Re: [cfaussie] RE: Coldfusion JRun Max handler threads setting

2010-04-11 Thread Joel Cass
To answer the original questions, max handler threads are basically running
+ queued threads, with an allowance for internal coldfusion processes as
well. Wouldn't touch the setting, personally.

Running threads, usually set at 4 per processor, queued threads, you can set
this as you please (though a lower value is safer).

Though I don't see how it addresses the OutOfMemory exceptions - the problem
is that the server cannot create a new thread to handle a request because
there is no memory available. Address the memory leak and you will no longer
have the error.

Possible memory leak sources include:

- site spiders/crawlers that create a new session with every request: if you
are creating objects or large data structures within the session, that would
be an issue
- external applications, especially COM/.Net/Gateways
- large structures in the application scope - caches, objects
- large queries (cached or not) - too many SELECT *'s?
- Data source memory leaks (esp. MySQL)

I don't think modifying thread limits will fix the issue.

On Mon, Apr 12, 2010 at 10:55 AM, Mark Ireland markinc...@hotmail.comwrote:

  In my experience leaving the max set at 10 is a good rule of thumb.

 With Enterprise you can set an alert that kills the 11th thread (and only
 that one) if it hangs up.

  Date: Sun, 11 Apr 2010 17:33:41 -0700
  Subject: [cfaussie] Coldfusion JRun Max handler threads setting

  Hi all,
  Can anyone provide any advice on settings for the Max handler threads?
  As far as I know this is just the queue that threads sit in before
  being moved to the 'active handler threads' pool where they are
  actually executed. So new requests to the web server will sit in this
  queue until the server is free to process it.
  Our server processes threads pretty fast, but we have an issue at the
  moment where we get java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: unable to create new
  native thread on the odd occasion, normally when something hammers
  the server for a long period of time, I am going to possibly scale
  back the memory allocated to JRun so the operating system has more to
  play with, but I'm wondering if reducing the max handler threads pool
  will help this as well as there will be less total threads using up
  operating system memory? We don't actually need a large wait pool and
  it'd be better if requests got a server busy message rather than
  bloating out the available threads and thus operating system memory.
  Barry Chesterman.
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Joel Cass

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Re: [cfaussie] Problems with webservice

2009-11-16 Thread Joel Cass
looking at the wsdl, the parameters appear to be 'login' and 'senha' instead
of username and password. Since webservices are represented as java objects,
I presume the parameter names need to match

On Sun, Nov 15, 2009 at 11:26 PM, Steve Onnis

 Where did you get the url for the webservice from? Looks like it is
 You should still be able to browse to

 -Original Message-
 From: João Paulo []
 Sent: Wednesday, 11 November 2009 3:29 AM
 To: cfaussie
 Subject: [cfaussie] Problems with webservice


 i´ve never used coldfusion to consume a webservice. Using the sintax
 that a I found on Adobe, I wrote this code. Now, I got thi error every
 time a run the code: Web service operation execute with parameters
 {password={100327},username={10032718713},} could not be found.

 Can anyone help me?


 My code:

 cfset ws_url =
 cfset my_method = execute
 cfset login = 10032718713
 cfset pwd = 100327
 cfset port_name = rhws001SoapPort
 cfset objWSDL = CreateObject(webservice, #ws_url#) /

 cfdump var=#objWSDL#

   webservice = Web service name or WSDL URL
   method = operation name
   password = password
   proxyPassword = password for proxy server
   proxyPort = port on proxy server
   proxyServer = WSDL proxy server URL
   proxyUser = user ID for proxy server
   returnVariable = variable name
   refreshWSDL = yes|no
   servicePort = WSDL port name
   timeout = request timeout in seconds
   username = user name
   wsdl2javaArgs = argument string

  webservice  = #ws_url#
  method  = #my_method#
  username= #login#
  password= #pwd#
  returnVariable = my_result
   cfinvokeargument name=username value=#login# /
   cfinvokeargument name=password value=#pwd# /

 cfdump var=#my_result#


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Re: [cfaussie] .htaccess, apache2.2 and CF8

2009-11-16 Thread Joel Cass
So when you say explodes, do you mean that it cannot find the path?

Look at the mappings on the production server - either there is no root set
up so CF is just guessing the root, or the root is pointing to an incorrect

On Mon, Nov 9, 2009 at 9:51 AM, Steele wrote:

 I have a .htaccess file with the following mod_rewrite rule

 RewriteRule ^(about|agent|buying|client|home|homeloan|project|renting|
 layout|selling|survey|contact|shared)/([a-z]+) /index.cfm?fuseaction=
 $1.$2%{QUERY_STRING} [NC]

 When this is not running my pages work just fine, and when I run it on
 our production server which is running IIS6 with Helicon Rewrite, it
 works just fine too.

 As expected
 correctly opens

 However, we have one really strange page which throws an error on our
 Apache machines.

 cfinclude template=/shared/dsp_propertyType.cfm

 my cfinclude explodes :( inside one of the /buying/ pages

 I don't understand why this would happen because that request SHOULD
 come from cf.

 Any ideas?

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Re: [cfaussie] Fire Up The Barbie - mate!

2009-11-16 Thread Joel Cass
Looks good and probably ticks all their boxes - good luck :)

On Mon, Nov 16, 2009 at 7:52 PM, Taco Fleur

  Excellent, thanks for that.

 Kind regards, Taco Fleur (CIO/CEO/Founder)

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 *From:* []
 *On Behalf Of *Christophe Albrech
 *Sent:* Monday, 16 November 2009 6:06 PM

 *Subject:* Re: [cfaussie] Fire Up The Barbie - mate!

 Not that it's got anything to do with cf, but you might want to correct the
 application description.

 Fire Up The Barbie is an all Aussie app that let’s us Aussie’s do what we
 do best – organize and cook up a barbie!
 The application let’s you search for a bbq in ACT (more data to come, as we
 have mined data for all states) and organize an event for it on facebook,
 all details are passed to facebook where you can create the event and invite
 your friends.

- it's not let's, it's lets.
- it's not Aussie's it's Aussies
- organise not organized. the latter is a valid american English
alternative, but hey, you are, after all, selling a true blue, fair dinkum
Aussie app.

  Not trying to be a prick or a smartass (although I very much am both of
 them), but bad grammar or spelling always reflect badly on the app and the



 On Thu, Nov 12, 2009 at 4:20 PM, Taco Fleur

 Hey guys,

 I just submitted an app written in CF and JS, just wondering if you could
 spare a moment and cast your vote (5 stars of course ;-) here

 Ooh, and its a facebook app as well so you can add it to your profile and
 whenever you feel like a barbie with your mates, just Fire Up The Barbie,
 crack open a tinnie and cook some snags!

 Kind regards,
 Taco Fleur
 clickfind™ - The new Australian Online Marketing Platform (OMP)

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[cfaussie] Re: Value must be initialized before use - Its possible that a method called on a Java object created by CreateObject returned null

2009-10-22 Thread Joel Cass
Perhaps Googlebot is flooding your site and taxing your webservice. You
could try changing google's crawl rate and see if that has any effect:

On Fri, Oct 23, 2009 at 11:02 AM, Taco Fleur

 Yeah, there is a webservice call there. But why would it only time out for
 Google. Anyways, I put a 2 minute timeout on there now, let's see if it
 keeps happening. Thanks for that.


 On Fri, Oct 23, 2009 at 9:51 AM, Joel Cass wrote:

 Weird, I got no idea about that. Perhaps cfmail is being called when there
 is an error on the server? If the error was a timeout and your cferror page
 sent the email, it may turn up as being the culprit.

 Timeout in object initialisation could very well be the cause of your
 error. Especially if a Java object connecting to a webservice on
 initialisation is involved.

 On Thu, Oct 22, 2009 at 8:11 PM, Taco Fleur

  Thanks Joel,

 I had a look in the log and found

 Error,jrpp-25,10/19/09,20:37:31,au_com_clickfind8,The request
 has exceeded the allowable time limit Tag: cfmail The specific sequence of
 files included or processed is:
 C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\au_com_clickfind\business\explore-website.cfm, line: 488

 The weird thing is, there is no cfmail in that file. And why does it only
 time out for Google??

 Kind regards, Taco Fleur (CIO/CEO/Founder)

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 *From:* [] *On
 Behalf Of *Joel Cass
 *Sent:* Thursday, 22 October 2009 2:49 PM
 *Subject:* [cfaussie] Re: Value must be initialized before use - Its
 possible that a method called on a Java object created by CreateObject
 returned null

 I've had this one before but with a different component. Usually there is
 an error that is being thrown by the Java object but is not being
 represented properly in ColdFusion. cftry/cfcatch will not actually work in
 this case as the problem is occuring in the Java Layer. I think the real
 error does turn up in the runtime logs, otherwise, capture the data going
 into the object and try making the same call from a JSP file.

 On Thu, Oct 22, 2009 at 12:56 PM, wrote:

 Hello all,

 been a while, very long time actually since my last post! I really got
 one here that stumps me!

 I'm getting the following error when Google indexes some of my pages

 Value must be initialized before use
 Its possible that a method called on a Java object created by
 CreateObject returned null

 The problem points to line 179 which is the following

 xmlResult = YahooCSE.doSearch( page =, display =
 url.display ).getResult();

 Around this I have a try/catch statement but that doesn't seem to make
 any difference at all.

 It only errors when Google visits the following page in question

 Your help is greatly appreciated.

 Taco Fleur

 Kind regards,
 Taco Fleur
 clickfind™ - The new Australian Online Marketing Platform (OMP)


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[cfaussie] Re: Masking a URL

2009-10-21 Thread Joel Cass
Doesn't seem like an issue with ColdFusion, but could be fixed using it.

Create a print function that uses cfdocument to create a pdf of the page.

If you have control over the client browser, Under 'page setup' in IE, there
is an option to modify header and footer. Simply strip out u or replace it
with something else.

More info:

On Wed, Oct 21, 2009 at 5:10 PM, KNOTT, Brian

  Is there a way to mask a URL.  My problem is that when IE prints a page
 it also prints the URL.  The customer is happy to see a URL but not the
 actual page URL.  They want to see a dummy URL.  It can be the same domain,
 just needs to be a direct page.

 So from 

 Thanks Guys

 *Brian Knott* | Software Engineer | Banking Data Warehouse
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inline: Picture (Device Independent Bitmap) 1.jpg

[cfaussie] Re: Value must be initialized before use - Its possible that a method called on a Java object created by CreateObject returned null

2009-10-21 Thread Joel Cass
I've had this one before but with a different component. Usually there is an
error that is being thrown by the Java object but is not being represented
properly in ColdFusion. cftry/cfcatch will not actually work in this case as
the problem is occuring in the Java Layer. I think the real error does turn
up in the runtime logs, otherwise, capture the data going into the object
and try making the same call from a JSP file.

On Thu, Oct 22, 2009 at 12:56 PM, wrote:

 Hello all,

 been a while, very long time actually since my last post! I really got
 one here that stumps me!

 I'm getting the following error when Google indexes some of my pages

 Value must be initialized before use
 Its possible that a method called on a Java object created by
 CreateObject returned null

 The problem points to line 179 which is the following

 xmlResult = YahooCSE.doSearch( page =, display =
 url.display ).getResult();

 Around this I have a try/catch statement but that doesn't seem to make
 any difference at all.

 It only errors when Google visits the following page in question

 Your help is greatly appreciated.

 Taco Fleur


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[cfaussie] Re: Out of Memory

2008-05-19 Thread Joel Cass

First thing that comes to mind is Sessions.

If you are placing a lot of data in the session scope, your server can
be brought down by all kinds of traffic especially spiders.

And then there's excessive caching. If you are caching on a per-user
basis or not caching effectively (e.g. storage bugs, whitespace) you can
get this.

Depends on your application. Perhaps it is loading some huge data
structure into memory but it would have to be excessively huge to bring
down the server.

My two cents

On Mon, 2008-05-19 at 13:15 +1000, Dale Fraser wrote:
 I've been told that the code is ok, but I think I'll need to look through it
 Dale Fraser
 -Original Message-
 From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf
 Of Kai Koenig
 Sent: Monday, 19 May 2008 12:17 PM
 Subject: [cfaussie] Re: Out of Memory
 something on your page seems to go crazy and suck all the remaining
 VM memory. 
 We are getting these errors on a particular page. Looking at the code
 there is nothing wrong that we can see other than the fact that it is
 manipulating a large amount of data.
 Any ideas on what we can do to eliminate these issues.
 coldfusion.runtime.EventHandlerException: Event handler exception.
 at coldfusion.runtime.AppEventInvoker.onRequest
 at coldfusion.filter.ApplicationFilter.invoke
 at coldfusion.filter.RequestMonitorFilter.invoke
 at coldfusion.filter.MonitoringFilter.invoke
 at coldfusion.filter.PathFilter.invoke(
 at coldfusion.filter.ClientScopePersistenceFilter.invoke
 at coldfusion.filter.BrowserFilter.invoke(
 at coldfusion.filter.NoCacheFilter.invoke(
 at coldfusion.filter.GlobalsFilter.invoke(
 at coldfusion.filter.DatasourceFilter.invoke
 at coldfusion.filter.RequestThrottleFilter.invoke
 at coldfusion.CfmServlet.service(
 at coldfusion.bootstrap.BootstrapServlet.service
 at jrun.servlet.FilterChain.doFilter(
 at coldfusion.monitor.event.MonitoringServletFilter.doFilter
 at coldfusion.bootstrap.BootstrapFilter.doFilter
 at jrun.servlet.FilterChain.doFilter(
 at jrun.servlet.FilterChain.service(
 at jrun.servlet.ServletInvoker.invoke(
 at jrun.servlet.JRunRequestDispatcher.invoke
 at jrun.servlet.ServletEngineService.dispatch
 at jrun.servlet.jrpp.JRunProxyService.invokeRunnable
 at jrunx.scheduler.ThreadPool$DownstreamMetrics.invokeRunnable
 at jrunx.scheduler.ThreadPool$ThreadThrottle.invokeRunnable
 at jrunx.scheduler.ThreadPool$UpstreamMetrics.invokeRunnable
 Caused by: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
 javax.servlet.ServletException: ROOT CAUSE:
 coldfusion.runtime.EventHandlerException: Event handler exception.
 at coldfusion.runtime.AppEventInvoker.onRequest
 at coldfusion.filter.ApplicationFilter.invoke
 at coldfusion.filter.RequestMonitorFilter.invoke
 at coldfusion.filter.MonitoringFilter.invoke
 at coldfusion.filter.PathFilter.invoke(
 at coldfusion.filter.ClientScopePersistenceFilter.invoke
 at coldfusion.filter.BrowserFilter.invoke(
 at coldfusion.filter.NoCacheFilter.invoke(
 at coldfusion.filter.GlobalsFilter.invoke(
 at coldfusion.filter.DatasourceFilter.invoke
 at coldfusion.filter.RequestThrottleFilter.invoke
 at coldfusion.CfmServlet.service(
 at coldfusion.bootstrap.BootstrapServlet.service

[cfaussie] Re: Fixing up HTML Entities

2008-05-08 Thread Joel Cass

You could use

REReplace(str, ([^A-Za-z0-9]), amp;\1, all)

On Fri, 2008-05-09 at 11:30 +1000, Seona Bellamy wrote:
 Hi guys,
 Hopefully a quick and easy one for someone - I'm sure this is going to
 be one of those things with an easy fix I'm just not seeing!
 I'm pulling in an XML file via an RSS feed. It has some 's which are
 not encoded as amp; and some which are (as well as a smattering of
 quot;'s and other entities). Apparently, those unencoded 's are what
 is preventing me running this data through xmlParse().
 Is there a way in which I can isolate those unencoded 's and change
 them to amp; but leave every other  (ie, the ones already used as
 part of an entity) alone?
 I tired running htmlEditFormat() over it, but that translated
 everything including the structural stuff and so I couldn't parse it
 anyway. :(

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[cfaussie] Re: ColdFusion Isn't a Programming Language?

2008-05-05 Thread Joel Cass

I've been calling it a technology for years.. Never really regarded it
as a language.

Is CF so perfect that no-one has any issues they need help with

There's more politics in here than the bloody senate.

On Mon, 2008-05-05 at 18:19 -0400, Dale Fraser wrote:
 It's all Andrew's fault as he really should have been in bed :)
 Dale Fraser
 -Original Message-
 From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf
 Of Kay Smoljak
 Sent: Monday, 5 May 2008 5:58 PM
 Subject: [cfaussie] Re: ColdFusion Isn't a Programming Language?
 Lol, you guys need to get a room. *yawn*
 On Tue, May 6, 2008 at 4:57 AM, Dale Fraser [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   My point is,
 On Tue, May 6, 2008 at 1:08 AM, CyberAngel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   How so?

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[cfaussie] Re: wierd caching problem

2008-04-28 Thread Joel Cass

If you are uploading using FTP, check that the timestamps are being

CF uses the timestamp of each file to determine whether it should be
recompiled at runtime.

I think that's your needle right there.

On Mon, 2008-04-28 at 17:46 -0700, barry.b wrote:
 thanx for the replies, guys. At least it helps lift some fog...
 so far 
 it happens on both CF8 and CF7 (I'm using 7)
 it happens occasionally
 it happens for no specific reason.
 oh goodie. needle in a hay stack time.
 I'm surviving by clearing the template cache for now (but heaven help
 anyone else working on the same box).
 It can't be an IIS caching issue, can it? While it throws the old
 error message, the new code is what's displayed - which implies that
 CF is controlling this all...
 I really dislike working on shared dev boxes ... it's just asking for

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[cfaussie] Re: To maintain DB connections or not ... that is the question

2008-04-27 Thread Joel Cass

My gut feeling is that you should not enable this feature unless you
know specifically why you want to use it.

Have had trouble in the past with the DBMS running out of connections on
busy servers with this setting enabled, as every client has a connection
whether they are using it or not (eg. you will collect idle

The overhead in creating a connection per request is most likely low,
especially when connecting locally or even over a LAN. 

May be interesting to gauge whether you are getting any performance
benefits with this setting enabled / disabled just by setting some
timers and running a few queries.

On Sun, 2008-04-27 at 18:19 -0700, Nathan Drury wrote:
 We have a CF app which can be using multiple DBs at any given time
 (e.g. user1 logs into DB1, user2 logs into DB2, etc).  At any given
 time the application can be accessing up to 20 different DBs.  I've
 been trying to determine whether we should be maintaining connections
 to these DBs or not.  I've found very little information out there
 about it except that as a general rule you should maintain connections
 and that you should limit connections to be the number of maximum
 simultaneous requests (per CF8WACK2).
 However, a colleague claims to have had issues in the past with the
 app when maintain connections is turned on (but this may have been due
 to a known issue with CF6.1 -
 Can anyone shed some light on when NOT to maintain connections?

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[cfaussie] Re: My Yearly WebDU Rant

2008-04-24 Thread Joel Cass

Another way to think about it is on a percentage of income basis. As I
learnt in first year business, at least 10% of your income should be
allocated to RD/training purposes (Most companies it is much more).

If it falls within 10%, go.

I went a couple of years ago and thoroughly loved it. Hope to go again.


On Wed, 2008-04-23 at 20:31 +1000, Dale Fraser wrote:
 I don't want this to turn into a flame war, I'm happy with the
 responses, sounds like WebDU is good stuff and I defiantly want to
 experience it.
 Dale Fraser [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
 Behalf Of Scott Barnes
 Sent: Wednesday, 23 April 2008 7:40 PM
 Subject: [cfaussie] Re: My Yearly WebDU Rant
 Actually I used to get a limo between Sydney to North Ryde / Hilton
 every time i travelled to Sydney. Last week I caught the train for the
 first time, a whopping $13.50 (heh) and I got to the Hilton in less
 time. Now by that math, you should arrive at the Casino/Hotel of
 Choice not only in less time but less outlay.
 So there you go, you just freed up some beer funds... YESthis year
 Microsoft aren't going to be there with the AMEX (those limos rack up
 ya know).
 On Wed, Apr 23, 2008 at 7:36 PM, M@ Bourke
 Taxis   $200
 maybe fly them to sydney airport and get them to get the train to the
 hotel, instead of flying them to adelaide airport and having them
 catch a cab to sydney. 
 its been almost 2 years since I've been in oz but surely taxi's
 haven't gone up that much?
 surely the person can get a hotel near by the conference and just walk
 there each day.
 I guess the further away they are the cheaper the accom, but this
 could be lost on taxi expense.
 or am i the only 1 who ever catches the train from the airport and
 thinks woh what an expensive short train ride lol.

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[cfaussie] Re: .net and coldfusion 8u1

2008-04-17 Thread Joel Cass
Are you sure that the problem is with CF? Perhaps your .net connector is
not configured.


Open the jnbproxy.exe.config file under wherever your connector service
is installed (eg. C:\ColdFusion8DotNetService).


You *need* to have the supported runtimes listed, ie this the
jnbproxy.exe.config on my comp:


?xml version=1.0?



supportedRuntime version=v2.0.50727/

supportedRuntime version=v2.0.50215/

supportedRuntime version=v1.1.4322/

supportedRuntime version=v1.0.3705/

requiredRuntime version=v1.0.3705/





When I access System.Environment.Version I am getting v2.0.50727.1433


From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of CyberAngel
Sent: Friday, 18 April 2008 12:28 PM
Subject: [cfaussie] Re: .net and coldfusion 8u1




Read it in its context, maybe should have chose my words better. I meant
that on that server, no .Net 2.0 assemblies will run on Coldfusion. 


Charlie, I posted that code in my last post that's how I know the server
is using .Net 1.1 and is not using the .Net 3.5.



Ok for fuck sake let me be very blunt here Charlie.


1)  I first posted with it only sees .Net 2.0 on one machine, and it
will NOT run .Net 3.5 assemblies.

2)  Another machine only ever sees .Net 1.1, so it WILL NOT run .Net
2.0 assemblies.


Do you not keep up with the conversation?


When you have reread my posts, then maybe you can come back and help me
out. Till then I did not say Coldfusion could not run .Net 2.0
assemblies. I first stated it would not run .Net 3.5 assemblies. On
another machine it will not run .Net 2.0 assemblies because it only sees
it having .Net 1.1 and NOT .Net 3.5


How much clearer do I need to make it?


And you wonder why I lose my temper with people for god sake.





From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of charlie arehart
Sent: Friday, 18 April 2008 4:40 AM
Subject: [cfaussie] Re: .net and coldfusion 8u1


Andrew, I understand your frustration. I've not done enough work with
the CF/.NET integration to recognize your problem, but I'm not sure you
want to conclude, So no .net assemblies 2.0 and up will ever work in
Coldfusion., or at least you don't want to assert that that's the case
for everyone. Surely we'd have heard more of a hue and cry from the
community if that were so.


In fact, the CF docs offer an example (in the .NET integration section)
that says it's using a .NET 2.0 class. I've tried it myself (the first
piece of code) and it worked. What do you find?


Also, the last example on this page also says it's using a .NET 2.0 only


How does that work for you? It worked fine for me. If they work, then
clearly (if the docs are to be believed), you can call .NET 2.0 classes.


As for why your call to that system.environment class reported 1.1, I
can't say, but I can say that there could be a lot of possible
explanations for what you're seeing (if the above work), from my
experience working with .NET a couple of years ago. Things aren't quite
always what they seem.


Hope that's helpful. If you continue to experience frustration, how
about bringing this up on the Adobe CF forums (advanced techniques or
general discussion). There are often people there who have had the same
experiences, and who may be able to point you in a better direction to
solve the challenge.




From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Andrew Scott
Sent: Wednesday, April 16, 2008 8:23 PM
Subject: [cfaussie] Re: .net and coldfusion 8u1


Ok here is something even worse.


cfobject type=.NET name=seClass class=System.Environment



I ran this on a server here, and got 1.1.4322.2407:-)


Yet I know for a fact that this server is not only running 1.1, but it
has 2.0sp1, 3.0sp1 and 3.5


So no .net assemblies 2.0 and up will ever work in Coldfusion. I removed
the .Net integration services and reinstalled, again the install script
only picks up that I have 1.1


Should I be loosing my hair about now?




Andrew Scott
Senior Coldfusion Developer
Aegeon Pty. Ltd.
Phone: +613  9015 8628
Mobile: 0404 998 273




From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of charlie arehart
Sent: Thursday, 17 April 2008 1:12 AM
Subject: [cfaussie] Re: .net and coldfusion 8u1


Good catch, Andrew. As for something that can fix, it seems worth

[cfaussie] Re: .net and coldfusion 8u1

2008-04-17 Thread Joel Cass
OK. What I want to know exactly is whether you have the version number
for 3.5 in your config file or not. If not, add it, restart the service,
and check if it's working.


Macromedia/Adobe have a shoddy record for installers so don't expect the
installer to do *anything* for you. What you are talking about is


If 3.5 is not working after adding it as a supported version, contact
someone at adobe (good luck) or check other lists. It's obvious that we
cannot help you.


From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of CyberAngel
Sent: Friday, 18 April 2008 2:05 PM
Subject: [cfaussie] Re: .net and coldfusion 8u1




Thanks but if you followed the thread, I stated that the machine that is
coming up as .Net 1.1 DOES NOT have .Net 2.0 installed. It has .Net 3.5


Coldfusion when it installed DID NOT pick that fact up, and said that I
can only find .Net 1.1 installed.


And yes I followed the link that Charlie provided, and had read it many
times. Even to the point of me asking maybe I should uninstall it first
and then reinstall. But when reinstalling the JnBridge proxy it only
picks up .Net 1.1 and states that in the install script.


Secondly, the machine that actually has .Net 2.0 installed is being
correctly found. BUT, it also has .Net 3.5 and it IS NOT being found.


Does that make the problem a little more clearer, I appreciate the info,
but it doesn't help when the installer DOESN'T understand what .Net 3.5
is now does it?


The point I am trying to establish here is this, I shouldn't have to
have .Net 2.0 installed for Coldfusion. I should be able to use either
the .Net 3.0 or .Net 3.5 framework. However coldfusion as I am now
saying for the tenth time WILL NOT acknowledge .Net 3.0 / .Net 3.5




From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Joel Cass
Sent: Friday, 18 April 2008 1:30 PM
Subject: [cfaussie] Re: .net and coldfusion 8u1


Are you sure that the problem is with CF? Perhaps your .net connector is
not configured.


Open the jnbproxy.exe.config file under wherever your connector service
is installed (eg. C:\ColdFusion8DotNetService).


You *need* to have the supported runtimes listed, ie this the
jnbproxy.exe.config on my comp:


?xml version=1.0?



supportedRuntime version=v2.0.50727/

supportedRuntime version=v2.0.50215/

supportedRuntime version=v1.1.4322/

supportedRuntime version=v1.0.3705/

requiredRuntime version=v1.0.3705/





When I access System.Environment.Version I am getting v2.0.50727.1433

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[cfaussie] Just in case anyone's feeling bored...

2008-04-14 Thread Joel Cass
Try this:



#round(000 EQ 000A)#

#round(000 EQ 000A)#

#round(000A EQ 012A)#

#round(000P EQ 012P)#



...Very interesting results.

Joel Cass Developer

Gruden - Design | Development | Implementation
t +61 2 9299 9462 f +61 2 9299 9463 m 0414 688 774  

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[cfaussie] Re: Just in case anyone's feeling bored...

2008-04-14 Thread Joel Cass


CreateTimeSpan(0,1,0,0) EQ 001A


...had some strange validation issues with a form recently. 


This was exactly the problem. User was entering 000A into a numeric
field, which should have caused a validation error to appear. 


CF parsed it as numeric and but when it got to the DB -- exception.


From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Phil Haeusler
Sent: Tuesday, 15 April 2008 10:20 AM
Subject: [cfaussie] Re: Just in case anyone's feeling bored...


An oldie, but a goodie. You're left scatching your head until you work
out the following









CF's wonderful automatic date conversions 



#round(000 EQ 000A)#

#round(000 EQ 000A)#

#round(000A EQ 012A)#

#round(000P EQ 012P)#



...Very interesting results.

Joel Cass Developer

Gruden - Design | Development | Implementation
t +61 2 9299 9462 f +61 2 9299 9463 m 0414 688 774  


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[cfaussie] Re: Just in case anyone's feeling bored...

2008-04-14 Thread Joel Cass

You just use IsNumeric() to validate.

If you have a method that accepts a numeric argument, the value 000A
will actually get through. So before calling such a method, make sure
the value is numeric first.

The code was using try/catch statements when setting object properties.
Not the best practice I know; sounded good at the time.


-Original Message-
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of barry.b
Sent: Tuesday, 15 April 2008 2:08 PM
To: cfaussie
Subject: [cfaussie] Re: Just in case anyone's feeling bored...

'ullo, 'ullo, 'ullo wot's goin' on 'ere then? care to explain further?

 This was exactly the problem. User was entering 000A into a numeric
 field, which should have caused a validation error to appear.

so what did you do to get around it?

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[cfaussie] Re: recruters say CF on the way out? ... FFS! not FUD from them too?

2008-04-13 Thread Joel Cass

Whoa. You fall asleep for a couple of days and this happens.

Strongly agree with Scott and Kay. Don't lock yourself into CF. It's
very good but there are newer and (should I say) better technologies out

However, the web has not changed much. Sure there's all the hype with
web 2.0, 2.0.1, 3.0 etc etc but it's still just HTML displayed in a
browser. Even rich media tools like flex don't do much more than HTML
does right now.

Get into the wider web community - definitely. Try coding with another
language for a while and get out into the wider community. It might put
some of your worries to ease.

Most likely Adobe knows they have a niche and they will probably destroy
CF in the end (just download the latest version of reader to see where
they're going - less features, more bugs). Perhaps the recruiter has a

But think of all the time you all spent writing messages on this forum.
Eventually they will be lost, all meaningless, like chasing the wind.
Meanwhile you could have installed PHP or started to read up on .net or

I'm just disgruntled because I'm studying .net at the moment and using
the PDF version to read the book on my laptop. Downloaded the latest
reader yesterday (it was an important security update of 22.4 mb!),
and now it crashes every 5 pages and I have to reopen, redo all my
settings (everything is hidden by default and it doesn't save settings
even on a graceful exit), find the page I was up to, and keep going.
Personally, this is not encouraging to see in an Adobe flagship

-Original Message-
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of barry.b
Sent: Monday, 14 April 2008 10:28 AM
To: cfaussie
Subject: [cfaussie] Re: recruters say CF on the way out? ... FFS! not
FUD from them too?

 Barry:Would you say it's been happening for what? 5+ years now?

I'd really like to respond to this chapter-and-verse at the moment but
I'm really pushed for time...

but I will say that (IMHO) Kay Smoljak is right on the money: The
issue isn't a religious war. it's not good Vs evil or red team  Vs
blue - unless you're a shareholder of Adobe or Microsoft (hey Scott -
shares in the company are part of your package, yes?)

for everyone else, a particular technology is an enabler. That's all.

Sure people have their preference - and I came kicking and screaming
into CF late 2002 (CF6.0/Redsky/CF6.1), grudgingly used it then like
it and stayed for the ride. Meanwhile I'd been using ASP (classic) and
had been part of the ASP.NET public beta up to it's release where I
deamed ASP.NET 1.0 a pile of rubbish and turned my back on it (it was
the infinite post-backs as one reason that killed it for me although I
really like some things in C# - it has what Java should)

but it's noteworthy to see that when I was a CF-noob, old hands like
Gary Menzel were active in the community - now Vaughn and the guys are
migrating (have migrated?) to Java and are nowhere to be seen in the
CF world. People move on, situations change.

ColdFusion - he's just this guy, y'know?

don't get me wrong, for mine, CF is the best darn bang-for-buck I can
get. But if you asked a question of which web-based technology is
best then you'll not get one single answer: as Sean Corfield often
says it depends!. there's still a ton of dynamic web apps written in
VBScript (ASP classic - depricated in 2003). Ford Vs Holden, anyone?

and, leaning heavily on the capabilities of the little Flash Player,
Adobe are starting to get together an interesting technology stack
suitable for the digital media world (although the mess of LiveCycle
with DS and ES, et al, needs to be sorted - too confusing for
managers). It makes the ownership of CF by Adobe that (seems to start
to) have good flow-on effects.

so when it comes to job choices, platform can a modifier. ie: you take
a dev job with a CF flavour.

1) enabler: the technology becomes the vehicle for people to do things
better/faster, etc.
2) enabler: the technology is a joy to use so it gives job
statisfaction doing things.
3) enabler: the technology has the platform longevity to keep you
doing this for as long as you need it to.

and I have no doubt that coding CF could give me both for many years
to come. I support the technology to do my bit in it thriving into the
future. I have no shares in Adobe so the long-term outcome for me is
purely future employment.

which is why I try and get people interested in CFUG's, etc - being
active in ensuring the platform has logevity and providing job
security by platform security, instead of being a passenger blown
along with the winds... (as well as keeping skills up (1) which leads
to better results (2))


 if you were hunting for a job, would you follow the technology stack
and hang the industry it's used in? Keep in mind the further you
progress through the ranks, the less important specific technology
becomes as you need to manage outcomes and what the technology has 

[cfaussie] Re: recruters say CF on the way out? ... FFS! not FUD from them too?

2008-04-13 Thread Joel Cass

I only say better because they are newer. CF hasn't changed much in the
last 7 or so years since MX. But outside of CF a lot has changed in the
past 7 years, brings me to the conclusion that CF is dated. 

Plus I really am starting to like the flexibility and features of other
languages, eg. OO features of .net and java, the plethora of
functionality in PHP (thanks to it being open source).

But CF is still really, really good.

-Original Message-
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Detect
Sent: Monday, 14 April 2008 11:10 AM
To: cfaussie
Subject: [cfaussie] Re: recruters say CF on the way out? ... FFS! not
FUD from them too?

 Strongly agree with Scott and Kay. Don't lock yourself into CF. It's
 very good but there are newer and (should I say) better technologies

Just curious, what technologies are you referring to here?

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[cfaussie] Re: recruters say CF on the way out? ... FFS! not FUD from them too?

2008-04-07 Thread Joel Cass

I agree with most of that but on the topic of recruiters - they are just
sales people and I wouldn't take them seriously. They have a position to
sell to the client, not just you.

Say they were selling fridges. You can get the super duper models with
the ice machines and built in tv's and then you have your everyday
run-of-the-mill fridges. You come in wanting a super duper fridge but
all they have is run-of-the-mill fridges - they still want their
commission so they will try and sell you an everyday fridge.

Now replace everyday fridge with PHP and super duper fridge with
ColdFusion, and that explains why they are taking the CF is on it's way
out pitch.

But let's not go into this *monthly* debate again. Nobody knows if it's
on the way out. As long as people keep coding and doing good work (e.g.
maintainable projects) than it will be here to stay, whether Adobe
shelve the technology or not.

My two cents

Joel Cass

-Original Message-
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of KC Kuok
Sent: Tuesday, 8 April 2008 9:25 AM
To: cfaussie
Subject: [cfaussie] Re: recruters say CF on the way out? ... FFS! not
FUD from them too?

Hi Barry,

I think the general feeling is that CF in Australia is on the way out.
But for us that keep up to that on the global front know that it will
be here to stay. Unfortunately for us it seems CF is not being used as
extensively as it should Down Under. The shortage is due to a few
factors, most important of which is 1) there are not enough good CF-
ers to go around, lets be honest you can get away with spaghetti code
in CF, which is a double sided blade. 2) There are not enough
companies willing to take on new coders without any prior CF
experience and 'train' them... 3) Which leads back to business
decisions being made that it is easier (and cheaper salary-wise/
contract-wise) to carry out a project in PHP, as you have a big pool
of novice-intermediate PHP coders compared to CF coders.

I think for Australia at least, if Adobe 1) Does not enforce lower
pricing for CF hosting by their hosting partners 2) push CF to Unis 3)
review pricing strategies to gain critical mass, In the long run no
matter how great the forthcoming versions of CF is going to be, only
big MNCs will use it, and unfortunately their coding teams are usually
not based in Australia, hence CF will probably keep becoming sidelined
in Australia while others continue to grow.

Just my 2 cents :)

On Apr 7, 10:27 pm, Barry Beattie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  - came across another recruter today (deliberatly not saying who) who
 straight-up said that CF was on the way out.

 and yet they (recruters) are looking for CF'ers and can't easily fill
 the positions they've got on their books, converting PHP'ers to fill
 positions, and in one case, getting apps made (for their recruting
 business) in CFML.


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[cfaussie] Re: CF702 - cfquery caching

2008-04-07 Thread Joel Cass
This makes no sense:


If it is for a past month, I want to start the caching from after the
last day of that month


You are already *after* the last day of the previous month. Having such
a statement is unnecessary.


Just use the cachedwithin parameter and be done with it. It's a good
idea not to store caches in memory for too long (e.g. more than a day).


Otherwise, create a method for caching your queries based on parameters.
Store them in memory (e.g. application scope) or save them to file (e.g.
WDDX). At least that way you have full control over when and how your
queries are cached.

Joel Cass Developer

Gruden - Design | Development | Implementation
t +61 2 9299 9462 f +61 2 9299 9463 m 0414 688 774  

From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of AJ Mercer
Sent: Tuesday, 8 April 2008 11:26 AM
Subject: [cfaussie] CF702 - cfquery caching


Hi Fusioneers,

I have an SQL I would like to cache, but have two strategies depending
on the parameters

If the parameters are for the current month, I only want to cache the
query for 1 day
If it is for a past month, I want to start the caching from after the
last day of that month

cfquery has two attributes to do this
- cachedwithin
- cachedafter

So I thought I would do this, but it looks like CF does not like the
CFIF inside the cfquery tag
cfset rptDate = CreateDate(URL.year, URL.month, DaysInMonth(Now()))

cfquery name=qryStatsByMonth 
cfif DateDiff('m', rptDate, Now()) EQ 0 

Any ideas how I can do this?

For now, I will put the cfif on the outside and have two cfqueries.
Guess this is not a bad way of doing it, just thought it would be neat
if it could be done with one query.


AJ Mercer
Web Log:

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[cfaussie] Re: CFChart examples with WOW factor

2008-04-02 Thread Joel Cass
These are actually really easy to implement in CF.


Wouldn't take their demos too seriously though as they are made for
specific purposes. But they are a great way to make customizable charts
that also take the load off the server. It takes a lot less effort to
generate an XML file than it does for a flash movie.


Except there's no gif/jpeg support. Aw.


They've been around a while. Actual company is based in India.

Joel Cass Developer

Gruden - Design | Development | Implementation
t +61 2 9299 9462 f +61 2 9299 9463 m 0414 688 774  

From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Taco Fleur
Sent: Thursday, 3 April 2008 3:15 PM
Subject: [cfaussie] CFChart examples with WOW factor


Hello all,


Does anyone know if ColdFusion can match the graph/chart quality of 

especially the shiny look and feel?

Try advertising on the new Australian Business Directory
Web Designers 

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[cfaussie] Re: What constitutes maintenance

2008-04-01 Thread Joel Cass

You would need to outline what maintenance is exactly. I would put any
regular, predictable tasks into maintenance (e.g. backups, database
optimization, server monitoring, basic user support etc). I would not
include bug fixing or any modifications to the codebase as being

I wouldn't even include software updates as being included as
maintenance as (most of the time) they are too time consuming to be done

If you have a clear cut agreement from the start that defines
maintenance (as you see it) then you will save yourself from the
punch-ups later on.

Joel Cass Developer

Gruden - Design | Development | Implementation
t +61 2 9299 9462 f +61 2 9299 9463 m 0414 688 774 

-Original Message-
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Mike Kear
Sent: Wednesday, 2 April 2008 2:52 PM
To: cfaussie
Subject: [cfaussie] What constitutes maintenance

I'm embarking on a relationship with a client based on a fixed
$X/month for all maintenance tasks, plus additional work taken job by
job as individual projects.

I can see that a potential source of friction will be whether or not a
particular task is covered under 'maintenance'.

Obviously, one way around this is to just bill how i think is right,
and deal with any conflicts as they arise, arguing it out and  the
last person standing after the punch up wins.I suspect that's
probably not the best way to handle it though.

How do you guys handle this issue? Has anyone managed to work out
a workable definition of what constitues maintenance?

Mike Kear
Windsor, NSW, Australia
Adobe Certified Advanced ColdFusion Developer
AFP Webworks
ColdFusion, PHP, ASP, ASP.NET hosting from AUD$15/month

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[cfaussie] Re: Issue with concurrency

2008-03-26 Thread Joel Cass

It sounds like you're grabbing the latest number from the DB (or something) to 
display in your form. It sounds like this number is only updated when the user 
submits the form. Therefore two visitors to form at the same time will get the 
same number...

I think you have to redesign your app. Either set the request number at the 
time of submission (and don't pass it in the form), or create a new request 
number every time a user visits the form (and have a few gaps between numbers). 
It's up to you.

And use a cflock for saving / retrieving the latest number.

Joel Cass Developer

Gruden - Design | Development | Implementation
t +61 2 9299 9462 f +61 2 9299 9463 m 0414 688 774 

-Original Message-
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of djdawson
Sent: Wednesday, 26 March 2008 5:31 PM
To: cfaussie
Subject: [cfaussie] Re: Issue with concurrency

HI Mark,

Am using CF7.

Not using cfcs

What do you mean by frameworks?

The request comes from the user clicking on 'add new request', then a
form displays with a new request number.  Once they fill in the data
and click on submit, an email gets sent to the user with the request
number and data.  I am finding that the number is the same on three
other emails, but the other data is different.

Hope this makes sense.

On Mar 26, 4:27 pm, Mark Mandel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Dj -

 Hard to say, without knowing many of the specific of your application?

 What version of CF are you on?
 Are you using CFCs? If so, are you storing them in the applications scope?

 Are you using any particular frameworks?

 Where does the request id come from?

 This may be a locking issue, and/or it may be un-var'd CFC variable
 issue... not sure.


 On Wed, Mar 26, 2008 at 5:24 PM, djdawson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Just having a CF issue at the moment and thought I'd send out an email
   requesting some assistance.

   I am having an issue with concurrency on an application in

   When I raise a new request it should grab a new request number and
   assign it to me via email.

   Problem:  If there are a group of people raising a new request
   concurrently, the request email will contain the request number (in
   title, link and main text) for the request created by someone else. So
   this means that the new request picks up the request number from the
   other request created in the time before it has been saved.

   I am now looking for assistance with this issue and some other
   issues.  Since where i work has only a few coldfusion experts, I have
   had to look further out.  Hence, I thought I'd drop the User Group a

 E: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -

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[cfaussie] Re: programmer etiquette and writing good CF code

2008-03-25 Thread Joel Cass


I reckon the best type of programmer is one that accepts the faults of
others (and themselves) and moves on. Nothing is perfect in life and we
must all accept that.

I really concur with Geoff's statement as I myself have been in that
position many times over the years. And I have written lots and lots of
shite code based on shoddy prototypes. And not just in ColdFusion

But in the end I've learnt a lot and moved on. I don't sit around all
day bagging other peoples' code, that's for sure. Just account for the
extra time in working with legacy code.


-Original Message-
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Brett Payne-Rhodes
Sent: Tuesday, 25 March 2008 7:00 PM
Subject: [cfaussie] Re: programmer etiquette and writing good CF code

Nope, I agree with Geoff and Mark. You actually need reasonable
technical skills to write code (even crap code) in C++, etc *and* get it
to work in a public environment... I think the point is that CF is a
very easy language to code in and many people writing sites using it
have little or no programming skill or training. To some extent CF is
its own worst enemy. Because it *is* easy to write a lot of people with
strong technical skills will write it off on the basis of if it is that
easy it can't be a serious.


Dale Fraser wrote:
 I don't agree that ColdFusion has anything to do with it.
 You could just as easily write shit code, in C++, Java or .NET.
 Dale Fraser
 *From:* [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Behalf Of *Mark Ireland
 *Sent:* Tuesday, 25 March 2008 6:14 PM
 *Subject:* [cfaussie] Re: programmer etiquette and writing good CF
 I agree. Its that problem were we blame the pen for the spelling
 This also reflects the strengths and weaknesses of coldFusion.
 Because its an easy language people arent learning how to write code 
 with maintenance in mind
 until they actually have to maintain an app someone else knocked out
 a hurry.

  I've done lots of code reviews where the code was atrocious but the
  history behind the project wasn't that the developer didn't care..
  more that the company didn't care. There's plenty of times people
  have been asked to knock up a prototype -- the equivalent of a
  of blocks of 2x4 and some big nails -- only to have that prototype
  wheeled into production by over eager managers. Most of us want to
  have the time to craft something exquisite but very often we're not
  given the chance to do so. This is especially a problem in the CF
  world where even the most mangled code manages to hang in there with
  some degree of functionality.

  Standards are great -- but when they're not followed its not always
  the developer at fault.

  Just thoughts...

  -- geoff

 at It's simple! Sell your car for just $30

Brett Payne-Rhodes
Eaglehawk Computing
t: +61 (0)8 9371-0471
m: +61 (0)414 371 047

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[cfaussie] Re: Query of query and TOP

2008-03-06 Thread Joel Cass

You should use cfquery maxrows=n to get the top n records.

The keyword TOP is actually proprietary (MSSQL only).

Joel Cass Developer

Gruden - Design | Development | Implementation
t +61 2 9299 9462 f +61 2 9299 9463 m 0414 688 774 

-Original Message-
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Joris de Beer
Sent: Friday, 7 March 2008 1:01 PM
Subject: [cfaussie] Re: Query of query and TOP

Sounds like the right way to do it.

On 07/03/2008, at 10:16 AM, Scott Thornton wrote:


 Just wondering if there was an equivalent of top n that could be  
 used in a query-of-query.

 When I used top 10, i received an error, so I used the maxrows  
 attribute instead to restrict the values. just wondering if I have  
 done the correct thing


 CFQUERY datasource=testdatasource_local name=TEST
   TOP 1000

 cfquery name=test2  dbtype=QUERY maxrows=10


 Scott Thornton, Programmer
 Billing Unit
 Hunter-New England Area Health Service
 ext: 24505 p: +61 02 4941 4505 m: 0413 800 242


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[cfaussie] Re: Wanted: junior css/html ninja

2008-03-06 Thread Joel Cass

I think there are a few ninja schools in Australia but I don't quite get
how this is related to coding, but whatever.

Uni is good but I don't think they teach HTML directly. You may hire
people who think that HTML was invented by MS-Word.

TAFE does teach HTML, they even have subjects devoted to it.

But then again you can learn how to HTML in your bedroom with some good

Perhaps just looking for someone with a website, a bit of enthusiasm and
knowledge of some HTML tools (e.g. anything but frontpage) will be a
good start.

Joel Cass Developer

Gruden - Design | Development | Implementation
t +61 2 9299 9462 f +61 2 9299 9463 m 0414 688 774 

-Original Message-
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Barry Beattie
Sent: Friday, 7 March 2008 12:28 PM
Subject: [cfaussie] Re: Wanted: junior css/html ninja

  D'oh - wasn't my intention to particularly bag QUT - they were just
  intended to be a case in point.

I didn't take the reference to that institution as you singling it
out. I used to work there - there's a lot of dedicated hard working
staff who care - but it's probably safe to say that every institution
isn't 100% perfect.

  - it's just a continuing point of frustration that
  they so often, students who have 3 year degrees that on paper -
  relate directly to the work we're recruiting them for, have never
  exposed in any form to the tools that business actually uses.

hopefully I've given some clearer picture why this can happen.

I forgot to mention there's a third form of adult education: The
School Of Hard Knocks

don't laugh. it's actually becoming more viable:

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[cfaussie] Re: cferror java exception message

2008-03-05 Thread Joel Cass

I remember getting this error a lot from clients who leave the website
before ColdFusion has finished doing anything/something.

You can replicate this by opening a real slow page, pressing the stop
button, and checking the logs / wherever you store your error messages.

Joel Cass Developer

Gruden - Design | Development | Implementation
t +61 2 9299 9462 f +61 2 9299 9463 m 0414 688 774 

-Original Message-
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Steve Onnis
Sent: Thursday, 6 March 2008 10:22 AM
Subject: [cfaussie] cferror java exception message

Does anyone know what this means?

The cause of this output exception was that:
Connection reset by peer: socket write error.

I am getting this from a CFERROR template.  Not very useful information.
This particular message this time looks like it was generated from a
doing a cfcontent push action to download a file to the client.


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[cfaussie] Re: cferror java exception message

2008-03-05 Thread Joel Cass

You should be able to. If the exception you are getting sent via email
is being caught using a cferror and not a cfcatch, it will definitely be
in the logs.

Joel Cass Developer

Gruden - Design | Development | Implementation
t +61 2 9299 9462 f +61 2 9299 9463 m 0414 688 774 

-Original Message-
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Steve Onnis
Sent: Thursday, 6 March 2008 10:29 AM
Subject: [cfaussie] Re: cferror java exception message

So I can match up the coldfusion logs with the date/time of the cferror
email I am getting? 

-Original Message-
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Of Joel Cass
Sent: Thursday, 6 March 2008 10:25 AM
Subject: [cfaussie] Re: cferror java exception message

I remember getting this error a lot from clients who leave the website
before ColdFusion has finished doing anything/something.

You can replicate this by opening a real slow page, pressing the stop
button, and checking the logs / wherever you store your error messages.

Joel Cass Developer

Gruden - Design | Development | Implementation t +61 2 9299 9462 f +61 2
9299 9463 m 0414 688 774 

-Original Message-
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Of Steve Onnis
Sent: Thursday, 6 March 2008 10:22 AM
Subject: [cfaussie] cferror java exception message

Does anyone know what this means?

The cause of this output exception was that:
Connection reset by peer: socket write error.

I am getting this from a CFERROR template.  Not very useful information.
This particular message this time looks like it was generated from a
doing a cfcontent push action to download a file to the client.


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[cfaussie] Re: Flex Builder as main CF IDE

2008-03-03 Thread Joel Cass
You are much better off with the full version. Though I think you can
select to install it as a plugin during the install process. At least
one of the releases played like this.


I did try installing it as a plugin on eclipse 3.4.0 but it died and
went to null pointer heaven.


Just because it is a beta (or new) product and therefore a little dodgy
in some areas, it makes a lot of sense to keep it separate from your
current dev environment.


Joel Cass Developer

Gruden - Design | Development | Implementation
t +61 2 9299 9462 f +61 2 9299 9463 m 0414 688 774  

From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Bryce Hoffmann
Sent: Tuesday, 4 March 2008 11:04 AM
Subject: [cfaussie] Re: Flex Builder as main CF IDE


I installed the released Flex Builder 3.

Looks like the installed Eclipse Platform is 3.3.1

That was the full Windows Stand-alone version. I can't find a plugin
version? Has it not made it to release yet?


Bryce Hoffmann  



From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Joris de Beer
Sent: Thursday, 28 February 2008 9:21 PM
Subject: [cfaussie] Re: Flex Builder as main CF IDE


No, I didn't install using Pulse, although I tried it out, I just
installed FB3 separately. So far I'm liking FB3. I'm not getting any
NullPointer errors in FB3 like my other Eclipse installations, and a lot
of the Java/C++ stuff is not included so everything seems a bit neater
and focused on WebDev which is what I was after?



On 28/02/2008, at 8:56 PM, AJ Mercer wrote:


can FB3 (given that you have purchased a license), be installed using

On Tue, Feb 26, 2008 at 6:06 PM, CyberAngel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


That makes me laugh, as it is Eclipse...

And removing what you don't need is easy, or adding what you do need is

From memory Flex Builder 3, is actually built on top of Eclipse 3.2..

Now I can get the eclipse plugin, and run it in my current Eclipse 3.3
version does that make my Eclipse just as polished now?

Sorry I had to be sarcastic here;-)

-Original Message-
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Of Brontojoris
Sent: Tuesday, 26 February 2008 7:35 PM
To: cfaussie
Subject: [cfaussie] Flex Builder as main CF IDE

Is anyone using Adobe Flex Builder as their main Coldfusion
development environment?

It seems to be quite a polished version of Eclipse, plus you get a lot
of goodies for free (as in you don't need to sweat too much to make it
work), a lot of the Java/C++ etc stuff has been junked, and there is
some integration with the Adobe CS3 suite of apps.

On the downside it is quite expensive, but compared to what the pretty
boys in the design department have to shell out for their toys it is
on par.

Is it hard to use Flex Builder for CF only? Would be interested in
hearing any experiences, tips, suggestions, warnings, on this topic.



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[cfaussie] Re: SOT: The World According to VISTA

2007-03-19 Thread Joel Cass

Is there nothing good to talk about in the CF world anymore? Before you
all start comparing the size of our corporations (we all know who will
win in this regard), can you at least return to why it is relevant. None
of this seems relevant.

I hate MS and all that it stands for. Linux is so much more advanced
that windows can ever be because of its open standards and continual
peer-review processes. I think Scott is putting himself in a very
awkward position even being here. I also wonder why he doesn't use his
MS address. But it isn't relevant. Not here anyway.

Like in the words of king Solomon (or whoever wrote on his behalf), your
discussions are pointless, like chasing the wind..

I think I'll come back in a couple of years..


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[cfaussie] Re: Strange calculation behavior on CF 7.02

2007-02-21 Thread Joel Cass

I remember someone raising this issue yonks ago in CF 4.5 or something

A quick fix: #round((1024-1024.1)*10)/10#

On Wed, 2007-02-21 at 13:38 +1100, Robin Hilliard wrote:
  What exactly is a 'CF number'?
 All simple CF variables are stored as strings.  When used as numbers  
 in an expression they have 12 significant digits according to the  
 documentation, which I assume is a java Float (a Double would have  
 As for a solution in CFML, I wouldn't mind an optional second  
 argument to round(), fix(), ceil() etc that defaulted to 0 and  
 specified the number of decimal places to round to (Excel VBA has this).
 I imagine that changing the type used to represent numbers internally  
 or building rounding into all number handling may impact legacy cf  
 apps and server performance - I would be against a change if either  
 were true.
 Robin Hilliard
 Director - RocketBoots Pty Ltd
 Consulting . Recruitment . Software Licensing . Training
 For schedule/availability call Pamela Higgins:
 w+61 7 5451 0362
 m+61 419 677 151
 f+61 3 9923 6261
 or Direct:
 m+61 418 414 341
 On 21/02/2007, at 10:32 AM, Rod Higgins wrote:
  Hi Robin,
  What exactly is a 'CF number'? It seems to be CF can store it as a  
  string or
  a double / float depending on the way it is constructed or what  
  methods are
  used on the var. I agree with Gareth in that CF needs to make untyped
  numbers in CF more consistent. The values generated from Gareth's code
  shouldn't happen and no I don't agree with the opinion it is a  
  fault / known
  issue of the Java language, it is simply the way CF was written to  
  use Java.
  They decided to go with a smaller memory footprint for storing numeric
  values. This is a very annoying issue when dealing with very small  
  in CF and has driven me nuts plenty of times before.
  Obviously using BigDecimal for every numeric in CF would use too  
  much memory
  but maybe some option for the construction of 'CF numbers' so  
  developers can
  choose to be more precise.

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[cfaussie] Re: Coldfusion and RAM

2007-01-31 Thread Joel Cass

The most I ever got out of standard was 1280M. That was on a computer 
with 4GB of RAM. 

The main issue is that the block of RAM that it uses needs to be 
contiguous, that is, it needs a clean block of RAM that nothing else is 
using. If something is (and you've used the xmx=xms rule), CF will not 
start and you will need to modify the JVM config manally.

Looking up coldfusion jvm xmx xms in [your favourite search engine] 
should return some useful results.


Scott Thornton wrote:

 Is it possible to make CF MX 6.1 standard use more than approx 500meg
 RAM? (fusion reactor reports 505 meg.. I suspect it uses 512)

 Is it wise to do so?



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[cfaussie] Re: Coldfusion and Micrsoft Love.

2007-01-29 Thread Joel Cass

All this MS-talk and no-one mentioned...

It's the night of the Vista release

Let the bugs spew forth!


(It's a full moon too)

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[cfaussie] Breaking out of the cfexecute shell

2006-12-21 Thread Joel Cass

Hello all,

We are migrating a legacy app to CF 7.0 on Windows 2003 and everything
works, except that it has to execute a program to create some rather
specific PDF files.

This is working fine under windows 2000, but under windows 2003 it times out
(indefinately)... Tried a few things and discovered that cfexecute is a
little picky. Since the app was not working directly, I tried running a
batch file instead,

cfexecute name=...\test.bat

attempt 1

@echo am I working?


attempt 2

@echo am I working?
@[program name] [args..]

times out

attempt 3

@echo am I working?

times out

It is obvious that cfexecute just does not work like it should in windows
2003. I want to break out of this coldfusion shell and just schedule the
task to run immediately in windows (or something like that) - where I know
it will run

Any ideas?


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[cfaussie] Re: Regular expressions - backreference as a number

2006-12-13 Thread Joel Cass

OK.. Please no messages saying ooh.. evaluate() bad.., but


str_text = This works in 90% of all operations;

str_text = replace(str_text, ##, , all);
str_text = ReReplace(str_text, ([0-9]*)%,##\1-25##%,all);

result = evaluate(DE(str_text));


cfdump var=#result#

-Original Message-
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Behalf Of Matthew
Sent: Thursday, 14 December 2006 12:43 PM
To: cfaussie
Subject: [cfaussie] Regular expressions - backreference as a number

Hi guys,

I need to write a regex which can search through a paragraph of text
and replace any number written as a percentage with itself minus 25%
i.e. replace 100% with 75%, 90% with 65% etc etc.
Here is a sample paragraph:
Provides passengers with a cabin that contains a 3-berth sleeping
compartment in 2nd class. 100% exchangeable and refundable up to 3 days
before departure. 90% exchangeable and refundable from 3 days before
departure up to 60 days after departure. Can be exchanged in France
prior to the travel date.
I've writen a regex to find all strings where a number has a % symbol
after it and replace it with FOO:
cfdump var=#ReReplace(str_text,([0-9]+%)+,FOO,all)#
Now I want to use the backreference and subtract 25, but it seems the
backreference can only be treated as a string:
cfdump var=#ReReplace(str_text,([0-9]+%)+,\1-25,all)#
Which produces: 100%-25, wrong I know!!!

I'm guessing that I will have to be to write a REFind and do some
replaces etc, however it would be great if someone could write it all
in a regex.


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[cfaussie] Re: Regular expressions - backreference as a number

2006-12-13 Thread Joel Cass

Ok. I know there were no comments. I removed them to make you think (yes,
that's why...).

what happens is that ColdFusion evaluates the string. Say that the string

Our product is #1 in 25% of the selected demographic

..if the line were not there, after processing it would be evaluated as

Our product is #1 in #25-25#% of the selected demographic

..which would cause a coldfusion parsing error

so, what this line does is effectively escape the existing hashes, so the
string becomes:

Our product is ##1 in #25-25#% of the selected demographic

..which evaluates as

Our product is #1 in 0% of the selected demographic

which unfortunately can be true at times...


SO, with comments



// escape any hashes in the existing string
str_text = replace(str_text, ##, , all);

// replace any percentage values with coldfusion code to
// subtract 25% from existing values
str_text = ReReplace(str_text, ([0-9]*)%,##\1-25##%,all);

// evaluate coldfusion code
result = evaluate(DE(str_text));


I hope that clears things up


(The old-hatter cookie cleaver)

-Original Message-
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Behalf Of Matthew
Sent: Thursday, 14 December 2006 1:55 PM
To: cfaussie
Subject: [cfaussie] Re: Regular expressions - backreference as a number

Someone is a very cleaver cookie!!!
Although what is this line for?: str_text = replace(str_text, ##,
, all);

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[cfaussie] Re: SOT - Windows Vista and ColdFusion

2006-12-12 Thread Joel Cass

That's where software like parallels desktop comes in...

I am running OpenSUSE, Ubuntu, and Windows on my laptop without fuss

-Original Message-
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Behalf Of Peter Tilbrook
Sent: Wednesday, 13 December 2006 9:59 AM
Subject: [cfaussie] Re: SOT - Windows Vista and ColdFusion

Linux is OK but most of my software is Windows only (Studio 8, MS
Visual Studio 2005, MS SQL Server 2005, Flex Builder 2, CuteFTP 8,
Photoshop CS2, etc) so moving to Linux is a no go. Even an Intel Mac
wouldn't cut the mustard ;)

Oh and Joint Operations is PC only!!!

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[cfaussie] Re: Restarting the CFAPP from the URL

2006-12-11 Thread Joel Cass

in the onRequestStart handler, you can add some code to this effect:

cfif structKeyExists(URL, reset) AND URL.reset IS YES
cfset this.onApplicationStart()

That should do the trick


-Original Message-
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Behalf Of Mike Kear
Sent: Tuesday, 12 December 2006 11:05 AM
Subject: [cfaussie] Restarting the CFAPP from the URL

how do you folks do a reset of the application if you're using

What i mean is if you have,
how do you handle that resetting in the Application.cfc file?   (not
application.cfm - i've been doing that fine for ages .. its the .cfc
version I'm asking about)

In the past I've done the clumsy way of just renaming the app from
MyApp0001 to MyApp0002 etc and uploading a new Application.cfc but
while that works fine, that's not the best way of doing it.

Mike Kear
Windsor, NSW, Australia
Adobe Certified Advanced ColdFusion Developer
AFP Webworks
ColdFusion, PHP, ASP, ASP.NET hosting from AUD$15/month

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[cfaussie] Re: Restarting the CFAPP from the URL

2006-12-11 Thread Joel Cass

My gut feeling says that calling this function will not reset the session
variables. You could try it out and see what happens to your session though.

If it doesn't work, perhaps assigning a random name to the application would
reset the session variables? I think you can do this by setting the
application.applicationName (this.applicationName?) variable but am unsure
if it would actually work. You could probably look it up in the livedocs.


-Original Message-
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Behalf Of Mike Kear
Sent: Tuesday, 12 December 2006 11:18 AM
Subject: [cfaussie] Re: Restarting the CFAPP from the URL

Thanks Joel, that's what i wanted.

Starting the application again also kills all sessions doesnt it?  so
there's no need to also call the onSessionStart() method?

Mike Kear

On 12/12/06, Joel Cass [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 in the onRequestStart handler, you can add some code to this effect:

cfif structKeyExists(URL, reset) AND URL.reset IS YES
cfset this.onApplicationStart()

 That should do the trick


 -Original Message-
 From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Behalf Of Mike Kear
 Sent: Tuesday, 12 December 2006 11:05 AM
 Subject: [cfaussie] Restarting the CFAPP from the URL

 how do you folks do a reset of the application if you're using

 What i mean is if you have,
 how do you handle that resetting in the Application.cfc file?   (not
 application.cfm - i've been doing that fine for ages .. its the .cfc
 version I'm asking about)

 In the past I've done the clumsy way of just renaming the app from
 MyApp0001 to MyApp0002 etc and uploading a new Application.cfc but
 while that works fine, that's not the best way of doing it.

 Mike Kear
 Windsor, NSW, Australia
 Adobe Certified Advanced ColdFusion Developer
 AFP Webworks
 ColdFusion, PHP, ASP, ASP.NET hosting from AUD$15/month


Mike Kear
Windsor, NSW, Australia
Adobe Certified Advanced ColdFusion Developer
AFP Webworks
ColdFusion, PHP, ASP, ASP.NET hosting from AUD$15/month

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[cfaussie] Re: Why XHTML?

2006-12-05 Thread Joel Cass
It's an SEO book, not a development book. Anyway (in my opinion), SEO is
just a bunch of hearsay and conjecture.

Anyone who has done any work with CSS in multiple browsers knows that using
the transitional doctype in any language is a no-no. For starters, IE
misinterprets the box model incorrectly and often in any browser positioning
and flow can be interpreted in many, often unpredictable ways..

Whether XHTML or plain HTML, the transitional doctype is just too much work
when dealing with more than one browser.

On one of our newer sites** the XHTML model seems to work well with search
engines, and the code isn't much different at all. It doesn't even fail if
the code is not well-formed.


** .. plug plug
  -Original Message-
  From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Behalf Of Sarah Barry
  Sent: Wednesday, 6 December 2006 10:17 AM
  Subject: [cfaussie] Re: Why XHTML?

  and yet planetocean in its December SEO book still recommends sticking
with html because:

  Some search engine spiders have had difficulty processing the XHTML
DOCTYPE in the past, so we recommend that you use the HTML 4.01 Transitional

  I did some research (some time ago admittedly) that XHTML delivered as
text/html was very little different to straightforward html and what
mattered was if the mime type was application/xhtml+xml

-Original Message-
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Behalf Of Mike Kear
Sent: Wednesday, 6 December 2006 8:41 AM
Subject: [cfaussie] Re: Why XHTML?

Ryan, i use it almost exclusively because:

[A]  It's more up to date, and therefore more future proof (or perhaps
less future-risky is a more accurate way to put it)
[B] using the XHTML Strict is stricter and therefore forces me to use a
more concise and valid code (therefore more cross-browser compatible and
fewer cross-browser issues)

As I understand it, eventually HTML is going to be deprecated in favour
of XHTML,  at which point I want all my work to be valid and working, so I'm
not forced to go back and re-do all my old stuff.  I figure it's better to
get it all up to date now,   Especially since old browsers dont spit it out.

There's no downside to learning XHTML and potentially some big downside
to using old HTML.

Mike Kear
Windsor, NSW, Australia
Adobe Certified Advanced ColdFusion Developer
AFP Webworks
ColdFusion, PHP, ASP, ASP.NET hosting from AUD$15/month

On 12/6/06, Ryan Sabir [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hey all,

  How many of you are developing sites in XHTML these days? Is it worth
the extra effort?


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[cfaussie] Re: Find and remove a trailing slash from a path - brain fade time

2006-12-05 Thread Joel Cass

What? there's a manual?

cfif right(string, 1) EQ /


-Original Message-
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Behalf Of Scott Thornton
Sent: Wednesday, 6 December 2006 4:31 PM
Subject: [cfaussie] Find and remove a trailing slash from a path - brain
fade time

endsWidth() ???

That is a fucntion that can't be found in my CF MX 6.1 manual.

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 06/12/2006 4:24 pm 


cfif string.endsWith('\')
 cfset string = left(string, Len(string) - 1 ) /

Andrew Scott
Senior Coldfusion Developer
Aegeon Pty. Ltd.
Phone: +613  8676 4223
Mobile: 0404 998 273

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[cfaussie] CFThread and CFJoin

2006-11-30 Thread Joel Cass

Has anyone tried this? It looks very cool...

1) To start a thread:

  CFTHREAD name=th1 key1=some key key2=another
!--- any cfml code here ---
CFSET x = attributes.key1
CFSET y = attributes.key2
!--- x and y are local to the thread and will not be visible
outside the thread ---
!--- do something ---
CFSET thread.msg = x  y

This will spawn a new thread and any content between CFTHREAD tag will be
invoked inside that new thread.

2) If you want to wait for this thread to finish, you can use

   CFJOIN thread=th1

Apparently not for production use but hopefully it'll be in CF8? All they
need is a ton of developers to say YES..


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[cfaussie] Re: Application scope problem

2006-11-16 Thread Joel Cass


The application scope is useful for this kind of data (in moderation of
course), but you should also minimise the number of writes you actually do
to the application scope.

Hopefully (though the code does not indicate this), you should have a check
to see if the array doesn't already exist in the application scope before
creating it (ie. NOT structKeyExists(application,rews)). Otherwise, every
request will be resetting your array and you'll end up with lots of gremlins
when multiple users are hitting the application at the same time.

Personally if it just a simple array that gets created at the start of each
request then I might want to set it in the request scope. Horses for courses


-Original Message-
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Behalf Of Dale Fraser
Sent: Friday, 17 November 2006 3:33 PM
Subject: [cfaussie] Re: Application scope problem

I wouldn't use application scope for this level of data.

You do need to lock all references to application as it's shared so you need
to ensure only one page is modifying it at a time.

Dale Fraser

-Original Message-
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf
Of Matthew
Sent: Friday, 17 November 2006 15:15 PM
To: cfaussie
Subject: [cfaussie] Application scope problem

Hi guys,

I think I'm getting a corrupt application scope problem.
The CF error is:

The element at position 3 cannot be found. LINE 411

LINE 411 is:

#application.rews.timePeriods[X].name# (it's in a loop so X would have
been equal to 3).

Application.cfm code:

application.rews.locale =
application.rews.timePeriods[1] =
application.rews.timePeriods[1].name= 00:00-06:00;
application.rews.timePeriods[1].period.low  = 00:00;
application.rews.timePeriods[1].period.high = 06:00;
application.rews.timePeriods[2] =
application.rews.timePeriods[2].name= 06:00-08:00;
application.rews.timePeriods[2].period.low  = 06:00;
application.rews.timePeriods[2].period.high = 08:00;
application.rews.timePeriods[3] =
application.rews.timePeriods[3].name= 08:00-10:00;
application.rews.timePeriods[3].period.low  = 08:00;
application.rews.timePeriods[3].period.high = 10:00;
application.rews.timePeriods[4] =
application.rews.timePeriods[4].name= 10:00-13:00;
application.rews.timePeriods[4].period.low  = 10:00;
application.rews.timePeriods[4].period.high = 13:00;
application.rews.timePeriods[5] =
application.rews.timePeriods[5].name= 13:00-17:00;
application.rews.timePeriods[5].period.low  = 13:00;
application.rews.timePeriods[5].period.high = 17:00;
application.rews.timePeriods[6] =
application.rews.timePeriods[6].name= 17:00-21:00;
application.rews.timePeriods[6].period.low  = 17:00;
application.rews.timePeriods[6].period.high = 21:00;
application.rews.timePeriods[7] =
application.rews.timePeriods[7].name= 21:00-24:00;
application.rews.timePeriods[7].period.low  = 21:00;
application.rews.timePeriods[7].period.high = 23:59;

application.rews.timePeriodsDefault.departOption  = 3;
application.rews.timePeriodsDefault.returnOption  = 6;
application.rews.paxMax = 9;

I've just read this article
on locking read/write to application scoop, however the article seems
old, is this still relevant? Note: the project I'm working on does not
use application.cfc.

Do I need to put application scope locking in place? There are 2650
refernece to this scope throughout the website!

Perhaps it's not a locking issue, can anyone see any probs with the


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[cfaussie] Re: Application scope problem

2006-11-16 Thread Joel Cass
Just some things I would like to point out (I know I am always running under
my own steam round here..)

1. A normal variables scope cannot be accessed via custom tags without using
the caller scope and that can get complicated with nested tags. Using the
request scope is a matter of global search and replace (application.rews 

2. If the data is of a set-and-forget nature (ie. no need to be updated by
users), then you're just adding overhead by calling it from a database.
Especially if you have to make this call to the database at the start of
each request.

That's my rationale
  -Original Message-
  From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Behalf Of Andrew Scott
  Sent: Friday, 17 November 2006 3:54 PM
  Subject: [cfaussie] Re: Application scope problem

  I agree with Dale, a normal variable scope and pull the information out of
a database.

  On 11/17/06, Joel Cass [EMAIL PROTECTED]  wrote:


The application scope is useful for this kind of data (in moderation of
course), but you should also minimise the number of writes you actually
to the application scope.

Hopefully (though the code does not indicate this), you should have a
to see if the array doesn't already exist in the application scope
creating it (ie. NOT structKeyExists(application,rews)). Otherwise,
request will be resetting your array and you'll end up with lots of
when multiple users are hitting the application at the same time.

Personally if it just a simple array that gets created at the start of
request then I might want to set it in the request scope. Horses for


-Original Message-
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Behalf Of Dale Fraser
Sent: Friday, 17 November 2006 3:33 PM
Subject: [cfaussie] Re: Application scope problem

I wouldn't use application scope for this level of data.

You do need to lock all references to application as it's shared so you
to ensure only one page is modifying it at a time.

Dale Fraser

-Original Message-
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Of Matthew
Sent: Friday, 17 November 2006 15:15 PM
To: cfaussie
Subject: [cfaussie] Application scope problem

Hi guys,

I think I'm getting a corrupt application scope problem.
The CF error is:

The element at position 3 cannot be found. LINE 411

LINE 411 is:

#application.rews.timePeriods[X].name# (it's in a loop so X would have
been equal to 3).

Application.cfm code:

application.rews.timePeriods[1] =
application.rews.timePeriods[1].name= 00:00-06:00;
application.rews.timePeriods [1].period.low  = 00:00;
application.rews.timePeriods[1].period.high = 06:00;
application.rews.timePeriods[2] =
application.rews.timePeriods [2].name=
application.rews.timePeriods[2].period.low  = 06:00;
application.rews.timePeriods[2].period.high = 08:00;
application.rews.timePeriods [3] =
application.rews.timePeriods[3].name= 08:00-10:00;
application.rews.timePeriods[3].period.low  = 08:00;
 application.rews.timePeriods[3].period.high = 10:00;
application.rews.timePeriods[4] =
application.rews.timePeriods[4].name= 10:00-13:00;
application.rews.timePeriods[4].period.low  = 10:00;
application.rews.timePeriods[4].period.high = 13:00;
application.rews.timePeriods[5] =
application.rews.timePeriods[5].name= 13:00-17:00;
application.rews.timePeriods[5].period.low  = 13:00;
application.rews.timePeriods [5].period.high = 17:00;
application.rews.timePeriods[6] =
application.rews.timePeriods[6].name= 17:00-21:00;
application.rews.timePeriods [6].period.low  = 17:00;
application.rews.timePeriods[6].period.high = 21:00;
application.rews.timePeriods[7] =
application.rews.timePeriods [7].name=
application.rews.timePeriods[7].period.low  = 21:00

[cfaussie] Using cfqueryparam

2006-10-19 Thread Joel Cass

Hello all,

Are there any issues with CFqueryparam using insert statements that I should
know about?

# MyTable has about 4.5 million rows
# MyTable.MyField is an nvarchar(900)

Inserting into MyTable with a cfqueryparam takes around 6000ms (extremely
slow), while inserting without a cfqueryparam takes about 16ms (better).
Perhaps it is the SELECT @@IDENTITY at the end that is bogging it down?

Tracing the query using the profiler reveals about 5,500 reads with the
cfqueryparam, and only 10 with it off?

What is going on? I think I am using this tag improperly.

cfqueryparam cfsqltype=cf_sql_varchar value=#myValue#
== 6000ms (!!)

== 16ms (!!)

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[cfaussie] Re: Using cfqueryparam

2006-10-19 Thread Joel Cass

Thanks, this seems like a much more reliable method to get identities..


-Original Message-
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Behalf Of Scott Thornton
Sent: Friday, 20 October 2006 9:55 AM
Subject: [cfaussie] Re: Using cfqueryparam

Not sure about the speed issue, but may I say that you may wish to think
about using SCOPE_IDENTITY() rather than @@IDENTITY.

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 20/10/2006 9:36 am 

Hello all,

Are there any issues with CFqueryparam using insert statements that I should
know about?

# MyTable has about 4.5 million rows
# MyTable.MyField is an nvarchar(900)

Inserting into MyTable with a cfqueryparam takes around 6000ms (extremely
slow), while inserting without a cfqueryparam takes about 16ms (better).
Perhaps it is the SELECT @@IDENTITY at the end that is bogging it down?

Tracing the query using the profiler reveals about 5,500 reads with the
cfqueryparam, and only 10 with it off?

What is going on? I think I am using this tag improperly.

cfqueryparam cfsqltype=cf_sql_varchar value=#myValue#
== 6000ms (!!)

== 16ms (!!)

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[cfaussie] Re: webDU 2007: 22-23 March 2007, Hilton Sydney

2006-10-11 Thread Joel Cass

WebDU was great last year. It looked pretty damn successful.

If you 
keepbagging the organisermaybe he'll just give up and not put any 
events on at all.. 

someone who grew up in WA inthe most isolated city in the world (and the 
most neglected in Australiaas far asthe big events go), I cannot see 
what the big fuss is about. 

Because it 
doesn't seem obvious I will say this: Sydney is in the middle of the east coast, 
one can drive there from Melbourne or Brisbane overnight on perhaps one tank of 
fuel (depending on what car you have).Itisonly 
45 minutes by plane from Melbourne and perhaps an hour and a bitfrom 
Brisbane. You can set yourself up at one of the many backpackers down the road 
if accomodation costsare an issue (just hold on to your valuables and be 
sure to bathe in Dettol every morning). However, the Hilton has been refurbished 
recently and looks very nice.

you're still concerned about costs, you can carpool it here to Sydney and 
back(around $160 in fuel = $40 each?)and live in my garage. There's 
a king size double being stored there, probably good for up to four programmers. 
You might have to avoid inhaling the fumes from all the semi-opened cans of 
paint and double-stroke lying around in there. And definately no smoking 
indoors. (No, this is not really available, I am just 

only realcost is your time, as someone else said, if you're spending it 
elsewhere you're probably not thatserious about your 

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[cfaussie] Re: regexp - keyboard characters

2006-10-04 Thread Joel Cass

You could try it the old-school way (at least it'll work on older versions):

[EMAIL PROTECTED]\*\.\?\(\)\{\}\[\]\\|\:;',/]


-Original Message-
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Behalf Of Adam Chapman
Sent: Thursday, 5 October 2006 10:28 AM
Subject: [cfaussie] Re: regexp - keyboard characters

Hi Steve,

Doesnt seem to be having any effect..

Test script below..

cfset str1 = a  b /
#str1#br /
cfset str2 = REReplaceNoCase(str1, [^[:alnum:][:punc:][:space:], , ALL) 
#str2#br /


-Original Message-
From: Steve Onnis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, 5 October 2006 9:51 AM
Subject: [cfaussie] Re: regexp - keyboard characters

REReplaceNoCase(string, [^[:alnum:][:punc:][:space:], , ALL)

Try that


-Original Message-
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Adam 
Sent: Thursday, 5 October 2006 8:34 AM
Subject: [cfaussie] regexp - keyboard characters

Hi All,

Anyone have a regular expression that strips all but keyboard characters.. not 
just printable characters.. but anything that you can't type using a keyboard?

I'm sure there is some funky syntax required to escape some of the shift0-9 

a  b

I would like to just be left with a and b from the above string.. (the hyphen 
is not a normal hyphen.. looks like it comes from M$ word)

Thanks in advance..


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[cfaussie] Re: Query picking up an odd value from somewhere

2006-09-26 Thread Joel Cass

My own 
take on it would be that there is an issue with your joins. You could either get 
rid of all the brackets and join each table sequentially, 





grab tables and join in the where clause


A, B, C


might make things easier to see..


  -Original Message-From: 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]On Behalf Of Seona 
  BellamySent: Tuesday, 26 September 2006 6:20 PMTo: 
  CFAussieSubject: [cfaussie] Query picking up an odd value from 
  somewhereHi guys,This one has me really confused, 
  mainly because while I can see the effect of what's happening I can't for the 
  life of me figure out why or how. I have a search function, and one of the 
  things you can filter the search by is post code. So I have the following 
  query:  SELECT DISTINCT c.ID, c.tradingAs, c.description, c.address, c.phone1, 
  c.phone2, c.phone3, c.fax,, c.url, c.logo, 
  pcr.Pcode FROM (((c_classified c INNER 
  JOIN c_classifiedHasRegion chr ON = 
  chr.classifiedID) INNER JOIN c_classifiedRegion cr ON chr.regionID = INNER JOIN c_classifiedHasCategory chc ON = chc.classifiedID ) INNER JOIN 
  (c_classifiedRegionHasBSP r2b INNER JOIN postcoderaw pcr ON r2b.BSPName = 
  pcr.BSPName) ON cr.ID = r2b.regionID 
  WHERE c.statusID = 
  AND  c.expiryDate = 
  '#arguments.datefilter#' AND 
   c.classifiedTypeID = 
  '#application.uuid.classifiedtype.platinum#' cfif 
  len(FORM.postcode) and isNumeric(FORM.postcode) 
  AND  pcr.Pcode = #FORM.postcode# 
   /cfifSadly, this doesn't seem to do 
  anything to the result set - I get the same result whether I put anythng in 
  the postcode field or not.I added the pcr.Pcode to the selection in an 
  attempt to see what was going on and discovered something really odd: the 
  value of this field for every record is what was put into the form. So if I 
  did a search on 2131 then every record has 2131 as their Pcode. Now, I can't 
  see understand how the query is picking this up. Has anyone come 
  across anything like this before? Am I just missing something really simple? 
  Any suggestions would be appreciated, because I'm going nuts over this 
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[cfaussie] Re: Coldfusion Server problems

2006-09-12 Thread Joel Cass

This looks like the generic page created by IE when a server cannopt be

Try accessing the site in a non-MS browser - you may get a different page

Or try using telnet, or more easily wget to view the actual result

We had this same issue but it turned out to be the cryptic 503 error
mentioned earlier. Could only find this out by examining the http headers


-Original Message-
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Behalf Of Scott Thornton
Sent: Tuesday, 12 September 2006 3:35 PM
Subject: [cfaussie] Coldfusion Server problems

A colleague of mine writes:

Hi All,

I have an intranet site that went down due to a power outage, and now no
matter what I do it will not serve cfm pages.
IIS will serve a text file, or jpg image, but any cfm pages come back with
just an empty page.

CFM Pages come back without any errors, but blank. The view source for these
pages is just

!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN
META http-equiv=Content-Type content=text/html;

Have looked through IIS, and can't find any glaring issues.

Have tried using the Web Server Configuration tool to remove and reconfigure
the web site as Server Name, IIS, ALL.

Short of reinstalling CFMX, I am out of ideas.

Any help appreciated.


Scott Thornton, Programmer
Application Development
Information Services and Telecommunications
Hunter-New England Area Health Service
p: +61 02 49213589
m: 0413800242

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[cfaussie] Re: Coldfusion Server problems

2006-09-12 Thread Joel Cass

There could be an issue with your connectors, since you can get non-cf pages

You can try using the wsconfig (/bin/wsconfig.exe or
/runtime/lib/wsconfig.jar) utility to remove and reinstall the connectors,
just make sure IIS and CF are stopped first.

-Original Message-
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Behalf Of Scott Thornton
Sent: Tuesday, 12 September 2006 4:25 PM
Subject: [cfaussie] Coldfusion Server problems

Hmm, In Firefox the page tries to download (like a file).

The cfm page when opened in notepad is empty.


 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 12/09/2006 4:00 pm 

This looks like the generic page created by IE when a server cannopt be

Try accessing the site in a non-MS browser - you may get a different page

Or try using telnet, or more easily wget to view the actual result

We had this same issue but it turned out to be the cryptic 503 error
mentioned earlier. Could only find this out by examining the http headers


-Original Message-
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Behalf Of Scott Thornton
Sent: Tuesday, 12 September 2006 3:35 PM
Subject: [cfaussie] Coldfusion Server problems

A colleague of mine writes:

Hi All,

I have an intranet site that went down due to a power outage, and now no
matter what I do it will not serve cfm pages.
IIS will serve a text file, or jpg image, but any cfm pages come back with
just an empty page.

CFM Pages come back without any errors, but blank. The view source for these
pages is just

!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN
META http-equiv=Content-Type content=text/html;

Have looked through IIS, and can't find any glaring issues.

Have tried using the Web Server Configuration tool to remove and reconfigure
the web site as Server Name, IIS, ALL.

Short of reinstalling CFMX, I am out of ideas.

Any help appreciated.


Scott Thornton, Programmer
Application Development
Information Services and Telecommunications
Hunter-New England Area Health Service
p: +61 02 49213589
m: 0413800242

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[cfaussie] Re: Why bother

2006-08-30 Thread Joel Cass

Why are you using sleep functionality? All it does is lock up valuable
threads. I would seriously consider leaving the CF realm if adobe ever went
down the path of creating such tags to please the community.. What's next?
CFCrashServer restart=tomorrow or CFClogMemory until=serverdown? I
guess these would be useful for load testing, but they can be done in Java
anyhow. Well except the restart=tomorrow part, which would have to be
scheduled externally.

ModelGlue is nothing like RonR. At webDU I remember someone once said that
RonR is like an MVC for designers. ModelGlue is fully XML powered and is
powered by events. ModelGlue on the other hand is more directed at
programmers, being XML powered and using an events subsystem for the whole
basis of an application. There are a lot more steps to building an app with

I agree with all the positives of CF and none of the negatives mentioned
here. My own negatives for CF are:
- Web Services support could be better
- The Licensing needs to be fixed up so that CF applications can be sold as
WAR files without the need to apply a full CF server license to the end

But these are so minor that there really is no point in moving on to another
language. The only thing I would like (and this makes sense) is for a basic
version of the CF server to be open sourced (with any core changes
controlled by adobe). This would take the pressure off Adobe (lets face it
CF has moved under 3 different vendors, two of which no longer exist) and
would allow the application to evolve to meet standards and needs. But it's
really out there.

Think of it. Adobe could leverage the open sourcedness of CF to integrate
all their publishing applications, which is what they are really known for
(and are probably a lot better at).


-Original Message-
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Behalf Of cfgroupie
Sent: Thursday, 31 August 2006 8:16 AM
To: cfaussie
Subject: [cfaussie] Re: Why buy into CF?

Hey Andrew,

SIde note. I think there is a sleep functionality coming out. We are
calling the java code directly at the moment.


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[cfaussie] Re: Why bother

2006-08-30 Thread Joel Cass

A method that you can use instead of this is to run a scheduled process
every minute or so. Use the GetMetricData() function to detect server load,
and if load is low, run the process for a set number of rows / timeframe.
Then record the status of the process and exit. Future requests can carry on
from the previous request.

This makes more sense and it is what CF is made to do. Putting in a sleep
function sounds like a tricky short cut that may cause problems in the

-Original Message-
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Behalf Of Mark Stanton
Sent: Thursday, 31 August 2006 10:28 AM
Subject: [cfaussie] Re: Why bother

Hi Joel

We have made good use of thread.sleep() in a case where we had a very
long and CPU intensive process. This process made the rest of the site
crawl when it was being run and so it was scheduled for just after

It doesn't really matter how long it takes for the process to run so
we added in some logic to force the process to sleep for a couple of
seconds after every few iterations through a loop. This allowed other
threads to use the CPU.

The end result is we can now run this process at any time without any
significant impact on users.

Just one example..

On 8/31/06, Joel Cass [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Why are you using sleep functionality? All it does is lock up valuable
 threads. I would seriously consider leaving the CF realm if adobe ever
 down the path of creating such tags to please the community.. What's next?
 CFCrashServer restart=tomorrow or CFClogMemory until=serverdown? I
 guess these would be useful for load testing, but they can be done in Java
 anyhow. Well except the restart=tomorrow part, which would have to be
 scheduled externally.

 ModelGlue is nothing like RonR. At webDU I remember someone once said that
 RonR is like an MVC for designers. ModelGlue is fully XML powered and is
 powered by events. ModelGlue on the other hand is more directed at
 programmers, being XML powered and using an events subsystem for the whole
 basis of an application. There are a lot more steps to building an app

 I agree with all the positives of CF and none of the negatives mentioned
 here. My own negatives for CF are:
 - Web Services support could be better
 - The Licensing needs to be fixed up so that CF applications can be sold
 WAR files without the need to apply a full CF server license to the end

 But these are so minor that there really is no point in moving on to
 language. The only thing I would like (and this makes sense) is for a
 version of the CF server to be open sourced (with any core changes
 controlled by adobe). This would take the pressure off Adobe (lets face it
 CF has moved under 3 different vendors, two of which no longer exist) and
 would allow the application to evolve to meet standards and needs. But
 really out there.

 Think of it. Adobe could leverage the open sourcedness of CF to integrate
 all their publishing applications, which is what they are really known for
 (and are probably a lot better at).


 -Original Message-
 From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Behalf Of cfgroupie
 Sent: Thursday, 31 August 2006 8:16 AM
 To: cfaussie
 Subject: [cfaussie] Re: Why buy into CF?

 Hey Andrew,

 SIde note. I think there is a sleep functionality coming out. We are
 calling the java code directly at the moment.



Mark Stanton
Gruden Pty Ltd

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[cfaussie] Re: SOT: Number of rows updated

2006-08-30 Thread Joel Cass

SELECT @@ROWCOUNT AS rows_updated

-Original Message-
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Behalf Of Chris Silwedel
Sent: Thursday, 31 August 2006 1:13 PM
Subject: [cfaussie] SOT: Number of rows updated

Hi all,

Is there any way that I can reference in ColdFusion the number of rows
successfully updated in a SQL Server 2005 update query?



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[cfaussie] Re: Why bother with sleep

2006-08-30 Thread Joel Cass

I'm talking more about what CF was *designed* to do. Adobe would have
realised that releasing a CFSLEEP tag might cause some users to complain
about the server hanging all the time when really it's the excessive use of
the tag which is the problem.. So they never released this function within

I'm just taking the fundamentalist view on all this..

-Original Message-
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Behalf Of Chris Velevitch
Sent: Thursday, 31 August 2006 2:01 PM
Subject: [cfaussie] Re: Why bother

On 8/31/06, Joel Cass [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 All I am saying is that if you have to go outside of CF to execute a
 function, then technically you are not doing things that CF was made to

I don't understand what you are trying to say. Doesn't CF code get
compiled into Java classes which are run on Java based application
server of which thread.sleep() is a function with the server? The code
generated by the compiler is calling sorts of server functions that
you never know or need to know about. The way I see it, there's not
real distinction between being in or out of CF, it's all Java.

Chris Velevitch
Manager - Sydney Flash Platform Developers Group
m: 0415 469 095

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[cfaussie] Re: Web Service Stub Wierdness

2006-08-23 Thread Joel Cass

Yes I know it's slow. Supplied that you don't have to restart the server /
application too often, it's not that much of an issue. It's a bit of a
compromise, just to ensure that services are loaded before they are called.

I still think adobe should have gone to the effort to create a web services
client within CF instead of using some open source package.. Hopefully CF8
has a better implementation

Good luck with it

-Original Message-
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Behalf Of Scott Arbeitman
Sent: Wednesday, 23 August 2006 5:21 PM
To: cfaussie
Subject: [cfaussie] Re: Web Service Stub Wierdness

That's exactly what I've done, but this takes a REALLY long time to run
(minutes). I'd rather ColdFusion didn't have to do this in the first

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[cfaussie] Re: Session variable strangeness

2006-08-23 Thread Joel Cass

I am a little old-school.. I jumped from CF 4.5 to MX a couple of years
back and still have some old conventions lurking under the hood (kind of
like an australian made vehicle).. But that's not the full picture

Personally I find it cleaner to get variables like session and app/server
variables and the like at the start of a file and set them at the end (or as
required).. That way you're avoiding the likelihood of things changing while
server is processing the page. I've had this a few times with application
variables on high traffic sites so got into the habit of doing it for any
variable that might be stored on the server across requests.

That's my take on it anyway.


Who has not opened his flag burning kit since 2005

-Original Message-
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Behalf Of darryl lyons
Sent: Wednesday, 23 August 2006 9:50 PM
Subject: [cfaussie] Re: Session variable strangeness

I'm guessing its in reference to the days prior to CFMX, where you had
to lock reads to SESSION scoped variables.

On 23/08/06, Scott Thornton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 Why would you suggest not re-using the variable as session.episode?

 I will give the structKeyExists a go today

  [EMAIL PROTECTED] 22/08/2006 5:16 pm 

 You should clear up your syntax, ie.

 A) use structkeyexists() for better speed and avoid using not as it
 ambiguity when more than one statement involved:

 cfif structKeyExists(session, episode) IS false OR session.episode eq

  show an error

 B) Avoid re-using session variables throughout the page:

 cfif structKeyExists(session, episode) AND session.episode neq 
 cfset episode = session.episode
 cfelse an error


 CFQUERYPARAM cfsqltype=cf_sql_numeric value=#episode#

 -Original Message-
 From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Behalf Of Scott Thornton
 Sent: Tuesday, 22 August 2006 4:41 PM
 Subject: [cfaussie] Session variable strangeness


 Fromtime to time I get errors with my session variables. They are stored
 an MS SQL 2000 database, the cf server is CFMX 6.1

 The problem: I check to see if a session variable is defined and not
 then I use the variable within the query.

 cfif not isdefined(SESSION.EPISODE) or SESSION.EPISODE eq 
  show an error


 episode_number = CFQUERYPARAM cfsqltype=cf_sql_numeric

 However I get en error:

 Error Executing Database Query. Invalid data for CFSQLTYPE CF_SQL_NUMERIC.

 The variable SESSION.EPISODE does no longer seem to contain a value.

 I am emailed an error of a CFDUMP of the session structure when errors
 this occur, and the variable episode contains (in the dump ) [empty

 Am I doing something wrong? Or are session variables playing up?

 Scott Thornton, Programmer
 Application Development
 Information Services and Telecommunications
 Hunter-New England Area Health Service
 p: +61 02 49213589
 m: 0413800242




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[cfaussie] Re: Web Service Stub Wierdness

2006-08-22 Thread Joel Cass

You could try putting this in your application.cfc/cfm to reload the apps on
first launch:

!--- flush web services ---
factory = CreateObject('JAVA', coldfusion.server.ServiceFactory);
RpcService = factory.XmlRpcService;
Mappings = RpcService.getMappings();
for (m in Mappings) {
cfcatch!-- [error flushing web service cache] --/cfcatch
!--- end flush web services ---

That fixes most niggling AXIS issues for me :) Though it does reload all
services on the server so be careful..

-Original Message-
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Behalf Of Scott Arbeitman
Sent: Wednesday, 23 August 2006 2:50 PM
To: cfaussie
Subject: [cfaussie] Web Service Stub Wierdness

I have some named web services in my ColdFusion administrator (CF 6.1).

I have templates which invoke the web services. These invocations have
a low timeout.

If I load a template which calls a web service after adding or
refreshing a web service in the administrator, it runs without

When I restart ColdFusion, however, I can no longer invoke these web
services because of socket timeout errors. These are resolved after
refreshing the web services in the administrator.

Now I know ColdFusion is going to use Axis to generate stubs when
adding/refreshing web services. Therefore, these stubs must be deleted
by CF when restarting ColdFusion even though Save Class Files setting
is enabled (I'm assuming, then, that this setting only applies to
compiled ColdFusion pages, not Axis stubs).

Needless to say, the generate of stubs and their invocation exceeds 5
the timeout threshhold.

Anyone know I can tell CF not to delete these stubs?

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[cfaussie] Re: CFECLIPSE search

2006-08-17 Thread Joel Cass

I just hold down CTRL-SHIFT-F and then enter in a string to replace

..Or am I just having another blond moment? Just in case I've understood
what you're looking for:

You can configure it by going to

Window menu 
Preferences item 
General tree 
Keys item 
Modify tab 
Category = search;
Name = Open Search Dialog
Key Sequence = CTRL-SHIFT-F

..And please don't go back to DW.. Use CF Studio. It's more lightweight and
less BS, not that I've used it for a while, CFEclipse is the ducks nuts :)

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[cfaussie] Re: OT: UML for eclipse

2006-08-16 Thread Joel Cass

Pat,UMLet is perfect for my needs..Visual Paradigm is painfully slow 
(at least on my comp), argo is pretty good too but it's good to have something 
can can just be switched back and forth from eclipse, and it looks like (at 
least from the outset) that UMLet has more complete support, ie. more objects to 
choose from..

Thanks everyone for your help and 


  -Original Message-From: 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]On Behalf Of Patrick 
  BranleySent: Thursday, 17 August 2006 9:20 AMTo: 
  cfaussie@googlegroups.comSubject: [cfaussie] Re: OT: UML for 
  eclipse for drawing 
  UML diagrams in eclipse, its not a full CASE environment 
  On 8/15/06, darryl 
can vouch for Visual Paradigm - haven't used it recently in Eclipse,but 
it is good. Comes as a standalone program as well.On 15/08/06, Chris 
wrote: On 8/15/06, Joel Cass [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  
Does anyone know of a really good UML IDE for eclipse? I've tried a few 
but  am still leaning towards using the offerings from MS in 
their visual studio   package.. It would be good to find a good 
IDE that fits better with the UML  standards.. 
Also, EA from Sparx Systems have an eclipse plugin ( 
) If you don't like any of these, try 
Chris -- Chris Velevitch Manager - Sydney Flash 
Platform Developers Group 

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[cfaussie] Re: Application.cfc and roles

2006-08-16 Thread Joel Cass

I just wrote this out of curiosity, based on Sun's docos:

I cannot get the unzip function working.. I think the way I am decoding
strings is not the right way (I'm no java expert).. But it definately seems

It's in Java as I don't think CF interprets binary data too well.

Basically it's just a matter of installing the class file and using the
following code

cfset zipper = createObject(java, zipper)
cfset raw = hello
cfset encoded =
cfset decoded = zipper.unzip(encoded)

My lunch break is up and I have little time to take this any further..
Perhaps someone more proficient in Java than myself can patch it up..



public class zipper {

public String zip (String inputString) {
 // Encode a String into bytes
 byte[] input = inputString.getBytes();

 // Compress the bytes
 byte[] output = new byte[100];
 Deflater compresser = new Deflater();
 int compressedDataLength = compresser.deflate(output);

 String returnVar = new String(output, 0, compressedDataLength);

 return returnVar;


public String unzip (String inputString) {
 // Encode a String into bytes
 byte[] input = inputString.getBytes();

 // Decompress the bytes
 Inflater decompresser = new Inflater();
 byte[] result = new byte[100];
 int resultLength = decompresser.inflate(result);

 // Decode the bytes into a String
 String outputString = new String(result, 0, resultLength);

 return outputString;



Sharing is caring

-Original Message-
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Behalf Of Chris Silwedel
Sent: Thursday, 17 August 2006 12:40 PM
Subject: [cfaussie] Application.cfc and roles

Hi all

I have an application.cfc in the root and another in an admin sub-folder
that extends the root application.cfc. Customers log-in on the root
level and administrators log-in at the admin level - giving them
security roles for those areas.

Is it possible when at the root level to reference whether a user is
logged into any particular security role at the admin level? For example
I'd like to display edit buttons on the root level if the user is logged
in as an administrator at the admin sub-folder level.

I'm thinking it's not possible as the applications are treated as
separate entities? If it is possible - how?

Thanks in advance


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[cfaussie] Re: Application.cfc and roles

2006-08-16 Thread Joel Cass

In case google stripped the message, I meant to say there's a line that was
in there by accident:

 REMOVE  compresser.finish();
 byte[] result = new byte[100];
 int resultLength = decompresser.inflate(result);

There is no decompressor.finish() function.. (It was pretty obvious that I
copied and pasted that line to test that out)


-Original Message-
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Behalf Of Andrew Scott
Sent: Thursday, 17 August 2006 1:38 PM
Subject: [cfaussie] Re: Application.cfc and roles


I think that was obvious was it this thread you meant to post too?

Senior Coldfusion Developer
Aegeon Pty. Ltd.
Phone: +613  8676 4223
Mobile: 0404 998 273

-Original Message-
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf
Of Joel Cass
Sent: Thursday, 17 August 2006 1:33 PM
Subject: [cfaussie] Re: Application.cfc and roles

Oops.. there's a line that shouldn't be there.. see below

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[cfaussie] OT: UML for eclipse

2006-08-14 Thread Joel Cass

On the 

anyone know ofa really goodUML IDE for eclipse? I've tried a few but 
am still leaning towards using the offerings from MS in their visual studio 
package.. It would be good to find a good IDE that fits better with the 


  -Original Message-From: 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]On Behalf Of Dale 
  FraserSent: Monday, 14 August 2006 6:37 PMTo: 
  cfaussie@googlegroups.comSubject: [cfaussie] 
  Can someone help me with a 
  couple cfeclipse questions.
Where can I get a SVN 
Can you change the 
background colour of help like dreamweaver’s 
Can you make the context 
sensitive help work with the compiled help? 
Does it do RDS / Site 
management or is it all project based. 
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[cfaussie] Re: Getting a list of tables in access

2006-08-10 Thread Joel Cass


Actually the transferring of data part is taken care of.. We have a system
where public users may want to upload their internal data in access format,
which is then transferred into a SQL Server database for web use. I want to
be able to give them the choice of selecting which objects to import, hence
I need to get a list of available tables.

All the websites on this subject give conflicting information, plus detailed
documentation doesn't seem to be available from MS.

It's just the getting a list of tables part that I need.. And I would
prefer to use a query.


-Original Message-
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Behalf Of Chad Renando
Sent: Friday, 11 August 2006 11:10 AM
Subject: [cfaussie] Re: Getting a list of tables in access

I have had to do this a few times... never did figure out the proper
way to do it.  It is usually a once-off, and by the time I figured it
out, I could have done it manually.

I typically just create a Make Table query for each table:

SELECT MyTableTable.* INTO MyNewTable
FROM MyTable;

and run the lot.  Takes about 30 minutes for 100 tables start to
finish, including creating the queries.


On 8/11/06, Joel Cass [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 The documentation in MS access seems quite vague about this area. I want
 get a list of tables from an access database to import into our own custom
 data store. I have fiddled around and have come to the conclusion that
 is the query that must be run:

 SELECT MSysObjects.*
   FROM MSysObjects
  WHERE MSysObjects.Type =1
AND MSysObjects.Flags=0
 IN '#accessFilePath#'

 Can anyone confirm if this is correct? I've tried this on a few various
 files that I found lying around and have managed to get the same results
 every time, but you just don't know what may change between versions when
 comes to MS products (just getting in on the whole debate here..). And

 Any help is appreciated


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[cfaussie] Re: Financial Year and Leap Year

2006-08-09 Thread Joel Cass

Shouldn't it be

 MOD 4 EQ 0
 % 4 = 0

I've taken note of the irregularity in case someone generates financial
forecasts for the next 100 years and asks me why 1 cent is missing (And
please don't take the present value of 1 cent in a hundred years time into

-Original Message-
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Behalf Of Dale Fraser
Sent: Wednesday, 9 August 2006 5:43 PM
Subject: [cfaussie] Re: Financial Year and Leap Year


MOD  4 EQ 0

Is not the correct calculation for a leap year, there is more to it

1. Years divisible by four are leap years, unless...
2. Years also divisible by 100 are not leap years, except...
3. Years divisible by 400 are leap years.

Ie: 2100 is not a leap year.

Dale Fraser

-Original Message-
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf
Of Andrew Scott
Sent: Wednesday, 9 August 2006 16:47 PM
Subject: [cfaussie] Re: Financial Year and Leap Year


You're funny...

Senior Coldfusion Developer
Aegeon Pty. Ltd.
Phone: +613  8676 4223
Mobile: 0404 998 273

-Original Message-
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf
Of Steve Onnis
Sent: Wednesday, 9 August 2006 4:42 PM
Subject: [cfaussie] Re: Financial Year and Leap Year


MOD  4 EQ 0

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[cfaussie] Re: OT: Video Streaming

2006-08-08 Thread Joel Cass

Have a look at this:

It will convert your movies to flash without you needing to get the entire
flash suite and spend half a day mucking around..


-Original Message-
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Behalf Of Steve Onnis
Sent: Tuesday, 8 August 2006 4:30 PM
Subject: [cfaussie] Re: OT: Video Streaming

Convert it to FLA. you would get something like that down to like 10mb at
least and the quality is just as good.  If you have a copy of dreamweaver 8,
just import it and it will do the rest.


-Original Message-
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Behalf Of Paul B
Sent: Tuesday, August 08, 2006 4:19 PM
To: cfaussie
Subject: [cfaussie] OT: Video Streaming

I haven't had much to do with video for a long while however, today a
client enquired about putting a 35mb video on their site.  It's a
fairly large site that will receive a lot of traffic.  What are our

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[cfaussie] Re: OT

2006-08-04 Thread Joel Cass

It sounds like it could easily be done in CF, or if you have a copy of VB
handy, the FileStream object allows you to do this, it wouldn't take much
time to write a little app.


-Original Message-
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Behalf Of Scott Thornton
Sent: Friday, 4 August 2006 4:24 PM
Subject: [cfaussie] OT


anyone know of a software program that would take one large text file, and
chop it into chunks, of say 1000 lines of code per file, where each line
delimited by carriage returns.

on windows.

Scott Thornton, Programmer
Application Development
Information Services and Telecommunications
Hunter-New England Area Health Service
p: +61 02 49213589
m: 0413800242

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[cfaussie] Re: Why Doesn't this Work

2006-07-27 Thread Joel Cass

using a cfreturn tag..


 cffunction name="init"


(with your component)

cfset test=createObject(...)
cfset test.init()
cfdump var="#test#"

should have a look at cfdocs and try a few things out before posting.. That's my 
opinion anyway

  -Original Message-From: 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]On Behalf Of Mark 
  MandelSent: Friday, 28 July 2006 3:04 PMTo: 
  cfaussie@googlegroups.comSubject: [cfaussie] Re: Why Doesn't this 
  WorkBecause init doesn't 'return this;' 
  On 7/28/06, Dale 


test = createObject("component", "Test").init() /
var="#test#" /



name="init" access="public" output="false"
cfset = "Hello" /



  TEST is undefined. 





  The error 
  occurred in D:\CogStateWeb\dmf\test.cfm: line 
1 : cfset test = createObject("component", "Test").init() /2 : cfdump var="#test#" /

RegardsDale Fraser

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[cfaussie] CFLOCATION Issue

2006-07-26 Thread Joel Cass

I have never seen this issue before so I am putting it out there to see if 
anyone knows what might be happening..

It seems to be an issue with the cflocation tag. One computer follows it and 
the other does not.

Two computers, Windows XP, same version of Internet Explorer 

* One computer follows cflocation commands as it should.
* The other computer displays the code that appeared before the cflocation 
tag, often an incomplete page or absolutely nothing at all. It does not follow 
through to the new URL.

The server has trusted cache and saved class files turned on. It also has the 
MX7 updater 2 and JRun 4rc6 installed. It is running in standalone server mode.

This is a new issue that just cropped up and I am buggered if I know what is 
going on..

Any ideas?


-Original Message-
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Andrew Scott
Sent: Wednesday, 26 July 2006 1:41 PM
Subject: [cfaussie] Re: anyone using jfson?

That’s not a solution I am able to implement on my end.
Senior Coldfusion Developer
Aegeon Pty. Ltd.
Phone: +613  8676 4223
Mobile: 0404 998 273

From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Gareth 
Sent: Wednesday, 26 July 2006 1:33 PM
Subject: [cfaussie] Re: anyone using jfson?
What about just doing?

eval(isFolder) == true


isFolder == 'true'


Andrew Scott wrote: 
If anyone here is using jfson, can you tell me how to return a Boolean?
The code
Node.isFolder = true;
Node.isFolder = 1;
Returns either
isFolder:true or isFolder:1
Neither of which is correct.
It should be 
Senior Coldfusion Developer
Aegeon Pty. Ltd.
Phone: +613  8676 4223
Mobile: 0404 998 273
-Original Message-
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf
Of Barry Beattie
Sent: Wednesday, 26 July 2006 12:35 PM
Subject: [cfaussie] Re: CF to ASP programmer wanted
that's not quite true
both ASP and ASP.NET use SQL as a string in a command (you can throw
the SQL string straight at a connection object without a command
object being used). there's issues about single quotes and
concatenation as well as parameters. cfqueryparam is heaven on a
But I suspect what Cookie is after is more the experiance in using
connection objects
recordset  (ADO/ASP)
Cookie, it might be worth clarifying if this is for ASP (vb script) or
(sorry, the gig ain't for me at the moment)
On 7/26/06, christophe albrech [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
the trickiest part about them is the sql
I don't get that... sql shouldn't have to be modified when translating
coldfusion to asp. Only the functions (cfquery = whatever in asp) that
execute the queries should change??
On 7/26/06, cookie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I urgently need a programmer who can translate ColdFusion to ASP for a
couple of days work.I have some relatively short and simple CF pages
that need translation, the trickiest part about them is the sql
queries. If anyone can assist either email me at [EMAIL PROTECTED] or
call my mobile on 0419316815. I can then send interested parties the
source code to enable you to give me a quote for the job.
Graham Cook

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[cfaussie] Re: CFLOCATION Issue

2006-07-26 Thread Joel Cass

No, there's no cfflush's anywhere

However, there are some HTMLHead's in there - Still happens even after they
are removed, however :(

I'm starting to delve into issues with the ISAPI - It's on IIS6 and I am
starting to think that may be a problem. However I have not found much at
this stage.

I don't really think it would be a cookies issue as MX7 doesn't have the
limitations of its predecessors. Anyway the cookies are set at login and are
not changed throughout the session.

Thanks guys for your help - I'm stressin out here - It's like the whole app
is broken all of a sudden!

On it goes..

-Original Message-
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Behalf Of Scott Thornton
Sent: Wednesday, 26 July 2006 4:55 PM
Subject: [cfaussie] Re: CFLOCATION Issue

does CFFLUSH appear any where on the page?

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 26/07/2006 4:45:13 pm 

I have never seen this issue before so I am putting it out there to see if
anyone knows what might be happening..

It seems to be an issue with the cflocation tag. One computer follows it
and the other does not.

Two computers, Windows XP, same version of Internet Explorer

* One computer follows cflocation commands as it should.
* The other computer displays the code that appeared before the cflocation
tag, often an incomplete page or absolutely nothing at all. It does not
follow through to the new URL.

The server has trusted cache and saved class files turned on. It also has
the MX7 updater 2 and JRun 4rc6 installed. It is running in standalone
server mode.

This is a new issue that just cropped up and I am buggered if I know what is
going on..

Any ideas?


-Original Message-
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf
Of Andrew Scott
Sent: Wednesday, 26 July 2006 1:41 PM
Subject: [cfaussie] Re: anyone using jfson?


That's not a solution I am able to implement on my end.

Senior Coldfusion Developer
Aegeon Pty. Ltd.
Phone: +613  8676 4223
Mobile: 0404 998 273

From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf
Of Gareth Edwards
Sent: Wednesday, 26 July 2006 1:33 PM
Subject: [cfaussie] Re: anyone using jfson?

What about just doing?

eval(isFolder) == true


isFolder == 'true'


Andrew Scott wrote:

If anyone here is using jfson, can you tell me how to return a Boolean?

The code

Node.isFolder = true;
Node.isFolder = 1;

Returns either

isFolder:true or isFolder:1

Neither of which is correct.

It should be

Senior Coldfusion Developer
Aegeon Pty. Ltd.
Phone: +613  8676 4223
Mobile: 0404 998 273

-Original Message-
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf
Of Barry Beattie
Sent: Wednesday, 26 July 2006 12:35 PM
Subject: [cfaussie] Re: CF to ASP programmer wanted


that's not quite true

both ASP and ASP.NET use SQL as a string in a command (you can throw
the SQL string straight at a connection object without a command
object being used). there's issues about single quotes and
concatenation as well as parameters. cfqueryparam is heaven on a

But I suspect what Cookie is after is more the experiance in using

connection objects
recordset  (ADO/ASP)

Cookie, it might be worth clarifying if this is for ASP (vb script) or

(sorry, the gig ain't for me at the moment)

On 7/26/06, christophe albrech [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

the trickiest part about them is the sql

I don't get that... sql shouldn't have to be modified when translating
coldfusion to asp. Only the functions (cfquery = whatever in asp) that
execute the queries should change??


On 7/26/06, cookie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I urgently need a programmer who can translate ColdFusion to ASP for a
couple of days work.I have some relatively short and simple CF pages
that need translation, the trickiest part about them is the sql
queries. If anyone can assist either email me at [EMAIL PROTECTED] or
call my mobile on 0419316815. I can then send interested parties the
source code to enable you to give me a quote for the job.

Graham Cook

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[cfaussie] Re: CFLOCATION Issue

2006-07-26 Thread Joel Cass


I found the issue, it was jrun updater 6:

Jrun updater was installed as there was an excess of error 165 messages
turning up in the runtime logs. Even though MX7 updater 2 was installed
after the jRun installation, it was still using what it considered to be the
latest jrun version (the one that causes this issue).

So the patch was installed and all of a sudden there were no more issues.

Probably irrelevant to most of us but its worth taking note, just for anyone
thinking of installing jrun updater 6 on a windows 2003 server.


-Original Message-
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Behalf Of Charlie Arehart
Sent: Thursday, 27 July 2006 1:22 AM
Subject: [cfaussie] Re: CFLOCATION Issue

Are the client browsers both within the same network? If not, one could be
going through a proxy that may be having a problem honoring the redirect
that the CFLOCATION causes (some think CFLOCATION sends the users from one
page to another on the server, but instead it causes the server to tell the
client to go get the other page--a subtle difference).

Also, are both clients making the request of the same page running on the
same web server? Just seems worth asking, as it could be the web server
that's the issue, and you may be testing one against your local server and
the other against a remote one.

Always best when trying to track down these sort of problems to make sure
that all variants are accounted for. Perhaps you have. Just thought I'd
throw this in there.


-Original Message-
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf
Of Joel Cass
Sent: Wednesday, July 26, 2006 2:45 AM
Subject: [cfaussie] CFLOCATION Issue

I have never seen this issue before so I am putting it out there to see if
anyone knows what might be happening..

It seems to be an issue with the cflocation tag. One computer follows it
and the other does not.

Two computers, Windows XP, same version of Internet Explorer

* One computer follows cflocation commands as it should.
* The other computer displays the code that appeared before the cflocation
tag, often an incomplete page or absolutely nothing at all. It does not
follow through to the new URL.

The server has trusted cache and saved class files turned on. It also has
the MX7 updater 2 and JRun 4rc6 installed. It is running in standalone
server mode.

This is a new issue that just cropped up and I am buggered if I know what is
going on..

Any ideas?


-Original Message-
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf
Of Andrew Scott
Sent: Wednesday, 26 July 2006 1:41 PM
Subject: [cfaussie] Re: anyone using jfson?


That's not a solution I am able to implement on my end.

Senior Coldfusion Developer
Aegeon Pty. Ltd.
Phone: +613  8676 4223
Mobile: 0404 998 273

From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf
Of Gareth Edwards
Sent: Wednesday, 26 July 2006 1:33 PM
Subject: [cfaussie] Re: anyone using jfson?

What about just doing?

eval(isFolder) == true


isFolder == 'true'


Andrew Scott wrote:

If anyone here is using jfson, can you tell me how to return a Boolean?

The code

Node.isFolder = true;
Node.isFolder = 1;

Returns either

isFolder:true or isFolder:1

Neither of which is correct.

It should be

Senior Coldfusion Developer
Aegeon Pty. Ltd.
Phone: +613  8676 4223
Mobile: 0404 998 273

-Original Message-
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf
Of Barry Beattie
Sent: Wednesday, 26 July 2006 12:35 PM
Subject: [cfaussie] Re: CF to ASP programmer wanted


that's not quite true

both ASP and ASP.NET use SQL as a string in a command (you can throw the SQL
string straight at a connection object without a command object being used).
there's issues about single quotes and concatenation as well as parameters.
cfqueryparam is heaven on a stick...

But I suspect what Cookie is after is more the experiance in using

connection objects
recordset  (ADO/ASP)

Cookie, it might be worth clarifying if this is for ASP (vb script) or

(sorry, the gig ain't for me at the moment)

On 7/26/06, christophe albrech [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

the trickiest part about them is the sql queries

I don't get that... sql shouldn't have to be modified when translating
coldfusion to asp. Only the functions (cfquery = whatever in asp) that
execute the queries should change??


On 7/26/06, cookie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I urgently need a programmer who can translate

[cfaussie] Re: CFLOCATION Issue

2006-07-26 Thread Joel Cass

It was completely random in fact. I don't know the exact details but it
seemed to be linked to sessions; Ie. everything would work well until a
certain point, then after that point relocations would not work for the rest
of the session.

It was possible to have two computers accessing the site, one would work,
one wouldn't. After a few or a lot of clicks, both computers would stop
working. I guess I left that last part out. It seemed at first glance to be
an issue specific to one computer but after a while it became apparent on
all of them.

It was apparent only in Internet Explorer, which would show the relocated
URL in the address bar, with the truncated code from the previous page in
the browser window. Firefox seemed to behave normally.

It was just one server that was causing the problem. We've been running on
win2000 for years and this is our first 2003 server. We also upgraded to SQL
2005 and the performance difference is huge over SQL 7. Just had a few of
these niggling architectural bugs in the process :(

All is good now, thanks


-Original Message-
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Behalf Of Charlie Arehart
Sent: Thursday, 27 July 2006 11:16 AM
Subject: [cfaussie] Re: CFLOCATION Issue

Good tip to share.  But shouldn't the two different computers have
experienced the same thing if it was a server problem? Or are you saying
that there were two different servers being tested against?


-Original Message-
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf
Of Joel Cass
Sent: Wednesday, July 26, 2006 7:12 PM
Subject: [cfaussie] Re: CFLOCATION Issue


I found the issue, it was jrun updater 6:

Jrun updater was installed as there was an excess of error 165 messages
turning up in the runtime logs. Even though MX7 updater 2 was installed
after the jRun installation, it was still using what it considered to be the
latest jrun version (the one that causes this issue).

So the patch was installed and all of a sudden there were no more issues.

Probably irrelevant to most of us but its worth taking note, just for anyone
thinking of installing jrun updater 6 on a windows 2003 server.


-Original Message-
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Behalf Of Charlie Arehart
Sent: Thursday, 27 July 2006 1:22 AM
Subject: [cfaussie] Re: CFLOCATION Issue

Are the client browsers both within the same network? If not, one could be
going through a proxy that may be having a problem honoring the redirect
that the CFLOCATION causes (some think CFLOCATION sends the users from one
page to another on the server, but instead it causes the server to tell the
client to go get the other page--a subtle difference).

Also, are both clients making the request of the same page running on the
same web server? Just seems worth asking, as it could be the web server
that's the issue, and you may be testing one against your local server and
the other against a remote one.

Always best when trying to track down these sort of problems to make sure
that all variants are accounted for. Perhaps you have. Just thought I'd
throw this in there.


-Original Message-
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf
Of Joel Cass
Sent: Wednesday, July 26, 2006 2:45 AM
Subject: [cfaussie] CFLOCATION Issue

I have never seen this issue before so I am putting it out there to see if
anyone knows what might be happening..

It seems to be an issue with the cflocation tag. One computer follows it
and the other does not.

Two computers, Windows XP, same version of Internet Explorer

* One computer follows cflocation commands as it should.
* The other computer displays the code that appeared before the cflocation
tag, often an incomplete page or absolutely nothing at all. It does not
follow through to the new URL.

The server has trusted cache and saved class files turned on. It also has
the MX7 updater 2 and JRun 4rc6 installed. It is running in standalone
server mode.

This is a new issue that just cropped up and I am buggered if I know what is
going on..

Any ideas?


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[cfaussie] Re: Duplicating CFC instances (very interesting behaviour)

2006-07-20 Thread Joel Cass

You could try storing your CFC's in a persistent scope (ie. Application,



You could create a function init which initialises all the things you need
then returns the CFC instance, and the execute it as:


From there you could start using it's functions without need for
reinitialisation (if thats a word)

cfset myVar=Application.Com.myCFC.myFunction()

Duplicating CFC's sounds like barking up the wrong tree to me. You'll end up
chewing resources and so forth.


-Original Message-
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Behalf Of Scott Arbeitman
Sent: Thursday, 20 July 2006 6:24 PM
To: cfaussie
Subject: [cfaussie] Duplicating CFC instances (very interesting

We have a production enviornment where trusted cache simply cannot be
enabled. This is causing performance issues because some requests are
creating many components, and each creation takes some time as
ColdFusion will do some disk I/O. Overhead is about 30 ms per instance
creation, which adds up.

I reckon I can get this number below 5 ms but cloning a CFC in memory
which means NOT using CreateObject.

Now, I know that Duplicate makes deep copies of structs. When applied
to a CFC instance, it seems to create a struct, where the keys are the
method names and the values are the methods. I can still call these
methods just like a CFC which is nice. However, I have some logic which
is performed when IsObject is true, which is not for these CFCs.

I'm fishing for ideas here on the best way to duplicate a CFC without
touching the file systems, while preserving that IsObject will be true
for the new object.

I'm open to Java ideas as well. I've tried things like
cfc.getClass().newInstance(), but this doesn't get me anywhere.

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[cfaussie] Re: OT: - .NET sucking the life out of me

2006-07-05 Thread Joel Cass

all the issues I have had getting justone web service going on the new 
server I would gladly move over to .Net in a flash if it promises smoother and 
more standardisedweb service development.

can shove their open source AXIS where the sun dont shine as far as I 


  -Original Message-From: 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]On Behalf Of Shane 
  FarmerSent: Wednesday, 5 July 2006 8:40 PMTo: 
  cfaussie@googlegroups.comSubject: [cfaussie] Re: OT: - .NET sucking 
  the life out of meYou are absolutely right, Charlie. It 
  would have been early last year they started thinking about the move. 
  would have only made the change less rushed as all code would eventually have 
  been As far as I know, this never 
  eventuated and the company is still running CFMX.Shane
  On 7/5/06, Charlie 

that must have been over a year ago that you found BD.NET to be in beta. It has long been in production use 
by many companies now, not the least of which is Myspace, which many know 
was a CF5 site that was gasping until they decided to move to .NET and found 
BD.NET a great way to make the move 
while preserving their CFML investment--all with getting a bug bounce in 
performance. There are some who accuse it of being slower, but I know from 
the folks at Myspace (who watch their servers very closely and 
professionally) that there has indeed been considerable improvement. So much 
so, in fact, that MS has made "great hay" of saying that it's running on 
.NET--without mentioning that it's CFML on .NET by way of 

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups cfaussie group.  To post to this group, send email to  To unsubscribe from this group, send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]  For more options, visit this group at  -~--~~~~--~~--~--~---

[cfaussie] Re: OT: - cfaussie sucking the life out of me

2006-07-05 Thread Joel Cass

Just ignore my post.

I had a lot of difficulties with getting a perfectly good web service
working because of the inner workings of CF and its AXIS service. In the end
I had to modify countless config files and shuffle through the Java
subsystem to correct a configuration issue.

No actually I don't love standards that much but it would be good to use a
system that was actually developed to consume and provide web services.. Not
just interact with some open source app.

I know there are limitations with web services in general but it would be
good to have a platform that can actually serve them out in a predictable
way. At least in .net you would know that date/time is an issue and your web
service will still work after you restart the web server (please don't make
me explain or this message will be 3 pages long)..

I am/was just letting off some steam..


-Original Message-
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Behalf Of Barry Beattie
Sent: Thursday, 6 July 2006 10:11 AM
Subject: [cfaussie] Re: OT: - .NET sucking the life out of me

if it promises smoother and more standardised web service development.

Joel (and apologies to Jeremy for drifting further OT)...

I realise you're talking about server issues with erbservices (not
consuming them) but MS isn't without their webservice grief. it comes
down to MS thinking they know best when it comes to standards.

(don't you just  love standards? there's so many to choose from!)

here's just one example from the Flexcoders list:

but I'm sure others can chime in with having been caught out with
nuiances using .NET based webservices...

On 7/6/06, Joel Cass [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 After all the issues I have had getting just one web service going on the
 new server I would gladly move over to .Net in a flash if it promises
 smoother and more standardised web service development.

 Adobe can shove their open source AXIS where the sun dont shine as far as


 -Original Message-
 From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Of Shane Farmer
 Sent: Wednesday, 5 July 2006 8:40 PM
 Subject: [cfaussie] Re: OT: - .NET sucking the life out of me

 You are absolutely right, Charlie. It would have been early last year they
 started thinking about the move. would have only made the change
 rushed as all code would eventually have been As far as I know,
 this never eventuated and the company is still running CFMX.


 On 7/5/06, Charlie Arehart  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Shane, that must have been over a year ago that you found BD.NET to be
 beta. It has long been in production use by many companies now, not the
 least of which is Myspace, which many know was a CF5 site that was gasping
 until they decided to move to .NET and found BD.NET a great way to make
 move while preserving their CFML investment--all with getting a bug bounce
 in performance. There are some who accuse it of being slower, but I know
 from the folks at Myspace (who watch their servers very closely and
 professionally) that there has indeed been considerable improvement. So
 so, in fact, that MS has made great hay of saying that it's running on
 .NET--without mentioning that it's CFML on .NET by way of BlueDragon.


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[cfaussie] Re: AXIS error on MX7

2006-07-04 Thread Joel Cass

Ok.. figured it out

So it seems, you cannot create a CFC outside the web root defined in setup
and call it as a web service, even if you have the directory setup in IIS
and try using mapping in CF administrator, e.g.:

Dir of my CF application = e:\webfiles\svc002
CFC called as {e:\webfiles\svc002}/myCFC.cfc?wsdl = ERROR

Dir defined in CF setup  = e:\webfiles\svc001
CFC called as {e:\webfiles\svc001}/myCFC.cfc?wsdl = OK

It seems to go against our hosting provider's best practices

Found this URL.. It's something to do with the mappings but unfortunately
everyone talks this guy down instead of admitting that it may be an issue

(wrapped URL)

I'm shocked in disbelief.. Could my assumptions be true that all CFCs have
to be beneath the web root defined in setup? Should I reinstall or try to
dig up where the web root has been defined. Can anyone drop me some hints?


-Original Message-
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Behalf Of Joel Cass
Sent: Wednesday, 5 July 2006 11:38 AM
Subject: [cfaussie] AXIS error on MX7


Had this error when invoking a known working web service on a new server
(Win2003, MX 7,0,0,91690)

Apparently, something has gone wrong (?) - The cfc exists in the specified
directory, which is mapped in CF administrator as /. Typing another
filename in returns a 404 - the CFC works perfectly on another server
(Win2000, MX 7,0,1,116466).

Does anyone know what this means (google has let me down):

{{{CFCName}}} = filename of CFC (without extension) being requestered
AXIS error
Sorry, something seems to have gone wrong... here are the details:

Fault - Error attempting to create Java skeleton for CFC web service; nested
exception is:
: importexport (wrong name: {{{CFCName}}})]
 faultString: Error attempting to create Java skeleton for CFC web service;
nested exception is:
: importexport (wrong name: {{{CFCName}}})]

And it had to be working yesterday.. What do I do?

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[cfaussie] Re: Tim Buntel back with Adobe!

2006-06-29 Thread Joel Cass

When I 
first started it was in the upgrade of the interflora website from "dbml" 
(2.0)to "cfml" (3.0). I guess that was about 8 years ago.. I was only 17 
back then. Time does fly. Thankfully I've kept my youthful lack of 


  -Original Message-From: 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]On Behalf Of M@ 
  BourkeSent: Thursday, 29 June 2006 10:16 PMTo: 
  cfaussie@googlegroups.comSubject: [cfaussie] Re: Tim Buntel back 
  with Adobe!11 years sure is a long time, How long 
  had colfusion been out before you first used it and how did you hear about 
  On 6/29/06, ACTCFUG 
sure what went wrong, perhaps Tim decided he wasn't for theteaching 
role.At any rate Tim is back with the ColdFusion team at Adobe - 
this timeas the senior product marketing manager!Tim visited 
Australia about the time of the MX 7 launch and did a great job at 
building up interest in the best version of CF yet so... Welcomeback 
Tim!PS. As of Saturday(ish) I will have dedicated 11 years to CFML - 
mainlythe Allaire/Macromedia/Adobe line but also a bit of BlueDragon! 
Yes I am feeling old!!!Cheers!PTManager,
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[cfaussie] Re: Comparing names between databases

2006-06-28 Thread Joel Cass

could try looking up SOUNDEX String comparison for vaguely similar values (i.e. 
Spearsvs. Speresvs. Speares etc)

SOUNDEX in the mySQL docos they have interesting syntax


could also try left and right functions for getting intials 

My two 

  -Original Message-From: 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]On Behalf Of Tom 
  MacKeanSent: Wednesday, 28 June 2006 6:01 PMTo: 
  cfaussie@googlegroups.comSubject: [cfaussie] Re: Comparing names 
  between databases
  Good thinking! That will definitely help.
  On 6/28/06, Ryan 

You could use some 
SQL to compare just the surnames, stripped of any punctuation and spaces. 
Then run your function on the resultant data set. This should reduce the 
processing time somewhat. 

  From: [mailto:] On Behalf Of Tom 
  Sent: Wednesday, 28 June 2006 5:30 PMTo:
  Subject: [cfaussie] Re: Comparing names 
  between databases

The thing is that the names come from two completely separate sources 
and one might be Harold Smith and one might be H J Smith.

I've written a function (120 lines long)that does a pretty good 
job of returning "yes, this is a match" or "no this is not a match". I can't 
see how you would recreate all the logic in an SQLquery. 


On 6/28/06, Tom MacKean [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

  On 6/28/06, Steve 

what database 

Message-From: []On Behalf Of Tom 
MacKeanSent: Wednesday, June 28, 2006 5:16 PM To: 
[cfaussie] Comparing names between databases 
HI all,

I have two databases each containing names. I need to compare the 
two tables and identify anyone who its in both lists. There are 4000 
names in one list and 1200 in the other.

Speed is not an issue - this is not a public site.

The only thing I can think of is to loop through one table and on 
each record, loop through the other table to find matches.

I would love to hear any thoughts about different ways of doing 


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[cfaussie] Re: Includes

2006-06-28 Thread Joel Cass


  -Original Message-From: 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]On Behalf Of Dale 
  FraserSent: Thursday, 29 June 2006 12:16 PMTo: 
  cfaussie@googlegroups.comSubject: [cfaussie] 
  That doesn’t work for us 
  and I just discovered why.
  The application.cfm does 
  NOT run when you also have an application.cfc
  We use application.cfc, so 
  how can we include a function on every page using application.cfc 
  RegardsDale Fraser
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups cfaussie group.  To post to this group, send email to  To unsubscribe from this group, send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]  For more options, visit this group at  -~--~~~~--~~--~--~---

[cfaussie] Re: Includes

2006-06-28 Thread Joel Cass

Robin I got your post

Unfortunately I didn't read yesterdays posts about the original "issue", 
but in my opinion if you are going to call a function something vague like "tr", 
you might want to know where it comes from so you don't spend ages trying to 
figure it out later on when you forget what "tr" means.

it makes sense to have at least aline in theresomewhere to define 
what "tr" is - whether it's a comment saying where it is defined or simply an 
include that makes it obvious where the function is; i.e. 
means my function might be defined in the application

cfinclude template="globalfunctions.cfm"
means my custom function might be in there

!--- tr is in the application.cfc ---

apologise if I am just making noise. Robin I didn't read your post at first.. 
Perhaps others didn't either. It like a stone of goodness in a river 


  -Original Message-From: 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]On Behalf Of Robin 
  HilliardSent: Thursday, 29 June 2006 3:11 PMTo: 
  cfaussie@googlegroups.comSubject: [cfaussie] Re: 
  IncludesNo, that's exactly what the code I pasted into 
  this thread 2 hours ago does...
  Could someone tell me that they saw that post - I'm beginning to suspect 
  I have a problem posting to cfaussie.
  On 29/06/2006, at 3:04 PM, Dale Fraser wrote:


To close this off and not 
waste eveyone’s time.

Is it safe to say, that it 
can’t be easily done. Ie you can’t automatically have a unscoped function 
name available to every page.

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[cfaussie] Re: QofQ

2006-06-27 Thread Joel Cass

someone who does not use QoQ that often, here are some other ways you can do 

- If 
you want to look up a certain value, create a referential structbased on 
the column you wish to lookup, containing the vital 
- If 
you want to create little queries, you could try query functions (querynew, 
queryAddColumn etc)
- You 
could try converting the query into an array, CFC, functionorother 
structurethat retrieves data in a morerelevant 
- Use 
query caching and the startrow / endrow features of cfloop
- Do 
lots of little queries with the database instead of continually messing around 
with one big query stored in memory

and memory are different things. Someone with a CS degree should clear that up 
for you. Storing data in memory doesn't mean that you avoid processing the data 
when you start using it in QoQ.

don't know why people use QoQ anyway. It seems limited compared to other ways 
ofprocessing data. That's just a personal opinion. I know it's probably 
extremely useful in very specific cases.


  -Original Message-From: 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]On Behalf Of Rod 
  HigginsSent: Wednesday, 28 June 2006 9:50 AMTo: 
  cfaussie@googlegroups.comSubject: [cfaussie] 
  When running a page that uses excessive QofQ from 
  a single query the CPU goes bezerk. I was under the impression that QofQ was 
  simply accessing a recordset from memory.I have a couple of questions if 
  anyone has some ideas,workarounds for this. Why does the cfstat utility 
  record QofQ's as DB hits/sec? Also what methods have ppl used to improve 
  performance on pages that use a lot of QofQ -where talking about 50 odd 
  QofQcalls to a single recordset.
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[cfaussie] Re: Saving Images into Database

2006-06-20 Thread Joel Cass

You can use an ntext field and then use the toBase64() function to encode
them, and the toBinary() function to decode them.

This is coming from someone who has never used an image or binary field in a
database before.


INSERT INTO veryBigTable (

I agree though, save them to disk if security is not an issue


-Original Message-
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Behalf Of Mark Mandel
Sent: Wednesday, 21 June 2006 11:28 AM
Subject: [cfaussie] Re: Saving Images into Database

Save them to disk?

Or does that sound too simple? :D


On 6/21/06, Scott Thornton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 I use CFX_PUTIMAGE to save images into my database.

 I find it very slow.

 Is there any alternatives?
ICQ: 3094740

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[cfaussie] Re: Saving Images into Database

2006-06-20 Thread Joel Cass

What about using cfqueryparam (I have not tested this though)


INSERT INTO veryBigTable (
cfqueryparam cfsqltype=cf_sql_blob value=#binObj#


-Original Message-
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Behalf Of Scott Thornton
Sent: Wednesday, 21 June 2006 11:50 AM
Subject: [cfaussie] Saving Images into Database

The database field type is image.

Using MS SQL 2000 btw.

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 21/06/2006 11:37 am 

You can use an ntext field and then use the toBase64() function to encode
them, and the toBinary() function to decode them.

This is coming from someone who has never used an image or binary field in a
database before.


INSERT INTO veryBigTable (

I agree though, save them to disk if security is not an issue


-Original Message-
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Behalf Of Mark Mandel
Sent: Wednesday, 21 June 2006 11:28 AM
Subject: [cfaussie] Re: Saving Images into Database

Save them to disk?

Or does that sound too simple? :D


On 6/21/06, Scott Thornton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 I use CFX_PUTIMAGE to save images into my database.

 I find it very slow.

 Is there any alternatives?
ICQ: 3094740

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[cfaussie] Re: inserting carage returns

2006-06-19 Thread Joel Cass

Just because no-one else pointed it out

cfset crlf = #chr(10)#  #chr(13)#

Should be

cfset crlf = #chr(13)#  #chr(10)#

chr(13) = Carriage return
chr(10) = line feed


-Original Message-
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Behalf Of cfgroupie
Sent: Monday, 19 June 2006 11:18 AM
To: cfaussie
Subject: [cfaussie] inserting carage returns


I'm having some issues starting this morning. I want to simply put a
carage return between two variables. For somereason i'm thick today.

cfset crlf = #chr(10)#  #chr(13)#
cfset newLine = '#GetAllDetails.HomeAddress1# #crlf#

what the?


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[cfaussie] Re: flex 2 beta flash player

2006-06-08 Thread Joel Cass

I had 
a similar problem but cannot for the life of me remember what caused it.. 
something about DCOM security settings - I remember a default setting locking 
off something.. Look it upwith google or the macromedia 

  -Original Message-From: 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]On Behalf Of Steve 
  OnnisSent: Friday, 9 June 2006 11:08 AMTo: CFAussie 
  Mailing ListSubject: [cfaussie] flex 2 beta flash 
  Just starting to 
  have a play with FLEX and I cannot seem to install the flash player V9 which 
  is required. I run the installer and the machine reboots and when it 
  restarts and logs in, I get a message saying it couldn't register the flash 
  play OCX and the player install does not continue.
  Has anyone else 
  had this problem? If so can I get around it?
  I am on Windows 
  2000 SP4
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[cfaussie] Re: SQL Injection in CF

2006-06-07 Thread Joel Cass

Because there has been some issues with the cfqueryparam tag (I've had a
love-hate relationship with this tag since CF 4.5), I've made the following
function - does it seem safe? I can't crack it anyway

ALso, it seems that PreserveSingleQuotes() isnt required around values to be
put into the database, eg. myStrField = #dbValue(myStrField,varchar)#, in
fact I had some errors for some values (e.g. date) when using the
preserveSingleQuotes function.. I noticed the change a while ago. Will it be
a permanent thing that the PreserveSingleQuotes() function is not required
around function results?

cffunction name=dbValue output=No
cfargument name=value required=true
cfargument name=type required=true
cfargument name=list default=false
cfargument name=maxlen default=
cfargument name=null default=false
cfset var returnValue = arguments.value
cfset var v = 
cfif arguments.list IS true
!--- parse each list value individually ---
cfset returnValue = 
cfloop list=#arguments.value# index=v
cfset returnValue = listAppend(returnValue,
cfif listFindNoCase(cf_sql_numeric,numeric,arguments.type)
!--- parse numeric values ---
cfset returnValue = 
cfif len(returnValue) IS 0 AND arguments.null IS true
cfset returnValue = NULL
cfelseif len(returnValue) IS 0
cfthrow message=Invalid numeric value 
specified. (value=#value#)
!--- parse string values ---
cfset returnValue = 
cfif len(arguments.maxlen)
cfset returnValue = 
cfelseif len(returnValue) IS 0 AND arguments.null IS 
cfset returnValue = NULL
cfset returnValue = '#returnValue#'
cfelseif listFindNoCase(cf_sql_date,date,arguments.type)
!--- parse date values ---
cfif isDate(returnValue)
cfset returnValue=createODBCDateTime(value)
cfelseif arguments.null IS true
cfset returnValue=NULL
cfthrow message=Invalid date value specified. 
cfthrow message=Invalid argument type specified.
cfreturn returnValue

Anyway, anyone who has the time to look through can give me some feedback.
It's difficult being the only programmer in a company - never get any
feedback.. We need more programmers but they're hard to find at the moment..


-Original Message-
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Behalf Of Barry Beattie
Sent: Wednesday, 7 June 2006 4:27 PM
Subject: [cfaussie] Re: SQL Injection in CF




(except for some select into... which won't work)


 Hi Folks,

 Read a good article on SQL Injection attacks today:

 I've always been under the impression that quoted form fields are safe
 from SQL injection attacks because CF automatically escapes single
 quotes. So if you have some SQL like this:
 SELECT firstname,surname FROM users
 WHERE firstname = '#form.firstname#'
 it won't really matter if someone tries to put some dodgy SQL into
 form.firstname because any ' character they enter will be turned into
 '' so everything they type will remain quoted.

 However, according to the article this can be trivially defeated in
 some dbs like MySQL by escaping a single quote with the \ character.

 I have a couple of questions:
 1. Is this really a problem for MySQL or does CF have some other escape
 2. Is there any way of causing this problem in SQL Server?

 Thanks in advance



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[cfaussie] Re: OT: Virus protection software

2006-06-07 Thread Joel Cass

Symantec all the way :) You can turn off the annoying features if 
necessary - The interface is quite easy to understand unlike some others where 
you have to delve through 14 levels of tabs and dialogs to find a 


  -Original Message-From: 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]On Behalf Of Ryan 
  SabirSent: Thursday, 8 June 2006 10:00 AMTo: 
  ''Subject: [cfaussie] OT: Virus protection 
  Hey all,
  Just a quick poll to find out 
  which Virus / Spywareprotection software people are using these days (no 
  Linux is not an answer :). I turn to you CFAUSSIES because you probably have a 
  similar work environment to me, andso understand the needs of a web 
  We have been using CA VET 
  until now, but that product is being phased out. I have hadSymantec AV 
  Corporate Edition recommended to me, but our experience in the past with 
  Symantec products is that they can be intrusive for a 
  I gave McAfee Managed 
  VirusScan a go, but it seemed to have a conflict with our desktop contact 
  manager, which slowed to a crawl.

SabirTechnical Directorp: (02) 9274 
8030f: (02) 9274 8099m: 0411 
512 454w:
Pty LtdWeb | Multimedia | eMarketing224 Riley 
StSurry Hills NSW 2010Sydney, Australia
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[cfaussie] Re: SQL Injection in CF

2006-06-07 Thread Joel Cass

From a couple of emails back, I still get the strange error from time to

Error Executing Database Query. [Macromedia][SQLServer JDBC
Driver][SQLServer]Could not find prepared statement with handle [X].

Gets to a stage where it happens on a certain query, regardless of what is
being passed; server has to be restarted to resolve the problem.

From memory, (when I used to make websites with allaire spectra) a lot of
the slowness in some queries could be alleviated by removing unnecessary
cfqueryparams (e.g. inserting data generated by server code). I remember it
changed from about 30 seconds to do an update down to less than a second,
mainly because of the large number of parameters being passed and the amount
of queries actually occuring. Of course back them I didn't know a lot about
things so it could have just been a problem with the database or whatever..
Who knows.

It would be good to resolve the above problem as, if it is unresolveable and
pops up in other areas, I'll have to add that function to the rest of the
cfqueryparams, numbering in the thousands throughout the application (this
will not be nice), but is there any other choice? There's no information out
there, so I'm a little stuck with this at the moment.


-Original Message-
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Behalf Of Mark Mandel
Sent: Thursday, 8 June 2006 10:16 AM
Subject: [cfaussie] Re: SQL Injection in CF

What issues have you hit with cfqueryparam Joel?

I've also been using it since 4.5, and have never really hit a wall with it.

I'm curious to know what your problems have been?



On 6/8/06, Joel Cass [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Because there has been some issues with the cfqueryparam tag (I've had a
 love-hate relationship with this tag since CF 4.5), I've made the
 function - does it seem safe? I can't crack it anyway

 ALso, it seems that PreserveSingleQuotes() isnt required around values to
 put into the database, eg. myStrField = #dbValue(myStrField,varchar)#,
 fact I had some errors for some values (e.g. date) when using the
 preserveSingleQuotes function.. I noticed the change a while ago. Will it
 a permanent thing that the PreserveSingleQuotes() function is not required
 around function results?

ICQ: 3094740

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[cfaussie] Re: datediff() error

2006-06-07 Thread Joel Cass

this too advanced for CF's ailing query of queries? I do not use this feature 
much so am unsure

could try 

SELECT (date_com-date_submitted) AS 

Though I cannot guarantee that it works as I 
used to subtractdates this way a long long time ago.. before I knew that 
datediff could do this much more reliably...Yes, it was a long time ago 
(don't ask it makes me feel old and dumb)

  -Original Message-From: 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]On Behalf Of GeorgeSent: 
  Thursday, 8 June 2006 2:38 PMTo: CFAussie Mailing 
  ListSubject: [cfaussie] datediff() error
  I try to use datediff() function in SQl select statement but got an 

Executing Database Query. 

  Query Of Queries 
syntax error.Encountered "(. Incorrect Select Statement, 
Expecting a 'FROM', but encountered '(' instead, A select statement 
should have a 'FROM' construct. 


  The error occurred in 
E:\webroot\IntraDev\ISTUHelpDesk\Administration\isuadmin.cfc: line 
227Called from 
line 9 Called from 
line 1Called from 
E:\webroot\IntraDev\ISTUHelpDesk\Administration\isuadmin.cfc: line 
227Called from 
line 9 Called from 
line 1

  225 : SELECT abs(datediff(dd,date_submitted,date_com)) AS SubTotalNum
226 : FROM qAllRequestedJobsWithAllFields
227 : WHERE (date_submitted BETWEEN #convertedStartDate# AND #convertedEndDate#) AND (date_com is not null)
228 : /CFQUERY
229 : /CFCASE
Could anyone please help?Thanks,George
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[cfaussie] Re: OT: Virus protection software

2006-06-07 Thread Joel Cass

Just wondering (this may sound a little dumb to some of you), how can I find
out more information about Symantec's architecturally poor software
architecture? How do you gauge it against other antivirus apps in this way?
It's always been very reliable and has picked up viruses pretty well up til


-Original Message-
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Behalf Of Kym Kovan
Sent: Thursday, 8 June 2006 10:19 AM
Subject: [cfaussie] Re: OT: Virus protection software

Hi Ryan,

you wrote:
 Just a quick poll to find out which Virus / Spyware protection
 software people are using these days (no Linux is not an answer :). I
 turn to you CFAUSSIES because you probably have a similar work
 environment to me, and so understand the needs of a web agency.

 We have been using CA VET until now, but that product is being phased
 out. I have had Symantec AV Corporate Edition recommended to me, but
 our experience in the past with Symantec products is that they can be
 intrusive for a developer.

Also Symantec's stuff is poor architecturally, it is not as effective as
some of the other products out there.

 I gave McAfee Managed VirusScan a go, but it seemed to have a conflict
 with our desktop contact manager, which slowed to a crawl.

The only useful thing we found with McAffee was being able to scan
machines across the network when they were idle as the load was
intrusive otherwise.

 Any ideas?

yes, TrendMicro.

Excellent range of products from personal PC protection to
Enterprise-wide networked servers...

Mind you we are biased as we are TrendMicro consulting partners but that
is for a reason, we checked all of the major firms and they were closest
to what we felt were our needs as a development shop and a Hosting Provider.


Kym K
- where did my signature line go? -

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[cfaussie] Strange recurrent problem with SQL Server 7 MX7

2006-06-05 Thread Joel Cass


We keep having this problem occuring on one of our larger applications,
hosted on MX7. The same problem has not appeared on another server running
MX6, however.

Both connect to SQL server 7, running on windows 2000.

Error Executing Database Query. [Macromedia][SQLServer JDBC
Driver][SQLServer]Could not find prepared statement with handle [X].

It always happens on queries containing at least one cfparam tag.

Any ideas?


-Original Message-
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Behalf Of Darren Tracey
Sent: Tuesday, 6 June 2006 8:39 AM
To: cfaussie
Subject: [cfaussie] Next QLD CFUG meeting TONIGHT, Tuesday 6th June in
the Brisbane CBD


When  : 6:30 pm, Tuesday, 6th of June 2006
Where : ABN AMRO Morgans Limited
Level 29,
123 Eagle Street (Riverside Centre)
Brisbane CBD  QLD 4000

More details here :

This month at CFUG QLD:

We have a really special, and really amazing look at the new Flex
Superwizard. The presentation is by Dean Harmon from Adobe. Its short,
sweet, to the point, and did I say really amazing?

We'll also be taking a look at the new Spry framework for AJAX, which
is currently available on Adobe Labs
( This presentation is by Jen

Taylor (Sr. DW Product Manager) Kin Blas (DW Engineer) and Don Booth
(DW Quality Engineer).

The meeting will also have our regular (and ever popular) general open
floor QA discussion, so bring your questions and problems.

As usual there will be free pizza, subways and drinks.

If you haven't already, then please RSVP by noon Tuesday, 6th of June
as it helps make sure there's enough pizza and subs for everyone.

There's still plenty of goodies left in our Adobe 'care package',
so another good chunk of it will be given away at this month's
meeting, and as usual only people who RSVP to me and tell me that
they're coming will go in the prize draw. Last month everyone who
RSVPed got a prize.

Send that email now!!

Don't miss it.
See you there.

Darren Tracey
CFUG QLD Manager

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[cfaussie] Re: Strange recurrent problem with SQL Server 7 MX7

2006-06-05 Thread Joel Cass

I meant, it happens in queries with a *cfqueryparam* tag.. In case that
wasn't obvious

Restarting CF gets rid of the problem.. But it keeps coming back after a few

I've always had trouble with cfqueryparam tags.. Is it a curse I bear or is
it just normal for them to be so erratic.. Is there a problem with the way I
use them?? As below

  FROM Users
 WHERE Users_Login = cfqueryparam cfsqltype=cf_sql_varchar value=#U#
   AND Users_password = cfqueryparam cfsqltype=cf_sql_varchar value=#P#

Any ideas yet?


-Original Message-
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Behalf Of Joel Cass
Sent: Tuesday, 6 June 2006 9:31 AM
Subject: [cfaussie] Strange recurrent problem with SQL Server 7  MX7


We keep having this problem occuring on one of our larger applications,
hosted on MX7. The same problem has not appeared on another server running
MX6, however.

Both connect to SQL server 7, running on windows 2000.

Error Executing Database Query. [Macromedia][SQLServer JDBC
Driver][SQLServer]Could not find prepared statement with handle [X].

It always happens on queries containing at least one cfparam tag.

Any ideas?


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[cfaussie] Re: JRUN Servlet Error

2006-05-23 Thread Joel Cass

files = lots of much whitespace / code generated= server memory overload = 
browser memory overload?

  -Original Message-From: 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]On Behalf Of Dale 
  FraserSent: Tuesday, 23 May 2006 5:03 PMTo: 
  cfaussie@googlegroups.comSubject: [cfaussie] JRUN Servlet 
  I’m getting a weird error, 
  the title of the page says
  JRUN Servlet 
  And the body says in a big 
  bold Font
  When I run this on a 
  subset of data it works find, so I figure it’s something to do with the 1000+ 
  files I’m processing.
  I can process all the 
  files in smaller batches, ie 200 at a time.
  Even more interesting, is 
  when I try to view the source to see if there is anything else strange, IE 
  Any ideas, I’m off to try 
  it in firefox.
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[cfaussie] Re: Can anyone see why my flash movie doesnt play in production?

2006-05-17 Thread Joel Cass

That looks like it would be good for mincing up a range of things. Perhaps they 
can try expanding into other markets.. I was thinking the meat industry, 
landfill companies,organised crime, US army, etc etc

  -Original Message-From: 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]On Behalf Of Mike 
  KearSent: Wednesday, 17 May 2006 2:31 PMTo: 
  cfaussie@googlegroups.comSubject: [cfaussie] Re: Can anyone see why 
  my flash movie doesnt play in production?
  Did the trick sure nuff! The video is working 
  As it turns out , there was a setting In a little-traversed area of the 
  control panel to add mime types to IIS myself rather than using the support 
  guy to do it. So i had it fixed in a few minutes.
  If you want to see a half-million buck piece of equipment chomping up 
  whole trees and truckloads of vegetation in a way that would make Tim 
  the Tool Man drool with lust, see 
  and click on the button under the image.
  CheersMike KearWindsor, NSW, AustraliaCertified Advanced 
  ColdFusion DeveloperAFP Webworkshttp://afpwebworks.comColdFusion, PHP, 
  ASP, ASP.NET hosting from AUD$15/month 
  On 5/17/06, Mike 

Thanks Andrew, and the others too. I've been worrying away at 
this for a while, looking for something I've forgotten but in this case it 
looks like it'll be ok once the support guy fixes the mime type.

I'll let you know how it turns out. 

CheersMike Kear

On 5/17/06, Andrew 

  There was a mime type problem with IIS6, as it 
  didn't know what mimetype the flv file was it would only run the 
  swf file and load the flvfile but wouldn't stream 
  it.Solution add the .flv type to the mime 
  setting under IISmanager, local computer, 
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[cfaussie] Re: CSS Editor for Eclipse

2006-05-11 Thread Joel Cass

That's great.. thanks

-Original Message-
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Behalf Of Mark Mandel
Sent: Friday, 12 May 2006 12:32 PM
Subject: [cfaussie] Re: CSS Editor for Eclipse

I just use the WTP for Eclipse.

Part of it is a CSS editor.


On 5/12/06, Joel Cass [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 I know it's a bit off topic but the dead horse is starting to smell. I
 apologise for any misunderstanding but there is no difference, except in
 appearance. I regret even mentioning the performance argument now. Does
 anyone know if there's a good CSS editor out there for CFEclipse? It would
 be good to have something a little more integrated as I am running an
 external CSS editor (TopStyle) and it really doesn't work too well with
 and everything else.


ICQ: 3094740

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[cfaussie] Re: Whats so bad about the tag syntax?

2006-05-10 Thread Joel Cass

Oh, and did you know you could do this

s = a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k;
z = s.split(,);  // this line, here
for (i = 1; i LT 5; i=i+1) {
writeoutput (hello   z[i]  br);
while (i LTE arrayLen(z)) {
writeoutput (testing   z[i]  br);

Yes, that is Java in CFSCRIPT. Stuff ECMA. We have Java

-Original Message-
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Behalf Of Joel Cass
Sent: Wednesday, 10 May 2006 5:28 PM
Subject: [cfaussie] Re: Whats so bad about the tag syntax?

Three things right with Tag based code

1. It cuts time for doing complex functions (checking mail, FTP etc)
2. It's easy to create structured code without having to inherit this and
public that
3. It doesn't mess up the look of the file (that much anyway)

I only use cfscript to improve the speed of things. Otherwise it just looks
too out of place and makes it too difficult to understand for newcomers. In
my regard, C++ or VB programmers shouldn't really have to look at CF code

Did you know you could do this too:

// for loop (as below)
for (i = 0; i LT 5; i=i+1) {
writeoutput (hello   i  br);
// conditional loop
while (i LT 10) {
writeoutput (testing   i  br);

The only gripe I have it that you have to use ampersands to join strings,
even though for the most part it looks like javascript..

My three cents (my balance is now at ten cents.. woohoo)


-Original Message-
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Behalf Of Dale Fraser
Sent: Wednesday, 10 May 2006 10:26 AM
Subject: [cfaussie] Re: Whats so bad about the tag syntax?

Two things wrong with Tag based code.

1. Other developers when they see ColdFusion code hate it and immediately
dismiss it as not a real language
2. You need to write about double the amount of code every time

cfloop index=i from=1 to=10


for (i=1; i=10; i++) {


See the differences in the amount of characters typed in this simple

Dale Fraser

From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf
Of Patrick Branley
Sent: Wednesday, 10 May 2006 09:10 AM
Subject: [cfaussie] Whats so bad about the tag syntax ? was: where have all
the cf developers gone ?

I have to say i dont mind using the tag-based syntax for writing code. I
would argue rather than making CF script ECMA compliant they should make the
tag-based syntax XML valid! Who wants to write in the ugly Perl-like syntax
of Php ? And its not so much writing it as it is reading other people's code
who dont know how to comment correctly.

CF is not the only tag-based language out there. .NET has custom tags  java
has taglibs. They are a good way of writing simple logic as part of a
tag-based page.

What i think is missing from CF (and can someone confirm this is possible
with JRun / CF Enterprise ) is a way of writing java objects and deploying
them to the server on the fly just as you would write a CFC ? If so, then
its just a matter of providing some Java APIs to the existing CF
functions/tags in a java syntax (which would already exist id say, but just
arent documented)

If all of that was available then the workflow would be like this:
1. CFM pages with tag-based syntax for presenting HTML content.
2. POJO's for where you would currently use CFC's (but with the advantage of
them being instantly deployable, rather than code-complie-deploy)


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[cfaussie] Re: Whats so bad about the tag syntax?

2006-05-10 Thread Joel Cass

Three things right with Tag based code

1. It cuts time for doing complex functions (checking mail, FTP etc)
2. It's easy to create structured code without having to inherit this and
public that
3. It doesn't mess up the look of the file (that much anyway)

I only use cfscript to improve the speed of things. Otherwise it just looks
too out of place and makes it too difficult to understand for newcomers. In
my regard, C++ or VB programmers shouldn't really have to look at CF code

Did you know you could do this too:

// for loop (as below)
for (i = 0; i LT 5; i=i+1) {
writeoutput (hello   i  br);
// conditional loop
while (i LT 10) {
writeoutput (testing   i  br);

The only gripe I have it that you have to use ampersands to join strings,
even though for the most part it looks like javascript..

My three cents (my balance is now at ten cents.. woohoo)


-Original Message-
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Behalf Of Dale Fraser
Sent: Wednesday, 10 May 2006 10:26 AM
Subject: [cfaussie] Re: Whats so bad about the tag syntax?

Two things wrong with Tag based code.

1. Other developers when they see ColdFusion code hate it and immediately
dismiss it as not a real language
2. You need to write about double the amount of code every time

cfloop index=i from=1 to=10


for (i=1; i=10; i++) {


See the differences in the amount of characters typed in this simple

Dale Fraser

From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf
Of Patrick Branley
Sent: Wednesday, 10 May 2006 09:10 AM
Subject: [cfaussie] Whats so bad about the tag syntax ? was: where have all
the cf developers gone ?

I have to say i dont mind using the tag-based syntax for writing code. I
would argue rather than making CF script ECMA compliant they should make the
tag-based syntax XML valid! Who wants to write in the ugly Perl-like syntax
of Php ? And its not so much writing it as it is reading other people's code
who dont know how to comment correctly.

CF is not the only tag-based language out there. .NET has custom tags  java
has taglibs. They are a good way of writing simple logic as part of a
tag-based page.

What i think is missing from CF (and can someone confirm this is possible
with JRun / CF Enterprise ) is a way of writing java objects and deploying
them to the server on the fly just as you would write a CFC ? If so, then
its just a matter of providing some Java APIs to the existing CF
functions/tags in a java syntax (which would already exist id say, but just
arent documented)

If all of that was available then the workflow would be like this:
1. CFM pages with tag-based syntax for presenting HTML content.
2. POJO's for where you would currently use CFC's (but with the advantage of
them being instantly deployable, rather than code-complie-deploy)


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[cfaussie] Re: Whats so bad about the tag syntax?

2006-05-10 Thread Joel Cass

some things it seems a lot faster, especially when there's a lot of processing 
involved of structs and arrays etc. But not everything I guess.. Usually the 
code starts off in tags and if I see that it's running a bit slow I change it to 
cfscript.. Sometimes it runs a bit faster.. I cannot give you hard examples 
though. Maybe it's because I turn the tags into functions in the process.. who 
knows. I am a bit old school. I still take pleasure in the joys of 
usingcold fusion studio 4.5 every now and then.


  -Original Message-From: 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]On Behalf Of M@ 
  BourkeSent: Wednesday, 10 May 2006 7:46 PMTo: 
  cfaussie@googlegroups.comSubject: [cfaussie] Re: Whats so bad about 
  the tag syntax?I only use cfscript to improve the 
  speed of thingsHow so?you mean writing it??as cfml hasn't been 
  any slower then cfscript since mx came out. back in the olden days 
  cfscript was faster but these days its all compiled to the same old byte code 
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