Re: cfssetting showdebugoutput

2010-10-10 Thread Reed Powell

You want cfsetting showdebugoutput=No not false. It will stop any debug 
output, just as if you removed your IP address from the list in cf admin.  It 
will not have any effect on error output, etc.

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Re: CFML broadcasting app

2010-08-08 Thread Reed Powell

Here is what I've learned over the past week on this topic (talk about a timely 
posting).  I have a simple app that I use to send email blasts to my neighbors 
about neighborhood events, etc.  There is a database with the emails (about 150 
records), and I just loop over it and do a CFMAIL to send each address the 
message.  This has been working for years, and got around all the problems 
usually associated with sending a message directly from a desktop client to a 
long list of addressees (looks like spam to both the sending SMTP server and to 
the receiving server, etc.).  

Until last week.  I sent out a blast, and about an hour later my outgoing SMTP 
connection for Outlook (which is the same SMTP server that I have CF configured 
for), stopped working - it was getting a login failure when it tried to send 
out my desktop messages.  I called the ISP tech support, they couldn't find any 
problem, reset my password, and everything started working again.

Until yesterday.  I sent out another blast, and the same thing happened.  The 
proverbial light when on above my head. I called tech support, but this time 
their resetting of the password didn't work, and I also noticed that the error 
message from Outlook was not the login failure, but a domain has been 
blacklisted message.  The tech support guy looked into it, and sure enough, 
those split-second blasts of 150 emails from the CF app triggered the ISP's 
spam-bot detection.  Nothing to do but to wait for it to time-out and decide 
I'm a good guy after all (unless I run that CF app again!), or until Monday 
morning when the security guys get to work and manually fix it.  Good news is 
that after about 12 hours it seems to have de-blacklisted me.

So the moral of the story is that you definitely need to be careful about 
throttling this kind of activity.  Like I said, this worked for me for years 
(with the same ISP), and I didn't recently add any new addresses to the 
database.  The ISP isn't going to be very forthcoming with details on something 
like this, but they obviously lowered the threshold on their end of how much 
outbound SMTP traffic can take place in a short timespan.  

I need to modify my emailer app to not send them all at once. That needs to be 
coordinated with the CF Admin MAIL settings.  The delay interval between 
executing a batch of CFMAIL tags has to be a multiple of the mail polling 
interval set in CF Admin.  I'm running on my own box, so I know what that 
interval is, but if you're using a shared hosting service then you're going to 
have to experiment to deduce what they have their polling interval set to - the 
default is 15 seconds (or you could call them and ask). The CF shared hosting 
configs that I've worked with always had it set to something higher, like 5 or 
10 minutes.

I ran into this with just 150 addresses, so you should be able to see what 
level of complexity you're going to run into with the massive quantity you're 
talking about. Good luck!

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Re: Google Adwords API Question..

2010-07-08 Thread Reed Powell

The process you described is that of the V13 release of the AdWords API.  They 
have recently released the V2010 Beta of the reporting service, and life is 
much simpler, although they have not yet moved all of the V13 reporting 
functionality to V2010 (and some of the old functionality is probably going to 
be left to die on the vine).

In V2010, there are only 2 required steps (3 if you do the validate, but that 
was an optional step in V13 as well):
1. Define the report job - this is a SOAP call where you specify the account, 
type of report, date range, and data items desired.  This just defines the 
report, it doesn't run the report
2. Request the report, using the job# returned from step 1.  This is a REST 
call and has to be for the same client account for which the report was 
defined.  It will return the actual file data of the report.  The format (CSV, 
XML, ...) and compression (ZIP) would have been specified in the report 
definition in Step 1.

The wait time that we used to have to deal with in V13 is now implicit in how 
long the REST call in Step 2 takes to complete, since that is when it generates 
the report and returns the report data.  From the looks of things, and 
discussions on the adWords API forum/blog, you really only have to define the 
report once for each client, so long as you aren't using hard-coded date 
ranges, and then pull that same report's JOB # each day.  I haven't tried that 
approach yet.

FYI, they have not yet set a price for doing the report pull in step 2.  
Hopefully it will be at least as cheap as it was in V13.

There is an associated API call added in V2010 to return the names of the 
fields that you can specify in the report definitions for each type of report.  
Those names are no longer in the docs, so you need to do the API call to get 
the data values to use on subsequent API calls.  

Good luck, yell if you need more help, there are a couple of CF adWords API 
people on this list.

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Re: Google Adwords API Question..

2010-07-08 Thread Reed Powell

It for a SaS, so it would have to run reports continuously for x
number of clients on the system.  You think that would still be
something that would work if I had multiple tasks setup for each
client on the system?

You ever run into reliability issues with the Reports coming back
empty or generating an error etc?  I kept reading on old threads that
it wasn't very reliable, but that was from a thread in 2006 or

This is a constant problem with the adWords API - if you are trying to get the 
prior day's data, then you have to decide when you want to try and pull the 
data, and then hope for the best.  There are no API calls in adWords (like 
there are in Yahoo's API) to find out when the data is ready to pull.  What we 
do for the daily performance numbers is to setup a scheduled report on the 
AdWords GUI, and have it emailed to us. We have a CF task that monitor's the 
inbox used for the purpose, and unloads the incoming files for processing.  
That way Google is in control of determining when to send the data.

You also need to take into account the fact that the performance data for a 
specific date can change anytime during the 30 days that follow, as changes are 
made for click-fraud corrections.  99% of the time those changes are only made 
within a day or two after the date.




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Re: Adobe ColdFusion Anthology released

2010-05-17 Thread Reed Powell

Mike:  2 copies just arrived to give out at my next UG meeting - from leafing 
through it looks great!  I got an email a few minutes ago from the publisher 
telling me that 2 reprinted copies are on their way because of some printing 
error in the first ones.  Any concrete info available on just what was changed? 
 Is it so bad I shouldn't give away those copies?

Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now!

Old CF doc needs to learn new Java tricks

2010-03-12 Thread Reed Powell

I've put this for too long, and now there is real need for me to interface my 
CF code to vendor-provided class libraries written in Java. Have been coding CF 
apps for a long time; it's the Java side that I'm petty weak on.  Documentation 
on the Java libraries (mostly Google AdWords at this point) isn't too bad, and 
there are Java examples of using them in a 100% Java application.  

I've found blog posting here and there that have tidbits of info on doing this 
sort of thing, but I'm sure that there's a lot more out there that would be 
helpful to me.  The problem is that with search terms like ColdFusion and 
Java, given that CF is build on Java and that Java is popular in it's own 
right, the results of Googling have been pretty useless.

Any points to resources to get this project kick-started?

thanks everyone,

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Re: Old CF doc needs to learn new Java tricks

2010-03-12 Thread Reed Powell

Thanks for the note John - I didn't meant to imply that I was new to the 
AdWords API.  I have been programming against it from CF for a long time, 
mostly using CFXML and CFHTTP (since CFINVOKE etc weren't around when we 
started writing this stuff).  But with the total rewrite/rearchitecture for 
V2009 of the AdCenter API I'm weighing rewriting all of my stuff from scratch, 
or just interfacing to their Java client library and letting it do the heavy 
lifting in talking to their webservice. Especially since they haven't done a 
lot in the way of documenting what the actual SOAP requests look like.  Have 
you upgraded your code to V2009?  There's only 5 weeks left until V13 sunsets, 
so I gotta get rocking and rolling on this. 

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Apache AXIS version in CF9 and CF8?

2010-02-26 Thread Reed Powell

Anyone know for sure what versions of Axis are in CF8 and CF9?  Or how to get 
Cf to expose that info?  Am having parsing problems with a third party XML 
file, and they're curious as to what version is having the problems.  They're 
putting a line like this after the first line of the file (ie, after the ?XML 

?bulk application=mr_xml?

which is supposed to indicate that the code is machine readable (not sure 
exactly what that really means, but that's what the third part says.

If I remove that line from the file, then it parses ok via CF's xmlParse() 


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Re: Apache AXIS version in CF9 and CF8?

2010-02-26 Thread Reed Powell

Right Dave, I got my wires crossed there.  I remember reading something a few 
years ago about being to replace the xml parser that comes with CF with one of 
a couple of others - do you know which parse is the one the comes with CF9 (or 
Cf8, I doubt that it has changed)?


  Anyone know for sure what versions of Axis are in CF8 and CF9?  Or 
 how to get Cf to expose that info?  Am having parsing
  problems with a third party XML file, and they're curious as to what 
 version is having the problems.  They're putting a line like this
  after the first line of the file (ie, after the ?XML line):
 According to /META-INF/MANIFEST.MF within the axis.jar file on CF 9:
 Manifest-Version: 1.0
 Ant-Version: Apache Ant 1.5.3
 Created-By: 1.4.2_05-b04 (Sun Microsystems Inc.)
 Name: org/apache/axis
 Implementation-Title: Apache Axis
 Implementation-Version: 1.2.1 2243 June 14 2005
 Implementation-Vendor: Apache Web Services
  ?bulk application=mr_xml?
  which is supposed to indicate that the code is machine readable (not 
 sure exactly what that really means, but that's what the
  third part says.
  If I remove that line from the file, then it parses ok via CF's 
 xmlParse() function
 I don't think CF uses Axis to parse XML generally, it's a web service
 library. The line in question is a directive that specific
 applications could use to do something particular with that XML file,
 but other applications should ignore the directive. I don't know why
 CF isn't ignoring it, but I hope that helps a bit.
 Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
 Fig Leaf Software is a Veteran-Owned Small Business (VOSB) on
 GSA Schedule, and provides the highest caliber vendor-authorized
 instruction at our training centers, online, or 

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Re: Apache AXIS version in CF9 and CF8?

2010-02-26 Thread Reed Powell

Thanks for all the info Pete.  I'm running CF9, so that's Java 1.6, and it uses 
Xerces 2.9.1, which seems to be the latest. Interesting that you were able to 
parse the xml using java 1.5 - maybe I'll give this a try on a CF8 box.  I'll 
probably end up doing the stripping of that line, but it's a pain to do that 
because some of the files are big (400MB+) and don't have any line breaks in 
them, so first I need to make a pass over the file just to get line breaks 
before each XML tag, so that I can then use CFLOOP to go through it a second 
time on a line by line basis.  If I try to read that whole file in at once CF 
(JVM actually) will roll over.

thanks again for all the info, still digesting it,

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WOT: graphical representations of passcodes

2006-03-20 Thread Reed Powell
Sorry for this WOT question - I was getting ready to Google for sources of
code (hopefully CF or CF-friendy) to produce the graphics that are used to
ensure that a human is at the other end of an http connection (you know, the
one's that require you to enter the number or character sequence being
displayed next to the text input box) - and realized that I have no idea as
to what the h*** they are called!  Some kind of a glyph I thought, but my
feeble attempts at the googling were too generic and produced way too many
search hits.  But I'M SURE that a few weeks (months?) ago I saw someone on
this list make mention of some CF code for doing just this.

Anyway, TIA for the answer!

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CF performance tuning: CFTRY/CFCATCH vs CFERROR? What about excessive CFOUTPUTs?

2005-12-29 Thread Reed Powell
Hello all - I've googled the heck out of this topic, and there are more
opinions than I can count!  Is there any definitive info on whether it is
more efficient to put a CFTRY around an entire page's contents, with a
CFCATCH at the end to trap errors, or to simply have a CFERROR page
specified in application.cfm (and only use CFTRY/CFCATCH in specific pieces
of code that might need special error handling procedures)?  In other words,
what is the performance cost for code that is executing within a CFTRY

I'm interested in this because the CF server that I've just recently started
working with seems to be having periodic performance problems (still trying
to determine what periodic actually means), and noticed that a lot of the
application's pages have a single CFTRY around them.

I've also noticed excessive use of CFOUTPUT tags.  Is it worth consolidating
these to help performance?  I've seen as many as 5 in a block of code that's
only 30 lines long, where only 1 was needed.

What about excessive # marks?  It makes me crazy to see code like
cfif #somevariable# eq yes ...
But does that also make CF crazy?  I'd think that this goofiness would not
actually filter down to the Jrun code that actually executes, right?

Any good MX7 performance/tuning papers running around?  I checked on the
macromedia website, and with google, but only found info on older versions.

TIA for any hints!

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RE: Print to index cards

2005-01-08 Thread Reed Powell
Check out the CF_AveryRTF tag, it will generate RTF docs formatted for
specific Avery layouts, which would include their index card stock.  You can
also do your own custom layouts.

-Original Message-
From: Jim Gurfein [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Saturday, January 08, 2005 7:27 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Print to Index Cards

Hi folks... need a little help

I'm trying to take database output of varying length and print out on
3x5 index cards on a web page. The issue is knowing when the output
needs to flow to the next index card so that titles can be repeated...

Any thoughts ???

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CFMAIL and Crystal Tech webhosting?

2004-11-30 Thread Reed Powell
Hi everyone - this one has me stumped.  I'm hosting a CF site on Crystal
Tech, and added a simple page that allowed a visitor to send a hey look at
this page email to a friend.  I already had a contact us page that sent
me an email via CFMAIL which worked fine.  The new page only works when the
destination email is in the same domain as the website.  I've tried all
combinations that I can think of in terms of SMTP server name, username,
password in the CFMAIL tag, with no luck.  I checked their knowledgebase and
modeled my CFMAIL tag info after the PHP example, still no luck.  I've
forced the FROM address to be a legal address on my domain, still no luck.
I've posted a ticket with Crystal Tech but am still waiting for a response,
and was really hoping to get this simple little page up quickly!

Any Idea?  Thanks, -reed

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Verity indexes - excluding files/directories?

2004-10-17 Thread Reed Powell
I thought that I once read that when you setup the index for a collection
(via CF tags, not the administrator, since this is a hosted account and I
don't have access to CFADMIN) you could tell it to exclude specific
directories from being searched.Now that I'm trying to do it, I cannot
find anything like that - is it possible?I have some files on the site
that are not ready for public consumption and so I don't them showing up in
search hits. What I'd like to do is to just put them in a testing
directory so that people that are reviewing them can access them.As for
specific pages that are no longer part of the site and that I no longer want
searched, I could just change their extension by adding an X at the end
(CFMX etc) and that would keep them out of harm's way until I decided for
sure that they were not going to come back to life, but it's the exclusion
of entire folders (where I have to use the correct extensions so that they
can be processed correctly and reviewed by people) that has me baffled.

Thanks for the help,

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Handling common access to pages and images for both http/https pages?

2004-10-04 Thread Reed Powell
Before I go off in the wrong direction on this, I figured I'd see what
others are doing...I'm building a couple of simple secure (https) pages on
my site using the shared certificate provided by the hosting service
(Crystal Tech).The URL that they provide point back to the same root that
the rest of the website uses.I haven't had to do much in the past with
https pages, and what I have done was the result of a lot of fumbling

My pages all use a couple of common INCLUDE files for the top and left nav
areas, and onrequestend.cfm for the bottom nav area, which include
references to images and (obviously) other pages on the site.

When I render the pages that are being called via https, I need for all
external references on that page to be https, right?Otherwise the user
will get warnings from the browser about mixed pages.What I'm thinking of
doing is having the application.cfm look at the current url to see if it
begins with http or https and then save that in a variable, and change
all of the references in the INLCUDE files to use that reference.

The kicker is that I don't want to have to use full or img
src="" references to the rest of the site,
because that makes it a royal pain when I want to copy the files to/from a
testing area, because they would have those hard coded references to the
production site in them.

What about references to external pages that reside on other sites?Can I
do that from a page that was called via https?I don't think I can use a
link like on my https page!Does that mean that
all references from my page have to remain within my site?

All advice and hints appreciated!
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RE: Losing Form Scope

2004-09-25 Thread Reed Powell
From your code segment it looks like you didn't define an enctype, so its
probably defaulting to using URL variables instead of FORM fields. Try
dumping the URL scope 
	cfdump var=#url#
And see if your fields show up.

To fix, try putting
into the FORM tag and see what happens. 


From: Stan Winchester [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, September 24, 2004 9:35 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Losing Form Scope

I have a form that is submitting to an action page, but for some reason when
the action page loads the form scope is gone, so when I look at the
debugging information under Scope Variables the entire Form Fields:
section is not even listed. This happens on the live CF5 server and my local
CFMX development server.

form action="" method=post

input type=hidden name=CorpOK value=true

input type=hidden .

input type=submit

 value=YES - Extend the Ad Account



Has anyone seen anything like this before?

Thank you,

Stan Winchester 
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session var problems with Mac uses?

2004-07-22 Thread Reed Powell
Here's the scoop:I just put a logon page on one of the sites that I
manage, so that they can have a members only area.Simple logon based on
member id- no password or anything that complex (they cannot figure out
how to tell people their passwords at the moment, and it's just a gateway to
keep the general public out). Session var tracks whether the user is logged
in and what the member ID is.

Works fine from a PC

Craps out on a Mac.I've had a couple of Mac users try it, all see the same
problem, which is that after entering their member ID, they get the logon
screen again, which means that the session var with the member id isn't
there.I gave them each a page to use that would dump out all the
url/session/cookie/application/cgi vars, and told them to hit it twice in a
row (so that I could see if the cf tokens stayed the same, so I could see if
cookies were being set).What I see is that cookies are in fact being set,
because for any of the users, all of their info has the same CF token info.
It doesn't look like the session vars are keeping their values.The form
processing page stored the member id and name in 2 session vars, and the
CFLOCATIONs back to the members-only home page.That page always checks
to see if the user is logged in by checking for a non-zero member ID, and if
the user is not logged in then puts up the logon screen.For some reason
when Mac users do this, the session var values being set on the form
processing page are not there when the home page CF script is processed.

Stumped.Any ideas?


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Control over HTTP_REFERER?

2004-06-27 Thread Reed Powell
I've waited to the last minute on something that I thought was going to be

I'm working with a local genealogy society to allow their members to access
a research facility that the society subscribes to.The rules of the game
are that the society has to authenticate the users and limit the access to
just their members - they cannot open it up to the world.The research
facility uses the http_referer variable to determine if the request is
coming from the society's website.

Well, as far as I can tell, any means I use of sending the logged-in and
properly authenticated user to the research facility's site (HREF,
CFLOCATION, response.redirect) is going to have an http_referer value of the
user, not the website.Since the users can come from anywhere (home, work,
library, Aunt Matilda's, etc etc), there's no way I can see to send a list
of all possible user IPs to the research facility.

Any ideas on how to get out of this pickle?I don't think that CFHTTP is an
answer, since there is going to be a lot of cookie, _javascript_ and image
traffic between the user and the research site.I'm supposed to have this
up and running on 1-July!


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Webhosting and DNS connections to external databases?

2004-06-20 Thread Reed Powell
HI everyone - I recently signed up with CrystalTech, based to a large extent
on the good things I've heard about them here and in the CFDJ survey.
However, there is a quirk that took me by surprise...

With other hosting outfits that I've used, I had the ability to setup DSNs
that pointed to external databases (MS SQL for instance) that were located
on a server not at the hosting company (such as in my office).When I asked
CrystalTech about this, I got the following reply:

In a shared environment, there are only so many connections that a web
server can make to a database (asp 1000, CF 50 concurrent).If we allowed
all web sites to make connections outside of the network, this would slow
the release of the connections and make it impossible to connect to any
database eventually.You will need to have a database located at
Crystaltech to use the shared hosting.

Does this sound right?

Also, SOT, anyone have any comments/experiences with IXWEBHOSTING?I'd been
using them and they seemed OK, good price/functionality, but lately they've
been flakey - loosing my website files and such - anyone else running into
this situation?

Thanks for the help,
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Integrating CF with ASP/SSI code?

2004-05-26 Thread Reed Powell
Hello everyone, here's the situation:I've inherited a site that is built
with ASP, using a lot of SSIs for those parts of each page (top nav area,
left nav area, etc) that are common to all pages.Most of the site is not
dynamic, and the SSIs are just apparently used so that the common code is
kept in one place.But the dynamic pages are in ASP, with SQL calls from
the hosting service back to our SQL server in the office.What I want to do
is to replace the ASP code with CF code so that I can build additional
functionality into those pages.However, the presence of the SSI seems to
get in the way of also using CF, since I don't see how to have a CFM file
interact with the SSI files.I could (and probably will) over time replace
the SSI files with CFM files that are CFINCLUDEd, but at the moment I need
to get this work started, and am stumped.Any ideas on how to proceed?


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HTTPS: what factors disable it?

2004-03-14 Thread Reed Powell
Once again I'm in slightly new territory.Never had to worry about https in
the past, everything was inside of the corporate network and no one really
cared.Now I'm in the real world and...

I have a site with a secure area that works fine when I test with a simple
HTML file - in other words, the page renders and the IE padlock appears.
But when I put up my CF page, the page still renders fine, but the padlock
is not there.What sorts of things could I be doing that would cause this?
It has a bunch of HREFs and IMG SRC references to another website on another
server. Could that be the problem? I've tried some simple test pages with
external references, and they still have the padlock.The references to the
external site are via http: and not https:

I'm missing something here - any ideas?Are there some things that are not
permitted on a page accessed as https?I've checked a number of online
https tutorials and haven't seen anything.

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RE: YALT: when to lock in CFMX

2004-03-10 Thread Reed Powell
I think that the last quote you show is a holdover from the old pre-MX
documentation.I asked this exact question to Ben F at the last Devcon
prior to MX's initial release (I guess that would be 3 cons ago), and his
unequivocal response was in agreement with the first 2 quotes you listed -
much to the delight of everyone present.The scenario painted in the third
example (whether the var is ever re-written) is also in line with the nature
of the internal CF memory management problems in pre-MX CF which were the
reason for needing to issue CFLOCKs just about every time you sneezed. It
wasn't that a race condition existed, but that pre-MX CF had a habit of
trashing itself when managing the memory used for application and session

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[sot] SQL Server 200: Replication, pointer to good discussion list

2004-03-04 Thread Reed Powell
Hello all!Does anyone have an opinion (what a loaded question) as to a
discussion list focused on MS SQL Server that's on the caliber of CF-TALK?

My question at hand deals with possible scenarios for doing SQL Server 2000
database replication over the internet.In my new job I've inherited a
pretty strange setup, which has local users using a VB-based app on their
PCs that hits a SQL database on the local server, along with a remote
website that has the public side of the application in ASP hitting the same
database via ODBC calls (including updates to the database) over a VPN
connection back to the local server.

Problem is that the server really isn't - just a glorified PC, no
redundancy, etc., and the only backup scheme is nightly backups.I'm
looking at new (anyone with an opinion on used refurbished servers?This is
a non-profit so $$$ are always tight) servers to solve some of the hardware
concerns, but would also like to look into having the web application go
against a copy of the database that is local, so that the VPN is not
necessary.Apparently the VPN requirement is responsible for driving the
cost of the hosting service into the $700/mo range.Just to add to the mix,
now that I'm in the picture, I'm writing CF apps to go against the same
database to compensate for the various inadequacies of the VB application.

Am open to all opinions and ideas on what the best future arrangement would

Thanks everyone,

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CFFILE upload - accept= values?

2003-09-16 Thread Reed Powell
Was doing some random testing of a page that seemed to have been working.
For the file I just happened to not select the intended file, but the one
after it in the browse list, which has nothing to do with the app and in
fact had a filetype of 001.  Surprise, it didn't download!

What's the value for ACCEPT= in the CFFILE to tell it to accept anything?
I tried *, */unknown and */* but neither worked.  The docs say it
wants a list of MIME types - what if the file has no MIME type?



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Tag for driving INPUT boxes from a SELECT statement?

2003-09-16 Thread Reed Powell
HI all - I've searched high and low for a tag to do the following; I was
sure that I'd seen one like it sometime in the past (on the old Allaire tag
gallery maybe), but am coming up blank.  Any leads?

We've seen the 2  3 SelectesRelated tags that have been around for a long
time and work great.  The selection from one SELECT populates the OPTIONs
for the second, and then maybe this cascades to the second one driving the
third SELECT.  And I've seen a variant where the top level is a RADIO button
selection that controls the first SELECT's OPTIONS, and so on.

What I need is one where the selection from the first SELECT's OPTION list
results in the population of one or more INPUT text boxes.  An example would
be to select a person's name from a list in the SELECT, and then the
default/preferred address fields get filled in so that the user can override
them if necessary, or just accept them and move on in the form.  If I can
find a tag to do this I'll be in hog heaven, because watching me code JS is
more like hog H!

Have I imagined seeing this around?

mucho thanks!


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[OT] Software to generate online training sessions

2003-08-29 Thread Reed Powell
Hello all! I need to start building some help/online training sessions for
the users of my apps, and am wondering what software some of you with
similar needs are using. The software would need to be able to record my
screen activity as I demo various actions, be able to annotate as necessary,
and also record voice instructions that go along with the video.  If it can
also import screen shots that is a plus.  I saw someone use software with a
name like Campesa or something similar, but the guy is no longer reachable
for more info.  Cost is a bit of a factor - I can't break the bank on this
part of the project.

Any recommendations?



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CSS and vertical text - help!

2003-06-25 Thread Reed Powell
Hi guys - I have 1 foot out the door for vacation, and the other is typing
on a keyboard while my hands are busy with my CSS books.  Is there a way to
text to align vertically?  In Excel, for instance, there is an option on the
font properties so that text




Can I get this effect in CSS?  I have a helaciously wide table to display
and am trying to buy some horizontal real estate because it is the column
headings that are making it so wide.  Am hoping I don't have to do something
like break each word into individual characters with BR in between.

thanks everyone


This list and all House of Fusion resources hosted by The place for 
dependable ColdFusion Hosting.


[ot] DW MX Extensibility - resources?

2003-06-03 Thread Reed Powell
Hello all - I have a compatriot that is running into problems dong DW MX
extensibility work.  Anyone have pointers to a list that covers this work,
or other good resources.\?



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CF Temp files in \WINNT?

2003-03-31 Thread Reed Powell
Hello all - I've noticed that there is a ton (about 300mb worth) of files in
the WINNT directory with names of the format CFI*.tmp.  Can these be from
Cold Fusion?  This particular system is running CF 4.5.  They go back for a
couple of years, and some are just a few days old.  I'm going to trash the
old ones, but am trying to see if there is a problem that needs looking


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[SOT]: Flash Commerce Server co-browsing?

2003-01-31 Thread Reed Powell
A bit off the path:  Anyone out there using Flash Commerce Server to do
co-browsing (aka page-push or web-touring) applications?  I'd like to chat


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[OT?]: CFHTTPing to a Dominoe server

2003-01-13 Thread Reed Powell
Hi all - here's an interesting one.  I'm pushing some data out to an
application belonging to another group in the company, which is a Dominoe
application written for them by a third party/consultant.  I do the same
thing to other applications written in non-CF (CGI, ASP, etc) with
absolutely no problems.  But with this Dominoe application, it seems to not
like formfields whose contents contain either a question mark or an
ampersand.  Other special chars are ok.  Now the obvious connection between
those two are that they are also used for URL variables, but that shouldn't
matter here because they are just part of the VALUE= attribute in the
CFHTTPPARAM tags for the formfields.  No proxy servers are involved.

When it fails on the Dominoe end, all I get back in the CFHTTP.STATUSCODE
var is a 404 error.  Seems to be the only way it knows to tell me it is
upset.  According to the consultant they are working with, Dominoe does
everything automatically - Now that's MY kind of programming language!
What do you program with, a microphone?!

Any ideas out there?  Is there any possible way the CF could be messing up?

Thanks everyone,

This list and all House of Fusion resources hosted by The place for 
dependable ColdFusion Hosting.


MS Access Performance: Text vs. Memo fields

2002-12-14 Thread Reed Powell
Hello all!  I'm looking for real-world performance information for MS Access
in terms of using text field vs. memo fields.  I have a CF app using MS
Access97 (just a couple of concurrent users on a busy day).  Will be moving
to Access2000 any day now,  and maybe someday I'll get around to moving to

A number of fields in the various tables are text, and I've been wondering
if changing them to memo would improve or decrease performance.  The fields
I'm thinking of changing to memo are not searched on or indexed, so that is
not a concern.   The length of data in those fields varies significantly,
and so I end up defining a pretty large field size for them as text fields,
although I heard once that the data is actually stored as variable length
strings, and so defining large strings should not be a factor.

Any experiences to relate?


cfchart and stacked bars?

2002-10-09 Thread Reed Powell

Hi all - I was sure that I'd seen a demo (maybe at CFUN02 or one of the
traveling MM roadshows) of using CFCHART to do stacked bar graphs.  But
I've spent more time than I want to admit trying to make it happen in real
life.  Am I hallucinating about the demo, or am I dense and not doing it
right (what a choice)?

Thanks for the help

CF and Oracle 9i

2002-05-03 Thread Reed Powell

Quick question: Can CF5 talk to Oracle 9i?  Can CF MX talk
to 9i?  Native or ODBC drivers?


Uploading files via CFHTTP?

2002-04-30 Thread Reed Powell

Hi everyone!  I'm looking at the CFHTTP documentation trying
to divine the answer to the following question:  Is it
possible to use CFHTTP to push a datafile to another
website?  My app currently stores the user documents (word,
excel, etc) on the local server, but we're looking at using
a document management system, and one of the possible
methods of interfacing might be CFHTTP.  Getting the
metadata about the document to the other website is easy -
but what about the file itself?  I don't see anything in the
CFHTTP docs about this.  All help is appreciated!



evaluate() inside of CFQUERY vs outside of CFQUERY

2002-04-21 Thread Reed Powell

Why would evaluate function differently inside of a CFQUERY
vs outside?  Specifically relating to the processing of text
containing single quote marks.

This code works:

cfset linkname=evaluate(form.LinkNameX  ThisKey)
cfquery datasource = asg
UPDATE NewsItemLinks
SET LinkURL='#evaluate(form.LinkURLx  ThisKey)#',
WHERE key=#thiskey#

But this code fails if the contents of the form field being
referenced contains a single quote:

CFQUERY datasource = asg
UPDATE NewsItemLinks
SET LinkURL='#evaluate(form.LinkURLx  ThisKey)#',
LinkName='#evaluate(form.LinkNameX  ThisKey)#'
WHERE key=#thiskey#

The failure is an SQL parsing error, and in the displayed
SQL, the single quote in the text string is clearly the
problem.  If the text doesn't contain a single quote, then
both pieces of code work just fine.  I've obviously found
the fix but I'm curious as to what's going on here.  This
looks to me to be more of a CFQUERY problem/aspect/feature
than a problem with evaluate, since as far as I can see it's
returning the exact same string in both cases.

thanks all,


RE: UDFs, CF Locking, etc., and NEO=fixed

2002-03-21 Thread Reed Powell

The current discussion on locking, and what CF should do vs
what the programmer should do, is really mixing two
different issues.  The concern that most of us have had for
some time is not that we need to do locking to preserve
application data integrity, but that we also need to do
extra locking to preserve CF Server's memory integrity.  The
first is something that I think most of us would prefer to
do ourselves, since we know better than CF where our own
apps really need locking.  It's the second case, where we
are forced to lock down everything in sight because if we
don't, then sooner or later the CF Server is going to roll
over because it's memory management has serious problems.

I asked about this specific situation at the open session at
Devcon2001, and Jeremy Allaire answered with the specific
statement that this (the internal memory management locking
problem) was fixed in Neo, and that all we would need to
worry about in the future is locking to preserve our
application's data integrity.

My personal speculation is that the current memory
management code is probably the Three Mile Island part of
the server codebase, and that even though its problems have
been well understood for years, no one has been able to
muster up the courage to try and work on it without having
the entire server go up in a mushroom cloud.  With Neo they
could just abandon it rather than fix it, and so the
problems are taken care of.



Retrieving header vars?

2002-03-14 Thread Reed Powell

Anyone out there had any luck getting access in a CFM page
to ALL of the header vars that come over from the client?
I'm about to start using Siteminder to do the user
authentication, and it puts the user info into the header
vars.  I don't want to use the current CF support for
SiteMinder authentication because that's going away in the
next release, so it's a dead end.  I found a tag called
PunchOut but it looks like overkill for what I want, unless
I'm misreading what it does.

thanks everyone,


OT: Setting up IIS to parse domain name?

2002-02-18 Thread Reed Powell

Well, we're trying to move into the 20th century finally, by
moving our shared Intranet CF/webserver box from NT4 and
WebsitePro to Win2K and IIS.  I'd like to try and make it a
better world for the users as well, but I'm stumped.

On the NT4/WebsitePro server we have each site setup as a
virtual directory.  We also have a couple of DNS aliases
setup so that users of each app can see a domain name that
makes sense to them, but in reality we could swap those
aliases around and it wouldn't matter, since they all point
to the same canonical DNS name, and it's the /BLAH that
comes after it that gets the users to the correct virtual

I know (but cannot seem to figure out how to make it happen)
that Win2K/IIS5 can parse the domain name info that comes
over from the HTTP request, and use it to determine which
IIS website to go to to find the user's page. That would be
great, because sometimes users leave off that /BLAH, and end
up  in some other guy's website, all confused and upset. If
IIS can look at the URL coming in on the HTTP request and
say Aha, THISAPP.BLAH.BLAH.BLAH refers to website THISAPP
then that would be what I'm trying to do.

Vanna, I need to buy a vowel.  Anyone out there have a
vowel?  I've been up one site of the IIS menus and down the
other, and nothing seems to work.

Can this capability point to a virtual directory, or just to
a website under IIS?

thanks for the help that I know will be coming!


RE: RE: VBscript problem getting user information

2002-01-14 Thread Reed Powell

Thanks for the idea, but this is client-side scripting, not
server-side, that
I'm doing.


Date: Sun, 13 Jan 2002 23:34:35 -0500
From: David Brown [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: VBscript problem getting user information
01c19cb4$c4ece3b0$[EMAIL PROTECTED]

I think in ASP it is:


That should output something like domain\username then you
can use
instr(system.login,\) to get domain name.

But its been a while since I did that.  I could be wrong


OT: VBscript problem getting user information

2002-01-13 Thread Reed Powell

What little hair I have is going fast.  Below is a piece of
VBscript I copied off of the MS site, but it dies with
errors relating to the WSCRIPT object.  All I want to do is
to get the user's authenticated domain and username. When it
finally works, I'll put that info into a couple of hidden
form fields so that the server can see who the user is.
Cannot use the CGI header vars because the proxy server is
stripping them off before they get to my CF server.  I'm not
much of a VBscript guy, so any help is appreciated.


 script language=VBScript
 Set WshNetwork =
 document.write Domain =   WshNetwork.UserDomain
 document.write User Name =   WshNetwork.UserName


RE: Database query question

2001-08-17 Thread Reed Powell

Try this. In ACCESS create a Crosstab Query for the NIP_NUTRIENT table, with
FOOD_ID as the row value, NUTRIENT as the column value, and VALUE as the
intersection.  Then in your CFQUERY do a JOIN of the NIP_FOOD table and the
query over the FOOD_ID value.

Caveat, I've never tried doing a join to a crosstab-ed query, but it seems
like it should work.


-Original Message-
From: Tilbrook, Peter [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, August 17, 2001 1:38 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Database query question

I've been given a massive (130Mb) Access database with two tables.

NIP_FOOD and NIP_Nutrient.

NIP_FOOD contains a unique ID field which is Alphanumeric (eg:
NIP_Nutrient contains a field called FOOD_ID which is seven seperate
rows of the same value as ID (but not linked). eg:

01A10014191.574 ENERGY-SOA
01A100140.4 PROT
01A100140   FAT
01A100140   TOTSATFD
01A100142.492   CHO-SOA
01A100140   TOTSUG
01A1001410  NA-SOA

What would be the way to retrieve all of the fields from both tables
using the value (eg: 01A10014) but have it output a single row?

It will stay in Access until I can get IT to port it to SQL Server or



RE:RE: CFREPORT and the Crystal Server

2001-08-16 Thread Reed Powell

Ben - thanks for the info.  I did more checking, and the DLL is in fact on
my older server (now used for testing only) whose CF lineage began with CF
2.0.  The DLL was in the SYSTEM32 directory for the NT 3.51 root, which is
what OS was running back then.  I tried coping it over to the SYSTEM32
directory in the NT40 root, which is what I am running now. That made no
difference.  I also tried copying it to the \CFUSION\BIN directory, no luck
there either (but, oddly enough, the error message came back a lot faster!).

SO, it looks like I have the DLL (dated in 1996), but cannot figure out how
to get CF to find it. Any ideas?  I'm hoping that once this gets resolved,
and the server gets rolled to CF5, that the new CFREPORT still knows how to
use the old Crystal engine, and not just the newer version, 'cause there's
no way I'll get the bucks to buy that from Seagate!!!



Date: Wed, 15 Aug 2001 11:01:59 -0500
From: Braver, Ben [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: CFREPORT and the Crystal Server
Message-ID: CF3232998D6CD311A5B50020AFFC2E6802A7B5DC@AVNNTX01


CF used to include the CR engine.
It doesn't anymore.
You have to buy CR separately, sorry.

BTW when you do get CR and try CFREPORT search for the threads about



Subject: Form Formatting

2001-08-15 Thread Reed Powell

Easiest way is to use a style sheet.  If you want to have all the INPUTS on
a page to follow the same style, then try this:

color: black;
font-family: arial;
font-size: 8pt;
font-weight: normal;
border : Fuchsia;
text-align : right;
background-color : Silver;
border-width : 0;
line-height : 12px;
padding-bottom : 0px;
padding-top : 0px;

color: black;
font-family: arial;
font-size: 8pt;
font-weight: normal;
text-align : right;
background-color : Silver;
width: 51px;
border-width : 0;
line-height : 12px;
padding-bottom : 0px;
padding-top : 0px;

If you wanted only some of the boxes to change, then name the style
something like
and then in the INPUT tag use a CLASS=SmallInputBox option - be sure to
get the case



Date: Wed, 15 Aug 2001 00:28:44 -0700
From: Gonzo Rock [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Form Formatting

A lame question but hoping someone knows straight away.

I am trying to shrink the size of input Text boxes etc... and maybe control
the font used... but can't seem to figure it out.

Anyone with a hint for me?



CFREPORT and the Crystal Server

2001-08-14 Thread Reed Powell

I'm trying out CFREPORT for the very first time.  I must be missing
something.  I thought that when CF installed, it included the Crystal
Reports engine.  I created a .RPT file in Crystal Reports Professional on my
workstation, and moved it over to the server, and made a .CFM file to do the
CFREPORT call.  The error I get is:, Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows 98; Win 9x 4.90),
Error occurred while processing CFREPORT The Crystal Reports Engine
(CRPE32.DLL) could not be located on this server. ColdFusion's reporting
functionality requires the Crystal Engine. Please verify that you have
installed this component before using the CFREPORT tag.Crystal Library =  ()
DLL Version = , Engine Version =The error occurred while processing an
element with a general identifier of (CFREPORT), occupying document position
(9:2) to (9:55) in the template file
d:\inetpub\wwwroot\asg\testcr1.cfm.Date/Time: 08/14/01 21:21:16Browser:
Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows 98; Win 9x 4.90)Remote Address:

I did a search for the CFPE32.DLL file, and could not find it on the server.
I have tried this with both CF4.5.2 and with CF5, same problem.

I cannot find anything in the installation options, or the readme files,
about this.

What did I do wrong?

thanks everyone,


Subject: RE: I dont understand session locking :(

2001-08-06 Thread Reed Powell

Matthew, I love that shotgun analogy!  Let me take a stab at this issue.

Since session variables are, by their very nature, session-specific, under
normal circumstances there will never be any contention between sessions for
the same variable, either reading or writing.  Not never, just almost
never.  One example would be when an anxious user starts stabbing at a
SUBMIT key (the timing gets a little close in this case), or (better case)
an HREF link to a page that starts something up in another window and that
same anxious user.

Here's how it's been explained to me in the past:

But that's not the reason for the locking.  I can have an app where I know
for 100% certain that there can never be two sessions at the same time, and
I still need to lock the session vars.  The reason is that I'm not only
alerting the other CF application pages to stay away (Matthew's Do Not
Disturb sign), I'm also telling the CF server's memory manager to stay away.
Matthew's shotgun isn't always in the hands of the other CF application
level pages - it's also in the hands of the CFSERVER itself, when it
performs memory management for all the session vars of all the users of all
the apps on that particular server.  When it needs to start doing memory
management tasks (ie, blasting away with the shotgun) then that room had
better be real empty. You'll probably get lucky most of the time, but sooner
or later it's going to be your session var that CF was moving around to make
room for someone else's session.structuredarrayfromhell variable, and
wham! Someone is going to get corrupted.  If CFSERVER had to check on each
and every reference to a variable throughout your app, just to see if it was
a session var (which is what it tries to do when you turn on the automatic
locking) then the performance would go straight down the tubes.  But, since
it is pretty likely that you will be referencing more than one session var
within a close proximity of code, then YOU know better as to where to put
the read or exclusive lock to get the best performance.  Remember, there's
overhead with setting up and tearing down the lock itself, as well as the
performance hit on forcing certain parts of the code to become
single-threaded.  You cannot do much about the latter, but you can reduce
the overhead for the actual locking/unlocking process by using intelligent
locks, rather than letting CF automatically put a lock around each
discrete session variable reference. In fact, I'd be willing to bet that
this would generate two automatic locks:
cfset session.this = session.that

I don't know how much the CF memory management is changing with the changes
that are going on with the underlying engine.  I'd love to see some comments
on this from the Allaire crowd, talking at the system level, instead of just
the application programming level.



CF5 CFREPORT How to generate the Crystal Report templates?

2001-08-04 Thread Reed Powell

The updated CFREPORT tag in CF5 looks interesting, since it has been
upgraded to V8 of Crystal Reports.  I never used the old one though, and
have always been unclear as to what software I needed from Crystal/Seagate
to make all of this happen.  What is the minimal software (since their
products are pricey) I need to buy so that my CF5 pages can use CFREPORT to
display reports to the website users?



OOT: ListServ Software?

2001-08-03 Thread Reed Powell

I hate to do this, but you guys know everything!  Simple question: Where
would I locate the software needed to setup and manage a ListServ operation
internal to my company? My server would be Win2k. Cost is a factor.

Activity level would be low (nowhere near the level of activity of CF-TALK,
for instance). Features we're after are the core ability to assemble and
retransmit the messages received (in both digest and non-digest modes), and
to view/search the archives of past messages.



OT: Integration with LiveLink?

2001-05-18 Thread Reed Powell

Anyone out there doing any sort of integration with the LiveLink document
management product from  OpenText?



Printing pages wider than the browser screen?

2001-05-03 Thread Reed Powell

I'm moving an app that used to be not much more than a set of spreadsheets
over to my website.  Everything's going fine, expect for printing, which is
high on my list of pain-in-the-a** web design topics.  The spreadsheets are
wider than the screen, and IE truncates them at the right screen margin, no
matter what the page layout settings are set to (portrait or landscape).
I've got the font down to about as small as it will go (8pt) without
becoming unreadable when the browser renders it.

Any ideas? There is a lot of formatting in the various cells, so I cannot
just send the data back to the browser as a CSV and let it open EXCEL,
because the formatting would be lost.

thanks everyone,


Using CFOBJECT to connect to WORD?

2001-03-29 Thread Reed Powell

I just read a real interesting article on the site
about using CFOBJECT to access Excel files via COM.  The primary motivation
of what was talked about in the article was to get Excel to create charts
and graphs. Has anyone tried the similar tack of using CFOBJECT to get
MSWORD to create/edit documents?



Recursing with custom tags

2001-03-29 Thread Reed Powell

Somewhere in the back of my mind I remember hearing or reading about the
ability, without using session or client variables, to have a custom tag
that is in the middle of recursion access the variable space of the initial
caller.  Since each instance of the call to the custom tag creates it's own
space, using CALLER. doesn't work.  What I want to do is to continually add
to a set of results, on the initial calling page, of information that is
collecting at each level of the recursion.  I tried having each instance
write it's set of findings to a CALLER. variable, thinking that as the
recursion unwound those writes would gradually cascade upward towards the
original caller, but that didn't seem to work out the way I thought it
would.  I beat that code to death so badly, trying to get it to work, that
it's not in any condition to post here, but hopefully the idea of what I'm
after came across.



OT: IE 4 vs IE 5 handling of READONLY in INPUT

2000-10-25 Thread Reed Powell

I spent half the afternoon at Borders going through every JS book trying to
figure this out, no luck.  Anyone have some clues for me?

I have a simple form that is meant to resemble a simple spreadsheet for the
sales guys to use to do some pricing models with.  I start with a couple of
known numbers from a database for the account they are working on, and then
let them do their modeling based on those numbers, using formulas that I
build using JS.

Those fixed numbers should not be changed (obviously).  However, I want all
the numbers to format the same, so I set them all up as INPUT type="text"
and used different style sheets depending on whether the field was truly an
input field, or a calculated field, or one of the fixed input numbers.  So
on the fields that are not really meant for user input, I set READONLY in
the INPUT tag.

When I need to recalculate (triggered via onChange in the user input INPUT
tags), I do a
document.formname.fieldname.readonly = 0
in JS, and then set it back to 1 when I'm done.

Sound OK so far?  Well, I thought so to.  My development PC runs IE 5, and
all is just great with this little app.  I put it up on the production
server for people to beat on and test, and guess what?  The official
deployed version of IE in the company happens to be IE 4, and whenever
and those fields with the starting numbers do not get populated.  As soon as
a number is typed into any of the user input fields, I get a NaN error
message (not a number) in any of the other fields whose calculated value
depends upon the starting numbers.

I tried leaving off the initial READONLY in the INPUT tags, figuring there
was interaction between the initial value, and the JS code.  Didn't change a
thing, but now if I happen to type a number into the field that should have
the initial value, the NaN goes away and the calculation uses the value I
typed in.

I should not be able to type into that field!  The last thing that the JS
functions do, both when they do the recalcs, or when the startup routine is
called via onLoad in BODY (to set the initial values), is to set the
.readonly back to 1.  But they are certainly not readonly now!

I looked all through the charts in the various books about what is supported
in each JS version and browser version, and found no mention at all of
READONLY.  Many of the HTML books don't mention it at all.  None of the JS
reference books I looked through included it as an option for the
document.form.field object. But then most of them didn't spend much time on
forms at all.



cfset RevActual = 
cfset COSActual = 
cfset ATLActual = 
cfset OEMActual=1000

script language="JavaScript"
function SetValues(){ = 0; = 0; = 0; = 0; = parseInt(RevActual); = parseInt(COSActual); = parseInt(ATLActual); = parseInt(OEMActual); = 1; = 1; = 1; = 1;

function ReCalcAll(){ = 0; = 0; = 0; = 0; = 0; = 0; = 0; =
parseInt( +
parseInt(; =
parseInt( +
parseInt(; =
parseInt( -
parseInt(; =
parseInt( +
parseInt(; =
parseInt( +
parseInt(; =
parseInt( +
parseInt(; =
parseInt( +
parseInt(; = parseInt( -
parseInt(; =
Math.round((parseInt( * 100 ) /
(parseInt(; = parseInt( -

OT: More info on OT: IE 4 vs IE 5 handling of READONLY in INPUT

2000-10-25 Thread Reed Powell

Before anyone points this out, I forgot the following lines at the top of
the JS code, which sets the JS variables from the CF variables (which were
CFSETs just to make it simple for now; they would be database cells in real

cfwddx action="cfml2js" input="#RevActual#"  toplevelvariable="RevActual"
cfwddx action="cfml2js" input="#COSActual#"  toplevelvariable="COSActual"
cfwddx action="cfml2js" input="#ATLActual#"  toplevelvariable="ATLActual"
cfwddx action="cfml2js" input="#OEMActual#"  toplevelvariable="OEMActual"

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re: writing an RTF file from CF

2000-10-14 Thread Reed Powell

One of the limitations of using the scheme for putting the CF code inside of
the RTF is that you cannot put data into tables.  I ran across the following
tag in the gallery that takes care of this problem:   CF_Query2RTFTable

Also, from a long-term maintenance and upgrade perspective, it's probably
better to write your CF code in WORD and then save the file as an RTF file,
which is then CFINCLUDED, rather than use STUDIO to edit the RTF code.  You
gotta be real careful about using # characters in the WORD doc!


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Changing web server software - Does CF care?

2000-10-04 Thread Reed Powell

I'm running WebsitePro, and CF 4.5.1, on my server.  Am going to change to
IIS sometime soon.
Is CF going to get upset about this?  When it installs, it wants to know
which website server
product to use (even if there is only one installed on the server), but I've
never  known how it uses that information.  Will I have to reinstall CF
(ugh, all those datasources to setup again)?

If I install IIS while WebsitePro is still on the server, can CF talk to it?
When I get rid of WebsitePro, is there an easy way to tell IIS to use port
80 (since Website would no longer be listening on it)?

Lots of questions, thanks in advance for the answers!

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re: graphics rollovers w/o javascript

2000-10-03 Thread Reed Powell

It might be possible to do what you want.  If you can set up your page so
that the image is actually the background for a table cell (instead of in an
IMG), for instance, then you can define the image not in the TD but in a
style sheet for the page.  That allows you to then swap style sheets in the
onMouseover onMouseout conditions.  There is a lot of detail on how to do
this in a book from Microsoft called Stupid Web Tricks.  If you cannot find
it, email me a fax number and I'll fax over the pages of interest.

good luck,

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Authenticating against NT SAM - CFX_FILE and CFX_DIRECTORY

2000-10-02 Thread Reed Powell

Anyone had any luck using the CFX_FILE and CFX_DIRECTORY tags from the
custom tagged called "CFX_SECURE_FUNCTIONS"?  These tags use the same DLL,
and the docs with the download say that the C++ code exports both tags, but
when I call them, I get a CF error saying that the tag has not been exported
in the DLL file.  Anyone ever used these, or know about another tag that
gives me the ability to pass a username/domain/password and have it
authenticate against the NT SAM?  I don't care if it actually logs the user
in or does an impersonation of the user, I just need to know if the password
was correct for the given domain and username.


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2000-09-14 Thread Reed Powell

Steve:  Are you using NT or U* for your LDAP server?  What you describe is
what I used to do, which worked when the LDAP server was on an NT machine.
However, it only works because of a bug in NT that allowed the
authentication to work over a non-SSL connection (ie, the password was being
passed as cleartext), which is why the LDAP people in my company moved their
server to Linux, which is why I have to use an SSL connection whenever I
have data in the username/password attributes.

Any other ideas out there?



Date: Wed, 13 Sep 2000 21:17:39 -0400
From: "Steve Bernard" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: CFLDAP  SSL

One way I've done it is to make all operations queries, except for writes of
course. If you just need to perform an authentication, request some
attribute like "firstname" and pass the username/password. If the request
returns an error or nothing at all then you know that the login information
was bad. You need to be absolutely positive that the target attribute will
always be populated if you are going to test the return value to validate.
Otherwise you may receive false negatives.


-Original Message-----
From: Reed Powell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, September 13, 2000 9:03 PM
Subject: CFLDAP  SSL

Hello everyone, this is round two of questions on my CFLDAP trek; thanks for
the responses to
my initial post last week.  I've since upgraded to 4.5.1, so I now have the
SECURE attribute for CFLDAP at my disposal, for an SSL connection.  This
(SSL connection) is what I needed to connect to the LDAP server to do
authentication, because the moved the LDAP servers from NT to Linux to get
away from a security hole in NT (the same hole that let my authentication
work ok in that past!).  Here's the glitch.  The LDAP server doesn't make
use of a certificate if I'm only doing authentication (as opposed to making
an update to the LDAP data).  However, CFLDAP requires the certificate
information if I include the SECURE attribute.  Is there any way to have CF
not want to see the certificate database when I call CFLDAP?



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2000-09-13 Thread Reed Powell

Hello everyone, this is round two of questions on my CFLDAP trek; thanks for
the responses to
my initial post last week.  I've since upgraded to 4.5.1, so I now have the
SECURE attribute for CFLDAP at my disposal, for an SSL connection.  This
(SSL connection) is what I needed to connect to the LDAP server to do
authentication, because the moved the LDAP servers from NT to Linux to get
away from a security hole in NT (the same hole that let my authentication
work ok in that past!).  Here's the glitch.  The LDAP server doesn't make
use of a certificate if I'm only doing authentication (as opposed to making
an update to the LDAP data).  However, CFLDAP requires the certificate
information if I include the SECURE attribute.  Is there any way to have CF
not want to see the certificate database when I call CFLDAP?


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CFLDAP and SSL connections to LDAP server?

2000-09-06 Thread Reed Powell

Hello everyone - do we have any CFLDAP gurus out there today?  I've been
using CFLDAP to do authentication of users on my website, but changes have
been made in the corporate LDAP servers that are causing me problems and
driving me nuts.  Here's the situation:

In the past, I used the LDAP server at two points in time.  The first was to
register a new user for accessing my site.  I would feed the LDAP server the
person's internal telephone number, and it would return to me a
Distinguished Name (DN) field, along with lots of other data about the user.
I would then store that information, and add the user to the list of site
users.  Later, when the user came to the site, he'd pick his name off of a
SELECT list, enter his NT password, and hit a LOGON button.  At that point
I'd grab the DN from the database (that I stored during registration), and
use it as the CFLDAP username.  I'd take the password the user typed in, and
use that as the CFLDAP password.  Then I'd do the CFLDAP call.  If it came
back, the user was authenticated.  If CF threw an error (trapped via
CFERROR), then it failed.

Well, things changed on the LDAP servers.  The above worked only because of
a bug in NT, which allowed a non-secure connection to bind to the server and
do the authentication. So, they moved all of the LDAP servers to LINUX.  Now
I need to use a different port (636 instead of 389) for authentication, and
more importantly, I need to do the LDAP connection via an SSL connection.
Currently, everything is timing out.  The log on the LDAP server shows the
CF server doing a bind, and then nothing at all after that, so it times out,
and then the CF server times out to the browser with the "high
traffic/server load, come back later" error.

How do I get CFLDAP to use an SSL connection? There is so little
documentation on CFLDAP it's pathetic.  If someone can solve this dilemma
for me, I'll buy the beer in DC!

thanks everyone,

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CF on WebsitePro - Frequent hangs

2000-07-25 Thread Reed Powell

Hello everyone - we're running CF on Website Pro on our production box, and
see frequent hangs of the CF service(s).  It's not uncommon for them to hang
a couple of times a day.  We ended up putting in a workstation that keeps an
eye on the production box, and restarts the CF services if they don't
respond.  Do others see this behavior, either with Website or other
webservers (such as IIS)?


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RE: CF-Talk V1 #3

2000-06-11 Thread Reed Powell

Lee, what is the ODBC command you are trying to execute?  Are you reading or
writing or updating?  According to the Microsoft ODBC manual, if you are
writing, then this sounds like the database field is shorter than the data
you are trying to store.  I don't think this is a problem with quotes around
the data in the ODBC statement.


-Original Message-
From: Lee Surma [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, June 01, 2000 11:19 AM
To: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'; Steve Weiner
Subject: Re: Is there a typical cause for this error message?

ODBC Error Code = 22001 (String data right truncation)

Lee Surma
Public Radio International

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Connecting to DBF databases via ODBC?

2000-06-06 Thread Reed Powell

Has anyone had any success connecting to Foxpro or dBASE DBF databases via

I get a DBF file from an outside source each month, and have been manually
importing into Access.  My goal is to automate this process.  I'd like to
just have a DSN that points to the location that this external application
deposits the DBF file.

So far, every attempt I've made in CF Admin to create a datasource results
in a definition that cannot be verified. I must be missing the point on
something here.


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Debugging CFCONTENT/CFHEADER problems

2000-05-12 Thread Reed Powell

Has anyone seen any utilities that would run on the client PC and show
what the browser is actually receiving from the webserver? Am trying to
debug some problems in getting CFHEADER and CFCONTENT to behave the way I
want, and it would be pretty interesting to see what the browser is getting
back. I saw some info on a website taht had a tool to do this, but the tool
runs on his website (you tell it the URL to go look at, and it tells you
what came back), but that doesn't help me since mine is an intranet site.

thanks all,

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low-end web hosting services?

2000-05-12 Thread Reed Powell

My contract is about to come up for renewal at my current host (ICOM). It's
just basic service (no CF or ASP or anything like that) to handle static
webpages for my wife's business.  For $100/yr it's a good deal, but their
tech support is pretty lame.  Has anyone had any experience with other
low-end hosting services? This service gives me 40mb of disk, 1 POP3 address
plus unlimited email forwarding.


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