2000-02-17 Thread Nicky Molloy

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

by Martin Cannon.

[This is a transcript of taped talk given by Martin Cannon via telephone to
the ufo contact center international group meeting in 1988]

All I can say is that I have been, for over a year now, pursuing a specific
theory of UFO abductions which has royally ticked off everybody that I've
come in contact with believer and skeptic alike.

This is a theory that, I think, designed to make me hate it. I'm primarily
interested in the government's involvement in the UFO phenomena.

Specifically, it seems to me, and I might as well lay out all my cards on
the table at once, it seems to me the abduction phenomenon might just be a
ploy, that the aliens are a paper-mache mask, as I sometimes put it, for
something else that's really going on.

All theories of UFO abductions that I've ever come across (excepting the
entirely skeptical ones put out by people like Philip Klass), they all
include some aspect of the concept of mind control. Now it seems to me that
if people's minds are being controlled, and I think that this technology is
in existence, then we have to ask the question: can we trust the
participant's reports of what they are seeing, in terms of perhaps even the
UFO's that they are seeing, but certainly the nature of the abduction
experience itself?

Do we even have to assume that the little gray aliens exist simply because
people tell us that they do, even if they believe that they exist?


Drawing from a very old example out of hypnotism, and Aileen being herself a
hypnotherapist, can perhaps tell you more about this it was a very common
practice, going back many, many decades, to see if somebody was under some
hypnotism, they would introduce them they would take the subject, hypnotize
them, and say that there was a small, black dog in the room, and he's coming
up, and would you pet him.

And the subject will often actually see the dog just as thoroughly, just as
concretely, as they would see any normal dog that you might get out of the
animal shelter.

Now if the human brain can be tricked to that extent, then is it not
possible that the ET's that people are seeing are of an exactly like
substance to that dog?

I think it is. I have done a great deal of research into the subject of the
government's involvement in mind control operations. They like people to
believe that that was all something that they were doing back in the 50's
and the 60's, and it was all to catch up with the Russians who had this huge
lead in the field, but they stopped doing it around 1963 and they never
really found anything it's all a lie!

I mean, basically, I've just come to the conclusion where I can say that
right now. These programs went very, very far. We got there first. We were
far ahead of the Russians. I even can give you a memo where Allen Dulles
admitted that to the Warren Commission, of all places.


It went back to World War II, possibly to the 30's, in fact I've just
recently came across some information that occult groups have been doing
experimentations with what they call electronic mind control, going all the
way back to the 19th century. In fact there isn't a single technology of
mind control that doesn't go back to that time.

And so, one of the problems, well, I should say that in researching this I
have not only looked up, read every book available on this subject, some of
which are EXTREMELY hard to find. I mean, I'm sorry to sound too paranoid
but I'm really beginning to get the idea that somebody has been going around
to the libraries and hussling them off the shelves, because I keep on
finding, you know, there are certain books that I keep on looking for, and I
find that they are not checked out, and they are not only the library
shelves either! And I'm wondering what's happened to them.

But I think I've now amassed quite a library on the subject, and I've also
gone to Washington, D.C. and I saw some 20,000 documents, these are
de-classified CIA / Defense Department documents, as well as many interviews
with scientists working on these programs back in the 50's and 60's, and
these were all compiled by John Marks, for his book The Search for the
Manchurian Candidate.

I would suggest that all of you people read that book, but you must
understand that that book is incredibly conservative, and that the whole
subject goes far, far beyond that. I don't know why John Marks wrote it the
way he did. Certainly, there was much more information in his files than he
allowed to come out in his book.

Another good book which I'm sorry to say is very, very difficult to get a
hold of, and probably the best book on the subject, is called Operation Mind
Control, and that's by Walter Bowart. But even then, after you've gone to
that literature, you know, you have to search through a great deal of
periodicals and scientific papers and so forth, and

[CTRL] Further findings of Project MILAB: Helmut Lammer PH D

2000-02-17 Thread Nicky Molloy

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

Further findings of Project MILAB:
Looking behind the alien/military abduction agenda
by Helmut Lammer Ph.D.
I. Introduction

Since I published my preliminary findings of allegd alien abductees who
experienced possible kidnapings by special military/intelligence units, I
got new information, especially from North American abductees and abduction
researchers. Most of this information is new and was not published before.
The results of and the response to my study show that there are more alleged
alien abductees who also experienced unintentional human/military contacts
(MILABs) during their lives. I published an overview of this study,
coauthored by my wife, in a comprehensive book which is currently not
available in English. By summarizing our findings we found that [1,2]:

1.) MILABs are harassed by dark, unmarked helicopters around their houses.
The mysterious helicopter activity goes back to the late sixties, early
seventies, when they showed an interest in animal mutilations but not for
alleged alien abductees.

2.) MILABs have ''not only'' alien abduction experiences, they report that
they were kidnapped by a certain branch of human/military personnel, they
were drugged, taken to hospital like rooms and (under)ground military
facilities, they saw men in white lab coats, they were examined,
interrogated and sometimes implanted with military devices.

Readers who are interested in more details should read my first MILAB
article or wait for a possible english edition of our book. These results,
however, should lead the open minded researcher to three important

1.) Is it possible that secret human experiments or covert operations could
occur in western democraties?

2.) What is the human agenda which seems to be involved in the alien
abduction phenomenon and what is the purpose of MILABs?

3.) Is there a military interest in developing brain implants, virtual
reality bio-chips, holographic image projection, cloaking devices, mind
altering weapons,...which would support the hypothesis that such secret
experiments on humans are going on hidden inside black projects?

The present article tries to answer these important questions.

II. Documented history of secret mind and behavior control experiments

Everyone who claims that secret experiments and covert operations against
ones own people, including children are not occuring in western democraties
like the USA, Canada or England should look at the documented history of
military/intelligence radiation experiments as well as mind and behavior
control projects which are now known to the public. During November 1996 the
British press reported that the Ministry of Defense (MoD) carried out secret
radiation experiments on humans for the past forty years. In 1994 the US
government lifted the lid on secret experiments with scant regard for the
subjects--many of whom were disadvantaged people.[3] For about 30 years
after World War II the American government through the Departement of
Defense (DoD), the CIA and various nongovernment research organisations
conducted medical research on tousands of citizens, often without their
knowledge. This research was largely concerned with radiation exposure,
nerve gas, LSD and various biological agents. Recently it was disclosed that
radiation experiments were performed on more than 23000 Americans in about
1400 different projects in the 30 years following the war.[4]

The people on whom these experiments were run were soldiers, prisoners,
those considered to be mentally defective (children and adults), hospital
patients with terminal illnesses and pregnant poor women. Many of the
scientists who conducted these Nazi-like experiments where respectable
academics. Dr. Edwin Cameron was such a scientist on the surface but he led
a CIA funded laboratory at McGill University during the 50ies where patients
were used as guinea pigs in brainwashing experiments.

Some inmates were given ECT ''therapy'' twice daily, others were drugged and
kept unconcisious for weeks or months, injected with huge amounts of
hallucinogens, and subjected to long term sensory deprivation.[5] A panel,
appointed by the Clinton administration in 1994 to look into these matters,
has so far documented 400 government backed biomedical experiments involving
humans between 1944 and 1975. The purpose of these experiments may never be
fully known. It is not certain when these experiments stopped, if they
stopped at all, but they were still going on in mid-70ies.[4]

The Canadian psychiatrist and specialist on trauma and dissociation, Dr.
Colin Ross, presented a paper at the 9th Annual Western Clinical Conference
on Trauma and Dissociation in Orange County, California [6], where he showed
that he encountered evidence from released CIA-FOIA documents that the
agency did research on the creation of Manchurian candidates since World War
II. Dr. Ros

[CTRL] The Threat: The Secret Agenda - Dr D Jacobs

2000-02-17 Thread Nicky Molloy

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

The Threat: The Secret Agenda
by Dr. David Jacobs
A Review by Amy L. Hebert

In Dr. Jacobs' new book, "The Threat: The Secret Agenda: What The Aliens
Really Want...And How They Plan To Get It", he indicates that the alien
agenda is essentially to breed hybrids by mixing human and alien genetic
material and integrate the hybrids into human society until only hybrids,
under complete domination and control of the aliens themselves, are left. He
indicates that the hybridization appears to progress in stages:

STAGE ONE (Hybrid 1) - Starts with in vitro joining of human sperm, eggs,
and alien genetic material. "The result of this union, which is grown
partially in a human female host and partially in a gestation device, is a
hybrid being who is a cross between alien and human.

STAGE TWO (Hybrid 2) - Is the stage in the hybridization process when aliens
join a human egg and sperm and assimilate material from the first-stage
hybrid (Hybrid 1) into the zygote. This process also begins in vitro and
requires both a human female host and a gestation device to mature the fetus
to "birth". The resulting offspring is a cross between Hybrid 1 and human.
Dr. Jacobs indicates that even at this stage, the hybrids still look quite
alien and there is no evidence that Hybrid 2's can reproduce.

STAGE THREE (Hybrid 3) - Involves taking a human egg and sperm and adding
genetic material from Hybrid 2, begins in vitro in a human female host then
to a gestation device. The resulting hybrid looks very human. They could
"pass" as a human although they would seem somewhat "off" in their

STAGE FOUR (Hybrid 4) and STAGE FIVE (Hybrid 5) - Dr. Jacobs indicates that
the hybridization program reaches a critical point in these later-stage
generations. The aliens again splice a human egg and sperm with genetic
material from Hybrid 3 and the resulting hybrid is so close to human they
could easily pass without notice. It is these later-stage hybrids that
humans often call the "Nordics" although they do include a variety of hair
color and eye color.

Each stage of hybridization produces beings with many characteristics of
human beings but retain many invisible alien characteristics including the
ability to use mindscans on humans and maintain complete control of human
abductees. These beings are not human and they are not totally alien... They
are hybrids who THINK like aliens because they were raised by them. These
hybrids may display human emotions but their loyalties belong to their
"creators" - the aliens. The hybrid agenda is the same as the alien agenda.
"They become them."

Dr. Jacobs indicates in his book that what abductees often remember as the
aliens showing us the "error of our ways" and an interest in the earth's
environment, the aliens never show any concern for what may happen to HUMANS
if they destroy this planet, only what will happen to Earth. Dr. Jacobs
speculates, "Is it not possible that the aliens are concerned about the
environment because they want a clean Earth for themselves? The fact that
humans live on a sullied planet does not seem as important to them, but that
THEY might have to live on a despoiled planet may be intolerable."

Dr. Jacobs indicates the evidence suggests the aliens' ultimate goal is
integration into human society and all their efforts and activities appear
geared toward complete control of humans on Earth. Dr. Jacobs outlines four
programs the aliens have put into effect to achieve their goals:

1. The Abduction Program
2. The Breeding Program
3. The Hybridization Program
4. The Integration Program

The Abduction Program involves selectively abducting humans around the
world. The Breeding Program is the process whereby the aliens collect human
sperm and eggs, genetically alter the fertilized embryo, incubate fetuses in
human hosts, and make humans mentally and physically interact with the
offspring for proper hybrid development. The Hybridization Program is where
the aliens refine the hybrids by continual alteration and breeding with
humans to become more human while retaining crucial alien characteristics.
And the Integration Program involves the aliens preparing abductees for
future events when eventually the hybrids or the aliens themselves integrate
into human society and assume control.

Dr. Jacobs' research correlates the information coming from many researchers
in the abduction field. Some researchers, which Jacobs calls "The
Positives", prefer to believe the aliens are benevolent and here as much for
OUR benefit as their own. According to Jacobs, "Often the New Age Positives
band together into almost cult-like groups to defend themselves from their
detractors - researchers and abductees who have come to different
conclusions about the abduction phenomenon. The Positives reinforce one
another's feelings and insulate themselves from the terror of their lives;
they become angry when "less enlightened" abduction researchers qu

[CTRL] MindControl?Anger grows as US jails its two millionth inmate

2000-02-17 Thread DIG alfred webre

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

Dear All - I'm in the midst of a book covering apartheid's abuses,
particularly its mass mind control.  It strikes me that the
US increasingly is operating an apartheid prison system, essentially
as a mass mind control concentration camp.  In a recent study,
Christian Parenti suggests the bloated US prison population is a result
of "rightwing electoral rhetoric" - eg a Mind Control message
channeled through politicians.

The US, which has 5% of the world's population, is now home to 25% of
the world's prisoners.  Thus, the US is jailing prisoners on a par with
its use of the world's resources (25% also). One in three black
youths is in custody or on parole. During W. Bush's tenure in Texas,
the prison population increased from 41,000 to 150,000.  The prison
industry is just that - a profit hungry custodial industry.


There is also another sign of Mind Control at work.  A subliminal,
social fear to raise this issue in a meaningful public way,
or to take significant action to change it. It is an eerie Third
Rech syndrome amidst the record Down Jones average.

How will the Mind Control empire's prison concentration camps be
deconstructed? How do you feel about this prison Mind Control mayhem?


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Protest Yahoo Sponsorship of Racist/Fascist Groups

2000-02-17 Thread Rory Winter

Dear Friends,
I am passing on this information as I feel this is 
something that concerns us all ... 
It may shock you as it did me to read this and the 
attachments but I hope you will not feel offended by my sending it. If you do, 
then feel free to delete it. Otherwise I would ask you to do three 
(1) Go down to the bottom of this e-mail to the List of 
28 Yahoo "clubs" and copy them to a blank e-mail.
(2) Write to Yahoo and demand that they enforce their 
own contract byimmediately removing these "clubs" and denying them any 
additional freeYahoo services. The address for complaints is <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Here is a sample letter:
"It is impossible to believe that Yahoo cannot understand that these groups 
(see List) violate the very Terms Of Service that Yahoo imposes on these 
"clubs." These terms state that "You agree to not use the Service to: a. upload, 
post, email or otherwise transmit any Content that is unlawful, harmful, 
threatening, abusive, harassing, tortious, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, 
libelous, invasive of another's privacy, hateful, or racially, ethnically or 
otherwise objectionable
Like many others, I am writing to demand that Yahoo should enforce its 
own regulations by immediately removing these "clubs" and denying them any 
additional free Yahoo services."
 (3)Inform your friends, members of your 
church/synagogue, club, mailing list, andother organizations of Yahoo's 
sponsorship of these groups so that they canalso protest.
"For evil to triumph it is only necessary for the Good 
to do nothing."
- Original Message - 
From: "Paul Kneisel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, February 17, 2000 5:25 PM
Subject: Protest Yahoo Sponsorship of Racist/Fascist Groups

> Dear friend,> > I am writing to you about a 
deepening of the situation on the internet> where Yahoo is providing free 
internet services for fascist and other> hate-based organizations to help 
those groups spread their message.> > Readers originally wrote to 
us about Yahoo's sponsorship of a free "club"> for Matt Hale's virulently 
racist and anti-Semitic World Church of the> Creator. Many complained to 
Yahoo.> > But upon checking how Yahoo has acted on these 
complaints we discovered a> host of other racist and hate-based groups 
all receiving free Yahoo support> to spread their propaganda. Some of 
these include the Knights of the Ku> Klux Klan, Aryan Power, Pure White 
Rage, Aryan Nazi SS Skinheads, Christian> Identity Club, and the 
AntiAsian and Minority Groups.> > It is difficult to impossible to 
believe that Yahoo cannot understand that> these groups violate the very 
Terms Of Service that Yahoo imposes on these> "clubs." These terms state 
that "You agree to not use the Service to: a.> upload, post, email or 
otherwise transmit any Content that is unlawful,> harmful, threatening, 
abusive, harassing, tortious, defamatory, vulgar,> obscene, libelous, 
invasive of another's privacy, hateful, or racially,> ethnically or 
otherwise objectionable"> > WHAT YOU CAN DO:> > 
Write to Yahoo and demand that they enforce their own contract by> 
immediately removing these "clubs" and denying them any additional free> 
Yahoo services. The address for complaints is <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>;> 
> Inform your friends, members of your synagogue, club, mailing list, 
and> other organizations of Yahoo's sponsorship of these groups so that 
they can> also protest.> > We are not demanding that Yahoo 
do anything other than what it has promised> in its Terms Of Service: 
stop providing free resources for hate-oriented> action groups.> 
> You can verify the material about Yahoo via these URLs:> 
> Yahoo Clubs For "White_Pride_and_Racialism">
  > Yahoo Terms of Service> > 
> With anti-fascist greetings,> >   --  tallpaul 
(Paul Kneisel)>   editor: The Internet 
Anti-Fascist> > PS: Those of us active in the old campaign against 
the Usenet news group> called  remember 
making one big mistake in our> organizing. We did not include a "cut off 
date" for the protests; as a> result, protests were still circulating on 
the net a year later! Learning> from this, we have created a special 
"Status of protest" at> . We can use this to 
inform people if the> racist / fascist groups are still up and the 
protest continues or whether> they've been removed so that people need 
not complain anymore.

Club Name
Racists and non racists come here to debate
Knights of 
  the Ku KIux Klan
Putting a new face of the KKK
A place for people who are against racism to chat
  Club of America
A place for the white race to discuss their idea

[CTRL] [NA] Forbes to Drop Out, Keyes Still in

2000-02-17 Thread lloyd

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-


>From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:
Conspiracy Shopping Cart: http://a-albionic.com/shopping.htmlFrom: Jim Condit Jr. 
Subject: [NA] Forbes to Drop Out, Keyes Still in
Date: Wednesday, February 09, 2000 2:39 PM


"Those who cast the votes decide nothing. Those who count the votes decide everything."
Communist Tyrant Josef Stalin

February 9, 2000 NA (Network America) e-wire

Forbes to Drop Out, Keyes Still in

Forbes, we are told, will drop out on Thursday, March 10.

Alan Keyes stated on Hannity and Colmes that he will stay in as long as
the people work to keep his campaign going. One subscriber suggests that
(paraphrase) the longer social conservatives can be kept working for a
Republican, that keeps them from moving over behind Buchanan. . . . In
any case, the Republican Party primaries will come to an end on about
March 7, 2000. The strategy to overwhelm Buchanan in the GOP was pretty
short sighted wasn’t it? Tomorrow we will discuss one possible strategy
the Big Boys may use to keep the “excitement” going in the major parties
in order to have an excuse to NOT cover Buchanan, Howard Phillips, and
the other third parties.

Another notable aspect of the Delaware Primary: All Big TV networks are
emphasizing that this is a boost for John McCain, because he didn’t
spend a dollar or a minute in Delaware. Remember McCain lost two to one
(51% Bush to 25% McCain). Even the website I went to in order to
double-check the final percentages had a note on the end of the numbers,
“not contested by McCain.” Since when do we have editorials in the midst
of the statistics? This is a little bit deceptive too, because people in
Delaware have TV’s and Radios, and that’s where people get most of their
knowledge of elections and candidates anyway.

The Media also tried to make it a virtue on McCain’s part that he didn’t
contest the Iowa Caucus. Baloney. McCain has no natural grassroots
support and he had no natural constituency in Iowa. I’m still shocked
that McCain was able to get the kind of support he did in New Hampshire,
even with the lackluster competition he faced in the persons of Forbes
and W. Bush.

Watch carefully the way the media, and again I emphasize I’m talking
abou the lockstep propaganda of ALL FIVE BIG TV NETWORKS, spins the
McCain / Bush fight. The day after Delaware it appears their painting
McCain as the lone night in shining armor while the hordes of Bush
Agents from evil Washington gang up on him. No problem with the
characterization of the Bush and Washington GOP gang, but the Big
Networks could just as easily be emphasizing the McCain RECORD which the
Bush people are accurately citing. Instead of McCain the underdog, it
could be McCain the hypocrite, for McCain has votes just like an
establishment Republican.

Some of his fellow Senators are bringing out all the tax hikes he’s
voted for. And don’t forget that the “special interests” and Big Lobbies
are throwing a big fundraiser for the man who is supposedly fighting
them, McCain, THIS WEEK! You and I never heard about McCain as any kind
of a standout in the Senate until this Presidential campaign. He was
known primarily as one of the Keating five. Now the Ruling Elite behind
the two major parties and the 5 TV networks are trying to see if McCain
will fly as a Reformer.

In any case, it seems to me the Ruling Elite has decided to support Gore
because Bradley appears to be on the verge of nodding off, even during
his campaign speeches. The constant talk of Bradley’s occasional
irregular heart beat is a tip off to that.

On the GOP side, it seems to me they’re still deciding.

They know they have problems with W. … Bush has spent a whopping $50
million of the $75 million he’s raised. And his public statements
continue to betray that is not “doubled over with intellect” -- as one
critic put it. W. has the trait of slurring words and using bad grammar,
as well as sloganeering in such a way that he appears to be just trying
to push the buttons of those in the audience. And he also gives the
impression that he doesn’t have much more in his head than the slogans.
What a contrast to Pat Buchanan or Howard Phillips! Right now the Big
Media is seeing if the public will buy McCain as a maverick and a
reformer. I want to go on the record again: McCain is a complete zero
who has been tragically compromised. McCain will do NOTHING except
promote the agenda of the Permanent Revolution of the Ruling Elite. The
same of course goes for W. Bush, Gore, and Bradley.

Jim Condit Jr.,
Director Citizens for a Fair Vote Count

To contact us, e-mail to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Please forward our messages to friends and opinion molders. The year 2000 Presidential 
Campaign offers an opportunity to de-stablize the New World Order Ruling Elite and 

Re: [CTRL] (Bush) Legacy

2000-02-17 Thread Robin Peters

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Anger grows as US jails its two millionth inmate

2000-02-17 Thread Richard Sampson

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-


Anger grows as US jails its two millionth inmate

  The land of the free is
  now home to 25% of the
  world's prison population

  Duncan Campbell in Los
  Tuesday February 15, 2000

  Vigils are being mounted
  today in more than 30 major
  cities in the United States to
  draw attention to the arrival of
  the two millionth inmate in
  American jails. The US
  comprises 5% of the global
  population yet it is responsible
  for 25% of the world's
  prisoners. It has a higher
  proportion of its citizens in jail

  than any other country in
  history, according to the
  November Coalition, an
  alliance of civil rights
  campaigners, justice policy
  workers and drug law

  The coalition is co-ordinating
  protests across the US to
  draw attention to what they
  feel is a trend for locking up
  ever more offenders, most of
  them non-violent.

  "Incarceration should be the
  last resort of a civilised
  society, not the first," said
  Michael Gelacak, a former
  vice-chairman of the US
  sentencing commission. "We
  have it backwards and it's time
  we realised that."

  "Two million is too many," said
  Nora Callahan of the coalition,
  which is calling for alternatives
  to prison for the country's
  500,000 non-violent drug

  "We are calling on state and
  federal governments to stop
  breaking up families and
  destroying our communities.
  Prison is not the solution to
  every social problem," she

  In New York city, the Prison
  Moratorium Project will focus
  on the fact that one in three
  black youths is either in
  custody or on parole. Kevin
  Pranis, of the project, said:
  "New York state is diverting
  millions of dollars from
  colleges and universities to
  pay for prisons we can't

  Criminal justice is already a
  campaign issue in the
  presidential race. The
  Republican frontrunner
  George W Bush, governor of
  Texas, is a staunch supporter
  of both the death penalty and
  stiffer sentencing for drug


[CTRL] U.S. to China: Change Crypto Regs

2000-02-17 Thread Richard Sampson

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-


   U.S. to China: Change Crypto Regs

   8:20 a.m. 16.Feb.2000 PST
   ARLINGTON, Virginia -- Trade
   Representative Charlene
   Barshefsky pressed China
   Wednesday to abandon its
   restrictions on encryption
   technology, which curb sales
   of everything from software to
   mobile phones.

   Under regulations that took
   effect last month, all foreign
   and Chinese companies or
   individuals using encryption
   technology, which protects
   electronic communication from
   eavesdropping, must register
   with the government.

   "It's going to have to change,"
   Barshefsky told business
   executives in a forum on
   U.S.-China trade relations in

   The United States is a leading
   manufacturer of computer
   software and the regulations,
   imposed only months after a
   landmark U.S.-China trade
   deal on admitting Beijing to
   the World Trade Organization,
   may curb U.S. exports to

   She said her U.S. negotiators
   have repeatedly pressed China
   authorities to reform these
   rules and also dismissed
   Chinese efforts to restrict
   information over the Internet
   as futile.

   Chinese officials have tried to
   reassure foreign investors
   about the new encryption
   technology rules, saying they
   should not affect the pace of
   foreign investment into China.

   The United States eased its
   restrictions on exports of
   products containing encryption
   earlier this month, despite the
   fears of security agencies that
   it could help criminals.

   Copyright © 1999-2000 Reuters

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[CTRL] TIMES: Bush refuses to save death-row grandmother

2000-02-17 Thread DIG alfred webre

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

London Times 2/18/00:

 Bush refuses to save death-row

  A FRAIL, grey-haired great-grandmother will be taken
  from her cell on Texas's death row next Thursday to a
  chamber where onlookers will see her strapped to a
  stretcher and injected with $86 (£53) worth of lethal

  Three days after her 63rd birthday, Betty Lou Beets looks
  likely to become the oldest inmate - and only the second
  woman - to be executed in Texas since the re-institution
  of the death penalty in 1976.

  She will also be the 120th person to be executed on the
  watch of George W. Bush, the Texas Governor, who has
  set a record pace in disposing of those incarcerated on
  death row. In the midst of the campaign for the
  Republican presidential nomination, Mr Bush finds himself
  assailed by the anti-death penalty lobby, which says that
  he is in danger of presiding over a miscarriage of justice.
  Beets claims she was a battered wife.

  At her trial in 1985 Beets was portrayed as a Black
  Widow, a cold-blooded killer who had shot dead two
  husbands to claim their life insurance. It had appeared
  originally that her fifth husband, Jimmy Beets, had
  drowned while out in his boat on a lake.

  Two years later, however, acting on a tip-off, investigators
  found the fireman's decomposing body in a sleeping bag
  buried in the grounds of Beets's mobile home in Gun
  Barrel City.

  They also found the body of Beets's fourth husband,
  Doyle Wayne Barker, under the patio. Both had gunshot
  wounds to the head and the jury returned guilty verdicts.

  But there is a more complicated version of the story. The
  jury rejected Beets's claim that her son, Robert Branson,
  had killed her husband during an argument and that she
  had helped to bury the body because he was on

  It also rejected the defence's insistence that there was no
  evidence that she fired the gun and it was not to know that
  Beets subsequently would not be tried with the murder of
  her fourth husband, whose death was used to show a
  pattern of spousal homicide.

  However, those fighting to save Beets's life say that the
  crucial factor is that the court was not told about her
  background. In a letter to Mr Bush appealing for a stay of
  execution, Amnesty and the National Coalition Against
  Domestic Violence say that Beets has hearing problems
  and is mentally handicapped, that she was raised by a
  violent and alcoholic father and a mentally ill mother and
  went through a succession of abusive marriages.

  She was married first at 15, became a mother a year later
  and was a grandmother at 30. All along the way, but
  particularly in the last two marriages, she was battered.
  Even if she killed her husband, the argument runs, she
  should be spared death because she had suffered
  provocation. In an interview this week, Beets said that she
  could not remember the killing, which she said took place
  after a quarrel while she was getting ready for her bath.

  "We started arguing, and after that I really don't remember
  much of what happened except that my son came in and
  [Jimmy] started in on him. And he had already gotten a

  Juley Fulcher, of the National Coalition, said: "Texas failed
  to protect Betty Lou Beets when she was being beaten by
  an abusive spouse. It will be a terrible miscarriage of
  justice if she is executed."

  Those clamouring for clemency have been joined by Sister
  Helen Prejean, whose non-fiction book about a man on
  death row, Dead Man Walking, was turned into a film.
  They point out that in five other states the sentences of
  battered women have been commuted. During the six
  years that Mr Bush has been Governor, his state has far
  exceeded any other in executing its prisoners. Just one
  sentence has been commuted, that of a man who was
  conclusively shown to have been in a different state at the
  time of the crime of which he had been convicted.

  There has been increased debate about the death penalty
  after a decision by the right-wing Governor of Illinois to
  halt all executions in his state, because 13 people
  scheduled to die had turned out to be innocent.

  They included three accused who were exonerated after a
  student project showed that other men were guilty. At
  least one innocent man is believed to have died there.

  This week President Clinton said that Governors should
  "look very closely" at their death penalty systems to make
  sure that innocent people were not executed.

   George W. Bush, right, has made
  Texas the execution capital of America.
  The state is responsible for 206 of the
  600-odd executions since the death
  penalty was re-instituted in the US in
  1976. In his six years in office, 119 inmates have died.

  He says the clemency process is the "fail safe" and he can
  tell the parole board that a 


2000-02-17 Thread DIG alfred webre

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-


Several days ago, Anthony Hilder paid a visit to Pt. Mugu Naval Air
Station. You know, the military base which had nothing to do with the
crash of Alaska Airlines Flight 261 2 1/2 weeks ago, not seven miles
away. You know, the place that has a TWELVE THOUSAND FOOT runway capable
of landing the biggest jets in the world, where the pilots of Flight 261
were for some reason unable to land; or where they were told NOT to
land. The place with the readily available, 12,000 foot runway about
which not ONE SINGLE WORD has yet been said to THE PUBLIC by any
government agency or by the mainstream press, in relation to the crash.

NewsHawk and Anthony Hilder have already written several articles on the
indescribably bizarre aspects of this crash: about the fact that it went
down into the Pacific Ocean, killing EVERY SINGLE HUMAN BEING on board,
when there was a place for the jet to land which was CLEARLY VISIBLE TO
THE PILOTS, only 7 miles away.

Something, in fact EVERYTHING, is VERY WRONG with the sickening, indeed
horrifying, pack of lies which OUR FEDERAL GOVERNMENT has been vomiting
in our faces from the very moment the jet met its disastrous end; and
Anthony Hilder, as a result of his "surprise" visit to Pt. Mugu Naval
Air Warfare Station and the extraordinary events that transpired there
during his visit, has now BLOWN THIS COVER-UP WIDE OPEN for all to see,
plain as day.

One day after Hilder's visit to the base, during which time his license
plate number was taken, the main computer of his Free World Alliance
website was hacked into and ALL data destroyed.

This is an INCREDIBLE, and absolutely CRUCIAL article which every
American, indeed every person in the world, should read.

We are URGENTLY requesting that ALL recipients of this article reprint,
reproduce, distribute, (re-)post, forward and otherwise DISSEMINATE this
article as far and wide as humanly possible--to the far corners of the
earth, to every single media outlet in existence, to every government
employee up to the very highest levels of the national government.


NewsHawk® Inc.

-  -  -  -  -  -  -  -
Pt. 2

"Denied Access"

By Anthony J. Hilder

The absolute insanity of Alaska Airlines Flight 261 turning away from
the huge landing strip at the US Navy Facility at Point Mugu boggles the
brain. The long air strip, which once welcomed Air Force One's Giant 747
with President Ronald Reagan and his full entourage on board, was
immediately to the aircraft's (MD-83) starboard side. It must have looked
like a welcome mat to the crippled craft and panicked plots, promising
CERTAIN SAFETY on its empty tarmac. Al they had to do was descend, but
"defying" all logic, they turned the aircraft leftward away from the
friendly runway, and headed outward towards the open sea.

What were the plots thinking? Had they been denied permission to land by
Point Mugu's Control Tower? Or were Ted Thompson and William Tansky, the
pilots of Alaska Air 261 "heroes" as the National Air Traffic
Controllers Association described them? Hamid Gheffari, representing the
"CONTROLLERS" told the families of the crash victims that "it was an
extremely courageous move to stay over water and not endanger more lives
over land with an aircraft that could not be controlled." That statement
reported in the LA Times really stuck in the confines of my cranium.

The pilots had radioed the Los Angeles Airport Control Tower at least
seven minutes before the fatal crash; stating that they were turning
away from a safe landing at Point Mugu with its ample, empty runway and
heading back to LAX for an EMERGENCY LANDING. Assuming that this is in
fact the TRUTH, what in the hell is in Hamid's head? LAX, some 50 miles
to the south of where the crash occurred, is one of the world's BUSIEST
airports, with as many as 7 or 8 planes approaching the runways to land
at virtually the same time. To bring down Alaska Air's "Broken Bird"
there, over the nation's second largest city, would be insane. In case
Hamid didn't know, LA County has a population over 10 Million. Mr.
Gheffari identified the plane as "an aircraft that could not be
controlled." To return to LAX then would not be an act of heroism, it
would be an act of insanity!

Were Ted Thompson and William Tansky crazy? I just couldn't bring myself
to believe that. Alaska Air has always been my choice as a carrier on
the West Coast. So why did the pilots turn from certain safety to
CERTAIN DEATH - in the deep, dark waters off Anacapa Island?

It would be outright criminal if Point Mugu's Air Traffic Control denied
them permission to land. To deny access to a "Crippled Craft' would be
authorize ANY craft to land at a military facility in a serious
emergency--NewsHawk) In fact it WOULD be Mega-Murder, as 88 innocent

[CTRL] [MC] FW: Harper's Magazine February 2000 Story on George W. Bush

2000-02-17 Thread DIG alfred webre

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

>From MC-L:

They do not understand "how the money works" If enough understand how Bush's
money works, they will shift. The best description so far is Feb Harpers
Magazine.  Some excerpts below. A perfect example of how to manipulate
public and university pension funds (our savings) and combine it with
government powers or contracts and financing to rig a "no lose" life.

Here are additions to the first posting of the chronology (with the
exception of the Oscar Wyatt story and the E2 Advisory Board story which are
from me) from one of the best stories on George W. Bush done so far:

NOTES ON A NATIVE SON: The George W. Bush Success Story-A Heartwarming Tale
about Baseball, $1.7 Billion, and a Lot of Swell Friends
by Joe Conason.

The February addition is not up on Harper's website, but it is available at
newstands. Well worth the purchase price.

The story confirms our previous information about Harvard Endowment's role
in financing Harken after Bush's company was acquired by Harken and through
the Bahrain deal and Bush's sale at the top of the market. That means when
Harvard wanted help in destroying the loan sales program and portfolio
reengineering, Bush owed them a lot.

If the researchers on the CIA-Drug list can read the flows of money here, my
guess is that we will be able to figure out how the money is flowing from
drugs into trusts and endowments and into the LBO and venture asset managers
who are then financing the Bush campaign. This article provides a fair
number of names and dates.

1975 George W. Bush graduates from Harvard Business School

1978 George W. Bush declares his candidacy for the Midland Congressional
district. He wins the Republican primary and loses in the general election.

1979 George W. Bush begins operations of his oil firm, Arbusto Energy. With
the help of Jonathan Bush, he assembles several dozen investors in a limited
partnership including Dorothy Bush, Lewis Lehrman, William Draper, and James
Bath,  a Houston aircraft broker.

1982 After $3MM has poured into Arbusto with little oil and no profits, just
tax shelter George W. changes the company name to Bush Exploration Oil Co.
Subsequently he is kept afloat by an investment from Philip Uzielli, a
Princeton friend of James Baker III. For the sum of $1 MM, Uzielli bought
10% of the company at a time in 1982 when the entire enterprise was valued
at less than $400,000. Subsequently, to save the company George W. merges
with Spectrum 7, a small oil firm owned by William DeWitt and Mercer
Reynolds. DeWitt had graduated from Yale a few years earlier than Bush and
was the son of the former owner of the Cincinnati Reds.

1986 Spectrum 7, with George W. Bush as Chairman and CEO with substantial
stock ownership, continues to raise money and lose it. During a six month
period in 1986, Spectrum 7 lost $400,000 and the partners feared creditors
would foreclose their remaining assets. In September of 1986. Spectrum 7 was
acquired by Harken Energy Corporation. After Bush joined Harken, the largest
stock position and a seat on its board were acquired by Harvard Management
Company (note---the oil & gas, real estate and private equity portion of
Harvard Endowment also acquired Buffet's position in NHP, one of the largest
owners of HUD Section 8 properties in 1989 and was instrumental in ensuring
that HUD loan sales and other reengineering policies were cancelled to
ensure their capital gains through IPO and acquisition). The Harken Board
gave Bush $600,000 worth of the company's publicly traded stock, plus a seat
on the board plus a consultancy that paid him up to $120,000 a year.

January 1989 George H. W. Bush becomes President of the United States.

March 1989 Two months after his father's inauguration, George W. Bush
announces that he and a syndicate of investors have purchased the Texas
Rangers. The investors are Edward "Rusty" Rose, Richard Rainwater, Bill
DeWitt, Roland Betts (a former Yale frat brother) and Tom Bernstein (Bett's
partner in a film investment concern). While Bush appears to lead the group,
Rainwater makes clear that Rose is to control the line authority and how the
business is run. Bush's stake in the $86 MM deal is 2%, financed with a
$500,000 loan from a Midland Bank of which he had been a director and
$106,000 from other sources. Rainwater and Rose put up 14.2 MM, Betts and
Bernstein invested about $6MM and the balance came from smaller investors,
loans and the equity of minority partners in the old Chiles partnership
(former owners).

1990 George W. Bush is asked by Carlyle Group to serve on the board of
directors of Caterair, one of the nation's largest airline catering services
which it had acquired in 1989. The offer is arranged by Fred Malek, long
time Bush associate who is then an advisor to Carlyle.

January 1990 To the astonishment of the oil industry, Bahrain announces that
it has awarded exclusive offshore drilling rights to Harken oil. This

[CTRL] [NA] For Once A Real Meeting

2000-02-17 Thread lloyd

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-


>From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:
Conspiracy Shopping Cart: http://a-albionic.com/shopping.htmlFrom: Jim Condit Jr. 
Subject: [NA] For Once  A Real Meeting
Date: Monday, February 14, 2000 6:58 AM


"Those who cast the votes decide nothing. Those who count the votes decide everything."
Communist Tyrant Josef Stalin

February 14, 2000 NA (Network America) e-wire

For Once – A Real Meeting

Saturday Feb 13, 2000 Jack Gargan was ousted as National Reform
Chairman, amidst shouting, loud shouting, microphone grabbing, security
guards being asked to come to the front of the room, . . . This was a
real political meeting, and the fact that we don’t see more of them in
the major parties is proof that the “smoke-filled” room is still very
much alive, even if it’s now minus the smoke.

We had an almost identical type of meeting in Cincinnati in 1988 when we
“pro-life Platform Republicans” were trying to oust the Establishment
Republican Party leadership in Hamilton County. The Republican
leadership, very typically, cheated, ignored rules, ignored law, turned
off microphones, and, basically, were determined to declare themselves
victors no matter what. And two years later we would find that even when
we clearly won, the courts were lurking in the background to back the
local Ruling Elite up and keep them in power, by hook and crook.

But this “rowdy” meeting was one of the few times anything real
(non-scripted) had happened in Cincinnati Politics in my lifetime. I
can’t possibly emphasize how crooked the Republican Party establishment
is. Every bit as bad as the Democratic Party Establishment, maybe worse
because the Democratic Party doesn’t not have any alert elements within
it to launch a challenge.

Before getting back to the Reform Party “Gargan ousting” yesterday, it’s
important to note that the type of party meeting the Reform Party held
in Tennessee yesterday, and the type of county meeting we attended in
Cincinnati in 1988 – are absolutely critical meetings that every
concerned American should be attending – but that very few Americans
even know exist. This e-wire list will be covering the Precinct Project
strategy in depth.
It is a pressure point that can help bring down the Permanent Revolution
/ New World Order.

The meeting that surrounded the Gargan ouster shows that the Reform
Party is a real operation, not a soul-less front like the Democratic and
Republican Parties. And the ousting of Jack Gargan and the Jesse Ventura
influence may help to make the Reform Party less of a confusing
operation, that is, if the Buchanan Brigades gain ascendency.

Pat Buchanan has solved the endorsement dilemma that revolves around the
Reform Party scene. He is not endorsing anyone, but he will accept
endorsements from all, for his Presidential bid. This is important
because to pro-lifers, like this writer, the endorsing of a pro-abortion
candidate is an inherently immoral act, and therefore would hurt
Buchanan or any other pro-life leader with his pro-life base if he were
to so endorse.

Back to yesterday’s rowdy Reform Party meeting, and the county meetings
for each state-qualified party that take place around May every two
years in each of the 3075 Parties in the USA. Every last person who
cares about anything should attend these county party meetings.
Preferably, everybody who cares would have first run for neighborhood
precinct executive in his or her party, - or at least support a
like-minded precinct executive in the neighborhood precinct. For it’s at
these meetings that the county Party leaderships are chosen, which in
turn choose the state Party leaderships, and so on. And more often than
not (by far) the Party leaderships choose the candidates. And some of
the candidates become the legislators, and the legislators make the
policy and laws.

Why the millions of people on the pro-life, conservative, and patriotic
mailing lists were not instructed to attend these meetings in the
1970’s, instead of just writing their congressmen, -- is one of the
great stories of our time.

For the Precinct Project strategy, see The Most Powerful Office in the
Land, in the networkamerica.org archives under Precinct Strategy.

A few hundred thousand activists running for precinct executive, plus a
vote overseen and counted by the people in those precincts, plus a
little national leadership of the caliber of Buchanan and Howard
Phillips – and the power of the Ruling Elite will begin to crumble.

The election of Pat Choate to replace Jack Gargan probably means the
beginning of the serious Buchanan-ization of the Reform Party. We’ll see
what Donald “the political moron” Trump says in his upcoming Monday
Press Conference.

Word comes late Sunday night that Trump is going to announce that he’s
not running for President. If this is w

[CTRL] What Is George W. Hiding??

2000-02-17 Thread William Shannon

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

What Is George Dubya hiding?

By Linda L. Starr and Bev Conover

There have been so many revelations regarding the past scandals of the Bush
family that this almost seems irrelevant.   However, since George Dubya is
apparently a presidential candidate, it is almost certain we should examine
every aspect of his past to see if he is morally fit to become president.

We only question this since it seems to be of such paramount importance to
the GOP that we had a salacious report on the sex life of our president
blasted on every medium known to man.   Having said that, we must now ask
some rather curious questions ourselves.

Now why would George Dubya require a Texas driver's license with an entirely
new number?  It was obtained on March 31, 1995, as was his wife's Laura Welch
Bush's.   His wife and daughters didn't need new numbers, nor  did his famous
parents - former president and first lady, George H. and Barbara Pierce Bush
- who all would seem to be at as much risk security-wise. And by the way,
doesn't Texas require renewal of a driver's license every four years on one's
birthday?   Did George Dubya have something in his past to hide to cause him
to purge the old record and number?   This seems especially confusing since
his birthday is July 6, 1946, but he obtained his new number on March 31,
1995 as a renewal.

Due to this little anomaly, we thought perhaps we should check to see if this
was a common practice for former governors of Texas, but no, they were not
listed among the first four numbers previous to Dubya's.   Now, in all
fairness to Dubya we must ask why he would get a new number and not just
assume it was to hide something in his past life.   And why would he be given
the nine-digit DL number 5?  His wife's DL number is 005295107.

Is it at all possible it is innocent?  Of course, but if Bill Clinton had
done this we would all be hearing about some misdeed he was covering up.

Which brings us to another subject on Dubya.   During our search for the
truth about Dubya's past, we came across something very interesting indeed!
Another George W. Bush, white male, blue eyes, brown hair, but born on Oct.
17, 1964!   What called our attention to this person, since there are so many
Bushes living in Texas, this person's record was deleted on Dec. 24, 1998.
Could there possibly be a connection between this person and Dubya that we as
voters as yet are not aware of and why was his record deleted?   For that
matter, is it possible to have a living skeleton in one's closet from a
wildly misspent youth?  We shudder to think of the implications considering
the havoc wreaked on the president based on lies about paternity of a child,
and not even a name or physical description in common?   We wonder what Dubya
will say about these questions???

Getting answers to these questions is proving difficult, to say the least.

A woman at the Governor George W. Bush Presidential Exploratory Committee,
who identified herself as Vanessa, said in response to the questions about
Dubya's driver's license, "I don't know anything about it."  Asked if the
George W. Bush, whose last  listed address is Houston, was related to Dubya,
she responded, "Why do you need this information?"  Then she said to call the
governor's press office.

The governor's press office referred us back to the exploratory committee.  A
Megan Moran there told us either a Karen Hughes or Mindy Tucker would call
Online Journal directly; that both were too busy to come to the phone then.
Moran, despite assurances to the contrary, seemed concerned that the Houston
George W. Bush was claiming to be Dubya's son.  She asked three times about

A call to the Houston phone number listed for the address shown in George W.
Bush's Texas Driver's License Detail produced no results.

The woman who answered the phone refused to provide her name.

Asked if George W. Bush was there, she said, "I don't know that person."
When it was pointed out to her that was the phone number that was listed for
the address shown on his driver's license record, she again said she didn't
know him.

Questioned about whether this George W. Bush was related to Gov. George W.
Bush, she responded, "I don't know anything about that."

Mindy Tucker, a spokesman for Bush's Presidential Exploratory Committee,
could provide no answers, either.  She said she would check into the DL
number matter.  Asked if something may have been expunged from the governor's
driving record, which could have resulted in the issuance of a new license -
even though that would not explain the low number - she said she doubted that.

To the question of whether the governor was related to the Houston George W.
Bush, Tucker said, "Not that I know of."  She added, "It's probably just
someone with the same name," but said she would check into that, too.

CTRL is a discussion & infor

[CTRL] [11] Treason's Peace

2000-02-17 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

an excerpt from:
Treason's Peace
Howard Watson Armbruster©1947
A Crossroads Press Book
Beechurst Press
New York
438 pps.  -- First/Only Edition -- Out-of Print

Chapter XI
Two Drug Laws—And Two Wars

ON DECEMBER 3, 1942, the Federal Circuit Court of Appeals in New York handed
down a decision which if it had been sustained would have substantially ended
all possibility of successful prosecution of corporation officials and
employes for violation of the new Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act, sometimes
known as the Copeland law.

With that decision the court put its judicial interpretation on the result of
long years of effort through which Senator Royal S. Copeland, with the
assistance of the Sterling-Farben drug lobby, and various public officials,
extracted the teeth from the Harvey

Wiley Food and Drugs Act, and had enacted in its place a legalistic
monstrosity so full of jokers and ambiguities as to afford no protection
whatsoever against influential violators.

The case in which the decision was handed down involved a shipment of
adulterated and misbranded digitalis, and the appeal from conviction of the
president of the corporation which had shipped it. The learned appeal judges
reversed the conviction, and stated that it would be "extremely harsh" to
charge a corporation official with a criminal offense-regardless of his
actions, or inaction-unless he was an officer of a very small corporation.
The new law was as cock-eyed as that! Or so the appeal court held. (Later the
Supreme Court reversed the findings of the Appeal Court, in a close decision
with four of the high court justices upholding the appellate decision.)

Under the old Wiley law, officers of corporations could be, and were at
times, prosecuted, convicted, and sent to jail. Unhappily, the old law was
seldom invoked against important offenders, but it did authorize and, in
fact, require such prosecutions.

It can easily be imagined how disastrous it would have been to the Farben
plans had Herman Metz, or Doctor Weiss, or Earl McClintock, or Dr. Hiemenz,
or any of the other Sterling-Winthrop-Bayer executives been held criminally
responsible for some of the vicious violations of the Food and Drug Law
practiced by their companies-some of which will be discussed in just a
moment. And it has long been my contention that the frantic demands of
Copeland and his clients for a new law were to prevent that very possibility.

Be that as it may, in June 1933, it was to Senator Copeland that the task of
putting through the new law was entrusted.

Professor Rexford Guy Tugwell was alleged to be the author of the first bill
submitted to the Senate by Dr. Copeland. This bill was bad enough-it omitted
all traces of mandatory enforcement. In the second bill, drafted by Ole
Salthe, the Copeland business manager, no misunderstanding was possible—a
clause was inserted which actually instructed the enforcement official never
to take to court any "minor violation" when he "believed" that the public
interest would be served by a "suitable written notice or warning."

As the phrase minor violation is not defined anywhere in the law, it is
obviously meaningless in a legal sense. In the administration of the law it
means whatever the enforcement official choses[sic] to believe it means. And,
in August 1935, before a subcommittee of Congress I challenged Representative
Virgil Chapman, chairman, to define the word "minor" as used in the Copeland b
ill, saying:

if anyone can define the word "minor" as used in this bill, I will withdraw
my objectionI have been asking every- one I have been able to talk to
here to define the word minor.

'Don't make me laugh," they answer. The whole purpose of this legislation I
is to get rid of the mandate in Harvey Wiley's law for criminal prosecution,
and to replace it with a law which puts in the hands of an enforcement
official the power to do absolutely as he pleases on each individual offense.

Representative Chapman refrained from accepting my challenge, and instead
contented himself with constant heckling, and demands that I discontinue my

The final version of the many Copeland bills was passed by the House and
Senate on June 13, 1938, and became law by the President's signature two
weeks later, a few days after the sudden and unexpected death of its sponsor,
Senator Copeland.

In the long and bitter struggle over this legislation, one of the numerous
protests was a brief prepared by Dr. Norman W. Burritt, as representative of
the Medical Society of New Jersey. Dr. Burrites brief contained the following:

Let it be thoroughly understood that the Wiley Act is a mandatory criminal
statute on which have been based a large mass of district, appellate, and
supreme court opinion. This mass of judicial interpretations would be
entirely obliterated if the Wiley Act is repealed . . . . .  This is so
important in itself as to be the basis for summary rejection (of 

[CTRL] More Foreign Police-ee-ing

2000-02-17 Thread Alamaine

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-


WSWS : News & Analysis : South & Central America
US occupation force evacuates Haiti, leaving a country in ruins
By Jacques Richard
17 February 2000
Back to screen version
In September 1994, a 20,000-strong US occupation force landed on the Caribbean
Island of Haiti and returned to power Jean-Bertrand Aristide, the elected
president who had been overthrown three years earlier in a bloody military
coup. Two weeks ago, "Operation Restore Democracy" came to an inglorious end.
The remaining 300 US troops stationed in Haiti have left for home even as
criminal gangs, largely comprised of personnel from the disbanded Haitian army,
terrorize the populace in broad daylight and politically-motivated violence
escalates in advance of next month's parliamentary elections.

When the US marines arrived in Haiti, they were welcomed as quasi-liberators by
a population suffering from the combined effects of three years of military
dictatorship and a US-led international economic embargo. The last US troops,
by contrast, slipped away without fanfare in either Haiti or Washington. US
President Bill Clinton, who once proclaimed Haiti's democratic development and
economic revival one of his administration's main foreign policy goals, now
seldom mentions the country.

Why are the Clinton administration, the US security establishment and the big
business media so reluctant to provide a public balance sheet of what the US
has wrought in Haiti?

A social catastrophe
The few articles that have appeared in the North American press on Haiti paint
a devastating picture. "Sixty percent of the population in the Western
Hemisphere's poorest country is still illiterate and gets by on less than $1 a
day,” reported the Washington Post last September. Entitled “A Nation in Need:
After 5-Year US Intervention, Democracy in Haiti Looks Bleak,” the Washington
Post report conceded that the US-led intervention in Haiti has failed to lay
the foundations for either Haiti's economic or democratic development. “The
historically corrupt and inefficient justice system remains plagued by serious

“As the international intervention mission winds down, it leaves behind a weak
and financially constrained state unable to meet the basic needs of its people.
Only a quarter of the population has access to safe drinking water, and most
Haitians have no electricity or phone service. About half the children under
the age of 5 suffer from malnutrition, and per capita annual health spending is
$21, compared with $38 in sub-Saharan Africa."

A more recent report from the Toronto Star provides the following assessment of
the fruits of “Operation Restore Democracy”: “The misery is just as deep, the
garbage piled as high, the people as sick and the political situation as
tenuous as it was, say, five years ago On the crucial issues, things keep
getting worse. There is no military junta, true, but there are political
repression, fear, the emergence of a new-style Tonton Macoutes—the old killing
machine of the Duvalier dictatorship—and relentless political turmoil.” The
article raised the pointed question: “Why haven't conditions improved despite a
high level of foreign assistance and involvement?”

Insofar as US, Canadian and other Western politicians and diplomats provide any
answer to this question, it is to blame the Haitian people themselves.
According to Michael Duval, Canada's permanent UN representative, “The
responsibility for rebuilding Haiti ... and maintaining a safe, stable
political environment lies chiefly with the people and government of Haiti.”

These cynical homilies are aimed at effacing the historical record. Over the
course of the twentieth century, the US used its military and economic might to
prevent radical socioeconomic change in Haiti. Repeatedly Washington gave its
support to dictatorships that preserved the privileges of a tiny indigenous
elite, while maintaining the mass of the Haitian people in squalor.

The three-decades-long Duvalier family dictatorship was a key US Cold War ally
in the Caribbean and Central America. The Haitian army that was disbanded
during “Operation Restore Democracy” had been created by the US during an
earlier US military occupation that lasted from 1915 to 1934.
Washington's real motives

To make sense of the outcome of the most recent US intervention in Haiti, it is
first necessary to consider the real motives behind it. At the outset, it must
be recalled that much of the US political elite was opposed to removing Haiti's
military regime, preferring to exercise US domination over Haiti through
traditional means.

The Republicans denounced Aristide as a demented radical, and continued to
oppose his restoration to the presidency even after he had accepted a US army
of occupation and agreed to implement the dictates of the IMF. The Republicans'
vehement opposition to Aristide indicates that there is much to the rumor that
the CIA, if

[CTRL] Philippine Marxists

2000-02-17 Thread Alamaine

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

In them olden days, those days following WW2 (late '40s, early '50s), the
Philippines had their Marxists, the Huks.  Now the Sydney Morning Herald is
running an article discussing the 'resurgence' of Marxists in the Philippines.
The Huks were not among the favourites of the American government following the
2nd WW, and, as I recall my parents' reports, were kin of anti-American.  *Why*
this is interesting (at least to me) is because of the information about POWs
in NVN yielding information to their captors, usually under duress.  *What* is
interesting is the Philippines was the home of Subic Bay and Clark AB during
the Viet Nam era, a launching pad for the American Far East efforts.  What
better source of information than a bunch of drinking or drunken or doting GIs
(thereto assigned or on R&R) blowing of steam to the delight of those who would
rather the Americans weren't there?  This is one example, Saigon may be another
with a very similar atmosphere.  Volcanoes might be our friends.  A<>E<>R


From: Guerrilla Warriors
Filipinos At War, Carlos Quirino, Vera-Reyes Inc., 1981
Filipino Guerrillas
The largest and best organized resistance group in Luzon were the Hukbalahaps,
short for Hukbo ng Bayan Laban sa Hapon or "the People's Army to Fight the
Japanese." The proletarian movement started by the timawas of Pangasinan and
Ilocos two centuries ago and by Andres Bonifacio in 1896, found an echo in
central Luzon, specifically in the provinces of Pampanga, southern Tarlac and
Nueva Ecija, where the kasamas or tenants tilled the rice lands for absentee
landlords. As far back as 1929, the Socialist party began gaining adherents
among the peasants. The party was led by Pedro Abad Santos, elder brother of
Jose Abad Santos who was to be killed by the Japanese in Cotabato, a wealthy
and cultured landlord of Pampanga. The Socialists merged with the Communist
party in 1938, and anticipating the war with Japan began forming military
cadres under political commissars following the system established by the
Soviets in Russia. While party leaders were still mulling on the best way to
fight the Japanese, after the debacle of Clark Field in Pampanga, a certain
woman named Felipa Culala, known by the nom de guerre of Dayang-Dayang (the
Muslim title for Princess), assaulted and captured the municipal building in
Candaba -- the swampy land east of Pampanga -- to liberate eight of her
followers who had been imprisoned there for gathering palay rice without a
permit from the overseer (Agoncillo, op.cit., II, 668). She was a big husky
woman with a flair for leadership.
Japanese patrols and local policemen set out immediately to capture her, but
instead fell into a trap that she had set, and in the skirmish that ensued
between 30 to 40 Japanese soldiers and more than 60 policemen were killed. her
two feats electrified the rebels into organizing their army. By the end of
March 1942, a meeting was held by Dayang-Dayang, Bernardo Poblete (better known
as Banal and commander of the best Huk regiment), Lope de la Rosa, Eusebio
Aquino (known as Bio who had chosen the alias of Panday Pira, the foundryman at
the time of Rajah Sulayman), Mariano Franco, Casto Alejandrino, Luis Taruc and
many others -- such as Jose "Dimasalang" de Leon, Silvestre "Linda Bie" Liwanag
-- who were to gain notoriety a decade later as commander of Huk squadrons.
Dayang-Dayang's love for lucre proved to be her undoing. She was reported to
have said, "those who don't get rich in this war have liquid brains." She was
accused by her own men of stealing food, carabaos, fishing nets, money and
jewelry from the barrio folks. A Huk military court found her and a brother
guilty of the charges, and they were executed by a firing squad. She could have
easily been another Gabriela Silang, or a Henerala Agueda Kahabagan, or a
Teresa Magbanua; instead, she destroyed her own prestige by deviating from the
ideal of fighting for the freedom of her country.
During the "dark years" of the enemy occupation, in 1942 and 1943, the Huks
were active in attacking railroad shipments, garrisons and convoys. While other
guerrilla units remained inactive in 1943, following orders from general
headquarters of SWPA to "lie low," the Huks fought the invaders, and went after
Filipino collaborators, terming puppet officials, rich landowners an pro-
Americans as "tools of capitalistic imperialism." As a result they clashed with
other guerrilla units in the region. The last encounter was with Anderson's
Guerrillas in San Isidro, Nueva Ecija, in March 1945, and ended only with the
arrival of the American forces.
After the liberation of Luzon, the Huks submitted their roster for backpay
claim. The Americans, however, would not recognize them because the Huks
refused to turn in their arms or disband their organization. Only the Banal
regiment accepted the American terms. Two of the insurgent

[CTRL] Information and action suggestions fromthe John birch Society for 12-99

2000-02-17 Thread William Bacon

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

Compiled for the "action" portion of the monthly John Birch Society
information and Action meeting.
Our job is to create understanding. letters "to the editor," to opinion
molders, and to public officials are an important part of our educational
Frequently used addresses & phone numbers:

1.)(The President) The White House, Washington, DC 20500. 202-456-

2.) (Your Senators) Senate office Building, Washington,DC 20510

3.) (Your Representative) House office Building,
Washington,DC 20515 202-224-3121


The House and Senate are in adjourment until January, 27th.Congratulations
on helping to shore up 2nd Amendment support in the House, which in turn,
kept dangerous gun legislation bottled up in conference committee. We must
now gird for major battles in the new year. If your busy holiday  schedule
can't squeeze in an I & A meeting, include letter writing at your December
business meeting.


KEY FACTS:Rep. Helen Chenoweth-Hage on November 9th H J RES 77 affirming
that the 1977 Carter-Torrijos treaties --- never properly ratified -- are
null and void and that the Hay Bunau-Varilla Treaty of 1903 is, therefore,
still in effect.(See the December 6th issue of THE NEW AMERICAN for
complete resolution text.) As of the November 18th, these 26
Representatives had signed on as co-sponsors:Don Young(AK), Matt
Salmon(AZ), Bob Stump(AZ),John Doolittle(CA), Duncan Hunter(CA), Jim
Rogan(CA),Joel Hefley(CO),Tom Tancredo(CO),Cliff Steams(FL),Mac
Collins(GA),Phil Crane(IL),Dan Burton(IN), David McIntosh(IN), Richard
Baker(LA), Pat Danner(MO),Charles Taylor(NC),John Sweeny(NY),James
Traficant(OH), Lindsey Graham(SC),John   Duncan Jr,(TN),Zach Wamp (TN),
Pete Sessions(TX), Virgil Goode (VA), Jack Metcalf(WA), George
Nethercutt(WA), Barbara Cubin (WA).

A) Your Representative;if he is already a co-sponsor, commend him and urge
him to lobby his  colleagues on behalf of H J RES 77. If he isn't listed
above, urge him to contact Rep Chenoweth-Hage's office to express his
intent to co-sponsor the resolution.

B) Your U.S. Senators, urging them to introduce and support H J Res 77 in
the Senate.

C) The editor, help wake up your neighbors to the imminent dangers in
Panama and the urgent need to
to pass H J Res 77 when congress returns to session in late January.


Key Facts: Before membership in the World Trade Organization (WTO) can be
granted to Red China. the insiders must repeal the current U.S. law that
requires an annual review of our trade status with the butchers of Bejing.
Put letters of opposition on the desks of your representative and

A.) Your Representative, in strong opposition to permanent Normal Trade
Relations (NTR) status for Red China.
B.) Your U.S. Senators, with the same forceful message.


KEY Facts: This act will end our United Nations (UN) membership;
diplomatic immunity of UN personnel in U.S.; our funding of UN military
action; our participation in UNESCO and UN environmental programs.
A.)your representative, asking him to support and co-sponsor HR 1146.
B.) Your US senators, urging them to introduce a Senate version of HR

To determine the up to date status of the issues above, visit

visit my web site at  www.voicenet.com/~wbacon

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] 0Letters to the editor suggestions from the John Birch Society

2000-02-17 Thread William Bacon

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

   To the editor,

 The campaign against private ownership of firearms has escalated to
include a frontal attack on this fundamental right by the United Nations
(UN). In August 1999, a UN document entitled "Report of the Group of
Governmental experts on Small Arms" called on nations of the world ---
meaning the United Nations -- to "control the legal possession of
firearms," "integrate measures to control ammunition," and "work toward
... the prohibition of unrestricted trade and private ownership of small
arms and light weapons." Among the "Experts" who drafted this report was
Herbert L. Calhoun of the U.S. State Department. This means that he
Clinton Adminstration fully supports the UN goal  of disarming the law
abiding people of all nations including ours.

Withdrawal from the United Nations must become a prime goal of all who
wish to protect their lives,  families and property from government and
assorted criminals. Fighting to safeguard the right to keep and bear arms
must include working to extricate our nation from the menace of an
emerging UN-controlled world government. Not doing so amounts to asking
for defeat and inviting world tyranny.

 To the Editor,

In Mid-October, and International Conference of UN-accredited
Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) met in Seoul, South Korea. Its
Keynote speaker, South Korea's Young Seek Choue, openly called for the
establishment of a "new world order for the next millennium." According to
the Catholic Family & Human Rights Institute, Choue envisioned elimination
national  sovereignty in favor of such bodies as the European Commission.

Not content with attacking the very concept of nationhood, other speakers
at this official UN gathering called for legitimizing homosexuality,
attacked families as violent and oppressive, and urged an end to
traditional marriages. the very survival of civilized values dictates that
the United States (U.S.) withdraw from the world body.

visit my web site at  www.voicenet.com/~wbacon

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Presidential lying and the law

2000-02-17 Thread William Bacon

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

BY JOHN F. McManus

Children who are properly reared receive early training about the
importance of truthfulness and the   wrongness of telling a lie. By the
time they reach maturity, most become aware  that lying after swearing  to
tell "the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help me
God" will likely earn swift civil punishment.
Anyone who proceeds to law school benefits from additional instruction
about the crime of perjury, learning that the nation's entire legal system
is built on the need for truthfulness. if lying under oath isn't punished,
the whole fabric of justice is torn to shreds. In other  words, perjury is
a momumentally serious offense deserving  of stiff penalties.

Many of President Clinton's defenders, however, while admitting that he
lied under oath, insist that his offense doesn't rise to the level of the
"high crimes and misdemeanors" referred to in the Constitution. The insist
that because his misdeed supposedly didn't harm the nation, it does not
merit conviction and removal  from office.

A January 14th,1999 NEW YORK TIMES article engaged in precisely such
trivializing. it properly diagreed with A White House memorandum asserting
that "the President truthfully before the grand jury." Yet the TIMES,
while admitting that he Clinton team's claim of truthfulness was
preposterous, went on to recommend that the Senate merely censure the
President and permit him to remain in office.


All who care about the integrity of the nation's legal system will profit
from examining how the matter of perjury is treated in various state
constitutions. California's constitution hold that "laws shall be made to
exclude persons convicted of bribery, perjury, forgery, malfeasance in
office, or other high crimes from office or serving on juries." Thus, in
our most populous state, perjury clearly falls within the designation of a
high crime meriting exclusion from office. The Texas State Constitution
likewise bars from office those "convicted of bribery, perjury,  forgery,
or other high crimes.
In West Virgina, Pennsylvania and Illinois, perjury is constitutionally
categorized as an "infamous" crime, a term comparable to the word "high"
as it appears in the federal Constitution. In each of these states, anyone
convicted of perjury shall be ineligible to hold office.

The state constitutions of Wyoming and Missouri maintain  that anyone
convicted of perjury shall be "forever disqualified from holding any
office of trust or profit" within the state. Colorado uses almost
identical language to bar a perjurer from holding office. Other state
constitutions either expand the listing of removable offenses or do not
specify any. None give any indication of trivializing perjury. If Mr
Clinton were subject to prosecution in a state court for his lying under
oath, he would certainly find himself in deep trouble.


Some of the Clinton "Spin doctors" have also claimed that his sworn
testimony before the grand jury, though misleading, was "literally"
correct and therefore unpunishable.They maintain that under his tortured
definition of "is," "alone" and "sex," he never told a lie.

But New York University Professor Stephen Gillers points out that
literally correct answers still invite the charge of perjury if there is
an intent to mislead. He cited the case of Robert DeZarn, the former
adjutant general of the Kentucky National Guard, who thought he benefited
from an investigator's error when asked under oath if he had been present
at a gathering "in 1991" instead of in 1990 when it actually took place.
DeZarn's answers regarding fundraising at that gathering and subsequent
appointments to the Guard were indeed literally accurate, but were
undeniably intended to mislead.

The justice Department subsequently discovered the questioner's error and
indicted the general for perjury. In a widely publicized trial in
Kentucky, a jury convicted DeZarn of perjury and a judge imposed a 15
month prison term.

DeZarn appealed, but in October 1998 the lower court's action was upheld
by the 6th circuit Court of Appeals. The court ruled: "A perjury which
focuses only upon the precision of the question and ignores what the
defendant knew about the subject matter of the question at the time it was
asked, misses the very point of perjury, that is,  the defendant's intent
to testify falsely and, thereby, mislead his interrogators. Such a limited
inquiry would only undermine the perjury laws, it would undermine the
rule of law as a whole."

Applying this ruling to MR. Clinton's responses under oath during the
Paula Jones case leads inescapably to the conclusion that the President is
guilty of perjury. If Robert DeZarn lost his job and went to jail for
literally correct but deliberately misleading responses, should the
President's similar conduct be swept under a convenient rug? The qu

[CTRL] Pentagon To Keep Anthrax Program

2000-02-17 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

Peace at any cost is a prelude to war!

Pentagon To Keep Anthrax Program
Associated Press Online - February 17, 2000 16:43
Jump to first matched term


AP Military Writer

WASHINGTON (AP) - The Pentagon on Thursday rejected a House panel's call to
halt troop inoculations against anthrax, insisting that the vaccine is safe
and that the threat of biological warfare is real.

"It's very important that we use the existing and available, safe and
effective vaccine to give our troops that go in harm's way the protection
that they deserve," Marine Corps Maj. Gen. Randy West told a Pentagon news
conference. The former Gulf War commander is a special adviser on biological

Sue Bailey, the assistant secretary of defense for health affairs, said the
Defense Department intends to continue toward its goal of immunizing all 2.4
million members of the active and reserve military against anthrax, which is
a naturally occurring bacteria that, when inhaled, can cause death within a
few days.

The Pentagon believes Iraq and other nations hostile to the United States
have produced anthrax weapons. The first U.S. troops to get the vaccinations
are deployed in Korea and the Middle East.

In a report released Thursday, the House Government Reform national security
subcommittee said the anthrax vaccine does provide a degree of protection to
those who receive it. "Just how much protection is acquired, by whom, for how
long ... are questions the Defense Department answers with an excess of faith
but a paucity of science." it said.

"Plagued by uncertain supplies, uncertain safety and unproven efficacy
against the anthrax threat, the mandatory, force-wide immunization program
should be suspended until the Department of Defense gets approval to use an
improved vaccine," said Rep. Christopher Shays, R-Conn., chairman of the

The Pentagon says it is searching for an improved vaccine but may not get one
for years.

So far more than 400,000 troops have been given approximately 1.5 million
shots, Bailey said. There have been 620 reported adverse reactions, 26 of
which required hospitalization, and only six of the hospitalizations are
known to be related to the vaccine, she said. The illnesses of the 20 others
were unrelated to the vaccine, she said.

"We have a very safe and effective vaccine against a very deadly biologic
agent that we know to be in the hands of many of our adversaries and could be
used against our forces," Bailey told reporters. "That would imply were they
not vaccinated and exposed to this agent, they would die a horrible death."

The vaccine has come under increasing scrutiny from lawmakers as a growing
number of troops have refused to take the six-shot regimen. Complaints have
included fevers, muscle pain and dizziness. Some military members testified
in hearings held by Shays' panel that the vaccine controversy is hurting

West, who was with Marine units that routed the Iraqi army from Kuwait in the
1991 Gulf War, said he is concerned that an Internet-driven campaign to stop
the Pentagon's vaccination program is taking a toll.

"I do worry about divisiveness" within the military, he said. "I worry about
any serviceman or woman that would leave the military or face any kind of
disciplinary action for no reason other than the fact that he refused to take
a shot that was designed only to be good for him."

West said 351 members of the active and reserve forces have refused to take
the vaccine since the program started in 1998. That is the largest and most
specific figure the Pentagon has offered on resisters; it previously had said
the number was between 200 and 300.

The Shays report said that because there is little research on the inhalation
of anthrax spores by humans, the vaccine should be regarded as an
investigational drug, requiring the approval of troops to be administered.
The Pentagon counters by saying research on humans is not possible because
anthrax is deadly.

The report also says the inoculation program should be suspended because some
troops do not trust medical information provided by a Defense Department that
has engaged in "heavy-handed propaganda," labeling critics as paranoid rather
than answering their questions.

West criticized the Shays report for repeating criticisms without including
the rebuttals made by Pentagon officials during committee hearings last year.

"If you take the meaning of the negative comments that are made in the
report, then go back and bounce them against the testimony that was given,
you'll find many of those concerns were adequately addressed," he said.

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2000-02-17 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

Peace at any cost is a prelude to war!

 **16 February 2000

 "When we assumed the Soldier, we did not lay aside the Citizen."
  General George Washington, New York Legislature, 1775

   Soldiers For The Truth, PO Box 63840, Colorado Springs, CO 80962-3840


 Defending America:
 Warrior Ethic: Down, But Not Out   1

 The Evil Empire strikes back   2

 From the Field:
 Milosevic does the "Right Thing"   3
 Navy Readiness -- Navy tests Carriers' Spare Parts 4
 USMC -- Bastion of Resilience in Decline?  5
 NY Guard Education Bennies boost Recruiting and Retention  6
 What ever happened to Private Ryan's Army  7
 More on Medals and Recognition 8

 Medal of Honor:9
 Lieutenant Colonel, USMC, Korea 1950

 G.I Humor: 10
  Snake Business
 By DAVID H. HACKWORTH, 14 February 2000

 An American Army sergeant was shot last week in Kosovo. He's not the first
casualty from that ill-conceived misadventure, and he won't be the last.

 But another Army sergeant -- Brian Heitman -- also made the news when he
stood tall and wrote in the Army Times, "The warrior ethos is sadly dead in
today's Army. There are, to be sure, warriors left ... but we are a minority."

 There is a connection between the two sergeants. One was wounded on the
field of strife, where combat skills and the warrior ethic keep men alive,
and the other told his superiors that realistic combat training has been
reduced to the point where men in the famed 82nd Airborne Division are at
risk if deployed to a killing zone like Kosovo.

 "Now the fear of making the wrong decision has led many to become
indecisive," he wrote.

 "This has led to weakened training events of low intensity in which our real
enemies are boredom. ... Live-fire ranges are so watered down that there is
little or no realism involved. Whenever there is risk involved, soldiers take
the training more seriously." Sergeant Heitman is right on target. I hear
from about 3,000 soldiers, sailors, Marines and airmen weekly, and many have
the same complaint: The warrior ethic is being bled out of our Armed Forces.

 Sergeant Jeffrey Barnello, another straight-shooting 82nd Airborne leader,
explains why our warriors must be hardened to perfection and steeled with
iron discipline to make it through the terror of ground combat: "We don't
want to be filling our own body bags to send home to Mom. We know that
quality training will make our enemy the recipient of such a fate."

 During the past 10 years, the two-century tradition of the American warrior
has been weakened by technocrats, social engineers, do-gooders and
incompetent or uncaring senior leaders.

 The technocrats say that silver bullet gadgets are the end-all and take the
nastiness out of war.

 These airheads are backed up by the likes of the William Perrys and William
Cohens who end up running the Pentagon in spite of knowing as much about what
makes a fighting man as I know about how to formulate perfume. Cohen likes
gold-plated gadgets because they're made by his pals, the defense racketeers.
He's also the guy who gave us the "Victory over Serbia" -- where megabuck
silver bullets from 3 miles up had about as much impact as April showers on
the fourth-rate Serb army busy down in the mud ethnic-cleansing the Albanians.

 The other guilty parties responsible for attempting to destroy the vital
kill-or-be-killed Spartan ethos are the social engineers, do-gooders and PC
politicians whose agenda is to use the services to promote equality, provide
opportunity and make America's Armed Forces warmer and fuzzier than the

 Sergeant Heitman had the guts to stand up and tell the truth while a lot of
uniformed folks in much higher pay grades shirk their duties. Heitman knows
the values necessary to defend a society might well be in conflict with the
society itself and that our military must concentrate not on liberal agendas
but rather on the life-or-death skills needed to fight and win on the

 And bear in mind that if things are bad in the elite 82nd Airborne Division,
which is America's first-to-go Army outfit, imagine what the average unit
must be like!

 No surprise that Heitman has had private se


2000-02-17 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

Peace at any cost is a prelude to war!

VOICE OF THE GRUNT, 2000-02-16-B
 "What ever happened to Private Ryan's Army?"
Reasons for a mediocre Army.  This retired Sergeant Major sheds light on why
we don't care for a strong, elite Army and why warriors only appear in time
of conflict.
  By SGM (ret.) John Boyce

 As one old soldier to another I think I can tell you what happened.  It's
what always happens to the US Army.  It's gone on its butt - again!

 As a general statement that's where it usually is -- on its butt.  Private
Ryan's army was the US Army at it's best, perhaps its all time best. In
normal times the Army ranges from moderately foolish to absolute farce.  Two
or three times it has risen to the heroic stature of Private Ryan.  But not
often and never for long!

 For the most part, Lt. Gen. Claudia Kennedy is a reasonably good example of
the Army as it normally is.  Not necessarily in her specific commitment to
the goofy notion that sensitivity training has a place in a war fighting
machine, but as typical of the unfocused, tangentially preoccupied and
essentially specious military leadership that is out historic norm.

 Let me start with the bottom line so you'll know from the beginning where
I'm trying to go.  That line is: "There is no perceived need."  That is, over
the long run, we have not perceived the need to sustain a quality ground
force; therefore we have never made the effort.  Further, I would argue, the
perception is correct.  With a couple of exceptions, we have not had the
need.  Thus we have the Generals Kennedy et el.

 I take a Darwinian view.  We needn't look at anything that doesn't
contribute to our survival. I think that's a rational approach.  We only do
those things that contribute to our survival.  As we are, allegedly, a
sentient species, I think I would modify that to say we only do those things
that we "perceive" are contributory to our survival.

 Further, I am being "descriptive" not "prescriptive."  I am describing what
I think, "is" the case, not what I think "ought" to be the case.  First let
me offer some generalities:

 I'm not sure whether war is systemic or endemic.  Is it part of the hardware
or part of the software?  I've always believed hardware; now I'm leaning
toward software.  If it is systemic, (hardware) then should we not expect
that we (we the species) would do a much better job of retaining war-related
lessons learned? I'm willing to argue yes.  That is, if it were "in our
blood" so to speak, you would not have to go to school to learn basic warrior
skills.  It would be second nature. Oops, it would be our "prime" nature.

 If it were fundamental to us, I think we would be much better at it. Perhaps
it's a good thing it's not systemic. If it is not, we may be re-programmable
-- without fundamentally altering and/or distorting the species.

 How many warriors are there in a given society at any given time? (Indeed
what is a warrior -- another serious question). I've heard general officers
say that every one in a uniform is a warrior. I think not.  My WAG (Wild
Assed Guess) is the number is somewhere between 4-7%. So what's the point?

 If it were more like, say 50%, we would retain the lessons much better.  And
we would likely be at each other's throats all the time.   We always complain
that we are forever getting ready for the last war.  This is somehow
considered a deficiency.  Not true I think.  What else do the "powers that
be" know but the last one?  The next one will always be redefined on the
battlefield as it unfolds.

 By contrast, Training And Doctrine Command (TRADOC) says they will scope out
the next one before it happens and have the answers ready before we go.  They
will do it by, "...climbing to the top of the virtual Mt. and surveying the
terrain."  (That's a paraphrase of TRADOC's mission statement.)  Wrong!  It
won't be from a virtual Mt. Top; it'll be, as always, written in blood.

 The traditionally large number of early casualties will demonstrate the
sharpness of the learning curve.  I think that is the way it is; it is
probably the way it must be. (Remember, I'm being descriptive, not
prescriptive -- "is" not "ought"). Point being, TRADOC not withstanding,
we'll continue doing what we have always done -- not be ready.

 What I say is for the US Army, not for our Navy and not the Air Force.  I
don't have any opinion on the Air force, but I believe the Navy has always
been a cut or two above the Army.  This has always been so.  Also, I would
point out that some of the sloppiness of the Army is in direct proportion to
the overall efficiency of the Navy.

 This is, I think a truism, probably good for all cultures and ti

[CTRL] Serbian Edge

2000-02-17 Thread Alamaine

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

>From Int'l Herald Tribune
Via antiwar.com

Paris, Wednesday, February 16, 2000
Rumors About CIA and NATO Plots Put Serbs on Edge

By Edward Cody Washington Post Service

BELGRADE - Secretaries here show up at work convinced that NATO bombs will
start to fall on the city again within hours - their boyfriends tell them so.
Yugoslav government officials ask whether another round of NATO air strikes
would be good for Vice President Al Gore's presidential campaign.

And Yugoslav generals report that Kosovo Liberation Army guerrillas
increasingly slip into Serbia, seeking to provoke a reaction from the Yugoslav
Army, which in turn might drag in U.S. soldiers just across the border in

And who knows where things would go from there?

Belgrade, the capital of Serbia and of the Yugoslav Federation, buzzes these
days with questions about what further steps the United States and its NATO
allies would take - or would be willing to take - to promote the overthrow of
President Slobodan Milosevic and his replacement by a government more to their

Moving around in Belgrade and talking with its residents, it is not hard to
understand why these questions and rumors exist.

The scars in the city of the bombs and million-dollar missiles provide visible
reminders of what the United States and its friends were prepared to do to get
their way.

Turn a corner in the center of the city and parts of the Interior Ministry lie
in dusty ruins.

Cross the Sava River to the New Belgrade neighborhood and the Chinese Embassy,
blasted by U.S. missiles, is a pile of rubble.
Rumors say unexploded ordnance under the debris prevents clearing of the site
and rebuilding of the embassy.

Chinese diplomats, relocated to a villa on the other side of town, are
unavailable to explain.

The Yugoslav government also does its part in creating the uncertainty.
When Defense Minister Pavle Bulatovic was murdered at a table in his cousin's
restaurant here on Feb. 7, Information Minister Goran Matic immediately
suggested that foreign intelligence services were behind the killing.
Vojislav Seselj, leader of the nationalist Serbian Radical Party and Mr.
Milosevic's coalition partner in Parliament, was more specific: He said that
U.S., French or British spy agencies did it.

Authorities already had announced formal charges against members of two groups,
Spider and the Serbia Liberation Army, accused of conspiring to carry out
sabotage and assassinate President Milosevic as well as opposition leaders.
Both were linked in public accusations to NATO-member intelligence agencies -
Spider directly to the French spy agency, the General Directorate of External

Aside from such public-opinion shaping, government officials quietly and
seriously discuss what the CIA might be up to in an effort to further the
Clinton administration's goal of removing Mr. Milosevic from power. They
wonder, for instance, if the agency might be dropping counterfeit Yugoslav
dinars from aircraft to create further turmoil in the country's weakened
economy. They ask whether operatives are wooing Milosevic aides or army
generals to plot a coup.

They speculate that the CIA might be egging on Montenegro's independence-minded
leadership to precipitate a civil war, which would shear off Serbia's last
partner in the Yugoslav Federation, perhaps result in U.S. intervention and
thus push the Milosevic problem into a bloody finale.

Nebojsa Vujovic, the Yugoslav deputy foreign minister, told reporters who asked
him about the speculation about Montenegro that a renewal of U.S. bombing in
such circumstances would be ''a veritable adventure, regardless of the

One reason such questioning circulates so readily is that solid information is
hard to come by in Belgrade. Mr. Milosevic and his close aides, particularly
his wife, Mirjana Markovic, operate in a tight circle. The Bulatovic
assassination - the killer has not yet been found - is expected to tighten the
circle further, making hard information even scarcer.

''I told a colleague the other day that if the CIA came and offered me a
million dollars for information, I would have to say 'no' because I don't have
any idea what's going on,'' a government official said.


Integrity has no need of rules. -Albert Camus (1913-1960)
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
"Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said
it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your
own reason and your common sense." --Buddha
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
It is preoccupation with possessions, more than anything else, that
prevents us from living freely and nobly. -Bertrand Russell
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 

[CTRL] Restore the U.S. Constitution & Bill of Rights

2000-02-17 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

Peace at any cost is a prelude to war!

 http://www.i-charity.net/sw.cgi/ptn/16">Restore the U.S.
Constitution & Bill of Rights

The Petition:

We, the undersigned, as United States citizens, do hereby declare to any and
all government entities, federal, state, or local, and the United Nations,
that we are aware of our rights as stated in the Constitution of the United
States of America and the Bill of Rights. Further, we know, by virtue of the
Ninth Amendment, that our rights extend beyond, and are not limited by, their
enumeration in these documents. We will no longer tolerate the violation of
our rights or the sovereignty of the United States by government edict. We
call for an immediate moratorium on the passage, enactment, and enforcement
of all laws, ordinances, regulations and executive orders, unless the
government official proposing said legislation or issuing such order can
cite, from the Constitution of the United States of America, the Article and
Section that authorizes such action. Furthermore, we call on our elected
officials to repeal all current laws and regulations that infringe, violate,
or negate our rights as free men and women. All government officials should
remember that they are public servants. The will of "We, the People" shall


"We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal,
that they are endowed, by their creator, with certain unalienable Rights,
that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. That to
secure these Rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their
just Powers from the Consent of the Governed, that whenever any Form of
Government becomes destructive of these Ends, it is the Right of the People
to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its
Foundation on such Principles, and organizing its Powers in such Form, as to
them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness."--from the
Declaration of Independence, July 1776

This petition seeks to address the problem of Congress and Executive Branch
exceeding limits of authority which are placed upon them by the Constitution
and Bill of Rights.

The goals of this petition are to remind Congress and the Executive Branch
that the Constitution and Bill of Rights is the law of the land, that they
must restore the Constitution and Bill of Rights as the basis for all
legislation, and repeal any legislation which cannot be supported by the
Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

Once the signatures are collected, this petition will be submitted to all
federal, state and local government officials and agencies. Selected members
of Congress will be asked to introduce legislation requiring that the
principles set forth in this petition be adhered to, and to introduce
legislation repealing laws which are found to be in conflict with the U.S.
Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

Petition to Restore the U.S. Constitution & Bill of Rights Sponsored By:

Keep And Bear Arms

Pro America Grassroots Network

**COPYRIGHT NOTICE** In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107,
any copyrighted work in this message is distributed under fair use
without profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior interest
in receiving the included information for nonprofit research and educational
purposes only.[Ref. http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.shtml ]

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] News & Views - February 17, 2000

2000-02-17 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

Peace at any cost is a prelude to war!

Clinton Countdown

Today is February 17, 2000.  There are only 338 days remaining in the Clinton

Losing His Head

“What began as a coronation is starting to look like a decapitation.”

- Boston Herald columnist Don Feder on the troubles the George W. Bush
campaign has experienced over the past several weeks, 2/14/00

Does GOP Want Democrats or Not?

For the past two weeks since John McCain stunned the political world by
thrashing George W. Bush in the New Hampshire primary, a number of
Republicans have been absolutely apoplectic about the number of Democrats and
Independents who are supporting McCain.  Yet it was the so-called “Reagan
Democrats” who gave the GOP the votes needed to advance the Gipper’s
conservative agenda in the early and mid-eighties.  Do we no longer want such
conservative Democrats and Independents to support Republican candidates?

And what about Democrats who switch parties?  We received notification from
the Republican National Committee on Wednesday proudly announcing that yet
another elected Democrat (New York Supervisor Marilynn Calhoun) had switched
parties and joined the GOP - the 469th elected Democrat to make the switch
since Clinton/Gore were first elected.  Are these Democrat party-switchers
not welcome in the Republican Party fold?

But I guess what bothers me most about the hysteria being fueled by the Bush
campaign over Democrats and Independents crossing over and supporting McCain
is their hypocrisy on the issue.  Part of the George W. Bush bill-of-goods
sold to the GOP huddled masses a year ago in order to “anoint” him as the
one, true inevitable Republican nominee was his alleged ability to attract
cross-over voters.  But the tables got turned.  Yes, cross-over voters are
flocking to a Republican candidate this year - it’s just not Bush.  So now,
attracting cross-over voters is suddenly a bad thing?  Not.

Look, I am 100% opposed to non-Republicans having a vote in who our
Republican candidates are going to be.  But you gotta play the cards you’ve
been dealt - and McCain has been playing a better hand in this regard than
Bush.  Don’t blame McCain - blame the idiots who have been pushing for these
open primaries all these years.

The fact is, Republicans can’t win next fall without those “Reagan
and Independents.  If McCain can get them, fine.  If Bush can get them, fine.
 But if we, as a party, are stupid enough to tell these conservative
Democrats and Independents who are willing to vote for our candidates that
there’s “no room at the inn,” we’ll deserve the horror of swearing in
President Gore and Speaker Gephardt less than a year from now.

The Gipper:  How To Win 101

“The Republican Party I envision will not, and cannot, be one limited to the
country club big business image that, for reasons, both fair and unfair, it
is burdened with today.  The New Republican party I am speaking about is
going to have room for the man and woman in the factories, for the farmer,
for the cop on the beat, and the millions of Americans who may never have
thought of joining our party before but whose interest coincide with those
represented by principled Republicanism.  If we are to attract more working
men and women of this country, we will do so not simply by ‘making room’ for
them, but by making certain that they have a say in what goes on in the

- Ronald Reagan speech to the American Conservative Union in February 1977,
quoted by former GOP presidential candidate Gary Bauer in announcing his
endorsement of John McCain yesterday

It Takes a Village to Tip a Waitress

A grassroots effort is underway that further embarrasses HILLARY! for
stiffing that waitress in New York last week.  Folks all across the country
are rallying to send Trish Trupo one dollar to cover the tip that HILLARY!
failed to leave after wolfing down her two free breakfasts at the Village
House restaurant in Albion, NY.

The Washington Times reported yesterday that HILLARY! called Ms. Trupo to
apologize - but still didn’t arrange for a tip.  “She didn’t offer and I
didn’t ask,” Trupo said.  The Times reports that “Americans from as far away
as California and Florida have sent cards and letters with money enclosed —
mainly $1 bills.”  Trupo - a single-mom with an 11-year-old son and no
insurance who makes $2.90 an hour plus tips - already knows what she’s going
to do with the money that’s coming in.  "I'm going to use it for education
for my son. Because I'm a single mom and I don't receive child support, this
really helps."

Send your dollar bill to:  Trish Trupo, c/o Village House Restaurant, 16 East
Avenue, Albion, NY 14411-1613.  The Vast-Right-Wing-Conspiracy

[CTRL] Local Governments Seize Economic Initiative in Japan

2000-02-17 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

Peace at any cost is a prelude to war!

Global Intelligence Update
17 February 2000

Local Governments Seize Economic Initiative in Japan


Japanese leaders are preparing to battle over a solution to their
country's economic woes. As the economic malaise deepens, calls
from local governments to decentralize power grow more urgent. Now
Tokyo Gov. Shintaro Ishihara has devised a plan to tax the city's
major banks, giving the city control over a large infusion of cash,
free from central government's meddling. The central government
knows the plan could result in an economic nightmare, but its
ruling parties risk political suicide if they lash out against it.
Ultimately, the administration will have to find an effective
alternative - or lose control of the economy completely.


The Tokyo metropolitan government in Japan is poised to pass a new
law taxing the city's largest banks. Tokyo Gov. Shintaro Ishihara
expects the law to raise almost a billion dollars in revenue - an
attractive sum in a city with a $6 billion budget deficit and $60
billion in debt. The legislation has attracted overwhelming support
in Tokyo, from 90 percent of the city's residents and both ruling
and opposition parties. In a Kyodo News survey, more than half of
the country's other prefectures voiced at least partial support.

The legislation's popularity among local governments and the public
stems from more than just empty coffers in city halls throughout
Japan. Those behind the legislation, including Ishihara, are
unwilling to sit idly by while the central government fails to
restore Japan's economy. The legislation could further disable the
city's crippled banks, making central government officials very
anxious. But with general elections on the horizon, political
imperatives are pressuring Tokyo's ruling parties to bite their

Gov. Ishihara proposed the tax several weeks ago, sending bank
officials and many economists into histrionics. The law will tax
gross profit instead of net gains in banks with deposits of more
than $45.7 billion. In other words, even banks with negative
balance sheets will have to pay taxes. Critics argue that such a
heavy burden - as much as 20 or 30 times the existing taxes - will
keep the banks from paying off bad loans, thereby stalling economic
recovery. The Japanese Bankers Association has even threatened a
lawsuit if the government passes the legislation.

But Ishihara and other proponents have ignored such criticism, as
well as quiet pressure from Diet members, including Finance
Minister Kiichi Miyazawa. Instead, Ishihara has painted the
legislation as a necessary reaction to a domineering and
ineffective central government.

Calls to decentralize the government have existed for years. But as
Japan's economic infirmity persists and intensifies, the calls have
grown more urgent. Currently, local prefectures in Japan have very
little control over their own finances. The Tokyo government
receives less than 30 percent of the revenues it collects. As well,
the prefectures have been forced to issue bonds to help finance the
central government's deficit spending. The new tax would give the
Tokyo government total control over a large infusion of revenue.

The central government realizes that the tax could devastate the
banking system if applied nationwide. Yet elections could come as
early as April, and the parties must handle the situation
carefully. If they crusade against the legislation, even on the
grounds of shaky economics, they will be denounced as overbearing
and unwilling to decentralize. The circumstances are especially
troublesome for the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP), which seeks to
resurrect its lost legacy as the country's number-one political
authority. It must oppose the legislation, but would like to avoid
bad publicity.

As a result, top LDP members appear divided. Key Cabinet ministers,
including the finance and home affairs ministers, have pressured
Ishihara to change details of his plan. Others, such as Labor
Minister Takamori Makino, have suggested that the decision
"deserves understanding in light of the promotion of
decentralization," reported the newspaper Asahi Shimbun.

The LDP's Research Commission on the Tax System has undertaken the
party's most significant effort to engage in political damage
control. On Feb. 16, it announced that it would consider extending
the tax nationwide to all corporations, not just banks - but only
after the economy had fully recovered, perhaps in fiscal 2001. The
announcement was clearly a stalling tactic, intended to soothe
those who support the legislation because they believe the
government will resist decentralization indefinitely.

But ultimately, the central government - LDP included - must take
forceful measures to regain control of the economy. Although the
Tokyo bill now has enough support in the city assembly 

[CTRL] AF News 17 Feb 00

2000-02-17 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

Peace at any cost is a prelude to war!

000241.  820th security forces jump into history books

by Senior Master Sgt. Denton Lankford
Air Force Security Forces Center Public Affairs

of the 820th Security Forces Group from Lackland Air Force Base, Texas, made
history recently when they parachuted from a C-17 during a special
demonstration here.

"This was the first time any Security Forces personnel have ever jumped from
a C-17," explained Brig. Gen. Richard Coleman, director of Security Forces
and commander of Air Force Security Forces Center at Lackland AFB.  Coleman
said the demonstration showed the "first-in" capabilities not only of the
820th SFG, but security forces worldwide.  He also said the airborne
capability is a direct result of the new emphasis placed on force protection
as a result of the June 1996 bombing of Khobar Towers, Dhahran, Saudi

"Security Forces are ready to go anywhere, any place, and anytime," Coleman
said, because of the 820th's force protection mission in support of
expeditionary aerospace forces.  He said all 17 members who participated in
the demonstration were trained at the 82nd Airborne Division's jump school
at Fort Benning, Ga.  Currently, the 820th SFG has 32 members who are
airborne qualified jumpers.

Col. Dale Hewitt, 820th SFG commander, said his goal is to send as many
820th SFG members to jump school each month as openings at Fort Bragg allow.
"Because of the mission's change to our emphasis on first-in capabilities,
we will jump with the 82nd Airborne Division, who will then secure the air
strip or runway and hand it over to the 820th SFG," he explained.

Hewitt said 12 820th SFG members completed night jumps with over 1,200 82nd
Airborne Division soldiers at Duke Field, Fla., during a joint exercise in
1998.  "After the air field was secured by the 82nd Airborne Division, it
was handed over in place to the 820th SFG," Hewitt said.

According to Hewitt, the 820th SFG is currently recruiting Air Force-wide
for members to man two new security forces squadrons, the 823rd SFS and the
822nd SFS, at Moody AFB, Ga.  "Each squadron will consist of over 200
personnel from 15 different career fields," Hewitt added.  Hewitt explained
the 820th has many AFSCs such as medical, intelligence, transportation,
logistics and civil engineering, which are not normally found in security
forces squadrons.

In addition to the historic jump, the same C-17 made a pass over the
airfield, then came in for a "short landing" to offload four armor-plated
Highly Mobile Multi-Purpose Wheeled Vehicles manned by an 820th fire team.
The humvees were specifically designed for peacekeeping missions in hostile
environments, where ground fire and sniper fire is a threat.  "These
vehicles are ideal for protecting 'first-in' security forces," Coleman said.

According to Coleman, security forces around the world began receiving the
new "up-armored" humvees in 1998.  Security forces will receive 340 of the
new armor-plated vehicles. The new humvees are painted in both the woodland
and desert camouflage paint schemes, and are set up with a turret capable of
mounting a 40mm MARK-19 automatic grenade launcher or a 50-caliber machine

The special demonstration at Indian Springs was staged as part of Capstone,
an overview of each Service's combat capabilities that is required of all
new general and flag officers.

"It is very important to demonstrate security forces capabilities to the
Capstone members, because they will be the future leaders of the Air Force
and our sister services," Coleman said.

000241a.jpg and 000241a.gif
One of four armor-plated Highly Mobile Multi-Purpose Wheeled Vehicles,
better known as a humvee, is secured in the cargo area of a C-17 Globemaster
III in preparation for a special security forces demonstration at Indian
Springs Air Force Auxiliary Airfield, Nev.  During the exercise, the C-17
made a short field landing and offloaded the four humvees in minimum time,
demonstrating the rapid deployment capability of "first in" security forces
in hostile environments.  (Air Force photo by Senior Master Sgt. Denton

000242.  DOD clarifies exemptions to anthrax vaccination program

by Army Staff Sgt. Kathleen T. Rhem
American Forces Press Service

WASHINGTON (AFPN) -- DOD officials are in the process of approving a policy
that standardizes exemptions to the anthrax vaccination program.  But, they
said, they provided exemptions because it's "good medicine," not because of
any concerns about the vaccine's safety or efficacy.

The new exemptions fall into two categories, administrative and medical,
said Marine Maj. Gen. Randy L. West, special adviser to the secretary of
defense for anthrax and bio-defense affairs.

The administrative exemption refers mainly to service members who are within
180 days o

Re: [CTRL] McCain, Bush & Mind Control (WashPost)

2000-02-17 Thread DIG alfred webre

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

   >>Urban Legend has it that WashPost reporters are
   "CIA fronts". <<

  There may be a dynamic going on to "break up"
  traditional MindControl circuits in this Bush-McCain
  race. Bush is the real Mind Control empire candidate,
  IMHO. Notice the "Hothead" thread in this Newsweek
  (WP front) article. However by the end of the
  article you can see that MC thoughtforms are breaking up.

  Conclusion: Watch the process; not the personalities.


  Senator Hothead

  In the cloakroom, John McCain won't suffer fools and
  them know it. How he plays by the Washington
  how he doesn't.

  By Evan Thomas
  Newsweek, February 21, 2000

  Of the 55 republicans in the U.S. Senate, only four
  support John McCain for
  president. Most of the rest—39 in all, with two more
  signing on last
  week—back George W. Bush. Why can't McCain win the
  votes of his own
  colleagues? To explain, a Republican senator tells
  this story: at a GOP
  meeting last fall, McCain erupted out of the blue at
  the respected Budget
  Committee chairman, Pete Domenici, saying, "Only an
  a—hole would put
  together a budget like this." Offended, Domenici
  stood up and gave a
  dignified, restrained speech about how in all his
  years in the Senate, through
  many heated debates, no one had ever called him
  that. Another senator might
  have taken the moment to check his temper. But
  McCain went on: "I wouldn't
  call you an a—hole unless you really were an
  a—hole." The Republican
  senator witnessing the scene had considered
  supporting McCain for
  president, but changed his mind. "I decided," the
  senator told NEWSWEEK,
  "I didn't want this guy anywhere near a trigger."

  Domenici softened the story, denying that
  McCain had used the word "a—hole." But
  one of McCain's own aides ruefully said
  with a laugh, "He may have used stronger
  language." McCain's reputation as a hothead
  in the Senate is well established. Last week
  GOP senators were furiously spinning to
  reporters—off the record, as usual—that
  their colleague from Arizona is too impatient
  and impetuous to be president. They argued
  that he would divide the Republican Party and, if
  elected, fail to motivate
  lawmakers to enact his agenda. McCain's loyal band
  of congressional
  defenders scoffed at this line of argument. "He's
  not running for Senate
  majority leader, he's running for president as a
  reformer," said Sen. John
  Kerry, a Democrat and fellow Vietnam veteran. "Lots
  of presidents have a
  temper. Sometimes Congress needs a swift kick."

  The Maverick From the Right
  McCain is a free-market conservative but not a
  predictable one. His rhetoric is more
  middle-of-the-road than his voting record, and
  he is willing to work with Democrats.
  Where McCain Stands on the Issues
 Strong anti-abortion voting
 record, but wobbly in his public
 comments. No litmus test for
 Supreme Court choice.
 Wants to cut taxes by $238
 billion, but less than half as much
 as Bush, and offers far fewer
 breaks for the rich.
 Talks like a Teddy Roosevelt
 conservationist and wants more
 fuel-efficient cars. But voting
 record not green.
 More money for missile defense
 and soldier's pay, but tough on
 pork. Would have sent combat
 troops to Kosovo.
 Wary of federal control, favors
 experimenting with "vouchers" to


2000-02-17 Thread DIG alfred webre

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-


February 16, 2000
N 149
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of Chechen militants. Rather, our purpose is to present as many news
sources as possible so that readers may form their own judgement. We
seek to attract the world's attention to the mass violations of human
rights in the conflict.

Refugees Lost Hope to Return Home

Oleg Kusov, Radio Liberty's correspondent in the North Caucasus,
reports: "Grozny remains a city forbidden for civilians still. The
military declare that they would need not less than two weeks for mine
clearing. Various obstacles don't stop the sappers. The thoroughly
mined objects are blown up. Most likely, the sappers will destroy
everything that has survived the three months of bombing and shelling
in the next two weeks. Thousands of refugees have virtually lost hope
to return to their homes in Grozny. In these days refugees from Grozny
are flowing towards the towns of Mozdok and Mineralnye Vody. From
there the Migration Service is sending them to various towns of
Russia. But there are not many towns remaining that are willing to
accept Chechen refugees. This is what refugees from Grozny, with whom
I spoke yesterday at railroad station of Mineralnye Vody of Stavropol
Region tell: (A female refugee speaks): "Now they propose Altay
Region, we've got no relatives, that's why they propose Altay Region.
They say there's a provisional accommodation center there, and, as I
understood, it's three months of way there." Many people say that they
don't care where to die of diseases and despair already."
Situation with Refugees in Ingushetia

According to the government of Ingushetia, on February 15 there were
277,135 forced re-settlers from the Chechen Republic and 16,272
refugees from North Ossetia in the republic, Gazeta.ru reports. In
particular, there are 80,104 Chechen refugees and 6,302 re-settlers
from North Ossetia in Sunzhensky district and, accordingly, 49,545 and
7,390 people in Maglobeksky district. In Nazran there are 32,240
families of forced re-settlers from Chechnya.

Situation in Filtration Camps of Chechnya

Chief of the Main Department for Execution of Punishments (MDEP) of
Russia's Justice Ministry Vladimir Yelunin in his interview to Radio
Liberty denies that unallowed methods of keeping and investigation are
used in filtration camps in the territory of Chechnya. "In
Chernokozovo two units are on guard. Or, no, there are three special
units already there. They serve on contract. They don't enter the
territory of the holdover at all. That's the main thing, I think.
There are examples of some outcries, heard at the distance of 500
meters from some cellars... Our people are specially trained and don't
react on such provocation articles at all - I'm 100% sure..." The only
thing recognized by MDEP chief Yelunin is that "it's dark and damp
there" (in the facilities of the filtration camp). The representative
of the Main Department of General Prosecutor's Office at the North
Caucasus Sergey Prokopov told in his interview to ITAR-TASS that after
the seizure of Grozny "the holdovers have been replenished with a
large amount of prisoners."
The Developments around Andrey Babitsky

For 32 days already there is no reliable news about the whereabouts of
Andrey Babitsky of Radio Liberty, who has been detained on January 16
when leaving Grozny. Radio Liberty reports that today the Acting
President of Russia Vladimir Putin declared that Babitsky was "alive
and in good health." The president of the leading American human
rights organization Freedom House Adrian Karatnitsky considers that
the missing of Andrey Babitsky of Radio Liberty is not just a single
incident. In his interview yesterday Karatnitsky emphasized that the
situation with Babitsky is rising serious questions about the
direction of development of Russian policy and the society in general.
Vladimir Dolin of Radio Liberty declared today that the journalists
are able to find their colleague Andrey Babitsky themselves. The only
aid of the authorities they need for that is allowing them moving
across the territory of the Chechen Republic for searching for the
missing correspondent freely. But the aid to the Acting President
Sergey Yastrzhembsky refused to give such document to Radio Liberty's
"You've Turned Antiterrorist Operation into Endless Line of Murders"

Human rights and charitable society "Rig

Re: [CTRL] orne

2000-02-17 Thread Smart News

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

Hi !

Here's an old article I found that mentions Orne.

Sincerely,  Neil

>From SMART #15:

The following article came from the testimony at the Advisory Committee on
Human Radiation Experiments by Claudia Mullen, a survivor of  alleged
government sponsored mind control and ritual abuse. The words "alleged" are
not part of the original text, they are inserted for legal protection. Please
use caution while reading this,

** it may be triggering, especially if you have a similar background. **

"Statement to Presidential Report on Radiation, Claudia S. Mullen, March 15,

I was born in 1950 and by the age of 7; I thought I was already accustomed to
being an abused child. I was wrong. Nothing could have prepared me for what
was to follow.

Between the years of 1957 and 1984, I (allegedly) became a pawn in a
government scheme, whose ultimate goal was mind control and ultimately to
create the "perfect spy". All through the use of chemicals, radiation, drugs,
hypnosis, electric shock, isolation in large tubs of hot or cold water, sleep
deprivation, brainwashing; and verbal, physical and emotional abuse. By the
time I was 9, I was also being sexually abused and humiliated as a coercive

I was exploited unwittingly for nearly three decades of my life and the only
explanations given were: "That the end justifies the means" and "I was
serving my country in  their bold effort to fight communism". I can only
summarize my circumstances by saying, they took an already abused 7 year old
child and compounded my suffering beyond belief. The saddest part is- I know
for a fact; that I was not alone! There were countless other children in my
same situation and there was no one to help usuntil now.

I have already submitted as much information as possible;  including project
names, dates, subproject numbers, names of those people and agencies
involved; functions and types of subjects being used. I am able to report
this to you in such graphic detail; because of both my photographic memory
and the arrogance of the doctors involved, who were certain they would always
control my mind and my behavior. The process of recalling these atrocities
certainly not an easy task; nor is it without some danger to my self and my
family. However, I sincerely hope you will hear me  out and have read the
backup documents. To methe risk is worth taking.

Dr. L. Wilson Greene, who (allegedly) claimed to have received 50 million
dollars to his army chemical and radiological corporation, as part of TSD
(Technical Science Division) of the CIA; once (allegedly) described to my
(alleged) monitor, Dr. Charles Brown, "That children were used as subjects
because they were more fun to work with and cheaper too. They needed lower
profile subjects than soldiers or government people, so only young willing
females will dobesides" he said, "I like scaring them...they and the
agency think I'm a God...creating subjects and experiments for whatever
deviant purposes SID (Dr. Sidney Gottlieb) and James (Dr. James  Hamilton)
(allegedly) can think up.

In 1958, I was to be (allegedly) tested they told me by some important
doctors coming from  a place called the "Society" (The Human Ecological
Society). I was told to brave and cooperate though the tests might hurt. I
was also instructed not to look at anyone's face too hard and to ignore
names. This was a secret project and I would be asked a lot of questions;
then given "shots, X-rays and a little jolt of electricitybut to be brave
and all those things would help me forget". Naturally, as most children do, I
did the opposite and remembered as much as I could!

A Dr. John Gittenger (allegedly) tested me and Dr. Cameron (allegedly) gave
me the shocks and Dr. Greene (allegedly) the X-rays. Then, I was (allegedly)
told by  Sid (Dr. Gottlieb), "I was ripe for the big A"  - meaning artichoke,
I learned later.By the time I left to go home, just like every other time
from then on, I would recall nothing of my tests or the different doctors. I
would only remember what explanations Dr. Robert G. Heath(of Tulane Medical
School) (allegedly) gave me for the odd bruises, needle marks, burns on my
head and fingers and even the genital soreness. I had no reason to believe
otherwise. Already, they had begun to control my mind!

By the next year when I turned 9; I was (allegedly) sent to a place in
Maryland called Deep Creek Caverns to learn how "to sexually please men". I
was (allegedly) taught  also how to coerce them into talking about themselves
and then I had to prove my accurate recall. Richard Helms, Dr Gottlieb,
George White and Morse Allen all (allegedly) planned on entrapping as many
officials,  agency targets, heads of academic institutions and foundations.
Later if the funding started to dwindle or the head of the agency - John
McCone(allegedly) decided he could no longer tolerate

[CTRL] Lockerbie Law Lord Legs it & save the children

2000-02-17 Thread Andrew Hennessey

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

hello from Britland,

here's a couple more unpleasant things from Cruel Brittania

 Lockerbie Law Lord Legs it +

tonite amidst a furore - the law lord hardie who was personally overseeing
the prosecution of the 2 libyan intelligence officers alleged to be
responsible for Lockerbie bombing has conveniently promoted himself out of
the opportunity to ask difficult questions of the international
intelligence community only a few weeks before the trial.

Lockerbie - a mass murder - with an extra aircraft engine allegedly lifted
out of the area - a case of diamonds - an important intelligence briefing
lying about the hillside etc etc - what we know for sure is that many
innocent people were murdered - and the intelligence community once more
has blood on their hands.

  save the children - please !! +

meanwhile - if Britland thought that child abuse in wales was bad - latest
news has it that yet another massive child abuse scandal with potentially
victims has been discovered by detectives.

The UK lives up to its reputation of being a perverts playground - and now
we have gay group Outrage wanting to make legal the 'sensitive exploration' of
15 year olds in public toilets -
a start has been made on that in Scotland - the place Pat Roberston called
a 'Dark Land' - which can now legally impose sexual deviance on

Andrew Hennessey
' .. and power of life from nature's hand
strengthened men throughout the land,
and wasted arms then snapped the chains
that kept men from their living gains
the rights of incarnation '


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Skeptic News - Thursday #3

2000-02-17 Thread Ric Carter

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

SkeptiNews 000217c - - - - - - - - - - - All The News That's Fit To Question

* Passages starting with ':' are editorial comments to provoke discussion.
* Nothing contained here is ever endorsed for truth, accuracy, or meaning.
* PLEASE do NOT include the ENTIRE bulletin when you reply; cut/paste, eh?
* No spacecraft were located during production of this bulletin. Bummer...
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

@ Zippy Of The Day: http://www.sfgate.com/sf/zippy/
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# New Guinea UFO Said To Be Satellite - NASA spoils all the fun:

@ WHAT'S REALLY IMPORTANT? People spend too much time trying to figure out
  "the truth" about UFO's. They're spending so much time trying to figure
  out "the Truth", that they are avoiding the real point. Themselves. Your
  own personal truth. We as people can't even handle THAT. How are we
  supposed to handle an alien race, that not only has advanced technology,
  but has advanced mentality to boot? http://www.caus.org/mc021700.htm

: Do you ask the right questions? Are the answers important? Can you handle
contact with advanced concepts? How d'ya know? Have you advanced yourself
lately? Have you fallen back? Are you just treading water? Will Borgs win?

# Placebo Love: http://www.salon.com/health/sex/urge/2000/02/12/valentine/
# Cyborg 1.0 - Kevin Warwick outlines his plan to become one with his
  computer. http://www.wired.com/wired/archive/8.02/warwick.html
# Plus: Neuromaster - the road to brain implants begins with a virtual
  rat. http://www.wired.com/wired/archive/8.02/potter.html
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Falun Gong adherents persist despite Chinese government harassment. Banned
  and vilified by China's government for nearly 7 months, Falun Gong is far
  from crushed. "If you are going to lock us up, so be it. If you are going
  to arrest us, so be it." http://www.newshub.com/cgibin/rd.cgi?9387641

# Chinese Policeman Punished For Ties With Banned Falungong Sect. HONG KONG
  (AFP) A member of China's secret police force has been sentenced to three
  years "education through labor" for protesting the crackdown on the banned
  Falungong spiritual group: http://www.insidechina.com/news.php3?id=133993

# China Promises Harsher Punishment: www.newshub.com/cgibin/rd.cgi?9388905
# China Ignores Western Concerns: http://newshub.com/cgibin/rd.cgi?9388834

: Has your belief system infiltrated ineradicably into your culture's main-
stream? Will y'r cults eradication mean cultural suicide? Will y'r culture's
power structure obliterate itself in order to be rid of you? Are you worthy?

@ Giordano Bruno - Philosopher & Scientist Burnt At The Stake
  400 Years Ago: http://www.sightings.com/politics6/gio.htm
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Scientists Backtrack on Mars Lander. PASADENA, Ca. (AP) A mysterious radio
  signal that reignited the search for NASA's Mars Polar Lander most likely
  did not originate from the Red Planet after all, engineers said after rev-
  iewing the data. http://news.excite.com/news/ap/000216/19/mars-lander
  And see http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2000/02/000217081956.htm

# The Neglected RadioTelescope: http://www.newshub.com/cgibin/rd.cgi?9379146
# Booster Found, Sat Still Missing: http://newshub.com/cgibin/rd.cgi?9379147

: Have you lost/found/stolen/replaced any spacecraft/rockets/probes/scopes
lately? Does your sect/govt/firm regularly misappropriate such devices? D'ya
have a good stockpile of them on hand now? What will you do with them? When?

# StarSat's Return Sure to Light Up the Skies. Starshine, a tiny, shimmering
  disco ball of a satellite, is just days away from making a fiery splash:
# Also - NASA Satellite: A Sailor’s Delight:
# Should Military Micro-satellites Hunt Down Asteroids?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

@ THE VATICAN MESSAGE. The Vatican has suppressed this for years now. Six
  Soviet Cosmonauts in 1985 saw "celestial beings" on the 155th day aboard
  their orbital space station. This was first reported by Cosmonaut Vladimir
  Solevev and Oleg Atkov as well as Leonid Kizim. This is what they said,
  "What we saw were seven giant figures in the form of humans, but with
  wings and mist-like halos as in the classic depiction of angels." Subse-
  quent sightings: http://www.tex-is.net/users/csbrocato/vatican.htm

@ WILHELM REICH'S CONTACT WITH SPACE. "There is no proof. There are no auth-
  orities whatever. No president, Academy, Court of Law, Congress or Senate
  on this earth has the knowledge or power to decide what will be the know-
  ledge of tomorrow. There is no use in trying to prove something that is
  unknown to somebody who is ignorant of the unknown, or fearful of its
  threatening power. Only the good old rules o

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] Poppy Bush to be called to Italian trial???

2000-02-17 Thread Alamaine

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

Well, he can take up residence with Maggie, no?  After all, he's got that real
long lettre opener from his abdication to Queenie Liz for his induction as a
Knight of the Order of Bath (or some such Renaissance Faire {which is kind of
weird to begin with considering the era was never much of a representative one
for this continent} anachronisticism).  Maybe they can all sit around playing
Stratego, the Iraqi version, while everything is 'cricket' on the lawn, sipping
tea from their grounded eathenware saucers.  Plenty of Middle Easterners to go
over old times with as well.

Sort of off-topic:  This Hatfield book is pretty good, assuming the non-coca
leaf derivative stuff is left aside.  Jr (J.R. ?) is really carrying a load of
political Karma and I shudder to think about the pay-offs should he get the
Penn Ave address.  Well, the business of the country is 'business' and I'd
imagine that some of the investors ($50M to date ?) would want a little better
than $0.33 on the buck (that some got from an oil venture in Midland).  Some
suggest he 'outgrew' his carousing-ness but ...


> << Well, this is interesting ... I wonder if he's been keeping up on the
> Pinochet
>  stuff . >>
> Thanks for the giggle.  Prudy

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] Controlling thoughts from a distance

2000-02-17 Thread Nicky Molloy

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

More on this url.

"For the first time in history, one human being, from hiding, at a distance,
can control the thoughts and actions of another, by way of undetectable
hypnosis, using still-classified electronic technology. These devices have
totally disabled the world's justice systems. Those who have them use them
without any fear of being caught or being prosecuted. That is what this site
is about."
(...and here's why you won't see this in your papers)



CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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2000-02-17 Thread Nicky Molloy

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-



9. What about the rest of the world in 2000? And when?

Among the countries hardest hit in 2000 will be India in the months of July
and August, when one of the most severe monsoon floods on record will
devastate parts of the country.

The eclipse patterns occurring in July will also trigger floods in western
Africa, northern Italy, Mexico and the British Isles.

Several of the world's volcanoes currently going through an eruptive
phase-such as Montserrat's Soufrière Hills volcano, Mexico's Popocatépetl
and Italy's Mount Etna-should be closely monitored from April onwards.

In fact, any volcano throughout the world showing signs of renewed activity
around the March or April period could be in danger of suddenly erupting on
a major scale in May, July or October.

Heightened earthquake activity will most likely begin around mid-March,
increase throughout April and peak in the month of May. Southern Italy,
California, Turkey, China, Mexico and New Zealand are likely to be among
regions of the globe affected by seismic activity.

October is another danger point for earthquakes and volcanic activity.
Countries likely to be affected by earthquakes in October are Mexico, Japan,
southern Italy and possibly northern California.

Violent weather could also target the Philippines and Japan, among other

10. Will violent weather and seismic activity be as bad in 2001?

I think that violent weather patterns will still be ongoing throughout 2001,
which gets off to a stormy start from mid-January through February. However,
the time frame when I expect really violent weather patterns, possibly the
strongest for the year, is from May through June. Many areas of the world
can expect some "freak" storms during these months. In my book, I have
listed other months when violent storm activity can also be expected. I
don't think seismic activity will be as severe as in 2000. For one thing,
the sunspot activity will be decreasing with the 11-year sunspot cycle on
the wane, and the planetary alignment will be long gone, so stresses on the
Earth's crust should be lessened. That is, with the exception of June
10&endash;22, when powerful tremors could strike California and along the
Southwest Pacific subduction plate boundary where the Australian plate dives
under the Pacific plate. But I'm not entirely sure whether this influence
will trigger quakes or fierce tropical storms.

Quakes are especially dangerous in the Pacific Ocean, as they can generate
powerful tsunamis-like the monstrous waves which devastated northern New
Guinea in July 1998 and, more recently, Vanuatu on November 28, 1999. If a
powerful jolt does hit the Southwest Pacific region, resultant tsunamis
could threaten nearby island communities as well as the coastline of
Queensland, Australia.

11. How do conventional meteorologists regard astrometeorology?

Meteorologists do not place any credence in long-range weather forecasting
because they are of the opinion that the planets are too far away to have
any effect on terrestrial weather patterns. That's more or less their
scientific basis for rejecting astrometeorology as a credible method.

But then, science has always rejected new schools of thought. It took
Christopher Columbus in 1492 to sail around the world to prove it wasn't
flat and, less than fifty years later, Copernicus to prove that the Earth
revolved around the Sun and not vice-versa.

12. How accurate is astrometeorology compared with the more conventional
methods of meteorology?

It is more accurate, especially in the long range. Conventional methods can
only forecast the weather about two weeks ahead, and even then with constant
updates. I have achieved around 85 per cent accuracy in forecasting weather
patterns, long range, for specific locations, and the same for tropical

Australia's famous long-range weather forecaster Inigo Jones was able to
predict accurately, twenty years in advance, the severe drought that
affected Australia starting in 1982-which demonstrates how accurate
astrometeorology can be.

13. How did you become interested in astrometeorology?

My interest in astrometeorology and earthquake prediction began in early
1980 after reading a small book on the subject when I was living in
Brisbane, Australia.

Predicting violent weather patterns of the life-threatening sort was far
more interesting and challenging than forecasting fair weather, and in 1985
I began to specialise, publicise and successfully predict tropical storms as
well as powerful summer storms.

14. When was astrometeorology discovered, and by whom?

The study of planetary effects on weather patterns is several thousand years
old, and it was the Greek philosopher Aristotle who wrote the first known
treatise on the weather. Throughout the centuries, his works were refined
and expounded upon by astronome


2000-02-17 Thread Nicky Molloy

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-


Wild Weather Forecasts


Astrometeorologist Jennifer Lawson predicts we're in for increasingly
violent storms, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions over the next two years.

Extracted from Nexus Magazine, Volume 7, Number 2 (February-March 2000).
PO Box 30, Mapleton Qld 4560 Australia. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Telephone: +61 (0)7 5442 9280; Fax: +61 (0)7 5442 9381
>From our web page at: www.nexusmagazine.com

An interview with astrometeorologist
Jennifer Lawson © 1999
Brisbane, Queensland, Australia

Australian-born Jennifer Lawson is a long-range weather forecaster who uses
a system based on the principles of astrometeorology. Since her first public
prognostication (tropical cyclone Pierre, 1985), her predictions of the
dates and locations of tropical cyclones and storms have been published
every year in the Australian media. In the United States, where she resides
part-time in the Houston, Texas, area, she has been featured in the local
media every year since 1988 with accurate predictions of the dates and
locations of each season's hurricanes.

Having no formal training in meteorology or long-range weather forecasting,
Jennifer developed an interest in weather prediction after reading a small
book on the subject in 1980. For five years she conducted research into
planetary effects on weather patterns and the tropical cyclones which form
every year in Australia's Coral Sea region. Through her observations,
Jennifer concluded that the planets do have a major effect on altering
weather patterns.

In February 1985, Jennifer had her first predictions of summer storms and
tropical cyclones published by Brisbane's Sunday Sun newspaper. She was
successful in pinpointing three out of four cyclones that formed in the
Coral Sea that season, as well as 85 per cent of the summer storms.
Subsequently, various Queensland newspapers published her tropical cyclone
forecasts for every summer season, and Jennifer began to establish a proven
track-record. Her greatest achievements in forewarning the public of fierce
Coral Sea cyclones that would target the Queensland coast include TC Charlie
in 1988 and TC Joy, the destructive cyclone that hit the far north coast in
December 1990.

With her cyclone forecasts for Australia proving successful, Jennifer,
living part-time in Houston, had her list of hurricane dates and locations
for the up and coming 1988 Atlantic hurricane season published in June 1988
in Houston's Uptown Express (Uptown Health and Spirit) magazine.

Houston's Channel 2 Nearly Noon gave Jennifer a spot on the show where she
predicted that in early September 1988 a fierce hurricane would move into
the Gulf of Mexico. The fierce hurricane turned out to be Gilbert-a
category-five storm which was so large it almost covered the Gulf of Mexico.
The following June, in 1989, Jennifer appeared again on Nearly Noon, this
time predicting that a fierce hurricane would target the South Carolina
coast around September 20&endash;22. Hurricane Hugo slammed into Charleston
right on target. In 1992, Jennifer also predicted the date and formation of
hurricane Andrew and that it would also target the US east coast.

Jennifer Lawson has written her book, Violent Weather Predictions
2000&endash;2001 (Llewellyn, 1999; see review this issue), primarily to
forewarn the public as to when and where in the world severe weather
patterns and earthquake and volcanic activity are likely to create havoc
around the turn of the century.

What follows is an interview with Jennifer (plus several inclusions from her
book), in which she summarises some of her key predictions for

1. How do you predict the weather?

It's long-range weather, for a start, and not based on conventional methods
of meteorology. The system I use is based on the fundamental principles of
astrometeorology, which seeks to forecast weather by studying the angular
positions of the Sun, Moon and planets in relation to each other and to the
Earth. Their combined influences disrupt and disturb Earth's atmosphere,
affecting our weather patterns.

The celestial bodies' declinations-their angular distance north or south of
the Earth's equator-are just as important as longitude and latitude when
determining long-term weather patterns. For example, when two or more of the
slower-moving outer planets are grouped together at their most southerly
point of declination-23° south at the Tropic of Capricorn-the winter months
in the northern hemisphere will be severely cold and the summers cooler than
usual, while the southern hemisphere summers will be extremely hot and dry
with milder winters. And vice-versa when the planets 


2000-02-17 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

In a message dated 02/17/2000 11:14:06 AM Eastern Standard Time,

<< Social worker Alison Taylor, who acted as a "whistleblower" in 1986, was
 suspended from her job and later sacked after expressing her long-standing
 concerns about abuse at the homes.

 The tribunal was ordered in 1996 by the then Welsh Secretary William Hague
 after a string of care workers at the childrens' homes were jailed for abuse.

 Among them was Stephen Norris, former head of the Cartrefle council home near
 Broughton in Clwyd, who pleaded guilty in 1990 to sexual offences against
 boys in his care and was jailed for three-and-a-half years.

 Three years later he was jailed for a further seven years after being
 convicted of the sexual abuse of six boys at the nearby Bryn Estyn home.

 In 1994, the deputy head of Bryn Estyn was convicted of sexual offences
 against seven boys and jailed for 10 years. >>

How come is it that the only ones who really lose their jobs are the ones who
finally tell?  The rest just go to the next place and have at it some more.
And nobody really minds.  You'd think some irate relative would surface with
a gun or a knife, but they never do.  What a stinking world we live in.  Prudy

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] The "Troubles"

2000-02-17 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

In a message dated 02/16/2000 7:05:00 PM Eastern Standard Time,

<< The move was ostensibly prompted by the Irish Republican Army's failure to
 begin decommissioning its weapons. But a key concern of the secretary of
 for Northern Ireland, Peter Mandelson, was to save Ulster Unionist Party
 leader and First Minister David Trimble from being ousted by those in his
 who oppose the Good Friday Agreement that established the Assembly. >>

Well it's most likely that the IRA realized that if peace actually happened,
they would be out of a job.  I mean back to scratching gravel with the peons
is quite a comedown after you've been living such an interesting life.  Prudy

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2000-02-17 Thread lloyd

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-


>From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:
Conspiracy Shopping Cart: http://a-albionic.com/shopping.htmlFrom: Lloyd Miller 
To: Lynn Farrenkopf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Friday, February 11, 2000 9:41 PM

Check out how much you know about the Federal Reserve
in this quick quiz. Lynn

 - Original Message -
 Sent: Wednesday, February 09, 2000 1:36 PM
 Subject: TEST YOUR FED I.Q.


Answer True or False

1.  The Federal Reserve System is an Agency of the
Federal Government?

2.  The Fed has the exclusive authority to print
and issue all U.S. currency?

3.  Interest on money loaned by the Fed to its
member banks is used to reduce the Federal Draft?

4.  The Fed is restricted to an amount of currency it
can print by a specified amount of gold held as

5.  The books of the Fed are audited on an annual
 basis and are of public record?

6.  The Fed is responsible for loan losses such
as the banking debacle of the late 1980's?

7.  Although the President appoints the chairman
of the Federal Reserve Board, the Chairman acts

8.  The Fed sets interest rates?

9.  The Fed confines its monetary activities
strictly to the U.S.?

10. Americans can benefit from an understanding
of how the Fed works?


1.  False.  The Federal Reserve System was created by
the Federal Reserve Act, and passed by both houses of
Congress just prior to Christmas recess on December
22, 1913. Section 5 of the Act calls for a member bank
to buy and hold stock in a district Federal Reserve
Bank equal to 6% of its capital and surplus. For example,
as of 1983, ten major New York City banks owned
approximately 66% of the outstanding stock in the
Federal Reserve Bank of New York. That Bank in turn
owns a portion of the stock in the Federal Reserve
Bank of the U.S. together with the eleven regional
member banks. A review of the major stockholders of
the ten New York city banks clearly shows that a few
families related by blood, marriage or business
interests control those 10 New York city banks, which
in turn, hold the controlling stock in the Federal
Reserve Bank of New York. In addition, approximately
38% of the stock of the Federal Reserve Bank of New
York (as of 1983) was held by banks that are
subsidiaries of foreign banks, namely the House of
Rothschild which controls the Bank of England. The
fact that the Federal Reserve System is controlled by
private interests is one of the best kept secrets in
American history.

2. False.   Article 1, Sec. 8 of the U.S. Constitution
provides that "The Congress shall have power to borrow
money on the credit of the United States...and to coin
money, regulate the value thereof, and of foreign
coin, and fix the Standard of Weights and Measures."
According to the National Recovery Act (NRA) decision
in the 1930's, Congress can not delegate the
power to coin money to the Federal Reserve System.
However, during the great depression and during
Franklin D. Roosevelt's first term as President,
the U.S. went off the gold standard and gold and
silver Treasury Certificates were gradually replaced
by Federal Reserve Notes Which are "coined" by the
Fed in violation of the Constitution.

3. False.  Prior to 1933, the Federal Reserve Act
required that a portion of the earnings of the Federal
Reserve Banks go to the government, but the banks
never complied. The Banking Act of 1933 legislated
that all earnings of the Federal Reserve Banks go to
the banks themselves.

The assets of the Federal Reserve Banks increased from
$143 million dollars in 1913 to $45 billion
dollars in 1949, which enriched all of the
shareholders of the banks. There is no evidence that
the law or the method of accounting of earnings has
changed since 1949.

4. False.  The Fed has no restriction on the amount of
money it can create since the U.S. went off the gold
standard in the 1930's. As Congressman Wright Patman
said in 1964, " The dollar represents a one dollar
debt to the Federal Reserve System. The Federal
Reserve Banks create money out of thin air to buy
Government Bonds from the U.S. Treasury...and has
created out of nothing a debt which the American people are
obliged to pay with interest." In 1958 the U.S. owned
$700 million ounces of gold. Today the nations bullion
reserves have dwindled to a mere 281,000,000 ounces
($100 billion dollars) which is minuscule in
relationship to the amount of paper currency in
circulation and the amount of Treasury debt. The goal
of the Fed is to make gold irrelevant as a measure of
monetary value so it can continue to print an
unlimited amount of paper currency.

5. False.  Despite numerous attempts by Congressman
Wright Patman 

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] Poppy Bush to be called to Italian trial???

2000-02-17 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

In a message dated 02/16/2000 5:27:21 PM Eastern Standard Time,

<< Well, this is interesting ... I wonder if he's been keeping up on the
 stuff . >>
Thanks for the giggle.  Prudy

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Skeptic News - Thursday #2

2000-02-17 Thread Ric Carter

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

SkeptiNews 000217b - - - - - - - - - - - All The News That's Fit To Question

* Passages starting with ':' are editorial comments to provoke discussion.
* Nothing contained here is ever endorsed for truth, accuracy, or meaning.
* PLEASE do NOT include the ENTIRE bulletin when you reply; cut/paste, eh?
* No rock musicians evolved very much during production of this bulletin.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

@ ChangeSurfer: http://www.changesurfer.com/eventhorizon/index.html
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Egyptians Find Tomb of Ancient God Osiris. GIZA, Egypt (Reuters) Sinking
  water levels have revealed a granite sarcophagus of the ancient Egyptian
  god Osiris in a 30-meter (98 feet) deep tomb at the Giza pyramids. And
  He's well-preserved: http://news.excite.com/news/r/000217/08/odd-osiris

# Bible-Era Boat Exhibited: http://www.newshub.com/cgibin/rd.cgi?9378485
# Pericles' Soldiers Found? http://www.newshub.com/cgibin/rd.cgi?9390539

: Have the graves/bodies/tombstones of any of your deities been discovered
lately? If not, do you just claim that they've "gone to heaven" and shrug
off the lack of evidence? Is a corpus delecti more believable than a myth?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Evolution on Speed. (Wired) NEW YORK. Investors are paying close attention
  to a new crop of biotechnology companies that focus on gene shuffling.
  Sometimes called "directed evolution," scientists speed the evolutionary
  process by rapidly shuffling and mutating the genes that make up a protein
  to create an effective drug. http://www.newshub.com/cgibin/rd.cgi?9389018
# Striving to Build Smarter Games: http://newshub.com/cgibin/rd.cgi?9390889

# From Sole to Rock Bass, Fish Are Key to Music Joy. LONDON (Reuters) Loud
  music and singing at the top of your voice may be such fun because of a
  hearing mechanism we have inherited from our distant ancestors: fish.

: Are you more highly-evolved than fish, rock musicians, investors, game
designers? Would you like to direct the evolution of your hearing, sight,
other senses? What's your favorite sense? Would you like some new senses?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

  INADEQUATE. In a decision that is certain to put a frown on the faces of
  several officials within the Department of Defense, a United States
  District Court Judge in Phoenix AZ has agreed with a UFO activist group
  and ordered the Department of Defense to provide additional affidavits,
  detailing the specifics of its search: http://www.caus.org/pn021600b.htm

@ Phoenix Lights Event Analysis: http://www.caus.org/mu021700.htm
# A Copernican Conspiracy? http://www.newshub.com/cgibin/rd.cgi?9378228

: Has your sect/govt/firm successfully covered-up its activities lately? Is
your effort wearing thin? Are your mind-control rays wearing off? D'ya need
new batteries for your transmitters? Do battery-makers plot against you??
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Sun Hurls Magnetic Storm at Earth. Sol poured a gigantic bucket of charged
  particles on the Earth over the weekend, creating a powerful geomagnetic
  storm that made some lights flicker and extended the aurora borealis down
  to New England. The latest geomagnetic storm appears to be part of the
  ramping up toward the sun’s maximum activity in its 11-year flare cycle.
  We're doomed: http://discovery.com/news/briefs/2217/space_flare.html

# Space Station Set to Orbit As Hotel for Rich? LONDON (Reuters) It would
  be the ultimate tourist destination the Russian Mir space station decked
  out as a luxurious resort orbiting 125 miles from earth. Vacationers seek
  free-fall sex, good tans: http://news.excite.com/news/r/000217/08/odd-mir

: Should rich tourists be quick-broiled by solar storms? Would they get some
really good tans while having free-fall sex during solar storms? Would you
like to try free-fall sex? Would you mind being broiled? Can you afford it?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Church ponders case of 'devil' in priest's clothing. CAPETOWN, S.A. THE
  fate of a homosexual clergyman who posed as a devil in priest's clothing
  is to be decided by church officials. The Dean of St George's Cathedral,
  Very Rev Rowan Smith, a prominent campaigner for homosexual causes, was
  "sternly rebuked" by Archbishop Njongonkulu Ndungane for "a serious error
  of judgment" after he posed in priestly robes before an altar - wearing
  a devil's tail. http://www.suntimes.co.za/2000/02/13/news/news24.htm
# The photo: http://www.suntimes.co.za/2000/02/13/news/3-p13prist.jpg

: Is your belief system infested with devils? Do you fear them, feed them,
glory in them, have sex with them? Are you yourself a devil? Are you loved,
honored, obeyed? Do people dress up like you? Do you provide the clothing??

@ Th


2000-02-17 Thread Bill Kingsbury

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

ftp://bsrf-web:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/wrcontac.txt


 "There is no proof.  There are no authorities whatever.  No
 president, Academy, Court of Law, Congress or Senate on this earth
 has the knowledge or power to decide what will be the knowledge of
 tomorrow.  There is no use in trying to prove something that is
 unknown to somebody who is ignorant of the unknown, or fearful of
 its threatening power.  Only the good old rules of learning will
 eventually bring about understanding of what has invaded our
 earthly existence."

 The invasion that Reich refers to in his introduction to CONTACT
 WITH SPACE is the invasion of earth by intelligences from outer
 space.  Very few copies of this remarkable book were made
 available, and Reich's extraordinary experiences during this
 turbulent period have been swept under the carpet by 'orthodox'

 To speak openly of UFO experiences still invites ridicule or polite
 smiles of disbelief.  Consider then the atmosphere of the mid
 1950's when Reich was not only claiming the existence of space
 visitors, but carefully documenting his battle with these
 'invaders', while developing his now well-known cloudbusting

 Reich termed the space craft Ea -- 'E' standing for 'Energy', 'a'
 for alpha or primordial.  Ea also represented 'Enigma'...

 "Ea is a new event without precedent in our lives," he writes.
 "Humanity, with the exception of a few philosophers, had no idea of
 the possibility of visitors from outer space.  Earthman had not
 developed any view, method or scientific tool to cope with the
 problem.  In addition he has developed in his offspring a character
 structure and a kind of thinking which obstructs the approach to
 the new fact by way of ridicule, slander and outright threat to the
 existence of the pioneer of space engineering.  Therefore our new
 approach must start from scratch, as if no science existed at all."

 Reich's ability to 'start from scratch' had characterized his
 revolutionary approach to psychoanalysis early in his career, long
 before he left the restrictive climate of Europe to pursue his
 ideas in 'free' America.  He is best known for his research into
 the fundamental life-energy and for his controversial methods of
 sex therapy.  His greatest contribution to real science was his
 discovery (or re-discovery) of what he called 'orgone', the life
 energy at the very roots of existence.  Blockages in the free flow
 of this energy in the individual caused 'character armoring' which
 inhibited the spontaneous expression of joy and pleasure in life.
 The nature of this cosmic energy, depending on circumstances,
 functioned either as a 'life giving, life furthering, and
 reproductive force (OR), or in the absence of such conditions,
 turns into a killer of Life (DOR)."

 During his orgonomic research Reich was able to measure this orgone
 energy and he successfully treated many patients in the orgone
 accumulator, a specially layered box wherein the life-energy was
 concentrated.  It was this unorthodox method of treatment which
 brought down the wrath of the Food and Drug Administration upon
 Reich, an attack which finally secured his imprisonment, and death,
 in a federal penitentiary.

 "Orgone energy does not exist," the FDA officials said to the
 Judge.  Having declared that Cosmic Energy did not exist, it was
 obvious that its discoverer must either be a "quack" or a
 "lunatic".   That, after all, is the rationale of orthodox,
 mechanistic science chained to its conceptions of a dead universe.

 For Reich, the Universe was very much alive and his approach to
 scientific research was functional, taking into account the
 subjective perceptions and emotions of the researcher.  After all,
 he writes, "Classical knowledge may all be wrong, such with the
 perfect Copernican circles, the ellipses of Kepler, the empty space
 of Einstein, the airgerms of Pasteurian bacteriologists, the atomic
 nature of the Universe, etc.  To see new things from scratch, to
 expect the impossible to be true, belongs to the emotional
 equipment of the true pioneering scientist."

 "We shall no longer hang on to the tails of public opinion or to a
 non-existent authority on matters utterly unknown and strange.  We
 shall gradually become experts ourselves in the mastery of the
 knowledge of the Future."


 "From the historic Oranur Experiment of 1951, Reich knew that
 nuclear radioactivity had a deleterious effect upon the living sea
 of energy in which we all live.  From the observations made of the
 reaction of a milligram of radium put inside an Orgone Energy
 Accumulator, Reich knew that there was an antagonistic relationship
 between the energy of life (Ether, Prana, etc...) and the manmade
 nuclear energy so recently unleashed upon the planet.  The effect
 of the nuclear 'irritant' seemed all out of proportion to the
 physical amount of

[CTRL] 'Chemtrails' = DOR (Deadly Orgone Radiation) ?

2000-02-17 Thread Bill Kingsbury

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

excerpt from:

ftp://bsrf-web:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/wrcontac.txt

 Around Reich's Oranur laboratory near Rangeley, Maine, the
 atmosphere became polluted with DOR (Deadly Orgone Radiation).
 The black and bleak DOR clouds were remarkably similar to what
 would later be called air pollution or smog.  These clouds were
 present even in the midst of sunshine, and where they gathered
 the atmosphere felt 'suffocating', the sky seemed to lose its
 sparkle and animals and humans felt lethargy and other symptoms
 of malaise.

 Not only were the DOR clouds a noxious presence, but a black
 powdery substance poured down onto the area, a substance that
 Reich came to directly associate with the presence of Ea in the
 skies above Rangeley.  It was here that UFOs began to appear,
 big yellow and reddish pulsating 'stars' which were easily
 discernible from the planets and bluish colored fixed stars.

 A detailed report on the Ea problem was forwarded to the
 American Air Force who appeared to be 'burningly interested'
 in the subject, but not particularly surprised.


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] ECTV:Sunspot Count Rises, Solar Flares To Follow

2000-02-17 Thread DIG alfred webre

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

Sunspot Count Rises, Solar Flares To Follow...02/17/00
by Mitch Battros  (ECTV)

In this early morning of February 17th, the sunspot count sits at 182
(at least according to NASA). This number alone is already a count of 32
higher than NASA's prediction of what they are calling "Cycle 23". What
NASA states as a current 11 year cycle is predicted to have its highest
count at 150 during this cycles "apex" which is March/April 2000. So why
such a high sunspot count which is now expected by to double the
predicted number?

There are more than a few scientist who suggest we are not in an 11 year
cycle, but rather what many are calling a "Mega Cycle". This is a cycle
that far exceeds the known 11, 22, or 1200 solar cycles we are familiar
with. Some believe this cycle occurs every hundreds of thousands of
years (exact number unknown). This event is a very natural occurrence.
We have not seen this, nor have our grandparents or even their
grandparents experienced this event. But my guess would be our ancestors
have seen it.

As many of you already know, I have been an advocate of bringing science
and what some might call the "esoteric" together. Never before have the
two come together in such a synchronistic way. One only needs to look at
Hopi Prophecy, the Mayan and Aztec Calendar, ancient text of the
Sumerians, Tibetan transcript, Dogon Prophecy and the Bible. All of
which speak of what I believe to be these very times. Everything is
mentioned. Solar Flares, Comets, Asteroids, Drought, and Floods. In
short, extreme weather of all types.

Is this a time to panic, to live in fear, to fret for our lives? The
answer is a resounding NO. We are in the midst of a transition. Changing
from one form (or way) to another. As with all change, some pain or
discomfort may be involved. The more one needs their surroundings to be
the same, the more pain or discomfort they will likely experience. Part
of our human make up is to make our environment "predictable". Our
challenge will be to let go of holding so tight. Unfortunately, when
things become unsettled, unfamiliar or different, the more we "hang on"
to what we know best.
See Article For More On Change:

Solar Flares: I am expecting to see an even higher number of sunspots
later today, perhaps just over 200. My guess would be within 72 hours of
today's sunspot count, we will experience M-Class or even perhaps
X-Class flares. Within 72 hours of solar flare occurrence, expect severe
weather and perhaps "record breaking" events to occur.

This equation has played out in the last two solar events which
occurred. The first on February 5th which resulted in X-Class flares.
Within 72 hours of this event, more than 80 people died and over 100,000
homeless from sudden floods in South Africa.
The second solar flare activity occurred on February 12th. Within 72
hours freak tornadoes hit Georgia and Arkansas killing 29 people and
injuring hundreds.

Equation: Sunspot Count = Solar Flares = Magnetic Shift = Shifting
Ocean/Jet Stream Currents = Extreme Weather

Mitch Battros
Producer - Earth Changes TV

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Psy-war: A Secret Weapon? - The Untold Philippine Story

2000-02-17 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

an excerpt from:
The Untold Philippine Story
Hernado J. Abaya
Malaya Books, Inc©1967.
Quezon City, Philippines
370pps. -2nd Printing-


Manila, August 1953

Psy-war: A Secret Weapon?

A change came when the Republicans took over in 1953. Out the White House
kitchen window went the "cowardly and futile policy of containment." In its
place, John Foster Dulles, the new architect of U.S. foreign policy, promised
an affirmative, dynamic and, at the same time, safe policy. Eisenhower,
Dulles & Co. were going to offer "stern alternatives" to both Communists and
wavering Allies. To the Communists they would say: If you want to continue
making war in Korea you must pay a higher price than in the past. And to the
Allies in free Europe: If you insist on the privileges of nationalism you
must not expect us to pay the price of nationalism. (James Reston, The New Yor
k Times, February 1, 1953.) They were to take "calculated risks." The
de-neutralization of Formosa was one such calculated risk.

With the cold war going full blast, and the Korean truce talks dragging on at
Panmunjom, the power-hungry Republicans mounted the new secret weapon of
their foreign policy: psychological warfare. The new policy must be directed
at stirring up resistance behind the Iron Curtain. (The ill-fated Hungarian
revolt was a direct result of this policy.) The United States, said Dulles,
must make clear to the enslaved peoples that "it wants and expects liberation
to occur." The mere statement of this wish, Dulles promised, would "change,
in an electrifying way, the mood of the captive peoples." He made it sound
that simple. Which prompted Elmer Davis to remark acridly:

All we need is a sense of mission and purpose; then moral and spiritual
forces will penetrate into the minds and souls of those under the ruthless
control of Soviet Communist structure, and the edifice of despotism will
surely crumple. Just a few toots of the trumpet, and the walls of the Kremlin
will come tumbling down. (The Reporter, February 3, 1953.)

In fact, said Arthur Schlesinger, Jr., so convinced was Dulles of the
efficacy of psychological warfare that he even declared that this weapon
could end the Korean war. (Ibid., March 31, 1953.) "We could so deluge the
Communist forces in North Korea with effective propaganda," said Dulles in
September 1952, "that their rulers would want to get them out of the range of
that propaganda and be eager to end the condition which made it legitimate
for us to carry on that propaganda . . ." This could be carried to ludicrous
lengths. As Gen. Mark Clark did when he made his famous offer of $100,000 to
the first Communist pilot to fly a Soviet MIG into United Nations hands in
Korea. Sex got into the act, too, in the person of a Hollywood blonde who
offered herself as an added premium to the cash price. Senator John J.
Sparkman was constrained to ask: "What happens if no Red pilots take up the
offer?" The sedate London Times spanked Clark for his "repugnant, stupid and
ill-timed" offer, since it came just before the Panmunjom peace negotiations
started in the spring of 1953. The conscience of America cried out through
Senator Burnett R. Maybank when he told senate colleagues "we can't buy our
way to world peace with dollars."

The stakes are high in the cold war. And psychological warfare has hurt
the United States more than it has hurt the Communist enemy, especially in
the battle for the Asian mind. C. D. Jackson, czar of the Eisenhower regime's
psychological warfare department, spelled out the essential ingredients of
this type of double-edged weapon as 1) fana-ticism, 2) flexibility, 3) money,
4) no holds barred, and 5) no questions asked. Elements incompatible with a
free society. When free men become fanatics, they cease to be free men.
Flexibility implies deceit. (Following the pattern laid down by Kerman and
Dewey earlier with stress on more flexibility in policy.) Money corrupts.
Where no holds are barred and no questions are asked, free society
disintegrates. Freemen are consumed by fear. They become slaves. Moral and
human values are forgotten. Psychological warfare has its role in wartime. It
has no place in peacetime in our democratic society. "For an open society,"
Schlesinger rightfully says, "the only durable propaganda is actuality. We
cannot hope to win the free peoples of the world and roll back the Communists
by sleight-of-hand, love potions, and voodoo." (The Reporter, March 31,
1953.) Means, as Gandhi had said, are always as important as the ends. If you
adopt evil means to attain a good end, said Nehru, the evil means do not lead
you to that good end at all. They lead you somewhere else.

The G.O.P.'s psychological warfare started boldly with talk of "liberation"
in Europe and "blockade of Communist China" and "freeing Chiang Kai-shek" in
Asia. And if the Allies should waver, whip them into line with the big stick.

[CTRL] Is the CIA Murdering Yugoslav Leaders?

2000-02-17 Thread Mrs. Jela Jovanovic, Secretary General

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

The Committee for National Solidarity
Tolstojeva 34, 11000 Belgrade, YU

International Action Center
February 16, 2000

Is the CIA Murdering Yugoslav Leaders?
IAC Condemns Bulatovic Assassination

The International Action Center condemns the murder of Yugoslav
Defense Minister Pavle Bulatovic. The minister was gunned down in a
Belgrade restaurant Feb. 7. The assassination was "part of a chain of
organized terrorism orchestrated from abroad," Yugoslav Information
Minister Goran Matic charged at a Feb. 9 press conference. It
coincided with a new wave of terror against Serbs who have refused
to leave their homes in the NATO-occupied province of Kosovo.

Over the past three years at least a dozen Yugoslav officials have
been assassinated. Most were members of the Yugoslav United Left
or the Serbian Socialist Party. Is this a CIA "executive action"
campaign to destabilize the government of Yugoslavia?

Last October, at a session of the information committee of the United
Yugoslav Left, Goran Matic had "warned that subversive and terrorist
actions are being planned abroad in order to destabilize the country's
political and economic system," the Yugoslav press agency Tanjug
reported. He charged that Washington's policy would "increasingly
rely on destructive and illegal activities ... relying on an existing
network of secret agents."

During the US-NATO bombing of Yugoslavia last spring, US missiles
destroyed the bedroom of Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic,
and the Pentagon openly declared Yugoslav political leaders to be
military targets. This was in brazen violation of the Geneva
Convention, which prohibits political assassination. To set the stage
for the bombing, the CIA-backed "Kosovo Liberation Army"
murdered dozens of Kosovar Albanians, Serbs, Roma and others
who opposed secession from Yugoslavia.

As well as being Yugoslavia's defense minister, Bulatovic was a leader
of the Montenegro Socialist People's Party, which wants Montenegro
to stay part of Yugoslavia. The US and NATO have been
encouraging a separatist movement in Yugoslavia, as they did
previously in Slovenia, Croatia. Bosnia and, most recently, Kosovo.
The Pentagon has gone so far as to warn the Yugoslav government
not to "interfere" in Montenegro's affairs. Montenegro has been a part
of Yugoslavia since that country was founded.

>From the 1961 murder of Congo President Patrice Lumumba through
the repeated attempts on the life of Cuban leader Fidel Castro, from
Operation Phoenix in Vietnam to the murder of tens of thousands of
Latin Americans by CIA-supervised death squads, the CIA and
Pentagon have long used assassination as an instrument of war and
policy. The CIA overthrow of Salvador Allende's pro-socialist
government in Chile in 1973 was preceded by a wave of political
assassinations. Nor can we forget the FBI-CIA domestic
assassination programthe COINTELPRO murders of members of
the Black Panther Party, the American Indian Movement and other
activist organizations in the '60s and '70s. There is evidence that Dr.
Martin Luther King was among COINTELPRO's victims.

The corporate-owned major US news media have not even raised the
question of a US hand in the assassinations in Yugoslavia. Ignoring the
Yugoslav government's statements, they have implied the victims were
involved in criminal activitya classic "make 'em look dirty" means of
blunting outrage-or insinuated the Yugoslav government itself had
carried out the murders. The media made similar allegation about the
January murder of anti-NATO Serb nationalist leader Zeljko
Raznjatovic, popularly known as Arkan.

This is the same corporate news media that uncritically repeated wild
and now disproven Pentagon allegations of mass murder by the
Yugoslav army in Kosovo, claims used to justify last spring's
undeclared war. They have refused to report non-government efforts
to investigate NATO war crimes in Yugoslavia, such as the
Independent Commission of Inquiry founded by former US Attorney
General Ramsey Clark. They have completely censored any news of
the recent US-orchestrated presidential coup in Ukraine, which
threatens to bring US troops to Russia's border. This level of media
complicity with the State Department and Pentagon has not been seen
since the height of the Cold War in the 1950s.

The Bulatovic assassination and the new attacks on Serbs in Kosovo
coincide with other bellicose moves by the US toward East Europe
and the former USSR. The past few weeks have also seen a pro-
NATO coup against Ukraine's parliament, the US Navy seizure of a
Russian ship in the Persian Gulf and the State Department's
declaration of support for anti-government forces in the former Soviet
republic of Belarus. The Pentagon has also revived its "Star Wars"
program and is planning NATO military exercises in July in Ukraine,
Bulgaria and Estonia. For decades the Washington warmakers have
dreamed of the military conque

[CTRL] Freemasons open to a grand new era

2000-02-17 Thread Kelly

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

(from The Australian (Melbourne) 17.2.00)

Freemasons open to a grand new era

FREEMASONS have long been associated with mysterious ceremonies and
secret handshakes, but yesterday the Grand Lodge in Perth opened the
doors on its secret society for the first time in its 100-year history.

Embracing a new open policy for one of the world's oldest men's
organisations, the Grand Lodge has launched a publicity campaign to
revamp its image and a membership drive to attract younger members.
The newly elected grand master of the Grand Lodge, Peter Stokes, who
will be installed in a public ceremony next week, said there was still a
great lack of understanding of freemasonry and its values of brotherly
love, relief and truth.

"I believe it is the responsibility of the grand master to make the
changes necessary to promote the craft widely," he said.

As part of that open-door policy, members of the Grand Lodge turned out
yesterday in full regalia, including gloves, aprons, elaborate collars
and jewels, to explain to the media the duties of office-holders, their
charitable work and the workings of the lodge, which they say is no
longer kept under wraps.

The outgoing grand master, Archdeacon Stanley Threlfall, said the only
things that were secret now were their signals (handshakes, words and
movements), which made them immediately recognisable to other

Freemasonry dates back to the 1600s in Britain and Europe, when stone-
masons and, later, other tradesmen formed their own guilds to look after
themselves and their communities.

It became perhaps the world's best-known secret society because of the
past persecution of its members.

However, in more recent times it has been negative publicity that has
made members reluctant to speak out about the organisation.

In the past few years, the only publicity it has received in Perth has
been about an unfair dismissal claim brought by a former grand secretary
and the discovery of Aboriginal bones used as a teaching aid in one of
the north-west lodges.

But with membership of the society in steady decline since World War II,
the Grand Lodge, which governs the state's 176 lodges, is determined to
promote its good works, which include providing scholarships and
donations of hundreds of thousands of dollars to charities and people in

At next week's ceremony to install Mr Stokes, which coincides with the
centenary of the Grand Lodge in Western Australia, the Freemasons will
make a $1 million donation to the state.

"It's a good organisation which does good for the community and for the
individual, but it hasn't been good at talking about it," said grand
secretary Peter Bloor.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Skeptic News - Thursday #1

2000-02-17 Thread Ric Carter

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

SkeptiNews 000217a - - - - - - - - - - - All The News That's Fit To Question

* Passages starting with ':' are editorial comments to provoke discussion.
* Nothing contained here is ever endorsed for truth, accuracy, or meaning.
* PLEASE do NOT include the ENTIRE bulletin when you reply; cut/paste, eh?
* SkeptiChat subscribers are the finest carbon-based lifeforms on Earth!!!
* No haploid cultists were reprogrammed during production of this bulletin.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

@ Top-Level Country Codes: http://www.iana.org/cctld.html
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# In Memoriam - Comet Lee: Comets can discharge the solar capacitor and
  create electromagnetic effects on life-bearing planets, their magnetic
  fields, power grids, electrical infrastructure.  Comets act at a
  distance. That's why the ancients said: Planets augur change. Comet
  Lee and Nostradamus: http://www.ecologystore.com/econews14.htm
# COMET LEE - NEWS STORY: http://www.ecologystore.com/econews13.htm

# ROSWELL CONSPIRACIES is a UFO conspiracy-minded show similar to X-Files,
  but with a few different twists. For one,Blaze is a banshee. But according
  to the storyline, banshees, and all monsters like werewolves and vampires,
  are in fact aliens that have been living among Earthlings for countless
  years. http://headline.gamespot.com/news/00_02/16_vg_redstorm/index.html

: Would you rather confront prophets, aliens/monsters, advertisers, lawyers,
UFOlogists, robots, me? Does your conspiracy include any of the above? Have
your prophesies/conspiracies failed, but you keep going anyway? Why bother?

@ They're Here - Get ready for a showdown between space creatures & human-
  kind in the Aliens Among Us: UFO Screen Saver. For fun than SETI@home??
# THE END OF THE WORLD AS I WANT IT: http://ecologystore.com/econews10.htm
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

  SACRAMENTO. A DC-8 cargo plane carrying a crew of three crashed late
  Wednesday, after taking off from Sacramento Mather Airport. The Emery
  Worldwide cargo plane crashed into a wrecking yard which contained
  hundreds of vehicles; thick black smoke billowed from the site. All
  three crew members died: http://CNN.com/2000/US/02/17/calif.crash.03./

: Who downed this plane? Was the USAF testing beam weapons? What was so
important about the cargo this plane carried that it had to be destroyed?
Was it deliberately downed into a junkyard to make debris recovery harder?

  25 times the normal rate of skin cancer, and it may be due partly to dis-
  turbed sleep patterns: www.CNN.com/2000/HEALTH/02/16/cancer.pilots.reut/
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Attempt To Seize Kids Criticized. Albuquerque, NM. The children of an iso-
  lationist religious sect remained in hiding early this week, more than 2
  weeks after state authorities went to the group's compound south of Gallup
  and tried to take two of the children into protective custody. Some local
  cops are criticizing the action by the state Children, Youth and Families
  Dept. as ill-advised. The attempt to remove the children from the Aggres-
  sive Christianity Mission Training Corps followed a series of television
  news reports. http://www.abqjournal.com/news/3news02-16-00.htm

: Has your cult/agency/firm seized any kids lately? Should kids be mentally
(re)programmed by cults/sects/factions, church/state/business bureaucracies,
aliens, robots, me? Should kids be left online for safekeeping by Net Gods?
Is your cult more aggressive than govts, businesses, other cults? How so??

  time on the Internet they are not only seeing less of friends & families,
  but also spending less time stuck in traffic, shopping in malls & watching
  television. http://CNN.com/2000/TECH/computing/02/17/internet.study.01/
# Study Dissed as Junk Science: http://www.newshub.com/cgibin/rd.cgi?9389622
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Chinese Site Sina.com Suffers Hacker Attack. BEIJING (Reuters) - Sina.com,
  a top Chinese Internet portal, suffered a hacker attack around the same
  time several popular U.S. Web sites were crippled by online raids. Tell
  Janet Reno: http://news.excite.com/news/r/000217/06/net-china-hacker

# Has your PC been hijacked? Do you subscribe to a cable modem or DSL
  service? You're at risk. A growing awareness of the dangers of unsecured
  home PCs leads to a boom in firewall downloads. And broadband providers
  are finally getting the message, too. It's 3 a.m. Do you know who's on
  your computer? http://zdnet.com/zdnn/stories/news/0,4586,2439985,00.html

: Do you have sufficient firewalls around your communications complex? Have
you been penetrated/manipulated lately? Do security firms/agencies attack
you secretly to scare you into

[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] How the Money Works on Technology Transfer

2000-02-17 Thread Kris Millegan

From: "Catherine Austin Fitts" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

One thing to keep an eye out as we are doing our research is that
increasingly "inside information" on new technology is more valuable
financially then money or equity or debt investment. Knowledge is more
valuable than money. I am not sure when we start to see database-drug trade
instead of -drug trade, but I know it is in the mix, and I would like to
help estimate some of the "pricing" dynamics that may help you see it in our

If you note the reference to the Texas technology group below, it is
interesting to muse on what the stock market equity value is of the taxpayer
funded technology "given" away by the Bush and Clinton families over the
last ten years. I continue to be fascinated as to why these guys hit me on
trading on "insider information" That means, among other things, they want
me to have no credibility to point out there were doing it.

Let me give you a sense of how powerful the value of the knowledge is. I
started Hamilton with my 401(k) and proceeds from selling for first home in
Washington. I self- financed so that I could maintain voting control. I knew
that the political risks of the first prototyping phase were such that I
needed to control the voting stock. The equity value was controlled by
non-voting stock, which was distributed in stock bonuses to all employees at
Hamilton for a year or more according to performance. Before we started to
liquidate the company, it diluted by equity ownership down to about 33%.

We have a variety of assignments. Over a four year period we signed up $40MM
of contracts with HUD. The profit margin varied and was about 0-10%, and
provided a very thin margin of error given how risky and hard the business
was. The reason we did it was to build our knowledge banks through database
and software tool development. What HUD provided was some of the prototyping
opportunities that would help us figure out the pricing of reengineering
community investment. We reinvested all of our profits in developing these
tools and legal expenses associated with the risks of preventing HUD from
profiting by seizing back its own loan sales (we were not allowed to earn a
% on the $2.1 billion in profits we generated, but the enforcement and
covert bureacracies were willing to offer 25% and more for help seizing them

I estimate that the company-without the swat---could have been sold or
recapitalized with private investors by 1999 at an equity value of
$100-250MM. The core profit potential was in private advisory work and
secondary market trading based on our place based databases. Part of this
was the joint venture opportunities we would have had with high tech
companies and trading operations, if the federal government had not
continually assured the marketplace that I would go to jail and they would
own and control all of our intellectual capital.  If my business plan worked
and we had not sold out, the value would have reached much much more.

That is the capital gains potential on a business that was going to be
entirely private where we invented the technology with years of sweat equity
and private investment prototypingand we would be proceeding into the
market with no government contracts, guarantees or financing. In a situation
where the technology transfer is combined with government contracts and
financing, someone can generate sustantial capital gains very quickly with
very little workjust the support and help of someone like Bush or
Clinton to pick up the "knowledge franchise". This type of knowledge
transfer was seen in the Inslaw/Promis case, it our case, the mechanics
without the high tech are seen in a half a trillion plus privitization of
the prisons system, and I suspect that much of the game around non-lethal
weapons and mind control contracts involves similar knowledge 'give aways".

Not sure how we start to estimate the Dow Jones value of knowledge and
technology being transferred like this, but I am going to think about it
because people need to see the stock market and profit value of these
regulatory, legislative and government contract or knowledge give aways.





  "Hall had been trying to bring attention to a
miscalculation in a multi-million dollar
  installation of super laser beams that is part of
the ignition facility... Police Detective
  Charlie Garrison said, "We think Lee Hall is the
only one who knew to this day exactly

Re: [CTRL] None Dare Call It Rape (canola) - (fwd)

2000-02-17 Thread Bill Kingsbury

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

 Various EXCERPTS regarding Canola Toxicity 2-17-2000


 Healthy Natural News You Can Use
 Issue #137 January 16, 2000
 By Joseph Mercola, D.O.

 Canola Oil Update
 by Mary G. Enig, Ph.D.

 Although canola oil is not a favorite oil with me for a number
 of reasons (none of which were listed in the last article), the
 statement suggesting that because it is used as an industrial
 oil it is therefore not edible is not valid.  Flax oil is also
 used as an industrial oil for paint and linoleum, etc.  But
 when it is prepared as a food it is edible.  Most oils have
 been used at one time or another as industrial products.  One
 of the most edible of oils, coconut oil, is used for many
 industrial products, especially for soaps and cosmetics.

 Olive oil apparently has been used to make soap for as long as
 it has been used as a food oil.  Perhaps the most blatant error
 and comparison made by Mr. Lynn, though, is that regarding
 canola oil and mustard gas, which chemically has absolutely no
 relationship to mustard oil or any other mustard plant.
 Mustard gas is 2,2'-dichlorodiethyl sulfide and its preparation
 using ethylene and sulfur chloride is given in the Merck Index.
 It received its name because of the yellowish color of the gas
 and the sulfur odor.  Canola and regular rapeseed oils are
 extracted from the seeds of several of the brassica plants --
 the same family of plants from which we get vegetables such as
 Brussels sprouts, broccoli, cabbage, kale, mustard greens, and
 several other vegetables.

 Of course, there is not much fat in these vegetables; but what
 fat there is in some of them, e.g., mustard greens, is as much
 as 29 percent erucic acid.  Also, since glycosides (typical are
 stevioside and other flavonoids) are basically water soluble,
 I would not expect to find much of them in any oil.  Those
 glucosinolates found in rapeseed meal after the oil has removed
 from the seeds are the same goiterogens that are found in the
 brassica vegetables.  One problem with canola oil is that it
 has to be partially hydrogenated or refined before it is used
 commercially and consequently is a source of trans fatty acids;
 sometimes are very high levels.  Another problem is that it is
 too unsaturated to be used exclusively in the diet; some of the
 undesirable effects caused by feeding canola can be rectified
 if the diet is made higher in saturated fatty acids.

 Mary G. Enig, Ph.D.
 Director Nutritional Sciences Division
 Enig Associates, Inc.
 Silver Spring, Maryland

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] FAX:(301)680-8100

 COMMENT:  What a great honor to have Dr. Enig respond to the
 article last week on canola oil.  Dr. Enig is a professor of
 biochemistry at the University of Maryland who is one of the
 top biochemists in the country.  She is the main scientist in
 this country who has brought the dangers of trans fat to the
 public attention.  Her web site on trans fat is phenomenal :



 Modern-day diets high in hydrogenated vegetable oils instead
 of traditional animal fats are implicated in causing a
 significant increase in heart disease and cancer.

 The particular mix of fatty acids in soy oil results in
 shortenings containing about 40 per cent trans fats -- an
 increase of about 5 per cent over cotton-seed oil and 15 per
 cent over corn oil.  Canola oil, processed from a hybrid form
 of rape-seed, is particularly rich in fatty acids containing
 three double bonds and can contain as much as 50 per cent trans
 fats.  Trans fats of a particularly problematic type are also
 formed during the process of deodorising canola oil, although
 they are not indicated on labels for canola oil.

 from:  The OILING of AMERICA -- Part 1 of 2:


 Extracted from Nexus Magazine, Volume 6, Number 1
 (December 1998 - January 1999).

 © 1998 by Mary G. Enig, PhD -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 © 1998 by Sally Fallon -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]


 Dr. Mary G. Enig, F.A.C.N.

 " According to this research done by Canadian government
 researchers, consuming canola oil increases the requirement
 for Vitamin E.  This is not desirable for a food purporting
 to be healthy for the whole foods market.  "

 Authors:  FD SAuer, ER FArnsworth, JMR Belanger, JKG Kramer,
 RB Miller, S. Yamashiro, ISBN/ISSN:  0271-5317, Publisher
 Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, The Boulevard, Langford Lane,
 Kidington, Oxford, England OX 5 iGB


 Officially, canola oil is known as "Low Erucic Acid" (a solid
 fatty acid, derived fr


2000-02-17 Thread Bill Kingsbury

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-


 Holder's Office Had Say In Decision on Starbucks

  Crime/Corruption Front Page News
  Source: Washington Post
  Published: Friday, February 11, 2000; Page A08
  Author: By Bill Miller
  Posted on 02/11/2000 10:59:10 PST by Plummz

 Deputy Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. confirmed yesterday that
 his office was involved in the Justice Department's decision to
 seek the death penalty against Carl Derek Cooper in the Starbucks
 slaying case. But he would not disclose the reasons U.S. Attorney
 Wilma A. Lewis's recommendation against seeking execution was

 "I will say that the deputy attorney general's office was involved,
 but I really wouldn't want to comment on what my role, if any, was
 in that matter," Holder told reporters during a weekly news
 briefing at the Justice Department yesterday.

 Sources familiar with the Cooper deliberations said Holder was
 among those supporting Attorney General Janet Reno's decision to
 seek the federal death penalty. Reno had the final say on the issue
 and acted Monday after receiving recommendations from Lewis and a
 Justice Department screening committee as well as input from Holder
 and other officials.

 The decision has generated criticism from Del. Eleanor Holmes
 Norton (D-D.C.) and other political leaders who maintained that
 Reno should not have chosen to target Cooper and the Starbucks case
 for the first death penalty trial in the District in nearly 30
 years. Unlike federal law, the District has no provision for the
 death penalty.

 Lewis has declined to discuss her stance on the case, but other
 sources said she did not believe that the federal issues were
 strong enough to push for death.

 Holder was U.S. attorney for the District from 1993 until 1997,
 when he became second in command at the Justice Department. As U.S.
 attorney, he expressed misgivings about capital punishment. As U.S.
 attorney, he usually was forthcoming, even on touchy subjects. But
 he would not comment yesterday on the dynamics of overruling his
 successor, Lewis.

 In 1995, Reno persuaded Holder to seek the federal death penalty
 against Donzell McCauley in the killing of a D.C. police officer.
 Holder ultimately accepted a plea bargain with McCauley that
 resulted in a life prison sentence with no chance of parole. At the
 time of the plea, Holder explained that a death penalty trial could
 divide the city and said that the District's long-standing
 opposition to the death penalty gave prosecutors reason to worry
 that a jury might not go along with a death sentence.

 Holder's remarks yesterday suggested that he now views cases in a
 different perspective because of his expanded responsibilities.

 "Federal cases have to be judged on a nationwide standard," Holder
 said. "We have one system, and it is appropriate for people in the
 federal system all to be treated in the same way. And that's one of
 the things that we try to search for, especially when it comes to
 the death penalty."

 Cooper, 30, is to stand trial May 2 in U.S. District Court on
 capital charges stemming from the July 1997 slayings at the
 Starbucks coffee shop in the 1800 block of Wisconsin Avenue NW.
 Prosecutors said the victims -- store manager Mary Caitrin Mahoney,
 25, and employees Emory Allen Evans, 25, and Aaron David Goodrich,
 18 -- were killed in an apparent robbery attempt. Cooper also faces
 racketeering and other federal charges involving a series of
 shootings, robberies and other crimes dating to 1993.

 Holder, the White House's man in the DoJ and seemingly Shakes the
 Clown's puppeteer, pushed for the death penalty.

 1 Posted on 02/11/2000 10:59:10 PST by Plummz ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

 To: aristeides, Alamo-Girl, Michael Rivero, Uncle Bill, metalbird1,
 rubbertramp, Wallaby

 One big flag for all of you. I should get back to work . . .

 2 Posted on 02/11/2000 11:00:58 PST by Plummz

 To: Plummz

   Prosecutors said the victims -- store manager Mary Caitrin
   Mahoney, 25, and employees Emory Allen Evans, 25, and Aaron David
   Goodrich, 18 -- were killed in an apparent robbery attempt.

 Interesting, isn't it, that the article's only reference to Mahoney
 neglects to mention her White House connection.

 3 Posted on 02/11/2000 11:07:18 PST by MUDDOG

 To: Plummz

 Thanks for the heads up! In light of this, I'm going to repost the
 Eric Holder and Body Count Research for Freeper discussion...

 4 Posted on 02/11/2000 11:26:41 PST by Alamo-Girl


[CTRL] Mystery of the First Americans

2000-02-17 Thread Bill Kingsbury

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

PBS NOVA - Next Week - February 22, 2000:
 Black Jews and the Lost Tribes of Israel


 NOVA #2705:

 Mystery of the First Americans

 Broadcast Transcript
 PBS Air date: February 15, 2000

 SPONSOR: During the following program, look for NOVA's Web markers
 which lead you to more information at our Website.

 NARRATOR: Walking along the banks of the Columbia River near
 Kennewick, Washington, two men made a grim discovery. Treating the
 case as a possible homicide, the police called in forensic
 investigator Jim Chatters. At the riverbank, he searched for the
 rest of the skeleton.

 JAMES CHATTERS: Most of the large bones were visible. The big parts
 of the pelvis were there, there were parts of both thigh bones,
 pieces of both arms just lying right on the surface of the mud.

 NARRATOR: Now his job was to provide the police with a description
 of the victim. Judging from the size of the bones and the wear on
 the teeth, it appeared to be a male about 45 years old. To
 determine race, he examined the skull.

 JAMES CHATTERS: Well, the first thing I saw when I looked at that
 skull was a long narrow head with fairly prominent brow ridges and
 an extensive nose. This, to me, almost automatically said, OK, I'm
 probably dealing with a Caucasian. And in looking at this
 individual, if he's got characteristics that are similar to those
 of Europeans, then I'm thinking he's a fairly recent person.

 NARRATOR: It seemed like a straightforward case. But then he found
 something that didn't fit - a gray object embedded in the hip.

 JAMES CHATTERS: It was the color of gray stone or corroded lead. I
 took it in and had it x-rayed. Well, the x-rays couldn't see it,
 which meant it clearly was not lead or any other metal, and we CAT
 scanned it the next day and found it was the base of a rather large
 spear point. That made the story rather different.

 NARRATOR: Why was a Stone Age weapon lodged in the hip of an
 apparently modern skeleton? Chatters sent a small piece of bone out
 to be dated at a radio carbon lab. A week later the results were
 back. The Kennewick Man was almost 9,000 years old.

 SPONSOR: Major funding for NOVA is provided by the Park Foundation,
 dedicated to education and quality television.

 SPONSOR: This program is funded in part by Northwestern Mutual
 Life, which has been protecting families and businesses for
 generations. Have you heard from the quiet company? Northwestern
 Mutual Life.

 SPONSOR: CNET.com, helping you find the right technology products.

 SPONSOR: And by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, and by
 contributions to your PBS station from viewers like you. Thank you.

 NARRATOR: An archaeologist as well as a forensic investigator, Jim
 Chatters knew that the 9,000-year-old Kennewick Man was a rare
 find. Only a handful of skeletons this old had ever been found in
 North America, and this one was in excellent condition. Chatters
 began to document the pathologies in the bones.

 JAMES CHATTERS: This fellow told more of a story than most people
 I've ever dealt with. I mean, he not only had the spear point stuck
 in him - and it was healed there, he'd had it for quite a long time
 - but he had a whole series of other injuries too. If you sort of
 start from his youth, he broke his left elbow and appears to have
 gotten an infection or some serious bone damage. He had his chest
 crushed with a massive blunt blow, breaking the ribs off on either
 side and leaving them separate. That's an often fatal wound. It
 healed. He has a little skull fracture on the front left side, the
 kind that's consistent with being struck by a right-handed person
 wielding a club, and that had healed. In a few words, the man led a
 perilous existence.

 NARRATOR: But the most striking thing about the Kennewick Man was
 the shape of his face and skull. In a skeleton this old Chatters
 would have expected to see the wide, flaring cheekbones and rounder
 skull of an American Indian. But Kennewick Man had a long cranium
 and narrow face, features more typical of people from Europe, the
 Near East, or India. Chatters had stumbled onto a mystery that
 until then had been known only to a few physical anthropologists.
 One of them was Douglas Owsley at the Smithsonian Institution.

 DOUGLAS OWSLEY: Jim gave me a call and said that they were working
 on a skeleton and that it showed some features that were different
 from what he was expecting. Well, he explained the morphology. And
 that seemed like it could fit with the types of features, the types
 of characteristics that we had seen in some other skeletons from
 that time period.

 NARRATOR: Over the past decade, anthropologists have detected a
 surprising pattern in the small handful of North American skeletons
 more than 8,000 years old.

 DOUGLAS OWSLEY: Those are extremely rare. A well prese


2000-02-17 Thread Bill Kingsbury

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-


 Monicagate Lawyer Representing Accused Starbucks Shooter

 Crime/Corruption Breaking News News Keywords: MAHONEY
 Source: NewsMax
 Published: Wednesday February 16, 2000; 11:09 AM EST
 Author: Carl Limbacher
 Posted on 02/16/2000 13:08:01 PST by flamefront

 The lawyer representing the accused killer of former White House
 intern Mary Caity Mahoney played a key role in the Monica
 Lewinsky case, NewsMax.com has learned.

 The case of Carl Derek Cooper, who was indicted last March in the
 July 1997 gangland-style slaying of Mahoney and two co-workers as
 they closed up a Washington, DC Starbucks coffee shop, has been
 assigned to Washington attorney Francis D. Carter.

 A receptionist in Carter's office confirmed to NewsMax.com that
 Francis D. Carter is indeed Frank Carter, who became famous in
 January 1998 as Monica Lewinsky's first lawyer. Carter is
 Cooper's co-counsel in the Starbucks case, along with DC area
 lawyer Steven Kiersch.

 In December 1997 White House fixer Vernon Jordan enlisted Carter
 to help Lewinsky respond to a subpoena in Paula Jones case.
 Jordan had personally cleared Carter with the President,
 according to Michael Isikoff's book, Uncovering Clinton:

 "Jordan told Clinton about Lewinsky's subpoena and promised to
 get a lawyer. He mentioned the name Francis Carter. 'You think
 he's a good lawyer?' Clinton asked. Jordan assured him Carter

 Jordan personally escorted Lewinsky to Carter's office to work
 out the wording of an affidavit in which she denied a sexual
 relationship with Clinton. It was on the basis of that false
 affidavit that Lewinsky became vulnerable to perjury charges. To
 avoid prosecution, she made a deal with investigators for the
 Office of Independent Counsel.

 Carter and Jordan were also investigated by the OIC for their
 roles in the Lewinsky cover-up. Neither was charged with a crime.

 Three years before Lewinsky's name became a household word, Mary
 Caity Mahoney worked as an intern in the Clinton White House.
 Reportedly, several of her colleagues confided in her about
 incidents of sexual harassment by the President, a situation
 which she had vowed to remedy.

 Just days before the Starbucks killings, Lewinsky informed
 Clinton that she was going to tell her parents about their
 relationship. "It's a crime to threaten the President," Clinton
 angrily responded, according to the Starr Report.

 NewsMax.com has been unable to confirm reports that Lewinsky once
 told a White House friend, "I don't want to end up like Caity
 Mahoney." But the more famous of the two Clinton interns did make
 repeated references to fears she might be killed in conversations
 recorded by Sexgate whistleblower Linda Tripp.

 "I would not cross these people for fear of my life," Lewinsky
 told Tripp in December 1997, explaining why she could not tell
 laywers for Paula Jones the truth about her relationship with the

 Just days after she made that statement Lewinsky was referred to
 Vernon Jordan, who then sought out Mr. Carter.

 Last week Attorney General Janet Reno took the extraordinary step
 of seeking the death penalty for Cooper, even though Washington,
 DC currently has no capital punishment statute on its books. The
 last execution in the District took place in 1957.

 In doing so Reno overuled local US Attorney Wilma Lewis, making
 the Starbucks massacre one of the few cases in which Reno has
 pushed for capital punishment over the objections of a local
 federal prosecutor.

 Reno's decision to seek Cooper's execution drew criticism from
 area officials, including DC's Congressional delegate Eleanor
 Holmes Norton -- who complained that the Attorney General was
 ignoring the clear wishes of area residents and their elected

 The case against Cooper is believed to be weak, resting primarily
 on a confession that was obtained by police after 54 hours of
 interrogation, which he recanted shortly thereafter.

 Prosecutors are expected to argue that Cooper's motive in the
 Starbucks killing was robbery, yet Mahoney was shot execution
 style with the key to the safe in her hand. The safe reportedly
 held $10,000 -- none of which was taken.

 Another legal link between Monicagate and the Starbucks massacre
 emerged last week, when DC criminal defense lawyer William Martin
 spoke out in support of Reno's decision to seek Cooper's
 execution. Martin also has Monicagate ties -- as the lawyer for
 Lewinsky's mother, Marcia Lewis, who was under investigation by
 the OIC in 1998.

 Martin told The Washington Post that he didn't think jurors would
 be affected by Reno's decsion to treat the Starbucks murders as a
 capital case.

 On Monday Post staff writer Bill Miller, who covered Martin's
 comments for his report on Reno's decision, told NewsMax.com that
 any connection between the former Monicagate lawyer and the
 Starbucks case 


2000-02-17 Thread Bill Kingsbury

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-




CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Clinton, Reno and a Murdered Intern....

2000-02-17 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

As, always, Caveat Lector
Click Here: Clinton, Reno and
a Murdered Intern
Subject: Clinton, Reno and a Murdered Intern
Date: Wed, Feb 16, 2000 1:02 PM
Message-id: <88f38k$rnm$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Here's another clue for you all.


Wednesday February 16, 2000; 11:09 AM EST

Monicagate Lawyer Representing Accused Starbucks

The lawyer representing the accused killer of former White House
intern Mary Caity Mahoney played a key role in the Monica
Lewinsky case.

The case of Carl Derek Cooper, who was indicted last March in
the July 1997 gangland-style slaying of Mahoney and two
co-workers as they closed up a Washington, DC Starbucks coffee
shop, has been assigned to Washington attorney Francis D.

A receptionist in Carter's office confirmed to NewsMax.com that
Francis D. Carter is indeed Frank Carter, who became famous in
January 1998 as Monica Lewinsky's first lawyer. Carter is
Cooper's co-counsel in the Starbucks case, along with DC area
lawyer Steven Kiersch.

In December 1997 White House fixer Vernon Jordan enlisted Carter
to help Lewinsky respond to a subpoena in Paula Jones case.
Jordan had personally cleared Carter with the President,
according to Michael Isikoff's book, Uncovering Clinton:

"Jordan told Clinton about Lewinsky's subpoena and promised to
get a lawyer. He mentioned the name Francis Carter. 'You think
he's a good lawyer?' Clinton asked. Jordan assured him Carter

Jordan personally escorted Lewinsky to Carter's office to work
out the wording of an affidavit in which she denied a sexual
relationship with Clinton. It was on the basis of that false
affidavit that Lewinsky became vulnerable to perjury charges. To
avoid prosecution, she made a deal with investigators for the
Office of Independent Counsel.

Carter and Jordan were also investigated by the OIC for their
roles in the Lewinsky cover-up. Neither was charged with a

Three years before Lewinsky's name became a household word, Mary
Caity Mahoney worked as an intern in the Clinton White House.
Reportedly, several of her colleagues confided in her about
incidents of sexual harassment by the President, a situation
which she had vowed to remedy.

Just days before the Starbucks killings, Lewinsky informed
Clinton that she was going to tell her parents about their
relationship. "It's a crime to threaten the President," Clinton
angrily responded, according to the Starr Report.

NewsMax.com has been unable to confirm reports that Lewinsky
once told a White House friend, "I don't want to end up like
Caity Mahoney." But the more famous of the two Clinton interns
did make repeated references to fears she might be killed in
conversations recorded by Sexgate whistleblower Linda Tripp.

"I would not cross these people for fear of my life," Lewinsky
told Tripp in December 1997, explaining why she could not tell
laywers for Paula Jones the truth about her relationship with
the President.

Just days after she made that statement Lewinsky was referred to
Vernon Jordan, who then sought out Mr. Carter.

Last week Attorney General Janet Reno took the extraordinary
step of seeking the death penalty for Cooper, even though
Washington, DC currently has no capital punishment statute on
its books. The last execution in the District took place in

In doing so Reno overuled local US Attorney Wilma Lewis, making
the Starbucks massacre one of the few cases in which Reno has
pushed for capital punishment over the objections of a local
federal prosecutor.

Reno's decision to seek Cooper's execution drew criticism from
area officials, including DC's Congressional delegate Eleanor
Holmes Norton -- who complained that the Attorney General was
ignoring the clear wishes of area residents and their elected

The case against Cooper is believed to be weak, resting
primarily on a confession that was obtained by police after 54
hours of interrogation, which he recanted shortly thereafter.

Prosecutors are expected to argue that Cooper's motive in the
Starbucks killing was robbery, yet Mahoney was shot execution
style with the key to the safe in her hand. The safe reportedly
held $10,000 -- none of which was taken.

Another legal link between Monicagate and the Starbucks massacre
emerged last week, when DC criminal defense lawyer William
Martin spoke out in support of Reno's decision to seek Cooper's
execution. Martin also has Monicagate ties -- as the lawyer for
Lewinsky's mother, Marcia Lewis, who was under investigation by
the OIC in 1998.

Martin told The Washington Post that he didn't think jurors
would be affected by Reno's decsion to treat the Starbucks
murders as a capital case.

On Monday Post staff writer Bill Miller, who covered Martin's
comments for his report on Reno's decision, told NewsMax.com

[CTRL] Is the CIA Murdering Yugoslav Leaders?

2000-02-17 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

As, always, Caveat Lector
Click Here: Is the CIA
Murdering Yugoslav Leaders? 
Subject: Is the CIA Murdering Yugoslav Leaders?
Date: Wed, Feb 16, 2000 9:31 PM
Message-id: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Is the CIA Murdering Yugoslav Leaders?
IAC Condemns Bulatovic Assassination

The International Action Center condemns the murder of Yugoslav
Defense Minister Pavle Bulatovic. The minister was gunned down in a
Belgrade restaurant Feb. 7. The assassination was "part of a chain of
organized terrorism orchestrated from abroad," Yugoslav Information
Minister Goran Matic charged at a Feb. 9 press conference. It
coincided with a new wave of terror against Serbs who have refused
to leave their homes in the NATO-occupied province of Kosovo.

Over the past three years at least a dozen Yugoslav officials have
been assassinated. Most were members of the Yugoslav United Left
or the Serbian Socialist Party. Is this a CIA "executive action"
campaign to destabilize the government of Yugoslavia?

Last October, at a session of the information committee of the United
Yugoslav Left, Goran Matic had "warned that subversive and terrorist
actions are being planned abroad in order to destabilize the country's

political and economic system," the Yugoslav press agency Tanjug
reported. He charged that Washington's policy would "increasingly
rely on destructive and illegal activities ... relying on an existing
network of secret agents."

During the US-NATO bombing of Yugoslavia last spring, US missiles
destroyed the bedroom of Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic,
and the Pentagon openly declared Yugoslav political leaders to be
military targets. This was in brazen violation of the Geneva
Convention, which prohibits political assassination. To set the stage
for the bombing, the CIA-backed "Kosovo Liberation Army"
murdered dozens of Kosovar Albanians, Serbs, Roma and others
who opposed secession from Yugoslavia.

As well as being Yugoslavia's defense minister, Bulatovic was a leader

of the Montenegro Socialist People's Party, which wants Montenegro
to stay part of Yugoslavia. The US and NATO have been
encouraging a separatist movement in Yugoslavia, as they did
previously in Slovenia, Croatia. Bosnia and, most recently, Kosovo.
The Pentagon has gone so far as to warn the Yugoslav government
not to "interfere" in Montenegro's affairs. Montenegro has been a part

of Yugoslavia since that country was founded.

>From the 1961 murder of Congo President Patrice Lumumba through
the repeated attempts on the life of Cuban leader Fidel Castro, from
Operation Phoenix in Vietnam to the murder of tens of thousands of
Latin Americans by CIA-supervised death squads, the CIA and
Pentagon have long used assassination as an instrument of war and
policy. The CIA overthrow of Salvador Allende's pro-socialist
government in Chile in 1973 was preceded by a wave of political
assassinations. Nor can we forget the FBI-CIA domestic
assassination program—the COINTELPRO murders of members of
the Black Panther Party, the American Indian Movement and other
activist organizations in the '60s and '70s. There is evidence that
Martin Luther King was among COINTELPRO's victims.

The corporate-owned major US news media have not even raised the
question of a US hand in the assassinations in Yugoslavia. Ignoring
Yugoslav government's statements, they have implied the victims were
involved in criminal activity—a classic "make 'em look dirty" means of

blunting outrage-or insinuated the Yugoslav government itself had
carried out the murders. The media made similar allegation about the
January murder of anti-NATO Serb nationalist leader Zeljko
Raznjatovic, popularly known as Arkan.

This is the same corporate news media that uncritically repeated wild
and now disproven Pentagon allegations of mass murder by the
Yugoslav army in Kosovo, claims used to justify last spring's
undeclared war. They have refused to report non-government efforts
to investigate NATO war crimes in Yugoslavia, such as the
Independent Commission of Inquiry founded by former US Attorney
General Ramsey Clark. They have completely censored any news of
the recent US-orchestrated presidential coup in Ukraine, which
threatens to bring US troops to Russia's border. This level of media
complicity with the State Department and Pentagon has not been seen
since the height of the Cold War in the 1950s.

The Bulatovic assassination and the new attacks on Serbs in Kosovo
coincide with other bellicose moves by the US toward East Europe
and the former USSR. The past few weeks have also seen a pro-
NATO coup against Ukraine's parliament, the US Navy seizure of a
Russian ship in the Persian Gulf and the State Department's
declaration of support for anti-government forces in the former Soviet

republic of Belarus. The Pentagon has also revived its "Star Wars"
program a

[CTRL] OEN 2/17/00

2000-02-17 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

Click Here: http://www.aci.net/kalliste/">The Home Page of J. Orlin

Yen Collapse

Japanese Government Debt Under Credit Review

So much for the myth of the "riskless" asset.

Moody's Investors Service said on Thursday it was considering downgrading
Japan's sovereign debt rating because of concerns over its rising public
sector debt, among the worst in the industrial world.

Public sector debt could worsen if structural reforms failed to move the
world's second largest economy onto a stronger growth track, the major US
credit rating agency said.

The move deals a blow to Japan's efforts to revive its economy from its worst
recession in half a century through a series of heavy fiscal stimulus
packages that have pushed the government debt to around 120 per cent of gross
domestic product (GDP).

The Aa1-rating is Moody's second highest. The ratings agency downgraded Japan
from Aaa in November 1998.

The review was only for yen-denominated debt issued by the government and not
a review of Japan's country ceiling and thus would not affect the credit
ratings of bonds issued by private companies, Moody's said.

Moody's confirmed that it had changed the outlook for the government's
foreign currency rating to stable from negative because of the strong
external position and the large pool of domestic savings.

Analysts said they were not surprised that the move had been taken.

It's a bit earlier than I expected. I thought it was coming -- not so much
because of the debt situation but because the economic recovery has not been
that strong, said Ron Bevacqua, chief economist at Commerz Securities in

I thought it would be a two to three year process as opposed to now and
obviously the debt question is central but perhaps the catalyst has been the
more pessimistic view of the economy and the recent slide in bank shares.

Moody's said it had decided on the review because Japan's public sector debt
would soon be the highest, relative to GDP, among the advanced industrial

It recognised that financial system reforms had helped Japan's tentative
recovery, but indicated this was not enough.

However, it is unclear whether the reform and restructuring process will
reach a critical mass to propel Japan's economy into a higher potential
growth path, without which, Japan's public-sector debt problem should
continue to worsen, it said.

Japan's embattled government has acknowledged the difficulties of dragging
the world's second-largest economy back onto a path of growth.

It has said it expects a second consecutive quarter of negative growth for
October-December, putting it back into technical recession after six months
of suprisingly robust growth.

With this action, overseas investors are expected to slow their aggressive
(stock) investment stance in Japan, said Yasuyoshi Masuda, senior economist
at the Fuji Research Institute.
But given Japan's vast current account surplus and that it has the world's
largest external reserves, the action is questionable, he said. Japan's
external reserves stood at $293.15 billion at the end of January.
The Financial Times, February 17, 2000

Money Laundering

$7 Billion Laundered Through Bank of New York

More free (seized) cash for the US government.

A former employee of the Bank of New York and her husband have admitted
laundering at least $7bn through the bank, much of it for Russian nationals
hoping to evade customs duties and taxes.

In a New York federal court, Lucy Edwards and Peter Berlin pleaded guilty to
a range of offences.
They included setting up a branch of a foreign bank without regulatory
permission, operating an illegal wire transfer business, fraudulently
obtaining visas, bribing an official, evading US taxes, accepting illicit
payments and laundering them offshore.

The confessions represented a major break in the case, described as the
largest ever money laundering investigation. Until now, the couple were
charged only with the relatively minor offence of operating an illegal money
transfer business.

The Russian-born couple surrendered to the FBI in a deal with prosecutors on
Tuesday, after flying in from London. Federal prosecutors are likely to use
their co-operation to secure further convictions. An FBI director said that
"much remains to be done".

Reports that they would admit they had bribed a BoNY official had sparked
speculation that the conduct of the bank could again be questioned.

But on Wednesday it emerged the employee in question was Svetlana
Kudryavstev, a junior employee dismissed last September. The couple said they
paid Ms Kudryavstev $500 a month to ensure the transfer business ran smoothly
after they moved to London. Prosecutors have already charged her with lying
to the FBI.

According to the couple, the scheme began in late 1995, when Ms Edwards was
approached by members of Russia's Depozitarno-Kliringovy Bank (DKB) to se

[CTRL] Fwd: FC: Quis custodiet ipso custodes? DoJ's video surveillance guide

2000-02-17 Thread Kris Millegan



Date: Thu, 17 Feb 2000 01:26:00 -0500
To: Matthew Gaylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
From: Matthew Gaylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Quis custodiet ipso custodes?: Video Surveillance Equipment
Selection and Application Guide

[Note from Matt:  This is from the US Dept. of Justice's  (February 15,
2000 ,Volume 6, Number 4) electronic newsletter.]


* Video Surveillance Equipment Selection and Application
Guide (NIJ Guide 201-99)

Law enforcement and corrections personnel often find
selecting and using video surveillance systems a challenge,
given the number of choices, sales pressures, and budget
constraints. This publication is designed to assist law
enforcement and procurement officials choose video equipment
that will satisfy their needs. Topics include video cameras,
self-contained camcorders, video recorders/players, video
display systems, and special purpose video equipment.
Appendices offer detailed experimental methods and results
that are summarized in the text.

"Video Surveillance Equipment Selection and Application
Guide (NIJ Guide 201-99)" is available on the NCJRS World
Wide Web site (http://www.ncjrs.org/resdocs.htm#179545) and
by mail. See "Ordering Directions" and "NCJRS Online Access"


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   OJJDP:  1-800-638-8736  BJA:   1-800-688-4252
   OVC:1-800-627-6872  ONDCP: 1-800-666-3332

   TTY (toll free): 1-877-712-9279  (local): 301-947-8374

   International: 301-519-5500

In writing, for all agencies:

   -  E-mail:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   -  Mail:  P.O. Box 6000, Rockville, MD 20849-6000

 NCJRS   O N L I N E   A C C E S S 

This issue of JUSTINFO is available on the World Wide Web
(http://www.ncjrs.org/justinfo/feb1500.htm). Go to the
online version to take advantage of live links to all the
publication and World Wide Web site addresses featured in
this issue.

<*> NCJRS Justice Information Center on the World Wide Web:


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[CTRL] Fwd: Konformist: Steamshovel Press Electronic Newsletter

2000-02-17 Thread Kris Millegan

Please send as far and wide as possible.


Robert Sterling
Editor, The Konformist


Steamshovel Press Electronic Newsletter, February 15, 2k


Steamshovel editor Kenn Thomas appears at Disinfo Con 2000 this Saturday,
February 19 at the Hammerstein Ballroom in New York City. The speaker
line-up also includes: Konformist editor Rob Sterling; Excluded Middle's
Greg Bishop; 70th Greatest conspiracy theorist Jonathan Vankin;  and the
grand poobah his own self, Robert Anton Wilson, author of Illuminatus! (also
the finest, most advanced example of humor and humanity on this planet.) All
the information about this event is at www.disinfo.com with the speaker
schedule residing at Con2000.disinfo.com. Also competing for attention at
this thing is Douglas Rushkoff; visionary artist and architect Paul
Laffoley; the Invisibles comix creator Grant Morrison; legendary filmmaker
Kenneth Anger; RU Sirius; many others, including the fearsome Feral House
publisher Adam Parfrey!! Richard Metzger, renown for his Infinity Factory
webcast, the Disinfo web site and his BBC TV Show, Disinfo Nation, hosts
this bash. It's a must go-to affair for the illuminated cognoscenti.

Another major event:  "Who Bombed Judi Bari?", on the controversy
surrounding the bombing of the Earth First activist. Split opinion on this
will no doubt lead to heated discussion--will it lead to a new prosecution?
KSRO-AM Radio just lost personality Pat Thurston over the issue. Speakers
include Bruce Anderson of the Anderson Valley Advertiser, Mary Moore of the
Sonoma County Free Press, Ed Gehrman, Flatland Jim Martin and Irv Sutley,
owner of "the most famous Uzi" in Northern California. This happens at Black
Oak Books in Berkeley, CA (on Shattuck Avenue, north of University) Thursday
February 17th, 7:30-9 pm. Another one is scheduled for Copperfield's Books,
Sebastopol on February 24, 7-9 pm. More at www.flatlandbooks.com. Also poke
around for info on Martin's extraordinary new book, Wilhelm Reich and the
Cold War, available only through Flatland.

A reminder: the new issue of Steamshovel Press, #17 is out now, at the
stands and in the mail to subscribers. Non-subscribers can secure a copy for
$6 from POB 23715, St. Louis, MO 63121. Also available now for $20 from
Steamshovel: the Kenn Thomas video anthology, including recent television
appearances, lecture videoclips and the audio of Thomas' Art Bell
appearance. 2 hour VHS.

ANDANDthe second volume of Cyberculture Counterconspiracy has
arrived! Loyal readers know that the first volume contained web site
material (the "Latest Word" columns) that has since been removed from the
Steamshovel web. More of the same in volume two (the book reviews of
"Offline Illumination" and newsbits/theorizing from "Things Are Gonna
Slide"), but also some brand-spanking new material never before in print or
on the web. This includes two graphix contributions from artist Kevin
Belford, on the J. D. Tippit murder (a rosetta stone of the JFK
assassination) and an update on the Manson family. It also includes new
essays: the Pentagon origins of the Internet by Rob Sterling; Greg Bishop on
Remote viewing; Richard Metzger on Jack Parsons; and Acharya S on warfare as
occult ritual sacrifice. Volume two costs $14 from Steamshovel. (Amazon.com
doesn't have it straight yet that there are two volumes, so be careful if
you order there.)

"Up until May of 1970, John was a normal, 24 year old married auto mechanic
living in Santa Cruz. Then a car accident, a few mescaline trips and an
intensive study of both the Bible and the Tarot coincided with the onset of
adult schizophrenia. He soon afterwards left his wife and became a
hippie..." So goes "John Linley Frazier, Killer Hippie", in a  small comic
book called Martin The Satanic Raccoon produced by Steamshovel reader Gabe
Martinez. Martin also produced a calendar with conspiracy themes. Contact

Steamshovel learned from Robin Ramsay, editor of the UK conspiracy politics
magazine Lobster, of the death last December of Jill Craigie, one of the
earliest well-known woman film directors in England. Craigie gained
additional notoriety with her claims that Arthur Koestler, the great
anti-Communist and paranormalist writer, raped her in 1952. She told this to
the author of a critical biography of Koestler that has just now been
pubslished in American edition. (The title and author will not be repeated
here to avoid giving publicity to a bad book. All of this is discussed in
Cyberculture Volume One, however.) Craigie said she pushed Koestler out of
the door but then let him back in when the rape occurred, and she said
nothing of it for forty years until this biographer came along lloking for
lurid, disparaging details. Despite this, Craigie's charges have been
repeated as fact in the British press and by columnist Christopher Hitchens
(because he "knew her", as he exp

[CTRL] Fwd: Important Message To All - Konformists

2000-02-17 Thread Kris Millegan

Please send as far and wide as possible.


Robert Sterling
Editor, The Konformist

To all whom are interested:

In case you haven't noticed, The Konformist has been on a semi-hiatus since
late December.  The December Konspiracy Girl was recently finally added, but
after viewing my options, I have decided it is in my best interest to keep it
in semi-hiatus.

The reason begins and ends with money.  I have devoted a lot of time and
money into The Konformist, and frankly there is no more money to invest in
it, and thus little time.  To those few out there who suspect I am a CIA
disinformation agent, I respond with a request for info on where to send my

The good news is that I will survive, and have taken the necessary steps to
insure that.  The even better news to you readers is that The Konformist will
continue, as it still has too much potential for me to give up.  Still, I am
tempted to give it up, frankly because I don't believe in doing anything
unless I can devote myself to it 100%, and I'm not sure when (if ever) I will
be able to do that again with The Konformist.

The Beast of the Month will continue: it's fun smacking the hell out of
someone once a month.  The Konspiracy Girl will be put on hold, however.  I
will sporadically put up an impressive backlog of articles.

The bottom line is there is a product in The Konformist that, if properly
invested in and promoted, will make some rich evil bastard a lot of money.
Considering what I've done with the monetary resources I have, I know this to
be a fact.  I am happy to say that everyone I know (or didn't know) who saw
my performance on the Fox Full Nelson special were convinced I came off far
and away the best of all the participants (including Rob Nelson, the host
himself, who didn't mind that I made him look bad a couple times.)  I am
ready and able for showtime.  If any of you know of rich evil bastards who
are greedy enough to exploit The Konformist or my services, please have them
contact me.  I can write for newspapers, magazines, and other medias and I am
ready for TV or radio.  I'm thinking of carrying a sign: "WILL STIR SHIT FOR

Also, if any of you know of other opportunities for me to make money, please
let me know or have someone contact me.  I know I have a lot of contacts out
there, and I am asking you all for help in this matter, if you can.

However, please don't send anything my way that is MLM or something else
which requires me to invest time and money without a definite payout.  I've
got other things I can put my energy in for free.  Also, please don't insult
me by sending me an email on how bad you feel for me.  I'm sure you do, but
pity does not pay bills.  If you have nothing that can help pay bills via
contacts, then please say no more.

Well, enough said: I'll be in New York this weekend for the Disinfo.Con, and
it should be fun (and, more important right now, it pays.)  In the meantime,
I want to thank you all for reading over the years, and I hope the tone of
this email doesn't sound angry.  But I have reached a point of critical mass.
 One of my biggest sins is my pride and arrogance, and frankly I know the
main reason I have reached this point is my refusal to ask for help.  The
reality has humbled me where I must do this, and any help you can send my way
on this matter will be appreciated.


Robert Sterling
Editor, The Konformist

Disinfo.Con: February 19, 2000

Disinfo.Con will be the first event of its type in New York since the
legendary Nova Convention, honoring author William Burroughs, in 1979.

Featuring a line-up of speakers drawing from the best of the underground
media, new science and far fringes of the art scene, Disinfo.Con 2000 will
turn New York City's majestic Hammerstein Ballroom into an 11 hour
Technicolor dream house of revolutionary thought, visionary art and lysergic
lectures. The event will be one part rave, one part performance, and one part
mind fuck.

* Marilyn Manson in a satellite presentation!
* Kenneth Anger
* RU Sirius
* Grant Morrison
* Robert Anton Wilson
* Genesis P-Orridge
* Paul Laffoley
* Joe Coleman
* Douglas Rushkoff
* Adam Parfrey
* Kenn Thomas (Steamshovel Press)
* Robert Sterling (The Konformist)
* Greg Bishop (The Excluded Middle)
* Howard Bloom will present a special video lecture.

There will also be an exclusive preview of the new Disinfo Nation TV series
produced for Channel 4 in the UK, featuring a behind the scenes look at the
Montauk Project, a biographical short about Timothy Leary, the brain damaged
snuff film carnage of "Uncle Goddamn," Salvador Dali advertising Alka Seltzer
and more!

Disinfo.Con 2000 will take place on Saturday February 19, 2000 at the
Hammerstein Ballroom, 311 West 34th Street off of 8th Avenue in New York
City. Doors open 10 am; the event starts at 11 am and finishes at 11 pm. The
Ballroom is walking distance from Penn Station and T


2000-02-17 Thread Kris Millegan

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 -Cui Bono?-

Click Here: http://express.lineone.net/newswire/cgi-bin/newswire.cgi/skynews/uk/stor
y/2000/2/c--2000-2-17-0n18.html">LineOne News Product

Thursday, February 17, 2000 11:38

The resignation of Scotland's senior law officer just weeks before he was due
to lead the prosecution team in the Lockerbie trial was criticised today by
the parents of one of the tragedy's victims.

Susan Cohen, of New Jersey, said she was "appalled" at the surprise
resignation of Lord Hardie, the Lord Advocate, yesterday.

The Scottish National Party's Roseanna Cunningham, shadow justice minister,
accused him of "getting himself out of the firing line".

The Executive has been under fire in the last few months after a series of
controversies following last May's adoption of the European Convention on
Human Rights into Scots law, including the scrapping of temporary sheriffs.

Andrew Hardie was appointed Lord Advocate by the Labour Government, then took
up the same position after devolution taking up a place in the Executive

Lord Hardie has been the brunt of much criticism for the string of problems
linked to the ECHR. Calls were made in the wake of the temporary sheriffs
decision for his position to be made independent.

He will now become a judge, but sources said a successor would be appointed
"very soon", adding that the resignation was not expected to make a
difference to the Lockerbie trial.

Two Libyans accused of causing the crash are expected go on trial in Holland
in May. They have denied charges of murder.

Susan Cohen's daughter, Theodora ,was one of the 270 who died in the
Lockerbie disaster when Pan Am 107 came down on the market town in southern
Scotland in 1988.

Today Mrs Cohen told BBC Radio Scotland: "When we met with Lord Advocate in
Washington last summer he told us he would be there to oversee the trial.

"I am appalled and amazed at a moment like this when you have a major trial
that you have never had in your history that the Lord Advocate just decides
to leave."

The Lord Advocate is responsible for all prosecutions in Scotland including
the Lockerbie trial.
In pre-trial hearings so far, the case has so far been handled by
Solicitor-General, Colin Boyd QC.

Mr Boyd may now emerge as favourite to replace Andrew Hardie in the Lord
Advocate's role.
Annabel Goldie, deputy leader of the Scottish Tories, said: "There's only one
conclusion to draw from this - the job got too hot to handle and Hardie baled
out on his own parachute."Dr Jim Swire, whose daughter Flora died in the
Lockerbie disaster, said today: "We are very sorry to see Lord Hardie going
from his position, because he has taken a lot of trouble to keep the
relatives briefed on what is going on.

"He organised seminars for that reason, which were well attended and
much-appreciated. At all times he has been friendly but professional in his
approach to us."

Dr Swire, who is spokesman for families of the British victims, said there
was a possible "worry" that Lord Hardie's departure could affect the trial,
as he was Lord Advocate when the decisions were taken about a neutral-country
trial held under Scottish legal procedures.

"He clearly had no objection, and we hope his successor will be equally
supportive," said Dr Swire.

"It seems likely that Lord Hardie's successor will be the Solicitor General,
Colin Boyd, who is currently a member of the prosecution team, and we trust a
replacement will be found rapidly to replace him on the prosecution team if
he has to leave it."
© Press Association
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] [NA] The Donald Ducks

2000-02-17 Thread lloyd

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-


>From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:
Conspiracy Shopping Cart: http://a-albionic.com/shopping.htmlFrom: Jim Condit Jr. 
Subject: [NA] The Donald Ducks
Date: Tuesday, February 15, 2000 8:17 AM


"Those who cast the votes decide nothing. Those who count the votes decide everything."
Communist Tyrant Josef Stalin

February 15, 2000 NA (Network America) e-wire

The Donald Ducks

Couldn’t help using that phrase for today’s title, stolen from one of
the news headlines on one of those Big TV Networks.

Before treating of the Donald, MSNBC’s “Headliners and Legends” with
Matt Lauer has pulled G.W. Bush and Algore off of their Introduction to
every show. They’ve been replaced with a young Donnie Osmond and Grace
Kelly. Hillary still remains, and I guess they can get away with it till
the equally odious Rudy Guiliani declares his candidacy.

We at Network America would like to take credit for forcing MSNBC to
remove this blatant promotion of Bush and Gore, due to our January 11,
2000 e-wire entitled, “NBC Psycho-Warfare for Bush / Gore” – but it
probably came when the sleeping McCain and Bradley campaigns awoke and
threatened to sue if they didn’t get equal time. Maybe one of you sent
them our e-wire of January 11?

Donald Trump, still spouting slanders, false facts, and vitriol, —
ignominiously retired from the Presidential field of battle yesterday.
Besides not being ready for prime time, and undoubtedly glad to avoid a
thorough dialectical thrashing from Pat Buchanan in public debate, Trump
also has made it widely known that he has an exaggerated fear that he’ll
get germs if he shakes hands with strangers.

Trumps served to try and make a circus out of Buchanan’s switch to the
Reform Party. As you may recall, Trump changed his own registration from
Republican to Reform at the very hour when Pat Buchanan was giving the
speech explaining his move to the Reform Party.

One of the working premises of this e-wire is that the Ruling Elite is
more interested in stopping Pat Buchanan than in which of the four Major
Party Announted is elected. Based on that premise, some other obstacles
to Buchanan will soon emerge. Ross Perot has not stated what he will do.
Buchanan looks like he has a clear field at this moment, because no one
else is even on track to get on the ballot in all 50 states.

Pat Choate, newly elected interim Reform Party Chairman, has explained
that McCain cannot accept the Reform Party nomination and the Republican
Party Nomination — at least in 35 states.

McCain has said at least once that he would accept both nominations, and
numerous major media talking heads and writers have been pushing this
possibility. McCain – or anyone else – could only accept the
Presidential nomination from more than one party in 15 states, of which
New York is one. The laws of the other 35 states forbid it.

But if McCain loses the GOP nomination, he could then presumably bolt
and oppose Buchanan, although this is unlikely. Pat Choate maintained
yesterday that after April it will be logistically impossible for
candidates to get on the ballot in the other 30 states where the Reform
Party does not have ballot access.

In the meantime, Howard Phillips and the Constitution Party continues to
make progress towards ballot access in all 50 states, despite a total
blackout by the Big Media. Mr. Phillips has stated that he may be the
last conservative standing, if anti-Buchanan forces can find a way to
deny Pat the nomination in the Reform Party. More tomorrow. Still
waiting for the Des Moines Register papers following the Iowa Caucus.
We’ll check today to see what’s the hold up. It’s over three weeks since
the Iowa Caucus took place.

Jim Condit Jr.,
Director Citizens for a Fair Vote Count

To contact us, e-mail to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Please forward our messages to friends and opinion molders. The year 2000 Presidential 
Campaign offers an opportunity to de-stablize the New World Order Ruling Elite and 
restore honest elections with citizens checks and balances, true Freedom and true Free 
Enterprise in America.

Let fellow citizens, opinion molders, pastors, public officials, and the newsmedia 
know -- that we will not accept the 2000 Election results unless paper ballots with 
citizen checks and balances are restored to the process at the local precinct level.

To Unsubscribe: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Our website: www.networkamerica.org
Our Address: PO Box 11339, Cincinnati, Ohio 45211

To read all current messages on the Network America listserve news service, do the 
following: 1) go to www.topica.com  2)if you have not yet done so, log in as a topica 
member which requires your e-mail address and a password you make up (this only need 
be done once)  3) then when you log in to w


2000-02-17 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

Click Here: http://express.lineone.net/newswire/cgi-bin/newswire.cgi/skynews/uk/stor
y/2000/2/c--2000-2-14-4n5.html">LineOne News Product

Monday, February 14, 2000 03:06

A damning report into two decades of sexual, physical and emotional abuse of
hundreds of youngsters in Welsh children's homes is being published tomorrow.

The £10 million report from the North Wales Child Abuse Tribunal of Inquiry
is expected to lift the lid on one of the biggest child sex scandals Britain
has ever seen.

Over 206 often harrowing days, the tribunal, based in the remote village of
Ewloe, in Clwyd, Wales, heard evidence from 250 witnesses and received
another 200 written statements.

The tribunal heard allegations that over 20 years, up to 750 children in 40
residential homes in North Wales were abused by the people who were supposed
to care for them.

Opening the inquiry, Mr Gerard Elias QC said: "Children in Clwyd and Gwynedd
were abused physically or sexually on a scale which borders on wholescale

The tribunal heard that at least 12 alleged victims killed themselves in the
years after they left the homes.

Many of the victims are planning a multi-million pound lawsuit against the
councils which were supposed to be entrusted with their care.

Appalling details of systematic sexual abuse, bullying, and neglect of
children as young as seven, were heard by the tribunal, chaired by former
High Court judge Sir Ronald Waterhouse.

The report is expected to condemn the actions of local social services,
councils, police and even the Welsh Office for allowing the abuse to continue
despite complaints from children and concerns raised by some workers.

Allegations of abuse were made as early as 1986, but four internal reports
and police investigations concluded that there was nothing wrong with the

Many of the councils then responsible for children in care are now defunct,
and most of the officials who were in charge then are no longer in their

Social worker Alison Taylor, who acted as a "whistleblower" in 1986, was
suspended from her job and later sacked after expressing her long-standing
concerns about abuse at the homes.

The tribunal was ordered in 1996 by the then Welsh Secretary William Hague
after a string of care workers at the childrens' homes were jailed for abuse.

Among them was Stephen Norris, former head of the Cartrefle council home near
Broughton in Clwyd, who pleaded guilty in 1990 to sexual offences against
boys in his care and was jailed for three-and-a-half years.

Three years later he was jailed for a further seven years after being
convicted of the sexual abuse of six boys at the nearby Bryn Estyn home.

In 1994, the deputy head of Bryn Estyn was convicted of sexual offences
against seven boys and jailed for 10 years.

John Allen, owner of the Bryn Alyn home, was jailed for six years in 1995
after being found guilty of sexually abusing six boys.

Welsh Secretary Paul Murphy will announce the findings of the Waterhouse
report in the House of Commons on Tuesday.

A helpline has been set up to counsel victims and their relatives when the
report is published.
© Press Association
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] McCain ONI endorsements, J3 deal cut

2000-02-17 Thread Kris Millegan

[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] pegasus air america horse express

2000-02-17 Thread Kris Millegan

[CTRL] Fwd: FL800: The Impaled Opposition

2000-02-17 Thread Kris Millegan

In the Middle Ages, a fascist regime would post the heads of
their vanquished adversaries on stakes around their kingdom
to tell any who would dare to challenge their regime: "This
is what happens to those who are a threat to our regime."
This tactic spreads fear that suppresses resistance.

In modern America, the GovtMedia regime posts the heads of
their adversaries on the stakes of slander and lies to tell
anyone else who would dare to challenge their regime: "This
is what happens to those who are a threat to our regime."
This tactic spreads fear that suppresses resistance.

No sooner had Pierre Salinger told us what his intelligence
source had told him about TWA Flight 800 than the GovtMedia
impaled his head on a stake. Accordingly, fear was placed
in those who might have information that would challenge the
regime. An eyewitness to the Flight 800 crash, Paul Angelides,
who saw a rocket shooting upwards verified the existence of
such intimidation resulting directly from the GovtMedia's
abuse of Pierre Salinger when he stated the following:

  "I watched the negative official and press reaction
  to the reports by Mr. Salinger which more accurately
  describe my observations. I have reasoned that if
  Mr. Salinger, who is a former prestigious government
  official, could be treated so poorly, what is in store
  for me if I speak out. I am concerned for my security
  and fear Government reprisal against me for what I
  have seen." (http://twa800.com/pages/eyewitness.html)

There we have it, a witness to the largest mass killing in
modern US history intimidated by the US Government and the
accessorizing major media, and most significantly, he was
intimidated as a direct result of the GovtMedia's slander
of one brave soul who dared to speak out only to find his
head impaled on a stake for challenging the decree of
the GovtMedia regime. While the methods may have evolved
since the Middle Ages, the tactic is basically the same.

Salinger's head is accompanied by the heads of almost
everyone else who has dared to challenge the regime on
the matter of Flight 800. Even Oliver Stone's close
encounter with Flight 800 resulted in his being smeared
by FBI-spokesman James Kallstrom as a "bottom feeder,"
resulting the cancelation of Stone's entire TV series,
only a part of which was to cover Flight 800. The
message is only too clear: speak up and get cancelled.

The following New York Observer article covers some of
the others who found their heads impaled on stakes after
they second-guessed the regime's claims about Flight 800:


THE NEW YORK OBSERVER - Week of February 21, 2000

T.W.A. Flight 800 Skeptics Paying a Heavy Price

   by Philip Weiss

   J. Bruce Maffeo came out of Federal District Court at 40
Centre Street on Feb. 9 after arguing the appeal of his client,
investigative reporter James Sanders, and looked around to see
how many journalists had shown up. Just three: me, Allan Wolper
of Editor & Publisher and Mr. Wolper’s student at Rutgers, Tina Bui.

   Mr. Maffeo got a disgusted look. "The press marginalized
Jim as a kook," he said. "And now they walk by him like he's a
dog run over by a semi."

   Back in 1997, Mr. Sanders got two swatches of seat material
from a disgruntled source inside the investigation of Trans World
Airlines Flight 800 to test for rocket fuel. The test backed his
theory that a Government missile brought the plane down, he
reported, thereby enraging the Government, which prosecuted him
and his wife, Liz, for aiding and abetting the removal of parts
from a crash site, a law aimed at scavengers. Since then, the
couple has lived a journalist's nightmare. They had to sell their
house, their son had to leave college. Mrs. Sanders lost a beloved job.

   Their case has what her attorney Jeremy Gutman calls
"totalitarian" overtones: The Government has repeatedly
characterized the couple's crime as putting out "misinformation"
or, as NBC put it, "what the [F.B.I.] calls a plot to rewrite the
history of T.W.A. 800."

   That should have been a wake-up call, said Eve Burton, deputy
general counsel for the New York Daily News, but she couldn't get
other news organizations to support a friend-of-the-court brief.
"I regret to say there was not a lot of enthusiasm," said First
Amendment lawyer Victor A. Kovner. "I thought the Reporters
Committee was filing something." No, the Reporters Committee for
Freedom of the Press said it didn't know about Mr. Sanders' appeal
in time. "They never stepped up to the plate," Mr. Maffeo grumbled.

   The truth is the press never liked Jim Sanders. "He's a little
bit of a wacko and belligerently antigovernment," said a media source.

   What's fascinating about this case is not whether Mr. Sanders
is right or wrong (though I think he's mostly right). It's how the
media exercises self-censorship. The s

[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] Lawman Says Cross-Border Crime Threatens America

2000-02-17 Thread Kris Millegan


Wanna see where your tax dollars are being spent in the Drug War?

"It has become so bad in the southwestern United States, for example,
that the FBI has 100 special agents specifically assigned to investigating
the Border Patrol, Immigration and Naturalization Service and other U.S. law
enforcement officials allegedly on the take. "

Of course they failed to mention Bill Clinton & cohorts, and other
persons in HIGH government positions...   this article even claims that the
CIA works at FBI headquarters... so maybe that's how the rogue agents stay
"one step ahead" of the "good guys" in the bureau.  Sheesh, what a JOKE!

Global Cooperation Sought Against Mobsters
Lawman Says Cross-Border Crime Threatens America
By James Gordon Meek

GARMISCH-PARTENKIRCHEN, Germany (APBnews.com) -- If the world is to stop
crime syndicates from wreaking financial havoc and compromising the security
of nations, it will take close international cooperation, says an FBI
representative to a conference here on international crime.

FBI Assistant Director Thomas Pickard said in an interview that technological
advancements in the past decade, such as the Internet and the proliferation
of the mass media, have helped mobsters tap into foreign stock exchanges and
the global economy, threatening even the United States.

"It affects economic security," Pickard said, and that has replaced the
nuclear threat of the Cold War, he said in an interview with APBnews.com at
the conference hosted by the FBI and the George C. Marshall European Center
for Security Studies.

FBI turns toward foreign crime
Pickard, chief of the bureau's criminal investigations division, said the
growth of cross-border crime syndicates has forced the FBI -- traditionally
concerned with domestic issues -- to turn more of its focus toward foreign
criminal activity aimed at the United States.

But even with 27,000 employees on the FBI payroll, Pickard admitted the
bureau is out-gunned and lacking in adequate resources to combat this new
threat from abroad.

"We couldn't hope to have enough employees to deal with all the threats," he
said, and that's where cooperation with foreign law enforcement becomes

Corruption damages trust

But, he said, achieving a good cooperative relationship with overseas law
enforcers is not always easy.

It's corruption in government and law enforcement that particularly bothers
the 29-year FBI veteran. It has become so bad in the southwestern United
States, for example, that the FBI has 100 special agents specifically
assigned to investigating the Border Patrol, Immigration and Naturalization
Service and other U.S. law enforcement officials allegedly on the take.

"Corruption undermines our ability to deal with other law enforcement
agencies, if we have a perception that a particular department or agency is
corrupt and we can't trust them," he said. "And if there's a perception the
FBI is corrupt, that would hurt us. It's probably one of the most difficult
issues to deal with."

Egos thwart crime-busting efforts

The clear solution to either threat facing the United States, he said, is to
match the criminals' ability to cooperate and share strategic information --
something that has been scarce in international law enforcement.

It also is problematic in political Washington, where FBI officials like
Pickard admit egos thrive and turf battles and rivalries often hamper
interagency relations and efforts to bust the bad guys.

"We need to get ourselves together better, and we've been doing that by
sharing personnel, information and intelligence," Pickard said. One of his
deputies is a Drug Enforcement Administration special agent, and he said even
Central Intelligence Agency employees work at FBI headquarters in Washington.
 FBI agents are likewise deployed at other agencies.

Information-sharing lapses can be magnified when dealing with overseas

Worse, Pickard laments the fact that many countries don't have laws similar
to America's, such as the wiretapping statutes used extensively by the FBI.

"We have to work our way through these [legal] issues," he said. "Outside the
U.S., your badge does not have a lot of authority. You're operating on
different turf, and you have to respect the culture and the judicial system
of that foreign country."

Pickard hopes that his presence and the attendance at the Garmisch
crime-fighting summit of senior FBI officials, such as Associate General
Counsel M.E. "Spike" Bowman and cyber-investigator Michael Vatis, will help
build relationships and open up lines of communication that will give them an
edge outside the North American continent.

Aug. 31, 1999 - http://www.apbnews.com/newscenter/breakingnews/1999/08/31/germany0831_01

--- ONElist Sponsor 

Get your money co

[CTRL] Fwd: CTRL: Daily error monitoring report

2000-02-17 Thread Kris Millegan

Just to let ya'll know about one of the automatic functions of list.


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[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] Bank Exec, Husband Admit Laundering Billions

2000-02-17 Thread Kris Millegan


Bank Exec, Husband Admit Laundering Billions
Moved $7 Billion for Russians Through Bank of New York
Feb. 16, 2000

By Carol Huang

NEW YORK (APBnews.com) -- A former Bank of New York executive and her husband
admitted today that they helped launder $7 billion for Russian banks by
accessing electronic banking software used by the bank's customers.

Prosecutors said the software enabled Lucy Edwards, a bank vice president,
and her husband, Peter Berlin, to carry out 160,000 wire transfers between
1995 and 1999 with illegal money-transmitting agencies they set up in New
York and New Jersey.

Edwards, 41, and Berlin, 45, entered their guilty pleas before a federal
judge in Manhattan after arriving Tuesday from London, where Edwards had been
a vice president for the Bank of New York's Eastern European division before
she was dismissed last year.

The pleas are the most significant development to date in one of the federal
government's largest money laundering investigations. It became public in
August 1999.

Sanctioned for 'deficiencies'

Related Document:

Read the federal charges


Related Stories:

Couple Surrenders in Russian Money Probe

U.S. Firms Duped Into Laundering Cartel Cash

Reno to Talk Crime in Moscow

Charges Filed in $7B Bank of New York Probe

Swiss to Help U.S. in Money-Laundering Probe

Money-Laundering Probe Nets $4M

FBI Wooing Russian 'Shadow Government'

Russian, U.S. Cops Work Hand in Hand

The Bank of New York, the nation's 16th largest bank, has said almost nothing
about the case, but earlier this month, regulators sanctioned it for
"deficiencies" in its anti-money laundering controls, and the bank agreed to
provide investigators with information about some of its customers involved
in suspected criminal activity.

Edwards and Berlin each pleaded to one count that they conspired to commit
money laundering, operate an illegal banking and money-transmitting business
and help Russian banks conduct unlicensed banking activities in the United

The couple also admitted conspiring with others to create an illegal banking
network that transferred more than $7 billion through the Bank of New York,
allowing Russian businesses to violate currency controls and defraud the
Russian government of customs duties and taxes.

Third man charged

The pleas were entered as part of a criminal information document, which
supercedes a federal indictment unsealed in October that named Edwards,
Berlin and a third man, Aleksey Volkov, in the money laundering case.

Edwards' attorney and federal prosecutors declined to answer questions about
Volkov or any other matters about the pleas or the investigation immediately
after the court proceeding.

Edwards, who appeared in court in a dark suit and pearls, told U.S. District
Court Judge Shirley Kram that the conspiracy began in 1995 when she was
approached by individuals in Russian banking whom she'd met through her job
at the Bank of New York.

Reading from scripted pleas, Edwards and her husband said the Russian bankers
had asked them to set up three companies, Benex International Inc. and BECS
International LLC, based in Queens, and Lowland Inc., based in Jersey City.
They also were asked to install the electronic banking software.

Dozens of transfers a day

Prosecutors said the software, called 'micro/ca$h-Register,' enabled two
Russian banks, Depozitarno-Kliringovy Bank and Commercial Flamingo Bank, to
make dozens of wire transfers a day.

In exchange for their help, the couple said they received $1.8 million in
commissions, which they deposited into offshore accounts.

"These commissions were a percentage of the total amount of money that flowed
through the Benex, BECS and Lowland accounts," Berlin said in court.

Paid co-worker to service accounts

The couple said that after they moved from New York to London, they paid
another Bank of New York employee, Svetlana Kudryavtsev, $500 a month to
continue work for the three accounts.

"She received the payment from us in return for serving as a point of contact
at the Bank of New York," Edwards said.

Kudryavtsev was fired in September last year, and investigators have charged
her with trying to conceal her role in the conspiracy.

Officials have not publicly speculated on the source of the funds, although
press reports have attributed the money to organized Russian crime and
businesses trying to avoid taxes.

Ex-Secret Service head to run security

The Bank of New York declined to comment on the case, although it has been
trying to clean up its image and recently hired Chip Smith, the former head
of the Secret Service office in New York, as its director of security.

Edwards and Berlin told the court they would continue to help prosecutors in
the case.

Sentencing under federal guidelines calls for a maximum prison term of five
years on the conspiracy count and a fine of $250,000 or greater. For their
plea to help the Russian banks establish unauthorized b

[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] How the Money Works on Swarming The Bush Organized Crime Family

2000-02-17 Thread Kris Millegan

From: "Catherine Austin Fitts" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

The lead story on Netscape tonight says that McCain is 3 points behind Bush
in South Carolina and that Bush so far has raised $73 MM and has $20MM left.
That means that if and when Bush loses in South Carolina this Saturday, he
will have spent $53 MM for a losing run. When this much money goes into a
loss that exposes the whole network to a swarm, the way that everyone deals
with getting hung out with big money backing the loser is to try to shift
the blame to the loser. The swarm that was for Bush turns against them as
folks try to cut deals to join the winning teams or to protect themselves
from attack by the winners. I do not know who is feeding Skolnick and
Harpers etc all their information on the Bush networks drug dealing and
financial fraud, but if George W. loses on Saturday, the swarm may build
into a feeding frenzy. If  McCain does not win, but it is a close race, the
leaking could get even rougher.

That means that either way, it may be an idea time to shine the light back
on Mena and the Denver Connection..


 McCain Picks Up Endorsement of
Former Rival

  GREENVILLE, S.C. (Reuters) -
Republican presidential candidate John
  McCain, saying he senses
enthusiasm for his campaign growing, received
  the endorsement on Wednesday of a
former rival, conservative activist Gary

  With Texas Gov. George W. Bush
trying to strengthen his support among
  South Carolina Republicans, the
McCain campaign hoped Bauer's
  endorsement would help with
Christian conservatives, a leading political force
  in the state.

  McCain, the senator from Arizona
who is running an insurgent campaign, and
  Bush, the heavy favorite of the
Republican leadership, were running
  neck-and-neck in the closing days
before Saturday's crucial primary.

  A Reuters poll released on
Wednesday showed Bush with a 43 percent to 40
  percent lead over McCain a
statistical dead heat within the poll's margin of
  error of four percentage points.

  The poll of 607 likely voters
conducted on Monday and Tuesday by Zogby
  International showed 13 percent of
the voters were still undecided. The third
  Republican in the race, Alan
Keyes, got 4 percent.

  The primary has become a crucial
test in the battle for the Republican
  presidential nomination but the
race is volatile because independents and
  Democrats both targeted by
McCain -- are allowed to vote in the Republican
  contest on Saturday.

  Bauer called McCain, a former POW
during the Vietnam War, ''the best shot
  we have to end an era of Bill and
Hillary (Clinton) and (Vice President) Al
  Gore and so with great pride and
without any hesitation I am proud to be here
  to endorse John McCain.

  ``I know when John was in that POW
camp he wasn't sitting around thinking
  about the wealth of America or the
power of America,'' Bauer told a rally at
  Furman University. ``He was
thinking about that moral idea of America.''

  The three remaining candidates
held their final debate before the primary on
  Tuesday night with McCain and Bush
accusing each other of below-the-belt
  campaign tactics.

  Traveling on his ``Straight Talk
Express'' bus on Wednesday, McCain said he
  sensed the same kind of enthusiasm
building for him in South Carolina as in
  the surge which swept him to
victory in the New Hampshire primary two
  weeks ago.


[CTRL] Fwd: Students for Sale.htm

2000-02-17 Thread Kris Millegan

Title: Students for Sale


  September 27, 1999
  Students for Sale 
  See below for background 
  and related information.
   E-mail this story to a friend. 
  When Susan Crockett walked Amy, her 8-year-old daughter, to her school bus 
  stop last September, she was in for a surprise. The school bus that rolled up 
  was covered with advertisements for Burger King, Wendy's and other brand-name 
  products. A few weeks later, Amy, a third grader, and Crockett's three older 
  children arrived home toting free book covers and school planners covered with 
  ads for Kellogg's Pop-Tarts and Fox TV personalities. Then, in November, came 
  news that local school officials were pushing a year-old contract giving 
  Coca-Cola exclusive permission to sell its products in district schools. That 
  was the last straw for Crockett.
  "It really angers me that the school is actively promoting and pushing a 
  product that's not good for kids," says Crockett, whose oldest child was a 
  senior last year in the Colorado Springs, Colorado, school system. "What's 
  next: Will kids be required to wear Nikes before they are allowed to go to 
  These days, lots of parents are asking that question.
  Eager to attract a captive audience of young customers, almost every large 
  corporation sponsors some type of in-school marketing program. Many also 
  sponsor curriculum materials salted with brand names and corporate logos [see 
  "The Corporate Curriculum" in thi]. Throughout the nation, nearly 40 percent 
  of schools begin their day with current events and commercials transmitted by 
  Channel One, the in-school TV news program for teens. Started in 1989 by 
  controversial entrepreneur Chris Whittle, Channel One is probably the 
  best-known in-school marketing program, but more recent examples are even more 
  § An exercise book that purports to teach third graders math by having them 
  count Tootsie Rolls.
  § A classroom business course that teaches students the value of work by 
  showing them how McDonald's restaurants are run.
  § Multimillion-dollar contracts that have turned some schools into virtual 
  sales agents for Coke and Pepsi.
  Why the stampede into the classroom? "That's where the kids are," says Alex 
  Molnar, director of the Center for the Analysis of Commercialism in Education 
  at the University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee. "Companies like to say they are 
  promoting education and school-business partnerships, but what they're really 
  doing is going after the kids' market anywhere they can." Ira Mayer, publisher 
  of Youth Markets Alert, an industry newsletter, notes that companies 
  "want to get them started young--and hopefully keep them for life--that's what 
  brand loyalty is all about." In 1997, children 4 to 12 spent an estimated 
  $24.4 billion, according to American Demographics. Last year, kids 12 
  to 19 spent an estimated $141 billion, according to Teenage Research 
  Unlimited. Meanwhile, many cash-strapped public schools find it difficult to 
  resist corporate-sponsored advertising and handouts, especially when they come 
  with free computers or new football stadiums and scoreboards.
  Nowhere is the convergence of schoolhouse need and corporate greed more 
  apparent than in Colorado Springs. At Palmer High School, students walk 
  through hallways dotted with signs for national brands and local companies, 
  eat in a snack bar sporting brand-new vending machines, use computers with 
  ad-bearing mouse pads and play basketball in a gym decorated with banners of 
  corporate sponsors.
  "This was the first school district in the nation to offer advertising 
  opportunities, and the results have been great for our students," said Kenneth 
  Burnley, superintendent of Colorado Springs School District 11. Burnley 
  dreamed up the district's advertising and corporate-partnership programs in 
  1993, after years of coping with harsh budget cuts. When Burnley took over in 
  1989, the school district was $12 million in the red. Although Colorado 
  Springs, located about sixty miles south of Denver, is best known for its 
  beautiful weather and tourist attractions like Pike's Peak, it's also the 
  state's second-largest city, and its schools suffer from ills common to urban 
  school districts: overcrowded classes, lack of extracurricular programs and 
  crumbling school buildings. There's also the problem that until 1996, city 
  voters had not approved a tax increase for education in more than two decades. 
  (In a 1999 survey by Education Week, Colorado was ranked forty-ninth in 
  the nation in the adequacy of resources devoted to education.)
  "Our taxpayers have challenged us to be more creative and businesslike in 
  how we finance the schools, so we decided to take a page out of business's 
  book," says Burnley. "I realized we could sell for ca

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: TWA800: Suppressed Data Looks New in Paris

2000-02-17 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

In a message dated 02/16/2000 11:03:07 AM Eastern Standard Time,

<<[ See: http://Flight800.org/flotilla.htm ]

   These data, which cover a much wider geographical
 area than previously acknowledged, reveal that at
 about the time of the accident, nearly two dozen
 surface vessels and aircraft entered military warning
 area known as W-105, which was in close proximity to
 the site of the crash. Critics say such facts add fuel
 to the fire of those who believe that the Department
 of the Navy may have played a role in the crash.
 Although this information was available to federal
 investigators within hours of the disaster, inexplicably
 it was withheld from NTSB Exhibit 13A of the CD-ROM
 record of evidence provided at the December 1997
 public hearings on the disaster in Baltimore. It
 seemed incredible to the families, they report, that
 the NTSB would withhold the data and that no other
 news organization -- French or U.S. -- carried this
 major news break concerning the investigation. >>

But didn't Mr. Salinger tell them what happened.  Perhaps they should have
believed him.  Prudy

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: [The_Spike] Clinton Eyes Sequoia Protection

2000-02-17 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

In a message dated 02/16/2000 10:10:19 AM Eastern Standard Time,


 Clinton Eyes Sequoia Protection

 By H.JOSEF HEBERT Associated Press Writer

 WASHINGTON (AP) -- Seeking to protect forever California's remaining
 giant sequoia redwoods, President Clinton is considering setting aside
 as much as 400,000 acres of federal forests in central California as a
 protected monument.

 The president asked Agriculture Secretary Daniel Glickman on Tuesday to
 explore the idea of using the 1906 Antiquities Act to protect the giant
 trees and report back to him within 60 days.

 ``I want to ensure that these majestic cathedral groves ... are
 protected for future generations to study and enjoy,'' Clinton wrote the
 agriculture secretary, whose department controls much of the land on
 which the last of the giant redwoods stand.

 Environmentalists for years have campaigned to impose greater protection
 to the sequoia trees -- about 70 groves in all -- that are located in
 Kings Canyon, Sequoia and Yosemite national parks and nearby Sequoia
 National Forest and other government land in the Sierra Mountains of
 central California.

 While about a third of the groves are protected within the national park
 systems, the rest -- except for one privately owned grove -- are in the
 national forest or other government land and they could be endangered by
 future logging or other development. Environmentalists fear that while
 the trees themselves are forbidden to be cut, nearby logging could
 threaten their long-term existence.

 The president's action ``is a recognition that there is a major gap in
 the protection of this very, very important and majestic species. That
 gap needs to be filled,'' George Frampton, chairman of the president's
 Council on Environmental Quality, said in an interview.

 The sequoia redwoods -- not as tall as the California redwoods, but with
 massive trucks as much as 100 feet wide at the base -- are among the
 oldest living things on earth. Many of the remaining trees are several
 thousand years old. They once were scattered across much of the Northern
 Hemisphere, but now grow only on the western slopes of the Sierra Nevada
 Mountains in central California.

 Frampton said the intent would be to protect 330,000 to 440,000 acres of
 land as a national monument, or about a third of the Sequoia National
 Forest, to ensure permanent protection of the ecosystem that surrounds
 the giant trees. He said the monument designation would protect 70
 remaining groves, including 35 groves in the Sequoia National Forest, as
 well as 25 groves in the nearby national parks and the rest on other
 federal land.

 ``It's a fabulous thing,'' said Sierra Club executive director Carl
 Pope. ``These trees are very vulnerable to any kind of disruption. This
 is an incredible big gain for everybody.''

 ``Creation of (such a monument) would be a world class gift to the
 American people,'' said Nathaniel Lawrence, an attorney for the Natural
 Resources Defense Council. He called it ``a world class gift to the
 American people'' and said ``this swath of sequoia country should have
 been permanently protected long ago.''

 Clinton has used the Antiquities Act before to carve out land for
 special protection, each time meeting strong criticism from some western
 lawmakers and local officials.

 Last month, Clinton used the backdrop of the Grand Canyon to announce
 the designation of a million acres of cliffs, desert and scenic areas
 adjacent to the canyon as the Grand Canyon-Parashant National Monument.
 He also extended monument protection to 71,000 acres of American Indian
 ruins north of Phoenix and to hundreds small islands up and down the
 California coast. Interior Secretary Bruce Babbitt has a list of about a
 dozen more contenders for monument status.

 Three years ago, Clinton raised a firestorm when he used the 1906 law to
 establish the 1.9 million-acre Grand Staircase-Escalante Monument in
 southern Utah. Some Utah officials called it a federal ``land grab.''

 The 1906 law allows presidents, without congressional approval, to
 safeguard objects of historic and scientific interest. President
 Theodore Roosevelt used it to set aside the Grand Canyon in 1908 and
 President Carter invoked it to establish large sections of Alaska
 wilderness in the 1970s. Over the years, only Presidents Nixon, Reagan
 and Bush declined to use the law. >>


Clinton Eyes Sequoia Protection

By H.JOSEF HEBERT Associated Press Writer

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Seeking to protect forever California's remaining
giant sequoia redwoods, President Clinton is considering setting aside
as much as 400,000 acres of federal forests in central California as a
protected monument.

The president asked Agriculture Secretary Daniel Glickman on Tuesday to
explore the idea of using the 1906 Antiquities Act to protect the giant
trees and report back to him within 60 days.


[CTRL] Seeds offered growers a miracle, but may be just another liability

2000-02-17 Thread Ynr Chyldz Wyld

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

Seeds offered growers a miracle, but may be just another liability

GM food: special report

Julian Borger
Thursday February 17, 2000
The Guardian

When the time came to buy this year's seeds, Wade Louthan had to choose
between conventional and GM crops. It was not an easy decision, but he knew
whichever he picked, the result would be depressingly predictable - he would
not make any money.

As the ranks of ecologists and GM industry lobbyists prepare to do battle
once more this year, the US farmer is again caught in between, and finding
it increasingly hard to survive. He or she must either buy ordinary seed and
pay the added costs of herbicide and insecticide; or go the GM route, and
face the possibility that - come harvest time - no one will want to buy the

Mr Louthan decided that when the snow melts he will plant 330 acres of corn
and 220 acres of soybeans, entirely with conventional seeds. And the signs
are that many US farmers, especially corn-growers, have made the same

But the dilemma facing American farmers is a painful one, without easy
answers. With crop prices at an all-time low, the choice is usually between
two routes to penury.

"What is better? GM, or all the chemicals I have to spray on my land with
conventional crops?" Mr Louthan asked. It was not a rhetorical question. He
really did not know the answer. He stood in his yard, wiping engine oil from
his gloves, and weighed up the pros and cons.

Monsanto's Roundup Ready soybeans and corn do not require repeated spraying
of herbicides to control weeds. They can be sprayed just once when the crop
is above knee-high.

Similarly the company's BT corn is genetically engineered to secrete its own
insecticide to kill off the corn bore parasite endemic in the region. The
new seeds cost a few dollars more a bushel, but represent a huge saving in
chemicals and labour.

Mr Louthan's choice was in part, he said, an ecological decision. "You've
not just got to worry about what the corn will do to you. You've got to
worry about what it will do to everything else, when it crosses with this
and crosses with that."

But ultimately, Mr Louthan's choice came down to this: would he be able to
sell his crop? Even if he did, grain prices are at a record low, given the
current North American glut in production, exacerbated by increased yields
from GM crops.

Mr Louthan's dilemma is repeated around the country. In South Dakota, Dennis
Mitchell said that when spring came, he would sow half his fields with BT
corn, down from 85% last year.

"About half of my corn goes to feed [livestock] and if I have to sell the
rest for human consumption, then I thought ... if I'm not sure of what the
consumer wants, I better be on the safe side," Mr Mitchell said.

Meanwhile, in Nebraska, Gale Lush is growing far more BT corn than he
initially wanted to because he was unable to find any good conventional
alternatives on the local seed market, which is dominated by an oligopoly of
big agri-industrial companies.

The big distributors running the vast grain silos say they will buy his
modified corn after harvest, but Mr Lush is nervous. He is go ing to watch
farm prices very carefully. "If the news keeps getting worse, I'll have to
use some substandard [conventional] hybrid at the last minute," he said.

This apparent trend away from GM corn is not necessarily mirrored in soybean
production, nor is it evenly distributed around the country. Among the
arable farmers spread out on the hills between Virginia and West Virginia,
Mr Louthan is in something of a minority.

His neighbour, Richard Burns, is planting GM soybeans. He recognises that
conventional beans might eventually fetch a premium of up to 30 cents, but
he has a different take on "the bottom line".

He said: "Last year, the GMO (GM organism) beans we raised were the best
beans we ever raised. They were the cleanest beans - with no weeds. With
non-GMOs you have to spray the ground before you plant and, with most
farmers, the less chemicals they use, the better they feel about it."

Mr Burns and Mr Louthan are pursuing different strategies, but both agree
neither will emerge a winner, given the low crop prices. For many farmers,
the GM revolution appeared to offer salvation when it first dawned. Now it
offers, at best, a chance of survival. At worst, it is just another

© Copyright Guardian Media Group plc. 2000

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be w

Re: [CTRL] Diseased chicken parts served up

2000-02-17 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

In a message dated 02/16/2000 4:27:50 AM Eastern Standard Time,

 USDA spokeswoman Carol Blake confirmed that some diseased birds end up in
 patties and nuggets that are sent to schools across the nation as part of a
 federally subsidized lunch program.

 But Blake said the diseased birds do not warrant a recall of Gold Kist

 "They may not look as pretty," Blake said of chickens with sores and scabs.
 "But they do not pose a food-safety issue." >>

Ms. Blake should eat all the patties, etc. she likes.  Bon Appetit.  Prudy

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] UFOs, Astrophysicists and the MIR Space Station

2000-02-17 Thread Nicky Molloy

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

UFOs, Astrophysicists and the MIR Space Station
by Rubén Sobrino

Aside from being an experienced webmaster for his own site, "Expedientes
Secretos" and for Spain's highly popular "Mundo Misterioso", Rubén Sobrino
is a noted ufologist and a member of SEIP-La Coruña. This is his first
contribution to INEXPLICATA.

On January 16 of this year, almost all the newspapers in our country echoed
the same remarkable news item from Moscow, carried by the prestigious EFE
news agency.

The agency in question disclosed certain controversial statements made by
Russian astrophysicist Boris Rodionov to Moscow's Komsomolskaya Pravda, in
which he claimed to have proof of the existence of "a highly developed
extraterrestrial civilization on one of the satellites of the planet

The astrophysicist also claimed that the enigmatic "flying saucer"
phenomenon which has stimulated popular imagination worldwide could well be
"outriders for this civilization."

Wielding a vast amount of scientific data and photographs transmitted by
NASA's "Galileo" probe, Rodionov, a tenured professor of Microphysics and
Cosmophysics of the State Institute of Physical Engineering, stated that
Europa, smallest of Jupiter's four main satellites, "was inhabited by an
ancient and technologically advanced civilization." Through the use of a
high-powered computer and sophisticated photographic analysis technology,
the scientist managed to obtain a close-up with a record-breaking resolution
of nine kilometers from the satellite's surface, enabling him to make out
the contours of what he calls pipes, tunnels and spherical domes. The photo
clearly shows--according to Rodionov--that the lines formerly considered as
mere fissures by the scientific community actually cross over each other
like a knot of expressways.

According to Rodionov, the variety of "pipelines" and "tunnels", having a
diameter similar to the "Chunnel" that crosses the English Channel, is
surprising. "There are 100 kilometer segments, as well as other pipelines
having immense junctures or orifices between them."

Anyone may join the controversy, since the image in which Rodionov claims to
see the aforementioned pipelines and tunnels is available to anyone having
Internet access and a simple photo retouching program capable of analyzing
it. This photo, which is available from the NASA/JPL net server that
provides images for the "Galileo" mission, in fact portrays a number of
lines (fissures, in fact) which cross each other but never at different
elevations, as the scientist has claimed. Having a width of 20 to 40
kilometers and thousands of kilometers in length, it is believed that the
fissures are attributable to a period of global expansion on Europa, caused
by volcanic eruptions or geysers under its frosty surface, creating a series
of fractures on the ice crust.

This news item would not go beyond being an amusing anecdote, were it not
for the fact that it is the first time that a person related to the armed
forces or the Russian Space Agency made similar statements to the press.

On December 23, 1998, another news item pertaining to the UFO phenomenon
appeared in a number of papers. As with the preceding one, it also came from
Moscow, but in this event, the source was cosmonaut Alexandr Baladin.

Baladin stated that "flying saucers" have come into close proximity to the
MIR space station as well as the Baikonur Cosmodrome, further adding there
is sufficient evidence in existence to warrant a scientific study of the
phenomenon, and that it is time that world governments officially
acknowledge the UFO phenomenon's existence.

"General Vladimir Ivanov, former commander of Russia's Military Space
Forces, recalls that three objects flew at a considerable altitude over the
Baikonur Cosmodrome and were picked up on radar. There is no way they could
have been airplanes." insisted the cosmonaut.

Baladin also disclosed at Brazil's First International Ufology Forum that he
himself had been the protagonist of a disturbing experience (along with
fellow cosmonaut Musa Manarov) during his second space mission. While the
docking operations between his space capsule and MIR were underway, Baladin
became aware of a glowing object gyrating a short distance away.

Manarov managed to capture the strange phenomenon on videotape, which was
also shown during the UFO congress in question. Baladin claimed that the
recording, along with other evidence presented during the Congress, "must be
studied by an international scientific commission."

Baladin insisted that the Russian military has a great contribution to make
to UFO research, giving as an example the multiple-witness case at the
Kaputsin Yar missile base, whose personnel sighted a semi-circular object
flying at low altitude and lighting up all of the base's depots and
magazines with a powerful searchlight in 


2000-02-17 Thread Nicky Molloy

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

If you see that video Serpent and the Rainbow - it was great. You wouldn't
want to be near Haiti it is dangerous..
I think Americans have got some of that zombie dust if the film is right.



By Manuel Carballal

  The scene could have been derived from any suspense film. Manuel
Delgado instinctively held on tightly to his television camera as we
clutched our machetes. Our vehicle was being surrounded by a dozen
ebony-skinned Haitians. The blancs, as they derisively call Europeans, are
not welcome in Haiti and we had been warned that under no circumstances
should we venture into the shanty towns outside Port-au-Prince where, we
were told, "there exists a 90 per cent chance of being mugged." We ignored
this sage advice, of course.

  After endless minutes of waiting, our guide allowed us to emerge from
the car. Monsieur Balaguer, an important bokor -- a voodoo high priest --
would allow us to visit his hounfor or temple. The hounfor consisted in a
humble wooden shack whose center contained the peristyle, the indispensable
central column of every voodoo ritual, by means of which the gods or loas
descend to earth. A filthy light bulb and seven candles enabled us to see
the disquieting form of Monsieur Balaguer, a tall man with sparkling black
eyes, who covered his head with a Stetson.

  While our guide stated all the arguments at his disposal in order to
have Monsieur Balaguer allow us to film his "she-devil" and his "zombie", we
were startled by a sudden blackout. The dirty light bulb was extinguished,
plunging us into the shadows, illuminated only by the seven candles around
the peristyle. Balaguer greeted his "she-devil" -- supposedly located behind
a mysterious metal door -- by rapping on it a few times. From the other
side, "something" responded with brutal blows against the door, causing the
entire temple to shake. Suddenly we were told that the bokor had to consult
the loas: we looked on as Monsieur Balaguer fell int a sort of trance, being
"ridden" or possessed by Bravo, one of the loas who shares the lordship over
death and cemeteries with Baron Samedi and Baron La Croix. Subjecting us to
a sort of "trial," exchanging a curious combinations of handshakes to which
we instinctively responded to, Balaguer drank rum through an ear as he
smoked a cigarette through one nostril.

  The fact of the matter is that in Haiti, Western patterns of logic
become fragile in the face of the unpredictable, incomprehensible and
irrational voodoo cult -- vod£ in the native tongue -- which originates from
the Fon language of Dahomey, meaning "deity" or "spirit." This is the
precise nature of voodoo: a spirit that envelops Haiti, influencing each and
every cultural or social manifestation of this small country, the poorest of
the Americas.

 Voodoo Reaches the Presidency

   No single cultural manifestation is longer-lasting or more
influential than a country's religion. In Haiti's case, this influence
becomes particularly apparent. In late 1995, when President Bill Clinton
visited Haiti to supervise the "changing of the guard" -- American troops
being replaced by UN peacekeepers, more than four thousand Haitians
converged upon the square in front of the Presidential Palace in
Port-au-Prince to witness the event. President Jean-Bertrand Aristide,
restored to power thanks to the intervention of twenty thousand U.S. troops
in October 1994, would preside over the event.

  Bill Clinton had barely finished his conciliatory speech concerning
military intervention in Haiti when a white dove landed next to his
microphone. Immediately, thousands of Haitians roared their approval and
applauded in the light of such an unequivocal "sign of approval" from the
gods. The Voodoo loas had accepted Clinton. This "innocent coincidence" made
thousands of Haitians--and more importantly, secret societies like Bizango,
who had promised to protect the country against foreigners through
magic--put aside their anger against the new white invaders, respecting the
wishes of the gods. Voodoo is the main power in Haiti: no one would dare
contradict the wishes of the loas, or what is interpreted as their wishes.

  From the days of Macandal, the pioneer of independence in the 18th
century to the times of General Raoul C‚dras, no Haitian ruler has forgotten
to acknowledge the all-powerful influence of voodoo in Haiti. President
Aristide was no exception. In spite of having been a Catholic priest, after
an interview with several houngans (priests) and mambos (priestesses) on
July 19, 1995, Aristide officially announced the construction of a great
Voodoo temple within the capital. In this manner, the president equated the
Voodoo religion with other "accepted" religions, granting Voodoo
practitioners a "cathedral" sim

[CTRL] [NA] Contested Conventions?

2000-02-17 Thread lloyd

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-


>From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:
Conspiracy Shopping Cart: http://a-albionic.com/shopping.htmlFrom: Jim Condit Jr. 
Subject: [NA] Contested Conventions?
Date: Friday, February 11, 2000 4:24 AM


"Those who cast the votes decide nothing. Those who count the votes decide everything."
Communist Tyrant Josef Stalin

February 11, 2000 NA (Network America) e-wire

Contested Conventions?

There has not been a seriously contested or brokered convention in
either major Party since 1976. That’s when Ronald Reagan almost toppled
sitting  President Gerald Ford at the Republican Convention. Since then
the winner has been known well in advance of every one of the national
conventions in both the Democratic and Republican Parties.

I’ve been trying to figure out how the Ruling Elite is going to keep the
“excitement” going for their two tweedle-dumb and tweedle-dumber major
party candidates after their primary season basically ends around Super
Tuesday and March 7th, 2000.

I’m starting to fear one or even two contested major party conventions.
Remember, all primaries from this day forward are being counted by
secret software programs (see end of this message for a powerful expert
confirmation of this position) that will instruct the computers what to
do. Furthermore, those computer programs are produced by just a handful
of mega-companies -- which the Colliers, Phil O’Halloran of Relevance
magazine, and myself had all concluded independently  -- were probably
run by “former” CIA operatives under orders from those paying their
salary: the Ruling Elite behind the Federal Reserve Board.

It would be child’s play to make sure the computers were programmed to
insure one or two contested conventions. In this way, the Big Media
could keep up the charade of a real hotly contested battle in their
major parties — thus providing an excuse to minimize coverage of Pat
Buchanan and other third party candidates.

This would be a departure from the last few primary contests in which
insurgent candidates (whom the Ruling Elite feared or didn’t want for
one reason or another) were challenging one of their boys. HOWEVER, in
this cycle we have FOUR major party candidates equally acceptable to the
Establishment, as the Big Media has emphasized ad nausem for months.
Since we don’t have any existing alternative to seriously challenge the
Big Media in the contest for the American mind (that’s what this e-wire
is trying to be “the beginning” of – more on this another time), the
Ruling Elite may try and employ their old strategy of divert and diffuse
through creating and covering a “fight” in the major parties right up
till convention time in August, while ignoring and denigrating the
sincere third party candidates. If the Big Boys don’t use this strategy,
I can’t see how they’re going to keep the Third Parties from surging
between March and October.

We are concentrating on the way the Big Media is channeling the American
mind, but rest assured we will report any and all vote-counting
information on Iowa, NH, and future contests — as soon as we can
responsibly do so.

Let’s close today with a quote from page 6 of “Votescam: The Stealing of
America” by Jim & Ken Collier, which in turn was quoted by them from a
group calling itself “Election Watch.” It underlines why I fear an
engineered “contested” convention spectacle in one or both of the major
parties (be sure to read my comment at the end of this quote). From page
6 of “Votescam”:

“Dr. Howard Strauss, a Princeton computer sciences professor and a
member of a tiny nationwide group of worried citizens who call
themselves “Election Watch,” says:

“The presidential election of 1992, without too much difficulty and with
little chance of the felons getting caught, could be stolen by computers
for one candidate or another. The candidate who can win by computer has
worked far enough ahead to rig the election by getting his consultants
to write the software that runs thousands of vote-counting computers
from coast to coast. There are so many computers that use the same
software now that a presidential election can be tampered with – in
fact, may already be tampered with. Because of the trade secrecy, nobody
can be the wiser.” End of Quote.

Dr. Howard Strauss, like many in academia, can’t quite believe, or
doesn’t dare say, the real problem with the scenario he describes: it’s
NOT the individual candidates who “bribe” or “plant” computer
programmers with these companies. How dangerous that would be for the
candidate! It’s the Ruling Elite behind the Federal Reserve Bank, who
have the money to ERECT these mega-computer software companies in the
first place — that you have to worry about. It’s this crowd (follow the
money) which illicitly rules our country behind the camouflage of the
two maj

[CTRL] Livermore Engineer's Mysterious Death

2000-02-17 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

> Date: Wed, 16 Feb 2000 16:35:17 -0500
> From: "Carl S. Webber"
> X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.5 [en] (Win98; U)
> X-Accept-Language: en

> Subject: Livermore Engineer's Mysterious Death/Investigators
> in the brutal slaying of Lee Scott Hall -- who found a flaw
> in a billion-dollar project -- are exasperated by the lab's
> lack of cooperation Bcc:
> > >

> Livermore Engineer's Mysterious Death Investigators in the
> brutal slaying of Lee Scott Hall -- who found a flaw in a
> billion-dollar project -- are exasperated by the lab's lack
> of cooperation
> Mike Weiss, Chronicle Staff
> Writer   Tuesday, February 15, 2000
> Frustrated Livermore police detectives are accusing Lawrence
> Livermore Laboratory of stonewalling an investigation into
> the slaying of a reclusive designer who uncovered a serious
> flaw in the lab's troubled $1 billion weapons testing
> program.
> Lee Scott Hall, 54, was discovered beaten and repeatedly
> stabbed in the bedroom of his Livermore home October 20 by
> two co-workers. Hall was a lead designer on the $1.2 billion
> National Ignition Facility, which when completed will monitor
> the nation's nuclear stockpile without the need for
> underground testing.
> For a year, Hall had been trying to bring attention to a
> miscalculation in a multimillion-dollar installation of super
> laser beams that is part of the ignition facility. But only
> in the weeks leading up to his death had the laboratory
> acknowledged his findings and begun to deal with them.
> Officials are searching for a motive in the crime. ``Is it
> personally related?'' asks Livermore Det. Sgt. Scott
> Robertson. ``Family related? Job related? Or just some
> criminal? That's what we haven't been able to determine. But
> if you live by yourself, and you really have no family, and
> you don't associate with your neighbors, and the only
> associations you have are at work -- well, it's a real
> whodunit.''
> Robertson and his partner, Det. Charlie Garrison, have
> eliminated some possibilities yet run into many dead ends in
> the life of the design engineer, who made no toll calls in
> all of 1999 and sent no personal e-mails, officials say. They
> have recently focused on his work but are frustrated at what
> they say is a lack of cooperation by the lab.
> ``We are not getting the whole picture from the lab,'' said
> Garrison.
> Lab and Department of Energy officials deny that they are
> stonewalling the investigation.
> ``The Livermore police have given us no formal connection
> between Mr. Hall's death and the lab -- they just haven't
> done that,'' said lab spokeswoman Susan Houghton. ``We have
> cooperated with them at every level, and we will continue to
> cooperate.
> ``Mr. Hall was very well-liked, and his death was a terrible
> loss to the project. We want to see it resolved. But a direct
> connection to his work at NIF? The connection is just not
> there.''
> Some parts of the ignition facility are, of course, top
> secret, and a couple of detectives snooping around the lab
> taking fingerprints and administering FBI lie detector tests
> is hardly calming to a nuclear weapons program already
> reeling from espionage allegations at Los Alamos and an
> investigation into concealment of cost overruns and delays at
> Livermore.
> Vern Davis, a friend and colleague who found Hall's body,
> says the reluctance of the lab to fully cooperate is right in
> character.
> ``That's typical because the lab is a very quiet, secretive
> place,'' says Davis, who works in procurement at the lab.
> ``Most of the folks who work in Lee's area are introverted
> because of the nature of the work they do. They're immersed
> in their design activities. These engineers and scientists
> are dedicated -- that's why they work seven days a week.''
> If the lab is not cooperating, Davis said, ``it's because
> they don't have to. What's happening is the (police)
> investigation is trying to get into the problems that NIF may
> have had. That's the thing the lab doesn't want misconstrued.
> Like saying that Lee found the problem.''
> The error was first discovered in the fall of 1998.
> ``We're building the (laser) beam paths that go into the
> target chambers,'' said Richard Foley, the project engineer
> and Hall's boss.
> Hall found a 5-degree error in the rotation of one of the 192
> beams in the enormously complex research and development
> project.
> ``The optics people said it wouldn't have an effect,'' said
> Foley.
> ``They sort of ignored Hall,'' said Det. Garrison. Others
> familiar with the investigation go even further -- they say
> Hall was actually being blamed for the error he was
> instrumental in uncovering, putting him under enormous
> stress.
> ``They said, `We've got a handle on it,' '' Garrison said.
> ``And then they realized they didn't. They finally came to
> realize it weeks before he was killed.