Deploying project as backward compatible

2008-08-18 Thread mahaboob
Hi all,
I'm using xcode 3.1. I deployed my project by changing the build
configuration  to Release. Now this application is working on Leopard.
When I try to open the  application in Tiger by double clicking it, the
application icon appeared in the dock for a moment and suddenly
disappeared. The application is not opened and I didn't get any crash log.
How can I build application as backward compatible.

Thanks in advance.


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Re: Question about respondsToSelector

2008-08-18 Thread Negm-Awad Amin

Am Mo,18.08.2008 um 20:17 schrieb Carmen Cerino Jr.:

Does the id type have enough information for the respondsToSelector  
method to work. I have a class with an ivar of type id, and when I  
invoke the respondsToSelector method it fails when it should  
succeed. I am assuming it should work fine, because if I skip  
checking with the respondsToSelector method and just make the call,  
it executes the method. Can someone please tell me what I am doing  
Since the whole dispatch is done by and only by the runtime  
(exception: messages to super) the rte holds the information. (The  
compiler only throws warnings, because he can proceed with his work.  
This is, because he does nothing else than checking!)

As others said:
a) We need a piece of code
b) Typo?



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Amin Negm-Awad


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Re: Right place to unobserve notifications in a document

2008-08-18 Thread Negm-Awad Amin

Am Mo,18.08.2008 um 20:14 schrieb Andy Lee:

On Aug 18, 2008, at 12:49 PM, Negm-Awad Amin wrote:

Am Mo,18.08.2008 um 18:18 schrieb Andy Lee:
-- but in this case I think -dealloc is not only okay, but  
sometimes the only correct place to unregister a notification.   
Suppose an invariant of your design is that an object should  
receive notifications as long as, and only as long as, the object  
exists.  If you unregister too soon, you may have an "alive"  
object that fails to get a notification.
This is little bit a circular argumentation: I need it the whole  
lifetime, so i manage it the whole lifetime. Why do you need it  
until the instance becomes deconstructed?

It's only circular in that I specifically selected a class of  
situations where it makes the most sense. :)

I think this is the right pattern:
1. Construct and init the object
2. Let them work (register observations, handling threads,  
$whatever … )

3. Stop them
4. Deconstruct them

So there are 4 steps, not 2.

This pattern is fine and necessary in many cases, but there are also  
plenty of cases where it is not viable. For example, it may not be  
clear when the object can "stop" listening for notifications.  It  
may literally be when all other objects are done with it, i.e., when  
its retain count goes to zero, and in a dynamic system you may have  
no way of knowing which will be the last object to release your  

IMO imposing a start-stop paradigm on every class that wants to  
register interest in notifications -- and engineering every class so  
that your object can't possibly be released until it is "stopped" --  
is just as much a design error as putting functional work in - 
dealloc.  I would encourage you to reconsider.
As I said, in the past I used this pattern very often. And indeed the  
reason was, that if somebody A is retaining somebody B, A uses B. So I  
can mix up functional work and memory management. This seems to be  

If you put it together, you have no possibility of stopping somebody  
without releasing it. And since you can not be sure, that somebody  
else holds it, you have to reinstantiate B for a new start. I think in  
practice a "2-step-pattern" makes sharing of the functionality harder!

In the cases where you do have a start-stop paradigm, you should put  
a "stop" in -dealloc anyway, as Michael argued.
You should throw an exception or at least log something, as oberserved  
objects actually do ("dealloc while observation in place" or something  
like this).

I think it's okay to unregister in -dealloc because conceptually  
it's related to releasing your ivars.  You're explicitly  
dissolving a relationship between the object being dealloced and  
some other object -- a relationship you have to manually manage in  
the absence of garbage collection.
In this case it seems to be ok. Maybe this is the reason for the  
weak reference.
The weak reference is to avoid retain cycles (the same reason why  
delegates are not retained).
We talked about GC. The need for a weak reference using RC is quite  

With GC turned on, retain cycles are not a problem so you don't have  
to worry about weak references to self, just as you don't have to  
bother releasing strong references to ivars.
Since the observed object (maybe notification center) will still hold  
a reference to the observing object, there is a problem. The  
*observer* will not be freed, if the observed is still living.  
Obviously you have a problem using GC,  for example if you have an  
observing window and an observed model instance. The model probably  
lives longer than the window. (Think of info windows …)

This seems to be the reason for the weak reference using GC.

In the absence of GC, you have to break connections manually, and  
that's all this is.  In fact, you should also break delegate  
connections to self in the same place, for the same reason.  (Hm,  
I'm not sure whether I'm doing this in my own code -- I'd better  

You mentioned KVO in another reply.  I haven't used KVO, so I'd be  
interested if anyone has a response to your counterexample.

Still waiting … ;--)



Amin Negm-Awad


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Re: NSView confusion

2008-08-18 Thread Graham Cox

On 19 Aug 2008, at 9:02 am, Charlie Dickman wrote:

Also, how does one synchronize events with the update of the various  
views? I can instruct each view what to draw and it draws it just  
fine (I use lockFocus, etc. when drawing is external to drawRect)  
and the updated view is seen _eventually_ but I can not synchronize  
subsequent activity to happen after the appropriate display is seen.  
How can I accomplish this synchronization? And how can I force a  
view to update? Invoking [view display] has no effect on forcing the  
display toshow the latest update.

In my experience it's rarely necessary to "force" a view to update.  
Just mark it as needing update (-setNeedsDisplay:, - 
setNeedsDisplayInRect:) and let it handle it in due course. It sounds  
like you're trying to do its job for it, though hard to be sure from  
your description. It's also not really clear why synchronisation is  
needed, or what you're trying to accomplish. Again, the need to  
"synchronise" views sets off alarm bells - rarely needed and maybe  
indicative of the need to revise your design. If there is a data model  
common to the views make it a separate object, apply changes there,  
tell the views they need to update and voila! - all views show the new  
state. Do not keep state/model data in a view unless your app is  
trivial and it's the only view (and even then it's probably a bad idea).


cheers, Graham

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Re: Shared NSTextView

2008-08-18 Thread Graham Cox

On 19 Aug 2008, at 3:23 pm, chaitanya pandit wrote:

But as in your case you will have to use a separate set of above  
classes for each textView, that means you cannot share the layout  
manager as it belongs to a single textStorage.

Not strictly true, because while the LM is associated with the text  
storage, you can switch it on the fly. Whether this is faster or  
slower than having a separate instance would need to be measured, but  
it definitely works.


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Re: Shared NSTextView

2008-08-18 Thread chaitanya pandit
You can share an instance of NSTextStorage and NSLayoutManager  with  
multiple NstextContainer+NSTextViews only if you are displaying same  
text in all those textViews.
But as in your case you will have to use a separate set of above  
classes for each textView, that means you cannot share the layout  
manager as it belongs to a single textStorage.
Have a look at the following documentation to get a general idea bout  
the same 


On 19-Aug-08, at 12:46 AM, Oleg Krupnov wrote:

I am developing a custom view, sort of a simple graphic editor, where
the user can draw graphic boxes of different size. Each box should
display its own attributed string bounded by its own size, and when
the user double-clicks any box, he becomes able to edit the box's text

I have read the docs and have a general understanding of the text
system components: NSTextStorage, NSLayoutManager, NSTextContainer and

However I wonder if some instances of these can be shared across
different graphic boxes for better efficiency?

I could go the simple and dull way and create a separate instance of
NSTextView for each box, but I am afraid this could be a waste of
resources, because layout manager is costy. Also, most of time I only
need to display text in boxes, not to edit it.

I thought it could be smarter to create a single shared instance of
NSTextView per custom view, and re-attach it to different boxes when
the user double-clicks a box. The rest of time I'd use NSTextStorage
and NSTextContainer to just draw the string. Is this a good idea? In
this case, what object instances should each graphic box have of its
own? My guess is that each graphic box should have its own instances
of NSTextStorage and NSTextContainer, but I am not sure what about
NSLayoutManager? Can it be shared too, or it's going to be
inefficient? How do I reconnect the shared components from a box to
another box?


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Re: Shared NSTextView

2008-08-18 Thread Graham Cox
You can share a few things. The NSTextView can be shared since  
presumably it will only be possible to edit one object at a time  
(otherwise it's going to get a bit confusing for the poor old user).  
You could also use NSWindow's field editor for this, which is what  
text fields in dialogs use. For laying out text in the boxes, you can  
re-use the NSLayoutManager since it only comes into play while you  
draw the text and each box is drawn one at a time. The text container  
can also be reused, or more simply, just created on the fly each time  
- it doesn't do much so there's very little overhead involved (or  
conversely, very little to be gained by reusing it).

That said, don't over-optimise before you have it working.

Incidentally, my DrawKit framework includes text objects that do  
exactly what you describe - you can download it and see what I did if  
you want (or use the framework ;-). I don't use the field editor as it  
happens, but instead re-use a shared NSTextView on the fly to edit a  
text object. I do share the NSLayoutManager. The NSLayoutManager is  
internal so it's just returned as a shared object from a class method  
of my text object. The editing text view is a feature of the main  
drawing view. When the text object needs to edit itself, it grabs the  
editing view instance from the current view and sets it up positioned  
and sized to match the object, and puts its text into it.


cheers, Graham

On 19 Aug 2008, at 2:46 pm, Oleg Krupnov wrote:

I am developing a custom view, sort of a simple graphic editor, where
the user can draw graphic boxes of different size. Each box should
display its own attributed string bounded by its own size, and when
the user double-clicks any box, he becomes able to edit the box's text

I have read the docs and have a general understanding of the text
system components: NSTextStorage, NSLayoutManager, NSTextContainer and

However I wonder if some instances of these can be shared across
different graphic boxes for better efficiency?

I could go the simple and dull way and create a separate instance of
NSTextView for each box, but I am afraid this could be a waste of
resources, because layout manager is costy. Also, most of time I only
need to display text in boxes, not to edit it.

I thought it could be smarter to create a single shared instance of
NSTextView per custom view, and re-attach it to different boxes when
the user double-clicks a box. The rest of time I'd use NSTextStorage
and NSTextContainer to just draw the string. Is this a good idea? In
this case, what object instances should each graphic box have of its
own? My guess is that each graphic box should have its own instances
of NSTextStorage and NSTextContainer, but I am not sure what about
NSLayoutManager? Can it be shared too, or it's going to be
inefficient? How do I reconnect the shared components from a box to
another box?


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Re: NSView confusion

2008-08-18 Thread Andy Lee

On Aug 18, 2008, at 7:02 PM, Charlie Dickman wrote:
I import the appropriate .h files and invoke the method via [view  
method... and the compiler reports that no such method can be found.  
Yet if I invoke the method via [view performSelector:... at  
execution time it works just fine.

When you say [view method...] what is "view" declared as?  Is it  
declared as an NSView or as an instance of your NSView subclass?



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Re: How to write a string to a file

2008-08-18 Thread Andy Lee

On Aug 18, 2008, at 11:28 PM, David wrote:
Thanks for the quick responses. Why isn't this already in NSString?I  

an old reference saying to use [filehandle writeData:[nsstring
This seems obtuse. I have been using Cocoa for 6 months and it is not
seeming any more consistent nor powerful than when I started.

I find Cocoa to be inconsistent with random pockets of powerful  
with many areas of spotty coverage of basic methods that I'd expect  
to be


To a degree, I sympathize.  You could certainly argue that a method  
like [myString appendToPath:myPath usingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]  
is useful and obvious enough that it should have been built into  
NSString in the first place.  I think reasonable minds could disagree,  
but you could make the case (and, as Michael suggested, you can file a  
bug report requesting the method; I believe Apple has added  
convenience methods like this from time to time).

On the other hand: first, I think any API designer has to draw the  
line somewhere, especially with a class as widely used as a string  
class; when do you stop adding convenience methods?  Second, as others  
have pointed out, Objective-C at least gives you the option to add  
this behavior yourself, via a category.  Third, I think it's easy to  
find fault with any complex API that does things differently than  
you're used to.  Sometimes this is due to a legitimately crappy API,  
and sometimes you just have to be a little more willing to go with the  
flow if you want to be successful on that platform, and while I can't  
promise this (I'm always reluctant to make statements like "you will  
see the light"), you *might* even be surprised to find it makes sense.

Cocoa isn't perfect, but it isn't just Cocoa.  Back in the early 90's,  
I tried ParcPlace Smalltalk and was stunned a how crude the windowing  
APIs were -- at PARC of all places, the birthplace of the GUI.  Today,  
as a Java programmer, I think it's odd that you need a utility class  
to sort an array instead of just telling the array to sort itself, and  
I can never remember all the combinations of Buffers, Writers, and  
Streams I need for various kinds of I/O.  And it's been many moons  
since I wrote a UI in Java, but I thought it was pretty crude then  
too.  So nobody's perfect.

That said, one of the things Cocoa developers like is actually its  
*consistency* -- the grammatical consistency of its naming  
conventions, the consistent application of a few design patterns, and  
so forth.

Some issues:
NSString includes lots of methods to work with paths, URLs, etc.  
This breaks


No it doesn't.  These methods do not reveal implementation details or  
allow other objects to muck with NSString internals.

It does not seem to be good design for NSString to have this
unique function dealing with paths. That should be in another class.

You could say the same thing about file operations.

Path operations are common enough, with enough annoying edge cases,  
that I'd think you'd be the first to welcome them in NSString.

I could go on, but I should stop. The method name makeKeyAndOrderFront
amazes me on NSWindow. It took me way too long to find that. It is my
current winner for least discoverable name.

The name makes perfect sense to me *now*, but if I must admit others  
before you have also gone hunting for that method.



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NSView confusion

2008-08-18 Thread Charlie Dickman
I have tried everything I can think of and have tried the  
documentation I can find and I still can not figure out what is going  
on or what to do about it.

I have an app that contains multiple NSView's which are all visible at  
the same time. They are all sub-classes of NSView but not of any of  
the others. Each has its initialize, initWithRect and drawRect methods  
invoked as it should.

With the exception of the 1st one I defined, the workhorse view, no  
methods implemented in any of the others and declared in the  
respective .h files are visible to any of the other views at compile  
time. I import the appropriate .h files and invoke the method via  
[view method... and the compiler reports that no such method can be  
found. Yet if I invoke the method via [view performSelector:... at  
execution time it works just fine.

I have no idea why the compile time recognition fails. Can someone  
explain to me what is going on and what I can do about it? Should  
there be a view hierarchy? If so, how structured?

Also, how does one synchronize events with the update of the various  
views? I can instruct each view what to draw and it draws it just fine  
(I use lockFocus, etc. when drawing is external to drawRect) and the  
updated view is seen _eventually_ but I can not synchronize subsequent  
activity to happen after the appropriate display is seen. How can I  
accomplish this synchronization? And how can I force a view to update?  
Invoking [view display] has no effect on forcing the display toshow  
the latest update.

Thanks for any help you can provide.

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Shared NSTextView

2008-08-18 Thread Oleg Krupnov
I am developing a custom view, sort of a simple graphic editor, where
the user can draw graphic boxes of different size. Each box should
display its own attributed string bounded by its own size, and when
the user double-clicks any box, he becomes able to edit the box's text

I have read the docs and have a general understanding of the text
system components: NSTextStorage, NSLayoutManager, NSTextContainer and

However I wonder if some instances of these can be shared across
different graphic boxes for better efficiency?

I could go the simple and dull way and create a separate instance of
NSTextView for each box, but I am afraid this could be a waste of
resources, because layout manager is costy. Also, most of time I only
need to display text in boxes, not to edit it.

I thought it could be smarter to create a single shared instance of
NSTextView per custom view, and re-attach it to different boxes when
the user double-clicks a box. The rest of time I'd use NSTextStorage
and NSTextContainer to just draw the string. Is this a good idea? In
this case, what object instances should each graphic box have of its
own? My guess is that each graphic box should have its own instances
of NSTextStorage and NSTextContainer, but I am not sure what about
NSLayoutManager? Can it be shared too, or it's going to be
inefficient? How do I reconnect the shared components from a box to
another box?


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Re: How to write a string to a file

2008-08-18 Thread Ken Thomases

On Aug 18, 2008, at 10:28 PM, David wrote:

Why isn't this already in NSString?

I would sooner suggest removing -writeToFile:... from NSString than  
adding -appendToFile:.

At some point you get a many-to-many explosion of combinations  
(NString, NSData, NSArray, NSDictionary, NSValue, NSNumber, etc.)  
times (NSFileHandle, NSStream, NSPort, etc.).  Much better to have a  
many-to-one-plus-one-to-many design.  I would guess that things like - 
writeToFile: are a legacy from early days which now can't be removed  

NSString includes lots of methods to work with paths, URLs, etc.  
This breaks
encapsulation. It does not seem to be good design for NSString to  
have this

unique function dealing with paths. That should be in another class.

Actually, those methods are not in the NSString class.  They're in a  
category on that class, NSString(NSStringPathExtensions) in  
NSPathUtilities.h.  So, I don't think it breaks encapsulation.

Basic methods should exist somewhere for writing primitive types to  
a file.


However, part of the answer to your concerns is that Objective-C is  
still C and you can use all of the C libraries and system calls.  The  
main advantage of NSFileHandle over stdio is its asynchronous  
capabilities and integration with run loops.  Also, if your data is  
most easily obtained in an NSData.  If you don't need those  
capabilities, consider using stdio or another alternative that better  
matches your needs.

Also, don't forget that you can extend NSFileHandle with whatever  
methods you like using categories.

NSOutputStream provides the following method,
- (NSInteger)write:(const uint8_t *)*buffer* maxLength:(NSUInteger) 
Why doesn't it use NSData? What's the point of having the NSData  

if it isn't even used?

It probably should have a method accepting an NSData.  However,  
NSData does have -bytes and -length methods, which makes invoking the  
above method trivial if you have an NSData.

And, of course, the above method is useful if you have a non-object  
type to write to the stream.  You don't need to wrap it in an NSData.


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Re: How to write a string to a file

2008-08-18 Thread Alex Kac

On Aug 18, 2008, at 10:59 PM, David <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Thanks for the quick responses. Why isn't this already in NSString?I  

an old reference saying to use [filehandle writeData:[nsstring
This seems obtuse. I have been using Cocoa for 6 months and it is not
seeming any more consistent nor powerful than when I started.

Funny, I find that the more I learn about Cocoa, the more consistent  
it is.

I find Cocoa to be inconsistent with random pockets of powerful  
with many areas of spotty coverage of basic methods that I'd expect  
to be


They usually are - but the terminology is the hard part. OS X uses  
terminology that - while very consistent in itself - is different than  
UNIX or Windows many times.

Some issues:
NSString includes lots of methods to work with paths, URLs, etc.  
This breaks
encapsulation. It does not seem to be good design for NSString to  
have this

unique function dealing with paths. That should be in another class.

Paths are strings - so that makes sense. Dealing with paths is a very  
common thing and its not technically part of NSString - its a category  
of NSString that Apple wrote. I find it very helpful.

Basic methods should exist somewhere for writing primitive types to  
a file.

They do. Its in NSCoder. Or use NSData to take any primitive type and  
turn it into a byte stream. Then use NSFileHandle to write it.

NSString writeToFile seems like an odd method. Why just this one  
means to
write in this class? Why such an emphasis on atomic, which seems  
like such a
complex uncommon algorithm? Why is there no option to append to a  

writeToFile is available in LOTS of classes. I just did a API search  
and it came up with a couple screenfuls.

Similarly, NSFileHandle and NSOutputStream could have methods to write
primitive types, or at least NSString.

They handle bytes. Use NSData to convert it to bytes. Why is this hard  
or wrong?

NSOutputStream provides the following method,
- (NSInteger)write:(const uint8_t *)*buffer* maxLength: 
Why doesn't it use NSData? What's the point of having the NSData  

if it isn't even used?

I could go on, but I should stop. The method name makeKeyAndOrderFront
amazes me on NSWindow. It took me way too long to find that. It is my
current winner for least discoverable name.

Its a terminology issue. Mac OS has had that same terminology for many  
many many years. Look - I've been doing Windows development since 2000  
in C++ as well as a little in .NET. I also did some original OS 7/8  
development way back when in Pascal - years ago. I spent a year  
lurking on this group starting early 2007 to get an idea of the main  
questions and issues Cocoa devs had as well as learning Obj-C and  
learning why things are done a certain way. That helped me a lot as it  
helped gel a ton of concepts and bits of terminology that when I  
finally did dive into Cocoa full time 4-5 months ago it felt natural.  
Since then I've come across many many times when I couldn't find the  
answer to something simple - only to find that my terminology was  
wrong and bam - it was there. It does help that I have an experienced  
Apple dev on my team too that I can go to when I can't seem to find  
what I'm looking for.

But this very same question hit me last week that you had. It took me  
all of 30 minutes to find the answer in the Apple docs because of its  
consistency. I attribute that to taking that year to really learn the  
way OS X "thinks".

I consider myself past the hump, but still on a journey of learning  
and so hopefully my two cents will give hope and maybe some help :)

Alex Kac - President and Founder
Web Information Solutions, Inc.

"I am not young enough to know everything."
--Oscar Wilde


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Re: How to write a string to a file

2008-08-18 Thread Michael Ash
On Mon, Aug 18, 2008 at 11:28 PM, David <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thanks for the quick responses. Why isn't this already in NSString?I found
> an old reference saying to use [filehandle writeData:[nsstring
> dataUsingEncoding:...]]
> This seems obtuse. I have been using Cocoa for 6 months and it is not
> seeming any more consistent nor powerful than when I started.
> I find Cocoa to be inconsistent with random pockets of powerful features
> with many areas of spotty coverage of basic methods that I'd expect to be
> present.
> Some issues:
> NSString includes lots of methods to work with paths, URLs, etc. This breaks
> encapsulation. It does not seem to be good design for NSString to have this
> unique function dealing with paths. That should be in another class.
> Basic methods should exist somewhere for writing primitive types to a file.
> NSString writeToFile seems like an odd method. Why just this one means to
> write in this class? Why such an emphasis on atomic, which seems like such a
> complex uncommon algorithm? Why is there no option to append to a file?
> Similarly, NSFileHandle and NSOutputStream could have methods to write
> primitive types, or at least NSString.
> NSOutputStream provides the following method,
> - (NSInteger)write:(const uint8_t *)*buffer* maxLength:(NSUInteger)*length*
> Why doesn't it use NSData? What's the point of having the NSData construct
> if it isn't even used?
> I could go on, but I should stop. The method name makeKeyAndOrderFront
> amazes me on NSWindow. It took me way too long to find that. It is my
> current winner for least discoverable name.

If there are things you're unsatisfied with, you'll get much better
results filing bugs on them at rather than
complaining to the list. The people who read the list generally aren't
in a position to fix these things, and when they are they still
generally can't do anything about it unless people file bugs.

That said, I should assure you that Cocoa gets a lot more powerful and
sensible when you learn more of it. The learning curve is difficult
because it's such an integrated system. But what that means is that at
some point you reach critical mass and it will suddenly make a great
deal more sense.

Many of the things you point out are entirely legitimate (NSStream
should definitely work with NSData objects!) but ultimately, in the
grand scheme of things, they aren't all that significant.


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Re: Using Flex/Lex in a Cocoa project

2008-08-18 Thread Michael Ash
On Mon, Aug 18, 2008 at 4:55 PM, Ricky Sharp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Aug 18, 2008, at 3:40 PM, mm w wrote:
>> to avoid the splitting problem
>> (c < 128) ? "%c" : "\\u%04x", c);
> I'm not sure what this solves.
> Per Michael's e-mail below, this is indeed a difficult problem.  UTF-8 is
> just a particular scheme to store Unicode strings.  Operating on individual
> bytes in such streams will most likely not make any sense.
> What I would do is pick some normalized form and operate on that data.  For
> a recent feature at my day job, we normalized all input CSV files to
> UTF-16BE.  We were able to handle all of our customer data so far.  The
> final solution still isn't 100% Unicode-savvy (e.g. it does crap-out with
> surrogate pairs), but we have unit tests to expose/document such
> limitations. And, customer data doesn't yet have such things.

Note that depending on what kind of results you want, even if all of
your data is within the BMP, this *still* won't save you.

As a really basic example, consider a simple, obvious character like
é. (That's an e with an acute accent on it if you're having unicode
trouble in your e-mail client.) That can be represented as two
separate unicode code points, a plain old ASCII e followed by a
combining accent mark. If you should happen to split the string on the
accent mark, such that the e goes into the first half and the
combining accent mark goes into the second half, you get a really
unintuitive result. What appears to the user to be a single character
gets suddenly blown in two. Worse, if you happen to insert a string in
the middle, you could end up applying that acute accent to some
*other* letter instead.

And if you think this is bad, you should see how Unicode deals with Korean.

If you're using NSString, you can find good places to split using the
-rangeOfComposedCharacterSequenceAtIndex: method. I believe that it
will also deal with surrogate pairs, not only "normal" composed
character sequences.

Ultimately if you're doing any manipulation of Unicode, some large
amount of knowledge about Unicode needs to be in the system somewhere.
If your code is running on a Mac then you can use the knowledge that
NSString has about Unicode to help out, sometimes. But alas, due to
how Unicode is designed, there's simply no way to safely manipulate
strings beyond very basic operations like concatenation unless you
either make the code know a lot about Unicode or place overly strong
constraints on the system, such as only splitting on line breaks or
carriage returns (or commas).

Yeah, the situation kind of sucks, but it's what we're stuck with.
Thankfully Foundation and CoreFoundation do a lot to hide the messy,
ugly details from us.


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Re: Removing Observers

2008-08-18 Thread Rob Keniger

On 19/08/2008, at 10:16 AM, Graham Cox wrote:

The point is that observees should not know or care about their  
observers. Once you stop trying to let observees control their  
observers your problems will ease considerably. Instead, observers  
are entirely responsible for their own actions - observing an object  
and unobserving it later. The main problem usually is the need to  
unobserve before the observee is deallocated "out from under it".  
There's no one true way to do this, but just organise your code so  
that the need doesn't arise. For example a controller that deletes  
an object can send a "about to delete x" message before it does so  
that any observers can disconnect from x, or the deletion of an  
object is handled through a wrapper method that removes the  
observers. Typically if you look at where and why you are observing  
an object, a simple approach to managing its observers is usually  
straightforward. I must admit though that getting it right can be  
tricky especially if you're trying to fit KVO into an existing model  
that wasn't built with it in mind.

I have quite a few observers that persist as long as the document is  
open and one thing I've found useful is to post a notification when  
the document is going away, which tells all the observers that are  
instantiated in that document to remove themselves as observers.

I agree that this is an annoying problem and I wish that Apple had  
implemented this with weak references as they have with  
NotificationCenter observers. Maybe they have for Snow Leopard, I  
haven't checked.

Rob Keniger


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Re: How to write a string to a file

2008-08-18 Thread David
Thanks for the quick responses. Why isn't this already in NSString?I found
an old reference saying to use [filehandle writeData:[nsstring
This seems obtuse. I have been using Cocoa for 6 months and it is not
seeming any more consistent nor powerful than when I started.

I find Cocoa to be inconsistent with random pockets of powerful features
with many areas of spotty coverage of basic methods that I'd expect to be

Some issues:
NSString includes lots of methods to work with paths, URLs, etc. This breaks
encapsulation. It does not seem to be good design for NSString to have this
unique function dealing with paths. That should be in another class.

Basic methods should exist somewhere for writing primitive types to a file.

NSString writeToFile seems like an odd method. Why just this one means to
write in this class? Why such an emphasis on atomic, which seems like such a
complex uncommon algorithm? Why is there no option to append to a file?

Similarly, NSFileHandle and NSOutputStream could have methods to write
primitive types, or at least NSString.

NSOutputStream provides the following method,
- (NSInteger)write:(const uint8_t *)*buffer* maxLength:(NSUInteger)*length*
Why doesn't it use NSData? What's the point of having the NSData construct
if it isn't even used?

I could go on, but I should stop. The method name makeKeyAndOrderFront
amazes me on NSWindow. It took me way too long to find that. It is my
current winner for least discoverable name.

On Mon, Aug 18, 2008 at 11:00 PM, David <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I know it sounds like a basic question, but I've looked and it doesn't seem
> as obvious to me as it should.
> I want to write out data to a file to describe my tree structure.
> I'd like to have a method which appends a string to the end of a text file.
> I don't really want to store everything in memory and write out one big
> string because it might get quite large.
> How are you supposed to do this in Cocoa? Why isn't it more obvious?
> I've looked in NSString, NSData, NSFileHandle, NSOutputStream, but I don't
> see a simple way to append a string to a file. Can it really be this hard?
> NSString doesn't have a method to append to a file, nor a stream, nor
> NSData.
> And the other classes don't have a method to accept a string.
> Thanks

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Re: How to write a string to a file

2008-08-18 Thread Ken Thomases

On Aug 18, 2008, at 10:00 PM, David wrote:

I know it sounds like a basic question, but I've looked and it  
doesn't seem

as obvious to me as it should.
I want to write out data to a file to describe my tree structure.

I'd like to have a method which appends a string to the end of a  
text file.

I don't really want to store everything in memory and write out one  

string because it might get quite large.

How are you supposed to do this in Cocoa? Why isn't it more obvious?

I've looked in NSString, NSData, NSFileHandle, NSOutputStream, but  
I don't
see a simple way to append a string to a file. Can it really be  
this hard?

NSString doesn't have a method to append to a file, nor a stream, nor
And the other classes don't have a method to accept a string.

Any attempt to store a string raises the question of how the string  
should be represented.  That is, what encoding it should be written in.

That question is not something the framework can decide on its own.   
You need to decide that.  Once you do, you can obtain an NSData from  
an NSString with your desired encoding (-[NSString dataUsingEncoding:]).

Once you've got an NSData, you can append it to a file using  
NSFileHandle.  You need to seek to the end of the file before  
writing.  Use something like:

[fh seekToEndOfFile];
[fh writeData:[myString dataUsingEncoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding]];


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Re: How to write a string to a file

2008-08-18 Thread Adam R. Maxwell

On Aug 18, 2008, at 8:00 PM, David wrote:

I know it sounds like a basic question, but I've looked and it  
doesn't seem

as obvious to me as it should.
I want to write out data to a file to describe my tree structure.

I'd like to have a method which appends a string to the end of a  
text file.

I don't really want to store everything in memory and write out one  

string because it might get quite large.

How are you supposed to do this in Cocoa? Why isn't it more obvious?

I've looked in NSString, NSData, NSFileHandle, NSOutputStream, but I  
see a simple way to append a string to a file. Can it really be this  

NSString doesn't have a method to append to a file, nor a stream, nor
And the other classes don't have a method to accept a string.

You were pretty close to a solution, I think.  Here's how I'd do it  
(typed in Mail, may not compile, etc.):

NSString *string = @"string";
NSFileHandle *fh = [NSFileHandle fileHandleForWritingAtPath:pathToFile];
[fh seekToEndOfFile];
[fh writeData:[string dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]];
[fh closeFile];

You could easily wrap this up in an NSString category if needed.


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How to write a string to a file

2008-08-18 Thread David
I know it sounds like a basic question, but I've looked and it doesn't seem
as obvious to me as it should.
I want to write out data to a file to describe my tree structure.

I'd like to have a method which appends a string to the end of a text file.

I don't really want to store everything in memory and write out one big
string because it might get quite large.

How are you supposed to do this in Cocoa? Why isn't it more obvious?

I've looked in NSString, NSData, NSFileHandle, NSOutputStream, but I don't
see a simple way to append a string to a file. Can it really be this hard?

NSString doesn't have a method to append to a file, nor a stream, nor
And the other classes don't have a method to accept a string.


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Re: Using Flex/Lex in a Cocoa project

2008-08-18 Thread Graham Cox

On 19 Aug 2008, at 11:53 am, John Joyce wrote:

I wonder if it wouldn't make sense to just start trying to build  
some new form of flex in Objective-C... so that it uses NSString and  
NSMutable string ?
I'm looking at the Flex source code now... in true GNU fashion, it  
is well documented, but somewhat terse C...

And you know about NSScanner, right?


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Re: Using Flex/Lex in a Cocoa project

2008-08-18 Thread John Joyce

On Aug 18, 2008, at 8:12 PM, Ricky Sharp wrote:

On Aug 18, 2008, at 8:01 PM, John Joyce wrote:

On Aug 18, 2008, at 7:01 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

to avoid the splitting problem

(c < 128) ? "%c" : "\\u%04x", c);

Not quite sure what this is doing.
I see it's checking for ASCII range
if ( c < 128 )
The conditional is obvious,
but what's the other doing exactly?
returning a char if it is ASCII, it seems,
and then some sort of escaped version if it is beyond ASCII range...?
Particularly there, I'm not sure what that results in.

That was my question too.  If operating on a UTF-8 stream, this is  
going to do all kinds of weird stuff.

For example, for the input string LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH ACUTE (U 
+00E9), you'll have a UTF-8 byte sequence of 0xC3 0xA9.

But the above will turn that UTF-8 sequence of bytes into this string:


This string now represents:

SIGN (U+00A9)

Ricky A. Sharp mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

I wonder if it wouldn't make sense to just start trying to build some  
new form of flex in Objective-C... so that it uses NSString and  
NSMutable string ?
I'm looking at the Flex source code now... in true GNU fashion, it is  
well documented, but somewhat terse C...


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Re: Using Flex/Lex in a Cocoa project

2008-08-18 Thread Ricky Sharp

On Aug 18, 2008, at 8:01 PM, John Joyce wrote:

On Aug 18, 2008, at 7:01 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

to avoid the splitting problem

(c < 128) ? "%c" : "\\u%04x", c);

Not quite sure what this is doing.
I see it's checking for ASCII range
if ( c < 128 )
The conditional is obvious,
but what's the other doing exactly?
returning a char if it is ASCII, it seems,
and then some sort of escaped version if it is beyond ASCII range...?
Particularly there, I'm not sure what that results in.

That was my question too.  If operating on a UTF-8 stream, this is  
going to do all kinds of weird stuff.

For example, for the input string LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH ACUTE (U 
+00E9), you'll have a UTF-8 byte sequence of 0xC3 0xA9.

But the above will turn that UTF-8 sequence of bytes into this string:


This string now represents:


Ricky A. Sharp mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Instant Interactive(tm)


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Re: Using Flex/Lex in a Cocoa project

2008-08-18 Thread John Joyce

On Aug 18, 2008, at 7:01 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

to avoid the splitting problem

(c < 128) ? "%c" : "\\u%04x", c);

Not quite sure what this is doing.
I see it's checking for ASCII range
if ( c < 128 )
The conditional is obvious,
but what's the other doing exactly?
returning a char if it is ASCII, it seems,
and then some sort of escaped version if it is beyond ASCII range...?
Particularly there, I'm not sure what that results in.

Basically, I only need to do anything based on characters that are in  
ASCII now, but I'd like to allow other ranges in the text files  
without worry. Browsing around, I've seen where basically, everyone is  
hoping somebody else will modernize lex and yacc with a clever  
algorithm that reduces the overhead. Personally, I think that in many  
cases, this should be no problem with the speed and capability of  
contemporary computers, but it could still be a drag.

I have been looking at simply building an NSString of the same length  
with ranges of non-ASCII subbed out with some other character, just to  
do the lexing, then apply the results of the lex to the original  
For speed, it may even make sense to simply have two NSStrings going,  
one that is the real thing, the other that auto-substitutes anything  
non-ASCII. For this, my question to all is, what ASCII character would  
be good for the substitution without messing up the regexes? I'm  
considering some the unused control characters in the lower ranges,  
but I'm a little scared to see what will happen...

Any suggestions on this idea?


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Re: Removing Observers

2008-08-18 Thread Graham Cox

On 19 Aug 2008, at 4:23 am, Ryan Brown wrote:

What is the best way to remove a KVO observer if you aren't sure if  
the object already has an observer registered?

The right answer is to avoid this unsureness (is that a word?).

When I first started using KVO I too thought you could unregister  
regardless - if it was registered it will unregister, if it wasn't it  
does nothing. Unfortunately it doesn't work - Cocoa is very fussy  
about this, and throws exceptions when you try to do things this way  
with KVO. In addition, each observer has a separate connection so each  
must be disconnected individually - there is no "disconnect all"  
available. KVO is not like ordinary notifications.

The point is that observees should not know or care about their  
observers. Once you stop trying to let observees control their  
observers your problems will ease considerably. Instead, observers are  
entirely responsible for their own actions - observing an object and  
unobserving it later. The main problem usually is the need to  
unobserve before the observee is deallocated "out from under it".  
There's no one true way to do this, but just organise your code so  
that the need doesn't arise. For example a controller that deletes an  
object can send a "about to delete x" message before it does so that  
any observers can disconnect from x, or the deletion of an object is  
handled through a wrapper method that removes the observers. Typically  
if you look at where and why you are observing an object, a simple  
approach to managing its observers is usually straightforward. I must  
admit though that getting it right can be tricky especially if you're  
trying to fit KVO into an existing model that wasn't built with it in  



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Re: Including frameworks in your app bundle

2008-08-18 Thread Jason Coco

On Aug 18, 2008, at 19:59 , Nick Pilch wrote:

I've been searching, but I can't find the documentation explaining  
how to include frameworks in your app bundle (third-party  
frameworks, for example), so that your user does not have to install  
these frameworks. Could someone point me at the correct  
documentation/build settings? Thanks.

This is probably better for the XCode group, but check out this  

It explains what you need to do to embed frameworks in your application.


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Re: Including frameworks in your app bundle

2008-08-18 Thread mm w

PREFIX  = @executable_path/../Frameworks

-Wl,-single_module \
$(OBJS) \
-compatibility_version 1.0.0 \
-current_version 1.0.0 \
-install_name $(PREFIX)/$(FRAMEWORK).framework/Versions/$(VERSION)/$(FRAMEWORK)
-dynamiclib \

export your -F path and link your executable against the framework,
you can also deploy OS libs / home ecetera

On Mon, Aug 18, 2008 at 4:59 PM, Nick Pilch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've been searching, but I can't find the documentation explaining how to
> include frameworks in your app bundle (third-party frameworks, for example),
> so that your user does not have to install these frameworks. Could someone
> point me at the correct documentation/build settings? Thanks.
> ___
> Cocoa-dev mailing list (
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> Contact the moderators at cocoa-dev-admins(at)
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Including frameworks in your app bundle

2008-08-18 Thread Nick Pilch
I've been searching, but I can't find the documentation explaining how  
to include frameworks in your app bundle (third-party frameworks, for  
example), so that your user does not have to install these frameworks.  
Could someone point me at the correct documentation/build settings?  


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Seeking Developer in San Carlos CA

2008-08-18 Thread Tracy Lakin

We're looking for an OS X software engineer.

Luidia is in San Carlos California. We make interactive display systems. We are 
profitable, small and fun.

Cool hardware, interesting software. Mostly Cocoa and Obj-C, with some Carbon 
and C++ mixed in.

Check out our website, and the job description, here:

Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

You can download our latest software to play with.

I'm cross posting this to a few lists so I apologize if you see this more than 



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MultiTouch.framework Beta Program

2008-08-18 Thread Stefan Hafeneger

Hi everyone,

Maybe some of you have already seen our video ( 
) on YouTube. In this video we use an iPhone as mobile substitution  
for a multi-touch table, so you can develop and test multi-touch  
applications at any location. On the desktop side we use our Cocoa  
multi-touch framework, which let's you develop multi-touch apps in  
Objective-C in a familiar programming environment.

Since the beta version of our multi-touch framework is almost ready,  
we are now accepting applications for a private beta. If you know how  
to code in Objective-C with Cocoa, own an iPhone or iPod touch and  
would like to try out our framework before it is officially released,  
please write an email to stefan.hafeneger[AT] with your  
contact details and your programming background. Please use  
"MultiTouch.framework Beta Application" as subject line since the  
emails will be filtered.

If you got any questions concerning the beta program or the framework  
itself please visit our website (  
or write me an email.

With best wishes, Stefan

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Re: Using Flex/Lex in a Cocoa project

2008-08-18 Thread mm w
if you knew flex you could understand

On Mon, Aug 18, 2008 at 1:55 PM, Ricky Sharp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Aug 18, 2008, at 3:40 PM, mm w wrote:
>> to avoid the splitting problem
>> (c < 128) ? "%c" : "\\u%04x", c);
> I'm not sure what this solves.
> Per Michael's e-mail below, this is indeed a difficult problem.  UTF-8 is
> just a particular scheme to store Unicode strings.  Operating on individual
> bytes in such streams will most likely not make any sense.
> What I would do is pick some normalized form and operate on that data.  For
> a recent feature at my day job, we normalized all input CSV files to
> UTF-16BE.  We were able to handle all of our customer data so far.  The
> final solution still isn't 100% Unicode-savvy (e.g. it does crap-out with
> surrogate pairs), but we have unit tests to expose/document such
> limitations. And, customer data doesn't yet have such things.
>> On Sat, Aug 16, 2008 at 7:43 AM, Michael Ash <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> wrote:
>>> - It's very difficult to split UTF-8 strings correctly. If you
>>> encounter a run of non-ASCII characters, ensure that you follow that
>>> run through the end, until you get back to ASCII. Don't have a regex
>>> that stops in the middle of it and then expects your code to be able
>>> to do something useful with it.
> ___
> Ricky A. Sharp mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Instant Interactive(tm)


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Re: Using Flex/Lex in a Cocoa project

2008-08-18 Thread Ricky Sharp

On Aug 18, 2008, at 3:40 PM, mm w wrote:

to avoid the splitting problem

(c < 128) ? "%c" : "\\u%04x", c);

I'm not sure what this solves.

Per Michael's e-mail below, this is indeed a difficult problem.  UTF-8  
is just a particular scheme to store Unicode strings.  Operating on  
individual bytes in such streams will most likely not make any sense.

What I would do is pick some normalized form and operate on that  
data.  For a recent feature at my day job, we normalized all input CSV  
files to UTF-16BE.  We were able to handle all of our customer data so  
far.  The final solution still isn't 100% Unicode-savvy (e.g. it does  
crap-out with surrogate pairs), but we have unit tests to expose/ 
document such limitations. And, customer data doesn't yet have such  

On Sat, Aug 16, 2008 at 7:43 AM, Michael Ash <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

- It's very difficult to split UTF-8 strings correctly. If you
encounter a run of non-ASCII characters, ensure that you follow that
run through the end, until you get back to ASCII. Don't have a regex
that stops in the middle of it and then expects your code to be able
to do something useful with it.

Ricky A. Sharp mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Instant Interactive(tm)


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Re: Using Flex/Lex in a Cocoa project

2008-08-18 Thread mm w
to avoid the splitting problem

 (c < 128) ? "%c" : "\\u%04x", c);

On Sat, Aug 16, 2008 at 7:43 AM, Michael Ash <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Fri, Aug 15, 2008 at 10:53 PM, John Joyce
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Right now, I'm toying with using Flex/Lex in a Cocoa project.
>> Unfortunately, I don't see a reliable or easy way to handle NSStrings
>> correctly all the time with Flex.
>> Does anybody have any suggestions for such text handling and reliable
>> unicode aware regexes?
>> I'm seriously not interested in implementing such details in C with Flex.
>> Flex is fast and cool for that, but if it's going to be stupidly difficult
>> to use reliably with other languages on a mac, it's not a good idea for me.
> Depending on exactly what you need, unicode awareness can be fairly
> straightforward.
> Commonly, unicode in regexes is only needed to pass through
> undifferentiated blobs of text, with ASCII delimiters. For example,
> imagine parsing a CSV file which potentially has unicode text inside
> the quotes. For this case, you can convert the file to UTF-8, and then
> constructs like . will accept them. All non-ASCII characters in UTF-8
> are represented as bytes 128-255, so if you just pass those through
> then you'll be fine. But be aware of some potential problem areas:
> - Each non-ASCII character will be more than one byte, and flex will
> think of it as more than one character. Write your regexes
> accordingly. In particular, avoid length limits on runs of arbitrary
> characters, and avoid using non-ASCII characters directly in your
> regex.
> - It's very difficult to split UTF-8 strings correctly. If you
> encounter a run of non-ASCII characters, ensure that you follow that
> run through the end, until you get back to ASCII. Don't have a regex
> that stops in the middle of it and then expects your code to be able
> to do something useful with it.
> - If you need to do something with non-ASCII characters besides read
> them in one side and write them out the other, for example doing
> something special with all accented characters, then Flex is probably
> not the right answer.
> Besides this it ought to be pretty straightforward. Since Flex just
> passes your code straight through to the compiler, you can write
> Objective-C in the actions (as long as you compile the result as
> Objective-C, of course!), convert the text from UTF-8 back to an
> NSString, and take things from there.
> Mike
> ___
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Re: Question about respondsToSelector

2008-08-18 Thread Andy Lee
Also: note that method names are case-sensitive, so  
@selector(doSomething) is not the same as @selector(doSomeThing).

Also, if the method you are referring to takes an argument, make sure  
you aren't forgetting the colon at the end.  The name of the method  
contains all its colons; @selector(doSomething) is different from  



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Re: Question about respondsToSelector

2008-08-18 Thread Andy Lee

On Aug 18, 2008, at 2:17 PM, Carmen Cerino Jr. wrote:
Does the id type have enough information for the respondsToSelector  
method to work.

It's not whether the id type has information.  It's whether the object  
itself is able to respond to a message, and that depends on what class  
the object is an instance of.

I have a class with an ivar of type id, and when I invoke the  
respondsToSelector method it fails when it should succeed.

When you have a problem, try to explain what you expected to happen  
and what actually happened.  What results would have constituted  
success?  What actually happened that you are calling failure?  A  
crash?  An error message?  A value displayed that you weren't  
expecting?  What object were you sending the respondsToSelector  
message to?  What selector were you passing?  What was the actual  
object in the id variable at the time?

I am assuming it should work fine, because if I skip checking with  
the respondsToSelector method and just make the call, it executes  
the method. Can someone please tell me what I am doing wrong?

It would be help if you post your code and describe what you are  
trying to do.



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Re: Question about respondsToSelector

2008-08-18 Thread j o a r

On Aug 18, 2008, at 11:17 AM, Carmen Cerino Jr. wrote:

Does the id type have enough information for the respondsToSelector  
method to work. I have a class with an ivar of type id, and when I  
invoke the respondsToSelector method it fails when it should  
succeed. I am assuming it should work fine, because if I skip  
checking with the respondsToSelector method and just make the call,  
it executes the method. Can someone please tell me what I am doing  

Perhaps you've misspelled the name of the selector - just like you've  
done above with "respondsToSelector:" (note the trailing ":").

j o a r


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Re: Question about respondsToSelector

2008-08-18 Thread Chris Hanson

On Aug 18, 2008, at 11:17 AM, Carmen Cerino Jr. wrote:

Does the id type have enough information for the respondsToSelector  
method to work. I have a class with an ivar of type id, and when I  
invoke the respondsToSelector method it fails when it should  
succeed. I am assuming it should work fine, because if I skip  
checking with the respondsToSelector method and just make the call,  
it executes the method. Can someone please tell me what I am doing  

What code are you using with -respondsToSelector: and to invoke the  

We need to see that in order to be able to say whether what you're  
doing will work.

On background:  -respondsToSelector: is a message like any other  
message in Objective-C.  It's not an operation on a type; you're  
actually sending a message to the object in question, which will use  
the Objective-C runtime to answer the question that's asked.  So the  
static type of the variable referencing the object it's sent to -- in  
your case, "id" -- doesn't have anything to do with how the actual  
message behaves.

  -- Chris


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Re: Problem with fileAttributesAtPath

2008-08-18 Thread Randall Meadows

On Aug 18, 2008, at 1:24 PM, Nicolas Goles wrote:

Hi guys, I am trying to get fileAttributesAtPath using this code:  

contains the path to the directory that was enumerated )

   while(object = [dirEnumerator nextObject])

   //First We craft the whole path for a single object

   NSString *fullPath = [files  

NSString *fullPath = [files stringByAppendingPathComponent:object];


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Re: Question about respondsToSelector

2008-08-18 Thread Ricky Sharp

On Aug 18, 2008, at 1:17 PM, Carmen Cerino Jr. wrote:

Does the id type have enough information for the respondsToSelector  
method to work. I have a class with an ivar of type id, and when I  
invoke the respondsToSelector method it fails when it should  
succeed. I am assuming it should work fine, because if I skip  
checking with the respondsToSelector method and just make the call,  
it executes the method. Can someone please tell me what I am doing  

It should work just fine.  This example...

NSArray* theArray = [NSArray array];
id theId = theArray;
id* theCopyingId = (id*) theArray;

if ([theArray respondsToSelector:@selector(isEqualToArray:)]) {
NSLog(@"theArray responds to isEqualToArray:");
} else {
NSLog(@"theArray DOES NOT respond to isEqualToArray:");

if ([theId respondsToSelector:@selector(isEqualToArray:)]) {
NSLog(@"theId responds to isEqualToArray:");
} else {
NSLog(@"theId DOES NOT respond to isEqualToArray:");

if ([(id) theCopyingId respondsToSelector:@selector(isEqualToArray:)]) {
NSLog(@"theCopyingId responds to isEqualToArray:");
} else {
NSLog(@"theCopyingId DOES NOT respond to isEqualToArray:");

...displays this output:

theArray responds to isEqualToArray:
theId responds to isEqualToArray:
theCopyingId responds to isEqualToArray:

Note that special casting done to remove warnings.  However, without  
the casting, output was the same.

Ricky A. Sharp mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Instant Interactive(tm)


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Question about respondsToSelector

2008-08-18 Thread Carmen Cerino Jr.
Does the id type have enough information for the respondsToSelector  
method to work. I have a class with an ivar of type id, and when I  
invoke the respondsToSelector method it fails when it should succeed.  
I am assuming it should work fine, because if I skip checking with the  
respondsToSelector method and just make the call, it executes the  
method. Can someone please tell me what I am doing wrong?


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Re: Audio Queue Services example?

2008-08-18 Thread Robert Martin

You may get better responses from the coreaudio-api list

On Aug 18, 2008, at 1:06 PM, John Zorko wrote:

I need to play an MP3 stream from a server in ObjC, so i'm looking  
at the Audio Queue services API.  I see examples of streaming from a  
file, but I don't know how to feed the queue when i'm streaming from  
a TCP port.  Can someone point me to an example / tell me what API  
to call to feed the queue my MP3 data?


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Re: CATiledLayer documentation

2008-08-18 Thread Bill Dudney

Hi Pierre,

The sample code from the book is concerned with the bounding box and  
the zoom level.

As David discussed in his response (he was instrumental in me getting  
my head wrapped around the tiled layer, thx David!).

You can get the code even if you don't have the book (just go to the  
book's site and click on code).

Good luck!


On Aug 18, 2008, at 11:54 AM, Houdah - ML Pierre Bernard wrote:

Hi Bill!

I had indeed found your sample code. Which actually happens to be  
the only sample code I could find.

Unfortunately, the sample code left me confused. Seems to me that  
your drawing method always does the same thing. I find no notion of  
tiling. Obviously there is: when I set a breakpoint on the drawing  
method I can clearly see the view being drawn bit by bit. I just  
don't understand how it works.

Of course, I would have hoped for an example with multiple image  
source containing tiles.

I wanted to access the web site of your book. I was hoping for an  
eBook to purchase. The server however hasn't been responding all day.

Pierre Bernard
Houdah Software s.à r.l.

On 18 Aug 2008, at 19:16, Bill Dudney wrote:


I have an example on my blog of using the CATiledLayer with a big  
pdf file and the CA book (I am the author) has an example of using  
image tiles.

Good luck,


On Aug 18, 2008, at 10:37 AM, Houdah - ML Pierre Bernard wrote:


I would like to create a map view using several tile images: the  
map is made of tiles; tiles are available for various zoom levels.

Seems like CATiledLayer seems the right thing to use. Problem is  
that I can't seem to find any documentation beyond a rehash of the  
header file.

Is there any documentation? Is there sample code?



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Re: NSString Question

2008-08-18 Thread Jason Coco

On Aug 18, 2008, at 15:49 , Ken Thomases wrote:

On Aug 18, 2008, at 12:28 PM, Jason Coco wrote:

[[thePropertiesInfoPtr->mNameString alloc]  
initWithCharacters:myStringBufferPtr length:myStringSize];

Um, that's nonsensical.  I think you meant:

thePropertiesInfoPtr->mNameString = [[NSString alloc]  
initWithCharacters:myStringBufferPtr length:myStringSize];

Oh yes, yes I did... sorry about that, Dave! Not enough sleep last  
night, not enough caffeine this morning :)


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Re: Problem with fileAttributesAtPath

2008-08-18 Thread Ken Thomases

On Aug 18, 2008, at 2:24 PM, Nicolas Goles wrote:

//Try to obtain fileAttributes
NSDictionary *fileAttributes = [manager
fileAttributesAtPath:fullPath traverseLink:NO];

The thing is that my fileAttributes it's always = nil so I always  
get "it's

nill"  on the console.

Could anyone point me at what I'm doing wrong ???

Is "manager" nil?



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Re: NSString Question

2008-08-18 Thread Ken Thomases

On Aug 18, 2008, at 12:28 PM, Jason Coco wrote:

[[thePropertiesInfoPtr->mNameString alloc]  
initWithCharacters:myStringBufferPtr length:myStringSize];

Um, that's nonsensical.  I think you meant:

thePropertiesInfoPtr->mNameString = [[NSString alloc]  
initWithCharacters:myStringBufferPtr length:myStringSize];


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Re: Problem with fileAttributesAtPath

2008-08-18 Thread Charles Steinman
--- On Mon, 8/18/08, Nicolas Goles <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> NSDictionary *fileAttributes = [manager
> fileAttributesAtPath:fullPath traverseLink:NO];
> if( fileAttributes != nil)
> {
> NSString *filetype = [fileAttributes
> objectForKey:NSFileType];
> NSLog(@"%@",filetype);
> }
> if(!fileAttributes)
> {
> NSLog(@"it's nill");
> }
>  }
> The thing is that my fileAttributes it's always = nil
> so I always get "it's
> nill"  on the console.

1. Are you sure that manager == [NSFileManager defaultManager]? I would just 
write the call to NSFileManager explicitly.

2. Are you sure that [[NSFileManager defaultManager] fileExistsAtPath:fullPath] 
== YES? Like perhaps there's somehow a shell expansion character like a tilde 
sneaking in there that NSFileManager doesn't deal with?



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Re: Problem with fileAttributesAtPath

2008-08-18 Thread Jason Coco

If you're using 10.5 you can try the method:

-(NSDictionary *)attributesOfItemAtPath:(NSString *)path error: 
(NSError **)error

This way you will get a description of what is failing from the  
NSError object. You can use it like this:

NSError *theError;
NSDictionary *fileAttributes = [manager  
attributesOfItemAtPath:fullPath error:&theError];

if( fileAttributes != nil ) {
// do your things
} else {
	NSLog(@"Error retrieving file attributes for %@: %@", fullPath,  
[theError localizedDescription]);


That should help you track down what might be going wrong at least

On Aug 18, 2008, at 15:24 , Nicolas Goles wrote:

Hi guys, I am trying to get fileAttributesAtPath using this code:  

contains the path to the directory that was enumerated )

   while(object = [dirEnumerator nextObject])

   //First We craft the whole path for a single object

   NSString *fullPath = [files  

   NSLog(@"%@",fullPath); //Log the full path just to be  
sure it's


   NSLog(@"Error when appending strings");

   //Try to obtain fileAttributes
   NSDictionary *fileAttributes = [manager
fileAttributesAtPath:fullPath traverseLink:NO];

   if( fileAttributes != nil)

   NSString *filetype = [fileAttributes

   NSLog(@"it's nill");

The thing is that my fileAttributes it's always = nil so I always  
get "it's

nill"  on the console.

Could anyone point me at what I'm doing wrong ???

Thanks!! :)

-Nicolas Goles

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Problem with fileAttributesAtPath

2008-08-18 Thread Nicolas Goles
Hi guys, I am trying to get fileAttributesAtPath using this code: (files
contains the path to the directory that was enumerated )

while(object = [dirEnumerator nextObject])

//First We craft the whole path for a single object

NSString *fullPath = [files stringByAppendingString:object];

NSLog(@"%@",fullPath); //Log the full path just to be sure it's

NSLog(@"Error when appending strings");

//Try to obtain fileAttributes
NSDictionary *fileAttributes = [manager
fileAttributesAtPath:fullPath traverseLink:NO];

if( fileAttributes != nil)

NSString *filetype = [fileAttributes

NSLog(@"it's nill");

The thing is that my fileAttributes it's always = nil so I always get "it's
nill"  on the console.

Could anyone point me at what I'm doing wrong ???

Thanks!! :)

-Nicolas Goles

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Re: ScriptingBrige InDesign

2008-08-18 Thread has

Herr Verdieck G?tz wrote:

I try to use the scriptingBridge feature with InDesign CS3.
My guiding line is the ReadMe.txt file in the SBSendEmail project
The Adobe InDesign CS3.h file will be generated, but when I import
this file
I get about 800 errors like:

error: duplicate declaration of method '-

Try objc-appscript. It's a very mature, proven design and, unlike  
Scripting Bridge, is designed to work very much like AppleScript  
itself, so is far less prone to application compatibility problems.

For example, I'm currently using Python appscript at work to automate  
Illustrator without any problems, and I've tested it against InDesign  
in the past. The Ruby and ObjC versions are younger, but both use the  
same basic design as the original Python version (which is almost five  
years old now), tailored to fit each language.

You also get better documentation and developer tools - e.g.  
ASTranslate is especially useful if you need help in converting  
application commands from AppleScript to appscript syntax.


Control AppleScriptable applications from Python, Ruby and ObjC:


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Re: CATiledLayer documentation

2008-08-18 Thread David Duncan

On Aug 18, 2008, at 10:54 AM, Houdah - ML Pierre Bernard wrote:

Unfortunately, the sample code left me confused. Seems to me that  
your drawing method always does the same thing. I find no notion of  
tiling. Obviously there is: when I set a breakpoint on the drawing  
method I can clearly see the view being drawn bit by bit. I just  
don't understand how it works.

Actually, thats the intended model. When a tiled layer calls on its  
delegate's -drawLayer:inContext: (or its own -drawInContext:) method,  
the context has already been transformed and clipped to capture what  
is necessary for the tile that its drawing. This allows for a model  
where you don't have to be concerned with the tiling if you don't want  
to be.

If you do want to be concerned with the tiles, then you can use  
CGContextGetClipBoundingBox() to determine the tile that you are being  
asked to draw. If your using the level of detail as well, you can  
either use that same clip box (carefully) to deduce the scale, or use  
CGContextGetCTM() to get the current transform matrix and use that to  
deduce the scale (although this relies on certain assumptions about  
the CTM that will be applied).

Of course, I would have hoped for an example with multiple image  
source containing tiles.

Noted. :).
David Duncan
Apple DTS Animation and Printing


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Re: NSString Question

2008-08-18 Thread Shawn Erickson
On Mon, Aug 18, 2008 at 7:54 AM, Dave <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> myOSStatus = [self ReadUInt32LEFromPosition: myCurrentFilePosition + 28
> IntPtr:&myBufferSize];

> myOSStatus = [self ReadFromPosition: myCurrentFilePosition + 40 ForSize:
> myBufferSize BufferPtr:myStringBufferPtr];

Best to avoid using capital letters for the start of methods and
parameter names (hard to read otherwise especially when mixed with
Cocoa API).



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Removing Observers

2008-08-18 Thread Ryan Brown
What is the best way to remove a KVO observer if you aren't sure if  
the object already has an observer registered? Currently I'm catching  
the exception raised for an unregistered observer using something like:

@try { [object removeObserver:observerObject forKeyPath:keyPath]; }
@catch(NSException *exception) {}

This seems like a fairly kludgey way to do it though, and apparently  
the exception isn't raised on 10.4 (it instead either crashes or does  


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Re: Right place to unobserve notifications in a document

2008-08-18 Thread Andy Lee

On Aug 18, 2008, at 12:49 PM, Negm-Awad Amin wrote:

Am Mo,18.08.2008 um 18:18 schrieb Andy Lee:
-- but in this case I think -dealloc is not only okay, but  
sometimes the only correct place to unregister a notification.   
Suppose an invariant of your design is that an object should  
receive notifications as long as, and only as long as, the object  
exists.  If you unregister too soon, you may have an "alive" object  
that fails to get a notification.
This is little bit a circular argumentation: I need it the whole  
lifetime, so i manage it the whole lifetime. Why do you need it  
until the instance becomes deconstructed?

It's only circular in that I specifically selected a class of  
situations where it makes the most sense. :)

I think this is the right pattern:
1. Construct and init the object
2. Let them work (register observations, handling threads, $whatever  
… )

3. Stop them
4. Deconstruct them

So there are 4 steps, not 2.

This pattern is fine and necessary in many cases, but there are also  
plenty of cases where it is not viable. For example, it may not be  
clear when the object can "stop" listening for notifications.  It may  
literally be when all other objects are done with it, i.e., when its  
retain count goes to zero, and in a dynamic system you may have no way  
of knowing which will be the last object to release your object.

IMO imposing a start-stop paradigm on every class that wants to  
register interest in notifications -- and engineering every class so  
that your object can't possibly be released until it is "stopped" --  
is just as much a design error as putting functional work in - 
dealloc.  I would encourage you to reconsider.

In the cases where you do have a start-stop paradigm, you should put a  
"stop" in -dealloc anyway, as Michael argued.

I think it's okay to unregister in -dealloc because conceptually  
it's related to releasing your ivars.  You're explicitly dissolving  
a relationship between the object being dealloced and some other  
object -- a relationship you have to manually manage in the absence  
of garbage collection.
In this case it seems to be ok. Maybe this is the reason for the  
weak reference.

The weak reference is to avoid retain cycles (the same reason why  
delegates are not retained).  With GC turned on, retain cycles are not  
a problem so you don't have to worry about weak references to self,  
just as you don't have to bother releasing strong references to  
ivars.  In the absence of GC, you have to break connections manually,  
and that's all this is.  In fact, you should also break delegate  
connections to self in the same place, for the same reason.  (Hm, I'm  
not sure whether I'm doing this in my own code -- I'd better check.)

You mentioned KVO in another reply.  I haven't used KVO, so I'd be  
interested if anyone has a response to your counterexample.



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Re: Clearing a Memory Buffer?

2008-08-18 Thread j o a r

On Aug 18, 2008, at 6:19 AM, Dave wrote:

I'm fairly new to Cocoa and was wondering if there are OS functions  
to Copy and Clear/Fill Memory available?

In addition to the lower level C API:s that have been mentioned so  
far, there is also the object oriented Cocoa NSData + NSMutableData  
API:s that might provide some / all of what you're looking for.

j o a r


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Re: CATiledLayer documentation

2008-08-18 Thread Houdah - ML Pierre Bernard

Hi Bill!

I had indeed found your sample code. Which actually happens to be the  
only sample code I could find.

Unfortunately, the sample code left me confused. Seems to me that your  
drawing method always does the same thing. I find no notion of tiling.  
Obviously there is: when I set a breakpoint on the drawing method I  
can clearly see the view being drawn bit by bit. I just don't  
understand how it works.

Of course, I would have hoped for an example with multiple image  
source containing tiles.

I wanted to access the web site of your book. I was hoping for an  
eBook to purchase. The server however hasn't been responding all day.

Pierre Bernard
Houdah Software s.à r.l.

On 18 Aug 2008, at 19:16, Bill Dudney wrote:


I have an example on my blog of using the CATiledLayer with a big  
pdf file and the CA book (I am the author) has an example of using  
image tiles.

Good luck,


On Aug 18, 2008, at 10:37 AM, Houdah - ML Pierre Bernard wrote:


I would like to create a map view using several tile images: the  
map is made of tiles; tiles are available for various zoom levels.

Seems like CATiledLayer seems the right thing to use. Problem is  
that I can't seem to find any documentation beyond a rehash of the  
header file.

Is there any documentation? Is there sample code?



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Re: Clearing a Memory Buffer?

2008-08-18 Thread Gregory Weston

Dave wrote:

I'm fairly new to Cocoa and was wondering if there are OS functions
to Copy and Clear/Fill Memory available?

I've tried searching for obvious names like MemoryZero, ZeroMemory,
CopyMemory etc. but can't seem to find anything.

If you want to fill an existing buffer with a specific byte value,  
memset() is your friend. If you want to allocate a new buffer cleared  
to 00, calloc().


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Re: document based app, custom ibaction

2008-08-18 Thread Bart Beulen
I've connected a simple button to the First Responder. I was able to  
select the action that I've created in my MyDocument class. When I run  
the program and press the button nothing happens.  The function was  
only containing an NSLog statement to check if it worked. Am I missing  

Op 18 aug 2008, om 19:12 heeft Sherm Pendley het volgende geschreven:

On Mon, Aug 18, 2008 at 9:52 AM, Bart Beulen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

However I would like to add a button in my document which is  
connected to
some code, to process the data in the array (etc count up data in  
I was trying to do this by adding an IBAction function to the  
en MyDocument.m files. The problem is that I do not know how to  
connect the
button from my GUI to this action (normally I can ctrl-drag from  
the button
to the object, but I guess this works different for document based  

Connect it to the First Responder icon in IB. That will route the
action message through the responder chain, one element of which is
the currently-active document.




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Re: NSString Question

2008-08-18 Thread Jason Coco

On Aug 18, 2008, at 10:54 , Dave wrote:


I'm tring to create an NSString object from data contained within a  
file. The following code attempts to do this. The data is read from  
the file OK and all the size information etc. is OK.

Here is a code snippet:

myOSStatus = [self ReadUInt32LEFromPosition: myCurrentFilePosition +  
28 IntPtr:&myBufferSize];

myStringSize = (myBufferSize / 2) + 1;
myStringBufferPtr = malloc(myBufferSize + 2);
bzero(myStringBufferPtr,myBufferSize + 2);

myOSStatus = [self ReadFromPosition: myCurrentFilePosition + 40  
ForSize: myBufferSize BufferPtr:myStringBufferPtr];

[thePropertiesInfoPtr->mNameString initWithCharacters:  
myStringBufferPtr length:myStringSize];


thePropertiesInfoPtr pointer to a C Structure that contains the  
following member:

NSString*   mNameString;

When the initWithCharacters method is called, the variables are  
setup as follows:

myBufferSize = 54
myStringSize = 28
myStringBufferPtr is a pointer the following:

41 00 42 00 43 00 44 00 45 00 46 00 47 00 48 00
49 00 4A 00 4B 00 4C 00 4D 00 4D 00 4E 00 4F 00
50 00 51 00 52 00 53 00 54 00 55 00 56 00 57 00
58 00 59 00 5A 00 00 00

But I get an Access Error when I run it. Could someone tell me what  
I am doing wrong and how I can correct it?

Did you allocate your string first?

[[thePropertiesInfoPtr->mNameString alloc]  
initWithCharacters:myStringBufferPtr length:myStringSize];

If you haven't allocated your mNameString variable, chance are it  
points to 0x00 and that is why you

are getting an access violation...

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Re: NSString Question

2008-08-18 Thread Andy Lee

On Aug 18, 2008, at 10:54 AM, Dave wrote:
thePropertiesInfoPtr pointer to a C Structure that contains the  
following member:

NSString*   mNameString;

As a general note, by mixing structs and objects you're opening the  
door to nasty memory management bugs.  I'd recommend going with  
objects for everything -- create a class instead of using the struct,  
learn how to apply the standard Cocoa memory management techniques,  
and use existing classes like NSFileHandle and NSData.

Here's the Bible on memory management:



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Re: NSString Question

2008-08-18 Thread Andy Lee
You haven't mentioned whether you're deliberately avoiding  
NSFileHandle for some reason.  Are you aware of it?  It has methods to  
seek and read.  You can get the bytes from the resulting NSData object.

On Aug 18, 2008, at 10:54 AM, Dave wrote:
[thePropertiesInfoPtr->mNameString initWithCharacters:  
myStringBufferPtr length:myStringSize];

It is best practice to do alloc and init at the same time, instead of  
doing init separately as you're doing here.  Init methods may return a  
different object than you started with, especially if you instantiate  
what's called a class cluster, which NSString is.

If you split the alloc and init, you can fall into this trap:

NSString *s = [NSString alloc];   // returns an object
[s initWithBlahBlahBlah...];  // returns a *different* object,
  //   and s is actually invalid

You should do

NSString *s = [[NSString alloc] initWithBlahBlahBlah...];



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Re: Right place to unobserve notifications in a document

2008-08-18 Thread Negm-Awad Amin

Am Mo,18.08.2008 um 18:57 schrieb Michael Ash:

On Mon, Aug 18, 2008 at 11:51 AM, Negm-Awad Amin <[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> wrote:
But anyway I do not think, that doing something else then memory  
in -dealloc is good design. Normally I unregister observation in  

methods like -applicationWillTerminate:.

I think you may be a little too strict about this.
As I said, it is for teching. So Strictness (correct noun?) is a good  

First, this really is memory management, it's just not so obvious.
You're removing another object's weak reference to your own object.
The logical place to do this is right before your own object is

Second, it's fine, even good, to clean up arbitrary resources in
-dealloc. There are two things to watch out for, though:

1) You shouldn't clean up *scarce* resources *only* in dealloc. For
example, file descriptors. It's fine to close fds in dealloc. In fact,
you really should do this. But you should *also* provide an explicit
"close" method and use it. The close in dealloc will just function as
a failsafe. This is because your object's lifetime may be much longer
than you want it to be due to things like autorelease pools, so you
want scarce resources to be under explicit control. This is much more
important in a GC environment than in the manual environment, however.
Yes, I saw, that observations of notifications can be understood as a  
kind of memory management. But you can generalize this argumentation –  
and then it becomes definetly wrong.

In this sense KVO is "a kind of memory management", too. Today I would  
never deregister a KVO-observer in -dealloc as I did it some years ago.

2) You shouldn't clean up *external* resources *only* in dealloc. For
example, if you have an object that keeps a temporary file around,
then only deleting it in dealloc is a bad idea. This is because, as
you're probably aware, there's no guarantee that your objects get
deallocated before your application terminates. But again, it's fine
to do this kind of cleanup in dealloc as a failsafe, just don't have
it be the *only* place it happens.

What you don't want to do is make dealloc part of an RAII (Resources
Acquisition is Initialization) pattern,
Yes, that's it. In the past I handled – internal! – ressources very  
often this way. I stopped doing so. GC was just the initial thinking:  
"Hey, you are doing something in a method for memory managemt, which  
has no relation to memory management."

As I said, I never have had problems with this approach in woking  
code. But I do not like it anymore for design reasons.

or do long running
computations there,

No, there is no performance issue in my mind. It's simply design.

or things like that. But cleaning up external
references to your object before you disappear is a good thing to do

I'll continue thinking about this …



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Amin Negm-Awad


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Re: CATiledLayer documentation

2008-08-18 Thread Bill Dudney


I have an example on my blog of using the CATiledLayer with a big pdf  
file and the CA book (I am the author) has an example of using image  

Good luck,


On Aug 18, 2008, at 10:37 AM, Houdah - ML Pierre Bernard wrote:


I would like to create a map view using several tile images: the map  
is made of tiles; tiles are available for various zoom levels.

Seems like CATiledLayer seems the right thing to use. Problem is  
that I can't seem to find any documentation beyond a rehash of the  
header file.

Is there any documentation? Is there sample code?



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Re: Hex representation of NSString

2008-08-18 Thread Charles Srstka

On Aug 18, 2008, at 6:18 AM, Robert Černý wrote:

Actually,I'm trying to debug some weird problems with clipboard. My  
is that data copied into clipboard from legacy java application  

match data pasted into Cocoa application. I've got data with accented
characters which gets converted through MacOS Roman encoding even  
the visual

representation in java is correct.

It sounds like you don't really want to use NSString at all. Have you  
tried just using -[NSPasteboard dataForType:] instead of - 
[NSPasteboard stringForType:] to get the raw pasteboard data as it's  
coming from the Java application?


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Re: document based app, custom ibaction

2008-08-18 Thread Sherm Pendley
On Mon, Aug 18, 2008 at 9:52 AM, Bart Beulen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> However I would like to add a button in my document which is connected to
> some code, to process the data in the array (etc count up data in columns).
> I was trying to do this by adding an IBAction function to the MyDocument.h
> en MyDocument.m files. The problem is that I do not know how to connect the
> button from my GUI to this action (normally I can ctrl-drag from the button
> to the object, but I guess this works different for document based apps?

Connect it to the First Responder icon in IB. That will route the
action message through the responder chain, one element of which is
the currently-active document.



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Re: Clearing a Memory Buffer?

2008-08-18 Thread Jason Coco

On Aug 18, 2008, at 09:19 , Dave wrote:

Hi All,

I'm fairly new to Cocoa and was wondering if there are OS functions  
to Copy and Clear/Fill Memory available?

I've tried searching for obvious names like MemoryZero, ZeroMemory,  
CopyMemory etc. but can't seem to find anything.

bzero(3), bcopy(3)

memset(3), memcpy(3), memmove(3)

strlcmp(3), strlcat(3)

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Re: Clearing a Memory Buffer?

2008-08-18 Thread Andy Lee
Since Objective-C is a superset of C, you can use standard C  
libraries.  My knowledge of those libraries is weak, but "apropos zero  
memory" in the Terminal turned up a bunch of stuff including bzero,  
memset, and calloc.

I see in Foundation there is an NSZoneCalloc() function and a bunch of  
related functions.


On Aug 18, 2008, at 9:19 AM, Dave wrote:

Hi All,

I'm fairly new to Cocoa and was wondering if there are OS functions  
to Copy and Clear/Fill Memory available?

I've tried searching for obvious names like MemoryZero, ZeroMemory,  
CopyMemory etc. but can't seem to find anything.

Thanks a lot
All the Best


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Re: Clearing a Memory Buffer?

2008-08-18 Thread Sherm Pendley
On Mon, Aug 18, 2008 at 9:19 AM, Dave <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi All,
> I'm fairly new to Cocoa and was wondering if there are OS functions to Copy
> and Clear/Fill Memory available?
> I've tried searching for obvious names like MemoryZero, ZeroMemory,
> CopyMemory etc. but can't seem to find anything.

Remember, Objective-C is also C. :-)

Try memset().


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Audio Queue Services example?

2008-08-18 Thread John Zorko

Hello, all ...

I need to play an MP3 stream from a server in ObjC, so i'm looking at  
the Audio Queue services API.  I see examples of streaming from a  
file, but I don't know how to feed the queue when i'm streaming from a  
TCP port.  Can someone point me to an example / tell me what API to  
call to feed the queue my MP3 data?



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Re: Clearing a Memory Buffer?

2008-08-18 Thread Jean-Daniel Dupas

Le 18 août 08 à 15:19, Dave a écrit :

Hi All,

I'm fairly new to Cocoa and was wondering if there are OS functions  
to Copy and Clear/Fill Memory available?

I've tried searching for obvious names like MemoryZero, ZeroMemory,  
CopyMemory etc. but can't seem to find anything.

Thanks a lot
All the Best

Just use the libc functions:

memset, bzero, memcpy, and more.


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Re: Right place to unobserve notifications in a document

2008-08-18 Thread Michael Ash
On Mon, Aug 18, 2008 at 11:51 AM, Negm-Awad Amin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> But anyway I do not think, that doing something else then memory management
> in -dealloc is good design. Normally I unregister observation in delegate
> methods like -applicationWillTerminate:.

I think you may be a little too strict about this.

First, this really is memory management, it's just not so obvious.
You're removing another object's weak reference to your own object.
The logical place to do this is right before your own object is

Second, it's fine, even good, to clean up arbitrary resources in
-dealloc. There are two things to watch out for, though:

1) You shouldn't clean up *scarce* resources *only* in dealloc. For
example, file descriptors. It's fine to close fds in dealloc. In fact,
you really should do this. But you should *also* provide an explicit
"close" method and use it. The close in dealloc will just function as
a failsafe. This is because your object's lifetime may be much longer
than you want it to be due to things like autorelease pools, so you
want scarce resources to be under explicit control. This is much more
important in a GC environment than in the manual environment, however.

2) You shouldn't clean up *external* resources *only* in dealloc. For
example, if you have an object that keeps a temporary file around,
then only deleting it in dealloc is a bad idea. This is because, as
you're probably aware, there's no guarantee that your objects get
deallocated before your application terminates. But again, it's fine
to do this kind of cleanup in dealloc as a failsafe, just don't have
it be the *only* place it happens.

What you don't want to do is make dealloc part of an RAII (Resources
Acquisition is Initialization) pattern, or do long running
computations there, or things like that. But cleaning up external
references to your object before you disappear is a good thing to do


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Re: Right place to unobserve notifications in a document

2008-08-18 Thread Negm-Awad Amin

Am Mo,18.08.2008 um 18:18 schrieb Andy Lee:

On Aug 18, 2008, at 11:51 AM, Negm-Awad Amin wrote:
But anyway I do not think, that doing something else then memory  
management in -dealloc is good design. Normally I unregister  
observation in delegate methods like -applicationWillTerminate:.

I understand your concern -- you meant "functional overhead" in the  
sense of a design taboo, not a performance cost

Oh, yes, sorry for the ambigious statement.

I'm a fan of Knuths phrase, so I talk about performance very rarely.

-- but in this case I think -dealloc is not only okay, but sometimes  
the only correct place to unregister a notification.  Suppose an  
invariant of your design is that an object should receive  
notifications as long as, and only as long as, the object exists.   
If you unregister too soon, you may have an "alive" object that  
fails to get a notification.
This is little bit a circular argumentation: I need it the whole  
lifetime, so i manage it the whole lifetime. Why do you need it until  
the instance becomes deconstructed?

I think this is the right pattern:
1. Construct and init the object
2. Let them work (register observations, handling threads, $whatever … )
3. Stop them
4. Deconstruct them

So there are 4 steps, not 2.

In former times I often finished functional work in -dealloc. This  
ofen works, no problem. But it is a poor design. Sure, you shouldn't  
develop for garbage collection and reference counting in the same  
code. But thinking about this can sometimes focus a problem with  
design. No design should depend on the memory management model accept  
of the memory managing itself, should it?

 If unregister too late, the notification center will send the  
notification to a dangling pointer and your app will crash.
Of course you have to stop functional work before decnstrcuting the  

I think it's okay to unregister in -dealloc because conceptually  
it's related to releasing your ivars.  You're explicitly dissolving  
a relationship between the object being dealloced and some other  
object -- a relationship you have to manually manage in the absence  
of garbage collection.
In this case it seems to be ok. Maybe this is the reason for the weak  

Thanks for your thoughts.



Amin Negm-Awad


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Address Book: updating a person's phone number info...

2008-08-18 Thread Lee, Frederick
Environment: Xcode 3.1

OS: Leopard (10.5.4+)

Generic Environment: MacBook Pro & 



 I'm partially clear about access/updating the Address Book using
the C interfaces.  

However, I'm slamming into the wall with confusion on updating a 

multi-value item like a phone number.


Overview: 1) check if person has a particular phone label (e.g.,

2) if so, modify it or create it.


This is what I essentially know:


1) Create a local copy of Address Book, with its members already there: 

ABAddressBookRef addressBook = ABAddressBookCreate(); 


2) Get the target person's record (I've stored the person's "Unique

   ABRecordRef thePerson = 

 ABAddressBookGetPersonWithRecordID (addressBook, 

 (NSInteger)[gSelectedMemberDict objectForKey:@"uniqueID"]);



3) Extract the person's multi-value property (which are not mutable,
need a copy):

  a) Copy the value of the particular property (in this case,
multi-string property?):

ABRecRef abRecRef = < get the Record Reference via its unique id >

ABMutableMultiValueRef phoneNumberMultiValue = ABRecordCopyValue(
abRecordRef, kABPersonPhoneProperty); 


--- if found, use it 


phoneNumberMultValue for loop {

--- don't know count syntax here ---



--- if not found, create it 


ABMutableMultiValueRef phoneNumberMultiValue = 


ABMultiValueAddValueAndLabel(phoneNumberMultiValue, @"(555)

 kABPersonPhoneMobileLabel, NULL);


4) Now I need to attach this property to the person Record (I'm lost


bool ABRecordSetValue (thePerson, phoneNumberMultiValue

   ABRecordRef record, 

   ABPropertyID property,  <<-- how do I get

   CFTypeRef value, 

   CFErrorRef *error 



5) Once I got the person record updated,  insert it back into address

I don't see an API that actually INSERTS a person's record into the
address book


So do I just do an AddressBook Save?


ABAddressBookSave(addressBook, error); 



I've slammed into the wall here, confused.


Much obliged to help...







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NSString Question

2008-08-18 Thread Dave


I'm tring to create an NSString object from data contained within a  
file. The following code attempts to do this. The data is read from  
the file OK and all the size information etc. is OK.

Here is a code snippet:

myOSStatus = [self ReadUInt32LEFromPosition: myCurrentFilePosition +  
28 IntPtr:&myBufferSize];

myStringSize = (myBufferSize / 2) + 1;
myStringBufferPtr = malloc(myBufferSize + 2);
bzero(myStringBufferPtr,myBufferSize + 2);

myOSStatus = [self ReadFromPosition: myCurrentFilePosition + 40  
ForSize: myBufferSize BufferPtr:myStringBufferPtr];

[thePropertiesInfoPtr->mNameString initWithCharacters:  
myStringBufferPtr length:myStringSize];


thePropertiesInfoPtr pointer to a C Structure that contains the  
following member:

NSString*   mNameString;

When the initWithCharacters method is called, the variables are setup  
as follows:

myBufferSize = 54
myStringSize = 28
myStringBufferPtr is a pointer the following:

41 00 42 00 43 00 44 00 45 00 46 00 47 00 48 00
49 00 4A 00 4B 00 4C 00 4D 00 4D 00 4E 00 4F 00
50 00 51 00 52 00 53 00 54 00 55 00 56 00 57 00
58 00 59 00 5A 00 00 00

But I get an Access Error when I run it. Could someone tell me what I  
am doing wrong and how I can correct it?

Thanks a lot
All the Best


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document based app, custom ibaction

2008-08-18 Thread Bart Beulen


I'm quite new to cocoa developing, but things start to work out  
finally. At the moment I'm working at a document based app (first  
time). It is based on an arraycontroller in combination with a  
tableview I am able to use buttons to add and delete entries.

However I would like to add a button in my document which is connected  
to some code, to process the data in the array (etc count up data in  
columns). I was trying to do this by adding an IBAction function to  
the MyDocument.h en MyDocument.m files. The problem is that I do not  
know how to connect the button from my GUI to this action (normally I  
can ctrl-drag from the button to the object, but I guess this works  
different for document based apps?

Some help would be appreciated.


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Clearing a Memory Buffer?

2008-08-18 Thread Dave

Hi All,

I'm fairly new to Cocoa and was wondering if there are OS functions  
to Copy and Clear/Fill Memory available?

I've tried searching for obvious names like MemoryZero, ZeroMemory,  
CopyMemory etc. but can't seem to find anything.

Thanks a lot
All the Best


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Re: Hex representation of NSString

2008-08-18 Thread Chris Blättermann

Hi there!

Just subscribed to this list.

Do you mean by hex representation this:

hello -> 0x68 0x61 0x6C 0x6C 0x6F ?

Then I suggest you use the C language to do it, just "convert" a  
string to an array of characters by

[yourstring UTF8String]

And loop through the result and printf it.

Kind regards,


Am 18.08.2008 um 12:45 schrieb Negm-Awad Amin:

Am Mo,18.08.2008 um 12:40 schrieb Robert Černý:

I don't like it because the string will be converted. I'm  
interested in exact values

Oh, may I ask why? The string class encapsulates its representation.

Anyway, if you want to look "inside" the instance, you probably have  
to subclass it or doing some undocumentated stuff.



and even allowLossyConversion:NO doesn't guarantee it. Or am I wrong?


2008/8/18 Negm-Awad Amin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Am Mo,18.08.2008 um 12:21 schrieb Robert Černý:

Hi,I'm trying to find a way how to get hex representation of  
NSString. I
know I can convert NSString to NSData but I would like to rather  
not to do

it. Or am I missing  anything obvious?
Maybe: Do it this way.

Why don't you like it?


BTW: This isn't the hex representation, but the binary, serialized  
representation. Hex, octal and so on are terms used in relation to  
display something.


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Amin Negm-Awad

Amin Negm-Awad


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Am 18.08.2008 um 13:18 schrieb Robert Černý:

Actually,I'm trying to debug some weird problems with clipboard. My  
is that data copied into clipboard from legacy java application  

match data pasted into Cocoa application. I've got data with accented
characters which gets converted through MacOS Roman encoding even  
the visual

representation in java is correct.


2008/8/18 Negm-Awad Amin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Am Mo,18.08.2008 um 12:40 schrieb Robert Černý:

I don't like it because the string will be converted. I'm  
interested in

exact values

Oh, may I ask why? The string class encapsulates its representation.

Anyway, if you want to look "inside" the instance, you probably  
have to

subclass it or doing some undocumentated stuff.



and even allowLossyConversion:NO doesn't guarantee it. Or am I wrong?
2008/8/18 Negm-Awad Amin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Am Mo,18.08.2008 um 12:21 schrieb Robert Černý:

Hi,I'm trying to find a way how to get hex representation of  
NSString. I
know I can convert NSString to NSData but I would like to rather  
not to

it. Or am I missing  anything obvious?

Maybe: Do it this way.

Why don't you like it?


BTW: This isn't the hex representation, but the binary, serialized
representation. Hex, octal and so on are terms used in relation to  



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Amin Negm-Awad

Amin Negm-Awad


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Re: Hex representation of NSString

2008-08-18 Thread Chris Blättermann

Hi there!

Just subscribed to this list.

Do you mean by hex representation this: hello -> 0x68 0x61 0x6C 0x6C  
0x6F ?

Then i suggest you use the C language to do it, just "convert" a  
string to an array of characters by

[yourstring UTF8String]

And loop through the result and printf it.

Am 18.08.2008 um 12:45 schrieb Negm-Awad Amin:

Am Mo,18.08.2008 um 12:40 schrieb Robert Černý:

I don't like it because the string will be converted. I'm  
interested in exact values

Oh, may I ask why? The string class encapsulates its representation.

Anyway, if you want to look "inside" the instance, you probably have  
to subclass it or doing some undocumentated stuff.



and even allowLossyConversion:NO doesn't guarantee it. Or am I wrong?


2008/8/18 Negm-Awad Amin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Am Mo,18.08.2008 um 12:21 schrieb Robert Černý:

Hi,I'm trying to find a way how to get hex representation of  
NSString. I
know I can convert NSString to NSData but I would like to rather  
not to do

it. Or am I missing  anything obvious?
Maybe: Do it this way.

Why don't you like it?


BTW: This isn't the hex representation, but the binary, serialized  
representation. Hex, octal and so on are terms used in relation to  
display something.


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Amin Negm-Awad

Amin Negm-Awad


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ScriptingBrige InDesign

2008-08-18 Thread Herr Verdieck Götz


I try to use the scriptingBridge feature with InDesign CS3.
My guiding line is the ReadMe.txt file in the SBSendEmail project  
The Adobe InDesign CS3.h file will be generated, but when I import  
this file

I get about 800 errors like:

error: duplicate declaration of method '- 

When I add iCal in the same way to the project everything works as it  

I also searched the InDesign scripting list without success .

Any hint  is welcome.



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Re: Changing NSTextFieldCells' editing appearance?

2008-08-18 Thread Tim Andersson

18 aug 2008 kl. 18.30 skrev Brandon Walkin:

The black color you're seeing when editing is the -backgroundColor  
of the table view. Just override that method and return a more  
appropriate color.

Oh, I see. Now all I have to do is get rid of the white border that  
appears around the cell..

Thanks for your help,
Tim Andersson


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Re: Changing NSTextFieldCells' editing appearance?

2008-08-18 Thread Tim Andersson

18 aug 2008 kl. 17.20 skrev Negm-Awad Amin:

Yes, it did. Probably the table view will set some attributes from  
its own state instead of respecting your cell. For example a table  
view has a background and the cell has.

I never had that problem, but to solve this, you maybe should  
overwrite -editColumn:row:withEvent:select: (NSTableView) and debug,  
what is going on. Maybe you can set some attributes before the  
editing starts.


Amin Negm-Awad

I'll see what I can do. Thank you very much. :)


Tim Andersson


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CATiledLayer documentation

2008-08-18 Thread Houdah - ML Pierre Bernard


I would like to create a map view using several tile images: the map  
is made of tiles; tiles are available for various zoom levels.

Seems like CATiledLayer seems the right thing to use. Problem is that  
I can't seem to find any documentation beyond a rehash of the header  

Is there any documentation? Is there sample code?



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Re: Changing NSTextFieldCells' editing appearance?

2008-08-18 Thread Brandon Walkin
The black color you're seeing when editing is the -backgroundColor of  
the table view. Just override that method and return a more  
appropriate color.

On 18-Aug-08, at 11:00 AM, Tim Andersson wrote:

I'm using the NSTextFieldCell in a NSTableView.

When using a NSTextField without a border and focus ring, the only  
thing that happens when you start editing the field is that the text  
is highlighted.
When I  edit my NSTextFieldCell (Without border and focus ring) in  
my NSTableView, the background goes black and a white border is  
shown around it, as the following picture shows:

I hope that clarifies what I'm trying to do. :)


Tim Andersson


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Re: arch: posix_spawnp: /Developer/Tools/otest: Bad CPU type in executable

2008-08-18 Thread Nick Pilch

Upgrading to Xcode 3.1 solved the problem.

On Aug 15, 2008, at 1:01 PM, Nick Pilch wrote:

Hi. I'm trying to put the infrastructure into my project for running  
unit tests and I'm stuck. The tests don't seem to execute. I've set  
things up as described here for independent tests:

When trying to build/run this test I get:

arch: posix_spawnp: /Developer/Tools/otest: Bad CPU type in executable

Here's my test method:

- (void) testTest
STAssertEquals(0, 1, @"Dude, 0 is not 1", nil);

Any help? Thanks.


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Nick Pilch / Tacit Knowledge, LLC
Cell: 510-381-6777


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Re: Right place to unobserve notifications in a document

2008-08-18 Thread Andy Lee

On Aug 18, 2008, at 11:51 AM, Negm-Awad Amin wrote:
But anyway I do not think, that doing something else then memory  
management in -dealloc is good design. Normally I unregister  
observation in delegate methods like -applicationWillTerminate:.

I understand your concern -- you meant "functional overhead" in the  
sense of a design taboo, not a performance cost -- but in this case I  
think -dealloc is not only okay, but sometimes the only correct place  
to unregister a notification.  Suppose an invariant of your design is  
that an object should receive notifications as long as, and only as  
long as, the object exists.  If you unregister too soon, you may have  
an "alive" object that fails to get a notification.  If unregister too  
late, the notification center will send the notification to a dangling  
pointer and your app will crash.

I think it's okay to unregister in -dealloc because conceptually it's  
related to releasing your ivars.  You're explicitly dissolving a  
relationship between the object being dealloced and some other object  
-- a relationship you have to manually manage in the absence of  
garbage collection.



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Re: Hex representation of NSString

2008-08-18 Thread Jason Coco

On Aug 18, 2008, at 11:38 , Clark Cox wrote:

On Mon, Aug 18, 2008 at 7:38 AM, Jason Coco <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

On Aug 18, 2008, at 10:18 , Clark Cox wrote:

On Mon, Aug 18, 2008 at 5:38 AM, Jason Coco <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

On Aug 18, 2008, at 07:18 , Robert Černý wrote:

Actually,I'm trying to debug some weird problems with clipboard.  

is that data copied into clipboard from legacy java application  
match data pasted into Cocoa application. I've got data with  
characters which gets converted through MacOS Roman encoding  
even the

representation in java is correct.

If you want to print the string as hexadecimal without any  

can do
something like the following (keep in mind this is showing you  

UCS-2 version of the string):

Not UCS-2, UTF-16. (The distinction is important if the string
contains any characters outside of the BMP.

Yeah, my bad... UTF-16, not UCS-2

void dumpString(NSString *str)
NSUInteger len = [str length];
unichar *chars = malloc(len * sizeof(unichar));
[str getCharacters:chars];
uint i;

i should be NSUInteger as well.

I don't think that really matters all that much, just a matter of
style mostly. I think /should/ is strong. It could be NSUInteger
or just int or uint32_t or unsigned int or whatever...

If the length is an NSUInteger, then the counter should be as well.

it's just  a counter for a simple debugging example, right :)

Indeed, but unless there's a good reason, using different types for
the index and the limit is not a good idea.

This is true... I guess using good habits are important even when
building a quick & dirty little debugging example... it really does suck
when your debugging code has bugs that make you chase your tail :)

printf("NSString at %08p = { ", str);

No need to use %08p, just use %p.

I wanted %08p... it was on purpose. I like my debugging messages
to line up properly :)

Then what happens when you build 64-bit? :)

Cry? :)

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Re: Right place to unobserve notifications in a document

2008-08-18 Thread Negm-Awad Amin

Am Mo,18.08.2008 um 17:37 schrieb Michael Ash:

On Mon, Aug 18, 2008 at 5:59 AM, Negm-Awad Amin <[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> wrote:


for some teaching reasons I have a document class, which observes a
notification. Of course I have to unobserve this notification, when  
document is closed. Doing this in -dealloc is no good design  

overhead in -dealloc, garbage collection …).

There's nothing wrong with doing it in -dealloc, and in fact this is
the standard way to do it. Overhead is not a problem. That code has to
run *sometime*, and -dealloc is not in anybody's critical path the way
-finalize is. Garbage collection is not a problem, because
notification observers are held with weak references in a GC

Argh, yes, I forgot this.

environment, so you don't need to manually unobserve at all. Also note
that it's pretty rare and undesirable to write dual-mode code. If
you're running under GC, just forget about unobserving. If you're not,
then forget about problems with GC.

Thanks a lot!

With the fact above, -dealloc seems to be a nice place, because it is  
*not* executed running garbage collection.

But anyway I do not think, that doing something else then memory  
management in -dealloc is good design. Normally I unregister  
observation in delegate methods like -applicationWillTerminate:.


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Amin Negm-Awad


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Re: Hiding NSTableColumn causes other columns to shrink

2008-08-18 Thread Corbin Dunn

On Aug 16, 2008, at 6:59 PM, Markus Spoettl wrote:

Hi List,

it appears it's time for a stupid question again. I'm experiencing  
some odd behavior of NSOutlineView (probably NSTableView as well)  
when hiding and showing table columns dynamically.

I have an outline with a number of columns, the first and last  
column have "resize with table" turned on, most of the other columns  
don't. Now, when I change [column isHidden] of any column  
programmatically, the first and last column shrink to their minimum  
size (as set in IB). It doesn't matter whether a column gets hidden  
or shown, the effect is the same for both actions.

The shrinking appears to affect the two outermost columns (from left  
and right edge respectively) that have "resize with table" set.

Does anyone know why? Is there a cure (other than turning off  
"resize with table")?

It's trying to take up the size that has been added/removed with the  
available (resizable) columns. It sounds like bug -- can you please  
log a bug to If you have a test project, that  
will speed up the process.


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Re: Table column header not highlighted at first

2008-08-18 Thread Corbin Dunn

On Aug 16, 2008, at 6:26 AM, Graham Cox wrote:

On 16 Aug 2008, at 1:36 am, Graham Cox wrote:

I need to figure out why the second table works even though I'm not  
doing anything special (and none of the autosave stuff you  
mentioned either).

OK, very simple: it was set in the nib. I didn't realise that  
presetting this in the nib was possible, so I must have set it up  
that way more or less by accident. OK, my understanding has  
improved... (Thanks!)

Now I have a new problem which is somewhat related (same tables and  
to do with these sort descriptors).

Table has two columns, one of which contains strings, the other,  
checkboxes. I set up a sort descriptor for the strings column and  
that works great. Then I came to add a sort descriptor to the  
checkbox column. This requires a custom compare method so I wrote  
one, then set that up as the sort descriptor's selector, with 'self'  
as the keyed property.

Something weird happens in IB. As soon as I add this information to  
the column, my two column headers seem to get locked together - they  
both turn blue at the same time, and clicking either one inverts  
both of them together. I can't seem to fix this - even scrapping the  
table and starting over I end up in the same fix. This is in IB long  
before my own code gets a shot at it - and when it does it's the  
same story - the columns lock together.

Do you have any console logs? It sounds like an exception is being  
raised by IB. Other than that, I don't know...I haven't heard of this  


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Re: Hex representation of NSString

2008-08-18 Thread Clark Cox
On Mon, Aug 18, 2008 at 7:38 AM, Jason Coco <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Aug 18, 2008, at 10:18 , Clark Cox wrote:
>> On Mon, Aug 18, 2008 at 5:38 AM, Jason Coco <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> On Aug 18, 2008, at 07:18 , Robert Černý wrote:
 Actually,I'm trying to debug some weird problems with clipboard. My
 is that data copied into clipboard from legacy java application doesn't
 match data pasted into Cocoa application. I've got data with accented
 characters which gets converted through MacOS Roman encoding even the
 representation in java is correct.
>>> If you want to print the string as hexadecimal without any conversions,
>>> you
>>> can do
>>> something like the following (keep in mind this is showing you basically
>>> the
>>> UCS-2 version of the string):
>> Not UCS-2, UTF-16. (The distinction is important if the string
>> contains any characters outside of the BMP.
> Yeah, my bad... UTF-16, not UCS-2
>>> void dumpString(NSString *str)
>>> {
>>>  NSUInteger len = [str length];
>>>  unichar *chars = malloc(len * sizeof(unichar));
>>>  [str getCharacters:chars];
>>>  uint i;
>> i should be NSUInteger as well.
> I don't think that really matters all that much, just a matter of
> style mostly. I think /should/ is strong. It could be NSUInteger
> or just int or uint32_t or unsigned int or whatever...

If the length is an NSUInteger, then the counter should be as well.

> it's just  a counter for a simple debugging example, right :)

Indeed, but unless there's a good reason, using different types for
the index and the limit is not a good idea.

>>>  printf("NSString at %08p = { ", str);
>> No need to use %08p, just use %p.
> I wanted %08p... it was on purpose. I like my debugging messages
> to line up properly :)

Then what happens when you build 64-bit? :)

Clark S. Cox III

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Re: Right place to unobserve notifications in a document

2008-08-18 Thread Michael Ash
On Mon, Aug 18, 2008 at 5:59 AM, Negm-Awad Amin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> for some teaching reasons I have a document class, which observes a
> notification. Of course I have to unobserve this notification, when the
> document is closed. Doing this in -dealloc is no good design (fuunctional
> overhead in -dealloc, garbage collection …).

There's nothing wrong with doing it in -dealloc, and in fact this is
the standard way to do it. Overhead is not a problem. That code has to
run *sometime*, and -dealloc is not in anybody's critical path the way
-finalize is. Garbage collection is not a problem, because
notification observers are held with weak references in a GC
environment, so you don't need to manually unobserve at all. Also note
that it's pretty rare and undesirable to write dual-mode code. If
you're running under GC, just forget about unobserving. If you're not,
then forget about problems with GC.


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Re: What is Core Foundation, and other terminology/history questions.

2008-08-18 Thread Erik Buck
Disclaimer: I am a Cocoa programmer with very little real life Carbon 
experience, so I apologize in advance if I have inadvertently slighted Carbon.
  According to folks inside Apple, the NeXT frameworks going back all the way 
to NeXTstep 0.8 in 1988 had an underlying mostly private C implementation.  I 
say mostly private because C constructs like MapTable and List which became 
NSMapTable and ??? were public way back then (as I recall).
  When Apple started the transition from Openstep to Cocoa, they decided to 
make a lot of previously private NeXT related C API public.  In the process, 
they formalized and sanitized the C interfaces, invented CFRelease() and 
CFRetain(), and most importantly invented "toll free bridging" so that (for 
example) CFString and NSString are effectively interchangeable.  The newly 
public API was called Core Foundation.
  When Apple started to transition from Toolbox to Carbon, they took the 
opportunity to base Carbon on Core Foundation.  That decision formalized and 
sanitized the pattern for CFRetain() and CFRelease() of Carbon opaque data 
types.  I gather that the old Toolbox had various different policies about who 
was responsible for freeing resources that were allocated by frameworks…  At 
any rate, such policies were always an issue in old C frameworks regardless of 
the platform.
  Carbon embraced the Core Foundation patterns.  The Carbon team extended Core 
Foundation with lots of data types and functions that never existed in 
NeXTstep/Openstep.   Many of the extensions were for wacky Mac OS only features 
and idioms that NeXTstep never needed because it was built on standard wacky 
Unix features and idioms.
  The Cocoa team occasionally and inconsistently wrapped “new” Carbon inspired 
Core Foundation capabilities in Objective-C Cocoa classes.  For example, the 
Cocoa eventually added support XML parsing, resource forks, Mac OS File Specs, 
file system aliases, etc. based on Carbon inspired Core Foundation capability.  
Just to add a wrinkle, Some of the Cocoa capability that was inspired from 
Carbon actually got re-written later and diverged from the Carbon 
  The Carbon universe also expanded as more and more NeXT inspired Cocoa 
capabilities and idioms started to migrate into Carbon.  More NeXT like menu 
functionality, common pasteboards, support for Services, several common user 
interface panels, sheets, etc. all migrated into Carbon. 
  There are lots of different but overlapping areas between Carbon and Cocoa.  
We still have different and incompatible NSRunLoop and CFRunLoop for example.

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Re: NSCalendarDate to be deprecated

2008-08-18 Thread David Riggle
I wish NSCalendarDate could be fixed instead of discarded. I find it a  
convenient class, and it is heavily used in the standard sync schemas.  
If it must go, I hope somebody comes up with an open source  
replacement for it. :)


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Re: Changing NSTextFieldCells' editing appearance?

2008-08-18 Thread Negm-Awad Amin

Am Mo,18.08.2008 um 17:00 schrieb Tim Andersson:

18 aug 2008 kl. 10.15 skrev Negm-Awad Amin:

No, I speak english badly enough to misunderstand this. :-)

I'm sorry if I made it sound like a "insult" - That wasn't my  

No, my fault.

The behaviour of an NSTextField depends on the behaviour of an  
NSTextFieldCell. Most of the behaviour of an NSTextField is done by  
an NSTextFieldCell. So it is a little bit strange to ask, whether a  
cell should behave as its control.

Probably you can clearify this:
- Do you use an NSTextFieldCell without its NSTextField?
- Which specific behaviour the control did fail using the cell?



I'm using the NSTextFieldCell in a NSTableView.

When using a NSTextField without a border and focus ring, the only  
thing that happens when you start editing the field is that the text  
is highlighted.
When I  edit my NSTextFieldCell (Without border and focus ring) in  
my NSTableView, the background goes black and a white border is  
shown around it, as the following picture shows:

I hope that clarifies what I'm trying to do. :)


Tim Andersson

Yes, it did. Probably the table view will set some attributes from its  
own state instead of respecting your cell. For example a table view  
has a background and the cell has.

I never had that problem, but to solve this, you maybe should  
overwrite -editColumn:row:withEvent:select: (NSTableView) and debug,  
what is going on. Maybe you can set some attributes before the editing  


Amin Negm-Awad


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Re: Changing NSTextFieldCells' editing appearance?

2008-08-18 Thread Tim Andersson

18 aug 2008 kl. 10.15 skrev Negm-Awad Amin:

No, I speak english badly enough to misunderstand this. :-)

I'm sorry if I made it sound like a "insult" - That wasn't my intention.

The behaviour of an NSTextField depends on the behaviour of an  
NSTextFieldCell. Most of the behaviour of an NSTextField is done by  
an NSTextFieldCell. So it is a little bit strange to ask, whether a  
cell should behave as its control.

Probably you can clearify this:
- Do you use an NSTextFieldCell without its NSTextField?
- Which specific behaviour the control did fail using the cell?



I'm using the NSTextFieldCell in a NSTableView.

When using a NSTextField without a border and focus ring, the only  
thing that happens when you start editing the field is that the text  
is highlighted.
When I  edit my NSTextFieldCell (Without border and focus ring) in my  
NSTableView, the background goes black and a white border is shown  
around it, as the following picture shows:

I hope that clarifies what I'm trying to do. :)


Tim Andersson

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Re: Hex representation of NSString

2008-08-18 Thread Jason Coco

On Aug 18, 2008, at 10:18 , Clark Cox wrote:

On Mon, Aug 18, 2008 at 5:38 AM, Jason Coco <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

On Aug 18, 2008, at 07:18 , Robert Černý wrote:

Actually,I'm trying to debug some weird problems with clipboard. My
is that data copied into clipboard from legacy java application  
match data pasted into Cocoa application. I've got data with  
characters which gets converted through MacOS Roman encoding even  

representation in java is correct.

If you want to print the string as hexadecimal without any  
conversions, you

can do
something like the following (keep in mind this is showing you  
basically the

UCS-2 version of the string):

Not UCS-2, UTF-16. (The distinction is important if the string
contains any characters outside of the BMP.

Yeah, my bad... UTF-16, not UCS-2

void dumpString(NSString *str)
  NSUInteger len = [str length];
  unichar *chars = malloc(len * sizeof(unichar));
  [str getCharacters:chars];
  uint i;

i should be NSUInteger as well.

I don't think that really matters all that much, just a matter of
style mostly. I think /should/ is strong. It could be NSUInteger
or just int or uint32_t or unsigned int or whatever... it's just
a counter for a simple debugging example, right :)

  printf("NSString at %08p = { ", str);

No need to use %08p, just use %p.

I wanted %08p... it was on purpose. I like my debugging messages
to line up properly :)

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Re: Hex representation of NSString

2008-08-18 Thread Clark Cox
On Mon, Aug 18, 2008 at 5:38 AM, Jason Coco <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Aug 18, 2008, at 07:18 , Robert Černý wrote:
>> Actually,I'm trying to debug some weird problems with clipboard. My
>> problem
>> is that data copied into clipboard from legacy java application doesn't
>> match data pasted into Cocoa application. I've got data with accented
>> characters which gets converted through MacOS Roman encoding even the
>> visual
>> representation in java is correct.
> If you want to print the string as hexadecimal without any conversions, you
> can do
> something like the following (keep in mind this is showing you basically the
> UCS-2 version of the string):

Not UCS-2, UTF-16. (The distinction is important if the string
contains any characters outside of the BMP.

> void dumpString(NSString *str)
> {
>NSUInteger len = [str length];
>unichar *chars = malloc(len * sizeof(unichar));
>[str getCharacters:chars];
>uint i;

i should be NSUInteger as well.

>printf("NSString at %08p = { ", str);

No need to use %08p, just use %p.

>for( i = 0; i < len; i++ ) {
>if( i % 7 == 0 && i > 0 )
>printf("\n ");
>printf("0x%04X ", chars[i]);
>printf(" }\n");
> }

Clark S. Cox III

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Re: NSCalendarDate to be deprecated

2008-08-18 Thread Eliza Block

You could do this:

int dayOfYearForDate(NSDate *_date)
NSCalendar *calendar = [[NSCalendar alloc]  
int day = [calendar ordinalityOfUnit:NSDayCalendarUnit  
inUnit:NSYearCalendarUnit forDate:_date];

return day;

I've never benchmarked this, but it's certainly a lot less code.


On Aug 18, 2008, at 8:32 AM, Tom Bernard wrote:

My application needs to obtain the day of year for a given date. In  

past, this was easily done with an NSCalendarDate.

// NSCalendarDate faces deprecation
int dayOfYearForDate1(NSDate *_date)
   NSTimeZone *gmtTimeZone = [NSTimeZone timeZoneForSecondsFromGMT:0];
   NSCalendarDate *calendarDate = [_date dateWithCalendarFormat:nil
   int day = [calendarDate dayOfYear];
   return day;

NSCalendarDate faces deprecation: "Use of NSCalendarDate strongly
discouraged. It is not deprecated yet, however it may be in the next  
OS release after Mac OS X v10.5. For calendrical calculations, you  
use suitable combinations of NSCalendar, NSDate, and  
NSDateComponents, as
described in Calendars in Dates and Times Programming Topics for  

The above advice led to two alternate functions:

int dayOfYearForDate2(NSDate *_date)
   NSTimeZone *gmtTimeZone = [NSTimeZone timeZoneForSecondsFromGMT:0];
   NSCalendar *calendar = [[NSCalendar alloc]
   [calendar setTimeZone:gmtTimeZone];

   NSDateComponents *components = [calendar  

   int year = [components year];

   components = [[NSDateComponents alloc] init];
   [components setYear:year -1];
   [components setMonth:12];
   [components setDay:30];
   [components setHour:23];
   [components setMinute:59];
   [components setSecond:59];
   NSDate *lastYear1230 = [calendar dateFromComponents:components];
   [components release];

   components = [calendar components:NSDayCalendarUnit
fromDate:lastYear1230 toDate:_date options:0];
   int day = [components day];
   [calendar release];
   return day;

int dayOfYearForDate3(NSDate *_date)
   NSTimeZone *gmtTimeZone = [NSTimeZone timeZoneForSecondsFromGMT:0];
   NSCalendar *calendar = [[NSCalendar alloc]
   [calendar setTimeZone:gmtTimeZone];

   NSDateComponents *components = [calendar  

   int year = [components year];

   NSString *dateString = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d-12-30  

-", year - 1];
   NSDate *lastYear1230 = [NSDate dateWithString:dateString];

   components = [calendar components:NSDayCalendarUnit
fromDate:lastYear1230 toDate:_date options:0];
   int day = [components day];
   [calendar release];
   return day;

To decide whether to use dayOfYearForDate2() or dayOfYearForDate3()  
in my

application, I benchmarked all three functions:

dayOfYearForDate1(): 8.76544 microseconds
dayOfYearForDate2(): 46.9595 microseconds
dayOfYearForDate3(): 74.5191 microseconds

(The above times include 0.4 microseconds attributable to the testing

Since Apple's engineers would not throw away a perfectly good object  
providing something better, I must be doing things the hard way.  
What is the

easy way?

Thanks in advance.

++ Tom

Tom Bernard


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Re: Hex representation of NSString

2008-08-18 Thread Jason Coco

On Aug 18, 2008, at 07:18 , Robert Černý wrote:

Actually,I'm trying to debug some weird problems with clipboard. My  
is that data copied into clipboard from legacy java application  

match data pasted into Cocoa application. I've got data with accented
characters which gets converted through MacOS Roman encoding even  
the visual

representation in java is correct.

If you want to print the string as hexadecimal without any  
conversions, you can do
something like the following (keep in mind this is showing you  
basically the

UCS-2 version of the string):

void dumpString(NSString *str)
NSUInteger len = [str length];
unichar *chars = malloc(len * sizeof(unichar));
[str getCharacters:chars];
uint i;
printf("NSString at %08p = { ", str);
for( i = 0; i < len; i++ ) {
if( i % 7 == 0 && i > 0 )
printf("\n ");
printf("0x%04X ", chars[i]);
printf(" }\n");

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NSCalendarDate to be deprecated

2008-08-18 Thread Tom Bernard
My application needs to obtain the day of year for a given date. In the
past, this was easily done with an NSCalendarDate.

// NSCalendarDate faces deprecation
int dayOfYearForDate1(NSDate *_date)
NSTimeZone *gmtTimeZone = [NSTimeZone timeZoneForSecondsFromGMT:0];
NSCalendarDate *calendarDate = [_date dateWithCalendarFormat:nil
int day = [calendarDate dayOfYear];
return day;

NSCalendarDate faces deprecation: "Use of NSCalendarDate strongly
discouraged. It is not deprecated yet, however it may be in the next major
OS release after Mac OS X v10.5. For calendrical calculations, you should
use suitable combinations of NSCalendar, NSDate, and NSDateComponents, as
described in Calendars in Dates and Times Programming Topics for Cocoa."

The above advice led to two alternate functions:

int dayOfYearForDate2(NSDate *_date)
NSTimeZone *gmtTimeZone = [NSTimeZone timeZoneForSecondsFromGMT:0];
NSCalendar *calendar = [[NSCalendar alloc]
[calendar setTimeZone:gmtTimeZone];

NSDateComponents *components = [calendar components:NSYearCalendarUnit
int year = [components year];

components = [[NSDateComponents alloc] init];
[components setYear:year -1];
[components setMonth:12];
[components setDay:30];
[components setHour:23];
[components setMinute:59];
[components setSecond:59];
NSDate *lastYear1230 = [calendar dateFromComponents:components];
[components release];

components = [calendar components:NSDayCalendarUnit
fromDate:lastYear1230 toDate:_date options:0];
int day = [components day];
[calendar release];
return day;

int dayOfYearForDate3(NSDate *_date)
NSTimeZone *gmtTimeZone = [NSTimeZone timeZoneForSecondsFromGMT:0];
NSCalendar *calendar = [[NSCalendar alloc]
[calendar setTimeZone:gmtTimeZone];

NSDateComponents *components = [calendar components:NSYearCalendarUnit
int year = [components year];

NSString *dateString = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d-12-30 23:59:59
-", year - 1];
NSDate *lastYear1230 = [NSDate dateWithString:dateString];

components = [calendar components:NSDayCalendarUnit
fromDate:lastYear1230 toDate:_date options:0];
int day = [components day];
[calendar release];
return day;

To decide whether to use dayOfYearForDate2() or dayOfYearForDate3() in my
application, I benchmarked all three functions:

dayOfYearForDate1(): 8.76544 microseconds
dayOfYearForDate2(): 46.9595 microseconds
dayOfYearForDate3(): 74.5191 microseconds

(The above times include 0.4 microseconds attributable to the testing

Since Apple's engineers would not throw away a perfectly good object without
providing something better, I must be doing things the hard way. What is the
easy way?

Thanks in advance.

++ Tom

Tom Bernard


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Re: Hex representation of NSString

2008-08-18 Thread Negm-Awad Amin

Am Mo,18.08.2008 um 13:18 schrieb Robert Černý:

I'm trying to debug some weird problems with clipboard. My problem  
is that data copied into clipboard from legacy java application  
doesn't match data pasted into Cocoa application. I've got data with  
accented characters which gets converted through MacOS Roman  
encoding even the visual representation in java is correct.

Ah, for debugging purpose only.

I think, that it is difficult to get the NSString backend, since it is  
a abstract baseclass to a class cluster.

But there is a clipboard viewer app in the examples, which lets you  
inspect the raw data. Maybe this helps to find the problem.



2008/8/18 Negm-Awad Amin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Am Mo,18.08.2008 um 12:40 schrieb Robert Černý:

I don't like it because the string will be converted. I'm  
interested in exact values

Oh, may I ask why? The string class encapsulates its representation.

Anyway, if you want to look "inside" the instance, you probably have  
to subclass it or doing some undocumentated stuff.



and even allowLossyConversion:NO doesn't guarantee it. Or am I wrong?


2008/8/18 Negm-Awad Amin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Am Mo,18.08.2008 um 12:21 schrieb Robert Černý:

Hi,I'm trying to find a way how to get hex representation of  
NSString. I
know I can convert NSString to NSData but I would like to rather  
not to do

it. Or am I missing  anything obvious?
Maybe: Do it this way.

Why don't you like it?


BTW: This isn't the hex representation, but the binary, serialized  
representation. Hex, octal and so on are terms used in relation to  
display something.


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Amin Negm-Awad

Amin Negm-Awad

Amin Negm-Awad


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