Has anyone seen this before?

2001-05-04 Thread Pablo Varando

unknown exception condition 


The error occurred while processing an element with a general identifier of (CFMAIL), 
occupying document position (37:1) to (40:43).

What exactly is this? anyone know how to get rid of it?



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RE: CF Studio and UltraDev Merging!

2001-05-04 Thread Michael Kear

Yes it is only a bundling of CF Studio and Ultradev together.But
unless we all speak up loud, this will be the trend .. Macromedia's view
of the world is the Dreamweaver/Ultradev vision.  Where is you want to do
what the  evangelist does in the demos, you're in clover.  But since in 30
years in IT I've never once had to produce what they do in the demos I'm
not overly impressed by the demos in the launch.  I find myself sitting
there watching the evangelist guy zipping round the software saying how
easy it is to do this or that, thinking, yes . but since he's picked the
examples to suit himself, what *ISN'T* he showing us?

Anyway, unless we have some input to Macromedia, we'll end up with a
Studio that looks like Ultradev.

And Ive never been able to make that work satisfactorily for CF coding -
only for making html pages.

Mike Kear
AFP Webworks
Windsor, NSW, Australia

On Thu, 3 May 2001, Raymond Camden wrote:

 ** Macromedia Representative **
 Are you sure they are joining? My impression was that the article was
 recommending both products? Remember that you can get integration with them
 to make things kinda seamless. I didn't read the article as stating they
 were becoming one product... but I could be mistaken.

 Raymond Camden, Principal Spectra Compliance Engineer for Macromedia

 ICQ UIN : 3679482

 My ally is the Force, and a powerful ally it is. - Yoda

  -Original Message-
  From: Nathan Stanford [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: Thursday, May 03, 2001 11:29 AM
  To: CF-Talk
  Subject: CF Studio and UltraDev Merging!
  Read This:
  Nathan Stanford
  Senior Programmer/Analyst

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RE: Combining two fields In Access SQL.

2001-05-04 Thread David Shadovitz

Concatenation is like this:
   select fname+' '+lname as name
But you're using name in the where clause.  Is it a field?  If so, select name. 
 If not, modify your where clause.
Also, you're not joining the Users and Vehicles tables.


On Thursday, May 03, 2001 12:49 PM, Angel Stewart [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 

 I want to select Lastname Firstname AS Name in an Access SQL query.

 Select fname||lname AS name From Users,Vehicles
 Where name = #searchname#

 Doesn't work..
 I get an error saying Invalid use of Pipe.

 Any ideas on how to do this in Access?

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RE: How to configure Studio to use only block capitals in the default template with edited and inserted tags?

2001-05-04 Thread David Shadovitz

1. Just edit the default template.  In your CF Studio folder, it's in Wizards \ 
HTML and it is called Default Template.htm
2. Options | Settings | HTML tab, then uncheck Lowercase all inserted tags.

On Thursday, May 03, 2001 10:08 AM, Hubert Earl [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 

 How can I configure CFStudio so that:

 1.  The default template will have only block capitals?
 2.  All edited or inserted tags will automatically be in block capitals?

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RE: CF Studio and UltraDev Merging!

2001-05-04 Thread Michael Kear

I think we should check out their cafeteria too.  Cos if they have awful
pineapple donuts there I want to try to stop that too.

Good post Andrew! g

Mike Kear
AFP Webworks.
Windsor, NSW, Australia

On Thu, 3 May 2001, Andrew Tyrone wrote:

 My opinion is, the uprising worked for the Hosting Edition elimination (maybe...), 
but now everyone wants to re-design the logo and tell Macromedia how to package the 
products.  How about we have a thorough inspection of the restrooms at the corporate 
headquarters; they might not have the right ceiling tile, or maybe they have those 
faucets that shut off if you don't keep your hands under them long enough... OR... 
*gasp* maybe the urinals don't have the right brand of deodorizers in them!

  -Original Message-
  From: Stephen Moretti [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: Thursday, May 03, 2001 1:34 PM
  To: CF-Talk
  Subject: RE: CF Studio and UltraDev Merging!
  I'll say what I just said on the UK CFUG dev/chat list.
   Read This:
  No where in that article does it say that it is one product.
  They are just packaged together in one box.

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RE: Random Password

2001-05-04 Thread Peter Stolz

I wrote a custom tag that does this:


generates a pseudo random string of specified length containing only
found between the ascii values of CHARSTART and CHAREND

CFPARAM NAME=Attributes.Length DEFAULT=12
CFPARAM NAME=Attributes.CharStart DEFAULT=1
CFPARAM NAME=Attributes.OutputVar DEFAULT=RandomString

result = ;

for(i=1;i LT Attributes.Length;i=i+1){
result = result 



-Original Message-
From: Chris Martin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, May 03, 2001 5:38 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Random Password

Here's one I got off this list a while ago.  Props to whoever wrote it,
because its helped me out a few times.

random_word = Mid(ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ, RandRange(1,26), 1);
random_word = random_word  Mid(ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ,
RandRange(1,26), 1);
random_word = random_word  Mid(ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ,
RandRange(1,26), 1);
random_word = random_word  Mid(ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ,
RandRange(1,26), 1);
random_word = random_word  Mid(ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ,
RandRange(1,26), 1);
random_word = random_word  Mid(ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ,
RandRange(1,26), 1);
random_word = random_word  Mid(ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ,
RandRange(1,26), 1);

password = #random_word##RandRange(1000,)#;

cfoutputPASSWORD: b#password#/b/cfoutput

it will generate a password with 7 random letter and a 4 digit number.

-Original Message-
From: Chris Badouin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, May 03, 2001 12:24 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Random Password


Sorry I am pressed for time today, but does any one have script for
generating random passwords?

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RE: quick question

2001-05-04 Thread Peter Tilbrook

Chris, I imagine you would have to specify the full filename - including the
extension. Be wary of using CFFILE, particularly if people can upload non
image files like documents or executables. Test your code to ensure that you
are not opening up a major vulnerability to your server. I have noticed with
CF Enterprise 4.5.1 an uncanny behaviour of making CFSTRUCTURE and CFFILE
variables UPPERCASE. Not sure if this is supposed to happen - I think not -
but it does.

-Original Message-
From: Chris Badouin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, 4 May 2001 08:39
To: CF-Talk
Subject: quick question


Sorry, I have not used CFFILE and needed a quick answer

When using the CFFILE tag to rename an image file, does the CFFILE
overwrite the extension when renaming?

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RE: testing..

2001-05-04 Thread Peter Tilbrook

I don't think so. I posted a message six hours ago and it has not been
posted yet.

-Original Message-
From: Mak Wing Lok [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, 4 May 2001 10:04
To: CF-Talk
Subject: testing..

is CF-talk OK?
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RE: CF Studio and UltraDev Merging!

2001-05-04 Thread Kevin Lynch


That's right, both ColdFusion Studio and UltraDev continue to be 
available as separate products. If you like, you can buy them 
together in a studio bundle at a lower price.

There's a FAQ that Jeff Whatcott put together at: 



At 2:37 PM -0700 5/3/01, Erika Walker wrote:
I don't think they are talking about merging the two products as 
onethey are just talking about using them together side-by-side.

Re-read that page one more time. It took me a couple just to be 
sure, and besides, I already have the UltraDev they are talking 
about. The product has a lot of tools built into it to make 
developing with ColdFusion easier for beginners, etc.

Don't Panic!! No more panicking!!


-- Original Message --
From: Costas Piliotis [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Thu, 03 May 2001 10:22:17 -0700

Hey Macromedia...

I know someone is out there listening...

Most CF developers like Studio.  Most like it a lot.

VERY BAD MOVE.  Talk about giving it to CF developers where it hurts.

-Original Message-
From: Nathan Stanford [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, May 03, 2001 8:29 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: CF Studio and UltraDev Merging!

Read This:

Nathan Stanford
Senior Programmer/Analyst

Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at 

Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/cf-talk@houseoffusion.com/
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RE: Problem with login page

2001-05-04 Thread Erika L Walker

Check the actual formis the input name the same as what you are
accepting? Is the input field empty? With that kind of error, I've found
that the form itself is usually the culprit!

Happy hunting,

(with a *K*)

Blessed are they who can laugh at themselves, for they shall never cease to
be amused.

-Original Message-
From: Hubert Earl [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, May 03, 2001 7:15 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Problem with login page

hi. when i submit my login page i get this error message:

Error Diagnostic Information

An error occurred while evaluating the expression:


Error near line 8, column 15.

Error resolving parameter FORM.USERPASSWORD

The specified form field cannot be found. This problem is very likely due to
the fact that you have misspelled the form field name.

The error occurred while processing an element with a general identifier of
(#Form.UserPassword#), occupying document position (8:14) to (8:32).

This is the code I'm submitting, but darned if I could find anything wrong
with it:

WHERE UserName = '#Form.UserName#' AND
 Password = '#Form.UserPassword#'

I've checked datasource name etc.  Could anyone suggest what I may be
overlooking?  Thanks.

Hubert Earl

ICQ#: 16199853
AIM: hubertfme

My Jamaican Art, Craft  More Online Store:
Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at 

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structure in request scope

2001-05-04 Thread Mark Ireland

I have just failed to find that code for a structure in the request scope 
in the cf-talk archive.

Can someone point me to it please?


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RE: CF Studio and UltraDev Merging!

2001-05-04 Thread Michael Kear

You would prefer that only good news comes out?  The best way to avoid
getting bad news about anything is not to look, sit in the closet with
your hands over your ears and your eyes tightly shut.

For most things what's bad news for someone is Good news for someone

For myself, I'd rather know what's going on good or bad.

Mike Kear
AFP Webworks
Windsor, NSW, Australia

On Thu, 3 May 2001, ibtoad wrote:

 Why must we keep getting bad news from MM???


 -Original Message-
 From: Terry Bader [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Thursday, May 03, 2001 1:32 PM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: RE: CF Studio and UltraDev Merging!


   Terry Bader
   IT/Web Specialist
   Macromedia Certified Coldfusion Developer
   EDO Corp - Combat Systems
   (757) 424-1004 ext 361 - Work

   (757)581-5981 - Mobile
   icq: 5202487   aim: lv2bounce

  -Original Message-
  From: Nathan Stanford [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: Thursday, May 03, 2001 11:29 AM
  To: CF-Talk
  Subject: CF Studio and UltraDev Merging!
  Read This:
  Nathan Stanford
  Senior Programmer/Analyst

Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at 

Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/cf-talk@houseoffusion.com/
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verity error

2001-05-04 Thread Seamus Campbell

I get this error on my ISP's server when I update a verity collection
I do NOT get it when I do it on my home server
Any clues - I'm desperate to find some reason for this

Error Occurred While Processing Request
  Error Diagnostic InformationRequest canceled or ignored by
  serverServer busy or unable to fulfill request. The server is unable
  to fulfill your request due to extremely high traffic or an
  unexpected internal error. Please attempt your request again (if you
  are repeatedly unsuccessful you should notify the site
  administrator). (Location Code: 26)
  Please inform the site administrator that this error has occurred (be
  sure to include the contents of this page in your message to the



Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at 

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Re: CFcontent and extensions

2001-05-04 Thread Massimo Foti

Something like this should help:

cfheader name=Content-Disposition value=attachment;


Brook Davies [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 I have a cf file which returns a text file using CFCONTENT. Yet, the
 extension is still .cfm. Is there a way to force the extension to .txt?

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Re: quick question

2001-05-04 Thread Joseph Thompson


but you could check the File.ClientFileExt variable if you think you are
having trouble

- Original Message -
From: Chris Badouin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, May 03, 2001 3:39 PM
Subject: quick question


 Sorry, I have not used CFFILE and needed a quick answer

 When using the CFFILE tag to rename an image file, does the CFFILE
 overwrite the extension when renaming?


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RE: Ultradev Studio

2001-05-04 Thread Peter Tilbrook

Mark, I'm inclined to agree with you. Dreamweaver for all intent and
purposes is a fine product for the visual web designer. As far as code
development goes it just doesn't cut it - which is why I imagine they ship
HomeSite with Dreamweaver for code cutting purposes.

ColdFusion Studio - at least version 4.5.2 SP2 - is a fine product, finally.
Admittedly I am still running 4.0 until I get the time to install the latest
release. 4.0 does not save files as zero bytes which later version did

Rather than merge a product like Studio/HomeSite into UltraDev (expensive
product is UltraDev for what it claims to do) update CF Studio 4.5.1 to
include new CF5.0 support. After all these years the 4.5 product is now
totally indespensible. If it aint broke dont fix it!

-Original Message-
From: Mark Terrill [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, 4 May 2001 13:14
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Ultradev  Studio

Our CFUG had a macromedia rep come talk to us the other night. apparently
ultradev  studio are being merged into ONE product...ie the code window of
ultradev will be like studio

personally I think that this is the worst possible decision that macromedia
could possibly make. they may like their trippy looking ultradev
product...but a vast populace of cf'ers don't. when the macromedia guy told
us of this product merge, he suddenly had a roomful of *extremely* irate
programmers. whatever macromedia does, they shouldn't wreck the good
relationship that allaire built up with us at ground level. leave bloody
ultradev to the graphic designers and leave us in peace with our intimitely
favourite memory chewing dev tool.

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Installing CF Server on Win2K

2001-05-04 Thread Dave Borgeest

Having a REALLY annoying problem installing CF Server 4.5 Ent Single
User on a new Win2K box.

Gets to the end of the installation and I get an error saying that I
either don't have the correct permissions to write to the drive, or the
install program cannot shut down my web server. For the first I am
logged in as the system admin, and for the second I've tried stopping it


List of things I've tried: made a new admin user; manually stopped IIS;
manually restarted IIS; uninstalled CF Studio; uninstalled IIS;
re-installed IIS; turned off ALL network services; installed an older
version of CF Server; installed to a different drive; specified that my
admin user has total rights on the system drive(as opposed to just
'everyone'); - and probably some others I've blocked from memory.

And my install was going so smooth up until that point.


Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at 

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RE: mailto: in alertbox?

2001-05-04 Thread Peter Tilbrook

I don't think so - at least for security reasons. Assuming you mean a JS
generated alertbox. If you can get around using a JS generated alert box and
use a JS generated window which you can load a CFML template into that might
be better. eg:

script language=JavaScript
function openWin( windowURL, windowName, windowFeatures )
{return window.open( windowURL, windowName, windowFeatures ) ; }
titleCF-Talk is AOK by me OK?/title

Then use the following code for your URL:

newWindow.focus() onmouseover=self.status='Wrap this text in a
JSStringFormat just to be sure! Ben Forta would be proud!';return true
onmouseout=self.status='';return trueAnd this is the link right here!/a

If using CFQUERY generated text it is not a bad idea to WRAP the output text
in JSStringFormat to make friendly potentially error inducing code.
Otherwise strip out the onmouseover and onmouseout code altogether. You
can still add other target prefs like _new etc).

-Original Message-
From: han peng [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, 4 May 2001 13:43
To: CF-Talk
Subject: mailto: in alertbox?

hi ppl... is it possible to have a mailto: in a alertbox message??
i tried doing this but cant...
pls advise...

alert(we noted that u blah...blah.. blah... Please email us at
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] for yr request.blah.. blah...);

Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at 

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Re: Access ldb files w/a twist

2001-05-04 Thread Jon Hall

The cfusion_disable_dbconnections() works fine, however, just call your
host, and tell them to uncheck the box that says 'Maintain database
connections'. Then curse at them because they are not following SOP for
Access databases ;-) ldb's will not be a problem if this box is unchecked.

- Original Message -
From: Mark Smeets [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, May 03, 2001 12:53 PM
Subject: Access ldb files w/a twist

 So, here is my question and basically it's a problem.

 Now when you open any Access file you get that little annoying ldb file
 it, it closes no problem if you're working with Access directly however
 if the Access file is on a server and you don't have access to it

 What if I need to replace that database with a new one (and that stupid
 file won't go away)?

 Any ideas would greatly help.

 Mark Smeets/stranger0/ICQ #1062196

 Mr. West, not every situation requires your patented approach of shoot
 first, shoot later, shoot some more and then when everybody's dead try to
 ask a question or two - Wild Wild West

 A Stranger's Domain (Redesigned and New)

 Official Splitting Adam Homepage

 Over the Wall Productions and Web Designs

Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at 

Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/cf-talk@houseoffusion.com/
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RE: CF Studio and UltraDev Merging!

2001-05-04 Thread Peter Tilbrook

Lower than AUD$2,000.00?

I'd buy that for a dollar!

-Original Message-
From: Kevin Lynch [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, 4 May 2001 15:03
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: CF Studio and UltraDev Merging!


That's right, both ColdFusion Studio and UltraDev continue to be
available as separate products. If you like, you can buy them
together in a studio bundle at a lower price.

There's a FAQ that Jeff Whatcott put together at:



At 2:37 PM -0700 5/3/01, Erika Walker wrote:
I don't think they are talking about merging the two products as
onethey are just talking about using them together side-by-side.

Re-read that page one more time. It took me a couple just to be
sure, and besides, I already have the UltraDev they are talking
about. The product has a lot of tools built into it to make
developing with ColdFusion easier for beginners, etc.

Don't Panic!! No more panicking!!


-- Original Message --
From: Costas Piliotis [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Thu, 03 May 2001 10:22:17 -0700

Hey Macromedia...

I know someone is out there listening...

Most CF developers like Studio.  Most like it a lot.

VERY BAD MOVE.  Talk about giving it to CF developers where it hurts.

-Original Message-
From: Nathan Stanford [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, May 03, 2001 8:29 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: CF Studio and UltraDev Merging!

Read This:

Nathan Stanford
Senior Programmer/Analyst

Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at 

Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/cf-talk@houseoffusion.com/
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Re: Problem with login page

2001-05-04 Thread Jon Hall

So what is the name of the password field on your login page? Is it

- Original Message -
From: Hubert Earl [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, May 03, 2001 7:15 PM
Subject: Problem with login page

 hi. when i submit my login page i get this error message:

 Error Diagnostic Information

 An error occurred while evaluating the expression:


 Error near line 8, column 15.

 Error resolving parameter FORM.USERPASSWORD

 The specified form field cannot be found. This problem is very likely due
to the fact that you have misspelled the form field name.

 The error occurred while processing an element with a general identifier
of (#Form.UserPassword#), occupying document position (8:14) to (8:32).

 This is the code I'm submitting, but darned if I could find anything wrong
with it:

 WHERE UserName = '#Form.UserName#' AND
  Password = '#Form.UserPassword#'

 I've checked datasource name etc.  Could anyone suggest what I may be
overlooking?  Thanks.

 Hubert Earl

 ICQ#: 16199853
 AIM: hubertfme

 My Jamaican Art, Craft  More Online Store:

Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at 

Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/cf-talk@houseoffusion.com/
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RE: Has anyone seen this before?

2001-05-04 Thread Peter Tilbrook

Yes I have seen it before. Under all versions upto and including CF
Enterprise 4.5.1 SP1. It has been intermittent also.

I believe it may mean that the server cannot connect to your mail server -
or on a development machine you have not entered in a generic example (ie:

Worst case could be a corruption of the Dynamic Link Libraries of CF (under
Win95/98/NT/2K). I think Macromedia would know the definitive answer here.

-Original Message-
From: Pablo Varando [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, 4 May 2001 14:06
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Has anyone seen this before?

unknown exception condition


The error occurred while processing an element with a general identifier of
(CFMAIL), occupying document position (37:1) to (40:43).

What exactly is this? anyone know how to get rid of it?


Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at 

Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/cf-talk@houseoffusion.com/
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Re: Inline HTML Editor

2001-05-04 Thread Jon Hall

ezEdit Free IE only http://www.siteobjects.com/
eWebEditPro Little Expensive NS  IE http://www.ektron.com/

- Original Message -
From: David Cummins [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, May 03, 2001 5:55 PM
Subject: Inline HTML Editor

 I know this question has been asked a lot, but when I went back to the old
 emails a lot of the links were broken.

 Could anyone recommend a cheap/free inline HTML editor which looks like
 and preferably uses DHTML or Java, but other solutions would be nice too.

 David Cummins

Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at 

Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/cf-talk@houseoffusion.com/
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Re: CF Studio and UltraDev Merging!

2001-05-04 Thread Zac

Kevin Lynch wrote:

 That's right, both ColdFusion Studio and UltraDev continue to be
 available as separate products. If you like, you can buy them
 together in a studio bundle at a lower price.

Any chance we can get a long term commitment from Macromedia to ensure that
Studio stays a separate and distinct product and doesn't get merged in


Any fool can tell the truth, but it requires a man of some sense to know
how to lie well.

Samuel Butler 

web: http://www.pixelgeek.com/

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Re: Credit Card DB Encryption Methodology

2001-05-04 Thread Jon Hall

Sounds very secure, of course you might add that the database in question
should never be on a web server. The  database should only be accessible
from behind a firewall which permits only the web server's ip to access the
database server.

- Original Message -
From: Tony Schreiber [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, May 03, 2001 3:52 PM
Subject: Credit Card DB Encryption Methodology

 Ok, I've been reading the last few threads on this and pondering the best
 way to approach this scenario (storing CC in DB) and I've come up with the
 following idea:

 1) The User's password is stored as a one-way HASH.
 2) The Credit Card info (list of cc number,exp date and verification
 number) is stored as an ENCRYPTED string with the User's raw password as
 the key.

 Interface-wise, this requires that:

 a) the user type in their password when Adding or Updating a credit card
 record in the db (so it can be encrypted)
 b) the user type in their password when finalizing an order (so the cc
 info can be decrypted to be processed)
 c) When a user changes their password, all cc records in the database must
 be updated using the old and new passwords

 But this way, neither the users password, the encryption key nor the cc
 info is stored unencrypted anywhere on the server.


 Tony Schreiber, Senior Partner  Man and Machine, Limited
 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   http://www.technocraft.com

 http://www.simplemessageboard.com ___Free Forum Software for Cold Fusion
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disabling coldfusion's javascript functions

2001-05-04 Thread JAAV


a little question: Can I disable the Coldfusion's javascript functions ?  (I
mean _CF_onError, _CF_hasValue and their friends)

I'm already using enablecab=no on the CFFORM tag



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RE: verity error

2001-05-04 Thread Seamus Campbell

Yes about 70,000 records actually
Are there any workarounds?

The ISP originally had set Limit simultaneous requests to 1
but has since chamged this to 4

Than I got this error

The requested URL could not be retrieved

While trying to retrieve the URL: [no URL]
The following error was encountered:
ยท Read Timeout
The system returned:
[No Error]

I'm not sure what this means??


At 05:52 pm 4/05/01 , you wrote:
Is it a relatively large collection? (eg: 60,000 individual database

Verity as supplied with CF 4.x seems to be very memory and processor
resource intensive.

-Original Message-
From: Seamus Campbell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, 4 May 2001 16:07
To: CF-Talk
Subject: verity error

I get this error on my ISP's server when I update a verity collection
I do NOT get it when I do it on my home server
Any clues - I'm desperate to find some reason for this

Error Occurred While Processing Request
   Error Diagnostic InformationRequest canceled or ignored by
   serverServer busy or unable to fulfill request. The server is unable
   to fulfill your request due to extremely high traffic or an
   unexpected internal error. Please attempt your request again (if you
   are repeatedly unsuccessful you should notify the site
   administrator). (Location Code: 26)
   Please inform the site administrator that this error has occurred (be
   sure to include the contents of this page in your message to the



Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at 

Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/cf-talk@houseoffusion.com/
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databases for CF on Solaris?

2001-05-04 Thread Kay Smoljak


I have to quote on a CF site that will be hosted on a Solaris box. Trouble
is, as an NT-bunny I have no idea what databases there are available for
Solaris. Could anyone could suggest a decently robust one and give me an
idea of the price range? I'm looking for something roughly equivalent to MS
SQL Server or Borland Interbase - ie I know Oracle is available but that's
gonna be overkill I think.

Kay Smoljak - HTML/ColdFusion Developer - PerthWeb Pty Ltd
Internet Solutions for your business!

Level 9/105 St George's Tc - Perth - Western Australia
Ph: (08) 9226 1366 Fax: (08) 9226 1375 Mobile : 0419 949 007
Visit Perth online! : www.perthweb.com.au

Tools for Developers including CFX Tags: http://developer.perthweb.com.au

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RE: Question about verity and getting results

2001-05-04 Thread Craig Dudley

I'm not 100% sure whats going on, but this might help.

When you index the tables, store a unique value for each table in the
custom1 field, when you get the results, this value will tell you which
table the results are from.


-Original Message-
From: Mark Smeets [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 03 May 2001 17:58
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Question about verity and getting results

I've set-up my verity stuff and it seems to be working just fine, no errors 
or anything but I'm indexing more than 1 table in my database (access), I've

given the queries in question used to index the tables all unique names 
according to what they do. (ex. IndexNews, IndexEvents, IndexPrez)

However when I go to do a search, if I choose to search the news area, I 
might get a result for Events area instead. I've put all my output's on one 
page using cfcase to seperate them all (that's the same way I indexed it as 
well) but it's a confusing result when you search for one thing and you get 
another that you don't even want :)

I can post the code if need be but any info is appreciated.

Mark Smeets/stranger0/ICQ #1062196

Mr. West, not every situation requires your patented approach of shoot 
first, shoot later, shoot some more and then when everybody's dead try to 
ask a question or two - Wild Wild West

A Stranger's Domain (Redesigned and New)

Official Splitting Adam Homepage

Over the Wall Productions and Web Designs
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RE: CF Studio and UltraDev Merging!

2001-05-04 Thread Thomas Chiverton

Merging ? Nah.
The're selling them together, and setting studio up as the default external
editor in UltraDev.

Like I already have :-)

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RE: disabling coldfusion's javascript functions

2001-05-04 Thread Craig Dudley

use a form tag instead of a cfform , that will do thhe trick ;-)

-Original Message-
Sent: 04 May 2001 08:55
To: CF-Talk
Subject: disabling coldfusion's javascript functions


a little question: Can I disable the Coldfusion's javascript functions ?  (I
mean _CF_onError, _CF_hasValue and their friends)

I'm already using enablecab=no on the CFFORM tag


Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at 

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RE: databases for CF on Solaris?

2001-05-04 Thread Craig Dudley

Can you not run SQL server on a differnet box?

-Original Message-
From: Kay Smoljak [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 04 May 2001 09:11
To: CF-Talk
Subject: databases for CF on Solaris?


I have to quote on a CF site that will be hosted on a Solaris box. Trouble
is, as an NT-bunny I have no idea what databases there are available for
Solaris. Could anyone could suggest a decently robust one and give me an
idea of the price range? I'm looking for something roughly equivalent to MS
SQL Server or Borland Interbase - ie I know Oracle is available but that's
gonna be overkill I think.

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cfgrid replacements

2001-05-04 Thread Thomas Chiverton

I have an application that needs something like CFgrid to allow users to
edit records, add and delete rows etc.

CFgrid does almost everything I want, but I really need to be able to place
aribtery drop downs and so on in the new rows by default, plus it has an
annoying scrolling bug.
I've seen CF_jsGRID on DevX, are there any other candidates ?

Thomas Chiverton
Intranet Architect and Desktop Analyst
01565 757 909
It's not a job, it's an adventure

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RE: verity error

2001-05-04 Thread Peter Tilbrook

Wow! That is quite big - assuming an MS Access database.

Your main problem appears to be generating the index itself. Even once off
it is taxing system resources big time.

Straightaway you could do one of several things:

1 - purge the collection before updationg it
2 - if on the same box defragment the HDD before re-indexing the collection
3 - if your development box has more grunt than the actual server - consider
building the index on you dev box and then transferring it to the server.
Not ideal but it works.

For a db of 70,000 records (Access) a server would preferably need about
256Mb to generate the index and not crash - 512Mb would be better. Later
version of CF (5.0 with the new Verity) may be much better however.

-Original Message-
From: Seamus Campbell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, 4 May 2001 18:10
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: verity error

Yes about 70,000 records actually
Are there any workarounds?

The ISP originally had set Limit simultaneous requests to 1
but has since chamged this to 4

Than I got this error

The requested URL could not be retrieved

While trying to retrieve the URL: [no URL]
The following error was encountered:
ยท Read Timeout
The system returned:
[No Error]

I'm not sure what this means??


At 05:52 pm 4/05/01 , you wrote:
Is it a relatively large collection? (eg: 60,000 individual database

Verity as supplied with CF 4.x seems to be very memory and processor
resource intensive.

-Original Message-
From: Seamus Campbell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, 4 May 2001 16:07
To: CF-Talk
Subject: verity error

I get this error on my ISP's server when I update a verity collection
I do NOT get it when I do it on my home server
Any clues - I'm desperate to find some reason for this

Error Occurred While Processing Request
   Error Diagnostic InformationRequest canceled or ignored by
   serverServer busy or unable to fulfill request. The server is unable
   to fulfill your request due to extremely high traffic or an
   unexpected internal error. Please attempt your request again (if you
   are repeatedly unsuccessful you should notify the site
   administrator). (Location Code: 26)
   Please inform the site administrator that this error has occurred (be
   sure to include the contents of this page in your message to the



Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at 

Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/cf-talk@houseoffusion.com/
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RE: verity error

2001-05-04 Thread Seamus Campbell

Many thanks
great help

At 06:59 pm 4/05/01 , you wrote:
Wow! That is quite big - assuming an MS Access database.

Your main problem appears to be generating the index itself. Even once off
it is taxing system resources big time.

Straightaway you could do one of several things:

1 - purge the collection before updationg it
2 - if on the same box defragment the HDD before re-indexing the collection
3 - if your development box has more grunt than the actual server - consider
building the index on you dev box and then transferring it to the server.
Not ideal but it works.

For a db of 70,000 records (Access) a server would preferably need about
256Mb to generate the index and not crash - 512Mb would be better. Later
version of CF (5.0 with the new Verity) may be much better however.

-Original Message-
From: Seamus Campbell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, 4 May 2001 18:10
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: verity error

Yes about 70,000 records actually
Are there any workarounds?

The ISP originally had set Limit simultaneous requests to 1
but has since chamged this to 4

Than I got this error

The requested URL could not be retrieved

While trying to retrieve the URL: [no URL]
The following error was encountered:
ยท Read Timeout
The system returned:
[No Error]

I'm not sure what this means??


At 05:52 pm 4/05/01 , you wrote:
 Is it a relatively large collection? (eg: 60,000 individual database
 Verity as supplied with CF 4.x seems to be very memory and processor
 resource intensive.
 -Original Message-
 From: Seamus Campbell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Friday, 4 May 2001 16:07
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: verity error
 I get this error on my ISP's server when I update a verity collection
 I do NOT get it when I do it on my home server
 Any clues - I'm desperate to find some reason for this
 Error Occurred While Processing Request
Error Diagnostic InformationRequest canceled or ignored by
serverServer busy or unable to fulfill request. The server is unable
to fulfill your request due to extremely high traffic or an
unexpected internal error. Please attempt your request again (if you
are repeatedly unsuccessful you should notify the site
administrator). (Location Code: 26)
Please inform the site administrator that this error has occurred (be
sure to include the contents of this page in your message to the

Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at 

Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/cf-talk@houseoffusion.com/
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Re: databases for CF on Solaris?

2001-05-04 Thread Kay Smoljak

On Fri, 04 May 2001 09:45:49 +0100, Craig Dudley [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Can you not run SQL server on a differnet box?

No, the client has one Sun Solaris box and the entire shebang will be
running from that.

-Original Message-
From: Kay Smoljak [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 04 May 2001 09:11
To: CF-Talk
Subject: databases for CF on Solaris?


I have to quote on a CF site that will be hosted on a Solaris box. Trouble
is, as an NT-bunny I have no idea what databases there are available for
Solaris. Could anyone could suggest a decently robust one and give me an
idea of the price range? I'm looking for something roughly equivalent to MS
SQL Server or Borland Interbase - ie I know Oracle is available but that's
gonna be overkill I think.


Kay Smoljak - ColdFusion Developer - PerthWeb Pty Ltd
Internet Solutions for your business!

Level 9/105 St George's Tc - Perth - Western Australia
Ph: (08) 9226 1366 Fax: (08) 9226 1375 Mobile : 0419 949 007
Visit Perth online! : www.perthweb.com.au

Tools for developers: http://developer.perthweb.com.au
-- cfx_pwimageproc: image processing tool
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Re: disabling coldfusion's javascript functions

2001-05-04 Thread JAAV

ops! off course.
short answer for a short question:))

thanks Craig

- Original Message -
From: Craig Dudley [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, May 04, 2001 10:43 AM
Subject: RE: disabling coldfusion's javascript functions

 use a form tag instead of a cfform , that will do thhe trick ;-)

 -Original Message-
 From: JAAV [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: 04 May 2001 08:55
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: disabling coldfusion's javascript functions


 a little question: Can I disable the Coldfusion's javascript functions ?
 mean _CF_onError, _CF_hasValue and their friends)

 I'm already using enablecab=no on the CFFORM tag



Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at 

Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/cf-talk@houseoffusion.com/
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RE: databases for CF on Solaris?

2001-05-04 Thread Craig Dudley

You could try mysql, www.mysql.com for more info, I haven't used it much so
I'm not sure how suitbale it would be for your needs.

-Original Message-
From: Kay Smoljak [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 04 May 2001 11:01
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: databases for CF on Solaris?

On Fri, 04 May 2001 09:45:49 +0100, Craig Dudley [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Can you not run SQL server on a differnet box?

No, the client has one Sun Solaris box and the entire shebang will be
running from that.

-Original Message-
From: Kay Smoljak [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 04 May 2001 09:11
To: CF-Talk
Subject: databases for CF on Solaris?


I have to quote on a CF site that will be hosted on a Solaris box. Trouble
is, as an NT-bunny I have no idea what databases there are available for
Solaris. Could anyone could suggest a decently robust one and give me an
idea of the price range? I'm looking for something roughly equivalent to MS
SQL Server or Borland Interbase - ie I know Oracle is available but that's
gonna be overkill I think.

Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at 

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RE: [cold_fusion] Unusual Results, help

2001-05-04 Thread Aidan Whitehall

 This has always been the behavior of CF.  I can agree that it at first
 glances appears to be counter intuitive, but at the same 
 time, any reference
 to queryname.fieldname outside the context of a CFLOOP or CFOUTPUT
 results in a reference to the value of the field in the first 
 row of the
 query.  The functionality is such that there is no inheritance of

Well, I think you're at risk of sounding like an apologist for Allaire.

There are a couple of things that I feel need fixing in ColdFusion, and
this is one of them (the other one that springs to mind is the inability to
optionally specify that empty list elements aren't ignored - really useful
if you are populating database tables from delimited lists).


   *Crappy CFSET GetParents.ParentID code required here*


  #GetParents.ParentID# doesn't increment properly with each
  iteration of the outer loop WHY NOT ALLAIRE?!?!


 Since CF5 is feature complete and in RC testing, I would 
 seriously doubt
 that a change in behavior is going to happen in this release, 
 or for that
 matter even in NEO.

Unfortunately, I think you might be right.

Hey, we've fixed a load of old bugs! doesn't sound as good to new
customers as Hey, there's a load of new features!.

Aidan Whitehall [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Telephone +44 (01744) 648650

Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at 

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Re: Unusual Results, help

2001-05-04 Thread Tim Painter

I have had the same problem -- it usually happens when you are using a query
variable from a loop inside a nested loop.  Set the first loop query
variable to a temp variable to use in your nested loop.  e.g:

CFLOOP QUERY=qry_missions

CFQUERY NAME=qry_missioncomm DATASOURCE=#request.mainDSN#
FROM tbl_node
WHERE node_id IN
SELECT node_id
FROM tbl_mission_comm
WHERE mission_id = #qry_missions.mission_id#

CFSET test = qry_missions.mission_id

!--- Add this ---
cfset tmpMission_ID = qry_missions.mission_id
cfset tmpNode_ID = qry_missioncomm.node_id

CFLOOP QUERY=qry_missioncomm

CFOUTPUT#test# should equal

CFQUERY NAME=qry_missionq DATASOURCE=#request.mainDSN#
FROM tbl_question
WHERE q_node = #tmpnode_id#
AND q_mission = #tmpmission_id#
AND q_deleted = 0



- Original Message -
From: Terry Bader [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, May 03, 2001 10:25 AM
Subject: Unusual Results, help

 Ok, i'm having some problems with the below code here's the problem...
 in the loop CFLOOP QUERY=qry_missioncomm it is always seeing
 qry_missions.mission_id being 1

 if you notice the test code i put in just before it, i see that
 qry_missions.mission_id is and check to make sure the previous query has
 records...  then i set a test variable to qry_missions.mission_id
 as such:

 CFSET test = qry_missions.mission_id

 so in the 2nd iteration of this loop, i get:

 with test being set to 2

 now comes the loop:
 CFLOOP QUERY=qry_missioncomm

 followed by:
 CFOUTPUT#test# should equal

 and wtf???  i get:
 2 should equal 1-test

 ??  why isnt the qry_missions.mission_id equal to 2 inside the
 second loop???  there are no other declarations here and after the loop,
 qry_missions.mission_id is equal to 2


 CFQUERY NAME=qry_missions DATASOURCE=#request.mainDSN#
 FROM tbl_mission
 WHERE mission_id  0

 CFLOOP QUERY=qry_missions

 CFQUERY NAME=qry_missioncomm DATASOURCE=#request.mainDSN#
 FROM tbl_node
 WHERE node_id IN
 SELECT node_id
 FROM tbl_mission_comm
 WHERE mission_id = #qry_missions.mission_id#

 CFSET test = qry_missions.mission_id

 CFLOOP QUERY=qry_missioncomm

 CFOUTPUT#test# should equal

 CFQUERY NAME=qry_missionq DATASOURCE=#request.mainDSN#
 FROM tbl_question
 WHERE q_node = #qry_missioncomm.node_id#
 AND q_mission = #qry_missions.mission_id#
 AND q_deleted = 0



 Terry Bader
 IT/Web Specialist
 Macromedia Certified Coldfusion Developer
 EDO Corp - Combat Systems
 (757) 424-1004 ext 361 - Work

 (757)581-5981 - Mobile
 icq: 5202487   aim: lv2bounce

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RE: New ColdFusion logo

2001-05-04 Thread Darren Adams

How can they get rid of the hand holding the lightning bolt.

That kind of says it all really.

Coldfusion gives you the ability to strike out your web projects at a fast
rate but, at the same time it has alot of power.

Well, thats my interpretation.

-Original Message-
From: Parker, Kevin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 04 May 2001 03:32
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: New ColdFusion logo

I just got one of our Designers here to look at it. Here's what he said:

Seems like a first idea.
Has no interaction with the text.
For such a dynamic product, colour and layouts don't match.
Lighting is just a clichรฉ (on its own).
Its a flash in the pan.
I showed him the 4.5 box and he said  Its (V5 logo) not progressive.

Kevin Parker
Web Services Manager
WorkCover Corporation



p: +61 8 82332548
f: +61 8 82332000
m: 0418 800 287

-Original Message-
From: Peter Tilbrook [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, 3 May 2001 8:49:AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: New ColdFusion logo

What do you think of the new Macromedia ColdFusion 5 logo? 
Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at 

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Re: Ultradev Studio

2001-05-04 Thread Dave Hannum

MM has already announced that there will be one more version of Studio which
will come out sometime after the release of CF 5.0 Server.  Then I thought
they said they're looking to create an UltraDev/CFStudio/JRunStudio tool
since CF 6.0 will run on the JRun platform.  Did anyone else understand
that?  To me, it makes sense.  I imagine it will be a bit pricier, but man,
what a powerful tool that would be.  I'm not a WYSIWYG guy, and I love
Studio just the way it is, but if Fireworks is bundled in like it is with UD
now, and the Flash tools UD and the next Studio (Harpoon) have, seems like
the perfect fit to me.


- Original Message -
From: Peter Tilbrook [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, May 04, 2001 2:20 AM
Subject: RE: Ultradev  Studio

Mark, I'm inclined to agree with you. Dreamweaver for all intent and
purposes is a fine product for the visual web designer. As far as code
development goes it just doesn't cut it - which is why I imagine they ship
HomeSite with Dreamweaver for code cutting purposes.

ColdFusion Studio - at least version 4.5.2 SP2 - is a fine product, finally.
Admittedly I am still running 4.0 until I get the time to install the latest
release. 4.0 does not save files as zero bytes which later version did

Rather than merge a product like Studio/HomeSite into UltraDev (expensive
product is UltraDev for what it claims to do) update CF Studio 4.5.1 to
include new CF5.0 support. After all these years the 4.5 product is now
totally indespensible. If it aint broke dont fix it!

-Original Message-
From: Mark Terrill [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, 4 May 2001 13:14
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Ultradev  Studio

Our CFUG had a macromedia rep come talk to us the other night. apparently
ultradev  studio are being merged into ONE product...ie the code window of
ultradev will be like studio

personally I think that this is the worst possible decision that macromedia
could possibly make. they may like their trippy looking ultradev
product...but a vast populace of cf'ers don't. when the macromedia guy told
us of this product merge, he suddenly had a roomful of *extremely* irate
programmers. whatever macromedia does, they shouldn't wreck the good
relationship that allaire built up with us at ground level. leave bloody
ultradev to the graphic designers and leave us in peace with our intimitely
favourite memory chewing dev tool.

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Re: Ultradev Studio

2001-05-04 Thread Sean Renet

Well, the returned record sets for stored procedures that you get in
UltraDev would be a nice addition to Studio.
- Original Message -
From: Peter Tilbrook [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, May 03, 2001 11:20 PM
Subject: RE: Ultradev  Studio

 Mark, I'm inclined to agree with you. Dreamweaver for all intent and
 purposes is a fine product for the visual web designer. As far as code
 development goes it just doesn't cut it - which is why I imagine they ship
 HomeSite with Dreamweaver for code cutting purposes.

 ColdFusion Studio - at least version 4.5.2 SP2 - is a fine product,
 Admittedly I am still running 4.0 until I get the time to install the
 release. 4.0 does not save files as zero bytes which later version did

 Rather than merge a product like Studio/HomeSite into UltraDev (expensive
 product is UltraDev for what it claims to do) update CF Studio 4.5.1
 include new CF5.0 support. After all these years the 4.5 product is now
 totally indespensible. If it aint broke dont fix it!

 -Original Message-
 From: Mark Terrill [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Friday, 4 May 2001 13:14
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Re: Ultradev  Studio

 Our CFUG had a macromedia rep come talk to us the other night. apparently
 ultradev  studio are being merged into ONE product...ie the code window
 ultradev will be like studio

 personally I think that this is the worst possible decision that
 could possibly make. they may like their trippy looking ultradev
 product...but a vast populace of cf'ers don't. when the macromedia guy
 us of this product merge, he suddenly had a roomful of *extremely* irate
 programmers. whatever macromedia does, they shouldn't wreck the good
 relationship that allaire built up with us at ground level. leave bloody
 ultradev to the graphic designers and leave us in peace with our
 favourite memory chewing dev tool.

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Re: Installing CF Server on Win2K

2001-05-04 Thread Dave Hannum

Make sure you are logged in with Administrator privileges when you install
it.  I have it running fine on my Win2K box.  Works like a charm.


- Original Message -
From: Dave Borgeest [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, May 04, 2001 2:26 AM
Subject: Installing CF Server on Win2K

Having a REALLY annoying problem installing CF Server 4.5 Ent Single
User on a new Win2K box.

Gets to the end of the installation and I get an error saying that I
either don't have the correct permissions to write to the drive, or the
install program cannot shut down my web server. For the first I am
logged in as the system admin, and for the second I've tried stopping it


List of things I've tried: made a new admin user; manually stopped IIS;
manually restarted IIS; uninstalled CF Studio; uninstalled IIS;
re-installed IIS; turned off ALL network services; installed an older
version of CF Server; installed to a different drive; specified that my
admin user has total rights on the system drive(as opposed to just
'everyone'); - and probably some others I've blocked from memory.

And my install was going so smooth up until that point.

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Re: disabling coldfusion's javascript functions

2001-05-04 Thread Dave Hannum

Don't use CFFORM and just build regular forms in your HTML.  That will do


- Original Message -
Sent: Friday, May 04, 2001 3:55 AM
Subject: disabling coldfusion's javascript functions


a little question: Can I disable the Coldfusion's javascript functions ?  (I
mean _CF_onError, _CF_hasValue and their friends)

I'm already using enablecab=no on the CFFORM tag


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RE: [cold_fusion] Unusual Results, help

2001-05-04 Thread Jeffry Houser

At 11:31 AM 05/04/2001 +0100, you wrote:
  This has always been the behavior of CF.  I can agree that it at first
  glances appears to be counter intuitive, but at the same
  time, any reference
  to queryname.fieldname outside the context of a CFLOOP or CFOUTPUT
  results in a reference to the value of the field in the first
  row of the
  query.  The functionality is such that there is no inheritance of

Well, I think you're at risk of sounding like an apologist for Allaire.

There are a couple of things that I feel need fixing in ColdFusion, and
this is one of them (the other one that springs to mind is the inability to
optionally specify that empty list elements aren't ignored - really useful
if you are populating database tables from delimited lists).


*Crappy CFSET GetParents.ParentID code required here*


   #GetParents.ParentID# doesn't increment properly with each
   iteration of the outer loop WHY NOT ALLAIRE?!?!


   :huh?:   Why would you expect an outer loop control variable to 
increment in the inner loop?  It doesn't seem to make any sense to me.

   I haven't been following this thread, but I will point out that a query 
object is an array of structures.

  queryname.myfield will return the first row, true.

  But you can easily change that to:  queryname[10].myfield to return the 
10th row, if you wish.

Jeffry Houser | mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
AIM: Reboog711  | ICQ: 5246969 | Phone: 860-229-2781
Instant ColdFusion 5.0  | ISBN: 0-07-213238-8
Due out June 2001
DotComIt, LLC
database driven web data using ColdFusion, Lotus Notes/Domino
Half of the Alternative Folk Duo called Far Cry Fly
http://www.farcryfly.com | http://www.mp3.com/FarCryFly

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Code Snippet:Random Password Generator(repost)

2001-05-04 Thread Angรฉl Stewart

From: kermit
Subject: Code snippet - random password generator
Date: Thu, 29 Mar 2001 16:53:21 -0800

This script generates a random word 7 letters long plus 4 digits long.

Example code:

cfset random_word = 

cfloop index=ii from=1 to=7
  cfset random_number = #RandRange(1,26)#
  cfset random_letter = #Mid(alphabet,random_number,1)#
  cfset random_word = #ListAppend(random_word,random_letter)#

cfset random_word = #Replace(random_word, ,, , ALL)#
cfset random_number = #RandRange(1000,)#
cfset password = #random_word##random_number#

cfoutputPASSWORD: b#password#/b/cfoutput

From: Raymond B.
Subject: RE: Code snippet - random password generator
Date: Thu, 29 Mar 2001 18:37:14 -0800

Why define the alphabet? Just use decimal values for the asci char set.

pass =  ;
for (c=1; c le 7; c=c+1) {
pass = pass  chr(randRange(65,90)) ;
pass = pass  randRange(1000,) ;

That will do the exact same thing as below much more efficiently, if you
want case sensitive or nums mixed w/ chars it's just a couple extra
rangRanges()s (you can get creative and generate one of each class then
randRange(1,3) to choose which per digit).

From: Jay Jennings
Subject: RE: Code snippet - random password generator
Date: Thu, 29 Mar 2001 18:55:39 -0800

 Why define the alphabet? Just use decimal values for the asci char set.

So, just because I'm bored, in the unrolled loop I created I change the
alphabet to Raymond's chr:

cfset random_word = random_word  chr(randRange(65,90))

The speed increase was fairly slight:

 Original code (executed 1000 times): 9994 ms (average)
 Unrolled code (executed 1000 times): 1993 ms (average)
Unrolled w/chr (executed 1000 times): 1932 ms (average)

But it looks much nicer than repeating  the alphabet in each line.

I was going to mention that when I generate passwords I tend to NOT use the
letters O, I and L and the numbers 1 and 0. Those create too many my
password doesn't work! tech support calls.


Hope this helps :)


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Spell Checking??

2001-05-04 Thread Bill Poff

I have a customer who is insisting upon having a built-in spell checker in
an application I'm currently writing. The only application I can find seems
to be Ben's CFX_Spell. While I admire Ben, it is a 1.0 application that was
developed 4 years ago. Did he write the perfect application which needs no

Has anyone had any experience with CFX_Spell or have you incorporated any
other spell checking system into a CF application?


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Todd Ashworth / Sabersite.com - anyone know what happened?

2001-05-04 Thread Michael Kear

I have a couple of sites hosted at Sabersite.com ... Todd Ashworth - a
regular contributor to this list is my contact there.  But for the last
few days the server has been dead and my emails to Todd aren't being
answered.   They aren't bouncing so that's something I guess.

Can anyone shed any light for me on what's happened?

Mike Kear
AFP Webworks,
Windsor, NSW, Australia.

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Re: MDAC Question

2001-05-04 Thread Earl, George

 My current MDAC is version and I am wishing to upgrade this
 to a later version eg version 2.6.
 Are there any known issues/problems with doing this?

Can we get back to this part of the question? What version MDAC is everyone
running these days? We are about to install the upgrade from CF 4.0 to 4.5.1
(just in time for 5.0!). Will this install a new updated MDAC or should we
go download a more recent version? Thanks!


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RE: Inline HTML Editor

2001-05-04 Thread Benjamin S. Rogers

Check out http://www.siteobjects.com.

Benjamin S. Rogers
Web Developer, c4.net
Voice: (508) 240-0051
Fax: (508) 240-0057

-Original Message-
From: David Cummins [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, May 03, 2001 5:55 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Inline HTML Editor

I know this question has been asked a lot, but when I went back to the old
emails a lot of the links were broken.

Could anyone recommend a cheap/free inline HTML editor which looks like
and preferably uses DHTML or Java, but other solutions would be nice too.

David Cummins
Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at 

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Re: databases for CF on Solaris?

2001-05-04 Thread James Taavon

I have CF on Solaris connecting to AS/400 on IBM mainframe. Don't know
the price of something like that however.

Craig Dudley wrote:
 Can you not run SQL server on a differnet box?
 -Original Message-
 From: Kay Smoljak [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: 04 May 2001 09:11
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: databases for CF on Solaris?
 I have to quote on a CF site that will be hosted on a Solaris box. Trouble
 is, as an NT-bunny I have no idea what databases there are available for
 Solaris. Could anyone could suggest a decently robust one and give me an
 idea of the price range? I'm looking for something roughly equivalent to MS
 SQL Server or Borland Interbase - ie I know Oracle is available but that's
 gonna be overkill I think.

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Re: Spell Checking??

2001-05-04 Thread Dave Hannum

We use it here on one application.  It works.  Just follow the examples that
come with it for your setup and you'll do fine.


- Original Message -
Sent: Friday, May 04, 2001 8:20 AM
Subject: Spell Checking??

I have a customer who is insisting upon having a built-in spell checker in
an application I'm currently writing. The only application I can find seems
to be Ben's CFX_Spell. While I admire Ben, it is a 1.0 application that was
developed 4 years ago. Did he write the perfect application which needs no

Has anyone had any experience with CFX_Spell or have you incorporated any
other spell checking system into a CF application?

Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at 

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RE: Spell Checking??

2001-05-04 Thread Dave Watts

 I have a customer who is insisting upon having a built-in 
 spell checker in an application I'm currently writing. The 
 only application I can find seems to be Ben's CFX_Spell. 
 While I admire Ben, it is a 1.0 application that was developed 
 4 years ago. Did he write the perfect application which needs 
 no updates?
 Has anyone had any experience with CFX_Spell or have you 
 incorporated any other spell checking system into a CF 

We've used CFX_Spell, and it's not thread-safe, so you'll need to lock it
with a named exclusive CFLOCK. Other than that, it's fine, as long as you
don't need to have everybody running it at once.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
voice: (202) 797-5496
fax: (202) 797-5444

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Populating arrays

2001-05-04 Thread Dave

Anyone know any good way of populating a 2-dimensional array with data from a query?

I won't know the dimensions of the array until I go through the data, and there may be 
multiple hits for any cell in the array.


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Re: [cold_fusion] Unusual Results, help

2001-05-04 Thread David E. Crawford

I am not apologizing for Allaire, I am stating the facts about the way the
program works.  I also feel that a bug is in the eye of the beholder. Just
because it doesn't work the way you a) expect it to or b)like you want it to
doesn't mean it is a bug. This issue has been around since the first time
you could have looping constructs (cfloop, cfoutput) nested within each
other. I agree on the empty list elements issue, however.


- Original Message -
From: Aidan Whitehall [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, May 04, 2001 06:31
Subject: RE: [cold_fusion] Unusual Results, help

  This has always been the behavior of CF.  I can agree that it at first
  glances appears to be counter intuitive, but at the same
  time, any reference
  to queryname.fieldname outside the context of a CFLOOP or CFOUTPUT
  results in a reference to the value of the field in the first
  row of the
  query.  The functionality is such that there is no inheritance of

 Well, I think you're at risk of sounding like an apologist for Allaire.

 There are a couple of things that I feel need fixing in ColdFusion, and
 this is one of them (the other one that springs to mind is the inability
 optionally specify that empty list elements aren't ignored - really useful
 if you are populating database tables from delimited lists).


*Crappy CFSET GetParents.ParentID code required here*


   #GetParents.ParentID# doesn't increment properly with each
   iteration of the outer loop WHY NOT ALLAIRE?!?!


  Since CF5 is feature complete and in RC testing, I would
  seriously doubt
  that a change in behavior is going to happen in this release,
  or for that
  matter even in NEO.

 Unfortunately, I think you might be right.

 Hey, we've fixed a load of old bugs! doesn't sound as good to new
 customers as Hey, there's a load of new features!.

 Aidan Whitehall [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Telephone +44 (01744) 648650

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RE: Requesttimeout

2001-05-04 Thread Dave Watts

 Does the request timeout var need to be in the url when 
 calling a page? Can you set it at the top of the template 
 that is executing? In the application template maybe?
 If I recall correctly, the timeout var CAN be passed as a 
 hidden field as well. Can anyone confirm this?

To the best of my knowledge, the only place you can use RequestTimeout is
within the URL.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
voice: (202) 797-5496
fax: (202) 797-5444

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RE: Dynamic Variable Names

2001-05-04 Thread Semrau, Steven L Mr SRA

Try referring to it as get_results.#qn#

Steven Semrau
SRA International, Inc.
Senior Member, Professional Staff
Com:  (703) 805-1095
DSN:  (703) 655-1095

-Original Message-
From: Jenny Anderson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, May 03, 2001 2:42 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Dynamic Variable Names

I want to dynamically create a variable name based upon a url variable.
First I set up a couple of strings:
CFSET qs = 'q'
CFSET qn = #Insert(url.q, qs, 1)#

Where q is a number from 1-37 passed via url variable.  Let's say that 
url.q is 7.  Then qn is 'q7'.
So I query the database like this:

CFQUERY NAME=get_results DATASOURCE=datasource
   SELECT #qn#
   FROM database

And it correctly pulls all the results from the 'q7' column.  So far so
But now I want to be able to manipulate the query results and refer to the 
q7's from the database query.  If I refer to #qn# I only get q7 as the 
result.  So how do I have it refer to the variable q7 and not the string q7?


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RE: Problem with login page

2001-05-04 Thread Semrau, Steven L Mr SRA

First, I would double check to make sure the name of that form field is
UserPassword, if it can't find the form field.  You can also check your
debug output in the Parameters section Form Fields which will display all
the form fields passed to that page as well as their values.

Steven Semrau
SRA International, Inc.
Senior Member, Professional Staff
Com:  (703) 805-1095
DSN:  (703) 655-1095

-Original Message-
From: Hubert Earl [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, May 03, 2001 7:15 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Problem with login page

hi. when i submit my login page i get this error message:

Error Diagnostic Information

An error occurred while evaluating the expression: 


Error near line 8, column 15. 

Error resolving parameter FORM.USERPASSWORD 

The specified form field cannot be found. This problem is very likely due to
the fact that you have misspelled the form field name. 

The error occurred while processing an element with a general identifier of
(#Form.UserPassword#), occupying document position (8:14) to (8:32).

This is the code I'm submitting, but darned if I could find anything wrong
with it:

WHERE UserName = '#Form.UserName#' AND 
 Password = '#Form.UserPassword#'

I've checked datasource name etc.  Could anyone suggest what I may be
overlooking?  Thanks.

Hubert Earl

ICQ#: 16199853
AIM: hubertfme

My Jamaican Art, Craft  More Online Store:
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RE: Sort by Event

2001-05-04 Thread Semrau, Steven L Mr SRA

Well I would imagine you should do a WHERE statement (assuming that bDay
contains a complete date):

SELECT  bEvent, bTime, bDay
FROM bGames
WHERE bDay = '#CreateODBCDate(Now())#'   
Order BY bGames.bDay

Of course the right-side comparison for date should comply to whatever
database you are using but I think you get the idea.

Steven Semrau
SRA International, Inc.
Senior Member, Professional Staff
Com:  (703) 805-1095
DSN:  (703) 655-1095

-Original Message-
From: Ann Harrell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, May 03, 2001 10:40 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Sort by Event

I have this query that shows all events in a database. What do I need to add
to not show older expired events? I just want to show events from 'today'

SELECT  bEvent, bTime, bDay
FROM bGames
Order BY bGames.bDay

Ann Harrell
Mind like a steel trap..
Rusty and illegal in 37 states.
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OT - JS format

2001-05-04 Thread Diana Nichols

Is there a JavaScript equivalent to dollarformat()? I have a calculation
script which updates a text box, and would like the output (thetotal)

function figurethis() {
var thetotal=0
var num=1;
for (num=1; num=#get.recordcount#; num++) {
var thisfield = 'prod' + num + 'qty';
var thisprice = 'prod' + num + 'price';
var theamount = document.entries.eval(thisfield).value;
var theprice = document.entries.eval(thisprice).value;
thetotal = thetotal + (theamount * theprice);
document.calculatethis.result.value = thetotal;


Diana Nichols

One man's magic is another man's engineering. ---Lazarus Long

Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at 

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RE: MDAC Question

2001-05-04 Thread Dave Watts

 Can we get back to this part of the question? What version 
 MDAC is everyone running these days? We are about to install 
 the upgrade from CF 4.0 to 4.5.1 (just in time for 5.0!). Will 
 this install a new updated MDAC or should we go download a 
 more recent version? Thanks!

To be perfectly honest, I don't know if the CF 4.5.1 install actually
installs the version of MDAC it provides. I don't think it does. Once you're
done installing it, though, there'll be a version of MDAC (I believe 2.5) in

In any case, I'd recommend following your CF install with an install of MDAC
2.5 SP1, or, if you're using SQL 2000, MDAC 2.6.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
voice: (202) 797-5496
fax: (202) 797-5444

Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at 

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RE: Refresh again

2001-05-04 Thread Semrau, Steven L Mr SRA

Try this:

meta http-equiv=Expires content=0
!--- setup our expire times for NN and MSIE ---
!--- MSIE (Fri, 30 Oct 1998 14:19:41 GMT) ---
#dateformat(now(),Mmm)# #timeformat(now(),HH:MM:SS)#'
!--- Netscape (Wednesday, Apr 26 2000 17:45:25 PM) ---
#dateformat(now(),dd)# #dateformat(now(),YYY)#
#timeformat(now(),HH:MM:SS tt)#'
!--- tell HTTP Header to force expire of pate - nocache ---
cfif HTTP_USER_AGENT contains MSIE
cfheader name=Expires
cfheader name=Pragma value=no-cache
cfheader name=cache-control value=no-cache, no-store,
cfheader name=Expires
cfheader name=Pragma value=no-cache
cfheader name=cache-control value=no-cache, no-store,

Steven Semrau
SRA International, Inc.
Senior Member, Professional Staff
Com:  (703) 805-1095
DSN:  (703) 655-1095

-Original Message-
From: Parker, Kevin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, May 03, 2001 10:45 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Refresh again

I'm trying to get a CF page to refresh when the back button is hit but it
doesn't seem to want to behave. I'm using this in between the head tags. Any
advice please.

META HTTP-EQUIV=expires CONTENT=Wed, 01 Jan 1996 01:00:00 GMT

Kevin Parker
Web Services Manager
WorkCover Corporation



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RE: databases for CF on Solaris?

2001-05-04 Thread Paul Johnston

The best database to use on Solaris (after Oracle) is Sybase, but failing 
that there are several different databases that work on **nix systems that 
are worth a look.  Probably the best two to evaluate are Postgres and MySQL 
(both sort of free without support).

However, this is more a question for a Solaris list (where you'll find 
infinite amounts of geeks and techie's willing to tell you what you 
need!!!).  Make sure you know exactly what you want it for before you ask 
though.  This is a situation where overkill is very easy, and so if you 
just need a simple web DB, probably best to use something like MySQL 
although it doesn't necessarily do everything you want!  Anything more, and 
be careful that you are going to have enough memory/processors etc. 
 Solaris boxes are a lot more stable and robust, but they don't come from 
the Teletubby land of computing like some OS's and boxes do.


On Friday, May 04, 2001 9:11 AM, Kay Smoljak [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 

 I have to quote on a CF site that will be hosted on a Solaris box. 
 is, as an NT-bunny I have no idea what databases there are available for
 Solaris. Could anyone could suggest a decently robust one and give me an
 idea of the price range? I'm looking for something roughly equivalent to 
 SQL Server or Borland Interbase - ie I know Oracle is available but 
 gonna be overkill I think.


Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at 

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RE: Populating arrays

2001-05-04 Thread Semrau, Steven L Mr SRA

Are you referring to a ColdFusion Array or a JavaScript Array?

Steven Semrau
SRA International, Inc.
Senior Member, Professional Staff
Com:  (703) 805-1095
DSN:  (703) 655-1095

-Original Message-
From: Dave [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, May 04, 2001 9:01 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Populating arrays

Anyone know any good way of populating a 2-dimensional array with data from
a query?

I won't know the dimensions of the array until I go through the data, and
there may be multiple hits for any cell in the array.

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Re: CF5 DSN-less connection syntax?

2001-05-04 Thread tom muck

A typical Access DSNLess connection would be:

Driver={Microsoft Access Driver

or an OLE DB connection would be:

Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=c:\somepath\dbname.mdb;User

I have an article at http://www.basic-ultradev.com/articles/ADOConnections/
that has some other connection strings, including Oracle.  They apply to
UltraDev, but the connection string is generic and would apply to CF 5 as


Pete Ruckelshaus [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
news:3af29c4c$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
 I installed the RC last night at home and was poking around, and saw this:

 ColdFusion Server 5 extends its database connection attributes to include
 specifying a connection string for ODBC data sources. This allows you to
 specify connection attributes that cannot be defined in the odbc.ini
 settings and also allows you to override odbc.ini settings. The ability to
 make ODBC connections dynamically when there is no data source defined in
 the odbc.ini settings is another important improvement. 

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RE: [cold_fusion] Unusual Results, help

2001-05-04 Thread Raymond B.

I'm jumping into this mid-stream w/o reading through the entire history so
bear w/ me if I'm way out there.

It's a bit of a kludge but I'll often just use a for(init_expr; expr;
post_expr) {} style loop for queries if I need good control of the cursor
over multiple loops. For simplicities sake I'll use CFSCRIPT syntax to

for (i=1; i le outer_query.recordcount; i=i+1) {
for(j=1; j le inner_query.recordcount; j=j+1) {
outer_query.field1[i]; // on way of accesing the element
inner_query[var][j]; // another way

I'm not fond of how the cursors function (or fails to) w/ anything complex
either. And yes, I too despise silent discarding of empty elements.

As long as we're going for gripes here, valueList() and similar functions
ONLY work w/ queryname.field notation and won't accept any work arounds
inside them. Instead of being able to use queryname[var] when needing
dynamic assignment, you have to use a named var _outside_ the statement and
evaluate the string [evaluate(queryname.  var)] then have that variable
interpolated. It's an evil evil slowdown if you're doing lots of things
dynamically. With the new functions of CF5 this will become an even bigger
issue and I really hope it's better in that ver. (Haven't had much time to
check out the rc)

/rant :)

-Original Message-
From: David E. Crawford [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: May 4, 2001 06:10
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: [cold_fusion] Unusual Results, help

I am not apologizing for Allaire, I am stating the facts about the way the
program works.  I also feel that a bug is in the eye of the beholder. Just
because it doesn't work the way you a) expect it to or b)like you want it to
doesn't mean it is a bug. This issue has been around since the first time
you could have looping constructs (cfloop, cfoutput) nested within each
other. I agree on the empty list elements issue, however.


- Original Message -
From: Aidan Whitehall [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, May 04, 2001 06:31
Subject: RE: [cold_fusion] Unusual Results, help

  This has always been the behavior of CF.  I can agree that it at first
  glances appears to be counter intuitive, but at the same
  time, any reference
  to queryname.fieldname outside the context of a CFLOOP or CFOUTPUT
  results in a reference to the value of the field in the first
  row of the
  query.  The functionality is such that there is no inheritance of

 Well, I think you're at risk of sounding like an apologist for Allaire.

 There are a couple of things that I feel need fixing in ColdFusion, and
 this is one of them (the other one that springs to mind is the inability
 optionally specify that empty list elements aren't ignored - really useful
 if you are populating database tables from delimited lists).


*Crappy CFSET GetParents.ParentID code required here*


   #GetParents.ParentID# doesn't increment properly with each
   iteration of the outer loop WHY NOT ALLAIRE?!?!


  Since CF5 is feature complete and in RC testing, I would
  seriously doubt
  that a change in behavior is going to happen in this release,
  or for that
  matter even in NEO.

 Unfortunately, I think you might be right.

 Hey, we've fixed a load of old bugs! doesn't sound as good to new
 customers as Hey, there's a load of new features!.

 Aidan Whitehall [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Telephone +44 (01744) 648650

Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at 

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RE: Ultradev Studio

2001-05-04 Thread ibtoad

This is from the Allaire website:

 Is the long-term plan to combine ColdFusion Studio and UltraDev?

We plan to continue to bundle ColdFusion Studio with UltraDev as we are with
ColdFusion 4.5 UltraDev 4 Studio and over time more closely integrate these
products. Our mission is to listen to users and build great tools for
ColdFusion developers. We recognize that different developers have different
needs, and that neither exceptional visual development tools nor superb
code-based development will solve the needs of all developers. As such, we
are firmly committed to improving the development experience for both.

That should clear up this discussion a little,

-Original Message-
From: Sean Renet [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, May 04, 2001 7:39 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Ultradev  Studio

Well, the returned record sets for stored procedures that you get in
UltraDev would be a nice addition to Studio.
- Original Message -
From: Peter Tilbrook [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, May 03, 2001 11:20 PM
Subject: RE: Ultradev  Studio

 Mark, I'm inclined to agree with you. Dreamweaver for all intent and
 purposes is a fine product for the visual web designer. As far as code
 development goes it just doesn't cut it - which is why I imagine they ship
 HomeSite with Dreamweaver for code cutting purposes.

 ColdFusion Studio - at least version 4.5.2 SP2 - is a fine product,
 Admittedly I am still running 4.0 until I get the time to install the
 release. 4.0 does not save files as zero bytes which later version did

 Rather than merge a product like Studio/HomeSite into UltraDev (expensive
 product is UltraDev for what it claims to do) update CF Studio 4.5.1
 include new CF5.0 support. After all these years the 4.5 product is now
 totally indespensible. If it aint broke dont fix it!

 -Original Message-
 From: Mark Terrill [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Friday, 4 May 2001 13:14
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Re: Ultradev  Studio

 Our CFUG had a macromedia rep come talk to us the other night. apparently
 ultradev  studio are being merged into ONE product...ie the code window
 ultradev will be like studio

 personally I think that this is the worst possible decision that
 could possibly make. they may like their trippy looking ultradev
 product...but a vast populace of cf'ers don't. when the macromedia guy
 us of this product merge, he suddenly had a roomful of *extremely* irate
 programmers. whatever macromedia does, they shouldn't wreck the good
 relationship that allaire built up with us at ground level. leave bloody
 ultradev to the graphic designers and leave us in peace with our
 favourite memory chewing dev tool.

 Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/cf-talk@houseoffusion.com/
 Unsubscribe: http://www.houseoffusion.com/index.cfm?sidebar=lists

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2001-05-04 Thread ibtoad

Does anyone out there use J-Run?  There is not much imformation to find on
this tool.


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2001-05-04 Thread Chang Liu


I know this is a JavaScript question, but i believe somebody knows how to do it.

how can I open a new window by passing value to it.

thanks in advance!

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(reposts) cluster cats confusing client sessions? and Cookie s Sessions Proxies - Oh my!

2001-05-04 Thread Ledwith, Brian

G'morning, all,
I'm having some difficulties, and searching through the archive brought up 2
previous posts.  I couldn't find any replies to the original posts, and
rather than retype the entire scenario, I'm going to butcher them a bit to
combine the two, as they seem to be very similar to my problem.
If anyone has any ideas, I (and my boss) would be most appreciative! (Thank
you Dana and Sean for forming your questions in a better way than I could


Brian Ledwith
Learning Express
ph. 212.995.2566 x150
fx. 212.995.5512

--- My compilation ---

Part 1

A client recently set up a proxy server in his office and a site we did for
them stopped working.  From what I can tell, CFID and CFTOKEN are not
getting passed through the proxy, and thus sessions are not working.Cookies
set with cfcookie *do* work fine, so it is not cookies in general that are
failing.  Here is my cfapplication file:

cfapplication name=LearnX_Com_livesite clientmanagement=Yes
clientstorage=ClientVars sessionmanagement=Yes setclientcookies=Yes
applicationtimeout=#CreateTimeSpan(1,0,0,0)# SETDOMAINCOOKIES=Yes

I assume it is the proxy, because if I turn off the proxy in their office
and connect directly, it all works fine.  When I turn confirm cookies on, it
does not ask me if I want to allow the CFID and CFTOKEN to be set.  If I
surf without the proxy, it does.

Part 2

I have a members-only service to which visitors log in with a user name and
password.  I keep track of the visitors identity and membership status with
client variables referenced to cftoken and cfid BOTH in a cookie AND in a
url.variable for those running without cookies.

The best I've been able to come up with is something along the lines of User
1 comes in to Server 1 and gets assigned to Session A.  User 2 comes in to
the back up, Server 2, which keeps its own session count and gives User 2
Session A.  User 2 then returns to the site during a period of less
activity, is identified by Server 1 as Session A and is associated with User

Makes sense?  Of course not.  The client variables are stored in a single
central db used by both servers.  So even if someone was redirected to a
backup server mid-session, the system should keep their identity straight.
(I've since enabled session aware load management in Cluster Cats.)

--- The 2 original posts ---

-Original Message-
From: Dana Larose 
Subject: Cookies  Sessions  Proxies - Oh my! 
Date: Thu, 26 Oct 2000 14:36:12 -0700 

Hey everyone,

I've just run into some quirkiness this afternoon, and I thought I would
seek some insight.

A client recently set up a proxy server in his office and a site we did for
them stopped working.  From what I can tell, CFID and CFTOKEN are not
getting passed through the proxy, and thus sessions are not working.
Cookies set with cfcookie *do* work fine, so it is not cookies in general
that are failing.  Here is my cfapplication file:

cfapplication name=SomeName clientmanagement=Yes setclientcookies=Yes
sessionmanagement=Yes sessiontimeout=#CreateTimeSpan(0,0,30,0)#

So, if I understand things, CFID and CFTOKEN should be stored as in-memory
cookies, but it doesn't seem to be working.

I assume it is the proxy, because if I turn off the proxy in their office
and connect directly, it all works fine.  When I turn confirm cookies on, it
does not ask me if I want to allow the CFID and CFTOKEN to be set.  If I
surf without the proxy, it does.

Has anyone encountered this before?  Is there a work-around?

Dana Larose

-Original Message-
From: Sean German 
Subject: cluster cats confusing client sessions? 
Date: Thu, 17 Aug 2000 14:40:50 -0700 


Over the past couple days I've had several instances of members of my site
seeing account information of other members.  

I have a members-only service to which visitors log in with a user name and
password.  I keep track of the visitors identity and membership status with
client variables referenced to cftoken and cfid either in a cookie or in a
url.variable for those running without cookies.

We've been up for about two years and never had this type of issue before
the last week or so.  The only event I can come up with that roughly
correlates to the onset of the issue is a period last week of higher than
usual traffic that caused Cluster Cats to load-balance a lot of folks to our
back up server.

The best I've been able to come up with is something along the lines of User
1 comes in to Server 1 and gets assigned to Session A.  User 2 comes in to
the back up, Server 2, which keeps its own session count and gives User 2
Session A.  User 2 then returns to the site during a period of less
activity, is identified by Server 1 as Session A and is associated with User

Makes sense?  Of course not.  The client variables are stored in a single
central db used by both servers.  So even if someone was redirected to a
backup server mid-session, the 

RE: locking sessions in 4.0 and 4.5 compatible way

2001-05-04 Thread Chris Norloff

-- Original Message --
From: Dave Watts [EMAIL PROTECTED]
If you enable Automatic Read Locking in CF 4.5.x, it'll insist that any
write to a memory variable be locked using a scoped lock. Your only
solution, for compatibility across 4.0.x and 4.5.x, is to disable Automatic
Read Locking.

Hmmm ... we're transitioning from CF 4.0 to 4.5 and have all our locks scoped with the 
old name=session.sessionid  name=application.applicationname method.  They work 
okay under 4.5, and pass with Automatic Read Locking turned on.

They do not work with Full Checking turned on, which insists that locks use the scope 
attribute and not the name attribute.

Chris Norloff

Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at 

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Re: Has anyone seen this before?

2001-05-04 Thread Bud

On 5/4/01, Pablo Varando penned:
unknown exception condition


The error occurred while processing an element with a general 
identifier of (CFMAIL), occupying document position (37:1) to 

What exactly is this? anyone know how to get rid of it?

Try this:


Bud Schneehagen - Tropical Web Creations

ColdFusion Solutions / eCommerce Development

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RE: Ultradev Studio

2001-05-04 Thread Mark W. Breneman

Thank you Rich,

I find it some what funny that a company like MM/A, with as much experience
as they have, posts ultra vague descriptions of bundling ColdFusion Studio
with UltraDev.

And Us on this list panic about loosing our favorite tool.  What was MM/A

I am in favor of closer integration of the two tools... as long as I can
have a stand alone ColdFusion Studio.  I would really hate to see MM/A start
making M$ type products.  Once you start using one M$ tool you have to buy
another to work with the first tool etc...  Kinda reminds me of a quote from
yoda, once you start down the dark path forever will it dominate your

My $.02 worth

Mark W. Breneman
-Cold Fusion Developer
-Network Administrator
  Vivid Media

-Original Message-
From: ibtoad [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, May 04, 2001 8:52 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Ultradev  Studio

This is from the Allaire website:

 Is the long-term plan to combine ColdFusion Studio and UltraDev?

We plan to continue to bundle ColdFusion Studio with UltraDev as we are with
ColdFusion 4.5 UltraDev 4 Studio and over time more closely integrate these
products. Our mission is to listen to users and build great tools for
ColdFusion developers. We recognize that different developers have different
needs, and that neither exceptional visual development tools nor superb
code-based development will solve the needs of all developers. As such, we
are firmly committed to improving the development experience for both.

That should clear up this discussion a little,

-Original Message-
From: Sean Renet [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, May 04, 2001 7:39 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Ultradev  Studio

Well, the returned record sets for stored procedures that you get in
UltraDev would be a nice addition to Studio.
- Original Message -
From: Peter Tilbrook [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, May 03, 2001 11:20 PM
Subject: RE: Ultradev  Studio

 Mark, I'm inclined to agree with you. Dreamweaver for all intent and
 purposes is a fine product for the visual web designer. As far as code
 development goes it just doesn't cut it - which is why I imagine they ship
 HomeSite with Dreamweaver for code cutting purposes.

 ColdFusion Studio - at least version 4.5.2 SP2 - is a fine product,
 Admittedly I am still running 4.0 until I get the time to install the
 release. 4.0 does not save files as zero bytes which later version did

 Rather than merge a product like Studio/HomeSite into UltraDev (expensive
 product is UltraDev for what it claims to do) update CF Studio 4.5.1
 include new CF5.0 support. After all these years the 4.5 product is now
 totally indespensible. If it aint broke dont fix it!

 -Original Message-
 From: Mark Terrill [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Friday, 4 May 2001 13:14
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Re: Ultradev  Studio

 Our CFUG had a macromedia rep come talk to us the other night. apparently
 ultradev  studio are being merged into ONE product...ie the code window
 ultradev will be like studio

 personally I think that this is the worst possible decision that
 could possibly make. they may like their trippy looking ultradev
 product...but a vast populace of cf'ers don't. when the macromedia guy
 us of this product merge, he suddenly had a roomful of *extremely* irate
 programmers. whatever macromedia does, they shouldn't wreck the good
 relationship that allaire built up with us at ground level. leave bloody
 ultradev to the graphic designers and leave us in peace with our
 favourite memory chewing dev tool.

 Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/cf-talk@houseoffusion.com/
 Unsubscribe: http://www.houseoffusion.com/index.cfm?sidebar=lists

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popUp url value

2001-05-04 Thread Alex

   I am passing a url param to a popup window like ...

document.page.UserID.value is ALWAYS SELECTED.
Sometimes ColdFusion says that #url.UserID# is not defined. Sometimes no error
is shown and the code works but I receive a  cferror email that says
#url.UserID# is not defined. This is running on solaris.
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Re: popwin

2001-05-04 Thread Chang Liu

hi guys,

I found a way by myself:
script language=JavaScript
function popWin(data) {
var newWin = window.open('yourpage.cfm'+'?'+data, 'newWin', 


At 5/4/2001 10:00:00 AM, you wrote:


I know this is a JavaScript question, but i believe somebody knows how to do it.

how can I open a new window by passing value to it.

thanks in advance!

Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at 

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RE: locking sessions in 4.0 and 4.5 compatible way

2001-05-04 Thread Dave Watts

 Hmmm ... we're transitioning from CF 4.0 to 4.5 and have all 
 our locks scoped with the old name=session.sessionid  
 name=application.applicationname method.  They work okay 
 under 4.5, and pass with Automatic Read Locking turned on.
 They do not work with Full Checking turned on, which insists 
 that locks use the scope attribute and not the name attribute.

What version of 4.5.1 are you using? I tested this with SP2, I think, but I
could certainly be wrong.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
voice: (202) 797-5496
fax: (202) 797-5444

Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at 

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2001-05-04 Thread Thomas Chiverton

Has anyone any experience of this ?

 I am having abit of a problem using this otherwise wunderful tag. With the
 following code, all works fine, except the first column doesn't appear as
 a drop down. 
 Does the column already have to be set to one of the values in the select
 or something ?
 cf_jsgrid query=hours
 COLHEADER_4=Hours COLHEADER_5=Descritpion
   NEWROWS = 10
 Thomas Chiverton
 Intranet Architect and Desktop Analyst
 01565 757 909
 It's not a job, it's an adventure

Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at 

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RE: Spell Checking??

2001-05-04 Thread Kola Oyedeji

2 Questions
1. How do you know if a cfx tag is thread safe
2. Do you need to lock cfx tags?



-Original Message-
From: Dave Watts [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 04 May 2001 14:06
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Spell Checking??

 I have a customer who is insisting upon having a built-in
 spell checker in an application I'm currently writing. The
 only application I can find seems to be Ben's CFX_Spell.
 While I admire Ben, it is a 1.0 application that was developed
 4 years ago. Did he write the perfect application which needs
 no updates?

 Has anyone had any experience with CFX_Spell or have you
 incorporated any other spell checking system into a CF

We've used CFX_Spell, and it's not thread-safe, so you'll need to lock it
with a named exclusive CFLOCK. Other than that, it's fine, as long as you
don't need to have everybody running it at once.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
voice: (202) 797-5496
fax: (202) 797-5444
Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at 

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Re: OT - synch files automatically

2001-05-04 Thread Mark Woods

store all the images on one server and map drives to it from the other servers

or use file replication service

At 05:28 PM 5/2/2001, you wrote:
I am having problems replicating images across to load balanced servers. We
have users that are upload images to one server and need to have an
automated way to check the other server for this file and if it doesn't
exist we need to transfer a copy over. Has anyone came across any solutions
for this. Thanks for any help!


Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at 

Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/cf-talk@houseoffusion.com/
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RE: Brown Bear's iCal

2001-05-04 Thread C. Hatton Humphrey


Thanks for the reply.  What I'm actually trying to do is grab the output and
fit it into a look and feel.


 -Original Message-
 From: JustinMacCarthy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Thursday, May 03, 2001 6:31 AM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: RE: Brown Bear's iCal

 are you trying to parse iCal data??

 use lex/yacc + a cCFX
 or jacc +  java cfx

 look here http://www.imc.org/


 -Original Message-
 From: C. Hatton Humphrey [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Thursday, May 03, 2001 3:01 AM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Brown Bear's iCal
 Does anyone have or know of a custom tag that interacts with
 Brown Bear's
 iCal calendar server.  If not, does anyone know where I can get a good
 reference for parsing through a CFHTTP pull?
 Hatton Humphrey

Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at 

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Re: One form, two submit buttons...

2001-05-04 Thread Erik Carroll

In addition to the ways already presented you can try something like this

Put however many buttons you want on the form. Give them the same name but
different values.
Imagine a form with two input boxes for two numbers and  four buttons as

   INPUT TYPE=Submit NAME=Submit VALUE=Add
   INPUT TYPE=Submit NAME=Submit VALUE=Subtract
   INPUT TYPE=Submit NAME=Submit VALUE=Multiply
   INPUT TYPE=Submit NAME=Submit VALUE=Divide

When the form is submitted, you can interrogate form.submit as follows to
determine which button was pressed.

   CFSWITCH EXPRESSION=#form.submit#
   CFINCLUDE TEMPLATE=actions/act_addnumbers.cfm
   CFCASE VALUE=Subtract
   CFINCLUDE TEMPLATE=actions/act_subtractnumbers.cfm
   CFCASE VALUE=Multiply
   CFINCLUDE TEMPLATE=actions/act_multiplynumbers.cfm
   CFINCLUDE TEMPLATE=actions/act_dividenumbers.cfm


- Original Message -
Sent: Sunday, April 29, 2001 1:07 PM
Subject: One form, two submit buttons...


 I have a form that is posted to a processing page.  I want to add another
 button that submits the form information to another page, if the user
 wishes, which will preview what it will look like.

 How can I do this?


 Free Classifieds -=- www.localbounty.com
 e: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  icq: 31099745

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Oracle stored procedure question.

2001-05-04 Thread Kevin Gilchrist

Hi All,

I need another set of eyes on a problem. I have a piece of code that calls
an Oracle stored procedure that just refuses to work with either the Oracle
or Microsoft ODBC drivers on my personal development Win2K box (CF Pro 4.5.1
SP2).  However, it does work with the Oracle native drivers though on our
Solaris production machine.

The code in question is:

cfstoredproc procedure=redsiren_api.create_node datasource=ROC
CFPROCPARAM type=In cfsqltype=CF_SQL_VARCHAR value=#form.Node#
cfprocparam type=In cfsqltype=CF_SQL_INTEGER
value=#form.Agent_port# null=No
CFPROCPARAM type=In cfsqltype=CF_SQL_VARCHAR value=Y
CFPROCPARAM type=In cfsqltype=CF_SQL_VARCHAR value=S
cfprocparam type=In cfsqltype=CF_SQL_INTEGER
value=#session.site_id# null=No

The MS driver throws back an error message about there being a bad parameter
datatype, while the Oracle driver just says that there's a syntax violation.
I've double-checked the data-types and I'm pretty sure that they're right
and that all the variable values are OK as it works with the native driver.
I shouldn't have to wrap anything is single quotes right because
CFSTOREDPROC will do this as appropriate, right?

If I do a desc of the SP in SQL PLus, I get:

 Argument Name  TypeIn/Out Default?
 -- --- -- 

Any ideas as to how I can get the code above to work with CF Pro?
I've upgraded both sets of ODBC drivers on my Win2K box to the latest and
greatest etc.

We're eventually going to get another CF Enterprise license for a Solaris
test box although that doesn't help me right now.  I hate testing on a
production box (although the app I'm writing is only in the dev stage so
it's not as if I'm messing with a live app)

Any suggestions would be really appreciated!


Kevin Gilchrist
Senior Consultant
RedSiren Technologies Inc.
(412) 281 4427 ext 466

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RE: Access ldb files w/a twist

2001-05-04 Thread Zachary S. Bedell

 The cfusion_disable_dbconnections() works fine, however, just 
 call your
 host, and tell them to uncheck the box that says 'Maintain database
 connections'. Then curse at them because they are not 
 following SOP for
 Access databases ;-) ldb's will not be a problem if this box 
 is unchecked.

Not to be ignorant, but...  Isn't that a performance hit?  I thought
keeping the DB open eliminated the extra processing of opening  closing
it every time it's needed?  Am I completely off?


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RE: Spell Checking??

2001-05-04 Thread mherbene

1) In our case, we figured out that cfx_spell was not thread safe by
deploying it and watching CF crash under load :-(.  I think you need to have
some decent C/C++ knowledge and access to the source to be able to be sure
in advance.

2) You need to lock them if you need to lock them; that is, depends on the
tag and the situation.

-Original Message-
From: Kola Oyedeji [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, May 04, 2001 10:41 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Spell Checking??

2 Questions
1. How do you know if a cfx tag is thread safe
2. Do you need to lock cfx tags?



-Original Message-
From: Dave Watts [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 04 May 2001 14:06
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Spell Checking??

 I have a customer who is insisting upon having a built-in
 spell checker in an application I'm currently writing. The
 only application I can find seems to be Ben's CFX_Spell.
 While I admire Ben, it is a 1.0 application that was developed
 4 years ago. Did he write the perfect application which needs
 no updates?

 Has anyone had any experience with CFX_Spell or have you
 incorporated any other spell checking system into a CF

We've used CFX_Spell, and it's not thread-safe, so you'll need to lock it
with a named exclusive CFLOCK. Other than that, it's fine, as long as you
don't need to have everybody running it at once.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
voice: (202) 797-5496
fax: (202) 797-5444
Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at 

Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/cf-talk@houseoffusion.com/
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CF Server Locking?

2001-05-04 Thread Matt Eschenbaum

I have a client who has problems with sessions getting corrupt.  I've
determined that their site does not utilize locking in the code throughout
the application.  During my research I noticed that they didn't set up the
ColdFusion Administrator Variable Locking.  Now, can I just configure the
settings in the ColdFusion Administrator for variable locking and not have
to go back and code locks.  I know this is a stretch, but I haven't been
able to find any definitive documentation on the ColdFusion Administrator
configuration for Variable Locking.  Any suggestions or leads would be


Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at 

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RE: Spell Checking??

2001-05-04 Thread Dylan Bromby

 1. How do you know if a cfx tag is thread safe?

More like how do you know when it's not?

When it starts crashing your sever. :) Seriously though, some are more
thread-safe than others, but there's no way of knowing that unless the
author of the tag tells you, or you may or may not see memory issues with
ColdFusion. You'd need to look at the logs to determine what code was
causing the problems and see if there were any CFX tags there. But you
should lock them anyway.

 2. Do you need to lock cfx tags?

It's good practice to lock CFX tags in general.

-Original Message-
From: Dave Watts [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 04 May 2001 14:06
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Spell Checking??

 I have a customer who is insisting upon having a built-in
 spell checker in an application I'm currently writing. The
 only application I can find seems to be Ben's CFX_Spell.
 While I admire Ben, it is a 1.0 application that was developed
 4 years ago. Did he write the perfect application which needs
 no updates?

 Has anyone had any experience with CFX_Spell or have you
 incorporated any other spell checking system into a CF

We've used CFX_Spell, and it's not thread-safe, so you'll need to lock it
with a named exclusive CFLOCK. Other than that, it's fine, as long as you
don't need to have everybody running it at once.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
voice: (202) 797-5496
fax: (202) 797-5444
Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at 

Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/cf-talk@houseoffusion.com/
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RE: CF Using 90-100% of processor time (911!)

2001-05-04 Thread Darren Adams

Where can I get CF 4.0 service packs ?

Untill we get the licenses for 4.5 I would like to upgrade our studios a
little bit ?


-Original Message-
From: Mark Woods [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 03 May 2001 15:43
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: CF Using 90-100% of processor time (911!)

and in case you haven't already done so, make sure you have the latest 
service pack for your version of CF installed.

At 02:42 PM 5/3/2001, you wrote:
  Would any of the log files give you a hint as to which pages
  were accessed when the server started using up resources?

Not necessarily, although there is a log slow pages option which can be
enabled in CF Administrator. Often, the slow pages will be the ones
causing trouble!

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
voice: (202) 797-5496
fax: (202) 797-5444

Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at 

Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/cf-talk@houseoffusion.com/
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Re: Credit Card DB Encryption Methodology

2001-05-04 Thread Tony Schreiber

Yes, but that's a physical architecture issue. I'm just trying to address
the software side. I'm surprised there haven't been more comments on this,
seems to have been a pretty hot topic.

Also, I've realized no site I've been to seems to store cc info this way
(because I'm not prompted for my password) so I wonder what other schemes
they are using

 Sounds very secure, of course you might add that the database in question
 should never be on a web server. The  database should only be accessible
 from behind a firewall which permits only the web server's ip to access the
 database server.
 - Original Message -
 From: Tony Schreiber [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, May 03, 2001 3:52 PM
 Subject: Credit Card DB Encryption Methodology
  Ok, I've been reading the last few threads on this and pondering the best
  way to approach this scenario (storing CC in DB) and I've come up with the
  following idea:
  1) The User's password is stored as a one-way HASH.
  2) The Credit Card info (list of cc number,exp date and verification
  number) is stored as an ENCRYPTED string with the User's raw password as
  the key.
  Interface-wise, this requires that:
  a) the user type in their password when Adding or Updating a credit card
  record in the db (so it can be encrypted)
  b) the user type in their password when finalizing an order (so the cc
  info can be decrypted to be processed)
  c) When a user changes their password, all cc records in the database must
  be updated using the old and new passwords
  But this way, neither the users password, the encryption key nor the cc
  info is stored unencrypted anywhere on the server.
  Tony Schreiber, Senior Partner  Man and Machine, Limited
  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   http://www.technocraft.com
  http://www.simplemessageboard.com ___Free Forum Software for Cold Fusion
  http://www.is300.net ___The Enthusiast's Home of the Lexus IS300
  http://www.digitacamera.com __DigitA Camera Scripts and Tips
  http://www.linklabexchange.com _Miata Link ECU Data Exchange

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Re: CFContent and large file transfers

2001-05-04 Thread tom muck

 Can anyone suggest an alternate method? Is there any way I can control
 the CFContent places the temporary file then zip the file prior to

 Thank you in advance,

 Will Fadel

You could probably write the file using CFFILE and avoid CFCONTENT
altogether, and then use Ben Forta's CFX_ZIP tag to automatically zip up the
file and then a CFLOCATION to download the resulting zip file.


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RE: CF Studio and UltraDev Merging!

2001-05-04 Thread Nathan Stanford

I hope that is correct and my reason for worry is no more.  I also know that
MM reads this list and wanted them to know how important it is to us as

Nathan Stanford
Senior Programmer/Analyst

 -Original Message-
 From: Stephen Collins [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Thursday, May 03, 2001 9:05 PM
 To:   CF-Talk
 Subject:  RE: CF Studio and UltraDev Merging!
 Interestingly, I can give a definitive answer on the subject...
 Adam Berrey, Macromedia VP of Application Server Business (ex-Allaire, and
 apparently Allaire employee #10 in 1996) has been visiting Australia this
 week and I took the opportunity to discuss with him a number of issues
 relating to the future of CF and Spectra (which I can discuss offline if
 anyone's interested).
 One announcement he did make was that very soon, UltraDev and CF Studio
 would be packaged in the one box (NOT the one app) and sold as a bundle at
 around the price of UD alone (kind of like the UD/Fireworks bundle).  This
 announcement would appear to refer to just such a bundling.  The products
 would remain available standalone for those not interested in the bundle.
 Adam was VERY vehement about the fact that Macromedia UNDERSTANDS THE
 SEPARATION between designer (not me, nor most of us on the list I imagine)
 and coder (me, and you) and would continue to allow that separation to
 exist, even if UD and Studio eventually became the one product - which has
 not yet been decided.
 Rest easy.
 As for my $0.02, I use UD4 several times a week for layout work, as it
 happily sucks up my CF code and doesn't break it.  It's a great tool.
 said, Studio remains my tool of choice for cutting CF code.
 Steve Collins

Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at 

Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/cf-talk@houseoffusion.com/
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RE: Spell Checking??

2001-05-04 Thread Cameron Childress

As a side note here, our company has adopted a policy of locking CFX tags
using named locks which are named after the CFX tag itself IE:
NAME=CFX_Spell.  Assuming everyone using that machine obeys this rule,
this ensures that the lock is present across all applications on the
machine, and really helps out when you have multiple apps on a server.


Cameron Childress
elliptIQ Inc.

 -Original Message-
 Sent: Friday, May 04, 2001 1:09 PM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: RE: Spell Checking??

 1) In our case, we figured out that cfx_spell was not thread safe by
 deploying it and watching CF crash under load :-(.  I think you
 need to have
 some decent C/C++ knowledge and access to the source to be able to be sure
 in advance.

 2) You need to lock them if you need to lock them; that is, depends on the
 tag and the situation.

 -Original Message-
 From: Kola Oyedeji [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Friday, May 04, 2001 10:41 AM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: RE: Spell Checking??

 2 Questions
   1. How do you know if a cfx tag is thread safe
   2. Do you need to lock cfx tags?



 -Original Message-
 From: Dave Watts [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: 04 May 2001 14:06
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: RE: Spell Checking??

  I have a customer who is insisting upon having a built-in
  spell checker in an application I'm currently writing. The
  only application I can find seems to be Ben's CFX_Spell.
  While I admire Ben, it is a 1.0 application that was developed
  4 years ago. Did he write the perfect application which needs
  no updates?
  Has anyone had any experience with CFX_Spell or have you
  incorporated any other spell checking system into a CF

 We've used CFX_Spell, and it's not thread-safe, so you'll need to lock it
 with a named exclusive CFLOCK. Other than that, it's fine, as long as you
 don't need to have everybody running it at once.

 Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
 voice: (202) 797-5496
 fax: (202) 797-5444

Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at 

Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/cf-talk@houseoffusion.com/
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2001-05-04 Thread Chris Badouin


Outputting a selection of categories  subcategories and within all
categories selections is the subcategory field other. So, if the output is
ordered alphabetically the other will show in the middle(of course). 

What would be the proper way to place other at the bottom of the output?


Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at 

Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/cf-talk@houseoffusion.com/
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Re: Dynamic Variable Names

2001-05-04 Thread Joshua Meekhof

assuming that once you have retrieved the record the value of qn is no
significant, try alias the value in the query:
 CFQUERY NAME=get_results DATASOURCE=datasource
SELECT #qn# as foo
FROM database

Jenny Anderson wrote:
 I want to dynamically create a variable name based upon a url variable.
 First I set up a couple of strings:
 CFSET qs = 'q'
 CFSET qn = #Insert(url.q, qs, 1)#
 Where q is a number from 1-37 passed via url variable.  Let's say that
 url.q is 7.  Then qn is 'q7'.
 So I query the database like this:
 CFQUERY NAME=get_results DATASOURCE=datasource
FROM database
 And it correctly pulls all the results from the 'q7' column.  So far so good.
 But now I want to be able to manipulate the query results and refer to the
 q7's from the database query.  If I refer to #qn# I only get q7 as the
 result.  So how do I have it refer to the variable q7 and not the string q7?

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RE:Authentication Users Against LDAP

2001-05-04 Thread Jerre Hale

When I access the SuperGadgets index.cfm template via the browser I am
presented with the product listings screen with the Distributor Login
link.  At login.cfm if I enter a valid username and password for our
test LDAP directory or none at all, I am sent back the index.cfm without
any error message.  It appears that I am not being processed by
authenticate_user.cfm.  I am sure that I am missing something.  Again I
am following the examples in the manual.

On CF server 4.0, when setting up LDAP authentication is the a way to
verify that I have successfully made contact with the LDAP server?  When
I created the Policy, was able to view the LDAP directory but was only
able to select o=gmu.edu.  Any other attempted selection, such as
ou=people, o=gmu.edu, generated an error message: Error Diagnostic
Information, Security Policy Administration, Add User 'ou=People' to
Policy 'LetThemIn' failed.  I can only assume that since I can see the
LDAP directory listing that I am in fact connected.

I have been able to use CFLDAP to add and delete users and query.  So I
know that I connectivity with this approach.

Any assistance is appreciated.



Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at 

Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/cf-talk@houseoffusion.com/
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Re: CF Server Locking?

2001-05-04 Thread Chris Norloff

-- Original Message --
From: Matt Eschenbaum [EMAIL PROTECTED]
.  During my research I noticed that they didn't set up the
ColdFusion Administrator Variable Locking.  Now, can I just configure the
settings in the ColdFusion Administrator for variable locking and not have
to go back and code locks.  I know this is a stretch, but I haven't been
able to find any definitive documentation on the ColdFusion Administrator
configuration for Variable Locking.  

Nope, gotta write those locks.  

You can use Automatic Read Locking, which will lock the reads and error on unlocked 
writes, but it'll run slower since it has to do its own locking.

Full Checking will error on any unlocked reads or writes.

Chris Norloff

Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at 

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Re: handling 404 errors with CF?

2001-05-04 Thread Tony Schreiber

And your custom page will only work for .cfm pages not found. If cold
fusion doesn't process .html files, those that are not found will result
in your web servers 404 error page.

 Can CF handle 404 errors?
 that is, can CF catch a 404 (page not found) error and send back a custom
 error page?
 I tried using cferror for this and it doesn't seem to work..

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Re: handling 404 errors with CF?

2001-05-04 Thread Mary_Baotic

In the administrator there is a setting for a Missing Template Handler.  We
use this to catch CF 404 errors. It works quite well.


sullivanTo: CF-Talk [EMAIL PROTECTED]   
.comSubject: handling 404 errors with CF? 
12:37 PM   
respond to 

Can CF handle 404 errors?
that is, can CF catch a 404 (page not found) error and send back a custom
error page?
I tried using cferror for this and it doesn't seem to work..
Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at 

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client variables

2001-05-04 Thread Brook Davies

I have a really strange report from a client about some irregularities in 
an app we built for them. Essentially, there is a long client variable that 
contains a delimited string of items. This long delimited list is used 
throughout the app. This string is later stored in the DB.

Each record in the DB has its own identifiably string of delimited items. 
When a user accesses a particular item, the DB record is read and that 
delimited list is set as the client Var. The previous client vars are all 

Now, when my user views the entire string it looks normal. But if she 
attempts to edit an item in the list, all of its properties change to an 
item in another list from a separate record in the DB. Its seems as through 
the previous client Var is still hanging around and sometimes being 
selected from the clientVar repository instead of what should be the 
currently active client Var.

Has any one seen anything like this happen before? Am I crazy?

Brook Davies


table border=0 width=300 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=1
trtd bgcolor=gray
table border=0 width=100% cellpadding=0 cellspacing=1
trtd colspan=2 bgcolor=6c0499font color=white face=helvetica 
size=-2nbsp; BMARACAS/BMEDIA INC./td/trtrtd colspan=2 
font face=verdana size=-2
nbsp; Brook DaviesBR
nbsp; President
trtd bgcolor=white width=150
/tdtd bgcolor=ffcc00
font face=verdana size=-2Address Infofont face=verdana size=-2
/td/tr/table/td/tr/tabletable border=0 width=300 
cellpadding=1 cellspacing=0trtd width=150nbsp;/tdtdtable 
border=0 width=100% cellpadding=1 cellspacing=0trtd 
bgcolor=graytable border=0 width=100% cellpadding=1 
cellspacing=0trtd bgcolor=white
font face=verdana size=-2
421 - 425 Carrall StreetBR
Vancouver, BCBR


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2001-05-04 Thread Brad Comer

I am going to take the CF Cert. Exam in about an hourany pointers???

Thanks In Advance!

Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at 

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