[CTRL] AP: Linda Tripp Plans More Public Life

2000-06-04 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

Linda Tripp Plans More Public Life

By Bruce Smith
Associated Press Writer
Sunday, June 4, 2000; 1:04 a.m. EDT

CHARLESTON, S.C. ­­ Linda Tripp, making her first public
appearance in months, said Saturday she plans to be more visible
now that wiretapping charges have been dismissed because "if I
continue to remain silent, they win."

Tripp had avoided virtually all public appearances since her
indictment in Maryland last July, though she has released
statements on her Web site and through her attorney. She said she
has received dozens of speaking invitations.

"I am not a public person. All this is very difficult for me,"
she told about 60 people attending a dinner of the South Carolina
chapter of Free Republic, a group that operates a conservative
Web site and has strongly supported her.

Charges that Trip illegally recorded Monica Lewinsky's
conversations were dropped Wednesday after Maryland prosecutors
said there was not enough evidence.

Tripp is suing the White House and the Defense Department,
alleging her privacy rights were violated by officials who leaked
information from confidential government records.

The wiretapping case closed, Tripp said her attorneys will turn
their attention to the lawsuit.

"In the next few weeks, we will be subpoenaing every national
name you can imagine in the White House," she said. "It really is
up to the civil process to hold them accountable."

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

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be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
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[CTRL] Dave Emory's Co-Stars at KPFK

2000-06-04 Thread lloyd


From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:

From: Alex Constantine [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Dave Emory's Co-Stars at KPFK
Date: Monday, May 08, 2000 12:12 PM

Subject:Dave Emory's Co-Stars at KPFK

 Dave Emory's fellow "researchers" on "Something's Happening," a
Pacifica production that airs on KPFK in Los Angeles, are a curious lot
of quacks and propagandists. Among them, count:

 1.) GARY NULL: In 1980, Null, a weekly guest on Tuckman's Tuesday
night program, published an article in Penthouse extolling the virtues
of one Dr. Joseph Issels ‹ a Nazi doctor at Auschwitz who worked with
Mengele (source: Roger Steffans, raggae archivist). Good ol' Gary
obscured Dr. Issel's past and described him as a martyr of the medical
establishment. Dr. Issels "treated" (tortured) Bob Marley the last six
months of the singer's life. To this day, Null publicly praises the
"alternative cancer therapies" practiced by Dr. Issels, and devotee a
section in his latest book on health to the Nazi doctor.

 2.) WILLIAM COOPER: Roy Tuckman played this Arizona fascist's tapes
for some time, though he has since learned that the militia leader is a
disinformation broker (as if we didn't know) and ceased this practice.
Not that Roy would ever aplologize for exposing his listeners to Nazi
propaganda. On the ncontrary, he responds with anger whenever Cooper is
brought up ‹ as if the topic is insulting. It is in fact his listeners
who should be angry, I believe. As you know, Roy once believed in
"aliens" and promoted Cooper's "research" on a regular basis.

 3.) DR. FRANK STRANGES: Another creep out to expose the federal
"alien" protection program. Again, Tuckman felt no need to apologize for
disinforming his Southern California audience.

 4.) LINDA THOMPSON: Oops. Roy certainly fell for a red herring
here. He once played a talk by Thompson ‹ in which she claimed that the
DoD has placed stickers on freeway signs to direct "the US Army to the
cities" when marshall law is declared (we're still waiting) ‹ two weeks
in a row, he felt her "research" was so important.

 5.) BRENDA "EBBEN" RAY: A recent co-producer on Tuckman's program.
The proverbial black woman with a penchant for Spotlight and David Icke.
Ms. Ray once tried to persuade me that there is a worldwide Jewish
conspiracy. The first "researcher" she interviewed was Bob Dobbs, a
month or so ago, the ego-driven clone of Robert Anton Wilson, but even
more irrelevant and wrong-headed, a huckster ...

 6.) BOB DOBBS: The interview was in two parts, played on
consecutive Wednesdays. Bob didn't have a whole lot to say, but he did
boast a lot about his role in Operation Paperclip and the murder of John
Kennedy, having dinner with Hitler, and the like.

 7.) JOHN RAPAPORT ‹ John was a regular on Roy's program for years.
He has left KPFK and is currently pushing the "Lizard Alien" line,
echoing David Icke's hallucinatory, Pelley-style disinformation. I once
wrote to John at KPFK and explained that Bo Gritz, another "researcher"
he respects, is an anti-Semite. I sent him a transcript of one of Bo's
own speeches ‹ thumpingly delivered at a Christian Identity rally ‹ in
which Gritz denounced the Jewish race. John responded with a long-winded
and passionate defense of Bo that aired on "Something's Happening." Oh,
well, I tried...

 8.) IRWIN SCHIFF: The famed right-wing tax protester. Roy Tuckman
spent hours on the phone with him recently. When Michael Levine,
formerly a DEA agent, attempted to expose Schiff as a charlatan a couple
of weeks later, Tuckman took umbrage and ran to Schiff's defense ‹ by
repeating his ridiculous tax evasion scemes.

 9.) DAVID MOREHOUSE: The CIA "remote viewer" was an honored guest
on Michael Levine's segment of "Something's Happening" recently.  Levine
gushed over Morehouse, announcing that he'd also had psychic
experiences, and so, "I believe every word you say," said Levine.
Morehouse is from the Aviary, a military psychological operations group.
He is also a fatuous liar, but that's his job.

 And then  there is DAVE EMORY himself: A conspiracy researcher who
claims that Barbara Honegger, author of The October Surprise, murdered
Mae Brussell. He has also posited that researcher John Judge was "a
member of the Manson Family." Odd, though, that Emory offered no
citations for these allegations

Forwarded for info and discussion from the New Paradigms Discussion List,
not necessarily endorsed by:

Lloyd Miller, Research Director for A-albionic Research a ruling
class/conspiracy research resource for the entire political-ideological
   Explore Our Archive:  http://a-albionic.com/a-albionic.html

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2000-06-04 Thread Ronald L. Wilson


by D.L. Cuddy, Ph.D.
Arranged and Edited by John Loeffler

In the mainline
media, those who adhere to the position that there is some kind of
conspiracy pushing us towards a world government are virulently
ridiculed. The standard attack maintains that the so-called New World Order is the product
of turn-of-the-century, right-wing, bigoted, anti-semitic racists acting in the
tradition of the long-debunked Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, now
promulgated by some Militias and other right-wing hate groups. 

The historical
record does not support that position to any large degree but it has become the
mantra of the socialist left and their cronies, the media. 

The term New
World Order has been used thousands of times in this century by
proponents in high places of federalized world government. Some of those involved in this
collaboration to achieve world order have been Jewish. The preponderance are
not, so it most definitely is not a Jewish agenda. 

leaders in education, industry, the media, banking, etc., have promoted those
with the same Weltanschauung (world view) as theirs. Of course, someone might
say that just because individuals promote their friends doesn't constitute a conspiracy.
That's true in the usual sense. However, it does represent an open conspiracy, as described
by noted Fabian Socialist
H.G. Wells in The Open Conspiracy: Blue Prints for a World Revolution

prior to the passage of the Federal Reserve Act President Wilson's The New Freedom was
published, in which he revealed:
Since I entered politics, I have chiefly had men's views confided
to me privately. Some of the
biggest men in the U. S., in the field of commerce and manufacturing, are
afraid of somebody, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so
organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive,
that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in
condemnation of it. 

November 21, 1933, President Franklin Roosevelt wrote a letter to Col.
Edward Mandell House, President Woodrow Wilson's close advisor: The real truth of the matter is,
as you and I know, that a financial element in the larger centers has owned the
Government every since the days of Andrew Jackson... 

That there is such a
thing as a cabal of power brokers who control government behind the scenes has
been detailed several times in this century by credible sources. Professor
Carroll Quigley was Bill Clinton's mentor at Georgetown University. President
Clinton has publicly paid homage to the influence Professor Quigley had on his
life. In Quigley's magnum opus Tragedy and Hope (1966), he states: 

There does
exist and has existed for a generation, an international network which
operates, to some extent, in the way the radical right believes the Communists
act. In fact, this network, which we may identify as the Round Table Groups,
has no aversion to cooperating with the Communists, or any other groups and
frequently does so. I know of the operations of this network because I have
studied it for twenty years and was permitted for two years, in the early
1960s, to examine its papers and secret records. I have no aversion to it or to
most of its aims and have, for much of my life, been close to it and to many of
its instruments. I have objected, both in the past and recently, to a few of
its policies...but in general my chief difference of opinion is that it wishes
to remain unknown, and I believe its role in history is significant enough to
be known. 

Even talk show host
Rush Limbaugh, an outspoken critic of anyone claiming a push for global
government, said on his February 7, 1995 program: You see, if you amount to anything in Washington these
days, it is because you have been plucked or handpicked from an Ivy League
school -- Harvard, Yale, Kennedy School of Government -- you've shown an
aptitude to be a good Ivy League type, and so you're plucked so-to-speak, and
you are assigned success. You are assigned a
certain role in government somewhere, and then your success is monitored and
tracked, and you go where the pluckers and the handpickers can put

May 4, 1993, Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) president Leslie Gelb said on The
Charlie Rose Show that: ...you
[Charlie Rose] had me on [before] to talk about the New World Order! I talk about it all the time. It's one
world now. The Council [CFR] can find, nurture, and begin to put people in the
kinds of jobs this country needs. And that's going to be one of the major
enterprises of the Council under me. 

Previous CFR
chairman, John J. McCloy (1953-70), actually said they have been doing this since
the 1940s (and before). The thrust
towards global government can be well-documented but at the end of the
twentieth century it does not look like a traditional conspiracy in the usual
sense of a secret cabal of evil men meeting 


2000-06-04 Thread Ronald L. Wilson


by D.L. Cuddy, Ph.D.
Arranged and Edited by John Loeffler

In the mainline
media, those who adhere to the position that there is some kind of
conspiracy pushing us towards a world government are virulently
ridiculed. The standard attack maintains that the so-called New World Order is the product
of turn-of-the-century, right-wing, bigoted, anti-semitic racists acting in the
tradition of the long-debunked Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, now
promulgated by some Militias and other right-wing hate groups. 

The historical
record does not support that position to any large degree but it has become the
mantra of the socialist left and their cronies, the media. 

The term New
World Order has been used thousands of times in this century by
proponents in high places of federalized world government. Some of those involved in this
collaboration to achieve world order have been Jewish. The preponderance are
not, so it most definitely is not a Jewish agenda. 

leaders in education, industry, the media, banking, etc., have promoted those
with the same Weltanschauung (world view) as theirs. Of course, someone might
say that just because individuals promote their friends doesn't constitute a conspiracy.
That's true in the usual sense. However, it does represent an open conspiracy, as described
by noted Fabian Socialist
H.G. Wells in The Open Conspiracy: Blue Prints for a World Revolution

prior to the passage of the Federal Reserve Act President Wilson's The New Freedom was
published, in which he revealed:
Since I entered politics, I have chiefly had men's views confided
to me privately. Some of the
biggest men in the U. S., in the field of commerce and manufacturing, are
afraid of somebody, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so
organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive,
that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in
condemnation of it. 

November 21, 1933, President Franklin Roosevelt wrote a letter to Col.
Edward Mandell House, President Woodrow Wilson's close advisor: The real truth of the matter is,
as you and I know, that a financial element in the larger centers has owned the
Government every since the days of Andrew Jackson... 

That there is such a
thing as a cabal of power brokers who control government behind the scenes has
been detailed several times in this century by credible sources. Professor
Carroll Quigley was Bill Clinton's mentor at Georgetown University. President
Clinton has publicly paid homage to the influence Professor Quigley had on his
life. In Quigley's magnum opus Tragedy and Hope (1966), he states: 

There does
exist and has existed for a generation, an international network which
operates, to some extent, in the way the radical right believes the Communists
act. In fact, this network, which we may identify as the Round Table Groups,
has no aversion to cooperating with the Communists, or any other groups and
frequently does so. I know of the operations of this network because I have
studied it for twenty years and was permitted for two years, in the early
1960s, to examine its papers and secret records. I have no aversion to it or to
most of its aims and have, for much of my life, been close to it and to many of
its instruments. I have objected, both in the past and recently, to a few of
its policies...but in general my chief difference of opinion is that it wishes
to remain unknown, and I believe its role in history is significant enough to
be known. 

Even talk show host
Rush Limbaugh, an outspoken critic of anyone claiming a push for global
government, said on his February 7, 1995 program: You see, if you amount to anything in Washington these
days, it is because you have been plucked or handpicked from an Ivy League
school -- Harvard, Yale, Kennedy School of Government -- you've shown an
aptitude to be a good Ivy League type, and so you're plucked so-to-speak, and
you are assigned success. You are assigned a
certain role in government somewhere, and then your success is monitored and
tracked, and you go where the pluckers and the handpickers can put

May 4, 1993, Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) president Leslie Gelb said on The
Charlie Rose Show that: ...you
[Charlie Rose] had me on [before] to talk about the New World Order! I talk about it all the time. It's one
world now. The Council [CFR] can find, nurture, and begin to put people in the
kinds of jobs this country needs. And that's going to be one of the major
enterprises of the Council under me. 

Previous CFR
chairman, John J. McCloy (1953-70), actually said they have been doing this since
the 1940s (and before). The thrust
towards global government can be well-documented but at the end of the
twentieth century it does not look like a traditional conspiracy in the usual
sense of a secret cabal of evil men meeting 

Re: [CTRL] and when is the US coming to save Zimbabwe(or at leastbomb anasprin factory)?

2000-06-04 Thread Richard Sampson

In 5-10 years we will hear the universal cry of socialists.

  Help us we are starving.

John Taylor wrote:

 Electronic telegraph
 ISSUE 1835 Saturday 3 June 2000

 Mugabe to seize 804 white farms 'instantly'
 By David Blair in Harare

   1stUp.com - Free the Web
   Get your free Internet access at http://www.1stUp.com

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Something NEW, from ME: Sunday TV Shows - Craig, MTP; Lazio, TW; Holder, CNN

2000-06-04 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

Lineup for the Sunday TV Shows

By The Associated Press,

Lineup for the Sunday TV news shows:

ABC's ``This Week'' - Topic: Elian Gonzalez.
Guests: Kendall Coffey, Miami family attorney.
Topic: Politicians Take a Stand on the Death Penalty.
Guests: Gov. George Ryan, R-Ill., with Sen. Rodney Ellis,
D-Texas Senate, president pro-tempore; and Dudley Sharp,
Justice for All.
Topic: New York Politics: Lazio/Clinton Showdown.
Guests: Rep. Rick Lazio, R-N.Y., and Howard
Wolfson, Hillary 2000 campaign spokesman.
Topic: Defending our Nation - Star Wars Style.
Guest: Sen. John Kerry, D-Mass.

CBS' ``Face the Nation'' - Topic: The death penalty; Elian Gonzalez.
Guests: Sen Patrick Leahy, D-Vt.; Gov. Frank Keating, R-Okla.;
Rep. Bob Barr, R-Ga.; Barry Scheck, DNA expert; Jose Garcia-Pedrosa,
attorney for Miami relatives; Gregory Craig, attorney for Juan
Miguel Gonzalez.

NBC's ``Meet the Press'' - Topics: The Elian Gonzalez Case;
The Clinton-Putin Summit; Interview with President Putin;
John McCain: Arms Control; Campaign Finance Reform; The Bush
Campaign. Guests: Gregory Craig, attorney for Juan Miguel
Gonzalez; Vladimir Putin, president of Russia.

``Fox News Sunday'' - Topic: Presidential politics.
Guests: Green Party Presidential Candidate Ralph Nader,
Reform Party presidential candidate Patrick Buchanan,
Gov. Tom Ridge, R-Pa.

CNN's ``Late Edition'' - Topic: Russia, Mideast, Missile Defense.
Guest: Madeleine Albright, secretary of state. Topic: Bush vs. Gore:
International Policy. Guest: Condoleezza Rice, George W. Bush foreign
policy adviser. Topic: Elian Gonzalez Case. Guest: Eric Holder,
deputy attorney general, and Manny Diaz, attorney for Miami
Gonzalez Family.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2000-06-04 Thread Nurev Ind Research

I'll say it again so that even right wing paranoids can understand the obvious.

The NWO is from top to bottom, from alpha to omega, from asshole to appetite,
a CAPITALIST ENTERPRISE. It is planned, managed, paid for, led, and driven

If anyone tells you that it's a commie plot, they are full of shit. If they
tell you that Satan is behind it, you are dealing with a lunatic. If you
don't like the direction the NWO is taking your country and your world, YOU
MUST HIT THEM HARD IN THE POCKETBOOK. Remove the economic system from their
clutches and the game is over. Otherwise you are only spinning your wheels.

The problem is that Conservatives and Libertarians LOVE capitalism but hate
the NWO so they try to focus our attention on the less important aspects of
Internationalism and blame it on the commies. This is blatently absurd. Even
the Commies are trying to get into the WTO.

You would have to be an ideologue and/or an idiot to buy into these diversions.
There is no shortage of either on the Right.


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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] The (Ottoman) Empire Strikes Back

2000-06-04 Thread Nurev Ind Research

Bob Stokes wrote:

 In a message dated 00-06-03 11:37:23 EDT, Nurev writes:

  If push
  came to shove, the Turks would not be likely to support a Jewish State at
  with their coreligionists. 

 One little known fact about Turkey ~  When the United States refused to admit
 Jews into our country during WWII, the Turks were giving them refuge and did
 so throughout WWII.  I know because there were several Jewish families living
 in the same apartment building I lived in Izmir.  The Jews are accepted there
 by their supposed enemies (Moslems) and they get along quite well.  One lady
 had visited Israel, but said she liked Turkey much better and felt safe there.

 Bob Stokes

There have been Jews in that part of the world since Biblical times.
There are Jews in Iran and there are Jews in Syria. That's not the point.
The point is how many are there, and are they a weak minority?

I should also say they deserve credit for being decent humans.

There were long stretches of time when Jews and Moslems got along well.
In all those times Islam was the dominant culture. Islam will tolerate other
religions if the are subordinate to it.

It was Jews who translated the ancient Greek Philosophers into Arabic, and the
Moors who brought Europe out of the Church run Dark Ages. That was a big
mistake. We should have let you Europeans wallow in your superstitious insanity.
The Indians would have thanked us for it.

Can't we all just get along? We'll soon find out.


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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Conspiring Toward a Multi-Poley World

2000-06-04 Thread Nurev Ind Research

OH MY GOD POLEY! Do you spend all your time annoying Jews? Get a fuck*ng
life would you? We can't be distracted by the likes of you while we run

One day you will distract one of us and we'll take our eye off the road.
Smarten up Bunky. DON'T ANnOY THE DRIVERS.



Franklin Wayne Poley wrote:

 -- Forwarded message --
 Date: Sat, 3 Jun 2000 11:38:48 -0700 (PDT)
 From: Franklin Wayne Poley [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: [BCPolitics] Re: Everything You Wanted To Know About Jews But
 Were Afraid To Ask

 On Fri, 2 Jun 2000, Barry Schwartz wrote:

  I never said anything about Semites.  I was talking about Jews and
  non-Jews, and I simply put them into separate groups.  I put them
  there.  That made them different.

 What!!! If I have a big bag of randomly mixed, multi-coloured marbles and
 I arbitrarily divide them into two bags, that makes them different? Great,
 great, great grandpa Shlomo Poley would roll over in his grave.
 Now maybe if you, Barry, sprinkle one group with "pixie dust" they will
 differ. Otherwise

  Incidentally, we don't call it Hebonics, we call it Poleymics.

 I hope it is not too "Poleymical" but this is after all, a "Multi-Poley
 World" ever since Yeltysn's announcement and I have to say that until
 "Jews" stop referring to their enemies with that piece of semantic
 pollution, "antisemite", we should refer to them as "semites". Meanwhile,
 thanks to Bob Cohen's sleuthing the "Saga of Shlomo Poley" continues on
 the net. Bob discovered the Semite Poley branch of the family. Great,
 great, great...grandpa Shlomo Poley invented the bagel, founded the
 University of Khazaria and wrote the Protocols of the Learned Elder of
 Zion. Now there's a semite for you!

 Saving on Long Distance is BIG NEWS. Click here and find out how
 you can save with beMANY!

 A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
 CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
 screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
 sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
 and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
 effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
 gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
 be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
 nazi's need not apply.

 Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Politics In Cities Across U.S. Take A Left Turn

2000-06-04 Thread Nurev Ind Research

 Published on Thursday, June 1, 2000 in the http://www.thecapitaltimes.com/
 Madison (WI)  Capital Times

 Politics In Cities Across U.S. Take A Left Turn

 by John Nichols

 Madison is a two-party town. It is fair to say that the Democrats are in
 the dominant position, with such party stalwarts as U.S. Rep. Tammy
 Baldwin, state Rep. Mark Pocan, Mayor Sue Bauman and County Executive
 Kathleen Falk occupying key partisan and nonpartisan positions. But there
 is, as well, a scrappy second party in Madison, with members well
 represented on the City Council, County Board and School Board.

 The second party is, of course, Progressive Dane -- the union-backed,
 left-leaning group that over the past seven years has won dozens of
 contests for local posts and established solid ties with Baldwin, Falk and
 other non-PD officials.

 What of the Republicans? While the Grand Old Party's denizens sheepishly
 occupy a handful of local posts, they are hardly major players outside the
 confines of the Capitol Square. (It's worth noting that, in isthmus wards,
 Green candidate Ralph Nader whipped Republican Bob Dole in 1996
 presidential voting. It's equally worth noting that Nader and his running
 mate, Winona LaDuke, will do significantly better in those same wards this

 But Madison's just Madison, right?


 The nontraditional politics of Wisconsin's capital city are mirrored in a
 growing number of communities across the United States. In Iowa City, for
 instance, Socialist Karen Kubby has just finished a decade-long stint on
 the City Council. In Burlington, Vt., Progressive Party members and their
 hold the mayor's job, a number of local posts and four legislative seats.
 In Arcata, Calif., Greens control the local government. The New Party is
 the No. 2 party on the Missoula, Mont., City Council. In Boston, Rainbow
 Coalition Party's Chuck Turner last fall became the first non-Democrat
 elected to the City Council in two decades. And San Francisco Supervisor
 Tom Ammiano almost got elected
 mayor of that city last fall as a blunt, no-strings-attached progressive.

 Third-party and independent progressive politics are alive and well in
 America. In the aftermath of the remarkable coalition-building that fueled
 last fall's anti-WTO protests in Seattle, there is reason to believe that
 this may be the ripest moment since the 1930s for a progressive political
 blossoming in the United States.

 That's certainly the hope of the Independent Progressive Politics Network,
 which begins its fifth National Independent Politics Summit here today.
 summit, which runs through Sunday on the UW campus (call 556-1232 for
 details) brings together activists such as the always inspiring Baldemar
 Velasquez of the Farm Labor Organizing Committee; academics such as
 Lawrence Goodwin, author of
 "The Populist Moment''; and successful independent pols such as Iowa

 South African poet Dennis Brutus, one of the wisest voices on the planet
 regarding globalization and democracy in the developing world, is expected
 to be present, as are LaDuke and Socialist Party presidential candidate
 David McReynolds, whose long history of activism on peace and social
 justice issues makes him a bridge between the Old Left, the New Left and
 the even newer PS (Post-Seattle) Left. Singer Holly Near will join
 Madison's excellent Vicki Guzman for a Barrymore Theatre benefit on behalf
 of the Independent Progressive Politics Network Friday night.

 Underpinning the forums, seminars and workshops of the weekend will be a
 new energy, which is grounded in the realization that independent
 progressive politics is no longer a "from-the-sidelines'' activity. In
 Madison and a growing number of communities, new parties of the left are
 not just challenging the political process, they are displacing
 players and taking charge of that process.

 The American people are welcoming the change. Indeed, with the latest New
 York Times/CBS Poll showing that 75 percent of Americans are dissatisfied
 with the process that gave them Al Gore and George W. Bush as their prime
 presidential choices, the electorate is signaling that the alternatives
 Independent Progressive Politics Network and its affiliates propose cannot
 come fast enough.

 John Nichols is the editorial page editor of The Capital Times.

 =A9 2000 The Capital Times

 Green Party: http://www.greens.org/gpusa
 State Association of Green Parties: http://www.greenparties.org
 New Party: http://newparty.org/
 Independent Progressive Politics Network: http://www.ippn.org/
 Socialist Party USA: http://www.sp-usa.org/
 McReynolds-Hollis Campaign: http://www,votesocialist.org/

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[CTRL] Eureka! Scientists break speed of light

2000-06-04 Thread K


June 4 2000

Eureka! Scientists break speed of light

Jonathan Leake, Science Editor

SCIENTISTS claim they have broken the ultimate speed barrier: the
speed of light.

In research carried out in the United States, particle physicists
have shown that light pulses can be accelerated to up to 300 times
their normal velocity of 186,000 miles per second.

The implications, like the speed, are mind-boggling. On one
interpretation it means that light will arrive at its destination almost
before it has started its journey. In effect, it is leaping forward in

Exact details of the findings remain confidential because they have
been submitted to Nature, the international scientific journal, for
review prior to possible publication.

The work was carried out by Dr Lijun Wang, of the NEC research
institute in Princeton, who transmitted a pulse of light towards a
chamber filled with specially treated caesium gas.

Before the pulse had fully entered the chamber it had gone right
through it and travelled a further 60ft across the laboratory. In effect
it existed in two places at once, a phenomenon that Wang
explains by saying it travelled 300 times faster than light.

The research is already causing controversy among physicists.
What bothers them is that if light could travel forward in time it
could carry information. This would breach one of the basic
principles in physics - causality, which says that a cause must
come before an effect.  It would also shatter Einstein's theory of
relativity since it depends in part on the speed of light being

This weekend Wang said he could not give details but confirmed:
"Our light pulses did indeed travel faster than the accepted speed
of light. I hope it will give us a much better understanding of the
nature of light and how it behaves."

Dr Raymond Chiao, professor of physics at the University of
California at Berkeley, who is familiar with Wang's work, said he
was impressedby the findings. "This is a fascinating experiment,"
he said.

In Italy,  another group of physicists has also succeeded in
breaking the light speed barrier. In a newly published paper,
physicists at the Italian National Research Council described how
they propagated microwaves at 25% above normal light speed. The
group speculates that it could be possible to transmit information
faster than light.

Dr Guenter Nimtz, of Cologne University, an expert in the field,
agrees. He believes that information can be sent faster than light
and last week gave a paper describing how it could be done to a
conference in Edinburgh. He believes, however, that this will not
breach the principle of causality because the time taken to
interpret the signal would fritter away all the savings.

"The most likely application for this is not in time travel but in
speeding up the way signals move through computer circuits," he

Wang's experiment is the latest and possibly the most important
evidence that  the physical world may not operate according to any
of the accepted conventions.

In the new world that modern science is beginning to perceive, sub-
atomic particles can apparently exist in two places at the same
time - making no distinction between space and time.

Separate experiments carried out by Chiao illustrate this. He
showed that in certain circumstances photons - the particles of
which light is made - could apparently jump between two points
separated by a barrier in what appears to be zero time. The
process, known as tunnelling, has been used to make some of the
most sensitive electron microscopes.

The implications of Wang's experiments will arouse fierce debate.
Many will question whether his work can be interpreted as proving
that light can exceed its normal speed - suggesting that another
mechanism may be at work.

Neil Turok, professor of mathematical physics at Cambridge
University, said he awaited the details with interest, but added: "I
doubt this will change our view of the fundamental laws of physics."

Wang emphasises that his experiments are relevant only to light
and may not apply to other physical entities. But scientists are
beginning to accept that man may eventually exploit some of these
characteristics for inter-stellar space travel.

Next page: Trials to start for cocaine 'vaccine'

Next: Trials to start for cocaine 'vaccine'

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The right to revolt has sources deep in our
-- Supreme Court Justice William Orville Douglas

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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Re: [CTRL] Conspiring Toward a Multi-Poley World

2000-06-04 Thread Aleisha Saba

Mr. Poley:  I see you are Ph.D.  What do you think of this speed of
light being broken, like sound barrier which produced really nothing but
big booms in the sky and fast planes going no where.

So, speed of light; does this mean Beam Me Up Scottie is here and
someday we will travel to Venus on a beam from the sun or moon?

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Donald Freed on JonBenet Ramsey Case

2000-06-04 Thread lloyd


From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:

From: Alex Constantine [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Donald Freed on JonBenet Ramsey Case
Date: Sunday, May 14, 2000 12:32 AM

aired 2/15/99  08:35am on KGNU-Boulder

MCFARLAND: This is Bob McFarland with a public affair and my guest this
morning is Donald Freed who is an author, screen writer among other
things. Donald Freed has written Killing Time/U, a book about the OJ
Simpson trial and the screen play, quot;Executive Actionquot; which
was about the JFK assassination. And what other things would the
listeners be interested in what you've done?
FREED: I'm a visiting professor at Loyola Marymount University  (L.A.)
and I'm teaching at USC and I'm working on a film about the murder of
Martin Luther King.
I've been working for about a year and a half on the Ramsey murder for a
two part series for ABC one of which is completed and the other of which
will be completed if ABC wishes to complete it. At the moment they have
frozen the project and itís not clear whether it will be done elsewhere
if at all. And of course the crime that has generated such interest has
also GENERATED GREAT FEAR in the media because this taboo is the most
fearsome in a way of all the taboos.
 But in so working on ABC's budget for that time, I was able to go to
Europe and elsewhere. And I finally presented some information to the
police and the FBI during several meetings in Boulder.  I haven't talked
about it publicly until now, but I think now that I've waited more then
what use to be called a "decent interval." So I'll talk about this a
little bit.
If you take your mind back to the morning of the crime---I say the
morning of the crime because I think its clear what I mean and that
day after Christmas.  The call came into the Boulder police at about
5:52am and thus began the time-line.
The kind of work I do is forensic work on time-lines. That's what I did
in the Simpson case in (my book) Killing Time/U. That's what I would
like you to follow me on.
After that call comes in, a uniformed policeman comes to the house by
about 6:00 am and then more personnel arrive. The morning goes by; in
the early afternoon the body is found, and sometime in the evening the
coroner arrives---and that's the rough time-line of that day.  For
several hours during the morning, a Boulder police detective was alone
at the house while family and friends walked about and generally,
completely co-opted the crime scene.
Since that first day until this hour the lawyers and the pundits and
experts and media commentators have never ceased to state that the
Boulder police did not maintain the crime scene. In fact, they destroyed
the crime scene and they went so far as to create the most awkward move
perhaps in the history of a homicide investigation in asking John Ramsey
to search the house whereupon he found his daughter, carried her
upstairs, and laid her out in front of the Christmas tree.
All  this has been rehearsed and repeated endlessly in the media and its
been stated by the most serious experts that the case will probably
never, ever go to trial because of the police mishandling of that day.
What is more (it is perceived) that the police didn't take the expert
advice that such an amateur police department from such a little town
would have needed. And there was the FBI offering to help at every step
of the way and finally trying to salvage the case by inviting everyone
to Quantico, Virginia; then helping with the presentation. And that is
the general idea or story line of the case.
MCFARLAND: Yes, one of the detectives, Linda Arndt filed a lawsuit over
her dismissal.
FREED: Now, if I may, Dr. McFarland, ask you a few questions?
FREED: How did it come to pass that, in your opinion, that the Boulder
police were in charge of the crime scene in general for about eight
hours with a lone detective there. And how is it that this detective and
this police force had never held themselves out as experts on terrorism
or kidnapping. Remember we're talking about a note that announces itís
from a foreign faction that "hates" your country and has other "bigwigs"
in their gunsights.  How do you understand it that the Boulder
police---the much blamed Boulder police---are in charge of this crime
MCFARLAND: H? Well, I think they didn't feel the need for another
unit because they really didn't believe that ransom note.
FREED: Oh, I quite agree with you, BUT let me say to you this. You're
aware, I'm sure, that the historic and famous jurisdiction, in the case
of kidnapping, belongs to the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
MCFARLAND: The Lindberg LawFREED: YES, itís not only their jealously
guarded turf, but they base their budget on few traditional areas such
as grand theft auto; interstate offense of all kinds; and KIDNAPPING.
And in kidnapping, they have written the book. They have 

[CTRL] Fwd: Mormons and Kubbalah

2000-06-04 Thread Kris Millegan


The ubiquitous influence of Kabbalah upon the occult traditions of the
nineteenth century has been stressed, but its specific import in Masonry
requires repeated emphasis. Noted historian of occultism Arthur Edward Waite
suggested in his 1923 encyclopedia of Freemasonry that much of the "great"
and "incomprehensible" heart of Masonry came from Kabbalah, "the Secret
Tradition of Israel."106 He finds such important Masonic symbols as the Lost
Word, the Temple of Solomon, the pillars Jachin and Boaz, the concept of the
Master-Builder, and restoration of Zion, all derived from the lore of
Kabbalah. The organizer of Scottish Rite Freemasonry in America, Albert
Pike, manifested a similar sentiment and indexed over seventy entries to the
subject of Kabbalah in his classic nineteenth-century study, Morals and
Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry.107 Though
Pike's work was published in 1871, his views reflected lore already
established in Masonry during the period of Joseph Smith's Masonic
initiations three decades earlier. Indeed, one of the earliest documentary
mentions of Masonry appearing in 1691 specifically linked it with these
Jewish traditions.108

As Homer notes, the Scottish Rite developed by Pike was an evolution of the
eighteenth-century French Masonic Rite de Perfection, which in several
degrees was influenced by Kabbalah.109 Kabbalah's importance in Masonic lore
is also witnessed by Maritnez de Pasqually and his late-eighteenth century
Kabbalistic-Masonic restoration of ancient priesthood in the Order of Les
Elus Cohen. Much of this Kabbalistic influence upon Masonry may have come
from Rosicrucianism (again recalling their close association), infused as it
was with alchemical and Kabbalistic symbolism. But some additional influence
might be attributed to esoteric sources like the Frankist movement. The
Frankist--followers of Jacob Frank, and successors to the Kabbalistically
inclined Sabbatean heresy--had become active in Central European Masonic
organizations in the late eighteenth century.110 Given the wide diffusion of
a Christianized and Rosicrucian version of Kabbalah into Masonry, Joseph
Smith probably heard something about the tradition during the course of his
almost twenty-year association with Masons and Freemasonry.

It might be argued that these occult Masonic inclinations were all part of a
sophisticated, esoteric form of European Masonry foreign to the world of
frontier America. To the contrary--and though not yet fully
investigated--there are several reasons to believe that what Joseph Smith
encountered in Nauvoo was an esoteric interpretation of Masonry. As
mentioned earlier, between the mid-eighteenth and the beginnings of the
nineteenth century a multitude of occult orders rose from Masonry. Each of
these tended to develop its own interrelated system of symbolic ceremonies
for conveying distinct esoteric visions. The different rites also often
claimed variant "authentic" Masonic origins: in ancient Egyptian mysteries;
in the lineages of the medieval Knights Templar; in Kabbalistic
transmissions; and in Hermetic-alchemical-Rosicrucian traditions. Robert
Macoy's 1872 encyclopedia of Freemasonry cataloged over forty-five distinct
systems of Masonic rites developed during the period from 1750 to 1820.111
In retrospect one might suggest that during this unusual epoch a creatively
elite group of individuals coming from many sectors of society encountered
in the Masonic mythos a new medium for expressing their visions. Though
basic York rite (or Blue Lodge) Masonry with its three degrees was a common
grounding for most of these, around that foundation appeared many layerings
of esoteric accretions. With the tools of allegory, symbol, and imagination,
and in a format suggesting great mysterious antiquity, men touched by the
Masonic mythos began producing new "ancient" rituals. One is reminded of
Ireneaus' complaint about the Gnostics responding to the creative muse of
their times: "every one of them generates something new, day by day,
according to his ability; for no one is deemed mature, who does not develop
. . . some mighty fiction." 112
Joseph Smith and Kabbalah in Nauvoo

By 1842 Joseph Smith most likely had touched the subject of Kabbalah in
several ways and versions, even if such contacts remain beyond easy
documentation. During Joseph's final years in Nauvoo, however, his
connection with Kabbalah becomes more concrete. In the spring of 1841 there
apparently arrived in Nauvoo an extraordinary library of Kabbalistic
writings belonging to a European Jew and convert to Mormonism who evidently
new Kabbalah and its principal written works. This man, Alexander Neibaur,
would soon become the prophet's friend and companion.

Neibaur has received little detailed study by Mormon historians, and his
knowledge of Kabbalah has earned only an occasional passing footnote in
Mormon historical work.121 Neibaur was born in 

[CTRL] OEN 6/4/00

2000-06-04 Thread Kris Millegan

Click Here: A HREF="http://www.aci.net/kalliste/"The Home Page of J. Orlin
Nukes of Hazard

How to Guard Against Missile Attacks

Warren Air Force Base in Cheyenne, Wyoming, recorded a message that one of
its Minuteman III intercontinental ballistic missiles was about to launch
from its silo due to a computer malfunction. To prevent the possible launch,
an armored car was parked on top of the silo.
—Shaun Gregory, The Hidden Cost of Deterrence: Nuclear Weapons Accidents,
Brassey's UK, London, 1990, pp. 181-182.

Single Currency

Nasty Danes Snub New European Order

Take this euro and shove it.

DANISH voters are set to deliver a stinging blow to the credibility of the
euro in a referendum that will set the tone for similar votes in Britain and

Opposition to joining the common currency is growing, according to a
startling opinion poll splashed across the front pages of Denmark's
newspapers yesterday. The poll, which showed that 47 per cent of the
population were opposed to joining the currency compared to 43 per cent in
favour, was the first time that those against had outnumbered those in favour
in more than two years.

The No campaign was shown to be gaining support from both left and right-wing
parties ahead of the September vote. A defeat for pro-euro campaigners would
be seen as a disastrous precedent for supporters of the single currency in
Britain, where the Government is committed to calling a referendum on the
euro in the next parliament. The Swedish government has also said it will
call a poll after the Danish referendum.

"The Yes campaign will have to do something very major to turn this around,"
said Karsten Skjalm, a European affairs expert at the Danish foreign policy
institute. "At this stage, it certainly looks like it's going to be a No
vote. A Danish rejection would not in itself be fatal for the euro, but it
could influence the British vote, and if the British vote against the euro
that really will be serious."

When the pro-euro Social Democrat prime minister, Poul Nyrup Rasmussen,
called the September referendum on entry into the single currency in March,
an easy victory for Yes campaigners was expected. Since then, a series of
gaffes in Copenhagen, Brussels and Berlin has turned Danes against monetary
union, which many now believe is only a first step to full political
integration in Europe.

John Iversen, who is in charge of the Social Democratic party's Yes campaign,
admits that the outlook is bleak. He said: "Events elsewhere in Europe are
not helping our case. The speech by the German foreign minister Joschka
Fischer, recommending a federal Europe, was not good for us, and the European
Union's sanctions against Austria are also very unpopular here.

"People see it as unfair aggression against a small state - a small state
like Denmark." In attempting to appease doubters, the Danish government has
only managed to increase the confusion about what voters are really signing
up to. Speaking in Japan last month, Mr Rasmussen suggested that Denmark
could retain the option of withdrawing from the euro after joining. The
Italian president of the European Commission, Romano Prodi, contradicted him,
stating that membership of the euro was "by definition permanent".

After a hasty exchange of phone calls between Brussels and Copenhagen, Mr
Prodi gave a new statement, saying: "From a political point of view Mr
Rasmussen is right, but in the EU's Treaty there are no procedures for going
in and then going out." Soon afterwards, the newspaper Politiken discovered
that Denmark's largest trade union, LO, had decided to keep secret a poll
that revealed that a large majority of its one million members wished to keep
the krone.

Then, two weeks ago, an economic committee of "Wise Men" reported that the
advantages of joining the euro were in any case, "slight and uncertain". "The
Yes campaign is in a complete mess," said Michael Seidelin, political editor
of Politiken. "They know that Danes reject further political integration. So
if they can't make an economic argument for the euro, they have nothing left
to say."

Boosted by the new poll, the No campaign has embarked on a nationwide
publicity-campaign. A "krone car", bedecked with images of the Danish
currency is already touring the country. The Right-wing Danish People's Party
has doubled its share of popular support, becoming the country's major
opposition group, by campaigning against the euro using slogans such as "Keep
the krone - vote Danish."

Along with Britain, Denmark has traditionally been a reluctant participant in
European integration and a fierce opponent of federalist ambition. In 1992,
the Danes caused a temporary crisis in EU affairs by voting against the
Maastricht Treaty, which laid the basis for monetary union. They signed up a
year later having been granted, like Britain, an EMU opt-out.

Forced to take desperate measures, the Yes campaigners are now resorting to


2000-06-04 Thread Kris Millegan

Click Here: A HREF="http://www.newsmakingnews.com/basultodatadump.htm"BASULT
BASULTO DATA DUMP  http://www.newsmakingnews.com
Jose Basulto is the chief organizer of the Miami Cubans who want to block
Juan Gonzalez from taking his son back to Cuba.  Basulto, the president of
Brothers to the Rescue, arrived at the hospital where Elian was brought in
from the sea wreck.  For mysterious reasons, the INS did not do what it does
in every other case--immediately send the child back to its homeland as soon
as possible. The INS usually keeps illegal immigrant children in its own
custody and has humane facilities to treat and care for children during the
several days it may take to arrange to send them home.   Instead, the INS
released Elian into the custody of his distant Miami relatives.  The man
behind this unusual INS move--Jose Basulto.  The INS officials behind this
decision have not provided an explanation.
Basulto now looks back at his visit with Elian with religious fervor. "I've
seen 450 cases of these rafters, and I've never seen one like this," said
Basulto. "Two days with his feet dangling in the water and no fish bites? No
scratches? Nothing? There's no other explanation: This was an act of God."
Soon Basulto and other members of the Little Havana community began to call
Elian "El Milagro"--the miracle.  Basulto circulated the story that a school
of dolphins nudged Elian to safety while angels scared off sharks.
Recently Basulto, whose pilot license was revoked by the FAA, after he and
his fellow pilots were shot down by Cuba, stated he is preparing a more
effective strike against Fidel Castro from within Cuba, "We are preparing
plans to work with people inside the island."
On February 24, 1996, the US Secretary of State, Warren Christopher, raged at
a "barbaric killing" by an "uncivilized" country, of four US citizens on a
"humanitarian mission."  Cuba had shot down two planes belonging to the
Brothers to the Rescue.  Four pilots died.  A third plane, piloted by Basulto
narrowly escaped. (At the time of the shoot down, Basulto's plane never
entered Cuban airspace; he just urged his Brothers to do so.)  The Brothers
were shot down in international waters.  Basulto said they "had not been
warned."   At that time, the Helms-Burton legislation was stalled.  Clinton
would not back the bill.  However, Basulto stirred the wave of anti-Castro
hysteria in Miami.  The US forced a resolution through the UN deploring
Cuba's role in the incident. On March 5, 1996, the  US Senate voted 74 to 22
in favor of a final compromise version of legislation tightening the US
embargo on Cuba, punishing other countries that trade with Cuba and allowing
Cuban exiles in the US to sue to recover their property from Cuba.  On March
6, 1996,  US House of Representatives passed the package, known as the
Helms-Burton bill.  In reaction to these forces, Clinton announced he would
sign the Helms-Burton Act.
Several weeks later, evidence was obtained that the "Brothers" were not on a
humanitarian mission of pulling refugees out of the ocean.  Instead they
intended to drop anti-government leaflets over Havana during Carnival
celebrations.  Twice, in January 1996, they had carried out similar missions
and in the previous 18 months had illegally entered Cuban airspace 14 times.
Cuba had warned the US that it would stop the Brothers' flights if nothing
was done to curtail them.  The US only told the Brothers, it would not "be
able to interfere" and suggested they not fly below the 24th parallel.
The US had advance knowledge of the Brothers' activities.  A Cuban agent,
Juan Pablo Roque, had infiltrated the Brothers and was an FBI informant.  The
FAA which requires pilots keep to a predetermined flight path or lose their li
cense, looked the other way. (Eventually, the FAA did revoke Basulto's
pilot's license.)
The Brothers to the Rescue was organized by the Cuban American National
Foundation in 1991.  CANF was the prime sponsor of the Helms-Burton Act,
which Clinton opposed until Cuba shot the planes down and four Brothers died.
The Helms Burton Act provides that foreign businessmen and their families
will be denied US visas if they trade with Cuba.  Countries will be denied US
aid for trading with Cuba and international aid agencies will be pressured
into not donating or lending money by the threat of having their US
contribution cut off.
But the major portion of the Act is Title III which provides that the Cuban


2000-06-04 Thread Kris Millegan

Click Here: A HREF="http://www.newsmakingnews.com/"NewsMakingNews Secret
Connections Covert Operat…/A
complied by Kathryn Dixon © 2000
Click to October Surprise corruption.
Click to INSLAW corruption.
Click to false CIA affidavit in Edwin Wilson trial.
Click to "heads-up" to protect Ollie North during Iran Contra.
D. Lowell Jensen ordered the U.S. Attorney in New York to alert Hashemi's
lawyer so that he avoided eminent arrest for arms smuggling.  Cyrus Hashemi
was allegedly a witness to two meetings in Madrid between William Casey and
Iranian representatives when the October Surprise was arranged.

1. The background of the Madrid Meetings which made Cyrus Hashemi an
important witness:
Source: In Trick or Treason, author Robert Parry reports what Jamshid Hashemi
told him about his brother Cyrus Hashemi's' meeting in Madrid regarding the
October Surprise:
"But the Hasehmi brothers' dual sets of U.S. contacts--one the Carter
administration and the other the Republicans--began to cross in march 1980.
while staying at Washington's stately Mayflower Hotel, Jamshid said he was
surprised by an unannounced visitor at this room:  Roy Furmark knocked on the
door.  With Furmark, Jamshid claimed, was a tall, hunched man who spoke with
a slurred New York accent.  he was introduced as William Casey.  By March
1980, Casey was director of Ronald Reagan's campaign for the Republican
presidential nomination.
"Casey wanted to discuss political matters,"  Jamshid told us over the
clicking of luncheon plates.  "I cut him short.  I said, `I don't know who
you are.'  I called Cyrus and told him there was this gentleman here.  Cyrus
talked to Mr. Casey."

Jamshid said he thought little about the Mayflower encounter until the
summer.  But in July, Cyrus confided to him that the relationship had taken
another turn.  "Cyrus asked me to bring Ayatollah Mechi Karrubi out of Iran
for a meeting in Spain," Jamshid said.  The brothers had known Karrubi , a
hard-line revolutionary mullah, and his brother, Hassan, in pre-revolutionary
Iran, Jamshid said.  To bring Mehdi Karrubi out, Jamshid said he arranged for
the radical mullah to travel to Madrid.  The Spanish capital was a favorite
for the Iranians because no visas were required.
"The meeting took place at a hotel--the Ritz Hotel--at the end of July,
"Jamshid said, claiming matter of factly that on the American side were
William Casey and an active-duty CIA officer, Donald Gregg.  On the Iranian
side, Karrubi came dressed in a turban and cloak, the traditional attire of
an Islamic mullah.  Jamshid and Cyrus attended to help with interpreting.
But Jamshid expressed surprise that Casey was there.

"I remember saying, `What the hell are you doing with Republicans?'" Jamshid
told Ross and me.  "My brother said the chance of Republicans getting to
power was good and it as important to work with both sides."

Jamshid was sketchy about the dialogue at the meeting.  He claims the session
began at about 11:00 and ended by late afternoon, with time out for
sandwiches brought into the room for lunch.  But Jamshid said that when Casey
put his cards on the table, his desire was clear.
"The proposal was to hold the hostages until after the election, and then the
Reagan administration would feel favorably towards Iran and release the FMS
[foreign military sales] funds and the frozen assets and return to Iran what
had already been purchased."

The already purchased supplies referred to $150 million in military hardware
and spare parts bought by the shah from the United States but held back when
Khomeini took power and the hostages were seized.  Casey's offer also
included F-14 spare parts, which were crucial to the maintenance of Iran's
high-tech air force, Jamshid said.

As I scribbled in my notebook, which was perched at the edge of the dining
table, Jamshid continued his story.  He spoke deliberately, sometimes with
hesitation.  Occasionally he stopped in the midst of a detail to take a bit
of food or answer the chirping of his cellular phone.  Then he resumed the

After the July meeting with Casey, Jamshid said, Karrubi returned to Tehran,
where he consulted with Khomeini and the ayatollah's senior advisers.  Two to
three weeks later, Karrubi called and asked Jamshid for a second meeting. New
arrangements were made, and that meeting, too, was held in Madrid at the
Ritz.  Casey and Gregg again represented the American side, and Karrubi was
back for the Iranians.  Jamshid said that throughout the two rounds, "Casey
was running things,"  but Gregg "was giving information that Casey didn't
know or even we didn't know about, really inside-government information, like
where the spare parts were."

At this second round, Karubbi again came dressed in full battle gear as an
Iranian mullah.  He "confirmed" Kohmeini's agreement 

[CTRL] ON THE DOCK OF THE BAY Watching dirty deals float away

2000-06-04 Thread Kris Millegan

Click Here: A HREF="http://www.newsmakingnews.com/dock.htm"ON THE DOCK OF
THE BAY Watching dirty deals flo…/A
ON THE DOCK OF THE BAY Watching dirty deals float away
From the home of the Meese/Jensen team, a pro-fascist secret  counter
intelligence cell aka the Alameda County Mafia, operators of local to
international surprises for fun and profit.

Former Attorney General Edwin Meese III admitted on 1/29/00 that the Ronald
Reagan presidential committee continues to operate with a fund of
approximately $500,000 in the bank. Meese is a trustee of the Reagan campaign
committee, which conducts no activity except to pay Bay Buchanan, its
treasurer, annual consultant fees and expenses. ($45,715.00 was paid to
Buchanan through the 90's.) Bay Buchanan is the sister of presidential
candidate Pat Buchanan and manages his campaign.
Reagan’s family didn’t know about the fund and committee’s operation until
the Associated Press brought it to their attention. Reagan’s chief of staff,
Joanne Drake stated that the Reagans want the money to go to the Reagan
Library. Reagan hasn’t run for office since 1984 and is totally disabled by
Alzheimer’s disease. Since 1984 the funds have been sitting in the bank
collecting interest except for the payments of several thousands of dollars
per year to Bay Buchanan.
Meese said the campaign committee trustees decided to put the money in
long-term investments until they could decide where leftover funds should go.
``The money was invested pending a decision on what to do with it,'' Meese
said.  According to AP reporter, Jonathan D. Salant, Meese also said the
balance would be liquidated when the committee could redeem the long-term,
higher-interest notes that the money is invested in.  "At some point it will
go to the Reagan library."
The George Bush Campaign committees of 1988 and 1992 are closed. The Clinton
campaign committee of 1992, the Dukakis committee of 1988 and the Mondale
committee of 1984 are also closed. Keeping a campaign committee open this
long is unprecedented unless the campaign must still raise money to pay off
debts. The Reagan campaign owes no debts.
Between Jan. 1, 1997, and Sept. 30, 1999, the Reagan committee  received
$42,180 in dividends and interest. The committee paid out $31,942, with
$17,766, or 56 percent, going to Bay Buchanan.  Most of the remainder was
paid to the IRS.
Federal law allow the committees to give the money to other federal
candidates or political action committees, refund it to contributors or
donate it to charitable or educational institutions. Reagan’s 1980
presidential committee donated funds remaining after the campaign to
Republican candidates and Reagan’s political action committee, Citizens for
the Republic.
NEWSMAKINGNEWS asks,  "Edwin Meese, III, why are you holding a half-million
back? Don’t you care about the Reagan Library? Why didn’t you inform Reagan’s

D. Lowell Jensen, former Alameda County D.A. and sidekick to Ed Meese III,
former Deputy Attorney General, under Reagan, now sits as Judge at the U.S.
District Court, Northern District, Oakland.  Hardly a deal happens in Alameda
County, without Jensen's "touch".  Now, Jensen, having narrowly escaped
indictment in the INSLAW affair, faces charges of misrepresentation, as
Deputy Attorney General,  to the Court, in order to obtain a conviction.  Is
Jensen, really untouchable this time?
"And in hearings last March before US District Court Judge Lynn Hughes, the
Justice Department=s Arlene Reidy, who is helping coordinate the government=s
response to Wilson=s motion, acknowledged,   `We have a lot of documents
already that I think show that there was a clear problem with the affidavit=s
accuracy and that the individual=s involved were well aware of that
problem.'"[One "individual involved" -- Judge Jensen.]
Away Notorious Arms Trader Ed Wilson With False Testimony?  By
Ken Silverstein ©1999 The Nation, October 4, 1999.
"Based on the available evidence, the missing piece appears to be D. Lowell

[CTRL] Fatbrain.com - Product Info for New (reptilian) World Order

2000-06-04 Thread Kris Millegan

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New (reptilian) World Order
By Uri Dowbenko
Online Price:
$4.95 eMatter (PDF)
16 Pages
Published by Author
Date Published: 11/1999
Product#: EB3941

WHAT IF Planet Earth was ostensibly run by a race of shape-shifting
Believe it or not, this outre' political-science-fiction scenario has become
a focus of historical researchers as well as spiritual visionaries. In fact,
the resonance of corroborating evidence from science and metaphysics has a
synchronicity that is nothing but astonishing.
Serpents and flying dragons have, of course, been a staple of ancient myth
and legends of indigenous people around the world. The assumption has always
been, however, that they are just metaphor or simple allegory -- and not a
literal description of actual beings.
But what about the admonition of Jesus and John the Baptist when they chided
the "generation of vipers" and "serpents" in their midst?
What if they saw these creatures with their spiritual vision -- the
overshadowing of humans by astral beings from another dimension?
How would they communicate this vision to others?
And what about the stories from the Book of Enoch and the Forbidden Books of
the Bible which refer to the Nephilim -- literally "Those Who Were Cast Down"
-- and the Watchers, the Fallen Angels?
"New (Reptilian) World Order" is an historical and spiritual exploration of
the strange history of Planet Earth.
CONTENTS: Sumeria: The Cradle -- Or Test Tube -- of Civilization; Tracks of
the Nephilim and the Watchers;Invasion of the Serpent People ; Before the
Flood ; What Was the "Serpent" of Eden? ; Why Cain Killed Abel ; The Serpent
Gods ; Reptilians Among Us? ; Incarnation of the Lizard People ; The Rape of
the Annunaki ; The Satanic Ritual Abuse -- Mind Control Connection ; The
Metaphysics of Fallen Angels ; Gods, Gods and More Gods ; Breaking the Spell.
Note: eMatter is viewable in secure PDF format on Windows 95/98/NT 4.0 (and
2000). Mac and UNIX/Linux versions coming soon.

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Em Hotep, Peace Be,
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Re: [CTRL] IRS Hits 3 out of 4 Clinton Sex Assault Accusers

2000-06-04 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

In a message dated 05/30/2000 1:06:44 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

 Paula Jones alleged that Clinton exposed himself to her in a Little Rock
hotel room in 1991. But she also claimed that the then-Arkansas governor
stroked her hair, tried to kiss her against her will and, finally, attempted
to grope her crotch.

 Jones went into more detail than she ever had before in a fall 1997 filing
with Judge Susan Webber Wright's court. It was in that document that Jones
detailed Clinton's attempt to slide his hand under her culottes, "moving it
towards her pubic area."

 All the while, Jones said she believed, an armed state trooper stood outside
the door ready to prevent her escape.

 Under Arkansas state law, that qualifies as sexual assault 

Paula's memory is getting better and better.  Doesn't seem to be any reason
why she should fear an IRS audit.  If you don't cheat on your taxes, what's
the problem?  I've had only one friend who got audited, and he was given
money back.  Seems he had moved to another state and claimed less tax on
something or other than he had actually paid.   In Paula's case, it's
probably the sudden, sharp rise in income.  How many of us can afford a condo
in California, a Mercedes, and a face lift?  She didn't do that on her
Government salary.  I've worked for the Government, and anybody who managed
all that in such a short time should have been investigated.  The CIA doesn't
know that, or they would never have let the Aldrich Ames espionage continue
so long, but any down-to-earth Government employee who is actually interested
in the welfare of his or her country, would know that an investigation was in
order--tax wise is cheapest.   Prudy

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[CTRL] Ancient Cities Reported Found Under Sea Off Egypt

2000-06-04 Thread Bill Richer

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Ancient Cities Reported Found Under Sea Off Egypt

Reuters Photo

By Reim Bashir

ALEXANDRIA, Egypt (Reuters) - Archaeologists on Saturday showed off
relics retrieved from the nearly complete ruins of ancient cities
they said they had discovered on the seabed off the Egyptian coast.

The joint French and Egyptian team said the cities of Menouthif and
Herakleion, submerged more than 1,000 years ago, lay in 15-30 feet of
water about 3.75 miles off the Mediterranean city of Alexandria.

``We are very excited because we are used to finding the remains of a
tomb, a church or a mosque, but this time we are finding complete
cities -- cities that were heard about from the classical writings,''
said Gaballah Ali Gaballah, head of Egypt's Supreme Council of

``Most probably they disappeared because of seismic causes,'' said
Franck Goddio, head of the Paris-based European Institute of Marine

A rise in the Mediterranean sea level and sudden submersion caused by
earthquake, or climate changes, could explain the annihilation of the
cities, he said.

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The cities were legendary in antiquity for their wealth and arts as
well as their many temples dedicated to the gods Serapis, Isis and

An intricately carved five-foot-tall black granite statue of Isis was
shown to the media after being raised from the seabed.

``To me she looks 17 years old but in reality she is probably around
1,200 years old,'' Goddio said.

Gaballah said researchers were aware of the existence of the ancient
cities but could not pinpoint their exact location.

``Thanks to modern technology and the efforts of the Egyptian-French
team, we could pinpoint cities that were read about in Greco-Roman
literature,'' he told Reuters.

Also discovered during two years of undersea exploration were the
head of a pharaonic statue of a sphinx, jewelry and gold coins dating
from the Byzantine and Islamic eras.

Reuters Photo

The archaeologists said the coins showed the region had not been
submerged until the eighth century, although the cities had been
founded many hundreds of years earlier.

The archaeologists said they had also identified two other submerged
cities in the same area, Canopus and Thonis, but had not yet
retrieved relics from them.

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A vote for Bush or Gore is a vote to continue Clinton policies!
A vote for Buchanan is a vote to continue America!
Therefore a vote for Gore or Bush is a wasted vote for America!
Don't waste your vote!  Vote for Patrick Buchanan!

Today, candor compels us to admit that our vaunted two-party system is a
snare and a delusion, a fraud upon the nation. Our two parties have become
nothing but two wings of the same bird of prey...
Patrick Buchanan

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Re: [CTRL] The (Ottoman) Empire Strikes Back

2000-06-04 Thread nessie

[EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes:

 If there is an Islamic revolution and clerics rule,
they will rule by religious law.

That's a very big "if," especially in Turkey.

It was the Muslim, not Arab world which sent money, arms and men to help
coreligiopnists in Yugoslavia. Also a Non-Arab country.

The "Muslim world" did not send money, arms, and men to Yugoslavia.
Certain Muslim governments and organizations sent moneymoney, arms and men
to Yugoslavia. So did certain non Muslim governments and organizations,
including the US and NATO. The vast overwhelming majority of Muslims had
nothing to do with it.

I don't like Muslim fundamentalism, either, or any other fundamentalism
for that matter. But let's keep it's influence in a realistic perspective.

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and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
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gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
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Re: [CTRL] Clinton's 'Moment of Remembrance'

2000-06-04 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

In a message dated 05/30/2000 2:16:56 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Do you think the men who died fighting for this country's freedom in the
 200 years would appreciate Bill Clinton even being involved in ceremonies in
 their behalf?

 Do you think the survivors of those men would appreciate the fact that they
 no longer have even one full national day of remembrance for their loved ones
 and the sacrifice they made, but only a moment?

 Do you think it would be possible to ask any less of Americans on behalf of
 these brave men than mere "remembrance"? Notice he didn't ask for a day of
 tribute. He didn't ask for a day of prayer. He didn't ask for an hour of
 remembrance. He didn't even ask for a moment of silence. Just a moment of

Well, maybe those men would appreciate anyone taking any time at all to
remember them.  Still, traditionally, Memorial Day was not a day that was set
aside for remembering military men.  It was a day of remembering all of one's
dead and going to the cemetery to clean and decorate the graves.   Our
military got their notice, but only as a part of all those we loved who had
departed.   My husband took an oath to protect the president.   It was not
specific.  He didn't have to like him, believe in him, or vote for him.  The
"president" doesn't have a name.  He is the "president."

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2000-06-04 Thread nessie

I think we can safely say that American abductions could sometimes be the

military because they sometimes pretend they are aliens by using virtual

reality scenarios.

Agreed. But why are they doing this? They must have a plan. The military
doesn't take a dump without a having a plan first. What's their plan here?
How do the rest of us fit into it? What are they trying to accomplish?
Who's in command of the operation?

But the American govt did build about 50 bases for the

greys which was done by Rand Corp. I'll find the info.

'Info"? Do you once again mean somebody else's unsubstantiated
allegations? Please, we've had quite enough of those. Let's see some
forensic evidence.

Abductees in US have gone

underground to both grey and military bases..

This is an unsubstantiated allegation.

According to Branton, there are even more greys under Los Alamos than even

under Dulce, a major nesting area going back to native American times.

Who is this guy and how does he sunstantiate his allegations?


has heard of

By definition, this is hearsay.

Also setting off nuclear blasts burns away the membrane between this

dimension and the next which would allow any interdimensional entities

access to our dimension.

Define "dimension." Define "membrane." Define "entities."

There is apparently more Ets seen in Nevada than

some other places possibly due to the nuclear bombs.

There are, in fact, a great many UFO sightings in Nevada. There are also a
great many military tests of experimental aircraft. Coincidence? Perhaps.

Other people in other countries have been abducted and people have seen

rising bodily into the air and going into space ships.

In October of 1967 I personally saw the Pentagon levitate about fifty feet
in the air exactly like Abbie Hoffman said it would. I also had just been
tear gassed and beaten severely with clubs by the federal marshalls.
Coincidence? Perhaps.

In Mexico there is a video of about 60 UFOs

appearing in the sky at once when there was big crowd. Many hundreds saw

them and videotaped them.

That doesn't make them ET.

Others in US have seen their partner sliding out

of the window from their bed and rising into the air out into the sky.

I saw both my partner and myself dissolve into a puddle of Day-Glo goo. We
were tripping our brains out on acid. Coincidence? Perhaps.


was story about the UN Sec, prev to this one in his car watching a woman

float out of her highrise apartment in NY and into a spaceship. This story

is well known. A couple of Govt agents got in touch with the woman and she

told them, where she went as she remembered.

Key word: "Story"

English people seldom

get abducted by greys according to a UK UFO mag.

Maybe they taste bad.

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gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
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2000-06-04 Thread ThePiedPiper




this shows that Glyphosate is actually a cancer cause
ThePiedPiper 04June2000

 ** Original Subject: RE: WONDER DRUG IS: WEEDKILLER
 ** Original Sender:
 ** Original Date: Sun, 4 Jun 2000 07:29:26 -0500 (CDT)

 ** Original Message follows...

 CANCER by David Brown Sunday Telegraph 2/3/97.
 The world's biggest selling weedkiller could become a new treatment for
 cancer and Aids, scientists say. Proctor and gamble of Cincinnati the £22
 billion a year American giant, has applied for an international patent for
 pills, powders and liquid drugs containing the weedkiller Roundup, which is
 manufactured by a major rival.
 The weedkiller's main chemical, it claims, is a safer way of knocking out
 breast cancer cells because it causes less damage to healthy tissue in the
 human body than existing chemotherapy treatments. It is also effective
 against lung cancer and cancer of the colon and leukaemia, researchers say.
 Roundup, which has been nicknamed 'God's herbicide' in the trade because of
 its reputation for killing weeds and leaving wild birds and mammals
 unscathed, is also known by its alternative trade name Glyphosate.
 The weedkiller is made in the Netherlands by Monsanto, a rival American
 owned international agrochemical and foods conglomerate.
 It has been used widely by arable farmers in Britain since 1974 and is
 popular to control weeds on set-aside land because it is regarded as
 harmless to birds and other wildlife. Roundup is currently the biggest
 selling agro-chemical in the world with sales totalling more than £620
 million a year.
 Proctor and Gamble, America's 17th largest company, was revealing few
 details yesterday about its work with Roundup to cure a range of fatal
 illnesses in people and animals. It would also not be drawn on any plans for
 a joint venture with Monsanto to develop the weedkiller in a variety of
 Executives were at pains to say nothing which would give away trade secrets
 to its competitors in the cut-throat world of the pharmaceutical industry,
 where patenting and bringing new products to market can cost millions of
 pounds a time.
 Terry Loftus, a spokesman said: 'I am not at liberty to discuss any details
 for competitive reasons and it's too early to speculate on what these patent
 applications may mean for the future.'
 But the company confirmed that it had applied in the US for an international
 patent for a composition containing the weedkiller 'that is effective in
 inhibiting the growth of tumours and cancers in mammals with mild or no
 effects on normal cells'.
 The application proposes using Roundup in low doses in pills, powders,
 pessaries or injections to treat 'all types of cancers or neoplasm or
 tumours found in mammals, including leukaemia'.
 The patent application includes details of laboratory tests on human breast,
 lung and colon cancer cells which appear to show that the Roundup
 preparation was safer and more effective than Adriamycin which is used in
 cancer treatments.
 'The preferred material is the products sold under the name glyphosate or
 Roundup by Monsanto,' it says.
 If successful, Roundup will join a list of beneficial medicines which have
 been derived from unlikely sources. Warfarin, the rat poison, is used to
 thin the blood of heart patients.
 Tom McDermott, spokesman at Monsanto's European headquarters in Brussels,
 said: 'We know about the patent application and I can't say much more than
 'Roundup is a good product and we are delighted with its track record in the
 environment since we introduced it. But he warned: 'It is vitally important
 that people don't go out and start drinking Roundup because they think it
 will be good for their health.
 'We urge people strongly only to use the product for weed control in
 accordance with the instructions on the label.'
 The Cancer Research Campaign in London said it was 'intrigued' by the claim
 but not impressed. At first glance, on the evidence produced by Proctor and
 Gamble in its patent application, the weedkiller did not promise a new cure.
 Professor Gordon McVie, director general, said that the limited scientific
 information available in the application documents appeared to contain
 contradictions about the effectiveness of the main active chemical in
 'A similar substance has been tested in the past and was not found to be
 very effective,' he said.

** - End Original Message --- **

Any person can stand adversity,
The true test is to give a person power.

If you treat a relationship as if you are the only one in it, eventually
you will be.

Atrocities happen when the people about you -

Re: [CTRL] UN Could Adopt Unbridled selfishness as a Human Right (fwd)

2000-06-04 Thread ThePiedPiper

in history with a society has gone from
matricarcal or equal ruling by female and male
to patriarcal, why?

usally it has been a time when food has been
scarce and mothers do not like children being
abused or used as food.  This thing about women having
control of their bodies is old.
ThePiedPiper 03June2000


 -- Forwarded message --

 Subject:  Original Sources (19) -UN Could Adopt Unbridled
 selfishness and Violence as "Human Rights"
 Date sent:  Fri, 2 Jun 2000 10:17:31 -0600

 Original Sources

 UN Could Adopt Unbridled selfishness and Violence as "Human
 Rights" Women’s Demand for Right to Kill the Unborn Teaches
 Society Violence Against Others is OK

 By: Mary Mostert, Analyst, Original Sources

 June 2, 2000

 The United Nations is preparing a 5 year update on the Beijing
 Conference for Women, held in 1995 and, according to reports from
 two participants, the document that will come out of that meeting
 will be the product of high level secret meetings that have not
 been open or "transparent" to normal review. The United Nations
 General Assembly will vote to adopt the document shortly.

 While President Bill Clinton is basking in the glow of the court
 decision on Elian Gonzalez, which, he said, " is a case about the
 importance of family and the bond between a father and son" his
 appointees at the UN are busy, again, undermining the family at
 secret UN meetings. This has happened before. During the Habitat
 II meetings a few years ago, Clinton was telling the media he
 would sign a "Defense of Marriage" act (and he did) while
 simultaneously exerting silent, worldwide pressure to force other
 nations to accept wording that would make homosexual marriage a
 "human right."

 He’s at it again in the Beijing +5 meetings currently being held
 in New York. Susan Roylance, who was at Habitat II and at the
 Beijing Conference in 1995 is at that meeting. A few days ago she
 e-mailed me from New York saying:

   We are in final negotiations for the Beijing +5 Outcome
 Document, which will be presented to a General Assembly Special
 Session on June 9th.

   The U.S. is still pushing for new "Sexual Rights" and for
 "Sexual Orientation" wording wherever it can get it (representing
 any kind of consideration for "sexual orientation" and in at
 least one instance it specifically mentions lesbians.)

   They are allowing some NGO speakers before the General
 Assembly. I have been working very hard to get a pro-family (most
 especially pro-motherhood) speaker to share the view that some
 women choose motherhood as their chosen profession (even when
 they have gained Bachelors and Masters degrees in other
 professions. I have a daughter-in-law with a Masters in Zoology,
 a daughter-in-law with a Bachelors in Special Education, and a
 daughter with a Bachelors in Elementary Education. The first two
 have married, and one has two children and the other has three
 children. Both chose motherhood as soon as the children were
 born. My other daughter, who is not married yet, will do the same
 -- because they put children as the highest priority.

   At this Beijing +5 Conference, they are always talking about
 the "Culture of Peace." What better thing can women do to help
 create a "culture of peace" than to raise children to be kind and
 considerate toward others. Mothers do that best! (Because the
 good mothers have a long-term interest in the child, and 100%
 time commitment -- even if they do other things in addition to
 the choice of motherhood.)

   I asked one of the pro-life "old timers" what it takes to get
 them to let a pro-family woman to speak. They said it would only
 happen if enough Senators or Congressmen contacted the U.S.
 Delegation and requested them to get a "balance" in the
 presentations -- to also let a pro-family, pro-motherhood, person
 present their views.

 Yesterday I received another e-mail from the UN Conference in New
 York from Austin Ruse, of the Catholic Family  Human Rights
 Institute, in which he wrote:

   * In its official pronouncements the United Nations insists
 upon what is termed "transparency" which means all meetings
 should be open at least to limited public view. The reality at
 the ongoing Beijing+5 negotiations falls well short of the
 rhetoric. As days of talks for the new Beijing+5 document grind
 on, the most important meetings are taking place in secret.

   * In most UN meetings, officially recognized non-governmental
 organizations (NGO) have open access, not just to watch but also
 to assist governmental delegations in the negotiating process.
 Since NGOs are closed out for now, conservatives say these final
 days of meetings are more akin to backroom political deals than
 to the openness of the democratic process. Moreover, no record is
 made of these proceedings so that the citizens will never know
 what their governments have proposed.

   * An additional problem for 

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: There Goes the Ozone Layer

2000-06-04 Thread ThePiedPiper

I can fill a balloon with dirt and it will fall to the ground too,
but I have seen dust (dirt) in the air many times.
a cold (hydrogen) balloon will not float
cold smoke will not float
but wind can pick up either one and carry it.

How many bacteria live in those areas and
which bacteria has the upper hand if so?
ThePiedPiper 03June2000

[to:] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 In a message dated 06/02/2000 11:51:44 PM Central Daylight Time,

   by David Perlman, Science Editor
  San Francisco Chronicle, May 31, 2000
   "The findings are surprising because scientists had expected
  that the protective ozone layer would recover after
  ozone-destroying chemicals known as chlorofluorocarbons, or CFCs,
  were banned by international treaty four years ago."


 CFC gasses (chlorofluorocarbons) are five time heavier than air.
 If you fill a balloon with CFC gas (Freon), tie off the balloon and then
 It does not rise into the air as a balloon filled with helium will do.

 OK.so what?
 Soheavy CFC gas molecules do not rise high into the atmosphere
 and destroy the Ozone Layer which is 12 to 30 miles above the
 earth's surface.
 Even if some were intentionally released at high altitude, the CFC gas
 molecules would sink through the air back down to the earth's surface.
 Once there, they would find the lowest hole or crack they could sink into
 and stay there.
 This is basic laws of physics.
 CFC molecules are extremely stable. They do not readily break down.
 Then tend to remain intact.
 The last "C" in CFC stands for  Carbon.
 Carbon is heavy.  Carbon is the main reason that CFC molecules are
 much heavier than air.

 The following statement in this newspaper report is true but misleading:
 "Highly reactive chlorine can destroy ozone molecules on contact..."
 Correct.  Chlorine does destroy ozone.
 However, the world's oceans naturally release millions of times more
 chlorine than all of the CFC gasses ever produced!
 Volcanoes also produce vast amounts of chlorine gas.
 One large volcano such as Mt. St. Helen's or Mt. Penitubo in the Phillipines,
 sprew vast amounts of chlorine gas into the air.
 But the ozone layer has existed for millions of years despite these
 large quantities of chlorine produced by the oceans and by volcanoes.








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Any person can stand adversity,
The true test is to give a person power.

If you treat a relationship as if you are the only one in it, eventually
you will be.

Re: [CTRL] a spoof

2000-06-04 Thread ThePiedPiper

What happens if you invent a something say a mouse trap and
since you are in a state (let's say Communist, since they are
the only ones that would think of this)

this is a cycle that has happened since before the Egyptians,
but I will use current examples since they have dusted it
off and called it communism to legitimize it.

1.  All right I have invented a mouse trap
the state owns me so they own the mouse trap and
take it to say that it is theirs.
1a. I think of a better mouse trap
I have just committed treason against the state
by thinking that there can be a better way of
doing something then what they have.
2. I have education and show students a reality that
they can learn (example biology).  I happen to use a map
or biology text to allow them something to base their reality
on.  The students follow me because what I am teaching
follows with what they can cite by seeing a pond or by having
a fish tank (over 30 gal with fish and living plants) at home.
2a. My biology text is confiscated by the state because they believe
that the students will automatically follow who ever has that
icon of power.

Both of these examples show that those that use this to control
do not want any new ideas because they may not be able to control.
I also shows that they do not have a firm grasp of reality themselves.

WW2 and Iron Curtain (they are SLOW!)
3. Slowly they realize that they are not worshiped for the mouse trap
or book.  Others have managed to get ahead of them, especially
because of the five year plan - or because of promises that
were not kept.
3a. Writing their own version of the book or getting a strangle hold of
the copyright office, or of the Universities (like the skull and bones
is doing at Yale, MIT's Psychology Dept., Baylor's statistical company
site with a communist link) is their answer to this dilemma.
 -- all these schools probably have good side too, and I can no
find that statistical company that was with Baylor from 1984 to 1998
or so.

They believe that the object is an asset and without it that the
other person has nothing to offer.

(Darwin - evolution cited)
4. Slowly realizing that even though they have control of religion,
all the books, and all Icons of power they do not have control.
They get an idea of telling everyone that IQ and health is genetic
and that money has to be the Icon of power.
4a. The second generation (example: Bush Sr. and Jr., and many other
communist) believe this is what is meant by survival of the fittest.
4b. They advocate an idea that their children should not have to go
through what they went through so the kids never face the
consequences of their actions.

They have the Icons so they are in power, no assets but they can
define assets any way they want.

(books the show other realities are downed - Old Testament,
History text, Civil War Flag, Et, et.

reference: http://www.plumbingsupply.com/pmwhitehouse.html
"Tapping The White House: The early White House lacked
running water. The idea was conceived during the
Madison administration before the house burned, but water
wasn't actually piped in until the Jackson administration. In
1829 (when Jackson took office), the Committee on Public
Buildings had decided not to pipe running water to the
White House, opting to concentrate funds on the North
Portico. During that period, most hotels and private mansions
had indoor plumbing, particularly in the bathrooms and
kitchens. Springs, cisterns and wells fed the system."

"But by 1845, the installation of sanitary sewers began to pay
off with an outlet for waste water, indoor plumbing and working
water closets were getting closer to fruition. Unfortunately,
bad plumbing and the stench from open sewer connections made
some new homes uninhabitable."

5. The civil war (1861-1865) was because there were too many people in
New York (tenement housing - 4 or more to a room, sink in the hall,
Outhouses were still the rule for tenement housing)
because indoor plumbing and sewer lines were not were not
a true reality and sanitation was lousy.
Many immigrant were not robust enough to consider the trip
to western lands even if they had the money.  They saw the
South as a place to dump these northern people and that the
Southern states should just carve themselves up to accommodate
these ideas.  Lincoln defined it as a "nation divided".
New York and the government had goofed and wanted every one
else to pay the price.

Bard wrote:

 Webster's definition of 'a spoof':

 "a light-hearted imitation of someone or something:  lampoon or

 uugh!!  Ready?  Here we go:

 Here is my Profile of a Hillary Voter:

 1.  a 


2000-06-04 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

In a message dated 05/31/2000 9:03:43 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

 Most winning on the crucial everybody-does-it point was F. Lee
 Bailey, who claimed on CNN's "Larry King Live" that if "all the
 lawyers who have lied about the fact they had a little affair on
 the side should turn in their licenses" then "Shakespeare will
 have won. We will have killed all the lawyers." I wondered how
 his wife was enjoying that part of the show. 

You're absolutely right.  In honor of wives, all husbands (lawyers in
particular and I'm remembering that when I was nineteen, I had a short
struggle with mine (lawyer that is) should lie and insist only those "other
guys" ever would do such a thing.  That will make all the wives feel a lot
better.  I'd like to stretch it even further.  I want every guy who ever made
an unsolicited pass at a woman or who cheated on his wife to drop dead.  That
should give us a lot of breathing space on this planet.  Prudy

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Re: [CTRL] Satan Works For Moon Now!

2000-06-04 Thread William Shannon

In a message dated 6/4/00 9:25:53 AM Central Daylight Time,

  Where exactly IS Rosemary's baby? 

It's in the apartment next door!

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Re: [CTRL] Satan Works For Moon Now!

2000-06-04 Thread Carl Amedio

In a message dated 6/4/00 12:08:49 PM Central Daylight Time,

   Where exactly IS Rosemary's baby? 

 It's in the apartment next door!

   *** I beg to differ. The child resides in my best friends co-op. I believe
it has the Condo next door to Alistier Crowly and across from Admen.

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2000-06-04 Thread Samantha L.

In a message dated 6/4/00 11:33:25 AM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I think we can safely say that American abductions could sometimes be the
  military because they sometimes pretend they are aliens by using virtual
  reality scenarios.

  Agreed. But why are they doing this? They must have a plan. The military
  doesn't take a dump without a having a plan first. What's their plan here?
  How do the rest of us fit into it? What are they trying to accomplish?
  Who's in command of the operation?

  I think they use more than virtual reality to convince people, if by saying
virtual reality you mean that the experience is a head-set experience rather
than a real physical abduction.

  The only reason I can think of that the military would do this would be to
create fear around the "alien" issue.  I'd like to know what other ideas
anyone else might have.

  If it is to create fear, then why?  I can only think of two possible
1)  to lead the public to think the govt is working with evil aliens to
further the sense of fear, intimidation and powerlessness people already have
regarding the govt.,  or 2)  there really are "aliens" and the govt wants us
to believe they're evil so that they don't lose their grip on us.


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[CTRL] Spain Ruling Party Member Killed

2000-06-04 Thread K


Spain Ruling Party Member Killed
Updated 9:13 AM ET June 4, 2000

MADRID, Spain (AP) - A member of Spain's ruling party was shot and killed in
the Basque region Sunday, according to broadcast reports.

No one immediately claimed responsibility for the shooting, but local media
and politicians blamed the armed separatist group ETA, which has killed
nearly 800 people since 1968 in its campaign for Basque independence from

Jesus Maria Pedrosa, 57, who had reportedly received death threats recently,
was shot with one bullet in the head. He was a member of the Popular Party
and an alderman in the town of Durango in the northern Basque province of

Residents in the area heard one bullet, followed by a scream, according to
national television TVE. One resident said he ran into the street to see a
young man fleeing.

An hour after the shooting, Pedrosa's body lay covered in a sheet in a small
Durango street as police combed the area.

Politicians nationwide repeated condemnations of ETA.

"I am at a loss for words to express my fury," said Maximo Dia Cano,
spokesman for the opposition Socialist Party. "This has to end. The
murderers must see that we are united."


If they can get you asking the wrong questions,
they donÆt have to worry about the answers.
Thomas Pynchon, GravityÆs Rainbow

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2000-06-04 Thread Carl Amedio

In a message dated 6/4/00 12:27:57 PM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   If it is to create fear, then why?  I can only think of two possible
 1)  to lead the public to think the govt is working with evil aliens to
 further the sense of fear, intimidation and powerlessness people already have
 regarding the govt.,  or 2)  there really are "aliens" and the govt wants us
 to believe they're evil so that they don't lose their grip on us.

   I will posture another scenario the great Hoax of all time. How to achieve
One World Government and total domination of the people by the New World
Easy: Create an Alien threat so dangerous that we are all glad to surrender
our sovereignty we will be happy to surrender or Constitutional rights to
combat the ET Menace.  Watch and wait ET one day will manifest themselves by
the thousands in our skies.

Carl Looking for Gort and Klatu
Hoping they do not Bradda Nicto

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[CTRL] stray kittens puppies fatal victims of L.A.'s DNC Convention of Pinkos

2000-06-04 Thread Bard

Saturday, June 3, 2000 

Riordan denies stray roundup linked to DNC 

By Jason Kandel and Rick Orlov, Staff Writers 

Comments by the head of Los Angeles' Animal Services 
Department that the city was stepping up efforts to round up and euthanize more 
stray dogs for the Democratic National Convention triggered an angry denial 
Friday from Mayor Richard Riordan. 

In Friday's editions, the Daily News had quoted 
department General Manager Dan Knapp as saying the crackdown was needed because 
of overcrowding at shelters. "Point A, and the catalyst for this change, is the 
Democratic National Convention. Point B is the City Council ... emphasizing 
getting these stray dogs off the streets to make the streets safe," he said. 

In a meeting Tuesday night with rescue workers, shelter 
volunteers and animal rights activists, Knapp made the same point, linking the 
need to euthanize more dogs at least in part to the convention, according to 
several people who attended.

But in a letter to Riordan on Friday after a furor 
erupted, Knapp apologized "for any confusion or embarrassment" he might have 
caused. He said there was "no nexus" between the convention and the roundup and 
euthanization of more stray dogs.

Riordan issued a statement acknowledging that shelters 
are overcrowded and enforcement was being stepped up but he denied any link to 
the convention.

"The idea that we are euthanizing stray kittens and 
puppies to clear the streets in preparation for the Democratic National 
Convention is not only outrageous, but it's inaccurate, wrong and must be 
corrected for the record," the mayor's statement read.

"Simply put, in no way have we ordered the additional 
roundups of stray animals. We are making every effort to decrease the 
department's euthanasia rate and increasing animal adoptions."

The Daily News did not report that more kittens were 
being euthanized and has no information that Knapp made such a 

Riordan noted the city has increased spending on animal 
control in the past two years to deal with the overpopulation problem, including 
doubling the department's budget to more than $12 million and adding 75 new 

Councilwoman Cindy Miscikowski, who chairs the 
council's Public Safety Committee overseeing the Animal Services Department, 
said the increase in the euthanasia rate was expected because of the overcrowded 
conditions in animal shelters.

With the new city budget taking effect July 1 and the 
convention scheduled for mid-August, there was an understandable confusion in 
linking the euthanasia increase with the event, she said.

"We all knew this was going to happen," Miscikowski 
said. "It's a coincidence of the two things coming around the same 

Miscikowski has proposed a $140 million bond measure 
for the November ballot to build five more kennels.

Knapp had warned of the overpopulation problems during 
budget hearings this year, saying overcrowding at animal shelters was a danger 
both to the animals and workers.

The city has adopted an aggressive spay and neutering 
program for pets to try to reduce the number of stray animals that roam city 
streets and also has an outreach program to increase the numbers that are 

Gretchen Wyler of the Ark Trust said she is not happy 
to see the increasing euthanasia rates, but considers it part of the problem the 
city faces.

"It's the curse of any big city," Wyler said. "We're a 
throwaway society and people don't take spay and neutering seriously enough. We 
just don't have enough room for all of the animals."

According to people who attended the Tuesday night 
meeting with Knapp, he brought up the Democratic convention as a cause of the 

"He said that in response to the Democratic National 
Convention coming to town in August, that the sweeps were going to start again," 
said Teri Austin, president of the Amanda Foundation, a group that rescues dogs 
and cats from city animal shelters.

"I was very surprised to hear this statement from Dan, 
because traditionally, he would have come up with more humane solutions to the 

Carol Ellis, an animal welfare activist, attended the 
meeting and agreed that Knapp cited the convention as the impetus for the sweep. 
"The mayor and the City Council have made it clear that we want to present the 
best face for the city for these delegates," Ellis said. "The bottom line, it 
was a big coup to get awarded this convention. Let's face it, where the Staples 
Center area is there's a larger problem than in other areas."

Michael Bell, another animal welfare activist, was also 
at the meeting Tuesday.

"Mr. Knapp said the department was given orders that 
they were to do a sweep prior to the Democratic National Convention. He said the 
city will be busy and impacted with traffic. Mr. Knapp said that he's got to 
follow orders.

"I'm very much opposed to the sweep. I'm very much on 
Dan's side. I just think the department has been put in a bad 

Re: [CTRL] Conspiring Toward a Multi-Poley World

2000-06-04 Thread Nurev Ind Research

Aleisha Saba wrote:

 Mr. Poley:  I see you are Ph.D.  What do you think of this speed of
 light being broken, like sound barrier which produced really nothing but
 big booms in the sky and fast planes going no where.

 So, speed of light; does this mean Beam Me Up Scottie is here and
 someday we will travel to Venus on a beam from the sun or moon?

 A. Saba
 Dare To Call It Conspiracy

Dear A. Saba,

In Poley's case PHD stands for Phoney Horse Doctor.


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[CTRL] The Problem With Missile Defense

2000-06-04 Thread William Shannon

A Shot in the Dark

The plan to kill hostile weapons in space is complicated and costly—and may
not work

By John Barry and Evan Thomas
Newsweek, June 12, 2000

It was classic Bill Clinton, the statesman as salesman. As he toured the
capitals of Europe last week on his way to a Moscow summit, he smoothly tried
to sell America's allies on the concept of a national missile defense. With
the cold war over, Clinton argued, the biggest nuclear threat comes from
"rogue states" like North Korea or Iraq that might be tempted to lob a
nuclear warhead, or—more likely—use their missiles as chips in a game of
blackmail. The United States not only has the technology to stop such a
threat; the world's most magnanimous superpower is willing to share its
know-how with "other civilized nations," said Clinton. To fail to do so would
be "unethical," the president declared.
His hosts listened warily. "We have to be very careful that any such project
does not retrigger... a renewed arms race," warned German Chancellor Gerhard
Schroder. The reception in Moscow over the weekend was expected to be even
chillier. The Russians are fearful that Washington will junk the 28-year-old
antiballistic-missile treaty that bans America and Russia from erecting
national missile defenses. The Russians can't afford to rebuild their aging
ICBM arsenal to be able to overcome a missile shield in the West. Clinton
will try to convince Russia's new president, Vladimir Putin, that the Kremlin
should join Washington in creating a new, safer logic of nuclear deterrence,
one based on strong defenses rather than the promise of MAD—mutual-assured

Most Americans thought that arms-control talks ended with the cold war and
that Star Wars, a missileproof umbrella over the United States, was a fantasy
of Ronald Reagan's. But the worldwide debate over NMD raises a host of
difficult questions about nuclear security in a volatile world in which
terrorists can obtain weapons of mass destruction. In the presidential race,
Al Gore and George W. Bush will battle over who has the better plan. The
first question, somewhat overlooked last week in the diplomatic sparring, is
pretty basic: will the NMD currently planned by the United States actually

At least one knowledgeable expert has some serious doubts. From his cluttered
office overlooking the MIT campus, Prof. Ted Postol watched Clinton's pitch
for NMD with disbelief. "I don't know what the president thinks—or if he
thinks—about missile defenses. My guess is that he's just repeating what he's
told by his staff. And they don't want to acknowledge that the whole thing is
a fraud." Strong words, but Postol's credentials give him credibility. As
scientific adviser to the chief of naval operations in the early '80s, he
helped develop the Trident-2 missile. After the gulf war, he singlehandedly
demolished the Pentagon's exaggerated claims for the success rate of the
Patriot antimissile system against Iraqi Scuds. Now the MIT physicist has
closely studied the military's own tests of NMD. His conclusion: "This system
has no chance of working."

Pentagon spokesmen rejected Postol's critique, insisting that NMD's
capabilities will steadily grow after deployment—initially, 25 missile
interceptors, based in Alaska, at a cost of $30 billion—begins in five years
or so. (Clinton still has to give the go-ahead, probably this fall.) But the
story of how Postol arrived at his gloomy assessment is troubling. Charges of
government lying and cover-up are beginning to surface. At the very least, it
appears that the hopes for an NMD are somewhat unrealistic and that the rush
to build one has been driven more by politics than technology.

The dream of a Star Wars dome collapsed with the Soviet Union, but the idea
of missile defense never went away. The military services all continued to
work on programs to protect against missile attacks on the battlefield. By
the mid-'90s, Republicans were agitating for a missile defense that would
guard American cities against accidental launches or attacks by rogue
nations. In the 1996 election, Bill Clinton cleverly trumped GOP candidate
Bob Dole by promising a limited, ground-based missile defense. The pressure
was on the Pentagon to come up with a system that could be deployed
reasonably quickly.

Missile defense—hitting a bullet with a bullet—is hard enough. It is made
much more difficult by the use of decoys, which are relatively cheap and easy
to disperse from an ICBM. In 1995, the defense contractor TRW was one of the
competitors to design a sensor that would enable a missile interceptor to
distinguish decoys from the actual warhead. A year later, in 1996, a TRW
scientist, Nira Schwartz, argued that her company's system was hopelessly
flawed. Fired by TRW for insubordination, she has sued under a law that
protects government "whistle-blowers." (TRW denies all allegations by
Schwartz.) The litigation revealed information on missile-defense testing

[CTRL] Britain's UFO secrets revealed

2000-06-04 Thread William Shannon

Britain's UFO secrets revealed

Scientist's pressure for information opens up hidden government files on
strange sightings in the sky government files
Freedom of information: special report

Antony Barnett, Public Affairs Editor
Sunday June 4, 2000

On 15 February 1999 an air traffic controller in Scotland noticed something
strange on his radar screen. A bright blip on his screen suggested there was
a very large object travelling at 3,000mph over the Scottish coastline
heading south-west to Belfast.
The size of the blip suggested the object was 10 miles long and two miles
wide. Two minutes later the object disappeared from the radar screen.

Three months earlier, MoD documents record that a commercial pilot flying
over the Midlands reported an unusual object travelling at 'very high speed'
with a very bright strobe light flashing once every 20 seconds.

Although the two incidents were unrelated, both were reported to a
little-known department in the Ministry of Defence, known as Secretariat (Air
Staff) 2a. This is the secretive section in Whitehall which collates reports
of unidentified flying objects that cross British airspace.

Whitehall has traditionally treated reports of UFO sightings as highly
classified and only released information to the public after 30 years. But
the parliamentary Ombudsman insisted that the MoD hand this information to
Colin Ridyard, a research chemist from Wales.

Dr Ridyard had been seeking information relating to UFO sightings by pilots
or radar operators between July 1998 and July 1999. Initially the MoD refused
on the ground it would be too expensive. But after the intervention of the
ombudsman, Michael Buckley, the MoD agreed to release the information as a
one-off exercise for £75. The Ministry handed two reports to Ridyard, yet
official information from the Civil Aviation Authority suggests there had
been additional sightings. During the same period the CAA said it reported
two more UFO sightings to the MoD, neither of which the Ministry disclosed.

According to official CAA reports, in the same month that a radar picked up
an enormous object flying across Scotland, a pilot flying over the North Sea
became startled when his aircraft became illuminated by an 'incandescent'
light. Three other aircraft in the area reported seeing a ball of light
moving at high speed. Air traffic controllers reported there were no strange
aircraft in the area, but five minutes later an operator at a weather station
picked up a fast-moving object on his radar.

The other incident which CAA reported to the MoD occurred in June 1999 when
the pilot of a B757 flying over the North Sea reported an unidentified
military-looking aircraft passing close by in the opposite direction. Nothing
was seen on the plane's radar or by air traffic controllers. The MoD told the
Authority that there were no military aircraft known to be in that area at
the time.

Although an MoD spokeswoman would not discuss individual sightings, she said
all these events had perfectly normal explanations. 'Some-times radars have
spurious readings caused by military aircraft in the vicinity, and
radar-jamming facilities and bright lights on the underside of aircraft can
be caused by events on the ground.'

In a letter to one of Ridyard's local MPs, Defence Minister John Spellar
said: 'My department has no interest or role with respect to UFO/flying
saucer matters or to the question of the existence or otherwise of
extraterrestrial life forms - about which we remain open-minded.'

However, declassified gov ernment documents in the Public Records Office from
June 1965 reveal that 'it was official MoD policy to play down the subject of
unidentified flying objects and to avoid attaching undue public attention or
publicity to the subject... as a result we have never had any political
pressure to mount a large-scale investigation'. Other documents from that
time state: 'The press are never to be given information about unusual radar
sightings_ and [unusual visual] sightings are in no circumstances to be
disclosed to the press.'

But Ridyard said: 'This is not about little green men, but about freedom of
information. It is clear there are many strange incidents that happen in the
British skies that are kept secret. There may be issues of aircraft safety or
natural phenomena, but by keeping this information secret these incidents
cannot be scrutinised by the public or the scientific community.'

One of the most infamous incidents relating to a UFO sighting in Britain only
came to light through US freedom of information legislation. This revealed
that in December 1980 three security patrolmen investigating a potential air
crash near the US Air Force base in Suffolk saw a strange glowing triangular
object hovering in the forest near the base which had a 'pulsing red light on
top and blue lights underneath'.

An official report by Lieutenant-Colonel Charles Halt , the deputy base
commander, included a description of the events and stated 


2000-06-04 Thread Samantha L.

In a message dated 6/4/00 12:38:25 PM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I will posture another scenario the great Hoax of all time. How to achieve
  One World Government and total domination of the people by the New World
  Easy: Create an Alien threat so dangerous that we are all glad to surrender
  our sovereignty we will be happy to surrender or Constitutional rights to
  combat the ET Menace.  Watch and wait ET one day will manifest themselves
  the thousands in our skies.

  Yes, that certainly fits as well.  When the government creates this
manifestation, do you suspect it will be holographic or physical, i.e., craft
created in secret?


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and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] Custodians: Beyond Abduction by Dolores Cannon

2000-06-04 Thread Samantha L.

  For those of you who aren't familiar with Dolores Cannon, she is a
and has written several books based on the content of many subjects'

  I really enjoy the books that I've read and personally give them a lot
weight.  I read her three volumes on "Conversations with Nostradamus" and got
a lot out of them.  I also read "Jesus and the Essenes" and enjoyed it.

  For the Nostradamus books, a total of about six subjects went into an
altered state (this isn't quite like channelling) and spoke with Nostradamus
in his time.  I found them fascinating and the books "rang true" to me.

  She has a new book out which I'm looking forward to reading, "Custodians:
Abduction."  Amazon.com readers have given it really good reviews.  Here's a
snippet from one reader's review:


"While this latest book is a hefty 520+ pages, the revelatory quality of the
material and the fact that its mostly transcripts of various sessions makes
it move quickly.  It is an understatement to say the topics discussed in this
book are "out there", but "out there" is where we are all heading and fast.
So, if you'd like to get a sneak peak at a portion of the map before you find
yourself smack dab in the middle of new territory without a clue, then I
suggest reading 'The Custodians'.  Maybe it's time to turn off the big, black
mediated reality generator box in your living room, squeegee off your Third
Eye, and start seeing things as they really are."
Here's a short description from Dolores Cannon's website:


UFO sightings and abductions by aliens
were the beginning, the tip of the iceberg

Dolores Cannon's work in hypnosis has taken the study beyond abduction.
Dolores traces the phenomenon from the simple to the complex. Exploring areas
untouched by other investigators, she makes the unbelievable become
acceptable and understandable!
Sample text here:
(really interesting)


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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] UK's fabian socialist Blair BIG spender on SpinDoctors

2000-06-04 Thread Bard

(can't you just imagine how much his Comrade in 
our White House has spent.)

Sunday 4th Jun 2000 

TONY Blair has squandered more than pounds 
1billion of taxpayers' cash on private firms of expert advisers. 

The cash would have been enough to build 14 
hospitals or 1,000 new schools - or pay for 65,000 new nurses. 

Many of the contracts for outside advice have 
gone to firms employing New Labour cronies. 

The scandal provoked a political row last night 
over how the contracts came to be awarded. 

Union leaders attacked the Government for 
showing more concern for image than "front line care". 

Ministers now face a barrage of Commons 
questions over the use of outside consultants. 

MPs believe most of the work should have been 
done by Whitehall's 460,000-strong army of civil servants. 

Some of the contracts have been ridiculed as 

The Department of Health, which has spent pounds 
22million on expert advice since the General Election, recently asked Richard 
Branson's Virgin Atlantic stewards to compile a report on how to make hospitals 
more "consumer friendly". 

And one consultancy firm was paid pounds 
3million to produce a list of what makes a good teacher. 

Teachers' union leader Nigel de Gruchy said: "We 
could have told them that for nothing." 

The revelations came as the Government faces a 
deepening crisis over its handling of the National Health Service and education. 

The controversial NHS "census" announced by 
Health Secretary Alan Milburn last week was organised by two outside companies - 
at a cost of pounds 500,000. Mary Maguire of the health workers' union Unison 
said: "It is a lot of money to spend on consultants, especially if so-called 
experts are lining their pockets at the expense of money going into front line 

"We in the front line know what the problems 
are, but the difficulty is getting the Government to listen." 

The list of firms include many with staff who 
are close to the New Labour project, either as former party staff or aides to Mr 
Blair or his ministers. 

Among them is Bell Pottinger, which advises the 
Home Office on youth crime and employs David Hill, the former head of Labour 
Party communications. Since 1997 the Home Secretary, Jack Straw, has presided 
over spending totalling pounds 5.7million on experts. 

Commons statistics compiled by MPs and 
researchers show that at least pounds 892million has been paid to the private 
sector experts since Mr Blair came to power. 

The figures do not take into account spending in 
this financial year, or expenditure by other Government agencies. 

Put together the bill is already over pounds 

Ironically the highest bill has been run up by 
one of the Government's smallest bodies, the Department for International 
Development run by "old" Labour Cabinet Minister Clare Short. Her officials have 
paid out pounds 385,140,000 in the last three years. 

A spokesman claimed last night that the cost - 
one-tenth of Ms Short's pounds 3.2billion annual budget - was due to the need to 
hire agencies around the world to pinpoint areas of most need. 

The figure is more than the entire British aid 
budget for Asia this year, which is pounds 362million. 

But a spokesman for Ms Short said: "It is good 
value for money on a global basis." 

He said the figure was inflated because other 
types of spending had to be included for "technical" reasons. 

Deputy Prime Minister John Prescott is the next 
biggest spender. His giant Department of the Environment, Transport and the 
Regions has spent pounds 46.3million on hiring consultants. 

Foreign Secretary Robin Cook has splashed out 
pounds 30million to prop up his ethical foreign policy and present his 
department in a good light. 

While outside experts have blossomed, the 
Government has slashed civil servant numbers in a programme started under the 

A Cabinet Office spokesman said that the 
contracts could "help to save money in the long run by streamlining projects". 

Arguing that outside contracts meant that 
permanent staff were not needed, she said: "This method helps to develop the 
most efficient response to a problem." 

But Liberal Democrat MP Don Foster, who is 
leading the campaign for more open disclosures of New Labour spending, has 
tabled a series of questions wanting to know if the contracts were awarded 

He said: "The public has a right to know whether 
these contracts were awarded by open tender or by some other means." 


14 new hospitals at pounds 70m each or an extra 
65,000 nurses on a starting salary of pounds 15,000 a year142,000 hip operations 
at pounds 7,000 each or 

100,000 heart by-passes at pounds 10,000 
each52,000 more police officers (on a London starting salary of pounds 
19,200)1,000 schools at pounds 10m each or 60,000 extra teachers or1.5m 
computers at pounds 700 each.

[CTRL] interview of rapist on Echo of Moscow creates Kremlin furor

2000-06-04 Thread Bard


June 4 2000 RUSSIA Clinton radio show 
angers the KremlinMark Franchetti and Matthew Campbell 

Making waves: Putin and Clinton in the Kremlin 
yesterday at the beginning of the visit

PRESIDENT Bill Clinton has angered his 
Russian hosts at his first summit with Vladimir Putin by agreeing to a radio 
interview today with one of the new Kremlin leader's most vociferous critics. 
On his last state visit to Russia before leaving office next January, 
Clinton will answer questions on Echo of Moscow, an independent radio station at 
loggerheads with President Putin, whom it accuses of curbing press freedoms. 
Officials have complained to American diplomats that the move risks insulting 
their leader. 

The summit, which began last night with a private 
Kremlin dinner, could end on a bitter note if the American president takes the 
Russian government to task over curbs on freedom of speech denounced by critics 
as a setback to reforms begun after the fall of communism. 

Echo is part of the Media Most Group, whose offices 
were recently raided by masked and armed security service officers in what was 
interpreted as an attempt to frighten journalists into silence on atrocities in 
war-torn Chechnya and other government abuses. 

Clinton's appearance, during which he will take phone 
calls from ordinary Russians, was welcomed by Alexei Venediktov, the station's 
director. He said it was a clear sign of support for independent media in a 
country where press freedoms are still a relative novelty after a history of 
totalitarian rule. 

"I want to ask Clinton how he deals with the press in 
America when they criticise him," Venediktov said. "Does he send in men in masks 
with machineguns, like the Kremlin?" 

Venediktov is by no means the only journalist 
complaining of government pressure. NTV, the country's only independent 
television station, last week announced that the Kremlin had told it to scrap a 
puppet of Putin on Kukly, a popular satirical programme modelled on Britain's 
Spitting Image. 

Such issues make this a difficult summit for Clinton, 
who is treading a fine line between registering displeasure and irritating a 
power from whose leaders he seeks political favours. 

Yesterday's dinner was his first meeting with Putin 
since the former KGB colonel succeeded Boris Yeltsin. 

Despite anxieties about a suspected authoritarian 
streak in Putin, Washington's frustration at dealing with an increasingly 
incoherent and often drunken Yeltsin gave way to optimism about a new start with 
a more effective leader, fuelling hopes of progress on a range of bilateral 
issues, most notably talks on nuclear arms reductions. 

Yet Clinton's vision of a breakthrough - and a boost 
from Russia to his much- 

battered domestic legacy - has given way to despair 
over Moscow's opposition to a controversial American plan to deploy a missile 
defence system, known by its acronym, NMD. 

Deployment of the "son of star wars" - a reference to 
Ronald Reagan's ambitious, space-based, missile defence plans - would require 
Russia's approval of changes to an anti-ballistic missile treaty. 

If deployment went ahead without such agreement, the 
treaty would effectively be scrapped - a prospect that has raised fears in 
Europe of a return to a nuclear arms race. 

In an attempt to win over the Russians, Clinton is 
billing the system as a protective shield against rogue nations such as North 
Korea and Iran. 

Before arriving in Moscow yesterday from Germany, where 
he met Gerhard 

Schröder, the German chancellor, Clinton suggested 
America might share the new technology with "civilised countries". It was not 
clear if he believed Russia would qualify. 

Putin riposted the Kremlin might agree to a joint 
Russian-American defence system, which was not what Clinton had envisaged by 

Few experts took the Russian proposal seriously and the 
talks are likely to prove inconclusive.And, ultimately, his hosts may see more 
advantage in bestowing favours on the next occupant of the White House. 

Before travelling on to Kiev, the Ukrainian capital, 
tomorrow, Clinton will try to assuage Russian fears in a speech to the Duma - 
the first by an American president to the lower house of parliament. 

There is one opportunity for Clinton today as he faces 
Putin: he can uphold America's strength as a moral as well as military might in 
the world. 

While cynics may scoff at being lectured to by a 
politician impeached for lying about an extramarital affair, Clinton is expected 
to voice his concern over Russia's campaign against Chechnya, whose aspirations 
to independence have been crushed by Moscow's tanks. 

On the eve of his visit, the international organisation 
Human Rights Watch chronicled a Russian massacre of some 60 civilians in the 
Chechen capital, Grozny. 

In a separate incident last week, an Amnesty 
International investigator was 

[CTRL] Fox News Network and Thought Control

2000-06-04 Thread lloyd


From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:

From: Alex Constantine [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Fox News Network and Thought Control
Date: Tuesday, May 23, 2000 11:11 PM

The Fox News Network ‹
Political Thought Control for Profit

In June 1998, right-wing political reporter Matt Drudge traded in his
day job at a Hollywood gift shop and took to the airwaves, gratis Roger
Ailes, chairman of the Fox News Network. On June 25, David Bauder of
the Associated Press commented: "Drudge was 'welcomed' into the TV
fraternity this week by fellow talkshow host Keith Olbermann, who said
on MSNBC's 'Big Show': 'He has gone from being an idiot with a modem
to an idiot with a modem and a TV show on THE MOST IRRESPONSIBLE

Roger Ailes has been retained as an adviser to a score of
fascist-leaning Republican politicians, including Nixon, Reagan, Bush,
D'Amato ‹ and
New York Mayor Rudolph Giuliani, a ubiquitous presence in the channel's
coverage and a regular guest on its discussion programs. Ailes was a
key figure in Joe McGinniss's book on the 1968 Nixon campaign, The
Selling of the President, which, the Columbia Journalism Review
observed in March 1998, "depicted Ailes as a ranting, blustery partisan
whose showbiz talents cut to the core of Nixon's image problems."

Under Roger Ailes, a valueless political operative himself, Fox News
has been molded into a 24-hour, ultra-conservative propaganda machine,
though Fox, as Brill's Content notes, "would never admit such a thing."
The transparent manipulations of the channel's pundits, the intrusive
thought control, is inexhaustible and often amazing: "Tonight, the
healing must begin," Sean Hannity, a commentator at the channel,
announced ‹ the day after the Columbine killings.

To its credit. Fox does report straight news fairly   although the
channel's "coverage"  usually amounts to taking dictation at press
conferences and
interviewing celebrities, and, Brill's observes (October 1999), the
channel frequently frames the news "with oddball hosts, snide graphics
and outrageous guests." The executives and programmers at Fox
"positively bristle at the conservative characterization   but with a
roster of hosts that includes Brit Hume, Tony Snow, David Asman, Fred
Barnes, Bill O'Reilly, and even Matt Drudge [cancelled], Fox News
executives can't duck the fact that the network puts forth a
conservative on-air face. Fox News is trying to have it both ways.
Indeed, there are sound business reasons for Fox to camouflage the
nature of its programming [Fox News] is the antimedia medium. From a
pure marketing perspective, this kind of  branding is gold, especially
in a crowded field. They're trying to carve out their own niche, which
is an intelligent thing to do, says Bruce Leichtman, director of media
and entertainment strategy for The Yankee Group, a consulting firm. The
disavowal of a conservative agenda makes it easier to attract such
major, controversy-averse companies as General Motors and Sprint, which
are now among the channel's largest advertisers. If Fox were to embrace
overtly its conservative identity, it might marginalize itself, scare
off advertisers, and perhaps lose any chance of winning what Ailes and
Murdoch have so far invested more than $300 million to acquire:
mainstream credibility and CNN-caliber influence."

‹ Alex Constantin

Forwarded for info and discussion from the New Paradigms Discussion List,
not necessarily endorsed by:

Lloyd Miller, Research Director for A-albionic Research a ruling
class/conspiracy research resource for the entire political-ideological
   Explore Our Archive:  http://a-albionic.com/a-albionic.html

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
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[CTRL] Hollywood Leftists [communists] Give Millions to Gore, Hillary

2000-06-04 Thread Bard

Posted Friday, June 2, 2000 5:11 p.m. 

Hollywood Leftists Give Millions to Gore, 

Hollywood liberals, desperate for Al Gore and 
Hillary Clinton to be elected, are showering millions of dollars on 

Entertainment big shots giving to Democrats 
include Tom Hanks, Oliver Stone, Martha Stewart, author Anne Rice, most members 
of the old pop group The Eagles and DreamWorks execs Steven Spielberg, David 
Geffen and Jeffrey Katzenberg, USA Today reports.

Hillary, running for Senate in New York, isn't 
the only out-of-towner to benefit. The Left Coast gives even to Senate and House 
candidates whose districts are thousands of miles away. For example, movie 
director Sydney Pollack, Motown founder Berry Gordy and music producer Quincy 
Jones have each given $1,000 to Sen. Ted Kennedy, D-Mass. 

Of the $19 million given by the arts and 
entertainment set since 1999, Democrats have raked in more than twice as much as 
Republicans, according to a USA Today analysis. 

The main beneficiaries are Gore, Hillary and 
failed Democratic presidential candidate Bill Bradley, with Republican George W. 
Bush trailing in fourth place.

"There's a connection between the Clintons and 
Hollywood that seems to be enduring beyond Bill, and (Hillary's) taking 
advantage of that," said Larry Makinson, executive director of the Center for 
Responsive Politics, which follows campaign contributions.


BardPro Libertate - For 

Folks, Come November are you going to 
to rid our Nation of the Traitors 
If you don't then our Children will be the 
necessary to achieve The Total 
[remove your child from the corrupt 
schools(?) your child is being brain-washed 
just like Elian is being 

"A nation can survive its fools and even the 

But it cannot survive treason from within. 

An enemy at the gates is less formidable, 
forhe is known and he carries his banners openly against the city. 

But the traitor moves among those within the 
gates freely, his sly whispers rustling through all alleys, heard in the 
very halls of government itself.

For the traitor appears no traitor; he speaks in 
the accents familiar tohis victim, and he wears their face and their 
garments and he appeals tothe baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all 

He rots the soul of a nation; he works secretly 
and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of a city; he infects 
the body politic so that it can no longer resist. 

A murderer is less to be feared. The traitor is 
the plague."--- Cicero in a speech to the Roman Senate, as recorded by 

Re: [CTRL] Hollywood Leftists [communists] Give Millions to Gore, Hillary

2000-06-04 Thread William Shannon

I hate to have to point this out "Bard" but there's a world of difference
between mainstream American "liberalism" and communism...and to refuse to
recognize the difference makes you appear sophmoric at best...combine that
with your incessant posts about "queers" and you really sound like a
lightweight and most likely a teenager...
Just my 2/100ths of a bucks worth...


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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fox: FBI Boss Would Quit, But He Doesn't Want Clinton to Choose Replacement

2000-06-04 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER



FBI Boss Would Quit, But He Doesn't Want Clinton to Choose

Sunday, June 4, 2000 By Brian Blomquist and Al Guart

FBI Director Louis Freeh - whose feud with Attorney General Janet
Reno has exploded in public - would gladly quit, but doesn't want
to give President Clinton the chance to pick his replacement,
sources told The Post.

Those who've worked with Freeh say he's a straight arrow

Freeh's rank-and-file agents and Reno's line prosecutors say they
still can work together but are alarmed the battle between their
bosses has burst into public.

One exception is within the funny-money task force, where
relations are so bad that prosecutors and agents have had to be
placed on separate floors.

The jabs have flown rat-a-tat in recent few weeks.

Freeh sent Congress a memo suggesting that Reno, who's his boss,
was under political pressure to go easy on the Clinton-Gore
fund-raising probe in 1996.

Reno fired back by sending Congress information revealing that
she considered naming an independent counsel to probe whether
Freeh gave inaccurate testimony to Congress.

Sen. Arlen Specter, R-Pa., said he was surprised he got the
information - which he said was clearly meant to "blacken up
Freeh" - because it "was not within the scope of the subpoena."

FBI agents - and even some Justice Department prosecutors - say
they don't doubt it was retaliation by Reno.

"This is how they play ball," said Charles LaBella, the former
head of the Justice Department's campaign-finance task force

The feud seems to originate with the Clinton-Gore funny-money
case. Freeh and LaBella tried to get Reno to name an independent
counsel, but Reno refused.

Freeh, who has six sons and has complained about his government
salary, has wanted to quit for years and move back to New York to
take a high-paying private job. But sources say he doesn't want
to give Clinton a chance to name his successor in the job, which
carries a 10-year term.

"He just doesn't like this president. And he's privy to all the
facts of all our campaign-finance related cases, so you can't
second-guess his judgment," an FBI agent said.

Those who've worked with Freeh say he's a straight arrow.

"He's the most unpolitical person I've ever met in my life,
almost to a fault," said James Kallstrom, who headed the FBI's
flagship New York office and has known Freeh since 1976.

Another retired head of the New York FBI office, Lewis Schiliro,
said: "On numerous occasions, I consulted with him on how to
handle cases, and he always said, 'Do what is in the best
interest of justice.' From corruption to terrorism to organized
crime cases, it's never, ever wavered. And there aren't a lot of
people you can say that about."

Officially, spokesmen for Reno and Freeh deny there's any feud,
claiming there's a long tradition of disagreement between the FBI
and Justice Department.

"What's different now is that they have spilled over into the
public," said FBI spokesman John Collingwood.

But on the front lines, FBI agents and Justice Department
prosecutors say their bosses are indeed battling - though they
claim the disputes don't trickle down and affect their own
working relationships.

"There's sort of a shared perception among the attorneys and the
investigators that the top of the Justice Department is more
political than the top of the FBI," one Justice Department
prosecutor said.

"We're all kind of on the same wavelength."

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] AP: Linda Tripp Plans More Public Life

2000-06-04 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

In a message dated 06/04/2000 5:05:44 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

 Tripp had avoided virtually all public appearances since her
 indictment in Maryland last July, though she has released
 statements on her Web site and through her attorney. She said she
 has received dozens of speaking invitations.

 "I am not a public person. All this is very difficult for me,"
 she told about 60 people attending a dinner of the South Carolina
 chapter of Free Republic, a group that operates a conservative
 Web site and has strongly supported her. 

Wonderful, perhaps she will write a book, "HOW TO FINK ON YOUR FRIENDS."


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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Rush And MNF

2000-06-04 Thread William Shannon

This is about as conspiracy-oriented as Spitzer's (over)posts...

-  SNETNEWS  Mailing List

June 19, 2000
Block That Rush!

I suppose it would be in my financial interest if Rush Limbaugh were to get
his wish and become part of the broadcast team for ABC's Monday Night
Football. My book Rush Limbaugh Is a Big Fat Idiot is still backlisted, and
Rush's presence on prime time would probably help sales by reminding millions
of people who had otherwise forgotten what a smug jerk he is.

The thing is, I'm a football fan. I watch Monday Night Football. Please,
please, pleeze, ABC, don't make me have to listen to Rush. See, when I
was researching my book, I listened to Rush. A lot. And once I finished my
research, I frankly hoped that I'd never have to hear his voice again.

By the way, it's not so much Rush's politics. If, say, Steve Largent quit
Congress (which wouldn't be such a bad idea), I'd be happy to listen to him
call Monday Night Football. Let me explain why: Steve Largent knows a lot
about football.

Recently on a Fox News Channel program devoted to this subject, I made the
point that Rush has absolutely no experience in pro football. The anchor,
whom I will not embarrass by naming him/her, took issue by saying, "But he
did marketing for the Royals." Rush did, in fact, work in group sales for the
Kansas City Royals, the American League baseball team. As FNC says, "We
report, you decide."

Rush did, however, play high school football. In fact, Limbaugh has said that
he received his 4F physical deferment from the draft because of "a football
knee from high school." Which is actually not true. In reality, Rush got his
deferment because of a pilonidal cyst, which is a congenital incomplete
closure of the neural groove at the base of the spinal cord in which excess
tissue and hair may collect, causing discomfort and discharge. Not as sexy as
a football knee, but a pilonidal cyst it was.

This is more to the point of why I don't want Rush on MNF. He's a liar. Not
the Frank Gifford type, who merely lies about consensual sex, which, though
an impeachable offense, gives me no reason to doubt a yards-per-carry
statistic Frank might throw at us. (And unlike Limbaugh, Gifford does not
call himself "America's Truth Detector.") In Rush's world, "there is no
conclusive proof that nicotine is addictive." "All income groups paid less
taxes as a percentage of their income during the Reagan years, but the poor
received the most relief, the middle class the next and the rich, the least."
And "there are more acres of forestland in America today than when Columbus
discovered the continent in 1492." I had considered titling my book Rush
Limbaugh is a Big Fat Hypocritical Liar. But I thought that was just too

Which brings me to the "big fat" part. When Rush was last on TV regularly, he
was very, very, very fat. And that, I think, is one of the reasons he wants
the MNF job. Since my book came out, Rush has lost a lot of weight, and I
don't blame him for wanting America to see that he is no longer, as doctors
put it, "morbidly obese." The reality is, I saved the man's life, halting his
slide into food-assisted suicide. Has he thanked me? No.

Besides being an ingrate, Limbaugh is also a lout. In 1993 he called
13-year-old Chelsea Clinton "the White House dog." If he does MNF, I doubt
he'll say anything as racist as Howard Cosell's "look at that little monkey
go," referring during a 1983 Monday night game to Alvin Garrett, a black
receiver for the Redskins. Rush takes great affront at being called a racist,
though that didn't stop him from making this observation a few years ago:
"Have you ever noticed how all newspaper composite pictures of wanted
criminals resemble Jesse Jackson?"

Rush does like to accuse others of racism, particularly anyone in the Clinton
Administration. According to Limbaugh, the "midnight basketball" provision in
the President's 1994 crime bill was racist. "At a time when the black
community is struggling with the notion that the route out of the ghetto is
the National Basketball Association and a Nike pair of shoes, here comes the
Administration...and they say to parents, 'Hey, we solved your problem. We're
going to have your kids playing basketball midnight to 2 am... Wouldn't it
just be simpler to expand the NBA to 500,000 teams?"

Presumably Rush on MNF will be driving home the idea that the NFL and a pair
of Nikes is a better way out of the ghetto. Of course, Rush's real problem
was with the federal government spending a few million dollars on a program
that would provide supervised recreation and job training to poor teens and
young adults. Better for taxpayers to spend hundreds of millions on stadiums
with corporate boxes. (To be fair to Rush, I support all of the above.)

But again, in regard to the MNF job, it's not really Limbaugh's politics that
I object to. For instance, former MNF commentator Dan Dierdorf is a member of
the Socialist Workers Party. The fact that you 

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: There Goes the Ozone Layer

2000-06-04 Thread [to:] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 06/04/2000 11:40:07 AM Central Daylight Time,

 I can fill a balloon with dirt and it will fall to the ground too,
 but I have seen dust (dirt) in the air many times.
 a cold (hydrogen) balloon will not float
 cold smoke will not float
 but wind can pick up either one and carry it.

I have lived in West Texas so I have certainly seen a lot of
dust in the air.
Yes the winds can lift things into the air which are heavier than air.
However these heavier particles and molecules do settle out.
If you fly much, you will notice that even on windy and dusty days,
the dust is mostly below 10,000 ft.

But this isn't even the point.
Even if minute quantities of CFC gasses make it up to above 30,000 ft.
the amount is absolutely unimportant.
Chlorine is the culprit.
Chlorine is the first C in CFC.
Chlorine is what destroys ozone on contact.
Chlorine is produced is great quantities by the oceans.  So much so, that the
chlorine in all the CFCs ever produced is negligible in comparison.

The Ozone Layer is extremely important to all life on earth.
The Ozone Layer is being disturbed by manmade technology.
But the Ozone Layer is not being harmed by CFCs.
This is the "Cover Story" which has been fed to the public.
It simply is not true.

 Regards to All

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] The Indians And The Masons

2000-06-04 Thread William Shannon

The Indians And The Masons
Patrick Marsolek


The Great North Trail is a major legacy of ancient man in the American West.
It crosses through the United States from the Bering Strait to Tierra del
Fuego and is thought to have been the major migration route of early peoples
from Asia to the Americas. Along the trail are concentrations of petroforms,
simple structures made of stone: circles, cairns, medicine wheels, and
ceremonial enclosures. New data on the trail and these petroforms could
reshape many of the currently accepted beliefs regarding their creation and

Though most traditional historians and archaeologists think that the varied
arrangements of petroforms found along the trail signified a purely
utilitarian function, they may be part of an indigenous science employing
geometries of spiritual transcendence that were linked with the landscape.
Similar technologies may have been used in the building of the Temple of
Solomon and the Egyptian temples. An understanding of this technology could
have been used to navigate spiritually, as well as physically, through the
harsh environments following the last ice age about 10,000 years ago. This
connection of a people with the landscape bears a similarity to aboriginal
mythologies in other parts of the world. From Australia, to Africa, and the
Americas, special mountains and hilltops are ritualized sacred sites on the
landscape and are often marked with monuments of stone.

If an ancient science represented in the Great North Trail somehow emerged
from the same prehistoric technologies of Europe and Asia, then this line of
knowledge may have reconnected with the entrance of Masonic ideals into the
American West. Freemasons have had a large presence in the affairs of the
United States since its formation. This was especially so in the settling of
the west. Masonic organizations formed in communities almost as soon as
people gathered in a place. In Montana, the first Masonic meeting occurred
atop the continental divide in 1862, on the eve of the gold rush to the
territory. No record exists of what took place at the meeting, yet Masons
soon would be involved in shaping the politics and economics of the Montana
Territory. With the hangings of the sheriff of Bannock and other highway men
by the vigilantes in the winter of 1863-64, the Masons initiated a dominant
presence in the region. The landscape where the Great North Trail crosses
through the west may have been chosen to be a contemporary stronghold of
Masonic ideals. If so, why? Deep inside the core of Freemasonry there may be
a link to sacred technologies of ancient man. To appreciate this connection
we must leave the Trail and take a daring look at the beginnings of the
Masons of Montana, the Knights Templar, and Solomon's Temple.

Present-day Freemasonry is a fraternal order whose basic tenets are brotherly
love, philanthropy, and truth. This order is often thought to have originated
around the 14th century in Scotland as an offshoot of the Knights Templar in
response to the brutal crushing and dispersal of the Knights Templar by
Philip IV of France in 1307.

One of the earliest documents relating to Freemasonry, however, the Cooke
Manuscript of 1410, refers to the building of the Temple of Solomon as the
true beginning of Freemasonry. King Solomon allowed the 80,000 Masons of the
Temple their own order. It may have evolved earlier out of the Egyptian
mysteries or farther back, to a time, as Harold Percival puts it, in Masonry
and Its Symbols, ...when bodies first became male and female and the first
temples were meant to be symbols of the human body.

This last statement reveals a continuous source of inspiration that runs
throughout most versions of Masonic history, the use of the symbols and the
geometry of Freemasonry, including the pillars of the Temple of Solomon, the
all-seeing eye, the square, and the compass. These masonic symbols are even
associated with important Masons in our recent history, such as George
Washington and Meriwether Lewis. Lewis may have been the first Mason to cross
the Great North Trail.

In King Solomon's time the sacred geometry and symbols were essential to the
Masons and the building of the Temple of Solomon. The esoteric significance
of these geometries may encompass much more than our traditional concepts. To
the ancient builders these geometries were intimately connected with the
theologies of both Judaism and Islam, in which God was a unity. In The Temple
and The Lodge, the authors Baigent and Leigh have this to say about this
early geometry:

If (the one) God was to be discerned in the creation at all, it was not in
the multiplicity of forms, but in the unifying principles running through
those forms and underlying them. In other words, God was to be discerned in
the principles of shape, determined ultimately by the degrees in an angle-and
by number. It was through shape 

[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] The CIA did not know it

2000-06-04 Thread Kris Millegan

Familiar names and themes?

Excerpt from second of below forwarded posts:

"The CIA did not know it, but Dulles was bringing them to the
 United States less for intelligence purposes than for political
 advantage. The Nazis' job quickly became to get out the vote for
 the Republicans. One Israeli intelligence officer joked that when
 Dulles used the phrase 'Never Again,' he was not talking about
 the Holocaust but about Dewey's narrow loss to Truman. In the
 eyes of the Israelis, Allen Dulles was the demon who infected
 Western intelligence with Nazi recruits."

 "In 1988, Project Censored, a news media censorship research
 organization, awarded the honor of "Top Censored story" to the
 subject of George Bush. The article revealed "how the major
 mass media ignored, overlooked or undercovered at least ten
 critical stories reported in America's alternative press that raised
 serious questions about the Republican candidate, George
 Bush, dating from his reported role as a CIA 'asset' in 1963 to his
 Presidential campaign's connection with a network of
 anti-Semites with Nazi and fascist affiliations in 1988." (4)

To: "David Crockett Williams" [EMAIL PROTECTED]; "David E fawcett"
[EMAIL PROTECTED]; "Gary Barrett" [EMAIL PROTECTED]; "Gene Weeks"
[EMAIL PROTECTED]; "Peter McWilliams" [EMAIL PROTECTED]; "Rebecca
Bird" [EMAIL PROTECTED]; "Rick Root" [EMAIL PROTECTED]; "Rusty Stuart"
"Jeanne+Jack Herer" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: FYI - re: an idea..
Date: Sunday, June 04, 2000 12:07 AM

Richard MELLON Scaife

For a look at the current heir to Andrew Mellon's throne..
uh, 'fortune' click on this link

This is the money-man behind the 'Get Clinton' campaign. Whitehead and
Klayman, I believe, live off Mellons's bankroll as well. (Like Ken Starr
and friends.)

Here is the hub of the 'vast right wing conspiracy'. Hillary may not
have been too far off after all. That's why this is questionable ground.
It's the same cast of characters.. and they are NOT NICE PEOPLE.

[SALON | Oct. 1, 1998
author Murray Waas is Salon's award-winning investigative reporter
covering Whitewater]

Scaife tells why he cut off Spectator's funding

The reclusive billionaire points the finger at fellow Arkansas

Project conspirators in testimony before the grand jury.


WASHINGTON -- Conservative billionaire Richard Mellon Scaife testified
to a federal grand jury earlier this month that he had terminated the
funding of a four-year, $2.4 million effort to investigate and
discredit President Clinton in late 1997, because of concerns about how
his money was being spent, according to sources familiar with his

The grand jury in Fort Smith, Ark., has been investigating allegations
since August that funds from that effort, known as the Arkansas Project,
were provided to David Hale, the central anti-Clinton witness in the
Whitewater investigation of independent counsel Kenneth Starr.

The alleged payments to Hale were made during the time that he was a
cooperating witness with Starr's investigation of the president. The
grand jury heard testimony in early August from two witnesses who have
said that they had firsthand knowledge of the numerous cash payments to
Hale by Parker Dozhier, a former Arkansas Project employee.

Funds for the Arkansas Project were funneled through the American
Spectator magazine to two conservative political activists, Stephen S.
Boynton and Dave Henderson, who directed the effort. Boynton, an
attorney and lobbyist, and Henderson, a former vice president of the
American Spectator Educational Foundation, have denied that the Arkansas
Project made covert payments of money to Hale.

Meanwhile, however, federal investigators have uncovered evidence that
individuals associated with the Arkansas Project paid at least $8,800
in legal fees to Jay Bequette, a Little Rock attorney who briefly
represented Hale in a criminal case. Bequette did not return telephone
calls seeking comment Wednesday.

Sources familiar with those payments say that Bequette received the
funds in 1996 to defend Hale against state criminal charges that he had
looted funds from his own insurance company and then made
misrepresentations to state regulators to conceal the company's

As Salon has previously reported, Boynton and Henderson also played an
instrumental role in assisting Hale in finding legal counsel when the
Senate Whitewater committee had demanded testimony from Hale that same
year. As a result of their assistance, prominent Washington attorney
and conservative political partisan Theodore B. Olson agreed to
represent Hale free of charge in a successful effort to assist Hale in
avoiding testifying to the Senate committee.

Olson, a former Reagan 

Re: [CTRL] Eureka! Scientists break speed of light

2000-06-04 Thread Dano

K wrote:


 June 4 2000

 Eureka! Scientists break speed of light

 Jonathan Leake, Science Editor

 SCIENTISTS claim they have broken the ultimate speed barrier: the
 speed of light.

Stupid stupid scientists. All they have done is discovered that
they were wrong about something else. Suprise Suprise!!

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Rare Earth - Are we special?

2000-06-04 Thread DIG alfred webre

Are we special? Rare Earth probably most elegantly expresses the view that
intelligent life exists only on Earth, and not elsewhere in the Universe.
For an opposite view, including the Quarantine Model, see:

   Take that, Copernicus:

   By Peter D. Ward and Donald Brownlee.
   Springer-Verlag; 362 pages; $27.50 and œ12.50

   THANKS to the work of
   Copernicus, Galileo and
   others, the earth long ago
   lost its place at the centre of
   the universe. Instead, it is
   now known to be just one of
   several planets orbiting one
   of hundreds of millions of
   stars in one of billions of
   galaxies. On the cosmic
   scale, there is nothing
   special about our planet
   after all.

   Not so fast, say Peter Ward and Donald Brownlee, a
   geologist and an astronomer respectively at the University of
   Washington. Instead, they suggest that "the continued
   marginalisation of earth and its place in the universe should
   be reassessed." They offer a powerful argument that the
   earth is, in fact, extremely unusual. That in turn implies that
   complex extraterrestrial life forms may be far rarer than
   science fiction stories and many scientists would have us

   This claim might seem at odds with recent discoveries which
   suggest (at least to those investigating such matters) that
   extraterrestrial life could be commonplace. On earth,
   "extremophile" bacteria have been discovered that are
   capable of thriving in extreme and inhospitable
   conditions such as inside scorching geothermal vents and
   even inside rocks where life was previously thought to be
   impossible. This is surely grounds for optimism that bacteria
   could also live happily in other unlikely places, such as on
   Mars or in the oceans of Jupiter's moon Europa. In addition,
   the discoveries since 1995 of dozens of planets orbiting
   nearby stars suggests that planets are abundant, so there
   should be loads of places for life to get started beyond the
   solar system.

   Mr Ward and Mr Brownlee argue, however, that while
   primitive microbial life may well exist throughout the
   universe, the more complex organisms that evolved on earth
   owe their existence to an unusual combination of factors. If
   so, the estimate of Carl Sagan, for example, of a million
   civilisations in this galaxy alone looks vastly overdone.

   It is fortuitous that the earth orbits a star that is not too
   to the centre of the galaxy (where cataclysmic events and
   dangerous radiation would prove hostile to living beings), but
   not too near the edge either (where the heavy elements
   needed to form planets are less abundant). It is lucky also
   that the sun is a solitary, stable star and the earth has a
   stable orbit around it.

   Just as fortunate is Jupiter's helpful hoovering up of many
   (though not all) potentially lethal comets and asteroids, and
   the fact that Saturn is small enough not to have ended up in a
   gravitational tussle with Jupiter that might have caused the
   loss of the solar system's other planets. Earth's chemical
   composition is also just right to allow plate-tectonic
   which is lacking on both Venus and Mars, and helps to
   maintain the climate so that it is suitable for the long-term
   presence of liquid water.

   But perhaps the most important and yet unlikely factor is the
   earth's unusually large moon, whose presence has played a
   crucial role in stabilising the planet's tilt and climate. It
   now agreed that the moon formed when the earth was
   struck by a Mars-sized body early in its history a freak
   occurrence. This suggests that any earth-like planets around
   other stars are likely to lack such a moon, and thus 

[CTRL] Bilderberg-participants, year 2000 in Belgium

2000-06-04 Thread DIG alfred webre

The usual demonology of global mind control  exploitation is in attendance
at this years' Bilderbergers - from Henry Kissinger to David Rockefeller.
The remark has been made that Bilderbergers are like "high=level employees".
Their principals are elsewhere. The question is, then: Who are the
Bilderbergers' employers?
Alfred Webre, Vancouver, BC
Bilderberg-participants, year 2000 in Belgium
Bilderberg Press Release extract: 3 June 2000

The 48th Bilderberg meeting was held in Brussels, Belgium, 1-3 June 2000.
Among other subjects the Conference discussed US Elections, Globalisation,
New Economy, the Balkans, EU Enlargement, the European Far Right.
Approximately 100 participants from North America and Europe attended
the discussions. The meeting was private in order to encourage frank
and open discussion. etc.

Bilderberg meetings, Brussels, Belgium, 1-3 June 2000
List of Participants, 3 June 2000

Honorary Secretary General:

J. Martin Taylor, Chairman, WH Smith Group, Adviser, Goldman Sachs

Honorary Chairman:

Etienne Davignon, Chairman, Société Générale de Belgique

Agnelli, Giovanni, I, Fiat

Agnelli, Umberto, I, IFIL

Aguirre y Gil de Biedma, Esperenza, E, Pres. Spanish Senate

Allaire, Paul, USA, Chair, Xerox

Ambrosetti, Alfredo, I, Ambrosetti Group

Andersen, Bodil Nyboe, DK, Governor, Central Bank of Denmark

Asper, Israel, CDN, Chair, CanWest

Avery, Graham, INT, Chief Adviser for Enlargement, EC

Balsemão, Francisco Pinto, P, Uni, Lisbon, Impressa

Barnevik, Percy, S, Investor AB

Benschop, Dick, NL, State Secretary for European Affairs

Bernabè, Franco, I, Italian rep on Balkan reconstruction

Betz, Hans-Georg, Columbia  NY Unis.

Bildt, Carl, INT, UN (Balkans)

Black, Conrad, CDN, Chair, Telegraph Group

Bruton, John, IRL, Leader, Fine Gael

Buchanan, Robin WT, GB, Bain  Co

Clarke, Kenneth, GB, MP

Çolakoglu, Nuri, TR, NTV

Collomb, Bertrand, Lafarge

Cromme, Gerhard, D, Thyssen/Krupp

David, George A, GR, Hellenic Bottling

Deutch, John M, MIT

Diamandouros, P Nikiforos, GR, Ombudsman

Dodd, Christopher J, USA, Senator, D, Connecticut

Donilon, Thomas E, USA, FannieMae

Dyson, Esther, USA, EDventure

Fréchette, Louise, INT, UN

Fresco, Paolo, I, Fiat

Frum, David, CDN, National Post

Gouveia, Teresa Patrício, P, MP (PSD)

Graham, Donald E, USA, Washington Post

Hagel, Chuck, USA, Senator, R, Nebraska

Halberstadt, Victor, NL, Leiden Univ.

Hambro, Christian, N, Research Council of Norway

Hampel, Erich, A, Creditanstalt-Bankverein

Hutchison, Kay bailey, USA, Senator, R, Texas

Huyghebaert, Jan, B, Almanij NV

Janssen, Daniel E, B, Solvay

Johansson, Leif, S, Volvo

Johnson, James A, USA, Johnson Capital

Jordan Jr, Vernon E, USA, Lazard Frères

Kayhan, Muharrem, TR, Söktas

Kissinger, Henry A, USA, Kissinger Associates

Kopper, Hilmar, D, Deutsche Bank

Kravis, Henry R, USA, Kohlberg Kravis Roberts

Kravis, Marie-Josée, USA, Hudson Institute

Lamy, Pascal, INT, European Commissioner

Lévy-Lang, André, F, Former Chair Paribas

Lippens, Maurice, B, Fortis

Lipponen, Paavo, FIN, Prime Minister

Mathews, Jessica T, USA, Carnegie Endowment

McDonough, William J, USA, Pres. Federal Reserve Bank of NY

Montbrial, Thierry de, F, French Inst of International Relations

Moore, Mike, INT, WTO

Nass, Matthias, D, Die Zeit

Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands

Ollila, Jorma, FIN, Nokia

Padoa-Schioppa, tommaso, INT, ECB

Pagrotsky, Leif, S, Trade Minister

Papandreou, George A, GR, Foreign Minister

Petersson, Lars Eric, S, Skandia

Petritsch, Wolfgang, A, High Rep, Bosnia; EU negotiator Kosovo

Pury, David de, CH, de Pury Pictet Turrettini

Rasmussen, Anders Fogh, DK, Liberal Party

Reiten, Eivind, N, Norsk Hydro

Richardson, Bill, USA, Energy Secretary

Riotta, Gianni, I, La Stampa

Rockefeller, David, USA, Chase Manhattan Bank

Rodriguez Inciarte, Matías, E, BSCH

Roll, Eric, GB, UBS Warburg

Ruggiero, Renato, I, Schroder Salomon Smith Barney

Scholten, Rudolf, A, Österreichische Kontrollbank

Schoutheete de Tervarent, Ph de, B, Former EU Perm Rep

Seidenfaden, Tøger, DK, Politiken

Solana Madariaga, Javier, INT, Sec Gen, Council of the EU

Soros, George, USA, Soros Fund Management

Steinberg, James B, USA, Dep Asst to the President for National Security

Strauss-Kahn, Dominique, F, Univ. of Paris, Fomer Finance Minister

Surroi, Veton, Kosovo, Publisher, KOHA Ditore

Sutherland, Peter D, IRL, Goldman Sachs  BP Amoco

Tarullo, Daniel K, USA, Georgetowm Univ.

Thornton, John L, Goldman Sachs

Tremonti, Giulio, I, Finance Commission, Chamber of Deputies

Trichet, Jean-Claude, F, Banque de France

Vasella, Daniel L, CH, Novartis

Veer, Jeroen van der, NL, Shell

Vink, Lodewijk JR de, USA, Warner Lambert

Vranitzky, Franz, A, Former Chancellor

Wallenberg, Jacob, S, Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken

Wolf, Martin, GB, Associated Editor/Economics Commentator

Wolfensohn, James D, World Bank

Wolff von Amerongen, Otto, Otto Wolff GmbH

Wolfowitz, Paul, USA, John Hopkins Univ.


Re: [CTRL] Satan Works For Moon Now!

2000-06-04 Thread Aleisha Saba

Well where is Rosemary's Baby?  Watch young King Hussein and his
beautiful wife.  Born February 5, 1962 when it was said the stars were

Now can you imagine if:  Dodi Fayed married the Princess of Wales, and
John F. Kennedy and his beautiful wife had lived what the world would
have been as compared to what we
Who is the Anti Christ - head honcho?  Turn on your Cable TV late at
night.   His presense permeates the air.   For his presense pictured on
television is merely a reflection of our Oval Office.

Ugly Americans.

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

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[CTRL] Fwd: The first thing we do, let's kill all the lawyers - it's a lawyer joke

2000-06-04 Thread Aleisha Saba

After watching the OJ Simpson trial, well let us say I have seen better
heads on a nickel glass of beer (old lawyer joke).

Now thisi F. Lee Bailey did a good job, but I cannot believe this man
does not know what Shakespeare meant when he wrote "first we will kill
all the lawyers".   For in a communistic society his is the intent, to
destroy the law.  Now is this not the intent of the United Nations and
this CFR front?

If F. Lee Bailey really made that comment, he should be ashamed.

Example of what Shakespeare really meant, for now today we see a group
of conspirators attempting to change the work of Shakespeare, for
instance the story about Shylock and the Pound of Flesh, was "just a

Now I have a friend that knows F. Lee Bailey at Naples Florida, if he is
still there.   I am going to try to find out, if that guy is slipping.

Most stupid lawyers in the world were at OJ trial with one exception -
F. Lee Bailey, who did not lose sight of the truth of the matter, while
this Shapiro nearly booed out of Yankee Stadium, turned on his own

"The first thing we do, let's kill all the lawyers" - it's a lawyer joke
Seth Finkelstein [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Few people are unfamiliar with the phrase The first thing we do, let's
kill all the lawyer. Rueful, mocking, it often expresses the ordinary
person's frustration with the arcana and complexity of law. Sometimes
it's known known that the saying comes from one of Shakespeare's plays,
but usually there's little awareness beyond that. This gap in knowledge
has inspired a myth of "correction", where it is "explained" that this
is line really intended as a praise of the lawyer's role.
For example, one legal firm states:
"The first thing we do," said the character in Shakespeare's Henry VI,
is "kill all the lawyers." Contrary to popular belief, the proposal was
not designed to restore sanity to commercial life. Rather, it was
intended to eliminate those who might stand in the way of a contemplated
revolution -- thus underscoring the important role that lawyers can play
in society.
(from  Dickstein Shapiro Morin  Oshinsky LLP Firm Profile)
As the famous remark by the plotter of treachery in Shakespeare's King
Henry VI shows - "The first thing we must do is kill all the lawyers," -
the surest way to chaos and tyranny even then was to remove the
guardians of independent thinking.
The argument of this remark as in fact being favorable to lawyers is a
marvel of sophistry, twisting of the meaning of words in unfamiliar
source, disregard of the evident intent of the original author and ad
hominem attack. Whoever first came up with this interpretation surely
must have been a lawyer.
The line is actually uttered by a character "Dick The Butcher". While
he's a killer as evil as his name implies, he often makes highly comedic
and amusing statements. The wisecracking villain is not an invention of
modern action movies, it dates back to Shakespeare and beyond.
The setup for the "kill the lawyers" statement is the ending portion of
a comedic relief part of a scene in Henry VI, part 2. Dick and another
henchman, Smith are members of the gang of Jack Cade, a pretender to the
throne. The built-up is long portion where Cade make vain boasts, which
are cut down by sarcastic replies from the others. For example:
Valiant I am.
SMITH [aside].
'A must needs; for beggary is valiant.
I am able to endure much.
DICK [aside].
No question of that; for I have seen him whipp'd three market-days
I fear neither sword nor fire.
SMITH [aside].
He need not fear the sword; for his coat is of proof.
DICK [aside].
But methinks he should stand in fear of fire, being burnt i' th'hand for
stealing of sheep.
You can almost hear the rim-shot after everything Dick or Smith say
Cade proceeds to go more and more over the top, and begins to describe
his absurd ideal world:
Be brave, then; for your captain is brave, and vows reformation. There
shall be in England seven half-penny loaves sold for a penny: the
three-hoop'd pot shall have ten hoops; and I will make it felony to
drink small beer: all the realm shall be in common; and in Cheapside
shall my palfrey go to grass: and when I am king,- as king I will be,-
God save your majesty!
Appreciated and encouraged, he continues on in this vein:
I thank you, good people:- there shall be no money; all shall eat and
drink on my score; and I will apparel them all in one livery, that they
may agree like brothers, and worship me their lord.
And here is where Dick speaks the famous line.
The first thing we do, let's kill all the lawyers.
The audience must have doubled over in laughter at this. Far from
"eliminating those who might stand in the way of a contemplated
revolution" or portraying lawyers as "guardians of independent
thinking", it's offered as the best feature imagined of yet for utopia.
It's hilarious. A very rough and simplistic 

Re: [CTRL] Bilderberg-participants, year 2000 in Belgium

2000-06-04 Thread [to:] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 06/04/2000 6:04:53 PM Central Daylight Time,

 The question is, then: Who are the
 Bilderbergers' employers? 

We know that there is no such thing as the Bilderbergers,
because Rush Limbaugh has told us so. (Many times)
There is also no such thing as the Council on Foreign Relations,
or if there is, we can be sure it's innocent and harmless,
because Rush Limbaugh has told us so.

What's funny is that Limbaugh openly states on the air,
"You don't have to think...I will think for you and I will tell
 you what's important."
So the "Dittoheads" let Rush think for them.
Hey...Rush says there is no such thing as a "Conspiracy"
and that anybody who thinks they exist is a total whacko.
This sounds just like Professor Jerry Mander doesn't it?

Notice Herr Henry Kissinger is once more in attendance at
this meeting. (I think he's made about all of them)

Let's not forget Kissinger's infamous quote from the
Bilderberg Meeting in Evian France several years ago:
   "Today the people of Los Angeles would be outraged
 if U.N. troops were patrolling the streets of L.A.
 Tomorrow, they will be grateful."

 Regards to All

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Re: [CTRL] Hollywood Leftists [communists] Give Millions to Gore, Hillary

2000-06-04 Thread Bard

Make no Mistake!
Today's Leftist is a Communist!
Bill, You are living in the World of 'Traditional Liberalism:
Liberalism can be understood as (1) a political tradition (2) a political
philosophy and (3) a general philosophical theory, encompassing a theory of
value, a conception of the person and a moral theory as well as a political
philosophy. As a political tradition liberalism has varied in different
countries. In England --- in many ways the birthplace of liberalism --- the
liberal tradition in politics has centered on religious toleration,
government by consent, personal and, especially, economic freedom. In France
liberalism has been more closely associated with secularism and democracy.
In the United States liberals often combine a devotion to personal liberty
with an antipathy to capitalism, while the liberalism of Australia tends to
be much more sympathetic to capitalism but often less enthusiastic about
civil liberties. To understand this diversity in political traditions, we
need to examine liberalism as a political theory and as a general
philosophy. These latter two are the concerns of this essay.
Liberalism as a Political Theory
Liberalism as a Philosophy
The Return of Purely Political Liberalism?
Related Entries

The 'queers' and other fringe groups are merely tools
to achieving The Total State.  I don't mine your criticism,
but try and be more specific vs. 'lightweight and teenage'.
My 'incessant' Posts about 'queers' are targeted at ignorant
as a means to awaken them to reality.

Pro Libertate - For Freedom
To support Mr. Buchanan in the White House
we must send to Congress Constitutional conservatives who will:

 Restore the United States to "One Nation Under God"
 Return to Constitutional, Limited Government
 Protect the Inalienable Right to Life of All, including the Unborn and
Infirm   Protect Individual Right to Keep and Bear Arms
 Restore National Sovereignty, including Withdrawal from the U.N.
 Maintain a Strong National Defense
 Repeal the Unconstitutional Income Tax
 Stop All Unconstitutional Spending
 Protect the Inalienable Rights of Liberty and Private Property
 Abolish the Federal Reserve and Restore Constitutional Money
 Promote Pro-family policies
 End Federal Subsidies for and Control of Education and Welfare
 Comprehensive Immigration Reform
 Return Control over Elections to the People
 Abolish Special Interest Entitlements (corporate welfare)

- Original Message -
From: "William Shannon" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, June 04, 2000 1:17 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Hollywood Leftists [communists] Give Millions to Gore,

 I hate to have to point this out "Bard" but there's a world of difference
 between mainstream American "liberalism" and communism...and to refuse to
 recognize the difference makes you appear sophmoric at best...combine that
 with your incessant posts about "queers" and you really sound like a
 lightweight and most likely a teenager...
 Just my 2/100ths of a bucks worth...


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2000-06-04 Thread Aleisha Saba

Didn't you hear, Joshua 2, the secret to the New World Order?

At Seattle, when Clinton spoke, he invited in the opposition to this
group, for that is how they get control.

It is said Freemasons may sit in meetings with Kings and Princes and
millionaires, but each goes home be it a castle or a shanty, in the

For you are right, these people survive from the bottom up.  Note how
the CFR took in the Unions, and then see what happened to the Unions.
Remember James Hoffa and they never even found him.   Didn't see him
joining that bunch.

So this is how it is done.   And the best way as you say to break them,
do not buy  what they have to sell.

Today I had a pair of blue jeans.   It had an Amrican made label.   Yet,
I noticed Blue Dog clothese for little children, are made in Mexico.

So, first buy American.  Second, invest in US Savings bonds, and not on
Wall Street.   For, if the government goes down the tube, we all go.

These people want control of our Treasury.  They have no official
authority, and not elected to represent anyone other than themselves.

And as for those guys who went to this Bilderberg Meeting, if these are
secret meetings, well they better pay their own way or come up with an
agenda and minutes for public consumption.

I also questions all the money movies stars, and Oliver Stone give to
Clinton.   This could be the most serious conflict of interest of all,
for between Clinton and these movies, he is being paid on the side which
just ain't kosher.

These movie stars like Paul Newman for example, they are all paid to
take sides on issues which essentially is collustion.

Everthing is orchestrated.   Constitution of the US protests and
encourages the Arts and Sciences, and here is where the corruption
begins   Movies are propaganda reflecting the image of the White House.
And at this time, it would see, the image is not what it should be.

Boycott, and most of all vote.   Everything begins on the local level,
but only a handful of peple decide the destiny of this once great

If George Bush sees the light and lives to be President, I think he
would be okay.

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

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[CTRL] Eureka! Scientists break speed of light

2000-06-04 Thread Carl Amedio

Eureka! Scientists break speed of light

Jonathan Leake, Science Editor

SCIENTISTS claim they have broken the ultimate speed barrier: the speed of
In research carried out in the United States, particle physicists have shown
that light pulses can be accelerated to up to 300 times their normal velocity
of 186,000 miles per second.

The implications, like the speed, are mind-boggling. On one interpretation it
means that light will arrive at its destination almost before it has started
its journey. In effect, it is leaping forward in time.

Exact details of the findings remain confidential because they have been
submitted to Nature, the international scientific journal, for review prior
to possible publication.

The work was carried out by Dr Lijun Wang, of the NEC research institute in
Princeton, who transmitted a pulse of light towards a chamber filled with
specially treated caesium gas.

Before the pulse had fully entered the chamber it had gone right through it
and travelled a further 60ft across the laboratory. In effect it existed in
two places at once, a phenomenon that Wang explains by saying it travelled
300 times faster than light.

The research is already causing controversy among physicists. What bothers
them is that if light could travel forward in time it could carry
information. This would breach one of the basic principles in physics -
causality, which says that a cause must come before an effect. It would also
shatter Einstein's theory of relativity since it depends in part on the speed
of light being unbreachable.

This weekend Wang said he could not give details but confirmed: "Our light
pulses did indeed travel faster than the accepted speed of light. I hope it
will give us a much better understanding of the nature of light and how it

Dr Raymond Chiao, professor of physics at the University of California at
Berkeley, who is familiar with Wang's work, said he was impressedby the
findings. "This is a fascinating experiment," he said.

In Italy, another group of physicists has also succeeded in breaking the
light speed barrier. In a newly published paper, physicists at the Italian
National Research Council described how they propagated microwaves at 25%
above normal light speed. The group speculates that it could be possible to
transmit information faster than light.

Dr Guenter Nimtz, of Cologne University, an expert in the field, agrees. He
believes that information can be sent faster than light and last week gave a
paper describing how it could be done to a conference in Edinburgh. He
believes, however, that this will not breach the principle of causality
because the time taken to interpret the signal would fritter away all the

"The most likely application for this is not in time travel but in speeding
up the way signals move through computer circuits," he said.

Wang's experiment is the latest and possibly the most important evidence that
the physical world may not operate according to any of the accepted

In the new world that modern science is beginning to perceive, sub-atomic
particles can apparently exist in two places at the same time - making no
distinction between space and time.

Separate experiments carried out by Chiao illustrate this. He showed that in
certain circumstances photons - the particles of which light is made - could
apparently jump between two points separated by a barrier in what appears to
be zero time. The process, known as tunnelling, has been used to make some of
the most sensitive electron microscopes.

The implications of Wang's experiments will arouse fierce debate. Many will
question whether his work can be interpreted as proving that light can exceed
its normal speed - suggesting that another mechanism may be at work.

Neil Turok, professor of mathematical physics at Cambridge University, said
he awaited the details with interest, but added: "I doubt this will change
our view of the fundamental laws of physics."

Wang emphasises that his experiments are relevant only to light and may not
apply to other physical entities. But scientists are beginning to accept that
man may eventually exploit some of these characteristics for inter-stellar
space travel.

Next page: Trials to start for cocaine 'vaccine'

Next: Trials to start for cocaine 'vaccine'

Copyright 2000 Times Newspapers Ltd. This service is provided on Times
Newspapers' standard terms and conditions. To inquire about a licence to
reproduce material from The Sunday Times, visit the Syndication website.

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Re: [CTRL] stray kittens puppies fatal victims of L.A.'s DNC Convention of Pinkos

2000-06-04 Thread Ynr Chyldz Wyld

The subject line of this post is inflammatory and misleading.

Strays are routinely euthanized in every city in the nation.
If it bothers you so much, I suggest you would be better
served expending your energies in activities to help reduce
the exploding population of unwanted dogs and cats in this


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2000-06-04 Thread Ynr Chyldz Wyld

From: "nessie" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
English people seldom
get abducted by greys according to a UK UFO mag.

 Maybe they taste bad.

Remember the old Twilight Zone episode "To Serve Man"?

Perhaps the space aliens know UK cuisine sucks...   ;-)


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2000-06-04 Thread Ynr Chyldz Wyld

From: "Carl Amedio" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 I will posture another scenario the great Hoax of all time. How to achieve
 One World Government and total domination of the people by the New World
 Easy: Create an Alien threat so dangerous that we are all glad to surrender
 our sovereignty we will be happy to surrender or Constitutional rights to
 combat the ET Menace.  Watch and wait ET one day will manifest themselves by
 the thousands in our skies.

Didn't our ol' prez Ronnie Reagan babble about something similar during his
reign?  Something to the effect that if the Earth was threatened from outer
space, we'd all forget our differences and become one?


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[CTRL] Dalai Lama Responsible For Rape, Cannibalism, Murder, Says Beijing

2000-06-04 Thread David Sutherland

Dalai Lama Responsible For Rape, Cannibalism, Murder, Says Beijing


BEIJING, Jun 1, 2000 -- (Reuters http://www.reuters.com) China Wednesday
launched a vitriolic attack against exiled Tibetan spiritual leader the
Dalai Lama, accusing him and his followers of rape, murder and child

The official Xinhua news agency quoted the Tibet Daily as saying the Dalai
Lama, while still in Tibet, had presided over a system that was "the most
gloomy, cruel, and uncultured in the history of mankind".

The commentary, harshly worded even by Chinese standards, comes ahead of the
50-year anniversary of China's October 1950 invasion of Tibet, which spelt
the beginning of the end of the Dalai Lama's rule.

The commentary depicted Tibetan society under the Dalai Lama as an
antiquated feudal system where monks and nobles acted as dictators and serfs
were traded and were "usually cruelly tortured or killed".

During an insurgency against Chinese rule in 1959, "aimed to protect feudal
serfdom", the Dalai Lama and his followers committed crimes ranging from
temple looting to rape and killings, according to the commentary.

In one instance, they cut open the belly of a nine-year-old boy, ate his
heart, chopped him to pieces, and had the body parts hung from a tree, it

The rebellion ended in failure and led to the Dalai Lama's decision to flee
Tibet and go into exile.

He now lives with 100,000 followers in Dharamsala, India, and has become a
high-profile figure on the international stage, advocating a greater degree
of autonomy for the Tibetan people.

The Tibet Daily commentary argued that even in exile the Dalai Lama has
continued to do damage to his nation and prevented its development, seeking
to stop aid to Tibet offered by the World Bank and governments in the
developed world.

This shows the threat posed to basic human rights by separatist activities,
the commentary argued.

The Dalai Lama is now the "head of overseas separatist forces, a tool of
western anti-China forces and the arch criminal who splits the motherland",
the commentary concluded.

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[CTRL] Castro Sees Embargo Support Eroding

2000-06-04 Thread Shane A. Saylor, Eccentric Bard

 Thanks to Elian, no doubt

By PAUL SHEPARD, Associated Press Writer

HAVANA (AP) - Fidel Castro said Sunday support for the 38-year-old trade
embargo against Cuba was beginning to ``wear down'' as American business
seeks new markets.

In a meeting with members of the Congressional Black Caucus, Castro also
suggested Cuba could extend a free medical training program to poor American
students who would return home to practice in poor regions.

He also voiced support for the work of black members of Congress but said he
was disenchanted with elected politics in general and American presidential
politics in particular.

Castro, 73, who has ruled his island nation for 41 years, said he found hope
in recent congressional moves to lift restrictions on U.S. sales of food and
medicine to Cuba.

The House is expected to debate an agricultural bill this week to license
food and medicine sales to Cuba as long as the sales are not subsidized by
the federal government.

The caucus, 36 voting black House members, long has supported lifting the
trade sanctions. In recent months, some Republicans and business groups have
joined them in seeking to open new markets. The vice president of the U.S.
Chamber of Commerce visited last week.

``It's interesting that some people on the other side of the aisle are
looking at ending the blockade,'' Castro told the lawmakers through an
interpreter. ``I find that very significant. I suppose that sometimes some
issues wear down. It is a positive.''

On the 2000 presidential campaign, Castro said: ``I really disagree with
both candidates for president.'' Then he joked: ``I'm going to be among the
50 percent of Americans who will go fishing on Election Day.''

The medical training offer came after Rep. Bennie Thompson, D-Miss., said
parts of his Mississippi Delta district have so few medical personnel and
facilities that its infant mortality rate is second in the United States,
behind Washington, D.C.

Castro already had told the representatives about Cuba's program of sending
doctors to poor areas around the Caribbean and in Africa. He suggested a new
project to provide free medical training to 10 to 12 American students.

``It would be hard for your government to oppose such a program,'' Castro
said. ``It would be a trial for them. Morally, how could they refuse?''

Thompson said he liked the idea and would study it.

Wearing his trademark olive green uniform, Castro spoke extemporaneously on
a wide range of subjects into the early hours of Sunday.

He expressed gratitude to the black caucus for supporting the return to Cuba
of 6-year-old Elian Gonzalez.

``We are aware the Congressional Black Caucus has shown great interest in
Elian's case. His grandmothers said they were impressed with the attention
they were given by the C.B.C. during their visit to the United States,''
Castro said. ``We wish to have more contacts with the Congressional Black
Caucus on other issues.''

As talk turned to world politics, Castro seemed to despair, saying he doubts
the current crop of world leaders offers much hope for finding solutions to
crushing global issues such as the spread of AIDS.

``I've talked to thousands of Latin American politicians and European
politicians and American politicians, and I'm always amazed at the amount of
nonsense they speak,'' he said. ``I'm also amazed at the numbers who seem to
believe the nonsense they are speaking.''

Rep. James Clyburn, D-S.C., chairman of the black caucus, invited a Cuban
delegation, including Castro, to attend the caucus' annual legislative
conference in September in Washington.

Castro said he doubts he could get a visa, but Clyburn said he would try to
get an exemption for the Cubans under a cultural exchange provision in
current international travel law.

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[CTRL] Iran Defector Blames Tehran for Lockerbie-CBS TV

2000-06-04 Thread Shane A. Saylor, Eccentric Bard

NEW YORK (Reuters) - CBS television said on Sunday that a senior Iranian
intelligence service defector had claimed the bombing of a Pan Am aircraft
over Scotland was masterminded by Iran and not Libya.

The defector, now in protective custody in Turkey, told an associate
producer of the ``60 Minutes'' current affairs program that he had documents
to prove Tehran was behind the Lockerbie bombing of Pan Am Flight 103 in

The Iranian, who had been in a refugee camp in Turkey, was now being
de-briefed by Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) officials, the program said.
The CIA would only say he ``was in Iranian intelligence,'' a Washington
official told CBS.

CBS said its producer entered the refugee complex in disguise and without a
camera to make contact with the man who claims to be Ahmad Behbahani, who
coordinated all of Iran's overseas acts of terrorism for at least the past

``He told us it was Iran, not Libya, that planned and directed the blowing
up of Pan Am 103 over Lockerbie, Scotland that killed 270 people,'' the CBS
program said in its introduction.

``If his story can be confirmed, and American intelligence is trying to do
that right now, it would not only disrupt the trial of the two Libyans
charged with that bombing, it could interfere with the Clinton
administration's efforts at relaxing and improving relations with Iran,'' it

Two Libyans, Abdel Basset al-Megrahi and Al-Amin Khalifa Fahima, who
prosecutors say were intelligence agents, have been on trial since May 3 at
a special Scottish court in the Netherlands, charged with murdering the 270

Lawyers for the Libyans suggested they will try to prove Syrian-backed
Palestinian extremists were the perpetrators in an act of revenge on behalf
of Iran for the destruction of an Iranian plane by a U.S. warship six months

Iran vowed the skies would ``rain blood'' after the USS Vincennes shot down
an Iran Air flight in July 1988, killing 290. It was widely assumed at first
that Tehran ordered the destruction of the Pan Am airliner with
Syrian-sponsored help.

Behbahani, who said he had lost a power struggle in Tehran, was arrested
then escaped, told the CBS producer he was responsible for the Lockerbie

Plan Proposed To Jabril

The producer said: ``It all began, he says, when he proposed the job, along
with a blueprint, to Ahmed Jabril, the radical Palestinian terrorist.

``Jabril replied by saying he agreed with the plan and that he sent a list
of requirements which included explosives and other things that he needed in
order for the operation to be carried out.''

The producer added: ``He (Behbahani) said after that we proceeded by
bringing in a group of Libyans into Iran and training them at a special
site, which was called the Lavison School, for a period of 90 days, and he
was very proud to also mention that the bomb was so very sophisticated that
it required that kind of intensive training.''

Robert Baer, a former CIA terrorism expert, tested Behbahani for the CBS
program with a ``control question'' which no one outside the intelligence
community could have known. He answered correctly.

Baer, who worked on the CIA's Lockerbie inquiry, told CBS: ''He's the only
person that has tied Libya and Iran into Pan Am 103, into the Lockerbie
bombing. This is the first authoritative source that I've ever heard that
connected the two countries together. It was always a mystery.''

Baer said: ``The CIA for about 6 to 7 months accepted the hypothesis that
Iran, after the shoot down of the Airbus would take revenge against the
United States.''

The former agent added: ``There were pieces of solid evidence that Iran was
planning to shoot down an American airliner, but none of it was absolutely

``And then once the forensic evidence was found on the ground which pointed
at Libya the prosecutors and investigators were forced to drop the Iranian
angle and look at Libya instead. It was totally forgotten.''

Behbahani also told Baer he had evidence that Tehran bombed Khobar Towers,
the U.S. military complex in Saudi Arabia. Nineteen 19 American soldiers
were killed in the 1996 attack.

The program played an audio tape of Behbahni in which he said Jabril's group
under the direction of Iran, had coordinated an attack on a Jewish community
center in Buenos Aires in 1994. His account named the hit squad, many of
them Syrians, the program said.

Before CBS could secure Behbahani's documents the Turkish authorities took
him to a more secure custody.

On Behbahani, the producer said: ``I traced the tone of someone who was
extremely bitter, and was willing to go to any lengths in order to get
revenge. He had fallen out of favor with the Iranian officials, with the
government of Iran, and he just wanted to get back at them, at any cost.''

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[CTRL] Microsoft Happy in Seattle, Won't Move to Canada

2000-06-04 Thread Shane A. Saylor, Eccentric Bard

SEATTLE (Reuters) - Microsoft Corp. (NasdaqNM:MSFT - news) and Canadian
officials poured cold water on reports authorities in British Columbia were
trying to lure the software behemoth north amid its antitrust battle with
the U.S. government.

Microsoft, which has been in the Seattle area since the late 1970s and
employs nearly 20,000 people in its sprawling corporate campus in Redmond,
Wash., said it was staying put.

``There is no truth to the reports of any intent to move the company,''
Microsoft spokesman Jim Cullinan said Friday.

A report on the British Broadcasting Corp. (BBC) Web site said that by
moving its headquarters into Canada, Microsoft would frustrate attempts by
U.S. anti-trust officials to break up the company.

``Microsoft believes we will win this (antitrust) case in the (U.S. federal)
court of appeals and we are very happy here in Seattle,'' Cullinan said.

The BBC report said officials in British Columbia had offered to do a deal
with Microsoft that could include a loan to build a new headquarters.

B.C. Investment Minister Gordon Wilson, whose office was cited as the source
of the offer, said the rumor that the province had offered an incentive deal
began with a California newsletter on technology stocks.

``I haven't had any formal talks with anyone with Microsoft,'' Wilson told
reporters in Victoria, the province's capital.

Other Canadian observers said it was unlikely that the world's biggest
software company would pack up and move.

``I wouldn't put much credence in it, quite frankly,'' Darcy Rezac, managing
director of the Vancouver Board of Trade, said of the BBC report.

``Microsoft may have its battles with the U.S. government, but it's an
excellent corporate citizen of Seattle. The suggestion that they'd move
their headquarters to Vancouver would be wonderful if it were possible, but
I just wouldn't put credence in it.''

``I think it's just a little bit of puffery coming out of California by
people in the industry who think that Microsoft has been badly treated.''
said Frank Came, executive director of the Vancouver Economic Development
Commission (VEDC).

Cullinan said Microsoft has received suggestions over the years from
countries such as Norway, Ireland and China that it should relocate its
headquarters or build a large presence outside of the United States.

Microsoft, founded in Albuquerque, N.M., in 1975, relocated to Bellevue,
Wash. in January 1979 and to its current Redmond site in 1986.

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Re: [CTRL] Microsoft Happy in Seattle, Won't Move to Canada

2000-06-04 Thread Aleisha Saba

Well this sure gives Bill Gate's enemies something to thing about.
20,000 jobs in Seattle for the American people white Clinton and his
gangsters send more companies to Mexico, including Huffy Bicycle which
long has been an American kids dream.

So no more Huffy bicycles for me.   Will find one American made.  Maybe
now people will wake up to the fact that this country is being sold out.

Read the lastest on Cuba and the Black Caucus.   Of course Jesse Jackson
will have to run down there too.

Strange, JFK and his son murdered, from all indications, and Cuba is
about to return to Paradise Island for the big Hotels.   Note this NWO
is named after a Hotel, the mob's stock and trade.   Where you find the
halls of gambling, you will find them.

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

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Re: [CTRL] WONDER DRUG IS: WEEDKILLER [Roundup Glyphosate]

2000-06-04 Thread tnohava

Isn't this also known as Agent Orange?

 Subject: [CTRL] WONDER DRUG IS: WEEDKILLER [Roundup Glyphosate]

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2000-06-04 Thread tenebroust

Weel, Nicky, I'm glad to see that the idea of "fake" abductions done by the military 
(and no doubt some "intelligence agencies" as well) is something you will readily 
agree is taking place.
The fact that some are then allows the next question, that is, if SOME are definitely 
this, and we have some circumstantial evidence for, then why not ALL cases of REAL 
(ie; not the result of hallucination, mind control induced, hypnotic induced, mental 
aberration, false memory, etc.) abduction are done by the military? (I'm not 
necessarily saying they all are, but it is a legitimate question that logically 
You always have some fascinating things to say about alien bases and genetic 
experimentation and hybrid creatures.  I would just love to see some real evidence for 
what you have posted here, it would be the conspiracy to end all conspiracies for 
sure.  Since there is no real evidence for it, we must just look at it all as 
speculation by "army officer X", or some "covert warrior" who now wants to come clean, 
Until I see something substantial that is evidence for some of thse fantastic ideas I 
would rather believe that the military and intelligence agencies in this country and 
throughout the world are using the "alien" and UFO phenomenon as covers for black 
operation programs.  UFO-like craft for drug shipment?  Abductions for genetic 
experimentation, that would be highly illegal and unethical if done in the open?  Mind 
control experimentation?  Implantation?  Trauma based programming?
Genetic sequencing for the purpose of developing biological weapons?  The truth of 
what is going on will probably never be known for sure, but the best bets, and the 
best odds are on the solution that has bad old evil HUMAN BEINGS behind it all, and 
the only aliens are ones wearing rubber suits or created in computer imagery.
Please by all means keep us posted with the latest speculation in these areas, but let 
it reamin speculation and not the recitation of fact.

On Sat, 03 June 2000, Nicky Molloy wrote:

 Well Tenebroust,

 I think we can safely say that American abductions could sometimes be the
 military because they sometimes pretend they are aliens by using virtual
 reality scenarios. But the American govt did build about 50 bases for the
 greys which was done by Rand Corp. I'll find the info. English people seldom
 get abducted by greys according to a UK UFO mag. Abductees in US have gone
 underground to both grey and military bases..

 According to Branton, there are even more greys under Los Alamos than even
 under Dulce, a major nesting area going back to native American times. He
 has heard of an area near Los Alamos where the Feds bring huge shipments of
 cattle for picking up by grey ships on an almost daily basis. It is a
 forrested area southwest of Los Alamos where pictograms of 'aliens' exist.
 So the aliens have been in that area long before the atom-jacks came in.
 Also setting off nuclear blasts burns away the membrane between this
 dimension and the next which would allow any interdimensional entities easy
 access to our dimension. There is apparently more Ets seen in Nevada than
 some other places possibly due to the nuclear bombs.

 Other people in other countries have been abducted and people have seen them
 rising bodily into the air and going into space ships.In South America there
 are many stories of this. In Mexico there is a video of about 60 UFOs
 appearing in the sky at once when there was big crowd. Many hundreds saw
 them and videotaped them. Others in US have seen their partner sliding out
 of the window from their bed and rising into the air out into the sky. There
 was story about the UN Sec, prev to this one in his car watching a woman
 float out of her highrise apartment in NY and into a spaceship. This story
 is well known. A couple of Govt agents got in touch with the woman and she
 told them, where she went as she remembered.


 -Original Message-
 From: tenebroust [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Sunday, 4 June 2000 05:02
 Subject: Re: [CTRL] UFO EVIDENCE:

 Nicky; No one can say whether someone was abducted by aliens or if the thing
 was induced, especially from a thrid party point examination.  That is the
 whole point.  IF the experience CAN be induced, and you admit it can, then
 this is a logical explanation which requires no aliens at all.  On the other
 hand the idea that "aliens" ARE abducting people just as these experiencers
 say they are that cannot be refuted completely, thus it remains a

 On Thu, 01 June 2000, Nicky Molloy wrote:

  Sorry June its pointless talking further, eg how do we know you aren't a
  agent? It obvious if you were you may know more for a start on this
  instead of turning this into a psychological exercise in belief
  for you saying I have dogma. All I said is I'm a Christian and nothing
  the rest is your 'belief 

Re: [CTRL] UFO should not necessarily imply ET ?

2000-06-04 Thread tenebroust

Most definitely Samantha, the rules apply to me as well.  Since interpretation is the 
factor, my interpretation of Alfred's remarks was such that he implied that I did not 
know all the stuff he knew and thus my arguments carried no weight.  His implication, 
in my interpretation of them, was that I was stupid, and that the fact that he knew 
Vallee made his arguments better than mine (when Vallee is just another person trying 
to grasp a multilayered phenomenon, as such even his opinion is just OPINION).  My 
interpretation was that Alfred was trying to show his innate superiority of position 
in order to undermine opposing views, and as such felt justified in my satirical 
comments about his post.

On Sat, 03 June 2000, "Samantha L." wrote:

   It is perfectly appropriate for someone to bring their qualifications and
 experience to the table during a discussion.  June and Mr. Webre interpret
 Vallee differently.  That Mr. Webre knew him and worked with him adds weight
 to his interpretation.

   "Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector" does not apply to you?


 In a message dated 6/3/00 12:19:08 PM Central Daylight Time,

  Well, it certainly is good to have Alfred here.  Since he has read and
  about every aspect of UFOlogy, I strongly encourage all people who doubt
  ET hypothesis of UFO origins to just hang up your hats and drop it in the
  face of his insurmountable knowledge on the matter.  I know that I am
  intimidated by his "I know more than you, so you should just shut up"
  attitude.  If we were smart maybe we should just declare him the winner.
   ETH. . .ETH. . . ETH (reciting mantra)

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[CTRL] Illegally funneled donations to Sen. Robert Torricelli's 1996 campaign

2000-06-04 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

05:47 AM ET 06/02/00

Exec Admits Funneling Donations


By JEFFREY GOLD= Associated Press Writer=

NEWARK, N.J. (AP) _ Two international businessmen agreed to
illegally funnel donations to Sen. Robert Torricelli's 1996
campaign, hoping their businesses might prosper if he won, one of
the executives said.

Cha-Kuek Koo, an executive with a South Korean conglomerate,
pleaded guilty Thursday to making campaign contributions in the
name of another person, admitting he recruited eight ``straw''
donors at the behest of David Chang.

Chang, who operated several international trading companies, gave
him $20,000 cash to reimburse the donors in Torricelli's
campaign, Koo said.

Koo, 54, is the fifth person to admit wrongdoing with regard to
fund raising and has agreed to cooperate with the Justice
Department's Campaign Financing Task Force. The task force has
charged 25 people in connection with abuses in the 1996

Koo could testify against Chang, who is accused of directing
$23,000 in illegal donations _ separate from the $20,000 _ to the
Torricelli campaign. Chang and his former aide, Audrey Yu, are to
go on trial here Tuesday.

Torricelli's ability to raise $9.2 million in a 1996 race he won
over Rep. Richard A. Zimmer led to his appointment as chairman of
the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee.

Torricelli is not accused of any wrongdoing. He has maintained he
was unaware of the improper donations, which have since been
donated to charity.

Koo faces up to six months in prison, when he is sentenced Sept.


 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

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Re: [CTRL] UFO should not necessarily imply ET ?

2000-06-04 Thread tenebroust

Why take anyone's word for what someone else believes when you can read their works 
for yourself.  In my reading of Vallee he has stated that informants in the French 
military admit to engineering at least one abduction for the purposes of studying 
psychological phenomena and religious manifestation in light of it (certainly implying 
that a religious connection was seen by them as well), and in that case someone 
peripheral to the case DID start a religion based on the "teachings" of the "aliens", 
who were French military men all along.  I believe he has also stated that the 
Rendlesham Forest encounter was staged to determine military personnel's reaction to a 
supposed alien encounter.  At least TWO totally fake and bogus encounters.
I also believe that his take on the UFO phenomenon itself is that it is a control 
program, something like a cybernetic psychological enhancer, in order to mold or shape 
cultural thought, or social behavior.  I have not heard him speculate further as to 
it's extraterrestrial nature, but could be in error there.
Needless to say, don't take my word for it read his works for yourself and come to 
your own conclusions.  Since no one has any real evidence, at least any they are 
bringing forward for consideration, then his word is as good as anyone elses.
Food for thought, the idea of a "Cosmic Top Secret" clearance in respect to people 
having some connection to UFO phenomenon in the US Military was always treated as 
ludicrous by many, including me.  I have recently met a man who was in the military 
and who claims to have had that clearance level when working as a security guard at 
Wright Patterson AFB.  I believe that this person is telling the truth, and he has 
stated that there were "UFO'S" at the base.  I believe him when he says it.  There was 
another man who worked for NATO in Europe who said he had the clearance as well, and 
he claimed to have seen documents about UFO retrievals and such.  Don't know him so 
can't speak for his reliability or not.  BUT, here is my point.  I have talked to 
military people who say there is no such classification and to people who worked at 
Wright Pat. and who say there were no aliens or UFO's there, and I am inclined to 
believe them TOO.  Now, this lends itself to one possible conclusion in my mind and 
that is that the security clearance was given to some people for the purpose of later 
denying it in order to discredit anything they had to say about what they saw or 
worked on.  I believe these people possibly saw advanced terrestrial craft, or 
captured enemy aircraft and they were told it was alien so that if they talked the Air 
Force could then say they were cuckoo, in order to keep it all secret.  These people 
were used, just like the person abducted by the French military and the people at 
Rendlesham Forest.  BUT, that is just my interpretation and you can take it or leave 

On Sat, 03 June 2000, Ynr Chyldz Wyld wrote:

 From: "Samantha L." [EMAIL PROTECTED]
It is perfectly appropriate for someone to bring their qualifications and
  experience to the table during a discussion.  June and Mr. Webre interpret
  Vallee differently.  That Mr. Webre knew him and worked with him adds weight
  to his interpretation.

 Mr. Webre CLAIMS to have known and 'worked' with Jacques Vallee.

 I don't hear Monsieur Vallee weighing in here with his agreement.

 I'd like Mr. Webre to tell us which of Monsieur Vallee' books we should look
 in to find Monsieur Vallee acknowledging Mr. Webre's vast contributions.

 I suggest everyone read Jaques Vallee's books for themselves, especially
 "Messengers of Deception", and come to their OWN conclusions as to what
 Monsieur Vallee's conclusions are...


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[CTRL] Good Government Guns

2000-06-04 Thread lloyd


From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:

From: Lloyd Miller [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Good Government Guns
Date: Wednesday, May 31, 2000 6:27 AM

From: Howard Rothenburg [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: SNET: Good Government Guns

-  SNETNEWS  Mailing List

The American Spectator
June 2000
"Good Government Guns"

by James Bovard

What is the difference between a private machine gun and a government
machine gun?

Thirty years.

Two days after the April 22 raid in Little Havana, a Justice Department
lawyer implored the Supreme Court to permit judges to add 30 extra years
to the prison sentences of anyone who commits a violent crime with an
automatic weapon. Such weapons are so heinous, the lawyer asserted, that
there was no need to have a jury verdict on whether defendants actually
used them; instead, a judge should have authority to throw people into
prison for what's left of their lives based solely on the allegation
that automatic weapons were in the same building as they were when a
crime was committed. (The case involved the excessive sentences that a
vindictive federal judge slapped on Branch Davidian survivors of the
April 19, 1993 fire at Waco.)

But government machine guns are different. As we learned from the
Clinton administration and much of the media, a machine gun in the hands
of a federal agent is now a symbol of benevolence and concern for a
child's well-being. The ensuing battle over the raid has gone to the
heart of the administration's efforts to anesthetize Americans to government.
The INS attack went pretty much as planned--the agents grabbed
six-year-old Elian Gonzalez and left shattered doors, a broken bed,
roughed-up Cuban-Americans, and two NBC cameramen writhing in pain from
stomach-kicks or rifle-butts to the head. The only problem: Associated
Press stringer Alan Diaz snapped his famous photo.

Administration officials scrambled to provide Americans a deeper
understanding of the stunning image. Deputy Attorney General Eric Holder
asserted that the boy "was not taken at the point of a gun." When
challenged about the machine gun, Holder explained: "They were armed
agents who went in there who acted very sensitively." Holder denied that
the raid occurred at night, even though 5:15 a.m. was more than an hour
before sunrise. He asserted that "the agents knocked on the door once,
they waited ten seconds, they knocked on the door a second time, waited
20 seconds, then at that time went into the house." Film footage clearly
shows the agents storming the front door with a battering ram within a
few seconds of entering the yard.

For their part, the agents made no attempt to present the residents with
the dubious warrant they had squeezed out of a low-ranking federal
magistrate the evening before.

Television footage of an INS agent absconding with Elian showed horror
on the boy's face. (One cynic commented that the female agent looked
like a vampire excitedly carrying away her breakfast.) INS chief Doris
Meissner assuaged concerns about the boy's well-being by revealing that
Elian was given Play-Doh on the government plane that took him to
Washington. Meissner declared, "The squeezing of Play-Doh is the best
thing that you can do for a child who might be experiencing stress." But
what's the correct dosage of Play-Doh after a child has faced a 30-round

In her raid-day press conference, Attorney General Janet Reno denied
Diaz's photo showed anything out of the ordinary. "As I understand it,
if you look at it carefully, it shows that the gun was pointed to the
side, and that the finger was not on the trigger." Admittedly the muzzle
of the gun was not inside Elian's mouth, just pointed toward the man
holding the boy. The Hechler and Koch MP-5 submachine gun sprays 800
rounds a minute--and a finger a half inch away from the trigger means
nothing. The agent did not even have both hands on the machine gun: If
the weapon had fired, he would have had no control over who got sprayed.
In a puff interview on NBC's "Today" show two days later, Reno declared:
"One of the things that is so very important is that the force was not
used. It was a show of force that prevented people from getting hurt."
Showing enough docility to be a Washington beat reporter, NBC
interviewer Katie Couric made no mention of the two NBC employees who
got whacked by feds during the raid.

Asked about excessive force, White House Spokesman Joe Lockhart
emphasized that the agents "drove up in white mini-vans"--as if vehicle
color proved this was a mission of mercy. Besides, the administration
had learned its Waco lesson: no tanks or Bradley Fighting Vehicles.
Lockhart implored the media: "It's certainly my hope that those who are
in the business of describing such things to the public will use great
care and great perspective" in how they presented Diaz's photo.

President Clinton stepped up to a Rose Garden microphone to announce


2000-06-04 Thread tenebroust

The scenario as posited is possible.  If it is true then it would stand to reason that 
there would be actual physical craft as well as whatever other high tech stuff that 
could be brought to bear to give it more weight and make it more convincing, 
including, perhaps, holographich projection, etc.
My personal feeling is that there is no ultimate comeuppance, that the UFO and 
abduction phenomenenon are used to cover illegal black operations today.  Stealth and 
unusual fast aircraft are seen and they are thoought to be UFO's oof "alien" origin 
and that suits the military just fine.  It may be they are on secret missions of 
death, or transportation of drugs or arms, etc.  Abductions are probably for the study 
of mind control weaponry or genetic and bilogical experimentation in the real world 
with unwitting subjects to get more "reliable" data than you would in approved studies 
(and they could be terminal studies, which could never be conducted in the open).

On Sun, 04 June 2000, "Samantha L." wrote:

 In a message dated 6/4/00 12:38:25 PM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  I will posture another scenario the great Hoax of all time. How to achieve
   One World Government and total domination of the people by the New World
   Easy: Create an Alien threat so dangerous that we are all glad to surrender
   our sovereignty we will be happy to surrender or Constitutional rights to
   combat the ET Menace.  Watch and wait ET one day will manifest themselves
   the thousands in our skies.

   Yes, that certainly fits as well.  When the government creates this
 manifestation, do you suspect it will be holographic or physical, i.e., craft
 created in secret?


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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: There Goes the Ozone Layer

2000-06-04 Thread Richard Sampson

Don't forget that the Antarctica volcano, Mt. Erebus, is a major contributor of
halogens to the Antarctic atmosphere.   In 1991 Mt. Erebus produced 14,600 tons of
HCl and 6,600 tons of HF.

"[to:] [EMAIL PROTECTED]" wrote:

 In a message dated 06/04/2000 11:40:07 AM Central Daylight Time,

  I can fill a balloon with dirt and it will fall to the ground too,
  but I have seen dust (dirt) in the air many times.
  a cold (hydrogen) balloon will not float
  cold smoke will not float
  but wind can pick up either one and carry it.

 I have lived in West Texas so I have certainly seen a lot of
 dust in the air.
 Yes the winds can lift things into the air which are heavier than air.
 However these heavier particles and molecules do settle out.
 If you fly much, you will notice that even on windy and dusty days,
 the dust is mostly below 10,000 ft.

 But this isn't even the point.
 Even if minute quantities of CFC gasses make it up to above 30,000 ft.
 the amount is absolutely unimportant.
 Chlorine is the culprit.
 Chlorine is the first C in CFC.
 Chlorine is what destroys ozone on contact.
 Chlorine is produced is great quantities by the oceans.  So much so, that the
 chlorine in all the CFCs ever produced is negligible in comparison.

 The Ozone Layer is extremely important to all life on earth.
 The Ozone Layer is being disturbed by manmade technology.
 But the Ozone Layer is not being harmed by CFCs.
 This is the "Cover Story" which has been fed to the public.
 It simply is not true.

  Regards to All

   1stUp.com - Free the Web
   Get your free Internet access at http://www.1stUp.com

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and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] Conspiring Toward a Multi-Poley World

2000-06-04 Thread Franklin Wayne Poley

On Sun, 4 Jun 2000, Nurev Ind Research wrote:

 Aleisha Saba wrote:
  Mr. Poley:  I see you are Ph.D.  What do you think of this speed of
  light being broken,

I think it is a good idea. I am all for it.

 like sound barrier which produced really nothing but
  big booms in the sky and fast planes going no where.


  So, speed of light; does this mean Beam Me Up Scottie is here and
  someday we will travel to Venus on a beam from the sun or moon?

I'm communicating with you from Pluto, right now.

  A. Saba
  Dare To Call It Conspiracy

 Dear A. Saba,

 In Poley's case PHD stands for Phoney Horse Doctor.

That Prehensile Hebonics Director
(Rabbi) FWP.

  Machine Psychology: http://www.atoma.f2s.com/atomareport.html (file #10)

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

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