Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Montauk victim interview

2000-05-13 Thread Samantha L.

In a message dated 5/13/00 10:31:37 AM Central Daylight Time,

 From what I understand the Department of the Navy made an agreement
  with the alien Greys to exchange technologies for human women and
  children to conduct horrific breeding experiments. This is what is going
  on right now in an underground base not far from Miami, Florida.

  Is it even possible to have an underground base anywhere near Miami?
You're so close to the water table there.


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[CTRL] Fwd: FC: Saudi censors say they're winning the war against porn online

2000-05-13 Thread Kris Millegan

See also Reuters story on Saudi Net-censorship:,1294,35952,00.html

And, just for amusement value:
April 25 ^× At least 40 people were killed in
violence that broke out along the Saudi-Yemen
border after Saudi police arrested a man
authorities there have denounced as a sorcerer. [...]
In Saudi Arabia, convicted sorcerers are beheaded.

   May 10
   By Frank Gardner in Riyadh

   The authorities in Saudi Arabia say they are
   winning the war against pornography on the

   The director of the government organisation
   that monitors all Saudi internet traffic, Dr
   Fahad al-Hoymany, says he believes his unit is
   succeeding in blocking all the major
   pornographic sites.

   But he admits that it is hard to keep up when
   new sites are appearing almost every hour.

   The country's 30 ISPs, or Internet Service
   Providers, are all linked into a central node in
   the capital.

   For the estimated 130,000 users, access to
   the Saudi internet is controlled by this node.

   No censorship experts

   It is housed in a secure ground-floor room in
   the King Abdulaziz City of Science and
   Technology (KACST).

   There are no teams of censorship experts, just

   Some of them are from Finland, who operate
   filter programmes bought in from abroad.

   Dr Hoymany says the conservative and
   religious culture of the Saudi people means
   they want to be sure that if they log onto the
   net they will not be offended.

   As well as porn, the Saudi authorities block
   access to any sites they believe could stir up
   religious hatred.

   Websites giving advice on how to make your
   own bomb are also off-limits.


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[CTRL] Chemtrail Alert

2000-05-13 Thread Michael Corbin

Tonight on the ParaNet Continuum Radio Program Live on the Internet.

We will be interviewing Clifford Carnicom who is researching the Chemtrail
theory.  Be sure and join us live at 8:00 P.M., Mountain Time at the link
provided below:

See you there.

Michael Corbin
ParaNet Information Services, Inc.

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[CTRL] FLIR expert had 'heart attack'; Attorneys, researcher claim 'too many coincidences'

2000-05-13 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER


SATURDAY, MAY 13, 2000

My theory is they figured a way to get rid of him.
   -- Houston attorney James Brannon, who is pursuing a
civil suit for the Branch Davidians

That's a lot of coincidences in a very short period of time,
involving four men who basically were all involved in one narrow
issue in one very sensitive lawsuit.
-- Michael McNulty, producer of 'Waco: The Rules of
Engagement' and 'Waco: The New Revelation'

Attorney David T. Hardy
Ian Goddard Post
Washington Post: Waco Siege Investigator Found Dead In His Home


FLIR expert had 'heart attack'

Attorneys, researcher claim 'too many coincidences'

By Sarah Foster
© 2000

The Baltimore, Md., Medical Examiner's Office has concluded that
foul play was not a factor in the death of key Waco expert,
Carlos Ghigliotti, 42, whose badly decomposed body was found
April 28 in his laboratory-office, located on the third floor of
an office building in Laurel, Md.

In a brief statement released Thursday, the Laurel Police
Department said that according to the autopsy report, the
unattended death was of natural causes: specifically, a heart
attack brought on by arteriosclerosis, or hardening of the
arteries. The press release also stated that the department's
investigative services division had terminated further
investigation in the matter.

The decision was not unexpected.

"I'm not going to quarrel with the ME's [medical examiner's]
report," attorney Michael Caddell, of Houston, Texas, told
WorldNetDaily. Caddell is one of several attorneys pursuing civil
wrongful death lawsuits on behalf of the survivors of the Waco
tragedy and their families. He had planned to bring Ghigliotti
into the case as an expert witness.

"The death of Carlos is a tremendous loss for our case," Caddell
said. "There's no one who had done as much work of the same
quality in this area as Carlos."

Ghigliotti, a highly respected expert in the field of thermal
imaging, had just finished work for the House Government Reform
Committee analyzing surveillance film footage taken by
Forward-Looking Infrared, or FLIR, during the siege and final
inferno of Mt. Carmel, the Branch Davidians' complex near Waco,

The FLIR footage, which was filmed by FBI aircraft above the
site, is a major element to the plaintiff's case. Unlike ordinary
film which records light, with images registering in shades of
black and white, FLIR film registers heat, so flashes seen on it
are not flashes of light, but -- experts agree -- can show gun
shots, including rounds fired by automatic weapons.

For seven years a debate has raged over claims that on April 19,
1993, government agents fired automatic weapons upon Davidians
trying to escape as flames engulfed their home. To date, neither
the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, the FBI, nor any
other government agency has admitted to having fired a shot in
the final assault that destroyed the Davidians' home and resulted
in the deaths of 82 people, 17 of them children.

When news of Ghigliotti's death was made public, suspicions as to
its cause were raised by those involved in ongoing investigations
and litigation. The official findings by the Baltimore Medical
Examiner's Office have not assuaged these concerns -- not when
three other experts in the same field of work as Ghigliotti and
who share his conviction that the flashes on the FLIR tapes show
gunshots have recently had close calls with death.

There is Edward Allard, who appears in the documentary, "Waco:
The Rules of Engagement," produced by Michael McNulty. On March
15 he suffered a stroke, from which he has still not fully

Then there is FLIR expert Fred Zegel, a long-time associate of
Allard at the Pentagon, who at first disputed his colleague's
contention that the flashes were gunfire. But, as he studied the
footage, he changed his mind and has agreed to be a witness for
the plaintiffs. In April, he reportedly went to a public auction
where he collapsed and was rushed to a hospital where he was
diagnosed as having blood poisoning. He was in a serious
condition for 10 days.

Lastly, there's Maurice "Mac" Cox, who according to his website
on Waco, is a "recently retired mathematician/imagery analyst
with 33 years experience in the technical intelligence field."
Cox served as a consultant for McNulty's documentary. McNulty
told WorldNetDaily Cox had recently had a serious renal [kidney]
infection. However, he noted, Cox has had a "renal condition" for
a number of years.

McNulty has a lot of doubts about how Ghigliotti died.

In his words, "I'm thinking about his death and 

[CTRL] Skeptic News - Saturday #1

2000-05-13 Thread Ric Carter

SkeptiNews 000513a - - - - - - - - - - - All The News That's Fit To Question

* Last batch of bulletins:
* Passages starting with ':' are editorial comments to provoke discussion.
* PLEASE do NOT include the ENTIRE bulletin when you reply; cut/paste, eh?
* Site of latest notices, praises, discoveries:
* No UFOlogists were overstressed during production of this bulletin. But
  several were interviewed under less-than-sanitary conditions. Groady...
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

@ Panty Cat:
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# News service surveys UFOlogists. A news service specializing in Ufology
  and extraterrestrial reports has surveyed experts in the field for their
  assessment of the status and progress of research into life beyond Earth.
  But they missed me:

# The stressful life of a ufologist. With the pace of life at the speed of
  thought, it's no secret that today's civilizations face stress in their
  lives unknown in simpler times. And so it is with ufologists. Managing the
  unique stress that might plague a typical ufologist -- beyond the stress
  of job, family, health, illness, death, divorce, finances everyone faces
  at one time or another.

: Are you a UFOlogist? Are you stressed? Is it a filthy job but somebody's
got to do it? Have you been surveyed/abducted/divorced/imprinted/devoured?
Are you ignored? D'ya just hate ignorance? Do Reptilioids tease you? When?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Lethal guinea pig kills virtual people - victims of a virtual virus. (BBC)
  Virtual personhood is proving to be a bit too real for some computer game
  enthusiasts. Artificial people created by players of The Sims are falling
  victim to a virtual virus introduced into the game via computerised guinea

@ Links - The Sims home page:
@ Simeden - a Sim fan site:

@ Nonconsensual Brainwave  Personality Studies by the US Government.
  Recognize the "plutonium vitamin pill" of mind control technology before
  the US govt admits to its use.
# Battlefield Of Dreams:

: Have you experimented upon any real/virtual people/aliens/robots lately?
Would you rather deal with real/virtual/divine viruses? Do Reptilioids/Rep-
ublicans/revisionists experiment on you? D'ya take plutonium vitamin pills?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Talmudic, Biblical scholars find common ET ground. When a New York Hebrew
  scholar meets an Italian Catholic theologian, one might expect a debate
  and discussion over the theological differences in their faiths. But when
  Zecharia Sitchin sat down with the Vatican's Msgr. Corrado Balducci, the
  discussion took a decidedly more universal direction: The commonalities
  in Judaism and Christianity in the possibility of intelligent life beyond
  Earth. Holy Moly, Batman:

# Methodists say LDS is outside Xian tradition - Rebaptism a must for ex-
  Mormon converts:,1249,165011909,00.html
# Slamming Gays:,1249,165011911,00.html

: Was your belief system founded/massaged/distorted by ETs? Do they distort
all other belief systems? Have you read my rules for founding your own new
religion? Do they work for you?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

  from under a mediaeval Georgian town and dating back 1.7 million years
  may represent the first pre-humans who migrated out of Africa and into

# Also - Near complete ape-man skull found - Alley Oop, come home:
# Ancient 'tool factory' uncovered - activists decry unsafe conditions:
# A taste for meat - McFood exploits ancient genetic programming:

: Did your ancestors come from Europe/Europa/Africa/Altair/Heaven/Hell? Did
they make a better living in their new home? Have you migrated lately? Does
your conspiracy promote migration for geopolitical/economic/artistic ends??
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Prayers stir fuss in D.C. On 18 Sept 1793, Pres. George Washington donned
  his Masonic apron  helped lay the US Capitol's cornerstone. Evangelicals
  would rather 

Re: [CTRL] Get out your Geiger counters

2000-05-13 Thread Joe Gillaspie


Nicky Molloy wrote:

 -Original Message-
 From: NewsHawk Inc. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Saturday, 13 May 2000 17:38
 Subject: Get out your Geiger counters

 Get out your Geiger counters

 And so it goes... The Los Alamos fallout, that is.

 Lawrence Livermore Nat'l Lab in northern California has announced they
 are monitoring the smoke plumes from the Los Alamos fire.

 What's noteworthy is that California--of course--is WEST of Los Alamos:
 one would think prevailing winds would be carrying the smoke mainly to
 the EAST, but apparently not exclusively so.

 Obviously, we're all getting nuked at this point.

 Residents of North America: got those Geiger counters handy?

 NewsHawk® Inc.

 + + + + + + + +

 -Original Message-
 From: Denise Nelson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Thursday, May 11, 2000 8:06 PM
 Subject: [downwinders] Radioactive cloud tracked by Lawrence Livermore Lab

 It was just announced that Lawrence Livermore is tracking and
 calculating all possible travel patterns of the smoke plume from Los
 Alamos. Due to this, one can safely presume the cloud falls under their
 jurisdiction which means it is radioactive.

 They (DOE) do not normally track fire/smoke plumes, nor does the DOE get
 usually involved in tracking and projecting smoke trajectories from
 forest fires. The formal announcement from Los Alamos is that the
 Radioactive substances INSIDE the lab are safe, but they said nothing
 about the off site hot spots, nor radioactive substances stored outside
 of the actual Laboratory buildings. The cloud is visible from outer
 space and is traveling east rapidly. Troy, NY was hit hard with Fallout
 from Nevada many years ago. Presently Vermont is having massive rains
 and that will need to be watched

 Keep your Geiger counters handy...

 -end forwarded post--

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Re: [CTRL] J. Edgar Hoover Shocker?

2000-05-13 Thread Ynr Chyldz Wyld

 Subject: J. Edgar Hoover Shocker?


Not so much a shocker for those of us old enough to remember such rumors
making the rounds back in the 1960s...

That Hoover liked to wear women's clothes was more of a shocker (and not
all that much) than his supposedly having some African DNA in his genes...

  McGhee also says Hoover made sure he never got a woman pregnant
 because it might have revealed his black ancestry. It also may be where
 rumors about Hoover being a homosexual got started.

A little more than rumor there...


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Re: [CTRL] The Trashing of Donato by the Left

2000-05-13 Thread William Shannon

It isn't "trashing" it's exploring this fellow's background and finding many
skeletons in his closet...Why isn't the "right" equally interested in this
fraud's story?


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[CTRL] Poor little Elian

2000-05-13 Thread nessie

He's going to be sent back to a country in which, if his nearest relatives
don't do exactly what the government there tells them to do with him,
armed men will kick in the door and carry him off.

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[CTRL] Health Emergency Declared in Southern Russian Region

2000-05-13 Thread Carl Amedio

Health Emergency Declared in Southern Russian Region
The Associated Press

MOSCOW (AP) - Officials declared a health emergency Saturday in a southern
Russian region as the number of people reported to have come down with
hemorrhagic fever rose to 14.
Stavropol region governor Alexander Chernogorovy made the announcement after
a meeting with Deputy Minister of Health Gennady Onishchenko, the ITAR-Tass
news agency said. Chernogovory said local authorities needed federal money to
help fight ticks, which carry the disease.

Two people have died in Stavropol, located about 750 miles south of Moscow,
in the outbreak.

ITAR-Tass said that three people died of the fever last year in Stavropol,
and that before that, there hadn't been a case of hemorrhagic fever reported
in the area for 27 years.

The fever causes high temperatures, joint pains, chills and sometimes
bleeding. In extreme cases it can be fatal.

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[CTRL] We will engage terrestrial targets someday - ships, airplanes, land targets - from space.

2000-05-13 Thread lloyd


From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:
Conspiracy Shopping Cart:

From: Lloyd Miller [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: "We will engage terrestrial targets someday - ships, airplanes, land targets 
- from space."
Date: Sunday, April 30, 2000 7:07 PM

Astro-Imperialism: War in Space
by Karl Grossman

We have only a narrow window to prevent an arms race in space. The US military is 
seeking to base weapons in orbit to "control space" [Winter-Spring '99 EIJ]. Vision 
for 2020, a 1998 government report, explains that the role of the United States Space 
Command (USSC) will be to dominate "the space dimension of military operations to 
protect US interests and investment. Integrating Space Forces into warfighting 
capabilities across the full spectrum of conflict."

The USSC not only plans to fight wars in space: It is also planning to wage war from 
space. In an Aviation Week and Space Technology article on the "Future Combat Missions 
in Space," General Joseph Ashy, Commander-in-Chief of the US Space Command vowed: "We 
will engage terrestrial targets someday - ships, airplanes, land targets - from 
space." A 1998 USAF report envisions bombers in space orbit capable of dropping "a 
precision munition, anywhere on Earth, in less than an hour from the 'go' order."

"It's politically sensitive, but it's going to happen," says the general. "Some people 
don't want to hear this, and it sure isn't in vogue, but - absolutely - we're going to 
fight in space That's why the US has development programs in directed energy and 
hit-to-kill mechanisms."

Asst. Secretary of the Air Force for Space Keith Hall (who also is director of the 
secretive National Reconnaissance Office, whose $6.8 billion budget is nearly triple 
the CIA's) has declared: "With regard to space dominance, we have it, we like it, and 
we're going to keep it."

The Military-Industrial Complex in Orbit

The USSC's 1998 Long Range Plan notes that "The development and production process, by 
design, involved hundreds of people including about 75 corporations." Phillips 
Laboratory, a major Air Force contractor, proudly describes its mission as "helping 
control space for the United States." But who exactly gave the US authority to control 

In February 1999, Clinton sent Congress a military budget that asked for $6.6 billion 
to develop a National Missile Defense (NMD) shield by 2005. The previous year, the 
Pentagon signed a contract for construction of a Space-Based Laser Readiness 
Demonstrator. The major contractors were TRW, Boeing, the US Air Force and the 
Ballistic Missile Defense Organization (the new name for President Clinton's reborn 
version of President Reagan's discredited Star Wars).

The US Space Foundation (a coalition of weapons and aerospace giants) praised the 
contracts for Star Wars II in an ad that proclaimed "the interdependence of Civil and 
Commercial and Military space efforts. It is clear that 'space is open for business'."

"The US government, particularly the new unified Space Command, has become more and 
more brazen in saying that it wants to achieve total dominance of the space around the 
planet, both in terms of weaponization and in control of all resources," says Loring 
Wirbel, a critic of the US push to weaponize space. Unfortunately, Wirbel added, "The 
more we try to achieve dominance through wielding power and having our own way all the 
time, the more we lose the essence of our democracy that makes us an exceptional 
nation. The more we move towards this dominance regime, the more I have to say I'm 
embarrassed to be an American."

Shooting Down the Treaties

Military Space Forces: The Next 50 Years, a book by defense specialist John M. 
Collins, reports how small nuclear reactors could be used to power "space-based 
lasers, neutral particle beams, mass drivers and railguns. Nuclear reactors could 
support major bases on the moon."

Military Space Forces, a report commissioned by the US Congress, speaks of the 
"strategic superiority [of] ... unilateral control of space, which overarches Planet 
Earth, all occupants and its entire contents ... Possessors of that vantage position 
could overpower every opponent."

The Outer Space Treaty of 1967 is the basic framework on international space law. This 
landmark treaty - signed by 91 nations including the US, the UK, and the former Soviet 
Union - decrees that space shall be used "for peaceful purposes…. The exploration and 
use of outer space, including the moon and other celestial bodies, shall be carried 
out for the benefit and in the interest of all countries." The treaty states that no 
nation shall "place in orbit around the Earth any objects carrying nuclear weapons or 
any other kinds of weapons of mass destruction."

The US already is in violation of the Outer Space 

[CTRL] Clarification sought on Tripp case ruling

2000-05-13 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

Clarification sought on Tripp case ruling

Prosecutors move to give Lewinsky more latitude for testimony about tape

By Del Quentin Wilber
Sun Staff

State prosecutors filed a motion yesterday asking a Howard County
Circuit Court judge to clarify a ruling that severely limits
evidence in their wiretapping case against Linda R.  Tripp.

The prosecutors declined to comment on the motion filed yesterday
afternoon, and Tripp's lawyers said they would file a response

The prosecution states in its motion that it is essential that
former White House intern Monica Lewinsky be allowed to testify
that Tripp secretly recorded a conversation from her Columbia

They need her to testify that the tape contains her voice and
Tripp's. They also are asking the judge to allow Lewinsky to
identify a partial transcript of the conversation, which appeared
in Newsweek magazine.

Last week, Judge Diane O.  Leasure ruled that Lewinsky can
testify only about whether she consented to Tripp's

Leasure ruled that Lewinsky's testimony was tainted by Tripp's
immunized testimony to federal authorities.  She also questioned
Lewinsky's credibility, saying she had lied under oath and might
have "shaped" her testimony in a December hearing in Ellicott

Tripp was indicted by a Howard County grand jury in July on two
counts of violating Maryland's wire-tapping statute for recording
a Dec.  22, 1997, conversation with Lewinsky and then having her
attorney disclose its contents to Newsweek.

The disclosure of that recording and others made by Tripp
revealed a sexual relationship between Lewinsky and President

Tripp eventually was granted immunity by a federal judge in
exchange for her testimony.  That order forced state prosecutors
to gather evidence independent from what Tripp told federal

Though State Prosecutor Stephen Montanarelli said last week the
order means Lewinsky cannot identify her voice on the tape, his
motion says the order "implicitly allows testimony identifying
and authenticating the conversation."

To win a conviction, prosecutors must prove that Lewinsky's voice
is on the tape or her words are in the Newsweek transcript.
Without her testimony, they might have to drop the prosecution.

They cannot force Tripp to testify.

Before Leasure's ruling, prosecutors were relying on Lewinsky to
do more than just identify her voice.  They were using her
testimony to date the tape-recording.  Under the Maryland
wire-tapping law, prosecutors must prove that Tripp knew it was
illegal to tape in Maryland.  The earliest date they can prove is
in late November 1997.

If Leasure rules that Lewinsky can identify her voice on the
tape, state prosecutors would have the chance to build a
circumstantial case against Tripp.  But they will have other
hurdles and motions to overcome -- any of which could sink their

For example, defense lawyers could argue that Tripp turned the
tape over to the Office of the Independent Counsel under a
promise of immunity. That would raise the issue of whether Tripp
voluntarily turned over that evidence, and Leasure could toss out
the tape.

They could also run into trouble with officials at the
Independent Counsel's Office.  Those officials would have to turn
over evidence showing the chain of custody of the tapes to prove
that state prosecutors have the right one.

Without that documentation, state prosecutors would not be able
to prove they had the tape from Dec.  22, 1997.

If federal authorities do not turn over that information, state
prosecutors would have to rely on the Newsweek transcript.

That might be a problem because judges generally do not allow
jurors to consider articles.

Originally published on May 13 2000 in Sun Spot.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

[CTRL] Missing it

2000-05-13 Thread Alamaine

Missing it -
Did LM sink the ship at their libel trial?
by Jared Israel (5-13-00)

Reprinted from

"The truth is like a ship; it demands integrity of cohesion. Lose a board and
sink the ship." Anonymous, 20th century, US.

As you probably know, six weeks ago ITN, the British news station, won its
libel suit against LM, the magazine. LM was ordered to pay ITN and reporters
Penny Marshall and Ian Williams 450,000 pounds (about a million dollars, US).
This spelled bankruptcy for LM.

But it wasn't only LM that took a beating. Because of a crucial mistake by the
LM people as well as their lawyer, Gavin Millar, and their chief witness,
Thomas Deichmann, the truth about the Serbian people took quite a beating as

Punished for exposing a lie

LM's sin was that it printed an article by Thomas Deichmann called "The Picture
that Fooled the World." In it Deichmann argued that photos of a supposed
Bosnian death camp were a hoax. The pictures were based on film shot by an ITN
crew led by an ambitious young reporter, Penny Marshall. Deichmann pointed out
that a barbed wire fence, which in the ITN photos seems to surround a group of
refugees, actually was around the ITN people doing the filming.
The photos produced an anti-Serb hysteria, worldwide. Presidential candidate
Clinton called for bombing the Bosnian Serbs.

Emperors clothes has produced a film called JUDGMENT. This film proves
Deichmann was right.

But if Deichmann was right, how did LM lose the libel case?

The fault lies in the stars

Recently Emperors-clothes translated an article by Thomas Deichmann about the
trial. The article is posted below. In it, Deichmann takes a fatalistic view:

"The verdict did not come as a surprise to the LM team. Publisher Mick Hume
commented: 'We had to prove the unprovable.'"

According to Deichmann, the key moment in the trial was at the end, when Judge
Morland gave his summation, quoted here with comments by Deichmann:
'"The decision is yours. But isn't it clear, after examining the unedited
pictures and the bundle of photographs from Mr. Deichmann, that before the
Civil War the area surrounding the garage…and the electrical transformer was
fenced in? This fence was made up of tall metal posts on the top of which was
fastened barbed wire and below ordinary wire mesh. It had a gate to the east
bound street. Ian Williams, Penny Marshall, and her camera crew openly
contradict themselves if they say they did not realize they were surrounded by
the old barbed wire fence' Judge Morland then said: 'But does this
matter at all to the case ?' He reminded the members of the jury what this
Libel case was about. The central question which the jury had to decide on was:
In the eyes of the court did LM lie when it said that the ITN reporters
deliberately published a misleading photo ?" (Judge Morland's remarks have been
translated back to English from Deichmann's German text and may be slightly
inaccurate due to the triple translation.)

Deichmann argues that this summation forced LM to prove ITN intended to lie.
How, Deichmann argues, can anyone prove intent? That, says Deichmann, is why LM

Up until now all of LM's supporters, including me, have agreed. We have blamed
British libel laws and an unfair Judge. This explanation has been a comfort
because it finds the fault in external forces. It portrays Deichmann and the LM
people as abused heroes.

The only problem with the explanation is it is wrong.

Flaws in the ointment

Yes, the British libel laws are bizarre. And yes, as I said in Tears of the
Mighty, the LM verdict was "a grim miscarriage of justice."

But this was a jury trial.

So first of all, the Judge's remarks came at the end of a jury trial.

Wasn't everything pretty much over by then? Mustn't the Jury members have
already formed their opinions?

Second of all, the Judge's remarks were not simply pro-ITN. He said:
"Ian Williams, Penny Marshall, and her camera crew openly contradict themselves
if they say they did not realize they were surrounded by the old barbed wire

Wasn't this tantamount to accusing the ITN people of lying? If at the end of
the trial the jury members had no strong feelings, couldn't the Judge's
summation have prejudiced them against ITN? And if ITN had lost the case,
mightn't its defenders have argued that the Judge's summation caused their

Juries are won over by arguments. Or more precisely, they are won over by what
they perceive to be the most convincing story.

Was there something wrong with the way LM presented its arguments?
The trial was emotionally charged because of the issues. The British government
had been at war with the Serbs, an old ally, for more than a year, counting the
occupation of Kosovo which is in fact a continuation of bombing by different
means. The mass media has been slandering the Serbs for ten years. The trial
involved strong issues: death camps, atrocities, media lies.

You can't win if you don't fight

I think 

[CTRL] Hot Documents Found In Maryland

2000-05-13 Thread William Shannon

Radioactive Documents Found in Md.
The Associated Press
Friday, May 12, 2000; 6:35 a.m. EDT

COLLEGE PARK, Md. –– Researchers who are reclassifying millions of records
at the National Archives facility here have discovered that some of the
documents are radioactive.

Officials say the contamination is limited to a few boxes.

The contaminated documents were found in January when a researcher who was
reviewing 50-year-old notes about radiation noticed gray dust and an envelope
containing what appeared to be metal fragments.

Tests by the Archive's conservation laboratory identified the substance as

The facility's 50 employees were doused in a special wash and checked for
radioactivity. They now keep a device on hand that can detect radiation.

The radioactive records were among 1.2 billion pieces of paper from
laboratories nationwide that are being reviewed as part of President
Clinton's 1995 order to declassify documents older than 25 years. The
contaminated boxes could have come from any one of several laboratories.

The Energy Department plans to conduct a sweep of the College Park archives
by the end of the year. Meanwhile, researchers have been told to look out for
anything suspicious.

"We've notified all our reviewers to be careful," said Roger K. Heusser,
director of the declassification project for the Department of Energy. "Most
of these records are letters and reports in file folders. If you do see a
packet of powder, it's pretty evident there is something unusual in there."

© Copyright 2000 The Associated Press

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[CTRL] Gay Sweep:

2000-05-13 Thread J Taylor

Gay Sweep: In its March 28 issue the nation's most prominent homosexual 
magazine, the Advocate, boasted that homosexuals control Hollywood 
and the engines of the entire American entertainment industry; film and 
television, music and theater. The impression left by the Advocate is that 
America's new homosexual power elite has harnessed the communications media to 
ridicule, belittle, intimidate, and demonize middle-class American marriage and 
family life. In article after article, homosexual actors and actresses, writers 
and producers, directors and gay pundits celebrate their ability to use the 
entertainment industry to homosexualize the culture and shape the minds of 
million of American youth. Homosexual philosopher Gabriel Rotello writes that 
films will be used to remove the stigma attached to hard-core homosexual, 
lesbian, and trans-gendered pornography. He writes: For gay men, porn is 
perhaps the gayest form of entertainment we have, and that Hollywood 
should make pornography as acceptable as they have homosexuality. The same issue 
of Advocate gloats over homosexual triumphs in the field of religion, politics 
and public education. (Christian News, 4/10/2000)

[CTRL] [FP] RE: Police State - Supreme Court Ruling NY Random Checkpoints

2000-05-13 Thread lloyd


From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:
Conspiracy Shopping Cart:

From: ScanThisNews [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Subject: [FP] RE: Police State - Supreme Court Ruling NY "Random" Checkpoints
Date: Sunday, April 23, 2000 6:50 PM



Court Finds Vehicle Checkpoint Is Valid, Based on Adherence to Proper

DEFENDANT, CHARGED with aggravated unlicensed operation of a motor vehicle,
moved to suppress his statement, alleging that the police did not have
probable cause to stop his vehicle. Defendant contended that the seizure of
his person at a checkpoint, merely to check his driver's license and car
registration, was a constitutionally impermissible exercise of police power.
The court denied the motion, finding that the stop was pursuant to a valid
vehicle checkpoint and was not "excessively intrusive." The court noted that
the checkpoint procedures were formulated by a supervisor, discretion did
not lie with the individual officer, the police stopped every third car that
passed a fixed location, each vehicle was detained for about five minutes,
the police vehicles were completely visible and the area selected was an
accident-prone location.

People v. Reggie Neil, New York, Criminal Court, Part AP-5, Judge Edmead.

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Re: [CTRL] J. Edgar Hoover Shocker? / Rosenbergs

2000-05-13 Thread Nurev Ind Research

Shannon 'bLiTz' Magnani wrote:

 On 05/12/2000 8.28 PM Damian B. Cooper prophesized the following:

  Yeah.  Un-huh.
  Sounds like yet another left-wing wacko attempt to smear Hoover and
  rehabilitate Julius and Ethel Rosenberg.
  Give it up.   The Rosenbergs WERE Commie spies and got what they deserved.

Evidence out of the old Soviet archives does indeed indicate that the Rosenbergs
were spies. But they didn't get what they deserved. The government knew that the
information they passed on to the Russians was not important vis a vis the
of nuclear bombs. The US government exaggerated the charges and put them to
in order to intimidate all the Jewish scientists working in America's nuclear


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[CTRL] NS raids and complaints on rise (Fwd)

2000-05-13 Thread K

It is well known that a culture of oppression can be created among
members of any policing organization by allowing excesses to go
unpunished. This is what may be happening to INS.


   Published Saturday, May 13, 2000, in the Miami Herald

 INS raids and complaints on rise, rights
 groups say

 Agency says actions are within law


 The April 22 photo of a commando-garbed Border
 Patrol agent pointing a submachine gun in the direction
 of 6-year-old Elian Gonzalez in Little Havana shocked
 and angered many.

 But advocates for immigration rights say the scene
 was rare only in that it involved Cubans, who are not
 usually the target of enforcement actions by the
 Immigration and Naturalization Service. Elsewhere,
 such tactics are increasingly common, the advocates
 say, the result of a decade of congressional actions
 that have turned the INS into the federal government's
 largest law enforcement agency.

 Boasting more armed agents with arrest powers --
 16,552 -- than any other federal agency, the INS now surpasses the Bureau
 Prisons (12,587 agents), the FBI (11,285) and U.S. Customs (10,359) for

 And that has meant more raids nationwide that have drawn complaints from
 advocates. Two recent examples:

 Izabel Solis, 21, was at night school when five INS agents with guns
 entered her Encinitas, Calif., home in February looking for a man who did
not live
 there. They questioned her frightened brothers and sisters -- ages 5, 7
and 11 --
 then arrested her father, Felipe Solis, after they learned that he had
once served
 time for attempted arson. The agents did not have a search warrant, but
they left
 a business card.

 ``I went to Washington to try to do something for my dad,'' said Solis,
who said
 she will have to drop out of the University of California to replace her
father as
 head of the household because he is under a deportation order. ``They
 of Congress] said the law is the law. An alien is an alien. That's it.''

 On Jan. 20, an armed INS team arrived at an air base in San Antonio,
Texas, and
 ordered 40 computer programmers recruited from India to the floor. They
had been
 working since 1996 on human resources systems serving 350,000 servicemen
 worldwide. The reason for the raid: their visas only allowed them to work
 Houston. The programmers claim some agents drew their guns, but the INS
 denies that.

 India's ambassador protested. But the INS concluded it had done nothing
 improper. Said Russ Bergeron, an INS spokesman: ``They carry weapons to
 protect themselves. It is a gross mischaracterization to claim [a gun] is
a weapon
 of intimidation.''


 Advocates for immigrants disagree. Dozens of groups, led by the National
 Network for Immigrant and Refugee Rights, which includes 70 member
 organizations, are documenting cases. But despite clamor from the
 largest Hispanic organization -- the National Council for La Raz --
lawyer groups
 and several churches, Congress has not been persuaded.

 During the call for hearings into the Elian Gonzalez raid, many of the
groups said
 they would support such hearings -- if they were broadened to include
 about INS tactics in general. But with polls continuing to show little
appetite for
 hearings among the U.S. population at large, the hearings seem

 INS officials defend their actions, denying that agents are heavy-handed
or out of
 control. ``We are doing things according to law,'' said INS spokeswoman

 The problems go beyond excessive use of firearms, advocates claim. Group
 group claims to have evidence of abusive tactics, including hitting,
kicking and
 sexual assault.

 ``You would not believe what is going on,'' said Miami immigration lawyer
 Fox-Isicoff, a former INS trial attorney.

 As an example, she recalls the case of a Haitian client who lives in Palm
 County who was told to come to the INS offices to pick up residency
 When he arrived, agents arrested him for being an illegal alien.

 ``We have reported that to the office of the inspector general,''
Fox-Isicoff said.
 ``Sometimes I think there is no supervision of what these agents do.
You've got a
 bunch of renegades, running amok out there.''


 Grass-roots monitors have long lists of children left in the United
States because
 parents have been deported. Wives are often unable to keep up the
 payments after their husbands have been taken away. Kids are forced to
 school. Jobs are lost.

 Advocates claim the INS has lost sight of its service function -- issuing
visas to
 foreigners -- and instead is focused on its police function.

 Cardona disputes that. The agency has reduced its backlog of immigration
 applications from 1.8 million to 1.3 million in the last year, she said.

 Bergeron said use of force is governed by ``the same standards as those

Re: [CTRL] Fw: [CTRL] Health Emergency Declared in Southern Russian Region

2000-05-13 Thread Carl Amedio

I picked it off Reuters. I assumed it was current as it was in the world


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Re: [CTRL] Get out your Geiger counters

2000-05-13 Thread nessie

[EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes:
Lawrence Livermore Nat'l Lab in northern California has announced they
are monitoring the smoke plumes from the Los Alamos fire.

Did they announce that they were doing the monitoring IN California? Did
they even announce that they were doing the monitoring FROM California?

I didn't think so?

What's noteworthy is that California--of course--is WEST of Los Alamos:

What's noteworthy, is that Newshawk isn't monitoring the smoke plume. He
has a computer. He has a modem. Why isn't he monitoring the smoke plume
himself? Why isn't at least monitoring the local media? They're monitoring
the smoke plume.

If he were, he'd see it was headed east. This doesn't mean it doesn't bear
watching. When Chernobyl started  to cook off a science teacher at my
kid's high school in Berkeley, a man of Ukrainian birth, began monitoring
the background radiation here. It doubled. If you're worried about getting
rad-dosed without being warned, you should be. And you should be
monitoring the background radiation where you live, anyhow. I check mine
here every couple of days.

But before you let Newshawk panic you, you should consult a Geographyhawk
and a Meteorologyhawk first.  Since there's a fairly hefty mountain range
in the way, the smoke couldn't have reached California by now even if it
were headed this way, which it's not. What we do have to worry about if it
turns out that the smoke from Los Alamos ticks, is what happens when it
makes it's way to the stratosphere and disperses. Then we gotta worry. A
couple weeks from now it'll be all over the world and drifting down on
everybody. But by then the fire will be out, the media will have dropped
the story and most people will have forgotten all about it.

Don't rely on other people to due your research for you. Do your own
research. Relying on other people to do your research for you is stupid.
Some of them lie.  Others don't know what they're talking about.

Remember, most people have virtually no education in science, geography
and the like. They went to schools run by governments and churches. All
they really learned was to believe what they're told and to do what
they're told. That's what schools like that teach.

That's what you're up against when you rely on other people to do your
research for you. Get over it. DIY

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

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2000-05-13 Thread Ynr Chyldz Wyld

 "We got Maced, we got kicked, we got roughed up", Cuban-born NBC camera
 man Tony Zumbado told MSNBC. He said that as the incursion began, federal
 agents kicked him in the stomach and yelled, "Don't move or we'll shoot."
 Zumbado added on NBC's" Dateline: "My sound man got hit with a shotgun
 butt on the head, dragged outside -- he was halfway in -- and he was
 dragged out to the fence and left there and they told him if he moved
 they'd shoot."

 Zumbado explained that federal gunmen also disabled his camera and yanked
 out its audio cable. By the time Zumbado and sound man Gustavo Moller
 stood back up, Elian had been whisked away in a white van.

Interesting.  Zumbado told a totally different story when interviewed live
on MSNBC about an hour or so after the raid.  In that version (and indeed
in published news reports days after the event) he claimed to have been
knocked out cold when the INS initially entered (not surprising, as he
stated he was 'dozing' in the front hall, apparantly leaning against the
door).  This was also mentioned by Marislysis Gonzalez and Donato Dalyrymple
in the 'house tour video' on CNN the afternoon after the raid...they made it
a point to show where their 'altar' in the front hall had been 'wrecked'
(what was shown was not broken, only scattered)...they also stated that that
was were the NBC cameraman  "was knocked out when the INS rushed in"...

Zumbado in his MSNBC interview an hour or two after the raid offered this
"I was knocked out cold when the agents rushed in" as an excuse for not
filming the event (indeed, this was the answer he gave to the direct question
from the MSNBC anchor who asked him if he managed to film any of the raid)...
no mention of his equipment being 'disabled' by the mention of being
kicked in the stomach.  No mention of the Feds yelling at him.  No mention of
the soundman.  No mention of being dragged outside (altho it was implied,
because he said that when he came to, he found himself outside by the fence).

FWIW, Zumbado is a Cuban emigre'...factor in that he obviously enjoyed a
cozy relationship with the Miami gang (why else did he spend the night,
camped out right by the front door?), and you have someone who is
obviously biased and whose 'testimony' can not be construed as coming
from an unimpeachable source...

 Meanwhile, an ambulance took Zumbado from his home to Miami's Baptist
 Hospital on April 26 after he fainted from back spasms. He suffers chronic
 back trouble, and thinks "the roughing around didn't help it." As he spoke
 to me by phone from his hospital bed, he was awaiting further spinal
 tests. Earlier, he said, "my muscles were too swollen to get a clean MRI."

Or perhaps there's nothing to see...

 Zumbado said that the federal officers were behaving as he would
 expect."They're trained to be forceful and intimidating. The media is not
 excused, especially when you're trying to video tape them."

Again, I go back to Zumbado's interview just barely two hours after the raid...
in that interview he claimed to not even having time to turn on the camera
before being knocked unconscious.

And there seems to be a big discrepancy here...if the Feds were so afraid of
Zumbado videotaping them, why did they allow Diaz to take that infamous
photograph?  Why didn't the Feds take Diaz's camera and smash it?  It seems
strange that the same agents who supposedly took time to 'diable' Zumbado's
equipment when they entered the house seemingly didn't give a damn about
Diaz and his camera in the back bedroom...

Lord knows I'm no fan nor apologist for the federal government, but in this
situation, it's a case of "a pox on both of your houses"...

 Zumbado, however, disputed the Justice Department's post-raid claims that
 they welcomed news coverage. "We were definitely not invited in like Janet
 Reno has stated we were," Zumbado said. "If we were, we would have had a
 head's up. We would have been inside and I would not have been kicked."

But Zumbado WAS inside.  He was part of the huge 'pajama party' that spent
the night in the house.

 Zumbado and Moller were in no position to "damage" Elian, the INS
 officers, Marisleysis Gonzalez or anyone else. News cameras don't shoot
 bullets. They shoot video tape.

But agents entering into a building don't know what they may encounter,
especially when more than one of the people inside had made inflammatory
comments along the lines of "they'll only take Elian over our dead bodies".
In that sort of situation, the agents have to make sure that all people
in the building aren't possibly hiding a weapon...and that includes members
of the media who are there.

 The only people in the Gonzalez home who sustained bodily injury
 were two members of the press corps trying to do their duty. All of this
 worries human rights activists, to say the least.

Except in Zumbado's original account, he admits that he was not DELIBERATELY
knocked out, that it happened by accident.

 According to the 

[CTRL] Feds held at gunpoint the Bill of Rights, too

2000-05-13 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

Friday, May 12, 2000
Miami Herald


Feds held at gunpoint the Bill of Rights, too

Deroy Murdock is a senior fellow with the AtlasEconomic Research
Foundation in Fairfax, Va., and writes from New York City.

By snatching Elian Gonzalez from his great-uncle's Miami home,
the Clinton-Reno regime tip-toed around or trampled at least half
of the Bill of Rights' 10 amendments. Here are the constitutional
guarantees that now lie tattered:

The First Amendment's freedom of the press provision could not
shield an NBC News crew from abuse. Federal agents kicked
cameraman Tony Zumbado in the stomach, yanked an audio cable from
his camera and otherwise disabled his gear. He told NBC: ``[The
feds] put their foot on my back and told me not to move or else
they were going to shoot.''

Soundman Gustavo Moller was struck in the head by another
officer's rifle and ordered to be still or be shot. Moller told
me he suffered a small gash, ``but because it was the forehead,
it was bleeding a lot.''

NBC has asked the Immigration and Naturalization Service to
explain its actions and why, as NBC News Vice President Bill
Wheatley told the Associated Press, ``our people weren't able to
do their work because of the actions of agents.''

INS Commissioner Doris Meissner told CBS that overwhelming force
was necessary due to ``the possibility that there might be guns''
in the Gonzalez home. So what? The Second Amendment guarantees
the right ``to keep and bear arms.'' If the mere presence of
firearms on private property justifies such federal behavior,
residents of the 40 percent of American homes with guns should
sleep with their eyes open.

By using an improper search warrant, the Justice Department
violated Fourth Amendment restrictions against ``unreasonable
searches and seizures.'' This document was signed not during
business hours by the federal judge hearing Elian's case, but on
Good Friday at 7:20 p.m. by a magistrate unfamiliar with the
matter. The warrant application claimed that Elian was
``concealed,'' which he wasn't, and that he's ``an illegal
alien,'' which he isn't. The affidavit also failed to mention
Lazaro Gonzalez's alleged weapons that supposedly required a SWAT
team's response.

Harvard law professor Alan Dershowitz, a Clinton ally, dismisses
this warrant and says the administration, ``acted lawlessly.'' As
he told Fox News: ``It's a dangerous day for all Americans.''

The Sixth Amendment includes the right to ``the assistance of
counsel'' in criminal proceedings. Elian is no crook, but the
spirit of this amendment suggests that he may see the lawyers who
are arguing his asylum case. Elian's attorneys currently cannot
contact him or even observe his condition while surrounded by
U.S. marshals.

Even worse, the only lawyer in touch with Elian is Greg Craig,
his father's counsel, who is working to vacate the Cuban
castaway's asylum application. This is like having Leonid
Brezhnev represent Alexander Solzhenitsyn in court.

The 10th Amendment reserves powers ``to the states respectively,
or to the people'' that are not constitutionally delegated to the
federal government. Nonetheless, Washington intervened in a
child-custody matter routinely handled by state authorities.

The Justice Department alerted then-Miami Police Chief William
O'Brien before ``Operation Reunion'' and reportedly ordered him
not to inform Miami Mayor Joe Carollo. Carollo had grown close to
the Gonzalez family and might have broadcast the news. Still,
federal officials should not have meddled with a local government
by constructing a wall of silence between a police chief and his
popularly elected boss.


Justice's contempt for the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals insults
the separation of powers. The department was not deterred by the
court's refusal to grant an order to transfer Elian from his
great-uncle to his father. When a three-judge federal panel
rejected her plan, Jackboot Janet executed it anyway. Of course,
all this could have been avoided had Reno simply waited until
yesterday's court hearing to make her family-reunification case.

Bill Clinton and Janet Reno harbor neither respect nor reverence
for the Bill of Rights and the Constitution. They merely use them
to line the federal Leviathan's cage.

Yet an April 24 Gallup Poll revealed that 60 percent of Americans
applaud the extra-legal abduction of a 6-year-old boy. This
matters because if the president and attorney general skate past
this abuse of power, the next time federal agents storm a private
home, waving a flimsy search warrant, the door they batter down
might be yours.


 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

[CTRL] How it's done: Two crore (20 million) people on strike against NWO in India.

2000-05-13 Thread Nurev Ind Research

  A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C E

Strike cripples business, transport
 New Delhi/Mumbai, May 11: The nationwide strike called by the National
 Platform of Mass Organisations (NPMO) against liberalisation,
 privatisation, rising prices and cuts in food and fertiliser subsidies evoked
 near total to partial response in various states and industries.

 Commercial activity was badly hit as employees in most of the banks,
 except State Bank, stayed away from work. The strike found its echo in
 Parliament where both the Houses had to be adjourned without transacting
 any business.

 According to the sponsorers of the strike, over two crore persons, including
 workers, youth and women, participated in the protest action. The
 response was "unprecedented and bigger than the last strike called by
 NPMO on December 11, 1998, they claimed. NPMO is an umbrella
 organisation of left trade unions and mass organisations. Its constituents
 include CITU, AITUC, HMS, TUCC, UTUC and bank and insurance
 employees' associations.

 Addressing a joint news conference here, CITU general secretary MK
 Pandhe said there was a virtual bandh in six states, Assam, Bihar, West
 Bengal, Tripura, Kerala, Andhra and in many industrial districts of Tamil
 Nadu and Orissa.

 Strike was complete in Maharashtra, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Assam, Manipur,
 West Bengal, Tripura, Bihar, Haryana, UP and Madhya Pradesh, he said,
 adding that in other states, it was partial.

 In the financial sector, including banks and insurance, the strike was total
 all over the country, Pandhe said, adding, in coal and iron ore mines,
 overwhelming majority of workers struck work. Also present at the news
 conference were KL Mahindra (AITUC), Veereshwar  Tyagi (HMS) and
 Brinda Karat (All India Democratic Women's Association).

 In Mumbai, clearing of cheques was affected at the clearing house as the
 employees of majority of commercial banks went on a day's strike to
 protest against the government's privatisation programme.

 According to central bank sources here, clearing transaction of heavy and
 small cheques did not take place since the participating banks expressed
 their inability following the strike called the All India Banks Employees
 Association (AIBEA) which controls over 50 per cent workers in the
 banking industry. On an average, cheques amounting to Rs 185,000 crore
 are put on clearing transactions daily in the city clearing house. The
 clerical staff of the Reserve Bank also participated in the one-day strike.

 Reserve Bank spokesperson said that public dealings at the RBI offices
 were affected at Bhubaneswar and Calcutta due to the strike.

 A labour ministry spokesperson said the strike call evoked mixed
 response. However, he admitted that banking and  insurance employees
 participated in the strike in a big way, affecting commercial activity.
 Drawing attention to the nationwide protest action, in both houses of
 Parliament, agitated members demanded rollback of the hike in prices of
 essential commodities.

 Members from left parties raised the demand immediately after the Lok
 Sabha assembled. The Speaker adjourned the house after ten minutes.
 When the house reassembled, there were uproarious scenes again,
 leading to another adjournment till 4.30. With left, Samajwadi and RJD
 members trooping into the well when it reassembled at 4.30, the Speaker
 finally adjourned the House for the day.

 Rajya Sabha also witnessed similar scenes and was adjourned for the day
 soon after it reassembled at 2 pm following disruption of pre-lunch session.
 Chairman Krishan Kant had adjourned the house twice as the entire
 Opposition raised anti-government slogans against the cut in subsidy on
 foodgrains and fertilisers.

 Finding the members in no mood to allow normal proceedings, deputy
 chairperson Najma Heptulla adjourned the House for the day.

 MANTRALAYA AFFECTED: Meanwhile, the strike call given by the
 Maharashtra State Government Employees Confederation to protest
 against largescale privatisation was total as the employees did not report
 to work.

 According to confederation general secretary R G Karnik, the routine work
 in Mantralaya as well as all Government offices in the metropolis and the
 entire State came to a grinding halt following total support to the strike

 In Mantralaya, barring the senior officials, none of the staff was present on
 duty, as a result, the Government had to deploy home guards to operate
 the lifts. ``We are protesting against largescale privatisation and massive
 retrenchment of Government employees,'' Karnik said.

 Karnik also took strong objection to the contention of Finance Minister
 Jayant Patil that the Government was spending 73 per cent of the total
 income on the establishment. ``I think the contention of the Government 

[CTRL] Forest Fires Burn in Eastern Russia

2000-05-13 Thread nessie

Forest Fires Burn in Eastern Russia

The Associated Press
Saturday, May 13, 2000; 9:44 a.m. EDT

MOSCOW -- More than 54,000 acres of forest were ablaze across Russia's Far
East, with the worst fires in the remote Amur region near the border with
China, the ITAR-Tass news agency reported Saturday.

Local officials said that 220 fire fighters were battling the Amur fires,
the report said. Eighteen  fires had been extinguished in the past 24
hours, it said.

Rain helped douse fires in some areas.

C Copyright 2000 The Associated Press

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effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
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[CTRL] Control of Our Lives

2000-05-13 Thread Nurev Ind Research

   "Control of Our Lives"
  Noam Chomsky Lecture
  February 26, 2000

  Kiva Auditorium
 Albuquerque, New Mexico

  It’s no exaggeration to say that the effort to take control of our lives
is a dominant
  theme of world history, with a crescendo in the last several centuries of
  changes in human relations and world order. The topic is far too large to
try to discuss
  here. I’ll have to cut it down sharply. First I’ll keep only to current
manifestations and
  some of the roots with an eye toward what might lie ahead. Also, I’ll keep
to the global
  arena, which is by no means the only domain in which these issues arise.

  In the past year, the global issues have been framed largely in terms of
the notion of
  sovereignty, that is, the right of political entities to follow their own
course, which may
  be benign or may be ugly, and to do so free from external interference. In
the real
  world, that means interference by highly concentrated power, with its
major center in
  the United States. This concentrated global power is called by various
  depending on which aspect of sovereignty and freedom one has in mind. So
  sometimes it’s called the Washington consensus, or the Wall
  complex, or NATO, or the international economic bureaucracy (the World
  Organization, World Bank, and IMF), or G-7 (the rich, Western, industrial
countries) or
  G-3 or, more accurately, usually, G-1. From a more fundamental
perspective, though it
  takes longer to say, we could describe it as an array of megacorporations,
  linked to one another by strategic alliances, administering a global
economy which is,
  in fact, a kind of corporate mercantilism tending toward oligopoly in most
  heavily reliant on state power to socialize risk and cost and to subdue

  In the past year, the issues of sovereignty have risen in two domains. One
has to do
  with the sovereign right to be secure from military intervention. Here the
  arise in a world order based on sovereign states. Secondly, in the matter
of sovereign
  rights in the face of socio-economic intervention. Here the questions
arise in a world
  that’s dominated by multinational corporations, especially financial
institutions in
  recent years and the whole framework that’s been constructed to serve
  interests--for example, the issues that arose dramatically in Seattle last

  The first category, military intervention, was a very lively topic last
year. Two cases
  gained particular significance, attention, prominence--East Timor and
Kosovo, in the
  opposite order, which is an interesting fact because that reverses both
the timing and
  the significance. There’s a lot to say about these matters and a lot of
new information
  about them that I would like to discuss but, reluctantly, I’m going to
drop that topic. If
  you’d like to bring it up later in questions, fine. I’ll be happy to talk
about it. It’s a   big,
  important and instructive topic, but time is short. So let me turn to the
second topic,
  and that’s the one I’ll keep to (still cutting things down)--the question
of sovereignty,
  freedom, human rights, the kind of questions that arise in the
socio-economic arena.
  That’s the subpart of this whole topic I want to keep to.

  First a general comment--sovereignty is no value in itself. It’s only a
value insofar as it
  relates to freedom and rights, either enhancing them or diminishing them.
I want to
  take for granted something that may seem obvious, but is actually
  controversial--namely that, in speaking of freedom and rights, we have in
mind human
  beings; that is, persons of flesh and blood, not abstract political and
  constructions like corporations, or states, or capital. If these entities
have any rights at
  all, which is questionable, they should be derivative from the rights of
people. That’s
  the core classical liberal doctrine. It’s also the guiding principle for
popular struggles
  for centuries, but it’s very strongly opposed. It’s opposed by official
doctrine. It’s
  opposed by sectors of wealth and privilege, and that’s true both in the
political and the
  socio-economic realms. I’ll ask you to keep that question on the shelf for
a few
  minutes and say a couple of words of background.

  In the political realm, the familiar slogan is “popular sovereignty in a
government of,
  by, and for the people,” but the operative framework is quite different.
The operative
  framework is that the people are considered a dangerous enemy. They have
to be
  controlled for their own good. These issues 

[CTRL] The next war: The next war for oil will be in the Columbia/Venezuala/Panama region.

2000-05-13 Thread Nurev Ind Research


On May 9, the Senate appropriations committee approved the U.S. aid package
to Colombia.  The aid package will now be considered in the full Senate as
early as Tuesday, May 16.

Some improvements were made in the Senate version of the bill.  The overall
package was cut down from $1.6 billion to $1.142 billion, $394 million of
which is designated for other countries or U.S. agencies.  The Senate
version reduced the amount spent on military assistance, strengthened human
rights conditions, increased congressional oversight, and included
additional funds for human rights protection and civilian initiatives for
peace.   Even with these changes, the thrust of the package remains the
same, it will send large amounts of military assistance to an abusive army,
it will support ineffective drug policies, and it will draw the United
States further into an unwinnable counterinsurgency war.

In the Appropriations Committee on May 9, many Senators raised surprisingly
strong concerns about the intent of the package.  In addition, Senator
Gorton of Washington State offered an amendment to eliminate almost $800
million from the package.  Senators Gorton (R-WA), Domenici (R-NM), Burns
(R-MT), Craig (R-ID), Leahy (D-VT), Harkin (D-IA), Mikulski (D-MD), Kohl
(D-WI), Murray (D-WA), Durbin (D-IL) and Gregg (R-NH) voted for Gorton's
amendment, but it was ultimately defeated 15 - 11.

The U.S. aid package will now go to a vote by the full Senate. Senator
Wellstone will offer an amendment to shift funds from Colombian military
aid to drug treatment at home.

As indicated in yesterday's vote, there is skepticism about the U.S. aid
package, constituents CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE and defeat the military portion
of the package by contacting their Senators.  CALL YOUR SENATORS and urge
them to oppose all military aid to Colombia, support the Wellstone or any
other amendment to shift aid from military assistance, increase funds for
the internally displaced, and retain human rights conditions.

***For up-to-date info on the U.S. aid package including details on the
dollar amounts included in Senate version of the bill, visit the CIP
web-page  ***


BACKGROUND: On January 11, 2000, the Clinton administration introduced a
$1.3 billion aid package to Colombia, the majority of which was targeted
for the Colombian military, a military with a notorious human rights
record.  On Thursday, March 30th, the full House of Representatives
approved the 2000 emergency supplemental aid package (HR 3908), which
included $1.7 billion in aid for Colombia and surrounding countries.
Despite strong efforts by some Representatives to cut the money designated
for military aid to Colombia, the supplemental package emerged with the
Colombia package intact and without strong human rights conditions on aid
for the Colombian military.  The Senate Republican leadership then delayed
the package because of budget concerns and decided to consider it during
the current appropriations process.


1) Oppose the portion of the supplemental aid package that provides
military aid to Colombia;

2) Support Senator Wellstone's amendment that shifts funds for military
assistance to demand reduction, drug prevention and treatment programs in
the United States and any other positive amendments that cut or shift
military assistance to Colombia;

3) Support amendments that increase humanitarian assistance for Colombia's
estimated 1.8 million internally displaced persons;

4) Retain strong human rights conditions already included in the bill;

5) SPEAK-OUT! The more senators that speak out during the Senate debate,
the better. Please ask your senators to share their concerns regarding
human rights in Colombia during the vote.


+ This aid package will not only pour hundreds of millions of dollars into
the most abusive military in the Western Hemisphere, but it will almost
certainly destabilize fragile peace negotiations and undermine support of a
negotiated settlement.

+To avoid getting the United States more deeply involved with Colombia's
infamous armed forces, I ask you to oppose aid to the Colombian army due to
human rights concerns, especially army links at a regional and local level
to brutal paramilitary forces.

+Instead, I urge you to support a substantial positive aid package for
Colombia, including: humanitarian relief for 

[CTRL] [NA] Real Time Phony Big Media Polls In Action

2000-05-13 Thread lloyd


From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:
Conspiracy Shopping Cart:

From: Jim Condit Jr. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [NA] Real Time Phony Big Media Polls In Action
Date: Tuesday, May 02, 2000 2:41 PM

"Those who cast the votes decide nothing. Those who count the votes decide everything."
Communist Tyrant Josef Stalin

(Listen anytime to Votefraud vs Honest Elections "crash course" radio show over the 
internet at in the archives, April 3rd, 2000 show, Jeff Rense host, 
Jim Condit Jr. guest)

May 1, 2000 NA (Network America) e-wire

Real Time Phony Big Media Polls In Action

In the Elian case, we see the most blatant use of phony polls to try and
stop investigations into our New Police State. I accuse the Big TV
Networks of making these polls up, with no data to back them up. The Big
Media is saying that in the range of 87% of Americans oppose
Congressional hearings. 87% !!  -- when their own phony polls say that
around 45% opposed the Elian Kidnapping Raid!

This absurd and lying poll shows how afraid the Occupation Government
(ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, FOX, Clinton, Reno et al) are of hearings.

The poll shows that over 90% WANT  Congressional hearings.

Here is snipit from Newsmax

As we have been saying for almost 4 months in this forum, America’s
subjugation is being accomplished by a) a coordinated Big Media which is
nothing more than an arm of the Occupation New World Order Occupation
Government – which is almost visible in the shadows behind our shell US
government, b) riggable elections, enforced by 1) manipulated public
opinion polls every day; 2) phony exit polls on election day; 3)
computerized election results, concerning which the Boards of Elections
and Secretaries of State in 49 states allow no citizen checks or

And the Republicans??? Blackmailed? Missing in Action? How #$%@ STUPID
are they to believe this Big Media Poll Hoax time after time after time

Look at this snipit from in an open Letter to Readers by
John Le Boutillier, Chris Ruddy, Jack Thompson, et al:

Still, the real culprit in this outrage is the American media.

When a photograph was taken showing this monstrous act of a
machine-gun-toting federal agent seizing a boy from his bedroom, the
press quickly tried to deep-six it.

The photo didn’t even make the cover of the New York Times, USA Today or
Time magazine. Newsweek only ran a tiny reproduction of it.
How can these outlets claim to be objective. Shame on them!

The media has – incredibly – tried to make Reno a hero, claiming that
she refused to bar media coverage of the illegal raid. But the media has
been silent on the fact that an NBC cameraman who was designated to
provide pool video coverage for all media outlets, along with his sound
technician, were severely beaten by INS agents and prevented from
videotaping Elian's gunpoint abduction inside the house.

So much for the First Amendment.

The media spin this week has been relentless.

The press is coming out with poll after poll to sink the issue.

They are giving little weight to legal arguments and other experts who
say that this case was a violation of constitutional law and basic civil

Consider, too, how much little press attention was given to the
independent mediators who have essentially called Reno a liar and said a
deal was in the works and negotiations had not fallen through.

Remember, this is the same media that showed us the video of the beating
of Rodney King over and over again.

But within hours of the release of the “Storm Trooper in Elian’s Room”
photo, they were doing everything they could do to hide it from the
public, even splashing a propaganda photo – not taken by a journalist –
across TV screens and newspapers.

The establishment media doesn’t want to tell you the truth about this
travesty for three compelling reasons: 1) They love Clinton and Reno; 2)
This is a presidential election year and Al Gore may be hurt by focusing
on this story; and 3) For four decades the media has not told the truth
about Castro’s repressive regime and they won’t start now.

The same media that went on and on about Watergate, Iran-Contra, Rodney
King and Monica is telling us, just days after the raid, that the public
suffers from “Elian fatigue” and nobody wants to talk about it.
We aren’t tired of talking about it. is committed to telling the truth – even if it reflects
negatively on the American media.

We recognize that if we allow this incident to go by, with no
appropriate response by the press and the Congress, the country will
continue down a very dangerous path.

End of  quote from

Please note: The Media is in full “Pravda” swing because they are part
of the Occupation Government that is emerging. They work hand in glove
with the International Banker 

[CTRL] Fwd: [MC] new Colin Ross book under review

2000-05-13 Thread Kris Millegan

I was recently looking at the Colin A. Ross Institute
web site,

Apparently, Ross' new book _Building The Manchurian Candidate:
Deliberate Creation of Multiple Personality by Psychiatrists_
is complete and under review at a publisher.  According to the
web page

the publication date was uncertain as of 10-8-99.

Ross has done some commendable work in exposing mind control
abuses, especially regarding dissociative disorders, and his
CKLN interviews are a must-read.

It is saddening, though, to read toward the end of the
"manchurian" page above.  Perhaps it only seems to me like he
is trying to placate torturers.  (Maybe to keep his institute
from suffering retribution?)

On his False Memory Syndrome Page

it is suggested that the real goal is to improve the quality of life
of victims.  But when he is talking about literal torture and "real
victims," I think the notion of JUSTICE should at least make an

I hope the review process mentioned above does not end up
"sanitizing" the book and removing vital information...

Allen L. Barker
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[CTRL] OEN 5/13/00

2000-05-13 Thread Kris Millegan

Click Here: A HREF=""The Home Page of J. Orlin
Welcome to the Home Page of J. Orlin Grabbe

. . . inspecting the global underbelly: privacy, money laundering, espionage.

"What forbids us to tell the truth, laughingly?"--Horace, Satires, I.24

Today's News Articles

Interest Rates

Up, Up, and Away!

Fed Funds rate headed to 7.5 percent.

WASHINGTON - With the U.S. economy continuing to boom despite five Federal
Reserve Board increases in the key interest rate, many financial analysts
recently have increased their estimates of how high rates eventually will
have to go to slow the economy's headlong rush.

The new predictions run as high as 7.5 percent, a percentage point and a half
higher than the current 6 percent target for the federal funds rate, the
interest rate financial institutions charge one another on overnight loans.

Only a few weeks ago, many observers were debating whether the Fed could stop
at 6.25 percent or 6.5 percent. But now a large majority expect the Fed to
lift the target Tuesday by half a percentage point rather than its usual

Policymakers are not expected to be swayed by a Labor Department report
Friday that producer prices fell 0.3 percent in April, the first decline in
more than a year. The so-called core rate, which excludes volatile food and
energy prices, rose 0.1 percent.

Part of the shift in expectations on rate increases has come from the sheer
strength of recent economic news. A more subtle reason comes from the growing
realization that when the economy's efficiency is increasing rapidly, it may
take a higher level of inflation-adjusted interest rates - or ''real''
interest rates - to provide much braking power.

When the Fed's top policymaking group, the Federal Open Market Committee,
raised the target to 5.75 percent on Feb. 2, the panel was acting, according
to minutes of the meeting, ''to avert rising inflationary pressures in the

''Relatively high real interest rates would be required to accomplish this
objective, given the effects of increasing productivity and profits on the
demand for capital goods and, through the wealth effect, on consumption
spending,'' the minutes said.

A lot of attention has been given to the latter point. Alan Greenspan, the
Fed chairman, has argued that large gains in stock market wealth and home
equity values have encouraged rapid increases in consumer spending and helped
keep the economy operating at levels that sooner or later are likely to cause
inflation to get worse.

But more recently, Fed officials have been saying in speeches, congressional
testimony and interviews that the accelerating growth of productivity - the
amount of goods and services produced for each hour worked - has also lifted
the bar for interest rates.
International Herald Tribune, May 13, 2000

Currency Markets

China's Foreign Exchange Chief Murdered

Thrown out of a hospital window. (Hint: sell the renminbi.)

The official in charge of China's $156.8bn in foreign exchange reserves
committed suicide this week by jumping from the seventh storey of a hospital
in Beijing, official sources said on Friday.

The death of Li Fuxiang, a reformist protegé of Zhu Rongji, the prime
minister, fuelled speculation in financial circles as to what prompted him to
take his own life.

He had checked into hospital number 304, an elite military facility, on
Monday seeking treatment for diabetes. He leapt to his death on Wednesday and
was taken into the hospital morgue said the official, who declined to be

People who met him recently said that Mr Li, 47, a former currency dealer who
worked at the Bank of China's branch in New York and spoke rapid-fire English
with a slight Brooklyn accent, did not appear unwell.

Chinese language Hong Kong newspapers cited speculation that Mr Li's suicide
may have been related to "inappropriate activities" at his office or stress
at work. This could not be independently confirmed.

Nevertheless, his mysterious death has focused attention on some of the
unanswered questions that have swirled around the management of China's
foreign reserves, entrusted to the State Administration of Foreign Exchange
(SAFE) - the body that Mr Li had headed since November 1998.

The most glaring question has been why the growth of China's reserves has
failed to keep pace with healthy inflows of foreign investment and large
trade surpluses.

In 1999, foreign reserves climbed by just under $10bn, while the combined
total of foreign investment and the trade surplus was $76bn.

Officials have put some of the discrepancies down to capital flight from the
country, an abuse which SAFE has launched a public campaign to halt.

Financial officials said that in fact municipal and provincial offices of
SAFE have been approving letters of credit to facilitate imports by rings of
government-backed smugglers mainly in south-eastern China.

"The local 

[CTRL] Fwd: FC: FBI gun-check computer crashes; Flash movie parodies Metallica

2000-05-13 Thread Kris Millegan,1294,36310,00.html

Metallica Net Parody Flashy Fun
by Declan McCullagh ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

3:00 a.m. May. 13, 2000 PDT
WASHINGTON -- If you thought the spectacle of a heavy-metal band
whining to Congress about the Internet was hilarious, just wait 'til
you check out a short movie about it.

The Flash spoof of Metallica's efforts to shut down file-sharing
service Napster depicts singer James Hetfield as a hulking ape who
grunts things like "T-shirts good!"

The animated drummer Lars Ulrich praises his fans, saying: "You
fucking made us rich. You fucking made us popular. I worship you.
Unless you downloaded 'Until It Sleeps' from Napster ... then you're
going to motherfucking jail. You're motherfucking meat."

Bob Cesca, the creator of the movie and founder of Camp Chaos, said he
already had a monkey-for-president character from a previous
assignment, and was inspired by Metallica's lawsuit against Napster.

"The two things came together. I had a character design already, I
knew how to do the voice, and the issue was hot," Cesca said Friday.

The popularity of the flick overloaded Camp Chaos' server, which was
transferring about 3 MB a second, Cesca said. He hoped to have a
mirror site online by Saturday.


FBI offline: The FBI's computer used for background checks of gun
purchasers has crashed.

"On May 11 we experienced a loss in service to the Interstate
Identification Index due to a database problem," an FBI spokesman
said. "The only thing affected is the National Instant Check System
and the Integrated Automated Fingerprint Identification System."

Under a federal law that took effect in November 1998, anyone buying a
rifle, shotgun, or handgun from a dealer has to go through a
background check.

Some 100,000 Americans were prevented from purchasing firearms because
of the glitch, which started Thursday and which the FBI hopes to have
fixed by Sunday. About 9 million checks took place during the first
year of NICS's operation.

Investigators at the U.S. General Accounting Office report NICS was
offline for 215 hours from November 1998 to November 1999.


Date: Fri, 12 May 2000 16:44:47 -0700
From: Bill Stewart [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Metallica drummer says Congress should ban MP3-swaps,

At 01:40 PM 05/05/2000 -0500, Declan McCullagh wrote:
   Lars Ulrich, drummer for the heavy-metal band Metallica,
   suggested that the U.S. Congress should step in to stop
   MP3-swapping services like Napster "before this whole Internet
   thing runs amok."

WAY too late for that :-)

It may not be that hard to stop centralized servers based in the US
with identified clients from swapping watermarked files -
but Gnutella and similar decentralized systems are very hard to stop
(but very inefficient), and semi-centralized servers in non-Berne countries
can provide similar services efficiently.  Meanwhile, somebody commented
that Napster complied, dropped the 300,000 user handles, and the same
people logged in again 10 minutes later and created new handles :-)

And there are lots of applications that are legal - particularly
non-commercial trading of Grateful Dead and Phish live concert recordings,
which the bands permit as long as you don't charge money for them,
and trading MP3s made by garage bands, and promotional MP3s by
commercial bands.

Somebody has suggested that Metallica should set up a few thousand
high-bandwidth Napster connections, and start flooding Napster with
MP3s that have their song names but instead contain a recorded
"Hey, you, stop ripping off our music!" message...

The real problem with Gnutella and FreeNet is that they don't
provide a good mechanism for finding other users near you to
conserve bandwidth - leading to the problem of university networks
getting swamped by students downloading on limited internet feeds
instead of staying on the campus LAN, getting them from other students.
Napster was able to reduce this problem significantly by modifying their
indexing mechanism, so students would get copies from inside,
but systems that hide where servers are to prevent censorship
and don't have central databases to track things are very bad at this.
It's sometimes possible to build useful indexing on top of them,
but it's much harder if it's not planned for from the beginning.

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[CTRL] Rebels threaten to skin U.N. troops alive

2000-05-13 Thread Amelia

: Saturday, May 13, 2000 4:07 AM
Subject: [Fratrum] Fw: Rebels threaten to skin U.N. troops alive

 - Original Message -
 From: New Millennium [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Newsgroups: alt.prophecies.nostradamus
 Sent: Friday, May 12, 2000 10:51 AM
 Subject: Rebels threaten to skin U.N. troops alive

  5/12/2000 09:29:00 ET
  S.Leone rebels threaten to skin U.N. troops alive -witness
  FREETOWN, Sierra Leone (Reuters) - Sierra Leone rebels are threatening
  to skin alive scores of trapped U.N. peacekeepers, a British Army
  officer who escaped from the scene said Friday.
  Maj. Phil Ashby told Reuters Television the RUF (Revolutionary United
  Front) fighters were using scare tactics to terrify the lightly armed
  foreign soldiers.
  "The RUF are quite good in psychological warfare, in scaring people into
  either running away or disarming," he said.
  Ashby spent four months as an unarmed U.N. military observer trying to
  persuade the Sierra Leone rebels to hand in their weapons under a 1999
  peace deal. He was pinned down last week with 70 Kenyan peacekeepers in
  the central town of Makeni.
  "Rebels would regularly come up to the gate wearing U.N. uniforms," he
  "I have just skinned the man who was wearing this uniform. In 15 minutes
  I am coming back to do the same to you," he quoted one of them as
  Ashby and three other non-African officers broke out and reached the
  capital, Freetown, Thursday after four harrowing days surrounded by the
  rebels followed by a three-day trek.
  The rebels, whose leader Foday Sankoh has not been seen since a shootout
  at his Freetown residence Monday, are holding nearly 500 U.N.
  peacekeepers as captives or trapped in besieged compounds.
  At the height of Sierra Leone's civil war, which Sankoh launched in
  1991, RUF fighters hacked off hands and other limbs of defenseless
  villagers to impose their reign of terror.
  Ashby, a member of a mountain and arctic warfare unit before becoming a
  U.N. observer, said the crisis at Makeni erupted over a group of rebels
  who volunteered to hand in their weapons under the peace deal and enter
  the U.N. demobilization camp.
  Their commanders, who were dragging their feet on disarmament, viewed
  that as desertion and demanded that the peacekeepers hand them back.
  "Clearly, we were not prepared to do that," Ashby said. "As a result,
  the situation deteriorated, hostages were taken and Kenyans guarding the
  disarmament camp were attacked."
  The peacekeepers, who had only 100 rounds of ammunition each, retreated
  into a compound and were besieged by up to 5,000 heavily armed rebels,
  Ashby said.
  "For four days and four nights we were under siege day and night," he
  "Generally during the day it was quite quiet, but there were sporadic
  attacks all night. Small arms, machine guns, RPGs (rocket-propelled
  grenades), meaning that no one slept a wink.
  "We were getting pretty run down and jumpy."
  Despite the scare tactics of the rebels, who were equipped with armored
  personnel carriers, the Kenyans held firm.
  "Luckily, the Kenyans, who had a good strong officer in charge and good
  strong sergeant majors, held their nerve and called the RUF bluff,"
  Ashby said.
  After the fourth night, Ashby and three others -- fellow Britons Lt.
  Commander Paul Rowland and Maj. Andrew Samsonoff, and New Zealand Maj.
  David Linguard -- decided to make a run for  it.
  "Clearly as unarmed people there, we were nothing but a drain on the
  resources of the Kenyans," he said.
  They slipped through rebel lines and struck out through the bush for
  They spent three days and three nights in rebel-held territory,
  traveling by night and hiding by day.
  Exhausted by a succession of sleepless nights they began to hallucinate
  and on day three, estimating that they had moved  beyond rebel lines,
  they decided to put their trust in local  villagers.
  Ashby said the four officers stumbled into a village that had borne the
  brunt of previous rebel atrocities. The villagers, some of whom bore the
  scars of mutilations by the rebels, and members of a local militia
  welcomed them.
  They then sent a local hunter with a message to the nearest U.N. base
  and a helicopter came to airlift them out.

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2000-05-13 Thread J Taylor



Dennis Raitt

The potentate of stupiditude has struck again! In his column in the
Tallahassee Democrat of May 7th, Gerald Ensley said: "There are some things
I just don’t understand. It seems curious that the same people who defend
the Confederacy are also the first to defend the U.S. Constitution, which
the Confederacy attempted to destroy." Well, I’m here to help with his

After Lincoln precipitated the firing on Fort Sumter, he assumed dictatorial
powers. He first bypassed his constitutional duty to call Congress in times
of emergency. He calls out 75,000 troops for the invasion of the South with
total disregard that it is the duty of Congress to make such a decision
according to Article 1, Section 8 of the Constitution. Why didn’t Lincoln
follow the Constitution and call out the Congress? Why did he on, April 15,
1861, call Congress to meet almost three months later in July? And then only
after he had driven the nation into a headlong war? Obviously, he didn’t
want Congress involved.

Then he orders the blockade of Southern ports, an act of war, requiring
Congressional resolution. On April 21, he orders the navy to buy five
warships, an appropriation act requiring Congressional approval. On April
27, he suspended the privilege of habeas corpus, nullifying every civil
liberty of every citizen. Soon thereafter he started shutting down
newspapers that were not supportive of the war.

When Congress met in July, it rubber stamped Lincoln’s wishes with the
realization that any expression of doubt about all these extraconstitutional
acts would have put one in danger of being arrested and tried for treason
against Lincoln.

On the night of September 12, Lincoln had the whole Maryland Legislature
arrested and locked up in prison at Ft. McHenry, afraid that there were
Southern sympathizers. In London, the Saturday Review noted, "It was as
perfect act of despotism as can be conceived. It was a coup d’etat in every
essential feature."

In his reign of terror he shut down hundreds of newspapers: The Chicago
Times, the Journal of Commerce (N.Y.), the Morning News (N.Y.), New York
World, the Philadelphia Evening Journal, the Christian Observer, the
Republican Watchman (Pa.), the Missourian, the Herald, the Democrat (N.H.),
the New York Herald, etc. Public discussion, free speech, and the free press
were strangled. Lincoln was thus the imperial magistrate, with full despotic
powers. Lincoln told Congress that he had the right to suspend the
Constitution in order to save it.

The Supreme Court made a valiant effort to check this reign of tyranny under
Chief Justice Roger Taney over the writ of habeas corpus, probably the most
important provision of the Bill of Rights. Lincoln not only ignored the
Supreme Court’s ruling, but then writes an order for the arrest of the Chief
Justice, who was then in his eighties.

Lincoln thus put himself above Congress, above the Supreme Court, and above
the Constitution. He was an absolute ruler, like the tyrants of Rome, to
which Taney said: "And if the President of the United States may suspend the
writ, then the Constitution...has conferred upon him more regal and absolute
power of liberty of the citizen than the people of England have thought it
safe to entrust to the crown."

In one of his strangest acts of contempt of the Constitution, he created the
state of West Virginia, in contravention of Article 4, Section 3, which
required the approval of the sovereign state of Virginia.

It seems curious that the same people who defend the federal government’s
quest to destroy the Constitution are the same ones who disparage the South’
s right to form a new government. I guess no one ever said you had to be
educated to be a columnist for the Tallahassee Democrat.

Dr. Dennis Raitt

Columnist for


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: FIRE-ALERT: Global Peace Walk 2000

2000-05-13 Thread nessie

"We are concerned about our future. We are concerned about our human life."
-- Global Peace Walk 2000

Today again I spoke to Reverend Yamato on the phone from New Mexico
about the Global Peace Walk plans concerning what he feels is a Global
Emergency Situation resulting from the fire that has ravaged the Los Alamos
area including outlying areas of the Nuclear Weapons Lab reportedly
aerosolizing in the smoke decades of radioactive contamination from areas
surrounding the Lab, smoke now settling as potentially very dangerous ash
over several States so far and moving eastward. (details/evidence on this
point below)

Yamato has asked me to sound a Global Emergency Alert on this matter to
on supporters everywhere to take media publicity actions to get the facts
known to ameliorate potential present dangers, to prevent any future
such dangerous nuclear radioactivity threat situations, and to focus the
current national and global public attention on this tragedy towards
increasing public support and activism for the global abolition of
nuclear weapons.

Please forward this post to your lists.

Tomorrow, Sunday, May 14th, Mother's Day (originally called Mothers Day for
Peace) Reverend Yamato (zen buddhist monk and initiator of the Global Peace
Walk project) will be conducting a global peace prayer and healing ceremony
at the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Hall in Angelfire near Eagle's Nest, New
Mexico, caravaning there from Kit Carson Park in Taos, New Mexico, after
gathering at 9AM.

In the afternoon, the Global Peace Walkers and support kitchen bus and
shuttle vehicles will be going to the Los Alamos area, in spite of reported
dangers mentioned above and evidenced below, to offer their help in any way
possible to the community ravaged by fire and, if needed, in firefighting
efforts.  Please keep them in your prayers.  Depending on how long their
help may be of value there, the walk's next schedule of May 29th ceremony
the Oklahoma City National (bombing victims') Memorial may be postponed.

This Mother's Day ceremony is in solidarity with the prayer gathering being
held this weekend near the Nevada Nuclear Test Site in support of Western
Shoshone Spiritual Leader Corbin Harney and efforts to abolish nuclear
power, testing and weapons globally, stop uranium mining and waste
contaminations especially such as the proposed Yucca Mountain, NV,
nuclear waste repository

Yamato specifically asked for all those dedicated to the cause of Nuclear
Abolition 2000 to write letters with their messages about the dangers of
nuclear weapons and their production's contamination of the land, and send
these letters of support to their local media and to the Global Peace Walk
to distribute to New Mexico and the national/international media on site in
Los Alamos to address the need for Abolition 2000.

Closing the weapons lab after this fire would be another idea.

Such letters/messages may be emailed (asap) to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] for forwarding to the walk, and/or signed
copies (on letterhead if available) faxed to 561-658-2735.

He feels strongly that this situation at Los Alamos Nuclear Weapons Lab now
has the national and international media attention which should be utilized
quickly by the Abolition 2000 network to inspire public support for ending
the danger of nuclear weapons.  He feels that it is not just a
that the Global Peace Walk is now in a position to help facilitate this by
being on site in Los Alamos starting tomorrow afternoon for, if necessary,
an extended period of time.  If you have not already, you may join the
Abolition 2000 Global Network to Eliminate Nuclear Weapons (in response to
whose call for such cross-country peace walk this year Reverend Yamato is
conducting Global Peace Walk 2000) at

An easy way to email your letters to your local or Statewide media all in
one email send, is via the Media Guide at
same for government leaders indexed at that site by your zip code)

Excerpts of recent emails received discussing the radioactivity danger in
the smoke from the Los Alamos fire (don't expect to see this in your media
unless they are pressured by you since from history we know that the US and
DOE will try to keep this kind of information from the public as long as
possible to "avoid panic" -- and outrage)

Remember, one microgram of plutonium can be lethal if inhaled.

I leave it to your best judgement and hope the fears are overblown but
"better to be safe than sorry", etc.

One thing I do feel fairly sure about from past history of US/DOE on
reporting nuclear accidents/dangers, if there is a radioactivity danger in
the smoke it will be kept as secret as possible on orders from on high to
prevent public panic and outrage.  Details will only filter gently into the
media over many years in the future.  If you feel the info below is worth
investigating, I suggest we need to 


2000-05-13 Thread Rory Winter

volunteers have been put in a jail after protesting for less toxic pollution 
from the world's largest incinerator in Tokyo. In addition the police raided 
the Greenpeace office in Tokyo and our flagship "The Rainbow 
Warrior". You can let Prime Minster Yoshiro Mori of Japan know that you 
want the four activists released immediately. Not only because they rightly 
campaigned for a better environment, but also because the Japanese police 
is not upholding internationally agreed upon human rights in the way 
theactivists will be held under arrest for more than 10 days. Please copy 
and paste the letter below and send from the website 
You can also tell him in your own words what you think of this unwarranted 
action by the Japanese police on his personal website. Thank you 
for your help. To: Prime Minister Yoshiro 
Mori  Dear Prime Minister Mori, 
Undoubtedly you have already been informed about the arrest of 4 
Greenpeace activists on May 9.It is because of their arrest that I 
am calling on you to use all means at your disposal to ensure that these 
non-violent activists are released from custody immediately. In addition to 
this I call your attention to the 11th of May when, in an unjustifiable 
action by the police, the Greenpeace flagship "The Rainbow Warrior" and the 
Greenpeace office in Tokyo were raided. Greenpeace campaigns on behalf 
of its supporters and the values of the public all over the world for a 
cleaner environment. The four Greenpeace activists from China, Belgium, The 
Netherlands and UK were arrested after climbing the tower of an incinerator 
complex in Toshima Ward in Tokyo, wherethey later unfurled a banner 
proclaiming Tokyo as the world's Dioxin Capital. As you undoubtedly will 
know as well Japan has the highest levels of dioxin emissions in the world 
today, primarily a consequence of having the highest number of waste 
incinerators than any other country on 
theplanet. You are aware of the substantial 
environmental problems Japan is already facing from these dioxin emissions 
especially the ongoing pollution of the environment with toxic chemicals 
like PCB's and other Persistent Organic Pollutants. I find it very strange 
to accept that these activists; the people who give all they have to fight 
pollution of the Japanese environment are now being detained in a Tokyo 
prison cell.  I am also very concerned as the 
activists will be held in custody under the so called "substitute prison 
system" (daiyo kanguko). As you will know, under this system a suspect can 
be held for 48 hours with a 10 day extension, sometimes even followed by a 
further 10 day extension. International human rights organisations like 
Amnesty International have repeatedly argued that this system is a clear 
violation of the universal right of each individual to be considered 
innocent unless proven guilty.  I personally 
believe that the Greenpeace activists did not commit a crime but acted in 
the best interest possible for both me, and people in Japan, by fighting 
global environmental pollution from a dirty technology like incineration. I 
am also shocked to find that in a modern country as Japan the universality 
of human rights is not respected by still holding prisoners under the "daiyo 
kanguko" system. Recalling the universality of 
human rights, and in light of the global and just cause the arrested 
activists campaign for, I call upon you to use all possible channels of 
communication at your disposal to ensure the immediate release of these 
activists.  Yours 
Sincerely,ends.Thank you for your contiuned 
support.Martin BakerCommunications Development 
ManagerGreenpeace InternationalKeizersgracht 1761016 DW 
AmsterdamTHE NETHERLANDStel: +31 20 523 6222/6287fax: +31 20 523 
6200/6212e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]website:




Re: [CTRL] Elian doctors practicing without license?

2000-05-13 Thread Ynr Chyldz Wyld

 [As I posted previously, I felt Elian had been drugged.  --MS]

Do you also postulate that all the other meds found on the doctor,
used for urinary, respiratory, and skin infections, were also to
used on Elian?

 Jane Orient, M.D., executive director of the Association of
 American Physicians and Surgeons,

First time I've heard of this 'association' many physicians
and surgeons actually belong to it.  And what is good doctor Orient's
medical specialty?  Is she qualified to make long-distance assessment
of Elian's mental and emotional state?

 "The child's being treated by Cubans who are not licensed to
 practice in the United States," said Orient.

"...not licensed to practice in the United States..." is a far cry
from a blanket "not licensed".  One would presume most foreign
doctors aren't licensed to practice in the United States, especially
doctors from countries with which we haven't had diplomatic ties
for decades.  That doesn't mean the doctors from those countries
aren't qualified to practice.  In fact, many may be imminently MORE
qualified than their American counterparts...wouldn't change the
fact that they 'are not licensed to practice in the United States.'

 "Sure," she said.  "They may be using drugs,

'May' is not 'is'...

 or maybe they're
 just using manipulation, isolation, seclusion, and threats and
 promises.  I mean, how do you find out what's going on in there?"

Dr. Orient thereby amply displays her orientation in this matter.
She has not seen Elian (indeed states that the child is isolated and
secluded), yet presumes to 'know' that he is being manipulated, and
manipulated with 'threats and promises'...

Considering that last weekend Elian was brought to a dinner party
held by Democratic bigwigs, hardly bolsters the "he's being kept
isolated and secluded" argument.

(BTW, I think this dinner party is as heinous as anything the Miami
gang did to the kid)

 U.S.  marshals at the Aspen Institute in Wye, Maryland, are
 holding the boy under guard.

I'd actually say that they are keeping the public, especially the
anti-Castro fanatics, and the Miami relatives OUT, rather than
serving the function to keep Elian IN...

 Many Cubans have been permitted to
 be with him, but lawyers, doctors, the press and even elected
 officials have been prevented from observing Elian.

Again, last weekend's dinner party discounts the 'even elected
officials' claim...

 Drugs were confiscated from the Cubans as they entered the U.S.
 and again when they left,

Which tends to discount the claim the drugs were destined for Elian...
after all, one would presume the Cuban doctors would have then left
the drugs behind at Wye, and not brought them with them as they left
the country.

 Orient said one drug involved was Meprobamate, which is also
 known as Miltown.

And others were meds used for urinary, respiratory, and skin infections,
and yet I don't see her or the others who are jumping on this bandwagon
claiming that these also were destined for Elian.

And if these particular non-psychoactive meds were NOT meant for Elian,
there is no reason to presume the psychoactives were...

What also isn't being mentioned is that all the psychoactives mentioned
cause severe withdrawal symptoms when stopped suddenly.  If these Cuban
doctors WERE bringing these meds for Elian, it suggests that perhaps
the child may have been previously drugged, and was expiriencing
withdrawal symptoms which the doctors sought to alleviate...

In which case, we need to point the finger at the Miami relatives...
whom _I_ believe had Elian on psychoactive medication(s)...

 "I don't think it's used very much in this country at all

She "thinks"?!?  This statement reveals the good Dr. Orient is probably
NOT a specialist in psychiatric and psychologic matters.  One would
expect a spokesperson for such an organization to KNOW the exact status
of the med's use...not speculate about it.

 It's certainly not supposed to be used on children,"
 Orient explained.  She said it is an anti-anxiety drug used to
 "calm the person down and make him more amenable to whatever
 suggestions his keepers want to make.

I'd like the good Dr. Orient to tell me what reputable medical tome
describes the protocols for Miltown's use as a way to 'make him more
amenable to whatever suggestions his keepers want to make.'

 I suppose for many people it just has a mind-numbing effect."

Again, we have the good doctor making a supposition, a supposition
based on prejudice and not on direct observation, instead of stating

 Insulin was also confiscated by U.S.  officials, which caused
 Orient concern.

 "Certainly that's a method of psychological torture, or even life
 threatening to induce insulin shock in somebody," she told
 WorldNetDaily in a phone interview.

Again, supposition based on prejudice and not on directly observing
the subject in question.

Elian hardly looked like he was in insulin 

[CTRL] Nader, Buchanan, and the Aztec Nation

2000-05-13 Thread Nurev Ind Research

Jamesw Ridgeway offered the following in his "Mondo Washington" column in
the May 16 Village Voice [p. 36].

"Nader, Buchanan, and the Aztec Nation


"Registereing at 5 percent in the polls, Ralph Nader made it into prime time

on Sunday with an appearance on MEET THE PRESS, where he lambasted Vice
President Gore and said he could care less whether he took enough votes from
the Democrats to put Bush in the White House. According to polls, Nader is
drawing principally from liberals who are turned off by Gore.  Both he and
Pat Buchanan, who plans to run as the Reform Pary candidate, are courting
the "Perot vote" -- a polyglot of the alienated working class which is being
targeted because of its intense dislike of the WTO, World Bank, IMF, NAFTA,
and GATT.  In theory, Nader would draw votes that would hurt Gore, while
Buchanan would pull right-wingers who otherwise would back Bush.  To this
end both are pushing hard to get into the fall debates, which are restricted
to candidates registering at least 15 percent in the polls, and of course
the inclusion of one or both could wreak havoc on those ultimate mainstream

As Nader's stature rises, Buchanan is sinking.  Last month in San Diego,
Buchanan warned that Mexico might attack the U.S., seeking to seize control
of the American Southwest as part of a plan to resurrect the Astec nation.
'Politicians may gush over the warm relations, but there is no peace on the
frontier,' he told the San Diego World Affairs Council.  'Nightly, ranches
are turned into bivouac areas for armies of aliens that cut fences and
poison cattle and leave trails of debris behind in their long march north.'
Buchanan views the swelling Latino population in California (it's now about
one-third of the state's total population) as similar to the 19th-century
increases in the U.S. population under Manifest Destiny. 'Mass immigration
followed by insurrection, independence, and annexation: This is how all of
Europe's American empires were eventually expropriated and lost, and [this]
is how America grew,' Buchanan proclaimed. 'We may forget this history;
Mexico remembers.  And while we shudder at the idea it could happen again.

Mexican irredentism is alive and well.'"

[[Ridgeway omitted to say that in the "Meet the Press" appearance, Nader had
noted that there is nothing to stop Gore from taking up his (Nader's)
issues JM]]
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[CTRL] [Fwd: Biotech Activists - vs. - US scientific establishment]

2000-05-13 Thread Nurev Ind Research

 Original Message 
Subject: Biotech Activists - vs. - US scientific establishment
Date: Fri, 12 May 2000 19:57:12 -0500 (CDT)
From: Michael Eisenscher [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Organization: ?
To: undisclosed-recipients:;

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"; format=flowed

Date: Thu, 11 May 2000 14:15:26 -0500
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Lorna Salzman)
Subject: ISIS condemns suppression of scientific debate

I apologize for any cross posting of this important statement from Mae Wan
Ho. I believe that it is being issued as a press release by the three
signers below.

The following posting is of great import and urgency. It signals the likely
establishment of a global conspiracy of establishment scientists comparable
to the judicial panel of the WTO, a "WSO" as it were, to inundate the
media, the public and government officials with pro-genetic engineering

  It is likely that this campaign will be as intense, as corrupt and as
fevered as the response elicited from the pro-nuclear gang in the 1970s.
The higher the stakes, the more frenzied and duplicitous the response. This
pro-GE tidal wave will displace the corporate response, at least in the
higher decision-making and academic circles. The corporations will put
their multi-million dollar public relations campaign out in popular media,
and the scientists will start twisting arms at higher government levels and
making threats to discredit the critics.

We are in for a long dirty battle, headed by the US scientific
establishment, which has already, in the 20th century with the nuclear
power issue, given science a bad name by prostituting the scientific method
in the interests of status, political connections, money and clout. This
makes it all the more imperative that scientific critics of GE start
speaking out with a unified voice and that they reach out to the decision
makers with the information that the pro-GE gang is trying to denigrate or
suppress. We activists need these scientists in our work. I hope they will
not fail us. Science needs to be reclaimed in the interests of the public
and of democracy. We cannot allow it to be contorted by self-interested
scientists pretending to be impartial and objective. This is the battle of
the 21st century..and perhaps of all time.

Please save Saturday Sept. 9th for the ESF and Club of Rome teach in on
genetic engineering.

Lorna Salzman
Genetic engineering education project director,
Earth Society Foundation

Biotech Activists ([EMAIL PROTECTED])Posted: 05/11/2000  By

The following letter, which gives a good insight into how corporate science
works in the global arena behind closed doors, has been rejected from
Science magazine despite three requests for reconsideration from Dr. Samuel
Epstein. The issue at stake is democracy and the social control of science
and technology, which is all the more urgent, as technologies become more
powerful and uncontrollable.

This is not the first time that magazines such as Science, Nature and New
Scientist have refused to give voice to scientists dissenting from the
corporate view, to which they give undue and apparently unlimited access.
Nature Biotechnology even published a long article attempting to discredit a
scientific review  - on the potential hazards of the cauliflower mosaic
viral promoter (now published) - in the worst style of gutter journalism,
and only gave a very grudging right to reply after a delay of three to four
months. I have long cancelled my personal subscriptions to these magazines,
and I suggest others might consider doing the same.

We can have no confidence in the International Academy Council being
proposed, unless and until the composition of this Council has gone through
the necessary open democratic process. Scientists like us have tried our
best to engage the scientific community as well as the general public in
open debate. Some, like Dr. Arpad Puztai had lost his job and bore the brunt
of vilification from the scientific establishment. We have all had our lives
and work ruined, not the least of which by being forced to read boring
scientific papers and documents that we would never have volunteered to read
if we didn't think it was so important for the public to be informed of what
corporate science has in store for us. This is what democracy is all about.
We have repeatedly invited and challenged those real scientists who disagree
with us to debate the science in public and in terms that the public can
understand. They have turned us down again and again.

At the recent World Economic Forum in Davos, the President of the U.S.
National Academy of Sciences (NAS), Bruce Alberts, and an unheralded group
of a dozen other presidents of national science academies, quietly gathered
behind the scenes to propose the creation of an 

Re: [CTRL] Donato

2000-05-13 Thread Ynr Chyldz Wyld

 May 12, 2000 |  Donato Dalrymple made fresh rounds on the cable news talkies
 Wednesday, with comments on Cuban refugee Elián González's Miami asylum
 hearing. "I'm looking out for the best interests of little Eliáncito," the
 man who rescued the child off the coast of Florida told Fox News.

While ignoring his wife back home.

 "Me and my cousin rescued that little boy on Thanksgiving Day. There is no
 newfound fame. I'm not famous, or if somebody did make me famous, it's the
 media," Dalrymple retorted.

This from the man who made it a point to inform the media the day after the
rescue that he was heading to the Gonzalez house in Miami to introduce himself
to them...thereby assuring that a full onslaught of media was on hand right
there on the doorstep to record the event...

 "I never made myself famous. I'm just a man with
 a heart towards God, and I did the very best I could for this boy to live in
 liberty here in America."

Again, all the while ignoring his wife back home.


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] What's the difference between a radical and a liberal?

2000-05-13 Thread Nurev Ind Research

"Seeing the System: Alan Greenspan, Unemployment, and the Validation of
Radical Analysis" - By Tim Wise

"What's the difference between a radical and a liberal?" It is a question
I'm regularly asked at lectures, usually by college students struggling with
their own sense of the world, trying desperately to figure out where they
stand on the seemingly endless spectrum from right to left. Often it is put
to me by College Democrat types: folks who are frustrated by their party's
lack of commitment to social and economic justice, but who can't quite bring
themselves to break with the group they consider the only alternative to the
far right.

Usually, I answer the question in the fairly predictable way: by explaining
that at the most basic level, the difference between radicals and liberals
is one of focus, and where one places the crux of the problem for our
current predicament, whatever that might be. In terms of economics, liberals
tend to believe that the larger system of which we are a part is basically
just, and that injustices and negative goings-on within that system are mere
unintended consequences of an otherwise well-oiled and beneficent machine: a
little tinkering here, a little reform there, perhaps a little more money
for those at the bottom, and everything will basically be O.K.

On the other hand, the radical believes that the system itself is the
problem: in terms of economics this means that the system of profit does not
create hardship as the unfortunate sidelight of an otherwise warm-and-fuzzy
social order; rather, we believe that the pain experienced by people under
such a system is very much inherent to that system, and is in fact required
by it in order to function. People are out of work in such a system, and
thus poor and even destitute, not because the system is breaking down; but
indeed, because it is working exactly as intended.

Now at first, this is an analysis that most don't want to accept. And that's
no surprise, as "seeing the system" goes against everything most of us have
been taught since we were young: the idea that one can be whatever one wants
if one simply tries hard enough and plays by the rules. The notion of the
U.S. as a pure meritocracy where individual failings are just
that-individual, is a very seductive ideological posture, and one that few
have ever subjected to real challenge.

The good thing for those of us who are radicals however, is that every now
and then we get a little help in proving the larger point from the most
unlikely of sources, and this week was no exception. For as I write this,
Americans have just been told that we must brace for a ratcheting up of
interest rates: three times in one day as we enter May, and another likely
hike in the middle of the month. And why? Well, as Federal Reserve Chair
Alan Greenspan explains, the economy is too healthy, unemployment has fallen
too low, and wages-God forbid-have started to inch upward for too many,
thereby raising the specter of dreaded price hikes. As such, it has now
become necessary according to the worldview of the Fed-one that is shared by
all major players in both the Democratic and Republican parties and
certainly by their Presidential candidates-to raise the cost of borrowing
money, thereby cooling off the expansion and hiring spree, and perhaps even
nudging the unemployment numbers back up a bit.

But wait: what was that? Intentionally slowing down job and wage growth?
Intentionally doing something to push unemployment up-and thus, put folks
out of work? Exactly right, and thus, it is Alan Greenspan who has
demonstrated this week the accuracy of radical analysis as to the nature of
the economy under which we labor and live. This former devotee of the
market-worshipping, pseudo-intellectual cultist, Ayn Rand, now demonstrating
clearly that pain and suffering, low wages and poverty are not the result of
individual moral failings or a decline in the Protestant work ethic, but
rather, are built-in to the nature of modern capitalism.

The fact that wages for most workers are still at lower real dollar values
than they were in the late 1970's, or that most of the wage gains have been
at the top of the employment structure and that over 40 million working
people still lack health insurance is of no consequence: according to
Greenspan, things are too good for too many people, and now it is time to
tighten our monetary belt. But what does it all mean, outside the confines
of economists' models and reserve bank meeting rooms?

Well consider this: when the Labor Department says the unemployment rate is
3.9 percent-the current official rate and a 30-year low-this is hardly an
accurate depiction of the joblessness picture in the U.S. After all, the
official unemployment rate doesn't include those who have grown so
discouraged by their job prospects that they've stopped looking for work,
nor does it include the many who work only seasonally and so they 

[CTRL] Fwd: Montauk victim interview

2000-05-13 Thread Kris Millegan

Montauk victim interview

Here's an interview with an individual named Andy Pero. I met Pero
personally through Preston Nichols, author of several books about the
Montauk Project which Nichols was personally involved in.

A section of our book "PHOENIX UNDEAD: The Montauk Project And Camp Hero
Today" featured an autobiographical sketch by Pero, identified by the
pseudonym 'Mr. Coffee" in the book.

Here's more recent information from the survivor of horrendous mind
control programming directly connected to the infamous Montauk Project
operations; activities which also included some of the most advanced
experimental work into relativistic and quantum physics which has ever
been done, including interdimensional and time travel experiments.

In particular, Pero's comments and insights about what he was involved
in at Montauk, such as with the so-called 'Montauk chair," are extremely
interesting and provide additional, fresh insight into this most
extraordinary and concept-shattering project and the technology utilized therein.

NewsHawk® Inc.

+ + + + + + + +


An exclusive interview with Andy Pero, survivor of a secret mind control
project aimed at creating the super soldier with psionic abilities.

By Eve Frances Lorgen, M.A.

Andy Pero was unwillingly subjected to a mind control program off-shoot
the Monarch Project-a trauma based mind control program similar to what
Cathy O' Brien describes in her autobiography by Mark Philips,
"Tranceformation of America".

Andy Pero claims to have been created through a combination of genetic
manipulation, trauma based mind control and Silva Mind Control training
resulting in superhuman feats and psionic abilities. In addition to
this, Mr. Pero alleges to have been unwittingly used in covert
assassinations as a Manchurian Candidate and also in missions connected
to the Montauk Project, such as time travel.

Andy Pero first went public with his story in August of 1998 as a
special guest of Preston Nichols while at a lecture series hosted by Bob
Eure of Philadelphia, PA. I was so astounded with Andy's testimony, that
I interviewed him personally so that his story could be shared with
readers of Unknown Magazine. For those who are unfamiliar with me, I
have worked for ten years investigating and counseling UFO experiencers,
abductees and occasionally survivors of various forms of anomalous
trauma, such as ritual abuse and mind control. Because of my background
in alien abductions, paranormal, the occult and anomalous trauma, I
recognized Andy as an extraordinary survivor of trauma based mind
control, one whose story should not remain hidden.

EL: Andy, where are you from originally and when did your training begin?

AP: I was born in Fallon, Nevada in November of 1969. My father was a
Lieutenant Commander at the Fallon Naval Air Station in Nevada at the
time. I believe my first experiences began by the time I was two and a
half years old. At five years old my family lived in Munich, Germany and
I remember attending two distinct Kindergarten classes, on in German
that was located on or near McGraw Army Troop Army Base, and another
Kindergarten in English.

I have flashback memories of torture sessions as early as age two where
I was subjected to shock treatments with needles inserted in my ears and
genitalia. What they (the controllers/handlers) do is use extreme trauma
to separate the mind from the body. They do this to split the mind into
several parts that can later be programmed to do things-like superhuman
feats. Basically, they disconnect all of the normal human brain
impulses, emotions and whatever is normally present, then reprogram in
new ones. They do this to remove all fear, so that when they program in
new abilities, you will not have the instinctual, "but I can't, I'm
afraid..." response. They program you to do, not think. In essence, they
treat and program your mind as if it was a computer.

EL: Who are the people running these secret programs like the Monarch
and Montauk Projects, and where do they conduct their activities?

AP: Our own government. One of my handlers-who tried to brainwash me
into believing that he was my father--was basically a Nazi. I nicknamed
him Adolph because he is very Aryan looking.

After WW2 many Nazi scientists were brought over to the US through our
own Intelligence community who formerly worked in mind control research
in the concentration camps. I believe they are a remnant of the Nazi
party working in conjunction with different branches of the US
government and the military.

Much of my training and torture sessions were done right at the
University of Rochester, NY. They used to take me to a private room in
the attic or top floor of the library. The big lab where I had most of
the programming done to me was at the Rome National Air Base in Rome,
NY. I have also been used in the Montauk chair while at Camp Hero,

Re: [CTRL] FLIR expert had 'heart attack'; Attorneys, researcher claim 'too many

2000-05-13 Thread nessie

[EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes:

brought on by arteriosclerosis

Or sodium morphate?

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Montauk victim interview

2000-05-13 Thread [to:] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The following is the most profoundly important message I have
seen on this LIST.  It needs to be read and reread carefully.
The vibrational frequencies of evil and darkness are growing
all around us.  Even those who have no understanding of
these realities are able to sense it.
It absolutely does go all the way back to the eternal conflict
between light and darkness, good and evil.
The "dark forces in power of the planet at this time"
are working in a frenzy to achieve a dimensional shift.
You must be aware and respect the power of illusion.
Nothing is what it seems to be.
 Regards to All

"AP: For those who want to get out of the influence of the programs of
mind control, you must have a strong fighting instinct to do what is
right regardless of what others are doing. Your only cage is the one you
build for yourself. You must connect with your highest self to break the
evil that is all around us, and not succumb to doing evil just because
everyone else is doing it. Retain your fundamental sense of right and wrong.

It all goes back to the basic conflict basic good and evil. It is like
the dark forces in power of the planet at this time are trying to cheat
their way into heaven or higher dimensions."

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Elian doctors practicing without license?

2000-05-13 Thread Amelia

The drugs confiscated from the Cuban physicians sound like a mini-pharmacy
that many foreign doctors still carry in their black bags.  It is too
dangerous in this country to do so, but having been married to a Latin
American physician for 22 years, I know for a fact that this is not unusual.
They try to have a little of this and a little of that for whatever
condition they might encounter.  Miltown is an old drug--there are much
better ones readily available in this country.  They would not need to
smuggle anything in from Cuba--we have it all here.

We just do not know what has or has not been done to this child.  We
probably will never really know, either.  I think the whole thing is some
sort of red herring to distract us, divide us and show us what happens if we
do not obey.  The raid will desensitize the public to seeing the military
police used against the unarmed and women and children.  But I do not think
the medical aspect of it is significant as only a blood test would reveal if
he has been drugged or not.  Short of that, pure speculation.  What child
that age would understand insulin shock and adjust his behavior accordingly?
He would just scream and cry, etc. all the more.

I, for one, am still waiting for the other shoe to drop so to speak on this.
If it was not an intentional distraction, it was a really foolish thing to

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] TIMSS (fwd)

2000-05-13 Thread Amelia

: [Fratrum] [slickmisc] TIMSS (fwd)

 "On May 12, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:"

 [ text of forwarded message
follows ]

   From the Home of Rich  Peggy Martin

Grand Prairie, TX 75050   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

It's nice to be important, but it's important to be nice.


 As most readers are aware, I am a strong proponent for school
 vouchers, but this aside, I think it is first incumbent upon us all
 to realize/admit: what we are doing now is not working.

 Don't know about you, but I'm tired of reading articles like the one
 below which shows the ineffective teaching methods and belittles
 our students knowledge.

 If education is as important as we all seem to claim, isn't it time
 we tried something that might work, instead of pouring more money
 into the bottomless pit of the failing public school systems that
 are failing our next generation of leaders?

 Below is not a solution. It is an indictment of our failing system that
 shows the need to stop pouring money into the system that ranks
 US 17th out of 17 on a regular basis, unless you agree with some
 public school teachers who really believe their students are that dumb.

 Rich Martin
 Editor of Slick

  Summary of TIMSS

  The TIMSS (Third International Math  Science Study) provided an
  unprecedented opportunity for debate and analysis of the US education

  It dispelled notions of education commonly held by educators, parents,
  and students worldwide, and introduced new theories about how and what
  and why children learn.  It was an objective, unassailable, scientific
  survey of students' skills around the world which enables international
  comparisons to be made free of political, partisan, and natinonalistic
  claims.  It included both sexes and a wide array of students of all
  geographies, income strata, races, nationalities and religions,
  eliminating the usual arguments that such standardized tests are biased
  against a certain minority group.

  It proved that the US education system is, beyond the shadow of a doubt,
  the world's worst.


  As a percent of GDP, only two countries spend more for education than
  the US, but no country's 12th graders scored lower than everyone else in
  so many different subjects.  Of 34 TIMSS subjects, the US was dead last
  in 17 of them.  Japan and Korea, who spend half as much as a percent of
  GDP for education, educate their 8th graders well enough to score more
  than 100 points higher than ours, proof that spending more money isn't a
  prerequisite to improving education.  Within the G-7 countries, a 1%
  increase in education spending as a percent of GDP correlates to a 40
  point decrease in TIMSS scores.  Where the 12th graders of most
  countries scored higher than their 8th graders (as much as 92 points
  higher), the 12th graders in the US scored 72 points lower, suggesting
  that American high schools may have a serious adverse effect on
  students.  It demonstrated that the "gender gap" (the difference between
  boys' and girls' test scores) is constant across the world and is not
  the result of some systemic discrimination against girls and in favor of
  boys in the US, as claimed by feminists.  It demonstrates that American
  12th grade girls had been taught math and physics principles, but that
  zero percent of them were able to apply those principles to problem


  At the 12th grade level, compared to American girls, French boys scored
  130 points higher in Calculus and 147 points higher in Advanced Math,
  Swedish boys scored 193 points higher in Mechanics and 154 points higher
  in Wave Phenomena, Russian boys scored 166 points higher in Electricity
   Magnetism and 91 points higher in heat, Lithuanian boys scored 121
  points higher in Numbers and Equations, Swiss boys scored 161 points
  higher in Geometry, German boys scored 115 points higher in Modern
  Physics, Dutch boys scored 129 points higher in General Math and 113
  points higher in General Science, Norwegian boys scored 189 points
  higher in Physics

  American boys compared to American girls scored 41 points higher in
  Calculus, 92 points higher in Advanced Math, 52 points higher in
  Mechanics, 18 points higher in Wave Phenomena, 28 points higher in
  Electricity  Magnetism, 26 points higher in Heat, 3 points higher in
  Numbers  Equations, 31 points higher in Geometry, 20 points higher in
  Modern Physics, 54 points higher in General Math, 61 points higher in
  General Science, 91 points higher in Physics, and 33 points higher in
  Advanced Science.


  There were questions which required only that a student remember a math
  or physics principle, and questions 

[CTRL] Press is failing in its duty to keep America free

2000-05-13 Thread The Extremist

Read all about it: Press is failing in its duty to keep America free

Charley Reese Commentary

If I had to identify one thing that is the biggest threat to America
continuing as a free society, I would have to say it's my colleagues
and I -- the press. We are failing in our duty.

William Randolph Hearst stated that duty succinctly some years ago:
"According to the American principle and practice the public is the
ruler of the State, and in order to rule rightly it must be informed

The operative word is correctly. It is impossible for American citizens
to form intelligent judgments of their elected officials without a steady
flow of correct, unbiased, unsensationalized news of their
governments at all levels. Most Americans simply do not get that from
either newspapers or television. If you do, then you are one of the
lucky few, and you ought to express your appreciation.

Unfortunately, the trend is to newspapers that devote far more space
to entertainment news than to their own state Legislatures.
Unfortunately, Americans are far more informed about the lives of
essentially useless people in the entertainment industry than they are of
the daily conduct of their elected officials.

Take this little test. Read your newspaper 365 days and at the end of
that time, ask yourself: Do I know what my congressmen did during
the past year? Do I know what my U.S. senators did? Do I know
what important new laws my state Legislature passed? Can I feel
confident that I am informed about the workings of my local

Thomas Jefferson keenly appreciated the necessity of a free and
responsible press, but even he, in his day, became deeply depressed
by its poor performance.

"At present it is disreputable," Jefferson said, "to state a fact on
newspaper authority; and the newspapers of our country by their
abandoned spirit of falsehood, have more effectively destroyed the
utility of the press than all the shackles devised by Bonaparte."

On another occasion, he wrote to a friend, "The man who never looks
into a newspaper is better informed than he who reads them;
inasmuch as he who knows nothing is nearer to the truth than he
whose mind is filled with falsehoods and errors. It is a melancholy
truth that a suppression of the press could not more completely
deprive the nation of its benefits than is done by its abandoned
prostitution to falsehood."

A century later, H.L. Mencken, himself a newspaperman, could still
write, "The average newspaper, especially of the better sort, has the
intelligence of a hillbilly evangelist, the courage of a rat, the fairness of
a prohibitionist boob-jumper, the information of a high school janitor,
the taste of a designer of celluloid valentines, and the honor of a
police- station lawyer."

Some years ago, when I was on the other side of the fence and
working in state government, I quickly realized that the press had
absolutely zero interest in the workings of government. The attitude
was that unless there is a controversy or scandal, don't wake me up.

If anything, this attitude has become worse. And it has a demoralizing
effect on good public servants and good public officials. Of course,
the press' attitude delights the bad officials. They know that the press
is too lazy to dig out any of their shenanigans.

Unfortunately, the news media seem to prefer propaganda campaigns
to straight reporting. The political agendas of the national government
and the national press are identical. The press has become the
junkyard dog of the political establishment. You would think that
someone who intended to sell his soul would want more than a bone
and a pat on the head, but that's probably a fair price, considering the
state of the souls in question.
Published in The Orlando Sentinel on May 11, 2000
To silence criticism is to silence freedom.
Sidney Hook, New York Times Magazine, September 30, 1951
The Patriot Resource Center:
Online Patriot Internet Radio:
Patriot Message Board:
**Live Free or Die!*

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

[CTRL] Los Alamos Radar Rings

2000-05-13 Thread Nicky Molloy


There is a lot of important stuff on this site


 Nikola Tesla Page, Tesla Coils (Bill Beaty's Homepage)





UPDATED 10/23/99





"Beware of the Military Industrial Complex"
-President Dwight D. Eisenhower-
 Speaking Wind on Dec 9, 1998

 Letter Read by Art Bell on Dec 30, 1998

 Wherein in time past ye walked according to the course of this
world, according to the
 prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now worketh in the
children of disobedience:
 Among whom also we all had our conversation in times past in the
lusts of our flesh,
 fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the mind; and were by
nature the children of wrath,
 even as others.
 But God, who is rich in mercy, for his great love wherewith he
loved us,
 Even when we were dead in sins, hath quickened us together with
Christ, (by grace ye
 are saved;)
 And hath raised us up together, and made us sit together in
heavenly places in Christ
 That in the ages to come he might shew the exceeding riches of his
grace in his kindness
 toward us through Christ Jesus.
 For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of
yourselves: it is the gift of God:
 Not of works, lest any man should boast.

 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities,
against powers,
 against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual
wickedness in high

 CBS rejects Christian dot-com ads

(Articles from news sources have been placed within for educational,
research, and discussion purposes only, in compliance with "Fair Use"
criteria established in Section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976.)



 Skybird / Listen Live Here



 HOW DID IT HAPPEN -- REAL FUNNY HUH - US - Wildfire out of control in Los Alamos - May 11, 2000

 WHERE THERE IS SMOKE THERE IS FIRE : Los Alamos Investigation Demanded

 Wildfire Spreads at Los Alamos

5/11/00 3:23:14 PM Pacific Daylight Time
Howdy Kent, I'm an everyday reader of Orbit and live in the Sandia Mts. over
looking the desert towards Santa Fe and Los Alamos.  The clouds around Los
Alamos have just turned turned deep black. On the radio KOB reports red and
orange clouds. It looks real bad at this point. I have been watching it all
week. I'm keeping an eye on it and will report to you any explosions. Z


 KOAT 7 Online




 Violent thunderstorms in western France leave one dead - US - Army shuts down chemical weapons facility after poison gas
leak detected - May 11, 2000

 CBC News: Chopper crash off Nfld. coast

 Restrictions Needed On EM/RF Mind Control Technology







 Minimum Essential Emergency Communications Network (MEECN) - United States
Nuclear Forces
 Liberty Exposure: Weather Weapons

 Scalar EM Weather Control



 Marine Plane Crash Reportedly Linked to Turbulence

[CTRL] Fw: [CTRL] Health Emergency Declared in Southern Russian Region

2000-05-13 Thread Amelia

Hi,  Carl,
Do you have a source on this with a date?  The reason I ask is that
something very similar to this was posted last summer. I just wanted to be
sure this is a new one nd not a repost of the older article from last year.
Some things live on the web for ages!  They will go around over and over for
years.  Sort of life they take on a life of their own.  Thanks.

- Original Message -
From: "Carl Amedio" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, May 13, 2000 8:46 AM
Subject: [CTRL] Health Emergency Declared in Southern Russian Region

 Health Emergency Declared in Southern Russian Region
 The Associated Press

 MOSCOW (AP) - Officials declared a health emergency Saturday in a southern
 Russian region as the number of people reported to have come down with
 hemorrhagic fever rose to 14.
 Stavropol region governor Alexander Chernogorovy made the announcement
 a meeting with Deputy Minister of Health Gennady Onishchenko, the
 news agency said. Chernogovory said local authorities needed federal money
 help fight ticks, which carry the disease.

 Two people have died in Stavropol, located about 750 miles south of
 in the outbreak.

 ITAR-Tass said that three people died of the fever last year in Stavropol,
 and that before that, there hadn't been a case of hemorrhagic fever
 in the area for 27 years.

 The fever causes high temperatures, joint pains, chills and sometimes
 bleeding. In extreme cases it can be fatal.

 A HREF=""
 CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing
 screeds are unwelcomed. Substance-not soap-boxing-please!  These are
 sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'-with its many half-truths,
 and outright frauds-is used politically by different groups with major and
 effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being
 gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to
 be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
 nazi's need not apply.

 Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Re: [CTRL] [CTRL]America’s First MarxistPresident

2000-05-13 Thread J Taylor

Actually there is little difference between a communist and a fascist , at
least in personality type. Both tend to be authoritarian, and be unable to
accept ambivelence. This was pointed out by Hans Eysenk(who fled the
fascists,but because of his research ended introuble with thePC crowd)
The fascist found it fairly easy to change a communist to a fascist but very
difficult to conver a classical liberal .the conflict is not actually
fascist vs communist but statist versus diffuse control(authoritarian versus
freedomwhich in the extreme turns to anarchy) and rational versus


PS the corporatists love communism (see the work of Mr Sutton) , the perfect
form ofmonopoly capitalism

The true conflict is not
-Original Message-
From: Nurev Ind Research [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Thursday, May 11, 2000 5:06 AM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] [CTRL]America’s First MarxistPresident

Imagine what a fevered fascist brain one must possess
to call a corporate capitalist Wall Street hack like Clinton
a communist.

It takes sheer willful stupidity to put aside the obvious
and come up with such nonsense.


Bill Richer wrote:

 Peace at any cost is a prelude to war!

 America’s First Marxist President

 By Chuck Baldwin

 May 9, 2000

 World Net Daily recently published an interview with retired U. S. Army
 Brigadier General Albion Knight, Jr. According to WND, "During the
 Knight was involved in a unique project. He and others were asked by
 members of the Reagan administration to draft a list of goals that would
 the framework of a Marxist president if one were to be elected to lead the
 United States." What follows is the list that General Knight came up with.
 (Remember that this is over a decade before anyone ever heard the name

 *A Marxist and/or communist president would focus on the transfer of
 national sovereignty at every opportunity to international organizations.

 *He or she would weaken the armed forces physically, mentally and

 *The ‘dumbing down’ of our public school educational system would also

 *A Marxist president would assist all or most of America’s enemies –
 Russia, China, Cuba, radical Islam, North Korea and others.

 *He would disregard the Constitution at every opportunity and rule by
 decree, meaning executive orders would earmark such an administration.

 *Bogus arms control agreements would be a major goal.

 *He would buy off Congress by stealing FBI files of its members.

 *He would attempt to intimidate and control the media.

 General Knight is quoted by WND as saying, "He (Clinton) has hit every one
 of the above actions and more." He continues, "Clinton has helped Marxists
 and terrorists and their ‘world revolution’ at every opportunity.
 Marxism is also a key Clinton goal. He has been giving us a bad example
 that it is all right to lie, cheat, steal, threaten and even rape women if
 it is done in high office. There is a steady movement toward a
 control over the people. There is today in the U.S. a total lack of any
 sense of nation and its protection as required by his oath-of-office.
 Furthermore, Clinton has been selling and giving our nuclear and other
 technology secrets to communist China and giving Russia the money to
 at U.S. taxpayers’ expense."

 General Knight was "right-as-rain" in predicting the conduct and policies
 of Bill Clinton. What he could not have foreseen is how quickly it would
 happen. No one could have predicted that.

 If America survives the Clinton presidency (which is yet unclear), history
 will record this abysmal period with scathing indictments. Certainly, the
 propaganda press that has protected and covered up for this man will
 the disdain of history. Members of Congress from both parties will
 be forever impugned as the cowards they are for refusing to hold this
 corrupt Machiavellian accountable to the U.S. Constitution and laws of our
 country. Pulpits, too (like those of Nazi Germany), are not blameless.
 have traded their souls and the soul of this nation for thirty pieces of
 silver. In so doing, a beast has been allowed to roam freely in our land
 devouring the country’s conscience and character.

 **COPYRIGHT NOTICE** In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107,
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[CTRL] Australian Constitution

2000-05-13 Thread Nicky Molloy

-Original Message-
From: Kerry Spencer-Salt [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Saturday, 13 May 2000 22:53

Exposure -


The preamble of the Constitution is meant to reflect the reality and the
character of a nation. But in today’s politically correct Australia there
is one reality and character that cannot be discussed -- this is WHITE
AUSTRALIA. It is true that Aborigines were here before the white man but it
is also true that the white man built Australia into what it is today.

A more specific truth is that those people that built Australia were not
immigrants, they were Anglo Celts, they were the British race. Paul Sheehan
in  Among The Barbarians stated it as follows :

“The half century 1947-1997 saw a social revolution in Australia that was
bloodless, democratic and open-minded. In 1947, the Australian population
was just 7.5 million; it was ninety percent Anglo -Celtic; it was
ninety-nine percent European; the Aboriginal and Asian population combined
were less than one percent of the overall population; public policy still
enshrined White Australia, which had helped define the nation since
independence; links with Asia were minimal; the British Privy Council was
still the ultimate court of appeal. Aborigines did not have citizenship,
and had barely any role in society[emphasis added].” (P39)

So the simple fact : until after the Second World War Australia of
essentially of totally  British stock, the culture was English and the
relevant  civilisation was Anglo Saxon. The political system was the
English Westminster System, the law of the county was the English common
law and the religion was Christianity. As Paul Sheehan makes clear this had
been the case from 1788 until very recent years.

This is a truth. If it is true to say that the trees belonged to the
aboriginals it is equally true to say that everything that the eye could
see in 1950, that had been built built by human hands, had been built by a
single culture and a single race. But this is one truth that cannot be
placed in the preamble. No we cannot do that as that would racist. No, it
is not racist to say that the aboriginals were here first. It is only
racist to declare in the Constitution the name of the people whose
ingenuity and hard work built the country.

In the spirit of truth The National Watchman presents an ALTERNATIVE
PREAMBLE FOR AUSTRALIA. Is is based on John Howard's miserable efforts
which would have been introduced should we, unwisely, elected to have a


"With the sure knowledge that real hope only lies in God, the Commonwealth
of Australia is constituted from a continuing Constitution which recognises
our humble reliance on the  Creator’s blessings. From this foundation and
with respect to His fundamental laws Australia provides an equal
sovereignty to all its citizens who are woven together of people from many
ancestries and arrivals.

Since time immemorial our land has been inhabited by Aborigines and Torres
Straits Islanders, with an ancient and continuing culture. However one
people, the Anglo Clets of British stock, shaped the destiny and culture of
Australia. These people defined the spirit of the nation, the ‘Australian
Spirit’, which is summarised in mateship.

This ‘Australian Spirit’ created an egalitarian culture were all are equal
and treated with fairness. Australia is an oasis separated from a world of
confusion and poverty. Millions have come to our great country for the
sanctuary of the  "Heritage Culture". This culture, having given so much to
so many, is the secret treasure of Australia that must be nurtured and
protected through the ages.

Today Australians are free to be proud of their country and heritage, free
to realise themselves as individuals and free to pursue their hopes and
ideals. We value excellence pursued in a spirit of fairness and the
independence of the ‘Australian Spirit’.

The ‘Australian Spirit’ only evolved as it was protected under an Imperial
system respecting the common law rights of the Australian citizens; its
evolution is Australia’s democratic and federal  system of government which
exists under law to preserve and protect Australians who abide with and
respect the laws of our great country. Today the physical resources of the
world's largest island continent and the ‘Australian Spirit’ are protected
and maintained by a Constitutional Crown free of political interference.

In this spirit we, the Australian people, commit ourselves to the

Kerry Spencer-Salt B.E., LL.B (Hons)
The National Watchman
Australian Community Organisation
P.O. Box 136, Surry Hills NSW  2010

Phone   : (02) 9360 0610
Website :

Re: [CTRL] More Drug Stats

2000-05-13 Thread Samantha L.

Facts and Statistics

Drug Prisoners

Deaths in the United States in a typical year are as follows:

Tobacco kills about 390,000
Alcohol kills about 80,000
Workplace accidents kill 60,000
Automobiles kill 40,000
Cocaine kills about 2,200
Heroin kills about 2,000
Aspirin kills about 2,000
Marijuana kills 0
There has never been a recorded death due to marijuana at any time in US

All illegal drugs combined kill about 4,500 people per year, or about one
percent of the number killed by alcohol and tobacco.

Tobacco kills more people each year than all of the people killed by all of
the illegal drugs in the last one hundred years.
Back to Facts and Statistics


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effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Vector Data Systems BOUGHT OFF by the BATF?

2000-05-13 Thread The Extremist

Was Vector Data Systems BOUGHT OFF by the BATF?

"Now if the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms comes to
disarm you and they are bearing arms, resist them with arms. Go for a
head shot; they're going to be wearing bulletproof vests."
-G. Gordon Liddy, radio show, 8/26/94

"A government which will turn its tanks upon its people for ANY
reason, is a government with a taste for blood and a thirst for power,
and must be smartly rebuked, or blindly obeyed in deadly fear"
-Jack Salter
The Patriot Resource Center:
Online Patriot Internet Radio:
Patriot Message Board:
**Live Free or Die!*

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Nonconsensual Brainwave/Personality Studies

2000-05-13 Thread William Shannon


Nonconsensual Brainwave and Personality
Studies by the U.S. Government

I am a survivor of ongoing mind control experimentation by the U.S.
government since 1989. I would like to prevent victims from experiencing much
of the pain that I went through by telling my testimony within the framework
of background information and history on government weapon testing programs,
especially radiation experimentation. I would state the same testimony under
oath in a Congressional hearing or in a court case. I first learned of
microwave harassment and mind control experimentation from Julianne McKinney,
director of the now inactive Electronic Surveillance Project. This is an
overview and does not include the unsavory details as the point is to
recognize the general pattern of experimentation. It will greatly help your
understanding of this paper if the preceding Research Possibilities list of
reputable newspaper and magazine articles on behavior control weapons is read

I would challenge the reader to recognize the "plutonium vitamin pill" of
mind control technology before the U.S. government admits to it's use. This
paper is attempting to describe something that the reader is not familiar
with. This is critical to keep in mind so that this paper will communicate on
the basis of accepted reality.


The Congressional Record states that the U.S. government had been involved in
mind control experimentation from the 1950s up to the early 1970s.1 These
illegal behavior control experiments are similar to the documented illegal
radiation experiments. The U.S. government currently denies that there is
ongoing classified behavior control experimentation. This is debatable and in
my opinion will some day be as undeniable as the radiation experiments are

There were at least 23,000 radiation victims of institutionalized unethical
experimentation.2 There are similarities between radiation and mind control
experimentation because the government bureaucracy is the same, the groups of
victims are the same and it involves weapon testing. But unlike the atomic
bomb, the U.S. public is not aware of the highly classified behavior control
weapons. This fact contributes to the difficulty that victims have in
exposing the experimentation.

The purpose of U.S. government research with electromagnetic frequencies and
computer-brain interface technology is to develop mind control weapons that
meet or surpass the enemy's mind control weapon program, in particular
Russia. The U.S. military's interest in controlling behavior and in using
this on it's enemies in future warfare is well documented.3 The lethal doses
and parameters of radiation were explored and now the limits of
computer-brain interface and emf technology are explored in the same
unethical way. And by using unwitting victims, experiments are conducted
without limits of human subject experimentation committees.

There are strong indications that electromagnetic frequency (emf) behavior
control weapons and electronic warfare has been a classified area of research
since at least the 1960s4, that there are highly classified international
agreements to control it's use, that it is being tested on unwitting human
subjects and that there is an active government program to cover up the whole
situation. Recently, there have been several articles published on nonlethal
weapons, emf weapons, and mind control in the U.S.5

And in the last five years there have been several articles in mainstream
publications about the Russian mind control technology and emf.6 And several
reliable sources confirm that the cover up involves government policy such as
the CIA refusing to release this information to the Radiation Advisory
Committee. Glenn Krawczyk wrote in Nexus, Vo1. 2, No. 22, Oct-Nov 1994, that
the CIA used a trick of terminology to disguise the development of microwave
weapons in the 1977 Congressional hearings on CIA behavior control programs
and has done the same thing with the Radiation Advisory Committee in 1994.

Another example: two top scientists in emf research have discussed government
harassment. Dr. Puharich, well-known for emf and previous government work,
described that his house was burned down and he was shot at for discussing
emf technology and it's development.7 Dr. Becker, the author of Body Electric
on emf, also lost government funding and discussed other examples of
harassment by the U.S. government.8

"The Soft-Kill Fallacy" by Steve Aftergood and Barbara Hatch Rosenberg in The
Bulletin of Atomic Scientist, Sept/Oct 1994 p. 45 stated that discussions
under the Certain Conventional Weapons Convention on electromagnetic weapons,
including weapons that interfere with mental processes and modify behavior
and emotional response, may lead to protocols to control their use. The fact
that behavior control weapons are in the public eye officially could 

[CTRL] Inside the Men's Club Secrets of the Patriarchy

2000-05-13 Thread lloyd


A-albionic Research Weekly Up-Date of May 13, 2000
Subject: Inside the "Men's Club" Secrets of the Patriarchy

   In This Issue

1.  INSIDE THE "MEN'S CLUB" Secrets of the Patriarchy

  Perhaps the heaviest duty conspiracy document you can ever read!

2.  Recent Up-dates and Additions to our Super Catalog of 4500+ Books of
Interest to Conspiracy Theorists:

(1) Secret Power:  New Zealand's Role in the International Spy Network

(2) Who's Who of the Elite:  Members of the Bilderbergers, Council on
Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission, Skull and Bones, and Committee
of 300

3 Bloodlines of the Illuminati

4 Final Judgement: The Missing Link in the JFK Assassination Conspiracy

5 Paranoia within Reason:  A Casebook on Conspiracy as
Explanation--Cultural Studies for the End of the Century

6 Fire in the Minds of Men:  Origins of the Revolutionary Faith

7 And Men Wept by Catherine

8 Temple and the Lodge

9 Holy Blood/Holy Grail

1.  INSIDE THE "MEN'S CLUB" Secrets of the Patriarchy

  Secrets of  the Patriarchy
   sex  and death

love and war

  Slayer and Slain

(Caesar and Christ)

   God and Satan

   religion and politics

 (Church and State)

 Aryans and Semites


  much more



  22 May 89

Note:  Mr. Abendsen invites comments and critiques. He can be reached in
care of the Project:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Copyright 1989 by A-albionic Consulting and Research
All Rights Reserved.  May be forwarded and archived
without limit as long as references to A-albionic Research,
including url's, email addresses, and snail mail addresses
are not removed.

Editor's Note: This is a "first pass," little corrected scan of an
article first published in the Summer, Fall, Winter 1989-90 Issue of
A-albionic's Journal, the Project.  Volume VI, Numbers 2, 3,  4.  Please
excuse any remaining errors.  --Lloyd Miller, Research Director

Specific charges of "satanic abuse" which were repeated in the original
article have been removed from all A-albionic editions.  Though the
author did not himself make the charges and only repeated charges
widely circulated in the major media, we did not find the charges
at all credible.  --Lloyd Miller, Research Director


There is at least circumstantial evidence in support of the hypothesis
that the peoples whom we describe as patriarchal were once a special caste
or "guild" in earlier Near Eastern civilizations.  They seem to have been
a 'taboo' group, 'branded" and set apart, like Cain --whose name, by the
way, means 'expelled"-specializing in the risky skills of smelting (fire)
and slaughter of arimals (bloodletting) for ritual purposes.

Not only this, but, because of their indifference to pain and death, they
provided manpower for the first militias of early Near Eastern Empires,
developing eventually into a distinct warrior caste.  Careful reading of
texts from 2000 BC suggest that, from male-bonded and therefore exclusive
solidarity among themselves, they became an autonomous power and at last
rose in revolt against their own rulers, who were temperamentally
unprepared to resist storms of violence. (Archeologists examining the
corpses of their victims note that they seem to have submitted passively,
without resistance.)

Abraham's departure from Ur coincides with the collapse of its 3rd Dynasty
in civil war -- an event equivalent in its time to the fall of Rome.  At
the same time, in the northern colonies of Babylon, the ancestors of the
Indo- European tribes were also rebelling against foreign rule.  Indeed,
given evidence of widespread communication amongst all Near Eastern
peoples, it is apparent that there was a international revolution as all
these warrior bands made common cause -most likely at the crossroads of
Harran, where Abraham sojourned-- and one by one overthrew the
bull-worshipping "matriarchal" Near Eastern empires.

Those empires not destroyed were transformed, assimilating the first wave
of invaders or adapting to the new threat of violence.  In Egypt, for
example, there was a priestly civil war (marking the beginning of the
Middle Kingdom) after which, in defense against the Hyksos invaders, the
Pharaohs evolved into warlords. (The Hykaos, a Semitic tribe, were finally
driven out around the time of Moses.)

The fragmentary manner in which ancient history is usually presented
obscures these connections between "local" events existing on an
international context.

One of the facts proving contact and the intermingling of Indo-European
and Semitic populations is that 

[CTRL] Fwd: Waco: The Vector Data Hoax

2000-05-13 Thread Kris Millegan

  Here's more on the blatant fraud being perpetrated on the
  American people that the 1993 Waco FLIR flashes have been
  subjected to an "independent analysis" by an "independent
  company," when in fact it's nothing of the kind. Why, if
  there are in fact no gunshots on the FLIR, would blatant
  fraud be necessary to convince American of that fact?
  Gee, it must mean their analysis is truthful, right?

  Also see:

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Robert Sterling
Editor, The Konformist


Was Vector Data Systems BOUGHT OFF by the BATF?

By Ed Hohmann has learned that the supposedly independent British company
hired by the Justice Department to analyze the March 19, 1999 Fort Hood
FLIR video is actually a Washington, DC-area defense contractor with
ties to the BATF. Vector Data Systems is a division of Anteon
Corporation, a professional technical services corporation staffed with
4,000 highly trained employees in more than 70 offices and government
sites worldwide.

The Fort Hood FLIR video project was staged by the government in order
to counter the evidence presented in two documentary films produced by
Michael McNulty that show clear evidence of government gunfire during
the Mt. Carmel Massacre on April 19, 1993.

The first film, Waco: The Rules of Engagement, released in 1997,
contains Dr. Edward Allard's expert analysis of the government's FLIR
video taken during the Mt. Carmel Massacre. A former deputy director of
the U.S. Defense Department's Night Vision Laboratory and a pioneer in
the field of infrared thermal imaging who holds several patents on FLIR
technology, Dr. Allard presents conclusive evidence that the
government's own FLIR video shows multiple gunmen firing machineguns
into the Mt. Carmel church during the massacre.

The second film, Waco: A New Revelation, contains additional condemning
analysis of the FLIR video, plus new information concerning the use of
pyrotechnic devices and demolition charges by the government forces.
During the film's production in 1999, McNulty's ongoing investigations
triggered the release of dramatic evidence that the government had long
been suppressing. A domino effect occurred as more and more skeletons
fell out of the government's closet. The publicity surrounding these
events focused increased attention on the Mt. Carmel massacre, not only
in the free press, but in the controlled mass media outlets as well.

Although several other excellent documentaries have been made about the
Mt. Carmel Massacre, it is without a doubt that the two Waco films have
done more than anything else to convince skeptics that the American
government engaged in the deliberate murder of innocent people at Mt.
Carmel. Dr. Edward Allard's detailed point-by-point description
accompanying the clear FLIR video images of machinegun fire leave the
viewer with no doubts that government killers were at work there that day.

The popular television show CBS 60 Minutes lost credibility in many
people's eyes when Waco: The Rules of Engagement exposed their
suppression of a 1996 FLIR analysis by Infraspection Institute that they
themselves had commissioned. In January 2000, CBS 60 Minutes II aired a
segment that contained new testimony by Paul Beaver, a British military
night vision expert. Both the suppressed Infraspection Institute report
and Paul Beaver's analysis concluded that the FLIR video showed gunfire
being directed into the Mt. Carmel church.

In order to stem the rising tide of public awareness that government
forces had deliberately murdered men, women, and children at Mt. Carmel,
two new government operations were begun. The House Government Reform
Committee, chaired by Rep. Dan Burton, opened up an investigation into
the massacre, and US Attorney General Janet Reno hired John Danforth to
act as an independent counsel to investigate her and her own
organization's involvement. It would be necessary for both
investigations to tackle the evidence presented by the 1993 government
FLIR video of the massacre.

The House Committee hired FLIR expert Carlos Ghigliotti of Infrared
Technology to perform an analysis of the 1993 government FLIR tape. Mr.
Ghigliotti was a man of honor who could not be bought. He not only
confirmed Dr. Allard's opinions about the gunshots, but went to

[CTRL] Irish / American Fest

2000-05-13 Thread Alamaine

From The Irish Times

Thursday, May 11, 2000
The Irish-American
cultural swap shop

As a major festival of Irish culture opens in Washington DC this weekend,
Fintan O'Toole examines the tangled relationship between Ireland and the US,
arguing that US culture is in part an Irish invention, while Irish culture is
inconceivable without America

The current issue of the prestigious US magazine Atlantic Monthly devotes five
full pages to a short story called I'm From Ballymullet. Irish readers will
recognise that the story is based on events a few years ago in Dungarvan, Co
Waterford, when a local curate made the sensational, and extremely unlikely
claim that several local men had been infected with HIV by a woman home from

In I'm From Ballymullet a thinly disguised account of this incident is
recounted in the voices of people with names like Molly Hogan, Father Brendan
Lenehan, Tiny McGarry, Nollaig Faye and Brendan "Bunny" O'Hanlon. There are
appropriate tinges of local colour with references to the Tidy Towns
competition, Ireland beating Italy in the World Cup, and the clubs in Leeson
Street. This is, for all intents and purposes, an authentic Irish short story.

But it's a fair bet nevertheless that the author, Wendy Mai Rawlings, is not
from these parts. Hard as she has tried to apply a convincing sheen of
authenticity, there are some tell-tale anomalies. One of the denizens of
Ballymullet, for example, talks of putting the milk in "the icebox", whereas
real Irish people still have fridges. And it's hardly credible that an Irish
priest would claim that "our citizens know nothing of . . . the gays in their
parades walking down Fifth Avenue" when gay organisations have been marching
without controversy in Saint Patrick's Day parades in Dublin for years.
Something is going on here. Just as most Irish short story writers have left
behind the whimsey of local colour and gas characters with funny notions of sex
and religion, the virtual Irish short story has arrived. There is, in the US,
an established market for a certain kind of fictive Irishness. If the Irish
can't or won't supply it, the Americans are willing and able to do it for
themselves. As with the authentic Irish pub that is prefabricated in Dublin and
re-assembled anywhere from Bangkok to Barcelona, Irish culture no longer has to
have anything to do with Ireland.

Irishness currently has a certain cachet in the US, both in high art and in
popular culture. This week, a major festival of Irish culture opens in
Washington. This week, too, the Tony Award nominations honouring the best of
the Broadway theatrical season were announced. They include Shaun Davey for a
Broadway musical based on James Joyce's The Dead and Gabriel Byrne, for his
performance in Eugene O'Neill's A Moon for the Misbegotten. Over the last two
years, the theatre company Druid, playwrights Martin McDonagh and Conor
McPherson, and the show Riverdance have all had Broadway success.

In pop art, meanwhile, it might be noted that Irish characters now turn up in
sci-fi fantasies and super-hero comics. From Myles O'Brien in Star Trek to
Siryn in X-Force, Cassidy in Preacher and Kevin O'Brian in Daredevil and on to
the kids' cartoon heroes of The Mystic Knights of Tir na nÓg, Irishness has
warped into new dimensions. As the huge US sales of John O'Donoghue's book of
Celtic spirituality, Anam Cara, and of Enya's ethereal vapourings suggest, New
Age enthusiasms have made the magical, mystical Irish marketable. The
"authenticity" of much of this can be judged, however, by the fact that
Banshee, former member of the X-Men and now guru and guide to the young
superheroes of the Generation X comics, is male.

The forces at work can be discerned almost as much in eloquent absences as in
the surface events. While the image of Italian culture in the US, whether in
the epic saga of The Godfather or in the wry realism of The Sopranos, is still
dominated by the Mafia, Irish criminality has had almost no presence in US
popular culture since the days of Jimmy Cagney and Pat O'Brien in Angels with
Dirty Faces in 1938.

It might be imagined, for example, that Hollywood or US TV companies would have
produced a movie or a miniseries about the mob described in 1986 by the current
mayor of New York, Rudi Giuliani, as "the most savage organisation in the long
history of New York city gangs", especially since this gang, the Westies,
flourished in very recent times. But perhaps because its leading members had
names like Jimmy Coonan, Richie Ryan, Jimmy McElroy, Tommy Collins and Kevin
Kelly, the Westies didn't make it in the Hollywood stakes. Movie gangsters are
not Irish, and the Irish in the movies are not gangsters.

Yet, at another level, there is something authentic at work in the oddly
displaced notion of Irishness that lies behind the current wave of enthusiasm
for it in the US. It may be comforting to think about Irish 

[CTRL] Guinea Babies

2000-05-13 Thread Alamaine

 I first became a fan of Dr Kevorkian when, back in about aught-92, -93, as
I recall, he made the assertion that the National Socialists of German fame in
the 30ies and 40ies would be especially envious of the modern day medical
communities and their experimental 'medecine'.  Although many of the current
procedures are indeed valuable in treating maladies, there are also many that
remain experimental, despite their have been made part of the medical
mainstream. Ritalin and other psychotropic better living through chemistry is
but one example.  Physician assisted life-extension for all kinda reasons is
another.  Below is another example from the Britlanders and their Megelesian
coterie.  AER 


WSWS : News  Analysis : Europe : Britain
English hospital censured for using premature babies as human "guinea pigs"
By Liz Smith
13 May 2000
Back to screen version

North Staffordshire Hospital, Stoke on Trent, has been censured for allowing
doctors to conduct clinical research on babies without obtaining parental

It is the outcome of a 15-month inquiry into trials of a ventilator to aid
breathing, in which 28 premature babies died and 15 were left brain damaged.
The inquiry report has called for tighter controls to ensure patients are not
used as “guinea pigs” in clinical tests. Allegations of forged consent forms
have been passed to the General Medical Council.

The investigation was carried out by Professor Rod Griffiths, director of West
Midlands public health, and focused on the way the clinical trials performed by
consultant paediatrician Professor David Southall were conducted. Southall and
another consultant at the hospital, Martin Samuels, were suspended last
December. It is not the first time that Southall has courted controversy. He
was previously criticised for his use of covert video surveillance of mothers
suspected of having harmed their babies. Thirty-three parents or stepparents
were prosecuted as a result.

The report indicts the existing system within the National Health Service (NHS)
for allowing adults and children to be used in experiments. Governance systems
employed at North Staffordshire Hospital at the time of the ventilator trials
were broadly in line with Department of Health guidelines. The section of the
report dealing with “Roles and Responsibility in Monitoring” also makes clear
that finance was a key factor in the short cuts used by Professor Southall. The
Review Panel was told that to have designed and managed a better trial would
have cost more money. The project went ahead anyway, which meant that full
discussion of the trial did not take place.

Between 1989 and 1993 the experimental ventilators were used on 122 premature
babies. Premature babies develop breathing problems because their lungs do not
make enough surfactant, a wetting agent, which creates the correct surface
tension for the lungs to function. Without it, the insides of the lungs tend to
stick together, making it harder to take in oxygen.

The method used to assist premature babies breathing was called Continuous
Negative Extrathoracic Pressure (CNEP), which involves placing the child in a
slightly depressurised incubator. This works on the same principle as an iron
lung, which was used in the 1930s, 40s, and 50s to treat babies with polio who
had difficulty breathing. This “lung” creates a greater pressure inside the
chest than outside.

A baby is placed inside a clear acrylic box, resembling an incubator, which
creates an airtight seal around its chest. Air can be sucked out of the
container, creating a vacuum, while the baby's head remains outside the
ventilator. The greater pressure inside the baby's chest means that the lungs
will inflate, enabling the baby to breathe. This contrasts with the
conventional method, which uses “positive pressure” by inserting a tube into
the throat to pump air into the lungs. This way pressure can be measured and

Debbie and Carl Henshall, who had two of their babies experimented on in 1992,
were the prime movers behind the inquiry being called. Their daughter Stacey
died on a ventilator at the hospital in February 1992 and her sister Sophie,
born in November 1992, suffered brain damage and is permanently disabled.
Mrs. Henshall was told that the treatment was newer and safer, not
experimental. Express consent for her child to take part in the trial was never
sought. Mrs Henshall told BBC News, “I didn't find out until my second
daughter, who had received the treatment, was four years old that the treatment
was part of a trial and the equipment was experimental. I find that incredible.
I just can't believe they can do that. I know my way around a prem unit, having
had six premature babies, but basically they fooled me.”

Mr. Henshall explained that he and his wife had not given their consent for the
treatment and that the form stating the opposite was a forgery. “The consent
form has Sophie's name on it, which is impossible because Deb and 

[CTRL] (fwd) Judi Bari pepper spray audio files available

2000-05-13 Thread nessie

Three audio files are available for public access and downloading.
They are highly compressed to minimize download time and are of
good quality for personal use, but are not intended to be broadcast
quality. If you have doubts about your computer's ability to handle
such files, start with the second link below, which is much shorter
than the others. That will serve as a test. Technical notes are below.

Here is the link to Alicia Littletree's KZYX broadcast of Judi Bari's
awesome Berkeley 1996 presentation of her case against the FBI.
May 24, 2000 marks the 10th anniversary of the car-bombing
and attempted frame-up of Judi and Darryl Cherney while they
were organizing Earth First!'s 1990 Redwood Summer nonviolent
protests against corporate liquidation logging. This talk is Judi
at her peak, revealing her wicked sense of humor and intellect while
making an eloquent and powerful case. Judi died of cancer in 1997,
but her estate and Darryl continue their suit against the FBI and
Oakland Police. A trial date has finally been set for this landmark
case: October 1, 2001. Learn more about the case at
(This program is 61 minutes long, and takes about 45 min. at 28,800
to download, but worth it in my opinion)

The next two files below feature Spring Lundberg, one of the
Humboldt Headwaters Forest activists suing authorities for
repeatedly applying pepper-spray directly to their eyes with Q-tips
and direct spray from inches away. The activists of Headwaters
Forest Defense vs. County of Humboldt won a stunning appellate
victory which reinstates their case, grants them a new trial, and
makes new case law limiting the use of force on nonviolent
political demonstrators. The second file also features plaintiff
Terri Compost, and they are interviewed on Working Assets
Broadcasting. Both interview came just after the 9th Circuit
Court of Appeals granted their appeal.

To learn more about their case see the Albion Monitor story

The first file below is only about 10 minutes playing time, so it's
a quick download and a good test of how your system handles
downloading and playing MP3 files.

Here's the link to KMUD environment show clip with Spring Lundberg:

And here is the link to the Working Assets Radio file with
Spring Lundberg and Terri Compost:


Be sure the links above appear as a single line with no spaces
in it. The email process may break the link into two lines. If so,
edit the line back together before activating the link, or copying
and pasting into your web browser or MP3 player.

Most modern computers have software to play MP3 files
(MPEG 1 Layer 3). It's the most popular format for internet
audio file sharing. Shareware or freeware players are available
for all computer types. For links to players and all you ever
wanted to know about MP3 see:

Some computers will recognize the file type and automatically
"stream" the file, playing it as you download. If not, try the
following procedure to listen while you download:

*  Start your MP3 player
*  Select File/Open
*  Copy the link above for the file you want to hear (and download)
*  Paste into the file location window of your player
*  Click OK, Enter, Go, Return, giddy-up or whatever
*  The download starts
*  After a delay to save up enough data the playback will start
and continue while the file continues to download

If this doesn't work for you, go to the link above
for info about how to set it up for automatic play.


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] TIMSS (fwd)

2000-05-13 Thread Tenorlove

When I was in high school, we had a word for girls who got high scores
in math and science: DATELESS.

The more things change...

Do You Yahoo!?
Send instant messages  get email alerts with Yahoo! Messenger.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Collusion?

2000-05-13 Thread William Shannon

Papers prove Jersey's betrayal of its Jews
By Ian Cobain and Stephen Ward

  THE true extent of British collaboration during the German occupation of
the Channel Islands has been revealed after the discovery of a hidden cache
of wartime papers.
Documents stored under a staircase at the Attorney General's office on Jersey
for 54 years show how enthusiastically the authorities obeyed Nazi orders to
round up Jews on the island. The German military government instructed
Alexander Coutanche, the island's most senior politician, to draw up a list
of anyone with three or four Jewish grandparents, and to stamp their identity
papers with a "J" in red ink.

However, Coutanche, the Bailiff of Jersey, and Charles Duret Aubin, his
Attorney General, decided to hand over anyone with one Jewish grandparent.
Several people were sent to concentration camps as a result. Others committed
suicide or went into hiding. The papers also reveal that senior police
officers tipped off the occupying forces that Frederick Page, a farm labourer
and veteran of the First World War, had been defying Nazi orders by
concealing a radio receiver at his home.

He was arrested and sent to a German prison in France where he starved to
death. The newly discovered papers reveal a degree of collusion which will
dismay many on the islands, where co-operation with the Germans is seen as
having been limited and unavoidable. The documents were found last year when
the Attorney General's office moved to new premises in St Helier, the
island's capital.

Among the first to study them was David Fraser, a senior law lecturer at the
University of Sydney, who believes they show that the authorities could have
done more to protect Jewish islanders. He said: "Island officials were
lawyers, and argued effectively against the Germans when it suited them. They
opposed measures against Freemasons, for example, and did a deal with the
Germans to halt the deportation of retired British servicemen to European
prison camps. They appear to have just said to themselves, 'Here's a list of
names - it's my job to hand them over'."

The Channel Islands were occupied from 1940 to 1945 - the only part of the
United Kingdom to fall under Hitler's control. The Germans left day-to-day
government to the local authorities, who had been given little guidance from
Whitehall, and were anxious to protect the civilian population from the
brutality suffered elsewhere in occupied Europe.

The realisation, at the end of the war, that there had been some official
collaboration did not prevent Coutanche being knighted by George VI or Duret
Aubin being awarded the CBE. Also among the documents were a number of
letters from islanders informing Coutanche of the identity of people
responsible for daubing "V" for victory symbols around the island. The
present Jersey authorities have decided that these letters should remain
classified until 2045 as some of the informers are still alive and living on
the island.

Most of the Jews on the Channel Islands fled before the Germans invaded in
June 1940, along with thousands who joined the British Armed Forces. In
October that year, the authorities registered 12 citizens as Jewish - nine of
whom were not Jewish under the Nazis' own definition. One, Victor Emanuel,
killed himself before he could be deported to mainland Europe while another,
Hyam Goldman, committed suicide soon after the liberation.

Nathan Davidson, who had one Jewish grandparent, went insane and died in a
psychiatric hospital. Two others died of old age, while a fourth died after
refusing to take medication for tuberculosis. Two went into hiding and
survived. One Jerseyman, John Finkelstein, told the authorities that he was
Anglican but was arrested and survived two and a half years in Buchenwald and
Theresienstadt camps.

Ruby Still also claimed to be Christian, but was deported to the Biberach
camp in Germany. She also survived. Esther Lloyd was registered as
"originally Jewish, now Christian". She also survived Biberach. While in a
transit camp, she wrote in her diary on May 6, 1943: "Never shall I be honest
again. If I had not declared myself [as Jewish] this wouldn't have happened -
it's dreadful."

Four Jews were deported from Guernsey. One, Elisabet Duquemin, survived
Biberach. Three others, Therese Steiner, Auguste Spitz and Marianne Grunfeld,
were deported to France in 1943 and died in Auschwitz. The tortuous course
facing the authorities is revealed in one of the papers that has been seen by
The Telegraph, a memo from Duret Aubin about the arrest of Frederick Page
after a tip-off about the banned radio.

He wrote that Centenier Gordon, the police chief, was worried that the
Germans would take direct control of policing in the neighbourhood if they
did not disclose the seizure of the set. "I told Centenier Gordon that I was
not disposed to give him an order one way or the other in a matter into which
considerations of conscience entered so strongly, and that he must decide

[CTRL] [4a] The Thousand Conspiracy

2000-05-13 Thread Kris Millegan

The Thousand Conspiracy - Secret Germany Behind the Mask
Paul Winkler
Charles Scribner’s Sons©1943
New York
381 pps. – First Edition – Out-of-print

"I know no way of judging the future but by the past."

[Speech at the Virginia Assembly, May 1765]


THE DEFEAT OF 1918 wrought considerable changes in the political organization
of Germany. The monarchic system having borne the entire blame for the
debacle, the German people now carried through their democratic revolt. The
Hohenzollerns were banished and the Republic was set up.

The Prusso-Teutonic caste, composed of Junkers, officers and officials, had
been well served by the Hohenzollerns. First they brought about the
secularization of the Order's State and later, on the initiative of Bismarck,
achieved complete Prusso-Teutonic seizure of the whole of Germany. The
HohenzolIerns retained the confidence of this caste until 1918. But when the
World War ended in defeat for Germany, the Hohenzollern family became a most
convenient scapegoat. A few individual members of the Prusso-Teutonic caste
continued sentimental relations with Wilhelm II. For the group as a whole,
however, the Emperor no longer existed, since to disciples of the cruel
Teutonic philosophy any defeat is tantamount to suicide.

Germany seemed to be passing through the same transformation which both
America and France had experienced almost a century and a half before. The
Rightist parties, whose popularity had greatly declined in the course of
these events, could not muster enough strength to oppose this political
development. But the Prusso-Teutonic forces, accustomed to working in
obscurity and to preparing their positions long in advance, did not feel
vanquished by all this. To them the defeat represented a temporary setback to
the execution of their plans.

Sacrifice of the Hohenzollerns seemed to appease the wrath of the world; so
that the Prusso-Teutonic clique was able to reorganize its forces quietly and
prepare to resume control of the affairs of Germany. It was concerned, first
of all, with terrorizing those unfortunates who had had, after the defeat of
1918, the unhappy idea of introducing a democratic regime and spirit into
Germany. It was also necessary to eliminate the leaders of the democratic

To gain time it would be necessary to hold friendly relations with England
for a while and in the meantime to prepare for other conquests. But for many
years the Prusso-Teutonic forces could pay no attention to foreign politics
because internal political problems in Germany more urgently demanded
solutions, and these had to be worked out methodically.

Could the Rightist parties, many of whose members were faithful servants of
the Prusso-Teutonic forces, no longer be useful in the Reichstag, as in
Bismarck's time? Granted-but what difference would this make? The
Prusso-Teutonics did not intend to bother with the Reichstag—they would use
methods completely opposite to those of parliament. Moreover, methods of this
type would be closer to the traditions of the Prusso-Teutonic group than
would any parliamentary procedure. Bismarck himself had accepted the
parliamentary system only after much hesitation and with a certain amount of
resignation. He had found it a difficult task to get this system accepted by
his Junket friends. These new methods, which at the same time were very old,
called for terror through assassination.

Familiar Memories

The Prusso-Teutonic forces, never acting openly, had the ingenious idea of
reviving and making use of a Germanic institution of the Middle Ages, the
Fehme. The Felime was a sort of secret society which set itself up as a
tribunal in all matters. Its members were at the same time judges and
executors of decisions.

In the three and a half years following the Armistice, from 1919 to June 24,
1922, the date of Rathenau's murder, some 354 political assassinations were
perpetrated in Germany by the various "national revival" organizations. For
only two of these crimes, the assassinations of Rathenau and Eisner, was any
punishment meted out, and this was extremely light. Despite the fact that the
various State police forces were officially republican organizations, usually
they allowed the assassins to escape. In those cases, however, where the
killers were actually arrested by overzealous officials, they were acquitted,
or at best fined or condemned to imprisonment for a ridiculously small period
on some silly ground, for example, the carrying of guns without a permit.

Count Arco, who had assassinated Eisner, leader of the Bavarian Left, was
sentenced to death in January, 1920, but his sentence was commuted to
imprisonment for life. This actually consisted in his doing some vague farm
work near the prison. Finally on April 13, 1924, his sentence was suspended
and he was set free. Shortly thereafter he was appointed director of the
"Sueddeutsche Lufthansa," a major aviation concern 

[CTRL] [4b] The Thousand Conspiracy

2000-05-13 Thread Kris Millegan

The Thousand Conspiracy - Secret Germany Behind the Mask
Paul Winkler
Charles Scribner’s Sons©1943
New York
381 pps. – First Edition – Out-of-print

"I know no way of judging the future but by the past."

[Speech at the Virginia Assembly, May 1765]
A Job Well Done

The C Organization as a unit, or its members, can be traced in most of the
post-war assassinations of outstanding political personalities. In the
regulations of the revived Fehme, where the "punishment of traitors" is
mentioned, not only those who actually betray secrets of any of the
organizations involved are intended. All who wanted Gennany to take the path
of democracy were considered "traitors"—traitors because they opposed the
direction desired by the Prusso-Teutonics, the only direction "worthy of a
German"—according to the very particular understanding of this clique. Since
they were traitors, they must be killed. . . . And as a result of this
reasoning, the German democratic leaders were all disposed of, one by one. Of
course the Fehme had even better reasons for acting promptly in cases such as
that of the Bavarian Deputy Gareis in 1921, when Gareis threatened to expose
the Fehme crimes and those responsible for them.

It must be admitted that the methods applied were effective. By 1920 all the
democratic parties had lost their leaders through assassination. Those who
remained at the head of these parties were men who had neither power nor
prominence—and they were terrorized. (It is thus not surprising that the
German emigration which followed Hitler's accession to power has not yet been
able to produce an able leader from among the German statesmen of the
different democratic parties.)

Thus the stage was set for the seizure of power by a group which would
control Germany according to the desires of the Prusso-Teutonics and which
would serve as a front to the latter. The Nazi Party, which was one of the
candidates for this role, was mentioned more and more frequently. Less and
less was said about the Felune crimes and the Consul Organization. Since the
tasks entrusted to this organization had been finished the latter could now
sink into oblivion.

By 1930 we can find the men who had been Ehrhardt's trusted lieutenants
occupying important posts in the Navy, in the Administrative offices of the
Admiralty and in the General Staff of the Fleet. Werner Tillessen, one of the
foremost "men of many tasks" in the Consul Organization, whose name, together
with that of his brother, had figured frequently during the course of most of
the trials involving Felime assassinations, was by then Vice-Admiral.
Services rendered were well paid! When the officers had accomplished their
tasks as Fehme assassins, they returned to the Army or the Navy-holding
higher rank than before because of time passed in the performance of "duties
of a special nature."

The Black Reichswehr

While the staff of the Consul Organization consisted of naval officers, that
of the Rossbach Organization was composed of army officers. Both
organizations worked hand and glove. No difficulties arose between them, and
from time to time—they lent each other their strong-arm men. The absence of
conflict between these two terrorist groups, which one might expect to find
competing with one another, can easily be explained by the fact that both
organizations were acting in separate spheres but on behalf of the same
controlling interests.

The C Organization was concerned primarily with disposing of major political
figures—men in the public eye. The Rossbach Organization was dedicated to the
execution of lesser lights, who might hinder the Junkers as well as the
day-by-day work of secret rearmament. The C Organization functioned
throughout Germany, and was particularly active in areas where a certain
strengthening of the democratic parties. was noticed. The Rossbach
Organization was more active in Prussia itself, looking after the local
interests of the Junkers, on whose estates the units of the organization had
been set up. Therefore the connections of the Rossbach Organization with the
Junkers. were of necessity more apparent than those maintained with the same
interests by the C Organization.

The Rossbach Organization was founded in December, 1918, by Lieutenant
Gerhard Rossbach of the 175th Infantry Regiment with the remnants of his
regiment. He tried to keep together the men who rallied around him after the
debacle by hiding them on the estates of the East-Prussian landlords. Out of
this a few months-later Rossbach formed a "Sturintruppe" (assault troop), now
admitting to membership officers and soldiers from all the armed forces. The
Rossbach forces called themselves an "Arbeitsgemeinschaft" (work cooperative)
to conceal the military character of their organization from the Armistice
Commission. They were to be placed in small units on the estates of the
Junkers where they would carry out their activities.

The Junkers had decided -to hide on 

[CTRL] Get out your Geiger counters

2000-05-13 Thread Nicky Molloy

-Original Message-
From: NewsHawk Inc. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Saturday, 13 May 2000 17:38
Subject: Get out your Geiger counters

Get out your Geiger counters

And so it goes... The Los Alamos fallout, that is.

Lawrence Livermore Nat'l Lab in northern California has announced they
are monitoring the smoke plumes from the Los Alamos fire.

What's noteworthy is that California--of course--is WEST of Los Alamos:
one would think prevailing winds would be carrying the smoke mainly to
the EAST, but apparently not exclusively so.

Obviously, we're all getting nuked at this point.

Residents of North America: got those Geiger counters handy?

NewsHawk® Inc.

+ + + + + + + +

-Original Message-
From: Denise Nelson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Thursday, May 11, 2000 8:06 PM
Subject: [downwinders] Radioactive cloud tracked by Lawrence Livermore Lab

It was just announced that Lawrence Livermore is tracking and
calculating all possible travel patterns of the smoke plume from Los
Alamos. Due to this, one can safely presume the cloud falls under their
jurisdiction which means it is radioactive.

They (DOE) do not normally track fire/smoke plumes, nor does the DOE get
usually involved in tracking and projecting smoke trajectories from
forest fires. The formal announcement from Los Alamos is that the
Radioactive substances INSIDE the lab are safe, but they said nothing
about the off site hot spots, nor radioactive substances stored outside
of the actual Laboratory buildings. The cloud is visible from outer
space and is traveling east rapidly. Troy, NY was hit hard with Fallout
from Nevada many years ago. Presently Vermont is having massive rains
and that will need to be watched

Keep your Geiger counters handy...

-end forwarded post--

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: FC: Patent issued for using barcode tatoos to identify humans

2000-05-13 Thread Kris Millegan


Date: Sat, 13 May 2000 09:40:28 -0800
From: Jim Warren [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: 1999 patent issued for using barcode tatoos for human identification

Aside from the comparison of this patent to the numbers tatooed on
prisoners in Hitler's death-camps during World War II more than half a
century ago, and its comparison to the barcode scanning systems that have
been in use for decades to identify everything from cans of soup to patient
tags used in some hospitals and medical records -- one wonders what
kindergarden child working in the US Patent and Trademark Office concluded
that this was a non-obvious and novel "discovery" worthy of a patent?!

The US PTO is obviously in need of some adult supervision!


United States Patent5,878,155
Heeter  Mar. 2, 1999

Method for verifying human identity during electronic sale transactions
A method is presented for facilitating sales transactions by electronic
media. A bar code or a design is tattooed on an individual. Before the
sales transaction can be consummated, the tattoo is scanned with a scanner.
Characteristics about the scanned tattoo are compared to characteristics
about other tattoos stored on a computer database in order to verify the
identity of the buyer. Once verified, the seller may be authorized to debit
the buyer's electronic bank account in order to consummate the transaction.
The seller's electronic bank account may be similarly updated.


Here's an article from last year on Heeter's patent:

Some folks were upset:

So we know that a man named Thomas W. Heeter, who lives in or near Houston,
Texas last year received a patent on this barcode scheme. What's
interesting is that a man also named Thomas W. Heeter, who also lives in or
near Houston, recently ran for election as a family court judge.


The Houston Chronicle
March 11, 1999
Ex-judge candidate sues Fox television

A former Democratic candidate for a Harris County state district judge
position has sued Fox television, two reporters and a lawyer regarding
broadcasts that questioned his competency to serve as judge.

Lawyer Thomas W. Heeter, who ran unopposed in the March 10, 1998,
Democratic primary for 312th state district judge, is representing himself
in the state district suit he filed Tuesday.

The suit said that broadcasts last year from March 5 to March 15 wrongly
accused Heeter of "being subject to a mental health warrant, being
previously convicted for indecent exposure, offering a $ 50,000 bribe to
Judge T.O. Stansbury, carrying a gun and threatening to cause bodily injury
(and) lying about his county of residence in order to run for public office."

The Harris County Democratic party decided in May 1998 not to back Heeter
because of his "personal and professional challenges," said Sue Schechter,
county Democratic chairwoman, at the time. Heeter dropped out of the race
before the November 1998 election


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[CTRL] China detains dozens of Falun Gong protesters

2000-05-13 Thread K

UPDATE 1-China detains dozens of Falun Gong protesters
Updated 9:33 AM ET May 13, 2000
BEIJING, May 13 (Reuters) - Chinese police on Saturday detained
dozens of Falun Gong adherents in Tiananmen Square, among
them an elderly woman dragged on the ground and a man
Western appearance hauled into a police van, eyewitnesses
Foreign and Chinese tourists watched as police grabbed three
women and pushed them into a van when members of the spiritual
movement tried to unfurl banners during a peaceful protest in the
vast plaza in the heart of Beijing.
Eyewitnesses described seeing at least 50 other people detained
in isolated protests around the square.
It was the second time this week police have moved against
adherents of the banned Falun Gong, which Beijing calls an"evil
cult." Scores were detained on Thursday as they staged protests
to mark the birthday of the movement's founder.
Plainclothes policemen with walkie-talkies videotaped detentions
and the surrounding crowds on Saturday.
Several protesters, including an elderly woman, were thrown to the
ground and dragged into police vans, one eyewitness said.
A tall European man was roughed up when he apparently resisted
handing his camera to police, and at least one other Westerner
was forcibly carried to a police van, the witness said.
The spectacle of police moving against demonstrators who seek
official acceptance of Falun Gong has become a daily occurrence
in Beijing since the group was declared illegal last July.
But the number of protests was higher than usual on Saturday-- a
day many adherents have designated "World Falun Dafa Day" to
celebrate the movement, which combines meditation with a
doctrine rooted loosely in Buddhist and Daoist teachings.
Falun Dafa, which means the Great Law of the Dharma Wheel, is
another name for the group.
In Hong Kong, more than 20 men, women and children from the
Falun Gong meditation group went through their slow-paced
exercises and then sat quietly meditating in a central square.
Falun Gong followers in Hong Kong, a former British colony which
returned to Chinese rule in 1997, have called for the unbanning of
the movement in mainland China and the release of the detainees.
Thursday's protests in Tiananmen Square marked the 48th birthday
of Li Hongzhi, a Chinese former granary clerk who founded the
movement and now lives in exile in New York.
State media published a lengthy commentary this week declaring a
"decisive victory" over the movement, which initially shocked the
atheist Communist party with a 10,000-member protest in Beijing
on April 25, 1999.
The government, which claims the group had two million members
at its peak, says membership has dwindled to roughly 40,000.
Beijing says Falun Gong is anti-science and cheats its followers,
blaming it for 1,500 deaths by suicide or refusal to accept medical
Falun Gong says it has tens of millions of followers in China and 40
other countries.
At least 15 adherents have died in police custody from beatings or
after hunger strikes, according to human rights groups.
China has acknowledged several deaths, but says they were
caused by suicide or natural causes.


Government control of private-sector industry used
to be called fascism. Today it is called the Clinton administration." --Geoff Metcalf

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
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Re: [CTRL] J. Edgar Hoover Shocker?

2000-05-13 Thread flw

 soundz to me like your a commie-paranoia freak just like Hoover...and what
 is so wrong with Hoover having black ancestory, are you a nigga hater
 also???  left wing communism is much much better than right wing national

 Shannon 'bLiTz' Magnani

You actually  think there is a difference?
Excuse me while I choke from laughter.

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Re: [CTRL] J. Edgar Hoover Shocker?

2000-05-13 Thread nessie

[EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes:

You actually  think there is a difference?

Who was it who said, "Under capitalism it's dog eat dog. Under communism
it's precisely the opposite

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2000-05-13 Thread [to:] [EMAIL PROTECTED]









 Regards to All

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Re: [CTRL] Big Bizness Wants YOU to Vote. Be sure to find areason tocomply.

2000-05-13 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

In a message dated 05/07/2000 12:11:15 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

 IN THIS SYSTEM. Don't expect much. Mostly Just sound and fury will come out
 a Nader presidency, if he gets on the ballot at all.

 Nader is the lesser of three evils. 

What do you consider well?  Prudy

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Re: [CTRL] [slick-d] Fwd: All the prop. is going for banning all firearms

2000-05-13 Thread [to:] [EMAIL PROTECTED]


In a message dated 05/13/2000 9:13:13 PM Central Daylight Time,

 Delegates to the quadrennial General Conference of the United Methodist
 Church voted by a 3-1 ratio to call on the federal government and other
 governments to outlaw "ownership by the general public of handguns, assault
 weapons, automatic weapon conversion kits and weapons that cannot be
 by traditionally used metal detection devices." 

Too bad that a delegate to the Methodist Conference didn't make
the following proposal.
Let everyone who wants to ban private gun ownership put up a large
sign in front of their home worded as follows:

Those who are in favor of private gun ownership would put up a large
sign in front of their homes worded as follows:

Let's say this was done by law all over the country.
Everyone had to have one sign or the other.

Which homes do you think the crooks would go and rob?

 Regards to All

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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[CTRL] [endsecrecy] Blueprint for a Prison Planet

2000-05-13 Thread lloyd


From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:
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Subject: [endsecrecy] Blueprint for a Prison Planet
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Subject: Blueprint for a Prison Planet
(The Plan to Microchip Humanity...and why you won't believe it)


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2000-05-13 Thread Rock4Life

Thought that I would make a comment on this, that it is true( I just
called my local dealer) for those that have to go through the NICS
checkbut those of us that have a concealed carry permit( As I do)
that was granted a good while back, we can still purchase because we do
not have to be checked with it. The dealer told me it would probably be
back on line by tom. afternoon, but as you say, this would stop a whole
lot of people from being able to purchase when they wanted to which is a
main point. We all are already filed in a database somewhere and the CCP
just puts us up a notch higher on the list. But living close to New
Orleans, I'd rather have the CCP than not

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
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[CTRL] The Trashing of Donato by the Left

2000-05-13 Thread K

Found at:

Fascism and Donato Dalrymple

 Lawrence Auster
 Sunday May 14, 2000

 The armed seizure of Elian Gonzalez was not only a lawless act of
tyranny by the Clinton government, it was an announcement, for
those with eyes to see, of the beginning of an age of tyranny in
America. It is a tyranny that has been taking shape imperceptibly
and informally over many years, but now is becoming so blatant
and systematic that it virtually amounts to a new (if unofficial) form
of government.

 Under this regime, the executive, liberated from the Constitution
and from any fear of genuine political opposition, does whatever it
feels like doing, from character assassination campaigns against
witnesses and prosecutors to missile attacks on foreign aspirin
factories to the terror bombing of foreign civilian populations, while
the major media, functioning in effect as a state organ, shapes an
ignorant and malleable public into agreement with whatever the
executive is doing.

 Each act of tyranny requires further acts of tyranny, namely the
discrediting and dehumanizing of anyone who opposes the
executive's will. Such attacks serve two functions: They justify the
tyranny by showing that the "enemies of the state" were the ones
who provoked it, and they send the unmistakable message to
everyone in the society that this is what we're going to do to you if
you get in our way.

 Dissidents do not need to be crushed physically, as under a fully
totalitarian regime, nor do they need to be framed on criminal
charges, as has happened to Linda Tripp. It is enough to cast them
outside the community of the "good, right-thinking" people.

 This is especially easy when the dissident is not a public figure but
simply some poor slob whom fate has placed in the path of the left.
Since the legions of the politically correct do not regard such a
person as a human being like themselves, they don't have to
observe even minimal decency toward him.

 This may sound extreme, but experience is bearing it out. Just as
property owners had no intrinsic value in the eyes of the Bolsheviks,
and just as Jews had no intrinsic human value in the eyes of the
Nazis, anyone who doesn't dance to the tune of America's
dominant left has no intrinsic human value.

 These are some of the thoughts triggered by The Washington
Post's front-page hit job against Donato Dalrymple four days after
machine-gun-toting INS agents grabbed Elian Gonzalez from his

 Dalrymple, writes Post reporter Michael Leahy, "seemed the one
pure, likable character in this custody tug-of-war." Well, Leahy sure
takes care of that little oversight. Writing with a combination of
gossip-column salaciousness and a Stalinoid impulse to
dehumanize an enemy of the people, Leahy exploits Dalrymple's
naive and ingenuous comments to portray him as a shameless
publicity hound and a pervert.

 I won't go into the details of this unbelievably filthy piece of
"journalism," which has been adequately discussed elsewhere.
What I want to emphasize here is what the article tells us about the
liberals' devotion to the "little people." It turns out that the
liberals care about the little people only when they serve the
liberals' own political purposes, either as objects for their
conspicuous compassion, or as "victims of oppression" with which
they can flay the "right."

 But as soon as the little people are unfortunate enough to find
themselves on the other side of an issue from the left, they become
inconveniences to be swept aside. Their very insignificance ( their
relative lack of success in life, their lack of sophistication and
media savvy, their quirks, their immaturities, even their very
innocence) becomes the means the left uses to isolate and
humiliate them.

 The media's and public's contempt for Elian's Miami relatives and
their supporters shows how hollow are this country's liberal ideals.
This country, which is so pro-immigration (even to the point of
allowing its national identity to be erased in the name of open
borders) suddenly turns against a family of immigrants when they
are anti-Communist and standing up to the Clinton government.

 This country, which makes such a show of supporting the
oppressed against the oppressors, treats the Miami relatives in
their modest bungalow home ( these people who have nothing to
stand on but their humanity and their sense of what is right_with

 This country, which gobbles up one Hollywood thriller after another
in which people who fight against authority for a cause they believe
in are regarded as heroes, regards the good Marisleysis as a joke
and the heroic Lazaro as a creep.

 How dead are the souls of the millions of Americans who, far from
sympathizing with these good people, agree with those who
callously mock and dismiss them?

 How dead are their souls that they can't understand that a person
who has saved a child's life feels forever a special bond and
obligation to the one 


2000-05-13 Thread Kris Millegan

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Quotes on time delayed basis.
All but cotton are CBOT and reflect Project A. Market News  Saturday, May 13,
Rooster Call

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 Ag Headline NewsCoastal Farmers Warned of "Above-Average" Hurricane Season
Friday, May 12, 2000 -- Farmers and ranchers in coastal regions from Virginia
to Texas were cautioned by the National Weather Service to expect an
"above-average" 2000 Atlantic hurricane season.
Written by: Editors, Progressive Farmer

'Bonanza' or 'Little House on the Prairie'
Friday, May 12, 2000 -- A close look at 21st Century American farm structure
leaves us with mixed emotions.
Written by: Dean Lueck and Gary Brester, Farm Progress

Super seeder
Friday, May 12, 2000 -- The concept seeder merges the attributes of an air
seeder and a row-crop planter.
Written by: Gil Gullickson, Farm Progress

Oh Boy! Pass The Soy!
Friday, May 12, 2000 -- You'd think the food industry would never be more
open to suggestions to get more soybeans into their products. There's just
one problem: foods with soybeans in them tend to taste like, well, soybeans.
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Bumper Crop Basics: Alfalfa troubleshooting
Friday, May 12, 2000 -- As haying season approaches, check out those alfalfa
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Finding a home for U.S. wheat
Friday, May 12, 2000 -- When it comes to adding value to the U.S. wheat crop,
your choices are few. Only China or former Soviet Union can really impact
wheat prices up or down.
Written by: J.T. Smith, Farm Progress

Hold the nitrogen!
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million bushels.
Written by: Bill Tierney, KSU, Extension Agricultural Economics
The Importance of the USA Corn Crop to Consumers
Monday, May 08, 2000 -- A quick look at the relative size of the USA corn
crop shows why the market is so sensitive to USA weather at this time of year.
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Rear View Mirror: Rains and market volatility to not alter trend
Friday, May 12, 2000 -- Continued strong demand, and rising export sales keep
this market stair-stepping higher. Watch the fundamentals and look for
pricing opportunities for corn and soybeans.
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[CTRL] Pope Reveals Third Secret of Fatima

2000-05-13 Thread Carl Amedio

Why does the Vatican feel the need to lie about the secret now?

May 13, 2000 - 08:58 AM

Pope Beatifies Shepherd Boy and Girl in Portugal, Reveals Third Secret
By Adam Brown
Associated Press Writer

FATIMA, Portugal (AP) - The Vatican disclosed today that the so-called third
secret of Fatima foretold the 1981 assassination attempt against Pope John
Paul II, ending a mystery that some had feared was apocalyptic.
Believers hold that the mother of Christ appeared before three shepherd
children in 1917 in Fatima and gave them three prophecies, two of which have
been reported: a vision of "hell," interpreted as World War II, and the rise
and fall of Soviet Communism.

After years of speculation, the Vatican Secretary of State Cardinal Angelo
Sodano said today that the "third part of the secret of Fatima" speaks of a
"bishop clothed in white" who "falls to the ground, apparently dead, under a
burst of gunfire."

Sodano recalled that Pope John Paul has credited the Virgin of Fatima with
intervening after he was shot by a Turkish gunman in St. Peter's square on
May 13, 1981 - the anniversary of the first reported vision of the Virgin of
Fatima in 1917.

The pope beatified two of the shepherd children today during a 24-hour visit
to Fatima. Beatification is the final step before sainthood.

About 600,000 people watched under the hot sun as the pope performed a 2
1/2-hour ceremony to beatify Jacinta Marto and her brother Francisco, who
said the Virgin Mary appeared to them and their cousin Lucia dos Santos above
an olive tree six times here.

Many in the crowd applauded when they heard the long-awaited third secret,
announced at the end of the pope's Mass. Some said they were eager to hear
more details while others expressed disappointment that the secret did not
foretell a momentous event, as many had speculated.

"What they said all happened in the past," said Julio Estela, a 33-year-old
car salesman from the northern Portuguese town of Trofa. "This isn't a
prophecy. It's disappointing. I think there's more."

The shepherd children died of pneumonia two years after the visions, at the
ages of 9 and 11.

Dos Santos, now 93 and cloistered since 1929 in a Portuguese Carmelite
convent, received communion from the pope along with children dressed as

She said a silent prayer beside the tombs of her cousins before joining the
beatification ceremony in Fatima's neo-Baroque basilica.

The pope was driven through the cheering throng for 40 minutes in the
popemobile before taking his chair and raising his right hand in salute
before the beatification.

Infirm people on cots and in wheelchairs and thousands of children flanked
the alter where the pope performed the ceremony.

Afterward, the pontiff visited the tombs of the dead shepherd children in the
Fatima basilica.

The pope is said to have a special fondness for Fatima since 1981, when he
was wounded in the assassination attempt.

"I desire once again to celebrate the goodness of the Lord toward me when,
severely struck on May 13, 1981, I was saved from death," the pope told the
crowds in his homily. "I also express my debt to the blessed Jacinta for the
sacrifices and prayers made for the Holy Father, whom she saw suffer

One of the bullets fired is placed in the crown of the statue of the Virgin
Mary at Fatima, a town of 8,000.

When he came to Fatima on May 12 the following year to thank the Virgin, the
pope survived another assassination attempt by a fundamentalist Spanish
priest who lunged at him with a bayonet, accusing him of betraying the

In contrast to his apparent weakness and slurred speech on arrival in Fatima
on Friday, the pope early today appeared more animated, gesturing frequently
to the crowd.

In a surprise gesture Friday, John Paul donated to the Virgin of Fatima a
cherished gold ring his late mentor Warsaw Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski, the
Polish primate, gave him in 1978 when he became pope.

This is expected to be his last foreign trip this year amid a heavy agenda of
2000 Holy Year commitments

Crowds of pilgrims from Portugal, the United States, South America and Africa
slept in their cars in the open air or in tents on the grass as they waited
for today's beatification.

"It is beautiful what the pope is doing for the children," said Lise Bento, a
30-year-old pilgrim from Cape Verde who came to Fatima with her three small
children to see the pope for the first time. "It's an amazing experience."

Like the shrine at Lourdes, France, Fatima draws huge numbers of visitors -
local officials estimate 6 million - each year.


On the Net:


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[CTRL] ECTV- Massive CME Occurred Just Hours Ago

2000-05-13 Thread DIG alfred webre

Massive CME Occurred Just Hours Ago...05/13/00
by Mitch Battros  (ECTV)

The largest CME (coronal mass ejection) I have seen this year and it looks
like it is heading in our direction. I find this to be a stunning
coincidence to occur on the eve of Pope John Paul's visit to Fatima and
his possible revealing of the Third Secret.

If it is indeed heading our way, look for "red skies" like we have not
seen to date.

Take a look at this:

Watch for aurora borealis and severe weather just a few hours after Pope
John Paul's beatification ceremony. It will have a haunting similarity as
did happen on this very day in Portugal on May 13th 1917. "On that day,
witnesses claimed to have seen the sun dance in the sky."

Mitch Battros
Producer - Earth Changes TV
_ - Alternative News Forum for ecology, politics 
consciousness.  MIRROR SITES:

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effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
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[CTRL] Casolaro,Murder,The Octopus,And The Island Of Dominica

2000-05-13 Thread William Shannon

Of Casolaro, Murder,
The Octopus, And The
Island Of Dominca
From Vince Lodato [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The reason for Alan Standorf's death is listed below. (Note - Standorf is
reported to be the former NSA agent who gave data to Danny Casolaro).

My sister was murdered. Her home was looted and arsoned, and her company
destroyed. This is very real, objective, and I feel so sad inside over what I
have found. I saw your recent article (on Rumor Mill News) about Mr. Alan
Standorf and othershere is the final piece of the puzzle...


Vince Lodato, PhD

(Note - As always, reader comments are welcome. The views, information, and
data expressed in the stories posted here have not been independently
confirmed nor do they necessarily represent those of this site or its
sponsors. -ed)

I have walked the Casolaro walk, not by choice but because of my sister's

Here is what I found. There are no copyrights about this story; it is very
sad, and at the age of 59 with a PhD in physics. I give these notes to the
readers of Rumor Mill News and all.

Now I know why Danny Casolaro, who was a journalist, and at the end didn't
care about his book, etc., etc.

The Story of the Secret base on Dominica and the murders that followed:

Notes of Other Posts on RMN

In the Caribbean, is the tiny Island of Dominica, not the Dominican Republic.
This small island nation was once a territory of England, and only recently
was granted soverignity.

The Question is: "Why a secret "private non USA" base in this country?"

This tiny nature island has a small native population. It is located near the
equator and between the two continents and is ideally and geographically
positioned for satellite communications. Since it has its own soviergnity, it
is very difficult for any law enforcement agencies to monitor and/or

But the most important reason for this base is: There is the trememdous
amount of geothermal energy. It has the only Boiling Lake in the world. To
run a secret "non USA" Project Echelon base (see an earlier post: Sunday Nov
14,1999 on Project Echelon), it takes allot of energy...and this is an
independent renewable energy resource that would attract minimial attention
while in continual operation.This type of energy source has been built near
an Indian Reseveration for a cost of only $25,000,000...and not used for
farming, commerical, industrial or public use.

Last year this has been confirmed by a reliable source from within Dominica
the geothermal power plant exists. Also Danny Casolaro, when alive, through a
Mr. Nichols in California was made aware of this source. He reported this
observation in his notes. Casolaro was going to expose the connections
between some unauthorized black projects involving Hughes, (an Octopus
company), and the power Elite. He was given this information by a government
employee and had hard evidence of who was the head of the Octopus Group..(see
Bill Hamilton's post under the quoted above reported post) and shortly after
his investigation he was killed.

Dominica has off shore gambling, and off shore banking. You can become a
citizen there for a fee of $50,000.00 and enjoy a tax haven. It is a very
quite island inhabited mainly by native indians. In the CIA factbook it is
listed as a place for farming, relatively quite, but used on the drug routes
between the Americas. There is no mention of this geothermal power plant.
Finally on this tiny quite will find the nerve center, a secret
base, for the information flow of the world...and a "NON USA" Private Project
Echelon...being powered by this geothermal energy plant.

Right after the Grenada Crisis, ties were established between the "Power
Elite of the USA" and Dominica. This nation gained its independence in 1978.
Dominica's Defense group is divided into two segments: the regular police
between 500-700 individuals, and a Special Service Unit (SSU) of a few
hundred personnel. The SSU was originally privately funded and entrusted with
the National Security of Dominica. From time to time these two units have
clashed. In the Late 1980's Dominica's Government passed the State Security
Act giving the SSU "Broad Powers" supposedly for preserving National
Security. The interesting part of the SSU, is that Mr. Nichols, an American,
was the first head of the SSU and well connected with the Octopus Group. This
is the same Mr. Nichols who gave Casolaro the information about the
geothermal power plant in Dominica. As of this posting the SSU is alive and
well in Dominica, and so is the power plant.

Project Echelon is a multinational government venture between the USA, UK,
Canada, Australia, New Zealand, etc. The purpose is to be able to gather ALL
information and process it via using computers, satellites, and all
telecommunication equipment. France has tried to build their own system, and
CHINA has one now. We can understand the reason why countries desire such a


2000-05-13 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER



By: Michael J.  Bates

Lately folks around town have expressed their confusion in tryin’
to understand what exactly it is the Rice-President in charge of
gettin’ himself elected Totalitarian-in-Chief is sayin’ every
time he opens his yap to hawk up some more Gorespeak.  As Zed
Zonker, owner of Zonker’s Guns  Bait Tavern, puts it, "what the
hell’s that drooper jawin’ about now, an how long is he goin’ to
stay on the side of the fence he’s standin’ on when he says it?"

In an effort to clarify some of the crap comin’ outta the mouth
of the Chinese communists’ favorite politician, an’ so better
serve the good citizens of Last Ditch Attempt, an Ad Hoc
committee of local luminaries was formed to study an’ try to
decipher some of Al’s gibberish.

The committee consisted of: Mr.  Biggun Stump, owner of The Last
Ditch Attempt Saloon (Guns  Bait In The Back); Miss Mobeta
Tingler, owner of Tingler’s Gamin’ Center An’ House Of Horizontal
Refreshment (Check Yer Guns At The Door – Bait’s Upstairs); Mr.
Dirty Neck Hickey, President of the Last Ditch Attempt Huntin’ 
Fishin’ Club (Guns  Bait Everwhere Ya Look).  Soon as they
figured out what "Ad Hoc" meant they got down to it an’ these
here are their translations of what they think Al’s REALLY sayin’
when he cuts loose with his GORESPEAK.

Gorespeak – "I got a whole book about what I’m going to do."
Translation – My socialist manifesto is on sale now.

Gorespeak – "It ought to be possible to establish a coordinated
global program to accomplish the strategic goal of completely
eliminating the internal combution engine over, say, a
twenty-five year period." Translation – Yer children will plow
behind mules in the comin’ world gulag.

Gorespeak – "I volunteered to cooperate fully as I have from the
beginning of the investigation." Translation – I ain’t told the
truth in thirty years, why start now?

Gorespeak – "There is no controlling legal authority..."
Translation – I’M the law, so shut the hell up and gimme yer

Gorespeak – Decisions should be made "in the best interest of the
6-year-old child." (Elian Gonzalez) Translation – Don’t ask me,
I’m not gettin’ in the middle of this mess. On the other hand, I
invented Cubans, so they owe me their votes.

Gorespeak – "I will fight for all the people ...  including
janitors." Translation – I will OWN all the people ...
including janitors.

Gorespeak – "This is not only the most successful event ever" – A
$25,000 a head fundraiser held in California’s Silicon Valley –
"but it has broken the old record by a long shot." Translation –
It’s good to be the King.

Gorespeak – "I didn’t know it was a fund raising event."
Translation – I didn’t know I was goin’ to get caught takin’
money from communists.

Gorespeak – "The Democracy Endowment will break the link between
money and political influence." Translation – I’ll have all the
money, an’ that influences the hell outta me.

Gorespeak – "I know firsthand what is wrong with the way we fund
our political campaigns." Translation – I’ve been lyin’, cheatin’
and stealin’ my entire political career.

Gorespeak – "Tony Coelho is doing a terrific job day after day.
He will continue to do a terrific job." Translation – Tony Coelho
is a damn fine little thief, he will continue to be a damn fine

Gorespeak – "The details of donations are a science I do not
involve myself in." Translation – I don’t know the names of all
the bagmen I use to collect my graft money.

Gorespeak – "My commitment to changing America’s campaign finance
laws is both personal and profound." Translation – I don’t EVER
wanna get caught takin’ payoffs again.

Gorespeak – "There certainly is not anything wrong with my
relationship with Occidental Petroleum." Translation – I’m rakin’
in the dough hand over fist, what’s wrong with that?

Gorespeak – "We are ready for any unforseen event which may or
may not occur." Translation – We can spin ANYTHING any damn way
we want.

Gorespeak – "I took the initiative in inventing the Internet..."
Translation – Y’all wanna buy some beachfront property in

Gorespeak – "Every American has the right to health care
insurance." Translation – Carry out yer own dead.

Gorespeak – "No child should go without care in these strong
economic times." Translation – Janet Reno’s gonna carry out yer

Gorespeak – "I made a change, I started answering questions
without waiting to analyze what the administration’s agenda was."
Translation – Bill said I could start tellin’ my own lies.

Gorespeak – "I began to dig deep to find ways I could communicate
what I was trying to say in this campaign in a more effective
way." Translation – Y’all wouldn’t believe how CHEAP it is to buy
off the mainstream media.

Gorespeak – "If you give me a chance, I will be a law-and-order
President." Translation – The thugs that pass for law around here
will be roundin’ y’all up in short order.

Gorespeak – "We have to stand up to the NRA ... 

[CTRL] Political correctness on the loose

2000-05-13 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

From NY Daily News:

So Sensitive

Political correctness on the loose

Here are some news stories you may have missed:,

Police in Gloucester, England, are cracking down on racism by
entering restaurants in disguise to listen for bigoted
conversation.  In the first week of Operation Napkin, one man was
arrested for unacceptable table talk.  Another was briefly
detained for mimicking an Indian waiter.

,Maybe children can help the police by becoming amateur speech
cops at home.  Columnist John O'Sullivan notes that an official
,1999 British report proposed criminalizing racist remarks made
in the family home.

,A picnic to honor Jackie Robinson led to a furor over alleged
racism at the State University of New York at Albany.  Some 40
students insisted that the word "picnic" originally referred to
the racial lynchings of blacks.  They were wrong.  "Picnic" comes
from a 17th century French word for a potluck meal.

,But Affirmative Action Director Zaheer Mustafa put out a memo
asking student leaders to refrain from any use of the word
"picnic.","Whether the claims are true or not, the point is the
word offended," he said. In publicity for the event, the word
"picnic" was changed to "outing." This offended gay students, so
the event formerly known as picnic was publicized without a noun
describing what was going on.

,Gary Falkenham, a high-school student in Sheet Harbour, Nova
Scotia, may face criminal charges for wearing Dippity-Do hair gel
and Aqua Velva deodorant to school.  Falkenham was suspended
twice for violating the school's strict anti-aroma policy.  Then
he was placed under criminal investigation after a police
complaint by his odor-sensitive teacher, Tanya MacDonald.  "If
her reaction was severe enough, you could actually even look at
an assault charge,",warned Constable Scott Manning.

,Falkenham said he's willing to give up his Dippity-Do but draws
the line on going without deodorant.  "I don't know what to
think,",said Falkenham.  "It's stupid."

,President Clinton issued an executive order banning
discrimination in the federal government against parents,
stepparents, foster parents, custodians of legal wards and people
who are trying to become parental figures by "actively seeking
legal custody or adoption."

,Clinton said his order would prohibit government employers from
"taking a mother or father off a career-advancing path out of a
belief that parents cannot meet requirements." Parents thus join
the long list of America's protected classes, which include
cross-dressers, addicts, people with AIDS, people with accents,
people from Appalachia (protected in Cincinnati),
Armenian-Americans (Pasadena, Calif.), transsexuals (several
cities) and people who are considered homely, too tall, too
short, too fat or too thin (several cities and the State of

,Remember Susan McClary, the feminist musicologist and MacArthur
Foundation "genius" who announced that Beethoven's Ninth Symphony
was an expression of rape?  Now another scholar, Rebecca Moore
Howard of Syracuse University, says that plagiarism is also a
kind of rape.  She believes the current concept of plagiarism
relies on "gendered metaphors of authorship" that suggest
originality is masculine, while collaborative writing is
feminine.  Don't nod off yet.  There's more.

,She says writing guides, new and old, describe plagiarism as a
sexual disease and or a kind of rape.  "Plagiarism ...  incites
gender hysteria," she writes.  "Let's leave sexual work out of
textual work."

,Good idea.  And remember, for only $25,000 a year, you, too, can
go to college and study with people like this.  It's okay to doze
off now.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:

[CTRL] Ken Hamblin: CLinton Has Stopped All Gun Sales For Mom March!

2000-05-13 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

[Why does this not surprise me.  Clinton would do anything to
advance his agenda.  --MS]

From: Free Republic

Ken Hamblin has had Gun Store owners on his program today who
said that Clinton has caused the FBI to end all gun sales this
weekend as a means of showing support for the Million Marxist Mom

Word is out that Clinton sent out and executive order for this
cause, but I don't know the he would have to go that far to stop
the FBI.

Also, it has been stated that Clinton wants the FBI NICS
computers to be shut down until Monday, or Tuesady.

The FBI is saying it is for upgrades, and data loading, but those
who use the system, the gun shop owners, are saying that when
they call the FBI, they were told that this is a direct order
from Comarde Clinton.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Drudge: FBI briefing in Sen. Specter's office on newespionage cas...

2000-05-13 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

In a message dated 05/07/2000 12:11:18 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

 This is the second time you suggested that Deutch is working for Israel. Is
 this speculation, or have you seen sources for this conclusion? If so could
 point me to them. Because if it's true, this would be one of the greatest spy
 stories around. 

It's my conclusion, no source involved unless you consider the matter of our
CIA chief putting the most secret secrets on his home computer just to
excercise the possibility.   It's the triumph of all that cute "dual
citizenship" stuff.   I don't for one moment think that Mr. Deutch sold
information to a foreign government.  I believe he just made it possible for
one to collect the information very simply, and that government wasn't all
that foreign to him.

Look what we did to our Japanese Americans during World War II just because
there was a possibility of their feeling allegience to their "mother
country."  Not too long back, anyone who voted in an election in a foreign
country lost their American
citizenship.   I wish that were still the case. I don't believe in plural
marriage, and I don't believe in plural countries either.


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Save the St Bernard Dogs.

2000-05-13 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

I would like some references please.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Nonconsensual Brainwave/Personality Studies

2000-05-13 Thread Samantha L.

In a message dated 5/13/00 3:30:06 PM Central Daylight Time,

 Using relatively low-level RFR, it may be possible to sensitize large
  military groups to extremely dispersed amounts of biological or chemical
  agents to which the unirradiated population would be immune.(1)

  Hmmm.  RFR and chemtrails?


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] What is going on at the Plum Island Bio Labs? [RMNEWS]

2000-05-13 Thread Nicky Molloy

-Original Message-
Date: Saturday, 13 May 2000 15:21
Subject: [RMNEWS] What is going on at the Plum Island Bio Labs?


May 12, 2000

What is going on at the Plum Island Bio Labs?
Dr. Byron Weeks

There are some facts and rumors that need to be known in regard to
several events that I believe are related.

There is a Microbiology Lab at Plum Island off the northern tip of
Long Island. It is said to be doing research on animal diseases that
could be accidentally imported to the US. Mostly about horses in
recent times. They are concentrating on equine encephalitis, an
inflammation of the brain in horses that is spread by mosquitoes and
is transmissible to humans. There are several coincidences that may
arouse one's suspicions and lead to certain questions.

What was the source of the alleged outbreak of West Nile fever in New
York City?

Why do studies suggest this the virus has been genetically altered?
actually resembles Japanese B Encephalitis which is deadly to horses,
birds, and humans. The Opossum is evidently a host for the virus,
since it has been found in live animals in the North Eastern states.

Why was NYC suddenly doused last winter with malathion, an agent
related to nerve gas and very toxic to humans and mosquitoes?

Why are crows, blackbirds, starlings and other carrion birds dying
over the Eastern states, and as far west as Colorado, in large

Why have there been many reports of the identification of a mosquito
normally found only in Asia--Aedes japonicum?? This mosquito is a
vector of Japanese B encephalitis virus and probably other viruses.
is now found in New England.

Did the encephalitis cases originate from Plum Island? Did Plum
import Aedes japonicum from Asia? Was the release accidental, or

Are Americans now at risk for an epidemic of mosquito borne

Why is my informant quoted below seemingly being targeted? A swarm of
mosqitoes were discovered in the cab of this person's truck and
several bites were incurred. This person is now quite ill.

The following is a quote from my informant, who is an epidemiologist:

"I will keep you informed. I think that OraVax was working on JE
family of vaccine and will probably market it soon. I found some
anomolies with the original outbreak as you know. I think that the
first 3 cases were actually St. Louis Encephalitis and the latter
cases were Kunjin/WNV. Plum Island had been testing JE encephalitis
family of vaccine on human volunteers. Drs. Peter Mason and Robert E
Shope of Plum Island and Dr. Thomas Monath of OraVax worked on the
vaccine. Then we have Dr. Jerry Hauer who was hired by NYC in Feb. of
1999 to head up the Office of Emergency Management. He is on the same
Clinton biopreparedness committee with Shope, (Dr.Shope) who is now
the Univ of Texas at Galvaston. Dr. Hauer left the City right after
the West Nile crisis subsided. Dr. Hauer went to the FBI to head up
their biopreparedness dept. The CDC did release the blood work on the
300 residents of a 3 mile square of Queens New York.

I will check into the reports. I do assume and did mention it last
fall, that the birds who can travel up to 50+ miles a day would
probably spread it South and Westward this Spring. All that one has
do is the Math. I would surmise that it spreads to Colorado this
Spring and clear down to Florida and up through Eastern and Centeral
Canada. If OraVax does market the chimerivax by the Summer, I would
begin to wonder if the WNV wasn't "let go" by NWO people last March
1999. There was a power outage at Plum Island in march of 99, the
march of 99 when OraVax Co. was in financial crisis. There were
subsequent (unexplained) power outages at Plum island during the
summer. I had discovered that Plum Island was the recepient of 10
million dollars from the Nixon Administration back in 1970 for the
purpose of studying the use of mycoplasma for germwar. Dr. Jawad Al
Aubaidi headed that Dept. in the 80's, until hostilities broke out in
the Gulf, at which time he went back home to Iraq to head the Univ.
Bagdad Mycoplasma research dept.

I am gathering evidence that proves Lyme Disease originated at Plum
Island. I will keep you updated on West Nile. Over the weekend, I
see what I have in files. OraVax's parent company is Peptide
Theraputic Corp. in the UK, Cambridge I think." **

The Uncensored National Rumor=== P.O. Box 1784 Aptos, CA 95001
831.462.3949 TelFax

Best friends, most artistic, class clown Find 'em here:

RMNews, The Uncensored National Rumor

[CTRL] Chomsky on Palestine (fwd)

2000-05-13 Thread Yardbird

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Sat, 13 May 2000 21:18:18 +
Subject: Chomsky on Palestine

   ___      __
  /  |/  /  /___/  / /_ //M I D - E A S T   R E A L I T I E S
 / /|_/ /  /_/_   / /\\ Making Sense of the Middle East
/_/  /_/  /___/  /_/  \\CHOMSKY ON PALESTINE

  News, Information,  Analysis That Governments, Interest Groups,
 and the Corporate Media Don't Want You To Know!
  - - - - - - - - - -
 To receive MER regularly email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Professor Noam Chomsky is one of the world's most
acclaimed political commentators.  "Arguably the
most important intellectual alive" was the comment
made some years ago in the NEW YORK TIMES when
reviewing one of his dozens of important books
about contemporary affairs.  And those who have
MEDIA" (a unique 3-hour video documentary) have
missed one of the most important commentaries
about our times that is essential to understanding
  the age in which we live.


"The PLO leadership over the years failed to comprehend
how the more democratic societies function and I think
Palestinians have suffered gravely from these failures."

Just before the Oslo Accords, I happened to come across some remarks by Haider
Abdel Shafi, in a talk he gave in Bethlehem, July 1993, when the PLO leadership
was secretly taking matters into its own hands by bypassing the Palestinian
negotiators.  In his talk he held out little hope for the peace process. He said
it was structured in such a way that it could not lead to real self-determination.
These are conclusions he repeated after the conclusion of the Declaration of Principles
announced a few weeks later, and as the next stages were underway.

The basic problem he discussed in his July 1993 talk, which became still sharper
when the PLO leadership took over, was that the negotiations were taking place
between a rich, powerful, well-organised state that was virtually an accessory
of the
superpower in charge, and on the other hand representatives of a society that had
been oppressed and lacked internal cohesion, democratic institutions and a 
leadership. In such a confrontation the outcome is predictable, as he
pointed out, and also the path towards improving these conditions to allow more
meaningful negotiations is also clear from that analysis.

To quote his own words;

The negotiations are not worth fighting about, the critical issue is transforming
our own society. We must decide amongst ourselves to use all our strengths to develop
our collective leadership and the democratic institutions that will achieve our
goals and guide us to the future. The important thing for us is to take care of
our own internal situation and to organise our own society, and correct the negative
aspects of the negotiations from which our society has been suffering from for
generations, the reason for our losses against our foes.


These remarks struck me as perceptive and accurate when I read them in August 1993,
even more so when the Oslo Accords were announced a few weeks later, and as events
developed, what seemed to me a predictable and ominous path.  More recently, Asmi
Bashara stressed the fact that only democracy can save the Palestinian administration
from 'Lahadism', while absence of democracy will turn its Bantustan situation into
the final status, a conclusion that also seems to me to be plausible and accurate.

In the absence of democracy a popular mobilisation will be deflected into a 
confrontation with the Palestinian Authority instead of Israel, which seems largely
correct.  I would only add that to be a success, the confrontation will have to
cut across Palestinian and Israeli society to join elements in both societies,
and it will also have to rely on a form of international solidarity amongst peoples
abroad, particularly in the US, which is overwhelmingly dominant in this region,
and indeed the world.

These are dimensions of the problem that I think have not been overly faced in
the past, and they reflect the internal problems of Palestinian society which Dr
Abdel Shafi has spoken.


One aspect of these problems is the isolation of leadership from a healthy democratic
interchange that might have helped to correct a seriously-mistaken course.  The
internal problems of democratisation involve dismantling of authoritarian and
repressive institutions, ranging from the family to the larger society.  That is