007:  Just build it, damnit!

 @TheBallpark -
 @TheKeyboard -

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Re: Cake Mysql UTF-8 :(

2007-09-01 Thread MrG

I solved my problems with UTF-8 by using this alter command after the
creation of my database:

COLLATE utf8_general_ci
DEFAULT COLLATE utf8_general_ci

And in cakephp database configuration:

var $default = array('driver' = 'mysql',
'connect' = 
'host' = 
'login' = 
'password' = 
'database' = 
'prefix' = '',
'encoding' = 

No need to change core classes.

Oh.. and every editor I use for working with php and ctp files are
using UTF-8 encoding too. And on the top of every web page I have
meta content=text/html; charset=UTF-8 http-equiv=content-type /


Gonçalo Afonso

On Aug 31, 6:03 pm, Mech7 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Thanks this works great with me in 1.2 :) would be nice if this was
 added in database.default.php or atleast in the comments.

 On Aug 31, 6:44 pm, djiize [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  if you have Cake 1.2, add 'encoding' = 'utf8' in conf/database.php
  if you have Cake 1.1, call query(SET NAME 'UTF8' ) just after
  connexion (don't remember if in database.php or app_model.php)

  On 31 août, 18:36, Mech7 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Ah that is great google can't handle them either :D here is what it
   looks with me:

   On Aug 31, 6:30 pm, Mech7 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Does anybody know how to save utf8 charachters properly in Cake.. when
i save special characters they get saved very weird in mysql for
exmaple:   becomes 

The database table is set to utf8_general_ci and in the html it is set
to utf8 too.. meta http-equiv=Content-Type content=text/html;
charset=utf-8 /

The problem seems to come when saving to mysql, does anybody know how
i can fix this ?

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What is Vogoo PHP and FreeTag PHP Lib

2007-09-01 Thread Ayaz Khan, Indore, India

Hi friends, I am new for php and cakephp so I want to know that what
is Vogoo PHP and FreeTag PHP Lib. will you please discribe me

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Re: Cake Mysql UTF-8 :(

2007-09-01 Thread Felix Geisendörfer
You should also send a HTTP header indicating your content is served as 
UTF-8. I think IE needs that under circumstances.

-- Felix
My Blog:
My Business:

MrG wrote:
 I solved my problems with UTF-8 by using this alter command after the
 creation of my database:

   COLLATE utf8_general_ci
   DEFAULT COLLATE utf8_general_ci

 And in cakephp database configuration:

   var $default = array('driver' = 'mysql',
   'connect' = 
   'host' = 
   'login' = 
   'password' = 
   'database' = 
   'prefix' = '',
   'encoding' = 

 No need to change core classes.

 Oh.. and every editor I use for working with php and ctp files are
 using UTF-8 encoding too. And on the top of every web page I have
 meta content=text/html; charset=UTF-8 http-equiv=content-type /


 Gonçalo Afonso

 On Aug 31, 6:03 pm, Mech7 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Thanks this works great with me in 1.2 :) would be nice if this was
 added in database.default.php or atleast in the comments.

 On Aug 31, 6:44 pm, djiize [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 if you have Cake 1.2, add 'encoding' = 'utf8' in conf/database.php
 if you have Cake 1.1, call query(SET NAME 'UTF8' ) just after
 connexion (don't remember if in database.php or app_model.php)
 On 31 août, 18:36, Mech7 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Ah that is great google can't handle them either :D here is what it
 looks with me:
 On Aug 31, 6:30 pm, Mech7 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Does anybody know how to save utf8 charachters properly in Cake.. when
 i save special characters they get saved very weird in mysql for
 exmaple:   becomes 
 The database table is set to utf8_general_ci and in the html it is set
 to utf8 too.. meta http-equiv=Content-Type content=text/html;
 charset=utf-8 /
 The problem seems to come when saving to mysql, does anybody know how
 i can fix this ?



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Re: Cake CPU hungry

2007-09-01 Thread thequietlab

 Do you know that for sure? If you lets say load the Users model in
 AppController, then it is more then likely that *all* of your other
 models are loaded b/c they are somehow associated with User.

In AppController I only turn on othAuth and afaik it doesn't load any
models if authorization is not required in a Controller.

Here's part of debug($this) run in my pages_controller :

[name] = Pages
[helpers] = Array
[0] = Html
[1] = Text
[2] = Form
[3] = OthAuth
[4] = tqlTools

[uses] =
[components] = Array
[0] = othAuth
[1] = Session
[othAuth] = othAuthComponent Object
[controller] = PagesController Object


No model loaded, I only don't like this *RECURSION* .. in a controller
with like 6 models loaded there's a LOT of RECURSION.. do you have it
as well ?

 My suggestion is to not work / rely on benchmark solutions that just
 hammer at your server too much - its very complex to create a realistic
 scenario that way (i.e. 20 users holding down on your front page or some
 other action is very different from each of them doing different
 things). The best way to make your app faster should be to get some
 profiler going and see what functions / parts of your app take the
 longest to load and then optimize them.

Yeah, I'm taking a closer look on xdebug, I will post some results if
I manage to run it.

 From there I'd keep an eye
 closely on the server load during traffic peaks which you can use to
 generate yourself some statistics to estimate when your current horse
 power will not be enough anymore. Then it is time to cluster and scale
 your architecture.

So from some point there's a question where to put your resources :
trying to optimize the code or buying and adding hardware to cope with
a higher load.

 Anyway, I'm not an expert on the matter and you may
 be able diagnose things with your current benchmark setup as well -
 however I think its not the easiest path.

 Good luck and success with your app!

Thanks! We've got more then 5000 facebook users in a first week and
1000 daily active users (new facebook metric), up to 13000 pageviews/
day so it's coming along nicely :)


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Re: Cake CPU hungry

2007-09-01 Thread Felix Geisendörfer

 (i.e. 20 users holding down on your front page or some
 other action is very different from each of them doing different

 Yeah, I'm taking a closer look on xdebug, I will post some results if
 I manage to run it.
Ups, I meant to write 'Holding down F5 on your front page here, but I 
think you got that. Yeah I'm currently looking into getting xdebug to 
run myself - you don't happen to use OS X for development so you could 
share your findings ^^?
 In AppController I only turn on othAuth and afaik it doesn't load any
 models if authorization is not required in a Controller.

 Here's part of debug($this) run in my pages_controller :
You may get better results using get_included_files / 
get_declared_classes or using 
a profiler, but yeah your results seem to indicate no models being 
loaded I think.
 No model loaded, I only don't like this *RECURSION* .. in a controller
 with like 6 models loaded there's a LOT of RECURSION.. do you have it
 as well ?
There is not much you can do against that recursion and its not really a 
problem for performance (I think). What you could try is to write your 
own debug() function that keeps a hash of items already iterated through 
and makes sure inifinite recursions will not be followed (my experience 
has shown that the print_r behavior here is inconsistent).
 So from some point there's a question where to put your resources :
 trying to optimize the code or buying and adding hardware to cope with
 a higher load.
I'm usually for throwing more CPU cycles at things instead of 
development time as the latter is more expensive and better spend on 
improving the user experience / maintainability rather then the speed. 
That being said, this is not meant as an excuse for not looking into 
obvious bottle necks / scalability issues and resolving them. But after 
that, you reach a point where optimizing things becomes more and more 
difficult and may even make your application harder to maintain, thats 
the point where I'd say throw more servers at it instead of developers.
 Thanks! We've got more then 5000 facebook users in a first week and
 1000 daily active users (new facebook metric), up to 13000 pageviews/
 day so it's coming along nicely :)
Oh its a Facebook app - cool : ). Add me to your friends and tell me 
what app it is so I can give it a try (my profile is: Oh and 
congratulations to your success so far, thats pretty cool. Hope you'll 
find some time into sharing your experiences in using and scaling 
CakePHP for this at some point with the community : ).

-- Felix
My Blog:
My Business:

thequietlab wrote:
 Do you know that for sure? If you lets say load the Users model in
 AppController, then it is more then likely that *all* of your other
 models are loaded b/c they are somehow associated with User.

 In AppController I only turn on othAuth and afaik it doesn't load any
 models if authorization is not required in a Controller.

 Here's part of debug($this) run in my pages_controller :

 [name] = Pages
 [helpers] = Array
 [0] = Html
 [1] = Text
 [2] = Form
 [3] = OthAuth
 [4] = tqlTools

 [uses] =
 [components] = Array
 [0] = othAuth
 [1] = Session
 [othAuth] = othAuthComponent Object
 [controller] = PagesController Object

 No model loaded, I only don't like this *RECURSION* .. in a controller
 with like 6 models loaded there's a LOT of RECURSION.. do you have it
 as well ?

 My suggestion is to not work / rely on benchmark solutions that just
 hammer at your server too much - its very complex to create a realistic
 scenario that way (i.e. 20 users holding down on your front page or some
 other action is very different from each of them doing different
 things). The best way to make your app faster should be to get some
 profiler going and see what functions / parts of your app take the
 longest to load and then optimize them.

 Yeah, I'm taking a closer look on xdebug, I will post some results if
 I manage to run it.

 From there I'd keep an eye
 closely on the server load during traffic peaks which you can use to
 generate yourself some statistics to estimate when your current horse
 power will not be enough anymore. Then it is time to cluster and scale
 your architecture.

 So from some point there's a question where to put your resources :
 trying to optimize the code or buying and adding hardware to cope with
 a higher load.

 Anyway, I'm not an expert on the matter and you may
 be able diagnose things with your current benchmark setup as well -
 however I think its 

does $cakeDebug work?

2007-09-01 Thread Baz L

Since this has been ignored for a while, I guess a lot of people don't
really care for it much, but I do. I noticed that when I went to cake
1.2 it just died.

Here's how I fixed it:

Opened this file: cake\libs\view\templates\elements\dump.ctp

?php print_r($this-controller); ?


?php print_r($this); ?

Opened this file: cake\libs\view\view.php

if (Configure::read()  2  $this-controller != null) {


if (Configure::read()  2  $this != null) {

I guess from cake 1.2 we no longer populate $this-controller?

Could one of the developers confirm this so that (if it's correct) we
can get it into the next version?

Baz L
Web Development 2.0: Web Design, CakePHP, Javascript

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Re: Cake Mysql UTF-8 :(

2007-09-01 Thread Mech7

Ok so in my layouts i would have to have:

header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8');

Or is there a better way that it will always get used automatically
with any layout ?

On Sep 1, 2:58 pm, Felix Geisendörfer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 You should also send a HTTP header indicating your content is served as
 UTF-8. I think IE needs that under circumstances.

 -- Felix
 My Blog:
 My Business:

 MrG wrote:
  I solved my problems with UTF-8 by using this alter command after the
  creation of my database:

 COLLATE utf8_general_ci
 DEFAULT COLLATE utf8_general_ci

  And in cakephp database configuration:

 var $default = array('driver' = 'mysql',
 'connect' = 
 'host' = 'host',
 'login' = 
 'password' = 
 'database' = 
 'prefix' = '',
 'encoding' = 

  No need to change core classes.

  Oh.. and every editor I use for working with php and ctp files are
  using UTF-8 encoding too. And on the top of every web page I have
  meta content=text/html; charset=UTF-8 http-equiv=content-type /


  Gonçalo Afonso

  On Aug 31, 6:03 pm, Mech7 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Thanks this works great with me in 1.2 :) would be nice if this was
  added in database.default.php or atleast in the comments.

  On Aug 31, 6:44 pm, djiize [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  if you have Cake 1.2, add 'encoding' = 'utf8' in conf/database.php
  if you have Cake 1.1, call query(SET NAME 'UTF8' ) just after
  connexion (don't remember if in database.php or app_model.php)

  On 31 août, 18:36, Mech7 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Ah that is great google can't handle them either :D here is what it
  looks with me:

  On Aug 31, 6:30 pm, Mech7 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Does anybody know how to save utf8 charachters properly in Cake.. when
  i save special characters they get saved very weird in mysql for
  exmaple:   becomes 

  The database table is set to utf8_general_ci and in the html it is set
  to utf8 too.. meta http-equiv=Content-Type content=text/html;
  charset=utf-8 /

  The problem seems to come when saving to mysql, does anybody know how
  i can fix this ?

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Re: Cake Mysql UTF-8 :(

2007-09-01 Thread Felix Geisendörfer

 Or is there a better way that it will always get used automatically
 with any layout ?
I think the layout *is* the appropriate place to do this as one may have 
layouts with different encodings. However, if you want to define a 
'default' encoding for all layouts (which you can then overwrite in them 
with another call to header()), I would put it in 
AppController::beforeRender() or beforeFilter (the latter might be a 
better place if you need the encoding to work with debug() calls inside 
your actions).

-- Felix
My Blog:
My Business:

Mech7 wrote:
 Ok so in my layouts i would have to have:

 header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8');

 Or is there a better way that it will always get used automatically
 with any layout ?

 On Sep 1, 2:58 pm, Felix Geisendörfer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 You should also send a HTTP header indicating your content is served as
 UTF-8. I think IE needs that under circumstances.

 -- Felix
 My Blog:
 My Business:

 MrG wrote:
 I solved my problems with UTF-8 by using this alter command after the
 creation of my database:
COLLATE utf8_general_ci
DEFAULT COLLATE utf8_general_ci
 And in cakephp database configuration:
var $default = array('driver' = 'mysql',
'connect' = 
'host' = 'host',
'login' = 
'password' = 
'database' = 
'prefix' = '',
'encoding' = 
 No need to change core classes.
 Oh.. and every editor I use for working with php and ctp files are
 using UTF-8 encoding too. And on the top of every web page I have
 meta content=text/html; charset=UTF-8 http-equiv=content-type /
 Gonçalo Afonso
 On Aug 31, 6:03 pm, Mech7 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Thanks this works great with me in 1.2 :) would be nice if this was
 added in database.default.php or atleast in the comments.
 On Aug 31, 6:44 pm, djiize [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 if you have Cake 1.2, add 'encoding' = 'utf8' in conf/database.php
 if you have Cake 1.1, call query(SET NAME 'UTF8' ) just after
 connexion (don't remember if in database.php or app_model.php)
 On 31 août, 18:36, Mech7 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Ah that is great google can't handle them either :D here is what it
 looks with me:
 On Aug 31, 6:30 pm, Mech7 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Does anybody know how to save utf8 charachters properly in Cake.. when
 i save special characters they get saved very weird in mysql for
 exmaple:   becomes 
 The database table is set to utf8_general_ci and in the html it is set
 to utf8 too.. meta http-equiv=Content-Type content=text/html;
 charset=utf-8 /
 The problem seems to come when saving to mysql, does anybody know how
 i can fix this ?



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please comment on my design decision

2007-09-01 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi all,

I am completing a project using cake where the application requires
user profiles with several hundred, yes several hundred, questions/
fields.  However, only about 20 of these are used in searching,
sorting, etc., the rest are for display purposes only.

So, I basically included those 20 main fields in my profiles table,
and I added a text field called non_searcable.  Then I just serialize
all the other fields and store them there, unserialize them for

I have seen a design where a 2 column table is employed, field_name
and field_value, and all these fields are stored in that way.  It just
seems like a slow, painful method, and you end up with text type
fields storing a string of 4 characters, storing numbers, etc.

What do you think?  For some reason my design doesn't feel 'elegant',
but it works, although is did require a little trickery on the edit
actions and view actions, bet Set::merge was awesome!

Anyway, just curious.  I put a lot of pressure on myself to come up
with super engineered solutions, when often times I think small apps
are over designed.


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Re: Join Log Results by Date

2007-09-01 Thread Chris Hartjes

On 8/31/07, McFadly [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi Chris -

 Thanks for ideas.  Here's my implementation based on your suggestion:
 One immediate problem that presents itself is duplicate dates which
 would overwrite the $log keys, however, as your signature suggets I
 just built it, damnit!  Its Friday night and time for a beer!

Yeah, that occurred to me after I posted as well.  Maybe a
two-dimensional array with the date as the first key and then the
entry # as the second.  Those two should be unique enough I would

Chris Hartjes
Senior Developer
Cake Development Corporation

My motto for 2007:  Just build it, damnit!

@TheBallpark -
@TheKeyboard -

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Re: back functionality

2007-09-01 Thread Chris Hartjes

On 9/1/07, Geoff Ford [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 To get around the referer issue you can use javascript and have Chris'
 method as a fallback.


Geoff, that's a good idea.  Since I'm just getting into the swing of
things with Javascript that never occurred to me. :)

Chris Hartjes
Senior Developer
Cake Development Corporation

My motto for 2007:  Just build it, damnit!

@TheBallpark -
@TheKeyboard -

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Re: Adding disabled property to option tags in select

2007-09-01 Thread Chris Hartjes

On 9/1/07, Mike Green [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 And one day, it might get looked at ;)


In all fairness to the CakePHP dev group, every ticket that comes in
does get looked at.  Some don't get answered promptly but they get
looked at.

Chris Hartjes
Senior Developer
Cake Development Corporation

My motto for 2007:  Just build it, damnit!

@TheBallpark -
@TheKeyboard -

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Is there a console folder or program in cakePHP?????????

2007-09-01 Thread SIXS
I am trying to install cakephp in eclipse and the instructions say ther is a 
statement to add console as

where is this console located.???
I entered this statement and I didn't get anything

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Re: outputting results from a db in groups of common content

2007-09-01 Thread GunitMail

That worked brilliantly, thank you very much

On Sep 1, 12:52 pm, Geoff Ford [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Use an order by of type, name as the third option in the findAll()

 Then in your view you can do something like

 $current = ;

 foreach ($work in $works){
   if ($work['Work']['type'] != $current) {
 // print heading
   // print name and other details



 On Sep 1, 10:10 am, GunitMail [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


  Ok here is how an entry in my database looks like:
   [Work] = Array
  [id] = 1
  [name] = piece of work 1
  [type] = Print
  [date] = 2006-03-02
  [description] = blah blah
  [content] = marqueeWORK!/marquee

  How would I go about getting cakePHP to output these on a page like:

  + piece of work 1
  + piece of work 2
  + piece of work 4
  + piece of work 6

  + piece of work 3
  + piece of work 5

  So they are grouped together with other entries that share the same
  value of a field.
  I'm not bothered about fancy db stuff, just some foreach and array
  action will make me happy.

  Thanks very much in advance, my PHP has become horribly rusty and dusty

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Re: Cake CPU hungry

2007-09-01 Thread majna

For xdebug please read this pdf
link from

Use linux  and KCacheGrind.
For windows:dwnload xdebug dll, and put in php/ext folder
php.ini add:



There is KCacheGrind-wannabe for Windows - WinCacheGrind, for
processing output. It's old (2005) software...

$persistModel will cache constructed models and it's recursive

Your app can work without mod_rewrite. Using mod_rewrite, apache
seek .htaccess file in each directory in path ( from root ).

 yeah.. I was planning to use xdebug, could you maybe provide any links
 on how to set it up properly ?

 I'll take a look at var $persistModel, debug is 0.

 As I already noticed var $uses is a point to optimize.

 What do you mean by : do not use mod_rewrite ? Cake url's are based
 on mod_rewrite.


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Re: problems with midphase hosting

2007-09-01 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I have had similar problems on a couple of hosts, it has to do with
their apache setup so that the rules in the cake htacess files don't

Can you straight to your index.php file in Cake?

On Aug 31, 4:43 pm, Alvaro [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I am trying to get working my cakeph application in midphase hosting,
 doing the same thing I do for others hostings but can't make it work,
 I get a 404 error.

 Anywone has experience in this hosting?


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Re: 1.2 resources

2007-09-01 Thread R. Rajesh Jeba Anbiah

On Aug 30, 4:17 am, Gwoo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Im happy to see you found my OCPHP presentation. I tried to sum up
 most of the features for 1.2, but the presentation was already 2 hours
 long, so I left some things out. Great article. Thanks for putting it
 together. It may find its way to the homepage soon.

  Is the reverse routing is that one I asked . If so,
it doesn't work for me yet with trunk version.

  ?php echo 'Just another PHP saint'; ?
Email: rrjanbiah-at-Y!comBlog:

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Re: Cake CPU hungry

2007-09-01 Thread thequietlab


thanks for the links. I just tried $persistModel and, at first page
render I was extremely happy to see all the models cached but then
when I refreshed I got this :

Warning (2): Invalid argument supplied for foreach() [CORE\cake\libs
\object.php, line 239]
Object::__openPersistent() - CORE\cake\libs\object.php, line 239
Object::_persist() - CORE\cake\libs\object.php, line 203
Controller::constructClasses() - CORE\cake\libs\controller
\controller.php, line 409
Dispatcher::dispatch() - CORE\cake\dispatcher.php, line 295
[main] - APP\webroot\index.php, line 81

and I could probably live with it .. but that was not enough.. I also
saw :

Fatal error: Model::findAll() [a href='
findAll'function.Model-findAll/a]: The script tried to execute a
method or access a property of an incomplete object. Please ensure
that the class definition quot;SlugBehaviorquot; of the object you
are trying to operate on was loaded _before_ unserialize() gets called
or provide a __autoload() function to load the class definition in G:
\wamp\libs\cake\cake\libs\model\model.php on line 1432

that was it for $persistModel.. it happens to all behaviors.. I
still didn't get deeper into this one, any thoughts ?

 Your app can work without mod_rewrite. Using mod_rewrite, apache
 seek .htaccess file in each directory in path ( from root ).

I'm using lighttpd which is having all the rewrites in .conf file,
more like httpd.conf then .htaccess... and I like friendly urls too
much to not use rewrites ;)


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Re: Cake CPU hungry

2007-09-01 Thread majna

This persistModel tip was for cake 1.1.x and it works well.
1.2 has problem with behaviours and persistModel. Report ticket?

mod_rewrite is a must have, I know :)

On Sep 1, 9:37 pm, thequietlab [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 thanks for the links. I just tried $persistModel and, at first page
 render I was extremely happy to see all the models cached but then
 when I refreshed I got this :

 Warning (2): Invalid argument supplied for foreach() [CORE\cake\libs
 \object.php, line 239]
 Object::__openPersistent() - CORE\cake\libs\object.php, line 239
 Object::_persist() - CORE\cake\libs\object.php, line 203
 Controller::constructClasses() - CORE\cake\libs\controller
 \controller.php, line 409
 Dispatcher::dispatch() - CORE\cake\dispatcher.php, line 295
 [main] - APP\webroot\index.php, line 81

 and I could probably live with it .. but that was not enough.. I also
 saw :

 Fatal error: Model::findAll() [a href='
 findAll'function.Model-findAll/a]: The script tried to execute a
 method or access a property of an incomplete object. Please ensure
 that the class definition quot;SlugBehaviorquot; of the object you
 are trying to operate on was loaded _before_ unserialize() gets called
 or provide a __autoload() function to load the class definition in G:
 \wamp\libs\cake\cake\libs\model\model.php on line 1432

 that was it for $persistModel.. it happens to all behaviors.. I
 still didn't get deeper into this one, any thoughts ?

  Your app can work without mod_rewrite. Using mod_rewrite, apache
  seek .htaccess file in each directory in path ( from root ).

 I'm using lighttpd which is having all the rewrites in .conf file,
 more like httpd.conf then .htaccess... and I like friendly urls too
 much to not use rewrites ;)


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RE: outputting results from a db in groups of common content

2007-09-01 Thread Paul Webster

Just yesturday I was wantiong a good solution to this same type of
situation. Not wanting to filter / order etc in my views I quickly whipped
up a small find funtcion implemented in my app_model. 

I'm sure there is possiobly a better implementation of this, but for now it
is what it is. I figured the grouping in most of my cases was pretty simple,
so for now this will do the trick, keeping my grouping logic out of my views
/ controllers.

This would in your case return results like this:


[Print] = Array(

[0] = Array(

[Work] = Array(
[id] = 1
[name] = piece of work 1
[type] = Print
[date] = 2006-03-02
[description] = blah blah
[content] = marqueeWORK!/marquee
[1] = Array(

[Work] = Array(
[id] = 2
[name] = piece of work 2
[type] = Print
[date] = 2006-03-02
[description] = blah blah
[content] = marqueeWORK!/marquee

[Digital] = Array(

[0] = Array(

[Work] = Array(
[id] = 3
[name] = piece of work 3
[type] = Digital
[date] = 2006-03-02
[description] = blah blah
[content] = marqueeWORK!/marquee
[1] = Array(

[Work] = Array(
[id] = 4
[name] = piece of work 4
[type] = Digital
[date] = 2006-03-02
[description] = blah blah
[content] = marqueeWORK!/marquee

Hope that's of some help.


-Original Message-
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf
Of Geoff Ford
Sent: Saturday, 1 September 2007 11:53 p.m.
To: Cake PHP
Subject: Re: outputting results from a db in groups of common content

Use an order by of type, name as the third option in the findAll()

Then in your view you can do something like

$current = ;

foreach ($work in $works){
  if ($work['Work']['type'] != $current) {
// print heading
  // print name and other details


On Sep 1, 10:10 am, GunitMail [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Ok here is how an entry in my database looks like:
  [Work] = Array
 [id] = 1
 [name] = piece of work 1
 [type] = Print
 [date] = 2006-03-02
 [description] = blah blah
 [content] = marqueeWORK!/marquee

 How would I go about getting cakePHP to output these on a page like:

 + piece of work 1
 + piece of work 2
 + piece of work 4
 + piece of work 6

 + piece of work 3
 + piece of work 5

 So they are grouped together with other entries that share the same
 value of a field.
 I'm not bothered about fancy db stuff, just some foreach and array
 action will make me happy.

 Thanks very much in advance, my PHP has become horribly rusty and dusty

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Newbie: Insert in many models from one controller

2007-09-01 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi bakers,

First, sorry for this newbie question, and second, sorry for my poor
English ;)

I am attempting to insert from a ONE controller data in TWO different

For instance (that is not what i am actually doing, but that is for
sake of simplicity):

I got from my form in a view a MIN value and MAX value, let us say 1
and 10.

In my controller minmaxs_controller, i do a $this-Minmax-save($this-

Ok, thats works (just begin to love cakePHP...)

but just after at the same time, i want in the delta table (with my
Delta model) insert all the values between this MIN value and the
MAX value so first i create a loop to insert in an array all the
possible values like this:

for($i=$this-data['MinMax']['Min']; $i $this-data['MinMax']['Man'];
 array_push($deltaArray, $i);

so now i have my array, and i wish to insert all these data in another
table called Delta

So i have first to instance a new Delta Model object in my MinMax

$this-Delta = new Delta();

and make again a loop to insert my data

foreach ($deltaArray as $value) {

OK, so everything is working, but... i am like feeling not satisfied
by this solution, i am sure it is not elegant and there is probably a
more elegant way of doing for two reasons:

1 - First, i instance another Model (Delta) in a MinMax controller,
and it is confusing and will in the future probably be difficult to

2 - Second, i have to make a loop to insert the array in my model
Delta, maybe CakePHP has kinds of helpers to insert directly a bunch
of values directly and will create all the necessaries needed INSERT.

Thank you very much for your valuable answers.


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Re: Newbie: Insert in many models from one controller

2007-09-01 Thread Grant Cox

Well, if you always want the Delta table to reflect your MinMax
models, then perform the update the Delta table in the MinMax
afterSave function.  This way it will happen transparently from your
controller - just save the MinMax model and the Delta table is
automatically correct.

But you can't really avoid the loop, as for each row CakePHP checks
whether it is an insert/update, and this only supports one row at a
time.  There is updateAll(), but probably not what you want.  In our
application where we may need to insert/update several thousand rows
at once I just did some custom SQL in a query() call.

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cake 1.2 (latest alpha) persistModel + behavior = Fatal error ?

2007-09-01 Thread thequietlab


I'm getting this error while refreshing the site after models are
cached. It happens for all behaviors. Any thoughts ?

Fatal error: Model::findAll() [a href='
findAll'function.Model-findAll/a]: The script tried to execute a
method or access a property of an incomplete object. Please ensure
that the class definition quot;SlugBehaviorquot; of the object you
are trying to operate on was loaded _before_ unserialize() gets called
or provide a __autoload() function to load the class definition in G:
\wamp\libs\cake\cake\libs\model\model.php on line 1363


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UnitConversion, in which layer? / Correct input erros, where?

2007-09-01 Thread davidpersson


I've got a Frames Model.
Every frame has a (double) width and a (double) height.
The standard unit for the values is centimeter.

A User has chosen that he/she prefers: inches for fields where a
length-value is required

I'm doing conversion from the standard unit (centimeters) to the unit
preferred by the user every time when I'm getting data from the Model
through the controller into the view AND vice versa when I get input
data from the user before saving it into the table.

1. In which layer should I do the conversion?
I thought it should be placed within the model in beforeSave() /
beforeValidate() and afterFind().

But conversion is not that easy (maybe in this particular case) and I
really would like to have something like complex
UnitConversionComponent but using components make no sense in a model
at all...

2.  Where can I correct input errors?

If a user types 87EUR which is invalid and only  EUR 82.2 would be
Where can I correct the mistake?
I know that I can do it in beforeValidate()
...but how can I send the now valid value EUR 82.2 back to the view
(if there were more invalid values that couldnt be corrected) ?

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confused where to place functions

2007-09-01 Thread rtanz

hi i have a module controller. the situation is that i want that
whenever a new module is added i will also create a new review and a
new membership. Now where should i place the 2 functions needed to
create a review and membership? Should i place them in the module
controller or in the review controller and membership controller, or
in the models? Sorry but im a bit confused about this and need some
guidance Thanks

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Re: confused where to place functions

2007-09-01 Thread Grant Cox

If functionality can be put in Models, it should.  Code in controllers
should only be what responds and parses the user request - then it
should execute code stored in models and components.

On Sep 2, 10:23 am, rtanz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 hi i have a module controller. the situation is that i want that
 whenever a new module is added i will also create a new review and a
 new membership. Now where should i place the 2 functions needed to
 create a review and membership? Should i place them in the module
 controller or in the review controller and membership controller, or
 in the models? Sorry but im a bit confused about this and need some
 guidance Thanks

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Re: Adding disabled property to option tags in select

2007-09-01 Thread Mech7

Would be nice to have a disabled option though disabled tag does not
work in IE :(

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Re: Fw: cakephp Eclipse install where is console???

2007-09-01 Thread SIXS

I have watched the video and followed the instructions. I can't  see where 
console is located in cakephp
- Original Message - 
From: Chris Hartjes [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, August 31, 2007 7:48 PM
Subject: Re: Fw: cakephp Eclipse install where is console???

 On 8/31/07, SIXS [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I a trying to install cakephp in Eclipse and when I get to showing where
 console is located I can't find it. I created a cakephp  and looked for
 console I couldn't find it!. I am on win XP Pro, and  Vertrigo(apache, 
 mysql, etc).

 Thanks for any help.

 Go watch this screencast which shows you how to set up the console on 

 Hope that helps.

 Chris Hartjes
 Senior Developer
 Cake Development Corporation

 My motto for 2007:  Just build it, damnit!

 @TheBallpark -
 @TheKeyboard -


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Re: UnitConversion, in which layer? / Correct input erros, where?

2007-09-01 Thread davidpersson

erros ha!

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pagination with association... how?

2007-09-01 Thread barrowkwan

For example, I have Publisher and Book with one to many association
( eg one Publisher has many books associated ).

If I want to list all books with pagination, I can do this in the

$this-Pagination-resultsPerPage = array();
$this-Pagination-show = 25;
$conditions = null;
list($order, $limit, $page) = $this-Pagination-init($conditions,null,
$data = $this-Book-findAll($conditions, NULL, $order, $limit,$page);

but want if I want to view all the books that is associated with one
of the Publisher?

for example the one view, I would like to display the Publisher's
name, then all the books that are associated with that publisher but
with pagination?

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