RE: Is HomeSite Soon To Be History?

2000-04-06 Thread Steve Bernard

If I was wrong I apologize. I really, really hate SPAM and I've seen way too
many attempts to veil it with a thinly disguised, "Hey guys check this out",
followed by 2 pages of propaganda. No harm done.


-Original Message-
From: Bud [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, April 06, 2000 12:47 AM
Subject: RE: Is HomeSite Soon To Be History?


Why would you say that? Clinton's posted here before, and his usual
posts don't seem to be SPAM. I think it was a useful post. Not like
he just stopped by to post that tidbit and then be gone. :)

Thanks Clinton.

Bud Schneehagen - Tropical Web Creations

ColdFusion Solutions / eCommerce Development

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Re: Is HomeSite Soon To Be History?

2000-04-06 Thread Chris Lott

The fact is that as technology progresses, some things that it was important
to do by hand become less so. Using SQL Server is a good example of this. A
good admin needs to know more than the new wizards in SQL server 7, but that
doesn't mean that the wizards are all bad, are necessarily inferior, or even
that there is a compelling reason to know how to do by hand what some of the
wizards do. If they do the job properly, that's what matters. You simply
bypass those that don't. And THAT is the key!

Similarly with visual editors. I still use Studio for the most part, but I
sometimes use Dreamweaver. There are many operations that are just much
faster with a visual editor and if you know what you are doing, then you
don't have to worry about bad code because you won't be making it (unlike
Frontpage where you can't stop it). Take tables: it is much faster to move
columns around and generally manipulate tables in DW than in Studio, so I
often pop in there to do it. I have no idea what a previous poster was
talking about: DW never inserts lots of empty rows or anything else.
Fireworks creates shim rows when it outputs HTML tables to split graphics,
but I've never had DW do that.

On the other hand, outside of particular things that I find quicker to pop
into DW to do, I still code by hand using Studio or TextPad. Knee-jerk
ignorance of the tools will no more benefit a developer than knee-jerk
acceptance. They have to be evaluated and used properly if they are used at
all. But I guarantee that there are many operations which, by dropping into
a good visual editor, I will complete faster and with equal quality, than
anyone using a text-based editor-- and no one on the receiving end will ever
know which is which. As long as that is the case, it's a good thing.

Chris Lott [EMAIL PROTECTED],  Technical Manager
p907.474.5122  |  f907.474.5402  |  PGP Key ID: 0x8687E87E

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RE: Is HomeSite Soon To Be History?

2000-04-06 Thread WorldNet

!-- From: Bud Schneehagen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
!-- Re: Steve Bernard

!-- Why would you say that? Clinton's posted here before, and his usual
!-- posts don't seem to be SPAM. I think it was a useful post. Not like
!-- he just stopped by to post that tidbit and then be gone. :)
!-- Thanks Clinton.

Thank you Bud.

I need to say that Michael D. sent me mail stating the length
and the apparent tome of the post were inappropriate for the list as
it sounded like spam. So I responded to his mail and sent him a
modification. That Michael then allowed the original to post to CF-Talk
was his doing, albeit as a result of my excitement over what appears to
be a real breakthrough in development tool strategy.

I think it is to Macromedia's credit - and to respect their acknowledgement
of HomeSite in the first place - that they are working to provide what
they believe is needed by the customer. That's you and me friends and

I think it would be appropriate for Michael to acknowledge my immediate
cooperation regarding my response to his mail and the my re-submittal of
a modification - which has yet to appear...and needn't as it is now mute
but for the fact and the ack that I did respond cooperatively.

I like Allaire's tools as well as any other products that I use but I'm in
business for me - to make a profit - and to product high quality results for
my customers. Yes, I code by hand, and I also use any and all authoring or
any other tool that will help me represent my customer to produce the
quality result to achieve the most affordable cost-performance benefit.
fifteen years of experience in this industry I've earned my insights and
my opinions are based on experience - not emotional whining or unreasonable

That Allaire has been having a tough time balancing their reach for the
enterprise while allowing their development tools to slip away to the
is of concern to me. That Macromedia is accepting the challenge and
results is important news.

!-- Clinton Gallagher

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Re: Is HomeSite Soon To Be History?

2000-04-05 Thread Nick Slay

As far as I am aware, Homesite is not about to be dropped.  Allaire's next 
major version of Homesite will be, apparently, a big overhaul, with a lot 
of improved layout control.


At 19:54 5/04/00 -0500, you wrote:
HomeSite is the best and most popular development tool around *but* is
extremely vulnerable to the fact that developers can no longer afford to
*not* also use a layout-page-code generator in conjunction with HomeSite or
***as a total replacement*** to be 100% productive.

It seems Macromedia has not been as asleep at the wheel and I wonder what
the near future will bring...Consider this announcement from Macromedia...

Macromedia announces code name UltraDev at Internet World today.

What is UltraDev?
Designed specifically for application development, UltraDev is a brand
new product based on the Dreamweaver core architecture. UltraDev is
the first solution to support ASP, JSP and CFML within a single design

Once UltraDev ships it will allow you to:

1. Create professional web applications
UltraDev provides everything you need to build, manage, and deploy
dynamic, database-driven Web applications.

2. Maintain total control over code
UltraDev is the only product with visual and source editing for total
control over source code.

3. Connect easily to databases
Quickly connect existing, static web pages to any ODBC, JDBC, or ADO
database including Oracle, Sybase, Informix, Microsoft SQL Server and
Microsoft Access.

4. View server-side data in the workspace
Save time and avoid repetitive tasks by viewing, testing, and editing
live data returned from the application server in your workspace.

5. Build for industry-standard servers
UltraDev is the only solution that lets you build ASP, JSP, and Cold
Fusion sites in one single design environment. Build sites for robust
industry servers like Microsoft IIS, Allaire Cold Fusion, IBM
Websphere, BEA WebLogic, and Netscape Enterprise Server.

6. Create robust enterprise-ready Web applications
Through extensibility, UltraDev integrates with other leading servers,
Web applications and e-commerce solutions.

  UltraDev is NOT a replacement to Dreamweaver, it's a new standalone
product built on the Dreamweaver core architecture.

UltraDev IS the replacement to Drumbeat.  Macromedia is not planning
to rev Drumbeat.

UltraDev is expected to ship in June.

What is the difference between Dreamweaver and UltraDev?
Dreamweaver is a visual design solution for creating HTML web sites.
While Dreamweaver is open to integrating with leading web application
servers, it is not engineered for visually creating web applications.
UltraDev was built specifically for creating dynamic Web applications
using technologies like ASP, JSP, and CFML.

What is the price of UltraDev?
Macromedia has not yet announced pricing for UltraDev. However, it
will be priced competitively with other Web application development

I am a Macromedia customer and I currently develop Web applications.
Will I be able to purchase UltraDev for a special price?
Yes, but you must register your Macromedia product to qualify for any
special offer.

Is UltraDev an add-on to Dreamweaver?
No, it is a new stand-alone product that is designed to meet the
specific needs of Web application developers.

Does UltraDev replace Drumbeat?
Yes. When UltraDev ships it will replace Drumbeat as Macromedia's
solution for Web application development.

Will there be an upgrade path from Drumbeat to UltraDev?
Yes, registered users of Drumbeat will be offered an upgrade at a very
competitive price.

Will you continue to support Drumbeat?
Yes, we will continue to provide Drumbeat technical support through
the end of the year.

Does this mean you won't be updating Drumbeat?
Correct, UltraDev replaces Drumbeat as the Macromedia solution for
creating Web applications.

Will there be an e-commerce edition of UltraDev?
The core product will not include any e-commerce specific features,
but through the power of extensibility and our network of developers,
you will be able to easily download extensions for creating e-commerce

Will I be able to open and edit my Drumbeat sites in UltraDev?
Yes, UltraDev reads and writes ASP, JSP, and CFML. The published pages
of your Drumbeat sites can be opened and edited. However UltraDev will
not open .edf files.

Will my Dreamweaver sites work in UltraDev?
Dreamweaver's native file format is HTML. UltraDev reads, recognizes
and parses HTML, so there won't be any problems opening files built in
Dreamweaver or any other application like Cold Fusion Studio,
FrontPage, and HomeSite.

When will UltraDev be available?
UltraDev is expected to be available in June 2000.

I just bought Drumbeat, do I qualify for a free upgrade to UltraDev?
Customers who buy Drumbeat after April 5, 2000 qualify for a free
upgrade to UltraDev when it becomes available.

Will UltraDev be available in languages other than English?
Yes, the first release of UltraDev will be 

Re: Is HomeSite Soon To Be History?

2000-04-05 Thread Steve Aylor

Well, unless this app provides a significant improvement over Drumbeat's UI,
I wouldnt worry too much about the fate of Homesite or Studio. Or at least
worry about a mass exodus of developers un-installing HS and CF Studio in
favor Ultra Dev.

Sounds like a good marketing piece though.

One more booth to add to the list for fridays visit to I-World.

Stephen M. Aylor
Aylor Insurance Agency, Inc.
"Specialized Insurance for IT - We Cover IT"
949.581.2333 (v)
949.581.2814 (f)

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RE: Is HomeSite Soon To Be History?

2000-04-05 Thread Duane Boudreau


Stop by and visit our booth at Internet World. Tell'em I sent you.

Duane (from Ektron)

-Original Message-
From: Steve Aylor [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, April 05, 2000 9:09 PM
Subject: Re: Is HomeSite Soon To Be History?

Well, unless this app provides a significant improvement over Drumbeat's UI,
I wouldnt worry too much about the fate of Homesite or Studio. Or at least
worry about a mass exodus of developers un-installing HS and CF Studio in
favor Ultra Dev.

Sounds like a good marketing piece though.

One more booth to add to the list for fridays visit to I-World.

Stephen M. Aylor
Aylor Insurance Agency, Inc.
"Specialized Insurance for IT - We Cover IT"
949.581.2333 (v)
949.581.2814 (f)

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send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with 'unsubscribe' in
the body.

To Unsubscribe visit or send a 
message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with 'unsubscribe' in the body.

Re: Is HomeSite Soon To Be History?

2000-04-05 Thread Duane Boudreau


Stop by and visit our booth at Internet World too. Tell'em I sent you.

Duane (from Ektron)

-Original Message-
From: Steve Aylor [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, April 05, 2000 9:09 PM
Subject: Re: Is HomeSite Soon To Be History?

Well, unless this app provides a significant improvement over Drumbeat's UI,
I wouldnt worry too much about the fate of Homesite or Studio. Or at least
worry about a mass exodus of developers un-installing HS and CF Studio in
favor Ultra Dev.

Sounds like a good marketing piece though.

One more booth to add to the list for fridays visit to I-World.

Stephen M. Aylor
Aylor Insurance Agency, Inc.
"Specialized Insurance for IT - We Cover IT"
949.581.2333 (v)
949.581.2814 (f)

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the body.

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Re: (admin) Re: Is HomeSite Soon To Be History?

2000-04-05 Thread Tim Lieberman

Products can't be under NDA - only people who signed NDAs can be under
NDAs.  Products are incapable of signing contracts.

Also, I have signed no such contract.  Therefore it ought to be legal for
me to talk about such a product whenever I want.  Perhaps the original
poster was under NDA, but that should hardly affect the rest of the list
population.  If Macromedia has a problem, they'll have to take it up with
whomever violated said NDA.

my 2c


At 09:56 PM 00/04/05 -0400, you wrote:
Please note that this product is still under NDA from what I know and those
who are beta testing it should not be speaking about it on the list.
Anything that is under NDA should NEVER be posted to the list. The last
thing we all need is a company coming down on us for 'breaking' NDA.
 That being said, let me say that any 'press releases' like this should have
a header on the subject line announcing themselves as such.

 WTF? What's going on here? Using a listserv to SPAM the entire CF
 and under the weak guise of a query into the viability of HomeSite? This
 quite lame. I hope that Mike does not allow this to continue.


 -Original Message-
 From: WorldNet [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Wednesday, April 05, 2000 8:54 PM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Is HomeSite Soon To Be History?

 HomeSite is the best and most popular development tool around *but* is
 extremely vulnerable to the fact that developers can no longer afford to
 *not* also use a layout-page-code generator in conjunction with HomeSite
 ***as a total replacement*** to be 100% productive.

 It seems Macromedia has not been as asleep at the wheel and I wonder what
 the near future will bring...Consider this announcement from Macromedia...

 Macromedia announces code name UltraDev at Internet World today.

 What is UltraDev?
 Designed specifically for application development, UltraDev is a brand
 new product based on the Dreamweaver core architecture. UltraDev is
 the first solution to support ASP, JSP and CFML within a single design

 Once UltraDev ships it will allow you to:

 1. Create professional web applications
 UltraDev provides everything you need to build, manage, and deploy
 dynamic, database-driven Web applications.

 2. Maintain total control over code
 UltraDev is the only product with visual and source editing for total
 control over source code.

 3. Connect easily to databases
 Quickly connect existing, static web pages to any ODBC, JDBC, or ADO
 database including Oracle, Sybase, Informix, Microsoft SQL Server and
 Microsoft Access.

 4. View server-side data in the workspace
 Save time and avoid repetitive tasks by viewing, testing, and editing
 live data returned from the application server in your workspace.

 5. Build for industry-standard servers
 UltraDev is the only solution that lets you build ASP, JSP, and Cold
 Fusion sites in one single design environment. Build sites for robust
 industry servers like Microsoft IIS, Allaire Cold Fusion, IBM
 Websphere, BEA WebLogic, and Netscape Enterprise Server.

 6. Create robust enterprise-ready Web applications
 Through extensibility, UltraDev integrates with other leading servers,
 Web applications and e-commerce solutions.

  UltraDev is NOT a replacement to Dreamweaver, it's a new standalone
 product built on the Dreamweaver core architecture.

 UltraDev IS the replacement to Drumbeat.  Macromedia is not planning
 to rev Drumbeat.

 UltraDev is expected to ship in June.

 What is the difference between Dreamweaver and UltraDev?
 Dreamweaver is a visual design solution for creating HTML web sites.
 While Dreamweaver is open to integrating with leading web application
 servers, it is not engineered for visually creating web applications.
 UltraDev was built specifically for creating dynamic Web applications
 using technologies like ASP, JSP, and CFML.

 What is the price of UltraDev?
 Macromedia has not yet announced pricing for UltraDev. However, it
 will be priced competitively with other Web application development

 I am a Macromedia customer and I currently develop Web applications.
 Will I be able to purchase UltraDev for a special price?
 Yes, but you must register your Macromedia product to qualify for any
 special offer.

 Is UltraDev an add-on to Dreamweaver?
 No, it is a new stand-alone product that is designed to meet the
 specific needs of Web application developers.

 Does UltraDev replace Drumbeat?
 Yes. When UltraDev ships it will replace Drumbeat as Macromedia's
 solution for Web application development.

 Will there be an upgrade path from Drumbeat to UltraDev?
 Yes, registered users of Drumbeat will be offered an upgrade at a very
 competitive price.

 Will you continue to support Drumbeat?
 Yes, we will continue to provide Drumbeat technical support through
 the end of the year.

 Does this mean you won't be updating Drumbeat?
 Correct, UltraDev replaces Drumbeat as the Macromedia solution for

Re: Is HomeSite Soon To Be History?

2000-04-05 Thread Alan Wolf

Sounds real cool. Porbably buggy as hell. Guess I'm the last guy around
still writing raw html/cfml/asp using God Give Me Strength - Notepad or

But I know the markup language cold.

Alan Wolf, MCSE, MCP, MCP + I
SAIC Frederick
PO Box B Bldg 244
Frederick, Maryland 21702
301-846-5479 (V)
301-846-1395 (F)
- Original Message -
Sent: Wednesday, April 05, 2000 8:54 PM
Subject: Is HomeSite Soon To Be History?

 HomeSite is the best and most popular development tool around *but* is
 extremely vulnerable to the fact that developers can no longer afford to
 *not* also use a layout-page-code generator in conjunction with HomeSite
 ***as a total replacement*** to be 100% productive.

 It seems Macromedia has not been as asleep at the wheel and I wonder what
 the near future will bring...Consider this announcement from Macromedia...

 Macromedia announces code name UltraDev at Internet World today.

 What is UltraDev?
 Designed specifically for application development, UltraDev is a brand
 new product based on the Dreamweaver core architecture. UltraDev is
 the first solution to support ASP, JSP and CFML within a single design

 Once UltraDev ships it will allow you to:

 1. Create professional web applications
 UltraDev provides everything you need to build, manage, and deploy
 dynamic, database-driven Web applications.

 2. Maintain total control over code
 UltraDev is the only product with visual and source editing for total
 control over source code.

 3. Connect easily to databases
 Quickly connect existing, static web pages to any ODBC, JDBC, or ADO
 database including Oracle, Sybase, Informix, Microsoft SQL Server and
 Microsoft Access.

 4. View server-side data in the workspace
 Save time and avoid repetitive tasks by viewing, testing, and editing
 live data returned from the application server in your workspace.

 5. Build for industry-standard servers
 UltraDev is the only solution that lets you build ASP, JSP, and Cold
 Fusion sites in one single design environment. Build sites for robust
 industry servers like Microsoft IIS, Allaire Cold Fusion, IBM
 Websphere, BEA WebLogic, and Netscape Enterprise Server.

 6. Create robust enterprise-ready Web applications
 Through extensibility, UltraDev integrates with other leading servers,
 Web applications and e-commerce solutions.

  UltraDev is NOT a replacement to Dreamweaver, it's a new standalone
 product built on the Dreamweaver core architecture.

 UltraDev IS the replacement to Drumbeat.  Macromedia is not planning
 to rev Drumbeat.

 UltraDev is expected to ship in June.

 What is the difference between Dreamweaver and UltraDev?
 Dreamweaver is a visual design solution for creating HTML web sites.
 While Dreamweaver is open to integrating with leading web application
 servers, it is not engineered for visually creating web applications.
 UltraDev was built specifically for creating dynamic Web applications
 using technologies like ASP, JSP, and CFML.

 What is the price of UltraDev?
 Macromedia has not yet announced pricing for UltraDev. However, it
 will be priced competitively with other Web application development

 I am a Macromedia customer and I currently develop Web applications.
 Will I be able to purchase UltraDev for a special price?
 Yes, but you must register your Macromedia product to qualify for any
 special offer.

 Is UltraDev an add-on to Dreamweaver?
 No, it is a new stand-alone product that is designed to meet the
 specific needs of Web application developers.

 Does UltraDev replace Drumbeat?
 Yes. When UltraDev ships it will replace Drumbeat as Macromedia's
 solution for Web application development.

 Will there be an upgrade path from Drumbeat to UltraDev?
 Yes, registered users of Drumbeat will be offered an upgrade at a very
 competitive price.

 Will you continue to support Drumbeat?
 Yes, we will continue to provide Drumbeat technical support through
 the end of the year.

 Does this mean you won't be updating Drumbeat?
 Correct, UltraDev replaces Drumbeat as the Macromedia solution for
 creating Web applications.

 Will there be an e-commerce edition of UltraDev?
 The core product will not include any e-commerce specific features,
 but through the power of extensibility and our network of developers,
 you will be able to easily download extensions for creating e-commerce

 Will I be able to open and edit my Drumbeat sites in UltraDev?
 Yes, UltraDev reads and writes ASP, JSP, and CFML. The published pages
 of your Drumbeat sites can be opened and edited. However UltraDev will
 not open .edf files.

 Will my Dreamweaver sites work in UltraDev?
 Dreamweaver's native file format is HTML. UltraDev reads, recognizes
 and parses HTML, so there won't be any problems opening files built in
 Dreamweaver or any other application like Cold Fusion Studio,
 FrontPage, and HomeSite.


RE: (admin) Re: Is HomeSite Soon To Be History?

2000-04-05 Thread Ken Wilson

Actually, all that info is now on the public site:

 Please note that this product is still under NDA from what I know 

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RE: Is HomeSite Soon To Be History?

2000-04-05 Thread Steve Bernard

Your not alone out there. I first started doing web development in pico and
vi so I'm still deeply entrenched in text mode editors. WSIWYG be damned! ;)


-Original Message-
From: Alan Wolf [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, April 05, 2000 10:18 PM
Subject: Re: Is HomeSite Soon To Be History?

Sounds real cool. Porbably buggy as hell. Guess I'm the last guy around
still writing raw html/cfml/asp using God Give Me Strength - Notepad or

But I know the markup language cold.

Alan Wolf, MCSE, MCP, MCP + I
SAIC Frederick
PO Box B Bldg 244
Frederick, Maryland 21702
301-846-5479 (V)
301-846-1395 (F)

To Unsubscribe visit or send a 
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Re: Is HomeSite Soon To Be History?

2000-04-05 Thread Michael Kear

Alan, can I suggest that you at least look at UltraEdit
( which as a text editor leaves notepad in the dark

It handles files of any size, unlimited number of files open at once, has
global search and replace over all open files, colour coding of html tags
(which you can specify) etc, and above all, you can configure what's open
when you start it - past files? projects? most recent folders?.  If has
macros that can do a vast array of stuff, and while this sounds like a
Microsoft brochure, its' nowhere near as hard to use as microsoft
programs.  And if you're into , hand coding, I reckon it's the beezneez.

I use the great tools too, CFStudio, Dreamweaver et al. but I use
UltraEdit all the time.

Disclaimer:  I have no financial or other connection with UltraEdit,
except that I'm a happy customer and have been using it since version 5.2
(it's up to v7.1 now) 

Mike Kear
AFP Web Development
Windsor, NSW, Australia

 On Wed, 5 Apr 2000, Alan Wolf wrote:

 Sounds real cool. Porbably buggy as hell. Guess I'm the last guy around
 still writing raw html/cfml/asp using God Give Me Strength - Notepad or
 But I know the markup language cold.
 Alan Wolf, MCSE, MCP, MCP + I
 SAIC Frederick
 PO Box B Bldg 244
 Frederick, Maryland 21702
 301-846-5479 (V)
 301-846-1395 (F)
 - Original Message -
 Sent: Wednesday, April 05, 2000 8:54 PM
 Subject: Is HomeSite Soon To Be History?
  HomeSite is the best and most popular development tool around *but* is
  extremely vulnerable to the fact that developers can no longer afford to
  *not* also use a layout-page-code generator in conjunction with HomeSite
  ***as a total replacement*** to be 100% productive.
  It seems Macromedia has not been as asleep at the wheel and I wonder what
  the near future will bring...Consider this announcement from Macromedia...
  Macromedia announces code name UltraDev at Internet World today.
  What is UltraDev?
  Designed specifically for application development, UltraDev is a brand
  new product based on the Dreamweaver core architecture. UltraDev is
  the first solution to support ASP, JSP and CFML within a single design
  Once UltraDev ships it will allow you to:
  1. Create professional web applications
  UltraDev provides everything you need to build, manage, and deploy
  dynamic, database-driven Web applications.
  2. Maintain total control over code
  UltraDev is the only product with visual and source editing for total
  control over source code.
  3. Connect easily to databases
  Quickly connect existing, static web pages to any ODBC, JDBC, or ADO
  database including Oracle, Sybase, Informix, Microsoft SQL Server and
  Microsoft Access.
  4. View server-side data in the workspace
  Save time and avoid repetitive tasks by viewing, testing, and editing
  live data returned from the application server in your workspace.
  5. Build for industry-standard servers
  UltraDev is the only solution that lets you build ASP, JSP, and Cold
  Fusion sites in one single design environment. Build sites for robust
  industry servers like Microsoft IIS, Allaire Cold Fusion, IBM
  Websphere, BEA WebLogic, and Netscape Enterprise Server.
  6. Create robust enterprise-ready Web applications
  Through extensibility, UltraDev integrates with other leading servers,
  Web applications and e-commerce solutions.
   UltraDev is NOT a replacement to Dreamweaver, it's a new standalone
  product built on the Dreamweaver core architecture.
  UltraDev IS the replacement to Drumbeat.  Macromedia is not planning
  to rev Drumbeat.
  UltraDev is expected to ship in June.
  What is the difference between Dreamweaver and UltraDev?
  Dreamweaver is a visual design solution for creating HTML web sites.
  While Dreamweaver is open to integrating with leading web application
  servers, it is not engineered for visually creating web applications.
  UltraDev was built specifically for creating dynamic Web applications
  using technologies like ASP, JSP, and CFML.
  What is the price of UltraDev?
  Macromedia has not yet announced pricing for UltraDev. However, it
  will be priced competitively with other Web application development
  I am a Macromedia customer and I currently develop Web applications.
  Will I be able to purchase UltraDev for a special price?
  Yes, but you must register your Macromedia product to qualify for any
  special offer.
  Is UltraDev an add-on to Dreamweaver?
  No, it is a new stand-alone product that is designed to meet the
  specific needs of Web application developers.
  Does UltraDev replace Drumbeat?
  Yes. When UltraDev ships it will replace Drumbeat as Macromedia's
  solution for Web application development.
  Will there be an upgrade path from Drumbeat to UltraDev?
  Yes, registered users of 

RE: Is HomeSite Soon To Be History?

2000-04-05 Thread Skip Ogden

But when it comes to my living - the web - I need to know all the ins and
outs.  I can't claim to be a professional at this unless I can understand
what's going on in the apps I produce.


I have experienced a lot of problems with Homesite though, once I made the 
mistake of buying a Windows 98 machine. My old P120/Win95 ran faster than 
this P3-500/win98

Blasted memory leaks - when Homesite 4.5 runs out of memory, it behaves 
VERY poorly.

Skip Ogden
Ocoee Broadcasting

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RE: Is HomeSite Soon To Be History?

2000-04-05 Thread Mike Sheldon

What a load of hooey!

Ignoring the fact that this message was a thinly-disguised advertisement for
a competing product...

Some of us out here actually KNOW HOW TO CODE! We don't need bloatware
handholding to create high-quality sites. It's my opinion, but if you need
this type of layout program to create websites, then you're not a
programmer. You may be a designer, but you're not a programmer and should
not be allowed to write code. Programmers actually take pride in
*understanding what they are doing* instead of just connecting the pretty

I certainly don't do all of my coding in notepad, but the editors I do use
(Homesite, CF Studio and Visual Studio) are primarily code-editors (First
thing I do on install is disable the layout tab). Nonetheless, if Homesite
and CF Studio were to disappear tomorrow, you'll find me happily editing in
Notepad or vi.

Bah, Amateurs!

Michael J. Sheldon
Internet Applications Developer
Phone: 480.699.1084
PGP Key Available on Request

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RE: Is HomeSite Soon To Be History?

2000-04-05 Thread Ken Wilson

 Some of us out here actually KNOW HOW TO CODE! We don't need bloatware
 handholding to create high-quality sites.

And some of us that know how to code also know how to *properly* use a
Visual Design Tool where and when appropriate to the task and/or team
environment at hand. Just because a tool offers a visual component doesn't
necessarily mean it's intended for amatuers nor that it will create bloated
code when used *properly*. Should be interesting to see UltraDev given the
quality of other Macromedia products.


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