Re: [courier-users] case sensitive email addresses

2002-12-09 Thread Andrew Newton
As often as this gets asked, it should really be in the FAQ.

Look here:
Search for:


Randy Robb wrote:

Hi all - I've run into a problem after setting up a new Courier email 
server. It blocks any email addresses that are not all lower case. Any 
capital letters in the email address cause it to be blocked. This didn't 
happen in Sendmail (our previous email server). Is there a way to turn 
this function off so Courier becomes case insensitive to any email 
address that may come through? Thanks for your help in advance.
Randy Robb
*System/Network Administrator*
*/hawthorne direct inc/*//
*phone:* 641-472-3800 x.172

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

[courier-users] feature request

2002-12-11 Thread Andrew Newton
I just switch over to maildrop from procmail, and in the process, 
switched all my filters from triggering on the To: or From: headers to 
the List-Id: or Mailing-List: headers.

However, with the wrapping that is done by courier for bad 8-bit 
messages, these headers only appear in the wrapped portion.  Is it 
possible to have these types of headers still get copied into the 
container message so that filters still work against them.


Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: [courier-users] imap wont start

2002-12-19 Thread Andrew Newton
This sounds like you have etc/imapd or etc/esmtpd screwed up.  Something 
is causing it to interpret the argument to be passed to couriertcpd to 
be interepretted as an executable by the shell.  It is normally assigned 
to the variable TCPDOPTS.

Thomas Stian Bergheim wrote:

After following Bills Qmail toaster guide ( ), I
get the following when I do '/etc/rc.d/init.d/courier-imap start':

/etc/rc.d/init.d/courier-imap start
Starting Courier-IMAP server:/usr/lib/courier-imap/libexec/couriertcpd: -pid
argument is required.
/bin/sh: -stderrlogger=/usr/lib/courier-imap/libexec/courierlogger: No such
file or directory

The courierlogger _IS_ there..
What have I done wrong? I've double-checked many times :)

 - thomas

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: [courier-users] Rotating mail on a monthly basis

2003-01-08 Thread Andrew Newton
My guess is that you shouldn't be renaming foo at all... instead you 
should just move the older/read/marked/whatever files from foo/new and 
foo/cur to your new folder.

I've got a bash script that uses find to move mail from folders that is 
more than 2 weeks old.  It does this without renaming the source folder. 
I run it everynight and it works just fine.

There is also a project on sourceforge called archivemail that does 
something similar.  I haven't used it, but it claims to work with 
Maildir folders and has mentioned several times on this list as a 
solution to just such a problem.


Paul Warren wrote:
We are currently in the process of moving our IMAP server from mbox to
maildir with courier.  One of the few problems I have yet to solve is
the problem of rotating mail folders on a monthly basis.  We have a
script that gets called on the first of every month to move a specified
mail folder from foo to foo-Month-Year, and create a new, empty foo.

I'm trying to write an equivalent for Maildir.  I'm not an expert on
Maildir, so I'm not entirely sure what the safe way to do this is. 
Currently, I create a new folder called foo-Month-Year and then rename
foo/new/* to foo-Month-Year/new/* and foo/cur/* to foo-Month-Year/cur/*

This seems to work, but it seems that my IMAP client does not get
notified of this change - all the messages are now listed in the folder
index for both folders, although I can't select them in the old folder. 
Is there any way to get courier to notify the client that the folder has
changed and the index needs to be re-read?  Also, what should I do with
the courierimapuiddb file?

many thanks,


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Re: [courier-users] Re: Looking to migrate a metric ton of users...

2003-01-14 Thread Andrew Newton
Going with Sam's suggestion of LDAP, there is a project on sourceforge 
called JAMM ( that does 
mail account management via LDAP.  It mentions Courier IMAP, but it may 
not take much to get it to do other LDAP features for the MTA.


Jesse Keating wrote:
On Mon, 13 Jan 2003 17:53:26 -0500
Sam Varshavchik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Very similar to sendmail's: an alias file.  There is infrastructure in
place to be able to resolve aliases via a database, however it's only
implemented for LDAP, now.

Now that I've thought about it a bit, this could be handled via .courier
files in the users "$HOME" directory no?  Since every user will be a
virtual user, and every virtual user will have it's own directory, I can
manage aliases via .courier, and since their php system will have write
access to these folders, I could have a php interface made.  Does this
sound doable?

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Re: [courier-users] Re: The IETF hit squad.

2003-01-18 Thread Andrew Newton
Sam Varshavchik wrote:

Crispin gets pissed off every time I point that out.  His own revision 
to RFC 2060, which is going to get published soon, contains an appendix 
listing over a hundred errata, and revisions to RFC 2060.  Each time he 
starts flapping his gums about something I point out that little tidbit, 
as an example that he doesn't know  what he's talking about.  And that 
gets him pissed off even more.

Some call them "protocol princes".

But atleast one of the people that gets to take the stage at the IETF 
Open Plenaries uses Courier IMAP (and MTA).


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Re: [courier-users] Re: SSL/TLS, Compression, and Tunnels

2003-01-22 Thread Andrew Newton

Sam Varshavchik wrote:

You missed:


  Once  the  identities  of the compression methods for the TLS protocol
  have  been  standardized,  the  compression  API  will  most likely be
  changed. Using it in the current state is not recommended.

I believe there is a draft before the IETF to standardize them now, 
mostly based on the enumerated list present in OpenSSL.


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courier-users mailing list

Re: [courier-users] Re: courier developers, protection of investment

2003-01-29 Thread Andrew Newton
Three Letter Acronym wrote:

I for one would like to thank Sam for a fine piece of software -- it's 
certainly been good to me.

I second this.

I would also like to address a few rediculous notions:

*) Just because a piece of software has more than one developer doesn't 
mean it will last longer than one that doesn't.  The biggest determining 
factor is if the software is used, not how many people are putting code 
into it.  And having a commercial entity behind it is no guarantee 
either.  I have personally experienced paying $100k for software only to 
have it go away.  I can point you to many examples.  And in 99%, the 
customer is screwed because they don't have the source.

*) Investment in time and training happens with ALL software.  Get over
it.  If you go with a sendmail solution, you'll have to spend some time 
learning it.  If you go with an Exchange solution, you'll have to spend 
some time learning it.

*) Complaining that courier is bad because it contains some feature you 
don't like is silly.  If you don't like it, turn it off.  If it can't be 
turned off, get your money back.  I'm sure Sam will give you back every 
last dime you gave him.

*) "Open Source" does not mean open CVS access.  It means that if you 
don't like what you have, you can start your own CVS tree.  If Sam's 
decisions to reject certain patches bother you, you could consider 
starting a Courier patch repository.


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Re: [courier-users] Tagging spam or redirecting it instead of blockingit...

2003-03-05 Thread Andrew Newton
Mark Janssen wrote:
Hi List,

I'm using courier on my home and office mail systems and have been
playing around with the DNS based blacklists (spamcop, etc)
Is it possible to have 'submit' either tag suspected spams with added
headers or having the spams delivered to seperate mailboxes instead of
blocking/bouncing them with 511 messages...
How can I do this ???

Very much so, but not with submit.  You do this with maildrop (or if you 
have to, procmail).  Look at the maildropex man page.

Here's how I do it with spamprobe:

# score the mail and tag it
SCORE=`spamprobe -8 receive`
xfilter "/usr/local/courier/bin/reformail -I \"X-SpamProbe: $SCORE\""
# if it's spam, reroute it to the spamprobe mbox
if (/^X-SpamProbe: SPAM/)
  to Maildir/.spam
Please note that SpamProbe does not actually do filtering based on DNS 
blacklists.  You should use SpamAssassin for that.  But the idea is the 


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courier-users mailing list

Re: [courier-users] Tagging spam or redirecting it instead of blockingit...

2003-03-05 Thread Andrew Newton
Is there a particular advantage to doing it this way rather than just 
using maildrop and something like SpamAssassin?

Roland Schneider wrote:
--Mark Janssen wrote on 05.03.03 23:56 +0100:

It takes about two lines of code to record the contents of
$BLOCK2 in a X-Spam-header for later filtering.
How would I do this... do you have a code snippet as an example

You still can assign 'non-false-positives-lists' like SBL,
UPL, SORBS and alike to $BLOCK and reject them right away.
I have setup some of the DNS based filters to set the $BLOCK2 variable.
I'm assuming I'll have to get maildrop to check this and then file the
mail away in a spambox, but AFAIK maildrop can't access the BLOCK or
BLOCK2 variables (running in delivery mode)

Inserting a header is the only way to communicate with the
delivery-module. I am also planning a patch there so maildrop
wont be needed anymore for quarantine to the Spamfolder.
At courier/submit.C, linenumbers are probably somewhat off due
to other stuff, but copy&paste should work.
One probably should sanitize the contents, non-ascii could mess
up everything.
char *safe = rfc2047_encode_str(header, RFC2045CHARSET);

which works as epected, or maybe even script-alike:

header += rfc2047_encode_str(p, RFC2045CHARSET);

but I dont include that here until tested, and dont really
know what would happen with embedded \n.
Improved and tested patch welcome ;)
@@ -933,26 +958,112 @@
 const  char *p;

+// PATCH: record some headers if received via esmtp
+   if(!strncmp(mf->module->name, "esmtp", 5))
+   {
+   // PATCH: record contents of SPAM or BLOCK2 in topmost header
+   // may be set either from esmtpdaccess, dnsbl or per-user filter-api
+   // plan: messages with 'X-Spam:' should be delivered into spamfolder
+   if((p=getenv("BLOCK2")) && *p)
+   {
+   header = "X-Spam: "; header += p;
+   header.TrimRight(); header += "\n"; // fix up
+   my_rcptinfo.submitfile.Message(header);
+   }
	line="Received: from ";

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Re: [courier-users] Good log analyser/mailstatistics tool ?

2003-03-27 Thread Andrew Newton
I was planning on grabbing the webmin source (it's really just a
glorified tarball), figuring out what the author did, and reimplement
(possibly better) in awk and/or python.  awk is /vastly/ quicker than
any other regex-capable language I've ever used, incl. perl.  Using awk
to produce an intermediate format, and then Python or another tool for
'interpreting' (human display) is probably a good bet.  I /was/ going to
consider output to XML, thus allowing one to use xsltproc with the right
xsl stylesheet to produce nice html or what-not.
I have a log analyzer for Courier that I've written in Python.  One of 
these days, I'll release it, but I want to get the code to a 
non-embarrassing state (and to output XML and CSV as well as ASCII).

However, it would probably not meet the requirements stated above.  I 
think going to a "thin" file format would only take a memory problem 
with heaps and swap space and turn it into a memory problem for the file 
buffers.  You'd probably need some sort of "database" to manage the 
problem.  A homegrown own would probably be too time consuming to 
engineer and a traditional RDBMS would probably be too heavyweight or 
thick for your purposes.  Perhaps BerkleyDB or GDB would be good.


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[courier-users] yet another courier log analyzer

2003-04-06 Thread Andrew Newton
I've made my the Python script that I've been using to do log analysis 
publicly available:

The README file is attached so that people may determine their interest.


Courier Log Analyzer

I did not develop this software to take the place of "grep" for specific
incident troubleshooting.  Its purpose is to allow a "big picture" view
of the workings of a courier mail system.  By analyzing mail flow, I 
have discovered and fixed a couple of misconfigurations in my setup of

This program is released under the GNU GPL.  See LICENSE.TXT.

This is a Python program.  It should work under Python 2.0 or greater.
It outputs wide text reports to stdout.  The typical use to get the
summary reports is like this:

  $ maillog.*

After viewing the daily summaries, you may want to focus in on a
particular day.  That can be done like this:

  $ -D apr-4 maillog.*

The program has many options which may be set using a configuration
file using the '-c' option.  The '-h' prints all the command line
switches and the configuration file format.

Some people might want to turn off reverse-DNS lookups on hosts using
the '-n' option.  Currently, this program does not do any caching or
threading of these lookups.  So leaving reverse-DNS lookups on will
slow down the program and cause multiple recursive lookups on your DNS
servers. A simple solution to that is to install a local caching server
such as bind or dnscache.

At this point in time, I have not really focused on performance.
However, I did run this analyzer over a 527M log file to see what
would happen.  On an iMac with a PowerPC G4 1GHz, it took 14m20s
to complete (using the -n switch to turn off reverse lookups).
The memory size for that run peeked at 54.6M virtual and 41.9M real.

All of the reports can be enabled or disbled.  By default, the daily
detailed reports are disabled.  In addition, the thresholds used by the
summary reports can be set in the configuration file.  Larger sites
will probably want to set them higher than the defaults.

SMTP Summary by day:
o connections
o local deliveries
o total delivery size
o # of local errors
o SMTP relays
o total relay size
o SMTP errors
o broken pipes
o 5XX errors
o freemail errors

SMTP Statistical Summary by day:
o same as above except gives difference from median

Delivery by domain:
o local deliveries
o median difference of local deliveries
o total delivery size
o median difference of delivery size
o freemail count

Relays by domain:
o SMTP relays
o median difference of relays
o total relay size
o median difference of size
o in-bound relays
o out-bound relays
o freemail count

o SMTP connections
o median difference of connections
o SMTP error count
o median difference of error count
o error ratio (errors-to-connections)
o 5XX error count
o median difference of 5XX count
o 5XX error ratio (5XX errors-to-connections)

IMAP Summary by day:
o IMAP connections
o median difference of connections
o IMAP users
o median difference of users
o IMAP logins
o median difference of logins

Detailed Daily:
o IMAP connections
 - IP Address
 - # of connections
o IMAP logins
 - sorted by user
 - IP Address
 - # of times per address
o SMTP connections
 - IP Address
 - # of connections
o SMTP local deliveries
 - e-mail address
 - # of message by address
 - total size by address
o SMTP local errors
o SMTP relays
 - e-mail address
 - total count by address
 - total size by address
o SMTP errors
o SMTP broken pipes

Forgiveness, Comments, & Bugs
Much of the code for this analyzer is raw, uncommented, and in-need of
better form.  However, this program also served as a get-to-know Python
learning tool.

If you have comments or find bugs, please send them to:

Re: [courier-users] RE: Certificate

2003-07-08 Thread Andrew Newton
Julian Mehnle wrote:
Last but not least, AFAIK the
wildcard scheme is an old proprietary Netscape invention and is not really
standardized, so some clients might not understand it.
From RFC 2595: Using TLS with IMAP, POP3 and ACAP
Section 2.4. Server Identity Check
A "*" wildcard character MAY be used as the left-most name
 component in the certificate.  For example, * would
 match,, etc. but would not match
It is unclear, though likely, that this is specific to SubjectAltName 
(vs. SubjectDN), but I think I've seen other similarly worded RFC's 
explicitly mention the SubjectDN.

However, I agree. SubjectAltName (dNSName type) is a better idea.  The 
problem is that you have to get the CA to support it.


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Re: [courier-users] Virtual domain aliases

2003-10-31 Thread Andrew Newton
I'm sure it is in the man pages for makealiases, but perhaps the easiest 
way to do it is via the webadmin interface.

See >

look under Virtual domains.

I've been quite successfully doing  "[EMAIL PROTECTED]: realuser".


Rodrigo Severo wrote:


Does anybody here implements any kind of virtual domain aliases in 
Courier? How?

I sent another, much longer, email about this subject yesterday which 
haven't produced much public response so I am trying something lighter 



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Re: [courier-users] cur, new, tmp ... and arc?

2003-11-10 Thread Andrew Newton
Bill Taroli wrote:
Well, my understanding is that Maildir will not recognize anything in 
the directory OTHER than cur, tmp, and new. By that read, you should be 
able to put anything else in there you want. But nothing other than the 
OS will see it (MTA, MUA, etc), since Maildir only recognizes those three.
This was my understanding as well.  I have had my personal maildrop log 
file inside my inbox maildir for sometime and have never seen a problem.


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Re: [courier-users] couriertls, rfc1035, and /etc/hosts

2003-11-25 Thread Andrew Newton
Jon Nelson wrote:
So last night I'm trying to use couriertls for an application outside of
the normal courier mechanisms.  Initially, things went great.
However, I quickly ran into a problem, which I spent altogether far too
long debugging - couriertls does not do "normal" name resolution. By
that I mean it does not do name resolution like nearly every other
application on the planet -- it does not consult /etc/hosts as indicated
by my /etc/nsswitch.conf file.  Instead, it uses the library MrSam wrote
for courier uses, rfc1035, which appears to do direct-to-nameserver
queries.  The problem here, of course, is that names like 'localhost'
and 'localhost.localdomain' do not resolve.  What I'm trying to
understand, MrSam, is the rationale for doing things this way?
Shouldn't people expect their applications to work just like every other
application, at least with respect to things like name resolution?
I'm so frustrated.
I think section 5 of RFC 2821 explains the "what".

As to the "why", probably because most DNS api's aren't robust enough to 
support the "what".


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Re: [courier-users] couriertls, rfc1035, and /etc/hosts

2003-11-25 Thread Andrew Newton
Jon Nelson wrote:
On Tue, 25 Nov 2003, Andrew Newton wrote:

Er, oops. I saw that you put section 5 in there.
I misspoke earlier.
What I mean to ask is this: "what does this have to do with couriertls,
and more importantly, what does this have to do with the parts of
courier that have *nothing* to do with SMTP?"
I'll have to admit that I spaced on the tls part.  You are right, it 
doesn't have to do with anything not SMTP related.

However, considering couriertls is part of Courier, and Courier requires 
a special DNS library to do SMTP stuff, it only seems natural that 
couriertls would reuse that part.


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[courier-users] localmailfilter and HELO/EHLO host

2003-11-29 Thread Andrew Newton
Is there a way for a maildrop mailfilter being used as a localmail 
filter to get the hostname handed to courier on the HELO/EHLO command?


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Re: [courier-users] freemail list and questions about yahoo...

2004-01-05 Thread Andrew Newton
Mitch (WebCob) wrote:
Yahoo has has .ca and .com...

Do they keep them separate?

To allow both to be sent through either set of servers do I need both these
Does anyone maintain a list of freemail entries? Would be an interesting
Actually, I've taken out of my freemail list (don't know about because Yahoo no longer sends email from machines that are in  It was great while it worked because it snagged quite a few 
bits of spam, but unfortunately now this will also catch legit mail from 
Yahoo users.


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Re: [courier-users] freemail list and questions about yahoo... YAHOO.COM doesn't work?

2004-01-05 Thread Andrew Newton
Well, that host is not in Yahoo's MX list (that's what I assume freemail 
is checking).  If freemail is comparing the result of a reverse lookup, 
then something is not working.


Mitch (WebCob) wrote:

I don't want to pick a fight ;-) But it seems to send from - BUT,
courier says it isn't - which I find confusing!
From the logs:
error,relay=,from=<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: 517-Sender rejected:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] can be accepted only from
error,relay=,from=<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: 517's mail
If I nslookup I get:
So I am assuming that the way "freemail" works is that it checks to see if
the sending server is in the MX list for the freemail domain - I understood
the docs to mean that it would reverse resolve within the domain - which
seems to be wrong...
Can this be fixed or is it worth it considering the promised timeline from
yahoo? If it's not a big deal, might be better to fix it just in case their
timelines or the difficulty in implementing run long.
I just saw Sam's email quoting the yahoo statement - will go read that now -

Actually, I've taken out of my freemail list (don't know about because Yahoo no longer sends email from machines that are in  It was great while it worked because it snagged quite a few
bits of spam, but unfortunately now this will also catch legit mail from
Yahoo users.

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Re: [courier-users] Re: freemail list and questions about yahoo... YAHOO.COM doesn't work?

2004-01-05 Thread Andrew Newton
Sam Varshavchik wrote:

Reverse, and forward.
So why is not being seen as in


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Re: [courier-users] 8bit new behaviour

2001-12-07 Thread Andrew Newton

Tim Hosking wrote:

> Only Sam will be able to say for sure whether this was the intended
> behaviour. However, I do know that he has recently changed the handling of
> badly formed messages after many people, including myself, complained
> repeatedly that such messages were being bounced. Personally, I am relieved
> that Sam has taken the trouble to act so quickly on this issue.

Ditto that.


courier-users mailing list

[courier-users] images in SqWebMail with Courier 0.36.1

2001-12-07 Thread Andrew Newton

I just upgraded to Courier 0.36.1.
On the webmail pages, such as the login page, I am now getting things 
like this:

  [#@logo.gif, width="263" height="35" alt="SqWebMail Copyright 
1999-2001 Double Precision, Inc." border="0"@SqWebMail - Copyright 
1999-2001 Double Precision, Inc.@#]
[#@signin.gif, width="102" height="39" alt="Enter your USERID and 
PASSWORD, below" border="0"@@#]

My guess is that something didn't work right in the configuration and I 
didn't catch it.  However, everything is functioning like it use to 
other than webmail.

How can I fix this problem?


courier-users mailing list

Re: [courier-users] images in SqWebMail with Courier 0.36.1

2001-12-07 Thread Andrew Newton

Nevermind.  I didn't copy the cgi-bin executables to the cgi-bin 
directory.  Once I did that, the problem was solved.

Andrew Newton wrote:

> I just upgraded to Courier 0.36.1.
> On the webmail pages, such as the login page, I am now getting things 
> like this:
>  [#@logo.gif, width="263" height="35" alt="SqWebMail Copyright 1999-2001 
> Double Precision, Inc." border="0"@SqWebMail - Copyright 1999-2001 
> Double Precision, Inc.@#]
> [#@signin.gif, width="102" height="39" alt="Enter your USERID and 
> PASSWORD, below" border="0"@@#]
> My guess is that something didn't work right in the configuration and I 
> didn't catch it.  However, everything is functioning like it use to 
> other than webmail.
> How can I fix this problem?
> -andy
> ___
> courier-users mailing list
> Unsubscribe:

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[courier-users] dot extension file not working

2001-12-17 Thread Andrew Newton

I'm running 0.36.1 and I've been using a .courier file with procmail for
some time.
Today I decided to try a .courier-foo file.  But it doesn't seem to be
I keep getting a 450 Service temporarily unavailable error when I try to
send to that
address (anewton-foo).  There is no "dotextension" file in my
Is there something else that must be done to enable this feature?  The
on the .courier-foo file are world-readable.


courier-users mailing list

Re: [courier-users] dot extension file not working

2001-12-17 Thread Andrew Newton

Scott Morizot wrote:

> On 17 Dec 2001, at 11:28, Andrew Newton wrote:
>>Is there something else that must be done to enable this feature?  The
>>on the .courier-foo file are world-readable.
> I believe there need to be no group or other permissions
> at all.

I tried that too.  That didn't work.


courier-users mailing list

Re: [courier-users] Re: dot extension file not working

2001-12-18 Thread Andrew Newton

Bill Michell wrote:

> What's in the .courier-foo file?

Good question.  I tried just one line with the e-mail address to my PCS 
phone.  So it is in the format [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Suspecting it 
might be something wierd with either the format of the e-mail address or 
who knows, I changed it to another e-mail address for an account I have 
at Eskimo North (, but that didn't help either.

I should note that I am using SMTP-AUTH with plain text login and 
STARTTLS to verify who can relay.  The reason I bring this up is because 
one time I tried it I received the error message before I ever got 
prompted for my password.


courier-users mailing list

Re: [courier-users] Re: dot extension file not working

2001-12-18 Thread Andrew Newton

I found the problem... so for future trouble-shooting when somebody 
reports these symptoms:

Essentially the .courier-foo lookup was failing because the 
authentication process was failing with authldap.  I had it in the list 
of modules for authdaemon, but had not set it up to work against any 
real LDAP server.

The solution was to take authldap out of the module list (or, I suppose, 
to setup an LDAP server).


Bill Michell wrote:

> Andrew Newton writes:
>> Bill Michell wrote:
>>> What's in the .courier-foo file?
>> Good question.  I tried just one line with the e-mail address to my 
>> PCS phone.  So it is in the format [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Suspecting 
>> it might be something wierd with either the format of the e-mail 
>> address or who knows, I changed it to another e-mail address for an 
>> account I have at Eskimo North (, but that didn't help either.
>> I should note that I am using SMTP-AUTH with plain text login and 
>> STARTTLS to verify who can relay.  The reason I bring this up is 
>> because one time I tried it I received the error message before I ever 
>> got prompted for my password.
> To test a little further, I suggest you make .courier-foo an *exact* 
> copy of .courier, including ownership, permissions and content. That'll 
> help track down where the problem lies.

courier-users mailing list

[courier-users] advice on mail purging/moving

2002-01-05 Thread Andrew Newton

Hi all,

I'm looking for a way to automatically delete read messages that are X 
number of days old... or move them off into an archive folder.  Has 
anyone had to do this and found a workable solution?

I've considered writing a small program that accesses the folders via 
IMAP.  There are also a few small programs listed on Freshmeat that 
might be coerced into this role.

My other thoughts are that I could simply write a shell/Perl script to 
accomplish this.  I don't know about the important Maildir rules to 
follow and the concurrency issues involved with a cron job modifying the 
  folder while an IMAP session is open.

Any good ideas?


courier-users mailing list

Re: [courier-users] Re: advice on mail purging/moving

2002-01-05 Thread Andrew Newton

Sam Varshavchik wrote:
> Andrew Newton writes:
>> My other thoughts are that I could simply write a shell/Perl script to 
>> accomplish this.  I don't know about the important Maildir rules to follow
>> and the concurrency issues involved with a cron job modifying the  
>> folder while an IMAP session is open.
> Don't worry about it.  The server will handle it.

I should have never doubted it. :)

So a simple shell script using 'find' to get all the files X days old in 
the 'cur' directory ought to do it then, I guess.  Thanks.


courier-users mailing list

[courier-users] A user wedged my mail server

2002-01-06 Thread Andrew Newton

So I just had one of those "the sky is falling" experiences.  After 
about an hour of trying to figure out why Courier wasn't processing any 
mail, I discovered a message in the queue that was in /msgs.  After I 
deleted it, everything in /tmp started processing again.

courierd just kept doing this in the log:

Jan  6 23:38:00 zark courierd: ABNORMAL TERMINATION BY A SIGNAL
Jan  6 23:38:00 zark courierd: Will restart in 60 seconds.
Jan  6 23:39:00 zark courierd: ABNORMAL TERMINATION BY A SIGNAL
Jan  6 23:39:00 zark courierd: Will restart in 60 seconds.
Jan  6 23:40:00 zark courierd: ABNORMAL TERMINATION BY A SIGNAL
Jan  6 23:40:00 zark courierd: Will restart in 60 seconds.
Jan  6 23:41:00 zark courierd: ABNORMAL TERMINATION BY A SIGNAL
Jan  6 23:41:00 zark courierd: Will restart in 60 seconds.

and mailq kept seg faulting.

Of course I deleted the control and data file, but the user was playing 
around with procmail (Yeah, I know!!!) and managed to cause it to bomb 
out (attempting to write to /var/spool/mail I think).

Is there a way I can prevent a user from doing this in the future? (that 
is, preventing bad forward rules from causing problems... not the 
prevention of use of procmail, though that wouldn't be a bad idea either).


courier-users mailing list

Re: [courier-users] Re: Replacing maildir message storage with SQL

2002-01-07 Thread Andrew Newton

Simon Cocking wrote:

>>>Has anyone contemplated modifying Courier to support the storage of
>>>messages in SQL tables rather than Maildirs?
>>Why?  Give me a logical reason other than "it sounds cool."
> Two words -- replication and redundancy.  We already have systems in 
> place which make use of replicated MySQL databases for load-balancing and 
> redundancy.

I'll have to admit, it does sound cool.  But I can't get much beyond 
that point.  You can replicate the mail for redundacy to another system 
or folder or whatever using a .courier file and maildrop or procmail. 
It seems to me the ultimate goal is to replicate not just the mail, but 
the state of the mail back and forth.  So your message may flow into 
server A and then get replicated to server B.  Then, the user deletes 
half of the messages in a session with server B and those messages get 
deleted from server A (hopefully before the user carries out another 
session with server A).  Does MySQL do all that for you?

> If there's an easier way, I'm all ears :o)
> Hmm.. I like a challenge :o)

Well, to get it into the database, you could just setup a .courier file 
to pipe the mail into your sql-loading app.  The hard part would be 
getting the IMAP and POP servers to look there.  And any other 
application.  The think I like about Maildir is that mutt and other 
things also know how to read it.


courier-users mailing list

Re: [courier-users] OT: Recognized SSL cert for imap?

2002-01-08 Thread Andrew Newton

Well, I haven't done this, so naturally I should comment on it. :)

Thawte (, which is really VeriSign, has some informaton 
on using OpenSSL and submiting the CSR to them.  All the information is 
under the Apache section.

I'm assuming the procedure is the same as for web sever certs.  The 
thing the client is concerned with is the cn which should be the FQDN of 
the mail host.  I assume this because when I access my mail servers 
using the IP address instead of the FQDN, I get the warning popup.

If what I am saying is wrong, please let me know.


Hubbard, David wrote:
> Can someone tell me how to generate an SSL
> certificate for use by courier-imap that
> can be signed by one of the normal CA's?
> Right now I generate my own, signed by my
> openssl, but all my user's software
> complains about the certificate being
> signed by an unrecognized authority.
> With openssl, I do the following to generate
> a cert for courier-imap:
> openssl req -new -x509 -nodes -out cert.pem -keyout cert.pem
> How do I make a key and CSR to be signed
> by an external authority?  I've done it for
> web certs but I believe these are of a
> different format.
> Sorry for the off-topic post,
> Dave
> ___
> courier-users mailing list
> Unsubscribe:

courier-users mailing list

[courier-users] client authentication via certificate

2002-01-11 Thread Andrew Newton

Is there a way to setup Courier to do client authentication via a 
client's certificate?  I'm interested in this from both the SMTP/TLS and 
IMAP/SSL perspective.


courier-users mailing list

[courier-users] running multiple versions of esmtpd

2002-01-13 Thread Andrew Newton

Will I cause any problems if I run multiple versions of esmtpd?  I want 
to run one on port 25 and one on port 465.


courier-users mailing list

Re: [courier-users] Re: running multiple versions of esmtpd

2002-01-13 Thread Andrew Newton

Sam Varshavchik wrote:

> Andrew Newton writes:
>> Will I cause any problems if I run multiple versions of esmtpd?  I 
>> want to run one on port 25 and one on port 465.
> You can already do this.  In fact, the PORT setting in the esmtpd 
> configuration file tells you how to do it.

Hey, that's pretty slick!

However, I'm trying to get Evolution to work and it seems to want to do 
SMTP with SSL on port 465.  I did a packet trace, and it seems to start 
off trying to negotiate an SSL session.  This is different behaviour 
than what is on port 25, which uses STARTTLS.

Is there a way to put a version of the server up on port 465 using SSL 
similar to IMAP?  Will running to separate versions do anything bad (I 
suspect not)?


courier-users mailing list

[courier-users] help me sell Courier

2002-01-25 Thread Andrew Newton

My department at work runs its own mail system (separate from the rest 
of the company's Exchange fiasco), and it is less than satisfying for 
those of us trying to be remote users (especially when being a remote 
user at a conference or public meeting over a wireless network).  So I'm 
trying to convince them to switch to Courier because of the smtp-auth 
and starttls features.

Despite the fact they are already sold on Courier IMAP, they seem to be 
stuck on Postfix and don't want to switch to the Courier MTA.  Now, 
Postfix is good, but you have to apply multiple patches to get the 
feature set we want (last time I checked, anyway).  Hence, they are slow 
to move on the project, despite the fact that Courier has theses 
features "out of the box".

So the excuse I get for Courier vs. Postfix is "security."  And the 
completely subjective comment, "I don't think Courier is as secure as 
Postfix." (I equate this mentality to the Linux vs. Windows argument of 
"I think Linux is harder to support." -- completely subjective and no 
way to defeat it because there is no way to measure it).  Anyway, are 
there any large and fairly exposed installations of the Courier MTA 
running to show that it indeed is safe?  Customer testimonials?


courier-users mailing list

Re: [courier-users] help me sell Courier

2002-01-28 Thread Andrew Newton

Steve Shockley wrote:

> Compare
> to

I assume you mean't a comparison between Postfix and Courier.  I just 
did that.  While about 10 items come up under Courier, they really 
aren't Courier items.  Postfix has about double, and there are actually 
exploits for it, but only a few.  This gives me a good indication of 
what the picture really is like.

> What your admin may be saying is "I don't know how to secure Courier, but I
> have a pretty good handle on securing Postfix."  Or maybe you're getting the
> meaning of 'secure' wrong, and your admin thinks Courier suffers from low
> self-esteem.

What he is saying is, "Not that many people run Courier, so it is much 
more likely that there are holes in it that have not yet been 
discovered."  Therefore, I wonder how many people are running it, and 
how many are "big" installations.


courier-users mailing list

Re: [courier-users] Courier virus Checker.....?!?!?

2002-01-29 Thread Andrew Newton


> Is there anyone that is using the Full Courier Mail Suite that has a
> working virus checking system??
> I would prefer to use the courier mail suite instead of  Qmail with courier
> addons.I have looked on for other projects out there I
> have found none that directly support the courier MTAI don't want to
> duplicate anyones work if it has been done...if it has not I will get
> something working and post what I foundbut help is needed :)

I haven't done this because all my users are smart enough not to use 
Outlook (mostly because of Virii), but it would seem that any of the 
virus scanners that work with the mail delivery agent could work with 
Courier.  A quick glance at Freshmeat shows that perhaps Amavis and 
MailCheck could both be configured to work with Courier.  One of the two 
even has a link to Maildrop, which is part of Courier.


courier-users mailing list

[courier-users] changing the dash in .courier files

2002-02-04 Thread Andrew Newton

Is there a way to change the dash (e.g. .courier-foo, .courier-bar) to 
another character, such as "+" or "."?


courier-users mailing list

Re: [courier-users] Speed up without DNS

2002-02-06 Thread Andrew Newton

Leonardo Cabral wrote:

> Hi:
> I'm testing a Courier server and I found that if it can't find a DNS
> server, esmtp connections have a big delay before sending the "220" message.
> I'm running a "cache-only" DNS server in the same machine. In the future,
> I'll need that users don't notice about DNS failures. Is there a way to make
> the server work without access to a DNS server? I mean "temporary" without a
> DNS server, because I suppose DNS server failures (or link failures) will be
> from time to time.
> Leonardo

Add -nodnslookup to the TCPOPTS line in the etc/esmtpd file.


courier-users mailing list

[courier-users] which filesystem to use

2002-02-06 Thread Andrew Newton

I'm setting up Courier on a new box (complete fresh install of OS) and 
was wondering which filesystems would be best to use.  I hadn't really 
thought about the issue much until a co-worker mentioned it.  I was 
gonna use reiserfs because I read somewhere that it didn't really use 
i-nodes, which I perceive might be a problem to a mail system that uses 
Maildir format (lots of small files, just the potential for running out 
of i-nodes).

But are there any other issues I need to consider, like synchronicity 
and atomicity of mail delivery?


courier-users mailing list

Re: [courier-users] SMTPAUTH over SSL

2002-02-18 Thread Andrew Newton

oliver bausinger wrote:

> And if I try to connect directly (openssl s_client -host localhost -port 465) 
> I don't get any response for any command. It simply hangs. 

Are you trying to tunnel SMTP inside SSL?  Or are you trying to use TLS 
with the STARTTLS ESMTP extension?

If you are trying the latter, I don't know what is wrong (or why you are 
on port 465, which is what many people use for SMTP via straight SSL). 
If you are trying the former, I don't think Courier supports that out of 
the box.  Several people have gotten it to work by playing with 
configuration scrips (check the archives).  It is on my list of things 
to try, just haven't had the time yet.


courier-users mailing list

Re: [courier-users] Outlook express and courier IMAP issues

2002-03-05 Thread Andrew Newton

Everytime I run across some strangeness in IMAP and Courier like this, I
switch over to another client and retest.  I have OE and Mozilla on my
machine.  So when I switch from OE to Moz (or vice versa) to find the bug in
Courier, I always discover it being a bug in the mail client.  Try
reproducing it with something other than OE.

If you really want to troubleshoot the meaning of the file names, it is
documented on the website what all that stuff means.


- Original Message -
From: "Shane Fought" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, March 04, 2002 2:15 PM
Subject: [courier-users] Outlook express and courier IMAP issues

> I'm using courier IMAP, maildrop, and Outlook Express 5.5, and I
> have a couple of issues.  On occassion messages will appear in my inbox,
> when I click on them, a line is drawn through them (as if I deleted them),
> and a message is displayed saying that the message is no longer available
> the server.  When I look in ~user/Maildir/cur on the server, the messages
> are there, but the names are always missing everything after the last
> e.g. 1015279634.20808_0.ns,S=2820:2, instead of
> 1015279634.20808_0.ns,S=2820:2,S
> Another problem that seems related is when I've deleted a message, or
> it to another folder, but outlook express continues to show that I have a
> new message.  Once again the message will be stuck in ~user/Maildir/cur
> its name will be missing everything after the last comma.  Usually after
> last comma there will be an R or an S or some other letter, and when it's
> there outlook express works flawlessly.  Any ideas why these messages get
> screwed?  What do the letters after the last comma mean?
> Thanks,
> Shane
> ___
> courier-users mailing list
> Unsubscribe:

courier-users mailing list

[courier-users] filtering outbound mail

2002-04-04 Thread Andrew Newton

Is it possible to filter out-bound mail?  I would like to add a mail 
header or an attachment to out-bound mail and I'm wondering where to 
place the script file to do this.

My first thought was the system .courier-default file.  However, the 
program invoked via .courier-default will have to resubmit the mail back 
to courier for delivery via /courier/sendmail.  This will cause it to 
re-execute the system .courier-default again causing a loop.

What is the correct method to do something like this?


courier-users mailing list

Re: [courier-users] Permission denied, ABNORMAL TERMINATION

2002-04-09 Thread Andrew Newton

Keith Pettit wrote:
> Apr  9 14:14:39 barcelona courierd: Purging /usr/lib/courier/var/msgs
> Apr  9 14:14:39 barcelona courierd: Permission denied
> Apr  9 14:14:39 barcelona courierd: ABNORMAL TERMINATION, exit status: 1
> Apr  9 14:14:39 barcelona courierd: Will restart in 60 seconds.

Perhaps there is a file or something about /usr/lib/courier/var/msgs 
that is causing this.


courier-users mailing list

[courier-users] outbound mail filtering

2002-04-10 Thread Andrew Newton

Forgive me for asking a second time and considering this may be a 
relatively naive question, do the hooks in Courier for doing mail 
filtering also work for out-bound mail?

Also, does /usr/lib/courier/etc/aliases/.courier-default only get 
consulted when trying to deliver mail to non-existent local accounts or 
to just non-existent accounts?


courier-users mailing list

Re: [courier-users] Re: outbound mail filtering

2002-04-10 Thread Andrew Newton

Sam Varshavchik wrote:
> Only inbound.  Note though that out-bound mail relayed through the 
> server via SMTP will get sifted through some of the filters.

Which ones?  The bofh filter and the /etc/courier/filters/active filters 
if enablefilter is set to smtp?
> Define a non-local non-existent account.  There's no such thing.

Of course you are right.  What I was attempting to ask is if the 
sysdir/aliases/.courier-default is consulted for mail that is being 
relayed.  I'm guessing no.


courier-users mailing list

Re: [courier-users] Re: outbound mail filtering

2002-04-11 Thread Andrew Newton

Sam Varshavchik wrote:
> >> Only inbound.  Note though that out-bound mail relayed through the server
> >> via SMTP will get sifted through some of the filters.
> >
> > Which ones?  The bofh filter and the /etc/courier/filters/active filters
> > if enablefilter is set to smtp?
> Correct.

Since the global mail filters are passed the filename of the contents of
the mail, is it safe for these filters to also modify the contents?


Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: [courier-users] Two separate lists for courier

2002-04-18 Thread Andrew Newton

Just to throw in my $0.02.  I started out with just the IMAP portion 
mostly because I didn't know there was an MTA, POP, maildrop, etc...  I 
now have two sites running the full suite.

I certainly understand people not wanting to wade through email they 
think is off topic, but I think there should be one list for the 
following reasons:

1) People only using one component of the suite will be exposed to the 
other pieces and may decide to learn more.

2) Because of the modularity of this software, issues arrising with 
things like authdaemon, couriertcp, etc. raised in the context of the 
MTA or POP servers would also be relevant to IMAP and vice versa.


courier-users mailing list

[courier-users] setgid: not owner

2002-05-03 Thread Andrew Newton

For some reason last night, one of my mail servers rebooted and we found it
in maintenance mode.  Anyway, after restarting the machine and starting
courier, we can no longer authenticate via ESMTP.  We get the following in
the log file:

May  3 04:27:38 cliffie courieresmtpd: [ID 702911]
May  3 04:27:39 cliffie courieresmtpd: [ID 702911] setgid: Not
May  3 04:27:39 cliffie courieresmtpd: [ID 702911]
error,relay=,msg="535 Authentication failed.",cmd: AUTH LOGIN

The same users have no trouble authenticating via IMAP.  These are unix
users and authentication is via PAM.

What could be the trouble?  I assume something now has a permissions
problem, but what should I look for?



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courier-users mailing list

[courier-users] feature request: x-header for wrapped messages

2002-05-06 Thread Andrew Newton

Would it be possible to add a feature where an x-header is added to all
the non-compliant 8bit messages that get wrapped.

It would seem that the wrapping is defeating Spam Assassin, and it would
be easy to identify the wrapped mail by a simple header.  If the
x-header existed, Spam Assassin could be instructed to examine the
second mime attachment.


Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: [courier-users] Re: feature request: x-header for wrapped messages

2002-05-07 Thread Andrew Newton

Sam Varshavchik wrote:
> Andrew Newton writes:
> > Would it be possible to add a feature where an x-header is added to all
> > the non-compliant 8bit messages that get wrapped.
> >
> > It would seem that the wrapping is defeating Spam Assassin, and it would
> > be easy to identify the wrapped mail by a simple header.  If the
> > x-header existed, Spam Assassin could be instructed to examine the
> > second mime attachment.
> A wrapped message consists of a single text/plain text file.

Huh?  Mine are all multipart/mixed with first part being the Courier
corruption warning and the second part being the original message
complete with full headers.

> Now, if you've got some garbage that can get infected using text/plain MIME
> content, you've got other problems to worry about.

The problem is that the spam filters being used examine the headers to
look for spam.  But the orinigal headers are not there.  The x-header
could be used to easily alert the spam filter that it is a wrapped
message and to look in the second part to find the original headers and


Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

[courier-users] webmail and filtering

2002-05-15 Thread Andrew Newton

In webmail, is there a way to add a filter rule with one or two clicks
based on the sending or receiving address when viewing mail?



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courier-users mailing list

Re: [courier-users] m$ exchange to courier

2002-05-17 Thread Andrew Newton

Normally, I just tar up maildir directories, but I guess moving the
messages over from exchange might not be as easy to do.

You might want to look into isync for moving the messages, though I
don't think it will create the subfolder structures.


Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: [courier-users] Win32 IMAP cleints

2002-05-20 Thread Andrew Newton

"Nathan J. Mehl" wrote:
> If you want to use the _same_ client on Windows and MacOS, your
> options are drastically limited.  There's basically, Eudora,
> Netscape/Mozilla and, um, nothing else that I can think of.
> If you're willing to use different clients on each OS, there are a lot
> more options, including The Bat on windows ( and
> Mulberry on MacOS.

According to the Cyrusoft webpage, Mulberry works on Mac OS X, Windows,
Linux, and Solaris.


Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: [courier-users] Blocking reverse dns peaces

2002-05-22 Thread Andrew Newton

I don't think that can be done out of the box.  Atleast, I don't see it
anywhere, but I could be mistaken.

However, if you are willing to recompile your system, perhaps changing
references from RFC1035_TYPE_A to RFC1035_TYPE_PTR in tcpd/tcpd.c
docheckblocklist() might do the trick.  It looks like it would cause
-block on couriertcpd (use BLACKLISTS in etc/esmtpd) to do reverse
lookups.  Of course, I haven't done this.  I just deduced it from about
2 minutes of looking at the code, so take adequate precautions.


Marcus Felipe Pereira wrote:
> Hi,
>   I´m trying to configure bofh for block peaces of reverse DNS like
> "".
>   How can I do that?
> Marcus

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: [courier-users] Re: Blocking reverse dns peaces

2002-05-22 Thread Andrew Newton

Sam Varshavchik wrote:
> Andrew Newton writes:
> > However, if you are willing to recompile your system, perhaps changing
> > references from RFC1035_TYPE_A to RFC1035_TYPE_PTR in tcpd/tcpd.c
> > docheckblocklist() might do the trick.  It looks like it would cause
> > -block on couriertcpd (use BLACKLISTS in etc/esmtpd) to do reverse
> No.  This is the lookup itself, not what's being looked up.




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courier-users mailing list

Re: [courier-users] Hiding IMAP?

2002-05-29 Thread Andrew Newton

First, after re-reading the entire thread, I seem to recall that there
is someway to do this using the userdb auth module.  As I recall, you
can give a user separate smtp, imap, and pop passwords.  If you simply
change the passwords to imap to something they don't know, they won't be
able to log in.

Second, I assumed an approach to using certs for authentication would
rely on the crypto aspects of certs, not a byte for byte comparison of
them in a database.  I could be wrong about this as I've never done it
with Courier.  However, it seems what you want to feed to Courier is the
list of trusted root certs used to sign the user's client certificate. 
The TLS libraries will do their magic crypto stuff to determine if the
client cert is actaully valid, and if so allow the connection to
proceed.  Therefore there is no lookup of the client cert in a
database.  This seems to be the intention of TLS_TRUSTCERTS and
TLS_VERIFYPEER in /etc/imap-ssl.

btw... are there MUA's that support client-side certificates with IMAP,
POP, and/or ESMTP?


bronto wrote:
> OK, I've found the info on SSL support at
>  I've confirmed that
> I already have SSL support included and the imapd-ssl deamon (as well
> as popd-ssl) are started at boot time.  I've also confirmed the
> existence of the self generated cert.
> To test, I tried logging into imap with a known (previously working)
> user.  As expected, it generated an error.  My mail client (Eudora
> Windows) advised my that the cert was untrusted and that the domain
> didn't match the server (which is true; it's a virtual domain) and
> that I could add it to my list of trusted certs.  I did.  Trying
> again, Eudora now just fails to log in.  It simply says "operation
> failed:".  Reading my maillog, there is the entry:
> imapd: Connection, ip=[:::]
> imapd: starttls: accept: error:140943E8:SSL
> routines:SSL3_READ_BYTES:reason(1000)
> Which is undecipherable to me (pun intended).  I have been using
> MySQL for authentication, and there is no evidence of a query in the
> logs.  I assume that this is where the problem is; that SSL
> authenticates against actual unix users?  Is this true?  I really
> didn't want to have user accounts for all of the email accounts.
> Also, just to make sure I understand the methodology of allowing pop
> for everyone but imap for some, am I going to just run imapd-ssl, and
> not imapd, and popd but not popd-ssl?

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: [courier-users] Hiding IMAP?

2002-05-29 Thread Andrew Newton

bronto wrote:
> I've read the userdb info at
>, and indeed it
> does sound like it is what I want to do.  But it makes no mention of
> MySQL, which is what I'm am using to store my virtual user data.  I
> want to make sure I'm not going to screw something up by following
> the above directions.  So, will this work with MySQL?

According to the documentation, you should be able to use both
authuserdb and authmysql at the same time.  Perhaps ordering it so that
authuserdb is consulted first and it contains bogus imap passwords for
all disallowed users.  However, this seems like a terrible hack.

I wonder if there is something you can do to authmysql to store separate
pop/imap/smtp passwords like userdb or if you can just add a flag field
specifying that imap is disallowed.


Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

[courier-users] using new imapd Outbox feature - getting no write permission

2002-06-10 Thread Andrew Newton

I'm trying to use the new Outbox sending feature of imapd, and I'm 
running into a bit of trouble.

I've used both Mozilla and mutt as the MUA and both get the same error 
message back when I attempt to copy mail to the Outbox folder: COPY 
failed - no write permission or out of disk space.  If I move the 
message into a regular subfolder, it works great.  I do get a slightly 
different error with Mozilla copying the message from a local Drafts 
folder instead of from one imap folder to the Outbox: Unable to send 
Email message.

I can send mail to the account with no problem.  I can also invoke 
Courier's sendmail program with and without the options listed in 
etc/imapd on the message and that works too.

I also get the following in the logs when copying from one imap folder 
into the Outbox: "error sending a message, user=anewton: Send failed 
without logging an error.  This shouldn't happen."

I changed the name of the outbox folder from OUTBOX=.Outbox to 
OUTBOX=.ViceOutbox and created the subfolder in the users Maildir with 
maildirmake.  Permissions on it look just like the others.

Any clues.



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Re: [courier-users] Re: using new imapd Outbox feature - getting no write permission

2002-06-10 Thread Andrew Newton

Sam Varshavchik wrote:
> Andrew Newton writes:
>> I also get the following in the logs when copying from one imap folder 
>> into the Outbox: "error sending a message, user=anewton: Send failed 
>> without logging an error.  This shouldn't happen."
> This is reported whenever the sendmail child process, that was started 
> in order to send a message, terminated with a non-zero exit code without 
> reporting an error.
> Check the SENDMAIL setting in the imapd configuration file.

I did.  I never changed it and it seems correct.  For the record:


/usr/local/courier was the prefix I used and everything is installed there.

I've invoked /usr/local/courier/bin/sendmail to send the message from 
the command line, and the worked with no problems.

[anewton@vice anewton]$ /usr/local/courier/bin/sendmail -oi -t -f 

courier-users mailing list

Re: [courier-users] Courier and Mailman, 431 Error (Too Many Recipients)

2002-06-14 Thread Andrew Newton

Anand Buddhdev wrote:
> This is a courier issue. Courier's SMTP server will only accept n
> recipients, and reject the rest with a temporary error. I was also looking
> at the documentation to find the value of this elusive 'n'. I could even
> swear I had seen it somewhere, but I can't find it now. I'm running the
> latest courier, so maybe this feature has been removed. Perhaps Sam can
> shed more light on this.

According to the man page on for 'courier':


 This file contains one line, containing a single number. This 
number specifies the absolute maximum number of recipients for a single 
message. If Courier receives a message with more recipients, the message 
is duplicated as often as necessary until each copy of the message has 
no more than batchsize recipients. If batchsize is missing, it defaults 
to 100 recipients per message.



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Re: [courier-users] Re: Blocked spam comes back through 2nd MX

2002-07-11 Thread Andrew Newton

Mark Constable wrote:
> Sam Varshavchik wrote:
> > iii) Get rid of the second MX.
> > A second MX doesn't get you anything unless your primary has been down
> > for at least 24 hours, and if that happens you'll have other things to
> > worry about.
> You sure ? I have a courier box doing secondary MX for our main
> sendmail based server and I see a fairly constant stream of
> mail destined for users on that sendmail server _all_ the time.
> I thought a 2nd MX would get used as soon as the primary was
> unavailable so I don't see how iii) can be a viable option.

My experience is that a secondary MX is used based on the connectivity
from receiving MTA.  Not all routes on the Internet are equal.


Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: [courier-users] I find a bug

2002-07-15 Thread Andrew Newton

George Hill wrote:
> hy all, i find a bug when i use outlook to get the mail by courier-imap.
> i can't see some mail in the outlook, but i can see it in web. and
> netscape can too. i find the outlook can get some special email, the
> special email's from address like "[EMAIL PROTECTED]".
> i want to know it's courier-imap's bug or outlook's. and any idea?

It would seem that if your problem with Outlook and Courier cannot be
reproduced when the combination is Netscape and Courier, then the
problem is in Outlook.


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Re: [courier-users] mta not forwarding mail

2002-07-16 Thread Andrew Newton

I had this very thing happen to me before.  The root cause was that I 
had a user who created a procmailrc file that had gone nuts.  Delievery 
to that user was failing every time and for some reason the queue would 
stop processing after the failure.

Anyway, the solution to get the queue working again was to manually 
delete the control and mail file from the queue.


Jens Hafner wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I just found  that  my courier-mta is not or forwarding any emails anymore. It seems 
>to accept the input from my client (e.g. Outlook) but the mails never reach their 
>destination. I can't remember any incident that could have caused this.  I started my 
>search for  a solution in my syslog file and found the following:
> -%<---%<%<--%<--
> $cat /var/log/syslog
> Jul 16 15:51:03 fner courierd: Loading STATIC transport module libraries.
> Jul 16 15:51:03 fner courierd: Courier 0.37.3 Copyright 1999-2000 Double Precision, 
> Jul 16 15:51:03 fner courierd: Installing [0/0]
> Jul 16 15:51:03 fner courierd: Installing uucp
> Jul 16 15:51:03 fner courierd: Installed: module.uucp - Courier 0.37.3 Copyright 
>1999-2000 Double Precision, Inc.
> Jul 16 15:51:03 fner courierd: Installing local
> Jul 16 15:51:03 fner courierd: Installed: module.local - Courier 0.37.3 Copyright 
>1999-2000 Double Precision, Inc.
> Jul 16 15:51:03 fner courierd: Installing esmtp
> Jul 16 15:51:03 fner courierd: Installed: module.esmtp - Courier 0.37.3 Copyright 
>1999-2000 Double Precision, Inc.
> Jul 16 15:51:03 fner courierd: Installing dsn
> Jul 16 15:51:03 fner courierd: Installed: module.dsn - Courier 0.37.3 Copyright 
>1999-2000 Double Precision, Inc.
> Jul 16 15:51:03 fner courierd: Initializing uucp
> Jul 16 15:51:03 fner courierd: Initializing local
> Jul 16 15:51:03 fner courierd: Initializing esmtp
> Jul 16 15:51:03 fner courierd: Initializing dsn
> Jul 16 15:51:03 fner courierd: Started ./courieruucp, pid=11894, maxdels=4, 
>maxhost=4, maxrcpt=16
> Jul 16 15:51:03 fner courierd: Started ./courierlocal, pid=11895, maxdels=10, 
>maxhost=4, maxrcpt=1
> Jul 16 15:51:03 fner courierd: Started ./courieresmtp, pid=11896, maxdels=40, 
>maxhost=4, maxrcpt=100
> Jul 16 15:51:03 fner courierd: Started ./courierdsn, pid=11897, maxdels=4, 
>maxhost=1, maxrcpt=1
> Jul 16 15:51:03 fner courierd: queuelo=200, queuehi=400
> Jul 16 15:51:03 fner courierd: Purging /var/lib/courier/msgq
> Jul 16 15:51:03 fner courierd: Purging /var/lib/courier/msgs
> Jul 16 15:51:03 fner courierd: ABNORMAL TERMINATION BY A SIGNAL
> Jul 16 15:51:03 fner courierd: Will restart in 60 seconds.
> $
> -%<---%<%<--%<--
> In addition I found that  stopping courier-mta brings up the following error message:
> -%<---%<%<--%<--
> $ /etc/init.d/courier-mta stop
> Stopping Courier SMTP server: done.
> Stopping Courier mail filter: done.
> Stopping Courier mail server:/etc/init.d/courier-mta: line 79: 11870 Alarm cloc
>  ${sbindir}/courier stop
> $
> -%<---%<%<--%<--
> Has anyone any idea what is going on? What additional information would be helpful? 
>Is there a mailinglist archieve that I could research on? I'm using Debian 2.2 
>(Potato)  and tested courier 0.37.3-3  and 0.37.3-7. Thanks for your help
> Jens
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Re: [courier-users] Support for outbound mail filtering

2004-06-15 Thread Andrew Newton
On Jun 14, 2004, at 8:34 PM, Jason L. Buberel wrote:
Any info on how/where in the mail processing pipeline this can be done
would be appreciated. Also, if you think using this mechanism for an
auto-whitelist feature is really bone-headed, I'd like that feedback
I'm not sure how practical this is for a large site, but I do this for 
my own account thusly:
- set my MUA to always BCC a special -heyitsme account (most MUAs do 
- the .courier-heyitsme runs a maildrop mailfilter script that appends 
the email addresses to a whitelist file if they do not already exist in 
- my main maildrop mailfilter checks the whitelist file when receiving 

In the days before viral mail forgery, this worked really well.

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Re: [courier-users] Courier 20040816

2004-08-17 Thread Andrew Newton
On Aug 16, 2004, at 8:19 PM, Sam Varshavchik wrote:
• Sender Policy Framework implemented for HELO and MAIL FROM.  The
documentation also refers to the From: header.  SPF checking of the 
header is not yet implemented.
This is good to see.  Are you planning on full Sender ID if that gets 


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Re: [courier-users] DEPLOY: SPF/Sender ID support in Courier.

2004-08-31 Thread Andrew Newton
On Aug 30, 2004, at 2:56 AM, Alessandro Vesely wrote:
Another question is if the M$ stuff is good. By chance, isn't it that
piece of specs prescribing XML content in the name server?
Sender ID does not use XML.

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[courier-users] using SPF with a local filter and maildrop

2005-02-15 Thread Andrew Newton
Is there a way for a local rcptfilter to get the output of the courier 
SPF check (the ones on HELO and MAIL FROM)?
Or is it better to check the Received-SPF header using an smtpfilter?


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