Re: Handling errors in -initWithCoder:

2009-03-13 Thread Quincey Morris

On Mar 12, 2009, at 21:05, Graham Cox wrote:

One of my classes can sometimes fail in -initWithCoder: - it relies  
on certain resources being available and if it doesn't get them, I  
thought I could follow the same pattern as -init and autorelease  
self and return nil. When I do this though I get an error from the  
dearchiver, like:

*** -[__NSPlaceholderDictionary initWithObjects:forKeys:]: number of  
objects (0) not equal to number of keys (298)

This prevents the remainder of the archive from loading, which I  
don't want.

What's a good way to handle this? I would prefer that my object  
isn't created at all if possible, but that the archive loads what it  
can. It's hard to handle this in the class that owns this, because  
it's just an array of objects.

I'm thinking I need some post-processing that goes through and weeds  
out certain flagged objects, but maybe there's a better way?

If you ever return nil from initWithCoder, it's likely your decoded  
data model is screwed beyond the point of recovery, if the failure is  
on one of the objects in a collection (which is apparently what's  
happening above).

Therefore, if you need to salvage (the rest of) your decoded model,  
you can't return nil on failure, but must return a crippled  
(==flagged) object, or a proxy object, with just enough behavior to  
allow the rest of the model to be unarchived, and deal with the  
problem after unarchiving is complete. So, yes, weeding out flagged  
objects seems like a good way to do it.


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How to use MySql, which api is for that

2009-03-13 Thread haresh vavdiya

  Actually i searched for this and i got lots of posting about MySql
but these are very old. i followed some posting also.

 Like i found;
and we can use this mySql Api for our application.

 I downloaded this api and documentation. They have mention that use
SMySQL_bundled.framework but i didn't find this framework in their folder.
and one MCPKit.xcodproj is also there...but this is also not workinglots
of errors are coming.

   Anybody does know about this then pls share ur knowledge.


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UIPickerView Caching Items

2009-03-13 Thread James Heggs

Hi all,

I am doing a bit of prototype testing and have coded a small iPhone app that 
browses Bonjour services.

On the interface I have currently just added a UIPickerView which dynamically 
at runtime gets items added to it as and when my NSNetServiceBrowser finds 

When the browser finds a service it simple calls:

[services addObject:aNetService];
[aNetService resolveWithTimeout:5.0];
[uiPickerView reloadAllComponents];

And my UIPickerViewDelegate methods perform the following:

- ( NSString * )pickerView:(UIPickerView *)pickerView 
NSNetService* service = [[bonjourDiscoveryService services] 
return [service name];

This is working fine but I have noticed something strange.

If I turn stop the bonjour service on an already displayed service the 
UIPickerView successfully removes it from the lists.

But, then if I change the service name and restart the Bonjour service the 
UIPickerView adds the service but with the old service name?

Does the iPhone have some form of caching objects??

Many thanks all,


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Re: NSWorkspaceWillPowerOffNotification from a daemon

2009-03-13 Thread Dave Keck
It seems your situation is similar to this:

I just tested, and a normal (non-daemon) Cocoa app _does_ receive the
power-off event. It sounds like daemons in particular have an issue
receiving it.

It appears that IOKit has something called
kIOMessageSystemWillPowerOff. Check out
/Developer/Examples/IOKit/FireWire/FWLib. You'll probably need to
change the project to write the output to a file, or something. Once
you've done that, shut down your computer. When you reboot, whatever
log file was created should mention something about

How does this suite your needs? It's definitely not as elegant as
NSNotifications, but it's probably more robust.


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Re: Getting the front process path

2009-03-13 Thread Dave Keck

NSDictionary *frontAppInfo = [[NSWorkspace sharedWorkspace] activeApplication];
NSString *pathToActiveApp = [frontAppInfo objectForKey: @NSApplicationPath];
NSLog(@%@, pathToActiveApp);

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NSManagedObject validateForDelete problem

2009-03-13 Thread Ward Ruth
I'm attempting to use NSManagedObject validateForDelete in order to  
provide timely feedback to delete actions by users. But the  
relationship delete rules don't seem to be getting applied as I would  

As a toy example I created a simple CoreData app with two entities,  
Department and Employee --employees and department are the respective  
inverse relationships.

The delete rule for Department employees to Employee department is  
Cascade. The delete rule for Employee department to Department  
employees is Nullify. I was expecting that if I had a single  
Department with a single Employee, then validateForDelete would return  
true on both of these managed objects. But it doesn't.

Can someone clear up my apparent misunderstanding, or suggest a better  
way of accomplishing my goal? In the context of this example, if  
Employee had a relationship to a third entity (say, a Stapler entity)  
with a delete rule of Deny, if the user attempted to delete the  
Employee's Department I would like to tell the user they must first  
delete the Employee's Stapler. If they did that, then I'd like  
deleting the Department to cascade to deleting the Employee.

Here's my test code:

NSManagedObject *department = [NSEntityDescription  

NSError *error;
BOOL canDelete = [department validateForDelete:error];
NSLog(@1) For department canDelete = %d, canDelete);
if (! canDelete)
NSLog(@\terror = %@, [error localizedDescription]);

NSManagedObject *employee = [NSEntityDescription  
insertNewObjectForEntityForName:@Employee inManagedObjectContext:moc];

canDelete = [employee validateForDelete:error];
NSLog(@2) For employee canDelete = %d, canDelete);
if (! canDelete)
NSLog(@\terror = %@, [error localizedDescription]);

[employee setDepartment:department];

canDelete = [department validateForDelete:error];
NSLog(@3) For department canDelete = %d, canDelete);
if (! canDelete)
NSLog(@\terror = %@, [error localizedDescription]);

canDelete = [employee validateForDelete:error];
NSLog(@4) For employee canDelete = %d, canDelete);
if (! canDelete)
NSLog(@\terror = %@, [error localizedDescription]);

And the resulting log output (removing the log statement data part for  

1) For department canDelete = 1
2) For employee canDelete = 1
3) For department canDelete = 0
error = Items cannot be deleted from employees.
4) For employee canDelete = 0
error = Items cannot be deleted from department.

Thanks for any help,



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Re: Performance problem with GC enabled

2009-03-13 Thread Marcel Weiher

On Mar 12, 2009, at 8:39 AM, Bill Bumgarner wrote:

On Mar 12, 2009, at 6:04 AM, John Engelhart wrote:
[ way too many words deleted  ... please try to succinctly  
state issues in the future ]

You have created a micro benchmark that demonstrates a significant  
bit of overhead from GC vs. non-GC.

He extracted a real-world example of a performance problem into an  
isolated test case.  This is a good thing.

While micro benchmarks are certainly useful, they must be taken with  
a grain of salt.  Specifically, a real world app is not generally  
going to go do, say, 10 bazillion of the operations in the micro  
benchmark one after the other with zero feedback to the user.

Since the reported performance is relative, the scale-factor in front  
is quite irrelevant.  If you run it 10 times or 10 bazillion times,  
2.8x slower is still 2.8x slower.  However, having a large scale- 
factor is convenient for taking meaningful measurements of running time.

 Typically, a real world app would have progress bar(s), live button 
(s), and displays that are updated.

So things that are not impacted by the GC dilute the effect?

GC was optimized for the real world situation.

This is not an 'optimization'.  This is just saying that computers  
today are fast enough that for many non-data-intensive applications,  
there will be enough idle-time for the machine to catch up that people  
won't notice wether operations are 2.8x slower.

  In Leopard, the GC overhead is generally less than 10% CPU  
overhead and 10% memory footprint overhead for the whole application.

While such sweeping generalizations can be useful, they must be taken  
with a grain of salt.

  In some specific measurements [of Xcode, for example, comparing GC  
vs. non-GC performance], GC is actually significantly more efficient  
than non-GC.

Is that actually true?

  In others, non-GC is still quite a bit more efficient.  But,  
overall and for the general user experience, GC on Leopard beats the  
general 10%/10% mark.

Is that for operations that actually use GC, or does that also include  
operations that do not involve the GC at all?

And, just like every other component of Mac OS X, the goal is to  
make the collector faster, more efficient, easier to use, and more  
powerful with each successive release of Mac OS X.




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Re: TXT Records with NSImages

2009-03-13 Thread Alexander Spohr

Just got recently into that pit myself.
Read the docs _very_ carefully for this one. (And file a complaint at  
the bottom of the doc’s page)

Return Value

A dictionary representing txtData. The dictionary’s keys are  
NSStringobjects using UTF8 encoding. The _values_ associated with  
all the dictionary’s keys _are NSData_ objects that encapsulate  
strings or data

If you feed your NSDictionary anything else than NSData it will return  

So you just have to convert your image to NSData and store that.


Am 13.03.2009 um 03:45 schrieb Joe Turner:


Recently, I've been working on an app that will sync with an iphone  
app. So, I am using NSNetServices. I would like the iPhone to  
display the mac's icon, so I was thinking of using the TXT Record to  
store the icon. However, whenever I add it to the dictionary,  
convert the dictionary to data (using the NSNetService methd), it  
becomes nil. I am guessing that's because it's too large. Then, I  
decided to set the size of the image to (1,1) thinking it must be  
small enough. However, I still got nil. Is there a way to send an  
NSImage (as NSData in the dictionary, PNG formatted using an  
NSImageRep then converted to data) through a TXTRecord. And, if so,  
is there a way for the image to be able to be displayed on the  
iphone? I know an NSImage cannot be displayed on the iphone, which  
is why I converted it to PNG data, hoping the iphone could read that.



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RE: NSTableView live resizing glitch

2009-03-13 Thread Ulai Beekam


Please take a look at the bug with ID 6677201 and also feel free to check out 
the email I sent you yesterday. Stay in touch.

Meanwhile, I rather like Chris' approach because it works :)


 Date: Thu, 12 Mar 2009 16:06:11 -0700
 Subject: Re: NSTableView live resizing glitch

 On Mar 12, 2009, at 3:50 PM, Chris Suter wrote:

 Hi Ulai,

 On Fri, Mar 13, 2009 at 9:33 AM, Ulai Beekam

 I'm having an NSTableView live resizing glitch that is driving me
 nuts. Please see this image:

 I really need to have the column width independent of the table
 view's size, so it is not an option to have the column resize with
 the table.

 But here is the strangest thing of all: This glitch appears only
 when the table view's focus ring is set to None. The glitch goes
 away if the focus ring is set to default!

 Any ideas on how to fix this live resizing glitch would be greatly

 I've worked around similar issues in some code I wrote. Try
 subclassing NSTableView and then in the tile method, after calling
 [super tile], do this:

 [[self headerView] setNeedsDisplay:YES];

 That's doing too much redraw work :) -- you can introduce performance
 problems by calling setNeedsDisplay: too often. Please do log bugs
 when you run into these issues.

 I think there may be an off-by-one issue in the OS that Ulai is using.
 I would need a proper bug report with system information to validate
 that. If my first suggestion doesn't fix it, then redrawing the last
 rect with a setNeedsDisplayInRect: via -tile will work, so your work
 around is a good suggestion (with a slight mod to not redraw the whole



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Re: Performance problem with GC enabled

2009-03-13 Thread Marcel Weiher

On Mar 12, 2009, at 10:54 AM, Bill Bumgarner wrote:

On Mar 12, 2009, at 10:29 AM, John Engelhart wrote:

Actually, this isn't a micro-benchmark.

If you aren't displaying the results, responding to user events,  
keeping an application state up to date and otherwise doing all of  
the things that need be done in a real world application, it is --  
effectively -- a micro-benchmark.

LOL!  There are applications that need to do intensive data  
processing.  These applications are NOT micro-benchmarks.  I bet  
Google would be somewhat surprised to find that all they are doing all  
day is running microbenchmarks.

In the context of an application, such processing is likely to be on  
a secondary thread and there is likely to be synchronization of data  
between threads.
  The overhead of the write barrier (which is spin lock contention  
under the covers, most likely) will be somewhat offset by the vast  
decrease in the cost of moving objects between threads, for example.

The synchronization overhead for moving progress updates across  
threads every 10th of a second is negligible unless you're doing  
something very very wrong.

Having the processing 2.8x slower will not be helped by putting the  
processing on a background thread:   you will still have to wait 2.8x  
longer for your results.  Your app may be responsive during that time,  
but that is of dubious value if you are waiting for results.

Think about processing HTTP server logs, and then
performing more regex operations the further massage the end results
(ie, the host only portion of the referrer).

Sure -- and if I were writing a Cocoa application to do exactly  
that, it would be doing all kinds of UI updates during the process  
to keep the user up to date on progress, give them a feel for  
whether the analysis is moving along in the correct direction,  
etc,etc,etc and all of that graphics related chatter is very  
likely going to far outweigh the CPU cycles consumed by the actual  
data processing bit.

Not if you're doing it right.

If I were writing a command line tool to process log files in  
batches -- which I have done many times on the scale of 10s of GB of  
logs produced per day -- I wouldn't use Cocoa or Objective-C at all.

This makes me very sad.  I *would* use Objective-C for data-intensive  
processing, wether in command-line or GUI apps or servers, and have  
done so in the past with great success, but it looks like you're quite  
happy to relegate Objective-C to the role of a toy/glue language for  
hooking up GUIs, incapable of handling the demands actual data  
processing.  What makes this even more ironic is that Objective-C was  
specifically created to provide high performance, and is absolutely  
capable of doing so.

Don't get me wrong -- I'm not saying that you haven't found a  
particular test where, at the extreme,

It is only extreme if you consider any type of data-intensive  
processing 'extreme'.




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re: NSManagedObject validateForDelete problem

2009-03-13 Thread Ben Trumbull

I'm attempting to use NSManagedObject validateForDelete in order to
provide timely feedback to delete actions by users. But the
relationship delete rules don't seem to be getting applied as I would

-validateForDelete: is intended as a potential delegate hook for  
subclasses of NSManagedObject.  It's designed to be called from within  
-save: to perform any customized validation you might need on deleted  

It's not intended to double as -canDelete or -isDeleteable.  It will  
produce something vaguely to that effect if you call - 
processPendingChanges first, although that's not its purpose.

- Ben


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Re: Performance problem with GC enabled

2009-03-13 Thread Paul Sanders
Bill said something in passing on this issue which I think is important.  To
paraphrase: If you care about performance, don't use the Cocoa RegEx stuff
to parse large amounts of data.  I think this observation is true whether
you use GC or not.  GC just makes it worse.  I'd like to see a pure-C
benchmark of the original test, perhaps just from the command line using
egrep.  I suspect the results would be startling.

Having said all of which, I think the original test is not unfair and I
agree with a lot of the points people have made in support of that view.
It's always painful to have to step outside the Cocoa frameworks, and (off
topic) it seems that GC can make it more so.  I for one will not be using

Rgds - Paul Sanders.


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Singleton Help ...

2009-03-13 Thread Mic Pringle

I've been looking into creating a singleton class to manage some
objects that I have that I'd like to be globally available. I've been
reading through and all looks
well except I now have the following question ...

I'd like my singleton to observe the NSWorkspace notifications
applicationDidLaunch and applicationDidTerminate. I can setup the
observations in the init method, but how to I go about removing them ?
You would normally do in the dealloc method, but it seems you're not
meant to override dealloc in a singleton ? Would it suffice to put
them in the overridden release method ? If so, does this get called
automatically when I close the application ?

If I can't remove the notifications, I could end up with the
notification centre try to foward them to an object that no longer



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[CA] zPosition + mask + animation = no animation

2009-03-13 Thread Paul Arthur Henrion
Hi list's readers,

I'm encountering a weird issue by using a masked, animated, z-positionned
layer within an animated context: the layer's animation does run only when
the context's animation does.

The thing is when I deactivate the layer's mask, it works; when I delete the
z-position setting of all the layers in the context, it works. At first I
thought it could be a media timing function issue because both animations
does not have the same one (respectively kCAMediaTimingFunctionLinear vs.
the default one – I guess it's kCAMediaTimingFunctionEaseInEaseOut), but it
seems wrong.

Thanks for any help :)


Paul Arthur Henrion

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Re: Singleton Help ...

2009-03-13 Thread Mike Abdullah
By definition, if it's a singleton, it will exist for the lifetime of  
the program; there is no risk of the notification centre sending  
messages to a now non-existent object.

On 13 Mar 2009, at 10:31, Mic Pringle wrote:


I've been looking into creating a singleton class to manage some
objects that I have that I'd like to be globally available. I've been
reading through and all looks
well except I now have the following question ...

I'd like my singleton to observe the NSWorkspace notifications
applicationDidLaunch and applicationDidTerminate. I can setup the
observations in the init method, but how to I go about removing them ?
You would normally do in the dealloc method, but it seems you're not
meant to override dealloc in a singleton ? Would it suffice to put
them in the overridden release method ? If so, does this get called
automatically when I close the application ?

If I can't remove the notifications, I could end up with the
notification centre try to foward them to an object that no longer



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Re: Singleton Help ...

2009-03-13 Thread Mic Pringle
But I thought that it was best practice to remove yourself from the
notification center before terminating your application, as doesn't
the notification center live in the objective-c runtime and therefore
is always active, regardless of whether your application is or isn't ?


2009/3/13 Mike Abdullah
 By definition, if it's a singleton, it will exist for the lifetime of the
 program; there is no risk of the notification centre sending messages to a
 now non-existent object.

 On 13 Mar 2009, at 10:31, Mic Pringle wrote:


 I've been looking into creating a singleton class to manage some
 objects that I have that I'd like to be globally available. I've been
 reading through and all looks
 well except I now have the following question ...

 I'd like my singleton to observe the NSWorkspace notifications
 applicationDidLaunch and applicationDidTerminate. I can setup the
 observations in the init method, but how to I go about removing them ?
 You would normally do in the dealloc method, but it seems you're not
 meant to override dealloc in a singleton ? Would it suffice to put
 them in the overridden release method ? If so, does this get called
 automatically when I close the application ?

 If I can't remove the notifications, I could end up with the
 notification centre try to foward them to an object that no longer



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Re: Singleton Help ...

2009-03-13 Thread Sandy McGuffog

I'm pretty sure the run-time will sort that all out for you.

But I'm a bit confused here - if you're getting an  
applicationDidTerminate notification, why not just remove them there  


On Mar 13, 2009, at 12:54 PM, Mic Pringle wrote:

But I thought that it was best practice to remove yourself from the
notification center before terminating your application, as doesn't
the notification center live in the objective-c runtime and therefore
is always active, regardless of whether your application is or isn't ?


2009/3/13 Mike Abdullah
By definition, if it's a singleton, it will exist for the lifetime  
of the
program; there is no risk of the notification centre sending  
messages to a

now non-existent object.

On 13 Mar 2009, at 10:31, Mic Pringle wrote:


I've been looking into creating a singleton class to manage some
objects that I have that I'd like to be globally available. I've  

reading through and all  

well except I now have the following question ...

I'd like my singleton to observe the NSWorkspace notifications
applicationDidLaunch and applicationDidTerminate. I can setup the
observations in the init method, but how to I go about removing  
them ?

You would normally do in the dealloc method, but it seems you're not
meant to override dealloc in a singleton ? Would it suffice to put
them in the overridden release method ? If so, does this get called
automatically when I close the application ?

If I can't remove the notifications, I could end up with the
notification centre try to foward them to an object that no longer



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Re: Singleton Help ...

2009-03-13 Thread Jean-Daniel Dupas
The Oobj runtime is a C library loaded by each ObjC application, it's  
not an autonome entity that lives beyond your application termination.

Le 13 mars 09 à 11:54, Mic Pringle a écrit :

But I thought that it was best practice to remove yourself from the
notification center before terminating your application, as doesn't
the notification center live in the objective-c runtime and therefore
is always active, regardless of whether your application is or isn't ?


2009/3/13 Mike Abdullah
By definition, if it's a singleton, it will exist for the lifetime  
of the
program; there is no risk of the notification centre sending  
messages to a

now non-existent object.

On 13 Mar 2009, at 10:31, Mic Pringle wrote:


I've been looking into creating a singleton class to manage some
objects that I have that I'd like to be globally available. I've  

reading through and all  

well except I now have the following question ...

I'd like my singleton to observe the NSWorkspace notifications
applicationDidLaunch and applicationDidTerminate. I can setup the
observations in the init method, but how to I go about removing  
them ?

You would normally do in the dealloc method, but it seems you're not
meant to override dealloc in a singleton ? Would it suffice to put
them in the overridden release method ? If so, does this get called
automatically when I close the application ?

If I can't remove the notifications, I could end up with the
notification centre try to foward them to an object that no longer



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Re: Singleton Help ...

2009-03-13 Thread Mic Pringle
Because it's the applicationDidTerminate notification from
NSWorkspace, informing me about other applications closing, not my


2009/3/13 Sandy McGuffog
 I'm pretty sure the run-time will sort that all out for you.

 But I'm a bit confused here - if you're getting an applicationDidTerminate
 notification, why not just remove them there anyway?


 On Mar 13, 2009, at 12:54 PM, Mic Pringle wrote:

 But I thought that it was best practice to remove yourself from the
 notification center before terminating your application, as doesn't
 the notification center live in the objective-c runtime and therefore
 is always active, regardless of whether your application is or isn't ?


 2009/3/13 Mike Abdullah

 By definition, if it's a singleton, it will exist for the lifetime of the
 program; there is no risk of the notification centre sending messages to
 now non-existent object.

 On 13 Mar 2009, at 10:31, Mic Pringle wrote:


 I've been looking into creating a singleton class to manage some
 objects that I have that I'd like to be globally available. I've been
 reading through and all looks
 well except I now have the following question ...

 I'd like my singleton to observe the NSWorkspace notifications
 applicationDidLaunch and applicationDidTerminate. I can setup the
 observations in the init method, but how to I go about removing them ?
 You would normally do in the dealloc method, but it seems you're not
 meant to override dealloc in a singleton ? Would it suffice to put
 them in the overridden release method ? If so, does this get called
 automatically when I close the application ?

 If I can't remove the notifications, I could end up with the
 notification centre try to foward them to an object that no longer



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why can't I see my layer?

2009-03-13 Thread Memo Akten
I have a simple setup below, but I can't see my text layer, what am I  

(also are all of the commented lines nessecary?)

view= [[[NSApplication sharedApplication] keyWindow] contentView];
rootLayer   = [CALayer layer];

[rootLayer setBounds: NSRectToCGRect(view.bounds)];	// is this  
[rootLayer setMasksToBounds:NO];	// or could I omit the line above and  
just do this?
[rootLayer setPosition:CGPointMake(0, 0)];	// i guess this is not  

CATextLayer *titleLayer = [CATextLayer layer];
titleLayer.string   = @testing this;
titleLayer.font = [NSFont fontWithName:@Myriad Set size:20];
titleLayer.foregroundColor = CGColorCreateGenericRGB(.2, .3, .9, 1.0);

[rootLayer addSublayer:titleLayer];

[view setLayer:rootLayer];
[view setWantsLayer:YES];

[view setNeedsDisplay:YES]; // is this necessary?
[rootLayer setNeedsDisplay]; // is this necessary?

instead of adding titleLayer to rootLayer, if I directly do view.layer  
= titleLayer I can see it (so nothing wrong with titleLayer), but  
obviously then I can't add more stuff, I need to add stuff to the  




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Re: TXT Records with NSImages

2009-03-13 Thread Joe Turner
Actually, I am converting it to NSData, and then adding it, and it  
still returns nil

On Mar 13, 2009, at 3:27 AM, Alexander Spohr wrote:

Just got recently into that pit myself.
Read the docs _very_ carefully for this one. (And file a complaint  
at the bottom of the doc’s page)

Return Value

A dictionary representing txtData. The dictionary’s keys are  
NSStringobjects using UTF8 encoding. The _values_ associated  
with all the dictionary’s keys _are NSData_ objects that encapsulate  
strings or data

If you feed your NSDictionary anything else than NSData it will  
return nil.

So you just have to convert your image to NSData and store that.


Am 13.03.2009 um 03:45 schrieb Joe Turner:


Recently, I've been working on an app that will sync with an iphone  
app. So, I am using NSNetServices. I would like the iPhone to  
display the mac's icon, so I was thinking of using the TXT Record  
to store the icon. However, whenever I add it to the dictionary,  
convert the dictionary to data (using the NSNetService methd), it  
becomes nil. I am guessing that's because it's too large. Then, I  
decided to set the size of the image to (1,1) thinking it must be  
small enough. However, I still got nil. Is there a way to send an  
NSImage (as NSData in the dictionary, PNG formatted using an  
NSImageRep then converted to data) through a TXTRecord. And, if so,  
is there a way for the image to be able to be displayed on the  
iphone? I know an NSImage cannot be displayed on the iphone, which  
is why I converted it to PNG data, hoping the iphone could read that.



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Re: TXT Records with NSImages

2009-03-13 Thread Michael Ash
On Fri, Mar 13, 2009 at 8:12 AM, Joe Turner wrote:
 Actually, I am converting it to NSData, and then adding it, and it still
 returns nil

Post code.


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Re: code for drawing an NSTextField to a panel window ...

2009-03-13 Thread Michael Ash
On Fri, Mar 13, 2009 at 8:01 AM, vinai wrote:

 Hi All,

 Thanks for your feedback.  I AM coming from a non-Cocoa background, and I was 
 hoping to keep some picture of how the GUI was interacting with my code at a 
 fairly low level.

Crawl before you walk, walk before you run.

Writing your GUI in code is a useful and educational exercise. But it
will only be useful and educational if you do it *after* you are
already proficient with the standard way of doing things. Get good
with the basics (which means using nibs), and once you're comfortable
with that, you'll be in a much better position to go off and
experiment with code-based GUIs, if you should still feel a desire to.


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Re: TXT Records with NSImages

2009-03-13 Thread Keith Duncan


That's a lot of data to be storing in the TXT record. I'd advise that  
you store it in the NULL record as iChat does for 'Bonjour' chat.


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Re: TXT Records with NSImages

2009-03-13 Thread Joe Turner


NSImage *original = [NSImage imageNamed:NSImageNameComputer];
[original setSize:NSMakeSize(10.0f, 10.0f)];
NSData *image = [original TIFFRepresentation];
		NSBitmapImageRep *imageRep = [NSBitmapImageRep  
		NSData *finalData = [imageRep representationUsingType:NSPNGFileType  
		NSDictionary *txtRecord = [NSDictionary  
dictionaryWithObject:finalData forKey:@image];

NSData *data = [NSNetService 
if (data)
NSLog(@Data is not nil!);
[netService setTXTRecordData:data];

On Mar 13, 2009, at 7:30 AM, Michael Ash wrote:

On Fri, Mar 13, 2009 at 8:12 AM, Joe Turner wrote:
Actually, I am converting it to NSData, and then adding it, and it  

returns nil

Post code.


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Re Singleton Help ...

2009-03-13 Thread Peter Hudson
I had a very similar situation using a singleton and found that I  
needed to remove it from the notification centre before the app died -  
or landed up with an odd side effect  (main menu items in xCode would  
no longer respond to the mouse ).

I fixed it by getting the app delegate to respond to
applicationShouldTerminate:   and removed my singleton from the  
notification centre there.  The menu problems went away.


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NSPredicate live filtering question

2009-03-13 Thread Shamyl Zakariya


I'm belatedly dipping my toes into NSPredicate to do some array  
filtering. I have an array of objects which have (among other things)  
a boolean property. In my UI, I have three tables:

1) The first table has all the entries in the array.
2) The second table uses an NSPredicate to filter the array and show  
only the entries where the boolean property is true.
3) The third table is the opposite of #2, it shows entries where the  
boolean property is false.

For clarity: I'm using a unique NSArrayController for each of the  
above, instantiated in my nib file.

So on load, the boolean property is set by some simple image  
processing ( I'm filtering a folder of images into two sets based on  
analysis of the images' pixels ).

So far, this works. I see the right images showing up in the  
aforementioned tables.

However, I'd like to be able to manually override the results of the  
image processing -- say due to false positive or whatever -- and as  
such I put a checkbox in the first table ( the all table ) which  
toggles that boolean property.

The trouble is that toggling that boolean property on an entry doesn't  
update the contents of the two filtered arrays.

I figure there's got to be some way to make the array controllers for  
those filtered tables know that the values have changed. In the past,  
I've done some kind of hacky stuff to make this work, such as binding  
a faux property in my app/doc controller to the array controller using  
arrangeObjects.propertyName -- then in my +initialize method I  
passed those faux properties to setKeys:  
triggerChangeNotificationsForDependentKey: to get the change recognized.

If something like that's really the only way to go, then that's fine.  
But I feel like there's got to be some way that's a little more elegant.

Note: I'm not using core data -- my model is just an NSArray of my  
image processing objects.

Thanks in advance,

shamyl zakariya
authentic frontier gibberish


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Re: Re Singleton Help ...

2009-03-13 Thread Dave DeLong
Similarly, couldn't you have the singleton itself register to receive  
the applicationWillTerminate notification?  I don't think it has to be  
done via the app's delegate.

Something like:

(in your singleton's accessor, or perhaps a private initializer?)
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:_singletonInstance  
selector:@selector(appIsQuitting:) name:  
NSApplicationWillTerminateNotification object:NSApp];

Then in your appIsQutting: method, just do:
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver:self];



On Mar 13, 2009, at 6:49 AM, Peter Hudson wrote:

I had a very similar situation using a singleton and found that I  
needed to remove it from the notification centre before the app died  
- or landed up with an odd side effect  (main menu items in xCode  
would no longer respond to the mouse ).

I fixed it by getting the app delegate to respond to
applicationShouldTerminate:   and removed my singleton from the  
notification centre there.  The menu problems went away.



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Re: Re Singleton Help ...

2009-03-13 Thread Mic Pringle
Yep. This looks like the best solution. Will give this a go.



2009/3/13 Dave DeLong
 Similarly, couldn't you have the singleton itself register to receive the
 applicationWillTerminate notification?  I don't think it has to be done via
 the app's delegate.

 Something like:

 (in your singleton's accessor, or perhaps a private initializer?)
 [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:_singletonInstance
 selector:@selector(appIsQuitting:) name:
 NSApplicationWillTerminateNotification object:NSApp];

 Then in your appIsQutting: method, just do:
 [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver:self];



 On Mar 13, 2009, at 6:49 AM, Peter Hudson wrote:

 I had a very similar situation using a singleton and found that I needed
 to remove it from the notification centre before the app died - or landed up
 with an odd side effect  (main menu items in xCode would no longer respond
 to the mouse ).

 I fixed it by getting the app delegate to respond to
 applicationShouldTerminate:   and removed my singleton from the notification
 centre there.  The menu problems went away.



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Re: code for drawing an NSTextField to a panel window ...

2009-03-13 Thread Paul Sanders
 Writing your GUI in code is a useful and educational exercise. But it
 will only be useful and educational if you do it *after* you are
 already proficient with the standard way of doing things. Get good
 with the basics (which means using nibs), and once you're comfortable
 with that, you'll be in a much better position to go off and
 experiment with code-based GUIs, if you should still feel a desire to.

Yes, I would second that.  I am coming to Cocoa from a Windows background 
and face many of the same issues as vinai.  I found getting to grips with 
Interface Builder to be very educational, and it's not so hard to figure out 
what is going on behind the scenes.  Doing this has also influenced my 
thinking on how best to port my app across.

Something I found very helpful is the way Xcode will set you up a minimal 
app with all the standed connections and menu items in place.  I would 
recommend starting there vinai.

Rgds - Paul Sanders.. 


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Re: why can't I see my layer?

2009-03-13 Thread Memo Akten
for others reading this on the archives, I found the problem, I need  
to set the bounds (or frame) for titleLayer.

On 13 Mar 2009, at 12:09, Memo Akten wrote:

I have a simple setup below, but I can't see my text layer, what am  
I missing?

(also are all of the commented lines nessecary?)

view= [[[NSApplication sharedApplication] keyWindow] contentView];
rootLayer   = [CALayer layer];

[rootLayer setBounds: NSRectToCGRect(view.bounds)];	// is this  
[rootLayer setMasksToBounds:NO];	// or could I omit the line above  
and just do this?
[rootLayer setPosition:CGPointMake(0, 0)];	// i guess this is not  

CATextLayer *titleLayer = [CATextLayer layer];
titleLayer.string   = @testing this;
titleLayer.font = [NSFont fontWithName:@Myriad Set size:20];
titleLayer.foregroundColor = CGColorCreateGenericRGB(.2, .3, .9, 1.0);

[rootLayer addSublayer:titleLayer];

[view setLayer:rootLayer];
[view setWantsLayer:YES];

[view setNeedsDisplay:YES]; // is this necessary?
[rootLayer setNeedsDisplay]; // is this necessary?

instead of adding titleLayer to rootLayer, if I directly do  
view.layer = titleLayer I can see it (so nothing wrong with  
titleLayer), but obviously then I can't add more stuff, I need to  
add stuff to the root...




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Re: NSPredicate live filtering question

2009-03-13 Thread Mic Pringle
I think in order for this to work you have to makesure you have a
key/value compliant getter  setter for the boolean value and then in
the code you have to use

[someObject setValue: ForKey:];

This will then notify any observers (i.e your array controller) that
the value has changed and update it accordingly.


2009/3/13 Shamyl Zakariya

 I'm belatedly dipping my toes into NSPredicate to do some array filtering. I
 have an array of objects which have (among other things) a boolean property.
 In my UI, I have three tables:

 1) The first table has all the entries in the array.
 2) The second table uses an NSPredicate to filter the array and show only
 the entries where the boolean property is true.
 3) The third table is the opposite of #2, it shows entries where the boolean
 property is false.

 For clarity: I'm using a unique NSArrayController for each of the above,
 instantiated in my nib file.

 So on load, the boolean property is set by some simple image processing (
 I'm filtering a folder of images into two sets based on analysis of the
 images' pixels ).

 So far, this works. I see the right images showing up in the aforementioned

 However, I'd like to be able to manually override the results of the image
 processing -- say due to false positive or whatever -- and as such I put a
 checkbox in the first table ( the all table ) which toggles that boolean

 The trouble is that toggling that boolean property on an entry doesn't
 update the contents of the two filtered arrays.

 I figure there's got to be some way to make the array controllers for those
 filtered tables know that the values have changed. In the past, I've done
 some kind of hacky stuff to make this work, such as binding a faux property
 in my app/doc controller to the array controller using
 arrangeObjects.propertyName -- then in my +initialize method I passed
 those faux properties to setKeys: triggerChangeNotificationsForDependentKey:
 to get the change recognized.

 If something like that's really the only way to go, then that's fine. But I
 feel like there's got to be some way that's a little more elegant.

 Note: I'm not using core data -- my model is just an NSArray of my image
 processing objects.

 Thanks in advance,

 shamyl zakariya
        authentic frontier gibberish


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cocoa file APIs

2009-03-13 Thread Roland King
Just trying to figure out what the best APIs are to use for some  
pretty simple file operations. I've found NSFileHandle, NSFileManager,  
or I could use low-level C-apis or a combination of the two.

What I want to do is create and write binary files (and I guess read  
them again later). I'd also like to be able to create temporary files  
in whatever the proper temporary location is, use them and delete them  
(or have them auto-delete)

seems like NSFileHandle fileHandleForWritingAtPath: doesn't create the  
file if it doesn't exist so I have to open it first with a open() and  
wrap it or use NSFileManager createFileAtPath:contents:attributes ..  
however I don't actually have any contents at this point (I'm going to  
be creating it later) and wanted some control over whether files are  
replaced etc. so open() actually looks better for this.

I was trying to find an API which gives me the correct path for  
temporary files, or even a temporary filename, but haven't found one.

Am I looking at the right APIs and thinking about this the right way,  
or are there some other cocoa classes I should be looking at. I'll  
happily use open() etc but wanted something higher-level and insulated  
from the filesystem if cocoa provides it. 

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Re: cocoa file APIs

2009-03-13 Thread Graham Cox

On 14/03/2009, at 12:44 AM, Roland King wrote:

I was trying to find an API which gives me the correct path for  
temporary files, or even a temporary filename, but haven't found one.


Am I looking at the right APIs and thinking about this the right  
way, or are there some other cocoa classes I should be looking at.  
I'll happily use open() etc but wanted something higher-level and  
insulated from the filesystem if cocoa provides  

For binary data, one very simple solution is to use NSData - 

For deletion, copying, etc, NSFileManager is probably the highest level.



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Re: TXT Records with NSImages

2009-03-13 Thread Michael Ash
On Fri, Mar 13, 2009 at 8:45 AM, Joe Turner wrote:

 NSImage *original = [NSImage imageNamed:NSImageNameComputer];
                [original setSize:NSMakeSize(10.0f, 10.0f)];
                NSData *image = [original TIFFRepresentation];
                NSBitmapImageRep *imageRep = [NSBitmapImageRep
                NSData *finalData = [imageRep
 representationUsingType:NSPNGFileType properties:nil];
                NSDictionary *txtRecord = [NSDictionary
 dictionaryWithObject:finalData forKey:@image];
                NSData *data = [NSNetService
                if (data)
                        NSLog(@Data is not nil!);
                [netService setTXTRecordData:data];

That all looks fine (except for the manipulation of the original
image, which could be a shared object; make a copy, manipulate that)
but I just remembered something from the Zeroconf spec:

The format of each constituent string within the DNS TXT record is a
single length byte, followed by 0-255 bytes of text data.

In other words, the total length of each TXT record entry, counting
the key, the value, and the equals sign that separates them, cannot
exceed 255 bytes.

You'll either have to *really* shrink your picture, or find another
way to transmit it.


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Re: NSTextFieldCell text color issue in NSTableView with source list highlighting

2009-03-13 Thread

On 12 Mar 2009, at 17:07, Corbin Dunn wrote:

On Mar 12, 2009, at 3:51 AM, wrote:

The recommended way to override the text color in an NSTableView  
NSTextFieldCell is detailed here:

However, there seems to be a problem setting the text color of a  
highlighted NSTextFieldCell when NSTableView - 
selectionHighlightStyle is set to  

The following delegate method produces uneven text coloration of  
highlighted text cells.

The issue does not arise for non source list style NSTableViews.


tableview will display cell

- (void)tableView:(NSTableView *)aTableView willDisplayCell: 
(id)aCell forTableColumn:(NSTableColumn *)aTableColumn row: 

	// note that when the NSTableView Highlight mode is set to source  

// setting the text color of NSTextFieldCell seems to misbehave.
if ([aCell isKindOfClass:[NSTextFieldCell class]]) {
if ([aCell isHighlighted]) {
[aCell setTextColor: [NSColor lightGrayColor]];
} else {
[aCell setTextColor: [NSColor darkGrayColor]];

Has anyone else encountered this?

Work around solution is probably to use NSAttributedString.

That is the only solution at the time. Could you log a bug for this?

Bug logged.
Bug ID: 6679161

NSTableView attempts to apply standard attributes for the  
highlighted cell, if plain text is given to the cell via the  


Jonathan Mitchell

Central Conscious Unit


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Re: Handling errors in -initWithCoder:

2009-03-13 Thread A.M.

On Mar 13, 2009, at 12:05 AM, Graham Cox wrote:

Minor problem, I think, but I'd like to get some advice about the  
right way to approach this.

One of my classes can sometimes fail in -initWithCoder: - it relies  
on certain resources being available and if it doesn't get them, I  
thought I could follow the same pattern as -init and autorelease  
self and return nil. When I do this though I get an error from the  
dearchiver, like:

*** -[__NSPlaceholderDictionary initWithObjects:forKeys:]: number of  
objects (0) not equal to number of keys (298)

This prevents the remainder of the archive from loading, which I  
don't want.

What's a good way to handle this? I would prefer that my object  
isn't created at all if possible, but that the archive loads what it  
can. It's hard to handle this in the class that owns this, because  
it's just an array of objects.

I'm thinking I need some post-processing that goes through and weeds  
out certain flagged objects, but maybe there's a better way?

You could set some flag in initWithCoder: and then return nil from  
awakeAfterUsingCoder: when the flag is set.


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Re: How to use MySql, which api is for that

2009-03-13 Thread Clint Shryock
SMySQL_bundled.framework is list on that page ( ) under Binary files.
 it's grayed out and listed as deprecated but still available for download.

I linked it into a fresh project and it complied successfully.

hope that helps


On Fri, Mar 13, 2009 at 1:32 AM, haresh vavdiya vavdiyahar...@gmail.comwrote:


  Actually i searched for this and i got lots of posting about MySql
 but these are very old. i followed some posting also.

 Like i found;
 and we can use this mySql Api for our application.

 I downloaded this api and documentation. They have mention that use
 SMySQL_bundled.framework but i didn't find this framework in their
 and one MCPKit.xcodproj is also there...but this is also not
 of errors are coming.

   Anybody does know about this then pls share ur knowledge.


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Re: [CA] zPosition + mask + animation = no animation

2009-03-13 Thread John Harper


This sounds like a framework bug. Please file a bug report so we can  
make sure it gets fixed (if possible including a test case showing the  
issue). thanks,


On Mar 13, 2009, at 3:49 AM, Paul Arthur Henrion wrote:

Hi list's readers,

I'm encountering a weird issue by using a masked, animated, z- 
layer within an animated context: the layer's animation does run  
only when

the context's animation does.

The thing is when I deactivate the layer's mask, it works; when I  
delete the
z-position setting of all the layers in the context, it works. At  
first I
thought it could be a media timing function issue because both  
does not have the same one (respectively  
kCAMediaTimingFunctionLinear vs.
the default one – I guess it's kCAMediaTimingFunctionEaseInEaseOut),  
but it

seems wrong.

Thanks for any help :)


Paul Arthur Henrion

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Trying to write icon data to file

2009-03-13 Thread Kevin Walzer
I'm putting together some code that will write an icon file (obtained 
via NSWorkspace) to a gif.

I had prototyped the code with a simple command-line tool with 
hard-coded values for file sources, destinations, and image sizes. 
However, when I try to abstract the code, I am now getting weird error 

Error: CGImageCreate: invalid image size: 0 x 0.
2009-03-13 10:40:48.805 Wish[20760:10b] Could not create CGImageRef - 
w:0, h:0, bps:8, bpp:32, bpr:512, alpha:0x1, 
cSpace:NSCalibratedRGBColorSpace, hasAlpha:1, isPlanar:0
Fri Mar 13 10:40:48 Macintosh.local Wish[20760] Error: 
CGImageDestinationFinalize image destination does not have enough images

CGImageDestinationFinalize failed for output type 'com.compuserve.gif'
objc[20760]: FREED(id): message release sent to freed object=0x466430

The basic code is below:

-(int) makeIcon: (NSString *) filePath imagewidth: (float) width 
imageheight: (float)height outputfile:(NSString *)imagePath {


  //set up autorelease pool
  NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];

  //retrieve the icon
  NSImage *icon = [[NSWorkspace sharedWorkspace] iconForFile:filePath];

  //get bitmap representation of icon
  NSBitmapImageRep *resizeicon = (NSBitmapImageRep *)[icon 

  //set the icon size
  [resizeicon setSize:NSMakeSize(width, height)];   
  [resizeicon  setPixelsWide: width];
  [resizeicon setPixelsHigh:height];

  //convert icon to gif, write to file
  [[resizeicon  representationUsingType:NSGIFFileType properties:nil] 
writeToFile:imagePath atomically:NO];

  //release memory
  [icon release];
  [resizeicon release];
  [pool release];

  return 0;


The prototype code, below, actually works as designed, so I'm not sure 
what the problem is. Any advice is appreciated.

#import Cocoa/Cocoa.h

int main (int argc, char *argv[]) {

NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];

 NSImage *icon = [[NSWorkspace sharedWorkspace] 

NSBitmapImageRep *resizeicon = (NSBitmapImageRep *)[icon 

[resizeicon setSize:NSMakeSize(48.0, 48.0)];

[resizeicon  setPixelsWide:48.0];

[resizeicon setPixelsHigh:48.0];

[[resizeicon  representationUsingType:NSGIFFileType properties:nil] 
writeToFile:@/Users/kevin/Desktop/bar.gif atomically:NO];

[pool release];

return 0;



Kevin Walzer
Code by Kevin

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Re: Performance problem with GC enabled

2009-03-13 Thread Bill Bumgarner

On Mar 13, 2009, at 2:28 AM, Paul Sanders wrote:
Having said all of which, I think the original test is not unfair  
and I
agree with a lot of the points people have made in support of that  
It's always painful to have to step outside the Cocoa frameworks,  
and (off
topic) it seems that GC can make it more so.  I for one will not be  


Having written a ton of code that sits on the border between GC and  
non-GC, I don't find that GC makes the code any more difficult to  
write along that particular border.It does, however, make it  
considerably more difficult to debug certain kinds of problems related  
to memory management (and this is an area for which a lot of effort  
has been expended to improve the experience on Snow Leopard -- if you  
have access to the seed, please go poke at it and provide feedback).

Under non-GC, that border is either:

- retain/release/autorelease vs. cfretain/cfrelease


- retain/release/autorelease vs. malloc/free


- retain/release/autorelease vs. some random memory management module  
specific to C++ and/or library you are working with

Under GC, the retain/release/autorelease part goes away, obviously.
This leaves the right hand side relatively unchanged saved for where  
it integrates into the code.   The most complex change is the move  
from -dealloc to -finalize.   Finalizers are executed in an  
effectively random order whereas many people seem to want deallocs to  
be executed in a fixed, dependent, order.

In reality, incurring order dependencies on -dealloc is a really bad  
idea;  one unexpected -retain [leak] or -autorelease [order change]  
and the house of cards falls over (this has been a *huge* debugging  
time sink, in my experience).  Finalizers force the issue by making  
ordered execution nearly impossible to achieve.


Beyond owning non-GC'd stuff in GC'd memory, there is the reverse  
issue.There is virtually no difference between non-GC and GC in  
this regard.If you are shoving a random object reference into non- 
ObjC data structures, through non-ObjC APIs, under non-GC, you need to  
-retain on entrance and -release on exit to be safe.   Whether you  
call -retain/-release in your wrapper around the non-ObjC API or  
modify the non-ObjC API to call -retain/-release internally is  
entirely an implementation detail.

Moving to GC doesn't really change anything beyond the need to use  
CFRetain() / CFRelease() instead of -retain/-release.  Since you can  
use CFRetain/CFRelease in the non-GC case, replacing -retain/-release  
in such contexts (-autorelease is generally to be avoided in such  
places with CFRetain/CFRelease makes for nearly no difference.

Of course, you could choose to go down the route of using the various  
APIs to allocated collectable/scanned memory while using __strong and  
__weak to make the non-ObjC code more GC friendly.   There will be an  
ever growing performance gain to be had in doing so, but it is very  
hard to get right.   (The ObjC garbage collector is not actually an  
ObjC garbage collector -- it is entirely language agnostic.   The  
ObjC part is that it is fully automatic with Objective-C, but must  
be manually integrated with everything else.)


Thus, it comes down to an issue of debugging.   And, frankly, in  
Leopard, debugging that border is hard.   Harder than non-GC, but not  
significantly so.In both cases, the use of  
MallocStackLoggingNoCompact, the resulting malloc histories, and  
related tools is critical.   The bugs at the border will typically be  
premature destruction of memory and knowing the history of a pointer  
that causes a crash later will typically point to exactly where the  
premature destruction occurred.

As you said, going from Cocoa to non-Cocoa is a pain.   GC changes the  
pain a bit, making it slightly worse in some ways.

Personally, I find that developing Cocoa applications using GC is so  
much faster and more pleasant than non-GC, that the relatively minor  
additional border pain is easily outweighed by the advantages of using  
GC on the pure Cocoa side.


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Re: Trying to write icon data to file

2009-03-13 Thread Adam R. Maxwell

On Mar 13, 2009, at 7:57 AM, Kevin Walzer wrote:

I'm putting together some code that will write an icon file  
(obtained via NSWorkspace) to a gif.

I had prototyped the code with a simple command-line tool with hard- 
coded values for file sources, destinations, and image sizes.  
However, when I try to abstract the code, I am now getting weird  
error messages:

Error: CGImageCreate: invalid image size: 0 x 0.
2009-03-13 10:40:48.805 Wish[20760:10b] Could not create CGImageRef  
- w:0, h:0, bps:8, bpp:32, bpr:512, alpha:0x1,  
cSpace:NSCalibratedRGBColorSpace, hasAlpha:1, isPlanar:0

Log your width and height values to see what they really are.  You  
appear to be using 0, 0.  Incidentally, setPixelsWide: and  
setPixelsHigh: do not do what you appear to think they do.  You could  
also check [icon isValid] to make sure the image is available.

objc[20760]: FREED(id): message release sent to freed object=0x466430

This is because you are incorrectly managing memory for icon and  
resizeicon.  Check the docs on that again.


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NSButton manual drawing

2009-03-13 Thread Yvan BARTHÉLEMY


I am drawing controls into view to use as feedback during Drag  Drop  

I've tried to draw manually a NSButton (with NSRoundedBezelStyle)  
using [[button cell] drawWithFrame:frame inView:[NSView focusView]];

I obtain a button image with the correct background, but the button  
text is at the bottom. When I add the button to the view it is  
correctly displayed.

Am I doing something wrong, since this method seems to work for popup  
buttons ?


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Binding to selection of NSArrayController manually

2009-03-13 Thread Ivy Feraco

Hello everybody

Bindings problem:

I have an NSArrayController subclass and an NSPopUpButton subclass.
I am trying to bind the NSPopUpButton's selected object to the  
selection of my array controller.

I have to do this manually for reasons I won't get into here.

But when I do this (self is myPopUpButton)
[self bind:@selectedObject toObject:ArrayController  
withKeyPath:@selection options:nil];

I get the error that my array controller is not KVC for the key path  
selection is definitely a controller key option  in Interface  
Builder, is it possible that this doesn't work programmatically?

Has anyone else run into this problem???

I want to bind to the selected object, not the index... so it seems my  
only option here is selectedObjects, which I will have to pass an  
array of one object to.

Ivy Feraco
UI Developer


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Re: Performance problem with GC enabled

2009-03-13 Thread Paul Sanders
 The most complex change is the move from -dealloc to
 -finalize.   Finalizers are executed in an effectively
 random order whereas many people seem to want deallocs to
 be executed in a fixed, dependent, order.

 In reality, incurring order dependencies on -dealloc is a really bad
 idea;  one unexpected -retain [leak] or -autorelease [order change]
 and the house of cards falls over (this has been a *huge* debugging
 time sink, in my experience).  Finalizers force the issue by making
 ordered execution nearly impossible to achieve.

Yes, I agree with that (just got bitten by that one in fact).  In the world 
I am used to, destructors get called in a deterministic fashion (which I 
like), but even in autorelease world you can't rely on that.  For example, 
when an NSWindow is release-on-closed, it gets dealloc'd, I just discovered, 
*before* the NSViews it contains.  This strikes me as dangerous actually, as 
the NSViews might feel they are entitled to refer to the NSWindow in which 
they reside until they are deallocated, but that seems to be the way it 

 Of course, you could choose to go down the route of using the various
 APIs to allocated collectable/scanned memory while using __strong and
 __weak to make the non-ObjC code more GC friendly.   There will be an
 ever growing performance gain to be had in doing so, but it is very
 hard to get right.   (The ObjC garbage collector is not actually an
 ObjC garbage collector -- it is entirely language agnostic.   The
 ObjC part is that it is fully automatic with Objective-C, but must
 be manually integrated with everything else.)

Judging by a recent thread on this topic, it sounds safer to manage 'legacy' 
mallocs / new's yourself.  I personally wouldn't want the garbage collector 
to interfere with this.  But I haven't read the docs so I don't know what 
the garbage collector brings to the party.

 The bugs at the border will typically be premature destruction of memory.

Ouch!  Sounds like the key thing is a thorough understanding of how it 

I think ought to add that I am not using GC primarily because I want my code 
to run on Tiger.  I can see that it will be a big win for many Cocoa 

(Off topic again): Call me old-fashioned, but I don't like autorelease pools 
all that much.  I believe Cocoa could have gotten along just fine without 
them, had they never been invented.  I prefer C++-style 'smart pointers' 
that delete (or release) themselves when they go out of scope.  That way you 
avoid the loss of determinism and potential memory usage peaks that 
autorelease pools introduce and it's really not painful writing code that 
way.  It's a pity that Objective-C doesn't support such a construct - life 
would have been so much easier.  But it's far too late now.

Rgds - Paul Sanders.


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Re: Binding to selection of NSArrayController manually

2009-03-13 Thread Keary Suska

On Mar 13, 2009, at 9:42 AM, Ivy Feraco wrote:

Hello everybody

Bindings problem:

I have an NSArrayController subclass and an NSPopUpButton subclass.
I am trying to bind the NSPopUpButton's selected object to the  
selection of my array controller.

I have to do this manually for reasons I won't get into here.

But when I do this (self is myPopUpButton)
[self bind:@selectedObject toObject:ArrayController  
withKeyPath:@selection options:nil];

I get the error that my array controller is not KVC for the key path  
selection is definitely a controller key option  in Interface  
Builder, is it possible that this doesn't work programmatically?

Has anyone else run into this problem???

I want to bind to the selected object, not the index... so it seems  
my only option here is selectedObjects, which I will have to pass an  
array of one object to.

Even if you didn't get the error, this approach wouldn't work. The  
selectedObject must be an exact object from the content collection. - 
selection returns a proxy object. You might try barking up using  
selectedValue instead. But then, you might still have the binding  
error, or it might go away since you are binding through selection.  
Anyway, have you verified that the ArrayController variable is what  
you expect it to be at the point that bind: is called?


Keary Suska
Esoteritech, Inc.
Demystifying technology for your home or business


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Re: NSTableView live resizing glitch

2009-03-13 Thread Corbin Dunn

Please do log bugs when you run into these issues.

I did back in August 2005: rdar://problem/4226145. It's still open but
I haven't seen it recently so it might have been fixed in Leopard.

Thanks! I had looked at your bug quite a few times (I promptly replied  
replies to the bug logged back on 8/22/05), but I have been unable to  
make the problem happen. I'll work with you off-list to figure it out.



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Re: NSTextFieldCell text color issue in NSTableView with source list highlighting

2009-03-13 Thread Corbin Dunn

A quick side note on this problem (which I have confirmed is a bug):

- (void)tableView:(NSTableView *)aTableView willDisplayCell:(id) 
aCell forTableColumn:(NSTableColumn *)aTableColumn row:(NSInteger) 

	// note that when the NSTableView Highlight mode is set to source  

// setting the text color of NSTextFieldCell seems to misbehave.
if ([aCell isKindOfClass:[NSTextFieldCell class]]) {
if ([aCell isHighlighted]) {

Instead of doing [aCell isHighlighted], I recommend checking the  
background style, ie: [cell backgroundStyle] ==
NSBackgroundStyleDark (etc..). This is what I was trying to say in the  
old post:

But, even with that considered, the problem still happens with source  
list tables.


[aCell setTextColor: [NSColor lightGrayColor]];
} else {
[aCell setTextColor: [NSColor darkGrayColor]];

Has anyone else encountered this?

Work around solution is probably to use NSAttributedString.

Jonathan Mitchell

Central Conscious Unit


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Re: Performance problem with GC enabled

2009-03-13 Thread Louis Gerbarg
On Fri, Mar 13, 2009 at 12:04 PM, Paul Sanders wrote:

 (Off topic again): Call me old-fashioned, but I don't like autorelease pools
 all that much.  I believe Cocoa could have gotten along just fine without
 them, had they never been invented.  I prefer C++-style 'smart pointers'
 that delete (or release) themselves when they go out of scope.  That way you
 avoid the loss of determinism and potential memory usage peaks that
 autorelease pools introduce and it's really not painful writing code that
 way.  It's a pity that Objective-C doesn't support such a construct - life
 would have been so much easier.  But it's far too late now.

Autorelease pools exist explicitly for passing things out of scopes
(return [retval autorelease];), otherwise you have to deal with
substantially more complicated ownership semantics for all methods
that return objects. The fact that people have overloaded them to
emulate scoped release a has more to do with people not wanting to
have to cleanup after themselves and the autorelease infrastructure
already existing. Now, having said that, I don't tend to use
autoreleased objects inside a scope they won't escape because I would
rather not bloat my apps high watermark and fragment my zones.
Instead, I do something along these lines:

#define autoscoped __attribute__((cleanup(releaseObject)))

static inline
void releaseObject(id *object) {
   [*object release];

- (void) demo {
    autoscoped NSArray *myArray = [[NSArray alloc] init];
    //do some stuff

The autoscoped macro tags the lval with an attribute that causes the
cleanup function to be called when the lvals scope disappears.

It is not quite the same as a smart pointer, but it does allow me to
have objects automatically released when their scope disappears,
without causing autorelease traffic.


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Re: Performance problem with GC enabled

2009-03-13 Thread Paul Sanders
 #define autoscoped __attribute__((cleanup(releaseObject)))

 static inline
 void releaseObject(id *object) {
[*object release];

 - (void) demo {
 autoscoped NSArray *myArray = [[NSArray alloc] init];
 //do some stuff

 The autoscoped macro tags the lval with an attribute that causes the
 cleanup function to be called when the lvals scope disappears.

 It is not quite the same as a smart pointer, but it does allow me to
 have objects automatically released when their scope disappears,
 without causing autorelease traffic.

That's very interesting, I didn't know that attribute existed.  I imagine 
that post-dates autorelease pools by some years.  But most objects returned 
by framework functions are autoreleased which means you can only get rid of 
them by bracketing them with an autorelease pool. This bugs me somewhat and 
is obviously less efficient than just throwing them away when you are done 
with them.  But it does let you pass @string as a function parameter I 
suppose without having to release it afterwards.  Still can't say I like it 
much.  Sorry if I hijacked the thread.


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Re: NSTextFieldCell text color issue in NSTableView with source list highlighting

2009-03-13 Thread Corbin Dunn
A followup on this particular problem that Jonathan reported for  
people to reference:

On Mar 12, 2009, at 3:51 AM, wrote:


The source list style attempts to add auto-formatting to the cell by  
setting the attributed string for you, if you give it a plain string.  
This is how the text automatically becomes bold. However, once the  
attributed string has been created, it will use the settings already  
set on the cell to format the value. -willDisplayCell: is the last  
thing that is called in -preparedCellAtColumn:row:, allowing the  
developer to change anything that the tableview automatically set.

- (void)tableView:(NSTableView *)aTableView willDisplayCell:(id) 
aCell forTableColumn:(NSTableColumn *)aTableColumn row:(NSInteger) 

	// note that when the NSTableView Highlight mode is set to source  

// setting the text color of NSTextFieldCell seems to misbehave.
if ([aCell isKindOfClass:[NSTextFieldCell class]]) {
if ([aCell isHighlighted]) {

Instead of using -isHighlighted, a more appropriate check would be:

		if ([aCell backgroundStyle] == NSBackgroundStyleDark || [aCell  
backgroundStyle] == NSBackgroundStyleLowered) {

[aCell setTextColor: [NSColor lightGrayColor]];
} else {
[aCell setTextColor: [NSColor darkGrayColor]];

Based on my above information, one can work around the issue by  
letting the cell reformat its value. This looses the custom bold  
attributes applied, but fixes the problem and is a work around:

[aCell setStringValue:[aCell stringValue]];


Alternatively, you could hook into the process earlier. The earliest  
point is -tableView:dataCellForTableColumn:row:. You could solve this  
type of issue with the following code:

- (NSCell *)tableView:(NSTableView *)tableView dataCellForTableColumn: 
(NSTableColumn *)tableColumn row:(NSInteger)row {
NSTextFieldCell *result = (NSTextFieldCell *)[tableColumn  

if ([[tableView selectedRowIndexes] containsIndex:row]) {
// This ignores the fact that we use different colors in a  
table that has the first responder status

[result setTextColor: [NSColor blueColor]];
} else {
[result setTextColor: [NSColor yellowColor]];
return result;

Either solution is perfectly acceptable, and we'll increase our  
documentation to help developers understand the process of displaying  



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Re: Performance problem with GC enabled

2009-03-13 Thread Kyle Sluder
On Fri, Mar 13, 2009 at 1:30 PM, Paul Sanders wrote:
 That's very interesting, I didn't know that attribute existed.  I imagine
 that post-dates autorelease pools by some years.

It's a relatively new GCC-ism.

 But most objects returned
 by framework functions are autoreleased which means you can only get rid of
 them by bracketing them with an autorelease pool.

If you're using NSApplication, you already have an autorelease pool.
If you need it cleared more frequently, then yes it's your problem to
create a new one.

 This bugs me somewhat and
 is obviously less efficient than just throwing them away when you are done
 with them.

No, it's not.  Without any sort of management, you'd leak memory like
crazy in situations where neither the caller or the callee can release
the object.

 But it does let you pass @string as a function parameter I
 suppose without having to release it afterwards.

@ strings are baked into your binary as instances of
NSConcreteString.  They are not autoreleased.

 Still can't say I like it

Well at this point, the only useful advice anyone can offer you is
Deal With It.  Academic discussion on the merits of autorelease
pools unfortunately won't help your project.

--Kyle Sluder

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Re: NSTextFieldCell text color issue in NSTableView with source list highlighting

2009-03-13 Thread Kyle Sluder
On Fri, Mar 13, 2009 at 1:34 PM, Corbin Dunn wrote:
 Either solution is perfectly acceptable, and we'll increase our
 documentation to help developers understand the process of displaying cells.

How about instead of changing the object value to an attributed string
the framework instead changes the attributes of the cell?  Or if
NSTableView is going to go to lengths to substitute a bold attributed
string in place of my plain string, why can't it also uppercase my
strings when they are group rows in a source-list highlighting style?

--Kyle Sluder

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Re: NSTextFieldCell text color issue in NSTableView with source list highlighting

2009-03-13 Thread Corbin Dunn

On Mar 13, 2009, at 10:43 AM, Kyle Sluder wrote:

On Fri, Mar 13, 2009 at 1:34 PM, Corbin Dunn  

Either solution is perfectly acceptable, and we'll increase our
documentation to help developers understand the process of  
displaying cells.

How about instead of changing the object value to an attributed string
the framework instead changes the attributes of the cell?

This is a possibility, however, you may notice there is no way to just  
make a generic NSCell 'bold'. The only way to do this is with an  
NSAttributedString, which is why this route was chosen.

Ultimately, the -willDisplayCell: method is the ideal last place  
that a developer can change anything they want about the cell using a  
delegate method.

Or if
NSTableView is going to go to lengths to substitute a bold attributed
string in place of my plain string, why can't it also uppercase my
strings when they are group rows in a source-list highlighting style?

That's a good point, and it is something we did consider. However,  
also consider strings may be localized, and that localizations may  
have specific or different ways of doing capitalization. So, instead  
of dealing with the possibility of getting it wrong, we simply just  
provide the correct formatting attributes. For the group row case in  
source lists, we will bold the font, and apply a special color based  
on the window key state.

As usual, if you feel there are things we could do to improve the  
frameworks, please do log bugs. We read them all and do make changes  
based on feedback.



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Re: Performance problem with GC enabled

2009-03-13 Thread Paul Sanders
 Without any sort of management, you'd leak memory like
 crazy in situations where neither the caller or the callee can release
 the object.

A scheme where it is always the caller's job to release any object returned 
to it is perfectly viable, as any number of other computing platforms (such 
as COM on Windows) will testify.  The callee simply has to retain the object 
before it returns it (and autorelease pools would not exist - hooray!). 
Cocoa is one of a kind in this regard, as far as I know.

Anyway, I don't want to harp on.  As you say, one has to live with it.  I 
just happen to think it was a mistake.  Seductive but dangerous.


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Re: Singleton Help ...

2009-03-13 Thread Shawn Erickson
On Fri, Mar 13, 2009 at 3:51 AM, Mike Abdullah wrote:
 By definition, if it's a singleton, it will exist for the lifetime of the
 program; there is no risk of the notification centre sending messages to a
 now non-existent object.

As a smallish nit... singleton nominally implies that only one
instance of the singleton class will exist at runtime (for some module
boundary) and not that it will and must exist for the life of
application. ...of course fairly often singletons do end up with
process long life times.

In my opinion singletons should normally be written to only exist as
long as a client exists or as long as needed to maintain state across
the existence of clients or to avoid instantiation related performance
issue, etc.. I try to always write them with proper memory management
(and unit test them that way) even if they end up living for the life
of the application just to make it easier to change its life time in
the future (code likes to evolve) without having worry about auditing
the memory management it does.

So in this particular situation this singleton could be told to go
away by the app delegate as one of the last things it does ... of
course application termination is going to reap all of these objects
so you likely don't need to do anything.


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Re: Binding to selection of NSArrayController manually

2009-03-13 Thread Stuart Malin

On Mar 13, 2009, at 9:42 AM, Ivy Feraco wrote:

I have an NSArrayController subclass and an NSPopUpButton subclass.
I am trying to bind the NSPopUpButton's selected object to the
selection of my array controller.
I have to do this manually for reasons I won't get into here.

But when I do this (self is myPopUpButton)
[self bind:@selectedObject toObject:ArrayController
withKeyPath:@selection options:nil];

I get the error that my array controller is not KVC for the key path
selection is definitely a controller key option  in Interface
Builder, is it possible that this doesn't work programmatically?
Has anyone else run into this problem???

I want to bind to the selected object, not the index... so it seems my
only option here is selectedObjects, which I will have to pass an
array of one object to.

I'm no expert in this area, but have dabbled with some code related to  
this, hence I offer the following subject to proviso...

I believe the only KVObservable properties of NSArrayController that  
you can use in this way are: -selectedObjects, -selectionIndex, and - 

My suggestion, as you have subclassed NSArrayController, would be to  
add an additional KVO compliant property that returns the underlying  
(first) selected object (not the proxy object). Implement a - 
selectedObject property in your sub class and use it as the keyPath in  
the bind statement.

- (id) selectedObject
return [[self selectedObjects] objectAtIndex:0];



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Re: Binding to selection of NSArrayController manually

2009-03-13 Thread Ivy Feraco

Yes thanks
I did something like this.
I realize now that selection is just a getter method on  

so no sense binding to it without a keypath.

Ivy Feraco
UI Developer

On Mar 13, 2009, at 2:34 PM, Stuart Malin wrote:

On Mar 13, 2009, at 9:42 AM, Ivy Feraco wrote:

I have an NSArrayController subclass and an NSPopUpButton subclass.
I am trying to bind the NSPopUpButton's selected object to the
selection of my array controller.
I have to do this manually for reasons I won't get into here.

But when I do this (self is myPopUpButton)
[self bind:@selectedObject toObject:ArrayController
withKeyPath:@selection options:nil];

I get the error that my array controller is not KVC for the key path
selection is definitely a controller key option  in Interface
Builder, is it possible that this doesn't work programmatically?
Has anyone else run into this problem???

I want to bind to the selected object, not the index... so it seems  

only option here is selectedObjects, which I will have to pass an
array of one object to.

I'm no expert in this area, but have dabbled with some code related  
to this, hence I offer the following subject to proviso...

I believe the only KVObservable properties of NSArrayController that  
you can use in this way are: -selectedObjects, -selectionIndex, and - 

My suggestion, as you have subclassed NSArrayController, would be to  
add an additional KVO compliant property that returns the underlying  
(first) selected object (not the proxy object). Implement a - 
selectedObject property in your sub class and use it as the keyPath  
in the bind statement.

- (id) selectedObject
return [[self selectedObjects] objectAtIndex:0];



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Re: TXT Records with NSImages

2009-03-13 Thread Joe Turner

That's what I thought too. But how do you use the NULL record?

On Mar 13, 2009, at 7:36 AM, Keith Duncan wrote:


That's a lot of data to be storing in the TXT record. I'd advise  
that you store it in the NULL record as iChat does for 'Bonjour' chat.



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Re: Handling errors in -initWithCoder:

2009-03-13 Thread Sean McBride
On 3/13/09 3:05 PM, Graham Cox said:

One of my classes can sometimes fail in -initWithCoder: - it relies on
certain resources being available and if it doesn't get them, I
thought I could follow the same pattern as -init and autorelease self
and return nil.

Actually, I don't think that's the right pattern for failure in init.
You should call [super dealloc] not [self autorelease].  See:


Sean McBride, B. Eng
Mac Software Developer  Montréal, Québec, Canada


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Re: NSManagedObject validateForDelete problem

2009-03-13 Thread Jerry Krinock

On 2009 Mar 13, at 01:44, Ben Trumbull wrote:

-validateForDelete: is ... not intended to double as -canDelete or - 

When I first started using Core Data I had the mistaken impression  
that the various -[NSManagedObject validate] methods were hooks  
into which I could place my validation code or business logic, and  
things would just work.  But after playing with it for awhile, all I  
was able to get was sheets dropping over my document windows when I  
tried to save, saying stuff like The document could not be saved.   
Multiple validation errors occurred.

I didn't think my users would appreciate those sheets any more than I  
did :O   So, instead I do all my validation and model adjustments  
elsewhere, in custom setters or in response to notifications.

I don't believe that the -[NSManagedObject validate] methods have  
much use to the application programmer.


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iPhone color management?

2009-03-13 Thread William Jon Shipley
When we put PNG resources in our iPhone apps, what color space are  
they displayed under?

I know PNGs are re-processed by Xcode (into illegal, but more- 
efficient, iPhone PNGs), are the color profiles embedded in PNGs used  
either at the re-processing time or at the time of drawing?

As far as I can tell there isn't support for multiple color spaces on  
the iPhone - is there color management at all?

What color space should we be targeting in our graphics if there's no  
color management? sRGB, 2.2 gamma? Apple Generic, 1.8? Beuller? Anyone?


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Re: setDataSource

2009-03-13 Thread Corbin Dunn

On Mar 13, 2009, at 3:14 PM, David Blanton wrote:

Is it true that reloadData is synchronous while setDataSource (which  
makes a reload happen) is asynchronous ?

What class are you referring to?


All are synchronous, none are asynchronous. Tiling/redrawing is all  
lazily done.



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NSProgressIndicator's setUsesThreadedAnimation only works sometimes?

2009-03-13 Thread Sean McBride
Hi all,

I'm trying to make a cheap, modal, indeterminate progress dialog, but
I'm having trouble animating the progress bar.

(Yes, I know this is only slightly better than the spinning wheel of
death.  Yes, I know I should thread my long running code.  Yes, I know I
should not block the main thread.  One day...)

The docs for NSProgressIndicator's setUsesThreadedAnimation say This
value is only a hint and may be ignored.  Indeed, sometimes it animates
and sometimes it does not.  I can't find any pattern.

Is there a way to reliably make an NSProgressIndicator animate while the
main thread is blocked?



Sean McBride, B. Eng
Mac Software Developer  Montréal, Québec, Canada


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Re: NSProgressIndicator's setUsesThreadedAnimation only works sometimes?

2009-03-13 Thread Rob Ross
No, none at all. The main AppKit thread is the thread that will be  
repainting your progress bar. If it's blocked, it can't paint the new  
state of your progress bar.


On Mar 13, 2009, at 3:20 PM, Sean McBride wrote:

Hi all,

I'm trying to make a cheap, modal, indeterminate progress dialog, but
I'm having trouble animating the progress bar.

(Yes, I know this is only slightly better than the spinning wheel of
death.  Yes, I know I should thread my long running code.  Yes, I  
know I

should not block the main thread.  One day...)

The docs for NSProgressIndicator's setUsesThreadedAnimation say This
value is only a hint and may be ignored.  Indeed, sometimes it  

and sometimes it does not.  I can't find any pattern.

Is there a way to reliably make an NSProgressIndicator animate while  

main thread is blocked?



Sean McBride, B. Eng
Mac Software Developer  Montréal, Québec, Canada


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Re: NSProgressIndicator's setUsesThreadedAnimation only works sometimes?

2009-03-13 Thread Sean McBride

Thanks for your reply.  But what you say can't be so.  As I said,
sometimes my 'hint' is accepted and the progress bar animates, and I am
definitely blocking the main thread with my own code at the same time.
But it only works sometimes, and I'm looking to make it work all the
time.  But the docs are not encouraging.

On 3/13/09 3:25 PM, Rob Ross said:

No, none at all. The main AppKit thread is the thread that will be
repainting your progress bar. If it's blocked, it can't paint the new
state of your progress bar.


On Mar 13, 2009, at 3:20 PM, Sean McBride wrote:

 Hi all,

 I'm trying to make a cheap, modal, indeterminate progress dialog, but
 I'm having trouble animating the progress bar.

 (Yes, I know this is only slightly better than the spinning wheel of
 death.  Yes, I know I should thread my long running code.  Yes, I
 know I
 should not block the main thread.  One day...)

 The docs for NSProgressIndicator's setUsesThreadedAnimation say This
 value is only a hint and may be ignored.  Indeed, sometimes it
 and sometimes it does not.  I can't find any pattern.

 Is there a way to reliably make an NSProgressIndicator animate while
 main thread is blocked?


 Sean McBride, B. Eng
 Mac Software Developer  Montréal, Québec, Canada


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Re: NSProgressIndicator's setUsesThreadedAnimation only works sometimes?

2009-03-13 Thread Rob Ross
Your question was if there was a reliable way of doing it, and as you  
have experienced, that's the best you can hope to achieve without  
using a separate thread.


On Mar 13, 2009, at 3:29 PM, Sean McBride wrote:


Thanks for your reply.  But what you say can't be so.  As I said,
sometimes my 'hint' is accepted and the progress bar animates, and I  

definitely blocking the main thread with my own code at the same time.
But it only works sometimes, and I'm looking to make it work all the
time.  But the docs are not encouraging.

On 3/13/09 3:25 PM, Rob Ross said:

No, none at all. The main AppKit thread is the thread that will be
repainting your progress bar. If it's blocked, it can't paint the new
state of your progress bar.


On Mar 13, 2009, at 3:20 PM, Sean McBride wrote:

Hi all,

I'm trying to make a cheap, modal, indeterminate progress dialog,  

I'm having trouble animating the progress bar.

(Yes, I know this is only slightly better than the spinning wheel of
death.  Yes, I know I should thread my long running code.  Yes, I
know I
should not block the main thread.  One day...)

The docs for NSProgressIndicator's setUsesThreadedAnimation say  

value is only a hint and may be ignored.  Indeed, sometimes it
and sometimes it does not.  I can't find any pattern.

Is there a way to reliably make an NSProgressIndicator animate while
main thread is blocked?



Sean McBride, B. Eng
Mac Software Developer  Montréal, Québec, Canada


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Re: NSProgressIndicator's setUsesThreadedAnimation only works sometimes?

2009-03-13 Thread Aki Inoue


AppKit is using -[NSApplication updateWindows] for some of animation  
thread synchronization tasks.
If you experience animation not properly starting up with blocking  
operations, you can kick start the animation by calling the method  
before going into the operation.



Thanks for your reply.  But what you say can't be so.  As I said,
sometimes my 'hint' is accepted and the progress bar animates, and I  

definitely blocking the main thread with my own code at the same time.
But it only works sometimes, and I'm looking to make it work all the
time.  But the docs are not encouraging.

On 3/13/09 3:25 PM, Rob Ross said:

No, none at all. The main AppKit thread is the thread that will be
repainting your progress bar. If it's blocked, it can't paint the new
state of your progress bar.


On Mar 13, 2009, at 3:20 PM, Sean McBride wrote:

Hi all,

I'm trying to make a cheap, modal, indeterminate progress dialog,  

I'm having trouble animating the progress bar.

(Yes, I know this is only slightly better than the spinning wheel of
death.  Yes, I know I should thread my long running code.  Yes, I
know I
should not block the main thread.  One day...)

The docs for NSProgressIndicator's setUsesThreadedAnimation say  

value is only a hint and may be ignored.  Indeed, sometimes it
and sometimes it does not.  I can't find any pattern.

Is there a way to reliably make an NSProgressIndicator animate while
main thread is blocked?



Sean McBride, B. Eng
Mac Software Developer  Montr.ANial, QuNibec, Canada


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Using NSPersistentDocument without NSApp. OK?

2009-03-13 Thread Jerry Krinock
I've working on a background helper, created Xcode as a Foundation  
tool.  It can open, edit and save Core Data NSPersistentDocuments  
created by my main app.  It seems to work.

I know from the Core Data Utility Tutorial (formerly called Low  
Level) that Core Data without NSApp is OK.  What about  
NSPersistentDocument without NSApp?  If anyone knows any show-stopping  
dependency that I might discover around shipping time, please tell us  
about it.




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Re: Performance problem with GC enabled

2009-03-13 Thread John Engelhart
On Thu, Mar 12, 2009 at 3:17 PM, Peter Ammon wrote:

 Hi John,

 Instead of storing each string individually into the heap, try batching up,
 say, 1k or so into a stack allocated buffer.  Then use
 objc_memmove_collectable() to move them in bulk into the heap at the point
 your stack allocated buffer gets full, or your scan finishes.

I actually did give this a shot, or something close to it.  I tried
using just the stack (swapping NSAllocateCollectable() with alloca()),
but no joy- exactly the same times came out.  Good call though.

The problem is objc_assign_strongCast(), which surprisingly doesn't
seem to have a 'fast path' escape if it detects a write to an address
on the stack.  I would have figured that at least the main threads
stack bounds would have been accounted for (I would be surprised if
this wasn't immutable once the linker handed off execution to the
program), as this really amounts to nothing more than a = = check,
but nope.

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sending rich text emails using Scripting Bridge and Mail

2009-03-13 Thread Reza Farhad

I have downloaded the Cocoa example which uses Scripting Bridge to  
send emails. I wanted to know is it possible to use that system to  
send rich text emails. That is, is there a way to get the Mail App to  
recognize AttributedString instead of just plain string.

Thanks in advance



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RE: UIPickerView Caching Items

2009-03-13 Thread James Heggs

To everyone that has read this post - I am a stupid programmer and there is no 

I wasn't changing my service object with the new name!

Useless - my apologies!!


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Re: EXC_BAD_ACCESS on NSImageView::setImage

2009-03-13 Thread Dev
On Wed, Mar 11, 2009 at 9:33 AM, Scott Ribe wrote:
 Does your setImage method retain the image?

The object ExternalView is a NSImageView so the setImage is the one of
The doc says nothing about it, but i added some debug log like this :

   NSLog(@BEFORE : %d, [NewDisplayImage retainCount]);
   [CameraView setImage:NewDisplayImage];
   NSLog(@AFTER : %d, [NewDisplayImage retainCount]);

2009-03-13 17:17:35.105 xxx[2281:e503] BEFORE : 1
2009-03-13 17:17:35.106 xxx[2281:e503] AFTER : 3

So i guess the image have been retained 2 times 

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Re: Performance problem with GC enabled

2009-03-13 Thread Peter Ammon

On Mar 13, 2009, at 4:47 PM, John Engelhart wrote:

On Thu, Mar 12, 2009 at 3:17 PM, Peter Ammon wrote:

Hi John,

Instead of storing each string individually into the heap, try  
batching up,

say, 1k or so into a stack allocated buffer.  Then use
objc_memmove_collectable() to move them in bulk into the heap at  
the point

your stack allocated buffer gets full, or your scan finishes.

I actually did give this a shot, or something close to it.  I tried
using just the stack (swapping NSAllocateCollectable() with alloca()),
but no joy- exactly the same times came out.  Good call though.

That wasn't quite my suggestion, and I would not expect that to result  
in any improvement.  If you store an object through an arbitrary  
pointer, the compiler will use a write barrier.  I doubt the compiler  
will figure out that because the memory came from alloca(), it is on  
the stack.

The goal is for the compiler to not use individual write barriers at  
all, and it won't for stack allocated buffers.  So my suggestion is to  
make a buffer that the compiler knows is on the stack:

id stackBuffer[1024];

Stores to that buffer will not go through write barriers.  When that  
buffer is full, use objc_memmove_collectable() to move it to the heap.

I wrote a quick test to try this and it resulted in a 10x speedup  
compared to individual write barriers.



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Re: TXT Records with NSImages

2009-03-13 Thread Keith Duncan


You'll need to drop below NSNetService and CFNetService to manipulate  
the NULL record data. Take a look at the API in dns_sd.h for the  
functions you need. Like a TXT record, a NULL record has a limit of  
65535 bytes but unlike the TXT record it isn't segmented.

Here's some sample code (from an iPhone application) to get you started:

if (ABPersonHasImageData(self.personRecord)) {
NSData *rawAvatarData = 

UIImage *avatarImage = [UIImage imageWithData:rawAvatarData];
NSData *avatarData = UIImageJPEGRepresentation(avatarImage, 0);

unsigned char hash[CC_SHA1_DIGEST_LENGTH];
CC_SHA1([avatarData bytes], [avatarData length], hash);

		NSMutableString *hashString = [NSMutableString stringWithCapacity: 

for (int i = 0; i  CC_SHA1_DIGEST_LENGTH; i++)
[hashString appendFormat:@%02x, (unsigned 
long)hash[i], nil];

[self.TXTProperties setObject:hashString forKey:@phsh];

if (avatarRecord == NULL) {
			error = DNSServiceAddRecord(_service, avatarRecord, 0,  
kDNSServiceType_NULL, [avatarData length], [avatarData bytes], 0);

} else {
			error = DNSServiceUpdateRecord(_service, avatarRecord, 0,  
[avatarData length], [avatarData bytes], 0);

} else {
error = DNSServiceRemoveRecord(_service, avatarRecord, 0);
avatarRecord = NULL;

[self.TXTProperties removeObjectForKey:@phsh];


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Re: Performance problem with GC enabled

2009-03-13 Thread John Engelhart
On Fri, Mar 13, 2009 at 5:28 AM, Paul Sanders wrote:
 Bill said something in passing on this issue which I think is important.  To
 paraphrase: If you care about performance, don't use the Cocoa RegEx stuff
 to parse large amounts of data.

I disagree :), and I have numbers to back it up:

(RegexKitLite was used to do the regex processing in the examples below)

[subjectString componentsSeparatedByCharactersInSet:[NSCharacterSet
[subjectString componentsSeparatedByRegex:[NSString

componentsSeparatedByCharactersInSet: Time used: 4114134.0, per:
1.493509760680, count: 2754675
componentsSeparatedByRegex: Time used: 1577230.0, per: 0.572564821621,
count: 2754675

In this case, regexes beat the system method by: 4114134.0 / 1577230.0 = 2.60.


[subjectString componentsSeparatedByString:@\n]
[subjectString componentsSeparatedByRegex:[NSString

componentsSeparatedByString: Time used: 548741.0, per: 2.181959521253,
count: 251490
componentsSeparatedByRegex: Time used: 320646.0, per: 1.274985088870,
count: 251490

In this case, regexes beat the system method by: 548741.0 / 320646.0 = 1.71.

 I think this observation is true whether
 you use GC or not.  GC just makes it worse.  I'd like to see a pure-C
 benchmark of the original test, perhaps just from the command line using
 egrep.  I suspect the results would be startling.

How about perl instead? (I don't think egrep is a fair test, it
doesn't have to 'do anything' with the results, like create a new
string from them). This is a rough perl equivalent of my original

$text = ; $cnt = 0;
while() { $text .= $_; }
for($loops = 0; $loops  1; $loops++) { my @results; while($text =~
/\S+/g) { push(@results, $1); $cnt++; } }

shell% time /usr/bin/perl BIG.txt
2.159u 0.030s 0:02.22 98.1% 0+0k 0+0io 0pf+0w
shell% time rkl_tests
1.874u 0.073s 0:01.97 98.4% 0+0k 0+0io 0pf+0w

Now, the perl example could be improved (notably the part that sucks
in the text), but I think it's fair to say that this isn't quite the
result you'd intuitively expect.  Naturally, these results aren't
representitive of every use case, but I think it goes to show that
processing strings in Cocoa with regexes can be competitive with other
solutions out there.

 Having said all of which, I think the original test is not unfair and I
 agree with a lot of the points people have made in support of that view.
 It's always painful to have to step outside the Cocoa frameworks, and (off
 topic) it seems that GC can make it more so.  I for one will not be using

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Re: kvc/kvo for arrays defeated me.

2009-03-13 Thread Quincey Morris

On Mar 13, 2009, at 15:34, Darren Minifie wrote:

=== Interface file: ===

@interface PerceptionController : NSWindowController {
   NSMutableArray* dpcm2;

@property(nonatomic, retain) NSMutableArray* dpcm2;

-(void)insertObject:(id)num inDpcm2AtIndex:(unsigned)index;
-(void)replaceObjectInDpcm2AtIndex:(unsigned)index withObject:(id)num;

=== implementation file ===
@synthesize dpcm2;

   self = [super initWithWindowNibName:@perceptionPanel];
   self.dpcm2 = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:6];

   for(int i = 0; i6; i++){
   // just adding eight 0's to the array
   [dpcm2 addObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:0]];
   return self;

   -(void)insertObject:(id)num inDpcm2AtIndex:(unsigned)index{
   [[self dpcm2] insertObject:num atIndex:index];
   [[self dpcm2] removeObjectAtIndex:index];
   -(void)replaceObjectInDpcm2AtIndex:(unsigned)index withObject: 

   [[self dpcm2] replaceObjectAtIndex:index withObject:num];

== end code ==

within interface builder, I have a table column bound to the  
property of an array controller.  The array controller is bound to  
the dpcm2
array.  Again, the getters are working, but setters arent.  One  
resource I

found says this:
For best performance, you should implement the two KVC-compliant  
shown in the next listing, instead of the setShapes: method:.  (its  
Sample KVC-Compliant Accessor Methods apple docs).  I dont  
understand why
they dont implement the setter for their property, and this may be  
the cause
of my problem.  Without the setter method how do you ever assign  
to the property in the first place?  The runtime error i receive  
when trying

to change a value is:

2009-03-13 15:33:36.142 a4[4494:10b] Error setting value for key  
path  of
object 0 (from bound object NSTableColumn: 0x187150(null)):  

0x1105d0 setValue:forUndefinedKey:]: this class is not key value
coding-compliant for the key .

The problem here is that your table column must be bound to a property  
of the class of the objects in the array. (That is, you specified  
'arrangedObjects' for the controller key path of the column binding,  
but you specified nothing for the model key path.)

These objects, according to your code, are of class NSNumber, which  
(a) have no properties useful to you here and (b) are immutable  
anyway, so can't be edited.

Here's how it's supposed to work:

Typically, an array property like this is best named with a *plural*  
noun. So, your methods will be called  
insertObject:inMySomethingsAtIndex, removeObjectFromMySomethingsAtIndex.

Then, you create a class called MySomething (singular) that has the  
properties you need for your table columns. In this case, maybe you  
just have one table column, so the property of MySomething might be  
called 'dpcm2' (with values that are NSNumber objects, or of some  
scalar numeric type, according to your needs).

Then you bind your NSArrayController to File's Owner, model key path  
MySomethings. You bind your table column to the controller,  
controller key path arrangedObjects, model key path dpcm2.

When your table column displays a specific row, it retrieves the  
MySomething object corresponding to the row (getting it from  
arrangedObjects using the rowIndex), asks the object for its dpcm2  
property, and displays that value.

When you edit a specific row of your table column, the value you type  
in is set as the new value of the corresponding MySomething object. If  
your dpcm2 property is a scalar, the typed value (actually a string to  
begin with) is automatically converted to a number. If your dpcm2  
property is a NSNumber, you must use a numeric formatter on the cell  
in the table column to force the conversion to NSNumber, otherwise the  
new value will be set as a NSString (which probably isn't what you  

The reason it currently works for getting the values is that an empty  
model key path is interpreted as self. Thus each row in the table is  
being evaluated as [NSNumber self] which is the number object itself,  
which is something the column can display. However, it's never  
possible to *change* an object via its self method (and, as I said,  
NSNumber objects aren't mutable anyway).


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Releasing objects in Scripting Bridge

2009-03-13 Thread Reza Farhad

Exploring the example of sending emails using Scripting Bridge, I see  
that objects are allocated but not released:

	MailOutgoingMessage *emailMessage = [[[mail  
classForScriptingClass:@outgoing message] alloc] initWithProperties:
		 [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:@testing  
sending mail, @subject,messageString, @content, nil]];

this is where the object is created with an alloc, but it is not  
released later. This also occurs in other parts of the code. Is this a  
mistake or is this not necessary when calling through to the scripts  
to other applications.

Thanks again



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Re: kvc/kvo for arrays defeated me.

2009-03-13 Thread Kyle Sluder
On Fri, Mar 13, 2009 at 9:00 PM, Quincey Morris wrote:
 The problem here is that your table column must be bound to a property of
 the class of the objects in the array. (That is, you specified
 'arrangedObjects' for the controller key path of the column binding, but you
 specified nothing for the model key path.)

This is the binding that's used to populate the object value of the
column's cell.  You should still bind the table's content binding so
that the selection is taken care of.

--Kyle Sluder

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Re: kvc/kvo for arrays defeated me.

2009-03-13 Thread Quincey Morris

On Mar 13, 2009, at 18:00, Quincey Morris wrote:

When you edit a specific row of your table column, the value you  
type in is set as the new value of the corresponding MySomething  

Oops, that should read:

... as the new value of the corresponding MySomething object property.

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NSTask and setuid

2009-03-13 Thread Mudi Dandan

Hi All,

I'm developing a setuid tool for my application and seems that  NSTask  
doesn't respect the setuid bit and the effective uid remains 501.  
However when launching the tool from the terminal the effective uid is  
0 as expected.

What am i missing?


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Re: kvc/kvo for arrays defeated me.

2009-03-13 Thread Quincey Morris

On Mar 13, 2009, at 18:20, Kyle Sluder wrote:

On Fri, Mar 13, 2009 at 9:00 PM, Quincey Morris wrote:
The problem here is that your table column must be bound to a  
property of

the class of the objects in the array. (That is, you specified
'arrangedObjects' for the controller key path of the column  
binding, but you

specified nothing for the model key path.)

This is the binding that's used to populate the object value of the
column's cell.  You should still bind the table's content binding so
that the selection is taken care of.

In the simplest (and commonest) case, you don't have to bind the table  
to anything because it internally figures out the content binding from  
the column bindings, though of course there's nothing wrong with  
binding it explicitly too. Similarly you can omit the selectionIndexes  
and sortDescriptors binding unless you need something other than the  
default behavior.

Or am I missing your point?


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Re: kvc/kvo for arrays defeated me.

2009-03-13 Thread Kyle Sluder
On Fri, Mar 13, 2009 at 9:36 PM, Quincey Morris wrote:
 Or am I missing your point?

No, you're not.  I always bind it explicitly because I know I'll
forget if my column bindings aren't all bound to keypaths off the same
controller property.  It's also not documented that the table view
automagically configures the selection bindings.

--Kyle Sluder

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Re: kvc/kvo for arrays defeated me.

2009-03-13 Thread Darren Minifie
thank you guys so much!  That makes perfect sense (now), and I'm glad I only
wasted most of the day.  I do think that programming guide on bindings could
be improved or elaborated on a little bit.  Kyle what do you mean by binding
the table view's content property?  I understand what you mean, but I'm
unsure of what I should bind it to.  The array controller's array?  or the
tableView's dataSource?

On Fri, Mar 13, 2009 at 6:40 PM, Kyle Sluder wrote:

 On Fri, Mar 13, 2009 at 9:36 PM, Quincey Morris wrote:
  Or am I missing your point?

 No, you're not.  I always bind it explicitly because I know I'll
 forget if my column bindings aren't all bound to keypaths off the same
 controller property.  It's also not documented that the table view
 automagically configures the selection bindings.

 --Kyle Sluder

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Darren Minifie
Graduate Studies: Computer Science

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Re: Performance problem with GC enabled

2009-03-13 Thread John Engelhart
On Fri, Mar 13, 2009 at 4:38 AM, Marcel Weiher wrote:

 On Mar 12, 2009, at 10:54 AM, Bill Bumgarner wrote:

 In the context of an application, such processing is likely to be on a
 secondary thread and there is likely to be synchronization of data between
  The overhead of the write barrier (which is spin lock contention under
 the covers, most likely) will be somewhat offset by the vast decrease in the
 cost of moving objects between threads, for example.

 The synchronization overhead for moving progress updates across threads
 every 10th of a second is negligible unless you're doing something very very

I have to agree with Marcel on this.  In fact, in such a scenario, I'm
almost certainly going to be using OSAtomicEnqueue and
OSAtomicDequeue.  I'm willing to guarantee that this will outperform a
call to objc_assign_strongCast by several orders of magnitude, so much
so that it would actually be an incentive to turn off GC.  It has the
added advantage of never causing the background worker threads to
block while waiting for a spin lock.

Come to think of it, I'm not even sure how you could write a GC
enabled multi-threaded app that uses one thread per CPU to split work
up.  All your background threads are going to come to a grinding halt
as they serialize inside objc_assign_strongCast.

 Sure -- and if I were writing a Cocoa application to do exactly that, it
 would be doing all kinds of UI updates during the process to keep the user
 up to date on progress, give them a feel for whether the analysis is moving
 along in the correct direction, etc,etc,etc and all of that graphics
 related chatter is very likely going to far outweigh the CPU cycles consumed
 by the actual data processing bit.

 Not if you're doing it right.

Again, I have to agree with Marcel on this.  In fact I'd say, as a
rough rule of thumb, if shark is telling you that you're spending more
than 5% of your time doing UI updates, you're doing something wrong.

If you have something that takes 5 minutes to process without any kind
of UI updates, and your GUI versions interface updates now 'far
outweigh the CPU cycles consumed' (50%) relative to the data
processing, you've now turned something that takes 5 minutes in to 10+
minutes.  I can't say I understand why you think this is reasonable,
or even the norm.

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Calling Script Objects in Applescript

2009-03-13 Thread Karen van Eck
We have a lot of code in libraries in Applescript. Now starting to  
look at using Cocoa to move forward, as we are really using  
Applescript to pretty much its limit.

But it is not a short term solution to rewrite all our Applescript  
libraries in Objective-C. We need to be able to use Objective-C  
programs to load and execute our Applescripts.

I've managed to get a program to execute an Applescript and to execute  
a handler in an Applescript.

But most of our libraries are saved as Script Objects. Please could  
someone point me in the right direction for executing a subroutine  
inside a script object in an Applescript.

I'm guessing I could do something like:

	NSApplescript *scriptObject = [[NSAppleScript alloc] initWithSource:  
@set scriptObject to (scriptObjectName of (load script file  

  tell scriptObject to doHandler()];

and execute it, but that seems to be quite klunky. There must be a  
neater way to do it.

Any advice, hints and links will be gratefully received.

Thank you



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Re: kvc/kvo for arrays defeated me.

2009-03-13 Thread Kyle Sluder
On Fri, Mar 13, 2009 at 10:04 PM, Darren Minifie wrote:
 Kyle what do you mean by binding
 the table view's content property?  I understand what you mean, but I'm
 unsure of what I should bind it to.  The array controller's array?  or the
 tableView's dataSource?

Well I assume you're not using a data source since you're using bindings.

The column bindings are, strictly speaking, used only to provide
content for the column's cell when drawing the rows of the table.  The
table itself, not its columns, manages its selection, so in order to
coordinate this selection with the controller its own selection
bindings need to be bound to the controller supplying its data.
Binding the table's content binding will take care of these bindings
automatically.  If it can figure it out, the table view will also
deduce the object and keypath to use for its content binding from the
columns' value bindings.

So you would normally have something like this:
column1.value - [myController].arrangedObjects.title
column2.value - [myController].arrangedObjects.artist

Then the framework will automatically fill in the following bindings:
tableView.content - [myController].arrangedObjects
tableView.selectionIndexes - [myController].selectionIndexes
tableView.sortDescriptors - [myController].sortDescriptors

You can manually specify these three bindings, which is particularly
useful if you need the selection in the table view to be bound to an
array controller completely different from the one(s) providing data
for your column(s).

Also, I see that the NSTableView bindings document has been updated
with more information on to automagic bindings:

Thank you to whoever took care of that one.

--Kyle Sluder

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Re: Performance problem with GC enabled

2009-03-13 Thread John Engelhart
On Fri, Mar 13, 2009 at 8:26 PM, Peter Ammon wrote:

 On Mar 13, 2009, at 4:47 PM, John Engelhart wrote:

 On Thu, Mar 12, 2009 at 3:17 PM, Peter Ammon wrote:

 Hi John,

 Instead of storing each string individually into the heap, try batching
 say, 1k or so into a stack allocated buffer.  Then use
 objc_memmove_collectable() to move them in bulk into the heap at the
 your stack allocated buffer gets full, or your scan finishes.

 I actually did give this a shot, or something close to it.  I tried
 using just the stack (swapping NSAllocateCollectable() with alloca()),
 but no joy- exactly the same times came out.  Good call though.

 That wasn't quite my suggestion, and I would not expect that to result in
 any improvement.  If you store an object through an arbitrary pointer, the
 compiler will use a write barrier.  I doubt the compiler will figure out
 that because the memory came from alloca(), it is on the stack.

Huh.. I have to say, my first response would have been that the
compiler would definitely figure it out, but that's a topic for a
different conversation. (it has to do with just how tightly integrated
alloca() is to the compiler internals, see for a rough idea why)

 The goal is for the compiler to not use individual write barriers at all,
 and it won't for stack allocated buffers.  So my suggestion is to make a
 buffer that the compiler knows is on the stack:

 id stackBuffer[1024];

 Stores to that buffer will not go through write barriers.  When that buffer
 is full, use objc_memmove_collectable() to move it to the heap.

 I wrote a quick test to try this and it resulted in a 10x speedup compared
 to individual write barriers.

Ok, now I see where you're going.  I'll certainly give it a whirl, but
it's going to make swiss cheese out of the code with #ifdef
__OBJC_GC__ statements, unfortunately. (the code needs to work with or
without GC (w/o -fobjc-gc*), and with or without -std=(c|gnu)99 and
thus the use of alloca(), not VLAs).

Thanks for the suggestion.   Hmmm, that does raise the obvious
question of Does objc_memmove_collectable() hold the GC lock the
entire time it's doing its thing?  If so, it'll probably make some
sense to find that sweet spot where you hit the point of diminishing
returns so you keep the lock for as short a time as possible.

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Re: NSTask and setuid [SOLVED]

2009-03-13 Thread Mudi Dandan
It turned out that I set the setuid bit on different file from the one  
I launched with NSTask.

This  took me about 3 hours to realize, sorry :)

On Mar 14, 2009, at 2:24 AM, Mudi Dandan wrote:

Hi All,

I'm developing a setuid tool for my application and seems that   
NSTask doesn't respect the setuid bit and the effective uid remains  
501. However when launching the tool from the terminal the effective  
uid is 0 as expected.

What am i missing?


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Re: Re: kvc/kvo for arrays defeated me.

2009-03-13 Thread minofifa

Oh ok I understand. Thanks!

I have one last question about this stuff. In the attributes panel for an  
array controller, there is a field called Object Controller Class Name. The  
tool tip says to set this to the class that will serve to add new objects  
to the controller's managed array. This more or less makes sense, but I  
just wanted to be sure.

If my array controller was managing an array of Widget objects, would i set  
this field to Widget?

On Mar 13, 2009 7:57pm, Kyle Sluder wrote:
On Fri, Mar 13, 2009 at 10:04 PM, Darren Minifie  

 Kyle what do you mean by binding

 the table view's content property? I understand what you mean, but I'm

 unsure of what I should bind it to. The array controller's array? or the

 tableView's dataSource?

Well I assume you're not using a data source since you're using bindings.

The column bindings are, strictly speaking, used only to provide

content for the column's cell when drawing the rows of the table. The

table itself, not its columns, manages its selection, so in order to

coordinate this selection with the controller its own selection

bindings need to be bound to the controller supplying its data.

Binding the table's content binding will take care of these bindings

automatically. If it can figure it out, the table view will also

deduce the object and keypath to use for its content binding from the

columns' value bindings.

So you would normally have something like this:

column1.value - [myController].arrangedObjects.title

column2.value - [myController].arrangedObjects.artist

Then the framework will automatically fill in the following bindings:

tableView.content - [myController].arrangedObjects

tableView.selectionIndexes - [myController].selectionIndexes

tableView.sortDescriptors - [myController].sortDescriptors

You can manually specify these three bindings, which is particularly

useful if you need the selection in the table view to be bound to an

array controller completely different from the one(s) providing data

for your column(s).

Also, I see that the NSTableView bindings document has been updated

with more information on to automagic bindings:

Thank you to whoever took care of that one.

--Kyle Sluder


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Re: Performance problem with GC enabled

2009-03-13 Thread Peter Ammon

On Mar 13, 2009, at 7:59 PM, John Engelhart wrote:

On Fri, Mar 13, 2009 at 8:26 PM, Peter Ammon wrote: for a rough idea why)

The goal is for the compiler to not use individual write barriers  
at all,
and it won't for stack allocated buffers.  So my suggestion is to  
make a

buffer that the compiler knows is on the stack:

id stackBuffer[1024];

Stores to that buffer will not go through write barriers.  When  
that buffer

is full, use objc_memmove_collectable() to move it to the heap.

I wrote a quick test to try this and it resulted in a 10x speedup  

to individual write barriers.

Ok, now I see where you're going.  I'll certainly give it a whirl, but
it's going to make swiss cheese out of the code with #ifdef
__OBJC_GC__ statements, unfortunately. (the code needs to work with or
without GC (w/o -fobjc-gc*), and with or without -std=(c|gnu)99 and
thus the use of alloca(), not VLAs).

I think you're saying that it's more convenient for you to work with a  
pointer than directly with an array.  If so, another way you can  
defeat write barriers is with a cast to void*:

void func(id *ptr) {
   ptr[0] = @foo; // --- write barrier
   ((void **)ptr)[0] = @bar; //  no write barrier

Of course, this is only safe if the pointer points at something not in  
the GC heap, e.g. on the stack or in malloc()ed memory.  If you store  
into the GC heap this way, your object is likely to be prematurely  

Thanks for the suggestion.   Hmmm, that does raise the obvious
question of Does objc_memmove_collectable() hold the GC lock the
entire time it's doing its thing?  If so, it'll probably make some
sense to find that sweet spot where you hit the point of diminishing
returns so you keep the lock for as short a time as possible.

I believe it does hold the lock the entire time in Leopard.



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Re: Performance problem with GC enabled

2009-03-13 Thread Michael Ash
On Fri, Mar 13, 2009 at 2:03 PM, Paul Sanders wrote:
 Without any sort of management, you'd leak memory like
 crazy in situations where neither the caller or the callee can release
 the object.

 A scheme where it is always the caller's job to release any object returned
 to it is perfectly viable, as any number of other computing platforms (such
 as COM on Windows) will testify.  The callee simply has to retain the object
 before it returns it (and autorelease pools would not exist - hooray!).
 Cocoa is one of a kind in this regard, as far as I know.

No need to look to Windows, OS X's own CoreFoundation has this kind of
memory management: manual refcounting, no autorelease.

It does indeed work. It's also tremendously verbose. What would be a
simple one-liner in Cocoa turns into a sprawling mess of code due to
the need to release temporary objects.

Worse, it forces the API to expose implementation details. When
there's a Get function (one which returns an object you don't own) in
CF-land, that means that whatever you're calling necessarily retains a
reference to it. If Apple later on wants to change how it works
internally so that the function returns a temporary object instead,
well, too bad, can't! In Cocoa, the existence of autorelease allows
the interface's ownership semantics to be fully separated from the

I'll agree that no-autorelease refcounting is viable, as is proven by
many implementations, but I'll also argue that autorelease adds
significant capabilities to the system.


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Type Declaration With Protocol

2009-03-13 Thread Richard Somers
The Objective-C 2.0 Programming Language documentation indicates that  
a type declaration for an object including a formal protocol should  
look something like this.

id Protocol anObject;

I have been studying some sample code that does it like this.

NSObject Protocol *anObject;

What is the difference between the two?



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Re: Type Declaration With Protocol

2009-03-13 Thread Roland King
well the first one just says that anObject supports the protocol and  
it tells you NOTHING else about it at all. So the only methods you can  
call on it without having the compiler warn you that they may not  
exist (and they may not exist) are Protocol methods.

Seems fine until you actually try it in code and you realise you want  
to call retain or release or observeKeyValue ... etc. and you get a  
load of compile errors because the 'normal' methods you expect aren't  

So the second one says that the parameter is an NSObject subclass  
which supports the Protocol protocol, which means you can call all  
the usual NSObject things on it. It means you have to pass something  
which is an NSObject subclass but that's not unusual, most things are  

The NSObject methods are so ubiquitous that I pretty much always use  
the second form when I'm using a protocol because I almost always want  
at least some NSObject methods, like release/retain.

If you have yet stricter requirements, say you have some class which  
supports a shape, MyShape and you have a Drawable protocol then you  
may well use a parameter declared as MyShape Drawable*, which means  
you guarantee that the parameter is a MyShape subclass (so you can  
call MyShape methods on it) and it's also Drawable.

As NSObject is also a protocol you could probably also do

id NSObject, Protocol to say the object supports NSObject and  
Protocol methods but I never do, partly because it doesn't seem as  
clear, partly because I know that I'm always going to pass something  
which is actually descended from NSObject, not just supporting that  
protocol and partly because the NSObject protocol doesn't have some of  
the NSObject methods I often end up using.

On Mar 14, 2009, at 12:13 PM, Richard Somers wrote:

The Objective-C 2.0 Programming Language documentation indicates  
that a type declaration for an object including a formal protocol  
should look something like this.

   id Protocol anObject;

I have been studying some sample code that does it like this.

   NSObject Protocol *anObject;

What is the difference between the two?



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