Re: machine with null serial number?

2008-03-28 Thread John Joyce
Indeed it is almost always when a mac has had the logic board  

It does occur.
Sometimes even a new batch of macs may ship without serial numbers or  
even with a system profiler depicting the wrong system.
It's pretty rare, but does happen, so it may not be the best thing to  
tie in to for a software licensing scheme.
You'd be much better off being a bit more generous or at least  
trusting with your licensing.
Apple is certainly pretty fair about putting most of their software  
on a good faith licensing scheme.

Heck, they're not even to stringent about academic pricing!
You might consider using something more reliable for licensing like  
simply hashing the customer's name and purchase date or other info.


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Re: machine with null serial number?

2008-03-29 Thread John Joyce
Indeed, on repair, the computer should have the old serial number.  
This is why it is also located on the case, exact location depends on  
the model. The only time there should ever be a new serial number is  
when a Mac is outright replaced. Definitely, it is a bad idea to  
depend on the serial number at all for software. MAC addresses are  
not entirely difficult to spoof either. The best case is to either  
have users register the product, the Microsoft way, or simply accept  
that a certain level of piracy is inevitable with desirable software.


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Re: setMenuVisible

2008-03-30 Thread John Joyce

On 27.03.2008, at 08:24, Wesley Smith wrote:

I'm trying to make an NSWindow that takes up the entire screen
including the menu bar but is not actually a fullscreen window.  I
know this is possible with Carbon, but I can't figure it out with
Cocoa.  Whenever I call [NSMenu setMenuVisible:TRUE], the menubar  

away, but so does my window.

maybe you really want  setMenuBarVisible:(BOOL)visible
NSMenu class method

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Custom Buttons - Tutorial/Examples...

2008-04-05 Thread John Joyce
Does anybody know a tutorial or example on creating custom buttons in  
I can certainly set an image in IB or programmatically, but how can I  
determine the actual hitmask? Or even set the mouseOver type of event  
for something like a rollover ?
I know I'm talking about stepping on Apple's HIG, but it is something  
I'd like to know how to do without delving into CG or CA right now.
I've been toying with it a bit today, and I can certainly set the  
images, but on mouse down, the background changes to the image with a  
darkened state inside of a white rectangle... surely I'm missing  
something stupidly obvious...?

Any tips or links are greatly appreciated!


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Re: Capture youtube image in webview

2008-04-10 Thread John Joyce

You  may need to try a different method.
The keyboard shortcuts for taking screenshots, as well as the bundled  
application Grab, are both capable of making an image that includes  
flash video in a web view.

You might simply do it with AppleScript...

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Forced Refreshing of WebKit

2008-04-14 Thread John Joyce

On Apr 14, 2008, at 2:02 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Forced Refreshing of WebKit
To force refresh a WebKit view, do the same thing web developers do:  

- reload:

example from webview docs:

- (IBAction)reload:(id)sender

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After Unarchive Object Exists, After First GUI Action, gone...

2008-04-20 Thread John Joyce
I apologize for the beginner nature of this, I must be missing  
something obvious, but I cannot see it.
Archiving works fine. The data is there. I've inserted NSLogs  
everywhere to no avail.
When the file is opened (unarchived) the log showed me the first  
object in my array has the correct data.
But the data for the first object in the array (all are NSStrings)  
never appears in the textView. Something is erasing or emptying the  
contents of this string somewhere between unarchiving and display.   
The other array objects are unaffected.

Here's my implementation file (most of it)
Please help me see what's wrong here...

#import "MyDocument.h"

@implementation MyDocument

- (id)init
self = [super init];
if (self) {
stickitNotes = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
StickitNote *aNote = [[StickitNote alloc] init];
[stickitNotes insertObject:aNote atIndex:0];
currentNoteIndex = [stickitNotes indexOfObject:aNote];
return self;

- (NSString *)windowNibName
return @"MyDocument";

- (void)windowControllerDidLoadNib:(NSWindowController *) aController
[super windowControllerDidLoadNib:aController];
// Add any code here that needs to be executed once the  
windowController has loaded the document's window.


- (NSData *)dataRepresentationOfType:(NSString *)aType
return [NSKeyedArchiver archivedDataWithRootObject:stickitNotes];

- (BOOL)loadDataRepresentation:(NSData *)data ofType:(NSString *)aType
NSMutableArray *newArray;
newArray = [NSKeyedUnarchiver unarchiveObjectWithData:data];

if (newArray == nil) {
		[textView setString:[[stickitNotes objectAtIndex:currentNoteIndex]  

[textView setNeedsDisplay:YES];
return NO;
} else {
[self setStickitNotes:newArray];
		[textView setString:[[stickitNotes objectAtIndex:currentNoteIndex]  

[textView setNeedsDisplay:YES];
return YES;

- (void)newNote:(id)sender

	[[stickitNotes objectAtIndex:currentNoteIndex] setNoteBody:[textView  

StickitNote *aNote = [[StickitNote alloc] init];
[stickitNotes insertObject:aNote atIndex:[stickitNotes count]];
currentNoteIndex = [stickitNotes indexOfObject:aNote];
/* set textView to display current note */
	[textView setString:[[stickitNotes objectAtIndex:currentNoteIndex]  

[textView setNeedsDisplay:YES];

- (void)nextNote:(id)sender
unsigned int nextNote;
if (currentNoteIndex == ([stickitNotes count] - 1)) {
nextNote = 0;
} else {
nextNote = currentNoteIndex + 1;

	[[stickitNotes objectAtIndex:currentNoteIndex] setNoteBody:[textView  

currentNoteIndex = nextNote;
	[textView setString:[[stickitNotes objectAtIndex:currentNoteIndex]  

[textView setNeedsDisplay:YES];

- (void)previousNote:(id)sender
unsigned int prevNote;
if (currentNoteIndex == 0) {
prevNote = ([stickitNotes count] - 1);
} else {
prevNote = currentNoteIndex - 1;
	[[stickitNotes objectAtIndex:currentNoteIndex] setNoteBody:[textView  

currentNoteIndex = prevNote;
	[textView setString:[[stickitNotes objectAtIndex:currentNoteIndex]  

[textView setNeedsDisplay:YES];

- (void)setStickitNotes:(NSMutableArray *)array
if (array == stickitNotes)
return; //skips if it is same data?
[stickitNotes release];

[array retain];

stickitNotes = array;

[textView setString:[stickitNotes objectAtIndex:0]];



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Re: After Unarchive Object Exists, After First GUI Action, gone...

2008-04-20 Thread John Joyce

Looks like I found a solution... anyone please let me know if my  
solution stinks. (or any of the rest of this thing!)

In the method
- (void)windowControllerDidLoadNib:(NSWindowController *) aController
I added this:
[textView setString:[[stickitNotes objectAtIndex:0] noteBody]];

#import "MyDocument.h"

@implementation MyDocument

- (id)init
self = [super init];
if (self) {
stickitNotes = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
StickitNote *aNote = [[StickitNote alloc] init];
[stickitNotes insertObject:aNote atIndex:0];
currentNoteIndex = [stickitNotes indexOfObject:aNote];
return self;

- (NSString *)windowNibName
return @"MyDocument";

- (void)windowControllerDidLoadNib:(NSWindowController *) aController
[super windowControllerDidLoadNib:aController];
// Add any code here that needs to be executed once the  
windowController has loaded the document's window.


- (NSData *)dataRepresentationOfType:(NSString *)aType
return [NSKeyedArchiver archivedDataWithRootObject:stickitNotes];

- (BOOL)loadDataRepresentation:(NSData *)data ofType:(NSString *)aType
NSMutableArray *newArray;
newArray = [NSKeyedUnarchiver unarchiveObjectWithData:data];

if (newArray == nil) {
		[textView setString:[[stickitNotes  
objectAtIndex:currentNoteIndex] noteBody]];

[textView setNeedsDisplay:YES];
return NO;
} else {
[self setStickitNotes:newArray];
		[textView setString:[[stickitNotes  
objectAtIndex:currentNoteIndex] noteBody]];

[textView setNeedsDisplay:YES];
return YES;

- (void)newNote:(id)sender

	[[stickitNotes objectAtIndex:currentNoteIndex] setNoteBody: 
[textView string]];

StickitNote *aNote = [[StickitNote alloc] init];
[stickitNotes insertObject:aNote atIndex:[stickitNotes count]];
currentNoteIndex = [stickitNotes indexOfObject:aNote];
/* set textView to display current note */
	[textView setString:[[stickitNotes objectAtIndex:currentNoteIndex]  

[textView setNeedsDisplay:YES];

- (void)nextNote:(id)sender
unsigned int nextNote;
if (currentNoteIndex == ([stickitNotes count] - 1)) {
nextNote = 0;
} else {
nextNote = currentNoteIndex + 1;

	[[stickitNotes objectAtIndex:currentNoteIndex] setNoteBody: 
[textView string]];

currentNoteIndex = nextNote;
	[textView setString:[[stickitNotes objectAtIndex:currentNoteIndex]  

[textView setNeedsDisplay:YES];

- (void)previousNote:(id)sender
unsigned int prevNote;
if (currentNoteIndex == 0) {
prevNote = ([stickitNotes count] - 1);
} else {
prevNote = currentNoteIndex - 1;
	[[stickitNotes objectAtIndex:currentNoteIndex] setNoteBody: 
[textView string]];

currentNoteIndex = prevNote;
	[textView setString:[[stickitNotes objectAtIndex:currentNoteIndex]  

[textView setNeedsDisplay:YES];

- (void)setStickitNotes:(NSMutableArray *)array
if (array == stickitNotes)
return; //skips if it is same data?
[stickitNotes release];

[array retain];

stickitNotes = array;

[textView setString:[stickitNotes objectAtIndex:0]];



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Re: After Unarchive Object Exists, After First GUI Action, gone...

2008-04-21 Thread John Joyce

On Apr 21, 2008, at 6:45 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Date: Mon, 21 Apr 2008 01:16:56 -0700
From: Andrew Farmer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: After Unarchive Object Exists, After First GUI Action,
To: John Joyce <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII; format=flowed; delsp=yes

On 20 Apr 08, at 18:55, John Joyce wrote:

Looks like I found a solution... anyone please let me know if my
solution stinks. (or any of the rest of this thing!)
In the method
- (void)windowControllerDidLoadNib:(NSWindowController *) aController
I added this:
[textView setString:[[stickitNotes objectAtIndex:0] noteBody]];

A few general notes:

1. You should never have to call setNeedsDisplay: on anything except
self (in NSView subclasses). A properly written view will do that on
its own when its contents change.

2. There's a lot of duplication in your code. You should probably
factor out some common code into a new method (updateCurrentNotes?
setNoteIndex?). Alternatively, you may want to take a look at Cocoa
Bindings - in particular, NSArrayController - which should be able to
do a lot of this work for you.
Thanks Andrew, yep, that's where I picked up setNeedsDisplay, so I  
was just trying it to see if I was missing something.
As for the duplication, yeah, I am aware of it, but refactoring can  
come in after functionality for this. I've worked with Ruby a lot so  
I'm willing to write rough drafts and fix it later.

I agree and was thinking that Bindings would possibly be the way to  
go for this. I actually just lifted large bits of the thing from the  
Hillegass book's RaiseMan application, which is a terrible app that  
introduces a lot of different elements of Cocoa at once.
the trickiest part of bindings seems to me to be the key paths.  
Getting those right (and some of the settings in the inspector  
palette in IB) is a bit mysterious. Do bindings rely mainly on  
NSDictionary or do they work well with NSArray too? In this case, I'm  
building a note app to replace stickies for a very specific workflow.  
I just need it to be fast and stable with a small footprint. Things  
could be refactored to use dictionaries for more meta data, and  
probably will be, but NSArray seems to be the fastest lookup and is  
already sequential.

But for now I'm just trying to wrap my head around enough of the  
Cocoa basics.
In particular, after Ruby (not even Rails necessarily) I feel quite  
comfortable with Objective C and Cocoa, but sometimes I feel like  
methods I should have are not there, or I can't guess the name of  
them. It's probably me thinking Ruby, but I often feel like I'm just  
missing methods for NSArray...


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Re: [Ann] DMG Canvas

2008-04-22 Thread John Joyce
Is there a way using this tool or even programmatically, to have disk  
images mount without having the collapsed toolbar?
The biggest user confusion I see is that they do not even recognize  
it to be a window since most users don't even know what that capsule  
shaped button does.

There is definitely a big gulf of knowledge that all of us should be  
working to educate users about, albeit in subtle ways.
We should all be making subtle efforts to convince users that they  
want to and need to learn more. This reduces support costs.


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Re: How is "Apple + Ctrl + D" implemented?

2008-04-28 Thread John Joyce


Thanks for your reply! But how can I "find the range of the word"  

the glyph index?  I just can not find an API doing so.

So I don't think this is the underlying implementation.  Any comments
from others?

The range of the word is up to you to find and depends on the  
language. If it is any common language from Europe, your job is a lot  
easier. You mainly need to work with whitespace and punctuation. If  
you're working with Japanese, you'll need to learn of lot of complex  
tricks to identify the range of words...
As for the implementation of the keyboard shortcut, you'll find it  
appears in Sys Prefs > Keyboard & Mouse > Keyboard Shortcuts ,  
That being the case, it is possible to turn off the existing  
shortcut. It may not be feasible or reliable to do so  
programmatically. Apple is free to set these shortcuts to anything at  
any time and at any level. You may need to instruct your users on how  
to change the keyboard shortcut(s).
The hard part is finding something available. Some things are taken  
up system wide, some are taken up on within apps.
The only way to wrest control of these is with an input manager, but  
that may not be worth the trouble.


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Re: Cocoa-dev Digest, Vol 5, Issue 727

2008-05-04 Thread John Joyce
I'm struggling and maybe tired, but how do you set the state of and  
NSMatrix with radio buttons and NSPopUpButton ?

Does it go in windowDidLoad or should it be in awakeFromNIB ?
This is in a Preference window for my app.
I'm having a hard time figuring out how to get it to set state to  
reflect the userDefaults.
No trouble with changing the defaults after a selection, just  
reflecting the current defaults on load of the window.

What methods am I missing?
For the popup, I have tried selectItemWithTitle, selectItemWithTag,  
For the radio button matrix, I am totally lost and I don't understand  
how to set the state of it. Does the matrix need IBOutlets for each  
cell too?


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Trouble using NSMatrix with radiobuttons and using NSPopUp buttons

2008-05-05 Thread John Joyce

(sorry for the repost, I forgot to change the subject line before)

I'm struggling and maybe tired, but how do you set the state of and  
NSMatrix with radio buttons and NSPopUpButton ?

Does it go in windowDidLoad or should it be in awakeFromNIB ?
This is in a Preference window for my app.
I'm having a hard time figuring out how to get it to set state to  
reflect the userDefaults.
No trouble with changing the defaults after a selection, just  
reflecting the current defaults on load of the window.

What methods am I missing?
For the popup, I have tried selectItemWithTitle, selectItemWithTag,  
For the radio button matrix, I am totally lost and I don't understand  
how to set the state of it. Does the matrix need IBOutlets for each  
cell too?


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Saving as xml

2008-05-05 Thread John Joyce

What's the best method to save a document as xml?
Should NSKeyedArchiver be doing this?
My document and its objects are very simple, they can easily be  
nothing more than BOOLs and NSStrings (as keys).

Other issue:
If I have an NSDictionary (composed of two NSArrays' objects,  
keysArray, objectArray) that I want to use as a constant of sorts for  
all documents and controllers in a document-based app, is there a  
recommended way to declare the dictionary or a file it should go in?
Should it belong to my instance of NSApp to make it available to all  
objects in the app?


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Re: Problem getting subclass of NSTextContainer working properly [SOLVED]

2008-05-10 Thread John Joyce

Graham, that would be very cool to have posted here!
If nothing else, it will be in the archive for others who run into it.
(I'm in agreement about the clarity of a large number of docs...  
there often seems to be a circular relationship of what you need to  
understand before being able to understand docs on many topics.)
Otherwise, it would make a great blog post with the graphics you  
linked earlier too.


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Re: Xcode-like window menu?

2008-05-13 Thread John Joyce

What XCode probably does, is simply switch documents, rather than  
switching windows.
But yes, you probably need to programmatically interact with your  
NSDocument, NSDocumentController, NSWindowController objects.

remember the hierarchy
NSDocumentController > NSDocument (multiple distinct document  
instances possible) > NSWindowController (multiple instances possible  
within a document for multi-window documents).


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Save as and Open conditional code samples? tutorials?

2008-05-13 Thread John Joyce
Does anybody have any code samples or tutorials on opening/saving  
documents with conditional handling for different file types?
Conceptually, handling the content is not a problem. The thing I'm  
not sure about is how to hook up a document-based app to handle  
additional file types but with the preferred native document type.
My app's documents are little more than an array of strings, where  
each string is a sub document.
The thing I want to do is export all as a single text file or as  
individual text files, and likewise import a text file with simple  
string symbols as separators (basically like a CSV file).

Handling the text and doing things with it is easy.
I just don't know what sort of design patterns exist for handling  
additional file types.

thanks in advance
John Joyce

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Re: Cocoa bindings and reluctance to use NSPopupButon

2008-05-18 Thread John Joyce

Johnny Lundy had a difficult time using NSPopupButon along with
bindings.  The struggles are archived via for
posterity.  Mr. Lundy recently wrote "...I am still very very hesitant
to put another NSPopUpButton on my interface, because of the complete
absence of guidance on how to implement the thing, and the many days
it took to get a single one working, and even now I have no idea why
it works..."

Having just now re-read Mr. Lundy's questions and follow-up, I don't
think he had any problem with NSPopupButton at all.  That makes sense
because NSPopupButton is not particularly difficult to use.  I think
Mr. Lundy's struggles were all with "bindings."  Had I been inclined
to participate in the threads at the time, I would have said the

1) Bindings are an ADVANCED technique that was recently introduced and
not yet completely documented.  If someone tries to use bindings in a
situation where he/she doesn't already know how to write the
application without bindings, it is a mistake to use bindings.
2) Bindings exist to _reduce_ the amount of Controller code needed
when the Model View Controller pattern is used.  Bindings don't
eliminate controller code and can't handle all Controller
3) Bindings appear to be magic, but they are in fact just an
abstraction that enables reuse in place of commonly re-written
controller code.
bindings are often not the best technique to use.

Mr. Lundy would have been better off writing his controller code
explicitly and using the established outlet, target and action
patterns instead of bindings.  Not only would he have achieved
complete control over all aspects of his application's behavior, he
would have gained insight into how, and and why bindings work or not.
I find that I hardly ever use bindings in my own applications.  I am
more comfortable doing things the good old fashion way in part because
I often want very fine control over application behavior.  I blame Mr.
Lundy's specific struggles on misguided insistence on using the wrong
tool for the job.

I counsel Cocoa newbies to just forget about the Bindings inspector in
Interface Builder and pretend they don't exist.

Thank you Erik!
That's what I had concluded at one point, and then felt pushed back  
People often said, "you should just use bindings", but I felt I did  
need to first understand how it works without bindings...
With tableViews and treeViews, I can totally see where bindings would  
simplify a lot of things, but still... the bindings docs are still  
tough reading.


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Hillegass Book 3rd ed. ScreenShots differ?

2008-06-08 Thread John Joyce
Maybe this should go to the XCode list, but I know there was much talk  
about the 3rd edition of "the" book here.
Anyway, I'm sitting down with my new Mac, and the 3rd ed. of the  
Hillegass book, and the thing I  notice is that when starting a New  
Project, the window for selecting an XCode template still appears  
basically the same as in XCode 2.x, but in the Hillagass book the  
screenshot shows something more graphical, more in line with iWork  
template selection screens... (yes it IS XCode 3, not 2.5)
So is that screenshot from the prerelease version or something? Or is  
there a way to turn it on?

Also, from the Documentation window, there are update buttons for the  
docs, but they do not appear to work successfully with a free ADC  
membership... (yes, I can log in to the ADC site, no problem)

Anybody else notice these things?

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Re: Hillegass Book 3rd ed. ScreenShots differ?

2008-06-08 Thread John Joyce

XCode 3.1?

thanks all! That much is enough to be reassuring. I was simply  
wondering if I had some Preference setting off, or if there was an  
update I wasn't finding with the changes to the ADC site.
As I work at Apple, I respect the list rules and NDAs. (and I only use  
prerelease if I'm told to)


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Transparent content view of NSWindow clicks through

2008-06-14 Thread John Joyce

I'm toying with using a transparent content view of an NSWindow.
Of course, when you get the background totally transparent, you click  
in the rect, it clicks through to activate whatever is behind the  
window. Does anybody know a way to have that much transparency and not  
click through?
I'm sure it's possible to render a background image that is whatever  
is behind the window, but that might eat up more processing than would  
be practical.

(yes, I have gone over the sample code, RoundTransparentWindow )


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Core Data : BlogDemo tutorial : I must have missed something, but I don't know what...

2008-06-21 Thread John Joyce
I just worked through the BlogDemo core data app tutorial. The "Topics"
panel loads of course, but none of the "Topics" functionality is there.
I'm sure I've missed something, or mis-connected something, but I cannot
seem to find it...

When I run the demo app, I'm getting the following :
[Session started at 2008-06-21 16:27:03 -0500.]
2008-06-21 16:27:05.212 BlogDemo[1180] *** NSRunLoop ignoring exception
'[ valueForUndefinedKey:]: this class is not key
value coding-compliant for the key topic.' that raised during posting of
delayed perform with target 3c4ac0 and selector 'invokeWithTarget:'
2008-06-21 16:27:05.244 BlogDemo[1180] *** NSRunLoop ignoring exception
'Cannot perform operation since entity with name '(null)' cannot be found'
that raised during posting of delayed perform with target 3c4c80 and
selector 'invokeWithTarget:'

Any ideas from this as to what I fumbled? Everything else is working.

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Re: Core Data : BlogDemo tutorial : I must have missed something, but I don't know what...

2008-06-22 Thread John Joyce
On Sat, Jun 21, 2008 at 5:12 PM, Jens Alfke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On 21 Jun '08, at 2:40 PM, John Joyce wrote:
>  2008-06-21 16:27:05.212 BlogDemo[1180] *** NSRunLoop ignoring exception
>> '[ valueForUndefinedKey:]: this class is not key
>> value coding-compliant for the key topic.' that raised during posting of
>> delayed perform with target 3c4ac0 and selector 'invokeWithTarget:'
> This shows that an exception got raised, which is likely to screw up
> anything past that point. The message shows that something tried to access
> the value for key "topic" on a managed object that didn't support it.
> [Or is the key name really "topic." with a period? I'm not sure whether the
> period in the message is part of the key name. Try searching for "topic." in
> your code to see if you have a spurious period.]
> If that doesn't narrow it down enough, set a breakpoint at
> objc_exception_throw (using the breakpoints window) to find out exactly
> where the exception gets thrown.
> —Jens

I found the bug! Turns out, I forgot to put anything in the Entity Name
field in the Attributes Inspector for the NSArrayController for Topics. The
field was blank, but should have been "Topic".Wow. What a horrible little
bug to track down.
I hope the workflow of Core Data is much cleaner in Interface Builder 3
(when my MacBook returns from repairs...)
It certainly seems to me that in XCode 2.x, the Interface Builder workflow
for Core Data is not the best it could be for Core Data. The Data Modeler is
pretty nice. I found myself thinking Ruby on Rails' ActiveRecord needs
something that visual. Unfortunately for Core Data, all of the various
settings (that need to be correct and correspond to each other) are spread
out and within so many different views of the Inspector palette, it can be
hard to make sure you have everything correct.
Maybe it comes with experience, but something tells me there could be a more
concise way to view and work with these things in Core Data.
Ruby on Rails' ActiveRecord sometimes suffers a similar problem.
The code feels a bit like spaghetti code (think old BASIC from the 80's with
goto statements).
I do believe the programmer should and could easily be alerted that there is
no Entity Name set!
Obviously, the Entity Name is crucial to making Core Data controllers work.
(anyway, thanks Jens!)

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NSScrollView responding to changes in alpha

2008-07-01 Thread John Joyce
Interestingly, NSScrollView in an NSPanel HUD window can have its  
background color set with alpha and transparency is easy to achieve.
Inside a normal NSPanel or window, the backing of the contentView rect  
seems to be all that will mix with the background color alpha.

Ideally, I'd like this same behavior with a non-HUD panel or window.
Also, HUD panels seem to want to remain in front. Does anybody know a  
quick way to disable that?


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Loading a different interface

2008-07-05 Thread John Joyce
In my application, I would like to give my users the option to choose  
various interface styles.
I've laid out my interface using a standard NSPanel as well as the HUD  
version. Both are suitable, but some users will prefer one over the  
other, of course.

Currently, I have both windows in one NIB.
Is there a way to choose which window is loaded from the NIB?
Is it possible to do this without losing the data in the document? (it  
is document based)
Would it be better/more practical to factor these into two different  

Also, on the same subject, is there a way to force a HUD window to  
display the zoom and minimize buttons?

Lastly, I have envisioned the possibility of simply having an info  
button like in Dashboard widgets and providing functionality similar  
to Dashboard widgets for flipping the window around to adjust the  
settings of the window. Does anybody already know of some open source  
example doing something similar?

John Joyce

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Re: Loading a different interface

2008-07-05 Thread John Joyce

On Jul 5, 2008, at 3:53 PM, Chris Hanson wrote:

On Jul 5, 2008, at 8:30 AM, John Joyce wrote:

In my application, I would like to give my users the option to  
choose various interface styles.
I've laid out my interface using a standard NSPanel as well as the  
HUD version. Both are suitable, but some users will prefer one over  
the other, of course.

Currently, I have both windows in one NIB.
Is there a way to choose which window is loaded from the NIB?
Is it possible to do this without losing the data in the document?  
(it is document based)
Would it be better/more practical to factor these into two  
different NIBs?

Yes.  Refactor your interface into two nibs, where each nib is owned  
by an NSWindowController rather than by an NSDocument subclass.   
Then you can override -[NSDocument makeWindowControllers] in your  
NSDocument subclass to instantiate whichever NSWindowController is  
initially appropriate, and when you want to "switch" interface  
styles you can use -[NSDocument addWindowController:] and - 
[NSDocument removeWindowController:] to get rid of the old and add  
the new.

 -- Chris

Thanks Chris, this leads me pretty much where I suspected I would end  
up going.
One other thing, does this mean I need to subclass NSWindowController  
as well?
Or simply create instances of the default NSWindowController and feed  
them as necessary?

Either way, from my NSDocument subclass (MyDocument as usual) I should  
be able to instantiate more than one window controller, and then load  
my respective NIBs by [NSDocument addWindowController:aWindowController]

Will adding a window controller release / close the current window?

Clearly, I'm heading down the path of becoming more acquainted with  
NSWindowController, which seems inevitable if one wishes to do  
interesting things with the interface. I figured as much. Perhaps this  
means I'm beginning to grasp more of the AppKit.

It does look like it will take a little experimentation to get  
precisely what I want, but that's cool, it means I will be more aware  
of how to do interesting things!

-- John Joyce

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Importing Xcode 2.x projects into Xcode 3

2008-07-08 Thread John Joyce

Are there any caveats when importing an XCode 2.x project into XCode 3?
I seem to have NIBs that are no longer connected properly...
It could be something I did (or did not do properly), but just curious  
if anybody else has had any issues.


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Binding NSArrayController's objects to an NSTextView

2008-07-26 Thread John Joyce
I'm trying to learn to use bindings. Right now, I'm adapting the  
venerable RaiseMan example in the 3rd edition of Mr. Hillegass' book.
Of course, in RaiseMan, the NSArrayController and the corresponding  
array and its objects are bound to a table view.
What I'm trying to do is bind to an NSTextView that is the backing of  
an NSScrollView.

Each object in my array has its own @properties, of course.
Each object has an NSString in it, which I want to use as the text for  
the TextView.
Just to see what happens, in my nib I've got these bound both to a  
table view as well as a text view.

The table view behaves as you would expect.
The text view gives really bizarre results. It resembles an NSLog  
description of an array.
Editing directly in it, gives identical changes to all objects in the  
array. Sometimes the results of editing directly in the text view are  
just strange!

Any tips on how this should be done? Am I possibly missing something  
in my key path or missing some other intermediary thing?

The code is identical to the 3rd edition RaiseMan, but with no numeric  
values, only working with strings. (thus the table view has only one  
column and headings are not important.)


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Binding NSArrayController's objects to an NSTextView

2008-07-26 Thread John Joyce
I'm trying to learn to use bindings. Right now, I'm adapting the  
venerable RaiseMan example in the 3rd edition of Mr. Hillegass' book.
Of course, in RaiseMan, the NSArrayController and the corresponding  
array and its objects are bound to a table view.
What I'm trying to do is bind to an NSTextView that is the backing  
of an NSScrollView.

Each object in my array has its own @properties, of course.
Each object has an NSString in it, which I want to use as the text  
for the TextView.
Just to see what happens, in my nib I've got these bound both to a  
table view as well as a text view.

The table view behaves as you would expect.
The text view gives really bizarre results. It resembles an NSLog  
description of an array.
Editing directly in it, gives identical changes to all objects in  
the array. Sometimes the results of editing directly in the text  
view are just strange!

Any tips on how this should be done? Am I possibly missing something  
in my key path or missing some other intermediary thing?

The code is identical to the 3rd edition RaiseMan, but with no  
numeric values, only working with strings. (thus the table view has  
only one column and headings are not important.)

Oops, perhaps I mailed too soon! Somethings became apparent by  
Changing the Controler Key to 'selection' rather than  
'arrangedObjects' seems to make a big difference.
I'm still finding bindings to be a bit mystifying. I know what they're  
doing conceptually. I just don't get the lingo used and some of the  
organization used.
It sure would be nice if there was some sort of humanly intuitive  
version more like Ruby and Rails and ActiveRecord things... (maybe  
when MacRuby comes around)


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NSPopupButton and bindings to NSArrayController

2008-07-27 Thread John Joyce
When attempting to use NSPopupButton and bindings to  
NSArrayController, as a means to navigate an array of objects, is  
there any tutorial or example out there?
I keep getting "cannot perform operation without a managed object  

This would seem to imply that I should be using CoreData.
Is CoreData really the way to go when trying to do much more with  
bindings ?


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Re: NSPopupButton and bindings to NSArrayController

2008-07-27 Thread John Joyce

On Jul 27, 2008, at 9:56 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

When attempting to use NSPopupButton and bindings to
NSArrayController, as a means to navigate an array of objects, is
there any tutorial or example out there?

  I don't believe specifically for your case (ie, an NSPopUpButton),
but this list's archives contain various (attempts at) textual

I keep getting "cannot perform operation without a managed object
This would seem to imply that I should be using CoreData.

  In Interface Builder, inspect the Attributes of your array
controller. You'll see a mode control that lets you specify whether to
use a Class or an Entity. You most likely have Entity selected (which
requires a MOC, as the error says). Select "Class" instead.

Is CoreData really the way to go when trying to do much more with
bindings ?

  No. The two interoperate very well by design but are not mutually

Well, I already checked that, it is Class, not Entity. I'm already  
aware that Entity is used with Core Data models.

Oh, well, I'll figure something out.
I always have a terrible time with NSPopupButton in any context.

NSArrayController provides some nifty methods, selectNext: and  
but I need a select: that chooses a specific item from the array.  
Either by index or what have you.
I did find setSelectionIndex: in NSArrayController's header, but I had  
to do some awkward things to make it work.
I created an IBOutlet for my array controller, set the Interface  
Builder instance as that outlet, then was able to set the action of  
the NSPopupButton to a method in MyDocument which wraps  
setSelectionIndex: and passes the selection from the NSPopupButton to  
Obviously, I've already built this app with my own glue code. So I  
know how it can work.
I've got my own reference, I just need to make more sense of bindings  
to make the NSPopupButton sync well with my array of text objects. My  
textView should change its contents to match selection. I can create  
new objects for the view.
Heck, I can even make it work mostly, using a simple, single column  
tableView to do selections, but that gives trouble with nextKeyView.


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Re: Porting from Windows to Mac

2008-10-30 Thread John Joyce
There are many great examples of well-made cross-platform apps out  
One of the best examples I've seen, even in terms of code and  
organization.. VLC player!

It's open source so you can see how they manage things.


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Notification Vs Delegation

2008-10-31 Thread John Joyce

This may be a pointless and silly question, but
is Delegation faster than Notification (generally) ?


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Full screen filters

2008-11-08 Thread John Joyce
Is there anything documented on what is and is not functional when a  
view becomes full screen?
I have a view that when set to be very very transparent, only appears  
dark in full screen mode.
What I'd like to do is create a layer on top of the screen to apply  
image filters / effects but still be able to interact with the system  
normally otherwise. (mouse events, keyboard events, etc... should work  
as though the screen is normal and any other app is running and is  

This is probably the wrong approach.
Does anybody know how to apply CI filters or something like that to  
the whole screen?

Sample code in this vein would be wonderful...

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Re: NSGraphiteControlTint in app

2008-11-10 Thread John Joyce

I don't think the method setControlTint is the solution I'm looking  
because only a few classes have such a method, NSWindow doesn't.  
Maybe my

question was to general.

Is there a way without using private methods to set the complete  
of an application to NSGraphiteControlTint, although the control  
tint in

System Preference is set to NSBlueControlTint.

I understand how important the appearance is to mac apps. But the
NSGraphiteControlTint is used by some apps to give them a "pro-app"
appearance. Do you really drag Apples "pro-apps" like Aperture into  

trash, because they look different? ;-)
I think for some few apps it is okay to violate the "Aqua-HIG".  
Aperture for

example wouldn't look so great with a blue aqua appearance.

Thanks, Ralph.

Pro-Apps (FCP, Motion, etc...) use ProKit rather than AppKit and it is  
all private.

iTunes has its own widgets it seems.
iMovie may be somewhere in between.
If you're wanting the look of any of those, you'll need to do one of 2  

- build your own controls
- use some controls somebody else built

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RE : How are we supposed to retrieve the generic bundle icon?

2008-11-11 Thread John Joyce

On Nov 11, 2008, at 4:29 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Subject: Re: RE : How are we supposed to retrieve the generic bundle
To: Iceberg-Dev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

On Tue, Nov 11, 2008 at 2:50 PM, Iceberg-Dev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

Standard Apple Plugins that use this icon. Yes, I'm sure.

Are you attempting to use this icon for your own purposes, like
plugins for your own app?  If so, Apple used to provide a set of icon
templates in Photoshop format that you can customize and associate
with your app's own plugin bundle UTI.  You can find a copy of it at .  It only contains
templates up to 128x128, but you can scale up the 128x128 template to
512x512 to get the layout right, then apply your customizations on top
of the 512x512 image from the standard bundle icns file.

--Kyle Sluder

Better than that, every OS X system has all the icons you'll need to  
get started.
Here's a bit of Ruby that will help you get all the icons you need to  
(it's not clean or pretty, but it worked for me for what I needed. You  
may need to escape spaces in file/dir names...

CoreServices is the source of a large number of icons...
sips is an osx command line tool with an undocumented ability to  
convert icns files to image formats...)

# script to get icon files from mac os x apps!
# by John Joyce
# you can modify and toy with it as needed...

puts "enter the source directory:"
source_dir = gets.chomp
source_dir = File.expand_path source_dir
# Check for source_dir existence?
puts "Source,"
if File.exists? source_dir
  puts "...exists"
  if source_dir
puts " a directory"
  puts "#{source_dir} is valid..."
  puts "#{source_dir} does not exist. Check the spelling...?"
# source_dir.gsub!(' ','\ ')

file_array = Dir.glob('*')
icns_array = []

if file_array.length > 0
  puts "files here: #{file_array.length}"
  file_array.each do |e|
if File.extname( e ) == '.icns'
  puts "#{e} is an icon"
  icns_array << e
  puts "icns files: #{icns_array.length}"
  puts icns_array.inspect
  puts "nothing in #{source_dir}"

if icns_array.length > 0

  puts "enter the destination directory:"
  destination_dir = gets.chomp
  destination_dir = File.expand_path destination_dir
  # Check for destination_dir existence?
  puts "Destination,"
  if File.exists? destination_dir and destination_dir
# Check for ending '/' or not
if destination_dir[destination_dir.length - 1,  
destination_dir.length] != '/'

  destination_dir += '/'
puts "#{destination_dir} is valid..."
puts "directory named Images-from-icons will be created..."
new_dir = "Images-from-icons-" +"%Y-%m-%d-%H%M 
%S") + "/"

new_dir = destination_dir + new_dir
puts "#{destination_dir} does not exist. Check the spelling...?"

  icns_array.each do |e|
if File.extname( e ) == '.icns'
  e_name = e.gsub('.icns','')
  `sips -s format png #{e} --out #{new_dir}#{e_name}.png`
end #if
  end #.each

  puts "no .icns files in #{source_dir}"

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Binding a CoreData string value to an NSTextView

2008-11-18 Thread John Joyce
Has anyone had any success Binding a CoreData string value to an  
Everything I try seems to be flumoxed by the NSAttributedString of the  
NSTextStorage backing store.
The lame thing is this: in code, it is easy to [aTextView setString: 
(NSString*)aString] or [aTextView string]
So what's a reliable way to do the same thing but use a coredata  
string attribute as the source and destination here?

Ideally with bindings to keep everything super clean.
If need be, I can of course build some intermediary object.
I'm not interested in attributes, but the intermediary idea may make  
this more practical anyway. Then the ivars of the intermediary could  
be bound to various attributes, if needed.


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Re: Still unable to work out mouse position

2008-11-28 Thread John Joyce

On Nov 28, 2008, at 11:23 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

From: "Christian Graus" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Still unable to work out mouse position
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

Thanks to the person who answered yesterday, but I am no closer to a
solution.  I have an NSTableView, and it contains  
NSTextAttachmentCell rows.
There's only one column in the table view.  Basically, when a user  

on a row, I am getting the shouldSelectRow event, which gives me a row
index.  I need to know if the user clicked on the icon which is in  
the first

16 pixels of the row.  To do this, I want to either find out the mouse
position in general then normalise it to the control, or I want to  
mouse movement ( without any clicks ) and record it as I go, so I  
know when
I click, what part of the cell was clicked on.  I have found there's  
event on a cell that would tell me the mouse position on a click,  
but I
can't work out how to get the event, do I need to subclass  
and NSTextAttachmentCell to make my cell a new type that also tracks  

mouse ? I get that impression from my reading, but surely I can just
subscribe to an event ? If I could just ask for the mouse position on
screen, and normalise it to my table view, that would solve all my  



Christian, you might consider just adding a column that contains  
NSButtonCell for each row.
With this , it will be a LOT easier to know that what you want users  
to click on was clicked on.
This way, all you need to do is work on the appearance and not invent  
any wheels. (just put new hubcaps on the wheels)
If all you need to know is if a button is clicked, use a button. In  
IB, drag and drop your image on the buttoncell and you're done, other  
than setting up notifications, actions or delegation.
If you really, really need a button of a specific shape and hitmask,  
subclass NSButtonCell. (for this you'll want to read up on NSControl  
and NSButton and test subclassing those first)

You don't need horizontal lines on the NSTableView, because you seem  
to want the rows to be seamless.

You can still track the mouse location within any NSRect (within a  
cell's rect relative to the column's rect) but you're going to have to  
also keep track of the visible area if the view is resized and  

Depending on what you're trying to do, and if you feel like bothering  
with it, you may also want to consider NSMatrix, but it's a PITA.


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Re: Targetting Tiger

2009-01-24 Thread John Joyce
Your best bet is to purchase a used Mac that can run Tiger and use it  
for test builds. There is a huge installed userbase of Tiger still,  
remember it has been the longest single incarnation of OS X. (as a  
result of this long life of Tiger, there are lots of affordable used  
macs that can do the work. An iBook G4 or even a dual-processor G4  
PowerMac, or a G5 iMac would be totally affordable and reasonable  
options that would handle it well.)

You second best bet, install Xcode 2.5 on Leopard. This will be very  
near to the same as what can actually run on Tiger and will help you  
be sure that you're developing using Nibs and items that can compile  
on Tiger.


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Re: Auto Install Login Item

2009-10-03 Thread John Joyce
Please don't do that without asking users first. To do so would be  



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Re: Checking whether a file is a genuine PDF file

2009-10-05 Thread John Joyce

Google magic number
This is unix and there is a ver nifty tool for such things.
Ultimately u just have to ask yourself how you will handle files that  
seem wrong.
You could also ask yourself how you would handle an unreasonably large  
PDF file...

Then u can ask yourself if it is really necessary...
It is entirely easy to create a PDF with nothing in it or with  
egregious amounts of stuff in it that no app could read well yet is a  
valid PDF

Weigh carefully how far down the rabbit hole you need to go.
"if it needs to be military-secure, why is PDF being used at all?"  
That sort of thing

Sent from my iPhone

On 2009/10/05, at 20:38, wrote:

Re: Checking whether a file is a genuine PDF file


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Re: Language based scanning

2009-10-13 Thread John Joyce

 Language based scanning
To: "" 
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain;   charset=us-ascii;   format=flowed;  

Is there is a way to figure out the occurance of Arabic chars so the
label's alignment would be set accordingly (right to left)?

Part of the localization process in Cocoa is to create your localized  
nib/xib files.
This includes adjusting interface elements and layout accordingly so  
that it makes sense for different languages/cultures.
Even some ready-made interface elements don't think left-to-right...  
so you may want to customize things appropriately.

It all depends on how seriously you take given locale as a market for  
an app.

As much as people sometimes think they want easy, scriptable,  
automated localization of the UI, it just doesn't work that way.

You SHOULD hand-tool the UI for all locales.
Do it like you're building something for your own children.

When your users don't have to think, and even better, when they say to  
themselves, "oh!? That's clever, subtle, thoughtful!" then you have  
done a wonderful job.

In the words of Apple: Surprise and Delight.

This is the Mac OS, and the user experience is paramount unless it is  
a command line tool...

(but even then...)


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Re: Textured sheet with tabview

2009-10-22 Thread John Joyce
Don't know if I did something wrong or this is a bug.  [Leopard +  


I thought I would make a (modal) sheet textured because it provided  
a nice

contrast with its non-textured parent window.  The sheet contains one

Please review the HIG (human interface guidelines) in the docs.

This is a terrible design idea or apple would be doing it.

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Re: WebView in a layer view hierarchy - not working on Snow Leopard

2009-10-25 Thread John Joyce
Pleases do not encourage use or attempted use of private functions and  

This is bad practice. Encouraging others to do so is irresponsible and  

If you worked for me, you would stand a very large chance to lose your  

It is also not permitted to discuss private API on this list



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Create an NSCharacterSet constant

2009-11-01 Thread John Joyce

Hi All,

Is it possible to create an NSCharacterSet constant?
Attempting to do so with the methods for creating an NSCharacterSet  
naturally fails to compile with "initializer element is not constant"

I would ideally like to be able to do this.
Is it best just to declare a global constant string, then initialize  
an NSCharacterSet during app initialization? It certainly seems that  
is the only real option.

Am I missing something?
If I am correct in what I am seeing, would there not be a valid use  
case for this as an extension of NSCharacterSet?

(BTW, thanks GCC for the less than clear error message which should  
say "you cannot run functions or methods in a global initializer" or  
something better.)


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Re: Create an NSCharacterSet constant

2009-11-01 Thread John Joyce

On Nov 1, 2009, at 11:32 PM, Graham Cox wrote:

On 02/11/2009, at 4:19 PM, John Joyce wrote:

Is it possible to create an NSCharacterSet constant?
Attempting to do so with the methods for creating an NSCharacterSet  
naturally fails to compile with "initializer element is not constant"

I would ideally like to be able to do this.
Is it best just to declare a global constant string, then  
initialize an NSCharacterSet during app initialization? It  
certainly seems that is the only real option.

Am I missing something?
If I am correct in what I am seeing, would there not be a valid use  
case for this as an extension of NSCharacterSet?

You can't create any non-scalar constant (except nil) using a static  

However, what you want to do is super-easy, and yes, it's a case for  
an extension to NSCharacterSet. Just add a class method as a category:

@interface NSCharacterSet (MyCharacterSetConstant)

+ (NSCharacterSet*) theConstantCharacterSet;


@implementation NSCharacterSet (MyCharacterSetConstant)

+ (NSCharacterSet*) theConstantCharacterSet
   static NSCharacterSet* s_tccs = nil;

   if( s_tccs == nil )
   s_tccs = [[self characterSetWithCharactersInString:@"..."]  

   return s_tccs;



Wow, you all responded wonderfully and super fast!
I had accidentally sent it to the list hours ago from the wrong email,  
so it was naturally rejected, then I just now sent this.
Thanks to everyone, when I get a block of time I'll dive into each  
approach and see how they all feel.

Anyway, I digress...
 Category, yeah, that's totally one way I thought about, but I was  
thinking more of an enhancement request in Radar. I figured the nature  
of it inheriting from NSObject implies there are some kind of  
optimizations under the hood (otherwise we'd just use NSString and  
NSScanner right?).
 Seems like a useful one considering the  
characterSetWithCharactersInString: method. Even if it were some sort  
of singleton class. Particularly useful in input validation routines  
(things like highly structured serial numbers and other identifiers,  
If there is consensus from multiple people on an enhancement request  
and the functionality and justification for it, I'll be happy to file  


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Re: Create an NSCharacterSet constant

2009-11-01 Thread John Joyce

On Nov 2, 2009, at 12:04 AM, Graham Cox wrote:

On 02/11/2009, at 4:50 PM, John Joyce wrote:

Category, yeah, that's totally one way I thought about, but I was  
thinking more of an enhancement request in Radar. I figured the  
nature of it inheriting from NSObject implies there are some kind  
of optimizations under the hood (otherwise we'd just use NSString  
and NSScanner right?).
Seems like a useful one considering the  
characterSetWithCharactersInString: method. Even if it were some  
sort of singleton class. Particularly useful in input validation  
routines (things like highly structured serial numbers and other  
identifiers, etc...)
If there is consensus from multiple people on an enhancement  
request and the functionality and justification for it, I'll be  
happy to file it.

What is your proposed character set going to contain? Is it of ultra- 
widespread utility?

Otherwise, this is what categories are for - to add enhancements  
yourself in a few moments instead of waiting (possibly years) for  
Apple to do it for you. I don't really see that there is a case here  
for a radar enhancement request, but it would depend on what you  
have in mind.

As for optimisations, I don't quite follow your argument -  
NSCharacterSet is not equivalent to NScanner + NSString, though it  
sometimes will get used with those classes. I expect the common  
built-in "constant" sets are there because they are of very  
widespread utility - e.g. stripping whitespace, but are probably not  
using much in the way of magic optimisations.


Indeed this is the point of Categories.

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Re: Create an NSCharacterSet constant

2009-11-01 Thread John Joyce

On Nov 1, 2009, at 11:59 PM, Kyle Sluder wrote:

On Sun, Nov 1, 2009 at 9:50 PM, John Joyce
 Category, yeah, that's totally one way I thought about, but I was  

more of an enhancement request in Radar. I figured the nature of it
inheriting from NSObject implies there are some kind of  
optimizations under

the hood (otherwise we'd just use NSString and NSScanner right?).

An NSCharacterSet embodies the concept of "a set of characters."  An
NSString and NSScanner pair embodies the concept of "how I'm gonna
find some characters in a string."  The first is a value type, the
second an implementation detail.  NSCharacterSets are also useful for
other things than just finding them in a string or other stream of

 Seems like a useful one considering the  
method. Even if it were some sort of singleton class. Particularly  
useful in
input validation routines (things like highly structured serial  
numbers and

other identifiers, etc...)

I'm confused about what enhancement could be made that would not be
highly specific to your application.

--Kyle Sluder

Not my application per se, but for more applications.
I see it as a useful thing to have predefined character sets that  
don't need to be managed.
It's still just as simple to create them, but it sure would be nifty  
to not have to and to manage them in a constants file.

At the very least, I will probably submit a radar on adding locale- 
specific standard sets.

The standard set is woefully Latin-centric.
Many languages do not use whitespace the same way (generally as word  

Many languages also do not have the concept of capitalization.

Japanese is one in which I happen to work.
There would be a multitude of sets that would make sense in Japanese  
for a multitude of super common purposes.

I know, some of this leads to things like tokenization.
Point being, if we look beyond English and Western Europe, and  
consider how much of programming is pushing text around, it certainly  
seems like a logical expansion that would be of benefit to a lot of  

Maybe it's just me, not trying to hog the list.

If anybody has some good sets for consideration, I'll be happy to  
include them when I create that radar.
Beyond that, I'd be willing to produce and host open source sets for  
use, if anybody wants to contribute them (( send them off list )).
( anything locale-specific should ideally include localized  
documentation as well )


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Re: Download Alert -- Quarantine information removal

2009-12-01 Thread John Joyce

On Dec 1, 2009, at 11:03 PM, wrote:

> Hi all,
> If I download a DMG from web and launch an (XYZ) application from it, then
> system will show an alert saying „ XYZ is an application which was
> downloaded from the Internet. Are you sure you want to open it?‰ PFA sample
> screen shot for this.
> Help is saying that if you downloaded from un-trusted source then this error
> will come. I tried codesign-ing and downloading from Œ*https://*‚ server but
> still getting this alert.
> When did some analysis I found that file system keeps Quarantine information
> in the extended attributes along with the files and shows this alert.
> xattr -d  will remove this.
> But I am writing an installer and I am coping files from the downloaded dmg
> to the system and system is keeping this info for all the files I copy.
> Eventually I am getting this alert. I tried different methods to copy files
> but no success.
> I believe apple should provide some method through which I can copy files
> without copying Quarantine information.
> The option left for me is to execute the above command for all the files to
> be copied. But it leads to performance degradation.
> Any suggestions please?
> Thanks,
> Regards,
> -Sra1

Please do not do this. 
Please read the documentation on why this is there and what is expected 
Code Signing does not prevent this. 
Even Apple software that is downloaded internally triggers the quarantine 
message to users on first launch of that software.
This is intended to be there.
If you are developing software for an enterprise ( I use the word loosely) 
deployment, you'd do better to examine other ways to deploy software. In such 
cases, you should consider building an image consisting of preconfigured system 
software and apps on OS X Server and deploying that to client systems.


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Re: Un-mounting of first DMG is taking 15secs

2009-12-01 Thread John Joyce

On Dec 1, 2009, at 11:03 PM, wrote:

> Hi all,
> In my application I need to mount and un-mount DMGs, but in one specific
> workflow un-mounting of first DMG is taking 15secs of time.
> I am using Œhdiutil‚ command and NSTask with the following options ...
> Mounting:
> hdiutil  attach  -noverify ˆnoautoopen ˆnobrowse ˆnoautofsck
> ˆreadonly ˆquiet -mountpoint 
> Unmounting:
> hdiutil detach  -quiet
> I am using NSTask, waitUntilExit method for every mount and un-mount. As I
> want mounting, un-mounting to be sync operations.
> Only first un-mounting is taking 15secs time, if I won‚t wait for
> un-mounting and and try mounting the second DMG then the second DMG mount is
> also taking 15secs time. It means either unmounting of first dmg or mounting
> of second dmg is taking time. The same code is not taking time in many other
> workflows.
> In the specific workflow which is taking time, my application is being
> launched by another root privileged process.
> Do any one faced this type of issue ? Or any suggestions ?
> Thanks and Regards,
> -Sra1
Without posting code or more detail on these "workflows" as well as what you 
have tried, it is unlikely you will get much of a response.
Based on "sometimes it takes a long time" then that would indicate something is 
still happening. 
If a process is running from the dmg, then it cannot unmount until that process 
Example: if you launch an app that is inside of a dmg, or on another volume 
external to the boot volume, you cannot unmount that volume until that app is 
terminated in some fashion.
You may want to try monitoring the processes running (top is a good unix tool 
for this)
or fseventer ... 


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Re: Download Alert -- Quarantine information removal

2009-12-01 Thread John Joyce

Doh! Sleepiness! Sry

Sent from my iPhone

On Dec 2, 2009, at 12:17 AM, Andrew Farmer  wrote:

On 1 Dec 2009, at 22:04, John Joyce wrote:

Please do not do this.
Please read the documentation on why this is there and what is  
expected behavior.

Code Signing does not prevent this.
Even Apple software that is downloaded internally triggers the  
quarantine message to users on first launch of that software.

No, I think you're conflating two different warnings here - there's  
one warning for "first time you've opened X", and a separate warning  
for "first launch of quarantined app". The former only shows up  
once, but the latter will show up every launch if you don't have  
permissions to clear the quarantined attribute -- which is why it's  
important to clear that up in an automated install. :)


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Checking for hackintosh

2008-07-29 Thread John Joyce

Does anybody have a means or a tool for checking for hackintoshes?
I really don't approve of such things and would like to leave clever  
messages on my own software if it is run on a hackintosh.


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Cocoa / AppleScript Folder Action

2008-08-03 Thread John Joyce
I know I can do awkward things with AppleScript and Folder Action  
but is there a strictly Cocoa/Objective-C way to do something like  
Folder Action scripts short of a  daemon?


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Re: Controlling line-breaking in a text view

2008-08-10 Thread John Joyce
You might consider subclassing, but you might also want to read a lot  
more stuff first.

Cocoa (and Carbon) text facilities are pretty deep.

There is nothing about a bug in the text system. It is just that the  
text handling in Cocoa is very sophisticated and is designed to handle  
things depending on language and locale and function. Where and how to  
break words and what is a word can be a very complex subject, even  
just in one language. Even in page layout for print media, some things  
are hand-tooled.

For your purposes, you might want something that recognizes a path or  
URL and formats it.

Text Layout Programming Guide

NSTypesetter Class


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Subclassing NSTextView

2008-08-12 Thread John Joyce
In Xcode 3.1, what is the minimum necessary to create a useable  
subclass of NSTextView ?

(before adding/overriding methods)
Additionally, in IB, is there any effective difference from using an  
NSTextView, selecting the text view within its scroll view and  
changing its class (in the inspector) to that of the subclass (say,  
MyTextView, for example) and selecting a custom view, setting its  
class to MyTextView and then selecting Layout > Embed Objects In >  
Scroll View ?

I'm aware of the usual caveats leaning toward delegation and  
notification, but I'd like to do this as an exercise to better  
understand the capabilities of subclassing NSTextView.

Even a link to a tutorial/walk through would be nice.

I've already read
Subclassing NSTextView
in the developer docs, but it does not quite show me everything, it  

In the feeble attempts I've made, when running the app, the custom  
text view places vertical lines where glyphs would be, and it does so  
starting at wherever in the view you initially click...


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RE: Subclassing NSTextView

2008-08-12 Thread John Joyce

Ooops, nevermind!!
I answered my own question.
When adding the class file to the project, start with the NSView  
subclass template, then change it to subclass NSTextView in the .h
and in the .m either call [super drawRect:rect]; or comment out or  
delete the drawRect method all together.

That was too stupidly easy to be obvious.
Too bad there is not an option for more subclass templates right in  
the GUI ...


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Using Flex/Lex in a Cocoa project

2008-08-15 Thread John Joyce

Right now, I'm toying with using Flex/Lex in a Cocoa project.
Unfortunately, I don't see a reliable or easy way to handle NSStrings  
correctly all the time with Flex.
Does anybody have any suggestions for such text handling and reliable  
unicode aware regexes?
I'm seriously not interested in implementing such details in C with  
Flex is fast and cool for that, but if it's going to be stupidly  
difficult to use reliably with other languages on a mac, it's not a  
good idea for me.


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Re: Cocoa-dev Digest, Vol 5, Issue 1470

2008-08-16 Thread John Joyce

On Fri, Aug 15, 2008 at 10:53 PM, John Joyce

Right now, I'm toying with using Flex/Lex in a Cocoa project.
Unfortunately, I don't see a reliable or easy way to handle NSStrings
correctly all the time with Flex.
Does anybody have any suggestions for such text handling and reliable
unicode aware regexes?
I'm seriously not interested in implementing such details in C with  
Flex is fast and cool for that, but if it's going to be stupidly  
to use reliably with other languages on a mac, it's not a good idea  
for me.

Depending on exactly what you need, unicode awareness can be fairly

Commonly, unicode in regexes is only needed to pass through
undifferentiated blobs of text, with ASCII delimiters. For example,
imagine parsing a CSV file which potentially has unicode text inside
the quotes. For this case, you can convert the file to UTF-8, and then
constructs like . will accept them. All non-ASCII characters in UTF-8
are represented as bytes 128-255, so if you just pass those through
then you'll be fine. But be aware of some potential problem areas:

- Each non-ASCII character will be more than one byte, and flex will
think of it as more than one character. Write your regexes
accordingly. In particular, avoid length limits on runs of arbitrary
characters, and avoid using non-ASCII characters directly in your

- It's very difficult to split UTF-8 strings correctly. If you
encounter a run of non-ASCII characters, ensure that you follow that
run through the end, until you get back to ASCII. Don't have a regex
that stops in the middle of it and then expects your code to be able
to do something useful with it.

- If you need to do something with non-ASCII characters besides read
them in one side and write them out the other, for example doing
something special with all accented characters, then Flex is probably
not the right answer.

Besides this it ought to be pretty straightforward. Since Flex just
passes your code straight through to the compiler, you can write
Objective-C in the actions (as long as you compile the result as
Objective-C, of course!), convert the text from UTF-8 back to an
NSString, and take things from there.


Thanks to all.
Mike, your answer especially set it on the right path that Flex is not  
going to do what I would like to do, at least not without a lot of  
work that might be silly.
Certainly, I could extract ranges of strings that are within the  
ranges of ASCII and apply rules to them and then lump other stuff into  
a separate group, but I'd like to have more control.

If I were willing to just do ASCII, it would be a wonderful thing,  
since Flex is so fast.
I understand well enough how difficult it can be to establish rules  
for unicode strings when there are a lot of semantics possible  
depending on the language.
In my case, I am mainly interested in working with Japanese text,  
which does have difficulty due to a general lack of white space to  
rely on, but beyond that not so much more than a large character set.
I want to be able to use Japanese strings as tokens throughout  
I seriously wonder how sophisticated syntax highlighting in Xcode  
really is... it does handle things quite well!

As cool and wonderful as Flex is, it just isn't going to be reliable  
for what I want to do.


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Re: Using Flex/Lex in a Cocoa project

2008-08-18 Thread John Joyce

On Aug 18, 2008, at 7:01 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

to avoid the splitting problem

(c < 128) ? "%c" : "\\u%04x", c);

Not quite sure what this is doing.
I see it's checking for ASCII range
if ( c < 128 )
The conditional is obvious,
but what's the other doing exactly?
returning a char if it is ASCII, it seems,
and then some sort of escaped version if it is beyond ASCII range...?
Particularly there, I'm not sure what that results in.

Basically, I only need to do anything based on characters that are in  
ASCII now, but I'd like to allow other ranges in the text files  
without worry. Browsing around, I've seen where basically, everyone is  
hoping somebody else will modernize lex and yacc with a clever  
algorithm that reduces the overhead. Personally, I think that in many  
cases, this should be no problem with the speed and capability of  
contemporary computers, but it could still be a drag.

I have been looking at simply building an NSString of the same length  
with ranges of non-ASCII subbed out with some other character, just to  
do the lexing, then apply the results of the lex to the original  
For speed, it may even make sense to simply have two NSStrings going,  
one that is the real thing, the other that auto-substitutes anything  
non-ASCII. For this, my question to all is, what ASCII character would  
be good for the substitution without messing up the regexes? I'm  
considering some the unused control characters in the lower ranges,  
but I'm a little scared to see what will happen...

Any suggestions on this idea?


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Re: Using Flex/Lex in a Cocoa project

2008-08-18 Thread John Joyce

On Aug 18, 2008, at 8:12 PM, Ricky Sharp wrote:

On Aug 18, 2008, at 8:01 PM, John Joyce wrote:

On Aug 18, 2008, at 7:01 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

to avoid the splitting problem

(c < 128) ? "%c" : "\\u%04x", c);

Not quite sure what this is doing.
I see it's checking for ASCII range
if ( c < 128 )
The conditional is obvious,
but what's the other doing exactly?
returning a char if it is ASCII, it seems,
and then some sort of escaped version if it is beyond ASCII range...?
Particularly there, I'm not sure what that results in.

That was my question too.  If operating on a UTF-8 stream, this is  
going to do all kinds of weird stuff.

For example, for the input string LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH ACUTE (U 
+00E9), you'll have a UTF-8 byte sequence of 0xC3 0xA9.

But the above will turn that UTF-8 sequence of bytes into this string:


This string now represents:

SIGN (U+00A9)

Ricky A. Sharp mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

I wonder if it wouldn't make sense to just start trying to build some  
new form of flex in Objective-C... so that it uses NSString and  
NSMutable string ?
I'm looking at the Flex source code now... in true GNU fashion, it is  
well documented, but somewhat terse C...


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Re: Using Flex/Lex in a Cocoa project

2008-08-19 Thread John Joyce

On Aug 18, 2008, at 9:23 PM, Graham Cox wrote:

On 19 Aug 2008, at 11:53 am, John Joyce wrote:

I wonder if it wouldn't make sense to just start trying to build  
some new form of flex in Objective-C... so that it uses NSString  
and NSMutable string ?
I'm looking at the Flex source code now... in true GNU fashion, it  
is well documented, but somewhat terse C...

And you know about NSScanner, right?


Yes. I'm looking at it.
I'm also looking at how Smultron uses RegexKit.

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Core Data Bindings with Table View

2008-08-25 Thread John Joyce

I'm having a little difficulty making sense of the right bindings here.
I'm using Core Data. No problem, simple modeling.
Entity: App
Attribute: name
Relationship: relatedFile (to many)

Entity: File
Attribute: path
Relationship: relatedApp (to one)

NSArrayControllers: Apps, Files
Both are bound to the AppDelegate.managedObjectContext
and are set to their respective Entities; App and File

In my NIB/XIB, I've got two tableViews.
One lists the Apps. No problem binding its single table column to in the inspector.

Can add and remove fine.

The other tableView is intended to list files related (if any) to the  
app selected in the Apps TableView.
The Files TableView is also a single column. I cannot figure out how  
to properly bind this thing.

I'm sure I'm missing something simple and obvious here...


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Re: Core Data Bindings with Table View

2008-08-25 Thread John Joyce

Thanks Tim!
That did it.
It makes sense, but it definitely wasn't the most intuitive.
I kept trying to set a key path in the tableView or column bindings,  
which could logically make sense.

I must say that core data itself is easy, conceptually, having worked  
with Rails and ActiveRecord.

It's Bindings in particular that always seems to stump me.
Conceptually, Bindings are quite simple. Practically, quite difficult  
if you just don't know what object you should be binding to where!

Quite the rabbit hole.

I bet I'm not alone in that I would pay well if somebody would publish  
a Bindings cookbook or just a really lengthy book of tutorials and  
various exercises using Bindings in many ways.

The thing that worries me most about Bindings though, is the same  
thing that worries me about Objective-C 2.0 Properties;

neither one has great debugging options that I can see...

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App names

2008-08-31 Thread John Joyce

When dealing with applications (application bundles) by name or path,
in Cocoa, when does it make a difference whether you use

App Name
Front Row
/Applications/Front Row

This seems to be pretty important, and I'm curious when and to what  
degree I should be cautious about the naming used in code.
At this time I am mainly concerned about Apple apps themselves that  
should normally be in the system.

Subsequently, is there any difference concerning 10.3 / 10.4 / 10.5 ?


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Re: App names

2008-08-31 Thread John Joyce

On Aug 31, 2008, at 4:51 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

If you're dealing with a file path, then of you of course need to
specify the extension -- it's part of the file name. You've always had
to, and always will have to.

Seth Willits

AppleScript certainly doesn't care about extensions on application  

Of course that seems to be due to the syntax...
tell application Finder

Which is why I am inquiring. There are certainly points in the Mac OS  
that are designed to be more human.


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Accessing SDL Frameworks Bundled with Leopard...

2008-09-04 Thread John Joyce
Does anybody know any official or proper way to link to the SDL  
framework that is bundled in the root library in Leopard?

is surprisingly, there!


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Re: Accessing SDL Frameworks Bundled with Leopard...

2008-09-05 Thread John Joyce

Well, thanks.
I guess I must have installed it at some point, but I don't recall  
downloading it...

I wonder if it was packaged with something else...
well good to know I hadn't lost my mind in thinking that it was  
strange that I had not seen that there before


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Re: How to get Safari Bookmarks in the code

2008-09-29 Thread John Joyce

On Sep 29, 2008, at 9:50 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Subject: How to get Safari Bookmarks in the code
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

Hi All,
 I am creating a application that needs  to display Safari Bookmarks.
Is there any way to get safari bookmarks.
Please help me in this..

Lots of ways to do this.
You the bookmarks plist file is specific to each user's library.
That's the thing to read.
You could read it using almost anything. It is a very very simple list  
of bookmarks.

You could use applescript to export the bookmarks from safari.
This yields the bookmarks in an html file.

Your options are many and flexible. You might want to play with it a  
bit more first. It's pretty trivial data to access.


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Setting Minimum and Maximum width of Toolbar items

2008-10-11 Thread John Joyce
I've noticed that in IB 3, the Minimum and Maximum width of Toolbar  
items does not stick. You can enter it, command+S to save and then  
click done, and everything reverts back to 96px wide.

One can only presume this is a bug or I don't know something.
Do these things need to be set programmatically or do I have some  
other (nice, lazy) option?


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RE: Setting Minimum and Maximum width of Toolbar items

2008-10-11 Thread John Joyce

Never mind. I have found the solution.
The "Document" window in IB 3 must be in list view.
In List, expand the tree of disclosure triangles from Toolbar
Toolbar > Toolbar Item (name if any)

With the Toolbar Item highlighted in List View, it is possible to get  
the sizing to stick in IB 3's Inspector palette.

Incidentally, the list view is also a great way to wire things to the  
items in a toolbar...

Sometimes it is just easy to forget about the list view...

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Re: what do you use to make icons and similar?

2008-10-19 Thread John Joyce


I believe png are really what I'm trying to make here, they seem
to be recommended.

PNGs are not resolution independent, although they are perfectly
acceptable. Saving as a TIFF then converting it to PDF with Preview
works well for me.

Please excuse me if I missed something earlier in the thread, but my
understanding of TIFFs (and PNGs and JPEGs) is that they're all
purely raster formats. Thus, how does saving a TIFF as a PDF get you
resolution independence? (At least that's what I read you to be  


It doesn't and it cannot. PDF is only a container, that happens to  
support vector art well, but cannot vectorize a raster image. If you  
properly placed some vector art into a pdf you might be able to garner  
some sort of resolution independence, but it's probably not worth the  
effort, and definitely won't look as good in most cases as well  
designed/optimized icons.
Until displays approach something like 300dpi or higher, like print  
media, our eyes will be better served by icons hand-tooled for  
particular sizes.

Your safest bet is to make use of PNG. It supports transparency. If  
you need something in .icns format, make use of Icon Composer.
As for drawing/painting apps, don't be cheap! If you don't have skill,  
pay somebody to do it.


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Re: Creating Toolbar Items in IB

2008-10-22 Thread John Joyce
It is still buggy. Sometimes arrangements and sizes stick. Sometimes  
they don't.

Use list/tree view in the "document" window of IB.
This is the easy to forget about, but very useful way to be sure  
you're connecting outlets. Particularly, with toolbar items.


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Re: Turning off Auto Complete feature for NSTextField

2008-10-28 Thread John Joyce

On Oct 28, 2008, at 8:42 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Turning off Auto Complete feature for NSTextField
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii


I am encountering a small problem. I am using a simple NSTextField  
in my application. This textfield is editable. When user starts  
entering some text, the auto complete is by default ON, so on  
pressing escape key a list of suggestions is displayed. I don't want  
this feature. How can i turn off the auto complete feature for  
NSTextField. I couldn't find any option in Interface Builder or the  
documentation of NSTextField.


Are you sure you're using NSTextField and not NSTextView?

The behavior is part of NSTextView and the two are a bit different.
You'll need to override some methods, so you'll want to subclass.
You might be surprised how often the completion is available in apps.

NSTextField does not appear to have the same methods.

 Oddly, both do have the Delegate method  

This is pretty simple to take over.
You just hijack it by giving it nothing!
An empty array. Of course this will still give you the system alert  
sound if esc is pressed to autocomplete.
The normal set of completions will come from so they  
will be locale-dependent.


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Re: Controller and NIB

2008-10-28 Thread John Joyce

Make sure you're spelling the method signature 100% correctly.
I myself have made a minor typo in a method (many times, who hasn't?)
and then spent the next 20 minutes or longer bashing my head looking  
for my mistake.

Spelling counts 100%
Capitalization ( my mistake has often been NIB instead of Nib )
always check the return type and argument type

If any of these are wrong, but syntax is correct, the compiler will  
compile and run without complaint.

make sure you've got 

// your code here, such as...
NSLog(@"awake from Nib");

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Re: Static text over an image

2008-10-30 Thread John Joyce

On Oct 30, 2008, at 7:41 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Date: Thu, 30 Oct 2008 10:31:03 
From: Mark Allan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RE: Re: Static text over an image
To: Brandon Walkin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Andre Masse
Cc: Cocoa Dev 
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

I've seen this happen *every* time in IB if the items in question  
are within an NSView.  It was driving me crazy for a while until I  
figured out (completely by accident) that the order has to be  
reversed when you're setting up the NIB/XIB file for it to work  

It's a real PITA because to see and edit the text which you want,  
eventually, to appear on top of the image, you constantly have to  
select the image/text and go the Layout menu and move it back and  
forward as required, and then remember to move the text back behind  
the image before you save and rebuild your project.

No, you don't have to constantly re-arrange things. It would be nice  
if there were some sort of "layers" in IB.
However, all you need to do to edit it is change the "document" window  
view from Icon view to List view or Column view.
You can then select exactly what you want to work with from there. As  
your Nib/Xib gets more complex, this is necessary.
Beyond that, you may find yourself setting a lot of things in code at  
some point...


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Re: Targeting Tiger

2009-01-25 Thread John Joyce

On Jan 24, 2009, at 8:31 PM, wrote:

Not sure what you mean by "capable of running tiger". If you have a  

capable of running Leopard, it should be able to run tiger.

Not true. In general, any Mac requires the latest OS available at the
time it was released. So machines released after the release of
Leopard usually require Leopard.

Not in general. No Mac is supported to run any version of the Mac OS  
earlier than the version it officially shipped with.
If your Mac officially shipped with 10.5.4 it is unsupported to run  
10.5.3 or earlier. Period.
If you do not know, and you may not, call AppleCare, provide the  
serial number of the Mac, they can tell you precisely which version it  
originally shipped with and that will be the earliest version you can  
reliably run on that computer.
Although in some cases you may successfully boot and run some earlier  
version, it is unsupported, meaning it would not be a good test   

Any Mac that runs Tiger well, will be more than adequate for most  
Tiger development. (exceptions would be targeting higher or lower end  


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Using new Cookies

2009-02-28 Thread John Joyce
If using a WebView, and loading a URL from a web site, what is the  
recommended way to prevent using the user's cookies set for Safari?
Basically, I'd like to get cookies specifically for the user for this  
app and keep them distinct from Safari.

Is there a particular approach that is best practice in this regard?
Is it something so simple as sending a unique user agent string, or is  
it something else?


John Joyce

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Re: Running Cocoa applications from file servers

2009-03-01 Thread John Joyce

On Feb 25, 2009, at 12:00 PM, wrote:

On Wed, Feb 25, 2009 at 10:43 AM, Erik Buck  

Where did the fetish for installing every single application on the  
local hard disk come from ?  Isn't it insane to have 35 installed  
copies of OmniGraffle using up disk space just because you have 35  
licenses ?  Why is MS Word on every disk instead of just the server?

 ... because network interruptions (especially intermittent ones) can
wreak havoc on your running apps. :-) That's my main reason.

In other words, most desktop apps are not really built for handling  
packet loss, which is an inevitable aspect of network apps.
Most apps think they are being run from an attached storage device,  
but do not know that their resources may become unavailable suddenly.
Imagine a simple button or graphic or plist that is only loaded when  
it is needed... go to load it... packets are lost during  
transmission... the app chokes, becomes unresponsive and user data is  
lost because the app does not know how to handle this predicament.

If an app is designed for being run from a server, fine. If not,  
possibly not fine.


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Converting String Representations at Runtime

2009-04-12 Thread John Joyce
Is there an easy way to take input (user or file based) at runtime and  
convert unicode strings such as \u8D64 (UTF8 character) or a whole  
series of these to the human-readable characters they represent?
I imagine I should be using NSScanner, but is there not some simple  
function or method to lookup and return the character as it should be  

Happy to RTFM, just need a pointer to the docs I should be looking at.

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Using CFStringTransform with Attributed strings or runs, maintaining the styling of the Attributes in transformed results.

2009-04-19 Thread John Joyce
Currently, I'm using CFStringTransform to convert Java-based strings  
files (JBoss .properties files) to something human-readable for  

Works brilliantly.
Luckily, these files are short and this function is super fast.
This enables me to naively take all the text of a file provided or  
copied and pasted and convert it whole in one pass.

My question is, will this function handle AttributedStrings?  
Presumably not.

Is there a lazy way to handle this ?
(since this function is super good about recognizing and transforming  
only string ranges that it targets)
 or is it going to require me coming up with an equivalently clever  
way of determining the ranges of attribute runs to make this practical??

I can certainly do it, but I am sure if there is a CF or NS way of it,  
that it is already more clever than anything I would come up with.


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Re: Using CFStringTransform with Attributed strings or runs, maintaining the styling of the Attributes in transformed results.

2009-04-19 Thread John Joyce

On Apr 19, 2009, at 3:42 PM, John Joyce wrote:

Currently, I'm using CFStringTransform to convert Java-based strings  
files (JBoss .properties files) to something human-readable for  

Works brilliantly.
Luckily, these files are short and this function is super fast.
This enables me to naively take all the text of a file provided or  
copied and pasted and convert it whole in one pass.

My question is, will this function handle AttributedStrings?  
Presumably not.

Is there a lazy way to handle this ?
(since this function is super good about recognizing and  
transforming only string ranges that it targets)
or is it going to require me coming up with an equivalently clever  
way of determining the ranges of attribute runs to make this  

I can certainly do it, but I am sure if there is a CF or NS way of  
it, that it is already more clever than anything I would come up with.

Oh, one more question...
I didn't see it in the function documentation, but
is there a way for CFStringTransform to tell me the ranges of the the  
transformations it has done in the returned string?!

That would certainly be nifty!

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Re: Converting String Representations at Runtime

2009-04-20 Thread John Joyce

Is there an easy way to take input (user or file based) at runtime
and convert unicode strings such as \u8D64 (UTF8 character) or a
whole series of these to the human-readable characters they  

I imagine I should be using NSScanner, but is there not some simple
function or method to lookup and return the character as it should
be represented?
Happy to RTFM, just need a pointer to the docs I should be looking  

Does CFStringTransform do what you want?

Adam, Thanks!!
Sorry for the late reply, haven't been able to address this since last  

CFStringTransform does exactly what I wanted to do.
It even pretty gracefully handles the whole string supplied.
(no idea to how far mileage would vary with this based on supplied  
string size or content... maybe somebody from apple can comment on that)
Oddly enough, that archived thread mentions supplying a constant that  
is not in the documentation as best as I could tell...

perhaps the CF docs dong get as much attention as they should?
I can certainly file a bug if appropriate...

The only catch was I finally had to sit down and look at how to handle  
toll-free bridging. But thankfully that was not too bad. Mostly a  
matter of typecasting really.

Thanks a million!

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Re: detect option key on startup

2009-05-10 Thread John Joyce
Depending on why you want to do this, you may want/need to try  
different approaches with mini-test apps to see what your results are.
If you test with iPhoto for example, it does load the main menu nib,  
but loads a different nib than the usual main window for choosing or  
creating an iPhoto library.

This should give you some indication of what is happening.
The main app is completely launched, but the decision on what main  
menu items are available and what nibs are loaded is made early here.


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Re: Localization strategies?

2009-12-21 Thread John Joyce

On Dec 21, 2009, at 8:18 PM, Uli Kusterer wrote:

On 20.12.2009, at 21:30, Ricky Sharp wrote:
Thus, I'm wondering if it would ultimately be worth it to  
externalize all strings from my nibs and just put everything in my  
single .strings file.  This will clearly involve me adding tons of  
IBOutlet ivars just so that at runtime I can set their text with  
NSLocalizedString APIs.

One approach to avoid the whole IBOutlet excess would be to create  
subclasses of the standard view classes which, when they are loaded,  
use their contents/title as the key and pass it to NSLocalizedString 
(). That way, your NIBs only contain keys, and the .strings files  
can hold the actual strings, including comments.

Another possibility: instead of creating a bunch of subclasses and  
having to specify that subclass for each view you create in IB, you  
could write a method that recurses through all views in a window.   
Check each view for a "title" or "name" property (maybe "stringValue"  
too), and maybe use some convention like #TITLE# to indicate you want  
to replace that title or name with a localized string to be gotten via  
NSLocalizedString().  Check whether the view is a table view that  
displays column headers, and if so, iterate through its columns.  Do  
similar special-casing for tab views and segmented views and anything  
else that needs it.

This method could be in its own utility class, where it could be  
called by awakeFromNib.  Offhand I think this is how I would do it if  
I wanted to take the approach of putting keys in the nib.


It's best not to localize in a locale unless you are going to do it  
That means hand tooling the UI. Apple realized long ago that GUI  
elements must be localized correctly. This means far more than  
translation with the inevitable string length differences. This means  
making an interface make sense in a localized format. One size fits  
all only when the UI is intuitive and self explanatory. (Photobooth is  
an excellent example)

It tends to be true that your UI could use improvement if it is overly  
textual. A good UI design can avoid localization being painful. This  
is the true shortcut in localization 

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Re: Custom NSWindow drawing

2010-01-02 Thread John Joyce

On Jan 2, 2010, at 4:43 AM, wrote:

Custom NSWindow drawing
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

I want to draw an NSWindow that looks similar to this:

In that it has a typical NSWindow appearance with the bottom bar and  
such, but instead of a title bar at the top, I want to draw a little  

Is there a simple way to do this? Do I have to draw the entire  
window by hand (bottom bar and all) ? Or can I slightly modify the  
existing NSWindow layout to just draw that arrow at the top? Thanks

Before attempting this, please read the HIG (Human Interface Guidelines)
It is best to keep apps consistent with the mac user experience  
wherever possible.

What u see in the picture shouldve been a menu by UI/UX conventions.

That said, what you want to do is a bit involved and you would do well  
to google a few open source projects.

A true window on os x has a titlebar which conveys very conventional  
user infomation and functionality.

It is rare that a highly unusual UI will be more than gimmicky and  
truly functional + well purposed. 

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Re: What gets automatically localized?

2010-01-09 Thread John Joyce

On Jan 7, 2010, at 12:36 AM, wrote:

> Subject: Re: What gets automatically localized?
> To: Cocoa Developers 
> Message-ID: 
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=windows-1252
> On 2010 Jan 05, at 14:11, Dave DeLong wrote:
>> I'm working on localizing an application, and I've been trying to figure out 
>> what the runtime/OS/whatever will automatically localize for me 
>> (specifically referring to the standard menubar).  Obviously, if I add my 
>> own NSMenuItems, I have to localize them myself.  Some menuitems seem to be 
>> translated automatically (Undo, Redo, Special Characters), while others 
>> don't (Find, Spelling, Services).  Is there any rhyme or reason to why some 
>> menuitems get localized without intervention and others don't?  Do I, for 
>> example, need to manually localize "About MyApp", "MyApp Help", "Hide 
>> MyApp", "File" (the menu title), "Edit" (menu title), etc?
There isn't a canonical list (AFAIK).
But there is one sure way to find out... create the localized nibs!
Two places you must check for in the  .lproj 
the nib/xib files themselves (or by launching the app)
and Localizable.strings file

ibtool will help tremendously in finding out.

One BIG caveat: some words in English are the same in other locales!!
Translation: there are no shortcuts to good localization. (not many anyways)

(same with engineering, graphic design, 

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Re: Custom sheet question - which variable?

2010-01-10 Thread John Joyce

On Jan 10, 2010, at 2:01 PM, wrote:

> From: Jenny M 
> Subject: Custom sheet question - which variable?
> To:
> Message-ID:
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
> Hi, I have what may seem like a very stupid question about custom sheets. I
> am following this Apple dev tutorial:
> and I'm looking at this piece of code here:
> if (!myCustomSheet)
>//Check the myCustomSheet instance variable to make sure the custom
> sheet does not already exist.
>[NSBundle loadNibNamed: @"MyCustomSheet" owner: self];
> But, I have no idea what "myCustomSheet" is referring to. I know that
> "MyCustomSheet" is the separate XIB file, but of what variable type is
> "myCustomSheet"? Do I need to define and connect to it in the new XIB?
> Thanks.

In this case the documentation is just putting in a quick simple check to 
verify that the sheet is not already displayed before trying to display it.
Since no variable for the sheet is passed to the method, this might seem a 
little strange... the docs here fail to remind you that you should declare 
mySheet (or whatever you want to call it) in your controller you use this in.

(the docs make an assumption that you know this here, but arguably they should 
not. You might consider filing a bug on the documentation to clarify 

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Re: MKPinAnnotationView callout behind other pins

2010-01-19 Thread John Joyce

On Jan 19, 2010, at 9:06 PM, wrote:

> On 20/01/2010, at 9:49 AM, Jacob Schwartz wrote:
>> Onto my question. I have an iPhone app that has pins dispersed across an 
>> area. When I click on a pin, the callout pops up as normal, but it is 
>> SOMETIMES hidden by the other pins. I cannot find an answer anywhere on why 
>> this would be the case, let alone why it happens to some pins but not every 
>> pin. I don't know how much code you would need to see so Ill let you request 
>> to see what you need.
> Presumably a drawing order problem - the pop-up isn't being drawn last. More 
> than that, who can say?

Find a reliable way to recreate it. Perhaps a set of data and specific 

File a bug. 

If it's not your bug, and if u can recreate it, you can help get the bug fixed.
Everyone wins.___

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Re: Imitating Behavior of a Sheet Window

2010-01-22 Thread John Joyce
It might be worth considering simply loading a layer backed view. You  
may not need a full child window. If it is very different from a  
standard sheet, keep it different. Avoid confusing users. It's  
recommended to follow the HIG as much as possible.

Sent from my iPhone

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Re: Allow only root/admin users to execute the cocoa app

2010-01-24 Thread John Joyce
Just use parental controls on systems that non administrator users log  
in to.

See the help menu.

Sent from my iPhone

On Jan 24, 2010, at 10:23 PM, wrote:

I want to allow my cocoa app to be only launched by root/admin users.
How can i achieve this?

As I think has already been mentioned, the UNIX approach is to set  
the application's owner as root and then make it only executable by  
the owner. However, Apple largely discourages programmers from  
developing Cocoa apps that will be run with root privileges.

A better approach, if possible, is to factor out the section of code  
that needs to be run with root privilege (e.g., to read a protected  
file or open a network tap) and place that in a command line helper  
tool. The Cocoa app then runs with normal privileges. When the  
program needs to perform the privileged operation it calls that  
helper app (think of it as a kind of remote procedure call).

Look up Apple's BetterAuthorizationSample code for how to do this.


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Re: keyCode translation for various keyboards

2010-02-06 Thread John Joyce

On Feb 3, 2010, at 8:23 AM, wrote:

> Dave Carpeneto wrote:
>> Hello list folk - I'm trying to print out strings representing various 
>> keyDown events I receive. Using OS 10.6.2.
> ...
>> So far the two approaches I've seen are as follows: 
> ...
>> Approach #2: Get what you can via UCKeyTranslate, and then 'fill in 
>> the blanks' with a lookup table for non-alphanumeric stuff (example: 
>> , which 
>> looks like it builds off a patched version of 
>> )
>> Prior threads by people in the know ( 
>> ) further state that developer-created lookups are a fact of life in 
>> this area, but I'm reely hoping they are not ...
> OK, given that even the up-to-date code snippets I can find on the 
> interwebs ( ) do the lookup 
> thing I'm guessing that there's no better way to go about it. Which is a 
> shame, as I'm still freaked out about the possibilities that 
> international keyboards may present. But at least I'm pretty confident 
> this is what everyone else is doing, so "as bad as everyone else" is 
> good enough I guess ;-)
> On the off chance that someone else bangs their head against this 
> situation here's the mapping table I've come up with, which gives pretty 
> unicode symbols where possible:
> // keycode mappings from
> // unicode symbols from 
> // more unicode @ 
> keyCodeToStringDict = [[NSDictionary alloc] initWithObjectsAndKeys:
> @"\u23CE",   [NSNumber numberWithInteger: 36], // Ret
> @"\u21E5",   [NSNumber numberWithInteger: 48], // Tab
> @"\u2423",   [NSNumber numberWithInteger: 49], // Space
> @"\u232B",   [NSNumber numberWithInteger: 51], // <-Del 
> @"\u2324",   [NSNumber numberWithInteger: 52], // Enter  
> @"\u238B",   [NSNumber numberWithInteger: 53], // Esc
> @"\u2327",   [NSNumber numberWithInteger: 71], // Clear 
> @"\u2324",   [NSNumber numberWithInteger: 76], // Enter
> @"\uF860F1", [NSNumber numberWithInteger:122], // F1
> @"\uF860F2", [NSNumber numberWithInteger:120], // F2
> @"\uF860F3", [NSNumber numberWithInteger: 99], // F3
> @"\uF860F4", [NSNumber numberWithInteger:118], // F4
> @"\uF860F5", [NSNumber numberWithInteger: 96], // F5
> @"\uF860F6", [NSNumber numberWithInteger: 97], // F6
> @"\uF860F7", [NSNumber numberWithInteger: 98], // F7
> @"\uF860F8", [NSNumber numberWithInteger:100], // F8 
> @"\uF860F9", [NSNumber numberWithInteger:101], // F9
> @"\uF861F10",[NSNumber numberWithInteger:109], // F10
> @"\uF861F11",[NSNumber numberWithInteger:103], // F11
> @"\uF861F12",[NSNumber numberWithInteger:111], // F12  
> @"\uF861F13",[NSNumber numberWithInteger:105], // F13
> @"\uF861F14",[NSNumber numberWithInteger:107], // F14
> @"\uF861F15",[NSNumber numberWithInteger:113], // F15
> @"\uF861F16",[NSNumber numberWithInteger:106], // F16
> @"\uF861F17",[NSNumber numberWithInteger: 64], // F17
> @"\uF861F18",[NSNumber numberWithInteger: 79], // F18
> @"\uF861F19",[NSNumber numberWithInteger: 80], // F19
> @"?\u20DD",  [NSNumber numberWithInteger:114], // Help
> @"\u21F1",   [NSNumber numberWithInteger:115], // Home 
> @"\u21DE",   [NSNumber numberWithInteger:116], // PgUp
> @"\u2326",   [NSNumber numberWithInteger:117], // Del->
> @"\u21F2",   [NSNumber numberWithInteger:119], // End 
> @"\u21DF",   [NSNumber numberWithInteger:121], // PgDn
> @"\u2191",   [NSNumber numberWithInteger:126], // Up 
> @"\u2193",   [NSNumber numberWithInteger:125], // Down
> @"\u2190",   [NSNumber numberWithInteger:123], // Left
> @"\u2192",   [NSNumber numberWithInteger:124], // Right
> nil];   
>> Questions:
>>   1) Is there a programmatic method to get strings like this (I'm 
>> guessing not)
>>   2) Is a F1 key the same on all keyboards (if so then my worries 
>> about the lookup table are a non-issue)
>>   3) Are there any keys typical in other places that don't exist on a 
>> 'standard' North American keyboard ? (if so  heaven help me)
Yes. There are.
Japanese Keyboards will have a couple of keys for specific input switching.

You will find frequently that the result of a key press plus a modifier key or 
modifier keys will produce totally different results in many locales.

The question arises, what are you trying to accomplish??

Most things these days would look at what the USB device sends. All mac 
keyboards, even built in ones are on a USB bus. 

They do also emit "Mac Key Codes" but the layout of keyboards are different 
accross different models even just in the USA. 

example: black macbook F keys and their system control functionality.

External keyboards usually do not have Fn key.