Re: [CTRL] [Re: [CTRL] [[CTRL] Jerry Black's Update on Whitl]

1999-04-23 Thread Scott Brown

 -Caveat Lector-

Teo One Thousand <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  -Caveat Lector-
> In a message dated 4/23/99 9:48:23 AM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> writes:
> <<  I agree but for different reasons.  There is convincing evidence, IMO,
>  that the military is conducting faux-abduction scenarios, yet there is also
>  compelling evidence that real UFO's and otherworldy visitors have an interest
>  in our planet.
>  It's not even logical to assume we're alone and unvisited.  It's
>  statistically improbable that we're the only intelligent (heh heh) life in
>  the universe.  I see no contradiction in believing that both scenarios are
>  real.
>  I don't see people here not believing in real UFO's out of fear, though,
>  but out of a reluctance to hope that not all beings are pond-scum like we
>  are.  I DO think the "evil aliens" theory has been pushed by the world
>  governments.  The "real" aliens, as I see them, are not pond-scum.
>  Samm >>
> It might not be "logical" to disregard the idea of "real" aliens from far
> away planets coming to visit us here on earth, but it certainly is not
> logical to assume that such is the case also.  I would say that it is well in
> the realm of possibility and since activities of the like have been done in
> the past it is extremely likely that such is being done again, in that the
> Military Industrial Complex is doing all the UFO flying, and abducting, and
> mind control, and genetic manipulation/experimentation.  I am open to the
> idea of other life but in the absence of evidence am not inclined to think it
> "real".  That is not to say that there aren't aliens, just that I don't THINK
> there are because of the lack of evidence.  Incidentally WHY would any aliens
> want to come here and mess around with us when we are insignificant,
> fatalistic, and decidedly uncivilized?  It implies that we are worthwhile,
> and I certainly have seen LITTLE evidence that that is true.
> Teo1000

Okay let's follow this logic of us being so insignificant that other higher evolved 
forms wouldn't waste time with us. We experiment on animal, manipulate them 
genetically, breed them, cross breed them, etc. All of this is supposedly done under 
the guise of "Helping them" either to survive, breed, or produce more milk, better 
meat, etc. So you see to may animals and plants are considered beneath us and of no 
significance, yet we do to them the same things that other higher life forms do to us, 
so your logic quickly falters. As for not seeing andy evidence that other higher, 
non-human life forms exist and are in fact here, visiting and interfering in our 
progress as a species, you have not ACCEPTED the evidence. There is a difference. The 
evidence is the abductions, the implants the craft in our skies daily. Yes, some of 
the craft, some of these abductions are done by people from out government, the larger 
 percentage are real, but it is much safer to believe that ALL UFOs and !
ALL ABDUCTIONS and ALL CRAFT are man-made. By believing that you can continue to 
perpetuate the system and not understand that the reason we humans are "significant or 
of interest" to higher life forms both human and non-human is the ability we have to 
Also we have eternity, because our lives are in fact not dependent on biological or 
physical life, our life continues after our bodies die. And if these non-human higher 
life forms can successfully splice our genetics with theirs they can have it as well, 
and thereby continue forever enslaving more planets and more species just like ours.

> ==
> CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
> screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
> and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
> frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
> spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
> gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
> be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
> nazi's need not apply.
> Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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Re: [CTRL] (2) Tesla [repost]

1999-04-23 Thread Howard R. Davis III

 -Caveat Lector-

Das GOAT wrote:
>  -Caveat Lector-
> Excerpt from "Wizard: The Life and Times of Nikola Tesla --
>   Biography of A Genius," by Marc J. Seifer,
>   1996, Birch Lane Press/Carol Publishing Group
>  (ISBN 1-55972-329-7)
> [Jump ahead to the end to get a taste of things to come ...]
>  2
>  Meanwhile, unbeknownst to Edison, Westinghouse had been
> surreptitiously meeting with Henry Villard, Edison's financial
> backer, over a two-year period to discuss a possible merger ...
>  [Villard] conferred with J. Pierpont Morgan, the real power
> behind the operation, and had Morgan send Edward Dean Adams, a
> longtime banking associate, to Menlo Park to try and get Edison
> to align with Westinghouse.  Edison would hear none of it.
   But this doesn't let us know why Edison "would hear none of it". Was
there a finical offer that did not appeal to Edison?

>  Villard switched tactics and approached Thomson-Houston with
> the thought of buying them out ... In December a meeting was held
> at 23 Wall Street, in [J. P.] Morgan's office, to finalize plans
> for a merger.  After Morgan looked over the financial records of
> both companies, he realized that Edison Electric, which was in
> debt for $3.5 million, had less revenue [so he] suggested that
> Thomson-Houston buy out Edison Electric ...

Bought out for how much? How much did Edison thus profit? It sounds like
Edison got shafted.

>  [H]e created a monopoly ... Morgan maneuvered Villard out of
> the company altogether --he had to blame someone for problems--
> and Charles Coffin took control of the new consolidation.  They
> named the company General Electric (GE).
>  Edison realized that a new age of electricity had arrived,
> one that would not countenance [the financial losses created by]
> his commonsense, trial-and-error approach.
In other words, he realized that he was falling behind the "text book"
knowledge and thus needed to go into something else where his skills
were needed.

> So Edison turned his
> interests to furthering the work of Edward Muybridge, a pioneer
> in motion pictures.  In 1888 and 1891 he had his first patents on
> a device he called the kinetograph and a few years later he
> developed a fully-working movie camera and projection system.

Very smart move on Edison's part.

>  The "Morganization" of General Electric created an even
> greater foe for Westinghouse but also a critical problem for GE.
> Whereas Westinghouse was blocked [by Morgan's control of Edison's
> patents] from using an efficient lightbulb, GE was blocked from
> generating AC ...
>  From the point of view of the courts, it was still undecided
> as to who the author of [Tesla's] AC polyphase system really was.
> Westinghouse had [patents from his own technicians] to back those
> of Tesla ... [GE] approached Charles Steinmetz with a scheme to
> work on improvements on AC designs in such a way that these would
> obscure Tesla's.  Attracted [by] intrigue, Steinmetz accepted.
>  The fray between Westinghouse and GE took a new turn in the
> race to win the bid to light the upcoming Chicago World's Fair
> and to harness Niagara Falls.
>  Westinghouse [conferred] with Tesla ... and the money men
> reluctantly agreed to dismantle the lucrative but outmoded [pre-
> Tesla] machinery.  [GE] hoped someone like Steinmetz could come
> up with a competing design, but they hadn't realized that Tesla
> held all the fundamental patents.  Quite simply, there was no
> other [possible] system; one couldn't proceed without [Tesla].
>  [GE's Elihu] Thomson and Steinmetz were reduced to figuring
> out ways to somehow bypass the patents ...  In a [clear] case of
> industrial espionage, [they] apparently paid a janitor to steal
> the Tesla blueprints from the Westinghouse plant.
>  The intrigue must have triggered a variety of emotions in
> Steinmetz [who] had already lived a clandestine life in Germany.
> Editing a radical socialist newspaper under a pseudonym during
> the so-called Reign of Terror, he had learned to use secret
> passwords at radical meetings and write with invisible ink, as
> when he [acted as courier for] his leader, the charismatic
> revolutionary Heinrich Lux ...
>  Steinmetz never renounced his affiliation with the Socialist
> movement, [yet] he supported an unscrupulous capitalist corporate
> structure ...  motivated by the all-consuming profit motive [and
> counting on] its ability to subvert the law to achieve its ends.
>  His affiliation with the Machiavellian policies of [J. P.
> Morgan-controlled] GE induced Steinmetz abandon his ideals: His
> opus on AC, "Theory and Calculations of Alternating Current
> Phenomena," first published in 1897, omitted any reference to
> Tesla ... (At the time, Tesla's [own] book was a veritable bible
> for all engineers

[CTRL] Response to Jim Hickman of Skywatch

1999-04-23 Thread Don Allen

 -Caveat Lector-

Jim Hickman wrote:

>I personally lost all respect for these groups on April 19, 1995, at 9:02am,
>When I was dispatched to the Murrah Building in Oklahoma City, as part of
>the rescue team, to clean up the mess a "Militia Group" made to our state. I
>hope you can understand my reasoning, I don't want to ever have to pick
>through debris for body parts again.

>However, I will gladly contact the person(s) who posts such articles ISP
>provider, and their local police department and/or the FBI for further
>action if these posts don't quit TODAY.

>Please consider this a legal notice to quit.

The government would never lie to you, nor would the CIA and OSI
lie about UFO's. It's only swamp gas. There is no UFO cover-up.
The CIA has never been involved in drug running. Clinton never
inhaled. There is no "secret government". Los Alamos never
worked on Tesla's stolen UFO propulsion system. Janet Reno
didn't give orders to barbecue children at the Waco compound,
since she wanted to "save them". Roswell was only "crash
dummies". The government would never spray dangerous chemicals
into the atmosphere to harm us. There is no "tri-lateral commission"
and the meeting of the Bilderberg group in Spain in June is just
the rantings of overheated conspiracy buffs. HAARP is a benevolent
endeavor to "balance" the earth. Faster than Light travel is not possible.
Our Physics textbooks are sacred and are never wrong. Science is
our God and is never ever incorrect. Lee Harvey Oswald single-handedly
assassinated Kennedy. There was never any conspiracy. President
Clinton is always right in his decisions and would never undermine
our freedom. He was only being "gracious and polite" to the Red
Chinese regime. He would never sell his office for re-election funds.
His decision to bomb the Serbs MUST BE obeyed and supported by
every red-blooded American. After all, War is Peace. Never challenge
authority. Don't think for yourself, when the Government can tell you
what is always right. The ATF and IRS are our friends, and must be
obeyed. There was no "cover-up" on the Murrah bombing. ATF agents
would never plant explosives. Timothy McVeigh brought down the
whole building with a truck full of fertilizer. There is no cover-up. Don't
bother to investigate, since the government has already done so
and it would be a waste of your time. The government would never lie
to you. They only have your best interest at heart. There is no "new
world order". There is no UFO cover-up. There are no UFO's. It's
only ball lightning and Venus. Y2K is not a problem. Your life will
go on un-interrupted. Don't stock up food or water. The government
will take care of you. Trust the government. Listen to Clinton. Obey
the authorities. Always believe CNN. Ken Starr is evil and has an
agenda against Clinton. The Democrats always know best. Guns
are bad and should be banned. There is no need for guns. The United
Nations is looking after your good, as an obedient servant of the People.

There is no conspiracy.

Trust the government.

There is no UFO cover-up.

Believe The USAF. Roswell never happenned. It was only a radar balloon.

The CIA always supports the Constitution and would never meddle
in the affairs of foreign countries.

Obey the government.

Pay your taxes. Always obey the Law.

Go back to sleep and don't worry. You will be taken care
your government and they will reward you well.


"Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God" - Thomas Jefferson

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fw: EPN News: April 23, 1999

1999-04-23 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
Sent: Friday, April 23, 1999 12:58 PM
Subject: EPN News: April 23, 1999

: |
:   E P N   N e w s
:  4.23.1999
:on the
: ||
: -
: EPN Columnist Richard Rothstein
:  on "Race, Class, and SATs:
: How Do Colleges Admit the Most Qualified?"
: In This Issue:
: 1. American Prospect
: 2. Brookings Institution
: 3. Center on Budget & Policy Priorities
: 4. Center for Responsive Politics
: 5. Citizens Budget Commission
: 6. Economic Policy Institute
: 7. Financial Markets Center
: 8. Institute for Policy Research, Northwestern
: 9. Jerome Levy Economics Institute
: 10. New Jersey Policy Perspective
: 11. Public Campaign
: 12. Robert B. Reich
: 13. Robert Kuttner
: The American Prospect
: --
: Peter Barnes on pollution as a potential source of public revenue in
: "The Pollution Dividend"
: Brookings Institution
: --
: Latest policy brief: Children's Roundtable Report #1, "Investing in
: Children," Projected government budget surpluses of $2.6 trillion over the
: next decade are guaranteed to renew the debate over the best use of
: federal funds. We should use a portion of these funds to provide quality
: child care and preschool education to low-income children, including those
: whose mothers now must work because of welfare reform.
: Center on Budget and Policy Priorities
: "The Abraham-Domenici Lock Box Legislation,"
:  the Center's new analysis of this proposal is posted to:
: Tax Foundation Figures Produce Misleading and Inaccurate Impressions
: of Middle Class Tax Burdens," by Iris J. Lav, Isaac
: Shapiro, and Robert Greenstein is posted to:
: "Taxes on Middle-Income Families Are Declining," by Iris J. Lav can be
: viewed through:
: Center for Responsive Politics
: --
: The Center for Responsive Politics' weekly Money in Politics Alert this
: week looks at the political money behind the debate over electric utility
: deregulation, a hotly debated topic that will have an impact on consumers
: nationwide.
: In addition, the Center for Responsive Politics has posted detailed,
: online data on the first set of campaign finance filings by 2000
: presidential candidates.
: Citizens Budget Commission (NY)
: --
: Letter to Mayor Rudolph Giuliani -  April 14, 1999
: Recommendations For Fiscal Year 2000 Budget
: Economic Policy Institute
: -
: EPI's latest book, "Taming Global Finance," by Robert
:   Blecker, examines the impact of capital market
:   liberalization and finds that it has created much
:   economic instability and has failed to deliver on the
:   promise of increased growth. For an executive summary
:  and press release, see
: Financial Markets Center
: ---
: Stubborn Crises, Fresh Remedies
: The Financial Markets Center begins a series of prescriptive commentaries
: on the world's recurring financial crises and resulting economic turmoil.
: First up: two prominent localist thinkers, David Morris of the Institute
: for Local Self-Reliance and Michael Shuman of the Institute for Economic
: Empowerment and Entrepreneurship of the Village Foundation.
: Institute for Policy Research
: ---
: The University Consortium on Welfare Reform, based at Northwestern's
: Institute for Policy Research, will  study the impact of new state welfare
: laws on former and current Illinois recipients and their families. Three
: foundations have awarded $1.3-million  for the ambitious six-year panel
: study headed by IPR faculty fellow Dan Lewis, a professor of education and
: social policy at Northwestern. See
: Jerome Levy Economics Institute
: ---
: Latest issue of the Summary, Spring 1999
: The Minimum Wage in Historical Perspecti

[CTRL] Balkans: UCK

1999-04-23 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-


WSWS : News & Analysis : Europe : The Balkan Crisis

The record of the Kosovo Liberation Army: ethnic politics in alliance with
By Linda Tenenbaum and Peter Symonds
24 April 1999

Despite its key role in the Balkans war, little has been made known to the
general public about the political objectives of the Kosovo Liberation Army
(KLA) or Ushtria Clirimtare e Kosoves (UCK). Calls are nevertheless being
made by the US Congress and the Albanian government for NATO to openly arm,
train and finance this organisation, in order to expand its military
operations in Kosovo.

To the extent that the media refers to it at all, the KLA is portrayed as a
liberation movement fighting to free ethnic Albanians in Kosovo from the
grip of Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic. But, just like the other
militia groups that have sprung up in the Balkans over the past decade, the
KLA's program is ethnic separatism. Its aim is to sever the Serbian province
of Kosovo from the rest of Yugoslavia, driving out Serbs, Montenegrins and
other minorities as part of a long term goal of creating an ethnically pure
Greater Albania. This would include the existing nation of Albania, Kosovo
and the Albanian-populated areas of Macedonia and Montenegro.

The slogan of a Greater Albania has its roots both in the xenophobic
nationalism of the post-war Albanian Stalinist leader Enver Hoxha and in the
reactionary ideology of the Albanian puppet regime set up by the Italian
fascists and German Nazis during World War II.

Far from being a "liberation movement," the KLA has much in common with the
US-backed "contras" used in El Salvador and the Islamic fundamentalist
mujahideen who fought the Soviet-backed Afghani regime with CIA assistance
in the 1980s. While the Clinton administration has not, to date, publicly
supported the KLA, a number of writers have pointed to the involvement of
the CIA and the German Bundes Nachrichten Dienst (BND) in its organisation
and funding. Furthermore, like the Contras and mujahideen, the KLA relies
heavily on smuggling and drug running to finance its military operations.

>From its formation in the early 1990s, the KLA strategy has been based on
provoking acts of repression by the Yugoslav army and police against the
Albanian population in Kosovo, creating "humanitarian disasters" that would
force the US and other major powers to intervene militarily on its behalf.
This strategy has dovetailed with the specific goals of the United
States--to dismember the Yugoslav federation and establish a permanent
military presence in the geo-politically vital Balkans region. Thus NATO's
bombing campaign against Serbia is the outcome of a mutually beneficial
arrangement between the US and the KLA.

During the past year, the KLA has burgeoned from small, uncoordinated groups
of armed guerrillas to a substantial fighting force equipped with
sophisticated weaponry. Its importance to the US was signalled at the
Rambouillet negotiations held in February and March, when the KLA, with the
support of US Secretary of State Madeleine Albright in particular, was not
only represented for the first time, but its leader Hashim Thaci was
inserted as head of the Kosovar negotiating team.

The rise of ethnic nationalism

The origins of the present crisis in Kosovo lie in the breakup of the former
Yugoslavia in the late 1980s and early 1990s, under the impact of the severe
economic dislocation fueled by the IMF and World Bank's structural
adjustment plans. The deepening economic calamity--soaring inflation and
huge job losses--saw the outbreak of a wave of strikes and struggles by the
Yugoslav working class. Seeking to divert the rising class struggle and to
bolster their own positions, ex-Stalinist bureaucrats and nationalist
demagogues in each of the former Yugoslav republics began to promote
nationalist sentiments, vying for support from the various imperialist

In the propaganda war now being waged in the international press, Milosevic
and Serbian nationalism are equated with evil, while the KLA and its Greater
Albanian nationalism are ignored or treated with benign tolerance. In fact,
as even a cursory examination of the last two decades reveals, militant
Serbian and Albanian nationalism emerged as two sides of the same process of
social and economic disintegration. As the poorest and most economically
backward region of Yugoslavia, Kosovo foreshadowed, and indeed spurred on,
many of the political developments that were to erupt later in the more
developed republics.

Despite its abundant natural mineral wealth, Kosovo is heavily dependent on
inefficient agriculture, with little industry and a poorly developed
infrastructure. In 1979, its illiteracy rate of 31.5 percent for all those
over 10 years of age was the highest in the country, while its per capita
income was only $US795 compared to $US2,635 for Yugoslavia as a whole.
Declining prices for its limited products meant that the pro

[CTRL] Russia: Deteriorating Youth

1999-04-23 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-


WSWS : News & Analysis : Europe : Russia

A sharp deterioration in the conditions facing Russian youth
By Larry Roberts
24 April 1999

Since the early 1990s, coinciding with the collapse of the former Soviet
Union, Russian children and teenagers experienced a devastating decline in
their social conditions, according to articles published in the Current
Digest of the Post-Soviet Press.

The articles, translated from Noviye Izvestia, report information provided
by the State Statistic Committee and government agencies that follow the
plight of children.

Aleksandr Baranov, a leading Russian pediatrician and chairman of the
Russian Union of Pediatricians, stated in an interview that there are
"almost no completely healthy children or teenagers" in Russia, whether they
are from high-risk or well-off homes. He called this phenomenon
"deceleration," the underdevelopment of children and teenagers, both
physically and mentally.

Baranov said all indices of children's physical health worsened appreciably
during the 1990s, including the main categories--weight, height, chest size
and muscle strength. According to the central Military Medical
Administration, 300,000 boys conscripted into the military are clearly
underweight and unfit for service. Children in Russia are shorter, by 5 to 8
centimeters, than their counterparts of 10 or 15 years ago. Chest size has
shrunk 5 to 6 centimeters, and whereas 10 years ago conscripts could easily
perform 50 push-ups, today's Russian teenagers find it hard to do 10.

One out of two boys finish secondary school with some chronic ailment, and
one out of four girls is biologically immature. According to the authors,
"Among all age groups the most unfavorable health trends were noted in
adolescents aged 15-17." General sickness in this age group increased to
over 33 percent during the 1990s, with drug addiction making a tenfold
growth between 1990 and 1997. The number of drug abusers is unknown since
only 10 percent of those with narcotic problems seek medical help.

The intellectual potential of the younger generation has declined
substantially. Only one half of children in Russia are normal in their
mental development. A major factor is nutrition. Many children and teenagers
are practically starving, which is why many go into the army to be fed.
School meals have been all but eliminated: in the Soviet Union 75 percent of
school children were fed in school. Today only 25 percent of Russian
students receive a meal.

By 1994, 21 percent of school children aged 15 to 19 had not completed a
secondary education and were not attending school anywhere. According to
Baranov, school reform in Russia has resulted in 2 million children not
attending school. Those children are not only deprived of a school
education, but also miss the opportunity to receive school meals and
vaccinations to prevent various diseases. The lack of a family structure or
a stable environment lead many youth to get involved in "rackets" and become
easy prey to be drawn into the criminal world.

The family structure for millions of people has all but collapsed. The words
"poverty" and "family" have now become inseparable, with 33.1 percent of
families with children under 16 years old living below the miserable
official government minimum standard of living. Of families with two
children, 36.9 percent were impoverished. And almost 50 percent of families
with three children, and nearly 75 percent of families with four or more
children live in poverty.

According to the Russian authors, in present-day Russia to have a "large
family" and to be "poor" are virtually synonymous. State subsidies for the
unemployed and poor have been drastically cut, making them virtually
ineffective. In 1997 single parents and parents with several children made
up 45 percent of the unemployed.

The other family pressures facing children are the growth of single-parent
families. The divorce rate has increased 22.6 percent, and the probability
that one or both parents will die has increased substantially, to 16.2
percent. Sixty-four percent of children born in 1997 could expect to lose a
parent before they reach adulthood.

Between 1980 and 1987 Russia experienced a record 14 percent increase in the
birth rate, the highest in 35 years, followed by a continuous decline
between 1988 and 1997. The upsurge in the early 1980s provided a record
number of teenagers in the 1990s who might under other circumstances have
provided an influx of youth and energy to the society. The Russian authors
ask the pointed question, "Exactly what kind of living conditions have been
created for them?"

An obvious expression of the growth of poverty has been the increase in the
number of orphans. At the beginning of 1998 600,000 children had either
become orphans or were not under parental supervision. While many become
adopted or have a legal guardian, over 25 percent live in children's homes
or boarding schools. Since 1994, the netwo

[CTRL] Dusk

1999-04-23 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-

>From Int'l Herald Tribune

Paris, Saturday, April 24, 1999
Out of the Dark, Into the Mainstream: America's Cult of Violence

By Kevin Merida and Richard Leiby Washington Post Service

WASHINGTON - In what used to be the dark corners of American culture, there
are a prime-time cartoon with a neo-Nazi character, comics that traffic in
bestiality, movies that leave teenagers gutted like game, and fashion
designers who peddle black-leather masks and doomsday visions.
It's all in the open now, mass-produced and widely available. Celebrated
even. On countless personal computers, killing is a sport. And then there's
Marilyn Manson, a popular singer who named himself after a mass murderer and
proclaims he is the Antichrist.

Film, television, music, dress, technology, games: They've become one giant
playground filled with accessible evil that is darker than ever.

After any tragedy involving children, commentators strive to find cultural
signifiers that will somehow explain the carnage. Fifteen dead in a
prosperous suburban high school? The killers part of a clique dubbed the
Trench Coat Mafia? The reach for explanation is irresistible.

Some will consult the lyrics of Marilyn Manson and the German industrial
band KMFDM or cue up a video of ''The Basketball Diaries.'' Others will
peruse the new comic book ''The Trenchcoat Brigade.'' And did anyone notice
that the friend of the killers being led away Tuesday was wearing a black
''South Park'' T-shirt featuring the cartoon character Kenny, who is
bloodily dispatched in every episode?

And yet any such zeroing-in may overlook the bigger picture: For young
people, the culture at large is bathed in blood and violence, a Grand
Guignol where the more extreme the message, the more over-the-top
gruesomeness, the better.

Consider this: Of the 11 major movies released on video in the United States
since April 6, seven have violent themes. ''Apt Pupil'' is about a
high-schooler obsessed with Nazism, ''American History X'' is about the rise
and fall of a skinhead, and ''I Still Know What You Did Last Summer,'' a
teen-slasher sequel.

''There's no question in my mind that film and society interrelate,'' said
Douglas Brode, a professor of film at Syracuse University and author of 18
books on movies. ''And not just film but music, video games, all of it.
There is a connection.

''It may be tangential; it may be tight,'' he said. ''Nobody knows for

It is surely one of the great debates of this decade: Does the culture
simply reflect the dark, decadent times in which we live? Or is society the
way it is because the proprietors of culture have run amok?

Take ''Basketball Diaries,'' the 1995 movie based on Jim Carroll's
autobiographical book about his tumble from New York City high-school
basketball star to heroin addict. In the film there is a dream sequence in
which Leonardo DiCaprio, wearing an ankle-length black-leather coat and
brandishing a 3-foot-long (1-meter) rifle, walks into his high-school
classroom and starts blowing away students. One by one. In slow motion. To a
score of rock music.

Kills his teacher, too.

His friends in the class are saluting each other with celebratory high fives
and laughing.

So was Bryan Goluboss, the screenwriter, drafting from reality to make his
screenplay authentic? Or was his creation copied by real students in
Littleton, Colorado, who wore real trench coats and blew away their real

''Basketball Diaries'' already was cited as a factor in the shooting two
years ago of three students in West Paducah, Kentucky. Authorities said the
14-year-old shooter in that incident may have planned his attack after
watching the movie.

In the wake of this latest tragedy, Mr. Brode urges taking a wide look.

''The way I see it,'' he said, ''is there is not more darkness or more
lightness than before. It's that everything is more extreme today. The middl
e is gone. The darkness is darker than before.''

In the past six years, as computing power has increased, computer games have
become horrifically realistic and horrifically vicious. An entire genre of
games, called ''first-person shooters,'' encourages the player to dismember
monsters and slay people.

The trend began with ''Wolfenstein 3D,'' a game in which an American soldier
in a Nazi prison must kill Hitlerlike people to survive. Today there are
such games as ''Postal,'' in which the goal is to slaughter bystanders.

The cover of the game ''Blood II'' promises: ''Over 30 screamingly fast
totally immersive blood-soaked levels! Run a savage gauntlet of multiplayer
mayhem from BloodFeud to BloodBath for Maximum BloodShed!''

Mike Davila, editorial director of GameWeek, a trade magazine, said:
''They're incredibly violent, and they're the most popular games on PCs
right now. The object is to kill people; you 

Re: [CTRL] [Re: [CTRL] [[CTRL] Jerry Black's Update on Whitl]

1999-04-23 Thread Scott Brown

 -Caveat Lector-

Samatha 'Smith' <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  -Caveat Lector-
> In a message dated 4/23/99 3:41:39 AM EST, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
> << You will do everything in your power to contort your mind, belief and
> outlook so that you will not have to admit that UFOs
>  and abductions are real and the implications that has. But hey, whatever
> gives you peace enough to sleep at night and believe that you are acting in a
> rational manner, and the world is a safe, beautiful place. >>
> I agree but for different reasons.  There is convincing evidence, IMO,
> that the military is conducting faux-abduction scenarios, yet there is also
> compelling evidence that real UFO's and otherworldy visitors have an interest
> in our planet.
> It's not even logical to assume we're alone and unvisited.  It's
> statistically improbable that we're the only intelligent (heh heh) life in
> the universe.  I see no contradiction in believing that both scenarios are
> real.
> I don't see people here not believing in real UFO's out of fear, though,
> but out of a reluctance to hope that not all beings are pond-scum like we
> are.  I DO think the "evil aliens" theory has been pushed by the world
> governments.  The "real" aliens, as I see them, are not pond-scum.
> Samm

Exactly there are many different alien groups, and yes it does appear that there are 
military operations that involve abductions. That is one of their tactics--if some of 
the abductions can be pointed to as being done by military personnel, then many will 
say well that explains ALL abductions and UFOs. It is disinformation at its best. Just 
as skeptics try to find small inconsistincies in reports of UFOs, conspiracy, etc and 
then use those small and often irrelevant inconsistincies to debunk ALL that is 
reported. In reference to the recent posts of the book claiming that UFOs are 
man-made, this follows the same disinformation pattern as above, and while I detest 
it, I have to admit that it is remarkably effective. Yes, SOME UFOs ARE MAN-MADE, but 
if our relatively backward scientists can develop UFOs, why can't more advanced races? 
Everyone uses
Frank Drakes equation and mathematical probabilities to justify or debunk the reality 
of aliens, but what strikes me is that when I watched Whitley Strieber's CONFIRMATION 
on NBC a while back, it was the scientists who are supposedly about looking for new 
possibilities and pushing the realm of possibility--specifically the SETI and skeptics 
who were cited in the program--who seemed to be the ones saying this is not possible, 
this is a hoax. In orther words it was the scientists who have the limited thinking 
when they and TRUE SCIENCE should be LIMITLESS and promoting the idea of possibility 
and making that possibility a reality.  Now let me say that yes some of the program 
seemed hokey and over-dramatized, but the mulitple sightings of objects in the sky in 
Mexico and the Ohio Police chase of a UFO were compelling. On the issue of scientists 
being closed-minded, that, too is remarkable effective because the ignorant masses 
think that science is about new possibilities and new !
realms, so if you PLACE people into scientific positions that the public will accept 
as legitimate, and they promote your beliefs that all that is known we already know, 
well you can see the ramifications of that and how easy it is for the public to remain 
limited in their scope of what is real and what is possible.

> Samm
> ==
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> screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
> and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
> frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
> spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
> gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
> be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
> nazi's need not apply.
> Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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Re: [CTRL] (1) Tesla [repost]

1999-04-23 Thread Howard R. Davis III

 -Caveat Lector-

I thank the poster for posting these excerpts from the Seifer book. I
have read in the past both the O'Neil book and the Cheney books on
Tesla. I have also read two books on Edison. As a child I read Trevelyn
Miller's book and later I read the book "Streak of Luck". I also read
part of a books called "Tesla Speaks" which was supposedly channeled
from many great scientist of the past including Tesla and Edison.
However, this book was proven to me to be a fake. In it "Edison"
apologizes from the "other side" for stealing Tesla's inventions
including the light bulb. However, in that very book are short
biographies of each and if you study them you will notice that Edison
could not have stolen the light bulf from Tesla because Tesla had not
moved from Europe at that time. In fact, I don't believe he even spoke
english at the time. So, obviously the whole thing must be untrue. The
question that entered my mind, however, was who was behind this
falsehood. Did it come from another plain or was it purposely introduced
into the world consciousness? And, if so, why?

more below

Das GOAT wrote:
>  -Caveat Lector-
>  First in a series of excerpts from:
> "Wizard: The Life and Times of Nikola Tesla --
>  Biography of A Genius," by Marc J. Seifer,
>  1996, Birch Lane Press, Carol Publishing Group
>  ISBN 1-55972-329-7
>  Seifer's biography of Tesla, making use of documents not
> available to previous biographers, manages to debunk the Tesla
> "myth" (regarding, for example, his reputed "spirituality" and
> his public "celibacy") and to expose Tesla's unsavory political
> leanings (citing FBI files), yet without sacrificing the respect
> justly due the inventor's extraordinary accomplishments.

In my opinion, the above has some misrepresentations in the
characterization the book portray. "Debunk is a rather strong term. It
should be more like "illuminate" or "brings to light" a greater
understanding of these aspects of Tesla. My respect for him was not
diminished greatly by reading this information. It helped me to know the
man better and respect him more. For I realized more truly that he was a
man like all of us. A man how had a tremendous struggle, yet achieved
great feats. But, at the same time, to recognize the short comings which
kept him from even greater achievements and greater personal happiness.

>  (Along with learning more about his proposed "free energy"
> system, the reader will here discover that Tesla, a pioneer in
> Robotics, was also the father of Artificial Intelligence.)
>  Seifer manages to reveal a great deal more about Tesla's
> relationships with Thomas Edison, famous capitalists like J. P.
> Morgan, and less familiar figures active during the turn of the
> century, when a virtual explosion of new technologies resulted in
> centralization of all financial power in the hands of just a few
> "titans of industry," owners of the entire US economy.
Though the centralization problem is covered in the book it is not as
well explained as the above seems to indicate.

>  (Here we will see the Morgan-Astor and Rockefeller-Harriman
> factions at work, learn their attitudes toward new technology,
> and smell corruption at the roots of all our modern industries.)
>  This book offers quite an enlightening portrait of "the
> spirit of the times," one similar to our own in many ways ...

> _
>  ... In 1880, Tesla left for Bohemia (now in the Czech
> Republic) ... Tesla enrolled in the University of Prague, one of
> the foremost institutions in Europe ...
>  Just two years after Tesla's stay, Harvard psychologist
> William James would come to visit, to meet with [its rector,
> Ernst] Mach and Mach's archrival, Carl Stumpf ... Stumpf was a
> student of the controversial ex-priest Franz Brentano (who also
> influenced Sigmund Freud) and Tesla's philosophy teacher.
>  Stumpf opposed a number of key psychophysicists, including
> the famed Wilhelm Wundt, but at the same time he helped shape the
> thinking of a number of key students, such as phenomonologist
> Edmund Husserl and Gestalt psychologist Wolfgang Kohler.
>  With Stumpf, Tesla studied Scotish philosopher David Hume.
> A persuasive advocate of Hume's "radical skepticism," Stumpf
> argued ... that the human mind was born a blank slate, a "tabula
> rasa" ... Through the sense organs, Tesla learned, the brain
> mechanically recorded incoming data.  The mind, according to
> Hume, was nothing more than a simple compilation of cause-and-
> effect sensations ... The will and "even the soul [were] reduced
> by Hume to impressions and associations of impressions."  Tesla
> also studied the theories of Descartes, who envisioned animals,
> including man, as simply "automata incapable of actions other
> than those characteristic of a machine."
>  This line of thinking w

Re: [CTRL] Trenchcoat

1999-04-23 Thread Colleen Jones

 -Caveat Lector-

There are also people on this list  who use different names, and from
their terminology, and certain key words often leave clues as to who
they are.Hot Mail, and stuff like that - coming to this list members
from time to time.again, rather obvious who they are

As for the above - this is titled Trenchcoat, so let me ask out
there..young Dylan was the grand son of a multimillionaire who lived
in Bexley; his mother went to school at Columbus School for Girls
here...Larry Flynt had bought the half million dollar home across from
this school, and they about had a fit.

No person will ever convince me that this young man Dylan, was a Nazi
typemafia family, maybe Nazi, never.

Having met various KKK Grand Dragons in my research over the years, they
were after spies, not Jewsand assisted in getting the Walker
spiesbut the people in that community better find out who had the
control over these kidsmusic always plays a role it seems.

As for me, if anyone reads the old testament full of blood and gore,
incest, murder, nailing peoples heads to the ground, rape, ritual
murder, human sacrifice.and then crucifixion..should religion be
taught in schools without proper guidance, and at what age.  And this is
why every secret society in the world uses the bible in their murdrous

The Catholic Church realizes that one does not read the bible without
instruction of the proper kindas they say, give a boy a ball and a
bat, and a few drugsand the bible, and you can proudce a real
killer.even Sirhan Sirhan, searched his scriptures daily.

But a young Jewish boy who loved Hitler?  Is that why the police seemed
to rush to judgment.   There is someone out there with a hook in our


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[CTRL] OT:TWO MORE Mirror Websites: Trench Coat Mafia

1999-04-23 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

 -Caveat Lector-


On Fri, 23 Apr 1999, MICHAEL SPITZER wrote:

> FYI.
> -- Forwarded message --
> Date: Thu, 22 Apr 1999 22:41:10 -0500
> From: Bill Nalty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: OT: Trench Coat Mafia (Eric Harris) Website Mirror
> Trench Coat Mafia Website Mirror
> ---
> Eric Harris' Web Page
> The web page is pretty basic; lyrics from a song by
> KMFDM, an industrial band.
> Song title: "Son of a Gun"
> Original trench coat page??

   Kaddish, Kaddish, Kaddish, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

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1999-04-23 Thread Sno0wl
 -Caveat Lector-
On 22 Apr 99, , CobolMage wrote:

> As a result, there is considerable attention being paid to the "Trench
> Coat Mafia."  One theme in media coverage is that the group's members
> dressed in black, wore trench coats, and were identified as part of a
> "Goth" subculture.  From there, the media has had a field day in
> stereotyping "Goth" enthusiasts, even incorrectly identifying them with
> the music of Marilyn Manson -- the cutting edge group which is often the
> target of religious pickets and calls for censorship. Manson has never
> identified himself as a "Goth," but that didn't stop the speculation about
> interest in vampires, blood, Nazis, killing, Adolph Hitler and a range of
> other topics that hang together more through guilt-by-association than any

Interesting that there's been little or no mention of the German "industrial" music the boys were intoonly Marilyn Manson, who has been the target of those who want censorship of music for quite awhile.

How many people over 30 know what "German industrial music" is?

>In at least one Pennsylvania school district, a ban on trench coats was announced.
>Meanwhile, President Clinton -- once a liberal nonconformist -- announced that he >was seeking federal assistance for school districts wishing to implement dress codes.

In NY State, school uniforms are up for vote...and very likely to get passed.

>"Goths are dark, not dangerous."  She noted, "Whatever
>the two young men in Colorado might have imagined themselves to be, they
>weren't Goths.  The morose community, much too diffuse to be called a
>movement, is at its heart quiet, introverted and pacifistic..."

When my granddaughter was into "gothic": she dressed like Jane Eyre. Actually, she looked very beautiful, if a little prim. I would say the "sullen ennui" and a love of the mysterious is right on. And yes, she did seem pretty passive. She's moved on to other
things now :))

Thanks to CobolMage for some very thoughtful and sane posts.


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1999-04-23 Thread Liz Schumacher

 -Caveat Lector-

sorry, meant Stuart

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1999-04-23 Thread Liz Schumacher

 -Caveat Lector-

Stewart ,here,- may all ye Campbells roast in hades

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1999-04-23 Thread Mark McHugh

 -Caveat Lector-

Thanks for the info, Kris.

I'm Campbell of Argyll on one side and Macdoughall on the other.  Or so I'm
told. ;)

Mark McHugh

One Step Beyond!

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[CTRL] Fwd: Hoffman Wire: The Matrix

1999-04-23 Thread Kris Millegan

Title: Hoffman Wire: The Matrix

The Matrix

April 23, 1999

Note: We had a huge response to the April 22  Hoffman Wire, including the
following interview on the Massacre at Columbine High in Colorado and the
movie "Matrix."


H=Michael A. Hoffman II

I: Yesterday in your HOFFMAN WIRE column you cited the Hollywood film "The
Matrix" as part of the processing that leads to tragedies like the massacre
at Columbine. Would you elaborate?

H: On April 21, on one of the morning TV news shows, while the massacre in
Colorado was being analyzed, a film clip from the movie "The Matrix" was
broadcast showing star Keanu Reeves dressed in a black Trench Coat firing
two automatic pistols and engaged in an assault on a SWAT Team. I don't scan
TV around the clock, but I noticed that, soon after, the Matrix film was no
longer being used as the chief reference point for the Colorado school
shootings and instead the networks had substituted the movie "Natural Born
Killers," (NBK). NBK is their favorite whipping boy since NBK goes after the
jaded news media and its exploitation of violence. 

The movie "Matrix" features a pyrotechnic ballet of extreme violence, filmed
with the lushness of a porno flick--gunmen taking on a SWAT team, toting
bomb-filled duffel bags. There are a lot of parallels to what happened at
Columbine High. The news media tipped the public off on the connection to
the Columbine High massacre in one quick segment on Matrix--just enough to
fulfill the Revelation of the Method and then they buried it and diverted
attention away from it.

I: Are you saying the two killers saw the Matrix movie and were somehow
inspired by it?

H: I'd be surprised if they didn't see it. But I'll wager they at least
heard about the plot and story-line or checked out the website
( These were two boys who by all reports
were immersed in  the establishment media.

I: What makes Matrix a bad film?

H: We're dealing with a kind of intellectual and emotional program, a
technology, a kind of software. Matrix contains of some occult teachings. We
can look at the film in at least two ways: 1. It is using the slickest,
state-of-the-art technology, youth lingo and current fashion to impart
lessons in the nature of the universe in order to benevolently raise the
consciousness of everyone.

Or, 2. By simulating an LSD trip and video-game hyper violence (Kung-Fu
video games and Doom video games are simulated in two lengthy sequences)
they want to make bushels of money and program the kids to violence and
terrorism; and to make this more palatable to community standards, the
makers of the film have thrown in some fortune cookie philosophy to redeem
it from being just two and half hours of the pornography of violence.

I: You obviously believe in this case it's number 2.

H: The two killers in Colorado either gave their lives to draw attention to
the movie or got a message of godhood from it which led them to believe that
mass murder and suicide would open the portals of Heaven's Gate for them.

I: Heaven's Gate was the San Diego suicide cult.

H: Yes.

I: You're saying the System programs suicide and terrorism?

H: When I was researching in the archives of the 1832 "Penn Yan Anti-Masonic
Enquirer" at Olin Library at Cornell University, a certain phrase repeatedly
cropped up, "Masonic apoplexy." It referred to Masons who committed suicide
after perpetrating crimes. Do the job, then kill yourself; that's the
program and has been for hundreds of years.

As for terrorism, the System desperately needs it. Gun dealer William
Mueller was going to expose OKCity bomb patsy Tim McVeigh so the neo-Nazi
FBI operatives,  Chevie Kehoe and Co., wiped him and his family out in

You've heard the expression, "The show must go on?" Well, the terrorism must
go on. You can't build a police state without state sponsored or
System-induced terrorism. The US government foments Arab terrorism, neo-Nazi
terrorism and they dearly hope for Serb terrorism here in the good ol' USA.
So they program schoolyard terror. 

Can you see the glee on the gun-controllers today in the aftermath of the
Columbine massacre? They can barely conceal it. This wouldn't work in a
different era. In another time, Americans would be clamoring for guns to
protect themselves from student shooters. But this is the Revelation of the
Method era, as outlined in my book. This is the time when they show us what
they're doing to us. Matrix is a textbook case of this. Take your kids to
that film and they'll have a virus implanted in them. 

The System doesn't need MKUltra anymore. The media culture itself is now so
far gone it functions like MKUltra. True, most kids will not "go Postal."
But certain attuned ones will and that's all the System needs. It's all
about brutalization and desensitization. Ask any soldier what happens on

Re: [CTRL] Trenchcoat

1999-04-23 Thread Sno0wl

 -Caveat Lector-

On 23 Apr 99, , Ynr wrote:

> I'd be interested in finding out how you found out about this list,
> and what motivated you to join all us middleaged old farts here... ;-)

There are something like 400+ members on this list, and only a handful post. Less
than a dozen post regularly. So we have almost no idea who we're talking to.
There could be hundreds of highschool and college students hereor only a few. Who


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Re: [CTRL] Trenchcoat

1999-04-23 Thread Sno0wl

 -Caveat Lector-

On 23 Apr 99, , Ynr wrote:

> It comes down to The Golden Rule, and its equivalent in other
> religions...if kids got a good moral background from their parents,
> they'd never even CONSIDER picking on someone as cruelly as you
> described what was done to the boy who was a dwarf...

I'm a little tired of the "blame the parents" bit. My own kids were not brought up with
any notions of racial bias and indeed never had any until they had a very bad
experience in junior highschool, in a school where things were somewhat chaotic and
suddenly they were menaced and threatened by kids of other ethnic backgrounds.
Because of that experience and in spite of being brought up with friends from many
ethnic backgrounds, I know they have--as adults--biases which sometimes surprise
and shock me. They are biases I can honestly say I don't have or share.

Many parents in the past decades have had the experience of discovering that children
who were absolute angels until they were 10-11 were impossible to control in their teen
years.That is the terible truth of Jerry Springer, Ricki Lake, and other talk shows
where these problems get aired --often in not very helpful ways. And often the kids who
gave their parents the most awful time as children turn out to be the nicest of adults.
Go figure.

Children are not born tabula rasa. They are not blank slates. They are born with
unique personalities and sensitivities and much depends on the way those personality
and those sensitivities interact with the parents and the larger situation the family 
itself in. Children within a single family will have radically different responses to 
the parents offer, running the gamut from docile acceptance to hostile rebellion. And
then there are the tensions between the parents themselves. Many children of people I
know, who grew up without structured relgion, have turned to various forms of
orthodoxy, from Jewish Orthodoxy to born-again-Christianity, to Jehovah's
Witnesses.and the parents find this turn of events extremely disturbing since the
children are now embracing --as adults--concepts the parents thoughtfully and
consciously rejected--on principle.

Life is complicated. Deal with it. The real danger is when we think that there is just
ONE WAY for everyone.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
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[CTRL] [4] The Strange Death of FRANKLIN D. ROOSEVELT

1999-04-23 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

an excerpt from:
The Strange Death of FRANKLIN D. ROOSEVELT
A History of the Roosevelt-Delano Dynasty America's Royal Family
Emanuael M. Josephson©1948
127 East 69th Street
New York 21, N. Y.



Two outstanding developments over-shadowed the events of the first half of
the twentieth century. The first was the dissemination of Marxism. The second
was the phenomenal rise of the Rockefeller Empire, the greatest the world has
even known. The two de. velopments became closely connected and interwoven.

The point of origin of Marxism was Germany. Karl Marx was the son of Heinrich
Marx whose correct name before it was "Aryanized" was Hirschel Levy, the son
of Rabbi Marx Levy of Trier. His mother was a Polish Jewess derived from a
family of rabbis, including Rabbis Meir Katzenellenbogen of Padua, Joseph Ben
Gerson ha-Cohen and Joshua Heschel Lvov. His elder brother, Karl's uncle was
also a rabbi.

In order to retain his post as counsellor in the Trier court, when the
Rhineland was taken over by Germany, Heinrich Marx (ne Hirschel Levy) was
baptized in 1817, one year before Karl was born. He retained his court job
and advanced to the position of Justizrat and a leader of the Moderate
Constitutional party in Trier. Karl's Hungarian Jewish mother, Henriette did
not become baptized until after the death of her parents in 1825. Karl and
his brothers and sisters were baptized in the National Evangelical Church
(Protestant) on August 24, 1824, when Karl was a little over six years old.

Karl-Marx suffered from an acute inferiority complex regarding his Jewish
origin. He never could bring himself to realize that those about him regarded
him with questioning, if not contempt, because he pretended to be something
he was not. He held the Jews responsible for his state. His paranoia and
inferiority complex were compensated by an intense hatred of the Jews. This
found expression in the first works he wrote for publication. In the
Deutsch-Franzosische Jahrbuch of 1844 he wrote in a review entitle "Zur
Judenfrage" ("On the Jewish Question") the following:

"What is the basis of Judaism? Selfishness and greed.

"What is their faith? Swindling.

"Who is their God? Money.

"There can be no solution of the problems of the world without the
destruction of the Jews and their religion, (Judenthum)."

In 1875 he wrote
"The Hebrew faith is repellent to me".

Thus Karl Marx, the renegade Jew, became one of the fathers of Nazism,
acknowledged by Hitler and his crew.

At college, as a phase of compensation for his paranoid inferiority complex,
Marx paraded as a Christian and undertook an intensive study of Canonical or
Church Law. Thus he wrote to his father from Berlin on November 10, 1837:

"I confined myself to positive studies . . . some of Gauterbach's books ...
especially on ecclesiastical law."

In the Canonical Law he found sections which interpret profits in commercial
transactions as usury and a cardinal sin. That meant that the Church law
demanded "production for use and not for profit".

This left open only three legitimate vocations: one was to join the Church
orders; the second was to labor; and the third was to assume the role of the
baron who preyed on the laborers on the pretense of protecting them, as do
the modern Labor Barons and their gang. ster henchmen, and to live by
physical force or violence. This was Medievalism. The church later aban.
doned this doctrine except within its own orders, be. cause it was found
unsound and dangerous. It was largely responsible for the breakdown of
civilization, law and order in the Middle Ages, and for the enslavement of
mankind. It threw Europe into a reign of terror that lasted more than a
thousand years.

But Karl Marx was not merely anti-Jewish, he was anti-religious and
especially anti-Catholic. He wrote that he classed Christianity as a Jewish
religion. In this respect his ideas coincided with those of Bismarck, whose
anti-Catholic activities have been recalled by the Pope recently as the
origin of Nazi activities in Poland. Marx attacked religion as an opiate for
the masses. But he stole the doctrine, "to produce for profit is a cardinal
sin", which the Church abandoned because it was proved false, and made it the
basis of his new religion, Marxism or Communazism.

Marx's hatred, like that of his followers, the Nazis, extended to all
non-Germanic peoples, even those that supported his movement. He disparaged
the Negro and held the Russian revolutionaries in contempt.

Labor, Marx hated whole-heartedly, and he despised the individual worker.
When he married he sought out a noblewoman, Jennie von Westphalen. When one
of his daughters wished to marry a worker, he forbade it and ordered her to
marry a bourgeois capitalist. Karl came from an affluent bourgeois family and
never did a day of labor in his life. The loss of the fortune which his
father left him, as a result


1999-04-23 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

FYI . . . By the time we get to Phoenix . . .




Hereditary Head of the Clan Campbell
Inveraray Castle
Argyllshire, Scotland

His Grace, born Ian Campbell in 1937, was educated at:
Le Rosey (Switzerland)
Trinity College (Glenalmond, Scotland) McGill University (Montreal)
and has had a varied and diverse business background. He has
successfully been:
A New York Stock Broker
Captain, Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders
First National City Bank (London Branch)
Assistant Personnel Manager, Xerox Corporation

During which time he was titled the Marquess of Lorne. Upon His father's
death in 1973 he succeeded as the 12th Duke of Argyll and Chief of the
Clan Campbell. His seat, Inveraray Castle in Argyllshire, suffered a
disastrous fire in 1975. His Grace successfully mounted a world-wide
campaign for the restoration of the castle, one of the showplaces of
Scotland and well known for its place in Scottish history.

His Grace's charming duchess is Iona Colquhoun, only daughter of Captain
Sir Ivar Colquhoun of Luss (of Rossdhu, Dumbartonshire), 8th baronet and
Chief of the Clan Colquhoun. They have two children: Torquhil Ian,
Marquess of Lorne; and Lady Louise Iona Campbell. The Duke's only
sister, Lady Jean, is Married to a South Carolina Planter.

It is due to the personal participation and encouragement of the His
Grace that the Clan Campbell Society has grown from just a handful of
founding members to its present strength.


Lord Lieutenant of Argyll and Bute 1402

Master of the Royal Household in Scotland
Keeper of the Great Seal of Scotland

Admiral of the Western Isles

Keeper of the Royal Castles of:

High Sheriff of Argyllshire

Member Queen's Body Guard for Scotland

Member Royal Company of Archers

36TH Baron & 46th knight of Lochow 1445
Lord Campbell 1457
Earl of Argyll 1470
Lord of Lorne 1626
Lord of Kyntyre 1626
Baronet of the Order of Nova Scotia 1627
DUKE of ARGYLL (Scotland) 1701
Marquess of Kintyre & Lorne 1701
Earl of Campbell and Cowal 1701
Viscount of Lochow & Glenyla 1701
Lord of the Inveraray, Mull, Morven & Tiree 1701
Baron Sundridge 1766
Baron Hamilton of Hameldon 1776
DUKE of ARGYLL (U.K.) 1892
Knight of St. John 1974


Articles may not be republished without the permission of the Clan
Campbell Society (NA)

For problems with the CCSNA pages contact
Creation Date: May 31, 1997
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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[CTRL] "Words - Not Violence"

1999-04-23 Thread flw

 -Caveat Lector-

April 24 1999  BALKANS WAR

Pres. Clinton speaks out on the Colorado High School
shooting: "we must use words not violence" he says.

THE TIMES: 4/24/99
Nato targets

Tom Walker, who has been expelled from Yugoslavia, reports on the war's
grim toll on life in Belgrade

Bombs sow hate and alienation

VERICA is 32, and lives with her 11-year-old daughter in a rundown,
Tito-era tower block not far from Belgrade city centre. Her husband left
her several years ago, and she has earned her crust by teaching English and
hoping for a lucky break that might lead to romance or a full-time job with
an export-import company.

That snapshot of Verica's life, taken a month ago, still holds true, except
that, thanks to Nato, her desperation has increased tenfold. Then she was
tall and proud and immaculately made-up. Now she is a shadow of her former
self; thin, her hair bedraggled, she chain-smokes and thinks only of
protecting her daughter as the cruise missiles draw closer.

The destruction of the television centre just around the corner made it
clear that Nato has a limitless belief in the infallibility of its smart

Family members come by day and they grimly sit around a coffee-stained
table sharing a meal of bread and eggs and some sausage. There is no money
for anything else; no one in Belgrade wants to learn English, the language
of the aggressor. Russian maybe, but not English.

Before the war they were alienated; now they have been tipped towards a
hatred of the West and its humanitarian crusade. Out of politeness they do
not talk about Kosovo Albanians, but there is an understanding they would
prefer them all dead.

Above all else, they are frightened and incapable of comprehending the
arguments thrust at them by Nato propaganda. Talk of overthrowing their
President is meaningless.

Not all of Belgrade is so grim. Gypsy street cleaners still hose down the
pavements, and horses canter around the racetrack. McDonald's has reopened
three of its eight restaurants and wants to hold children's parties again.

Physically, the city has changed little, except for pockets of craters that
my friend Sasa calls "Godzilla's footprints". But, then,this is not a
Second World War bombardment, and people have adjusted. Slick posters
appear on billboards, put together with a professionalism that suggests
experience in overseas advertising agencies. "They believe in bombs, we
believe in God," is one theme.

Sasa said "Belgrade has become smaller. One in five people I meet in the
street now I know . . . it used to be about one every 30 or so." This is
because up to 400,000 of the city's two million inhabitants have fled to
the countryside.

Some of those remaining behind have become anaesthetised. Sasa was in the
basement Writers' Club two nights ago when she received a call from her
anxious father telling her to get home because the military airport at
Batajnica was being bombed. Sasa rang her friend Eva, who lives near
Batajnica; Eva said she thought it was just heavy anti-aircraft fire.

In the morning she rang Sasa, sheepishly explaining that she had slept
through the detonations of cruise missiles 2½ miles from her house. "She
was kind of disgusted with herself for admitting it," said Sasa, "but
that's the way it is, you just get used to it."

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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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[CTRL] OT: Mirror Website: Trench Coat Mafia (fwd)

1999-04-23 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

 -Caveat Lector-


-- Forwarded message --
Date: Thu, 22 Apr 1999 22:41:10 -0500
From: Bill Nalty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: OT: Trench Coat Mafia (Eric Harris) Website Mirror

Trench Coat Mafia Website Mirror

Eric Harris' Web Page

The web page is pretty basic; lyrics from a song by
KMFDM, an industrial band.
Song title: "Son of a Gun"


Original trench coat page??

   Kaddish, Kaddish, Kaddish, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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Re: [CTRL] Trenchcoat

1999-04-23 Thread Liz Schumacher

 -Caveat Lector-

colleen- im sorry! who knows why a jewish kid would celebrate adolphs
birthday? why does charles manson have a webpage? why do the kids  idolize
him? why do the parents allow it? why dont they throw their computers away
why is marilyn manson popular? why isnt he pushing up roots somewhere in a

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screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Interesting idea?!?!?

1999-04-23 Thread Teo One Thousand

 -Caveat Lector-

This is from alt.mindcontrol.
It may be the answer to all of our questions or it may be just a bunch of
gibberish, you decide.

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screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] [kt] Re: [CTRL] Thomas on Bell redux

1999-04-23 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

 -Caveat Lector-

On Thu, 22 Apr 1999, Kenn Thomas wrote:

> Anyone who missed my appearance on the Art Bell show who has an interest and
> RealAudio can check it out at:
> kt

Which show, kt?


   Kaddish, Kaddish, Kaddish, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
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[CTRL] [3] The Strange Death of FRANKLIN D. ROOSEVELT

1999-04-23 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

an excerpt from:
The Strange Death of FRANKLIN D. ROOSEVELT
A History of the Roosevelt-Delano Dynasty America's Royal Family
Emanuael M. Josephson©1948
127 East 69th Street
New York 21, N. Y.


Among the significant facts concerning the Roosevelt-Delano Dynasty are the

1. Over one-third of our thirty-three presidents have been derived from a
single interrelated group of families

2. Their presidents have held office sixty-six of the one hundred and
fifty-nine years of our national existence, despite the death of two of them
within a short time after inauguration.

3. Thirteen of them have served fully, or in part, a total of eighteen terms
as president, and additional terms as vice-president.

4. Of a total of forty presidential terms in our history, eighteen have been
served by them.

5. The only two instances of hereditary transmission of presidency from
father to son, John Adams and John Quncy[sic] Adams, or from grandfather to
grandson, General William H. Harrison and General Benjamin Harrison, in our
history has been in this Dynasty. In the person of Robert Alphonso Taft, an
effort is now in process to reaffirm that tradition.

6. On a number of occasions the nation has been confronted with two
candidates derived from the Dynasty, as in 1848, Martin Van Buren and Charles
Fran. CIS Adams, were presidential and vice-presidential can. didates on the
Free Soil ticket; 1944 when Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Thomas Dewey, both
of the Dynasty were Democratic and Republican candidates respectively; and
1948 when three of the Republican candidates Robert A. Taft, Thomas Dewey and
Gen. eral Douglas MacArthur are all derived from the Dynasty. In 1836 Martin
Van Buren, Democratic Presidential candidate defeated General William Henry
Harrison Whig candidate-both of the Dynasty. In 1840, in return contest,
Harrison was victor.

7. The number of policy making offices in local and national government that
have been filled by the mem. bers of the Dynasty are innumerable and utterly
out of proportion to their number.

Apologists for the Dynasty and surprisingly enough even those possessed of
intelligence, have a stock explanation for these extraordinary phenomena.

"A family that has been in this country for so long a time is certain to be
related to every other family in the land", they explain.

It is absurd to represent that within ten to fifteen generations the half
dozen families which have constituted the backbone of the Dynasty could have
intermarried with the forty some million families that can not trace their
relationship even remotely to any of our presidents. This apology is as false
as it is insincere.

It fails to explain the fact that there is no relationship traceable between
the other twenty-one Presi. dents. It is also very striking that there is no
relation. ship traceable between any of those twenty one Presidents amongst
themselves despite the fact that their ancestors were in this country as
long, and some longer, than the Dynasty's.

To refute the apologists there is the phenomenon of intense inbreeding and
intermarriage between the families comprising the Dynasty, with the
occasional introduction of the scion of some commercial dynasty such as the
Astors, the DuPonts and others. This follows the pattern of the royal
families of Europe. It results in multiple relationships that reinforce those
of direct line of ancestry. Thus Frederick B. Adams, a sixth cousin of
Franklin Delano Roosevelt married Ellen W. Delano, a first cousin; James
Roosevelt Roosevelt, Franklin Delano Roosevelt's half-brother, married Helen
Schermerhorn Astor making a more distant cousin an in-law; and among the
Delanos, it is their boast that most marriages are between cousins.

Quite as striking is the deliberate and steady enhancement by the Presidents
of the Dynasty of the monarchic powers of the President with the simultaneous
wiping out of the checks on that power imposed by the Constitution. This
indicates a deliberately designed drive to make themselves the Royal Family
of an American monarchy. The published blue-print of this drive is the theme
of a later chapter.

Striking proof of the fact that the relationship that exists within the
Dynasty is of a different intensity and degree than is found in the ordinary
run of families, can be discerned in the publications of the Roosevelts
-Eleanor Roosevelt's column "My Day" and her other effluvia and "F. D. R. His
Personal Letters". These make it evident that the relationships within the
Dynasty are of far different order than occur in the ordinary run of
families. One finds intimacy and social contact assiduously maintained among
cousins five degrees removed. Eleanor Roosevelt, though a cousin five times
removed of Sara Delano Roosevelt's husband, was taken in by her; and when the
need arose, married her off to Franklin. This is much the same state of
affairs as exists i

Re: [CTRL] [[CTRL] Jerry Black's Update on Whitl

1999-04-23 Thread Samatha 'Smith'

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 4/23/99 4:57:54 PM EST, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

<<  I would say that it is well in
 the realm of possibility and since activities of the like have been done in
 the past it is extremely likely that such is being done again, in that the
 Military Industrial Complex is doing all the UFO flying, and abducting, and
 mind control, and genetic manipulation/experimentation.>>

What about acounts of flying vessels and lights in the sky from the 19th
century and before?

<<  I am open to the
 idea of other life but in the absence of evidence am not inclined to think it
 "real".  That is not to say that there aren't aliens, just that I don't THINK
 there are because of the lack of evidence.>>

Not every piece of evidence is worthy of a courtroom.  There is
circumstantial evidence and anecdotal evidence for the existence of
visitation.  The pyramids for one, and sightings from the distant past for

The statistical probablities also cannot be ignored, IMO.  I forget the
numbers, but recall that there are something like 10 to the 28th stars per
galaxy and approx. 10 to the 18th galaxies in the universe.  Assuming the
science of astronomy is remotely accurate (and that IS a big assumption) our
sun would not even show up on a stellar map.

The probability of us being alone in the universe is small.  The
probability of temperate climates conducive to organic development similar to
ours is high.  Even so, who says life has to be organic as we know it?  We
are based on carbon, nitrogen, oxygen and hydrogen.  Who says intelligent
life cannot be structured differently?

<<  Incidentally WHY would any aliens
 want to come here and mess around with us when we are insignificant,
 fatalistic, and decidedly uncivilized?  It implies that we are worthwhile,
 and I certainly have seen LITTLE evidence that that is true.
 Teo1000   >>

Why?  Who knows?  Could be enlightened self-interest.  What would  the
long-range effects of nuclear self-annihilation be on the rest of the
universe?  What would large-scale atomic energy flows do as they proceeds
through the vacuum of space?

I have other ideas about it, of course, but those cross the line into the


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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
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Re: [CTRL] Anybody Worried Yet?

1999-04-23 Thread Sno0wl

 -Caveat Lector-

On 23 Apr 99, , Prudence wrote:

>  -Caveat Lector-
> In a message dated 04/22/1999 5:08:08 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> writes:
> <<
>  A day in the life of military operations under Bill Clinton's "leadership."
>  The following appeared in yesterday's Las Vegas Review Journal: >>
> I don't know what it has to do with Clinton, but you bet I'm worried.  When
> the son of an Air Force officer turns out to be a racist, I can tell you
> there's something wrong somewhere.  The money spent by the military to teach
> racial and cultural tolerance was apparently a total waste, and the military
> spends a lot of money in that direction.  I couldn't believe it when I
> learned that the Harris boy was a military brat and had lived on an Air Force
> installation.  Most kids learn their attitudes toward other races and
> religions at home.  Yes, I'm worried.  Really worried.  Prudy

Several years ago, when my granddaughter was 17 and living with me, I was
persuaded to let her boyfriend come and stay with us, too, for a time. This young man
was tall, wellbuilt, exceptionally bright, goodlookingand far deeper into gothic 
than I realized. He dressed like a "vampire," wore a big black cloak, wore eye makeup
(mascara) and carried a very large "walking cane." He also had a leather jacket
covered with Iron crosses and the like (which he insisted were Celtic, pagan symbols).
New to the big city, he might have been afraid, but I can assure you that when he rode
the subway, folks were seriously afraid of him--which seemed to delight him. He also
took a sadistic pleasure in having people think he was gay (thanks to the make up)
and then having them find out he had a girlfriend. People in my apartment building
actually complained to me about the symbols he was sporting when they saw him in
the elvator --and I, too, had very strong feelings about them. He was very resentful
when  I asked him not to wear them in my house. A psychic friend who met him told
me he felt this young man could do terrible things without any remorse. I suppose I
had the silly idea I could have some positive influence and didn't, at first take the
costumes and attitudes seriously, thinking of them as just a "teenage thing.". But as
time went on what I began to feel from him was contempt and then menace. It wasn't
long before I had to ask him to leave and send him back to his parents--who were
military folks, although exactly what his father did for the military was never quite
explained to me.

I had an uncle who was an high-ranking officer in SAIC and a whole bunch of cousins
who grew up in that milieu. They are super normalbut they do tend to drink a lot.


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Re: [CTRL] Trenchcoat

1999-04-23 Thread Sno0wl

 -Caveat Lector-

On 23 Apr 99, , Prudence wrote:

>  It is a sad fact, but very few families
> practice or even preach kindness.  Probably because being kind is a lot
> harder than being mean.

Yes, it is a sad fact and it's true. But is it really about killing or about the fact 
those families, if they're working folks, have to "package" and "market" themselves to
a job market that more and more regards American adults as replaceable commodities.
You can't really get too far in today's job markets if you're main value is "kindness."
When it comes to the market place and the job market, where all those working
parents have to earn a living, "kindness" won't get you far. You need a "cutting edge",
a "killer" attitude--which you better teach your kids if you want them to succeed as

And, just to bring things back into perspective. It was only two kids--sick and 
who went haywire. Even at Columbine High, there were 1,798 kids (assuming
enrollment was around 1800) who were shocked senseless by what their classmates
did. That's 1,798 kids who didn't go haywire, didn't kill...and most likely, would 
kill anyone.

I get worried when people generalize about ALL children on the basis of the actions of
only one or two. There are millions of good kids in America who don't kill and who are
doing just fine. And who come from all kinds of homes and parents--even bad homes
and bad parents. The suicidal actions of 2 sad, sick kids do not indicate a need for 
moral overhaul of the whole nation. (Although parents who were less stressed out by
having to work and run double-time to earn a decent living would help kids a lot.)  
hard to recall, but back in the 40s and 50s, one person working 40 hours a week could
support a family in fairly pleasant circumstances. With just a little ambition, those
circumstances could be REALLY pleasant. No more!!!


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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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[CTRL] Clinton Visit to Columbine High????

1999-04-23 Thread Sno0wl

 -Caveat Lector-

Does anyone have more information about this visit? It seems too extraordinarily
coincidental that this tragedy should have happened at the ONLY school in Colorado
Clinton visited.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] [12b] Treason in America -- From Aaron Burr to Averell Harriman

1999-04-23 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

Treason in America -- From Aaron Burr to Averell Harriman
New Benjamin Franklin House
P. O. Box 20551
New York, New York 10023
ISBN 0-933488-32-7


Virginia's pro-Union vote reflected the state's proud history of American
leadership—George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, John Marshall, James Madison,
James Monroe, Henry Clay, William H. Harrison, Zachary Taylor, Winfield Scott
and Sam Houston were its native sons. When the insurrectionists eventually
seized control, a portion of the state holding to that tradition broke away
and declared itself the separate, loyal state of West Virginia. But there was
another, non-American tradition in Virginia, which ultimately overpowered the
patriotic impulse in that state.

In the early nineteenth century, the U.S. Congress was frequently the scene
of vulgar antics by one of its Virginia members, a drunkard and drug addict
styling himself "John Randolph of Roanoke." Randolph's acid tongue and bitter
polemics were constantly directed against Northerners and the North in
general, frequently doing battle against the South-hating Congressman Josiah
Quincy, who was later to be president of Harvard for a quarter-century. One
may still find, in the surviving correspondence between these two gentlemen,
evidence of their deliberate collaboration to produce Union-splitting tension
and rancor between North and South.

There was something quite substantial behind this stage show. Mr. Randolph
had, it seems, a stepfather by the name of St. George Tucker(46) (1752-1827),
who had become the sole guardian of John Randolph after his mother died. Mr.
Tucker's nephew, Henry St. George Tucker (1771-1852), was the chairman of the
British East India Company, a wild colonial racialist who spent six months in
prison for "attempted rape."(47) Another Tucker nephew (and Randolph cousin)
was British Admiral Thomas Tudor Tucker (1775-1852), who was wounded battling
the U.S.S. Essex during the War of 1812, while Congressmen Randolph and
Quincy stridently denounced the American war effort.

St. George Tucker, and his two sons Henry St. George and Nathaniel Beverly,
completely dominated the legal profession and the writing and teaching of
laws in the State of Virginia. Henry Wise, the Virginia governor who
gleefully used John Brown's raid on the, Harper's Ferry arsenal to prod his
state toward secession, had been the Tuckers' pupil at the University of

Judge Nathaniel Beverly Tucker (1784-1851) was, aside from Englishman Thomas
Cooper, the most radical Southern disunionist and "states-rights" advocate
from the 1820s on.(48) His nephew, Nathaniel Beverly Tucker (1820-1890),
served as the U.S. consul in Liverpool from 1857 until 1861.(49) With his
British family in high military, intelligence, and colonial positions, he was
in an ideal position to begin the Confederate navy-building efforts, which
were then carried out at Liverpool entirely under the direction of Theodore
Roosevelt's uncle James D. Bulloch, the director of the Confederate Secret
Service in Europe. The ships contracted for at Liverpool and built at
Birkenhead caused devastating loss of American life and swept more than half
of the American merchant fleet from the seas.

During the Civil War, Nathaniel Beverly Tucker was one of the four leading
members of the "Canadian Cabinet"—the crossborder Confederate spy ring which
tried to burn American cities and ran the draft riots in New York. He was
indicted after the war, along with George Sanders and others, for allegedly
helping to plan the assassination of Abraham Lincoln, but he got the charges
dropped. In 1872 he quietly returned to the U.S. and served as an official
lobbyist for the Pennsylvania railroad. His brother, John Randolph Tucker
(1823-1897), was president of the American Bar Association, and his son and
grandchildren were bishops of the Episcopal Church.

William Seward and the Arming of the Insurrection

Two weeks before the 1860 presidential election, the U.S. secretary of war,
John Floyd, quietly concluded an agreement with South Carolina's governor
William Gist to sell 10,000 U.S. government rifles to his state, which had by
this time been whipped into a frenzy by anti-American revolutionists. After
Lincoln's election to the presidency was announced—four months before his
inauguration—the South Carolina insurrectionists began a military buildup
aimed at seizing the set of United States fortifications in the Charleston
harbor. The American commander, Major Robert Anderson, was determined not to
yield the forts, but could not hold them indefinitely unless his position was
reinforced with men and supplies.

Governor Gist informed President Buchanan that his state was "likely" to
secede, and it could be accomplished quietly and bloodlessly if the
government would promise not to send reinforcements. Gist's plea for the
government's acquiescence in the destruction of the Union-was taken in hand
by Treasury 

[CTRL] [12a] Treason in America -- From Aaron Burr to Averell Harriman

1999-04-23 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

Treason in America -- From Aaron Burr to Averell Harriman
New Benjamin Franklin House
P. O. Box 20551
New York, New York 10023
ISBN 0-933488-32-7

How the Eastern
Establishment Ran Southern

With the weak Vice President, Millard Fillmore, now temporarily occupying the
White House, the Young America movement began openly preparing to seize power
in the United States. Senator Stephen Douglas, the new Compromise hero,
thought he had a deal with the Eastern and European financiers behind the
movement to make him the next President. With this in mind, he sponsored the
purchase of the Democrats' party journal, the Democratic Review, by Young
America intriguer George Sanders, who was supposed to promote his candidacy.

We have met with Sanders before, the reader may recall; his "Texas interview"
trick helped defeat the Henry Clay presidential campaign in 1844, and thus
receives part credit for the Mexican War.

Sanders was an official American political agent of the British Hudson's Bay
Company, employed by Sir George Simpson, Hudson's overseas governor, and Sir
John Henry Pelly, governor of the Company and governor of the Bank of
England.(l) Sanders, like Caleb Cushing, was at the same time a very loud
"anti-British" demagogue.

The Democratic Review issues published by Sanders in 1852, readily available
in public libraries today, are crucial documentary evidence for the
historical investigator, and they ought to be a terrible embarrassment to
academic historians.

In a 9,000-word piece entitled "Mazzini and Young Europe," Sanders gushes
praise for the efforts of Giuseppe Mazzini and his revolutionary
organizations throughout Europe, and he demands that the United States aid in
the overthrow of European tyrants; a thoroughly sinister portrait of Mazzini
appears on the frontispiece of the bound volume containing the 1852
Democratic Review issues.

In a later issue that year, the same George Sanders warns Democrats that
"This continent is for white people, and not only the continent, but the
islands adjacent, and the negro must be kept in slavery at Cuba and Hayti,
under white republican masters."(2) The word "republican," so deliberately
abused by using it to connote a type of slavery, is supposed to distinguish
"Americans" like the secessionist leader Quitman, from the "monarchist"
Spaniards who then ran Cuba and might decide to liberate its slaves.

Like Thomas Cooper, who was a violent "leftist" in England before coming to
South Carolina to create that state's "rightist" rebellion against the
republic in the 1820s, George Sanders combined "left-wing" and "right-wing"
revolutionism in his own person, as they were combined in the movement
Sanders represented: Mazzini-worshipper William Lloyd Garrison, proposing the
breakup of the United States on the grounds of abolitionism; Sanders and
Quitman proposing disunion and universal slavery in the name of the very same
Mazzini revolution.

'The Champion of My Race'

In August 1851, John Anthony Quitman, who had resigned the governorship of
Mississippi over his still-pending indictment in the Cuba conspiracy, arrived
in Boston. He was accompanied by secessionist Jefferson Davis, his sometime
political collaborator, and two others Generals Pillow and Clingman—who had
been members of the Cushing-Quitman clique of officers in the Mexican War.

Caleb Cushing met the generals in Boston, and took them home with him to
Newburyport, the site of his commission three decades earlier from Essex
Junto member John Lowell to be "my champion and that of my race. " There, in
a famous, several-days-long strategy session, the Boston Brahmin, the
Scottish Rite secessionist leader, and their friends planned the next
administration of the United States. Midway through the meeting they brought
in General Franklin Pierce from New Hampshire to join them; Pierce was to be
chosen the Democratic presidential nominee in a prearranged convention
"surprise" the following year. Cushing's collaborators now fanned out to
prepare the stage show.

The disgracefully laudatory Cushing biography by his family member, Claude M.
Fuess, may be consulted for a detailed and somewhat candid description of
this fakery. We reproduce here a quote from a Pierce associate carried in the
Fuess book:

They [the Mexican War generals] fixed up all the arrangements to make Frank
Pierce the Democratic nominee for President. All of them but Pierce will be
in the Convention They will [at first] conspicuously try to secure
two-thirds of the Convention for one or the other of the three [prominent
candidates] but their influence, though strong enough to give one after
another a majority, will somehow always fail to bring together two-thirds for
either. When the Convention begins to get tired and delegates are asking who,
then, can we nominate, the Gen'l--is to nominate Gen'l F. Pierce and Gen'l is
to second his nomination. Other generals and others beside

[CTRL] [5] The Strange Death of FRANKLIN D. ROOSEVELT

1999-04-23 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

an excerpt from:
The Strange Death of FRANKLIN D. ROOSEVELT
A History of the Roosevelt-Delano Dynasty America's Royal Family
Emanuael M. Josephson©1948
127 East 69th Street
New York 21, N. Y.


In the dissemination of Marx's doctrines several anomalous forces played
high[l]y important roles. Thus the New York Tribune, under Horace Greeley,
employed Karl Marx as correspondent. For ten years it published articles by
him that gave him a world-wide audience which he never would have reached to
propagandize; and afforded him his only source of income. a pound a week. The
really decisive initial force in the spread of Marxism however, was Bismarck
and later, Germany.

Prince Otto von Bismarck, Teutonic Knight who was bound by the Order's
thousand-year-old oath to conquer the world, originated the "welfare" and
"social service" program that now parades as the New Deal. Subsequently, he
became the foster-father of Marxism and Communism. His objective in doing
these things was world conquest, "Deutschland uber Alles". No one who knew
the Iron Chancellor could be deceived for one moment into the belief that he
had the remotest interest in the welfare of the weak or downtrodden. His
mottos were "Blood and Steer' and "Might Makes Right".

The program was a recrudescence of one which was old when it was introduced
by the Gracchi in ancient Rome and eventually destroyed the Empire. It was
given to Bismarck largely by Professor Adolph Wagner who was reputedly an
ancestor of our Senator Robert F. Wagner. It served Bismarck's quest for
personal power in several manners. First, it robbed the Socialists of the
planks of their platform which made the greatest appeal to the mob-Social
Security, Unemployment Insurance, Workmen's Compensation, Health Insurance,
and all of the other quasi-benevolent and paternalistic clap-trap.

Bismarch[sic] shrewdly saw in these plans, devices fashioned to destroy
liberty and to chain the working class to his program and to any jobs to
which they might be assigned. He saw in the program a snare which would
deceive them into accepting submarginal wages and the surrender of adequate
present existence in return for a mirage of future security. As a means of
winning the favor of the workers and of gaining some measure of power over
industry and entree to its records, a part of the cost was levied on the
employers. This made of what conceivably might have been a boon to the
worker, a penalty on industry for offering employment; and meant a tax on
industry which materially increased the cost of production. Both factors
ultimately operate to increase unemployment.

Bismarck also foresaw that with the working class tied to him by this
program, he could force into line the German industrialist, the nobility, and
finally the reluctant Prussian king, to support his plan of a united German
Empire. Junker Bismarck, who had contemptuously spurned any traffic with the
working classes, whom he called a "revolutionary rabble", bad grown tired of
being buffeted about and shelved by his liege lord, the weakling King of
Prussia. Adversity had served to make of him a diplomat who could advance
from one compromise to another, from one treachery to another, to attain by a
series of adroit maneuvers his ultimate goal-the consolidation of his own
power by forcing his king to accept the position of Emperor of Germany. How
well he planned, history reveals. With the Danish invasion, the elimination
of Austrian interference in 1866, and the consolidation of his po. sition by
a treacherously conceived conquest of France in 1870, the German Empire
became not only a reality, but also simultaneously a "first class Power".

But for Bismarck, this was merely a begining[sic]. With far greater vision,
he planned the political and commercial conquest of the world—"Deutschland
uber Alles". He placed on Germany the stamp of a national paranoia which
still drives it with mad singleness of purpose and signal "success". The
World Wars are mere interludes.

The conquest of world markets by German industry and commerce was planned by
Bismarck. In such a struggle the burden of taxation and cost involved in the
"welfare" program might have proved a severe handicap. Obviously it was
necessary to overcome it by forcing the adoption of the same program and han.
dicap on competitor nations. Resort was had for this purpose to subjugation
by ideas, propoganda[sic] and "boring from within".

There was launched one of the most persistent, persevering and skilled
propaganda campaigns in the world's history for the imposition of Bismarck's
"'New Dear' on the entire world. Now almost a century later it still
continues to away history and the world.

In this "New Deal" propaganda Bismarck found many allies. The pretended
humanitarianism of the pro. gram won over many unthinking, kindly persons as
well as most religious sects. These gro


1999-04-23 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

an excerpt from:
A History of the Roosevelt-Delano Dynasty America's Royal Family
Emanuael M. Josephson©1948
127 East 69th Street
New York 21, N. Y.


Eleanor Roosevelt has placed in the Hyde Park Memorial Library a genealogical
table, drawn up by P. W. Montague-Smith, assistant-editor of Debrett, that
traces Franklin's Delano Roosevelt's common ancestry with England's royalty
through Henry II, great grandson of William the Conqueror through the Delano
side. This may be fact or may be the usual dribble of social climbers who
seek to justify their aspirations by claiming descent by pure line' from Adam
through William the Conqueror.

But the collaterals of the Roosevelt-Delano Dynasty have frequently
intermarried with the nobility of Europe, forming alliances that have had a
serious import for our history. Through one of the alliances, Franklin Delano
Roosevelt has become a closer relative of Queen Elizabeth and King George of
England than of either Presidents Ulysses S. Grant or Theodore Roosevelt.

Multitudinous intermarriages tie in the Roosevelt-Delano Dynasty with the
Astors. Franklin Delano Roosevelt's granduncle married Laura Astor, John
Jacob Astor's granddaughter. Generations later, James Roosevelt Roosevelt,
Franklin Delano Roosevelt's stepbrother married Helen Schermerhorn Astor,
daughter of Mrs. William B. Astor and aunt of Vincent Astor. Thus Vincent
Astor is a step-nephew of Franklin Delano Roosevelt as well as a cousin
several degrees removed.

Through the Astors, the Biddles, the Drexels and the Pauls, Roosevelt is
related to Viscount William Astor of Cliveden and others of the British
nobility. The relationship appears to be closest through the Astor& Second
cousin Viscount Astor's niece, Rachel SpencerClay married David Bowes-Lyon,
brother of England's Queen Elizabeth.

This illustrates the mode of dilution of royal blue blood. Another
illustration is the marriage of Princess Elizabeth to Phillip Mountbatten,
son of the former King George of Greece, whose family name of Battenberg was
conferred by his great grandfather Alexander, son of the Duke of Hesse on his
morganatic wife. He is related on the distaff side, through the Cassels, to
Meyer Rothschild, the founder of the Jewish banking firm. It is reputedly the
Battenberg strain in the Spanish royal family that is responsible for the
hemophilia that curses it.

Thus it was that when King George and Queen Elizabeth on their visit to the
United States to enlist its support in the war, visited Hyde Park and
addressed Franklin Delano Roosevelt as "cousin", they were indeed dealing
with a third cousin. This royal parley did much to bolster the aspirations of
America's Royal Family. It also settled our entry into the war and the
sacrifice of our men and wealth to bolster the moribund British Empire.

pps. 42-44
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] [9] Crime, Big Business & Watergate

1999-04-23 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

an excerpt from:
The Breaking of a President 1974 - The Nixon Connection
Marvin Miller, Compiler
Therapy Productions, Inc.©1975
LCCCN 7481547

Since his entry into politics, Richard Nixon has been surrounded by wealthy
contributors who have maintained extensive contacts with organized crime
leaders. One of these men, according to a New York State Crime Committee, is
former board chairman of the Schenley liquor empire, Lewis S. Rosenstiel.
Rosenstiel has been a major contributor to Nixon's political campaigns and
has employed one of Nixon's closest friends, Louis Burrous Nichols, former
assistant to the late FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover.

The New York State Joint Legislative Committee on Crime, chaired by State
Senator John H. Hughes, has heard testimony that during Prohibition,
Rosenstiel joined a "consortium" with underworld figures to buy liquor in
Canada and sell it illegally in the United States. The witness was James P.
Kelly, chief investigator for the House Interstate and Foreign Commerce
Committee. Rosenstiel's associates in the group, according to Kelly, included
Meyer Lansky, Joe Linsey, a member of the New England Mafia family of Raymond
Patriarca, and Joe Fusco, a member of Al Capone's mob.

Kelly said that Linsey and Rosenstiel were arrested during Prohibition for
counterfeiting whisky bottles and labels for illegal sale to the public. The
case against Rosenstiel was dismissed, but Linsey was convicted. When
Rosenstiel developed Schenley into one of the country's major
distrilleries[sic], Linsey and Fusco became Schenley distributors in Boston
and Chicago respectively.


Kelly testified that Rosenstiel's bootlegging group bought liquor from the
Canadian plants operated by the late Samuel Bronfman, founder of Distillers
Corporation—Seagrams Ltd. Bronfman and his three brothers had been in the
hotel business in Canada, but became the richest men in that country through
their involvement with bootlegging. The Bronfmans formed several corporations
to handle their bootlegging operation: Atlas Finance Company, Atlas Shipping
Company, and Northern Export Company. Since it was illegal to ship
liqour[sic] directly from Canada to the United States, the Bronfmans used
Atlas Shipping to send the liquor consignments to the French-owned islands of
St. Pierre and Miquelon in the St. Lawrence. Then Northern Export would
re-export the liquor to ships anchored beyond the three-mile limit off the
coast of New York. Customers would go to the sales offices of the American
bootleggers in New York City or Newark and get a receipt for their money,
which would entitle them to collect the merchandise from the ships. If the
customer didn't have a fast boat, the bootleg group would rent him one. The
idea for this operation had originated with Arnold Rothstein. It had the
advantage that, technically, no one but the final customer was breaking the

Joseph Kennedy, the future ambassador to the Court of St. James and the
father of the 35th President of the United States, is supposed to have
arranged with Frank Costello for the use of these ships on "Rum Row" to
smuggle liquor into the United States during Prohibition. Costello told the
story of his involvement with Kennedy to many people but it has never been
completely verified. It is known, however, that before Prohibition ended
Kennedy was appointed U.S. agent for many British distillers including Haig
and Haig Ltd., John Dewar and Sons Ltd., and Gordon's Dry Gin Company.
Kennedy then arranged for his newly organized Somerset

   Importers to import and stockpile thousands of cases of liquor, the whisky
coming into the United States months before Prohibition ended under
"medicinal" licenses issued in Washington. Since Kennedy could not get all
the permits he needed, it is conceivable that he had bootlegging business
relations with Frank Costello at the very end of Prohibition, if not before.

The Bronfmans' Atlas Finance Company was the investment organization for the
bootleggers and later was to invest heavily in the Tropical Park Race Track
at Coral Gables, Florida, and other tracks in Florida and Ohio. Samuel
Bronfman was to become Lewis Rosenstiel's chief rival in the legitimate
liquor business after Prohibition, and they became bitter personal enemies.
Lansky remained friends with both.

Rosenstiel, vacationing in Miami, issued a statement denying Kelly's charges,
saying: "They are utterly ridiculous, absolutely false, and without
foundation." However, he did not respond to a written invitation by the
Hughes Committee to testify and remained beyond the subpoena power of the
committee. Meanwhile Rosenstiel's estranged wife Susan had confirmed Kelly's
testimony in an affidavit filed with the New York State Supreme Court. Mrs.
Rosenstiel charged: "When I refused to bow down to Mr. Rosenstiel's demands
for an unjustified divorce, and instead pursued a course of complete
vindication in matrimon

[CTRL] [8] Crime, Big Business & Watergate

1999-04-23 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

an excerpt from:
The Breaking of a President 1974 - The Nixon Connection
Marvin Miller, Compiler
Therapy Productions, Inc.©1975
LCCCN 7481547

In May 1973, Murray Chotiner publicly took credit for arranging with Nixon a
presidential commutation of sentence to get Teamster leader James Hoffa
released from federal prison, although Hoffa had only served less than five
years of a 13-year sentence. Chotiner bragged: "I did it, I make no apologies
for it, and frankly I'm proud of it!" But when Chotiner was charged by a
newspaper with also having funneled $875,000 to the Nixon campaign from
Teamster officials and Las Vegas gambling interests, Chotiner typically
responded with an attack of his own: "Unless there is an immediate
retraction, I plan to sue or take whatever action the law allows against
whoever is responsible for this horrible libel."

The story to which Chotiner objected alleged that the Teamster and gambling
contributions were in unreported cash and had been used in part to finance
the Watergate burglars. Unwilling to take on the expense of a multi-million
dollar lawsuit, the newspaper took the easy way out by retracting the story.
So while Chotiner definitely wanted full credit for the commutation, figuring
correctly that would get him more legal "business." he didn't want to be
implicated at all in the probably illegal payoff flowing from the commutation.

Hoffa had gone to jail after six years of investigation by Robert Kennedy,
beginning when Kennedy was chief counsel to the McClellan Rackets
Investigating Committee from 1955 to 1958, and concluding while Kennedy was
Attorney General in his brother's presidency, from 1960 into the Johnson
administration. The first investigation of the Teamsters began as a result of
the already mentioned McClellan investigation into clothing manufacturers who
paid bribes to get government contracts for uniforms. Chotiner had been
called as a witness about these bribes but refused to talk. No legal action
was taken against the master-mind of Nixon's campaigns as an accomodation by
the Democratic-dominated McClellan Committee. But when the name of Hoffa
associate Johnny Dio (Dioguardi) was mentioned during the hearings, the idea
developed of probing the extent of labor racketeering in the powerful
Teamsters Union. Some of the Republicans on the committee were particularly
interested in developing legislation to limit the power of trade unions.


Johnny Dio was a good person with whom to begin an investigation of labor
racketeering because he had a long record. In the 1930's he had been
convicted of extortion and terrorism after a series of episodes involving the
strongarming of trucking companies. After serving three years in Sing Sing,
he operated and owned a number of garment manufacturing concerns and was an
associate of Louis Lepke. Dio was also involved in the leadership of a small
auto-workers union local set up to oppose Walter Reuther's large
CIO-affiliated United Auto Workers. Operating under the guise of a labor
official, Dio began to enrich himself at the expense of his black and Puerto
Rican members, who paid initiation fees and dues but got nothing except
"contracts" providing for the minimum wage. Dio's true attitude toward unions
was displayed in 1950 when he sold one of his non-union garment factories and
was paid an additional $11,200 by the new owner to guarantee that the factory
would remain non-union. This fact became known when Dio was charged with not
reporting this payment as taxable income.

In 1952 Dio was attempting to organize New York's 30,000 taxi-drivers into
his auto-workers' local, and Hoffa became interested in recruiting Dio into
the Teamsters Union to replace the anti-Hoffa local leadership. The
taxi-drivers represented a potential $1,000,000 in annual dues. Perhaps the
most famous crime linked to Johnny Dio was the acid-blinding of newspaper
columnist Victor Riesel. Dio was indicted for having hired Abraham Telvi to
throw the sulphuric acid in Riesel's face. The case never went to trial
because witnesses refused to testify and Telvi himself was murdered, the
prosecutor alleging publicly but. without proof that Dio ordered the murder
and intimidation of witnesses.


Dio's auto workers' local, interestingly enough, was brought into existence
in 1950 by pressure from Paul "Red" Dorfman, a Capone mob member from Chicago
who had just set up his son, Allen, in the insurance business. Allen Dorfman
made $3,000,000 in the next eight years just by handling the Teamsters'
insurance business, and it has been suggested that in exchange for this
bonanza, Hoffa received valuable contacts in the Chicago underworld. Allen
Dorfman seems to be involved in all of the Teamsters' real estate and pension
fund loans as well, and he is suspected of being the Teamsters' official link
with organized crime. Three weeks after Hoffa went to prison, Allen Dorfman
took over Hoffa's 

Re: [CTRL] Cold fusion's for real, says scientist

1999-04-23 Thread Steve Wingate

 -Caveat Lector-


Agreed. This was a fascinating interview! The RealAudio file is now online.

4/21/99 Wed/Thu: Eugene Mallove

Publisher of Infinite Energy Magazine Website:
Related Website: Book: Nuclear Transmutation;
The Reality of Cold Fusion Book: The Starflight Handbook: A Pioneer's
Guide to Interstellar Travel


On 22 Apr 99, at 15:55, Brett A. Martin wrote:

> Hi Skywatchers!!
> Just to let you all know, there was someone,(can't recall the name), on
> the Art Bell show last night talking about Cold Fusion. Wow, if they can
> make this commercially viable, say hello to unlimited energy and bye-bye
> to fossil fuels. He said something to the effect that there is enough
> energy in a gallon of water to run a automobile for a million miles!!
> Brett
> AOL IM: BrettMartn

Steve Wingate

California Director


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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1999-04-23 Thread Lloyd Miller

 -Caveat Lector-


April 20, 1999

WASHINGTON, DC--In a historic decision with major implications for
the future of U.S. participatory democracy, the Supreme Court ruled
8-1 Monday that the American people are unfit to govern.

The controversial decision, the first of its kind in the 210-year
history of U.S. representative government, was, according to Justice
David Souter, "a response to the clear, demonstrable incompetence and
indifference of the current U.S. citizenry in matters concerning the
operation of this nation's government."

As a result of the ruling, the American people will no longer retain
the power to choose their own federal, state and local officials or
vote on matters of concern to the public.

"This decision was by no means easy, but it unfortunately had to be
done," said Justice Antonin Scalia, who penned the majority decision
in the case. "The U.S. Constitution is very clear: In the event that
the voting public becomes incapacitated or otherwise unfit to carry
out its duties of self-governance, there is a danger posed to the
republic, and the judicial branch is empowered to remove said public
and replace it with a populace more qualified to lead."

"In light of their unmitigated apathy toward issues of import to the
nation's welfare and their inability to grasp even the most basic
principles upon which participatory democracy is built, we found no
choice but to rule the American people unfit to govern at this time,"
Scalia concluded.

The controversial ruling, court members stressed, is not intended as
a slight against the character of the American people, but merely a
necessary measure for the public good.

"The public's right to the best possible representation is a founding
principle of our nation," Justice Sandra Day O'Connor told reporters.
"If you were on a jet airliner, you wouldn't want an untrained,
incompetent pilot at the controls, and this is the same thing. As
federal justices, we have taken a solemn oath to uphold every
citizen's constitutional rights, and if we were to permit an
irresponsible, disinterested public to continue to helm the ship of
state, we would be remiss in our duties and putting the entire nation
at risk."

The ruling brings to an end a grueling 10-month process, during which
more than 100 Supreme Court hearings were held to determine the
public's capacity for self-governance. Despite the fact that these
hearings were aired on C-SPAN, a majority of U.S. citizens were
unaware of them because coverage was largely eclipsed by the
Clinton-Lewinsky scandal, the retirement of NBA legend Michael
Jordan, and the release of Titanic on home video.

The Supreme Court found that, though 78 percent of U.S. citizens have
seen the much-anticipated Star Wars prequel trailer, only one in
200,000 were aware that the multibillion-dollar "Star Wars" missile-
defense system had been approved by Congress. Additionally, while 62
percent of citizens correctly identified the cast of Suddenly Susan,
only .01 percent were able to identify Attorney General Janet Reno
beyond "some woman Jay Leno always says looks like a man." Further,
only .0003 percent could correctly identify the ancient Greek
city-state of Athens as the birthplace of the concept of an educated
citizenry participating in democratic self-rule.

But the final straw, Supreme Court justices said, came last week when
none of the 500,000 random citizens polled were aware that Russian
President Boris Yeltsin had threatened global thermonuclear war in
response to NATO air attacks in Yugoslavia.

"I mean, come on," Justice William Rehnquist said. "Global
thermonuclear war? It's just ridiculous. There was just no way we
could trust such a populace to keep running things after that."

Populations currently being considered to fill the leadership void
until the American people can be rehabilitated and returned to self-
governance include those of Switzerland, Sweden and Canada.

"I'm willing to do what I can to help out in this time of crisis and
make sure that my vote counts," said Stockholm resident Per
Johanssen.  "I've been reading up on America a bit, just to get a
general idea of what needs to be done, and from what I can tell, they
really need some sort of broad-based health-care reform over there
right away."

In a provisional test of the new system, the Canadian province of
Saskatchewan will hold primaries next Tuesday to re-evaluate last
fall's gubernatorial election in Minnesota.

The lone dissenting vote came from Justice Anthony Kennedy, who, in
his minority opinion wrote, "Although the American people are clearly
unable to make responsible decisions at this time, it is not their
fault that they are so uninformed. Rather, the blame lies with the
media interests and corporate powers that intentionally keep them in
the dark on crucial issues."

Kennedy concluded his opinion by tendering his immediate resignation
and announcing his intent "to move to a small i

[CTRL] Self-Determining Haiti, IV. The Haitian People

1999-04-23 Thread 1lls0081

 -Caveat Lector-

 Edited by Jim Zwick
 Copyright © 1995-1999 Jim

Self-Determining Haiti

IV. The Haitian People

   By James Weldon Johnson

 The Nation 111 (Sept. 25, 1920).

 The first sight of Port-au-Prince is perhaps most startling to the
 Latin-American traveler. Caribbean cities are of the Spanish-American type
 buildings square and squat, built generally around a court, with residences
and business
 houses scarcely interdistinguishable. Port-au-Prince is rather a city of
the French or
 Italian Riviera. Across the bay of deepest blue the purple mountains of
Gonave loom
 against the Western sky, rivaling the bay's azure depths. Back of the
business section,
 spreading around the bay's great sweep and well into the plain beyond, rise
the green
 hills with their white residences. The residential section spreads over the
slopes and
 into the mountain tiers. High up are the homes of the well-to-do, beautiful
villas set in
 green gardens relieved by the flaming crimson of the poinsettia. Despite
the imposing
 mountains a man-made edifice dominates the scene. From the center of the
city the
 great Gothic cathedral lifts its spires above the tranquil city. Well paved
and clean, the
 city prolongs the thrill of its first unfolding. Cosmopolitan yet quaint,
with an old-world
 atmosphere yet a charm of its own, one gets throughout the feeling of
 European life. In the hotels and cafes the affairs of the world are heard
discussed in
 several languages. The cuisine and service are not only excellent but
inexpensive. At
 the Café Dereix, cool and scrupulously clean, dinner from hors d’oeuvres to
 with wine, of course, recalling the famous antebellum hostelries of New
York and
 Paris, may be had for six gourdes [$1.25].

  A drive of two hours around Port-au-Prince, through the newer section
of brick
 and concrete buildings, past the cathedral erected from 1903 to 1912, along
 Champ de Mars where the new presidential palace stands, up into the Peu de
 section where the hundreds of beautiful villas and grounds of the
well-to-do are
 situated, permanently dispels any lingering question that the Haitians have
 retrograding during the 116 years of their independence.

  In the lower city, along the water's edge, around the market and in
the Rue
 Républicaine, is the "local color." The long rows of wooden shanties, the
curious little
 booths around the market, filled with jabbering venders and with scantily
clad children,
 magnificent in body, running in and out, are no less picturesque and no
more primitive,
 no humbler, yet cleaner, than similar quarters in Naples, in Lisbon, in
Marseilles, and
 more justifiable than the great slums of civilization’s centers -- London
and New York,
 which are totally without aesthetic redemption. But it is only the
modernists in history
 who are willing to look at the masses as factors in the life and
development of the
 country, and in its history. For Haitian history, like history the world
over, has for the
 last century been that of cultured and educated groups. To know Haitian
life one must
 have the privilege of being received as a guest in the houses of these
latter, and they
 live in beautiful houses. The majority have been educated in France; they
are cultured,
 brilliant conversationally, and thoroughly enjoy their social life. The
women dress well.
 Many are beautiful and all vivacious and chic. Cultivated people from any
part of the
 world would feel at home in the best Haitian society. If our guest were to
enter to the
 Cercle Bellevue, the leading club of Port-au-Prince, he would find the
 friendly atmosphere of a men's club; he would hear varying shades of
opinion on public
 questions, and could scarcely fail to be impressed by the thorough
knowledge of world
 affairs possessed by the intelligent Haitian. Nor would his encounters be
only with
 people who have culture and savoir vivre; he would meet the Haitian
intellectuals --
 poets, essayists, novelists, historians, critics. Take for example such a
writer as
 Fernand Hibbert. An English authority says of him, "His essays are worthy
of the pen
 of Anatole France or Pierre Loti." And there is Georges Sylvaine, poet and
 conférencier at the Sorbonne, where his address was received with acclaim,
author of
 books crowned by the French Academy, and an Officer of the Légion
 Hibbert and Sylvaine are only two among a dozen or more contemporary
Haitian men
 of letters whose work may be measured by world standards. Two names th

[CTRL] Self-Determining Haiti, III. Government Of, By, and For the National City Bank

1999-04-23 Thread 1lls0081

 -Caveat Lector-

 Edited by Jim Zwick
 Copyright © 1995-1999 Jim

Self-Determining Haiti

   III. Government Of, By, and For the National City

   By James Weldon Johnson

 The Nation 111 (Sept. 11, 1920).

 Former articles of this series described the Military Occupation of Haiti
and the
 crowd of civilian place holders as among the forces at work in Haiti to
maintain the
 present status in that country. But more powerful though less obvious, and
 sinister, because of its deep and varied radications, is the force
exercised by the
 National City Bank of New York. It seeks more than the mere maintenance of
 present status in Haiti; it is constantly working to bring about a
condition more suitable
 and profitable to itself. Behind the Occupation, working conjointly with
the Department
 of State, stands this great banking institution of New York and elsewhere.
The financial
 potentates allied with it are the ones who will profit by the control of
Haiti. The United
 States Marine Corps and the various office-holding "deserving Democrats,"
who help
 maintain the status quo there, are in reality working for great financial
interests in this
 country, although Uncle Sam and Haiti pay their salaries.

  Mr. Roger L. Farnham, vice-president of the National City Bank, was
 effectively instrumental in bringing about American intervention in Haiti.
With the
 administration at Washington, the word of Mr. Farnham supersedes that of
 else on the island. While Mr. Bailly-Blanchard, with the title of minister,
is its
 representative in name, Mr. Farnham is its representative in fact. His
goings and
 comings are aboard vessels of the United States Navy. His bank, the
National City,
 has been in charge of the Banque Nationale d'Haiti throughout the
Occupation.(1) Only
 a few weeks ago he was appointed receiver of the National Railroad of
 controlling practically the entire railway system in the island with
valuable territorial
 concessions in all parts.(2) The $5,000,000 sugar plant at Port-au-Prince,
it is
 commonly reported, is about to fall into his hands.

  Now, of all the various responsibilities, expressed, implied, or
assumed by the
 United States in Haiti, it would naturally be supposed that the financial
obligation would
 be foremost. Indeed, the sister republic of Santo Domingo was taken over by
 United States Navy for no other reason than failure to pay its internal
debt. But Haiti
 for over one hundred years scrupulously paid its external and internal debt
-- a fact
 worth remembering when one hears of "anarchy and disorder" in that land --
until five
 years ago when under the financial guardianship of the United States
interest on both
 the internal and, with one exception, external debt was defaulted; and this
in spite of
 the fact that specified revenues were pledged for the payment of this
interest. Apart
 from the distinct injury to the honor and reputation of the country, the
hardship on
 individuals has been great. For while the foreign debt is held particularly
in France
 which, being under great financial obligations to the United States since
the beginning of
 the war, has not been able to protest effectively, the interior debt is
held almost entirely
 by Haitian citizens. Haitian Government bonds have long been the recognized

 substantial investment for the well-to-do and middle class people,
considered as are in
 this country, United States, state, and municipal bonds. Non-payment on
 securities has placed many families in absolute want.

  What has happened to these bonds? They are being sold for a song, for
the little
 cash they will bring. Individuals closely connected with the National Bank
of Haiti are
 ready purchasers. When the new Haitian loan is floated it will, of course,
contain ample
 provisions for redeeming these old bonds at par. The profits will be more
 handsome. Not that the National Bank has not already made hay in the
sunshine of
 American Occupation. From the beginning it has been sole depositary of all
 collected in the name of the Haitian Government by the American Occupation,

 receiving in addition to the interest rate a commission on all funds
deposited. The bank
 is the sole agent in the transmission of these funds. It has also the
exclusive note-issuing
 privilege in the republic. At the same time complaint is widespread among
the Haitian
 business men that the Bank no longer as of old accommodates them with
credit and
 that its interests are now entirely in developments of its own.

Re: [CTRL] Trenchcoat

1999-04-23 Thread Colleen Jones

 -Caveat Lector-

Why would Dylan Klebold, who is Jewish, and whose mother lived just a
mile or two from my homein a very nice upper class area - the
daughter of the Yassenoff Foundation's founder...why would Dylan
celebrate Adolph Hitler's birthday.

The Yassenoff family had other ties, but this is no time to go into
that.  Nothing Dylan's father is into oil, etc., it makes the picture a
littler different.

Dyland 's mother was part of the Jewish Community in Bexley, Ohio; and
according to all who knew her and the family this thing is impossible to

Better look around for the guys who instigated and controled this
scenario; because it is probably only a beginning.  And Drugs, must be a
key factor.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
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[CTRL] Self-Determining Haiti, II. What the United States Has Accomplished

1999-04-23 Thread 1lls0081

 -Caveat Lector-

 Edited by Jim Zwick
 Copyright © 1995-1999 Jim

Self-Determining Haiti

  II. What the United States Has Accomplished

   By James Weldon Johnson

  The Nation 111 (Sept. 4, 1920).

 When the truth about the conquest of Haiti -- slaughter of three thousand
 practically unarmed Haitians, with the incidentally needless death of a
score of
 American boys -- begins to filter through the rigid Administration
censorship to the
 American people, the apologists will become active. Their justification of
what has
 been done will be grouped under two heads: one, the necessity, and two, the
 Under the first, much stress will be laid upon the "anarchy" which existed
in Haiti, upon
 the backwardness of the Haitians and their absolute unfitness to govern
 The pretext which caused the intervention was taken up in the first article
of this series.
 The characteristics, alleged and real, of the Haitian people will be taken
up in a
 subsequent article. Now as to results: The apologists will attempt to show
that material
 improvements in Haiti justify American intervention. Let us see what they

  Diligent inquiry reveals just three: The building of the road from
 to Cape Haitien; the enforcement of certain sanitary regulations in the
larger cities; and
 the improvement of the public hospital at Port-au-Prince. The enforcement
of certain
 sanitary regulations is not so important as it may sound, for even under
exclusive native
 rule, Haiti has been a remarkably healthy country and had never suffered
from such
 epidemics as used to sweep Cuba and the Panama Canal region. The
 moreover, were of a purely minor character -- the sort that might be issued
by a board
 of health in any American city or town -- and were in no wise fundamental,
 there was no need. The same applies to the improvement of the hospital,
long before
 the American Occupation, an effectively conducted institution but which, it
is only fair
 to say, benefitted considerably by the regulations and more up-to-date
methods of
 American army surgeons -- the best in the world. Neither of these
 however, creditable as they are, can well be put forward as a justification
for military
 domination. The building of the great highway from Port-au-Prince to Cape
Haitien is a
 monumental piece of work, but it is doubtful whether the object in building
it was to
 supply the Haitians with a great highway or to construct a military road
which would
 facilitate the transportation of troops and supplies from one end of the
island to the
 other. And this represents the sum total of the constructive accomplishment
after five
 years of American Occupation.

  Now, the highway, while doubtless the most important achievement of
the three,
 involved the most brutal of all the blunders of the Occupation. The work
was in charge
 of an officer of Marines who stands out even in that organization for his
"treat 'em
 rough" methods. He discovered the obsolete Haitian corvée and decided to
enforce it
 with the most modern Marine efficiency. The corvée, or road law, in Haiti
 that each citizen should work a certain number of days on the public roads
to keep
 them in condition, or pay a certain sum of money. In the days when this law
was in
 force the Haitian government never required the men to work the roads
except in their
 respective communities, and the number of days was usually limited to three
a year.
 But the Occupation seized men wherever it could find them, and no
 Haitian was safe from such raids, which most closely resembled the African
slave raids
 of past centuries. And slavery it was -- though temporary. By day or by
night, from the
 bosom of their families, from their little farms or while trudging
peacefully on the
 country roads, Haitians were seized and forcibly taken to toil for months
in far sections
 of the country. Those who protested or resisted were beaten into
submission. At night,
 after long hours of unremitting labor under armed taskmasters, who swiftly
 any slackening of effort with boot or rifle butt, the victims were herded
in compounds.
 Those attempting to escape were shot. Their terror-stricken families
meanwhile were
 often in total ignorance of the fate of their husbands, fathers, brothers.

  It is chiefly out of these methods that arose the need for
"pacification." Many
 men of the rural districts became panic-stricken and fled to the hills and
 Others rebelled and did likewise, preferring death to slavery

[CTRL] The Joshua Report #24 "WORKING THE PLAN"

1999-04-23 Thread M Shrum

 -Caveat Lector-

The Joshua Report #24  "WORKING THE PLAN"
Michael & the Outlawlady
The Joshua Files

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] ECT and the Depressed Elderly--"Reassuring News"?

1999-04-23 Thread Robert Tatman

 -Caveat Lector-

"...older Americans receive one-third of all ECT treatments administered in the United 
States, even though they comprise less than 10% of all psychiatric inpatients."

Clinical Psychiatry News
Electroconvulsive Tx Appears Effective in Depressed Elderly
Mary Ann Moon
[Clinical Psychiatry News 27(3):41, 1999. © 1999 International Medical News Group.]


Washington -- The news on electroconvulsive therapy among elderly patients is 
reassuring: It is being used correctly and is very effective in this age group, Daniel 
P. Chapman, Ph.D., said at the annual meeting of the American Public Health 

In their review of the literature on ECT in elderly patients, Dr. Chapman of the 
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Dr. J. Patrick Moulds of the University 
of Maryland, Baltimore, found one study showing that older Americans receive one-third 
of all ECT treatments administered in the United States, even though they comprise 
less than 10% of all psychiatric inpatients.

Their response rates were impressive -- 70%-86% in the seven studies reviewed by the 
investigators. Dr. Chapman also said that ECT is useful for a wider range of 
depressive symptoms among elderly than among younger patients.

It is particularly helpful for treating anxiety or agitation associated with 
depression, he noted.

ECT also is advantageous because it has a more rapid onset of action than 
antidepressant medication, and it induces fewer adverse effects that precipitate the 
discontinuation of treatment.

The rate of relapse is the same as that with antidepressants, Dr. Chapman added.

Although acute confusion has been reported immediately after ECT in older patients, 
that problem resolves and most patients' cognitive function actually improves as 
depressive symptoms remit.

For elderly patients who have cardiovascular disease, premedication with labetalol and 
nifedipine to control heart rate and blood pressure minimizes their risks, he said.

Cardiovascular complications occur in less than 10% of elderly patients who undergo 
ECT, and the complications generally are not associated with sustained morbidity.

Robert F. Tatman
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be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Mark Twain on the Philippines Anti-Imperialism in the US, 1898-1935

1999-04-23 Thread 1lls0081

 -Caveat Lector-

This site has moved, check it out if you are intrested in
why Mark Twain's writtings are really being gone after.
This man had a whole nother side that we seldom hear
aka The Pied Piper
  Boondocks, n., hinterland, remote and
  underdeveloped area. From Tagalog
  bundok, meaning mountain... more

 Anti-Imperialism in the United States
 Essays and contemporary texts, photographs and political
 cartoons introduce the organizations formed to oppose U.S.
 territorial and economic imperialism.

 Historical Graphics Gallery
 Browse or search the photographs, political cartoons and maps
 included in this site.

 Mark Twain on the Philippines
 Twain's writings on the Philippine-American War, contemporary
 criticism, and essays about his involvement with the
 Anti-Imperialist League.

 The enduring cultural and political consequences of the
 Philippine Revolution and Philippine-American War.

 Stereoscopic Visions of War and Empire
 Interpretive archive of stereoscopic photographs of the
 Spanish-American and Philippine-American wars, world's fairs,
 and other representations of the American empire.

 "The White Man's Burden" and Its Critics
 Rudyard Kipling's classic exhortation to empire and more than
 fifty contemporary responses to the poem.

 Other Sites

 Graphic Representations
 Political cartoons of Uncle Sam, Theodore Roosevelt, and the
 American Empire, and the America First campaign launched
 during World War I.

 Mark Twain's Anti-Imperialist Writings
 From the 1866 letters from Hawaii to his last writings on the
 Philippine-American War, Russia, and the Belgian Congo. Also
 includes biographical and critical studies, historical contexts,
 study guides, teaching resources, and a thorough bibliography.

  VFA: The Shape of Things to
  Analysis of the US-RP Visiting

  Forces Agreement, by Daniel B.

  Schirmer, March 1999.

  The Filipino People
  Editorials and other articles
  the magazine established in
  Washington, D.C., by
  Resident Commissioner Manuel
  Quezon, 1912-1916.

  Self-Determining Haiti
  By James Weldon Johnson, a
  report on an investigative
trip he
  made in 1920 for the NAACP.

  Poems by Katharine Lee Bates
  Forgotten anti-imperialist
  by the author of "America the

  Acts of Aggression: Policing
  "Rogue States", by Noam
  Chomsky, Ramsey Clark and
  Edward W. Said (1999).

  Drawn & Quartered: The
  History of American Political
  Cartoons, by Stephen Hess and
  Sandy Northrop (1996).

  Marx in Soho: A Play on
  History, by Howard Zinn
  more books

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 Copyright © 1995-1999 Jim Zwick. All rights reserved.
 This page last modified on 4/18/99.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL give

[CTRL] Self-Determining Haiti, I. The American Occupation

1999-04-23 Thread 1lls0081

 -Caveat Lector-
 Edited by Jim Zwick
 Copyright © 1995-1999 Jim

Self-Determining Haiti

I. The American Occupation

   By James Weldon Johnson

 The Nation 111 (Aug. 28, 1920).

 To know the reasons for the present political situation in Haiti, to
understand why the
 United States landed and has for five years maintained military forces in
that country,
 why some three thousand Haitian men, women, and children have been shot
down by
 American rifles and machine guns, it is necessary, among other things, to
know that the
 National City Bank of New York is very much interested in Haiti. It is
necessary to
 know that the National City Bank controls the National Bank of Haiti and is
 depository for all of the Haitian national funds that are being collected
by American
 officials, and that Mr. R. L. Farnham, vice-president of the National City
Bank, is
 virtually the representative of the State Department in matters relating to
the island
 republic. Most Americans have the opinion -- if they have any opinion at
all on the
 subject -- that the United States was forced, on purely humane grounds, to
intervene in
 the black republic because of the tragic coup d'etat which resulted in the
 and death of President Vilbrun Guillaume Sam and the execution of the
 prisoners confined at Port-au-Prince, July 27-28, 1915; and that this
government has
 been compelled to keep a military force in Haiti since that time to pacify
the country
 and maintain order.

  The fact is that for nearly a year before forcible intervention on the
part of the
 United States this government was seeking to compel Haiti to submit to
 intervention. Toward the close of 1914 the United States notified the
government of
 Haiti that it was disposed to recognize the newly-elected president,
 Davilmar, as soon as a Haitian commission would sign at Washington
 protocols" relative to a convention with the United States on the model of
 Dominican-American Convention. On December 15, 1914, the Haitian
 through its Secretary of Foreign Affairs, replied: "The Government of the
Republic of
 Haiti would consider itself lax in its duty to the United States and to
itself if it allowed
 the least doubt to exist of its irrevocable intention not to accept any
control of the
 administration of Haitian affairs by a foreign Power." On December 19, the
 States, through its legation at Port-au-Prince, replied, that in expressing
its willingness
 to do in Haiti what had been done in Santo Domingo it "was actuated
entirely by a
 disinterested desire to give assistance."

  Two months later, the Theodore government was overthrown by a
 and Vilbrun Guillaume was elected president. Immediately afterwards there
arrived at
 Port-au-Prince an American commission from Washington -- the Ford mission.
 commissioners were received at the National Palace and attempted to take up
 discussion of the convention that had been broken off in December, 1914.
 they lacked full powers and no negotiations were entered into. After
several days, the
 Ford mission sailed for the United States. But soon after, in May, the
United States
 sent to Haiti Mr. Paul Fuller, Jr., with the title Envoy Extraordinary, on
a special
 mission to apprise the Haitian government that the Guillaume administration
would not
 be recognized by the American government unless Haiti accepted and signed
 project of a convention which he was authorized to present. After examining
 project the Haitian government submitted to the American commission a
 counter-project, formulating the conditions under which it would be
possible to accept
 the assistance of the United States. To this counter-project Mr. Fuller
 certain modifications, some of which were accepted by the Haitian
government. On
 June 5, 1915, Mr. Fuller acknowledged the receipt of the Haitian
 regarding these modifications, and sailed from Port-au-Prince.

  Before any further discussion of the Fuller project between the two
 governments, political incidents in Haiti led rapidly to the events of July
27 and 28. On
 July 27 President Guillaume fled to the French Legation, and on the same
day took
 place a massacre of the political prisoners in the prison at
Port-au-Prince. On the
 morning of July 28 President Guillaume was forcibly taken from French
Legation and
 killed. On the afternoon of July 28 an American man-of-war dropped anchor
in the

Re: [CTRL] French toast mafia?

1999-04-23 Thread Liz Schumacher

 -Caveat Lector-

thats fine, americans can quit going to europe or having dealings with them
and they will collapse and be asking for hershey bars again in about 2 months

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Refugees To Meat Process Plant

1999-04-23 Thread AOL User

 -Caveat Lector-

Explain the influx via Boston, MA if you can.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] French toast mafia?

1999-04-23 Thread Kristoffer Wahlström

 -Caveat Lector-

hi, i have been hearing scary talk from London, England, about another
group of people who wear dark clothes and listen to these goth-black metal
music, now they are called "french toast mafia" or so David Smythe said
(one of there members) they have all the resemblences of the trenchcoat
mob (i.e there into quake2, and doom and all these gore games) and Mr.
Smythe said they hate America and Americans, They want no American's in
the country (visiting or otherwise) because what Clinton is doing in
Serbia, and other places in the world (i.e (Iraq, The Middleast) Smythe
said "These Americans dont know shit about the rest of thw world, They are
so naive, I mean look, Clinton bombs the Serbs, but he cant take care of
his *homeground* It makes me sick, Thats why America must die"

Yours, Kris

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Serbian Cartoonist: The Albanian Mafia

1999-04-23 Thread Mack White

 -Caveat Lector-

Following is a recent e-mail exchange between myself and Sasa Rekaxic (aka
Aleksander Zograf), posted here with his permission.

Mack White
P.O. Box 49575
Austin, TX  78765

>Thank you very much for writing.  I am continuing to follow your reports
>with great interest and concern.  Your firsthand descriptions of this
>criminal attack by NATO on your country are in sharp contrast to the war
>propaganda we are being fed here by the elitist-controlled U.S. media.
>To hear the Clinton government and U.S. media tell it, this war is being
>fought for "humanitarian reasons."  Many people believe this,
>unfortunately; however, not everyone does.  I certainly do not.
>I have not sent you the articles I mentioned, out of concern they may be
>too long for your computer to handle.  I understand you have had a great
>deal of computer trouble and do not want to cause more trouble for you.
>So, for the time being, I will not send the articles.
>However, I can summarize for you the allegations being made as to why this
>war is really being fought.  (I would be interested in hearing your
>opinion on the following, as you have a personal perspective on Serbian
>matters which I do not have.  I only know what I read.)
>One reason for this war being staged at this time:  President Clinton is
>attempting to draw public attention away from investigations into
>allegations of rape, and, even more seriously, into his illegal,
>treasonous transfer of nuclear technology to China.
>Another reason:  The attacks are an attempt to bully Serbia into going
>along with the International Monetary Fund and the Globalist/New World
>Order agenda as promoted by the Council on Foreign Relations.
>It is also believed by many that the Kosovo Liberation Army is a CIA
>heroin smuggling operation, and that one motivation for this war might be
>the Serbian government has been interfering with the CIA's heroin supply.
>(It is documented fact the CIA imports heroin and cocaine into the U.S.
>President Clinton himself was personally involved in this activity in the
>1980s while governor of Arkansas.)
>There is also some evidence to indicate the recent, highly publicized
>massacre of Albanians was in fact perpetrated by the CIA, in order to
>justify this war.  (There are many documented precedents for this sort of
>activity.  It is well known the CIA has been staging atrocities and
>blaming them on others for its entire history.  This is not surprising
>when you remember the CIA was formed partly as a cover agency for Nazi
>spies and war criminals after World War II.)

>Praying for the safety of you and all your friends and family . . .
>Your comix colleague,
>Mack White

>Sasa Rakezic
>26000 Pancevo
>Yugoslavia /Serbia/
>Hello Mack!
>Sorry I haven't answered you earlier. So much things to do... Beside the
>fact that last bombing of Pancevo (the big blast, which also freed a toxic
>gas) was a kind of a shock, I saw it from my window - can you imagine about
>7 bombs being thrown at the same time, at the large Industrial complex,
>full of explosive materials? Night turned into a spooky red-light day, and
>the blast was visible from the distance of 200 km... The nearest of the
>plants which were bombed  is less than 700m far from our appartment
>> To hear the Clinton government and U.S. media tell it, this war is being
>> fought for "humanitarian reasons."  Many people believe this,
>> unfortunately; however, not everyone does.  I certainly do not.

>Well, that's a good excuse, anyway. Serbian regime is also using excuses to
>play the dirty tricks with their own people. But they are a bloody
>amatheurs compared to the Western Aliance.
>> However, I can summarize for you the allegations being made by most
>> investigators as to why this war is really being fought.
>> One reason for this war being staged at this time:  President Clinton is
>> attempting to draw public attention away from investigations into
>> allegations of rape, and, even more seriously, into his illegal, treasonous
>> transfer of nuclear technology to China.

>This is very likely. But there are many other reasons, basically to do with
>the demonstartion of power by the American administration and NATO as an
>"world police" organization.Their idea is to impose an "super
>hierarchy",with U.S. as a  supreme authority, hidden under the facade of
>humanitarian and democratic facade. Their very being could be justified
>only through occasional fights like this one in Balkans, which is serving
>also to "discipline" the rest of the world. It is obvious that countries
>like Italy and Greece, even though their interest and public oppinion
>(especially in Greece)  is opposed to this war, they weren't able to
>dissobey the

Re: [CTRL] [[CTRL] Jerry Black's Update on Whitl

1999-04-23 Thread Teo One Thousand

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 4/23/99 9:48:23 AM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

<<  I agree but for different reasons.  There is convincing evidence, IMO,
 that the military is conducting faux-abduction scenarios, yet there is also
 compelling evidence that real UFO's and otherworldy visitors have an interest
 in our planet.
 It's not even logical to assume we're alone and unvisited.  It's
 statistically improbable that we're the only intelligent (heh heh) life in
 the universe.  I see no contradiction in believing that both scenarios are
 I don't see people here not believing in real UFO's out of fear, though,
 but out of a reluctance to hope that not all beings are pond-scum like we
 are.  I DO think the "evil aliens" theory has been pushed by the world
 governments.  The "real" aliens, as I see them, are not pond-scum.

 Samm >>

It might not be "logical" to disregard the idea of "real" aliens from far
away planets coming to visit us here on earth, but it certainly is not
logical to assume that such is the case also.  I would say that it is well in
the realm of possibility and since activities of the like have been done in
the past it is extremely likely that such is being done again, in that the
Military Industrial Complex is doing all the UFO flying, and abducting, and
mind control, and genetic manipulation/experimentation.  I am open to the
idea of other life but in the absence of evidence am not inclined to think it
"real".  That is not to say that there aren't aliens, just that I don't THINK
there are because of the lack of evidence.  Incidentally WHY would any aliens
want to come here and mess around with us when we are insignificant,
fatalistic, and decidedly uncivilized?  It implies that we are worthwhile,
and I certainly have seen LITTLE evidence that that is true.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Thomas on Bell redux

1999-04-23 Thread Liz Schumacher

 -Caveat Lector-


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Thomas on Bell redux

1999-04-23 Thread Kenn Thomas

 -Caveat Lector-

Tuesday Night/Wednesday morning.

Teo One Thousand wrote:

>  -Caveat Lector-
> In a message dated 4/22/99 6:00:44 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
> << Anyone who missed my appearance on the Art Bell show who has an interest
> and
>  RealAudio can check it out at:
>  kt
>   >>
> Kenn, what night were you on?
> Teo1000
> ==
> CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
> screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
> and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
> frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
> spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
> gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
> be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
> nazi's need not apply.
> Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
> Archives Available at:
> To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:
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> Om

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Thomas on Bell redux

1999-04-23 Thread Teo One Thousand

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 4/22/99 6:00:44 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

<< Anyone who missed my appearance on the Art Bell show who has an interest
 RealAudio can check it out at:


Kenn, what night were you on?

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] [Re: [CTRL] Magnetic Anomaly]

1999-04-23 Thread nurev

 -Caveat Lector-

Robert Tatman wrote:
>  -Caveat Lector-
> >  -Caveat Lector-
> >
> > In a message dated 99-04-21 03:03:05 EDT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
> >
> > >I suspect that the magnetic anomaly has already had an effect of triggering
> > >a 6.5 M earthquake near New Zealand, and perhaps may have contributed
> > >to the crazed minds of the suicide killers in Denver.
> >
> > I don't know about the particular magnetic anomaly referred to here --heck,
> > there's probably even a huge solar flare striking the earth right now too--
> > but I DO know that for weeks already, and for months to come (including the
> > August eclipse, wherein it figures large) the two planetary "malefics,"
> > Saturn and Mars, have been in opposition -- and it's "natural" under that
> > aspect to expect assaults, fatal accidents, murders and ... WAR.
> > In other words, it's "amok time" on planet Earth through most of this year,
> > AD 1999.
> >
> Oh THANK you, that's *just* what I wanted to hear... "And there shall be wars and 
>rumors of wars, and plagues, and pestilences in diverse places: but the end is not 
>yet." If we get a winter that lasts three years, it'll mean Ragnarök is around the 
>corner... Whose apocalypse do you want today?
> Bob

RE: Wars and rumors of wars.

This is not an apocalypse. It's merely the machinations of the
elites doing what they do best. Fuck things up, and gamble with

They are trying to forcibly move the world out of tribalism while the
is overwhelmingly tribal. There is no justification for this other
than it suits
them economically.

Stop NATO in Yugoslavia and you stop the New World Order before they
can do even
is a rare
opportunity to kill the new Internationalist Army in the cradle. This
army is
not controlled by ANY democratic citizenry. NATO is the the new
Put some bolts in his head and give him a good buzz.

NATO out of Yugo
US out of NATO


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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] [[CTRL] Endtime in the East -- Orthodox Easter, Apr 11]

1999-04-23 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 99-04-23 14:55:09 EDT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

>>  (The Vatican hierarchy, not taking that seriously, has done little or
>> nothing so far.)
>Beg to differ, GOAT. The Vatican has never given up its intention to convert
>all of Russia. At various times there have been extensive missionary efforts

Oh, I dunno.  I'm just conveying the sentiments of many in the Vatican
bureaucracy, according to insiders I've seen quoted, re the "Fatima
prophecy."  I know there are others --including the present Pope, and Opus
Dei-- who have taken it VERY seriously, for various reasons, including the
obvious -- adding to the Church's "flock" eastward means upgrading their
portfolio of assets and magnifies their secular political power.
In the past I've posted items specifically on the Church's "conversion"
program, like--

Church News

 Archbishop Christoph Schoenborn of Vienna, head of the Roman
Catholic Church in Austria, was a guest of the Russian Orthodox
Church from August 26 to September 1, 1997, on the invitation of
His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II of Moscow and All Russia. The
archbishop was accompanied by Dr. Alfred Stirnemann, Pro Oriente
Foundation president, the Rev. Michael Landau, head of the
Charitas/Austria, and magisters Bonifacius Reinhardt and Joseph
 On August 26, Archbishop Schoenborn had a talk with
Metropolitan Kirill of Smolensk and Kaliningrad, Chairman of the
Department for External Church Relations.
 On August 27, the delegation was received by Patriarch
Alexy II of Moscow and All Russia at his residence at St.
Daniel's monastery.  In his word of greetings His Holiness said
in particular, "It is with a special intensity that we remember
the warm and heartfelt hospitality that you, your state officials
and your people accorded us during our recent visit to Austria.
 He expressed hope that the return visit by the Archbishop of
Vienna would contribute to "deeper understanding between the two
 He also noted that Archbishop Schoenborn was renowned in
church circles for his studies on Eastern patristics, Orthodox
spirituality and art.
 After the meeting Patriarch Alexy and Archbishop Schoenborn
answered questions from a large group of journalists concerning
the present state of relations between the Russian Orthodox and
the Roman Catholic Churches. They stressed their mutual agreement
on the inadmissibility of proselytism. Patriarch Alexy expressed
profound gratitude to the Catholic Charitas in Austria for the
considerable assistance it gave in the hard period of restoration
of church and parish life in Russia.
 On August 27, the guests had a talk with Bishop Savva of
Krasnogorsk at his Department for Interaction with the Armed
Forces and Law-enforcement Agencies.
 Later that day Archbishop Schoenborn and his party made a
trip to the New Jerusalem Monastery of the Finding of the Lord's
Sepulchre, near Moscow.
 On August 28, the Day of the Dormition, Archbishop
Schoenborn attended the liturgy at the Patriarchal Cathedral of
the Dormition in the Moscow Kremlin.  After the service Patriarch
Alexy invited the guests to his Kremlin residence.  After the
reception the guests saw the Kremlin cathedrals.
 Later that day Archbishop Schoenborn also saw the Church of
Christ the Saviour under construction and the monastery of the
Immaculate Conception ...
 On August 29, Archbishop Schoenborn and his party made a
trip to Sergiev Posad where they visited St. Sergius's Laura of
the Trinity and the Moscow Theological Academy.  After that the
guests visited the Sofrino factory of the Russian Orthodox
Church.  In the evening the Austrian church delegation left for
St. Petersburg.
 On August 30, the high guest was received by Metropolitan
Vladimir of St. Petersburg and Ladoga at St. Alexander Nevsky's
Laura.  The guests saw the city sights and a number of
 On September 1, Archbishop Christoph Schoenborn and his
retinue departed for Austria.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] A Wake

1999-04-23 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-


Wednesday, April 21, 1999

In Littleton's Wake

By Larry P. Arnn

In Colorado on Tuesday there occurred another in a series of horrifying
multiple murders by American schoolchildren of their classmates.  This type
of murder is a fairly recent phenomenon. The fact that it--as opposed to
other types of murders--has not occurred from time immemorial, or even
previously in American history, suggests in itself the stupidity of the
stock explanations by government officials and the press.

For instance, the reason for these murders cannot be that "America is a gun
culture," because Americans have always owned a lot of guns. Yet American
schoolchildren have not always been moved to commit indiscriminate

What has changed, that could more plausibly explain this alarming

Tuesday's events bring to mind the famous episode of Richard Loeb and Nathan
Leopold, two young men who, in 1924, conceived and executed the "perfect
crime"--the murder of a schoolmate. They were caught, convicted and
sentenced to life plus 99 years in prison. In his writings later, Leopold
made plain this was an experiment--"as easy for us to justify as an
entomologist in impaling a beetle on a pin"--inspired by the philosophy of
Friedrich Nietzsche.

By coincidence, and along the same lines, the following story was brought to
my attention yesterday morning.

A viewer of an award-winning TV series recently e-mailed ABC Television,
owned by Disney Co., criticizing the story line of an episode in which a
lawyer's mother wanted him to help her obtain the right in court to marry
another woman.  The lawyer's reluctance to do so was portrayed as backward
and intolerant. The viewer's e-mail referred to the Bible in suggesting that
this reluctance may instead have been correct.

Here is the response this viewer received from the ABC Online Webmaster:
"How about getting your nose out of the Bible (which is only a book of
stories compiled by many different writers hundreds of years ago) and read
the Declaration of Independence (what our nation is built on) where it says
'All Men are Created Equal'--and try treating them that way for a change!?
Or better yet, try thinking for yourself and stop using an archaic book of
stories as your crutch for your existence."

Let me make two rebuttal points to this startlingly frank (and intolerant)
response that I think are relevant as we think about yesterday's school

First, the principle of human equality in the Declaration of Independence is
a moral, not a morally relativistic principle. It is a recognition that
human beings have a common nature, that they are able to understand that
nature by use of their reason, and that they are able to deduce from it
common rules of morality, or what the Declaration calls "the laws of nature
and of nature's God." One of these deductions is that humans are born male
and female for the purpose of procreation and child-rearing.   Thus laws
that restrict marriage and adoption to men and women are in keeping not only
with the Bible, but with nature, and with the Declaration.

To suggest, like Mr. ABC Online Webmaster, that in America all types of
behavior are to be looked on as equal, is to deny the common nature that
separates humans from beasts. To the extent this view gains currency, we can
only expect behavior to follow suit.

Second, the idea that it is better to "think for yourself" than to draw upon
"archaic stories" such as the Ten Commandments, the Sermon on the Mount, or
the Declaration's laws of nature, is an idea that has been common to every
criminal since the dawn of time.  But since the 1960s it has been adopted as
a maxim of American education and promoted as a truism by our popular
culture.  This bodes ill.

In the wake of the events in Littleton, let us first pray for our country
and for our families, and then let us stand strongly for the idea of liberty
rooted in moral principle, not moral relativism.

Visit the Precepts Archive

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articles in the Precepts series concern the politics of our country, which
of course fall within the domain of action. Precepts come before action.
They guide action.

Each week, Claremont Institute President Larry P. Arnn applies the
principles of the American Founding to contemporary events, making his
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Re: [CTRL] Trenchcoat

1999-04-23 Thread Liz Schumacher

 -Caveat Lector-

June is right kiddo-
 even at funerals, some people start to laff- its a nervous reaction-
you are obviously a good person and a deep thinker-and the latter means u are
in the minority(maybe even the former)
have hope and keep being as kind as u are-and pass it along when u can!

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Trenchcoat

1999-04-23 Thread Liz Schumacher

 -Caveat Lector-

so right, june and all
being different is no treat in school
being part indian, and dark, i took my share of crappola.(this was way back
in the so-called dark ages of the 50s)
was made to feel ashamed at times-and had fantasies-not of killing, but of
being big enough to knock these kids around(some teachers too) never did
knock anyone around, but i do remember wanting to.  Thought things were so
different now?? i know in the school i work in, if they catch someone in a
mean remark-they go after them-(this is grade school) they dont let them get
away with it. Guess they lax up by highschool?
(not that ANY amount of teasing/harrassing  justifies what they did)

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Day 31, Update 1 (Apr. 23; 11:00AM EDT) - A Special TiM GW Bulletin on NATO's War on Serbia

1999-04-23 Thread Kris Millegan


The Special "Kosovo Crisis" Truth in Media Global Watch Bulletins, such as
the one enclosed below, can also be accessed at our Web site: which is being updated throughout the day.

DAY 31, Update 1
Apr. 23, 1999; 11:00AM EDT


Belgrade1. An Eyewitness Account of NATO Murders at Serb TV HQ

Brussels 2. Journalists Group Protests Bombing of Serb TV

Belgrade3. NATO and Serb Losses Detailed

Phoenix 4. Senator McCain, Clinton's Pal and NATO War Hawk,
Is No Hero

Washington   5. Albright, Correcting Blair, Admits Washington
  Wants Milosevic to Stay

Phoenix 6. Repeating the Truth in Media Creed


1. An Eyewitness Account of NATO Murders at Serb TV HQ

BELGRADE, Apr. 23 - Further to our initial report about NATO's bombing of
the Serb TV headquarters early this morning Belgrade time (see Day 30,
Update 1, Item 3, Apr. 22), we received the following dramatic eyewitness
account from a TiM source in Belgrade:

"I live 100 meters (about 110 yards) away from the Serb TV headquarters.
At 2:06AM, we were sitting in our room, talking. Then we heard awful sounds
of a plane.  It was so loud that we all hid under the bed, thinking that
it'll hit our building and kill us all.

Then we heard strong detonations. Our windows started rattling. The lights
went out. We heard several more explosions. My neighbor, who is only 10
years old, fell down the stairs while trying to reach the shelter.

We were all panic-stricken because we heard strong detonations, and we
thought that our building will fall apart. After that, we heard that the
Serb TV was hit. After some time, we went there to see what happened.  I
can actually can see the park (in front of the Serb TV building) from my
window, but the building itself is behind some trees.

We saw smoke, fire... then we reached the building. Firemen, police, civil
defense people... were all already there trying to help the survivors.

We saw a woman shouting from the ruins: "Please, I am here, help me!!" Some
men tried her to get her out.  She was walking around like a lunatic,
shouting: "Where is Jelena? Jelena, she is still in the building!!"

Then we saw somebody falling from the second floor. We saw a man who was
hanging upside down from the first, or second floor, I dunno. His head was
all covered in blood. His legs were literary crushed by the concrete block.
Everybody tried to help him. He is (or was) around 20-25 years old.

People were running around dripping with blood.  Fire and smoke all over
the place. Blood could be seen everywhere. A real massacre.

Then a friend of mine shouted "This man is dead!!" I didn't turn my head to
see him  because I thought I was about to faint.  My friends went a bit
further, and saw the corps lying without a head. We also saw a pair of
(woman's) legs lying crushed by another concrete block. I think that she
was already dead, even though people tried to pull her out.

It was terrible. I don't know if I described it well enough. I am still
shaking and I'm unable to think. People were lying wounded all over the
place. I can still smell the mixture of blood and smoke.

I hope you understand. All (Serb TV) buildings around were destroyed. I
won't have any further comments on this. I'll need some more time to
recover. That's all for now.

I also heard a reporter who was in the building saying: "The plane went
really low, and then made a strike right at the entrance of the building."

This was not a crime against media, nor anything else NATO was claming to
save or prevent. This is a direct crime against humanity, and people
world-over should know that.  Thanks, Bob.  Bye."

Marija Mitrovic, downtown Belgrade
TiM Ed.: It tragically fitting that NATO, formed as a defensive
organization 50 years ago to the day, should mark its anniversary with an
attack on freedom of speech as well as innocent civilians in Belgrade.  Now
that all masks of civility have fallen, everybody can see the new NATO for
what it is - a mass murdering New World Order juggernaut, or a North
Atlantic Terrorist Organization, as some Belgrade protest posters have
depicted it.

2. Journalists Group Protests Bombing of Serb TV

BRUSSELS, Apr. 23 - The International Federation of Journalists, a group of
journalism unions which represents about 450,000 journalists around the
world, expressed deep concern today over NATO's attack against Serbia's
state television center in Belgrade, saying the alliance had violated its
pledge to hit military targets only, the Associated Press reported today.

"This bomb attack seems to make a very clear statement that civilian and
particularly media targets are legitimate," IFJ General-Secretary, Aidan
White, told a news conference. He said the attack meant that Serbian
journalists who are working for a free media 

[CTRL] Cars or Guns: Which worse?

1999-04-23 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-


Accident Facts®

Motor Vehicle, 1997
Between 1912 and 1997, motor-vehicle deaths per 10,000 registered vehicles
were reduced 94%, from 33 to about 2. In 1912, there were 3,100 fatalities
when the number of registered vehicles totaled only 950,000. In 1997, there
were 43,200 fatalities, but registrations soared to more than 214 million.

While mileage data were not available in 1912, the 1997 mileage death rate
of 1.71 per 100,000,000 vehicle miles was the lowest rate on record.
Disabling injuries in motor-vehicle accidents totaled 2,300,000 in 1997, and
total motor-vehicle costs were estimated at $200.3 billion. Costs include
wage and productivity losses, medical expenses, administrative expenses,
motor-vehicle property damage, and employer costs.

Motor-vehicle deaths decreased less than one-half percent from 1996 to 1997,
the second consecutive decrease following three years of increases. Mileage
and the number of registered vehicles increased 2%, while the population
increased 1%. As a result, the mileage and registration death rates
decreased 2% from 1996 to 1997, while the population death rate decreased

Compared with 1987, 1997 motor-vehicle deaths decreased by about 11%.
However, mileage, registration, and population death rates were all sharply
lower in 1997 compared with 1987 (see corresponding chart).

Deaths 43,200
Disabling injuries 2,300,000
Cost $200.3 billion
Motor-vehicle mileage 2,531 billion
Registered vehicles in the United States 214,500,000
Licensed drivers in the United States 181,700,000
Death rate per 100,000,000 vehicle miles 1.71
Death rate per 10,000 registered vehicles 2.01
Death rate per 100,000 population 16.1

Accident and Vehicle Totals, 1997

Type of Accident   Number of Accidents   Drivers (Vehicles) Involved
Fatal   38,200   59,700
Disabling injury1,500,000   2,700,000
Property damage12,300,000 21,100,000
and nondisabling injurya
Total (rounded)  13,800,000 23,900,000

aEstimating procedures for these figures were revised beginning with the
1990 edition.

Table of Contents | Menu | Order Form | Statistics Top Page | Comments

September 25, 1998

>From USAToday

04/16/98- Updated 05:10 PM ET

U.S. leads richest nations in gun deaths
ATLANTA - The United States has by far the highest rate of gun deaths -
murders, suicides and accidents - among the world's 36 richest nations, a
government study found.

The U.S. rate for gun deaths in 1994 was 14.24 per 100,000 people. Japan had
the lowest rate, at .05 per 100,000.

The study, done by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, is the
first comprehensive international look at gun-related deaths. It was
published Thursday in the International Journal of Epidemiology.

The CDC would not speculate why the death rates varied, but other
researchers said easy access to guns and society's acceptance of violence
are part of the problem in the United States.

''If you have a country saturated with guns - available to people when they
are intoxicated, angry or depressed - it's not unusual guns will be used
more often,'' said Dr. Rebecca Peters, a Johns Hopkins University fellow
specializing in gun violence. ''This has to be treated as a public health

The National Rifle Association called the study shoddy because it failed to
examine all causes of violent deaths.

''What this shows is the CDC is after guns. They aren't concerned with
violence. It's pretending that no homicide exists unless it's related to
guns,'' said Dr. Paul Blackman, a research coordinator for the NRA in
Fairfax, Va.

The study used 1994 statistics supplied by the 36 countries. Of the 88,649
gun deaths reported by all the countries, the United States accounted for 45
percent, said Dr. Etienne Krug, a CDC researcher and co-author of the

''I was surprised by the magnitude of the difference between the U.S. and
other countries,'' Krug said.

Brazil ranked second with 12.95 deaths per 100,000, followed by Mexico with
12.69, Estonia with 12.26 and Argentina with 8.93.

Japan, where very few people own guns, averages 124 gun-related attacks a
year, and less than 1% end in death. Police often raid the homes of those
suspected of having weapons.

Also at the bottom of the list were South Korea with .12 per 100,000 people,
followed by Hong Kong with .14, Mauritius with .19, Singapore with .21,
Taiwan with .37 and England and Wales with .41.

The study found that gun-related deaths were five to six times higher in the

[CTRL] Fwd: FC: Colorado shootings: Looking for someone to blame

1999-04-23 Thread Kris Millegan

 Looking for Something to Blame
 by Declan McCullagh

 8:55 a.m.  23.Apr.99.PDT
 WASHINGTON -- Just minutes after Eric
 Harris and Dylan Klebold gunned down
 over a dozen of their high school
 classmates, the world began searching
 for an explanation. The massacre seemed
 too abrupt, too painful, and too
 inexplicable not to probe into the young
 men's psyches, just a little.

 A profile of the duo soon emerged in news
 reports. They were Hitler admirers,
 outcasts, possibly Y2K buffs, and
 certainly loners.

 They were also reportedly computer
 geeks, fans of Doom and Quake. Harris
 had, like many avid players, created
 additional levels of the game. His alleged
 Web site on America Online, since yanked
 by the company, reportedly detailed plans
 for constructing bombs.


 Trying to shield vulnerable members of
 society from disruptive influences is a
 response as old as humanity itself. Circa
 500 BC, the Greek philosopher Anaxgoras
 was tossed in a dungeon after claiming
 that the gods were mythical abstractions,
 not reality. A jury in 1852 convicted a
 Franciscan friar of burning a King James
 Bible in violation of Irish law.


 Congress' reaction this week is not new.
 In congressional hearings in 1952, mental
 health experts from the Mayo Clinic
 blamed delinquency on TV "murder,
 violence, shooting, hanging, kidnapping,
 and the doings of wicked witches."
 Laboratory studies in the 1960s -- since
 called into question -- seemed to confirm
 that violent films or cartoons led to
 violent behavior.

 [...remainder snipped...]

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To subscribe: send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with this text:
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[CTRL] Neolithic News, from the BBC...

1999-04-23 Thread Robert Tatman

 -Caveat Lector-
Thursday, April 22, 1999 Published at 04:07 GMT 05:07 UK


Prehistoric Moon map unearthed

A map of the moon with the rock carvings superimposed on it

By BBC News Online Science Editor Dr David Whitehouse
A map of the Moon 10 times older than anything known before has been found
carved into stone at one of Ireland's most ancient and mysterious Neolithic

Dr Phil Stooke: I am confident it is the moon
It has been identified by Dr Philip Stooke of the University of Western
Ontario in Canada. He spends most of his time preparing maps of asteroids
based on spacecraft observations, but he has also prepared detailed maps of
the Moon.

What puzzled him greatly was that there was no recorded map of the moon older
than about 500 years. "I simply could not believe this," he told BBC News
Online. "I felt there just had to be an older map somewhere."

Prehistoric tombs

So he began looking in old manuscripts and history books as well as the
records of excavations of the Neolithic sites of the British Isles.

The world's oldest map of the moon?
Then he found one. It took the eye of an expert to see it for what it was. It
was carved into a rock in one of Ireland's most remarkable prehistoric tombs
at Knowth, County Meath.

"I was amazed when I saw it. Place the markings over a picture of the full
Moon and you will see that they line up. It is without doubt a map of the
Moon, the most ancient one ever found," said Dr Stooke.

"It's all there in the carving. You can see the overall pattern of the lunar
features from features such as Mare Humorun through to Mare Crisium."

Before this discovery, the oldest map of the Moon was by Leonardo da Vinci,
drawn about 1505. The Knowth map is 10 times older.

Knowth is already a major focus of research into understanding prehistoric
man. Now it will become one of the most important scientific sites in the

"The people who carved this moon map were the first scientists," says Dr
Stooke. "They knew a great deal about the motion of the moon. They were not
primitive at all."

The passage tomb at Knowth is estimated to be about 5,000 years old. It was
obviously built by men who had a sophisticated understanding of the motions of
the Sun, Moon and stars.

It is known that many stone circles and ancient tombs are aligned with the Sun
but less attention has been paid to possible lunar alignments. This is despite
the fact that at certain times the Moon can rise or set at any location on the
horizon that the Sun can.

Series of arcs

Investigations at Knowth almost 20 years ago showed that at certain times
moonlight could shine down the eastern passage of the tomb.

Remarkably, the moonlight would also fall on the Neolithic lunar map.

During excavations, the stone in question was named Orthostat 47. Its
right-hand section contains a series of arcs.

The circular limb of the moon is not included in the carving. Dr Stooke
believes that it may have been drawn on the rock with chalk or with coloured

Thursday, April 8, 1999 Published at 11:15 GMT 12:15 UK


Ancient tomb captured both Sun and Moon

The midsummer Sun shines through the lightbox..

By BBC News Online Science Editor Dr David Whitehouse
An ancient Irish tomb may have been built with a light chamber aligned not
only to the Sun, but to the Moon as well.

Building it would have required many years of observations of the motions of
the Moon by the tomb's architects. The tomb could also explain the
Moon-inspired names of local landmarks.

..and strikes the far walls
The tomb's "lightbox" is only the third ever discovered and is by far the most
complex. It reveals the astonishingly-detailed astronomical knowledge of the
ancient people.

BBC News Online recently reported that a team of archaeologists from Glasgow
University had discovered a lightbox in the roof of a prehistoric tomb in
Orkney, Scotland.

It allowed the rays of the sun to reach the innermost part of the tomb at the
start and end of the winter. At that time, only one other lightbox was known,
at the Newgrange Neolithic complex in Ireland.

Martin Byrne believes capturing the Moonlight could have been the main aim
The latest, and most remarkable yet, was revealed by Martin Byrne, a
researcher and artist in County Sligo, Ireland. His work on the Neolithic
tombs at Carrowkeel suggests they were positioned so that the light from the
Moon could peep into the inner chamber at midwinter.

Carrowkeel is in the Bricklieve mountains. Given the number of Neolithic tombs
in the area this was one of the most sacred regions of ancient Ireland. Over a
dozen mountain-top cairns can be seen looking across the misty hills of Sligo.

Carefully set into the entrance of Cairn G is a hole that is positioned to let
the Sun's rays into the inner chamber fo

Re: [CTRL] [[CTRL] Endtime in the East -- Orthodox Easter, Apr 11]

1999-04-23 Thread Robert Tatman

 -Caveat Lector-

>  -Caveat Lector-
>  (AP)  During worldwide calls for an end to NATO airstrikes against
> Serbian brethren, "Orthodox Christians in Jerusalem carried the patriarch of
> Jerusalem on a throne in procession to the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, the
> site of Jesus' tomb."
>  "Pray for the conversion of RUSSIA," commanded the Virgin, in the
> "Fatima Prophecy" -- in the same breath threatening the END of the Roman
> Catholic Church as spokesman for the true Christian faith if the Papacy were
> LAX in fulfilling that mission.
>  (The Vatican hierarchy, not taking that seriously, has done little or
> nothing so far.)

Beg to differ, GOAT. The Vatican has never given up its intention to convert
all of Russia. At various times there have been extensive missionary efforts,
including during the NEP under Lenin in the early 1920's. The Jesuits have
maintained a constant underground presence in Russia since Tsarist times (see
Eugene FitzMaurice, *The Hawkeland Cache*--fiction but based on meticulous
research). A substantial part of Ukraine and Belarus are "Eastern Rite" or
"Uniate" Catholic--i.e. identical to the Orthodox practice, including married
priests, but acknowledging the Pope as head of the Church. (These are mostly
those territories which were Polish before 1940.) And last but not least,
although from the American news media you might think it was a reaction to the
Jehovah's Witnesses, the crackdown on "foreign" churches in Russia stems in
large part from the success Catholic missionaries were having in drawing
converts from the Orthodox or unchurched masses.

>  Could Russia, largest of all communities of ORTHODOX Christians, seek
> its OWN destiny --as "the Third Rome"-- by rallying fellow believers to some
> "Crusade of martyrs" against a "godless" (i.e., materialistic, militarized,
> NEW World Order) W. Europe ?

Now *that* I would not rule out at all... Take a look at what Solzhenitsyn has
been saying about Western-style materialism and cultural imperialism. Also, I
saw a horrifying picture in today's paper showing a group of young
(20-something) members of the Russian "National Bolshevik Party" giving a
Hitler salute in front of their red-and-black flags, in which the
hammer-and-sickle replaces the swastika... "Indeed do many things come to


Robert F. Tatman
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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
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frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Media/Policy

1999-04-23 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-

>From NewStatesman (UK)

Where are my Muslim brethren?

Ziauddin Sardar fears another holocaust in Europe, but the Islamic states
couldn't care less

Once again, we Muslims find ourselves between the Devil and the deep blue
sea. We are glad that something is being done about Milosevic and his evil
plan to cleanse Kosovo of all Muslims. But we are not sure about the new
role of Nato. A host of images, from the crusades to the Gulf war, the
Holocaust and the carpet-bombing of Baghdad, hurling towards us at great
speed, have numbed our senses. If our endorsement of Nato action has been
muted, we have hardly been vocal in speaking out on behalf of our brothers
and sisters in Kosovo.

There is absolutely no doubt in the mind of any Muslim that what is
happening in Kosovo is an intended pogrom, an incipient holocaust. Europe
has a long history of turning against Muslims and this history has been
repeating itself in cycles since the crusades. The purpose of crusading was
to cleanse the earth and purify the blood of the nation. It was St Bernard
who first saw Christ glorified in the death of a Muslim. Slobodan Milosevic
quite evidently is made in the St Bernard mould, a modern-day crusader. But
what is different this time is that Muslims are not the outsiders, the
barbarians at the gates of Vienna. They have now replaced the Jews as the
feared and hated internal Others.

Muslims are dreaded and loathed not just in Serbia, but throughout Europe.
In France, they have been dubbed "blood-thirsty savages" (by Brigitte
Bardot, no less) and an aromatic affront to civilisation (by Jacques
Chirac). Jean-Marie Le Pen's National Front has fought two elections on a
singularly anti-Muslim ticket. The designer fascism of the Deutsche
Alternative party in Germany is fuelled by anti-Muslim sentiments. The
Progressive Party of Denmark openly campaigns on a "Denmark with no
Musselmen" ticket, as does the Swedish New Democratic Party.

If Milosevic emerged as a victor, for whatever reason, the consequences for
Muslims throughout Europe could be devastating.

Muslims do not see just one man as the enemy of peace in the Balkans, the
sole perpetuator of ethnic cleansing. It is the entire system he presides
over and all those who participate in its operation. Fascism may be an
inflated term but the Republic of Serbia has all the characteristics of the
real thing - death squads, concentration camps, extensive paramilitary and
police forces and an extreme clerical-nationalist ideology. It is this
system we fear; and it is this system that we want to see rooted out.

But the new role of Nato also sends shivers down Muslim spines. The next
time the bombs drop it could easily be on a Muslim people. Many Muslim
countries are actively suppressing their minorities. Think of what Turkey,
Iraq and Iran are doing to the Kurds or of the brutal suppression of East
Timor by Indonesia. Secessionists are everywhere in the Muslim world; and
everywhere they are being ruthlessly suppressed. If Nato succeeded in
protecting a minority in Serbia, would it not be motivated to extend its
tentacles to other parts of the world?

This was the question uppermost on the minds of its members when the contact
group on Bosnia-Herzegovina of the Organisation of Islamic Conference (OIC),
the Muslim UN, met last week in Geneva. The meeting was grudgingly organised
by the current OIC chairman, President Khatami of Iran, after he was
pressured by Pakistan's prime minister, Nawaz Sharif, to consider all
aspects of the Kosovo situation. With the sole exception of the Pakistanis,
who described the Nato action as "sincere in purpose", the OIC contact group
refused to back the bombing. Indeed, the OIC seems to abdicate its Islamic
responsibility to rally to the support of their "Muslim brethren" in Kosovo.

This would not come as too much of a surprise to ordinary Muslims in Europe.
They know better than to look to the political leadership of Muslim nations
for support. Muslim regimes have been specialising in moral bankruptcy for
generations. And if they know anything at all of the politics of public
opinion in the west, they know better than to raise their voices on any
issue. Such people are not only ineffectual to their friends but are more
likely to aid their enemies.

Muslims in Britain and elsewhere in Europe have therefore been deliberately
following a quiet, two-pronged strategy. First, the community has mobilised
an enormous relief effort, through such organisations as Muslim Aid and
Islamic Relief, and is silently lobbying for Nato to send ground troops to
Kosovo. Second, they have been presenting Kosovo not as a Muslim issue but
an intrinsic European problem. Europe, they have argued, bears a heavy
burden of responsibility for the dynamics that brought Milosevic to the
fore. When Helmut Kohl persuaded a reluctant European Union to recognise the
independence of Croatia, the Milosevic effect was set in train. The European
Union has the duty to end t

Re: [CTRL] [Re: [CTRL] Jerry Blacks Update on Whitley Strieber]

1999-04-23 Thread Samatha 'Smith'

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 4/23/99 11:50:30 AM EST, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

<< First off, let me say that I tend to agree that Whitely Strieber is a
fake--perhaps well-intentioned, but a fake nonetheless. As an SF and horror
writer he's probably in the middle of the pack (although *The Wolfen* had me
looking over my shoulder for months after I read it... :^} ). Since he went
on this "alien abduction" kick, however, he has become unreadable (for me--I
won't presume to judge other people's tastes). I suspect that he has the
whole scenario on disk somewhere and is slowly putting it into print, to
string out the suspense, such as it is. >>

Funny, I liked his non-fiction and couldn't read his fiction.  He wrote,
"Night Church" about a genetic line of satanic practitioners and it gave me
the utmost chills.  Then I tried to read, "Billy."  Strieber so well and
easily crawled into the mind of the perpetrator that I just couldn't handle
it.  It was similar to my reaction to "Mein Kampf."  There was real madness

From the tone of his fiction and what I know of him personally from what
he's divulged in his non-fiction, I've guessed that he is a survivor of
satanic ritual abuse himself.  If true, he could likely be a mind control
victim.  If THAT is so, it's likely he's been programmed and forced into
these alien abduction scenarios.  I think his experiences may be false while
he himself may be sincere (and a genuine victim).

I most certianly did sense a lot of instability in him, and he's accused
of being mentally ill by Bud Hopkins, among others.  I liked that he thought
Phil Donahue was an arrogant jerk after being on the show -- I couldn't have
agreed with him more.  Generally, I find him to be an endearing and tortured


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Bundy Victims

1999-04-23 Thread Colleen Jones

Here is Bunday List; from Washington State to Utah (the Library
remember) and to Colorado (the kids in the Library, Remember), and on to
Floridawell we have Versaci, or whatevere his name ws.  Just bought
some of his Blonde perfume for my daughter

So you see, these crimes are linked; and anyone who expects me to sit
around while some idiot who has not had an original idea in 20 years
makes corrections to my stuff,  well - here is the list and those with a
little imagination and expertise, draw your own conclusions.

There is a route and certain locations are you Buffalo
Gals go dance on someone elses bridge...


Re: [CTRL] The Manchurian Trenchcoat Mafia ?

1999-04-23 Thread Ynr Chyldz Wyld

 -Caveat Lector-

>If you share any characteristics with shooters, should you be

Seems to me that Hitler and the Nazis used the same tactics...some
young Jewish guy in Paris killed some German, suddenly you had
'Krystalnacht' in reprisal against all the Jews in Germany...

>Them who can't program, manage; them who can't manage, manage

THAT'S for damn sure!  ;-)

June (ex-COBOL programmer)

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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] Fw: Colorado shootings: Looking for someone to blame

1999-04-23 Thread CobolMage

 -Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
From: Declan McCullagh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, April 23, 1999 9:34 AM
Subject: FC: Colorado shootings: Looking for someone to blame

>  Looking for Something to Blame
>  by Declan McCullagh
>  8:55 a.m.  23.Apr.99.PDT
>  WASHINGTON -- Just minutes after Eric
>  Harris and Dylan Klebold gunned down
>  over a dozen of their high school
>  classmates, the world began searching
>  for an explanation. The massacre seemed
>  too abrupt, too painful, and too
>  inexplicable not to probe into the young
>  men's psyches, just a little.
>  A profile of the duo soon emerged in news
>  reports. They were Hitler admirers,
>  outcasts, possibly Y2K buffs, and
>  certainly loners.
>  They were also reportedly computer
>  geeks, fans of Doom and Quake. Harris
>  had, like many avid players, created
>  additional levels of the game. His alleged
>  Web site on America Online, since yanked
>  by the company, reportedly detailed plans
>  for constructing bombs.
>  [...]
>  Trying to shield vulnerable members of
>  society from disruptive influences is a
>  response as old as humanity itself. Circa
>  500 BC, the Greek philosopher Anaxgoras
>  was tossed in a dungeon after claiming
>  that the gods were mythical abstractions,
>  not reality. A jury in 1852 convicted a
>  Franciscan friar of burning a King James
>  Bible in violation of Irish law.
>  [...]
>  Congress' reaction this week is not new.
>  In congressional hearings in 1952, mental
>  health experts from the Mayo Clinic
>  blamed delinquency on TV "murder,
>  violence, shooting, hanging, kidnapping,
>  and the doings of wicked witches."
>  Laboratory studies in the 1960s -- since
>  called into question -- seemed to confirm
>  that violent films or cartoons led to
>  violent behavior.
>  [...remainder snipped...]
> --
> POLITECH -- the moderated mailing list of politics and technology
> To subscribe: send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with this text:
> subscribe politech
> More information is at
> --

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] [Re: [CTRL] Jerry Blacks Update on Whitley Strieber]

1999-04-23 Thread Robert Tatman

 -Caveat Lector-

Samatha 'Smith' <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  -Caveat Lector-
> In a message dated 4/22/99 10:46:36 PM EST, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
> << For someone with the writing skills of Mr. Strieber to
>  perpetrate a hoax of this magnitude is certainly unforgivable.
>  Because of Mr. Strieber’s experience as a well known
>  science-fiction writer, he has the ability to make his words
>  more realistic, more interesting and more believable. >>
> Well, I wouldn't hook up to that machine for anybody either.  Those tests are
> hideous.  I like Streiber and think there's a spiritual lesson in his work.
> Am I sure he's not a fraud?  No.  And I'm having trouble trusting my insticts
> right now.  But NOT taking a polygraph is a smart thing, IMHO.  I'm not going
> to fault him for that.
> Samm
First off, let me say that I tend to agree that Whitely Strieber is a fake--perhaps 
well-intentioned, but a fake nonetheless. As an SF and horror writer he's probably in 
the middle of the pack (although *The Wolfen* had me looking over my shoulder for 
months after I read it... :^} ). Since he went on this "alien abduction" kick, 
however, he has become unreadable (for me--I won't presume to judge other people's 
tastes). I suspect that he has the whole scenario on disk somewhere and is slowly 
putting it into print, to string out the suspense, such as it is.

As for his refusal to take the polygraph test, that proves nothing, just as taking 
*and either passing or failing* the test would prove nothing. It is entirely possible 
for a liar to pass a polygraph test--IIRC, Ted Bundy passed several in the course of 
the investigation of his serial murders. The key here was that Bundy was a sociopath, 
completely lacking in what society calls "a conscience." He *knew* that what he was 
doing was wrong, by society's standards, and it didn't matter one bit to him. 
Therefore, when he was hooked up to the polygraph, he was as cool as a cucumber... By 
the same token, a person can be telling the truth and yet be so nervous when strapped 
into the machine that they produce precisely the wrong physical reaction when making 
statements that are verifiably true. I don't trust polygraphs, just as I don't trust 
voice stress analysis--there are too many variables and too much leeway in 
interpretation of the results.


Robert F. Tatman
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Re: [CTRL] Trenchcoat

1999-04-23 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 04/23/1999 9:28:18 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

<< It comes down to The Golden Rule, and its equivalent in other
 religions...if kids got a good moral background from their parents,
 they'd never even CONSIDER picking on someone as cruelly as you
 described what was done to the boy who was a dwarf.. >>

Well, of course you're right, but that happened back in the days when we had
prayer in the schools and everything, so obviously a lot of the folks weren't
ever as nice as they should have been.  I remember working with a guy who
quit school, because his folks were so poor he had to go to school in jeans,
and the kids from the more affluent families teased him about that.  It is
even funnier now when kids all (rich and poor, large and small) wear jeans to
school.  It is a sad fact, but very few families practice or even preach
kindness.  Probably because being kind is a lot harder than being mean.  It's
like killing someone or saving a life.  You don't have to be a rocket
scientist to kill someone.  Killing may send you to hell, but it's remarkably
easy.  It's really hard to save lives; that takes knowledge, practice, skill
and  timing, to say nothing of the effort involved.  Prudy

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: SNET: Clinton backs ground troops!! (LATEST!!)

1999-04-23 Thread Kris Millegan

->  SNETNEWS  Mailing List

Hell no, Bill wouldn't go -
But He'll send your kids to Kosovo!

Clinton Joins Allies on Ground Troops
NATO to Weigh Conditions of Kosovo Mission
By William Drozdiak and Thomas W. Lippman
Washington Post Staff Writers
Friday, April 23, 1999; Page A01

As NATO heads of government gathered for a 50th-anniversary summit meeting
dominated by the crisis in Kosovo, President Clinton yesterday joined the
leaders of France and Britain in supporting dispatch of an international
military force into Kosovo without the explicit assent of Yugoslav President
Slobodan Milosevic.

Conditions under which the alliance should consider sending ground troops
into Kosovo were expected to be a major subject of discussion in a
three-hour emergency session set for Friday morning by NATO's 19 heads of
government seeking to define their options in the next phase of the conflict
with Yugoslavia.

The allies so far have insisted that ground troops would be introduced only
in a "permissive environment," meaning with the avowed consent of the
Yugoslav government. But with Milosevic still rejecting foreign troops
despite 30 days of bombing, the leading NATO powers have been exploring ways
an international force could supervise the return of ethnic Albanian
refugees to their homes in Kosovo even in the absence of Belgrade's

As the allied leaders gathered here to ponder their next moves, Russia's
special envoy and former prime minister Viktor Chernomyrdin held extensive
talks in Belgrade with Milosevic and later told reporters that the Yugoslav
leader is ready to accept an "international presence" in the embattled
Serbian province under United Nations auspices. But it was unclear whether
this meant Belgrade would budge from its refusal to accept foreign troops or
whether it only referred to unarmed observers.

With NATO airstrikes heading into a second month and Milosevic showing no
signs of backing down, allied leaders were expected to consider fresh ways
to augment an intensified bombing campaign now being carried out by more
than 1,000 aircraft, but which has nonetheless failed to deter Yugoslav
forces from pressing ahead with the mass expulsion of ethnic Albanians.

After meeting Clinton at the White House, NATO Secretary General Javier
Solana expressed satisfaction with the air operation so far. He said allied
warplanes have carried out some 9,000 sorties over the past four weeks,
significantly weakening Yugoslav air defenses, command and control systems
and the capacity to produce fuel and ammunition.

But in many respects, the bombing campaign has fallen short of its key
objectives. NATO airstrikes have failed to prod Milosevic into calling off
his crackdown in Kosovo and accepting a peace settlement that would restore
autonomy to ethnic Albanians. While Yugoslav forces have consolidated their
grip over the province, the mass expulsions of refugees have come perilously
close to destabilizing the neighboring states of Albania and Macedonia.

Clinton Joins Allies on Ground Troops
NATO to Weigh Conditions of Kosovo Mission
By William Drozdiak and Thomas W. Lippman
Washington Post Staff Writers
Friday, April 23, 1999; Page A01

As NATO heads of government gathered for a 50th-anniversary summit meeting
dominated by the crisis in Kosovo, President Clinton yesterday joined the
leaders of France and Britain in supporting dispatch of an international
military force into Kosovo without the explicit assent of Yugoslav President
Slobodan Milosevic.

Conditions under which the alliance should consider sending ground troops
into Kosovo were expected to be a major subject of discussion in a
three-hour emergency session set for Friday morning by NATO's 19 heads of
government seeking to define their options in the next phase of the conflict
with Yugoslavia.

The allies so far have insisted that ground troops would be introduced only
in a "permissive environment," meaning with the avowed consent of the
Yugoslav government. But with Milosevic still rejecting foreign troops
despite 30 days of bombing, the leading NATO powers have been exploring ways
an international force could supervise the return of ethnic Albanian
refugees to their homes in Kosovo even in the absence of Belgrade's

As the allied leaders gathered here to ponder their next moves, Russia's
special envoy and former prime minister Viktor Chernomyrdin held extensive
talks in Belgrade with Milosevic and later told reporters that the Yugoslav
leader is ready to accept an "international presence" in the embattled
Serbian province under United Nations auspices. But it was unclear whether
this meant Belgrade would budge from its refusal to accept foreign troops or
whether it only referred to unarmed observers.

With NATO airstrikes heading into a second month and Milosevic showing no
signs of backing down, allied leaders were expected to consider fresh ways
to augment an intensified bombing camp

Re: [CTRL] Trenchcoat

1999-04-23 Thread Colleen Jones

 -Caveat Lector-

Ted Bundy murdered two or three girls from Colorado  ended up in
Florida, where he had my neice's name on his murder list.

Only my brother-in-law's interference kept her from being a witness; but
she had to move.  He, at that time, worked with the space program and
von Braun.

There are a lot of secret experiments in this Colorado area - but when
Bundy then moved to Florida which is also a hideout for some of these
butchershe just happened to target my neice?

No way - just like Manson got an air force daughter whose father was at
the Pentagon, and one member had a father with NASA.

Fortunately, my neice was prim and proper, and had trained for the Royal
Ballet she was that goodbut when returned to USA, probably got
married for her own protection.


June - your work does not sound like you.  Is that you..while on
this line, I made error in a letter and said summer not springit was
a hot, April weather wise has returned to normalcy which
means they are so busy in a war, they mite leave us aloneif it
werenot for tht tornado in Cincinnati are.

Now, I must get off this list; it tkes too much of my timemy mailbag
overfloweth,  and you cannot tell the propaganda from some of the great
truths out there.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
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[CTRL] Trench Coat Mafia Website Mirror

1999-04-23 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

from alt.conspiracy
As always, Caveat Lector.
Trench Coat Mafia
Links -

Subject: Trench Coat Mafia
Date: Thu, Apr 22, 1999 9:52 PM
Message-id: <7fp1rg$2dh$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

A mirror of the Trench Coat Mafia Website

---== Posted via Deja News, The Discussion Network ==--   Search, Read, Discuss, or Start Your Own
from:">Trench Coat Mafia Website
Trench Coat Mafia Website Mirror
Eric Harris' Web Page

The web page is pretty basic; lyrics from a song by KMFDM called "Son of
a Gun". Not much more

The book document

Here you will find insight into Eric Harris' mind as he attempts to
create a booklet on creating explosives.

Doom artwork by Harris

Original trench coat page?

More profiles

The following is a screenshot of Eric Harris' AOL account as it was last

Further investigation has shown that there was more than one profile for
Eric Harris. The following is Text from other profiles on this

Member Name: REB
Location: Littleton.
Birthdate: siebzehn
Sex: Male
Marital Status: naah.
Hobbies: making fun of you people.
Computers: cow.
Occupation: senior at CHS and the rest is still unpublished.
Personal Quote: its fun being schizophrenic.

This profile is quite disturbing in nature. Here is yet another profile
that was found...

Member Name: ...
Location: Littleton, CO USA. Nil sine numine.
Birthdate: ...
Sex: Male
Marital Status: ...
Hobbies: Semper fidelis.
Computers: ...
Occupation: ...
Personal Quote: Its always something. Si vis pacem, para bellum.

The final part of the personal quote is in Latin. Translated: "If you
want peace, prepare for war."


Most of my info was gathered from the following sites


Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
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[CTRL] Colo. Police Defend Response

1999-04-23 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

from alt.conspiracy
As always, Caveat Lector.
Denver Post article
Subject: Denver Post article
From: "ronin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Fri, Apr 23, 1999 7:34 AM
Message-id: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

APRIL 22, 18:20 EDT

Colo. Police Defend Response

AP National Writer

Jefferson County Sheriff John Stone
AP/Ed Andrieski [16K]

LITTLETON, Colo. (AP) - Police on Thursday defended the way they responded
to the school massacre, insisting they were rescuing students within minutes
of the first 911 call but had to move cautiously because of the danger of
bombs and bullets.
There was the possibility of explosives scattered around the school and the
risk of sparking a bigger gun battle, they said.
``They were trying to do the best they could,'' said Sgt. Jim Parr of the
Jefferson County Sheriff's Department.

Sheriff's spokesman Steve Davis said the first police car arrived at
Columbine at 11:21 a.m. Tuesday, moments after the shooting, to back up
Deputy Neil Gardner, who was on duty inside the school and had radioed for

A SWAT team entered within 20 minutes of the first 911 call and pulled out
some students, Davis said. Several other SWAT teams didn't appear to enter
until about 1 p.m., about a half-hour after authorities said the last shots
were heard.

The defense, a response to reporters' questions, comes after scattered
criticism, some of it from viewers who watched as the tragedy unfolded on
live TV and saw what they considered to be armed officers doing little to

``A lot of people are angry,'' Columbine student Michael Staver told the
Denver Rocky Mountain News. Staver's teacher, Dave Sanders, reportedly lay
dying for up to three hours. Sanders was the only adult to perish in the

Parr responded: ``Do we wish we could have gotten him out sooner? Of course
we do.''

Police said they had to move cautiously. They said they didn't know how many
gunmen there were - or where. Fleeing students had dropped scores of
backpacks in hallways and the cafeteria, and each one could have been a
bomb, they said.
``If we went in and tried to take them and got shot, we would only be part
of the problem,'' said Donn Kraemer, a member of the Lakewood SWAT team.
``We're supposed to bring order to chaos, not add to the chaos.''

In addition, when officers first arrived, water was pouring from ceiling
sprinklers and tiles were broken and hanging down. Tables and chairs were
overturned, and shell casings and exploded pipe bombs littered the floors.

``It has been, to me, a textbook of how to conduct an investigation, how to
do it the right way,'' Attorney General Janet Reno said Thursday. ``They've
just been extraordinary, not just that day but in terms of coordination as a
People in the Denver region have generally praised the response. But some
wonder about what-ifs.

``It would have been hard to live with if I found out that my child could
have been helped,'' said Maxine Rohrbough, grandmother of Daniel Rohrbough,
15, who died in the shooting.

``I don't know they could have because of the bombs and things,'' Mrs.
Rohrbough acknowledged. ``If they had rushed too much, they may have
triggered a greater tragedy. So I can't criticize them.''

Others haven't been so hesitant. On Thursday, the Denver Rocky Mountain News
published two letters - one from Michigan, another from Texas - that came
down hard on police.

Christopher R. Gonzalez of Dearborn Heights, Mich., wondered:

``Just what were the police doing while the two juvenile gunmen spent an
hour shooting people?''

``Police are paid to do a job,'' he wrote. ``Sometimes that involves getting
shot at.''

And Cecil H. Rigsby of Austin, Texas, upbraided the SWAT teams and police
for what he called a ``cowardly performance.''

``To watch more than 200 heavily armed SWAT team and other police officers
in body armor, standing around discussing strategy while hundreds of
children were trapped inside was painful,'' he wrote. ``Where were the

A Denver Post editorial praised the SWAT team's courage, saying its members
``crept carefully through the bomb-laden school, wary of snipers, to find
caches of children and lead them to safety outside.''

Investigators cautioned against a rush to judgment.
``The triage, the postmortem of our investigation, will come later,'' Parr

Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always sug


1999-04-23 Thread Peter L. Sroufe

 -Caveat Lector-

Free Speech!  Use it, or lose it!


In a speech Thursday night before the New York State United Teachers, First
Lady Hillary Clinton blasted "the culture of violence that infects the lives
of our children."

Making no reference to NATO bombs bursting all over Belgrade, but making
every reference to the shooting massacre at a Colorado high school earlier
this week, the first lady told the crowd:

"We are going to have to do some serious thinking in this country about how
we can take more control over what our children see and experience."

She said: "The constant exposure to violence on TV, in the movies, on video
games, in music -- there's much too much evidence that children get
desensitized... There's so much of it. We're awash in it...

"We can no longer shut our eyes to the impact the media is having on all our
children, and the potentially violent impact it is having on some of them."

The first lady added: "We need to stand up and say what needs to be said
about guns and firearms."

Earlier on Thursday, Attorney General Janet Reno Reno warned against
"politicizing" the Columbine High shooting that killed 15 and wounded 23.


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Federal Government defined:
a benefit/subsidy protection racket!

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[CTRL] Fwd: Greeks Volunteer to be Human Shields

1999-04-23 Thread Kris Millegan

 "Today it is the Serbs -- tomorrow it will be our turn.
 The "new order" of things won't leave anyone out."

Greeks To Be Shields in Yugoslavia

ATHENS, Greece (AP) -- In a show of opposition to NATO airstrikes, more than
160 Greek volunteers left for Yugoslavia on Thursday to act as human shields.

The volunteers, members of left-wing trade union movements, plan to join
Serbs in the city of Nis who line bridges and surround hospitals to avert air
attack. Greek media also reported four Athens area mayors joined the group.

Many Greeks feel strong bonds with fellow Christian Orthodox Serbs, and
opposition to NATO attacks is strong. The pro-Serb sentiments have placed
Greek officials in a difficult position between public outrage against the
attacks and the country's obligations as a NATO ally.

``Today if it is the Serbs, tomorrow it will be our turn. The new order of
things does not leave anyone out,'' said one member of the group, George
Filousis, 45, general secretary of a construction workers union in Athens.
``They (NATO) are killing innocent people.''

The volunteers hoped that their country's membership in the alliance would
make them effective shields.

Re: [CTRL] Police Comb Through Colorado School After Rampage

1999-04-23 Thread Colleen Jones

 -Caveat Lector-

Back in 1985 I worked for an attorney for awhile, who was a
friendoffice in an old foot wide brick house where we had kitchen,
and more like a home which it was, in an area being restored to its
original state...

During this period of time, and I have always wondered about thisI
had a few people upsetso I always wondered if this was an

Left the office - had watered our flowers (roses, etc) and locked the
office door.  A regular pattern in the then extra hot summer.

Next day my boss called from Court and chastised me for leaving the door
unlocked; we had a workman in the office doing some work in the

It had turned colde; I suddenly got up from my desk, opened the door to
let some air in which I love = went into my bossies office, sat down at
his big huge desk - and boom...the walls cracked, plaster came down,
I saw 8 or so rolls of toilet paper flying across the street from the
storage area, the back end had blown out and the refrigerator was lying
in the garden area and the back of the building, was well...its a good
thing this was the old double brick wallsthe house was built like a
fortress. There I satI thought the workman was dead, until I got a
response he was okay.

What had happened..a tiny little propane tank had blownone of
the ery small ones such as you can buy at any K Mart Store.  One
problem, it did not belong to us.

Within 3 minutes the office was full of TV people - all 3 news
stationsand my boss came in the doorhis only words were "Can't I
leave you alone for one minute"..I would not talk to the press, and
they said wihtout me they had no storythat was okay with me - I ran
to the bathroom and closed the door to get away, and this one idiot
followed me in their with a camera.

So - from the size of that tank at Columbinethey could blow up
several blocks and to this day, I will not have that stuff anywhere near
my house.  Someone gave my son a propane barbque with one of the big
tanks last year, and I took it as a threat and gave it away for

We made page 1 B that day; and i had to go out and pay our insurnce,
which was delinquent due to the way, it was also
April and I always wonder every April when I read of bombings in the
USA, was it an accident?

Talk about an inside jobby the way, Columbine is the state flower of
Colorad; and the Bluebell is the flower of Texaswonder why not the
yellow rose, like - oh well, they did give JFK and Mrs. Kennedy Red
Roses and White Roses for LBJ's wife.

So much for dead flowers.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Steve Davis, the Littleton Spokesman

1999-04-23 Thread Samatha 'Smith'

 -Caveat Lector-

I don't like the Littleton Police PR spokesman, Steve Davis, the
white-haired man.  He seems falsely  sympathetic.  I can't escape the feeling
that he knew this was going to happen ahead of time.  He didn't seem shocked
and grieved like the Arkansas  police spokesman.  None of the emotions seen
on his face seem spontaneous or real.

There's something patently false about him.  This smacks of a real
government mind control operation all the way around.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] fw: Tourism in the Balkans

1999-04-23 Thread Ric Carter

Besides all the shooting and bombing, there are plenty of opportunities
for recreation and vacationing in the Balkan republics.  Here are new
collections of articles and tips about Eco-touring in Albania, Serbia/
Yugoslavia, and Macedonia.  Can readers here dig up anything on touring
in Croatia, Bosnia, Montenegro, et al?  It's good to have the full story.

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Regional Environmental Center for Central and Eastern Europe

Report on Albania: Fact Finding Mission April 1994

>3.4. Nature Conservation
>In Albania there are 6 National Forests with a surface of 8,040 ha: Lura
>(800 ha, Divjake (780 ha), Llogara (810 ha), Bredhi i Drenoves (830 ha), De
>Thethi (2,430 ha) and Dajti (2,390 ha). All these parks are under permanent
>threat of human activities such as hunting, wood cutting etc. The park
>management is insufficient.
>Beside this there are 24 nature reserves and 2000 nature monuments. The
>protection of these areas is mainly on paper.
>Due to public pressure, in 1994 hunting was forbidden in Albania, which led
>to some improvements in the protected areas such as the Karavasta Lagoon in
>the Divjake National Park, the most western nesting site in Europe of the
>endangered Dalmatian Pelican.
>36% of the country is covered with forests. Due to an insufficient
>management of these areas and illegal cutting of trees for private heating,
>the number of trees is declining.[10] Deforestation is a problem in almost
>all rural areas of Albania.

   1.Agrarian Cooperation Union of Albania - Albania, Tirana
   2.Albanian Association of Geological Engineering - Albania, Tirana
   3.Albanian Association of Public Health - Albania, Tirana
   4.Albanian Biologists' Association - Albania, Tirana
   5.Albanian Didactic Scientific Speleological Association - Albania,
   6.Albanian Ecological Club - Elbasan - Albania, Elbasan
   7.Albanian Ecological Club - Fier - Albania, Fier
   8.Albanian Ecological Club - International Friends of Nature - Albania,
   9.Albanian Ecological Club - Kruja - Albania, Kruja
  10.Albanian Ecological Club - Lezha - Albania, Lezha
  11.Albanian Ecological Club - Librazhd - Albania, Librazhd
  12.Albanian Ecological Club - Lushnja - Albania, Lushnje
  13.Albanian Ecological Club - Mirdita - Albania, Tirana
  14.Albanian Ecological Club - Tirana - Albania, Tirana
  15.Albanian Geophysical Association/Geophysical and Geochemical Section of
 Tirana - Albania, Tirana
  16.Albanian Society for the Protection of Birds and Mammals - Albania,
  17.Albanian Termotechnical Association - Albania, Tirana
  18.Albanian Youth Environmentalists' Club - Albania, Tirana
  19.Aquarius - Albania, Tirana
  20.Association for the Protection and Preservation of Natural Environment
 in Albania - Albania, Tirana
  21.Association for the Protection and Preservation of the Natural
 Environment - Berat - Albania, Berat
  22.Association for the Protection and Preservation of the Natural
 Environment - Korca - Albania, Korca
  23.Association for the Protection and Preservation of the Natural
 Environment - Shkodra - Albania, Shkodra
  24.Association of Inland and Coastal Water Conservation and Protection -
 Albania, Tirana
  25.Children's Environmental Club - Albania, Tirana
  26.Divjaka Eco - Tourism - Albania, Divjaka
  27.Environment and Development Association - Albania, Tirana
  28.Environmentalists' Club of Pogradec - Albania, Pogradec
  29.Eyes of Time - Albania, Pogradec
  30.Geographical Association - Shkodra - Albania, Shkodra
  31.Gramshi Environmentalists - Albania, Gramsh
  32.Hygienists' Association - Gjirokastra - Albania, Gjirokaster
  33.Hygienists' Association - Korca - Albania, Korca
  34.Hygienists' Association - Shkodra - Albania, Shkodra
  35.Kadmi and Harmonia - Albania, Pogradec
  36.Land - Air - Water Environmental Association - Albania, Tirana
  37.Mass Media and Environment Association - Albania, Tirana
  38.Miredita Association of Geological Engineering - Albania, Rubik
  39.National Association for the Protection of Wild and Domestic Animals
 and Fowls - Albania, Tirana
  40.National Hygienists' Association - Albania, Tirana
  41.Pearl Environmental Youth Club - Albania, Tirana
  42.Pearl Environmental Youth Club - Korca - Albania, Korca
  43.PNL Environmental Youth Club - Albania, Tirana
  44.Private Beekeepers' Associatio

Re: [CTRL] A Texan in Serbia: Dancing on the Bridge

1999-04-23 Thread Mack White

 -Caveat Lector-

> -Caveat Lector-

>Okay Bison Bill.where did you pick that name.

Bison Bill is one of my comic strip characters.  "Bison Bill's Weird West
Show" is a semi-regular feature in XLnt, the entertainment guide of the
Austin American-Statesman.

Incidentally, Sasa Rakezic, the Serbian cartoonist whose reports have been
forwarded to this list, will soon be producing a weekly comic strip, titled
"Regards from Serbia."   He tells me it will be published in a Swiss
magazine.  I am presently trying to find him an American publisher.

Mack White
P.O. Box 49575
Austin, TX  78765

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] OEN 4/23/99

1999-04-23 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

from:">The Home Page of J. Orlin Grabbe

Der Fuhrer Invades Yugoslavia

Milosevic and the NATO Summit

NATO convenes tomorrow for a summit conference that had originally been
intended to celebrate fifty years of unity and will instead be a war
council on strategy in the Serb war. In our view, the Serb’s are not
viewing this meeting with dread. Quite the contrary, the meeting will
give every opportunity for underlying disagreements to be expressed
openly in a setting where the possibility for friction is high. Tony
Blair, for example, has become increasingly bellicose and his rhetoric
has become intense, to put it mildly. The United States has begun to
talk of the ground war as if it were inevitable Germany and Italy, on
the other hand, have been much more cautious and subdued. For them, a
ground war is not only not inevitable, it is in many ways unthinkable.
The opportunity for serious friction among the leaders is very real.
Even on the question of the air war, there is division. Apart from
concern over the effectiveness of the air war, it will be noted that the
United States itself has not yet responded to NATO’s request for an
additional 300 warplanes.

Milosevic obviously wants to see the outcome of the meeting. His
intelligence people will not be interested in the public statements and
communiques, but in whether any sort of consensus is developing inside
of NATO on ground war or a serious air campaign. A meeting of this
magnitude will leak quickly and he will rapidly know whether Germany,
Italy or Greece have changed their positions. Milosevic is betting
heavily that they won’t. He has made a proposal in anticipation of the
meeting, proposing that an unarmed, non-NATO peacekeeping force
supervise a Kosovo agreement. There is enough room for maneuver there
(armed Russians and Greeks, for example) to permit negotiations. This
sets the stage for a confrontation between the Italo-German group and
the Anglo-American group. The Germans will want to know why the
Americans can’t use this as a basis for discussions and the American
answer, which is that they don’t trust Milosevic, will send the Germans
ballistic, since it will mean that no peace is possible without the
overthrow of Milosevic.

In short, Milosevic has done everything he can militarily and
politically to turn the NATO summit into a disaster. It will be up to
the NATO leadership to forge a common ground. Right now, the NATO
position is frantic paralysis. It is the only common ground available.
The United States and Britain will try to drag the rest of NATO toward
ground combat, not because the U.S. wants it (an indicator is that no
major army reserve components have yet been mobilized) but because they
believe that this will convince Milosevic to fold his cards. The Germans
and Italians will want to use Milosevic’s "compromise" to negotiate a
diplomatic solution. When the smoke clears, the likely winner will be
Serbia, since most of the outcomes favor them. If the current policy is
continued, Serbia wins. If the Italo-German position carries, the Serbs
win. If the U.S. policy of bluffing a ground invasion carries, Serbia

The only way that Serbia loses is if a fourth outcome, a genuine
military strategy emerges. However, the likelihood of that happening is
so small that Milosevic is prepared to risk it. Moreover, if it emerges,
it will take months to implement, leaving plenty of time to allow for a
graceful capitulation. So, all eyes move to Washington. The rhetoric
will be firm, the press releases swift and deadly. However, having
proven that Kosovo is worth all the bridges over the Danube, NATO will
have trouble finding a strategy that fits their requirements. It should
frighten Milosevic into capitulating without requiring NATO to make a
major commitment or take a major risk. Milosevic is betting that the
summit will be a sobering experience to NATO’s members, who will then r
ealize that without a ground attack option agreed to, the only option
left is a diplomatic resolution and a fairly bad peace from NATO’s side.
We think that Milosevic is looking forward to the Washington summit a
lot more than NATO.

Stratfor Special Report, April 23, 1999
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and

Re: [CTRL] A Texan in Serbia: Dancing on the Bridge

1999-04-23 Thread Colleen Jones

 -Caveat Lector-

Rather like the Buffalo Bills Won't You Come Out Tonight and Dance by
the Pail Moon Lite(last chapter of the Judges where Gideons show is

Okay Bison Bill.where did you pick that name.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Police Comb Through Colorado School After Rampage

1999-04-23 Thread Ynr Chyldz Wyld

 -Caveat Lector-

From: Sno0wl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Odd place to "target athletes"--in the library? I would have thought
>athletes would hang out in the gym and locker rooms?

The thing seems to have been planned around the school's 'lunch hour',
and apparantly a good many students, facing exams soon, opted to skip
lunch and study in the library...

But it raises the question that since it WAS during lunch period, why
didn't they massacre students in the cafeteria...

Of course, another question is how the large propane tank bomb got INTO
the school cafeteria's kitchen, considering lunch was in progress at the

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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] N.W.O. "Brezhnev" Doctrine

1999-04-23 Thread Colleen Jones

 -Caveat Lector-

Well one thing, Blair at least does not have the Oxford accent; a limey
in disguise, or what is he--the man who clled the Princess of Wales, the
"peoples" Princess.

Watching Blair is lik watching Clinton; same school of thought but
behind them something quite similiar - they had the same or similar
advertising agency writing their script.

Noted at the NATO meeting, Blair and Clinton look pretty unhappy; and
there are a lotof hands up to the chin.noted that lately - are they
trying to cover a double chin, or are they sending signals that only the
initited will understand.

Well, if one pulls an ear, we will know.

Happy Birthday NATO..still using the ODESSA as a drug route?

Colleen Walsh Jones

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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1999-04-23 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

Quite the site, many articles, links and embeds.  A small sample

COINTELPRO was the FBI's secret program to undermine the popular upsurge
which swept the country during the 1960s. Though the name stands for
"Counterintelligence Program," the targets were not enemy spies. The FBI
set out to eliminate "radical" political opposition inside the US. When
traditional modes of repression (exposure, blatant harassment, and
prosecution for political crimes) failed to counter the growing
insurgency, and even helped to fuel it, the Bureau took the law into its
own hands and secretly used fraud and force to sabotage constitutionally
- protected political activity. Its methods ranged far beyond
surveillance, and amounted to a domestic version of the covert action
for which the CIA has become infamous throughout the world.
Documents from the FBI's Secret Wars Against Dissent in the United
by Ward Churchill & Jim Vander Wall
Chapter 3 - COINTELPRO - SWP
Chapter 4 - COINTELPRO - Puerto Rican Independence Movement
Chapter 5 - COINTELPRO - Black Liberation Movement
Chapter 7 - COINTELPRO - AIM
Chapter 8 - Conclusion: COINTELPRO Lives On
Exerpts from Brian Glick's War at Home:
COINTELPRO in the 60's
COINTELPRO in the 70's
COINTELPRO in the 80's
COINTELPRO in the 90's
The Federal Bureau of Intimidation by Howard Zinn
Some Call it Murder by Shelly Waxman
FBI Secrets: An Agent's Expose --- book review
and exerpt -- the logistics of a black bag job
Wages of COINTELPRO Still Evident in Omaha Black Panther Case
by Ward Churchill 3/10/99

"King, look into your heart. You know you are a complete fraud and a
great liability to all of us Negroes. White people in this country have
enough frauds of their own but I am sure that they don't have one at
this time that is any where near your equal. You are no clergyman and
you know it. I repeat you are a colossal fraud and an evil, vicious one
at that. ...

King, there is only one thing left for you to do. You know what it is.
You have just 34 days in which to do (this exact number has been
selected for a specific reason, it has definite practical significant.
You are done. There is but one way out for you. You better take it
before your filthy, abnormal fraudulent self is bared to the nation."

- anonymous letter from FBI to Martin Luther King obtained from FBI
files using the FOIA
Martin Luther King * Black Panther Party * Geronimo Pratt * Nation of
Islam/Elijah Mohammad Malcolm X * Eldridge Cleaver * Fred Hampton * Huey
Newton * Bobby Seale * Sundiata Acoli * Assata Shakur * Dhoruba
Al-Mujahid Bin Wahad * Republic of New Afrika * Angela Davis
Black Propaganda: this children's coloring book was sent by the FBI to
thousands of white Americans in the name of the Black Panther Party.
The FBI, COINTELPRO, and Far Right Vigilantee Networks
The Public-Private Partnership
by Tom Burghardt
The Covert War Against Native Americans by Ward Churchill
"They are a conquered nation, and when you are conquered, the people you
are conquered by dictate your future. This is a basic philosophy of
mine. If I'm part of a conquered nation, I've got to yield to authority
... a colonial police force."
-- ASAC Zigrossi, at seige of Wounded Knee, 1976

American Indian Movement many COINTELPRO-AIM articles
Leonard Peltier * Dennis Banks * Anna Mae Aquash * Myrtle Poor Bear *
John Trudell * Russell Means

Communist Party, USA
Labor Movement, USA
As long as [anti- communism] remains national policy, an ... important
requirement is an aggressive covert psychological, political and
paramilitary organization more effective, more unique, and if necessary,
more ruthless than employed by the enemy. No one should be permitted to
stand in the way of the prompt, efficient, and secure establishment of
this mission.

The Doolittle Committee Report, 1954

MOVE * Mumia Abu-Jamal & Churchill Interview on Mumia
"Anticipating how far the city would go to silence them, MOVE began
fortifying their Osage Avenue home. Meanwhile, the police made
preparations for a murderous assault by secretly obtaining from the FBI
over 37 pounds of the powerful military explosive C4."
-- 25 Years on the Move
Committee In Solidarity with the People of El Salvador * Puerto Rican
Independence Movement * La Raza Unida Party of Texas * La Casa de
Carnalsimo * Pro-choice / Abortion * National Lawyers' Guild * Earth

In the late sixties and early seventies, more than a thousand political
organizations were watchlisted. At least 10,000 American homes were
burglarized by the FBI in illegal "black bag jobs" for the purpose of
political intelligence gathering.

In 1971, only 1% of the paper collected by the FBI had anything to do
with organized crime, and 2/3 was devoted to political monitoring and
supression of political activities. The 

[CTRL] Article from Serbian Cartoonist: More Fake Graves?

1999-04-23 Thread Mack White

 -Caveat Lector-

Sasa Rekazic, my cartoonist friend in Serbia, sent me the following
article.  I do not know the name of the Australian publication in which it
originally appeared.

Mack White
P.O. Box 49575
Austin, TX  78765

More Fake Graves?

BRISBANE, Apr. 13 - Two TiM readers, half a world apart - one in Brisbane,
Australia, another in Minnesota - have independently concluded that the
satellite photos of the alleged new graves offered as "proof" of "Serb
atrocities" by Washington's "lie and deny" PR factory are - FAKES.  Here
was their reasoning (the photos are posted at our Web site within this
story so you can check them out for yourself):

"U.S. Lie Satellites! - ANOTHER PROPAGANDA CON," read the headline from a
message we received from Australia.  The photographs shown below came from
page 10 of Brisbane's Courier Mail, the main daily in this city.  They
purport to show "recently dug mass graves" (marked with the [] shape,
center of picture) near the Kosovo town of Pusto Selo.  Although the date
of 9 April is given on the picture on the right, no date is given on the
picture to the left.  This leaves the impression that the two photos are
"before and after" shots of the area.

"But the 'grave diggers' must have been busy little beavers," our
correspondent writes, "as new buildings have also "shot up"  while the
'graves' were being dug. (see top left corner of the right hand picture).

>From which our correspondent concludes:  "I am no aerial reconnaissance
expert, but considering it is spring in Kosovo, and it takes about 12 weeks
to erect a substantial building like the one in the photograph, the picture
on the left must have been taken in winter, and of course the alleged "
recently dug graves," and the many other minor landmarks not evident in the
left side photograph, would have been snow covered.  If this is not the
case then the left side pictures must have been taken before the last
winter and is so old no reasonable comparison could be made.  Or perhaps
they are both the same picture and the guy with the airbrush got carried
away, and wiped the house out?'"!

Our correspondent from Minnesota noticed some other oddities about this
satellite "proof" of nothing.  "I noted that the shadows of the buildings
are in exactly the same position in both pictures," he wrote.  " Were both
of these pictures somehow taken at exactly the same time of day, on exactly
the same day of the year, and from exactly the same place in the sky?
Unless this is a satellite photo from a satellite that is in a coordinated
orbit over Pusto Selo, there is something wrong with this skit."


1. Personal Preliminary Remarks

2. About the current lies told by [Chancellor] Schroeder, [Defense
Minister] Scharping, and [Foreign Minister] Fischer

3. CIA covert action aimed at dismembering Yugoslavia

Personal Preliminary Remarks:

This text I am giving to a Catholic priest, who is a member of the Order
for Peace [Ordensleute für den Frieden] here in Germany. I am doing so
while maintaining confessional confidentiality, and divulging no
information as to my identity. He will transmit this text on my behalf to
those who need to know the truth.

I hold a high-security post in the government apparatus in Bonn, and for
reasons of conscience can no longer remain silent. The facts that I am
about to divulge are, for the better informed, examinable and verifiable.

Both the entire NATO propaganda staff as well as the Infernal Trio,
Schroeder, Scharping and Fischer, here in Germany are unabashedly lying to
the public with nearly every "fact" they present about the Balkans War,
while a willing media pack is keenly spreading these lies, unverified, as
gospel truth.

About the current situation:

The Federal Government knows the true reasons why the people are fleeing
and is cynically playing with the calculated misery of the refugees in the
border regions of Kosovo, in order to maintain an image comparable to WW II
deportations and "ethnic cleansing".

Neither the military intelligence arm of the Bundeswehr nor that of the
NATO have at their disposal photographic evidence, intelligence knowledge,
indications and proof leading to the conclusion that there is systematic
expulsion or deportation of refugees by the Yugoslav special forces, army
or police. According to internal acknowledgement of the defense ministry
the reasons for flight are more or less equally distributed:

  (1) Excess on the part of Yugoslav soldiers and police force, often
triggered in part by KLA attacks carried out under cover of Kosovo-Albanian
civilians. Information is on hand that Yugoslav soldiers caught looting are
summarily court-martialed;

  (2) The results of the NATO bombing, such as the lack of potable water in
nearly all cities of Kosovo and general devastation;

  (3)Understandable fear of getting caught in the crossfire between the
KLA, t

[CTRL] A Texan in Serbia: Dancing on the Bridge

1999-04-23 Thread Mack White

 -Caveat Lector-

Sasa Rekazic, my cartoonist friend in Serbia, sent me the following
article.  It was written by a fellow Texan now living in Novi Sad.

Mack White
P.O. Box 49575
Austin, TX  78765

Dancing on the Bridge (By Randall Major)

NOVI SAD, Apr. 18 - The informed world is astounded. The crazy Serbs have
turned out enmasse, to stand in the dark on their bridges, disregarding the
air raid sirens, to sing and dance, to shout cries of rebellion at NATO,
the most incredible superpower ever to exist. Are they insane? Are they
just victims of a propaganda war? What is, indeed, wrong with these people?

As a Texan, as someone who lives among the people of Novi Sad, I can claim
with confidence: there is nothing wrong with them.

Imagine for a moment that, for whatever reason, a massive air armada was
threatening YOUR bridges. Stop and think. If someone were to demolish
London's Tower Bridge, how would your lives be affected? How would the
people of New York feel if some horrid force destroyed not only the
Tri-Burrows Bridge, but also the Brooklyn Bridge? How would your lives be
changed then? Or the Golden Gate Bridge. How would you feel if a MIG
suddenly appeared and shot out the center section?

As a Texan who grew up in a family of hunters, I must admit: my first
thought would be to take the .243 Remington my daddy gave me as my first
hunting rifle and go stand on that bridge. To shoot at whatever terrible
flying machine that might approach it. Or the .270 Winchester my brother
and I both used to hunt deer in our childhood. By God, even my daddy's old
16-gauge shotgun. I would defend those bridges with my whole heart, lay
down my life if necessary.

Take a map. Look for yourself. Where would you have to go to reach your
destinations if those bridges were suddenly gone? How would you get to
work, return home, or go shopping? Then understand. These people are
fighting for their bridges, because their bridges are their lives.

Is the Brooklyn Bridge a "military target"? A similar bridge in Novi Sad,
Yugoslavia, was proclaimed so. It is now a crumpled mass in the swirling
Danube. Is travelling to see loved ones in Mill Valley a military
operation? How many times have you seen tanks on the bridges of your town?
Ever? The very same is true here. In thirteen years here, I've never seen
even a military jeep on those bridges. Never.

It is not that the people of Yugoslavia don't have guns. They do. They are
hunters and sportsmen very much like many of the people of my native Texas.
But they leave their guns at home. They sing and dance, they celebrate
their bridges, fighting against brute force with their love for life and
for their bridges. Are these the "Serb butchers" as proclaimed by NATO and
the mass media? I hardly think so.

As an American, it just makes me stop and wonder. Where would WE be without
our bridges? The next time you drive over a bridge, think of it laying
crushed by a Tomahawk missile. How will that make YOU feel?

The very fact that NATO is blowing up Yugoslavia's bridges is symbolic in a
way. Each time a bridge goes down, a tie with the West is broken. A
childhood memory is obliterated. Loved ones are separated. And anger grows
towards the ones who have done it. By blowing up the bridges, NATO
countries are cutting all ties between themselves and the ordinary citizens
of Yugoslavia. How will those ties be reestablished in the future? And who
will rebuild the bridges? How long will it take? Every bridge and each
victim in this nonsensical war widen the gap and extend the time it will
take for the wounds to heal, for the bridges to be rebuilt.

Randall A. Major, Novi Sad, Yugoslavia

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] An American Writer in Serbia: The Serbian Nightmare

1999-04-23 Thread Mack White

 -Caveat Lector-

Sasa Rekazic, my cartoonist friend in Serbia, sent me the following
article.  It was written by Charles Alverson, an American who has been
living in Serbia for five years.  Alverson is the ex-editor of Harvey
Kurtzman's legendary Help! magazine and the author of scripts for Terry
Gilliam's movies.  He has also been a reporter for the Wall Street Journal
and Rolling Stone.

Mack White
P.O. Box 49575
Austin, TX  78765

The Serbian Nightmare (By Charles Alverson)

Right now, for an American being in Serbia is like living in a bad dream
but not exactly a nightmare. Here in the Vojvodina countryside about midway
between Belgrade and southern Hungary, disturbed only by anti-air raid
sirens and the dull boom of distant anti-aircraft fire, everyday life is
too peaceful to support such a dramatic description.

But all the same it is very strange.

I mean, the country is being bombed by NATO, those defenders of European
peace, allegedly to protect the ethnic Albanian Yugoslavs in Kosovo.   But
ethnic Albanians are daily fleeing Kosovo and Serbia in ever-greater
masses.  The bombing is obviously not working.  Some 28,000 NATO troops
perched just across the Macedonian border awaitPresident Clinton tells usan
 'invitation' from the Yugoslav government to come in and restore the
peace.  Bombs, apparently, do not need an invitation, but troops do.  So
the troops, potential saviors of the ethnic Albanians, sit idly amid
growing Macedonian hostility while the international media scream louder
and louder about  'ethnic cleansing.'

The curious current worldview of the Serbs asks us to believe two things
simultaneously: that the Serbs are superhuman and that they are also
subhuman.  They are superhuman in that they should not really mind turning
over a nice chunk of their nation (just under 10 per cent) to an ethnic
Albanian republic because the majority there simply does not want to be
Yugoslavs. The world asks Serbia: What is the big deal about this?  Never
mind the Serbian view of Kosovo as the cradle of Serbian culture drenched
with the blood of Serbian martyrs over more than 600 years, etc.   In a
very real way, it is the equivalent of telling Mr. and Mrs. Jones:   'Look,
the relations sharing your house outnumber you, and they are unhappy about
the way you have treated them.  So, why don't you just move out of a couple
of rooms and let them take over?  And invite in some nice policemen for an
unlimited time to make sure things go smoothly.  Come to your senses, folks
or we'll keep bombing you until you do.'

Your superhuman Serb is supposed to be above such mundane concerns as
patriotism, historical and cultural pride and simply the fact that a part
of his country is suddenly going to require a visa to visit.  He is
supposed to reject not only Big Serbia, that mythical state beloved of the
editorial writers who have forgotten all the Serbian history they never
learned, but positively embrace Little (or even Minimalist) Serbia, the
small-economy size nationlet the world might possibly leave him to enjoy.
My Serbian wife, Zivana, claims that the Vojvodina region where we livewith
large ethnic Hungarian, Slovakian and German minoritieswill be the next bit
of Serbia to be surgically removed.  Before the Kosovo-inspired bombing, I
thought she was being paranoid.

At the same time, the Serbs are urged to be superhuman enough to ignore a
little thing like an armed uprising and to fight a civil war against
guerrillas without upsetting or displacing non-combatants, they are accused
>of being subhuman in their treatment of the ethnic Albanians.  No
no brutality is too extreme to be attributed to the vicious Serbs,
especially by journalists far from the scene or those with an axe to grind.
 Their blood lust whetted by the Bosnian War, the Serbs are caricatured as
eager to persecute the innocent ethnic Albanians simply because they are
not Serbs and do not want to stay Yugoslavians.

It probably does no good for me to insist that these do not resemble the
Serbs that I have come to know in nearly five years of living in the
country.  You may think that I am naive to mention that in all that time I
have seldom witnessed a public argument and never seen even a fistfight.
Perhaps there is something magical about donning a uniform that turns an
18-year-old conscripted Serb into a  'beast.'

I don't pretend to know what is going on in Kosovo in these dark times.
But I hope for the best while fearing the worst.   What I see in Belgrade
is a maligned and persecuted people reacting with courage and humor to the
phenomenon of defenselessness under the bombs of NATO.  All over Belgrade
people wear pinned-on target badges to reflect their contempt for the
bombers and those who sent them. The sight of a young mother pinning
targets on her toddler and a baby in a pushchair at a huge pop concert in
the center of Belgrade typifies the spirit of a people who a

[CTRL] Fwd: Tobacco

1999-04-23 Thread Kris Millegan

By Amy Collins

NEW YORK, April 20 (Reuters) - The world's No. 1 cigarette maker, Philip
Morris Cos. Inc., on Tuesday said its first quarter profit rose to $1.8
billion, a 29 percent jump after hefty tobacco litigation and restructuring
charges dampened last year's results.

Setting aside charges in both years, though, Philip Morris' first quarter
operating income inched ahead 1.4 percent to $2 billion, meeting Wall
Street's expectations of 80 cents per share, as better food and beer profits
were largely offset by a 7.3 percent drop in U.S. tobacco profits.

``We're surprised the negatives were as negative as they were and the
positives were as positive as they were,'' said Roy Burry, tobacco analyst
at Brown Brothers Harriman. Burry credited Philip Morris for overcoming
tremendous obstacles to record a massive increase in per-unit profit.

The company, which also owns Kraft Foods and Miller Brewing Co., recorded
charges this year totalling $287 million for costs associated with layoffs
and other restructuring activities at the North American food and U.S.
tobacco businesses. A year ago, it posted charges of $901 million, most of
it for the costs of settling anti-tobacco lawsuits.

First quarter reported operating revenues rose 6.1 percent to $19.5 billion
from $18.37 billion a year ago.

Domestic tobacco, buffeted by the effects of health-related litigation,
higher cigarette prices and increased promotional costs, said its operating
income declined to $1.05 billion from $1.13 billion. Market leader Marlboro,
however, gained in retail market share, rising 2.2 points to 38.8 percent,
the company said.

Gary Black, tobacco analyst with Stanford C. Berstein, said he was
disappointed Philip Morris isn't buying back more of its stock, touting new
strategies to limit litigation costs or indicating it would settle a
much-expected federal lawsuit seeking tobacco-related health cost

``They're not doing anything to make investors forget about it,'' Black
said. ``I don't really see any catalyst.''

Martin Feldman, the tobacco analyst for Salomon Smith Barney, was more

``The numbers don't tell the whole story,'' Feldman said.

Although the company reported a drop in shipped domestic volume of 9.6
percent over the same period a year ago, the company should only see 6
percent declines for the year, he predicted.

The cause is the leftover effects of individuals and retailers who stocked
up tobacco inventories before a severe price hike at the end of 1998 to help
pay monumental legal costs.

While the tobacco industry saw overall shipments drop 9.7 percent, Marlboro
only saw a decline of 4.6 percent. Marlboro shipments accounted for a record
37.9 percent of domestic tobacco, the company said.

But Black said the company all but wasted the $200 million it spent on
discounting several brands.

``Philip Morris should have been taught a lesson,'' Black said.

International tobacco operating income rose 0.9 percent to $1.4 billion.
Strong results in Western Europe and Japan were offset by weakness in
Eastern Europe, Asia and Latin American markets.

The company had good news from its Kraft Foods unit, the largest packaged
foods company in North America, which makes an assortment of iconic American
brands including Velveeta, Tang, Jell-O, Kool-Aid, Miracle Whip, Cool Whip
and Altoids.

North American food operations reported a 5 percent increase in operating
income to $842 million, buoyed by cost cutting, lower commodity costs and
slightly improved sales. International food operations reported a 5.1
percent increase in operating income to $246 million.

Income from Miller Brewing operations grew 6.3 percent to $136 million.

``As we have said before, we view 1999 as a year of transition,'' Geoffrey
Bible, chairman of the board and chief executive officer of Philip Morris,
said in a prepared statement. ``But our first-quarter results prove that our
brand franchises around the world are robust, our market positions are
strong and we are well positioned for future growth.''

Philip Morris stock closed up $1.13 at $34.25 after results were announced.
On Monday, the stock had dipped to its lowest point in more than two years,
$33.12. In November, it was trading at an all-time high of $59.37.

Last Updated: 04/21/99 11:27 EDT

Copyright 1998 Reuters Limited. All rights reserved. Republication and
redistribution of Reuters content is expressly prohibited without the prior
written consent of Reuters. Reuters shall not be liable for any errors or
delays in the content, or for any actions taken in reliance thereon.

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[CTRL] Skeptic News Special - Friday

1999-04-23 Thread ric carter

 -Caveat Lector-

SkeptiNews 990423s - - - - - - - - - - - All The News That's Fit To Question

: Passages starting with ':' are editorial comments to provoke discussion.
: Nothing contained herein is ever endorsed for truth, accuracy or meaning.
: Listowner/editor escaped from DracoBorgs, but is terribly damaged. Yow.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Fossil find may be 'missing link'. (BBC) Tools, skull and tooth fragments
unearthed in Ethiopia may be those of a completely new hominid - or human-
like species - that lived 2.5 million years ago. The discoverers suggest the
remains could even come from a creature that immediately preceded humans.

# Also: A taste for meat
# Neanderthals 'mated with modern humans'
# Skeleton find could rewrite human history

@ Links: Hominid guided tour
@ Australopithecus background

: Would you rather be descended from missing links, Australopithecines, Zeta
Reticulans, Semitic or Greek or Zuni or Malay deities, genetic experiments?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

*** Tibet Cafe flourishes in Argentina. USPALLATA, Arg. (AP) The British
traveler did a double-take when he saw the modern-day pagoda, its engraved
stone columns and red-shingled roof rising up against the South American
Andes. Weary from trekking through the mountains, Tim Stewart puzzled over
the apparition in a remote mountain village along the Argentine-Chilean
border. "Kind of weird, huh?" the 27-year-old London lawyer said. "You
wouldn't expect to see a Tibetan-themed bar in the middle of the Argentine
desert." The Tibet Cafe is a remnant of Uspallata's transformation two years
ago into the set for the Hollywood film, "Seven Years in Tibet." Hundreds of
Hollywood actors and native Tibetans flooded Uspallata, an arid village of
5,000. See

: How many alleged ancient temples and holy sites around the world are just
movie sets? Did Reptilioids build the Pyramids for zxngyvgraa commercials?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Web Gossip from IT Gossip Net

~ FBI to Search AOL. The FBI intends to serve search warrants on America
Online to gather information on Web sites and member profiles relating to
the shooting at Columbine High School.

~ CIH Virus Back on Monday... A fiercely destructive virus that may already
be sitting dormant in the memory of computer users' systems is expected to
become active Monday, April 26.

~ Cybertax E-Mail is a Hoax. For the past week Canadian Internet users have
been circulating an e-mail warning of yet another dastardly government plot
to introduce a tax into cyberspace.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Short Takes:

# Doubt cast on 'gay gene'. (BBC) A study carried out in Canada casts doubt
on claims that homosexuality could be determined by genes.

# Fences come down at Stonehenge. Fences and roads are to be removed from
around Stonehenge in a 125m plan to restore the ancient monument's setting.

*** Largest lava flow ever found. (AP) Volcanic rocks in Brazil reveal that
an eruption 200 million years ago produced the most widespread lava flow in
Earth's history, splitting apart North and South America, Europe and Africa.

# Prehistoric Moon map unearthed. An astronomer has found a map of the moon
in an Irish tomb that pre-dates the earliest known one by about 5000 years.

*** New Madrid fault not threatening. (AP) Threats of major new earthquakes
on the New Madrid fault along the Mississippi River have been overestimated.

# Meditation Course for NATO troops? The Natural Law Party has offered NATO
training in transcendental meditation for 10,000 troops in the Balkans.

# All Gone To Pot -- Cannabis Unlikely As Fuel. Irish homes and businesses
are unlikely to be powered by cannabis despite four years of encouraging
research that shows the plant has real potential as a fuel crop.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _



[CTRL] Fwd: Bankers Trust

1999-04-23 Thread Kris Millegan

[04/22] EU okays Deutsche purchase of Bankers Trust
BRUSSELS, (Reuters) - The European Commission has given its unconditional
blessing to Deutsche Bank AG's proposed acquisition of U.S. investment bank
Bankers Trust Corp. , European Union competition chief Karel Van Miert said

Van Miert made his comment to reporters as he arrived for a European
Parliament hearing. He provided no details.

An official statement was delayed until Friday.

The EU regulatory clearance marks one of the last steps before completion of
the deal, which faced its biggest challenge in the United States, where
Holocaust victims claimed compensation from German companies alleged to have
profited from Nazi crimes.

Deutsche Bank announced at the end of last year that it was paying 17
billion marks ($9.22 billion) for the eighth-biggest U.S. bank.

But Deutsche's Chief Executive Rolf Breur said recently the acquisition
could cost $1.5 to $2.0 billion less than first expected due to the planned
sale of Bankers Trust Australia.

The U.S. deal catapults Deutsche Bank to the first place in the European
banking landscape, ahead of UBS of Switzerland, with total assets in 1998 of
$666 billion.

But it will not hold the rank for long if France's Banque Nationale de Paris
wins a hostile bid for domestic rivals Societe Generale and Paribas .

The Bankers Trust acquisition is also awaiting approval from the U.S.
Justice Department.

A Commission spokesman said earlier Thursday that a statement would be
issued on the decision as soon as the companies had been notified.

Last Updated: 04/22/99 15:04 EDT

Copyright 1998 Reuters Limited. All rights reserved. Republication and
redistribution of Reuters content is expressly prohibited without the prior
written consent of Reuters. Reuters shall not be liable for any errors or
delays in the content, or for any actions taken in reliance thereon.

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Copyright © 1994-1999 FindLaw Inc.

[CTRL] Fwd: Corporate Predators update

1999-04-23 Thread Kris Millegan

Dear Friends:

A few notes on upcoming appearances and on our promotion of our book,
Corporate Predators:

1. Russell and I will be appearing on Friday, April 23 at 1:00 on the
Public Interest radio show with Kojo Nnamdi on WAMU 88.5 in Washington,
DC. The show is aired live or on tape on the following stations:

KUAR-FM, 89.1 FM, Little Rock, Arkansas
KJZZ-FM, 91.5 FM, Phoenix, Arizona
KALW-FM, 91.7 FM, San Francisco, California
KUOP-FM, 91.3 FM, Stockton, California
WMMM-AM, 1260 AM, Westport,Connecticut
WAMU-FM, 88.5 FM, Washington, DC
WNIJ-FM, 90.5 FM, DeKalb,Illinois
WVPE-FM, 88.1 FM, Elkhart, Indiana
WFYI-FM, 90.1 FM, Indianapolis, Indiana
WGVU-FM/AM 88.5 FM, 1480 AM, Grand Rapids-Kalamazoo, Michigan
WKNA-FM, 88.9 FM, Senatobia, Mississippi
KOPN-FM, 89.5 FM, Columbia, Missouri
KCUR-FM, 89.3 FM, Kansas City, Missouri
WNJN-FM, 89.7 FM, Atlantic City, New Jersey
WNJS-FM, 88.1 FM, Berlin, New Jersey
WNJB-FM, 89.3 FM, Bridgeton, New Jersey
WNJT-FM, 88.1 FM, Trenton, New Jersey
WNED-AM, 970 AM, Buffalo, New York
WNYC-AM, 820 AM, New York, New York
WRVO-FM, 89.9 FM, Oswego, New York
WXXI-AM, 1370 AM, Rochester, New York
WSUF-FM, 89.9 FM, Seldon, New York
WRVN-FM, 91.9 FM, Uttica, New York
WRVJ-FM, 91.7 FM, Watertown, New York
WFAE-FM, 90.7 FM, Charlotte, North Carolina
WFHE-FM, 90.3 FM, Hickory, North Carolina
WCPN-FM, 90.3 FM, Cleveland, Ohio
WMUB-FM, 88.5 FM, Oxford, Ohio
KSJK-AM, 1230 AM, Ashland, Oregon
KAGI-AM, 930 AM, Grants Pass, Oregon
WHYY-FM, 90.9 FM, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
WKNQ-FM, 90.7 FM, Dyersburg, Tennessee
KLWS-FM, 91.5 FM, Moses Lake, Washington
KWSU-AM, 1250 AM, Pullman, Washington
KWWS-FM, 89.7 FM, Walla Walla, Washington

2. We will be doing a book signing at Vertigo Books in Washington, DC
(1337 Connecticut Ave, NW) on Tuesday, April 27 at 6:00 pm.

3. I will be doing a book signing at Food For Thought, in Amherst, MA on
Thursday, April 29 at 7:00 pm.

4. We very much appreciate the positive feedback we've received from list
subscribers to the book, and we want to express thanks for your efforts to
pass notice of the book on to friends. Sales seem to be going well.

We want to be careful, however, not to overwhelm the list with promotional
material instead of columns. Our plan is to send out one more book
announcement to the list, which we hope you will circulate widely. After
that, we will send out only occasional notices about upcoming appearances
on radio, in bookstores or at conferences.

Robert Weissman
Essential Information   |   Internet:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[CTRL] Fwd: Famed Anti-Liberal

1999-04-23 Thread Kris Millegan

  "Fascism, which did not fear to call itself reactionary
when many liberals of today were prone before the triumphant beast
[Democracy], has not today any impediment against declaring itself
illiberal and anti-liberal Fascism knows no idol, worships no
faith; it has once passed, and, if needful, will turn to pass
again over the more or less decomposed body of the Goddess of
Liberty." (Mussolini, Gerarchia, March, 1923.)

Re: [CTRL] N.W.O. "Brezhnev" Doctrine

1999-04-23 Thread nessie

 -Caveat Lector-

>Prime Minister Tony Blair proclaimed a bold new
international doctrine yesterday that would justify outside military
intervention in the internal affairs of governments such as Yugoslavia and

What else could we expect from a man whose troops occupy part of his
nearest neighbor's land?

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Journalists Protest NATO Attack

1999-04-23 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

Journalists Protest NATO Attack

.c The Associated Press

BRUSSELS, Belgium (AP) -- The International Federation of Journalists
expressed deep concern today over NATO's attack against Serbia's state
television center in Belgrade, saying the alliance had violated its pledge to
hit military targets only.

``This bomb attack seems to make a very clear statement that civilian and
particularly media targets are legitimate,'' IFJ General-Secretary Aidan
White told a news conference.

He said the attack meant that Serbian journalists who are working for a free
media are now more than ever in danger of being persecuted.

``We need more solidarity with these journalists, not actions which mean they
will be put more in the firing line,'' White said.

The attack came a day after missiles slammed into a Belgrade high-rise that
housed Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic's governing party and a radio
and TV station owned by his daughter.

``The rules of the game seem to have been changed over the last few days and
that's very dangerous,'' White said.

NATO argues Serbian television is a legitimate military target because it
spreads ``propaganda'' about the Western air campaign. It said the attack
against the earlier attack against the radio and TV station on Thursday was
justified by the fact the building housed Milosevic's party.

The Brussels-based IFJ is a federation of journalism unions representing
about 450,000 journalists around the world.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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1999-04-23 Thread Ynr Chyldz Wyld

 -Caveat Lector-

>2. WHO "introduced" these two boys to HOMOSEXUALITY ?

>Q2: Who "INITIATED" the two dead suspects to HOMOSEXUALITY ?
>Research shows that almost all homosexuals were molested as
>children themselves

[rest of the nonsense snipped]

This is outright bullshit.

I challenge the poster to cite DETAILS regarding these supposed

No male homosexual of my aquaintance was ever sexually abused or
molested as a child...they all state that from their earliest
memories, they felt more attracted to males than to females...

A few lesbians I've known, OTOH, did seem to turn to women after bad
sexual experiences when young with males, but others have stated that
they were never molested, just that they felt more drawn to their own
sex for as long as they could remember...

One would think that the end result of a young boy being molested and
raped by an older male would be a tendency to drive them to HETERO
sexuality, not the opposite...


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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] Serbian Cartoonist: More, More About Bombs

1999-04-23 Thread Mack White

 -Caveat Lector-

NOTE:  The following is forwarded from the Comix Discussion List, which
links alternative comics creators, fans,  scholars, and publishers
worldwide.  It is the latest e-mail from Serbian cartoonist Sasa Rekazic
(aka Aleksandar Zograf), creator of Alas!, Life Under Sanctions, and
Psychonaut.  He has been witnessing the bombing of Pancevo by NATO.

Mack White
P.O. Box 49575
Austin, TX  78765

>From: "Aleksandar Zograf" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: More, more about bombs
>Date: Wed, 21 Apr 1999 23:59:08 +0200
>X-MSMail-Priority: Normal
>X-Priority: 3
>MIME-Version: 1.0
>Sasa Rakezic
>26000 Pancevo
>Yugoslavia /Serbia/
>April 21st 1999
>Hello folks
>The other day I watched my old video tapes with classic animated cartoons,
>mostly from the 40's... Beautiful, masterful  shorts done by Tex Every, Bob
>Clampett, etc... I was always puzzled by the fact that some of the
>craziest, funniest ever cartoons were produced egzactly during one of the
>bleakest moments in the history of the human kind,  that was a Second World
>War... But now, during the big turmoil in my country at the end of the 20th
>century, I can understand  that the very bleakness of the situation is
>producing a great need for humor, and perhaps it is a natural reaction,
>maybe it is just the level for our psyche to use the latest reserve of the
>vitality in the periods of crisis... Or maybe I'm wrong completely, as most
>of the people that I know are simply sad and melancholic, and feel so small
>and helpless.
>Early in the morning NATO has bombed a tower block in Belgrade, where some
>of the most outrageous, kitchy Serbian Television studios were based, along
>with the headqarters of the Milosevic's party, etc. I admit! I admit! - I
>was the one who had a vivid phantasies about throwing a bomb on that same
>building, millions of times. But now that I saw an ACTUAL bomb (three of
>them!) being thrown, I can understand  how stupid I was... Because, folks,
>IT IS ONLY A BUILDING! The BUILDING is nothing but a building, and if you
>bomb an office, just because you disagree with the policy of the people who
>worked there, be sure that: 1.) you are dumb, and 2.) you haven't solved
>the problem, my friend.
>One of the first to protest against this meaningless act was the Serbian
>Independent  Journalist Alliance, people from the independent media, who
>were spending the years being under the pressure of the very same people
>who were walking through the offices of the tower block that was bombed...
> Another "glorious" NATO action for today was the bombing of the only
>remaining bridge in the city of Novi Sad. Projectile left a big hole in the
>bridge construction. Novi Sad is the capital of the northern Serbian
>province of Vojvodina, a place with very rich cultural and sub-cultural
>scene,  a peaceful, multiethnic city that I always loved to visit.
>Finally, speaking of bombs, here's a story about the one which fell near
>the village Ribnica, in Southern Serbia, seriously injuring two civilians.
>The bomb contained a hand-written "message" by its sender:
>"Bad times. Isn't it lovely. See you guys. I'm going home, Eric N., Italy"…
>beside the serial number of the NATO bomb, which was 30003 70 4 AS 4829 MFP
>96214 (AP). The bomb wounded the local farmer,  and his 16-year old
>daughter, who received major skull fractures and is in critical
>See you soon...

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] N.W.O. "Brezhnev" Doctrine

1999-04-23 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 99-04-23 10:00:11 EDT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

>"The spread of our values makes us safer," he argued, quoting John F.
>Kennedy's words that "Freedom is indivisible, and when one man is enslaved,
>who is free?"

George Orwell's Newspeak is alive and kicking!  Translated, this is more like:
"To be effective, a system of slavery must be TOTAL and ALL-ENCOMPASSING.
When even ONE man is allowed to be free, how can we convince all the others
to ACCEPT their status as slaves -- by seeing no other option available to

"United we stand, divided we fall" taken to EXTREMES is pure totalitarianism.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] Endtime in the East -- Orthodox Easter, Apr 11

1999-04-23 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

 (AP)  During worldwide calls for an end to NATO airstrikes against their
Serbian brethren, "Orthodox Christians in Jerusalem carried the patriarch of
Jerusalem on a throne in procession to the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, the
site of Jesus' tomb."

 "Pray for the conversion of RUSSIA," commanded the Virgin, in the second
"Fatima Prophecy" -- in the same breath threatening the END of the Roman
Catholic Church as spokesman for the true Christian faith if the Papacy were
LAX in fulfilling that mission.
 (The Vatican hierarchy, not taking that seriously, has done little or
nothing so far.)
 Could Russia, largest of all communities of ORTHODOX Christians, seek
its OWN destiny --as "the Third Rome"-- by rallying fellow believers to some
"Crusade of martyrs" against a "godless" (i.e., materialistic, militarized,
NEW World Order) W. Europe ?
 All throughout history, those crazy Slavs have been religious nuts, you
know ...
 Just no telling what "Millennium Madness" OVER THERE may bring our way

Orthodox Christians Mark Easter

.c The Associated Press

ISTANBUL, Turkey (AP) -- Orthodox Christians across the world celebrated
Easter on Sunday amid widespread sympathy for fellow Orthodox Serbs and calls
for an end to NATO airstrikes on Yugoslavia.

The spiritual leader of the Orthodox Christians, Ecumenical Patriarch
Bartholomew I, urged ``respect for life itself, the life of our fellow human
beings, the life of our opponent, the life of our enemy.''

Bartholomew, wearing a red cloak adorned with the image of Jesus Christ, led
several hundred faithful in a candlelight procession at a midnight service in
the gold-encrusted Byzantine Cathedral of St. George in Istanbul.

The patriarchate in Istanbul dates from the 1,100-year-old Orthodox Greek
Byzantine Empire, which collapsed when the Ottoman Turks conquered
Constantinople, today's Istanbul, in 1453. Bartholomew presides over 14
autonomous Orthodox churches, including those in Greece, Russia, Serbia,
Albania, Bulgaria and Romania.

Despite the holiday, allied bombings against Yugoslavia continued overnight

Easter, the anniversary of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, was
observed by some 300 million Orthodox on Sunday. Roman Catholics and
Protestants celebrated Easter a week earlier.

The bombings have led to an outpouring of faith in Yugoslavia, where
thousands of Serbs attended midnight services, defying the warnings of
air-raid sirens.

Serbian Orthodox Patriarch Pavle denounced the airstrikes and what he called
a ``cynical'' NATO during a service attended by several hundred people at the
Cathedral Church in downtown Belgrade.

``We pray for peace and goodwill among people, but now we are suffering,''
the patriarch said in a statement read by a priest. ``All just proposals for
a peaceful solution ... have been rejected.''

NATO says its campaign is aimed at bringing Yugoslavia back to the bargaining
table on the fate of the rebellious province of Kosovo.

Throughout the Orthodox world, politics mixed with religion on Sunday.

Orthodox Macedonians expressed indignation that NATO continued airstrikes
over Easter.

``This is a day of salvation for all humankind, not a day for killing,'' said
the Rev. Mome Antevski as he walked out of St. Nicholas Church in Kumanovo,
Macedonia, just seven miles south of the border with Serbia. ``They should
have stopped for Easter.''

Many of those who live in the Kumanovo area are either ethnic Serbs or
Macedonians sympathetic to the Serbs.

Anger at NATO action was particularly visible in Greece, where television
showed Belgraders holding Easter services in underground air-raid shelters.

Anti-war protesters joined in church celebrations, while parishes gathered
donations for the Serbs. On the island of Corfu, giant Yugoslav flags were
draped across buildings in the main square.

Greeks ``must be on the side of those crucified. Never, never, on the side of
the crucifiers,'' Archbishop Christodoulos, Greece's Orthodox Church leader,
said Friday.

The head of Russia's Orthodox Church, Patriarch Alexy II, also called for an
end to NATO bombings.

Russian President Boris Yeltsin visited the patriarch before receiving an
Easter blessing in the 17th-century Church of Archangel Michael with his wife

Even Romania's President Emil Constantinescu, who supports NATO airstrikes
against Yugoslavia, urged a pause in the bombings for Orthodox Easter.

In Ukraine, Easter provided temporary relief for millions suffering an
economic decline that began with independence in 1991.

In an Easter message, Ukrainian President Leonid Kuchma called on his 50
million countrymen to be guided by ``eternal values of Christian morality.''

``Christ has risen,'' he said. ``Ukraine shall rise!''

In Jerusalem, Orthodox Christians carried the patriarch of Jerusalem,
Diodoros, on a throne at the head of a procession to the Church of the Holy
Sepulcher on the site of Jesus' tom

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