Re: [CTRL] Satanic Symbolism Surrounding the Death of Princess Diana

2000-10-08 Thread Mark McHugh

-Caveat Lector-

craig wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 dear ole

 i strongly recommend you read "the illuminatus trilogy" by r.a. wilson
 before icke does any more damage to your perceptions.


Amen!  That and "Prometheus Rising".

Mark McHugh

What the Thinker thinks, the Prover proves.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Nihlennium Summit: A Turkey in every pot!

2000-10-08 Thread Foxter

  - Original Message - 
  Donald Park 

  Sent: Sunday, October 01, 2000 3:04 
  Subject: [CTRL] Nihlennium Summit: A 
  Turkey in every pot!
  -Caveat Lector-Comrades:[GVT] The Aftermath of UN 
  Millennium SummitFrom 
  Aftermath of the U.N. Millennium Summit... A Renewed Commitment toGlobal 
  GovernanceBy Peyton Knight, Associate EditorNow that the U.N. 
  Millennium Summit has come and gone, many are wondering"what happened?" 
  What consensus was reached at the gathering? Are the toolsfor global 
  governance in place? What will become of our nation¹ssovereignty? Did our 
  president express the best interest of the UnitedStates? What can citizens 
  of the U.S. expect now that the Summit is over?While the methods for 
  implementation were vague, the goals foraccomplishment were incredibly 
  specific. Everything was promised toeveryone. Indeed, the world forum 
  sounded like a roomful of Al Gore¹s, eachone trying to outdo the other 
  with how much they could pander to theiraudience of third world countries 
  and socialist dictators. The underlyingtheme was simple: The world has 
  problems. Only the U.N. can solve them. Giveus the power. Sound familiar? 
  It should. It¹s the same mantra that liberalsand socialists alike spew to 
  the easily swayed masses who believe thatrights, happiness, and prosperity 
  begin with government programs and endwith individual liberty.The 
  most deceptive aspect of all this, is the that U.N. is packaging 
  theirsocialistic product in a box labeled "democracy." Let¹s examine just 
  a fewof the details of the "U.N. Millennium Declaration" which was derived 
  fromthe Summit.Dictatorial PowersThe most frightening new 
  direction the United Nations is taking after theirsummit is the change in 
  which authority determines the deployment ofpeacekeeping missions. 
  Traditionally, this authority has been the U.N.Security Council, a board 
  consisting of the major heads of state. Thisallows the major contributing 
  nations to decide whether or not certaindeployments are worthy of their 
  contributed resources. Most importantly, itgives the United States (the 
  hands-down most generous contributor to theU.N. budget) a voice in where 
  the world body will intervene around theworld.No longer. Now, 
  peacekeeping decisions will be the sole authority of theU.N. 

[CTRL] Fwd: Roots of United Fruit--Romanian Nazis and Saxe-Gotha royalty?

2000-10-08 Thread Kris Millegan

It's interesting to find all the connections when one knows what to look
for.  I've been tracing the roots of United Fruit.  If you read the article
I wrote on Harvard Drug Lords, you saw one faction of the 3 main investment
groups which owned United Fruit at the time of the Guatemalan coup in the
1950s.  There was also a faction from New York, controlled by the Empire
Trust (now merged into the Bank of New York!).  The other group was
controlled from London and banks in Canada.  These same groups joined in a
consortium of investments all over the world--to build dams, power plants,
and other strategic industries.

One of the earliest directors of the Empire Trust was George Smith, a man
who contolled all the railroads in Wisconsin, as well as insurance companies
which issued bank drafts that served as the money supply of that area for
decades before banking was legalized there.  I have never been able to
determine where he got the money to finance these projects, though I knew he
came here from Scotland and retired in London in 1861.  His railroad and
insurance empire successor was his cousin's son, James Henry Smith, who
shortly before his death married the former wife of William Rhinelander
Stewart; the Stewarts' daughter Anita married a Portuguese prince of the
family of Thurn und Taxis.  This family was interwoven with the same group
of aristocrats with which Adam Weishaupt associated--from Saxe-Coburg-Gotha.

Smith and his wife were accompanied during the last six months of his life
(they were on a globe-trotting honeymoon) by the Duke and Duchess of
Manchester and other near royalty.  The duke at that time was a descendant
of a previous duke who had been the royal governor of Jamaica.  Jamaica
(Tryall in Montego Bay) has long been a secretive base for British
intelligence and Scottish Rite activities.  (See Torbitt).

Tthe Saxe-Coburg-Gotha royal branch also included aristocracy from Romania.
This was the area from which Samuel Zemurray, who ran the New Orleans docks
and took control of United Fruit in 1930, hailed from.  It was also the area
that Samuel Bronfman's father emigrated from when he set up his criminal
operations in Canada.  The following excerpts from Dave Emory's website show
Romanian Nazi influence on America politicians.  It's a huge website, and
this is only a small part.


Endorsed by Evola, the Iron Guard liaised with Otto von Bolschwing. Von
Bolschwing was a key SS man who worked for the CIA after the war

..FTR216 Trouble on Oiled Waters, Part III (Two 30-minute segments)

Supplementing FTR #s 91 and 214, this program further develops the subject
of the clandestine power politics of the petroleum industry. The broadcast
begins with discussion of Otto Von Bolschwing, a key SS intelligence officer
and (for a time) Adolf Eichmann's superior in the administration of Hitler's
policy toward the Jews. (Von Bolschwing became a key CIA operative after the
war. One of Von Bolschwing's proteges in the post-war period was Helene Van
Damme, who selected the list of personnel from which Ronald Reagan's cabinet
appointees were selected. (For more on the Von Bolschwing/Van Damme
connection, see also RFA #s 3 and 30, as well as FTR180.)

Von Bolschwing oversaw a complex Nazi intelligence gambit in the Middle
East. Utilizing renegade British intelligence officer Jack Philby, Von
Bolschwing authorized apparent collaboration between Saudi king Ibn Saud and
the Zionists. This ostensible collaboration entailed a plan to promote
Jewish emigration from Europe to Palestine under the protection of the
Saudis. Like Ibn Saud (and of course Von Bolschwing and his Third Reich
superiors), Philby was a rabid anti-Semite and had no intention of aiding
the Jews. His "cooperation" with the Zionists was a deception, intended to
betray both the Jews and Great Britain. After securing British approval for
the ostensible Saudi/Zionist collaboration, Philby was instrumental in
leaking news of the operation to the Arabs. The result was heightened Arab
outrage at the British and consequent sympathy for the Third Reich. The
second half of the program focuses on a complex conspiracy between the Third
Reich, the aforementioned Jack Philby, Allen Dulles, Saudi Arabia and major
American and British oil companies. A former attorney for the powerful Wall
Street law firm of Sullivan and Cromwell, Dulles worked for the OSS during
World War II. (The OSS was America's World War II civilian intelligence
service.) Dulles was a traitor to the United States, complicit in the
financing of Nazi industry and centrally involved with wartime duplicity by
the petroleum industry. (For more on Dulles' relationship to Nazi Germany,
see RFA #s 1 and 2, as well as Miscellaneous Archive Show M11.)

Saudi Arabia collaborated with Nazi Germany, while blackmailing Great
Britain and the United States. Dulles and the major American and British oil
companies were instrumental in 

[CTRL] Just in time for the election, another amnesty bill

2000-10-08 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

[Maybe not quite as egregious as 1996's thinly-veiled voter
registration drive (in the form of mass citizenship ceremonies,
etc.)... still, should be a crowd-pleaser for the Dems.]

H.R. 4966 Grants Amnesty to 3.4 Million Illegal Aliens Over 10
Years; California Will Be Destination for Many

LOS ANGELES, Oct. 6 /PRNewswire/ -- For the second time in 14
years, the U.S. Congress is considering a bill to grant massive
numbers of illegal immigrants a general amnesty that would swell
the U.S. population by more than 3.4 million people.
Representative John Conyers' (CA-D) Amnesty Act (H.R. 4966),
which will be up for a vote within days, will most probably be
quickly and quietly moved through Congress with very little
public discussion.

Californians for Population Stabilization (CAPS), an organization
dedicated to responsible population growth, is urging all
Americans to immediately contact their representatives in
Congress to request a ``no'' vote on this bill. ``The general
public needs to know that their lives and their children's lives
will be dramatically and negatively affected by this bill,'' said
Danielle Elliott, Executive Director of CAPS. ``In California,
our school system is already filled to overflowing, poverty rates
are climbing, traffic and sprawl are out of control and the
environment is suffering to the point of no return.'' This second
general amnesty act would allow any illegal alien who has lived
in the U.S. continually since January 1, 1986, to be granted
legal permanent residence. H.R. 4966 also enables the amnestied
aliens to bring in thousands of their relatives, who are still
living in foreign countries, and enables them and their extended
families to legally immigrate to the U.S.

Concerned for the excessive population growth in California
(which will become more densely populated than China in 30 years
if current trends continue), CAPS supports replacement-level
immigration, which would set legal immigration levels at about
200,000 people per year. ``We're not concerned with who is coming
here,'' Elliott said. ``We are concerned with the numbers of
people and the impact that this bill will have on the quality of
life and environment in California.'' Reports from the U.S.
Census Bureau state that 48 percent of all immigrants settle in
California. Currently, one in four Californians is foreign-born
and the high birth rate among both legal and illegal immigrants
is steadily increasing California's population. As a consequence,
California's annual growth rate currently exceeds not only that
of the world as a whole, but it also equals that of Bangladesh.

Under the 1986 amnesty bill, 1.6 million illegal immigrants have
already been granted amnesty in the U.S. When this bill was
proposed, lawmakers told the American public that this would be
the only amnesty ever given and that no more than 500,000 people
would be granted permanent residence. Fourteen years later, more
than triple that number of people have been given amnesty and
Congress is asking Americans to open the back door again and
accept more than 3.4 million people, plus their extended
families, into the United States.

H.R. 4966 would enable illegal aliens who have already applied
for and been denied legal immigration under the laws of the U.S.
to be rewarded for violating our immigration laws. The new
amnesty act would more than double the illegal immigrant
population by condoning illegal immigration, and ``legalize''
lawbreakers while legal immigrants wait patiently in line to
lawfully enter our country. As our illegal population continues
to explode, legal immigration numbers are skyrocketing. According
to reports, the United States has already taken in one-sixth of
the entire population of El Salvador and one-sixth of the
population of Haiti. Many of these people entered the U.S.
seeking ``temporary'' asylum and later applied for permanent
residence. Once their cases were heard and denied, they refused
to leave the country. Under H.R. 4966, they will be rewarded for
their illegal actions and the population of the United States
will continue to grow exponentially.

Among the senators and congresspeople who have already signed a
letter backing this amnesty bill are Feinstein, Boxer, Baca,
Becerra, Berman, Capps, Condit, Dixon, Dolley, Eshoo, Farr, Lee
(B.), Lofgren, Matsui, Illender-McDonald, Miller (G.),
Napolitano, Pelosi, Roybal-Allard, Sanchez, Sherman, Stark,
Tauscher, Waters, Waxman, Woolsey and Thompson (M). Passage of
H.R. 4966 is imminent unless concerned citizens speak up now for
responsible immigration and population growth.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy 

[CTRL] Cloning teams cross pig and human DNA

2000-10-08 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Cloning teams cross pig and human DNA

SCIENTISTS have successfully produced an embryonic pig-human
hybrid. Human DNA was inserted into pig cells which became tiny
embryos, write Jonathan Leake and Nick Fielding.

The researchers have not revealed what happened to them, but
suggest they could have been grown further by being implanted
into a womb - and that either a pig or a human mother would have
been suitable.

The intentions of the researchers are not made clear in an
application they have submitted to the European Patent Office.
However, such embryos would be ideal for research into
therapeutic cloning, when cells are cloned, grown into tissues
such as nerve cells and then used to treat a patient.

The researchers, from Stem Cell Sciences in Australia and
Biotransplant in America, both big players in the biotechnology
industry, took a cell from a human foetus, extracted the nucleus
and then inserted it into a pig's egg cell. Two embryos were
grown to the 32-cell stage, which took a week.

Experts in medical ethics are deeply concerned about the patent
application, which has a strong chance of being granted. They say
the research exploits loopholes in European law. It is not
illegal because the embryo is not technically human.

Dr Richard Nicholson, editor of the Bulletin of Medical Ethics,
said: "This kind of research depends on devaluing human beings."

Nobody knows whether the hybrid embryos could have be-come living
beings. They would be much more human than pig because about 97%
of DNA is in the nucleus, which was human. There would, however,
be some effect from the 3% of DNA from the pig.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Drudge: Newsweek: Fed GJ Subpoenas Records of Bush's Ad Firm In Search of Mole

2000-10-08 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Newsweek Exclusive: Federal Grand Jury Subpoenas Records of
Bush's Ad Firm In Search of 'Mole' Who Mailed Debate-Prep Video
to Gore Camp


The cover package in the current issue of Newsweek (on newsstands
Monday, October 9) details the revolution in Yugoslavia, profiles
the new leader and examines the next diplomatic moves. Also in
the issue: the latest on the political campaign, including new
details into the probe of an alleged "mole" in the Bush camp,
plus the Middle East and an exclusive interview with Ariel
Sharon, excerpts of Boris Yeltsin's new book and the option of
daycare. (PRNewsFoto)[JL] NEW YORK, NY USA 10/07/2000

   Ad Boss McKinnon Planned to Place Alleged Suspect on Paid
Leave, But Pulled Back After Bush Aides Worried About
'Perception' It Would Create

NEW YORK, Oct. 8 /PRNewswire/ -- A federal grand jury has
subpoenaed the records of Texas Gov. George W. Bush's ad firm,
Maverick Media, headed by Mark McKinnon, Newsweek has learned, in
the hunt for the "mole" who allegedly mailed Bush's confidential
debate materials to the Gore camp.  In the October 16 issue (on
newsstands Monday, October 9), Investigative Reporters Mark
Hosenball and Michael Isikoff report that the probe has taken on
a more serious turn, with the Justice Department concluding that
there is a federal crime to investigate:  the interstate
transportation of stolen property.


McKinnon, whose company produced the debate-prep video, has
hired a high-powered Texas trial lawyer, Rusty Hardin, and says
he will fully cooperate with the investigation.  The Feds remain
focused on his assistant, Juanita Yvette Lozano, who was taped by
a post-office surveillance camera mailing a package on Sept. 11.
The time of her visit corresponds to the postmark on the package
received by the Gore campaign and one official described the tape
as "pretty compelling."

Late last week, Hosenball and Isikoff report, McKinnon
planned to place Lozano on paid leave, but pulled back after top
Bush aides expressed concern about the "perception" it would
create.  Her status remains up in the air. A Bush spokesman
declined to discuss "internal deliberations" but said the
campaign still believes Lozano, whose lawyer tells Newsweek she
mailed a package she "thought" contained pants that McKinnon
wanted to return to the Gap.  McKinnon tells Newsweek:  "I'm as
bewildered as anyone."

SOURCE Newsweek
Web Site:
Photo Notes: NewsCom: AP

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] UN Reps Join UFO Investigation

2000-10-08 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

UN Reps Join UFO Investigation
Staff Writer Sally Suddock
October 6, 2000 07:00 CDT


A team of United Nations investigators who were in the
Philippines in late September to study the nation's disaster
preparedness apparently have found themselves investigating UFOs,
as well.

The Philippines' Star newspaper and its online news
service say that the UN investigators "want more data" to help
explain the widely reported sighting of UFOs over Las Pinas, a
suburb of Manila, on Sept. 3. The news service said the 7-member
UN team has been led by Dr. Jean Chu, who told the newspaper that
a photo of the UFO published Sept. 20 attracted her interest, and
prompted her to contact the man who shot 40 minutes of video on
the UFO visitation.

Taken by Antonio Israel, the film captured "dancing balls of
light" that have not been explained. The Star says Chu and her
team visited Israel at his home and neighborhood to find out more
about the sighting case, asking witnesses whether they had seen
the phenomenon, how the balls of light moved in the sky, and
whether anything else unusual occurred at the time of the
sighting (such as malfunctioning electronic equipment). Chu and
her associates, who said their inquiry was a private one, also
investigated the neighborhood street from which Israel shot the
film to rule out any local explanation, such as streetlights.

The Star said that, like the Philippines weather bureau, the UN
group "were likewise stumped by the footage." One of the
scientists who questioned Israel told the news service that
"maybe one can't really says when given just that footage to look
at." Even so, said Chu, the UN team's field of study has also
investigated the connection between unusual environmental events
and disasters that have occurred where similar events have been
witnessed. The news service did not elaborate on Chu's comment,
nor cite other examples from the team's fieldwork elsewhere,

Despite the inconclusive findings of the UN group, Israel and his
neighbors are convinced the balls of light were extraterrestrial
spacecraft, said the Star.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] When Elephants Fly

2000-10-08 Thread M.A. Johnson

-Caveat Lector-

~~for educational purposes only~~

When Elephants Fly
by Carole Ward

I believe Republicans are going to lose in November, because
utopian wolves outnumber the grass eaters. Even if conservatives
eke out a victory in November, the battle for a Constitutional
Republic is lost. Elections are now self evident bidding wars
between coalitions who use government as organized crime to
steal from their neighbors.

The debates proved this. The exercise I saw Tuesday should
have been called dueling nannies. "I’ll give everybody free drugs."
says the right. "But my program gives you free drugs AND
medical care!" insists the left. If you vote Bush, you get creeping
socialism and perhaps, new justices who won’t let women evacuate
their unborn. Ahh ­ but if you vote Al Gore, you get fast track
utopianism, with a silver lining. I believe an Al Gore presidency
could actually topple our present form of "government". A
catharsis will occur when dummy Constitutionalists gaze at each
other the morning after, and ask ­ Who? ­ Who could have
voted for this ­ this ­ parsimonious prig, ­ this pestiferous
pustule, the petulant pimpernel from podunk, proffering potlatch,
pedantry and pederast? .

Who could have wanted this? ­ Then, slowly, in group therapy
with Rush, Medved, O’Reilly, Hannity and Coulter presiding, the
losers will put it all together. See, it don’t matter WHO is nominee
on the left. All that arguing over morals, marriage, truth, justice
and the American way?...a shallow exercise. Democracy has
been the 250 year honeymoon of stupidity. And it’s delivered
the death blow to Republican Government. ALL that mattered in
this election was ­ drum roll ­ a putative putsch to steal more
from those who "have" and give it to those who "need." Two
wolves and a sheep voted on dinner.

That was the contest. Pure and simple. Most of the underclass
votes Democratic to get day care, welfare, health care, dental
care, you know, potlatch. Hell, they’ll even send somebody
over to kick ya in the chest each morning to getcha breathing.
Ditto for government workers, teachers, single moms and
grandma. None of these groups wants their compensation in
life tied to performance ­ or effort. Their ticket in life is voting
organized crime. The Federales. Homosexuals are the wild
cards in this war, who vote against their individual economic
self interest in return for more sexual freedom from the nihilists.

Ever since big daddy Roosevelt began giving away the goodies,
we have been sliding toward collectivism with programs called
the "Great Society" and "Social Security." Each new batch of
immigrants votes with the addicts for more, giving us a fresh
supply of peasants willing to toil for the mob. The system works
great for subsistence third world types who believe this is the
promised land when their kids receive a polio vaccine.

But it’s a no win for the the middle class. On the left we have
the entitlement junkies, including otherwise conservative Aunt
Beatrix who worries whether she will be able to keep her RV
once Uncle Harry dies. She will vote a strict democratic ticket
no matter if Joe Stalin is the nominee. Bush, and his handlers
on the right, know this. All they can do is promise Bea enough
to get themselves elected. Then, they can shelter themselves
against the growing pool of "needy." Well situated Republicans
hope to cover their assets, and throw a little sand on that
slippery slope to full scale socialism, while they quietly position
themselves offshore.

This agenda has been in place for some time. Clinton/Gore
nailed the final stake into the heart of economic freedom when
they enacted the "Liz Taylor" laws in the IRS code. These protect
against capital flight, because now you cannot escape the "needy"
for ten years, if you leave the United States. Why do you think
multi-nationals have been positioning themselves offshore with
laws like NAFTA and Gatt? The new world order enables the big
boys to become virtual citizens immune from the pillage of the
entitlement junkies of Europe and the U.S. They have had several
years now to position themselves in low tax markets, with their
products and services available to the open markets in high tax
countries. Their cash flows away from the high tax, high benefit,
social democracies, to the low tax, third world headquarters,
where they set up shop.

I love to run my mouth about irrefutable laws of the universe. I
call em Carole’s Maxims for Living. Here’s #6 ­ If you want to
understand how the world works, you only need to know ­ a
trust attorney in St. Barts, ­ a nanny in Aspen ­ and a whore
in Gstaad. Their collective wisdom can provide you with the
navigational tools to survive the Neuveau Reich of the
Clinton/Blair/Gore/Annan/ and, sadly ­ Bush, paradigm for

Ever wonder why all those Hollywood types vote the big D,
when they have so much to lose? Well, to borrow from Bubba,
their liabilities are negotiable, depending on your definition of
gross income.

[CTRL] Conspiracy Nation -- Vol. 6 Num. 06

2000-10-08 Thread lloyd

-Caveat Lector-


A-albionic Research Weekly Up-date of 10-8-2000

We now have a huge number of Conspiracy Nation Articles
Archived at:

Here is a sample:

From [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sep 14 18:03:37 1995
Date: Wed, 13 Sep 1995 23:45:19 -0500
From: Brian Redman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Multiple recipients of list [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Conspiracy Nation -- Vol. 6 Num. 06

  Conspiracy Nation -- Vol. 6  Num. 06
("Quid coniuratio est?")


I spoke by phone with Jimmy Rothstein, long-time detective (now
retired) with the NYPD Vice Squad.

 +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +

You were a New York City Vice Squad detective for how many years?

12 years.

How did you become interested in the Inslaw case?

I had worked as a detective, and I had locked up and dealt with
some CIA people. (That's how I got retired.) And then after I got
retired, people kept calling me. And then when the thing came up
with Michael Riconosciuto, that's how I got involved.

And when you locked up these CIA people, did they talk to you at
all? Give you inside information?

Oh yeah! We had... For instance, one of 'em was Frank Sturgis.
And then we grabbed another guy who was involved in the killing
of 3 little boys that they were usin' for human compromise stuff,
you know? They use them to extort people.

Could you go into that a little bit? Give some more details on

Yeah. We had, in 1972 I arrested a guy by the name of Dan
Rose(?). And he was a notorious pedophile. And we had
information, we knew that he was picking up these kids and
pimping 'em off. And what we found that, when we arrested him, he
started talking. And one of the things he gave us, said "Three
little boys had been murdered in his apartment." And one of the
guys was a CIA guy.

And we started investigating it, and we eventually served him
with a subpoena to appear in front of the New York State Select
Committee on Crime, to which I had been appointed by the governor
at the time, [Hugh] Carey(sp?). And it was stopped because of
"national security".

We confronted this guy, face to face.

So there was some CIA guy involved in the murder of 3 little


...and, but because he had connections, they did the "national
security" thing.

He was CIA. And they just invoked that "national security".

Okay. And goin' back to Frank Sturgis, was he knowledgeable about

Oh no, no, no. That had nothin' to do with Inslaw. But that's
what made the roadwork for me to get all this other information.
Because I got anonymous phone calls. I started gettin' calls
from... on everything. But Inslaw stuff came up when Michael
Riconosciuto surfaced.

And what year would that have been?

Oh God. I haven't been talkin' to Riconosciuto in at least 5
years. Figure about '90.

And I had met with Bill and Nancy Hamilton and gave them the
background to how a lot of this stuff works, and how... You know,
at first they couldn't believe that this was, it was bein' done
by government. And so when I gave 'em the background to all of
this, that's how I got into it. In fact, how I got to meet Bill
and Nancy was through Dave McMichaels. 'Cuz me and McMichaels had
been working on some other things where I had found that the CIA
was bringin' the cocaine into the United States, back in the
early '70s, part of that stuff in New York.

Okay, and they were bringin' that in as a way to pay for the

Well see, at that time... It originally started off, why they had
the cocaine business set up in South America was to give them a
cash crop so they wouldn't go communist. This was in the late
'60s, early '70s. And then later on, this became part of the
drugs and guns, and stuff like that. The Iran-Contra and all this

But originally it was so they would have a good income for their
country and they would side with the U.S. and not go with Russia.

Yeah. Yeah. And we actually watched this go down in New York. We
had been on it for awhile. And eventually, we interviewed people
who verified all of this. And we had the whole run-down on it,
and we had all the names and how it worked. We found this while
we were doin' a homicide investigation.

And did you try to alert higher-ups about this?


[CTRL] Undisclosed Gay Greeks

2000-10-08 Thread J Taylor

-Caveat Lector-

   Undisclosed Gay Greeks

 by Paul Gottfried

   On September 23, we are told about a sign of change that the New York
   Times obviously approves of. The editors of the Loeb Greek and Latin
   classics (published at Harvard) are now offering translations of
   ancient authors that do justice to their homoerotic interests. Though
   the account makes it appear that the new enlightened editors are at
   last honoring James Loeb, the founder and patron of the series who had
   no use for "bowdlerized" translations, these comments are both vacuous
   and hypocritical.

   The media and the filmmakers doctor reality incessantly to make it fit
   their escalating ideological agenda. Thus in films we hardly ever see
   blacks committing violent crimes in inner cities, while media reports
   of black and Hispanic riots typically attribute them to economic
   oppression and white racism. Note also the cloying way homosexual
   activists are presented in the Times, unlike such predictable heavies
   as (non-leftist) Southern whites, non-media big business, and
   Christian traditionalists. If disclosing the full truth is what the
   past Loeb editors failed to do, their sins fall far short of those
   committed by our national press, including the Times.

   The two ancient authors mentioned in the news item whose homoerotic
   interests had been allegedly hidden by prudish or mendacious
   translators, Aristophanes and Plato, are bad illustrations for a
   questionable argument. Aristophanes, in his plays, reported the
   "bawdy" humor surrounding Athenian pedophiles, but it is doubtful this
   playwright had any sympathy for the libertines featured or ridiculed
   in his work. A critic of Socrates, whom he thought was corrupting
   Athenss youth, Aristophanes detested non-traditional morals and
   beliefs and never, as far as I know, treated homoeroticism in a
   favorable light. Moreover, Plato was so critical of homosexual acts
   that he made them a capital offense in The Laws. Though the accuracy
   of this harsh judgment has been subject to dispute by politically
   correct classicists, most famously Martha Nussbaum, it is hard to read
   the disputed text without agreeing with the established translation.
   When the Eleatic Stranger, who leads the conversation, concludes that
   homosexuality is para phusin, he does mean what he says, that the act
   is "against Nature."

   Platos Symposium is another case in point, a now misrepresented text
   that offers negative judgments about homoerotic relations. Here the
   future political adventurer and self-absorbed pedophile Alcibiades
   recalls a night spent sleeping next to Socrates. This deeply ascetic
   teacher resisted his advances and acted in such a manner as would
   "befit a father or older brother." Alcibiades and the other former
   symposiasts testify to Socratess efforts to contrast homoerotic
   passions to the yearning for a "higher beauty" that is spiritual.

   If gay activists and their media boosters are looking for a usable
   past, they might try such plausible candidates as Ernst Roehms Brown
   Shirts. On the other hand, misrepresenting the intentions of respected
   ancient authors does have its propagandistic advantage, especially if
   scholars can be browbeaten or rewarded into going along.

  October 4, 2000

   Paul Gottfried is professor of history at Elizabethtown College and
   author, most recently, of the highly recommended After Liberalism.

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[CTRL] Drugs Wonder

2000-10-08 Thread Alamaine

-Caveat Lector-

Well!  And they don't want dying people to become potheads.  And I remember
when kids' lip-smacking was from licking the beaters after mom made frosting.



What You Don't Know
Too Little Is Known About the Long-Term Effects of the Most Popular Drugs
By Thomas J. Moore

For more information on this and other drug-safety issues, visit the author's
Web site at

Five Ways To Be Medication Smart

In early April, 27,000 women discovered an important letter in their mailbox.
The women had been taking part in a government-sponsored test of estrogen, a
hormone replacement taken by 21 million women either alone or in combination
with progesterone. The National Institutes of Health were sponsoring the study
to learn the long-term effects of the most widely prescribed drug in America.
The letter told the women that this first large long-term study of estrogen had
turned up an embarrassing fact: The most important promised benefit of estrogen
therapy for women after menopause--protection from heart attack and stroke--
apparently did not exist, at least after three years of treatment. In fact, the
drug appeared to slightly increase the risk.

This was contrary to pronouncements by the American College of Physicians, the
National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, and the National Cancer Institute,
all of which listed a lower risk of heart disease as an important benefit of
taking estrogen.

The estrogen news was the third unpleasant surprise about long-term drug
benefits in one month's time. In March, another NIH study with 42,000
participants found that the blood-pressure drug Cardura--one of a family of
alpha blockers taken by 1 million people--was so ineffective at preventing
strokes and heart failure that patients taking Cardura needed to be switched to
more effective medication.

A few weeks later, Merck made a terse announcement about a long-term safety
study of Vioxx, its new blockbuster arthritis drug and painkiller prescribed
for more than 6 million people. Compared with users of an inexpensive generic
drug called naproxen, the Vioxx patients experienced more heart attacks.
While the drugs mentioned here have documented benefits in the short term,
these three examples underline a fact little known to most consumers: The long-
term effects of most drugs intended for lifetime use are not routinely studied
and thus unknown.

Although new drugs are usually studied in thousands of patients for short
periods, the international standard provides that drugs intended for lifetime
use should be tested only in about 100 people for periods of one year or more.
Although Food and Drug Administration requirements for some drugs are stricter,
US law does not provide for the long-term testing of drugs, before or after
approval for marketing.

Even when occasional long-term tests reveal unexpected problems, no reliable
way exists to ensure that patients are promptly taken off drugs that are shown
to be dangerous, weak, or ineffective. Even when lives are at stake, drug
companies and other health authorities repeatedly have failed to warn doctors
and patients about newly discovered problems or ensure they halt treatment or
switch to a better drug.

The failure to provide for long-term testing of drugs and to make wise use of
the results constitutes perhaps the single most dangerous flaw in a system
intended to protect patients from unnecessary harm from prescription drugs.
Some other examples, each involving families of drugs taken by more than a
million people:

Sular. This is a blood-pressure drug in the family called calcium channel
blockers. One trial found that patients with adult-onset diabetes who took the
drug had a 500-percent higher risk of heart attack than those taking an ACE
inhibitor, another kind of blood-pressure drug. Investigators halted the trial,
unwilling to continue giving the patients Sular. But neither the manufacturer,
the FDA, nor the American Diabetes Association warned the public about the risk
or urged people to switch to more effective drugs.

Evista. Eli Lilly's new estrogen alternative is an example of a drug that could
either cause cancer or prevent it, and without long-term testing it is
impossible to know. When Evista was given to laboratory mice, 38 percent
developed ovarian cancer, but other evidence suggests that Evista affects a
human breast-cell receptor in a manner that might help prevent breast cancer.
Without much-longer studies, there's no way to say whether Evista might prevent
breast cancer, cause other cancers, or both.

Ritalin and Prozac. Both drugs illustrate the perils of failing to perform long-
term safety studies for psychiatric drugs. Do the tremors, disfiguring tics,
and other signs of neurological impairment reported in about 10 percent or more
patients taking the drugs become permanent and irreversible in some cases as
they do with some 

[CTRL] Drugs Awe

2000-10-08 Thread Alamaine

-Caveat Lector-


Good behavior in a pill
 They line up in schools across the tri-state - tots still learning to print
their names - waiting for their daily dose of psychotropic drugs designed to
turn them into better students. It's a snapshot of an expanding national scene:
impatient adults strapped for time, a society smitten with the magic fix of
prescription medicine, and everyone determined to have perfect children. In a
three-part series, The Post looks at the trend toward using psychotropic
prescription drugs on children.

Part 1: Good behavior in a pill
Ritalin decision agonizing

Part 2: Kids undergoing 'uncontrolled experiment'

Part 3: Medicines for teens backfire
Forwarded as information only; no endorsement to be presumed
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In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. section 107, this material
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expressed a prior interest in receiving this type of information
for non-profit research and educational purposes only.
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Integrity has no need of rules. -Albert Camus (1913-1960)
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The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust

The libertarian therefore considers one of his prime educational
tasks is to spread the demystification and desanctification of the
State among its hapless subjects.  His task is to demonstrate
repeatedly and in depth that not only the emperor but even the
"democratic" State has no clothes; that all governments subsist
by exploitive rule over the public; and that such rule is the reverse
of objective necessity.  He strives to show that the existence of
taxation and the State necessarily sets up a class division between
the exploiting rulers and the exploited ruled.  He seeks to show that
the task of the court intellectuals who have always supported the State
has ever been to weave mystification in order to induce the public to
accept State rule and that these intellectuals obtain, in return, a
share in the power and pelf extracted by the rulers from their deluded
[[For a New Liberty:  The Libertarian Manifesto, Murray N. Rothbard,
Fox  Wilkes, 1973, 1978, p. 25]]

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Report questions oil companies' claims of shortages

2000-10-08 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-

Report questions oil companies' claims of shortages

By the Associated Press

CHICAGO (October 8, 2000 12:04 a.m. EDT -
Five major oil companies told federal regulators in May that they had
adequate supplies to meet the Midwest's needs for a new gasoline
required by clean-air laws, according to a published report. A few weeks
later, prices jumped to $2 per gallon and the same companies blamed low
supplies of the new gas.

Four of the eight major companies that supply gasoline to the Chicago and
Milwaukee areas wrote to the Environmental Protection Agency in May that
they had adequate and increasing supplies of the new reformulated gas,
the Chicago Tribune reported in its Sunday editions.

Another company reported orally that it also had enough, and a sixth
company told the newspaper it also had plenty of the new fuel when the
summer started.

The letters seem to cast doubt on the oil industry's claim that the rapid rise
in prices in June was a simple case of supply and demand.

"We couldn't reconcile the degree of price rise with the physical facts on
the ground as we knew them," said Bob Perciasepe, assistant
administrator of the EPA's Office of Air and Radiation, which monitors the
use of the reformulated gasoline, called RFG.

The letters from the oil companies were written to protest requests by
gasoline marketers to waive the requirement for the reformulated gas.
Such a waiver, which the EPA rejected, would have been costly for the oil
companies because they already had shipped millions of gallons of the
new fuel.

"We have secured necessary supplies to satisfy our historical market
demand in this area," P.D. Bairrington, vice president of marketing at
Phillips Petroleum Co., wrote on May 25, according to the Tribune.

"We're happy to report that Koch Petroleum is supplying up to 20,000
barrels per day to Milwaukee, nearly double our 1999 production," wrote
Koch's northern region vice president, Brad Razook.

"Supplies of RFG for this market are tight, but appear to be manageable,"
J. Stephen Simon, president of ExxonMobil Refining and Supply Co., wrote
on May 25.

The Tribune reported that Premcor Inc. also wrote a letter to the EPA, and
that BP told the EPA that supplies were adequate. Citgo said the company
"made what we had expected in terms of (RFG) production," the
newspaper reported.

The Federal Trade Commission has been investigating the dramatic
increase in pump prices for months. An interim report in July said it "seems
unlikely" that stricter federal clean-air rules were what sent Midwestern gas
prices soaring, as some Republicans in Congress had insisted.

GOP leaders had blamed EPA rules requiring cleaner reformulated gas be
sold in the nation's smoggiest cities starting this summer. They said the
costly complications of making the new blend, especially in Chicago and
Milwaukee, where corn-based ethanol is added to make the gas burn
cleaner, were exacerbated when the Clinton administration refused to give
refiners flexibility in meeting the new standards.

The wholesale price of reformulated gas began to climb in early May,
especially the price paid by stations that buy fuel on the wholesale daily
market. That set off a scramble that pushed the price even higher.

Citgo spokesman Kent Young said his company had enough RFG to
supply its 340 Chicago-area stations, but didn't have the usual amount it
sells to independent stations.

"The industry as a whole was having a hard time getting reformulated gas
into Midwest markets," said Phillips Petroleum spokesman Rich Johnson,

The price jump may have caused some political heat and bad publicity for
oil companies, but it didn't hurt their bottom line. Second-quarter earnings
for all major oil companies were sharply higher, and many earnings
statements said increased profit margins in the refining and sale of
gasoline contributed to those higher earnings.

}}} ANOMALOUS RADIO {{{ - Techno, Ambient, Talk (33k+)

}}} RADIO ANOMALY {{{ - Techno, Ambient, Jazz (Cable, DSL)

Anomalous Images and UFO Files

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[CTRL] Carlos Castaño Unmasked (He's Madeleine Albright!)

2000-10-08 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

This is a very informative article for anybody interested.

Sent: Sunday, October 08, 2000 12:28 AM
Subject: [narconews] Carlos Castaño Unmasked (He's Madeleine Albright!)


Heinz Dieterich exposes Colombian Paramilitary
leader Carlos Castaño on Narco News:

New Bolivia Report Within the hour

Al Giordano
The Narco News Bulletin

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[CTRL] Fw: Re: [CTRL] Hetro Scout Shenanigans!

2000-10-08 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

I have asked this question before and never got an answer, just bashed, so I
will try asking it a different way.  Some time back a man was arrested for
the sexual battery of his 4 year old stepdaughter while his wife was at the
hospital giving birth to his own natural child.  This man is obviously
heterosexual thence the wife giving birth but yet he raped and sodomized a
small child so does that make him a pedophile only?  I really do not
understand this.  Both homos and heteros commit acts of pedophilia.  Do you
mean that over-rides their other sexual orientation and if so, why and what
determines which category into which they belong?  I am sincerely asking
this and not trying to instigate a day's long flame war.

- Original Message -
From: "Ynr Chyldz Wyld" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, October 07, 2000 4:43 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Hetro Scout Shenanigans!

 What you don't seem to grasp is the FACT that there are homosexuals, there
are heterosexuals, and then there
 are pedophiles.  Three SEPARATE groups.

 Pedophiles are a separate group from either homosexuals or heterosexuals.
A homosexual is attracted to adults
 of their same sex.  Heterosexuals are attracted to adults of the opposite
sex.  Pedophiles are attracted to
 children.  Pedophiles who molests children of the same sex are no more
represenative of the homosexual
 community, than pedophiles who molest children of the opposite sex are
representative of the heterosexual

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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[CTRL] Fw: [CTRL] Wisconsin students work on criminal case in TX!!!

2000-10-08 Thread Amelia

There is another case of a law student convicted of 
rape who served 10 years and upon his release the first thing he did was earn 
money and have DNA testing done which prove his innocence. He is demanding 
a full pardon (too late!) to clear his name from Gov. Bush. It seems to me 
the State should either pay for all cases to have DNA done immediately or be 
required to pay reprimand to these people wrongly convicted. I am shocked 
and sickened at how many there are with wrong convictions. I thought our 
system was designed to "let 100 guilty go free before convicting one 
- Original Message - 
From: Nate 
Sent: Saturday, October 07, 2000 1:57 AM
Subject: [CTRL] Wisconsin students work on criminal case in 

Wisconsin students working to free Texas convict

October 7, 2000Web posted at: 2:29 AM EDT (0629 
MADISON, Wisconsin (AP) -- Hours of work by University of Wisconsin-Madison 
law students and professors may soon pay off for a Texas man who has spent the 
past decade serving life in prison for murder. 
The Wisconsin Innocence Project successfully fought for DNA testing that 
could set Christopher Ochoa free and is now awaiting word from the Texas 
district attorney handling the case on what will happen next. 
Ochoa, 33, and another man were convicted for the 1988 rape and murder of 
Nancy DePriest, 20, a Pizza Hut worker in Austin, Texas. Both men were sentenced 
to life prison terms. 
Preliminary DNA tests showed Ochoa was not linked to the crime, said John 
Pray, co-director of the Wisconsin Innocence Project. The Capital Times reported 
the preliminary test results this week. 
The project is a two-semester course for second- and third-year law students. 

Pray said the Travis County district attorney's office did the DNA testing 
after the project began investigating Ochoa's case. 

[CTRL] US Concentration camps - NEW WEBSITE!!!]

2000-10-08 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
From: "American Patriot Friends Network" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: "American Patriot Friends Network" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, October 07, 2000 12:10 PM
Subject: [patriots] [Fwd: US Concentration camps - NEW WEBSITE!!!]


  Original Message 
 Subject: US Concentration camps - NEW WEBSITE!!!
 Date: Sat, 7 Oct 2000 08:28:07 -0700 (PDT)
 From: "W. Flatt" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I wish to make everyone aware of a brand-new website that has been
 established to document the growing threat of planned detention
 facilities throughout the USA and Canada.  This site is more than
 just a "list" of designated sites, but rather a comprehensive
 clearinghouse for the latest on detention sites, foreign troops in
 the USA, UN training activities here on US soil, and more.

 The name of this new website is GULAG AMERIKA, and the name says it
 all!!  Will you choose today to be free or be a slave?  Share this
 URL with all your friends.  Photo  text submissions readily

 "Bad men cannot make good citizens. It is when people forget God that
   tyrants forge their chains.  A vitiated state of morals, a corrupted
   public conscience, is incompatible with freedom. No free government,
   or the blessings of liberty, can be preserved to any people but by a
   firm adherence to justice, moderation, temperance, frugality, and
   virtue; and by a frequent recurrence to fundamental principles."
  --Patrick Henry
 The Patriot Organization is dedicated to the rediscovery of the founding
principles upon which this republic, the United States of America, was
established.  We strongly advocate Free Speech Online, and we invite your
thoughts, comments and participation.

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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[CTRL] Satanic Symbolism Surrounding the Death of Princess Diana

2000-10-08 Thread Ole Gerstrøm

-Caveat Lector-

Dear June,

No, occultisme is not the same as satanisme. But the ruling circles of this planet are 
occult and satanic as documented by David Icke in "The Biggest Secret." I strongly 
recommend you read that book. It will answer your many questions much better than I 
can do.

But I will mention, that satanisme as mentioned here, includes black mass at midnight 
with human sacrifice.

Love, Ole Gerstrom, Denmark

- Original Message -
From: Ynr Chyldz Wyld [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, October 08, 2000 12:02 AM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Satanic Symbolism Surrounding the Death of Princess Diana

 -Caveat Lector-

 From: "Ole Gerstrøm" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Satanic Symbolism Surrounding the Death of Princess Diana

 And what, pray tell, is 'satanic' about any of the supposed symbols?

 The city of Paris was founded in the sixth century AD by
 the Sicambrian Franks, an aryan race of middle-eastern
 extraction. They were keen followers of occult pracices,

 If true, what exactly in their practice do you construe as 'satanic'?

 Or are you implying you equate ANYTHING labeled 'occult' as the equivalent of 

 If so, you may be surprised to know that the term 'occult' is used every day in 
hospitals and medical
 facilities around the world.

 So are you going to tell us that every hospital, and that every doctor and nurse, is 

 and ritual and ceremonial magic was integral to their daily life.

 And so?  That doesn't mean they were satanists.

 The central religious deity the Franks worshipped was the
 Moon Goddess known to the Romans as Diana, (aka Artemis,
 Isis, and others).

 And what is 'satanic' regarding any of the above?

 The Franks built an underground chamber for the worship of
 Diana outside the Isle-de-la-Cite. Sacrifices to the Moon
 Goddess were made here,

 If true, then they were Dianic, not Satanic...

 Allegedly a "symbol of Liberty", and a memorial to French
 servicemen who died in the Second World War, the monument
 consists of a torch over a black five-pointed star. Those
 familiar with the occult may be aware that this is not a
 symbol much associated with liberty.

 Perhaps not in the strictest sense...but it is definitely NOT 'satanic'...unless you 
are going to tell us the
 fifty stars on the U.S. flag are also 'satanic'...

 The 5-pointed pentagram IS utilized by non-satanic pagans of various flavors when 
working a 'magic
 circle' is a symbol of power and of protection from negative and evil 

 Satanists -- who are nothing more than Roman Catholics turning their religion inside 
out and upside down --
 usurped the symbol, utilizing a reversed pentagram as a sign to welcome negative and 
evil forces...

 But just as the cross has been in use long before Christianity usurped it, just as 
the swastika was in long
 use before the German National Socialists adopted a reversed swastika as their 
national symbol, so too with
 the symbol of a 5-pointed star long antiquates the modern use by modern satanists...

 The Moon Goddess is frequently said to be as female energy form

 And the female energy form equates to 'satanism'how?

 The latter, Hecate, the Queen of the Underworld, is very heavily
 associated with occult practices and ritual sacrifice.

 True.  But it has naught to do with satanism.  Hecate predates satanism by centuries.

 "Hecate's Day" is August 13th,

 Your source for this is?

 but Satanic rituals, (black as opposed to white magic), to
 Hecate are better carried out on the 31st, reversal of numerals
 popular in Satanism.

 And again, your source for this is...?

 The underlying contention being that there exists a Satanic
 group located at the extreme apex of our society, practising
 ritual magic.

 We're still waiting for any proof that any of this, even if true, has aught to do 
with satanism.

 All the practices you mention, except human sacrafice, are common practices of any 
number of pagan and wiccan are you claiming that these groups are the same as satanists?


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 directions and outright frauds-is used politically by different groups with
 major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
 That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] LT: Monica, drink and me - Yeltsin reveals all (Monica a Republican plant?)

2000-10-08 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Monica, drink and me - Yeltsin reveals all
Mark Franchetti, Moscow

IN late 1996, just over a year before the Monica Lewinsky
scandal, Boris Yeltsin received a document that might have spared
Bill Clinton the embarrassment of impeachment proceedings.

Among papers on his desk in the Kremlin lay a coded report from
Russian intelligence warning that the Republicans intended to
exploit Clinton's notorious "penchant" for young women by
planting a female "provocateur" in his entourage. The aim was
clear, it said - to ruin Clinton's reputation and force him out
of office.

"I thought about telling him but it could after all have been a
normal provocation," said 69- year-old Yeltsin in an interview
this weekend. "I wasn't sure whether some of the details were
sufficiently precise. If I had warned him I could have hurt him
unnecessarily, and I didn't want to do that. I have always
believed in him and in his honesty, and I thought that Clinton
could deal with this situation himself."

During a meeting with Clinton long after the impeachment attempt
against him failed, Yeltsin apparently contemplated giving the
American leader a copy of the coded report as a souvenir - but
refrained so as not to "traumatise" him.

The story of this bizarre tip-off is one of the stranger tales
recounted by the former Russian leader in The Midnight Diaries,
an account of his last four years in office, which is published
this week. No less intriguing is Yeltsin's admission that he
"occasionally" turned to alcohol to alleviate the stress of the
post he occupied from 1991 until he stepped down at the end of
last year in favour of Vladimir Putin.

In his book, Yeltsin, who has rarely appeared in public since his
resignation, admits being drunk when he shamed himself at a
ceremony in Berlin in 1994 by conducting a military band in front
of the world's media. He also describes how his closest aides
were so appalled that they wrote him a letter saying he had gone
too far in embarrassing his country.

The uncharacteristic confession is believed to have been included
on the insistence of the American publishers, who demanded that
Yeltsin deal with the question of his notorious drinking problem.

"I could not stand drunk people, but at some moment I felt that
alcohol is really a means, which takes stress away quickly,"
Yeltsin writes.

"The times before the Berlin incident were hard for me.
Exhaustion and tension were looking for a way out. There, in
Berlin, when the whole of Europe was celebrating the last of our
troops leaving [Germany], I suddenly felt that I couldn't stand
it any more. The responsibility was exerting pressure, the
atmosphere of the event, the historical moment. Suddenly . . . I
gave in."

In the book Yeltsin firmly rejects allegations that he accepted
bribes from a Swiss construction company in return for a
lucrative contract to renovate the Kremlin. To show how simply he
lives, he even lists some of his most valuable possessions,
including the family fridge, a tape recorder, a tennis racket and
a set of scales.

The former president, who had a quintuple heart bypass and
survived several heart attacks, now lives at a secluded state
dacha outside Moscow with his wife Naina and daughters Lena and
Tatyana. In the grounds he keeps horses given to him by heads of
state during his two terms in office.

In the interview, in today's issue of the German newspaper Welt
am Sonntag, Yeltsin criticised the way Putin handled the
aftermath of the tragedy of the Kursk, the nuclear submarine that
sank in the Barents Sea killing all 188 crew members.

He said Putin visits him regularly for guidance on how to run
Russia. "Putin has made mistakes but I am very impressed by how
he often comes to me for advice," Yeltsin said. "He calls me,
comes to my residence. Only the day before yesterday he visited
me to seek my advice on really important strategic questions."

When not discussing world politics, Yeltsin, who still suffers
from poor health, spends his days playing with his grandchildren,
fishing and resting. One favourite pastime, however, is
apparently causing concern in his entourage.

"I have managed to find a way to satisfy my passion for driving -
I drive a small electric buggy," he writes in the book. "And I
reach high speeds. I especially love driving down a hill directly
at a tree and swerving to one side at the last moment. That's my
way to relax.

"I was recently given a guard to come with me on one of these
risky trips. But when I swerved he couldn't hold on and fell out
of the buggy. I had to say sorry."

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is 

[CTRL] stop giving HIV

2000-10-08 Thread J Taylor

-Caveat Lector-

New Africa

Visit this site

SEPT 2000

Aids: Judgement day on the 13th
Pusch Commey, reports from Durban, on the good, the bad and the shananagians
at the recent 13th International Aids Conference held in that city.
Something is killing Africa and the world. What it is, nobody is sure. But
for now the medical establishment believes it is HIV.

Based on this premise, 12,400 delegates and over 1,500 journalists
congregated at the Durban International Convention Centre for the 13th
International Aids conference (9-14 July) to debate and compare notes on the
most insidious scourge in modern times. These were bad times to be a youth.
But all was not solidarity.

The run up to the conference itself was characterised by an unrelenting
media assault on the person of President Thabo Mbeki. He was variously
described as irresponsible, grossly negligent and genocidal. Most thought he
had lost his marbles. Columnists suggested that it is perhaps his final
solution to the high incidence of poverty and unemployment.

His mortal sin was to have exercised his right to the freedom of expression
and enquiry that all Western constitutions hold so dear. He had dared
question the unquestionable: the inconclusive theory that Aids is solely
caused by a virus called HIV.

He had dared to threaten the very foundation upon which is built a huge Aids
edifice that feeds on the virus. Pharmaceutical companies, Aids researchers,
the medical establishment, microbiologists, NGOs, entrepreneurs, you name
it. And which replicates as fast as the virus itself as sufficient panic is
created to force governments and institutions to fork out more and more

The potential catastrophe has been variously described as akin to a nuclear
war that will decimate economies and societies, and leave ghost countries or
maybe continents in its wake; Africa being the usual suspect.

Durban, the current "epicentre" of the invincible virus, was chosen as the
venue of the counter-attack primarily for this reason. So far the body
count, according to UNAIDS, is 33 million infected worldwide by the end of
1999, 18 million already dead. Africa's share was 24 million infections.

South Africa reportedly has the highest number of people living with the
virus - 4.2 million. And its neighbour, Botswana, is said to be the worst
afflicted, with about 36% of its adult population between the ages of 15 and
49 affected. Delegates echoed a modern day black plague revisited on blacks.
They largely blamed African sexuality and gross negligence. It was time to
fight back and one huge banner on the highway lamented: "The future is not
what it used to be".

Alternative views not welcome

Break the silence was the chosen theme, partly meant to highlight the
"criminal negligence" of governments said to have buried their heads in the
sand while the epidemic raged. More importantly it was meant to bring the
issue of Aids out into the open.

Ironically, this invitation to transparency did not extend to anybody with a
view contrary to the official one - that "HIV is the sole cause of Aids".
Chairman Mao would have been proud of this huge conspiracy to silence
dissenting voices.

Legal threats to President Mbeki and a threatened boycott of the conference
by anti-Mbeki elements failed to materialise.

Delegates came from over 200 countries and paid $800 each for the privilege
to attend. For the duration of the conference, the official website
( recorded 1.4m hits, with promises of a bigger turnout
at the next conference in Barcelona, Spain, in 2002.

Before the commencement, an agenda had already been set with the "Durban
Declaration"; a scroll-like document in the form of the Ten Commandments
tablet signed by 5,000 medical practitioners declaring HIV to be the sole
cause of Aids.

In another manoeuvre, the German drug company, Boehringer Ingelheim,
manufacturers of Viramune (also known as Nevirapine) and a major sponsor of
the conference, announced without informing the Mbeki government, that it
would offer its drug free for five years to prevent South African babies
born to HIV-positive mothers being infected.

Preceding that, the South African government had come under intense fire
from the press for failing to provide pregnant HIV-positive mothers with
drugs that would reduce transmission risks, saying they were too expensive
and toxic.

Boehringer's move, the detail of which was uncertain, was cautiously
welcomed by UNAIDS. At best, it was a tactical manoeuvre as well as a Greek
gift meant to undermine the Mbeki government's position on anti-retroviral

The big Western drug companies had made major contributions to the
sponsorship of the conference and expected returns on their investments. But
what drew a lot of interest was the sex workers stand which reported an
unprecedented boom 

Re: [CTRL] Satanic Symbolism Surrounding the Death of Princess Diana

2000-10-08 Thread craig

-Caveat Lector-

dear ole

i strongly recommend you read "the illuminatus trilogy" by r.a. wilson
before icke does any more damage to your perceptions.


- Original Message -
From: "Ole Gerstrøm" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, October 08, 2000 10:19 AM
Subject: [CTRL] Satanic Symbolism Surrounding the Death of Princess Diana

 -Caveat Lector-

 Dear June,

 No, occultisme is not the same as satanisme. But the ruling circles of
this planet are occult and satanic as documented by David Icke in "The
Biggest Secret." I strongly recommend you read that book. It will answer
your many questions much better than I can do.

 But I will mention, that satanisme as mentioned here, includes black mass
at midnight with human sacrifice.

 Love, Ole Gerstrom, Denmark

 - Original Message -
 From: Ynr Chyldz Wyld [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Sunday, October 08, 2000 12:02 AM
 Subject: Re: [CTRL] Satanic Symbolism Surrounding the Death of Princess

  -Caveat Lector-
  From: "Ole Gerstrøm" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Satanic Symbolism Surrounding the Death of Princess Diana
  And what, pray tell, is 'satanic' about any of the supposed symbols?
  The city of Paris was founded in the sixth century AD by
  the Sicambrian Franks, an aryan race of middle-eastern
  extraction. They were keen followers of occult pracices,
  If true, what exactly in their practice do you construe as 'satanic'?
  Or are you implying you equate ANYTHING labeled 'occult' as the
equivalent of 'satanic'?
  If so, you may be surprised to know that the term 'occult' is used every
day in hospitals and medical
  facilities around the world.
  So are you going to tell us that every hospital, and that every doctor
and nurse, is 'satanic'?
  and ritual and ceremonial magic was integral to their daily life.
  And so?  That doesn't mean they were satanists.
  The central religious deity the Franks worshipped was the
  Moon Goddess known to the Romans as Diana, (aka Artemis,
  Isis, and others).
  And what is 'satanic' regarding any of the above?
  The Franks built an underground chamber for the worship of
  Diana outside the Isle-de-la-Cite. Sacrifices to the Moon
  Goddess were made here,
  If true, then they were Dianic, not Satanic...
  Allegedly a "symbol of Liberty", and a memorial to French
  servicemen who died in the Second World War, the monument
  consists of a torch over a black five-pointed star. Those
  familiar with the occult may be aware that this is not a
  symbol much associated with liberty.
  Perhaps not in the strictest sense...but it is definitely NOT
'satanic'...unless you are going to tell us the
  fifty stars on the U.S. flag are also 'satanic'...
  The 5-pointed pentagram IS utilized by non-satanic pagans of various
flavors when working a 'magic
  circle' is a symbol of power and of protection from negative and
evil influences...
  Satanists -- who are nothing more than Roman Catholics turning their
religion inside out and upside down --
  usurped the symbol, utilizing a reversed pentagram as a sign to welcome
negative and evil forces...
  But just as the cross has been in use long before Christianity usurped
it, just as the swastika was in long
  use before the German National Socialists adopted a reversed swastika as
their national symbol, so too with
  the symbol of a 5-pointed star long antiquates the modern use by modern
  The Moon Goddess is frequently said to be as female energy form
  And the female energy form equates to 'satanism'how?
  The latter, Hecate, the Queen of the Underworld, is very heavily
  associated with occult practices and ritual sacrifice.
  True.  But it has naught to do with satanism.  Hecate predates satanism
by centuries.
  "Hecate's Day" is August 13th,
  Your source for this is?
  but Satanic rituals, (black as opposed to white magic), to
  Hecate are better carried out on the 31st, reversal of numerals
  popular in Satanism.
  And again, your source for this is...?
  The underlying contention being that there exists a Satanic
  group located at the extreme apex of our society, practising
  ritual magic.
  We're still waiting for any proof that any of this, even if true, has
aught to do with satanism.
  All the practices you mention, except human sacrafice, are common
practices of any number of pagan and wiccan are you claiming that these groups are the same as
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Re: [CTRL] Fw: Re: [CTRL] Hetro Scout Shenanigans!

2000-10-08 Thread craig

-Caveat Lector-

i always thought that male animals of a number of species are dynamic in
their sexual tastes depending on the environment... along the lines of: if
there is a female of the species around then he will try to copulate with
that. if no females- then someone of the same gender of the same species/
and or a minor of the opposite gender, if not either of them then a  minor
of the the same gender. if not that then a female member of another species

so maybe there is no black and white dividing line between hetro and
homosexual behaviour *generally*... but some people, especially men
(possibly due to their anal retentive attitude to hobbies) seem to
politisize and concentrate their fetishism.
a man might be labelled a paedophile because he was caught doing it because
it was an opportunist act- and another man might be labelled a paedophile
because he is unable to form relationships with anyone other than children
and is diagnosed as being paedophilic exclusively.

strict, undynamic labelling of sexual orientation is just neglecting human

- Original Message -
From: "Amelia" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, October 08, 2000 9:22 AM
Subject: [CTRL] Fw: Re: [CTRL] Hetro Scout Shenanigans!

 -Caveat Lector-

 I have asked this question before and never got an answer, just bashed, so
 will try asking it a different way.  Some time back a man was arrested for
 the sexual battery of his 4 year old stepdaughter while his wife was at
 hospital giving birth to his own natural child.  This man is obviously
 heterosexual thence the wife giving birth but yet he raped and sodomized a
 small child so does that make him a pedophile only?  I really do not
 understand this.  Both homos and heteros commit acts of pedophilia.  Do
 mean that over-rides their other sexual orientation and if so, why and
 determines which category into which they belong?  I am sincerely asking
 this and not trying to instigate a day's long flame war.

 - Original Message -
 From: "Ynr Chyldz Wyld" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Saturday, October 07, 2000 4:43 PM
 Subject: Re: [CTRL] Hetro Scout Shenanigans!

  What you don't seem to grasp is the FACT that there are homosexuals,
 are heterosexuals, and then there
  are pedophiles.  Three SEPARATE groups.
  Pedophiles are a separate group from either homosexuals or
 A homosexual is attracted to adults
  of their same sex.  Heterosexuals are attracted to adults of the
 sex.  Pedophiles are attracted to
  children.  Pedophiles who molests children of the same sex are no more
 represenative of the homosexual
  community, than pedophiles who molest children of the opposite sex are
 representative of the heterosexual

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Re: [CTRL] RUE: Former Starr Aide Not Guilty in News Leak Case

2000-10-08 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 10/07/2000 2:49:49 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

 ``The court concludes that the government has not proved its
 charges beyond a reasonable doubt and therefore the court finds
 that Mr.  Bakaly is not guilty of criminal contempt,'' Chief U.S.
 District Judge Norma Holloway Johnson said in a written ruling. 

What a surprise! Prudy

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Re: [CTRL] CNS: E-Mail Special Counsel Sought

2000-10-08 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 10/07/2000 2:49:50 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

 A congressional committee is asking for the appointment of a
 special counsel to investigate the circumstances surrounding
 hundreds of thousands of missing White House e-mails. 

Oh goody, an investigation of an investigation.  Where is Mr. Starr?  He's
the man for the job.  Prudy

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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2000-10-08 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 10/07/2000 7:07:25 AM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 A little-publicized congressional and General Accounting Office (GAO)
 investigation, concluded in September 1998, but largely buried until now,
 indicates that Vice President Al Gore’s “Reinventing Government” program was
 directly tied to, and largely responsible for, a massive growth in government
 and contracting fraud, theft, and corruption cases during the Clinton
 Administration -- fraud in which literally “trillions” of dollars in
 bookkeeping figures were “manipulated up and down, back and forth,” to hide
 untold billions of dollars in fraud and thefts. The investigator told that in CY 1999 alone, a sum total of $6.7 Trillion in
 “adjustments”were made to cover incredible levels of mismanagement, neglect
 and criminal activities. 

How in Heaven's name could they break this out of the massive fraud, waste,
etc. that is inherent in every program Congress touches?  These investigators
are really proficient.  When I think of Congress, the first thought in my
mind is of their incredible levels of mismanagement, neglect and criminal
activities.  Fancy.  Prudy

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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2000-10-08 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 10/07/2000 3:10:24 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

 "There is nothing to say," Jones' mother, Delmer Corbin, said by telephone
 from her home in Cabot, Ark. 

Sure there is.  GO GIRL!Prudy

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Re: [CTRL] Report questions oil companies' claims of shortages

2000-10-08 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 10/08/2000 2:53:59 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

 CHICAGO (October 8, 2000 12:04 a.m. EDT -
 Five major oil companies told federal regulators in May that they had
 adequate supplies to meet the Midwest's needs for a new gasoline
 required by clean-air laws, according to a published report. A few weeks
 later, prices jumped to $2 per gallon and the same companies blamed low
 supplies of the new gas.

 Four of the eight major companies that supply gasoline to the Chicago and
 Milwaukee areas wrote to the Environmental Protection Agency in May that
 they had adequate and increasing supplies of the new reformulated gas,
 the Chicago Tribune reported in its Sunday editions.

 Another company reported orally that it also had enough, and a sixth
 company told the newspaper it also had plenty of the new fuel when the
 summer started. 

Sounds like the oil boys.  The crude may be sour, but they're always sweet.

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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2000-10-08 Thread Ole Gerstrøm

  This "story" relates to events and discoveries which happened 
  to me between the years 1994 onto the present day. It involves missing 
  persons, Devil worship, Satanic abuse, child abuse, and satanic murders or 
  human sacrifice.Prior to Aug 1994, I lived in the British governed 
  part of Ireland which is known as Northern Ireland or Ulster. I was 
  self-employed in electrical engineering and owned my own property, modest 
  though it may have been. I knew nothing about devil worship, witches, or any 
  connection that they might have to missing people. My only knowledge of 
  witchcraft or anything devilish would have been the Hammer Horror films of the 
  sixties, ie, Dracula and The Wicker Man. One could say that I existed in a 
  world of naivety and ignorance.I lived in an area of South Antrim, in 
  Northern Ireland which was effectively controlled by the loyalist paramilitary 
  group, the UVF. I was surrounded by people who would have been known to be 
  UVF, but I never got involved with them except to be courteous and I tried to 
  keep a safe distance. I had, however, been getting anonomous phone calls for 
  at least 4 years but I put these down to someone that I knew who had UVF 
  links.There was a strange atmosphere around me during the time I lived 
  in this South Antrim village and I remember telling my local "clergyman" that 
  I felt a MALICE was upon me , even though I knew nothing about witchcraft at 
  this stage!On the 12th Aug 1994, I dropped my ex-wife off from my car 
  at her home in Belfast after being out together on a social occasion. I headed 
  off in my car for my home in south Antrim which was about 13 miles away. 
  I turned off the motorway at Templepatrick, the time was around 
  11.30pm and onto a dark and unlit road. I drove into a trap set up by a 
  loyalist paramilitary group and I have no doubt that this group was the 
  UVF.The first thing I saw was a white van and inside the van was the 
  face of the man I had seen circling my home on the previous day. His face was 
  unmistakeable with his stocky face and heavy black moustache. I immediately 
  turned back onto the motorway hotly pursued by this van and a white car which 
  was moving much faster than the van. There took place a highspeed chase 
  involving myself and mainly the white car. I sped up the completely 
  unlit motorway and I looked around and the white car was in pursuit, but it 
  must have had a problem because I saw its lights dim for lack of power or the 
  car must have been carrying too many persons. I finally reached the next 
  roundabout at Glengormley and I turned off only to be pursued by the white car 
  which drove straight across the roundabout at extremely high speed and exited 
  out the opposite side. At this roundabout, there were some cars even at this 
  late hour .I reported this incident to the local RUC. I requested a 
  police escort to my home in the village so that I could get certain personal 
  belongings. Afterwards I left the RUC patrol and fled the area. Two days 
  later, I drove across the border into the Irish Republic and drove at least 
  250 miles to the town of Kilkenny, where a friend of my ex-wife lived. I 
  eventually got a house to rent in Kilkenny, and I am living here 
  today.I will not go into the details of everything and every person 
  involved in this area for obvious reasons but I will name the relevant 
  government depts, politicians, police depts, newspaper groups,and welfare 
  groups which are all part ot this saga.In the weeks and months ahead , 
  incredible revelations unfolded and I discovered that a person once close to 
  me had set me up for the murder/abduction attempt in Aug 1994. BUT MUCH WORSE 
  became clear that there were other much more sinister motives for this murder 
  attempt. I went on to discover that the person who was once close to me was 
  involved with the IRA and a SATANIC CULT which was masquerading as a pseudo 
  Christian/ religious sect. I will not accuse all of the IRA of being totally 
  involved with this Satanic cult but I will say that some of their members 
  certainly are. That goes for the UVF as well, because the same cult is 
  known to have and had members who are UVF. This is one thing that the IRA and 
  UVF have in common membership of this cult; and this is widely known to Irish 
  journalists.After Aug 1994, a cult member moved into a house beside my 
  home in Kilkenny, and between 1995 and Nov 1997, I was subjected to a reign of 
  Satanic terrors. During that period, I had 3 of my cars smashed up, stolen 
  once, Satanic slogans constantly daubed on my car; and physically attacked one 
  one occasion with a hammer. The local police were constantly at my 
  door because of the attacks on myself and my property. On one occasion, 

[CTRL] Fwd: UPDATES to... Russia in Cahoots with New World Order (Again!) (TiM GW Bulletin 2000/10-3, Oct. 7, 2000)

2000-10-08 Thread K
-Caveat Lector-
Here are two additional UPDATES to our latest TiM Bulletin on the Yugoslav “revolution” - a “Wag the Dog”-type pre-arranged “palace coup,” in which more than half a million Belgrade citizens were duped into acting as unpaid Hollywood extras (see 7. Germany, Norway Also Poured Cash into Kostunica/DOS’ and Opposition Media’ Coffers, 8. U.S. TiM Reader Confirms “Palace Coup” Theory, and 9. Kostunica Invited to Washingon.
To read the latest update and all of the above stories, just click (or double-click, depending on your computer) on the following Web address, and you'll be able to see it in full color, along with accompanying images:
lletins2000/tim2000-10-3.html" eudora="autourl" ... ,,8y Also Poured Cash into Kostunica/DOS’ and Opposition Media’ Coffers
An “Ostrich Revolutiand Paid for by Western Funds
BERLIN, Oct. 7 - Germa Joschka Fischer, said in an interview with the Der Spiegel magazine that Germany had supported the Yugoslav opposition with millions of marks in financial aid, according to an Oct. 7 Reuters report.
Norway also said it had helped fund the Yugoslav opposition's election campaign, which led to victory by opposition candidate Vojislav Kostunica and soon afterwards to the overthrow of strongman President Slobodan Milosevic. Der Spiegel said around $30 million, mostly from the United States, was channeled through an office in Budapest.
Another 45 million marks ($20 million) from Germany and other Western states went to cities that were under opposition control. Der Spiegel said the Foreign Ministry sent around 17 million marks through 16 German towns, which also contributed.
A spokeswoman for the Foreign Ministry confirmed the figures. “It was not disguised but rather it was entirely normal financial aid from the budget,” she said.
She said four million marks in media support went to Yugoslavia. She declined to identify which media outlets channeled the money, but Der Spiegel said state broadcasters ZDF and Bayerischer Rundfunk were used. .
Der Spiegel also reported that Fischer, U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright and some G-8 foreign ministers brought the Yugoslav opposition together in Berlin on December 17.  “We read the riot act to the opposition then and told them to get their act together,” it quoted one participant as saying (see “Cavorting with the Enemy, Dec. 23, 1999).
In Oslo, Foreign Ministry spokesman Victor Roenneberg told Reuters the government had given “several million crowns” in financial aid to Yugoslavia and provided supplies ranging from computer and communications equipment for the opposition's vote count to oil to opposition-controlled villages.
Norway also funded opposition-run newspapers, radio stations and Internet media, he said. Norwegian Foreign Minister Thorbjoern Jagland arrived in Belgrade early on Saturday and met with Kostunica, who was to be sworn in at a ceremony later in the day.
As the TiM has already reported (see Item 1 above), the Norwegian president is due in Belgrade on Monday. --- TiM Ed.: So the so-called Yugoslav “revolution” turned out to be an election bought and paid for by the same countries that bombed Serbia last year.  Yet my, now definitely FORMER friend, Vojislav Kostunica, kept denying that he and his DOS cronies took any money from anyone.  Which makes him a… (TiM readers should feel free to fill in the blanks).
The Serb “demo farce” was then followed by a “Wag the Dog”- type pre-arranged “palace coup,” in which more than half a million Belgrade citizens were duped into acting as unpaid Hollywood-style extras.
Some “revolution!”  Prague’s 1989 uprising has been dubbed a “velvet revolution.” Belgrade’s 2000 post-election protest should be named an “ostrich revolution.”
Which means that when Hollywood gets around to making the Yugoslavia sequel to the “Wag the Dog” movie, its title will be already set.  “Ostriches,” of course.
(For our early warnings about the upcoming "demo farce," check out... American vs. Serrce", July 28, Toward Another "Red October" , Sep. 8, 000,FF00Washington Funds Serb Opposition Efforts , Sep. 19, TiM Ed.: a Belgrade source) and I agree that we have seen the prestidigitation of a palace coup - coup de theatre co-opt the peoples' revolution.

Charles Alverson's report was an insighcle. My friend Jelena (in Beograd) was very angry about the destruction too.  And most of that went unreported in the news shows.

More and more it appears that a  has co-opted the revolution.  The governing class takes care of itself first, last and always.” 
Ben Works, Virginia -
9. Kted to Washington
WASHINGTON, Oct. 7, ic>Yugoslavia President Vojislav Kostunica has been invited to Washington to deliver the keynote address at The 

[CTRL] Now or Never! chant farmers, Coca or Death!

2000-10-08 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

STILL NO MEDIA COVERAGE!  I guess some lives are more newsworthy than

- Original Message -
From: "Alberto M. Giordano" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, October 08, 2000 9:23 AM
Subject: [narconews] "Now or Never!" chant farmers, "Coca or Death!"

 Thirty-three years from the assassination of
 Che Guevara in Bolivia...

 "Now or Never! Coca or Death!"

 Farmers Chant as they Arm Themselves

 "The government pledges not to eradicated coca leaf crops in traditional
 indigenous zones, as established in Article 9 of Law 1008."

 -- Agreement Signed with Peasant Farmers from Some Regions even as Bolivia
 sends 5,000 soldiers to confront 60,000 coca-growing families in Chapare

 Updated on Sunday Morning, October 8, 2000

 Next Update: Monday afternoon

 "We will offer our lives"
 -- Evo Morales, Congressman and Coca Grower

 Hasta la Victoria, Siempre...

 Al Giordano
 The Narco News Bulletin

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Re: [CTRL] Hetro Scout Shenanigans!

2000-10-08 Thread Ynr Chyldz Wyld

-Caveat Lector-

From: "Amelia" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 I have asked this question before and never got an answer, just bashed, so I
 will try asking it a different way.  Some time back a man was arrested for
 the sexual battery of his 4 year old stepdaughter while his wife was at the
 hospital giving birth to his own natural child.  This man is obviously
 heterosexual thence the wife giving birth but yet he raped and sodomized a
 small child so does that make him a pedophile only?  I really do not
 understand this.  Both homos and heteros commit acts of pedophilia.  Do you
 mean that over-rides their other sexual orientation


 and if so, why and what
 determines which category into which they belong?

Let me ask you this:  do you consider this man representative of all adult 
heterosexual men?

If not, then an argument can not be made that a male pedophile who sexually molests 
boys is representative of
all adult homosexual men.

Some pedophiles have adult partners.  That does not change the fact that they are 
pedophiles, which puts them
in a separate category than the rank and file of adult heterosexuals or adult 

In the case you mention, the man is a pedophile, plain and simple, one who just 
happens to have an adult
partner.  That his partner happens to be of the opposite sex does not make him any 
more a normal heterosexual
than if his partner was of the same sex would make him a normal homosexual.


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: [narconews] Bolivia: The Final Solution?

2000-10-08 Thread Kris Millegan

Today's Press Briefing
October 8, 2000

The Final Solution in Bolivia:

Coca for Some Regions, Violence for Others

Bolivia Divided by Drug War Hypocrisy

Narco News Analysis: The Banzer regime has granted one of the two major coca
growing unions the rights to continue to grow "traditional coca," along with
pledging massive financial investment and agreeing to "95%" of their
demands, in order to isolate the coca growers of Chapare.

Chapare is the central region of Bolivia that Washington DC has targetted
for the next phase of its "zero coca" policy, in which the
dictator-turned-"president" Hugo Banzer is a key player.

The government claims it will allow coca growers in Yunga and other states
where coca eradication had been scheduled for after the upcoming Chapare
operation, and those regions lifted their road blockades that have paralyzed
the country for 18 days.

First, the government will go after Chapare. Does anyone really believe they
will stop there?

Narco News is waiting for clearer word out of Bolivia on these fast-breaking
events. Stay tuned. Here is the most concise story from recent news...


Al Giordano
The Narco News Bulletin

P.S. Don't miss the latest from Heinz Dieterich: Carlos Castaño Unmasked
(and it turns out he is Madeleine Albright!)

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[CTRL] Fwd: The Former Ruling House of Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen, 1939-1945

2000-10-08 Thread Kris Millegan

[from your article:
Others, though state quite plainly that Phi Beta Kappa is the "Bavarian
Illuminati, . . . spread to America"; and "the Masonic Order probably
influenced the founding of the Society at William and Mary."
Ocean travel, in the late 1700s, between Europe and America was a two to
three month journey. It has been reported that Weishaupt had begun
'canvassing' members for his order in 1774.  He was a zealous member of the
Lodge of Eclectic Masonry in 1775, The Lodge Theodore of Good Consul, with
people that became members of the Bavarian Illuminati. And even though the
sect was suppressed by the government in 1788, there are accounts of the
Illuminati's survival and Weishaupt, himself, lived in Saxe-Gotha, until
November 1830.]

After being replaced at the University in February, Weishaupt fled across
the border into Regensburg, finally settling in Gotha, where he found refuge
with another Illuminati member, the Duke of Saxe-Gotha.
On November 15, 1790, another Edict was announced against the members of the
organization. Anyone found to be an active member, was to be put to death.
The following year, a list of 91 names of alleged members was compiled. They
were hunted down, and banished. This harassment didn't end until 1799, when
Dalberg died
To hide their subversive activities, the highest members of the Order began
to masquerade as humanitarians and philanthropists. Weishaupt fled to
Switzerland, later returning to Germany, when the Duke of Saxe-Gotha gave
him sanctuary. The Order moved their headquarters to London, where it began
to grow again. Weishaupt told his followers to infiltrate the lodges of Blue
Masonry, and to form secret circles within them. Only Masons who proved
themselves as Internationalists, and were atheists, were initiated into the

Friedrich Viktor, The Prince of Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen (1891- )
Franz Josef, Prince of Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen (1891- )
Auguste Viktoria, widow of King Manoel II of Portugal, Countess Robert
Douglas from 1939 (1890- )

Wilhelm, The Prince of Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen (1864-1927)
Marie Therese, Princess of Bourbon-Sicily (1867-1909)

Leopold, The Prince of Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen (1835-1905)
Antonia, Infanta of Portugal (1845-1913)
Louis, Prince of Bourbon-Sicily, Count of Trani (1838-1886)
Mathilde, Duchess in Bavaria (1843-1925)

Karl Anton, The Prince of Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen (1811-1885)
Josephine, Princess of Baden (1813-1900)
Ferdinand II, King of Portugal, né Prince of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha
Maria II da Gloria, Queen of Portugal (1819-1853)
Ferdinando II, King of the Two Sicilies (1810-1859)
Maria Theresa, Archduchess of Austria (1816-1867)
Maximilian, Duke in Bavaria (1808-1888)
Ludovika, Princess of Bavaria (1808-1892)

Karl, The Prince of Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen (1785-1853)
Antoinette Murat (1793-1847)
Karl, Grand Duke of Baden (1786-1818)
Stephanie de Beauharnais (1789-1860)
Ferdinand, Prince of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha (1785-1851)
Maria Antonia, Princess of Kohary (1797-1862)
Pedro IV, King of Portugal, Emperor Pedro I of Brazil (1798-1834)
Leopoldine, Archduchess of Austria (1797-1826)
Francesco I, King of the Two Sicilies (1777-1830)
Maria Isabela, Infanta of Spain (1789-1848)
Karl, Archduke of Austria (1771-1847)
Henriette, Princess of Nassau-Weilburg (1797-1829)
Pius, Duke in Bavaria (1786-1837)
Amalie, Princess and Duchess of Arenberg (1789-1823)
Maximilian I Josef, King of Bavaria (1756-1825)
Karoline, Princess of Baden (1776-1841)

Anton Alois, The Prince of Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen (1762-1831)
Amalie, Countess of Salm-Kyrburg (1760-1841)
Pierre Murat (1748-1792)
Louise Dastorg (1762-1832)
Karl Ludwig, Hereditary Prince of Baden (1755-1801)
Amalie, Princess of Hesse-Darmstadt (1754-1832)
Claude de Beauharnais, Comte des Roches-Baritaud (1756-1819)
Claude Françoise de Lezay (1767-1791)
Franz, Duke of Saxe-Coburg-Saalfeld (1750-1806)
Auguste, Countess Reuss zu Ebersdorf (1757-1831)
Franz Josef, The Prince of Kohary (1767-1826)
Maria Antonia, Countess of Waldstein-Wartenberg (1771-1854)
João VI, King of Portugal (1767-1826)
Carlota, Infanta of Spain (1775-1830)
Franz I, Emperor of Austria (1768-1835)
Marie Therese, Princess of Bourbon-Sicily (1772-1807)
Ferdinando I, King of the Two Sicilies (1751-1825)
Karoline, Archduchess of Austria (1752-1814)
Carlos IV, King of Spain (1748-1819)
Louise, Princess of Bourbon-Parma (1751-1819)
Leopold II, Holy Roman Emperor (1747-1792)
Maria Luisa, Infanta of Spain (1745-1792)
Friedrich Wilhelm, The Prince of Nassau-Weilburg (1768-1816)
Luise von Kirchberg, Countess von Sayn-Hachenburg (1772-1827)
Wilhelm, Duke in Bavaria (1752-1837)
Marie Anna, Countess Palatine of Zweibrücken-Birkenfeld (1753-1824)


2000-10-08 Thread Kris Millegan




When you talk about tracing the origin of an organization which is
controlling the destiny of the world, it's obvious that you have to start at
a period which would allow a movement of this magnitude, time to ferment.
Changes like the ones which have, and are occurring do not take place
overnight. We are dealing with a group which must have been growing for a
long period of time, in order to obtain the power and influence necessary to
achieve the global control now being exercised. When you think of it, in
that context, there is such a group.

The leader of this group was a man named, Dr. Adam Weishaupt, who was born
on February 6, 1748, the son of a Jewish rabbi. When his father died in
1753, he was converted to Catholicism by Baron Johann Adam Ickstatt, who
turned the early training of the boy over to the Jesuits. Ickstatt, in 1742,
had been appointed by the Jesuits to be the curator of the University in
order to reorganize it. He had retired in 1765, but still controlled its

Although Weishaupt later became a priest, he developed a distinct hatred for
the Jesuits, and became an atheist. Given access to the private library of
Ickstatt, his Godfather, the young man became interested in the works of the
French philosophers, and studied law, economics, politics, and history. One
such philosopher, Voltaire(1694-1778), a revolutionary who held liberal
religious views, had written in a letter to King Frederick II("the Great", a
Mason): "Lastly, when the whole body of the Church should be sufficiently
weakened and infidelity strong enough, the final blow (is) to be dealt by
the sword of open, relentless persecution. A reign of terror (is) to be
spread over the whole earth, and...continue while a Christian should be
found obstinate enough to adhere to Christianity." It is believed that
Weishaupt got his ideas concerning the destruction of the Church from
Voltaire's writings. He studied in France, where he met Robespierre(who
later led the French Revolution), and became friends with a few people in
the French Royal Court. It is believed, that through these contacts, he was
introduced to Satanism.

He graduated from the Bavarian University in Ingolstadt, Germany in 1768. He
served four years as a tutor until he was promoted to Assistant Instructor.
In 1770, he was chosen by Mayer Amschel Rothschild to develop an
organization that he could use. In 1772, Weishaupt was made Professor of
Civil Law. In 1773, he was made Professor of Canon Law, a post which had
been held by the Jesuits for 90 years. They had founded most of the
Universities, and kept strict control of them in order to eliminate
Protestant influence.

In 1773, Weishaupt got married, against the wishes of Ickstatt, who
denounced him. Two years later, at the age of 27, he was made Dean of the
Faculty of Law. The Jesuits, worried about his quick progression, tried to
thwart his influence by secretly plotting against him, and his liberal
thinking. Not wanting to become a martyr for his free-thinking ideas, he
began focusing on establishing his organization. To confuse his detractors,
he based the organizational structure on the one used by the Jesuits,
however, his intention was to have a secret coalition of liberalism.

He studied the anti-Christian doctrines of the Manicheans, whose teachings
revolved around astrology, medicine, and magic. He had been indoctrinated
into Egyptian occult practices by an unknown merchant named Kolmer, from
Jutland(in the area around the border of Denmark and West Germany), who had
been traveling around Europe since 1771. He studied the power of the
Eleusinian mysteries and the influence exerted by the secret cult of the
Pythagoreans. Pythagoras was a sixth century, B.C., philosopher who taught
that men and women should combine their belongings - which became the basic
philosophy behind Communism. Weishaupt also studied the teachings of the
Essenes, and acquired copies of the 'Kabala', 'The Major Key of Solomon' and
'The Lesser Key of Solomon', which revealed how to conjure up demons and
perform occult rituals.

He studied the various Masonic writings after meeting a Protestant Freemason
from Hanover. At first he thought about creating a superior Masonic-like
organization, that would be made up of men possessing superior abilities in
all fields, but concluded that Masonry was too open.

Weishaupt was instructed by the Rothschilds( who were also said to be
Satanists), to leave the Catholic Church, and unite all the different occult
groups. He created the coven called the 'Golden Dawn' which, till this day,
is allegedly the Rothschilds' private coven.

Weishaupt spent five years working out a plan through which all of his ideas
could be reduced to a single system which would be used to fight the
oppression of religion, thereby loosening social ties. He wanted to replace
Christianity with a 

Re: [CTRL] Hetro Scout Shenanigans!

2000-10-08 Thread Ynr Chyldz Wyld

-Caveat Lector-

From: "Justin Blake" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Should you come across any forums on these "boylove" sites, the ones which
 seek to create a bridge to "non-boylovers" -- that would be you and me --
 you will meet there many activists on BOTH SIDES of the coin and you will
 certainly get a fuller picture of the militant homosexual agenda. And,
 suddenly you will realize there is NO SEPARATE GROUP called "pedophile".

No, what you, unlike I, need to do is actually MEET homosexuals face-to-face instead 
of trolling 'boy-love'
sites (which you seem to have an inordinate interest in), most of which probably are 
set up as sting ops

If you actually MET and TALKED with homosexual men, you would find that they 
universally disavow the
pedophiles who attempt to hitch onto the homosexual rights movementI have never 
met a gay man who wouldn't
have severely hurt any guy who dared mess with a kid of any sex.


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN)

2000-10-08 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

Click Here: A HREF=""Financial Crimes
Enforcement Network (FinCEN)/A

The mission of the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network is to support law
enforcement investigative efforts and foster interagency  and global
cooperation against domestic and international financial crimes; and to
provide U.S. policy makers with strategic analyses of domestic and worldwide
money-laundering developments, trends and patterns.  FinCEN works towards
those ends through information collection, analysis, and sharing,
technological assistance, and innovative and cost-effective implementation of
Treasury authorities.

FinCEN Strategic Plan

A Survey of Electronic Cash, Electronic Banking, and Internet Gaming
SAR Bulletin Issue 2
Suspicious Activities Reported by Casinos
HIFCA Designations
CTR Exemption Regulation Amended
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Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] wasn't I just talking about Synchronicty recently? CIA, Teen, and Castro

2000-10-08 Thread Kris Millegan

HI all, and Dave,
Speaking of Marita Lorenz, just recieved this from spynews list.

Sunday 8 October 2000
The teenager, Castro and the CIA poison plot

By Tony Paterson in Berlin and
James Langton in New York

  IT was a moment that might have changed the course of history. Fidel
Castro, the communist leader of Cuba, in a secret tryst with a former lover
who was now a CIA agent and under orders to kill him.

The dictator and his lover: Fidel Castro with the young Marita at the time
of their illicit affair
According to Marita Lorenz, it was only her re-ignited love for Castro that
stopped her administering poison, falling instead into his arms for a night
of passion. Had she followed her orders, the fiasco that was the Bay of Pigs
and the Cuban missile crisis would never have happened. Perhaps even
President Kennedy might have lived.

That is the version of events related in a new documentary about Miss
Lorenz. Wilfried Huismann, a Germany documentary film maker, who releases
Dear Fidel - Marita's Story this week in Berlin, believes her. He said: "At
first I thought the Marita Lorenz tale was a bit of a sailor's yarn, it was
only after I had interviewed countless former CIA people and Castro aides
and then got to know Marita herself that I became convinced that her story
was true."

Fate has not favoured Miss Lorenz. Now 61, she recently suffered a heart
attack. Impoverished and forgotten, she lives in a run-down apartment in the
Queens district of New York. She survives on $411 (£290) a month social
security and a diet of doughnuts from the deli next door. It is another
world from the one she was born into. Her father was a German sea captain
and her British-born mother a political activist whose anti-Nazi sympathies
condemned the family to a concentration camp.

Liberated at the end of the war, the family moved to America. By 1959 the
young Marita had joined her father, now captain of the liner, Berlin, which
one winter's day anchored in Havana harbour. The revolution that had swept
Castro to power was barely six weeks old. The young dictator came on board
the ship and found a 19-year-old girl. "He looked very nervous and was
chewing a cigar," she recalls. "I had never had a boyfriend. I was always
something of a tomboy. That night changed everything." Castro became her
first lover. The relationship lasted several months.

The couple met at a suite in the Hilton hotel, she said: "He would put a
sheet from the bed over my hair and hand me a spray of parsley from the room
service tray, saying 'Now you are Mrs Castro'."

Several weeks later she found she was pregnant. Concerned that her parents
would be scandalised, she was reassured by Castro that he would take care of
her, promising a house and a life in the fledgling communist state. What
happened next is still unclear. Factions among Castro's entourage became
suspicious of his teenage lover, especially as her mother was now working
for US intelligence.

In the autumn of 1959 Miss Lorenz was kidnapped, drugged and forced to
undergo an abortion. Un- attended, she was left bleeding for three days in a
Havana hotel room. To this day she is unsure whether Castro or the CIA
ordered the operation, but suspects that it was the latter.

Broken by the experience, she fled back to America, where she says a
concerted attempt was made to recruit her into American
counter-intelligence. One of her handlers was a man she met in Cuba, a
mercenary with both US intelligence and Mafia links who had fallen out with
Castro. More than 10 years later the same man, Frank Sturgis, was arrested
for breaking into the Democratic headquarters in the Watergate building on
June 18 1972.

Sturgis presented her with a photograph of a dead and mutilated foetus on a
bedspread that looked like those in the former Havana Hilton, now the Habana
Libre. "He did that to you," she recalls him saying.

Whether it was the Mafia or the CIA who ordered an assassination attempt on
Castro in 1960 remains unclear. Mr Huismann's documentary, however, suggests
that Sturgis was a central figure in the plot.The film has also traced a
former liaison officer between the CIA and Mafia who recalls handing over
poison pills distilled from shellfish toxins at a CIA laboratory. Now 90,
Robert Maheu, a former aide of Howard Hughes, says that they were meant for

Miss Lorenz says she was brainwashed into going back to Cuba to carry out
the assassination attempt. On the aircraft she began to have serious doubts,
and after having arranged an assignation with Castro she flushed the pills
down a bidet instead of secreting them in his food, as planned. The couple
made love, fuelled by her guilt and repressed passions. Afterwards she
returned to America, uncertain how she would be received.

According to her account, she remained involved with the CIA for nearly 20
years. In the early 

[CTRL] Fwd: Secrets of the Gotha

2000-10-08 Thread Kris Millegan

A Brief History of Europe's Nobility Reference Book
Excerpted from Secrets of the Gotha by Ghislain de Diesbach
(translated from the French by Margaret Crosland)
originally published by Barnes  Noble in
Secrets of the Gotha:
Private Lives of the Royal Families of Europe

Edited with additional commentary in [Brackets] by The Count Palatine of

Introduction by the Count Palatine of Maxalla
[This is one of the best histories of the Almanach de Gotha that one is
likely to find anywhere. With historical accuracy and considerable wit, the
author, Ghislain de Diesbach, himself a nobleman listed in the Almanach,
puts the famous reference series into perspective by aptly describing its
major purpose--to allow certain Houses to look down upon other Houses or to
even deny their right to the status which is properly theirs. The Almanach
catalogues the risings and fallings of many royal and noble houses,
especially those whose heads dared to marry "beneath their station" (i.e.,
for love instead of for dynasty). While the Almanach itself refused to
participate in political intrigues, this effort at integrity was moot
because it merely reported political intrigues that were already
accomplished or in progress. Thus, the appeal to one or another of the
Almanach editions to determine who's royal/noble and who isn't (especially
by the modern Order Assasins) is a misapplication of the book's value.The
Almanach did not set or establish precedence, it only listed what had
already been done.
Finally, the Almanach itself suffered interference from the House of
Napolean (who didn't?). The nature of the interference is plainly described
in the article which follows. The Almanach's "infallibility" was also
severely compromised because (a) some royal and noble families simply did
not participate, and (b) the book did not pay much attention to noble and
royal Houses of the Byzantine Holy Roman Empire--why should it? Its very
title shows the focus: Almanach de Gotha...The Almanac of the Gotha, i.e.,
the mostly German/Prussian Houses.

For one whose objectivity is unimpaired and who has sufficient historical
training, the Almanach is a fascinating and useful reference work.]

The Almanach de Gotha
by Ghislain de Diesbach
"For me, mankind begins with barons," Prince Metternich used to remark

This aristocratic viewpoint was shared by Justus Perthes, a Gotha publisher.
Once his genealogical publications constituted the most important Nobiliary
in Europe, for they ranged from the simple Taschenbuch der Freiherrlichen
Hauser, lists of the barons, to the famous Almanach de Gotha whose prestige
outlived its disappearance.

For the same reasons as the Jesuits, the Suez Canal and the [Western] Holy
Roman Empire,whose memory it preserved, the Almanach de Gotha has entered
into the mythology of Europe, and this consecration has allowed it to gain
in wonderland all that it has lost in the real world, for in 1944 its
publication was suspended.

Born in a little German court where precedence was an obsession and French
culture a light veneer, it gradually saw its size increase from the twenty
pages of the first number to over a thousand during its last years. Gotha's
prestige continued to grow until it eclipsed the other genealogical
reference books and became a kind of Bible of earthly vanity. While the
texts of the Holy Scriptures proclaim the greatness, the majesty and the
omnipotence of God, those of the Gotha only existed to exalt the origin,
fame and splendour of earthly princes. To do this it established in this new
paradise a strict order which assigned to everyone, from the most
illustrious monarch to the most modest princeling, the place to which he was
entitled. It was the application of the famous words of Christ: "In my
Father's house there are many mansions."

The Gotha, a true book of revelations, hardly ever made a mistake and never
lent itself to schemes or flatteries which might have harmed its reputation
for integrity. Its judgements tolerated no appeal. For those excommunicated
by the Gotha, there was no salvation: the first part listed royal families,
those exiled from it as the result of an unfortunate marriage were condemned
to appear in the third part, or, worse, to figure in another of Justus
Perthes' year-books, for example the book of counts, and there they would
remain until they died, lamenting lost honours. In vain would their
descendants claim for themselves illustrious origins in order to be
addressed as Imperial or Royal Highness by nostalgic courtiers: the Gotha,
source of justice, would always be 

Re: [CTRL] Hetro Scout Shenanigans!

2000-10-08 Thread Ynr Chyldz Wyld

-Caveat Lector-

From: "William Shannon" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Anyone who likes the homosexual agenda
  and wishes their own kids to be taught homosexuality -- have at it. 

 "Taught" homosexuality?? As in "won over" to that side?
 It's unlikely that homosexuality is any more a learned behaviour than's inherent...

Every single gay I've ever known has stated that they knew from an early age that they 
were homosexual.  No
'learning'.  No 'recruitment'.

I wonder if the homophobes who claim that gays wish to 'teach' or 'recruit' children 
to become homosexuals
would explain two things:  why would anyone CHOOSE a sexual orientation guaranteed to 
give themselves a
lifetime of bashing and discrimination?  And secondly, who 'taught' or 'recruited' the 
homophobes into their
presumably heterosexual lifestyle?  I know no one ever 'taught' or 'recruited' me to 
be straight, I just knew
from an early age that I was not attracted to my own sex, but to the opposite one.

 If you're talking about discussing the how's and why's of homosexual practice
 to school children I tend to agree...that's a bit much.

As would be the how's and why's of heterosexual practices...


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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Re: [CTRL] Hetro Scout Shenanigans!

2000-10-08 Thread Ynr Chyldz Wyld

-Caveat Lector-

From: "Justin Blake" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 And God forbid, I suppose, any of you comfortable arm-chair "conspiracy
 theorists" engaging in nothing more than mental masturbation on an email
 list...actually CHECK OUT the UrLs I had provided and SEE FOR YOURSELVES.

What, and have our IDs put on a list of possible child molestors, since most of such 
sites are sting ops set
to catch perps?

You obviously get off on such sites, the rest of us don't...

I suggest you curtail the cheap thrills you get by trolling such sites, and actually 
and actually meet gay men FACE TO FACE, and actually TALK with them as people...


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Shot in the ...

2000-10-08 Thread Alamaine

-Caveat Lector-


the last word
By Paul M. Rodriguez, Managing Editor

Squalene Presence Confirmed by FDA
Since July 1997 Insight has been reporting on the presence of antibodies to a
substance called squalene that has shown up in the blood of sick U.S. soldiers
of the Persian Gulf War era — both those who served overseas during the
conflict and those who were called to service but never deployed. The theme
that has run throughout these reports, contrary to many erroneous statements by
Department of Defense (DOD) officials, has been a simple one: How and why does
something that shouldn’t be there show up in the blood of these sick people?
   The DOD has spent a considerable amount of time — and taxpayer dollars —
trying to spin Insight’s stories and the scientists involved in the squalene
discovery. The DOD repeatedly has claimed that, because it never used squalene
in any of the vaccines given to gulf-war-era personnel, there is no reason for
it to pursue what it has called a kooky, wacky and flawed test.
   The problem for DOD — and, therefore, an allied problem for the General 
Accounting Office (GAO) and a growing number of members of Congress on both sides of 
the aisle — is that the allegedly kooky testing procedure
 was developed at the prestigious School of Medicine at Tulane University by one of 
it’s leading immunologists, Dr. Robert Garry. Moreover, Tulane has been so impressed 
with Garry’s work in discovering a test to find anti
bodies to squalene that it helped to get the technique patented. But DOD bizarrely 
said that patenting the test undermines Tulane’s integrity.
   So what is squalene? And what’s it got to do with sicknesses reported by tens 
of thousands of U.S. military and civilian personnel? Squalene is a naturally 
occurring substance found in a wide range of products and
even in trace amounts in humans. It’s also considered in experimental science to be a 
promising new adjuvant to help speed the absorption and potency of various vaccines 
under development. Notice we’ve said experimental m
edicine. That’s because the only government-approved adjuvant for use in humans is 
alum. It has been used as an adjuvant for nearly 50 years and is considered safe by 
the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
   Over the years many scientists have been looking for a new and more efficient 
adjuvant, and experiments often have focused on squalene as a promising replacement 
for alum. However, because any adjuvant may trigger
unwanted autoimmune dysfunctions in humans, testing of squalene adjuvants has taken a 
long time and only in the last decade has it been licensed for use in cutting-edge 
medical experiments using investigational new drugs
   Meanwhile, one of the leading experimenters with squalene has been DOD. When 
Insight first began its now 3-year-old series of stories, DOD denied ever having used 
squalene in any form. Period. Then it acknowledged
experimenting with it in labs. Then on animals. Finally, DOD admitted it even had 
begun limited IND tests using squalene adjuvant in human trials involving 
immunizations to combat HIV and malaria. But never, ever, accordi
ng to DOD, was it used on U.S. troops or personnel prior to or after the gulf war.
   Then how to explain antibodies to the substance showing up in sick soldiers and 
civilians whose common denominator has been that they received a full complement of 
shots (or nearly all of them) just before, or shor
tly after, the gulf war began?
   Besides its denials, DOD also has argued variously that the Tulane research was 
faulty, that it wasn’t peer-reviewed and therefore was shoddy. Then, when the Tulane 
study was peer-reviewed in Experimental and Molec
ular Pathology, it went after the credibility of Garry and the university, smearing 
the character and reputation of both, as well as the renowned journal.
   This has been curious to us, as it has been curious to the GAO and the growing 
list of bipartisan members of Congress, including Republican Rep. Jack Metcalf of 
Washington state. If Tulane’s test was so bad, why no
t simply replicate it, or take Tulane’s own “kits” and expose the Garry research as 
false? But DOD wouldn’t do that. It said this would be a waste of money and, besides, 
it never used squalene in any medicine or vaccine a
dministered to troops during the gulf war and the FDA has confirmed this.
   Here’s the rub: FDA says it has done no such thing. It confirms that it has 
approved a variety of vaccines used by the military, but says that until recently it 
never tested on its own to determine whether squalene
 ever was mixed with such medicines. With prodding from GAO and Metcalf, FDA
ultimately did its own tests — and found trace amounts of squalene. This raised
questions about tests DOD has widely claimed proved nothing was there —
especially since it appears that DOD’s 

[CTRL] Helpful Hints - New Group - Please Read

2000-10-08 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Dear Friends:
   I'm starting a new group list for helpful hints.  Anyone wanting to be
on the list let me know!  These helpful hints will have to do with anything
from household helps to computer helps to Garden advice.  So if you have
questions about how to do or have helpful answers you might want to be on
this list.

God Bless


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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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[CTRL] Cloning endangered species

2000-10-08 Thread Nate Fischer

Report: Pregnant cow carries endangered species

October 8, 2000Web posted at: 3:16 AM EDT (0716 
WASHINGTON (Reuters) -- Scientists have impregnated a cow with cells cloned 
from an endangered animal, the first time such an event has been attempted, the 
Washington Post reported in its Sunday edition. 
The scientific journal Cloning will report in its upcoming edition that an 
Iowa cow is expected to deliver a cloned Asian gaur sometime next month. 
The Asian gaur, a humpbacked, cow-like animal native to India and Burma, is 
the first endangered species to be cloned and the first cloned animal to gestate 
in the uterus of another species, the Post reported. 
The Massachusetts scientists who engineered the feat are already planning to 
clone pandas using preserved cells from animals that died in Washington's 
National Zoo in the 1990s, the report said. 
Copyright 2000 Reuters. All rights 
reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or 
Nate Fischer

[CTRL] Information from Keep and Bear Arms

2000-10-08 Thread kl

-Caveat Lector-

If the link sent to you, below, goes onto a second line, be sure to copy
the whole address to your browser so you can see the article.


State Farm Cancels Policy of Gun Owner Who Has Private Shooting Range

Can be read at URL:

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Thurn und Taxis:

2000-10-08 Thread Robert F. Tatman

-Caveat Lector-

See Pynchon's *The Crying of Lot 49* for more on the house and involvements of
Thurn und Taxis.

- Original Message -
From: "Kris Millegan" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, October 07, 2000 9:06 PM
Subject: [CTRL] Fwd: Thurn und Taxis:

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] RadTimes # 63

2000-10-08 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

RadTimes # 63 - October, 2000

An informally produced compendium of vital irregularities.

"We're living in rad times!"
--Keeping an eye on protesters
--The Dirty Little Secret Of The Dot-Com World
Begin stories:
Keeping an eye on protesters
[see web site for embedded hyperlinks]

International authorities are sharing information, not all of it accurate,
about anti-globalization activists.

by Sarah Ferguson
Sep. 29, 2000

On Sept. 17, 23-year-old Kay Morrison of Seattle was standing on the
platform at the Bad Schandau train
station in Germany waiting for the train to Prague. She planned to join
some 12,000 demonstrators who sought to disrupt the 55th annual meeting of
the IMF and World Bank in Prague. Morrison says she was approached by Czech
border police, who scanned her passport with a handheld computer. She was
taken by train to another station, where police searched her belongings and
informed her she was on the list of "persona non grata", not welcome in
Prague this week "or in the future."
She made another failed attempt to enter the country. After further
inquiries, the Czech police announced on national television that Morrison
had committed a misdemeanor on a previous trip to the Czech Republic; she
had been fined for smoking a cigarette in the main train station. (It later
turned out that the "receipt" the police gave her was false and that they
overcharged her for the offense.) Though Czech authorities did not say so,
Morrison believes she was put on the list because of her arrest in
Seattle at last November's mass protests of the World Trade Organization.
Morrison is one of 300 activists barred from the Czech Republic in advance
of the so-called "S26" demonstrations. Another American, Lee Sestar of
Chicago, was told by customs officials at the Prague airport last Sunday
that he was also on the unwelcome list because he was arrested at the
Seattle protests. Sestar, who insists he was swept up with a group of
peaceful protesters, was eventually convicted of failure to disperse, a
misdemeanor offense. Charges against Morrison in Seattle were
dropped. But both were "persona non grata" in Prague last week.
Czech authorities have been praised for successfully containing violent
demonstrators who tossed Molotov cocktails and bricks at police and
delegates during the IMF/World Bank summit. But authorities' efforts to
prevent demonstrations by keeping demonstrators out of the country reflect
an approach to dealing with the global protest movement that does not bode
well for civil liberties.
Over the past month, Czech authorities have sought to bar hundreds from the
country. An American and three Dutch cooks with the vegetarian collective
Rampelpaln were kept out of the country, and a trainload of 1,000 Italian
anarchists affiliated with the militant Zapatista-support group Ya Basta!
was surrounded by riot police and held at the border until four group
members targeted by police agreed to get off.
Czech police, acting in concert with American and European police
officials, have tried to prevent known activists from entering the country.
Their most controversial means of doing so involves a list of activists
allegedly provided to Czech authorities by the FBI.
On Monday, a spokesperson for the FBI told Salon that he "had not heard" of
any FBI lists of activists or persons arrested in the U.S. being turned
over to Czech police. "I have no information on that matter, nor can I
confirm or deny published reports," FBI Special Agent Steven Berry said.
Reports of the list emerged after Czech officials discussed information
they had about unwelcome foreign activists with the press. Czech Republic
Chief of Police Jiri Kolar told Agence France Presse on September 15 that
authorities possessed lists of "undesirable individuals" who are "suspected
of abusing their stay to threaten state security, public order, or
undermine other protected interests." Czech Interior Minister Stanislov
Gross added that many are "under investigation for crimes committed
during violence in the United States," most notably during the anti-WTO
demonstrations in Seattle and the IMF/World Bank protests in Washington
last April.
According to the British newspaper the Guardian, Scotland Yard also
provided photographs and information on the alleged "ringleaders" of the
May Day demo in London this year, when numerous bank and store windows were
smashed and monuments desecrated.
A spokesperson for the U.S. Embassy in Prague said Tuesday that
"inexperienced" public affairs officers with the Czech police had