[CTRL] Ashcroft's tough Sell

2001-01-18 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


Ashcroft's tough Sell

A segregationist group is banking on the hard-on-crime attorney general
nominee to drop a murder conspiracy case against one of its own.

By Joe Conason

Jan. 16, 2001 | As A
Ashcroft/A seeks confirmation by his former colleagues in the
Senate, the nominee for attorney general cannot afford the
slightest taint of extremism. His ultraconservative record on
such issues as abortion, affirmative action and civil rights has
already stimulated intense controversy. And opponents of his
nomination have sharply questioned the Missouri Republican's
racial attitudes because of his opposition to a Federal judgeship
for African-American jurist A
White/A and his A
of the Southern Partisan,/A a racist, pro-Confederate magazine
which has praised the assassination of Abraham Lincoln.

Now Ashcroft has been asked to explain why he met last fall with
Thomas Bugel, the president of the militantly racist A
HREF="http://www.cofcc.org/"Council of Conservative Citizens
/A and a veteran leader of segregationist groups in the St.
Louis area.

In the midst of his hard-fought, unsuccessful Senate reelection
campaign, Ashcroft sat down with Bugel at the Spirit of St. Louis
Airport on September 22. Their meeting took place only weeks
before Ashcroft's Democratic opponent, Governor Mel Carnahan, was
killed along with his son and campaign manager in a plane crash.
Bugel wanted to talk with the senator about the case of Dr.
Charles "Tom" Sell, a local dentist under indictment for plotting
to murder an FBI agent and a federal witness. Over the past two
years Bugel and other leaders of the white supremacist group have
been agitating for the release of Sell, a longtime CCC member who
has advertised his dental services on Baum's local radio program.

They have succeeded in getting Ashcroft, Sen. Christopher Bond,
R-Mo., and other legislators to write letters to the Justice
Department seeking an investigation of the unusual circumstances
under which Sell has been held in federal custody for most of the
past three years without trial. "As is typical in these types of
cases, the senators made inquiries to the appropriate federal
agencies for more information and that information was all sent
to the federal bureau of prisons," said Bush transition office
spokeswoman Mindy Tucker.

According to Tucker, the meeting between Ashcroft and Bugel ended
after "approximately 10 minutes." Tucker said that the then
senator took no subsequent action on the Sell case. She said
Ashcroft "would not have met with [Bugel]" if he had been aware
of Bugel's affiliation with the CCC.  Yet that denial isn't fully
credible, given Bugel's longtime prominence as an agitator
against racial integration in Ashcroft's home state, where the
CCC maintains both its national headquarters and an active local
chapter. Bugel is no obscure figure in St. Louis. Between 1987
and 1993 he led a white militant faction on the city's school
board, fighting against implementation of a judicially-ordered
busing plan. During that period, when urban school integation
became the hottest political issue in Missouri, Ashcroft served
as state attorney general and governor.

These days, however, Bugel's cause célèbre is the strange matter
of Dr. Sell, a dentist whose friends (and former patients)
include Gordon Baum, the "chief executive officer" of the
national CCC. In May 1997, the dentist was arrested in his office
by FBI agents on charges of Medicaid fraud. Later that year, the
FBI was approached by a St. Louis couple who made a stunning
accusation against Sell and his wife Mary. They claimed that the
Sells had tried to hire them to murder both the FBI agent who had
arrested Dr. Sell and a former employee of the dentist who was
the chief witness against him in the fraud case.

Expanding its investigation, the FBI secretly taped six hours of
conversations between the Sells and the other couple that winter.
A St. Louis Post-Dispatch reporter who later listened to those
tapes described them as "incriminating." The Sells were indicted
for murder conspiracy in April 1998, and Mary Sell later pled
guilty and implicated her husband in the alleged plot.

More than two years after his indictment, however, Tom Sell has
yet to come to trial. During most of that time he has been held
in a federal prison hospital in Springfield, Mo. The U.S.
attorney in St. Louis says that psychiatric examinations of the
dentist show that he is mentally ill and therefore unfit to stand

But Dr. Sell, who insists he is both innocent and sane, has
refused medication with anti-psychotic drugs that the government
believes would make him fit for trial. During this lengthy legal

[CTRL] NM: The Riady Case: Ashcroft's Revenge?

2001-01-18 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

With Carl Limbacher and NewsMax.com Staff

Wednesday, Jan.  17, 2001 1:31 a.m.  EST

The Riady Case: Ashcroft's Revenge?

Senate Democrats may regret giving would-be Bush attorney general
John Ashcroft such a hard time during his confirmation hearings -
especially now that the case of Clinton billionaire-crony James
Riady will be among the first major investigations on Ashcroft's
calendar after he takes office.

Riady's sweetheart plea bargain with the Clinton Justice
Department, which was supposed to be finalized by a Los Angeles
court on Tuesday, has hit a major bump in the road.

First the case had to be postponed, probably till late February
or early March, according to a court spokesman, after the
presiding judge needed more time to recover from surgery.

Complicating matters further, the court seemed receptive to the
argument from lawyers for the public interest law firm Judicial
Watch that the deal didn't cover important charges against the
wealthy Indonesian.

Investigators have long suspected that President Clinton may have
traded key foreign policy decisions for campaign cash from Riady,
who is also believed to have funneled hush money to key
Whitewater witness Webb Hubbell.

With Tuesday's postponement, the truth behind such machinations
may be harder to keep from the prying eyes of investigators.

Not only is Riady's newly assigned judge, Ronald Lew, a Reagan
appointee, the postponement means Lew will be operating free from
constraints of the Clinton-Reno Justice Department, under which
obstructing the campaign finance probe was priority No.  1.

Clinton Justice had announced its deal with Riady on Friday, an
arrangement that compelled the Asian tycoon to plead guilty to
illegally reimbursing campaign donors with foreign corporate
funds and to pay $8.6 million in fines.

Also part of the deal: Lippo Bank of California, a subsidiary of
the Riady family's Lippo Group, agreed to plead guilty to 86
misdemeanor counts charging that their man in the Clinton
administration, John Huang, donated foreign campaign cash to
Clinton and the Democrats from 1988 through 1994.

But on Monday, New York Times columnist William Safire revealed
the most significant aspect of Riady's plea bargain:

"What if a federal judge at tomorrow's scheduled hearing in Los
Angeles should object to the wrist slap arranged by outgoing Reno
aides and give Riady the jail sentence the totality of his
wrongdoing deserves?" the columnist asked.

"In that case, Justice has agreed to nullify the confession and
promises not to arrest him as he leaves the country."

It's difficult to imagine straight arrow Attorney General
Ashcroft feeling obligated by Clinton Justice's promise to
deep-six Riady's confession - let alone standing idly by as the
Clinton moneyman hotfoots it out of the country one jump ahead of
the sheriff.

In fact, the temporarily shelved Clinton-Riady plea bargain may
end up being just the springboard the Bush-Ashcroft Justice
Department needs to launch a full-fledged Chinagate probe.

That possibility seemed to be on the mind of Judicial Watch
President Tom Fitton on Tuesday.

"Judge Lew won't be considering the plea until well into the
Bush-Cheney administration and we hope that a new Justice
Department will pursue this case differently," Fitton told
Reuters.  "We'll be there [at the plea hearing] asking that Lew
reject it."

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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Re: [CTRL] Taxpayers Subsidize Attacks on Ashcroft

2001-01-18 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 01/17/2001 1:42:11 PM Eastern Standard Time,

 Taxpayers Subsidize Attacks on Ashcroft
 Tuesday, Jan. 16, 2001
 Left-wing and liberal organizations, many of which have
 coalesced to oppose the nomination of John Ashcroft as U.S.
 attorney general, have received nearly $150 million in
 taxpayer money to finance their operations since 1996,
 according to a report by a Washington think tank. 

Well if it keeps Ashcroft out it's worth every dime.

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Re: [CTRL] Starr Deputy Thinks Clinton's Indictment Is 'Going to Happen'

2001-01-18 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 01/17/2001 6:32:36 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Solomon Wisenberg, a former deputy independent counsel under Kenneth Starr,
 predicted Monday night that President Clinton will be indicted by Starr's
 successor Robert Ray shortly after he leaves office. 

Well if prayer makes it happen, my efforts should not go unnoticed.  I'm
counting on Clinton's indictment to keep the Dems riled up enough to remember
to vote next election to get us back the control of the house and senate.  It
won't matter if Dubya is president if we can get the house and senate back.
It is just so hard to keep people thinking about what's going on.  Another
angry court trial should be a big help.  Prudy

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2001-01-18 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 01/17/2001 8:54:06 PM Eastern Standard Time,

 Bottom line: Bill and Hillary will own two multi-million
 dollar houses at the end of the mortgage terms and we the
 taxpayer will have paid for them. The Clinton's have been
 living in government subsidized housing for years and still
 do! No wonder they are so big on welfare and the welfare
 state, it's how they live! 

Doesn't this apply to all our ex-presidents?  I believe we've been very
generous with our tax money to all of them.  Prudy

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Re: [CTRL] Hamburger Meat and the Kosovo Cancer Cluster: Destroying ...

2001-01-18 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 01/17/2001 8:57:57 PM Eastern Standard Time,

 Seems to me that Poppy Bush is CitiBank's (or some other major
 bank's) liason to Vietnam and whenever I think about Colombia, it
 occurs to me that someone with "interests" would like to switch
 our major heroin and cocaine sources from Colombia back to
 Vietnam, Cambodia and The Golden Triangle. Surely I am thinking
 paranoid thoughts again. But it, too, would be very profitable.

Us paranoids should just keep good notes.   Our paranoid suspicions keep
coming to the top of the pile as "history".   And there's no real pleasure in
being right.   One finds those sneaky little hopeful illusions are still
there taking a hit.  Prudy

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[CTRL] Fwd: [Spy News] FW: Best wishes from Gaza, By Dr. Mona El Farra

2001-01-18 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Original Message-
From: International Justice Watch Discussion List
On Behalf Of Dr Peter Hall
Sent: Wednesday, January 17, 2001 10:07 PM
Subject: Best wishes from Gaza, By Dr. Mona El Farra

I do not know Dr. Mona El Farra but his anguished message comes via
Gaza Community Mental Health Programme, which I do know. The
GCMHP has worked closely with the world famous (UK) Medical Foundation for
the Care of Victims of Torture, and the two organisations hold each other in
high mutual regard.

Peter Hall


Date: Wed, 17 Jan 2001
13:28:11 +0200

Best wishes from Gaza,

 I woke up this morning to hear the shocking news of my mother's house
 demolition. The Israeli Bulldozers demolished the water well adjacent to
 the house, as well as tens of houses in the area. They also uprooted
 vast areas of bountiful agricultural land, that includes orange, olive and
guava groves. Many families in the area are homeless, with the
 Red Cross just recently supplying them with tents.

 I cannot explain to you how bad I feel; all my childhood memories, our
 Family’s proud moments of when water was pumped from that well for the
first time are damaged also by this act.  I still remember my late father's
rare photos, the minute I drank that water out of his hands .I still
remember the joy of the relatives, friends and neighbors coming to celebrate
this moment with us.

 The olive, orange and Guafa trees, and many other trees do not carry
 symbolic value only, but also they have great economic value. They are
 the lifelines for many families in the area. To these people,
 agriculture is their only income.

 The Israelis aim to decimate our already annihilated economy, to uproot
 us, to destroy our culture and to deny our very existence on this land
 for thousands of years.

 It is of worth to tell you that the Israeli army did not give any warning
 to us, or to the rest of the families, prior to the house demolitions.  The
houses were demolished with furniture inside.

 As you know my mother lives in that house, but recently I invited her to
 live temporally with me to be able to take care of her during this
difficult time.

 My mother feels so bad about what happened. Our thoughts are with our
 neighbors who are very poor and have no alternative homes.

 Beside all what I mentioned, these demolitions are huge blow to the
environment. Some of the trees, especially what we call "Jummaiz" trees, are
very rare species.

 What is happening is a major violation of human rights, economy
 environment and peace.

 I feel angry, helpless, devastated and abandoned. The sad fact is that
 despite all these crimes against humanity, most Israelis do not care.
 They know that they will, once again go unpunished by the international
community. The support for the Palestinians is extremely fragile. The world
is always willing to blame the victim, the Palestinians. However, I will not
lose faith.  During these difficult moments, I remember a very touching
poem, written by the most gifted Palestinian poet, Mahmoud Darwish,

 I came back from the dead,
 To live
 I represent an uncompromising wound,
 The brutality of my executor has taught me,
 To bite the bullet,
 And carry on,
 And sing,
 I will sing,
 I will resist,
 I will resist.

 I can assure you, that one day, we will replant these trees, rebuild our
 houses and water will flow again, even stronger than before, hopefully
washing away the horrific memories of decades long Israeli aggression.

 We may be weak, but justice is on our side
 and one-day it will prevail

 All my love,

 Dr. Mona El - Farra
 Union of Health Work Committees - Gaza

Please visit our site:
Gaza Community Mental Health Programme

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Re: [CTRL] New BSE inquiry raises fears over milk safety

2001-01-18 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 01/17/2001 10:24:16 PM Eastern Standard Time,

 That could not happen though because to slaughter an sick animal or
 one that has just been inoculated is illegal - isn't it? 

You don't send a healthy, four-year old milk cow to be slaughtered unless it
appears to be having health problems or has proven barren.  Prudy

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Re: [CTRL] 54 Socialists in the United States Congress

2001-01-18 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 01/18/2001 12:40:59 AM Eastern Standard Time,

 "A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot
 survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for
 he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst
 those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the
 alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor
 appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he
 wears their face and their garments, he appeals to the baseness that lies
 deep in the heart's of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works
 secretly and unknownest in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he
 infects the body politic, so that, it, can no longer resist. A murderer is
 less to fear. The traitor is the plague." 

As I said a long time ago--just substitute the word lobbyist for the word
traitor, and you are describing our real problem.  Prudy

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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[CTRL] Poll: Americans Don't Trust Clinton

2001-01-18 Thread T Nohava


Wednesday January 17 9:30 PM ET
Poll: Americans Don't Trust Clinton

By WILL LESTER, Associated Press Writer

WASHINGTON (AP) - Americans don't really trust President Clinton (news - web
sites), and they don't think much of his morals, says a new poll. But a
strong majority surely think he's done a good job running the country.

An ABC News-Washington Post poll released Wednesday night showed that 65
percent approve of his job performance, about the same as the job approval
rating Ronald Reagan had at the end of his term. They had the highest
end-of-term rating of any president in the last half-century.

The approval of Clinton's job performance has tracked closely with public
perception of economic conditions. As the economic recovery began to gain
momentum in the summer of 1996, the president's approval rating crept above
60 percent.

The public's view of Clinton is sharply divided along partisan lines, with
93 percent of Democrats approving of his job performance and only 32 percent
of Republicans. Clinton gets positive marks from different groups. Six in 10
Republicans and conservatives approve of his handling of the economy.
Three-fourths overall approve of his handling of the economy and of race
relations, while almost that many approve of his handling of foreign
affairs. Only half approve of his handling of health care, and six in 10
approve of his handling of the welfare system.

As he prepares to leave office Saturday, Americans are decidedly less upbeat
on personal measures of Clinton. Three-fourths say he does not have high
moral and ethical standards, and almost that many say he is not trustworthy.
Two-thirds said he is a strong leader, and half say he will be thought of as
an outstanding or above-average president. And six in 10 say he should not
be charged with a crime for lying under oath about his relationship with
Monica Lewinsky.

People remain sharply divided on whether Clinton should have been impeached,
with just over half saying he should not have been. They also are split on
whether they have a favorable or unfavorable opinion of the president. The
ABC-Post poll of 1,513 adults was taken Jan. 11-15 and has an error margin
of 2.5 percentage points.

Looking ahead, half of Americans said they are at least somewhat optimistic
about the next four years, according to another new poll, as President-elect
Bush prepares to take office at the same time that confidence in the economy
is slipping.

About four in 10 say they're confident Bush has the right goals and policies
as well as the right personal characteristics to be president, according to
the NBC News-Wall Street Journal poll released Wednesday evening. Almost
that many say they are only somewhat confident he has those goals and

Just over half, 53 percent, said the conditions faced by Bush will be more
difficult than those that faced Bill Clinton when he became president in
1993. Roughly the same number felt that Clinton faced more difficult
circumstances that Bush's father did when he became president in 1988.

The NBC-Journal poll of 1,018 adults was taken Saturday through Monday and
has an error margin of 3 percentage points.

Republican polling done the day after the presidential election, found that
voters who backed Bush did so both because of his personality and his
agenda. According to the GOP poll, more people thought Bush was
intelligent - a question raised about him during the campaign - than thought
Democratic nominee Al Gore (news - web sites) was honest, one of the major
criticisms of the Democrat.

And the poll found that Gore won the last week of the election campaign
``primarily because the Democrats trashed George Bush, especially in the
African-American community and made black voters vote against George Bush
rather than for Al Gore,'' said GOP pollster Whit Ayres of Atlanta, who
conducted the national poll of 1,200 voters on Nov. 8 and presented it
Wednesday to the Republican National Committee (news - web sites). That poll
also had a 3 percentage point error margin.


[CTRL] Jesse suddenly bows out of public life after disclosure of mistress

2001-01-18 Thread T Nohava

Thursday,January 18,2001


N.Y. Post: Mary McLauglin

A "truly sorry" Rev. Jesse Jackson revealed last night that he fathered a
love child two years ago - and said he's dropping out of public life to
reconcile with his devastated family.
The extraordinary admission came as the National Enquirer published a story
about Jackson's secret affair with Rainbow Coalition activist Karin

The bombshell report details how the married civil-rights leader romanced
the ex-professor while serving as spiritual adviser to President Clinton
during Sexgate and even took his pregnant mistress to the White House.

"I am father to a daughter who was born outside of my marriage," Jackson
said in a statement to The Post.

"As her mother does, I love this child very much and have assumed
responsibility for her emotional and financial support since she was born,"
he continued.

"This is no time for evasions, denials or alibis. I fully accept
responsibility and I am truly sorry for my actions."

The fiery preacher - who has been hammering away at some of George W. Bush's
Cabinet appointments in recent days - said he was taking time off from his
"public ministry" because of the scandal.

It was unclear if he was canceling plans to lead a massive march on the
Florida state capitol on Inauguration Day to protest the presidential
election mess.

The Post contacted Stanford, 39, at her home in south Los Angeles several
times this week. She and family members politely declined to comment on her
affair with Jackson, 59.

But she told the Enquirer: "Jesse and I still have a very warm and close

Since DNA tests determined he was the father of the 20-month-old girl -
Stanford was seeing another man when she got pregnant - Jackson has been
paying $10,000 a month in support.

He also gave the single mom $40,000 for "moving expenses" when she took
maternity leave and left Washington, D.C., for her native California.

Their fateful liaison began after Jackson, impressed by a book Stanford had
written about his impact on foreign policy, hired her to run the Rainbow
Coalition's Washington office.

The affair coincided with the explosion of the Sexgate scandal and Jackson's
unofficial position as adviser to Clinton on his adulterous fling with
intern Monica Lewinsky.

In August 1998, around the time his out-of-wedlock child was conceived,
Jackson urged the public to forgive the president for cheating on his wife.

"The nation must take the test: If there are any among us who have not known
the trials and tribulations and temptations, then throw a rock," he said.

"At some point, we have to forgive, redeem and move on."

That December, he escorted a four-months-pregnant Stanford and other Rainbow
Coalition staffers to meet President Clinton and stood next to her during a
photo opportunity.

It wasn't long before word of the escapades reached the homefront - and
Jackson's enraged wife of 38 years, Jackie, confronted Stanford at the
Rainbow Coalition offices, the Enquirer said.

"Jackie screamed at Karin that she'd raised Jesse's children and had been at
his side through really tough times," a source told the weekly. "She accused
Karin of getting pregnant on purpose."

And Stanford admitted: "I would not be surprised if his family hated me."

Even after the blowup, Jackson - who was born out of wedlock himself - was
clearly not ready to acknowledge the child was his.

In a March 1999 newsletter, he announced Stanford would soon be taking
maternity leave for "the birth of her first child" with her attorney

A week later, he announced he had decided not to seek the Democratic
nomination for president, reprising his 1984 and 1988 campaigns.

Stanford was involved with another man when she found out she was pregnant
and left blank the space for the father's name on the birth certificate when
her daughter was born in May.

But a DNA test confirmed Jackson was the father of the baby, who reportedly
shares with him a genetic trait for sickle-cell anemia.

He quickly had a financial agreement for support drawn up - a pact that
included an agreement by Stanford not to publicly acknowledge her baby's
parentage, the tab reported.

In Los Angeles, Stanford continues to work for the Rainbow Coalition as a
consultant, and Jackson visits her and his daughter when he's in California.

The scandal has left Jackson estranged from Jackie and on shaky ground with
his five kids, including his congressman son, Jesse Jr.

"It has been an extremely painful, trying, difficult time for them," Jackson

"I have asked God and each one of them to forgive me and I thank each of
them for their grace and understanding throughout this period of

"We have prayed together and through God's grace we have 


2001-01-18 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-



 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] WSJ: President Paradox

2001-01-18 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


President Paradox

It's been another decade of greed.  But this time it was OK to
feel good about it.

BY FRANCIS FUKUYAMA Thursday, January 18, 2001 12:01 a.m.  EST

Now that the New York Times has weighed in with another of its
interminable series on the "Clinton Legacy," what more is there
to be said about the eight years that are now coming to a close?
Perhaps it is best to drop down below the level of the North
American Free Trade Agreement, of welfare reform or the peace
process, and look at how the social and cultural texture of
America has changed under the presidency now ending.

Social statistics tell us that things have gotten better.  The
relentless cultural decline that at the beginning of the 1990s
seemed like a fact of nature ground to a halt and, miraculously,
reversed direction while Bill Clinton was president.  As most
Americans are well aware, crime rates have gone down by about 20%
nationally and much more steeply in individual cities like New

Lower crime rates had a variety of positive spillover effects in
terms of great social trust: Urban spaces could be reclaimed for
urbane uses by the middle class, rather than being dominated by
the extremely rich and extremely poor.  The proportion of unwed
mothers stopped increasing by 1994 and even declined slightly
thereafter.  Teenage pregnancy rates dropped more dramatically,
and the rate of divorce drifted downward.

So far so good.  But the social reality of what Tom Wolfe calls
our "wild, bizarre, unpredictable, Hog-stomping Baroque country"
during the Clinton years can be unbelievably contradictory and
complex.  Ballroom dancing, home schooling, and sexual abstinence
can all be major trends next to body piercing and downing ecstasy
pills.  This contradictory reality is probably better described
by a novelist (as Mr.  Wolfe himself has done effectively) than
by a social scientist armed with statistics.

Take the question of class.  It is true that income inequality
slowed its rate of increase in the 1990s.  But it didn't decline,
either, and the meaning of working class, middle class, and rich
all changed.

Back in the 1950s, America's sizable working class--people who
work in factories, build houses, or police the streets--could
think of itself as middle class because class was defined in
terms of ownership of assets like a home, a car, and a washing

One consequence of the 1990s "knowledge economy" was the
emergence of a new economic gulf, as the working class, now a
much smaller part of the labor force, moved downward in status
and income, and the middle and professional classes moved up.
The latter reconciled themselves to Reaganite economics as half
of all households came to own equities by the late 1990s.
Liberals in this group were taken aback by the anger of working
Americans over Nafta, China and globalization.  But culturally,
there was a convergence as the working class drifted to the left
while prosperous baby boomers now raising families became more

Better-educated people who still thought of themselves as middle
class changed as well.  With so many women moving into the work
force, it once again became a common experience for people who
didn't think of themselves as rich to have servants.  There is in
Colorado a new school for servants that teaches its female
students not to be too pretty, lest they threaten the lady of the
house.  Its graduates work for people who, by and large, have not
grown up with servants themselves, and who try to be on a
first-name basis with their butlers.  This sort of
egalitarianism, it turns out, doesn't work any better in the
1990s than in the 1890s.

In the Clinton years, the rich got unbelievably rich.  In the
1980s, having a net worth in multiples of $100 million seemed
like a lot of money.  Today, that's a technology baron's chump
change.  The areas surrounding New York, Boston, San Francisco
and Washington are now filled in with new subdivisions of trophy
homes where a husband, wife (perhaps herself a trophy), and a
child or two occupy a minimum of 10,000 square feet.

It is amazing what happens when a society of well-educated people
has money to burn.  The high end of everything exploded during
the 1990s. Cigars, microbrew beers, camping gear, gas barbecues,
home theaters, and mountain bikes now all have legions of
devotees.  There are firms that specialize in refurbishing
antique license plates, or that manufacture vacuum tubes out of
production since the 1930s.  In today's America, you can easily
pay $10,000 for a pair of wires to connect your high-end CD
player to your high-end amplifier, and read reviews of how they
"sound" compared to other five-figure cables.

The self-perception of the newly rich changed in significant
ways.  The media managed to label the Reagan years the "decade of
greed," symbolized by corporate takeovers, a booming stock market
and Nancy Reagan's dresses.  The Clinton years, which have seen

Re: [CTRL] Mastadon (was: Global warming claims 'basedonfalsedata'??)

2001-01-18 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

Nessie wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 Sources please.


It was a joke.


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Re: [CTRL] Jesse suddenly bows out of public life after disclosure of mistress

2001-01-18 Thread Ynr Chyldz Wyld

-Caveat Lector-

I wonder why neither Jackson nor his mistress practiced birth control?


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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Waco 2 about to happen......

2001-01-18 Thread Tenorlove

-Caveat Lector-

 Item 1
 Friends of Liberty, International
 January 17, 2001

 Indianapolis Baptist Temple
 The U.S. Supreme Court ruled that Religious organizations are taxable
 now the Court has said the New Testament Church must pay taxes and
 under control of the IRS. In 1983, the Court ruled that the IRS 501
 (c) (3)
 tax-exempt organizations are under the rule of the wicked in
 government. Now
 the U. S. Supreme Court has refused to hear the IBT case while
 hearing a
 case concerning professional golfers being allowed to use a golf
 cart. Read
 about it HERE! http://www.friendsofliberty.com/2001/00121_01.htm

 Item 2
 SierraTimes.com Update
 Direct E-mail Update 01.16.01 15:40 ranch time

 High Court Refuses to Hear Church's Tax Case Appeal
 Indianapolis Baptist Temple faces foreclosure for refusing to collect
 employees' tax contributions on religious liberty grounds.

 By Beliefnet News Services

 WASHINGTON, Jan. 16 -- The U.S. Supreme Court Tuesday refused a
 request by
 members of the Indianapolis Baptist Temple to hear an appeal of a
 judge's foreclosure order.The justices meet in conference to decide
 cases among hundreds will be granted a hearing during its spring
 but did not include the Baptist Temple case among those it choose to
 Baptist Temple was appealing a judge's order that U.S. marshals seize
 property to settle a $6 million tax debt.Roughly 80 church members
 attending a worship service Tuesday morning when the senior pastor,
 the Rev.
 Greg A. Dixon, received word of the Supreme Court decision on his
 the Indianapolis Star reported."I fully expect the federal marshals
 to come
 in at (any) given time" Dixon said "We're going to mourn the death of
 religious liberty."Two members of the high court, including Chief
 William Rehnquist, had already turned down the church's previous
 request for
 an emergency stay of the foreclosure.There was speculation that once
 possibility of a hearing by the high court was erased, federal
 move quickly to seize the church's property. However, there was no
 sign of police or federal agents around the church.U.S. Marshal Frank
 Anderson repeatedly has said the marshals will seize the church when
 timing will minimize any risk of injuries.

 The U.S. Department of Justice says the church owes about $6 million
 back taxes, interest and penalties because church leaders have
 refused to
 collect employee withholding and Social Security taxes.U.S. District
 Sarah Evans Barker ordered members to vacate the church by Nov. 14
 and gave
 federal marshals permission to use any necessary force to take
 possession of
 the building.As members of the church have maintained a protective
 inside the temple for the past nine weeks, the issue has attracted
 attention from various religious and anti-tax groups. Church members
 argued that the federal government has violated its constitutional
 right to
 the free exercise of religion. Moreover, pastor Gregory A. Dixon has
 that since temple members recognize Jesus Christ as the only
 authority over
 the church, the withholding of taxes would impose a secular
 in 1950, the 1,000-member Baptist Temple owns 22 acres and has a
 pastors on staff.

 The church Web site describes the congregation as "an unregistered
 congregation whose head is not the state, but the Lord  Jesus Christ.
 Indianapolis Baptist Temple does not participate in  government

 "The Web site adds: "The Indianapolis Baptist Temple is a New
 congregation made up of scripturally baptized believers. We exist to
 Jesus Christ, edify the saints through the Word of God and evangelize
 world. We must not veer from our God-given mandate."The Indianapolis
 Temple is congregational in practice which simply means the people
 under the
 leadership of the Pastor are responsible for all decisions, activity
 service."A New Testament congregation should be militant, which
 simply means
 believers should aggressively 'contend for the faith' as they exalt
 edify saints and evangelize the world."

 This has been a Special Report by Sierra Times.com

 Item 3
 January 16, 2001


 High court refuses to hear church's appeal

 Staff Report / The Indianapolis Star News

 The U.S. Supreme Court has refused a request by members of the
 Indianapolis Baptist Temple to hear an appeal of a federal judge's
 foreclosure order.

 The justices meet in conference to decide which cases among hundreds
 will be granted a hearing during its spring session.

 The Baptist Temple case was not included in the orders issued by 

Re: [CTRL] Mastadon (was: Global warming claims 'based onfalsedata'??)

2001-01-18 Thread Johannes Schmidt III

-Caveat Lector-

On Wed, 17 Jan 2001 20:45:38 -0500 Nurev Ind Research [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
-Caveat Lector-

Nessie wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

  became of the mastadon

 It wasn't a mastadon. It was a mammoth. It's being studied.

Sources please.


By top men.

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Re: [CTRL] Jesse suddenly bows out of public life after disclosure of mistress

2001-01-18 Thread John Cone

-Caveat Lector-

--- T Nohava [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Thursday,January 18,2001



 N.Y. Post: Mary McLauglin

 A "truly sorry" Rev. Jesse Jackson revealed last
 night that he fathered a
 love child two years ago - and said he's dropping
 out of public life to
 reconcile with his devastated family.
 The extraordinary admission came as the National
 Enquirer published a story about Jackson's secret
affair with Rainbow Coalition activist Karin Stanford.

This explanation,
of my illicit impregnation,
should not give rise to the expectation,
of my resignation."

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Arutz-7 News: Wednesday, January 17, 2001

2001-01-18 Thread Tenorlove

-Caveat Lector-

Item #5 discusses the Wallenberg-Pollard connection, which I thought
may be of interest.


--- Arutz-7 Editor [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Date: Wed, 17 Jan 2001 18:36:01 +0200
 From: Arutz-7 Editor [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Arutz-7 News: Wednesday, January 17, 2001

 Arutz Sheva News Service
 Wednesday, Jan. 17, 2000 / Tevet 22, 5761
 Delivered Daily via Email, Sunday thru Friday
--- See below for subscription instructions ---


 The video, "ISRAEL: APPOINTMENT WITH DESTINY," has been acclaimed by
 Knesset members, Russian Refuseniks, Rabbis and leading Jewish
 Special offer - Only $10.00 including postage!  Order from:
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 The talk of the day is last night's debut of the Prime Ministerial
 campaign commercials.  Each candidate is allotted an equal amount of
 for television (and radio) ads, which will appear on both major
 channels at
 specific times each evening for the next three weeks.  Last night's
 featured Prime Minister Barak enumerating his mistakes and promising
 correct them, while Ariel Sharon's ads emphasized his distinguished
 military career - up to but not including the Peace for Galilee War.

 The Labor party had to deal with two awkward incidents in connection
 the ads.  First, it issued an apology to the family of the late Sgt.
 Shitubi.  One of the ads, proudly showing off Barak's main
 "accomplishment," showed Shitubi as one of the soldiers happily
 Lebanon during the IDF withdrawal last May; Shitubi was killed by a
 Palestinian policeman in Kfar Darom two months ago.  Army Radio
 Uri Orbach said that the error is much more than a technical
 oversight: "It
 shows that continued running away does not solve the deeper problem,
 that the security dangers we are now facing are a direct continuation
 these mistaken policies."

 Another Labor party error occurred when Shimon Peres, who was shown
 endorsing Barak's candidacy, said that Ehud Barak had prepared the
 plan for
 the rescue of the Entebbe hostages in 1976.  Peres made two calls of
 apology this morning:  One to former IDF Chief of Staff Dan Shomron,
 served as overall commander (Col. Yoni Netanyahu was the assault
 of the rescue operation; Peres said he was sorry for attributing the
 Entebbe plan to Barak, instead of to Shomron himself.  He then called
 Rabin-Pilosoph, daughter of Yitzchak Rabin, to apologize for not
 mentioned her father's name in connection with the rescue.  Rabin, as
 Minister in July 1976, gave the approval for the Entebbe rescue

 Despite the continued Palestinian terrorism in Gaza - including the
 of Roni Tzalach on Sunday night - talks between Israeli and
 representatives continue at a steady pace.  Though army sources note
 a drop
 in Arab shootings, to only 3-5 for each of the last few days,
 did shoot at several Israeli targets in Gaza last night.  At the same
 at the Erez Checkpoint not far away, Israeli and Palestinian
 were agreeing on the further easing of security restrictions:  The
 Dahaniyeh airport will be re-opened after a one-day closing, as will
 Rafiach and Karni crossings, Palestinian workers will be allowed to
 into pre-1967 Israel, and the main north-south Gaza highway, which
 by Kfar Darom, will be re-opened to Palestinian traffic.

 In response to the opening of the airport, MK Tzvi Hendel said this
 morning, "Apparently, the murder of a Jew is worth a one-day closure
 of the

 Foreign Minister Shlomo Ben-Ami is in Cairo, briefing Egypt's
 Mubarak on the latest developments in the talks.  Ben-Ami will meet
 Arafat tonight.  Israeli and Palestinian delegations will meet in
 today, for the 

[CTRL] Sherman Skolnick articles

2001-01-18 Thread Johannes Schmidt III

-Caveat Lector-

The peerless Sherman Skolnick has posted 2 new fascinating articles on the Red Chinese 
and American Elections.


via http://leviathan.weblogs.com

by Sherman H. Skolnick 1/15/01

Where did it start and when and how will it end? To understand that, requires pulling 
together little understood facts and making some sense of them. Perhaps this will give 
you a door into a better handle on the situation.

As an upcoming industrial power, Japan was always down-rated by the West. When they 
destroyed the Czar of Russia's Pacific naval fleet at Port Arthur, early in the 20th 
Century, Americans and Russians were suitably shocked. How is it they did not 
understand? In World War One, Japan was an ally of the Western Powers. The Japanese 
Royal Family interlocked with their business cartels, the Zai-batsu, and had plenty of 
financial muscle. They began pulling away from America in the 1930s. The Japanese 
Monarchy had huge deposits in U.S. banks. They angered the American aristocracy by 
withdrawing those deposits and contributing to the then oncoming bank collapse. 
President Franklin D. Roosevelt had to declare a bank holiday, an emergency, right 
after being inaugurated in 1933.

When the common people of one nation are angered by those of another country, that is 
ethnic, nationalist, or religious friction. But, when the aristocracy of one country 
is really sore at the aristocracy of another country, however, that is not simply 
opposition; that means WAR.

Japan began attacking China 1931. President Roosvelt sent in a top military expert, 
Brig.General Claire Chennault, to find out why the Chinese did not have an effective 
air force to counter the Japanese attacks. China began making demands for material 
assistance on the American government as well as American financiers. After all, with 
another World War expected, the U.S. needed items from China, such as tungsten, for 
the making of airplanes and battleships.

One result was that American mercenaries became involved in aiding China fight an air 
war against Japan. They were called "The Flying Tigers". From documents released more 
than fifty years AFTER the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor in December, 1941, it became 
evident that the Japanese may have felt justified attacking our fleet and airfields in 
Hawaii. Six months BEFORE Pearl Harbor, the Flying Tigers were part of an American 
plan to aid the Chinese, known to the Japanese, to bomb Japan. [In recent years, 
Barbara Walters and ABC Network did a documentary, based on those documents, on this 
American plan to bomb Tokyo six months BEFORE Pearl Harbor.]

Part of the world's then richest family, May-ling Soong, known as Madame Chiang 
Kai-shek, was the wife of the Chinese dictator. Her family member, T.V. Soong, was 
considered one of the richest men in the world. Their fortune, in great part, was 
based on narcotics exports. The American government contemplated that assisting China 
with war loans would minimize dope addiction in American. [Then, as now, the major 
dope coming into the U.S. was and is from China, now called "China White". The 
monopoly press, to protect Red China, falsely states the major dope now is from 
Colombia.] The American hope then was that narcotics exporting to the U.S. would 

Even all during World War Two, however, corrupt Chinese generals were in charge of 
dope exports, even, on occasion, through Japanese lines, down the Burma Road, and 
elsewhere. [Numerous details are in the book, "The Soong Dynasty" by Sterling 
Seagrave, hardback edition, Harper  Row, N.Y., 1985, pages 368-369.]

Historically, arranging the finances of the dope cartel was the British bank owned 
jointly by the British Monarchy and dope-rich families of Shanghai, the HONG KONG  
SHANGHAI BANK. [See, for example, the book "Dope, Inc."] The Queen of England, through 
the bank owned by her, Coutts Bank London, has a joint account for laundering illicit 
funds such as from the dope trafficking, jointly with George Herbert Walker Bush and 
his sons, George W., Jeb, and Neil. [See Federal Reserve secret wire transfer records, 
attached to our website series, "Greenspan Aids and Bribes the Bush Family".] The 
reputed head of the Red Chinese Secret Police IN THE UNITED STATES is tied to the Hong 
Kong  Shanghai Bank. He lives in the Midwest and has direct communications links with 
the White House. [Visit our website series, "The Red Chinese Secret Police in the 
United States".]

To benefit ethnic Chinese in controlling oil-rich Indonesia, the American CIA, in 
1965, arranged the mass murders of some half a million of that nation of islands. The 
excuse, other than that the ones to be slaughtered, opposed the CIA-installed regime? 
The victims were considered and perceived as being "Reds", whether actually true or 
not did not seem to matter.

Made fantastically rich on reputed dope 

Re: [CTRL] Why kids are smarter than you

2001-01-18 Thread Tenorlove

-Caveat Lector-

 -Caveat Lector-


 Researchers find IQs are rising, and TV might be a big reason

My oldest son, at age 2, pretty much taught himself to read, and
something that contributed to this was not only "Sesame Street" but
"Wheel of Fortune." (We also have always had tons of books around, and
read to him from birth, not necessarily to make a super-child, but to
entertain both him and ourselves). WOF was especially valuable, because
the letters are NOT always in alphabetical order, and the words in the
game are constructed one letter at a time, which falls under the
phonics category, albeit in a primitive way. Sometimes one finds
learning tools in the strangest places..


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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Re: [CTRL] Fw: CONGRESS ACTION: January 14, 2001

2001-01-18 Thread Nessie

-Caveat Lector-

What they really fear, however, is that Ashcroft in fact will enforce
the laws, evenhandedly and vigorously. 

Janet Reno did precisely this in the Elian Gonzales case, and the right
threw a hissy fit. What a bunch of hypocrites.

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] FW: News Insider Editorial - Vatican sued for Looting Gold

2001-01-18 Thread Nessie

-Caveat Lector-

From January 18, 2001  News Insider http://newsinsider.cjb.net/

Vatican Sued for Looting Nazi Gold Under CIA, MI Permission
The Lawsuit Against the Vatican and the CIA

By Jonathan Levy *

17 January 2001
I am co-lead counsel for plaintiffs on two class action lawsuit
involving WWII era restitution claims filed in the United States
District Court for Northern California. I am the plaintiff in another
lawsuit filed under the Freedom of Information Act that requests
contemporaneous documents from the CIA and Army. The lawsuits are:

Alperin v. Vatican Bank C99-4941 MMC - A lawsuit by Serb, Jewish, and
Ukrainian survivors seeking restitution and an accounting of the WWII
Ustasha treasury which was laundered after the war with the help of the
Vatican and Swiss Banks, Franciscan Order, and Croatian Liberation

Naumovic v. SNB C-00-3636 BZ - A lawsuit on behalf of gentile Holocaust
victims from the former Soviet Union and Yugoslavia seeking an
accounting of gold looted by the Nazis and their allies and processed
through the Reichsbank, Swiss Banks, Bank for International Settlements,
and the Vatican Bank during WWII.

Levy v. Army  CIA C-00-3103 PJH - A Freedom of Information Act lawsuit
seeking declassification of Army and CIA files about the chief of the
Vatican "ratline [1]" agent Fr. Krunoslav Draganovic.

The chief expert witness [2] retained for these lawsuits is John Loftus,
former Department of Justice, Office of Special Investigations attorney
(Nazi hunting unit), co-author with Mark Aarons of Unholy Trinity: The
Vatican, The Nazis, and The Swiss banks; The Secret War Against the Jews
and author of The Belarus Secret. The lawsuits themselves are based on
the evidence unearthed by Loftus' research spanning two decades. Loftus
was an important source for a 1998 US State Department report
(Eisenstat/Slany Report: The Fate of the Ustasha [3] Treasury) [4],
which focused attention on the Vatican's role in laundering the Ustashe

In a nutshell, Loftus and others have theorized that the genocide of
World War II directed at Jews, Serbs, Roma, Soviets, and others by the
Nazis and their allies generated vast amounts of loot and plunder
including gold coins, wedding rings, and dental gold from concentration
camps. These genocide-tainted treasures were re-smelted at the
Reichsbank and other central collection points [5] and laundered through
the Swiss banks [\cite 6], Bank for International Settlements [7] and
the Vatican Banks [\cite 8] during and after WWII. According to Loftus,
much of the postwar Ustashe and Vatican activity was cloaked in the
guise of anti-Communist activities and was encouraged or actively
sponsored initially by British Intelligence and later the CIA and in
particular Alan Dulles and James Jesus Angleton.

Most remarkable among the Nazis postwar were the Croatian Ustashe.
Unlike the Germans whose major criminals faced a war crimes tribunal at
Nuremburg, virtually the entire Ustashe hierarchy including their leader
or Poglavnik [9], Ante Pavelic, escaped justice. And even more
surprisingly they took with them into exile the monetary proceeds of the
extermination of 750,000 Serbs, Jews, and Roma. Pavelic, known as the
"butcher of the Balkans", was an honored guest at the Vatican between
1945 and 1947 [10] while other war criminals swing from a noose.
Artukovic, the Himmler of Croatia, the man responsible for death camps
where hundreds of thousands of Serbs were shot, burned alive, or
bludgeoned to death with special hammers, lived openly in Southern
California for over thirty years, while private Congressional bills
assured his safety from deportation [11]. Other Ustashe, such as the
sadist Luburic, purchased villas in Spain [12] or started new lives as
businessman in Argentina, Brazil, and Venezuela. But, unlike other
ex-Nazis, the Ustashe did not lose their fascist ideology, instead they
openly reestablished their Nazi party in Buenos Aires and by 1956 were
beginning a new campaign of terror which ultimately reached the United
States in the 1970s and 1980s resulting in hijackings, bombings, and
murders [13].

John Loftus and coauthor Mark Aarons and other researchers, notably
Christopher Simpson in Blowback and the Andersons in Inside the League,
have theorized that the postwar Ustashe revival was no accident. The
Ustashe [14] even in their pre WWII days, had been one of the best
organized terrorist organizations in Europe, successfully assassinating
King Alexander II of Yugoslavia and the French Foreign Minister Louis
Barthou in Marseilles in 1934. After WWII, the Ustashe's knowledge of
codes, smuggling, and black marketeering served them well. The Ustashe
also had powerful patrons among the Catholic Church hierarchy, including
the Franciscan Order and Vatican Secretariat of State [15]. But this did
not explain entirely their phenomenal success in evading war crimes
tribunals. The Ustashe were not only tolerated postwar but nurtured by
the American 

Re: [CTRL] Jesse suddenly bows out of public life after disclosure of mistress

2001-01-18 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

So Jesse Jackson pays his mistress $10,000 per month child support for
his "bastard" child?

We should all be so blessed...now the mother can sue him for
fathering a child with sickle cell anemia as a family trait?   Should
she have been made aware of this serious condition and how much does a
DNA case cost?

Bet before it is all over, we will have another Jackson 5 or so claiming
their share of the pie.

So what lovely people - frankly, I think Jesse picked a good time to
raise this issue perhaps because I believe there was enough to get him
and this Al Sharpton for sedition and the IRS better start looking into

Ever see the movie Fatal Attraction?   Jesse better watch it..so
Clinton and Jesse now can give each other support

Wonder if he, like King, ever chased any naked ladies (using term
loosely) down a motel hall and got caught unawares

Forgive them?   Hell, I don't even know them..but if the IRS can
take down a little Church in Indiana - why aren't they after the
predators like Jesse and Al Sharpton?,

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[CTRL] Saddam Hussein calls Arab countries to enable his army to pass through to fight Israel

2001-01-18 Thread kl

-Caveat Lector-


January 17, 2001
17:52 (Israel time)

Saddam Hussein calls Arab countries to enable his army to pass
through to fight Israel
By Daniel Sobelman, Ha'aretz Correspondent and Reuters

Iraqi President Saddam Hussein called for the annihilation of the
state of Israel and for the establishment of a "Palestine state from
the river to the sea", in a televised speech marking the Gulf War's
10th anniversary.

Saddam emphasized his support of the Palestinians in their
struggle against Israel. Saddam also called on the Arab states to
enable his army to pass through their land on its way to annihilate

Meanwhile, hundreds of Palestinians marched in praise of Iraqi
leader Saddam on Wednesday, the 10th
anniversary of the start of the Gulf War.

"The Palestinian and the Iraqi peoples are in the first trench against
Zionism, imperialism and aggression," read one of the banners
waved by the crowd.

Despite Iraq's impoverishment since the war, Saddam makes
generous payments to the families of Palestinians killed and
wounded in their 16-week uprising against Israeli occupation.
Many Palestinians consider Saddam a hero for resisting the
powerful U.S.-led military coalition which ejected Iraqi troops who
had invaded neighboring Kuwait. Palestinian babies are named
after him.

Wednesday's demonstrators marched to the main United Nations
office in Gaza City, urging the international community to lift
sanctions imposed after the invasion of Kuwait in 1990.

They called on the Iraqi leader to repeat the Scud missile strikes
he launched against Tel Aviv and other Israeli cities during the Gulf
War. "Dear Saddam, hit Tel Aviv," they said.

 copyright 2000 Ha'aretz. All Rights Reserved


The constant identification of U.S. enemies as the
reincarnation of Hitler's absolute evil may help
solidify public opinion during war, but it makes the
conduct of foreign policy in the post-war world
extremely difficult when the personality in question
refuses to go quietly.  This is a lesson for U.S.
dealings Demonizing the enemy is fine, if you can
crush him.  If not, you are left negotiating
with the devil, which is not only politically
embarrassing but reveals underlying strategic
weaknesses for all to see. --Stratfor.com

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Re: [CTRL] Jesse suddenly bows out of public life af

2001-01-18 Thread Samantha L.

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 1/18/01 5:09:18 AM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 The extraordinary admission came as the National Enquirer published a story
  about Jackson's secret affair with Rainbow Coalition activist Karin

  Generoso Pope Jr. was the former publisher of the "Enquirer."  He died in
1989.  Pope was a former CIA employee, serving with the CIA in 1951.

quote from: apbnews.com, http://www.apbonline.com/media/gfiles/pope/

"The CIA file also contained several newspaper articles. One Washington Post
article in the file quotes Pope speaking about his time in the CIA: "I was in
a section called psychological warfare. I would sit there and read the
newspaper ... and nobody would let me do anything."

The article goes on to quote an Enquirer ex-staffer who "recalls that his
first formal instructions at the Enquirer -- from a helpful peer -- were
'Never say anything about the CIA, never say anything about the Mafia, and
never knock Sofia Loren.'"
  Jesse bowing out of public life is no coincidence.  He has been THE most
outspoken public figure against the President-Select.  This will be the fate
of all outspoken critics of the new pseudo-administration.  This is it folks.


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Re: [CTRL] Jesse suddenly bows out of public life af

2001-01-18 Thread kl

-Caveat Lector-

On 18 Jan 2001, at 14:06, Samantha L. wrote:

   Jesse bowing out of public life is no coincidence.  He has been THE
 outspoken public figure against the President-Select.  This will be
 the fate of all outspoken critics of the new pseudo-administration.
 This is it folks.

Yep, just like when Jimmy Swaggart and Jim and Tammy Baker
disappeared after they were exposed as being involved in similar
activities.  Did they piss off the CIA too?


Fascist ethics begin ... with the acknowledgment that it is not the
individual who confers a meaning upon society, but it is, instead,
the existence of a human society which determines the human character
of the individual. According to Fascism, a true, a great spiritual life
cannot take place unless the State has risen to a position of pre-eminence
in the world of man. The curtailment of liberty thus becomes justified at
once, and this need of rising the State to its rightful position.
-- Mario Palmieri, "The Philosophy of Fascism" 1936

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Re: [CTRL] Saddam Hussein calls Arab countries to enable his army to pass through to fight Israel

2001-01-18 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Well they say all begins and ends in Californianow when California
starts to experience the blackouts and the animals are turned
loose..maybe Sadaam Hussein will get their attention for he promised
cheap oil.

So goodbye California and Govenor Davis I guess survived the referendum
to dump him..and oh the movie stars succeeded in pushing the income
tax out.

Goodbye California once land of sunshine now home of the - well won't go
into that..maybe they are trying to unload some of their garbage on
someone elses shores.

What a bunch - when the lights fail and the TV goes out.my goodness,
we shall be the content of their character and the fber of their
soul.as the animals in the dark prey further on the innocents in the
streets - will make Witchita look like land of Oz.

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[CTRL] So Do You Promise to Tell the Truth Jesse.....Bill.....Hilliary......

2001-01-18 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] So I Know Why Jesse Told the Truth Rather than go to court

2001-01-18 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

This one I dug out of my fileseems appropriteimagine all those
hypocrits on the stand and Diogenes found that one honest (wo)man?


 Do You Swear to tell the truth, nothing but the truth...

Lawyer Story:
A small town prosecuting attorney called his first witness to the stand
a trial -- a grandmotherly, elderly woman. He approached her and

"Mrs. Jones, do you know me?"

She responded, "Why, yes, I do know you Mr. Williams. I've known you
since you were a young boy. And frankly, you've been a big
to me. You lie, you cheat on your wife, you manipulate people and talk
about them behind their backs. You think you're a rising big shot when
haven't the brains to realize you never will amount to anything more
than a
two-bit paper pusher. Yes, I know you."

The lawyer was stunned. Not knowing what else to do he pointed across
room and asked, "Mrs. Williams, do you know the defense attorney?"

She again replied, "Why, yes I do. I've known Mr. Bradley since he was a
youngster, too. I used to babysit him for his parents. And he, too, has
been a real disappointment to me. He's lazy, bigoted, he has a drinking
problem. The man can't build a normal relationship with anyone and his
practice is one of the shoddiest in the entire state. Yes, I know him."

At this point, the judge rapped the courtroom to silence and called both
counselors to the bench.

In a very quiet voice,
he said with menace,

If either of you asks her if she knows me, you'll be jailed for

Now Jesse and Bill and Hilliary had better watch out.for this lady
is still on the loose only she probably works for the National Enquirer
by now..so see them in the funny papers.

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2001-01-18 Thread Mike Switzer

-Caveat Lector-

Just read on CNN (or maybe MSNBC) yesterday that the Clinton's will not be
taking ANY rent money from the secret service...I can't find the story


-Original Message-
From: Arthur Hickman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, January 17, 2001 7:56 PM

-Caveat Lector-

-Original Message-
From: Ike Harley [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Saturday, January 13, 2001 9:56 AM

A little over a year ago when Hillary decided to run for
the U.S. Senate from New York she found out that first she
would have to be a resident of that state. She and Willy
went and found a nice little place for 2.5 million dollars.
They could not qualify for the loan so the person who is
going to head up the DNC guaranteed the loan for them.

It has come to my attention lately that the way the
Clinton's are paying for this residence is by charging the
Secret Service( taxpayers of this country) to house it's
personnel while they are guarding the Clintons. The rent
being charged is equal to their mortgage payment. They will
get this protection for life so that means that you and I
are going to pay for their meager little 2.5 million dollar

Now comes the real knife to the heart, the same thing is
going to happen at the meager little residence in DC that
they are buying to live in while Hillary is a Senator.

Bottom line: Bill and Hillary will own two multi-million
dollar houses at the end of the mortgage terms and we the
taxpayer will have paid for them. The Clinton's have been
living in government subsidized housing for years and still
do! No wonder they are so big on welfare and the welfare
state, it's how they live!

comments to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Short, sweet and to the point.  If you know of others that
might like to receive Ike's commentaries send their E-mail
address to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with "Ike Harley" in the
subject line.

Keep up with the latest news and information for Northwest
Florida at http://www.gulf1.com

AOL Users:
a href="http://www.gulf1.com"Gulf1/a

If you wish to be removed from this mailing list send and
E-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with "Remove Ike Harley" in
the subject line.

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[CTRL] Serve your boyfriend this!

2001-01-18 Thread Kelly

-Caveat Lector-


[Fabulous pic and receipe on site! Kelly]

Note from Cheri:

This clever Halloween cake recipe, that frightfully resembles a well
used kitty litter box, was given to us by Kellie Head, the fabulous
editor of ParentingHumor.com, a must visit site for all parents.

Despite the cake's appearance, it's really delicious.

For the proper presentation, use a brand new (and definitely unused)
plastic cat litter box and spoon  it onto plates with a new (NEVER used)
pooper scooper.

As a side note, thanks to the producers of Cruel.com, who honored this
recipe with the Cruel Site of the Day Award on December 18, 2000. Editor
Rogers Cadenhead said he looked at dozens of Kitty Litter Cake recipes
but ours had "the most stomach-turning picture of the finished

If you like dark humor, a visit to Cruel.com is a  must!

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[CTRL] The state-established religion of Environmentalism

2001-01-18 Thread kl

-Caveat Lector-


January 14, 2001
The state-established religion of Environmentalism
Bruce Wilkin is a Pioche native and 1958 Nevada high school
graduate who came back to Ely to practice medicine in 1975.
Like many long-time Nevadans, Wilkin remembers when the game
herds were thick on the land those animals shared with Nevada's
cattlemen. He's seen the campaign by government regulators to
move the cattle off the land (Clark County retains only two of what
were once 50 ranching families -- and the federals have been trying
to run Cliven Bundy off his Mesquite allotment for eight years now)
... walling off human access to swatches of real estate the size of
New England states under a brand of "environmental protection"
that forbids cattle or sheep from grazing back the forage, which
subsequently dries out and leads directly to our current wave of
cataclysmic wildfires.

Furthermore, Bruce Wilkin the country doctor has done the studies
and can show the graphs proving it's not cattle that are responsible
for these bigger and more destructive wildfires, or for the thinning of
game species like the deer and the sage grouse.

Dr. Wilkin's graphs (based on the state's own data) show Nevada's
deer herd was healthiest precisely when the most cattle were run
on the range -- from about 1948 to the early 1970s -- and then
dropped precipitously when
the poisoning of coyotes was halted
during the Nixon and Ford administrations.

Further, while government regulators claim ranchers and hunters
are to blame for the thinning of the sage grouse, the good doctor
hands me a copy of the 1990 study which he says the Nevada
Department of Wildlife has "buried" ... precisely because it shows
the problem is not the cattle, but the end of programs to control the
now exploding populations of coyote, raven, and mountain lion.
The official October 1990 report "Sage Grouse Production and
Mortality Studies," prepared as the final report of the Federal Aid in
Wildlife Restoration Project W-48-R-21, Study XVII, Job 1, edited
by San J. Stiver and prepared by Don Klebenow, Gary Zunino and
others, demonstrated (by using chicken eggs to set up mock sage
grouse nests near typical raven habitat) that the decline in sage
grouse populations can be entirely attributed to raven predation of
the nests.

"At the completion of the 15 day period, all 1,400 eggs were
destroyed in both study areas," the report concluded. "On the
Grassy Meadows Study Area in Surprise Valley, 84 percent of the
nests were destroyed in the first three days. Ravens were believed
to be the chief nest predator."

The 1990 study only confirmed earlier studies such as that of
researcher Warren Allred, who found that in Wyoming in 1942,
"Eighty percent of all sage grouse nests were being destroyed by
predators -- of which 23 percent were attributed to ravens and 14
percent to coyotes. It was found that even in areas completely
protected from hunting, sage grouse were steadily declining."
In fact -- here Dr. Wilkin agrees with such long-time Nevada
ranchers as Cliven Bundy and Cliff Gardner -- the journals of the
first white men to cross Nevada found it so bereft of game the
Indians were reduced to eating insects, while the travelers often
considered eating their pack animals to make it through.
Thick herds of deer and flocks of game birds showed up only after
ranchers moved in to improve the water features (clearing springs,
building tanks and ponds); set their cattle to improving ground
cover by cropping plants which evolved in an ecosystem dependent
on large ungulates to clear room for new growth and to help the
plants re-seed; and finally completed the equation by severely
thinning out such predators as the coyote and the raven -- all now
"protected" by muddle-headed "environmentalists."

But because information like the Klebenow-Zunino report doesn't
mesh with the current drive to force ranchers and hunters from the
land in keeping with the new state-established religion of
Environmentalism (which designates "untouched wilderness" as its
cathedral), the 1990 study was "buried" by Willie Molini's state
Department of Wildlife, Wilkin insists.

Over dinner at the Prospector restaurant in the Ely Holiday Inn,
Wilkin -- glancing occasionally at his pager in case he should be
called back to the ER -- hands me an invitation to the "Nevada
Land Use Summit 2001,"
being put on by Assemblywoman
Marcia de Braga and Sen. Dean Rhoads in Carson City Feb. 23
and 24 (call 775-883-7863), which intends to focus on the
interrelated issues of noxious weeds, wildland fires, and Nevada's
sagging sage grouse population.

Wilkin points out a section on page 2, underlined by the
organizers: "There have been questions about distributing materials
other than those provided by the 2001 Summit. We respectfully
request (that) NO outside materials be brought in  by any individual
or group for distribution."

This is so the state wildlife bureaucrats can make 

Re: [CTRL] Serve your boyfriend this!

2001-01-18 Thread Kelly

-Caveat Lector-

Sorry CTRL folks!  I didn't mean to send this here!


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[CTRL] The Florida Disaster: Before, During and After

2001-01-18 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

The following flyer was prepared by the pro-Democracy campaign
coalition (www.ippn.org) for distribution at inaugural events
this weekend.  Please forward, with or without the footnotes!

The Florida Disaster:  Before, During and After

As with other famous US controversies, the Florida election scandal
will be debated for years.  A promising quality to this scandal is
the massive amount of evidence documenting injustice that is now
available.  Circulating this evidence can help prevent the rewrite of
our history.  Here is a condensed historical record, as of 1/16/2001.


-The Florida Secretary of State, Kathryn Harris, hired the
services of Choicepoint Inc. to "clean up" the Florida voter rolls in
advance of the election at a taxpayer cost of $4 million.  The initial
list of voters this firm recommended be "cleansed" from the rolls
included 8,000 residents of Florida who had only committed misdemeanors
in other states (i.e. drunk driving in Maine). As the Miami Herald
reported, most counties did not use the flawed list; a new list without
this error was prepared.

-However, a team led by London journalist Gregory Palast reviewed
records in 10 counties in early December and found a 15% misidentification
rate resulting in 7,000 additional legal voters removed from the voting
rolls.  Palast's team also found 1,700 "cleansed" voters who had regained
their right to vote in other states after serving a sentence, and could
not be barred from voting by Florida law for offenses they did not commit
in Florida.  In the largest pro-Bush county, Hillsborough, 54% of the
names on the "scrub" list belonged to African-Americans.

The company that did the cleansing received an award from a conservative
"voting rights" organization based in Virginia, the Voting Integrity
Project.  Established in 1996, the VIP has been exposed as a conservative
front group in exposes by Salon and Slate magazines (12/8/00, 4/4/00).

-According to an NAACP lawsuit, thousands of citizens who registered to
vote in a new polling place (or for the first time) were not added to rolls
by county officials in time to allow them to vote in the election.


-Problems reported on election day included "spot-checks" of
cars driving to vote in African-American areas and requests that Latino
voters produce additional IDs beyond the one required.  Some precincts
reportedly ran out of ballots or closed while legal voters were in line.

-By far the largest documented problem was the absence of voters from
the voting rolls.  For some of these voters, the problem could be
addressed by precincts placing a call to the county election office.
Due to the large number of problems, these help lines were jammed and
many voters had to wait for hours to be approved to mark a ballot.
Many gave up.  Some precincts had laptop computers to allow precinct
workers to directly access voting rolls. However, of 28 precincts in
Hillsborough and Miami counties provided with laptops, only one was a
"majority-black" precinct (source: NAACP lawsuit filed on 1/10/01).

-Confusing ballots resulted in a whopping 41,000 "overvotes" for
multiple presidential candidates in Duval and Palm Beach counties
alone.  Some Florida counties had error-checking voting equipment that
made it impossible for a ballot to be submitted with multiple votes.
The counties with error-prone equipment were disproportionately in
Black and Hispanic areas, a clear violation of US civil rights laws.


-All of the counties were immediately asked to conduct ballot
recounts due to the closeness of the race. Five smaller counties in
mostly white areas of Florida used partial hand counting in order to
produce the most accurate count. However in the larger urban counties
the ballot recounts were delayed and impeded by court cases,
unsubstantiated accusations of fraud, a coordinated national media blitz
to discredit hand counts, and by paid demonstrators flown to Miami from
DC congressional offices just before Thanksgiving.

-Some counties were pressured, again by a national media blitz, into
counting overseas ballots for George Bush that were clearly postmarked
after election day.

-Even Pat Buchanan and his campaign manager Bay Buchanan stated that
Gore would have won the election if Palm Beach county votes intended for
Gore did not end up going to Buchanan.

-The Supreme Court of the United States eventually took up the case of
Bush v. Gore.  By an incredible stretch of legal doctrine, they applied
arguments involving the issue of "equal protection" to the differing
standards in hand counting of ballots.  However, they failed (along with
the Gore legal team) to raise the serious "equal protection" problems
associated with differing voting equipment.  The differences in
equipment-related errors that were SIXTEEN TIMES the errors that the
Supreme Court cited, in their 7-2 ruling, in their use of 

[CTRL] Fwd: The Protest Bush and the Cops Couldn't Stop

2001-01-18 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-


By Gary Wilson

Chicago Mayor Richard Daley famously said of the police riot
that disrupted the Democratic Convention in 1968 that the
police are there "to preserve disorder."

Something similar might be said of police in Washington
preserving the disorder known as the unelected presidency of
George W. Bush.

The Washington police have conspired with the incoming Bush
administration to use all their powers to try to stop
demonstrators from voicing their opposition along the
inaugural parade route Jan. 20.

There is no doubt that tens of thousands will show up at the
inauguration parade to protest the incoming Bush
administration. They will come from Washington itself and
they will come from around the country on buses, trains,
planes and automobiles.

Jan. 20 will see the biggest counter-inaugural demonstration
since the second criminal administration of Richard Nixon
took office in 1973.

The overwhelming tide of demonstrators that is heading for
Washington forced the police to finally grant permits for
the mass protests.

For months the police had worked in secret with the Bush
inauguration committee to defy the law and not grant permits
to the demonstrators. When it became clear that tens of
thousands were coming to demonstrate whether or not a permit
was issued, the police admitted that the legal permits for
several sites claimed by the Bush inauguration committee in
fact legally belonged to counter-inauguration protesters.

However, police attempts to block the protest did not stop
after publicly issuing the permits to protesters. Rather,
the tactic changed.

Police instead announced that for the first time in over 200
years police checkpoints would be set up to approve people
and signs entering the mall area of Washington.

Protest organizers are challenging this attempt to set up a
mini police state to prevent protesters from being seen and
heard along the inaugural parade route.

Workers World talked with several top organizers of the
counter-inaugural protest at the International Action
Center. From these interviews it is possible to get an
inside picture of the events that led up to the Jan. 20
protests and the biggest government effort in decades to
block political protests in Washington.

Those who were interviewed include Teresa Gutierrez, co-
director of the IAC and a central figure in the progressive
coalition organizing the Jan. 20 demonstrations. Gutierrez
heads the U.S. Out of Colombia Committee, a nationwide
organization that opposes the U.S. military buildup, begun
by the Clinton administration, which threatens to open a new
Vietnam-type war in Colombia.

One aspect of the protests that Gutierrez has been focusing
on is defending the rights of undocumented immigrant workers
who are being threatened if they join the protests.

"The Bush administration thinks it's okay for undocumented
workers to come to Washington to cook their food and tend
their gardens, but not to protest," she said.

WW also interviewed the two IAC representatives who met with
the police on Jan. 9 when the permits were finally issued:
Larry Holmes and Brian Becker.

Holmes and Becker are also co-directors of the IAC, and both
are veterans of past political demonstrations in Washington.
Both, like Gutierrez, were arrested last April 15 in
Washington, when the police rounded up almost 700 anti-death-
penalty protesters the day before planned demonstrations
against the International Monetary Fund and World Bank. The
illegal arrests were an attempt to intimidate and prevent
the anti-IMF actions.

The picture that emerges from the interviews, reports in the
Washington Post and public statements by the police is that
something similar is being attempted this time.

Some of the protest organizers call this the post-Seattle
strategy. That is, ever since the new protest movement
against the oppression and destruction wrought by global
capitalism emerged in Seattle in December 1999, the police
have adopted a strategy toward demonstrations that is on the
borderline of constitutionality.

This strategy was seen in Washington in April and over the
summer at the protests outside the Republican and Democratic


The struggle for the counter-inaugural protest started three
months ago, on Oct. 6. That's when the IAC applied for
permits for three protest sites at the Jan. 20 inauguration.

The focus of the protest was to show opposition to the death
penalty and support for a new trial for political prisoner
Mumia Abu-Jamal. Both George W. Bush and Al Gore support the
death penalty, so it did not matter which one won.

According to the federal law that covers protest permits for
the District of Columbia, unless the permit is denied within
24 hours the permit is automatically granted. Apparently the
permit was granted at that time, but the police refused to
confirm it.

In the meantime, a hard-right majority of the U.S. Supreme

Re: [CTRL] Serve your boyfriend this!

2001-01-18 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

 Sorry CTRL folks!  I didn't mean to send this here!


Darn I was kinda hoping it was the prelude to a culinary conspiracy
discussion, i.e., American imperialist gastronomes working to
undermine those effete French chefs with good ole Yankee "home-cookin'":)

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] The Truth is Rarely Pleasant

2001-01-18 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

The Truth is Rarely Pleasant:
Racism, White Denial, and Some Thoughts on Being "Divisive"

By Tim Wise (ZNet commentary)

Having been a white man for 32 years, I have learned there are some things
white folks aren't supposed to say.

For example, we aren't supposed to acknowledge that we have received, and
continue to receive substantial privileges, simply because of skin color:
better job opportunities, greater access to housing, better educational
offerings and partial treatment in the justice system.

And we aren't supposed to acknowledge the massive prejudice in our
communities, which leads at least a third of us to admit--and no doubt many
more to feel this way but not confess it--that we believe blacks are less
intelligent than we are, less hardworking, and more prone to criminality.

And we aren't supposed to challenge other whites about their racism, or the
myriad institutional injustices that most of us accept passively, if not
actively support. To do this, and to demand that whites deal honestly with
the nation's legacy of racial oppression is to invite indignant charges that
one is being "divisive."

This was made clear to me after my recent keynote address to the St. Louis
Mayor's Conference on Racial Justice and Harmony, this past October. Though
my speech was generally well received, with a standing ovation from at least
800 of the 1200 persons in the audience, there were apparently some in
attendance who were not so pleased. And these few--all of them white--have
been complaining loudly about my "divisive" rhetoric, which, according to
these folks, makes racial harmony more difficult than ever.

What had I said, exactly, to upset these dear souls? Who knows? Bitter memos
sent around city hall didn't specify, and the gossip columnist for the
city's daily, The Post-Dispatch, who ran a blip on the "controversy" didn't
elaborate either. But I would assume they were upset because I said among
other things the following, backed up, of course, with statistical support:

--It is whites who are in denial about the ongoing problem of racism, and
this denial is itself a form of racism: a kind of white supremacy that says,
"I know your reality better than you do;"

--The biggest barriers to racial harmony and racial justice are
institutional racism and the existence of systemic white privilege in all
walks of life;

--"Diversity" and "tolerance" are not worth fighting for, unless accompanied
by equity and justice: the first two are easy and meaningless, the latter
two take work;

To most people of color these positions are not that radical. But apparently
there are still some of my people who get mightily offended by being
reminded that we have some work to do--both individually and
collectively--and until we do it, there will be no kumbaya chorus.

It's interesting to note what upsets white folks, compared to that which
doesn't. On the one hand, my words calling for an end to white privilege are
seen as divisive, but the privileges themselves are not; demanding an end to
racism in education, criminal justice, housing and employment is seen as
divisive, but the existence of said racism is not. Frankly, if the good
folks in St. Louis, who found my speech so troubling, are upset about
"divisiveness," then surely they could manage to focus their attention on
the following facts, all of which must be more divisive than anything I
said, by a magnitude of thousands:

--Housing segregation has been so extreme in St. Louis over the years, that
approximately 75% of all blacks in the city live in neighborhoods that are
virtually all black, and disproportionately low income. The same is true, of
course, in many urban areas of the United States;

--This hypersegregation has been no accident, but the result of deliberate
discrimination by real estate appraisers, landlords, and mortgage lenders.
As far back as 1941, underwriters in St. Louis were complaining about the
"rapidly increasing Negro population," leading to massive discrimination
that was essentially legal for the next 27 years, and even since, has
persisted in more subtle forms. All across America this was the case:
blockbusting, redlining, steering, and outright intimidation intended to
prevent people of color from obtaining homes in more prosperous

--From 1934-1960, whites moving to St. Louis area suburbs received five
times more government-underwritten FHA home loans than folks in the city,
who were increasingly people of color. This preferential treatment for
whites continues to have an effect today, as those homes pass to the
descendants of the original owners, and become accumulated wealth.
Nationally, over $120 billion in housing equity was underwritten by the FHA
during this time, and only 2% went to African Americans;

--Throughout the metropolitan area, children of color are roughly three
times more likely to live in poverty than their white counterparts, and have
infant mortality rates that are two-and-a-half 


2001-01-18 Thread Mrs. Jela Jovanovic

The Committee for National Solidarity
Tolstojeva 34, Belgrade, YU

  Comrades, friends--I send this to you mainly 
  because itreports on how organizations in different European 
  countriesare reacting to the DU crisis and what the IAC is doing. 
  TROOPS WANT OUT OF KOSOVOProtests against DU grow in EuropeRamsey 
  Clark visits radioactive sites in southern IraqBy John 
  CatalinottoDespite denials by NATO and their governments that 
  depleteduranium is a danger, people in Europe have reacted withgrowing 
  anger and disquiet about this threat to soldiers andcivilians in occupied 
  Kosovo.In some European countries-Greece, Portugal and 
  Italyespecially-parties and other groups have already begun toorganize 
  strong protest movements against DU weapons. Anger and confusion has 
  grown as NATO and governmentspokespeople contradict earlier statements 
  about the dangersof DU. For example, NATO now admits U.S. planes fired 
  10,800DU shells into Bosnia in 1995-1996. But in 1997 Lt. 
  Cmdr.Garneau, a spokesperson for the SFOR occupation forces, said"at 
  no time did NATO use depleted uranium munitions duringair strikes in 
  Bosnia." This was one of many lies that has destroyed 
  NATO'scredibility, and for good reason.In addition, the European 
  mainstream media is reflectingdifferences among the NATO powers that 
  include DU use but gobeyond this to other areas of contention within 
  theimperialist alliance. For example, in the single Jan. 12issue of Le 
  Monde, there was more than a page of the dangersof DU. But there were also 
  two pages of the debate withinNATO over the presence of U.S. troops and 
  other strategicgoals.Seven Italian troops, five Belgians, two 
  Dutch nationals,two Spaniards, a Portuguese and a Czech national have 
  diedafter taking part in the occupation of Balkan countries.Four 
  French soldiers also have contracted leukemia. TheYugoslav news agency 
  Tanjug reports that a Hungarian soldierhas also died of leukemia and that 
  his wife is demandingfinancial compensation from the Hungarian Ministry 
  ofDefense.Subhead: Greek troops want outThe Daily 
  Telegraph in England reported Jan. 15 that over aquarter of the 1400-plus 
  Greek troops stationed in Kosovohave asked to leave because of the 
  increased risk of cancer.The Greek defense minister had to say that the 
  governmentwould consider the requests, but "we must first wait for 
  theofficial results of the radiation tests. If there is ageneral 
  problem then NATO forces will take a joint decisionand leave 
  together."Half of the 400 volunteers set to join the Greek 
  contingenthave now withdrawn their requests to take part in 
  theoccupation of Kosovo. On Jan. 11, the Greek Communist Partycalled 
  out thousands of protesters in Athens, Thessalonika,Patra, Serres, Chio 
  and Verioia to protest NATO's aggressionagainst Yugoslavia and to demand 
  that Greek soldiers bepulled out of Kosovo.The Portuguese 
  Communist Party called for a national day ofprotest for Jan. 25 with a 
  meeting in front of the primeminister's residence to demand an end to the 
  Portuguesemilitary presence in the Balkans. The PCP also is 
  "againstthe dispatch of any more troops to Kosovo; for solidaritywith 
  the populations affected by NATO bombings; and for NATObeing 
  abolished.The PCP is a mass party with 130,000 members that took 
  astrong stand against NATO aggression against Yugoslaviaduring the 
  1999 war.In Rome on Jan. 13 the Italian section of the Ramsey 
  ClarkTribunal, which includes supporters from the PastiFoundation and 
  the Communist Rifundazione Party, held aprotest meeting over the use of 
  DU. This group is protestingthe dangers to Italian soldiers but also to 
  the civilianpopulation of Yugoslavia. It organized hearings of 
  popularwar crimes tribunals against NATO following the 
  aggressionagainst Yugoslavia.Stories about DU are now daily items 
  in the Italian pressand electronic media. This coverage has also 
  come-perhaps toa lesser degree-throughout all of Western Europe. 
  In France, the veterans group Avigolfe has forced theDefense 
  Minister Alain Richard to reverse some of hisstatements about DU. In 
  effect he had to admit he had beenlying.In Spain, the Committee in 
  Solidarity with the Arab Causehas held a conference in November and more 
  recent meetingsexposing the dangers of DU.Subhead: How Yugoslavs, 
  Iraqis see DUWhile the deaths of NATO soldiers have attracted 
  mediaattention, the greater number of DU victims come from thelocal 
  civilian population of Bosnia and Kosovo.In a Jan. 13 article in the 
  British daily The Independent,Robert Fisk wrote of the town Hadjici, where 
  he asserts that"up to 300 out of 5,000 Serb refugees whose suburb 
  ofSarajevo was heavily bombed by NATO jets in the late summerof 1995 
  have died of cancer. ...""All the surviving refugees of 


2001-01-18 Thread Mrs. Jela Jovanovic

The Committee for National Solidarity
Tolstojeva 34, Belgrade, YU

  This press release was sent out last night. Please note the 
  invitation toThe Day of Truthin 'Add Copy': any feedback from 
  Yugoslavia re the situation in the FRYwould be 
  appreciated.Immediate Release from CANA Christians Against Nato 
  Aggressionnote our new e mail address; it is [EMAIL PROTECTED](discard any 
  other)tel/maual fax 44 20 88 02 21 4483 Black Boy Lane London 
  Ponte should be shunned by all right thinking people, particularlyin 
  Belgrade, says William Spring, CANA Director.'Many years ago a 
  distinguished journalist said to me: "my dear boy,everything is 
  permissible, except bringing the law into disrepute."The comment, 
  thrown out almost inconsequentially, while he,  we, 
  (hisacolytes),were engaged in the obligatory muddy walk around 
  Robertsbridgehas remained graven in my memory.He made the remark 
  in relation to the Nuremberg Trials  I'm sure ifMalcolm Muggeridge 
  were alive today he would feel the same sentiments at theobscene spectacle 
  of the quasi- judicial tart, Carla del Ponte hawking herwares all around 
  Middle Europe.What does she want to go there for? She's already had 
  Jamie Shea, (in alinen cupboard @ The Hague),  Cook, or Cook's had 
  her, (ugh!),she's even had the irresistible Albright.Who else can 
  she impress with her forensic charms?Why does she so desperately want 
  to be introduced to Vojislav Kostunica?What exactly is she offering 
  the Serbian people? A fair trial for Milosevic?Evidently not. No trial 
  at the International Criminal Tribunal for TheFormer Yugoslavia (ICTFY) 
  can be fair: such a concept is alien to a Courtfunded by Soros  the 
  CIA, offering the very best in kinky so calledjustice,(secret 
  indictments/masked witnesses / headless judges ku klux klan style 
  institutionally racist inquisitorial prosecutors).Could Carla del 
  Ponte ever offer to hand over for trial before the YugoslavCourts, the 
  NATO leaders?Obviously not. And the point is there are indictments in 
  Serbia against allthe NATO leaders.No discussion therefore should be 
  held with Ponte about anything until firstall the NATO leaders surrender 
  for trial in Belgrade.CANA requested that she commence proceedings 
  against the western leadersresponsiblefor the March 99 NATO bombing of 
  the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.She refused, as she,  her 
  predecessor Ms Arbour, refused many otherrequests of a similar character 
  from human rightsgroups  jurists world-wide.Her sudden 
  discovery now that we might have a case after all; when so manypeople are 
  dying of leukemia,  the DU scandal cannot be hidden any longer,tells 
  us volumes abouther cynical approach to her supposed duties.The 
  ICTFY was never set up to try War Crimes, but to persecute the 
  Serbs.They are  have become sacrificial victims to expiate the 
  failure ofUS/British  French policywhich has handed hegemony of 
  the Balkans to the new German Reich.CANA welcomes the decision of Mr 
  Kostunica not to meet Carla del Ponte inBelgrade; we trust that in 
  difficult conditions he finds a way to maintainthe integrity of the 
  Yugoslav constitutional process,  to remind the world,when he has 
  theopportunity, (perhaps with Tim Sebastian on Hard Talk due to be 
  screened onBBC 24 Hours 18th January) who the real aggressors are  
  were.'Yugoslavia's crime in the eyes of the West was one  only 
  one: it did nothave anuclear weapon. Only for that reason was it an 
  appropriate target for ahumanitarian war.'WILLIAM SPRING ADDS THIS 
  sadness has afflicted us, a sense of loss for someone I can'tsay I ever 
  really knew, except very indirectly, having come intocontact with Auberon 
  Waugh through the ICBH, (Institute of ContemporaryBritishHistory) 
  which sponsors lectures  seminars etc at the University of 
  LondonSenate House(Local History Room)  I had corresponded with 
  him about CANA  otherissues.He knew about CANA  CJPY 
   was very sympathetic to us,  our aims.Every fortnight or so 
  since Blair's War he'd used his column in The DailyTelegraph to tell Blair 
  what a dishonest  beastly idiot he is.His father Evelyn Waugh, 
  apart from being, (with George Orwell), themost distinguished English 
  novelist of the twentieth century, during thesecond world war was 
  parachuted into Yugoslavia, together with RandolphChurchill, son of the 
  British Prime Minister.Evelyn Waugh's gift was bequeathed to his son, 
   his political opinions (atleast in terms of supportfor the 
  Yugoslav state, our former allies, who made common cause with usagainst 
  Hitler,before America even entered the war.)Auberon Waugh's death 
  at 61 is a profound loss: but the mantle of Elijahhas already fallen upon 
  Elisha; his friend columnist A N Wilson will continue to defend 


2001-01-18 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

from the FAS Project on Government Secrecy
January 18, 2001


In a new bill introduced in the House of Representatives on January 3, Rep.
Bob Barr proposed to eliminate the longstanding official prohibition
against assassination.

Executive Order 12333, issued by President Reagan and currently in effect,
dictates that "No person employed by or acting on behalf of the United
States Government shall engage in, or conspire to engage in,
assassination."  This restates similar prohibitions issued by the Ford and
Carter Administrations.

According to Rep. Barr, however, "These Executive orders limit the swift,
sure, and precise action needed by the United States to protect our
national security."

Rep. Barr did not indicate exactly who he wants the Government to
assassinate.  His bill does say, encouragingly, that assassination "is a
remedy which should be used sparingly."

Moral considerations aside, the consensus of opinion among mainstream
politicians of both parties has always been that the United States has more
to lose than to gain by legitimizing assassination.

The text of the new bill, dubbed "The Terrorist Elimination Act of 2001,"
was posted by John Young on his outstanding site cryptome.org here:


Steven Aftergood
Project on Government Secrecy
Federation of American Scientists

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] AMERICAN MANTRA: Free Market Capitalism

2001-01-18 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

AMERICAN MANTRA: Free Market Capitalism


by Peter Phillips, contributing writer
January 17, 2001

Free Market Capitalism has become the dominant American ideological truth.
The decline of communism opened the door for unrepentant free marketers to
boldly espouse market competition as the final solution for global harmony.
According to the American mantra, if given the opportunity to freely
develop the marketplace will solve all evils. We will enjoy economic
expansion, individual freedom, and unlimited bliss by fully deregulating
and privatizing society's socio-economic institutions.
The recent selection of G.W. Bush as the U.S. President has placed into
power the party that is the strongest supporter of this American mantra.
The business/government revolving-door cabinet will be comprised of more
corporate CEO's than any presidency in recent history. The new government
elite will work to see that the American mantra remains safe, globalized,
and unchallenged.
Pesky socialist or nationalist leaning governments will be undermined,
pressured into compliance or even invaded if they dare to resist the
American mantra. The full force of U.S.  dominated global
institutions  WTO, World Bank, IMF, NAFTA will focus on maximizing free
market circumstances and corporate access to every region of the world.
Economic safety nets, environmental regulations, labor unions, human
rights, become second place to the free flow of capital and
investments.  Indigenous resisters face overt repression, disappearance, or
imprisonment by governments fully armed and supported by the American
dominated New World Order.
So what is the underlying rationale for this American mantra? Are its
dogmatic beliefs based on specific socio-economic facts? Are free market
forces clearly the best mechanism for human betterment?  Do these
mechanisms work cross-culturally and are they efficient under all
A closer examination of the American mantra reveals that "free market"
essentially means constant international U.S. government intervention on
behalf of American corporations. A public-private partnership that utilizes
U.S. embassies, the CIA, FBI, NSA, U.S.  Military, Department of Commerce,
USAID, and every other U.S government institution to protect, sustain, and
directly support our vital interest-U.S. business.
This public-private partnership means that the government of Guatemala is
pressured to withdraw laws that forbid Gerber foods from marketing their
chubby baby image on infant formula.  Peasants see the baby and believe
that formula will make their infants healthy and chubby as well. Yet breast
feeding is considerable healthier in a country where unsafe water mixed
with formula results in high infant mortality.
The American mantra claims that prices will reach their lowest levels and
consumers will benefit from free market competition. Yet living essentials,
food, water, housing, health care, all have the international tendency to
increase more rapidly than products that are non-essential. Even in the U.S
we can get a great deal on a computer, but try buying emergency health care
on a middle income paycheck. Americans are often amazed to find out that
prescription drugs are significantly cheaper in other countries, a fact
that discredits the benefits of an unregulated market.
American mantra institutions push market deregulation that transforms
foreign economies for the benefit of U.S. businesses.  Post-NAFTA Mexicans
are now importing U.S. grown corn for their tortillas, as millions of
formally subsidized peasant farmers leave the land to seek minimum wage
work in the cities of United States.  Los Angeles has become the center for
new American sweatshops, as "illegals" compete for poverty jobs, citizens
cannot afford to accept.
Government-assisted foreign market penetration by U.S firms often results
in the buying out of successful indigenous companies and the competitive
overwhelm of others. This situation leaves U.S.  multinationals in superior
positions in foreign domestic markets and creates windfall profit taking
The free market mantra carries with it shock treatment policies of lowering
public expectations, forced austerity measures, and dismantled human
services. A privately run water system is deemed superior to a public
system because the profit motive will create maximum efficiency. Yet there
is absolutely no research that systematically compares public versus
private efficiency levels, only the dogmatic assertion that this is so.
The American mantra affects the U.S. population as well. We are still
riding on the betterments from the first three/quarters of the 20th
century, and have not faced the full impacts of the economic bifurcation
that has occurred the past 25 years. Poverty levels are rising, the working
poor expanding and homelessness one pay check away for many. In the last
quarter century the bottom 


2001-01-18 Thread Nessie

-Caveat Lector-

In a new bill introduced in the House of Representatives on January 3,
Bob Barr proposed to eliminate the longstanding official prohibition
against assassination.

dubbed "The Terrorist Elimination Act of 2001,"


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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Check out News from the Associated Press

2001-01-18 Thread Carl Amedio

-Caveat Lector-

 A HREF="http://wire.ap.org/?FRONTID=SCIENCE"Click here: News from the
Associated Press/A

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Mr.Death

2001-01-18 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

For Canadians who may be interested in the Fred A. Leuchter Jr. saga the
Errol Morris documentary "Mr.Death: The Rise and Fall of Fred A. Leuchter
Jr." is airing on CBC's Newsworld this Sunday at 11 PM (at least here in
Atlantic Canada). It's well worth watching if you've followed the
holocaust/revisionist debate at all and have any any opinion either way on
the topic.

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Living under the hole in the sky

2001-01-18 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

Living under the hole in the sky


The citizens of Punta Arenas, Chile, are the subjects of a potentially
deadly experiment: What happens to people who live under the widening ozone

By Dawn MacKeen

PUNTA ARENAS, Chile -- Below an expansive sky that stretches on forever,
hundreds of 4-year-olds tucked into puffy winter coats hold hands and file
eagerly into an elementary school auditorium. Though it is barely 45
degrees outside, the preschoolers are here to learn about the dangers of
the sun.
Paul the Penguin, a 7-foot-tall mascot, appears onstage accompanied by two
friends in beach clothes. They warn him that the sun will turn his skin red
but that if he douses himself in Eucerin sunblock, he can play outdoors as
long as he likes.  After the show, the preschoolers line up once again,
giggling and squealing, to receive free trial-sized bottles of Eucerin,
courtesy of the cosmetic company that makes it. As they grab their gifts
and file out, they look like giggling children anywhere -- even though
they're not.
The festive setting, complete with beach balls sporting Eucerin's name in
big black letters, belies the grim reason they have all gathered.  Like the
"duck-and-cover" classroom exercises during the Cuban missile crisis, and
Los Angeles' smog alerts in the 1980s, which cautioned students not to go
outside when pollution levels were high, today's presentation is teaching a
generation of kids in the southern tip of Chile how to accept the
unacceptable, how to survive under the expanding ozone hole the rest of the
world has created.
  "It's very sad," says Eduardo Mortiric, a
15-year-old with pale skin and cheeks so sun-kissed it looks like he has
rouge on. "I can't go outside and ride my bike, play soccer anymore or go
walking. I burn easily."
Welcome to life in Punta Arenas in the ozone depletion age.
This port city of 120,000 people, at 53 degrees south latitude, has always
been known more for its proximity to other places -- five hours from
Patagonia's Torres del Paine, an hour from a penguin colony, a boat ride to
Antarctica, than as a destination in its own right. But as ground zero of a
global ecological catastrophe, Punta Arenas is becoming famous, or
infamous, as the city that has squatted directly under the gaping hole in
the earth's ozone layer. What's happening down here on the edge of nowhere
is an uncontrolled science experiment: exposing human beings in their
natural habitat to long-term doses of potentially deadly ultraviolet
It may take years before the results are in, before we know the full toll
in vision problems and skin cancers, illness and death.  Until now the rest
of the world has watched from afar, complacent in the conviction that it
has largely addressed the problem. But it might be a good idea to pay
closer attention to what happens down here, because scientists fear that,
in the future, regions farther from the poles could be hit by a thinning of
the ozone layer.
Contradictions abound in this small city. On many days in September and
October, the spring months when the ozone layer is at its thinnest, Punta
Arenas officials warn residents to stay inside between 11 a.m. and 3 p.m.
or risk a severe sunburn. Yet most don't listen. The regional health
minister in charge of disseminating this advice to the public appears at
official events with a deep tan from a recent skiing trip. People here
complain about the ecological disaster the rest of the world has inflicted
on them, then they complain that foreign visitors draw too much attention
to the problem. Doctors warn patients of the need to wear protective hats
sturdy enough to withstand the powerful wind down here but know that the
gear must be attractive enough so fashion-minded Chileans will actually
wear them. Officials acknowledge the critical need to address the problem,
but claim they won't be able to afford $180,000 for an ozone- and
radiation-measuring instrument after Punta Arenas scientists return the
only one they have later this month to the institute in Brazil from which
they borrowed it.
And Punta Arenas is where Beiersdorf, a German cosmetics company, markets
itself by sponsoring a play for preschoolers featuring an adorable penguin
who slathers the firm's sunblock over himself from head to web.
Though scientists once thought they had a handle on the
problem, the ozone hole reached its largest dimensions yet in September,
stretching across an area of 11 million square miles -- a distance three
times the size of the United States. And it has subsequently wandered all
the way from its icy seasonal home of Antarctica to this port city. In
Punta Arenas, according to local measurements, the residents are exposed to
levels of UVB radiation 40 percent greater than normal when the ozone hole
is above.
The worsening situation has so alarmed Chilean officials that, for the
first time ever, they are 

[CTRL] Janus-Faced Universalism and Rosy-Fingered Dawn

2001-01-18 Thread kl

-Caveat Lector-


Joseph R.

January 16, 2001

Janus-Faced Universalism and Rosy-Fingered Dawn

Universalism is said to be a wonderful thing. It brings to mind
Alexander the Great, widely praised by historians earlier in this – I
mean the late – century, as a heroic founder of 'universalism.' The
praise came because he made his officers take Persian brides, as
did he, to cement the ties between conquerors and conquered,
etc., etc.

He also knocked over the Achaemenid treasury. Naturally, the
victors began spending the Persian king's money, setting off one of
the few inflationary cycles in history involving a metal-based money
supply. The only other one, ever, of which I can think offhand,
arose from Spanish conquests in Mexico and Peru. I should think
these are clear-cut cases of state intervention in the economy.
In Keynesian terms, the Persian, Aztecan, and Incan treasurers
were 'hoarders' and needed to learn the wisdom of the serpent, or
at the very least, the wisdom of Alan Greenspan. Alexander,
Cortez and Pizzaro were public spirited fellows whose activities
created effective demand and made the economy boom.

But there is more. Alexander's conquests, while they did not create
a lasting and unified Greek empire stretching from Macedonia in
the west, Bactria in the east, and Egypt in the south, did leave
behind a set of clunky successor states. These included the
Seleucid and Macedonian states, as well as the Ptolemaic
kingdom of Egypt. The latter, of course, is justly famous for
Cleopatra. In reaction to Greek intrusion, Chandragupta Maurya
went on a binge of state-formation in northern India, which I'm sure
made everyone much happier. I should add that Bactria, as such,
has little to with bacteria.


The exploits of Aristotle's most famous pupil made for far too many
cities called Alexandria. The Hellenic successor states, hereinafter
called 'Hellenistic,'  had Greek-speaking ruling classes
(bureaucrats and soldiers) and attracted Greek merchants,
professionals, and hangers-on to the new states. This was a
massive frontier movement of Greeks seeking new opportunities.
The Greek Horace Greeley, if there was one, was crying  'Go east,
young man' at the top of his lungs.

Politically, the new states were a departure from Hellenism proper,
which had rested on the small-scale city-state or republic. The
Hellenistic states were large, territorial operations, and oppressive
ones. The Loeb Classical Series volume of documents from
Hellenistic Egypt underlines the Ptolemaic bureaucracy's program
of state-mercantilism, undertaken for revenue and control.1

This included a very early oil monopoly – PTOLEO – which, I
admit, only involved olive oil. I mention in passing that the famous
Rosetta Stone – key to the early 19th decipherment of hieroglyphic
Egyptian – was actually the text of a decree granting tax relief.
(And you thought Rosetta Stone was an English rock singer.)

So where's the universalism? you might well ask. (John Lennon
would have.) Well, each conquered region got a Greek-speaking
ruling class, Greek-speaking professionals and merchants, Greek-
speaking teachers and intellectuals….

You get the idea. Everyone was united on Greek terms.  A real
case of sharing, even if was a bit one-sided.

Don't get me wrong – I have nothing against the spread of
Hellenism as such. At this late date it's a bit hard to sort out the
right and wrong of it. I sentimentally prefer that cultures be spread
by peaceful means such as trade and the like. But what's done is
done, and even the current Left can't realistically demand that
we tear down the Hellenistic statues and rename all the Hellenistic
schools, highways, and cities. Or can they? Probably not. Time
itself has torn down most of those oppressive objects and
deconstructed their texts; the remains are now the province of the
archaeologists. Besides, who now knows what the oppressed
natives' name for Alexandria was? Very likely it was 'potentially
lucrative seashore location with no city on it yet,' whatever that
might be in ancient Coptic  (Egyptian).

So while I'm quite certain it's no big job to right all the wrongs and
reverse all the oppressions dating from 1492 through verbal
legerdemain, it is doubtless technically unfeasible to do so for the
third century B.C. Too bad, really. If we had the world-improvers
working on that, they might overlook a monument or two at home.
And flags.


At the height of British power – that is, right around the second
Anglo-Boer War (1899-1903) – a number of well-placed British
scholars ransacked Greek history for useful lessons. Equating
democratic, commercial Athens with Britain, they saw a warning
in the short-lived Athenian Empire, which preceded our pal,
Alexander, in time. Its heavy-handed methods led to unnecessary
wars, the collapse of Athenian power, and the rise 


2001-01-18 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!


Thursday,January 18,2001


N.Y. Post: Mary McLauglin

A "truly sorry" Rev. Jesse Jackson revealed last night that he fathered a
love child two years ago - and said he's dropping out of public life to
reconcile with his devastated family.
The extraordinary admission came as the National Enquirer published a story
about Jackson's secret affair with Rainbow Coalition activist Karin Stanford.

The bombshell report details how the married civil-rights leader romanced the
ex-professor while serving as spiritual adviser to President Clinton during
Sexgate and even took his pregnant mistress to the White House.

"I am father to a daughter who was born outside of my marriage," Jackson said
in a statement to The Post.

"As her mother does, I love this child very much and have assumed
responsibility for her emotional and financial support since she was born,"
he continued.

"This is no time for evasions, denials or alibis. I fully accept
responsibility and I am truly sorry for my actions."

The fiery preacher - who has been hammering away at some of George W. Bush's
Cabinet appointments in recent days - said he was taking time off from his
"public ministry" because of the scandal.

It was unclear if he was canceling plans to lead a massive march on the
Florida state capitol on Inauguration Day to protest the presidential
election mess.

The Post contacted Stanford, 39, at her home in south Los Angeles several
times this week. She and family members politely declined to comment on her
affair with Jackson, 59.

But she told the Enquirer: "Jesse and I still have a very warm and close

Since DNA tests determined he was the father of the 20-month-old girl -
Stanford was seeing another man when she got pregnant - Jackson has been
paying $10,000 a month in support.

He also gave the single mom $40,000 for "moving expenses" when she took
maternity leave and left Washington, D.C., for her native California.

Their fateful liaison began after Jackson, impressed by a book Stanford had
written about his impact on foreign policy, hired her to run the Rainbow
Coalition's Washington office.

The affair coincided with the explosion of the Sexgate scandal and Jackson's
unofficial position as adviser to Clinton on his adulterous fling with intern
Monica Lewinsky.

In August 1998, around the time his out-of-wedlock child was conceived,
Jackson urged the public to forgive the president for cheating on his wife.

"The nation must take the test: If there are any among us who have not known
the trials and tribulations and temptations, then throw a rock," he said.

"At some point, we have to forgive, redeem and move on."

That December, he escorted a four-months-pregnant Stanford and other Rainbow
Coalition staffers to meet President Clinton and stood next to her during a
photo opportunity.

It wasn't long before word of the escapades reached the homefront - and
Jackson's enraged wife of 38 years, Jackie, confronted Stanford at the
Rainbow Coalition offices, the Enquirer said.

"Jackie screamed at Karin that she'd raised Jesse's children and had been at
his side through really tough times," a source told the weekly. "She accused
Karin of getting pregnant on purpose."

And Stanford admitted: "I would not be surprised if his family hated me."

Even after the blowup, Jackson - who was born out of wedlock himself - was
clearly not ready to acknowledge the child was his.

In a March 1999 newsletter, he announced Stanford would soon be taking
maternity leave for "the birth of her first child" with her attorney

A week later, he announced he had decided not to seek the Democratic
nomination for president, reprising his 1984 and 1988 campaigns.

Stanford was involved with another man when she found out she was pregnant
and left blank the space for the father's name on the birth certificate when
her daughter was born in May.

But a DNA test confirmed Jackson was the father of the baby, who reportedly
shares with him a genetic trait for sickle-cell anemia.

He quickly had a financial agreement for support drawn up - a pact that
included an agreement by Stanford not to publicly acknowledge her baby's
parentage, the tab reported.

In Los Angeles, Stanford continues to work for the Rainbow Coalition as a
consultant, and Jackson visits her and his daughter when he's in California.

The scandal has left Jackson estranged from Jackie and on shaky ground with
his five kids, including his congressman son, Jesse Jr.

"It has been an extremely painful, trying, difficult time for them," Jackson

"I have asked God and each one of them to forgive me and I thank each of them
for their grace and understanding throughout this period of tribulation.

"We have prayed together and through God's grace we have been reconciling."

Jackson said he hoped to "revive my spirit and 

Re: [CTRL] Jesse suddenly bows out of public life after disclosure of mistress

2001-01-18 Thread William Shannon
In a message dated 1/18/01 6:25:37 AM Central Standard Time,

I wonder why neither Jackson nor his mistress practiced birth control?

For $10,000 a month, a $300,000+ home and $40,000 in moving expenses I'd
raise his kid Seems clear to ME why SHE didn't practice birth
control...she was practicing debt control.



2001-01-18 Thread William Shannon

The Final Frontier
There's More than Meets the Eye to the Controversial US Star Wars Scheme
by John Valleau © January 15, 2001 in the Toronto Globe  Mail 

Incoming U.S. president George W. Bush and his nominee as secretary of state, 
Colin Powell, are strong supporters of the National Missile Defense project 
-- basically a scaled-down version of the "Star Wars" scheme that was 
proposed, and discredited, in the Reagan years. The purpose of the project is 
claimed to be the ability to intercept, in space, a small number of missiles 
launched against the United States. But the controversial plan may be more 
sinister than we could imagine, and Canada must make every effort to stop it.
The missile defense proposal poses a giant conundrum, because the costs, 
financial and strategic, appear much greater than any benefits to the United 
If, as its proponents say, the system would be capable only of intercepting a 
few attacking missiles, the scheme offers no defense from an assault by any 
serious antagonist. The costs, on the other hand, are massive, not only in 
consuming billions of dollars by itself, but in fuelling a new arms race. 
Russia and China both interpret the U.S. plan as part of the development of a 
nuclear "first-strike" capability. They, therefore, make it clear that, if it 
goes ahead, they will feel obliged to modernize their arsenals. This would 
mean an end to nuclear disarmament.
So why would the United States contemplate accepting these risks for such 
meager and dubious benefits? What can be driving the the missile defense 
The answer may lie in a little-known plan for the United State to dominate 
and colonize outer space. This sounds absurd and paranoid, but it is all laid 
out in the mission statements of the United States Space Command. The basic 
document, Vision for 2020, is already five years old. (This, and the later 
Long Range Plan fleshing out the "vision," are publicly available on the Web, 
at http://www.spacecom.af.mil/usspace. Copies can be found also on the 
Project Ploughshares Web site, http://www.ploughshares.ca. The Space Command 
describes its role as "dominating the space dimension of military operations 
to protect U.S. interests and investment [and] integrating Space Forces into 
war-fighting capabilities across the full spectrum of conflict."
This is a clear plan to militarize space with U.S. weapons, and to seek the 
ability to "deny others the use of space." The report is adorned with 
pictures of targets on Earth being zapped by such weapons. All this, while 
the United States is a signatory of the Outer Space Treaty, which aims at 
preventing the weaponization of outer space.
The connection to colonialism is also pretty explicit: "As sea commerce 
advanced in the 18th and 19th centuries, nations built navies to project 
power and protect and enhance their commercial interests. Similarly, during 
the westward expansion of the continental United States, military outposts 
and the cavalry emerged to protect our wagon trains, settlements and 
railroads. . . . The emergence of space power follows . . . these models."
It is, at first, hard to believe that this horrifying plan is really U.S. 
policy, but there has been no repudiation of the published intentions by the 
U.S. administration, and the Space Command continues to be handsomely 
How does this explain the missile defense proposal? First of all, the Space 
Command is the responsible agency directing the defense project, and the 
"vision" makes it clear that it foresees that "NMD will evolve into a mix of 
ground and space sensors and weapons." So the limited missile defense that 
has been discussed publicly is not at all what is actually in mind.
Then, to put the Space Command plans in place, the United States will have to 
abrogate, or ignore, the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty and probably the 
Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty as well, while violating at least the spirit 
of the Outer Space Treaty and the Environmental Modification Techniques 
The nations of the world would never accept the colonial status implied by 
this U.S. plan, but -- and this is where the missile defense scheme comes in 
-- they might be persuaded to accept the dismemberment of these treaties, if 
they only see the missile defences as a relatively benign, small-scale 
defense system, as it is portrayed.
What is Canada's responsibility in the face of this? The United States has 
not yet made a firm decision to proceed with deployment of its missile 
defenses. Statements by Mr. Bush imply his approval, but there remains some 
considerable internal resistance, and the United States remains somewhat 
sensitive to the international reactions.
Russia and China have given sharp warning of their response to any deployed 
missile defenses -- rearmament. The nations of Europe have also expressed 
their opposition in forthright terms. But Canada 

[CTRL] US state department militarized: paper

2001-01-18 Thread William Shannon
US state department militarized: paper 

By Masood Haider

NEW YORK, Jan 15: The appointment and the confirmation of retired Gen Colin
Powell as the next US secretary of state is tantamount to "the militarization
of the State Department and the triumph of military over civilian control",
says writer Christopher Hitchens in an article published in the magazine,
"The Nation".

In a most revealing and candid piece on the power of the US armed forces,
Hitchens says that "the most important moment in Powell's career as a
Republican came in the first months of the first Clinton Administration, when
he organized and led a political mutiny against the Commander in Chief,"{
President Bill Clinton in 1992) and saw the mutiny succeed.

Immediately after Mr. Clinton announced his policy on the induction of
homosexuals in the army with discrimination, Gen. Powell led the Army Chief
of Staffs to a meeting in the White House, forcing Mr. Clinton to backdown on
his open gay policy hence the "Don't Ask Don't Tell " doctrine was
established. The Nation's writer contends that Mr. Clinton surrendered to the
powers of the generals at a critical point at the start of his presidency.

"The coronation of Colin Powell will probably not be interrupted by any of
the specific questions about his mediocre and sometimes sinister past," says
Hitchens. "The political correctness of the nomination, in both its 'rainbow"
and "bipartisan" aspects, will see to that. Powell has often defined himself
as "a fiscal conservative and a social liberal," which also happens to be the
core identity of the Washington press corps. Set against this, what is the
odd war crime, or cover-up of same, or deception of a gullible Congress? Time
to move on. "

Writing about various controversial positions taken by Gen. Colin Powell as
he served as the Joint Chief of Staff appointed by former President George
Bush before leaving office, Hitchens says President Clinton was "elected, you
may remember, having promised to lift the ban on homosexuals serving in the
military and having promised to lift the embargo on the supply of arms to

"Nor were these mere 'fine print' promises: The first had been front and
centre in his campaigning, and the second had involved comparisons with the
Final Solution, of the sort that can't easily be taken back. Within a few
months of his swearing the oath that he was to break in so many ways, Clinton
receded from both these pledges. In both instances, he caved in to a
political revolt orchestrated by the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff." 

[CTRL] China Beefing Up Air Defenses Opposite Taiwan

2001-01-18 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

China Beefing Up Air Defenses Opposite Taiwan
16 January 2001


China is beefing up its coastal air defenses opposite Taiwan to help tip the
military balance in the Taiwan Straits in Beijing’s favor. If a permanent air
defense missile base materializes, Taipei and Washington are likely to
consider it an escalation, sparking a new round of confrontation.


The United Daily News, a Taiwanese publication, reported Jan. 15 that China
is building a new missile base in the southeastern city of Zhangzhou. Beijing
plans to deploy Russian-made S-300 surface-to-air missile systems on the base
and in the future could introduce more advanced air defense missiles.

By enhancing its ability to defend its coastal military installations from
Taiwan’s superior air force, China would improve its chances of prevailing in
a military conflict over control of the former Chinese territory. Such a plan
by Beijing is likely to backfire, however, by prompting Taipei and its
sponsors in Washington to take a harder line in the Taiwan Straits.

China has deployed the transportable S-300 air defense system across from
Taiwan in the past, provoking tensions. China moved several batteries from
Beijing to both Zhangzhou and the city of Fuzhou further to the north during
1996 military maneuvers.

Placed at Zhangzhou, the S-300, with a range of up to 200 kilometers, would
provide China with a defensive barrier along its coast extending out to
Taiwan’s Penghu island group. Deployed in Fuzhou, the S-300 could defeat
aircraft as far out as Hsinchu on Taiwan’s western coast.

Left image shows an SA-10B TEL in the vertical position and right depicts a
missile being fired.

In addition to China’s inventory of an estimated 120 S-300 missiles, the new
base under construction at Zhangzhou could also be used in the future for the
deployment of the FT-2000 surface-to-air missile system. The FT-2000 is an
enhanced version of the Russian-made S-300 developed in China with greater
targeting capabilities, longer range and capable of defeating not only
Taiwan’s U.S.-made F-16 fighter jets but its airborne early warning and
control (AWACs) aircraft as well.

A permanent missile base and the regular deployment of S-300s across from
Taiwan would be another in a series of recent attempts by Beijing to improve
its military capabilities vis-Ã -vis Taipei. Beijing has already deployed
hundreds of surface-to-surface missiles along the coast, and the U.S.
Department of Defense estimates China is adding 50 missiles each year.

However, the air defense base is especially significant because it threatens
Taiwan’s primary advantage over China – air superiority.

Most military experts agree that the current Chinese armed forces could not
successfully invade Taiwan. Though it might be able to blockade the island,
Taiwan’s air force is Taipei’s best weapon – aside from the United States –
in fending off a Chinese invasion.

A move by Beijing that threatens Taiwan’s advantage in the sky is sure to get
immediate attention in Washington, which dispatched two aircraft carriers
into the Taiwan Straits in 1996 when China launched major military maneuvers
during Taiwan’s elections, including live missile tests.

U.S. President-elect George W. Bush is already expected to take a tougher
security stance on Beijing, pledging during the campaign to improve Taiwan’s
military preparedness.

Bush is also more disposed than his soon-to-be predecessor, Bill Clinton, to
transferring advanced weaponry to Taipei over Chinese objections.

In considering an extensive arms request from Taiwan last year, Washington
cautiously deflected the issue for fear of antagonizing Beijing, a vocal
opponent of arms sales and independence for Taiwan, which Beijing considers a
breakaway province

However, a Bush Administration, induced by what it views as a Chinese
escalation in the Taiwan Straits and supported by the influential Taiwan
lobby in the U.S. Congress, could move swiftly to approve the arms transfer,
including top-of-the-line Aegis class destroyers.

Taiwan plans to bring up the issue of arms sales early in the Bush
Administration, seizing on what it sees as a more responsive political
environment. But continued Chinese attempts to improve its odds in an
invasion of Taiwan may make Bush’s decision for him.

If Beijing alters the military balance in the Taiwan Straits it will get a
swift response from an increasingly hard-line government in Washington,
including the transfer of high-tech arms to Taiwan to keep Chinese military
advancements in check.

As China seeks to solidify its military position in the Taiwan Straits, it
risks   picking a fight with Washington that could ignite another crisis in
the Taiwan Straits and push Taiwan further from Beijing’s grasp.

*COPYRIGHT NOTICE** In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107,
any copyrighted 

[CTRL] 'Stay Out Da Bushes' Yourself, Jesse!

2001-01-18 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

{{'My, my!  To read some of these posts, one would think
George W. Bush had fathered this child and blamed it on
Jesse!  This is Jesse's OWN admission, folks.  He has not
been 'framed' nor 'set-up.'  I chose the following article
from among the dozens carrying this latest scandal involving
the Reverend, as he calls himself.  But just as Dr. MLK was
nor really a 'doctor' in the sense that he earned a
doctorial degree anywhere,  one has to wonder how reverent
Jesse is.  Anyway, I selected this article because it
reminds us of a prior scandal involving Jesse and why he to
this day lacks credibility among the original and real civil
rights activists.  The public has been kind to Jesse and
allowed this scandal to lie dormant, unlike the hate-mongers
and race-baiters of today who trot out the same stuff
repeatedly.  Today's young hate-mongers like to take
everything out of historical context and forget the
past--wake up like chickens in a new world every day.  It
saves effort and real studying of history, etc.

So how many remember a young, skinny Jesse with that huge
Afro hair mugging for the cameras with blood smeared on his
shirt, telling that outrageous lie about MLK dying in his
arms?  It never happened and much to Jesse's chagrin, the
others present told him and the world that it did not
happen.  The "blood" if that is what it was smeared on his
shirt was NOT from MLK and it was just a publicity stunt on
the part of Jesse, who would always do anything to be on
camera.  There are those who still believe Jesse's version
and while it does make a wonderful, rear-jerking story, it
is as phony as his claims to moral superiority. AKE}}

"Stay Out Da Bushes' Yourself, Jesse!
Dan Frisa
Thursday, Jan. 18, 2001
The Reverend Jesse Jackson, it is now revealed today in the
New York Post, fathered a child out of wedlock at the same
time he was "counseling" Bill Clinton following his own
extramarital affair with intern Monica Lewinsky.
This hypocritical racist and all-around media hound has now
clearly demonstrated what many thought was his real worth to
the debate on issues of public import: absolutely nothing.

As a major leader of the effort to impugn the integrity and
record of President-elect Bush during the campaign,
Jackson - in his best Ebonics dialect - cautioned America to
"Stay out da Bushes!" during his diatribe at the Democratic
National Convention last summer in Los Angeles.

It seems as if Jackson should have taken his own advice.
Instead, he has been paying the unbelievable sum of $10,000
per month to the child's mother, a former staffer at the
Rainbow/PUSH Coalition, ostensibly as "child support".

Certainly sounds a lot more like hush money, another
favorite tactic of the Clinton crowd. The woman was also
reportedly paid $40,000 to move to California and is
supposedly living in a $365,000 condo!

(Recall the million dollars' worth of no-show jobs provided
to Clinton crony Webb Hubbell - who, as deputy U.S. attorney
general not only didn't uphold the law, he broke it at
will - at the precise time he was supposed to be cooperating
with the independent counsel?)

Well, not only did the hush money not keep things quiet
here, but it also raises questions anew about Jackson's
suspicious finances, all of which involve tax-exempt
charitable entities. Yet Jackson has continually refused to
reveal anything about his sources of income despite the fact
that U.S. taxpayers have had to in effect subsidize these
funds by foregoing the proportionate amount in tax receipts
that would otherwise have been paid.

What an amazing - though not entirely surprising - turn of
events for the ol' Rev. during Martin Luther King Jr.
holiday week.

Here we have the same opportunistic "aide" to the Rev.
Martin Luther King Jr. allegedly smearing blood, other than
that of the slain civil rights leader, on his own shirt and
then rushing to appear on national television claiming it as
Dr. King's on the night of the assassination in April 1968.

Such obvious hypocrisy has long been associated with Jackson
and his leftist supporters in the mainstream media.

It is also ironic that while Jackson is leading the racist
smear by Democrats against U.S. attorney general nominee
John Ashcroft, it was Jackson himself had who once uttered
his infamous anti-Semitic "hymie-town" slur and was given a
virtual pass by the media.

Suffice it to say that the rhymin' slime spewed regularly by
Jackson wherever a television camera can be found might be
subject to just a bit more scrutiny and skepticism in the

But, of course, that's an awfully big might.

* * *

Dan Frisa represented New York in the United States Congress
and served four terms in the New York State Assembly.

On the Air: Dan Frisa will appear on these programs, all
times Eastern. Check local listings. Listen while visiting

. Jan. 18, 2:15 p.m. - USA Radio Network, Dallas, Texas

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[CTRL] Fw: Love child? Drudge Enquirer

2001-01-18 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

{{So this man says he is a Christian yet commits adultery
openly and fathers children out of wedlock.  This does not
say very much about his regard and respect for women, whose
rights he also pretends to champion.  Now we see why
abortion "rights" are so important to these men.  Oh, goody!
They have given me the right to kill my baby!!  That is a
horrible choice to "give" any mother! Good for this mother,
however.  I hope she collects plenty from this racist
hate-monger.  People who live in glass houses and all of
that jazz. And these hypocrites, describing what an attorney
general should be at the Ashcroft hearings! All I can see is
a leering, grinning Janet Reno with that possessed
expression she got every time she talked about burning those
Waco children to death! These people are truly shameless.
Amelia Ann}}

Sent: Thursday, January 18, 2001 6:34 AM
Subject: Love child?


   Spiritual adviser to President Clinton Reverend Jesse
Jackson took his

 pregnant mistress to an Oval Office meeting at the height
of the
 Lewinsky Impeachment saga, a stunning new report claims.
   Washington will soon be jolted and storm clouds will
form over
 Inauguration Weekend after a NATIONAL ENQUIRER expose
alleges Jesse
 Jackson fathered a daughter conceived out of wedlock by a
 RAINBOW COALITION staffer who was given $40,000 to
relocate to Los
 Angeles where she now lives in $365,000 multi-bedroom
spread and
 receives a $10,000 a month stipend from Jackson, it is
   The NEW YORK POST is rushing to splash the story in
fresh editions,
 according to newspaper sources.
to blare in
 its Page One splash of its January 30 edition.
   "A $40,000 moving expense is outrageous," one RAINBOW

 tells the ENQUIRER.

   The ENQUIRER names the mother, aged 39.
 It does not name the young miss, aged 2. A photo of the
girl is featured

 with a blue dot over her face shielding her identity.

   Clinton administration officials were bracing for yet
 photograph, obtained by the ENQUIRER, which pictures Jesse
Jackson, the
 pregnant mistress, President Bill Clinton, and RAINBOW
 executives smiling in the Oval Office.
   The picture was taken on December 3, 1998 -- at the
height of the
 Clinton sex scandal.
   "Here was Rev. Jackson counseling Bill Clinton on his
infidelity and
 Jackson's pregnant mistress was smiling along?" asked a
   Jackson urged Clinton to take a contrite tone in his
 explanation of the Lewinsky affair:
 "Keep your eyes open and your mouth shut. And don't
   "If you respond with a contrite heart," Jackson told
Clinton, "that
 obligates the public to respond with mercy."

   The ENQUIRER quotes extensively from RAINBOW COALITION
insiders and
 the mistress. Jesse Jackson's wife is said to be
devastated by the
 alleged long-term affair.

   Jackson had been prepared earlier this week to preempt
this story with

 learned. Jackson later pulled out of the appearance when
it became
 unclear if the ENQUIRER was going forward.

 Which they will.

 Which they are.

 Which you now know.

 Filed By Matt Drudge
 http://www.drudgereport.com for updates

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] Ashcroft Backed Bill That Called Murder OK

2001-01-18 Thread William Shannon
License to kill?
As a senator, John Ashcroft backed a Missouri bill that might make killing an
abortion provider justifiable homicide.
- - - - - - - - - - - -
By Adele M. Stan
Jan. 18, 2001 | The campaign for Sen. John Ashcroft's seat in the U.S. Senate
probably began in earnest after the late Mel Carnahan, Missouri's Democratic
governor and Ashcroft's would-be opponent, vetoed a controversial bill known
as the Infant's Protection Act. Proponents touted the act as a ban on
late-term, or so-called "partial-birth," abortions, and from his bully pulpit
on the floor of the U.S. Senate, Ashcroft made hay off his rival's veto.
During an October 1999 speech in support of the Partial Birth Abortion Act,
which he co-sponsored with Sen. Rick Santorum, R-Penn., Ashcroft said:
"Tragically, the Missouri partial birth infanticide bill was vetoed despite
its overwhelming passage by the bipartisan Missouri General Assembly." This
had followed a previous statement Ashcroft issued in April 1999, according to
the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, calling on Carnahan to "sign this important
bill." Later, during his failed campaign against the late Carnahan (whose
widow, Jean, has taken his Senate seat after he was killed in a fatal air
crash in October), Ashcroft launched a radio ad that attacked the governor,
saying he had "vetoed a ban on partial-birth abortions."
But what Ashcroft, President-elect Bush's nominee for attorney general,
didn't mention was that the Infant's Protection Act allows the use of force
against abortion providers -- perhaps even deadly force -- to stop any
illegal abortion. Moreover, the bill leaves unclear just what constitutes an
illegal abortion.
Even the bill's author, Louis DeFeo of the Missouri Catholic Conference,
initially agreed that the bill allowed deadly force against abortion
providers, saying, "I think that's justifiable in protecting a person." (The
bill effectively defines a fetus as a person.)
As Carnahan put it in his veto statement at the time: "Perhaps most
outrageously of all, this bill will allow someone to legally commit acts of
violence, including a lethal act against a physician, nurse or patient, in
order to prevent a termination of a pregnancy by a procedure which the
attacker reasonably believes would be a violation of this bill."
Moreover, Carnahan wrote, the bill was drawn in such a way as to "ban some of
the safest and most commonplace first- and second-trimester abortion
Carnahan's veto was overridden by the Legislature in an effort led by a
member of his own party. And Ashcroft immediately began lauding the veto
override at Carnahan's expense. "It is an incredible accomplishment,"
Ashcroft told his fellow senators. "It represents only the seventh veto
override in Missouri history, the third override this century, the first
override since 1980." (Translation: Ashcroft suffered no overrides during his
two terms as Missouri's chief executive.)
A day after the override, Planned Parenthood of Missouri went to a federal
court and won an injunction against enforcement of the law, arguing that it
criminalized most common abortion procedures. The injunction remains in
effect as Planned Parenthood's legal challenge to the law continues.
"Of all of the different versions of these bills, [the Infant's Protection
Act] was the most egregious assault on reproductive rights of any of them --
even going so far as giving a defense to those who might engage in violence,"
says Kate Michelman, president of the National Abortion Rights Action League
(NARAL). "It was an extraordinary bill. And Ashcroft supported it fully."
Now, as Ashcroft tries to assure his critics that his own partisan political
views won't inappropriately influence the job of the nation's top law
enforcer, the question emerges: Did Ashcroft, a staunch abortion opponent,
condone the potentially extreme ramifications of the bill? Ashcroft, like
other Cabinet nominees, is not taking questions from the media, and the Bush
transition office did not respond to requests for a comment. Supporters of
the bill claim it offers no protection for potential abortion-doctor killers.
But opponents dispute that.
At first glance, the Infant's Protection Act simply appears to be a
particularly punitive version of a conventional "partial-birth" abortion ban,
one in which a doctor who performs the procedure and the woman who engages
the doctor to perform it could be charged with infanticide, or second-degree
murder of a "living infant." But the "living infant" described in Missouri
law could be a first-trimester fetus. In the Infant's Protection Act, a
"living infant" is defined as "a human child, born or partially born." Prior
case law sets the precedent for the use of the word "person" to include
"unborn child or children," cited in one statute to mean "the offspring of
human beings from the moment of conception until birth at every stage of
biological development."
The act also gives new meaning to the terms "born" and "partially 

[CTRL] Date: 16 January 2001 Federalist #01-03.brf

2001-01-18 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

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Federalist #01-03.brf

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"A constitution is not the act of a government, but of a people
constituting a government; and government without a constitution is
power without a right.  All power exercised over a nation, must have
some beginning.  It must be either delegated, or assumed.  There are
not other sources.  all delegated power is trust, and all assumed
power is usurpation.  Time does not alter the nature and quality of
either." --Thomas Paine


"What experience and history teach is this -- that people and
governments never have learned anything from history, or acted on
principles deduced from it." -- Georg Willheim Friederich Hegel


"Stop trusting in man, who has but a breath in his nostrils. Of what
account is he?" (Isaiah 2:22)

"The truly righteous man attains life, but he who pursues evil goes to
his death." (Proverbs 11:19)

"Woe to the worthless shepherd, who deserts the flock! May the sword
strike his arm and his right eye! May his arm be completely withered,
his right eye totally blinded!" (Zechariah 11:17)


"Being a lover of freedom, when the [Nazi] revolution came, I looked
to the universities to defend it, knowing that they had always boasted
of their devotion to the cause of truth; but no, the universities were
immediately silenced. Then I looked to the great editors of the
newspapers, whose flaming editorials in days gone had proclaimed their
love of freedom; but they, like the universities, were silenced in a
few short weeks Only the Church stood squarely across the path of
Hitler's campaign for suppressing the truth. I never had any special
interest in the Church before, but now I feel a great affection and
admiration for it because the Church alone has had the courage and
persistence to stand for intellectual and moral freedom. I am forced
to confess that what I once despised I now praise unreservedly."
--Albert Einstein


"Restoring prayer ... will scarcely at this date solve the grievous
public school problem. Public schools are expensive and massive
centers for cultural and ideological brainwashing, at which they are
unfortunately far more effective than in teaching the 3 R's or in
keeping simple order within the schools. Any plan to begin dismantling
the public school monstrosity is met with effective opposition by the
teachers' and educators' unions. Truly radical change is needed to
shift education from public to unregulated private schooling,
religious and secular, as well as home schooling by parents." --Murray

"Abortion is pure destruction. It destroys the precious human beings
whose lives are snuffed out in utero. It is destructive of the
interests of women who are so very often, and in so many respects,
truly abortion's 'secondary victims.' Abortion's record is one of
taint and damage to everything it touches, not least, fundamental
American constitutional principles. Free speech and religious liberty
are only its most recent victims." --Charles Colson


"The enemies of moral truth have an impoverished understanding of
reality, of human dignity and the human drama. They declare
(implicitly or explicitly) that there is nothing worthy to which we
should give allegiance; nothing deserving of our reverence; nothing
elevating for which to live; and nothing -- not family, country,
faith, honor, or truth -- for which to sacrifice or even die. Theirs
is a world that cannot celebrate human excellence or heroism, for it
is a world where everything is equally good, equally bad, equally
meaningless. The real stuff of life -- its vividness and grandeur, its
joy, majesty, and beauty -- is 


2001-01-18 Thread William Shannon
NEWS RELEASE from the United States Department of Defense No. 026-01



January 18, 2001


The Department of Defense today announced that the commandant of the Marine 
Corps has directed the inspector general of the Marine Corps to investigate 
allegations that the commanding officer of Marine Tilt-Rotor Training 
Squadron-204 asked Marines to falsify maintenance records on the squadron's 
MV-22 Osprey aircraft. Marine Corps officials first became aware of these 
allegations Jan. 12, when they received a copy of an anonymous letter and 
audio tape that was mailed to the Office of the Secretary of the Navy. The 
information alleged that the unit commander asked his Marines to falsify 
maintenance documents concerning the squadron's MV-22 Osprey aircraft.  The 
squadron is based at Marine Corps Air Station New River, N.C. Marine Corps 
officials said that although the inspector general has yet to complete his 
investigation, at this point there appears to be no relation between these 
allegations and the causes of either the April 8 mishap in Marana, Ariz., or 
the Dec. 11 mishap in North Carolina. Based upon a preliminary review of the 
information contained in the package, the commanding general of the 2nd 
Marine Aircraft Wing relieved the squadron commander this morning, pending 
the inspector general's thorough investigation of the matter. For more 
information, contact Maj. Patrick Gibbons, U.S. Marine Corps Headquarters, at 
(703) 614-4309. -END- 

[CTRL] (no subject)

2001-01-18 Thread Bob Stokes

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 1/18/01 3:36:28 PM Mountain Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 "This is no time for evasions, denials or alibis. I fully accept
 responsibility and I am truly sorry for my actions." 

All politicians and public figures should be this forthcoming.  Clinton
probably would not have been impeached if he had made such an honest
statement.  Bush should also pay attention to this ststement by Mr. Jackson.

I guess the Rainbow Coalition pays him a good salary since he can afford to
pay $10,000 a month to support the child.

Bob Stokes

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Re: [CTRL] (no subject)

2001-01-18 Thread William Shannon
In a message dated 1/18/01 6:09:55 PM Central Standard Time,

I guess the Rainbow Coalition pays him a good salary since he can afford to
pay $10,000 a month to support the child.

I'd guess his speaking engagements and his CNN show also contribute to his
bankroll...and I ALSO think it salient that Jackson and his wife have been
seperated for the last couple of years.
It would seem that Jackson has more scruples than a Henry Hyde (my rep. BTW)
or a Bob Livingston...and he deserves his "props" for taking responsibility
and for being forthcoming.


[CTRL] Has Chinagate crept into the Bush Administration?

2001-01-18 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Has Chinagate crept into the Bush Administration?

By Chuck Baldwin

January 16, 2001

This past Sunday, NewsMax.com published a disturbing report stating that
perhaps communist China's surreptitious intrusions into our government may
now even include high-level appointments inside the Bush administration.  To
quote NewsMax:

"Elaine Chao, the wife of Sen. Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., and the woman
selected by President-elect George W. Bush to replace Labor
Secretary-designate Linda Chavez, had several contacts during the 1990's
with key Chinagate figure John Huang.

"Deposition transcripts taken by Judicial Watch, a Washington-based public
interest law firm, and released exclusively today to NewsMax.com, reveal
that Huang's relationship with Chao may have been more significant than
previously disclosed.

"Huang has already admitted to at least one illegal donation to the campaign
of Chao's husband, Sen. McConnell."

As most of you probably already know, John Huang is the Chinese operative
who helped funnel perhaps millions of dollars in illegal campaign
contributions to Bill Clinton, the DNC and even Republican coffers during
the past decade. You probably also recall that it was the Lippo Group, the
Asian banking conglomerate founded by Indonesian billionaire, Mochtar Riady,
who has close ties to communist China, that financed Huang.

NewsMax further notes that, "Under intense questioning by Judicial Watch
Chairman Larry Klayman, Huang repeatedly invoked his Fifth Amendment
privileges when asked to detail his relationship with both McConnell and
Chao. Huang was later cited for contempt." Huang also stated that he had
several private meetings with Chao, but refused to release details.

Please remember that the reason Bush gave for sacking Linda Chavez was that
she ostensibly didn't reveal her involvement with that illegal immigrant.
Are we now to assume that Bush knew about Chao's involvement with John Huang
before naming her as Labor Secretary-designate?

And just what was her involvement with Huang? What favors did Huang (a.k.a.
China) receive in exchange for those illegal contributions to her husband's
Senatorial campaign? And what was the essence of Chao's meetings with Huang?
What (if anything) does she owe to China?

NewsMax quoted Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton as saying, "The Senate
needs to probe whether Chao revealed her relationship with Huang."  Without
professing a gift of prophecy, I will predict that none of the Senators
charged with Chao's confirmation (Republican or Democrat) will make any
inquiries into these matters. Neither will you hear members of the national
press corps raise any of these concerns.

Fitton was also quoted as saying, "I think that at least Elaine Chao should
be held to the same standard as Linda Chavez.." She won't be.

Ever since the impeachment proceedings, it has been painfully obvious that
Chinagate has compromised both parties in Washington, D.C. Recall that it
was the Republican leadership that put a halt to David Schipper's
investigation into Chinagate. If we really knew how deep and penetrating the
influence of communist China's subversion of our political system runs, it
would probably scare us all half to death.

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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2001-01-18 Thread Amelia

Sent: Thursday, January 18, 2001 2:11 PM
31 Seismic events in the Southeastern 
U.S. in the past hours! Kinda reminds me of the scripture 
mentioning that there would be earthquakes in divers places in the last 
days. When you go to the site, click on the links on the left side of 
the page. 

[CTRL] Article from AFP re: Glaciers Dissapearing Fast-Andes

2001-01-18 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

Subject: [Article from AFP re: Glaciers Dissapearing Fast

 Andes glaciers disappearing fast, scientists say

 PARIS (AFP) - Small glaciers in the tropical Andes may
have disappeared
 15 years from now, destroyed by the more frequent
occurrence of the El
 Nino climate pattern, French and South American scientists

 Tests conducted on two glaciers in Bolivia and Ecuador
suggests that
 these unique phenomena of tropical latitudes may have
melted entirely by
 2015, the researchers say.

 "Their shrinkage rate has accelerated markedly over the
past 10 or so
 years. If the ice recession continues at the same pace,
their survival
 will be jeopardised even in the short term," they said in
a statement
 issued Wednesday.

 The researchers are from France's Institute for
Development Research
 (IRD), Bolivia's Institute of Hydraulics and Hydrology
(IHH) and
 Ecuador's National Institute for Meteology and Hydrology

 Their findings mirror a warning expected to be made on
Monday next week
 by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC),
the top panel
 of climatologists advising the United Nations.

 Their report is expected to say that since the late 1960s,
global snow
 cover has decreased by about 10 percent and mountain
glaciers in
 non-polar regions are in "widespread retreat" as a result
of global

 The latest research, however, pins the threat to the
Andean glaciers
 more specifically -- to a greater frequency of the highly
damaging El
 Nino pattern, which has caused a dramatic fall in local

 The two glaciers studied, Antizana in Ecuador and
Chacaltaya in Bolivia,
 are each less than a square kilometer (half an acre) in
area, located at
 an altitude of more than 5,000 metres (16,250 feet).

 They suffered their worst shrinkage during the El Ninos
that occurred in
 1991-1992, 1994-1996 and 1997-1998, retreating at up to
1.4 metres (4.5
 feet) per year.

 When El Nino went into reverse, in 1999 and 2000, the
glaciers either
 stabilised or grew, they note.

 El Nino, a massive displacement of water in the Pacific
Ocean, brings
 higher surface temperatures off the coast of South America
and cooler
 waters around Australia and New Zealand.

 The phenomenon, blamed for causing droughts, floods,
frosts and forest
 fires around the world in regions as far apart as south
Asia and the
 Horn of Africa, occurs at intervals of between two and 10

 The average return is four and a half years, but the
frequency has
 increased sharply over the past two decades.

 Climatologists suggest the cause for this higher frequency
is global
 warming, which creates a big buildup of warm water in the
 Pacific that disrupts traditional current and rainfall

 Global warming is the term describing progressively higher
 temperatures caused by the release of carbon dioxide gas,
mainly from
 burning oil, gas and coal.

 These have a "greenhouse effect" of hanging invisibly in
the lower
 atmosphere, which then stores up the heat from the Sun.

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] (no subject)

2001-01-18 Thread T Nohava

{GRIN}...where was he 20 months ago??? I'd say almost two years is a little less 
than Forthcoming. Coupled with the fact the whole world knows, now he had no 
choice but to admit it. Forthcoming isn't the word you're looking for here, the 
word your looking for is CAUGHT, NAILED or Hello 
Heh heh 

  -Original Message-From: Conspiracy Theory Research 
  List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of William 
  ShannonSent: Thursday, January 18, 2001 7:14 PMTo: 
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: Re: [CTRL] (no 
  subject)In a message dated 1/18/01 6:09:55 PM 
  Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: 
  I guess the Rainbow Coalition pays him a good salary since he 
can afford to pay $10,000 a month to support the 
  child.I'd guess his speaking engagements and his CNN show 
  also contribute to his bankroll...and I ALSO think it salient that Jackson 
  and his wife have been seperated for the last couple of years. It 
  would seem that Jackson has more scruples than a Henry Hyde (my rep. BTW) 
  or a Bob Livingston...and he deserves his "props" for taking 
  responsibility and for being forthcoming. Bill. 

Re: [CTRL] atlantic monthly ect article

2001-01-18 Thread Smart News

-Caveat Lector-

Dear List,

Below please find info about this article.

Sincerely,  Neil Brick

I am listing this as an educational resource only. I personally do not
support the use of ECT.

The Atlantic Monthly - February 2001, "Shock and Disbelief -
Electroconvulsive therapy was once psychiatry's most terrifying tool—blunt,
painful, and widely abused. It is a now a safe and effective treatment for a
wide range of mental illnesses. But an unlikely trio of activist groups
stands against it" by Daniel Smith
This article presents some of the history of ECT and both sides of the issue.

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] North Koreas Economic Drive Risks Destabilizing the Regime

2001-01-18 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

North Korea’s Economic Drive Risks Destabilizing the Regime
15 January 2001

North Korea has fired 10 senior officers of the National Security Agency for
“irregularities” in inter-Korean trade. The move follows several other
personnel changes in the North Korean regime, particularly ones centering
around issues of foreign trade and investment. The rapid shifts in Pyongyang
– triggered by changes in the U.S. administration and economic and political
pressures in Seoul – risk destabilizing factions within the North Korean
elite only recently consolidated under
Kim Jong Il.

North Korea dismissed 10 senior officers of the National Security Agency over
“irregularities” in inter-Korean trade activities, according to South
Korea’s Yonhap news agency. Citing a source close to North Korean affairs,
Yonhap said the officers, including two brigadier generals, worked for North
Korea’s Paekdusan Container Company, which has been linked to delays in
transporting raw materials from South Korea to factories in the North and
transporting partially finished goods to the South.

The move is just one in a series of recent personnel shifts and signals from
North Korea that suggest a resurgence in focus on economic issues.
Pyongyang’s concern is that shifts in U.S. leadership and growing political
and economic pressures in South Korea may undermine the current trend of
increased economic contact with North Korea. The rapid shift in personnel and
policy, however, may spur internal factional competition, undermining the
stability of the regime.

The firing of the North Korean officers comes as South Korean Unification
officials called for a sea transportation agreement with Pyongyang to prevent
similar problems from hindering inter-Korean economic cooperation. In 2000,
inter-Korean processing trade rose from $99 million a year earlier to $140
million, according to the South Korean Unification Ministry, accounting for
more than 50 percent of total inter-Korean trade.

Pyongyang recently changed several other key government officials relating to
economic and trade policies. On Oct. 2, just days after Seoul and Pyongyang
agreed to establish a joint economic cooperation committee, the North Korean
government replaced the nation's finance minister and Central Bank president.
In December, Pyongyang replaced the foreign trade minister and the ambassador
to Beijing.

The changes in North Korean officials shows a pattern of replacing the older,
more conservative cadre with younger ones more familiar with the concepts of
modern international trade. New Central Bank President Kim Wan Sun, for
example, formerly served on the [North] Korean International Joint Venture
Group, responsible for forging economic ties with outside parties.

Choe Jin Su, the new ambassador to Beijing, is nearly 25 years younger than
his outgoing predecessor, who served as a chief negotiator in North
Korean-U.N. armistice talks in the 1960s. Choe, a career diplomat, was most
recently vice director of the International Department of the ruling Workers
Party of Korea.

Perhaps most telling of Pyongyang’s personnel shifts is the new trade
minister, Ri Kwang Gun, a 46-year-old who until last year acted as president
of a trading firm. Ri was educated in East Germany and was chief economic
councilor for the North Korean trade representative to Germany in the mid
1990s, according to Yonhap. South Korea's Unification Ministry greeted Ri’s
appointment with optimism, saying he has expertise in trade with Western
countries, while his predecessor was an out-of-date figure who believed in a
state-controlled economy.

A shift in rhetoric matches the recent series of personnel changes. In the
annual New Year’s Day editorial carried in three official newspapers, the
North Korean government emphasized, “There is no more important task before
us today than to consolidate the national economic might commensurate with
the 21st century,” according to a translation by Yonhap.

In another article in the official Rodong Sinmun, North Korean leader Kim
Jong Il said, “We entered a new epoch, so [we] should learn structures and
rules existing in foreign countries,” according to a translation by the
Russian economic news agency AKM. Kim Jong Il further called for the North
Korean people to “abandon old ideas and develop a new way of thinking and a
new viewpoint,” according to the Korea Herald.

Since Jan 1, Pyongyang has rapidly accelerated stalled contact with the
South, proffering several economic and social meetings ranging from new
fisheries talks to resuming Red Cross talks on family reunions. Even before
New Year’s Day, an EU delegation to Pyongyang in November reported that North
Korean officials are considering allowing multinational corporations to
retain full control over investments in North Korea.

The shift in focus to 

Re: [CTRL] Jesse suddenly bows out of public life af

2001-01-18 Thread Johannes Schmidt III

-Caveat Lector-

Well he has apparently confirmed the rumors. More importantly, was this $10,000 a 
month stipend plus the $40,000 'moving expenses' paid by him personally or by the 
Rainbow Coalition? Does any of the RC funding come from the government?

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Re: [CTRL] Serve your boyfriend this!

2001-01-18 Thread Johannes Schmidt III

-Caveat Lector-

On Thu, 18 Jan 2001 17:07:02 -0400 Yardbird [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
-Caveat Lector-

 Sorry CTRL folks!  I didn't mean to send this here!


Darn I was kinda hoping it was the prelude to a culinary conspiracy
discussion, i.e., American imperialist gastronomes working to
undermine those effete French chefs with good ole Yankee "home-cookin'":)

You might be onto something here. We all know that Satanists eat faeces and drink 
blood during their Evil Rituals tm, this is no-doubt used to indoctrinate 
spouses/'boyfriends' into being used to eating something like this so that after they 
are slipped LSD and taken to the Evil Ritual tm they won't put up any resistance to 
eating the vile stuff, after which they will be blackmailed and controlled for life 
and their family turned into a multi-generational Satanic cult sacrifice 
baby-generating unit!!!

BTW check out http://www.black-market-babies.com

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Nothing New Under the Sun?

2001-01-18 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

The other day I mentioned that Sam Irwin or was it Irvin - the old guy
who headed up the Watergate Affair, high degree Mason - he quoted from
the last few verses of Eccl. 12, which I reproduce for your convenience.

Now wonder what that big G stands for on the masonic bible...wonder
why masonic bible if you hold that compass etc., in a certain way, you
are supposed to see something special.also Song of Solomon, I am the
Rose of Sharon and the Lily in the Valley - Eccl. 12 and Song of Solomon
1 - the bible is opened to this in a degree in masonry.

So all is under the Rose and oh, so secret...and I bet Baby Bush has the
smile of a Mona Lisa today, and Papa Bush is still smilingnever
doubt a gentleman C.

So here we go, Eccl. 12almost like the Judment of the

Goodbye Jesse - he should practice, what he preaches - so sayeth the

Doctor, Lawyer, Preacher - sounds like the Mafia?


Bible, King James. Ecclesiastes (Qoheleth), from The holy Bible, King
James version
Electronic Text Center, University of Virginia Library

|  Table of Contents for this work |
| All on-line databases | Etext Center Homepage |

"Chapter" Qoh.12
Compare with Revised Standard Version: Eccl.12
1: Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth, while
the evil days come not, nor the years draw nigh, when thou shalt say, I
have no pleasure in them;
2: While the sun, or the light, or the moon, or the stars, be not
darkened, nor the clouds return after the rain:
3: In the day when the keepers of the house shall tremble, and the
strong men shall bow themselves, and the grinders cease because they are
few, and those that look out of the windows be darkened,
4: And the doors shall be shut in the streets, when the sound of the
grinding is low, and he shall rise up at the voice of the bird, and all
the daughters of musick shall be brought low;
5: Also when they shall be afraid of that which is high, and fears shall
be in the way, and the almond tree shall flourish, and the grasshopper
shall be a burden, and desire shall fail: because man goeth to his long
home, and the mourners go about the streets:
6: Or ever the silver cord be loosed, or the golden bowl be broken, or
the pitcher be broken at the fountain, or the wheel broken at the
7: Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was: and the spirit
shall return unto God who gave it.
8: Vanity of vanities, saith the preacher; all is vanity.
9: And moreover, because the preacher was wise, he still taught the
people knowledge; yea, he gave good heed, and sought out, and set in
order many proverbs.
10: The preacher sought to find out acceptable words: and that which was
written was upright, even words of truth.
11: The words of the wise are as goads, and as nails fastened by the
masters of assemblies, which are given from one shepherd.
12: And further, by these, my son, be admonished: of making many books
there is no end; and much study is a weariness of the flesh.
13: Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep
his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man.

14: For God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret
thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil.

Well that guy didn't fool me in his old sheep skin.Like
Ehud...look at that guy real close, and say he doesn't mess


So much for Tales from the Darkside..

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] Press Release: NTSB: TWA 800 Report Online

2001-01-18 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

From:NTSB Press Releases [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Aviation accident report published
Date:Thu, 18 Jan 2001 11:19:08 -0500

The following report is now available online at:


Title: Aviation Accident Report: In-flight Breakup Over the
Atlantic Ocean, Trans World Airlines (TWA) Flight 800, Boeing
747-141, N93119, near East Moriches, New York, July 17, 1996

NTSB Report Number: AAR-00-03, adopted on 08/23/2000

NTIS Number:  PB2000-910403

Printed copies will be available in approximately 6 weeks from
the Public Inquiries Branch (while supplies last), or for
purchase from the National Technical Information Service - see
http://www.ntsb.gov/info/sources.htm for more information.

This message is delivered to you as a free service from the
National Transportation Safety Board

An archive of press releases is available at:


 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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2001-01-18 Thread Johannes Schmidt III

-Caveat Lector-

What was that quote I picked up here some weeks back, seems most appropriate

"Fascism is Capitalism plus Murder".

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] WND: Clinton adviser breached security NSC

2001-01-18 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Clinton adviser breached security NSC

Official transferred classified files to unsecured network, but
kept her job.

By Paul Sperry

WASHINGTON -- A national security adviser to President Clinton
was caught transferring highly classified computer files from a
secure network in the White House to an unsecured network, but
was allowed to stay on the job, White House sources tell

The 1998 breach in security occurred when the National Security
Council official copied classified files onto a disk from an NSC
computer in a secure area of the West Wing, White House employees

She then loaded the files onto a computer connected to an
unsecured network in her Old Executive Office Building office,
exposing the secret data to potential Internet hackers and
foreign spies, sources say.

"It was a bunch of files, not just one," said a White House
employee familiar with the incident.  "And they were all
classified, which made it a serious security violation."

Jaime Borrego, former White House information security officer,
uncovered the computer security breach and alerted White House
Security Officer Charles Easley.

Easley, in turn, met with then-White House Chief of Staff Erskine
Bowles to discuss how to proceed with an investigation into the
security infraction and potential compromise of U.S.

After the adviser admitted taking the classified files, Easley
confiscated her computer and took away her building security

But White House sources say the national security adviser, who is
a Clinton appointee, was allowed to return to her job after going
out on extended leave.

"She was supposed to be fired and wasn't," said a White House
employee close to the investigation.  "She went on maternity
leave.  Now she's back working at NSC."

National security experts say the White House security violation
fits a pattern of sloppy handling of U.S.  secrets throughout the
government during the past eight years:

State Department officials lost several classified laptops.

A missing hard drive containing nuclear secrets turned up behind
a copier at Los Alamos lab.

A Los Alamos scientist managed to download the entire history of
the U.S.  nuclear-bomb program and bomb-testing data onto several
computer tapes, some of which still haven't been recovered.

A Pentagon official left his CIA briefing book in a Beijing hotel

Even CIA Director John Deutch mishandled secrets.

Clinton, along with his National Security Adviser Sandy Berger,
have for the most part brushed off the problems as unfortunate
but isolated events, while assuring Americans that their national
security secrets are safe.

"But this latest breach lays the problem right at the West Wing
and at Berger's door," said William C.  Triplett, a former Reagan
White House official, who notes that Berger was a lobbyist for
China before joining the NSC.

The White House refused to identify the NSC official who
mishandled the classified material.

"It's been a long-standing policy of the White House that we do
not discuss internal security matters and investigations," said
White House spokesman Mark Kitchens.

Asked why the woman was allowed to keep her job, Kitchens said,
"We don't discuss our internal policies."

Neither Kitchens nor NSC spokesman P.J.  Crowley would say if the
adviser has retained her CIA clearance to review classified

"This is the president's national security staff, so they're
going to have access to the most sensitive materials the United
States has," said Ken deGraffenreid, who headed intelligence
programs at the NSC from 1981 to 1987.

"Everybody there would be cleared for extremely high levels of
compartmented information, because it's just the nature of the
work," he added.

White House insiders say the adviser accessed the files from a
West Wing "SCIF" -- a secure room where material classified Top
Secret and above is stored in vaults and on secure computers.

Some SCIFs protect super-secret coded information.  If such data
fell into the wrong hands, they could cause grave danger to U.S.
security -- especially if they were transmitted electronically.

For that reason, SCIFs can't have computers connected to an
unclassified system, even if it's the White House local area
network used only by employees.  They have to be on a secure

"You can't bring in a regular phone line or Internet line into a
full-up SCIF.  You can't take a cell phone in there, even though
many of the rooms are hardened to protect against electronic
eavesdropping," said deGraffenreid.

"The rooms have access locks.  Uncleared people can't get in.
Security officers are responsible for guarding them, along with
information security specialists," he added.

And there should still be procedures in place for removing
magnetic media, he says.  Staffers shouldn't be able to take
disks in or out -- unless they log them out and give a specific
destination, such as another SCIF.


Re: [CTRL] (no subject)

2001-01-18 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Jesse also wears four hundred dollar suits..and he could have been
tried for sedition and inciting to riot.this oh so rightheous
man.the National Enquirer nailed him good.

And there are people just waiting for Clinton to leave office, who will
no longer be afraid.Jesse maybe is afraid of something or someone?

How could he lie when the woman got him with DNA test - like little
Monica nailed Clinton.

This DNA is wonderful stuff isn't it..but do not worry, Jesse will
try to make money on this too.

Tell me, what does Jesse do for a living?   Does he work?   Is he self
ordained . why he broke one of the 10 Commandments didn't

And he held Clinton's hand when he got caught?

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] (no subject)

2001-01-18 Thread William Shannon
In a message dated 1/18/01 7:23:34 PM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Tell me, what does Jesse do for a living? Does he work? 

Again...gasp...he makes a good wage giving speeches and also pockets a check
doing his CNN show...jeeez!!! It's not as though we caught a Jimmy Swaggart
having sex with a hirsuit whore...er...
Hopefully we'll find Robertson and Falwell in a tight and sweaty 69 next!!!


[CTRL] CONGRESS ACTION: January 14, 2001

2001-01-18 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

CONGRESS ACTION: January 14, 2001


VAST LEFT-WING CONSPIRACY: The pretensions of the extremist left (which now
includes virtually the entire Democrat Party) to diversity and compassion are
proven to be nothing but obscene jokes. By giving shelter to an abused woman
who was an illegal alien, Linda Chavez actually practiced the compassion that
the left preaches, and was demonized by "compassionate" leftists for doing
so. Sanctimonious leftists believe that compassion is the business of
government alone (using other people's money, of course). The socialist left
has turned its venom on Interior nominee Gale Norton, for the unforgivable
sin of understanding the importance of private property rights to the
preservation of freedom. The Founders of this nation also understood that
importance, along with every other non-Marxist economist and political
thinker throughout history, and the Founders protected private property
rights in our Bill of Rights. But anyone who defends private property rights,
and thereby the Constitution and freedom, is on the fringe and outside the
mainstream, according to the socialist left, and is to be demonized and
destroyed. Does there remain any doubt that the radical environmental
movement is the home of unreformed socialists disillusioned by the collapse
of their fallen icon, the Soviet Union? Then there is John Ashcroft, attacked
by the left as a racist for having voted against a black Clinton judicial
nominee. To left-wing extremists, there is not a single solitary reason to
ever vote against a judge who is black -- except racism. Which therefore
makes every Senate democrat who voted against Clarence Thomas a racist. But
the democrats are the ones who demanded confirmation based solely on skin
color, so who are the real bigots? Ashcroft's record of honorable public
service puts the lie to the racism charge, and his enemies know it. The real
reason he has incurred the wrath of that unprecedented coalition of left-wing
extremist groups is that he is devoutly religious and moral. Religious tests
for public office were ended in this nation centuries ago -- but not in the
totalitarian and hate-filled world of the left, where one must act, think,
and believe in lock-step with the amoral religious left, or one is vilified.
The left also impugns Ashcroft's honor by claiming that he might not enforce
the laws. Because they are without honor, and circumventing the law is
standard practice with them, many leftists assume that everyone is as corrupt
as they are. What they really fear, however, is that Ashcroft in fact will
enforce the laws, evenhandedly and vigorously. These hysterical assaults not
only prove, again, the truly dishonorable character of the left; they prove
the folly of Trent Lott's attempt to buy peace by sharing Senate power with
democrats, whose only goal is to destroy conservatives. Appeasement by
pre-emptive surrender only emboldens your enemies.

INDICT CLINTON?: The punditry is swirling with speculation about whether Bill
Clinton will be indicted when he leaves office. Clinton's impeachment
defenders certainly invited such an indictment, claiming that the legal
system alone was the proper venue to punish Clinton's official wrongdoing,
and then only after he leaves office. Of course they weren't really serious.
They just said that during impeachment because, at the time, it allowed them
to assume a phony moralistic stance while defending the indefensible.

Hypocrisy and unceasing defense of Bill Clinton can be expected from
democrats and other leftists, but pragmatic republicans have also joined the
"pardon Bill" camp. They all mouth the appropriate abstract principles -- no
man is above the law, we are a nation of laws and not men -- but then
jettisons those principles and suggests that it is time, in the immortal
phrase of the Clintonoids, to "just move on". Senator Orrin Hatch -- "It's
time to let President Clinton fade into whatever he's going to fade into, and
I just don't see keeping it alive any longer." Sorry, Senator Hatch, Bill
Clinton isn't fading away to anywhere; on the contrary, he is engaged in a
vigorous effort to rewrite history to "prove" that he never did anything
wrong and that republicans should apologize to him for impeachment; all the
while questioning Bush's legitimacy and issuing a blizzard of executive
decrees designed to undermine the Bush administration. Congressman Henry
Hyde, Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee during impeachment -- "The
president has had his trial, and it is over.", and to ".follow up with an
indictment and put the president on trial would diminish the institution of
the presidency and the nation in the eyes of the world." Sorry, Congressman
Hyde, there never was a trial, as you well know, and it was Clinton who
diminished the institution of the presidency and the nation. Former President
Bush -- "He's 

[CTRL] UPI: Dems: Let DOJ take over Clinton probe

2001-01-18 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Dems: Let DOJ take over Clinton probe

Thursday, 18 January 2001 15:29 (ET)
UPI Legal Affairs Correspondent

WASHINGTON, Jan.  18 (UPI) -- Twelve Democratic members of the
House Judiciary Committee urged independent counsel Robert Ray in
a letter Thursday to turn over his investigation of President
Bill Clinton to the Justice Department.

Ray has said he would announce shortly whether he will ask a
sitting grand jury to indict the president in the Monica Lewinsky
scandal after Clinton leaves office.

Although Ray is thought to be leaning against an indictment,
there is even less enthusiasm in the incoming Bush administration
for a Clinton prosecution on the same grounds that brought the
president's impeachment in late 1998 and acquittal in the Senate
in early 1999.

President-elect George W.  Bush has said Clinton should be
allowed to "get on with his life." Senate Judiciary Chairman
Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, has said that he doubts there is "a jury in
the United States" that would convict the popular ex-president,
and has urged Bush to grant Clinton a pre-emptive pardon -- even
though Clinton has said he doesn't want one, and Bush has said he
wouldn't issue a pardon before someone is prosecuted.

A Ray spokeswoman said Thursday afternoon that the independent
counsel's office had just received the Democratic letter and
would have no immediate comment.

The 12 Democrats sending the letter were led by Rep.  John
Conyers Jr., D-Mich., the ranking minority member on the

Their letter asks Ray to "turn over the remaining matters within
your jurisdiction to the Department of Justice, effective Jan.
21, 2001, the first full day of the new Bush administration"
following Saturday's presidential inauguration.

The Democrats pointed out that Ray's predecessor, Kenneth Starr,
"has already gone on record in favor of returning the office's
outstanding cases to the department" when he resigned in October
1999.  The turnover was rejected by Attorney General Janet Reno.

Even if a continuing investigation could be sustained after
Congress let the Independent Counsel Act expire in 1999, "it
would seem impossible to justify the continuation of the
existence of an independent counsel after (both) the law has
expired, and after the conflict of interest has evaporated by
virtue of the fact that the Clinton administration is no longer
in power," the Democrats said.

"...We urge you to recognize that a decision by you to continue
the existence of your office after the expiration of the law and
the end of the Clinton administration would likely be perceived
as partisan," they added.

Ray has hired new prosecutors within the last several months and
has been presenting evidence to a Washington grand jury.  The
grand jury appears to be mostly made up of whites, an anomaly in
Washington, where blacks make up the vast majority of the
population, according to courthouse insiders.

Grand jury matters are kept secret, and Ray has not commented on
its makeup.

The independent counsel has said publicly he is considering
charging Clinton with perjury and obstruction of justice in the
Lewinsky case, the same grounds that Starr used to recommend
articles of impeachment to the Republican-dominated House in

It is not clear whether indicting Clinton on the same grounds
would be constitutional.  The Constitution makes it clear that an
official indicted in the House, convicted in the Senate and
removed from office can still be "subject to indictment, trial,
judgment and punishment, according to law."

But the Constitution is silent on officials who are indicted in
the House and acquitted in the Senate.  Clinton's lawyers might
try to argue before a federal judge that trying to prosecute the
ex-president after his Senate acquittal would constitute double

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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Re: [CTRL] Fw: Love child? Drudge Enquirer

2001-01-18 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Well according to Jerry Falwell, Jesse Jackson said they had thought
about abortion and dismissed that for there is no secret when two are

And child of love?   Or was it a child of lust.

A preacher to break one or more of the ten commandmants - what kind of a
preacher is this?

He is no longer a preacher and the reasono he did not lie, maybe he
learned a lesson from Clinton there, for there was no way out.

Like maybe Elvis who sang  he was "caught in a trip and couldn't get

But the woman in question - $10,000 a month tax free?   Maybe Jesse just
paid up so long as Clinton was in officeand when Bush got in, well -
who knows.

For it is pay back time isn't it...Janet Reno is just another lawyer
now - just another lesbian on the prowl .

So I doubt very much Baby Bush will look back on that bunch for he knows
what happened to Lot's wifehe does not appear to be a vindictive man
and he, is a gentleman.

As Luckey Luciano once said "whores is whores"and boy the
downfall of Luciano began, when the "whores" turned on him..read
that in his book "The Last Will and Testament of Luckey Luciano"

Get that title..and now we leave Sodom and Gomarrahlet New
York have Hill and Bill - for their days I believe are going to be
somewhat limited.

Now the fun begins.

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[CTRL] Week Ending: 13 January 2001/18 Tevet 5761

2001-01-18 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Tzemach News Service - http://www.tzemach.org/fyi

A weekly update of news and events regarding the nation and the people of

Week Ending: 13 January 2001/18 Tevet 5761

Please feel free to forward to a friend or colleague.
Instructions to unsubscribe can be found at the bottom of this newsletter.

NOTE: Our links page has been updated: http://www.tzemach.org/fyi/links.htm

"If I forget you, O Jerusalem, may my right hand forget her skill. May my
tongue cleave to the roof of my mouth, if I do not remember you, if I do
not exalt Jerusalem above my chief joy." [Psalm 137.5-6]


:: 400,000-500,000 ATTEND RALLY
Time is running out!

:: 400,000-500,000 ATTEND RALLY: Between 400,000 and 500,000 people
gathered for a mass rally Monday night opposing the division of Israel's
capital. The theme of the rally was, "Jerusalem: I Pledge Allegiance."
Some 1,500 buses made their way to Jerusalem’s Old City from around Israel
while hundreds made their way on foot from as far as the Southern Hebron
Hills areas, setting out on Monday morning. Throughout the rally, pictures
and photographs of Jerusalem - such as the City of David antiquities, the
Temple Mount, and the liberation of the city in 1967 - were screened on
the walls of the Old City near the Tower of David and Jaffa Gate. Speakers
included Chief Rabbi Yisrael Meir Lau, former Supreme Court Chief Justice
Moshe Landau, Avital Sharansky (wife of Yisrael B'Aliyah Party head Natan
Sharansky), Chairman of Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish
Organizations Ron Lauder, paratroopers such as Rabbi Yisrael Ariel who
participated in the capture of Jerusalem in 1967, left-wing Rishon LeTzion
Mayor Meir Nitzan, and Jerusalem Mayor Ehud Olmert. Olmert stated that
while outgoing US President Bill Clinton is a friend of Israel, he is also
the first US president who called for dividing Jerusalem.

The rally is probably best described by the words of Rabbi Eliezer
Waldman, Rosh Yeshiva, Yeshivat Kiryat Arba. In a commentary he stated,
"There is no way to describe the image of a literal sea of Jews against
the background of the ancient walls of the holy city.  There was a silent
communication between the stones and the people Never was there such a
demonstration, not in numbers nor in the intensity of the emotions of
faith, love and loyalty which the very word Jerusalem aroused within the
people How pathetic Clinton has become when even after Arafat mocked
him and scorned his proposal, he still grovels at the murderer's feet
begging for even a hint of compromise. The lame duck president simply
cannot relate to the reality of these 400,000 Jews who pledged allegiance
to the unity of Jerusalem under exclusive Jewish sovereignty, echoing the
voices of millions of Jews all over the world. He cannot understand that
all of the Jewish people have an eternal holy bond with this city which
can never be broken or compromised But when Jerusalem was put on the
chopping block, all Jewish hearts began throbbing for Jerusalem.  Our holy
city is, indeed, the heart of our nation and for her we are all united in
defense of our only homeland." [The entire commentary can be found at:

Pictures of the event can be found at: http://www.gamla.org.il/english

intelligence and security communities report they do not have any data
pointing to an organized Jewish conspiracy to strike out against Islamic
targets, a move that might led to increased hostility in the region.
Officials however do not rule out the possibility that an attack might be
perpetrated by lone persons, but not on a more organized level based on
current intelligence information. Police have recently stated repeatedly
that they fear reprisals by Jews against Arabs and the possibility of an
attempted attack on the Temple Mount.

:: CLINTON: ISRAEL MUST SHARE LAND: US President Clinton on Sunday told
the people of Israel that their land also is the Palestinians' homeland
and that "there is no choice but for you to divide this land into two
states for two people." Addressing the people of Israel before a largely
Jewish audience at the Jewish Policy Forum, a think tank on the Middle
East, Clinton said "you have hardly had one day of peace and quiet 

Re: [CTRL] Who is behind all the trouble in the Mideast?

2001-01-18 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

This stuff sounds like anti-Catholic crap to me. Totally unbelievable.


Guitar Virtuoso wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-


 Rabbi Isaac Luria

 Rabbi Isaac Luria ((1534-1572) was a faithful follower of Ignatius LIEola.
 He is called the Father of the Kabbala. He had strange supernatural powers
 as all well trained Jesuits possess. He had a profound influence on the
 Jewish world. He was the first to suggest that the Dome of the Rock was the
 site of the former Temple.

 This idea set the stage for conflict with the Arabs. Remember LIEola had
 visited Jerusalem and he knew a lot about the city. He knew the Arabs would
 never give up their holy place to the Jews so the Temple would never be
 rebuilt. This would mean constant conflict and wars. Here is a brief quote
 from the Secret Oath of the Jesuits:

 "You have been taught to insidiously plant the seeds of jealousy and hatred
 between communities, provinces, states that were at peace, and incite them
 to deeds of blood, involving them in war with each other, and to create
 revolutions and civil wars in countries that were independent and
 prosperous, cultivating the arts and the sciences and enjoying the blessings
 of peace. To take sides with the combatants and to act secretly with your
 brother Jesuit, who might be engaged on the other side, but openly opposed
 to that with which you might be connected, only that the Church might be the
 gainer in the end, in the conditions fixed in the treaties for peace and
 that the end justifies the means."

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2001-01-18 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

Nessie wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 In a new bill introduced in the House of Representatives on January 3,
 Bob Barr proposed to eliminate the longstanding official prohibition
 against assassination.

 dubbed "The Terrorist Elimination Act of 2001,"


Hmn indeed. But at least he's honest about it. Does anybody really
think that our Secret Police don't assasinate people? I'm for more truth in

Go T.E.A.2001 !


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Re: [CTRL] (no subject)

2001-01-18 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 1/18/01 7:23:34 PM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Tell me, what does Jesse do for a living?   Does he work?

William Shannon wrote:

Part 1.1Type: Plain Text (text/plain)

Again...gasp...he makes a good wage giving speeches and also pockets a check
doing his CNN show...jeeez!!! It's not as though we caught a Jimmy Swaggart
having sex with a hirsuit whore...er...
Hopefully we'll find Robertson and Falwell in a tight and sweaty 69 next!!!


Oh god it's happening again! Gulp. Saba is right. Speeches and CNN don't
really pay enough to account for his being a multi millionaire.

Besides hanging out with guys who screw chicks in office, and screwing chicks
in the office, what does this elite CFR scumbag actually DO?


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Re: [CTRL] Serve your boyfriend this!

2001-01-18 Thread Ynr Chyldz Wyld

-Caveat Lector-

Hey, I have loads of gruesome Halloween recipes...

But what does any of it have to do with Conspiracy Research Theory?


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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] Skolnick - The Rev. Jesse Jackson Affair

2001-01-18 Thread T Nohava

Skolnick - The Rev.
Jesse Jackson Affair
By Sherman H. Skolnick

Some folks because of an apparent lack of wisdom, seem to reject and violate

Being a life-long resident of Chicago and an activist since I was a child, I
became known as someone who was not afraid to speak out. By 1965,
self-educated in law, I brought a series of federal court class actions to
re-apportion Chicago and Illinois's terribly gerry-mandered voting
districts. The "One Man, One Vote" constitutionally-based standards were
being flagrantly violated. These violations resulted in blacks and latinos
not having a fair chance to elect a sufficient number of representatives
such as in the City Council of Chicago, as justified by the minority
population in the Windy City.

Members of minorities understood I was using my legal research and
investigation skills not only to target crooked judges and lawyers, but to
assist the aspirations of the underdogs. I choose not to be a member of the
Bar. The Federal Judges, who hate non-lawyers and me in particular, were
nevertheless forced to permit me to represent myself as a voter and all
voters similarly situated. As a result of my lawsuits, sometimes opposed by
as many as fifty lawyers [my electric mimeograph rapidly cranked out the
court papers], blacks and latinos were able to have more representatives
speaking for their interests elected to the City Council, the Illinois State
Legislature, and the U.S. Congress, and eventually even the County Board.

By 1969, there was a vast movement in Chicago of black would-be home-owners.
By racially-discrminatory practices, banks "red-lined" black districts, so
blacks could not get a home mortgage. Blacks had to buy "on contract",
paying per month on the basis of twice what the house was worth. I became a
volunteer consultant to the 25,000 members of the South Side Contract Buyers
League. In packed church mass meetings, I outlined what needs to be done. I
dared tell them that the judges hearing their cause were real estate
speculators and landlords of sizeable properties, enemies of the common man.
The judges opposed the dreams of the Chicago blacks to one-day own their own

To the Establishment and their banks and mortgage companies, a grassroots
movement, like the Buyers League, is dangerous, like a prairie fire. They
have to stop it. Enter, Rev. Jesse Jackson. A series of well-informed
sources told me plenty about Jesse's rise to prominence and how he was
becoming a multi-millionaire through a series of secret business
arrangements. [I had unraveled the secrets of his ill-gotten wealth.] At a
crucial court hearing, Rev. Jackson arrived with his muscle-men, called
"Black Men Moving", grim enforcers, who overwhelmed the already packed
courtroom. The leaders of the Buyers League, present in Court, were
prepared, representing themselves, to discuss the law and the facts [they
whispered to me that they suspected Jesse's bunch were a set-up,

The court scene became extreme and tense, with Jesse's people, instead of
discussing law and facts, hollaring slogans and threats. The County Sheriff
himself, not a deputy, entered the Courtroom and stood next to the Judge on
the bench. The deputies swept into the courtroom. Guess who they arrested?
Not Jesse Jackson or his military-style team, but rather the President and
Vice-President of the Buyers League who had been mostly polite and silent.
They were taken to the Sheriff's lock-up in the Court basement. At that
point, Jesse went from the courthouse to the Mayor's Office across the
street. I told a number of the Buyers League members to hurry up and push me
in my wheelchair to follow Jesse.

As I rolled up, Jesse was sitting in the Mayor's outer office. He growled at
me, "What are you doing here white face?" I responded, "Look, I am not some
white cracker bigot that you are trying to scare. I am helping the Buyers
League. YOUR southside office is just a few feet away from THEIR office.
Yet, you repeatedly refused to help them." As he entered the Mayor's inner
office he kept several women members of the Buyers League from following him
in. They began pounding on the closed door, "Jesse, come out of there! You
do not speak for us." Jeese exited the inner office as a TV crew was setting
up their lights. As he approached their microphone he glared at me, "I'm
going to get you for this!" Like some over six foot high pest-control
expert, somehow giving me advance warning, looking down at me sitting in my
wheelchair like I was some kind of helpless bug.

Sweet victory! The confrontation and commotions I caused resulted in the two
leaders of the Buyers League being released from the court basement lock-up.
After other incidents, my strategies worked. Rev. Jesse Jackson did not
succeed in taking over and snuffing out 

[CTRL] Jesse Jackson redder than you think

2001-01-18 Thread T Nohava


The truth about Jessie
‘The Red’ Jackson
by Gerard Jackson
TNA News with Commentary
Thursday 14 December 2000

Four years of political warfare were signalled by Jesse Jackson when he
exclaimed: “We will take to the streets right now. We will delegitimise
Bush, discredit him, do whatever it takes, but never accept him,” even
threatening a “civil rights explosion”.

Jesse Jackson:
reckless  dishonest

Jackson tried to justify his threat against Bush by saying: “I hope today
that this court will rule ‘let the vote count.’ The only way you can
determine a legitimate winner is for the votes to count.” This statement
exposes Jackson as a liar. First, every vote has been counted; second, he
supported Gore’s efforts to literally disenfranchise service personnel plus
25,000 absentee voters from Martin and Seminole counties. The more Jackson
opens his sleazy mouth the more he sounds like one of Castro’s corrupt party
hacks, especially the ones that work on the New York Slimes.

That Jackson should threaten to subvert a duly appointed president should
alert Americans to the lawless nature of the Democrats’ hardcore supporters
and their utter contempt for the rule of law and anything resembling the

Part of the problem is that only a tiny per centage of conservatives are
truly aware of what kind of political animal Jackson really is, and even
they remain silent. I, however, think the time has now come to expose Jesse
Jackson as a race-baiting hypocrite and an anti-American activist who wishes
his country nothing but harm.

One only has to examine Jackson’s links to the Marxist Washington-based IPS
(Institute for Policy Studies) to gain some understanding of his motives.
This is how Brian Crozier described that organisation: “The IPS is the
perfect intellectual front for Soviet activities which would be resisted if
they were too originate openly from the KGB.” Crozier is a highly regarded
commentator on intelligence matters and was a fellow of the prestigious
London-based Institute for the Study of Conflict. His opinion was supported
by the fact that the IPS had been a frequent meeting place for known KGB
operatives. It also supported every anti-Western terrorist group I can think
of as well giving strong support to Castro, which it still does.

None of this stopped Jackson from developing strong ties with the institute
and taking its advice, far from it. IPS founders Marcus Raskin and Richard
Barnett, and institute fellows Roger Wilkins and Robert Borosage — all of
whom profoundly anti-American and deeply pro-Soviet — were Jackson’s
advisers during his futile run for the presidency. Wilkins was Jackson’s key
speechwriter and was responsible for his candidacy speech; Wilkins, a
fervent supporter of Soviet central planning, advised Jackson on domestic
policy while Borosage, an admirer of Castro and other communist thugs,
advised him on foreign affairs. Surely that is telling us something about
Jackson’s true sympathies and his real attitude towards America.

In 1984 (a most appropriate year) Gar Alperovitz and Jeff Faux, IPS
apparatchiks and communist apologists, published +Rebuilding America, a
manual for turning the US into a Soviet-style economy. And who heaped
fulsome praise on this totally worthless piece of pro-communist propaganda?
You guessed it. God ’ol Jesse “I love Castro’ Jackson who exclaimed that
this economic nonsense would be “the economic manual for [my] Rainbow
Coalition”. Five years later the centrally planned communist states

The at the IPS is opposed to America’s democratic traditions was made clear
when it stated: “The Institute for Policy Studies is engaged in a longer and
deeper struggle, a struggle over the underlying principles and future
direction of the political bankruptcy of the ideas and assumptions now
governing America . . .” That’s right, folks, the United States Constitution
and the Bill or Rights are bankrupt institutions because they serve the
interests of the ruling class.

In November 1988 the IPS organised a conference called Anti-Communism and
the United States: History and Consequences. As you can imagine, those who
defended the values of the United States and opposed communist tyranny and
the appalling crimes committed by communist states were berated as
reactionaries. And guess who was wallowing in this leftwing sewer? No, not
Jesse ‘Stick ‘em Up’ Jackson but Jack O’Dell who happened to be one of
Jackson’s close advisers. The same Jesse ‘Shakedown’ Jackson who led a
disgusting protest at Stanford University where he led student barbarians
with the chant: “Hey, hey, ho, ho, Western Civ got to go.”

Yep, this rabblerousing political parasite called for the destruction of
courses teaching the glories of Western Culture — everything from the
brilliance of ancient Athens through to the renaissance, the literary genius
of Shakespeare, the works of seventeenth and eighteenth century thinkers and
up to the present 

[CTRL] A Stolen Presidency the Seattle Coalition

2001-01-18 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

January 19,  2001

A Stolen Presidency  the Seattle Coalition


By Nat Parry

When George W. Bush thwarted democracy by stopping the counting of votes in
Florida and disenfranchising black voters of that state, he most likely did
not think that he would be energizing a broad-based progressive coalition
that - if it holds together - could threaten the conservative agenda he
hopes to implement.
This alliance is not completely new. Many of the organizations, now
opposing Bush over his theft of the election and challenging his right-wing
Cabinet nominees, worked together in the anti-globalization movement that
surfaced most notably in the World Trade Organization protests in Seattle
in November 1999.
However, this movement seemed hopelessly fractured prior to Bush's
audacious power grab in Florida.
The so-called "Seattle Coalition" - the alliance of labor, environmental,
and consumer groups that was formed to challenge the WTO and unrestrained
"free trade" - splintered during the 2000 presidential election.
With the candidacy of consumer advocate Ralph Nader, the coalition was
bitterly divided between those supporting Nader and those backing Vice
President Al Gore.
To the Nader side, Al Gore and George W. Bush were too closely aligned on
too many issues, especially trade. Many in the coalition saw Nader as the
clear champion of the anti-globalization issues raised in Seattle.
They backed him even though he had no chance of winning and even though his
candidacy could siphon off enough votes from Gore to throw the election to
On the other hand, many pragmatic activists from the Seattle Coalition saw
the Nader campaign as dangerous and fickle. These activists - led by
moderate environmental groups and major labor organizations - supported
Gore's candidacy, seeing him as a politician who would listen to their
concerns and would collaborate with them on many issues, especially on
protecting the world's environment and injecting labor standards into world
trade agreements.
Yet, largely because of the anti-globalization movement given voice in the
streets of Seattle, Nader's candidacy inspired a more intense activism than
did the campaigns of either Gore or Bush. Indeed, to these young activists,
Nader's campaign was a powerful extension of their anti-corporate movement.
Some of the same activists who shut down meetings of the WTO in 1999
shifted their efforts to challenging the two-party system. There were major
protests at both the Republican National Convention in Philadelphia and at
the Democratic National Convention in Los Angeles.
These protests reflected the anti-globalization movement's contempt for the
U.S. electoral system as corrupt.
According to this view, expressed frequently by Nader, both parties were
beholden to the same corporate special interests. Choosing Al Gore, with
his commitment to "free trade," was anathema to the more radical wing of
the Seattle Coalition.
Protesters also targeted the presidential debates on the grounds that the
debates excluded Nader and other third-party candidates.
Although the activists failed to shut down the debates, the protests did
bring thousands into the streets. Nader drew tens of thousands more to his
"super-rallies" as he derided the two major parties as a "duopoly" with no
significant differences.
  Gore Supporters
Many others in the Seattle Coalition, however, chose Gore, in part because
of his moderate pro-environmental policies and in part because they feared
that a Bush presidency would be disastrous for the environment and workers'
As Election Day neared - and it became clearer that Nader could very well
cost Gore the election - Gore supporters begged Nader to drop out of the race.
A group of former Nader allies, called "Nader's Raiders for Gore," urged
their former mentor to end his dangerous campaign. Sierra Club president
Carl Pope sent an open letter to Nader defending Al Gore's environmental
record and calling Nader's strategy "irresponsible."
When Nader refused to step aside, alarmed Gore supporters grew increasingly
The consumer advocacy group Public Citizen, which was founded by Ralph
Nader and was integral to the Seattle Coalition, received hate mail from
former allies, despite the fact that Public Citizen's formal affiliation
with Nader ended in 1983.
After the election, when it became clear that Ralph Nader had won enough
votes in New Hampshire and Florida to tip the Electoral College to Bush,
the Seattle Coalition seemed to be hopelessly fractured.
Some groups that had backed Gore vowed privately never to work with Nader
activists who were viewed as a divisive presence.
The Gore backers fumed that the Naderites effectively had handed the powers
of the U.S. government over to conservative Republicans opposed to
protecting the environment and against putting labor standards into world
trade agreements.
The anger once directed at the WTO for trampling 

Re: [CTRL] Living under the hole in the sky

2001-01-18 Thread John Cone

-Caveat Lector-

--- radman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Living under the hole in the sky

 By Dawn MacKeen
 "Scientists discovered the hole in the ozone layer,
more accurately, a thinning of the layer, in 1982.
They linked it to the widespread use of manmade
chemicals like chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and
hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs) in such products as
aerosol sprays, refrigerants and solvents. Once
released, these substances rise to the stratosphere,
where the sunlight causes them to break apart into
chlorine and other elements.

Nakano  Comments:
The information in THIS REPORT IS A HUGE LIE!!
It is completely and intentionally in error.
This is not my opinion but a fact.

You can do a simple experiment and find the
truth of the matter for yourself.
Obtain a can of Freon. Until this Montreal Protocol
baloney, you could buy a can of Freon for about
one dollar at any Auto Parts Store.
If you can find one, put the filler valve on the
can and fill an ordinary balloon with the Freon gas.
(Note: Do not invert the can as this may result in
getting some liquid Freon in the balloon).
One you have inflated the balloon with the Freon,
tie it off (just like they do with helium balloons
at a Fair).
Simply release the balloonand watch what happens.

Does it go up...or down?

It goes down!

In fact, when you let go of the balloon it will
immediately fall to the floor!



I know this isn't what you have been told, and told,
and told by all the alleged news media or in school
classes for the last 15 years.
Howeverit is the truth!
There are no CFCs way up there in the atmosphere
destroying the Ozone Layer.
This is a cover storyto hide something else.
The something else is that the earth's atmosphere
(and the climate) is being intentionally modified.
It's being done with so-called "ionospheric heaters"
such as "HAARP".  (For detailed information about this
I suggest you read "Angels Don't Play This HAARP"
by Dr. Nick Begich and Jean Manning.)

Nowit is true that chlorine will breakdown
ozone. Guess what?  The oceans naturally release
vast quantities of chlorine all the time.
All the CFCs ever made are completely insignificant
when compared to the amounts of chlorine produced
by the earth's oceans.
Sowhy didn't all this chlorine destroy the
Ozone Layer long ago?

Many qualified scientists have tried to explain this
and get this information to the public.
So...why haven't you heard them?




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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] Skolnick - The Rev. Jesse Jackson Affair

2001-01-18 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-

   Skolnick - The Rev.
   Jesse Jackson Affair
By Sherman H. Skolnick

 Some folks because of an apparent lack of wisdom,
 seem to reject and violate age-old proverbs. Such

 Being a life-long resident of Chicago and an activist
 since I was a child, I became known as someone
 who was not afraid to speak out. By 1965,
 self-educated in law, I brought a series of federal
 court class actions to re-apportion Chicago and
 Illinois's terribly gerry-mandered voting districts. The
 "One Man, One Vote" constitutionally-based
 standards were being flagrantly violated. These
 violations resulted in blacks and latinos not having a
 fair chance to elect a sufficient number of
 representatives such as in the City Council of
 Chicago, as justified by the minority population in
 the Windy City.

 Members of minorities understood I was using my
 legal research and investigation skills not only to
 target crooked judges and lawyers, but to assist the
 aspirations of the underdogs. I choose not to be a
 member of the Bar. The Federal Judges, who hate
 non-lawyers and me in particular, were nevertheless
 forced to permit me to represent myself as a voter
 and all voters similarly situated. As a result of my
 lawsuits, sometimes opposed by as many as fifty
 lawyers [my electric mimeograph rapidly cranked
 out the court papers], blacks and latinos were able
 to have more representatives speaking for their
 interests elected to the City Council, the Illinois
 State Legislature, and the U.S. Congress, and
 eventually even the County Board.

 By 1969, there was a vast movement in Chicago of
 black would-be home-owners. By
 racially-discrminatory practices, banks "red-lined"
 black districts, so blacks could not get a home
 mortgage. Blacks had to buy "on contract", paying
 per month on the basis of twice what the house was
 worth. I became a volunteer consultant to the
 25,000 members of the South Side Contract Buyers
 League. In packed church mass meetings, I outlined
 what needs to be done. I dared tell them that the
 judges hearing their cause were real estate
 speculators and landlords of sizeable properties,
 enemies of the common man. The judges opposed
 the dreams of the Chicago blacks to one-day own
 their own home.

 To the Establishment and their banks and mortgage
 companies, a grassroots movement, like the Buyers
 League, is dangerous, like a prairie fire. They have
 to stop it. Enter, Rev. Jesse Jackson. A series of
 well-informed sources told me plenty about Jesse's
 rise to prominence and how he was becoming a
 multi-millionaire through a series of secret business
 arrangements. [I had unraveled the secrets of his
 ill-gotten wealth.] At a crucial court hearing, Rev.
 Jackson arrived with his muscle-men, called "Black
 Men Moving", grim enforcers, who overwhelmed the
 already packed courtroom. The leaders of the
 Buyers League, present in Court, were prepared,


2001-01-18 Thread John Cone

-Caveat Lector-

--- radman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Living under the hole in the sky

 By Dawn MacKeen
 "Scientists discovered the hole in the ozone layer,
more accurately, a thinning of the layer, in 1982.
They linked it to the widespread use of manmade
chemicals like chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and
hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs) in such products as
aerosol sprays, refrigerants and solvents. Once
released, these substances rise to the stratosphere,
where the sunlight causes them to break apart into
chlorine and other elements.

Nakano  Comments:
The information in THIS REPORT IS A HUGE LIE!!
It is completely and intentionally in error.
This is not my opinion but a fact.

You can do a simple experiment and find the
truth of the matter for yourself.
Obtain a can of Freon. Until this Montreal Protocol
baloney, you could buy a can of Freon for about
one dollar at any Auto Parts Store.
If you can find one, put the filler valve on the
can and fill an ordinary balloon with the Freon gas.
(Note: Do not invert the can as this may result in
getting some liquid Freon in the balloon).
One you have inflated the balloon with the Freon,
tie it off (just like they do with helium balloons
at a Fair).
Simply release the balloonand watch what happens.

Does it go up...or down?

It goes down!

In fact, when you let go of the balloon it will
immediately fall to the floor!



I know this isn't what you have been told, and told,
and told by all the alleged news media or in school
classes for the last 15 years.
Howeverit is the truth!
There are no CFCs way up there in the atmosphere
destroying the Ozone Layer.
This is a cover storyto hide something else.
The something else is that the earth's atmosphere
(and the climate) is being intentionally modified.
It's being done with so-called "ionospheric heaters"
such as "HAARP".  (For detailed information about this
I suggest you read "Angels Don't Play This HAARP"
by Dr. Nick Begich and Jean Manning.)

Nowit is true that chlorine will breakdown
ozone. Guess what?  The oceans naturally release
vast quantities of chlorine all the time.
All the CFCs ever made are completely insignificant
when compared to the amounts of chlorine produced
by the earth's oceans.
Sowhy didn't all this chlorine destroy the
Ozone Layer long ago?

Many qualified scientists have tried to explain this
and get this information to the public.
So...why haven't you heard them?




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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Re: [CTRL] Mr.Death

2001-01-18 Thread John Cone

-Caveat Lector-

--- Yardbird [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 -Caveat Lector-

 For Canadians who may be interested in the Fred A.
 Leuchter Jr. saga the
 Errol Morris documentary "Mr.Death: The Rise and
 Fall of Fred A. Leuchter
 Jr." is airing on CBC's Newsworld this Sunday at 11
 PM (at least here in
 Atlantic Canada). It's well worth watching if you've
 followed the
 holocaust/revisionist debate at all and have any any
 opinion either way on
 the topic.

 A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
 CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list.
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 soap-boxing—please!  These are
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 half-truths, mis-
 directions and outright frauds—is used politically
 by different groups with
 major and minor effects spread throughout the
 spectrum of time and thought.
 That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the
 validity of posts, and
 always suggests to readers; be wary of what you
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[CTRL] UPI: Clinton's last pardons

2001-01-18 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Clinton set to announce last pardons

Thursday, 18 January 2001 21:40 (ET) Clinton set to announce last pardonsBy


WASHINGTON, Jan. 18 (UPI) -- President Clinton plans to announce
a finallist of pardons Friday in a move that may clear the names
of some of themost controversial figures involved in his
political career, White Houseaides said.

"We've received, either here or at the Department of Justice,
literallyhundreds of requests," said White House spokesman Jake

"But I don'tknow that all of them have come through in the proper
way and the properchannels. So we'll look at as many as we can."

White House officials said the list of possible pardons includes
WebsterHubbell and Susan McDougal, long-time Clinton associates
convicted of crimes though special investigations of the Clintons
financial dealing when thepresident was the governor of Arkansas.

Beginning in 1996, three independent counsels, most notably
Kenneth W.Starr, investigated whether the president and first
lady Hilary Rodham Clinton were guilty of criminal wrongdoing in
a failed Arkansas real estatedeal known was Whitewater.

The probe officially ended in September, whenindependent counsel
Robert W. Ray determined that there was insufficientevidence to
convict the Clintons of either crimes related to Whitewater oran
alleged cover up.

But the investigation convicted 12 others and spun off parallel
probesthat eventually led to Clinton's impeachment in the House
for allegedperjury in statements to investigators about his
relationship with White House intern Monica Lewinsky.

The Senate subsequently acquitted Clinton.

Formerly a ranking Justice Department official, Hubbell was
convicted fordefrauding his law firm in Little Rock, Ark.
McDougal spent 21 months in jail after being implicated in a
$300,000illegal federal loan, part of which was used as money in

Whilein jail, McDougal refused to answer questions about the
Clintons by independent counsel Starr in a standoff that
prolonged her jail time.

McDougal and Hubbell represent perhaps the most politically
contentious of Clinton's possible pardons Friday. But a number of
other clemency appeals under consideration by Clinton have
stirred controversy as well.

Convicted of securities fraud, Michael Milken is reportedly a
contenderfor a presidential pardon. In 1993, Milken served 22
months of a ten-yearsentence, paid $47 million in fines and was
banned from the securitiesindustry for life.

But influential Democratic donors have reportedly arguedon
Milken's behalf on grounds of his philanthropy.

In another appeal, American Indian activist Leonard Peltier is
seeking clemency after being convicted of killing two FBI agents
in 1977. Peltierhas maintained his innocence, but leadership at
the FBI remains fiercely opposed to a pardon.

Convicted in 1985 of spying for Israel, Jonathan Pollard also has
a clemency appeal reportedly under consideration.

In December, Clinton pardoned former Democratic House Ways and
Means Committee chairman Dan Rostenkowski of Illinois and Tyson
Foods executive Archie Schaffer, who was sentenced to a year in
prison after being convicted of trying illegally to influence
former agriculture secretary Mike Espy.

Clinton also pardoned 57 others at the same time, bringing his
total clemency grants to 280.

Once widely used, presidential clemency dropped off steeply under
former President Ronald Reagan, who pardoned an estimated 400
people during his eight years in office. Former President Carter
averaged about 200 pardons a year.

Former President George Bush pardoned 78 people.

Copyright 2001 by United Press International.All rights reserved.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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[CTRL] UN team links DU shells to plutonium

2001-01-18 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-


UN team links DU shells to plutonium


THE European Parliament called for a moratorium by the United States
and Britain on depleted uranium weapons yesterday. The appeal came as
a United Nations team said it was examining fragments of DU found in
Kosovo for traces of plutonium.

Geoff Hoon, the Defence Secretary, rejected the call and said that British
forces would continue to use DU weapons unless there was scientific
evidence proving there was a link to cancer-related illnesses.

The focus on plutonium followed the discovery by a laboratory working for
the UN Environment Programme (Unep) of small amounts of Uranium 236,
a more radioactive isotope, in the DU fragments. Pekka Haavisto,
chairman of the Unep investigation team, which visited DU sites in Kosovo
last year, said: “U-236 is much more radioactive than depleted uranium.”

Traces of U-236 were also found by the Finnish Radiation and Nuclear
Safety Authority, which had also been sent samples from Kosovo.
However, Mr Haavisto, a former Finnish Environment Minister, said that the
minute traces found would not change the “overall picture of radiological
effects”. Nevertheless, the discovery indicated that the DU used in the
shells came from uranium that had been reprocessed from nuclear power
station fuel and could include elements of plutonium, potentially a far more
hazardous material.

President Ciampi of Italy said yesterday that Nato had a duty to prove
conclusively that depleted uranium had not caused widespread deaths
from leukaemia among peacekeeping troops serving in the Balkans.

The risks to the military and civilians, including the local population, would
have to be clarified, he said. His strongly worded speech was delivered to
Italian troops serving with the Nato-led peacekeeping force in Kosovo at
their headquarters in Pec.

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Re: [CTRL] Saddam Hussein calls Arab countries to enable his army to pass through to fight Israel

2001-01-18 Thread John Cone

-Caveat Lector-

--- kl [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 -Caveat Lector-


 January 17, 2001
 17:52 (Israel time)

 Saddam Hussein calls Arab countries to enable his
 army to pass
 through to fight Israel
 By Daniel Sobelman, Ha'aretz Correspondent and

 Iraqi President Saddam Hussein called for the
 annihilation of the
 state of Israel and for the establishment of a
 "Palestine state from
 the river to the sea", in a televised speech marking
 the Gulf War's
 10th anniversary.

 Saddam emphasized his support of the Palestinians in
 struggle against Israel. Saddam also called on the
 Arab states to
 enable his army to pass through their land on its
 way to annihilate

 Meanwhile, hundreds of Palestinians marched in
 praise of Iraqi
 leader Saddam on Wednesday, the 10th
 anniversary of the start of the Gulf War.

 "The Palestinian and the Iraqi peoples are in the
 first trench against
 Zionism, imperialism and aggression," read one of
 the banners
 waved by the crowd.

 Despite Iraq's impoverishment since the war, Saddam
 generous payments to the families of Palestinians
 killed and
 wounded in their 16-week uprising against Israeli
 Many Palestinians consider Saddam a hero for
 resisting the
 powerful U.S.-led military coalition which ejected
 Iraqi troops who
 had invaded neighboring Kuwait. Palestinian babies
 are named
 after him.

 Wednesday's demonstrators marched to the main United
 office in Gaza City, urging the international
 community to lift
 sanctions imposed after the invasion of Kuwait in

 They called on the Iraqi leader to repeat the Scud
 missile strikes
 he launched against Tel Aviv and other Israeli
 cities during the Gulf
 War. "Dear Saddam, hit Tel Aviv," they said.

 © copyright 2000 Ha'aretz. All Rights Reserved


 The constant identification of U.S. enemies as
 reincarnation of Hitler's absolute evil may help
 solidify public opinion during war, but it makes
 conduct of foreign policy in the post-war world
 extremely difficult when the personality in
 refuses to go quietly.  This is a lesson for
 dealings Demonizing the enemy is fine, if
 you can
 crush him.  If not, you are left negotiating
 with the devil, which is not only politically
 embarrassing but reveals underlying strategic
 weaknesses for all to see. --Stratfor.com

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 half-truths, mis-
 directions and outright frauds—is used politically
 by different groups with
 major and minor effects spread throughout the
 spectrum of time and thought.
 That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the
 validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] [MC] Mind Control Recovery

2001-01-18 Thread DIG alfred webre

-Caveat Lector-

 In a message dated 01-01-18 23:21:06 EST, you write:
  Sent: Friday, January 19, 2001 1:54 AM
  Subject: TESSA Re: [MC] Dream Warfare?
Hi, Alfred, I am intrigued about your background and experience
 with  MC.  Can you share with us? 
   Tessa - Hi! Would you mind if I made my reply and your query onto the
 list - I would like to share from the supportive aura that you provide.
  Many thanks, Alfred
 Tessa - The origin of my mind control history was quite unintentional,
 but almost fatal.  In 1977, as a futurist at Stanford Research
 Institute, I directed a proposed study within the Jimmy Carter White
 House of Extraterrestrial communication.  Despite White House approval,
 the study was abruptly terminated in the summer of 1977 through
 intervention of the Pentagon liaison to SRI.  Immediately following that
 termination I became a target (TI) of mind control operations, first
 during my visits with an Assistant Secretary of Defense at the Pentagon.
  These were designed to undercut my effectiveness as a professional on
 these issues.  These mind control operations continued prior to a
 planned meeting with Jim Morrison at the New Orleans Athletic Club on
 issues around the JFK Assassination (I was a CoDirector of the
 Assassination Information Bureau, and Congessional watchdog for the 1977
 HSCA investigation).  The mind control operations, both electronic and
 with deployed teams of perps, continued at my offices at SRI.  The
 result was severe harm to my health.

 I have filed an affidavit and testified at Sacramento, CA in 2000, as
 part of the Extraterrestrial Disclosure Project with regard to the above
 events.  The full details of the 1977 Carter White House
 Extraterrestrial Study and of the mind control attacks against my person
 will be released when the Disclosure documentary is released for
 television in or about April, 2001.

 In the meantime, a book of mine about my recovery from mind control and
 UFO cults is now available on the Internet, and may be of interest to
 you.  It details my journey back to health after a miraculous recovery
 from mind control.

 If you are interested in the book, it is "RECOVERY: A Personal Journey"

 You can find it at:


 Hope this is helpful,  Alfred Webre, Vancouver, BC

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] India tests its own missile

2001-01-18 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

 Thursday, January 18, 2001

India tests its own missile


From Rahul Bedi, in New Delhi
INDIA India successfully test-fired its locally developed long-range
intermediate ballistic missile capable of delivering a 2200 lbs (1,000 kg)
nuclear payload to a distance of over 1,375 miles (2,000 km) yesterday.

Defence officials said the locally designed Agni II (Fire), test-fired for
the second time in nine months in its final "operational configuration from
the interim test range at Chandipuron-Sea off the eastern Orissa coast,
"satisfactorily" met its mission objectives.

With an optimum striking range of 1,562 miles (2,500 km) the missile forms
part of India's minimum nuclear deterrent, capable of delivering a nuclear
warhead anywhere in neighbouring Pakistan, but more significantly, to
southern China.

Defence officials said the two stage, solid-fuel missile which is 20 metres
long and weighs 16 tonnes is capable of being fired from a mobile rail
launcher to avoid detection. Scientists were testing the missile's guidance
systems, to ensure it landed not more than 100 yards from its target.

At present India has only two sets of nuclear-capable missiles with ranges of
150 km and 250 km respectively.

The missile test came as India and Pakistan are making tentative steps
towards holding peace talks over the northern, disputed Kashmir state. It
also coincided with the ongoing visit to India of China's second highest
leader, Mr Li Peng, during which he advocated a swift resolution of the
border dispute between the two countries over which they went to war in 1962.

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[CTRL] Next Mideast war in the offing?

2001-01-18 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Next Mideast war in the offing?
Reports say U.S., Britain, Israel
making preparations for battle



By Jon Dougherty
© 2001 WorldNetDaily.com

U.S. military forces in Europe, which are currently at threat condition
"Bravo," are set to be upgraded to condition "Charlie" by Jan. 20, while
other elements of U.S. European theater forces -- as well as British special
forces troops -- may be headed to Israel "within a few weeks," sources have
told WorldNetDaily.

According to a host of reports from various European and Middle East military
sources, all of whom requested anonymity for security reasons, European
Command, or EUCOM, forces last week were placed on alert status "Bravo" --
with "Alpha" being the lowest and "Delta" being the highest -- "across the
board," which included all U.S. forces stationed in the European theater --
Germany, Italy, Kosovo, Bosnia and elsewhere.

Other sources said the alert status would be upgraded to "Charlie" -- the
second highest level -- at "2400 hours European time, Jan. 20," the day
President-elect George W. Bush is to be sworn into office, due to
developments taking shape in the Middle East.

Another source said the U.S. V Corps -- which includes the U.S. Army's 1st
Armored Division and the 1st Infantry Division, plus supporting artillery,
engineer, medical and supply units -- "are moving en masse to Grafenwoehr" --
a sprawling training center near Nuremberg -- and that Patriot missile
batteries may be moved to Israel.

A spokesman for the U.S. Army, Lt. Col. Dave LaPan, confirmed that EUCOM's
alert status was upgraded to "Bravo" last week, noting that "they go up and
down all the time."

Another U.S. Army spokesman said he was "unaware of any pending change to the
threat conditions in the United States European Command." While he said he
had "no specific knowledge" of the troop movements, he added, "I can tell you
that we frequently train at Grafenwoehr. … It would not be at all unusual for
[those units] to move there."

When asked if the Pentagon planned such training exercises -- which typically
cost millions of dollars -- well in advance, the spokesman said, "Yes, yes,
way in advance."

But, after some hesitation, he added, "As far as I know, there would be no
relation between" the movement of those forces "and any raise or elevation of
the threat condition."

"I'm unaware of the things that you're talking about in advance," he said.

When asked if WND could quote him as saying the particular exercise at
Grafenwoehr had been planned in advance, he replied, "I wouldn't say that,
because I don't know that there is an exercise going on."

According to EUCOM, there is no record of a major January 2001 exercise
involving the numbers of troops that comprise the U.S. Army's V Corps.

But, sources told WND, the divisions reportedly being deployed to Grafenwoehr
are "taking with them more than just enough stuff for a weekender. They're
taking contamination outfits, protection gear, all of it -- lock, stock and

Also, sources said, "the 69th Air Defense Brigade" -- a two battalion Patriot
missile brigade -- "is going through the process of deploying overseas,
meaning leaving Europe, and they're going to Israel."

One source said U.S. Patriot batteries are already -- and routinely --
stationed in Israel and Kuwait.

However, by deploying the 69th, "this means that those two battalions --
which are the umbrella of air defense protection for that army -- are being
taken away from them, leaving them naked. That doesn't make a lot of military
sense, but when you add up all the little pieces … it seems that the European
Command is saying, 'Once the 69th is deployed, this will send a signal to all
terrorists … that the U.S. is definitely taking sides in a fight [in the
Middle East] that all sides now admit is a war.'"

The same source also said British SAS special forces troops were preparing to
deploy "to a desert climate" within three weeks.

Meanwhile, a separate report said the U.S. military has ordered soldiers with
families living in Israel to send them home, but both the Pentagon and the
State Department denied that report.

"At this juncture, we don't feel that that decision is merited," one State
Department spokesman told WND. "Whenever something happens, we go through all
the options ... and decide on the best course of action."

The spokesman said the last time Washington issued an "authorized departure"
for U.S. citizens to leave Israel "was in December 1998, the last time we
conducted a sustained bombing of Iraq." The time before that was in 1991
during the Gulf War.

However, the U.S. State Department issued a travel advisory for U.S. citizens
in Israel, the Gaza Strip and the West Bank Jan. 12, warning that the "U.S.
Government has indications that 

[CTRL] S. Korean developing longer-range missiles without U.S. approval

2001-01-18 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

S. Korean developing longer-range missiles without U.S. approval

Thursday, January 18, 2001
TOKYO — South Korea, refusing to wait for authorization from the Clinton
administration, has launched a missile program meant to provide capability to
strike targets in most of the communist north.

The program, South Korean officials said, would be independent and remain
off-limits to U.S. inspection.

This, they said is a departure from Seoul's 50-year alliance with Washington,
which currently includes the deployment of 37,000 troops in the East Asian

Officials said Seoul has reached an agreement in principle with Washington on
a ceiling for the range of the missiles. They said this was sufficient for a
government decision to begin a program that will build missiles with a range
of 300 kilometers and a warhead payload of 500 kilograms. They said this was
the minimum required to counter North Korea's military threat.

This new missile range and payload being developed is allowed by the 1987
Missile Technology Control Regime, an agreement Seoul has pledged to join. A
1979 agreement with Washington limits South Korean missiles to 180 kilometers.

The Clinton administration did not respond to the South Korean decision.

U.S. officials said talks with Seoul focused on a proposal by Washington to
monitor South Korea's missile program.

Seoul also asked Washington to provide technology for South Korea's missile
program. It is not clear whether Seoul's independent missile program
constitutes a decision to abandon efforts for U.S. aid.

The Seoul-based Yonhap news agency reported that South Korea has decided
against granting the United States automatic access to South Korean missile
facilities. The agency said Seoul plans to focus on the development of
liquid-fuel rockets to launch satellites, cruise missiles and unmanned air
vehicles loaded with explosives.

In a related development, North Korean leader Kim Jong-Il is reported to be
on a secret visit to China. Jong-Il is said to have arrived in Beijing on
Tuesday in his second known trip abroad in 18 years.

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[CTRL] Fox News Interview: Brit Hume Talks With George W. Bush

2001-01-18 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Fox News Interview: Brit Hume Talks With George W. Bush
Thursday, January 18, 2001

In an interview Friday with Fox News Channel's Brit Hume, incoming President
George W. Bush stood firmly behind his Cabinet nominees under fire on Capitol
Hill, and said to those who insist he hasn't the legitimacy to appoint
strong-minded conservatives to his Cabinet, "Too bad."


President-elect Bush during his interview with Fox News.

Commenting on the ongoing energy crisis in California, Bush said California
will have to dig itself out of whatever hole it is in.

Bush described the state's problem as a long-term issue that he will look
into, but with the underlying premise that California has to fix the problem.

"To the extent that the federal government can help California help itself, I
will do so and my administration will do so," Bush said. "But California
passed the law and to the extent that law needs to be corrected, California
needs to correct it."

On his Cabinet nominees, Bush said no one should be surprised that they share
his philosophy on the major issues that will fall under their charge.

He said he is not the least bit surprised about the attacks on Interior
Department nominee Gale Norton by environmentalists and other liberal groups,
particularly over her support for opening some federal lands like the Arctic
National Wildlife Refuge for oil exploration and drilling.

"I knew some of my nominees would come under fire," he said. "I came under
fire. But when I campaigned for office, I said we need to have a reasonable
exploration of policy on public lands in order to make us less dependent upon
foreign sources of crude oil, for example."

To critics that claim he does not have the right to appoint people like John
Ashcroft to his Cabinet because he lacks a clear mandate, Bush said: "Too
bad. I'm going to."

Bush said he made his positions clear during the campaign and won an election
against an opponent who "was basically an incumbent" with a strong economy
and relatively peaceful globe in his sails.

"I wish I could say it was my charming personality, or the ability to string
a couple of sentences together" that won the election for him, Bush said. But
"the truth of the matter is I'm sitting here because I took firm positions on
important issues and didn't back off.

"And I'm not backing off the minute I arrive in Washington," he added. "Quite
the contrary — I'm going to take those issues I campaigned on and campaign
hard for their enactment because I believe it's the right thing for the

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Re: [CTRL] Skolnick - The Rev. Jesse Jackson Affair

2001-01-18 Thread Samantha L.

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 1/18/01 9:46:13 PM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Skolnick - The Rev.
  Jesse Jackson Affair
  By Sherman H. Skolnick

  Are there those on the list who think of Skolnick's info as generally
reliable?  I believe it was Skolnick who made the dire prediction about three
years ago that by a certain date, Clinton would completely dismantle the
Social Security system.  I waited until that date to see if the prediction
came true and it didn't.  I never paid much attention to him after that.
Please correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe Skolnick makes dire predictions
and is even specific, and then nothing happens.


A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] The Dorian Gray Legacy

2001-01-18 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

The Dorian Gray Legacy
Diane Alden
Jan. 18, 2001

What is wrong with this picture? Whatever "gravitas" Senators and
Representatives Kennedy, Boxer, Durbin, Franks, et al. ever had, they have
blown. They have been Clintonized, which is something like Martinizing, I
suppose, in that it protects them from anything approaching common sense and
decency. Their attacks on their former colleague are not only unprofessional,
they are also ludicrous.

Democratic Ashcroft-bashers know their Senate colleague to be a good and
decent man, certainly not a racist, a fair man, discerning and thoughtful, a
person who holds beliefs which (God forbid) are Christian. The hearings,
however, serve another purpose – they do show us a picture of America that is

According to the left, John Ashcroft's sins include the fact that he is not
pro-abortion, he believes in the Second Amendment to the Constitution, he
actually upholds the spirit as well as the letter of the law in the various
offices to which he has been elected. His actions as governor and senator
have shown that he has integrity. Many of his former associates have said so.
However, members of the left – and it goes without saying that includes the
media, as well as the above-named politicians – have created a devil straw
man in John Ashcroft and call it reality.

Ashcroft once made a judgment call on a judicial appointment who happened to
be black. So what? Everyone has made judgment calls, and unless the person is
a blithering idiot or a fool, such calls are usually based on reasons that
have nothing to do with being racist but have everything to do with common
sense and prudence. For instance, you don't drive through a riot in urban
areas with black populations if you are white. You don't walk in the projects
in Atlanta at 2 a.m. on a Saturday night unless you have a death wish. You
don't go to a white fundamentalist church that expects you to handle
poisonous snakes because they take a passage from the bible literally. None
of this is racist; it is simply making personal judgment calls based on what
can and has happened to those who choose to do foolish and thoughtless

The judicial appointee that John Ashcroft judged as not cut out to serve on a
federal court made a judicial decision that Senator Ashcroft thought defied
common sense. Ashcroft's reasons for not voting for the appointment were
similar to what other responsible individuals, both black and white, had
given for not wanting to appoint that same man to the bench. For the left to
extrapolate Ashcroft's call as a sign of racism indicates just how crazy and
foolish and pathetic they have become.

However, what was personally sad for me was to watch the hearings as Senator
Kennedy stumbled and mumbled and made himself look like a total fool. His
attack on Ashcroft was indecipherable, like listening to an old drunk at a
bar babble about some event that makes no sense whatsoever. Kennedy had no
reasoned defense of his attacks on Ashcroft. It was a pleasure to see Senator
Kyl of Arizona stand up to him.

It was also personally sad for me to remember Kennedy's dignified and
eloquent words, looks and demeanor at the funerals of his two brothers. There
is none of that about him now. Supposedly a Roman Catholic, Kennedy bashing
John Ashcroft for his beliefs as a Christian is almost impossible to

Since the senators, Democrats especially, are making judgments on John
Ashcroft's philosophy and beliefs as a Christian, perhaps it would be wise to
make a few about Democrats and what they believe as well.

After watching some of them attack him, it was apparent that many of those
attacks have nothing to do with ferreting out the truth about what Ashcroft
believes or how he would uphold the law. It does indicate, however, that
Democrats believe Christians who hold orthodox beliefs cannot hold public

That means that nearly 50 percent of the people of the United States are
disenfranchised. That means that only those who believe that the transference
of wealth from producers to takers are acceptable for elective office.

That means that only those who consider the Bill of Rights as a negotiable
set of principles are allowed in the big club.

That means that you can lie, cheat, steal, rape, think unrestricted abortion
is the new sacrament of the P.C. religion, use various government agencies to
punish opponents, confiscate millions of acres of various states, burn
churches and small children, as in Waco, send an innocent 6-year-old back to
a ruthless communist dictatorship, sell national security secrets to the
highest bidder, allow millions of acres of public forests to burn, take over
50 percent of people's incomes in taxes, fees and hidden charges, create
division by demanding multiculturalism, keep educational policies that
produce illiterates, not say a word when one of your 

[CTRL] Kremlin Reacts to Bush Policies, Shelves Military Cuts

2001-01-18 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Kremlin Reacts to Bush Policies, Shelves Military Cuts
Thursday, Jan. 18, 2001
The chill winds of the Cold War are beginning to blow once more.
The Kremlin has abandoned its plans to drastically pare back and modernize
Russia’s armed forces, and experts say the action is partly due to the new
Bush administration's determination to go ahead with development of a
national missile defense (NMD) system. A reduction of Russia’s armed forces
ordered in November by President Vladimir Putin was aimed at slashing the
1.2-million-strong military by 360,000 over the next five years. That plan,
which emphasized Russia’s conventional forces and degraded its nuclear
missile forces and was due to begin next month, has now been put on hold
until at least March. Moreover, there are signs that the NMD controversy has
strengthened the hands of those in favor of beefing up Russia’s nuclear
missile strike force.

"The main reason for the delay is the first steps of the new U.S.
leadership," the respected military analyst Viktor Litovkin told Britain’s
Guardian newspaper.

While it’s too early to tell if Presidents Bush and Putin will be able to
deal with each other amicably after the new administration settles in, the
atmosphere between Moscow and Washington has drastically chilled.

In recent weeks there have been signs that the new administration polices
toward Moscow will be decidedly less cordial on such issues as national
security, economics and arms control than they were under the Clinton-Gore
administration, which turned a blind eye to Russia’s growing belligerence
under Putin.

Washington, for example, has charged that, in violation of long-standing
agreements, the Kremlin has secretly deployed battlefield nuclear weapons in
Kaliningrad, its main naval base, which is located in an enclave that borders
on Poland, a NATO member. As NewsMax.com reported last week, Putin denied the
deployment, calling it "total rubbish," but U.S. intelligence sources insist
the deployment has taken place.

Washington has also expressed displeasure with Russia’s determination to
boost arms sales to Iran.

On the other side, last week Moscow said the United States was violating the
Start-I nuclear arms reduction agreement with its plans to go ahead with the
NMD system

Adding fuel to a rapidly heating fire, Bush said last weekend that his
administration would slash U.S. financial assistance to cash-strapped Russia.
In response, Alexander Zhukhov, the chairman of the Russian parliament's
budget committee, snapped, "Russia does not need large loans from foreign
countries at the moment."

Commenting on the situation between Washington and Moscow, Yuri Gladkevich, a
military observer at Moscow's independent Military News Agency, told the
Guardian, "There are signs of a worsening in relations, and it looks as
though things will get a lot worse yet."

Aggravating the problem is Moscow’s belief that some of the people Bush has
picked for his Cabinet are leftover hawks from the Cold War era, specifically
Vice President-elect Dick Cheney, Defense Secretary-designate Donald
Rumsfeld, Secretary of State-designate Colin Powell and national security
adviser Condoleeza Rice.

"These are people who see themselves as the victors of the Cold War,"
Alexander Golts, military commentator for the news magazine Itogi, told the

"The Kremlin and the generals are flattered by that, because it reminds them
of the days of the U.S.S.R. when they were a great power. But the new
American administration is making a very strong and negative impact on our

In reaction to what the Kremlin views as the new administration’s
anti-Russian views, Moscow sent three warships on patrol in the Pacific on
Monday, its most ambitious naval display since the Soviet Union collapsed a
decade ago.

The Bush administration’s determination to push NMD has caused Putin to
rethink his decision to downplay Russia’s strategic missile force in favor of
beefing up the Kremlin’s conventional forces, a move vigorously opposed by
defense minister Igor Sergeyev, an avid supporter of the nuclear strike force
and equally vigorously supported by the chief of the general staff, Anatoly

"Sergeyev wants to maintain the strategic missile forces as a
political-military instrument, as the main lever for pressure on the U.S. and
NATO," Gladkevich said. "The new U.S. administration means Putin won't weaken
the strategic missile forces to the degree that Kvashnin wants."

The Guardian reported that the Kremlin over the past year has repeatedly
stated that it wants major arms cuts, including reducing its stockpile of
nuclear warheads to 1,500. But Alexei Arbatov, an influential moderate on the
parliamentary defense committee, now argues that Russia needs 4,500 nuclear
warheads to maintain parity with the U.S.

"The Kremlin sees NMD as a threat to 

[CTRL] The world of Reagan

2001-01-18 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

January 11, 2001

The world of Reagan

Arnold Beichman

 On Feb. 6, Ronald Reagan will get a wonderful 90th birthday present.
Tragically he will be unable to appreciate it because he is in the final
stages of Alzheimer's. The birthday gift is a book titled, "Reagan, In His
Own Hand" and is being published by one of the biggest publishing houses in
the United States in a first edition of 100,000.
 The book is a collection of the originals of radio commentaries and
newspaper columns on major issues — labor policy, the future of Asia and
Africa, communist imperialism, arms limitation — composed in Mr. Reagan's own
handwriting (including his misspellings — the occasional "i'ts" for "it's"
and again "it's" for "its") long before he became, in 1980, the 40th
president of the United States. These several thousand pages, uncatalogued
until a few months ago at the Reagan presidential library in Simi Valley,
California, reveal a Reagan far different from the idiot savant phantasm
still current among American liberal intellectuals.
 Hendrik Hertzberg, formerly a speech writer for President Jimmy Carter
and now a senior editor at the New Yorker, called Mr. Reagan just that — an
"idiot savant" in a 10-page essay in the New Republic Sept. 9, 1991. For
documentation he used Lou Cannon's biography, "President Reagan: The Role of
a Lifetime" — which quotes Clark Clifford as describing the president as "an
amiable dunce" at a fashionable Georgetown party. Mr. Cannon's source is the
Wall Street Journal, Oct. 8, 1981. One of Mr. Reagan's biographers titled a
chapter, "The Amiable Dunce."
 This deceptive image was of course the creation of American liberalism —
mainstream intellectuals, academics and historians, journalists, TV anchors,
magazine editors who are mostly left-liberal Democrats. Strangely enough this
image received a good deal of its putative documentation from the treacherous
memoirs of Mr. Reagan's staff and even some Cabinet members, with notable
exceptions: Secretary of State George Shultz who has written the introduction
to the new Reagan book and Attorney General Edwin Meese III.
 Robert C. McFarlane, Mr. Reagan's national security adviser, has been
quoted as saying in a tone of bewilderment: "Why is Ronald Reagan so
successful? He knows so little and accomplishes so much?" It turns out, as
"Reagan, In His Own Hand" clearly shows, that Mr. Reagan knew a lot more than
he let on.
 Martin Anderson, the economist who worked for Mr. Reagan as domestic
policy adviser, described in "Revolution," his still unrivaled history of the
Reagan administration, this liberal fiction:
 "Since 1986 a torrent of books and articles on his presidency has
painted a portrait of a dumb but likable man, a man who either deliberately
abdicated his responsibility to make major decisions or worse simply didn't
know what was going on most of the time."
 It rarely occurred to these opinion makers to inquire as to how this
bumbler managed to get elected and re-elected governor of California, managed
decisively to oust an incumbent president, Jimmy Carter, in 1980, an event
which was followed by a second-term landslide victory. Mr. Reagan's
re-election in 1984 allowed him to initiate a foreign policy which allowed
him to preside over the beginning of the bloodless end of the Soviet empire
and the Cold War. And when he left office he was accorded in public opinion
polls one of the highest popularity ratings of any president in modern times.
 What was not fully realized at the time was that he was one of the
best-prepared candidates for the presidency. Twice governor of California
(1966-1974) and a widely acclaimed public speaker, he had done an enormous
amount of reading and writing about domestic and foreign policy issues.
 At the Reagan Library, dozens and dozens of once sealed cartons have
been found holding several thousand pages in Mr. Reagan's own very legible
handwriting, with the original editing. A young professor, Kiron K. Skinner,
of Carnegie Mellon University who was writing a book on Mr. Reagan's foreign
policy was given access by the Reagan library to these cartons and it was
then she made her breathtaking discovery. She took copies of the pages to
Martin and Annelise Anderson, both Hoover fellows, who with Ms. Skinner
realized their value as history and became the editors.
 It is these writings which should compel the most rabid anti-Reagan
historians to rethink their failed scholarship. In doing so, they might
recall the words of Leopold von Ranke, the great 19th-century German
historian, who said it was the historian's duty to tell us wie es eigentlich
gewesen ist "what really happened." In the case of Mr. Reagan these
historians have clearly failed in their duty.
 George Shultz in his introduction says that the book is important
because it "provides a key to 

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