[CTRL] Dangerous Decade

2000-09-14 Thread Alamaine



Clinton’s Legacy: The Dangerous Decade
Blanchard Economic Research Unit
Tuesday September 12, 2000
NEW ORLEANS, L.A., September 12, 2000 (Blanchard Economic Research Unit)
When most of us think of financial centers, we think of places like New York,
London, Hong Kong, Tokyo, and perhaps even Washington DC and Silicon Valley.
But over the next 10 years there are some place names that may have an even
greater affect on your investments. Places like the Taiwan Strait, the Spratly
Islands, Pyongyang, Kashmir, the Strait of Hormuz, Kabul, Johannesburg, the
West Bank, Chechnya, Bogota, and even outer space.

Many Americans have their heads buried in the sand. While they "surf" the
internet for the latest online investment craze, trouble is brewing in the
world. Trouble is brewing out of sight and out of the minds of Wall Street
pundits, Washington politicians, and the so-called "mainstream" news media.
Although it may not seem that way now, if you own a home or have any
investments, events halfway around the world will have a dramatic impact on
your life.

The Forgotten Dimension

Ask yourself, how will the markets react and what will happen to your
investment portfolio if:

 China launches a ballistic missile strike on Taiwan?
 North Korea launches a surprise attack on South Korea?
 India and Pakistan have a nuclear exchange?
 Iran shuts down the Strait of Hormuz with a cruise missile strike?
 South Africa plunges into civil war?
 Russia becomes dominated by a nationalistic, totalitarian regime?
 Terrorists conduct a biological warfare attack in a major city?

Any one of these events could result in political and economic chaos.

The Center for Security Policy and the Blanchard Economic Research Unit have
teamed up to create an important publication: Clinton’s Legacy: The Dangerous
Decade. CSP’s scholars have identified the threats and the Blanchard Economic
Research Unit outlines the economic implications and offer specific portfolio
diversification recommendations to help you weather the coming storm.

Make no mistake. Turmoil, tensions and even outright war are very real
possibilities in the coming years. The Clinton Administration may be nearing an
end, but years of neglect of our armed forces and ill-advised foreign policy
decisions will haunt us into the 21st century. Our nation better be prepared.
And individual investors better be prepared also. Precarious global financial
markets could convulse due to political and economic conflict that is simmering
below the surface even now.

The Center for Security Policy is one of the national security world’s most
respected think-tanks: it is a non-profit, non-partisan organization that
informs the world about all aspects of national security, notably those
policies bearing on the foreign, economic, and financial interests of the
United States.

Order Clinton’s Legacy: The Dangerous Decade now and consider it an urgent
warning. You get access to this cutting-edge expertise for just $12.95!

America Sleeps

The collapse of the Soviet Union and the Warsaw Pact was supposed to bring an
end to the never-ending line of crises that was known as the Cold War. But,
unfortunately, the world has only become different, not safer. Meanwhile, the
Clinton administration has been asleep at the wheel, allowing America to become
vulnerable. The Dangerous Decade explains exactly what threats do exist,
threats that the liberal news media is covering up to help Al Gore get into the
White House.

The world in the next decade will be fraught with uncertainties of new and
troubling dimensions. The national security issues facing America are already
evident in trends and indicators. How the U.S. responds to these challenges
will determine our domestic quality of life as well as world economic and
political stability.

Specifically, The Dangerous Decade explores 8 challenges to U.S. national
security which will severely impact the world economy and financial markets in
the years to come:

1.Weapons of Mass Destruction--The Dangerous Decade includes straightforward,
in-depth analyses of the Rumsfeld, Cox and Deutch Reports on proliferation
issues, as well as the CIA's own recent Intelligence Estimate on nuclear
weapons. The spread of weapons of mass destruction--and ballistic missile
delivery systems--has already altered the world's security calculus. How will
the financial markets react to being potential nuclear hostages to rogue states
and madmen like Saddam Hussein, Kim Jong Il and Moamar Qaddafi?

2.Troubled Behemoths—-The Dangerous Decade details how Russia, China, India and
Indonesia are all in various stages of change beset with internal factional,
ethnic and religious struggles and financial disparities. Together, they make
up half of the world’s population. Instability in these nations has
implications for the entire world.

3.Drugs, Thugs and Plagues--Narco-states, syndicates and kleptocracies threaten

[CTRL] Rat-Ta-Ta-Radical

2000-09-14 Thread Alamaine


The Radicalization of America's Gun Culture

Dr. Michael S. Brown
September 13, 2000

Members of the great American gun culture who actively enjoyed their sport and
celebrated their firearms heritage were once considered the backbone of
America, both for their militarily valuable shooting skills and for their
patriotism. Decades of deliberate attacks by politicians and the media have
slowly relegated this important group to the status of a subculture that now
feels out of place and at war with its own government.

Prior to 1934 there were no federal gun control laws. There was only an odd
assortment of gun laws in various states and cities which were intended to
disarm racial minorities and immigrants. As far as the federal government was
concerned, anyone was free to buy a machine gun or even a cannon, and the level
of gun crime was relatively low. Since the National Firearms Act was signed
into law in 1934, the number of gun control laws at all levels of government
have multiplied exponentially. So has the overall crime rate, which some argue
is a direct result of gun control laws that discourage self-defense.

Although none of these laws reduced crime, each new law creates another way
that a well intentioned gun owner can inadvertently end up in prison or ruined
by legal costs. Some have been killed in raids by government agents. Much like
laws passed to promote the failed war on drugs, each new gun law gives the
police additional powers that threaten basic constitutional rights.

America's lawful gun owners are painfully aware of these facts. Since gun laws
don't reduce crime, they wonder, what is the real purpose? This question has
led to numerous theories that attempt to explain why the "ruling elite", which
includes the media and many politicians, would want to eliminate civilian gun
ownership in America.

American gun owners feel as if they are being slowly crushed. One writer
recently described this decades-long campaign as a slow motion hate crime.

Frustration has been building in the gun culture for thirty years and has been
accelerating with the faster pace of anti-gun attacks and the dramatic
improvement in communications. Stories of outrageous persecution by government
agencies now circulate like wildfire via the internet. Anti-gun bills
introduced in any legislature are instantly made known to millions. Gun owners
know the major players in the anti-gun lobby as well as they know the villains
in their favorite movies.

Several successful novels have tapped into this frustration. The best known is
"Unintended Consequences" by John Ross. This popular 861 page semi-fictional
work details the noble history of the gun culture and how it has been attacked.
The hero, Henry Bowman, is a talented engineer, gifted marksman, and gun
collector who holds his temper for years in the face of growing bureaucratic
oppression. He is finally forced to kill a team of heavily armed federal
firearms agents who are planting evidence to incriminate a fellow gun
collector. At this point, in the best cowboy tradition, Bowman leads a bloody
covert revolution against the "jackbooted thugs" of the federal bureaucracy.
Ross uses the old stereotype of the American cowboy who is slow to anger and
just wants to be left alone. This highlights the way in which the old fashioned
values of the gun culture (truth, honor, tolerance, and personal
responsibility) are in conflict with our current government. He also offers a
scenario that holds great fascination for many gun owners who pass his book
from hand to hand saying, "You've got to read this book."

Some observers of this cultural war wonder why large numbers of gun owners have
not yet resorted to violence to preserve their way of life. Civil wars have
started over less. Almost every gathering of lawful gun owners has a deep
undercurrent of anger. They see each new gun law as a way to harass them and
make it more difficult for everyone except criminals and the government to own
guns. Solid, productive citizens complain bitterly about how good people have
been arrested for unintentional violations of the myriad of gun laws. Each
wonders if he could be next.

Although this group has been involuntarily radicalized, there are several
things holding back a violent response. One is the fact that gun owners are a
very law abiding group of people. They have a deep faith in the Constitution
and are willing to give the political process a chance to balance itself. The
second is that leaders of gun rights organizations, such as the NRA, are
promising relief through the political system. The third reason is that the
leaders of the anti-gun lobby are masters of propaganda and would gleefully
exploit any minor incidents to further harm gun rights. It would take a massive
wave of violent protests to affect any positive change.

Nobody knows if, when or how this group will reach its breaking 

[CTRL] Fw: Americans Raped by NAFTA

2000-09-14 Thread Amelia

I apologize for all the arrows.  I do not know how to delete them.

  "Don't Blame The Player, Blame The Game!"
  by Environment News Service
  6:00 a.m. Sep. 12, 2000 PDT
  WASHINGTON, DC -- An international tribunal has begun considering a
  that the United States must pay a foreign investor almost $1 billion
  because of a California measure to prevent water contamination.
  The Canadian challenger, Methanex Corporation, has argued that a plan to
  remove the toxic chemical MTBE (methyl tertiary butyl ether) from
  California's gasoline violates the North American Free Trade Agreement

  This is where some foreign court which cares zip about our laws, will
  decide what California can or cannot do!  Thank you "Traitor Bill"  "Al
  Whore".  Thats' lookin' out for your country!
  Methanex is a major producer of methanol, one key component of MTBE.
  Methanex claims that under NAFTA, it is owed $970 million in profits it
  will lose if California bans MTBE.
  Methanex has sued under Chapter 11 of NAFTA, a clause intended to
  foreign investors when they sink money into projects in NAFTA member
  countries, including the United States, Canada and Mexico. In this case,
  Canadian Methanex says an environmental law passed by a U.S. state would
  cost the company millions in lost profits.
  "The Methanex case is a clear illustration of one of NAFTA's most
  environmental flaws," said Martin Wagner, attorney for the environmental
  group Earthjustice. "Methanex's claim is tantamount to extortion,
  they are demanding almost a billion dollars if California insists on
  keeping its drinking water free of toxic contaminants."
  California Governor Gray Davis ordered the MTBE phase-out by 2003 after
  studies showed that the additive may cause cancer as well as
  dermatological and other problems in humans.
  Leaks of MTBE from cars, boats and underground storage tanks are
  threatening serious contamination of California's water supplies.
  Several other states have banned or proposed banning MTBE, and the
  government is considering a nationwide ban. After months of intense
  negotiations, the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee voted
  Thursday to ban MTBE across the United States.
  "Methanex and other investors are claiming that NAFTA requires
  to pay polluters not to pollute," said David Schorr, director of World
  Wildlife Fund's Sustainable Commerce Program. "Something is seriously
  with the way the NAFTA investment chapter is working."
  Environmental groups sent a letter to the U.S. government on Friday,
  demanding that the U.S. prevent deliberations on the dispute from
  the environment. The letter also demands that the U.S. "vigorously
  the right of citizens to be heard.
  Under NAFTA, arbitration tribunals are modeled after private commercial
  arbitrations: They are held behind closed doors, with no avenues for the
  public to participate and observe. Two environmental groups have
  requested that the arbitrators agree to consider briefs they intend to
  submit. Methanex is opposing these requests, while the U.S. government
  so far refused to clarify its position.
  "Serious questions of public policy and constitutional law are being
  decided in secret," said David Waskow, trade director at Friends of the
  Earth. "These NAFTA provisions are badly slanted in favor of providing
  access for multinational corporations, while shutting out ordinary
  and local communities."
  Environmental groups say there is reason to fear that Methanex's
  may succeed.
  In a similar case decided earlier this month, an international
  tribunal ordered Mexico to pay $16.6 million to a California company,
  Metalclad, after the Mexican state and municipal governments refused to
  permit the company to operate a hazardous waste facility near local
  Metalclad built the hazardous waste facility after getting permits from
  Mexican federal government. But the governments of the state and city of
  Aguascalientes refused to permit the facility to open or operate,
  the property standing vacant for years.
  Metalclad wanted its money back.
  The NAFTA arbitrators considered the city's refusal to allow the plant
  operate -- based on opposition to the project by local residents and
  concerns that the facility would cause environmental harm -- a violation
  NAFTA's requirement of "fair and equitable treatment."
  The tribunal also found that the state government had violated NAFTA by
  declaring the area around the waste facility site an ecological zone in
  which potentially polluting activities are prohibited to protect rare
  cactus. The measure meant the facility could not operate there.
  In a U.S. court, the Metalclad challenge would have failed. Under 

[CTRL] Groups Promoting A Globalist, Anti-American Age…

2000-09-14 Thread Kris Millegan

Click Here: A
roups Promoting A Globalist, Anti-American Age…/A

Groups Promoting A Globalist
 Satanic Agenda

Groups Promoting A Globalist Anti-American Agenda pt2
This page will be updated often. So please revisit.

233 Club
Was a Masonic chapter for actors who were Freemasons. Examples of actors who
were Freemasons include John Aasen, Gene Autry, Monte Blue and Humphrey
Bogart, Douglas McClean, John Wayne. Then there is T. V. DJ Dick Clark.

A. Phillip Randolph Institute (Layer of The Club Of Rome)
Officials: Bayard Rustin. Purpose: To provide a means of coordinating
organizations with a common purpose, an example of which would be the spread
of socialist ideas among college students and workers.

ABC (Illuminati Front Group)
In 1961, Walt Disney bought out ABC's investment (also labeled Paramount) for
$7.5 million with cash and notes, and to bring this all up to date, later on
July 31, 1995, Disney merged with Capital Cities/ABC, with Disney in nominal
control. Actually Capital Cities has long been a CIA front company, so the
merger placed Disney squarely within the CIA ranks, although it had been in
bed with them for the CIA's entire history. The Illuminati-controlled
corporations of Coca-Cola and the drug firm Johnson and Johnson became
sponsors for Disney's early TV shows.  Confirmation Of Anti-Gun Media Bias
He and Hoover are bosom, probably bed, partners. And so, Spellman is in a
place to be in control of the CIA, the FBI, the Mafia, and through
Freemasonry, the Dallas Police Department—like they control every major
city’s P.D. And so he carries it out. And then he’s also in control of the
press, in control of Time and Life, with Henry Luce, so the press never gets
it. He’s in control of CBS, with a man named Frank Shakespeare, who was the
head of CBS at the time. So you think Walter Cronkite is going to tell us the
truth? No way. He’s in control of CBS, NBC, ABC. They have stocks in it, for
heaven’s sake. So, there’s no way the story’s getting out. And he’s in
control of the CIA to hit and kill anybody who wants to come out and tell the
truth, which is why there’s over a hundred dead witnesses over the last 30
years.That’s why they took out Fensterwald, in 1992, outlined in the book by
that CIA agent First Hand Knowledge, by Morrow. He was a CIA agent. He was in
on the Kennedy assassination. He completely outlines it in his book, and he
tells of that relationship of the CIA to killing Fensterwald. He dedicates
his book to Fensterwald. http://www.fourwinds10.com/corner/black-pope.htm

Alta Vendita
Carbonarism a.k.a. the Alta Vendita, led by another powerful Rothschild, Karl
Rothschild, son of Amschel. In 1818, Karl participated in a secret document
that was sent out to the head-quarters of Masonry from the Alta Vendita. The
Masons were quite distressed when a copy of this was lost, and offered
rewards to anyone who could return the lost copy. It was originally written
in Italian. Its title translates "Permanent Instructions, or Practical Code
of Rules; Guide for the Heads of the Highest Grades of Masonry."

Amalgamated Clothing Workers (Layer of The Club Of Rome)
Officials: Murray Findley, IRWIN SUALL and Jacob Scheinkman. Purpose: Much
the same as the Machinists Union, to socialize and polarize workers in the
garment trade.

American Cancer Society (ACS)
In the fall of 1996 a new scientific paper dealing with a meta-analysis of 23
different scientific studies on the relationship between first-trimester
abortions and breast cancer was published in a British medical journal. That
study clearly demonstrated a higher incidence of breast cancer in women who
had had first-trimester abortions. In response to that publication, the
American Medical Association (AMA), the American Cancer Society (ACS), and
pro-abortion/population-control advocates joined together in an unholy
alliance to attack the conclusions of the authors, and to block all efforts
to disseminate that information to American physicians. All of the
organizations mentioned above continue to oppose efforts to have physicians
warn women of the risk they face when they submit themselves to
first-trimester abortions. Before carrying out all surgical procedures in
America "advised consent" is required, except for abortion. The AMA. the ACS,
and the pro-death lobby continue to insist that women must not be advised of
the risk they incur when they 

[CTRL] WSJ: The Strange Politics Of Holocaust Restitution

2000-09-14 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER



"Why are the Bronfmans stumping for Hillary when Lazio has done
more for their cause?"

September 13, 2000

The Strange Politics Of Holocaust Restitution

By Seth Lipsky, a Journal contributing editor. He writes a column
every Wednesday for OpinionJournal.com.

The little band of demonstrators outside New York's Pierre Hotel
Monday evening was shouting "One two three four, Show
Hill-ar-y-the-door" and holding up signs for "One Jerusalem."
Inside were gathering -- at the invitation of the World Jewish
Congress -- a glittering array of leaders of the Jewish
community, as well as their financial backers. They were there to
honor the politicians from home and abroad who have played a role
in pressing Jewish claims for restitution of property stolen and
lives ruined during the Holocaust.

But behind the facade I sensed a real unease about the evening --
and about the juncture the restitution movement has reached. Part
of it had to do with the rank politicization of the event, which
stemmed from the decision of the president of the World Jewish
Congress, Edgar Bronfman, to bring not only the president but the
first lady to be honored. Mr. Bronfman is an important adviser to
Mrs. Clinton's senate campaign. Her opponent, Rep. Rick Lazio,
was pointedly not invited to the dinner, even though he played a
real role in passing legislation in support of the restitution

Mr. Bronfman's son, Edgar Jr., announced he was exercising a
point of personal privilege, then turned and said, "President and
Mrs. Clinton, thank you for these past eight years." He added
that he looked forward to working with "President Gore and
Senator Clinton." It was an error of judgment that caused a
number of people in the room to wince. The elder Mr. Bronfman
explained his decision to include Mrs. Clinton by disclosing that
he had used a 1996 meeting with her at a fund-raiser for the
Democratic National Committee to try to gain access to the
president on the subject of Holocaust restitution. She responded
by saying, "Edgar, is there a chance that we can get at the Swiss
banks?" She arranged a meeting with Mr. Clinton for the next day.

The president, according to the senior Mr. Bronfman, inquired
about the involvement of then-Sen. Alfonse D'Amato of New York, a
Republican, and asked Mr. Bronfman to tell Mr. D'Amato that Mr.
Clinton was prepared to work with him on the restitution
campaign. One can take that as a willingness to rise above
politics or, as so many are given to do in the wake of the
Clinton-Gore presidency, as an effort in an election year to
deflect the congressional investigation into Whitewater, an
investigation in which Mr. D'Amato played a key role. In any
event, Mr. Clinton proved to be an attentive figure in the fight.

The unease in the room ran deeper than American politics, to
themes that were aired on the eve of the banquet in a courageous
article in the September issue of Commentary, "Holocaust
Reparations -- A Growing Scandal" by Gabriel Schoenfeld. Mr.
Schoenfeld quotes columnist Charles Krauthammer as saying he is
worried about what he terms a "grotesque scramble for money"
whose only certain result is the "revival of Shylockian
stereotypes." And he quotes the Anti-Defamation League's Abraham
Foxman, who has voiced his fear that people may be led to believe
"that the Jews died not because they were Jews, but because they
had bank accounts, gold, art and property."

No one suggests that Jews -- or any organization on behalf of
Jewish individuals or estates -- should be shy about pressing any
claim stemming from the Holocaust. I have come to the view that
neither should they worry much about the consequences. Jews have
long since learned that those in Europe, or elsewhere, who will
be put off by the pressing of such claims are not going to be
mollified by restrained behavior. Anti-Semitism is not, and has
never been, a function of Jewish behavior.

But Mr. Schoenfeld raised, more pointedly than most others, the
problem presented by class-action lawsuits. He cites the
highest-profile of the class-action lawyers, Edward Fagan, and
reports that in the Swiss settlement he claimed an hourly fee of
$640, higher than the average annual pension that Holocaust
survivors receive from the German government. Mr. Fagan disputes
the $640 figure, saying he's billing $295. But whatever the
details of the matter, there can be no doubt the American tort
system provides enormous temptations that must be difficult to
resist. And unfortunately, the entry of the class action lawyers
into the Holocaust restitution fray has elided the distinction
between restitution, meaning the return of a measure of
individual property, and reparations, a word that connotes
repair, which is impossible.

Serious as these questions are -- and in my soundings I find a
lively appreciation for the sentiments voiced by Messrs. Foxman,
Krauthammer and Schoenfeld -- there are still 

[CTRL] AP: Cheney makes $18 million on sale of oil stock

2000-09-14 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

Cheney makes $18 million on sale of oil stock

The Associated Press

WASHINGTON (September 13, 2000 10:31 a.m. EDT
http://www.nandotimes.com) - Republican vice presidential
candidate Dick Cheney made $18.3 million in profit on the sale of
660,000 shares of Halliburton Co. stock in late August, his
spokesman said.

It was a standard divestiture of securities, and not connected to
the election, spokesman Dirk Vande Beek said. Cheney retired as
chief executive of Halliburton, an oil services company based in
Dallas, shortly after being chosen as running mate by GOP
presidential nominee George W. Bush.

"These were already vested options, and he cashed them in," Vande
Beek said.

Cheney recently announced that, if elected, he would forfeit
other Halliburton stock options that wouldn't be vested until
after he took office.

On the campaign trail Wednesday, Cheney was promoting policies to
help save family farms at a stop in Montague, Mich. He also
planned to visit former President Ford, who suffered a minor
stroke during the Republican National Convention.

The shares Cheney sold in August were valued at about $35
million, according to documents filed with the Securities and
Exchange Commission. In June, Cheney sold 100,000 shares for an
estimated $5.1 million.

Cheney said Sept. 1 that, if elected, he would forfeit 233,333
options that could not be sold until 2001 or later to avoid a
conflict of interest.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

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[CTRL] Arutz-7 News: Wednesday, Sept. 13, 2000 (fwd)

2000-09-14 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

Arutz Sheva News Service


Wednesday, Sept. 13, 2000 / Elul 13, 5760




Interviews with Oslo architect Ron Pundak and Elyakim Ha'etzni


The General Security Service has uncovered two major Israeli-Arab
cells planning violence against Israeli targets. Some 45
Israeli-Arabs were arrested, most of them from the city of Um
el-Fahm, in what is known as the Triangle, between Hadera and
Afula.  Northern Police Chief Alik Ron said that this was the
biggest Israeli-Arab cell uncovered in over ten years, and that
it has ties with the Islamic Movement. The group had targeted
Palestinians "collaborators" with Israel.  Some of the cell
members are accused of setting fire to the barber-shop of a
suspected collaborator, trained with home-made weapons, and
posted hundreds of posters threatening to murder collaborators if
they do not reveal themselves within a month.

Yediot Acharonot Arab-affairs commentator Roni Shaked wrote
today, "The organizing [into cells] of dozens of people planning
to harm national security is no longer 'wild weeds...' It is most
definitely a worrisome phenomenon.  Again these are Islamic
Movement members and again in Um el-Fahm... It is doubly
worrisome because this was not a Hamas or Islamic Jihad
initiative, but rather a home-grown initiative from among
Israeli-Arabs.  True, the first-stage targets were collaborators,
but it is reasonable to assume that if the GSS and the police had
not caught them, the next stage would have been Israeli [Jewish]

In a related story, the police will investigate Arab MK Muhammad
Barakeh for "incitement against the State and policemen in front
of large crowds."  Barakeh said in response that Ron is an
"anti-Arab racist," but Ron was backed by Police Commissioner
Yehuda Wilk, who called him an "excellent officer, who is not a
racist against Arabs."  Attorney-General Elyakim Rubenstein gave
his approval this afternoon for the opening of the police
investigation against Barakeh.

This past May, hundreds of Israeli-Arabs rioted and clashed
violently with police in the northern city of Shfar'am, and in
other places, waving PLO flags and throwing stones.  Shfar'am
Mayor Orsan Yassin told Arutz-7 at the time, "We here in Shfar'am
are really moderates; the rioters were mostly students brought
here by MKs Mohammed Barakeh and Issam Mahoul."  Speaking at a
rally in the PA city of Kalkilye last November, Barakeh said that
Israel is attempting to carry out "ethnic cleansing like Nazi
Germany," and that killings are the "truth of the truth of the
Zionist idea."


With the dimming of the lights on the Palestinian-negotiations
stage, attention now turns to the domestic political front.  The
Likud now admits that it cannot find the 61st Knesset vote to
topple the government; David and Maxim Levy apparently refuse to
support a no-confidence motion sponsored by their former party,
the Likud.  On the other hand, the opposition feels it can garner
support for the dissolution of the Knesset and for new elections.
Likud Knesset faction head Ruby Rivlin expressed confidence
today:  "The government has until Jan. 1 to pass a budget, but it
will not be able to do so, because Barak has no majority in the
Knesset.  The previous year's budget is then allowed to run for
three months, but if by Mar. 31, Barak still does not have a
budget, this automatically means new elections."

Barak sees the situation a bit differently.  Admitting that he
has no Knesset majority for his concessions to the Palestinians,
he now plans to try to form a minority, secular government.  It
would contain 50 MKs - One Israel (24), Meretz (10), Shinui (6),
Center (6), and two smaller parties - and rely on the outside
support of the 10 Arab MKs.  He may not enjoy as wide left-wing
support as he presumes, however, as leading left-wing politicians
have recently publicly criticized what they perceive as his
contradictory policies on religious-secular issues.  MK Ran Cohen
(Meretz), for instance, said today that "Barak promises a civil
revolution on the one hand, but enacts the Tal Committee
recommendations [allowing military exemptions for yeshiva
students] on the other.  What is this?!"  His party colleague MK
Zahava Gal'on said that Meretz would have to consider carefully
whether to support Barak's "policy of zigzags."

Labor party officials are concerned on another front, as well:
Internal polls show that if elections were held today, the party
would receive only 20 Knesset seats.  Labor, in its current
format of One Israel, won 26 seats in last year's election; it
won 34 seats in the 1996 election, and 

[CTRL] WND Daily Poll: Topic: Vince Foster Investigation

2000-09-14 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

The poll is at:


Results thus far:

Do you think the death of White House lawyer Vince Foster was
competently investigated?
Yes0.64 % (43)
No98.89 % (6607)
Not sure0.46 % (31)
Total votes: 6681

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Bust the Duopoly

2000-09-14 Thread Nurev Ind Research

Wednesday September 13 2:35 PM ET
Voters Want Third Party Candidates in Debates

UTICA, N.Y. (Reuters/Zogby) - Likely voters agree that third party
candidates should participate in the debates, but should be limited to
those with higher profiles, a recent Zogby poll shows.

The nationwide survey of 1,005 likely voters reveals that a great deal of
support is shown for Green Party's Ralph Nader
/2000_Presidential_Candidates/Nader__Ralph/web sites) (60.9% to 29.0%) and
Reform candidate Pat Buchanan
s -
ty/2000_Presidential_Election/Candidates/Buchanan__Pat/web sites) (58.7%
to 34.2%) to be allowed to participate in the presidential debates. Less
support can be seen for Libertarian Harry Browne (44.2% to 39.9%).

Voters were not so supportive of the lesser-known party representatives:
Natural Law's John Hagelin
s -
w_Party/2000_Presidential_Election/Candidates/web sites) (38.3%
participate to 41.7% not participate), Constitution party's Howard Phillips
(38.5% participate to 42% not participate), and Socialist David McReynolds
 news -
sites) (35.3% participate and 45.4% not participate).

Support for particular candidates' participation differs among the three
major party affiliations.

Democrats support Nader (60.6% to 27.5), Buchanan (54.8% to 37.2%), Browne
(42.7% to 39.3%) and Hagelin (39.9% to 37.1%), while not supporting
Phillips (39.1% to 37.7%) or McReynolds 41.5% to 35.6%).

Republicans support Nader (55.6% to 34.5%) and Buchanan (56.7% to 37.1%),
while not supporting Browne (43.5% to 40.8%), Hagelin (48.4% to 32.6%),
Phillips (48.6% to 33.6%) and McReynolds (52.2% to 30%).

Independents show a margin of support for all candidates' participation in
the debates, but they are split on the participation of Socialist David
McReynolds with 42.5% not supporting his participation and 41.6% supporting

What we asked''

``I'm going to read you a list of presidential candidates. Please tell me
if you believe each candidate should or should not be allowed to
participate in the upcoming Presidential debates with Democrat Al Gore
(http://search.news.yahoo.com/search/news?p=Al%20Gorec=n=10yn=cnews -
_Party/2000_Presidential_Election/Candidates/Gore__Al/web sites) and
Republican George W. Bush
 news -
Party/2000_Presidential_Election/Candidates/Bush__George_W_/web sites).

Green Party's Ralph Nader

Reform Party's Pat Buchanan

Natural Law's John Hagelin

Libertarian Harry Browne

Constitution's Howard Phillips

Socialist David McReynolds''

Copyright © 2000 Yahoo! Inc., and Reuters Limited. All rights reserved.

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] [Fwd: Money, Media, Elections]

2000-09-14 Thread Nurev Ind Research

 Original Message 
Subject: Money, Media, Elections
Date: Wed, 13 Sep 2000 23:29:31 -0500 (CDT)
From: Michael Eisenscher [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Organization: ?
To: undisclosed-recipients:;

Commentaries from ZNet are a premium sent to Sustainer Donors of
Z/ZNet.  To learn more about the project and join
folks can consult ZNet at http://www.zmag.org or the ZNet
Sustainer Pages at

By Edward S. Herman

In many ways the system is working beautifully right now.
First of all, money dominates the initial selection and
weeding out of presidential candidates, so that only those
who will serve the corporate interest on the
basics--advancing "free trade," keeping the lid on or
shrinking the welfare state, and preserving and
strengthening the military establishment and pursuing the
ongoing imperial strategies--can qualify as credible and
electable. While there is a fair amount of grumbling about
soft and hard money and the essentiality of big bucks for
election status, the mainstream media normalize this and
accept the process as entirely legitimate. And the public,
or at least half of the public, also goes along and
participates with their vote.

As part of the normalization process the media argue
vociferously that the two candidates on the take offer
adequate options, have sufficient and important differences,
so that nobody else even needs to be heard by the public.
The New York Times made the first point in its editorial of
August 20 ("Two Visions of Government"), where it contested
Ralph Nader's claim that there are no meaningful differences
between Gore and Bush, arguing that there are "measurable
differences" on how to deploy federal resources that "may
not be enough to satisfy Mr. Nader's aggressively populist
inclinations, but if the election were held now, they would
give the voters a real choice." So if the editors are
satisfied with the choices offered by Gore and Bush, the
general public should be as well; no "aggressive populism"
need enter the lists. (I wonder if there is such a thing as
an "aggressive centrism," or an "aggressively pro-corporate

The Times has supported this position by completely
marginalizing Nader (and Buchanan as well), refusing to
allow him to make his case while inundating its readers with
trivia on the money-election candidates. Effectively, they
declared Nader's candidacy illegitimate and by their fiat
ruled him out of contention. Then in its editorial of August
22 ("Stop Arguing and Start Debating"), after having refused
to allow Nader to make his substantive case and develop any
constituency, the paper justified Nader's and Buchanan's
exclusion from the debates on the ground that they had no
"demonstrated national support"! This is a remarkable
combination of media authoritarianism and chutzpah.

Of course, the rest of the mainstream media did the same as
the Times, producing a self-fulfilling prophecy of lack of
mass support by marginalization and some degree of trashing.
In the abysmal Philadelphia Inquirer, their chief election
commentator Larry Eichel finally devoted a column to Nader
entitled: "The bench is the key," with subtitle "Democrats
call Ralph Nader 'dishonest' for discounting the Supreme
Court as an election issue." Eichel himself had never
discussed Supreme Court appointments as a key issue or
indicated any dissatisfaction with a Bush win in this
regard, but for the sake of disposing of Nader he
effectively turns his column over to Gore protagonists to
make what they believe is their strongest case against
Nader, with no Nader right to reply. Nader is not only
declared to be wrong, he is "dishonest" for disagreeing with
a Gore support position. (The last time Eichel was
strenuously upset over election candidates was back in
1987-1988, when the populist threat of Jesse Jackson caused
him to depart from his usual focus on horse-racing and take
some nasty swipes at that earlier deviant.)

But the beauty of the system is most manifest in the
reaction of liberals and leftists to the monied versus
principled and populist candidates. It is an all-or-nothing
election, and there is always the argument for the
Democratic lesser evil, so in each election we see vast
liberal-left abandonment of the principled and populist in
favor of the lesser evil. As with the media's process we
have another contribution to a self-fulfilling prophecy.
Remember the allegation that business corporations have too
short a time horizon? Could this not be said of the liberals
and leftists who jump on the lesser evil bandwagon? Maybe
this is a national trait.

A number of liberals and leftists have argued vigorously
that a vote for Nader is virtually immoral, given the
differences between Gore and Bush and the costs of a wasted
vote. But the counter-immorality position seems to me more
potent: a classic moral rule laid down by Immanuel Kant was

[CTRL] A law allowing the cops to break the law.

2000-09-14 Thread Mike Smith


Lawyers wary of 
Suggestion cops be allowed to break laws met with 
By DOUG BEAZLEY -- Edmonton 

EDMONTON -- A federal proposal to give cops leeway to break the 
law - and even commit violent acts - to bolster investigations is getting 
nervous looks from the legal community. A Justice Canada white paper 
being shopped around provincial governments and police forces suggests cops be 
empowered to commit crimes ranging from drug trafficking to violent assaults, if 
they believe they need to in order to pursue an investigation. "The 
question we want to ask here is, why?" said lawyer Stephen Jenuth, head of the 
Alberta Civil Liberties Association. "There are provisions in the law now to 
allow officers to do things like sell drugs. Why is the government pursuing such 
sweeping powers all of a sudden?" The white paper deals mostly with 
undercover police operations and drug stings. The paper says "intentional use of 
force" outside of the law wouldn't be permitted except in special circumstances 
- such as a situation where an undercover cop uses violence to prevent another 
undercover cop from being exposed or to protect evidence. "Say a cop 
wants to infiltrate a biker group and they ask him to, for instance, go beat up 
Stephen Jenuth," said Jenuth. "He could make a mistake and end up killing me, I 
guess." Actually, the white paper says the liability shield would not 
cover the commission of sexual offences or assaults leading to "grievous bodily 
harm" or death. And a senior lawyer with Justice Canada said the shield 
probably wouldn't cover undercover cops committing assaults simply to prove 
they're not cops. "The officer would be expected to find another way," 
said Michael Zigayer. The special liability protection proposed by the 
paper would kick in when the officer got clearance from a "senior law 
enforcement official" designated by the Crown. But in cases where 
communication with that senior officer isn't possible, the cop could make a 
field decision to go ahead and do the crime. "It's a slippery slope, and 
one never knows what's at the bottom of it," said local criminal lawyer Robbie 
Davidson. "I can't see how this is justified." Const. Grant Obst 
can. The head of the Canadian Police Association said police need to be able to 
bend the rules occasionally in order to fight organized crime. "There 
are situations where we're better equipped to infiltrate criminal organizations 
if we're able to ... compromise the law in certain situations," he said. 
And Zigayer said the white paper policy wouldn't protect a cop if a 
subsequent criminal trial found he went too far. "The officer would face 
prosecution for the crime, and the evidence he gathered would be thrown out," he 
said. An Alberta Justice spokesman, meanwhile, said the department has 
"reservations" about the use-of-force provision. He wouldn't elaborate. 
The lawyers, justice ministers and police will get their chance to 
critique the paper Oct. 5 when the feds hold a special round table on their 

[CTRL] Fw: Private Spies, Public Repression

2000-09-14 Thread Robert F. Tatman

- Original Message -
From: "Tom Burghardt" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, September 13, 2000 9:10 PM
Subject: [AFIB] Private Spies, Public Repression

 DISCLAIMER: Antifa Info-Bulletin neither accepts nor endorses paid
 advertisements. Please ignore any ads above/below the content of this
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 News * Analysis * Research * Action

 - September 13, 2000 -

 * * *



 1. PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER: Rumors Had Troopers Seeing Reds During the GOP
 3. LET 'em TALK [US]: McDonald's Private Spies (1983).

 * * *


 Metro News
 Sunday, September 10, 2000
 By Craig R. McCoy and Linda K. Harris

 The cold war is long over but Pennsylvania State Police were still on the
 lookout for communists and Soviet sympathizers among the demonstrators
 protesting last month's Republican National Convention in Philadelphia.

 In state police affidavits justifying a raid on a West Philadelphia
 warehouse used by convention protesters, troopers alleged that communists
 were behind the demonstrations.

 "Funds allegedly originate with Communist and leftist parties and from
 sympathetic trade unions," the state police declared in the affidavits.
 "Other funds reportedly come from the former Soviet-allied World Federation
 of Trade Unions."

 The language left critics, including demonstrators and civil-liberties
 lawyers, both a little amused and a lot indignant. They said it seemed like
 something out of a musty red-baiting periodical of the 1950s - Red Channels
 and the like.

 The allegations - passed to state police by a private group funded by
 conservative multimillionaire Richard Mellon Scaife - did not belong in
 government affidavits seeking judicial approval for a search warrant that
 led to 75 arrests, they said.

 "It's McCarthyite. It's tarring people," said David Kairys, a law professor
 at Temple University. "It's reminiscent of the worst of the '50s."

 The allegations of communist money made up only a small part of the 23-page
 affidavits in support of search warrants for three vehicles and the
 warehouse, at 4100 Haverford Ave. The affidavits, made public Wednesday
 after having been sealed for more than a month, relied most heavily on the
 direct observations of undercover troopers who infiltrated the warehouse.

 Known as "the puppet warehouse," police called it a center of illegal
 activity; activists said it was a workshop in which they made more than 100
 puppets and a large satirical float, "Corpzilla."

 The documents were the first public acknowledgement that police had
 infiltrated groups planning to protest during last month's Republican
 National Convention.

 Without elaboration, the affidavits stated that the allegations of
 communist funding had come from the little-known Maldon Institute.

 Asked last week about the Maldon Institute, Jack Lewis, a state police
 spokesman, seemed a little unsure.

 "Our people said they believed this institute is based in the United
 Kingdom," he said.

 The Maldon Institute - named after an obscure battle in England in the 10th
 century - is based in Baltimore and has a mailing address in Washington,

 Lewis added: "I'm told by our intelligence people that the Maldon Institute
 is a private organization that provides intelligence information to police

 "We have found in the past that the Maldon Institute generally presents
 reliable information."

 Lewis said that state police and other police departments "routinely
 receive information from the Maldon Institute at no cost, via e-mail. The
 department did not solicit this information."

 Asked whether state police had attended Maldon Institute conferences, Lewis
 responded: "State police personnel have had contact in the U.S. with
 representatives of the institute."

 According to public records, the institute is funded, at least in part, by
 Scaife, the Pittsburgh political philanthropist best known for his
 financial support of several private investigations of President Clinton in
 recent years.

 Financial forms for Scaife's Carthage Foundation show it provided Maldon
 with $250,000 in 1998.

 Institute documents show that board members have included D. James Kennedy,
 a Florida televangelist who is cofounder of the 

Re: [CTRL] Awash in Oil-Whine about a 5% rise in taxes, but accept a business...

2000-09-14 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

In a message dated 09/13/2000 6:13:44 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

 Look at how the Europeans are handling getting screwed by big oil. Are
 THEY bending over? Are THEY letting their governments run interference
 for big business? Are THEY using petroleum based Vaseline? Hell no! 

And did you notice that their police are not spraying them with pepper spray
and beating them to the ground.  Isn't that strange.  Nothing like here in
the good old USA.  Prudy

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2000-09-14 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

In a message dated 09/13/2000 11:53:09 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

 In 1911, Turkey established gun control. From 1915-1917, 1.5 million =
 Armenians, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and =

This was the result of the Armenians in one area of Turkey siding with the
invading Russians.  When the Russians lost the battle and retreated, the
Armenians were left to reap the rage that Turks feel toward treason.  It was
horrible, although I find the figure of l.5 million pretty steep.  There are
still some Armenians in Turkey, and they are wonderful silversmiths.  Most
Turks and Armenians (if they live on farms) have rifles.  Don't fault the
Russians for leaving the Armenians to their fate.  We did the same thing in
Vietnam.  One wonders how many were killed for being on the wrong side.  Prudy

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] (CTRL) NH: Dubya's Massacre of English: From Dyslexia or Too Much Lying?

2000-09-14 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

In a message dated 09/12/2000 5:43:53 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

 Effete, Liberal snob rag Vanity Fair has published a piece by one
 of their premier elitist liberal writers, Gail Sheehy. She has
 opined that Dubya Bush's undeniable and inexcusable mangling and
 butchering of the English language may stem from un-admitted
 and/or undiagnosed dyslexia.

Well, it sounds plausible, but it's not the case.  Dyslexia gives one a sight
problem.  My daughter is a dyslexic.  She was trained to see properly, and
from the moment of her training she has had no problems  unless she gets
overtired.  She has a degree and works for the Government in contracting.  It
is not necessary for a dyslexic to go through life being treated as a blind
person, but the educational types in this country have made it near
impossible for the proper training to be made available.  Why I do not know.
Still no matter how bad the dyslexia is, it is only a sight problem.  It does
not cause a difficulty with speech or memory.   In fact most dyslexics have
wonderful memories.  There are children who can recite whole books.  I don't
know Dubya well enough to have an opinion on his intelligence.  I don't like
him, because he is a member of the Bush family, and that troop scare the hell
out of me.  Prudy

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: [Spy News] How FBI's Flawed Case Against Lee Unraveled

2000-09-14 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

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How FBI's Flawed Case Against Lee Unraveled

 Investigators pursued questionable
tactics in their zeal to prosecute a
Los Alamos scientist as a spy. Careers
are ruined, and still no one knows how
China obtained nuclear secrets.

By BOB DROGIN, Times Staff Writer

 WASHINGTON--Early last year, Wen Ho Lee walked from his cluttered
sixth-floor office at the Los Alamos National Laboratory down to a
first-floor conference room. A fellow nuclear weapon scientist and two FBI
agents then grilled him until nearly nightfall.
 In halting English, the Taiwan-born Lee repeatedly denied--as he had in
19 previous sessions with the FBI--that he ever gave design secrets about
America's most sophisticated nuclear warhead to China or anyone else.
 "At the end, everyone was convinced he was not a spy," recalled Robert
Vrooman, then head of counterintelligence at Los Alamos, who listened to the
previously undisclosed meeting from another room. "We all concluded there
was no evidence. We figured we'd put this puppy to bed."
 But the next day, an FBI agent with the unlikely name of Carol Covert
was called into the bureau's Santa Fe, N.M., office and ordered to take a
special FBI crash course in "hostile interviews."
 A day later, Covert and fellow FBI agent John Podenko sat across from
Lee. They said--falsely--that Lee had failed a polygraph test. Then they
angrily warned him that, unless he cooperated, he might never see his
children again and could be "electrocuted."
 Finally, the two agents pulled out a piece of paper and demanded that
Lee sign a full confession of espionage--a crime that carries the death
penalty--without a lawyer present. Lee had not even retained a lawyer at the
 "Poor bastard, he didn't understand," said an official who has seen the
FBI-drafted confession. "He kept crossing things out and trying to correct
it. He was trying to help them. He still didn't get what was happening."
 Lee learned soon enough. He was fired from Los Alamos the next day,
March 8, 1999, and news accounts branded him the "spy of the century." The
shy scientist, an expert in the arcane physics of fluid dynamics and the
elegant art of Chinese cooking, soon became ensnared in a legal and
political nightmare.
 Lee, now 60, has spent the last 277 days in jail, under conditions
usually reserved for convicted terrorists or spies. He hopes to go home
today if his lawyers and federal prosecutors can agree during a scheduled
court hearing in Albuquerque on a proposed plea arrangement. He would plead
guilty to one felony charge under the deal, which would bring an
embarrassing close to one of the most important national security cases
since the Cold War.
 Why did the government proceed with what now appears a seriously flawed
prosecution? Not all the answers are known. But investigators' zeal to catch
a spy, fueled by sensational press reports, near-hysteria by some members of
Congress and a U.S. attorney in New Mexico who sought to secure an
indictment before he retired to run for Congress created a structure that
was shaky from the start--and that quickly began to crumble.
 What is clear is that in the wake of the inquiry, morale at the lab is
a shambles, careers and lives have been ruined and the government is no
closer today than when it started in determining how China obtained secrets
on U.S. nuclear weapons.

 Case Stems From Warhead Inquiry
 The case began in 1996 as "Kindred Spirit," a three-year FBI
investigation into China's alleged theft of America's W-88 warhead secrets
from Los Alamos. Last year, when no such evidence was found linking Lee or
Los Alamos to Chinese espionage, a new inquiry--ironically code-named "Sea
Change"--was launched.
 The result: Lee was indicted on 59 charges and arrested last Dec. 10
for allegedly transferring top-secret nuclear weapon data to unsecured
computers and portable tapes at Los Alamos. Thirty-nine of the charges, all
carrying life sentences, alleged that Lee acted with intent to harm the
United States and to aid a foreign power. Seven of the tapes could not be
located, despite what the FBI said was one of the largest searches in its
history. Lee's lawyers claimed that he destroyed the tapes but offered no
 Problems quickly arose in the FBI inquiry.
 The weapon data were not formally classified when Lee copied them. Even
now, the material is classified "secret restricted data," which means under
Energy Department regulations that it may be mailed through the U.S. Postal
Service. And many senior scientists openly dispute the government's

[CTRL] Fwd: [Spy News] Depleted Uranium PROVED Cause Of Gulf War Syndrome

2000-09-14 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

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Subject: Depleted Uranium PROVED Cause Of GulfWarSyndrome/Fwd


 Tests show Gulf war victims have uranium

 Jonathon Carr-Brown and Martin Meissonnier

 NEW evidence that Gulf war syndrome exists and was caused by radiation
 poisoning will be revealed today by a former American army colonel who
 was at the centre of his government's attempts to diagnose the illness.

 Dr Asaf Durakovic will tell a conference of eminent nuclear scientists
 in Paris that "tens of thousands" of British and American soldiers are
 dying from radiation from depleted uranium (DU) shells fired during the
 Gulf war.

 The findings will undermine the British and American governments' claims
 that Gulf war syndrome does not exist and intensify pressure from
 veterans on both sides of the Atlantic for compensation.

 Durakovic, who is professor of nuclear medicine at Georgetown
 University, Washington, and the former head of nuclear medicine at the
 US Army's veterans' affairs medical facility in Delaware, will tell the
 conference that he and his team of American and Canadian scientists have
 discovered life-threateningly high levels of DU in Gulf veterans 10
 years after the desert war.

 His findings, which have been verified by four independent experts, is
 embarrassing for the Ministry of Defence (MoD) and American Defence
 Department, which have consistently refused to test Gulf war veterans
 for DU.

 Durakovic will tell the European Association of Nuclear Medicine that
 tests on 17 veterans have shown DU in the urine and bones of 70% of them.

 Depleted uranium does not occur naturally.


 Durakovic said: "I doubt whether the MoD or Pentagon will have the
 audacity to challenge these results. I can't say this is the solitary
 cause of Gulf war syndrome, but we now have clear evidence that it is a
 leading factor in the majority of victims.

 "I hope the US and UK governments finally realise that, by continuing to
 use this ammunition, they are effectively poisoning their own soldiers."

 An MoD spokesman said it would study any new evidence: "Our aim is to
 get the best care for British veterans and our views are based on the
 best evidence around."

 Copyright 2000 Times Newspapers Ltd.

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Re: [CTRL] Clinton Named in Third Sex Harassment Suit

2000-09-14 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

I remember driving through Arkansas some years back.  I know we stopped for
gas and to use the toilet facilities.  I believe we even had lunch.  There
must have been a moment or two when I was not otherwise occupied, and I'm
sure that although the details escape me, Bill Clinton must have made a pass
at me at the time.  I did make a brief stop in Washington a couple of years
ago, but unless he desguised himself as the policeman who gave us the parking
ticket, I don't see how he could have managed to get to me at that time.
Perhaps if some generous Conservative comes forward with cash, I can think
more creatively.  Prudy

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Re: [CTRL] A law allowing the cops to break the law.

2000-09-14 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

In a message dated 09/14/2000 8:01:14 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

 EDMONTON -- A federal proposal to give cops leeway to break the law - and
even commit violent acts - to bolster investigations is getting nervous looks
from the legal community.

 A Justice Canada white paper being shopped around provincial governments and
police forces suggests cops be empowered to commit crimes ranging from drug
trafficking to violent assaults, if they believe they need to in order to
pursue an investigation.  

Go for it.  The Gestapo has always been an interesting role model.  Prudy

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[CTRL] Fw: Popular campaign ads kept from Nashville market

2000-09-14 Thread Amelia

- Original Message -
From: "Amelia Kay Edgeman" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, September 14, 2000 7:12 AM
Subject: Popular campaign ads kept from Nashville market


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[CTRL] Fw: Jellyfish overrun Gulf of Mexico

2000-09-14 Thread Amelia

This could prove to be a major disaster for the fishing industry, not to
mention the painful sting they have.

- Original Message -
From: "Amelia Kay Edgeman" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, September 14, 2000 6:54 AM
Subject: Jellyfish overrun Gulf of Mexico


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[CTRL] Norplant maker urges use of backup

2000-09-14 Thread Amelia
Title: Norplant maker urges use of backup












maker urges use of backup


  Company offers to fund alternative contraceptionfor 
thousands of women

consists of six matchstick-size capsules implanted in the upper arm 
that are supposed to prevent pregnancy for five 




  Sept. 13 
— The maker of the Norplant contraceptive will 
pay for thousands of women with the birth-control implant to buy 
backup contraception because it cannot guarantee the effectiveness 
of certain Norplant 


 Post your views on MSNBC's 
  Health Bulletin Board










  said it will pay $100 toward the cost of backup birth control and offered 
  to reimburse women $700 if they choose to have the implant removed. 

  IN A STRONGLY worded warning Wednesday, Wyeth-Ayerst Laboratories, a 
  unit of American Home Products Corp., urged women who have received 
  Norplant since Oct. 20 to use a nonhormone form of birth control such as 
  condoms or a diaphragm as a backup. The company also asked doctors to 
  check their records and notify these Norplant recipients.  
   The caution was stronger than the company’s advice last 
  month, when it asked physicians to stop implanting the suspect kits and 
  consider recommending backup birth control for women who were especially 
  worried about getting pregnant.   Wyeth-Ayerst 
  spokeswoman Audrey Ashby said the company issued the new advice because 
  officials had thought they would have completed tests on the suspect 
  Norplant batches by now. Full test results are now expected by the end of 


“We want information to 
  be provided to health-care providers and also to patients that they should 
  use a backup barrier or other nonhormonal birth control in the meantime,” 
  Ashby said. “The contraceptive effectiveness from Norplant from these 
  specific lots cannot be assured at this time.”   
  Wyeth-Ayerst did not recall the questionable Norplant, stressing 
  that tests so far have not proved that the batches contain hormone levels 
  so low as to truly risk pregnancy. The company said it wanted to err on 
  the side of caution. 



  here for Quotes 

  The company said it will pay $100 toward the cost of backup birth 
  control and offered to reimburse women $700 if they choose to have the 
  implant removed.   “The aim here is to do the 
  right thing for people, recognizing there are still unanswered questions 
  but saying we don’t want people to be unduly anxious and we don’t want 
  them to be out of pocket,” said Dr. Philip de Vane, Wyeth-Ayerst’s 
  assistant medical director.   Laboratory 
  testing suggests about 22,000 Norplant kits shipped to doctors on Oct. 20, 
  with the expiration date 2004, may release less contraceptive hormone than 
  they should. Most of those kits were already implanted.  
   Although the hormone levels are within the Food and Drug 
  Administration’s requirements, they are on the low end and lower than any 
  other batches of Norplant. 




   Source: The Associated Press  
  Additional testing due by the end of next month may prove whether 
  the questionable Norplant’s hormone levels are too low to work 


The FDA said it has no 
  reports that pregnancy rates have increased among Norplant users. The 
  agency said the company’s decision to warn women about backup birth 
  control was appropriate.   The FDA advised 
  women who had Norplant inserted since Oct. 20 to call their doctors about 
  backup birth control. Norplant recipients should not use hormonal 
  contraceptives — such as birth control pills or injected contraceptives — 
  but should consider condoms, spermicide, a diaphragm or an IUD, or 

[CTRL] Fw: British fuel protests near an end

2000-09-14 Thread Amelia

- Original Message -
From: "Amelia Kay Edgeman" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, September 14, 2000 6:43 AM
Subject: British fuel protests near an end


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[CTRL] Study HIV not tied to polio vaccine

2000-09-14 Thread Amelia
Title: Study: HIV not tied to polio vaccine











HIV not tied to polio vaccine


  Tests find 
no evidence to support controversial theory




Sept. 11 — Independent laboratory tests have found no 
evidence to support the theory that an experimental polio vaccine 
used on about 1 million Africans in the 1950s inadvertently 
triggered the AIDS epidemic. The findings, presented Monday at a 
conference at the Royal Society in London, found no evidence that 
the vaccine, administered between 1957 and 1961, contained any 
tissue from 


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  Health Bulletin Board










‘Does this 
  definitively rule out the vaccine theory? No, but it makes it more 
  unlikely.’ — CLAUDIO BASILICONYU School of 

  SCIENTISTS BELIEVE that HIV, the virus that causes AIDS, most 
  probably originates from the type of SIV, or simian immunodeficiency 
  virus, found in chimpanzees in western central Africa. But they don’t know 
  how or when the chimp virus got into humans.   
  The prevailing theory is that a hunter became infected after being 
  scratched by a chimp when trying to capture it or after cutting himself 
  while butchering the animal. However, some experts suspect that polio 
  vaccine made with contaminated chimpanzee cells may have been the 
  culprit.   In the latest tests, samples of 
  four different supplies of the vaccine, including some used in the African 
  immunization program, were tested for traces of genetic material from 
  animals.   Two laboratories found the samples 
  they tested were made using monkey tissue, but they found no chimp DNA, 
  said Claudio Basilico, chairman of the microbiology department at New York 
  University School of Medicine. Basilico chaired a committee set up by the 
  vaccine’s maker, the Wistar Institute in Philadelphia, to investigate 
  claims that chimp tissue might have been 



   “Does this 
  definitively rule out the vaccine theory? No, but it makes it more 
  unlikely,” Basilico said. He said record-keeping was sketchy at the time 
  and that there may have been other samples not tested that were used in 
  Africa.   The tests were also designed to find 
  traces of SIV and found none. But that may not be important, Basilico 
  said, because the virus could have died out after 40 years in a 
  freezer.   RESULTS 
  DISPUTED   The findings by the 
  Max-Planck Institute in Leipzig, Germany, and the Pasteur Institute in 
  Paris did not dampen the views of Edward Hooper, chief proponent of the 
  polio vaccine theory.   Hooper contended in a 
  1999 book, “The River,” that the Wistar Institute scientists might have 
  used chimp kidneys contaminated with the virus to make some batches of the 
  vaccine.   “This means nothing at all for the 
  polio vaccine theory because different batches were prepared,” Hooper 
  said, adding that other, untested or missing batches might have yielded 
  different results. 


   Two scientists who conducted the African vaccine trials 
  denied any chimpanzee tissue was used to make the vaccine and branded 
  Hooper’s theory a “fantasy.”   “We never used 
  chimp kidneys,” said Dr. Hilary Koprowski, who developed the vaccine. “I 
  was there in 1957, and the author (Hooper) was not.”  
   “I was working in the Wistar laboratory from 1957 to 1961 and 
  I never saw or heard of chimpanzee cells” being used, added Dr. Stanley 
  Plotkin, now a professor at the University of Pennsylvania. 












Re: [CTRL] Abortion and the English Language

2000-09-14 Thread Damian B. Cooper

At 06:09 PM 9/9/00 -0400, William Shannon [EMAIL PROTECTED]

It's not a lie and it IS much more honest than the anti-choicers calling
themselves "pro-life" when the lion's share of them are pro-death penalty.
Most people I know are indeed "pro-choice" as am I, and the main point here
is that we wouldn't presume to be so bold as to tell another person what she
ought to do regarding her pregnancy...it's HER body and HER choice and most
thinking Americans respect that.


The abortnik position is fundamentally absurd.  It delegates to individuals the
privilege of deciding whether OTHER persons may live or die.

If the "mother" wants an unborn child to live, then it's a "person", and any
other person who harms the "unborn child" can be prosecuted.

If the "mother" does NOT want an unborn child to live, then it's a "tissue

We're only a philosophical inch away from the next update to the abortnik
theology which will say that the "mother" has the "right" to post partum


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Re: [CTRL] Abortion and the English Language

2000-09-14 Thread nessie

[EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes:
If the "mother" wants an unborn child to live, then it's a "person",

Not until it's born.

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] Fw: Elvis' doctor denied plea for medical license

2000-09-14 Thread Amelia

I was surprised that he is still alive, let alone still practicing!  It
certainly took them a while to become suspicious that he might be

Sent: Thursday, September 14, 2000 6:40 AM
Subject: Elvis' doctor denied plea for medical license


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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] OEN 9/14/00

2000-09-14 Thread Kris Millegan

Click Here: A HREF="http://www.aci.net/kalliste/"The Home Page of J. Orlin

Normal Mammalian Politics

How Much is That Veto in the Window?

Don't ask Gore, he was too busy drinking ice tea.

Why did we nuke Russia? Don't ask Gore: no one told him it was a launch

Vice President Al Gore and the chairman of the Democratic National Committee
sought a $100,000 donation from a wealthy Texas lawyer in 1995 after
promising that President Clinton would veto a bill limiting damage awards in
product-liability cases.

According to documents obtained by The Washington Times, the requests came in
separate telephone calls by Mr. Gore on Nov. 30, 1995, and by DNC Chairman
Donald L. Fowler on Dec. 13, 1995, to lawyer Walter Umphrey, senior partner
at the Beaumont, Texas, law firm of Provost  Umphrey.

In a telephone call sheet prepared for the vice president by the DNC, Mr.
Gore was instructed to ask Mr. Umphrey for $100,000 for the DNC's media fund.

A call sheet prepared by the DNC two weeks later for Mr. Fowler suggests the
vice president did not reach his intended target. Two weeks later, the DNC
chairman received a similar directive to ask Mr. Umphrey for cash.

"Sorry you missed the Vice President. I know [you] will give $100k when the
President vetoes tort reform, but we really need it now. Please send ASAP if
possible," the sheet says under "reason for call."

The Justice Department's campaign-finance task force has opened a preliminary
investigation into the solicitation and the activities of Mr. Gore and
others. The probe was ordered by task force chief Robert J. Conrad Jr.

Gore officials responded obliquely when asked about the documents.

"The Republicans and others have had this for more than 1,000 days and no one
found it interesting until 1,000 hours before the election. Curious, isn't
it?" said James Kennedy, director of communications for the vice president's

Mr. Kennedy declined to answer questions on whether there was a quid pro quo
involved in soliciting campaign contributions from a lawyer who wanted tort
reform vetoed.

Gore campaign spokesman Chris Lehane, asked last night by The Washington
Times about the call sheets, dismissed the matter as "recycled partisan

White House Deputy Press Secretary Jake Siewert said he did not "know enough
of the facts" to answer specific questions about the call sheets. But he
insisted Mr. Clinton "vetoed the tort reform bill because it was deeply
flawed, not because of any" quid pro quo.

"We had a bill two years ago that we would have signed in a heartbeat that we
thought was balanced and fair," Mr. Siewert added. "But Senate Majority
Leader Trent Lott rejected it."

In the months after the president's veto, Mr. Umphrey contributed more than
$42,000 to the party. In the four years since, he and his firm have donated
more than $700,000 to the Democratic Party, according to federal election

Mr. Umphrey, who specializes in personal-injury cases for labor unions, could
not be reached last night for comment. Mr. Fowler, who now runs a South
Carolina communications firm, also was unavailable.

On May 2, 1996, Mr. Clinton vetoed the Common Sense Liability Reform Act,
which had passed in the House, 259-158, and the Senate, 61-37.

Among other things, the bill would have given defendants protection against
damages for harm due to the plaintiff's own use of drugs or alcohol; reduced
manufacturers' liability; required plaintiffs to prove the harm they suffered
was the result of gross negligence or intentional conduct; and limited
punitive damage awards.

After the Clinton veto, Sen. Joseph I. Lieberman, now the Democratic vice
presidential candidate, expressed deep frustration with the action. In a Wall
Street Journal interview that year, the Connecticut Democrat described trial
lawyers as "a small group of people who are deeply invested in the status
quo, who have worked the system very effectiviely and have a disproportionate

Mr. Umphrey's law firm donated $30,000 to the DNC on July 17, 1996, and
$10,000 to the DNC on Nov. 13, 1996, according to federal Election Commission
records. The firm had given $7,500 to the Democratic Senatorial Campaign
Committee on April 30, 1996 — two days before the Clinton veto.

The Gore telephone solicitation was scheduled two days after the vice
president had attended a Nov. 28, 1995, fund-raiser at the Beaumont, Texas,
home of lawyer John Eddie Williams, who also has been described as a
Democratic Party campaign contributor. Mr. Umphrey also attended the Beaumont

Mr. Gore's call also followed by nine days a Nov. 21, 1995, meeting at the
White House attended by Mr. Gore and Mr. Clinton, where DNC and Clinton-Gore
Re-election 1996 Campaign officials discussed a split of soft- and hard-money
donations. Notes from the meeting confirm that Mr. Gore was present when
campaign officials discussed how soft money he sought would be diverted

[CTRL] California considers remote laser kill switches for cars

2000-09-14 Thread Kris Millegan

Click Here: A HREF="http://www.politechbot.com/p-01371.html"politechbot.com:
  California considers remote l…/A

California considers remote laser kill switches for cars

*   Date: Wed, 13 Sep 2000 00:54:51 -0400
*   Subject: FC: California considers remote laser kill switches for cars
*   From: Declan McCullagh [EMAIL PROTECTED]

What an amazingly awful idea. A quick read of the bill says you can't
remove this "encrypted laser activated shutoff device" from your own
car upon penalty of two months in jail. The description of what
California is considering is: "An electronic or electromechanical
device, including, but not limited to, one or more computer chips that
are installed either in, or functions in conjunction with, an
automobile's onboard electronics system or fuel system, or both the
electronics system and fuel systems."

Does anyone think that this will work flawlessly?

Even if it does, the privacy issues are worrisome enough. It would, as
Peter points out in this cypherpunks thread below, allow random
inspections by cops: "Upon demand of a peace officer, every person who
drives a motor vehicle that is subject to a pursuit intervention
termination management system requirement under any provision of law
shall allow an inspection of the pursuit intervention termination
management system to determine that it is installed and functioning

The bill:



Date: Tue, 12 Sep 2000 11:31:18 -0400
From: "Trei, Peter" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [OT] California senator tries to mandate remote kill switches for

The California legislature recently considered a law
(it apparently died in committee this year) which would
mandate that all cars in the state be fitted with a device,
which upon recieving an encrypted signal by laser or radio,
would kill the engine.

The apparent goal is to prevent car chases.

The, bill, introduced by (State?) Senator Speier, is at

There is substantial discussion at

The bill requires that cars sold in the state after 2004 have the system,
and cars registered after 2007 be retrofitted if neccessary.

It would be a crime to fail to fit or maintain it, or to bypass it.

It includes a provision to allow any peace officer to stop any
car at any time to inspect the system, without any mention
of warrants or probable cause.

I may write something for RISKS Digest about this.

Peter Trei


Date: Tue, 12 Sep 2000 13:48:19 -0400
From: Michael Motyka [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [OT] California senator tries to mandate remote kill switches for

This has been around for a couple of years. It was started by a
politician from San Jose who I think has some connection$ to a startup
that makes a product called Halt. Golly, he wouldn't be abusing the
public trust would he? A quick search didn't turn up either the SJMN
article or anything else but it's there somewhere. Anyway, these are
bad^H^H^H truly evil people^H^H^H^H^H^H scumbags. It's worth keeping an
eye on them and trying to create publicity when the bill mutates and
crawls out of the cesspool again. Which it will do annually until it is
passed. I would doubt that voters would approve a measure like this if
they knew enough about it. Generally it's limited publicity controlled
by the proposers that lets this sort of garbage bloom.

Found something : http://www.freerepublic.com/forum/a383094c56f00.htm

OK background. Discussion board. All predictable stuff.

When a bill is passed the sooner the system is hacked and the mfgrs are
in the liability courts the better. I can't really say what I want to
say about the company and the politicians...the sensors are everywhere.



Date: Tue, 12 Sep 2000 14:11:26 -0400

At 1:48 PM -0400 9/12/00, Michael Motyka wrote:
This has been around for a couple of years. It was started by a
politician from San Jose who I think has some connection$ to a startup
that makes a product called Halt. Golly, he wouldn't be abusing the
public trust would he? A quick search didn't turn up either the SJMN
article or anything else but it's there somewhere. Anyway, these are
bad^H^H^H truly evil people^H^H^H^H^H^H scumbags. It's worth keeping an
eye on them and trying to create publicity when the bill mutates and
crawls out of the cesspool again. Which it will do annually until it is
passed. I would doubt that voters would approve a measure like this if
they knew enough about it. Generally it's limited publicity controlled
by the proposers that lets this sort of 

[CTRL] Enigma thief's code baffles detectives

2000-09-14 Thread Kris Millegan

Click Here: A
"The Times: Britain:Enigma thief's code baffles …/A
A section of the letter written on a wartime typewriter
Enigma thief's code baffles detectives

DETECTIVES baffled by the theft of Bletchley Park's prized Enigma coding
machine are using codebreakers to crack intricate riddles which they hope
will lead to its recovery.
The museum that housed the £100,000 Second World War cipher device has
received a mysterious letter from someone offering to return it in exchange
for £10,000.
But the letter, typed on a wartime typewriter, is written in such an unusual
style - and signed with a word that does not exist in the English dictionary
- that police are convinced that it holds the clues to the machine's
whereabouts. Now they want to open negotiations with the author.
The Enigma machine was used by German military intelligence, the Abwehr, for
ultra secret communications between the Nazi high command.
It was stolen from a glass display case at the Buckinghamshire museum during
an open day on April 1. At least four people were involved in the raid, which
police say could not have succeeded without expert inside knowledge of both
Bletchley Park and the Enigma machine. Police have taken hundreds of
finger-prints from museum visitors, questioned staff in detail and conducted
an extensive search of the building and grounds.
Detective Chief Inspector Simon Chesterman described the letter, sent last
week, as "the most significant development in the investigation".
One sentence reads: "I have been asked by the current owner the above Enigma
machine, who purchased it in good faith (in good faith being the operative
word) to say and tell you now today, the unwitting person having no ultimate
desire of depraving your august self or anyone the pleasure to see it again."
Police have refused to reveal the unusual word which appears at the end of
the letter.
The main clue to the letter's authenticity is a photographed copy of the
unique number plate, G312, which was attached to the stolen machine.
Expert codebreakers are now studying the letter, which purports to come from
a middle man representing someone who innocently bought the Enigma machine,
not realising that it had been stolen, and who now wants to return it in
exchange for compensation equal to the sum paid and immunity from
Mr Chesterman said yesterday that the police were willing to deal with the
author as the letter requested.
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Aloha, He'Ping,
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Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Panic buyers start to strip supermarkets

2000-09-14 Thread Kris Millegan

Click Here: A HREF="aol://5863:126/alt.conspiracy:641703"Global Financial
Collapse beginning/A
Subject: Global Financial Collapse beginning
From: "Eric Vincent Rodgers" A HREF="mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]"ericvrod
Date: Wed, Sep 13, 2000 10:20 AM
Message-id: 8pociv$ct3$[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Panic buyers start to strip supermarkets
By Sandra Barwick

PANIC buyers who had helped to drain thousands of filling stations across
the country turned their attention to supermarkets yesterday and began to
fill their baskets with perishable goods.
Spar, the grocery chain which has 2,700 stores in Britain, said there had
been a 300 per cent increase in the sales of bread, milk and canned goods in
South Wales, one of the areas worst hit by fuel blockades. A spokesman said
they were working hard to restock the stores, and Tesco, which reported that
it was running low on bread in four stores, said that it would also be
re-filling its shelves.

London commuter stations were packed, and in badly hit areas, including
South Wales, Yorkshire and north-east England roads were quieter than usual,
as drivers conserved fuel for essential journeys, and some businesses were
forced to turn away custom. Scott Owen, an undertaker in Llandudno, North
Wales, said: "We can't do long distance funerals because of the risk of not
having enough fuel to get back."

Motorists across Britain ignored pleas not to indulge in the panic-buying of
fuel, queuing in their hundreds by any petrol station still open. Richard
Freeman, an AA policy spokesman, said he felt that that some consumers were
deliberately flouting the Government's pleas not to fill their tanks.

"A lot of drivers are enjoying the situation of giving the Government a
bloody nose. They felt they haven't been able to do anything individually
but they've been feeling very angry about it. The Government has woefully
underestimated the level of feeling drivers have."

But many of those at the pumps said that they were filling up because they
were dependent on their cars for their livelihoods. Mark Roberts, 35, a
doctor from Bramhall, set out at 7.15am yesterday to join a quarter of a
mile long queue outside Sainsbury's petrol station at Cheadle Royal,
Stockport, Manchester.

He said he needed to travel between four hospitals each day. "How do I get
to clinics and see patients if I can't get any fuel? It's vital that I can
get to where I'm needed."

Chris Gac, 21, a joiner from Bolton, Lancashire, said: "I do 70 miles a day.
By the time it gets to the end of the week I could be out of a job. If this
goes on, and I can't do my job, I'll go broke."

Queues and frustration brought out the worst in some drivers, with fights
reported on service station forecourts. Christopher Priestley, an employee
at a Shell garage in Leeds said he saw violence just before fuel ran out. He
said: "It has become a tragic situation - fighting over petrol. Two men
pulled up at a super unleaded pump. One was punched as they fought to get
there first."

Customers were buying as much fuel as they could, despite fire safety
officers' warnings against stockpiling. Mark Lewis, the skipper of the Dart
fuel barge in Dartmouth harbour, Devon, said customers had "been coming on
board with 10-litre and 25-litre containers. One chap was so desperate to
get home to Birmingham he bought 106 litres".

One driver was turned away from a garage at Colesbourne, near Cheltenham,
Gloucestershire, after asking to fill a 40-gallon water butt. Another
motorist from Skipton, North Yorkshire, was taken to hospital with burns to
his back after fuel he had stockpiled at home went up in flames, setting
fire to his kitchen.

Other motorists were taking the lesser risk of filling the tanks of cars
which should run on unleaded fuel with leaded, risking hundreds of pounds of
damage to their catalytic converters. The shortages caused difficulties to
businesses and organisations across the country. William Dolman, the coroner
at Hornsey, north London, cancelled all inquests until further notice.

He said petrol shortages meant that officers and witnesses found it
difficult to get to court. He added: "It is possible that within a few days
my pathologists will not be able to attend to carry out post mortem
examinations." It meant that bereaved relatives might not be able to make
funeral arrangements.

The Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals said that its
work could be affected by the fuel crisis. Sun Valley, Britain's biggest
poultry processing plant, said that eight million chickens and a million
turkeys faced starving to death. Fuel for the boilers which produce the
steam needed to mix up the poultry food for the plant in Hereford is
expected to run out this evening.

The only words of optimism came from cross-Channel operators, who
recommended motorists to take their cars on a ferry to fill them up in the
country which set the crisis in motion - France.


Re: [CTRL] California considers remote laser kill switches for ca rs

2000-09-14 Thread Dale Stonehouse

This is like gun control. Law-abiding citizens will comply and criminals
will remove the device so they can flee the controlling authorities.

Will someone eventually try legislation to stop bowel movements because the
odor offends them? Illegality just does not prevent some things.

 -Original Message-
 From: Kris Millegan [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Thursday, September 14, 2000 10:49 AM
 Subject:  [CTRL] California considers remote laser kill switches for

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Chase Manhattan Banks' Right-Wing Relationship

2000-09-14 Thread Kris Millegan

Click Here: A HREF="aol://5863:126/alt.conspiracy:641650"Chase Manhattan
Banks' Right-Wing Relationship/A
Subject: Chase Manhattan Banks' Right-Wing Relationship
k /A (Chat Pile)
Date: Wed, Sep 13, 2000 2:15 AM

Chase Manhattan Banks' Right-Wing Relationship by Lederman

Chase Manhattan Banks' Right-wing Relationship
by Robert Lederman

The Rockefeller family's Chase Manhattan Bank has as its
motto, "Chase: The right relationship". As Chase is on the
verge of buying J.P. Morgan and becoming the world's richest
bank, it might be timely to explore a bit of the history behind
that slogan.

Chase Bank actively supported the most viciously racist regime
in world history, Nazi Germany's Third Reich. Unlike many
other banks which also have done business with murderous
regimes, Chase's involvement was much more than just a
business arrangement. Morgan Bank has a similar history of
closely working with Hitler and advocating Nazism both before
and throughout WWII.

Chase Bank, it's owners, the Rockefeller family and the
family's other main business-Standard Oil (now known as
Exxon)-were an integral part of Hitler's war effort. Rockefeller,
Standard Oil and Chase Bank helped put Hitler in power,
helped him build the world's deadliest army, supplied him with
oil throughout the war and after the war helped the Nazi elite to
smuggle billions of dollars stolen from Holocaust victims and
Nazi-occupied countries out of Germany and into Swiss and
Latin American banks.

The powerhouse of Germany's war industry was I.G. Farben
the chemical company that patented and manufactured
Zyklon-B the nerve gas used in Auschwitz. The relationship of
I.G. Farben to Auschwitz went much deeper than Zyklon-B.

Auschwitz was built by I.G. Farben as a slave labor camp that
manufactured rubber and other materials for the Nazi war
effort and "recycled" gold fillings, human hair and other
substances derived from those worked to death or killed in the
gas chambers. At the end of WWII I.G. Farben was
transformed into BASF, Bayer and Hoescht.

Rockefeller/Standard Oil was the largest stockholder in I.G.
Farben and I.G. Farben was-next to Rockefeller-the largest
shareholder in Standard Oil. Presidents Roosevelt and Truman
considered Standard Oil's executives and Rockefeller to be
traitors to America.

John D. Rockefeller was also the world's biggest promoter of
Eugenics, the pseudo-science of racial differences, selective
breeding and "race betterment". Among the "scientists" his
foundation funded was Auschwitz's infamous doctor of death
Josef Mengele. Eugenics led directly to the Holocaust. Today,
Rockefeller foundations continue to fund Eugenics programs
worldwide under the guise of improving human health,
population control and disease control.

In America Rockefeller/Chase's most influential front may be
the Manhattan Institute, a right wing think tank founded by
former CIA director William Casey after he helped bring
thousands of former Nazis to America following WWII. The
Manhattan Institute is the origin of every racially-biased,
constitution-violating policy Mayor Rudolph Giuliani has
instituted in New York City during the past six years.

Among the resident scholars associated with the Institute is
Charles Murray author of The Bell Curve. This controversial
book advances the idea that African Americans are genetically
and intellectually inferior to Whites as a justification for
eliminating welfare and affirmative action.

The Manhattan Institute is also the originator of G.W. Bush's
"compassionate conservatism". Bush, who has presided over
more executions than all other U.S. Governors combined,
claims that next to the bible Chase Bank's Manhattan Institute
has been the greatest influence on his ideas.

G.W. Bush's father, George Bush, was a Rockefeller puppet
according to Ronald Reagan and had numerous former Nazis
involved in his presidential campaign. G.W. Bush's
grandfather, Prescott Bush, managed Wall Street front
companies that raised money for Hitler and shipped supplies to
the Nazis. These companies were seized by the U.S.
government in 1942 under the Trading With the Enemy act.

The Rockefeller's art museum, The Museum of Modern Art
insists on displaying art seized by the Nazis from Jews on their
way to the concentration camps. It recently got a $65 million
dollar gift of NYC tax dollars from Mayor Giuliani at the same
time he was cutting the budget for art education in NYC
schools and asking the U.S. Supreme Court to eliminate First
Amendment protection for all visual art.

Chase Manhattan Banks' logo is a modified swastika. When
you see or hear their ads about Chase: The Right Relationship
think Hitler, Nazism and Auschwitz. Morgan Bank, the Swiss
Banks that stole and hid Jewish bank accounts and Chase
belong together. They truly are, the right relationship.

AP 9/12/2000 Chase Manhattan in Talks to Purchase J.P.

[CTRL] The Windsor Dynasty and Dictatorship.

2000-09-14 Thread Kris Millegan

Click Here: A HREF="aol://5863:126/alt.conspiracy:641556"The Windsor
Dynasty and Dictatorship./A
Subject: The Windsor Dynasty and Dictatorship.
Date: Tue, Sep 12, 2000 2:19 PM
Message-id: 8pm6n1$9po$[EMAIL PROTECTED]

The UK at this very moment is suffering a fuel crisis.  Oil refineries have
been blockaded and predictions have been made th the UK will run dry of
pertrol in 48 hours.  Government statements have been intransagent
throughout the day.  The British Prime Minster, Tony Blair has thrown down
the gaunlet, ordering the forces of the State to act.  The immediate period
seems uncertain.  The government is now facing it's most grave
crisis.  Behind this hide the powers of dicatatorship and the Actual 'Secret
State', not the fantasy one described ad nausea on this Group.

This pretend 'Secret State' serves a certain section of the US
establishment, which is rightwing and neo-fascist.  It is united in it's
Anglophobia.   EIR is one of the many political organs which articulates
this reactionary constigencies political agenda.  What ever other
relationships they might have, we  know that Fayed and EIR have made
similiar statements about the high ranking members of the Royal Family and
the death of Princess Diana.  Both Fayed and EIR have been in the forefront
of creating the Diana assassination myth.  Such myths serves only to
disguise the truth, not illuminate it.

The actual 'Secret State' and the myth of constitutional monachy has been
revealed in the current events, but idealists such are unable to see it.

  Tony Blair began his statement,

"We have made the necessary emergency order of council. The oil companies
are agreed that they must move supplies," Mr Blair said."
( BBC Tuesday, 12 September, 2000)

'Emergency order of council'  This obscure reference is to the Crown
Prerogative Power and the Privy council.  This body, a manifestation of the
political role of the Monarch exposes again the bourgeois argument, of the
powerlessness and cerimonial role of the crown.

Blair broke off engagements today, to chair an emergency meeting of the
cabinet.  The decisions of this remain unclear but we do know that Blair
related to his ministers, the result of his meeting on Monday, of the Queens
Privy Council at which the Queen was present.  The Privy Council, which
dates back to Norman times, is body of senior politicians, including all the
party leaders, who along with judges and church dignitaries advises the

According  to the BBC,

"Under section three of the Energy Act 1976, the government can be granted
exceptional powers to control the supply of fuel across the country.
Should ministers choose to use these powers, they can direct oil companies
to designate petrol stations to supply emergency and essential services
only.  Services deemed "essential" include schools public transport
food delivery lorries Although the act allows for military intervention, the
government has ruled out bringing in soldiers to assist the police officers
currently marshalling the protests."
(12th September 2000)

The relative trappings of constituational monachy are now shaken by the
inherent problems of UK capitalism in a Eurpean wide, possible global
crisis.  Behind these trapings stand dictatorship and absolute Monarchy
known in the modern era as the Emergency government.  Bourgeois theorists
have themselves hinted at this 'hidden' apsect of the  Capitalist state here
in the UK.  Constitutional theorist Vernon Bogdanor wrote in The Monarchy
and the Constitution,

"Thus,  if either of these two conditions - the two-party system and a
situation of political stability - was to change, the role of the Monarchy
might change also.  The largely formal role of the soveriegn, therefore is
contingent.  It is not inherent in constituional monarchy"(Published by
Oxford p 78)

The weak and unstable bourgeois, act as they do in all times of crisis.
look to the Crown,  a vestige of a Feudal past, to sort out their problems.
These are the consquences of the uncompleted English Civil War.

Political solutions at heart Republican, have never been more obvious.

Lovers of demcracy beware!  Dictatorship is on the horizion.  Keep your eyes


Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to 

Re: [CTRL] Fw: Elvis' doctor denied plea for medical license

2000-09-14 Thread Aleisha Saba

Well Amelia - this doctor was a real Mafia type doctor.   What always
bothered me, Elvis entered that mansion, smiled at kids and waved to
them, and then within hour or so was dead.he had a five inch karate
chop to back of his neck and the original autopsy report
disappeared...National Enquirer then headed up Bob Pope, CIA, put
out $50,000 for its return.

Then when I saw Elvis will I really knew something was wrong - he got in
with a bad bunch, bad company - not that he was perfect  and his
mother's tombstone has Not My Will But Thy Will Be Done.and her
masonic Eastern Star symbolism.strange she was in Eastern Star?

The father Presley was roped in with a woman, a floosie whom my friend
saw in Vegas with know Mafia henchmen...shortly then Vernon died
too.but Elvis has a little brother somewhere supposedly.

His will - you only need two witnesses on a will and this will had been
doctored - and lines drawn for addition of two or three more witnesses -
when my house was burglarized a lot of stuff I had was taken and this
little box I had had a picture of Elvis in Germany with a friend of
mine.on the back it said "Look at that truck driver and guess
who".and it was Elvis

Elvis was knocked off but sometimes I hope it was true that he like a
Hoffa maybe escaped.you canno believe anything you read.

Elvis was doomed and this is how I knew he was going to die..

Right before Marilyn Monroe died, Tass said "poor Marilyn, look how she
is being treated"and she had become communist pawn through that

Right before Elvis died I was in my favorite restaurant prior to meeting
and was playing a song just put on Juke Box -  I Can't Help Falling In
Love With You.and it came on TV that Tass said:

Poor Elvis, look how he is being treated, etc. etc., same
garbage..and I said my god they are going to get Elvis Presley -
that was the tip off.

Then he died...but the same line theyput out on Marilyn Monroe for
she was getting old to soon and looked horrible...nothing like
photos  put up for show - Mailer reproduced some of these in his
insulting book.

But Elvis - they tried to say he was a communist...in his last songs
he sang Dixie but the one "hush little baby, do not cry - you know your
daddy has to die"came on the airhe left many messages and that I
Did It My Way was always the last curtain call.

Remembr Oswald when asked what was in his package said "Curtain
Rods"..well that symbolied the gun that would brin down the curtain,
on JFK.the rod of iron in Job.

Secret to Elvis death found in job too..always loved Elvis, but my
mother thought he was horrible until she found out he loved his mother
then he could do no wrong.

Wonder where his little brother is and if that Dee Presley still hangs
around with the mob?  Bob Green got out line equating to bible
code.right out of Job.

So who can prove what?   The five in karate chop is what my MI6 friend
questionedand CIA Pope was more than just a little concerned at the
time for when he put up $50,000 in those days that was lot of money as
he put up similar amount for info on the missing Hoffa and boy did I
have stuff on that one...but then, so did the FBI for the tracked a
trail to this Jew Doctor's farm where he entertained Meyer Lansky.

Something happened to everybody I liked...but Elvis trying to get US
Marshall badge like a little kid - this killer doctor group who had hit
man murdering for them - they were going to get US Marshall badges
someohow through a congressman - boy they had drag - but always
remember, Lansky's son went to West Point - this is what West Point is
turning out these days?   Has West Point been sold out too like Lincoln
Bedroom.I call that place the Bates Motel.


Interesting item Amelia..but Elvis, someday I will drag that stuff
out again for something really sinister happened to that
kid...smiling at midnight, and dead shortly thereafter ?
His friends were stealing from him and who knows could have been
drugging his drinks - east to control someone under drugs.but he was
in great anger, and he knew it - always feared a smiling manchurian
killer coming at him for he noticed how they all seemed to
smile..programmed killers.

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be 

Re: [CTRL] California considers remote laser kill switches for cars

2000-09-14 Thread nessie

This technology is redundant. Motor vehicles can be stopped remotely with
HERF/LERF guns, and old technology


 Mysterious 'Z Ray'
   Cripples Plane Engines
   Over NY In 1935
The Denver Post, May 26, 1935, Page 1

New York, May 25 - Airplane pilots making flight in
this vicinity have asked the department of commerce
to investigate a supposed radio-ray device which
they believe stops the motors of airplanes passing
over New York city.

The airplanes, flying over the central part of
Manhattan, have had mysterious troubles with their
engines during the last few months. As a result,
belief is spreading in aeronautical circles here
that some short-wave experimenter has developed a
"Z-ray" which interferes with the workings of
airplane motors at which it is aimed.

A peculiar thing about the occurrences is that the
planes' motors simply "go dead" without apparent
cause, and when they are examined later, it is
seldom possible to determine what was wrong. Twice,
however, electrical parts have been found to be
burned out, as if by a heavy current of

Several times disasters have narrowly been avoided,
as the magnetism which stalls the engines does not
pass off for some time, and the planes must be
brought to an emergency landing. When a plane is
flying at 5,000 feet or more over the city, it is
possible to land at one of several airports, but
the planes that have been affected by the supposed
"Z-ray" are usually flying at lower altitudes.

The most recent occurrence of this nature was the
near-disaster which overtook the cabin monoplane
piloted by Michael Stupelli, which was forced to
land with three passengers in the East river a few
days ago when its motor stopped from electrical
trouble which has not yet been solved.

The pilot reported he was "almost in a straight
line with the top" of a mid-town skyscraper, where
shortwave radio tests are known to be u under way,
when the motor gasped and died. From that instant
he was unable to get a spark out of his generator,
but when the plane was examined later the only
trouble seemed to be that several electrical parts
were highly magnetized.

Radio experts here said that no experiments with
"Z-ray" were being made in Manhattan, so far as
they knew. They pointed out, however, reports from
the continent of automobiles being mysteriously
halted by short-wave devices near the Italian

Department of commerce inspectors are expected to
join with officials of the federal communications
commission in their investigation. In the meantime
major air lines have issued orders to their pilots
to obey strictly instructions against flying over
Manhattan. (END).

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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[CTRL] rent-a-cops revolt

2000-09-14 Thread nessie


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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Re: [CTRL] California considers remote laser kill switches for ca rs

2000-09-14 Thread Tenorlove

--- Dale Stonehouse [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Will someone eventually try legislation to stop bowel movements
 because the
 odor offends them? Illegality just does not prevent some things.

I hope my next-door neighbor doesn't read this. she'd be on the
boro council about this like stink on s*** trying to get it passed.

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Yahoo! Mail - Free email you can access from anywhere!

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Blair sends for the troops

2000-09-14 Thread Donald Park

Forwarded Post.

Subject: [GVT] Blair sends for the troops Posted By: Maher Shalalhashbaz
(Registered User) Posted At: 9/14/00 11:57:13 am From IP: September 14 2000

© Panic buying of bread and other perishables began after supermarkets
issued a warning of shortages by the weekend. These shelves in Bristol were
cleared out by early afternoon Photograph: JOHN EVANS/REUTERS

Blair sends for the troops


Petrol protest: Day 7

TROOPS were put on standby last night to intervene in the deepening fuel
crisis as the health service went on emergency alert, supermarkets began
rationing food and schools and businesses closed. In a dramatic move to put
pressure on the oil companies to do more to get petrol out of the
refineries, the Government deployed 80 Forces' oil lorries near hospitals
and at other strategic points.

They will deliver oil from the Forces' "considerable stocks" to essential
services if Tony Blair's latest pleas to the petrol companies fail to bear
fruit. The troops will not deliver oil from refineries. The Ministry of
Defence said: "They are being deployed, not employed."

The move came after Mr Blair admitted - exactly a day after predicting that
the country would begin returning to normal within 24 hours - that Britain
faced a national crisis that was putting lives and jobs at risk.

As the number of tanker movements remained painfully low, he appealed
directly to hauliers, farmers and taxi drivers to end their protests because
"real damage is being done to real people . . . there is a real danger now
for the NHS and other essential services. Lives are at risk".

By far the biggest demonstration yesterday was outside the Grangemouth
refinery in Scotland where 500 people set up pickets - far more than before
Mr Blair spoke on Tuesday - and there were another 200 at Stanlow in
Ellesmere Port. But police reported mere handfuls of protesters at other
depots, so that a total of fewer than a thousand people were blocking the
country's petrol supplies.

Mr Blair indicated that 500 deliveries were made during the day - on a
normal day there are more than 5,000 - but a survey by The Times suggested
that the true figure was much lower. And both ministers and the industry
admitted that even if the tankers started delivering at their usual rate, it
could be three weeks before Britain gets back to normal.

Mr Blair said that the idea that a picket at a refinery gate could determine
whether hospitals or ambulance services or public transport qualified as
essential services was an affront. Doctors and nurses needed fuel to get
into work.

In a notable softening of tone on the demand for lower fuel duties, Mr Blair
and Gordon Brown insisted through the day that they would "listen" to the
public, but Mr Blair said: "We will listen; we will not be intimidated."

Grim-faced but calm, he said it was time the country told the protesters:
"Look, whatever your views, this is not on. This is not right. It is not the
way to do things."

But opinion polls last night suggested that the demonstrators still had the
backing of most of the public. In a telephone poll for Tonight with Trevor
Macdonald, only 6 per cent of more than 700,000 callers approved of Mr
Blair's handling of the crisis.

The news that the health service was on "red alert" for the first time for
20 years - meaning that it has to draw up contingency plans to deal with
emergencies only - was given in a statement from Alan Milburn, the Health
Secretary, after more hospitals cancelled non-urgent operations and some
began running out of fresh food and supplies. High street chemists reported
a drugs shortage and said: "People will die as a result."

Some ambulance services received petrol, but others were maintaining
emergency services only, and said that elderly people at home were at risk
because GPs and nurses did not have petrol to visit them.

Supermarkets meanwhile rationed bread, milk and sugar as the Sainsbury's
chief executive wrote to Mr Blair to say that food would run out within

All the big oil companies admitted that they had got out only a fraction of
their usual deliveries. By late evening, Shell said it had made 100
deliveries, compared with more than 700 on a normal day, while Texaco said
only 34 of its 957 filling stations had received any fuel. Elf had delivered
to 30 instead of the normal 400.

Petrol protest: Day 7

* Forces put on standby to provide fuel for essential services.

* At least 375 tanker deliveries made; Mr Blair puts figure at 500.

* Alan Milburn, the Health Secretary, puts the NHS on red alert.

* Supermarkets start rationing food.

* National Blood Authority is put on emergency alert.

* Lorry convoy brings London and several motorways to a standstill.

* Children given day off as schools close.

* Thousands stay at home, unable to get to work.

* Cycle shops report a massive increase in sales.

* William Hague calls for immediate recall of Parliament.

* Petrol 

[CTRL] More on British Woes

2000-09-14 Thread Donald Park

Forwarded Post
[ener] Business Crippled, Job Fears Grow Posted By: Cascadians
(Registered User) Posted At: 9/14/00 11:07:34 am From IP: How much of this
is true vs gov pressure propaganda, dunno, BUT it does show the incipient
progress of breakdown ...

[ Fair Use: For Educational / Research Purposes Only ]
www.telegraph.co.uk:80/et...ta114.html Thursday 14 September 2000, by Sally
Pook Business crippled and job fears grow

LARGE parts of the economy will have ground to a halt by the weekend unless
fuel supplies get through, the Confederation of British Industry warned
yesterday, as it emerged that the blockades are costing British business
£250 million a day.

Companies hit by the protest are already beginning to scale back production
and lay off staff as the situation becomes critical. Experts said firms
could be driven out of business overnight, prompting widespread job losses.
Digby Jones, director-general of the CBI, said: "We need this sorted out

George Cox, director-general of the Institute of Directors, said unless the
protesters withdrew immediately, businesses and jobs would disappear
overnight. The London Chamber of Commerce said 10 per cent of all economic
output was lost yesterday and this could rise as the crisis worsens. A
spokesman said: "The effects are being felt right across the economy with
the sectors of retail, distribution and freight all being hit extremely

The British Chambers of Commerce said businesses had now reached a
"critical" stage. A spokesman said: " There is a mood of desperation amongst
businesses, especially smaller ones which do not have contingency plans.
Companies are already laying off staff and our message to the protesters is
to stop these blockades now."

A leading Scottish food company said millions of chickens and thousands of
pigs could die if the crisis continued. Aberdeen-based Grampian Country Food
Group was unable to transport animal feed from plants across Britain to its
farms. Alasdair Cox, group marketing manager, said 30 million chickens and
100,000 pigs were at risk and that the effects of the nationwide protests
could be felt by the firm within 24 hours.

Peter's Food Service Group, which employs 1,100 people in Bedwas, near
Caerphilly, laid off 350 workers temporarily yesterday. Gary Waller,
chairman of the Alliance Group of Companies Ltd, which acts as freight
forwarding agents, has offered to accommodate his staff at his stables on
his 44-acre farm near Chelmsford, Essex, because they cannot get to work.

Banks could also start to run out of money. The finance union UNIFI said
banks were reporting difficulties filling up cash machines because of "huge"
distribution problems from secure bullion depots around the country. But
customers were asked yesterday not to panic and withdraw large sums. ...
[snip] ... Post deliveries are facing "significant disruption". The Post
Office yesterday began planning to reduce services because of mounting
problems caused by the shortage of fuel. The service guaranteeing next day
delivery has already been suspended. The Post Office said it could not
specify when other cuts might have to be made but it was only sensible to
begin planning now to reduce services. A spokesman added: "Our reserve of
fuel is now very low."

The country's 18,500 post offices were being treated as priorities so that
internal deliveries of cash to pay benefits such as pensions, could continue
for as long as possible.

Bus and coach services were "approaching critical" yesterday, with most
public transport operators expecting to run out of fuel in the next few
days. In some areas, only Sunday services were operating and it was
predicted that most services would grind to a halt by the end of the week.

Mike Bartlett, spokesman for the Confederation of Passenger Transport, said:
"We are waiting and hoping that the Government will allocate some fuel for
us but at the moment we have not been designated an essential service. If we
have to hold out like everyone else, many bus and coach services will grind
to a halt by the end of the week, while others will end in the next couple
of days."

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:

[CTRL] Russian Military not in trouble: Col Stanislav Llunev: News Max editorial

2000-09-14 Thread Donald Park

Forwarded Post: Newsmax.com
   Although this is a contraray opinion to liberal press ideas; doesn't this
seem rather like the direction of things in the US?  I mean letting our
conventional forces become bedraggled and unready for real combat while
police forces become stronger and militarized?  Governments afraid of their
peoples.  DP

Russian Military Is Not In Big Trouble After All

Col. Stanislav Lunev Thursday, Sept. 14, 2000

After the recent Russian nuclear attack submarine tragedy in the Barents
Sea, some military experts and the U.S. mainstream press have been
speculating about the alleged poor condition of Russia's strategic nuclear
and conventional armed forces.

Unfortunately the reality is different, and one of the world largest and
most powerful military machines is not in really bad shape at all.

The Kursk submarine tragedy was no accident, but was the logical result of
Russia¹s President Vladimir Putin's policy, which is intent on moving the
nation toward the re-establishment of a totalitarian state by any means

The sub's disaster also provides an example of former KGB Lt. Colonel
Putin's manner of leading Russia in very difficult time of its history.

We know that the supposedly visionary Putin was missing in action when it
came to handling the submarine crisis in the Barents Sea. His "activity"
during the disaster suggests a picture of a cold-hearted man who does not
care about the people, including the men and women in military uniforms
involved in the realization of his ambitious plans and intentions.

We also know these plans are based on Putin¹s militaristic policy. As the
Russian press reported on Aug 11, one day before Kursk tragedy, President
Putin summoned his highest military officials to the Kremlin for a secret
debate over the future of Russian defense, and to defuse tensions over
control of its nuclear arsenal.

At a four-hour meeting of the Security Council President Putin discussed
with his military leaders and the most powerful members of his Cabinet
future developments of Russia's strategic nuclear and conventional forces.

For weeks these problems were at the center of a dispute between Defense
Minister Igor Sergeev and the Chief of General Staff Anatoly Kvashnin.
Sergeev, a former commander of the Strategic Missile Forces, is a strong
supporter of these forces and argued that Russia needs to improve its
nuclear arsenal to deter possible attacks by other nations.

Army General Kvashnin, on the other hand, planned to reduce the strategic
nuclear forces by merging them with the Air Force, and spend more money for
the development of conventional weapons. In recent weeks this dispute became
so personal that Mr.Sergeev blasted the General Staff Chief's idea as
"criminal insanity" at an public military event.

Details of this meeting¹s final outcome remains unclear. Sergei Ivanov,
Security Council Secretary, said that resolutions on increasing military
spending and improving combat readiness had been adopted, but they had yet
to be finalized.

Defense Minister Sergeev stated that "no missile silo will be destroyed
until its service life expires."

Like everyhing going on in Russia today, this dispute looks more like a show
than a real concern. First of all, future development of Russia's military
has already been proclaimed by the new Military Doctrine, approved by Putin
last spring. According to this document, the nuclear weapons are Russia's
first line of defense against any outside aggression, but in the future the
government will pay more attention to conventional forces because of the
former imbalance in their development.

We know that over the last eight years Boris Yeltsin's government used about
70 percent of Russia's military budget for the development of its strategic
nuclear forces. Currently Moscow¹s arsenal has so many thousands of nuclear
warheads that it's more then enough to destroy our planet several times

But Mr.Sergeev, former commander of these forces, spent most of this money
to acquire about 20 new Topol-M (Poplar-M) missiles every year since he
became defense minister in 1997.

Its one of the paradoxes of our life that although having been in a very
deep economic crisis Russia developed and deployed the operational Topol-M
top-of-the-line mobile intercontinental strategic ballistic nuclear missile
system, a system which even the U.S. military simply cannot afford.

Traditionally Russia has always used its nuclear forces to extort money from
the West by threatening the prospect of a world nuclear catastrophe if new
loans and credits do not come to Moscow in time to prevent one. At the same
time, however, the Yeltsin government paid little attention to Russia's
conventional forces because of a simple shortage of money, most of whch had
been used for the nuclear arsenal.

During the last several years the near-1 million man-strong conventional
forces were in a real decline, with very low combat readiness and extremely
low morale among 

[CTRL] China: Editorial WND : The End of Sanity

2000-09-14 Thread Donald Park

 China's strategic deception

Editor's note: Anthony C. LoBaido, currently on assignment in the Middle
East, filed this intriguing profile of the nation of Jordan. LoBaido's
harrowing, first-hand report of dodging a radical Islamic terrorist group is
featured in this month's WorldNet magazine. Read his full report by
subscribing to WorldNet at WND's online store.

By Anthony C. LoBaido © 2000, WorldNetDaily.com, Inc.

As Communist China ferries in 70,000 troops and prisoners to "protect" the
interests of Beijing in Sudan's rich oil fields, several troubling and
ironic forces are coming into play.

Primary among these forces is the cyclical nature of history. Around 400 AD,
Attila the Hun sacked the Roman Empire after rampaging through the Middle
East. Not many in the West realize that Attila had been trained in Rome's
finest military academy.

Already we see a parallel of how the Clinton administration has openly armed
the Chinese with our finest high tech technology, given a 21 gun salute at
Arlington to the butchers of Tiananmen Square and actually asked China -- in
perhaps the most galling statement issued under the eight years of treason
we have suffered under Clinton -- to "help America with our human rights

About 800 years after Attila, who died in Italy a very rich man after
extorting Rome for immense bribes in gold, Ghengis Khan conquered Russia,
the Middle East and again threatened Europe. He was stopped by the
Mamelukes, the mysterious slave-kings who came to rule Egypt at that time --
around 1200 AD. The destruction Ghengis Khan left across the Middle East --
the most technologically superior region of its time -- was so great that
the area has never recovered to this very day.

It would behoove all China watchers to check the time line. First 400 AD,
then 800 years, fast forward to 1200 AD. Now here we are, another 800 years
later. America sits like a Queen atop the global economy. As Sir Walter
Raleigh once said, "He who would command the world's trade commands the
riches of the world and hence, the world itself."

This decade-long utopia since the "end" of the Cold War is rapidly beginning
to erode. And it is not merely the fact that both China and Russia have
threatened to launch nuclear war against America that we should find so
alarming. It is not the fact that China is openly arming Pakistan against
India and seeks to manipulate the two nations into an apocalyptic war that
will open China's pathway into the Middle East.

What is most scary of all is the fact that so many American's don't know or
don't want to know what America's enemies, including China, are up to. The
issue is almost totally ignored by the media and our gutless Senate and
treasonous Manchurian President. As my erudite colleague J.R. Nyquist has so
eloquently pointed out, "It's not that Americans don't know" what's going
on, "it's that they can't know."

Why can't they know? Because it's a secret or a conspiracy of some sorts?
Surely the Clinton regime by and large fears the people. The mass media
ignores the threats of China and Russia against the U.S. But there is
something more to it. The fact is that the American people "can't know"
because they are morally and spiritually blind. To teach them about the
threat China, Russia and Marxism present to them would involve a total
re-education process the likes of which Western Civilization has never seen.

It would involve courses in non politically-correct history, and then
geography, religion, moral teachings, international relations, economics,
ideals of human liberty, archaeology and many other disciplines.

As the Judeo Christian character of Americans has been steadily eroded since
the 1960s we have finally come to the point where we now see the weakening
of the greatest human impulse. That being the erosion of the self
preservation instinct.

"There is no more America," we are told by our globalist-minded
"leadership." Only ATT, Microsoft and Coca-Cola. So we arm China and
Russia, give them billions in loans and ignore their threats. Twenty-first
century Americans are like children who believe that if they all participate
in the same mass delusion that they can somehow change reality.

But we can't change reality. Are you ready for a dose of reality? America is
ready to fall and fall right now, along with the rest of the West.

The situation is critical. Europe has once again decayed to the paganism of
pre-Christian times. This decline is led by the UK-style Tony Blair
morality. Their worst acts include having UK police brutally beat British
citizens who were peacefully protesting China's human rights atrocities and
their push to legalize sex between men and boys down to the age of 12 -- as
it is in Spain. As European civilization has lost its vision, will and
religion, it has almost lost all of its territory.

Europe's armies are a joke. Australia 

[CTRL] Clarke Calls for Cold Fusion

2000-09-14 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER



Clarke Calls for Cold Fusion

September 14, 2000 08:25 CDT

Arthur C. Clarke, at 83 one of the century's greatest scientists
and thinkers, bluntly criticized the science press and colleagues
for ignoring and debunking the potential of cold fusion

Speaking via a pre-recorded video presentation at the British
Association's Festival of Science this week, Clarke declared
"society has made a huge mistake in rejecting out of hand the
idea that cold fusion may be possible,"  reported BBC News
Online. And, said the UK news service, "he mocked editors and
journalists for not giving the technology serious consideration."

The venerable Clarke is well known not only as a gifted
scientist, but as a visionary and insightful writer of science
fiction, as well. He's credited with inventing the geo-stationary
satellite, and developed the basic theory of communications
satellites while operating ground approach radar for the RAF more
than 60 years ago. His sci-fi seminal book and film, "2001: A
Space Odyssey" won an Academy Award in 1964.

Born in England, he graduated with honors in physics and
mathematics from King's College London; was an editor for the
Institution of Electrical Engineers, and served 4 years as
chairman of the British Interplanetary Society a half-century

This week, said BBC, Clarke predicted that the "age of fossil
fuels" is coming to an end, "anomalous sources of energy" must be
developed. Cold fusion, he said, should be a candidate in this

BBC said cold fusion "first hit the headlines in 1989 when
researchers Martin Fleishmann and Stanley Pons suggested it was
possible to generate heat through the fusion of atoms at normal
temperatures. But when leading scientists failed to reproduce
their results and Fleishmann and Pons retracted some of their
early claims, cold fusion was dismissed as nonsense."

But researchers have continued to develop the technology with
little funding, and Clarke told the scientific gathering that
such energy research needs to be brought out of the closet.

BBC quoted several of Clarke's more intriguing remarks in its
Monday editions, some of which were delivered in the context of
urging scientists and journalists to stretch their vision into
the future:

--"Over the last decade there have been literally hundreds of
reports from all over the world from highly qualified people and
distinguished institutions of anomalous sources of energy. They
may or may not be cold fusion and in some cases have nothing to
do with nuclear power. Although there are lots of crooks, cranks
and cowboys in this field, I believe there is now enough
published evidence to prove that something strange is going on,"
said Clarke.

"We will soon have materials 100 times stronger than any metal
and perhaps weighing no more than ordinary plastics. Their impact
on every aspect of life will be enormous: buildings that are
kilometers high, and land, sea and air vehicles that are only a
fraction of their present weight." (Referring, he said, to the
coming "Carbon Age" which would lead to "extraordinary" new
materials such as the C60 molecule, a ball-shaped cage of carbon

Staff Writer Sally Suddock

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] NYDN: Maybe THEY'RE producing the HBO Lewinsky movie ?

2000-09-14 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

Mitchell Fink
NYDaily News

Talk Is Chelsea  Bill Will Elect for Showbiz

Bill Bill Clinton be satisfied as a househusband if his wife wins
election to the U.S.  Senate?

Not if First Daughter Chelsea has a say in things.  She even
wants her dad to be president again.

I heard an extraordinary story going around Hollywood about a
production company Chelsea wants to start.  And guess who she'd
like to have as her partner?  Dad.

According to the buzz, the company would be called Two Terms
Productions.  Bill Clinton would be its president and his
daughter would be vice president.

And, sources say, the company would provide a way for Chelsea to
stick a toe in the Hollywood pool and become an actress.

A White House spokeswoman disputes the story.

"There's absolutely nothing to it," she said.  "But the name
definitely got a good laugh."

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2000-09-14 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER


An atmosphere of confusion and disappointment spread among the
ranks inside of the Washington bureau of the NEW YORK TIMES
Thursday morning after the newspaper lost two high-impact
exclusives to competitors.

Going into last weekend, editors at the TIMES were set to publish
two exclusives, according to newsroom sources, one involving a
possible link between Gore, a veto vote, and a $100,000 donation
from a wealthy Texas lawyer, another exploring First Lady Hillary
Clinton possibly rewarding campaign contributors with overnight
stays at the White House and Camp David.

But editors scrambled late Wednesday when both stories, which
still had not been published, began appearing in other outlets.

"We blew it!  Both stories were ready," said a disgruntled
newsroom source who demanded anonymity.  "All this hard work on
Gore...  and we are beat by TIME.COM?!"

NEW YORK TIMES star reporter Don Van Natta Jr.  is said to have
been horrified Wednesday night as he watched TIME.COM, FOX NEWS,
the WASHINGTON TIMES and others race details of what was to be

Just hours prior, before the Gore story hit airwaves and wires,
NEW YORK TIMES Washington editor Jill Abramson refused to answer
questions why and how it was that stories unfavorable to
Democrats where apparently not making it into print, while the
TIMES proudly featured a Page One story on George W.  Bush’s
campaign signing off an anti-Gore ad that flashed the
"subliminal" message "RATS".

"I am not going to answer these questions!" Abramson shouted into
the phone.

When asked by the DRUDGE REPORT how she could possibly sit back
and let TIME.COM soon beat the NEW YORK TIMES on the Gore story,
Abramson hung up the phone.

Then, according to one newsroom eyewitness, Abramson quickly
moved into action.

"Let’s get this thing out!" Abramson snapped to an associate.

Six hours after the call to Abramson, the TIMES finally placed
the Gore report on its website.  But by that point, it was too
late.  Other outlets were reporting the same details.

The Gore story was ready to run as early as last Friday, then it
was moved to Sunday, according to sources.  But then editors
decided to feature the Hillary Clinton exclusive on Page One of
Sunday editions. Gore was delayed.  But one editor raised
concerns on Saturday that it would be unfair to publish the
Hillary story so close to her debate [the White House was also
unwilling to release the names of Camp David guests].  The
Hillary story was put on ice.

"Everything kept getting delayed from a scheduling point of
view," said a publishing source.  "Gore was set to run on Monday,
but then Wen Ho Lee was released and he filled up the front

"I hope everyone here has learned a lesson," said the source.
"We can’t hold back news." An atmosphere of confusion and
disappointment spread among the ranks inside of the Washington
bureau of the NEW YORK TIMES Thursday morning after the newspaper
lost two high-impact exclusives to competitors.

Going into last weekend, editors at the TIMES were set to publish
two exclusives, according to newsroom sources, one involving a
possible link between Gore, a veto vote, and a $100,000 donation
from a wealthy Texas lawyer, another exploring First Lady Hillary
Clinton possibly rewarding campaign contributors with overnight
stays at the White House and Camp David.

But editors scrambled late Wednesday when both stories, which
still had not been published, began appearing in other outlets.

"We blew it!  Both stories were ready," said a disgruntled
newsroom source who demanded anonymity.  "All this hard work on
Gore...  and we are beat by TIME.COM?!"

NEW YORK TIMES star reporter Don Van Natta Jr.  is said to have
been horrified Wednesday night as he watched TIME.COM, FOX NEWS,
the WASHINGTON TIMES and others race details of what was to be

Just hours prior, before the Gore story hit airwaves and wires,
NEW YORK TIMES Washington editor Jill Abramson refused to answer
questions why and how it was that stories unfavorable to
Democrats where apparently not making it into print, while the
TIMES proudly featured a Page One story on George W.  Bush’s
campaign signing off an anti-Gore ad that flashed the
"subliminal" message "RATS".

"I am not going to answer these questions!" Abramson shouted into
the phone.

When asked by the DRUDGE REPORT how she could possibly sit back
and let TIME.COM soon beat the NEW YORK TIMES on the Gore story,
Abramson hung up the phone.

Then, according to one newsroom eyewitness, Abramson quickly
moved into action.

"Let’s get this thing out!" Abramson snapped to an associate.

Six hours after the call to Abramson, the TIMES finally placed
the Gore report on its website.  But by that point, it was too
late.  Other outlets were reporting the same details.

The Gore story was ready to run as early as last Friday, then it
was moved to Sunday, according to sources.  But then editors

Re: [CTRL] (CTRL) NH: Dubya's Massacre of English: From Dyslexia or Too Much Lying?

2000-09-14 Thread Robert F. Tatman

Actually, G.W.'s uncanny ability to mangle language ("subliminable?") probably
comes as much as anything from having grown up in the oil industry.  Oilmen (and
it *is* a man's industry) speak a lingo all their own, perhaps best called
"oll-spick," which derives from the East Texas brand of English.  An oilman can
be from Maine and he will still sound like an East Texan.  Rather like Humpty
Dumpty, oll-spick operates on the assumption that you have to prove who's the
master, you or the word...  (FWIW, my uncle was a petroleum geologist in
Lafayette, Lousiana for years, and knew a lot of the top people in the oil
industry.  And even though he was born in New Haven, Connecticut, and grew up in
Philadelphia, he still spoke like an East Texas farmhand.)

- Original Message -
From: "Prudence L. Kuhn" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, September 14, 2000 8:14 AM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] (CTRL) NH: Dubya's Massacre of English: From Dyslexia or Too
Much Lying?

 In a message dated 09/12/2000 5:43:53 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

  Effete, Liberal snob rag Vanity Fair has published a piece by one
  of their premier elitist liberal writers, Gail Sheehy. She has
  opined that Dubya Bush's undeniable and inexcusable mangling and
  butchering of the English language may stem from un-admitted
  and/or undiagnosed dyslexia.

 Well, it sounds plausible, but it's not the case.  Dyslexia gives one a sight
 problem.  My daughter is a dyslexic.  She was trained to see properly, and
 from the moment of her training she has had no problems  unless she gets
 overtired.  She has a degree and works for the Government in contracting.  It
 is not necessary for a dyslexic to go through life being treated as a blind
 person, but the educational types in this country have made it near
 impossible for the proper training to be made available.  Why I do not know.
 Still no matter how bad the dyslexia is, it is only a sight problem.  It does
 not cause a difficulty with speech or memory.   In fact most dyslexics have
 wonderful memories.  There are children who can recite whole books.  I don't
 know Dubya well enough to have an opinion on his intelligence.  I don't like
 him, because he is a member of the Bush family, and that troop scare the hell
 out of me.  Prudy

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Harry Browne's stand on the War on Drugs

2000-09-14 Thread K
Harry Browne's stand on the War on Drugs

Before there were drug laws in America, there were virtually
no drug problems.  There were no muggers on the street trying to
support a $100-a-day habit, no pushers on high school campuses trying to hook children on drugs, no gangs fighting over monopoly drug territories, no drive-by shootings, no crack babies, and overdoses were very rare. Other than during alcohol Prohibition, nothing like those problems had ever been seen in America until the late 1960s. And then the War on Drugs made them happen. The War on Drugs is a total failure, and there is hardly a soul in America who doesn't know it. Government can't keep drugs out of the country; it can't even keep drugs out of its own prisons. And yet the Democrats and Republicans go right on spending your money, building more prisons, authorizing more wire-taps and inspections of your private affairs -- just as though the Drug War was one of America's greatest successes.  I want to end
the War on Drugs -- which will take the criminal profit out of the
drug trade and bring peace to our cities once again. I also want to
end the tyranny that's been imposed in the name of a "drug free"
America -- something that has never been and never will be. The
federal government has no constitutional authority to prosecute any
common crime -- not even murder, assault, or rape, let alone anything having to do with smoking, drinking, or drugs.  Today there are hundreds of thousands of people in prisons who have never committed violence against anyone, never stolen anything, never threatened anyone. They are there for the act of smoking a marijuana cigarette, or for selling some marijuana to their friends, or for using cocaine or selling it. Some of them are actually innocent, but they were convicted on the testimony of actual drug dealers who received reduced sentences in exchange for testifying against someone -- anyone will do. Meanwhile, murderers, rapists, and child molesters are released early because the prisons are overflowing with drug prisoners.  On my first day in office I will pardon everyone who has been convicted of a non-violent federal drug offense. I will empty the federal prisons of the marijuana smokers, and make room for the truly violent criminals
who are terrorizing our citizens. And I will make it possible for
addicts to seek treatment without fear of criminal prosecution.  The
Quotable Harry Browne: on the War on Drugs  "There are no violent
gangs fighting over aspirin territories. There are no violent gangs
fighting over whisky territories or computer territories or anything
else that's legal. There are only criminal gangs fighting over
territories covering drugs, gambling, prostitution, and other
victimless crimes. Making a non-violent activity a crime creates a
black market, which attracts criminals and gangs, which turns what was once a relatively harmless activity affecting a small group of people into a widespread epidemic of drug use and gang warfare."
"Before World War I, any child in America could walk into a drug store and buy heroin. It was sold as a pain-reliever and a sedative, in measured doses, just as Bayer sells aspirin today. The child didn't need a note from his parents or a doctor's prescription. And yet, despite this unrestricted availability of drugs, there was no drug problem in America. But when the government made drugs illegal, it created a black market -- providing enormous profits in return for running the risk of prosecution -- which led inevitably to the muggers, the pushers, the gangs, and the violence."

"The Republicans  Democrats have put so many people in prison for victimless crimes that there's no room left for the violent criminals -- the murderers, the rapists, and the child molesters who are now going free because of plea bargains and early releases. Libertarians want to end the insane War on Drugs that has created a criminal black market in drugs, financed gang warfare, and brought violence and terror to our cities -- just as during the alcohol Prohibition of the 1920s. Libertarians want to
empty the prisons of the pot smokers and other non-violent offenders, and keep the violent criminals off the streets -- restoring the peaceful America we had before the federal government became the nation's #1 "crime fighter" in the 1960s."

"I have never met anyone who thinks we're winning the Insane War on Drugs. Nor have I met anyone who believes we will ever win it."

"Many of the politicians who say that marijuana is a "gateway" drug (leading to cocaine and crack use) apparently smoked marijuana themselves when they were younger. By their logic, that makes them crack-heads and we should pay no attention to what they say."

"When we turn to the government to stop someone from ruining his life with drugs, we convert a personal tragedy into a national disaster." Making Your Neighborhood and Your Children Safer by Ending Drug Prohibition America's crime rate has risen almost 

Re: [CTRL] Abortion and the English Language

2000-09-14 Thread Nurev Ind Research

nessie wrote:

 [EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes:
 If the "mother" wants an unborn child to live, then it's a "person",

 Not until it's born.

That's a cultural determination. Not a legal, or scientific one. One can
argue that after 24 weeks when the development of the lungs is finished,
that fetus is capable of survival with technological help. Society could
decide that it is a person at this time.

Prior to 24 weeks, the little peeper is nothing more than a mass of
functioning cells under continuous development. There is no way to make
the claim that this is a person, since it does not have lungs and organs.

Only those who are superstitionally challenged claim that this is a "person"
because to them a cell mass + soul ( a mythological concoction ) = a person.

Personally though I agree that a fetus which survives birth is a person.

The Jews don't consider a newborn a " person " until it has survived for
8 days out of the womb. On the 8th day, it gets to join the tribe by
circumcision. If it's a boy.


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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] EMF Pulses May Have Caused Recent Air Disasters

2000-09-14 Thread William Shannon

US Military EMF Pulses
May Have Caused Recent
Air Crashes
Robin McKie - Science Editor

Electromagnetic pulses from military craft may have been responsible for
several civilian airline disasters in the past four years. If the theory is
proved correct, it suggests navy ships and air force planes pose a lethal
threat to passenger flights. Crash investigators have been startled by
similarities between several tragedies. In particular, they have uncovered
common features in two crashes: Swissair 111, on 2 September 1998, and TWA
800, on 17 July 1996. Both planes took off from the same airport, New York's
JFK, on the same day, a Wednesday, at the same minute, 8.19pm. Both followed
the same route over Long Island. Both reported trouble in the same region of
airspace, and both suffered catastrophic electrical malfunctions.

And on both occasions the planes were flying at a time when extensive
military exercises - involving submarines and US Navy P3 fighter planes -
were being conducted. These factors - outlined by Elaine Scarry in the
forthcoming issue of the New York Review of Books - suggest to many
investigators that a routine weekly event, probably involving the generation
of strong electromagnetic pulses by military personnel, may have triggered
short-circuits in the two planes. In the case of the TWA 800 flight, this
could have caused a spark to set off a fire in its fuel tanks.

Alternatively, a pulse could have knocked out instruments, causing the Boeing
747 to spin out of control, making metal parts tear and produce sparks. In
the case of the Swissair 111, a fire was reported in the cabin and the plane
plunged into the sea off the coast of Nova Scotia.

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] radiation articles

2000-09-14 Thread Smart News

Hi !

Below please find information on radiation articles.

Sincerely,  Neil

Secret project carried hidden dangers - "In the 1940s and '50s, the U.S.
government secretly hired scores of private companies to process huge volumes
of nuclear weapons material... Workers were not informed of the risks.
Thousands were exposed to dangerous levels of radiation. Government reports
were classified and buried." http://www.usatoday.com/news/poison/cover.htm

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Unification Press International?? Rev. Moon's Empire

2000-09-14 Thread William Shannon

Unification Press International?
Rev. Moon Adds United Press International To His Media Empire

 By Bill Berkowitz

A little more than eight years ago, Rev. Pat Robertson was closing in on
acquiring what would have been the jewel in his media empire. Unfortunately
for him, at just about the last minute a bankruptcy judge rejected the bid by
the fabulously wealthy religious broadcaster and Christian Coalition founder,
and instead ruled that United Press International (UPI), one of the
preeminent news wire services, would be sold to a group of Middle Eastern

Fast forward to 2000: the venerable and troubled UPI has been sold yet again.
News World Communications, the new owner, is the thriving media arm of
another right-wing charismatic figure, the Rev. Sun Myung Moon and his
Unification Church. Although News World Communications has said that it
intends to maintain UPI as an independent news organization, it all hinges on
who's interpreting what "independent news organization" means. Media watchers
of all political stripes are wondering what to expect from this new Moon
circling the globe.

UPI, a 93-year-old agency, has been a financially troubled operation for the
better part of the past three decades, with multiple ownership changes during
the past 18 years. The serial owners have included Mexican publisher Mario
Vazquez Rana and a U.S. partner, Texan Joe Russo, and Infotechnology Inc.,
which is owned by Earl W. Brian, a California venture capitalist. Most
recently a group of Saudi Arabian industrialists presided over the company.
When the sale to Moon was announced, veteran White House reporter Helen
Thomas, UPI's most revered and honored employee, handed in her resignation
rather than pick up her paycheck from Moon.

The Unification Church, founded and built by the Rev. Sun Myung Moon, enjoys
501(c)(3) nonprofit tax status despite the fact that it has been a major, if
not always apparent, player in U.S. politics for many years. Organizations
participating in overt political activities are prohibited from receiving the
501(c)(3) classification.

According to the 2000 edition of The Right Guide, published by Michigan-based
Economics America Inc., the Unification Church is "adamantly anticommunist,
and has worked with conservative organizations to oppose the spread of
communism as well as on issues of traditional values and morality." The
Church runs several spin-off organizations, usually with sympathetic-sounding
names like the Professors World Peace Academy and the Women's Federation for
Peace, the latter of which not too long ago gave $3.5 million to religious
right leader Jerry Falwell's Liberty University.

In addition to its massive media holdings, the Church owns the University of
Bridgeport, in Connecticut, a private academy. One of Moon's many moneymaking
ventures, reported the Washington Post, is Kahr Arms, a manufacturer of
"small but potent pistols"; in its marketing efforts Kahr highlights the
gun's "concealability."

The Church also enjoys a significant presence in Latin America. In February,
Reuters reported that Moon had already "spent $30 million over the last five
years to buy 138,000 acres" of Brazilian swampland to build New Hope, a
community for his followers. Other investments in South America include a
bank, a hotel and a newspaper network in Uruguay. (For an extensive list of
hundreds of Unification front groups, including religious, political, media
and business operations, see http://trancenet.org/moonism/uclist.shtml.)

In 1982 Moon established the Washington Times newspaper as his flagship
publication in the United States, and as the major conservative alternative
to the Washington Post in the nation's capital. From the outset, the
well-established and highly acclaimed Post dismissed the Times as nothing
more than a daily nuisance. However, with Moon's practically unlimited
financial resources the Times survived, reaching its apex in terms of
visibility when then President Ronald Reagan acknowledged that it was the one
newspaper he read thoroughly. Stridently conservative in its editorials and
op-ed pages, the Times has been a consistent money-losing proposition for
almost two decades.

Over the years Reverend Moon has been an on-again, off-again media
personality. The Right Guide notes that when he was a Sunday-school teacher
in Korea he claimed that Jesus asked him "to complete the task of
establishing God's kingdom on earth and bringing His peace to humankind."
This kind of hubris could be said to express itself when he shows up at one
of his mass wedding ceremonies to do the honors for several thousand brides
and grooms, most of whom have never met each other. In addition, the
reverend's family has been the focus of ribald revelations, including
allegations of drug use and infidelity, over the past few years. But in
general, Reverend Moon prefers to stay out of the glare of the media's

Daniel Junas, in the March-April 1995 issue of Fairness and 

[CTRL] Steven Yates On The New World Order

2000-09-14 Thread William Shannon

From Carroll Quigley to the UN Millennium Summit: Thoughts on the New World OrderBR
by Steven YatesBR
Shortly after the collapse of Communism in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union, 
President George Bush Sr. proclaimed us as on the verge of a New World Order. Bush did 
not coin the phrase, of course; nor did he introduce it into political discourse. 
Exactly what is its intended referent? Either of two things, apparently. (1) A 
would-be global government trumping national governments, meaning the de facto end of 
national sovereignty; or (2) the efforts some believe are currently underway, 
operating through the United Nations in particular but through other groups as well 
(the Council on Foreign Relations is a frequent target) to create such a global order. 
The agenda itself is sometimes called the New World Order conspiracy.BR
Does such an agenda really exist, or are statements about conspiracies to create world 
government nothing more than "right wing" paranoia? To my mind, this question is 
surprisingly easy to answer, though the best way to approach it has changed in recent 
years. The results ought to give all believers in freedom and genuine 
self-determination more than a few sleepless nights. Yes, Virginia, there is a 
proposed New World Order, whether we call it that or not. Let us consider two separate 
pieces of evidence that point to this conclusion. The first is contained in the 
writings of an historian; the second took place right under our noses this past week 
in New York City. The word conspiracy is, however, a misnomer. Conspiracies, by 
definition, operate in secret. In that case, efforts to build a New World Order may 
have begun in secret, but now all the evidence one needs is on the UN’s own website. 
Washington, D.C., the 1960s: Carroll Quigley and Tragedy and Hope.BR
Back in the early 1960s, historian Carroll Quigley did extensive research for his 
encyclopedic Tragedy and Hope: A History of the World in Our Time. Tragedy and Hope 
recounted, in over 1,300 tightly-written pages of small print, the gradual rise to 
power of a small cadre of extremely wealthy and powerful individuals. Many were 
products of wealthy bloodlines. Some were bankers; others began in other industries 
but got into banking because that was where the real power was. They operated mostly 
behind the scenes, not as national political elites but as an international elite – or 
superelite. For them, natural borders and loyalties were increasingly meaningless. 
Much has been written about the Rothschilds who discovered in the late 1700s that it 
was possible for bankers to get rich by loaning money to governments, extending the 
loans encouraging government to become dependent on them, attaching provisions to the 
extensions calling for specific policies, and then tallying up the interest. Other 
such bloodlines would soon follow (the Rockefellers and Morgans here in the US). BR
Shortly before the turn of the last century, Cecil Rhodes, the British diamond tycoon 
who had operated for years in South Africa, willed a significant portion of his huge 
fortune to the establishment of a secret society in England. Its purpose was to lay 
the foundations for world government, under the theory that world government alone 
could bring about world peace and security for all. The Rhodes Scholarship program at 
Oxford University was drawn from this fortune as an effort to bring the "best and the 
brightest" under the influence of a certain body of ideas. Bill Clinton, of course, 
was a Rhodes Scholar for a while (although he didn’t complete the program). Many other 
influential politicians, journalists, and writers in the English-speaking world have 
been Rhodes Scholars. BR
So-called conspiracy theorists have written extensively of organizations such as the 
Council on Foreign Relations, founded in 1921, the Trilateral Commission, founded in 
1973, and the European Bilderberg Group (which, interestingly, has no home page of its 
own) as having the same goal: the creation of a world government with themselves at 
the helm. These groups have been accused of having done everything from financing the 
rise of both Communism and Nazism to bankrolling both sides in World Wars I and II. 
Allegations abound that they set about to gain control over both major political 
parties in the US, the US legal system, the US media (including all major newspapers 
and television networks as well as the Hollywood entertainment culture), and finally – 
and especially – so-called public education at all levels from kindergarten to public 
universities. They would operate by seeing to it that programs and projects that would 
help advance the agenda of centralization were well funded, while others were left to 
fend for themselves – not knowing why. BR
How much truth there is to these 

[CTRL] West Nile Virus Update

2000-09-14 Thread William Shannon

- ---
2 Individuals Are Hospitalized In Stable Condition, and One Individual Has
Been Released From The Hospital

4 New Mosquito Pools Also Test Positive for West Nile Virus

New York City Health Commissioner Neal L. Cohen, M.D., announced today [12
Sep 2000] that 3 additional individuals have tested positive for West Nile
virus in New York City: a 77 year-old man from Florida who was staying in
Canarsie, Brooklyn, is hospitalized in stable, and improving condition; a
54 year-old man who is known to spend time in both Sunset Park, Brooklyn
and Cliffside Park, N.J. is hospitalized in stable, and improving,
condition; and a 40 year-old woman from Castleton Corners, Staten Island,
who has been released from the hospital and is recovering at home. The
laboratory results were obtained by tests performed at the New York City
Department of Health's laboratories, and specimens have been sent to the
U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for further
confirmation. There is now a total of 11 people who have been diagnosed
with West Nile virus in New York City in 2000. Dr. Cohen made this
announcement at a news conference this evening with Mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani.

The Florida resident who was staying in Brooklyn became ill on 27 Aug 2000,
was admitted to the hospital with encephalitis on 3 Sep 2000, and remains
hospitalized in stable, and improving, condition. The man who has been
known to spend time in Sunset Park, Brooklyn and Cliffside Park, N.J.
became ill on 31 Aug 2000, and was admitted to the hospital with
encephalitis on 4 Sep 2000. He remains hospitalized in stable, but
improving, condition. The Staten Island woman became ill on 2 Sep 2000, was
admitted to the hospital on 5 Sep 2000 and was released from the hospital
on 11 Sep 2000.

"We will continue our extensive public outreach activities to inform the
public about our spraying activities for West Nile virus, including
scheduled radio announcements on WCBS radio, the City's West Nile
Information Line, the Health Department's website, print media, and other
media outlets. In addition, our spraying activities are escorted by New
York City Police Department vehicles with loudspeakers to help make
individuals in the vicinity of scheduled spraying operations aware of
spraying activities that will take place in that area," Dr. Cohen concluded.

The positive West Nile findings announced today include the 4 mosquito
pools on Staten Island: 3 from Grasmere (one pool was collected on 8 Aug
2000, one pool was collected on 25 Aug 2000, and one pool was collected on
26 Aug 2000), and one pool from Rossville (collected on 25 Aug 2000). All
of these areas were sprayed subsequent to these findings.

For information on West Nile virus, spraying activities, spraying
precautions, or to report dead birds and areas of standing water where
mosquitoes breed, New Yorkers can call the Health Department's West Nile
virus information line, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, at 1-877-WNV-4NYC
(1-877-968-4692). From 9 Mar 2000 to 6 Sep 2000, the Health Department West
Nile virus Information Line has received approximately 90 000 telephone
inquiries. (New Yorkers who use TTY/TDD can call 212-788-4947 weekdays from
9:00a.m. to 5:00p.m.). Extensive information is also included on the City's
Web site at nyc.gov/health.

West Nile Virus Findings Summary Summary of West Nile Virus Findings as of
12 Sep 2000: 11 humans, 99 birds, and 109 mosquito pools

Borough Findings:

Staten Island:
Birds: 45
Mosquito Pools: 88
Humans: 8 (7 at home recovering, 1 hospitalized)

Birds: 19
Mosquito Pools: 8

Birds: 17
Mosquito Pools: 4

Birds: 8
Mosquito Pools: 4

Birds: 10
Mosquito Pools: 5
Humans: 2 (hospitalized)

Person spends time in Brooklyn and New Jersey:
Humans: 1 (hospitalized)

- --

[It is of interest that there have been no confirmed human fatalities
reported due to WNV in the United States thus far this year despite
intensive monitoring. -Man. Ed. DS]


Date: Thu, 14 Sep 2000 20:46:43 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: PRO/AH/EDR West Nile virus, horses - France (02)

A ProMED-mail post

[see also:
West Nile virus, horses - France 2912.1561]

Date: 14 Sep 2000 10:15:28
From: Herve Zeller [EMAIL PROTECTED]

West Nile virus was first isolated in Camargue, in the Rhone delta, south
of France, in Sep 1964 from _Culex modestus_ mosquitoes and 2 entomologists
on field work. It was then recovered from the same mosquito species in Jul
1965 and [from] a horse in Sep 1965 (Hannoun C et al, CR Acad Sc Paris,
1964, 259, 4170-4172).

Previous evidence of West Nile circulation was 

[CTRL] Headlines

2000-09-14 Thread Nurev Ind Research


This is lifted from LangaList.  Oughta lighten things up a little.

9) Just For Grins

As a writer, I'm all too aware of how easy it is for errors to creep
into text; and how sentences that seem to make perfect sense may
actually be utter *non*sense.

But that's not enough for me to stop taking perverse pleasure in
these really, really bad headlines sent in by reader Howard H.
Hasting, Jr.:

 March Planned For Next August
 Blind Bishop Appointed To See
 Lingerie Shipment Hijacked--Thief Gives Police The Slip
 L.A. Voters Approve Urban Renewal By Landslide
 Patient At Death's Door--Doctors Pull Him Through
 Latin Course To Be Canceled--No Interest Among Students, Et Al.
 Diaper Market Bottoms Out
 Croupiers On Strike--Management "No Big Deal"
 Stadium Air Conditioning Fails--Fans Protest
 Queen Mary Having Bottom Scraped
 Henshaw Offers Rare Opportunity to Goose Hunters
 Women's Movement Called More Broad-Based
 Antique Stripper to Display Wares at Store
 Prostitutes Appeal to Pope
 Teacher Strikes Idle Kids
 Lawyers Give Poor Free Legal Advice
 Juvenile Court to Try Shooting Defendant
 Fund Set Up for Beating Victim's Kin
 Killer Sentenced to Die for Second Time in 10 Years
 Cancer Society Honors Marlboro Man
 Nicaragua Sets Goal to Wipe Out Literacy
 Autos Killing 110 a Day--Let's Resolve to Do Better
 20-Year Friendship Ends at Altar
 War Dims Hope For Peace
 If Strike Isn't Settled Quickly, It May Last A While
 Cold Wave Linked to Temperatures
 Half of U.S. High Schools Require Some Study for Graduation
 Blind Woman Gets New Kidney from Dad She Hasn't Seen in Years

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] NAAFA Speaks Out Against Removing Fat Toddler from Home

2000-09-14 Thread Ynr Chyldz Wyld

The group's website, http://www.naafa.org, also has an update regarding how the judge 
in this case has thrown
out almost everyone who wished to testify on behalf of the parents.  He has also 
banned the media from the

But I'm sure there is at least one member of this list, one who has consistently 
displayed a prejudice against
women who don't measure up to some arbitrary standard of beauty, who will agree with 
the state's decision to
take the child away from its parents...  :-7

- Original Message -

 NAAFA Speaks Out Against Removing Fat Toddler from Home

 The National Association to Advance Fat Acceptance (NAAFA) Outraged as State
Seizes Child from Parents for Not Controlling her Weight.

 Sacramento, CA, August 30,2000.

 The National Association to Advance Fat Acceptance (NAAFA) is speaking out against 
the practice of removing
children from their homes simply because they are fat.  This issue has recently moved 
to the fore as the New
Mexico Children, Youth and Families Department removed Anamarie Martinez-Rodrigo from 
her home last week.  The
parents say they lost custody of the 3-year-old girl because they couldn't control her 

 According to Monika Mahal, the child's physician, Anamarie Martinez-Rodrigo is 3-feet 
tall and weighs 120
pounds, 50 percent taller and three times heavier than the average three-year-old.  
Monika Mahal advised that
the child be removed from the parents custody.

 Miguel Regino and Adela Martinez say they have done everything they can for their 
daughter, including taking
her to the doctor and following the doctor's directions implicitly.  They are 
particularly confused about the
sudden "life threatening nature" of Anamarie's weight, as tests conducted one month 
ago showed no undue stress
on Anamarie's heart.

 Doctors frankly admit that they don't know why Anamarie is large for her age.  Some 
tests have been conducted
and many common causes have been ruled out.  According to an article recently run in 
the ABQ Journal, Dr.
Moody, who is in practice with Dr. Mahal admits, "I think everyone agrees that she has 
a slow metabolism and
it is felt that she needs a very small number of calories per day.  So I think it's 
hard to say it's
overeating in the normal sense of the word."  Yet Anamarie has been removed from the 
only home she knows
because her parents can't control her weight.

 "I am astonished that there is anyone remaining in the medical community that would 
stretch the definition of
abuse to include obesity, especially with a child," said Registered Dietitian and 
Psychotherapist, Mary Sue
Aberenthy, MA. RD.  Children are innately self-regulating regarding eating especially 
at the younger ages.
Have you ever tried to feed a toddler more than they are hungry for?  Usually it ends 
up on the floor or your
face, as they will spit it out even with great coaxing.  Young children generally know 
when they are full and
stop eating."

 NAAFA medical experts also feel that the treatment prescribed by Anamarie's doctors 
may ultimately make her
even larger.  "We know for a fact that diets don't work in the long term," said 
Aberenthy.  "Many studies show
that diets based on food restriction result in permanent weight loss less than five 
percent of the time.
Furthermore, these restrictions often slow down the metabolism and cause disordered 
eating habits. The net
result is that most people end up larger than they started."

 Regardless of the medical facts of the case, removing a child from the home simply 
because she's fat sets a
very frightening legal precedent.  "Anamarie, just like other children with physical 
challenges, needs the
united support of her family, friends, doctors, and community, said Sondra Solovay, 
JD, a legal consultant on
weight-related issues and author of the book Tipping the Scales of Justice: Fighting 

"Instead of supporting the family and diagnosing any problems the little girl may 
have, the state and doctors
are blaming the family for the girl's weight.  Legally, the case is outrageous.  It is 
a threat to all the
parents of fat children.  Custody decisions should always be based on fact, not 
prejudice.  Here the state
police have become the food police and a child was removed from a loving home just for 
being fat."

 "Frankly this is very frightening," said NAAFA chairwoman Leslie Di Maggio.  I'm fat, 
and I raised a fat
child.  It's frightening to think that I could have been charged with abuse and my 
child could have been taken
from me simply because he weighed more than the national average.  As chairwoman, I 
see this as a very
important human rights issue for NAAFA.  We are going to fight for the rights of these 
children and their
parents.  I find it difficult to believe that Anamarie's weight will have as profound 
an effect on her health
as the emotional scars she will bear from being wrenched from her home at such a 
tender age."



[CTRL] Elites ubber alles: Look for the Union Label.

2000-09-14 Thread Nurev Ind Research


In the piece below, CFR = Council on Foreign Relations.
Arguably the most powerful private group in
the United States. TC stands for Trilateral Commission.
An offshoot of the CFR, and a forerunner of the
WTO. The TC is no longer the powerhouse it used to be in
the 70s and 80s.  The CFR is still supreme.

These are the elite planning groups which supply the government with
like minded, pro business, Internationalist personnel to lead and
manage the US government as well as corporations, academia, labor,
the military, and the media.


LOOK FOR THE UNION LABEL --   In South Korea, France, Israel, Russia,
Germany, and everywhere that Corporate Politicians are attempting to
cut into, and weaken the rights of Labor, Unions and their supportive
populations are in the streets and ready to fight against the erosion
of their standard of living. Conspicuous by their non-action are the
beaten working people of the United States. Here's why.

I.W.Abel - Pres. United Steel Workers of America  also TC
Sol Chick Chaiken - Pres. I.L.G.U.also TC
Thomas R. Donahue - Sec./ Treasurer AFL-CIO   also TC
Murray H. Finley - Pres. Amalgamated Clothing and Textile Workers
Victor Gotbaum - A.F.S.C.M.E.
Lane Kirkland - Longtime President AFL-CIOalso TC
Howard D. Samuel - Pres. Industrial Union Dept. AFL-CIO
Marten J. Ward - Plumbers and Pipe Fitting Industry USA  Canada
Glen E. Watts - Pres. Communication Workers of Americaalso TC
Leonard Woodcock (wishful thinking)-Pres. United Auto Workers also TC
Jerry Wurf - Pres. A.F.S.C.M.E.
Jay Mazur, International Ladies' Garment Workers Union   also TC
Jack Sheinkman, Amalgamated Clothing  Textile Workers Union
Albert Shanker, Pres., American Federation Of Teachers   also TC

  Look at what has happened to most of these unions since the ruling
business elites got their Neo-Liberal policies established. There is
NO ONE in American politics to represent working people.

After sending these union officer income figures out, I was asked
how they compared to earnings of workers these leaders represent.
I am sending the data again with representative earnings of workers
in the related occupations/industries.

Top AFL-CIO Salaries  Earnings of Workers They Typically Represent

AFL-CIO Salaries and Benefits/Allowences for 1998

Salary Benefits '98 Annual Earnings
of Workers Represented *

Union Official Salary   BenefitsIndust Avg. Annual

AFSCME, Gerald McEntee:$352,404 $ 16,800$ 37,076 (all public,
including fedl.)

LIUNA, Arthur A. Coia:  335,674   86,120  27,196 (misc.
construction trades)

ALPA, Randolph Babbitt: 314,995   34,000  92,768 (pilots 

HERE, John Wilhelm: 280,793   30,700  20,800 (hotel/motel)
14,872 (eating places)

UFCW, Douglas H. Dority:264,152   58,167  17,576 (grocery
stores) 30,420 (wholesale food)

AFT, Sandra Feldman:246,563   94,932  35,805 (kindergarten,
elementary, secondary teachers)

IUOE, Frank Hanley: 231,237   15,600  33,200 (heavy
equipment operators)

SEIU, Andrew Stern: 215,2187,800  16,016 (janitors)
20,852 (all social services) 21,996 (residential care) 33,072 (all hospital
workers) 36,608 (registered nurses)

AFL-CIO, John J. Sweeney:   199,7507,250  35,932 (all union
members) 30,004 (all workers)

IBEW, J.J. Barry:   198,533   ??  36,296 (electricians)

UNITE, Jay Mazur:   196,462   54,796  21,840 (apparel)
26,364 (misc. textile mills) 25,428 (finished textiles)

NEA, Robert F. Chase:   196,427   94,049  35,805 (kindergarten,
elementary, secondary teachers)

BSOIW, Jake West:   196,390  184,750  32,916 (structural
metal workers)

UBC, Douglas J. McCarron:   194,250   28,700  28,496 (carpenters)

CWA, Morton Bahr:   152,7629,556  41,392 (telecom

IAM, R.T. Buffenbarger: 142,801   57,871  38,749 (air transport)
27,976 (auto mechanics) 47,802 (aircraft mechanics)

UWSA, George F. Becker: 131,499   22,432  36,083 (iron  steel
blast furnace  forges)

AFGE, Bobby L. Harnage: 122,746   15,109  37,076 (all public

UAW, Stephen P. Yokich: 112,6086,900  38,636 (motor vehicles

UMW, Ronald E. Cecil:96,2243,960 40,196 (coal

* worker incomes were computed by multiplying average weekly earnings

[CTRL] Fwd: Your Friends??

2000-09-14 Thread Kris Millegan

Hi Jim,
How the heck are you?? Well I hope.
When are you going to stock up on gear??
Give us a call when you do

When Margaret Thatcher became Prime Minister of a right-wing Conservative
Government in 1979, she soon saw the power in recruiting MI5 to be her
own secret police. During the Miner's strike in the early eighties,
Arthur Scargill and his National Union of Miners nearly brought the
Conservative Government down, with their year long strike. Margaret
Thatcher used MI5 to spy on the miners and discredit Scargill. Leading
police officers argued against the use of MI5 on the civilian population,
they were ignored or replaced - if they proved too vociferous.
Margaret Thatcher was the first Prime Minister for many a year to sit in
on the Joint Intelligence Committee's meetings on a regular basis.
Thatcher, as a trained scientist, would have been well aware of the
usefulness of microwave weapons. They are impossible to detect unless
you have a detector, dissidents have no idea these weapons exist and best
of all, they are totally deniable. It may be that MI5 kept this research
secret from Thatcher, but the resources the UK has put into these
fearsome, so-called non-lethal weapons, is extensive. UK intelligence
runs a fleet of microwave weapon carrying vans, as well as portable
microwave weapons that can be deployed near the dissident's home. The
vast expense can be disguised as communications equipment, for as well
all know, microwave telephone communication is all the rage in our modern
world. My research shows that the microwave telephone network also has
the potential to be used as a major mind control weapon system to control
the behaviour of the microwave phone users. 
Developed under the Conservative government, which was in power from
79-97, the UK secret, or black government, has at its disposal a fearsome
array of mind control weapons. These abhorrent devices are
euphemistically called non-lethal weapons by the UK military. In fact
they kill you slowly be causing nerve damage, cancers, mental collapse
leading to suicides or tissue failure such as heart attacks due to the
cooking effect of the microwaves. 
Precisely modulated microwave radiation is used to influence brain
function. Human behaviour and reactions can be entirely controlled by
using pulse modulated microwave EM radiation. Pulse modulated
microwaves are useful as the carrier for the mind control signals as they
are able to pass through the skull, which is rather resistant to low
level EM. The massive number of microwave antennae that dot the country,
some of which are used for the microwave phone network, all use pulse
modulated microwaves, which makes their use for a strategic mind control
device against the civilian population in times of trouble, or rioting,
crucial to modifying the behaviour of the general population. In modern
democracies it is no longer viable to shot rioters, or torture dissidents
by normal means, as the bad publicity is self defeating. Thus, microwave
weapons have been developed by the UK's military intelligence as they
leave no marks, or gaping wounds. This pulse modulated microwave carrier
beam can then be used to carry signals. These signals are extremely low
frequency recordings of brain electrical potentials, which have been
recorded by neuro-medical researchers such as Dr Ross Adey's. Dr Ross
Adey's research at the Brain Research Institute of the University of
California, was funded by the CIA. In their Pandora project a catalogue
of different brain signals for specific actions, emotions and
pathological states of mind were recorded. It was found that when
microwaves were used to fire these signals at victims' brains, they
experienced the moods, behaviour, and the pathological states, carried by
the signals. This meant that by mimicking natural brain frequencies, the
human brain could be controlled remotely by use of extremely low
frequency broadcast carried by pulse modulated microwave beams (ELF pulse
modulated microwave remote mind control technology) 
It is now possible to broadcast mind control commands directly into
the brain by use of microwave beams. All that is needed is a
catalogue of every specific brain frequency for each - mood, action and
thought. These catalogues of excitation potentials are available from
Russian neuro-medical research institutes, so anyone with enough cash can
have the same technology at their disposal as UK military mind control
groups. (the psychological enforcement arm of MI5). The Aum sect bought
microwave weaponry via their 50,000 Russian converts. 
Particular excitation potential, is then broadcast by pulse modulated
microwave transmitter. This pulse modulated microwave beam has the ELF
excitation potential frequency imprinted upon it. It was found that each
behavioural set in humans has a distinctive frequency. There was one for
anger, suicide, hysteria, trauma, serial killing, paranoia, lust, etc.

[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] Narco-Espionage vs. Press Exposed

2000-09-14 Thread Kris Millegan

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Attention Journalists and Free Expression Organizations:

A Narco News International Alert

The Narco Spies

How governments and white collar drug traffickers are hiring
private espionage firms to spy on journalists

-- Narco News Catches "Decision Strategies Fairfax International LLC" in the
Act of Spying On Mexican and US Journalists, including in New York City


-- DSFX Represents Corrupt Governments and Corporations, Some of Whom
Protect International Cocaine Trafficking

-- DSFX Uses Questionable Tactics and Sloppy Workmanship and Misrepresents
the True Nature of Its Work

-- Mexican Attorney General Used Videotape Obtained by DSFX
in Secret Attempt last week to Place Arrest Warrants Five Journalists

-- Mexican Judge, in Historic Freedom-of-Press Decision, Rejected
Prosecutor's Maneuver

-- Narco News Publishes the Private E-mails of DSFX Agents and Turns the Spy
Glass on the Narco-Spies


September 14, 2000

Today: Parts I, II, and III

Important Updates Coming This Weekend

from somewhere in a country called América...

Al Giordano
The Narco News Bulletin
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[CTRL] Blowback: Austria the EU

2000-09-14 Thread Alamaine

From www.wsws.org

WSWS : News  Analysis : Europe : Austria

European Union lifts sanctions against Austria
A blank cheque for Jörg Haider
By Ulrich Rippert

15 September 2000

Back to screen version

The 14 European Union governments lifted their sanctions against Austria on
September 12.

On the fringes of a conference of European Union (EU) Finance Ministers in
Versailles last weekend, the EU partners discussed their further conduct in
relation to the right-wing conservative government in Austria. The French
President Jacques Chirac and his Foreign Minister Hubert Védrine had taken
receipt of the 45-page report by the “three wise men”, which recommended the
imminent lifting of the sanctions against Austria.

In July, the European Court of Human Right had assigned the former Finnish
president Martti Ahtisaari, ex Spanish Foreign Minister Marcelino Oreja and the
German expert in international law Jochen Frowein to examine the situation
regarding human rights in Austria following the entry into government of the
right-wing extremist Austrian Freedom Party (FPÖ).

Their report warns of the “nationalist sentiments” in Austria that were
unleashed by the EU sanctions because these were “falsely understood as being
directed against the Austrian people”. The effect of the sanctions “would be
counter-productive if they were maintained, which is why they should be ended”.
According to the report, the FPÖ should continue to be called a “populist right-
wing party with radical elements,” since it had utilised xenophobic tendencies
in its election campaign and had thus produced an “anti-foreigner atmosphere”
and “a great deal of insecurity”. However, the FPÖ Ministers in Chancellor
Wolfgang Schüssel's (ÖVP) government were given a clean bill of health for
their adherence to the values of the European Union.

In Vienna, in the final judgement of the report, human rights and minority
rights were dealt with no worse than elsewhere in the European Union. The
report even comes to the conclusion that “in some areas, particularly regarding
the rights of national minorities, Austria's standards can be regarded as
superior to those in other European Union states.”

The blank cheque could hardly have been more unambiguous for Jörg Haider and
his rightwing FPÖ.

“A victory all the way down the line,” and, “some apologies are probably now
due”, were former FPÖ chairman Haider's comments from his office as state
premier in Carinthia after the final report was released. Responding to
Chirac's warning that the report was not a licence to do as he pleased and that
reservations remained regarding the FPÖ's participation in government, Haider
answered that the French “shirt pocket Napoleon” had better be more restrained
after experiencing his own “debacle” and “Waterloo”.

Haider's placeman at the head of the FPÖ and Austrian Vice-chancellor Susanne
Riess-Passer stressed in the Viennese magazine Format: “if the sanctions are
not removed or are only temporarily lifted by the Biarritz summit, a referendum
will be carried out.” Federal Chancellor Schüssel supported the ultimatum: “we
will wait until the European Union summit in Biarritz in mid October.”

In only six months, diplomatic sanctions against Austria have brought about
exactly the opposite of their authors' stated aims. Instead of putting a stop
to rightwing populism, it is stronger today than ever before. The reason for
this is the aggravation of social and political tensions in Europe. From the
outset the anger of the European governments with Haider was not directed
against his xenophobia and intolerance, since the persecution of and
discrimination against foreigners belongs to everyday political life in the
European Union. Rather they were afraid of the social tensions that Haider had
brought to the surface, nearly winning him the Austrian chancellorship.

Over the course of the last months the political climate in Europe has
intensified. For the bulk of the population, the process of European
unification, which is taking place completely under the sign of the global
corporations and financial institutions, means ever newer and harder burdens in
the form of tax rises, cuts in social security benefits and rising
unemployment. The constant fall in the value of the single European currency
the euro is accelerating this development further. Regardless of the present
advantages the low value of the euro brings for exports, it is a result of the
enormous pressure of the international financial markets to create American
conditions throughout Europe and to eliminate the last remnants of state
regulation and social security.

In such a way, broad social layers are pushed to the margins and have not the
slightest possibility of affecting political decisions. They are completely cut
off from official policy-making.

The planned expansion of the European Union to the East will continue to
strengthen the fears and rejectionist tendencies towards the EU. One needs only
to look at East 


2000-09-14 Thread Kris Millegan

Click Here: A HREF="http://www.skolnicksreport.com/cocaccc7.html"Sherman
Skolnick's Report/A
Home Page
 Sherman H. Skolnick

Part Seven of a Series
by Sherman H. Skolnick

A real-life drama and the players
ROBERT E. KOLODY- For upwards of ten years a local lawyer he trusted, DANIEL
V. HANLEY, reportedly elicited from Kolody details of his legal strategy
plans. Kolody contends that The Coca-Cola Company and their marketing
adjunct, Simon Marketing, stole Kolody's intellectual property, being
storyboards and designs. Kolody had difficulty getting a Chicago-area
attorney to pursue his claims. Since 1997, Kolody's case has been in the U.S.
District Court in Chicago, No. 97 C 190.
In February, 1999, Kolody retained Dan Ivy, an outspoken attorney from
Arkansas. As required under the local federal rules in Chicago, Ivy
designated Hanley as "local counsel", meaning Hanley has to be informed of
all proposed court filings and procedures.

SHERMAN H. SKOLNICK- As a long-time court reformer and TV Show
moderator/producer I began investigating the Coca-Cola case. In May, 2000, in
the presence of Ivy and Kolody, I interview Hanley
Skolnick "Does Coca-Cola and their attorneys know the legal strategy of
Robert Kolody and his attorney Dan Ivy here?"

Daniel V. Hanley "Yes".

Skolnick "Really? How could they know?"

Hanley "My sister is MEDIA BUYER FOR COCA-COLA." (Emphasis added.) From the
signed court Declaration by Skolnick and Skolnick's court testimony made in
the presence of Daniel V. Hanley, 8/22/00.

After the May interview, I find out that his sister, Mary Hanley, is
Associate Media Director at the advertising agency DDB, with offices
worldwide. And get this DDB represents both Coca-Cola and their alleged
"competitor" Pepsi-Cola, an apparent Anti-Trust violation situation.

TRIBUNE COMPANY- As the parent firm of the Tribune media empire, the Tribune
Company owns the CHICAGO TRIBUNE, THE LOS ANGELES TIMES, and other newspapers
around the country as well as numerous radio and TV stations. Tribune Company
is reportedly trying to strong-arm COCA-COLA for more advertising dollars, by
reportedly leaning on DDB. But Tribune has not been interested in publicizing
the Kolody suit against Coca-Cola.

U.S. DISTRICT JUDGE BLANCHE M. MANNING, Chicago- The Tribune, without
publicity in their newspapers, radio, and TV, has sought to intervene in one
of Judge Manning's criminal cases to accuse her of secret proceedings and
other unlawful acts and doings. [See previous parts of this series.] The
apparent purpose? To blackmail the Judge and put pressure on Coca-Cola and
DDB for more ad bucks, to relieve the Tribune's huge debt overhang caused by
merging with the Los Angeles Times.

In a series of court-filed Motions by Kolody, he documents how Judge Manning
has been stuffing the Court records with "judicial perjuries", straight out
lies used to justify arbitrary and corrupt rulings favoring Coca-Cola.

GEORGE LAZARUS- As the Chicago Tribune's long-time, widely-read columnist on
marketing and advertising, Lazarus on 8/15/00, runs an item "Mary Hanley, a
group media director of DDB Chicago, was elected a senior VP of the agency"
and includes a picture of her.

MARY HANLEY- Selected to be a top official of DDB Advertising, she is
reportedly unavailable to be a witness at an important hearing in Kolody's
case set for 8/22/00. Her brother, DANIEL V. HANLEY tells Kolody and
Skolnick, in a conference call, that Mary Hanley is leaving the country for
Ireland. Later, Hanley tells them she will be back in 15 days. [Is there a
link to the IRA? See previous parts of this series.]

While Kolody is listening on the phone, Skolnick interviews JILL ZEMANSKI,
private secretary of Mary Hanley. Jill confirms that Mary Hanley represents

THE HEARING ON AUGUST 22, 2000- Informed by attorney Ivy that there are in
Court present two witnesses, Skolnick and Kolody, prepared to testify that
Judge Manning is committing a fraud upon her own Court in the Coca-Cola case,
Judge Manning brings into the courtroom SIX FEDERAL POLICE to menace and
intimidate Skolnick sitting in his wheelchair.

The purpose of the hearing? For Judge Manning to hear and consider whether
she herself has committed a fraud upon her own Court through the Judge
falsifying the facts and filling the Court records with her "judicial
perjuries". The Judge does NOT seem to understand that such a hearing with
her presiding, is outlawed by Anglo-Saxon law, that is, for a person TO SIT

Ivy tells the Judge that the remedy he and his client Kolody seek is for the
Judge to expunge from the Court records all of Judge Manning's rulings
favoring The Coca-Cola Company and Simon Marketing. Judge Manning said she
will take the matter of her own fraud upon the Court and instances brought up
of newly discovered evidence, "under 

[CTRL] Poujadism

2000-09-14 Thread Alamaine

From http://www.lineone.net/dictionaryof/difficultwords/d0010289.html

n. denoting a right-wing bourgeois political movement in France in the 1950s
led by Pierre Poujade.



Behind the Headlines
by Justin Raimondo
September 15, 2000

As a European-wide movement against gas taxes brings not only England but large
sections of the continent to a grinding halt, the Left in power is snarling and
hissing, sputtering that these aren't "the workers" that their socialist
policies were supposed to benefit. As Polly Toynbee, queen bee of the New
Laborite columnists, despairingly put it in the Guardian:

"But this isn't the unions, this is the world turned upside down. This is a
fight against the forces of conservatism – a popular front of Poujadist small
businessmen, farmers, cab drivers and truckers, all supported with weasel words
by Mr. Hague and the right-wing press. There is no ready-made language to
describe this particular enemy of the people, the militant chambers of

Ms. Toynbee is quite right, there is no ready-made word to describe the new
revolutionaries who are bringing governments to their knees all across Europe.
Unlike the archetypal "workers of the world," in whose name the socialists of
all countries speak, these guys aren't looking for any government action to
save them, succor them, or "liberate" them from the responsibilities of life in
a capitalist society. Instead, they want to get government off their backs. And
unlike the official victim groups of race, gender, and sexual "orientation,"
they aren't demanding special legal status, apologies for past injuries, or
reparations; they are not lionized in the media, hailed as heroes, and
interviewed on PBS (or the BBC). These are the unknown soldiers of liberty,
whose organizations are largely ad hoc alliances, and whose voices are rarely
heard in the media or the establishment political parties. Who are these guys?
The New York Times describes them as "a mixture of truck, bus and taxicab
drivers, farmers and small-business owners, all of whom say the increasing cost
of fuel threatens their livelihoods. Not organized by a union or any one group,
they have joined together out of a common desperation."

Desperate to get out from under the heel of their socialist rulers and the
burden of a crushing taxation, the militance of the protesters is driven not
only by the economic threat to their livelihood, but by the arrogance of the
socialist elites. Ms. Toynbee is right on another score: this is the world
turned upside down. With socialist governments in power in Britain, France,
Germany, Italy, Belgium, Netherlands, and Spain, the middle classes have taken
the place of the proletariat as the new agency of revolution. A specter is
haunting Europe – the specter of Poujadism. . . .

In the 1950s, with French shopkeepers, small businessmen, truckers, and other
self-employed citizens bent under the weight of oppressive taxation, Pierre
Poujade, a grocer, led a largely middle-class rebellion that threatened to
topple the French government and threw a scare into Socialists, bureaucrats,
and liberal elitists everywhere. The whole point of this movement, which shook
French politics to its foundations, was energized by a desire to preserve the
economic viability of the self-employed middle classes. Squeezed between the
rise of mega-corporations and the insatiable greed of government bureaucrats,
the shopkeepers, farmers, and independent artisans and entrepreneurs of all
sorts found their voice in the fiery polemics of Poujade, whose followers
carried out similar direct action tactics against the French state and its
corporate allies. Poujade's party, the Union for the Defense of Merchants and
Artisans (UDCA), won 53 seats in the 1956 parliamentary elections. The movement
didn't last long under assault from the government and the established
political parties, and the wave of protest receded along with the political
fortunes of the Poujadists. Caught between left and right, and overshadowed by
the looming cold war standoff between the US and the Soviet Union, the
Poujadists of yesteryear could not have succeeded. They were what we might call
premature anti-globalists, clearly ahead of their time – and their time, it
appears, is now. . .

Unlike French Poujadism, which is invariably disdained by academic sociologists
and political scientists as provincial to the point of "xenophobia," this is a
European-wide movement: it started but did not end in France, where the
government quickly capitulated. Instead, it leapt across the Channel, spilled
over into the Low Countries, quickly arose in Germany, and is now reaching as
far as Poland, Spain, Hungary, and Norway. In Britain, where the price of
petrol (as they call it) is a whopping $4.50 a gallon, even the fishermen 

[CTRL] Canadians Try To Stop David Icke's UK Tour...

2000-09-14 Thread Birds


   by David Icke


[Excerpt] The Canadian GREEN Party has sent a multi-page
diatribe to the venue in Dublin, Ireland, where David Icke
is speaking next month, urging them to ban him from
speaking there. No doubt all the other venues will receive
a similar package


 UK Tour information:


David Icke upcoming Texas seminar:

Hidden Mysteries.com

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