Re: [CTRL] (Fwd) Major PROBLEM Developing

1999-09-01 Thread C Davis

 -Caveat Lector-

WHAT? This woman needs to retire...

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Dumb And Getting Dumber

1999-09-01 Thread Bill

 -Caveat Lector-

Kill Your TV.

flw wrote:
>  -Caveat Lector-
> Dumb students are not just a US phenonomen. Worldwide, students are
> becoming
> dumber. The New Dumb World Order?
> Or is the N.W.O. dependent on world wide mass stupidity?
> flw
> September 1 1999  EUROPE
> Charles Bremner on the exam howlers that signal a decline in French
> education
> 'Capitalism was a remarkable idea by Marx'
> MANY French school-leavers are passing the admired baccalaureate
> examination barely able to express their thoughts and with only the haziest
> idea of history and culture, according to two teachers.
> Inured to laments about declining standards, the educational establishment
> will find it harder to dismiss their book's conclusions, drawn from answers
> to this year's baccalaureate tests.
> Guy Morel and Daniel Tual-Loizeau, who teach in a lycée at Le Mans,
> procured hundreds of marked papers as ammunition for their attempt to sound
> the alarm over the dumbing down of the examination that still serves in
> Britain and elsewhere as a model of educational rigour.
> Timed for a launch with next week's new school year, Educational Horror
> makes grim reading for those parents and state officials who have been
> comforting themselves with the thought that 70 per cent of pupils take le
> bac, with an 80 per cent pass rate.
> "Far from being little geniuses, today's lycéens on the whole have no or
> little mastery of basic knowledge," say the teachers, who blame the State
> and teachers for rewarding linguistic incompetence and ignorance. They say
> papers are being passed with "incomprehensible sentences, syntactic
> incoherence . . . and gross geographical and historical confusions".
> Among gems, they cite: "Capitalism was a remarkable idea by Karl Marx";
> "Victor Hugo wrote Ruy Blas while Georges Pompidou (President, 1969-74) was
> reigning over France."
> Poor grasp of literary criticism was typified by lines such as: "Jacques
> Prévert (the 20th-century poet) wrote Paroles because he was going out at
> night and had things to say." Asked what type of verse Hugo used, another
> replied: "Language with a lot of punctuation."
> The teachers also lambasted colloquial style, such as "Madame de Warens is
> Rousseau's girlfriend. Rousseau was with Madame Bazile, but he got dumped .
> . . he blew his chances."
> On geography, pupils could usually identify only those French towns that
> have first division football teams and almost none could place the Saône, a
> major river.
> The authors make much of gaffes in syntax and spelling, the bane of pupils
> because so many word endings are not pronounced. In one telling howler, a
> candidate wrote: "Dès l'enfance, on est ensaigné par la TV" - "From
> childhood we are blooded by television." What was meant was "enseigné" -
> educated.
> Such sloppiness was hardly surprising, the authors say, given that no less
> an authority than Claude Allegre, Minister of Education, committed a howler
> last year when he wrote in the visitors' book at an agricultural fair: "On
> voit que la recherche à penetrée le monde agricole." An Alevel student
> would know that when saying "one sees that research has penetrated the
> agricultural world"' there should be no accent over the a and no extra e on
> penetré.
> The two teachers say that everyone is aware of the crumbling standards, but
> neither the State, teachers nor parents are "ready to break the taboo and
> question the way in which these [examination] results are achieved."
> The main complaint, that teachers are forced to boost pupils' self-esteem
> at the expense of basic standards, is a familiar one elsewhere, but less so
> in France where the system has long prized knowledge and rigour.
> ==
> CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
> screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
> and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
> frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
> spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
> gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
> be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
> nazi's need not apply.
> Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
> Archives Available at:
> To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:
> To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:
> Om

CTRL is a discussion and inf

[CTRL] OEN 9/1/99

1999-09-01 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

from:">The Home Page of J. Orlin Grabbe
Today's Lesson From The Ayn Rand Cult

by Jeff Walker

Despite [Alan] Greenspan's youthful two-year stint at the Julliard
School for music, followed by a year touring with Harry Jerome's swing
bank playing clarinet, Greenspan would be greeted by Rand with: "How's
the Undertaker? Has he decided that he exists yet?"--the latter dig
referring to his initial philosophical skepticism. This also despite
what Barbara Branden recalls, namely that, "It was incredible how he
always had a beautiful woman at his side. . . . I think it was the
attraction of his intellectual power and probably his reserve." Another
Collective member was less favorably impressed by that reserve: "It's
simply that he is a very cold person. It's very hard to know what's on
his mind. Through those Coke-bottle glasses, you can't even tell he's
awake sometimes." Says friend and NYU professor Robert Kavesh,
"sometimes you just want to say, 'Damn it, Alan, tell me a dirty joke.
Or at least listen to one.'" Decades later, despite having pushed
himself to become a decent tennis player and golfer for political
schmoozing purposes, his nickname in Washington became 'The Creeper.'
Libertarian economist Murray Rothbard, who knew Greenspan in the late
1950s, writes that "Greenspan was supercilious and monotonic; he had the
sense of life of a dead mackerel . . . He's a namedropper."
Digital Society

Ecash Spells Doom for Central Banks?

Gee. Too bad. Eat your heart out.

Leading academics have welcomed comments made by a senior Bank of
England official that Internet-based currencies could drive central
banks to extinction.
Speaking at a banking conference last Friday in Wyoming, the Bank of
England's deputy governor, Mervyn King, admitted that emerging forms of
currency used in Web-based trade could fall beyond the control of the
world's central banks.

Losing control of the money flow will naturally mean the loss of
economic power and could wipe out central banks altogether, according to

Alistair Kelman, visiting fellow at the London School of Economics
(LSE), said: "It's about time central banks realise the implications of
the digital economy."

He added: "I think the central banks will now start imposing controls on
their client banks so that ecash is rolled-out in a secure manner. This
will ensure we don't have companies inventing money that people can
allegedly trust on the Net which could subvert the entire banking

Ian Angell, professor of information systems at LSE, said King's
comments are a refreshing change from the traditional lack of forward
thinking exhibited by "mealy mouthed" Bank of England officials.

Angell claims King's prediction that central banks could become
redundant will come true. "The European Union and national governments
have completely lost the plot, wasting time deliberating over the single
currency when it's electronic cash that is the real issue. What King is
talking about is the inability of the state to control its own destiny,"
he said., September 1, 1999

Barbecued Children

DOJ Tries to Force Judge Out on Waco Case

by Lee Hancock

WACO, Texas -- U.S. Justice Department lawyers on Tuesday challenged a
federal judge's authority to take control over evidence in the Branch
Davidian case, setting up a high-stakes legal showdown.
An Aug. 9 order in which U.S. District Judge Walter Smith demanded
custody of all documents and other evidence is without any legal basis
under federal or civil court rules, Justice Department lawyers argued in
a 19-page motion. The judge's move ``threatens a wholesale intrusion''
into the Executive Branch and an ``unwarranted and substantial burden''
on the entire federal government.

``It should be plain ... that separation of powers prevents a federal
court from acting as an independent investigator,'' the motion said.

The argument is the latest development in an escalating skirmish over
who will control and investigate the vast array of evidence, documents,
photographs and other materials tied to the Branch Davidian standoff.

It came one day after a Waco federal prosecutor warned Attorney General
Janet Reno that lawyers within her department had long withheld evidence
that the FBI fired pyrotechnic tear gas within hours before the compound
burned. For years, government officials had insisted otherwise.

The federal prosecutor, Bill Johnston, told ``The Dallas Morning News''
on Tuesday that he felt compelled to go public with his warning after
being given a 5-year-old document that discusses the use of ``military
gas'' by the FBI on April 19, 1993.

He said he was concerned because the document, a three-page set of notes
detailing an interview with members of the FBI's hostage rescue team,
included handwritten notations suggesting that it be kept from anyone
outside the department's legal staff. He said both the 

[CTRL] Supreme Allied Commander Europe - General WESLEY K. CLARK

1999-09-01 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

At Fort Hood, during Waco.
Supreme Allied Commander Europe

General Wesley K. Clark became the Supreme Allied Commander Europe
(SACEUR) 11 July 1997. He is also the Commander-in-Chief, United States
European Command.

General Clark's last assignment was as Commander-in-Chief, United States
Southern Command, Panama, from June 1996 to July 1997, where he
commanded all U.S. forces and was responsible for the direction of most
U.S. military activities and interests in Latin America and the
Caribbean. His previous assignment was as the Director, Strategic Plans
and Policy, J5, the Joint Staff (April 1994-June 1996) where he was the
staff officer responsible for world-wide politico-military affairs and
U.S. military strategic planning. He also led the military negotiations
for the Bosnian Peace Accords at Dayton.

General Clark is an Armor Officer who has commanded at every level from
Company to Division. As the Commander 1st Cavalry Division, Fort Hood,
Texas (August 1992-April 1994), he transitioned the Division into a
rapidly deployable force and conducted three emergency deployments to
Kuwait. During the Cold War, he commanded the 3rd Brigade, 4th Infantry
Division (April 1986-March 1988), and the 1st Battalion, 77th Armor, 4th
Infantry Division (February 1980-June 1982) at Fort Carson, Colorado.
General Clark has also commanded three companies, to include a
mechanized infantry company in combat in Vietnam.

General Clark spent 5 years training leaders and soldiers at the
National Training Center (NTC), Fort Irwin, California, and with the
Battle Command Training Program (BCTP). As the Commander of National
Training Center (October 1989-October 1991), General Clark helped train
many of the forces that subsequently saw combat operations in Desert
Storm. During this time period, he developed new training methodologies
for Division and Corps level training, helping to train 13 Divisions,
and he conducted the first ever Corps level BCTP training exercise. In
his first assignment at the National Training Center, as Commander
Operations Group (August 1984-January 1986), he revised the overall
training program by improving scenarios, enhancing After Action Reports,
and developing the first Brigade-level training exercise and the first
heavy-light rotations.
In addition to his work on the Joint Staff, his other major staff
assignments have included service as Deputy Chief of Staff for Concepts,
Doctrine and Developments, US Army Training and Doctrine Command, Fort
Monroe, Virginia (October 1991-August 1992), Chief of the Army's Study
Group, Office of the Chief of Staff of the Army, Washington, DC (October
1983-July 1984); Chief, Plans Integration Division, Office of the Deputy
Chief of Staff for Operations and Plans, United States Army, Washington,
DC (July 1983-September 1983).

General Clark is a 1966 graduate of the United States Military Academy
at West Point, New York, where he graduated first in his class. He holds
a master's degree in Philosophy, Politics and Economics from Oxford
University where he studied as a Rhodes Scholar (August 1966-August
1968). He is a graduate of the National War College, Command and General
Staff College, Armor Officer Advanced and Basic Courses, and Ranger and
Airborne schools. General Clark was a White House Fellow in 1975-1976
and served as a Special Assistant to the Director of the Office of
Management and Budget. He has also served as an instructor and later
Assistant Professor of Social Science at the United States Military

Among his military decorations are the Defense Distinguished Service
Medal (three awards), Distinguished Service Medal, Silver Star, Legion
of Merit (four awards), Bronze Star Medal (two awards), Purple Heart,
Meritorious Service Medal (two awards), and the Army Commendation Medal
(two awards).

General Clark was born on 23 December 1944 and grew up in Little Rock,
Arkansas. He is married to the former Gertrude Kingston of Brooklyn, New
York. He and his wife have one son, Wesley, who lives in California.


Home Page - PIO - Biographies - Saceur's
SHAPE - Public Information Office·
APRIL 1999
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to rea

Re: [CTRL] Dumb And Getting Dumber

1999-09-01 Thread Ric Carter

 -Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -

> Kill Your TV.
> flw wrote:
> >
> > Dumb students are not just a US phenonomen. Worldwide,
> > students are becoming dumber. The New Dumb World Order?

Kill your videogames too.  U.S. students are spending MUCH
less time watching TV now, much MORE time on videogames &
the Web.  The U.S. population as a whole watches less TV,
spends increasing time using the Net & VCRs.  The U.S. TV
audience is increasingly the older, poorer, less educated,
the same demographic as cigarette smokers.And
all TV ain't the same - a demographic mapping of SIMPSONS
viewers is the exact opposite of Tabloid TV viewers.  Note:
the demographic maps of snack-nut consumption and religious
radio listening are also exact opposites.  Interesting...

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Conspiracy authors and Biases?

1999-09-01 Thread Taylor, John (JH)

 -Caveat Lector-

Given below is a short lis of conspriracy authors
I put this list in terms a question to the group. what is your views and
which authors do you recommend.

 Author  Biases Conspiracy Views  & Beliefs
Quality of information

A SuttonPro British?Illuminist conspiracy   Dialectic
conflictGood, well documented
Rene Wormser  American patriot  Illuminist conspiracy
Foundations/RockerfellerWell researched
Carrol Quiggley Traditional CatholicIlluminist, anti Albion,subliminal
anti Jewish Well researched, Historical
E Mullins   Strong right wing   Judeo- Masonic via ruling elite
Accurate?, poorly documented
M Hoffman IIWhite Nationalist   Judeo- Masonic -Jews the dominant
force   Accurate but one dimensional
Barry Chamisch  CFR main force
Accurate but speculative
Bob Durjevitch  American patriot/
Orthodox Christian  CFR /NWO elite
Accurate -not comprehensive
Baigent & Leigh New Age Masonic /Prier de Sion
Pro conspiracy
David Icke  New Age Illuminist-Alien conspiracy
Data is tortured till confesses
Ralph Epperson  Evangelical Christian   Masonic
Interesting speculation
A Chaitkin(etal)La Rouchian Brittania rules the world
Data good, speculation terrible
E Knuth American patriotFinancial conspiracy-
subliminal anti Jewish  Good research
G Griffin   Evangelical Illuminist conspiracy

L Cuddy Evangelical Illuminist conspiracy -Jews the fall guys
Well documented
N Webster   New Age Judeo- Masonic
Good Histories ?but controversial
sources on conspiracies
Texe Marr   Evangelical Illuminist
F Springmeier   Evangelical Illuminist, subliminal anti jewish
Myron Fagan Evangelical Illuminist
Personal experience mostly
Cdr CarrEvangelical Illuminist, anti Jewish bias
Dr JosephsonPro-Jewish  Rockerfeller/Illuminist
Good, well documented
Avro Manhattan  Pre British Catholic conspiracy
Well documented but one

This is not by any lengths an exhaustive list. (see anti albion book list )
 Rather to see what the team thinks of various sources and who else is
recommended or condemmed...and please disagree


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] Russian Success

1999-09-01 Thread Taylor, John (JH)

 -Caveat Lector-

Organized crime becomes modern Russian success story

Copyright © 1999 Nando Media
Copyright © 1999 Associated Press

>From Time to Time: Nando's in-depth look at the 20th century

   Reputed Russian mobster criticizes FBI, American politicians
   Bank of New York chairman defends lender


MOSCOW (August 31, 1999 9:16 p.m. EDT -
Perhaps the most successful business in Russia today is organized crime,
which is spreading across the world, threatening to do more damage than
Soviet spies ever dreamed of doing during the Cold War.

Reports of alleged money laundering that link Russian organized crime to
billions of dollars channeled through the Bank of New York could show
how Russia's crime syndicates are multinational operations.

Although often dubbed the "Russian mafia," organized crime in Russia
does not fit the usual picture of underworld mobsters. It is far bigger
and more complicated: a three-way alliance of officials, businessmen and
gangsters reaching into every level of society and the economy.

Organized crime and corruption reach the highest levels of the Russian
government, with some analysts saying it's no longer possible to
distinguish between the two.

"It has been known for a long time that the entire government system is
corrupt," said Konstantin Borovoi, an independent liberal member of
parliament. "Corruption has drained the nation's resources beyond all
imaginable limits."

At its core, corrupt members of Russia's political and business elite
have plundered billions of dollars in government funds and assets with
the aid of criminal gangs, authorities say. The money has been sent
overseas to secret bank accounts or used to create hundreds of Russian
companies and banks that combine legal and criminal activities.

Through these companies and other rackets, the Russian Interior Ministry
estimates that organized crime controls 40 percent of the economy,
although other observers say the figure is higher. Corrupt officials and
gangsters work with these criminalized businesses, helping them get
insider deals, avoid taxes and even kill rivals.

"The situation in our country differs from Western Europe and the United
States. There organized crime controls only 'criminal' activities, like
prostitution, drugs and gambling. In our country, it controls all types
of activity," a Russian government study of organized crime concluded.

Top political and business figures, including members of President Boris
Yeltsin's entourage, have repeatedly been linked to corruption
allegations in the Russian media. Very few have ever been charged or
convicted. Russian law enforcement agencies are seen as hopelessly
incompetent or corrupt, with many prosecutors and police officers taking

Russia's top policeman, Interior Minister Vladimir Rushailo, admits his
forces are not winning the struggle. "Organized crime is occurring on an
extremely dangerous scale," he said recently.

About 5,700 criminal groups are thought to operate in Russia and many of
them are expanding abroad, according to Russian and Western estimates.
Russian criminal syndicates are burrowing into other countries, buying
up legitimate businesses while also managing rackets like
prostitution, gun running and sophisticated banking and computer fraud
operations, Western officials say.

Corruption has been a problem in Russia for centuries. It reached
unprecedented levels following the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991,
when some officials and their cronies divided state assets among

While the government talked of creating wealth by selling off factories
and other state property and sharing the money with the Russian people,
insiders skimmed off some of the most valuable assets. As a few people
became fabulously wealthy, many Russians slipped into abject poverty,
souring their beliefs in democracy and the market system.

At the same time, insiders were getting government licenses to buy oil,
diamonds and other state-owned natural resources at artificially low
prices and making millions by selling them overseas, investigators say.
Government funds were diverted and disappeared without a trace or
were used by private banks to purchase state assets in rigged
privatization deals, they say.

Borovoi gave an example of how government funds are looted: If a
government ministry wants funding, it must allocate up to 3 percent of
the requested sum for bribes to lawmakers and officials. The lawmakers
then approve the request, and the ministry must then pay up to half of
the funding to the lawmakers and officials to get the money.

"A corrupt official can't act alone. It's always a chain, and there is
always a mob connection," he said.

Working alongside the corrupt officials and businessmen are criminal
gangs whose members fit the Hollywood image of ruthless killers in
leather jackets and dark glasses. Their activities include drug,
prostitution and protection rackets, with up to

[CTRL] Fw: [CTRL] homo video slipped into public schools-most parents unaware

1999-09-01 Thread day

 -Caveat Lector-

> > "It’s Elementary" Video Lies to the Children about Homosexuality
>   One more reason to get your kids the hell out of
>   public school -- how many more reasons do you need??
> > Sample explanation for what it means to be gay:
> Homosexuality is a profound mistake ( as are all sins if they are not intending to 
>do wrong). Humans are not homosexuals by
> People become homosexuals because of their environments. Particularly critical is 
>the environment during puberty. Suggestions,
> ideas & strange dreams are symptoms of confused attempts to understand new and blunt 
>sexual desires and are rashly interpreted as
> defining someone as being one sexuality or another. If these conclusions are 
>accompanied by actual homosexual acts they are even
> more strongly reinforced.
> Free will and identity
> Human instincts can be subjected to acts of will. Sexuality is a choice of identity 
>which follows choices of action which follow
> from choices of what to have sexual fantasies about. Human beings are especially 
>able to control their thoughts, entertaining
> and dismissing others.
> However, if this free will is not recognised it is easy to get into a cycle of 
>thinking which starts from accepting a hypothesis
> about yourself as true rather than as a possible choice (even if the options are 
>sometimes difficult).For example: "I am lazy "
> could be supposed true by someone. When the person who thinks this lies around in 
>bed in the morning he observes this inaction as
> evidence of the statement "I am lazy." As he repeatedly chooses to do so the 
>evidence mounts and the idea becomes fixed in his
> identity. It may even have physical manifestations and change his physiology and 
>psychology. This process can easily occur for
> idea good or bad about the self which is based largely on evidence resulting from 
>ones own action. The idea may be "I am 'gay'"
> "I am content" or "I love eating lots of food". The truth is - you are what you 
>choose to be ; you do what you choose to do ; you
> think what you choose to think. There may be long time delays between the causing 
>choices and the effects but anyone can change
> themselves. There are reformed ex-drug addicts, reformed ex-compulsive gamblers and 
>ex-homosexuals. In all these sins prevention
> 1000 times better than cure and much easier.
> It has been suggested that homosexuality is genetically inherited and that those who 
>have this 'predisposition' are victims of it
> not sinners of any sort. However, there are other things which are probably 
>genetically influenced to give predispositions to for
> example gambling or alchoholism .It could also be argued (and has been) that it is 
>programmed into men's genetics for them to be
> unfaithful to their partner. All these things don't make it the right thing to do, 
>nor does it prevent these things from being
> regarded as sinful. Drinking alchohol will still be regarded as sinful even if you 
>have a predisposition to be an alchoholic. The
> trick as every post alchoholic will tell you is never touch another drop after you 
>quit - it is a long slippery slope - your life
> is better without it. Once a certain desire is connected to your identity strongly 
>and you get in some way hooked on it, it will
> always be easy to return to it - you are unable to forget the satisfaction. The 
>difficult task is remembering the bad side of the
> desire, such as hangovers, lost money, self loathing or a simply sense of loss 
>because of what you missed out on. But if you are
> change for the better, you must remember this and the past desires you bound up with 
>your identity can become disconnected from
> what you choose to become.
> By Rev. J. R
> : As a former homosexual sinner I am never surprised by the degrading, racist, 
>judgmental, and intolerant statements made by
> and demanding homosexual activist and others who for whatever reason want to take a 
>stand against GOD and vent their frustrations
> toward me and my fellow Christian brothers and sisters that dare to take a stand and 
>speak out against the sin of homosexuality.
> However I do find it very sad since I know all to well the bitterness, fears, anger, 
>frustrations, and loneliness the accompanies
> chosen lifestyle apart from God.
> : Homosexuality is a sin that is based on sex and more sex, and like all sin is pure 
>rebellion and disobedience to God and His
> commandments. Since we are all born with a dark heart and into sin, we choose the 
>brand of sin. The sin of homosexuality is no
> worse of a sin than any other sin such as cheating, theft, murder, unkindness, 
>heterosexual sins or pride, sin is sin. Hope
> for those who do not turn a deaf ear to the Word of God because the Good News is 
>that JESUS died for ALL sins and ALL sinners
> including homosexuality.
> : I would like to encourage ALL Christians to take a stand against sin, remembe


1999-09-01 Thread Kris Millegan


In a message dated 8/31/99 10:24:44 AM, you wrote:

>Actually this is the page I meant to send last e-mail
>regarding the New England opium cartel and the Skull and
>Bones.  Sorry.
>brian quig

 Brian, Great to have you onboard CIA-Drugs, I have always enjoyed your web

Is there any new news on the temple murders, heroin and such. From what I
read, Arizonia is an interesting place.

Having been looking into Skull and Bones for many year, please let me  point
out the few inacuracies in your fine piece.

It is William Hunington Russell not Harrison.
The Russel Trust Association wasn't formed until 1856.
Richard(Dick) Bissel  is not a member. He went to Yale and is the member of
one of the other  senior secret societies there, which one escapes my noodle
at the moment.
The Russell and Company flag was officially not the Skull and Crossbones and
I have seen no printed reports in the opium trade books to suggest  so. Their
flag  was blue and white and was two opposing blue triangles and two opposing
white trianles to form and X on its side. Check out the Opium Clippers by
Basil Lubbock(1933)
W. H. Taft was Collector of Internal Revenue for the First District(Ohio)

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Re: [CTRL] Release: new Waco evidence

1999-09-01 Thread flw

 -Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
From: Prudence L. Kuhn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, August 31, 1999 4:57 PM
Subject: Re: Release: new Waco evidence

> In a message dated 08/31/1999 2:22:49 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
> << I agree 100% that Reno should be prosecuted; however, we all know she
>  walk away from this scot-free! >>
> I've always wondered if the boys in the band didn't pull a fast one on
> She knew nothing about the agencies in the DOJ, and if you've ever been a
> woman who knows nothing about automobiles taking your car to the garage,
> would know what the guys in the know do.  I can't excuse her continued
> ignorance or the fact that she promoted the shooter at Ruby Ridge, but it
> might be possible that she's just that stupid.  Maybe she's one of those
> who believe everything some guy tells them.  I've never been able to
> out if she's dumb as a rock or stolid as stone.  Prudy

She is a typical Bureaucratic Politico-path. A totally undistinguished
legal hack (as
shown by her politician pandering career as Dade Co. Prosecutor before she
picked by Hillary to be Attny Gen).

Throw in the claims by various cops and lawyers that knew her from Florida
she was being blackmailed by the mob since they had caught her in
positions as an alcoholic, molester of underage and teenage girls. If this
is true, then
of course Bill and Hillary can certainly keep her under control as shown by
her groveling cover-up role regarding Chinagate, etc. etc.

Ultimately evidence will emerge that she knew about the use of CS (deadly
to children)
gas, the participation of the Delta Commandos, and gave tacit approval to
"burn the bastards" out. Or at least went quietly along with Webster
Vincent Foster and Hillary regarding the "final solution" against the Waco

Reno is a character from a Hanna Arendt political treatise. She is the
epitome of the
Arendt phrase "the banality of evil". You know the type. The non
ideological Nazi
and Stalinist Functionaries that made the trains run on time to the death
camps and gulags.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] Bigots with Badges

1999-09-01 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

from:">Bigots with Badges 
Embedded links.
Welcome to
An organization dedicated to exposing and stopping
Racism and Corruption
inside law enforcement.

The crimes of which you are about to read are atrocious.
These Crimes were perpetrated, not by our so-called criminals of the
system, but by racist "United States Federal Agents" whom the citizens
are expected to trust.
The respective corroborative materials posted here are provided as proof
and are scanned copies of the actual government documents relating to
the described crimes.
Below are the men responsible for the newly formed orginization known
"Congress Against Racism & Corruption in Law Enforcement"
These three men are literally fighting for their lives as well as
braving an attempt to secure the careers they love so much. Click on
their names at left to view their extensive, as well as, distinguished
service records.
Matthew Fogg, U.S. Marshal
President and Founder, 'C.A.R.C.L.E.'

Stephen Zanowic Jr., U.S. Marshal
Executive VP, 'C.A.R.C.L.E.'
William Bill Scott, U.S. Marshal
VP, Board of Directors, 'C.A.R.C.L.E.'

>From the President of 'C.A.R.C.L.E.'
Matthew Fogg, U.S. Marshal

We are truly amazed; after many years of outstanding federal law
enforcement service, beyond the call of duty, that includes staring down
the barrel of guns on several occasions to protect citizens of this
great nation, that today's prominent newspaper headlines are reading:

•"Bigots With Badges...Blatant racism rampant inside U.S. Marshal
Service" (New York Post),
•"U.S. Marshal...Stakeout or Set-up" (Police Times),
•"Under the Shadow of Death...Black U.S. Marshals fear for their lives"
 (Final Call),
•"NY Post calls Federal Marshals, 'Bigots With Badges'" (Afro American),

•"Black Law Officers Allege Bias" (Federal Times),
•"Feds Shoot (Black) Teen, stakeout team mistook Candy Bar for gun" (New
York Newsday),
•"Shooters (Previous) record eyed" (New York Newsday),
•"(White) Marshal who shot youth faced 1994 Beating Charge(of a Black
man)" (New York Times),
•"Marshals Service Linked to Confederate Activities"(Confederate
Intelligence Agency),
•"Whistle Blowing Marshal Tells of Long Harassment" (New York Times),
•"Marshals and DEA accused of racism" (Washington Post),
•"Reno will check accusations of racism in DEA & Marshals Service"
 (Washington Post),

These investigative newspaper reports state to millions of Americans
White Federal U.S. Marshals are openly (NOT UNDERCOVER NOW)
1.Referring to African American Federal Marshals as COONS & NIGGERS and
supporting Klu Klux Klan 'Good Old Boys Round-up' in Tennesee during
subversive activities. Reports indicate an African American Baby-Doll
(with a rope around its neck) was pulled out of a Watermelon and
repeatedly beaten with police batons.
Click here to view U.S. Attorney Documentation
2.White Federal Marshals dressed in KKK white sheets ran through a
Federal Courthouse in New Jersey intimidating a black female U.S.
Marshal. The KKK dressed Marshals were not disciplined.

3.White Federal Marshals are setting-up Black Marshals to get killed on
warrant apprehension task forces.

4.White Federal Marshals used blow-up photographs of Dr. Martin Luther
King Jr. for target practice on a federal gun range.

5.White Federal Marshals who report mistreatment and unequal justice
against African American Marshals also become the victims of physical
violence and mental stress from racist White Marshals.

6.White Marshals are making death threats to prominent African
Americans, the Honorable, Minister Louis Farrakhan for the Nation of
Islam and Reverend Al Sharpton in New York.

7.White Marshals locked a Black Marshal in a cell block for more than 30
minutes with six known defendants charged with violent crimes.

8.African American Marshals are barred from senior executive service
(SES) management positions in the U.S. Marshal Service. Outrageous,
historical Equal Employment Opportunity statistics and ongoing Class
Complaints depict continuous years initiated in 1970 of blatant
desperate treatment of African Federal Marshals with regards to
recruitment, promotions, and disciplinary actions.
Click here to view documentation.

9.U.S. Marshal Service Director's participate in active roles to promote
less senior White Marshals over seasoned African American Marshals.

10.Documented official reports indicate conspiracy by racist U.S.
Marshals to destroy the careers of long term prominent and successful
African American Marshals, including the career of twice presidential
appointee, the honorable John Washington Jr. prior to his forced
retirement and death. To view Documents
Click Here.

11.White Federal Marshals planted a fully loaded gun i

[CTRL] New evidence links George Bush to Los Angeles drug operation

1999-09-01 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

from:">Bush linked to Los Angeles Drug
New evidence links George Bush to Los Angeles drug operation

by Edward Spannaus

On Oct. 27, 1986, federal and local law enforcement officials executed
search warrants on more than a dozen locations connected to a major
cocaine-trafficking ring in southern California centered around Danilo
Blandon.. One of the locations raided was the home of a former Laguna
Beach police officer by the name of Ronald Lister.

Los Angeles Sheriff's Department detectives reported that when they
raided Lister's house, they found ``films of military operations in
Central America, technical manuals, information on assorted military
hardware and communications, and numerous documents indicating that drug
money was being used to purchase military equipment for Central
America.'' Documents were also found which diagrammed ``the route of
drug money out of the United States, back into the United States
purchasing weaponry for the Contras.''

An official report by one of the detectives from the 1986 raid stated:
``Mr. Lister ... told me he had dealings in South America and worked
with the CIA and added that his friends in Washington weren't going to
like what was going on. I told Mr. Lister that we were not interested in
his business in South America. Mr. Lister replied that he would call Mr.
Weekly of the CIA and report me.''

New evidence has now surfaced showing who some of Lister's ``friends in
Washington'' were, and we shall see that these ``friends'' ran all the
way up to the Office of the Vice President, at that time George Bush.
Mark Richard's tell-tale notes

Around the same time as the October 1986 drug raid, ``Mr. Weekly,''
whose full name is David Scott Weekly, became the subject of a federal
investigation opened for the purpose of prosecuting him on federal
explosives charges. According to later testimony, this investigation was
under way for some time before Weekly himself first learned about it,
which was on Dec. 21-22, 1986.

But ten days before Weekly learned that he was being targetted, Bill
Price, the U.S. Attorney in Oklahoma City handling Weekly's case, had a
telephone conversation with a top official at Justice Department
headquarters about some of the stickier aspects of the investigation.
The official to whom Price talked was Mark Richard, a Deputy Assistant
Attorney General in the Criminal Division, and the career Justice
Department official who served as the Department's liaison to the
intelligence agencies.

The question arises: What might have triggered this conversation between
Mark Richard--the DOJ's point of contact for the NSC, CIA, and military
intelligence agencies--and the Oklahoma prosecutor?

First of all, on Oct. 5, 1986, a C-123 cargo plane, flying from El
Salvador's Ilopango military air base, had been shot down over
Nicaragua. Three crewmen were killed, and the fourth, Eugene Hasenfus,
was captured by the Nicaraguan Sandinistas. This was the beginning of
the public unravelling of what became known as the ``Iran-Contra''

Then came the Oct. 27 raid in Los Angeles, after which the Los Angeles
FBI office communicated to FBI headquarters what had transpired,
including Lister's claims of involvement in arming the Contras, and his
citation of ``Mr. Weekly'' as being ``CIA'' and a ``DIA
subcontractor''--referring to the Defense Intelligence Agency. (The FBI
had already interviewed a businessman to whom Lister had bragged, on
Aug. 1, that he was involved in arming the Contras, and that his arms
deals were ``CIA approved.'')

On Nov. 10, 1986, the FBI sent a teletype to various sections of the
CIA, inquiring about Lister, Blandon, Weekly, and some others. The
inquiry, over the name of the FBI Director, asked diplomatically if any
of these individuals were ``of operational interest'' to the CIA.

FBI documents also show that a teletype was sent to FBI headquarters on
Dec. 9, followed up by a phone conversation with an FBI supervisor on
Dec. 11--the same day that Mark Richard spoke to the prosecutor in
Oklahoma City--who was at the time secretly preparing his case against
Scott Weekly.

In August 1987--less than a year later--Mark Richard was required to
give testimony in the Congressional Iran-Contra investigation. While
being interrogated about various matters in which there were allegations
of Justice Department interference in Contra-related cases, Richard was
specifically questioned about handwritten notes he had made during his
Dec. 11 conversation with prosecutor Bill Price. Richard said that Bill
Hendricks of the DOJ's Public Integrity Section, which was dealing with
a lot of the Iran-Contra matters, had previously been in touch with
Price. After examining his own notes, Richard said that the conversation
pertained to ``an individual who had been arrested and his possible
involvement in some CIA/Contra-related activities.'' (In fact, Scott
Weekly was

Re: [CTRL] JFK Jr. A Homo

1999-09-01 Thread piper

 -Caveat Lector-

America - discount because as far as education
Clinton's and Bush's are air heads

Japan - helped get aspartame on the market and
has many purifying agents like (carbon) only theirs
are things like coral that will purify water

China - most favored nation status, I have met some of
their exchange students - idiot savants that can only
move numerical variables around.  Capable of using
their brains but think they can already do everything
better than middle age has been.  Bottom line
they can not fight their way out of a wet paper bag.

NATZ's - bred to be a superior race!
of white lab rats to experiment on.

Yale - taught courses backing hippies.
Skull and Bones

Kinnsey Report

England - a prince that is bowing over backwards
to do well.  Like any "Good" movie star or waitress
He lives to help the people.  Is first royal to have a
college education and learned Celtic.  Also publicly
advocates organic farming.

Holland - a major center of pedifilia since at least the
early 1980's.

Belgium - gradually taken over * Home of NATO *
America is home of NATO's military division

Jews - being scrap goats, why?

adding this to the next part (which is a essay) some or
conspicuous by their absence.
So ask yourself which religions or beliefs would not
think of homosexuals as abnormal?

American numbers are Arabic
Egypt was a major center of learning - but only of the privileged

which religion in that region believes in suicidal actions for their

Where did the money backing for Hitler come from
Bush was one, but
gas and oil
Sooo, who might consider themselves and their religion the
chosen one(s)?

I still say that humans are not the majority,
that it is bacteria.
any time a major center of learning
was put together it was destroyed.
They bogarted their waste and thought
that it was detrimental to allow everyone to learn.

Yet once the Hapsburg dynasty cleaned itself it stayed
in power for over 3 centuries.  Austria was a major
center of education for all.

I wish I knew enough about that area and their
relgions to go into more detail, but the road seems
to lead their.  Homosidal maniacs with suicidal tendincies
if they are doing this.  Who controls the purse strings.
Who is bombing their advisaries?  The ones that
say that this is not the way to go.

Who is putting in homosexualism as a survival chariteristic.
Zero population growth, for who?
Who is making that homosexualism is pedifilism?

original war Crusades was against the Muslims
 (Got this from my college history book, "Readings for U.S. History
2nd Edition" Senior Editor Dr. Michael A. White by Kendall/Hunt of
Dubuque, Iowa (c) 1992- the story was called
"John Smith Before Jamestown")

about 1601
"John Smith was now about to plunge into the nightmare world
of eastern Europe:  where Catholics fought Protestants, or Turks,
and Protestants fought Turks, or Catholics, or renegade mercenaries,
or all three: where Germans fought Hungarians or Turks or Both:
where Hungarians were sometimes both Austrian allies and Turkish

"This was a world where the Austrian emperor of the Holy
Roman Empire, Rudolph II, relieved his chronic insanity with
periodic fits of uncontrollable rage; where Sigismund Bathory,
Prince of Transylvania, of a family long-tainted with madness,
abdicated and reclaimed his throne no fewer than three times'
where his cousin Elizabeth, with the tran-sylvanian penchant
so reminiscent of Count Dracula, indulged in beauty baths that
ultimately took the blood, and lives, of 650 young women."

"It was a place where incessant warfare and banditry
brought desolation, famine, familial cannibalism, and other
unspeakable horrors; where lucky prisoners wee enslaved,
the less lucky butchered, and the luckless skinned alive."

Plus it was cold in Europe!  If I were a self respecting black
father or mother in which the trail of my children's manhood
may have meant being killed by my own son, which is a part
of some tribes - I am not sure of Africa countries back then.
Would I have sent them to that barbarous place?  African
gold is well known and before America the main wearing
apparel in Europe seemed to be animal skins - Yet by using
the tale of Robin Hood you could imagine that even before
Hoods time that animals were prized.  So who made it
economically feasible for America to be settled and made
a market for cotton?  Was that stuff warm in a drafty castle?
Yet, it could be dyed and this list has shown that knowledge
of dye (color) in that time, and now, was money.

It seems as if those people of dye have gone into
pharmaceuticals.  So, keeping this war alive - the different
religions, has been advantageous.  Also, if you study sugar
"Complete Guide to Macrobiotic Cooking" by Aveline Kushi
(c) 1985 Warner NY
She refers to the fact
"During the Middle Ages, when refined sugar first became
processed and entered Eu

[CTRL] AFIO - Association of Former Intelligence Officers

1999-09-01 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

from:">AFIO - Association of Former Intelligence

What is AFIO?

H  O  T   N  E  W  S

Monday, 13 September 1999
Fort Myer Officers' Club - Koran Room
Register Here!

The AFIO National Symposium, INTELLIGENCE 2000
21-23 October, 1999
National Reconnaissance Office (NRO)
Chantilly, Virginia

AFIO seeks to build a public constituency for a strong and healthy US
Intelligence/Counter-intelligence capability, to serve U.S. national
interests and for world stability, through educational means. AFIO
provides a venue for applying independent, seasoned professional
expertise and perspectives to historic, current, and prospective
national and public security issues.

We welcome membership inquiries from (1) former U.S. intelligence
personnel and (2) U.S. citizens and personnel in or out of government,
wishing to participate in furthering AFIO's objectives.

We also welcome inquiries from individuals interested in being
subscribers to the AFIO Weekly Intelligence Notes and hardcover
publications. Check Membership.

U.S. corporations are invited to support the building of a constituency
for U.S. Intelligence through Corporate Membership. Check Membership.

Visit our Event Schedule for current or upcoming meetings, conferences
and symposia.

Visit our Charters and Chapter Activities section for regional chapter
luncheons, meetings and conference information.

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Weekly Intelligence Notes | Event Schedule | Bulletin Board | Book
Reviews | Search | Other Intel Sites | Home Page

AFIO Central Office
6723 Whittier Avenue, Suite 303A, McLean, Virginia 22101-4533
Telephone: 703 790 0320 | Facsimile: 703 790 0264
If you support AFIO's principles and objectives we invite you to become
a member and join an interesting, dynamic and diverse group of
individuals who have been, or still are, involved in missions of
importance to the nation and to the stability, peace and security of the
world. This is an association of people with active intellectual lives,
many of whom have played roles of leadership and high distinction,
dedicated to worthy principles and objectives.

AFIO's educational focus is on fostering understanding of the vital role
and importance of U.S. intelligence. Members both support and
participate in achieving this objective.

Since foreign intelligence, counterintelligence and covert actions are
conducted in secrecy - a silent "war" - education on the vital need for
effective institutions to conduct U.S. intelligence operations worldwide
is a challenging, necessary and important mission.

As noted in Richard Deacon's History of British Intelligence:
"A great power without an efficient intelligence service is doomed; that
has been the lesson from the heyday of Troy to the present."

To all who support AFIO's objectives we extend an invitation to join us.
We invite your membership, support and participation. Included in
membership are the AFIO publications: Periscope, Intelligencer, for
those with email, the Weekly Intelligence Notes (WIN's), and the AFIO
web site.
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] AFIO Weekly Intelligence Notes #21-99, 28 May 1999

1999-09-01 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

from:">AFIO | Weekly
Intelligence Notes
Latest issue that is online.
AFIO Weekly Intelligence Notes #21-99, 28 May 1999

This WIN prepared by John Macartney ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

WINs are normally produced by Roy Jonkers, AFIO Executive Director, who
is hiking in France and will be out of the office until mid-June.

Contributions by members are invited.

AFIO LUNCHEON at Fort Myer, Va., 14 June 99. The Hon. LAWRENCE
EAGLEBURGER, former Secretary of State and former Ambassador to
Yugoslavia will talk about the Balkan situation. AFIO members and
guests, $26. Others $29. Make out check to "AFIO" and send with note
including name, address, tel/email info, to AFIO, 6723 Whittier Ave,
McLean, Va 22101-4533. We expect a full house.


the Cox Report finally was released on May 25. Although there were no
new bombshells, there is more detail and the whole controversy has been
reinvigorated. There have already been calls for the resignations of
Sandy Berger, the President's National Security Advisor, and Janet Reno,
the Attorney General. (See item below about Berger.) Except for an item
in the appendix that criticizes the CIA for warning industry that
Congress was going to be questioning them (see 2nd item below), there is
not much criticism of the Intelligence Community. The FBI and the Energy
Dept counter- intelligence office did their jobs -- failures were mostly
in top management at the National Labs, the Energy Dept, Justice and the
White House. Congress will hold still more hearings and the scandal will
be used against VP Gore's presidential campaign and also by those who
would like to throttle back US-China relations and trade.

SANDY BERGER. The May 16 Washington Post had the best analysis I have
seen on how the Clinton Administration makes foreign policy. The focus
was on Sandy Berger, President Clinton's White House based National
Security Adviser. Basically, it said that Berger and his deputy, Jim
Steinberg, are the dominant policy makers, eclipsing SecState Madeleine
Albright and SecDef William Cohen. Berger chairs the NSC Principals
Committee which meets, on average, once a week, while Steinberg chairs
the NSC Deputies Committee, which meets daily, often four times a day.
SecState Albright and SecDef Cohen are powerful, too, of course, but,
according to the Post do not have as much influence as Berger and
Steinberg. Albright, Berger & Cohen, the so called "ABC Club," meet for
breakfast and lunch weekly. Finally, the Post said, Berger, who sees
foreign policy issues primarily in term of US domestic politics, is
closest to Clinton. Meanwhile, a Willam Safire op-ed piece in the NY
Times (5/17) reports that Congress is so incensed at Berger's NSC "spin
machine" that there have been threats to zero out the budget of the
White House NSC staff.

CIA CRITICISM IN COX REPORT. AFIO member Richard Cummings noted that
this section in the Appendix of the Cox report is worth reading. Quote:
"CIA and Hughes. The Select Committee's attempts to investigate
allegations made by a CIA analyst were made more difficult by certain
actions of the CIA. The analyst had alleged that, while visiting Hughes
in 1995, he had come across information indicating that technical data
had been improperly passed by Hughes to the PRC in connection with the
1995 failure investigation, and that the CIA had ignored his request for
a formal report to CIA Headquarters to that effect. As part of its
investigation of Hughes' conduct in 1995, the Select Committee had
previously determined that it should interview several of the Hughes
employees from whom the CIA analyst said he had obtained his information
since they were known to have played a part in the failure
investigation. "Because the CIA analyst could not remember the names of
the Hughes employees with whom he had spoken, the Select Committee asked
the CIA to retrieve the information from its files. The CIA did so, but
also, without the prior knowledge of the Select Committee, advised
Hughes not only that the Select Committee might seek to interview these
employees, but also of the lines of questioning that the Select
Committee probably would pursue. The Select Committee was concerned that
this notification may have inadvertently given Hughes the opportunity to
destroy relevant evidence and allowed its employees to be less than
candid. The Select Committee considered this action by CIA to be
ill-advised and an impedim

[CTRL] AFIO | Book Reviews

1999-09-01 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

from:">AFIO | Book
Book Reviews

Search the Book Review Section

Enter a word(s) or phrase(s) to search only the Book Reviews section. If
you would like to search the entire AFIO web site, go to the Search

Terms for which to Search:

STASI: The Untold Story of the East German Secret Police, by John O.
Koehler, 480 pages, Westview Press 1999, ISBN 0-8133-3409-8.

Full Review - Reviewed in AFIO Weekly Intelligence Notes #05-99, 3 Feb.

Silent Running: My Years on a World War II Attack Submarine, by James F.
Calvert (VADM, USN ret), John Wiley & Sons, New York NY, 282 pages,

Full Review - Reviewed in AFIO Weekly Intelligence Notes #05-99, 3 Feb.

The New Face of War, by Robert Chandler (Colonel, USAF ret), AMCODA
Press, McLean Virginia, 465 pages, $33.00.

Full Review - Reviewed in AFIO Weekly Intelligence Notes #05-99, 3 Feb.

The Year of the Rat: How Bill Clinton Compromised US Security for
Chinese Cash, by Edward Timperlake and William Triplett, Regenery.

Full Review - Reviewed in AFIO Weekly Intelligence Notes #04-99, 24
January 1999

The Haunted Wood: Soviet Espionage in America - The Stalin Era, by Allen
Weinstein and Alexander Vassilev, Random House.

Full Review - Reviewed in AFIO Weekly Intelligence Notes #04-99, 24
January 1999

THE GRAND STRATEGY OF PHILIP II, by Geoffrey Parker, Yale University
Press 1999.

Full Review - Reviewed in AFIO Weekly Intelligence Notes #03-99, 20
January 1999

Lost Crusade: America's Secret Cambodian Mercenaries, by Peter Scott,
United States Naval Institute, Annapolis, Maryland, 1998; ISBN

Full Review - Reviewed in AFIO Weekly Intelligence Notes - 12 January

Israeli Bomb, Avner Cohen, Israel and the Bomb, Columbia U Press, 1998.

Full Review - Reviewed in AFIO Weekly Intelligence Notes - 04 January

Top Secret Intranet, by Frederick Thomas Martin, 1998.

Full Review - Reviewed in AFIO Weekly Intelligence Notes - 12 January

Spymasters: Ten CIA Officers in Their Own Words, ed. by Ralph E. Weber,
Scholarly Resources, Inc., Wilmington, DE., 1999, ISBN 0-8420-2715-7

Full Review - Reviewed in AFIO Weekly Intelligence Notes - 12 January

About AFIO | Chapters & Chapter Activities | Membership | Corporate |
Weekly Intelligence Notes | Event Schedule | Bulletin Board | Book
Reviews | Search | Other Intel Sites | Home Page

AFIO Central Office
6723 Whittier Avenue, Suite 303A, McLean, Virginia 22101-4533
Telephone: 703 790 0320 | Facsimile: 703 790 0264
Book Review

Top Secret Intranet, by Frederick Thomas Martin, 1998.

A top secret, secure network across the intelligence community, called
Intelink, has revolutionized the dissemination of U.S. intelligence in
recent years. The author, a former NSA official, tells how the 13
intelligence agencies have gone from zealously guarding their own
secrets to sharing many of them over "the world's largest, most secure
network." Started in late 1994, Intelink is now used regularly by 50,000
analysts, operatives, military officers and policymakers with top secret
security clearances at 100 different sites. Reportedly, they can access
the latest satellite imagery from NIMA, search the network for
communications intercepts from NSA, and chat electronically with other

The searchable universe of Intellink consists of 440,000 electronic
pages, which makes it a very large site by commercial standards.
Intelink's operations center is housed at NSA, and all terminal are
located inside top-secret government facilities. Only commercially
available software was used in creating the net. Traffic on the net is
highly encrypted.

The intelligence agencies on the Intelink maintain their own internal
intranets separated by firewalls from Intelink, leaving Intelink largely
for "finished intelligence." At DIA the daily intelligence brief
presented every morning to the Joint Chiefs, is now available to
military commanders all over the world via Intelink within 15 minutes.

The Intelink has forc


1999-09-01 Thread Kris Millegan

 As Mae Brussell once remarked, "they pick the presidents 20 years ahead."

The 'thing' that always gets me, is ya dig deep enough into this sh*t and
some F%^&*(#
general or some other hoodwinked stooge will pop up and say, "well,  its
better that we do it than some one else."

The national security state is looking to bite your ass.

From: Brian Downing Quig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Arizona leads the nation in narcotics trafficking.  The Qualye owned ARIZONA
REPUBLIC monopoly newspaper makes it seem like no problem at all.  I did not even
bother to post the $2 billion Phoenix cocaine bust early this year or the murder
of a federal judge in Tucson.  I have been trying to point out the FBI activity
going on here under Weldon Kenndey who became
OKC bombing chief investigator after his time as FBI SAC in Arizona.

For over one hundred years Shull and Bones has selected U.S. presidents.  Baby
Bush has double blood since both George and Barbara Bush are descended from
Alfonso Taft, the founder of Skull and Bones.  Is it not empty to discuss
presidential politics in any other terms?

Brian Downing Quig


> In a message dated 8/31/99 10:24:44 AM, you wrote:
> >Actually this is the page I meant to send last e-mail
> >regarding the New England opium cartel and the Skull and
> >Bones.  Sorry.
> >
> >brian quig
>  Brian, Great to have you onboard CIA-Drugs, I have always enjoyed your web
> site.
> Is there any new news on the temple murders, heroin and such. From what I
> read, Arizonia is an interesting place.
> Having been looking into Skull and Bones for many year, please let me  point
> out the few inacuracies in your fine piece.
> It is William Hunington Russell not Harrison.
> The Russel Trust Association wasn't formed until 1856.
> Richard(Dick) Bissel  is not a member. He went to Yale and is the member of
> one of the other  senior secret societies there, which one escapes my noodle
> at the moment.
> The Russell and Company flag was officially not the Skull and Crossbones and
> I have seen no printed reports in the opium trade books to suggest  so. Their
> flag  was blue and white and was two opposing blue triangles and two opposing
> white trianles to form and X on its side. Check out the Opium Clippers by
> Basil Lubbock(1933)
> W. H. Taft was Collector of Internal Revenue for the First District(Ohio)
> 1881-1883
> --- ONElist Sponsor 
> ATTENTION ONElist MEMBERS! Are you getting your ONElist news?
> If not, join our MEMBER NEWSLETTER here:
> ">Click Here

--- ONElist Sponsor 

Show your ONElist SPIRIT! ">Click Here
With a new ONElist SHIRT available through our website.

[CTRL] Fwd: *NewsHawk eGroups, New eMail Accounts Shut Down

1999-09-01 Thread Kris Millegan

As always, . . .

NewsHawk eGroups, New eMail Accounts Shut Down
"AmeriKa" In All-out Decline

Yes, it's true. In a frightening indication of just how far the
subversion and deterioration of democracy,  freedom of speech (We're
trying not to laugh) and civil/human rights has progressed in modern-day
Clinton/Bush AmeriKa, NewsHawk's "eGroups" site and our newest email
accounts have been hacked into and disabled.

Said conditions are extant as of approximately 8 PM PDT, August 31, 1999.

The NewsHawk eGroups site is LOCKED and BLOCKED--we been absolutely
unable to post any additional material as of about 8 PM PDT, August 31.
At least as of now, previously posted material can be read and will
remain posted.

Bob Anderson's email account, [EMAIL PROTECTED] and mine,
[EMAIL PROTECTED] were hacked, ransacked and disabled at this same time.

As of TODAY, Sept. 1, NewsHawk will NO LONGER use the eGroups
system/method for disseminating our articles, bulletins, updates,
forwards and other information. We will instead revert to emailing
material DIRECTLY to our mailing list, as we have done previously.

As minor and small-time as NewsHawk definitely IS on the overall scale
of things, the FACT of such astoundingly persistent and unilateral
HARASSMENT directed at our efforts to bring to public attention the
TRUTH about crucial issues of our time bodes extremely ILL for the state
of FREEDOM in the United States right now.

NO ONE who is aware of these facts--least of all anyone associated with
NewsHawk, can allow themselves the luxury of pretending that everything
is presently just fine and dandy in our nation, when such malignant and
malicious harassment and interference is being directed against such a
relatively insignificant enterprise as NewsHawk by agents of the federal government.

Think about it. And THEN think about how long one would wish to remain
in country where the state of human freedom is in such severe, and
accelerating decline.

By the way; do NOT respond to the email address this email was sent
from. We will shortly advise on how to contact us.

John Quinn, Bob Anderson
NewsHawk Inc.

[CTRL] Skeptic News - Wednesday #1

1999-09-01 Thread ric carter

 -Caveat Lector-

SkeptiNews 990901a - - - - - - - - - - - All The News That's Fit To Question

: Passages starting with ':' are editorial comments to provoke discussion.
: Nothing contained herein is ever endorsed for truth, accuracy or meaning.
: No dieters were driven to suicide during the production of this bulletin.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Old Bones, New Connections - A newfound fossil has scientists rethinking
  early hominoid evolution. (SciAm) Back in the Middle Miocene era some 16
  to 11 million years ago, Earth was planet of the apes. Indeed, so many
  different hominoids roamed Africa, Europe and Asia then that scientists
  have had a hard time figuring out from which of these creatures we - and
  our cousins, the modern apes - are descended. But a recent find, an
  astonishingly well-preserved partial skeleton from north central Kenya,
  is helping them prune earlier renditions our hairy evolutionary tree.

: Are you hominid? Would you rather be descended from protohumans, reptiles,
gelatinous aliens, demons/deities? What fossil records do demons/gods leave?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

@ Fastband Globalcast a cover? According to info obtained through a contact
  at another one of those hush-hush government agencies, the acronym, FBGC,
  would better describe Federation of Biological and Galactic Containment.
  What am I talking about?

@ RODS - Flying Crystals. What are rods? Honestly, I'm not sure what they
  are. I wish they had been described in more detail. I don't think I've
  ever seen them, but I've seen something else.  I have no name for them,
  but I've met one other person who knows someone who has seen them. That
  person called them the "flying crystals."

: Do mysterious flying objects contain us on our planet? Are we quarantined?
Are odd visuals merely artifacts of mind-control programs? How can you tell?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Suicide link to cholesterol. (BBC) People with low cholesterol levels are
  more prone to suicide and depression. Butter up those fried eggs & bacon:

# And: Cholesterol linked to dangerous behaviour:
# Low cholesterol linked to depression:
# Cholesterol danger from binge exercising:

: Do you prefer depression, suicide or heart disease? Do the voices in your
head direct your dietary habits? Are you fat enough for the ETs to harvest??
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# 'French Paradox' a health myth. BARCELONA (UPI) The so-called "French
  Paradox" a lower incidence of heart disease despite typical Western
  risk factors for disease might just be an error, stemming from a fluke
  in health reporting. Many more French men die from alcohol-related
  causes before they have the opportunity to die of heart disease.

: Do you maintain/improve your health with vegetarianism, carnivorism, drugs
or alcohol, spiritism, magic rays, alien implants, biofeedback, kryptonite?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Solar Activity Heats Up - coronal mass ejection may spur auroral displays.
  (NASA) Saturday's major solar flare was accompanied by a coronal mass ej-
  ection (CME). The CME was not aimed directly at Earth and experts predict
  that most of the mass will pass south of Earth's orbital plane. But there
  is a chance that the outer edges of the disturbance will collide with our
  planet's magnetosphere. There is no danger to satellites, power grids, or
  people, but there could be isolated episodes of intense auroral activity.
  Here it comes:

# And: Surfing Magnetic Waves in Solar Atmosphere - How the Solar Wind Gets
  Up to Speed:
# Solar Flares Show Their True Colors - Research shows common mechanism for
  flare spectra:
# "Cool" microflares are solar hot spots? Secret of coronal heating may be
  tiny blasts:
# Finding the smoking gun before it fires - a new tool for predicting solar

: When will Earth life be zapped by a CME? Will ET lenses focus/divert the
radiation & charged particles? Can we focus CMEs to destroy alien bases??
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Astronomers baffled over mysterious space light. (AP) A mysterious celes-
  tial object found 3 years ago is baffling scientists unsure of its makeup
  or how far it is from Earth.

# Clearing Up a Cosmic Mystery: It's a Quasar. (TIME) A puzzling star turns

Re: [CTRL] Conspiracy authors and Biases?

1999-09-01 Thread ASu2431426

 -Caveat Lector-

I am glad you put the question mark after Pro-British?,

I left England in 1952 (thats almost half a century ago) I was disgusted with
socialism.  I have been a US citizen since 196l.   Before I left England I
was told in no uncertain terms that I was going to be blacklisted  Hardly a
background to be pro-British  !!..

There is not one scrap of evidence to support the statement.   It is the kind
of rumor that gets floated around by people with nothing better to do than
A little thought would suggest that someone who is anti-imperialist would
hardly favor a country with Britains notorious imperialist history.

I am pro-freedom, pro-the individual and anti-statist, whatever the name of
the state.
And I fully admit to these biases.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:

To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:


[CTRL] FWD: Land: off limits to humans

1999-09-01 Thread Kat

 -Caveat Lector-


Land: off limits to humans
By Henry Lamb
© 1999
Suppose half the land in the United States were suddenly declared
"off limits" to people, and most of the remaining half were managed
by government agencies to assure that the needs of "non-human
populations" were given priority over the needs of humans. Grounds
for another civil war?
Had the transformation been declared suddenly, and publicly, there
would undoubtedly be a public uprising of civil war proportions. The
transformers are far too smart for that. Instead, the transformation
plan is buried in tons of boring bureaucratic bunk that rarely
catches a reporter's eye. Nevertheless, government agencies are
quietly going about the task of taking control of every square inch
of American soil in order to convert "at least half" of the lower 48
into wilderness, while managing most of the remaining half for
"conservation objectives," forcing the people into so-called
"sustainable communities."
This plan was first published in the United States in 1992 by Dave
Foreman, co-founder of Earth First! and now a director of the Sierra
Club. Even though the plan was written by Dr. Reed Noss, and
funded by The Nature Conservancy and the Audubon Society, no
one took it very seriously. After all, who could take seriously the
idea of locking up half the country beyond the reach of people?
The Department of Interior took it seriously, as did the
Environmental Protection Agency. Both federal agencies, under the
direct instruction of Al Gore, changed dramatically their policies
relating to land management. Both agencies adopted the idea that
human beings were to be considered a "biological resource," and
that ecosystem protection would be elevated to the same priority
level as "human health."
The United Nations took it seriously. Foreman's plan is named
specifically, as "central" to the biodiversity protection scheme
required by the Convention on Biological Diversity, in an official
U.N. publication entitled, Global Biodiversity Assessment. Sadly,
private landowners are now taking the plan seriously, even though
they have no idea that the plan even exists. In South Florida, Jared
Figley is being pressured by a state agency to leave the land his
family has ranched for four generations. In Pennsylvania, Bob
Learzaf's land, purchased by his great-grand-uncle in 1923, is
being taken from him by the feds -- without compensation. From
one end of the country to the other, people are being squeezed off
their land under some pretense of protecting the environment.
What we are now just beginning to see is hardly the tip of the
iceberg. Dozens of federal programs have been launched to
implement Foreman's plan incrementally. The U.S. Man and the
Biosphere Program (USMAB) is working to expand 47 U.N.
Biosphere Reserves in the United States, each of which consists of
wilderness areas, "managed" areas, and "zones of transition,"
which are used to continually expand the area under government
Al Gore's Clean Water Initiative, and Clinton's Land Legacy
Initiative, are both designed to extend federal jurisdiction over
private land in the name of protecting the environment. At the same
time, the President's Council on Sustainable Development is
waging war on urban sprawl by promoting "visioning councils" to
transform American cities into "sustainable communities." Without
any public announcement, without any congressional debate, and
certainly without the consent of the governed, the federal
government is transforming America to conform to the plan
Foreman published in 1992.
"No," say the feds, "we're just trying to protect the environment."
That's the same "feds" who for six years denied using pyrotechnics
at Waco, led by the chief fed who "... did not have sex with that
Many, if not most, of the state and federal field workers have no
idea that the policies they are implementing are even related to a
grand plan to transform America. They are just doing as they are
told, often defending the integrity of their agency, while being used
by their superiors to subvert the very foundations of American
Private property rights are constantly under attack as the major
obstacle to "institutional environmental management." Property
rights advocates are also attacked as "anti-environment" activists.
Private owners are, by far, the best caretakers of the land. The
problem is, private owners may not care for their land in the same
way that the government thinks it should be cared for. By bringing
the awesome power of government to bear on landowners
individually, through its myriad programs, the government is
succeeding in transforming America. Should private landowners
wake up, and realize that what's happening to their neighbors will
soon be happening to them, there may well be an uprising.

Henry Lamb is the executive vice president of t

[CTRL] the end for disordered personalities

1999-09-01 Thread Andrew Hennessey

 -Caveat Lector-

Scottish parliament are today in process of revising the mental health act
in Scotland to make sure - they say - convicted insane criminals cannot
walk free from secure hospitals under a legal loophole which will free them
because they are untreatable  actually a good idea, but,
the emergency revision of the mental health act also includes one or two
other outrageous new alterations which means that the New definition of
Mental Illness, incorporates people with 'Personality Disorders' ...
Various Parliamentarians interviewed on TV were at a loss to define what
was meant by a Personality Disorder [and these are the people who would be
voting it through with full approval] - although someone must know
somewhere - however the consequences of being 'detained for having a
personality disorder' is that that detention could theoretically be
'indefinite' ...
and most of us on this list are away exactly how totalitarian regimes can
interpret these theories 

Andrew Hennessey
Death Star UK

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:

To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:


[CTRL] Scientific "Heresy"

1999-09-01 Thread Bob Stokes

 -Caveat Lector-

The Wanderer
August 26, 1999

Scientific "Heresy"
by Joseph Sobran

Science took it on the chin this week, and liberals are howling. The Kansas
state board of education has dropped the requirement that the theory of
evolution be taught in public schools. Even such "conservative" pundits as
George Will, Charles Krauthammer, and Mona Charen have deplored the board's
decision as benighted. Time magazine has already devoted a cover story to
reaffirming Darwinism.

Not that Kansas has banned Darwin; only that other views of human origins
may be discussed in its schools, including so-called creationist theories.
Aren't we all in favor of "diversity" in education? Not when it comes to the
sacred doctrine of Darwinism!

In other words, Darwinism has hitherto enjoyed the status of an established
religion. It has been taught as dogma to children in public schools who are
incapable of assessing it for themselves.

It would be one thing if children were taught the scientific method and
shown how it applies to biology. But they are not taught a method; they are
taught a conclusion. And the conclusion, not the scientific method, is what
stays with them after they leave school. This conclusion is presented as
beyond rational doubt, contradicts religious teachings of man's origin, and
smuggles into young minds a philosophy of atheistic

Even at its own level, Darwinism involves serious difficulties. The fossil
record provides little evidence of the intermediate species that must have
abounded if evolution occurred over millions of years. Some organs would
have been useless until they were fully developed, and until then would have
been hindrances to survival for eons; how did they persist until they
happened to become - by blind chance, mind you - functional? And why don't
we see around us, even now, animals (or humans) in the process of evolving,
with half-developed organs that serve no visible purpose now but may become
advantageous in a million years or so?

Did evolution cease when it realized its work was accomplished? Why doesn't
the fossil record abound in prehistoric animals with dysfunctional organs
and limbs that proved fatal to their continued existence? Why should blind
chance produce only perfectly adapted species?

The Darwinians may have answers to such questions, but they are likely to be
too abstruse for high school students. So most students will have to take
the Darwinian theory on faith.

Philip Johnson, a leading anti-Darwinian thinker, writes in The Wall Street
Journal: "A Chinese paleontologist lectures around the world saying recent
fossil finds in his country are inconsistent with the Darwinian theory of
evolution When this conclusion upsets American scientists, he wryly
comments: 'In my country we can criticize Darwin but not the government. In
America you can criticize the government but not Darwin.'" Or is Darwinism
actually the foundation of modern government?

Johnson goes on: "All the most prominent Darwinists proclaim naturalistic
philosophy when they think it safe to do so. Carl Sagan had nothing but
contempt for those who deny that humans and all other species 'arose by
blind physical and chemical forces over eons from slime.' Richard Dawkins
exults that Darwin 'made it possible to be an intellectually fulfilled
atheist.'" Darwin himself hated Christianity.

He thought he'd destroyed any rational basis for Christian belief. Marx
heartily approved of Darwin, whose theory he believed supported his own
notion that human history was evolving, Godlessly, toward Communism.

Atheists love Darwinism, but - in public, at least - Darwinists try to
mollify religious people by insisting that the doctrine has no negative
implications for religion. Science has its sphere, they say, but so does
religion. Stephen Jay Gould, for one, professes his "abiding respect for
religious traditions," which seems to mean only that he thinks some of the
moral rules promulgated by the great religions are acceptable, though in the
end these rules have no divine authority and are no more than human
preferences, some of which he happens to share.

And many religious people try to reconcile science and religion by surmising
that evolution itself could have been God's mode of creation, at least up to
a point (the infusion of the immortal soul, for example).

Just as Our Lord speaks in parables, which aren't intended as factual
histories of prodigal sons and foolish virgins, the Old Testament may
sometimes speak in figurative stories that aren't to be interpreted
literally. A rational man may even reject both religion and Darwinism as
unsatisfactory accounts of human origins.

But Darwinism serves the purposes of those who want to discredit
Christianity and impose secular humanism as an official quasi-religion.
That's why so many liberals who know little of science want evolution shoved
down kids' throats, no matter what their parents want. The issue is not just
science versus religion, b


1999-09-01 Thread Kris Millegan

From: Brian Downing Quig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

On Aug. 10th the ARIZONA REPUBLIC ran an article on the ten year anniversary of
the murder of 9 Buddhists in a temple on the West side of Phoenix, 1990.  No
mention was made of any ambiguities in the case
or suggestion of the out and out framing of three innocent teenagers.  People in
Phoenix seem content with the way things are.

On the research front there are big things happening.  I never wrote that the
murders of the 9 Buddhists and the murder of Danny C. were only hours apart on
the same day. I could not find a connection.   I was directed to a passage in an
underground script called FULL CIRCLE which mentioned Danny C. being on to a "big
heroin sting in California."  That sounds like the $2.5 billion heroin bust in
Hayward Ca. just 3 weeks before --- that also related to the note found in the
temple.Check out the note left by the dead monks in the temple

On my index page I state that the site examines the dynamics of the most heinous
drug crime of the century.  If you peruse my site you will notice the prominent
drug writers cited as direct sources --- of which has even suggested a heinous
drug crime that compares with the Temple Murders.  Can others suggest worse drug
crimes in America?

Brian Downing Quig


> In a message dated 8/31/99 10:24:44 AM, you wrote:
> >Actually this is the page I meant to send last e-mail
> >regarding the New England opium cartel and the Skull and
> >Bones.  Sorry.
> >
> >brian quig
>  Brian, Great to have you onboard CIA-Drugs, I have always enjoyed your web
> site.
> Is there any new news on the temple murders, heroin and such. From what I
> read, Arizonia is an interesting place.
> Having been looking into Skull and Bones for many year, please let me  point
> out the few inacuracies in your fine piece.
> It is William Hunington Russell not Harrison.
> The Russel Trust Association wasn't formed until 1856.
> Richard(Dick) Bissel  is not a member. He went to Yale and is the member of
> one of the other  senior secret societies there, which one escapes my noodle
> at the moment.
> The Russell and Company flag was officially not the Skull and Crossbones and
> I have seen no printed reports in the opium trade books to suggest  so. Their
> flag  was blue and white and was two opposing blue triangles and two opposing
> white trianles to form and X on its side. Check out the Opium Clippers by
> Basil Lubbock(1933)
> W. H. Taft was Collector of Internal Revenue for the First District(Ohio)
> 1881-1883
> --- ONElist Sponsor 
> ATTENTION ONElist MEMBERS! Are you getting your ONElist news?
> If not, join our MEMBER NEWSLETTER here:
> ">Click Here

--- ONElist Sponsor 

ONElist:  home to the world's liveliest email communities.

[CTRL] Another random shooting...or is it?

1999-09-01 Thread Robert Tatman

 -Caveat Lector-

"Traub is a high school dropout who neighbors said often wore a trench coat
and combat boots and who wandered the streets mumbling to himself. ... 'He was
really weird,' [a neighbor] said. 'I'd often see him talking to himself or
sometimes to his car. It was like he was petting a dog. He would talk to his
car and pet it and say, "OK, car, I know you're really dirty, but I'll wash
you in a little while."'"

The Philadelphia Inquirer, September 1, 1999

Woman killed outside market
Bucks mother of two shot while grocery shopping

 Murder suspect Donald Anthony Traub laughs at reporters
while being taken into custody. Authorities said he shot Karen Lee Hordis
three times at close range. (John Slavin/Inquirer Suburban Staff)

In what authorities said was a random killing, a 42-year-old mother of two was
shot to death yesterday morning as she loaded groceries into her station wagon
at a busy Warminster supermarket.

Karen Lee Hordis of Ivyland was killed by a man who got out of an adjacent
car, shot her twice at close range with a handgun, then leaned over her body
and shot her again, authorities said. Authorities said Hordis died almost
instantly as horrified shoppers watched.

"She was shot because she was there," Bucks County District Attorney Alan M.
Rubenstein said yesterday. "That's what makes this killing especially

Minutes later, after a short chase, police arrested Donald Anthony Traub, 23,
of Willow Grove, and charged him with the slaying. Rubenstein said that after
the killing, authorities designated Traub as the suspect in two other random
shootings in Warminster and Horsham last year that he described then as the
work of a "psychopathic sniper."

"We do believe that he is the one who committed those other seemingly random
acts," Rubenstein said.

He said the suspect in those shootings was driving a red car similar to the
Oldsmobile Cutlass that Traub was driving when he was arrested yesterday. He
also said that Traub fit the general description of the suspect in the earlier

Traub is a high school dropout who neighbors said often wore a trench coat and
combat boots and who wandered the streets mumbling to himself.

A .38-caliber handgun, believed to be the murder weapon, was recovered from
Traub's car, authorities said, and spent shell casings were found in his front
shirt pocket. Police said the gun was not registered to Traub, and they
declined to say who held the permit. Authorities will try to match the gun to
bullets found after the earlier shootings, Rubenstein said.

The shooting yesterday happened outside the Giant supermarket on West Street
Road just after 9 a.m., while the store was bustling with shoppers - some of
whom locked themselves inside after the shots were fired.

Catherine Marshall of Ohio, who was shopping in the store, said she heard a
grocery clerk scream, " 'He's got a gun, and he's coming this way.' "

Police quickly linked Traub to the earlier shootings, which also happened in
broad daylight.

When they first approached Traub, he said: "I am the one you want. . . . I did
it," according to the probable-cause affidavit filed in the case.

Police now believe it was Traub who shot Donna Holbrook of Warminster in the
face as she got out of her car at work in Horsham in August 1998. Six days
later, the police believe, he shot Shawn Vanorder, 34, who was riding to work
on a bicycle along Street Road in Warminster. Both victims recovered.

In an interview yesterday, Vanorder said he was relieved that police had
captured Traub. "I've been scared out of my mind ever since that day," he
said. Holbrook declined to comment yesterday.

Traub, a former resident of Warminster, was charged with first-degree murder
in yesterday's shooting. He was arraigned before District Justice Charles A.
Cappuccio and held without bail.

As he left the courtroom in shackles, Traub said: "I didn't do it."

Acquaintances of Traub, who knew him when he lived with his father on Date
Street in Warminster, described him as a troubled loner.

Neighbor Heidi Hoelzle, 28, who lived next door to Traub until he moved out
two years ago, described him as a quiet young man whose odd demeanor sometimes
frightened her.

"He was really weird," she said. "I'd often see him talking to himself or
sometimes to his car. It was like he was petting a dog. He would talk to his
car and pet it and say, 'OK, car, I know you're really dirty, but I'll wash
you in a little while.' "

Down the street, Lora Enwright, 23, stood in the front yard of her mother's
house, thumbing through a 1994 William Tennent High School yearbook. She
stopped at a senior-year photo of Traub, unsmiling in a tuxedo, his hair
disheveled and combed down onto his forehead.

"He was kind of geeky and quiet. He didn't talk much," said Enwright, who rode
the bus with Traub to school each morning. "If you were nice to him, he was
nice to you, but I coul

[CTRL] CIA InfoWars

1999-09-01 Thread David Crockett Williams

 -Caveat Lector-


RALPH MCGEHEE, CIABASE: Presidential Decision Directive 68, ordered the
creation of the International Public Information system -- and said
"information aimed at the U.S. audience should be coordinated integrated,
deconflicted and synchronized with the IPI to achieve a synergistic effect"

One major role for the CIA [which is part of the system] is the creation of
false evidence to support its operations -- it refuses to share those
details with other agencies. Internally it even restricts details of such
operations using strict need-to-know and compartmentation policies. So when
it conducts many and massive deception operations those deceits inevitably
will end up in the domestic media and will shape our foreign policies. With
the creation of the IPI these stories will be disseminated world-wide and
especially domestically.

What are some types of CIA False Evidence operations? The CIA forges
documents and places them where they will be discovered and disseminated
widely. (It effectively demonizes targets even the most honorable while
glorifying sponsored "demons"). It sets off bombs, blaming them on targets.
It plants "communist" or now probably "terrorist" weapons shipments and
arranges for them to be found as it broadcasts details of such widely.

It buys foreign media and employees and book publishers, establishes
policy-making think tanks and their publications, it employs foreign radio
and television stations -- all used to disseminate its deceits.

Doctored photographs, false atrocity stories, falsely attributed scholarly
books written criticizing or blaming this or that movement or target (over
1000 titles published in one period) make up more of its arsenal of lies.
Its operations in academia sponsor or subvert thousands of domestic
academicians and untold numbers of foreign academics. It also sponsors
numerous politicians and their groups and media operations.

So this is what the American people can expect under the new IPI. To
appreciate its terrible power I recommend reading George Orwell's classic

1739 Connecticut Ave NW
Washington DC 20009
202-234-6222 Fax
Editor: Sam Smith


For a free trial subscription to both our bi-monthly hard copy edition
and our regular e-mail updates send e-mail and terrestrial address

To order "Sam Smith's Great American Political Repair Manual"
(WW Norton)  direct from

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
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Re: [CTRL] Skeptic News - Tuesday #3

1999-09-01 Thread Hilary A. Thomas

 -Caveat Lector-

> From: ric carter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: PsychoSpy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Skeptics list
Conspiracy Theory list <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Subject: [InTheShadows] Skeptic News - Tuesday #3
> Date: Wednesday, September 01, 1999 12:08 AM
> From: "ric carter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> # BLACK HOLE ATE MY PLANET. Could physicists accidentally make killer
>   holes or lethal strange matter that would swallow the Earth? At least
>   there'd be no one left to say sorry to. UH-OH, the mad scientists are
>   it again. In their determination to extract nature's secrets,
>   in America have built a machine so powerful it has raised fears that it
>   might cause The End of The World As We Know It. Would you like fries
>   that black hole, sir?

I wonder if we could arrange for it to eat only certain sections of the
planet.  I see potential here.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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Re: [CTRL] [InTheShadows] Skeptic News - Wednesday #1

1999-09-01 Thread Hilary A. Thomas

 -Caveat Lector-

> From: ric carter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: PsychoSpy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Skeptics list
Conspiracy Theory list <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Subject: [InTheShadows] Skeptic News - Wednesday #1
> Date: Wednesday, September 01, 1999 10:40 AM
> From: "ric carter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> # Suicide link to cholesterol. (BBC) People with low cholesterol levels
>   more prone to suicide and depression. Butter up those fried eggs &

I knew it!!! Man, will these conspiracies to keep us from optimal health
and the perfected BLT never stop!

> # 'French Paradox' a health myth. BARCELONA (UPI) The so-called "French
>   Paradox" a lower incidence of heart disease despite typical Western
>   risk factors for disease might just be an error, stemming from a fluke
>   in health reporting. Many more French men die from alcohol-related
>   causes before they have the opportunity to die of heart disease.
>   Merde:

We tend to think of the French diet as the rich meals consumed in Paris.
Having lived in Paris I can attest to the fact that the food there can be
very rich and um-um good.  However, the subjects in this study came from
more rural areas with a more balanced diet - if my memory servers me -
which it usually doesn't.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Skeptic News - Wednesday #2

1999-09-01 Thread ric carter

 -Caveat Lector-

SkeptiNews 990901b - - - - - - - - - - - All The News That's Fit To Question

: Passages starting with ':' are editorial comments to provoke discussion.
: Nothing contained herein is ever endorsed for truth, accuracy or meaning.
: No drunken bastards were deliberately harmed to produce this bulletin.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Future Tech: Cars Hit the Skyway. Picture this: It's a sunny Saturday in
  July. You jump into your skycar, fasten your seat belt, and turn up the
  volume - and at an easy 350 miles per hour, you're at the beach before you
  can say lickety-split. Are you ready to get behind the wheel of a skycar?

: If earthbound traffic jams are bad, will they be worse airborne? Will you
crash into plane, choppers, UFOs, skyhooks, parachutists, geese, angels, me?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

@ BOTTLE LOVERS UNITE. ADB, not to be confused with rapper ODB, strives to
  guide us through our pathetic lives with a healthy appetite and apprecia-
  tion for the bottle. Whether you're 6 sheets to the wind, a pink elephant,
  or have a brick in your hat, all drinkers are welcome. Songs, contests,
  games, and embarrassing pictures included. news:alt.drunken.bastards

: Are you a drunken bastard? Does alcohol interfere with your alien implant,
or vice versa? Have you ever seen grey aliens, pink elephant, neon snakes??
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Church Turns Over Land To Govt. YELLOWSTONE PARK. The Church Universal and
  Triumphant (CUT) has made headlines for more than a decade as a so-called
  "doomsday cult" that built bomb shelters & stockpiled weapons on its ranch
  next to Yellowstone National Park. But their image morphs as they decided
  to sell to the public - or limit development on - more than half of their
  12,000-acre ranch just beyond Yellowstone's NE boundary in Montana. CUT
  also agreed to sell the geothermal rights on the remaining ranch land to
  the U.S. Forest Service, a move Yellowstone managers say will protect the
  natural plumbing that supplies bubbling hot water to the park's famous hot
  pools and geysers.

: Does/should your doomsday cult control geothermal resources & wilderness
access? Would you voluntarily relinquish these to gov't agents? To aliens?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Cracking: Hackers turn nasty. (BBC) The hacker has evolved. The illicit
  storming of Microsoft's Hotmail service is just the latest example of a
  more mischievous form of computer code breaking. In the spotlight are
  "crackers" - computer hackers with an axe to grind.

# Also: MicroSoft Hotmail temporarily shut down:
@ Links - Microsoft statement on the Hotmail closure:
@ Crackers vs hackers:
@ Hall of Fame:

: Do you hack/crack/slash/burn? Are you a virus virtuoso? Who d'ya work for?
What are your goals? Do you have an axe to grind, an ox to gore, a score to
settle? D'ya vandalize/intrude for fun, for profit, because you're told to?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Woman summons help via e-mail - husband threatened to take her hostage:

@ Threat From the Net! Yes, there's a lot of junk on the Net. In a couple
  hours you can find out how to make bombs from household chemicals, where
  to buy illegal weapons online, recipes for more than 200 hallucinogens,
  and vast sources of hate literature. Should this material be censored?
  Is filtering software the solution? Can lawmakers stop the threat?
  Should they even try?

: Are you threatened by the Net? Do you exploit the Net for nefarious goals?
Have you obtained drugs, explosives, sex on the Net? Do you supply these??
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


# Y2K - US Readies For Possible Violence:
# Y2K - Australia Well-Prepared After Spending 12 Billion
# Y2K - The End of the World as We Know It

# Y2K - Emergency Shopping List from the White House:
# Y2K - Pilots say no to Asian Y2K flights:
# Y2K - Brazil Says Its Nuclear Power Plants Y2K Ready:

# Y2K - China's central bank shrugs off Y2K concerns:
# Y2K - How to calm your customers about Y2K:
# Y2K - Opinion

[CTRL] Italy Generals Indicted Over Mystery Plane Crash

1999-09-01 Thread Robert Tatman

 -Caveat Lector-

Italy Generals Indicted Over Mystery Plane Crash

ROME (Reuters) - An Italian magistrate Wednesday ordered nine people,
including four generals, to stand trial on charges stemming from one of
Italy's most enduring disaster mysteries -- a 1980 plane crash in which 81
people died.

In his indictment, Magistrate Rosario Priore said the nine, eight of them
serving or past members of the military or the military secret services,
should stand trial on charges including high treason and giving false

But Priore, according to excerpts of the 5,468-page indictment carried by
Italian media, said those who actually may have caused the crash remained
unknown, so he could not charge anyone with the crime of massacre.

Priore concluded that the plane, a DC-9 airliner of the now-defunct Itavia
airlines, went down over the southern island of Ustica, near Sicily, during
military activity in the area and that those indicted had tried to mislead

The generals Wednesday again rejected suggestions of a cover-up, saying they
were not aware of any military activity.

Mystery has surrounded the crash and for years there have been two conflicting
theories -- that the plane went down because of a bomb on board or was hit by
a missile intended for another plane.

Italian media have long suspected a military cover-up of the tragedy.

Media reports based on radar monitoring data released in 1997 showed that
fighter aircraft from several NATO countries were in the area on the night the
plane went down.

Those reports said NATO planes may have been following one or two Libyan MiGs
that had apparently entered Italian air space and had tried to evade detection
by flying close to the airliner.

The four air force generals ordered to stand trial were accused of abuse of
office for allegedly making misleading and incomplete statements during
several investigations into the disaster.

One of the generals, Lamberto Bartolucci, told Italian television he was happy
the case was finally going to trial because the truth would clear him.

Also indicted, were four members of various branches of the military secret
services and the former head of an air traffic control organization.

The indictment accused the generals of failing to inform the government and
judicial authorities of the possibility that there had been military activity
in the area where the plane crashed into the sea, killing all on board.

Daria Bonfietti, a leftist senator and head of an association of families of
victims of the crash, said Priore's report made it clear that "with all
probability, what had caused the plane to crash was an act of war."

She accused Italy's NATO allies of failing to cooperate fully with past
investigations and asked them to do so now.

Copyright 1999 Reuters.All rights reserved. This material may not be
published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.

Robert F. Tatman
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[CTRL] MS. Found on the Internet

1999-09-01 Thread Robert Tatman

 -Caveat Lector-

Proasiadesk Do for anything for many Months Excep the Council, most Diplomats

As you know major problem is that pressure on jakarta government does not
necessarily make its way to split military in Timor. attempting reaction after
security council consultations here and briefings in Wash. rgds el --

proRamnewseds attnWas onpass UN exHall/Singapore. Most interested again of
course in UN telling us what they intend to do if Indonesia continues to
refuse to control the Timor militias.

Also, gtfl if get chance direct question to US administration on indirect
suggestion by NZ today that non-UN "intervention" may be necessary -- are
their any military support contingency plans?

Best rgds.

rtr eth

Copyright 1999 Reuters.All rights reserved. This material may not be
published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.

Robert F. Tatman
Remove "nospam" from the address to reply.

NOTICE: In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is
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screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
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frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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[CTRL] Iran Leader Says Doubters of Islam May Face Death

1999-09-01 Thread Robert Tatman

 -Caveat Lector-

Iran Leader Says Doubters of Islam May Face Death

TEHRAN, Sept 1 (Reuters) - Iranian supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said
on Wednesday that anyone questioning basic Islamic principles could face
execution, after a newspaper advocated more liberal laws on capital punishment
in Iran.

"If anyone denies Islamic principles, including the Islamic law of
retribution, then this person is an apostate and the sentence of an apostate
is evident under Islam," state television quoted Khamenei as saying.

Islamic laws usually require that apostates be sentenced to death.

Khamenei was reacting to recent articles in the moderate daily Neshat which
advocated a more liberal interpretation of Iran's Islamic laws, saying the law
of retribution did not necessarily demand capital punishment.

"It is a clear example of inciting unrest when a newspaper doubts Islam's
fundamental principles, including the law of retribution," Khamenei added.

The articles by Neshat, an outspoken newspaper backing moderate President
Mohammad Khatami, have drawn heavy criticism from conservatives and hardliners
who accused it of anti-Islamic propaganda.

"The publication of 100 newspapers instead of 20 is not objectionable but one
cannot accept that certain persons use public resources to write things
against national interests with such malice," Iran's news agency IRNA quoted
Khamenei as saying.

He was speaking to military officials and personnel during a visit to the
northeastern province of Khorasan.

Dozens of new publications have been launched under greater press liberties
introduced by Khatami since his election in 1997. But a number of reformist
newspapers have been closed down by conservative-led courts for violating
Islamic principles.

Khamenei is widely seen to be close to conservatives who oppose Khatami's
social and political reforms, but the supreme leader often stands above
factional disputes.

Copyright 1999 Reuters.All rights reserved. This material may not be
published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.

Robert F. Tatman
Remove "nospam" from the address to reply.

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[CTRL] Anglican Bishop on Warpath Over Scottish "Heresy"

1999-09-01 Thread Robert Tatman

 -Caveat Lector-

Note: "Heresy" is technically defined as "doctrinal error stubbornly held in
defiance of ecclesiastical authority." In light of that definition, who is the
heretic here?
Anglican Bishop on Warpath Over Scottish "Heresy"

EDINBURGH, Sept 1 (Reuters) - A prominent Anglican archbishop said on
Wednesday he was boycotting a church conference in "heretical" Scotland
because of a local bishop who advocates tolerance of promiscuity and

Moses Tay, Archbishop of Southeast Asia, wrote to Britain's Archbishop of
Canterbury, George Carey, to say he would not attend the meeting of the
Anglican Consultative Council in Dundee on September 14-24.

Tay, from Singapore, wrote that Scotland was a "heretical" province and that
Bishop Richard Holloway -- head of the Episcopal Church, the Scottish branch
of Anglicanism -- held "horrendous" views.

Holloway has long urged more tolerance of sexual promiscuity, including that
of homosexuals, and prompted calls for his resignation recently by saying he
had once tried cannabis and thought it should be decriminalised.

The conflict reflects a deeper divide between more conservative, evangelical
provinces, especially in Africa and Asia, and Western branches in Britain, the
United States and elsewhere where church leaders are taking an increasingly
liberal line on sexuality and other moral issues.

Holloway, who will host the meeting, said he regretted Tay's decision but
repeated a call for the diverse and decentralised church, which has 70 million
followers worldwide, to put aside theological differences over issues like

"We are a warm and affectionate church and we contain among ourselves the
complete range of views that characterise the Anglican family. Inclusivity and
the ability not only to tolerate but to celebrate difference and disagreement
are important values for us," he said in a statement.

Copyright 1999 Reuters.All rights reserved. This material may not be
published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.

Robert F. Tatman
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[CTRL] "D" Bomb Threatens Japan

1999-09-01 Thread flw

 -Caveat Lector-

Historically, every major stock market crash is preceeded by a huge
debt bubble to go along with the stock market bubble.

Japan is now approaching a historical Debt Bubble to match
its Asset Bubble from the 1980's. The US is the mirror image of
Japan. Lower government debt but huge personal / corporate debt.

Yes, we live in interesting times.

September 1, 1999
Japan as No.1? In Debt, Maybe, at the Rate Things Have Been Going

TOKYO -- One of the striking paradoxes of Japan is that this is a country
with the greatest savers in the industrialized world, and yet everywhere
one looks there is debt.

Japanese savers are famous for their ability to salt away money for the
future, but as a nation, this country has some of the worst accounts in the
industrialized world, and its debt trajectory increasingly looks like that
of a third world country like Tanzania.

Much of the public debt, which totals about $5.4 trillion, was taken on at
the urging of the United States to stimulate growth.

But Japan's debt situation is now so precarious that as talk of new
stimulus plans heats up this fall, there are growing doubts about how long
Prime Minister Keizo Obuchi can continue to spend furiously in hopes of
reviving the economy.

"It's like trying to adjust the fire carefully so that you don't ruin the
fish," said Sadakazu Tanigaki, a Vice Minister of Finance. "The weight of
the debt is extremely large. It is obvious that we can't leave the current
situation as it is."

The dangers are difficult to gauge, and if Japan's incipient recovery gains
momentum, profits may flow in around the country and the nation's debt
problems could diminish. Indeed, despite gloom-and-doom talk from some
economists in the 1980's, the United States has transformed a budget
deficit in those days into a surplus today, while enjoying spectacular
economic growth now.

So the Clinton Administration, while concerned about Tokyo's debt, has
urged Japan to keep spending on the bet that doing so may revive the
economy and generate the cash to pay back later.

Still, Japan's debt is not only tarnishing the Government's reputation as
prudent proprietor of the world's second-largest economy. It is also
raising troubling questions that extend far beyond Japan.

"There is no end in sight to the buildup of debt," said Vincent J. Truglia,
managing director at Moody's Investors Service, which has downgraded
Japan's formerly pristine credit rating, an important sign of diminished
foreign confidence in its financial stamina.

"We're just concerned that Japan has already entered the highest levels of
debt of an industrialized country," Truglia said, "and soon will be
entering unprecedented levels."

Perhaps more important, rising debt levels will tend to lead to higher
long-term interest rates in Japan. The effects of those higher rates may
nudge up lending rates around the world, possibly threatening the economies
of Asia that are trying to climb out of a financial crisis that is now two
years old.

Higher lending rates could also ripple across the Pacific to raise business
costs in California and mortgage rates in Florida, undermining the American

"If Japan goes through a period of fiscal paralysis or outright crisis,
then it's going to have a very negative impact on global financial
stability," said David L. Asher, a specialist on Japan at the Massachusetts
Institute of Technology. "They've already broken a lot of world records for
debt management in postwar history."

The risk of a default by the Japanese Government is remote, but there are
anxieties here that rising debt levels could lead to a confidence crisis,
provoking a flight of capital and currency turmoil.

Although Japan's troubles have not hurt America so far, a sudden shift to
safe assets in the United States could send the dollar soaring in value
against the yen and hurt American exports by making them more expensive.

The debt is an astonishing contrast to Japan's reputation for thriftiness.
Japanese citizens have amassed a pool of $6.4 trillion in household
savings, which appears at least on the surface to be more than enough to
pay off the debt.

One major problem is that the domestic savings and foreign assets held by
private citizens are exactly that: private. The debt, by contrast, is held
mostly by the Government, and the Government can hardly seize the savings
of private citizens to pay it off.

The deterioration in Japan's finances has been amazingly rapid, a result of
tax cuts and spending increases that have resulted in annual budget
deficits that now amount to 10 percent of its economy -- or 13 percent, if
nationalized railroad debts are included. Even the lower figure is the
highest among the industrialized countries.

As recently as 1992 the Japanese Government's gross debt amounted to just
70 percent of its gross domestic product, a ratio only a bit higher than
that of the United States. This yea

Re: [CTRL] (Fwd) Major PROBLEM Developing

1999-09-01 Thread Dano

 -Caveat Lector-

Now wouldn't that be an intereresting turn of events?

K wrote:

> --- Forwarded message follows ---
> Presented by the Federal Election Commission
> Office Sought:   President
> Election Year:   2000
> State:   Presidential Candidate
> District:03
> Party:   DEM (Democratic Party)
> -
> --- End of forwarded message ---
> Kathleen
> "Virtue is like precious odors -- most fragrant when they are incensed
> or crushed." --Francis Bacon
> ==
> CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
> screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
> and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
> frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
> spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
> gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
> be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
> nazi's need not apply.
> Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
> Archives Available at:
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> Om

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] (Fwd) More on Hillary for prez

1999-09-01 Thread Kat

 -Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded message follows ---

Filed last night at NewsMax by Carl Limbacher:

Tuesday August 31, 6:00 PM

Federal Election Commission Lists Hillary as Presidential

Some Clintonologists like Dick Morris have doubted whether Hillary
Rodham Clinton will actually run for the Senate. After all, being just
a senator would be a step down after serving as co-president for

Newsweek had reported some years ago that White House
openly talked of 12 years for Clinton -- eight for Bill and four for

Such an idea would have been preposterous after Hillary's health
debacle. Since then, Hillary has had a metamorphosis of sorts.
even show she could run and win in New York state against a
New York mayor, Rudy Giuliani.

Just maybe, Hillary and friends are thinking once again: why not the

So Inside Cover was not surprised when we clicked on the Federal
Commission's Web site at  and typed the name
"Clinton" in
search box for reports made by candidates or by committees. Both
listed Hillary Clinton as a Senate candidate in New York. Both
searches also indicated Hillary as a candidate for the presidency in
the year 2000. Check it yourself if you don't believe us.

We called the FEC and said, "What gives?"

Yes, the FEC spokesperson told us, a committee was formed
independently of Hillary, by a group called "People for American
Leadership." One FEC form identifies the committee's treasurer as
Thomas B. McMullen. The form states the group has a bank
account at
Crestar Bank in Washington.

The FEC spokesperson said the group recently made an
application to
terminate the committee.

Still, the listing raises some intriguing scenarios.

Hillary is now a Senate candidate with plans to raise between $20
million and $30 million. She is also going through the trouble of
building a campaign staff. Under federal election law, it's perfectly
legal for a candidate for one federal office to change their mind and
run for another federal office. Hillary could decide tomorrow to run
for president, shifting her campaign war chest and putting her staff
into high gear for New Hampshire.

Of course, there is one little problem: Al Gore. Already Hillary and
Bill have trampled on Gore's fundraising network, and she has been
sapping his campaign of P.R. with her own forays into New York.
not throw him overboard altogether?

--- End of forwarded message ---

Justice is incidental to law and order.

  Powered by Pegasus Mail for Windows v. 3.02 beta 14

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
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[CTRL] a MUST visit Survey-? below[shaky must RESIGN]

1999-09-01 Thread Bard

 -Caveat Lector-

1.  Good morning, Governor. Several school districts in your state have
begun using a controversial documentary film, It's Elementary: Talking About
Gay Issues In School, as a training tool for their teachers, part of a
growing move to incorporate 'gay and lesbian issues' into school
curriculums. Both protests and praises are beginning to be heard, and it
appears the issue may become a political 'hot button' very quickly. What do
you plan to do?
 I will announce that I am in favor of such curriculum initiatives, in
order to foster tolerance and prevent violence against gay and lesbian
 I will announce that I am opposed to such curriculum initiatives,
especially at the elementary grade level, since children are too young to be
introduced to adult concepts such as homosexuality.
 I will request that instead of introducing such curriculum initiatives,
school districts should be required to create and enforce "no slur" policies
that would teach children to respect each other regardless of any
 I will not take any action, since this is an issue that should be
decided at the local school district level, and not at the state level.
 None of the above.

Folks, This is part of the
"permeation" of the homosexual agenda
in our Socity.


Visit me at:
The Center for Exposing Corruption in the Federal Government

Federal Government defined:
a benefit/subsidy protection racket!

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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
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[CTRL] FW: a MUST visit Survey-? [forgot the URL-sorry!]

1999-09-01 Thread Bard

 -Caveat Lector-
1.  Good morning, Governor. Several school districts in your state have
begun using a controversial documentary film, It's Elementary: Talking About
Gay Issues In School, as a training tool for their teachers, part of a
growing move to incorporate 'gay and lesbian issues' into school
curriculums. Both protests and praises are beginning to be heard, and it
appears the issue may become a political 'hot button' very quickly. What do
you plan to do?
 I will announce that I am in favor of such curriculum initiatives, in
order to foster tolerance and prevent violence against gay and lesbian
 I will announce that I am opposed to such curriculum initiatives,
especially at the elementary grade level, since children are too young to be
introduced to adult concepts such as homosexuality.
 I will request that instead of introducing such curriculum initiatives,
school districts should be required to create and enforce "no slur" policies
that would teach children to respect each other regardless of any
 I will not take any action, since this is an issue that should be
decided at the local school district level, and not at the state level.
 None of the above.

Folks, This is part of the
"permeation" of the homosexual agenda
in our Socity.


Visit me at:
The Center for Exposing Corruption in the Federal Government

Federal Government defined:
a benefit/subsidy protection racket!

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] a MUST visit Survey-? below[shaky must RESIGN]

1999-09-01 Thread C Davis

 -Caveat Lector-

Oh please...the homosexual agenda?

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] d.c. thugs force u.S.taxpayers to pay our Enemy $4.5mil

1999-09-01 Thread Bard

 -Caveat Lector-

September 1 1999  FAR EAST
US pays $4.5m for bombing embassy


RELATIONS between China and America yesterday took the first turn for the
better in months when the US Government announced that it has paid $4.5
million (£2.8 million) in compensation for the bombing of the Chinese
Embassy in Belgrade.
The breakthrough in the compensation talks, which started in June, could
pave the way for China's entry to the World Trade Organisation. A chill had
descended on Sino-American relations immediately after the attack four
months ago.

US bombers targeted the Belgrade embassy as part of Nato's airstrike
campaign against Serbia's engagement in Kosovo. Washington claimed that the
bombing was accidental but Beijing said that America must have known the
identity of its target. The Chinese leadership rejected America's
explanation and the official media called the attack intentional.

Three Chinese were killed and 27 injured when five guided missiles struck
the building. A US State Department official said that the compensation was
paid to "the people who were injured and the families of those killed in the
mistaken bombing of the Chinese Embassy".

The payment leaves two issues unresolved. China wants money to rebuild the
embassy and America wants compensation for damage done to its Beijing
mission during protests after the bombing. The US consul-general's home in
Chengdu was burnt down in a separate attack. The State Department instructed
its diplomats in Beijing to delay repairing the embassy until this month to
demonstrate its fury over the stoning of the building in full view of
Chinese police.

The British Embassy also sustained serious damage but was renovated quietly
over the summer.

Moscow: Russia said yesterday that it was sending back its military envoy,
General Viktor Zavarzin, to Nato headquarters in Brussels, five months after
he was withdrawn in protest at Nato's airstrikes on Yugoslavia.

Copyright 1999 Times Newspapers Ltd. This service is provided on Times
Newspapers' standard terms and conditions. To inquire about a licence to
reproduce material from The Times, visit the Syndication website.


Visit me at:
The Center for Exposing Corruption in the Federal Government

Federal Government defined:
a benefit/subsidy protection racket!

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] CIA 'may have poisoned ex-PM'

1999-09-01 Thread Hilary A. Thomas

 -Caveat Lector-

Wednesday, September 1, 1999
CIA 'may have poisoned ex-PM'
DAVID BARBER in Wellington

Former Labour prime minister Norman Kirk was remembered on the 25th
anniversary of his death in office yesterday with a claim that he may have
been poisoned by the CIA.

The president of the Labour Party, Bob Harvey, called on Prime Minister
Jenny Shipley to ask US President Bill Clinton to hand over Central
Intelligence Agency files on Kirk when they met in Auckland next month.

Mr Harvey said Kirk, who was 51 when he died of a heart attack, was
unpopular with the Americans after telling them they could not use New
Zealand as a nuclear submarine base if there was a nuclear holocaust in the
northern hemisphere.

Mr Harvey claimed the CIA had played a role in the removal from office of
Australian Labor prime minister Gough Whitlam and Kirk "may have paid the
supreme price" after challenging the US during the Cold War.

He suspected he could have been poisoned by the CIA during an overseas trip
before he became Prime Minister in 1972.

Labour Party leader Helen Clark rejected the president's claim, saying: "I
don't believe there is any substance to rumours which have circulated now
for 25 years that there was some sort of foreign involvement in Mr Kirk's

Mrs Shipley said Kirk had been loved and respected by many New Zealanders
on both sides of the political spectrum.

"It's bizarre and sad that the current president of the Labour Party is
making such extraordinary claims on a day when we should be remembering
Norm Kirk's great contribution to New Zealand," she said.

Bob Tizard, a former Labour deputy prime minister, said Kirk was a big man,
weighing 170kg at one time and had an enlarged heart which was diagnosed in
the 1940s.

He refused to slow down on becoming prime minister and died from a
progressive deterioration of his medical condition.

  Published in the South China Morning Post. Copyright © 1999. All rights

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Part of the puzzle . . .?

1999-09-01 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

An excerpt from;
The Puzzle Palace
James Bamford1982All rights reserved
ISBN 0 14 00.6748 5
Penguin Books
6. Targets

*   *  *

"I consider keeping dangerous drugs out of the United States just as
important as keeping armed enemy forces from landing in the United States ...
We are going to fight this evil with every weapon at our command." On October
24, 1969, President Nixon designated international narcotics control a
concern of U.S. foreign policy and established the White House Task Force on
Heroin Suppression. Members included representatives from the White House
staff, State Department, Treasury, Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs
(BNDD), and the Department of Defense. Also named was DCI Richard Helms, who
was instructed by the President "to contribute to the maximum extent
possible." His contribution consisted of establishing an Office of Narcotics
Coordinator under the agency's Deputy Directorate of Plans (now the Deputy
Directorate of Operations), which provided the task force with narcotics
intelligence reports and studies concerning trafficking in Turkey and
Southeast Asia, as well as any European connections between Latin American
traffickers and Turkish opium suppliers.

A second responsibility of the office was to act as liaison with other
agencies on narcotics problems. This the CIA took quite seriously, and within
a short period of time the ONC was supplying the BNDD with training, was
lending it "flash rolls" for overseas operations, and was providing it with
sensitive intelligence reports. These included 00 Reports, compiled by the
Domestic Collection Division exclusively from interviews of people who had
traveled to foreign countries; analytical reports, such as one entitled
"Cocaine Trafficking Network in Colombia"; and the Director of Operations
Narcotics Control Reports (DONCS), which were sent directly to BNDD's chief
of Strategic Intelligence.

Most important, however, the CIA, probably through its Division D, also began
conducting overseas interceptions specifically for the collection of
international narcotics intelligence. When this activity produced information
concerning the narcotics-trafficking activities of U.S. citizens, however,
the local CIA officer would reportedly bow out, surrendering his information
to his local BNDD counterpart, who would continue the investigation, most
likely with similar, NSA-supplied eavesdropping equipment.

Pleased as the Bureau was to receive the CIA's help, there was one flaw in
the arrangement. The CIA was forbidden by law from conducting eavesdropping
operations within the United States. This presented a major problem for the
BNDD, since a large portion of the traffickers it was interested in operated,
at least a large part of the time, within the United States. One particularly
frustrating case involved information it had received indicating that
arrangements for certain South American drug deals were being conducted by
telephone from a booth in New York's Grand Central Station.

Because the CIA 'Was forbidden from monitoring domestic telephone
conversations and also because, under the law, BNDD felt that it could not
tap public telephones, BNDD director John E. Ingersoll turned to an agency
that had, from its birth, never been handicapped by such mundane
considerations: the .NSA. In fact, Roy Banner, the Agency's top lawyer for
many years, had secretly helped draft the wiretap legislation contained in
the 1968 Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act, making sure to insert an
inconspicuous loophole for NSA's operations. In a July 24, 1968, memorandum,
Banner boasted of the coup, telling his director that the effect of the
NSA-added exception to the act (§2511(3)) "is to remove any doubt as to the
legality of the SIGINT and COMSEC activities of the Executive Branch of the
Government." He then added that the language of the law "precludes an
interpretation -that the prohibitions against wiretapping or electronic
surveillance techniques in other laws applies to SIGINT and COMSEC activities
of the Federal Government."

In early April 1970 an official from BNDD journeyed up to Fort Meade and met
with Deputy Director Tordella, who assured the official that NSA could handle
the bureau's request to start a watch list and even fulfill its requirement
for coverage of the public pay phones in Grand Central. On April 10, Director
Ingersoll dispatched a memorandum to Director Gayler, thanking him for
Tordella's help and attaching a general statement of his bureau Is watch list

After first establishing the fact that BNDD's "primary responsibility ... is
to enforce the laws and statutes relating to narcotic drugs, marihuana,
depressants, stimulants, and the hallucinogenic drugs," the memorandum went
on to list the bureau's requirements:

1. The BNDD has a requirement for any and all COMINT information which
reflects illicit traffic in narcotics and dangerous drugs.

Our primary interest falls in t

[CTRL] Query for Anthony Sutton

1999-09-01 Thread Anon Ymous

 -Caveat Lector-

Mr. Sutton,

In the interview Kris posted back in July, this exchange developed

KM - Do you believe that there has been suppression of technology? Has it
been major or minor?

AS - Yes there has been suppression but its going to be impossible to
suppress the new emerging paradigm.

Can you elaborate on what the "new emerging paradigm" is?

S. Lacy

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screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] God and Guns: A Biblical Perspective

1999-09-01 Thread Occupant Family

 -Caveat Lector-


Contradict NO!.. DEFINE YES!
It is my understanding that the correct language translation
of this commandment was "Thou shall not murder..."  meaning
to kill without judgement.  DID NOT GOD ORDER THE DEATH OF
Please read the Biblical account of the man who slew an Israelite, and
"strange woman" he had brought with him into the Temple, in defiance of
the law
of God.  The slayer was blessed for his act and made a leader for it!

My short term memory is shot right now or I could remember his name.

Deo Volente.

On Mon, 30 Aug 1999 01:42:19 +0100 Andrew Hennessey
>  -Caveat Lector-
> hi,
> can anyone contradict this biblical perspective ...
> thou shalt not kill 
> Andrew Hennessey

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Supreme Allied Commander Europe - General WESLEY K. CLARK

1999-09-01 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 99-09-01 10:15:27 EDT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

>General Clark is a 1966 graduate of the United States Military Academy
>at West Point, New York, where he graduated first in his class. He holds
>a degree in Philosophy, Politics and Economics from Oxford University
>where he studied as a Rhodes Scholar (August 1966-August 1968).

Rhodes Scholar, eh?

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Luke Ford- JFK Jr. A Homo

1999-09-01 Thread piper

 -Caveat Lector-

"Amazingly, the Outpost views the Absolutely Queer Kennedy poster as a
to their hunky hero. "We're not doing it because we hate him," said gay
psychiatrist Serafini, "but because we adore him, and want to claim him as
one of us.""

so now females can put up posters of males that
they wish were hetro and say that they had
been in a straight place so they have to really
be closet hetros.  Makes it seem as if the
everyone is security homosexual, which they
are not
what it does do it have the potential of making
people afraid to congregate and exchange ideas.

William Shannon wrote:

>  -Caveat Lector-
> How is JFK Jr like a penguin? Both are cute but can't fly.
> >From Luke Ford Wire Services, Ltd:
> Was JFK Jr. Bisexual? Some stories are too true to be good--which is why the
> tale of JFK Jr.’s “secret” life had to wait until Camelot’s crown jewels were
> scattered forever upon the high seas. obtained the documents
> that follow from a former supermarket-tabloid operative who was a visible
> presence--with at least one bylined JFK Jr. story to his credit--on the
> early-Nineties JFK Jr. newsbeat. It is’s postition that these
> remembrances of JFK Jr. adhere to enough principles of contemporary
> journalism--as practiced in, say, New York Magazine’s “Intelligencer”
> column--to warrant publication...if only as a colorful artifact of a vanished
> era. John-John, we hardly knew ye!
> According to George Wayne, a longtime columnist, photographer and nightlife
> arbiter elegantiae of Paper magazine and Vanity Fair, "John Kennedy Jr is one
> of the most gender-confused personalities of our time. His bisexuality is
> legendary in nightlife circles up and down the Eastern seaboard, in
> Manhattan, in the Hamptons, on Cape Cod. The only reason this fact has never
> come out in the media is because there are other reputations at stake besides
> John's. These scenes are heavily populated by other switch-hitters like John,
> who also come from prominent families and occupy positions of power and
> influence. It's a social climate where everybody's got something to hide. You
> know what they say about Catholic boys who get sent away to expensive
> boarding schools? Well, it's all true. And that's why you find John in clubs
> like the Underground--last known hangout of [homosexual] Malcolm Forbes--and
> Rex, where the scenes are awash in erotic ambiguity. The press is always
> speculating that John likes these places because that's where the fashion
> models and covergirls are. But it's a cardinal rule of nightclubs that
> whereever you find models, you'll also find gay men. You do the math. I
> happen to know for a fact that John had a three-way orgy with two friends of
> mine--a bisexual man and woman ---in the Hamptons two years ago. No, I'm not
> going to give you their names. But I was told that John had sex with both the
> woman and the man, although, in the case of the man, John just kind of lay
> back and let the man service him. It's no lie."
> January 8, 1991
> Gay terrorists are threatening to accuse John Kennedy Jr. of being a
> homosexual in a shocking campaign that has already targeted such allegedly
> homosexual celebrities as Merv Griffin, John Travolta, Tom Selleck and Jodi
> Foster. A shadowy group of gay guerrillas known as "Outpost" are plastering
> New York City with posters that parody the Absolut volka advertisements,
> except that, instead of a vodka bottle, the gay ads feature celebrity
> pictures along with the words "Absolutely Queer". Within weeks, the gay
> pranksters warn, Absolutely Queer John-John Kennedy posters will be going up
> all over Manhattan.
> "John Kennedy Jr.'s homosexuality is one of New York City's best kept
> secrets," declared Dr. James Serafini, an openly gay psychiatrist who is a
> co-conspirator in the Outpost scheme. "And now we're going to share it with
> the rest of the world. Our poster campaigns against other gay celebrities
> have gotten nationwide attention, and now, whether he likes it or not,
> John-John is about to be dragged out of the closet. He'd better brace
> himself."
> New York City homosexuals are gleefully awaiting the smear campaign against
> Kennedy. Said Lou Malebta, who operates the pornographic Gay Cable Network:
> "This John-John Kennely zap has been a long time coming. It is shocking and
> insulting to the gay community that, in the midst of a deadly epidemic, a gay
> man of his power and influence would turn his back on his gay brothers and
> sisters. He has taken refuge in shame and secrecy, and now the gay community
> intends to reveal aim as the homosexual that he really is. There's nothing
> like a Kennedy story when it comes to getting results."
> Here are just a few of the astonishing charges that sources throughout the
> gay community have leveled at John-John:
> --That he frequents the same, gay nightclubs as homosexual billionaire Malcom
> Forbes.
> --

Re: [CTRL] New evidence links George Bush to Los Angeles drug operation

1999-09-01 Thread Cropolis

 -Caveat Lector-

is there  a shorter version of this?
In Love and Light
I Am Tim
Unconditional Love is attainable for all that quest for it.
-Original Message-
From: Kris Millegan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Wednesday, September 01, 1999 11:53 AM
Subject: [CTRL] New evidence links George Bush to Los Angeles drug operation

-Caveat Lector-

from:">Bush linked to Los Angeles Drug
New evidence links George Bush to Los Angeles drug operation

by Edward Spannaus

On Oct. 27, 1986, federal and local law enforcement officials executed
search warrants on more than a dozen locations connected to a major
cocaine-trafficking ring in southern California centered around Danilo
Blandon.. One of the locations raided was the home of a former Laguna
Beach police officer by the name of Ronald Lister.

Los Angeles Sheriff's Department detectives reported that when they
raided Lister's house, they found ``films of military operations in
Central America, technical manuals, information on assorted military
hardware and communications, and numerous documents indicating that drug
money was being used to purchase military equipment for Central
America.'' Documents were also found which diagrammed ``the route of
drug money out of the United States, back into the United States
purchasing weaponry for the Contras.''

An official report by one of the detectives from the 1986 raid stated:
``Mr. Lister ... told me he had dealings in South America and worked
with the CIA and added that his friends in Washington weren't going to
like what was going on. I told Mr. Lister that we were not interested in
his business in South America. Mr. Lister replied that he would call Mr.
Weekly of the CIA and report me.''

New evidence has now surfaced showing who some of Lister's ``friends in
Washington'' were, and we shall see that these ``friends'' ran all the
way up to the Office of the Vice President, at that time George Bush.
Mark Richard's tell-tale notes

Around the same time as the October 1986 drug raid, ``Mr. Weekly,''
whose full name is David Scott Weekly, became the subject of a federal
investigation opened for the purpose of prosecuting him on federal
explosives charges. According to later testimony, this investigation was
under way for some time before Weekly himself first learned about it,
which was on Dec. 21-22, 1986.

But ten days before Weekly learned that he was being targetted, Bill
Price, the U.S. Attorney in Oklahoma City handling Weekly's case, had a
telephone conversation with a top official at Justice Department
headquarters about some of the stickier aspects of the investigation.
The official to whom Price talked was Mark Richard, a Deputy Assistant
Attorney General in the Criminal Division, and the career Justice
Department official who served as the Department's liaison to the
intelligence agencies.

The question arises: What might have triggered this conversation between
Mark Richard--the DOJ's point of contact for the NSC, CIA, and military
intelligence agencies--and the Oklahoma prosecutor?

First of all, on Oct. 5, 1986, a C-123 cargo plane, flying from El
Salvador's Ilopango military air base, had been shot down over
Nicaragua. Three crewmen were killed, and the fourth, Eugene Hasenfus,
was captured by the Nicaraguan Sandinistas. This was the beginning of
the public unravelling of what became known as the ``Iran-Contra''

Then came the Oct. 27 raid in Los Angeles, after which the Los Angeles
FBI office communicated to FBI headquarters what had transpired,
including Lister's claims of involvement in arming the Contras, and his
citation of ``Mr. Weekly'' as being ``CIA'' and a ``DIA
subcontractor''--referring to the Defense Intelligence Agency. (The FBI
had already interviewed a businessman to whom Lister had bragged, on
Aug. 1, that he was involved in arming the Contras, and that his arms
deals were ``CIA approved.'')

On Nov. 10, 1986, the FBI sent a teletype to various sections of the
CIA, inquiring about Lister, Blandon, Weekly, and some others. The
inquiry, over the name of the FBI Director, asked diplomatically if any
of these individuals were ``of operational interest'' to the CIA.

FBI documents also show that a teletype was sent to FBI headquarters on
Dec. 9, followed up by a phone conversation with an FBI supervisor on
Dec. 11--the same day that Mark Richard spoke to the prosecutor in
Oklahoma City--who was at the time secretly preparing his case against
Scott Weekly.

In August 1987--less than a year later--Mark Richard was required to
give testimony in the Congressional Iran-Contra investigation. While
being interrogated about various matters in which there were allegations
of Justice Department interference in Contra-related cases, Richard was
specifically questioned about handwritten notes he had made during his
Dec. 11 conversation with prosecutor

Re: [CTRL] Luke Ford- JFK Jr. A Homo

1999-09-01 Thread piper

 -Caveat Lector-

"I know people who knew John Kennedy in prep school and grammar school. One
of his friends - in fact his best friend at Collegiate - ended up being
His name was Jason Beghe. He's a muscle man who became an actor in Italy.
stars in a lot of these low-budget spaghetti westerns, horror movies and
monster films."

I do not care if he was or not but this hypothesis
is wild.  why.  So of the best known womanizers
ended up married in commented monogamous
relationships.  Did that make then monogamous

William Shannon wrote:

>  -Caveat Lector-
> How is JFK Jr like a penguin? Both are cute but can't fly.
> >From Luke Ford Wire Services, Ltd:
> Was JFK Jr. Bisexual? Some stories are too true to be good--which is why the
> tale of JFK Jr.’s “secret” life had to wait until Camelot’s crown jewels were
> scattered forever upon the high seas. obtained the documents
> that follow from a former supermarket-tabloid operative who was a visible
> presence--with at least one bylined JFK Jr. story to his credit--on the
> early-Nineties JFK Jr. newsbeat. It is’s postition that these
> remembrances of JFK Jr. adhere to enough principles of contemporary
> journalism--as practiced in, say, New York Magazine’s “Intelligencer”
> column--to warrant publication...if only as a colorful artifact of a vanished
> era. John-John, we hardly knew ye!
> According to George Wayne, a longtime columnist, photographer and nightlife
> arbiter elegantiae of Paper magazine and Vanity Fair, "John Kennedy Jr is one
> of the most gender-confused personalities of our time. His bisexuality is
> legendary in nightlife circles up and down the Eastern seaboard, in
> Manhattan, in the Hamptons, on Cape Cod. The only reason this fact has never
> come out in the media is because there are other reputations at stake besides
> John's. These scenes are heavily populated by other switch-hitters like John,
> who also come from prominent families and occupy positions of power and
> influence. It's a social climate where everybody's got something to hide. You
> know what they say about Catholic boys who get sent away to expensive
> boarding schools? Well, it's all true. And that's why you find John in clubs
> like the Underground--last known hangout of [homosexual] Malcolm Forbes--and
> Rex, where the scenes are awash in erotic ambiguity. The press is always
> speculating that John likes these places because that's where the fashion
> models and covergirls are. But it's a cardinal rule of nightclubs that
> whereever you find models, you'll also find gay men. You do the math. I
> happen to know for a fact that John had a three-way orgy with two friends of
> mine--a bisexual man and woman ---in the Hamptons two years ago. No, I'm not
> going to give you their names. But I was told that John had sex with both the
> woman and the man, although, in the case of the man, John just kind of lay
> back and let the man service him. It's no lie."
> January 8, 1991
> Gay terrorists are threatening to accuse John Kennedy Jr. of being a
> homosexual in a shocking campaign that has already targeted such allegedly
> homosexual celebrities as Merv Griffin, John Travolta, Tom Selleck and Jodi
> Foster. A shadowy group of gay guerrillas known as "Outpost" are plastering
> New York City with posters that parody the Absolut volka advertisements,
> except that, instead of a vodka bottle, the gay ads feature celebrity
> pictures along with the words "Absolutely Queer". Within weeks, the gay
> pranksters warn, Absolutely Queer John-John Kennedy posters will be going up
> all over Manhattan.
> "John Kennedy Jr.'s homosexuality is one of New York City's best kept
> secrets," declared Dr. James Serafini, an openly gay psychiatrist who is a
> co-conspirator in the Outpost scheme. "And now we're going to share it with
> the rest of the world. Our poster campaigns against other gay celebrities
> have gotten nationwide attention, and now, whether he likes it or not,
> John-John is about to be dragged out of the closet. He'd better brace
> himself."
> New York City homosexuals are gleefully awaiting the smear campaign against
> Kennedy. Said Lou Malebta, who operates the pornographic Gay Cable Network:
> "This John-John Kennely zap has been a long time coming. It is shocking and
> insulting to the gay community that, in the midst of a deadly epidemic, a gay
> man of his power and influence would turn his back on his gay brothers and
> sisters. He has taken refuge in shame and secrecy, and now the gay community
> intends to reveal aim as the homosexual that he really is. There's nothing
> like a Kennedy story when it comes to getting results."
> Here are just a few of the astonishing charges that sources throughout the
> gay community have leveled at John-John:
> --That he frequents the same, gay nightclubs as homosexual billionaire Malcom
> Forbes.
> --That he engaged in an orgy with another man and a woman... And that 

Re: [CTRL] Our web domain blocked

1999-09-01 Thread piper

 -Caveat Lector-

your site was checked out and all you need to
do is to pay your bill.  It has been long enough
that you will have to upload your files again.

Sean McDougal wrote:

>  -Caveat Lector-
> >Reply-To: Conspiracy Theory Research List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Subject: Re: [CTRL] Our web domain blocked
> >Date: Tue, 31 Aug 1999 07:08:40 -0500
> >
> >  -Caveat Lector-
> >
> >Why couldn't a series of mirror sites be set up around the net?
> >Surely the original HTML still resides on the owners drive.
> I am sure that is possible.  Unfortunately, when something like this happens
> it throws a monkey wrench into the information disseminating process because
> regular visitors cannot simply be emailed and told where the new site is and
> the spoken of, taken over site would have to be re-hacked in order to
> redirect people.
> __
> Get Your Private, Free Email at
> ==
> CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
> screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
> and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
> frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
> spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
> gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
> be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
> nazi's need not apply.
> Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
> Archives Available at:
> To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:
> To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:
> Om

Any person can stand adversity,
The true test is to give a person power.

If you treat a relationship as if you are the only one in it, eventually you will

Atrocities happen when the people about you - start considering you surplus.
ICQ 14484977

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Query for Anthony Sutton

1999-09-01 Thread ASu2431426

 -Caveat Lector-

This is what I have been working on these last ten years.

Anomalies have been  disregarded by science.  These have accumulated.   New.
technology like cold fusion and transmutation has enormously difficult  time
to emerge because of vested interest in the status quo..

The emerging technology is a powerful spiritual technology..   Best example
is etheric weather engineering...  Biology ignores life energy and the lust
for control has taken it into genetic manipulation...which will fade away.
Biotechnology will be replaced by a life centered  biology.  Energy probably
by zero point energy from space.
This tech cannot be politically controlled..

I have a book THE VIEW FROM 4-SPACE which discusses this emerging tech.  It
is typeset but not published.  I make  it available to readers of FTIR.

Will be happy to send no charge sample issue of FTIR. Send # 10 self
addressed envelope.  to  FTIR, PO Box 164377, Sacramento Ca 95816.
Why are the Chinese so concerned with Galun Fong?  A simple system based on
chi. They know from their history the power of these spiritual systems.   It
cannot be suppressed. It comes from the individual spirit and reflects
universal truth.

If you are a conventional scientist this will be tough for you.your
textbook will only take you so far


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] God and Guns: A Biblical Perspective

1999-09-01 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 99-09-01 16:18:00 EDT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

>Please read the Biblical account of the man who slew an Israelite, and
>the "strange woman" he had brought with him into the Temple, in defiance of
>the law of God.  The slayer was blessed for his act and made a leader for it!
>My short term memory is shot right now or I could remember his name.

Phineas or Phinehas (Pinchas in Hebrew).  Hence the name of today's "Phineas
Priesthood" whose mission is to "righteously" assassinate "race-mixers" and
other persons judged "immoral" by the faux-Christian ayatollahs of the far,
far Right.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] [Re: [CTRL] God and Guns: A Biblical Perspective]

1999-09-01 Thread Robert Tatman

 -Caveat Lector-


>Phineas or Phinehas (Pinchas in Hebrew).  Hence the name of today's >"Phineas
Priesthood" whose mission is to "righteously" assassinate >"race-mixers" and
other persons judged "immoral" by the faux-Christian >ayatollahs of the far,
far Right.

Has anyone else noticed the weird similarity of the "Afrocentric" ideology
espoused by Khallid Muhammad to Christian Identity? Clips from a speech by
Muhammad have been running on NPR in which he describes blacks as "the true
Israelites..." If you look at the origins of the Nation of Islam (which
Khallid Muhammad is essentially a heretical member of), it began during the
'20s and '30s, at the same time as the British Israel movement was starting to
meld with assorted fascist and racist groups. I wonder if there is actually a
connection between Afrocentrism and British Israel/Christian Identity. The
parallels in the belief structure are striking...and ominous.

Robert F. Tatman
Remove "nospam" from the address to reply.

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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] (Fwd) Major PROBLEM Developing

1999-09-01 Thread Nurev Ind Research

 -Caveat Lector-

What the hell are you talking about?
This is a meaningless post.


C Davis wrote:
>  -Caveat Lector-
> WHAT? This woman needs to retire...
> ==
> CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
> screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
> and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
> frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
> spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
> gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
> be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
> nazi's need not apply.
> Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
> Archives Available at:
> To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:
> To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:
> Om

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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Re: [CTRL] Conspiracy authors and Biases?

1999-09-01 Thread Nurev Ind Research

 -Caveat Lector-

This is pretty good in my opinion. I wouldn't argue strongly
against any of these.

Nice job,

"Taylor, John (JH)" wrote:
>  -Caveat Lector-
> Given below is a short lis of conspriracy authors
> I put this list in terms a question to the group. what is your views and
> which authors do you recommend.
>  Author  Biases Conspiracy Views  & Beliefs
> Quality of information
> A SuttonPro British?Illuminist conspiracy   Dialectic
> conflictGood, well documented
> Rene Wormser  American patriot  Illuminist conspiracy
> Foundations/RockerfellerWell researched
> Carrol Quiggley Traditional CatholicIlluminist, anti Albion,subliminal
> anti Jewish Well researched, Historical
> E Mullins   Strong right wing   Judeo- Masonic via ruling elite
> Accurate?, poorly documented
> M Hoffman IIWhite Nationalist   Judeo- Masonic -Jews the dominant
> force   Accurate but one dimensional
> Barry Chamisch  CFR main force
> Accurate but speculative
> Bob Durjevitch  American patriot/
> Orthodox Christian  CFR /NWO elite
> Accurate -not comprehensive
> Baigent & Leigh New Age Masonic /Prier de Sion
> Pro conspiracy
> David Icke  New Age Illuminist-Alien conspiracy
> Data is tortured till confesses
> Ralph Epperson  Evangelical Christian   Masonic
> Interesting speculation
> A Chaitkin(etal)La Rouchian Brittania rules the world
> Data good, speculation terrible
> E Knuth American patriotFinancial conspiracy-
> subliminal anti Jewish  Good research
> G Griffin   Evangelical Illuminist conspiracy
> L Cuddy Evangelical Illuminist conspiracy -Jews the fall guys
> Well documented
> N Webster   New Age Judeo- Masonic
> Good Histories ?but controversial
> sources on conspiracies
> Texe Marr   Evangelical Illuminist
> Speculative
> F Springmeier   Evangelical Illuminist, subliminal anti jewish
> Speculative
> Myron Fagan Evangelical Illuminist
> Personal experience mostly
> Cdr CarrEvangelical Illuminist, anti Jewish bias
> Mixed
> Dr JosephsonPro-Jewish  Rockerfeller/Illuminist
> Good, well documented
> Avro Manhattan  Pre British Catholic conspiracy
> Well documented but one
> dimensional
> This is not by any lengths an exhaustive list. (see anti albion book list )
>  Rather to see what the team thinks of various sources and who else is
> recommended or condemmed...and please disagree
> John

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Union Corruption Update[waco stress caused Shakes]

1999-09-01 Thread Bard

 -Caveat Lector-\Politics\archive\1999

CNS: Politics Update: 3:15 ET September 1, 1999

Union Corruption Update
By National Legal and Policy Center
CNS News Analysis
31 August, 1999


Florida Boss Indicted for Embezzling $40,000

Am. Fed. of Government Employees Local 507's ex-president Diana M. Morgan
was indicted Aug. 19 on federal mail fraud charges after investigators
accused her of embezzling $40,000 worth of union dues for her personal use
from Nov. 1996 to Jan. 1999. The indictment said the boss wrote a series of
checks for $28,400 to herself and eight checks for $2,780 to her teenage
daughter. She also reportedly made $1,770 in ATM withdrawals. It also said
she used union funds to pay personal creditors, including her rent, a
personal loan and car payments. She also reportedly bought $610 worth of
Disney World tickets with a union check.

As president, Morgan had full check-signing power for accounts that held
dues for Local 507 in Riviera Beach, Fla. Morgan left her union post and her
$28,798-a-year lab technician job at a Veterans Admin. Medical Center in
Mar. Asst. U.S. Attorney Bruce Reinhart said he chose the mail fraud charge
because a suitable federal embezzlement charge didn't exist. The boss was
released on a $50,000 bond. [Sun-Sentinel & Palm Beach Post 8/20/99]


Chicago Boss and Top Cop in Business Together

Ex-U.S. Marshal for Chicago, Peter J. Wilkes, partnered with a corrupt boss
of the Laborers' Int'l Union of No. Am., John Serpico, in a company that was
bankrolled by a loan listed in a criminal racketeering suit against Serpico.
Serpico was indicted Aug. 4 for allegedly using his union muscle to get a
series of illegal bank loans. He and his codefendants, Maria Busillo, the
president of the Central States Joint Board, and Gilbert Cataldo, an
ex-Chicago housing commissioner, pled not guilty Aug. 23 to all counts.
Serpico was also named in a civil racketeering suit against the Chicago
Laborers' District Council on Aug 12.

In addition to the utter outrage of law enforcement working with a corrupt
LIUNA boss, more troubling is the fact that the U.S. Marshals Service runs
the ultra-secretive federal witness protection program, where mob informants
cooperating with the government hide from their old mob associates. U.S.
Marshals also transport jailed mobsters who are secretly cooperating with
prosecutors. Additionally outrageous is the fact that one of this company's
clients was the federal government. It ran a detention center for illegal
aliens for the U.S. Immigration & Naturalization Service. INS is a branch of
the Department of Justice.

The company, Protective Service Systems, Inc., was formed by Wilkes two
months after he resigned as U.S. Marshal on Sep. 12, 1986. At the time, he
was being investigated for entertaining a girlfriend on government money,
basing personnel decisions on sexual favors and misuse of confiscated
property. He wasn't charged.

It's unclear when they became partners, but Serpico's indictment alleges the
startup cash for PSSI came from an illegal loan secured by Serpico. The
indictment names the company, but not Wilkes, who is referred to only as
"Individual B." One of the nine loans cited in the indictment, for $195,000,
was used by PSSI to buy a building to reportedly hold illegals for INS. The
timing of their partnership raises questions about what, if any, connections
the two had while Wilkes was still a top law enforcement official. [Chicago
Sun-Times 8/16/99; Chicago Tribune 8/24/99]

Indictment: Serpico also had Mob-Linked Loans

The indictment also alleged that Serpico used one of the tainted loans to
join with reputed organized-crime figure Paul Spano to construct a West Side
apartment complex. The construction was reportedly aided by a decision by
the City of Chicago to sell the land at a reduced rate. The indictment said
Serpico obtained a $540,000 loan, with no collateral, to finance the project
from Capitol Bank & Trust Co. The complex sold last Sep. for almost $1

A few months after the City Council approved the sale of the site to Spano
in Feb. 1989, he was indicted by a federal grand jury on charges of
operating an organized crime gambling business in Cicero. He pled guilty and
served seven months in federal prison. Spano is also the subject of a
separate, current FBI investigation into another real estate transaction.
Spano wasn't charged with Serpico.

Reportedly, Serpico and a person identified as "Individual E" sought the
loan in question in Dec. 1989. Records identified Spano as the sole owner of
the property. Ex-Mayor Eugene Sawyer's (D) administration was actively
recruiting developers for the area. Records show Spano paid $30,291 for the
property and that there were no competitive bids. Records also reveal they
paid only $5.50 a square foot, about half the amount paid for similar
property at that time. T

[CTRL] recruits can falsely claim to be homo for early release [shaky must resign]

1999-09-01 Thread Bard

 -Caveat Lector-\Defense\archive\DEF199

CNS: Defense Update: 3:22 ET September 1, 1999

Homosexual Reservist Challenges 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell'
By Lawrence Morahan
CNS Staff Writer
31 August, 1999

( - Under the Pentagon's "don't ask, don't tell" policy, the
Army Reserve is conducting an informal investigation into the lifestyle of
an Arizona state legislator who champions gay rights and makes no secret of
his homosexuality.

In February, Rep. Steve May, a Republican from Phoenix and a first
lieutenant in the Army Reserves, denounced a bill proposed by his Republican
colleague Rep. Karen Johnson that would have prohibited using public money
to pay for benefits for same-sex couples.

"This legislature takes my gay tax dollars, and my gay tax dollars spend the
same as your straight tax dollars. If you're not going to treat me fairly,
don't take my money," May is quoted in press reports as saying.

May's sexual orientation has been public knowledge since he made an
unsuccessful bid for the state senate three years ago. Last November he was
elected to the state legislature.

May's outspokenness, however, forced the Army Reserves to investigate him
under the Pentagon's "don't ask, don't tell" policy.

Under this policy, which was initiated by the Clinton administration in 1993
under pressure from homosexual activists, recruiters are barred from asking
applicants about their sexual orientation, and commanders are forbidden to
investigate suspected homosexuality unless there is significant evidence of
homosexual conduct. Under the policy, homosexuals are also forbidden to
disclose their orientation in a public setting.

In its sixth year of operation, "don't ask, don't tell" has been criticized
by recruiters and homosexual activists alike. Young recruits disillusioned
with military life now can falsely claim to be homosexuals in order to be
released from the service, military personnel analysts report, while
homosexual activists are citing high expulsion figures as evidence of a
homophobic military.

Following the publication of several news articles alleging May's homosexual
lifestyle, his unit, the Phoenix-based Army Reserves 348th Transportation
Battalion, initiated an investigation into May, a spokesman for the Army
reserves told

"He was quoted in the articles as professing his open homosexuality, so the
unit commander, upon learning about those news articles, was required to
start an informal investigation to determine if he has committed any acts in
violation of military policy. The investigation began on August 7 and is
ongoing," the spokesman said.

"The Army Reserve is working to handle the issue as expeditiously as
possible, while ensuring the investigation is thorough and does justice to
any parties involved. It's in everybody's interest to get this over and done
with," he added.

At a news conference held at the Log Cabin Republicans' "Liberty for All"
conference in New York this weekend, May said his case "is a clear example
of how absurd and ridiculous this policy has become," according to a press
release by Log Cabin Republicans.

May said he wasn't subject to Defense Department regulations when he was not
on active duty, and had made the disclosures about his sexual orientation by
the time the Army called him back during a personnel shortage precipitated
by the Kosovo crisis.

Lewinsky Joins Weight Loss Plan\Defense\archive\DEF199


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] (Fwd) 1999 September FEC Data Update

1999-09-01 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded Message Follows ---

FECInfo - Public Disclosure, Inc

FECInfo has been updated with the Sept. 1 download from the FEC.

New lobby reports for the first six months of 1999 are being placed on the
site ( as they become public from the
U.S. Senate.  Early filings include the National Assn of Broadcasters $2.5
million, Securities Industry Assn $2.4 mil, USX $2.2 mil, US West $1.9
mil, Disney Worldwide Services $1.7 mil, Merrill Lynch & Co $1,66 mi,
American Farm Bureau $1.5 mil.

New lobby registrations are placed on the site (
as they are made public at the Senate. These include a growing volume of
lobbyists in the Communications and Technology area.  Also filings from
lobbyists such as Mack F. Mattingly for Lockheed Martin, FBA Inc for the
Univ of Akron and the Univ of Las Vegas, and the Carman Group for
Washington Baseball Club LLC.

The listing of new corporate PACs is updated weekly
( Recent filings include Sun
Microsystems and the first NFL team to have a PAC, the Indianapolis Colts.

New six-month Summary figures for hard dollars in 1999 were placed on the
site during the last month (

New six-month soft dollar totals were placed on the site
( during the last month. These include AT&T
$751,150, Carl Lindner $600,000, CWA $525,000, AFSME $460,000, Philip
Morris $411,961, and SBC Communications $327,216.


The following is a list of new soft money ($25,000+) received during July
1999 by the DSCC, the RNC and the NRSC.  This information was taken from
paper reports just filed. It will not be available from the FEC in
electronic form until next month. Reminder, the DNC, the NRCC and just
recently the DCCC chose not to file monthly.  As result, their next report
won't be filed until January 31, 2000.

Mirage Resorts wagers $250,000 with Republicans.
Mircosoft's 99 soft money total moves to over $230,000, not counting new
effort by executive George Spix giving $85,000. New to the $100,000+ gift
range are Pratt Industries (Conyers, GA), Dennis Berman (Denitech Corp),
Gerald Parsky (Aurora Capitol Partners). Seven airlines fly $130,000 worth
of tickets to RNC for the Republican Governors Conference.

Mirage Resorts Inc $250,000 7/21 to NRSC
Park Place Entertainment, Las Vegas, NV $25,000 7/30 to RNC

BellSouth, $35,000 7/1 to DSCC; $6,500 7/26 to NRSC
Bell Atlantic $40,000 7/26 to NRSC; $5,000 7/23 to NRSC; $250 7/12 to DSCC
TCI Communications $25,000 7/22 to DSCC James Barksdale (Pres & CEO,
Netscape) $25,000 7/26 to RNC Dennis R. Berman, (Denitech Corp) $100,000
7/30 to RNC George Spix, Redmond, WA (Microsoft) $85,000 7/16 to RNC
Microsoft $10,000 7/29 to RNC; $188 7/9 to RNC; $15,000 7/26 to NRSC

Gerald L. Parsky, Pasadena, CA (Partner, Aurora Capital Partners) $200,000
7/6 to RNC Lawrence Kadish, Westbury, NY (First Fiscal Fund) $100,000 7/26
to RNC NASD $$25,000 7/1 to DSCC Chris Donahue, Pittsburg, PA (Pres & CEO,
Federated Investors Mgmt) $25,000 7/16 to RNC

Greater New York Hospital Assn $50,000 7/20 to DSCC
Blue Cross Blue Shield $25,000 7/1 to DSCC; $250 7/16 to RNC
Fremont Compensation Insurance, Glendale, CA $25,000 7/6 to RNC; $41,000
7/8 to RNC; $15,000 7/30 to RNC Integrated Health Services, Sparks, MD
$25,000 7/29 to RNC Robert Wood Johnson, (Chrm & CEO, The Johnson Co)
$25,000 7/26 to RNC Marriott Corp $25,000 7/26 to RNC

US Airways $24,750 in kind 7/22 to DSCC; $25,000 in kind 7/21 to RNC
Northwest Airlines $40,000 in kind 7/21 to RNC
United Airlines $15,000 in kind 7/21 to RNC
Delta Airlines $5,000 in kind 7/21 to RNC
Continental Airlines $25,000 in kind 7/21 to RNC
American Airlines $15,000 in kind 7/21 to RNC
Southwest Airlines $5,000 in kind 7/21 to RNC; $5,000 7/29 to RNC; $250
7/26 to NRSC

Frederic Hamilton, Denver, CO (exec., Hamilton Oil Co) $25,000 7/8 to RNC
Kansas Gas Service Co, Tulsa, OK $25,000 7/30 to RNC Mr. E. Phillip
Saunders, Rochester, NY (CEO, Griffith Oil) $25,000 7/6 to RNC Sun Co Inc,
Philadelphia, PA $20,000 7/30 to RNC; SUNOCO Inc $10,000 7/26 to RNC
Chemical Manufacturers Assn $15,000 7/30 to RNC; $10,000 7/15 to NRSC
Hunter Engineering Co, Bridgeton, MO $25,000 7/30 to RNC Edison Int'l,
Rosemead, CA $25,000 7/16 to RNC

Services Group of America, Seattle, WA $100,000 7/26 to RNC
Daniel Abraham (Chrm, SlimFast Foods Co), $100,000 7/1 to DSCC
SlimFast Foods Co, West Palm Beach, FL $20,000 7/16 to RNC

Pratt Industries, Conyers, GA $100,000 7/13 to RNC
Fruit of the Loom $50,000 7/30 to NRSC
Bollinger Machine Shop & Shipyard, Lockport, LA $25,000 7/16 to RNC
Archer Daniels Midland Co $25,000 7/26 to NRSC
National Assn of Convenience Stores $25,000 7/27 to NRSC
Rite Aid $25,000 7/22 to NRSC
Waste Management $25,000 7/26 to NRSC; $1,000 7/16 to RNC

[CTRL] A-Waco-ning

1999-09-01 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-


By Justin Raimondo

> September 1, 1999
> The news that the FBI has been lying all this time about what happened at Waco
> is not really all that shocking. Only the mainstream media and the elites
> believed the government's story, which is why they were content to bury the
> matter and forget it. After all, Koresh was a Christian nut and possibly a
> child-molester who had an unhealthy interest in guns: enough said, case closed.
> But the animus against Christianity in Washington D.C. and the New York media
> center is not shared by the rest of the country. Americans were skeptical, to
> say the least, about the official story, and the latest revelations have merely
> confirmed their suspicions. Not only the FBI but also the Justice Department
> have now been implicated in a massive cover-up. I don't normally dwell on
> American domestic affairs unless the subject is directly related to U.S. foreign
> policy, but in this case the line between domestic and international affairs has
> become blurred. For what the new revelations indicate is growing evidence of a
> direct role played by the US military in the Waco tragedy. Just as the US
> military was ordered to bomb the Christian Serbs back to the Stone Age and drive
> them out of Kosovo, so the same forces struck the Koreshian Christians on that
> fateful day in 1993. At Waco, the US government went to war against its own
> citizens.- and why should a government that targets civilians in Serbia and Iraq
> be any more merciful toward its own civilians? Waco and Kosovo: two fronts in
> the same war pitting a ruthless power-mad US government against all who dare to
> defy its will.
> "How dare they say that this is not a free country!" Thus President Clinton, in
> the wake of the Oklahoma City bombing, scolded those who see the federal
> government as a tyranny. The only proper answer to our clueless
> Commander-in-chief, then and now, is a simple four-letter word that speaks
> volumes about the age we are living in: Waco.
> In the wake of the Oklahoma City bombing, we were not supposed to talk about
> Waco. Yet the memory of it not only persisted, but grew stronger, in spite of
> the smear campaign against anyone who dared raise the subject. In the minds of
> millions, the Waco massacre is emblematic of the new age we are entering, the
> grisly symbol of a government thoroughly corrupted and even maddened by power.
> On the morning of February 28, 1993, two trailers with no markings pulled up in
> front of David Koresh's sanctuary, in Waco, Texas, known to the inhabitants as
> Mt. Carmel. Although the building was described by the authorities and a
> receptive media as "the Compound," in reality it was an ordinary unfortified
> wooden structure, not a mountain fastness or a military bunker, but a home.
> Within minutes, that home was under assault from more than 70 heavily armed
> bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (BATF) commandos. Faces obscured by ski
> masks, they rushed the front door, shouting and shooting.
> The Davidians' answer to this deadly assault was to fight back, to fight for
> their lives and in defense of their children. When the dust cleared, four BATF
> agents were dead, and several others wounded. While there is considerable
> evidence that some of these causalities may have been caused by "friendly fire,"
> these deaths were deemed "murder" by US Attorney General Janet Reno, and
> Koresh's surviving followers were put on trial. The Davidian defendants were all
> acquitted of the charge of conspiracy to murder federal agents: five were
> convicted of voluntary manslaughter, which the judge in the case defined as
> taking action "in the sudden heat of passion caused by adequate provocation."
> For defending their homes and their families against a government goon squad,
> the convicted Davidians were sentenced to 40 years in jail. This was clearly not
> the intention of the jurors. As Sara L. Bain, jury foreman, put it in a letter
> to the judge: "Even five years is too severe a penalty for what we believed to
> be a minor charge." She went on to say that: "The federal government was
> absolutely out of control here. We spoke in the jury room about the fact that
> the wrong people were on trial, that it should have been the ones that planned
> the raid and orchestrated it and insisted on carrying out this plan who should
> have been on trial." Instead of being brought to justice, Larry Potts, the FBI
> official in charge of this murderous operation, was promoted to
> second-in-command of the Bureau!
> The official BATF report on Waco, a shameless whitewash, is dedicated to the
> memory of the four BATF agents who lost their lives in t

Re: [CTRL] Safe Passage to Healing

1999-09-01 Thread Smart News

 -Caveat Lector-

Below please find another selection from an excellent book for survivors of
ritual abuse. It may be out of print, but I have heard copies may still be

Sincerely,  Neil Brick

This may be triggering for survivors of abuse.

>From "Safe Passage to Healing - A Guide for Survivors of Ritual Abuse" by
Chrystine Oksana, HarperCollins, c 1994 p 47 - 51

Ritual Abuse, Cults, and Organized Crime

...Traditional ritual abuse groups may share the following characteristics
with coercive cults:

they are usually based on dogma
dogma is more important than people
there is a radical separation of good and evil
there is a demand for purity
members are ceaselessly monitored, and their loyalty may be tested
accusations establish members' guilt and shame
the dogma is enacted through rituals
the group convenes regularly to observe the rituals
rituals frequently invoke supernatural intervention
there are staged events such as planned spontaneity...
there are mystical manipulations
cults capitalize on members' fear and ignorance
they promote a sense of separateness through an "us" and "them" mentality
there is a siege mentality with a paranoid view of the outside world
humor is forbidden
resistance of members is worn down through physical and emotional
a person's identity is destroyed in order to create a new one
members give up autonomy in exchange for approval and acceptance
mind control is used to indoctrinate the victim into the group's belief system
individuality is uniformly suppressed
there is a well-defined hierarchy
members are exploited for the benefit of the leader(s)...

mind control is used not only to convert the victim to the group's belief
system, but also to insure secrecy...and to carry out cult
instructions...ritual abuse may both create and satisfy and addictive need...

Few religious institutions seem to be exempt from ritual abuse activity by
some of their members...some cult members subscribe to both belief systems.
Others, it appears, simply pretend to be members of a religious faith as a
cover for their real beliefs

...victims accounts indicated ritual abuse practices in the following cases.
All have been successfully prosecuted:

The Manson murders ...1969
The Son of Sam murders...(Terry, The Ultimate Evil)
The March 1987 sexual abuse and neglect case in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
(Marron, Ritual Abuse)
The April 1989 murders in Matamoros, Mexico (Raschke, Painted Black)
County Walk Daycare (Hollingsworth, Unspeakable Acts)

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Clinton Hit with White House Coke Allegation (fwd)

1999-09-01 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

 -Caveat Lector-

With Carl Limbacher and Staff
For the story behind the story...

Wednesday September 1, 11:14 AM

Clinton Hit with White House Coke Allegation

At least five witnesses have given published accounts alleging
knowledge of Bill Clinton's cocaine habit while he was Governor
of Arkansas (see: Media Mum on Clinton Cocaine Witness List). But
that was all long ago and far away, right?

Not so fast.

Now a new witness has apparently emerged charging that the
President of the United States has coked-up right there in the
White House.

The explosive charge is reported in Wednesday's Investor's
Business Daily:

"There is also a new allegation that Clinton, who insists on
keeping his medical records secret, snorted cocaine while in the
White House -- specifically in the East Wing theater, where he,
staffers and friends are known to regularly watch movies.

"'We have it on extremely reliable authority that according to
the Secret Service, the president has used cocaine in the White
House theater,' said Judicial Watch Chairman Larry Klayman. 'The
impression is that it [Clinton's alleged coke use] continues to
this day.'"

"He would not elaborate other than to say Clinton was observed
allegedly snorting coke with others. Klayman's source is a new,
walk-in client of Judicial Watch, a public-interest law firm
suing the White House over several scandals." (See Investor's
Business Daily Main News Page, click on Press' 2 Standards on
Coke Issue.)

Is there any other evidence of Clinton coking-up inside the White
House? You be the judge.

According to presidential biographer Richard Reeves, Clinton
"tries to avoid heavy lifting or meetings after he has taken his
allergy shots because he is so punchy; he has trouble thinking
coherently." (New York Times, Nov. 3, 1996)

What's in that allergy medicine, anyway? That's what onetime
White House physician Dr. Burton Lee wanted to know before he was
instructed to inject Clinton with a vial of the stuff in 1993.

Here's how covered the incident last October:

"There have been substantial questions raised about the true
nature of those injections. The New York Post's Andrea Peyser
reported in September 1996 that during the first week of
Clinton's presidency an unusual package with an Arkansas postmark
turned up in the regular White House mail. It contained a vial of
'mystery serum,' as Peyser described it, labeled as allergy
medicine. White House physician Burton Lee was instructed by
Clinton's appointments secretary, Nancy Hernreich, to inject the
president with its contents.

"But the world-renowned Lee refused to do so. He told Peyser that
the vial was inadequately labeled and that, in any event, he
would not inject the president with anything without first
checking Clinton's medical records.

"Lee was told that Clinton's Arkansas doctor, Susan Santa Cruz,
had his medical file. But when he called Santa Cruz she told him
she would have to check with Hillary Clinton first before she
could release the records to Lee. Lee expected that Santa Cruz
would do just that, and that Hillary would quickly order her
husband's file released to him.

"He was wrong. Just one hour after his phone call to Santa Cruz,
Burton Lee was fired from the Clinton White House. An unnamed
Army doctor relieved Lee and apparently injected Clinton with the
'mystery serum' without checking his medical file. Lee told
Andrea Peyser, 'There isn't any doubt in my mind that the person
who fired me was Hillary.'"

Then there's Monica Lewinsky, who knows a thing or two about the
President's personal habits. She reportedly told Linda Tripp that
Clinton sometimes seemed to "zone out" on her. "I think he's on
drugs," concluded the White House intern, after many hours of up
close and intimate contact with the alleged First Cokehead.

All Rights Reserved ©

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lect

[CTRL] Trick or Trade

1999-09-01 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-


> Tuesday, August 31, 1999
> Global rules could paralyze us
> Maude Barlow
> National Post
> The dominant development model of our time is economic globalization, a system
> fuelled by the belief that a single global economy with universal rules set by
> global corporations and financial markets is inevitable. Everything is for sale,
> even those areas of life once considered sacred. Increasingly, these services
> and resources are controlled by a handful of transnational corporations that
> shape national and international law to suit their interests. At the heart of
> this transformation is an all-out assault on virtually every public sphere of
> life, including the democratic underpinning of our legal systems.
> The most important tool in this assault has been the creation of international
> trade agreements whose tribunals and enforcement measures supersede the legal
> systems of nation-states and supplant their judicial processes by setting up
> independent dispute resolution systems that exist outside the confines of their
> courts and their laws.
> For instance, the North American Free Trade Agreement gave American corporations
> Chapter 11, the first "investor state clause" in any international agreement.
> For the first time, a corporation can sue a foreign government if that
> government enacts any law, practice or measure that negatively affects the
> company's profits or reputation, even if that law, practice or measure has been
> enacted by a democratic legislature for legitimate environmental, social, health
> or safety reasons.
> There are several active Chapter 11 cases now in process. The first was lodged
> by Ethyl Corp. of Virginia, when Canada legislated a ban on the cross-border
> sale of MMT -- which Jean Chretien, the Prime Minister, called a dangerous
> neurotoxin -- and Ethyl sued the Canadian government for $350-million in damages
> for lost future profit. Rather than allow the case to go to a NAFTA panel where
> it feared it would lose, the Canadian government reversed its ban in July, 1998,
> paid Ethyl $20-million in compensation for its "trouble," and gave the company a
> letter of apology containing a statement that there is no scientific evidence
> MMT poses a threat to human health or the environment.
> The first NAFTA Chapter 11 case on water was filed in the fall of 1998. Sun Belt
> Water Inc. of Santa Barbara, Calif., is suing the Canadian government because
> the company lost a contract to export water to California when the government of
> British Columbia banned the export of bulk water in 1991. Although Sun Belt's
> agreement was with a Canadian company, Snowcap, and not the B.C. government, Sun
> Belt alleges the ban contravenes NAFTA and is seeking $400-million in damages.
> The corporation understands NAFTA gives it the right to shape Canadian
> government policy. "Because of NAFTA, we are now stakeholders in the national
> water policy in Canada," declared Jack Lindsay, its chief executive.
> The other major global institution that is swiping national legal jurisdictions
> is the World Trade Organization. The WTO enforces a number of international
> trade agreements on goods, services, intellectual property rights, food safety,
> animal and plant health, financial services, food, agriculture policy,
> investment, technology and telecommunications.
> What makes the WTO so powerful is that it has both the legislative and judicial
> authority to challenge laws, policies and programs of countries that do not
> conform to WTO rules and strike them down if they are seen to be too "trade
> restrictive." Cases are decided -- in secret -- by a panel of three trade
> bureaucrats. Once a WTO ruling is made, worldwide conformity is required. A
> country is obligated to harmonize its laws or face the prospect of perpetual
> trade sanctions or fines.
> The WTO, which contains no minimum standards to protect the environment, labour
> rights, social programs or cultural diversity, has already been used to strike
> down a number of key nation-state environmental, food safety and human rights
> laws. Recently, U.S. laws to protect endangered Asian sea turtles from shrimp
> nets and dolphins from drift nets have been successfully challenged at the WTO.
> All WTO agreements set out detailed rules intended to constrain the extent to
> which governments can regulate international trade, or otherwise "interfere"
> with the activities of large corporations. WTO agreements provide extensive
> lists of things governments can't do.
> Says U.S.-based Public Citizen, "The emerging case law indicates that the WTO
> keeps raising the bar against environmental laws." Renato Ruggiero, the former
> WTO secretary-general, has admitted environmental standards in the WTO are
> "doomed to fail and could only damage the global trading system." Another WTO
> official was quoted in the Fina

[CTRL] Fw: AANEWS for Wednesday, September 1, 1999

1999-09-01 Thread CobolMage

 -Caveat Lector-

subject: AANEWS for September 1, 1999

 A M E R I C A N   A T H E I S T S
   #634~~ 9/1/99

   "Leading The Way For Atheist Civil Rights
And The Separation Of State and Church"

   In This Issue...
   * Portland Atheist loses  challenge to BSA discrimination
   * Southern Regional Atheist Meet, September 26
   * School officials exhort Louisiana prayer rally
   * Decision soon in Moore ethics probe
   * Union County, N.J. Atheists meeting every Sunday
   * Resources
   * About this list...

   Nancy Powell Challenged BSA Recruiting In Portland Schools

A County Circuit Judge has ruled that the Boy Scouts of American may
continue to recruit students in Oregon public schools despite the fact
that the group discriminates against atheists, gays and others.

Portland Atheist Nancy Powell sued the school district and the Oregon
Department of Education in May, 1998, arguing that officials should
not allow a discriminatory group to use the public schools for
membership recruiting purposes and promoting religion.  Multnomah
County Circuit Judge Joseph F.  Ceniceros, however, ruled that BSA was
not primarily a religious group despite the requirement that
prospective scouts swear an oath affirming belief in a god.
Associated Press noted, "The case is being watch nationally because it
threatens the close ties between the Scouts and public schools."

Powell complained to education officials in 1997, when her children
were enrolled at Harvey Scott Elementary School in Northeast Portland.
Her son, Remington, was in class on two occasions when local Boy
Scouts of America recruiters showed up, and placed bracelets on
youngsters and encouraged them to attend local meetings.  In a letter
to the Superintendent of Public Education, Oregon Department of
Education, Powell noted that teachers distributed promotional flyers
for the BSA, and that the Scouts "willingly admit their own
discriminatory qualifications for joining and every Cub Scout through
Eagle Scout must sign a 'Declaration of Religious Principles' which
states: "The Boy Scouts of America maintains that no member can grow
into the best kind of citizen without recognizing an obligation to God
and, therefore, recognizes the religious element in the training of
the individual..."

"No mother should ever again be put in the position of telling her
sobbing 6-year-old son on the steps of his own school that 'our kind,'
nonbelievers in the supernatural, are not welcome to join the group
that solicited our membership," added Powell.

Powell mustered a substantial body of evidence exposing the
discriminatory and religious agenda of the BSA.  This included
statements from the Scouts that it "recognizes the importance of
religious faith and duty," and that "Leadership is restricted to
qualified adults who subscribe to the Declaration of Religious
Principle, the Scout Oath, and the Scout Law."

Judge Ceniceros, however, opined that the BSA was not primarily a
religious group.  "I conclude that the religious aspect of scouting is
a very small part of its programs," he wrote in his decision.  "I also
conclude that under any criteria or test that I am aware of the Boy
Scouts are not a religious organization."  Neither side contested the
facts of the case -- that the school district permitted Boy Scout
recruiters on school property during school hours to promote the
"private" organization.

Ceniceros did not deal with the issue of whether or not the BSA was a
"public accommodation," which could have placed the group under the
control of anti-discrimination laws.

"I am aware of cases throughout the country in which the BSA have
earnestly contended that they are a religious organization," said
Ceniceros in a brief statement.  "In all these cases it was claimed
that the BSA were a place of public accommodation and subject to the
various State Public Accommodation laws.  However, the law which
applies to establishment cases is clearly different from that which
applies to public accommodation cases and what is a religious
organization under one set of laws is not under another.  These cases
are troubling but not persuasive..."

Ceniceros added that the denial of membership "to boys and
scoutmasters who do not acknowledge the existence of God."  was "the
most disturbing aspect of this case."  He noted, though, that "for
purposes of the establishment clause, this denial of membership does
not seem to matter."

Reacting to the decision, Nancy Powell told Associated Press, "I do
not relish having to tell him (her son) that when he goes back to
school next week, he may at times be exposed to an organization that
condemns what

[CTRL] [FAIR-L] ALERT: U.S. Role Missing From East Timor Coverage

1999-09-01 Thread Alamaine

 -Caveat Lector-

Fairness & Accuracy in Reporting
   Media analysis, critiques and news reports


September 1, 1999

The ongoing story of East Timor's referendum on independence has received a
moderate amount of coverage in the mainstream media. But news outlets have
frequently failed to put the Timor story in a full and accurate context.

For example, in reports from East Timor's capital, the Associated Press and
some other news outlets continue to use the dateline "Dili, Indonesia,"
implying that Indonesia has a legitimate claim over East Timor. This
formulation is comparable to a dateline of "Kuwait City, Iraq" in the months
following Iraq's illegal annexation of Kuwait. The Washington Post (8/31/99)
reported that Timorese were voting on "whether to remain a part of

More importantly, many stories fail to note two crucial facts about East
Timor's nearly 25-year struggle against Indonesian occupation. First, the
Indonesian occupation has been extraordinarily bloody, resulting in the
deaths of more than 200,000 Timorese, out of a pre-invasion population of
approximately 600,000.  A recent AP story noted that an "estimated  2,000
Indonesian troops have died fighting separatist guerrillas since Indonesia
invaded  East Timor  in 1975," but failed to note the massive numbers of
Timorese who have perished.

Others seemed to confuse the deaths caused by the occupation with those
caused by the resistance movement. ABC News' Charles Gibson said that "It's
been an extraordinary violent independence movement there with hundreds of
thousands of people killed" (Good Morning America, 8/31/99).

Secondly, news consumers are not informed that the U.S. backed Indonesia's
invasion of East Timor. President Gerald Ford and Secretary of State Henry
Kissinger visited the Indonesian capital of Jakarta in December 1975, just
before the invasion was launched, where they were told of Suharto's plans to
attack the island (Washington Post, 11/9/79).

The following month, a State Department official told a major Australian
newspaper (The Australian, 1/22/76) that "in terms of the bilateral
relations between the U.S. and Indonesia, we are more or less condoning the
incursion into East Timor... The United States wants to keep its relations
with Indonesia close and friendly. We regard Indonesia as a friendly,
non-aligned nation--a nation we do a lot of business with."

Daniel Patrick Moynihan, who was then the U.S. Ambassador to the United
Nations wrote in his memoirs (A Dangerous Place) that "the Department of
State desired that the United Nations prove utterly ineffective in whatever
measures it undertook" to reverse the invasion. "This task was given to me
and I carried it forward with no inconsiderable success," Moynihan reported.

Finally, according to the State Department, 90 percent of the weapons used
in the invasion came from the United States. Two years later, as the
atrocities in East Timor were reaching a peak, President Jimmy Carter
authorized an addition $112 million in weapons sales to Indonesia.

ACTION: Please call on local and national news outlets to stop treating East
Timor as a legitimate part of Indonesia.  And ask them to include the facts
about the consequences of the Indonesian invasion, as well as the role the
U.S. has played in supporting the illegal occupation.

To contact the Associated Press, write to:

Associated Press
Thomas Kent-- International Editor
(212) 621-1655

Also, read FAIR's previous coverage of East Timor and Indonesia at:

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1999-09-01 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-

>From cato.or/pubs/briefs/bp-050es.html


> Briefing Paper No. 50August 26, 1999
> Warrior Cops
> The Ominous Growth of Paramilitarism in
> American Police Departments
> by Diane Cecilia Weber
> Diane Cecilia Weber is a Virginia writer on law enforcement and criminal
> justice.
> Executive Summary
> Over the past 20 years Congress has encouraged the U.S. military to supply
> intelligence, equipment, and training to civilian police. That encouragement has
> spawned a culture of paramilitarism in American law enforcement.
> The 1980s and 1990s have seen marked changes in the number of state and local
> paramilitary units, in their mission and deployment, and in their tactical
> armament. According to a recent academic survey, nearly 90 percent of the police
> departments surveyed in cities with populations over 50,000 had paramilitary
> units, as did 70 percent of the departments surveyed in communities with
> populations under 50,000. The Pentagon has been equipping those units with
> M-16s, armored personnel carriers, and grenade launchers. The police
> paramilitary units also conduct training exercises with active duty Army Rangers
> and Navy SEALs.
> State and local police departments are increasingly accepting the military as a
> model for their behavior and outlook. The sharing of training and technology is
> producing a shared mindset. The problem is that the mindset of the soldier is
> simply not appropriate for the civilian police officer. Police officers confront
> not an “enemy” but individuals who are protected by the Bill of Rights.
> Confusing the police function with the military function can lead to dangerous
> and unintended consequences—such as unnecessary shootings and killings.
> Briefing Paper No. 50 (PDF format, 14 pp. 73 Kb) 
> | Briefing Papers Series | Cato Institute Library | Cato Institute Home
> © 1998 The Cato Institute
> Please send comments to webmaster.

The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
"Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said
it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your
own reason and your common sense." --Buddha
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
A merely fallen enemy may rise again, but the reconciled
one is truly vanquished. -Johann Christoph Schiller,
   German Writer (1759-1805)
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
It is preoccupation with possessions, more than anything else, that
prevents us from living freely and nobly. -Bertrand Russell
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
"Everyone has the seek, receive and impart
information and ideas through any media and regardless
of frontiers."
Universal Declaration of Human Rights
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
"Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will
teach you to keep your mouth shut."
--- Ernest Hemingway
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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] "Going Postal" and Beyond: Part I

1999-09-01 Thread Bill Richer

 -Caveat Lector-

"Going Postal" and Beyond:  Part I
Dynamics Triggering Workplace Violence

In the wake of the Atlanta day trading shootings, a mental health
professional emailed about dealing with the aftereffects.  As I was mulling
over the question, I had to place cause before effect.  Memories were stirred
of stress and critical incident consulting work with the US Postal Service
and other federal agencies and corporations.  And before jumping to
conclusions, some of the specific "Postal" incidents (e.g., the first two on
the list) involved postal employees being robbed and attacked by non-postal
1) a carrier on a delivery route held up at knife point,
2) a female warehouse worker raped in an employee parking lot,
3) a supervisor receiving telephone death threats (perhaps involving a
jealous triangle with the boyfriend of an another employee), and
4) a postal employee, a former Green Beret, making threats in his
psychiatrist's office to kill two fellow workers for being "slackers."

Another critical incident intervention was with bereaved private sector staff
after an employee who, under the influence of alcohol and depressed over the
breakup of an unhappy relationship, wound up driving her car into a tree,
killing herself instantaneously.

And then there was a "blue collar" government division in a white collar
world, castoff by their agency as part of a lean-and-mean restructuring.  The
group was relegated to the basement of a huge federal agency, drifting,
marking time, not sure where and when (or if) they would permanently wash up.
 Not surprisingly, during this period of uncertain survival all were on edge.
 Racial tensions flared:  some white employees pulled up KKK websites; some
black employees on cassettes played speeches of Louis Farrakhan.  Grievance
procedures were escalating.  A manager in the Diversity Office finally
realized that the government was hemorrhaging money in this administrative
Armageddon.  Was human blood next?

Three Key Hazardous Workplace Issues

Some questions must be reckoned with:  a) are there incidence-prone work
environments?, b) is there a violence-prone personality profile? and c) the
steps managers and all employees can take to reduce the numbers of violent

As a means for engaging with the first issue and aspects of the other two,
let me grapple with the most frequently asked question when people discover
my critical incident specialist background:  Why is there so much violence in
the postal service?(I was a postal stress and violence prevention
consultant from the early to the mid-90s.)  Actually, I don't know if
statistically there is more violence in the US Postal Service than in other
large companies or federal agencies.  Most folks don't realize that the
Postal Service, apart from the Defense Department as a whole, is the largest
employer in the United States (if not the world).   As of a couple of years
ago, there were about 800,000 postal employees.  In light of the numbers,
periodic incidents of violence are not that surprising.  Also, because almost
all US residents use and depend on the USPS, I suspect there's a greater
sense of personal identity (if not perceived vulnerability) with postal

Still, with these conditions and caveats in mind, what are critical factors
that contribute to a hazardous, occasionally lethal, work environment for
postal employees?  And while focusing on a predisposition for "going postal,"
none should be smug.  A number of these dynamics exist in a myriad of work

Top Ten Postal Pressure Points

1.  Fishbowl Pressure.  To insure the protection and privacy of the mail,
many postal employees are frequently being watched through above the
workfloor viewing stations, two-way mirrors, etc.  Not surprisingly, this
kind of surveillance can induce its own brand of suspiciousness.  Initially,
in my rounds as a stress consultant, people were reluctant to talk with me.
They assumed I was a postal inspector or a narcotics agent.

2.  Mail Mania.  You have to be in "the belly of the beast," that is, on the
workfloor of a huge Postal Processing and Distribution Plant, to appreciate
the fact that the mail and handling the mail NEVER STOPS!  It's a 24-7
operation and the time- and task-driven nature of the business inevitably
creates stress.  Not surprisingly, for some folks, such as yours truly, the
midnight shift is a never-ending nightmare.  Believe me, holding testy 3am
management-supervisor meetings, dealing with racial tension or helping to
defuse a volatile manager, supervisor or employee took a toll.  I developed
high blood pressure.  Perhaps one night a week from 9pm-6am precluded ever
adapting.  But I think some people are just biorhythmically out of kilter
working when the sun don't shine.  And I believe the data overall indicates
greater numbers of medical problems and even somewhat shorter life spans from
years toiling on the "graveyard shift."  Is there a message here?

3.  Over

Re: [CTRL] SEND FISHES [CTRL] Geraldo on Drug War 26AUG MSNBC

1999-09-01 Thread Jabr 333

 -Caveat Lector-


I remain committed to this notion, Geraldo Rivera's show not withstanding as
probably very good -- something ELSE is happening in the so-called "drug war"
-- something totally alien.  DRUGS are most probably a cover-up here.  You
need to consider other possibilities.  What I believe we have is a
frequency-SEND war, and quite literally creatures from the deep in this thing
that emit pleasing or nasty frequency "sends."  People use these SENDS to get
good treatments -- from doctors, dentists, mechanics, etc.  And the people
who need to use these sends are people often involved with Intel.  Because
these people ARE implanted, and they need special security measures around
them and special ways to protect themselves.  Other people (such as the
elderly) may use these send fish and their obcessive frequencies/drugs, to
obtain things like mates.This has got to be true in some measure.  The
world may turn on these clandestine drugs and "send fishes."  Cults know and
use them to create emotional ties with those they are co-opting, Intel knows
and uses 'em, probably mainly for protections.  Drug lords make a LOT Of
money on marketing these things.

These weird send-fishes, creatures, may also have highly unusual drugs --
curative ones even.  But I mean this very very sincerely, and from relevant
personal experience.  We are NOT dealing with a drug war in the conventional
sense, NO.  We are not dealing with prostitution either in the conventional
sense.  We are dealing with frequency SEX, and new drugs -- yes.  This I
believe. But this is not plain and simply a narcotics drug war.  No. It is
not.  NO.   The DRUG WAR is a cover-up for something VERY different indeed.
But, somebody besides me has to speak out and get with this thing in public
-- soon.  I really DID catch 4 of these leech-snail like things -- they do
somewhat materialize in nearly any environment, they may be affiliated with
certain people's implants.  I do know what I am talking about from real
experiences.  They do emit sends which are pleasing.  They are more
intelligent than you would expect -- they seem to respond to people's
emotions.  This is not stupid.  Photographing em?  I believe dead ones are
obviously all around those who live in cities.  Have you ever noticed
thousands of spots of supposedly "used chewing gum" on the streets?  Even
seen these tar spots as big as your fist? These tar spots are NOT chewing
gum.  They are dead send fish.  Gotten off of poor, innocent mind control
victims being used as fish nets for them.  And maybe gotten off of
prostitutes that pimps have set up with "wares" -- which draw in the send
fish.  These evidence of these things is OBVIOUS.  I had a police officer a
week ago fully admit he knew of themwhy isn't this in the newspapers?


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Capitol Watch - <-Personalized- Edition> Date: 9/1/99

1999-09-01 Thread Bill Richer

 -Caveat Lector-


GOP intrudes on Clintons' New York vacation
Tax bill-veto game following script
Bradley criticizes Clinton on Russia
Nervous Democrats spurn Gore's push for early endorsements
Forbes running ads criticizing Gore on Russia policy
Bush hit with free speech lawsuit, spared from subpoena in second case
Bush camp has raised about $50 million, on track for $60 million
Development officials displeased at speech from Sen. Orrin Hatch
Can McCain live up to reputation?
Workers fighting back against English-only policies on the job
Appeals court agrees term limits unconstitutional
Sheriff offers politicians commissions to pack heat

--CapitolWatch Insider

I know it's August and the only news is possible hurricanes, but the
potential Warren Beatty candidacy for President was a front-page story in the
August 29 Washington Post.
According to the article, the idea originated at a Los Angeles dinner party
given by conservative columnist Arianna Huffington for Ted Halstead, who
wrote a recent Atlantic Monthly article on how Generation Xers are opting out
of political and civic involvement.  Beatty and his wife, actress Annette
Bening, were among the attendees, and Bening suggested that Halstead enter
politics.  Halstead responded that the one with the interest and the verve
was Beatty, and that topic dominated the conversation for the rest of the
Huffington is actively promoting a Beatty candidacy, for reasons that aren't
at all clear.  And Bening seems to have warmed to the idea.  A platform is
developing, with campaign finance reform the centerpiece.
Apparently the focus is on a run for the Democratic Party nomination, not an
independent candidacy.
It sounds crazy, but after Jesse Ventura got elected Governor few people are
willing to dismiss it out of hand.


Congressional Hearings:
Do you have a contribution to make to a congressional hearing?  Even if you
can't go to Washington to testify, you may be able to get your position in
the record. Call the committee or subcommittee involved (the Capitol
switchboard is 202/224-3121), tell the staffer in charge of the hearing you
want to submit a written statement and ask for instructions. It's simple!

CapitolWatch Insider provides news from the inner workings of our nation's
capital, including upcoming legislation, what's happening behind the scenes,
and how the actions of Congress really affect you. The first person to
correctly identify the author of the Tiresias column will receive a copy of
Congressional Quarterly's "Politics in America - 2000," due to be published
this summer.

--CapitolWatch Insider

August 28, 1999
August 28, 1999
August 25, 1999

U.S. House of Representatives

E-mail your Representative:

The House is in Recess.

U.S. Senate

E-mail your Senator:

The Senate is in Recess.
GOP intrudes on Clintons' New York vacation
SKANEATELES, NY. (AP) - President Clinton and the first lady came in for a
little needling Tuesday during their vacation at the Finger Lakes when the
Republican National Committee began airing a commercial touting the GOP's tax
cut plan. The Clintons didn't let the political back-and-forth interrupt
their fun in the sun. The president played golf with Democratic fund-raiser
Terence McAuliffe, who hails from Syracuse, and a few local political and
business leaders.

Tax bill-veto game following script
WASHINGTON (AP) - After a month of previews, The Veto is coming soon. The
Republicans will be sending their tax bill to the White House, President
Clinton will veto it, and they'll replay the arguments they've been sounding
all summer. Clinton says he'd be willing to talk but not about anything close
to the $792 billion, 10-year tax cut Congress narrowly approved before its
summer recess. GOP leaders held the tax bill at the Capitol rather than send
it to the White House, to be vetoed while they were out of town until Labor
Day and the president held the stage alone. Clinton says he'll bargain on tax
cuts, but not until Congress deals with the spending he considers vital,
including Medicare.

Bradley criticizes Clinton on Russia
WASHINGTON (AP) - Democratic pr

Re: [CTRL] Mein Kampf Banishment

1999-09-01 Thread Jabr 333

 -Caveat Lector-

According to a manager of a book store I spoke to in Manhattan 3 years ago
when I purchased a copy of Mein Kampf -- she loudly proclaimed that Mein
Kampf was the third best selling book of all time in the world, next to the
Bible and -- I forgot what else.  Evidently Mein Kampf has quite a
readership.  If you don't know, probably Mein Kampf was not written much by
Hilter.  And, it isn't really inundated with diatribes against Jews either.
Which is surprising.  Some historic info in about pre-war Vienna is very
interesting -- according to the author, Jews owned the prostitution network
there -- and used Kurds as prostitutes.  I haven't heard this verifiied.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] VOICE Of The GRUNT Anthrax, 1999-09-01-A

1999-09-01 Thread Bill Richer

 -Caveat Lector-

**  01 September 1999



Hack's Column
Dumbing Down The Army   1
Mac Notes   2
>From The Field:
DoD's Anthrax Vaccine: The Side Effects On My Son   3
A Controversial Vaccine Program 4
Is There Hanky Panky Behind Mandatory Vaccines  5
It's A Plant That Produces Nothing But Controversy  6
Medal of Honor:
Chaplain (Maj.), USA, Co. A, 173rd Supp. Bn, 173rd ABN Bgd.
Near Dak To Province, RVN, 19 November 1967
Story From January of 1998:
FDA Orders Pentagon To Follow FDA Vaccine Rules
Pentagon Broke Rules In Giving Soldiers Vaccine 8
* Indicates posthumous award
By David H. Hackworth, 31 August 1999

The Army wants our youth. But unfortunately for the "Green Machine," not
enough of our youth want the Army!

Despite more than a quarter-billion-dollar annual recruiting budget, 6,000
top NCO and officer recruiters (who are mainly combat leaders) and more
than 3,000 staff weenies who man the 46 recruiting headquarters-more than
enough talent to cadre three tank divisions --our all-volunteer Army isn't
mustering enough recruits to fill the squads.

These factors are part of the problem:

· A booming economy, which makes tooling down Mainstreet USA in a new set
of wheels more attractive than playing RoboCop in one of Clinton's global

· College fun and games over close order drill and war games in the rain.

· Too many harebrained missions such as Kosovo that are stretching our
forces to the breaking point and causing the troops to ask, "Why go to the
Balkans to be shot at for nothing?"

· Relatives and friends who because of a recent bad military trip or broken
promises, such as reduced medical, hospital and other retirement benefits,
are telling young people, "Don't join up. You'll just get used and abused
like I did."

· Generation Y-ers without the same patriotic fever or motivation that
their fathers and grandfathers mustered when they faced the Imperial
Japanese, Nazi Germany or Cold War communists who, in their time, were all
major threats to our security.

· And senior brass -- both politicians and military leaders -- who talk a good
game of caring for the troops, but rarely put their efforts or money where
their mouths are. Few, for example, have challenged the poor pay and
near-ghetto housing, the silly missions or the kinder, gentler Clinton
administration policies which have wreaked havoc on the vital warrior ethic.

The brass is pulling out their hair on this one. From long experience,
they know that regardless of how high-tech their weapons are, without
skilled and motivated warriors the best weapons in the world are worthless.

Many solutions are being kicked around. Unfortunately, most have to do
with "dumbing down" the Army by further lowering standards instead of smart
moves like immediately fixing the pay, cleaning up the lousy living
conditions and taking the teen-age summer camp out of basic training.
Secretary of the Army Louis Caldera has proposed accepting more high-school
dropouts. Caldera, a West Point graduate, should eyeball the lessons of
Vietnam. During that cruel war, Project 100,000 was implemented to produce
more grunts for the killing fields of Vietnam. It took unfit recruits --
classified as Category IVs -- from the bottom of the barrel and rushed them
to Vietnam. The result was human applesauce. Cat IVs sustained the highest
casualties of any group and caused such massive discipline problems --
fraggings, drug use, racial strife -- that by 1973 the Army had been
virtually brought to its knees.

Ten smart-and-fit soldiers are better than 100 out-of-shape dummies. From
a decade of combat experience as a soldier and war reporter, I'm convinced
that the brighter the soldier, the higher his chances of making it through
the nightmare of combat.

Fort Gordon, Ga., recently put out a memo that said, "Keep in mind that
the objective is to graduate and ship the soldier to the field. …It is not
illegal or immoral to give the soldier the benefit of the doubt (on a PT
test)." Meaning if the soldiers don't pass, look the other way and move 'em

We're back to the quantity over quality system that produced Lt. William
Calley of My Lai shame and filled so many body bags in Vietnam. The Army
should follow the Marines' example and push for higher standards -- not lower.
The Corps continues to make its boot training tougher, and the 

[CTRL] VOICE Of The GRUNT Anthrax, 1999-09-01-B

1999-09-01 Thread Bill Richer

 -Caveat Lector-

VOICE Of The GRUNT Anthrax, 1999-09-01-B
SUMMARY: We received this piece several weeks ago and have been waiting for
some good complimentary pieces to join it. Another good anthrax commentary.
By A Motivated Warrior

I'm sure you are aware of the action taken by DOD several weeks ago. No
press reports that I've seen fully explore some baseline issues, although
the NY Times piece on Friday came close. This company did not exist until
just over a year ago. It has never produced ANY product, much less had a
DOD contract before. Unlike established DOD contractors with a large
industrial base (General Dynamics, Lockheed Martin, etc.) Bioport is
basically a paper entity with a negative balance sheet that happens to own
a vaccine plant that it neither built nor which it has ever used to produce
vaccine since the purchase.

Bioport entered into a contract with DOD and failed to fulfill the terms
of the contract. It should have been found in breach of the contract and
had the contract revoked. Since the Michigan plant is Bioport's only asset,
the company would then go bankrupt, and be forced to sell the plant to pay
off its debts. That is what is supposed to happen in a capitalist economy.
Undoubtedly, more competently managed companies -- presumably with some
expertise in the manufacture of vaccines (unlike Bioport) -- would have
stepped in to take over the plant.

Instead of allowing the marketplace work to eliminate an incompetently
managed company, DOD stepped in to save it. Why? Despite DOD's assertions
about the mandates of "national defense" justifying its actions, it should
be clear that this action preserves the 22% ownership stake in Bioport held
by a former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, ADM Crowe, and the 32%
held by key Bioport employees (who were former state employees).

The investigation of the sale of Bioport by the State of Michigan
legislature found serious ethical violations by two key state employees who
currently work for Bioport, one as COO. Additionally, the presence of ADM
Crowe as a Bioport board member was likely a significant advantage in the
sale of the plant to Bioport. He was given 1/5th ownership in the company
despite zero investment, business experience, or vaccine/medical background.

The more than doubling of the contract price and especially the advance of
$18M to Bioport stinks of gross ethical lapses by DOD. For that money
Bioport should have gone bankrupt and DOD could have taken over the plant
-- or paid to have it run by a real pharmaceutical company. Instead, DOD
acted to preserve the investment of the only senior military officer to
endorse Bill Clinton in 1992 and his politically well-connected friend and
Bioport CEO, Fuad al-Hibri.

I hope you explore this situation further.
***Medal Of Honor***

Rank and organization: Chaplain (Maj.), USA, Co. A, 173rd Supp. Bn, 173rd
ABN Bgd.
Place and date: Near Dak To Province, RVN, 19 November 1967.

Entered service at: Fort Dix, N.J.
Born: 17 January 1927, Jersey City, N.J.

Citation: For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity in action at the risk
of his life above and beyond the call of duty. Chaplain Watters
distinguished himself during an assault in the vicinity of Dak To. Chaplain
Watters was moving with one of the companies when it engaged a heavily
armed enemy battalion. As the battle raged and the casualties mounted,
Chaplain Watters, with complete disregard for his safety, rushed forward to
the line of contact. Unarmed and completely exposed, he moved among, as
well as in front of the advancing troops, giving aid to the wounded,
assisting in their evacuation, giving words of encouragement, and
administering the last rites to the dying. When a wounded paratrooper was
standing in shock in front of the assaulting forces, Chaplain Watters ran
forward, picked the man up on his shoulders and carried him to safety. As
the troopers battled to the first enemy entrenchment, Chaplain Watters ran
through the intense enemy fire to the front of the entrenchment to aid a
fallen comrade. A short time later, the paratroopers pulled back in
preparation for a second assault. Chaplain Watters exposed himself to both
friendly and enemy fire between the 2 forces in order to recover 2 wounded
soldiers. Later, when the battalion was forced to pull back into a
perimeter, Chaplain Watters noticed that several wounded soldiers were
Lying outside the newly formed perimeter. Without hesitation and ignoring
attempts to restrain him, Chaplain Watters left the 

[CTRL] VOICE Of The GRUNT Anthrax, 1999-09-01-A - 2

1999-09-01 Thread Bill Richer

 -Caveat Lector-



SUMMARY: A Reserve USAF NCO writes about his concerns for the Anthrax program.

By An Air Force SNCO

Our troops need to hear more information on the Anthrax Vaccine
Immunization Program that is being forced upon them. Interestingly, the
State Department changed their Anthrax vaccination program from mandatory
to voluntary, in May 99. If Madeleine Albright and Strobe Talbot don't have
to get the shots forced on them, why do our troops?

This controversial vaccine program has weakened our Reserve Force. Lots of
well trained, motivated troops have already opted out of the service. The
long-term safety of this vaccine has many wondering what their health will
be like five or ten years down the road. Problem is, there has been no long
term testing of this vaccine, and even though the DOD says it has been
safely giving this shot to veterinarians across the country for years, if
you try to find a veterinarian who has received this shot, you will come up

The vaccine manufacturer has been cited for purity and quality control
problems, contaminated lots of the vaccine, and if you ever read the FDA
reports on the Vaccine manufacturer, Michigan Biologic, Lansing, Michigan,
you would be appalled. The vaccine manufacturer has given a special deal.
They are exonerated from lawsuits against them, due to adverse reactions
from shot recipients. There are about 50 different adverse reactions to
this vaccine according to the FDA'S own adverse reaction reporting system.

Some of the heaviest reactions, or biggies include meningitis, lymphoma,
and Hodgkin's Disease. Lots of GI's have gotten sick from this shot and on
29 June 99 CBS's Dan Rather aired a segment on the news about the horrors
of this Vaccination Program. People from the GAO have testified in
congressional hearings that this Anthrax vaccination Program should be
stopped because of the fact that this Vaccine doesn't have any kind of
track record over the long haul.

Those who submit to taking this vaccination are "rolling the bones," with
their health. There are US Congressman who have called for an end to this
program, they want this insanity stopped. If the threat of Anthrax from
Saddam Hussein is real, then the Pentagon has saved the Iraqis millions of
dollars in research and development. They know which type of Anthrax we
have vaccinated against, and if we ever meet them face to face on the
battlefield, you can bet that they will throw the other strain of Anthrax
against our troops. You know, the one we didn't vaccinate against! Force
protection doesn't apply here if the enemy has other weapons systems that
they will surely use against us. Inoculating all 2.5 million Active duty
and Reservists with this "witches brew" will cost the taxpayers $130
Million Dollars. Write your congressmen, or call and ask him to defund the
Anthrax Program. This is a waste of the taxpayers money, and it is tearing
our Military apart, and making many sick. Remember the Atomic testing our
troops endured years ago, Agent Orange, and the hallucinogenic drugs our
troops were given as part of an experiment?

The Anthrax vaccine could quite possibly be categorized with some other
things that did more harm than good to our American men and women in
Uniform. Without long term testing of this vaccine in human beings, it is a
DOD Policy that needs cease and desist.
SUMMARY: Here's an article from last week that should really get your
attention. Remember what my advice was with regard to the "Swell Mattel"?
Always follow the money. Whenever you feel like a fire-hose is being jammed
down your throat, it's usually to distract you from the guy picking your
By Phyllis Schlafly, August 25, 1999, The Eagle Forum

After parents whose children had been severely damaged from vaccines
attended a couple of congressional hearings, we might have thought Bill
Clinton's response would have been, "I feel your pain." Not on your life.
The Clinton Administration instead floated plans to gut the federal trust
fund that compensates the families of children who are injured or killed by
reactions to vaccines.

Surgeon General David Satcher told a House committee this month that
Health and Human Services Secretary Donna Shalala might recommend that a
large portion of the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program's $1.4
billion trust be turned over to vaccine research. That would be a cruel
betrayal of the parents who financed this trust fund by a 75 cents per dose
assessment on vaccines and were promised compensation from it in exch

[CTRL] Skeptic News - Wednesday #3

1999-09-01 Thread ric carter

 -Caveat Lector-

SkeptiNews 990901c - - - - - - - - - - - All The News That's Fit To Question

: Passages starting with ':' are editorial comments to provoke discussion.
: Nothing contained herein is ever endorsed for truth, accuracy or meaning.
: No chimerae were created to produce this bulletin. But some were eaten.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Om on the Range. The landscape around Alto Parao ("Upper Paradise" in
  Portuguese) offers dramatic waterfalls and rugged hiking trails. But most
  people come to flex their minds. Located deep in the rolling rangelands of
  central Brazil, it sits atop an immense layer of quartz crystal that is
  said to possess fabulous powers, at least over the imagination. Among the
  4,000 permanent residents, about half are impassioned esoterics. New Age
  pastimes abound, from feng shui to chromotherapy. There are some 40 sects
  and cults, a few of them apocalyptic. But instead of Armageddon, most of
  the people in Alto Parao are bracing for a boom in tourism to mark the

: Does crystal quartz control your mind? Do you seek out quartz crystal, go
deep into it, become it? Do you use quartz utensils, tools, sexual devices?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

@ PET DOGS sit by doors & windows waiting for absent owners to return. Most
  people would think nothing of this. But having studied the phenomenon,
  Rupert Sheldrake, scientist turned outcast, is convinced there is only one
  explanation: dogs know when their owners are coming home; they know 'cause
  they are telepathic.

: Do you and your dog(s) read each others' minds, if any? Do you scare each
other by projecting thoughts of death and mayhem? Do they bend to your will?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


# Scientists Provide First Detailed Maps Of Wiring Circuitry In The Living
  Human Brain. Researchers have developed a way to visualize nerve fiber
  bundles that transmit information between different areas of the living
  human brain. Their study ... may one day lead to improvements in brain
  surgery, diagnosis of brain ailments, and understanding of neurological

: Is your brain map folded, greasy, torn? Is your wiring corroded, shorting?

# BUILDING A BETTER MOUSE BRAIN. Scientists have genetically engineered mice
  to learn faster & retain intelligence-building skills into adulthood. The
  findings could lead to new Alzheimer's drugs and obsolete mousetraps.

# Genetic engineering boosts IQ. (BBC) US researchers have genetically
  modified mice to be smarter and believe the same could be done for humans.

: Who needs smarter mice? Are they bothersome? D'ya wanna be smarter? D'ya
need a brain implant, genetic modification, electric recharge, drugs, me??
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Who's afraid of the gene genie? WELLINGTON, NZ. Satyrs, centaurs, chimeras
  - the part-man, part-beast monsters of mythology ain't normally associated
  with scientific inquiry, but they formed a grotesque if unstated backdrop
  to an Environmental Risk Management hearing in Wellington. Scientists want
  to insert human genes into cows to change the nature of their milk. They
  say it may benefit the dairy industry by making milk more nutritious, and
  aid medical science by producing a human protein used to treat multiple

: Should we put human genes into animals? Should we put animal genes into
humans? Have you done so already? In a laboratory, or in the field? Did her
mother go "b"?? Do you prefer humans, animals, aliens? Whose genes rule?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Crafty, dexterous robots beat bombers at their game. (CNN) High-tech bomb
  squads compete so fiercely with terrorists that they now have developed
  bomb-busting robots that are 20 years ahead of the threats that are out

: Are you a bomber? Do you take this as a challenge? Can you beat robots? Do
your Reptilioid/Republican masters have counter-strategies, new technology?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# A Matter of Time. As savvy Trekkies will tell you, the greatest challenge
  to the Federation of Planets wasn't the Klingons' war-lust or Ferengis'
  compulsive deception. It was the adoption of a calendar that could satisfy
  all species from one end of the galaxy to the other. Timekeeping is
  essential for efficient communications and a must for interstellar

: What's your favorite calendar? Was i


1999-09-01 Thread William Shannon

Sam Smith
September 1, 1999
The Progressive Review
1739 Conn. Ave. NW Washington  DC 20009
202-232-5544 Fax: 202-234-6222

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For a free subscription to our e-mail updates send your postal address with
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Because of its quantity, TPR's mail is not always answered, but it is always
read. The editor is cheered or remorseful as appropriate and posts some of
the more interesting messages at



"Johnny committed to contribute $75,000 to the DNC reception in Los Angeles
on September 21. Tell him if he does not complete his commitment ASAP bad
things will happen." -- Memo concerning Johnny Chung from a Democratic
National Committee staffer to DNC chair Don Fowler, November 10, 1995


JERRY SEPER, WASHINGTON TIMES: In addition to seeking information on the
FBI's use of incendiary devices, which the FBI now admits, House
investigators have targeted the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms
agents in its preparation for a failed attempt to arrest Davidian leader
David Koresh seven weeks before the compound exploded in a fireball on April
19, 1993  Capitol Hill sources say investigators want information about
the suspected misuse of a Texas National Guard helicopter as a diversion
during an earlier failed arrest attempt Feb. 28, 1993 -- during which four
ATF agents were killed.

LEE HANCOCK, DALLAS MORNING NEWS: U.S. Justice Department lawyers on Tuesday
challenged a federal judge's authority to take control over evidence in the
Branch Davidian case, setting up a high-stakes legal showdown. An Aug. 9
order in which U.S. District Judge Walter Smith demanded custody of all
documents and other evidence is without any legal basis under federal or
civil court rules, Justice Department lawyers argued in a 19-page motion.
The judge's move "threatens a wholesale intrusion" into the executive branch
and an "unwarranted and substantial burden" on the entire federal government.


unfortunate that the Justice Department would try to prevent the federal
court in Waco from gaining access to all of the evidence in light of
everything that's happened in the last week... From what I can understand of
the Justice Department's motion today, they're still attempting to prevent
the evidence from being judicially reviewed. And I think that is most
unfortunate. [Note: Francis is a top fund-raiser for GWB]


MICAH SIFRY & DOUG IRELAND, NATION: [Pat] Buchanan is only millimeters away
from announcing his bid to take over the Reform Party. What's more,
Minnesota Governor Ventura and his people, who oppose making Buchanan the
Reform standard-bearer, are completely unprepared to deny him the nomination
 Ross Perot himself is quietly supporting Buchanan's Reform candidacy. A
strait-laced lifestyle conservative who is also thin-skinned and vindictive,
Perot detests the flamboyant Ventura, both for his feather-boa-wearing and
pot-smoking past and for his public criticisms of the tiny Texan. Perot sees
the Buchanan candidacy as the perfect way to give the Minnesota governor his
comeuppance  According to sources familiar with Buchanan's thinking,
Pitchfork Pat sees three key constituencies that, added to social and
religious conservatives, will make up his "new coalition" for the
third-party effort: Perot independents, Buchanan Democrats and old-line,
Meany-style trade unionists. To cement that coalition, Buchanan wants to
have as his reform VP candidate a labor Democrat with anticommunist and
protectionist views.



UPI: The Los Angeles Business Journal says voluntary earthquake retrofitting
in Los Angeles has come to a virtual stop. The paper says only 5 percent of
the work has been completed and almost none is currently being done.
Building industry sources tell the newspaper that a revival of the local
real estate market, the high cost of retrofitting and the return of
insurance companies to earthquake coverage are to blame. Shortly after the
Northridge quake in 1994, there was a push to make retrofits mandatory, but
property owners protested because of the cost.


powerful is that it has both the legislativ

[CTRL] 7 Unsustainable Process

1999-09-01 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-


R >>

> Seven Unsustainable Processes
> Medium-Term Prospects and Policies
> for the United States and the World
> Wynne Godley
> The U.S. economy has now been expanding for nearly eight years, the budget is in
> surplus, and inflation and unemployment have both fallen substantially. In
> February the Council of Economic Advisers (1999) forecast that GDP could grow by
> 2.0 to 2.4 percent between now and the year 2005, and this forecast has since
> been revised upwards (Office of Management and Budget 1999). Many people share
> the CEA's optimistic views. For instance, in his New Year message (Financial
> Times, December 29, 1998) Alan Blinder compared the United States's economy to
> one of its mighty rivers--it would "just keep rolling along"; and President Bill
> Clinton concluded his Economic Report of the President with the words "There are
> no limits to the world we can create, together, in the century to come." This
> paper takes issue with these optimistic views, although it recognizes that the
> U.S. economy may well enjoy another good year or two.
> During the last seven years a persistently restrictive fiscal policy has
> coincided with sluggish net export demand, so rapid growth could come about only
> as a result of a spectacular rise in private expenditure relative to income.
> This rise has driven the private sector into financial deficit on an
> unprecedented scale. The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) is projecting a rise
> in the budget surplus through the next 10 years, conditional on growth's
> continuing at a rate fast enough to keep unemployment roughly constant, and this
> implies that it is government policy to tighten its restrictive fiscal stance
> even further (Congressional Budget Office 1999a, 1999c). At the same time, the
> prospects for net export demand remain unfavorable. But these negative forces
> cannot forever be more than offset by increasingly extravagant private spending,
> creating an ever-rising excess of expenditure over income.
> If spending were to stop rising relative to income without there being either a
> fiscal relaxation or a sharp recovery in net exports, the impetus that has
> driven the expansion so far would evaporate and output would not grow fast
> enough to stop unemployment from rising. If, as seems likely, private
> expenditure at some stage reverts to its normal relationship with income, there
> will be, given present fiscal plans, a severe and unusually protracted recession
> with a large rise in unemployment.
> It should be added that, because its momentum has become so dependent on rising
> private borrowing, the real economy of the United States is at the mercy of the
> stock market to an unusual extent. A crash would probably have a much larger
> effect on output and employment now than in the past.
> A long period of stagnation in the United States, still more recession, would
> have grave implications for the rest of the world, which seems to be depending,
> rather irresponsibly, on the United States to go on acting as spender of last
> resort indefinitely.
> This paper makes no short-term forecast. Bubbles and booms often continue much
> longer than anyone can believe possible and there could well be a further year
> or more of robust expansion. The perspective taken here is strategic in the
> sense that it is only concerned with developments over the next 5 to 15 years as
> a whole. Any recommendations regarding policy do not have the character of
> "fine-tuning" in response to short-term disturbances. They ask, rather, whether
> the present stance of either fiscal or trade policy is structurally appropriate
> looking to the medium- and long-term future.
> A sustained period of stagnation or recession, through its adverse effect on the
> national income, could drive the budget back into deficit without there being
> any relaxation of policy, yet to counteract an endemic recession, it will be
> necessary to relax fiscal policy, making any emerging deficit even larger.
> Further relaxation of monetary policy could not sustain the expansion, except
> temporarily and perversely by giving a new lease on life to the stock market
> boom. While a relaxation in the stance of fiscal policy will ultimately have to
> be made, this by itself will not be enough to generate balanced growth in the
> medium term because, as matters stand, this would be accompanied by a continuing
> rise in the United States's external deficit and indebtedness. There is probably
> no way in which sustained and balanced growth can be achieved in the medium term
> except through coordinated fiscal expansion worldwide.
> The difference between the consensus view and that put forward here could not
> exist without a profound difference in the view of how the economy works. So far
> as the author can observe, the underlying theoretical perspective of the
> optimists, whether they realize it or not, sees all agents, includin

[CTRL] Central Asia Looks To Old Master Russia

1999-09-01 Thread Bill Richer

 -Caveat Lector-

Global Intelligence Update
Weekly GIU September 1, 1999

Central Asia Looks To Old Master Russia


Kyrgyzstan has asked Russia for help in fighting Islamic guerrillas
who are holding approximately 20 hostages near the Tajikistan
border.  By asking for assistance, the Central Asian republic is
effectively signaling the failure to provide regional security.
Most significant of all, this is a region where the U.S. has been
actively cultivating military allies.


The Kyrgyz defense ministry on August 31 requested Russian military
help with fighting Islamic rebels in the south.  Kyrgyz Deputy
Prime Minister Boris Silayev and Defense Minister Esen Topoyev met
Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin in Moscow to ask for Russia's
assistance.  Putin agreed to provide Kyrgyzstan with military and
technical support, but ruled out deployment of Russian troops.
Russian Defense Minister Igor Sergeyev said August 31 that he would
consider supplying weapons and ammunition, according to ITAR-TASS
and other reports.

Kyrgyzstan has asked Russia for direct military support as well as
technical assistance.  Specifically, authorities in the capital
Tashkent have asked for communications, night vision goggles and
weapons.  Kyrgyz forces appear ill prepared for this struggle  Its
anti-terrorist unit has been demobilized and some reports in the
region indicate that the rebels are better equipped and better

Kyrgyzstan is a full member of the Commonwealth of Independent
States Security Council, having recently renewed its membership in
the alliance with Russia, Belarus, Armenia, Tajikistan, and
Kazakhstan.  The fighting began last week after mostly Uzbek
Islamic rebels crossed the Tajik-Kyrgyz border, seizing four
villages and taking more than 20 hostages.  Four hostages have been
released.  The rebels' intentions are unclear, as they have not
declared their demands.  About 500 to 1,000 rebels are believed to
be hiding in the mountainous region surrounding the villages.

In their efforts to deal with the crisis, officials from defense
and foreign ministries of Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan and
Uzbekistan met in Osh, Kyrgyzstan, on August 30.  They signed a
joint declaration of intent to prevent terrorism by using the most
severe measures allowed by international law.  Still, their efforts
so far seem uncoordinated.  On the same day, Uzbekistan launched
bombing attacks in southern Kyrgyzstan, accidentally killing three
civilians.  Kyrgyzstan responded by saying the air attack has not
been authorized and it would demand compensation from Uzbekistan.

The confusion appears to have prompted Tashkent's plea to Russia.
Over the past year, Russia has offered little military hardware to
help battle the region's border disputes.  Only 130 Russian border
troops are believed to remain in Kyrgyzstan.  Authorities dealt
with previous hostage incidents, in July and August, by paying
ransoms.  Failures to deal with Islamic groups, primarily the
"Islamic Revival Movement of Uzbekistan," have led President Akayev
to reappoint two defense ministers in two weeks.  The incident
has become a profound embarrassment to the local military.
Maj. Gen. Anarbek Shankeyev was one of the first hostages taken and
guerrillas later abducted 17 reconnaissance troops.

The U.S. military has tried hard to cultivate ties with local
militaries in an effort to displace Russia as the more influential
power.  Troops of the 82nd Airborne Division have held exercises
with local forces and Special Forces have trained Central Asian
troops in an effort to build up talent for joint operations,
primarily peacekeeping.  Most recently, officers from the region
journeyed to MacDill Air Force Base, Florida to practice command
and control of their forces.  While local troops are considered
adequate, Central Asian units generally need better technology.

Russia is positioning itself to take advantage of the outbreak of
violence in the region.  Coordination between Russia and its
eastern neighbors in the struggle against Islamic extremism was one
of the main issues on President Boris Yeltsin's agenda at the
"Shanghai Five" summit.  The joint declaration from the summit said
that all the parties recognized the importance of fighting
terrorists, separatists, and religious fanatics.

Ultimately, Russia appears to be interested in reasserting
influence to develop relations with Central Asia's southeastern
neighbor, China.  Three high-profile meetings last week confirmed
that the two countries are reinforcing their strategic partnership
[ ].  Russian
President Boris Yeltsin and his Chinese counterpart Jiang Zemin
discussed closer cooperation.  China is privately concerned that
Central Asian unrest is feeding separatist rebels in Xinjiang
province.  Russian military assistance to Kyrgyzstan may, in fact,
be Moscow's first serious favor to Beijing.


[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] Byrd

1999-09-01 Thread Kris Millegan

From: James Maberry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hey Dan,
I tried to send you a message earlier but it got screwed up some how.
Somewhere I've got a source that states Byrd bought a bunch of LTV stock
just before the  Dealy Plaza party.  I'll get back with you when I
locate it. He had an employee who looked so much like Lee Oswald that
when the fellows wife came to meet him at work one day, she came up to
Lee and gave him a kiss and a hug before realizing that she wasn't
kissing her husband hello but a patsy goodbye.  Besides David Ferrie,
Lee Oswald and Barry Seal, did you mention one Roscoe White being in
that CAP group in Louisiana? By the way do you know if there is any
proof that the land bought for NASA was first owned by Lady bird and
then transferred to Clint Murchison just prior, to remove any appearance
of conflict of interest. James Maberry

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Re: [CTRL] Living in Wonderland: Tired of the Lies,

1999-09-01 Thread Gavin Phillips

 -Caveat Lector-

Thanks. Gavin.

<< from:
 from alt.conspiracy
 As always, Caveat Lector. Great Article, Gavin!
 Living in Wonderland: Tired
of  the Lies, Propaganda and Hypocrisy
 Subject: Living in Wonderland: Tired of the Lies, Propaganda and Hypocrisy
 Date: Sun, 29 August 1999 11:05 AM EDT
 Message-id: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

 Here is an article I recently finished that you might find of interest.
 Re-post/w attribute if you wish.

 See below, or at, thanks. Gavin Phillips

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] Racism as Mental Illness

1999-09-01 Thread Linda Minor

 -Caveat Lector-

  Are Racists Ill or Evil?

 Psychiatrist Says Hatred Obscures Mental Health Problem

Some mental health professionals think that extreme racists have
psychological disorders. Some, for instance, might have delusions that all
members of a particular racial group are out to get them. (A.Shepherd/

 By Claudine Chamberlain
During the civil rights era of the 1960s, a group of black psychiatrists was
so disturbed by racially motivated killings and other acts of violence that
they sought to have extreme racism classified as a diagnosable mental
 The American Psychiatric Association turned them down. But now one of
those psychiatrists, Harvard’s Dr. Alvin Poussaint, says it’s time to
reconsider that decision.
 “We’ve had a series of racially motivated killings now — Buford Furrow
in Los Angeles, Benjamin Nathaniel Smith in the Midwest, the dragging death
in Texas,” Poussaint says. “All of these men were suffering from severe
delusions about minorities.”
 But because those delusions were racist delusions, he argues, the men
didn’t get the psychiatric help they needed, even though delusional disorder
is a clearly identifiable mental illness. Instead of being seen as ill, the
attackers were seen as evil — and untreatable.

Diagnosis, Treatment, Prevention
“That’s my peeve,” Poussaint says. “If we want to do any kind of prevention,
psychiatrists have to know and believe themselves that this is a serious
mental disorder.”
 To that end, he says, extreme racism should be listed as an official
type of delusional disorder in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of
Mental Disorders, the index that mental health professionals use in
diagnosing patients. Poussaint set forth his argument in a recent editorial
in The New York Times.
 Treatment would likely be the same as other types of delusional
disorders — intensive talk therapy to help the patient understand that all
African Americans (or Jews or Hispanics) aren’t out to get them, and
possibly anti-psychotic medication if the delusions are quite severe.
 No one argues with the goal of preventing racism. Whether to approach
it as a mental health problem, well, that’s a bit more controversial.

Two Conditions or One?
While it’s certainly possible for someone to be alarmingly racist and
mentally ill, the racism alone doesn’t make a person mentally ill, says Dr.
Daniel Borenstein, president-elect of the American Psychiatric Association
and a professor at the University of California Los Angeles.
 “Racism per se is, I think, an extreme of a very common thing in
humans, and that is prejudice,” Borenstein says. “Some of the ways in which
it manifests itself can be disturbing, but prejudice is a normal human
 If someone has a delusional disorder that makes it more likely that
they’ll act out on those racist feelings in a violent way, he says, that
disorder should be easy enough to diagnose as a separate problem.
 “It would be wonderful if we could somehow decrease racism by making it
a diagnosis,” Borenstein says. “But the diagnostic nomenclature isn’t set up
to cure social problems; it’s set up to diagnose and treat mental illness.”
 Poussaint says he understands the argument that prejudice is a common
human condition. He’s not recommending a trip to the shrink’s office for
anyone who’s ever told an off-color joke, or any white woman who’s ever held
her purse a little closer when a black man walked by. But he is saying that
mental health professionals should be on the lookout for patients whose
racist thoughts include threats of violence or fantasies of vast

Racists Are Bad Characters
“People argue that it’s just hatred, but the hatred is part of a delusion,”
he says. “It’s a circular argument.”
 Julia Ramos Grenier, a Connecticut psychologist who helps police
departments evaluate mentally unstable suspects, says it’s important to
distinguish a character flaw from a mental illness. She thinks racism is a
character flaw.
 “A lot of people in this world go around having negative thoughts about
other people,” she says. “But they don’t necessarily break the law because
of it.”
 An important part of her work is determining how dangerous someone is,
and for that she considers not so much the ideologies they spout, but other
factors, such as whether they have anti-social tendencies, whether they feel
rules and laws apply to them, whether they’ve been violent in the past and
whether they have access to guns.
 While those things are important, Poussaint says it’s also crucial to
recognize delusional racism early on. If you do, and you can help the person
overcome it, you may just prevent the next day-care shooting or deadly

“A lot of people in this world go around having negative thoughts about
other people. But they don’t necessarily break the law because of it.”


1999-09-01 Thread Bill

 -Caveat Lector-

"People have become calloused to lying.  We have become
accustomed to being lied to and decieved.  In the recent
past we have been lied to by our presidents, other, lesser
government officials and politicians, business, industry.
Lied to by employers, by Unions.  Lied to in Advertising.
Lied to in financial transactions, including the status of
stocks and bonds, stockholder reports, and "Audited"
corporate statements.  Lied to at times---through bias or
omission--by communications media.  The list is endless.
Deception has been piled on deception until lying---or, at
best, distortion and failure to make full disclosure---has
become a way of life.
Arthur Hailey  "The Money Changers"

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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Re: [CTRL] Skeptic News - Wednesday #3

1999-09-01 Thread Hilary A. Thomas

 -Caveat Lector-

> @ PET DOGS sit by doors & windows waiting for absent owners to return.
>   people would think nothing of this. But having studied the phenomenon,
>   Rupert Sheldrake, scientist turned outcast, is convinced there is only
>   explanation: dogs know when their owners are coming home; they know
>   they are telepathic.

Hiya Ric,

I spoke with Sheldrake once when I was selling some of his books.  He's a
very pleasant person and his theory of morphogentic fields is intriguing.
I'm not surprised that he is talking about telepathy.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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1999-09-01 Thread Mike & Kathy Moxley

 -Caveat Lector-

>To: undisclosed-recipients:;
>Subject: [piml] ..BREAKING MAJOR -on DRUDGE - WACO
>..Justice Grabs Tapes of conversation between agents giving OK to use
>gas...The AP is reporting that marshals took custody of infrared tapes
>recorded during the early morning of April 19 when incendiary tear gas
>canisters were lobbed at a concrete bunker adjacent to the Davidians'
>compound... MORE...
>Marshals Impound FBI Waco Evidence
>By Michelle Mittelstadt
>Associated Press Writer
>Wednesday, September 1, 1999; 9:42 p.m. EDT
>WASHINGTON (AP) -- Federal marshals were dispatched Wednesday to the FBI's
>headquarters to impound previously undisclosed evidence in the 1993 assault
>by federal agents on the Branch Davidian compound, Justice and FBI officials
>said Wednesday night.
>The marshals took custody of infrared tapes recorded during the early
>of April 19 when incendiary tear gas canisters were lobbed at a concrete
>bunker adjacent to the Davidians' compound near Waco, Texas, an FBI source
>said, speaking on condition of anonymity.
>Hours later, the wooden compound erupted into flames. Cult leader David
>Koresh and some 80 followers died during the inferno.
>Justice Department officials dispatched the marshals to the FBI building
>than a block away after the FBI informed them it had uncovered in its files
>additional information about the tear gas.
>Department sources said Attorney General Janet Reno and her top aides were
>angered at the latest turn of events. Just a week ago, the FBI was forced to
>recant six years of denials that it had used incendiary tear gas during the
>final hours of the 51-day siege.
>That belated admission prompted a furor on Capitol Hill, where congressional
>Republicans are readying hearings for the fall. A frustrated Reno also
>ordered an investigation to determine why combustible tear gas was used
>against her orders.
>The FBI source said the new material, found in the offices of the FBI's
>Hostage Rescue Team in Quantico, Va., was turned up as part of FBI Director
>Louis Freeh's mandate that all files be searched for relevant information in
>advance of the investigation.
>The Hostage Rescue Team was in charge of the FBI's operation during the
>and the final tear-gas assault.
>After the evidence was found, it was transferred to FBI headquarters in
>Washington, where the marshals took possession.
>``Earlier this afternoon, senior main Justice Department officials learned
>from the FBI that the FBI had found additional materials in its possession
>regarding the shooting of military CS gas rounds on the morning of April
>19,'' said Justice spokesman Myron Marlin.
>The Justice officials ``immediately directed the United States Marshals
>Service to take possession and inventory the materials,'' Marlin added.
>The FBI concurred, said bureau spokesman John Collingwood.
>``We are anxious to identify and preserve for outside review and
>congressional oversight anything that may bear on the firing of the military
>gas rounds,'' Collingwood said. ``In the end, the only way we can completely
>restore our credibility is to identify every scrap of information we have
>immediately turn it over to whomever is doing the review.''
>It appeared increasingly likely Wednesday that Reno will order an
>inquiry, sidestepping the investigative resources of the FBI.
>Joining a chorus of voices on and off Capitol Hill, the White House has made
>clear its preference for an independent investigation, a White House
>said Wednesday.
>``We would support a thorough and independent look at this,'' said the
>official, who asked not to be identified.
>Freeh, who wants to head off any perception of conflict of interest, earlier
>this week indicated support for an inquiry free of involvement from the FBI
>or the Justice Department.
>Reno, who is out of the country on official business through Thursday, has
>not reached a final decision, Marlin said.
>Justice sources, however, described Reno as leaning strongly in favor of an
>independent investigation and forgoing the use of a team of 40 FBI agents
>that had been assembled to re-interview all of the participants in the FBI
>The government's conclusion that the 1993 fire was set by Davidian cult
>members has long been doubted by conspiracy theorists and others who allege
>the government engaged in a widespread cover-up.
>The FBI and Reno have said there is no evidence to suggest the blaze was set
>by the incendiary tear gas canisters. After insisting that only
>devices were used, the FBI said last week that a ``very limited number'' of
>combustible canisters were lobbed at a concrete bunker 40 yards from the
>compound a few hours before the fire erupted.
>The House Judiciary Committee is drafting legislation to establish a
>congressional commission to investigate the matter -- a step t

Re: [CTRL] God and Guns: A Biblical Perspective

1999-09-01 Thread Andrew Hennessey

 -Caveat Lector-

>Contradict NO!.. DEFINE YES!
>It is my understanding that the correct language translation
>of this commandment was "Thou shall not murder..."

No, that is precisely the problem ... everybodys INTERPRETATION

> meaning to kill without judgement.

Nazi Germany, then, having a consensus of judgement on Jews
was ok to kill them all ?? Since because they were some
judged in courts of law, and by judges, academics, doctors,
scientists etc that by your INTERPRETATION of 'Gods' word
makes it ok  No, if there are 10 basic commandments
and one of them says thou shalt not kill, thou shalt redeem
with time consuming labor intensive re-education and resources,
I'll bet we wouldn't hear about 10 commandments,
however,  .. a quick double tap to the head saves a lot of time in a
society that just doesn't care about civilisation or its mores.

There are quotes in the bible that I'm sure can and have been used to
substantiate every known crime against civilisation ... lets be absolutely
clear about that.

Andrew Hennessey

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Anglican Bishop on Warpath Over Scottish "Heresy"

1999-09-01 Thread Andrew Hennessey

 -Caveat Lector-

>EDINBURGH, Sept 1 (Reuters) - A prominent Anglican archbishop said on
>Wednesday he was boycotting a church conference in "heretical" Scotland
>because of a local bishop who advocates tolerance of promiscuity and

It has to be said  Pat Robertson wasn't off the mark when he spoke
about Scotland being a 'Dark Land'.

Andrew Hennessey
Edinburgh  Scotland


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Team arrives in Rwanda to probe alleged UN inaction during genocide

1999-09-01 Thread Richard Sampson

 -Caveat Lector-

Team arrives in Rwanda to probe alleged UN inaction during genocide

KIGALI, Sept 1 (AFP) - Three independent investigators arrived in Rwanda
on Wendesday to probe allegations that the United Nations did nothing to
halt the 1994 slaughter of up to 800,000 people.

It is the first time the team, comprising Swedish former prime minister
Ingvar Carlsson, South Korean former foreign minister Han Sung-Joo and
Nigerian General Rufus Kupolati, have set foot on Rwandan soil to
investigate the claims made by families of the genocide victims.

They will specifically investigate the role played by Secretary General
Kofi Annan, who at the time of the killings was head of the UN
peacekeeping operations.

During their three-day stay in Rwanda, the team will meet various
Rwandan officials, survivors of the genocide and journalists.

Annan finally agreed to the investigation in January. Until now the team
has pursued its enquiries at UN headquarters in New York.

Upon arrival in Kigali, Carlsson said he and his colleagues had accepted
Annan's request for an enquiry "on the condition we are fully

"We have full access toward materials" including cables sent from here
to the UN secretariat, and from the secretariat to the UN Security
Council, he added.

Canadian General Romeo Dallaire, who was head of the UN peacekeeping
force in Rwanda at the time, said UN officials failed to respond to his
warnings of preparations for genocide.

Annan has blamed the Security Council for inaction.

"We will look at the responsibility (of) member countries of the UN,"
Carlsson said.

The Swede explained the mission's two objectives: "First to give all the
facts on how this terrible genocide could happen, how the international
community could have let it happen, why they didn't react in a stronger
or quicker way.

"The second objective is to draw conclusions for the future in order
that hopefully this will never happen again."

Carlsson said the investigation has three phases. The first involved
inspection of all relevant materials, including those in the UN

The second, now under way, began with a two-day international seminar in
Geneva with experts, reseachers, book authors and non-governmental
organisations. "We continue now in the region," he said.

Carlsson said the team would spend three days in Rwanda before
travelling to Uganda and Tanzania. Washington, Paris and Brussels are
among other possible destinations, he added.

"The third phase is to present to the Secretary General before the end
of this year, a report with our conclusions about what could have been
done, if we failed and why, and what should be done in the future," he

Two parliamentary commissions, in Belgium in December 1997 and France in
December 1998, cited errors made by the United Nations in the management
of the crisis.
NOTE: In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. section 107, this material is
distributed without profit or payment to those who have expressed a
interest in receiving this information for non-profit research and
educational purposes only. For more information go to:

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Opium History Books

1999-09-01 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-



Record: 17
ACCESSION: 42017447
   Howard, Paul Wilson.
TITLE: Opium suppression in Qing China :
   responses to a social problem, 1729-1906
 YEAR: 1998
   FORMAT: ix, 273 l. : ill.
NOTES: Includes bibliographical references (l. 246-
   Photocopy. Ann Arbor, Mich. : UMI Dissertation Services,
   1999. 23 cm.
   Opium habit -- China.
   Opium trade -- China.
-- History -- Ching dynasty, 1644-1912.

Record: 33
ACCESSION: 41881240
   Bakhala, Franklin.
TITLE: Indian opium and Sino-Indian trade
   relations :
 YEAR: 1985
   FORMAT: 463 leaves : maps.
NOTES: Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of London,
   Includes bibliographical references (leaves 447-460).
   Photocopy. Boston Spa, Wetherby, West Yorkshire, United
   Kingdom. : British Thesis Service, 1999. 27 cm.
   Opium trade -- China -- History -- 19th century.
   Opium trade -- India -- History -- 19th century.
-- Commerce -- India -- History -- 19th century.
-- Commerce -- China -- History -- 19th century.

Record: 55
ACCESSION: 41531856
TITLE: Opium regimes :
   China, Britain, and Japan, 1839-1952
PLACE: Berkeley :
PUBLISHER: University of California
 YEAR: 2000
   FORMAT: p. cm.
NOTES: Includes bibliographical references and
 ISBN: 0520220099 (alk. paper) 0520222369 (alk.
   Opium trade -- China -- History.
   Drug traffic -- China -- History.
   Narcotics, Control of -- China -- History.
-- Relations -- Great Britain.
   Great Britain -- Relations -- China.
-- Relations -- Japan.
-- Relations -- China.
OTHER: Brook, Timothy, 1951-
   Wakabayashi, Bob Tadashi, 1950-

Record: 58
ACCESSION: 41504352
   Layton, Thomas N.
TITLE: The voyage of the 'Frolic' :
   New England merchants and the opium trade.
PLACE: Stanford, Calif. : Cambridge :
PUBLISHER: Stanford University Press ; Cambridge
   University Press,
 YEAR: 1999 1997
   FORMAT: 246 p. : ill. ; 23 cm.
NOTES: Originally published: 1997.
 ISBN: 0804738491
   Frolic (Ship)
   Opium trade -- History -- 19th century.
-- Commerce -- New England.
   New England -- Commerce -- China.

Record: 67
ACCESSION: 41358362
   Reins, Thomas D. (Thomas David)
TITLE: China and the international politics of
   opium, 1900-1937 :
   the impact of reform, revenue, and the unequal treaties

 YEAR: 1981
   FORMAT: xiii, 321 leaves ; 28 cm.
NOTES: Thesis (Ph. D.)--Claremont Graduate School,
   Includes bibliographical references (leaves 310-
   Opium trade -- Law and legislation -- History.
   Opium trade -- Political aspects.
   Opium trade -- China.
-- History -- Republic, 1912-1949.

Record: 73
ACCESSION: 41212931
   Trocki, Carl A.
TITLE: Opium, empire and the global political
   economy :
   a study of the Asian opium trade.
PLACE: London :
PUBLISHER: Routledge,
 YEAR: 1999
   FORMAT: 240 p. : ill., maps ; 24 cm.
   SERIES: Asia's transformations.
NOTES: Bibliography.
   Includes index.
 ISBN: 0415199182
   Opium trade -- Asia -- History.
   Narcotics, Control of -- Asia.
   Drug traffic -- Political aspects -- Asia.

Record: 108
ACCESSION: 40606639
   Waley, Arthur.
TITLE: The Opium War through Chinese eyes

PLACE: Stanford, Calif.,
PUBLISHER: Stanford University Press
 YEAR: 1995 1958
   FORMAT: 256 p. 22 cm.
NOTES: Includes bibliographical references and
-- History -- Opium War, 1840-1842.

Record: 110
ACCESSION: 40600740
   Seymour, Gertrude.
TITLE: A little more about opium :
   an airplane view over six centuries and sixty nations

PLACE: [New York :
PUBLISHER: General Federation of Women's
 YEAR: 1927
NOTES: Cover title.
   "Joint Program of the Departments of International
   Relations and of Public Welfare."
OTHER: General Federation of Women's

Record: 124
ACCESSION: 40455518
   Berridge, Virginia.
TITLE: Opium and

[CTRL] *FLASH-BREAKING NEWS* Marshals Impound FBI Waco Evidence

1999-09-01 Thread Bard
of Congress to urge Reno to resign over the Waco controversy.

``I think the attorney general should step down,'' Gramm said. ``This is
another example of where she has either lied to the American people or
allowed the American people to be lied to.''

Visit me at:
The Center for Exposing Corruption in the Federal Government

Federal Government defined:
a benefit/subsidy protection racket!

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Query for Anthony Sutton

1999-09-01 Thread Bill

 -Caveat Lector-

Be The Earth.  It Is You.

>  -Caveat Lector-
> This is what I have been working on these last ten years.
> Anomalies have been  disregarded by science.  These have accumulated.   New.
> technology like cold fusion and transmutation has enormously difficult  time
> to emerge because of vested interest in the status quo..
> The emerging technology is a powerful spiritual technology..   Best example
> is etheric weather engineering...  Biology ignores life energy and the lust
> for control has taken it into genetic manipulation...which will fade away.
> Biotechnology will be replaced by a life centered  biology.  Energy probably
> by zero point energy from space.
> This tech cannot be politically controlled..
> I have a book THE VIEW FROM 4-SPACE which discusses this emerging tech.  It
> is typeset but not published.  I make  it available to readers of FTIR.
> Will be happy to send no charge sample issue of FTIR. Send # 10 self
> addressed envelope.  to  FTIR, PO Box 164377, Sacramento Ca 95816.
> .
> Why are the Chinese so concerned with Galun Fong?  A simple system based on
> chi. They know from their history the power of these spiritual systems.   It
> cannot be suppressed. It comes from the individual spirit and reflects
> universal truth.
> If you are a conventional scientist this will be tough for you.your
> textbook will only take you so far
> ==
> CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
> screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
> and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
> frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
> spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
> gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
> be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
> nazi's need not apply.
> Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
> Archives Available at:
> To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:
> To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:
> Om

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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1999-09-01 Thread CobolMage

 -Caveat Lector-

X DRUDGE REPORT X WED, SEPT 01, 1999 21:51:22 ET X


A furious Janet Reno ordered federal marshals to the headquarters of the
FBI to impound new, previously undisclosed evidence relating to the 1993
Branch Davidian assault near Waco, Texas.

As she returned from Panama late Wednesday night, Attorney General Reno
expressed total anger over the development while aboard the plane, the
DRUDGE REPORT has learned from one eyewitness.

"Her face was flushed, she was clearly shaken," the eyewitness told the

Washington was rocked Wednesday night just hours after federal marshals
took custody of infrared tapes recorded during the early morning of April
19 when incendiary tear gas canisters were lobbed at a concrete bunker
adjacent to the Branch Davidians' compound.

The tapes capture conversation between agents giving the OK to use gas on
the compound.

The recording contains the voices of agents asking for and receiving
authorization from their operational commanders at Waco.

The new material, found in the offices of the FBI's Hostage Rescue Team in
Quantico, Va. on Wednesday, was transferred to FBI headquarters in
Washington -- where it was seized.

FBI Director Louis Freeh's has issued a mandate that all FBI files be
searched for relevant information on Waco.

"The recording is on the audio track of an infrared videotape that picked
up heat images from inside the compound," the NEW YORK TIMES is rushing in
a Thursday Page One lead, according to publishing sources. The tape was
made by an aircraft flying over the site at the time the tear-gas canisters
were launched at the bunker, according to the report.



Former Republican senators John Danforth of Missouri and Warren Rudman of
New Hampshire are said to be on Reno's short list of candidates to head a
new probe into the events surrounding Waco, the NEW YORK TIMES is reporting.

Another candidate is Dan Webb, a prominent Chicago lawyer and former
Republican-appointed federal prosecutor.



An unnamed federal court official in Waco tells Thursday's ATLANTA JOURNAL
CONSTITUTION that U.S. District Judge Walter Smith Jr. has no intention on
holding a hearing on the Justice Department's motion that questions Smith's
authority to gain possession of all evidence pertaining to Waco and an
ongoing civil lawsuit.

Judge Smith is determined to begin the Branch Davidian's civil wrongful
death lawsuit on October 18 -- however the Justice Department challenged
Smith's August 9 order asking for all government agencies and individuals
to hand over all materials relevant to the Branch Davidian case.

All Developing...

Filed by Matt Drudge
Reports are moved when circumstances warrant  for updates

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Bilderberg - The Power Elite - The High Priests ofGlobalization - Shadow World Government]

1999-09-01 Thread Bill

 -Caveat Lector-

> > Date: Wed, 01 Sep 1999 08:53:59 -0600
> > From: spiker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Organization: N/A
> > X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.51 [en] (Win95; U)
> > X-Accept-Language: en
> > Subject: Bilderberg - The Power Elite - The High Priests
> > of Globalization -
> >  Shadow World Government
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Index | Homepage | Good Links | Bad Links
> >
> > -
> >
> > Bilderberg - 'The High Priests of Globalization' - from
> > Bristol, England
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > NATO playing games in the Balkans - Ana's site in
> > Belgrade
> >
> >
> >
> >   Official badge of MI5 (Mossad UK)
> >Britain's unaccountable internal security service
> > Complete with 'all-seeing eye' at the top of the pyramid
> >
> >Original Bilderberg Chairman was Nazi SS officer
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > June 1999 - Bilderberg summit in Portugal
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Download this site - in case it disappears
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > An introduction to
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Full index to
> >
> >
> >
> > -
> >
> >
> > - site index:
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Bilderberg Conferences
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Other Western Elites
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Culture, Communication and Control
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > The Oil Industry and Destruction of Public Transport
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > General Uncategorizable Global Chaos
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Some positive solutions
> >
> >
> >
> > -
> >
> >
> > "...somebody has to take governments' place, and
> > business seems to me to be a logical entity to do it." -
> > David Rockefeller - Newsweek International, Feb 1 1999.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >  "...the world is governed by very different personages
> >   to what is imagined by those who are not themselves
> >   behind the scenes." - Ben Disraeli (1801-1884) Prime
> >   Minister of Britain
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >   "Globalisation is the new Totalitarianism" - Vandana
> >  Shiva
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >  @nticopyright - non commercial use encouraged
> > Do mirror/grab whatever you wish minus mailtos
> >   but do please link to and credit this site
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Windows 95 whole site download shareware
> >
> >  Teleport recommended
> >
> >
> >
> > -
> >
> >
> > Bilderberg Conferences
> >
> >
> >
> > 1999 Conference in Portugal, a page of information
> > specific to this conference including official
> > participant list
> >
> > Prince Bernhard of The Netherlands - arguably the
> > 'father' of the Bilderberg - his Nazi background and
> > activities surrounding his 1975 resignation over the
> > Lockheed bribery scandal
> >
> > The Bilderberg Group. Critical piece on what must be the
> > world's richest and most powerful clandestine club
> >
> > History and origins of Bilderberg group and a cheeky bit
> > of work by an investigative reporter
> >
> > The 1998 Conference at Turnberry in Scotland, Attendees
> > list, Email discussions etc
> >
> > Reports and list of people who attended Bilderberg 1996
> > conference
> >
> > List of people who attended Bilderberg 1997 conference.
> > So they did get together, just as my source predicted.
> > Here's the official confession. It went out on the
> > Reuters wire service, but with a legal warning to remind
> > editors not to print it.
> >
> > Bilderberg reports and papers, background information on
> > the Bilderberg Group
> >
> > Canadian state governors jetting around the world to
> > hob-nob with the rich and powerful types. They all find
> > our 'right to know' an irksome annoyance
> >
> > Global Élites
> >
> >
> >
> > The Bohemian Grove - a private club for the rich and
> > powerful in the United States that has been going for
> > over a hundred years
> >
> > The British American Project for the Successor
> > generation - little-known elitist grouping - said to
> > have close connections to British Intelligence agencies
> >
> > The End Of the Democratic Era - Vast amounts of money
> > used to buy votes and a detailed look at how companies
> > are overpowering countries
> >
> > BLACK HUMOUR: Arch-mage David Rockefeller talks frankly
> > about his sterling efforts (along with his power élite
> > chums) to save us from ourselves
> >
> > DANGEROUS LIAISONS - A report on the Global Elite
> > cataloging many groupings and listing names of
> > individuals involved
> >
> > David Rockefeller's mission to the far east, the
> > Trilateral Commission
> >
> > Culture, Communication and Control
> >
> >
> >
> > The brown-nosing Freemasons, sad bunch, a
> > not-so-charitable view of them is revealed here
> >
> > Product Placement - advertising by stealth - the
> > marketing slimeballs, armed with endles

[CTRL] [Fwd: FC: Progressive Policy Institute forum in DC on September 13]

1999-09-01 Thread Bill

 -Caveat Lector-

Declan McCullagh wrote:
> >Date: Wed, 01 Sep 1999 15:54:35 -0400
> >From: Randolph Court <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Subject: Policy makers and high-tech execs to meet in DC
> >
> >Declan - Please post this conference announcement to the politech mailing
> list.
> >
> >The Progressive Policy Institute's New Economy Task Force will host a
> public forum on the policy implications of the information technology
> revolution and the New Economy on Monday September 13 at the Ronald Reagan
> International Trade Building in Washington, DC.
> >
> >The Task Force is made up of 50 leading elected officials and New Economy
> entrepreneurs, including Senators Jeff Bingaman, Joe Lieberman, and Ron
> Wyden; Representatives Cal Dooley, Zoe Lofgren, and Adam Smith; America
> Online CTO Marc Andreesen, Intuit founder Scott Cook, Nanogen President and
> COO Tina Nova, and WebTV Co-founder Steve Pearlman.
> >
> >Co-chairmen Senate Democratic Leader Tom Daschle and Gateway CEO Ted
> Waitt, along with more than 20 other Task Force members will be attending
> the event on the 13th, where the group will release and discuss a new
> framing declaration: "Rules of the Road: Governing Principles for the New
> Economy."
> >
> >- AGENDA -
> >
> >Monday, September 13, 1999
> >
> >10:00 am - Public Program Begins
> >
> >10:00 - 10:10 - Welcome/Overview: Will Marshall, PPI President
> >
> >10:10 - 10:40 - Opening Remarks:
> > Task Force Co-Chairs, Sen. Tom Daschle (SD) and Gateway CEO Ted Waitt
> >
> >10:40 - Noon - Panel Discussion: "Rules of the Road: Governing Principles
> for the New Economy."
> > Task Force members will present and discuss the 10 "Rules of the
> Road" for governing in the New Economy.
> >
> >Noon - 1:30 pm - Luncheon Discussion: "Ensuring Digital Opportunity"
> > As the digital economy emerges, a key issue is ensuring that all
> Americans can use and benefit from these potentially empowering technologies.
> >
> >1:30 - 3:00 - Panel Discussion: "Internet Policy: New Approaches for a New
> Medium."
> > The digital revolution is changing the underlying rules of commerce
> and raising a host of policy issues, from encryption and privacy to
> sovereignty and governmental jurisdiction. This panel will discuss the
> extent to which the unique nature of the Internet both enables and requires
> new policy frameworks.  Task Force members will be joined by two leading
> thinkers on e-commerce policy:
> > - Thomas P. Vartanian, who leads the Financial Institutions
> Transactions and E-Commerce Practice of the Washington law firm Fried,
> Frank, Harris, Shriver & Jacobson
> > - Christine Varney, Partner, Internet Practice Group, Hogan &
> Hartson; former Commissioner, Federal Trade Commission.
> >
> >For more information, please call PPI at 202-547-0001, or go to
> >
> --
> POLITECH -- the moderated mailing list of politics and technology
> To subscribe: send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with this text:
> subscribe politech
> More information is at
> --

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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Re: [CTRL] Conspiracy authors and Biases?Mr Sutton

1999-09-01 Thread TenebrousT

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 9/1/99 12:50:20 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

> I am pro-freedom, pro-the individual and anti-statist, whatever the name of
>  the state.
>  And I fully admit to these biases.

With biases like those you can come over to my house for dinner, anytime!
Incidentally let me welcome you to the list as well, you are a source for
much that is discussed here, and obviously have influenced our esteemed list
owner with your writings considering his interest and research into the Skull
and Bones society.  I have enjoyed your writings as well and say that we will
all be the better for your contributions here.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] Is Russia Planning Mideast Attack? Joseph Farah

1999-09-01 Thread Nicola Molloy

 -Caveat Lector-

Is Russia planning
  Mideast attack?  By Joseph Farah,  World Net Daily,
Wed Sept 1 1999

  Joseph de Courcy, editor of the well-respected journal
  Intelligence Digest reports this week: "While NATO
  congratulates itself on bombing the Serbs into
  Israel's Mossad and other Middle Eastern intelligence
  have discovered that Kosovo was one humiliation too
many for
  Russia. Now Moscow has agreed to back Saddam's secret
  of revenge. With this all-important Russian backing,
Saddam is
  joining with hated Iran and Syria to launch one final
  against Israel. Amazingly, Saddam will allow Iranian
troops to
  cross Iraqi territory to join the attack on Israel.
And to keep
  America from interfering, Moscow has given Osama bin
  and other terrorists the means to attack American
  centers with weapons of mass destruction. The threat
is real ...
  and the implications terrifying. ..."

  These are not the rantings of some self-proclaimed
  geo-strategic analyst. Joseph de Courcy is one of the
  well-respected intelligence journalists in the world.

  His report is nothing short of shocking. Yet it
confirms and
  supports the research being done by WorldNetDaily's
  Nyquist, author of "Origins of the Fourth World War."
  believe, based on trends obvious to anyone capable of
  up a daily newspaper today (online or off) that there
is an
  excellent chance Russia and/or China may embark on a
  military adventure before 2001.

  Why? There is almost no chance America will be weaker
  militarily than it is right now during the remainder
of the Clinton
  administration. We've hit rock bottom -- deliberately,
  of the conscious policies of a president who is
un-American to
  the core and who would sell out the memory of his own
  mother if he thought there were an opportunity for
  momentary political gain.

  Unless some equally unpatriotic, characterless leader
  on national suicide is selected to be commander in
chief, the
  military is bound to at least recover some ground lost
  the last seven years.

  Jane's Air Defense reports next month that a mock
  between U.S. Air Force fighters and Israeli Defense
  aircraft resulted in a one-sided rout. More than 200
U.S. planes
  were lost in the simulation while the Israeli pilots
lost about 20.
  The Israelis are good, but they're not THAT good. U.S.
  standards have plummeted in the politically correct

  Nevertheless, while there are fewer resources for
  ammunition, strategic weapons and training, there has
been a
  tenfold increase in the demand for deployments during
this era
  in which the U.S. military has been redefined as the
police force
  of the world.

  Yeah, if there were ever an opportunity to surprise
the U.S.
  when its defenses are down, this is it. Not since
Pearl Harbor
  has America been less prepared for existing threats.

  The Russians and the Chinese are not stupid. They can
  see that they may never have a better chance than they
  right now to strike a decisive blow to the United
States -- a
  knockout punch from which we may never recover.

  Any such designs would almost certainly include an
  into the Middle East so that the oil fields could be
  thus effectively shoring up sagging industrial
economies for
  the long term and depriving what remains of the West
from any
  hope of recovery.

  You could argue, as some have, that China's best
chance has
  not yet come. It is still emerging as a world economic
  military power, they say. Its best days are ahead, say
  optimists. Maybe so, but China's economic development
  not been nearly as dramatic as some had projected. And
it is
  deeply frustrated by talk of Taiwan 

[CTRL] [Fwd: EPIC Alert 6.13]

1999-09-01 Thread Bill

 -Caveat Lector-

EPIC-News List wrote:
>    @@@    @@     @
>@ @  @   @   @@ @   @ @ @  @@
>  @@@@   @   @  @ @@@   @@@ @
>@ @  @   @   @   @  @ @ @  @@
>  @ @@@  @   @      @   @   @
>Volume 6.13  September 1, 1999
> Published by the
>   Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC)
> Washington, D.C.
> ===
> Table of Contents
> ===
> [1] FCC Grants FBI Surveillance Standards Request
> [2] Administration Proposes Secret Break-ins to Combat Crypto
> [3] Appeals Court Strikes Down Telephone Privacy Regs
> [4] Advisory Group Urges Change in Crypto Policy
> [5] Appellate Brief Challenges Internet Censorship Law
> [6] New Feature Raises Privacy Concerns
> [7] EPIC Bookstore - The Tin Drum
> [8] Upcoming Conferences and Events
> ===
> [1] FCC Grants FBI Surveillance Standards Request
> ===
> In a decision released on August 31, the Federal Communications
> Commission (FCC) largely adopted technical standards proposed by the
> Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) that would re-design the
> nation's telecommunications networks to facilitate electronic
> surveillance.  The ruling could result in a significant increase in
> government interception of digital communications.  Included is a
> requirement that cellular telephone networks must provide police the
> ability to track the physical location of cell phone users.
> The FCC decision involves the Communications Assistance for Law
> Enforcement Act (CALEA), a controversial law enacted by Congress in
> 1994, which requires the telecommunications industry to design its
> systems in compliance with FBI technical specifications.  In
> negotiations over the last few years, the FBI and industry
> representatives were unable to agree upon those standards, resulting
> in the current proceeding before the Commission.  EPIC opposed the
> enactment of CALEA in 1994 and has participated as a party in the FCC
> proceeding, arguing that many of the FBI standards go beyond the scope
> of the legislation and threaten communications privacy.
> Another standard approved by the FCC would allow police investigators
> to listen in on phone conversations of all parties to a conference
> call, even if some were put on hold and were no longer talking to the
> target of the authorized surveillance.  The standards would also enable
> police to determine when someone is using call-forwarding, three-way
> calling or other features.
> On an issue of potentially great significance to the Internet, the
> Commission directed that "packet-mode communications" be made available
> to law enforcement no later than September 2001. Such communications
> can contain both voice and data.  Noting the privacy problems raised by
> this requirement, the FCC requested the telecom industry to "study
> CALEA solutions for packet-mode technology" that will "better address
> privacy concerns" and report back in one year.
> EPIC is reviewing the full text of the decision and may challenge the
> FCC action in federal court.
> Additional information on CALEA, including the full text of the FCC
> decision, is available at:
> ===
> [2] Administration Proposes Secret Break-ins to Combat Crypto
> ===
> A new Clinton Administration proposal could result in an unprecedented
> intrusion into the sanctity of private homes and businesses.  The White
> House plan would enable federal and local law enforcement agents to
> secretly break into private premises and alter computer equipment to
> collect e-mail messages and other electronic information.
> As first disclosed on August 20, the administration is circulating
> draft legislation known as the Cyberspace Electronic Security Act
> (CESA), the latest White House effort to address the growing use of
> encryption technology.  As described in an August 4 analysis of the
> legislation obtained by EPIC, the proposal would amend current law to
> authorize "the alteration of hardware or software that allows plaintext
> to be obtained even if attempts were made to prote

Re: [CTRL] "D" Bomb Threatens Japan

1999-09-01 Thread Bill

 -Caveat Lector-

And the Numismatic Beast rages and roars, its eyes
rolling wildly, tongue a'loll, mouth foaming copiously and
dripping; in preparation for the greatest feast of its
life.  Even now, in the capitols and television stations its
minions shuffle and scurry about, confused, programmed to do
its bidding through maneuverings of its very existance.  So
the Beast continues to rage, bending the bars of its cage,
awaiting that first high-pitched squeal signalling a crack
in the metal of its prison gate.  Then shall it emerge and
no desert magic, which has vainly attempted to harness the
power of this beast, will be able to control it then.  The
beast hungers.  It has not fed for quite some time.  But it
ALWAYS feeds.  Always.

flw wrote:
>  -Caveat Lector-
> Historically, every major stock market crash is preceeded by a huge
> debt bubble to go along with the stock market bubble.
> Japan is now approaching a historical Debt Bubble to match
> its Asset Bubble from the 1980's. The US is the mirror image of
> Japan. Lower government debt but huge personal / corporate debt.
> Yes, we live in interesting times.
> flw
> September 1, 1999
> Japan as No.1? In Debt, Maybe, at the Rate Things Have Been Going
> TOKYO -- One of the striking paradoxes of Japan is that this is a country
> with the greatest savers in the industrialized world, and yet everywhere
> one looks there is debt.
> Japanese savers are famous for their ability to salt away money for the
> future, but as a nation, this country has some of the worst accounts in the
> industrialized world, and its debt trajectory increasingly looks like that
> of a third world country like Tanzania.
> Much of the public debt, which totals about $5.4 trillion, was taken on at
> the urging of the United States to stimulate growth.
> But Japan's debt situation is now so precarious that as talk of new
> stimulus plans heats up this fall, there are growing doubts about how long
> Prime Minister Keizo Obuchi can continue to spend furiously in hopes of
> reviving the economy.
> "It's like trying to adjust the fire carefully so that you don't ruin the
> fish," said Sadakazu Tanigaki, a Vice Minister of Finance. "The weight of
> the debt is extremely large. It is obvious that we can't leave the current
> situation as it is."
> The dangers are difficult to gauge, and if Japan's incipient recovery gains
> momentum, profits may flow in around the country and the nation's debt
> problems could diminish. Indeed, despite gloom-and-doom talk from some
> economists in the 1980's, the United States has transformed a budget
> deficit in those days into a surplus today, while enjoying spectacular
> economic growth now.
> So the Clinton Administration, while concerned about Tokyo's debt, has
> urged Japan to keep spending on the bet that doing so may revive the
> economy and generate the cash to pay back later.
> Still, Japan's debt is not only tarnishing the Government's reputation as
> prudent proprietor of the world's second-largest economy. It is also
> raising troubling questions that extend far beyond Japan.
> "There is no end in sight to the buildup of debt," said Vincent J. Truglia,
> managing director at Moody's Investors Service, which has downgraded
> Japan's formerly pristine credit rating, an important sign of diminished
> foreign confidence in its financial stamina.
> "We're just concerned that Japan has already entered the highest levels of
> debt of an industrialized country," Truglia said, "and soon will be
> entering unprecedented levels."
> Perhaps more important, rising debt levels will tend to lead to higher
> long-term interest rates in Japan. The effects of those higher rates may
> nudge up lending rates around the world, possibly threatening the economies
> of Asia that are trying to climb out of a financial crisis that is now two
> years old.
> Higher lending rates could also ripple across the Pacific to raise business
> costs in California and mortgage rates in Florida, undermining the American
> economy.
> "If Japan goes through a period of fiscal paralysis or outright crisis,
> then it's going to have a very negative impact on global financial
> stability," said David L. Asher, a specialist on Japan at the Massachusetts
> Institute of Technology. "They've already broken a lot of world records for
> debt management in postwar history."
> The risk of a default by the Japanese Government is remote, but there are
> anxieties here that rising debt levels could lead to a confidence crisis,
> provoking a flight of capital and currency turmoil.
> Although Japan's troubles have not hurt America so far, a sudden shift to
> safe assets in the United States could send the dollar soaring in value
> against the yen and hurt American exports by making them more expensive.
> The debt is an astonishing contrast to Japan's reputation for thriftiness.
> Japanese citizens h

[CTRL] Nuclear plants on alert over "9/9/99"

1999-09-01 Thread earthman

 -Caveat Lector-

Note from Bill Koenig:

Below are a few article titles and links about the Thursday,
September 9, national Y2k power grid test in the United States and
Canada. Also, there is information on the 9/9/99 "end of file" date
scenario that many industry officials believe will be a non-event.

There is also other international articles and links on Y2k and a
full article below that.

We will follow the Y2k news very closely in the next seven to ten


Sept. 9 Will Test Y2K Contingency (New York Times)

Bracing for little-known `Nine Problems'  (The New Straits Times)

Get set for a date with 9.9.99  (The Times of India)

Nuclear plants on alert over "9/9/99" computer bug ( The
Independent - London)

Worried Up to the Nines 9/9/99 an Early Test for Y2K (ABC News)

Aussies Will Survive 9-9-99 (Computer Daily News)

Thinking about the Y2K Problem in a Mathematical Context

Nuclear plants on alert over computer bug
The Independent - London

BRITAIN'S NUCLEAR watchdog has issued a warning to atomic power
stations about the dangers of a computer bug which is due to strike
on 9  September.

The Nuclear Installations Inspectorate (NII) is taking the threat
of the  "9/9/99" bug sufficiently seriously to have asked all
nuclear operators to prepare contingency plans.

A Health and Safety Executive spokesman said that in order to prove
that they can shut reactors down safely in an emergency, nuclear
operators have to take the date into consideration as part of their
safety assessments, without which they are not allowed to operate.
"We don't think the 9/9/99 bug is widespread but nevertheless it is
being taken seriously around the world as a potential date for
trouble," the spokesman said.

The fresh concerns about millennium-type problems came on the day
that the Global Positioning System - a network of 24 navigation
satellites controlled by computer chips - resets its date to zero.

The "roll over" of the GPS occurs every 1,024 weeks - about once
every 20 years - and was due to take place at midnight last night,
potentially causing problems for anyone with a hand-held receiver,
such as hikers, sailors and light-aircraft pilots. Although the NII
did not issue any warnings about the GPS rollover, it has taken the
potential risks of computer failure due to the 9/9/99 bug more

Tony Stock, the Operations Director of Action 2000, the government
task force set up to deal with millennium bug issues, said the 9
September bug stems from a historic accident when computer files
were processed according to date, with the earlier dates being
dealt with first. To ensure that any totalling of the records was
done last, programmers inserted the "nonsense" date of 99/99/99,
which was guaranteed to be later than anything else in the computer

"This, we believe, has been misconstrued as 9/9/99, a real date
rather than the dummy value. Our assessment and the US government's
assessment is that we don't anticipate any major problems," Mr
Stock said.

Just two authenticated examples of the 9/9/99 bug have so far
emerged: one in test equipment used by the rail industry to monitor
vibration in tracks, and one in a piece of medical equipment, which
did not endanger patients. Some computer users see the bug as a
test for the millennium bug proper at the
end of the year.

Businessmen were yesterday warned they could face legal action if
they fail to take precautions against the millennium bug. Don
Cruickshank, chairman of the government's Action 2000 bug watchdog,
told firms they could be liable if it prevents them from fulfilling
a contract or if their faulty systems disrupt another company.
Millennium bug damage is unlikely to be covered by insurance as it
is a foreseeable event.

Koenig's International News - Bill Koenig -
Post Office Box 671127, Dallas, TX 75367

We are about to go on a Journey. All Aboard

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to r

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Re: [CIA-DRUGS]

1999-09-01 Thread Bill

 -Caveat Lector-

The money is corrupt.  A Fatal Flaw.  The Mark Of Idiocy.
Not much longer now.

Kris Millegan wrote:
>  As Mae Brussell once remarked, "they pick the presidents 20 years ahead."
> The 'thing' that always gets me, is ya dig deep enough into this sh*t and
> some F%^&*(#
> general or some other hoodwinked stooge will pop up and say, "well,  its
> better that we do it than some one else."
> The national security state is looking to bite your ass.
> Om
> K
> -
> Subject: Re: [CIA-DRUGS] 
> Date: Wed, 01 Sep 1999 09:08:41 -0700
> From: Brian Downing Quig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Organization: Primary Research Associates
> References: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> From: Brian Downing Quig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Arizona leads the nation in narcotics trafficking.  The Qualye owned ARIZONA
> REPUBLIC monopoly newspaper makes it seem like no problem at all.  I did not even
> bother to post the $2 billion Phoenix cocaine bust early this year or the murder
> of a federal judge in Tucson.  I have been trying to point out the FBI activity
> going on here under Weldon Kenndey who became
> OKC bombing chief investigator after his time as FBI SAC in Arizona.
> For over one hundred years Shull and Bones has selected U.S. presidents.  Baby
> Bush has double blood since both George and Barbara Bush are descended from
> Alfonso Taft, the founder of Skull and Bones.  Is it not empty to discuss
> presidential politics in any other terms?
> Brian Downing Quig
> >
> > In a message dated 8/31/99 10:24:44 AM, you wrote:
> >
> > >Actually this is the page I meant to send last e-mail
> > >regarding the New England opium cartel and the Skull and
> > >Bones.  Sorry.
> > >
> > >brian quig
> >
> >  Brian, Great to have you onboard CIA-Drugs, I have always enjoyed your web
> > site.
> >
> > Is there any new news on the temple murders, heroin and such. From what I
> > read, Arizonia is an interesting place.
> >
> > Having been looking into Skull and Bones for many year, please let me  point
> > out the few inacuracies in your fine piece.
> >
> > It is William Hunington Russell not Harrison.
> > The Russel Trust Association wasn't formed until 1856.
> > Richard(Dick) Bissel  is not a member. He went to Yale and is the member of
> > one of the other  senior secret societies there, which one escapes my noodle
> > at the moment.
> > The Russell and Company flag was officially not the Skull and Crossbones and
> > I have seen no printed reports in the opium trade books to suggest  so. Their
> > flag  was blue and white and was two opposing blue triangles and two opposing
> > white trianles to form and X on its side. Check out the Opium Clippers by
> > Basil Lubbock(1933)
> > W. H. Taft was Collector of Internal Revenue for the First District(Ohio)
> > 1881-1883
> >
> > --- ONElist Sponsor 
> >
> > ATTENTION ONElist MEMBERS! Are you getting your ONElist news?
> > If not, join our MEMBER NEWSLETTER here:
> > ">Click Here
> >
> > 
> --- ONElist Sponsor 
> Show your ONElist SPIRIT!
> ">Click Here
> With a new ONElist SHIRT available through our website.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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Re: [CTRL] Skeptic News - Wednesday #3

1999-09-01 Thread Ric Carter

 -Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
From: Hilary A. Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> > Rupert Sheldrake, scientist turned outcast, is convinced there
> > is only one explanation: dogs know when their owners are coming
> > home; they know 'cause they are telepathic.
> >
> I spoke with Sheldrake once when I was selling some of his books.
> He's a very pleasant person and his theory of morphogentic fields
> is intriguing. I'm not surprised that he is talking about telepathy.

He's apparently been talking about telepathy for some time now.
Talking about telepathy is east [but why should a telepath need
to talk?]; demonstrating telepathy is a bit more difficult, eh?
Except when the conspiracy of telepathy debunkers are working...

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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Re: [CTRL] [InTheShadows] Skeptic News - Wednesday #1

1999-09-01 Thread Ric Carter

 -Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
From: Hilary A. Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> > # 'French Paradox' a health myth. BARCELONA (UPI) The so-called "French
> >  Paradox" a lower incidence of heart disease despite typical Western
> >  risk factors for disease might just be an error, stemming from a fluke
> >  in health reporting. Many more French men die from alcohol-related
> >  causes before they have the opportunity to die of heart disease.
> >  Merde:
> We tend to think of the French diet as the rich meals consumed in Paris.
> Having lived in Paris I can attest to the fact that the food there can be
> very rich and um-um good.  However, the subjects in this study came from
> more rural areas with a more balanced diet - if my memory servers me -
> which it usually doesn't.

Naw, the diet usually considered typically French/Mediterranean is
the grain, fruit/veggie, sausage, olive oil, wine combo - but when
ya factor-in chain-smoking & cognac-guzzling, it's a bit deadlier...
Many cultures will show low heart-disease rates, just because they
promote behaviors that kill before heart disease has time to develop.
This doesn't mean that the diets/behaviors common to those cultures
are healthy, just that they skew the statistics.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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Re: [CTRL] Our web domain blocked

1999-09-01 Thread earthman

 -Caveat Lector-

Hey that's my page.
Check it out again.

We are about to go on a Journey. All Aboard
- Original Message -
From: John Szocik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, September 01, 1999 7:55 AM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Our web domain blocked

> -Caveat Lector-
> When I attempted to access the URL : http://
>  I was dumped on some site stating
> this URL was not accessible anymore!
> What's up with that?!
> ==
> CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting
> screeds are not allowed. Substance-not soapboxing!  These are sordid
> and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and
> frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor
> spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
> gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to
> be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
> nazi's need not apply.
> Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
> Archives Available at:
> To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:
> To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:
> Om

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:

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Re: [CTRL] CIA 'may have poisoned ex-PM'

1999-09-01 Thread earthman

 -Caveat Lector-

  More on Kirk
  01/09/99 - Clark tells Harvey to forget Kirk theory

Labour leader Helen Clark gave a strong ticking-off to party president Bob
Harvey yesterday over his claim that the CIA was involved in the death of
former Prime Minister Norman Kirk.
The claim was dismissed as "a heap of crap" by former Labour deputy leader
Bob Tizard, and as "bizarre and sad" by Prime Minister Jenny Shipley.

And From

September, 1974: According to CIA sources, Kirk was killed by the
Trilateralists using Sodium Morphate. Rowling's first act as NZ Prime
Minister was to withdraw Kirk's Anti-Monopoly Bill and the Petroleum
Amendment Bill.

Later, Rowling was to be rewarded with ambassadorship to Washington.
Incidentally, the Shah of Iran was murdered the same way as Kirk on his
arrival in the US.

Whitlam and Kirk

Mid-1974: Gough Whitlam and Norman Kirk begin a series of moves absolutely
against the Mafia Trilateralists. Whitlam refuses to waive restrictions on
overseas borrowings to finance Alwest Aluminium Consortium of Rupert
Murdoch, BHP and R.J. Reynolds. Whitlam had also ended Vietnam War support,
blocked uranium mining and wanted more control over US secret spy bases -
e.g. Pine Gap.

Kirk had introduced a new, tough Anti-Monopoly Bill and had tried to
redistribute income from big companies to the labour force through price
regulation and a wages policy.

Kirk had also rejected plans to build a second aluminium smelter near
Dunedin and was preparing the Petroleum Amendment Bill to give more control
over New Zealand oil resources.

Kirk had found out that Hunt Petroleum, drilling in the Great South Basin,
had discovered a huge resource of oil comparable in size to the North Sea or
Alaskan North Slope. Gas reserves alone now estimated at 30 times bigger
than Kapuni and oil reserves of at least 20 billion barrels - enough for New
Zealand to be self-sufficient for years. Oil companies completely hushed up
these facts. To have announced a vast new oil source would probably mean a
decline in world oil prices, which would not have allowed OPEC and Onassis
plans for the Arabs to eventuate. N.Z. could be exploited at a later date,
particularly since the North Sea operations were about to come on stream -
Kirk was the last tohold out.

We are about to go on a Journey. All Aboard
- Original Message -
From: Hilary A. Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, September 02, 1999 7:57 AM
Subject: [CTRL] CIA 'may have poisoned ex-PM'

> -Caveat Lector-
> Wednesday, September 1, 1999
> 63.asp
> CIA 'may have poisoned ex-PM'
> DAVID BARBER in Wellington
> Former Labour prime minister Norman Kirk was remembered on the 25th
> anniversary of his death in office yesterday with a claim that he may have
> been poisoned by the CIA.
> The president of the Labour Party, Bob Harvey, called on Prime Minister
> Jenny Shipley to ask US President Bill Clinton to hand over Central
> Intelligence Agency files on Kirk when they met in Auckland next month.
> Mr Harvey said Kirk, who was 51 when he died of a heart attack, was
> unpopular with the Americans after telling them they could not use New
> Zealand as a nuclear submarine base if there was a nuclear holocaust in
> northern hemisphere.
> Mr Harvey claimed the CIA had played a role in the removal from office of
> Australian Labor prime minister Gough Whitlam and Kirk "may have paid the
> supreme price" after challenging the US during the Cold War.
> He suspected he could have been poisoned by the CIA during an overseas
> before he became Prime Minister in 1972.
> Labour Party leader Helen Clark rejected the president's claim, saying: "I
> don't believe there is any substance to rumours which have circulated now
> for 25 years that there was some sort of foreign involvement in Mr Kirk's
> death."
> Mrs Shipley said Kirk had been loved and respected by many New Zealanders
> on both sides of the political spectrum.
> "It's bizarre and sad that the current president of the Labour Party is
> making such extraordinary claims on a day when we should be remembering
> Norm Kirk's great contribution to New Zealand," she said.
> Bob Tizard, a former Labour deputy prime minister, said Kirk was a big
> weighing 170kg at one time and had an enlarged heart which was diagnosed
> the 1940s.
> He refused to slow down on becoming prime minister and died from a
> progressive deterioration of his medical condition.
>   Published in the South China Morning Post. Copyright © 1999. All rights
> reserved.
> ==
> CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting
> screeds are not allow

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