[CGUYS] What happened to the headers?

2010-02-15 Thread chrper...@aol.com
Can someone explain what happened to the headers in Digest mode? I  
miss being able to easily follow a subject, or even see who posted (if  
no name is included in the post), for any given topic. I really  
treasure being part of this list, but it's getting too confusing to  
follow most conversations the way it's coming across lately.

Mical Wimoth Carton

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[CGUYS] 1and1.com is the best!

2009-11-19 Thread chrper...@aol.com
After yet another disaster with my mailing list because of a problem  
that ez webhost had, rather than something I initiated, I took Tom's  
advice and signed on with 1and1.com despite the fact that my ez  
webhost account runs through May 2010. 1and1 has been incredibly  
helpful. I was on the phone doing set-up for about 2 hours with them  
last night. The gal who helped me (from the Philippines, no less) was  
polite, knowledgeable, and incredibly helpful. We uploaded all my web  
files to the site and set-up 2 mailing lists in that time.  I'm really  
looking forward to working with them. Having telephone support is  
making my life much, much easier! I'm very grateful for having been  
pointed in 1and1.com's direction. It looks like they will really make  
my life and internet interaction easier.

Mical Wimoth Carton

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Re: [CGUYS] Keyboard problem

2009-09-09 Thread chrper...@aol.com
I don't know if Apple will help you with this, but there's plenty you  
can try yourself.

You can pry off the keys pretty easily and see how much dirt / hair /  
smutz / is under each of them. Use something gentle to pry with. The  
keys should simply lift off easily, and then press back on. Not  
difficult to do. You can blow gently on the area to get the grunge  
out, use a soft brush to move things out of the area, etc. and see if  
this doesn't fix your difficulties.

If this doesn't fix the problem, get some canned air from Radio  
Shack, or Office Depot, or Staples. Try cleaning under and around the  
keys that no longer work with the canned air.

As above, get some tuner cleaner from Radio Shack, etc. and spray  
under and around the keys that no longer work.

Or you may want to do this in reverse order, using tuner cleaner  
followed by canned air to clean and then dry off all contacts.

It's been reported that you can also wash these keyboards in the  
dishwasher. -- By themselves -- Without dish detergent. Simply run a  
cycle with the keyboard (keys facing down) and then let dry -- a  
looong time -- and reconnect. I've never needed to try this, but I've  
read many times that it works.

If all else fails, I think replacement keyboards are pretty  
inexpensive these days, but tuner cleaner and canned air have always  
worked for me.

Mical Wimoth Carton

From: Jordan jor17...@gmail.com
Date: September 9, 2009 9:31:48 AM EDT
Subject: Keyboard problem

The nice Apple keyboard that I use on the iMac has a problem.  The cde  
and 3 keys have stopped working. Is there anything I can tinker with  
that might fix this? It's a couple years old, but does anyone think  
Apple will do anything for me on this?

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[CGUYS] Mac friendly web host recommendation

2009-09-05 Thread chrper...@aol.com
I am very unhappy with my current webhost. They have no phone access  
when problems arise, and lately they've been causing problems with  
mail list access and web host issues as well.

I know this has been discussed before, but I can't seem to find the  
archived posts. I would like a local host if possible, but I  
definitely am interested in dealing with a Mac friendly host, and one  
with phone help available, at least during business hours.


Mical Wimoth Carton

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Re: [CGUYS] MacFriendly web host recommendation

2009-09-05 Thread chrper...@aol.com
Thanks to all who responded. I'll be checking out the recommendations,  
and I'll let you know what happens if / when / I switch.

I'm currently using ez web-host (http://www.ez-web-hosting.com/). I  
use them to forward various mailing lists, some of which recently  
became in-accessible for some reason. When I asked for help with this  
via a trouble ticket, it took about 5 1/2 hours to get the lists  
accessible again. No explanation, just a note that they were back up.  
Then the CPANEL for another site became inaccessible for some (still)  
unexplained reason. The message I got said that I had too much  
information on the site, but I'm only using about 25% of the space I  
am contracting for. That was fixed a bit faster, but still with no  
explanation. I am not a technically oriented computer user, so I  
find all of this very frustrating, especially when I have to explain  
issues by e-mail and then wait - however long - for a response.

Anyway, thanks! This week-end's project is to figure out where -   
when - to move my sites.


Mical Wimoth Carton

On Sep 5, 2009, at 12:29 PM, COMPUTERGUYS-L automatic digest system  

From: TPiwowar t...@tjpa.com
Date: September 5, 2009 11:04:38 AM EDT
Subject: Re: Mac friendly web host recommendation

On Sep 5, 2009, at 9:42 AM Sep 5, chrper...@aol.com wrote:
I am very unhappy with my current webhost. They have no phone  
access when problems arise, and lately they've been causing  
problems with mail list access and web host issues as well.

To be fair you need to tell us the host you find so terrible. Hosts  
who provide bad service will get away with it if you don't share  
your displeasure.

I know this has been discussed before, but I can't seem to find the  
archived posts. I would like a local host if possible, but I  
definitely am interested in dealing with a Mac friendly host, and  
one with phone help available, at least during business hours.

These days I find that the typical good hosting service is  
sufficiently Mac friendly that I don't need to look for any special  
Mac attention. If the service runs on Apache servers you can expect  
both Macs and PCs to be handled about equally. After all the Web  
belongs to Unix, not M$. So just avoid clueless hosting services  
that litter their home pages with M$ trademarks.

I'm doing very well with a big hosting company: 1and1.com.  They are  
international so their call centers span the globe. That means I can  
get help 24/7/365. In most cases the service from the distant call  
centers is just fine and when I call it is not to ask easy  
questions. Calls usually get answered by a human tech after just a  
few rings. The first person you speak to will be a tech and not a  
level-1 type who just does triage. The first person you speak to  
will probably be the last person you speak to. The basic service is  
priced low and is completely adequate. Their control panel lets me  
manage my accounts very easily. They have extensive online help.  
They offer lots of extra services as part of the basic package.  
While they also offer M$-based services to appeal to the ignorant  
masses, their Unix-based services are M$ free. Their help files  
treat M$ and Apple OSs evenhandedly.

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Re: [CGUYS] MacFriendly webhost recommendation

2009-09-05 Thread chrper...@aol.com
I couldn't access my site to do an update, which I thought was urgent.  
I filed an urgent trouble ticket with EZ Webhost, and I received an  
e-mail back within 1/2 hour saying the issue would be resolved soon.  
About 5 hours after receiving their e-mail, I sent them a note,  
responding to their e-mail, and asked how soon soon was. They e- 
mailed back within about 1/2 hour (after 5 hours!) and said the issue  
was resolved, which it was.

I'm never quite sure, when I e-mail with an issue, if my explanation  
is even coherent, and I think I would be much happier with some sort  
of phone support.

Looking at my accounts, though, I find that one runs through May of  
2010, and the other through October of 2010, so it may be a bit before  
I actually make a switch. But I want to be sure, before I switch, that  
I only have to do this one time!

Thanks, again, to everyone, for your suggestions.

Mical Wimoth Carton

On Sep 6, 2009, at 12:00 AM, COMPUTERGUYS-L automatic digest system  

On Sep 5, 2009, at 4:49 PM Sep 5, chrper...@aol.com wrote:

When I asked for help with this via a trouble ticket, it took
about 5 1/2 hours to get the lists accessible again.

I would not consider that to be bad service. To get a report sent in
by email fixed within a few hours is good. There is a good chance
that switching another hosting service would give you even worse
service. Though I would prefer a service provider that does provide
phone support.

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Re: [CGUYS] DTV debacle

2009-06-14 Thread chrper...@aol.com
As previously discussed, we've now tried both Cable (on one tv, with a  
Comcast box) and a home-made antenna. We thought the antenna would  
stop working on 6/12 but, much to our surprise, we still get the same  
number of channels over the air that we got on 6/11 and before. Yes,  
of course we have re-scanned, many, many times. Amazingly, Channel  
26 comes in now, sometimes. We can't tell if it's weather related, or  
if they really boosted power a bit after 6/11. The picture breaks up  
often, disappears for periods of time, etc, but we know it's out there  

I guess we'll end up trying to figure out which TV's we really want to  
watch. Then we'll see if Comcast actually has the mythical DTA boxes  
which they are supposedly going to make available (2 to a household)  
at no additional charge. Because we moaned (or was it screamed) so  
loudly as stations started to disappear a couple of months ago,  
Comcast gave us a deal that makes a switch to Verizon FIOs, now  
available in our area, too costly to contemplate. Maybe next year,  
when our Comcast bill increases.

Meanwhile our analog boxes limp along, getting whatever they get  
directly from Comcast. The cost of a roof antenna (which is working  
well for my dad, who lives just blocks away) is more than a couple of  
Comcast boxes for the foreseeable future, and a switch to FIOS isn't  
in the cards - yet, so I guess we're pretty well stuck. I sure would  
like to know who is benefitting from all this though. Someone must be  
making a mint.


Mical Wimoth Carton

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[CGUYS] CD differences (?)

2009-05-09 Thread chrper...@aol.com
A friend recently posed the following question. Since I know nothing  
about this subject, I'm hoping for an answer from some of our forum  
geeks and guru's. - TIA!

Question: Blank (writeable) CDs can be purchased either as DATA, AUDIO  
or (plain Jane) recordables. I'm  in the process of transcribing my  
vinyl record collection onto CDs, and I discovered that one set of the  
blank CDs that I purchased is labeled DATA.

So the question is 'What happens if I write an audio content to these  
purported data CDs ?

Mical Wimoth Carton

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Re: [CGUYS] OT: Cable Digital TV

2009-05-06 Thread chrper...@aol.com
Thanks very much for the comments, Steve! Interesting that we'll lose  
stations when the UHF to VHF transition takes place.

How do you tell, before you purchase, which antenna will give you the  
most gain?

We'll have to look into the Channel Master 4228. Baltimore has a  
Channel 2, but we don't watch it much.  The channel I'm currently  
trying to get, that I have lost except for the one TV with the Comcast  
box, is WETA, Channel 26, from Washington, DC. We're in Baltimore, so  
I can - sort of - understand that it's hard to receive. But it's on  
the list of stations we should be receiving, but are not.

I'll keep everyone posted as we continue to experiment. Longer cable  
is being purchased now, so that should be installed in a day or two.

Mical Wimoth Carton

From: phartz...@gmail.com phartz...@gmail.com

On Tue, May 5, 2009 at 9:17 PM, chrper...@aol.com  
chrper...@aol.com wrote:

We have also tried replacing our home-made antenna (a la the YouTube
instructions) with an RCA super antenna. Same results whichever  
antenna we
used, so the RCA antenna, with booster, goes back to Walmart  
tomorrow. No

real need to throw away $30 for nothing.

 When June 12 rolls around, a number of the current DTV broadcasts
that are on UHF frequencies, which your home-made antenna is designed
to receive, will switch to VHF frequencies.  That home-made antenna is
not designed to work on VHF.

The next move will be to buy some more antenna cable and try  
extending the

antenna outside, and above the level of our (flat) roof to see what
difference that makes. This is all pretty ridiculous, but at this  
point it's
the principle of the thing. If the antenna works outside the house,  
have to think about whether, or not, we want to get a real  
adjustable roof
antenna for another couple hundred $$$s. What a rip-off this whole  
thing is

turning out to be.

 You will most probably need to get an external antenna if you want
the best reception possible.  This was true even back in the good old
days of nothing but analog TV.  However, you will certainly not have
to spend, as you put it, another couple hundred $$$s  unless you
decide to go fulll tilt from the outset.

 All you will need is a regular VHF/UHF TV antenna.  There is no such
thing as a specially designed HDTV or DTV antenna no matter what the
ads say.  Just get an antenna that has sufficient gain to enable you
to receive whatever stations you can reasonably expect to be able to
receive.  You'll need that cable, but you can get it cheap if you look
around a bit.  A rotator?  Maybe, but you can add that later if you
install now with an update to a rotator at a later date in mind.

 I use the Channel Master 4228 which works well on channels 7 through
69.  This is an 8 bay bowtie antenna, basically designed for high-gain
UHF reception, but providing good VHF coverage down to channel 7.  It
does not work that well on the lower band VHF channels of 2 through 6.
To my knowledge, no TV stations in the DC/Baltimore area are going
broadcast on any channel below 7 anyway after June 12.  Here is a link
to an XLS database of channel assignments for stations all across the



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Re: [CGUYS] OT: Cable Digital TV

2009-05-05 Thread chrper...@aol.com

This can be read On-Topic or Off-Topic as you will.

The saga continues, and continues, and continues: So far we've  
replaced the Apex box with an RCA box. We get a much clearer picture  
with the RCA box, and I like the RCA remote much better than the Apex  
remote, but we only receive one additional station. (Of course, it's  
not WETA.)

We have also tried replacing our home-made antenna (a la the YouTube  
instructions) with an RCA super antenna. Same results whichever  
antenna we used, so the RCA antenna, with booster, goes back to  
Walmart tomorrow. No real need to throw away $30 for nothing.

My husband has also reconfigured our home-made antenna to add a few  
inches (by using longer pieces of coathanger for the legs of the  
antenna). That has boosted our signal so we get an additional 3  
stations. Nothing we want, especially, but 3 more than before. We have  
played with locating the best signal possible inside the house, and  
we've gotten to about 80% signal strength. (The RCA box has very nice  
controls for monitoring this, which is helpful in siting the antenna  
for best reception.)

The next move will be to buy some more antenna cable and try extending  
the antenna outside, and above the level of our (flat) roof to see  
what difference that makes. This is all pretty ridiculous, but at this  
point it's the principle of the thing. If the antenna works outside  
the house, we'll have to think about whether, or not, we want to get a  
real adjustable roof antenna for another couple hundred $$$s. What a  
rip-off this whole thing is turning out to be.

The alternative might (or might not!) be to get an HD tv and hook it  
up to the Comcast cable in our house. The only stopper for that is --  
I don't think the signal strength to any of our tv's will be strong  
enough for them to actually receive digital signals without having  
Comcast come in and re-wire our house (the Comcast cable splits here  
and there as it is fed to various tv's in the house). We had to  
connect the new Comcast box directly to the one TV it's 'feeding' and  
split beyond it for that tv to receive any of the digital signals.  
When we put the splitter between the tv and the box, not only did we  
lose digital signals, but we also lost many of the signals we got  
before adding the box. Frustrating to the max!

Mical Wimoth Carton

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Re: [CGUYS] OT Cable vs HS boxes

2009-05-01 Thread chrper...@aol.com
Just a brief update. We have now reconfigured the hook-up of the  
Comcast Cable box and we are receiving all stations that are included  
in our plan. (Think NO extra's.) We have not yet received the RCA  
converter, but I'm looking forward to trying that in different  
locations, and with different antenna configurations, to see how it  
works as well. This has all taken way too much time and thought. What  
happened to the old days when you bought a TV (or whatever), brought  
it home, plugged it in, and it worked? I'm really missing those  
old days. Needless to say, I was much younger then. :)

Mical Wimoth Carton

On May 1, 2009, at 12:09 PM, COMPUTERGUYS-L automatic digest system  

I have set up several converter boxes for myself, my office and my  
In every case the process was very quick, about 5 minutes. Maybe  
5 minutes to get the converter box's remote to control basic  

for the TV.

What took time ws playing with the antenna. Antennaweb was a big help
because it showed me the direction to the station's broadcast  
The good news in DC is that they are almost all located on the hill  
at Wisconsin and Brandywine. But as I said before, pointing the  

was not a logical process. I did whatever the box's signal meter
indicated was the strongest signal. So once I got a good signal  
from that

collection of stations the job was done and I had my box rescan.

In the end I did lose some stations, but for the stations I did  
get, most
had multiple subchannels. E.g. WETA has 4 channels (unfortunately 1  
seem to be the same program most of the time, I hope they improve  

So despite losing some channels I have more subchannels so more
programming choices in total. I stopped worrying about the stations I

Channels 101-200 is a cable thing. I don't know anything about cable.

BTW, this is not OT. Digital broadcast is definitely about computers.

Odds are you need to buy a Clear QAM converter box for cable- QAM is a
decoding scheme for digital cable systems.  Apparently the cheap  
box program prevented boxes that included QAM decoding from being  

in the coupon program.

I bought a DVD recorder with a Clear QAM tuner from WalMart for around
$150.  All the useful looking QAM decoder settop boxes seem to come in
around $100.  There are dongles for computers and things that are  
less but I

don't see an easy way to use them with your TV.

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Re: [CGUYS] OT: Cable vs. HD boxes

2009-04-30 Thread chrper...@aol.com
The saga continues (of course). We now have an APEX HD converter box  
hooked up to an analog tv, along with our home made antenna. It pulls  
in a few HD over-the-air stations, but not nearly as many as the over- 
the-air lists would indicate. This may be a function of the box, or it  
may be a function of the antenna. Or both, or neither. In any event,  
we have an RCA box on order through an ebay store and will report on  
its functionality once it is received and hooked up.

Meanwhile: We had a 2 year old cable box from Comcast Cable. This  
box  had never been used as we connect directly to Comcast's input  
cable with our analog tv's. We tried for 1 1/2 hours to activate the  
box with Comcast this past Saturday without success. The 1st  
technician (East Indian? Phillipine? don't know and didn't ask)  
switched us to a 2nd technician (American) who spent a great deal of  
time trying to get us up and running with the Comcast box. According  
to the techie, who sounded knowledgeable, the box was defective. (It  
would switch off for no reason, randomly. After playing far too long  
with the box, we all agreed it was futile and that the box needed to  
be returned and replaced with a working box.) That said: Techie #2  
reduced our bill by $40 per month for a year. He also added stations  
101 through 200 for the same time period. As he said, they are very  
well aware of the over-the-air and FIOS issues, and they are breaking  
their backs to keep folks using Comcast. Now here's the tricky part:

Techie #2 also said that we don't really need the Comcast Cable box,  
which provides all sorts of on-demand and other features we will never  
use. He said we should return the defective cable box and pick up two  
DTA converter boxes, available from Comcast at no additional charge to  
our account. So we went to Comcast's offices in White Marsh, MD today  
-- their MD / Baltimore County / headquarters -- to make the swap. We  
spoke with a very nice young lady who said:
#1 -- She doesn't know why the techies are telling folks to pick up  
DTA converter boxes. They don't have any in stock, and they don't know  
if they will ever have any. If they do get these boxes in, which she  
seemed to doubt, but . . . if they do get the boxes, they will be  
available as we were told. The earliest this might happen will be June.
#2 -- We could add HD service to our mix, but it would not get WETA.  
What we need(ed) is the black Comcast Cable box (Model DCT700/US), the  
same as the one we were exchanging as being defective. This will  
provide us with access to WETA -- according to her. Haven't had a  
chance to hook it up yet, so we'll see.

Now: There was a bit of discussion about digital versus hd  
channels. I totally do not understand the difference. Apparently the  
Comcast Cable box will receive digital channels, and these will be  
disappearing from boxes that only receive analog signals as stations  
switch to (Digital? / HD?). I'm very confused by this, as is my  
husband. Any, and all, explanations will be appreciated.

As above, I'll keep you all posted on the continuance of this. If the  
Comcast box receives WETA, we'll all know soon. If not, we'll know  
that too - as will Comcast.

Thanks, as always, for the continuing help.

Mical Wimoth Carton

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Re: [CGUYS] OT: Cable vs HD boxes

2009-04-30 Thread chrper...@aol.com
Thanks, Tom! Progress so far: WETA comes in fine. But lots of other  
channels that we previously received do not come in at all.  so far  
as channels 101 through 200 go, most don't come through, and the ones  
that do are mostly pixelated. The next thing we have to do is check  
the signal to the house to be sure that's not the problem. Then the  
various connections within the house. Then we may just decide to ditch  
Comcast completely and start over with something else. Very, very time  
consuming, and very frustrating too.

Mical Wimoth Carton

Subject: Re: OT: Cable vs. HD boxes

Now: There was a bit of discussion about digital versus hd
channels. I totally do not understand the difference. Apparently the
Comcast Cable box will receive digital channels, and these will be
disappearing from boxes that only receive analog signals as stations
switch to (Digital? / HD?). I'm very confused by this, as is my
husband. Any, and all, explanations will be appreciated.

When you get your digital up and running you will discover that  

programs are broadcast at different resolutions. Some are SD, some HD,
some something in between. The are all digital, but only some are HD.

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Re: [CGUYS] What to look for in digital converter box?

2009-04-27 Thread chrper...@aol.com
I believe that the Insignia box is a Best Buy in-house brand. It's  
about $50 at Best Buy (maybe only $49.99, but . . . ).  Interesting  
that it's the top rated on the one site. If I'd known that over the  
week-end I'd have probably just bought one and given up on the RCA box  
which is basically un-findable anywhere locally (to Baltimore). My dad  
has an Insignia box and is very happy with it, but he also has an  
outside automatic antenna.


Mical Wimoth Carton

*Thanks for posting this.  They seem to (overwhelmingly) like the  
Insignia, but where can you get one?  Amazon is out, Target and  
KMart don't
seem to carry it.  Are all the good brands now gone?  Is this  
another lesson

in the pitfalls of procrastination?


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[CGUYS] OT: Comcast Cable HD

2009-04-23 Thread chrper...@aol.com
Hi All! Thanks to wonderful Comcast Cable here in Baltimore County,  
MD, we have now lost the ability to watch WETA, Channel 26, on any of  
our TV's. We hook directly to cable, not using their 'box,' which  
means we are now losing HD signals as quickly as Comcast can drop  
them. This forces us to buy a conversion box for every TV in the  
house --  we have more than our share, or to stop watching the  
stations that switch.

I have borrowed an HD set-top conversion box to see what's available  
over the air on our tv's. All are pre-HD and I'd rather not go out  
buy all new TV sets, or even one new TV set, as our existing sets work  
fine. However, in reading the instructions that came with the over-the- 
air box, it looks like I also need some type of antenna. Of course, we  
have no rabbit ears or other antenna's, and we don't intend to have  
a rooftop antenna installed just to watch WETA and other stations on  
one or two tv's.

So: Can anyone suggest a place to buy a set-top antenna to work with  
an older TV and an HD conversion box? Or a place to begin looking for  

: If we are forced to get an HD TV in order to see the shows I'm now  
missing, any info on which type of HD TV is best would be appreciated.  
(One with QAM, one without QAM, what the differences are, etc,etc. I'm  
unable to comprehend the info I find over the internet. It's all  
contradictory and confusing.  -- Yes -- i can read the words, I just  
can't understand their meaning.)


Mical Wimoth Carton

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Re: [CGUYS] OT: Comcast Cable HD

2009-04-23 Thread chrper...@aol.com
My thanks to Richard for his wonderful recommendation. We actually had  
everything necessary to build the antenna readily on-hand. Had it  
built in about 15 minutes. Very clear instructions on YouTube, and  
pretty easy to do.

Hooking up the conversion box was a snap once the antenna was built.  
We are getting many channels through the HD box. Sadly, though, WETA  
is not one of them. It is interesting to see what's coming over the  
air, though. This may inspire us to investigate a bit more --  maybe  
even dump Comcast.

FIOS is said to be in our neighborhood now, though I don't think it  
quite is. I'm not interested in the 3-pack Verizon is offering as I  
do not want FIOS telephone service. But if internet (only) is less  
expensive than what Comcast is charging us, we may actually go that  
way soon.

This list is the best! Thanks!

Mical Wimoth Carton

Without more information, I doubt you'll be able to get WETA from your
location without an outdoor antenna. See
http://www.antennaweb.org/aw/welcome.aspx for more info on what
signals are available and what type antenna you'll need.

If you want to try something cheap, you can build this antenna out of
coat hangers:


A neighbor built one and it actually works quite well.

Richard P.

Hi All! Thanks to wonderful Comcast Cable here in Baltimore County,  
MD, we
have now lost the ability to watch WETA, Channel 26, on any of our  
TV's. We
hook directly to cable, not using their 'box,' which means we are  
now losing
HD signals as quickly as Comcast can drop them. This forces us to  
buy a
conversion box for every TV in the house --  we have more than  
our share,

or to stop watching the stations that switch.

I have borrowed an HD set-top conversion box to see what's  
available over
the air on our tv's. All are pre-HD and I'd rather not go out  
buy all new
TV sets, or even one new TV set, as our existing sets work fine.  
However, in
reading the instructions that came with the over-the-air box, it  
looks like
I also need some type of antenna. Of course, we have no rabbit  
ears or
other antenna's, and we don't intend to have a rooftop antenna  

just to watch WETA and other stations on one or two tv's.

So: Can anyone suggest a place to buy a set-top antenna to work  
with an
older TV and an HD conversion box? Or a place to begin looking for  

: If we are forced to get an HD TV in order to see the shows I'm now
missing, any info on which type of HD TV is best would be  
appreciated. (One
with QAM, one without QAM, what the differences are, etc,etc. I'm  
unable to
comprehend the info I find over the internet. It's all  
contradictory and
confusing.  -- Yes -- i can read the words, I just can't  
understand their


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Re: [CGUYS] Now the Word

2009-03-21 Thread chrper...@aol.com
Funny you should ask this, Marcio, as I have a friend who phoned about  
exactly this issue yesterday.

Once you open Word, go to Format, then Font (from the Format  
menu!). Select the settings that you want when you open a new Word  
document, and then select the Default button at the lower left of  
the dialog box. I'm using Word for Mac OS X, but I think this is  
pretty standard for most versions of Word.  Good luck!

Mical Wimoth Carton

Date:Sat, 21 Mar 2009 19:40:31 -0300
From:Marcio m...@ix.netcom.com
Subject: Now the Word...
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

My wife is refusing to use Word 2007. She is lost. I tried to help  
and I myself feel that I must work with it at least three months  
daily to get an idea on how it works...

Well... I installed Word 97... yeas the old Word 97...
Now I only have one problem that I have not been able to solve for  

How can I make the default font Arial 12?... When I start the  
program it goes to Arial 10... Why?

Many thanks


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Re: [CGUYS] Needlepoint

2009-02-03 Thread chrper...@aol.com
Count me in, Sue! I'm just getting over a really bad cold. I took to  
my bed for about a week, and I've almost completed a needlepoint  
pillow (really complicated design) while resting in bed. It kept me  
from going completely crazy during the week.

If you know of any sites with good stitch guides, or good patterns,  
that would be great! I'd especially be interested in any iron on  
patterns, if they exist, as the canvases I've been buying are  
embarrassingly expensive.

Mical Wimoth Carton

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