Re: [vote] Reinhard Potz as a Cocoon committer

2003-06-23 Thread Diana Shannon
On Saturday, June 21, 2003, at 10:39  PM, David Crossley wrote:

I propose Reinhard Pötz to be a Cocoon committer.
+1 Welcome!


Re: [RT] the quest for the perfect template language

2003-04-04 Thread Diana Shannon
On Friday, April 4, 2003, at 09:56  AM, Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:

I really don't understand why some of you are so emotionally attached 
to something like

 xsl:if test=count(blah) gt; 3

but even more I'm surprised to see 'conservationism' on this list.

Are you guys getting old or shy or what? ;-)
I'd guess that they are all still too young, in that their eyes aren't 
hopelessly damaged already from decades in front of a computer screen. 
Thus, they don't mind -- yet -- straining to catch the meaning through 
all those pointy tags... ;-)


Re: Is build jetty-standlone needed?

2003-04-02 Thread Diana Shannon
On Wednesday, April 2, 2003, at 08:32  AM, Bertrand Delacretaz wrote:

...I guess Bertrand's purpose is not to use it on production servers, 
but to have a small standalone server that can be used for e.g. 
Exactly, demos and teaching.
What if the build target were called teaching/demo-target instead of 
jetty-standalone, with a disclaimer including some of Pier's concerns, 
so that it wouldn't appear that we were promoting jetty, rather, just 
helping out our users.


Re: [OT] Porting Cocoon to the Whitespace language?

2003-04-01 Thread Diana Shannon
On Tuesday, April 1, 2003, at 03:53  AM, Bertrand Delacretaz wrote:

I'm starting to think that porting Cocoon to the Whitespace language 
( could bring a lot of benefits. 
Apparently this language allows one to get rid of all encoding problems 
by using a strictly restricted character set.
Do other countries besides the US celebrate a pranks/joke day like 
today, April 1? Or are we the only fools? ;-)


Re: [BUG] cocoon doesn't reload

2003-03-31 Thread Diana Shannon
On Sunday, March 30, 2003, at 05:13 PM, Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:

With latest HEAD, if you do


you get an internal server error that says that

 you cannot lookup components on a disposed ComponentLocator
See also:

Re: tallying [Re: [vote] micro-decision for docs: creation of cocoon-docs CVS module]

2003-03-27 Thread Diana Shannon
On Wednesday, March 26, 2003, at 10:52  PM, David Crossley wrote:

Hm. Could be, although this particular subject has been discussed,
semi-proposed and whatnot already at some serious length in the
past, the usual circular discussion following suit hereafter.
I only ever saw haphazard discussion, never a clear proposal,
and then suddenly a vote. The discussion then had to happen
mixed up with the vote. This approach does not seem to work.
I think a discussion intermixed with a vote changes the vote so that 
people end up voting on different issues -- with no clear cut result.


Re: tallying [Re: [vote] micro-decision for docs: creation of cocoon-docs CVS module]

2003-03-27 Thread Diana Shannon
On Thursday, March 27, 2003, at 08:16  AM, Bertrand Delacretaz wrote:

Agreed - in this particular case, the best thing might be to cancel the 
current vote and make a new proposal (taking into account the 
cocoon-docs alias stuff)?
Wasn't Pier going to experiment with this approach and report back? If 
so, shouldn't we wait[1] for his feedback? Pier?


[1] There she goes again, using the #!? word wait  ;-)

Re: [vote] micro-decision for docs: creation of cocoon-docs CVS module

2003-03-24 Thread Diana Shannon
  [ +1 ]  creation of cocoon-docs module
  [ ]  docs should stay in src/documentation of the code tree module(s)
I feel strongly about this, give the past year of my watching cvs 
commits. The fact remains that many committers don't update both doc 
branches when committing docs. If someone needs **facts** check out the 
cvs thread when we were all updating the cvs committer list as 
active/inactive/emeritus/etc. It's quite revealing to see who updated 
release branch and who did not. It's also a fact that a vast majority of 
our docs are identical in cocoon 2.0 and 2.1 branches. The idea of a 
single docs module is supposed to make it easier and more obvious for 
committers when committing doc patches.

So, if this fails, we need some kind of discussion how to encourage 
people to be more thoughtful when committing. I'm not going to spend the 
next year of my commiter life syncing docs in code repos.

I also want to respond to some of Jeff's concerns below.

On Monday, March 24, 2003, at 04:13  AM, Jeff Turner wrote:

Please cast your vote:

  [  ]  creation of cocoon-docs module
  [+1]  docs should stay in src/documentation of the code tree module(s)

- With a separate cocoon-docs module, I don't see how the various
  code-related files (status.xml, jars.xml) are obtained.
Locally, referenced via a path set in a configuration file. If code 
repos aren't available/downloaded, info can also be looked up online via 
a parsed view-cvs data. Still, I don't think it's too much to expect 
from committers, to have all three repos.

- Making a separate doc module kills outright any future efforts to
  generate docs directly from code (e.g. a component manual).
Not at all. There's no reason a doc-generating mechanism can't look up 
or gather info/files from other cvs code repos during a docs build.

- I think that by default, doc changes should only apply to one codebase
  (2.0 or 2.1).  There are many differences that are *meant* to be 
  that could get lost if 2.0 and 2.1 docs are generated from a common
Not true in our current case. Of course, this may evolve to be the case 
down the road, but as I said above, most docs at the present time are 
identical (exceptions: install, catalog, some how-tos, some webapp 


Re: [proposal] a new kind of 'dist'

2003-03-24 Thread Diana Shannon
On Monday, March 24, 2003, at 07:50  AM, Bertrand Delacretaz wrote:

A source-only distribution is not necessarily harder to use, it all 
depends how it is packaged and used.
... and documented. Most of the problems I've had with oss 
make-install-before-try software were related to some glitch, 
encountered during the make-install, that wasn't answered in the install 
or readme files.

IIRC a full JDK (as opposed to runtime-only) is needed to run Cocoon 
anyway, so compiling or not compiling does not make much difference.

A possible scenario would be:
-user installs Java Web Start
-user goes to the Cocoon download page, clicks on a JNLP link which 
starts a small install GUI
-install GUI helps user download the Cocoon source (maybe even specific 
CVS tags), asks for an installation directory, asks for the port on 
which to run Cocoon, starts the build and then jetty.

This is not so hard to implement and would be even easier to use than 
what we have now.
Seems to me the above clearly complements the source-only distribution 
strategy that Stefano is proposing.


Re: [rant] Re: [vote] micro-decision for docs: creation of cocoon-docs CVS module

2003-03-24 Thread Diana Shannon
On Monday, March 24, 2003, at 09:15  AM, Steven Noels wrote:

On 24/03/2003 14:23 Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:

I don't expect 2.0 to live long after 2.1 is out. There is no reason 
To be really honest, I'd like to see some facts backing this statement. 
Not technical facts, but truly compelling reasons to make the switch. 
If people don't go with the flow, or with xmlform, why should there be 
a reason to switch?
Furthermore, there will be differences between 2.1 and 2.2 that 
inevitably emerge ... I personally think transition periods between 
software versions are the rule, not the exception. Docs which can point 
out the differences are helpful, especially to new users. It would be so 
easy with a single set of docs. I've worked with Cocoon since 1.7. In my 
experience, we've always been transitioning. I think it's particularly 
hard it is for users to get up to speed with such differences. Our 
changes doc is overly terse for new users.

If there is something back-incompatible, it's a bug and it will be 
fixed. Nobody should have problems in switching to 2.1 and if they 
did, we fix their problems because we (and them) *expect* an easy 
At that point, there will be only *one* repository for docs and it 
will live close to the code it belongs to.
Sigh. I don't understand, and perhaps will never understand, what this 
obsession is with keeping docs close to code.
In some ways, you could argue the genie is already out of the bottle. 
Look at CocoonWiki (where docs are far away from code). Does anyone 
realize there are 44 How-Tos there? Now compare that to our cvs count: 
12 (with only half being technical, e.g. not 
administrative/editorial-oriented). Interesting.

snip what=doc types why=agree with Steven /

In the future, i would like block-specific documentation to remain 
inside the blocks. Everything should remain as close as possible to 
the code: javadocs, tests, metadata in general even documentation, 
configurations, avalon roles, block metainfo and what not.
creating a single docu repository is, IMO, a very dangerous road 
1) it gives a perception that documents are maintained by somebody 
else. This perception is already here and it's probably my fault and 
this is causing pain and trouble to many people. I want this to be 
fixed in order for the process to be more scalable.
But in some ways **many** docs are already being maintained by somebody 
else -- our users on wiki. Where documents live in some ways should 
be secondary to how to provide the best access to those who want to 
improve them. However, I still can't see a future CMS which reads/writes 
a majority of its doc content from a code repository. It simply makes no 
sense to me, from a SoC point of view. Some may argue, well we don't 
have a CMS yet, but a poor man's CMS seems very doable now, given the 
excellent work already available from many on this very list.

2) it has a short-term impact on a short-term problem that is an 
evidence of a much bigger problem: our inability to do faster 
releases. we should design the entire system to allow us to make 
faster releases and this should be our goal, even if potentially 
disruptive for the short term.
I don't see the point in addressing a perception which surely isn't 
generalized. Some people like to work on docs, and they will, and the 
entrance barrier should be 'low enough' for them. Some people believe 
plenty of Javadoc will do the job, alas to be read only by 
co-developers IMHO. But we can't force anyone of them to become the 
other - we should support both styles.

Making Cocoon user documentation independent of Cocoon itself might be 
a good first step, that's why the Forrest transitioning is really, 
really good.

I agree I said something like 'we the doco people'. What I meant was 
the 'people usually contributing to documentation'. Some of them are 
developers, some of them not.

My own belly tells me that people will write more and better user 
documentation if they get some proper playground. Having to worry about 
code sitting right beside their documents will not bring peace in their 
+1 Well stated.


Re: [rant] Re: [vote] micro-decision for docs: creation of cocoon-docs CVS module

2003-03-24 Thread Diana Shannon
On Monday, March 24, 2003, at 10:34  AM, Steven Noels wrote:

My own belly tells me that people will write more and better user 
documentation if they get some proper playground. Having to worry 
about code sitting right beside their documents will not bring peace 
in their minds.
Ok, please, explain to me why the cocoon CVS module is not a proper 
playground for people writing docs because I don't understand.
A few Belly Thoughts:

+ Consider what we are about to implement in 2.1. Forrest generates our 
web site and docs, based on the contents of xdocs. What if docs people 
want to experiment? How can we do that if the place where docs live, 
next to code, it automatically considered final by our publishing 
mechanism. Therefore, all experiments either break the automatic 
publishing or get published to the web (which we may not want).

+ What about prototyping new doc approaches, like reference pages for 
logicsheets, as Andrew recently proposed. What if we need some special 
jar for that, something totally related to docs, not the cvs. Where 
shall we put it? Bloat the code repo for docs-only needs? Put it in 
Forrest? Well, what if it's outside the concern of Forrest or we don't 
want to wait for Forrest -- e.g. experiment a little internally?

+ CMS issues, already raised in previous posts.

+ What if we start some global docs transition, say based on adding 
Dublin Core data, etc. What if we have only a partial set of docs 
changed over. Wouldn't a docs module, with an experimental/head branch, 
be a great place for this collaboration?


Re: cvs disruption

2003-03-23 Thread Diana Shannon
On Sunday, March 23, 2003, at 02:59  AM, David Crossley wrote:

snip /

Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:
Diana Shannon wrote:

For example, current forrest build capability with cocoon's cvs
is only possible with Forrest CVS, not the last Forrest release.
This violates your building on sand philosophy.
I am not sure what you mean here Diana, it is working now.
I'm not saying it isn't working. I'm saying the **only** reason it works 
now is because we are using a cvs-based version of an outside project, 
not a released version. Stefano recently stated in:
   never commit code that depends on non-released stuff
and I'm just pointing out that we are doing that here.

snip /
Stephan and others have done one excellent step: getting Forrest
to process the Cocoon docs as they are now (DTD v1.0). Going to
the next stage is what Diana is rightly concerned about.
All right. Since there is circular dependency between cocoon and
forrest, I would suggest we release cocoon 2.1 first, allow forrest to
release a new version based on 2.1 and at that point forrestize our 

how does that sound?
But this circular dependency will always be there, so why not
just get on with it. Anyway, Forrest uses a recent stable
version of cocoon-2.1-dev, i.e. just off the bleeding-edge.
I agree we should get on with it too, as long as we don't break existing 
doc build capability. I think we should rely on the cvs version only for 
this transition stage. In the future, I don't want the docs build 
dependent on a cvs which from time to time will break. While the 
responsiveness of Forrest committers is incredible, I think Stefano's 
principle stated above is a best practice we should follow, especially 
for something like doc building (given the fact users just want docs, 
not necessarily the latest-greatest code which produces such docs).


Re: [vote] Geoff Howard as Cocoon committer

2003-03-23 Thread Diana Shannon
On Sunday, March 23, 2003, at 08:55  AM, David Crossley wrote:

I propose Geoff Howard as Cocoon committer.
He also contributed an excellent tutorial on custom generators.



Re: [vote] Forrestizing Cocoon and more

2003-03-23 Thread Diana Shannon
On Sunday, March 23, 2003, at 08:38  AM, Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:

1) cocoon moves to forrest for its documentation production
 2) if so, cocoon does it before releasing 2.1
 3) if so, I'd like a 'fast-yet-potentially-disruptive' move rather 
than a 'slow-yet-carefully-planned-not-to-disrupt-anything' one.
+1. However, we've already figured out we can transition while 
maintaining existing doc builds (via different sitemap files), as long 
as we can rely (temporarily) on the cvs version of Forrest. A separate 
docs cvs will also ease the disruption to existing code repos.

Interested persons should follow up on these and other threads on 

proposal to use forrestbot for docs
stages of transition

Re: [vote] Andrew Savory as Cocoon committer

2003-03-23 Thread Diana Shannon
On Sunday, March 23, 2003, at 08:22  AM, David Crossley wrote:

I propose Andrew Savory as Cocoon committer. He has been
involved with Cocoon since mid-2000 and more intensely during
the past year.
+1. I was lucky to meet him in person and can confirm his first-rate 
ideas and experience. He's offered some really welcome strategies for 


Re: cvs disruption

2003-03-22 Thread Diana Shannon
Responding to Steven and Stefano here:

On Friday, March 21, 2003, at 05:23  PM, Steven Noels wrote:

there's a lot of stuff out there and we should be able to work on this 
as a team. Even if the transition is carefully documented (as you 
already did at great length), I assume there might be issues, and then 
it would be good to have a common set of working files, in CVS, when 
issues arise.
See below. It's not only about carefully documenting a transition but 
also  about completing the transition outside of the cvs. Whether the 
working files (build files and a few configuration files) lived in 
Forrest or Cocoon cvs, didn't matter to me. It was the idea of using ant 
to set up a virtual cvs environment until changes were complete and then 
checking them into cvs. The idea was not to break existing builds until 
transition was complete. Nothing more.


On Saturday, March 22, 2003, at 04:53  AM, Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:

Inside, we are all equal so once you get it can either be a democracy 
(ask first, wait for momentum to build, potentially forever) or a 
do-ocracy (do first, rollback if they jump on you or keep going if you 
feel you're right).

Diana or anybody else: there is something that bugs you and nobody is 
stepping up to the plate to do it and no momentum is building and 
nobody seems to care?

just do it!
Ah, but I did do something. The in-process content and configuration 
files simply didn't live in the cvs because doing so would have broken 
the existing and future docs build indefinitely. Granted, most of that 
was due to the fact Forrest, at that time, didn't yet convert doc-v10 
docs on the fly which is no longer the case (i.e. I would have had to 
check in doc-v11 versions of all docs).

Please understand, I'm **not** trying to judge how you refactored the 
build. Perhaps in your case, there was no other way to implement the 
changes. I guess I was hoping to suggest -- given the power of ant -- 
that we can set up prototype cvs environments where we can learn about 
the implications of our changes over time, even if the cvs changes under 
our feet, without disrupting the work of others. While our cvs was 
officially alpha (even though not all committers knew that) it is 
clear from the past few weeks of feedback that a number of people 
**perceived** our cvs as almost beta (thanks to all the great 
bug-fixing we have here) and were using it as beta -- right or wrong.

I guess I'm questioning the timing of disruptive cvs changes, so close 
to a beta release date. Perhaps it's just the nature of open source 
software, that a tremendous amount of energy is unleashed right before a 
release  date. Perhaps there's no other way. Still, it feels, to be 
honest, like poor planning. If we follow the maxim of release early, 
release often I fail to see why there needs to be this kind of 
disruption before releases. If the releases weren't spaced so far apart, 
what difference would it make if we need to wait a little longer for 
some new capability?

Again, I'm just trying to learn here. Not trying to pass judgment.


Re: cvs commit: cocoon-2.1/src/documentation/xdocs/ctwig/sample/transformations/basic03 basic03-01.xml basic03-01.xml.ignore

2003-03-22 Thread Diana Shannon
On Saturday, March 22, 2003, at 09:14  AM, Stephan Michels wrote:

No, I mean not ignoring for the validation, I mean ignoring for the
documentation generation process.
At the moment you couldn't generate the docs by Cocoon. I want to make 
step invasive as less as possible.
Stephan, many thanks for your work on this.

 I had this same problem the last time I did this. It appears that no 
more than one sitemap.xmap can exist in the same project.content-dir, 
even if it has a different name. Thus, to have Forrest ignore Cocoon's 
existing sitemap, we have to rename it. But this breaks the existing 
Cocoon docs build because it can't find the (renamed) sitemap.


Re: cvs disruption

2003-03-22 Thread Diana Shannon
On Saturday, March 22, 2003, at 11:13  AM, Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:

Perhaps it's just the nature of open source software, that a 
tremendous amount of energy is unleashed right before a release date. 
Perhaps there's no other way. Still, it feels, to be honest, like poor 
planning. If we follow the maxim of release early, release often I 
fail to see why there needs to be this kind of disruption before 
releases. If the releases weren't spaced so far apart, what difference 
would it make if we need to wait a little longer for some new 
This is a very good point. So, do you suggest to postpone 
forrestization for post-2.1? say for 2.1.1?
Not necessarily. It depends on how much time we still have. And 
forrestization can occur in stages.

For example, current forrest build capability with cocoon's cvs is ony 
possible with Forrest CVS, not the last Forrest release. This violates 
your building on sand philosophy. We can change our cvs to work with 
0.4 Forrest, but it involves committing doc-v11 versions of many files 
and deciding what to do with doc-v10-related files. If we simply 
eliminate the doc-v10 files, we will break the separate doc-building 
capabilities of our webapp documentation set. If we keep both versions, 
we have a maintenance nightmare. This is being discussed on cocoon-docs, 
with debate on how/if to include Forrest itself in our cvs, but there's 
no consensus yet, IMHO. Whatever solution is decided may take some time 
and tweaking to implement, that's all. And I would hate for it to hold 
up a release.

We have a list of outstanding issues, some already outdated by recent 
activity, posted at

Ongoing thanks to Jeff and Stephan for their work to date on this.


Re: Setting up a PMC mailinglist

2003-03-21 Thread Diana Shannon
On Friday, March 21, 2003, at 08:15  AM, Steven Noels wrote:

So, if we have a volunteer to update the site, and we all agree, we can
start straight away.
There's movement on the -docs list and perhaps also a Forrest quantum 
leap blossoming, so we'd better do this before or after this assumably 
disruptive step.
Web site is currently generated from cocoon-2.0 repo. Forrest effort is 
impacting only 2.1 at this time.

I volunteer to update the site. As long as javadocs aren't involved, 
it's not a big time issue for me.


Re: cvs details wrong

2003-03-15 Thread Diana Shannon
On Friday, March 14, 2003, at 08:16  PM, David Crossley wrote:

However, this raises an issue. I presume that considering
Cocoon is now a top-level project, that all reference to
the Cocoon project should be removed from
That will be tricky because the xml-site CVS module
contains all of the documentation for the Cocoon website.
Sorry, I'm not sure what you mean by the last sentence. I realize you 
were away on holiday and probably missed this, but FYI Stefano proposed 
that we use redirects to handle the transition to any revised web site 
URI space for Cocoon. This should help the above issue as well, at least 

By the way, I also got swamped this week and have not yet updated the 
cocoon site, based on proper mirror URIs. I'll finish that this weekend.


Re: [RT] Cocoon's own publishing system

2003-03-12 Thread Diana Shannon
On Tuesday, March 11, 2003, at 03:22  PM, Andrew Savory wrote:

On Tue, 11 Mar 2003, Diana Shannon wrote:

I agree 100% with Andrew that two clearly separated repositories 
really improve on what we had. But it's all we have at the moment.
Sure. I'm happy to help try and refactor it down to one archive. Or
perhaps we could set up cocoon-docs with the content from 2.1 and then 
through and import any 2.0 content that is missing? I'm assuming 2.1 
is a
superset of 2.0 content.
You could say that. A majority of the core docs are the same. Only a 
handful of docs are different at the present time. Clearly this will 
start to change is we get more docs for various blocks/samples and if we 
start importing wiki content.

Do you have a particular approach in mind? If so, then this discussion 
should probably continue on cocoon-docs.

Really glad to know you are interested in helping.


Re: [RT] Cocoon's own publishing system

2003-03-12 Thread Diana Shannon
On Wednesday, March 12, 2003, at 12:22  PM, Steven Noels wrote:

Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:

So, should we perform 'forrestization' of our documents to go ahead 
with the plan?
That's not a strict requirement, just cronifying 'cvs update', 'build 
docs' and some 'cp' to a live website will do ATM IIUC.
Don't forget that the web site has a number of redirects. We need to 
copy-over/transform any .htaccess file(s) as necessary for a revised web 
site build, not the standard docs build.


Re: Snapshot links at Cocoon website

2003-03-11 Thread Diana Shannon
On Tuesday, March 11, 2003, at 05:32  AM, Pier Fumagalli wrote:

I suggest linking to 
I guess that's your intention ;-)
Yes, but at that point we'll have to re-build the site once again...
Ok, we shouldn't be so limited in rebuilding the site as often as 
necessary. Here's why it has been tedious and time consuming in the 
past, at least for me.

1. Many, many committers weren't updating release and head branches with 
their doc updates. It took time to scrutinize differences in the 
branches, to make sure all relevant docs were in the release branch, 
which is what is used to generate the web site.

2. Updating the live site repository is time consuming, at least for me, 
on a slow dial-up connection (I live in a rural area of the US with no 
broadband option). The api docs directory is the time killer here. I 
spent eight hours, one night, simply performing a cvs update followed by 
a cvs commit. The most recent update wasn't so bad. The commit/update 
took only 2.5 hours.

3. I was really excited about Forrest transition, thinking the 
automation would save me all of the above time which I could devote to 
docs content. Unfortunately:
- only a few committers participated in the trial run, so it seemed to 
me, interest/support is not that great.
- Forresters seemed to suggest, and I could be wrong, that the live site 
cvs update would **still** be required even with Forrest. Thus, I failed 
to see how the transition would make my volunteer committer life any 
more liberated, since this time killing step was still necessary.

I'm happy to help with updating the site based on the revised cvs mirror 
links discussed in this thread. However, I can't do it until later this 
week. In the future, I think it's better if more committers would share 
the burden of updating the live site cvs every now and then, 
particularly those with greater bandwidth connections. In the hopes that 
this will happen, I'll post detailed instructions on how this can be 
done on wiki. (I've posted email instructions on two separate occasions 
in the past which I will now fine tune.)


Re: are we ready to move to

2003-03-11 Thread Diana Shannon
On Tuesday, March 11, 2003, at 07:30  AM, Pier Fumagalli wrote:

I would move it in a slightly different way, that will help us to be 
flexible wih the new/updated documentation for v2.1 comes out:
Why not have this now for alpha/beta docs? It would save some tedious 
manual synching. There's probably ways to speed up cvs live site 
update/commits with some directory reorganization. For example, for the 
latest update, I didn't even touch the api docs. But their top-level 
position, intermingled with all other docs, made updates and commits 
have to inspect the hundreds of files therein.


Re: [RT] Cocoon's own publishing system

2003-03-11 Thread Diana Shannon
On Tuesday, March 11, 2003, at 10:49  AM, Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:
1. Many, many committers weren't updating release and head branches 
with their doc updates. It took time to scrutinize differences in the 
branches, to make sure all relevant docs were in the release branch, 
which is what is used to generate the web site.
Agreed this is a problem.

Hopefully, now that we have two clearly separated repositories, people
will document only in the appropriate one.
I agree 100% with Andrew that two clearly separated repositories won't 
really improve on what we had. But it's all we have at the moment.

2. Updating the live site repository is time consuming, at least for 
me, on a slow dial-up connection (I live in a rural area of the US 
with no broadband option). The api docs directory is the time killer 
here. I spent eight hours, one night, simply performing a cvs update 
followed by a cvs commit. The most recent update wasn't so bad. The 
commit/update took only 2.5 hours.
Oh, god. I didn't know that. This is a shame. I'm sorry Diana. I know 
you don't pay dial-up per-minute fees as we normally do here in europe, 
but still.
No, I don't pay per-minute fees. And what I describe was a worst-case 
scenario. Some days are slower than others. It blows my mind, observing 
the speed difference, when I perform a cvs update on the 

we must make a better system.

3. I was really excited about Forrest transition, thinking the 
automation would save me all of the above time which I could devote to 
docs content. Unfortunately:
- only a few committers participated in the trial run, so it seemed to 
me, interest/support is not that great.
I would like to know the issues that are still left on the table to
solve and work on them. Forrest is clearly the way to go and the site
transition give us the opportunity to think about it.
You can read the joint proposal at:
You can check out my How-To (not sure how it works with latest Forrest 

snip /

Please do, those will help, but for now, let's clear the whiteboard and
start outlining the best publishing system.
snip why=agree with outline /

NOTE: from an operativity point of view, Pier has enough karma to setup 
everything we need on moof or nagoya, as well as providing accounts for 
those who want to help running the staging server (I would suspect Jeff 
and Steven to be interested in helping out, hopefully others as well).
I volunteer.



Re: cvs commit: cocoon-2.0/src/java/org/apache/cocoon/transformation

2003-03-10 Thread Diana Shannon
On Monday, March 10, 2003, at 06:45  AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Modified:lib  jars.xml
  Added:   legalLICENSE.jakarta-commons-lang
   lib/optional commons-lang-1.0.1.jar

My cvs update isn't showing the  lib/optional/commons-lang-1.0.1.jar. 
So, in spite of your very thorough xmlutils bug fix -- many thanks -- 
cocoon-2.0 still isn't compiling for me based on this new bug fix.


Re: cvs commit: cocoon-2.0/src/java/org/apache/cocoon/transformation

2003-03-10 Thread Diana Shannon
On Monday, March 10, 2003, at 07:14  AM, Diana Shannon wrote:


My cvs update isn't showing the  lib/optional/commons-lang-1.0.1.jar. 
So, in spite of your very thorough xmlutils bug fix -- many thanks -- 
cocoon-2.0 still isn't compiling for me based on this new bug fix.

My bad. I found a cvs configuration problem on my end.


live site update complete

2003-03-10 Thread Diana Shannon
I updated the live site docs, with changes primarily reflecting the new 
cvs setup. A big thanks to Pier for the new cvs setup and 
**particularly** for making such a thorough update of all relevant docs 
in both 2.1 and 2.0 repositories.


docs build exception, cocoon-2.0 repo

2003-03-09 Thread Diana Shannon
Has anyone been able to build cocoon-2.0 docs successfully?

I'm trying to rule out a configuration problem on my end before digging 
deeper. (OS X, Java 1.3.1) I'm getting the following after ./ 

ERROR   2003-03-09 13:44:45.683 [] (): Could not load parser, 
Cocoon object not created.
at Method)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
at org.apache.cocoon.Cocoon.initialize(
at org.apache.cocoon.Main.main(
FATAL_E 2003-03-09 13:44:45.854 [] (): Exception caught
org.apache.avalon.framework.configuration.ConfigurationException: Could 
not load parser org.apache.avalon.excalibur.xml.JaxpParser
at org.apache.cocoon.Cocoon.initialize(
at org.apache.cocoon.Main.main(


/Users/ds/cvs-apps/c2-release/cocoon-2.0/build.xml:1125: Java returned: 1



Re: docs build exception, cocoon-2.0 repo

2003-03-09 Thread Diana Shannon
On Sunday, March 9, 2003, at 02:18  PM, Diana Shannon wrote:

FATAL_E 2003-03-09 13:44:45.854 [] (): Exception caught
org.apache.avalon.framework.configuration.ConfigurationException: Could 
not load parser org.apache.avalon.excalibur.xml.JaxpParser
Reviewing Carsten's cvs commit
it appears references to org.apache.avalon.excalibur.xml.JaxpParser are 
being phased out in other files.

  javap -classpath `echo lib/core/*.jar | tr ' ' ':'` 
  Class 'org.apache.excalibur.xml.JaxpParser' not found

It appears the new excalibur-xmlutil jar uses
The following files still contain references to 

It isn't clear if these files also need to be updated or if the classes 
they refer to are merely deprecated (and need inclusion). So ... I'm 
unable to update the web site about the new repository changes until 
this is docs build problem is resolved. Any advice welcome.


Re: CVS move/split...

2003-03-08 Thread Diana Shannon
On Saturday, March 8, 2003, at 05:46  PM, Pier Fumagalli wrote:

Diane, can you roughly push the new site live tomorrow or Monday?
You bet! Thanks Pier!

Dian-a-  ;-)

Re: Status of CVS Repositories Renaming

2003-03-07 Thread Diana Shannon
On Friday, March 7, 2003, at 01:44  AM, Bertrand Delacretaz wrote:

Is there _anyone_ who knows how to rebuild and put live the 
site??? :-) :-)
I can help, Pier.  If someone can provide some modest language 
describing the new setup, I'll extend it and place it where appropriate 
in the xdocs. Then I'll update the live-site cvs and web site as 
appropriate. The update probably won't occur until Sunday.


Re: [VOTE] bruno cvs commit rights

2003-02-26 Thread Diana Shannon
On Wednesday, February 26, 2003, at 09:17  AM, Morrison, John wrote:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] seems to be doing an awful lot of
coding atm, his patches look good and I can't see why he
shouldn't be allowed to commit them himself!


Re: [VOTE:PMC] Proposal for Lenya as a Cocoon subproject

2003-02-24 Thread Diana Shannon
On Monday, February 24, 2003, at 06:01  PM, Nicola Ken Barozzi wrote:

I'm asking the Cocoon PMC to vote for the inclusion of the below 
proposed project named Lenya (ex as a Cocoon subproject.

This vote will take place on cocoon-dev where the Cocoon PMC lives.
I'm CCing the incubator list just to notify that we're starting this 
vote. When finished, I'll post there the results.

Cocoon PMC members, please state your votes.


Re: Writing docs... Where shall I put that?

2003-02-18 Thread Diana Shannon

On Tuesday, February 18, 2003, at 01:24  PM, Pier Fumagalli wrote:

As Stefano is remodeling the build system, would it be better to have 
it in
src/blocks/proxy/doc or in src/documentation/... 

I'd say src/documentation for now, in spite of its imperfections... 
Otherwise, the doc won't be published on the web. Also, users may not 
know to look for it in its block.

I tend to believe that it might be better to have the documentation 
together with the block, but then the build system for the webapp should
change as well...

I agree with you, but we can always refactor (move docs, etc.) down the 
road when better documentation build options become available/finalized.


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Re: Should we move mailing list names?

2003-02-04 Thread Diana Shannon

On Tuesday, February 4, 2003, at 02:16  PM, Pier Fumagalli wrote:

As I've just done it for axis-dev, should we move the cocoon mailing 
from cocoon-(dev|user) to 
(dev|user) ???

Just don't forget cocoon-docs!


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2003-01-21 Thread Diana Shannon

On Tuesday, January 21, 2003, at 07:55  AM, Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:

Thank you and happy birthday to all those born in January (so far, on 
this list, me, Sylvain, Ivelin, Pier, Jeremy... anybody else?)

Me too, on Friday -- in the US, one of the more notorious -- 40 !! 
Definitely a cake torch!


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Re: [vote] Michael Melhem as Cocoon committer

2003-01-10 Thread Diana Shannon

On Thursday, January 9, 2003, at 10:47  PM, Ovidiu Predescu wrote:

I'd like to propose Michael Melhem as Cocoon committer. He has come up 
with lots of ideas for improvement in various parts of Cocoon including 
the control flow, and recently contributed an excellent patch for 
expiring continuations in the control flow layer. Becoming a committer 
will allow him to contribute his work more effectively.



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Re: [vote] Jeff Turner for cocoon committership

2003-01-10 Thread Diana Shannon

On Thursday, January 9, 2003, at 02:46  PM, Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:

I hereby propose Jeff Turner for cocoon committership. He is one of the 
major forces behind Forrest and has been proposing important patches 
and features addition to the main Cocoon repository.

+1 One of the many qualities of Jeff's work I admire is the way he 
documents it so thoroughly. Welcome!


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Re: cvs sticky tag problem

2002-12-04 Thread Diana Shannon

On Wednesday, December 4, 2002, at 07:13  AM, Giacomo Pati wrote:

Can you describe the steps you've taken until you got this error
(essentially the commands you've issued where in which repo)?

I maintain separate cvs directories for head and release files. After 
checkouts, I simply use:
  cvs -q update -d -P
as needed. I don't like resetting sticky tags with -A because I'd prefer 
to keep the cvs versions separate. I live in a rural area with only a 
dialup connection, so checking out full cvs versions each time (as is 
sometimes recommended) is  simply not efficient for me (i.e. that's why 
I prefer cvs updates).

When I get into trouble, sometimes I delete the problematic directory, 
but it didn't help this time. In the
I noticed that the text content for the Tag file is
as opposed to
as it is in other Tag files in other CVS directories.



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release schedule and live site update

2002-12-04 Thread Diana Shannon
I had my fingers crossed that 2.0.4 might be released by today. However 
I understand the reasons for the delay.

Starting today, I am traveling away from my office for the next seven to 
ten days and predict that I will have little, if any, time/bandwidth to 
update the live site. Therefore, I did the best I could yesterday and 
this morning, syncing common docs between branches, updating the live 
site cvs (both xdocs and javadocs), and updating the web site. Of course 
this isn't a **complete** release update for docs, but it's 99% of the 
effort involved. Clearly files like todo.html, changes.html, etc. will 
need to be updated once the release is official, but **any** committer 
can accomplish this in a spare minutes. For a refresher on how to do it:
 - Check out a version of the live site cvs 
- Add/commit your html files (from any release build). (Consider 
checking links with a third-party tool if you have concerns about the 
html files you are merging.)
- Ask Carsten, Vadim, (or Steven?) to pull the updates to
- Note: there are a few extra files in the live site cvs that are not in 
the release builds. These are redirects. Don't delete them.

Thanks, and congrats to everyone on the release.


P.S. If anyone finds the above process primitive, well, **please** join 
the effort to prototype a Forrest transition for Cocoon docs.

How-To Transition (will save you time getting up to speed):

Latest Transition Issues/Concerns:

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cvs sticky tag problem

2002-12-03 Thread Diana Shannon
I was trying to sync HEAD and release versions of

but when I try to commit the updated version to the release branch, I 
  cvs server: sticky tag `cocoon_2_0_3_branch' for file 
`database-actions.xml' is not a branch

Any suggestions?



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Re: [vote] Cocoon citizenship for Matthew Langham

2002-11-30 Thread Diana Shannon

On Thursday, November 28, 2002, at 06:19  AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Quoting Christian Haul [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

On 27.Nov.2002 -- 10:19 AM, Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:

All right. I hereby propose Matthew Langham for commit access.

+1 (sorry for the late vote)

+1 ..also being late;)

+1 Also quite late, but quite happy to welcome a very deserving Matthew!


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Re: [vote] Andrew Oliver commit access

2002-11-22 Thread Diana Shannon

On 22.Nov.2002 -- 12:42 AM, Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:

I would like to propose Andrew Oliver for commit access.

+1 A steadfast  proponent for improved docs!


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Re: Release Plan for 2.0.4

2002-11-21 Thread Diana Shannon

On Thursday, November 21, 2002, at 11:26  AM, Joerg Heinicke wrote:

The most important bug seems to be the broken documentation 
(, but I can't 
produce the bug on my system. There are now at least 3 people with the 

Sorry, but I can't reproduce the bug either (Mac OSX 10.1 JVM 1.3.1).


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Re: [VOTE] build-time XML validation via RELAX NG

2002-11-15 Thread Diana Shannon

On Friday, November 15, 2002, at 12:21  AM, David Crossley wrote:

[+1] Call 'validate-config' by default during the build.

+1 Quite helpful!


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Re: [important proposal] Cocoon as official Apache project

2002-10-30 Thread Diana Shannon

On Wednesday, October 30, 2002, at 08:29  AM, Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:

+1 Hooray!


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Re: [VOTE] Use Forrest to build Cocoon docs

2002-10-28 Thread Diana Shannon
I'm generally in agreement with Ken (in fact I proposed a separate CVS 
module for docs, powered by a Forrest webapp back in July on 
forrest-dev), but I agree with David that we need to clarify a number of 
key issues to make such a transition successful and efficient.

While I haven't posted much recently on forrest-dev, I do keep up with 
the list. I'm also scrutinizing the latest cvs version and will have 
more comments soon. Here's a few issues that I have at this moment.

1. Is Forrest Ready?
After all, it's still considered alpha, isn't it? I agree that docs need 
a stable framework for reliable generation, but at this point in time, 
I'd argue that the release branch of Cocoon is more stable than the 
current Forrest distro. Still, all of us are Cocoon-proficient and could 
most likely fix bugs caused by the use of the current alpha Forrest 
distro. Nevertheless, I would argue that such a transition **may** be a 
bit premature, unless we decide some kind of reliable update cycle for a 
distro that's still alpha (and that lacks any known release schedule).

2. What kind of docs and doc building facilities should we provide users?
I agree with Ken that we it would be nice to move docs generation 
facilities and doc source files out of the code-oriented cvs branches. I 
think we should move them to a separate cvs module/branch that users can 
also download if they want to build docs locally. However, if users just 
want (prebuilt) docs, they should be able to download html files as they 
do nightly snapshots -- or something similar. Moving the docs out of the 
code branches does raise a few other issues. For example, we'd need to 
distinguish in docs builds between a web site build and a local docs 
build. Local docs can link to webapp samples (generated by the code cvs 
branches build), while a live site build cannot.

3. What is Forrest?
Because Forrest is a Cocoon webapp, it's a bit unclear what 
distribution updates mean. It's not a simple issue like a few updated 
jars as is the case with most inter-project dependencies. The Forrest 
distro contains so many other files! For example, in the early days of 
Forrest, it wasn't clear if users were allowed to have their own 
sitemaps and sub-sitemaps. I don't think that's the case anymore, but I 
would like to get a better understanding of this. Still, even a few 
months ago, you guys were discussing the prospect of abandoning 
document-v11.dtd. How backwards-compatible can Forrest be at this early 
alpha state, and how easy would it be to fork Forrest unintentionally, 
like making some inappropriate edits to one of the distro files that 
later gets overwritten by a distro/cvs update?


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Re: [RT] Getting rid of the table-based layout

2002-10-19 Thread Diana Shannon

On Saturday, October 19, 2002, at 09:17  AM, Geoff Howard wrote:

Excuse my ignorance here, but isn't
still being served statically?

You are correct. For the record, I updated the site earlier today.


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New Cocoon Committers

2002-10-14 Thread Diana Shannon

Dear Root,

Please provide committer privileges to the Cocoon project to:
   Bertrand Delacretaz ([EMAIL PROTECTED], 

These two individuals were recently elected with all +1 votes (14 total) 
by other Cocoon committers as shown in this thread:

Please note that both Steven and Bertrand already have a committer 
privileges with other Apache projects. Their Apache user ids are:
   Steven Noels: stevenn
   Bertrand Delacretaz : bdelacretaz

Thanks very much.

Diana Shannon

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[vote] Steven Noels and Bertrand Delacretaz as committers

2002-10-09 Thread Diana Shannon

A recent discussion about a so-called documentation team prompted an 
offline discussion among some of us about the need for more 
documentation-oriented committers. As more and more users are getting 
involved with Cocoon documentation development via the lists, wiki, and 
even patches, it is critical to have receptive committers who can 
translate this effort into improved cvs docs.

David Crossley and I would like to nominate two individuals who have 
repeatedly demonstrated their ongoing commitment to the Cocoon 
community, its documentation, and its code in the form of patches, 
participation, and leadership. They need no introduction but, for the 
record, they are:

Steven Noels: indefatigable committer of the Forrest documentation 
project, generous host/facilitator/supporter of CocoonWiki and other 
valuable community resources at, strong advocate for a 
first-rate, Cocoon-based documentation system and associated best 
practices, and Cocoon community member for just over two years.

Bertrand Delacretaz, founder and project leader of the jfor project (now 
distributed with Cocoon), committer to FOP project, Cocoon patch 
contributor, one of the earliest authors of docs for cocoon cvs and 
third party sites (, prolific CocoonWiki 
contributor, and Cocoon community member for just over one year.

Thank you for your consideration.

Diana Shannon
David Crossley

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Re: build docs broken in current 2.1-dev

2002-10-08 Thread Diana Shannon

On Tuesday, October 8, 2002, at 03:51  AM, David Crossley wrote:

 build docs seems to be broken in 2.1-dev
 or it is just mine (2.0.3-dev is fine).
 The debug messages do not seem to reveal issues.

If you look in the logs, you will see that Cocoon is complaining about 
not finding the SVGSerializer. If you comment out references to it in 
the sitemap's map:components section, as well as to the matcher that 
uses the svg2jpg serializer, it will build for you. It worked for me 

Is this related to Ken's mid-September efforts to move FOP and Batik 
classes to blocks? I'm not aware of a need for the SVGSerializer in the 
main docs. Should we delete these references in the documentation 


 Setup... done.
 Initializing... ready, let's go :-)
  * [0]
 - [broken link] index.html -
 disposing... done.

 Total time: 18 seconds
 ... oh no it is not. It did not get past the index.html


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Re: Publication on cocoon

2002-09-29 Thread Diana Shannon

On Wednesday, September 25, 2002, at 03:50  AM, Carsten Ziegeler wrote:

 Ok, agreed. I only wanted to give a hint that most articles are
 already linked in the docs.

I agree with Carsten's earlier point. Most articles have links within 
existing docs.

 BTW: What does our documentation team say to this?

If someone really needs this doc -- to impress a boss/prospective 
client/IT manager -- then I suggest he/she create a patch. I promise to 
get it up on the live site quickly (in time for you to impress your 
boss/client/IT manager).


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Re: Best way to start developing an application based on C2.1

2002-07-24 Thread Diana Shannon

On Wednesday, July 24, 2002, at 05:42  AM, Nicola Ken Barozzi wrote:

 Just a tip: if you install Cocoon jars in the WEB-INF/lib, you can add 
 your classes in WEB-INF/classes, and just restart Tomcat to use the new 
 classes. I do it also when developing Cocoon itself, since classes come 
 before of the libs in the classpath. ;-)

I received this helpful tip from Ivelin some time ago.

Use a build target of webapp-local to generate classes (faster than a 
war build). Instead of restarting Cocoon, however, use Tomcat's manager 
to install a path to the updated webapp, e.g.:

When you make a change that requires another webapp build, remove the 

Then perform another webapp-local build and use the manager (as above) 
to install webapp again.

A few other notes:
- I typically disable all caching so I'm not sure if this works with 
caching enabled (i.e. without a clean work directory each time).
- To get manager working, you need to make sure you have a manager 
context specified in server.xml
- You need to add a user name=manager   password=ZZZ roles=ZZZ / 
to tomcat-users/ in tomcat-users.xml

Does anyone else use this?

-- Diana

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[release] site updated

2002-07-15 Thread Diana Shannon

Based on the status of 2.0.3 branch as of this am, the web site was 
This includes javadocs (in spite of some warnings on build)
and regular documentation.

-- Diana

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[samples] Results OS X, Java 1.3.1

2002-07-12 Thread Diana Shannon

Platform: Mac
OS: OS X 10.1.5
Compiler: Pizza

- I'm getting NPEs using the Lucene indexing page
- http://localhost:8080/cocoon/hello.svg
   Still crops funny, but that's a OSX/Batik issue, IIRC...

- What database configuration is required for ESQL sample to work?
   We should make a note of it on that page like other database samples.
- I thought Ken had already removed (ages ago) the sir from Are you 
being served, sir?
   on the link description at http://localhost:8080/cocoon/  based on a 
user remark.
   What about something like: How can I serve/help/assist you?

-- Diana

P.S. Thanks Konstantin for the recent patch.

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Re: [samples] Results OS X, Java 1.3.1

2002-07-12 Thread Diana Shannon

On Friday, July 12, 2002, at 07:42  AM, Diana Shannon wrote:

 Platform: Mac
 OS: OS X 10.1.5
 Compiler: Pizza
Sorry: JVM 1.3.1


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Re: [vote]: Applying patches

2002-07-11 Thread Diana Shannon

On Thursday, July 11, 2002, at 02:26  AM, Carsten Ziegeler wrote:

 Hi Team,

 I think we should vote on some patches we have in bugzilla.

 And here is the list of patches we could apply for 2.1-dev:

 10429:[PATCH]ParameterSelector:new User doc, overview + examples

Already applied against 2.1-dev and 2.0.3 yesterday. Sorry, I forgot to 
close it in Bugzilla.


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Re: Releasing 2.0.3?

2002-07-11 Thread Diana Shannon

On Thursday, July 11, 2002, at 06:35  AM, Carsten Ziegeler wrote:

 So, we need do to the following:

 a) Testing if everything works, espcially with regards to the different
JVMs - I did a quick SQL test with both versions and they both

 b) Update the documentation to include the jvm-target property etc. 
should also go into the README

 c) Layout the distribution

   d) Check your docs for any 2.1-specific references and flag them (with 
note or similar).

I may not get through each and every doc, so if you know the docs you 
contributed have 2.1-specific content (either the doc as a whole or 
content within), please flag them as such. A while back, we decided on 
this list
to sync HEAD and release docs to make it easier on committers working on 
This included the provision that all 2.1-oriented docs would be noted to 
I have added this info to a number of docs already, but I haven't 
concluded my general
inventory of *all* docs. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I 
realize this is a bit of a
manual hack, and I look forward to Forrest transition (coming soon) and 
solving this
more elegantly, but I think the priority ATM should be user-friendly 
docs, however
we achieve it.

FYI, the only docs not synced remain changes.xml, todo.xml, 
sitemap.xmap, installing/index.xml, and

 Ah, and finally a release date. If no problems or big bugs are found, I
 would propose monday, 15th of July.

+1. Also, Carsten, let's include some language with the release notice 
about all the new
docs accompanying it. We have *lots* of new content since 2.0.2. I'll 
provide a count if that helps!

FYI: I'll update the live site for docs on Sunday if that works with 
this schedule.


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Re: Looking for help in the upcomming release

2002-07-11 Thread Diana Shannon

On Thursday, July 11, 2002, at 11:25  AM, Diana Shannon wrote:

 5. Test *all* samples. Hit each and every sample page from links
 beginning at

 You're right, John. Going to ...cocoon/samples/ is incorrect. It goes 
 to a 2.0.2-dev
 samples page. This was my mistake. I provided some of this draft to 

Actually, the page says 2.0.2-dev but I think it's called the 
Refactored Samples, still
a work in progress. These refactored samples *don't* need testing, 

-- Diana

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Re: Looking for help in the upcomming release

2002-07-11 Thread Diana Shannon

On Thursday, July 11, 2002, at 11:18  AM, John Morrison wrote:

 5. Test *all* samples. Hit each and every sample page from links
 beginning at

You're right, John. Going to ...cocoon/samples/ is incorrect. It goes to 
a 2.0.2-dev
samples page. This was my mistake. I provided some of this draft to 

 Assuming accessing via a servlet engine running on port 8080 (just
 for the pedantic ;)

 Where does go to?

Better. To the 2.0.3-dev samples welcome page.


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Re: INSTALL file: small cleanup (for Diana)

2002-07-11 Thread Diana Shannon

On Thursday, July 11, 2002, at 11:35  AM, Enke, Michael wrote:

 Hi Diana,
 in section 3b) Manual install:

 [unix]  ./  -Dinclude.webapp.libs=yes 
 -Dinstall.war=$TOMCAT_HOME/webapps webapp
 [win32] .\build.bat -Dinclude.webapp.libs=yes 
 -Dinstall.war=%TOMCAT_HOME%\webapps webapp

 can be written without -Dinstall.war:

 [unix]  ./  -Dinclude.webapp.libs=yes webapp
 [win32] .\build.bat -Dinclude.webapp.libs=yes webapp

I can't find any reference to this in installing-related content.
Are you sure you have the latest release (or even HEAD) from CVS?

-- Diana

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2002-07-10 Thread Diana Shannon

Is it correct to flag the userdocs/concepts/modules.html doc with the 
following note:

   Modules are only available in Cocoon 2.1 or 2.0.3 (with scratchpad 



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Re: Question was: Re: [RT] reconsidering pipeline semantics

2002-07-03 Thread Diana Shannon

Can someone help fill in the holes below?

On Wednesday, July 3, 2002, at 10:10  AM, Jason Foster wrote:

 We should really get this in a FAQ somewhere!

 What's the difference between having two pipelines with one matcher
 each, and one pipeline with two matchers?

 If there is no other difference in pipeline declarations, then none.

 Pipelines can differ by:
  - visibility: internal (not accessible for external requests) or
  - error handling: using different handle-errorss.
  - cachability (since 2.1): some requests can use cached responses
 from caching pipeline, while the others should not be cached, so you 
 use non-caching pipeline implementation
  - logical grouping: you can group logically related parts into
 separate pipelines

Why? For ease of administrative/management concerns?

 Pipelines can also have an 'id', but I don't know how it's used, so 
 you can
 have different 'id's for your pipelines.

Any information about the intended purpose of id?

 Maybe I've forgot something, but this should be enough for 

Did he forget anything?


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Re: Delaying the release?

2002-07-02 Thread Diana Shannon

On Tuesday, July 2, 2002, at 08:47  AM, Carsten Ziegeler wrote:

 Anyone still interested in a 2.0.3 release?

Yes, but as we discussed off-list, I am counting on having until Monday 
of next week to update a number docs.

I *really* need this additional time. Thanks for all your hard work in 
the cvs!


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Re: [ANNOUNCE] actions and modules for flow

2002-07-02 Thread Diana Shannon

On Tuesday, July 2, 2002, at 06:45  AM, Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:

 Chris, I have another strong feeling: without at least a sample and a
 few lines of documentation about all this and what it is supposed to
 achieve, nobody will ever use it, nor even give you feedback. So I'd
 strongly suggest you to invest a few hours and provide them.

I have *no* doubt Chris will provide excellent docs, given his ongoing 
track record. Within hours of the recent input module source commits of 
Sylvain, Chris had updated modules.xml accordingly. Chris' docs related 
to databases were noted by users as being great. From what I have seen, 
in my short time observing the cvs, he keeps his docs up-to-date and 
provides a great example for others.


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Re: Delaying the release?

2002-07-02 Thread Diana Shannon

On Tuesday, July 2, 2002, at 09:22  AM, Vadim Gritsenko wrote:

 Lots of users.

 I'm, as developer, can work with CVS. Lots of the users can't.

I think this is an education issue which can be addressed down the road.
Many users don't understand why -- i.e. the benefits of
using cvs. IMHO, the how can be easily taught by extending
existing instructions in contrib.xml into a full-fledged How-To...


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Re: Delaying the release?

2002-07-02 Thread Diana Shannon

On Tuesday, July 2, 2002, at 10:16  AM, Vadim Gritsenko wrote:

 I'm, as developer, can work with CVS. Lots of the users can't.

 I think this is an education issue which can be addressed down the

 AFAIU the issue, this is the point in 20% of cases.

Even if true, 20% equals a lot of users...

 Other 80% is

Sure, but educating the 20% may help change the politics as well, over 

 (it was hard enough to persuade usage of open source, and now
 you have to explain that you need to use unreleased version?),

I wouldn't say need to use (as in *required* to use). I would simply 
try to communicate some of the benefits to learning/using an unreleased 

So much of my conceptual education about Cocoon comes from discussions 
on cocoon-dev. If I didn't have the HEAD cvs, how could I begin to 
follow/appreciate these threads?


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Re: [RT]: One step for a minimal Cocoon

2002-07-01 Thread Diana Shannon

On Monday, July 1, 2002, at 04:46  AM, Piroumian Konstantin wrote:

 This is already done for the scratchpad and would be fine also for the
 samples. The only problem is that you'll need also some additional info,
 e.g. a short description, for the sample. I've proposed to add a
 'map:description' top-level element to sitemap, which can be used to
 generate that info.
-1 IMO this breaks SoC.

 Another idea is the have a sample.xml document in each sample directory,
 that can be processed by the XPathDirectoryGenerator to get the needed
 description from it.
+1 Then we can expand such a file in the future to include more that a 
short description.


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Re: [RT]: One step for a minimal Cocoon

2002-07-01 Thread Diana Shannon

On Monday, July 1, 2002, at 07:36  AM, Piroumian Konstantin wrote:

 For simple samples (e.g. 'hello world', 'svg') this file can be the
 front-page, and then it's worth it. But the samples with their own 
 and styles would like to have their own front-page (i18n, flow).

 So, I'd like to use a description from the sitemap for the page with the
 samples list and samples should provide a default matcher displaying the
 desired front-page.

 If you explain what else can be added to the sample.xml document 
 except a
 short description then I'll change my opinion.

We still need to treat (and manage) samples consistently (from a CMS 
point of view), regardless of their internal skins -- or even front 
page. Dynamic samples may need to be managed similarly to static 

You may need to add
  - short as well as long description content (i.e. with block elements)
  - implementation-specific info (some of the *same* samples have 
slightly different implementations, based on where they are located, 
e.g.  2.0.3 versus 2.1) This is critical info, IMHO.
- versioning info (when samples change, users may want to know. I know 
*I* do)
- topic info (so you can add links to samples from static docs in a 
How-To or tutorial, or some other doc ... )
- component dependencies (what needs updating when something in source 
- targeted user info (beginner, intermediate, advanced)

etc. etc. etc.

Does this help to convince you of the need?

-- Diana

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[doc] policy for authorship credit

2002-07-01 Thread Diana Shannon

I need your input on how to think about bylines Cocoon docs, both 
community-contributed and core docs (soon to be patched by new 

I'm struggling to understand how to credit the efforts of people who 
make the docs better. This effort doesn't always equate to authorship, 
that is, you can spend hours editing a doc (I have) but not necessarily 
contribute a substantial amount of new content. Still, the doc is better 
as a result of your effort. I also want to avoid problems down the road 
when users patch docs and add their name as an author, even when they 
may have only contributed a single sentence. In other words, I want to 
reward bylines to people who take the first step of authoring a new doc 
or who add substantial amounts of additional content. Writing is hard. 
Patching (what someone else started) is often  a lot easier. Example: 
lots of patches were submitted for XMLForm How-To. No patches yet for 
new How-Tos.

Forrest introduces a revision content section. I like it. For an 
example, check out this document and look at the revision history 
section (at the bottom of the page):

I think crediting individuals (committers as well as volunteers) for 
their patches in a Revision History section -- and not necessarily in 
the byline area, unless they are a co-author or add significant amounts 
of new content -- is the best way. It also serves as a meaningful record 
for users about updates to docs (i.e. how many users check cvs log 
info?). Some users have the mistaken understanding that core docs aren't 
being updated. This would demonstrate to them clearly what is going on. 
It would also visibly reveal documents which may need to be updated.

I experimented with this approach in the How-To I created for the 
Paginator Transformer. I didn't write it originally, Stefano did on this 
list, so I gave him credit in the byline. However, I put a lot of time 
editing, restructuring, testing, debugging, adding samples, etc. so I 
noted my work in the revision section. Stefano has since updated the 
samples, so I will add another item to the revision section, noting his 
work. When users start reading the How-To, perhaps they will begin to 
appreciate the effort that goes into creating a good doc...

Although I really don't like bylines at all in this context, especially 
for core docs, I think we need to keep them as an incentive for new 
authors to contribute docs (i.e. get rewarded with some visibility for 
their effort). It also gives them the incentive to maintain their 
contribution, because their name is publicly associated with the work.

What do you think?

-- Diana

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Re: [doc] policy for authorship credit

2002-07-01 Thread Diana Shannon

On Monday, July 1, 2002, at 08:44  AM, Steven Noels wrote:

 We could add some (non-required) CMS revision elements/attrs to the 
 documentheader element and generate the revision history automatically 
 at the bottom of the page. An idea for Forrest, perhaps?

Yes, of course.


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Re: docs misc

2002-06-27 Thread Diana Shannon

On Thursday, June 27, 2002, at 02:34  AM, Mikhail Fedotov wrote:

 After just a few hours of poking around I have decided
 that it will be much simpler for me to simply hand-code
 a whole hat-full of servlets than to try and pull any
 meaning out of Cocoon and it's documentation.

 Two things to mention:

 1. I've been talking here about documentation in form of
 dictionary, where is no structure and long docs, just
 complete descriptions of components and their parameters;
 it is the quick way to produce complete components
 documentation that helps in creation of more complex
 documentation. If someone will become interested in
 lowering the difficulty of writiting docs (that I've been
 talking about), and not just writing another docs page
 (that I've been told to do as an response), he could arise
 that topic again.

Well why don't you check out wiki dictionary effort made with Cocoon? 
Perhaps you could help build that dictionary.

 2. About the current docs. They aren't _that_ bad, there is
 much of information. But it looks more like an student
 work, i.e. it gives impression of work made, but not
 optimized for easy understanding and using.

Try not to jump to conclusions about why the state of documentation is 
what it currently is. I made that mistake earlier on this list. ;-) I 
continue to learn new factors almost every day why producing good docs 
is difficult in this context. I could add a hundred items to your list. 
Think of the quality of docs as an indicator of a community's evolution. 
When more people come forward to help improve existing docs, and 
contribute new docs, then they will improve. No sooner and no later. If 
this keeps Cocoon from reaching new audiences, then that's just a 
result -- it isn't necessarily a problem, just a phase of growth. There 
is an effort at Apache Forrest to improve underlying documentation 
architecture. If you don't want to contribute new/revised docs to the 
Cocoon project, perhaps you'd be interested in supporting that project's 
architectural efforts?

 Here is one
 good model usable in too much contexts to mention, and it
 is also good in writing docs:

I have built a lot of models in my professional life, and I'm not sure I 
would be so brave as to model open source community dynamics ... ;-)

snip /

 Symptoms - complex webapp, many documents, big hierarchy,
 difficulties with all this; some paragraphs about it.

I don't agree that a complex webapp is a symptom of a problem. I think 
the problem that Cocoon is trying to solve is complex. As for many 
documents, I agree some could be refactored however isn't going to 
happen until Cocoon migrates to a Forrest architecture (in process 
already). At the point, many more options to improve the docs structure 
will become available to us. It just takes time when everyone is a 
volunteer. We are also making the best of available resources, which at 
the present time, includes a static web site.

Still, I prefer more docs. I don't think there are too many docs. I 
also want to increase the author pool. With difficult, complex subjects 
like Cocoon, sometimes you need multiple voices to say the same thing, 
just a bit differently. When you are learning something new, and you 
have the luxury of buying books, wouldn't you prefer to buy more than 
one, even if it's about the same topic?

 Causes - hierachy isn't structured, components dependence
 is out-of-control, bad code reuse, too much amount of
 everything, etc; some paragraphs about it.

 Outcome - doing things in a more structured way; some
 paragraphs about it.

You can have all the structure in the world but you still need writers. 
IMHO, the hardest part is writing well. If we make writing easy by 
removing so-called architectural obstacles, does that mean we'll 
automatically have good content? I'm not sure about this. Don't get me 
wrong, I think architectural improvements will help immensely. However, 
you probably are aware that many authors have the additional challenge 
of having to write in a non-native language. Regardless of what you 
think about the docs, I really admire the people who have contributed 
docs so far. And I'm also excited about the books coming out.

 Resources - use of SoC pattern with Cocoon2 as a tool,
 transforming the hierarchy into tree with no dependency
 between branches; some paragraphs about it.

What do you mean by hierarchy? The documentation hierarchy? If you are 
concerned about 2.1 docs being made available with 2.03 docs, then isn't 
it enough to note, in very clear and visual terms, what content applies 
to what branch? The 2.1 docs we have are very good. I think they help 
users understand some of the great stuff that is going on in the HEAD 
branch. As long as they are warned, I don't see the problem.


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Re: Samples from HEAD broken?

2002-06-27 Thread Diana Shannon

On Thursday, June 27, 2002, at 01:00  PM, Enke, Michael wrote:

 Stephan Michels wrote:

 I noticed that the samples doesn't work anymore? I think the reason
 are the changes for the bug://10277 (mime-type).

 Long time ago I noticed the same and Diana Shannon wrote that
 there is a patch but nobody has time to apply it :-(

I don't think I made this statement.

I too have noticed the problem, in HEAD and release, for samples 
included under webapp/mount/ only today. I've been working with samples 
in both areas for a few days now (with frequent updates) so it appears 
to be relatively new issue. Out of time to troubleshoot ATM...

-- Diana

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Use Cases [was Re: [RT] SpitScript - B-Logic that doesn't suck ( Re: [RT] Flowmaps)]

2002-06-25 Thread Diana Shannon

On Sunday, June 23, 2002, at 12:25  PM, Daniel Fagerstrom wrote:

snip /

 So what use cases do we have?

 * It should definitely be easy to write wizards in a flow description
 I believe this is the case for flowscripts (see, 
 details), but on the other hand this could be done in a much smaller and
 more specialized language. Ivelin and Torsten listed some requirements 
 wizards, IIRC.

 * Shopping carts? This will be possible when Ovidiu (or someone else) 
 added variables that are accessible across different flowscript 

 * Anything more?

I'm trying to imagine what it would be like to use the same sitemap 
(view) and same content (model) with different flowscripts. Here's some 
*very* preliminary thoughts on how I might apply flowscripts to a real 
world need (based on an even more preliminary understanding of what 
might be possible).

Use Case Idea 1
what: games, simulations, decision support webapps

model: e.g., simulation model of an ecosystem
- view: sitemap pipelines, presenting useful views of ecosystem (status, 
history, impacts, etc.)
- controller: flowscripts
- flowscript variations - different webapps
   (a) single-user simulation game (users interact with model over a 
period of time)
   (b) multi-user game, similar to (a) but different players (characters 
with different roles) had different flow scripts
   (c) simulation tool (not a game) which shows results of policies over 
   (d) decision support tool with feedback about policy decisions 
(flowscripts could be even be granularized based a a field of concern, 
e.g. a farmer may want different advice than a logger)

Note: I know you're probably thinking, these all could use different 
views (sitemaps) as well. While this may be true, in my experience, 
there is a lot of view overlap among these seemingly different 

Use Case Idea 2:
what: learning tools

model: learning content
view: document pages, quiz pages, feedback pages, report pages, etc.
controller: flowscripts - same tools, different audiences and users 
with varying learning levels
   (a) basic, intermediate, advanced flowscripts (or grade-level, 
professional concern) for different levels of ability  (Some learners 
need reinforcement when they struggle with concepts, other don't.) This 
could be dynamically generated, of course.
   (b) different flowscripts based on context of use (how much time 
available, professional needs, etc.)
   (c) different flowscripts (for future continuations) generated 
dynamically (or by a teacher, e.g.) based on a student's past 

On the other hand, once you have a great set of flowscripts, you could 
use them with different sitemaps and different models as well. With SoC, 
the possibilities seems almost unlimited for extremely valuable reuse.

Is this overkill for a flowscript?


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2002-06-15 Thread Diana Shannon

I am working on a How-To for the command line. To get started, I had to 
deal with a few issues described below.

First of all, I just committed a patch for which now reflects the 
revised lib directory structure of 2.03 and HEAD. (Note that run.bat 
already reflects the correct directory structure.)

To test, I typed:

./ -help

in both 2.03 and 2.1 branches. This worked on my setup (OSX 10.1, Java 
1.3.1). Please crosscheck on other Unix flavors.

I then performed a command line static build. I simply did a regular 
docs build (./ clean docs), deleted the html files in 
/build/cocoon/docs and then ran

./ -c build/cocoon/documentation -C 
build/cocoon/documentation/cocoon.xconf -d build/cocoon/docs -w 
build/cocoon/work index.html

This worked on 2.03, but it failed on 2.1.

 From the logs, it looks like the context directory flag (-c) is received:

DEBUG   2002-06-15 11:54:21.183 [ ] (): Getting handle to destination 
directory 'build/cocoon/docs'
DEBUG   2002-06-15 11:54:21.365 [ ] (): Getting handle to working 
directory 'build/cocoon/work'
DEBUG   2002-06-15 11:54:21.368 [ ] (): Getting handle to context 
directory 'build/cocoon/documentation'

However, later on in the log, it appears the context is not resolved 

DEBUG   2002-06-15 11:55:42.831 [manager ] (): Resolving 'sitemap.xmap' 
with base 'null' in context 'file:/Users/ds/cvs-apps/cvs-HEAD-
DEBUG   2002-06-15 11:55:42.833 [manager ] (): Resolved to systemID 
DEBUG   2002-06-15 11:55:42.857 [manager ] (): Making URL from 
ERROR   2002-06-15 11:55:42.895 [sitemap ] (): Failed to load sitemap 
from file:/Users/ds/cvs-apps/cvs-HEAD-c2/xml-cocoon2/sitemap.xmap
org.apache.cocoon.ResourceNotFoundException: Resource not found.: 
org.apache.excalibur.source.SourceNotFoundException: Resource not found 

When I changed the path to sitemap file in 
build/cocoon/documentation/cocoon.xconf from
   sitemap file=sitemap.xmap check-reload=yes logger=sitemap/

to make it relative to (still sitting in the root cvs directory)

sitemap file=build/cocoon/documentation/sitemap.xmap check-
reload=yes logger=sitemap/

it worked with 2.1.

Should I file this as a bug?

-- Diana

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Re: [doc] links in misc. emails

2002-06-13 Thread Diana Shannon

On Wednesday, June 12, 2002, at 04:04  PM, Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:

 Diana Shannon wrote:

 1. How can we change the FAQ pointer, a signature on cocoon-user 
 to point to the new FAQ location:

 Hmmm, I really don't know. You might want to ask to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 (which is the people taking care of the ASF mail infrastructure)

Pier already fixed this. :-)



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Re: XMLForms and Flowmap

2002-06-13 Thread Diana Shannon

On Wednesday, June 12, 2002, at 06:31  PM, Daniel Fagerstrom wrote:

 Feel free to ask if you need further clarification about my integration

What *I'm* most interested in is a statement you made a while ago on 
this list about the difficulties students can have learning about 
continuations, from your direct experience teaching continuations. Do 
you have any suggestions for the doc effort in this regard? In what 
aspects do students have problems: understanding the concept, applying 
them to real-world situations, etc.? I've read up on continuations, 
generally, but so many existing docs are tied to Scheme implementations 
(which could frighten users, as has also been discussed). Can you point 
to any existing teaching resources that you use? Care to donate anything 
of your own, even a teaching outline? Any tips?

Look how much attention XMLForm has already received, simply as a result 
of the XMLForm Wizard How-To being published to release and live site, 
announced, etc. ... If anyone feels their work/component is languishing 
in HEAD, please reconsider what a focused, user-friendly How-To can do 
for it. If you need help writing, contact me. Perhaps we can set up team 
writing efforts.


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Re: Cocoon dictionnary.

2002-06-13 Thread Diana Shannon

On Thursday, June 13, 2002, at 08:06  AM, Steven Noels wrote:

 we would be able to host this.

Great news, Steven.

 this seems however like a core documentation effort. Could you please 
 synchronize your efforts with Diana's and Forrest's? The last thing we 
 want to happen is the documentation effort being fragmented.

If we work separately: fragmentation and diminished overall value to 
If we work together: the sum is greater than the parts, i.e. value-added 
for users.

My hopes:

1. That wiki results (from any wiki effort, not just a dictionary one) 
can be harvested, edited, and incorporated into core Cocoon docs on a 
periodic basis. This helps the user experience by saving time (when they 
lack time to navigate though wiki-like stream-of-consciousness posts, 
just to find a definition.) It also facilitates i18n efforts. In other 
words, I want the effort to be owned by the community, in the fullest 
sense, so it can be used for other documentation/learning tool needs, 
without restriction.

2. That developers provide some feedback. I too am seeing a lot of 
confusing issues over descriptions of components behavior within 
existing docs. I think this is due, in part, to the Java object model 
not always having direct analogies to the user experience (which may not 
include examining the code for answers).

One example (there are many others like this):
1. Quote:
FragmentExtractor is a transformer-generator pair which is designed to 
allow sitemap managers to extract certain nodes from a SAX stream and 
move them into a separate pipeline. The main use for  this is to extract 
inline SVG images and serve them up through a separate pipeline, usually 
serializing them to PNG or JPEG format first.

Questions a new user may ask:
Sitemap manager: Is this a person or a Cocoon component?
Separate pipeline: Where/what is this separate pipeline? But what if I 
have only one pipeline declared in my sitemap?

3. That we implement, when possible, an XML-based 
approach/implementation of wiki, to facilitate integration with Forrest 
documentation architecture.

-- Diana

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Re: Some broken links in http://localhost:8080/cocoon/samples/welcome

2002-06-13 Thread Diana Shannon

On Thursday, June 13, 2002, at 10:03  AM, Enke, Michael wrote:

 -All links in More Samples (except Portal and Authentication) are 
 -Scratchpad sample doesn't work
 -Slides link (Documentation) is broken
 -Documentation (Form Handling) is broken
 -Control Flow: If I follow the links, the page looks buggy: The menu is 
  by a white empty box
 -Request Page (System Tools and Pages) gives back a xml document (and 
 not html)
 -Status Page (System Tools and Pages) has no values, only the headings

A *number* of these problems are fixed by recent patches submitted via 
Bugzilla by Andrew Savory. I'm sorry I haven't had time yet to apply 
them as I'm buried with non-Sample documentation work in progress. 
Anyone else available to apply Andrew's timely contributions? Ivelin, 
there are fixes for FormHandling sample which you may want to review.

-- Diana

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Re: AcceptSelector

2002-06-12 Thread Diana Shannon

On Wednesday, June 12, 2002, at 01:30  PM, Michael Hartle wrote:

 How should I provide the source code so you can check it out? (I'm new
 to cocoon-dev.)

 This sounds interesting, so just go to Bugzilla and add it as a bug 
 for Cocoon 2, prefixing your Summary with [PATCH] and adding your 
 code as a zipped attachment; that way, anyone is able to check out your 
 code, it will be listed in the regular Patch mail to the cocoon-dev 
 list and if there are no objections, your addition can be added to the 
 CVS by a committer who has the time to do so.

 For an example of such a [PATCH] bug for Bugzilla, see To file your 
 patch, go to You 
 will have to create an account, but this goes fast and doesn't hurt ;)

Please check out Cocoon's fine How-To, written by our very own David 


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[doc] Call for doc contributors!

2002-06-11 Thread Diana Shannon

[FYI: sorry for xpost]

Did you know you can help improve Cocoon's documentation?

Right now, in the most recent CVS release branch and on the live site, 
you'll find the resources you need to contribute new FAQs, How-Tos, and 
Code Snippets to the Cocoon project. Specifically:

   How to author an FAQ (or set of FAQs)

   How to author a How-To

   How to author a Code Snippet

   How to submit your contribution via Bugzilla

   How to submit your contribution as a Patch

We are taking a deliberately granular approach to facilitate 
contributions from the widest range of Cocoon users. For example, once 
guidelines are written, we will announce other types of documents you 
can also contribute: Recipes, Success Stories, Tutorials, Live Examples, 
etc. In other words, this is only the *beginning* of a new, 
community-oriented approach to documentation development.

Cocoon is an immensely sophisticated piece of software. At times, 
however, we all know it can be difficult to grok certain aspects of it. 
Thus, the more voices that help to explain Cocoon, the better for 
everyone. Carve out a niche for yourself as an author. If your 
contribution is useful to others, it will be published the Cocoon's web 
site! Just as Cocoon provides endless possibilities to build cool stuff, 
it also affords us an unlimited amount of creative space to write about 

Take a minute to imagine how advanced the Cocoon community would become 
if each and every Cocoon user took the time to contribute a single, 
unique FAQ, How-To, or Snippet.

Think about it.


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[doc] links in misc. emails

2002-06-09 Thread Diana Shannon

1. How can we change the FAQ pointer, a signature on cocoon-user emails, 
to point to the new FAQ location:

2. Could we add links to the Bugzilla and Patch How-Tos within
the autogenerated PATCH QUEUE email? If so, here is some
proposed language.

patch HOWTO
Send patches to
specifying [PATCH] in the summary.
For more information on submitting a patch, read:
Bugzilla sends a mail automatically to this list.
Reviewers will mark it FIXED there when applied.
Patches not sent to Bugzilla will not be reviewed.
For more information on using Bugzilla, read:

-- Diana

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[doc] live site update report

2002-06-08 Thread Diana Shannon

I just updated (with the help of Vadim on the live site. 
It is now synced with the release and HEAD branch docs with the 
exception of a few docs in src/documentation/xdoc/developing/. Carsten 
(or someone else) will have to inform me about a few issues there.

One way to get some sense the changes is to view the edited diff 
(provided below) between HEAD and release branches, which I did before I 
synced HEAD and release docs. This of course doesn't capture updates 
other committers may have made last week to the release branch (which 
are *greatly* appreciated). Diffs of html files (between the release 
build and the live site repository) are misleading. Simple navigational 
changes within a section menu will impact *all* files in that directory, 
suggesting changes which aren't substantively relevant.

I will announce the doc effort publicly on both cocoon lists on Monday.

-- Diana

src/documentation/xdocs/faq (plus many individual files)
src/documentation/xdocs/howto (plus many individual files)
src/documentation/xdocs/snippet (plus many individual files)
src/documentation/xdocs/tutorial (plus many individual files)


deletions (refactored elsewhere)

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Re: [doc] live site update report

2002-06-08 Thread Diana Shannon

On Saturday, June 8, 2002, at 12:43  PM, John Morrison wrote:


 How did you build the files?

To clarify, I sync all docs in head and release branches below 

Then I perform ./ clean docs within the release branch 
xml-cocoon2 directory.

 isn't correct.  This should have been replaced by the file
 generated by check-jars...

How is this generated?



 -Original Message-
 From: Diana Shannon [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Saturday, 8 June 2002 5:32 pm
 Subject: [doc] live site update report

 I just updated (with the help of Vadim on the live 
 It is now synced with the release and HEAD branch docs with the
 exception of a few docs in src/documentation/xdoc/developing/. Carsten
 (or someone else) will have to inform me about a few issues there.

 One way to get some sense the changes is to view the edited diff
 (provided below) between HEAD and release branches, which I did 
 before I
 synced HEAD and release docs. This of course doesn't capture updates
 other committers may have made last week to the release branch (which
 are *greatly* appreciated). Diffs of html files (between the release
 build and the live site repository) are misleading. Simple navigational
 changes within a section menu will impact *all* files in that 
 suggesting changes which aren't substantively relevant.

 I will announce the doc effort publicly on both cocoon lists on Monday.

 -- Diana

 src/documentation/xdocs/faq (plus many individual files)
 src/documentation/xdocs/howto (plus many individual files)
 src/documentation/xdocs/snippet (plus many individual files)
 src/documentation/xdocs/tutorial (plus many individual files)


 deletions (refactored elsewhere)

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Re: [doc] live site update report

2002-06-08 Thread Diana Shannon

On Saturday, June 8, 2002, at 12:54  PM, Diana Shannon wrote:

 isn't correct.  This should have been replaced by the file
 generated by check-jars...

 How is this generated?

It's not a build target for the release branch. Is it ok to include the 
result generated for HEAD on the live site?


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Re: [doc] live site update report

2002-06-08 Thread Diana Shannon

On Saturday, June 8, 2002, at 12:49  PM, Andrew Savory wrote:

 Question: should the documentation on the site reflect HEAD, the stable
 development branch (2.0.3-dev), or the latest stable release? I'd 
 either of the latter two, as most people I assume will be using the 
 release, and will expect stable documentation to go with it?

I'm adding notices at the top of any doc related to 2.1. It's the same 
notice that appears in the WARNING note in the 2.1 branch. It's 
impossible, otherwise, to manually keep the branches in sync. You'd have 
different book.xml files, etc. I'm afraid it would introduce too many 
other problems. There aren't too many 2.1 docs, right now, only a 


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Re: [doc] live site update report

2002-06-08 Thread Diana Shannon

On Saturday, June 8, 2002, at 01:41  PM, Andrew Savory wrote:

 I'm adding notices at the top of any doc related to 2.1. It's the same
 notice that appears in the WARNING note in the 2.1 branch.

 Ah, that makes a lot of sense, and should help keep track of new 
 etc for people upgrading from older versions. RT: maybe it's worth
 flagging versions (eg Since: 2.0.1 or Since: 2.1) on new 
 (or documentation about new features)? Although I guess the changelog is
 used for this, too...

No, it's not a RT at all, you're quite on target. It would be nice to 
include meta info in documents which relate to any component/version 
dependencies. It would be nice to automatically flag (during 
transformation)  any doc which was last checked against an alpha or 
old release. This will inform/alert users (until an 
author/editor/reviewer could update the content and/or last checked 
status). FAQs, in particular, get out of date rather quickly.


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Re: [doc] live site update report

2002-06-08 Thread Diana Shannon

On Saturday, June 8, 2002, at 12:43  PM, John Morrison wrote:

 How did you build the files?

I built from the release branch, once I synced docs from head.


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Re: FW: faq on cocoon-homepage

2002-06-08 Thread Diana Shannon

On Saturday, June 8, 2002, at 02:51  PM, Pier Fumagalli wrote:


 [ ]
 The links to the faq section are linked wrong. They point to faq.html,
 but it's faq/

 Regards, Daniele

I'm not sure what links she's referring to, but Vadim astutely pointed 
out the reference to faq.html at the bottom of each and every 
cocoon-user email. I've added a redirect page for faq.html (points to 
faq/index.html) to the live site repository. Now I need Vadim to update 
the web site, one *last* time... ;-)


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Re: FW: faq on cocoon-homepage

2002-06-08 Thread Diana Shannon

On Saturday, June 8, 2002, at 09:49  PM, Diana Shannon wrote:

 [ ]
 The links to the faq section are linked wrong. They point to faq.html,
 but it's faq/

 Regards, Daniele

 I'm not sure what links she's referring to, but Vadim astutely pointed 
 out the reference to faq.html at the bottom of each and every 
 cocoon-user email. I've added a redirect page for faq.html (points to 
 faq/index.html) to the live site repository. Now I need Vadim to update 
 the web site, one *last* time... ;-)


Actually, Carsten (thanks!) just added a redirect for faqs.html (still 
listed at the bottom of cocoon-user emails), and I added a redirect 
(just got my privs working) for faq.html, which was the old link, noted 
above by Daniele.

Do we really need to add redirects for all moved docs? I understand the 
need for faq, etc., but what about recently moved (and very recently 
committed docs) like xmlform-wizard tutorial? This may be a PITA to 
manage down the road, especially if we refactor some of the core docs, 
now spread across several guides.


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Re: Wiki documentation system

2002-06-07 Thread Diana Shannon

On Friday, June 7, 2002, at 05:37  AM, Jeremy Quinn wrote:

 If we had something similar to BugZilla for documentation, that would 
 accept emailed doc updates, then the work of the editor could take 
 place on the servers set up by the users, and posted to the Doc 
 BugZilla for checking and if appropriate, inclusion.

 The documentation pages could be rendered (on users machines) with 
 links that allow users to bring up a form to add comment|add patch|etc. 
 This form would be processed on their own server, then sent in to Doc 

Agreed. IMO, you'd need to accept both comments (small amounts of text 
added to the bottom of a document) and doc revisions (changing existing 
content). Comments don't require as much technical or editorial review 
to decide relevancy. Revisions may sit in Bugzilla for a while.

I submitted a sample of how we could handle comment submissions to 
Forrest (within a larger community contribution framework) on the 
server. Once it's in Bugzilla, the comment file is simply added to the 
directory of the document in question. A naming convention associates it 
with the document. A pipeline with a directory generator discovers the 
association and adds links to such comments at the bottom of the 
document in question. It makes it easy for committers to just throw 
comment files into document directories. Ken made the suggestion we 
could add a form (simplified Bugzilla interface) to add the ability to 
collect comments on the live site (as well as in the distro). You'd need 
to log in to Bugzilla, and come back, prior to submitting, of course.

Still, revisions which impact the whole document could be tricky absent 
the locking associated with tradition CMS. How would you handle 
multiple, simultaneous revisions (impacting the whole file, not just a 
comment) made to the same document?


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Re: Cocoon article on JDJ

2002-06-07 Thread Diana Shannon

On Friday, June 7, 2002, at 12:56  PM, Mikhail Fedotov wrote:

 We are perfectly aware of the issues with documentation

 ...and I'm aware that you are aware of it, sorry for
 bothering. :) But...

 and we are moving as fast as we can to improve things,
 believe me, also along with the forrest effort.

 I'm pretty sure that things will be better in time and
 the fact that more and more articles come up is a
 pretty good sign of it anyway.

 ...but I wanted to say that if there will be _simple_
 standardised way to document _anything_ in Cocoon in the
 same manner (no matter if it is db action or xsp
 logicheet), we can create simple encyclopedy with short
 descriptions for all basic and advanced cocoon2 elements,
 and things will more faster.

 I think it would be highly reasonable to create alphabetic
 dictionary of all cocoon elements no matter there they
 belongs with short descriptions of them. It should be very
 easy to maintaint it, that's why it is a good thing.

 This seems to be an important point - if there will be easy
 way to create simple and short documentation, more people
 will write it, and there will be more documentation.

I agree. So why not start *now*. In head and release branches already, 
and coming soon on the the live site, you will find everything you need 
to make a simple and short but very valuable contribution to Cocoon 
docs. Contribute an FAQ, a Code Snippet, a How-To. They are deliberately 
granular, designed to serve as building blocks for more sophisticated 
content later. You'll find How-To instructions on how to do 
everything -- authoring, patch preparation, submitting via Bugzilla. 
You'll even find a few examples to get you started.

Right now, we're making the best use of existing resources, what we can 
use *now*: Bugzilla, cvs, Cocoon, XML, and best of all, people (editors, 
other authors, reviewers, committers) who care. Trust me, you'll find it 
quick and easy, once you take a few minutes to learn how.  Why wait for 
Wiki when we can start writing now? I know many are excited about the 
prospect of using technologies like Wiki, topic maps, CMS, etc. Well, 
*none* of it will make a big difference without content. As a hungry 
user myself, I can't get too much content about Cocoon. I don't care how 
it arrives, how it is transformed, or how it is managed. I just want 

You know what's probably going to make the biggest short term difference 
with Cocoon documentation? Well, it's based on a 500+ year-old 
technology known as the printing press. As a user, I can't wait to read 
Carsten and Matthew's (and other) forthcoming books. Still, *everyone* 
can contribute docs, and you can do it right now. Carve out a niche for 
yourself as an author. If it's useful to others, your work will be 
published the Cocoon's web site! Just as Cocoon provides endless 
possibilities to build cool stuff, it also affords us an unlimited 
amount of creative space to write about it.

Why wait?


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Re: Paginating Content

2002-06-06 Thread Diana Shannon

*Thanks* Stefano. Coming soon to a How-To near you...


On Thursday, June 6, 2002, at 08:51  AM, Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:

 Konstantin Piroumian wrote:

 Hm... Does anybody have an idea on how to paginate the content?

 Ok, damn it, I don't have time to make mark this up, but since it's the
 content that is useful, here's a small tutorial for the Paginator.

- 0 -

 Paginator Transformer

 classname: org.apache.cocoon.transformation.paginatation.Paginator
 location: scratchpad (available in both cocoon 2.1-dev and 2.0.3-dev)

 Design idea

 The paginator is a 'FilterTransformer' on pagination steroids. It works
 filtering SAX events things out and counting page.

 The design isn't very efficient since it has to process the entire file
 to extract a single page. It works nicely with few tens of pages, but I
 would seriously suggest *against* using it for books or very big

 The good news is that its cacheable, so if the document doesn't change
 and the same page is requested, there is no need to reprocess the

 Anyway, for static generation, all this doesn't really matter.

 A simple example of use

 Suppose you have an XML file like this


 and you want to paginate this having 3 b elements per page. In order
 to achieve this, you write a simple pagesheet (which contains the
 instructions for the filter, much like a stylesheet gives instructions
 to an xslt processor) like this:

 ?xml version=1.0?
 pagesheet xmlns=;
   count type=element name=b num=3/

 then you connect the two with a sitemap snippet like this:

map:match pattern=page(*)
 map:generate src=document.xml/
 map:transform type=paginate src=pagesheets/images.xml
   map:parameter name=page value={2}/
 map:serialize type=xml/

 and accessing the URI page(1) yields

   page:page xmlns:page=;

 which can be easily transformed into something more meaningful.

 Note that the transformer processes all the pages to obtain the 'total'.
 There is no way around this.

 Adding navigation

 The problem with XSLT-based pagination is that the logic is very complex
 to define in XSLT and is rarely reusable across different pagination
 needs. This was the main reason for the creation of a custom components
 for this.

 But since we have a full blown pagesheet language, there are a few other
 things that we can make the Paginator do, most important, navigation.

 For example, with this other pagesheet

 ?xml version=1.0?
 pagesheet xmlns=;
   count type=element name=b num=3/
   link type=unit num=1/

 indicates that the transformer must understand how the page was encoded
 in the given URI and provide a link to the pages +/- 1 position, if they
 are available.

 So, using the same environment as before we get

   page:page xmlns:page=;
page:link page=2 type=next uri=page(2)/

 which indicates

  1) there is no page 0, so no link is created.
  2) the link goes to page 2, the type is 'next' (useful for
 visualization) and the URI is page(2) (useful for linking without
 XSLT-specific logic).

 NOTE: the URI is re-encoded using the same pattern, this paginator
 assumes that the 'round brakets' are used to identify page numbering.

 Now, without changing anything, requesting page(2) would yield

   page:page xmlns:page=;
page:link page=1 type=prev uri=page(1)/
page:link page=3 type=next uri=page(3)/

 while page(3) would yield:

   page:page xmlns:page=;
page:link page=2 type=prev uri=page(2)/

 NOTE: here there is only one b because the original document doesn't
 contain enough elements to fill the page entirely. It's the modulo of
 the division.

 A real-life example

 Here are a few pagesheets which are a little more complex:

 Paginating the results from DirectoryGenerator:

 ?xml version=1.0?
 pagesheet xmlns=;
   count type=element name=file
 namespace=; num=16/
   link type=unit num=2/
   link type=range value=5/

 This says:

  1) paginate 16 files per page

Re: Wiki documentation system

2002-06-06 Thread Diana Shannon

On Thursday, June 6, 2002, at 03:53  PM, Jeremy Quinn wrote:

 This gives me wild thoughts, we could make an editor, included in the 
 standard build, which provides a locally served form-based interface 
 which allows cocoon users to submit documentation/doc-
 updates/doc-patches/recipes etc. to DocZilla as XML, via email ;)

 ie. if you have a working cocoon server, you can submit docs to the 
 Cocoon project.

I agree. I think the dynamic capabilities inherent in Cocoon's 
distribution are underutilized. I'd also like to use it for more dynamic 
How-Tos, something that would extend existing examples.


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Re: [docs]: Who we are

2002-06-05 Thread Diana Shannon

On Wednesday, June 5, 2002, at 07:35  AM, Carsten Ziegeler wrote:

 Hi Team,

 I propose that we split up the rather long list of committers in the
 hall of fame document into active committers and Emeritus Committers
 like many other projects (e.g. Axis or Struts) do.

 In addition we could add a short bio/note from each committer as well
 or at least a link to a page containing this.

 What do you think?

I think it's an excellent idea.


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Re: [docs]: Who we are

2002-06-05 Thread Diana Shannon

On Wednesday, June 5, 2002, at 08:44  AM, Carsten Ziegeler wrote:

 Though, if having so many formats is not contradictory to the
 Forrest vision
 then I am +1 for it.

 We could do a simple document consisting of a table, of course. 
 Having a
 specific DTD however ensures we have a common information structure
 across all XML Apache sub-projects, which is part of the Forrest 

 I think we should simply use the usual dtd. It available, can be used
 immediatly and offers all possibilites we need.


Let's keep our eyes on the prize -- CONTENT.

Steven, the problem being: all new dtds are supposed to work with 
document-v11. Doesn't that unnecessarily delay these kinds of 
documentation efforts? As you know, I'm struggling with similar issues 
with other dtds. I don't want to do *anything* to delay Forrest 
adoption, but we also need docs...


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Re: [docs]: Who we are

2002-06-05 Thread Diana Shannon

On Wednesday, June 5, 2002, at 09:17  AM, Steven Noels wrote:

 I upgraded the entire *main* site yesterday evening to
 the new doc-v11.dtd and put it inside Forrest as a test case.

And I am incredibly grateful for this effort.

 documents were *ugly*, while Cocoon's xdocs seem structurally pretty
 well shaped up to me (to easily automate this transformation process).
 So I assume migrating to doc-v11 will not be too much of a problem for
 the Cocoon project.

I don't think so either. Still, Carsten has time and the interest to 
write this doc now. If transformation will indeed be quite automated, we 
can update his work later. Clearly I'm saying this, fully realizing this 
approach may shift additional work on my shoulders when we transform 
*all* docs. Still, my priority is content.

 The only outstanding issues I have with doc-v11 is hyperlinks, the title
 element/attribute discussion and some personal feelings about the poor
 table markup. Both are currently under discussion within the Forrest
 group, one has been raised as a vote, so we'll get somewhere sooner than

 I posted a vote on this subject some weeks ago
 (, and was
 pretty much amazed with the amount of responses I received :-(

Understanding the implications of an issue aren't always evident when 
you're not dealing directly with the matter. I think everyone was 
trusting your judgment, which I continue to do.

 Aren't we a bit too conservative on transitioning Cocoon to Forrest?

I'm ready to start, but in a partial way. FAQs and How-Tos, as recently 
proposed on Forrest. I'm not ready *yet* to deal with all docs, like the 
one Carsten is proposing. I'll start testing this approach, as you are 


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Re: [doc] name for new content type?

2002-06-04 Thread Diana Shannon

On Tuesday, June 4, 2002, at 05:37  AM, Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:

 I'm approaching this very granularly. For new stuff, consider writing 
 least a few FAQS (it will save you time on Cocoon users). Also, 
 writing a few snippets. If you have time, write a How-To. With this
 basic information, others can come along and extend your work: write
 more FAQs, snippets, and how-tos, even more complicated How-Tos (which
 link to less complicated How-Tos). Later, those with the big picture
 can combine some of this material into a Tutorial or Guide. Providing
 small granular ways to contribute should help users participate.

 Sounds great.

 What about recipes?

Oops. I didn't *intend* to leave it out... it's just so new, not 
permanently fixed in my mental model yet. Don't worry. I love it.

I also neglected to mention dynamic examples found in distribution. I'd 
also like to develop dynamic how-tos and tutorials, learning tools with 
hooks to webapp functionality (only in distro). My idea is that a 
dynamic howtos/tutorials would use resources like slash-edit to check 
the work of people walking through a learning process. Resulting files 
could be written to directories, governed by sub sitemaps e.g., where 
learners could incrementally build up the desired result of their 
howto/tutorial. It wouldn't work for all topics, but it might prove 
useful for others.


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Re: [report] xml-site update

2002-06-03 Thread Diana Shannon

On Monday, June 3, 2002, at 05:23  AM, Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:

 Vadim Gritsenko wrote:

 Ahhh... So it appears that you have account privileges on

 Every committer has. Otherwise, you won't be able to commit your 
 (AFAIU this system).

 Nop. CVS and HTTPD reside on different machines with different account

 Diana, I'll have [EMAIL PROTECTED] give you account priviledges on so that you can update the site yourself directly.


Deal. Thanks. I'll need a few tips ... :)


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