Re: swank-clojure: swank-clojure-init-files not used

2009-03-16 Thread Tassilo Horn

Cosmin Stejerean  writes:

Hi Cosmin,

>> I'd like that slime loads ~/.clojure/user.clj when starting the
>> clojure REPL.  Therefore I added that file to
>> `swank-clojure-init-files'.  This variable is used in
>> `swank-clojure-cmd' to build the java invocation command line.
>> But that didn't work.  So I wanted to debug `swank-clojure-cmd' to
>> see what's wrong, but it seems that whole function is never called
>> when I do `M-x slime'.
>> I use the current HEAD versions of both swank-clojure and slime from
>> their respective version control systems.
> As a workaround you can try adding ~/.clojure to the classpath,
> Clojure will automatically load user.clj if found on the classpath.

Yes, I've thought that, too.  But incidentially swank-clojure seems to
add only jar files in `swank-clojure-extra-classpaths' to the classpath.
By default that are all jars in ~/.clojure + all jars in

When adding ~/.clojure/ to `swank-clojure-extra-classpaths' and starting
SLIME, htop shows that this directory is not in the -cp java option.
Sending a SIGINT kills the clojure process and doesn't interrupt the
current Thread only...


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Re: Parallel Game of Life

2009-03-16 Thread bOR_

Nice! A few more days of work and I've time to play with these kind of
things again. Here are some comments, based on your description.

As game of life is a cellular automata, you do not need any blocking
at all, so you could use agents, rather than refs. It does become an
asynchronous CA then, but that fits for game of life :).

Every cell would be an agent. Agents read the state of their
neighbouring cells and update their own state. If world is a vector of
agents, then (doseq [a world] (send a update)) (apply await world)
would update the whole grid once, using all the processors that java
can find.

On Mar 16, 5:31 am, Scott Fraser  wrote:
> I have taken Larry's "Game of Life" example that he originally posted
> here:
> ...and updated it to use all the CPU's your JVM has access to. My
> first attempts ran into the classic map -> pmap slowdown. My next
> attempt had too much dosync, in that there were many threads but they
> were all waiting for each other.
> I finally rewrote the calc-state routine to batch the units of work
> into meaty sizes, and to minimize the dosync granularity. It gets the
> batches of new-state together, then goes and applies these in batches.
> In both events I use pmap.
> Now it is running really fast on my 4-core Intel i7. You will really
> notice a difference at larger grid sizes. On my i7 it keeps the 8 (due
> to hyperthreading) "cpus" busy at about 60% when I run a huge grid.
> I also updated paint-cells with a type hint that greatly reduces
> reflection in that performance critical code.
> I am very new to clojure and would appreciate feedback. I am concerned
> I may have overcomplicated things with my usage of the map/pmap form.
> I am guessing there may be a simpler way to write what I did.
> Note at the start it will automatically select how many "available-
> procs" you have. Try tweaking this on your hardware to see how it
> impacts performance. Watching the threads with a profiler is
> interesting.
> Here is is:
> (def cells (ref {}))
> (def running (ref false))
> ;(def x-cells ( * 32 4))
> ;(def y-cells ( * 48 4))
> (def x-cells 32)
> (def y-cells 32)
> (def range-cells (for [x (range x-cells) y (range y-cells)] [x y]))
> (def length-range-cells (count range-cells))
> (def cell-size 10)
> (def life-delay 0)
> (def life-initial-prob 3)
> (def available-procs (.. java.lang.Runtime getRuntime
> availableProcessors))
> (defn determine-initial-state [x y]
>   (= 0 (rand-int life-initial-prob)))
> (defn determine-new-state [x y]
>   (let [alive (count (for [dx [-1 0 1] dy [-1 0 1]
>                            :when (and (not (= 0 dx dy))
>                                    (cells [ (mod (+ x dx) x-cells)
> (mod (+ y dy) y-cells)]))]
>                        :alive))]
>     (if (cells [x y])
>       (< 1 alive 4)
>       (= alive 3
> (defn update-batch-of-new-cells [new-cells list-of-batches]
>   (dosync
>     (dorun (map #(commute new-cells assoc (first %) (second %))
>              list-of-batches))
>     ))
> (defn calc-batch-of-new-cell-states [cell-state batch-cells]
>   (doall (map
>            #(let [new-cell-state (cell-state (first %) (second %))]
>               [[(first %) (second %)] new-cell-state])
>            batch-cells)))
> (defn calc-state [cell-state]
>   (let [new-cells (ref {})]
>     (dorun (pmap #(update-batch-of-new-cells new-cells %)
>              (pmap #(calc-batch-of-new-cell-states cell-state %)
>                (for [cpu (range available-procs)] (take-nth available-
> procs (drop cpu range-cells))
>     (dosync (ref-set cells @new-cells
> (defn paint-cells [#^java.awt.Graphics graphics]
>   (doseq [[[x,y] state] @cells]
>     (doto graphics
>       (. setColor (if state Color/RED Color/WHITE))
>       (. fillRect (* cell-size x) (* cell-size y) cell-size cell-
> size
> (defn toggle-thread [#^JPanel panel button]
>   (if @running
>     (do (dosync (ref-set running false))
>       (. button (setText "Start")))
>     (do (dosync (ref-set running true))
>       (. button (setText "Stop"))
>       (. (Thread.
>            #(loop []
>               (calc-state determine-new-state)
>               (. panel repaint)
>               (if life-delay (Thread/sleep life-delay))
>               (if @running (recur
>         start
> (defn -main[]
>   (calc-state determine-initial-state)
>   (let [f (JFrame.)
>         b (JButton. "Start")
>         panel (proxy [JPanel] [] (paint [graphics] (paint-cells
> graphics)))]
>     (doto f
>       (. setLayout (BorderLayout.))
>       (. setLocation 100 100)
>       (. setPreferredSize (Dimension. (* cell-size x-cells) (+ 60 (*
> cell-size y-cells
>       (. add b BorderLayout/SOUTH)
>       (. add panel BorderLayout/CENTER)
>       (. setDefaultCloseOperation JFrame/EXIT_ON_CLOSE)
>       (. pack)
>       (. setVisible true))
>     (. b addActionListener
>       (proxy [ActionList

Re: "08" and "09" are invalid numbers, but "01" through "07" are fine?

2009-03-16 Thread Paul Stadig
I couldn't find anything on the page, but someone
had just posted an example of notation for alternative bases.

It looks like you just enter r

user=> 2r1000
user=> 3r300
java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "300"
user=> 3r200


On Sun, Mar 15, 2009 at 10:53 PM, Aaron Brooks  wrote:

> Rather than going to the horrible effort  of looking up to see
> if Clojure had support for binary notation, I had a Clojure prompt so
> I just tried it and got semi-surprising results:
> user=> #b010001
> java.lang.Exception: No dispatch macro for: b
> 4097
> I'm not surprised that Clojure complains of not knowing what manner of
> macro #b is but I was impressed (?) that it still yielded the correct
> value. Somewhere, deep in Clojure's little heart, it wants to do other
> bases.
> So, here's a request -- can we get macro dispatch for other base
> numbers? The CL notation is reasonable, already known and quite
> readable. Besides, Clojure tells me it /really/ /wants/ to... ;-)
> -Aaron
> On Fri, Mar 13, 2009 at 9:19 AM, David Sletten  wrote:
> >
> >
> > On Mar 13, 2009, at 3:07 AM, Michael Wood wrote:
> >>
> >> This is pretty standard behaviour.
> >>
> >> On the other hand, it's not universal.
> >>
> >> sbcl:
> >>
> >> * 07
> >>
> >> 7
> >> * 08
> >>
> >> 8
> >>
> >
> > Common Lisp uses a separate syntax for binary/octal/hex literals. Legal:
> > #b1011, #o377, #xDEADBEEF, #36rZZZ (Base 36 anyone?)
> > Illegal:
> > #b2, #o8, #xQUICKSAND
> >
> > (Of course, #36rCLOJURE => 27432414842 :-) )
> >
> > Aloha,
> > David Sletten
> >
> >
> >
> > >
> >
> >

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Symbols evaluated at compile time?

2009-03-16 Thread Elena


in this code:

(defn main []

(defn check-services []

if I call slime-eval-defun on "main" before calling it on "check-
services", Clojure aborts with:

java.lang.Exception: Unable to resolve symbol: check-services in this
context (NO_SOURCE_FILE:3)
  [Thrown class clojure.lang.Compiler$CompilerException]

Is it expected?

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Re: Symbols evaluated at compile time?

2009-03-16 Thread Christophe Grand

Elena a écrit :
> Hi,
> in this code:
> (defn main []
>   (check-services))
> (defn check-services []
>   1)
> if I call slime-eval-defun on "main" before calling it on "check-
> services", Clojure aborts with:
> java.lang.Exception: Unable to resolve symbol: check-services in this
> context (NO_SOURCE_FILE:3)
>   [Thrown class clojure.lang.Compiler$CompilerException]
> Is it expected?

Yes, it prevents typos to go unnoticed. You can write a forward 
declaration :

(declare check-services); equivalent to (def check-services)

(defn main []

(defn check-services []



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Re: Symbols evaluated at compile time?

2009-03-16 Thread Konrad Hinsen

On 16.03.2009, at 11:35, Elena wrote:

> in this code:
> (defn main []
>   (check-services))
> (defn check-services []
>   1)
> if I call slime-eval-defun on "main" before calling it on "check-
> services", Clojure aborts with:
> java.lang.Exception: Unable to resolve symbol: check-services in this
> context (NO_SOURCE_FILE:3)
>   [Thrown class clojure.lang.Compiler$CompilerException]
> Is it expected?

Yes. Clojure checks that symbols are defined before they are used.  
You can put

(declare check-services)

before your definition of main to define the symbol and make it clear  
to the (human) reader that you indeed to give the real definition later.


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Re: Symbols evaluated at compile time?

2009-03-16 Thread Elena

On Mar 16, 10:40 am, Christophe Grand  wrote:

> Yes, it prevents typos to go unnoticed. You can write a forward
> declaration :
> (declare check-services); equivalent to (def check-services)
> (defn main []
>         (check-services))
> (defn check-services []
>         1)

OK, thanks. I was expecting a behavior similar to Scheme (and maybe
Common Lisp).

Doesn't that hampers interactive development? I mean: you have to
develop the program in a more controlled manner.

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Re: Promise for absense of side effects

2009-03-16 Thread Robert Pfeiffer

Meikel Brandmeyer schrieb:

> I remember some presentation of someone doing this for,
> I think, Python. There you hint things, where the type is
> known and the compiler inferred the rest as far as possible.
> What cannot be inferred was cast to a special type called
> "dynamic". So this roughly worked like type hints in Clojure.
> Just with a bit more inference and "dynamic" meaning
> "reflection".

Did you mean this:

It was presented at the JVM Summit, so Rich may already have given a
thought to this.
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Which Java book(s) to order

2009-03-16 Thread DonLeo


My background: about 40 years experience in many fields of computing,
mainly in the Scientific Computing Area. My experience ranges from
working with small machines (not in physical size - 4 Kbyte core
memory) in 1970, early adapter of Unix (1976), early experimentor with
Linux (from version 0.12 I seem to remember), and I have used or
experimented with MANY programming languages, including LISP,
Objective-C, Smalltalk, Scheme, Python and Ruby but didnt make real
practical use of many due to political restrictions and standards
within the company I worked for.
Now I am being drawn to dig into Clojure, and being retired, I should
have enough time for that. HOWEVER, for some reason I always kept
clear from JAVA... The reason for that I wont go into at this moment.
Clojure and also the JVM make me recosider this. The JVM is something
which cant be ignored, certainly seeing the very good use of it for
example by Clojure and JRuby. (It does remind me of the P-code what
was generated by the first Pascal compiler)

The question: As i think I should get a better understanding of Java
and the environment of the JVM to better understand the Clojure
environment, I need to get one or two books on that, to lay a base to
build upon. So I need suggestions on my order with Amazon:

What book or books should I order to base my JAVA knowledgde on ?

Of course if this information is available in a good, readable way on
the web, I would appreciate it to have some pointers, but I want to
have at least ONE real book to fall back to.

Thanks for your suggestions.

Leo Noordhuizen - The Netherlands

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Re: Which Java book(s) to order

2009-03-16 Thread Paul Drummond

2009/3/16 DonLeo :
> What book or books should I order to base my JAVA knowledge on ?

I would suggest the following:

1.  Thinking in Java by Bruce Eckel

I learned C++ by reading Thinking in C++ by the same author so it was
a natural progression to move on to this book.  It's very big but then
so is the Java language :)

2. Effective Java by Joshua Bloch

Not for learning Java but excellent for learning how to write quality
Java code.  A must read IMO.

3. Java Concurrency in Practise

I have not read this yet but I want to as Rich praises it in his
concurrency talk.

Paul Drummond
Iode Software Ltd, registered in England No. 6299803.

Registered Office Address: 12 Sancroft Drive, Houghton-le-Spring, Tyne
& Wear, DH5 8NE.

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Re: Which Java book(s) to order

2009-03-16 Thread David Sletten

On Mar 16, 2009, at 12:19 AM, DonLeo wrote:

> Hi,
> My background: about 40 years experience in many fields of computing,
> mainly in the Scientific Computing Area. My experience ranges from
> working with small machines (not in physical size - 4 Kbyte core
> memory) in 1970, early adapter of Unix (1976), early experimentor with
> Linux (from version 0.12 I seem to remember), and I have used or
> experimented with MANY programming languages, including LISP,
> Objective-C, Smalltalk, Scheme, Python and Ruby but didnt make real
> practical use of many due to political restrictions and standards
> within the company I worked for.
> Now I am being drawn to dig into Clojure, and being retired, I should
> have enough time for that. HOWEVER, for some reason I always kept
> clear from JAVA... The reason for that I wont go into at this moment.
> Clojure and also the JVM make me recosider this. The JVM is something
> which cant be ignored, certainly seeing the very good use of it for
> example by Clojure and JRuby. (It does remind me of the P-code what
> was generated by the first Pascal compiler)
> The question: As i think I should get a better understanding of Java
> and the environment of the JVM to better understand the Clojure
> environment, I need to get one or two books on that, to lay a base to
> build upon. So I need suggestions on my order with Amazon:
> What book or books should I order to base my JAVA knowledgde on ?

Here are 3 good books on Java fundamentals:
1. Java Programming from the Beginning 

Two caveats here:
-This book may be too rudimentary considering your experience. A good  
intro to OOP though if you're looking for it.
-I thought he had a newer edition out. This one is from 2000, so it  
doesn't cover the new stuff in Java 1.5

2. Just Java 

3. Learning Java 

Pretty up-to-date and covers a lot of ground.

David Sletten

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Re: filter1 interesting?

2009-03-16 Thread Rich Hickey

On Mar 14, 11:26 am, Stuart Sierra 
> I've added a "seek" function to clojure.contrib.seq-utils:
> (defn seek
>   "Returns the first item of coll for which (pred item) returns
> logical true.
>   Consumes sequences up to the first match, will consume the entire
> sequence
>   and return nil if no match is found."
>   [pred coll]
>   (first (filter pred coll)))

Sorry to jump in late, but one problem with seek is that it is a
homophone of seq.

Did anyone consider ffilter or find-first?


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Re: Which Java book(s) to order

2009-03-16 Thread Mark Feeney

I hate "+1" emails, but this is essentially just that.

"Java Concurrency in Practice" gets my vote as the most important book
to read about Java.  I always keep it and "Effective Java" close at
hand.  Both of these are references for when you "know some java";
they're not really tutorials.

I haven't read "Thinking in Java", so I can't comment on that one.

On Mar 16, 7:50 am, Paul Drummond  wrote:
> 2009/3/16 DonLeo :
> > What book or books should I order to base my JAVA knowledge on ?
> I would suggest the following:
> 1.  Thinking in Java by Bruce Eckel
> I learned C++ by reading Thinking in C++ by the same author so it was
> a natural progression to move on to this book.  It's very big but then
> so is the Java language :)
> 2. Effective Java by Joshua Bloch
> Not for learning Java but excellent for learning how to write quality
> Java code.  A must read IMO.
> 3. Java Concurrency in Practise
> I have not read this yet but I want to as Rich praises it in his
> concurrency talk.
> Cheers,
> Paul Drummond
> --
> Iode Software Ltd, registered in England No. 6299803.
> Registered Office Address: 12 Sancroft Drive, Houghton-le-Spring, Tyne
> & Wear, DH5 8NE.
> This message is intended only for the use of the person(s) ("the
> intended recipient(s)") to whom it is addressed. It may contain
> information which is privileged and confidential within the meaning of
> applicable law. If you are not the intended recipient, please contact
> the sender as soon as possible. The views expressed in this
> communication may not necessarily be the views held by The Company.
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Re: Which Java book(s) to order

2009-03-16 Thread Paul Stadig
The 3rd edition of Thinking in Java is available on the author's website for


On Mon, Mar 16, 2009 at 8:47 AM, Mark Feeney  wrote:

> I hate "+1" emails, but this is essentially just that.
> "Java Concurrency in Practice" gets my vote as the most important book
> to read about Java.  I always keep it and "Effective Java" close at
> hand.  Both of these are references for when you "know some java";
> they're not really tutorials.
> I haven't read "Thinking in Java", so I can't comment on that one.
> On Mar 16, 7:50 am, Paul Drummond  wrote:
> > 2009/3/16 DonLeo :
> >
> > > What book or books should I order to base my JAVA knowledge on ?
> >
> > I would suggest the following:
> >
> > 1.  Thinking in Java by Bruce Eckel
> >
> > I learned C++ by reading Thinking in C++ by the same author so it was
> > a natural progression to move on to this book.  It's very big but then
> > so is the Java language :)
> >
> > 2. Effective Java by Joshua Bloch
> >
> > Not for learning Java but excellent for learning how to write quality
> > Java code.  A must read IMO.
> >
> > 3. Java Concurrency in Practise
> >
> > I have not read this yet but I want to as Rich praises it in his
> > concurrency talk.
> >
> > Cheers,
> > Paul Drummond
> > --
> > Iode Software Ltd, registered in England No. 6299803.
> >
> > Registered Office Address: 12 Sancroft Drive, Houghton-le-Spring, Tyne
> > & Wear, DH5 8NE.
> >
> > This message is intended only for the use of the person(s) ("the
> > intended recipient(s)") to whom it is addressed. It may contain
> > information which is privileged and confidential within the meaning of
> > applicable law. If you are not the intended recipient, please contact
> > the sender as soon as possible. The views expressed in this
> > communication may not necessarily be the views held by The Company.
> >

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Re: Which Java book(s) to order

2009-03-16 Thread Paul Drummond

2009/3/16 Paul Stadig :
> The 3rd edition of Thinking in Java is available on the author's website for
> free.

That's true but beware it is quite old now and doesn't cover Java 5 or 6.

The fourth edition (which isn't freely available) is the latest and it
includes significant updates for Java 5 and Java 6 including
substantial changes and updates to the concurrency chapter and of
course coverage of all the additions in Java 5/6 (like generics,
enums, etc).


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Re: swank-clojure: swank-clojure-init-files not used

2009-03-16 Thread David Nolen
On Mon, Mar 16, 2009 at 3:42 AM, Tassilo Horn wrote:
> When adding ~/.clojure/ to `swank-clojure-extra-classpaths' and starting
> SLIME, htop shows that this directory is not in the -cp java option.
> Sending a SIGINT kills the clojure process and doesn't interrupt the
> current Thread only...

I've noted that you cannot interactively change that variable.  If you
change it you must restart your emacs session for it to take effect. If you
haven't already checked this of course.


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Re: swank-clojure: swank-clojure-init-files not used

2009-03-16 Thread Tassilo Horn

David Nolen  writes:

Hi David,

>> When adding ~/.clojure/ to `swank-clojure-extra-classpaths' and
>> starting SLIME, htop shows that this directory is not in the -cp java
>> option.  Sending a SIGINT kills the clojure process and doesn't
>> interrupt the current Thread only...
> I've noted that you cannot interactively change that variable.  If you
> change it you must restart your emacs session for it to take
> effect. If you haven't already checked this of course.

I've checked that right now to be sure, and still ~/.clojure/ is not
added to the classpath option of the java invocation command line.

Windows: So easy to admin, even a worm can do it.

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Re: filter1 interesting?

2009-03-16 Thread André Thieme

On 16 Mrz., 13:14, Rich Hickey  wrote:
> On Mar 14, 11:26 am, Stuart Sierra 
> wrote:
> > I've added a "seek" function to clojure.contrib.seq-utils:
> > (defn seek
> >   "Returns the first item of coll for which (pred item) returns
> > logical true.
> >   Consumes sequences up to the first match, will consume the entire
> > sequence
> >   and return nil if no match is found."
> >   [pred coll]
> >   (first (filter pred coll)))
> Sorry to jump in late, but one problem with seek is that it is a
> homophone of seq.
> Did anyone consider ffilter or find-first?

In that case I would vote for ffilter.
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Re: filter1 interesting?

2009-03-16 Thread Laurent PETIT
Just to make me more enemies ;-), I would prefer, on the other hand,
find-first over ffirst (I'm not that nostalgic of some Common Lisp-like
abbreviations :-)

No, really, ffirst is just 3 characters shorter than find-first, and looks
like a typo at first glance.


2009/3/16 André Thieme 

> On 16 Mrz., 13:14, Rich Hickey  wrote:
> > On Mar 14, 11:26 am, Stuart Sierra 
> > wrote:
> >
> > > I've added a "seek" function to clojure.contrib.seq-utils:
> >
> > > (defn seek
> > >   "Returns the first item of coll for which (pred item) returns
> > > logical true.
> > >   Consumes sequences up to the first match, will consume the entire
> > > sequence
> > >   and return nil if no match is found."
> > >   [pred coll]
> > >   (first (filter pred coll)))
> >
> > Sorry to jump in late, but one problem with seek is that it is a
> > homophone of seq.
> >
> > Did anyone consider ffilter or find-first?
> In that case I would vote for ffilter.
> >

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Re: Parallel Game of Life

2009-03-16 Thread Larry Sherrill

It would be interesting to throw gridgain (
into the mix and let people register their machines as part of a CA
grid. Not sure the remote overhead would pay for itself but it would
be interesting.

On Mar 16, 3:03 am, bOR_  wrote:
> Nice! A few more days of work and I've time to play with these kind of
> things again. Here are some comments, based on your description.
> As game of life is a cellular automata, you do not need any blocking
> at all, so you could use agents, rather than refs. It does become an
> asynchronous CA then, but that fits for game of life :).
> Every cell would be an agent. Agents read the state of their
> neighbouring cells and update their own state. If world is a vector of
> agents, then (doseq [a world] (send a update)) (apply await world)
> would update the whole grid once, using all the processors that java
> can find.
> On Mar 16, 5:31 am, Scott Fraser  wrote:
> > I have taken Larry's "Game of Life" example that he originally posted
> > here:
> >
> > ...and updated it to use all the CPU's your JVM has access to. My
> > first attempts ran into the classic map -> pmap slowdown. My next
> > attempt had too much dosync, in that there were many threads but they
> > were all waiting for each other.
> > I finally rewrote the calc-state routine to batch the units of work
> > into meaty sizes, and to minimize the dosync granularity. It gets the
> > batches of new-state together, then goes and applies these in batches.
> > In both events I use pmap.
> > Now it is running really fast on my 4-core Intel i7. You will really
> > notice a difference at larger grid sizes. On my i7 it keeps the 8 (due
> > to hyperthreading) "cpus" busy at about 60% when I run a huge grid.
> > I also updated paint-cells with a type hint that greatly reduces
> > reflection in that performance critical code.
> > I am very new to clojure and would appreciate feedback. I am concerned
> > I may have overcomplicated things with my usage of the map/pmap form.
> > I am guessing there may be a simpler way to write what I did.
> > Note at the start it will automatically select how many "available-
> > procs" you have. Try tweaking this on your hardware to see how it
> > impacts performance. Watching the threads with a profiler is
> > interesting.
> > Here is is:
> > (def cells (ref {}))
> > (def running (ref false))
> > ;(def x-cells ( * 32 4))
> > ;(def y-cells ( * 48 4))
> > (def x-cells 32)
> > (def y-cells 32)
> > (def range-cells (for [x (range x-cells) y (range y-cells)] [x y]))
> > (def length-range-cells (count range-cells))
> > (def cell-size 10)
> > (def life-delay 0)
> > (def life-initial-prob 3)
> > (def available-procs (.. java.lang.Runtime getRuntime
> > availableProcessors))
> > (defn determine-initial-state [x y]
> >   (= 0 (rand-int life-initial-prob)))
> > (defn determine-new-state [x y]
> >   (let [alive (count (for [dx [-1 0 1] dy [-1 0 1]
> >                            :when (and (not (= 0 dx dy))
> >                                    (cells [ (mod (+ x dx) x-cells)
> > (mod (+ y dy) y-cells)]))]
> >                        :alive))]
> >     (if (cells [x y])
> >       (< 1 alive 4)
> >       (= alive 3
> > (defn update-batch-of-new-cells [new-cells list-of-batches]
> >   (dosync
> >     (dorun (map #(commute new-cells assoc (first %) (second %))
> >              list-of-batches))
> >     ))
> > (defn calc-batch-of-new-cell-states [cell-state batch-cells]
> >   (doall (map
> >            #(let [new-cell-state (cell-state (first %) (second %))]
> >               [[(first %) (second %)] new-cell-state])
> >            batch-cells)))
> > (defn calc-state [cell-state]
> >   (let [new-cells (ref {})]
> >     (dorun (pmap #(update-batch-of-new-cells new-cells %)
> >              (pmap #(calc-batch-of-new-cell-states cell-state %)
> >                (for [cpu (range available-procs)] (take-nth available-
> > procs (drop cpu range-cells))
> >     (dosync (ref-set cells @new-cells
> > (defn paint-cells [#^java.awt.Graphics graphics]
> >   (doseq [[[x,y] state] @cells]
> >     (doto graphics
> >       (. setColor (if state Color/RED Color/WHITE))
> >       (. fillRect (* cell-size x) (* cell-size y) cell-size cell-
> > size
> > (defn toggle-thread [#^JPanel panel button]
> >   (if @running
> >     (do (dosync (ref-set running false))
> >       (. button (setText "Start")))
> >     (do (dosync (ref-set running true))
> >       (. button (setText "Stop"))
> >       (. (Thread.
> >            #(loop []
> >               (calc-state determine-new-state)
> >               (. panel repaint)
> >               (if life-delay (Thread/sleep life-delay))
> >               (if @running (recur
> >         start
> > (defn -main[]
> >   (calc-state determine-initial-state)
> >   (let [f (JFrame.)
> >         b (JButton. "Start")
> >         panel (proxy [JPanel] [] (paint 

Re: Parallel Game of Life

2009-03-16 Thread Laurent PETIT

2009/3/16 bOR_ 

> Nice! A few more days of work and I've time to play with these kind of
> things again. Here are some comments, based on your description.
> As game of life is a cellular automata, you do not need any blocking
> at all, so you could use agents, rather than refs. It does become an
> asynchronous CA then, but that fits for game of life :).
> Every cell would be an agent. Agents read the state of their
> neighbouring cells and update their own state. If world is a vector of
> agents, then (doseq [a world] (send a update)) (apply await world)
> would update the whole grid once, using all the processors that java
> can find.

I'm not very used to concurrent programming, so I have a few questions you
may find naïve, but well, let's just pretend they're interesting  ... :

It seems to me that the game of life works in "increments" of its "world".
So I don't see at first what can be gained by using one agent for each cell.
Because then, you'll still have to coordinate the work of the agents in your
I suspect you suggested to use agents because by using agents, you gain an
abstraction for parallel programming for free, and that you are not using
agent for what I think they are for in the first place: asynchronized



> On Mar 16, 5:31 am, Scott Fraser  wrote:
> > I have taken Larry's "Game of Life" example that he originally posted
> > here:
> >
> >
> >
> > ...and updated it to use all the CPU's your JVM has access to. My
> > first attempts ran into the classic map -> pmap slowdown. My next
> > attempt had too much dosync, in that there were many threads but they
> > were all waiting for each other.
> >
> > I finally rewrote the calc-state routine to batch the units of work
> > into meaty sizes, and to minimize the dosync granularity. It gets the
> > batches of new-state together, then goes and applies these in batches.
> > In both events I use pmap.
> >
> > Now it is running really fast on my 4-core Intel i7. You will really
> > notice a difference at larger grid sizes. On my i7 it keeps the 8 (due
> > to hyperthreading) "cpus" busy at about 60% when I run a huge grid.
> >
> > I also updated paint-cells with a type hint that greatly reduces
> > reflection in that performance critical code.
> >
> > I am very new to clojure and would appreciate feedback. I am concerned
> > I may have overcomplicated things with my usage of the map/pmap form.
> > I am guessing there may be a simpler way to write what I did.
> >
> > Note at the start it will automatically select how many "available-
> > procs" you have. Try tweaking this on your hardware to see how it
> > impacts performance. Watching the threads with a profiler is
> > interesting.
> >
> > Here is is:
> >
> > (def cells (ref {}))
> > (def running (ref false))
> > ;(def x-cells ( * 32 4))
> > ;(def y-cells ( * 48 4))
> > (def x-cells 32)
> > (def y-cells 32)
> > (def range-cells (for [x (range x-cells) y (range y-cells)] [x y]))
> > (def length-range-cells (count range-cells))
> > (def cell-size 10)
> > (def life-delay 0)
> > (def life-initial-prob 3)
> > (def available-procs (.. java.lang.Runtime getRuntime
> > availableProcessors))
> >
> > (defn determine-initial-state [x y]
> >   (= 0 (rand-int life-initial-prob)))
> >
> > (defn determine-new-state [x y]
> >   (let [alive (count (for [dx [-1 0 1] dy [-1 0 1]
> >:when (and (not (= 0 dx dy))
> >(cells [ (mod (+ x dx) x-cells)
> > (mod (+ y dy) y-cells)]))]
> >:alive))]
> > (if (cells [x y])
> >   (< 1 alive 4)
> >   (= alive 3
> >
> > (defn update-batch-of-new-cells [new-cells list-of-batches]
> >   (dosync
> > (dorun (map #(commute new-cells assoc (first %) (second %))
> >  list-of-batches))
> > ))
> >
> > (defn calc-batch-of-new-cell-states [cell-state batch-cells]
> >   (doall (map
> >#(let [new-cell-state (cell-state (first %) (second %))]
> >   [[(first %) (second %)] new-cell-state])
> >batch-cells)))
> >
> > (defn calc-state [cell-state]
> >   (let [new-cells (ref {})]
> > (dorun (pmap #(update-batch-of-new-cells new-cells %)
> >  (pmap #(calc-batch-of-new-cell-states cell-state %)
> >(for [cpu (range available-procs)] (take-nth available-
> > procs (drop cpu range-cells))
> > (dosync (ref-set cells @new-cells
> >
> > (defn paint-cells [#^java.awt.Graphics graphics]
> >   (doseq [[[x,y] state] @cells]
> > (doto graphics
> >   (. setColor (if state Color/RED Color/WHITE))
> >   (. fillRect (* cell-size x) (* cell-size y) cell-size cell-
> > size
> >
> > (defn toggle-thread [#^JPanel panel button]
> >   (if @running
> > (do (dosync (ref-set running false))
> >   (. button (setText "Start")))
> > (do (dosync (ref-set running true))
> >   (. button (s

Re: Game of Life

2009-03-16 Thread Larry Sherrill

Very cool. Thanks for the tip. I didn't know a type hint would make
that much difference.

Another possible speedup would be to use send/actor to take advantage
of multiprocessor machines. Would be curious if the overhead would pay
for itself in this situation.

Thanks, Larry

On Mar 14, 8:03 pm, Scott Fraser  wrote:
> Hi Larry
> I have a performance tweak, that gives about an order of magnitude
> speedup to paint-cells when running this with a large grid and no or
> little (Thread/sleep life-delay) in toggle-thread. That is how I am
> running it now - 128 x 192 cells with no delay! It is also noticeably
> faster on the more typical size grid.
> Type hint is on the graphics param:
> (defn paint-cells [#^java.awt.Graphics graphics]
>     (time (doseq [[[x,y] state] @cells]
>          (doto graphics
>             (. setColor (if state Color/RED Color/WHITE))
>             (. fillRect (* cell-size x) (* cell-size y) cell-size cell-
> size)
> Example, with type hint:
> "Elapsed time: 45.871193 msecs"
> "Elapsed time: 39.209662 msecs"
> "Elapsed time: 43.899504 msecs"
> Without:
> "Elapsed time: 529.635331 msecs"
> "Elapsed time: 438.145769 msecs"
> "Elapsed time: 442.839872 msecs"
> I would imagine there may be some other way to get clojure to cache
> the reflected handle to Graphics, but I am still a little new to this
> so don't have any other ideas on how to eliminate the high amount of
> reflection without a type hint.
> -Scott
> On Mar 4, 4:17 pm, Larry Sherrill  wrote:
> > I've incorporated everyone's suggestions and thought I would post the
> > resulting smaller code. I refactored init-cells away and just pass in
> > an init or new function to calc-state to reuse the for loop. I made
> > determine-next-state a little more verbose than technically necessary
> > to makeconway'srules more obvious to me. The refs "cells" and
> > "running" don't feel very functional but I don't know how to get rid
> > of them.
> > (import '(javax.swing JFrame JPanel JButton)
> >         '(java.awt BorderLayout Dimension Color)
> >         '(java.awt.event ActionListener))
> > (def cells (ref {}))
> > (def running (ref false))
> > (defn determine-initial-state [x y]
> >   (= 0 (rand-int 5)))
> > (defn determine-new-state [x y]
> >   (let [neighbor-count
> >          (count (for [dx [-1 0 1] dy [-1 0 1]
> >                   :when (and (not (= 0 dx dy))
> >                              (cells [(+ x dx) (+ y dy)]))]
> >                   :alive))]
> >     (if (cells [x y])
> >         (< 1 neighbor-count 4)
> >         (= neighbor-count 3
> > (defn calc-state [cell-state]
> >   (dosync
> >     (ref-set cells
> >       (reduce conj {}
> >         (for [x (range 32) y (range 48)]
> >           [[x y] (cell-state x y)])
> > (defn paint-cells [graphics]
> >      (doseq [[[x, y] state] @cells]
> >        (doto graphics
> >          (. setColor (if state Color/RED Color/WHITE))
> >          (. fillRect (* 10 x) (* 10 y) 10 10
> > (defn toggle-thread [panel button]
> >     (if @running
> >       (do (dosync (ref-set running false))
> >           (. button (setText "Start")))
> >       (do (dosync (ref-set running true))
> >           (. button (setText "Stop"))
> >           (. (Thread.
> >                  #(loop []
> >                     (calc-state determine-new-state)
> >                     (. panel repaint)
> >                     (Thread/sleep 100)
> >                     (if @running (recur
> >                  start
> > (defn main[]
> >     (calc-state determine-initial-state)
> >     (let [f (JFrame.)
> >           b (JButton. "Start")
> >           panel (proxy [JPanel] [] (paint [graphics] (paint-cells
> > graphics)))]
> >         (doto f
> >             (. setLayout (BorderLayout.))
> >             (. setLocation 100 100)
> >             (. setPreferredSize (Dimension. 320 540))
> >             (. add b BorderLayout/SOUTH)
> >             (. add panel BorderLayout/CENTER)
> >             (. setDefaultCloseOperation JFrame/EXIT_ON_CLOSE)
> >             (. pack)
> >             (. setVisible true))
> >         (. b addActionListener
> >            (proxy [ActionListener] []
> >                 (actionPerformed [evt] (toggle-thread panel b))
> > (main)
> > Thanks for everyone. Very good learning experience.
> > Larry
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Re: Parallel Game of Life

2009-03-16 Thread Kyle R. Burton
On Mon, Mar 16, 2009 at 12:31 AM, Scott Fraser  wrote:
> I have taken Larry's "Game of Life" example that he originally posted
> here:
> ...and updated it to use all the CPU's your JVM has access to...


Your changes indeed make it run significantly faster for me.  Thanks!

I added a 'reset' button and changed some of the java method calls to
be a bit more (I think) idomatic clojure.

The full file is here:

And a patch is attached (you also left off the import statements in you email).

FYI: Scott Fraser is giving a talk on clojure at the Philly Emerging
Technologies for the Enterprise conference next week:


Kyle Burton


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Description: Binary data

Re: Parallel Game of Life

2009-03-16 Thread Larry Sherrill

Hi Kyle,

I added life-conway.clj to the files section last week. It has rand,
clear, and bounded buttons, and the ability to use your mouse to draw
the pattern rather than rely on rand. It's a good way to experiment
with different automata such as gliders.

Larry Sherrill

On Mar 16, 9:33 am, "Kyle R. Burton"  wrote:
> On Mon, Mar 16, 2009 at 12:31 AM, Scott Fraser  
> wrote:
> > I have taken Larry's "Game of Life" example that he originally posted
> > here:
> >
> > ...and updated it to use all the CPU's your JVM has access to...
> Scott,
> Your changes indeed make it run significantly faster for me.  Thanks!
> I added a 'reset' button and changed some of the java method calls to
> be a bit more (I think) idomatic clojure.
> The full file is 
> here:
> And a patch is attached (you also left off the import statements in you 
> email).
> FYI: Scott Fraser is giving a talk on clojure at the Philly Emerging
> Technologies for the Enterprise conference next week:
> Regards,
> Kyle Burton
> --
> --- 
> ---
> --- 
> ---
>  life.patch
> 3KViewDownload
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Re: Parallel Game of Life

2009-03-16 Thread bOR_

> I'm not very used to concurrent programming, so I have a few questions you
> may find naïve, but well, let's just pretend they're interesting  ... :

Learning here as well :).

> It seems to me that the game of life works in "increments" of its "world".
> So I don't see at first what can be gained by using one agent for each cell.
> Because then, you'll still have to coordinate the work of the agents in your
> code.

> I suspect you suggested to use agents because by using agents, you gain an
> abstraction for parallel programming for free, and that you are not using
> agent for what I think they are for in the first place: asynchronized
> computing.

Each cell in a cellular automata  (of which game of life is an
example) only wants to change itself, based on certain rules and its
neighbours.. so there should never be any blocking. You are right that
the cellular automata would become asynchronous when using agents, and
whether or not you want that depends on what you want to simulate.
I'll see if I can write a agent-based version for it when time allows.
it will be a good exercise for me as well.

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Re: filter1 interesting?

2009-03-16 Thread e
Rich didn't chime in about the overload of 'first', which probably means
that's out.  find-first is better than ffirst, but it's not really accurate,
IMO.  You don't have to "find" it.  it's just the first one for which the
predicate is true.  (get-first ... ) has one less letter than (find-first
...) but there's probably some other problem with that.  (first ...) is the
most genius to me if you step back from historical ties ... and newbies like
me have the best chance of discovering it.  But keep in mind, I'm just
casually following the discussions right now -- not working in clojure at
the moment.

On Mon, Mar 16, 2009 at 10:51 AM, Laurent PETIT wrote:

> Just to make me more enemies ;-), I would prefer, on the other hand,
> find-first over ffirst (I'm not that nostalgic of some Common Lisp-like
> abbreviations :-)
> No, really, ffirst is just 3 characters shorter than find-first, and looks
> like a typo at first glance.
> --
> Laurent
> 2009/3/16 André Thieme 
>> On 16 Mrz., 13:14, Rich Hickey  wrote:
>> > On Mar 14, 11:26 am, Stuart Sierra 
>> > wrote:
>> >
>> > > I've added a "seek" function to clojure.contrib.seq-utils:
>> >
>> > > (defn seek
>> > >   "Returns the first item of coll for which (pred item) returns
>> > > logical true.
>> > >   Consumes sequences up to the first match, will consume the entire
>> > > sequence
>> > >   and return nil if no match is found."
>> > >   [pred coll]
>> > >   (first (filter pred coll)))
>> >
>> > Sorry to jump in late, but one problem with seek is that it is a
>> > homophone of seq.
>> >
>> > Did anyone consider ffilter or find-first?
>> In that case I would vote for ffilter.
> >

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Re: Clojure Box

2009-03-16 Thread Kyle R. Burton


Clojure Box works well, I'd like to make a feature request: can you
add paredit [1]?   Including it in the distribution (perhaps with it
disabled) would be great.

Thanks for putting it together.




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Re: Qi's type system

2009-03-16 Thread Raoul Duke

> could be applicable in Clojure.  From what I gathered from the tweets
> from Qcon, Qi was mentioned again there.  Does anyone know if there
> was anything more to it than "it would be nice"?

(fwiw, Mark T. talked about it a bit on the Qi list.

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Re: swank-clojure-extra-classpaths troubles

2009-03-16 Thread Shawn Hoover
On Tue, Mar 10, 2009 at 7:21 AM, Tassilo Horn wrote:

>   user> (require 'examples.introduction)
> I get this exception:
> ,
> | Could not locate \
> |  examples/introduction__init.class or \
> |  examples/introduction.clj on classpath:  (NO_SOURCE_FILE:0)
> |   [Thrown class clojure.lang.Compiler$CompilerException]
> `
> When I use the script that comes with the examples and start it
> from /home/horn/repos/programming-clojure/ it works (. is in the -cp
> argument), but I guess that's exactly what those extra classpaths of
> clojure-swank are meant for.
> Is this a bug in swank-clojure?  (And if so, is that the right place to
> ask for help with clojure tool support anyway?)
> Bye and thanks for any pointers,
> Tassilo


I was able to reproduce this on my Windows box when I tried hacking in an
extra classpath to an already-running emacs that had already started slime.
It turns out the extra classpaths are only checked when swank is first
loaded and then the value is cached; I had to manually clear
slime-lisp-implementations or restart emacs to fix it.

Are you still having this problem?


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Re: filter1 interesting?

2009-03-16 Thread Josh Daghlian

Anyone for "detect"?

(detect odd? primes) --> 3
(detect even? primes) --> 2
(detect even? (rest primes)) --> runs forever
(detect even? (rest one-million-primes)) --> nil

On Mar 16, 10:51 am, Laurent PETIT  wrote:
> Just to make me more enemies ;-), I would prefer, on the other hand,
> find-first over ffirst (I'm not that nostalgic of some Common Lisp-like
> abbreviations :-)
> No, really, ffirst is just 3 characters shorter than find-first, and looks
> like a typo at first glance.
> --
> Laurent
> 2009/3/16 André Thieme 
> > On 16 Mrz., 13:14, Rich Hickey  wrote:
> > > On Mar 14, 11:26 am, Stuart Sierra 
> > > wrote:
> > > > I've added a "seek" function to clojure.contrib.seq-utils:
> > > > (defn seek
> > > >   "Returns the first item of coll for which (pred item) returns
> > > > logical true.
> > > >   Consumes sequences up to the first match, will consume the entire
> > > > sequence
> > > >   and return nil if no match is found."
> > > >   [pred coll]
> > > >   (first (filter pred coll)))
> > > Sorry to jump in late, but one problem with seek is that it is a
> > > homophone of seq.
> > > Did anyone consider ffilter or find-first?
> > In that case I would vote for ffilter.
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Re: Symbols evaluated at compile time?

2009-03-16 Thread Elena

On Mar 16, 10:43 am, Konrad Hinsen  wrote:

> Yes. Clojure checks that symbols are defined before they are used.  
> You can put
> (declare check-services)
> before your definition of main to define the symbol and make it clear  
> to the (human) reader that you indeed to give the real definition later.

IMHO, this is a no-no for interactive development. I understand that
it helps avoiding undefined symbols, but such code integrity checks
could be delayed to a final compilation stage. Having them earlier
forces you to develop code in a bottom-up way.
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Re: filter1 interesting?

2009-03-16 Thread Daniel Renfer

One of the nice things about overloading first is you could always
just tell people that the one argument version of first is like
saying: (first identity coll) even though the actual implementation
wouldn't need to bother with it.

The problem comes when you consider if we have a predicate-first, then
people will start wanting other functions that do the same thing. Is
(ffirst even? coll) the same as (first even? (first coll)) or (first
(first even? coll)) what about (rest even? coll) ?

Despite all these issues, I still like the idea of a predicate-first.

On Mon, Mar 16, 2009 at 1:07 PM, e  wrote:
> Rich didn't chime in about the overload of 'first', which probably means
> that's out.  find-first is better than ffirst, but it's not really accurate,
> IMO.  You don't have to "find" it.  it's just the first one for which the
> predicate is true.  (get-first ... ) has one less letter than (find-first
> ...) but there's probably some other problem with that.  (first ...) is the
> most genius to me if you step back from historical ties ... and newbies like
> me have the best chance of discovering it.  But keep in mind, I'm just
> casually following the discussions right now -- not working in clojure at
> the moment.
> On Mon, Mar 16, 2009 at 10:51 AM, Laurent PETIT 
> wrote:
>> Just to make me more enemies ;-), I would prefer, on the other hand,
>> find-first over ffirst (I'm not that nostalgic of some Common Lisp-like
>> abbreviations :-)
>> No, really, ffirst is just 3 characters shorter than find-first, and looks
>> like a typo at first glance.
>> --
>> Laurent
>> 2009/3/16 André Thieme 
>>> On 16 Mrz., 13:14, Rich Hickey  wrote:
>>> > On Mar 14, 11:26 am, Stuart Sierra 
>>> > wrote:
>>> >
>>> > > I've added a "seek" function to clojure.contrib.seq-utils:
>>> >
>>> > > (defn seek
>>> > >   "Returns the first item of coll for which (pred item) returns
>>> > > logical true.
>>> > >   Consumes sequences up to the first match, will consume the entire
>>> > > sequence
>>> > >   and return nil if no match is found."
>>> > >   [pred coll]
>>> > >   (first (filter pred coll)))
>>> >
>>> > Sorry to jump in late, but one problem with seek is that it is a
>>> > homophone of seq.
>>> >
>>> > Did anyone consider ffilter or find-first?
>>> In that case I would vote for ffilter.
> >

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Re: filter1 interesting?

2009-03-16 Thread Chouser

On Mon, Mar 16, 2009 at 1:38 PM, Daniel Renfer  wrote:
> One of the nice things about overloading first is you could always
> just tell people that the one argument version of first is like
> saying: (first identity coll) even though the actual implementation
> wouldn't need to bother with it.

I'm afaid not.

If a new 'first' were to act like (first (filter pred coll)), then the
new 'first' could currently be written:

  (first (filter identity '(nil 1 2)))  ==> 1

You can see where I'm headed:

  (first '(nil 1 2))  ==> nil

Thus for some coll, the new (first coll) would *not* be the same as
(first identity coll).


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Re: Promise for absense of side effects

2009-03-16 Thread Meikel Brandmeyer


Am 16.03.2009 um 12:26 schrieb Robert Pfeiffer:

Did you mean this:

It was presented at the JVM Summit, so Rich may already have given a
thought to this.

Argh.. "Gradual Typing" that was term I was missing.

Here some more information.

The Paper (and a unsurprisingly negative discussion) on LtU:

And the video of the talk from the above link.

I don't know, whether this is useful or not, but if we really want
an optional type system, we should investigate the possibilities,
I think.


Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

Re: swank-clojure-extra-classpaths troubles

2009-03-16 Thread Tassilo Horn

Shawn Hoover  writes:

Hi Shawn,

>>   user> (require 'examples.introduction)
>> I get this exception:
>> ,
>> | Could not locate \
>> |  examples/introduction__init.class or \
>> |  examples/introduction.clj on classpath:  (NO_SOURCE_FILE:0)
>> |   [Thrown class clojure.lang.Compiler$CompilerException]
>> `
>> When I use the script that comes with the examples and start
>> it from /home/horn/repos/programming-clojure/ it works (. is in the
>> -cp argument), but I guess that's exactly what those extra classpaths
>> of clojure-swank are meant for.
>> Is this a bug in swank-clojure?  (And if so, is that the right place
>> to ask for help with clojure tool support anyway?)
> I was able to reproduce this on my Windows box when I tried hacking in
> an extra classpath to an already-running emacs that had already
> started slime.  It turns out the extra classpaths are only checked
> when swank is first loaded and then the value is cached; I had to
> manually clear slime-lisp-implementations or restart emacs to fix it.
> Are you still having this problem?

Yes, for me having directories in `swank-clojure-extra-classpaths'
doesn't work at all.  Everything except jar files are discarded.  So
that's the general problem for me, the examples are one specific case
which bites me.


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Re: Symbols evaluated at compile time?

2009-03-16 Thread Meikel Brandmeyer


Am 16.03.2009 um 18:36 schrieb Elena:

IMHO, this is a no-no for interactive development. I understand that
it helps avoiding undefined symbols, but such code integrity checks
could be delayed to a final compilation stage. Having them earlier
forces you to develop code in a bottom-up way.

I don't think so. I start with a function. *hackhackhack*
Then I realise, that some part should be extracted into
a helper function, eg. to share code with third function.

Then it is matter of convention of the local project, whether
this helper function is place in front or after the other functions
combined with a declare.

I use a top-down approach all the time and it works
pretty well in Clojure.


Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

Re: Symbols evaluated at compile time?

2009-03-16 Thread Jeffrey Straszheim
I agree.  It doesn't matter what order the compiler reads the definitions: I
can scroll up and type.
It does effect humans reading the code, however.  Often when looking at
unfamiliar Clojure code, I find myself scrolling to the bottom first.

On Mon, Mar 16, 2009 at 1:58 PM, Meikel Brandmeyer  wrote:

> Hi,
> Am 16.03.2009 um 18:36 schrieb Elena:
>  IMHO, this is a no-no for interactive development. I understand that
>> it helps avoiding undefined symbols, but such code integrity checks
>> could be delayed to a final compilation stage. Having them earlier
>> forces you to develop code in a bottom-up way.
> I don't think so. I start with a function. *hackhackhack*
> Then I realise, that some part should be extracted into
> a helper function, eg. to share code with third function.
> Then it is matter of convention of the local project, whether
> this helper function is place in front or after the other functions
> combined with a declare.
> I use a top-down approach all the time and it works
> pretty well in Clojure.
> Sincerely
> Meikel

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Re: Symbols evaluated at compile time?

2009-03-16 Thread Elena

On 16 Mar, 20:14, Jeffrey Straszheim 

> It does effect humans reading the code, however.  Often when looking at
> unfamiliar Clojure code, I find myself scrolling to the bottom first.

That's exactly my point: why should I scroll to the bottom? That's not
the way I read a written page or report. Can you imagine a report
which starts with the details instead of the more general picture? I
think sometimes we warp ourselves to compensate for our tools
deficiencies, whilst it should be the other way around. It is much
easier for the compiler/interpreter to look ahead, isn't it?

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Re: filter1 interesting?

2009-03-16 Thread Stuart Sierra

On Mar 16, 8:14 am, Rich Hickey  wrote:
> Sorry to jump in late, but one problem with seek is that it is a
> homophone of seq.
> Did anyone consider ffilter or find-first?

I thought "find-first" was too long, since it's almost as long as
(first (filter ...)

"ffilter" looks funny, especially in a proportional font.

Others I considered: find1, filter1, select1, pick, detect, spot,
hit, ...

"pick" might be good.

-Stuart Sierra
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Re: Symbols evaluated at compile time?

2009-03-16 Thread David Nolen
This has come up before. You can actually work around this (search the
mailing list for declare)
I think that when not hacking against the REPL that the default behavior is
a good one. Having to use declare bugged me a little at first, but I now
consider it a very minor annoyance compared to the advantages I get from
programming interactively with Clojure.
Should the REPL have an "interactive" mode where it won't fire an exception
on undefined symbols and instead issue compiler warnings? If compiler
warnings were issued this would be a nice hook for Emacs and other IDEs.

On Mon, Mar 16, 2009 at 3:32 PM, Elena  wrote:

> On 16 Mar, 20:14, Jeffrey Straszheim 
> wrote:
> > It does effect humans reading the code, however.  Often when looking at
> > unfamiliar Clojure code, I find myself scrolling to the bottom first.
> That's exactly my point: why should I scroll to the bottom? That's not
> the way I read a written page or report. Can you imagine a report
> which starts with the details instead of the more general picture? I
> think sometimes we warp ourselves to compensate for our tools
> deficiencies, whilst it should be the other way around. It is much
> easier for the compiler/interpreter to look ahead, isn't it?
> >

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swank-clojure: init-files / classpath troubles solved (was: swank-clojure: swank-clojure-init-files not used)

2009-03-16 Thread Tassilo Horn

Hi all,

now I've solved my "swank-clojure doesn't use my extra classpath and
init files" problems.  This didn't work, cause I had something like this
in my .emacs:

--8<---cut here---start->8---
(add-to-list 'load-path "~/repos/el/swank-clojure")
(setq swank-clojure-jar-path "~/repos/clj/clojure/clojure.jar")

(require 'swank-clojure-autoload)

  (add-to-list 'swank-clojure-extra-classpaths 
  (add-to-list 'swank-clojure-init-files
   (expand-file-name "~/.clojure/user.clj")))
--8<---cut here---end--->8---

The problem was, that in the required autoload file there's

--8<---cut here---start->8---
(eval-after-load "slime"
 (require 'swank-clojure)
 (add-to-list 'slime-lisp-implementations `(clojure ,(swank-clojure-cmd) 
:init swank-clojure-init) t)
 (add-hook 'slime-indentation-update-hooks 
 (add-hook 'slime-repl-mode-hook 'swank-clojure-slime-repl-modify-syntax t)
 (add-hook 'clojure-mode-hook 'swank-clojure-slime-mode-hook t)))
--8<---cut here---end--->8---

so after loading slime, the clojure command is build by calling
`swank-clojure-cmd'.  Unfortunately at slime load time the init files
and extra classpaths weren't set, cause `swank-clojure-config' is only a
wrapper around (eval-after-load "swank-clojure" ...).

So for now I use

--8<---cut here---start->8---
(add-to-list 'load-path "~/repos/el/swank-clojure")
(setq swank-clojure-jar-path "~/repos/clj/clojure/clojure.jar")

(eval-after-load 'swank-clojure
 (add-to-list 'swank-clojure-extra-classpaths 
 (add-to-list 'swank-clojure-init-files
  (expand-file-name "~/.clojure/user.clj"

(require 'swank-clojure-autoload)
--8<---cut here---end--->8---

which seems to work.  It's absolutely necessary to require the autoload
file after the eval-after-load!  So I'd vote for removing the
`swank-clojure-config' wrapper.  It confuses more than it helps.


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Re: filter1 interesting?

2009-03-16 Thread André Thieme

On 16 Mrz., 20:38, Stuart Sierra  wrote:
> On Mar 16, 8:14 am, Rich Hickey  wrote:
> > Sorry to jump in late, but one problem with seek is that it is a
> > homophone of seq.
> > Did anyone consider ffilter or find-first?
> I thought "find-first" was too long, since it's almost as long as
> (first (filter ...)
> "ffilter" looks funny, especially in a proportional font.
> Others I considered: find1, filter1, select1, pick, detect, spot,
> hit, ...
> "pick" might be good.

Besides spot I like all of them, but I like pick and filter1 most
out of those.
pick is nice. Just lets not think for which word it is a homophone.

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Question about profiling

2009-03-16 Thread Vincent Foley

I was trying to make an application go faster today when I found out
that a Java program that does pretty much the same task was 8 times
faster.  I used the -Xrunhprof:cpu=times profiling flag to know where
I should look, and the results are a little puzzling:

CPU TIME (ms) BEGIN (total = 3334005) Mon Mar 16 15:26:26 2009
rank   self  accum   count trace method
   1 33.09% 33.09%   6 302294 java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue.remove
   2 33.09% 66.17%   3 302283 java.lang.Object.wait
   3  1.11% 67.28% 4681282 304233
   4  1.05% 68.34% 1273366 326814 clojure.lang.Var.deref
   5  0.82% 69.15%  162675 326831 starcraft.replay.parse
   6  0.75% 69.90%  162710 326175
   7  0.67% 70.58% 1273672 325764 clojure.lang.Var.getThreadBinding
   8  0.67% 71.24% 1273366 326815 clojure.lang.Var.get
   9  0.54% 71.79%  650700 326818 clojure.core$nth__3505.invoke
  10  0.50% 72.29%  650700 326817 clojure.lang.RT.nth
  11  0.38% 72.67%  462044 326102 clojure.lang.Var.deref
  12  0.37% 73.04%  162718 325793
  13  0.37% 73.40%  153954 326133 starcraft.replay.parse
  14  0.35% 73.75%  659541 312088 clojure.lang.Var.getThreadBinding
  15  0.34% 74.09%  650840 326173 clojure.lang.APersistentVector
  16  0.32% 74.41%  385545 312090 clojure.lang.Var.deref
  17  0.30% 74.71% 1273672 325765 clojure.lang.Var.hasRoot
  18  0.30% 75.01%   19608 327262 starcraft.replay.unpack
  19  0.27% 75.28%  517194 326100 clojure.lang.Var.getThreadBinding
  20  0.26% 75.54%  488130 326171 clojure.lang.APersistentVector

Can anyone explain how 9 method calls can be responsible for 66% of my
runtime and how I could avoid this overhead?  The AtomicInteger.get
also intrigues me.

My code is available at the following address if you need to see it:

Thank you,

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Re: Symbols evaluated at compile time?

2009-03-16 Thread Laurent PETIT
I also agree that I keep going first to the end of the file, searching the
real function to launch or to reuse when reading new clojure code ...

What I would be happy with is a way to have clojure not complain before the
end of a "unit of compiled code".

For the REPL, that would be somewhat similar to the current behavior : wait
before the end of the expression to complain for undefined symbols.

For files, that would be "wait until the end of the file before complaining
for undefined symbols, and let me arrange the defs in any order I feel most
readable without having to think about placing those (declare) calls".

Now, I don't know if this is something easily feasible in the implementation


2009/3/16 Elena 

> On 16 Mar, 20:14, Jeffrey Straszheim 
> wrote:
> > It does effect humans reading the code, however.  Often when looking at
> > unfamiliar Clojure code, I find myself scrolling to the bottom first.
> That's exactly my point: why should I scroll to the bottom? That's not
> the way I read a written page or report. Can you imagine a report
> which starts with the details instead of the more general picture? I
> think sometimes we warp ourselves to compensate for our tools
> deficiencies, whilst it should be the other way around. It is much
> easier for the compiler/interpreter to look ahead, isn't it?
> >

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Re: filter1 interesting?

2009-03-16 Thread Christian Vest Hansen

On Mon, Mar 16, 2009 at 8:38 PM, Stuart Sierra
> On Mar 16, 8:14 am, Rich Hickey  wrote:
>> Sorry to jump in late, but one problem with seek is that it is a
>> homophone of seq.
>> Did anyone consider ffilter or find-first?
> I thought "find-first" was too long, since it's almost as long as
> (first (filter ...)
> "ffilter" looks funny, especially in a proportional font.
> Others I considered: find1, filter1, select1, pick, detect, spot,
> hit, ...

While considering suffixed names, what about firstp as inspired by condp?

I personally like how the "first" part makes it clear that we are
returning a single thing, rather than a collection or seq, and that it
is the one closest to the head - the one we are going to, well, find

That said, as you might imagine, I rather like find-first myself. I
don't think it is too much to type. I may be biased here, considering
my non-american keyboard layout, but saving a parenthesis for filter
is more of a win than a few alphabetic characters.

To conclude, I would prefer find-first as I believe the clarity is
worth the extra characters.

> "pick" might be good.
> -Stuart Sierra
> >

Venlig hilsen / Kind regards,
Christian Vest Hansen.

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Re: swank-clojure-extra-classpaths troubles

2009-03-16 Thread Shawn Hoover
On Mon, Mar 16, 2009 at 2:39 PM, Tassilo Horn wrote:

> Yes, for me having directories in `swank-clojure-extra-classpaths'
> doesn't work at all.  Everything except jar files are discarded.  So
> that's the general problem for me, the examples are one specific case
> which bites me.
> Bye,
> Tassilo

Hmm, that is a new one to me. The only other things I can think of:

   1. Inspect the value of slime-lisp-implementations (C-h v) and make sure
   the java command line options look like you expect, including the classpath
   directories you added and the path separator appropriate for your operating
   2. Try it with and without the trailing / on your strings that add to
   swank-clojure-extra-classpaths. Both work on Windows, but I'm not sure if
   other file systems are picky about that.


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Re: Symbols evaluated at compile time?

2009-03-16 Thread Paul Stadig
I may be missing something, but how does having to (declare) vars fix typos?
I don't think anyone is suggesting *creating* a var that is referenced
before it is defined. What people are asking for is that the compiler
looks-ahead to verify that the var will eventually be defined, and then go
on its merry way. Typos would still be discovered, and people wouldn't have
to stop and (declare).

I'm not saying it's an easy change...


On Mon, Mar 16, 2009 at 3:45 PM, David Nolen  wrote:

> This has come up before. You can actually work around this (search the
> mailing list for declare)
> I think that when not hacking against the REPL that the default behavior is
> a good one. Having to use declare bugged me a little at first, but I now
> consider it a very minor annoyance compared to the advantages I get from
> programming interactively with Clojure.
> Should the REPL have an "interactive" mode where it won't fire an exception
> on undefined symbols and instead issue compiler warnings? If compiler
> warnings were issued this would be a nice hook for Emacs and other IDEs.
> David

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Re: mocking in clojure

2009-03-16 Thread Allen Rohner

On Mar 13, 3:35 pm, "Stephen C. Gilardi"  wrote:
> On Mar 13, 2009, at 4:10 PM, Stuart Sierra wrote:
> > Hi Allen,
> > Sorry I haven't kept up with this. I think, though, that it's best to
> > have it as a standalone library in clojure-contrib, so that people can
> > use it with other testing frameworks if they want to.
> > -Stuart
> Allen,
> I see you have a contributor agreement on file. I'll be happy to help  
> check this in if you like. Please open an issue at:
> and attach a patch to it that creates the new lib.
> Thanks,
> --Steve
>  smime.p7s
> 3KViewDownload

Thanks for the suggestions. I'll set up a separate project soon.

One of the reasons I originally wrote this as a patch on test-is was
to get integration with the is assert and reporting functionality. I
guess than can be separated into a backend part and an interface to
the different testing frameworks fairly easily though.


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Re: suggestion for resultset-seq and duplicate column names

2009-03-16 Thread Allen Rohner

On Mar 12, 1:32 pm, Ron Lusk  wrote:
> Works for me: I just overwrote my copy of resultset-seq with one that
> uses getColumnLabel, and I am now getting the results I expected from
> complex queries (in Interbase, at least).
> On Feb 23, 9:33 am, Rich Hickey  wrote:
> > Sounds good to me - any drawbacks to this? Does it require that the
> > columns be named explicitly?
> > Rich

The change to getColumnLabel sounds good. Just one word of warning.
The reason the exception is there is that if the columns are still
duplicates, the call to struct-map will explode with an exception that
is not very obvious. (After writing that sentence, I realize that
maybe the better solution is to patch struct-map to complain with an
good error message). I wrote the original patch to throw an exception
in order to make the failure more obvious. Any change should handle
failure gracefully.


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Re: Symbols evaluated at compile time?

2009-03-16 Thread David Nolen
On Mon, Mar 16, 2009 at 4:08 PM, Paul Stadig  wrote:

> I may be missing something, but how does having to (declare) vars fix
> typos? I don't think anyone is suggesting *creating* a var that is
> referenced before it is defined. What people are asking for is that the
> compiler looks-ahead to verify that the var will eventually be defined, and
> then go on its merry way. Typos would still be discovered, and people
> wouldn't have to stop and (declare).

Yeah I wasn't suggesting that vars should be created, sorry if it sounded
like I was (I mentioned declare because this came up in another thread about
declare and someone had hacked the reader to not bail immediately on
undefined symbols).

In CL, if you have definitions out of order in the compiler will issue

> I'm not saying it's an easy change...
> Paul
> On Mon, Mar 16, 2009 at 3:45 PM, David Nolen wrote:
>> This has come up before. You can actually work around this (search the
>> mailing list for declare)
>> I think that when not hacking against the REPL that the default behavior
>> is a good one. Having to use declare bugged me a little at first, but I now
>> consider it a very minor annoyance compared to the advantages I get from
>> programming interactively with Clojure.
>> Should the REPL have an "interactive" mode where it won't fire an
>> exception on undefined symbols and instead issue compiler warnings? If
>> compiler warnings were issued this would be a nice hook for Emacs and other
>> IDEs.
>> David
> >

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Re: Symbols evaluated at compile time?

2009-03-16 Thread Elena

On 16 Mar, 20:45, David Nolen  wrote:
> This has come up before. You can actually work around this (search the
> mailing list for declare)

I've searched the mailing list and I've found also an explanation by
Rich Hickey (I apologize for not having done it in the first instance)
for such a design decision. I agree that allowing undefined symbols
would lead to runtime errors. I'm only complaining about applying such
sanity checks in the REPL, when I'm drawing a sketch.

> Should the REPL have an "interactive" mode where it won't fire an exception
> on undefined symbols and instead issue compiler warnings? If compiler
> warnings were issued this would be a nice hook for Emacs and other IDEs.

I think that would be ideal: if you intended to leave a symbol
undefined, that warning would come expected, otherwise you'd know you
had just made a typo.

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Re: Symbols evaluated at compile time?

2009-03-16 Thread Elena

On 16 Mar, 20:58, Laurent PETIT  wrote:

> For files, that would be "wait until the end of the file before complaining
> for undefined symbols, and let me arrange the defs in any order I feel most
> readable without having to think about placing those (declare) calls".

I second your proposal.
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Re: Which Java book(s) to order

2009-03-16 Thread Mark Engelberg

Of course, with respect to Clojure, probably the most important thing
is to learn the Java *libraries*.  What are good books about that?

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Re: Symbols evaluated at compile time?

2009-03-16 Thread Paul Stadig
On Mon, Mar 16, 2009 at 4:18 PM, David Nolen  wrote:

> On Mon, Mar 16, 2009 at 4:08 PM, Paul Stadig  wrote:
>> I may be missing something, but how does having to (declare) vars fix
>> typos? I don't think anyone is suggesting *creating* a var that is
>> referenced before it is defined. What people are asking for is that the
>> compiler looks-ahead to verify that the var will eventually be defined, and
>> then go on its merry way. Typos would still be discovered, and people
>> wouldn't have to stop and (declare).
> Yeah I wasn't suggesting that vars should be created, sorry if it sounded
> like I was (I mentioned declare because this came up in another thread about
> declare and someone had hacked the reader to not bail immediately on
> undefined symbols).

Sorry, my fault. I was just responding in general, not to you specifically.

> In CL, if you have definitions out of order in the compiler will issue
> warnings.
>> I'm not saying it's an easy change...
>> Paul
Could someone post the link to the previous discussion? I searched the group
for declare, but didn't turn up anything.


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Re: Symbols evaluated at compile time?

2009-03-16 Thread Christian Vest Hansen

On Mon, Mar 16, 2009 at 9:26 PM, Elena  wrote:
> On 16 Mar, 20:58, Laurent PETIT  wrote:
>> For files, that would be "wait until the end of the file before complaining
>> for undefined symbols, and let me arrange the defs in any order I feel most
>> readable without having to think about placing those (declare) calls".
> I second your proposal.

Otherwise, for the purpose of bringing a counter argument, I find that
functions naturally group together by their level of abstraction, with
the lowest level of abstraction at the top and the highest at the

Considering this, I will boldly claim it usually is not that difficult
to put these groups in their own lib. We could, perhaps, consider it a
sign (for avoiding the word "smell") that a new lib should be defined?
Then, as now, we can let "declare" handle the cases where this isn't

> >

Venlig hilsen / Kind regards,
Christian Vest Hansen.

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Re: swank-clojure-extra-classpaths troubles

2009-03-16 Thread Tassilo Horn

Shawn Hoover  writes:

> Hmm, that is a new one to me. The only other things I can think of:
>1. Inspect the value of slime-lisp-implementations (C-h v) and make
>sure the java command line options look like you expect, including
>the classpath directories you added and the path separator
>appropriate for your operating system.

That helped me, and now the issue is solved, see

In a fight between Batman and Darth Vader, the winner would be Chuck Norris. 

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Re: Symbols evaluated at compile time?

2009-03-16 Thread David Nolen
Here's the post by Timothy talking about patching the compiler:

On Mon, Mar 16, 2009 at 4:36 PM, Paul Stadig  wrote:

> On Mon, Mar 16, 2009 at 4:18 PM, David Nolen wrote:
>> On Mon, Mar 16, 2009 at 4:08 PM, Paul Stadig  wrote:
>>> I may be missing something, but how does having to (declare) vars fix
>>> typos? I don't think anyone is suggesting *creating* a var that is
>>> referenced before it is defined. What people are asking for is that the
>>> compiler looks-ahead to verify that the var will eventually be defined, and
>>> then go on its merry way. Typos would still be discovered, and people
>>> wouldn't have to stop and (declare).
>> Yeah I wasn't suggesting that vars should be created, sorry if it sounded
>> like I was (I mentioned declare because this came up in another thread about
>> declare and someone had hacked the reader to not bail immediately on
>> undefined symbols).
> Sorry, my fault. I was just responding in general, not to you specifically.
>> In CL, if you have definitions out of order in the compiler will issue
>> warnings.
>>> I'm not saying it's an easy change...
>>> Paul
> Could someone post the link to the previous discussion? I searched the
> group for declare, but didn't turn up anything.
> Paul
> >

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Re: Symbols evaluated at compile time?

2009-03-16 Thread Laurent PETIT
Hello Christian,

2009/3/16 Christian Vest Hansen 

> On Mon, Mar 16, 2009 at 9:26 PM, Elena  wrote:
> >
> > On 16 Mar, 20:58, Laurent PETIT  wrote:
> >
> >> For files, that would be "wait until the end of the file before
> complaining
> >> for undefined symbols, and let me arrange the defs in any order I feel
> most
> >> readable without having to think about placing those (declare) calls".
> >
> > I second your proposal.
> Otherwise, for the purpose of bringing a counter argument, I find that
> functions naturally group together by their level of abstraction, with
> the lowest level of abstraction at the top and the highest at the
> bottom.
> Considering this, I will boldly claim it usually is not that difficult
> to put these groups in their own lib. We could, perhaps, consider it a
> sign (for avoiding the word "smell") that a new lib should be defined?
> Then, as now, we can let "declare" handle the cases where this isn't
> true.

I agree that it's not difficult. But, at least in my own experience, it's
not the second step to cleaning up my programs.

I generally try to get code that works, even if in a not really good looking
shape. Then I refactor if it is really ugly-looking, or when I see the
possibility to factorize between several functions.

So I end up with more general functions, but still, I'm not sure if they
deserve their own lib. And maybe they're just general enough for the purpose
of the functions of my current file.

It's in a third time, when I want to share code between several namespaces,
that libraries in their own namespace show up.

So I think there's room for what I suggested, because the step to seperate
functions into libs by a criteria of level of abstraction does not appear
that fast in my programming cycle.

> > >
> >
> --
> Venlig hilsen / Kind regards,
> Christian Vest Hansen.
> >

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Re: Clojure Box

2009-03-16 Thread Shawn Hoover
On Mon, Mar 16, 2009 at 1:08 PM, Kyle R. Burton wrote:

> Clojure Box works well, I'd like to make a feature request: can you
> add paredit [1]?   Including it in the distribution (perhaps with it
> disabled) would be great.

Good idea. It used to be packaged with clojure-mode automatically, but now
it's not, and I haven't added paredit itself. I'll make sure it's in the
next release, disabled so people don't freak out when C-d works differently
than they expect. I think that and a link to your tumblr post should do the

> Thanks for putting it together.

You're welcome!


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Re: Symbols evaluated at compile time?

2009-03-16 Thread Elena

On 16 Mar, 21:57, Laurent PETIT  wrote:
> I agree that it's not difficult. But, at least in my own experience, it's
> not the second step to cleaning up my programs.
> I generally try to get code that works, even if in a not really good looking
> shape. Then I refactor if it is really ugly-looking, or when I see the
> possibility to factorize between several functions.
> So I end up with more general functions, but still, I'm not sure if they
> deserve their own lib. And maybe they're just general enough for the purpose
> of the functions of my current file.
> It's in a third time, when I want to share code between several namespaces,
> that libraries in their own namespace show up.
> So I think there's room for what I suggested, because the step to seperate
> functions into libs by a criteria of level of abstraction does not appear
> that fast in my programming cycle.

You have just described my way of churning out code for fast
prototypes and ad-hoc programs. Abstractions and cleaning up come
later, once I've understood the task at hand better.
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Re: Symbols evaluated at compile time?

2009-03-16 Thread Laurent PETIT
2009/3/16 Elena 

> On 16 Mar, 21:57, Laurent PETIT  wrote:
> >
> > I agree that it's not difficult. But, at least in my own experience, it's
> > not the second step to cleaning up my programs.
> >
> > I generally try to get code that works, even if in a not really good
> looking
> > shape. Then I refactor if it is really ugly-looking, or when I see the
> > possibility to factorize between several functions.
> >
> > So I end up with more general functions, but still, I'm not sure if they
> > deserve their own lib. And maybe they're just general enough for the
> purpose
> > of the functions of my current file.
> >
> > It's in a third time, when I want to share code between several
> namespaces,
> > that libraries in their own namespace show up.
> >
> > So I think there's room for what I suggested, because the step to
> seperate
> > functions into libs by a criteria of level of abstraction does not appear
> > that fast in my programming cycle.
> You have just described my way of churning out code for fast
> prototypes and ad-hoc programs. Abstractions and cleaning up come
> later, once I've understood the task at hand better.

Exactly. And nowdays, I often realize it's not just "understanding the task
at hand" that makes me follow this "unformal process", but also the
need/time to first become familiar with the third party lib/framework I'm
willing to involve. And generally, those libs/frameworks are hard to grasp
at first (at least if I want to not have just "read code" in a day of
coding), so I think this notion of "understanding the task at hand" can be
generalized not only to the task of "understanding my problem domain", but
also to "understanding how to use the libs/frameworks that promise me a
clean way of solving my problem domain" :-).

> >

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Re: Symbols evaluated at compile time?

2009-03-16 Thread André Thieme

On 16 Mrz., 11:49, Elena  wrote:
> On Mar 16, 10:40 am, Christophe Grand  wrote:
> > Yes, it prevents typos to go unnoticed. You can write a forward
> > declaration :
> > (declare check-services); equivalent to (def check-services)
> > (defn main []
> >         (check-services))
> > (defn check-services []
> >         1)
> OK, thanks. I was expecting a behavior similar to Scheme (and maybe
> Common Lisp).
> Doesn't that hampers interactive development? I mean: you have to
> develop the program in a more controlled manner.

Didn't you write only yesterday that you want to buy Lispworks?
Speaking about it:
When you define a gui (either manually or by using the builder),
and then you want to add callbacks, you can not just say:
:callback #'my-function  and then later in that file actually
implement my-function. It will complain that the definition is not
yet known. So, at least in some cases this is also not possible
in CL.
Only today I found myself typing (decla...) in Lispworks, as I
was thinking in Clojure.

The behaviour of Clojure can be seen as a disadvantage, yes, because
you either need these forward declarations, or you need to arrange
functions different.
But it also protects you from typos. And this can be even more
important. Imagine you have a complex program and accidently
made a typo, and this will go unnoticed for days and days, until
the program actually runs your code...
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Re: Symbols evaluated at compile time?

2009-03-16 Thread Meikel Brandmeyer


Am 16.03.2009 um 22:19 schrieb Elena:

On 16 Mar, 21:57, Laurent PETIT  wrote:

I agree that it's not difficult. But, at least in my own  
experience, it's

not the second step to cleaning up my programs.

I generally try to get code that works, even if in a not really  
good looking
shape. Then I refactor if it is really ugly-looking, or when I see  

possibility to factorize between several functions.

So I end up with more general functions, but still, I'm not sure if  
deserve their own lib. And maybe they're just general enough for  
the purpose

of the functions of my current file.

It's in a third time, when I want to share code between several  

that libraries in their own namespace show up.

So I think there's room for what I suggested, because the step to  
functions into libs by a criteria of level of abstraction does not  

that fast in my programming cycle.

You have just described my way of churning out code for fast
prototypes and ad-hoc programs. Abstractions and cleaning up come
later, once I've understood the task at hand better.

Sometimes, I don't understand you guys. You claim that you have
to develop bottom-up, when in fact you do top-down. I really don't
see the problem with the current behaviour...


Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

Re: Symbols evaluated at compile time?

2009-03-16 Thread Laurent PETIT
2009/3/16 André Thieme 

> On 16 Mrz., 11:49, Elena  wrote:
> > On Mar 16, 10:40 am, Christophe Grand  wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> > > Yes, it prevents typos to go unnoticed. You can write a forward
> > > declaration :
> >
> > > (declare check-services); equivalent to (def check-services)
> >
> > > (defn main []
> > > (check-services))
> >
> > > (defn check-services []
> > > 1)
> >
> > OK, thanks. I was expecting a behavior similar to Scheme (and maybe
> > Common Lisp).
> >
> > Doesn't that hampers interactive development? I mean: you have to
> > develop the program in a more controlled manner.
> Didn't you write only yesterday that you want to buy Lispworks?
> Speaking about it:
> When you define a gui (either manually or by using the builder),
> and then you want to add callbacks, you can not just say:
> :callback #'my-function  and then later in that file actually
> implement my-function. It will complain that the definition is not
> yet known. So, at least in some cases this is also not possible
> in CL.
> Only today I found myself typing (decla...) in Lispworks, as I
> was thinking in Clojure.
> The behaviour of Clojure can be seen as a disadvantage, yes, because
> you either need these forward declarations, or you need to arrange
> functions different.
> But it also protects you from typos. And this can be even more
> important. Imagine you have a complex program and accidently
> made a typo, and this will go unnoticed for days and days, until
> the program actually runs your code...

Hello André,

Have you read my suggestion of keeping the fact to throw an exception on
undefined symbols, but deferring the conclusion until the end of the
currently compiled/loaded "unit of code" (a single expression in the REPL, a
whole file in a compilation step ...) ?
I'd be interesting to understand what drawbacks this suggestion, if even
realized, would have ?

> >

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Re: Symbols evaluated at compile time?

2009-03-16 Thread Phil Hagelberg

André Thieme  writes:

> But it also protects you from typos. And this can be even more
> important. Imagine you have a complex program and accidently
> made a typo, and this will go unnoticed for days and days, until
> the program actually runs your code...

If you go days and days without actually running your code, then you
deserve what you get. A test suite would catch this for you every time;
developing without one is irresponsible.


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Re: Symbols evaluated at compile time?

2009-03-16 Thread Raoul Duke

> If you go days and days without actually running your code, then you
> deserve what you get. A test suite would catch this for you every time;
> developing without one is irresponsible.

geeze people, i'm tired of the "tests are the answer to everything."
give it a break. not every test suite will be perfect from day one,
and what i wrong with defense in depth?

said by a person who likes statically typed, inferred, languages. :-)

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Re: Symbols evaluated at compile time?

2009-03-16 Thread Laurent PETIT
2009/3/16 Meikel Brandmeyer 

> Hi,
> Am 16.03.2009 um 22:19 schrieb Elena:
>  On 16 Mar, 21:57, Laurent PETIT  wrote:
>>> I agree that it's not difficult. But, at least in my own experience, it's
>>> not the second step to cleaning up my programs.
>>> I generally try to get code that works, even if in a not really good
>>> looking
>>> shape. Then I refactor if it is really ugly-looking, or when I see the
>>> possibility to factorize between several functions.
>>> So I end up with more general functions, but still, I'm not sure if they
>>> deserve their own lib. And maybe they're just general enough for the
>>> purpose
>>> of the functions of my current file.
>>> It's in a third time, when I want to share code between several
>>> namespaces,
>>> that libraries in their own namespace show up.
>>> So I think there's room for what I suggested, because the step to
>>> seperate
>>> functions into libs by a criteria of level of abstraction does not appear
>>> that fast in my programming cycle.
>> You have just described my way of churning out code for fast
>> prototypes and ad-hoc programs. Abstractions and cleaning up come
>> later, once I've understood the task at hand better.
> Sometimes, I don't understand you guys. You claim that you have
> to develop bottom-up, when in fact you do top-down. I really don't
> see the problem with the current behaviour...

Hello Meikel,

In french, we have a sentence for that, that would translate literally into
"eat the banana by both ends at the same time".

I don't think top-down and bottom-up programming are antogonists. I often do
both at the same time myself.

> Sincerely
> Meikel

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Re: Symbols evaluated at compile time?

2009-03-16 Thread Meikel Brandmeyer


Am 16.03.2009 um 22:44 schrieb Laurent PETIT:

In french, we have a sentence for that, that would translate  
literally into "eat the banana by both ends at the same time".

I don't think top-down and bottom-up programming are antogonists. I  
often do both at the same time myself.

According to Paul Graham, this is a one aspect of Lisp:
working both ways at the same time. Top-down for the
program logic and bottom-up by building small helpers
and macros.

My remark was pointed at the fact, that before it was
claimed, that the one way doesn't work in Clojure and
one has to go the other. And then the same person
goes on to contradict him(or her?)self. But be it...

To say something more constructive for the discussion:
here Rich's original answer on the matter:


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advice needed converting large files to xml

2009-03-16 Thread Brian Doyle
I've been using Clojure for about 6 months now and really like it.  I am
somewhat new to multi-threading
and using any of the parallel features in Clojure though.   I have a
situation where I need to convert
7 files from CSV to XML.  Each one of these files is about 180MB apiece in
size.   I have dual core machine
with 2GB of RAM and would like some advice on the best strategy for
processing these files in a way that
really utilizes both cores and my memory to really speed up the
processing.I'm sure this isn't the best
way, but I've only come up with starting up two threads at first, having
each thread open up a file,
call line-seq on that file, write out the XML for each line and then go to
the next file when it's complete.   Any
advice would be great.  Thanks.

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Re: Symbols evaluated at compile time?

2009-03-16 Thread Laurent PETIT
2009/3/16 Phil Hagelberg 

> André Thieme  writes:
> > But it also protects you from typos. And this can be even more
> > important. Imagine you have a complex program and accidently
> > made a typo, and this will go unnoticed for days and days, until
> > the program actually runs your code...
> If you go days and days without actually running your code, then you
> deserve what you get. A test suite would catch this for you every time;
> developing without one is irresponsible.

OK, so now is time for another ugly english translation of a french proverb
"before saying something, roll your tongue 8 times in your mouth before
speaking". I guess this could also be applied for e-mail :-)

Seriously, treating a very large audience of people as "irresponsible"
(including Rich himself, the author of clojure) does not seem a very
"responsible" behavior, does it ? :-)

In fact, I'm ok when you say that " deserve what you get". But please,
think about it twice before saying people are irresponsible. Unit tests are
not the only answer to bug-free and quality programs.
Quality and correctness is a discipline in its own right, including tests
(unit tests, integration tests, functional tests, performance tests, ...),
reviews (code review, peer review, architecture review, ...).
Not to say that a lot of bugs are not in the code, but in the specifications
(be they formal as in watefall processes, or informal as in agile
processes), ..., 

And please note that when talking about tests, I did not tell if they had to
be automatic or not. I think that it's not a natural conclusion to say that
tests must be automated.
To me, it's rather a cost/benefits balance that must leads to the conclusion
that automatic unit tests are good or not for your project.

My answer had not the intent to offense you, but I couldn't let you write
that without reaction, because I'm myself very interested in automatic unit
tests, and I think that such intransigent thoughts deserve the cause.



> -Phil
> >

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Re: Symbols evaluated at compile time?

2009-03-16 Thread Elena

On 16 Mar, 22:31, André Thieme  wrote:
> The behaviour of Clojure can be seen as a disadvantage, yes, because
> you either need these forward declarations, or you need to arrange
> functions different.
> But it also protects you from typos. And this can be even more
> important. Imagine you have a complex program and accidently
> made a typo, and this will go unnoticed for days and days, until
> the program actually runs your code...

I agree that such checks are very useful, but:
- why should you wrestle with them also when you are just sketching
out some code at the REPL? Much of the code you are writing is going
to be trashed, so why should you bother keeping up with declarations
- why, when you finally save the source file as a module and and
compile it, the compiler should not be smart enough to read every
definition until the end of the file before complaining?

Your needs change when you are sketching a prototype versus when you
are finalizing the project. Don't you agree?

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Re: Symbols evaluated at compile time?

2009-03-16 Thread André Thieme

On 16 Mrz., 20:45, David Nolen  wrote:

> Should the REPL have an "interactive" mode where it won't fire an exception
> on undefined symbols and instead issue compiler warnings? If compiler
> warnings were issued this would be a nice hook for Emacs and other IDEs.

Yes, I was thinking about this also for a while.
What I propose is:
Whenever Clojure finds the use of a not known symbol in a code file,
it will always look ahead and see if it can find this symbol. If that
is not the case an error should be thrown, as it currently happens.
If it can find the concrete definition it should emit a warning.
The way to silence the warning is to declare that symbol before.

This behaviour would not disturb anyone who likes the current system.
Typos will not go unnoticed, the dev will see that warning.
He/She can add the declare as usual.
Others can continue from that point and have to live with that
but enjoy the protection from a class of typos and also be able to
arrange their code in a different way and spare these declares.
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Re: advice needed converting large files to xml

2009-03-16 Thread Stu Hood
If you write your CSV -> XML processing as a function, you could pmap (  that function across the list of input files.
pmap will transparently create the threads as needed, and it will probably
be enough to saturate your disk.


On Mon, Mar 16, 2009 at 5:56 PM, Brian Doyle  wrote:

> I've been using Clojure for about 6 months now and really like it.  I am
> somewhat new to multi-threading
> and using any of the parallel features in Clojure though.   I have a
> situation where I need to convert
> 7 files from CSV to XML.  Each one of these files is about 180MB apiece in
> size.   I have dual core machine
> with 2GB of RAM and would like some advice on the best strategy for
> processing these files in a way that
> really utilizes both cores and my memory to really speed up the
> processing.I'm sure this isn't the best
> way, but I've only come up with starting up two threads at first, having
> each thread open up a file,
> call line-seq on that file, write out the XML for each line and then go to
> the next file when it's complete.   Any
> advice would be great.  Thanks.
> >

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Re: Symbols evaluated at compile time?

2009-03-16 Thread Timothy Pratley

Just FYI,

The actual patch is in the files section:
With an example:
>From a longer thread about 'snake' which talked about literate

It does not implement existence checking upon completion of compile
unit. How exactly should this work? We can keep a set of symbols auto-
defined and 'at checkpoint' test if they are still undefined...
however what is the 'checkpoint'? For fully compiled code the
'checkpoint' is clear - but Clojure is dynamic... what should happen
with this code:

(defn myfun []
  (another-fun 5))
(defn another-fun [x]
  (inc x))

In a compiled language that would be valid, but in a dynamic language
it is a runtime error. I don't see how to overcome this, which makes
auto-def quite useless :) It seems you either need to accept top-down
or accept undefined symbol runtime errors. There is a third
alternative, which is to use Knuth's literate programming technique of
actually writing your code in TeX and have it transformed from there
to either code or documentation... but again for interactive
development that is quite rigorous.


On Mar 17, 7:54 am, David Nolen  wrote:
> Here's the post by Timothy talking about patching the compiler:
> On Mon, Mar 16, 2009 at 4:36 PM, Paul Stadig  wrote:
> > On Mon, Mar 16, 2009 at 4:18 PM, David Nolen wrote:
> >> On Mon, Mar 16, 2009 at 4:08 PM, Paul Stadig  wrote:
> >>> I may be missing something, but how does having to (declare) vars fix
> >>> typos? I don't think anyone is suggesting *creating* a var that is
> >>> referenced before it is defined. What people are asking for is that the
> >>> compiler looks-ahead to verify that the var will eventually be defined, 
> >>> and
> >>> then go on its merry way. Typos would still be discovered, and people
> >>> wouldn't have to stop and (declare).
> >> Yeah I wasn't suggesting that vars should be created, sorry if it sounded
> >> like I was (I mentioned declare because this came up in another thread 
> >> about
> >> declare and someone had hacked the reader to not bail immediately on
> >> undefined symbols).
> > Sorry, my fault. I was just responding in general, not to you specifically.
> >> In CL, if you have definitions out of order in the compiler will issue
> >> warnings.
> >>> I'm not saying it's an easy change...
> >>> Paul
> > Could someone post the link to the previous discussion? I searched the
> > group for declare, but didn't turn up anything.
> > Paul
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Re: advice needed converting large files to xml

2009-03-16 Thread Mark Volkmann

On Mon, Mar 16, 2009 at 4:56 PM, Brian Doyle  wrote:
> I've been using Clojure for about 6 months now and really like it.  I am
> somewhat new to multi-threading
> and using any of the parallel features in Clojure though.   I have a
> situation where I need to convert
> 7 files from CSV to XML.  Each one of these files is about 180MB apiece in
> size.   I have dual core machine
> with 2GB of RAM and would like some advice on the best strategy for
> processing these files in a way that
> really utilizes both cores and my memory to really speed up the
> processing.    I'm sure this isn't the best
> way, but I've only come up with starting up two threads at first, having
> each thread open up a file,
> call line-seq on that file, write out the XML for each line and then go to
> the next file when it's complete.   Any
> advice would be great.  Thanks.

Most libraries that write XML build a data structure to represent the
XML and then write it out. That doesn't work for writing out large XML
documents because you'll run out of memory before you finish building
the data structure.

I don't know if there is a Clojure library that writes XML as you
specify it. If there isn't then you should consider WAX, a Java
library I wrote. You can learn more about it at You could use it from Clojure. Check out the
tutorial. It's a really simple library, it's really fast and it's very
memory efficient!

R. Mark Volkmann
Object Computing, Inc.

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Re: Promise for absense of side effects

2009-03-16 Thread André Thieme

On 16 Mrz., 19:43, Meikel Brandmeyer  wrote:

> Am 16.03.2009 um 12:26 schrieb Robert Pfeiffer:
> > Did you mean this:
> >
> > It was presented at the JVM Summit, so Rich may already have given a
> > thought to this.
> Argh.. "Gradual Typing" that was term I was missing.
> Here some more information.
> The Paper (and a unsurprisingly negative discussion) on 
> LtU:
> And the video of the talk from the above 
> link.
> I don't know, whether this is useful or not, but if we really want
> an optional type system, we should investigate the possibilities,
> I think.

Oh, that sounds really useful. This is in principle very close
to what I was had in mind in the past years.
The paper says:
“The type system and semantics should place a minimal
 implementation burden on language implementors.”

And that also sounds like a good thing.
What I would love to see is an optional system.
With such even hardcore fans of dynamic typing should not have
any problem with it, if Clojure is going to have one.

A thing that should be easy to add is a on/off switch.
Maybe a global one, and a file based one.
Perhaps this gradual typing even allows a gradual implementation.

Would be a nice productivity boost to have the compiler checking
parts of our code during some phases of development.
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Re: Promise for absense of side effects

2009-03-16 Thread Raoul Duke

please, for those who aren't Erlang nerds, also see Dialyzer.

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Re: Symbols evaluated at compile time?

2009-03-16 Thread Phil Hagelberg

Laurent PETIT  writes:

> OK, so now is time for another ugly english translation of a french
> proverb "before saying something, roll your tongue 8 times in your
> mouth before speaking". I guess this could also be applied for e-mail

Agreed, it could have been worded better.

But keep in mind the context: it was suggested that certain problems
would go unnoticed for days because the code was loaded never run. I
think this is not a concern; you might as well say these problems could
go unnoticed because the code is never loaded.

> Seriously, treating a very large audience of people as "irresponsible"
> (including Rich himself, the author of clojure) does not seem a very
> "responsible" behavior, does it ? :-)

Clojure has a test suite. It lives in contrib. Bugs in Clojure have been
committed even though they were entirely avoidable, simply because the
test suite wasn't being used. This strikes me as an irresponsible
development practice. It's not horrible, but it wastes peoples' time.

> But please, think about it twice before saying people are
> irresponsible. Unit tests are not the only answer to bug-free and
> quality programs.

Sure, I don't mean that this reflects on peoples' character. I only wish
to judge the practice, not the practitioner.

But for things like clojure, the alternative is to perform those same
tests manually. I don't think it's a good use of humans' time to perform
tasks that could be easily done by a machine.

> And please note that when talking about tests, I did not tell if they
> had to be automatic or not. I think that it's not a natural conclusion
> to say that tests must be automated.  To me, it's rather a
> cost/benefits balance that must leads to the conclusion that automatic
> unit tests are good or not for your project.

That's true; certain types of programs (particularly GUIs and JS-heavy
cross-browser web applications) are extremely difficult to automate
tests for. But this is the exception rather than the rule.


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Re: Symbols evaluated at compile time?

2009-03-16 Thread Elena

On 16 Mar, 22:55, Meikel Brandmeyer  wrote:
> My remark was pointed at the fact, that before it was
> claimed, that the one way doesn't work in Clojure and
> one has to go the other. And then the same person
> goes on to contradict him(or her?)self. But be it...
> To say something more constructive for the discussion:
> here Rich's original answer on the matter:

I bet it's me the "him(or her?)self" :-)

I had already read Rich's opinion, after searching about old threads
about the subject. I think he made a very reasonable decision, but he
was talking about production code. What we are discussing here is the
usefulness of such constraints when just playing at the REPL, a very
different environment. Among the many answers, a (IMHO) reasonable
solution has been proposed, which I repeat here:

- the REPL could allow for an option to just warn about missing
- when loading/compiling a file, Clojure could parse all definitions
before complaining about missing ones.

It seems that such a solution would offer both maximum flexibility
when prototyping and maximum sanity checking when finalizing the code.
What do you think?

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Re: Symbols evaluated at compile time?

2009-03-16 Thread Laurent PETIT
2009/3/16 Phil Hagelberg 

> Laurent PETIT  writes:
> > But please, think about it twice before saying people are
> > irresponsible. Unit tests are not the only answer to bug-free and
> > quality programs.
> Sure, I don't mean that this reflects on peoples' character. I only wish
> to judge the practice, not the practitioner.

You're right, I took a judgement on a behaviour for a judgement on persons,
sorry for that.

I hope you didn't find my own answer too rude,



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Re: Symbols evaluated at compile time?

2009-03-16 Thread Elena

On 16 Mar, 23:26, Timothy Pratley  wrote:
> For fully compiled code the
> 'checkpoint' is clear - but Clojure is dynamic... what should happen
> with this code:
> (defn myfun []
>   (another-fun 5))
> (myfun)
> (defn another-fun [x]
>   (inc x))
> In a compiled language that would be valid, but in a dynamic language
> it is a runtime error. I don't see how to overcome this, which makes
> auto-def quite useless :)

I think this should be a runtime error. What we are discussing here is

(defn myfun []
   (another-fun 5))

(defn another-fun [x]
   (inc x))

"myfun" definition is rejected, even if "another-fun" is just few
lines away.

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Re: advice needed converting large files to xml

2009-03-16 Thread Brian Doyle
On Mon, Mar 16, 2009 at 4:21 PM, Stu Hood  wrote:

> If you write your CSV -> XML processing as a function, you could pmap (
>  that function across the list of input
> files. pmap will transparently create the threads as needed, and it will
> probably be enough to saturate your disk.
> Thanks,
> Stu

Stu,  I just want to make sure I understand what you are saying here.  Would
it look something like this:

(pmap (fn [input-file]
   ; open input for reading
   ; open output for writing
   ; read line
   ; process line
   ; write line
 ["input-file1", "input-file2", "input-file3", ])


> On Mon, Mar 16, 2009 at 5:56 PM, Brian Doyle wrote:
>> I've been using Clojure for about 6 months now and really like it.  I am
>> somewhat new to multi-threading
>> and using any of the parallel features in Clojure though.   I have a
>> situation where I need to convert
>> 7 files from CSV to XML.  Each one of these files is about 180MB apiece in
>> size.   I have dual core machine
>> with 2GB of RAM and would like some advice on the best strategy for
>> processing these files in a way that
>> really utilizes both cores and my memory to really speed up the
>> processing.I'm sure this isn't the best
>> way, but I've only come up with starting up two threads at first, having
>> each thread open up a file,
>> call line-seq on that file, write out the XML for each line and then go to
>> the next file when it's complete.   Any
>> advice would be great.  Thanks.
> >

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Behavior of 'empty'

2009-03-16 Thread Frantisek Sodomka

Hello Rich & all!
I am digging into behavior of function 'empty':

user=> (doc empty)
  Returns an empty collection of the same category as coll, or nil

(empty [1 2]) => []
(empty (seq [1 2])) => nil

(empty '(1 2)) => ()
(empty (seq '(1 2))) => ()
; ok because of:
(seq '(1 2)) => (1 2)
(class (seq '(1 2))) => clojure.lang.PersistentList
(class '(1 2)) => clojure.lang.PersistentList

One trouble is with nil:
(empty nil) => java.lang.NullPointerException (NO_SOURCE_FILE:0)

Would it make sense to return nil?
(empty nil) => nil

Thank you, Frantisek
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Re: Symbols evaluated at compile time?

2009-03-16 Thread Phil Hagelberg

Laurent PETIT  writes:

> 2009/3/16 Phil Hagelberg 
> Laurent PETIT  writes:
> > But please, think about it twice before saying people are
> > irresponsible. Unit tests are not the only answer to bug-free and
> > quality programs.
> Sure, I don't mean that this reflects on peoples' character. I only wish
> to judge the practice, not the practitioner.
> You're right, I took a judgement on a behaviour for a judgement on persons, 
> sorry for that.
> I hope you didn't find my own answer too rude,

Not at all. The latter is far more common, especially in online discussions.

And to say that people deserve the problems that come upon them, that
was harsh of me. I rather should have said that they should expect to
have problems like that.


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Re: Symbols evaluated at compile time?

2009-03-16 Thread Elena

On 16 Mar, 23:47, Elena  wrote:
> On 16 Mar, 23:26, Timothy Pratley  wrote:

> > what should happen
> > with this code:
> > (defn myfun []
> >   (another-fun 5))
> > (myfun)
> > (defn another-fun [x]
> >   (inc x))
> > In a compiled language that would be valid, but in a dynamic language
> > it is a runtime error. I don't see how to overcome this, which makes
> > auto-def quite useless :)
> I think this should be a runtime error. What we are discussing here is
> in:
> (defn myfun []
>    (another-fun 5))
> (defn another-fun [x]
>    (inc x))
> "myfun" definition is rejected, even if "another-fun" is just few
> lines away.

Furthermore, if I understand Rich's opinion in that regards, this

(defn myfun []
(another-fun 5))

should be rejected if definition of "another-fun" is missing (but I'd
say: only in code to be released).

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Re: Symbols evaluated at compile time?

2009-03-16 Thread Meikel Brandmeyer


Am 16.03.2009 um 23:39 schrieb Elena:

- the REPL could allow for an option to just warn about missing
- when loading/compiling a file, Clojure could parse all definitions
before complaining about missing ones.

It seems that such a solution would offer both maximum flexibility
when prototyping and maximum sanity checking when finalizing the code.
What do you think?

I probably wouldn't notice such a change. I code in
the repl only very small snippets. To check my
expectations of some return value of a function or
the like. (Basically poor man's debugger)

Things like a function I write in a file and send them
to the clojure server, and only call them in the repl.

I almost never write a function like this.

(defn foo [] (let [x (bar)] (inc x)))

"Hmmm... So how might bar look like?"

It's almost always the other way around:

(defn foo [] (let [x (long ugly stuff)] (inc x)))

"Iek. I should refactor this."

Hmm... So maybe I don't do prototyping


Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

Re: advice needed converting large files to xml

2009-03-16 Thread Stu Hood
Yea, that would work. I don't think the (fn) should be defined anonymously
though, because I could see it being useful on its own. Give it a name!


On Mon, Mar 16, 2009 at 6:53 PM, Brian Doyle  wrote:

> On Mon, Mar 16, 2009 at 4:21 PM, Stu Hood  wrote:
>> If you write your CSV -> XML processing as a function, you could pmap (
>>  that function across the list of input
>> files. pmap will transparently create the threads as needed, and it will
>> probably be enough to saturate your disk.
>> Thanks,
>> Stu
> Stu,  I just want to make sure I understand what you are saying here.
> Would it look something like this:
> (pmap (fn [input-file]
>; open input for reading
>; open output for writing
>; read line
>; process line
>; write line
>  )
>  ["input-file1", "input-file2", "input-file3", ])
> Thanks.
>> On Mon, Mar 16, 2009 at 5:56 PM, Brian Doyle wrote:
>>> I've been using Clojure for about 6 months now and really like it.  I am
>>> somewhat new to multi-threading
>>> and using any of the parallel features in Clojure though.   I have a
>>> situation where I need to convert
>>> 7 files from CSV to XML.  Each one of these files is about 180MB apiece
>>> in size.   I have dual core machine
>>> with 2GB of RAM and would like some advice on the best strategy for
>>> processing these files in a way that
>>> really utilizes both cores and my memory to really speed up the
>>> processing.I'm sure this isn't the best
>>> way, but I've only come up with starting up two threads at first, having
>>> each thread open up a file,
>>> call line-seq on that file, write out the XML for each line and then go
>>> to the next file when it's complete.   Any
>>> advice would be great.  Thanks.
> >

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Re: Behavior of 'empty'

2009-03-16 Thread Mark Engelberg

On Mon, Mar 16, 2009 at 3:54 PM, Frantisek Sodomka  wrote:
> (empty (seq [1 2])) => nil

Now that there is the concept of empty sequences, maybe this should
actually return an empty sequence, such as ().

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Re: Symbols evaluated at compile time?

2009-03-16 Thread Laurent PETIT
Hello Tim,

2009/3/16 Timothy Pratley 

> Just FYI,
> The actual patch is in the files section:
> With an example:
> From a longer thread about 'snake' which talked about literate
> programming:
> It does not implement existence checking upon completion of compile
> unit. How exactly should this work? We can keep a set of symbols auto-
> defined and 'at checkpoint' test if they are still undefined...
> however what is the 'checkpoint'? For fully compiled code the
> 'checkpoint' is clear - but Clojure is dynamic... what should happen
> with this code:

Yes, I think the checkpoint should be at the end of the Compiler.load(Reader
rdr, String sourcePath, String sourceName) method call.

> (defn myfun []
>  (another-fun 5))
> (myfun)
> (defn another-fun [x]
>  (inc x))
> In a compiled language that would be valid, but in a dynamic language
> it is a runtime error.

I personally have no problem with that being a runtime error. Indeed, I tend
to write functions for everything, not even for bootstraping a ns
(bootstrapping a ns at the end of a file does not appeal to me *at all *).

> I don't see how to overcome this, which makes
> auto-def quite useless :)

Not at all, I think. It's just "full" auto-def that is certainly too lazy.
"scoped"-autodef does not suffer from the same problem, even, I think, for
production code (or please, someone, give me some examples where it could
let bugs pass through).

> It seems you either need to accept top-down
> or accept undefined symbol runtime errors. There is a third
> alternative, which is to use Knuth's literate programming technique of
> actually writing your code in TeX and have it transformed from there
> to either code or documentation... but again for interactive
> development that is quite rigorous.
> Regards,
> Tim.
> On Mar 17, 7:54 am, David Nolen  wrote:
> > Here's the post by Timothy talking about patching the compiler:
> >
> >
> >
> > On Mon, Mar 16, 2009 at 4:36 PM, Paul Stadig  wrote:
> > > On Mon, Mar 16, 2009 at 4:18 PM, David Nolen  >wrote:
> >
> > >> On Mon, Mar 16, 2009 at 4:08 PM, Paul Stadig 
> wrote:
> >
> > >>> I may be missing something, but how does having to (declare) vars fix
> > >>> typos? I don't think anyone is suggesting *creating* a var that is
> > >>> referenced before it is defined. What people are asking for is that
> the
> > >>> compiler looks-ahead to verify that the var will eventually be
> defined, and
> > >>> then go on its merry way. Typos would still be discovered, and people
> > >>> wouldn't have to stop and (declare).
> >
> > >> Yeah I wasn't suggesting that vars should be created, sorry if it
> sounded
> > >> like I was (I mentioned declare because this came up in another thread
> about
> > >> declare and someone had hacked the reader to not bail immediately on
> > >> undefined symbols).
> >
> > > Sorry, my fault. I was just responding in general, not to you
> specifically.
> >
> > >> In CL, if you have definitions out of order in the compiler will issue
> > >> warnings.
> >
> > >>> I'm not saying it's an easy change...
> >
> > >>> Paul
> >
> > > Could someone post the link to the previous discussion? I searched the
> > > group for declare, but didn't turn up anything.
> >
> > > Paul
> >

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Re: advice needed converting large files to xml

2009-03-16 Thread Brian Doyle
On Mon, Mar 16, 2009 at 4:29 PM, Mark Volkmann wrote:

> On Mon, Mar 16, 2009 at 4:56 PM, Brian Doyle 
> wrote:
> > I've been using Clojure for about 6 months now and really like it.  I am
> > somewhat new to multi-threading
> > and using any of the parallel features in Clojure though.   I have a
> > situation where I need to convert
> > 7 files from CSV to XML.  Each one of these files is about 180MB apiece
> in
> > size.   I have dual core machine
> > with 2GB of RAM and would like some advice on the best strategy for
> > processing these files in a way that
> > really utilizes both cores and my memory to really speed up the
> > processing.I'm sure this isn't the best
> > way, but I've only come up with starting up two threads at first, having
> > each thread open up a file,
> > call line-seq on that file, write out the XML for each line and then go
> to
> > the next file when it's complete.   Any
> > advice would be great.  Thanks.
> Most libraries that write XML build a data structure to represent the
> XML and then write it out. That doesn't work for writing out large XML
> documents because you'll run out of memory before you finish building
> the data structure.
> I don't know if there is a Clojure library that writes XML as you
> specify it. If there isn't then you should consider WAX, a Java
> library I wrote. You can learn more about it at
> You could use it from Clojure. Check out the
> tutorial. It's a really simple library, it's really fast and it's very
> memory efficient!


WAX looks really nice!  I'll look around in Clojure some more about writing
XML but if I don't find anything to my linking I'll give WAX a go.  Thanks!

> --
> R. Mark Volkmann
> Object Computing, Inc.
> >

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Clojure Web Framework, what I want to add

2009-03-16 Thread BerlinBrown

After many years (decade) of web development, here are the things that
I want in a framework, mostly based in clojure:

What do you think and what you add.  This is ambitious and just a
"ideas" of what I would add.  What would you want from your ideal

1. Based on Spring Framework for middleware:
Reason: there are years and years and years of development spent on
spring and there are many things done right.  If I were integrating
with any other third party libraries, I would use spring.  Spring is
added to my framework.

2. Based on Hibernate for ORM mapping:
Reason: the defacto standard for ORM mapping with Java.  And also used
by NHibernate.  There is a lot of support for most popular databases.

3. Clojure/Lisp based configuration AND default XML configurations.
This has become the standard way to configure a J2EE web application
including spring and hibernate.  But I would like a lisp oriented

4. Easy mapping to URLs.  I like python's approach for URL mapping

5. Clojure based, framework based server pages AND JSPs.  I have
always hated some aspects of JSP and ASPs, etc, etc.  They are just
too complicated.  I would want to use Clojure code within the
framework oriented server page and other predefined tags.

5. Lift like reusable server pages.  Lift has an interesting approach
for resuing the same page.  E.g. you have an if-else statement within
the page.

If request == GET
...render this
if request == POST
 ...render this.
if URL == 'abc.html'
 .. render this.

I want to embed this in my framework.  You only touch one page, but
you get different outputs depending on the request method or URL, etc,

6. Use of Clojure syntactic sugar -- TO BE DETERMINED.   There is the
ability to use powerful Clojure constructs  with this framework but I
haven't figured out how yet.

7. Better integration of CSS, Javascript, HTML.   A lot of a web
application still resides with the client side.   I have yet to see an
web framework that addresses client development (besides GWT).   Maybe
something as simple as server page tags for CSS?  Javascript?

8.  Additional third party libraries:

Lucene, iText, jFreeChart, optional Terracotta integration

Other optional/additional thoughts.

9. Clear separation between back-end and front-end layers

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Re: Qi's type system

2009-03-16 Thread Howard Lewis Ship

I antended a talk on Qi at JavaZone 2008.

Qi is a kind of AOP layer that knits together concerns via a bit of
configuration and some naming conventions.  I'm a bit fuzzy on the
details 6 months out.

A lot of the AOP solutions for Java are trying to introduce concepts
that are more native in a Lisp.  I'm sure there's quite a lot of good
ideas there, but there's a lot of others that probably don't fit.

On Mon, Mar 16, 2009 at 10:11 AM, Raoul Duke  wrote:
>> could be applicable in Clojure.  From what I gathered from the tweets
>> from Qcon, Qi was mentioned again there.  Does anyone know if there
>> was anything more to it than "it would be nice"?
> (fwiw, Mark T. talked about it a bit on the Qi list.
> >

Howard M. Lewis Ship

Creator Apache Tapestry and Apache HiveMind

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Re: Qi's type system

2009-03-16 Thread Raoul Duke

there are (at least) 2 Qis:

one is java-aop.

the other is lisp++.


On Mon, Mar 16, 2009 at 4:19 PM, Howard Lewis Ship  wrote:
> I antended a talk on Qi at JavaZone 2008.
> Qi is a kind of AOP layer that knits together concerns via a bit of
> configuration and some naming conventions.  I'm a bit fuzzy on the
> details 6 months out.
> A lot of the AOP solutions for Java are trying to introduce concepts
> that are more native in a Lisp.  I'm sure there's quite a lot of good
> ideas there, but there's a lot of others that probably don't fit.
> On Mon, Mar 16, 2009 at 10:11 AM, Raoul Duke  wrote:
>>> could be applicable in Clojure.  From what I gathered from the tweets
>>> from Qcon, Qi was mentioned again there.  Does anyone know if there
>>> was anything more to it than "it would be nice"?
>> (fwiw, Mark T. talked about it a bit on the Qi list.
>> >
> --
> Howard M. Lewis Ship
> Creator Apache Tapestry and Apache HiveMind
> >

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Re: Clojure Web Framework, what I want to add

2009-03-16 Thread Howard Lewis Ship

Personally, I've been noodling about what a Tapestry/Clojure hybrid
might look like.

I'd advise that you take a peek at Lift, a functional web framework
built on Scala.

I have some ideas about what a component based framework would look
like in a function world (note: this would be leaving JSPs and the
like far in the dust, and moving toward a higher-order solution more
like Tapestry).  On the output side, I see the templates being
represented as nested DOM structures, and components would operate by
transforming the DOM (or a subtree of the DOM) according to their own
template and code.  I think the request handling side of things would
be a bit more traditional and action based, with routing functions
that would locate handler functions of some form, via some mix of
naming conventions and start-up registrations.

I can definitely envision areas where the (binding) construct would be
awesome for rewiring the processing of a request for specific needs,
things that in Tapestry require active filter objects contributed
statically into global pipelines.

 but I've still got a lot of ideas for T5 to work on first :-)

Web frameworks are a tricky beast (I'm eight+ years into writing
Tapestry) there are aspects that line up beautifully with stateless
functions, but when you introduce the benefits of components, you also
bring in a lot that benefits from stateful, mutable, internal state.

On Mon, Mar 16, 2009 at 4:17 PM, BerlinBrown  wrote:
> After many years (decade) of web development, here are the things that
> I want in a framework, mostly based in clojure:
> What do you think and what you add.  This is ambitious and just a
> "ideas" of what I would add.  What would you want from your ideal
> framework?
> 1. Based on Spring Framework for middleware:
> Reason: there are years and years and years of development spent on
> spring and there are many things done right.  If I were integrating
> with any other third party libraries, I would use spring.  Spring is
> added to my framework.
> 2. Based on Hibernate for ORM mapping:
> Reason: the defacto standard for ORM mapping with Java.  And also used
> by NHibernate.  There is a lot of support for most popular databases.
> 3. Clojure/Lisp based configuration AND default XML configurations.
> This has become the standard way to configure a J2EE web application
> including spring and hibernate.  But I would like a lisp oriented
> configuration.
> 4. Easy mapping to URLs.  I like python's approach for URL mapping
> 5. Clojure based, framework based server pages AND JSPs.  I have
> always hated some aspects of JSP and ASPs, etc, etc.  They are just
> too complicated.  I would want to use Clojure code within the
> framework oriented server page and other predefined tags.
> 5. Lift like reusable server pages.  Lift has an interesting approach
> for resuing the same page.  E.g. you have an if-else statement within
> the page.
> If request == GET
> ...render this
> if request == POST
>  ...render this.
> if URL == 'abc.html'
>  .. render this.
> I want to embed this in my framework.  You only touch one page, but
> you get different outputs depending on the request method or URL, etc,
> etc.
> 6. Use of Clojure syntactic sugar -- TO BE DETERMINED.   There is the
> ability to use powerful Clojure constructs  with this framework but I
> haven't figured out how yet.
> 7. Better integration of CSS, Javascript, HTML.   A lot of a web
> application still resides with the client side.   I have yet to see an
> web framework that addresses client development (besides GWT).   Maybe
> something as simple as server page tags for CSS?  Javascript?
> 8.  Additional third party libraries:
> Lucene, iText, jFreeChart, optional Terracotta integration
> Other optional/additional thoughts.
> 9. Clear separation between back-end and front-end layers
> >

Howard M. Lewis Ship

Creator Apache Tapestry and Apache HiveMind

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Re: Symbols evaluated at compile time?

2009-03-16 Thread Laurent PETIT

I see in clojure a var named ALLOW_UNRESOLVED_VARS.

Could you explain me how it works compared to the new AUTO_DEF that is
introduced ?

I think there's a subtlety between resolved var / defined var that I don't
understand right now ...



2009/3/16 Timothy Pratley 

> Just FYI,
> The actual patch is in the files section:
> With an example:
> From a longer thread about 'snake' which talked about literate
> programming:
> It does not implement existence checking upon completion of compile
> unit. How exactly should this work? We can keep a set of symbols auto-
> defined and 'at checkpoint' test if they are still undefined...
> however what is the 'checkpoint'? For fully compiled code the
> 'checkpoint' is clear - but Clojure is dynamic... what should happen
> with this code:
> (defn myfun []
>  (another-fun 5))
> (myfun)
> (defn another-fun [x]
>  (inc x))
> In a compiled language that would be valid, but in a dynamic language
> it is a runtime error. I don't see how to overcome this, which makes
> auto-def quite useless :) It seems you either need to accept top-down
> or accept undefined symbol runtime errors. There is a third
> alternative, which is to use Knuth's literate programming technique of
> actually writing your code in TeX and have it transformed from there
> to either code or documentation... but again for interactive
> development that is quite rigorous.
> Regards,
> Tim.
> On Mar 17, 7:54 am, David Nolen  wrote:
> > Here's the post by Timothy talking about patching the compiler:
> >
> >
> >
> > On Mon, Mar 16, 2009 at 4:36 PM, Paul Stadig  wrote:
> > > On Mon, Mar 16, 2009 at 4:18 PM, David Nolen  >wrote:
> >
> > >> On Mon, Mar 16, 2009 at 4:08 PM, Paul Stadig 
> wrote:
> >
> > >>> I may be missing something, but how does having to (declare) vars fix
> > >>> typos? I don't think anyone is suggesting *creating* a var that is
> > >>> referenced before it is defined. What people are asking for is that
> the
> > >>> compiler looks-ahead to verify that the var will eventually be
> defined, and
> > >>> then go on its merry way. Typos would still be discovered, and people
> > >>> wouldn't have to stop and (declare).
> >
> > >> Yeah I wasn't suggesting that vars should be created, sorry if it
> sounded
> > >> like I was (I mentioned declare because this came up in another thread
> about
> > >> declare and someone had hacked the reader to not bail immediately on
> > >> undefined symbols).
> >
> > > Sorry, my fault. I was just responding in general, not to you
> specifically.
> >
> > >> In CL, if you have definitions out of order in the compiler will issue
> > >> warnings.
> >
> > >>> I'm not saying it's an easy change...
> >
> > >>> Paul
> >
> > > Could someone post the link to the previous discussion? I searched the
> > > group for declare, but didn't turn up anything.
> >
> > > Paul
> >

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Re: Clojure Web Framework, what I want to add

2009-03-16 Thread Sean

I'm not sure if some of the design inputs make sense, specifically
Spring and Hibernate.

Point 1 - I've found the strength of Spring to be making up for the
weaknesses of Java.  Once you have first class functions, macros, and
multi-methods (to name a few), Spring doesn't bring much to the table
any more.  Add in a few Unix utilities like cron and others, you
remove the rest of the features.

Point 2 - As for Hibernate, ORM doesn't make much sense with a
functional language either.  The SQL library in clojure-contrib lets
you load a map, and you can create way more interesting queries with
clojure than hibernate.  S-expressions are that powerful.

Point 3 - I'd follow Rails example and use strong defaults, and resort
to XML only when necessary.

Point 4 - Sounds good.

Point 5 - Have you looked into compojure?  It does a really good job
of turning s-expressions into HTML.

Point 5 (the second one) - See compojure again.

Point 6 & 7 - This is where a lot of work is to be done.  I'm not sure
how to respond right now.  I'll think about it.

Point 8 - This is why clojure is awesome.  I'll leave this as an
exercise to the user :)

Point 9 - Yeah, this would be a great feature.

That's my thoughts.

On Mar 16, 7:17 pm, BerlinBrown  wrote:
> After many years (decade) of web development, here are the things that
> I want in a framework, mostly based in clojure:
> What do you think and what you add.  This is ambitious and just a
> "ideas" of what I would add.  What would you want from your ideal
> framework?
> 1. Based on Spring Framework for middleware:
> Reason: there are years and years and years of development spent on
> spring and there are many things done right.  If I were integrating
> with any other third party libraries, I would use spring.  Spring is
> added to my framework.
> 2. Based on Hibernate for ORM mapping:
> Reason: the defacto standard for ORM mapping with Java.  And also used
> by NHibernate.  There is a lot of support for most popular databases.
> 3. Clojure/Lisp based configuration AND default XML configurations.
> This has become the standard way to configure a J2EE web application
> including spring and hibernate.  But I would like a lisp oriented
> configuration.
> 4. Easy mapping to URLs.  I like python's approach for URL mapping
> 5. Clojure based, framework based server pages AND JSPs.  I have
> always hated some aspects of JSP and ASPs, etc, etc.  They are just
> too complicated.  I would want to use Clojure code within the
> framework oriented server page and other predefined tags.
> 5. Lift like reusable server pages.  Lift has an interesting approach
> for resuing the same page.  E.g. you have an if-else statement within
> the page.
> If request == GET
> ...render this
> if request == POST
>  ...render this.
> if URL == 'abc.html'
>  .. render this.
> I want to embed this in my framework.  You only touch one page, but
> you get different outputs depending on the request method or URL, etc,
> etc.
> 6. Use of Clojure syntactic sugar -- TO BE DETERMINED.   There is the
> ability to use powerful Clojure constructs  with this framework but I
> haven't figured out how yet.
> 7. Better integration of CSS, Javascript, HTML.   A lot of a web
> application still resides with the client side.   I have yet to see an
> web framework that addresses client development (besides GWT).   Maybe
> something as simple as server page tags for CSS?  Javascript?
> 8.  Additional third party libraries:
> Lucene, iText, jFreeChart, optional Terracotta integration
> Other optional/additional thoughts.
> 9. Clear separation between back-end and front-end layers
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Re: Clojure Web Framework, what I want to add

2009-03-16 Thread Jeffrey Straszheim
I'd love to see something built around very-high scalability, using NIO and
thread pools and such.

On Mon, Mar 16, 2009 at 7:40 PM, Sean  wrote:

> I'm not sure if some of the design inputs make sense, specifically
> Spring and Hibernate.
> Point 1 - I've found the strength of Spring to be making up for the
> weaknesses of Java.  Once you have first class functions, macros, and
> multi-methods (to name a few), Spring doesn't bring much to the table
> any more.  Add in a few Unix utilities like cron and others, you
> remove the rest of the features.
> Point 2 - As for Hibernate, ORM doesn't make much sense with a
> functional language either.  The SQL library in clojure-contrib lets
> you load a map, and you can create way more interesting queries with
> clojure than hibernate.  S-expressions are that powerful.
> Point 3 - I'd follow Rails example and use strong defaults, and resort
> to XML only when necessary.
> Point 4 - Sounds good.
> Point 5 - Have you looked into compojure?  It does a really good job
> of turning s-expressions into HTML.
> Point 5 (the second one) - See compojure again.
> Point 6 & 7 - This is where a lot of work is to be done.  I'm not sure
> how to respond right now.  I'll think about it.
> Point 8 - This is why clojure is awesome.  I'll leave this as an
> exercise to the user :)
> Point 9 - Yeah, this would be a great feature.
> That's my thoughts.
> On Mar 16, 7:17 pm, BerlinBrown  wrote:
> > After many years (decade) of web development, here are the things that
> > I want in a framework, mostly based in clojure:
> >
> > What do you think and what you add.  This is ambitious and just a
> > "ideas" of what I would add.  What would you want from your ideal
> > framework?
> >
> > 1. Based on Spring Framework for middleware:
> > Reason: there are years and years and years of development spent on
> > spring and there are many things done right.  If I were integrating
> > with any other third party libraries, I would use spring.  Spring is
> > added to my framework.
> >
> > 2. Based on Hibernate for ORM mapping:
> > Reason: the defacto standard for ORM mapping with Java.  And also used
> > by NHibernate.  There is a lot of support for most popular databases.
> >
> > 3. Clojure/Lisp based configuration AND default XML configurations.
> > This has become the standard way to configure a J2EE web application
> > including spring and hibernate.  But I would like a lisp oriented
> > configuration.
> >
> > 4. Easy mapping to URLs.  I like python's approach for URL mapping
> >
> > 5. Clojure based, framework based server pages AND JSPs.  I have
> > always hated some aspects of JSP and ASPs, etc, etc.  They are just
> > too complicated.  I would want to use Clojure code within the
> > framework oriented server page and other predefined tags.
> >
> > 5. Lift like reusable server pages.  Lift has an interesting approach
> > for resuing the same page.  E.g. you have an if-else statement within
> > the page.
> >
> > If request == GET
> > ...render this
> > if request == POST
> >  ...render this.
> > if URL == 'abc.html'
> >  .. render this.
> >
> > I want to embed this in my framework.  You only touch one page, but
> > you get different outputs depending on the request method or URL, etc,
> > etc.
> >
> > 6. Use of Clojure syntactic sugar -- TO BE DETERMINED.   There is the
> > ability to use powerful Clojure constructs  with this framework but I
> > haven't figured out how yet.
> >
> > 7. Better integration of CSS, Javascript, HTML.   A lot of a web
> > application still resides with the client side.   I have yet to see an
> > web framework that addresses client development (besides GWT).   Maybe
> > something as simple as server page tags for CSS?  Javascript?
> >
> > 8.  Additional third party libraries:
> >
> > Lucene, iText, jFreeChart, optional Terracotta integration
> > 
> >
> > Other optional/additional thoughts.
> >
> > 9. Clear separation between back-end and front-end layers
> >

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Re: Promise for absense of side effects

2009-03-16 Thread André Thieme

On 16 Mrz., 23:36, Raoul Duke  wrote:
> please, for those who aren't Erlang nerds, also see Dialyzer.

Funny, I just wanted to post exactly that link.
It is very impressive what that tool did:
"Dialyzer has been applied to large code bases,
for example the entire code base of AXD301
consisting of about 2,000,000 lines of Erlang code,
and has identified a significant number of software
defects that have gone unnoticed after years of
extensive testing."

In fact, it is this very tool, the Erlang Dialyzer
that made me start thinking about this whole thing.
The Dialyzer will infer the types from the sources,
without hints of the developers. This means that it
can not find all bugs. But it uses the information
that exists even in a dynamically typed language to
spit out warnings about type problems, but also
about other discrepancies.

If you follow the link, also read the pdfs they put
online, such as:
It's just five pages, and written not only for
experts of static type systems.

If the Dialyzer can do all this without having an
optional type system in Erlang, then it should be
obvious what would be possible, if Rich agrees and
finds the time/resources to add one in Clojure.
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Re: Promise for absense of side effects

2009-03-16 Thread Raoul Duke

> If the Dialyzer can do all this without having an
> optional type system in Erlang, then it should be
> obvious what would be possible, if Rich agrees and
> finds the time/resources to add one in Clojure.

maybe this is a bad/crazy idea, but could one make a pluggable
Dialyzer, which could then be customized to work on any dynamic
language? that could be pretty awesome.


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Re: Clojure Web Framework, what I want to add

2009-03-16 Thread Berlin Brown

On Mar 16, 7:52 pm, Jeffrey Straszheim 
> I'd love to see something built around very-high scalability, using NIO and
> thread pools and such.
> On Mon, Mar 16, 2009 at 7:40 PM, Sean  wrote:
> > I'm not sure if some of the design inputs make sense, specifically
> > Spring and Hibernate.
> > Point 1 - I've found the strength of Spring to be making up for the
> > weaknesses of Java.  Once you have first class functions, macros, and
> > multi-methods (to name a few), Spring doesn't bring much to the table
> > any more.  Add in a few Unix utilities like cron and others, you
> > remove the rest of the features.
> > Point 2 - As for Hibernate, ORM doesn't make much sense with a
> > functional language either.  The SQL library in clojure-contrib lets
> > you load a map, and you can create way more interesting queries with
> > clojure than hibernate.  S-expressions are that powerful.
> > Point 3 - I'd follow Rails example and use strong defaults, and resort
> > to XML only when necessary.
> > Point 4 - Sounds good.
> > Point 5 - Have you looked into compojure?  It does a really good job
> > of turning s-expressions into HTML.
> > Point 5 (the second one) - See compojure again.
> > Point 6 & 7 - This is where a lot of work is to be done.  I'm not sure
> > how to respond right now.  I'll think about it.
> > Point 8 - This is why clojure is awesome.  I'll leave this as an
> > exercise to the user :)
> > Point 9 - Yeah, this would be a great feature.
> > That's my thoughts.
> > On Mar 16, 7:17 pm, BerlinBrown  wrote:
> > > After many years (decade) of web development, here are the things that
> > > I want in a framework, mostly based in clojure:
> > > What do you think and what you add.  This is ambitious and just a
> > > "ideas" of what I would add.  What would you want from your ideal
> > > framework?
> > > 1. Based on Spring Framework for middleware:
> > > Reason: there are years and years and years of development spent on
> > > spring and there are many things done right.  If I were integrating
> > > with any other third party libraries, I would use spring.  Spring is
> > > added to my framework.
> > > 2. Based on Hibernate for ORM mapping:
> > > Reason: the defacto standard for ORM mapping with Java.  And also used
> > > by NHibernate.  There is a lot of support for most popular databases.
> > > 3. Clojure/Lisp based configuration AND default XML configurations.
> > > This has become the standard way to configure a J2EE web application
> > > including spring and hibernate.  But I would like a lisp oriented
> > > configuration.
> > > 4. Easy mapping to URLs.  I like python's approach for URL mapping
> > > 5. Clojure based, framework based server pages AND JSPs.  I have
> > > always hated some aspects of JSP and ASPs, etc, etc.  They are just
> > > too complicated.  I would want to use Clojure code within the
> > > framework oriented server page and other predefined tags.
> > > 5. Lift like reusable server pages.  Lift has an interesting approach
> > > for resuing the same page.  E.g. you have an if-else statement within
> > > the page.
> > > If request == GET
> > > ...render this
> > > if request == POST
> > >  ...render this.
> > > if URL == 'abc.html'
> > >  .. render this.
> > > I want to embed this in my framework.  You only touch one page, but
> > > you get different outputs depending on the request method or URL, etc,
> > > etc.
> > > 6. Use of Clojure syntactic sugar -- TO BE DETERMINED.   There is the
> > > ability to use powerful Clojure constructs  with this framework but I
> > > haven't figured out how yet.
> > > 7. Better integration of CSS, Javascript, HTML.   A lot of a web
> > > application still resides with the client side.   I have yet to see an
> > > web framework that addresses client development (besides GWT).   Maybe
> > > something as simple as server page tags for CSS?  Javascript?
> > > 8.  Additional third party libraries:
> > > Lucene, iText, jFreeChart, optional Terracotta integration
> > > 
> > > Other optional/additional thoughts.
> > > 9. Clear separation between back-end and front-end layers
"Point 1 - I've found the strength of Spring to be making up for the
weaknesses of Java.  Once you have first class functions, macros, and
multi-methods (to name a few), Spring doesn't bring much to the table
any more.  Add in a few Unix utilities like cron and others, you
remove the rest of the features."

Assuming a person is able to re-engineer what Spring has already done
including the simplistic dependency injection oriented web framework.
For me, I just to hate to ignore all that work has been done as well
as making it easier for integrating 'this' framework with pre-existing

"Point 2 - As for Hibernate, ORM doesn't make much sense with a
functional language either.  The SQL library in clojure-contrib lets
you load a map, and you can create way more interesting queries with
clojure than hibernate.  S-e

  1   2   >