Re: (Admin) Machine move

2001-10-01 Thread pan

> The TTL is the Time-To-Live of the DNS information from your DNS servers,
> it means how long the information remains valid before the DNS server
> requesting the info will consider old and request new info. If you drop
> your TTL's to like 60 minutes a few days before the move, then name
> servers around the net will start to have the 60 min TTL's in cache and
> request a new ip within an hour. Essentially, once the move takes place,
> you'd only have an hour of time with old ip info around the net. Once the
> move is complete, change your TTL back to 24 hours or whatever your
> default value is...


ttl is information you pass to other dns servers when (and only when)
a request is made 

ttls take time to propagate

a ttl is, as you wrote, time to live, but it's meaning is that a server
will discard local info after ttl - when ttl is reached there will
be no local data - only if a request is made will the local dns
server reach out and look for info about the resource

dns, except for secondaries, certan round robin configs, and other
special situations is a request driven software device - it's possible
for a local dns server to think it has good data long long after
ttls have been shortened and host info has been changed 

the strategy is to shorten ttl, hope that new ttl is propagated, and then
change host, ptr or other rr and hope enough requests are made so
that the new data propagtes

you can influence, to the extent other nameservers choose to be influenced,
by listing as many nameservers in the 'notify' and 'allow-transfer' 
sections of 'options' in named.conf (for bind)

in short, the propagation is usually request driven and proper data
about your resource propagates in direct proportion to requests
for it - you can build it and no one may come, or go to the wrong


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Re: Hosting Service Provider Edition Eliminated

2001-04-29 Thread pan

From: "Paul Smith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> I didn't comment on it at the time, but I was intrigued by the suggestion
> that MM should give CFAS away, and concentrate on productivity products
> developers.  While a zero price is not what I think would be necessary for
> CFAS to gain many more developers, a lower price would and would make CFAS
> more price-competitive with the dark side.
> I suggest MM should look at this seriously to see if they can convince
> themselves there is some lower price point at which they'll do as well if
> not better than they are now.  Note that while a lower CFAS is in my
> interest, having more developers competing is not.  So my suggestion is
> entirely self-serving...

I think I was the earliest (1/16/2001) on this list to announce I was
firing up a few FreeBSD/PHP/MySQL boxes in response to the original
Allaire/Macromedia announcement. My participation on this list has
ebbed since that time though I have read the list as frequently as
I have the past years (daily).
I would like to have my interests and time budgeting decisions re-focused
on CFAS. Here are a few thoughts on what might bring me back ...

1. Perhaps a relatively cheap 'subscription' to a fully functional version
of CFAS aimed at the small time, single developer who scripts, maintains,
hosts and promotes mutliple client's web sites on a single or small cluster
of servers. A CFExpress that would be worth keeping loaded longer than
a few hours.
2. Such a subscription would be a semi-annual(?) CD purchase of an
updated cfengine comprising the full suite of functions and tags
available in any version. It would not comprise RAD tools, server farm
utilities, Spectra like management suites, jrun devices,
versioning control or editing software. All those extras should certainly
be available according to interest and budget.

Successful software has the characteristic of attaining that lofty goal of
being seen as an assumed part of a net capable business's basic facilites.
Think of a pyramid - a very wide base of many small guys *USING* CFAS
topped by layers of more involved hosters deploying thousands of sites.
A pyramid is a most stable constuction and very difficult to tip over.

I can envision some layer of the CF pyramid being companies to whom
the small guys could outsource services that are  beyond the small
developers capacity and would call for a more complete collection
of tools beyond the basic, core CFAS. Spectra could be
reworked so that a small developer who is at the point of turning
down new business because of time and management problems can
buy large scale site management services from someone in the
cf community.

Why bother with any of this? It seems that there are many, many
small time CF developers who find it easy to find non-Fortune500
customers. In aggregate, there just might be as much activity at
the base of the community equal to the sum of the higher-rollers
combined cash flow. No one knows as there haven't been any
surveys directed at estimating this kind of data. One can only
go with one's perceptions and anectdotal experiences.

The bottom line is that Macromedia has an opportunity to encompass
both ends of the market if they can find a way to keep the entirety of
the community active, interested and involved. Making the cfengine
as ubiquitously available as possible might be the key to achieving that
At least, that's my opinion.

hope some may find these comments stimulating ...

I'm keeping my CF stuff close, but I need to keep ramping up
the fbsd/php solution.


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Re: more than slightly OT: html formatted e-mails CLICK!

2001-04-24 Thread pan

From: "Michael Lugassy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: slightly OT: html formatted e-mails CLICK!

> Email messages with HTML (if designed correctly) are the same
> like webpages but have about 80% less graphics and resources

email html (no matter the design) forces the user to deal with
..js naughtiness, tag attribute exploits, web bugs, at least 13
acitvex exploits, many file type association exploits, cookie intrusions,
and other potentially destructive problems

email html doubles (at a minimum) the byte size of an email even
if only "plain text" (i.e., no images, other mime types). 

email html often promotes style over substance which,
to many, is equivalent to a bad noise/signal ratio.

If you have solved all these problems, I'm listening,


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Re: Oh that's just great.

2001-04-23 Thread pan

From: "Erika L Walker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> HELP! Does anybody out there have a debugging tag? Or let me know what the
> quick method is of outputting all the wonderful things we see at the
> of the pages when we have debugging turned on?

This may not be anything more than a slight stimulus to your thinking, but
I have used the below appended code to answer certain debugging needs.

cfinclude this at the top of a template and at the bottom and it will
show the state of some vars before page execution and also after page

You should be able to modify it quite a bit.

hope this is of some help


#item# = #application[item]#
   application struct is empty


  #item# = not
  #item# = #session[item]#

   session struct is empty

  #item# = #htmleditformat(this)#
   cookie is empty

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Re: Cold Fusion Sites and the Mac User

2001-03-31 Thread pan

> Then I get this phone call..."It's all broke...I'm getting "Object
> errors everywhere. What are those? Is the server down?"
> I tear my hair out testing and retesting and can't find the problem.
> two days of frustration, THEN the client tells me "I'm on a Mac, is that a
> problem?"

Are you using javascript anywhere?
Without further data, I would guess 'Objected expected' refers to
a js problem.


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Re: autorun cd rom for html

2001-02-27 Thread pan

From: "han peng" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: autorun cd rom for html

> hi...
> a client of my company request for a cdrom version of their website. (for
their presentation purposes)
> They request the index.html to be autorun once they load the cd into the cdrom
> so.. can we actually do this??
> i know autorun.inf normally open .EXE file..
> or can it open html file too?
> cheers
> han


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Re: advanced list

2001-02-17 Thread pan

Quite a project, Micahel. Looks good.

A couple of comments interspersed below .

> OK, I've heard the call for an advanced list and I I'll see what I can do
> over the next 2 days. Why 2 days? Because I'm taking down and
> putting up the iMS listserver (which I'm writing from scratch now). Once its
> up, I'll set up a CF mailing list that's moderated only, but of a special
> type. Anyone can read from the list. 

> Only a few people can post. Posters are
> set by recommendation from a current poster.

Can you compile a 'grandfathered' list of historically productive
cf-talk members in order to streamline the start up of the posting
privileged list?

> If a post is off topic, the privilege is removed. 
>Any message can be posted to the list by anyone but it
> will go into a queue (unless posted by a moderator). Any moderator can
> review the queue and say which posts should go to the list.

As hand moderation is labor/time intensive one technique used on other
lists might be worth looking at: id est - trusted poster's messages are
automatically propagated to the list until such a time the mods decide
that it is waranted that trust has been besmirched and a poster's
messages need to pass through the queueing filter.

> After a post is
> answered, it MUST be placed into a FAQ so that the question will not be
> posted again. A switch will be placed into the moderator review section to
> allow a moderator to return a post with a message of "look in the FAQ".
> How does this sound?

I would suggest a labelling standard such that a question:answer pair
can be easily indexed along the folllowing fields;

software version [CFAS4_5_2_sp2]
general topic [SQL, BUG, INSTALL, PROCEDURE, STYLE, etc.]
specific topic [QUERY, $TAGNAME, HTML, SCRIPT, etc.]
answer_date (guide to when update to faq entry might need to be reviewed)
code_included_y_n (sometimes a texutal answer is best, sometimes example
code speaks most clearly)
reference_frequency (how many times has this question been asked or looked up
in gaq(s) )

Because answers can depend heavily on whcih version of CF is being used,
maybe a cvs like tree would work?

Good prep work on the above will reduce workload later, especially if any
robo-mod functionality can parse new questions and correlate a rtfaq response
if an answer exists or flag the new question as needing de novo attention.

Hmmm ... maybe a bit much to code now???

I don't think writing a faq that delineates how to topic code a subject
line will work that well - people don't think that way - they just want to ask
a question and get an answer. The faq is what needs to be organized as
well as possible - both to make it useful and to make it easy for mods
(or a robo-mod script) to match  questionX with answerY.

> Would you (the community) like any changes? I know it
> sounds strict, but it allows us to have a question/answer only list that
> stays on topic.

What you are proposing is an interactive reference that is going to
be a lot of work and will be a direct reflection of the strength of
the cf-talk community's cohesiveness, knowledge and spirit (and
maybe our masochism too). Definitve references need to be strict
in order to have value and in order to be maintainable.

Maybe some of the above will be helpful as you do this thing.

> Now, as for the CFDJ list, my gripes against them and especially their
> marketing can go on for an hour and are definitely off topic.

Funny how comp mags come and go and tend to get overweight with
advertising and style as opposed to content  ;>


p.s. If the contents of this new thing becomes extensive and comprehensive
enough, then it strikes me as something I just might be willing to pay some
subscription price to access -- ??? --

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Re: Bind complete managment system

2001-02-10 Thread pan

Subject: Bind complete managment system

> I was thinking of coding a complete management system for Bind 8,
> would there be anyone interested in me making something like this?

Wouldn't it be better to go for version 9.1.1?
Of course, it'd be best to work on the 9 version after all the
curent bugs are fixed. :)

9 is much stricter than 4 or 8 in that users much actually follow
RFC strictures.


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Re: Slightly OT: PHP Toolbar for CFStudio

2001-01-20 Thread pan

> > > With all the recent discussion of PHP and CFStudio integration ... I got
> > to
> > > thinking "Someone out there proabably has a PHP Toolbar for CFStudio".
> > >
> > > I may be wrong, but if someone out there has a nice VTM set for PHP, I'd
> > > appreciate a copy!
> > >

This might be close to what you want.

Look for

and read the 'more information' link


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Re: Macromedia and Allaire to Merge

2001-01-18 Thread pan

From: "Dave Watts" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Take a look at this, and tell me Flash has no place in business apps:


Went to page.  Asked if I want acitveX control to run.
clicked no.  Blank page.

Relying on flash (or other similar) with no alternative
content for those choosing not to allow activex is ...

In an intranet or vpn  (with all that a closed and controlled
quasi-laboratory situation implies) I can see axtivex
playing a role. Exposed to the world though ... well I dunno.

And what about lynx and ADA requirements?
Especially the ADA requirements - being near DC
you should have a good handle on that, Dave.


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Re: Negative Thoughts

2001-01-16 Thread pan

- Original Message - 
Sent: Tuesday, January 16, 2001 20:05
Subject: Re: Negative Thoughts

> OK .. but this doesn't mean we still can't develop killer apps using CF,
> right?
> I agree that this is disturbing, but what says we can't keep on keeping-on
> using CF to develop good web apps .. until we all learn PHP, or .WEB? at
> least  ;)  I don't think it's a good thing, but it's not the end of the
> world .. All of this just might uderscore a web developer's need to
> diversify, anyway.  As individuals, the more we know, the better!
> If Macromedia keeps developing CF stuff, then we are all good to go.
> Actually, I would welcome some better CF/WYSIWYG integration .. It just
> means that those of us that better know the nuts and bolts of CF will be in
> a much better position to streamline our CF apps for real performance over
> the other CF wannabe's that will spring up using some WYSIWYG/CF hybrid
> editor that spits out crappy code.  It will just make the good CF developers
> even better and more valuable .. just like we can all easily differentiate
> ourselves from the "My cousin's brother's friend does web sites,
> real-good-like!!"
> Then again, that's a rather simplistic view ...

OSs and the apps that hang off them are all moving targets.

We can not update CF past 4.5.1sp2/5.? and keep exploring what is
possible with it as is. But - everything moves on - especially in a
market driven activity like the commercial web. Nothing new in that -
what's important is watching for what keeps converging with various
values of robustness/useability/expandabily and for what diverges
from those values and ends up marginalized. CF could get easily
backwatered once Allaire has let go the rudder and Macromedia
has their hands on the tiller. It has happened many times before.

Crystal ball: CF will become a bit marginalized and will definitely
go up in price once Macromedia repackages it ...

Maybe the open source people are right ...


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Re: Macromedia and Allaire to Merge

2001-01-16 Thread pan

- Original Message - 
From: "lsellers" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, January 16, 2001 19:59
Subject: RE: Macromedia and Allaire to Merge

> As much as I dislike Java, in a year or two the new Java-based CF will
> propel programmers to create an infusion of new Java-based applet's. And all
> that entails.
> Then of course there is the multi-platform SVG spec that is beginning to be
> integrated into modern browsers. The new SVG/XML/DOM/CSS browsers coming
> online can do very powerful things.
> These are all powerful, free multi-platform technologies. I can't see how
> flash will really be able to compete with them in the long run So I have
> major issues with Cold Fusion being saddled with these old, fat, dying
> technologies.
> --min

Reading about one SVG app (news:// TrajectoryPro)
and knowing that it will get beyond the plugin and standalone phase
fairly quickly; and, seeing that Cf (or other scripter) can easly write
..xml that fully describes any grahic or animation in plain ascii text
has kept my interest for most of a yaer now. Beats flash/etc all
dry and hollow. almost every svg animation I've seen is smoother,
cleaner and faster than the best of flash - downloads faster too
and keeps all your whites whiter and doesn't fade your colors -

Java-ing CF will make hash of any K.I.S.S. principles in re
xhtml & scripting graphics and db integration.


Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


Re: Macromedia and Allaire to Merge

2001-01-16 Thread pan

- Original Message - 
From: "Scott, Andrew" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, January 16, 2001 18:40
Subject: RE: Macromedia and Allaire to Merge

> Name a succesful competitor to flash:-)

SVG [when it's ready - :) ]

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Re: Negative Thoughts

2001-01-16 Thread pan

> I do not think that the acquisition of Allaire by Macromedia is a good thing
> for Cold Fusion developers. I can come up with all kinds of negative
> scenarios about what this will do to CF. When a "graphics tool" company
> acquires a development platform, the development platform does not always
> fair too well.
> Consider that, if Allaire was not in some sort of trouble, it would not have
> been "merged."
> I have been concerned about the viability of the CF platform for about a
> year. Now, I am even more concerned. I am seriously starting to consider
> dropping the beloved CF platform, and head towards ASP+, COM and .NET --
> Microsoft is not likely to be "acquired" any time in the near future.
> Richard Colman

You're not alone in your thoughts.

No more Allaire.
The stock went up 23%, for no readily apparent reason,
 days ***before*** the "merger" was announced.
The Boston office will be run by Macromedians.
Jeremy, though still CTO for the Allaire division, reports to a
Macromedia sold off previously acquired products like Poser
last year (a whole slew of products).
The plan Allaire drew up for CF>5 may not mean anything anymore.

Maybe the focus of CF will move from rdbms interfacing to
flashy :) web presentations with multiplex Mac-like developer
gui thingies.

~*~ busy right now building FreeBSD boxes and installing apache/PHP 


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Re: Java Applet Not Working

2001-01-10 Thread pan

- Original Message - 
From: "Larry Juncker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, January 10, 2001 04:38
Subject: Java Applet Not Working

> Good Morning List
> I have a Java Applet that has been running on a site for quite some time and
> now all of a sudden when you mouse over it, it says it can find my class
> file.
> The trouble is on the following site.
> If you click on one of the Auction items on the Home page and look at the
> detial of it, there is a countdown timer called Ticker.class that is
> supposed to load.
> I have the Ticker.class file registered under Applets in ColdFusion
> Administrator and I also have the actual class file in my Root folder of the
> site.

What is the url of your root? 
That is what belongs in your codebase
attribute - not "/".

Apparently you run all your detail pages out of

I see you do have ticker.class in

so it is defintie that your codebase attribute is the problem.
Just delete the attribute or change it to the full url.

Just put the .class in that dir and delete the codebase
attribute - if the .class is in the dir that is the url
of the calling template then default codebase is that

You don't need to register the .class in cfAdmin.


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Re: showing up as gray Java block

2000-12-23 Thread pan

> Is there some setting somewhere else that needs to be checked to get the
>  function working in the second user's IE?

Make sure the java classes are available to all users.
You might have to copy the CFIDE folder to your webroot
or other dir.

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Re: Looking for low cost CF host

2000-12-23 Thread pan

> There is only 1 web-hoster for you. , I will personally
> answer any and all questions you may have about the services we provide.  I
> know you will not find and cheaper price for what we offer.  Check out our
> site and be sure to forward any questions to me.
> Robert Filipovich
> ATSWebNet
> 678-618-0169

You don't have anyway of allowing people to view your website
aside from the Flash presentation.


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Re: Purging CDATA and CGLOBAL

2000-12-17 Thread pan

- Original Message - 
From: "Greg Saunders" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, December 17, 2000 05:06
Subject: Re: Purging CDATA and CGLOBAL

> This makes sense, but isn't CF supposed to do something like this 
> automatically if you check the "Purge data for clients that remain 
> unvisited..." box when you set up the client data source?  As far as we can 
> tell, this check box has no affect.  When should client data actually be 
> purged?

Do you have cfexecutive running?
That is what does the job.


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Re: Parsing??

2000-12-16 Thread pan

> I have successfully used the cfhttp tag to pull a webpage and then display
> it with CFHTTP.FileContent.  But how do I just display specific parts?
> Rich

Craig already showed you one method.

Basic info is that cfhttp.filecontent is one_big_string.
You use the various cf string functions to extract
what you want from one_big_string.
Regular expressions help a lot (see function list
in docs).
When you grab a web page's content with cfhttp
all the content is stored in the variable cfhttp.filecontent.
If you need to extract more than one item from 
one_big_string, you might want to copy one_big_string
to additional variables - one variable for each extraction.
That keeps you from having to refresh cfhttp.filecontent.


. do extractions
. ending with content_1 you want to use

 do extractions
. ending with cntent_2 you want to use


The simplest extraction method is using the
mid() function. If the web page is static,
never changes and you count the char positions
to set the attritbutes of mid(), then you need to
do nothing more.

A little more complex is using Find() to set
the beginning and end values of mid(). If the
web page is dynamic, but the info you want
always begins with a specific char sequence
and ends with a specific char sequence, then
you can use Find() or FindNoCase() to determine
where to begin and end your mid() extraction.

In some cases you can use the suite of
List functions to do your extractions.
In particular when the cfhttp.filecontent is
a collection of well formed sentences you
can use chr(32),chr(10),chr(13) as a list 
delimiters and go from there. I would classify 
this as a technique for a special case.

Better methods involve using regular expression
via the REFind(),REFindNoCase(),REReplace(),
and REReplaceNoCase() functions along with
several other string manipulation functions
and techniques.

Beyond string manipulation  wddx and xml
can be your solution.

Beyond common packet formation and
trasmission formats (like xml, wddx)
there is AI based pattern recognition
and cognitive artificial ideation, but
for all practical purposes this amounts
to nothing more than employing an
esp() function  :) .

Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


Re: compound interest

2000-12-15 Thread pan

> Nope  i gave you the formula for n years 
> b = result / balance
> x = deposit
> r = annual interest
> n = years
> b = x * (1 + r %) ^ n
> Allan

No you didn't.
simple compound interest is:

F  =  P ( 1 + R / N ) ^ ( N * T )
Where :  
F   =  final amount
P   =  initial amount
R   = interest rate
N   = number of compounding periods
T   = Time ( in years)


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Re: List w/" " delims

2000-12-15 Thread pan

> I don't know why that function works the way that it does, but my guess is
> that it's essentially just a type of Replace function.

Here's my small contribution to add to the delimiter mysteries.

It's not just a ListChangeDelimters() oddity.
Everything here works, but the docs suggest that
parts of this snippet shouldn't. I think it is just
weak documentation.



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Re: cfcatch.tagcontext

2000-12-14 Thread pan

> Does this variable only work under a certain type of cfcatch type ?  The
> documentation I'm looking at doesn't specify and it's not working under a
> cfcatch type="any"

Administrator/debugging/"Enable CFML stack trace"

Use this only on a development machine - stack trace will
slow a production server down significantly.


Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


Re: Archiving Site built in CF

2000-12-14 Thread pan

[cc'd to author]

From: "Stephen R. Cassady" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Archiving Site built in CF

> Hey everyone!
> I've released into beta v2 an archive site for email-lists. It started as a
> project just to archive my favorite lists (I hated the available search
> systems) and it's slowly evolving into something larger and larger.
> I would appreciate any feedback that you might have, and any ideas for
> further lists to archive!

Very nice app.
A question: How can a person listed as a poster to cf-talk
edit their personal information - (you have the wrong associated
web site for me  :)  )


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Re: deleting session variables

2000-12-12 Thread pan

From: "Dave Watts" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RE: deleting session variables

> A better question for you, though, might be why you're using both Session
> and Client variables - two ways of doing the same thing? That's probably not
> the best approach.

On first impression using client and session in the same app
could be viable if;

1. client requires accessing client storage while session 
"stays within" the CFAS memory space.
2. if there are vars that need to persist after a session
and that are useful to have readily available for a next session
3. assuming session is faster than client {1]

On second impression the question needs to be answered
whether once client are read if the values also reside
in the CAFS memory space - if so, for how long, and
how granular is the rentention - i.e. assuming storage is 
in a db, does one read of any client's vars cause all
client's vars to persist in memory or is the clientmanagement
selective to retrieving just the particular client vars
relative to that client's current session/http request?

If every refeence to a client var causes a db read or write,
then I would say that the only reason to mix client and session
is to intialize a client seesion with client vars, but run the
session with session vars.

I doubt that client vars are kept in memory for a defined timeout
period (or any other undocumented timeout period other than
possibly applicationtimeout) like session vars so each reference
to a client var will cause a db write or read. That has to mean 
session vars, once set, are faster.

I can see an app organized so that upon logIn client vars
in storage are used to intialize the current session, then
these values are moved into a session layer for speed with
any subsequent client value assignments done only for the
purpose of preserving values that need to persist past the
end of the current session.

I would appreciate any clarification of any of this thinking.
(above is not meant to cover clustering issues and assumes
no design inhibitions due to ram constraints)


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Re: code to compare cfquery recordsets?

2000-12-12 Thread pan

Subject: code to compare cfquery recordsets?

> Has anyone written a module to compare queries?  I'd just like to know if
> two queries are identical or not, I don't care how they're different.

ValueList() will produce a list of values for a specified column
ListSort() on ValueList()
Replace() on ListSort() to remove delimiters and essentially
change to a string

use Compare()  on stringed columns from q1 & q2

You could repeat for each column or decide that one specific
column is sufficient to test for congruency

You should do above for
query1.ColumnList compared to query2.ColumnList
first just to check that columns are same

Pseudocode for above ...



You can improve the above by looping over the .columnlist for each query
and producing a series of column_string vars and then set up a logic
for sequentially comparing corresponding values.

Sorry for not writing complete alorithm ... should be enough here to
provide for writing inline or tag-based code.


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Re: Any good ideas?

2000-12-11 Thread pan


[best practice in re initiating and completing time intensive queries]

Based on what has been written in this thread so far it looks as
though CFAS should have no role other than serving as a 
front end acceptor of query tasks. The data and processing load
would seem to demand that the work be done by your rdms to
the greatest extent possible.  A http session is designed for
communicative exhange of messages between client and server.
Your tasks seem guartanteed to go beyond the limits such
a stateless protocol imposes.
I would use CFAS to accept and forward the parameters
and identification information to an off-line query processor
via a priority driven queue. For the client I would provide
a means of accessing a status report delineating the
current state of their query.
If you have any surviving relics from the late 60's or
70's that sysadmined any time shared big iron, see if you
can prod them from their sleep to speak to you of how
they handled job request queues and how they provided
a running status report.

Every thing after accepting the query request should belong
to your rdbms. 

Pan - 'recalling watching CDC 6500 job status screens and
wondering if student priority 8 tasks would ever get any
of the timeslice crumbs unclaimed by administrative and 
faculty jobs'

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Re: mac address

2000-12-09 Thread pan

> I don't know if there is a custom tag that will do this but, you could use
> CFEXECUTE with either 'nbtstat' or, if you have the NT Resource Kit,
> 'getmac'. 'nbtstat' returns a lot more information than just the MAC, which
> means you'd have to parse the information, but 'getmac' returns only the
> MAC(s) given the IP address, NetBios name, or host name. You could
> optionally create a COM wrapper for it. Of course, Java, VB, and probably
> WSH, have the capability to do this too, I just don't have code on hand.

Are nbstat and getmac for the lan or can you use them to get
client MAC across a http session outside the local lan?

I think the orig poster was asking how to use MAC as a security
check for any client accessing a page ... I assumed in my previous
answer that meant including clients not on the lan the server
running CFAS is on. 



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Re: Removing dupes from list

2000-12-09 Thread pan

> If i have a list like:
> 2,10,3,1,2,9,9,2
> what is the easiest way to parse out the dupes to make the list:
> 2,10,3,1,9

May not be the easiest, but ...



You could use ListValueCountNoCase(), but you'll
end up spending more processing time as you'll have
to reloop every time you find a return > 1 and do a 
ListDeleteAt() for the 2nd+ occurrences.


You could build a structure and use StructKeyExists(),
. etc.  

In short there area lot of way to code what you
want to do ... "easiest" is up to you, but the first method
I outlined should be reasonably quick and simple - it does
operate in linear time so there might be a faster method.


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Re: mac address

2000-12-09 Thread pan

> Anyone know of a way to grab a client machines mac address?  Am looking for
> a way to do it with Cold Fusion, scripting, ActiveX, or Java.  Any tips or
> suggestions would be greatly appreciated.  Wanting to use the mac address
> for security verification.


Can I use the MAC address of an Ethernet packet to trace an attacker?

If the attack originated from a system that has a direct connection to
your system with no gateway in between, then you can use the MAC address.

But, if a gateway is in the path, then the gateway replaces the MAC address
of the sender with its own address. As a result, you can trace the attack to
the gateway only. If the gateway has extensive logging enabled, you might
consider searching the log file for more information.

>From the above and given that CAFS works at the OSI application level
and that MAC is below that level I would conclude that you are unlikely
to accomplish your goal. Gateways are going to be in the transit path of
most http sessions CFAS participates in and CFAS is not generically
capable of sniffing packets. 

If a gateway is not a concern than I might suggest one of the Seller
tags as a possibility. You'll have to have a tool running that can
generate a file of packet data that CFAS can reference - with the caveat
that gateway translation will probably make the data unavailable.

That's all server side.  

Client side;

at question 4.7 there seems to be a decent overview of what you will
need to deal with via client side Java/Activex - if at all possible.

It still doesn't look possible, certainly it will not be a trivial
task. The SNMP API, NETBIOS API and RPC/OLE API discussed
are in the context of winsock - any solution developed from this
will have to be one of a set of solutions encompassing several
client OSs.

Looks like a good few months worth of research and a fascinating
(well, at least an educational) project.

Good luck - we'll all be awaiting the cfx tag from you.  :)


p.s. on an intranet or vpn or extranet the effort will be
less as the parameters of the task *should* be under
your control - i.e. everyone same OS, same browser, 
direct access to servers and routers, deliberate 
non-inclusion of a gateway, etc.

Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


Re: Automatic repair and compact

2000-12-07 Thread pan

> Thanks Adrian Cesana  and Pan for all of your mails
> ..Its has been really helpful to me.
> I have a question ,Pan you have written in one of your
> mails that its better to compact and repair the
> database manually rather then using CF programm.Can
> you please tell me why yoyu said so.
> Shally

The technique I use involves CFUSION_DBCONNECTIONS_FLUSH() 
call which breaks connections for all datasources. It's necessary
as the DAO call will fail  (and throw an error) if the target .mdb
is locked (i.e. in use and a .ldb file exists for that .mdb).
 It is more convenient from the operator's point of view to
schedule an automatic compress&repair, but I don't like the
idea that a user might get an error when the .mdb is unavailable.
The chances of this occuring is a calculation of the time
involved (milliseconds) vs. traffic making use of the templates
that might be calling the .mdb through a query. In most
case it will be a small probability of a conflict. 

If you want to automate regardless of the above, you might try
what I have done is some applications, i.e. set a value in an
unrelated datasource that any template that references
a .mdb that is the target of a scheduled compress&repair
must check before continuing. The value determines if
the template continues or is switched to a refreshing 
"please wait" page until the compression is done.

You would implement that something like this:

db  system
table dbSTATUS
field  targetMDB (name of dsn)
field  door (default value = "open")


select door
from dbSTATUS
where targetMDB="foo";

  do normal processing


select door
from dbSTATUS
where targetMDB="foo";

  please wait db is being updated


set door="closed"
where targetMDB="foo";

[compression code]

set door="open"
where targetMDB="foo";

This synchronoization technique is also useful when accessing
and integrating a dataflow from a remote source or program 
that is writing realtime values to a dsn. 


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Re: CFSCHEDULE problems. PLEASE help

2000-12-06 Thread pan

> Can someone please help me?  I am using CFSCHEDULE to make a particular .cfm 
> file generate a .htm at a particular interval.  Well the schedule is working 
> fine.  THe problem is I get a blank .htm file.

[reply here on cf-talk rather than to private email sent previously]

You're getting a file written without content?

Any content at all?

What code are you using to produce the content?

Without any further information I'd guess the problem
is in the code you use to write the file content.


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Re: Help with Median...

2000-12-06 Thread pan

> I would like to do something similar to get the MEDIAN... now SQL claims to
> have a MEDIAN function yet when i use
> it i get an error saying that function doesnt exist. Has anyone ever done a
> median query?? any help would be appreciated.
> Kelly

"SQL" doesn't exist in re functional operations except as implemented
by the rdbms you have deployed. You need to specify which rdbms
you are trying to run code against. Some systems may have nothing
but, less than, or more than what is specified in the ANSI SQL-92
specs or other standard.


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Re: What are the recognized CF variable scopes?

2000-12-06 Thread pan

> 1.) What is the Request scope?


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Re: Automatic repair and compact

2000-12-06 Thread pan

> Thanks for the code you sent> But as I am new to all
> this I would like to know that do I have to 
> the "objectMDB" and "tempmdb".I am failing to
> understand your programm please help/.


I'll try to be more helpful.

objectMDB is the access .mdb file you wish to
compact and repair. The value of the variable is the
full path to the .mdb file, e.g.

tempMDB is likewise a full path for the
DAO code to use when creating the
compacted and repaired copy of objectMDB,
tempFile.mdb doesn't exist until the DAO call
and will be renamed later by your code.

The method the DAO call follows is to
create a new copy of the file you wish to
compact and repair. It is up to you to rename
the tempMDB to your original filename after
deleting the objectMDB.

The call to the CF function

is necessary as the cffile delete and rename actions will
fail if the the .mdb is locked (i.e in use).

In order to correctly assign the value of daoClass, look in
c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\DAO\

You should see either dao360.dll or dao350.dll depending on
if you have Access2k or Access97 respectively.

If you are going to schedule this, pick a time when
it is less likely the db is going to be in use as
might interrupt a user session. I prefer to use a tool
I built to manually compress and repair any .mdb files
I happen to be using.

If you have any more questions, please feel free to ask.


> >
> > From: "monika kon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Subject: Automatic repair and compact
> >
> >
> > > Hi everyone,
> > > Is it possible to compact and repair Access
> > databbase
> > > every day automatically through Coldfusion
> > code.Please
> > > help!!
> > > Shally..
> >
> > Yes.
> > Acc97 DAO 3.5
> > Acc2k DAO 3.6
> >
> > DAO needs to be on the server - there are ADO
> > calls, but DAO seems better to me.
> >
> > The below script is the safest way I use.
> > You should wrap the below in a cftry/cfcatch trap.
> >
> > core script: modfy to your needs
> >   
> > or,
> >   
> >
> >
> >  > Class="#daoClass#">
> >  > DBEngine.CompactDatabase("#objectMDB#","#tempMDB#")>
> >  >  file="#objectMDB#">
> >  >   source="#tempMDB#"
> >   destination="#objectMDB#">
> >
> > Pan
> >
> >
> >
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Re: Question About Time Adding

2000-12-06 Thread pan

> How would i add 3 hours to the current time?  
> i thought i could do this, but it did not work...
> #DateAdd('HH', '3', Now())#

You're conflating the 'h' datepart parameter of DateAdd()
with the 'HH' option of TimeFormat() mask parameter.


If you want the military time format when you display
nowPlusThreeHours, you use

  #TimeFormat(nowPlusThreeHours, "HH:mm:ss")#


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Re: Encryption problem when passed in URL?

2000-12-05 Thread pan

> Before encryption, date is #date#
> Encrypted, date2 is #date2#
>  After encryption, date is #date#
> With that given key and string, it gives the following output:
> Before encryption, date is 27-FEB-02:28:07:18
> Encrypted, date2 is 2#1 276*NP/W/WWV.Y\,1]4OG
> After decryption, date is 27-FEB-02:28:07:18
> Notice there is a space in the encrypted string in position 4!   If I pass
> this using, say,  as an encrypted variable in the URL it bombs out
> as in:


Re: Automatic repair and compact

2000-12-05 Thread pan

From: "Adrian Cesana" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Subject: RE: Automatic repair and compact

> An alternate method if you dont have DAO/ADO available is to CF_EXECUTE (or
> CFX_CONSOLECOMMAND) a batch file with this in it:
> d:\path_to_msaccess\msaccess e:\data\mydata.mdb /repair
> d:\path_to_msaccess\msaccess e:\data\mydata.mdb /compact

This assumes Access is installed on the server - not necessarily
a good idea 
Also - if you have Access installed you have DAO/ADO and if
you remove Access, I believe DAO will stay installed. I don't 
know of any way to install DAO independently of Access.

> You could also easily schedule this as well using AT.  I think in Access
> 2000 the compact also does the repair as well.


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Re: ColdFusion for Dummies revision - CF5 features

2000-12-05 Thread pan

[Lots of message chaff on the list lately, can't find
new messages amidst all the echoed old posts]

From: "Dave Watts" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, December 04, 2000 20:05
Subject: RE: ColdFusion for Dummies revision - CF5 features

> When Allaire puts in an SQL analyzer, it's unlikely that it'll match the
> best efforts of Oracle and Microsoft in SQL execution efficiency. To have a
> chance at making this work, Allaire may have to incorporate a complete
> in-memory database, in my opinion, which will make the base product more
> complex and potentially more fragile.

Absent good information we've been speculating about the CF5 ability
to query a query. It may not be written to emulate anything and to do
no more than allow simple look-ups and other low-level ops that are
not currently part of the functions toolbox. Has anyone stated that
we are getting a full blown inline analyzer? Could be just an expansion
of Queryxxx function set.


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Re: Need some guidance on a CFPOP question

2000-12-05 Thread pan

> Ok,  can i do this to determine if someone has logged in correctly???
>  SERVER=""
> PASSWORD="password"
> NAME="check">

You wouldn't use username@domain, just username.
LogIn to a pop3 server is done with acctame and password.

>Good Login, Proceed
>Bad Login, Redirect
> Can i do that record check?

Yes - but it's better to wrap the cfpop in a cftry/cfcatch trap.
Your code assumes no error from the pop3 server. Cftry
will catch things like bad password; poplock; no response, etc.
If there is no error, then the name attribute (in your case "check")
is a query - with all the attendant properties of a query.

also - recordcount froma cfpop query is the count of
messages available for the current login - and what if there is
a good login but no messages ...

use the cftry/cfcatch wrapper - it will provide you all you need.


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Re: ColdFusion for Dummies revision - CF5 features

2000-12-04 Thread pan

> Since the query is stored in memory (I assume resident only while the page
> is processing) you would be running your sub queries against memory. This
> would be a big time performance boost over running traditional queries
> because of the difference between the speed of memory access vs. db access.

Re: Automatic repair and compact

2000-12-04 Thread pan

From: "monika kon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Automatic repair and compact

> Hi everyone,
> Is it possible to compact and repair Access databbase
> every day automatically through Coldfusion code.Please
> help!!
> Shally..

Acc97 DAO 3.5
Acc2k DAO 3.6

DAO needs to be on the server - there are ADO
calls, but DAO seems better to me.

The below script is the safest way I use.
You should wrap the below in a cftry/cfcatch trap.

core script: modfy to your needs


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Re: ColdFusion for Dummies revision - CF5 features

2000-12-04 Thread pan

From: "Todd Ashworth" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Subject: Re: ColdFusion for Dummies revision - CF5 features

> |   b.. Ability to run queries against existing query result sets (CFSQL).
> I don't understand the need for that.  Couldn't you just run another query?
> Or is it some sort of performance issue thing since the query is in memory?

the query returned by CFPOP ... being able to apply sql aginst that query
would be plus-plus-good vs, the current need to do all sorts of 
monkeys-squatting-on-lava scripting to accomplish certain data
manipulatons and handling.


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Re: CF admin problem

2000-12-01 Thread pan

From: "Eric Fickes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: CF admin problem

> Hello all,
> I was wondering, have any of you had the problem where you turn on "Show
> variables" in the CF admin and the server never shows the variables when the
> cf pages are loaded

Show Variables outputs cgi, form, url and cookie values if showdebugout
is set to yes in a cfsetting tag or if ?mode=debug is appended to the calling

Maybe you have a stray cfsetting tag - try the mode append 

Other than that, it's some setting in IIS.

hope this is of some help


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Re: GetTicketCount() - where and when

2000-12-01 Thread pan

From: "Eric Fickes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: GetTicketCount() - where and when

> Definition:
> Returns a millisecond clock counter that can be used for timing sections of
> CFML code or any other aspects of page processing.
> 1.This counter is how long it took the CF server to parse the CF code.  EG,
> execution time?
> 2.Is this for the entire page, or just for code contained in between
>  and ?

Ticks are based on a server counter that runs the lifetime of the
current boot. 
GetTickCount() returns the value of that counter when the
func is called - so it's usefulness is in terms of the diff
between GetTickCount() calls. It is not precise and is
not a diff that equates exactly to x milliseconds of cpu
time - however it is close enough. Doesn't take into
account "server/network burps" or other things that might pause
or delay server ops at the system/network level.
Use the diff under the assumption that the machine and
network are operating smoothly,  is acting on your template with
the highest priority and that there are no "burps".

It's relaible enough.


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Re: CFHTTP POST & Cookies, question.

2000-12-01 Thread pan

From: "Daniel Kemp" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: CFHTTP POST & Cookies, question.

Untested suggestion:

Try sending a http header named http_cookie
using .

By looking at examples of cgi.http_cookie you
have when accessing the page you might be able
to correctly configure the name and value
attritbutes of .

Completely untestested - may completely violate
the theory and operations of the http protocol,
but it's an idea. 

Wish I had time to test all the thoughts cf-talk
stimulates in me.

If you try this, please post results?


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Re: Encryption

2000-12-01 Thread pan

> I am looking for a tool to Encrypt my Coldfusion Source Code.  Any help
> please.

There is a built-in tool named cfencode.
Called by {cfencode filespec /v "2"}.
On win platforms it is console command (dos box),
so it needs to be in path or copied to a encrypting
dir of your choice. I prefer the latter method as
there is no chance of encoding a template I have not
copied to that dir - also I can do multiple templates
with {cfencode *.cfm /v "2"}.

Be careful to not encode your only copy.

However, it's not secure as there is an easily compiled decrypt tool
in the wild (it's also been distributed in ready to run binaries).

Read the docs as a few tags result in pages that can't/shouldn't
 be encrypted, notably .

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Re: ListContains wierdness - why?

2000-12-01 Thread pan

> Why does the following always return TRUE?

You are about to discover the difference between
ListContains and ListFind.

ListContains will return true if substring can be
found within the set of char comprising a value
item in the list.

ListFind will return true if substring can be
found within the set of value items comprising
the list.

ListFind matches on substring == whole item.
ListContains can match on substring == partial item.


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Re: application timeout

2000-11-29 Thread pan

> | > What is the advantages of having your application timeout?
> | >
> | Among other things, it would be nice to have a way to change the
> | value of the timeout without having to stop/start the server.

> You just change the value in your cfapplication tag in your Application.cfm
> file ... ?

I could be wrong, but 

if not timeout in cfapplication tag
 then admin defaults apply
 and persist until start/stop

if timeout in cfapplication tag
 then app timeout over rides admin defaults
 and appVar persist until timeout expires
 unless stop/start

I think that if you want to change cfapp timeout you
have to wait until previously set cfapp timeout expires

That doesn't make sense, does it?
When I have wanted to change cfapp timeout it's
just been easier to start/stop - it seems (anecdotally)
that cfapp timeout can't be changed just by rewriting the
value in the application.cfm script. 

Is cfapplication.timeout an addressable value in memory?

It seems like I was just playing with this yesterday - maybe it
was sessiontimeout, which does respond quickly to script
changes - which makes sense as it is not a value read or
useful until a session starts. application timeout seems to
persist regardless of whether a new session has started.
Will have to experiment more when time permits.


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Re: application timeout

2000-11-29 Thread pan

From: "Won Lee" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> What is the advantages of having your application timeout?

Among other things, it would be nice to have a way to change the
value of the timeout without having to stop/start the server.

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new struct func (4.5.1.sp2)

2000-11-29 Thread pan

has anyone gained sufficient insight from the 
extremely sparse release notes to understand 
how to use the new struct funcs?

fertile ground for a new tutorial/examples

release notes:

StructAppend adds all the fields and values of Struct2 to Struct1.
Struct1 is changed in the process. Struct2 is not changed. 

StructAppend(Struct1, Struct2 [, OverwriteFlag])

StructFindKey searches recursively through an arbitrarily complex
sub-structure of nested arrays, structures, and other elements and
returns an array containing any structures with values that match the
key specified in the Key parameter.

StructFindKey(Top, Key [, Scope])

StructFindValue searches recursively through an arbitrarily complex
sub-structure of nested arrays, structures, and other elements and
returns an array containing any structures with values that match the
key specified in the Key parameter.

StructFindValue(Top, Key [, Scope])

StructGet returns a valid ColdFusion array of structures from the
specified path. 


StructSort returns an array of structures containing top-level key
names (strings) sorted according to the value of the specified sub-element.
The value of the keys may be simple values or complex elements. 

StructSort(Base [, SortType, SortOrder, PathToSubElement])

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cfpop uid with commas

2000-11-28 Thread pan

In a sendmail server the uid can be set
using an included comma.

uid = 'O,!!l?^"!+]o"!Iie"!

This ends up being transmitted to sendmail as

The truncation must be happening within CFAS,
so ---

when using action = delete
how to escape (or otherwise convert) 
these values so sendmail recognizes
the uid?

Manual escaping via ReplaceNoCase fails.

uid would be preferable to messagenumber as
uid has a lifetime association with the message
whereas messagenumber will get changed
after every pop session (and some mail daemons
don't set messagenumber, just uid).


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CFAS 4.5.1sp2 - doc update not done?

2000-11-28 Thread pan

CFAS 4.5.1sp2 didn't update CFDOCS completely.
No info on the new tag attributes or functions.

Is this oversight on Allaire's part or is there some
voo-doo I've yet to doo-doo?


Though mentioned in the release notes
the following weren't updated in the

Docs don't reflect fixes.

missing info on CFPOP uid column

missing info on all the new Struct functions 
(thank you Mike for updating your func list)

no data on IsWddx

other stuff ??


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Re: Printing mailing labels in a browser -- Joy... :-O

2000-11-21 Thread pan

From: "Mark W. Breneman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> My boss just "gave" me a new project Printing mailing labels from a
> browser.

assuming this is in-house with you having control over
browser client settings  i.e. accept page defined text, etc.

then this has worked with single part label sheets,

[use the width attribute] == fixed-width font (courier, etc. if

css, dhtml positioning if needed for fine tuning

did this with multi-part carbonless labels once - not high speed
and needs impact printer (laser and inkjet obviously useless)

don't try it with proportional typefaces  :)

and, if this is a web page in the wild that any surfer might try to use
it won't work - go .pdf instead


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Re: IsDate and Julian Dates

2000-11-21 Thread pan

From: "Vaughan Evans" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> It seems that isDate() returns false when you pass it a date in julian
> format. Is this so?


> #dateFormat(36852.6533681)#
> it outputs: 22-Nov-00
> So if I have a list of values of which one item may be a Julian Date how do
> I find out if its a date or not?


All dates are stored and manipulated as points on a subset of the rational
numbers. Whether this is a congruent match for the julian timeline based
on the 1800 epoch is unknown. It is most likely congruent, but I can't
prove it.

Converting julian -> 'normal' is fairly easy with the cf datetime func.
(DateFormat and TimeFormat with judiciously applied masks produces
plug in values for CreateDateTime() as a set of values to combine, or,
if you mask  correctly for delimters, as a list to loop through)

Going the opposite way is a bit more work.


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clientVar storage/multiple CFAS/single storage db

2000-11-18 Thread pan

In a non-clustered network of machines, each machine
having CFAS running, that uses a single dsn for client var
storage - are CFIDs uniquely assigned for the storage db,
or is each CFAS assigning CFIDs independently of each

In both CDATA and CGLOBAL the field cfid actually
stores the cfid-cftoken values as xx-.

Is there any guarantee, in the above described
network, that each cfid in CDATA and CGLOBAL
actually points back to the originating server?

Is it possible for serverA to have created the same
cfid-cftoken pair as serverB and thus any entries
in the shared clientVar storage db might not uniquely
refer to different clients on the serveral servers?

CDATA is indexed on multiple columns (cfid,app), but
CGLOBALS has two indices ((cfid),(lvist)).

If clientP is using App_1 on ServerA and 
clientQ is using App_1 on ServerB,
how likely is it, if at all, that the entries
in CDATA/CGLOBAL are conflated?

I'm thinking they could be commingled. 
The CFID element seems to be a simply incremented
value each CFAS generates as need. The CFTOKEN
is not a simply incremented value - don't know how they
are generated - this may resolve the potential problem,
but I don't see how the different CFASs could inform
each other which CFTOKENs have been assigned.



Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at



2000-11-17 Thread pan

Why isn't your scheduled template checking a stored
variable to see if it should email you?

Example: query a db upon scheduled event entry to
see if and when last email sent. If time span since is
long enough you can reset var to "doMail". Many
ways to condition the value of the referenced stored
value. also makes it easy to turn off or turn on
other features inside the event.


- Original Message -
From: "Robert M. Saxon, Jr." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, November 17, 2000 14:06

> I have a task that runs once a minute to check if a web page is down. If it
> is, it emails me.  The problem is that I get an email once a minute as long
> as the page is down.  Is there a way to use CFSCHEDULE or some other method
> to stop/pause (not delete) a task defined in CF Administrator from a CF
> page so that it will stop emailing me until the page is restored?
> ~~
> Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at
> Archives:
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Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


Re: Standard or Daylight Savings Time

2000-11-14 Thread pan

- Original Message - 
From: "Jim McAtee" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, November 14, 2000 16:41
Subject: OT: Standard or Daylight Savings Time

> Anyone know where I can get a list of dates that daylight savings time
> begins and ends for, say, the next 10 years?

"Since 1987, Daylight Saving Time in all U.S. states, 
the District of Columbia, and U.S. possessions begins
at 2am on the first Sunday in Apr. and ends at 2am
in the last Sunday in Oct." 
Source: World Almanac and Book of Facts

Outside the US I don't know.


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Re: Doubled Headers

2000-11-13 Thread pan

> "Dave Watts" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > There we go again...  I have tooth cavities, would fusebox 
> > take care of them? ;-)
> No, but the dentist would be able to find and fix them more easily, I
> suppose.

But then, the next dentist might get "hyp-mo-tized" by all the intricate,
Byzantine-Baroque, Rube Goldberg bridge and denture work.


Note to fusers: "JUST KIDDING ! "

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Re: [Cached Queries]

2000-11-11 Thread pan


Subject: Re: [Cached Queries]

[results of sql formatting changes on caching]

Before I replied that it wasn't true I also had run
the same type of test. As you can see from the debug
output (A) below the differently typed sql also

To test further and to allow for queries cached
within the current lifetime of the running server
I start/stopped and then got the debug results
in listing B.

B shows you were right, but also shows something
else. The first cachedwithin call after the intial
query did not produce cached results on a 
freshly restarted machine. That doesn't seem
correct unless there is some memory writing
procedure that is relatively slow in the 
cf administrative functions. I would think that
if caching is turned on, then the intial query would
be in memory at the time the query is performed.
Thus, any immediately following cachedwithin
call would read from the same memory segment.
It seems that there is finite time within which
the caching functions copy a query recordset
from some working segment to a different caching
memory segment.

I suppose it makes sense that cached queries are
apparently moved from a working memory segment
to a separate caching memory segment, but it does
make for a need to finely control the sequencing
from initial query to any subsequent cached calls.

Good discussion. Doe anyone else interpret the
differences between A & B as anything else than
memory segment handling?

As a final test to see if reformatted sql affects
caching I repeated A & B with the difference that 
afetr a restart I excluded the reformatted sql call
from the template but included it within B. Result
is that Bud is absolutely right. My mistake was that
I have a machine that almost never needs a restart. :)


[debug outpout A] 
[during an active server lifetime]

[intial query]
getURLs (Records=2553, Time=485ms)
SQL = 
select url_text
 from   URL
 where  0=0;

[first cachedwithin call]
getURLs (Records=2553, Time=Cached Query)
SQL = 
select url_text 
 from   URL
 where  0=0;

[second cahcedwithin call]
getURLs (Records=2553, Time=Cached Query)
SQL = 
select url_text 
 from   URL
 where  0=0;

[third cachedwithin call with sql reformat]
[first call with reformatted sql]
getURLs (Records=2553, Time=Cached Query)
SQL = 
select url_text from   URL
 where  0=0;

[debug output B] 
[machine restarted]

[initial query]
getURLs (Records=2553, Time=581ms)
SQL = 
select url_text
 from   URL
 where  0=0;

[first cahcedwithin call]
getURLs (Records=2553, Time=478ms)
SQL = 
select url_text 
 from   URL
 where  0=0;

[second cachedwithin call]
getURLs (Records=2553, Time=Cached Query)
SQL = 
select url_text 
 from   URL
 where  0=0;

[third cachedwithin call but with sql reformatted]
getURLs (Records=2553, Time=457ms)
SQL = 
select url_text from   URL
 where  0=0;


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Re: [Cached Queries]

2000-11-11 Thread pan


Subject: Re: [Cached Queries]

> On 11/10/00, Alex penned:
> >i think they are cached according to the queryname. so if you name the query
> >with a sessionid you could have them cached per user.
> >and YES  they will make the page faster for the end user.
> >i cache all static querys.
> They are cached by name, search parameters, and also by the query 
> structure itself.
> So
> SELECT product_name
> FROM products
> and
> SELECT product_name FROM products
> would be read as 2 separate queries because the structure is 
> different, even if they are named the same.

That's not true.
The two selects you wrote will not prevent cachedwithin usage.
There has to be a difference in sql that would produce different
rows and/or columns.


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Re: Update Error

2000-11-09 Thread pan

From: "Jeremy Toevs" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> I recieved the following error and can not figure out how to fix it. My query
looks just like the rest of my other ones, but this one just doesn't seem to
work. Can you help me out?
> ===
> Error Occurred While Processing Request
> Error Diagnostic Information
> ODBC Error Code = 37000 (Syntax error or access violation)
> [Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Syntax error in UPDATE statement.
> The error occurred while processing an element with a general identifier of
(CFQUERY), occupying document position (2:1) to (2:28).
> ===
> Here is my query. All fields are in text format. No date formats. Valid is a
yes/no field. I just can't figure out what is wrong.

When you pass '#valid#' what are the actual values the var can take?

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Re: fusebox

2000-11-07 Thread pan

From: "Stephen M Aylor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Certainly FB coding methods are NOT obligatory - nor for everyone - thats
> for sure.  You opinions are as well valued.  No problems there.  I just find
> your perspective quite interesting - as it seems so... contrary to sooo many
> other folks.  Maybe no one else other than you and Dave Watts has the
> "loinal fortitude" to stand up and say so - tho Im sure there are many
> others.

Too busy writing non-fusebox apps to discuss much.
It isn't an issue that seems all that necessary to consider.

Never got a job because of fusebox, never lost one because
of fusebox. It's just like the certification issue - no impact
within my intellectual horizon - so discussion of same just
doesn't consume much of my time or thinking.

What would attract my attention is if there was any 
*reproducible* statististics that provided non-anectdotal
evidence that fusebox can be faster, more efficient than
some other methodology. 

Maybe some people would have the time to construct a
scenario that works towards providing good data ...
(Maybe the data already exists ???)

Something like -- post a spec that is made available at
a specified time and then collect various solutions.
Then look at total work time, workflow, closeness to
specs, operational efficiency and any number of other

Were anyone to do such a study I would give it a close
read. If I found enough convincing 'stuff' that lead
to adopting fusebox as a standard best practice, then
I'd adopt it without any hesitation.

Until then I have work to do and not the time to
rigorously examine fusebox. 

Does the new fusebox book have anything like the
above in it?

Pan - "why didn't I post this to cf_community?"

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Re: duplicate value, then set into variable

2000-11-07 Thread pan

From: "Eric Fickes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Got a variable/list question.  I have a variable that needs to a list
> seperated by commas.  This list will contain only one word, child, and the
> listLen will depend on the len of another list.

Here's a snippet that illustrates a technique that will work for you.
Notice that the second attribute of RepeatString can be 0 - a lot
of people wouldn't think it could be.




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Re: newline in cfmail

2000-11-05 Thread pan

From: "Kris Marwood" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> It appears chr(13) doesn't work for plaintext emails. What can be used to
> format the email like this (given the dynamically generated nature of the
> content of the email)

Here's a snippet that works for me in re plaintext generated

#line1# #linefeed#
#line2# #linefeed#
#line3# #linefeed#
#line4# #linefeed#
#line5# #linefeed#
doSpider? #getEventToggles.doSpider# #linefeed#
doPingNet? #getEventToggles.doPingNet# #linefeed#

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Re: can CF figure out user platform??

2000-11-03 Thread pan

From: "Garza, Jeff" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RE: can CF figure out user platform??

> Yes, you'll have to parse it out of the CGI.HTTP_USER_AGENT variable...i.e.,
> HTTP_USER_AGENT=Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows NT 5.0)
> It's in there for each hit.  Try using

Usefulness of that is limited to the fact that it is fairly easy for a
number of surfers to set their user agent to anything they choose.
If platform id is critical, then user agent is not reliable.


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Re: [RE: padding a variable]

2000-11-03 Thread pan

From: "Alex" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> i can do this BUT not with spaces [ ]
> how can i get a query field that takes up 10 or less characters to take up
> exactly 30 characters in the browser?

HTML is not a lay-out tool for page publishing.
It is a sub-sub-set of SGML which is designed to "suggest"
a structured format for browser clients. Often people
will use various tricks to force a standard layout.
IMHO, none of the tricks are of such high value that
I would retard the development schedule of a website
until every em and en are exactly delineated.

That being said, there are things to do - subject to
the understanding that you will have no control over whether
a particular client browser is:
1. using a proportional typeface;
2. using a non-proportional typeface;
3. employing a display size that makes hash of
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Re: SQL Question

2000-11-02 Thread pan

From: "Dan Haley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> 2. make sure to join the two tables using primary/foriegn key (parent/child)
> relationships, otherwise you get a cartesian join (and, no, I don't really
> know what that means either, you just get all the records from both tables)


>From Rene Descartes ...

in cartesian coordinates there is an abscissa and an ordinate,
respectively the measurement of distance from an origin
of an orthognal line projected from the coordinate point
to the appropriate axis. In simple two dimensional cartesian
systems based on a plane there is a y (ordinate) value for
every x (abscissa) value. This is commutative; i.e. for every
y there is a x. Thus, each coordinated point has, at least,
two ordered pairs of numbers (or addresses) that, while
identically referencing unique points, are distinct.

A cartesian join supplies an answer to each iteration of both
of the questions, 1. what value y is at each x AND 2. what 
value x is at each y. Thus you get a recordset that fills an 
entire quadrant of possible points  comprised of both the
ordered pair (x,y) and the complementary ordered pair
(y,x).  You know that (x,y) == (y,x) but your query doesn't.
Queries produce rows - so you get
x0 - value y0
x1 - y1
xn - yn
[and then,]
y0 - value x0
y1 - x1
yn - xn

By writing the appropriate sql you avoid this (or produce it
if your goal is a cartesian join) and get a recordset that
comprises just the (x,y) coordinations or the (y,x) 
coordinations - your choice.

This can be made much more complicated if desired.

Pan -  "Or, something close to that" - Az M'Tope

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Re: Limit the output of words to 300 chars <---- it even says chars in the subject line

2000-10-29 Thread pan


Too late 

he wrote "limit to 300 chars"
 NOT 300 words

Pan - abashed, no excuses

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Re: Limit the output of words to 300 chars

2000-10-29 Thread pan

From: "Nathan Stanford" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> How can I Limit the output of words to 300 chars but don't cut off a word in
> the middle?

In psuedo code --

define word
ListInsertAt 300th word some_unused_char_as_delimiter
goal = ListFirst(target)

in CF ( not guaranteed)
this is verbose and explicit, there should be a regex
that can do the same in one step (Rick Osborne??)




redefine word

rareChar selection should be informed by awareness of
language used in txt and by general knowledge of context
I.E. chr(135) will be likely in highly footnoted tracts
from academic types (especially history majors  :)  ).

Pan - the one and only Baroque programmer


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Re: CF 5.0 "Bug Vote" is Now Open!

2000-10-27 Thread pan

From: "Owens, Howard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Priority 0, errors that I find. (Not superseding the above list,
> >rather supersetting it.)
> Well, yeah ...
> But I've found that no matter how hard I try and plan and test,
> invariably a user thinks of some way to use an application that I hadn't
> anticipated. That usually causes an error. It's a given that we should debug
> our own apps first, but it's probably impossible to anticipate every single
> stupid thing a user might do (or some times smart things that lead toward
> new functionality).

I'm not disagreeing with you. My point is that whilst including *lots* of
idiot-proofing code was once 'normal' coding practice, now it seems that
people just do the RAD.

Besides, I reserve a certain aspect of self that is quite like an idiot user
and thus it is easy to look at code from that p.o.v.


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Re: Getting/manipulating data for multiple records, multiple tables

2000-10-27 Thread pan

From: "Paul Sinclair" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> I'm having trouble figuring out how to use a SQL select statement to get
> data for multiple records from multiple tables and then do some math on each
> of the individual records for .
> I have a db with results from an annual golf event. There are 3 tables
> containing the data I need: tblOne with results from day one; tblTwo with
> results from day two; tblThree with demographic info (name, club, handicap,
> etc.). Here is a simplified version of what I need to do:
> 1.
> SELECT from tblThree to get demographic info
> SELECT from tblOne getting points scored by each golfer on day one
> SELECT from tblTwo getting points scored by each golfer on day two
> 2.
> For each golfer, do some math using data from the above SELECTs, for example
> (dayOne pts + dayTwo pts)
> 3.
>  the results for each golfer 
> I can run all this through just fine if I feed a player name to the
> template. But I need to compile an overall chart that contains the data for
> every golfer. What I'm struggling with is how to take each golfer's data
> sequentially and do the math on it. I've tried using  to loop over
> the  results for each golfer, but I haven't figured the magic
> formula yet.

Shortest answer:
 rebuild your db (see below).

Shorter answer:
  create a Crosstab query (see your rdbms manual for howto)

Or, the long answer:

Select golfer as Golfers, sum(dayOneScore) as day1Score,sum(dayTwoScore) as
  (Select golfer, dayOneScore, '0' as dayTwoScore
  from ScoresFromDayOne
  where 0=0
 select 'golfer', '0' as dayOneScore,  dayTwoScore
from ScoresFromDayTwo
where 0=0)
Group By golfer
Order By golfer;

Take the above sql as *pseudo-code* as it isn't quite what you
want (it leaves out associated demographics), but
it illustrates a technique.
What it does is build rows in two sets and then combines them
into a third set like this,

[select golfer, dayOneScore, '0' as dayTwoScore]
 builds rows like
  Joe Smith 62 0
  Henry Duffer 104 0

[select golfer, dayOneScore, dayTwoScore]
  builds rows like
 Joe Smith 0 64
 Henry Duffer 0 102

the union stacks the rows together
  Joe Smith 62 0
  Henry Duffer 104 0
 Joe Smith 0 64
 Henry Duffer 0 102

The outer select sums scores by group (i.e. golfer) and
 builds rows like
 Joe Smith 62 64
 Henry Duffer 104 102

The literals in the inner selects ('0') are place holders and make
the union work as a source of identically named columns
for the aggregate functions to operate on.
Depending on dbms you might have to throw in a val() and/or
trim() to get the aggregates to work correctly.

Finally you could throw another select around the above structure
to build your final rows - I'm too tired to type it all out in
detail without producing more than my usual quota of gibberish.
The idea is there to use if you can't rebuild your db.

Would be easier if you kept all days scores in one table,
but I suppose there are reasons. I would rebuild the db
to have a Golfers table and a Scores table with golfer
as the key. Then, combining golfer-stuff with golfer-numbers
is a lot easier. It is a good idea to separate descriptive info
from collected data, but keeping closely related collected data
together in the fewest number of tables makes manipulating
the data easier.
Golphers Table
Scores Table

from Golphers,Scores

again - psuedo code

Hope this stimulates your thinking,


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Re: CF 5.0 "Bug Vote" is Now Open!

2000-10-26 Thread pan

From: "Dave Watts" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> I'm going to turn this on it's head.
> You're right - there's a big difference between COM and CFX. If Allaire was
> going to expend resources on this issue, though, I'd much prefer them to
> extend their COM implementation, which frankly isn't too hot. I'd like to
> know that I could use an ASP component with CF without testing it first. I'd
> like to be able to reference object hierarchies, and use non-string
> datatypes, and take advantage of MTS transactional ability.

When CF 5.0 what then extensions?
Classes to toolbox we add?

Pan-yoda {degree english have also}

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Re: Help with ArraySum

2000-10-26 Thread pan

From: "Paul Sinclair" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Pan,
> The problem turned out to be that some rows in the db table had null values.
> Apparently an array doesn't like that. When I populated the empty db rows
> with 0 in all columns, the arraySum function liked that fine.
> Thanks for taking the time to look at this problem.

If keeping null in your db is a good thing, then priming your array
with 0 would work. Knowing ahead of time (from analysis) how
many elements your array needs would be necessary, else cfset
the current element with 0 just before filling with actual data
read from db.


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Re: Help with ArraySum

2000-10-25 Thread pan

> From: Paul Sinclair [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> I'm setting an array and trying to get the sum of the values. The array is
> populated from the contents of a "Number" field in an MSAccess table. The
> error I get is:
> "In function ArraySum the element at position 1 is not a real value. Please
> make sure that the function's first argument contains only real values"
> When I convert the array to a list, it outputs the following as the contents
> of the array:
> 3.0,2.0,0.0,3.5,0.5,0.0,1.0,0.0,3.0,2.0,2.0,4.5,3.0,0.0,0.0,6.0,4.5,9.0,0.0,
> 3.0,
> What might be the trouble?

Testing with the following code shows:


No problem with the data as presented.
All the values are real numbers.
What is the datatype for the field in the db?
What code do you use to retrieve the data?
You might try conditioning the data with


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Re: CF 5.0 "Bug Vote" is Now Open!

2000-10-25 Thread pan

From: "Owens, Howard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Here's my priority list: 
> Priority 1, errors the client finds; 
> priority two, errors that can be easily reproduced; 
> prority three, errors that a number of users are reporting; 
> priority four, errors that only a few users are reporting, but I easily
> understand why they are happening; 
> priority five, errors effecting only users using WebTV or AOL and seem
> attributable to those access points and are hard to reproduce or understand
> why they are happening (outside of the fact that WebTV and AOL are screwed
> up).

Priority 0, errors that I find. (Not superseding the above list, rather
supersetting it.)
I must be some sort of decrepit fossil clinging onto the crumbling edge of
the last reef before the abyss. Beta testing at the expense of customer's
time and effort grates against the blue-collar, skilled trades ethics I
grew up amidst. Pride in workmanship and satisfaction from a job well done
used to be more than just marketeering slogan meat. 
I would be unhappy that a customer found a bug before I did. 
(Change requests are a separate matter.)
Debugging shouldn't stop with product shipment, else we should all stop
coding and start selling Firestone tires.

Just my personal slant on the issue - should have all been posted to


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Re: query problem

2000-10-24 Thread pan

From: "Dominic J. Doucet-Lorang" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Is there some way of incorperating the datediff function into a query?  I 
> am trying to get only records that have a date difference of 30 days.
>Here is the query:
> select distinct forsikring.*,kunde.*
> from forsikring, kunde
> where  kunde.kundenr = #kundenr2# AND = #salg# AND 
> = and Abs(datediff("d", dos, #dos2#) LTE 30

use ' instead of "

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Re: Question

2000-10-20 Thread pan

From: "Les Mizzell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> So (I'll translate this to CF code later...)
> 1. Create a list named CCEmails with ";" delimiter
> 2. If "email2" exist, append it to the list
> 3. If "email3" exist, append it to the list
> ...and so on
> the  tag
> cc="#CCEmails#"
> This correct?

Yes - as far as it is one way to do the problem.
I like to pre-construct all the lines for a cfmail
before caling the tag. Makes the code a bit more
portable and reusable and a bit more amenable
to handling input from forms and queries.
Also - it becomes easy to suppress or allow
any single line.


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Re: Wierdest Access problem ever

2000-10-20 Thread pan

From: "Robert Everland" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> I am thinking MDAC. This is the original code that froze up CF. Could be
> MDAC or CF
I can't see anything immediate in the code ...

(might try adding a  ; after the final )

Might save some time if you deconstruct the query
section by section until you get to a part that works and
then build it back up until an error appears.
Just comment out clauses and keep moving the
I know that's a brute force method, but it is sure.
If it is a dataype matching problem, this method will
show it fairly quickly.

You loaded MDAC 2.6?

What is the exact error message?


problemlog.TICKET AS ResultField1,
problemlog.DATE AS ResultField2,
problemlog.TIME AS ResultField3,
problemlog.REQNAME AS ResultField4,
left(problemlog.description,40) AS  ResultField5,
problemlog.TICKET AS ID_Field
FROM problemlog

AND problemlog.ticket = #Form.Crit1_Value#

AND problemlog.reqname like '%#Form.Crit2_Value#%'  


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Re: Question

2000-10-20 Thread pan

From: "Les Mizzell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Not 100% sure how to handle this...looking for ideas
> I'm sending  after a client fills out a form.
> There's up to 5 different email addresses that the mail might have to go to,
> depending on form input.

Maybe building lists before the cfmail tag?
Check your form.vars with appropriate IsDefined
structures and ListAppend as appropriate using ";"
as a delimiter - then use the lists as parameters for the

hope this is of some help


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Re: Wierdest Access problem ever

2000-10-20 Thread pan

[aliasing left function call in select]

> In the real query I do this, it is access 97 with the latest CF and lastest

I just happen to have a box with Acc97 still on it and the code
works the same as with Acc2k.

Maybe something else in the "real query" ?
Post more code and I (or someone else) will look at it.

Are you thinking mdac?


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Re: Wierdest Access problem ever

2000-10-20 Thread pan

From: "Robert Everland" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Alright here is what happened. I had a query that was working
> perfectly for sometime. It basically did this
> Select left(desc,40)
> From Here
> Where 1=1

In Acc2k this works ... 
SELECT left(this_text,8) as leftText
WHERE 0=0;

works in a cf query too

try aliasing your function 

(your column is text, eh?)

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Re: cfloop and arraynew()

2000-10-19 Thread pan


>  Quantity:
>  maxlength="15">

You declared an array with three dimensions, but you call 
array elements delineating only two dimensions.


Either change the declaration to 

See the difference?

> I can't put # sign within a variable surrounded by # (#abc#xyz##), how do i
> get around that?
> ***

In this case, you didn't need the #'s around loopcount. 
Unless you are in a  tag set, or need to refer to the
value of the var explicitly (like in the loop 'to' attriribute)
CF can tell that you are using a defined var.


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Re: CFTREE Error

2000-10-19 Thread pan

From: "Mike Connolly" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> This error appears
> ' Applet allaire.controls.CfTreeFormApplet class
> allaire.controls.CfTreeFormApplet could not be loaded '
> when attempting to access a CF page with a CFTREE.
> Anyone any ideas?

You're running a template from a virtual host, right?

You need to either map the cfide dir to the virtual or
copy the cfide/classes/ dir to the /htdocs/ dir 
of the virtual.

The applets work from a codebase attribute and rely
on the specific structure allaire built in the subdirs
below cfide/classes/.


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2000-10-18 Thread pan

From: "Len Conrad" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >I'm pretty sure that it blocks before writing to the disk. There's still
> >going to be some load, though - the server will still receive connections on
> >the SMTP port.
> yes, that's why I recommended he do it up at his border router, or 
> filtering mail hub, so the mailbox server is available for users.

Do a {dig  mx} and you'll see why he couldn't do that.


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2000-10-18 Thread pan

From: "Dave Watts" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > 
> > OS:  WindowsNT 4.0
> > Mail Server: Post.Office v3.1.2 release (PO205-101c)
> You can do this within the Post.Office interface. Log in with the
> postmaster/administrator account, select "System Config", then click on the
> "Set Mail Blocking Options" and block mail from the problem source.

Does that work at the SMTP level like .procmail in *nix?
dev/nulling the stuff Mark is getting will help reduce the load
on his machine but if PostOffice writes to the HD before bouncing
then there still will be a load.

He isnt getting directly spammed - he's getting joe-jobbed and is
the recipient of all the bounces from undeliverable spam. It's not
a nice situation.


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Re: (Admin) Ads

2000-10-17 Thread pan

From: "Michael Dinowitz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> I plan to start adding a three line ad at the bottom of the CF-Talk posts
> (above the unsubscribe/archive info). The money for this will go to support
> of the various lists, expanding the abilities of them (much better
> archives), and more. Any feedback, suggestions, or complaints should be sent
> to me off list.
> Just as a side note, the ads will be limited to tech and CF using companies
> only and your user information (email, etc.) will never be given out.

I've seen this sort of thing turn into .sig wars ... hope people will be
resaonable ( AND TRIM THEIR RESPONSES!! ).


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Re: Checking URL validity

2000-10-15 Thread pan

From: "Rob Keniger" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Not really. My code is below, but I used your code snippet and it had
> exactly the same result - no filecontent returned.

I am begining to think it is a server oddityy.
So far - anything thrown by cfx_http against WebSitePro 1.1g and
earlier is producing unwanted filecontent with verb="HEAD".

Allaire has IIS/4.0, I've tested  against Apache(several versions both
Unix and NT), MS-PWS, Netscape Enterprise/4.1 , WebLogic 5.0 sp5,
Zeus 3.3, Zope/Zserver, IBM-Planetwide, NaviServer/AOLServer, 
GMT Server, IIS5.0, and others.

All but WebSite works as expected.

Must be bad code from O'Reilly or a misconfigured install.


Before sending this I ran against approx~ 100 more servers - only
WebSite Pro hiccoughed.

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Re: Checking URL validity

2000-10-15 Thread pan

From: "Rob Keniger" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Interesting - I am not seeing this. It is not returning any filecontent for
> me, no matter what URL I specify - cfm, htm, image or whatever. As long as I
> use verb="head" I get the header only.
> I don't know why this is working differently for you.

I've got cfx_http.dll
Created Friday, June 04, 1999 19:22:41
Modified Thursday, July 27, 2000 15:22:10
file size 13KB
version 1.48 

freshly downloaded from Follett.

used code appended below ...

I'd very much like a comparison of .dll markings

I can't imagine the code is much different.




If whatever is blank.html or evenblanker.cfm then
filecontent returns data
If whatever is a resource item like .jpg  etc.
then filecontent is empty

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Re: Weird... update 0 rows - query disappears

2000-10-15 Thread pan

From: "Peter Theobald" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> I have a SQL update. When it tries to update data a row that doesn't exist I
don't get an error, I don't get 0 rows, I get the query variable itself doesn't

A query can exist and contain no rows.
RecordCount counts existing rows.
If query has no rows - RecordCount is meaningless and
will throw an error. Works every time.  :)

In your case - no rows were updated so RecordCount has nothing
to count and nothing != zero.

There was a discussion here recently about how to count updated
rows ... if your rdbms has a fucntion like @@rows (MSSQL) you're
in business easily - if not you have to make monkeys jump through
flaming hoops to get an answer.


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Re: Checking URL validity

2000-10-15 Thread pan

From: "Rob Keniger" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, October 15, 2000 19:43
Subject: Re: Checking URL validity

> on 10/16/00 4:16 AM, Dave Watts at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > cfx_http gets the whole file too .. was just chceking that out last
> > night ... even when using verb="head"
> Dave,
> I've been testing this, and for me CFX_HTTP seems to return just the headers
> if I use verb="head". The CFX_HTTP.FileContent return variable is blank and
> a 90MB file I tested it on returned a result in 30ms.
> So for me it works well!

That wasn't Dave, it was me.

I just tried a different test and pointed cfx_http at an image and used
a url that included the full path and name of the image.
cfx_http.filecontent was empty and the rest of the query columns had all
the info I asked for.
So it works as advertised - as long as care is taken to specifiy the url
attribute in the tag correctly and the attribute points at non-html.
However, if verb="HEAD" is used and the url attribute is a .cfm or .html
then filecontent is filled with data.

The RFCs say that any HEAD call *must not* return ANY body-content.
Apparently this is true in re images, etc. but false for html text 
for cfx_http.

But - it does work for fully specified images/and other binaries.
Good for checking if the files you work with exist (if you know
the full path). Bad for strict url validation and spider functions.


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2000-10-15 Thread pan

From: "Les Mizzell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Jezz, I just tried it with the  blocks in the includes...and the
> mail is sending and processing everything correctly.  Sheesh!  I was under
> the assumption that you couldn't have  tags INSIDE a  tag,
> but if the tags are inside each template,  doesn't seem to care.
> Meaning:
> ...actually works.
> Learn something every night!
> Now, somebody want to tell me WHY? I'll understand why it worked?

Because when CF parses the file the included template is incorporated
with variables evaluated as string literals. Remember, parsing happens
before the cfmail tag operations. CF is just getting all of its ducks in
a row before trying to send out mail with unexpressed vars.


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Re: CFINCLUDE within CFOUTPUT blocks

2000-10-15 Thread pan

From: "Les Mizzell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> I'm sorry, you may have to whack me in the head with a 2X4.  Could you
> explain this in a little more detail please.  Not sure I get it.

I'll try, but if I were left-handed I might have to use a 4x2.

> Let's take one template (this is for an travel insurance company):
> "payment_process.cfm".  There's as many as 50 variables in there, and it
> does some complicate calculations to come up with the premium.

O.K. - template produces data.

> I've got no problem getting it to work when the form is submitted, *IF* I've
> got my s in the template itself.  At this point though, I'm a
> little lost as to how to get this same template to be part of 
> though, since

Your form, upon submit, needs to  the premium?
O.K. - although what you present makes the work flow of your
app hard to fathom.

> can't have s inside...

Well - that's not a prohibition I've seen CF enforce 

O.K. With the  tag set you can have
literals and variables for the body text that gets sent.

You don't need any  in the  tags - the 
variables will be evaluated along with the literals.

The above snippet will deliver mail with body-text equal
Dear Ms. Floridale Hummingbird,

Welcome to our program.
Your premium will be $1,000.00


What I was suggessting was that as long as your include
(frex, payment_process.cfm) s variable {amount}
 then you can do 


See? Then it doesn't matter if you have any s
inside of payment_process.cfm. You could display the
output of the include and send email at the same time.
What I usually do with  is concatenate all the elements
of each line before the  and then code


That way I can query a db and collect a set of pre-formatted
lines selected for the subject and recipient, insert vars
and then pump out the mail. 

> Please bear with meI actually starting to figure *SOME* of this out!

Me too. 


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Re: Checking URL validity

2000-10-15 Thread pan

From: "richard ten barge" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> I would do this with CFX_HTTP from the custom gallery, and then check for
> error- info, if some 4.04 or other errors occur, you could disable the URL
> and/or give it some other color..

cfx_http gets the whole file too .. was just chceking that out last
night ... even when using verb="head"

> At 10:36 15-10-2000 -0700, you wrote:
> >From: "Dick Applebaum" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >
> >
> >> I think you can check if a file exists with CFFTP
> >>
> >
> >That's work (or just FileExists() ) if the calling template was
> >on the same server as the stored files. Unfortunately, it
> >appears that the downloads are elsewhere so the point about
> > only producing http headers after transfer of the
> >file remains.
> >
> >What I'd do (other than looking for a http tool that GETs just
> >response headers) is check a stored value  based on the last
> >attempt to get the file. I.E., the very first time the file is
> >downloaded by calling the local template store the value of the
> >header. The next time, and in all subsequent calls, check that
> >variable before getting. If the last attempt showed that the
> >call failed - give the user the choice of continuing or not.
> >Give them the info as to when the last successful download
> >occurred. The availabiity info will be stale according to the
> >datetime of the last successful attempt.
> >
> >Alternatively - maybe contacting the hosts of the large files
> >and requesting they make file availabioty data easily accessible
> >would solve the problem. Much easier to  a page that
> >is checking its own downloads and then proceed based on
> >that kind of return.
> >
> >Until a tool that returns just headers is found, either of the
> >above will work 
> >
> >Pan "off to look for that tool"
> >
> >
> >>
> >> At 1:43 PM +1000 10/15/00, Rob Keniger wrote:
> >> >Hi,
> >> >
> >> >I have a client who has several links to largish (up to 100MB) downloads
> >> >which are hosted on other people's servers. He wants my CF app to
> >> >automatically check all these URLs to ensure they are still valid (i.e.
> not
> >> >giving 404's).
> >> >
> >> >I thought about using CFHTTP but from what I know of it you would have to
> >> >download the entire linked file before you could determine whether or not
> >> >the link was valid. If the client has, say, several hundred downloads at
> >> >10-100MB apiece then this is obviously not feasible in terms of time, disk
> >> >space and bandwidth. Is there any way to use CF to do this? If CFHTTP
> won't
> >> >do the job, is there an alternative?
> >> >
> >> >Thanks for any input.
> >> >
> >> >--
> >> >
> >> >Rob Keniger
> >>
> --
> >> Archives:
> >> To Unsubscribe visit
> > or
> send
> >a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with 'unsubscribe' in the
> body.
> >>
> >
> >---
> ---
> >Archives:
> >To Unsubscribe visit
> or
> send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with 'unsubscribe' in
> the body.
> >
> --
> Archives:
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Re: Checking URL validity

2000-10-15 Thread pan

From: "Dick Applebaum" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> I think you can check if a file exists with CFFTP

That's work (or just FileExists() ) if the calling template was
on the same server as the stored files. Unfortunately, it
appears that the downloads are elsewhere so the point about
 only producing http headers after transfer of the
file remains.

What I'd do (other than looking for a http tool that GETs just
response headers) is check a stored value  based on the last
attempt to get the file. I.E., the very first time the file is
downloaded by calling the local template store the value of the
header. The next time, and in all subsequent calls, check that
variable before getting. If the last attempt showed that the
call failed - give the user the choice of continuing or not.
Give them the info as to when the last successful download
occurred. The availabiity info will be stale according to the
datetime of the last successful attempt.

Alternatively - maybe contacting the hosts of the large files
and requesting they make file availabioty data easily accessible
would solve the problem. Much easier to  a page that
is checking its own downloads and then proceed based on
that kind of return.

Until a tool that returns just headers is found, either of the
above will work 

Pan "off to look for that tool"

> At 1:43 PM +1000 10/15/00, Rob Keniger wrote:
> >Hi,
> >
> >I have a client who has several links to largish (up to 100MB) downloads
> >which are hosted on other people's servers. He wants my CF app to
> >automatically check all these URLs to ensure they are still valid (i.e. not
> >giving 404's).
> >
> >I thought about using CFHTTP but from what I know of it you would have to
> >download the entire linked file before you could determine whether or not
> >the link was valid. If the client has, say, several hundred downloads at
> >10-100MB apiece then this is obviously not feasible in terms of time, disk
> >space and bandwidth. Is there any way to use CF to do this? If CFHTTP won't
> >do the job, is there an alternative?
> >
> >Thanks for any input.
> >
> >--
> >
> >Rob Keniger
> --
> Archives:
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Re: CFINCLUDE within CFOUTPUT blocks

2000-10-15 Thread pan

From: "Les Mizzell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Try using the includes to define the values of
variables so that you can do 


#line1# #linefeed#
#line2# #linefeed#

So - no s needed here ... AND

If you use the same method of making includes define
vars for the calling template to  then you
won't need to wrap a  with .

You'll find that 

 identity vars
Will work better than the structure you posted.

hope this helps,


> H
> Why doesn't this work?
> Within each template is various stuff needing the 
> #stuff1#, #stuff2# and so on.  Using the  to wrap the include
> doesn't work.  It *DOES* work if the  blocks are WITHIN the
> include instead of wrapping it.
> Reason I'm trying to get this to work this way is that I wish to use the
> SAME includes to send  (on another template), and thusly can't have
> the  blocks in there.
> 1. Is there a good way around this?
> 2. Am I going to have to build separate templates for the  section,
> and if I do, will
> give me the SAME problem as wrapping the templates with  ?
> Basically, there's two main templates: and input form template and a
> processing template.  Different includes come up on the form, depending on
> client variables.  This way, I had a bunch of small templates, instead of
> one HUGE one with a ton of  or  statements, which made
> trouble shooting much easier.
> There's around 25 different input templates and corresponding processing
> templates.  Only 9 of these are called into the input and processing
> templates at any one time, depending on the particular client.  Seemed like
> a very good way to organize things. Suddenly, the  problem is making
> me wonder what I should have done differently from the start...
> Had the whole thing working perfectly before I realized that the 
> tags I had in each template wasn't going to work once I added the 
> section, so I stripped all of them out and tried it the way above.
> Is there a better way?

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Re: Running A CF Site Via CD Rom

2000-10-14 Thread pan

From: "Bill Killillay" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> In last months CFDJ or the month before there was an article about turning
> dynamic pages into static pages using CFHTTP.  You could do a routine like
> was defined there and then put that onto a CD.  I have an autorun.exe that
> will even grab what ever the default browser is on the PC and open it and
> then run the opening page.  It's set in the exe to default to index.html I
> believe.  Anyway with those two things you could do a limited demo of
> otherwise dynamic content.  Just turn it into static content first, then
> burn it to CD.  Have done something like this in the past.

To amplify on what he above method offers --
Using  is aother way of producing static.html from
dynamic/cfm.  You can have periodic updates of the statics.
No problem naming and copying cached .tmp files as the
.map file has all the info necessary.

This would work better in some circumstnaces than others ...

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Re: vs.

2000-10-13 Thread pan

From: "Fred T. Sanders" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> also I think it would be relatively easy to do a view source and check which
> value took in the generated html page.  At least I bet it would take less
> time than it did to post the question to the list.
I would really like to know how you do that 

I just can't figure out how I can view source on your browser or anyone
else's ... 

I bet it would have taken less time for you to have read the post for
content than post a non-sequiter.


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2000-10-13 Thread pan

If there is a 

with same var-pair as a 

Which one will take precendence?
The one that appears first in the script,
or the last of the same name?

Does an actual http header cause a meta to
be ignored?

If the  version is present can the
 version be deleted?

In short, are  tags sufficient unto themselves
without any need for similiarly constructed  tags?

I don't think any particular server/client session would
need both  and  for the same response
coding, but I'm thinking that some search engines would be
looking for 

and ignore

This would also be germane to anti-cacheing work.


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Re: Keeping a single image from caching.... - Redux

2000-10-12 Thread pan


> This won't work because we want the rest of the graphics to cache.
> That was the first trick I tried, but the boss shot it down.

This probably will complicate your templates greatly, but could you
load the image in its own frame? Then, you could set headers just
for that frame --- use  instead of  though.


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Take this cf_community NOW! Re: Developer Directory Real Deal

2000-10-11 Thread pan

From: "Brian bouldernet" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> I think those who are not interested should be sparred the burden of reading
> all this 

Irony meter has broken from overload.

You have got your answer - I'll apologize in advance to all and to you,
Brain - but GO AWAY.

Sorry, everyone.
Off to dinner and a badly needed break.


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