concatenate help please

2004-09-09 Thread Brant Winter
Can somebody please some help ??

cfset scriptNO = 1

cfset scriptrun=StructNew()

cfset scriptrun.script  #scriptNO# = StructNew()

What am I doing wrong ?? I am trying to make this string look like cfset

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Re: concatenate help please

2004-09-09 Thread Kym Kovan
Hi Brant,

cfset scriptNO = 1

cfset scriptrun=StructNew()

cfset scriptrun.script  #scriptNO# = StructNew()

What am I doing wrong ?? I am trying to make this string look like cfset

try this:

cfset scriptrun.script#scriptNO# = StructNew()

that will work on any version of CF



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Re: concatenate help please

2004-09-09 Thread joe velez
try doing what you're doing .. but save it to a file ... then include the file.

cfset writetofile=

YOUR CODE HERE... But instead of:

cfset scriptrun.script  #scriptNO# = StructNew()

put it how you want it to work like:

cfset scriptrun.script#scriptNO# = StructNew()

cffile action='' file='absolute/path/to/file' output='#writetofile#'

that might work for you. just an idea.

joe velez
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Re: looping and for statements

2004-09-09 Thread joe velez
sounds complicated ... im not sure how you can create a new page in a pdf, but you got that covered from what i can tell. or maybe you just create a new pdf altogether. ..and im also not sure if i understand you correctly, but if i do

just use a counter.

cset last=0 !--- used to count the last record ---
cfset cnt=0 !--- used to count the current record to write ---
cset pdfdata='' !--- used for default data ---
cfoutput query='query'
cset last=last+1 !--- increment ---
cfset cnt=cnt+1 !--- increment ---
cfset pdfdata='#pdfdata##YOUR_NEW_DATA_DRUG_DATA_OR_WHATEVER#' !--- this is the data to write to the pdf page, HTML or whatever is OK ---
cfif cnt eq 3 or last eq query.recordcount !--- logic, is it time to write the file? ---
 cf_pdf ... / !--- create pdf file ---
 cfset cnt=0 !--- resets counter ---
 cfset pdfdata='' !--- clears data to write ---

i think this is all you need to do... you can use cfloop instead of cfoutput query; the concept is the same.

joe velez
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RE: DHTML Drag and Drop pt.2

2004-09-09 Thread Micha Schopman
There is no way this is usable in practice, since still the drop down
box is a still forgotten element under MSIE and therefore cannot be
modified totally to represent accurate x and y values.

Micha Schopman 
Software Engineer 
Modern Media, Databankweg 12 M, 3821 ALAmersfoort 
Tel 033-4535377, Fax 033-4535388 
KvK Amersfoort 39081679, Rabo
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Re: generate print dialogue box

2004-09-09 Thread joe velez
one thing i never got was if someone was willing enough to click a button in the web page to print ... what's so difficult about clicking the browser's print button? does this humor anyone else or am i alone?
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CF5.0 and XML

2004-09-09 Thread Mike Kear
How easy is it to produce XML in CF5.0?I know that in CFMX there
are a host of great XML-related tags, to make it easy, but what about
turning a query into XML in CF5.0?

It is straightforward?Are there any tutorials?

Mike Kear
Windsor, NSW, Australia
AFP Webworks
.com,.net,.org domains from AUD$20/Year
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RE: generate print dialogue box

2004-09-09 Thread Brant Winter
Ahahahhaa it humors me to no end. These doctors are just used to getting
what they want - and unfortunately, if I want my job I have to deliver ! 

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Re: CF5.0 and XML

2004-09-09 Thread Andrew Dixon
If you just want to produce an XML file, that is simple. Create the
XML code in a variable and write it to the file system using CFFILE.
The functions in CFMX for XML mainly involved reading it, not writing
it, so they probably wouldn't help you much anyway.


- Original Message -
Date: Thu, 9 Sep 2004 17:08:12 +1000
Subject: CF5.0 and XML

How easy is it to produce XML in CF5.0?I know that in CFMX there
 are a host of great XML-related tags, to make it easy, but what about
 turning a query into XML in CF5.0?

 It is straightforward?Are there any tutorials?

 Mike Kear
 Windsor, NSW, Australia
 AFP Webworks
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Re: cfdump [unknown type]

2004-09-09 Thread Tony Pimm
Well it's rubbish, my code that used to simply try/catch a piece of code, if there was an error, passed the cfcatch structure to a custom tag which then handles it.It's now royally broken.

I've now either got to use the custom tag suggested above, or rely on cferror to handle all my specific errors.Which is the wrong method, but about the only one I can get working.

I would suggest MM gather a hotfix to resolve this problem, because I'm sure it can't just be me encountering this problem.


 I think this is sort of a bugfix in the updater for the endless loop 
 error you sometimes get when you try to dump an error which has a type 
 of coldfusion.runtime.UndefinedElementException or coldfusion.
 anyone ever get this when you cfdump var=#cfcatch#
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RE: concatenate a string

2004-09-09 Thread Pascal Peters
scriptrun[script  scriptNO] = StructNew()


 -Original Message-
 From: Brant Winter [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: 09 September 2004 07:25
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: concatenate a string
 Can some please tell me how to concatenate a string on CF ?
 cfquery datasource=obscript name=qGetDrugs maxrows=10
 from scripts
 cfset scriptNO = 1
 cfset scriptrun=StructNew()
 cfset scriptrun.SCRIPT#scriptNO#=StructNew()
 This is the string I need to look like -
 scriptrun.script1=StructNew(),scriptrun.script2=StructNew(), etc etc
 cfloop query=qGetDrugs
 cfif StructCount(scriptrun.SCRIPT#scriptNO#)
 scriptrun.SCRIPT#scriptNO#.SDRUGDESC = #qGetDrugs.SDRUGDESC# *
 two lines need fixing too **
 = #qGetDrugs.SRXNO#
 cfset scriptNO = scriptNO + 1
 cfdump var=#variables#
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RE: concatenate help please

2004-09-09 Thread Paul Vernon
try this

cfset scriptNO = 1

cfset scriptrun=StructNew()

cfset scriptrun.script#scriptNO# = StructNew()

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I HATE Technical Book Authors!!!!!!!!!!!!

2004-09-09 Thread Mike Kear
[rant mode on]

Well not ALL technical book authors.I have been trying to get my
head around a flash problem today,and I spent three valuable hours,
while the deadline clock ticked away looking through books about
flash, and NOT ONE of them actually MENTIONS the version of flash it's
written for.

Oh I know why ... they want to keep on selling their book to mugs who
dont know the product doesnt match their old version of the book.
But that doesnt help me as a developer.

For example, I saw a book called Flash and XML - A Developers Guide,
by Dov Jacobson and Jesse Jacobson.NOWHERE does it mention the
version of flash it's written for.The only way to tell it's not for
FlashMX is the screenshots in the text, which dont look like
WindowsXP, and the publish date, hidden away in the VERRY small fine
print on page viii.What use is that?How many people, thinking
XML is pretty new, and up to date, will be duped into buying the book
only to find that it's totally useless for their FlashMX because few
of the commands for FlashMX are where they used to be in Flash 5?

Part of the trouble with Flash is that every new version has commands
in a new place.I can never remember from one month's end to the
next how the hell to do anything.For example it took me 4 hours
today to produce a simple rollover effect on an object. I tried 4
different tutorials only to give up on them because either the author
of the tutorial assumed the reader had more than a passing knowledge
of the product, or it was for a different version and there was no
mention of what version it was written for.So after half an hour of
working through his tutorial I had to give it away as a waste of time
because I couldn't follow it.

The bottom line  I've never once been able to produce anything
worthwhile in flash, aside from a simple banner.

Compatible with the other macromedia products?Common user
interface?RUBBISH IT's NOTHING like it!

[/rant mode off]

Mike Kear
Windsor, NSW, Australia
AFP Webworks
.com,.net,.org domains from AUD$20/Year
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Re: I HATE Technical Book Authors!!!!!!!!!!!!

2004-09-09 Thread dave
lol but once u get going it will blow your mind on what it can do!
its awesome

now, just look in the help docs, lots of good tuts there

heres some links to tuts to get ya going


-- Original Message --
Date:Thu, 9 Sep 2004 18:20:17 +1000

[rant mode on]

Well not ALL technical book authors.I have been trying to get my
head around a flash problem today,and I spent three valuable hours,
while the deadline clock ticked away looking through books about
flash, and NOT ONE of them actually MENTIONS the version of flash it's
written for.

Oh I know why ... they want to keep on selling their book to mugs who
dont know the product doesnt match their old version of the book.
But that doesnt help me as a developer.

For example, I saw a book called Flash and XML - A Developers Guide,
by Dov Jacobson and Jesse Jacobson.NOWHERE does it mention the
version of flash it's written for.The only way to tell it's not for
FlashMX is the screenshots in the text, which dont look like
WindowsXP, and the publish date, hidden away in the VERRY small fine
print on page viii.What use is that?How many people, thinking
XML is pretty new, and up to date, will be duped into buying the book
only to find that it's totally useless for their FlashMX because few
of the commands for FlashMX are where they used to be in Flash 5?

Part of the trouble with Flash is that every new version has commands
in a new place.I can never remember from one month's end to the
next how the hell to do anything.For example it took me 4 hours
today to produce a simple rollover effect on an object. I tried 4
different tutorials only to give up on them because either the author
of the tutorial assumed the reader had more than a passing knowledge
of the product, or it was for a different version and there was no
mention of what version it was written for.So after half an hour of
working through his tutorial I had to give it away as a waste of time
because I couldn't follow it.

The bottom line  I've never once been able to produce anything
worthwhile in flash, aside from a simple banner.

Compatible with the other macromedia products?Common user
interface?RUBBISH IT's NOTHING like it!

[/rant mode off]

Mike Kear
Windsor, NSW, Australia
AFP Webworks
.com,.net,.org domains from AUD$20/Year

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Re: concatenate help please

2004-09-09 Thread Brant Winter
Works great thanks
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Re: looping and for statements

2004-09-09 Thread Brant Winter
 sounds complicated ... im not sure how you can create a new page in a 

not really ! I have purchased the cfx_pdf custom tag - it really makes it a breeze !

i will try your method later tonight.
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Looping in CFSCRIPT

2004-09-09 Thread Andrew Dixon
Hi Everyone.

Does anyone know how to loop within CFSCRIPT over a query and/or a
comma list, like you can with CFLOOP?

Also, does anyone konw if there is a good guide to CFSCRIPT anywhere
as the MM documentation of CFSCRIPT is pretty much none existant.


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Re: Re: CF5.0 and XML

2004-09-09 Thread simon
If you can get your hands on a copy of Professional ColdFusion 5.0 by WROX 
Press, it has in-depth instructions, information, and examples of working with 
XML in ColdFusion 5.


 If you just want to produce an XML file, that is simple. Create the
 XML code in a variable and write it to the file system using CFFILE.
 The functions in CFMX for XML mainly involved reading it, not writing
 it, so they probably wouldn't help you much anyway.
 - Original Message -
 From: Mike Kear [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Thu, 9 Sep 2004 17:08:12 +1000
 Subject: CF5.0 and XML
 How easy is it to produce XML in CF5.0?I know that in CFMX there
are a host of great XML-related tags, to make it easy, but what about
turning a query into XML in CF5.0?

It is straightforward?Are there any tutorials?

Mike Kear
Windsor, NSW, Australia
AFP Webworks
.com,.net,.org domains from AUD$20/Year
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Re: Looping in CFSCRIPT

2004-09-09 Thread joe velez
funny u mention that.. i was just looking today and came across this and

you can use FOR and WHILE loops .. its in the ppt above

get some caffine  try to google: cfscript 

joe velez
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Re: Looping in CFSCRIPT

2004-09-09 Thread joe velez
i havent actually played w/ cfscript too much, but in reading about it briefly i believe its something like this 

for a comma del. list

var=0; /* not sure if var = 0 if you dont set it first, you can probably exclude this, but set it to be safe */
while(VAR lte listlen(yourlist))
var++; // this should work or ...
var=var+1; // 
// do stuff

for a query

while(VAR lte query.recordcoount) // might need #query.recordcount#
var++; // this should work or ...
var=var+1; // 
// do stuff
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Re: Looping in CFSCRIPT

2004-09-09 Thread Andrew Dixon

- Original Message -
From: joe velez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Thu, 09 Sep 2004 06:03:47 -0400
Subject: Re: Looping in CFSCRIPT

i havent actually played w/ cfscript too much, but in reading about it
briefly i believe its something like this 

 for a comma del. list

 var=0; /* not sure if var = 0 if you dont set it first, you can
probably exclude this, but set it to be safe */
 while(VAR lte listlen(yourlist))
var++; // this should work or ...
var=var+1; // 
// do stuff

 for a query

 while(VAR lte query.recordcoount) // might need #query.recordcount#
var++; // this should work or ...
var=var+1; // 
// do stuff
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CFMX and Webdav

2004-09-09 Thread Micha Schopman
CFMX has no built in webdav support, but does someone tried using webdav
in other ways with CFMX? 

Micha Schopman
Software Engineer

Modern Media, Databankweg 12 M, 3821 ALAmersfoort
Tel 033-4535377, Fax 033-4535388
KvK Amersfoort 39081679, Rabo
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Re: Looping in CFSCRIPT

2004-09-09 Thread Greg Stewart
Here's my write up on using cfscript for looping over a query:

Hope this helps

On Thu, 9 Sep 2004 10:42:18 +0100, Andrew Dixon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi Everyone.
 Does anyone know how to loop within CFSCRIPT over a query and/or a
 comma list, like you can with CFLOOP?
 Also, does anyone konw if there is a good guide to CFSCRIPT anywhere
 as the MM documentation of CFSCRIPT is pretty much none existant.

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Re: Looping in CFSCRIPT

2004-09-09 Thread joe velez
come on G .. php??? hehe
=^) -- that's for Carsten god .. you know who you are!
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Re: Looping in CFSCRIPT

2004-09-09 Thread Andrew Dixon
He has a point!!!

- Original Message -
From: joe velez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Thu, 09 Sep 2004 06:20:23 -0400
Subject: Re: Looping in CFSCRIPT

come on G .. php??? hehe
 =^) -- that's for Carsten god .. you know who you
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RE: Looping in CFSCRIPT

2004-09-09 Thread Pascal Peters
// list

for(i = 1;i LE ListLen(list);i=i+1){
	element = ListGetAt(list,i);

// query

for(i = 1;i LE query.recordCount;i=i+1){
	value = query.field[i];


 -Original Message-
 From: Andrew Dixon [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: 09 September 2004 11:42
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Looping in CFSCRIPT
 Hi Everyone.
 Does anyone know how to loop within CFSCRIPT over a query and/or a
 comma list, like you can with CFLOOP?
 Also, does anyone konw if there is a good guide to CFSCRIPT anywhere
 as the MM documentation of CFSCRIPT is pretty much none existant.

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2004-09-09 Thread Mark Woods

I noticed that during a recent thread regarding Farcry and SpeckCMS, not 
many people had heard of SpeckCMS ( So, I thought I'd 
provide a wee bit more info...

Speck is an object-based open-source content management framework that was 
initially developed by Robin Hilliard 
( I got involved in the 
development almost immediately after he released a rough alpha version in 
May 2002.

Speck has been designed to be OS, web server and database independent and 
has been tested on both Windows and Linux, with IIS and Apache and Access, 
SQL Server, Oracle, PostgreSQL, Firebird and MySQL (4.1 required). It can 
also be used with CF5, as it is built using custom tags rather than CFCs. 
It is a stable solution, which has been used in production for about 2 years.

Geoff Bowers mentioned that Speck is more of a toolkit than Farcry, and 
that is true - Speck was conceived as a framework. However, it is 
distributed with an example CMS (SpeckCMS) that provides a set of 
out-of-the-box content management capabilities.

Farcry definitely does provide more for the end user out-of-the-box, but 
from my limited experience with it and vast experience with Speck (read: 
I'm biased ;), I'd have to say that I think Speck is simpler to extend to 
provide custom functionality. Our development team is not made up of highly 
experienced software engineers and is probably typical of many CF 
development teams, yet everyone in the team is confident using and 
extending Speck and they have even learnt something about OO development in 
the process (ok, I did have to give a few slaps to get the copy 'n' paste 
merchants to use inheritance, but corporal punishment is sometimes 
necessary ;). I also know that Speck has been used by non-programmers for 
content management requirements (apparently was built in a 
weekend by someone who didn't know any CF when he started).

For the end user, we have found SpeckCMS to be a great success. We deal 
with business people and medial professionals who tbh just see technology 
as a necessary evil (and fair enough, they're probably right). SpeckCMS 
allows content to be edited in-context, i.e. the user just browses to the 
page they want to edit and clicks on the relevant edit link embedded into 
the content. I'm not sure if Farcry also allows this, but I know many other 
systems don't and we've found it to be a huge benefit that not only saves 
us a small fortune on training and support but really impresses the 
customers (ok, they are easily impressed, but perception is important).

Well, I've rattled on for long enough - hope this has been informative

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poll DB

2004-09-09 Thread Daniel Kessler
I'm doing a poll and determined this morning that I should use a 
relational DB.It's pretty basic, but it is my first one so I'd 
appreciate it if y'all could check out the code before I go down this 

!-- a list of polls.Write to db once for each answer and then 
group on display ** is this right? **. Hopefully there's a way to get 
the first GROUP of an output, justin case there're multiple --

create table fsnep_polls (
p_id NUMBER Primary Key,
p_date_added date,
p_date_last_used date,
p_question VARCHAR2(400),
p_answer NUMBER Foreign Key REFERENCES fsnep_pollAnswers(pA_id),
p_status INT


!-- all possible answers for any poll available --

create table fsnep_pollAnswers (
pA_id NUMBER Primary Key,
pA_answer INT

CREATE SEQUENCE unique_pollAnswers_Num_s START WITH 1

!-- all votes with their poll and answer ID --

create table fsnep_pollVotes (
pV_id NUMBER Primary Key,
pV_date_added date,
pV_poll_id NUMBER Foreign Key REFERENCES fsnep_polls(p_id),
pV_poll_Answer INT Foreign Key REFERENCES fsnep_pollAnswers(pA_id)

CREATE SEQUENCE unique_pollVotes_Num_s START WITH 1

Thanks and good morning!

Daniel Kessler

Department of Public and Community Health
University of Maryland
Suite 2387 Valley Drive
College Park, MD20742-2611
301-405-2545 Phone
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CFToken not being set

2004-09-09 Thread Steve Logan
I have two sites, running on two separate servers (both Windows 2000 /
CF 5.0) where all of a sudden cftoken isn't being set for the clients.
 I can certainly use something else to generate a uniqueID but my
question is why all of a sudden in 2 working apps on 2 servers is this
problem coming up?

On both applications I'm using it to create a UniqueID for a record
insert - error messages are like this:

cfset UniqueID = Now()+#Session.CFTOKEN#

Error resolving parameter SESSION.CFTOKEN

The session variable CFTOKEN does not exist. The cause of this error is very 
likely one of the following things:

The name of the session variable has been misspelled.
The session variable has not yet been created.
The session variable has timed out.

It should be noted that both of these applications have been working
fine for almost a year now.Here's the corresponding cfapplication
tage on this one:

cfapplication name=JDB

The other application with the same errors is:

cfapplication name=ProFile

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Re: SpeckCMS

2004-09-09 Thread Marco Antonio C. Santos
I also know that Speck has been used by non-programmers for
content management requirements (apparently was built in a
weekend by someone who didn't know any CF when he started).
... looks like built in with fuseaction and static
content An CF newbie don't have all that know how to do any site
like that. in a weekend...

What's happened?


On Thu, 09 Sep 2004 11:56:09 +0100, Mark Woods [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I noticed that during a recent thread regarding Farcry and SpeckCMS, not
 many people had heard of SpeckCMS ( So, I thought I'd
 provide a wee bit more info...
 Speck is an object-based open-source content management framework that was
 initially developed by Robin Hilliard
 ( I got involved in the
 development almost immediately after he released a rough alpha version in
 May 2002.
 Speck has been designed to be OS, web server and database independent and
 has been tested on both Windows and Linux, with IIS and Apache and Access,
 SQL Server, Oracle, PostgreSQL, Firebird and MySQL (4.1 required). It can
 also be used with CF5, as it is built using custom tags rather than CFCs.
 It is a stable solution, which has been used in production for about 2 years.
 Geoff Bowers mentioned that Speck is more of a toolkit than Farcry, and
 that is true - Speck was conceived as a framework. However, it is
 distributed with an example CMS (SpeckCMS) that provides a set of
 out-of-the-box content management capabilities.
 Farcry definitely does provide more for the end user out-of-the-box, but
 from my limited experience with it and vast experience with Speck (read:
 I'm biased ;), I'd have to say that I think Speck is simpler to extend to
 provide custom functionality. Our development team is not made up of highly
 experienced software engineers and is probably typical of many CF
 development teams, yet everyone in the team is confident using and
 extending Speck and they have even learnt something about OO development in
 the process (ok, I did have to give a few slaps to get the copy 'n' paste
 merchants to use inheritance, but corporal punishment is sometimes
 necessary ;). I also know that Speck has been used by non-programmers for
 content management requirements (apparently was built in a
 weekend by someone who didn't know any CF when he started).
 For the end user, we have found SpeckCMS to be a great success. We deal
 with business people and medial professionals who tbh just see technology
 as a necessary evil (and fair enough, they're probably right). SpeckCMS
 allows content to be edited in-context, i.e. the user just browses to the
 page they want to edit and clicks on the relevant edit link embedded into
 the content. I'm not sure if Farcry also allows this, but I know many other
 systems don't and we've found it to be a huge benefit that not only saves
 us a small fortune on training and support but really impresses the
 customers (ok, they are easily impressed, but perception is important).
 Well, I've rattled on for long enough - hope this has been informative

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Re: Indexing on Linux systempermissions?

2004-09-09 Thread Doug James

Let me clarify something from Pete's post. Steve Erat sent me the reply 
saying that the docs are vague and I did find out that Verity works on 
our installation of RH 2.1 AS. There is a hotfix that you know about 
that will get Verity working on most, if not all, distros. BUT, yes you 
knew it was coming, as far as I know the spider is NOT installed with 
linux. Verity will work, you can index many different file types ( I 
don't know about PDF specifically, yet) but there is no spidering.

Lindex was released in one of the DRK's a while back. Lindex is a CF 
packaging of the Lucene product from Apache (I think).

Please keep us all up to date regarding your progress because I am 
pretty sure that most linux users here will be or have faced the issue 
of Verity.


Lawrence Ng wrote:


thanks for the heads up... man am I screwed LOL

this says it all...

I followed your previous postings as well and it seems that Lindex
could be the key.. 

has anyone tried it on non RH linux distros?

worth the $$$?

Doug James [EMAIL PROTECTED] 9/8/2004 10:48:36 AM 

We use the database to perform our indexing (we are on RedHat) but I
a thought that may or may not affect indexing on linux. The Verity 
spider, currently, does not get installed on a linux box so if the 
cfindex tag is calling the spider then the index would never get 
populated. I am not sure how to test the theory but it might be worth 


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Re: Looping in CFSCRIPT

2004-09-09 Thread Doug James
Here is a starting point.


Andrew Dixon wrote:

Hi Everyone.

Does anyone know how to loop within CFSCRIPT over a query and/or a
comma list, like you can with CFLOOP?

Also, does anyone konw if there is a good guide to CFSCRIPT anywhere
as the MM documentation of CFSCRIPT is pretty much none existant.



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Re: Hi

2004-09-09 Thread Thomas Chiverton
On Wednesday 08 Sep 2004 19:33 pm, Asim Manzur wrote:
 Is there anyway that the file would be created on monthly basis

Of course, logrotate (if your system has it), or use one of the methods in

Tom Chiverton 
Advanced ColdFusion Programmer

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Re: Looping in CFSCRIPT

2004-09-09 Thread Greg Stewart
I know, I know... :) 

>From a time before BlueDragon free version was around, I am actually
in the process of re-building the site to use cfml and Mach-ii as the
framework. Still no harm in trying out PHP, it has a very rich feature


On Thu, 9 Sep 2004 11:31:26 +0100, Andrew Dixon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 He has a point!!!
 - Original Message -
 From: joe velez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Thu, 09 Sep 2004 06:20:23 -0400
 Subject: Re: Looping in CFSCRIPT
 come on G .. php??? hehe
=^) -- that's for Carsten god .. you know who you
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anyone RHCE?

2004-09-09 Thread joe velez
anyone RHCE? 

just got a simple quick q to post private or here


 joe velez
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Re: CFLAP and Time Stamp

2004-09-09 Thread Doug James

I have not had the pleasure of working with SunONE LDAP but here is a 
date parsing function that I wrote to work with SunONE Calendar. If you 
have any questions about it or suggestions for improvement let me know.


parseCalDateTime takes an ISO8601 datetime format MMDDTHHMMSSZ, the 
time being GMT
and parses and returns a coldfusion date
cffunction name=parseCalDateTime returntype=date output=false
cfargument name=rawDate type=string required=true

cfset returnDate = createDateTime( left(arguments.rawDate, 4),
mid(arguments.rawDate, 5, 2),
mid(arguments.rawDate, 7, 2),
mid(arguments.rawDate, 10, 2) - structFind(getTimeZoneInfo(), 
mid(arguments.rawDate, 12, 2),
mid(arguments.rawDate, 14, 2)
) /
cfreturn returnDate

James Blaha wrote:


Can anyone help me out with a time stamp issue in LDAP? I need to minus 
(-4:00:00:) from a time stamp in a Sun One 5.1 Directory LDAP server.

What’s in LDAP: 2004-09-08 02:24:24.0046Z

2004-09-08 02:24:24.0046Z (-4:00:00:) = 2004-09-07 21:24:24:0046Z

Can someone please send me some basic code?

James Blaha

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Re: I HATE Technical Book Authors!!!!!!!!!!!!

2004-09-09 Thread Daniel Farmer
I actually prefer the now dead Adobe Livemotion 2.0 to flash. I didn't even need to read the manuals to create linked rollovers... it had a superior interface and scripting elemets imo.

Too bad Adobe didn't make enough off it. now I'm left with dead software.
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Re: poll DB

2004-09-09 Thread Greg Morphis
you may also want to throw in a voted by and record their ip into it
so they cant keep voting.

On Thu, 9 Sep 2004 07:38:38 -0400, Daniel Kessler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm doing a poll and determined this morning that I should use a
 relational DB.It's pretty basic, but it is my first one so I'd
 appreciate it if y'all could check out the code before I go down this
 !-- a list of polls.Write to db once for each answer and then
 group on display ** is this right? **. Hopefully there's a way to get
 the first GROUP of an output, justin case there're multiple --
 create table fsnep_polls (
p_id NUMBER Primary Key,
p_date_added date,
p_date_last_used date,
p_question VARCHAR2(400),
p_answer NUMBER Foreign Key REFERENCES fsnep_pollAnswers(pA_id),
p_status INT
 !-- all possible answers for any poll available --
 create table fsnep_pollAnswers (
pA_id NUMBER Primary Key,
pA_answer INT
 CREATE SEQUENCE unique_pollAnswers_Num_s START WITH 1
 !-- all votes with their poll and answer ID --
 create table fsnep_pollVotes (
pV_id NUMBER Primary Key,
pV_date_added date,
pV_poll_id NUMBER Foreign Key REFERENCES fsnep_polls(p_id),
pV_poll_Answer INT Foreign Key REFERENCES fsnep_pollAnswers(pA_id)
 CREATE SEQUENCE unique_pollVotes_Num_s START WITH 1
 Thanks and good morning!
 Daniel Kessler
 Department of Public and Community Health
 University of Maryland
 Suite 2387 Valley Drive
 College Park, MD20742-2611
 301-405-2545 Phone

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Re: anyone RHCE?

2004-09-09 Thread joe velez
i, too, would like to become rhce, as soon as time and $ allow.

ok its probably very easy for you guys...

how do you create a new ftp user from the command line?

i looked all over rh, some other forums, and only found 1 useful post, but it was in the GUI which is fine since im developing on my box, but when i have remote access in the future i need to know how to do this.

i tried
#useradd -d /var/www/html -p [MYPASSWORD] [USERNAME] 

this creates a user ok, but no ftp access.

any help would be greatly appreciated.


 - joe
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Re: poll DB

2004-09-09 Thread daniel kessler
you may also want to throw in a voted by and record their ip into it
so they cant keep voting.

I thought of doing that, but it would exclude community computers and since many of our audience is low-income, alot of their access is community-oriented.

So otherwise, I'm doing the right thing and it's set up okay?As I said, it's my first attempt at relational dbs so all comments are welcome.
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Re: RDS Server has stopped working...

2004-09-09 Thread Dan O'Keefe
Is this development box on your local network? Did the RDS password change?


- Original Message -
From: Andrew Dixon [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Wed, 8 Sep 2004 22:44:13 +0100
Subject: Re: RDS Server has stopped working...

Any got any ideas? It is become a pain in the ass now?



On Mon, 6 Sep 2004 09:58:44 +0100, Andrew Dixon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hi Everyone.
  Bit of a strange on this morning. Our RDS server on our local
  development server appears to have stopped working, but it only appear
  to be via Homesite+ or CFStudio. If we try to access datasources via
  Homesite+ or CFStudio we get the following error message:
  An error occurred accessing RDS server: Error -1 occured. The
  operation timed out.
  However, I go to Windows Explorer and select Macromedia FTP  RDS
  and then double click the development server entry it works fine and
  displays a directory listing of the server. So I guess the RDS server
  is working ok.
  Any ideas what the problem is?
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Re: SpeckCMS

2004-09-09 Thread Mark Woods
I also know that Speck has been used by non-programmers for
content management requirements (apparently was built in a
weekend by someone who didn't know any CF when he started).
... looks like built in with fuseaction and static
content An CF newbie don't have all that know how to do any site
like that. in a weekend...

What's happened?

Apologies, I know the guy who built and he told me he did it in 
a weekend, but I forgot that he had already built a site with CF, Speck and 
Fusebox - Still, he's not a programmer, just a decent 
HTMLer, competent enough to hack into and copy/paste other people's 
_javascript_, PHP and now CF, code and he's managed to build a couple of 
sites with Speck. He's done this almost without any assistance - but I did 
install Speck on the shared host he uses and helped him clean up the 
whitespace created through using Speck and Fusebox together.

My memory is fried at the moment, too much work and study on the go. Again, 
apologies for the misrepresentation.

BTW, the pages on aren't static, they're just search engine safe 

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Re: anyone RHCE?

2004-09-09 Thread John Beynon
if you need to do linux stuff remotely and don't like command line
stuff just install Webmin, it's great.


On Thu, 09 Sep 2004 09:04:48 -0400, joe velez
 i, too, would like to become rhce, as soon as time and $ allow.
 ok its probably very easy for you guys...
 how do you create a new ftp user from the command line?
 i looked all over rh, some other forums, and only found 1 useful post, but it was in the GUI which is fine since im developing on my box, but when i have remote access in the future i need to know how to do this.
 i tried
 #useradd -d /var/www/html -p [MYPASSWORD] [USERNAME]
 this creates a user ok, but no ftp access.
 any help would be greatly appreciated.
- joe

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Re: script app

2004-09-09 Thread Claude Schneegans
No one is answering any of my questions so I have to assume that I am making
them too long

Or too hard?

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Re: anyone RHCE?

2004-09-09 Thread joe velez
thanks, i'll consider webmin. can't hurt :)

i dont mind the command line stuff.. it's different and kinda fun. i just dont know much at all, but im learning slwly.

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Re: anyone RHCE?

2004-09-09 Thread Chris Johnston
On Thu, 09 Sep 2004 09:04:48 -0400, joe velez
 i, too, would like to become rhce, as soon as time and $ allow.
 ok its probably very easy for you guys...
 how do you create a new ftp user from the command line?
 i looked all over rh, some other forums, and only found 1 useful post, but it was in the GUI which is fine since im developing on my box, but when i have remote access in the future i need to know how to do this.
 i tried
 #useradd -d /var/www/html -p [MYPASSWORD] [USERNAME]
 this creates a user ok, but no ftp access.

What FTP program are you using? The above line will create a user for
the operating system, but since ftp is simply a program/daemon that
runs on top of the OS, you are going to need to use either a command
specific for the ftp program or edit the config script for the ftp

chris johnston

For millions of years, mankind lived just like the animals and
something happened which unleashed the power of our imagination, we
learned to talk.
Pink Floyd
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Re: RDS Server has stopped working...

2004-09-09 Thread Andrew Dixon
It is on the local network and no the password has not changed. If the
password has changed it wouldn't work via Windows Explorer I would
guess. Any ideas?


- Original Message -
Date: Thu, 9 Sep 2004 09:12:47 -0400
Subject: Re: RDS Server has stopped working...

Is this development box on your local network? Did the RDS password change?


- Original Message -
 From: Andrew Dixon [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Wed, 8 Sep 2004 22:44:13 +0100
 Subject: Re: RDS Server has stopped working...

 Any got any ideas? It is become a pain in the ass now?



 On Mon, 6 Sep 2004 09:58:44 +0100, Andrew Dixon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hi Everyone.
  Bit of a strange on this morning. Our RDS server on our local
  development server appears to have stopped working, but it only appear
  to be via Homesite+ or CFStudio. If we try to access datasources via
  Homesite+ or CFStudio we get the following error message:
  An error occurred accessing RDS server: Error -1 occured. The
  operation timed out.
  However, I go to Windows Explorer and select Macromedia FTP  RDS
  and then double click the development server entry it works fine and
  displays a directory listing of the server. So I guess the RDS server
  is working ok.
  Any ideas what the problem is?
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Re: anyone RHCE?

2004-09-09 Thread joe velez
well i did this first
#rpm -q wu-ftpd anonftp

so now what? :)
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RE: script app

2004-09-09 Thread Ewok
Seems to me that people spent a lot of time answering your question that
started out as ~escaping “ character~, namely Pascal

Then Pascal again told you how to use a UDF

Then, guess what, Pascal again when he fixed your array looping problem.

I think your questions (plural) are being answered rather well

The only question I see that you haven’t had a response to was suggestions
about Flash Remoting resources. Try looking in the archives since there was
just a thread that listed a couple of books on just that


From: Brant Winter [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, September 09, 2004 12:28 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: script app

No one is answering any of my questions so I have to assume that I am making
them too long

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Re: anyone RHCE?

2004-09-09 Thread Chris Johnston
On Thu, 09 Sep 2004 09:37:12 -0400, joe velez
 well i did this first
 #rpm -q wu-ftpd anonftp
 so now what? :)

A quick search on Google produced this document.

>From the looks of it, it should contain everything you need.

chris johnston

For millions of years, mankind lived just like the animals and
something happened which unleashed the power of our imagination, we
learned to talk.
Pink Floyd
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Re: I HATE Technical Book Authors!!!!!!!!!!!!

2004-09-09 Thread S . Isaac Dealey
 I actually prefer the now dead Adobe Livemotion 2.0 to
 flash. I didn't even need to read the manuals to create
 linked rollovers... it had a superior interface and
 scripting elemets imo.

 Too bad Adobe didn't make enough off it. now I'm left with
 dead software.

I'd been told that the IDE (or maybe the player) for it was so heavy
handed that it was virtually impossible for a client machine to _use_
the software for lack of memory and/or processor power. Could just be
hearsay, but that's what I'd heard. If it's true, that would explain
why a superior interface and scripting elements wouldn't have helped
make it popular.

s. isaac dealey954.927.5117

new epoch : isn't it time for a change?

add features without fixtures with
the onTap open source framework
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Re: poll DB

2004-09-09 Thread Dwayne Cole
I'm also working on a poll systems and I decided to keep the number for each option in the same table as the option and just increment the value for example

id_poll (fk)
id_poll_option (pk)

if you are going to put the votes in a seperate table you might want to consider storing the date of the vote its only then that you can realize the value of the haveing the votes in a seperate table.

-- Original Message --
From: daniel kessler [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date:Thu, 09 Sep 2004 09:12:29 -0400

you may also want to throw in a voted by and record their ip into it
so they cant keep voting.

I thought of doing that, but it would exclude community computers and since many of our audience is low-income, alot of their access is community-oriented.

So otherwise, I'm doing the right thing and it's set up okay?As I said, it's my first attempt at relational dbs so all comments are welcome.

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date difference (DateDiff) question?

2004-09-09 Thread cf coder
Hello everybody,

I'm working on this script to get the date difference between two dates in minutes. After doing that; I want to then deduct/subtract the value returned by the datediff function from another date value.

Here is what I'm trying to do:

Reading the two date values from a table:

cfset timeCallPlacedOnHold = queryTmp.HoldDateTime
cfset timeOnHoldReleased = queryTmp.ReleasedDateTime

For some reason the dates retuned are in this format:

Ex: 2004-09-08 12:28:56.0

I can't understand why it adds the .0 after the time when the value stored in the database is 2004-09-08 12:28:56

!--- Date diff in minutes ---
cfset totalDateDiff = datediff(n,TimeCallPlacedOnHold,TimeOnHoldReleased)

Now, I'm taking the value returned by the dateDiff function and subtracting it from another date


The dates returned are not correct. I don't want I'm doing wrong. Can somebody please point out what I should be doing to correct this.

Best regards
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SQL books

2004-09-09 Thread George Abraham
Hi all,
While we are on the rant about technical book authors, anybody have
any suggestions for books on SQL? Preferably not beginner stuff, but
more intermediate. Most of my queries are so half-assed because I
cannot understand or do not know that some things can be better done.

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Re: SQL books

2004-09-09 Thread Massimo Foti
 While we are on the rant about technical book authors, anybody have
 any suggestions for books on SQL? Preferably not beginner stuff, but
 more intermediate. Most of my queries are so half-assed because I
 cannot understand or do not know that some things can be better done.

This one is very good:

SQL Queries for Mere Mortals
by Michael J. Hernandez, John L. Viescas
Paperback - 528 pages (August 2000) 
ISBN: 0201433362

But you should also check something specific about the RDMS you use

Massimo Foti

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RE: SQL books

2004-09-09 Thread Tangorre, Michael
I like the T-SQL book from O'Reilly... And then I like to read all the
Books OnLine for SQL server and the MSDN website!

Michael T. Tangorre

 From: George Abraham [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 While we are on the rant about technical book authors, 
 anybody have any suggestions for books on SQL? Preferably not 
 beginner stuff, but more intermediate. Most of my queries are 
 so half-assed because I cannot understand or do not know that 
 some things can be better done.
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Re: SQL books

2004-09-09 Thread Damien McKenna
Teach Yourself SQL in 10 Minutes, Third Edition by Ben Forte.Costs 
about $10-15.Well worth it.After that get something specific to 
your database.
Damien McKenna - Web Developer - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The Limu Company - - 407-804-1014
Nothing endures but change. - Heraclitus
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Re: SQL books

2004-09-09 Thread Donna French
Same here on my SQL queries - and I learn better from example rather
than page after page of explanation.

- Original Message -
From: Tangorre, Michael [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Thu, 9 Sep 2004 10:09:09 -0400
Subject: RE: SQL books

I like the T-SQL book from O'Reilly... And then I like to read all the
Books OnLine for SQL server and the MSDN website!

Michael T. Tangorre

 From: George Abraham [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 While we are on the rant about technical book authors, 
 anybody have any suggestions for books on SQL? Preferably not 
 beginner stuff, but more intermediate. Most of my queries are 
 so half-assed because I cannot understand or do not know that 
 some things can be better done.
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Re: cfdump [unknown type]

2004-09-09 Thread Mike Chabot
This issue has already been discussed a few times on this list. You
can use the search engine to find people's solutions. My solution was
to code my own CFDUMP tag, which is 90% the same as the original
CFDUMP, but has special handling for CFCATCH. The CFMX6.1 updater
includes a hotfix which changes the behavior of CFDUMP. It fixes the
dumping of some objects, while breaking the dumping of cfcatch.

Good luck,
Mike Chabot
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Folder Permission

2004-09-09 Thread Tangorre, Michael
Is there anyway using ColdFusion to check if a person has access to a
specific folder on the webserver.
Our security model is strucutred around ActiveDirectory so the users
network ID, email, alias, etc is all available, and I am wondering if
there is a way to say...

if user has permissions to folder x, allow, else, throw error.


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Re: SQL books

2004-09-09 Thread George Abraham
I found a book on Database Design For Mere Mortals on Safari which
kind of helps too. Same author as the one of the book that Massimo
suggested (well, at least one of the authors).

As far as going RDBMS specific, right now most of my work is on SQL
Server, but I have to say sometimes the Books Online make me want to
tear what little hair I have off my head. They remind me of the
livedocs on CFML on Macromedia's site. So invaluable, yet so

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Re: SQL books

2004-09-09 Thread Massimo Foti
 I found a book on Database Design For Mere Mortals on Safari which
 kind of helps too. Same author as the one of the book that Massimo
 suggested (well, at least one of the authors).

That's a great book on database design.
The one I suggested is more focused on SQL as a language

 As far as going RDBMS specific, right now most of my work is on SQL
 Server, but I have to say sometimes the Books Online make me want to
 tear what little hair I have off my head. They remind me of the
 livedocs on CFML on Macromedia's site. So invaluable, yet so

Professional SQL Server 2000 Programming
by Robert Vieira
Paperback - 1440 pages (December 2000)
ISBN: 0764543792

The Guru's Guide to Transact-SQL
by Ken Henderson
Paperback - 576 pages (February 2000)
ISBN: 0201615762

The Guru's Guide to SQL Server Stored Procedures, XML, and HTML
by Ken Henderson, Ron Soukup
Paperback - 774 pages (December 2001)
Addison Wesley
ISBN: 0201700468

The first one covers SQL as a whole, the other two are mostly about T-SQL
and are available on Safari as well

Massimo Foti

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Re: I HATE Technical Book Authors!!!!!!!!!!!!

2004-09-09 Thread Dick Applebaum
Another option is XUL.

It only works with modernbrowseerv (FF, Mozilla)

It is mainly XML with some _javascript_

A little verbose (the XML)

But doesn't take the CPU resources that Flash does (even when idle)

It is very fast expanding tree menus etc.


On Sep 9, 2004, at 6:44 AM, S. Isaac Dealey wrote:

  I actually prefer the now dead Adobe Livemotion 2.0 to
 flash. I didn't even need to read the manuals to create
 linked rollovers... it had a superior interface and
 scripting elemets imo.

 Too bad Adobe didn't make enough off it. now I'm left with
 dead software.

I'd been told that the IDE (or maybe the player) for it was so heavy
handed that it was virtually impossible for a client machine to _use_
the software for lack of memory and/or processor power. Could just be
hearsay, but that's what I'd heard. If it's true, that would explain
why a superior interface and scripting elements wouldn't have helped
make it popular.

s. isaac dealey   954.927.5117

new epoch : isn't it time for a change?

add features without fixtures with
the onTap open source framework

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RE: RDS Server has stopped working...

2004-09-09 Thread Mark A Kruger
Make sure the service is running and make sure that you have access to the
/cfide/ directory from the host or root you are working from. In other
words, if you are using as the host, then must be
accessible to your browser. You can disallow anonymous access to that
directory (a good idea on anything important), but RDS works through HTTP
calls and uses code inside cfide to proxy file calls to the server.


-Original Message-
From: Andrew Dixon [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, September 09, 2004 8:32 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: RDS Server has stopped working...

It is on the local network and no the password has not changed. If the
password has changed it wouldn't work via Windows Explorer I would
guess. Any ideas?


- Original Message -
Date: Thu, 9 Sep 2004 09:12:47 -0400
Subject: Re: RDS Server has stopped working...

Is this development box on your local network? Did the RDS password


- Original Message -
From: Andrew Dixon [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Wed, 8 Sep 2004 22:44:13 +0100
Subject: Re: RDS Server has stopped working...

Any got any ideas? It is become a pain in the ass now?



On Mon, 6 Sep 2004 09:58:44 +0100, Andrew Dixon [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Hi Everyone.

 Bit of a strange on this morning. Our RDS server on our local
 development server appears to have stopped working, but it only appear
 to be via Homesite+ or CFStudio. If we try to access datasources via
 Homesite+ or CFStudio we get the following error message:

 An error occurred accessing RDS server: Error -1 occured. The
 operation timed out.

 However, I go to Windows Explorer and select Macromedia FTP  RDS
 and then double click the development server entry it works fine and
 displays a directory listing of the server. So I guess the RDS server
 is working ok.

 Any ideas what the problem is?


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Re: SQL books

2004-09-09 Thread Dick Applebaum
I like Mastering SQL by Martin Gruber -- not on Safari, tho :(


On Sep 9, 2004, at 6:58 AM, George Abraham wrote:

 Hi all,
While we are on the rant about technical book authors, anybody have
any suggestions for books on SQL? Preferably not beginner stuff, but
more intermediate. Most of my queries are so half-assed because I
cannot understand or do not know that some things can be better done.


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RE: (I guess) Local App

2004-09-09 Thread Patrick McGeehan
Dick, I think the technology is pretty nifty and I didn't mean to
suggest that it couldn't work.For many of the reasons Dave gave and my
personal experience with access I thought that doing something quick
and dirty even using access wizards would be an easier solution.

Dave, Thanks for defending my position so eloquently.I had gone home
for the evening.

Greg, good luck with your project.

Patrick McGeehan 

Applications Developer



-Original Message-
From: Jim Davis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, September 09, 2004 12:23 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: (I guess) Local App

Just to throw HTA back into the mix - you might want to check it out.

One of the features is that an HTA runs with application privileges, not
web-page privileges (even tho' the HTA is just a web page).This means
you can use _javascript_ to access any com object on the system.In your
that means you can create an HTML based form that would use the Excel
object to automatically create and fill out the Excel sheet (or create
XML file or whatever).

Jim Davis


From: Greg Morphis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, September 08, 2004 11:06 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: (I guess) Local App

I posted to a CF list to get ideas, the admin section will be entirely
CF and Oracle.
I posted to get ideas on how to gather their input while not connected
to the internet or intranet and then upload it to Oracle once they get
back and can upload their input.

This wasnt posted to start a forum war or anything heh.. I appreciate
all your inputs and it gives me a good idea of where to start. 
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Re: RegEx Problem Trying to Use Matched Text

2004-09-09 Thread Ben Doom
Sorry I didn't get back to this.I left early yesterday -- injury time.

Anyway, Jeff already gave a good rundown of the classes available to 
you, so I'll just give an example.

If you were searching for a simplified version of an email address like 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] you might look for

[[:alnum:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:alnum:]]+\.(com|net|org)

Does that help some?

BTW -- you can also mix this notation with the traditional bracketed 
class notation.So, if you want alnums and underscores, you could use
Just be careful with hyphens -- standard rules there apply.


Josen Ruiseco wrote:
 The regex used to find the email address and the replacement regex
 are from the book. The reReplaceNoCase and the output stuff is me.
 I do not follow you with the [[:alnum:]] example. Please expound.
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Re: RDS Server has stopped working...

2004-09-09 Thread Andrew Dixon
Yeah, that works fine. I get a directory lists. Security is not a
problem as it is only a local development server. What files does it
use in this directory anyway?


- Original Message -
From: Mark A Kruger [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Thu, 9 Sep 2004 09:30:33 -0500
Subject: RE: RDS Server has stopped working...

Make sure the service is running and make sure that you have access to the
 /cfide/ directory from the host or root you are working from. In other
 words, if you are using as the host, then must be
 accessible to your browser. You can disallow anonymous access to that
 directory (a good idea on anything important), but RDS works through HTTP
 calls and uses code inside cfide to proxy file calls to the server.


-Original Message-
From: Andrew Dixon [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, September 09, 2004 8:32 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: RDS Server has stopped working...

It is on the local network and no the password has not changed. If the
password has changed it wouldn't work via Windows Explorer I would
guess. Any ideas?


- Original Message -
Date: Thu, 9 Sep 2004 09:12:47 -0400
Subject: Re: RDS Server has stopped working...

Is this development box on your local network? Did the RDS password


- Original Message -
From: Andrew Dixon [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Wed, 8 Sep 2004 22:44:13 +0100
Subject: Re: RDS Server has stopped working...

Any got any ideas? It is become a pain in the ass now?



On Mon, 6 Sep 2004 09:58:44 +0100, Andrew Dixon [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Hi Everyone.

 Bit of a strange on this morning. Our RDS server on our local
 development server appears to have stopped working, but it only appear
 to be via Homesite+ or CFStudio. If we try to access datasources via
 Homesite+ or CFStudio we get the following error message:

 An error occurred accessing RDS server: Error -1 occured. The
 operation timed out.

 However, I go to Windows Explorer and select Macromedia FTP  RDS
 and then double click the development server entry it works fine and
 displays a directory listing of the server. So I guess the RDS server
 is working ok.

 Any ideas what the problem is?


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Re: (I guess) Local App

2004-09-09 Thread Greg Morphis
Thanks again for all the input people. 
If nothing else it lets me broaden my horizon with a few new skills.

On Thu, 9 Sep 2004 10:38:40 -0400, Patrick McGeehan
 Dick, I think the technology is pretty nifty and I didn't mean to
 suggest that it couldn't work.For many of the reasons Dave gave and my
 personal experience with access I thought that doing something quick
 and dirty even using access wizards would be an easier solution.
 Dave, Thanks for defending my position so eloquently.I had gone home
 for the evening.
 Greg, good luck with your project.
 Patrick McGeehan
 Applications Developer
 -Original Message-
 From: Jim Davis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, September 09, 2004 12:23 AM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: RE: (I guess) Local App
 Just to throw HTA back into the mix - you might want to check it out.
 One of the features is that an HTA runs with application privileges, not
 web-page privileges (even tho' the HTA is just a web page).This means
 you can use _javascript_ to access any com object on the system.In your
 that means you can create an HTML based form that would use the Excel
 object to automatically create and fill out the Excel sheet (or create
 XML file or whatever).
 Jim Davis
 From: Greg Morphis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, September 08, 2004 11:06 PM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Re: (I guess) Local App
 I posted to a CF list to get ideas, the admin section will be entirely
 CF and Oracle.
 I posted to get ideas on how to gather their input while not connected
 to the internet or intranet and then upload it to Oracle once they get
 back and can upload their input.
 This wasnt posted to start a forum war or anything heh.. I appreciate
 all your inputs and it gives me a good idea of where to start.

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RE: date difference (DateDiff) question?

2004-09-09 Thread Cornillon, Matthieu (Consultant)
 cfset timeCallPlacedOnHold = queryTmp.HoldDateTime
 cfset timeOnHoldReleased = queryTmp.ReleasedDateTime
 For some reason the dates retuned are in this format:
 Ex: 2004-09-08 12:28:56.0
 I can't understand why it adds the .0 after the time when the value
stored in the database is 2004-09-08 12:28:56

The only thing I can think of is to try using the ParseDateTime() function
with queryTmp.Hold/ReleasedDateTime to return a good date/time object.

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RE: RDS Server has stopped working...

2004-09-09 Thread Dave Watts
 Yeah, that works fine. I get a directory lists. Security is 
 not a problem as it is only a local development server. What 
 files does it use in this directory anyway?

It doesn't actually use any files. An RDS client simply sends HTTP requests
to /CFIDE/Main/ide.cfm, and in many cases it doesn't matter whether that
file even exists! If your web server is configured to check for a file's
existence before returning a response, though, you may encounter errors if
the file doesn't actually exist. With CFMX, that usually isn't an issue
because CFMX detects specific URL patterns and processes them before the web
server gets around to checking for the file.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
phone: 202-797-5496
fax: 202-797-5444
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RE: CFMX and Webdav

2004-09-09 Thread Dave Watts
 CFMX has no built in webdav support, but does someone tried 
 using webdav in other ways with CFMX?

I'm not sure what you mean. You can enable WebDAV on the web server on which
CFMX is installed, of course. Do you mean using CFMX as a WebDAV client? You
can do that too, although you'll need your own HTTP client - CFHTTP only
allows GET and POST. You might use the Jakarta IO tag library, which if I
recall correctly does support WebDAV HTTP methods.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
phone: 202-797-5496
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RE: Comparing two records within the query

2004-09-09 Thread Cornillon, Matthieu (Consultant)
 Another option is to do a self-join.

 This works, though I am not getting all rows returned and I haven't quite

 figured why yet.I hate to rely on the titles being exactly the same.I

 have data where one title contains the words DVD while the VHS version

 Unfortunately, you are running into a fundamental data identity issue here.
Here, identity is a particular movie, regardless of format.The goal of
your application is to return a list of identities (as defined above), with
available format information included.

If you had some unique identifier (similar to ISBN) for movies, something
that said 002943018 = What's Eating Gilbert Grape? regardless of whether
it was VHS, Beta, DVD, Laserdisc, or celluloid, you could do this comparison
flawlessly and easily.Unfortunately, I am guessing that you have no such
unique identifier, and further that no such identifier even exists.

(Interesting idea: use IMDBs data.They identify What's Eating Gilbert
Grape as tt0108550.If you used this, you could even dynamically generate
links to IMDB for more information.You would have to create a table of
titles and these unique IDs somehow, and this would be a bunch of work,
but--as I said--interesting idea.If you link to them, they might not even
mind, in which case you could ask them to send you a list of titles and IDs.
Again, just a brainstorm.)

Back to the issue at hand: if you had such an identifier, you would be all
set.But you don't.So, you are using title, which is pretty good.But
you have problems.The Manchurian Candidate is not good as an identity:
it could mean either the 1962 or the 2004 version.Also, you have this
format data appended.

I recommend that you add a column to the table that is cleaned title.You
then cycle through the database and remove that VHS and DVD note.While you
do it, you could create a mediaformat column as suggested before.You could
leave the original title as is, if you want, or go to the cleaned title.I
see no way around doing at least this.

Of course, once you have done that, the question is why you don't have a
relational database with one table that holds videos where each row is a
unique identity, and another table that holds stock, indicating, among other
things, what media format the stock item is.

If you don't split the table like this, I would still recommend that you
create some sort of internal unique ID that you use to identify a movie
entity.Others might know more on this issue, but my guess is that
comparing titles (even after the cleaning described above) will be slower
than comparing numeric values, thereby leading to faster joins.

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RE: cfm flex

2004-09-09 Thread Dave Watts
 anyone have cfmx  flex installed on a dev machine?
 will it install on the stand alone server or do u need to 
 have it on a jrun server?

I seem to recalling a blog post about installing Flex on an existing JRun
instance already running CFMX, including the one provided by standalone
CFMX Enterprise install. It should certainly be possible - Flex is just an
EAR. However, I suspect that configuration isn't supported. I'm certain
you'd have to edit some of the existing JRun configuration files to make it
happen, too.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
phone: 202-797-5496
fax: 202-797-5444
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RE: (I guess) Local App

2004-09-09 Thread Dave Watts
 Honest question -- no hidden agenda:
 Can you use Flash Remoting without being connected to the 

No, but you can use it when you are, and use local shared objects when you
aren't. This would be roughly analogous to the Pocket PC example I
mentioned, using SQL Server CE for local storage and using web services to
update the remote database when the network is available.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
phone: 202-797-5496
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RE: (I guess) Local App

2004-09-09 Thread Dave Watts
 But, Dave, the original poster was looking for a programming 
 solution, quote:
 Im guessing my only option would be to build something in 
 Java, VB, ASP or something
 CFML can be the something!

Well, sure! X86 assembly could be the something, too, but I wouldn't
recommend it!

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
phone: 202-797-5496
fax: 202-797-5444
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RE: RDS Server has stopped working...

2004-09-09 Thread Mark W. Breneman
While we are on this topic, about 9 months ago I ran across a RDS error that
would pop up a please insert disk in to the A: drive error. The rds
connection would not fully connect until the insert disk message was
dismissed. (I also am guess that this request held open a CF worker thread.
If I triedto connect to the RDS server 5 times (max threads set to 5 in
CFadmin), with out dismissing the insert disk message, the CF server seems
to go down.) I reported it to MM and they sorta confirmed it was a bug, but
they could not reproduce it.

Does anyone know if this is fixed in the latest CF update or if there is a
tweak that can be made to CF to fix this.

Mark W. Breneman
-Cold Fusion Developer
-Network Administrator
Vivid Media


From: Dave Watts [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, September 09, 2004 10:48 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: RDS Server has stopped working...

 Yeah, that works fine. I get a directory lists. Security is 
 not a problem as it is only a local development server. What 
 files does it use in this directory anyway?

It doesn't actually use any files. An RDS client simply sends HTTP requests
to /CFIDE/Main/ide.cfm, and in many cases it doesn't matter whether that
file even exists! If your web server is configured to check for a file's
existence before returning a response, though, you may encounter errors if
the file doesn't actually exist. With CFMX, that usually isn't an issue
because CFMX detects specific URL patterns and processes them before the web
server gets around to checking for the file.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
phone: 202-797-5496
fax: 202-797-5444 
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Re: RE: cfm flex

2004-09-09 Thread simon
you certainly can do this - you need to drop a few Flex files into the CFUSION 
application and modify the deployment descriptors.I gave a presentation on 
this at the London CFUG a little while ago... you can take a look at my slides 


  anyone have cfmx  flex installed on a dev machine?
  will it install on the stand alone server or do u need to 
  have it on a jrun server?
 I seem to recalling a blog post about installing Flex on an existing JRun
 instance already running CFMX, including the one provided by standalone
 CFMX Enterprise install. It should certainly be possible - Flex is just an
 EAR. However, I suspect that configuration isn't supported. I'm certain
 you'd have to edit some of the existing JRun configuration files to make it
 happen, too.
 Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
 phone: 202-797-5496
 fax: 202-797-5444

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2004-09-09 Thread Bryan Stevenson
Hey All,

Some Mac IE 5.1 users are having issues seeing images that are called from a
non-web accessibnle directory using CFCONTENT.

Code like so:

image tag:

contents of show_image.cfm:
cfcontent type=image file=#FullNonWebAccessibleFilePath#

Has anybody else seen this behaviour? any workarounds?



Bryan Stevenson B.Comm.
VP  Director of E-Commerce Development
Electric Edge Systems Group Inc.
phone: 250.480.0642
fax: 250.480.1264
cell: 250.920.8830
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Re: cfoutput -- group and maxrows problem

2004-09-09 Thread C . S . A . Wilkens
Thanks for all the tips! I had thought about using my own counter, but thought it wouldn't work with pagination tools like cf_recordcount. Of course, they can be work together! It's up and running like a charm now.

For what it's worth, here's how I integrated my homemade counter with the cf_recordcount custom tag. Grouped output, next-previous links, AND the right number of rows. Woo hoo!


cfquery name=research datasource=n
SELECT p.publication_id, p.publication_title, p.publication_url, a.author_name, a.author_id

FROMpublications p, publication_author pa, authors a
WHEREp.publication_id = pa.pub_id
AND pa.auth_id = a.author_id

order by publication_date desc, publication_title;

cfset request.RCQuery = research

!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN

!--- display next/previous links ---


!--- begin results table ---
table width=100%

!--- reset counter for this page ---
cfset numrecord = 0

!--- one block per result ---
cfoutput query=research group=publication_title startrow=#realstartrow#

!--- compare the counter to the maxrows in cf_recordcount ---
cfset numrecord = numrecord + 1
cfif numrecord lte mymaxrows

tr valign=top
 td colspan=2
a href="" 

tr valign=top
 td width=20%strongAuthor(s):/strong/td
 td width=80%
cfoutput group=author_name

!--- end this result and loop to the next ---

!--- end the entire results table ---
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Re: I HATE Technical Book Authors!!!!!!!!!!!!

2004-09-09 Thread S . Isaac Dealey
mmm... kay...

XUL was created by the folks at Mozilla specifically for the purpose
of defining the user-interface for their newer browsers, hence the
need for Moz. or FF. It's not so much modern browsers as it is
Mozilla browsers - although I wouldn't be surprised to see it expand
to be supported by other browsers, it's not (currently) a heralded
standard like XHTML or DOM. Although I have recommended / do recommend
DOM as a viable alternative to flash for some interface elements such
as trees and tabs, I wouldn't currently recommend XUL.

parody of=an Ivan Reitman film
voice type=demonic
 ... there is no data, only XUL...

 Another option is XUL.

 It only works with modernbrowseerv (FF, Mozilla)

 It is mainly XML with some _javascript_

 A little verbose (the XML)

 But doesn't take the CPU resources that Flash does (even
 when idle)

 It is very fast expanding tree menus etc.


 On Sep 9, 2004, at 6:44 AM, S. Isaac Dealey wrote:

  I actually prefer the now dead Adobe Livemotion 2.0 to
 flash. I didn't even need to read the manuals to
 linked rollovers... it had a superior interface and
 scripting elemets imo.

 Too bad Adobe didn't make enough off it. now I'm left
 dead software.

I'd been told that the IDE (or maybe the player) for it
was so heavy
handed that it was virtually impossible for a client
machine to _use_
the software for lack of memory and/or processor power.
Could just be
hearsay, but that's what I'd heard. If it's true, that
would explain
why a superior interface and scripting elements wouldn't
have helped
make it popular.

s. isaac dealey954.927.5117

new epoch : isn't it time for a change?

add features without fixtures with
the onTap open source framework
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RE: RDS Server has stopped working...

2004-09-09 Thread Dave Watts
 While we are on this topic, about 9 months ago I ran across a 
 RDS error that would pop up a please insert disk in to the 
 A: drive error. The rds connection would not fully connect 
 until the insert disk message was dismissed. (I also am guess 
 that this request held open a CF worker thread.
 If I triedto connect to the RDS server 5 times (max threads 
 set to 5 in CFadmin), with out dismissing the insert disk 
 message, the CF server seems to go down.) I reported it to MM 
 and they sorta confirmed it was a bug, but they could not 
 reproduce it.

 Does anyone know if this is fixed in the latest CF update or 
 if there is a tweak that can be made to CF to fix this.

I haven't had that problem with CFMX, but to solve it in prior versions, I'd
just leave a formatted floppy in the A drive!

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
phone: 202-797-5496
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2004-09-09 Thread Bryan Stevenson
and as usual...I solve my own dang problem after posting ;-)

I should have used image/jpeg instead of image in the type attribute of CFCONTENTDOH!


Bryan Stevenson B.Comm.
VP  Director of E-Commerce Development
Electric Edge Systems Group Inc.
phone: 250.480.0642
fax: 250.480.1264
cell: 250.920.8830

- Original Message - 
From: Bryan Stevenson 
To: CF-Talk 
Sent: Thursday, September 09, 2004 9:04 AM
Subject: CFCONTENT  Mac IE 5.1

Hey All,

Some Mac IE 5.1 users are having issues seeing images that are called from a
non-web accessibnle directory using CFCONTENT.

Code like so:

image tag:

contents of show_image.cfm:
cfcontent type=image file=#FullNonWebAccessibleFilePath#

Has anybody else seen this behaviour? any workarounds?



Bryan Stevenson B.Comm.
VP  Director of E-Commerce Development
Electric Edge Systems Group Inc.
phone: 250.480.0642
fax: 250.480.1264
cell: 250.920.8830
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RE: RDS Server has stopped working...

2004-09-09 Thread Mark W. Breneman
Thanks Dave,

If it was my server I would, but I just can't bring my self to tell the
client to leave a floppy disk in the server. 

Mark W. Breneman
-Cold Fusion Developer
-Network Administrator
Vivid Media


From: Dave Watts [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, September 09, 2004 11:18 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: RDS Server has stopped working...

 While we are on this topic, about 9 months ago I ran across a 
 RDS error that would pop up a please insert disk in to the 
 A: drive error. The rds connection would not fully connect 
 until the insert disk message was dismissed. (I also am guess 
 that this request held open a CF worker thread.
 If I triedto connect to the RDS server 5 times (max threads 
 set to 5 in CFadmin), with out dismissing the insert disk 
 message, the CF server seems to go down.) I reported it to MM 
 and they sorta confirmed it was a bug, but they could not 
 reproduce it.

 Does anyone know if this is fixed in the latest CF update or 
 if there is a tweak that can be made to CF to fix this.

I haven't had that problem with CFMX, but to solve it in prior versions, I'd
just leave a formatted floppy in the A drive!

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
phone: 202-797-5496
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BlackStone Beta 1

2004-09-09 Thread Asim Manzur
did someone knows that BlackStone Beta 1 was out last night??

Its preety cool, I am playing with that now, and it feels like I am working on FLEX with coldfusion.

it has preety cool cfform features, pdf, report generation, flash paper and alot more.

really its amazing product.

Just my thoughts.

- Asim
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RE: Folder Permission

2004-09-09 Thread Patrick McGeehan

I think the easiest way to do would be to do cfdirectory (action = "">
that is enclosed in a cfimpersonate tag.If the record count is 0 then
the user doesn't have permissions.if it is 2 or more (entries for '.'
and '..') then they have at least read permissions.Remember, if you
haven't used cfimperosnate before, that the user will have to have
rights to log on as a batch job and act as OS. 


Patrick McGeehan 

Applications Developer



-Original Message-
From: Tangorre, Michael [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, September 09, 2004 10:23 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Folder Permission

Is there anyway using ColdFusion to check if a person has access to a
specific folder on the webserver.
Our security model is strucutred around ActiveDirectory so the users
network ID, email, alias, etc is all available, and I am wondering if
there is a way to say...

if user has permissions to folder x, allow, else, throw error.


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Re: BlackStone Beta 1

2004-09-09 Thread Barney Boisvert
Did you bother to read the NDA?

On Thu, 09 Sep 2004 12:47:49 -0400, Asim Manzur
 did someone knows that BlackStone Beta 1 was out last night??
 Its preety cool, I am playing with that now, and it feels like I am working on FLEX with coldfusion.
 it has preety cool cfform features, pdf, report generation, flash paper and alot more.
 really its amazing product.
 Just my thoughts.
 - Asim

Barney Boisvert
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RE: RDS Server has stopped working...

2004-09-09 Thread Dave Watts
 If it was my server I would, but I just can't bring my self 
 to tell the client to leave a floppy disk in the server.

No, I agree, it's a terrible solution. What you might consider doing,
instead, is running CF as a user who doesn't have rights to removable media.
If you're using CF 5 or previous versions, RDS runs as a separate service;
if you're using CFMX, it runs within the context of the CF service.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
phone: 202-797-5496
fax: 202-797-5444
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Re: BlackStone Beta 1

2004-09-09 Thread Asim Manzur

Could admin please delete this post. please please please.

Did you bother to read the NDA?

On Thu, 09 Sep 2004 12:47:49 -0400, Asim Manzur

Barney Boisvert
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RE: BlackStone Beta 1

2004-09-09 Thread Samuel Neff
maybe your thoughts should be around N.. D.. A...




-Original Message-
From: Asim Manzur [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, September 09, 2004 12:48 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: BlackStone Beta 1

did someone knows that BlackStone Beta 1 was out last night??

Its preety cool, I am playing with that now, and it feels like I am working
on FLEX with coldfusion.

it has preety cool cfform features, pdf, report generation, flash paper and
alot more.

really its amazing product.

Just my thoughts.

- Asim
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RE: BlackStone Beta 1

2004-09-09 Thread Tangorre, Michael
Nope, jail time. :-)

Michael T. Tangorre

 -Original Message-
 From: Asim Manzur [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Thursday, September 09, 2004 1:00 PM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Re: BlackStone Beta 1
 Could admin please delete this post. please please please.
 Did you bother to read the NDA?
 On Thu, 09 Sep 2004 12:47:49 -0400, Asim Manzur 
 Barney Boisvert

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Re: BlackStone Beta 1

2004-09-09 Thread Adrocknaphobia
I'll delete the post is you post a link to the install executable.

. im joking. please dont do that.


- Original Message -
From: Asim Manzur [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Thu, 09 Sep 2004 12:59:49 -0400
Subject: Re: BlackStone Beta 1


Could admin please delete this post. please please please.

Did you bother to read the NDA?

On Thu, 09 Sep 2004 12:47:49 -0400, Asim Manzur

Barney Boisvert
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Re: BlackStone Beta 1

2004-09-09 Thread Michael Dinowitz
Just remember the NDA and don't make people jealous of your access. :)

As for those not on the beta, I'm going to find out what the url is for people to request access to it. MM has stated that this beta cycle will have more people on it as they want to have heavy testing going on. 

 did someone knows that BlackStone Beta 1 was out last night??
 Its preety cool, I am playing with that now, and it feels like I am 
 working on FLEX with coldfusion.
 it has preety cool cfform features, pdf, report generation, flash 
 paper and alot more.
 really its amazing product.
 Just my thoughts.
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Re: BlackStone Beta 1

2004-09-09 Thread Asim Manzur

I'll delete the post is you post a link to the install executable.

. im joking. please dont do that.


- Original Message -
From: Asim Manzur [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Thu, 09 Sep 2004 12:59:49 -0400
Subject: Re: BlackStone Beta 1


Could admin please delete this post. please please please.
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Re: BlackStone Beta 1

2004-09-09 Thread Michael Dinowitz
In truth, the answer is kind of no. I can delete this post, but it's already been replicated to at least 6 other archives of the list and is in everyone's mail box. I would not worry much as it was a mistake and you were just showing your enthusiasm. 


Could admin please delete this post. please please please.
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RE: Folder Permission

2004-09-09 Thread Dave Watts
 I think the easiest way to do would be to do cfdirectory 
 (action = "" that is enclosed in a cfimpersonate tag.If 
 the record count is 0 then the user doesn't have permissions. 
if it is 2 or more (entries for '.'
 and '..') then they have at least read permissions.
 Remember, if you haven't used cfimperosnate before, that the 
 user will have to have rights to log on as a batch job and act 
 as OS.

I'm pretty sure that the CFIMPERSONATE tag is not available in CFMX. I do
miss it a bit.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
phone: 202-797-5496
fax: 202-797-5444
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Re: BlackStone Beta 1

2004-09-09 Thread Lawrence Ng
this one I think...?
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Re: BlackStone Beta 1

2004-09-09 Thread Adrocknaphobia

turn that frown upside down. think all the nerd envy you are getting right now.


- Original Message -
From: Asim Manzur [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Thu, 09 Sep 2004 13:07:40 -0400
Subject: Re: BlackStone Beta 1


I'll delete the post is you post a link to the install executable.

. im joking. please dont do that.


- Original Message -
From: Asim Manzur [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Thu, 09 Sep 2004 12:59:49 -0400
Subject: Re: BlackStone Beta 1


Could admin please delete this post. please please
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Re: BlackStone Beta 1

2004-09-09 Thread Adam Haskell
Not that it matters at this point but in a beta program I was in it
was clear we were not supposed to reveal we were even in
Macromedia the same? Or can you atleast say hey I am in beta. Even
though that does just open you up to emails asking about it

Adam H 

On Thu, 09 Sep 2004 10:07:12 -0700, Lawrence Ng [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 this one I think...?

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SQL calculating question

2004-09-09 Thread Eric Creese
 select10/20 * 12= 0
 select12 * 10/20= 6
 Both calculations are correct in theory. Unfortunately SQL does not deal well with decimals. 
 If you divide a lesser number with greater number it gives a values less than 0 which SQL rounds to its nearest whole number and so you get ZERO, which is multiplied with 12 to get the same. Is there a function that can be wrapped around the 10/12 to display the decimal and not zero? 

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